The Need For Standard Operation Procedures For Unexpected Events

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Article  in  International Journal of Advanced Research · January 2018

DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/6181

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1 author:

Alper Bodur
Istanbul Technical University


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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 37-41

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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/6181




Dr. Alper Bodur.

Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (ISKI), Umraniye, Istanbul.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Standart operation procedures, as being a set of written instructions that
document a routine or repetitive activity followed by an organization,
Received: 01 November 2017 are documents which increase performance of the determined process,
Final Accepted: 03 December 2017 so helping coming into being processes which increase quality. They
Published: January 2018
must be revised continuously to manage the same quality. Standart
Keywords:- operation procedures have an important role in the processes which
Organization, Standart, Procedure. cannot be known before, so with SOPs, management groups will
manage more useful works with less time. This study tries to explain
which techniques are used, what are necessary and which type of works
needs must be done for writing SOPs.
Copy Right, IJAR, 2018,. All rights reserved.
Working life has become quite different from 20 years ago. Decision-making mechanisms and procedures are
becoming more important as more advanced technology is added. Procedures play an important role against quality,
environmental, health and safety problems. People often learn or remember how to do things according to the
procedures (Dew, 2008).

Standard operation procedures are specific writing rules and are routine or repetitive by an organization (EPA,
2007). Standard operation procedures are referred to in the literature as standard operation procedures and are
referred to herein as Standard operation procedures (SOP).

Standard operation procedures; In which case it is planned in advance in what order to be done and in what order
how to act according to the location and nature of the event in an emergency (AFAD, 2014). Turkey has been
described as a "list of things to do" in the Disaster Response Plan and has been defined as "the rules that should be
applied when different disasters and hazards occur and the records to be kept" (TAMP, 2013).

SOP is a document that shows how an application will behave during application (Akyar, 2012). SOP is a
continuous instruction (Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Yayınları, 1950). It is an instruction set (Url-1) which is to be
followed in operation (Intepe, 1980).

An SOP is an array of instructions or steps to maximize business requirements to safely complete a business without
affecting the environment in the negative (Anderson, 2017).

SOP is a written set of rules that specify in advance and in detail how an organization is set up to perform a specific
job, how it will function in an effective, harmonious and conclusive manner, and who, where, when, and what needs

Corresponding Author:- Dr. Alper Bodur. 37

Address:- Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (ISKI), Umraniye, Istanbul.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 37-41

to be done. It also includes information on how to share, what to record, who to report and when to report (Sağlık
Bakanlığı, 2015).

Standard operation procedures, documents describing in detail the tasks and operations to be performed as standard
(Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, 2011). SOP is the policies, procedures and standards in the disciplines of production,
marketing, management needed to be successful (Url-2). Some US institutions (FEMA, EPA, universities) have
been involved in standard practice procedures. These studies have been carried out by taking into consideration the
existing problems in real life. Many organizations do not have standard guidelines or even actively use them because
of traditional causes, even if they have. In the absence of procedures for the construction of a work, they rely on
their previous training and experience. This shows that there are no standard and good solutions in the organization
and how things are done.

Some traditional organizations have standards, but nobody uses them. In such situations, standards are often out of
date and have lost their realities, so people know that it is not right to use them. SOPs have an important place in the
disaster and emergency management system. Especially suited for the intended purpose, full and complete, updated
and easy to understand, SOPs perform well in disaster management. SOPs written before the disaster are one of the
essentials in order to get rid of the disruption when there is a disaster and to make a more effective and faster
intervention (Dew, 2008).

Today, the aim of SOPs is to ensure that all employees perform their performance in the same way. When all
employees perform their tasks properly, it becomes possible to perform controlled experiments to test the effect of
various changing process parameters (Akyar, 2012).

A well-written SOP to a newcomer can be a life saver. If a key staff member leaves the office for a reason or is not
at work, the job does not have to stop. With reference to SOPs, other emergency tasks can be undertaken and can be
done correctly, even for the first time (Url-3).

The purpose of standard operating procedures is usually to prevent dangerous errors (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, 2011).
If there is a disaster, if there has not been a study before, there will be psychological injuries which will lose many
lives and resources and will never return because of the weak inter-institutional co-ordination. However, as a fact in
disaster management, if the fact that previously prepared individuals and societies in disasters have returned to
normal life much quicker and much more rapidly, the SOP's procedures for establishing who, what, where and how
to do it in a holistic disaster management. The role of facilitating the return of socially affected societies to normal
life and reducing the loss of life and property is important.

Of course, because the problems to be encountered with each hazard are different, it is necessary to do it separately
according to each possible danger in the SOP. An SOP written for a flood may not produce appropriate solutions in
the event of an earthquake. The SOP to be used during an earthquake can not be applied for a landslide. The SOP to
the possible depression that is an industrial area must be different from the SOP to residences in the same area.

Whatever the reason, the written SOPs are kept up to date. If the problems encountered with the disaster are thought
to be difficult to study in a field where the psychology of the unattractive, the disappeared and the similar emotional
traumas of the disaster. the SOP is a structure that is able to reduce the complexity and solution of all the
complexities in the environment away from confusion and disappearance. Not systematically, but in a way that is
not affected by the changes in the system. Also, when SOPs are not written, accidents, unnecessary expenditures,
staffing problems are increasingly escalating and becoming more and more of a professional environment. This, in
turn, reduces the performance of the work to be done.

Institutions can not produce effective and secure jobs in modern societies without SOPs and without developing and
implementing them. Organizations that avoid choosing this fact increasingly damage accidents, unnecessary
expenditures, personnel problems and professional appearances (FEMA, 1999). For this reason, all organizations,
businesses and so on. It should have SOPs (Akyar, 2012).

The development and use of SOPs leads to a reduction in quality and a minimum of diversity through the application
of a process or process consistently within the organization, even if temporary or permanent staff changes (EPA,
2007). Benefits of SOPs in general;

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 37-41

1. To state the consistency and quality of the institution,

2. Ensuring good practices that have been achieved at all times,
3. Use as an opportunity to benefit from the expertise of all members,
4. To allow other activities to be carried out at the same time,
5. Preventing the mess related to who did the work,
6. Use as a guide for part-time workers and substitute employees,
7. Being useful materials about the training of new members,
8. Contribution to process control.

As a result; It should be remembered that the main purpose is to increase the quality, the working staff should be
convinced that this is a useful thing, they should join the employees in the work.

The Concept of SOP:-

SOP is a procedure that determines which procedures or processes are to be documented in an organization. SOPs
are official information notes or guidelines written for use in interventions. SOPs typically have operational and
technical content and are written for emergency response interventions to coordinate different disciplines during an
emergency. Regular and effective SOPs are necessary for the development and dissemination of any solution (DHS,

SOP is a complete set of information written to enable anyone to work safely, without any harm to the environment
and personnel health, and to maximize operational and production needs Friedman, 1996). SOP is the written
procedure that all employees must follow when doing ordinary work (Kingsley, 1998). According to NFPA, SOP is
an organizational direction that directs an organization (FEMA, 1999). It is very simple to define a standard
application procedure by writing what, when and by whom (RPSGB, 2001). Laws, regulations and other standards
are very useful, but they may not respond to every need. For this reason, the use and application of SOPs is
necessary (FEMA, 1999).

Standard operation procedures are an information document that anyone who uses it can understand. Writing SOP
steps in short sentence makes SOP easier to understand. A few short sentences are usually easier to understand
(Stup, 2001).

Two factors are important for determining the SOP type; (Stup, 2001) first, which decision should the user make
during the procedure? the other, how many digits and lower digits are there in the procedure? Routine procedures
requiring fewer and fewer blackouts can be written using simple formats. It is necessary to use hierarchical or
graphic formats in long procedures involving more than 10 steps and several decisions. Flowcharts should be used in
procedures requiring further decision (Dew, 2008).

While the hierarchical step format contains many detailed sub-steps, it provides ease of use for experienced users.
When procedures are written for very long activities, the administrators have to use graphic form. The graphic
format converts long processes into small subprocesses that contain only a few digits. Another possibility for
graphic formats is to use diagrams and photographs to illustrate the procedure. In order to design comprehensive
SOPs, it is useful to use these pictures with explanatory texts. Paintings are in fact more valuable than thousands of
words, and they are at any level, literate, or understandable by an employee's natural language (Stup, 2001).

SOPs can be long or short. First they must be comprehensive. This means that they must have enough meaning to
fully explain a job. Generally, SOPs are written by one person and revised by one or more people, the final form is
given by a person. Ideally, it should be written as a team. The team that writes SOP does not have to sit in the same
place and write it down. They can independently write SOP or a piece, and then one person can take and combine
other tasks. After the SOP is merged, it is distributed to supervisors' views and testing by employees, and authors to
make last-minute corrections (De Sain and Sutton, 2008).

SOPs must be written in an easy-to-read format. The information presented should be clear and unambiguous
information. An active voice and current time should be used. The word "you" should not be used, but it should be
implied. The document should not be too wordy or too long. It should be expressed in short and simple words. The
information should be explained very clearly and should clearly state what is needed (EPA, 2007).

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 37-41

SOPs must be up-to-date to be usable. For this reason, the SOPs should be updated and reapplied as the procedures
change. If necessary, only necessary parts of SOP should be updated and these changes should be indicated in the
content section (EPA, 2007).

Every institution should develop a numbering system to systematically identify and classify SOPs. Generally, every
page of the SOP must have a record of the control document. A short title and identification number can be
considered as reference title. The revision number and date are useful in the definition of SOP in use, depending on
whether the previous data is critical. When the page numbers are displayed, the user has a quick check on whether
the SOP has been completed (EPA, 2007).

If expressed differently, SOPs will explain the rules necessary to do the job without telling how to do it. SOPs are
not static documents. An organization can not produce a successful production without renewal when introducing a
new SOP. Operational and organizational standards change over time and SOPs have to change with them (FEMA,

In this study, SOP concept was tried to be explained. many institutions in Turkey, is working with multiple rules set
by the law. This law and other documents include the rules of the organization (how the staff will behave, how
members will vote, how the organization's management scheme will look). When there is a change of law, these
institutions are obliged to comply with changed laws and regulations.

Strategic plans, in other words master plans, are used by institutions and ensure integration with the competent
authority. These plans provide a forecasting model for the present and future time. These plans define the
agreements and relationships defined in the operations and set short and long term objectives. SOPs should work
together with strategic plans to achieve the objectives identified by the institutions. SOPs help to merge these
elements and to form partnerships and workshops established when doing business.

If an institution is authorized for a territory of the central government, it operates under some regional protocols or
standards. In such cases, SOPs are obliged to comply with regional regulations. Like strategic plans, many
organizations use some other planning documents to guide the organization and coordinate activities. These
documents include intervention plans, communication plans and other plans. Plans define operational objectives,
strategies, signals and forecasts. SOPs need these plans in order for the institution to complete its mission. In
particular, the terminology and language used in communication plans should be given due care.

Laws, regulations and other standards are very useful, but they may not respond to all local needs. This is why SOPs
must be used and implemented (FEMA, 1999). SOPs play an increasing role in quality, even in permanent and
temporary staff changes. Further studies in this regard should be conducted in universities, public and private
institutions. Turkey's increasing interest in studies pertaining to disaster management should be reflected in this
matter. It is now a necessity to increase standard practices so that the adverse effects of disasters no longer increase.

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