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Information Systems Implementation


Title of your Paper

Academic Report of Research Process

Information Systems Implementation

Submitted to: Prof. Christian Bach

Information Systems Implementation


Table of Contents
Title of your Paper.......................................................................................................................................1
Research Method.........................................................................................................................................4
Information Systems Implementation..........................................................................................................5
Dependent Variable.....................................................................................................................................6
Independent Variable...............................................................................................................................7
Economic Potential..................................................................................................................................7

Information Systems Implementation


The field of Information Systems (IS) sees technology (IT) as an ability used to facilitate businesses by
enhancing companies competitive benefits and overall performance alike (Speier & Venkatesh, 2002;
Stonebraker et al., 1994; Susarla, Barua, & Whinston, 2003; Thong, Yap, & Raman, 1996; Werre, 2003).
Information Systems as a field have undergone considerable evolution in the last thirty years. This has
covered just about everything from the implementation of such Systems to the research methods involved.
The implementation of an information system for any business of updating the system it currently has in
use uses up precious company resources such as time and manpower (Presnar, 2016). It is thus important
thus to make sure that the procedure and, even more importantly, its planning should involve the
incorporation of the needs of the system, the resources at hand, and the feasibility of the solution so as to
come up with the implementation of an information system that is efficient and effective (Presnar, 2016).
This involves identifying the requirements of the business before they turn into fatal flaws, validation of
the selection of the implementation solution in the light of key business objectives, balancing of the
implementation of a new integrated system and the usage of new technology so as to integrate existing
systems, the connection of implementation goals with operational business goals, choosing of the right
people to work with, balancing re-engineering processes and system functionality and custom-made
solutions, understanding and reducing of risks, working within the confines of company culture and the
setting of appropriate ground rules for the project team, the gaining of commitment from the board down
to the staff, encouraging functional ownership, keeping blame and credit behind closed doors and within
the company, employing the help of consultants to have various good options to work with, the reporting
of progress to board and staff, the following of the designed and agreed-upon plan while having a
contingency plan available at all times, utilizing of mini-projects and milestones to divide huge processes
into smaller processes that are easier to manage, understanding of positive investment in testing and
reporting and the total costs of ownership along with the learning curves for the maintenance of the
implementation process, and, most importantly of all, sticking to the plan (Presnar, 2016).
In order for most companies to remain competitive in the current global environment, there exists a
pressure on them to make their tactical, strategic, and operational processes more effective and efficient
(Kornkaew, 2012). An Information System is there to help in this regard as its implementation helps
enhance competitiveness as well as aids decision making.
However, even though many companies are now implementing such systems, there is a general lack of
awareness and various challenges and issues in the implementation process that may compromize their
effectiveness in terms of development as well as deployment (Kornkaew, 2012). Moreover, a shortage of
key success issues is another great hindrance for the implementation process. It is important to identify
the relevant success factors as well as to manage them to as to ensure successful and effective
implementation. ISs affect companies and these effects are directly connected to the outcomes of business
processes (Kornkaew, 2012). Along with focus on the and obstacles and key success issues in Information
Systems implementation, there will be focus on their effects and their related outcomes for companies and
their business processes. (Kornkaew, 2012)

Information Systems Implementation


Research Method
The method of research that has been chosen here is review centric research. According to LePine &
Wilcox-King (2010), the review centric research approach is a method for the development of new
theoretical insights in which researchers review existing theory and research. But an argument is possible
according to which researchers may also make use of case study findings which are based on real world
observations by practitioners and organizations (Eisenhardt, 1989), (Dyer & Wilkins, 1991). In this
research, the focus is on the combination of the most significant studies and concepts that have previously
been established which the research has identified. Based on this academic literature, a synthesis has been
provided that enhances our understanding on the topic. Also identified in this research are the most
important success factors that may help in the contemporary situation of organizations and businesses
towards the goal of establishing and retaining competitive advantage. The approach applied in this
research makes us of an interpretive paradigm that adds a description of the factors in the contemporary
organization context (Dyer & Wilkins, 1991). This theoretical insight is an important consequence of
combining research methods to come up with what has been used in this research. (Gable, 1994)
After the collection of a variety of information with the help of various journals and articles available at
online libraries and resources such as Google Scholar, a detailed research paper has been prepared which
comprises of the outcomes of various research experiments and the recommendations that have resulted
thus in this regard. For the purpose of this research, data has been collected from several journals,
research publications, survey results, and articles. This research paper is the combination of all of this
research. The review centric research process used in this research has involved the three stages of
brainstorming, narrowing down, and evaluation. This paper contributes to the existing literature on this
topic by exploring, in systematic manner, the implementation of information systems. Past systematic
studies in this regard have taken into account the implementation of information systems from various
perspectives. Also addressed have been the factors behind information systems implementation failures as
well as factors that negatively impact it but to a lesser extent. (West & Berman, 2001)

Information Systems Implementation


Information Systems Implementation

According to Brzozowska, Bubel, & Pabian (2015), the effectiveness, efficiency, and use of the control of
the ecological relies on the compatibility of the instruments being implemented, which in turn is
dependent on the data quality and availability. It is quite possible to implement more than one instruments
simultaneously both strategically and operationally with regard to content and reference so as to let them
complement one another and affect each other in a constructive manner (Brzozowska, Bubel, & Pabian,
2015). According to Yusof (2015), Information Systems are crucial for critical care and have great
potential in terms of delivering as well as enhancing critical care. But there are also complex issues faced
by them such as being underutilized in spite of their potential (Yusof, 2015). According to Sharma &
Yetton (2007), implementation of information systems being successful depends on the effects of endusers training. According to Abdullah (2012), the implementation of large scale information systems in
hospitals has caused a lot of hype all over the world. Every day, more and more governments start to
realize the need of improving their health systems with the help of IS implementation for the good of their
people. This has predictably led to information systems facing several challenges terms of being
implemented (Abdullah, 2012).
Convinced that information systems (ISs) will assist them in achieving efficiency and effectiveness of
operation as well as in attaining company goals, public planners, similar to those of the private sector, are
keenly taking on ambitious studies in feasibility and contracting for detailed software and hardware
systems. As this effort is being done under the umbrella of public service, it is crucial to evaluate the
social benefits and costs. Unlucky as these things are in terms of enhancing the costs and reducing the
advantages (social and economical, too), they imply forbidding consequences when seen under
consideration of the many-faced violations by information systems on the right to privacy of individuals.
The dossier and data bank may be justified as means to effectiveness and efficiency, but they simply
cannot be harmonized with the individuals freedom and privacy. (Hoos, 1971)

Dependent Variable
Dependent Variable
(from other articles)


Information Systems

Quote and Reference

The effectiveness, use and efficiency of ecological controlling depend on the
compatibility of implemented instruments, which in turn is determined by data
availability and quality. It is possible to implement many instruments at the same
time, both operationally and strategically, by the subject of reference and by content
(only economic or environmental and economic, or environmental, economic and
social) so that they complement each other and constructively impact each other
(Brzozowska, Bubel, & Pabian, 2015) p. 994.
The purposes of the study are to (1) assess CCIS adoption level and issues in
achieving its desired outcomes which subsequently affect healthcare delivery; (2)
examine current CCIS implementation status; and (3) identify lessons from

Information Systems Implementation









influential adoption factors to inform decision making (Yusof, 2015) p. 487.

These interactions are more pronounced in port areas, where there is a heavy
industrialization and, therefore, a high number of sources of diffuse pollutants.
Several authors have implemented the response distance method to establish the
impact of air or soil pollution (Valdor, Gmez, Velarde, & Puente, 2016) p. 105.
it is still difficult to find implementations of EDSS in real case studies Besides,
no previous bibliographic references exist regarding the use of EDSS for coordinated
management of CSOs, where the role of experts, managers and stakeholders becomes
increasingly important during the decision making process (Murla et al., 2016) p.
An EMS involves commitments for pollution prevention, building environmental
policies or planning, implementing activities to deal with environmental concerns,
measuring and assessing potential environmental impacts, establishing quantifiable
goals to reduce environmental impacts, reviewing the implementation progress, and
making adjustment to ensure the achievement of environmental goals (Feng, Cai,
Wang, & Zhang, 2015) p. 2.
EU legislation requires that food businesses in all member states must implement a
Food Safety Management System based on HACCP principles (Charalambous,
Fryer, Panayides, & Smith, 2015) p. 70.
Research has investigated the main effect of training on information systems
implementation success. However, empirical support for this model is inconsistent.
We propose a continue gent model in which the effect of training on ITS
implementation success is a function of technical complexity and task
interdependence. A meta-analysis of the literature finds strong support for the model,
explaining the inconsistent (Sharma & Yetton, 2007) p. 219.
Some basic concepts concerning informationimplementation systems are defined
and investigated. With every information system a query language is associated and
its syntax and semantics is formally defined (Pawlak, 1981) p. 52.
The implementation of large-scale information systems (IS) in hospitals has created
much hype all over the globe. More governments have started to realize the necessity
to improve its health systems through IS for the benefits of its people (Abdullah,
2012) p. 74.
Marketing information implementationsystems are part of the marketing wave of
the future. They are important, and they are beginning to function very well
(Berenson, 1969) p.23.
In this article, we seek to develop a conceptual process through which
informationimplementation systems may be evaluated on a systematic basis. We then
demonstrate the potential feasibility of this process by applying it to the evaluation of
an innovative information system (King & Rodriguez, 1978) p. 43.
The Informationimplementation, data, and, especially in parlance, intelligence, are
terms often used interchangeably and frequently equated with facts and knowledge
(Hoos, 1971) p.658.

According to Sharma and Yetton (2003) the most important objective for research is for enhancing the
research based design and for corroborating the greatest implications of three essential viewpoints which
stipulate accuracy of information, preparing and managing, and training and the acquisition of
knowledge(Sharma & Yetton, 2003). Pawlak (1981) admits the truth of this hypothesis that technology
and style are genuinely connected to form the foundation (Pawlak, 1981). It is understood by those
concerned that information activities are essential for comprehending the achievements of the business
foundation and the approval of planning activities for assistance in all functions specifically the contacts
or connections between organizations. Abdullah (2012) is of the opinion that execution of comprehensive
information systems (IS) in hospital has generated a large amount of publicity all over the world
(Abdullah, 2012). Marketing and information are of great consequence and are integral to future
marketing developments. Marketing and information functions are indispensable because their
importance is specifically understandable as the economic structure continuously emphasizes services as
the major basis of worth and importance. Berenson (1969) has spoken about the functions of marketing
information systems. The magnitude and impact of marketing is specifically apparent for highlighting
services as the basic basis of usefulness for reduction in the training period and for improving mission

Information Systems Implementation


accomplishment(Berenson, 1969). King and Rodriguez (1978) maintain that this objective indicates a
theoretical practice through which information may be examined on a systematic footing (King &
Rodriguez, 1978). Particulars, information, brain power and statistics (facts and figures) are used
interchangeably especially in martial phraseology and consistently linked with information and knowhow. Hoos (1971) had discussed this aspect of information. (Hoos, 1971)
This reality for the research enhanced is research specific design for confirming the importance and the
significance for issues which include comprehensive meticulousness and accuracy, preparation,
management, implementation and knowledge (King & Rodriguez, 1978). The learning techniques are
based on research in addition to and contingent upon coherent assessment (Bailey & Francis, 2008). It
explains the manner for assessment information and knowledge in specific details (Berenson, 1969). The
research idea can be achieved on my research suggestions that is a competent and well-organized
computer accomplishment of major components as I said it is (Dixon & John, 1989). In addition,
discussion and details that are a part of my research proposals are used for the creation of a specific
system performance which is efficient under different circumstances and which will effectively enhance
the procedures and processes of the organization. (Abdullah, 2012),(Hoos, 1971)

Independent Variable
Economic Potential
According to Prasanna & Huggins (2016), Information Systems that are designed for supporting
emergencies can save lives as well as reduce economic losses. In spite of the acclaim for information
systems in the sense that they are a crucial antecedent of proper emergency management, there is a lack of
research regarding the aspect of acceptance for this technology. (Prasanna & Huggins, 2016)
The following is the information system implementation model discussed by Presanna & Huggins (2016)

According to Thong, Yap & Raman (1994), one of the quality inhibitors for the implementation of
information systems is attention. Because of time constraints, CEOs and employees alike usually show a
short ranged view regarding IS implementation and do not involve themselves intensively in the
implementation process. This inevitably results in a loss of quality on the part of the implementation
process. (Thong, Yap & Raman, 1994)
The following is the model discussed by Thong, Yap & Raman (1994).

Information Systems Implementation


According to Vicente, Mateos, & Jimnez-Martn (2014) there are many methodologies that are founded
on the ISO/IEC 27000 international standard that can be used to do risk analysis in information systems
(IS). But these do not take into account imprecise evaluations, using percentage scale usually instead.
(Vicente, Mateos, & Jimnez-Martn, 2014)
The following is the risk analysis methodology proposed by , Mateos, & Jimnez-Martn (2014) for doing
risk analysis on information systems.

Information Systems Implementation


This paper discusses a model based on the effects of quality, risk, social economic potential and
management on the implementation of information systems. For this purpose, one can find the common
starting point of the process as the planning and initiation phase. We have seen that adoption and
acceptance are the first two important steps after initiation that have to be ensured. Then steps in the effect
of management, as support from the higher ups, employees, and the planning of the IS have to go hand in
hand with the expertise of the users which has to be kept advancing accordingly as much as possible. This
has to be done in accordance with the assets, threats, decisions and safeguards which have to be
determined by careful analysis of the situation, resulting in a risk index for the information system under
consideration. Only then can the infusion take place so as to result in user satisfaction and organizational

This research paper has conducted a review centric research on the implementation of information
systems. The implementation of an information system for any business of updating the system it
currently has in use uses up precious company resources such as time and manpower. It is thus important
thus to make sure that the procedure and, even more importantly, its planning should involve the
incorporation of the needs of the system, the resources at hand, and the feasibility of the solution so as to
come up with the implementation of an information system that is efficient and effective. A model for the
implementation of such a system has been proposed, taking into account the effects of quality, risk,
management, and economic potential on the implementation of information systems.

Information Systems Implementation


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Information Systems Implementation


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