PI Interface For GE Ifix (IntFix) User Guide

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PI Interface for GE iFix

Version 2.6.2.x

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PI Interface for GE iFix

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Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in the OSIsoft, LLC license agreement and
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Published: 11/2014
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
Reference Manuals ............................................................................................. 2
Supported Operating Systems ............................................................................ 2
Supported Features............................................................................................. 3
Diagram of Hardware Connection ....................................................................... 9
PI API Node ......................................................................................................... 9
Intellution SCADA Redundancy ........................................................................10
Microsoft Cluster Interface Failover ..................................................................11
UniInt Interface Failover ....................................................................................11

Chapter 2. Principles of Operation ............................................................................ 13

Interface Startup ................................................................................................13
Data Updates ....................................................................................................14
Alarm/Event Message Data Collection ..............................................................14
Point-by-point Alarm/Event Message Data .............................................14
Alarm/Event Message Data to a Single PI String Point ..........................15
Preventing Interference with iFIX Startup .........................................................15
Data Redundancy..............................................................................................16
Intellution SCADA Node Redundancy ....................................................17
Microsoft Cluster Failover Support .........................................................17
UniInt Failover .........................................................................................17

Chapter 3. Installation Checklist ................................................................................ 19

Data Collection Steps ........................................................................................19
Interface Diagnostics .........................................................................................20
Advanced Interface Features ............................................................................21

Chapter 4. Interface Installation................................................................................. 23

Naming Conventions and Requirements ..........................................................23
Interface Directories ..........................................................................................24
PIHOME Directory Tree ..........................................................................24
Interface Installation Directory ................................................................24
Interface Installation Procedure ........................................................................25
PI Trust for Interface Authentication ..................................................................25
Installing Interface as a Windows Service.........................................................25
Installing Interface Service with PI Interface Configuration Utility .....................26
Service Configuration .............................................................................26
Installing Interface Service Manually ......................................................29

Chapter 5. Digital States............................................................................................. 31

Chapter 6. PointSource .............................................................................................. 33

PI Interface for GE iFix iii

Table of Contents

Chapter 7. PI Point Configuration .............................................................................. 35

Point Attributes ..................................................................................................35
Tag ..........................................................................................................35
PointSource ............................................................................................36
PointType ................................................................................................36
Location1 ................................................................................................36
Location2 ................................................................................................36
Location3 ................................................................................................37
Location4 ................................................................................................37
Location5 ................................................................................................38
InstrumentTag .........................................................................................38
ExDesc ....................................................................................................40
Scan ........................................................................................................42
SourceTag ..............................................................................................42
Shutdown ................................................................................................42
DataSecurity ...........................................................................................43
Output Points .....................................................................................................43
Trigger Method 1 (Recommended).........................................................43
Trigger Method 2.....................................................................................44

Chapter 8. Configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor Program ................................................... 45

Chapter 9. Startup Command File ............................................................................. 49

Configuring the Interface with PI ICU ................................................................49
Intfix Interface page ................................................................................51
Command-line Parameters ...............................................................................59
Sample PI-EDA.bat File ....................................................................................67

Chapter 10. UniInt Failover Configuration .............................................................. 69

Introduction ........................................................................................................69
Quick Overview .......................................................................................70
Synchronization through the Data Source (Phase 1) ........................................72
Configuring Synchronization through the Data Source (Phase 1) ....................73
Configuring UniInt Failover through the Data Source (Phase 1) ......................76
Start-Up Parameters ...............................................................................76
Data Source Points .................................................................................77
PI Points ..................................................................................................78
Detailed Explanation of Synchronization through the Data Source ..................81
Steady State Operation ..........................................................................82
Synchronization through a Shared File (Phase 2) ............................................84
Configuring Synchronization through a Shared File (Phase 2) .........................85
Configuring UniInt Failover through a Shared File (Phase 2) ...........................88
Start-Up Parameters ...............................................................................88
Failover Control Points ...........................................................................90
PI Points ..................................................................................................91
Detailed Explanation of Synchronization through a Shared File (Phase 2) ......95
Steady State Operation ..........................................................................96
Failover Configuration Using PI ICU .................................................................98
Create the Interface Instance with PI ICU .........................................................98
Configuring the UniInt Failover Startup Parameters with PI ICU ......................99
Creating the Failover State Digital State Set ..................................................100
Using the PI ICU Utility to create Digital State Set ...............................100
Using the PI SMT 3 Utility to create Digital State Set ...........................101
Creating the UniInt Failover Control and Failover State Points (Phase 1) ......104
Creating the UniInt Failover Control and Failover State Points (Phase 2) ......105
Converting from Phase 1 to Phase 2 Failover ................................................106
Procedure .............................................................................................106

Chapter 11. Interface Node Clock .......................................................................... 107

Chapter 12. Security ............................................................................................... 109

Authentication ..................................................................................................109
Authorization ...................................................................................................110

Chapter 13. Starting / Stopping the Interface ....................................................... 113

Starting Interface as a Service ........................................................................113
Stopping Interface Running as a Service ........................................................113

Chapter 14. Buffering ............................................................................................. 115

Which Buffering Application to Use .................................................................115
How Buffering Works.......................................................................................116
Buffering and PI Data Archive Security ...........................................................116
Enabling Buffering on an Interface Node with the ICU ...................................117
Choose Buffer Type ..............................................................................117
Buffering Settings..................................................................................118
Buffered Servers ...................................................................................120
Installing Buffering as a Service ...........................................................123

Chapter 15. Interface Diagnostics Configuration ................................................. 127

Scan Class Performance Points .....................................................................127
Performance Counters Points .........................................................................130
Performance Counters ..........................................................................132
Performance Counters for both (_Total) and (Scan Class x) ...............132
Performance Counters for (_Total) only ...............................................133
Performance Counters for (Scan Class x) only ....................................136
Interface Health Monitoring Points ..................................................................137
I/O Rate Point ..................................................................................................142
Interface Status Point ......................................................................................145

Appendix A. Error and Informational Messages................................................... 147

Message Logs .................................................................................................147
Messages ........................................................................................................147
Interface-specific Troubleshooting ........................................................147
Interface Startup and Point-loading Errors ...........................................147
Data Collection Errors ...........................................................................148
System Errors and PI Errors ...........................................................................149
UniInt Failover Specific Error Messages .........................................................150
Informational .........................................................................................150
Errors (Phase 1 & 2) .............................................................................151
Errors (Phase 1)....................................................................................152
Errors (Phase 2)....................................................................................153

PI Interface for GE iFix v

Table of Contents

Appendix B. PI SDK Options.................................................................................. 155

Appendix C. FIXtoPI Configuration Transfer Utility ............................................. 157

Overview .........................................................................................................157
User Instructions .............................................................................................158
Parameters ...........................................................................................158
Sample Command Lines .................................................................................159
Sample FixToPI.scr File ..................................................................................159
Sample Output ................................................................................................159

Appendix D. Cluster Failover ................................................................................. 161

Principles of Operation ....................................................................................161
Cluster Failover Configurations .......................................................................162
Configuring APIOnline ..........................................................................162
Running Multiple Instances of the Interface .........................................163
Buffering Data on Cluster Nodes ..........................................................164
Group and Resource Creation Using Cluster Administrator ...........................164
Cluster Group Configuration .................................................................164
Installation of the Resources ................................................................167
Testing Cluster Configuration ..........................................................................169

Appendix E. FIX Redundancy and the PI IntFix Interface .................................... 171

Principles of Operation ....................................................................................171
FIX32 Redundancy Setup ...............................................................................172
FIX32 View Node ..................................................................................172
FIX32 Primary SCADA Node ................................................................172
FIX32 Backup SCADA Node ................................................................173
FIX32 View Node’s Network Status Display .........................................174
FIX32 Node %windir%\system32\drivers\etc Host File ........................174
PI Point Configuration for FIX32 Tag ....................................................174
iFIX Redundancy Setup ..................................................................................175
iFIX View Node .....................................................................................175
iFIX Primary SCADA Node ...................................................................176
iFIX Backup SCADA Node ...................................................................176
iFIX Network Status Redundancy Display ............................................177
iFIX Node %windir%\system32\drivers\etc Host File............................177
PI Point Configuration for iFIX Tag .......................................................177

Appendix F. OSI_iFIXmonitor Program ................................................................. 179

Introduction ......................................................................................................179
OSI_iFIXmonitor Command-line Parameters .................................................180

Appendix G. Terminology ...................................................................................... 183

Appendix H. Technical Support and Resources................................................... 187

Appendix I. Revision History ................................................................................. 189

Chapter 1. Introduction

The PI IntFix Interface moves data between Intellution FIX/iFIX software platforms and the
PI Data Archive. The interface program reads the PI point database to determine which points
to read. It then queries the local Intellution node for current values and sends exception
reports to the PI system. The interface can also write values back to the local Intellution
The interface runs on Windows platforms. It communicates using Intellution’s EDA (Easy
Data Access) library and can be run on either a View or SCADA node if the eda.dll and
fixtools.dll are installed.

Note: Previous versions of this document referred to the interface as the PI-EDA
Interface. The interface is the same; only the reference has changed to PI IntFix.

Note: The value of [PIHOME] variable for the 32-bit interface will depend on whether the
interface is being installed on a 32-bit operating system (C:\Program Files\PIPC) or
a 64-bit operating system (C:\Program Files (x86)\PIPC).
The value of [PIHOME64] variable for a 64-bit interface will be C:\Program Files\PIPC on
the 64-bit Operating system.
In this documentation [PIHOME] will be used to represent the value for either [PIHOME]
or [PIHOME64]. The value of [PIHOME] is the directory which is the common location for
PI client applications.

Note: This interface has been built against a UniInt version ( and later)
which now writes all its messages to the local PI Message log.

Please see the document UniInt Interface Message Logging for UniInt 4.5.0.x and
later Interfaces in the %PIHOME%\Interfaces\UniInt directory for more details on
how to access these messages.

Note: OSIsoft is revising product documentation and other literature to reflect the
evolution of the PI Server from a single server to a multi-server architecture.
Specifically, the original historian core of the PI Server is now referred to as the
PI Data Archive.

PI Interface for GE iFix 1


Originally, the PI Server was a single server that contained the PI Data Archive and other
subsystems. To add features and improve scalability, the PI Server has evolved from a single
server to multiple servers. While the PI Data Archive remains a core server of the PI Server
product, the product name “PI Server” now refers to much more than the PI Data Archive.
OSIsoft documentation, including this user manual, is changing to use “PI Server” in this
broader sense and “PI Data Archive” to refer to the historian core.

Reference Manuals
 PI Data Archive manuals
 PI API Installation Instructions manual
 PI Universal Interface (UniInt) User Guide
(%PIHOME%\Interfaces\UniInt\UniInt Interface User Manual.pdf)
 UniInt Interface Message Logging for UniInt 4.5.0.x and later Interfaces
(%PIHOME%\Interfaces\UniInt\UniInt Interface Message Logging.pdf)
 PI Interface Configuration Utility User Guide
(%PIHOME%\ICU\PI Interface Configuration Utility.pdf)

 Intellution Electronic Books

Supported Operating Systems

Platforms 32-bit application 64-bit application
32-bit OS Yes No
Windows 2003 Server
64-bit OS Yes (Emulation Mode) No
32-bit OS Yes No
Windows Vista
64-bit OS Yes (Emulation Mode) No
Windows 2008 32-bit OS Yes No
Windows 2008 R2 64-bit OS Yes (Emulation Mode) No
32-bit OS Yes No
Windows 7
64-bit OS Yes (Emulation Mode) No
Windows 8 and 8.1 32-bit OS Yes No
64-bit OS Yes (Emulation Mode) No
Windows 2012 Server 64-bit OS Yes (Emulation Mode) No

The Interface is designed to run on the above-mentioned Microsoft Windows operating

systems. Because it is dependent on vendor software, newer platforms may not yet be
Certain older versions of Intellution FIX/iFIX have platform restrictions that may prevent it
from running on all OS listed here. Please refer to the Intellution release notes for your

Please contact OSIsoft Technical Support for more information.

Security Note: We recommend installing all available updates from Windows

Update service. We recommend the newest versions of Windows for latest security

Supported Features
Feature Support
Interface Part Number PI-IN-INT-FIXD-NTI
Auto Creates PI Points APS Connector
Point Builder Utility Yes
ICU Control Yes
PI Point Types Float / Integer / Digital / String
* Sub-second Timestamps Yes
* Sub-second Scan Classes Yes
* Automatically Incorporates PI Point Yes
Attribute Changes
Exception Reporting Yes
* Inputs to PI Data Archive Scan-based / Unsolicited / Event Tags
Outputs to data source Yes
Supports Questionable Bit No
Supports Multi-character PointSource Yes
* Maximum Point Count Yes
Uses PI SDK No
PINet String Support No
* Source of Timestamps PI Data Archive or Interface node
History Recovery No
* UniInt-based Yes
* Disconnected Startup Yes
* SetDeviceStatus Yes
* Failover Microsoft Cluster Failover
UniInt Failover Phase 1
UniInt Failover Phase 2 (Cold, Warm and Hot)
Intellution SCADA Node Redundancy
* Vendor Software Required on Yes
Interface Node / PINet Node
* Vendor Software Required on Data Yes
Source Device
Vendor Hardware Required No
* Additional PI Software Included with Yes
Device Point Types Analog, Digital, and String
Serial-Based Interface No

* See paragraphs below for further explanation.

PI Interface for GE iFix 3

The PI SDK and the PI API are bundled together and must be installed on each interface
node. This Interface does not specifically make PI SDK calls.

Sub-second Timestamps and Scan Classes

Data will receive sub-second timestamps only if that point belongs to a scan class configured
for sub-second scanning.

Automatically Incorporates PI Point Attribute Changes

The PI Point Database is checked every 2 minutes for points that are added, edited, and
deleted. If point updates are detected, the points are loaded (or reloaded) by the interface as
appropriate. The 2-minute update interval can be adjusted with the /updateinterval
command-line parameter discussed in the UniInt Interface User Manual. The interface will
only process 25 point updates at a time. If more than 25 points are added, edited, or deleted at
one time, the interface will process the first 25 points, wait 30 seconds (or by the time
specified by the /updateinterval parameter, whichever is shorter), process the next 25
points, and so on. After all points have been processed, the interface will resume checking for
updates every 2 minutes (or by the time specified by the /updateinterval parameter). The
interface will write the digital state SCAN OFF to any points that are removed from the
interface while it is running.

Inputs to PI Data Archive

Data updates are either scan or event triggered. Scan based updates are collected at a
frequency specified in the interface startup file. Event based updates mean an update is
requested when the specified source tag receives an update. Input points can receive either
scan or event based updates. Output points can only be configured for event based updates.
Alarm and event data is collected unsolicited. This data is event driven on the SCADA side
and exposed to the interface as unsolicited.

Maximum Point Count

The Intellution EDA library has a tag count limit of 32,768 tags per group. Each interface
scan class assigns its point list to a single EDA group. The interface therefore limits the
number of points assigned to a given scan class to be less than 32,768 points.
If users need more than 32,768 points at a specific scan rate, multiple scan classes must be
defined. The user will then need to distribute points among the scan classes to keep to total
number of points per scan class less to than the 32,768 point count limit.

Source of Timestamps
Data is time stamped by the interface as it is received from the local Intellution node. The
default behavior is that the PI Data Archive system time is used for data timestamps. Users
also have the option of using the local Intellution node system time. This is configured
through the interface startup file.

UniInt stands for Universal Interface. UniInt is not a separate product or file; it is an
OSIsoft-developed template used by developers and is integrated into many interfaces,
including this interface. The purpose of UniInt is to keep a consistent feature set and behavior
across as many of OSIsoft’s interfaces as possible. It also allows for the very rapid
development of new interfaces. In any UniInt-based interface, the interface uses some of the
UniInt-supplied configuration parameters and some interface-specific parameters. UniInt is
constantly being upgraded with new options and features.
The Universal Interface (UniInt) User Guide is a supplement to this manual.

Disconnected Start-Up
The PI IntFix interface is built with a version of UniInt that supports disconnected start-up.
Disconnected start-up is the ability to start the interface without a connection to the
PI Data Archive. This functionality is enabled by adding /cachemode to the list of start-up
parameters or by enabling disconnected startup using the ICU. Refer to the PI Universal
Interface (UniInt) User Guide for more details on UniInt Disconnect startup.

A device status point is a type of interface Heath point. Specifically, it is a PI Data Archive
point that is updated by the interface to indicate the current interface working state. For
example, if a device status point exists, the interface will send an update when it establishes
or loses communication with Intellution. In this way, users can monitor the device status
point to track the health of the interface without referring to log files.
A device status point must be a string point and the first characters in its ExDesc attribute
must be [UI_DEVSTAT]. Refer to the UniInt Interface User Manual for more information on
configuring interface Health points.
The following events can be written to the device status point:
 “1 | Starting” – UniInt writes this string to the Device Status point when the interface
starts. The snapshot for the Device Status point will contain this value until either
communication is established with Intellution on the local node or the interface shuts
 Digital state Good – the interface writes this event to the Device Status point when it
establishes communication with Intellution on the local node.
 If the interface loses communication with the Intellution on the local node, the
interface writes one of the following strings to the Device Status point:
o "3 | 1 device(s) in error | Local Intellution stopped; interface shutting down."
o "3 | 1 device(s) in error | Local Intellution stopped; interface will continue."
 If the interface is unable to collect alarm & event data it will write one of the
following updates to the Device Status point;
o “3 | 1 device(s) in error | Unable to collect alarm & event data.”
o “3 | 1 device(s) in error | Service library not loaded.”
 “4 | Intf Shutdown” – UniInt writes this string to the Device Status point when the
interface stops.

 Microsoft Cluster Failover Support
The interface supports failover through Microsoft cluster services. As with UniInt
failover support, this is also a no data loss solution for bi-directional data transfer.

PI Interface for GE iFix 5


The significant difference is this solution requires Microsoft Cluster. See Appendix
D: Cluster Failover for a complete discussion on how this works.
 Intellution SCADA Node Redundancy
SCADA-node redundancy can be enabled through configuration of Intellution View
nodes. In this configuration, the interface runs on a View node that connects to
redundant SCADA nodes. See Appendix E: FIX Redundancy and the PI IntFix
Interface for a complete discussion.
 UniInt Failover Support
UniInt Phase 1 Failover provides support for a hot failover configuration which
results in a no data loss solution for bi-directional data transfer between the
PI Data Archive and the data source given a single point of failure in the system
architecture. This failover solution requires that two copies of the interface be
installed on different interface nodes collecting data simultaneously from a single
data source. Phase 1 Failover requires that the interface support output points to the
Foreign System. Failover operation is automatic and operates with no user
interaction. Each interface participating in failover has the ability to monitor and
determine liveliness and failover status. To assist in administering system operations,
the ability to manually trigger failover to a desired interface is also supported by the
failover scheme.
The failover scheme is described in detail in the UniInt Interface User Manual,
which is a supplement to this manual. Details for configuring this Interface to use
failover are described in the UniInt Failover Configuration section of this manual.
UniInt Phase 2 Failover provides support for cold, warm, or hot failover
configurations. The Phase 2 hot failover results in a no data loss solution for bi-
directional data transfer between the PI Data Archive and the data source given a
single point of failure in the system architecture similar to Phase 1. However, in
warm and cold failover configurations, you can expect a small period of data loss
during a single point of failure transition. This failover solution requires that two
copies of the interface be installed on different interface nodes collecting data
simultaneously from a single data source. Phase 2 Failover requires each interface
have access to a shared data file. Failover operation is automatic and operates with no
user interaction. Each interface participating in failover has the ability to monitor and
determine liveliness and failover status. To assist in administering system operations,
the ability to manually trigger failover to a desired interface is also supported by the
failover scheme.
The failover scheme is described in detail in the UniInt Interface User Manual,
which is a supplement to this manual. Details for configuring this Interface to use
failover are described in the UniInt Failover Configuration section of this manual.

Vendor Software Required
The interface can run on either an Intellution View or SCADA node if the eda.dll and
fixtools.dll are installed.
It is compatible with FIX 6.15 and greater, and iFIX 2.1 and greater. The following table lists
those that have been tested internally:
** Intellution Software Compatibility Testing
FIX 6.15
FIX 7.0
iFIX 2.1
iFIX 2.21
iFIX 2.6
iFIX 3.0
iFIX 3.5
iFIX 4.0
iFIX 4.5
iFIX 5.0
iFIX 5.1
iFIX 5.5
** OSIsoft will continue to test new releases of
iFIX as they become available.

An issue has been discovered that prevents the PI IntFix interface from collecting
data when run as a Windows service on Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server
2008. This only occurs if the iFIX server is run interactively and not as a service.
This is caused by a change in session partitioning of services and applications on
the above platforms, and is described in a Microsoft white paper:

The solution is to run the iFIX server as a service, which has been supported since
iFIX 4.0. Note however that support for running as a service for Vista started with
iFIX 4.5 and for Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 with iFIX 5.1 SP1A. Therefore,
this issue and solution only applies to the above iFIX versions on the corresponding
platforms. For supported operating systems for iFIX, please refer to the following GE
KB article: http://support.ge-ip.com/support/index?page=kbchannel&id=S:KB2651.

Additional PI Software
This interface comes with the FixToPI Configuration Transfer Utility for extracting the FIX
database in a format ready for exporting to PI. See Appendix C: FIXtoPI Configuration
Transfer Utility for a complete discussion on this topic
The API Online (APIOnline.exe) program is also distributed along with a sample
configuration file (apionline.bat_new). API Online is required for MS Cluster failover
support. See Appendix D: Cluster Failover for a complete discussion on this topic.
The interface installation kit also includes the OSI_iFIXmonitor program. This program
serves several purposes related to coordinating the execution of PI IntFix interface instances
(and PI AutoPointSync) with iFIX. Due to the design of the Intellution EDA library, a client
program (like this interface) can prevent iFIX from starting. By using OSI_iFIXmonitor in
conjunction with appropriate interface options, the interface can operate in a way that will not
PI Interface for GE iFix 7

interfere with iFIX startup. See section OSI_iFixMonitor for a complete discussion on this

Device Point Types

The interface can read analog, digital and string data types. Each Intellution tag has a block
type which contains several fields. Each field name begins with a prefix that represents the
type of data for the field. For example, Analog Input block types have a F_CV field that
contains the current value. The “F_” prefix indicates that this field contains a floating point
number. A complete listing of the different fields associated with each block can be found in
the Intellution Database Manger Online Help file, Block Field Reference section.

Diagram of Hardware Connection


PI Interface for GE iFix 9


Intellution SCADA Redundancy

Microsoft Cluster Interface Failover

UniInt Interface Failover

PI Interface for GE iFix 11

Chapter 2. Principles of Operation

The interface uses Intellution’s EDA (Easy Data Access) library to acquire data. The EDA
library is common to both FIX and iFIX making this interface compatible with both
platforms. The interface must run on a SCADA or View node where the eda.dll and
fixtools.dll are present.
The PI IntFix interface establishes the initial connection to the PI Data Archive and
reconnects in the event that the connection is lost. If the interface is started while the
PI Data Archive is down, the interface will periodically try to establish a connection until
When the Interface starts, the interface searches the PI Point Database for points that belong
to the Interface and a point list is created for the interface.
After startup is complete, the Interface enters the processing loop, which includes:
 Servicing scheduled input points. Each Scan Class is processed in turn.
 Servicing output points as events arrive.
 Servicing triggered input points as events arrive.
 The PI Point Database is checked every 2 minutes for points that are added, edited,
and deleted. If point updates are detected, the points are loaded (or reloaded) by the
Interface as appropriate. The 2-minute update interval can be adjusted with the
/updateinterval command-line parameter discussed in the UniInt Interface User
Manual. The Interface will only process 25 point updates at a time. If more than 25
points are added, edited, or deleted at one time, the Interface will process the first 25
points, wait 30 seconds (or by the time specified by the /updateinterval
parameter, whichever is lower), process the next 25 points, and so on. After all points
have been processed, the Interface will resume checking for updates every 2 minutes
(or by the time specified by the /updateinterval parameter). The Interface will
write the digital state SCAN OFF to any points that are removed from the Interface
while it is running.

Interface Startup
The interface reads the PI point database using the point source (/ps=char) and instance
number (/id=#) to identify the interface points. It then processes the PI Data Archive point
definition to identify which Intellution point it references using the “node-tag-field” (NTF)
identifier. The node references the Intellution node name which reads data for the specified
tag. Tag is the name of a block within the specified node, and field identifies a specific data
value (and its type) in the block. The interface then groups these points according to scan
class, with one EDA group defined for each scan class. In addition, if output points are
defined, they will be placed in a separate group.
PI Interface for GE iFix 13
Principles of Operation

Data Updates
Data updates are either scan or event triggered. Scan based updates are collected at a
frequency specified in the interface startup file. Event based updates mean an update is
requested when the specified source tag receives an update. Input points can receive either
scan or event based updates. Output points can only be configured for event based updates.
Alarm and Event data is collected by the interface in an unsolicited manner. This data is event
driven on the SCADA side and exposed to the interface unsolicited.
To optimize performance, points belonging to a particular node should be grouped into the
same scan classes for more efficient polling. By keeping all points for individual nodes within
the same group, EDA does not have to poll multiple nodes in order to read values for a single
scan. Note that event-triggered points take much longer to process since a separate group is
defined for each event point, which is less efficient than scan-based updates.

Alarm/Event Message Data Collection

The interface can also collect alarm/event message data from the Intellution WUSERQ
application. In order to enable this functionality, either WUSERQ1.exe or WUSERQ2.exe must
be added as a start-up task for the Intellution View or SCADA node. These tasks are
responsible for making alarm/event message data available to clients. OSIsoft recommends
running a separate copy of the interface specifically for alarm/event message data collection
to maximize performance.
Note the latest release of the interface has been updated to prevent alarm data loss for out of
order data. Alarm data is reported with a timestamp generated by Intellution. It’s possible for
these Alarm events to arrive at the interface out of order. The PI Data Archive may reject out
of order data if a value already exists at that time. The interface has been updated to send out
of order data in ‘append’ mode to prevent alarm event data loss.

Point-by-point Alarm/Event Message Data

If enabled, the interface uses scan class one to group all PI Data Archive points that will
receive alarm/event message data on a point-by-point basis.

Note: It is critical that when alarm/event message data collection is enabled, only
points intended for collection of alarm/event data belong to scan class one.

In this configuration, the interface receives an alarm/event message string. This alarm string
also contains the name of the Intellution source tag name. If a PI Data Archive point that
belongs to scan class 1 is configured for this Intellution tag, the interface attempts to extract
the data value from the string message and send it to this PI Data Archive point. The interface
startup file contains parameters for defining the string position for the data within the
alarm/event message (see section Startup Command File for details).

Alarm/Event Message Data to a Single PI String Point

The interface can also be configured to send all alarm/event messages to a single PI string
point. The entire alarm/event message string for all events pulled from the WUSERQ are sent
to a PI string point.

Warning: New configuration requirement for all alarm/event message point. Previously
users specified this point name in the interface startup file. For UniInt Phase 2 failover
support, this point now requires new configurations as specified in the table below. If
users do not update their configuration for this point it will be rejected on startup and
will not receive data.

This point must have the following configuration:

Point Attribute Configuration
Location1 Interface ID as specified in PI-EDA.bat
Location2 2
Location4 1
PointSource Point source as specified in PI-EDA.bat.
PointType String

Preventing Interference with iFIX Startup

Any program that uses the Intellution EDA library for iFIX, like this interface, can prevent
iFIX itself from starting. This hazard is inherent in the implementation of the EDA library
and the interface provides options to co-ordinate with iFIX to avoid the problem.

Note: The default options for the interface do not co-ordinate with iFIX and will
prevent iFIX from starting if the interface is running when iFIX is launched.

The fundamental issue is that, once a program loads the EDA library and calls it, the EDA
library acquires resources whose existence will prevent iFIX from starting if iFIX is not
already running. Once acquired, the resources held by the EDA library cannot be released
programmatically and are only released when the program terminates. If iFIX stops while any
programs that have called the EDA library are running, iFIX will refuse to restart until these
EDA client programs terminate and consequently release the EDA library resources. The
implication is that the EDA library expects EDA client programs to start after iFIX starts and
stop when iFIX indicates that it is stopping. This is contrary to the typical installation of most
PI interfaces, which are configured as services that start automatically with Windows and run
To avoid the situations that prevent iFIX from starting, the PI IntFix interface must 1) wait
until iFIX is known to be running before the EDA library is loaded or called, and 2) terminate
if it detects that iFIX has shut down after the EDA library has been called.

PI Interface for GE iFix 15

Principles of Operation

In order for the PI IntFix interface to start before iFIX and not prevent iFIX from
subsequently starting, the interface must verify that iFIX is running before the EDA library is
loaded or called. Therefore, the EDA library cannot be called to determine whether iFIX is
running, and the interface must use some other method. When the PI IntFix interface is
configured to wait until iFIX is running before dynamically loading the EDA library
(/DelayLoadEDA parameter), the interface looks for a running copy of the OSI_iFIXmonitor
program (which is included in the interface installation kit) as an indication that iFIX is
running. To accurately reflect the running or stopped state of iFIX, OSI_iFIXmonitor must be
configured in iFIX as a task that iFIX starts and stops. Thus, OSI_iFIXmonitor starts after
iFIX is running and terminates prior to iFIX itself stopping. (Instructons for configuring
OSI_iFIXmonitor are in section Configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor Program. Additional
information on the OSI_iFIXmonitor program is in Appendix F: OSI_iFIXmonitor Program)
As noted earlier, once a program loads and calls the EDA library, the EDA library acquires
and holds resources for the life of the process. If iFIX stops, it will not restart until all EDA
client programs terminate and consequently release the iFIX resources they hold. The PI
IntFix interface provides an option to terminate when it detects that iFIX has stopped
(/StopWithFIX parameter). With this option, the interface terminates when iFIX stops,
which releases the resources held by the EDA library so that the interface does not prevent
iFIX from restarting. However, after the interface stops, data collection will not resume when
iFIX restarts. The /StopWithFIX parameter is primarily intended for use with copies of the
PI IntFix interface that are not configured as Windows services.
For a typical PI interface installation, the interface is configured as a Windows service so that
it runs continuously and collects data whenever its data source is active. Since the constraints
of the EDA library require the PI IntFix interface to terminate when iFIX stops, an external
agent is needed to restart the interface service. To meet these needs, OSI_iFIXmonitor
provides options to start, stop, and optionally restart the interface service in coordination with
iFIX starting and stopping. When OSI_iFIXmonitor manages a PI IntFix interface service,
the /StopWithFIX parameter is not necessary.

Data Redundancy
There are two distinct types of data redundancy: interface level failover and SCADA node
level failover. The Intellution View/SCADA node environment supports running in a failover
configuration. SCADA node failover provides the interface with two paths to PLC process
data. Interface level failover ensures that PI IntFix is running in order to collect this PLC
process data. PI IntFix interface failover is implemented in one of two ways: through OSIsoft
UniInt Phase 1 or Phase 2 failover or by running the interface in a Microsoft Cluster

Intellution SCADA Node Redundancy

SCADA node redundancy provides the interface with two paths to PLC data. In this
configuration, the interface runs on a View node which is connected to redundant SCADA
failover nodes. Both FIX32 and iFIX support SCADA node failover (starting from FIX32
version 6.15 and iFIX Dynamics version 2.0). A View node can look at a pair of SCADA
nodes that have identical databases (and thus are connected to the same PLC) and obtain data
from the active node. More information on failover can be found in Intellution’s
documentation for FIX32 or iFIX. Although FIX32 allows a backup SCADA configuration
that involves two SCADA servers without the use of a View node, the interface does not
support this configuration. A complete discussion of SCADA-node failover, including
configuration procedures, can be found in Appendix E: FIX Redundancy and the PI IntFix

Microsoft Cluster Failover Support

The interface supports hot failover when running in a Microsoft Cluster environment. Hot
failover is a no data loss solution. A cluster is composed of two or more member nodes. Each
member node of the cluster has a copy of the interface installed and running, with only one
node sending data to PI at any given time. A complete discussion of cluster failover operation
and configuration can be found in Appendix D: Cluster Failover.

UniInt Failover

This interface supports UniInt failover. Refer to the UniInt Failover Configuration section of
this document for configuring the interface for failover.

PI Interface for GE iFix 17

Principles of Operation

UniInt Phase 1 Failover

UniInt Phase 1 failover is a hot failover solution. When enabled both copies of the interface
collect data in parallel with only the active interface sending data to PI. Each interface
instance will update an output tag on the Intellution system which acts as a heartbeat
indicator. By monitoring each other’s heartbeat point the interfaces are able to determine if it
should be active or not. The biggest difference between UniInt Phase 1 failover and UniInt
Phase 2 failover is UniInt Phase 2 failover does not require output points on the Intellution
system. Instead UniInt Phase 2 failover uses a shared file for communicating heartbeat and
status information to determine interface health. Also UniInt Phase 2 failover supports hot
and warm failover. Warm failover means the standby interface does not collect real-time
input data which reduces loading on the SCADA system. However warm failover is not a no-
data loss solution.

UniInt Phase 2 Failover

UniInt Phase 2 failover supports both warm and hot failover modes. When enabled both
copies of the interface will communicate with each other through a shared file. This shared
file can reside on one of the interface nodes or on a separate machine.
Hot failover means that both interfaces actively collect data with only the active interface
sending its data to PI. Hot failover is a no-data loss solution.
Warm failover means that both interfaces load their point list. The standby interface will not
update its point list for real-time inputs. It will however collect alarm and event data but not
send it to PI unless it becomes the active interface. Warm failover should be used to minimize
the impact of interface failover on the SCADA node and network loading. However warm
failover is not a no-data loss solution.

Chapter 3. Installation Checklist

If you are familiar with running PI data collection interface programs, this checklist helps you
get the Interface running. If you are not familiar with PI interfaces, return to this section after
reading the rest of the manual in detail.
This checklist summarizes the steps for installing this Interface. You need not perform a
given task if you have already done so as part of the installation of another interface. For
example, you only have to configure one instance of Buffering for every interface node
regardless of how many interfaces run on that node.
The Data Collection Steps below are required. Interface Diagnostics and Advanced Interface
Features are optional.

Data Collection Steps

1. Confirm that you can use PI SMT to configure the PI Data Archive. You need not run
PI SMT on the same computer on which you run this Interface.
2. If you are running the Interface on an interface node, edit the PI Data Archive’s Trust
Table to allow the Interface to read attributes and point data. If a buffering
application is not running on the interface node, the PI trust must allow the interface
to write data.
3. Run the installation kit for the PI Interface Configuration Utility (ICU) on the
interface node if the ICU will be used to configure the interface. This kit runs the
PI SDK installation kit, which installs both the PI API and the PI SDK.
4. Run the installation kit for this Interface. This kit also runs the PI SDK installation kit
which installs both the PI API and the PI SDK if necessary.
5. If you are running the Interface on an interface node, check the computer’s time zone
properties. An improper time zone configuration can cause the PI Data Archive to
reject the data that this Interface writes.
6. If the interface is installed on an Intellution iFIX node, configure iFIX to start
7. Run the ICU and configure a new instance of this Interface. Essential startup
parameters for this Interface are:
Point Source (/PS=x)
Interface ID (/ID=#)
PI Data Archive (/Host=host:port)
Scan Class(/F=##:##:##,offset)
8. If you will use digital points, define the appropriate digital state sets.

PI Interface for GE iFix 19

Installation Checklist

9. Build input points and, if desired, output points for this Interface. Important point
attributes and their purposes are:
Location1 specifies the interface instance as specified in the startup file (/id=#).
Location2 specifies the I/O type (Input=0, Output=1, All Alarm & Event Tag=2).
Location3 is not used.
Location4 specifies the scan class. Event-based and output points should have
Location4=0. Alarm/event-message points must have Location4=1.
Location5 is not used.
ExDesc specifies a ‘trigger tag’. It takes the format event=trigger tag.
InstrumentTag specifies the NTF address (Node-Tag-Field). For example:
PtSecurity must permit read access for the PI identity, group, or user configured in
the PI trust that is used by the interface.
DataSecurity must permit read access (buffering enabled) or read/write access
(unbuffered) for the PI identity, group, or user configured in the PI trust that is used
by the interface.

Security Note: When buffering is configured, the DataSecurity attribute must

permit write access for the buffering application’s PI trust or mapping.
DataSecurity write permission for the interface’s PI trust is required only when
buffering is not configured.

10. Start the Interface interactively and confirm its successful connection to the
PI Data Archive without buffering. (The DataSecurity attribute for interface points
must permit write access for the interface’s PI trust.)
11. Confirm that the Interface collects data successfully.
12. Stop the Interface and configure a buffering application (either Bufserv or PIBufss).
When configuring buffering use the ICU menu item Tools  Buffering… 
Buffering Settings to make a change to the default value (32678) for the Primary and
Secondary Memory Buffer Size (Bytes) to 2000000. This will optimize the
throughput for buffering and is recommended by OSIsoft.
13. Start the buffering application and the Interface. Confirm that the Interface works
together with the buffering application by either physically removing the connection
between the interface node and the PI Data Archive node. (The DataSecurity attribute
for interface points must permit write access for the buffering application’s PI trust or
mapping. The interface’s PI trust does not require DataSecurity write permission.)
14. Configure the Interface to run as a Service. Confirm that the Interface runs properly
as a Service.
15. Restart the interface node and confirm that the Interface and the buffering application

Interface Diagnostics
1. Configure Scan Class Performance points.
2. Install the PI Performance Monitor Interface (Full Version only) on the interface
3. Configure Performance Counter points.
4. Configure UniInt Health Monitoring points
5. Configure the I/O Rate point.
6. Install and configure the Interface Status Utility on the PI Data Archive node.
7. Configure the Interface Status point.

Advanced Interface Features

1. Configure the interface for Disconnected Startup. Refer to the PI Universal Interface
(UniInt) User Guide for more details on UniInt Disconnect startup.
2. Configure UniInt failover; see the UniInt Failover Configuration chapter in this
document for details related to configuring the interface for failover.

PI Interface for GE iFix 21

Chapter 4. Interface Installation

OSIsoft recommends that interfaces be installed on interface nodes instead of directly on the
PI Data Archive node. An interface node is any node other than the PI Data Archive node
where the PI Application Programming Interface (PI API) is installed (see the
PI API manual). With this approach, the PI Data Archive need not compete with interfaces
for the machine’s resources. The primary function of the PI Data Archive is to archive data
and to service clients that request data.
After the interface has been installed and tested, Buffering should be enabled on the interface
node. Buffering refers to either PI API Buffer Server (Bufserv) or the PI Buffer Subsystem
(PIBufss). For more information about Buffering see the Buffering section of this manual.
In most cases, interfaces on interface nodes should be installed as automatic services.
Services keep running after the user logs off. Automatic services automatically restart when
the computer is restarted, which is useful in the event of a power failure.
The guidelines are different if an interface is installed on the PI Data Archive node. In this
case, the typical procedure is to install the PI Data Archive as an automatic service and install
the interface as an automatic service that depends on the PI Update Manager and PI Network
Manager services. This typical scenario assumes that Buffering is not enabled on the
PI Data Archive node. Bufserv or PIBufss can be enabled on the PI Data Archive node so that
interfaces on the PI Data Archive node do not need to be started and stopped in conjunction
with the PI Data Archive, but it is not standard practice to enable buffering on the
PI Data Archive node. The PI Buffer Subsystem can also be installed on the PI Data Archive.
See the PI Universal Interface (UniInt) User Guide for special procedural information.

Naming Conventions and Requirements

In the installation procedure below, it is assumed that the name of the interface executable is
PI-EDA.exe and that the startup command file is called PI-EDA.bat.

When Configuring the Interface Manually

It is customary for the user to rename the executable and the startup command file when
multiple copies of the interface are run. For example, PI-EDA1.exe and PI-EDA1.bat
would typically be used for interface number 1, PI-EDA2.exe and PI-EDA2.bat for
interface number 2, and so on. When an interface is run as a service, the executable and the
command file must have the same root name because the service looks for its command-line
parameters in a file that has the same root name.

PI Interface for GE iFix 23

Interface Installation

Interface Directories

PIHOME Directory Tree

32-bit Interfaces
The [PIHOME] directory tree is defined by the PIHOME entry in the pipc.ini configuration
file. This pipc.ini file is an ASCII text file, which is located in the %windir% directory.
For 32-bit operating systems, a typical pipc.ini file contains the following lines:
PIHOME=C:\Program Files\PIPC
For 64-bit operating systems, a typical pipc.ini file contains the following lines:
PIHOME=C:\Program Files (X86)\PIPC
The above lines define the root of the PIHOME directory on the C: drive. The PIHOME
directory does not need to be on the C: drive. OSIsoft recommends using the paths shown
above as the root PIHOME directory name.

Security Note: Restrict the Windows accounts that can create or write files in
the %PIHOME% folder and subfolders.

Interface Installation Directory

The interface install kit will automatically install the interface to:
PIHOME is defined in the pipc.ini file.

Interface Installation Procedure
The IntFix Interface setup program uses the services of the Microsoft Windows Installer.
Windows Installer is a standard part of Windows 2000 and later operating systems. When
running on Windows NT 4.0 systems, the PI IntFix setup program will install the Windows
Installer itself if necessary. To install, run the appropriate installation kit.

PI Trust for Interface Authentication

A PI Interface usually runs on an interface node as a Windows service, which is a non-
interactive environment. In order for an interface to authenticate itself to a PI Data Archive
and obtain the access permissions for proper operation, the PI Data Archive must have a
PI trust that matches the connection credentials of the interface. Determine if a suitable
PI trust for the interface exists on the PI Data Archive. If a suitable PI trust does not exist, see
the Security chapter for instructions on creating a new PI trust.

Installing Interface as a Windows Service

The PI IntFix Interface service can be created, preferably, with the
PI Interface Configuration Utility, or can be created manually.

Security Note: We recommend running the interface service under a non-

administrative account, such as a Windows built-in service virtual account, the
built-in Network Service account, or a non-administrative account that you create.

The advantage of running the interface service under an account with least privileges is
improved security.
The disadvantage of running the interface service with least privileges is that, depending on
the account, the interface service may not be able to create performance counters. Since
UniInt health points provide essentially the same information, you may not need performance
If performance counters are required, extra administrative actions are needed to create and
maintain the performance counters. Since performance counters are associated with each scan
class, performance counters for the interface instance must be created or deleted after adding
or removing scan classes. Run the interface instance, at least for a short time, from an account
that has sufficient privileges to create or delete performance counters.

PI Interface for GE iFix 25

Interface Installation

Installing Interface Service with PI Interface Configuration Utility

The PI Interface Configuration Utility provides a user interface for creating, editing, and
deleting the interface service:

Service Configuration

Service name
The Service name box shows the name of the current interface service. This service name is
obtained from the interface executable.

This is the service id used to distinguish multiple instances of the same interface using the
same executable.

Display name
The Display Name text box shows the current Display Name of the interface service. If there
is currently no service for the selected interface, the default Display Name is the service name
with a “PI-” prefix. Users may specify a different Display Name. OSIsoft suggests that the
prefix “PI-” be appended to the beginning of the interface to indicate that the service is part of
the OSIsoft suite of products.

Log on as
The Log on as box shows the current “Log on as” Windows account of the interface service.
If the service is configured to use the Local System account, the Log on as text box will show
“LocalSystem.” Users may specify a different Windows account for the service to use.

Security Note: For best security, we recommend running this interface service
under an account with minimum privileges, such as a Windows built-in service virtual
account, the built-in Network Service account, or a non administrative account that
you create.

PI ICU versions earlier than 1.4.14.x cannot create a service that runs as a Windows built-in
service virtual account or the built-in Network Service or Local Service accounts. After ICU
creates the interface service, you can change the account with a Windows administrative tool,
such as Services on the Control Panel or the sc command-line utility.
As discussed earlier, following the recommendation to run the interface service under a low-
privilege account may affect performance counters.

If a Windows User account is entered in the Log on as text box, then a password must be
provided in the Password text box, unless the account requires no password.

Confirm password
If a password is entered in the Password text box, then it must be confirmed in the Confirm
Password text box.

The Installed services list is a list of the services currently installed on this machine. Services
upon which this interface is dependent should be moved into the Dependencies list using the

button. For example, if API Buffering is running, then “bufserv” should be selected
from the list at the right and added to the list on the left. To remove a service from the list of

dependencies, use the button, and the service name will be removed from the
Dependencies list.
When the interface is started (as a service), the services listed in the dependency list will be
verified as running (or an attempt will be made to start them). If the dependent service(s)
cannot be started for any reason, then the interface service will not run.

Note: Please see the PI Log and Windows Event Logger for messages that may
indicate the cause for any service not running as expected.

- Add Button
To add a dependency from the list of Installed services, select the dependency name, and
click the Add button.

PI Interface for GE iFix 27

Interface Installation

- Remove Button
To remove a selected dependency, highlight the service name in the Dependencies list, and
click the Remove button.
The full name of the service selected in the Installed services list is displayed below the
Installed services list box.

Startup Type
The Startup Type indicates whether the interface service will start automatically or needs to
be started manually on reboot.
 If the Auto option is selected, the service will be installed to start automatically when
the machine reboots.
 If the Manual option is selected, the interface service will not start on reboot, but will
require someone to manually start the service.
 If the Disabled option is selected, the service will not start at all.
Generally, interface services are set to start automatically.

The Create button adds the displayed service with the specified Dependencies and with the
specified Startup Type.

The Remove button removes the displayed service. If the service is not currently installed, or
if the service is currently running, this button will be grayed out.

Start or Stop Service

The toolbar contains a Start button and a Stop button . If this interface service is not
currently installed, these buttons will remain grayed out until the service is added. If this
interface service is running, the Stop button is available. If this service is not running, the
Start button is available.
The status of the Interface service is indicated in the lower portion of the PI ICU dialog.

Status of Status of the

the ICU Interface Service
Service installed or

Installing Interface Service Manually

Help for installing the interface as a service is available at any time with the command:
PI-EDA.exe /help
Open a Windows command prompt window and change to the directory where the
PI-EDA1.exe executable is located. Then, consult the following table to determine the
appropriate service installation command.
Windows Service Installation Commands on a Interface Node or a PI Data Archive Node
with Bufserv implemented
Manual service PI-EDA.exe /install /depend "tcpip bufserv"
Automatic service PI-EDA.exe /install /auto /depend "tcpip bufserv"
*Automatic service with PI-EDA.exe /serviceid X /install /auto /depend "tcpip bufserv"
service id
Windows Service Installation Commands on a Interface Node or a PI Data Archive Node
without Bufserv implemented
Manual service PI-EDA.exe /install /depend tcpip
Automatic service PI-EDA.exe /install /auto /depend tcpip
*Automatic service with PI-EDA.exe /serviceid X /install /auto /depend tcpip
service id

*When specifying service id, the user must include an id number. It is suggested that this
number correspond to the interface id (/id) parameter found in the interface .bat file.
Check the Microsoft Windows Services control panel to verify that the service was added
successfully. The services control panel can be used at any time to change the interface from
an automatic service to a manual service or vice versa.
The service installation commands in this section always create an interface service that runs
under the built-in Local System account. The Local System account is highly privileged and
the interface does not need most of the Local System privileges to operate correctly.

Security Note: For best security, we recommend running this interface service
under an account with minimum privileges, such as a Windows service virtual
account, the built-in Network Service account, or a non administrative account that
you create.

As discussed earlier, following the recommendation to run the interface service under a low-
privilege account may affect performance counters.
The services control panel can change the account that the interface service runs under.
Changing the account while the interface service is running does not take effect until the
interface service is restarted.

PI Interface for GE iFix 29

Chapter 5. Digital States

For more information regarding Digital States, refer to the PI Data Archive documentation.

Digital State Sets

PI digital states are discrete values represented by strings. These strings are organized in the
PI Data Archive as digital state sets. Each digital state set is a user-defined list of strings,
enumerated from 0 to n to represent different values of discrete data. For more information
about PI digital points and editing digital state sets, see the PI Data Archive manuals.
An interface point that contains discrete data can be stored in the PI Data Archive as a digital
point. A digital point associates discrete data with a digital state set, as specified by the user.

System Digital State Set

Similar to digital state sets is the system digital state set. This set is used for all points,
regardless of type, to indicate the state of a point at a particular time. For example, if the
interface receives bad data from the data source, it writes the system digital state Bad Input
to the PI point instead of a value. The system digital state set has many unused states that can
be used by the interface and other PI clients. Digital States 193-320 are reserved for OSIsoft

PI Interface for GE iFix 31

Chapter 6. PointSource

The PointSource is a unique, single or multi-character string that is used to identify the PI
point as a point that belongs to a particular interface. For example, the string Boiler1 may be
used to identify points that belong to the MyInt interface. To implement this, the PointSource
attribute would be set to Boiler1 for every PI point that is configured for the MyInt
interface. Then, if /ps=Boiler1 is used on the startup command-line of the MyInt interface,
the interface will search the PI Point Database upon startup for every PI point that is
configured with a PointSource of Boiler1. Before an interface loads a point, the interface
usually performs further checks by examining additional PI point attributes to determine
whether a particular point is valid for the interface. For additional information, see the /ps
parameter. If the PI API version being used is earlier than 1.6.x or the PI Data Archive
version is earlier than 3.4.370.x, the PointSource is limited to a single character unless the
SDK is being used.

Case-sensitivity for PointSource Attribute

The PointSource character that is supplied with the /ps command-line parameter is not case
sensitive. That is, /ps=P and /ps=p are equivalent.

Reserved Point Sources

Several subsystems and applications that ship with the PI System are associated with default
PointSource characters. The Totalizer Subsystem uses the PointSource character T, the Alarm
Subsystem uses @ for Alarm points, G for Group Alarms and Q for SQC Alarm points,
Random uses R, RampSoak uses 9, and the Performance Equations Subsystem uses C. Do not
use these PointSource characters or change the default point source characters for these
applications. Also, if a PointSource character is not explicitly defined when creating a
PI point; the point is assigned a default PointSource character of Lab (PI 3). Therefore, it
would be confusing to use Lab as the PointSource character for an interface.

Note: Do not use a point source character that is already associated with another
interface program. However it is acceptable to use the same point source for multiple
instances of an interface.

PI Interface for GE iFix 33

Chapter 7. PI Point Configuration

The PI point is the basic building block for controlling data flow to and from the
PI Data Archive. A single point is configured for each measurement value that needs to be
If outputs to the data source device (control system) are not needed, configure the interface
instance to disable outputs from PI.

Security Note: Disabling outputs from PI defends against accidental or malicious

changes to the control system.

Point Attributes
Use the point attributes below to define the PI point configuration for the Interface, including
specifically what data to transfer.
One PI point (PI tag) must be configured for each FIX32 or iFIX field the user wishes to read
and/or write data.
This document does not discuss the attributes that configure UniInt or PI Data Archive
processing for a PI point. Specifically, UniInt provides exception reporting and the
PI Data Archive or PIBufss provides data compression. Exception reporting and compression
are very important aspects of data collection and archiving, which are not discussed in this

Note: See the PI Universal Interface (UniInt) User Guide and PI Data Archive
documentation for information on other attributes that are significant to PI point data
collection and archiving.


The Tag attribute (or tagname) is the name for a point. There is a one-to-one correspondence
between the name of a point and the point itself. Because of this relationship, PI
documentation uses the terms “tag” and “point” interchangeably.
Follow these rules for naming PI points:
 The name must be unique on the PI Data Archive.
 The first character must be alphanumeric, the underscore (_), or the percent sign (%).
 Control characters such as linefeeds or tabs are illegal.
 The following characters also are illegal: * ’ ? ; { } [ ] | \ ` ' "
PI Interface for GE iFix 35
PI Point Configuration

Depending on the version of the PI API and the PI Data Archive, this Interface supports Tag
attributes whose length is at most 255 or 1023 characters. The following table indicates the
maximum length of this attribute for all the different combinations of PI API and
PI Data Archive versions.
PI API PI Data Archive Maximum Length or higher 3.4.370.x or higher 1023 or higher Below 3.4.370.x 255
Below 3.4.370.x or higher 255
Below Below 3.4.370.x 255

If the PI Data Archive version is earlier than 3.4.370.x or the PI API version is earlier than, and you want to use a maximum Tag length of 1023, you need to enable the PI SDK.
See Appendix_B for information.


The PointSource attribute contains a unique, single or multi-character string that is used to
identify the PI point as a point that belongs to a particular interface. For additional
information, see the /ps command-line parameter and the “PointSource” section.


Typically, device point types do not need to correspond to PI point types. For example,
integer values from a device can be sent to floating point or digital PI points. Similarly, a
floating-point value from the device can be sent to integer or digital PI points, although the
values will be truncated.
Float16, float32, float 64, int16, int32, digital, and string point types are supported. For more
information on the individual point types, see PI Data Archive manuals.


Location1 indicates to which copy of the Interface the point belongs. The value of this
attribute must match the /id command-line parameter.


This parameter identifies the direction of data flow for the point or that the point is an input
point that should be used for storing all alarm and event data.

Location2 = 0
Defines a point as an input point (data goes from Intellution to the PI Data Archive).
Input points are updated according to their assigned scan frequency or their update is event-
triggered. See the Location4 and ExDesc attribute descriptions for details about how to
configure the update method for input points.

Location2 = 1
Defines a point as an output point (data goes from PI to Intellution).
Output point updates are event-triggered. See the Location4 attribute description and the
section Output Points below for additional configuration information.

Alarm & Event Data

Location2 = 2

All Alarm & Event String Point

Previous versions of this interface supported this functionality through a command line
parameter. When enabled the interface would write all alarm & event data to the specified
PI Data Archive string point. However in order to support UniInt Phase 2 failover the
interface now requires that all points are configured specifically for the interface and not
passed as command line parameters.
The following configurations are required to enable all alarm & event data to be stored in a
single PI Data Archive string point:
Point Attribute Configuration
Location1 Interface ID as specified in PI-EDA.bat
Location2 2
Location4 1
PointSource Point source as specified in PI-EDA.bat.
PointType String

If a point is configured with Location2=2 the interface will check if another point has
already been specified. If it has, any additional points with Location2=2 will be rejected.
Next the interface will verify that the point is a string type point and assigned to scan class 1
(Location4=1). If these configurations are in place the interface uses this point to record all
alarm and event message strings it collects from the local node.

Note: Alarm & event message data collection must also be enabled through the ICU
in order for all alarm & event string point to receive data.


Location3 is not used by this interface.


Scan-based Inputs
For interfaces that support scan-based collection of data, Location4 defines the scan class for
the PI point. The scan class determines the frequency at which input points are scanned for
new values. For more information, see the description of the /f parameter in the Startup
Command File section.

PI Interface for GE iFix 37

PI Point Configuration

Trigger-based Inputs, Unsolicited Inputs, and Output Points

Location 4 should be set to zero for these points.

Alarm/Event Message Data Collection

If alarm/event message data collection is enabled (see the /em and /c command line
parameters), scan class 1 is used for alarm/event message data collection EXCLUSIVELY.
All points with Location4=1 will be used for this purpose.

Performance Considerations
The absolute limit on resolution is 0.01 second. With high data resolution (fast scan rates),
users should monitor CPU loading. The higher the data resolution, the more CPU time the
interface will need.
To optimize performance, points belonging to a particular Intellution node should be grouped
into the same scan class for more efficient polling. By keeping all points for individual nodes
within the same group, EDA does not have to poll multiple nodes in order to read values for a
single scan. Note that event-triggered points take much longer to process since a separate
group is defined for each event point, which is less efficient than scan-based updates.


This parameter determines the interface behavior when a NULL (blank) string value is
received from Intellution for the configured source point. This provides users with an option
for client viewing of string or digital data. This attribute provides users the option of having a
‘No Data’ value written in place of the NULL.
Send NULL string value when a NULL string value is received as an update.
Write ‘No Data’ system digital state when NULL string value is received as an update.


InstrumentTag is used to specify the “node,tag,field” (NTF) identifier. The node references
the Intellution node name which reads data for the specified tag. Tag references a block
within the specified node, and field identifies a specific data value in the block and field data
type. The NTF identifier is used to map PI points to the corresponding Intellution point.
The following table shows the field values to obtain current values for given data types.
Intellution Data Field Value Input Points: Output Points:
Type Supported PI Point Supported PI Point
Types Types
Analog or Integer F_CV Float, Integer or Digital Float, Integer or Digital
Digital or Boolean D_CV Digital or Integer Digital
Multi-state Digital M_CV Digital or Integer Digital
String A_CV String String

The interface has the ability to obtain a wide range of data for each block type. For a
complete listing of the field options for each Intellution block type, see the Intellution
Database Manger Online Help, Block Field Reference section.
The current value fields in Intellution digital and multi-state digital block types are named
A_CV, where the “A_” prefix indicates that the field contains a string value. The PI IntFix
Interface provides translation from the string value to the integer value corresponding to the
string so that data from digital or multi-state digital blocks can be used with PI points whose
PI point types are digital or integer. The translation is enabled be using special field names as
discussed below.
The InstrumentTag attribute requires the following format:
The following table provides examples of how to configure the InstrumentTag given the
Intellution node, tag name, and block type.
Intellution Tag Name Block Type PI InstrumentTag Definition

Note that the interface is not limited to the block types listed in the above table.
Digital blocks define two strings corresponding to binary values 0 and 1. If the field name in
a PI Data Archive point definition has a “D_” type prefix, the PI IntFix Interface internally
replaces the “D_” type prefix with “A_” to locate the actual Intellution string-valued field.
(The “D_” type prefix is not known to the Intellution system.) The “D_” type prefix indicates
to the interface that the value should be translated from string to integer. To define a
PI Data Archive digital or integer point for a string-type field in an Intellution digital block,
replace the “A_” type prefix in the field name with “D_”. For example, the current value field
in digital blocks is named “A_CV”. In definitions for digital or integer PI Data Archive
points for the current value of an Intellution digital block, use “D_CV” as the field name.
Multi-state blocks define up to eight strings corresponding to states 0 to 7. If the field name in
a PI Data Archive point definition has a “M_” type prefix, the PI IntFix Interface internally
replaces the “M_” type prefix with “A_” to locate the actual Intellution string-valued field.
(The “M_” type prefix is not known to the Intellution system.) The “M_” type prefix
indicates to the interface that the value should be translated from string to integer. To define a
PI Data Archive digital or integer point for a string-type field in an Intellution multi-state
digital block, replace the “A_” type prefix in the field name with “M_”. For example, the
current value field in multi-state digital blocks is named “A_CV”. In definitions for digital or
integer PI Data Archive points for the current value of an Intellution multi-state digital block,
use “M_CV” as the field name.

Depending on the version of the PI API and the PI Data Archive, this interface supports an
InstrumentTag attribute whose length is at most 32 or 1023 characters. The following table
indicates the maximum length of this attribute for all the different combinations of PI API
and PI Data Archive versions.

PI Interface for GE iFix 39

PI Point Configuration

PI API PI Data Archive Maximum Length or higher 3.4.370.x or higher 1023 or higher Below 3.4.370.x 32
Below 3.4.370.x or higher 32
Below Below 3.4.370.x 32

If the PI Data Archive version is earlier than 3.4.370.x or the PI API version is earlier than, and you want to use a maximum InstrumentTag length of 1023, you need to
enable the PI SDK. See Appendix B for information.
If the NTF definition exceeds the InstrumentTag length limit, the extended descriptor can be
used for defining the node and field names. If the NTF entry in the InstrumentTag is not
complete, the ExDesc attribute will be checked. If the full NTF is specified in the
InstrumentTag, then the interface does not check the ExDesc attribute for additional
information – the interface already has all the information required. Using the ExDesc
attribute for this purpose means the InstrumentTag will contain the Intellution tag name
and the field and node names are defined in the ExDesc attribute.


Depending on the version of the PI API and the PI Data Archive, this Interface supports an
ExDesc attribute whose length is at most 80 or 1023 characters. The following table indicates
the maximum length of this attribute for all the different combinations of PI API and
PI Data Archive versions.
PI API PI Data Archive Maximum Length or higher 3.4.370.x or higher 1023 or higher Below 3.4.370.x 80
Below 3.4.370.x or higher 80
Below Below 3.4.370.x 80

If the PI Data Archive version is earlier than 3.4.370.x or the PI API version is earlier than, and you want to use a maximum ExDesc length of 1023, you need to enable the
PI SDK. See Appendix B for information.

Node and Field Definitions

The extended descriptor can also be used for defining the node and field names when the
NTF definition exceeds the length limit for InstrumentTag (see InstrumentTag description for
more details).
The following format should be used for defining the node and field names.
NODE=node name, FIELD=field name
All three (event=, node=, and field=) can be defined in the extended descriptor. The
following example shows the syntax for a point specifying a trigger tag along with the node
and field names (the order in which the parameters are defined is not important):
EVENT=trigger tag, NODE=node id, FIELD=field id.

Performance Points
For UniInt-based interfaces, the extended descriptor is checked for the string
“PERFORMANCE_POINT”. If this character string is found, UniInt treats this point as a
performance point. See the section called Scan Class Performance Points.

Trigger-based Inputs
For trigger-based input points, a separate trigger point must be configured. An input point is
associated with a trigger point by entering a case-insensitive string in the extended descriptor
(ExDesc) PI point attribute of the input point of the form:
where keyword is replaced by “event” or “trig” and trigger_tag_name is replaced by the
name of the trigger point. There should be no spaces in the string. UniInt automatically
assumes that an input point is trigger-based instead of scan-based when the
keyword=trigger_tag_name string is found in the extended descriptor attribute.
An input is triggered when a new value is sent to the Snapshot of the trigger point. The new
value does not need to be different than the previous Snapshot value to trigger an input, but
the timestamp of the new value must be greater than (more recent than) or equal to the
timestamp of the previous value. This is different than the trigger mechanism for output
points. For output points, the timestamp of the trigger value must be greater than (not greater
than or equal to) the timestamp of the previous value.
Conditions can be placed on trigger events. Event conditions are specified in the extended
descriptor as follows:
Event='trigger_tag_name' event_condition
The trigger tag name must be in single quotes. For example,
Event='Sinusoid' Anychange
will trigger on any event to the PI point sinusoid as long as the next event is different than the
last event. The initial event is read from the snapshot.
The keywords in the following table can be used to specify trigger conditions.
Event Description
Anychange Trigger on any change as long as the value of the current event is different than
the value of the previous event. System digital states also trigger events. For
example, an event will be triggered on a value change from 0 to “Bad Input,” and
an event will be triggered on a value change from “Bad Input” to 0.
Increment Trigger on any increase in value. System digital states do not trigger events.
For example, an event will be triggered on a value change from 0 to 1, but an
event will not be triggered on a value change from “Pt Created” to 0. Likewise,
an event will not be triggered on a value change from 0 to “Bad Input.”
Decrement Trigger on any decrease in value. System digital states do not trigger events.
For example, an event will be triggered on a value change from 1 to 0, but an
event will not be triggered on a value change from “Pt Created” to 0. Likewise,
an event will not be triggered on a value change from 0 to “Bad Input.”
Nonzero Trigger on any non-zero value. Events are not triggered when a system digital
state is written to the trigger point. For example, an event is triggered on a value
change from “Pt Created” to 1, but an event is not triggered on a value change
from 1 to “Bad Input.”

PI Interface for GE iFix 41

PI Point Configuration


By default, the Scan attribute has a value of 1, which means that scanning is turned on for the
point. Setting the scan attribute to 0 turns scanning off. If the scan attribute is 0 when the
Interface starts, a message is written to the log and the point is not loaded by the Interface.
There is one exception to the previous statement.
If any PI point is removed from the Interface while the Interface is running (including setting
the scan attribute to 0), SCAN OFF will be written to the PI point regardless of the value of
the Scan attribute. Two examples of actions that would remove a PI point from an interface
are to change the point source or set the scan attribute to 0. If an interface specific attribute is
changed that causes the point to be rejected by the Interface, SCAN OFF will be written to the
PI point.


A SourceTag is used in conjunction with an output point. An output point has Location2 set
to 1.


The Shutdown attribute is 1 (true) by default. The default behavior of the PI Shutdown
subsystem is to write the SHUTDOWN digital state to all PI points when PI is started. The
timestamp that is used for the SHUTDOWN events is retrieved from a file that is updated by the
Snapshot Subsystem. The timestamp is usually updated every 15 minutes, which means that
the timestamp for the SHUTDOWN events will be accurate to within 15 minutes in the event of
a power failure. For additional information on shutdown events, refer to PI Data Archive

Note: The SHUTDOWN events that are written by the PI Shutdown subsystem are
independent of the SHUTDOWN events that are written by the Interface when
the /stopstat=Shutdown command-line parameter is specified.

SHUTDOWN events can be disabled from being written to PI points when the PI Data Archive
is restarted by setting the Shutdown attribute to 0 for each point. Alternatively, the default
behavior of the PI Shutdown Subsystem can be changed to write SHUTDOWN events only for
PI points that have their Shutdown attribute set to 0. To change the default behavior, edit the
\PI\dat\Shutdown.dat file, as discussed in PI Data Archive manuals.

Bufserv and PIBufss

It is undesirable to write shutdown events when buffering is being used. Bufserv and PIBufss
are utility programs that provide the capability to store and forward events to a
PI Data Archive, allowing continuous data collection when the PI Data Archive is down for
maintenance, upgrades, backups, and unexpected failures. That is, when the PI Data Archive
is shutdown, Bufserv or PIBufss will continue to collect data for the Interface, making it
undesirable to write SHUTDOWN events to the PI points for this Interface. Disabling Shutdown
is recommended when sending data to a Highly Available PI Data Archive Collective. Refer
to the Bufserv or PIBufss manuals for additional information.


The PI identity in the PI trust that authenticates the interface must be granted read access by
the DataSecurity attribute of every PI point that the interface services. If the interface is used
without a buffering application, write access also must be granted. (If the interface is used
with a buffering application, the buffering application requires write access but the interface
does not.)


The PI identity in the PI trust that authenticates the interface must be granted read access by
the PtSecurity attribute of every PI point that the interface services.

Output Points
Output points control the flow of data from the PI Data Archive to any destination that is
external to the PI Data Archive, such as a PLC or a third-party database. For example, to
write a value to a register in a PLC, use an output point. Each interface has its own rules for
determining whether a given point is an input point or an output point. There is no de facto PI
point attribute that distinguishes a point as an input point or an output point.

Security Note: When output points are required, implement an output point
whitelist, which provides a defense against accidental or malicious changes to the
control system.

Outputs are triggered for UniInt-based interfaces. That is, outputs are not scheduled to occur
on a periodic basis. There are two mechanisms for triggering an output.
As of UniInt 3.3.4, event conditions can be placed on triggered outputs. The conditions are
specified using the same event condition keywords in the extended descriptor as described
under “Trigger-Based Inputs. The only difference is that the trigger point is specified with the
SourceTag attribute instead of with the “event” or “trig” keywords. Otherwise, the behavior
of event conditions described in section Trigger-Based Inputs is identical for output points.
For output points, event conditions are specified in the extended descriptor as follows:

Trigger Method 1 (Recommended)

For trigger method 1, a separate trigger point must be configured. The output point must have
the same point source as the interface. The trigger point can be associated with any point
source, including the point source of the interface. Also, the point type of the trigger point
does not need to be the same as the point type of the output point.
The output point is associated with the trigger point by setting the SourceTag attribute of the
output point equal to the tag name of the trigger point. An output is triggered when a new
value is sent to the Snapshot of the trigger point. The new value does not need to be different
than the previous value that was sent to the Snapshot to trigger an output, but the timestamp
of the new value must be more recent than the previous value. If no error is indicated, then
the value that was sent to the trigger point is also written to the output point. If the output is
unsuccessful, then an appropriate digital state that is indicative of the failure is usually written
PI Interface for GE iFix 43
PI Point Configuration

to the output point. If an error is not indicated, the output still may not have succeeded
because the interface may not be able to tell with certainty that an output has failed.

Trigger Method 2

For trigger method 2, a separate trigger point is not configured. To trigger an output, write a
new value to the Snapshot of the output point itself. The new value does not need to be
different than the previous value to trigger an output, but the timestamp of the new value
must be more recent than the previous value.
Trigger method 2 may be easier to configure than trigger method 1, but trigger method 2 has
a significant disadvantage. If the output is unsuccessful, there is no point to receive a digital
state that is indicative of the failure, which is very important for troubleshooting.

Chapter 8. Configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor Program

Any program that uses the Intellution EDA library for iFIX, like this interface, can prevent
iFIX itself from starting. To address this problem, the OSI_iFIXmonitor program
(OSI_iFIXmonitor.exe) is included in the interface installation kit and the interface provides
options to coordinate with iFIX that require configuration of the OSI_iFIXmonitor program
as a task that iFIX starts and stops. This section explains how to add OSI_iFIXmonitor to the
iFIX task list. Additional information about the problem and OSI_iFIXmonitor program is in
the Principles of Operation section and Appendix F: OSI_iFIXmonitor Program.
The interface installation kit stores a copy of the OSI_iFIXmonitor program in the same
directory as the interface (see section Interface Installation Directory. To add
OSI_iFIXmonitor to the iFIX task list, take the following steps.
1. Open the Intellution System Configuration Utility (SCU).
2. On the Configuration menu, select Tasks.

PI Interface for GE iFix 45

Configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor Program

3. The Task Configuration dialog box opens and shows the tasks that are already

4. To add a new task, first change the Filename box to the full path to the
OSI_iFIXmonitor program. Click to open a file browser, select the program
file, and the path will be entered in the Filename box. Or, type the full path to the
OSI_iFIXmonitor program in the Filename box.
5. The Command Line box contains command line parameters for the task. Typically,
no command line parameters are needed for OSI_iFIXmonitor. Delete any text in the
Command Line box. Parameters for the OSI_iFIXmonitor program are discussed in
Appendix F: OSI_iFIXmonitor Program.
6. In the Start Up Mode area, select the Background option. If iFIX is configured to
run as a service, Background must be selected. When iFIX is not configured as a
service, the other options are permitted, but there is usually no reason to use them.

7. Click Add to create a new entry in Configured Tasks box.

8. Click OK to close the Task Configuration dialog box.

9. Exit from the System Configuration Utility and save changes.
10. If iFIX is running, it must be stopped and restarted to start the OSI_iFIXmonitor task.
The OSI_iFIXmonitor program writes messages to the log file when it starts or stops,
which can be used to confirm that OSI_iFIXmonitor is being started and stopped by
iFIX. Also, the list on the Windows Task Manager Processes tab should include
OSI_iFIXmonitor.exe while iFIX is running.

PI Interface for GE iFix 47

Chapter 9. Startup Command File

Command-line parameters can begin with a / or with a -. For example, the /ps=M and
-ps=M command-line parameters are equivalent.
For Windows, command file names have a .bat extension. The Windows continuation
character (^) allows for the use of multiple lines for the startup command. The maximum
length of each line is 1024 characters (1 kilobyte). The number of parameters is unlimited,
and the maximum length of each parameter is 1024 characters.
The PI Interface Configuration Utility (PI ICU) provides a tool for configuring the Interface
startup command file.

Configuring the Interface with PI ICU

Note: PI ICU requires PI 3.3 or greater.

The PI Interface Configuration Utility provides a graphical user interface for configuring PI
interfaces. If the Interface is configured by the PI ICU, the batch file of the Interface (PI-
EDA.bat) will be maintained by the PI ICU and all configuration changes will be kept in that
file and the module database. The procedure below describes the necessary steps for using PI
ICU to configure the PI IntFix Interface.
From the PI ICU menu, select Interface, then NewWindows Interface Instance from EXE...,
and then Browse to the PI-EDA.exe executable file. Then, enter values for Host
PI Data server/collective, Point Source and Interface ID#. A window such as the following

PI Interface for GE iFix 49

Startup Command File

“Interface name as displayed in the ICU (optional)” will have PI- pre-pended to this name
and it will be the display name in the services menu.
Click on Add.
The following display should appear:

Note that in this example the Host PI Data server is MKELLYd630W7. To configure the
interface to communicate with a remote PI Data server, select ‘Interface => Connections…’
item from PI ICU menu and select the default server. If the remote node is not present in the
list of servers, it can be added.
Once the interface is added to PI ICU, near the top of the main PI ICU screen, the Interface
Type should be IntFix. If not, use the drop-down box to change the Interface Type to be
Click on Apply to enable the PI ICU to manage this copy of the IntFix Interface.

The next step is to make selections in the interface-specific tab (i.e. “IntFix”) that allow the
user to enter values for the startup parameters that are particular to the PI IntFix Interface.

Since the PI IntFix Interface is a UniInt-based interface, in some cases the user will need to
make appropriate selections in the UniInt page. This page allows the user to access UniInt
features through the PI ICU and to make changes to the behavior of the interface.
To set up the interface as a Windows Service, use the Service page. This page allows
configuration of the interface to run as a service as well as to starting and stopping of the
interface. The interface can also be run interactively from the PI ICU. To do that go to menu,
select the Interface item and then Start Interactive.
For more detailed information on how to use the above-mentioned and other PI ICU pages
and selections, please refer to the PI Interface Configuration Utility User Manual. The next
section describes the selections that are available from the intfix page. Once selections have
been made on the PI ICU GUI, press the Apply button in order for PI ICU to make these
changes to the interface’s startup file.

Intfix Interface page

Since the startup file of the PI IntFix Interface is maintained automatically by the PI ICU, use
the intfix page to configure the startup parameters and do not make changes in the file
manually. The following is the description of interface configuration parameters used in the
PI ICU Control and corresponding manual parameters.

PI Interface for GE iFix 51

Startup Command File


The PI IntFix ICU Control for PI ICU has three tabs. A yellow text box indicates that an
invalid value has been entered, or that a required value has not been entered.

General Settings

Startup delay (seconds)

Enabling the check box allows you to specify how many seconds the interface waits on
startup before connecting to Intellution. The default is 120. The delay allows the Intellution
software to fully start before trying to connect (/W=delay, default:120).

Enable local system time

The default behavior of the interface is to use the PI Data Archive system time for the data
timestamp. Enable this check box to have the interface use the local interface node system
time for timestamp source.
This option must be used with caution. If the local system time is ahead of the
PI Data Archive, the data may be rejected. PI discards “future” data, which is defined as any
event more than 10 minutes ahead of the PI Data Archive time. This option should only be
used if there is a compelling reason to do so (/LS)

Stop interface when iFix software has stopped

This option will cause the interface to stop if the iFix software is stopped (/STOPWITHIFIX).

Debug Levels
The interface has the option of enabling debug messaging for specific operations. Selecting
Max debug level enables messaging for all specific operations plus additional messaging.
Click on the appropriate check box to enable the desired debug messages. Note that enabling
Point checking will slow interface startup proportional to the number of points; specifically,
more points means slower interface startup (/DB=#,#,… Range:0-6).

Alarm/Event Messages

Note: When alarm/event message data collection is enabled, all points belonging to
scan class one will be used for this purpose.

It is recommended that a separate copy of the interface be run specifically for the
purpose of collecting alarm/event message data.

Enable alarm/event msg data from

The check box allows you to configure the interface to collect alarm/event message data.
Once this check box is active, it will enable the radio buttons for specifying which WUSERQ
to query (/EM Default=WUSERQ1).

String position for alarm/event data

In order to collect alarm/event data on a tag-by-tag basis, the string position and length of the
data value within the message string must be specified.
Refer to the Alarm Common Message Format Configuration box accessed through the
Intellution System Configuration Utility. On the Configure menu, click Alarms to open the
Alarm Configuration dialog box. Click Advanced to open the Advanced Alarm
Configuration box. Click Common Format to open the following dialog box:

Using the preceding illustration of the Common Message Format Configuration dialog box
as an example, note the starting string position of the Value column is 68 and the Value string
PI Interface for GE iFix 53
Startup Command File

length is 13. The starting string position is calculated by adding the string length for Date,
Time, Node, Tagname, and Alarm Type. The Column Order list does not change this
calculation as the interface receives alarm/event messages with columns in the order specified
in the Columns area; the Column Order list is of no consequence for the interface

Cluster Failover
The interface supports two forms of redundancy. One redundancy option is based on
Microsoft Cluster server. See Appendix D: Cluster Failover for a complete discussion on
operational requirements and configurations.

Enable interface cluster failover

Select this check box to use cluster failover. Upon enabling this box, the failover
configuration options will become active (/FO).

Cluster Mode:
The interface has the ability to operate with a preference for running on a specified cluster
node if at all possible. This is referred to as running with Primary bias. This behavior may be
preferred if one of the cluster nodes has proven to be more stable or otherwise performs better
than the others.
If Primary bias is selected in the Cluster mode list, then the This node is the option will be
enabled. In this box, you must select whether this cluster node is the primary or backup. Note
it is critical that only one cluster node be specified as the primary. If more than one cluster
node is specified as the primary node, they will compete for ownership of the cluster group
resource, sending the interface into an endless loop of failovers.
A Cluster mode of No bias means the interface does not attempt to control which node runs
the active interface. As a result, whichever node owns the cluster resource on startup will be
the active interface. This will remain so until there is a problem that causes failover or a user
uses the Cluster Manger to intentionally manipulate the configuration. The default value for
this option is No Bias (/CM=0 for Primary and /CM=1 for No Bias, default=1).

This Node is the:

This option is enabled when Primary bias is specified for the Cluster Mode. In this box, select
whether the current node is the primary or backup node for failover operation. The default
value for this option is Backup (/PR=0 for primary and /PR=1 for backup, Default:1).

Failover Mode:
The interface has the option of running in either warm or hot failover mode. This behavior
determines whether or not an interface running as a backup will query Intellution for point
Warm failover mode means the interface does not query for point updates when operating as
the backup node. Hot failover mode tells the interface it should query Intellution for point
updates at all times but send them only when active.
Running in hot failover mode has the advantage of minimizing the risk of missing data on
failover. However, to minimize loading on inactive cluster nodes, running in warm failover
mode is recommended. The default value for this option is Warm (/FM=0 for hot and /FM=1
for warm, Default:1)

Resource number for APIOnline:

The resource number is used to indicate the name of the apionline cluster group resource for
the interface. This number will be appended to ‘apionline’ and used for initialization on
interface startup. For example, if a value of 1 is entered, the interface will look for apionline1
as the cluster group resource. A negative number tells the interface that the resource has been
defined as simply apionline. A procedure for creating cluster group resources can be found in
the section Group and Resource Creation Using Cluster Administrator (/RN=#).

Active Interface node point:

A PI string point can be specified to receive the name of the node where the active interface
is running. The button to the right of this option can be used to launch a PI point search for
selecting the desired point (/CN=<tagname>).
The active cluster point should be configured as follows:
Attribute Value
PointSource L
PointType string
Compressing 0
ExcDev 0

In addition to receiving the name of the active interface node, this point will also receive
shutdown events whenever the interface is stopped on any of the cluster nodes. The shutdown
event will also contain the name of the machine in the following format: Shutdown

PI Interface for GE iFix 55

Startup Command File

Health Point ID
This value is used when creating UniInt health points for an interface that uses Non-UniInt
interface failover. It is used for the Location3 point attribute for UniInt health points.

UniInt Failover Enabled

If UniInt Failover is enabled, the following screen will appear when the Cluster Failover tab
is selected:

To use these options, OSI_iFixMonitor must be configured as an Intellution task (see section
Configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor Program) and the interface must be setup as a service.

Do not load Intellution libraries until local Intellution software is running

Select Do not load Intellution libraries until local Intellution software is running to configure
the PI IntFix Interface to verify that Intellution (iFIX) is running on the local node before
loading the Intellution libraries. When this option is selected and the PI IntFix Interface starts
before iFIX, the Intellution libraries will not be loaded and, therefore, the PI IntFix Interface
will not prevent iFIX from starting (/DelayLoadEDA).

OSI_iFixMonitor controls the interface service

Checking this box puts OSI_iFixMonitor in control of the interface service and enables the
configuration of the OSI_iFixMonitor program. There are two choices to pick from which
dictate how the interface will be controlled.
Stop then restart the Interface
The Stop then restart the Interface option configures OSI_iFIXmonitor to manage the PI
IntFix Interface service. When iFIX starts, iFIX starts OSI_iFIXmonitor, which starts the PI
IntFix Interface service (if it is not already running). When iFIX stops, it signals
OSI_iFIXmonitor to terminate and OSI_iFIXmonitor stops the PI IntFix Interface service,
waits for the PI IntFix Interface service to actually terminate, then restarts the PI IntFix
Interface service.

PI Interface for GE iFix 57

Startup Command File

Stop the Interface

The Stop the interface option configures OSI_iFIXmonitor to manage the PI IntFix Interface
service. When iFIX starts, iFIX starts OSI_iFIXmonitor, which starts the PI IntFix Interface
service (if it is not already running). When iFIX stops, it signals OSI_iFIXmonitor to
terminate and OSI_iFIXmonitor stops the PI IntFix Interface service. The PI IntFix Interface
service remains stopped until iFIX is restarted.

When local Intellution starts, wait # seconds before starting the Interface
When using the Stop the Interface option, a wait time can be entered for the number of
seconds to wait after iFIX starts before starting the interface. The default is not to wait but
start the interface immediately once the iFIX software is running.

Additional Parameters
This section is provided for any additional parameters that the current ICU Control does not

Note: The UniInt Interface User Manual includes details about other command-line
parameters, which may be useful.

Command-line Parameters

Note: The PI Universal Interface (UniInt) User Guide includes details about other
command-line parameters, which may be useful.

Parameter Description
/c=start:length Designate the position of data within the alarm/event string. The
Optional start value is 1 based.
*Used in conjunction with
/CacheMode Required for disconnected startup operation. If defined, the
Required /CacheMode startup parameter indicates that the interface will
Default: Not Defined be configured to utilize the disconnected startup feature.

/CachePath=path Used to specify a directory in which to create the point caching

Optional files. The directory specified must already exist on the target
machine. By default, the files are created in the same location as
Default: Not Defined
the interface executable.
If the path contains any spaces, enclose the path in quotes.

Examples with space in path name:

/CachePath=”D:\Program Files\PIPC\MyFiles”
/CachePath=”D:/Program Files/PIPC/MyFiles”
/CachePath=”D:/Program Files/PIPC/MyFiles/”
/CacheSynch=# NOTE: Care must be taken when modifying this parameter. This
Optional value must be less than the smallest scan class period defined with
the /f parameter. If the value of the /CacheSynch parameter
Default: 250 ms
is greater than the scan class value, input scans will be missed
while the point cache file is being synchronized.
The optional /CacheSynch=# startup parameter specifies the
time slice period in milliseconds (ms) allocated by UniInt for
synchronizing the interface point cache file with the
PI Data Archive. By default, the interface will synchronize the point
cache if running in the disconnected startup mode. UniInt allocates
a maximum of # ms each pass through the control loop
synchronizing the interface point cache until the file is completely
Synchronization of the point cache file can be disabled by setting
the value /CacheSynch=0. The minimum synchronization
period when cache synchronization is enabled is 50ms Whereas,
the maximum synchronization period is 3000ms (3s). Period
values of 1 to 49 will be changed by the interface to the minimum
of 50ms and values greater than 3000 will be set to the maximum
interval value of 3000ms.
Default: 250 ms
Range: {0, 50 – 3000} time in milliseconds
Example: /CacheSynch=50 (use a 50ms interval)
/CacheSynch=3000 (use a 3s interval)
/CacheSynch=0 (do not synchronize the cache)

PI Interface for GE iFix 59

Startup Command File

Parameter Description
/cm=# Cluster mode, used for cluster failover. Specifies whether the
Optional interface has a bias toward running on the primary node ( /CM=0)
*Used in conjunction with or no bias (/CM=1).
/cn=tagname When cluster failover is enabled, a PI Data Archive string point can
Optional be specified to receive the name of the node where the active
interface is running. In addition to receiving the name of the active
*Used in conjunction with
interface node, this point will also receive shutdown events
whenever the interface is stopped on any of the cluster nodes. The
shutdown event will also contain the name of the machine in the
following format: Shutdown hostname.
/db=# The interface has the option to enable debug messaging for
or specific operations.
/db=#,#,... Debug options:
Optional 1 – Maximum debug message level.
2 – Point checking on startup and point edits. Note this will slow
interface startup proportional to the number of points (more points
means slower startup).
3 – Input data.
4 – Output data.
5 – Alarm/event message data collection.
6 – Cluster failover.
/DelayLoadEDA When the interface is installed on an iFIX node, once the interface
Optional loads the EDA library and calls it, the EDA library acquires
resources whose existence will prevent iFIX from starting if it is not
already running.
If this parameter is not used, when the interface starts, the
interface loads the EDA library and begins calling it. Consequently,
if the interface starts before iFIX, iFIX will refuse to start.
The /DelayLoadEDA parameter prevents the interface from
loading or calling the EDA library until iFIX is verified to be running.
Therefore, if the interface starts before iFIX, the interface will not
prevent iFIX from starting.
Note: For the interface to verify that iFIX is running without using
the EDA library, the OSI_iFIXmonitor program must be configured
in iFIX as a task that iFIX starts. OSI_iFIXmonitor is only needed if
the /DelayLoadEDA parameter is used.
After the interface detects that iFIX is running, it loads and begins
using the EDA library. Once acquired, the resources used by the
EDA library cannot be released dynamically. If iFIX stops, iFIX will
refuse to restart until the interface terminates, which releases the
EDA library resources. See the companion parameter

Parameter Description
/ec=# The first instance of the /ec parameter on the command-line is
Optional used to specify a counter number, #, for an I/O Rate point. If the #
is not specified, then the default event counter is 1. Also, if the /ec
parameter is not specified at all, there is still a default event
counter of 1 associated with the interface. If there is an I/O Rate
point that is associated with an event counter of 1, every interface
that is running without /ec=# explicitly defined will write to the
same I/O Rate point. Either explicitly define an event counter other
than 1 for each instance of the interface or do not associate any I/O
Rate points with event counter 1. Configuration of I/O Rate points
is discussed in the section called I/O Rate Point.
For interfaces that run on Windows nodes, subsequent instances
of the /ec parameter may be used by specific interfaces to keep
track of various input or output operations. Subsequent instances
of the /ec parameter can be of the form /ec*, where * is any
ASCII character sequence. For example, /ecinput=10,
/ecoutput=11, and /ec=12 are legitimate choices for the
second, third, and fourth event counter strings.
/em Enable data collection for alarm/event messages. When specified,
Optional all points belonging to scan class 1 will be used to record alarm
data on a point for point basis. In addition, the interface can be
configured to send all alarm/event messages to a single PI string
point (/al=tagname).
The WUSERQ used for alarm/event data collection is specified
using the /qn switch.
/f=SS.## The /f parameter defines the time period between scans in terms
or of hours (HH), minutes (MM), seconds (SS) and sub-seconds (##).
/f=SS.##,SS.## The scans can be scheduled to occur at discrete moments in time
with an optional time offset specified in terms of hours ( hh),
minutes (mm), seconds (ss) and sub-seconds (##). If HH and MM
/f=HH:MM:SS.## are omitted, then the time period that is specified is assumed to be
or in seconds.
/f=HH:MM:SS.##, Each instance of the /f parameter on the command-line defines a
hh:mm:ss.## scan class for the interface. There is no limit to the number of scan
classes that can be defined. The first occurrence of the /f
Required for reading scan- parameter on the command-line defines the first scan class of the
based inputs interface; the second occurrence defines the second scan class,
and so on. PI Points are associated with a particular scan class via
the Location4 PI Point attribute. For example, all PI Points that
have Location4 set to 1 will receive input values at the frequency
defined by the first scan class. Similarly, all points that have
Location4 set to 2 will receive input values at the frequency
specified by the second scan class, and so on.
Two scan classes are defined in the following example:
/f=00:01:00,00:00:05 /f=00:00:07
or, equivalently:
/f=60,5 /f=7
The first scan class has a scanning frequency of 1 minute with an
offset of 5 seconds, and the second scan class has a scanning
frequency of 7 seconds. When an offset is specified, the scans
occur at discrete moments in time according to the formula:
scan times = (reference time) + n(frequency) + offset
where n is an integer and the reference time is midnight on the day
that the interface was started. In the above example, frequency is
60 seconds and offset is 5 seconds for the first scan class. This
means that if the interface was started at 05:06:06, the first scan
would be at 05:07:05, the second scan would be at 05:08:05, and

PI Interface for GE iFix 61

Startup Command File

Parameter Description
so on. Since no offset is specified for the second scan class, the
absolute scan times are undefined.
The definition of a scan class does not guarantee that the
associated points will be scanned at the given frequency. If the
interface is under a large load, then some scans may occur late or
be skipped entirely. See the section “Performance Summaries” in
the UniInt Interface User Manual.doc for more information on
skipped or missed scans.
Sub-second Scan Classes
Sub-second scan classes can be defined on the command-line,
such as
/f=0.5 /f=00:00:00.1
where the scanning frequency associated with the first scan class
is 0.5 seconds and the scanning frequency associated with the
second scan class is 0.1 of a second.
Similarly, sub-second scan classes with sub-second offsets can be
defined, such as
/f=0.5,0.2 /f=1,0
Wall Clock Scheduling
Scan classes that strictly adhere to wall clock scheduling are now
possible. This feature is available for interfaces that run on
Windows and/or UNIX. Previously, wall clock scheduling was
possible, but not across daylight saving time. For example,
/f=24:00:00,08:00:00 corresponds to 1 scan a day starting
at 8 AM. However, after a Daylight Saving Time change, the scan
would occur either at 7 AM or 9 AM, depending upon the direction
of the time shift. To schedule a scan once a day at 8 AM (even
across daylight saving time), use
/f=24:00:00,00:08:00,L. The ,L at the end of the scan
class tells UniInt to use the new wall clock scheduling algorithm.
/fm=# The interface has the option of running in either warm or hot
Optional failover mode. This behavior determines whether or not an
interface running as a backup will query Intellution for point
*Used in conjunction with
Warm failover mode means the interface does not query for point
Default=1 updates when operating as the backup node. Hot failover mode
tells the interface it should query Intellution for point updates at all
times but send them only when active.
The advantage of running in hot failover mode is that you minimize
the risk of missing data on failover. However, to minimize loading
on inactive cluster nodes, OSIsoft recommends running in warm
failover mode. The default value for this option is Warm.
0 -> Hot
1 -> Warm
/fo Enables cluster failover support.
Optional A complete discussion on failover operation and configuration can
be found in Appendix D: Cluster Failover.
/h Running the interface from a command prompt with /h as the only
parameter causes the interface to print its version and a list of
parameters – essentially an on line summary of this table.
/help or /? Running the interface from a command prompt with /help or /?
As the only parameter causes UniInt to print its version, a list of
UniInt Service configuration parameters, and a list of UniInt generic
interface parameters.

Parameter Description
/host=host:port The /host parameter specifies the PI Data Archive node. Host
Required is the IP address or the domain name of the PI Data Archive node.
Port is the port number for TCP/IP communication. The port is
always 5450. It is recommended to explicitly define the host and
port on the command-line with the /host parameter.
Nevertheless, if either the host or port is not specified, the interface
will attempt to use defaults.


The interface is running on an interface node, the domain name of

the PI Data Archive node is Marvin, and the IP address of Marvin is Valid /host parameters would be:
/id=x The /id parameter is used to specify the interface identifier.
Highly Recommended The interface identifier is a string that is no longer than 9
characters in length. UniInt concatenates this string to the header
that is used to identify error messages as belonging to a particular
interface. See the Appendix A Error and Informational Messages
for more information.
UniInt always uses the /id parameter in the fashion described
above. This interface also uses the /id parameter to identify a
particular interface copy number that corresponds to an integer
value that is assigned to one of the Location code point attributes,
most frequently Location1. For this interface, use only numeric
characters in the identifier. For example,
/ls The default behavior of the interface is to use the PI Data Archive
Optional system time for the data timestamp. Use /ls to specify that the
interface should use the local interface node system time for
timestamp source.
This option must be used with caution. If the local system time is
ahead of the PI Data Archive, the data may be rejected. PI
discards “future” data, which is defined as any event more than 10
minutes ahead of the PI Data Archive time. This option should only
be used if there is a compelling reason to do so.
/pr=# When cluster failover is enabled and the cluster mode is set for
Optional primary bias, this switch is used to designate the local node as
*Used in conjunction with primary (/pr=0) or backup (/pr=1).
/fo and /cm=0
/ps=x The /ps parameter specifies the point source for the interface. X
Required is not case sensitive and can be any single or multiple character
string. For example, /ps=P and /ps=p are equivalent. The
length of X is limited to 100 characters by UniInt. X can contain any
character except ‘*’ and ‘?’.
The point source that is assigned with the /ps parameter
corresponds to the PointSource attribute of individual PI Points.
The interface will attempt to load only those PI points with the
appropriate point source.
If the PI API version being used is prior to 1.6.x or the
PI Data Archive version is prior to 3.4.370.x, the PointSource is
limited to a single character unless the SDK is being used.

PI Interface for GE iFix 63

Startup Command File

Parameter Description
/qn=# When alarm/event message data collection is enabled, this switch
Optional is used to specify whether WUSERQ1 (/qn=1) or WUSERQ2
*Used in conjunction with (/qn=2) is used for the data source.
Default: 1
/rn=# The resource number is used to indicate the name of the apionline
Optional cluster group resource for the interface. This number will be
appended to ‘apionline’ and used for initialization on interface
*Used in conjunction with
startup. For example, if you enter a value of 1, the interface will
look for apionline1 as the cluster group resource. A negative
number tells the interface that the resource has been defined as
simply apionline. A procedure for creating cluster group resources
can be found in the section Group and Resource Creation Using
Cluster Administrator.
/sio The /sio parameter stands for “suppress initial outputs.” The
Optional parameter applies only for interfaces that support outputs. If the
/sio parameter is not specified, the interface will behave in the
following manner.
When the interface is started, the interface determines the current
Snapshot value of each output point. Next, the interface writes this
value to each output point. In addition, whenever an individual
output point is edited while the interface is running, the interface
will write the current Snapshot value to the edited output point.
This behavior is suppressed if the /sio parameter is specified on
the command-line. That is, outputs will not be written when the
interface starts or when an output point is edited. In other words,
when the /sio parameter is specified, outputs will only be written
when they are explicitly triggered.

Parameter Description
/stopstat=digstate If /stopstat=digstate is present on the command line, then
or the digital state, digstate, will be written to each PI Point when
/stopstat the interface is stopped. For a PI Data Archive, digstate must
be in the system digital state table. . UniInt will use the first
occurrence of digstate found in the table.
/stopstat only is
If the /stopstat parameter is present on the startup command
equivalent to
line, then the digital state “Intf Shut” will be written to each PI
Point when the interface is stopped.
If neither /stopstat nor /stopstat=digstate is specified
on the command line, then no digital states will be written when the
Optional interface is shut down.
Default = no digital state
written at shutdown.
Note: The /stopstat parameter is disabled If the
interface is running in a UniInt failover configuration as
defined in the UniInt Failover Configuration section of this
manual. Therefore, the digital state, digstate, will not be
written to each PI Point when the interface is stopped. This
prevents the digital state being written to PI Points while a
redundant system is also writing data to the same PI Points.
The /stopstat parameter is disabled even if there is only
one interface active in the failover configuration.

/stopstat=”Intf Shut”
The entire digstate value should be enclosed within double
quotes when there is a space in digstate.
/StopWithFIX When the interface is installed on an iFIX node, once the interface
Optional loads the EDA library and calls it, the EDA library acquires
resources whose existence will prevent iFIX from starting if it is not
already running. Once acquired, the resources used by the EDA
library cannot be released dynamically and are only released when
the interface terminates. If iFIX stops after the interface begins
calling the EDA library, iFIX will refuse to restart until all EDA client
programs, including the interface, terminate and consequently
release the EDA library resources.
The /StopWithFIX parameter causes the interface to terminate
itself when it detects that iFIX has changed from running to
stopped. When the interface terminates, the EDA library resources
are released, so iFIX will not be prevented from restarting.
Note that the interface does not simply check for iFIX not running;
iFIX must transition from running to stopped for the interface to
self-terminate. Otherwise, the interface would immediately
terminate if it were started before iFIX. When the interface is (or
can be) started before iFIX, the companion parameter
/DelayLoadEDA must also be used to prevent the interface from
using the EDA library before iFIX starts.
Note: This parameter causes the interface to terminate. If the
interface is configured as a Windows service (the usual case), do
not use this parameter. Instead, configure the OSI_iFIXmonitor
program to control the interface service. See section Configuring
the Interface with PI ICU or Appendix F: OSI_iFIXmonitor Program.

PI Interface for GE iFix 65

Startup Command File

Parameter Description
/UFO_ID=# Failover ID. This value must be different from the Failover ID of the
other interface in the failover pair. It can be any positive, non-zero
Required for UniInt failover
phase 1 or 2
/UFO_Interval=# Failover Update Interval
Specifies the heartbeat update interval in milliseconds and must be
Optional the same on both interface computers.
Default: 1000 for phase 1 This is the rate at which UniInt updates the failover heartbeat
failover points as well as how often UniInt checks on the status of the other
copy of the interface.
Default: 5000 for phase 2

Valid values are 50-20000.

/UFO_OtherID=# Other Failover ID. This value must be equal to the Failover ID
configured for the other interface in the failover pair.
Required for UniInt failover
phase 1 or 2
/UFO_Sync=path/[fi The Failover File Synchronization Filepath and Optional Filename
lename] specify the path to the shared file used for failover synchronization
and an optional filename used to specify a user defined filename in
lieu of the default filename.
Required for UniInt
Interface Level Failover
Phase 2 synchronization. The path to the shared file directory can be a fully qualified
machine name and directory, a mapped drive letter, or a local path
if the shared file is on one of the interface nodes. The path must be
Any valid pathname / any
terminated by a slash ( / ) or backslash ( \ ) character. If no d
valid filename
terminating slash is found, in the /UFO_Sync parameter, the
The default filename is
interface interprets the final character string as an optional
generated as filename.
ce_interfaceID.dat The optional filename can be any valid filename. If the file does not
exist, the first interface to start attempts to create the file.
Note: If using the optional filename, do not supply a terminating
slash or backslash character.
If there are any spaces in the path or filename, the entire path and
filename must be enclosed in quotes.
Note: If you use the backslash and path separators and enclose
the path in double quotes, the final backslash must be a double
backslash (\\). Otherwise the closing double quote becomes part
of the parameter instead of a parameter separator.
Each node in the failover configuration must specify the same path
and filename and must have read, write, and file creation rights to
the shared directory specified by the path parameter.
The service that the interface runs against must specify a valid
logon user account under the “Log On” tab for the service
/UFO_Type=type The Failover Type indicates which type of failover configuration the
interface will run. The valid types for failover are HOT, WARM, and
COLD configurations.
Required for UniInt failover
phase 2. If an interface does not supported the requested type of failover,
the interface will shut down and log an error to the log file stating
the requested failover type is not supported.

Parameter Description
/uht_id=# The /uht_id=# command-line parameter is used to specify a
Optional unique ID for interfaces that are run in a redundant mode without
Required if any type of using the UniInt failover mechanism. There are several OSIsoft
failover other than UniInt interfaces that are UniInt based and implement their own version of
failover phase 1 or 2 is failover. In order for health point(s) to be configured to monitor a
supported. single copy of the interface, an additional parameter is required. If
the /uht_id=# is specified, only health points with a location3
value equal to # will be loaded.
/w=# This specifies how many seconds the interface waits on startup
Optional before connecting to Intellution allowing it to fully start.
Default: 120

Sample PI-EDA.bat File

The following is an example file:
REM Sample startup command file for the
REM Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX)
REM ============================================================
REM OSIsoft strongly recommends using PI ICU to modify startup files.
REM Sample command line
.\PI-EDA.exe ^
/host=XXXXXX:5450 ^
/ps=IntFix ^
/id=1 ^
/w=120 ^
/ec=2 ^
/f=00:00:01 ^
/em ^
REM End of PI-EDA.bat File

PI Interface for GE iFix 67

Chapter 10. UniInt Failover Configuration


To minimize data loss during a single point of failure within a system, UniInt provides two
failover schemas: (1) synchronization through the data source and (2) synchronization
through a shared file. Synchronization through the data source is Phase 1, and
synchronization through a shared file is Phase 2.
Phase 1 UniInt Failover uses the data source itself to synchronize failover operations and
provides a hot failover, no data loss solution when a single point of failure occurs. For this
option, the data source must be able to communicate with and provide data for two interfaces
simultaneously. Additionally, the failover configuration requires the interface to support
Phase 2 UniInt Failover uses a shared file to synchronize failover operations and provides for
hot, warm, or cold failover. The Phase 2 hot failover configuration provides a no data loss
solution for a single point of failure similar to Phase 1. However, in warm and cold failover
configurations, you can expect a small period of data loss during a single point of failure

Note: Although both failover methods successfully maintain continuous data flow
OSIsoft recommends using Phase 2 because it is supported by more interfaces.

Phase 1 is appropriate in only two situations: (1) if performance degradation

occurs using the shared file or (2) read/write permissions for the shared file cannot
be granted to both interfaces.

PI Interface for GE iFix 69

UniInt Failover Configuration

You can also configure UniInt failover to send data to a High Availability (HA)
PI Data Archive collective. The collective provides redundant PI Data Archives to allow for
the uninterrupted collection and presentation of time series data. In an HA configuration,
PI Data Archives can be taken down for maintenance or repair. The HA PI Data Archive
collective is described in the High Availability Administrator Guide.
When configured for UniInt failover, the interface routes all PI point data through a state
machine. The state machine determines whether to queue data or send it directly to a PI point
depending on the current state of the interface. When the interface is in the active state, data
sent through the interface is routed directly to a PI point. In the backup state, data from the
interface is queued for a short period. Queued data in the backup interface ensures a no-data
loss failover under normal circumstances for phase 1 and for the hot failover configuration of
phase 2. The same algorithm of queuing events while in backup is used for output data.
Quick Overview
The Quick Overview below may be used to configure this Interface for failover. The failover
configuration requires the two copies of the interface participating in failover be installed on
different nodes. Users should verify non-failover interface operation as discussed in the
Installation Checklist section of this manual prior to configuring the interface for failover
operations. If you are not familiar with UniInt failover configuration, return to this section
after reading the rest of the UniInt Failover Configuration section in detail. If a failure occurs
at any step below, correct the error and start again at the beginning of step 6 Test in the table
below. For the discussion below, the first copy of the interface configured and tested will be
considered the primary interface and the second copy of the interface configured will be the
backup interface.

 One Data Source
 Two Interfaces

 Interface 1 is the Primary interface for collection of PI data from the data source.
 Interface 2 is the Backup interface for collection of PI data from the data source.
 Phase 1: The data source must be configured with six failover control points (input
and output points for three failover control types):
(1) Active ID.
(2) Heartbeat for Interface 1.
(3) Heartbeat for Interface 2.
 You must set up a shared file if using Phase 2 failover..
 Phase 2: The shared file must store data for five failover control points:
(1) Active ID.
(2) Heartbeat 1.
(3) Heartbeat 2.
(4) Device Status 1.
(5) Device Status 2.
 Each interface must be configured with two required failover command line
parameters: (1) its FailoverID number (/UFO_ID); (2) the FailoverID number of its
Backup interface (/UFO_OtherID). You must also specify the name of the
PI Data Archive host for exceptions and PI point updates.
 All other configuration parameters for the two interfaces must be identical.

PI Interface for GE iFix 71

UniInt Failover Configuration

Synchronization through the Data Source (Phase 1)

Active ID
Heartbeat 1
Heartbeat 2
Data register 0
. DCS/PLC/Data Server
Data register n

Process Network

IF-Node1 IF-Node2
PI-Interface.exe PI-Interface.exe
/host=PrimaryPI /host=SecondaryPI

Business Network

Client PrimaryPI SecondaryPI

Process Book PI Server PI Server
DataLink Role = 1 Role = 2

Figure 1: Failover Architecture Phase 1 – Synchronization through the Data Source

Figure 1 shows Phase 1 failover architecture. The diagram shows a typical network setup.
This by no means represents the myriad possible network configurations; it is an example
only for the following discussions. This example is explained in greater detail after the
discussion of the start-up parameters, data source points, and PI points.

Configuring Synchronization through the Data Source (Phase 1)
Step Description
1. Verify non-failover interface operation as described in the Installation Checklist section
of this manual
2. Configure Points on the Data Source
Create three points (Active ID, Heartbeat 1 and Heartbeat 2) on the data source. The
interface must be able to read from and write to these points. The ActiveID must accept
values from 0 to the highest failover ID. The two heartbeat points must accept values
from 0 to 31.
See the Data Source Points section below.
3. Use the Interface Configuration Utility to configure the interface parameters
Enable failover by selecting “Enable UniInt Failover” in the Failover section of the
Interface Configuration Utility (ICU) and assign the appropriate number for the two
Failover IDs: (1) a Failover ID number for the interface; and (2) the Failover ID number
for its backup interface.
The Failover ID for each interface must be unique and each interface must know the
Failover ID of its backup interface.
All other command line parameters for the Primary and Backup interfaces must be
If you are using a PI Data Archive collective, you must specifically identify the primary
and backup interfaces as different members of the collective.
[Optional] Set the update rate for the heartbeat point if the input points are unsolicited.
4. Configure the PI points
You must configure six PI points for the interface (input and output points for each of the
three failover points on the data source). For more information about configuring input
and output points, refer to the PI Point Configuration chapter
You can also configure two state points for monitoring the status of the interfaces.
Tag ExDesc digitalset
(IF-Node1) ]
IF1_HB_Out [UFO_HEARTBEAT:# The remaining attributes must
(IF-Node1) ] be configured according to
the PI Point Configuration
IF2_HB_In [UFO_HEARTBEAT:# chapter so the PI points map
(IF-Node2) ] to the correct points on the
IF2_HB_Out data source
(IF-Node2) ]
[UFO_STATE:#] IF_State
[UFO_STATE:#] IF_State
5. If using PI APS versions earlier than to synchronize the Data Source and PI
points, special attention must be paid to the failover control points. Check that the
failover control points are not included in the PI APS synchronization scheme.
Synchronizing the control points will cause the failover points to be edited by PI APS
and may result in possible interface shutdown.
6. Test the configuration.
Run the interface with the six Failover Control PI points to ensure their proper operation.

PI Interface for GE iFix 73

UniInt Failover Configuration

Step Description
1. Start the primary interface interactively without buffering.
2. Verify a successful interface start by reviewing the log file. The log file will contain
messages that indicate the failover state of the interface. A successful start with
only a single interface copy running will be indicated by an informational message
stating “UniInt failover: Interface in the “Primary” state
and actively sending data to PI. Backup interface not
available.” If the interface has failed to start, an error message will appear in
the log file. For details relating to informational and error messages, refer to the
Messages section below.
3. For example, verify data on the FIX32/iFix node using the Database Builder Utility.
 The Active ID control point on the FIX32/iFix node must be set to the
value of the running copy of the interface as defined by the /UFO_ID
startup command-line parameter.
 The Heartbeat control point on the FIX32/iFix node must be changing
values at a rate specified by the /UFO_Interval startup command-
line parameter.
4. Verify data on the PI Data Archive using available PI tools.
 The Active ID control point on the PI Data Archive must be set to the
value of the running copy of the interface as defined by the /UFO_ID
startup command-line parameter.
 The Heartbeat control point on the PI Data Archive must be changing
values at a rate specified by the /UFO_Interval startup command-
line parameter.
5. Stop the primary interface.
6. Start the backup interface interactively without buffering. Notice that this copy will
become the primary because the other copy is stopped.
7. Repeat steps 2, 3, 4 and 5.
8. Stop the backup interface.
9. Start buffering.
10. Start the primary interface interactively.
11. Once the primary interface has successfully started and is collecting data, start the
backup interface interactively.
12. Verify that both copies of the interface are running in a failover configuration.
 Review the log file for the copy of the interface that was started first.
The log file will contain messages that indicate the failover state of the
interface. The state of this interface must have changed as indicated
with an informational message stating “UniInt failover:
Interface in the “Primary” state and actively sending
data to PI. Backup interface available.” If the interface
has not changed to this state, browse the log file for error messages.
For details relating to informational and error messages, refer to the
Messages section below.
 Review the log file for the copy of the interface that was started last.
The log file will contain messages that indicate the failover state of the
interface. A successful start of the interface will be indicated by an
informational message stating “UniInt failover: Interface in
the “Backup” state.” If the interface has failed to start, an error
message will appear in the log file. For details relating to informational
and error messages, refer to the Messages section below.
13. For example: verify data on the FIX32/iFix node using the Database Builder utility.
 The Active ID control point on the FIX32/iFix node must be set to the

Step Description
value of the running copy of the interface that was started first as
defined by the /UFO_ID startup command-line parameter.
 The Heartbeat control points for both copies of the interface on the
FIX32/iFix node must be changing values at a rate specified by the
/UFO_Interval startup command-line parameter.
14. Verify data on the PI Data Archive using available PI tools.
 The Active ID control point on the PI Data Archive must be set to the
value of the running copy of the interface that was started first as
defined by the /UFO_ID startup command-line parameter.
 The Heartbeat control points for both copies of the interface on the
PI Data Archive must be changing values at a rate specified by the
/UFO_Interval startup command-line parameter or the scan class
which the points have been built against.
15. Test Failover by stopping the primary interface.
16. Verify the backup interface has assumed the role of primary by searching the log
file for a message indicating the backup interface has changed to the “UniInt
failover: Interface in the “Primary” state and actively
sending data to PI. Backup interface not available.” The
backup interface is now considered primary and the previous primary interface is
now backup.
17. Verify no loss of data in the PI Data Archive. There may be an overlap of data due
to the queuing of data. However, there must be no data loss.
18. Start the backup interface. Once the primary interface detects a backup interface,
the primary interface will now change state indicating “UniInt failover:
Interface in the “Primary” state and actively sending
data to PI. Backup interface available.” In the log file.
19. Verify the backup interface starts and assumes the role of backup. A successful
start of the backup interface will be indicated by an informational message stating
“UniInt failover: Interface in “Backup” state.” Since this is
the initial state of the interface, the informational message will be near the
beginning of the start sequence of the log file.
20. Test failover with different failure scenarios (e.g. loss of PI Data Archive connection
for a single interface copy). UniInt failover guarantees no data loss with a single
point of failure. Verify no data loss by checking the data in the PI Data Archive and
on the data source.
21. Stop both copies of the interface, start buffering, start each interface as a service.
22. Verify data as stated above.
23. To designate a specific interface as primary. Set the Active ID point on the Data
Source Server of the desired primary interface as defined by the /UFO_ID startup
command-line parameter.

PI Interface for GE iFix 75

UniInt Failover Configuration

Configuring UniInt Failover through the Data Source (Phase 1)

Start-Up Parameters

Note: The /stopstat parameter is disabled If the interface is running in a UniInt

failover configuration. Therefore, the digital state, digstate, will not be written to
each PI Point when the interface is stopped. This prevents the digital state being
written to PI Points while a redundant system is also writing data to the same PI
Points. The /stopstat parameter is disabled even if there is only one interface
active in the failover configuration.

The following table lists the start-up parameters used by UniInt Failover. All of the
parameters are required except the /UFO_Interval startup parameter.
Parameter Required/ Description Value/Default
/UFO_ID=# Required Failover ID for IF-Node1 Any positive, non-
This value must be different from the zero integer / 1
failover ID of IF-Node2.
Required Failover ID for IF-Node2 Any positive, non-
This value must be different from the zero integer / 2
failover ID of IF-Node1.
/UFO_OtherID=# Required Other Failover ID for IF-Node1 Same value as
The value must be equal to the Failover ID Failover ID for
configured for the interface on IF-Node2. IF-Node2 / 2
Required Other Failover ID for IF-Node2 Same value as
The value must be equal to the Failover ID Failover ID for
configured for the interface on IF-Node1. IF-Node1 / 1
/UFO_Interval=# Optional Failover Update Interval 50 – 20000 / 1000
Specifies the update Interval in
milliseconds and must be the same on
both interface computers.
This is the rate at which UniInt updates
the failover heartbeat points as well as
how often UniInt checks on the status of
the other copy of the interface.
The /UFO_Interval is only used if the
failover control input PI points are
collected on an unsolicited basis. If the
input PI points are scanned, the failover
update interval is determined by the scan
class associated with the points.

Parameter Required/ Description Value/Default
/Host=server Required Host PI Data Archive for Exceptions and For IF-Node1
PI point updates PrimaryPI / None
The value of the /Host startup For IF-Node2
parameter depends on the SecondaryPI /
PI Data Archive configuration. If the None
PI Data Archive is not part of a collective,
the value of /Host must be identical on
both interface computers.
If the redundant interfaces are being
configured to send data to a
PI Data Archive collective, the value of the
/Host parameters on the different
interface nodes must point to different
members of the collective.
This configuration ensures that outputs
continue to be sent to the Data Source if
one of the PI Data Archives becomes
unavailable for any reason.

Data Source Points

The following table identifies the points that are required to manage failover and the values
used for each PI attribute.
The following table explains each of the points required on the data source in more detail.
Point Description Value / Default
ActiveID Monitored by the interfaces to determine which From 0 to the highest
interface is currently sending data to the Interface Failover ID
PI Data Archive. ActiveID must be initialized so number / None)
that when the interfaces read it for the first time, Updated by the
it is not an error. redundant Interfaces
ActiveID can also be used to force failover. For Can be changed
example, if the current Primary is IF-Node 1 and manually to initiate a
ActiveID is 1, you can manually change manual failover
ActiveID to 2. This causes the interface at IF-
Node2 to transition to the primary role and the
interface at IF-Node1 to transition to the backup
Heartbeat 1 Updated periodically by the interface on Values range between
IF-Node1. The interface on IF-Node2 monitors 0 and 31 / None
this value to determine if the interface on Updated by the
IF-Node1 has become unresponsive. Interface on IF-Node1
Heartbeat 2 Updated periodically by the interface on Values range between
IF-Node2. The interface on IF-Node1 monitors 0 and 31 / None
this value to determine if the interface on Updated by the
IF-Node2 has become unresponsive. Interface on IF-Node2

PI Interface for GE iFix 77

UniInt Failover Configuration

PI Points

The following tables list the required UniInt failover control PI points, the values they will
receive, and descriptions.

Active_ID Point Configuration

Attributes ActiveID IN AcitveID OUT
Tag <Intf>_Active_IN <Intf>_Active_OUT
Compmax 0 0
ExDesc [UFO_ActiveID] [UFO_ActiveID]
Location1 Match # in /id=# Match # in /id=#
Point Source Match x in /ps=x Match x in /ps=x
Point Type Int32 Int32
Shutdown 0 0
Step 1 1

Heartbeat Point Configuration

Attribute Heartbeat 1 IN Heartbeat 1 OUT Heartbeat 2 IN Heartbeat 2 OUT
Tag <HB1>_IN <HB1>_OUT <HB2>_IN <HB2>_OUT
[UFO_Heartbeat:#] [UFO_Heartbeat:#] [UFO_Heartbeat:#] [UFO_Heartbeat:#]
ExDesc Match # in Match # in Match # in Match # in
/UFO_ID=# /UFO_ID=# /UFO_OtherID=# /UFO_OtherID=#
Location1 Match # in /id=# Match # in /id=# Match # in /id=# Match # in /id=#
Match x in /ps=x Match x in /ps=x Match x in /ps=x Match x in /ps=x
Point Type int32 int32 int32 int32
Shutdown 0 0 0 0
Step 1 1 1 1

Interface State Point Configuration

Attribute Primary Backup
Tag <Tagname1> <Tagname2>
Compmax 0 0
DigitalSet UFO_State UFO_State
ExDesc [UFO_State:#] [UFO_State:#]
(Match /UFO_ID=# on primary node) (Match /UFO_ID=# on backup node)
Location1 Match # in /id=# Same as for Primary node
PointSource Match x in /ps=x Same as for Primary node
PointType digital digital
Shutdown 0 0
Step 1 1

The following table describes the extended descriptor for the above PI points in more detail.
PI Point ExDesc Required / Description Value /
Optional Default
[UFO_ACTIVEID] Required The active ID input point must be 0 – highest
configured as an input PI point for the Failover ID /
(Used for both the interface and it must be configured to read None
ActiveID IN and OUT the ActiveID on the data source. Updated by the
points.) Consult the PI Point Configuration chapter redundant
for a description of configuring input Interfaces
The ExDesc must start with the case
sensitive string: [UFO_ACTIVEID]
[UFO_HEARTBEAT:#] Required The Heartbeat 1 Output Point must be 0 – 31 / None
(IF-Node1) configured as an output PI point for the Updated by the
interface and it must be configured to interface on
write to the Heartbeat 1 point on the data Node 1
Consult the PI Point Configuration chapter
for information about configuring output
The ExDesc must start with the case
sensitive string: [UFO_HEARTBEAT:#]
The number following the colon (:) must
be the Failover ID for the interface running
on IF-Node1.
[UFO_HEARTBEAT:#] Required The Heartbeat 2 Input Point must be 0 – 31 / None
(IF-Node2) configured as an input PI point for the Updated by the
interface and it must be configured to read interface on
the Heartbeat 2 Point on the Data Source. Node 2
Consult the PI Point Configuration chapter
for information about configuring input
The ExDesc must start with the case
sensitive string: [UFO_HEARTBEAT:#]
The number following the colon (:) must
be the Failover ID for the interface running
on IF-Node2.

PI Interface for GE iFix 79

UniInt Failover Configuration

PI Point ExDesc Required / Description Value /

Optional Default
[UFO_STATE:#] Optional The failover state points are optional and 0 – 5 / None
(IF-Node1) do not require a point on the Data Source. Updated by the
The value of the state point can be written Primary
to the data source by configuring a normal Interface
interface output point and setting the
SourceTag attribute to the failover state
The number following the colon (:) must
be the Failover ID for the interface running
on IF-Node1.
The failover state points are digital points
assigned to a digital state set with the
following values.
0 = Off: The interface has been shut
1 = Backup No Data Source: The
interface is running but is unable to
communicate to the data source.
2 = Backup No PI Connection: The
interface is running and connected to the
data source but has lost its
communication to the PI Data Archive.
3 = Backup: The interface is running and
collecting data normally and is ready to
take over if the primary shuts down or
experiences problems.
4 = Transition: The interface stays in this
state for only a short period of time. The
transition period is designed to prevent
thrashing when both primary and backup
interfaces attempt to assume the role of
the primary interface.
5 = Primary: The interface is running,
collecting data, and sending the data to
the PI Data Archive.
[UFO_STATE:#] Optional The failover state points are optional and 0 – 5 / None
(IF-Node2) do not require a point on the data source. Updated by the
The value of the state point can be written Backup
to the data source by configuring a normal Interface
interface output point and setting the
SourceTag attribute to the failover state
The number following the colon (:) must
be the Failover ID for the interface running
on IF-Node2.

Detailed Explanation of Synchronization through the Data Source

Active ID
Heartbeat 1
Heartbeat 2
Data register 0
. DCS/PLC/Data Server
Data register n

Process Network

IF-Node1 IF-Node2
PI-Interface.exe PI-Interface.exe
/host=PrimaryPI /host=SecondaryPI

Business Network

Client PrimaryPI SecondaryPI

Process Book PI Server PI Server
DataLink Role = 1 Role = 2

Figure 2 Synchronization through Data Source (Phase 1) Failover Architecture

Synchronization through the data source uses two separate interface nodes communicating
with the data source. The failover scheme requires six failover control points in the
PI Data Archive and three control points on the data source to control failover operation. The
PI points initialize the interface with configuration information for reading and writing to the
control points on the data source. Once the interface is configured and running, the ability to
read or write to the PI points is not required for failover operation because only the control
points on the data source are monitored. However, the PI point values are sent to the
PI Data Archive so that you can monitor them with standard OSIsoft client tools. You can
force manual failover by changing the active ID point on the data source to the backup
failover ID.
The figure above shows a typical network in the normal or steady state. This diagram doesn’t
represent the myriad configurations that can be supported; it is simply an example for the
following discussions. If your hardware configuration differs from the figure, the settings for
the Primary and Backup interfaces remain the same with the exception of the /host startup
parameter. If the interfaces communicate with a stand-alone PI Data Archive, the /host
parameter for both interfaces must be the same.

PI Interface for GE iFix 81

UniInt Failover Configuration

To ensure that output to the data source continues when a PI Data Archive in the collective
becomes unavailable, the interface running on the primary node (IF-Node1) needs the /host
parameter set to a PI Data Archive that is part of the collective, and the interface running on
the backup node (IF-Node2) needs the /host parameter set to a different PI Data Archive in
the same collective.
The continued operation of output when a PI Data Archive becomes unavailable presumes the
source data for output data (that is, data read from the PI Data Archive and written to the data
source) comes into the PI Data Archive from a process that sends values to all of the
PI Data Archives in the collective via n-way buffering.
The solid red line in the figure shows input data flow when the interface on IF-Node1 is in
the primary state. The data is read from the data source by the interface and sent to a buffer.
Buffering sends the input data to all of the PI Data Archives in the collective via n-way
The solid blue line shows output data flow. Since the interface on IF-Node1 is configured
with /host=PrimaryPI, the interface signs up for exceptions with the PI Data Archive on
PrimaryPI. Exceptions are received by the interface and sent to the data source via the
The dashed red line shows input data flow to the backup interface. The dashed line stops at
the interface because the interface does not send the data to buffering unless the interface is in
the primary state. If the backup interface transitions to the primary state for any reason, the
backup interface begins to send the input data to buffering. Buffering continues to write the
data to all of the PI Data Archives in the collective via n-way buffering.
The dashed blue line shows output data flow to the backup interface. The dashed line stops at
the interface because an interface does not send data to the data source unless the interface is
in the primary state. When the backup interface becomes the primary for any reason, it begins
to send output data to the data source.
In the event that the Primary PI Data Archive becomes unavailable for any reason, the
primary interface informs the backup interface that it has lost its connection to the
PI Data Archive. The backup interface becomes the primary interface because its status is
better than the current primary interface. However, if the entire network goes off line and
both primary and backup interfaces lose their connection to their respective PI Data Archives,
the primary interface remains primary because the current status of the backup interface is the
same as the primary, not better. In this case, output data cannot flow to the data source
because there is no way for any of the interfaces to get the exception data.

Steady State Operation

Steady state operation is considered the normal operating condition. In this state, the primary
interface is actively collecting data and sending its data to the PI Data Archive. The primary
interface is also updating its heartbeat point, monitoring the heartbeat point for the backup
interface, and checking the ActiveID every failover update interval. In this state, the backup
interface is actively collecting and queuing data but not sending the received data to the
PI Data Archive. It too is updating its heartbeat point, monitoring the heartbeat point for the
primary interface, and checking the ActiveID every failover update interval. As long as the
heartbeat point for the primary interface indicates that it is operating properly and the
ActiveID has not changed, the backup interface will continue in this mode of operation.
The interaction of the control points is fundamental to failover. The discussion that follows
only refers to the data written to the control points on the data source. However, every value
written to the control points on the data source is echoed to the control points in the
PI Data Archive. Updating of the control points is assumed to take place unless
communication with the PI Data Archive is interrupted. The updates to the PI Data Archive
will be buffered by Bufserv or PIBufss in this case.
Each interface copy participating in the failover solution queues two failover intervals worth
of data to prevent any data loss. When a failover occurs, there may be a period of overlapping
data for up to 2 intervals. The exact amount of overlap is determined by the timing and the
cause of the failover and may be different every time. Using the default update interval of 1
second will result in overlapping data between 0 and 2 seconds. The no data loss claim is
based on a single point of failure. If both interfaces have trouble collecting data for the same
period of time, data will be lost during that time.
As mentioned above, each interface has its own heartbeat point. In normal operation, the
value of the Heartbeat point on the data source is incremented by UniInt from 1 – 15 and then
wraps around to a value of 1 again. UniInt increments the heartbeat point on the data source
every failover update interval. The default failover update interval is 1 second. UniInt also
reads the value of the heartbeat point for the other interface copy participating in failover
every failover update interval. If the connection to the PI Data Archive is lost, the value of the
heartbeat point increments from 17 – 31 and then wrap around to a value of 17 again. Once
the connection to the PI Data Archive is restored, the heartbeat values revert back to the 1 to
15 range. During a normal shutdown process, the heartbeat value is set to zero.
During steady state, the ActiveID is the failover ID of the primary interface. This value is set
by UniInt when the interface enters the primary state and is not changed by the primary
interface until it shuts down gracefully. During shutdown, the primary interface sets the
ActiveID to zero before shutting down. The backup interface can assume control as primary
even if the current primary is not experiencing a problem. You can force this transition by
setting the ActiveID control point on the data source to the failover ID of the desired
To prevent data loss during failover, the backup interface continuously queues data in
memory for the two most recent failover update intervals. As long as the backup interface
determines that the primary interface is in good status, the backup interface simply maintains
this queue with the most recent data. When the backup interface transitions to primary status,
the backup begins transmitting to PI starting with the queued data

PI Interface for GE iFix 83

UniInt Failover Configuration

Synchronization through a Shared File (Phase 2)

Data register 0
. DataSource
. DCS/PLC/Data Server
Data register n

Process Network

IF-Node1 IF-Node2
.\UFO\Intf_PS_1.dat PI-Interface.exe
/host=PrimaryPI /host=SecondaryPI
/UFO_SYNC=\\FileSvr\UFO\Intf_PS_1.dat /UFO_SYNC=\\FileSvr\UFO\Intf_PS_1.dat

Business Network

Client PrimaryPI SecondaryPI

Process Book PI Server PI Server
DataLink Role = 1 Role = 2

Figure 3: Synchronization through a Shared File (Phase 2) Failover Architecture

The Phase 2 failover architecture is shown in Figure 2 which depicts a typical network setup
including the path to the synchronization file located on a File Server (FileSvr). Other
configurations may be supported and this figure is used only as an example for the following
For a more detailed explanation of this synchronization method, see Detailed Explanation of
Synchronization through a Shared File (Phase 2)

Configuring Synchronization through a Shared File (Phase 2)
Step Description
1. Verify non-failover interface operation as described in the Installation Checklist section of
this manual
2. Configure the Shared File
Choose a location for the shared file. The file can reside on one of the interface nodes or
on a separate node from the Interfaces; however OSIsoft strongly recommends that you
put the file on a Windows Server platform that has the “File Server” role configured. .
Set up a file share and make sure to assign the permissions so that both Primary and
Backup interfaces have read/write access to the file.
3. Configure the interface parameters
Use the Failover section of the Interface Configuration Utility (ICU) to enable failover and
create two parameters for each interface: (1) a failover ID number for the interface; and
(2) the Failover ID number for its backup interface.
The Failover ID for each interface must be unique and each interface must know the
Failover ID of its backup interface.
If the interface can perform using either Phase 1 or Phase 2 select the Phase 2 option in
the ICU.
Select the synchronization File Path and File to use for failover.
Select the type of failover required (Cold, Warm, Hot). The choice depends on what types
of failover the interface supports.
Ensure that the user name assigned in the Log on as parameter in the Service page of
the ICU is a user that has read/write access to the folder where the shared file will reside.
All other command line parameters for the primary and secondary interfaces must be
If you use a PI Data Archive collective, you must point the primary and secondary
interfaces to different members of the collective by setting the SDK Member under the PI
Host Information section of the ICU.
[Option] Set the update rate for the heartbeat point if you need a value other than the
default of 5000 milliseconds.
4. Configure the PI points
Configure five PI points for the interface: the active ID, heartbeat 1, heartbeat2, device
status 1 and device status 2. You can also configure two state points for monitoring the
status of the interfaces.
Do not confuse the failover device status points with the UniInt health device status
points. The information in the two points is similar, but the failover device status points are
integer values and the health device status points are string values.
Tag ExDesc digitalset
IF2_Heartbeat UniInt does not
(IF-Node2) [UFO2_HEARTBEAT:#] examine the
IF1_DeviceStatus remaining attributes,
(IF-Node1) [UFO2_DEVICESTAT:#] but the PointSource
and location1 must
IF2_DeviceStatus match
(IF-Node1) [UFO2_STATE:#] IF_State
(IF-Node2) [UFO2_STATE:#] IF_State
5. Test the configuration.

PI Interface for GE iFix 85

UniInt Failover Configuration

Step Description
After configuring the shared file and the interface and PI points, the interface should be
ready to run.
For help resolving failover file issues, see knowledge base article 889 on the OSIsoft
technical support web site.
1. Start the primary interface interactively without buffering.
2. Verify a successful interface start by reviewing the log file. The log file will contain
messages that indicate the failover state of the interface. A successful start with only
a single interface copy running will be indicated by an informational message stating
“UniInt failover: Interface in the “Primary” state and
actively sending data to PI. Backup interface not
available.” If the interface has failed to start, an error message will appear in the
log file. For details relating to informational and error messages, refer to the
Messages section below.
3. Verify data on the PI Data Archive using available PI tools.
 The active ID control point in the PI Data Archive must be set to the
value of the running copy of the interface as defined by the /UFO_ID
startup command-line parameter.
 The heartbeat control point on the PI Data Archive must be changing
values at a rate specified by the /UFO_Interval startup
command-line parameter.
4. Stop the primary interface.
5. Start the backup interface interactively without buffering. Notice that this copy will
become the primary because the other copy is stopped.
6. Repeat steps 2, and 3.
7. Stop the backup interface.
8. Start buffering.
9. Start the primary interface interactively.
10. Once the primary interface has successfully started and is collecting data, start the
backup interface interactively.
11. Verify that both copies of the interface are running in a failover configuration.
 Review the log file for the copy of the interface that was started first.
The log file will contain messages that indicate the failover state of the
interface. The state of this interface must have changed as indicated
with an informational message stating “UniInt failover:
Interface in the “Primary” state and actively sending
data to PI. Backup interface available.” If the interface
has not changed to this state, browse the log file for error messages.
For details relating to informational and error messages, refer to the
Messages section below.
 Review the log file for the copy of the interface that was started last.
The log file will contain messages that indicate the failover state of the
interface. A successful start of the interface will be indicated by an
informational message stating “UniInt failover: Interface in
the “Backup” state.” If the interface has failed to start, an error
message will appear in the log file. For details relating to informational
and error messages, refer to the Messages section below.
12. Verify data on the PI Data Archive using available PI tools.
 The active ID control point in the PI Data Archive must be set to the
value of the running copy of the interface that was started first as
defined by the /UFO_ID startup command-line parameter.
 The heartbeat control points for both copies of the interface in the
PI Data Archive must be changing values at a rate specified by the

Step Description
/UFO_Interval startup command-line parameter or the scan class
which the points have been built against.
13. Test Failover by stopping the primary interface.
14. Verify the backup interface has assumed the role of primary by searching the log file
for a message indicating the backup interface has changed to the “UniInt
failover: Interface in the “Primary” state and actively
sending data to PI. Backup interface not available.” The
backup interface is now considered primary and the previous primary interface is now
15. Verify data in the PI Data Archive. For hot failover, there may be an overlap of data
due to the queuing of data, but there must be no data loss. For warm or cold failover,
short gaps in archived data are expected.
16. Start the backup interface. Once the primary interface detects a backup interface, the
primary interface will now change state indicating “UniInt failover:
Interface in the “Primary” state and actively sending
data to PI. Backup interface available.” In the log file.
17. Verify the backup interface starts and assumes the role of backup. A successful start
of the backup interface will be indicated by an informational message stating
“UniInt failover: Interface in “Backup state.” Since this is the
initial state of the interface, the informational message will be near the beginning of
the start sequence of the log file.
18. Test failover with different failure scenarios (for example, loss of PI Data Archive
connection for a single interface copy). UniInt hot failover guarantees no data loss
with a single point of failure; verify no data loss by checking the data in the
PI Data Archive and on the data source. For warm or cold failover, short gaps in
archived data can occur.
19. Stop both copies of the interface, start buffering, start each interface as a service.
20. Verify data as stated above.
21. To designate a specific interface as primary, set the active ID point to the ID of the
desired primary interface as defined by the /UFO_ID startup command-line

PI Interface for GE iFix 87

UniInt Failover Configuration

Configuring UniInt Failover through a Shared File (Phase 2)

Start-Up Parameters

Note: The /stopstat parameter is disabled If the interface is running in a UniInt

failover configuration. Therefore, the digital state, digstate, will not be written to
each PI Point when the interface is stopped. This prevents the digital state being
written to PI Points while a redundant system is also writing data to the same PI
Points. The /stopstat parameter is disabled even if there is only one interface
active in the failover configuration.

The following table lists the start-up parameters used by UniInt Failover Phase 2. All of the
parameters are required except the /UFO_Interval startup parameter. See the table below
for further explanation.
Parameter Required/ Description Value/Default
/UFO_ID=# Required Failover ID for IF-Node1 Any positive, non-
This value must be different from zero integer / 1
the failover ID of IF-Node2.
Required Failover ID for IF-Node2 Any positive, non-
This value must be different from zero integer / 2
the failover ID of IF-Node1.
/UFO_OtherID=# Required Other Failover ID for IF-Node1 Same value as
The value must be equal to the Failover ID for
Failover ID configured for the IF-Node2 / 2
interface on IF-Node2.
Required Other Failover ID for IF-Node2 Same value as
The value must be equal to the Failover ID for
Failover ID configured for the IF-Node1 / 1
interface on IF-Node1.
/UFO_Sync= Required for The failover synchronization file Any valid pathname /
path/[filename] Phase 2 path and optional filename specify any valid filename
synchronization the path to the shared file used for The default filename
failover synchronization and an is generated as
optional filename used to specify a executablename_
user defined filename in lieu of the pointsource_
default filename.
The path to the shared file
directory can be a fully qualified
machine name and directory, a
mapped drive letter, or a local path
if the shared file is on one of the
interface nodes. The path must be
terminated by a slash ( / ) or
backslash ( \ ) character. If no
terminating slash is found, in the
/UFO_Sync parameter, the
interface interprets the final
character string as an optional
The optional filename can be any
valid filename. If the file does not
Parameter Required/ Description Value/Default
exist, the first interface to start
attempts to create the file.
Note: If using the optional
filename, do not supply a
terminating slash or backslash
If there are any spaces in the path
or filename, the entire path and
filename must be enclosed in
Note: If you use the backslash
and path separators and enclose
the path in double quotes, the final
backslash must be a double
backslash (\\). Otherwise the
closing double quote becomes
part of the parameter instead of a
parameter separator.
Each node in the failover
configuration must specify the
same path and filename and must
have read, write, and file creation
rights to the shared directory
specified by the path parameter.
The service that the interface runs
against must specify a valid logon
user account under the “Log On”
tab for the service properties.
/UFO_Type=type Required The Failover Type indicates which COLD|WARM|HOT /
type of failover configuration the COLD
interface will run. The valid types
for failover are HOT, WARM, and
COLD configurations.
If an interface does not supported
the requested type of failover, the
interface will shutdown and log an
error to the log file stating the
requested failover type is not
/UFO_Interval=# Optional Failover Update Interval 50 – 20000 / 5000
Specifies the heartbeat Update
Interval in milliseconds and must
be the same on both interface
This is the rate at which UniInt
updates the failover heartbeat
points as well as how often UniInt
checks on the status of the other
copy of the interface.

PI Interface for GE iFix 89

UniInt Failover Configuration

Parameter Required/ Description Value/Default

/Host=server Required Host PI Data Archive for For IF-Node1
Exceptions and PI point updates PrimaryPI / None
The value of the /Host startup For IF-Node2
parameter depends on the SecondaryPI / None
PI Data Archive configuration. If
the PI Data Archive is not part of a
collective, the value of /Host
must be identical on both interface
If the redundant interfaces are
being configured to send data to a
PI Data Archive collective, the
value of the /Host parameters
on the different interface nodes
should equal to different members
of the collective.
This parameter ensures that
outputs continue to be sent to the
Data Source if one of the
PI Data Archives becomes
unavailable for any reason.

Failover Control Points

The following table describes the points that are required to manage failover. In phase 2
Failover, these points are located in a data file shared by the Primary and Backup interfaces.
OSIsoft recommends that you locate the shared file on a dedicated server that has no other
role in data collection. This avoids potential resource contention and processing degradation
if your system monitors a large number of data points at a high frequency.
Point Description Value / Default
ActiveID Monitored by the interfaces to determine which From 0 to the highest
interface is currently sending data to the Interface Failover ID
PI Data Archive. ActiveID must be initialized so number / None)
that when the interfaces read it for the first time, Updated by the
it is not an error. redundant Interfaces
Active ID can also be used to force failover. For Can be changed
example, if the current primary is IF-Node 1 and manually to initiate a
Active ID is 1, you can manually change Active manual failover
ID to 2. This causes the interface at IF-Node2 to
transition to the primary role and the interface at
IF-Node1 to transition to the backup role.
Heartbeat 1 Updated periodically by the interface on Values range between
IF-Node1. The interface on IF-Node2 monitors 0 and 31 / None
this value to determine if the interface on Updated by the
IF-Node1 has become unresponsive. Interface on IF-Node1
Heartbeat 2 Updated periodically by the interface on Values range between
IF-Node2. The interface on IF-Node1 monitors 0 and 31 / None
this value to determine if the interface on Updated by the
IF-Node2 has become unresponsive. Interface on IF-Node2

PI Points

The following tables list the required UniInt Failover Control PI points, the values they will
receive, and descriptions.

Active_ID Point Configuration

Attributes ActiveID
Tag <Intf>_ActiveID
Compmax 0
ExDesc [UFO2_ActiveID]
Location1 Match # in /id=#
Location5 Optional, Time in min to wait for backup
to collect data before failing over.
Point Source Match x in /ps=x
Point Type Int32
Shutdown 0
Step 1

Heartbeat and Device Status Point Configuration

Attribute Heartbeat 1 Heartbeat 2 DeviceStatus 1 DeviceStatus 2
Tag <HB1> <HB2> <DS1> <DS2>
[UFO2_Heartbeat:#] [UFO2_Heartbeat:#] [UFO2_DeviceStat:#] [UFO2_DeviceStat:#]
ExDesc Match # in Match # in Match # in Match # in
/UFO_ID=# /UFO_OtherID=# /UFO_ID=# /UFO_OtherID=#
Location1 Match # in /id=# Match # in /id=# Match # in /id=# Match # in /id=#
Location5 Optional, Time in Optional, Time in Optional, Time in Optional, Time in
min to wait for min to wait for min to wait for min to wait for
backup to collect backup to collect backup to collect backup to collect
data before failing data before failing data before failing data before failing
over. over. over. over.
Match x in /ps=x Match x in /ps=x Match x in /ps=x Match x in /ps=x
Point Type int32 int32 int32 int32
Shutdown 0 0 0 0
Step 1 1 1 1

Interface State Point Configuration

Attribute Primary Backup
Tag <Tagname1> <Tagname2>
Compmax 0 0
DigitalSet UFO_State UFO_State
ExDesc [UFO2_State:#] [UFO2_State:#]
(Match /UFO_ID=# on primary node) (Match /UFO_ID=# on backup node)
Location1 Match # in /id=# Same as for Primary node
PointSource Match x in /ps=x Same as for Primary node
PointType digital digital

PI Interface for GE iFix 91

UniInt Failover Configuration

Attribute Primary Backup

Shutdown 0 0
Step 1 1

The following table describes the extended descriptor for the above PI points in more detail.
PI Point ExDesc Required / Description Value
[UFO2_ACTIVEID] Required Active ID point 0 – highest
The ExDesc must start with the Interface Failover
case sensitive string: ID
[UFO2_ACTIVEID]. Updated by the
The pointsource must match the redundant
interfaces’ point source. Interfaces
Location1 must match the ID for the
Location5 is the COLD failover retry
interval in minutes. This can be
used to specify how long before an
interface retries to connect to the
device in a COLD failover
configuration. (See the description
of COLD failover retry interval for a
detailed explanation.)
[UFO2_HEARTBEAT:#] Required Heartbeat 1 point 0 – 31 / None
(IF-Node1) The ExDesc must start with the Updated by the
case sensitive string: Interface on
The number following the colon (:)
must be the Failover ID for the
interface running on IF-Node1.
The PointSource must match the
interfaces’ /ps parameter.
Location1 must match the ID for the
[UFO2_HEARTBEAT:#] Required Heartbeat 2 point 0 – 31 / None
(IF-Node2) The ExDesc must start with the Updated by the
case sensitive string: Interface on
The number following the colon (:)
must be the Failover ID for the
interface running on IF-Node2.
The PointSource must match the
interfaces’ /ps parameter.
Location1 must match the id for the

PI Point ExDesc Required / Description Value
[UFO2_DEVICESTAT :#] Required Device Status 1 point 0 – 99 / None
(IF-Node1) The ExDesc must start with the Updated by the
case sensitive string: Interface on
The value following the colon (:)
must be the Failover ID for the
interface running on IF-Node1
The PointSource must match the
interfaces’ /ps parameter.
Location1 must match the id for the
A lower value is a better status and
the interface with the lower status
will attempt to become the primary
The failover 1 device status point is
very similar to the UniInt Health
Device Status point except the data
written to this point are integer
values. A value of 0 is good and a
value of 99 is OFF. Any value
between these two extremes may
result in a failover. The interface
client code updates these values
when the health device status point
is updated.
[UFO2_DEVICESTAT :#] Required Device Status 2 point 0 – 99 / None
(IF-Node2) The ExDesc must start with the Updated by the
case sensitive string: Interface on
The number following the colon (:)
must be the Failover ID for the
interface running on IF-Node2
The PointSource must match the
interfaces’ /ps parameter.
Location1 must match the ID for the
A lower value is a better status and
the interface with the lower status
will attempt to become the primary
[UFO2_STATE:#] Optional State 1 point 0 – 5 / None
(IF-Node1) The ExDesc must start with the Normally updated
case sensitive string: by the Interface
[UFO2_STATE:#] currently in the
The number following the colon (:) primary role.
must be the Failover ID for the
interface running on IF-Node1
The failover state point is
The failover state points are digital
points assigned to a digital state set
with the following values.
0 = Off: The interface has been
shut down.
1 = Backup No Data Source: The

PI Interface for GE iFix 93

UniInt Failover Configuration

PI Point ExDesc Required / Description Value

interface is running but cannot
communicate with the data source.
2 = Backup No PI Connection: The
interface is running and connected
to the data source but has lost its
communication to the
PI Data Archive.
3 = Backup: The interface is
running and collecting data
normally and is ready to take over
as primary if the primary interface
shuts down or experiences
4 = Transition: The interface stays
in this state for only a short period
of time. The transition period
prevents thrashing when more than
one interface attempts to assume
the role of primary interface.
5 = Primary: The interface is
running, collecting data and
sending the data to the
PI Data Archive.
[UFO2_STATE:#] Optional State 2 point Normally updated
(IF-Node2) The ExDesc must start with the by the Interface
case sensitive string: currently in the
[UFO2_STATE:#] Primary state.
The number following the colon (:) Values range
must be the Failover ID for the between 0 and 5.
interface running on IF-Node2 See description of
The failover state point is State 1 point.

Detailed Explanation of Synchronization through a Shared File
(Phase 2)
In a shared file failover configuration, no failover control information is passed between the
data source and the interface. This failover scheme uses five PI points to control failover
operation, and all failover communication between primary and backup interfaces passes
through a shared data file.
Once the interface is configured and running, the ability to read or write to the PI points is not
required for the proper operation of failover (unless connection to the shared file is lost). This
solution does not require a connection to the PI Data Archive after initial startup because the
control point data are set and monitored in the shared file. However, the PI point values are
sent to the PI Data Archive so that you can monitor them with standard OSIsoft client tools.
You can force manual failover by changing the active ID point on the PI Data Archive to the
backup failover ID.

Data register 0
. DataSource
. DCS/PLC/Data Server
Data register n

Process Network

IF-Node1 IF-Node2
.\UFO\Intf_PS_1.dat PI-Interface.exe
/host=PrimaryPI /host=SecondaryPI
/UFO_SYNC=\\FileSvr\UFO\Intf_PS_1.dat /UFO_SYNC=\\FileSvr\UFO\Intf_PS_1.dat

Business Network

Client PrimaryPI SecondaryPI

Process Book PI Server PI Server
DataLink Role = 1 Role = 2

The preceding figure shows a typical network setup in the normal or steady state. The solid
magenta lines show the data path from the interface nodes to the shared file used for failover
synchronization. The shared file can be located anywhere in the network as long as both
interface nodes can read, write, and create the necessary file on the shared file machine.
OSIsoft strongly recommends that you put the file on a dedicated file server that has no other
role in the collection of data.

PI Interface for GE iFix 95

UniInt Failover Configuration

The major difference between synchronizing the interfaces through the data source (Phase 1)
and synchronizing the interfaces through the shared file (Phase 2) is where the control data is
located. When synchronizing through the data source, the control data is acquired directly
from the data source. We assume that if the primary interface cannot read the failover control
points, then it cannot read any other data. There is no need for a backup communications path
between the control data and the interface.
When synchronizing through a shared file, however, we cannot assume that loss of control
information from the shared file implies that the primary interface is down. We must account
for the possible loss of the path to the shared file itself and provide an alternate control path
to determine the status of the primary interface. For this reason, if the shared file is
unreachable for any reason, the interfaces use the PI Data Archive as an alternate path to pass
control data.
When the backup interface does not receive updates from the shared file, it cannot tell
definitively why the primary is not updating the file, whether the path to the shared file is
down, whether the path to the data source is down, or whether the interface itself is having
problems. To resolve this uncertainty, the backup interface uses the path to the
PI Data Archive to determine the status of the primary interface. If the primary interface is
still communicating with the PI Data Archive, than failover to the backup is not required.
However, if the primary interface is not posting data to the PI Data Archive, then the backup
must initiate failover operations.
The primary interface also monitors the connection with the shared file to maintain the
integrity of the failover configuration. If the primary interface can read and write to the
shared file with no errors but the backup control information is not changing, then the backup
is experiencing some error condition. To determine exactly where the problem exists, the
primary interface uses the path to PI to establish the status of the backup interface. For
example, if the backup interface controls indicate that it has been shutdown, it may have been
restarted and is now experiencing errors reading and writing to the shared file. Both primary
and backup interfaces must always check their status through PI to determine if one or the
other is not updating the shared file and why.

Steady State Operation

Steady state operation is considered the normal operating condition. In this state, the primary
interface is actively collecting data and sending its data to PI points. The primary interface is
also updating its heartbeat value; monitoring the heartbeat value for the backup interface,
checking the active ID value, and checking the device status for the backup interface every
failover update interval on the shared file. Likewise, the backup interface is updating its
heartbeat value; monitoring the heartbeat value for the primary interface, checking the active
ID value, and checking the device status for the primary interface every failover update
interval on the shared file. As long as the heartbeat value for the primary interface indicates
that it is operating properly, the active ID has not changed, and the device status on the
primary interface is good, the backup interface will continue in this mode of operation.
An interface configured for hot failover will have the backup interface actively collecting and
queuing data but not sending that data to the PI Data Archive. An interface for warm failover
in the backup role is not actively collecting data from the data source even though it may be
configured with PI points and may even have a good connection to the data source. An
interface configured for cold failover in the backup role is not connected to the data source
and upon initial startup will not have configured PI points.

The interaction between the interface and the shared file is fundamental to failover. The
discussion that follows only refers to the data written to the shared file. However, every value
written to the shared file is echoed to the points in the PI Data Archive. Updating of the
points in the PI Data Archive is assumed to take place unless communication with the
PI Data Archive is interrupted. The updates to the PI Data Archive will be buffered by
Bufserv or PIBufss in this case.
In a hot failover configuration, each interface participating in the failover solution will queue
three failover intervals worth of data to prevent any data loss. When a failover occurs, there
may be a period of overlapping data for up to 3 intervals. The exact amount of overlap is
determined by the timing and the cause of the failover and may be different every time. Using
the default update interval of 5 seconds will result in overlapping data between 0 and 15
seconds. The no data loss claim for hot failover is based on a single point of failure. If both
interfaces have trouble collecting data for the same period of time, data will be lost during
that time.
As mentioned above, each interface has its own heartbeat value. In normal operation, the
Heartbeat value on the shared file is incremented by UniInt from 1 – 15 and then wraps
around to a value of 1 again. UniInt increments the heartbeat value on the shared file every
failover update interval. The default failover update interval is 5 seconds. UniInt also reads
the heartbeat value for the other interface copy participating in failover every failover update
interval. If the connection to the PI Data Archive is lost, the value of the heartbeat will be
incremented from 17 – 31 and then wrap around to a value of 17 again. Once the connection
to the PI Data Archive is restored, the heartbeat values will revert back to the 1 to 15 range.
During a normal shutdown process, the heartbeat value will be set to zero.
During steady state, the active ID will equal the value of the failover ID of the primary
interface. This value is set by UniInt when the interface enters the primary state and is not
updated again by the primary interface until it shuts down gracefully. During shutdown, the
primary interface will set the active ID to zero before shutting down. The backup interface
has the ability to assume control as primary even if the current primary is not experiencing
problems. This can be accomplished by setting the active ID point in the PI Data Archive to
the active ID of the desired interface copy.
As previously mentioned, in a hot failover configuration the backup interface actively collects
data but does not send its data to PI points. To eliminate any data loss during a failover, the
backup interface queues data in memory for three failover update intervals. The data in the
queue is continuously updated to contain the most recent data. Data older than three update
intervals is discarded if the primary interface is in a good status as determined by the backup.
If the backup interface transitions to the primary, it will have data in its queue to send to the
PI points. This queued data is sent to the PI points using the same function calls that would
have been used had the interface been in a primary state when the data was collected. If
UniInt receives data without a timestamp, the primary copy uses the current PI time to
timestamp data sent to PI points. Likewise, the backup copy timestamps data it receives
without a timestamp with the current PI time before queuing its data. This preserves the
accuracy of the timestamps.

PI Interface for GE iFix 97

UniInt Failover Configuration

Failover Configuration Using PI ICU

The use of the PI ICU is the recommended and safest method for configuring the Interface for
UniInt failover. With the exception of the notes described in this section, the Interface shall
be configured with the PI ICU as described in the Configuring the Interface with the PI ICU
section of this manual.

Note: With the exception of the /UFO_ID and /UFO_OtherID startup command-
line parameters, the UniInt failover scheme requires that both copies of the interface
have identical startup command files. This requirement causes the PI ICU to
produce a message when creating the second copy of the interface stating that the
“PS/ID combo already in use by the interface” as shown in Figure 4 below. Ignore
this message and click the Add button.

Create the Interface Instance with PI ICU

If the interface does not already exist in the ICU it must first be created. The procedure for
doing this is the same as for non-failover interfaces. When configuring the second instance
for UniInt Failover the Point Source and Interface ID will be in yellow and a message will be
displayed saying this is already in use. This should be ignored.

Figure 4: PI ICU configuration screen shows that the “PS/ID combo is already in use by
the interface.” The user must ignore the yellow boxes, which indicate errors, and click the
Add button to configure the interface for failover.

Configuring the UniInt Failover Startup Parameters with PI ICU
There are three interface startup parameters that control UniInt failover: /UFO_ID,
/UFO_OtherID, and /UFO_Interval. The UFO stands for UniInt Failover. The /UFO_ID
and /UFO_OtherID parameters are required for the interface to operate in a failover
configuration, but the /UFO_Interval is optional. Each of these parameters is described in
detail in Configuring UniInt Failover through a Shared File (Phase 1)section and Start-Up

Figure 5: This figure illustrates the PI ICU failover configuration page showing the
UniInt failover startup parameters (phase 1). This copy of the interface defines its
failover ID as 1 (/UFO_ID=1) and the other interface’s failover ID as 2
(/UFO_OtherID=2). The other failover interface copy must define its failover ID as 2
(/UFO_ID=2) and the other interface failover ID as 1 (/UFO_OtherID=1) in its ICU
failover configuration page.

PI Interface for GE iFix 99

UniInt Failover Configuration

Figure 6: This figure illustrates the PI ICU failover configuration page showing the
UniInt failover startup parameters (phase 2). This copy of the interface defines its
failover ID as 2 (/UFO_ID=2) and the other interface’s failover ID as 1
(/UFO_OtherID=1). The other failover interface copy must define its failover ID as 1
(/UFO_ID=1) and the other interface failover ID as 2 (/UFO_OtherID=2) in its ICU
failover configuration page. It also defines the location and name of the synchronization
file as well as the type of failover as COLD.

Creating the Failover State Digital State Set

The UFO_State digital state set is used in conjunction with the failover state digital point. If
the UFO_State digital state set has not been created yet, it can be created using either the
Failover page of the ICU ( or later) or the Digital States plug-in in the SMT Utility
( or later).

Using the PI ICU Utility to create Digital State Set

To use the UniInt Failover page to create the UFO_State digital state set, right-click on any
of the failover points in the list and then click the Create UFO_State Digital Set on Server
XXXXXX… command, where XXXXXX is the PI Data Archive where the points will be or are

Phase 1

Phase 2

This command is unavailable if the UFO_State digital state set already exists on the XXXXXX
PI Data Archive.

Using the PI SMT 3 Utility to create Digital State Set

Optionally the Export UFO_State Digital Set (.csv) command on the shortcut menu can be
selected to create a comma-separated file to be imported via the PI System Management
Tools (SMT) (version or later) or use the
UniInt_Failover_DigitalSet_UFO_State.csv file included in the installation kit.
The procedure below outlines the steps necessary to create a digital set in a PI Data Archive
using the Import from File command found in the SMT application. The procedure assumes
the user has a basic understanding of the SMT application.
1. Open the SMT application.
2. Select the appropriate PI Data Archive from the PI Servers window. If the desired
server is not listed, add it using the PI Connection Manager. A view of the SMT
application is shown in Figure 7 below.
3. From the System Management Plug-Ins window, expand Points then select
Digital States. A list of available digital state sets will be displayed in the main
window for the selected PI Data Archive. Refer to Figure 7 below.
4. In the main window, right-click on the desired server and select the Import from File
command. Refer to Figure 7 below.

PI Interface for GE iFix 101

UniInt Failover Configuration

Figure 7: PI SMT application configured to import a digital state set file. The PI Servers
window shows the “localhost” PI Data Archive selected along with the System
Management Plug-Ins window showing the Digital States Plug-In as being selected. The
digital state set file can now be imported by selecting the Import from File command.
5. Navigate to and select the UniInt_Failover_DigitalSet_UFO_State.csv file
for import using the Browse icon on the display. Select the desired Overwrite
Options. Refer to Figure 8 below.

Figure 8: PI SMT application Import Digital Set(s) dialog box. This view shows the
UniInt_Failover_DigitalSet_UFO_State.csv file as being selected for import.
Select the desired Overwrite Options by choosing the appropriate option button.
6. Click on the OK button. Refer to Figure 8 above.
7. The UFO_State digital set is created as shown in Figure 9 below.
Figure 9: The PI SMT application showing the UFO_State digital set created in the
“localhost” PI Data Archive.

PI Interface for GE iFix 103

UniInt Failover Configuration

Creating the UniInt Failover Control and Failover State Points (Phase
The ICU can be used to create a comma delimited file that contains all of the non-interface
specific point attributes configured correctly for UniInt failover. This file can be edited
according to the UniInt failover point configuration sections above.
In addition, the interface installation procedure installs an example file that creates the UniInt
failover points. This example file already has the IntFix Interface specific attributes
To use the ICU Failover page to create this file, simply right-click any of the failover points
in the list and select Export Point Configuration then edit this file as needed and import with
After the failover control and failover state points have been created, the Failover page of the
ICU should look similar to the illustration below.

Creating the UniInt Failover Control and Failover State Points (Phase
The ICU can be used to create the UniInt failover control and state points.
To use the ICU Failover page to create these points, simply right-click any of the failover
points in the list and click the Create all points (UFO Phase 2) command.
If this menu command is unavailable, it is because the UFO_State digital state set has not
been created in the PI Data Archive yet. Create UFO_State Digital Set on Server xxxxxxx…
on the shortcut menu can be used to create that digital state set. After this has been done,
then the Create all points (UFO Phase2) command should be available.

Once the failover control and failover state points have been created, the Failover page of the
ICU should look similar to the illustration below.

PI Interface for GE iFix 105

UniInt Failover Configuration

Converting from Phase 1 to Phase 2 Failover

The few differences between Phase 1 and Phase 2 Failover are described in the following
Points / Attributes / Phase 1 Phase 2
Control Data Path parameter Absence of this command line The presence of this command
parameter line parameter
(/UFO_Sync=<path>) in the (/UFO_Sync=<path>) signals
startup (.bat) file, causes Phase Phase 2 synchronization and
1 synchronization. specifies the directory path to the
shared file and, optionally, the
file name.
Control Points Six PI pointss Five PI points
Phase 2 does not require both input and output points because they
are not serviced by the interface client. Phase 2 failover requires only
a single Active ID, Heartbeat 1, and Heartbeat 2 point.
Active ID (input)
Active ID
Active ID (output)
Heartbeat 1 (input)
Heartbeat 1
Heartbeat 1 (output)
Heartbeat 2 (input)
Heartbeat 2
Heartbeat 2 (output)
Phase 2 requires two device status points to convey the status of
communications link to the data source.
DeviceStatus 1
DeviceStatus 2
[Optional] State points [Optional] State points
InstrumentTag attributes Phase 1 requires these point
attributes to communicate
directly with the data source
ExDesc attributes Keyword [UFO_tagname] Keyword [UFO2_tagname]


Step Description
1. Add /UFO_Sync parameter to the startup file to define the path and, optionally, the file
name of the shared synchronization file.
2. Change the Active ID, Heartbeat 1, and Heartbeat 2 points to remove input/output
Create new Phase 2 points that do not have input/output qualifiers.
3. Create device status 1 and device status 2 points.
4. Create new points for Phase 2 or change the ExDesc attribute keywords for the points from
[UFO_tagname] to [UFO2_tagname].
5. Remove InstrumentTag attributes.

Chapter 11. Interface Node Clock

Make sure that the time and time zone settings on the computer are correct. To confirm, run
the Date/Time applet located in the Windows Control Panel. If the locale where the interface
node resides observes Daylight Saving Time, check the “Automatically adjust clock for
daylight saving changes” box. For example,

In addition, make sure that the TZ environment variable is not defined. All of the currently
defined environment variables can be viewed by opening a Command Prompt window and
typing set. That is,
C:> set
Confirm that TZ is not in the resulting list. If it is, run the System applet of the Control
Panel, click the “Environment Variables” button under the Advanced Tab, and remove TZ
from the list of environment variables.

PI Interface for GE iFix 107

Chapter 12. Security

The PI Firewall Database and the PI Trust Database must be configured so that the interface
is allowed to write data to the PI Data Archive.
The Trust Database, which is maintained by the PI Base Subsystem, replaces the Proxy
Database used prior to PI Data Archive version 3.3. The PI Trust Database maintains all the
functionality of the proxy mechanism while being more secure.
See “Manage Interface Authentication with PI Trusts” in the chapter “Manage Security” of
the PI Server Introduction to System Management Guide.
If the interface cannot write data to the PI Data Archive because it has insufficient privileges,
a -10401 error will be reported in the log file. If the interface cannot send data to a PI2 Data
Archive, it writes a -999 error. See the section Appendix A: Error and Informational
Messages for additional information on error messaging.

Interface instances are usually configured to run as Windows services. Since a service runs in
a non-interactive context, a PI trust is required to authenticate the interface service to the
PI Data Archive. A PI trust is associated with one PI identity, PI user, or PI group. When an
interface successfully authenticates through a trust, the interface is granted the access rights
for the associated identity, user, or group.
OSIsoft discourages using highly-privileged identities, users, or groups in PI trusts for

Security Note: Avoid using the piadmin super-user and piadmins group. The
recommended best practice for PI Data Archive security is to create an identity, user,
or group that has only the access rights which are necessary for the interface to

PI Data Archive v3.3 and Later

Security Configuration using Trust Editor

The Trust Editor plug-in for PI System Management Tools edits the PI trust table.
See the “Manage Interface Authentication with PI Trusts” section in the PI Server
Introduction to System Management manual for more details on security configuration.

PI Interface for GE iFix 109


Security configuration using piconfig

For PI Data Archive v3.3 and higher, the following example demonstrates how to edit the PI
trust table with piconfig:
C:\PI\adm> piconfig
@table pitrust
@mode create
@istr Trust,IPAddr,NetMask,PIUser
For the preceding example,
Trust: An arbitrary name for the trust table entry; in the above example,
IPAddr: the IP address of the computer running the interface; in the above example,
NetMask: the network mask; specifies an exact match with IPAddr
PIUser: the PI identity, user, or group the interface is entrusted as; in the example,

PI Data Archive v3.2

For PI Data Archive v3.2, the following example demonstrates how to edit the PI Proxy table:
C:\PI\adm> piconfig
@table pi_gen,piproxy
@mode create
@istr host,proxyaccount
In place of piapimachine, put the name of the interface node as it is seen by the
PI Data Archive.

For an interface instance to start and write data to PI points, the following permissions must
be granted to the PI identity, user, or group in the PI trust that authenticates the interface
Database Security Permission Notes

Point Database Permission Notes

PtSecurity r,w
DataSecurity r,w Unbuffered
r Buffered (the buffering application
requires r,w for the interface points)

The permissions in the preceding table must be granted for every PI point that is configured
for the interface instance. Observe that buffering on the interface node is significant to PI
point permissions.
When the interface instance is running on an unbuffered interface node, the interface instance
sends PI point updates directly to the PI Data Archive. Therefore, the DataSecurity attribute
must grant write access to the PI identity, user, or group in the PI trust that authenticates the
interface instance.
When the interface instance is running on a buffered interface node, the interface instance
sends PI point updates to the local buffering application, which relays the PI point updates to
the PI Data Archive. The buffering application is a separate client to the PI Data Archive and,
therefore, authenticates independently of the interface instances. The DataSecurity attribute
must grant write access to the PI identity, user, or group in the PI trust that authenticates the
buffering application.

PI Interface for GE iFix 111

Chapter 13. Starting / Stopping the Interface

This section describes starting and stopping the Interface once it has been installed as a

Starting Interface as a Service

If the Interface was installed as service, it can be started from PI ICU, the Services control
panel or with the command:
PI-EDA.exe /start [ /serviceid id ]

To start the interface service with PI ICU, use the button on the PI ICU toolbar.
A message will inform the user of the status of the interface service. Even if the message
indicates that the service has started successfully, double check through the Services control
panel applet. Services may terminate immediately after startup for a variety of reasons, and
one typical reason is that the service is not able to find the command-line parameters in the
associated .bat file. Verify that the root name of the .bat file and the .exe file are the same,
and that the .bat file and the .exe file are in the same directory. Further troubleshooting of
services might require consulting the log file, Windows Event Viewer, or other sources of log
messages. See the section Appendix A: Error and Informational Messages for additional

Stopping Interface Running as a Service

If the Interface was installed as service, it can be stopped at any time from PI ICU, the
Services control panel or with the command:
PI-EDA.exe /stop [ /serviceid id ]

To stop the interface service with PI ICU, use the button on the PI ICU toolbar.
The service can be removed by:
PI-EDA.exe /remove [ /serviceid id ]

PI Interface for GE iFix 113

Chapter 14. Buffering

Buffering refers to an interface node’s ability to temporarily store the data that interfaces
collect and to forward these data to the appropriate PI Data Archives. OSIsoft strongly
recommends that you enable buffering on your interface nodes. Otherwise, if the interface
node stops communicating with the PI Data Archive, you lose the data that your interfaces
The PI SDK installation kit installs two buffering applications: the PI Buffer Subsystem
(PIBufss) and the PI API Buffer Server (Bufserv). PIBufss and Bufserv are mutually
exclusive; that is, on a particular computer, you can run only one of them at any given time.
If you have PI Data Archives that are part of a collective, PIBufss supports n-way buffering.
N-way buffering refers to the ability of a buffering application to send the same data to each
of the PI Data Archives in a collective. (Bufserv also supports n-way buffering, but OSIsoft
recommends that you run PIBufss instead.)

Which Buffering Application to Use

You should use PIBufss whenever possible because it offers better throughput than Bufserv.
In addition, if the interfaces on an interface node are sending data to a PI Data Archive
collective, PIBufss guarantees identical data in the archive records of all the PI Data Archives
that are part of that collective.
You can use PIBufss only under the following conditions:
 the PI Data Archive version is at least 3.4.375.x; and
 all of the interfaces running on the interface node send data to the same
PI Data Archive or to the same collective.
If any of the following scenarios apply, you must use Bufserv:
 the PI Data Archive version is earlier than 3.4.375.x; or
 the interface node runs multiple interfaces, and these interfaces send data to multiple
PI Data Archives that are not part of a single collective.
If an interface node runs multiple interfaces, and these interfaces send data to two or more
PI Data Archive collectives, then neither PIBufss nor Bufserv is appropriate. The reason is
that PIBufss and Bufserv can buffer data only to a single collective. If you need to buffer to
more than one collective, you need to use two or more interface nodes to run your interfaces.
It is technically possible to run Bufserv on the PI Data Archive node. However, OSIsoft does
not recommend this configuration.

PI Interface for GE iFix 115


How Buffering Works

A complete technical description of PIBufss and Bufserv is beyond the scope of this
document. However, the following paragraphs provide some insights on how buffering
When an interface node has buffering enabled, the buffering application (PIBufss or Bufserv)
connects to the PI Data Archive. It also creates shared memory storage.
When an interface program makes a PI API function call that writes data to the
PI Data Archive (for example, pisn_sendexceptionqx()), the PI API checks whether
buffering is enabled. If it is, these data writing functions do not send the interface data to the
PI Data Archive. Instead, they write the data to the shared memory storage that the buffering
application created.
The buffering application (either Bufserv or PIBufss) in turn
 reads the data in shared memory, and
 if a connection to the PI Data Archive exists, sends the data to the PI Data Archive;
 if there is no connection to the PI Data Archive, continues to store the data in shared
memory (if shared memory storage is available) or writes the data to disk (if shared
memory storage is full).
When the buffering application re-establishes connection to the PI Data Archive, it writes to
the PI Data Archive the interface data contained in both shared memory storage and disk.
(Before sending data to the PI Data Archive, PIBufss performs further tasks such as data
validation and data compression, but the description of these tasks is beyond the scope of this
When PIBufss writes interface data to disk, it writes to multiple files. The names of these
buffering files are PIBUFQ_*.DAT.
When Bufserv writes interface data to disk, it writes to a single file. The name of its buffering
file is APIBUF.DAT.
As a previous paragraph indicates, PIBufss and Bufserv create shared memory storage at
startup. These memory buffers must be large enough to accommodate the data that an
interface collects during a single scan. Otherwise, the interface may fail to write all its
collected data to the memory buffers, resulting in data loss. The buffering configuration
section of this chapter provides guidelines for sizing these memory buffers.
When buffering is enabled, it affects the entire interface node. That is, you do not have a
configuration where the buffering application buffers data for one interface running on an
interface node but not for another interface running on the same interface node.

Buffering and PI Data Archive Security

After you enable buffering, it is the buffering
application - and not the interface program - that writes data to the PI Data Archive. If the
PI Data Archive’s trust table contains a trust entry that allows all applications on an interface
node to write data, then the buffering application is able to write data to the PI Data Archive.

However, if the PI Data Archive contains an interface-specific PI trust entry that allows a
particular interface program to write data, you must have a PI trust entry specific to buffering.
The following are the appropriate entries for the Application Name field of a PI trust entry:
Buffering Application Application Name field for PI Trust
PI Buffer Subsystem PIBufss.exe
PI API Buffer Server APIBE (if the PI API is using 4 character process
APIBUF (if the PI API is using 8 character process

To use a process name greater than 4 characters in length for a trust application name, use the
LONGAPPNAME=1 in the PIClient.ini file.
See the Security chapter for additional information.

Enabling Buffering on an Interface Node with the ICU

The ICU allows you to select either PIBufss or Bufserv as the buffering application for your
interface node. Run the ICU and select Tools > Buffering.

Choose Buffer Type

To select PIBufss as the buffering application, choose Enable buffering with PI Buffer
To select Bufserv as the buffering application, choose Enable buffering with API Buffer
If a warning message such as the following appears, click Yes.

PI Interface for GE iFix 117


Buffering Settings

There are a number of settings that affect the operation of PIBufss and Bufserv. The
Buffering Settings section allows you to set these parameters. If you do not enter values for
these parameters, PIBufss and Bufserv use default values.

For PIBufss, the paragraphs below describe the settings that may require user intervention.
Please contact OSIsoft Technical Support for assistance in further optimizing these and all
remaining settings.

Primary and Secondary Memory Buffer Size (Bytes)

This is a key parameter for buffering performance. The sum of these two memory buffer sizes
must be large enough to accommodate the data that an interface collects during a single scan.
A typical event with a float32 point type requires about 25 bytes. If an interface writes data to
5,000 points, it can potentially send 125,000 bytes (25 * 5000) of data in one scan. As a
result, the size of each memory buffer should be 62,500 bytes.
The default value of these memory buffers is 32,768 bytes. OSIsoft recommends that these
two memory buffer sizes should be increased to the maximum of 2000000 for the best
buffering performance.

Send rate (milliseconds)
Send rate is the time in milliseconds that PIBufss waits between sending up to the Maximum
transfer objects (described below) to the PI Data Archive. The default value is 100. The valid
range is 0 to 2,000,000.

Maximum transfer objects

Maximum transfer objects is the maximum number of events that PIBufss sends between
each Send rate pause. The default value is 500. The valid range is 1 to 2,000,000.

Event Queue File Size (Mbytes)

This is the size of the event queue files. PIBufss stores the buffered data to these files. The
default value is 32. The range is 8 to 131072 MB (up to a maximum of 128 GB). Please see
the section entitled "Queue File Sizing" in the PIBufss.chm file for details on how to
appropriately size the event queue files.

Event Queue Path

This is the location of the event queue file. The default value is [PIHOME]\DAT.
For optimal performance and reliability, OSIsoft recommends that you place the PIBufss
event queue files on a different drive/controller from the system drive and the drive with the
Windows paging file. (By default, these two drives are the same.)

For Bufserv, the paragraphs below describe the settings that may require user intervention.
Please contact OSIsoft Technical Support for assistance in further optimizing these and all
remaining settings.

PI Interface for GE iFix 119


Maximum buffer file size (KB)

This is the maximum size of the buffer file ([PIHOME]\DAT\APIBUF.DAT). When Bufserv
cannot communicate with the PI Data Archive, it writes and appends data to this file. When
the buffer file reaches this maximum size, Bufserv discards data.
The default value is 2,000,000 KB, which is about 2 GB. The range is from 1 to 2,000,000.

Primary and Secondary Memory Buffer Size (Bytes)

This is a key parameter for buffering performance. The sum of these two memory buffer sizes
must be large enough to accommodate the data that an interface collects during a single scan.
A typical event with a float32 point type requires about 25 bytes. If an interface writes data to
5,000 points, it can potentially send 125,000 bytes (25 * 5000) of data in one scan. As a
result, the size of each memory buffer should be 62,500 bytes.
The default value of these memory buffers is 32,768 bytes. OSIsoft recommends that these
two memory buffer sizes should be increased to the maximum of 2000000 for the best
buffering performance.

Send rate (milliseconds)

Send rate is the time in milliseconds that Bufserv waits between sending up to the Maximum
transfer objects (described below) to the PI Data Archive. The default value is 100. The valid
range is 0 to 2,000,000.

Maximum transfer objects

Max transfer objects is the maximum number of events that Bufserv sends between each
Send rate pause. The default value is 500. The valid range is 1 to 2,000,000.

Buffered Servers

The Buffered Servers section allows you to define the PI Data Archives or PI Data Archive
collective that the buffering application writes data.

PIBufss buffers data only to a single PI Data Archive or a single PI Data Archive collective.
Select the PI Data Archive or the collective from the Buffering to collective/server drop down
list box.
The following figure shows that PIBufss is configured to write data to a standalone
PI Data Archive named starlight. Notice that the Replicate data to all collective member
nodes check box is not available because this PI Data Archive is not part of a collective.
(PIBufss automatically detects whether a PI Data Archive is part of a collective.)

The following figure shows that PIBufss is configured to write data to a PI Data Archive
collective named admiral. By default, PIBufss replicates data to all collective members.
That is, it provides n-way buffering.
You can override this option by clearing the Replicate data to all collective member nodes
check box. Then, select (or clear) the collective members as desired.

PI Interface for GE iFix 121


Bufserv buffers data to a standalone PI Data Archive or to multiple standalone
PI Data Archives. (If you want to buffer to multiple PI Data Archives that are part of a
collective, you should use PIBufss.)
If the PI Data Archive to which you want Bufserv to buffer data is not in the Server list, enter
its name in the Add a server box and click the Add Server button. This PI Data Archive name
must be identical to the API Hostname entry:

The following screen shows that Bufserv is configured to write to a standalone named
etamp390. You use this configuration when all the interfaces on the interface node write
data to etamp390.

The following screen shows that Bufserv is configured to write to two standalone
PI Data Archives, one named etamp390 and the other one named starlight. You use this
configuration when some of the interfaces on the interface node write data to etamp390 and
some write to starlight.

Installing Buffering as a Service

Both the PIBufss and Bufserv applications run as a Windows service.

PI Buffer Subsystem Service

Use the PI Buffer Subsystem Service page to configure PIBufss as a service. This page also
allows you to start and stop the PIBufss service.
PIBufss does not require the logon rights of the local administrator account. It is sufficient to
use the LocalSystem account instead. Although the screen below shows asterisks for the
LocalSystem password, this account does not have a password.

PI Interface for GE iFix 123


API Buffer Server Service

Use the API Buffer Server Service page to configure Bufserv as a service. This page also
allows you to start and stop the Bufserv service
Bufserv version 1.6 and later does not require the logon rights of the local administrator
account. It is sufficient to use the LocalSystem account instead. Although the screen below
shows asterisks for the LocalSystem password, this account does not have a password.

PI Interface for GE iFix 125
Chapter 15. Interface Diagnostics Configuration

The PI Point Configuration chapter provides information on building PI points for collecting
data from the device. This chapter describes the configuration of points related to interface

Note: The procedure for configuring interface diagnostics is not specific to this
Interface. Thus, for simplicity, the instructions and screenshots that follow refer to an
interface named ModbusE.

Some of the points that follow refer to a “performance summary interval”. This interval is 8
hours by default. You can change this parameter via the Scan performance summary box in
the UniInt – Debug parameter category pane:

Scan Class Performance Points

A Scan Class Performance Point measures the amount of time (in seconds) that this Interface
takes to complete a scan. The Interface writes this scan completion time to millisecond
resolution. Scan completion times close to 0 indicate that the Interface is performing
optimally. Conversely, long scan completion times indicate an increased risk of missed or
skipped scans. To prevent missed or skipped scans, you should distribute the data collection
points among several scan classes.

PI Interface for GE iFix 127

Interface Diagnostics Configuration

You configure one Scan Class Performance Point for each Scan Class in this Interface. From
the ICU, select this Interface from the Interface drop-down list and click UniInt-Performance
Points in the parameter category pane:

Right click the row for a particular Scan Class # to bring up the context menu:

You need not restart the Interface for it to write values to the Scan Class Performance Points.
To see the current values (snapshots) of the Scan Class Performance Points, right click and
select Refresh Snapshots.

Create / Create ALL

To create a Performance Point, right-click the line belonging to the point to be created, and
select Create. Click Create All to create all the Scan Class Performance Points.

To delete a Performance Point, right-click the line belonging to the point to be deleted, and
select Delete.

Correct / Correct All
If the “Status” of a point is marked “Incorrect”, the point configuration can be automatically
corrected by ICU by right-clicking on the line belonging to the point to be corrected, and
selecting Correct. The Performance Points are created with the following PI attribute values.
If ICU detects that a Performance Point is not defined with the following, it will be marked
Incorrect: To correct all points click the Correct All menu item.
The Performance Points are created with the following PI attribute values:
Attribute Details
Tag Tag name that appears in the list box
Point Source PointSource for points for this interface, as specified on the
General page
Compressing Off
Excmax 0
Descriptor Interface name + “ Scan Class # Performance Point”

Right-click the line belonging to the point and select “Rename” to rename the Performance

Column descriptions

The Status column in the Performance Points table indicates whether the Performance Point
exists for the scan class in column 2.
Created – Indicates that the Performance Point does exist
Not Created – Indicates that the Performance Point does not exist
Deleted – Indicates that a Performance Point existed, but was just deleted by the user

Scan Class #
The Scan Class column indicates which scan class the Performance Point in the Tagname
column belongs to. There will be one scan class in the Scan Class column for each scan class
listed in the Scan Classes combo box on the UniInt Parameters tab.

The Tagname column holds the Performance point tag name.

This is the point source used for these performance points and the interface.

This is the value used by the interface for the /ID=# point attribute.

PI Interface for GE iFix 129

Interface Diagnostics Configuration

This is the used to tell the interface that these are performance points and the value is used to
corresponds to the /ID=# command line parameter if multiple copies of the same interface
are running on the Interface node.

The Snapshot column holds the snapshot value of each Performance Point that exists in the
PI Data Archive. The Snapshot column is updated when the Performance Points/Counters tab
is clicked, and when the interface is first loaded. You may have to scroll to the right to see
the snapshots.

Performance Counters Points

When running as a Service or interactively, this Interface exposes performance data via
Windows Performance Counters. Such data include items like:
 the amount of time that the Interface has been running;
 the number of points the Interface has added to its point list;
 the number of points that are currently updating among others
There are two types or instances of Performance Counters that can be collected and stored in
PI Points. The first is (_Total) which is a total for the Performance Counter since the
interface instance was started. The other is for individual Scan Classes (Scan Class x) where
x is a particular scan class defined for the interface instance that is being monitored.
OSIsoft’s PI Performance Monitor Interface is capable of reading these performance values
and writing them to PI points. Please see the Performance Monitor Interface for more
If there is no PI Performance Monitor Interface registered with the ICU in the Module
Database for the PI Data Archive the interface is sending its data to, you cannot use the ICU
to create any Interface instance’s Performance Counters Points:

After installing the PI Performance Monitor Interface as a service, select this Interface
instance from the Interface drop-down list, then click Performance Counters in the parameter
categories pane, and right click on the row containing the Performance Counters Point you
wish to create. This will bring up the context menu:

PI Interface for GE iFix 131

Interface Diagnostics Configuration

Click Create to create the Performance Counters Point for that particular row. Click Create
All to create all the Performance Counters Points listed which have a status of Not Created.
To see the current values (snapshots) of the created Performance Counters Points, right click
on any row and select Refresh Snapshots.

Note: The PI Performance Monitor Interface – and not this Interface – is responsible
for updating the values for the Performance Counters Points in the PI Data Archive.
So, make sure that the PI Performance Monitor Interface is running correctly.

Performance Counters

In the following lists of Performance Counters the naming convention used will be:
“PerformanceCounterName” (.PerformanceCountersPoint Suffix)
The tagname created by the ICU for each Performance Counter point is based on the setting
found under the Tools  Options  Naming Conventions  Performance Counter Points.
The default for this is “sy.perf.[machine].[if service] followed by the Performance Counter
Point suffix.

Performance Counters for both (_Total) and (Scan Class x)

“Point Count” (.point_count)

A .point_count Performance Counters Point is available for each Scan Class of this Interface
as well as a Total for the interface instance.
The .point_count Performance Counters Point indicates the number of PI Points per Scan
Class or the total number for the interface instance. This point is similar to the Health Point
[UI_SCPOINTCOUNT] for scan classes and [UI_POINTCOUNT] for totals.
The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for
example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1(Scan Class 1).point_count” refers to Scan Class
1, “(Scan Class 2)” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on. The tag containing “(_Total)” refers to
the sum of all Scan Classes.

“Scheduled Scans: % Missed” (.sched_scans_%missed)

A .sched_scans_%missed Performance Counters Point is available for each Scan Class of this
Interface as well as a Total for the interface instance.
The .sched_scans_%missed Performance Counters Point indicates the percentage of scans the
Interface missed per Scan Class or the total number missed for all scan classes since startup.
A missed scan occurs if the Interface performs the scan one second later than scheduled.
The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for
example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1(Scan Class 1).sched_scans_%missed” refers
to Scan Class 1, “(Scan Class 2)” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on. The tag containing
“(_Total)” refers to the sum of all Scan Classes.

“Scheduled Scans: % Skipped” (.sched_scans_%skipped)
A .sched_scans_%skipped Performance Counters Point is available for each Scan Class of
this Interface as well as a Total for the interface instance.
The .sched_scans_%skipped Performance Counters Point indicates the percentage of scans
the Interface skipped per Scan Class or the total number skipped for all scan classes since
startup. A skipped scan is a scan that occurs at least one scan period after its scheduled time.
This point is similar to the [UI_SCSKIPPED] Health Point.
The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for
example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1(Scan Class 1).sched_scans_%skipped” refers
to Scan Class 1, “(Scan Class 2)” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on. The tag containing
“(_Total)” refers to the sum of all Scan Classes.

“Scheduled Scans: Scan count this interval” (.sched_scans_this_interval)

A .sched_scans_this_interval Performance Counters Point is available for each Scan Class of
this Interface as well as a Total for the interface instance.
The .sched_scans_this_interval Performance Counters Point indicates the number of scans
that the Interface performed per performance summary interval for the scan class or the total
number of scans performed for all scan classes during the summary interval. This point is
similar to the [UI_SCSCANCOUNT] Health Point.
The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for
example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1(Scan Class 1).sched_scans_this_interval”
refers to Scan Class 1, “(Scan Class 2)” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on. The tag containing
“(_Total)” refers to the sum of all Scan Classes.

Performance Counters for (_Total) only

“Device Actual Connections” (.Device_Actual_Connections)

The .Device_Actual_Connections Performance Counters Point stores the actual number of
foreign devices currently connected and working properly out of the expected number of
foreign device connections to the interface. This value will always be less than or equal to the
Expected Connections.

“Device Expected Connections” (.Device_Expected_Connections)

The .Device_Expected_Connections Performance Counters Point stores the total number of
foreign device connections for the interface. This is the expected number of foreign device
connections configured that should be working properly at runtime. If the interface can only
communicate with 1 foreign device then the value of this counter will always be one. If the
interface can support multiple foreign device connections then this is the total number of
expected working connections configured for this Interface.

“Device Status” (.Device_Status)

The .Device_Status Performance Counters Point stores communication information about the
interface and the connection to the foreign device(s). The value of this counter is based on the
expected connections, actual connections and value of the /PercentUp command line
option. If the device status is good then the value is ‘0’. If the device status is bad then the

PI Interface for GE iFix 133

Interface Diagnostics Configuration

value is ‘1’. If the interface only supports connecting to 1 foreign device then the
/PercentUp command line value does not change the results of the calculation. If for
example the Interface can connect to 10 devices and 5 are currently working then the value of
the /PercentUp command line parameter is applied to determine the Device Status. If the
value of the /PercentUp command line parameter is set to 50 and at least 5 devices are
working then the DeviceStatus will remain good (i.e. have a value of zero).

“Failover Status” (.Failover_Status)

The .Failover_Status Performance Counters Point stores the failover state of the interface
when configured for UniInt interface level failover. The value of the counter will be ‘0’ when
the interface is running as the ‘Primary’ interface in the failover configuration. If the interface
is running in backup mode then the value of the counter will be ‘1’.

“Interface up-time (seconds)” (.up_time)

The .up_time Performance Counters Point indicates the amount of time (in seconds) that this
Interface has been running. At startup the value of the counter is zero. The value will
continue to increment until it reaches the maximum value for an unsigned integer. Once it
reaches this value then it will start back over at zero.

“IO Rate (events/second)” (.io_rates)

The .io_rates Performance Counters Point indicates the rate (in event per second) at which
this Interface writes data to its input points. (As of UniInt 4.5.0.x and later this performance
counters point will no longer be available.)

“Log file message count” (.log_file_msg_count)

The .log_file_msg_count Performance Counters Point indicates the number of messages that
the Interface has written to the log file. This point is similar to the [UI_MSGCOUNT]
Health Point.

“PI Status” (PI_Status)

The .PI_Status Performance Counters Point stores communication information about the
interface and the connection to the PI Data Archive. If the interface is properly
communicating with the PI Data Archive then the value of the counter is ‘0’. If the
communication to the PI Data Archive goes down for any reason then the value of the
counter will be ‘1’. Once the interface is properly communicating with the PI Data Archive
again then the value will change back to ‘0’.

“Points added to the interface” (.pts_added_to_interface)

The .pts_added_to_interface Performance Counter Point indicates the number of points the
Interface has added to its point list. This does not include the number of points configured at
startup. This is the number of points added to the interface after the interface has finished a
successful startup.

“Points edited in the interface”(.pts_edited_in_interface)
The .pts_edited_in_interface Performance Counters Point indicates the number of point edits
the Interface has detected. The Interface detects edits for those points whose PointSource
attribute matches the Point Source parameter and whose Location1 attribute matches the
Interface ID parameter of the Interface.

“Points Good” (.Points_Good)

The .Points_Good Performance Counters Point is the number of points that have sent a good
current value to the PI. Data Archive A good value is defined as any value that is not a
system digital state value. A point can either be Good, In Error or Stale. The total of Points
Good, Points In Error and Points State will equal the Point Count. There is one exception to
this rule. At startup of an interface, the Stale timeout must elapse before the point will be
added to the Stale Counter. Therefore the interface must be up and running for at least 10
minutes for all points to belong to a particular Counter.

“Points In Error” (.Points_In_Error)

The .Points_In_Error Performance Counters Point indicates the number of points that have
sent a current value to the PI Data Archive that is a system digital state value. Once a point is
in the In Error count it will remain in the In Error count until the point receives a new, good
value. Points in Error do not transition to the Stale Counter. Only good points become stale.

“Points removed from the interface” (.pts_removed_from_interface)

The .pts_removed_from_interface Performance Counters Point indicates the number of points
that have been removed from the Interface configuration. A point can be removed from the
interface when one of the point attributes is updated and the point is no longer a part of the
interface configuration. For example, changing the point source, location 1, or Scan attribute
can cause the point to no longer be a part of the interface configuration.

“Points Stale 10(min)” (.Points_Stale_10min)

The .Points_Stale_10min Performance Counters Point indicates the number of good points
that have not received a new value in the last 10 min. If a point is Good, then it will remain in
the good list until the Stale timeout elapses. At this time if the point has not received a new
value within the Stale Period then the point will move from the Good count to the Stale
count. Only points that are Good can become Stale. If the point is in the In Error count then it
will remain in the In Error count until the error clears. As stated above, the total count of
Points Good, Points In Error and Points Stale will match the Point Count for the Interface.

“Points Stale 30(min)” (.Points_Stale_30min)

The .Points_Stale_30min Performance Counters Point indicates the number of points that
have not received a new value in the last 30 min. For a point to be in the Stale 30 minute
count it must also be a part of the Stale 10 minute count.

“Points Stale 60(min)” (.Points_Stale_60min)

The .Points_Stale_60min Performance Counters Point indicates the number of points that
have not received a new value in the last 60 min. For a point to be in the Stale 60 minute
count it must also be a part of the Stale 10 minute and 30 minute count.
PI Interface for GE iFix 135
Interface Diagnostics Configuration

“Points Stale 240(min)” (.Points_Stale_240min)

The .Points_Stale_240min Performance Counters Point indicates the number of points that
have not received a new value in the last 240 min. For a point to be in the Stale 240 minute
count it must also be a part of the Stale 10 minute, 30 minute and 60 minute count.

Performance Counters for (Scan Class x) only

“Device Scan Time (milliseconds)” (.Device_Scan_Time)

A .Device_Scan_Time Performance Counter Point is available for each Scan Class of this
The .Device_Scan_Time Performance Counters Point indicates the number of milliseconds
the Interface takes to read the data from the foreign device and package the data to send to the
PI Data Archive. This counter does not include the amount of time to send the data to the
PI Data Archive. This point is similar to the [UI_SCINDEVSCANTIME] Health Point.
The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for
example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1 (Scan Class 1).device_scan _time” refers to
Scan Class 1, “(Scan Class 2) refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.

“Scan Time (milliseconds)” (.scan_time)

A .scan_time Performance Counter Point is available for each Scan Class of this Interface.
The .scan_time Performance Counter Point indicates the number of milliseconds the Interface
takes to both read the data from the device and send the data to the PI Data Archive. This
point is similar to the [UI_SCINSCANTIME] Health Point.
The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for
example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1(Scan Class 1).scan_time” refers to Scan Class 1,
“(Scan Class 2)” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.

Interface Health Monitoring Points
Interface Health Monitoring Points provide information about the health of this Interface. To
use the ICU to configure these points, select this Interface from the Interface drop-down list
and click Health Points from the parameter category pane:

Right click the row for a particular Health Point to display the context menu:

Click Create to create the Health Point for that particular row. Click Create All to create all
the Health Points.

PI Interface for GE iFix 137

Interface Diagnostics Configuration

To see the current values (snapshots) of the Health Points, right click and select Refresh
For some of the Health Points described subsequently, the Interface updates their values at
each performance summary interval (typically, 8 hours).

The [UI_HEARTBEAT] Health Point indicates whether the Interface is currently running.
The value of this point is an integer that increments continuously from 1 to 15. After reaching
15, the value resets to 1.
The fastest scan class frequency determines the frequency at which the Interface updates this
Fastest Scan Frequency Update frequency
Less than 1 second 1 second
Between 1 and 60 Scan frequency
seconds, inclusive
More than 60 seconds 60 seconds

If the value of the [UI_HEARTBEAT] Health Point is not changing, then this Interface is in
an unresponsive state.

A device status point is a type of interface Heath point. Specifically, it is a PI point that is
updated by the interface to indicate the current interface working state. For example, if a
device status point exists, the interface will send an update when it establishes or loses
communication with Intellution. In this way, users can monitor the device status point to
track the health of the interface without referring to log files.
A device status point must be a string point and the first characters in its ExDesc attribute
must be [UI_DEVSTAT]. Refer to the UniInt Interface User Manual for more information on
configuring interface Health points.
The following events can be written to the device status point:
 “1 | Starting” – UniInt writes this string to the Device Status point when the interface
starts. The snapshot for the Device Status point will contain this value until either
communication is established with Intellution on the local node or the interface shuts
 Digital state Good – the interface writes this event to the Device Status point when it
establishes communication with Intellution on the local node.
 If the interface loses communication with the Intellution on the local node, the
interface writes one of the following strings to the Device Status point:
o "3 | 1 device(s) in error | Local Intellution stopped; interface shutting down."
o "3 | 1 device(s) in error | Local Intellution stopped; interface will continue."
 If the interface is unable to collect alarm & event data it will write one of the
following updates to the Device Status point;
o “3 | 1 device(s) in error | Unable to collect alarm & event data.”
o “3 | 1 device(s) in error | Service library not loaded.”
 “4 | Intf Shutdown” – UniInt writes this string to the Device Status point when the
interface stops.

The [UI_SCINFO] Health Point provides scan class information. The value of this point is a
string that indicates
 the number of scan classes;
 the update frequency of the [UI_HEARTBEAT] Health Point; and
 the scan class frequencies
An example value for the [UI_SCINFO] Health Point is:
3 | 5 | 5 | 60 | 120
The Interface updates the value of this point at startup and at each performance summary

The [UI_IORATE] Health Point indicates the sum of
1. the number of scan-based input values the Interface collects before it performs
exception reporting; and
2. the number of event-based input values the Interface collects before it performs
exception reporting; and
3. the number of values that the Interface writes to output points that have a
The Interface updates this point at the same frequency as the [UI_HEARTBEAT] point. The
value of this [UI_IORATE] Health Point may be zero. A stale timestamp for this point
indicates that this Interface has stopped collecting data.

The [UI_MSGCOUNT] Health Point tracks the number of messages that the Interface has
written to the log file since start-up. In general, a large number for this point indicates that the
Interface is encountering problems. You should investigate the cause of these problems by
looking in log messages
The Interface updates the value of this point every 60 seconds. While the Interface is running,
the value of this point never decreases.

The [UI_POINTCOUNT] Health Point counts number of PI points loaded by the interface.
This count includes all input, output and triggered input points. This count does NOT include
any interface health points or performance points.
The interface updates the value of this point at startup, on change and at shutdown.

PI Interface for GE iFix 139

Interface Diagnostics Configuration

After performing an output to the device, this Interface writes the output value to the output
point if the point has a SourceTag. The [UI_OUTPUTRATE] Health Point tracks the
number of these values. If there are no output points for this Interface, it writes the System
Digital State No Result to this Health Point.
The Interface updates this point at the same frequency as the [UI_HEARTBEAT] point’s.
The Interface resets the value of this point to zero at each performance summary interval.

The [UI_OUTPUTBVRATE] Health Point tracks the number of System Digital State values
that the Interface writes to output points that have a SourceTag. If there are no output points
for this Interface, it writes the System Digital State No Result to this Health Point.
The Interface updates this point at the same frequency as the [UI_HEARTBEAT] point’s.
The Interface resets the value of this point to zero at each performance summary interval.

The [UI_TRIGGERRATE] Health Point tracks the number of values that the Interface writes
to event-based input points. If there are no event-based input points for this Interface, it writes
the System Digital State No Result to this Health Point.
The Interface updates this point at the same frequency as the [UI_HEARTBEAT] point’s.
The Interface resets the value of this point to zero at each performance summary interval.

The [UI_TRIGGERRATE] Health Point tracks the number of System Digital State values
that the Interface writes to event-based input points. If there are no event-based input points
for this Interface, it writes the System Digital State No Result to this Health Point.
The Interface updates this point at the same frequency as the [UI_HEARTBEAT] point’s.
The Interface resets the value of this point to zero at each performance summary interval.

You can create a [UI_SCIORATE] Health Point for each Scan Class in this Interface. The
ICU uses a tag naming convention such that the suffix “.sc1” (for example,
sy.st.etamp390.E1.Scan Class IO Rate.sc1) refers to Scan Class 1, “.sc2” refers to
Scan Class 2, and so on.
A particular Scan Class’s [UI_SCIORATE] point indicates the number of values that the
Interface has collected. If the current value of this point is between zero and the
corresponding [UI_SCPOINTCOUNT] point, inclusive, then the Interface executed the scan
successfully. If a [UI_SCIORATE] point stops updating, then this condition indicates that an
error has occurred and the points in the scan class are no longer receiving new data.
The Interface updates the value of a [UI_SCIORATE] point after the completion of the
associated scan.
Although the ICU allows you to create the point with the suffix “.sc0”, this point is not
applicable to this Interface.

You can create a [UI_SCBVRATE] Health Point for each Scan Class in this Interface. The
ICU uses a tag naming convention such that the suffix “.sc1” (for example,
sy.st.etamp390.E1.Scan Class Bad Value Rate.sc1) refers to Scan Class 1,
“.sc2” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.
A particular Scan Class’s [UI_SCBVRATE] point indicates the number System Digital State
values that the Interface has collected.
The Interface updates the value of a [UI_SCBVRATE] point after the completion of the
associated scan.
Although the ICU allows you to create the point with the suffix “.sc0”, this point is not
applicable to this Interface.

You can create a [UI_SCSCANCOUNT] Health Point for each Scan Class in this Interface.
The ICU uses a tag naming convention such that the suffix “.sc1” (for example,
sy.st.etamp390.E1.Scan Class Scan Count.sc1) refers to Scan Class 1, “.sc2”
refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.
A particular Scan Class’s [UI_ SCSCANCOUNT] point tracks the number of scans that the
Interface has performed.
The Interface updates the value of this point at the completion of the associated scan. The
Interface resets the value to zero at each performance summary interval.
Although there is no “Scan Class 0”, the ICU allows you to create the point with the suffix
“.sc0”. This point indicates the total number of scans the Interface has performed for all of its
Scan Classes.

You can create a [UI_SCSKIPPED] Health Point for each Scan Class in this Interface. The
ICU uses a tag naming convention such that the suffix “.sc1” (for example,
sy.st.etamp390.E1.Scan Class Scans Skipped.sc1) refers to Scan Class 1, “.sc2”
refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.
A particular Scan Class’s [UI_SCSKIPPED] point tracks the number of scans that the
Interface was not able to perform before the scan time elapsed and before the Interface
performed the next scheduled scan.
The Interface updates the value of this point each time it skips a scan. The value represents
the total number of skipped scans since the previous performance summary interval. The
Interface resets the value of this point to zero at each performance summary interval.
Although there is no “Scan Class 0”, the ICU allows you to create the point with the suffix
“.sc0”. This point monitors the total skipped scans for all of the Interface’s Scan Classes.

You can create a [UI_SCPOINTCOUNT] Health Point for each Scan Class in this Interface.
The ICU uses a tag naming convention such that the suffix “.sc1” (for example,
sy.st.etamp390.E1.Scan Class Point Count.sc1) refers to Scan Class 1, “.sc2”
refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.

PI Interface for GE iFix 141

Interface Diagnostics Configuration

This Health Point monitors the number of points in a Scan Class.

The Interface updates a [UI_SCPOINTCOUNT] Health Point when it performs the associated
Although the ICU allows you to create the point with the suffix “.sc0”, this point is not
applicable to this Interface.

You can create a [UI_SCINSCANTIME] Health Point for each Scan Class in this Interface.
The ICU uses a tag naming convention such that the suffix “.sc1” (for example,
sy.st.etamp390.E1.Scan Class Scan Time.sc1) refers to Scan Class 1, “.sc2”
refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.
A particular Scan Class’s [UI_ SCINSCANTIME] point represents the amount of time (in
milliseconds) the Interface takes to read data from the device, fill in the values for the points,
and send the values to the PI Data Archive.
The Interface updates the value of this point at the completion of the associated scan.

You can create a [UI_SCINDEVSCANTIME] Health Point for each Scan Class in this
Interface. The ICU uses a tag naming convention such that the suffix “.sc1” (for example,
sy.st.etamp390.E1.Scan Class Device Scan Time.sc1) refers to Scan Class 1,
“.sc2” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.
A particular Scan Class’s [UI_ SCINDEVSCANTIME] point represents the amount of time
(in milliseconds) the Interface takes to read data from the device and fill in the values for the
The value of a [UI_ SCINDEVSCANTIME] point is a fraction of the corresponding
[UI_SCINSCANTIME] point value. You can use these numbers to determine the percentage
of time the Interface spends communicating with the device compared with the percentage of
time communicating with the PI Data Archive.
If the [UI_SCSKIPPED] value is increasing, the [UI_SCINDEVSCANTIME] points along
with the [UI_SCINSCANTIME] points can help identify where the delay is occurring:
whether the reason is communication with the device, communication with the
PI Data Archive, or elsewhere.
The Interface updates the value of this point at the completion of the associated scan.

I/O Rate Point

An I/O Rate point measures the rate at which the Interface writes data to its input points. The
value of an I/O Rate point represents a 10-minute average of the total number of values per
minute that the Interface sends to the PI Data Archive.
When the Interface starts, it writes 0 to the I/O Rate point. After running for ten minutes, the
Interface writes the I/O Rate value. The Interface continues to write a value every 10 minutes.
When the Interface stops, it writes 0.

The ICU allows you to create one I/O Rate point for each copy of this Interface. Select this
Interface from the Interface drop-down list, click IO Rate in the parameter category pane, and
check Enable IORates for this Interface.

As the preceding picture shows, the ICU suggests an Event Counter number and a Tagname
for the I/O Rate Point. Click the Save button to save the settings and create the I/O Rate point.
Click the Apply button to apply the changes to this copy of the Interface.
You need to restart the Interface in order for it to write a value to the newly created I/O Rate
point. Restart the Interface by clicking the Restart button:

(The reason you need to restart the Interface is that the PointSource attribute of an I/O Rate
point is Lab.)
To confirm that the interface recognizes the I/O Rate Point, look in the log file for a message
such as:
PI-ModBus 1> IORATE: tag sy.io.etamp390.ModbusE1 configured.
To see the I/O Rate point’s current value (snapshot), click the Refresh snapshot button:

PI Interface for GE iFix 143

Interface Diagnostics Configuration

Enable IORates for this Interface

The Enable IORates for this interface check box enables or disables I/O Rates for the current
interface. To disable I/O Rates for the selected interface, uncheck this box. To enable I/O
Rates for the selected interface, check this box.

Event Counter
The Event Counter correlates a point specified in the iorates.dat file with this copy of the
interface. The command-line equivalent is /ec=x, where x is the same number that is
assigned to a tag name in the iorates.dat file.

The tag name listed under the Tagname column is the name of the I/O Rate point.

Tag Status
The Tag Status column indicates whether the I/O Rate point exists in the PI Data Archive.
The possible states are:
 Created – This status indicates that the point exist in the PI Data Archive
 Not Created – This status indicates that the point does not yet exist in the
PI Data Archive
 Deleted – This status indicates that the point has just been deleted
 Unknown – This status indicates that the PI ICU is not able to access the
PI Data Archive

In File
The In File column indicates whether the I/O Rate tag in the Tagname and the number in the
Event Counter box is in the IORates.dat file. The possible states are:
 Yes – This status indicates that the tag name and event counter are in the IORates.dat
 No – This status indicates that the tag name and event counter are not in the
IORates.dat file

The Snapshot column holds the snapshot value of the I/O Rate point, if the I/O Rate point
exists in the PI Data Archive. The Snapshot column is updated when the IORates/Status Tags
tab is clicked, and when the Interface is first loaded.

Create the suggested I/O Rate point with the tag name indicated in the Tagname box. Or, save
any changes for the tag name indicated in the Tagname box.

Delete the I/O Rate point listed in the Tagname box.

Change the tag name for the I/O Rate point listed in the Tagname box.

Add to File
Add the tag name to the IORates.dat file with the event counter listed in the Event Counter

Search the PI Data Archive for a previously defined I/O Rate point.

Interface Status Point

The PI Interface Status Utility (ISU) alerts you when an interface is not currently writing data
to the PI Data Archive. This situation commonly occurs if
 the monitored interface is running on an interface node, but the interface node cannot
communicate with the PI Data Archive; or
 the monitored interface is not running, but it failed to write at shutdown a System
state such as Intf Shut.
The ISU works by periodically looking at the timestamp of a watchdog Point. The watchdog
point is a point whose value a monitored interface (such as this Interface) frequently updates.
The watchdog point has its excdev, excmin, and excmax point attributes set to 0. So, a non-
changing timestamp for the watchdog point indicates that the monitored interface is not
writing data.
Please see the Interface Status Interface for complete information on using the ISU. PI
Interface Status runs only on a PI Data Archive Node.
If you have used the ICU to configure the PI Interface Status Utility Interface on the
PI Data Archive node, the ICU allows you to create the appropriate ISU point. Select this
interface from the Interface list and click Interface Status in the parameter category pane.
Right click on a point in the Interface Status Utility Tag Definition list to open the shortcut

PI Interface for GE iFix 145

Interface Diagnostics Configuration

Click Create to create the ISU point.

Use the Tag Search button to select a watchdog point. (Recall that the watchdog point is one
of the points for which this Interface collects data.)
Select a Scan frequency from the drop-down list box. This Scan frequency is the interval at
which the ISU monitors the watchdog point. For optimal performance, choose a Scan
frequency that is less frequent than the majority of the scan rates for this Interface’s points.
For example, if this Interface scans most of its points every 30 seconds, choose a Scan
frequency of 60 seconds. If this Interface scans most of its points every second, choose a Scan
frequency of 10 seconds.
If the Tag Status indicates that the ISU point is Incorrect, right click to enable the context
menu and select Correct.

Note: The PI Interface Status Utility – and not this Interface – is responsible for
updating the ISU point. So, make sure that the PI Interface Status Utility is running

Appendix A. Error and Informational Messages

A string NameID is pre-pended to error messages written to the message log. Name is a non-
configurable identifier that is no longer than 9 characters. ID is a configurable identifier that
is no longer than 9 characters and is specified using the /id parameter on the startup

Message Logs
The location of the message log depends upon the platform on which the Interface is running.
For more information about logs for interfaces running on Windows, see UniInt Interface
Message Logging for UniInt 4.5.0.x and later Interfaces or knowledge base article 401 on the
OSIsoft technical support web site.
Messages are written to the log file at the following times.
 When the Interface starts many informational messages are written to the log. These
include the version of the interface, the version of UniInt, the command-line
parameters used, and the number of points.
 As the Interface loads points, messages are sent to the log if there are any problems
with the configuration of the points.
 If the UniInt /dbUniInt parameter is found in the command-line, then various
informational messages are written to the log file.


Interface-specific Troubleshooting

If the interface is behaving in an unexpected manner, check the log file. Even when the
interface runs in interactive mode, not all error messages are written to the screen.

Interface Startup and Point-loading Errors

PI Interface for GE iFix 147

Error and Informational Messages

Check that the Windows Environment Variables (Control Panel -> System) contain the path
to the eda.dll and fixtools.dll (assuming Intellution software is installed on the
Message EDA Failed to add tag [NODE, TAG, FIELD] to the group.
NDK:Network Command Table (NCT) full.
Meaning Interface failed to initialize because the Intellution program TCPTask.exe has hung
or is not running. Verify TCPTask is part of the startup list for the Intellution software.
Restart the Intellution software and interface.

Message EDA Failed to add tag, [tagname], to the group. Location2

out of range.
Meaning Location2 defines whether the point is an input (0) or output (1). Verify the PI point
definition has a Location2 value of either 0 or 1.

Message Complete NODE:TAG:FIELD information unavailable for PI

tag: [tagname]
Meaning Verify that the complete Node, Tag, Field (NTF) definition has been defined. The point
definition uses the InstrumentTag. If the NTF definition requires more than 32
characters, use the Exdesc point attribute to define the Node and Field parameters.

Message EDA Failed to add tag [NODE,TAG,FIELD] to the group.

Meaning When debug is enabled for point checking, the interface attempts to verify the point with
Intellution during startup. If this fails, it prints this message to the log file. Check the
point configuration for this point, in particular the NTF definition. Launch the Intellution
Database Builder program and verify you can view current values for this point.

Data Collection Errors

The following list of error codes describe the common return values the interface receives
from Intellution when a point update request fails. They can be grouped into two general
categories: network errors and non-network errors.

Non-network Errors
When the interface receives a non-network error from Intellution in response to a data
request, it writes “Bad Input”, prints the error to the log file, and continues scanning for data.
The point does not get dropped from the scan list (the interface will continue to try and read
data for the point) but the error message will not be repeated in the log file. The message is
only printed the first time the read fails.
Message Read failed. Error 1209 returned calling eda_get_float();
Meaning This error gets returned to the interface from Intellution on an update request and
translates to “Illegal block field”. Verify the NTF definition (InstrumentTag) for the PI
point configuration.

Message Read failed. Error 1212 returned calling eda_get_float();
Meaning This error gets returned to the interface from Intellution on an update request and
translates to “Field’s value not known”. Verify that the Intellution software is currently
scanning data for that point. Run Intellution Database Builder program and check that it
is on scan and you can view a current value.

Message Read failed. Error 1750 returned calling eda_get_float();

Meaning This error gets returned to the interface from Intellution on an update request and
translates to “Tag name is not defined”. Run Intellution Database Builder program and
verify that the point exists on the defined node. Verify the NTF definition
(InstrumentTag) for the PI point configuration.

Message Read failed. Eda_get_ascii returned empty string;

Meaning When the interface gets a blank (null) value for a string or digital point, it writes ‘No
Data’ to the PI point and logs this message to the log file.

Network Errors
When the interface receives a network error from Intellution, it writes “IO Timeout”, stops
scanning for updates and goes into a wait loop while trying to re-establish a connection to
Message Read failed. Error 1914 returned calling eda_get_float();
[tagname] [Node,Tag,Field]
Meaning This error gets returned to the interface from Intellution on an update request and
translates to “Connection NOT established with node”. Verify the local Intellution
software is running. If the point data is coming from a remote Intellution View/SCADA
node check the network connection.

System Errors and PI Errors

System errors are associated with positive error numbers. Errors related to PI are associated
with negative error numbers.

Error Descriptions
Descriptions of system and PI errors can be obtained with the pidiag utility:
\PI\adm\pidiag – e error_number

PI Interface for GE iFix 149

Error and Informational Messages

UniInt Failover Specific Error Messages


Message 16-May-06 10:38:00

PI-EDA 1> UniInt failover: Interface in the “Backup”
Meaning Upon system startup, the initial transition is made to this state. While in this state the
interface monitors the status of the other interface participating in failover. When
configured for Hot failover, data received from the data source is queued and not sent
to the PI Data Archive while in this state. The amount of data queued while in this state
is determined by the failover update interval. In any case, there will be typically no more
than two update intervals of data in the queue at any given time. Some transition chains
may cause the queue to hold up to five failover update intervals worth of data.

Message 16-May-06 10:38:05

PI-EDA 1> UniInt failover: Interface in the “Primary”
state and actively sending data to PI. Backup interface
not available.
Meaning While in this state, the interface is in its primary role and sends data to the
PI Data Archive as it is received. This message also states that there is not a backup
interface participating in failover.

Message 16-May-06 16:37:21

PI-EDA 1> UniInt failover: Interface in the “Primary”
state and actively sending data to PI. Backup interface
Meaning While in this state, the interface sends data to the PI Data Archive as it is received. This
message also states that the other copy of the interface appears to be ready to take
over the role of primary.

Errors (Phase 1 & 2)

Message 16-May-06 17:29:06

PI-EDA 1> One of the required Failover Synchronization
points was not loaded.
Error = 0: The Active ID synchronization point was not
The input PI tag was not loaded
Cause The Active ID point is not configured properly.
Resolution Check validity of point attributes. For example, make sure Location1 attribute is valid
for the interface. All failover points must have the same PointSource and
Location1 attributes. Modify point attributes as necessary and restart the interface.

Message 16-May-06 17:38:06

PI-EDA 1> One of the required Failover Synchronization
points was not loaded.
Error = 0: The Heartbeat point for this copy of the
interface was not loaded.
The input PI tag was not loaded
Cause The Heartbeat point is not configured properly.
Resolution Check validity of point attributes. For example, make sure Location1 attribute is valid
for the interface. All failover points must have the same PointSource and Location1
attributes. Modify point attributes as necessary and restart the interface.

Message 17-May-06 09:06:03

PI-EDA > The Uniint FailOver ID (/UFO_ID) must be a
positive integer.
Cause The UFO_ID parameter has not been assigned a positive integer value.
Resolution Change and verify the parameter to a positive integer and restart the interface.

Message 17-May-06 09:06:03

PI-EDA 1> The Failover ID parameter (/UFO_ID) was found
but the ID for the redundant copy was not found
Cause The /UFO_OtherID parameter is not defined or has not been assigned a positive
integer value.
Resolution Change and verify the /UFO_OtherID parameter to a positive integer and restart
the interface.

PI Interface for GE iFix 151

Error and Informational Messages

Errors (Phase 1)

Message 17-May-06 09:06:03

PI-EDA 1> UniInt failover: Interface in an “Error” state.
Could not read failover control points.
Cause The failover control points on the data source are returning a value to the interface that
is in error. This error can be caused by creating a non-initialized control point on the
data source.” This message will only be received if the interface is configured to be
synchronized through the data source (Phase 1).
Resolution Check validity of the value of the control points on the data source.

Message 16-May-06 17:29:06

PI-EDA 1> Loading Failover Synchronization tag failed
Error Number = 0: Description = [FailOver] or HeartBeat:n]
was found in the exdesc for Tag Active_IN but the tag was
not loaded by the interface.
Failover will not be initialized unless another Active ID
tag is successfully loaded by the interface.
Cause The Active ID or Heartbeat point is not configured properly. This message will only be
received if the interface is configured to be synchronized through the data source
(Phase 1).
Resolution Check validity of point attributes. For example, make sure Location1 attribute is valid
for the interface. All failover points must have the same PointSource and Location1
attributes. Modify point attributes as necessary and restart the interface.

Message 17-May-06 09:05:39

PI-EDA 1> Error reading Active ID point from Data source
Active_IN (Point 29600) status = -255
Cause The Active ID point value on the data source produced an error when read by the
interface. The value read from the data source must be valid. Upon receiving this error,
the interface will enter the “Backup in Error state.”
Resolution Check validity of the value of the Active ID point on the data source. For example, use
the Database Builder application to view and edit the value for the Active ID point.

Message 17-May-06 09:06:03

PI-EDA 1> Error reading the value for the other copy’s
Heartbeat point from Data source
HB2_IN (Point 29604) status = -255
Cause The Heartbeat point value on the data source produced an error when read by the
interface. The value read from the data source must be valid. Upon receiving this
error, the interface will enter the “Backup in Error state.”
Resolution Check validity of the value of the Heartbeat point on the data source. For example, use
the Database Builder application to view and edit the value for the Heartbeat point.

Errors (Phase 2)

Unable to open synchronization file

Message 27-Jun-08 17:27:17
PI Eight Track 1 1> Error 5: Unable to create file
Verify that interface has read/write/create access on
file server machine.
Initializing UniInt library failed
Stopping Interface
Cause This message will be seen when the interface is unable to create a new failover
synchronization file at startup. The creation of the file only takes place the first time
either copy of the interface is started and the file does not exist. The error number
most commonly seen is error number 5. Error number 5 is an “access denied” error
and is likely the result of a permissions problem.
Resolution Ensure the account the interface is running under has read and write permissions for
the folder. The “log on as” property of the Windows service may need to be set to an
account that has permissions for the folder.

Error Opening Synchronization File

Message Sun Jun 29 17:18:51 2008
PI Eight Track 1 2> WARNING> Failover Warning: Error = 64
Unable to open Failover Control File
The interface will not be able to change state if PI is
not available
Cause This message will be seen when the interface is unable to open the failover
synchronization file. The interface failover will continue to operate correctly as long as
communication to the PI Data Archive is not interrupted. If communication to the
PI Data Archive is interrupted while one or both interfaces cannot access the
synchronization file, the interfaces will remain in the state they were in at the time of
the second failure, so the primary interface will remain primary and the backup
interface will remain backup.
Resolution Ensure the account the interface is running under has read and write permissions for
the folder and file. The “log on as” property of the Windows service may need to be set
to an account that has permissions for the folder and file.

PI Interface for GE iFix 153

Appendix B. PI SDK Options

To access the PI SDK settings for this Interface, select this Interface from the Interface drop-
down list and click UniInt – PI SDK in the parameter category pane.

Disable PI SDK
Select Disable PI SDK to tell the Interface not to use the PI SDK. If you want to run the
Interface in Disconnected Startup mode, you must choose this option.
The command line equivalent for this option is /pisdk=0.

Use the Interface’s default setting

This selection has no effect on whether the Interface uses the PI SDK. However, you must
not choose this option if you want to run the Interface in Disconnected Startup mode.

Enable PI SDK
Select Enable PI SDK to tell the Interface to use the PI SDK. Choose this option if the
PI Data Archive version is earlier than 3.4.370.x or the PI API is earlier than, and you
want to use extended lengths for the Tag, Descriptor, ExDesc, InstrumentTag, or PointSource
point attributes. The maximum lengths for these attributes are:
Attribute Enable the Interface to use PI Data Archive earlier than 3.4.370.x
the PI SDK or PI API earlier than, without
the use of the PI SDK
Tag 1023 255
Descriptor 1023 26
ExDesc 1023 80
InstrumentTag 1023 32
PointSource 1023 1

However, if you want to run the Interface in Disconnected Startup mode, you must not
choose this option.
The command line equivalent for this option is /pisdk=1.

PI Interface for GE iFix 155

Appendix C. FIXtoPI Configuration Transfer Utility

A utility is provided to transfer configuration information contained in the Intellution
database to points in the PI Data Archive. This utility must be considered as an aid rather than
a total solution for configuring the PI Data Archive to work with the Intellution database.
The utility is a command line program called FIXToPI.exe.
The utility transfers the configuration information of the active raw data points in the
Intellution database and formats them in a text file of appropriate commands for entry into the
piconfig program.
The text file is named FIXToPI.scr, and it may be used in either of two ways. The first
method is to run the piconfig utility with input redirected from this file. The second method is
to use the @INPUT command of the piconfig utility.
The configuration transfer utility is designed to transfer information contained in Analog
Input, Analog Output, Analog Register, Digital Input, Digital Output, Digital Register, and
Multiple Digital Input blocks. If you want to archive information contained in other than
those blocks, this must be done manually. In addition, the “Register” type blocks are
configured as PI input points and thus will be read by the interface instead of being able to
write to the Registers. If the client wants to configure “Register” type blocks as PI output
points, the point must be edited manually in piconfig.
The utility must be run on a FIX SCADA node, as it uses FIX functions that will not work on
a simple View node.
The program is designed to be flexible, allowing the transfer of all the information contained
for the above type blocks as a default, and allowing you to restrict that transfer in a manner of
your choosing.
 You can choose to allow the program to transfer configuration information from the
SCADA node that the utility is running on and all the attached SCADA nodes, or you
can choose to restrict it to any subset of those nodes.
 You can choose to allow it to transfer all tags of the types described above, or you
can restrict that to any subset of those types.
 You can choose to allow transfer of all tags on the specified nodes, or you can
exclude certain tagnames based on a simple pattern-matching scheme.
 You can also choose to only include tagnames that match a particular pattern. The
pattern-matching scheme is simple – it is the one used in MS-DOS to match
filenames; the ‘?’ character matches any character, the ‘*’ character matches all
characters from that point on, and any other character is an exact match. Note that the
pattern matching is case sensitive, so “ONE” is not the same pattern as “one”.

PI Interface for GE iFix 157

FIXtoPI Configuration Transfer Utility

The utility creates a unique digital set for each unique digital set in FIX when building the file
to create the PI points. The digital set names assigned to the digital sets all start with the
prefix dmFIXds. The suffix XXXX is appended where XXXX is a value from 0000 to 9999.
The first digital set will be named dmFIXds0000, the second digital set will be named
dmFIXds0001, etc. You should edit the digital state set names in the file where appropriate.
All digital output points are assigned a source tag with the same name as the tag name. This
should be edited and the appropriate source tag name used.

User Instructions
The format of the command line for using the utility is:
FIXToPI /p=<pointsource> [/n=<node> [/n=<node>…]] [/t=<type> [/t=<type> …]] ^
[/I=<include pattern> [/I=<include pattern> …]] ^
[/e=<exclude pattern> [/e=<exclude pattern> …]]


Parameter Description
/p=x The PI point source that you would like these points to have.
Required This is a required parameter, and if not included, the program
will exit with nothing done.
/n=name Name of a node. This parameter may be repeated for each
Optional node that the user wishes to include in the list of nodes. If no
parameter of this type is specified, the program defaults to all
nodes accessible by the machine on which the program is
/t=type Name of a block type. This parameter may be repeated for
Optional each block type that the user wishes to include in the list of
block types. These can be any of
“AI”,”AO”,”AR”,”DI”,”DO”,”DR”,”MDI, “AA”, “DA”. If no
parameter of this type is specified, the default is to include all
the above in the list of types.
/e=exclusion_pattern Pattern to match to the FIX block name to exclude from
Optional configuration transfer. The parameter may be repeated for
each pattern the user wishes to exclude. If any of these types
of parameters appears, the utility attempts to match each block
name as encountered, and if the pattern match succeeds, the
configuration information is NOT transferred. If multiple
patterns are included, if the block name matches ANY of the
patterns, the configuration information is NOT transferred.
/I=inclusion_pattern Pattern to match to the FIX block name to transfer
Optional configuration information. This parameter may be repeated for
each pattern that the user wishes to include. If no parameter of
this type is specified, the default is to include all the tags with
the exception of the above exclude list.
If one or more of these parameters are included, the
configuration information is transferred for any block whose
name matches any of the patterns in the list.

Note: Exclude processing is done before include processing, and therefore, if a

block name matches the pattern of something on the exclude list, it will not be
subjected to include list processing.

Sample Command Lines
To transfer all tags on node SCADA1:
To transfer all the analog points for all connected SCADA nodes:
FIXToPI /p=G /t=AO /t=AI /t=AR
To transfer the Digital Input block information on node “LOCAL” with names beginning
with the letters ‘I’ or ‘J’
FIXToPI /p=x /I=I* /I=J* /n=LOCAL /t=DI
To transfer all configuration information of all blocks on all connected nodes except for the
blocks with names containing a ‘1’ as the first character, anything in the next two characters,
“CHK” as the next three characters and anything after that.
FIXToPI /p=k /e=1??CHK*

Sample FixToPI.scr File

After the Utility has been run, the user should first edit the file FIXToPI.scr prior to creating
the PI points and digital sets. The following example output shows the file that will be created
in order to create a PI point for each FIX point type.
FIX Tag Name FIX Point Type
AA1 AA (supported but not shown)
DA1 DA (supported but not shown)

Sample Output
Sample output from the utility is:
@table pids
@mode create, t
@istructure set,state,...
@table pipoint
@ptclass classic
@mode create, t
DAVID:DI1,E,Digital Input 1,Digital,dmFIXds0000,o:rw g:rw w:rw,o:rw g:rw
DAVID:DO1,E,Digital Output 1,Digital,dmFIXds0001,o:rw g:rw w:rw,o:rw g:rw

PI Interface for GE iFix 159

FIXtoPI Configuration Transfer Utility

DAVID:DR1,E,Digital Register 1,Digital,dmFIXds0000,o:rw g:rw w:rw,o:rw g:rw

DAVID:MDI1,E,,Digital,dmFIXds0002,o:rw g:rw w:rw,o:rw g:rw
@istructure tag,sourcetag
@table pipoint
@ptclass classic
@mode create, t
DAVID:AI1,E,Analog Input 1,Float32,0.000000,100.000000,50.000000,,1.000000,
0, 600, 2.000000, 0, 28800,o:rw g:rw w:rw,o:rw g:rw
DAVID:AO1,E,Analog Output
1,Float32,0.000000,100.000000,50.000000,ao1,1.000000, 0, 600, 2.000000, 0,
28800,o:rw g:rw w:rw,o:rw g:rw w:rw,1,1,1,”DAVID,AO1,F_CV”,1,1,1
DAVID:AR1,E,Analog Register
1,Float32,0.000000,100.000000,50.000000,,1.000000, 0, 600, 2.000000, 0,
28800,o:rw g:rw w:rw,o:rw g:rw w:rw,1,1,1,”DAVID,AR1,F_CV”,1,0,1
@istructure tag,sourcetag

After the editing has been done, the last step is to use the text file generated by this utility to
generate points in the PI Data Archive itself. There are two methods of doing this. The first
involves standard input redirection, which means that you run the piconfig utility but, instead
of accepting input from the keyboard, you redirect that input so that it comes from the file.
Piconfig < FIXToPI.scr
The second way of using this file is to use the @INPUT command of the piconfig command
set. To do this, start the piconfig utility:
Then, at the command prompt, enter the command @INPUT followed by the file name:
(Ls - ) Piconfig>@INPUT FIXToPI.scr
In both cases, ensure that you prepend the correct path information if this file is not in the
current subdirectory.

Note: FixToPI utility is not a point auto-synchronization program. After it is run and
changes are made later in FIX point database, it is your responsibility to check that
the changes are still compatible with PI Data Arhive point attributes and, if
necessary, the PI Data Archive point database is appropriately modified.

Appendix D. Cluster Failover

Principles of Operation

Cluster Node 1

apionline pi-eda
Is the interface running? Is apionline running?

Resource Owner Shared Cluster Disk

Cluster Administrator
Cluster Group: pi-eda
Group Resource: apionline

Cluster Node 2

apionline pi-eda
Is the interface running? Is apionline running?

Cluster Failover Configuration Diagram

Interface-level failover is supported through Microsoft Cluster Services (MSCS). A cluster is
composed of two or more nodes. Each member of the cluster has a copy of the interface
installed and running, with only one node sending data to PI at any given time. Microsoft
provides a Cluster Administrator program which is used for configuration and management
of failover resources. A system failure (hardware or software) on the active cluster node will
cause the Cluster Administrator to initiate a failover. On failover, ownership of a cluster
resource is shifted from the node of failure to another available cluster node. In this way, it is
ensured that only one cluster node owns the active interface at any given time.
Failover activity does not apply with respect to alarm/event message data collection. If
enabled, alarm/event data will be collected on each interface node independent of cluster
failover. However, it is strongly recommended that a separate copy of the interface be run
specifically for collecting this type of data to maximize performance.

PI Interface for GE iFix 161

Cluster Failover

Setting up interface failover requires creating cluster groups and resources. These
configurations are accomplished using the Cluster Administrator (see section Group and
Resource Creation Using Cluster Administrator. The interface installation will distribute the
program apionline into the install directory whose purpose is to run as a cluster group
resource. On startup, the interface checks to see if the designated apionline cluster resource is
running. If this is true, it tells the interface the local node owns the cluster group resource and
is responsible for sending data to PI. Whichever cluster node owns the group resource is also
the node where the active interface runs.
The apionline program serves two purposes: it indicates to the interface that it is currently
active and it also prevents the Cluster Administrator from having an active node where the
interface is not running.
The interface will query the Cluster Administrator to see if the apionline service is active.
Since apionline is configured as a cluster group resource, it will only be active if the Cluster
Administrator designates the local node as the group resource owner. In turn, when the
apionline service is active, it checks to see that the interface service is running. If at any time
the interface service terminates, apionline will shut itself down, thus initiating a failover. In
this way, apionline prevents the Cluster Administrator from designating a node where the
interface is not running to be owner of the cluster resource group.
The interface has the option of running in either warm or hot failover mode. Warm failover
means an inactive interface will not request data updates from Intellution but otherwise
functions normally (processing point edits, alarm/event data collection, etc.). Hot failover
means an inactive interface will request data updates but does not send them to PI. The
advantage of running in hot failover mode is you minimize the risk of missing data on
failover. However, to minimize loading on inactive cluster nodes, we recommend running in
warm failover mode.
The interface can be configured to operate with a preference for running on a particular
cluster node. This is referred to as running with primary node bias. In this configuration the
interface will attempt to run on the primary node whenever possible. This behavior may be
preferred if one of the cluster nodes has proven to be more stable or otherwise performs better
than the others.
The Intellution software must also be installed on each cluster node. Redundancy should be
enabled on both nodes so they share the same point database. See Appendix E: FIX
Redundancy and the PI IntFix Interface for detailed configuration.

Cluster Failover Configurations

Configuring APIOnline

The interface installation kit will distribute the apionline files (apionline.bat and
APIOnline.exe) into the interface install directory. Configuring apionline is a three step
process. The first step is to configure the apionline.bat file so it includes the name of the
interface service used for failover. The second step is to install the apionline program to run
as a service. The last step is to define apionline as a cluster group resource.

The name of the interface service is specified in the apionline.bat file. This file requires
two parameter definitions. The first parameter is the name of the apionline executable file.
The /proc parameter is used to define the interface service. For example, if the interface
service is installed as PI-EDA and the apionline executable file is APIOnline.exe, the
apionline.bat file would contain the following:
REM Sample apionline.bat
APIOnline.exe /proc=PI-EDA

Apionline uses the same parameters for each node it runs on. This means that you must have
the same installation directory and executable file name on each cluster node. For example, if
on one node the installation directory is:
c:\Program Files\pipc\interfaces\pi-eda\PI-EDA.exe
Then on the other cluster nodes, the installation directory, pi-eda, and interface name, PI-
EDA.exe, must match. Here is an example of how this might look on another cluster node:
However, to keep things simple it is recommended that the same name and installation path
be used across all systems.
The apionline application must also be installed as a service. Installing a program to run as a
service is done from the command prompt at the path where the program resides. The
following is an example of installing the apionline service:
d:\pipc\interfaces\pi-eda>apionline /install /depend tcpip
The apionline.bat and APIOnline.exe file should reside in the same directory. By
default, these files are located in the interface install directory, however this is not required.
After apionline has been installed as a service, the files should not be moved without first
removing the service, then reinstalling the service after relocating the files. The following is
an example of removing an installed apionline service:
d:\pipc\interfaces\pi-eda>apionline /remove
The final configuration step requires that a unique cluster group be created for each unique
instance of apionline. Each group should have its own copy of apionline defined as a
resource. Resources are moved between cluster nodes by group. See Group and Resource
Creation Using Cluster Administrator for information on how to setup cluster group

Running Multiple Instances of the Interface

Running multiple instances of the interface on each cluster node requires a unique instance of
apionline for each instance of the interface. Each copy of apionline must also belong to a
unique cluster group and be installed to run as a service. Running multiple instances of the
interface is useful for tracking problems or for distributing interface loading.
To differentiate between copies of apionline, append an integer to the name. This integer gets
passed to the corresponding interface through the /RN interface parameter. For example, to
run two copies of the interface, two copies of apionline are needed on each cluster node. The
following table displays a list of the files and configuration parameters required for each
cluster node to run in this configuration:

PI Interface for GE iFix 163

Cluster Failover

Program Executable Configuration File Required Configuration Parameters *

apionline1.exe apionline1.bat apionline1.exe /proc=PI-EDA1
PI-EDA1.exe PI-EDA1.bat /FO /RN=1 /ID=1 *
apionline2.exe apionline2.bat apionline2.exe /proc=PI-EDA2
PI-EDA2.exe PI-EDA2.bat /FO /RN=2 /ID=2 *

This is not a complete listing of the necessary interface startup parameters to run the
interface. Please see section Startup Command File for a complete listing and definition of
the available parameters.
The final configuration step requires that a unique cluster group be created for each unique
instance of apionline. Each group should have its own copy of apionline defined as a
resource. MSCS moves resources between cluster nodes by group. See Group and Resource
Creation Using Cluster Administrator for information on how to setup cluster group

Buffering Data on Cluster Nodes

Buffering is fully supported on cluster nodes. In order to take advantage of buffering,

bufserv.exe should be installed on all participating cluster nodes at the time of PI API
installation. No special configurations are required to enable buffering on a cluster node. It
should be noted that there is a risk of incurring a substantial amount of out-of-order data in
the scenario where a failover occurs at a time when both interfaces are disconnected from the
PI Data Archive (thus buffering data). Upon reconnection, each cluster node will send
buffered data simultaneously, which will result in out-of-order data. This will cause the
PI Data Archive to increase resource consumption, particularly the PI Archive Subsystem, as
it attempts to process these out-of-order events. For a complete discussion about how to
configure buffering, see section Buffering.

Group and Resource Creation Using Cluster Administrator

Before this step, make sure that MSCS is installed and configured. Test and verify that
Clustering is functioning correctly prior to creating groups and resources for interface
failover. Some steps for verifying correct cluster configuration are discussed at the end of this
section. Apionline should also be installed and configured as described in section Configuring

Cluster Group Configuration

Note: Interfaces must not be run under the Local System account if you are using
Cluster Failover. The service must be configured to run under an account that has
administrator privileges.

Installation of Cluster Group
From the desktop, click Start->Programs->Administrative Tools(Common)->Cluster
Administrator. Click File->New->Group. Enter the name of the group and description.

Click Next. Do not add any nodes to the Preferred owners box since owner preference is
built into the interface through the cluster mode. Below, Grommit and Wallace are the
cluster nodes.

Click Finish.

PI Interface for GE iFix 165

Cluster Failover

Right click the group you just created and select Properties. Fill out the name of the cluster
and the description. Leave the Preferred owners box blank since these are the nodes on
which you prefer the group to run. Preferred ownership is built into the interface through the
cluster mode. Therefore you should not set this from the Cluster Administrator.

Set the Threshold and Period. Threshold is the maximum number of times you want to allow
the group to fail over in the time specified by Period.

On the Failback tab, select Prevent failback because the failback mechanism is also built
into the interface through cluster mode.

Click Apply and then OK.

Installation of the Resources

Right click the group in Cluster Administrator, select New and then Resource. Type the
name of the resource and description. For Resource type select Generic Service.

PI Interface for GE iFix 167

Cluster Failover

Running this resource in a separate Resource Monitor is not necessary unless this resource
seems to be causing problems and you are trying to isolate the problem.
Click Next and verify that the cluster nodes are in the Possible owners list. These are the
nodes on which the resource can run and, therefore, the nodes onto which the group can fail

Click Next, skip Dependencies, and continue with Generic Service Parameters.

The resource in the example above is called apionline1 and should have been installed as a
service prior to cluster resource as described in the section Configuring APIOnline .
Click Next and skip Registry Replication. Click Apply and OK.

Right click the resource and select Properties > Advanced to set the entries as below. This
indicates to MSCS to pass ownership of the resource to another cluster node before
attempting to start it

Click Apply and then OK.

Repeat the group and resource creation process for each instance of the interface on the node.
Now you are ready to configure the interface.

Testing Cluster Configuration

The following configuration procedure can help identify any problems quickly. This is
written for just one copy of the interface on each node. If configuring multiple copies, the
first 5 steps are only needed for the first copy of the interface tested. When it says
“matching” below, it means that PI-EDA3.exe looks for apionline3.exe and the
apionline3 service and resource.
1. Configure the interface on each node with a dummy pointsource, one which is not
currently used by any points, or with a PointSource and ID number that do not
match the PointSource and Location1 pair of any points. The goal is to bring up
both interfaces with no points at all. Do not configure any failover-related
2. Start both interfaces and check the log to verify that both of them come up
completely with no points. Any errors reported in the log must be corrected before
continuing with the next step.
3. Use the Cluster Administrator to bring the matching cluster resource online by
selecting the matching cluster group, then right-clicking on the resource and selecting
Bring Online. Use the Task Manager to see that the matching apionline process is
running on the node that Cluster Manager indicates owns the resource. For this
configuration process, call that node OriginalOwner.

PI Interface for GE iFix 169

Cluster Failover

4. Still using Cluster Administrator, fail over the resource by selecting Initiate Failure
in the right-click menu of the resource. You should see the resource state go to Failed
and then Online Pending and then Online, with the other node now the owner.
Depending on your system, you may not see the intermediate states, but you should
see the resource end up Online with the other node as the owner. If not, you have a
configuration problem and you must correct that before continuing the test.
5. Use Task Manager to verify that the matching apionline on the OriginalOwner node
is no longer running and that the matching apionline service is now running on the
other node (OriginalBackup node). If everything is good so far, move the resource to
whichever node will be the primary node.
6. Now use Cluster Manager to take the resource Offline, then shut down both copies of
the interface. Use the PI ICU to configure both interfaces for production. Do not
forget to reset the PointSource and /ID to the correct values.
7. Bring up the interface on the node that does not currently own the group. The log
should include:
Cluster resource not online, state 4, waiting
8. Bring the resource online. The resource should failover to the node where the
interface is running. After apionline is running on the same node as the interface, the
log should include:
Cluster Resource apionline1 on this node
or possibly
Resource now running on this node
9. Bring up the second interface. If the interface is configured with a cluster mode of
primary node bias and the interface is currently running on the backup node, the
resource will failover to the primary node. The log on the primary node will have one
of the two messages listed in the last step.
Failover should now be configured correctly. Try failing the resource over a time or two, and
shutting down one interface at a time to verify that the interfaces do what you expect.

FIX Redundancy and the PI IntFix
Appendix E.

Principles of Operation
Both FIX32 and iFIX support failover (starting from FIX32 version 6.15 and iFIX Dynamics
version 2.0). The PI IntFix interface can take advantage of this functionality by running on a
View node. A View node can look at a pair of SCADA nodes that have identical databases
(and are connected to the same PLC) and obtain data from the currently active node. More
information about Failover can be found in Intellution’s documentation for FIX32 or iFIX.
Although FIX allows a backup SCADA configuration that involves two SCADA servers and
no View node, PI IntFix, as of version 2.4.0, does not support this configuration.

Note: iFIX does not synchronize the process databases on the SCADA servers. You
must ensure that both databases are identical. It is also important that the failover-
paired SCADA nodes’ clocks are synchronized in order to ensure that the points get
the same data regardless of which SCADA node the values are pulled from.

Note: FIX32 version 7.0 and iFIX 2.1 have been tested at OSIsoft for failover support
and PI-EDA compatibility with FIX redundancy. The redundancy system tested
consisted of pure FIX32 or pure iFIX combinations, i.e., two FIX32 SCADA nodes
and one FIX32 View node, or two iFIX SCADA nodes and one iFIX View node. The
average time the View node took to fail over from one SCADA node to the other was
about 20-30 seconds. This is reflected in the data gap in the PI Archive.

This section describes the setup of the View node and the failover-pair SCADA nodes and PI
point configurations so that PI IntFix can seamlessly collect data regardless of which SCADA
node is active. Configurations are slightly different depending on whether the system is
FIX32 or iFIX.

PI Interface for GE iFix 171

FIX Redundancy and the PI IntFix Interface

FIX32 Redundancy Setup

FIX32 View Node

In the Configure/Network dialog box, enter remote node names with which the View node

Note: Only the primary node of the pair SCADA nodes needs to be entered here.

Click the Configure button.

Enter the backup node name for this remote SCADA node.

FIX32 Primary SCADA Node

In the Configure/SCADA screen enter the database name. This database must reside both on
the primary SCADA node and the backup SCADA node with the identical point definitions.
Define Partner SCADA in Redundancy box.

Then in the Configure/Network dialog box,

Enter the View node name and the SCADA partner node name in Configured Remote
Nodes box. Then highlight the SCADA partner node, that is, this node’s backup node, and
click Configure. Enter its backup node’s name in the redundancy box. Since this is the
backup node’s backup, it would be the primary node’s name.

FIX32 Backup SCADA Node

Do the same thing as on the primary node, except that the local node name is the backup node
name, Partner SCADA is the primary node, and the remote node’s backup node is the backup

PI Interface for GE iFix 173

FIX Redundancy and the PI IntFix Interface

FIX32 View Node’s Network Status Display

In FIX View, when nsdredun.odf is opened the currently active SCADA node is
displayed. This is the SCADA node from which the interface will be getting point values. For
details about how to set this up, see the FIX32 documentation.

FIX32 Node %windir%\system32\drivers\etc Host File

View node and both SCADA nodes must all have host files with the View node name,
primary and backup SCADA node names, and IP addresses. For example,
xxx.xxx.xxx.1 FIXVIEW
xxx.xxx.xxx.2 FIXPRMRY
xxx.xxx.xxx.3 FIXBAKUP

PI Point Configuration for FIX32 Tag

All configuration settings are the same as when no redundancy is required, except that the
node name in the InstrumentTag attribute must be the primary node name.

iFIX Redundancy Setup

iFIX View Node

In System Configuration Utility (SCU) Configure/Network dialog box, enter the logical
name that the View node is to communicate with in the Remote Node Name box and click
Add. The logical node name appears in the Configured Remote Nodes list.

Click Configure and select Enable Logical Names check box. Enter the local node name of
the primary node in the Primary Node box. Enter the local node name of the backup node in
the Backup Node box.

PI Interface for GE iFix 175

FIX Redundancy and the PI IntFix Interface

iFIX Primary SCADA Node

In the SCU Configure/LocalStartup dialog box, enter the logical name for the primary node
and the backup SCADA pair.

In the SCU Configure/SCADA screen enter the backup SCADA name.

Then access the SCU Configure/Network dialog box and enter the logical name for this
SCADA and its backup SCADA node in the Remote Node Name box. Click Add.
Click Configure and select the Enable Logical Names check box. Enter the local node name
of the primary node in the Primary Node box. Enter the local node name of the backup node
in the Backup Node box.
Return to the SCU Configure/Network dialog box and add the View node name in the
Remote Node Name box.

iFIX Backup SCADA Node

Do the same as on the primary node, except that the local node name is the backup node
name, and the Partner SCADA name in Configure/SCADA is the primary node name. The
Configure/Network setting is identical to that of the primary SCADA node.

iFIX Network Status Redundancy Display

You can configure the NetworkStatusRedundancyDisplay.grf file to show which

SCADA node is currently active. The interface gets its data from this active node.

iFIX Node %windir%\system32\drivers\etc Host File

View node and both SCADA nodes must all have host files with the View node name,
primary and backup SCADA node names, and IP addresses. For example,
xxx.xxx.xxx.1 FIXVIEW
xxx.xxx.xxx.2 FIXPRMRY
xxx.xxx.xxx.3 FIXBAKUP

PI Point Configuration for iFIX Tag

All configuration settings are the same as when no redundancy is required, except that the
node name in InstrumentTag attribute must be the logical SCADA node name for the
failover, known as redundancy, SCADA pair.

PI Interface for GE iFix 177

Appendix F. OSI_iFIXmonitor Program

Any program that uses the Intellution EDA library for iFIX, like this interface, can prevent
iFIX itself from starting. This hazard is inherent in the implementation of the EDA library.
After a program loads the EDA library and calls it, the EDA library acquires resources whose
existence will prevent iFIX from starting if it is not already running. Once acquired, the
resources held by the EDA library cannot be released programmatically and are only released
when the program terminates. If iFIX stops while any programs that have called the EDA
library are running, iFIX will refuse to restart until these EDA client programs terminate and
consequently release the EDA library resources.
To avoid the situations that prevent iFIX from starting, an EDA client program must 1) wait
until iFIX is known to be running before the EDA library is loaded or called, and 2) terminate
if it detects that iFIX has shut down after the EDA library has been called.
The first requirement implies that an EDA client program must be able to determine whether
iFIX is running without using the EDA library.
The second requirement is significant for an EDA client program that is a Windows service
and needs to run continuously, like the PI IntFix interface. The second requirement implies
that another program is needed to restart the service after it is obligated to terminate because
iFIX has stopped.
The OSI_iFIXmonitor program, which is included in the interface installation kit, addresses
these requirements for OSIsoft programs that use the EDA library: both the PI IntFix
interface and PI AutoPointSync (PI APS) when any instances of the PI IntFix interface are
registered for automatic point synchronization.
To operate correctly, OSI_iFIXmonitor must be configured as an iFIX task so that iFIX starts
OSI_iFIXmonitor when iFIX itself starts. The section Configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor
Program has instructions for configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor as an iFIX task.
OSI_iFIXmonitor registers with iFIX to receive notification before iFIX shuts down. When
OSI_iFIXmonitor is notified that iFIX is about to stop, OSI_iFIXmonitor terminates. This is
an oversimplification, as will be explained later in this appendix.
Because OSI_iFIXmonitor is started by iFIX and terminates before iFIX shuts down, a check
for the existence of a running OSI_iFIXmonitor process can be used by other OSIsoft
programs as an indication of whether iFIX is running. This method is independent of the
Intellution EDA library.

PI Interface for GE iFix 179

OSI_iFIXmonitor Program

As discussed earlier, any program that calls the EDA library must terminate when iFIX stops.
In the case of programs that are Windows services and expected to run continuously, the
services need to be restarted by some means. Since OSI_iFIXmonitor start up and shut down
are coordinated with iFIX, OSI_iFIXmonitor is aware of events that affect these services.
Therefore, several configurable options for controlling services have been built into
OSI_iFIXmonitor. Specifically, OSI_iFIXmonitor can be configured to stop and optionally
restart selected services when OSI_iFIXmonitor is notified that iFIX is about to stop.

OSI_iFIXmonitor Command-line Parameters

In its most basic mode, OSI_iFIXmonitor starts when iFIX starts and terminates when
notified that iFIX is about to stop. The existence of a running OSI_iFIXmonitor process
indicates that iFIX is running and, conversely, the absence of a running OSI_iFIXmonitor
process indicates that iFIX is not running.
OSI_iFIXmonitor supports configurable options for controlling services that use the
Intellution EDA library. The configuration of these options can be controlled by command-
line parameters, loaded from the Windows registry, or both. OSI_iFIXmonitor merges the
services configured in the registry with the services configured on the command line. If the
same service is configured in both the registry and on the command line, the configuration
options from the registry have precedence.
Since configuring an iFIX task requires manual interaction with the iFIX System
Configuration Utility (SCU) and changes do not take effect until iFIX is stopped and
restarted, OSI_iFIXmonitor is usually added to the iFIX task list once with no command-line
parameters. OSI_iFIXmonitor loads configuration options from the registry, which can be
changed at any time without requiring iFIX or OSI_iFIXmonitor to be stopped and restarted.
The PI ICU control for the IntFix interface and the PI APS configuration control for the
Intfix_APS connector provide the means to configure OSI_iFIXmonitor registry settings for
managing the respective services. PI ICU and the PI APS Configuration Utility are the
recommended tools for configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor options.
In unusual situations, configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor by command-line parameters may be
necessary. All command-line parameters are optional. The command-line parameters are
listed in the table below.
All command-line parameters are case insensitive.
The leading / in most parameters is the Windows convention for switches. For consistency
with UniInt, OSI_iFIXmonitor also recognizes leading – for switches.
OSI_iFIXmonitor processes options, left-to-right.
Parameter Description
servicename Any parameter that does not begin with a / or – is assumed
to be the name of a service that OSI_iFIXmonitor manages.
Multiple servicename parameters can be specified.
All valid services are started when OSI_iFIXmonitor starts.
Invalid service names will be rechecked for validity at
shutdown. The delay before starting each service is
controlled by the rightmost /delay parameter that
precedes each servicename parameter.
When notified that iFIX is stopping, the list of services from
the registry is refreshed. All services in the list are
revalidated. Finally, all valid services are stopped and
Parameter Description
optionally restarted. The action taken for each service
during shutdown processing is controlled by the rightmost
/stop or /restart parameter that precedes each
servicename parameter.
/stop When notified to stop, all services that follow this parameter
(until superseded by a /restart parameter) are stopped
and not restarted.
/restart When notified to stop, all services that follow this parameter
Default (until superseded by a /stop parameter) are stopped and
then immediately restarted.
This is the default handling for a service at shutdown.
/delay=seconds When starting services during initial startup, delay the
Default=0 specified number of seconds before starting the services
that follow this parameter.
/reg[ister] All parameters are processed to determine the list of service
names and the startup delay and shutdown handling
applicable to each service. The configuration settings for the
services are stored in the registry. No other processing is
performed (no services are started or stopped).
/unreg[ister] All parameters are processed to determine the list of service
names. Configuration settings for these services are
removed from the registry. No other processing is performed
(no services are started or stopped).
/monitor[debug]=list Enable logging of additional information from
OSI_iFIXmonitor to the log file. The list for this parameter
is a comma-separated list of the following type codes:
Log all types. Equivalent to /monitor=3,4,5,6.
Write log messages to stderr in addition to the log file. This
code is only useful when OSI_iFIXmonitor is running in a
command window.
Log additional information while processing the command-
line parameters.
Log additional information about registry operations.
Log additional information when starting services.
Log additional information when stopping or restarting
/client[debug]=list Enable logging of additional information from client
programs (the PI IntFix interface or PI APS) to the log file.
The list for this parameter is a comma-separated list of
the following type codes:
Log all types Equivalent to /client=2,3,4.
Log additional information when dynamically loading or
unloading the EDA library.
Log additional information when searching for the
OSI_iFIXmonitor process.
Log additional information when checking the state of the
OSI_iFIXmonitor process.

PI Interface for GE iFix 181

Appendix G. Terminology

To understand this interface manual, you should be familiar with the terminology used in this

Buffering refers to an interface node’s ability to store temporarily the data that interfaces
collect and to forward these data to the appropriate PI Data Archives.

N-Way Buffering
If you have PI Data Archives that are part of a collective, PIBufss supports n-way buffering.
N-way buffering refers to the ability of a buffering application to send the same data to each
of the PI Data Archives in a collective. (Bufserv also supports n-way buffering to multiple
PI Data Archives in a collective; however, it does not guarantee identical archive records
since point compression attributes could be different between PI Data Archives. With this in
mind, OSIsoft recommends that you run PIBufss instead.)

ICU refers to the PI Interface Configuration Utility. The ICU is the primary application that
you use to configure PI interface programs. You must install the ICU on the same computer
on which an interface runs. A single copy of the ICU manages all of the interfaces on a
particular computer.
You can configure an interface by editing a startup command file. However, OSIsoft
discourages this approach. Instead, OSIsoft strongly recommends that you use the ICU for
interface management tasks.

ICU Control
An ICU control is a plug-in to the ICU. Whereas the ICU handles functionality common to all
interfaces, an ICU control implements interface-specific behavior. Most PI interfaces have an
associated ICU control.

Interface Node
An interface node is a computer on which
 the PI API and/or PI SDK are installed, and
 PI Data Archive programs are not installed.

The PI API is a library of functions that allow applications to communicate and exchange
data with the PI Data Archive. All PI interfaces use the PI API.

PI Interface for GE iFix 183


PI Data Archive Collective

A PI Data Archive Collective is two or more replicated PI Data Archives that collect data
concurrently. Collectives are part of the High Availability environment. When the primary
PI Data Archive in a collective becomes unavailable, a secondary collective member node
seamlessly continues to collect and provide data access to your PI clients.

PI Data Archive Node

A PI Data Archive node is a computer on which PI Data Archive programs are installed. The
PI Data Archive runs on the PI Data Archive node. In earlier documentation, PI Data Archive
was referred to as the PI Server. (See PI Server Node.)

PIHOME refers to the directory that is the common location for PI 32-bit client applications.
A typical PIHOME on a 32-bit operating system is C:\Program Files\PIPC.
A typical PIHOME on a 64-bit operating system is C:\Program Files (x86)\PIPC.
PI 32-bit interfaces reside in a subdirectory of the Interfaces directory under PIHOME.
For example, files for the 32-bit Modbus Ethernet Interface are in
This document uses [PIHOME] as an abbreviation for the complete PIHOME or PIHOME64
directory path. For example, ICU files in [PIHOME]\ICU.

PIHOME64 is found only on a 64-bit operating system and refers to the directory that is the
common location for PI 64-bit client applications.
A typical PIHOME64 is C:\Program Files\PIPC.
PI 64-bit interfaces reside in a subdirectory of the Interfaces directory under PIHOME64.
For example, files for a 64-bit Modbus Ethernet Interface would be found in
C:\Program Files\PIPC\Interfaces\ModbusE.
This document uses [PIHOME] as an abbreviation for the complete PIHOME or PIHOME64
directory path. For example, ICU files in [PIHOME]\ICU.

PI Message Log
The PI message log is the file to which OSIsoft interfaces based on UniInt 4.5.0.x and later
write informational, debug and error messages. When a PI interface runs, it writes to the
local PI message log. This message file can only be viewed using the PIGetMsg utility. See
the Message Logs section for more information on how to access these messages.

The PI SDK is a library of functions that allow applications to communicate and exchange
data with the PI Data Archive. Some PI interfaces, in addition to using the PI API, require the
use of the PI SDK.

PI Server Node
In earlier documentation, the term “PI Server” was used as a nickname for the
PI Data Archive and a PI Server node was a computer on which PI Data Archive programs
were installed. While the PI Data Archive remains a core server of the PI Server product, the
product name “PI Server” now refers to much more than the PI Data Archive. OSIsoft
documentation, including this user manual, is changing to use “PI Server” in this broader
sense and “PI Data Archive” to refer to the historian core. (See PI Data Archive Node.)

PI SMT refers to PI System Management Tools. PI SMT is the program that you use for
configuring PI Data Archives. A single copy of PI SMT manages multiple PI Data Archives.
PI SMT runs on either a PI Data Archive node or an interface node.

The pipc.log file is the file to which OSIsoft interfaces based on UniInt versions earlier
than 4.5.0.x write informational and error messages. When a PI interface runs, it writes to the
pipc.log file. The ICU allows easy access to the pipc.log.

The PI point is the basic building block for controlling data flow to and from the
PI Data Archive. For a given timestamp, a PI point holds a single value.
A PI point does not necessarily correspond to a “point” on the data source device. For
example, a single “point” on the data source device can consist of a set point, a process value,
an alarm limit, and a discrete value. These four pieces of information require four separate PI

A Service is a Windows program that runs without user interaction. A service continues to
run after you have logged off from Windows. It has the ability to start up when the computer
itself starts up.
The ICU allows you to configure a PI interface to run as a service.

Tag (Input Point and Output Point)

The Tag attribute of a PI point is the name of the PI point. There is a one-to-one
correspondence between the name of a point and the point itself. Because of this relationship,
PI System documentation uses the terms “tag” and “point” interchangeably.
Interfaces read values from a device and write these values to an input point. Interfaces use an
output point to write a value to the device.

PI Interface for GE iFix 185

Appendix H. Technical Support and Resources

For technical assistance, contact OSIsoft Technical Support at +1 510-297-5828 or

[email protected]. The OSIsoft Technical Support website offers additional contact
options for customers outside of the United States.
When you contact OSIsoft Technical Support, be prepared to provide this information:
 Product name, version, and build numbers
 Computer platform (CPU type, operating system, and version number)
 Time that the difficulty started
 Log files at that time
 Details of any environment changes prior to the start of the issue
 Summary of the issue, including any relevant log files during the time the issue
The OSIsoft Virtual Campus (vCampus) website has subscription-based resources to help you
with the programming and integration of OSIsoft products.

PI Interface for GE iFix 187

Appendix I. Revision History

Date Author Comments

21-Oct-97 MH First draft
22-Oct-97 MH First version reviewed
11-Nov-97 DM Data type revisions
12-Nov-97 DM Local failure detection
23-Jan-98 DM Added configuration transfer utilities
09-Apr-98 DM Offloaded NTF components to ExDesc field in PI
15-Apr-98 JFZ Re-added utility info from version 1.3 manual.
13-May-98 DM Additional information on string tags
16-Jun-98 Holly Fixed table of contents, page nums were all listed
as 0
17-Jul-98 Kyong-Ri Noted changes since version 1.4.
08-Aug-98 Kyong-Ri Corrected descriptions in /L switch and logging tag
sections. Deleted Logging Tag section. Modified /L
description to reflect the change in code which
causes the interface to abort instead of hanging
10-Sep-98 Kyong-Ri Corrected the error in manuals up to version 1.8.2
regarding the delimiter after event=xxxx entry in the
PI extended descriptor. Now both ‘,’ and ‘;’ are
allowed to end NODE name and FIELD name.
However, a comma must still be used to end event
tag name.
03-Dec-98 Kyong-Ri Added a more detailed message list under Trouble-
shooting section. Added comments on added
features (optional local server time switch).
29-Mar-99 Kyong-Ri Added descriptions of enhancement features.
15-Apr-99 Kyong-Ri Modified explanation for eda error 1212. Included
debug symbol installation instructions. Added
descriptions of more debug switches in command
03-Aug-99 Kyong-Ri Added explanation for new data type support (FIX
float to PI digital mapping) .
25-Jan-00 Kyong-Ri Added FIX redundancy information.
03-Jul-00 Kyong-Ri Corrected Location1 range from 1 to 99 to 0 to 98.
28-Jul-00 Kyong-Ri Added more comments about user queue in /qn
09-Aug-02 Pwilliams Updated for alarm/event msg data collection.
Changed manual format to meet new standard.
2-Oct-02 Chrys Updated to skeleton 1.11

PI Interface for GE iFix 189

Revision History

Date Author Comments

21-Apr-03 Pwilliams Added Appendix C: Cluster Failover. Included
failover parameters in startup file section.
11-Jun-03 Pwilliams Updated version on title page to
13-Jun-03 Pwilliams Updated for new ICU, incremented version to 2.2.0.
Moved FIX redundancy section to Appendix D.
Revised command line startup switches section.
18-Jun-03 Pwilliams Revised Point Attribute, Principles of Operation &
Supported Features sections. Revised Hardware
Diagram. Removed Logging section from Appendix
A (now supported through debug startup switch).
Revised Error Messages in Appendix A.
19-Jun-03 Pwilliams Added alarm/event message data and redundancy
subsections to Principles of Operation. Added
diagrams for redundancy architecture to Principles
of Operation section.
16-Sep-03 Pwilliams Updated version on title page – no other changes.
16-Mar-04 Pwilliams Incremented version on title page. Updated
troubleshooting section for cases resulting in ‘No
29-Jul-04 Pwilliams Incremented version on title page to Fixed
typo in Appendix C for /FM switch.
19-Oct-04 Chrys Version – Rev B: Removed triplicate
descriptions of command-line parameters; fixed
headers and footers; fixed section breaks; added
platforms to intro table
27-Oct-04 Pwilliams Version – Rev A: Incremented
version on title page. Added supported output PI
point types to InstrumentTag section table. Added
discussion about sub-second timestamps below
table of supported features.
2-Dec-04 MPKelly Updated to latest manual skeleton.
22-Nov-05 Chrys Version – Rev B: Changed name of
interface from PI-EDA to PI IntFix; updated TOC.
19-Sep-06 Janelle Version – Rev C: Updated
Supported Features table to include APS
connector; fixed headers and footers; updated How
to Contact Us page.
17-Nov-06 Prowe Version, Rev D; Updated manual to
Skeleton v2.5.3, applied template and spell
checked document.
5-Dec-06 Mkelly Version, Rev E; Fixed headers and
20-Feb-2007 Ldaley Version, Rev A: Added new features for
coordinating interface execution with Intellution.
27-Mar-2007 Pwilliams Version, Rev B: Updated data redundancy,
UniInt features, Location5 & Convers
18-Apr-2007 Mkelly Version, Rev C: Updated Configuring the
Interface using the PI ICU, added new screen
shots and updated the TOC, fixed headers and

Date Author Comments
18-Apr-2007 Pwilliams Version, Rev D: Fixed labeling of
screenshots, updated failover tables, updated
Location5 usage.
22-May-2007 Janelle Version, Rev E: updated hardware
diagrams; update ICU screen shots for Cluster
25-May-2007 Mkelly Version, Rev F: Added /UHT_ID=# to the
command-line parameter table.
18-Sep-2008 Pwilliams Incremented version to
09-Apr-2009 Pwilliams Incremented version to Updated
configuration of string tag for all alarm and event
data collection. Added description for interface
specific behavior with UniInt Phase 2 failover.
Migrated to interface skeleton 3.0.10. Updated ICU
screen shots.
13-Apr-2009 Mkelly Version Revision A; Fixed headers and
footer, screenshots, hyperlinks, support features
table, and other formatting problems.
01-May-2009 Pwilliams Incremented version to
28-Feb-2011 Sbranscomb Version Revision A; Updated to skeleton
version 3.0.31
10-Mar-2011 Pwilliams Version 2.6.0.x, Updated supported platforms.
Update alarm data collection section to mention
support for out of order data.
19-Jul-2011 MKelly Version 2.6.0.x – 2.6.1.x; Upped the version
number for rebuild with new UniInt
22-May-2012 DZhang Added iFIX 5.5 to compatibility testing list
28-May-2013 DZhang In Supported Features, updated 64-bit OS support
from No to Yes. This has been true since version
23-Oct-2014 MKelly Version 2.6.0.x – 2.6.1.x; Updated to skeleton
3.0.39, updated all ICU Control screenshots, fixed

PI Interface for GE iFix 191

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