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■ ^ tn n o u n cirig

APRIL 1, 1953
Semimonthly KINGDOM





Literal tow ers in Bible times w ere elevated vantage points from w hich
w atchm en could observe happenings, w arn o f danger, or announce good
new s. O u r magazine figuratively occupies such a vantage point, fo r it is
founded on the very pinnacle o f wisdom , G od ’s W o r d . T h at elevates it
above racial, national and political propagandas and prejudices, frees it from
selfish bias. It is not bound by any traditional creed, but its message advanc­
es as the light on G od ’s purposes and w orks increases.— Habakkuk 2 :1 -3 .
It sees things Scripturally. W h en it observes this generation afflicted
w ith greed, delinquency, hypocrisy, atheism, w ar, famine, pestilence, perplex*
ity and fear, and persecution o f unpopular minorities, it does not parrot the
old fable about history repeating itself. Informed by Bible prophecy, it sees in
these things the sign o f the w orld’s time o f the end. But w ith bright hope it
also sees opening up for us just beyond these woes the portals o f a n ew w orld.
Thus view ed, “ T he W atch tow er” stands as a watchm an atop a tow er,
alert to w hat is going on, awake to note signs o f danger, faithful to point out
the w a y o f escape. It announces Jehovah’s kingdom established by C hrist’s
enthronem ent in heaven, feeds his kingdom joint-heirs w ith spiritual food,
cheers men o f good w ill w ith glorious prospects o f eternal life in a paradise
earth, com forts us w ith the resurrection promise for the dead.
It is not dogmatic, but has a confident ring in its voice, because it is based
on G od ’s W o r d . It does not privately interpret prophecy, but calls attention
to physical facts, sets them alongside prophecy, and you see for you rself how
w ell the tw o m atch, h ow accurately Jenovah interprets his ow n prophecy.
In the interests o f our salvation, it keeps sharp ana faithful focus on Bible
truth, and view s religious new s generally.
‘Be w atchful in these perilous times,’ G od admonishes. So keep on the
w atch by regularly reading “ The W atch tow er” .

117 Adams Street Brooklyn 1, N. Y.. U. S. A.
N . H . K norr , President G rant S uiter, Secretary

“ They will all be taught by Jehovah.”- J o h n 6:4 5, NW; Isaiah 54:13

Printing this issue: 1,500,000 Five cents a copy

Semimonthly Monthly
Afrikaans Italian Arabic Portuguese
“They Say but Do Not Perform” 195 Cebu-Vlsayan Japanese Cibemba Russian
Danish Korean Cinyanja Siamese
Does Nigeria Fear the Truth? 197 English
French Slovenian Ibo Twi
Bible Truth Makes Free 201 German Spanish Kanarese Ukrainian
Hiligaynon-Visayan Swedish Malayalam Yoruba
Maturity by the Spirit 204 Hollandish Tagalog Polish
Ilocano Zulu
The Corresponding Ransom 205 Indonesian
Watch Tower Society offices Yearly subscription rate
Doing the Work Approved by God 208 America, U.S., 117 Adams St.. Brooklyn 1, N.Y. $1
Australia, 11 Beresford Rd., Strathfleld, N.S.W. 8 /-
“Do Not Loiter at Your Business” 215 Brltlsh West Indies, 21 Taylor St., Port of Spain, Trinidad $1.72
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Questions from Readers 222 England, 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2 7 /-
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Abbreviations esed In "T h e Watchtower” for tht following Biblo versions at Brooklyn from countries where no office is located, by international
AS - American Standard Version L X X - The Septuagint Version money order only. Subscription rates In different countries are here stated
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Da - J. N. Darby's version NW - New World Trans. (2nd Ed.) least two issues before subscription expires. Change of address when sent
Dy - Catholic Douay version Ro - J. B. Rotherham’s version to our office may be expected effective within one month. Send your old
ED - The Emphatic Diaglott RS - Revised Standard Version as well as new address.
Le Isaac Leaser's version
- Yg - Robert Young’s version Entered as second-class matter at Brooklyn, N. Y „
Unless otherwise Indicated, the Bible used is the King James Version Act of March 3, 1870. Printed in U. S. A.
'^ 4 rvn o u n ciria
April 1f 1953 Number 7


ONCERNING the religious leaders of they cannot depend upon the children to
C his day, Jesus once said: “ The scribes voluntarily find their way to the places
and the Pharisees have seated themselves where such classes are being conducted.
in the seat of Moses. Therefore all the Only to escape school will the children
things they tell you, do and observe, but submit to religious instruction. Thus we
do not do according to their deeds, for have a union of church and state whereby
they say but do not perform .” (Matt. the state furnishes classes for the church.
23:2, 3, NW)Are the religious leaders
Theofclergy preach separation o f church
our day any different? Let us see. and state to others, but do they practice
Certain Protestant clergymen of the it themselves? They do not.
United States give much lip service to the Nor is that all. By advocating the “Re­
principle of the separation of church and leased Time” program clergymen not only
state. They loudly denounce any breach­ show inconsistency with their professions
ing of that wall by others, such as former regarding the separation o f church and
President Truman’s proposal to send an state but do violence to the principle ex­
ambassador to the Vatican. But do they pounded by the One they claim to follow,
respect that wall of separation between Christ Jesus, who once said: “ All things,
church and state when it conflicts with therefore, that you want men to do to
their own interests to do so? They do not. you, you also must likewise do to them.”
The “Released Time” program by which (Matt. 7:12, NW)How so?
school children are released from public Because the “Released Time” program
schools so that they can take religious in­ penalizes all not attending religious classes
structions elsewhere is a case in point. in that all vital instruction is suspended
This program breaches the wall of sepa­ so that those attending the religious class­
ration in that it uses the state’s compul­ es will not miss out on anything. So it is
sory school machinery to supply classes a case of taking religious instruction or
for religious organizations. wasting an hour. If the m ajority of the
Clearly the issue is not merely one of pupils were taking the religious instruc­
whether or not provision should be made tion there would still be real injustice done
for religious instruction, as the clergymen and the harm be far from negligible. But
sponsoring the “ Released Time” program what shall we say when 90 per cent of the
are not satisfied with having the schools pupils have to waste an hour so that 10 per
dismissed one hour earlier so that those cent can have the convenience of religious
who want to can proceed to religious hous­ instruction during school hours as is the
es for instruction, for they well know that case in Chicago, Illinois; or when 98 per
196 SEeWATCHTOWER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

cent must waste an hour so that two per in our institutions o f organized religion,
cent can benefit by this arrangement as we nevertheless strongly affirm the prin­
is the case in one elementary school in ciple of separation o f church and state
Westchester county, New York state, which has been the keystone of our Ameri­
where out of 500 pupils only 10 attend can democracy and declare ourselves un­
religious instruction? By what kind of alterably opposed to the use o f public
reasoning can one justify the wasting of schools directly or indirectly for religious
an hour by 490 pupils just so 10 others educational purposes.”
can have the advantages o f the “ Released Commenting on the foregoing a promi­
Time” program? nent United States woman educator, Mrs.
Objections of parents in many instances Agnes E. Meyer, had the following to say
have proved unavailing. The pressure on in the Atlantic Monthly, March, 1952:
the part of the clergy is such that school “The child is robbed o f its full develop­
boards, superintendents and principals are ment if it receives no guidance in early
afraid to remedy the situation and school years toward recognition o f the religious
teachers dare not even express themselves aspects of life. But this teaching, to be
on the matter. Is that justice? Is that effective, must originate in the home and
brotherly love? Is that true Christianity? family life with the cooperation o f the
Is that doing to others as you would have Churches.. . . Having failed in their pri­
them do to you? mary mission to strengthen the family and
That the “Released Time” program im­ reach the children during their most im­
proves morals is open to question. Reliable pressionable and formative years, the
statistics show that as many as forty Churches now seek a short cut, through
per cent of the pupils dismissed for reli­ the released time program, which will cure
gious instruction fail to show up for it. overnight the moral defects of children
And when we take into consideration time who have been neglected throughout in­
spent in going from school to the place fancy.” Underscoring the truth of the
where religious instruction is given, only above is the news item that appeared in
a half or three-quarters o f an hour re­ the New York Journal-American, Novem­
mains. How much training in religious ber 8,1952, which told of an eight-year-old
principles and teachings can be given in boy in Newport, England, beating to death
30 to 45 minutes once a week? his 17-day-old baby brother with a feeding
It was in view of such facts that the bottle.
last session of the White House Conference The remedy for juvenile delinquency lies
on Children and Youth, held in December, not in having the clergy say one thing and
1950, composed of 4,620 delegates who do another; it lies not in the unchristian
represented three-fourths of the total pop­ and undemocratic “Released Time” pro­
ulation of the United States, by a two-to- gram. The remedy lies in parents’ heeding
one vote adopted the following resolution: God’s command:
“ Recognizing knowledge and understand­ “ Jehovah our God is one Jehovah: and
ing of religious and ethical concepts as thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all
essential to the development of spiritual thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with
values and that nothing is of greater im­ all thy might. And these words, which I
portance to the moral and spiritual health command thee this day, shall be upon thy
of our nation thaii the works of religious heart; and thou shalt teach them diligent­
education in our homes and families and ly unto thy children.”— Deut. 6:4-7, AS.
"D a e d ep e a n t& e

JST before leaving his disciples Christ village. Printed Bible sermons translated
J Jesus commissioned them to “ make dis­
ciples of people o f all the nations” . (Matt.
into many vernacular languages opened
the field of gospel-preaching to many who
28:19, NW) In obedience to this command could not read English. Thousands o f truth-
the Watch Tower Society has sent mis­ hungry people now began to see in the
sionaries to all parts of the earth. light of God’s Word the clear outline of
In the interests of freedom of worship, his purposes.
in the spirit of fair play and in view o f the Many of these saw their privilege now to
good work done by such missionaries, they preach to their neighbors and slowly con­
have, in the main, been welcomed by the gregations of Jehovah’s witnesses began
officials of the various countries to which to spring up, until in 1941, at which time
they were sent. Not so Nigeria, however, a war ban was imposed, there were 1,800
for during the past year it has not only re­ active preachers in 83 congregations. When
fused entry to Watchtower missionaries the ban was lifted in 1945 their ranks
seeking to enter but has expelled two of had swelled to 3,542 ministers working
the six that were in the country, and even with 165 congregations.
going to the extreme of refusing entry to The year 1947 saw the arrival o f the
two traveling representatives of the Watch first European missionaries that were
Tower Society, N. H. Knorr and M. G. graduates of the Watchtower Bible School
Henschel, for just a few days. of Gilead. Then, in December of that
Why should Nigeria so discriminate same year, came the first visit to Nigeria
against ministers of the Watch Tower of the president of the Watch Tower So­
Society? It allows ministers of other reli­ ciety, N. H. Knorr, and his secretary,
gious groups to enter. Is it because of the M. G. Henschel. This was an occasion of
record made by Jehovah’s witnesses in great rejoicing for all the brothers.
Nigeria? Is the message they bring to the There is no doubt that this visit did
people too controversial? Do they engen­ much good in many ways. In a country
der strife and ill will? Lest any should sharply aware of color, race, social dis­
think that such is the reason, we will tinction and other divisive factors, it was
briefly present the record made by Jeho­ a revelation to see these Christian people
vah’s witnesses during the past thirty overcome these things and demonstrate,
years in Nigeria. in practice, Christ’s way of life based on
It was back in 1923 that the first mis­ brotherly love.
sionary of Jehovah’s witnesses came to Many were the expressions of grati­
Nigeria. He came with his fam ily from the tude that Knorr and Henschel should
West Indies and settled down to give spend much time and money to come to
twenty-seven years of his life preaching Nigeria to help and advise their African
the gospel. By the power of Jehovah’s brothers. They had preached to 4,800 peo­
spirit and with the aid of the Bible and ple in Lagos and 6,000 in Ibadan. A l­
Bible helps the Kingdom message began though their stay had been for only a
to penetrate into almost every town and few days, they had established a firm bond
198 SfteW ATCHTOW ER. B ro o k lyn , N . Y .

o f love, in addition to giving sound Scrip­ To properly grasp the work involved,
tural admonition On many problems and let us recount a little o f the labor put into
planning a great expansion campaign that the Ilesha assembly. Everything had to be
would bring the peaceable Kingdom mes­ built from scratch, or, more appropriately,
sage to thousands more. from “ bush” . Permission was obtained to
The months that followed showed un­ use an old football field now overgrown
mistakably what a blessing that visit had ten feet deep in “bush” . Scores of brothers
been, not only to Jehovah’s witnesses but went to work with machetes, and inside
to the people of Nigeria as a whole. Thou­ a week a 3i-acre location had been cleared
sands who had form erly heard and and half a dozen poisonous snakes killed in
watched now came out and boldly took the process. Then came the work of as­
their stand with Jehovah’s witnesses as sembling the building material. The broth­
preachers of peace and righteousness ers went out for miles around cutting long
through God’s kingdom. During the next bamboo poles, and the work of the sisters,
year, the number o f active ministers rose many with babies on their backs, was
sharply, to 5,500. The increase has been to carry these 40-foot poles on their heads
continuous each year since, rising recent­ to the assembly grounds. There the booths
ly, in October, 1952, to a peak of 12,835. were being marked out, one for each
language group, Yoruba, Urhobo, Bini,
ASSEMBLY PREPARATIONS Ijaw and Isoko. Similarly, at Port Har­
At each assembly held during those court, the brothel’s were working hard
years one could expect the same questions with the same object in view.
to be asked by the brothers: “ When is
Brother Knorr coming to Nigeria again?”
“ When shall we see Brother Henschel At the same time as this, work of a
again?” We had to point out that Brother different nature was in progress in Lagos,
Knorr had to visit many countries all where the Society’s representatives were
over the world because the good news is busy trying to expedite the granting of
being preached in all the inhabited earth, temporary visas to Knorr and Henschel to
but we knew that he would come to Ni­ cover their eight-day visit. Time was run­
geria again in its turn. ning short. Knorr and Henschel were due
Just imagine the joy and gladness it to leave New York on November 17 and
brought to the hearts of the Nigerian pub­ must have their visas before they left.
lishers when the announcement was made However, the principal immigration officer
in September, 1952, that Brothers Knorr was unable to grant these temporary visas
and Henschel had planned an African tour
himself. The matter had to be referred to
and would be in Nigeria from November
a higher government office. It was sug­
26 to December 4. At once arrangements
were made to hold two assemblies, at gested that a decision would be reached
Ilesha and Port Harcourt. It would not by the 12th. But the 12th came and went
be possible to hold more than two assem­ and so did the 13th and no decision had
blies in this short visit, so arrangements been given. It was not until the 14th, a
must be made to bring together many bare three days before Knorr and Hen­
different language groups at each assem­ schel were due to leave New York, that a
bly and to provide a good system of in­ decision was handed down, refusing visas.
terpretation for them. W hy? No reason was given.
A pril 1, 1953 SfieWATCHTOWER. 199
Further efforts were put forth. Phone the answer in the West African Vanguard
calls were made to try to arrange personal in its editorial comment of November 28,
interviews with the governor and the 1952, entitled “ Witnesses’ Convention” :
chief secretary, but in each case it was “ Ilesha town had been host to thousands
impossible to get nearer than a polite pri­ of religious guests belonging to the sect
vate secretary. An appeal was immediate­ known as Jehovah’s Witnesses since the
ly written out and taken to the office of beginning of the week and, we are sure,
the chief secretary with the request that the public will be sorry to see them go at
it be placed before him at once. An official the end of their convention today. The
reply was received on November 19, stat­ town had been buzzing with activities
ing that the government was “ not pre­ since the influx of these ‘brothers’ and ‘sis­
pared to vary its previous decision” . But ters’ in Christ, and there can be no doubt
still no reason was given! that their way of life these few days had
Why should the administration of this influenced, and will surely change, the
British colony refuse to permit two Ameri­ life of many a doubting Thomas.
can Christians to visit and talk with their “ Christians of other denominations
Christian brothers in Nigeria? Did their should learn the lesson of brotherhood in
first visit bring trouble to the government the Fatherhood o f God and of togetherness
or the people o f Nigeria? No, but rather as taught by these brothers and sisters of
to the contrary, their peaceable preaching the one Holy Father. They should be less
of the good news brought joy and hope to critical, less suspicious and less destructive,
many hearts. Is it that Jehovah’s witnesses but rather, examine, with clear con­
have fomented trouble by joining in the sciences, sans prejudice, the teachings of
bitter political struggles centering around these Witnesses, their preachments and,
the burning issue of self-government for what is more, the way they live one with
the Nigerians? Again the answer is No. the other. It may well be the road to a
Jehovah’s witnesses are known throughout happier world lies with the Watch Tower
the length and breadth of the country as section of the Christian world.”
a people separate from all brands of poli­ This candid comment sums up the
tics. Then maybe Jehovah’s witnesses have friendly attitude o f the townspeople of
come into disfavor for being obstruction­ Ilesha. Many of them came to see the as­
ists and promoters of civil disobedience? sembly in session and stayed to marvel
Once more, the answer is a definite No! at the clean, neat orderliness o f the
They are not mixed up with the scores of people and grounds, and especially the
cases of theft, embezzlement, bribery, etc., way in which thousands o f people from
which daily crowd the courts. They give different tribes lived and worshiped to­
help to the government in one of their gether in perfect peace and concord. One
big problems, the collection of taxes, for man was so impressed by what he saw and
Jehovah’s witnesses adhere strictly to the heard that he exclaimed, “ This is God’s
Scriptural rule to ‘pay back Caesar’s way and these are God’s people. I must
things to Caesar’. be one of them.” True to his word, he re­
turned the next day and was numbered
WHY THE DISCRIMINATION? among the 541 persons who were baptized.
Can it be that their great assemblies A report in the Lagos Daily Times o f
have brought an official frown for being August 25, 1952, announced that Dr. J. D.
conducted in a disorderly manner? Read Grey, president of the Southern Baptist
200 SEeWATCHTOWER. B r o o k l y n , N. Y .

Convention of America, had arrived in Ni­ they settled down to enjoy the program
geria to tour Baptist centers. Quite rightly of wise Scriptural counsel and guidance.
he found no difficulty in getting a tempo­ When it was pointed out that, although the
rary visa for his good-will mission to Ni­ government could keep out Brothers
geria. The same newspaper in its issue of Knorr and Henschel, no power in heaven
October 22, 1952, published a photograph or earth could keep out Jehovah’s spirit,
o f a special plane-load of Roman Catholic they roared their approval and it was clear
missionaries, 32 Holy Ghost fathers and that the government’s action was really
4 Holy Rosary sisters, setting out for Ni­ becoming a stimulant to them. Time and
geria to do missionary work. For years again they affirmed their determination
Jehovah’s witnesses have been trying un­ to hold on to their Kingdom hope and
successfully to get more European mis­ demonstrate even greater zeal and loyalty.
sionaries into Nigeria. During the last two This action of the government might
years they have pushed ahead their ex­ disappoint them but it would not disturb
pansion program with only six European them at all or cause anger or bitterness
missionaries. And then, in September, to well up in their hearts. Their dedica­
1952, the government ordered two of these tion of their lives is to Jehovah God, and
to quit the country, leaving only four. they are not Jehovah’s witnesses because
Hard on the heels of this came the refusal of any man. They are slaves of the Most
to grant even temporary visas to Knorr High and are interested only in glorifying
and Henschel. Contrast this treatment their Father’s name by joyful obedience
with the liberal help given to other reli­ to his Word. Their work of bearing fruit
gious bodies, and the facts point unmis­ to the honor of his name is a peaceable
takably to religious discrimination. work. They have no part with the lawless
But what of the future? What will Jeho­ elements of the world, but they will con­
vah’s witnesses do even though Knorr and tinue to work quietly, pleasantly and
Henschel could not visit them? Judging peacefully in preaching the good news,
by the success of the assemblies at Ilesha for they know that “ the fruit of righteous­
and Port Harcourt, they are due to enjoy ness has its seed sown under peaceful
in the future greater increase than ever
conditions for those who are making
before. In spite of the absence of their
peace” . Whatever the future may hold for
American brothers, these assemblies were
easily the largest and most joyful ever them, they will continue to do good to all
held in Nigeria. Some 10,300 assembled men by educating them in the peaceful
at Desha and 5,500 at Port Harcourt, and ways of God’s Word and encouraging them
a grand total of 1,062 were baptized. Re­ to lay firm hold upon the glorious hope
covering swiftly from their initial disap­ of everlasting life in his new world of
pointment, their spirits soared high as righteousness and peace.

Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm
against the machinations of the Devil; because we have a fight . . . against
the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.—Eph. 6:11, 12, NW.
The apostles Peter and Paul wrote much
of the Greek Scriptures. They spoke of

BIBLE TBUTH freedom while they themselves were in iron

chains and behind cell blocks. Jesus pro­
claimed liberty to the captives and the

IflflKES fB E E opening of prisons to them that are bound.

He himself became a prisoner and was
finally staked. In view of the foregoing
facts, how can it be claimed that the Bible
and its truths make one free?
T T O W can the claim be made that
It is quite obvious from what was just
C j j L Bible truth makes free when some
stated that the Bible does not free one
of the Bible’s most devout students, pro­
from literal prisons or torture chambers,
claim ed and supporters languished in pris­
nor does it free one from poverty or temp­
ons or were exiled as slaves to pagan
tation. Jesus declared very frankly that
lands? “ the Devil will keep on throwing some of
The nation of Israel is a typical example you into prison that you may be fully
of this. As a nation it was the first to put to the test, and that you may have
champion the Bible, and yet it was re­ tribulation ten days. Prove yourself faith­
duced to serfdom by the Assyrian and Bab­ ful even with the danger of death, and I
ylonian hordes who had absolutely no re­ will give you the crown of life” . (Rev.
gard for the Bible. Was Bible truth in this 2:10, NW) “ In fact, all those desiring to
case a freeing agent? If so, in what way? live with godly devotion in association
The apostle John closed the canon of the with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.”
Holy Scriptures when he completed the (2 Tim. 3:12, NW) So, it is quite evident
writing of his Gospel and letters and the that the Bible does not free one in a physi­
book Revelation, which, incidentally, tells cal sense. Then, how does it? It frees one
of the emancipation of the people of God mentally—from worldly cares, fears, anx­
from sin and death during the reign of ieties, traditions, superstitions and hope­
Christ. Yet, John wrote this inspired book lessness. However, it does not do this
while he was a prisoner on the Isle of miraculously.
Patmos in his old age. David, often re­ The Bible itself is not a “ charm” book
ferred to as a man after God’s own heart, or a “ good luck” piece that by merely
wrote many of the Psalms that praise Je­ having it in one’s own possession will
hovah God as the Great Shepherd and ward off disaster or usher in happiness.
Deliverer. Still, David spent many of his The Bible in simple language is God’s
years in “hideouts” dodging his enemies. Word. And as such it is a sure guide to
Jeremiah, a faithful prophet and a Bible follow. There is nothing mythical or mys­
writer, tells of his ex­ terious about it. A l­
perience in a slimy though it is a perfect
dungeon. D aniel, a guide for men, it can­
prophet and a con­ not guide us unless we
scientious student and let it. That is, unless
observer of Biblical we let its principles
law, was tossed as a influence our lives. Un­
tidbit to hungry lions. less we believe and
202 fReW ATCHTOW ER. B ro o k lyn , N . Y .

abide by its principles the Book itself same peace that made them stand fear­
is like any other book— inanimate. If we do less before rulers and kings and in the
make it a part of our living it becomes a face of death without wavering. This peace
freeing agent and a tremendous force for comes from knowing the truth o f God’s
good. Its truths brighten our pathway, Word, the Bible.
showing us danger zones and the proper
decisions to make on the way to life. It is FREEDOM TODAY
this truth that sets one free. Jesus empha­ This same peace exists in the hearts of
sized this when he said: “ If you remain those who know the truth of God’s Word
in my word, you are really my disciples, today, when men’s hearts are failing them
and you will know the truth, and the truth for fear and the end o f all things seems
will set you free.” (John 8:32, Free­ to be at hand. This truth with peace that
dom then rests on two factors: knowing “excels all thought” is still gathered from
God’s Word and remaining in it. Israel’s the same source, the Bible. It continues to
conduct is a forceful illustration of this make free.
fact. There is great need for Bible truth at
The nation of Israel had God’s Word of this time, because truth is no longer ac­
truth. They were familiar with its princi­ cepted as such. Scientific theory, political
ples. Its kings and priests were obligated philosophy and false religious traditions
to keep it. As long as they remained in are the recognized authorities in the field
harmony with Bible principles they were of knowledge. Bible truth has been shelved
free as a nation, but when they abandoned as fiction. But men’s ways have not
these principles for their own ways of brought enlightenment; instead, darkness
doing things they lost this freedom and has settled over the whole earth. True to
were reduced to slaves by their enemies. the prophet Job’s words, men “ meet with
However, there were individuals within darkness in the daytime, and grope in the
the nation of Israel, such as Jeremiah, noonday as in the night” . (Job 5:14) And
Daniel, the three Hebrew children, and as Isaiah stated: “ Darkness shall cover
others, who remained free as individuals the earth, and gross darkness the people.”
even though Israel was reduced to serf­ (Isa. 60:2) Mankind’s groping in this men­
dom. They maintained their freedom by tal darkness has caused great unrest and
not compromising Bible principles. Theirs fear. Their only way out is God’s pre­
was a mental freedom. They had peace scribed way, the Bible. They must recog­
of mind and joy of heart, a token of God’s nize it to be the Word of God, study it in
approval for integrity. The apostle Paul order to ascertain his direction, and re­
testifies to this fact, saying: “And the main in his direction until freedom is ul­
peace of God that excels all thought will timately won. There are no short cuts.
guard your hearts and your mental powers There is no other way out from this human
by means of Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:7, impasse.
It was because of this soothing, assuring, But just how does the Bible free one
precious gift of peace, one that “excels who has been both mentally and physically
all thought” , that Bible writers, supporters enslaved to this world? By extending hope
and proclaimers could say they were free to such a one with its truthful message.
even though they were languishing away “ For all the things that were written afore­
in some filthy prison or exiled on some is­ time were written for our instruction, that
land for proclaiming its truth. It is this through our endurance and through the
A pril 1, 1953 SEeWATCHTOWER. 203
com fort from the Scriptures we might of the dead. God, who knows the condition
have hope.” (Rom. 15:4, AW ) This hope of the dead and where they are, sets down
is about the incoming new world of right­ in simple phrases in the Bible their exact
eousness, wherein righteousness is to state. When the truth o f the state of the
dwell. It is concerning God’s kingdom rule dead is learned, this truth sets free.
that is to do away with sickness, wars For example, the Bible says: “For the
and death. A student of God’s Word is living know that they shall die: but the
greatly relieved when he reads such prom­ dead know not any thing.” Reason for a
ises as: “And he [God] will wipe out moment. In order for the dead to suffer
every tear from their eyes, and death will they would have to know it. They would
be no more, neither will mourning nor out­ have to be conscious, cognizant o f their
cry nor pain be any more. The former status. But the Bible tells us “ the dead
things have passed away” ; (Rev. 21:4, know not any thing” . It is impossible for
NW) and, “He shall judge among the na­ them to be suffering, because they do not
tions, and shall rebuke many people: and know of their condition. They are not
they shall beat their swords into plow­ conscious of it. They are dead. In fact, the
shares, and their spears into pruning- Bible goes on to say that “there is no
hooks: nation shall not lift up sword work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wis­
against nation, neither shall they learn dom, in the grave, whither thou goest” .
war any more.” And when he reads prom­ (Eccl. 9 :5 ,1 0 ) If there is no work, knowl­
ises about mankind’s not laboring in vain, edge or wisdom, how can there be suffer­
nor bringing forth for trouble; about this ing? Impossible. The dead are where Jesus
earth’s being made a glorious footstool un­ said they were, in their graves awaiting
der God’s feet; about people’s living on a resurrection. (John 5:28; Ps. 146:4;
earth forever, never dying, but instead liv­ 115:17) The dead are not suffering in any
ing in perfect health under a perfect gov­ purgatory, because no such place exists.
ernment, such Bible truths energize the Nor are they alive in a fiery hell, con­
hearts of the righteous, creating hope and scious, enduring painful torment. The Bi­
vision, freeing them from the darkness of ble very plainly states that the dead are
this present old world and its dismal out­ dead, unconscious, in their graves await­
look to a new look that is a vision of the in­ ing a day of resurrection. When such
coming new world with its attending bless­ truths are learned from God’s Word it
ings. (Isa. 2:4; 33:24; 2 Pet. 3:13) This opens the prison house of darkness and
truth has a wholesome effect. Bible truth frees one from superstition, pagan mytho­
also frees in another way. logical teachings, traditions and falsehood.
The Bible does make free.
RELEASE FROM FALSEHOODS It is urgent at this time for all to turn
There are, no doubt, millions of sincere to the Bible for a study of its truth and
people that belong to religious organiza­ say: “This is what the Bible teaches re­
tions that believe that their dead relatives garding the distress in the world, the cause
or friends are in purgatory or a hell of of death, hereafter, human destiny, and
torment conscious and suffering, and that our only hope” ; and not: “This is what my
they could be aided by the prayers of men church teaches, or what my teacher be­
on earth. Such teaching has caused people lieves, or what I think is right.” Human
much sorrow. How can the Bible set such reasonings have led this world into its
sincere people free? By revealing the state present fearful, perilous condition.

rIE Jews in Jesus’ day thought that wisdom. All such are the fruits of ma­
T their form of worship was pleasing
to God. Jesus, however, showed them that
turity.— 2 Pet. 1:5-10, NW.
The minister who is mature is able to
for them to be pleasing to God required rise above petty personal matters and so
far more than concern with mere outward work in unity with his brothers. He appre­
forms and ceremonies, and more than con­ ciates that all the members of a body need
cern about time, manner and places. He each other, and so he not only attends
said: “ God is a Spirit, and those wor­ meetings but takes part in them. Instead
shiping him must worship with spirit and of looking for someone to help him the ma­
truth.” (John 4:24, NW) That requires ture minister is seeking whom he may
being mature in one’s worship.* help.— Eph. 4:16; Col. 2:19, NW.
To be mature means first of all to have God’s spirit is indispensable to maturity.
an accurate knowledge of Jehovah God Only by means of it was Peter able to
and his purposes and his will for us. With­ identify Jesus as the Messiah, and all the
out such maturity o f knowledge we are apostles were able to understand the sa­
in danger of being “ carried hither and cred secret of Jehovah’s purpose regarding
thither” “with various and strange teach­ the body of Christ. (Matt. 16:17; Eph.
ings” . (Eph. 1:17, 18; 4:14; Heb. 13:9, 3:5-9, 18-20, NW) An orchestra conduc­
NW) Additionally, maturity means having tor, to properly interpret the composer’s
one’s powers of perception trained so as musical message, needs not only a musical
to be able to distinguish between the good score but also to imbibe the spirit of the
and the bad, between what is right and composer. So likewise, for us to properly
what is wrong. Further, the one who is present God’s message to the people we
truly mature not only can distinguish be­ must have his spirit by which only we can
tween right and wrong but has in his search out the deep things of God. To get
heart the right attitude toward these, a that spirit we must not only study and
deep warm love for righteousness and a meditate on God’s Word but also pray to
burning hatred for lawlessness. Maturity God for it.— Luke 11:13; 1 Cor. 2:10, 12;
thus gives us the strong balance needed to Jas. 1:5, NW.
resist temptations and pressures.— Matt. By means of God’s spirit we gain depth
5:21-28; Heb. 1:9; 5:14; 6:1, NW. of sincerity and heart devotion, we im­
Maturity makes for increase, for the prove the quality o f our understanding, we
mature minister appreciates that the pur­ make progress toward maturity. So, hav­
pose of his dedication is to be a witness ing begun in the pure worship, let us con­
for Jehovah, is to bear Kingdom fruit. tinue in the same routine, reading and
While properly concerned with the quanti­ studying privately and with others, pon­
ty of his work he is far more concerned dering over these things and being ab­
with the quality of his ministry. Effective sorbed in them, telling others about them
preaching requires accurate knowledge, and at all times looking to God’s spirit to
unselfish motives, control of spirit and guide and motivate us. Thus we shall
progress to maturity.— Rom. 10:10; Phil.
• For details see The Watchtower, August 15 and
September 1, 1952. 3:13-16; 1 Tim. 4:15,16, NW.
Corresponding Ransom

O RANSOM means to pro­ imperfect men but must indeed

T vide release and deliverance
on the basis of a price or consid­
be what it claims to be, the Word
of the Almighty God Jehovah.
eration of value. The price or ^ —John 17:17; 1 Pet. 1:25; 2 Pet.
valuable consideration involved is 1:20, 21, NW.
also termed a ransom. In modem usage the From the Bible we learn that God has
term ransom generally designates the sum four cardinal attributes or qualities. He is
demanded for the release of one who has perfect in wisdom, justice and love and
been abducted or kidnaped. In the Bible, almighty in power. (Job 12:13; Ps. 62:11;
however, the term is primarily used to 97:2; 1 John 4:8) By virtue o f his suprem­
describe the provision God has made to acy he is our King, Lawgiver and Judge to
release imperfect man from the bondage whom we are at all times accountable;
of sin and death and give him the op­ and by reason of his being our Creator
portunity to gain eternal life. The idea we are wholly indebted to him for all
of a ransom as a looking from sin and we have.— Isa. 33:22; Jas. 1:17.
death is peculiar to the Christian religion Jehovah God created the first human
as well as one of its most basic teachings. pair in his image and likeness, therefore
We cannot expect to understand and ap­ with a measure of wisdom, justice, love
preciate the teaching o f the ransom unless and power. (Gen. 1:26) He gave them a
first we are prepared to accept two basic moral sense, a conscience, so that they
truths, namely, that God exists and that could distinguish between right and wrong.
the Bible is his Word. Why should not God He did not owe our first parents anything,
give us a revelation concerning himself but they owed God a debt of appreciation.
and inform us as to where we came from, As a test of their appreciation God com­
why we are here, what our destiny is, manded them: “ From every tree in the
and why evil has been permitted? Since garden you are free to eat; but from the
God made ample provision to supply all tree of the knowledge of good and evil
our material needs, is it not reasonable you must not eat; for the day that you
to expect that he would also make pro­ eat of it you shall certainly die.”— Gen.
vision to satisfy all our spiritual needs, 2:16,17, AT.
our hunger for truth and for righteous­ All of God’s work being perfect, Adam
ness? Certainly it is. And so, as we ex­ and Eve could have perfectly obeyed that
amine the Bible, and note its harmony command had they chosen to do so. Adam
and candor; its history so abundantly veri­ deliberately chose to disobey and thereby
fied by both archaeology and geology; its sinned (“ to sin” literally meaning “ to miss
lofty principles and wise proverbs; and, the mark” ) , and so was sentenced to death.
above all, its prophetic element, we are (1 Tim. 2:14) “Because you followed your
forced to the conclusion that this book wife’s suggestions, and ate from the tree
simply could not have been the work of from which I commanded you not to eat,
206 SEeWATCHTOWER. B r o o k l y n , N. Y.

cursed shall be the ground through you, to become a human, for God’s law required
in suffering shall you gain your living justice, a “ corresponding ransom” ; a spirit
from it as long as you live. By the sweat creature could no more provide release
of your brow shall you earn your living, than could an imperfect human.— Deut.
until you return to the ground, since it 19:21; John 1:1; Col. 1:15,
was from it that you were taken; for dust So when God’s due time came, “ the
you are, and to dust you must return.” Word became flesh” ; “ God sent forth his
(Gen. 3:17, 19, AT) A just sentence. Son, who was produced out of a woman.”
By emptying himself of his spiritual glory
MERCY FOR OTHERS and taking on the form of a slave, he
That sentence upon Adam, though just “ came to be in the likeness of men” .
in itself, did work a hardship upon others, (John 1:14; Gal. 4:4; Phil. 2:7, NW ) He
his offspring. Not that God wronged them; was to be called Jesus, “ for he will save
no more than in modem times the state his people from their sins,” and so John
wrongs the children of a murderer by ex­ the Baptist introduced him as “ the Lamb
ecuting their father for murder. The sin­ of God that takes away the sin of the
ning father is the one that wrongs his world” . Jesus himself bore testimony that
children. And so Adam, by his disobedi­ “ the Son of man came, not to be ministered
ence, cheated all of his offspring out of to, but to minister and to give his soul
the right to life, they all being bom after [or, life] a ransom in exchange for many” .
he had sinned and lost that right. “ Through As Paul succinctly states the teaching of
one man sin entered into the world and the ransom: “ For there is one God, and
death through sin, and thus death spread one mediator between God and men, a
to all men because they had all sinned.” man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a cor­
— Job 14:4; Ps. 51:5; Rom. 5:12, responding ransom for all.”—Matt. 1:21;
While God’s justice was satisfied with 20:28; John 1:29; 1 Tim. 2 :5 ,6 ,
the execution of the death sentence upon Jesus as a perfect man corresponded
Adam and did not require that he do some­ exactly to Adam before that one sinned.
thing for Adam’s offspring, it being Adam When he voluntarily laid down his un­
and not God that caused them to lose forfeited life on the torture stake, and
their right to life, yet in his great love God raised him from the dead as a spirit
and wisdom God saw an opportunity to creature, Jesus had in his possession the
do something for such of Adam’s offspring right to human life with all its prospects;
as would not share their father’s selfish exactly what Adam had lost for the human
disposition but would have a love of right­ race. This ransom price Jesus presented
eousness. By means of a ransom he would in the presence of God and in exchange
uphold the majesty of his law and at the therefor received the human race for the
same time provide release for such of purpose of giving deserving members of
Adam’s offspring as were deserving. it the opportunity to gain everlasting life.
Who could provide such a ransom? Cer­ —1 Pet. 1:18,19.
tainly none of Adam’s offspring, for none This offering for sins was foreshadowed
of these had the right to life. (Ps. 49:7) by the annual atonement-day sacrifices re­
The Bible shows that God extended the quired under the law of Moses, in which
privilege to be man’s ransomer to his first­ a young bull and a he-goat were sacrificed
born Son, the Word or Logos. He being for the sins of the people, and then their
a spirit creature, this meant that he had blood, representing the life, was presented
A pril 1, 1953 ffBeWATCHTOWER. 207
to God in the most holy compartment of memorial tombs will hear his voice and
the tabernacle or temple, where God’s come out, those who did good things to
presence was indicated by a supernatural a resurrection of life, those who practiced
light.— Heb. 9:24-28. vile things to a resurrection o f judgment.”
— John 5:28, 29, NW.
Bible prophecy shows that the new
The question now presents itself, Since world is at the door and God’s Word holds
Jesus purchased the human race more than out the hope that many now living will
nineteen centuries ago for the purpose of pass through the period of transition from
giving it life, why is mankind still dying? this old system of things to the new system
Because just as God had an appointed time of things, just as did Noah and his family.
for Christ Jesus to come to earth and pro­ And, since in that new world all sin, sick­
vide a ransom, so he has an appointed ness and death will be done away with,
time for mankind to receive the benefits it can be confidently stated that some now
of that ransom. (Rom. 5:6, NW) However, living will never see death, because of sur­
since Pentecost A. D. 33 a small body viving into the new world. Toward them
of called-out Christians, referred to by apply the words of Jesus recorded at John
Jesus as a “ little flock” , have been re­ 8:51 and John 11:26 (NW): “ Most truly
ceiving the benefit of Christ’s ransom. By I say to you, If anyone observes my word,
reason of their faith in it and their dedi­ he will never see death at all.” “He that ex­
cation to God they have been declared ercises faith in me, even though he dies,
righteous in God’s sight and have been will come to life, and everyone that is
given the holy spirit or active force of living and exercises faith in me will never
God in a way as to constitute them spirit­ die at all.”
ual sons of God. Continuing faithful until Thus by means of the ransom the effects
death, they have the hope of sharing in the of Adam’s transgression will be wiped out
“ first resurrection” with Christ Jesus and as regards all those who love truth and
reigning with him a thousand years as righteousness and who avail themselves
part o f the spiritual seed o f Abraham of the opportunity for life that God pre­
that is to bless all the families of the sents to them. By it God will be shown
earth.— Luke 12:32; Rom. 5:1; Gal. 3:29; to be, not only a God of perfect justice,
Rev. 20:5,6, NW. but also a God of perfect wisdom, almighty
However, the vast m ajority of those who power and, above all, a God of love.
will benefit from Jesus’ ransom sacrifice Additionally, by the ransom God vindi­
receive what Adam lost for them, namely, cates his supremacy. He demonstrates that
life on earth. This will be in a new world, regardless of what his creatures, spirit or
concerning which Peter wrote: “But there human, may or may not do, his purposes
are new heavens and a new earth that will be accomplished; his word will not
we are awaiting according to his promise, return to him void. (Isa. 55:11) And finally
and in these righteousness is to dwell.” thereby he is able to reward all those
(2 Pet. 3:13, NW) And, since most of of Adam’s offspring who prove the Devil
Adam’s offspring lie sleeping in the grave, a liar by maintaining their integrity in
the ransom assures that all such as are spite of all that the Devil can bring against
in the memory of God will have a resurrec­ them in the way of temptation and pres­
tion: “Do not marvel at this, because the sures. (Job chapter 1 and 2) Truly the
hour is coming in which all those in the ransom is as logical as it is just.
the W o r k A p p r o v e d q
^ ) o " 'n 9 od
"D o not biter at your business. B ea g b w
E H O V A H hates with the ”spt — Rom. 12 : 11,
ir tak es a beam o f
J laziness. Slackers light, traveling at
and sluggards are certainly an abomination the sensational speed of 186,000 miles per
to him. Indifferent and slothful ones who second, over 33,000 years to cross its di­
are negligent in their work cannot hope ameter. And yet this system of stars by no
to have the blessing or approval of Him means fills outer space. Within the outer
who from the very beginning of creation perimeter to which present telescopes
has labored with matchless zeal and dili­ reach a great host of other island universes
gence. “My Father has kept working until or galaxy systems have been found and
now,” said Jesus, “ and I keep working.” photographed. Stellar wonders staggering
(John 5:17, NW) Never doestheJehovah imagination! There are stars so heavy
tire of his work. Never does he grow weary that a cubic inch of their substance weighs
or become bored in doing what he sets as much as 2,000,000 pounds. There are
out to accomplish. Never does he slow stars so large that their diameters are
down and quit before obtaining complete more than sixteen times the distance from
success. “ Hast thou not known? hast thou the earth to the sun. There are stars so
not heard? The everlasting God, Jehovah, speedy that they race around their orbits
the Creator of the ends of the earth, faint- at velocities of more than 1,600,000 miles
eth not, neither is weary.” Even his name, per hour. Moreover, these myriads of heav­
Jehovah, defines the Most High and Lofty enly objects have not been thrown together
One as a God of purpose and activity, for in scrambled disorder, nor do they wander
it is drawn from a word of action, the about in chaotic confusion. No, each star,
causative form of the Hebrew verb havah. each planet, each constellation, and each
“ I have purposed, I will also do it,” he says. galaxy is governed by Jehovah’s fixed laws
So after immeasurable eons of time we of motion. Each travels its properly as­
find Jehovah still faithfully sticking to his signed course. Each operates on a precise
stupendous work, discharging his heavy and absolutely accurate time schedule, and
responsibilities both as Creator of the they have been doing it for hundreds of
universe and as its Sovereign Lord and millions of years. Truly these are super­
Eternal Governor.— Isa. 40:28; 46:11, lative examples of Jehovah’s workman­
2 Reflect for a moment what a vastship! “ O Jehovah, how manifold are thy
expanse the Creator’s material universe works! In wisdom hast thou made them
covers, that is, the limited portion so far all.”— Ps. 19:1; 104:24; Isa. 40:26;
explored by man. Our galaxy, or Milky Rom. 1:20.
Way, made up of no less than 3 Now think what a very, very
three thousand million stars is small speck this earth of ours
so incomprehensibly large it is in the boundless expanse of
cosmic space, and yet Jehovah
1. What example does Jehovah set as God did not lose track of it or
regards work, and how does he regard
the slothful and negligent ones?
3. In what ways has Jehovah provided
2. What are some of the superlative ex­ for man, and to what does all creation
amples of Jehovah’s workmanship? testify?
A pril 1, 1953 SEeWATCHTOWER. 209
overlook any detail in making it fit for must take up the work he assigns them
man’s habitation. All about us are marvel­ with enthusiastic (God-inspired) zeal. They
ous specimens of the Creator’s delicate and must attack their assignments with de­
artistic handiwork, both m icro-and macro­ termination and industry, sticking to such
forms, each an awe-inspiring wonder to be­ despite all efforts of Satan the Devil, the
hold. No effort or labor did he withhold in adversary of both God and man, to slow
them down, turn them aside, or make them
providing for the needs of every living crea­
quit altogether. And how happy are those
ture, for man and beast alike. (Gen. 1:29,
who thus continue working, for not only
30; 3:21) “ Jehovah is good to all; and his do they eventually prosper and succeed,
tender mercies are over all his works. All but they also reap along the way satisfying
thy works shall give thanks unto thee, fruit for their labor in the form of extreme
O Jehovah;. . . thou givest them their food joy and contentment without measure.
in due season. Thou openest thy hand, and This divine principle is beautifully por­
satisfiest the desire of every living thing.” trayed in the following
(Ps. 145:9,10,15,16, AS) Yes, all animate example.
and inanimate creation testifies to the 5 Christ Jesus, the be­
great Master W orker’s untiring zeal and loved and only-begotten
energy and precision. No one can justly Son of Jehovah God, in
find fault with his work. It is perfect. his prehuman existence
Neither is he dilatory, slack or behind as the Logos (meaning
time in any way. Jehovah accomplishes the Spokesman or Word
all his declared purposes exactly on time. of God) enjoyed the rare and singular priv­
— Deut. 32:4; 2 Pet. 3:9. ilege of working alongside his Father in
‘ Work, good, wholesome work, that the monumental task of building this uni­
requires the co-ordinated verse in the first place. “ All things came
use of mind and muscles into existence through him, and apart from
is also among God’s lov­ him not even one thing came into exist­
ing provisions for man. ence.” (John 1:1-3,10, N W ; 1 Cor. 8:6; Col.
(Gen. 1:28; 2:15; 9:1, 7) 1:16) Having faithfully completed that as­
Even the Sabbath com­ signment this close associate of the Creator
mandment was primarily Weis sent to earth on a special threefold
one of work rather than mission. As a human creature he bore wit­
of rest; for had it been God’s purpose that ness to the truth that sets men free, gave
man should lounge around most of the time his perfect human life as a ransom for
and do as little as possible, then he would fallen man’s redemption, and under the
have said in substance, ‘Six days you shall greatest satanic pressure proved worthy
loaf, but the seventh you may work.’ No, to be Jehovah’s vindicator, worthy to sit
not that! By far the greater amount of upon the great throne of Jehovah as king
man’s time and energy was to be spent in of the new world of righteousness.— John
profitable labor, and this for man’s good 8:32, 45, 46; 18:37; Matt. 20:28; 1 Tim.
and to the praise of his Creator. Those, 2:6; Titus 2:14; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 4:15;
therefore, hoping to have God’s approval 5:8, 9.
4. (a) What provision for man’s working did Jehovah 5. (a) What privileges of work did Jesus enjoy in his
make, and why? (b) How should we attack a Jehovah- prehuman existence? (b) What threefold mission did
given assignment, and why? he accomplish on earth?
210 SEeWATCHTOWER. B r o o k l y n , N. Y.

•Without grumbling, without rebelling, busy man! Hardly could he find a lonely
without complaining or finding fault with place in which to rest; often not so much
this earth-bound assignment, the man Je­ as an opportunity to eat a quiet meal by
sus pushed ahead with a fiery and con­ himself. (Matt. 14:13; Mark 3:20; 6:31-
suming zeal. (Ps. 69:9; John 2:17) Night 34; Luke 4:42, 43) As a consequence, on
and day he labored, disregarding his own Passover night, A. D. 33, exactly on time
personal interests, comforts, advantages as foretold in ancient prophecies, Jesus
and desires. “ Not as I will, but as you was able to report to his Father: “ I have
will,” was his prayer to his heavenly glorified you on the earth, having finished
Father. “We must work the works of the work you have given me to do.” So by
him that sent me while it is day; the night eagerly taking up the divine assignment
is coming when no man can work.” “My and persevering in it Jesus was able to
food is for me to do the will of him that complete it, gain the great victory, and re­
sent me and to finish his work.” (Matt. ceive Jehovah’s cherished approval.— John
26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42; John 17:4; 19:30; Matt. 17:5, NW.
4:34; 5:30; 6:38; 9:4, Hardships,
persecutions, shame, ridicule or personal SERVICE ORGANIZATION ESTABLISHED
likes or dislikes, none of these things did 8 Jesus knew that in the years ahead the
Jesus allow to turn him aside or impede pure worship of Jehovah would be ex­
his accomplishing Jehovah’s righteous pur­ panded to the ends of the earth. This
pose regarding him.— Heb. 12:2, 3. would require an efficient theocratic or­
TNow, plowing and harvesting is real ganization, and so at the outset of his
work, hard work, requiring great strength, ministry Jesus gathered about him a body
endurance and perseverance. It is not a of disciples to whom he gave special train­
lazy man’s job. “ The sluggard will not ing and instruction for the work ahead.
plow in autumn; so [the following year] Note the type of individuals whom he
in harvest he looks for a crop in vain.” picked as his close associates. Not the lazy
(Prov. 20:4, and sluggish
AT)“ He that gathereth in aristocrats or the indolent
summer is a wise son; but he that sleepeth and parasitic Pharisees of that day. Rath­
in harvest is a son that causeth shame.” er, the disciples of Jesus were for the
(Prov. 10:5, AS) Jesus was a very wise most part chosen from among the working
son and brought no reproach upon his class of people— rugged fishermen, hard­
Father. He was fully aware of the fact that working tax collectors, men and women of
a great harvesting work must be done, action who could be depended upon to get
and yet the laborers were few. (Matt. things done. And it was good that they
9:37) So up and down the land he trudged, were ambitious and energetic individuals,
afoot, mind you, visiting all the cities and for much work was required of them. Like
villages, curing the sick ones, healing the Jesus they too had to be witnesses and
afflicted, com forting the poor and op­ teachers among the nations, preachers and
pressed, gathering together wheatlike ones proclaimers of the good news of the king­
out from that nation’s weed patch of apos­ dom of heaven. They too had to work
tasy. (Matt. 4:23, 24; 9:35, 36; 14:14; hard in the wheat harvest together with
Mark 1:38, 39) Indeed Jesus was a very the “Master of the harvest” .— Luke 10:2,
6. With what mental attitude did Jesus push forward NW.
in his God-given work, ignoring what?
7. Harvest work involves what, and how did Jesus’ 8. What kind of persons did Jesus pick for his service
course bear this out? organization, and why?
A pril 1, 1953 SEeWATCHTOWER. 211
9During his three-and-a-half-year min­ to house and from city to city, in order
istry Jesus gave these followers o f his that they might learn by practical obser­
much oral counsel on proper worship, de­ vation how to handle their assignment to
votion and service to God, as well as in­ preach, how to be efficient in their work
struction in the basic laws governing the and thorough in covering their territory.
theocratic organization, namely, the fun­ And from time to time these newly trained
damental principles of love, truth and witnesses were sent out on their own so
righteousness. This was necessary, for all that they could gain valuable experience
their former lives when alienated from through practicing in the field what they
God the minds of these men and women had been taught in class. (Matt. 10:1-11:1;
had been shaped according to the pattern Luke 10:1-17) Of course, training these
o f this old world. Now they were called other members of the theocratic organi­
out of darkness into glorious light to be zation placed an extra burden on Jesus,
footstep followers of Jesus, devoted as he since it was often necessary to give them
was to pure, undefiled worship of Jehovah additional instruction privately after long
God. They must therefore make their minds hours of tiring preaching to the multi­
over, get rid of their false ideas, practices tudes. But Jesus did not complain. He was
and preconceived notions based on human no clock watcher, nor did he labor under
reasonings and man-made theories and the critical eyes of a union boss who would
traditions. From now on they were to be have penalized him for working overtime
part o f a holy nation of kings and priests, without drawing a bonus. (Matt. 13:1-
completely devoted to God and his right­ 16, 36-43; 24:3) And because Jesus was
eous kingdom under Christ. This is why so diligent in looking after every detail
they held nothing back, but dedicated he was successful in laying the founda­
their lives to God’s service, devoting every­ tion for a good service organization, a so­
thing they had, their heart, soul, strength, ciety of Christian ministers, one composed
substance and mind, to his service. Hence­ of individuals who not only were hard
forth they were to be governed by an en­ workers but were governed by theocratic
tirely new rule of conduct, one of love. principles, persons who recognized that
“I am giving you a new commandment, Christ Jesus by divine appointment was
that you love one another; just as I have directing the organization’s activity even
loved you, that you also love one another. down to the consummation of this system
By this all will know that you are my dis­ of things.— Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20,
ciples, if you have love among yourselves.” 11 No doubt about it, Christianity was
This making of their minds over for a planted in good soil as a noble vine. “I am
new way of life was certainly no easy task, the true vine,” said Christ, “ and my Fa­
but required much effort and exertion on ther is the cultivator. I am the vine, you
the part of each one.—Mark 12:29-31; are the branches. He that remains in union
John 13:34, 35, NW. with me, and I in union with him, this
10Then, too, in addition to giving oral one bears much fruit, because apart from
instruction, Jesus took his disciples along me you can do nothing at all.” (John 15:1,
with him in the witness work from house 5, NW) God’s spirit or active power has
certainly been upon this theocratic organi­
9. Jesus gave what kind of instruction to his followers? zation, and, as a result, now after more
Why was this necessary, and how did they respond?
10, 11. (a) What practical training did Jesus give his than 1900 years this fertile vine stalk to­
disciples, and what did this require of him? (b) What
kind of organization resulted? gether with its spreading branches is con-
212 S&eWATCHTOWEFL B r o o k l y n , N. Y.

tinuing to bring forth an abundance of duct, uncleanness and fornication, but also
good life-sustaining fruit, Kingdom fruit, among her clergy class spiritual delinquen­
to the praise of Jehovah God the great cy is manifest. Her great religious leaders
Cultivator. And where today is such an have openly played the harlot with the
upright and fruitful organization to be political, military and commercial rulers
found? Where is there a theocratic organi­ of the world. This they have done by back­
zation headed by the Superior Authorities, ing up anti-Christ schemes for world dom­
Jehovah God and Christ Jesus? Where ination (schemes like the League of Na­
today is that body of true footstep fol­ tions and the United N ations); by signing
lowers of Christ that is doing the work working agreements and concordats with
approved by God, expanding ruthless, worldly dictators
pure worship of Jehovah to (Hitler, Mussolini); and by
the ends of the earth? swearing oaths of allegiance
to wicked rulers of this world
CHRISTENDOM’S WORKS (to red Communist bosses
DISAPPROVED behind the Iron Curtain) as
12Boisterously and with if such profane men were
great arrogance Christen­ the “ higher powers” whom
dom’s leaders brag that she Christians mustobey.—Rom.
is this favored organization 13:1; Rev. 17:1, 2.
of God. But a quick survey 14 F u rth erm or
of her works and the fruit apostle declares, every form
she bears should thoroughly of idolatry is practiced with­
convince any seeker of truth in Christendom’s borders.
that Christendom is any­ Spiritualists who are in con­
thing but Christian. Read stant communication with
her newspapers and magazines, listen to the invisible wicked demons flourish in all
her radio and television programs, look at her great cities. Her hatreds, strifes, jeal­
her conduct in general. What a hideous ousies and fits of anger often break out in­
sight she presents! In every branch and to international wars, and in the flames of
department of this corrupt system “ the such senseless conflicts the lives of millions
works of the flesh are manifest, and they of innocent people are snuffed out. Conten­
are fornication, uncleanness, loose conduct,
tions, divisions, sects and envies among
idolatry, practice of spiritism, hatreds,
strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox fac­
divisions, sects, envies, drunken bouts, tions are too numerous to mention. And as
revelries, and things like these” .— Gal. for the drunken bouts, revelries, and the
5:19-21, NW. intoxicating pleasures of Christendom,
18 Even if the apostle Paul were livingthese have certainly caused the inhabi­
today he could not have done better in tants of the land to reel to and fro, back­
describing the works of Christendom. Not ward and forward, dizzy from the wine of
only among the common laity of the many fornication fermented by modem Babylon.
religious denominations does one observe 15 Warning that such a degenerate so­
a constant downward drift in loose con- ciety as this would sprout in the last days
12-14. What evidence Is there among the religious
leaders and among the “ laity” proving that Christen­ 15. What does the fulfillment of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 indi­
dom is not the true vine? cate as to Christendom’s condition?
A pril 1, 1953 5HeWATCHTOWEFL 213
of this system of things, Paul wrote Tim­ little, to rest?’— yes, and poverty will
othy: “ Know this, that in the last days pounce on you, want will overpower you.”
critical times hard to deal with will be —Prov. 6:6-11; 19:15, 24, Mo.
here. For men will be lovers of themselves, 17 Or as other Proverbs fitly describe
lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, sleepy Christendom’s sorry plight, she on­
blasphemers, disobedient to parents, with­ ly rolls over in her bed of ease, like the
out gratitude, with no loving-kindness, turning of a door upon its hinges, when
having no natural affection, not open to she is prodded with God’s Word of truth.
any agreement, slanderers, without self- She spurns the counsel of Jehovah, is very
control, fierce, without love of goodness, wise in her own eyes, proud and arrogant
betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with self­ to the extreme. Her whole house leaks
esteem, lovers of pleasures rather than like a sieve, and in many places the roof
lovers of God, having a form of godly de­ has practically caved in upon her, yet she
votion but proving false to its power.” is too lazy to repair it. Her religious fields
(2 Tim. 3:1-5, A/W) Obviously Christen­ are nothing more than bramble patches,
dom is rotten to the very core, otherwise completely overgrown with thorny pagan
she could not produce such a wild crop of superstitions, irritating traditions, and
putrid fruit as this. “ By their fruits you poisonous doctrines of demons, and yet
will recognize them,” for “ every good tree she prefers to sleep and dream about her
produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree past and present lovers. “ I passed by the
produces bad fruit” .— Matt. 7:16, 17, NW. field of the sluggard, by the vineyard of
14 Christendom’s sickness is caused by the man without sense; and lo! it was all
a lack of proper spiritual nourishment, overgrown with thistles, its surface was
which, in turn, is due to her laziness, in­ covered with nettles, and its stone wall was
difference and preference to sleep. “ Lazi­ broken down. I looked, and reflected upon
ness ends in a deep sleep; an idle man shall it; I saw, and learned a lesson. ‘A little
be hungry. The lazy man drops his hand sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of
deep in the dish; hands to rest’— so
he will not so will poverty come
much as lift it to upon you like a
his lips.” If Chris­ footpad, and want
tendom had heed­ like an armed
ed the wise man’s man.”— Prov. 24:
suggestion she 30-34, AT; 26:14-
could have learned 16; Eccl. 10:18, Le.
a lesson from the 18T h e over­
lowly ant. “ Go to the ant, you sluggard, whelming evidence proves Christendom is
look at her ways, learn sense; for she has apostate, a degenerate vine, and Christian
no leader, no foreman or chief, yet in the in name only. She has had every oppor­
summer she provides her food, and gathers tunity to be a fruitful organization to the
during harvest-days. You sluggard, how praise of God, but, like the unfaithful na­
long will you sleep? When will you rise tion of Israel, she is too lax and lazy. Her
from your slumber? ‘Let me sleep for a prototype, Israel after the flesh, was planted
little, a little! let me fold my hands for a
18, 19. In what respects is the course taken by Chris­
16, 17. (a) What is the cause of Christendom’s sickness?
(b) What scriptures aptly describe her attitude toward tendom today the same as that taken by apostate
work? Israel ?
214 SfEeWATCHTOWER B rooklyn , N. Y.
a noble vine, and was assigned the task of ciples of Jesus were gathered out and sep­
conquering the God-given territory, and as arated from unfaithful Israel to be a spe­
long as they pushed ahead with the job cial people for God’s name, even so today
they prospered. However, it was not long men and women from all walks of life
before they began to slow down, adopting and from many tongues and nationalities
an indifferent attitude toward their divine have been called out of Christendom’s
assignment, and finally they quit altogeth­ Babylonish systems to form a true Chris­
er. In their sluggish reasoning it seemed tian society, the nucleus of a new world
easier to compromise with the demon- society, if you please. (1 Pet. 2:9) They
worshiping nations that were squatters in are still in this old world, it is true, but
the land than it was to oust them with a they are no part of it, take no part in its
fight. Turning to their personal and selfish political squabbles, its commercial deals
interests they suffered setbacks and de­ and economic schemes, or its religious
feats, one after another. As a nation they movements. (John 17:16; Phil. 2:15) In­
failed to hold to the clean worship of Jeho­ stead, they place their hope and trust in
vah. As a nation they failed to keep Jeho­ God’s kingdom and fervently pray for its
vah’s righteous laws. As a nation they complete and triumphal success at Arma­
failed to be Jehovah’s faithful, covenant­ geddon. They are governed by the theo­
keeping witnesses before other nations cratic principles of love, truth and right­
round about them. eousness. They observe the two great com­
18 So too with worthless Christendom, mandments, show love for Jehovah and
and for the same reasons. She has failed show love for neighbor, and for this two­
to hold to the pure worship of Jehovah, fold reason they go among the people com­
but instead has compromised with prac­ forting widows and bereaved ones in their
tically every form of demonism there is. affliction and warning the wicked of im­
She has transgressed, changed and broken pending destruction. At all times they re­
every law and commandment in the Bible. fuse to compromise with lawless dictators
As a consequence, “ the earth also is de­ and corrupt worldly rulers, and thus keep
filed under the inhabitants thereof; be­ themselves unspotted from this satanic
cause they have transgressed the laws, system of things.— Mark 12:28-31; Jas.
changed the ordinance, broken the ever­ 1:27.
lasting covenant.” Christendom, therefore, 81 It is not a difficult task to recognize
has missed out on the special privileges of and identify God’s visible organization,
being Jehovah’s witnesses in this time of for there are not many, not even a few,
the end.— Isa. 24:5. there is only one organization that is pur­
suing the above-outlined course, namely,
GOD’S APPROVED ORGANIZATION IDENTIFIED Jehovah’s witnesses. Inseparably asso­
80 Ah yes! Notwithstanding Christen­ ciated with this widely known organiza­
dom’s miserable failure Jehovah God does tion is its legal servant and governing
have a true, covenant-keeping, zealous or­ agency, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract
ganization in the earth today made up of Society. Only Jehovah’s witnesses and
those who are faithfully following the pat­ their associates are bearing the fruits of
tern cut out by Christ. As the early dis- the Kingdom by public proclamation.
(Heb. 13:15) They alone are heralding
20, 21. (a) What evidence shows God has an organi­
zation on earth following the pattern cut by Christ forth the good news that God’s kingdom
Jesus? (b) By whom is this organization being directed
and what message is being heralded by it? under Christ is man’s only hope. No other
A pril 1, 1953 SEeWATCHTOWER. 215
group, body, association, society, or or­ replaced with perfection and peace. What
ganization is proclaiming that God’s king­ a high and lofty privilege, to be engaged
dom is actually established in the heavens, in a work like this! What a great and
and that shortly now this heavenly gov­ singular honor to be associated with Je­
ernment will transform earth into a glori­ hovah’s organization, doing the work ap­
ous paradise with wickedness and violence proved by God!

"D o N ot Loiter at Your B usiness”

TEHOVAH GOD, the great First Cause, discreet slave” class in the earth to whom
J the Creator o f heaven and earth, is the he would entrust all his Kingdom interests.
never tardy, never tiring, never quitting (Matt. 24:45-47, NW) It was therefore not
Craftsman Supreme, noted for his exacti­ a mere occurrence when devoted men
tude and dependability. When in the work­ and women began to be gathered out of
ing out of his purpose Jehovah assigns faithless Christendom from and after the
creatures certain tasks to perform he ex­ year 1870. God purposed to use them as
pects and demands that such be done with an organization to do a twofold work.
meticulous care and accuracy. Failure in First, they must proclaim that the Gentile
this regard brings fearful consequences times that began in 607 B. C. were due to
upon the negligent. Again, when Jehovah come to an end A. D. 1914, at which time
declares what shall come to pass in the Jehovah would take to himself his official
future he makes sure that his Word is power and begin to reign in the heavens
fulfilled. The ever living, never sleeping by his anointed King. So for some thirty-
One diligently follows through to see that seven years prior to 1914 this proclama­
everything is accomplished in accordance tion was sounded.* That work in reality
with his good pleasure and perfect will. was pictured by what John the Baptist
Nothing is left to chance.— Num. 23:19; did, a work of ‘preparing the way before
1 Sam. 15:29; Isa. 55:10, 11; Mai. 3:6; Jehovah’. (Ps. 110:1-3; Isa. 40:3; Mai.
Titus 1:2; Heb. 6:18. 3:1-3; Matt. 11:10; 25:31-33; John 3:28;
* These points are forcefully emphasized 1 Pet. 4:17) Thereafter, following the
in that long-range statement of events due Lord’s coming into regal power this same
to take place at the consummation of this faithful and approved organization was
system of things. In that prophecy re­ and has been used to preach the good news
corded in the 24th chapter of Matthew, of the established Kingdom to the far
Jehovah by the mouth of Christ Jesus ends of the earth. (Matt. 24:14) That Je­
stated that he would have a “ faithful and hovah God still has such a service organi­
zation in the earth in this latter half of
1. (a) For what is Jehovah noted, and how does he ex­ the twentieth century, recognized for what
pect tasks assigned by him to be performed? (b) What
can be said regarding his purposes? it is, there cannot be the slightest doubt.
2. What twofold work has been done in fulfillment of
Matthew 24:45-47? * See The Watchtower, May 1, 1952, pp. 260-276.
216 SEeWATCHTOW ER, B r o o k l y n , N. Y.

3The Yearbook of International Organi­ ture containing information and comment

zations (1951-52) was prepared in co­ explaining Bible truths and prophecy con­
operation with the Economic and Social cerning establishment of Jehovah’s king­
Council of the United Nations, and is dom under Christ Jesus; authorize and
published by the Service Centre of The appoint agents, servants, employees, teach­
Union of International Associations, Pa­ ers, instructors, evangelists, missionaries
lais D’Egmont, Brussels, Belgium. It con­ and ministers to go forth to all the world
tains an exhaustive list of all known in­ publicly and from house to house preach
ternational organizations, together with and teach Bible truths to persons willing
a description of their structure, their pur­ to listen by leaving with such persons said
poses, and their activities. When leafing literature and by conducting Bible studies
through this large volume of more than thereon; improve men, women and chil­
1,200 pages, one is forcefully impressed dren mentally and morally by Christian
to find that only one out of the more than missionary work and by charitable and
1,100 organizations listed is actually de­ benevolent instruction of the people on the
voted to the work assigned by the Lord Bible and incidental scientific, historical
to his “faithful and discreet slave” . That and literary subjects; establish and main­
organization, the unincorporated body of tain private Bible schools and classes for
Jehovah’s witnesses, is represented by its gratuitous instruction of men and women
legal instrument, the Watch Tower Bible in the Bible, Bible literature and Bible
and Tract Society. On pages 314-316, in history; teach, train, prepare and equip
this authoritative publication, the follow­ men and women as ministers, missionaries,
ing appears. evangelists, preachers, teachers and lec­
turers . . . use or operate radio broadcast­
WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY ing stations for preaching this gospel of
* “ H istory Founded in 1872 in U. S. A. the kingdom----- (Society’s Charter).
Incorporated 1884 as Zion’s Watch Tower 9 “ A ctivities Jehovah’s witnesses are
Tract Society, present name adopted in organized primitively, as was the apostolic
1896. Is and has always been entirely early church, without clergy and laity
non-political, non-profit, non-commercial, classes, all being brothers, each one indi­
charitable, religious corporation, devoted vidually dedicated, consecrated and or­
exclusively to Bible education. dained, without human leader, following
3 “ P urposes T o : act as the servant of Christ Jesus only, responsible to Jehovah
and the legal world-wide governing agency God for his ministry to Him. They have
for that body of Christian persons known congregations, cover the earth systemati­
as Jehovah’s witnesses; preach the gospel cally from house to house, reaching all per­
of God’s kingdom under Christ Jesus unto sons, conduct congregational and home
all nations as a witness to the name, word Bible studies, preach from platform in and
and supremacy of Almighty God Jeho­ out of doors, use the radio, printing press
vah; print and distribute Bibles and dis­ and other modern aids in Bible education,
seminate Bible truths in various languages all voluntarily.
by means of making and publishing litera- 7 “ The program of the Society is to as­
sist Jehovah’s witnesses to direct all per­
3. The Yearbook of International Organizations con­ sons to the Bible as God’s word of truth,
tains what list, and in what respect is the listing of
the Society unique?
4, 5. What does that Yearbook tell about the origin 6-9. How does that Yearbook describe the organization
and purpose of the Society? and activity of Jehovah’s witnesses?
A pril 1, 1953 W ATCH TO W ER . 217
uphold the worship of Jehovah God, ad­ theocratic society of anointed witnesses,
vocate his kingdom of righteousness under the “good and faithful slave” . Further­
Christ Jesus as the only hope of mankind, more, the Master of the parable declared:
teach the people the righteous principles “Throw the good-for-nothing slave out in­
of the Bible of honesty, integrity, unity, to the darkness outside. There is where his
morality, decency, uprightness, reverence weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will
and fear of God. be.” (Matt. 25:14-30, NW) It is no surprise,
8 “In this providing Bibles in all versions then, to find Christendom’s sectarian de­
and languages, magazines, booklets, books nominations blindly groping in the dark,
and tracts as Bible-study aids, training their leaders howling in a bitter rage of
ministers thoroughly for missionary work hatred against Jehovah’s faithful and ap­
and supporting them in the missionary proved witnesses. On the other hand, be­
field, it promotes actual unity among peo­ cause of their industry and skill in caring
ple of all nations. for the Kingdom interests Jehovah’s wit­
9 “The Society restored primitive, apos­ nesses have been raised out o f obscurity
tolic home-to-home ministry; organized re­ and now stand in an honorable position of
gional, national and international Bible service before the Superior Authorities,
conferences, assemblies and conventions. Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. “ You see a
Trains missionaries at Watchtower Bible man skilled at his work? He will stand in
School of Gilead. Non-commercial radio the presence of kings; he will not stand in
station WBBR continuously since 24 Feb­ the presence o f obscure men.”— Prov.
ruary, 1924.” 22:29, AT.
11 If danger is abroad the lazy choose to
SOCIETY APPROVED FOR ZEALOUS SERVICE sleep through it; if a lion is on the prowl
10Not among all the religious systems sluggards seek to hide while others give
of Christendom is there to be found chase. (Prov. 22:13; 26:13, AT) So it has
another group of peo­ been since the first
ple or an organization world war. As wild
engaged in Jehovah’s b eastlik e d ic ta to r s
work today. This is roam about the earth
not because they nev­ devouring whole na­
er had the opportuni­ tions, the sluggards o f
ty. Rather, as illus­ C h risten d om follow
trated in the parable the lazy course, the
of the talents, when course of compromise
the Lord Jesus called and least resistance,
the lazy and slothful but Jehovah’s zealous
leaders of Christendom to account and witnesses do not hesitate to openly con­
found they had hidden what Kingdom priv­ front these ravenous totalitarian beasts,
ileges were granted them he condemned cost what it may, and this they do because
the whole of them as a “ wicked and slug­ of their impassionate love for what is just
gish slave” . All further privileges of serv­ and true and because of their intense de­
ice in connection with God’s work were votion to the Most High God. Another
taken from them and given to Jehovah’s
11. In times of danger how does the activity of Jeho­
10. Why Is there no other group or organization of vah’s witnesses compare with that of the sluggards
people carrying on Jehovah’s work today? of Christendom?
218 SfieWATCHTOWER. Brooklyn, N. Y.
reason, then, why Jehovah’s smile of ap­ ministerial publishers in the field! It is
proval has been upon his faithful people. just as Jehovah said it would be: “ The
12 The overwhelming evidence found inlittle one shall become a thousand, and the
the events of recent years shows that Je­ small one a strong nation: I, Jehovah, will
hovah’s organization, pictured by the an­ hasten it in its time.”— Isa. 60:22, AS.
cient city of Jerusalem, has heeded the 14 Out of all nations, from more them
divine command not to let their hands be 127 separate lands, countries, territories
slack, “ hang down” (Ro), “ droop” (Mo), and islands of the sea Jehovah has gath­
or “ relax” (AT).“ In that day it shall
ered be
his witnesses. Their activity in glori­
said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not; O Zion, ous Kingdom service over the years, if
let not thy hands be slack. Jehovah thy measured in time spent preaching, totals
God is in the midst of thee, a mighty one up to memy hundreds o f millions of hours.
who will save.” (Zeph. 3:16, 17, AS) As a Why, last year alone more than 68,700,000
consequence the hands of Jehovah’s people hours were reported by these ministers
are most active doing what he assigns of God! The number of Bibles, books, book­
them, doing it with their whole might, lets and magazines published and distrib­
with sincere diligence and with dynamic uted by these ministers in more than a
energy—thanks to the Almighty One, Je­ hundred languages amounts to far more
hovah, who continually backs them up than three-quarters of a billion copies.
and sustains them with his holy spirit! Truly, while Christendom’s religious cler­
Whether enjoying a measure of peace and gy and laity have slumbered and slept and
quiet or undergoing the most fiendish op­ idled away their time in worldly pursuits,
position, whether inside or outside concen­ the society of Jehovah’s witnesses has
tration camps, above or under ground, in been very busy looking after his business.
front of or behind totalitarian curtains of “ A lazy man’s ease is his undoing, for his
iron and bamboo, Jehovah’s witnesses per­ hands will not labour; all the day long he
sistently push ahead with their assignment rests at ease— while the good man works
to preach the good news of the established on unceasing.”— Prov. 21:25, 26, Mo.
Kingdom to the ends of the earth.
18Of course, this is not vain boasting of ORGANIZATIONAL SERVANTS
what mere creatures have done or are 18 In the early Christian society we read
doing. All praise and honor and thanks­ that Christ “ gave some as apostles, some
giving for what this organization accom­ as prophets, some as missionaries, some
plishes go to Jehovah, and not to any man as shepherds and teachers, with a view to
or group of men, and rightly so. Just think the training of the holy ones for minis­
of it! In the space of a comparatively few terial work, for the building up of the
body of the Christ” . (Eph. 4:11, 12, NW)
years since their release from Babylonish
So, too, in this latter period of time the
captivity in 1919, the remnant of the
burden o f the work is divided up and
“faithful and discreet slave” , together with
shouldered by various organizational serv­
their good-will companions, have phenom­
ants. The global field is divided into
enally increased from a mere handful to
branches, the branches are subdivided into
a new peak reached in 1952 of 456,265
14. To what extent has this work been carried on as
12. Jehovah’s people have been heeding what divine regards number of lands, time spent and literature
command, and in spite of what? placed ?
13. Since 1919 what increase has taken place, and to 15. How Is this work divided up and shouldered by
whose praise? the various servants?
A pril 1, 1953 SHeWATCHTOWER. 219
districts, the districts are composed of cir­ 17 The activity and accomplishments o f
cuits, and the circuits are made up of God’s organization are merely the sum to­
companies or congregations each having tal of what the individual members do, and
one or more service centers. All together, to a large extent this depends on the ex­
there are nearly 14,000 organized congre­ ample set by their overseers and servants.
gational companies throughout the earth. This was illustrated in the typical theo­
18 It is a noteworthy fact: in God’s theo­ cratic arrangement established among the
cratic organization no so-called “ clergy” people of Israel, wherein the Levites were
or “ laity” classes exist. There are no set apart and appointed to oversee various
Scriptural grounds for such ecclesiastical duties. Some were priests, while others
distinctions. In fact, Christ emphatically served as officers, judges, doorkeepers or
declared: “Do not you be called ‘Rabbi’ musicians. Again we read how “ men of
[My great one; My excellent one, margin], valor, a thousand and seven hundred, had
for one is your teacher, whereas all you the oversight of Israel beyond the Jordan
are brothers. Moreover, do not call anyone westward, for all the business of Jehovah,
your father on earth, for One is your and for the service o f the king” . (1 Chron.
Father, the heavenly One. Neither be 23:1-5; 26:29, 30, AS)Each one had
called ‘leaders’, for your Leader is one, respective assignment o f service, and as
the Christ. But the greatest one among they individually looked well to these du­
you must be your minister [servant, mar­ ties, to that extent the nation prospered.
gin] . Whoever exalts himself will be Contrariwise, when these servants of Is­
humbled, and whoever humbles himself rael became indolent, slothful and indiffer­
will be exalted.” (Matt. 23:8-12, Un­ ent toward their privileges of service the
like the clergy of Christendom, the serv­ nation as a whole suffered depressing set­
ants in Jehovah’s organization are not backs.
vested with special robes of honor and 18 So also it is today in the antitypical
distinction. They are not paid fat salaries theocratic organization. “ God has set the
for their services. Neither do they carry members in the body, each one of them,
a whip of authority empowering them to just as he pleased. If they were all one
dictate, boss, browbeat or lord it over the member, where would the body be? But
congregation. Praise Jehovah, no such now they are many members, yet one body.
anti-Christian practices are found among Now you are Christ’s body, and members
Jehovah’s witnesses! Rather, as slaves of individually.” (1 Cor. 12:18-20, 27,
Jehovah and as servants to their brothers A certain servant is assigned to look after
these duly appointed overseers of the flock the advertising activity of a local congre­
of God are prompted to serve by the pure gation. Another servant is designated to
motives of love and unselfishness. They take care of the territory. Still another is
are appointed to assist others to become given the responsibility of being the as­
better ministers of God, better preachers sistant company servant. In like manner
of the truth, better singers of Jehovah’s other servants have other tasks to perform.
praises. They are, as the apostle says, ap­ Now if each one looks well to his job,
pointed “ with a view to the training of works at it with zeal and efficiency with
the holy ones for ministerial work, for an eye single toward pleasing Jehovah, and
the building up of the body of the Christ” . 17. How was the need of overseers’ setting a proper
example shown in the typical theocratic arrangement?
16. Instead of a clergy-latty distinction, what condition 18. How is 1 Corinthians 12:18-20 having application
prevails within Jehovah’s organization? today ?
220 ff&eWATCHTOWER. B rooklyn , N. Y.
not some creatures, then the congregation 20 Loafers, beware! There are still a
prospers and expands under God’s blessing few who associate with the organization
and direction. (Eph. 6:6-8) If, on the other who claim they are in the truth, yet they
hand, the servants in a company are lack­ have no works to prove it. If they ever had
adaisical or sluggish, or are tied up in the any faith it is now dead. (Jas. 2:14-26)
affairs of this world until they have little In their dedication vows to Jehovah they
or no time for Jehovah’s business, to that said they would go to work in his vine­
extent the company as a whole languishes yard, but they never did. Now Jehovah
in a limp state of stagnation. blesses those that go, not the sluggards
who say they will go to work but fail to do
AWAKE! NO LOITERING ALLOWED! so. “ As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke
19 Dead or alive, asleep or awake, idle orto the eyes, so is the sluggard to those
active, what is your state of being? Really who send him on an errand.” Let such
it is high time to be alive, awake and ac­ heed the warning: No loitering allowed in
tive. “ You know the season, that it is al­ the theocratic organization! If you will
ready the hour for you to awake from not work you shall not eat.— Prov. 10:26,
sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than AT; Matt. 21:28-31; 2 Thess. 3:7-12.
at the time when we became believers.” 21Then there are the quitters, those that
(Rom. 13:11, NW) But if you prefer a begin working yet grow weary in well­
state o f inactivity, then you shall have doing, slow down and finally quit alto­
your wish, “ for there is no work . . . in the gether. Some of these may work for a long
grave, whither thou goest.” (Eccl. 9:10) time and endure the heat of many fiery
In sleepy idleness, death will overtake you trials, like the grumblers mentioned in the
when in the near future it swallows up this parable of the penny (denarius), before
old world at Armageddon. “The great day they slack off. “A man slack at his work
of Jehovah is near, it is near and hasteth is as bad as a waster” ; and God hates
greatly.” Hence, the command, “Get out wasters. (Prov. 18:9, Matt. 20:1-16)
o f her, my people” ; waste no time, move They have the same mental disposition as
out in a hurry, flee, while there is still an displayed by Adam, Esau, Saul and Solo­
opportunity! As it was when Jehovah un­ mon, to mention a few, who for one reason
leashed his terrible power against ancient or another abandoned their privileges of
Egypt and delivered his people in a high service and quit worshiping Jehovah in
and mighty way, so it is today. If you holy array. “Remember Lot’s wife,” for
hope to reach the shores of God’s promised she too was of that kind. (Luke 17:32)
kingdom you must keep up with God’s No, quitters are never winners. Hence, the
organization under the lead of the greater apostle writes for our encouragement:
Moses, Christ Jesus, as it marches out of “ Let us not give up in doing what is right,
this old system of things, through the for in due season we shall reap by not
parted walls of Armageddon’s destructive giving out.” “Attend to these duties, let
waters into the freedom of the new world.
them absorb y o u . . . stick to your work.”
To drag your feet or lag behind is to run Under no circumstances should you allow
the risk of being overtaken by the Devil Satan through any sly or cunning trick­
and his pursuing Egyptian hordes.—Zeph.
ery to turn your mind away from Jeho-
1:14; AS;Rev. 18:4, N
20. Why should loafers beware?
19. Why is it now high time to be alive, awake and 21. Quitters have what mental disposition, and why
active? should we not want to imitate them?
A pril 1, 1953 SEeWATCHTOWER. 221
vah’s precious service, for “ no man that do not loiter, you appointed servants and
has put his hand to a plow and looks at prospective princes of the new world!
the things behind is well fitted for the Work hard, not beating the air. Be de­
kingdom of God” .— Luke 9 :6 2 ; Gal. 6 :9 , pendable and efficient at your business,
NW; 1Tim. 4 :1 5 ,1 6 , Mo. Jehovah’s business. So doing you too can
22You servants in the congregation of join hard-working Paul in saying: “For
God, you who are given the oversight, the to this end we are working hard and exert­
greater privileges o f service: be proper ing ourselves, because we have rested our
examples by being awake, active, quick to hope on a living God, who is a Savior of
hear organization instructions and prompt all kinds of men, especially of faithful
to obey. “ Shepherd the flock of God in ones.”— 1 Tim. 4:10; 1 Thess. 2:9, WW.
your care, not under compulsion, but will­ 24 And you publishers in the organiza­
ingly, neither for love of dishonest gain, tion, you are certainly a favored lot of
but eagerly, neither as lording it over people, for through your efforts the work
those who are God’s inheritance, but be­ assigned to the “ faithful and discreet
coming examples to the flock.” (1 Pet. slave” is accomplished, namely, preaching
5:2, 3, NW)Do not hang back and think
good news to the people, com forting those
you can drive the flock from behind. They that mourn, binding up broken hearts,
are sheep, the Lord’s sheep, and sheep opening eyes of blind ones, showing pris­
must be led. So take the lead in the various oners the way to freedom, and declaring
features of the field activity and they will the day of vengeance of our God. What a
follow as long as you follow the Greater grand privilege! What a glorious treasure
Shepherds of the flock.— 1 Cor. 4 :1 6 ; 11:1. of service! (Isa. 61:1-3; Luke 4:18, 19;
23 As servants, in addition to your per­ 2 Cor. 4:7) Therefore, whether you are
sonal preaching activity, you must study a company publisher putting in one or
local conditions, seek ways and means of ninety-nine hours, or whether as a pioneer
expanding the Kingdom interests. Close you devote more than a hundred hours a
co-operation too between servants and month preaching, you should certainly
publishers is a divine requirement. As work with serious care and caution and
overseers, do not give all your time and with that energetic zeal peculiar to Jeho­
attention to the strong and active, but vah and his organization. Push ahead with
also tenderly look after the irregular pub­ the work and, as you do, remember that
lishers, the sick and afflicted, the slow and the effort made is not everything. Results
weak ones. “ We, though, who are strong are what ultimately count, and results are
ought to bear the weaknesses of those not obtained by applying effort in an efficient
strong, and not to be pleasing ourselves.” manner. Hence, plan your work consist­
(Rom. 15:1, 2VW) True, all this requires ently. Be steady. Show endurance, per­
much work, hard work, but it is necessary sistence. Put the Kingdom interests first
for the advancement of pure worship in in your lives, not second, not last, but first.
the earth. Remember, hard workers in the As the apostle says: “ No man serving as
Lord have His approval, for in the eyes a soldier involves himself in the commer­
of Jehovah “a diligent man is a rare treas­
cial businesses of life, in order that he may
ure” . (Prov. 12:27, Mo; Rom. 16:12) So
meet the approval of the one who enrolled
22, 23. (a) What obligations do the Scriptures place
upon the servants in the congregation? (b) How should 24. What grand privilege does the individual publisher
such servants go about properly discharging their in the organization have, and therefore how should
obligations? he work?
222 W A TC H TO W E R B r o o k l y n , N. Y.

him as a soldier. Do your utmost to pre­ ministering” . For this reason, because of
sent yourself approved to God, a workman Jehovah’s righteousness and faithfulness,
with nothing to be ashamed of.” And the apostle urges you “ to show the same
again, God’s Word instructs us to “ repu­ industriousness so as to have the full as­
diate ungodliness and worldly desires and surance of the hope down to the end, in
to live with soundness of mind and right­ order that you may not become sluggish,
eousness and godly devotion amid this but be imitators of those who through
present system of things,. . . a people pe­ faith and patience inherit the promises” .
culiarly his own, zealous for good works” . — Ps. 62:12; Jer. 17:10, Rom. 2:6;
— 2 Tim. 2:4, 15; Titus 2:11-14, Heb. 6:10-12, NW.
ss Ah yes, “ we are God’s fellow workers,” 28 If you are seeking to escape the serf­
“ working together with him,” a people be­ dom of Satan’s system of things, if you
longing to Jehovah and devoted to his are tired of the thorns and thistles of sin
service! “ Consequently, my beloved broth­ and corruption, if you want to walk on a
ers, become steadfast, unmovable, always smooth highway leading to God’s king­
having plenty to do in the work of the dom, if you crave to live forever in a para­
Lord, knowing that your labor is not in dise of perfection, then avoid the ways o f
vain in connection with the Lord.” (1 Cor. the slothful, lazy sluggards. “ Slothful men
3:9; 15:58; 2 Cor. 6:1, No question will end as serfs,” "the lazy man finds life
about it, as Jehovah’s faithful witnesses beset with thorns,” “ the sluggard craves,
you certainly have plenty to do. There­ but gets nothing.” (Prov. 13:4, AT; 12:24;
fore, “ whatever you are doing, work at it 15:19, Mo) This is no time to dillydally or
whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to hold back. The King is upon his heavenly
men, for you know that it is from Jehovah throne. Jehovah’s “ strange work” is rap­
you will receive the due reward of the in­ idly reaching its successful conclusion. The
heritance.” (Col. 3:23, 24, Yes, Je­ triumphal day of final victory for Jeho­
hovah renders “to each one according vah’s glorious kingdom is at hand. Awake!
to his works” , for “ God is not unrighteous
“ Do not loiter at your business. Be aglow
so as to forget your work and the love
with the spirit. Be slaves to Jehovah.”
you showed for his name, in that you have
— Rom. 12:11, NW.
ministered to the holy ones and continue
26. Why Is this no time for holding back? and what
25. What incentives to zealous work do the Scriptures may we not do if we would gain eternal life in a
give us ? paradise of perfection?

Is that the impression this answer means to

give?—H. M., New Jersey.
No, that is not the point being made, as
shown by the setting. The question involved
the practice in Scandinavia of engaged couples’
having relations before marriage, and with
that in mind the answer stated: “The purpose
of sex relations could not be for the purpose
• In the answer on page 95 of the February 1 of true marriage, namely, to bring forth chil­
Watchtower it seems to some to imply that sex dren, for otherwise we should witness chil­
relations without having children is wrong. dren’s being bom to such couples during their
A pril 1, 1953 SEeWATCHTOWER. 223
engagement, especially in the case of long children, and hence if any married couples
engagements, and before the legal act takes want children now, before Armageddon, that
place.” Such persons could not possibly have is perfectly proper and no one should criticize
children in mind when having relations, as a them for so doing, thereby meddling in their
married couple might. The engaged couple business. Neither should any be criticized for
would fear conception because it would bring not having children, nor should we meddle in
disgrace upon them and the label of illegitimacy as to their reason why not. Private marital
upon their offspring. Their fear springs from affairs are not the business of outsiders.”
a feeling of guilt, indicating that they know —The Watchtower} March 1, 1951, page 159.
they do not actually have the right to sex re­
lations, since they are not married. A child • In this section of the November 15, 1952,
bom to them would make this transgression Watchtower it was stated: “The faithful mar­
publicly known. riage partner would not discuss religion with
Properly married persons would not fear the apostate or disfellowshiped and would not
to have children for such reasons, though they accompany that one to his (or her) place of
might refrain from having them for other religious association and participate in the
reasons, and do this with a clear conscience. meetings with that one.” Does this mean that
They might refrain out of regard for the if the man of the house is disfellowshiped,
frailty of a wife whose life might be endangered but attends the meetings at the Kingdom Hall,
by childbirth. Economic reasons might deter the faithful members of the family may not
them. Some couples might refrain from having ride with him in the family car when he
children now so that they can remain in a drives there?—O. G., Kansas.
position or privilege of service that makes
heavy demands on their time. As to the validity No, that is not the point The Watchtower
of these or other reasons in the case of indi­ was making. It said faithful members of the
vidual couples we do not attempt to decide; family “would not accompany that one to his
it is for each couple to know their reasons, (or her) place of religious association and
to know whether they are of such validity participate in the meetings with that one” .
as to leave them with a clear conscience, and Since the disfellowshiped one is no longer a
to bear the responsibility for their decision participant in the meetings at the Kingdom
before Jehovah God. In brief, the Watch Tower Hall, and since it is no longer his rightful
Society’s position remains the same as when it place of religious association, he having been
was expressed more than two years ago. For disconnected from that association by disfel-
the benefit of those not informed on that an­ lowshiping, and in attendance at Kingdom Hall
swer, we quote the first paragraph of it: now, not by invitation or welcome but by his
<4We are not authorized either by the law unwanted intrusion, The Watchtower was not
of the land or by God’s Word to advise on referring to his coming to Kingdom Hall
contraceptives. The responsibility for their use meetings when it spoke of not accompanying
must rest with those who decide that they can him to his place of religious association. It
conscientiously use them, and their just judg­ meant that the faithful one would not accom­
ment must rest with the God whom they serve, pany the disfellowshiped one to another re­
and not with us. Whether married couples in ligious group with which the disfellowshiped
the truth want to have children or not is for one might associate and in whose meetings he
them to decide, not us. Each couple must con­ might participate. It is all right for the faith­
sider its own circumstances and its own pur­ ful members of the family to ride with the
poses in view, and decide the matter and adopt disfellowshiped one in a car bound for the
a course and then take the responsibility before Kingdom Hall, but upon arrival the faithful
God for such course and its consequences. But ones should not sit with or associate with the
we do unequivocally maintain that the purpose disfellowshiped one at the hall, but rejoin him
of marriage before God is the production of only when departing for home.
Week of May 10: Doing the Work Approved
by God.
Week of May 17: “Do Not Loiter at Your

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