Spotlight Script

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L: A pleasant afternoon to each and everyone especially to our distinguish board of judges. I am
Louella Leigh Alaba a grade 10 student from TNHS.

V: And I am Vincent C. Ladra a grade 12 student from TNHS.

L: Our presentation will anchor with various objectives as it is mandated by the DepEd order 72
series of 2003. {READ OBJECTIVES}

V: Tupsan National High School administered various and chromatic mandated programs and
activities for the youth for environment in school organizations to address environmental and
ecological issues.{Read mandates}

L: Our school which is the TNHS joined the pick a basura activity last june 29 2019 at Lagundi court
Mambajao Camiguin the SSG and yes-o showed their full support and cooperation.The said activity
has been conducted to address environmental issues such take Global warming,soil erosion and
others. On the hand, it also denotes the progressive zero plastic campaign by the LGU Camiguin
government and more especially the feats towards the administrations thrust for a

V&L: Clean and beautiful Mambajao.

V: More over,the TNHS adopt a canal/caral clean up drive at Tupsan,Mambajao Camiguin the said
activity was conducted with the full support of the yes-o official and the students as they’re showing
their inter connection with the barangay specifically regarding clean up campaign and several
environmental objectives such like caral clean up. In addition it was preside in order to prevent
dengue and maintain the orderliness as it affects to the environmental and health issues in the
community itself.

L: On the other side,Our school greatly participate and demonstrate the earthquake drill as we
joined the quarterly earthquake drill for the school year 2019 ,2020 and as it is uder the DepEd
order 48 series of 2012 the quarterly conduct of the national school based earthquake drills which
aims to generate the highest level of awareness among the public on DRR and climate change
adoptation concems and to assess the capacity level of the school and the community in the
eventuality of disasters and emergencies. The yes-o official led their CO-students in doing the
earthquake drill as their organization has connection to environmental issues such like earthquakes
and in the connection that this is part and one of the accredated activity that must be fulfil by the

V: In addition to our presentation TNHS is also implemented a proper waste disposal and construct
a material recovery facility inside the campus as it is also under the DepEd oder 5 series of 2014
which integrate ecological solid waste management as one of the key components to ahain one of
the goals of DepEd on biodiversity concervation and climate change mitigation and adaptation.Our
SSG and YES-O members are always in function in leading our CO-students to the proper waste
disposal separation of Biodegradeable ,Non-Bioderadeable and Recycle waste and material to
maintain plastic free environment clean school campus and community.It is also solid waste
disposal system as/or environmental management system that disolved function to the LGU in the
philippines as uted in RA TIGO also known as the LGU Code of 1991.

L:Also known water harvesting/conservation was been administered by the TNHS. This kind of
program help the school in conserving the pricipatation to address water scarcity in the school
campus.This activity also provides a crucial awareness to us on how important water conserving is.

V: Additionally,the yes-o members and officials as well as the students has been united in
conducting a tree planting at Tupsan Mambajao Camiguin.This activity elaborates the importance
and significance of caring and growing trees through out the year. More over,this program was also
under the the mandated activities by the establishment of the yes-o which was the DO 72 series of
2003 which aims to address issues and concerns on the environment and ecology .

V: This could make a difference and that will somehow save more lives

ALL: Together we will act and build a better life.

V:This is the bosis of our priorities and project.

ALL: The yes-o club action plan.

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