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Energy, Industry and Others

SANTA RITA Hydropower Project H37

Description: The project consists of a hydropower plant with an installed capacity of 255 MW. The estimated electric generation is 1,500 GWh per
year. It will be located in the central Andean region of Peru, 484 km to the north-east of the Lima. Its benefits as a result of the excellent hydrology
of the Santa River River and a head of 220 meters.
Current Status: Projects Benefits:
Earliest project start date: 2010. Number of direct and indirect jobs generated:
Operation start date: 2014. It generates around a dozen of direct works and hundreds of indirect
Project lifetime: 50 years. works.
Current Status: Authorization for the use of the water. Environmental Sustainable development contribution: Generation of Hydroelectricity
study approved. Contract with the Peruvian Estate. Definitive Conces- would allow rural communities, improving their economic and produc-
sion. PDD is at Validation. tion activities. The project would develop the surroundings.

Estimated Annual Emission Reductions (tCO2/year):

An average of 914,301 tCO2-equivalent per year. CER´s negotiation:
Project Participant and Financing
Total project cost: US$ 534,479,850 Contact Information:
Name: Francisco Avendaño
Sources of finance to be sought or already identified: Company: EEA Group Limited
Equity :In process Title: Investment Adviser
Debt: In process Phone: (51-1) 2217397
E-mail: [email protected]

CENTRAL GRATON Hydropower Project H38

Description: It consists of a new hydropower plant connected to the grid with an installed capacity of 5 MW and an estimated energy annual pro-
duction of 34.6 GWh. It will be located in the department of Lima, province of Huarochiri.

Current Status: Projects Benefits:

Earliest project start date: 2009. Sustainable development contribution: It serves as a demonstration
Operation start date: 2010. project for clean renewable electricity generation in the country. It re-
Project lifetime: 40 years. duces the oil imports to be used for electricity generation in the coun-
Current Status: Environmental Impact Assessment study approved. try. It performs a broad social development monitoring plan, which
Energy and Water concession has been issued. Letter of DNA approval comprises socio-economic and environmental targets.
was obtained. PIN already elaborated.
CER´s negotiation:
Estimated Annual Emission Reductions (tCO2/year): Open
An average of 20,272 tCO2-equivalent per year.

Project Participant and Financing

Total project cost: US$ 5,751,000

Contact Information:
Sources of finance to be sought or already identified:
Name: Francisco Avendaño
Equity: 48% Company: EEA Group Limited
Debt: 52% Title: Investment Adviser
Phone: (51-1) 2217397
E-mail: [email protected]


National Environmental Fund - Peru

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