Boxer 5e
Boxer 5e
Boxer 5e
Boxer Class Backstory
The Boxer class is somewhat of a normal boxer, of The Boxer
our world (Earth), Bodhesdir Arborshate is from Proficiency Stamina
our world, he got teleported in this world (of D&D) Level Bonus Features Points
by a portal that a wizard opened, and he was a
boxer champion back on earth. The wizard is a 1st +2 Unarmed Defense and Boxing 0
minion of Olidammara God of Revelry, Olidammara 2nd +2 Stamina Points 2
and Bod(short for Bodhesdir) talked and Bod said
that he will stay in this world because it sounds 3rd +2 Martial Archetype 3
more fun but then he asked "But how will i be able 4th +2 Ability Score Improvement and 4
to handle these monsters just with my fists?" Reserved Stamina
Olidammara said, "Well... YOU will worship me...
everyday... asking for my power... and blessing, and i 5th +3 Powerful Punch and Extra 5
will give you what you need to triumph in this Attack
world." And from then Bod got teleported outside 6th +3 Ability Score Improvement and 6
a village and went to live his life. Bod was powerful Boxing empowered attacks
for a normal person, but after some months, he
7th +3 Slow Motion and Martial 7
started noticing that his whole body was more, Archetype feature
resistant to everything, his fists did not hurt when
he punched, and he was able to break a big boulder 8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 8
or even walls without hurting. That's why the boxer 9th +4 Powerful Physique 9
class is so strong, the specific person needs to
worship Olidammara God of Revelry, asking for his 10th +4 Martial Archetype feature 10
power and blessing every night before sleep, and 11th +4 Upgraded Jab and Guard 11
then he will gain the true power of the Boxer class.
When anyone asks, how can one man punch so 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 12
hard, you will say "God and Magic can make 13th +5 Powerful Physique 13
anything possible".
Because this Class it not known world wide, only 14th +5 Ability Score Improvement 14
those who know a relative of this bloodline, will be 15th +5 Martial Archetype feature 15
able to become a Boxer, if someone wants to
become a Boxer, they can become one, but they 16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 16
will have to forget their old skills unless they are a 17th +6 Powerful Physique and Tireless 17
fighter or rogue or wizard. Body
18th +6 Martial Archetype feature 18
19th +6 Powerful Build 19
Class Features 20th +6 Peak Physical Condition 20
The Boxer Class gains the following class features
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per boxer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Just a heads up, this class is not just a normal
modifier per boxer level after 1st fighter who does not know anything about magic,
this class is literally glowing with magic, if you are
Proficiencies proficient in arcana or expertise, then you feel
Armor: None something magical around the boxer, especially
Weapons: Punch (unarmed strike, only Punch) close to his hands.
Tools: None Most of the abilities that the Boxer gains is in
fact magical especially after lvl 6, but of course, the
Saving Throws: Strength or Dexterity, Constitution technique is normal, but its reinforced with magic.
Skills: Choose 2 from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Performance, Sleight of
hand The boxer class can only multiclass with
Fighter, Rogue or Wizard. The boxer class
Equipment cannot multiclass with any other class and
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the for the features to work the boxer must not
equipment granted by your background: wield any weapons on his hands, wear a
shield or armor but the boxer can use
a Belt + Pouch (combined, belt pouch) with 10 silver coins magical items such as gauntlets or anything
and common clothes. + a backpack with 5 rations and a else.
Unarmored Defense Feint (available at lvl 3)
1 point to activate, add to an attack
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and When the boxer declares an attack he can use Feint and try
not wielding a shield, your AC equals to 10 + your Dexterity to gain the benefit below. The boxer makes a sleight of hand
modifier + your Constitution modifier. against the passive perception of the enemy. if the boxer wins
the contest Sleight of hand vs passive perception, he feints
Boxing out the enemy player and gains advantage on the attack.
Boxing. At 1st level, your practice of boxing gives you mastery (Can be combined with any unarmed strike that the boxer
of combat styles that use unarmed strikes(Punches). You gain does.)
the following benefits while you are unarmed. You can roll a
d6 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike Liver Blow (available at lvl 3)
(Punch). This dice changes as you gain boxer levels, as shown 1 point to activate
in the Boxing column below. After the boxer hits a creature he can force the creature to
make a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. A
Boxing Dice creature prone this way must make an additional
Level DMG dice Constitution saving throw on the start of their turn or be
1 1d6
unable to stand up during which time they are unable to take
5 1d8 (Can be combined with Unarmed Strike or Powerful
11 1d10 Punch)
17 1d12 Grappling attack (available at lvl 4)
1 point to activate + Reaction
As a bonus action the boxer can make one attack with his Whenever an opponent in melee declares to attack the
unarmed strike, the boxer can use this attack before or after boxer, the boxer can try to grapple the enemy, and if the boxer
you use the main action, you dont have to use your main succeeds then that attack is used and misses, and that
action to use this feature. creature's attacks are made with disadvantage and the boxer
cannot use his fists to attack.
Stamina Points To get out of the grapple, it takes an action, and the enemy
Starting at 2nd level, you can use Stamina Points. You have needs to beat the boxer on an athletics check. (If the boxer
Stamina Points equal to your LvL You can use Stamina Grapples an enemy with the normal Grapple check and the
Points to add to an attack, make an attack, use a reaction, boxer uses 1 stamina point then they gain these features)
combine them, and so on. Each skill says what it can do and (If an enemy has multiattack, this ability only stops one of
when, at lvl 2 you gain Jab and Guard. his attacks not all his attacks, this grappling attack can be
At lvl 3-4-6-8-10-12 you gain one of the other skills of your used against spells as well in melee.)
choice, some skills are going to unlock at a specific level.
Counter Punch (available at lvl 4)
Jab 2 points to activate + Reaction
1 Point to activate + Bonus Action or Main action Whenever an opponent misses a melee attack against the
You can attack the enemy with 2 Jabs. The jab is made with boxer, the boxer may use his reaction and 2 Stamina points to
a +1 to hit and without adding strength or dexterity to the make an unarmed strike with advantage. If the Counter
dmg roll and it uses dexterity to hit rather than strength. If 2 Punch hits the target,then the target takes the normal dmg of
jabs in a row hit, the next attack is made with advantage. the Punch and the target must make a con save to not be
At lvl 11 Using your Main action will give you 3 Jab attacks stunned until the end of the boxer's next turn.
and on top of that rather than adding +1 to hit you add +2 to (can be combined with Shock Wave Strike)
hit on your Jab attacks.
(Can be combined with Shack wave strike) Brace Up (available at lvl 6)
You can use a bonus action or main action and 1 Stamina
Guard point to brace for attacks.
1 Point to activate + Bonus Action Roll your Boxing dmg dice + your proficiency modifier +
Take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn. Constitution modifier and gain that many temporary hit
At lvl 11 you can use 2 or 3 Stamina Points and if you do, points until you take a short or long rest.
you will gain the dodge action for either 2 (2 SP) rounds or 3 (This feature has a maximum temp hit points equal to the
(3 SP) rounds rather than 1 round. maximum roll of the dice + the modifiers + boxer lvl.) (the
temp hp are removed on a long rest)
Quick Jab (available at lvl 3)
1 Point to activate + Reaction
Whenever an opponent declares that they will try to attack
within your reach, you may use your reaction to make a Jab
attack against them before they attack. If the boxer's Quick
Jab hits then the target has to make their next attack with
disadvantage. (can be combined with Shock Wave Strike)
Uppercut (available at lvl 6) 1-2-3 Combo (available at lvl 12)
2 points to activate (add to an attack) Using your Main action and 4 stamina points you can use this
Before making an attack the boxer may use Uppercut on feature. This feature makes 3 attacks, the first attack is a jab,
the target. Make an attack with a -4 to hit. If the attack hits, the second attack is a normal punch but if it hits the next
the target must make a CON save or be stunned until the end attack is made with advantage and the third attack is made
of their turn, the enemy can repeat the save at the start of with disadvantage, its a normal punch but if it hits it deals 2
their turn. extra dmg dice and then the enemy must make a CON save
The attack is a critical hit no matter what the CON save is. and if they fail then they are knocked prone and cannot move,
If it misses, the enemy can use their reaction to attack the use any of their actions or speak, the creature must roll a
boxer and their reaction attack is made with advantage. CON save at the end of their turn to end this condition.
(can be combined with Shock Wave Strike, Feint, Powerful (Can be combined with Feint in any of the 3 attacks and
Punch 1-2-3 Combo Uppercut and Normal Punch) Shock Wave Strike)
(Any DM can say that the enemy does not have a "Chin"
Gazelle Punch (available at lvl 6) similar to the Humanoids and therefore the CON save is a
Using a bonus action or 1 unarmed attack and 2 Stamina succees)
Points, you can make one attack with Gazelle Punch and if it Description
hits the enemy takes the unarmed strike dmg + 5 extra points
of dmg on top of that the enemy must make a CON save or be Attacking with a left jab to the head then left hook to the
stunned until the start of the boxers next turn and they can body and finishing it off with a right uppercut to the chin, a
repeat the save at the end of their turn. very deadly combo to the hands of our boxer, a jab is a mere
(Can be combined with Feint,Shock Wave strike and the decoy to the upcoming left hook to the body and then when
Special ---> it can use 2 Shock Wave Strikes ) the enemy is off balance they are met with the deadly right
uppercut to the chin, most opponent cant even stand up after
Quick Reflexes (available at lvl 8) minutes let alone resist the hit.
As a reaction the boxer can evade one attack, this attack can
be either melee or ranged attack, they can be spells as well. Martial Archetype
By using 2 stamina point and a reaction roll At 3rd level, he chooses an archetype that he strives to
1d12+dex+boxer lvl and if the roll meets or is higher than the emulate in his combat styles and techniques. Choose Boxing
dmg then the attack misses, if someone attacks with a all detailed at the end of the class description. The archetype
weapon and the weapons dmg does 10 piercing dmg and 25 he choose grants him these features at 3rd level and again at
fire dmg, then the boxer only has to roll enough to meet the 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level.
dmg from the piercing and not the extra magical dmg type.
For example, 16 slashing + 9 necrotic. i roll 16 on my quick
reflexes or more, the attack misses. because the necrotic is a Ability Score Improvement.
magical type. When the boxer reaches 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th,
(To dodge spells, you just have to meet the dmg of the spell 14th and 16th level, he can increase one ability score of his
or higher, so if someone deals 25 fire dmg and you roll 25 or choice by 2, or he can increase two ability scores of his choice
more then the attack misses you. but if its 24 or lower then it by 1. As normal, he can’t increase an ability score above 20
just hits, you dont negate the dmg and same goes for normal using this feature. Using the optional feats rule, he can forgo
weapons, if you dont meet or beat then you eat the whole taking this feature to take a feat of his choice instead.
(When the boxer uses this feature, it looks like the attack Reserved Stamina
should have hit the boxer, but for some reason it either
stopped right in front of him, it moved trajectory, or even When you start at 4th level you have a limited well of stamina
disappeared if its a spell, sometimes the Boxer just dodges that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your
the attack but sometimes it looks like it should have hit but it turn, you can use your main action or "and" a bonus action to
didn't, with the blessings of Olidammara, this powerful skill is regain hit points equal to 2 of the boxers boxing dmg dice +
helpful to not die.) constitution modifier. Once you use this feature, you must
(If its a save on a spell then you first roll the save and then finish a short or long rest before you can use it again or use
you can use this feature) Stamina Points to use it again. the second time the boxer
uses this feature it costs 2 stamina points,the third time 4, the
Shock Wave Strike (available at lvl 10) 4th time 6 and last but not least the 5th time 8 Stamina
2 points to activate (add to an attack that already hit before Points.
applying the dmg) Before dealing damage to an enemy the (When using this feauture, the boxer looks like he is being
boxer may use 2 points of Stamina to send a shock wave into healed like a heal spell.)
his opponent's body, dealing 2d8 additional bludgeoning (after a short or long rest reserved stamina regains all its
damage on the enemy. uses)
(at lvl 11 it becomes 2d10 dmg and at lvl 17th the dmg dice
becomes 2d12)(can be added only ONCE per ATTACK
except Gazelle Punch)
(If you crit and use this, the dice are doubled, so instead of
2 dice you will roll 4 dice)
Powerful Punch Slow Motion
(the boxer can add Shock Wave Strike, Feint, (1 of these only 2 Stamina Points to active and read below
Liver Blow, Uppercut, Gazelle Punch) with this punch to can only be used while Dempsey Roll or Defensive
add some of these features, you just need to remove the Footwork is activated also at the beginning of the boxer's next
amount of stamina points that the features need to activate turn the boxer must make a CON save, DC 20 if the boxer
them) fails, then gain 1 lvl of exhaustion after the use of Slow
Starting at 5th level, using your Main action and Bonus Motion. (for each use, make a CON save for each)
action you can make 1 Powerful Punch attack. (can replace (Slow Motion has a limit look at the table below.)
the bonus action with, a Dempsey roll attack, or 1 Slow Level Uses
Motion) When this attack hits it deals dmg depending on
what lvl you are. Look at the table below to see which dmg 7 1
you need to use. 15 2
Level DMG
Starting at 7th level, everything slows down around the
5 3d8+STR boxer and the boxer becomes slightly faster and he gains
11 4d10+STR these features below. On your turn, you gain 2 extra unarmed
17 5d12+STR
attacks and +1 to ac and +15 movement until the start of your
next turn.
(the 2 unarmed attacks can be used to activate 1 Gazelle
At lvl 11 or above when using Dempsey Roll you add +1 Punch if i have the skill Gazelle Punch, or just normal
dmg dice. unarmed strikes and of course the boxer can add his Stamina
If the Punch hits then the enemy must make a CON save skills to them)
and if they fail they are Stunned until the end of the boxer's (this can stack so be cautious)
next turn. The enemy can try to roll another CON save at the (The boxer looks like he is moving faster for a few
end of their turn to remove the Stunned Condition. moments and everyone else looks like they are moving slower
At lvl 11 the rounds of being stunned become 2. in the boxer's eyes.)
And at lvl 17 the rounds become 3.
(When the Boxer uses Powerful Punch, anyone who can Powerful Physique
feel magic(arcana prof), can feel a powerful aura around the
boxer's arm. Olidammara sure makes things interesting.) At 9th lvl add +1 to dmg to any attack you make and at lvl 17
Extra Attack And you gain this feature, when you take a long rest you
recover 2 levels of exhaustion instead of 1 and you regain all
Beginning at 5th level, the boxer can attack twice, instead of your expended hit dice instead of half your expended hit dice.
once, whenever he takes the Attack action on his turn. The (Olidammara gave the Boxer a new blessing, and this one
number of attacks increases to three when he reaches 18th makes the Boxer's attacks more powerful.)
level in this class.
Tireless Body
Boxing empowered attacks
At 17th level, when the Boxer roll for initiative and has less
Starting at 6th level, the boxers fists count as magical for the Stamina Points remaining than 4, then he regains enough
purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to Stamina points to go up to 4.
nonmagical attacks and damage. (And his hands count as a (Because of the intense training of the Boxer, he has almost
magical weapon, therefore they cannot break) (The boxers unlimited Stamina points.)
whole body is somewhat more resistant to breaking,
especially his fists, his arm and shoulders are almost as Peak Physical Condition
resistant as his fists, but his fists are the only thing that is
"magical" but his whole body is in a way slightly magical, but At 20th level, your strength or dexterity you choose which of
not enough to make it count as magical. therefore he is the two and constitution scores increase by 2 to a maximum
resistant to breaking bones more than often. normal bodies of 24. (either constitution and strength or constitution and
could not be able to punch something for 50 points of dmg or dexterity)
even 25 points of dmg without breaking a bone or two. (Olidammara gives another blessing to the boxer making
The boxer cannot break bones on his body unless its on his him even more powerful than before.)
legs, it will take a long time until you break his bones.
Olidammara, a god is making this happen.)
In-boxer archetype
Peek-a-Boo Cross-armed
Beginning at 3rd level you gain Peek-a-Boo. At 15th level, the Boxer has 5 uses 5/5 of Cross-armed or 2
(it takes a bonus or main action to activate Peek-a-Boo) Stamina Points after the free uses.
The Boxer has 3 uses at lvl 3. 4 uses at lvl 7, 5 uses at lvl As a bonus action the boxer gains resistance to all damage
11, 6 uses at lvl 15 and 7 uses at lvl 20 types until the start of the boxer's next turn and whenever
Once per round the boxer can use Peek-a-Boo to full extent this feature is active, if the boxer does anything else then this
and gain the Dodge action. feature stops, if the boxer moves on his own will or attacks
At 10th level you can make Gazelle Punch as part of one of then this feature stops, the boxer must keep his arms crossed
your attack on your Main Action. (i must own the skills to be like that and not move much but others can move him.
able to use them). (Cross-armed cannot be active while dempsey roll is active,
The boxer can use 2 stamina points after the "free uses" to and the other way around same goes for peek-a-boo.)
use Peek-a-Boo again. (After a short or long rest Peek-a-Boo (The boxer Crosses his arms together close to the mouth
is replenished) and with the elbows pointing his left downwards angle and
straight right, the body of the boxer becomes almost as hard
Dempsey roll. as rock.)
(After a short or long rest your regain all uses)
Beginning at 3rd level, using your Main Action and depending
on what round you are, that many Stamina Points, on the 1st Heart Break Shot
round in combat 5 Stamina points,2nd 4,3rd 3, 4th 2, 5th 1,
6th, 0 and so on, If someone tries to grapple or push the At lvl 18 you gain The Heart Break Shot.
boxer, the boxer can make either acrobatics or athletics with Using your Main action and 4 Stamina Points you activate
advantage. this feature.
After activation you gain extra dmg to your punches and When you activate this feature, you gain a foresight on
extra AC equal to +1 at lvl 3-6, +2 at 7-10, +3 at 11-15 and +4 what part of the body is the most crucial for the enemy, and
at 16-20 LvL. you can make one attack against that enemy as part of
The AC bonus against ranged attacks does not count. activating this feature.
At lvl 11 the Boxer gains an extra attack that is seperated The attack is made with disadvantage, if you hit then the
from the other attacks while Dempsey Roll is active, and this enemy must make a CON save with disadvantage and if they
attack can be used to do the Gazelle Punch from Peek-a-Boo. fail they will be Paralyzed immediately and knocked Prone on
Dempsey Roll can be used once at lvl 3, twice at lvl 11 and the start of their turn, now if they took 20 or less damage
three times at lvl 20. The duration is 1 minute at lvl 3, 2 from the attack, then the target can make a CON save at the
minutes at lvl 11, and 3 minutes at lvl 20. On each turn that end of their turn, and if they succeed they will become
the Dempsey Roll is active, the first attack of the boxer is stunned until the end of the boxer's next turn. If the dmg was
made with advantage against any enemy in melee. 21 or more, then they are paralyzed until they succeed on a
(When activating dempsey roll any enemy within 5feet of con save, and they can make that CON save at the next end of
the boxer cannot see the top half of the boxer for split their turn and after that turn they can repeat every turn at the
seconds, as the boxer bobs and weaves left and right in fast end of their turn, the CON save is made with disadvantage, if
movement, its really hard to catch your eye on the boxer, they succeed on their save they will be Stunned until the end
anyone 10 feet away or more sees the boxer normally but just of the boxer's next turn.
bobbing and weaving left and right.) If they succeed on the very first save, then
(After a Short or Long rest Dempsey roll is replenished) none of that will happen.
Unstoppable If someone is immune to paralyzed then they still must make
the con save because they might die after some time, read
At level 7 the Boxer gains the Unstoppable feature. below to understand what im talking about.
When the Boxer is about to fall to 0 hp he can roll a To remove this condition earlier someone else must cast
Constitution saving throw to go to 1 hp instead. either Greater Restoration or Wish.
On a Natural 20 save, the boxer stays conscious no matter The creature that is paralyzed can die from this
what the DC was. Condition(they dont have to be paralyzed for this feature to
Every time the boxer uses Unstoppable, the DC becomes kill them), after 30 second + their CON modifier, they will die.
higher, +3 then +4 more(complicated). for example. DC 10 (To remove this feature, you must save on a CON save, if
then 13 then 17,20,24,27,30,33,37,40 etc the DC resets to 10 you dont then you will die.)
after a short or long rest. This future only works if the Boxer The Heart Break Shot hits the Heart of an enemy or a very
falls unconscious, if he outright dies then he cant use it. crucial body part and making them Paralyzed for some time,
if they are strong enough they might resist it but usually
Fearless people are not strong enough to resist that kind of attack.
At 10th level, the boxer cannot be intimidated or frightened. (Can be combined with Shock Wave Strike and Feint)
Gain Permanently.
+2 to Strength with a maximum of 24.
Out-Boxer Archetype
Defensive Footwork Gods Blessing
Starting at 3rd level you can use this feature for free 3 uses at Starting at 15th level you gain Gods Blessing .When you
lvl 3. 4 uses at lvl 7, 5 uses at lvl 11, 6 uses at lvl 15 and 7 activate Defensive Footwork you gain
uses at lvl 20 after the free uses you can use this feature with you gain +5 on your reach.
2 Stamina Points.
Using a Bonus Action or Main Action you can activate this You gain this feature below permanently.
feature you dont provoke attack of opportunitiues until the +1 to AC while unarmored.
start of your next turn unless the enemy has the Sentinel
Feat, but if you have the Sentinel feat as well, then they cant
attack you. Jolt Counter
(I can declare to keep using Defensive Footwork at the
start of my turn if i want to and keep the actives on.) At 18th level you gain Ultimate Counterpunch
When an enemy hits you in melee range, you can use your
Cross Counter Reaction and 4 Stamina Points to roll
1d20 + DEX + double your Proficiency .
Starting at 3rd lvl, by using 2 Stamina Points and a Reaction, If you meet or beat their roll then you can make one attack
after an enemy finishes their melee attack against you, you with advantage against the enemy and the enemy misses
can decide to use Cross Counter, if the enemy missed you, their attack against you.
then you just hit the enemy with advantage, but if the enemy The damage of the Punch after it hits it will be by default
is going to deal dmg to you with that melee attack, then you 4d12+STR + as many Stamina Points as you want, to a
can roll 1d10+dex+boxer lvl, and if you meet or beat the dmg maximum of 3 Stamina Points, if you use 3 Stamina Points
then the dmg becomes 0, but you cannot reduce the dmg and then you will deal 7d12+STR.
if you meet or beat the roll then you can make an attack, but if The target must roll a CON save and if they fail they will be
you dont meet the roll the enemy just hits you and you cannot Unconscious and the target can try to wake up at the end of
make an attack. their turn with another CON save. If someone damages the
The attack is a critical hit, and its an unarmed strike, at lvl target, then they make another CON save, if they succeed
11 the attack gains 1 extra dmg dice, so because its a crit, it they wake up, if not they are still unconscious. Someone can
will deal 4 dice for dmg and the Cross Counter is made with use their Main Action to try to wake them up, the target can
+1 to hit. roll another CON save to try to wake up.
(This can be combined with Shock Wave Strike and Feint) and the target becomes prone no matter what they rolled
for their first CON save, if they get hit, they will become
Fast Reaction prone.
Starting at 7th level when you use Defensive Footwork, other (You can use Feint on this attack and Shock Wave Strike)
creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they
enter your reach or move within your reach, until the start of You gain this feature below permanently.
your next turn. (and the attack is a Jab) +2 to Dexterity with a maximum of 24.
after you attack an enemy with your opportunity attack
you can move 5 feet away from the enemy in any direction
you want.
(The opportunity attack punch can use Shock Wave Strike
and Feint)
Fast Legs
Starting at 10th level when you activate Defensive Footwork
you gain:
attacks against you gain disadvantage until the start of
your next turn.
You gain this feature below permanently.
+10 to your movement speed.
Mixed Martial Arts Archetype
MMA Blessing of God
Beginning at 3rd level you gain MMA, At 10th level you gain Blessing of God.
You can use kicks, knees, elbows and headbutt to attack The 3 skills from MMA gain an upgrade.
and the damage dice is the same as Boxing. 1st Skill , If the creature would fall to 0 hit points from the
You can replace a Punch attack for a Kick,Knee,Elbow or damage, then its bone on one of the leg's close to the shin, is
Headbutt. shattered and they gain these disabilities until the leg is
When you hit with a kick you can use one of these skills to cured, Speed Halved and disadvantage on anything that relies
add an effect. The MMA has 4 free uses at lvl 3, 5 at lvl 7, 6 at for the creature to stand on both of its legs. (For example,
lvl 11, 7 uses at lvl 15 and 8 uses at lvl 20, after the MMA attacking with a sword or a bow)
used all free uses, then he can use 1 Stamina Point to 2nd Skill , the enemy is pushed 10 feet instead and they
activate one of these effects. take normal damage.
You cannot use MMA as a Bonus Action. 3rd Skill , The Stun will be until the end of the Boxer's next
The DC for the saving throws is Strength based. turn and they can only make another save at the end of their
Before you roll to attack an enemy you can activate one of
these skills Perfect Balance
1st Skill ,If you hit then, the enemy must make a Strength At lvl 15 you can use this feature for free up to 5 times, after
Saving Throw or fall prone, this damage becomes non lethal that you have to use 2 Stamina Points. You regain the free
and this specific Kick hits the enemy on one of its leg. uses after a short or long rest.
2nd Skill , If you hit then, the enemy must make a Strength You are able to walk on any surface for up to 1 hour. If
Saving Throw or be pushed 5 feet back, on top of that the someone tries to push you while this feature is active, you
enemy takes non lethal damage and takes half damage. have advantage on any checks that require you to not be
3rd Skill , If a creature is Grappled by you then you can use pushed or pulled.
a Knee attack and hit it on the Skull, if you hit, then the target The amount of Weight this ability can withstand is double
must make a Constitution Saving Throw, if they fail they are your Lift capacity, so if you can life 400 pounds, then the limit
Stunned until the start of the Boxer's next turn. is 800 pounds.
(They can repeat the save at the start of their turn)
Slow Motion can be activated only if you used one of
the skills from MMA. Leaping Devil
At 18th level the boxer can use 6 Stamina Points and your
Deadly Headlock Main Action.
At 3rd level, replacing one attack and spending 2 Stamina You leap 3 feet into the air spinning really fast for 6
Points you can use Headlock, but if you are already grappling seconds.
someone, you only have to use 1 Stamina Point. While Spinning you can target 1,2 or 3 target's within your
You need to roll a Grapple check against the creature, if reach, after you target them, you can start yours attacks, you
you succeed then the enemy is under the condition of Deadly can make 3 Kick attacks only, each Kick attack is made with
Headlock and must make a Constitution Saving Throw at the +2 to hit and if they hit they deal instead 3d12+STR
start of its turn, if they fail they take 16 Bludgeoning damage Bludgeoning damage, if you hit an enemy, the next attack is
and Deadly Headlock gains +2 extra damage each lvl after made with a 1 more dmg dice, it does not have to be the
3rd. The Save is based of Strength to calculate the DC. same target.
While Grappled this way, the creature cannot speak or If you attack 1 target only and all your Kicks hit, then that
breath, they can use their Main Action to try to get out of the target must make a Constitution Saving Throw and if they fail
Grapple Check, Athletics versus Athletics or another creature they fall prone and unconscious, to wake up they can repeat
can try to do the same thing to stop the Deadly Headlock. the saving throw at the end of their turn, when they take
At lvl 10 Deadly Headlock becomes more powerful, when damage or if someone uses their Main Action to wake them
Deadly headlock is activated, the enemy is restrained and up, or some sort of spell, but even if its a spell, they have to
prone, the Boxer wraps his legs around the creatures waist make a CON save to wake up.
and they both fall prone. the DC is Strength based.
If the creature dies from any of the kicks, then its
Ultra Empowered Body decapitated, if the head is to big or if they dont have a head
then they lose 2 feet cube of mass where the Kick landed.
Starting at 7th level, you gain Ultra Empowered Body, You
replace Boxing Empowered Attacks with Ultra Empowered You gain this feature below permanently.
Body = UEB, UEB makes the whole body of the Boxer +2 to Strength with a maximum of 24.
Magical in a way to not Break, the boxer still takes normal
damage, but his whole body cannot break, bones cannot be
broken or shattered, and all his attacks are magical to
overcome the Immunity and Resistances to damage.
Extra information that you need to for flavor wise, When the boxer uses Dempsey Roll, any
creature within 5 feet of the boxer, while dempsey roll is
know about the boxer and the active, they see that the boxer's top half of the body
Archetypes. disappears when he bobs and weaves to the far left or far
I will start from each skill. right, thats why he gains advantage on the first attack,
because when he disappears for a few split seconds, he
Liver Blow is an attack to the liver, so if some other skill attacks at that point and its to hard to anticipate it.
aims for another part, then you cannot use Liver Blow and Out Boxer Archetype, if the boxer gets some sort of
that skill, use your brain a little bit. condition like stunned or something similar, or falls prone,
when you use Grappling Attack from Stamina Points, you then Defensive Footwork stops, even Grapple stops
cannot use your arms to attack. Defensive Footwork, look at it logically, if someone is
moving like a dancer, how can you stop him from dancing?
Brace up just happens, you dont need to do anything. You can even try to flirt with him, and if you succeed he
Quick reflexes just happens as well, your Boxer does not might stop, you never know.
have to move to use this skill. With MMA, if you cant use Punch or arms, that means you
This class is glowing with magic, almost all its cant attack with Elbows either, if you use Deadly
abilities are of magic, so if there is a cone of anti Headlock, you are behind the creature and you are literally
magic, or a spell that does antimagic or something trying to choke it to death, with your unique style of
similar, then the boxer loses almost all its abilities, ill headlock, you cant aim on the head or torso area with any
tell you what he does not lose, Unarmored Defense, of your attacks, or even in the front body of the creature,
jab, guard, quick jab, but the +1 to hit is magical from you can knee them, but thats only it, you cant kick them,
jab, feint, grappling attack, counter punch but the stun You can Headbutt them thought.
is removed, ability score improvement,extra attack, I know that Deadly Headlock does not sound 100%
tireless body, peak physical condition. From logical, but, when you use a Stamina Point, you really put
archetypes peek-a-boo. defensive footwork. mma thats yourself through hell to choke the creature to death, and
it. thats all you keep if you are in an antimagic field of Olidammara pays a big role on this, Olidammara makes
some sorts, you pretty much deal the normal "punch" this specific Lock powerful, you can normally put someone
damage, so unarmed strike... 1+str ? or 1d2+str, on a normal headlock but you wont do as much damage,
depends on the dm. That's it. and if a creature has but when you use that 1 stamina point, it all changes.
"resistance to magic spells, then it has advantage to (How? God's and Magic, thats how)
"most" saving throws of the boxer. pretty much all of
them except a few, i think the only one left is the knee Ultra Empowered Body, this is self explanatory, all your
to the head from mma. but i could be wrong, just read body becomes "magical" its not the same as the monk's
the skills that i wrote above. feature, this Feature is more powerful, and even
empowered attack are more powerful than the monks,
Reserved Stamina has a secret use, your DM can roll a this feature allows you to have unbreakable bones, so you
d100 at a time of need, and Olidammara will use Reserved can attack anything and still survive, if you use Powerful
Stamina for you, for "free" you only lose 1 use but you Punch at lvl 6 or even 7 (If you chose the Mixed Martial
dont count it as a used one, this can happen only if you are Arts Archetype) then you can BREAK a boulder with a
about to die, the d100 roll depends on the dm, its up to punch, hell, you can break anything with your Powerful
you, i would say make it 20/100. thats just my opinion. If Punch, with a normal punch you wouldnt do much impact
you as the dm want to do that. but with Powerful Punch you would, i dont say that a
Powerful Punch, when you use this skill, your fist radiates normal punch wont do the trick, it will do the trick, but it
magic, and anyone with proficiency or expertise on will take more punches and time.
arcana, can feel it, its intense. I like Perfect Balance, you can flex on them noobs, if there
Olidammara is a god, so if someone wants to dispel magic is a pit, just say, i got this, climb on pussies, and just grab
the boxer, then you as the DM, must understand that all your party and just walk on the side of the wall and go
Olidammara is the god of Revelry, the DC is at least 19, or on the other side xD. (of course you will probably have a
even more, he is a GOD, i would say at least 23DC or carpet of flying at that point but meh)
something like that, i would put it personally at DC 26. Leaping Devil is pretty neat, you can ofcourse Not move
and if for some reason they succeed, then after a long rest when you do the Leap, so dont try to move, because you
the magic comes back if the boxer did its usual "prayer" CANT. But you do deal a lot of damage, it does cost only 6
Slow Motion makes the Boxer go slightly faster and sees Stamina Points but you have to hit first.
things a little slower. (for flavor)
In boxer archetype you cannot use Peek-A-Boo and Cross-
Armed at the same time. NEXT Dempsey roll with Cross
Armed NOPE
Now if Grappling, Prone, Blinded, Frightened,
Grappled, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified,
Restrained, Stunned, Unconscious, put to Sleep,
then his active abilities stop "Dempsey roll -
Defensive Footwork" or anything other than that,
The boxer must be on his feet to use any of his
abilities, if the boxer is prone then the boxer
cannot use its reaction to attack with an Unarmed
Strike or literally use any of the abilities other than
Quick Reflexes, Reserved Stamina or Brace Up, the
boxer does not need to move to use these 3
_ _ _ Theo#7162 _ _ _
my discord
Hajime no ippo was one of my biggest inspirations on making
this class and starting to box in real life, have fun playing this
class, In-Boxer is supposed to be similar to Ippo and Out-
Boxer to Miyata more or less. They are not 100% them, but
most of it is.