A Written Report For Physical Geography: ASIA: Ngeles Niversity Oundation
A Written Report For Physical Geography: ASIA: Ngeles Niversity Oundation
A Written Report For Physical Geography: ASIA: Ngeles Niversity Oundation
Angeles City
Center of Excellence for Teacher Education
Calma. Danica
Santiago, John Lester P.
Veruasa, John Angelo Martin C.
Villanueva, Daniella Y.
ED2A- BSED Social Studies
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
• North Asia
• South West Asia
• Central Asia
• East Asia
• South Asia
• South East Asia
• China
• Hong Kong
• Japan
• Republic of Korea (South)
• Taiwan
South Korea Malaysia
China The Philippines
Taiwan Singapore
Hong Kong Thailand
Mongolia Vietnam
Sri Lanka
Bhutan Mountains are important
Maldives in Asia because they
• Population patterns
• Movement of people
• Good Climate
Mt. Everest-highest
Shanghai, china-largest
Maldives-smallest country
Yangtze river- longest
• Southeast Asia is located most densely populated
north of Australia, south area in the world.
of East Asia, west of the
Pacific Ocean, and east of
the Bay of Bengal. It
encompasses several EAST ASIA
island and archipelago
nations that stretch
between the northern and
southern hemispheres,
making it the only Asian
region located on both
sides of the equator.
• Southeast Asia is
politically divided into 15
countries and territories:
Brunei, Cambodia, • East Asia is located east
Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, of Central Asia, with its
Myanmar, Philippines, eastern border running
Singapore, Thailand, along the East China Sea.
Timor Leste, Vietnam, East Asia is politically
Christmas Island, Cocos divided into eight
countries and regions:
China, Mongolia, North
Korea, South Korea,
Japan, Hong Kong,
Taiwan, and Macau.
• The region includes Indian
subcontinent and
surrounding countries. CENTRAL ASIA
South Asia is politically • Central Asia is west of
divided into eight China, south of Russia,
autonomous countries: Sri and north of Afghanistan.
Lanka, Bangladesh, India, The western border of
Afghanistan, Pakistan, this region runs along the
Bhutan, Nepal, and the Caspian Sea. Central Asia
Maldives. is politically divided into
• South Asia has the five countries: Tajikistan,
distinction of being the Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan,
Turkmenistan, and southeastern Asia, on the
Kyrgyzstan. Malay Peninsula, Borneo,
Thailand and the
• The desert and steppe
region in Central and
West Asia has twenty to ORCHIDS
twenty-five thousand • It is one of the two
species of plants. This largest families f
region stretches from flowering plants, with
north and northwest between 21,950 and
China and Mongolia in the 26,049 currently accepted
east to Turkey in the species.
west, and from • Monocots well known for
the many structural
variations in their flowers.
The scent of orchids is
frequently analyzed by
Philippines in the east to Bhutan, and eastern
Pakistan in the west, and Siberia.
from the Himalayas in the
north to Thailand in the WASABI
south. Twenty-five • Is a member of the
thousand to thirty Brassicaceae family,
thousand species of which includes cabbages,
plants grow there.
• This region has both
tropical rain forests and
• The Malayan Tapir
(Tapirus Indicus) is an SLOW LORIS
endangered mammal in • The slow loris lives in
the tapir family, native to hollowed out trees, tree
southern Thailand, crevices, and branches.
southern Myanmar, Its eyes are round and
Malayan Peninsula, and owl like, and the head
the southern and central round, with tiny ears
parts of Sumatra in obscured by fur.
Indonesia. • The slow loris is an
omnivore forager, and
one of three loris species.
• The Indian Rhinoceros has ASIAN ELEPHANT
a single horn. This • The Asian elephant has
herbivorous grazer has a one finger on the upper
distinctive grey-brown lip of the trunk, unlike the
hide with folds on the African specie with a
neck, shoulder, and rump. second one on the lower
The folds make the Indian
Rhinoceros appear to be
wearing armored plates.
The male’s head and body
length is 3.68 to 3.80
• The Indian Cobra is a • Asia has a population
venomous snake native to density of 376 people per
the Middle East, India, square miles with 49% of
China, Bangladesh, and the population living in
Indonesia in their tropical urban areas.
• At full maturity, this
reptile can grow to be 1.8
to 2.22 meters in length TOP 10 MOST POPULATED
according to Animal COUNRTRIES IN ASIA
Bengal tiger
• India is where large
populations of the Bengal
tiger are found, others
are in Bangladesh, Nepal,
Bhutan, China, and
Myanmar. These countries BASED ON WORLD ATLAS
have dry and wet
deciduous forests,
grassland and temperate ESTIMATES
forests, and mangrove
forests all ideal habitats
for this tiger. 1. China - 1.3 billion
• Deer, antelope, hog,
2. India - 1.2 billion
buffalo, monkey, birds,
and livestock are among 3. Indonesia - 255 million
the Bengal tiger prey. 4. Pakistan - 207.8 million
5. Bangladesh - 163
DEMOGRAPHICS 6. Russia - 144 million
• Asia is the most 7. Japan – 128 million
populated continent with 8. Philippines - 100.6
a population of million
approximately 4.5 billion 9. Vietnam - 94 million
people as of 2017, based 10. IRAN-78.8 million
on the United Nations
estimates. TOP 10 least
• The continent’s COUNRTRIES IN ASIA
population accounts for BASED ON WORLD
59.8% of the total world’s ATLAS AND UNITED
population. NATION
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• The Climate of Asia is wet The Arabian Desert is a vast
across southeast desert wilderness stretching from
sections, and dry across Yemen to the Persian Gulf and
much of the interior. from Oman to Jordan and Iraq. It
is the largest desert in Asia at
Some of the largest daily
900,000 square miles and
temperature ranges on
occupies most of the Arabian
Earth occur in western Peninsula.
sections of Asia. The
monsoon circulation Physical Features
dominates across Western Arabia formed part of the
southern and eastern African landmass before a rift
sections, due to the occurred in Earth’s crust, as a
presence of the result of which the Red Sea was
Himalayas forcing the formed and Africa and the Arabian
formation of a thermal Peninsula finally became
low which draws in separated some five to six million
years ago. Thus, the southern half
moisture during the
of the peninsula has a
greater affinity with the regions
• Southwestern sections of of Somalia and Ethiopia in Africa
the continent are hot. than with northern Arabia or the
Siberia is one of the rest of Asia. The northern Arabian
Desert merges imperceptibly into
coldest places in the
Arab Asia through the Syrian
Northern Hemisphere, steppe (treeless plain). The bulge
and can act as a source of of Oman contains mountain
arctic air masses for ranges that formed when oceanic
North America. The most crust accumulated on the Arabian
active place on Earth for plate as it moved northeastward.
tropical cyclone activity The peninsula measures about
lies northeast of the 1,300 miles (2,100 km) in length,
Philippines and south of from northwest to southeast; its
Japan, and the phase of width, from the Red Sea to
the Gulf of Oman or Persian Gulf,
the El Niño-Southern
ranges from about 700 miles
Oscillation modulates
(1,100 km) across central Saudi
where in Asia landfall is Arabia to some 1,250 miles (2,000
more likely to occur. km) in the south
Landforms of Asia / Water forms between Yemen and Oman.
of Asia / Culture and Political GOBI DESERT
- The Gobi Desert is the 2nd
Deserts of Asia largest desert in Asia,
ARABIAN DESERT: covering 500,000 square
miles. Extending from
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northern China into square miles (350,000
Mongolia, the Gobi Desert square km) in area,
receives an average of 7 extending some 500 miles
inches of rainfall each year (800 km) from west to east
because the Himalaya and 300 miles (500 km) from
mountains block rain clouds north to south.
from reaching the region.
Kyzyl Kum Desert - Crossing
- Gobi, also called Gobi over Kazakhstan into
Desert, great desert and Uzbekistan, this 115,000
semidesert region of Central square mile desert features a
Asia. The Gobi (from wide variety of flora and fauna.
Mongolian gobi, meaning Though the area only receives
“waterless place”) stretches 4 to 8 inches of rain per year,
across huge portions of the rain occurs during the
both Mongolia and China. region's cooler period so the
Contrary to the water does not dissipate
perhaps romantic image quickly and supports large
long associated with what— migratory game.
at least to the European
mind—was a remote and - It has an area of about
unexplored region, much of 115,000 square miles (about
the Gobi is not sandy desert 300,000 square km)
but bare rock.
Taklamakan Desert
- China's largest desert
- The Kara Kum covers extends over 123,550
135,000 square miles, square miles. Composed
nearly 70 percent of primarily of shifting
Turkmenistan's land. crescent sand dunes, the
Takla Makan is one of the
Because of the desert's
largest sandy deserts in the
location along the Caspian
world. Despite the
Sea, the weather in
inhospitable and
Karakum is milder than unpredictable nature of the
many Asian deserts, which desert sands, the Chinese
typically experience frigid government erected a road
winters and scorching across the desert in the mid-
summers. 1990s.
- great desert of Central
- It occupies about 70
Asia and one of the largest
percent of the area sandy deserts in the world.
of Turkmenistan. Another, - The desert area extends
smaller desert in Kazakhsta about 600 miles (960 km)
n near the Aral Sea is called from west to east, and it has
the Aral Karakum. a maximum width of some
- The Turkmen Karakum is 260 miles (420 km) and a
approximately 135,000 total area of approximately
123,550 square miles
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(320,000 square km). The LAKES OF ASIA
desert reaches elevations of
3,900 to 4,900 feet (1,200 to Caspian Sea
1,500 metres) above sea - The Caspian Sea, located in
level in the west and south western Asia on the eastern
and from 2,600 to 3,300 feet edges of Europe, is the largest
(800 to 1,000 metres) in the lake on the planet. History
east and north. records that it's called a sea
- Thar Desert - Covering because the Romans found it
77,000 square miles in India salty, especially in the southern
and Pakistan, the Thar reaches, and the name stuck. Oil
Desert is Asia's only and natural gas production
subtropical desert. Primarily platforms are replete along the
occupying the Indian state edges of the sea. In addition,
of Rajasthan, the Thar large quantities of sturgeon live
receives up to 20 inches of in its waters, and the caviar
rain per year, primarily produced from their eggs is a
during the monsoon period valuable commodity. Fresh water
from July to September, and flows into the sea via the Volga
most crops are grown during River and Ural River in the north,
this rainy season. however, the sea remains
somewhat salty, central and
The Thar Desert southThe measured surface area
- covers some 77,000 square is 371,000 sq km (143,244 sq mi),
miles (200,000 square km) and he maximum depth is at 1025
of territory. It is bordered m (3,363 ft
by the irrigated Indus
Lake Baikal
River plain to the west,
the Punjab Plain to the - Lake Baikal is positioned in
north and northeast, southeastern (Siberia) Russia,
the Aravalli Range to the directly to the north of Mongolia.
southeast, and the Rann of Recognized as the oldest (still
Kachchh to the south. existing) freshwater lake on the
The subtropical desert planet, it is also measured as the
climate there results from deepest continental body of water
persistent high pressure and at 5,315 feet (1,620 m). In
subsidence at that latitude. addition, it is the largest
The prevailing freshwater lake by volume,
southwest monsoon winds t containing an astounding 20% of
hat bring rain to much of the planet's fresh water. With a
the subcontinent in summer maximum width of 60 miles (96
tend to bypass the Thar to km), Lake Baikal is about 389
the east. The name Thar is miles (626 km) in length.
derived from thul, the Completely surrounded by
general term for the mountains, over 300 rivers and
region’s sand ridges.
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streams drain into this massive The Western Ghats is a mountain
lake. Detailed map. range along the western side of
India with an average elevation
Aral Sea
around 1,200 m, (3,900 ft). The
Positioned in far-western Asia, Eastern Ghats is a range of
just to the east of the Caspian mountains along India's eastern
Sea, the Aral Sea is located in the coast. The highest point is
countries of Kazakhstan and Jindhagada Peak at 1,690 m
Uzbekistan. The Aral Sea is (5,545 ft).
disappearing (evaporating) and is
today almost totally polluted by
fertilizer runoff, weapon testing - The Himalayas, a huge
residue left here by the former mountain range immediately
Soviet Union and careless at the north of the Indian
industrial projects. The subcontinent, is the world's
mismanagement of its valuable highest mountain range,
waters is consider by many and home to the world's
experts to be one of the world's highest peaks, including
worst environmental disasters. Mount Everest at 8,848 m
Diversion of the Amu Darya and (29,029 ft), and K2 at 8,611
Syr Darya rivers for irrigation m (28,251 feet) above sea
began in 1918, and that action, level. The Himalayan system
along with other factors have now includes over 100 mountains
shrunk the Aral Sea to almost 60% exceeding 7,200 m (23,600
of its former size. Over the last ft).
few years the outlook for the
northern reaches of the sea have
brightened some, but the lower Kunlun
half is basically abandoned and
- The Kunlun Mountains are
the remaining western waters are
one of the longest mountain
now predicted to be gone within a chains in Asia, extending
decade. across wester China and the
MOUNTAINS OF ASIA Tibetan Plateau. The highest
mountain is the Kunlun
Altai Goddess at 7,167 m (23,514
- The Altay Mountains are a Tien (or Tian) Shan
mountain range in East-Central
Asia, where Russia, China, - The Tian Shan is a large
Mongolia and Kazakhstan come mountain system located in
together, and where the rivers Central Asia. It's positioned
to the north and west of the
Irtysh and Ob have their sources.
Taklamakan Desert near the
Belukha Mountain is the highest border region of
peak at 4,506 m, (14,784 ft). Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and
Ghats western China. The highest
peak is Victory Peak at
7,439 m (24,406 ft).
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Ural The Indus River originates in
Tibet and flows through
- The Urals are 1,640 miles India and Pakistan. It
(2,640 km) in length and provides water resources for
extend from the northern- the economy of Pakistan -
edge of the Russian especially the Breadbasket
Federation down through of the southeast, which
Kazakhstan. They form a accounts for most of the
natural border between Asia nation's agricultural
and Europe Russia. The production. It is 1,800 miles
highest point in this (2,900 km) in length.
mountain range is Mt. Mekong
Narodnaya at 1,895 m
(6,217 ft). - The Mekong is the world's
Zagros 10th-longest river and the
7th-longest in Asia. Its
- The Zagros are the largest estimated length is 3,050
mountain range in Iran and (4,909 km) and it provides
Iraq spaning the whole inland transportation for the
length of the western and millions living along its
southwestern Iranian banks, and tributaries
plateau and ending at the Ob
Strait of Hormuz. The
highest point is Zard - The Ob is a major river in
Kuhbakhtiari at 4,548 m, western Siberia, Russia. The
(14,921 ft). Ob is used mostly for
irrigation, drinking water,
hydroelectric energy, and
RIVERS OF ASIA fishing. It's 2,268 miles
Ganges (3,650 km) in length.
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called "the cradle of Chinese That is why, he or she had
civilization" as its basin – to be respected and obeyed
specifically, the Wei valley – by the citizens.
was the birthplace of - The theory states that a
ancient Chinese civilizations state originated from a
and the most prosperous social contract made by the
region in early Chinese people living under the
history. framework of a civil society.
- This theory states that a
GOVERNMENT AND state was formed because of
POLITICAL SYSTEM IN ASIA the need for protection by
the citizens. Stronger tribes
State occupy and protect weaker
- In studying the government tribes in exchange for
of the Philippines, it is protection.
important to study the - A state originated from the
concept of a state and why formation of a family which
the Philippines is considered is headed by a father or a
as a state. mother. When families
- A state is a community of expanded from the
group of free individuals intermarriage of their
living in a particular children, the tribe was born,
territory. It has autonomous and from it, the state.
government whose power is
recognized by the people it Elements of a State
governs. It is a sovereign
entity. It is said that the
• People
state is the most important
• Government
political institution in
history. Without it, there • Territory
will be chaos in the world. • Sovereignty
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and coordinates the state’s totalitarianism, anarchism,
foreign relations. In times of distributism, and capitalism.
war, it is the duty of the The formation of governments
government to protect the based on the social-economic
welfare of its people. system became an important
- it refers to a particular place feature after WWII that it
where a state exercises
nearly resulted in a conflict
authority and power. It is
between the capitalist US and
where the state exercises
jurisdiction. the communist Soviet Union.
- refers to the freedom or The difference in social-
complete autonomy of a economic ideologies and the
state to implement and need to control the spread of
realize its goal and the ideologies resulted in the
objectives. It refers to the two countries engaging in a
freedom from foreign proxy war in Korea and
invasion and occupation. Vietnam. Today, governments
are formed based on various
Two aspects of Sovereignty: socio-economic system
• Internal Sovereignty- refers attributes that suit the needs
to the complete autonomy of the population.
of a state to rule and govern
its people. Tribalism - refers to a state of
• External Sovereignty – advocating or the occurrence
refers to the complete of a situation based on the
freedom and autonomy from tribe or tribes. It can also refer
foreign rule. to a cultural way of life,
thinking, and behavior in which
The Different Forms of people are loyal to a specific
Government by Socio- group of people. Precolonial
Economic System Attributes Africa, Asia, and even parts of
Capitalism, communalism, Europe were governed based
feudalism, etc., are some of on the majority tribe. Today
the examples of government political organizations based
types based on socio-economic on tribes are shunned and
ideologies. treated as prejudice.
Globalization of politics,
- Various governments across migration, and shared culture
the globe were formed based have contributed to the
on different attributes downfall of tribal systems of
depending on several factors. government.
A majority of the contemporary
governments were formed Despotism - is a system of
based on socio-economic government where the majority
attributes; they include of the decision making and
tribalism, feudalism, resources are left to a single
despotism, minarchism, individual. The decision maker
socialism, communism, is always the person holding
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the highest office in the land. partition of Africa.” Colonialism
Such political systems include is no longer considered a
the Egyptian governments system of governance but
during the era of pharaohs, oppression in modern day
and the Roman Empire during society.
the reign of emperors.
Capitalism - is a system where
Feudalism - was a political private individuals own the
system that is closely related means of production in the
to despotism. The king owned economy. Other individuals can
the natural resources in the then negotiate the use of the
kingdom, but unlike despotism, factors in exchange for money
the king would issue much of or a portion of the final product
the land to the nobles who as agreed by both parties.
were either influential in the Capitalism is based on the
society or held respectable principle of equal opportunity.
military posts. The land issued
Socialism - refers to a system
to the nobles was known as
where the means of production
manors. The nobles would then
are socially owned. The system
subdivide the land and issue
is based on the framework of
them to their families or
decentralization of autonomous
vassals. The lands issued to
economic units. Public services
the vassals was known as fiefs.
such as education and
The system was common in
healthcare are either owned by
Europe between the 9th and
the community or the state.
15th century. A similar system
known as Lqta was used in Communism - is closely related
medieval Islamic societies. to socialism. The means of
However, unlike Europe, the production are owned by the
Islamic Sultans issued land society either by a communist
based on one’s ability to pay state or by the commune. The
tax rather than serve in a profits from production are
military position or manual used to develop the society
labor. rather than for personal
benefit. After the Second World
Colonialism - is a system of
War, the United States and the
governance whereby the native
Soviet Union sought to
community, tribe or society is
establish global social and
subjugated by an external
economic orders based on
power. From early to mid-
capitalism and communism
20th century several European
respectively. The difference led
countries colonized African
to a nuclear race that led to
states with the aim of
proxy war in Vietnam and
acquiring slaves, free labor,
Korea and nearly resulted in
and resources form the
the third world war.
continent in what came to be
referred to as “scramble and
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Distributism - is also a form of
capitalism with features of
socialism. The means of ISSUES AND PROBLEMS
production are considered a CONFRONTING THE
fundamental right and are CONTINENT OF ASIA
therefore spread to the people
rather than centralizing them
on individual people or state.
Anarchism - refers to a system
of governance that advocates
for self-governing societies.
Societal order is maintained by
voluntary institutions.
Anarchism is also referred as
stateless, free associations
non-hierarchical societies. The
federal government is viewed
as unnecessary, undesirable
and a harmful body that
interferes with the order in the
Totalitarianism - refers to a
political system where the
government has no limit in
exercising its authority. The
state controls the public and
private activities without the
consent of those involved.
Totalitarianism governments
are known to stay in power for
longer periods. The state
spreads propaganda and
threats through state-owned
media. Totalitarianism is close
to dictatorship; any attempts
oust the government is met
with fury. North Korea is
among the countries known to
exercise this system of
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