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Energy, Industry and Others

SAN GABAN II Retrofitting Project H15

Description: It is part of the initiative of San Gaban to ensure the maximum power of 110 MW from San Gaban II Hydropower since in the low water
season the flow decreases considerably. It is located in San Gaban district, Carabaya province, Puno Department in Peru.

Current Status: Projects Benefits:

Earliest project start date: July 2009. Sustainable development contribution:
Operation Start date: 2011. The project will contribute to the change of the national energy
Project lifetime: 30 years. matrix towards renewable energy source. It will supply cheaper energy
Current Status: Putumayo river regulation project has the feasibility to the national grid.
study finished and has been submitted to the Energy and Mining Mi-
nistry for the approval. CER´s negotiation:

Estimated Annual Emission Reductions (tCO2/year):

An average of 38,801 tCO2-equivalent per year.

Project Participant and Financing

Total project cost: US$ 8,197,983
Contact Information:
Name: Jesús Ramírez Gutiérrez
Sources of finance to be sought or already identified:
Company: Empresa de Generación San Gabán S.A. “SAN GABAN S.A.”
Equity: NA. Title: General Manager
Debt: NA. Phone: (51-51) 365783
E-mail: [email protected]

SAN GABAN III Hydroelectric Power Station H16

Description: In the Pre-feasibility study was calculated an installed capacity of 174 MW, and annual electric energy production of 1,189 GWh. It is
located in the district of San Gaban, province of Carabaya, department of Puno.

Current Status: Projects Benefits:

Earliest project start date: July 2009 Sustainable development contribution: Increase of the energy Canon
Operation Start date: 2011. for the Puno Region. Contribution to the reduction of poverty. Clean
Project lifetime: 40 years. energy development.
Current Status: At present the bidding is in contest process phase. The
company is seeking strategic channels of external financing to develop
the project. San Gaban S.A. is requesting MEM the renewal the tempo- CER´s negotiation:
ral concession. Open.

Estimated Annual Emission Reductions (tCO2/year):

An average of 676,862 tCO2-equivalents per year.

Project Participant and Financing

Total project cost: US$ 182,119,722
Contact Information:
Name: Jesús Ramírez Gutiérrez
Sources of finance to be sought or already identified:
Company: Empresa de Generación San Gabán S.A. “SAN GABAN S.A.”
Equity: NA. Title: General Manager
Debt: NA. Phone: (51-51) 365783
E-mail: [email protected]


National Environmental Fund - Peru

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