Analysis of Air Intake For Formula SAE Vehicle Vehicle
Analysis of Air Intake For Formula SAE Vehicle Vehicle
Analysis of Air Intake For Formula SAE Vehicle Vehicle
ID: 2016-ISFT-346
Abstract: This paper aims to the design and manufacture of • Conform to FSAE regulations: The main restrictions on
an intake system for a 600cc Formula SAE engine by the air intake manifold are that it has to have a 20mm
optimizing a venturi type restrictor which is to be fitted in restrictor and no throttling downstream of the restrictor.
the intake manifold of a Formula SAE car engine. The
engine analyzed for intake manifold was Honda CBR 600rr. • Fits into the current chassis of the car:The air intake
The main purpose of 20mm restrictor in intake manifold is manifold must fit into the current chassis without
to restrict mass flow passing to the engine thus reducing its obstructing other main components of the car.
maximum power. Objectives of this paper is to optimize a 2. INTAKE MANIFOLD
venturi type design to allow maximum possible mass flow
rate to the engine from 20 mm restrictor buy reducing the The purpose of intake manifold is allowing mass flow of air
difference in pressure across venturi at all speeds. passing to the engine thus improving the performance of
Analytical calculations are done based on standard results engine with consideration of all the FSAE rules and
to get maximum mass flow rate and CFD tool is used to regulations. This intake manifold is thereby connected with
calculate minimum pressure drop across the restrictor buy the cylinder head of engine which is guided by the air flow
varying converging and diverging angles of venturi. It can passing through 20mm restrictor.
be observed from CFD results that for converging and
diverging angle of 14 degrees and 6 degrees respectively
minimum pressure drop can be achieved.
Formula SAE is a student competition organized by Society
of Automotive Engineers (SAE), where in students are
supposed to design, manufacture and run a prototype of
open wheel racing car. This competition is conducted in
various parts of world every. Formula SAE rules committee
has imposed a rule of adding a 20 mm restrictor to intake
manifold and also states that all air flowing to the engine
should pass through this single restrictor bet it a single Fig. 1. Intake Manifold with its part
cylinder or multi cylinder engine. This rule limits the The fluid element enters into the air induction system by
maximum power of engine by reducing mass flow rate first passing through the air filter. This is to ensure that the
flowing to engine. Thus a restrictor should be efficiently air is free from particulates that could potentially harm the
designed and validated to allow maximum possible air flow internal components of the engine. The fluid element then
and maintain minimum pressure difference across the enters the throttle body, which is a throttling device
restrictor. responsible for regulating the mass flow rate of air into the
Engines used in this competition are majorly 600cc engines engine using a butterfly valve. Once passing through the
which revs up to 14000 rpm and gives 110 hp of output throttle body, the fluid element enters into a
[1].It is beneficial to design an intake manifold that best converging/diverging nozzle, with the throat diameter that
utilizes the available airflow for increased of the 20.0 mm restrictor regulated by the Formula SAE
performance.Based on FSAE competition rules, the rules. The fluid element increases and decreases its velocity
following major design specifications were developed: in the converging and diverging sections.
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22, 2016 ♦ 458 ♦
Analysis of Air Intake for Formula SAE Vehicle
Fig. 4. Variation of Cd with Mach number Fig. 5. Density change vs. Mach number
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Analysis of Air IIntake for Formula SAE Vehicle
combustion chamber to burn fuel completely. This situation converging cone. Diverging cone angle was set to 6 degree
occurs usually at high rpm around 6000 and more. This is as it was found that any increase or decrease in angle caused
not good for engine as it cannot squeeze out maximum streamline disturbance and drop in pressure at downstream
power that is available and the car moves slowly. Thus our side. It was finally observed from various simulations that
aim is to reduce this pull from engine and recover maximum pressure recovery was maximum when converging angle is
amount of pressure at outlet of venturi [7-8].
8]. 14 degree and diverging is 6 degree.
4. STUDIES AND FINDINGS Following are the images which show other operational
parameters for final design of venturi.
Once we have found out all data that we have for solving
our problem, we now move towards studying the problem 5. CONCLUSIONS
and finding out dimensions of venturi which will provide us
minimum pressure drop across the venturi. So to do the The optimum solution to achieve maximum possible mass
study we have started with assuming some dimensions of flow rate of air as quickly as possible is to minimize the
diverging and converging angles by basic knowledge of pressure loss through the flow restriction device. The best
functioning of venturi. CAD modelling was done using way to achieve it is by passing it through a venturi design.
Autodesk Inventor 2014 and then analysed in Flow In this project venturi is brilliantly used in reducing power
Simulation for following boundary conditions: of engine. As in this competition teams are busy trying to
squeeze almost all single horse power available even with
Inlet: Total Pressure = 101325 Pa the restrictor attached, this gives rise to increasing research
in optimization and finding out alternative technology for
Outlet: Mass flow rate = 0.0703 kg/s increasing mass flow rate to engine. From the collected data
Iterations have been carried out with set of converging and and gathered information from various simulations one has
diverging angles. These iterations were used for the flow reached to this conclusion that the Venturi with 140 and 60
simulation of venturi also at different angles. ANSYS 13.0 as its converging and diverging angle respectively will
was used for CFD analysis of the venturi. perform the optimized flow.
V International Symposium on “Fusion of Science & Technology”, New Delhi, India, January 18
22, 2016 ♦ 460 ♦