Watchtower: 1950 Issues

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The document text discusses the contents and mission of The Watchtower magazine as well as mentioning the 1950 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses and the 'Separating to the Right' Testimony Period.

The mission statement says The Watchtower is published to enable people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed in the Bible and to aid Bible study for Jehovah's Witnesses and others.

The 1950 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses is mentioned.



S emimonthly

No. 1

JANUARY 1, 1950

B e R ich


Good W o r k s ........................... 3

Worldly Selfishness and Dissatisfaction

How to Gain Life .................................
Giving to the Poor ..............................
Life More than Material Wealth .......
A S ound I nvestment ..............................
Divine Provision for W orkers..............


R eviewing the P ast Y ears W ork

W orld-Wide ............................................. 10

Charting the Increase ...........................11

1949 Service Year Report of

Jehovahs witnesses World-wide .... .12

What Will We Do in 1950? ................. 13
H aggai E xhorts the Temple B uilders
Letter [Each Married Couple . . . 16 ....
S eparating to the R ight
Testimony P eriod ...............................
W atchtower S tudies ...........................
1950 Y earbook op J ehovah's witnesses
1950 Calendar ..............................................



P ublished S emimonthly B y

117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.

N. H.

K norr , P r e s id e n t


G r a n t S u iter , S e c r e ta r y

And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and

great shall be the peace of thy children. ~ Isaiah 5 4 :13 .
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon i t ; that man yielded to the unfaithful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient m en; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new world; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members of Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began its *time of the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the e a rth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

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This is the twelfth annual campaign for taking subscription for

T h e W a tc h to w e r. February, the second month of the campaign,
has been set aside as a special Testimony Period entitled Separating to the Right. Thoughtful readers of this magazine know
there is no better Bible publication than T h e W a tc h to w e r for
helping people to be separated to the right of the King Jesus
Christ in this judgment day of the nations. As an added inducement to the public to subscribe, a premium of 8 assorted booklets
will be offered with every years subscription for T h e W a tc h to w e r
at the regular rate of $1, American money. To persons already
subscribing for T h e W a tc h to w e r a years subscription for the
companion magazine A w a k e ! may be offered, however without
the premium added. We especially invite our W a tc h to w e r readers
one and all to join in this campaign during February. A postcard
to us will bring instructions and references to local fellow campaigners. Yes, by all means, report on our form the success with
which Jehovah God blesses your activities during February.

1949, the most remarkable service year yet! So the 1950 Y e a rbook o f J e h o v a h 7s w itn e sse s shows. You will want to read about it
and rejoice at the noteworthy expansion of the worship of the true
God in the 104 regions reported on. In addition to the annual
world report of the president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract
Society, the Y e a rb o o k also sets out his comment upon the 1950
yeartext and a daily text and comment for throughout the year.
The printing of the 1950 Y e a rb o o k is in limited edition, and hence
a contribution of 50c per copy is asked. Where you are in association with others, send in a group order, as by the servant of a company of Jehovahs witnesses, with remittance to cover. This will
save us on time of handling as well as expense of shipping.


Week of February 5: Be Rich in Good Works,

Tf 1-18 inclusive, T h e W a tc h to w e r January 1, 1950.
Week of February 12: Be Rich in Good Works,
29 ]19 inclusive, also A Sound Investment ,
H 1-9 inclusive, T h e W a tc h to w e r January 1, 1950.
Week of February 19: Reviewing the Past Years Work
H 1-17 inclusive, T h e W a tc h to w e r January 1, 1950.


By having the 1950 Calendar published by the Watch Tower

Bible & Tract Society you will have prominent before your gaze
the yeartext, Preach the word2) Timothy 4: 2), and also a view
of the Societys headquarters home, including the new Bethel structure, from which the service work throughout the earth is directed.
Alongside this artistic picture you will find a calendar. Besides giving five interior views of the new Bethel home, this sets out the
titles of the bimonthly special testimony periods for 1950 and the
specific themes for the intervening months. This service calendar
we send to any address at 25c a copy or $1.00 for 5 copies sent to
one address, postpaid. So let companies or groups order the Calendar in quantity, through their designated servant, sending remittance to cover the cost at the above rate.

V ol .


J a n u a r y 1,


No. 1


Charge them . . . to do good, to be rich in good deeds, liberal and generous, thus laying up for themselves
a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life which is life indeed."
1 Tim. 6 : 17-19, B.S.V.
EHOVAH God is a wonderful provider. He has tion, when He put him in the garden to dress it and
given humankind everything they need. From the to keep it. (Gen. 2:15) So it will be with man in the
very beginning when he created Adam and Eve new world. But when man went contrary to Gods law
and placed them in Eden he provided them with a He declared, Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in
beautiful home in a paradise. He did more than that. toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. (Gen.
A.8.V.)While God made man a little lower
God did not make his first earthly intelligent crea- 3:17,
tions hunt for food to keep them alive. No, that was than the angels and crowned him with glory and
all provided for too. And God said, Behold, I have honor, it was Jehovah who gave him the assignment
given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the to look after things upon the earth. He put all things
face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the under mans feet: Let them have dominion over the
fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over
food. (Gen. 1:29, A.S.V.) With all these provisions, the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
they should have had sufficient. But even after the creeping thing. (Gen. 1: 26) Man has used beasts of
first pair sinned by eating the fruit of the only for- burden in his toil to plant, cultivate, water, and evenbidden tree, which fruit was forbidden them in order tually bring forth food. But still Jehovah is the
to test their obedience, the Lord provided them with original Provider of all our needs and our thanks
clothing. And Jehovah God made for Adam and for must go to him for all things. We are dependent on
his wife coats of skins, and clothed them.Genesis him for the rain, sun, air, soil, fertile seed, for everything; and he gives it to us. When God made man
3:21, A.S.V.
2Since that time nearly six thousand years ago, ruler over these animals and charged him to keep the
man has needed these three thingsshelter, food and fields and forests in all their majesty, he never
clothingin order to carry on his normal existence decreed that man was to be a tyrant over man. Mans
in life. With these he should be content. For we sovereign Euler and everlasting Provider must be
brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we Jehovah. Mans life is dependent on the only true
can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment God!
let us be therewith content. (1 Tim. 6: 7, 8) David,
4Man should know that all creation, including
a man after Gods own heart, expresses how gener- man himself, was made to set forth the splendor
ously Jehovah provides for every one of his crea- and the glory of Jehovah, the Supreme One of the
tures; not only for man, by supplying him with all universe. Man should feel his need of relying on
his needs, but for every living thing: the birds, fish God; for when one comes into the world he has nothand beasts of the field. The Almighty God looks after ing but the gift of life God gave him, and he can take
and cares for what he creates. The eyes of all wait nothing along when he leaves it. When one knows
for thee; and thou givest them their food in due this, why should he crave to domineer over and
season. Thou openest thy hand, and satisfiest the control the lives and destinies of other human creadesire of every living thing.Psalm 145:15,16, tures ! Why be greedy and have that selfish condition
of heart! If, as we know, God supplies all things to
3In providing all these necessary things in abun- sustain our life, why try to take away the substance
dance God was not making man an idler so that he that God has given other men for their existence!
would be able to say, I dont have anything to do. In this commercialized world most persons have
No, God kept man busy from the time of his crea- very little and the giants of commerce do not want
them to have more. Those who substitute commu1. How did God at the first show himself mans provider?

2. With the supply of what desires should creatures be satisfied?

3. Did providing for mans needs mean he was to idle? Why?

4. Why should we not be greedy, coveting others possessions?



B rooklyn ,

N. Y.

nistic co-operatives do not succeed in overcoming

that condition and the people continue to suffer from
lack of the necessities of life. Under one system or
another that men set up, selfishness and lust for
control rise to dominate. It would be better to give
our substance to the poor than to covet what little
they have. What is our gain if we do rob the poor?
We certainly cant take it with us!
5The Lord has always been interested in and helpful to the poor. Christians should be too. David knew
that the favor of God did not go with the oppressor
of the poor, for he said, All my bones will say,
L orb, who is like thee, saving the poor from him that
is too strong for him, the poor and the needy from
him that would rob him? (Ps. 35:10,
Trans.) Davids whole body, his very bones, cried
out in an expression of praise to his Creator because
of Gods loving interest in the poor. To know that
Jehovah will protect the poor against the oppressor,
the strong, the rich and the mighty is surely a comfort. Good men will help the poor. He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that
honoureth him hath mercy on the poor. (Prov.
14: 31) The poor love life the same as all other folks.
Why make them suffer and rob them of what they
have ?
6 Man was made to be free and to be allowed to
use the many things God created for his welfare. If
a man likes something another man has he should not
covet it. There is enough of everything in the world
for everyone to have sufficient. The accumulation of
earthly wealth and possessions is not the big thing
in life. You must not covet your neighbors home;
you must not covet your neighbors wife, nor his male
or female slave, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything
at all that is your neighbors. (Ex. 20:17, An Amer.
Trans.) It is not wrong to have a home, wife, servants, or animals; but it is wrong to covet that which
someone else has. One should not use his power or
his wealth or influence to take away from another
that persons own beloved possessions. That is the
spirit of the old world, the spirit that the Devil has
implanted in the minds of men. This selfishness has
grown up in the hearts of human creatures, and they
have a strong desire to control other people and to
make man dependent upon man rather than dependent upon Jehovah God, who is the supplier of all
things. If God has so abundantly supplied food,
clothes and things needful for living, then why rob
the poor? Why not seek the greater thinglife everlasting?

mercial, political or religions, these combines covet

that which others have. Religion tries to control
politics; so does commerce. Riches have a big influ
ence on religion. Politics curtsies and tips the hat for
the smile of religion. Take the greatest religious
organization in the world today, the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy. Look at it. Note the evils it has done
in the name of religion: how it has corrupted
nations; how it has managed to hold its members in
illiteracy; how it has controlled education in many
countries and kept the poor people in ignorance; how
it has hid the Bible and had its Bible-burnings so
that the Book of freedom would never become the
peoples Textbook of life. Yes, look at the world it
influences! Its w ars! Its torture chambers! Its bloodshedding! Its oppression of the poor! Why have they
not given the people the Bible, so that they could
learn of the true God, his Son and the way of life
8Now turn to the political organizations of the
world. None is satisfied with its own territory or
sphere of influence. The desire of each is to gain
control of people through a system of government.
They often claim to have a government with rulers
of divine right. The whole purpose of governments
of the world is to control the people by making them
dependent upon the state rather than upon God.
They want all people to believe that that which they
have comes to them through the good graces of a
dictator, a prime minister, a president or a political
party. All this propaganda is merely a scheme of
government to regiment the people and make them
wholly dependent upon a man-made way of life
rather than on Jehovah God, who says He will provide them with all the necessities of life: shelter,
food, and clothing. The state tells the farmer how
much wheat to plant, how many pigs to slaughter and
bury in the ground, how much coffee to burn when
the stock piles are too great to please commerce or
politicians. They dump the potatoes into the sea or
destroy them by other means when the prices are
too low. The increase that God has given to the
land and to the animals, to the fruit and the herbs,
man destroys to please the state and commerce. The
poor and needy they will take care of in their way
if they do not die first. Man, in his covetous desire to
control and take away from the people, has said,
This is mine. He never reflects for a moment to
think that God, the Creator of heaven and earth and
all that therein is, provided these things for all men,
not for a few to control.
9 Then there is the third part of this oppressive,
great, devilish organization: commerce. We see the
7The spirit of this world is selfishness and it great combines and cartels feverishly working
says, We do not need God! Whether they be com- against one another. We see management and labor

5. Why should Christians be helpful to the poor?

6. Why is it not necessary to covet, as well as wrong to do so?
7. How has organized religion shown itself selfish, oppressive?

8. How have governments operated for control and self-exaltation ?

9. How has commerce acted selfishly and unthankful toward God?

J anuary

1, 1950


vying for control of industry. We see small business

men struggling to eke out an existence in a competitive world. The big things are money, power, wealth,
getting ahead, doing better than the other fellow,
getting on top, beating competitors out of the world,
state or city markets. The spirit of helping the poor
has been lost. The spirit of helpfulness is nearly forgotten and, as for doing a days work, mans motto
is, Do as little as you can and watch the clock.
When the earth yields its increase there are no
thanks to God for it, but commerce grabs the controls
and either boosts or lowers prices according to its
own interest. It is a fearful thing to be entwined in
this great commercial organization which has no
heart and to get the feel of its selfish, grasping,
possessive atmosphere. It is better to ask the Lord
to give us this day our daily bread than to do as the
rich of the religious, political and commercial world
do. They are laying up treasures upon earth, where
moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break
through and steal.Matt. 6:19.
10How much better it is for one to trust in the Lord
and believe his W ord! If ye walk in my statutes, and
keep my commandments, and do them; then I will
give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield
her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield
their fruit. And your threshing shall reach unto the
vintage, and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing
time: and ye shall eat your bread to the full, and
dwell in your land safely. (Lev. 26: 3-5) That was
the promise that God gave to His chosen people, and
it was a sure promise, but it meant that the individuals must follow the commandments of the Lord and
walk in them. As far as the provisions of life are
concerned, God guarantees these the year round to
those who walk in his statutes. In the very beginning
of creation, Jehovah provided all the necessary
things for man, and in their abundance the food and
provisions were for all. These things are just as sure
today for those who love Jehovah.
11But how different are all the nations today who
seek to control all production and say what portion
of the God-given provisions men shall have! By
getting control of the worlds necessities one nation
can force its rule on another. How true the saying,
Every mans hand is against his neighbor. (Zech.
14:13) The rulers of a nation boast that we are
massing this wealth and power so that you, the
people, may have security. Has the United Nations
organization, with all its potential accumulated
power, brought security? The more things nations
control in the world, whether they be the atomic
bomb, airplanes, steamships, food supplies, raw
materials, or anything else, the more they want and
10. What does obeying Gods commands guarantee us as to provisions?
11. By amassing wealth and power what do rulers claim to give? Do

the greater become their influence and power, while

the poor suffer. There is no safety in the accumulating of all these riches for the last days. Having
coveted and collected wealth, influence and political
and religious power, what will these men do in the
day of judgment when Jehovah God brings his wrath
against the oppressor of the poor, the wicked organization, and destroys it?
12 The Lords Word prophesies just how these men
will feel in that time: Go to now, ye rich men, weep
and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are
motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and
the rust of them shall he a witness against you, and
shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped
treasure together for the last days. (Jas. 5:1-3)
There is no material wealth that will save governments or men from the destruction that will be
meted out to them, because of their evil doings, at
the battle of Armageddon. Momentarily the material
wealth of a nation makes it feel strong, but Jehovah
said he would deliver the poor from him that is too
strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him
that spoileth him. (Ps. 35:10) How the nations of
the earth have spoiled the people, especially through
the first and second world wars! Even in between
these wars and to this very day there is no peace, but
the peoples of the nations are still being spoiled.
And for what? They shall cast their silver in the
streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver
and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the
day of the wrath of the L ord : they shall not satisfy
their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the
stumblingblock of their iniquity. (Ezek. 7:19) How
foolish then it is for men to hoard their wealth just
to satisfy their own selfish desires! It will profit
them nothing. They cannot take it with them. The
wise man wrote in Proverbs: Riches profit not in
the day of w rath: but righteousness delivereth from
death.Proverbs 11: 4.

13 It is so very evident that the accumulation of

wealth does not bring peace, security or prosperity
to the nations, nor does it bring real happiness to
the individual who may have gathered it through
evil means and covetousness. It is righteousness
that counts! One who wants to live and really enjoy
life must turn to the Lords Word for advice and
then follow it. The poor as well as the rich must put
their trust in Jehovah and do his bidding and preach
the good news of the kingdom of God. Can the rich,
those with much of this worlds goods, do that? Is
there any hope at all for them to gain life in the
new world? If there is, what must they do?
12. In the day of Gods wrath how will their riches prove vain?
13. What is it that counts toward secure, happy living?


B rooklyn ,

N. Y.

14The Word of God tells us that we should be rich

in good works; but what are those good works? The
problem was put squarely before the Teacher, Christ
Jesus, when he walked the earth. The interests of
men in his time were the same as the interests of
men now: they wanted life, and that more abundantly. Death held nothing for them; so the question
was propounded, How can one gain eternal life?
15Let us listen in on the conversation. And behold,
one came to him and said, Teacher, what good thing
shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said
unto him, Why askest thou me concerning that which
is good? One there is who is good: but if thou wouldest enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith
unto him, Which? And Jesus said, Thou shalt not
kill, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not
steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honor thy
father and thy mother; and, Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself. The young man saith unto him,
All these things have I observed: what lack I yet?
Jesus said unto him, If thou wouldest be perfect,
go, sell that which thou hast, and give to the poor,
and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come,
follow me. But when the young man heard the saying,
he went away sorrowful; for he was one that had
great possessions.Matt. 19:16-22, A.8.V.
16 This rich man that Jesus spoke to got the answer
on how to gain eternal life, but did he follow it? N o!
As far as individuals are concerned, he probably
had a splendid personality, and, from all outward
appearances, he was living according to the law of
God. One of his outstanding qualities as revealed in
the conversation was that he loved his neighbor as
he did himself. Very likely he was not an oppressor
of the poor. His riches probably came to him through
his own good, hard efforts and honest management
of his great holdings. So it appears that if an individual happens to be rich or gains great wealth
through his own labors there is no harm in that
particular fact. The question before the rich man
today is, How will he use his wealth? If you give
to the poor, said Jesus, thou shalt have treasure in
heaven. However, there was another requirement
for eternal life, and that was Come, follow me. If
one uses his wealth in the advancement of true worship of the Most High God, he is using his great
possessions in the right way. Jesus gave this rich
man the best advice so that he could have real joy
in living. What the Teacher wanted him to have was
riches in good works, treasures in heaven. But, as
is the case with most people, so it was with this rich
man; his desire was to hold on to that which he
believed belonged to him by right. He worked for it,
and therefore it was his. No one else could touch it,

17Let us assume that the rich man wanted to follow

Jesus but not sell all that he had and give to the
poor. Could he follow the Lord and still look after
all his earthly possessions? That would be an
impossibility. Christ Jesus was a busy man; he
was looking after Kingdom interests. He was moving about throughout the cities, villages, towns
throughout the whole countrysidepreaching the
good news of the Kingdom. His disciples followed
him and were instructed by him. He could not be
confined to some particular locality to take care of
cattle or lands or possessions, nor could his disciples;
not if they were to preach the gospel of the Kingdom
throughout all the nation of Israel. Jesus did not
even have a place to lay his head, much less a house
to call home. No, the rich man could never have kept
up with Jesus while still looking after his great
18 Jehovah provided for Jesus, the second Adam,
just as He did for the first Adam. The Son of God
had the necessary food, clothing and a place of
shelter. He was a welcome guest in the homes of
those who loved truth and righteousness. Jesus
knew a laborer was worthy of his hire; for He worked
in the interests of Gods kingdom. The necessary
things of life were assured; so why should he try to
accumulate great wealth? He had food and raiment,
and with these he was content.
19Jesus was looking for full-time disciples, those
who would travel with him and do the same kind of
work that he was doing, people whom he could send
away for weeks and months into different territories
to perform works like those he was performing, so
as to bring the people to repentance. He was looking
for dependable persons, those who would learn and
then preach: The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Nothing must stand in their way of service to their
God. They must not be like most people who are just
too busy for the really important things in life.
Remember the occasion when Jesus told of a certain
man that prepared a great supper, and he asked
many to come to that supper. It was a feast for
rejoicing; so he sent out his servant to ask those
whom he wanted to come. But the guests who were
invited, because they had possessions and things
that interested them more than the feast of this

14. In what does God tell us to be rich, and to what end ?

15. What did a rich young ruler ask Jesus about? What did Jesus say?
16. Why did not the rich young ruler follow Jesus advice?

17. Why could he not follow Jesus and yet hold on to great wealth?
18. Why did Jesus not try to accumulate great earthly wealth?
19. For what kind of active, interested persons did Jesus look?

and there was no reason for giving it away. Had he

forgotten that as he came forth of his mothers
womb, naked shall he return to go as he came, and
shall take nothing of his labour, which he may carry
away in his hand ? (Eccl. 5:15) His earthly possessions would not give him eternal life.

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certain man, replied to the invitation: I have

bought a field, and I must needs go out and see it;
I pray thee have me excused. . . . I have bought five
yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them; I pray thee
have me excused. . . . I have married a wife, and
therefore I cannot come.Luke 14:18-20, A.S.V.
20 So it is today; most people are so busy with their
own obligations and work that they do not have time
to look after the Kings interests. They do not have
the time to enter into the joy of the Lord and celebrate with the Master the doing of the most important work on earth today. They have put a great
hindrance in their way just because of the love of
21It was very hard for the rich man to give up all
that he had so that he might have treasures in
heaven. It is just as hard today for many people to
give up even little things and to work in the interests
of the poor and comfort those who mourn, with the
Kingdom message. They are busy trying to hang on
to and gain more earthly possessions. This is selfishness. It is greediness. It is covetousness. For the
love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Tim. 6:10)
Even when the rich plan a banquet they do it with
the thought in mind of what profit it will be to them.
22Jesus had been invited to an evening meal, and
he told his host, When thou makest a dinner or a
supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, nor thy
kinsmen, nor rich neighbors; lest haply they also bid
thee again, and a recompense be made thee. But when
thou makest a feast, bid the poor, the maimed, the
lame, the blind: and thou shalt be blessed; because
they have not wherewith to recompense thee: for
thou shalt be recompensed in the resurrection of the
just. (Luke 14:12-14, A.8.V.) The principle pointed
out by the Lord was that of giving to others without
expecting a return. Why lavish your wealth on those
who are wealthy? They can repay you by doing
similar things for you. But rather invite the poor;
they will show real gratitude and the giver will be
blessed. Yes, Go, sell that which thou hast, and give
to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven:
and come, follow me. You will be rich in good

23Because man is born in sin and shapen in

iniquity, he is prone to lean toward the evil side of
life and love money. He is taught to get to the top so
as to have security. He must be a self-made man,
satisfied with his own greatness. How foolish! Isnt
there something worth much more than security and
worldly possessions? Isnt life itself more important?
How did we get that? And those richesare they not
20, 21. Why do most persons have no time for Kingdom interests?
22. Why do good to the poor who cannot repay you in kind?
23. Why be on guard against every form of covetousness or greed?

just a hoarding of Gods provisions for all? Jesus

said, Take care! You must be on your guard against
any form of greed, for a mans life does not belong
to him, no matter how rich he is. (Luke 12:15,
Amer. Trans.) Another translator of the Greek
Scriptures, Mr. Rotherham, puts it this way: Mind
and be guarding yourselves from all covetousness;
for not in ones abundance doth his life spring out
of his possessions. Or, stated in other words, we
can say on the basis of this truth, that every individual must be constantly on the alert and be on guard
against every form of greediness and covetousness,
because even when an individual has an abundance
of this worlds goods his life is not due to the things
which he possesses. Is not life, then, worth more than
riches ?
24 Paul was following this wise and sound counsel
of Jesus when he wrote to Timothy and said, Charge
them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, openhanded and generous, storing up a valuable treasure
for themselves for the future, so as to grasp the life
that is life indeed. (1 Tim. 6:18,19, An Amer.
Trans.) What a man has gathered together as his
possession in the way of riches, property or powerful
influenceall these will not guarantee him life.
Something else is needed. Pursuing Jesus argument
that a mans life does not belong to him, no matter
how rich he is, he further said: A certain rich
mans lands yielded heavily. And he said to himself,
'What am I going to do, for I have nowhere to store
my crops? Then he said, This is what I will do; I
will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and
in them I will store all my grain and my goods. And
I will say to my soul, Soul, you have great wealth
stored up for years to come. Now take your ease;
eat, drink, and enjoy yourself. But God said to
him, You fool! This very night your soul will be
demanded of you. Then who will have all you have
prepared? That is the way with the man who lays
up money for himself, and is not rich with God.
Luke 12:16-21, An Amer. Trans.
25How true that is ! The way of a man who lays up
money for himself is not rich toward God. He thinks
only of himself, of his own property, his own pleasure. When one becomes as self-centered as that it
is no wonder Jesus said that a rich man shall hardly
enter into the kingdom of heaven.. . . It is easier for
a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for
a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Consider for a moment the plans of this rich man. He
was going to build greater barns in which to store
his crops and then forget the rest of the world of
mankind and just live on the wealth he had stored
away. How selfish! How inconsiderate! How lazy!
He could have given much of his wealth to the poor
24. What will material riches not guarantee one? Show by parable?
25. How was the rich man of the parable foolish, selfish, lazy?


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N. Y.

and still had plenty for himself. He could have

planned for the cultivation of his lands for the next
year and thus kept his hired help employed. By
caring for the land year by year greater income
would be his and greater quantities of food would be
available for the poor. But no, not that! He said to
himself, Now take your ease; eat, drink, and enjoy
yourself. What a fool! He never got to enjoy the
wealth himself, nor had he stored up riches in
heaven by giving to the poor. Boast not thyself of
to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may
bring forth.Prov. 27:1.
28As an individual, what do you want ? Is it security in this world that will soon pass away, or is it
life in the new world of righteousness? The Word
of God sets out the pattern that all Christians must
follow in order to attain eternal life, whether that
life be with Christ Jesus as his bride in heavenly
Kingdom glory, or whether it be life as a creature
who will enjoy the blessings under the kingdom of
heaven and the pleasures of life eternal upon a
glorious new earth that God makes for man to inhabit. Both are attained through true riches; so store
up for yourselves treasure in heaven.
27 All people have certain possessions, some greater than others; so the principle, freely ye have
received, freely give, would apply to the rich, the
middle class and the poor alike. The poor widow
who came to the treasury and cast in her two mites
cast in all the living that she had for use in Gods
work, said Jesus; whereas the rich who came and
made their deposit in the treasury of the temple
gave of their abundance. (Luke 21:1-4) The rich
did not miss the gift that they gave to the Lord. So
the question might be asked, Who gave the most?
Was it not the widow with the two little coins of
small value? So, then, if you would be rich toward
God, use your possessions and your knowledge of
Jehovah God and his righteous government on behalf
of the poor and comfort all that mourn, with the good
news of Gods kingdom. Do not let yourself be tied

down by your wealth and become a slave to your

possessions, but make your possessions work for you
in your preaching of the Word of God.
28Paul knew of certain individuals among the
church who had wealth and who were busy accumulating more, and in a letter that he wrote to Timothy
he said this: Charge the rich of this world not to
be arrogant, nor to set their hopes on such an uncertain thing as riches, but on God who richly
provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Charge them to do good, to be rich in good deeds,
open-handed and generous, storing up a valuable
treasure for themselves for the future, so as to grasp
the life that is life indeed. (1 Tim. 6:17-19,
Amer. Trans.) Just because someone has a little
or much of this worlds goods is no reason for that
individual to take an arrogant position with his
friends and his neighbors, nor with those in a Christian congregation, nor with those in the world. They
should never set their hopes upon the uncertain
riches such as gold and silver, all of which will be
of no value in the very last days of this old world.
The rich should realize just as much as the poor
that it is God who richly provides everything for our
enjoyment. Because one has more of the riches of
this world than another is no reason for the wealthy
one to look down on the poor one with shame. What
all can and must be rich in is good deeds.
28James gave fine counsel to all of the Lords
people when he said, Hearken, my beloved brethren,
Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in
faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? But ye have despised the
poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you
before the judgment seats? Do not they blaspheme
that worthy name by the which ye are called? If ye
fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: but
if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are
convinced of the law as transgressors.Jas. 2: 5-9.

26. What questions on security and life must we answer? How?

27. How can lich and poor alike be really rich in good works"?

28. What was Timothy told to charge the rich of this world"? Why?
29. How did James counsel us against showing partiality?

T IS not the accumulation of this worlds wealth these days. It seems that after every war money loses
that brings security. It is the accumulation of value. Shortly after the second World War most of
good works. That is what makes one rich toward the money in European countries was blocked in the
God, and the poor of this world can accumulate this banks by government order, and the people could not
treasure more rapidly than the rich if they are rich withdraw all their funds for many years. Even the
in faith. Furthermore, those who are poor in this rich were given only a small amount to use, and just
worlds goods do not have to spend so much time recently those who were wealthy in pounds sterling
caring for that which they possess. One who puts his found that overnight they lost thousands upon thoutrust in money has very little security, especially in sands of dollars, as the value of the pound on the
foreign market exchange dropped from $4.03 to
1. Why can the worlds poor more easily be rich in good works"?

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$2.80. Many other currencies lost much of their buying power in world markets at the same time. So the
accumulation of money, wealth, or the uncertain
riches of this world is of little value. Its value can
vanish away overnight if governments so decree.
How much better it would be for a man to make his
wealth work to the benefit of others while it has some
value than to hold it until it gathers moths and rust
and becomes useless.
2It is really a sound investment to make your
money work on behalf of the poor and by so doing to
store up treasures in heaven. Christ Jesus preached
the Word, and you can make your riches help
you preach the Word. His admonition to all of his
followers was to go forth and preach this gospel of
the Kingdom in all the world for a witness. This
takes time, energy and money, and Jehovahs witnesses throughout the world are giving time, energy
and funds, building Kingdom Halls, renting places
and fixing them up so that they will be attractive
assembly places. Jehovahs witnesses invest their
money in Bibles, books and magazines and take these
to the people so that they, too, may study the Word
of God. They invest their money in traveling from
place to place and give of their strength in going to
the ends of the earth if need be with this good news.
Jehovahs witnesses are great travelers, glad to
spend their money so as to get to circuit and district
assemblies or national conventions, for they know
they will thus become better equipped so as to be
rich in good works. What a grand and glorious work
a Christian today has in going forth to the nations
of the world with this good news which brings comfort to the poor and in being privileged to spend
that which he possesses in the interests of those who
are captive to this old world. Using your time, energy
and money in doing this work is actually storing up
treasures in heaven. It is something that no nation,
no organization, no neighbor or thief could come in
and steal from you. You have already given the good
news to the poor, and they have its blessings. You
spent your money in helping them, but the blessing
to the giver is even greater than to the receiver.
3To do such work means that the individual will
be content and happy and will always have something
that is truly worth-while. Godliness is not just a
matter of going to church on Sunday or going to the
Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs witnesses, although that
is the only way some people try to show their godliness. The only way that true godliness can be of
great gain is if it is combined with contentment.
Your heart and mind as well as your body must be
used in preaching the Word. Those who go to the
synagogues or churches of this old world, or even
to the Kingdom Hall, if they are worried because of
2. How do Christians really make a sound investment now?
3, 4. What is truly great gain ? How do some fail to make it?

their great possessions like the rich man that Jesus

spoke to, havent the contentment that brings great
gain. Perhaps they attend church for show or for
business reasons or because it gives them a better
standing in the community; but instead of contentment, they have only worries and problems.
4 Paul gave good admonition to Timothy many
years ago, and it will, if followed, change the whole
course of ones life: But godliness with contentment
is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world,
and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But
they that will be rich fall into temptation and a
snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which
drown men in destruction and perdition. For the
love of money is the root of all evil: which while
some coveted after, they have erred from the faith,
and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1 Tim. 6: 6-10) Individuals may accumulate
great material gain, prominence, popularity, position, money and influence. They may gain all these
things by their own efforts or through inheritance,
but the important thing for them to remember is that
godliness with contentment is great gain. When they
came into the world they brought nothing with them,
and when they leave they cant take anything away.
So why be sorrowful the rest of your life because you
have great possessions? Take the Masters advice:
Give to the poor; store up treasures for yourself in
heaven, and come, follow me! (Matt. 19:16-22) Is
it not better to be contented in the house of the Lord
than to be discontented in the Devils organization?

5The certain rich man that Jesus spoke about

who said he would eat, drink and be joyful, now that
he had great wealth and had laid up great stores
for himself, yet lacked contentment. He was trying
to find it, but his wealth led him into temptation,
and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful
lusts. He wanted to live just for himself. Jesus,
speaking to his disciples, said, Therefore, I tell
you, do not worry about life, wondering what you
will have to eat, or about your body, wondering what
you will have to wear. Life is more important than
food, and the body than clothes. Think of the crows!
They do not sow or reap, and they have no storehouses or barns, and God feeds them. How much
more you are worth than the birds! (Luke 12:2224, An Amer. Trans.) It is a matter of having faith
in Jehovah God and of believing that when he placed
man upon the earth there were ample provisions
for all if the effort was put forth to use them. First,
however, comes our worship of Jehovah, the Giver
of all good things.
5. How did Jesus illustrate we should not worry for the future?



6Both Job and the psalmist recognized how God

looks after the beasts of the field and the birds of
the air and makes provision for them. Certainly
human creatures are worth much more than these,
and especially those who have entered into a covenant relationship with Jehovah God to do His will.
Job 38:41 asks, Who provideth for the raven his
prey, when his young ones cry unto God, and wander
for lack of food? (Am. Stan. Ver.) Again, Sing
unto the L ord with thanksgiving; sing praise upon
the harp unto our God: who covereth the heaven
with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who
maketh grass to grow upon the mountains. He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens
which cry. (Ps. 147: 7-9) Are not the needs of men
made sure? Why then be worried about life and all
its problems? Seek first the Kingdom!
7Do not the squirrels gather nuts and store them
away in holes dug in the ground or hide them in
the trunks of trees? Do not the beavers make provision for themselves and the bees store up honey in
their hives for the winter? The point is this: provision is made for all of the animals so that they can
gather in the things necessary to their life. They
work to gather what God supplies. Man can do the
same. All that it is necessary for man to do is to
use the things God provides. Man should not be
lazier than the birds of the air, the fish of the sea,
or the animals of the earth. As good counsel to the
lazy man, the wise one said, Consider the ant, thou
sluggard. Yes, we have to work, but we do not have
to become slaves to commerce or to this old world
in order to live.
8It is natural for man to want to live, and he would
like to carry on his existence even in this present
time of hardship and distress as long as he possibly
can; but the hoarding up of earthly riches is not
the thing that is going to guarantee life any more
than it did for that certain rich man who stored all
his wealth away in barns only to die that night. For,
as the account says, this very night your soul will
be demanded of you. Then who will have all you
have prepared? (Luke 12:20, An Amer. Trans.)
6. How did both the psalmist and Job further illustrate this?
7. How must we avail ourselves of Gods provisions?
8. Why is it foolish to hoard great riches for a future day?

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Then Jesus in his discussion with his disciples said,

And who from among you though anxious can unto
his stature add a cubit? (Luke 12: 25, Roth.) If the
body of an individual wears out and it is time for
that body to return to the dust, there is not much
that one can do in fixing up the organism. If the
heart is exhausted and the nervous system worn
out or the muscles become stiff and hard, there is
not much that one can do to add another step to his
life; he has reached the end of his way. So Jesus
argues, If then ye are not able to do even that
which is least, why are ye anxious concerning the
rest? (Luke 12:26, A.S.V.) In other words, if we
cannot extend our life just a little, not even a cubit,
why then should we be so anxious and concerned
about storing away great wealth, food, clothing, and
in having many homes and properties? Why should
we be anxious to store up that which we have collected during the past year into barns and then say:
From now on I will eat, drink and enjoy myself ?
How much better it would be to give that which we
have to the poor and store up for ourselves treasures in heaven!
9What treasure do we have ? Those who have
come to a knowledge of Gods Word have the truth.
They have come to understand who Jehovah God is,
the Great One of the universe; how he provided his
Son, Christ Jesus, to redeem mankind through him
that they might gain eternal life; how Christ Jesus
has now come and taken to himself his power and
begun to reign and that the kingdom that we have
prayed for is established. These things we know;
these things Christians possess in the way of knowledge because of their study of Gods Word, and they
can give this good message to the poor who are sighing and crying because of the abominations that
have come upon them in this world. True Christians
will devote what they have of this worlds goods,
whether little or much, to bringing this message to
the poor and comforting those who mourn. They remember that a persons life is not due to the things
that he possesses, but his eternal existence depends
on the treasure that he stores up in heaven. They
consistently add to their heavenly treasure by
preaching the good news of the Kingdom.
9. What treasure do we have? How do we store treasure above?


2The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, the govEHOVAHS witnesses are ministers of God, ordained to preach the Word. Let us then review erning body of Jehovahs witnesses, has pointed out
what they have done and see if they are trying through its publications that the kingdom of heaven
to store up treasures in heaven, or only treasureswas established in 1914, and it has shown in its writupon this earth. Are they giving to the poor and ings how the signs of the present day are fulfilling
prophecy in proof of the establishment of that kingbringing to them the comfort and good news?

1. What are Jehovahs witnesses? What do we ask about them?

2. Were there many Kingdom publishers in 1914? What befell them?

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dom. The first World War was one of the first signs
foretold by Jesus in the 24th chapter of Matthew
as marking the end of the Gentile times and the beginning of Christs reign in heaven. The Watchtower magazine has proved this many times in its
columns. Were there many proclaimers or announcers of this established Kingdom then? Yes, there
were quite a number scattered throughout the world;
but when the world war broke forth in all its fury,
many of the Branch offices of the Society were
closed and Jehovahs witnesses almost everywhere
were cast into prison, many killed, and their organization considerably broken up. In fact, those at the
headquarters offices at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York, were taken away and put in Atlanta
prison; but by following through with the slow court
procedure and taking the case before the Supreme
Court of the United States, the officers of the Society were acquitted. By the time the officials of the
Society were freed from jail the clergy and the government officials felt that the Watch Tower Society
and its representatives were pretty well knocked
out and would remain inactive. They were as though
dead in the streets.Rev. 11: 8.
3You cannot keep Jehovahs witnesses silent. They
must preach the Word! They were revived from the
deathlike condition and began storing up more treasures in heaven. In 1918 there were only 3,868 persons announcing the King and the Kingdom in all
the world. Being strengthened by the spirit of the
Lord, and because of their determination to press
on, maintaining their integrity, they were richly
blessed. Never slacking their hand, they went forward, singing praises yet more and more, and as
a result ten years later there were 23,988 persons
proclaiming this same good news of the Kingdom
and comforting those who were mourning. Grateful
to God who had given them time to revive, and grateful, too, that they had the opportunity of gathering
together other sheep, this remnant of Jehovahs
organization moved on into greater activity. By the
time 1938 rolled around when the nations of the
world were again preparing for another world war,
there were 47,143 publishers preaching the Word.
By this time Jehovahs witnesses were established
in 52 different nations of the world, declaring this
same message that Jehovah reigns through His Son,
Christ Jesus, whom He has set upon His throne.
4Then came years of greater strife, turmoil, distress and perplexitya decade of war and of trying to establish peace among the nations. Jehovahs
witnesses were driven underground in most countries of the world; they were persecuted and their
work banned, but, nevertheless, they continued
preaching the Word. In 1948, after another ten

years had passed, there were 230,532 persons who

had taken up this grand message of peace for the
poor in Gods righteous new world. Not content unless they were witnessing, Jehovahs witnesses
moved into every corner of the earth that they could
possibly reach with the good news, and as you consider the chart which appears on the following page
you will rejoice to find that in the year 1949 there
was an average of 279,421 publishers of the Kingdom engaged in field-service work every month
in 104 different places throughout the world. The
Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society has established
63 Branches in the principal countries of the earth,
and, by the Lords grace, will continue to preach the
Word to the poor and rich alike, to all those who
have an ear to hear.

3. What increases in publishers did two decades since 1918 show?

4. Despite what events, what increases did 1948 and 1949 show?

5. What was the past year's percentage of increase? Its peak?

6. How many companies of witnesses are there now? For what?


5Jehovahs witnesses are not trying to get members for their organization, but they are trying to
take to the people the truth as it is contained in
Gods Word, the Holy Bible. They know, however,
that as people study the Lords Word and receive
comfort from it and learn how to gain life eternal
by storing up treasures in heaven, they, too, will
proclaim this good news. They cannot do otherwise
if they love true worship. It is the deep appreciation of the individuals who learn the truth and the
righteous way of life that causes them to want to
tell others about it. As a natural result, then, a great
increase has come to the ranks of Jehovahs witnesses. In fact, in 1949 as compared with 1948 there
was a 21-percent increase throughout the world
in number of publishers proclaiming the Kingdom
as the only hope for mankind. A peak number of
317,877 publishers who were out in the work preaching the Word was reached for the year. This is the
highest number of ministers of the gospel ever to
engage in the work in any one year according to our
records, and we rejoice with all these persons of
good-will who are associating themselves with the
Lords organization and are now working under the
direction of the Society, all to the honor and glory
of Jehovahs name.
6Jehovahs witnesses love to serve the King of the
new world now. Their hope and faith is in the kingdom of God, for through it the blessings of eternal
life will be gained. So they continue to work and
pray: Your kingdom come! Your will be done on
earth as it is done in heaven! While being good citizens of the nation in which they live, paying their
taxes, complying with the laws of the land as long
as these laws are in full accord with Gods laws, still
they move ahead, expanding their activity among
the people, doing the will of the Lord and following


. S. of America
French Equ. Africa
Gambia, B.W.A.
Netherlands Antilles
Sierra Leone
Virgin Islands
U. S. of Indonesia
British Guiana
British Honduras
British Isles
British West Indies
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
a d o r
Gold Coast
New Zealand
French Togoland
Northern Rhodesia
Belgian Congo
Portuguese E. Air.
Philippine Republic
Puerto Rico
South Africa
St. Helena
Southern Rhodesia
French Guiana


o tals

1918 1928 1938
Pubs. Pubs. Pubs. Pubs.
743 6,040 25,596 72,945













































3,868 23,988 47,143 230,532

1949 % Inc. Peak

Av. over Pubs.
Pubs. 1948 1949
82,958 13 91,463
52 57
8 33
4 New
15 650
3 New
35 25
4 33
13 New
123 12
18 100
73 102
30 200
53 55
47 46
1,135 22
20 100
13 44
1,615 25
1,617 37
53 12
1,775 65
55 45
17,239 17 18,692
73 40
57 58
14,305 13 15,492
211 10
86 344
97 246
943 48
5,485 26
141 139
3,774 16
216 69
56 93
134 40
171 14
3,293 26
3,236 23
326 29
38,897 33 43,828
1,412 92
30 150
188 55
58 61
216 38
256 115
28 10
27 17
593 80
1,773 21
5,547 18
4,691 12
110 29
880 11
136 89
6,711 21
114 90
155 10
1 New
12,857 30 14,650
22 57
1,226 23
6,833 39
375 67
67 43
67 68
5,763 60
12,162 34 14,510
213 33
2,612 31
5,506 25
8 New
29 New
33 New
4,786 33
3,702 14
1,933 16
62 29
304 22
91 78
279,421 21 317,877

No. of
Comps Literature
2,905 7,316,373 16,749,899 291,296
613 1,783,177 3;654,787 66,191
628,297 2,361,346 33,569
451,474 7,865,383 59,475
77,253 1,434,848
35,187 2,661,611
56,849 1,795,674
219,245 1,607,028 16,072


1,586,123 11,012
633,200 14,363
15,709,161 53,741,547 596,766

7,453,310 5,043,956 61,193
528,613 1,310,082
479,524 3,963,449 20,742
13,020.994 15,897,544 167,571

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out the principal command of Jehovah, to "preach

the word. From one end of the earth to the other
these persons of good-will have organized themselves until now there are 12,535 companies of Jehovahs witnesses where they assemble together
regularly for study of Gods Word in order to prepare themselves to be better ministers of the Lord.
7But you ask, Dont they get something out of this
personally? Isnt there something in it, something
material they will gain by being Jehovahs witnesses? No, the only thing to gain, as far as being one
of Jehovahs witnesses is concerned, is treasure in
heaven. They are trying to be rich in good works
"so as to grasp the life that is life indeed. How do
they do this? By spending their time preaching the
Word to the poor, the rich, the meek, the haughty,
the farmer, the factory worker, the husband and the
wife. They do it by calling at the homes, the apartments, the palatial residences, the bungalows, the
farmhouses, the adobe huts. It makes no difference;
wherever people live, there Jehovahs witnesses will
go to preach the Word. During the service year 1949,
the 279,421 publishers who engaged in the field service on an average every month devoted 53,741,547
hours to preaching the Word of God to people who
wanted to hear. Not only did they go from house to
house in the first place, but they called back on the
people who were interested in the Kingdom message. These witnesses of God made 15,897,544 such
calls on the people to answer their questions.
8As a result of these millions of return calls, a
number of persons were anxious to diligently study
what Jehovahs witnesses had to offer; and regularly
throughout the year Jehovahs witnesses have been
conducting Bible studies in 167,571 homes. These
one-hour studies are conducted weekly with groups
of two to five or more persons. Sometimes there is
only one person interested, but time will be spent
each week in giving him lessons from the Bible. Is
this a selfish work? Are Jehovahs witnesses getting
something out of it for themselves by putting all
these hours into preaching? or are they giving something to the poor in life-sustaining spiritual food?
The facts show they are giving the people words of
life, in addition to their time, energy, money; and
thus they are storing up treasures in heaven. For
them there is more real satisfaction in that than in
accumulating earthly riches.
9It must be observed, too, that after a very sueeessful year of gathering together the other sheep
into the Lords organization Jehovahs witnesses do
not settle back and say, Well, this is enough. We
have gathered in great gains. We will make larger
barns or churches in which to put these people and
7. How many hours did the publishers preach? To whom? How?
8. How many home Bible studies do they conduct? At what cost?
9. How do they act and plan differently from the parables rich man?

then hold them for ourselves. No, Jehovahs witnesses are not like the rich man who decided to quit
working and to live off his gains and just eat, drink
and be merry. Not at all! They want to plant more
seed and cultivate the field again and again. So, as
the Scriptures indicate, one will plant, another waters, but it is God who gives the increase. (1 Cor.
3:7) They sow in order that they may reap; and
as the Lord prospers their efforts, more people come
into His organization, seeking refuge and safety.
Even those newly coming to the organization in time
go out too to sow and water, looking to God to give
the increase at harvest time.

10What will Jehovahs witnesses do during 1950?

Just what they did in 1949; only, by Gods undeserved kindness, they will do even better in their
work of preaching the Word in all the world. They
will continue inviting everyone who has an ear to
hear the truth to 'come, and drink of the water of
life freely. (Rev. 22:17) Jehovahs witnesses have
placed much literature in the hands of the people,
and this for one purpose, to help them to understand the Word of God. The small contributions
they receive for such literature are used to print
more, so that others too can read. During the 1949
service year, Bibles, books and booklets were placed
throughout the world in the number of 15,709,161
copies. Many new subscriptions were obtained for
the two magazines,
many languages. In fact, 596,766 new subscriptions
were taken, in all parts of the world. To accommodate
the readers of these magazines it was necessary for
the Society in Brooklyn, New York, and throughout
its Branch offices to print 23,190,737 copies of the
Watchtower magazine and 16,136,389 of the Awake!
magazine. In addition to the 39 million magazines,
the Societys publishing plants printed more than
4 million bound books and over 17 million booklets.
11 Jehovahs witnesses could not be satisfied with
just serving the people they meet in homes; so they
arrange for public meetings in fine auditoriums, in
small halls, in their own Kingdom Halls, in public
parks, out along the seashore, or in the wilderness.
Wherever people will congregate to hear the message of the Kingdom, Jehovahs witnesses will furnish a minister to preach the good news. During the
year 1949 there were 174,404 such public meetings
arranged for, all of which had good attendance.
These meetings were well advertised, and handbills
were distributed, placards printed, notices put in
stores, letters sent out to interested personsall requiring additional printing on the part of the Society. Along with letterheads and normal supplies
10. What literature distribution was there? Hence what production?
11. How was the public meeting campaign carried on?



B rooklyn , N . Y.

for office use, the handbill and tract orders made it

necessary for the Society to print 231 million pieces
during 1949. This is over and above the printing of
the magazines, books, Bibles and booklets.
12 Such work can be carried on because some peopie are giving what they have to the poor. Jehovahs
witnesses love to give to the people world-wide, regardless of nationality, color or creed. That is why
they devote their time, physical strength and funds
to the preaching of the gospel. Contributions were
made by them during the past year to carry on the
Societys world-wide expansion program. One feature of its expansion program was in helping its
missionaries and smaller Branch organizations financially to the extent of $591,358.96. At the present time there are 63 Branch offices of the "Watch
Tower Bible & Tract Society directing the work in
different areas of the earth. There are also 107 missionary homes, in 77 different countries. The total
number of missionaries who are now in foreign assignments outside the United States and Canada,
except Quebec, is 652, all of whom are graduates of
the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead. Five hundred of these are working out of the 107 missionary
homes, while others of these trained missionaries
are doing general pioneer work in different countries. Some are working in Bethel homes, and some
are circuit or district servants or Branch servants.
13Another great field for personal expansion activity is the pioneer work. During the 1949 service
year there was an average of 1,451 special pioneers
assigned to certain territories that needed special
attention, and these have done excellent work. In
this special pioneer group are included the missionaries who are scattered throughout all the world.
Additionally there are the general pioneers, 10,973
in number, who have arranged their affairs so as to
devote most of their time and energy to the preaching of the good news. All of these must have faith
in Jehovah, the Great Provider. Jesus words are a
comfort to them: See how the lilies grow. They do
not toil or spin, but, I tell you, even Solomon in all
his splendor was never dressed like one of them. But
if God so dresses the wild grass, which is alive today, and is thrown into the furnace tomorrow, how
much more surely will he clothe you, who have so
little faith? (Luke 12:27,28, An Amer. Trans.) It
does take faith to make this forward step and go into the full-time service, becoming a pioneer or taking up a special assignment or going into the missionary work. Their faith and their works show
they believe Jehovah will care for them. It is not a
storing up of earthly treasures, either, to become a
member of the Bethel family or to take up work in
a Branch home; but it does mean storing up treas-

ures in heaven, so as to grasp the life that is life

14 One must trust in the Lord that the provisions
which He makes for the birds and the animals of the
fields were also promised to man and will he provided for him. You remember that when Paul was
traveling from place to place he did not want to
make himself a burden to any of the brethren, so at
times he would stop and make tents. He earned sufficient money doing this that he could travel on to
his next stop. Sometimes he accumulated enough
that he would not have to go to making tents for
quite a while. He knew it was necessary for an individual to work and earn some money to look after
his earthly needs, but at the same time he could not
neglect his preaching duties. Luke tells us in the
book of Acts that Paul never failed to go to the synagogue on the sabbath to preach the Word of God
to the Jews and he also mingled with the Greeks so
that they too might hear. (Acts 18: 3,4) Eating and
drinking and being clothed are not the all-essential
things in life. They are necessary, yes, but the big
thing is storing up treasures for oneself in heaven.
So you must not ask what you are to have to eat or
drink, and you must not be anxious about it. For
these are all things the nations of the world are in
pursuit of, and your Father knows well that you
need them. But you must strive to find his kingdom,
and you will have these other things besides. Do not
be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen to
give you the kingdom. Sell what belongs to you, and
give away the money! Get yourselves purses that
will never wear out, inexhaustible riches in heaven,
where thieves cannot get near nor moths destroy.
For wherever your treasure is, your heart will be
too.Luke 12: 29-34,
An Trans.
15 Certainly there is nothing to be fearful about
in going forward in preaching the Word of God. Not
with such promises! There will be hardships, difficulties and problems to overcome; maybe some will
be killed. Jesus told us to expect that kind of treatment. But life! This is the gift to those who love
Jehovah. Jesus said, Verily, verily, I say unto you,
If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.
(John 8: 51) But even though persons do see death
now, there is a reward for those who love righteousness and who have been storing up treasures in
heaven. Jesus said, I am the resurrection, and the
life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead,
yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth
in me shall never die. Believest thou this? (John
11:25,26) Furthermore, the time is coming, in the
new world, when there will be no more death. (Rev.
21:4) Of course, most of the people of the world
today do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus

12. How was the missionary work carried on, and where?
13. How was the pioneer work carried on? With what quality?

14. In view of Gods provisions we must seek first what? How?

15. Why be fearless in going forward, though faced with death?

J anuary 1 ,



Christ nor in the merit of his sacrifice. That is why

Jehovahs witnesses as Gods ministers must preach
the good news of Gods Word to the people, so that
they may have the opportunity of believing. Many
are listening, and some are taking heed and starting to study.
16At one of the most important meetings of the
Lords people in the earth today, the celebration of
the memorial of Jesus death, there were 453,274
persons in attendance. Of this great number only
24,312 partook of the emblems, thus signifying that
they believe they are of the remnant class that will
be joint-heirs with Christ Jesus in heaven. The 0thers, numbering considerably more than 425,000 now,
are sincerely looking forward to the time when the
new world will be established. Not all of these, however, have been preaching the gospel to the extent
that they have been making reports to the Society
of what they are doing in this respect; but we firmly
believe that in time they will take their stand and

preach, because they will soon believe with their

hearts that the greatest work that must be done in
these last days is to make known the salvation of our
God. During 1949 there were 42,524 persons who
consecrated their lives to Gods service, symbolizing
that covenant with water immersion. They accepted
the charge, along with all others of Jehovahs witnesses, to preach the word. By so doing, they will
be rich in good deeds, open-handed and generous,
storing up a valuable treasure for themselves for
the future, so as to grasp the life that is life indeed.
1 Tim. 6:18,19, An Amer. Trans.
17With joy and gladness Jehovahs witnesses enter the 1950 service year, thankful for the honor of
service under Christ the Kang. They are not worried
about the persecutions, trials and difficulties. These
they will face as they come day by day. The thing
of greatest interest to them is the praising of Jehovahs name and the vindication of his sovereign position in the universe. To prove it, Jehovahs witnesses will preach the word.

16. What do Memorial observance and baptismal figures show?

17. How do Jehovahs witnesses enter 1950, and with what purpose?


EHOVAH God caused this prophecy of reconstruction
in Judah to be declared to the Jewish exiles in Babylon:
This land that was desolate is become like the garden
of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are
become fenced, and are inhabited. Then the heathen that
are left round about you shall know that I the L ord build
the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the
Lord have spoken it, and I will do it. Why? So that the
Jews might regain political independence? No, nothing like
that. Thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes,
0 house of Israel, but for mine holy names sake, which ye
have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. And
1 will sanctify my great name, . . . For I will take you from
among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and
will bring you into your own land.Ezek. 36: 22-24, 35, 36.
Jehovahs purpose was to regather his name-people to
their homeland that they might reconstruct the temple and
restore the true worship of Jehovah God in the land. This
for his names sake, that his name might be vindicated in
the sight of heathen nations. Accordingly, shortly after
Darius and Cyrus overthrew Babylon the Jewish exiles were
permitted to return to Jerusalem, armed with a commission
from King Cyrus to rebuild the temple there. (Ezra 1:1-4)
Hence it was that in 537 B.C. Zerubbabel and nearly
50,000 Jews trekked from Babylon to Jerusalem to rebuild
the temple. Opposition from neighboring adversaries, those
religious hybrids called Samaritans, soon flared up and
succeeded in halting the building work. They maneuvered
the slapping of an official Persian ban on the Theocratic
reconstruction work, and for nearly sixteen years work on
the temple was at a standstill. It was at this crucial point
of time and state of matters that Jehovah raised up his

prophet Haggai, in the second year of Darius II, in 520 B.C.

Ezra 4 :1 to 5:1.
Little is known about Haggai personally. His name means
festive. He probably returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel, in 537 B.C. He started prophesying in the second
year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day
of the month ; his prophesyings come in four brief discourses on three different days, and the last one is dated the
twenty-fourth day of the ninth month in the second year of
Darius. (Hag. 1:1 ; 2:1,10, 20) This means his prophetic
career was short, only three months and twenty-four days.
Short, but effective! For sixteen years no work had been
done on the temple, and some of the Jews returned from
captivity selfishly looked on outward conditions and said:
It is not the time for us to come, the time for Jehovahs
house to be built. But to refute this class whom some
moderns might call morale weakeners Haggai declared:
Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your ceiled
houses, while this house lieth waste? Now therefore thus
saith Jehovah of hosts: Consider your ways. Ye have sown
much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough;
ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you,
but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth
wages to put it into a bag with holes. Thus saith Jehovah
of hosts: Consider your ways. Go up to the mountain, and
bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure
in it, and I will be glorified, saith Jehovah. Ye looked for
much, and, 10, it came to little; and when ye brought it
home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith Jehovah of hosts.
Because of my house that lieth waste, while ye run every
man to his own house. Therefore for your sake the heavens
withhold the dew, and the earth withholdeth its fruit. And
I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the moun-



tains, and upon the grain, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth,
and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labor of
the hands.Hag. 1:1-11, A m . Stan. Ver.
Haggais words sank deep into the hearts of the people
and their leaders Zerubbabel and Joshua. In less than four
weeks the temple builders had reorganized themselves and
the work was resumed, right in the teeth of the imperial ban!
(Hag. 1 :1 2 1 5 )But as promised, Jehovah was with the
builders and blessed their zeal and fearlessness by causing
Darius II to renew the decree of Cyrus authorizing the
work. The malicious Samaritan enemies were squelched!
Haggais second discourse (2:1-9) came less than a month
after resumption of the work. This time it was to beat down
any propaganda of any old-timers that the new temple was
disappointing when compared with the glory of Solomons
temple; these zealweakeners complained that the new temple
being built was as nothing in comparison with the one Nebuchadnezzar had leveled. But in his discourse Haggai assured Zerubbabel and Joshua and the remnant that the
glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, for Jehovah will shake all nations and the desire of
all nations shall come to the temple.
Two months and three days later Haggai delivers his

B rooklyn ,

N. Y.

third discourse, and in it queries the priests concerning the

past uncleanness of the nation, calls upon them to consider
the plague of crop failures that ravished the land while the
temple work stood still, and promises blessing from Jehovah
God in view of the renewed building activity. (Hag. 2:10
19) His fourth and final discourse recorded was delivered
on that same day, but was addressed exclusively to Governor Zerubbabel, as follows:
I will shake the heavens and the earth; and I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; and I will destroy the
strength of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the
horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the
sword of his brother. In that day, saith Jehovah of hosts,
will I take thee, 0 Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith Jehovah, and will make thee as a signet; for I
have chosen thee, saith Jehovah of hosts.Hag. 2:2023,
A m . Stan. V er .
Thus in his closing prophecy Haggai foretold the time
when Jehovah of hosts would shake this evil world of Satan,
would overthrow its kingdoms and governments, and would
set up in Kingdom power the Greater Zerubbabel, Christ


Dear Sister:
Answering yours of September 22 on the matter of sexual intercourse:
Of course, it is best for everyone not to pry into the private affairs of a married couple and even appear to attempt
to dictate to them in regard to this subject. The safest thing
we can do is to quote the inspired advice of the apostle Paul
thereon at 1 Corinthians 7:1-6 (Moffatts translation) :
**Now for the questions in your letter. It is indeed *an
excellent thing for a man to have no intercourse with a
woman; but there is so much immorality, that every man
had better have a wife of his own and every woman a husband of her own. The husband must give the wife her conjugal dues, and the wife in the same way must give her husband his; a wife cannot do as she pleases with her body
her husband has power, and in the same way a husband cannot do as he pleases with his bodyhis wife has power. Do
not withhold sexual intercourse from one another, unless
you agree to do so for a time, in order to devote yourselves

to prayer. Then come together again. You must not let Satan tempt you through incontinence [through your lack of
self-control, A n A m er. T rans.]. But what I have just said
is by way of concession, not command.
It is plain here that the apostle is speaking not just of sexual intercourse for the sake of reproducing children, but
for the sake of sexual relief. For this reason, he says, it is
better for some passionate persons to have a marriage mate
of their own to help keep them from indulging in the immorality prevalent in this world. So married couples should
not withhold sexual intercourse; otherwise, Satan might
tempt one or both of the couple to immorality with persons
outside. But, of course, in this matter self-control must be
exercised so as not to overindulge to ones spiritual harm,
even to interfering with *devoting yourselves to prayer. In
this respect let each couple regulate its own life and not try
to dictate to another couple.
Faithfully yours in Kingdom service,
W atch T ower B ible & T ract S o c ie t y

S in g u n to J e h o v a h , a ll th e e a r th ; sh ow fo r th his sa lv a tio n fr o m
d a y to d a y . D eclare his g lo r y am on g th e n a tio n s, his m a rvello u s
w o rk s am on g all th e p e o p le s . F o r g r e a t is J e h o v a h , a n d g r e a tly
to he p r a is e d : he also is to he fe a r e d ab o ve a ll g o d s. F o r all th e
g o d s o f th e p e o p le s a re id o l s : h u t J eh o va h m ade th e heaven s.
H o n o r a n d m a je s ty are b e fo re h im : stre n g th a n d g la d n ess are in
his p la ce. A sc rib e u n to J e h o v a h , y e k in d re d s o f th e p e o p le s ,
ascrib e u n to J eh o va h g lo r y a n d s tr e n g th ; ascrib e u n to J eh o va h
th e g lo r y due u n to his n a m e : b rin g an o fferin g , a n d com e b e fo re
h im ; w o rsh ip J e h o v a h in h o ly a rr a y . . . . s a y am,ong the n a tio n s,
J eh o va h re ig n e th .-1 Chron. 1 6 : 2 3 3 1 ,29, A .S .V .

Jehovahs Kingdom
V ol. L X X I

JANUARY 15, 1950

A G od of W arning ..................................... 19
Israel and Judah Warned o f Their Falls 20
The Warning in Jesus Day ...................21
W ho W ill S hare in the
F inal W itness ? ............................... 22
Who Share in the W ork? ....................... 23
How the Witness Is Given .......................23
Are Any Exempt ?
Study and Preach with the Organization 25
The Peoples Divided ............................... 26
Share in the Witness and the Victory! 27
United S tates D istrict A ssemblies
of 1949 ............................................... 28
L etters .... ....................................................... 32
Separating to the R ight
T estimony P eriod ........................... 18
W atchtower S tudies ........................... 18
1950 Y earbook of J ehovah s W itnesses 18
1950 Calen da r ............................................... 18


P u blish ed

Se m im o n t h l y B y

W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
117 Adam s Street

Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S.A.

N. H. K norr , P resid en t

ffic e r s

G ran t S uiter , S e cr eta r y

A n d all th y children shall he taught o f Jehovah; and

great shall be the peace o f th y children. * Isaiah 3 4 : 13 .
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon i t ; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new w orld ; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members of Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began its time o f the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to "fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.
This is the twelfth annual campaign fo r taking subscription fo r
T he W a tch to w e r . February, the second month o f the campaign,
has been set aside as a special Testimony Period entitled Separat
ing to the Right . Thoughtful readers o f this magazine know
there is no better Bible publication than T h e W a tc h to w e r for
helping people to be separated to the right o f the King Jesus
Christ in this judgment day o f the nations. As an added induce
ment to the public to subscribe, a premium o f 8 assorted booklets
will be offered with every years subscription fo r T h e W a tch to w e r
at the regular rate o f $1, American money. To persons already
subscribing for T h e W a tc h to w e r a years subscription fo r the
companion magazine A w a k e ! may be offered, however without
the premium added. W e especially invite our W a tch to w e r readers
one and all to join in this campaign during February. A postcard
to us will bring instructions and references to local fellow cam
paigners. Yes, by all means, report on our form the success with
which Jehovah God blesses your activities during February.
Week o f February 26; A God o f Warning,
1-18 inclusive, also W ho W ill Share in the Final Witness?
1-7 inclusive, T h e W a tc h to w e r January 15, 1950.
Week o f March 5 : W ho W ill Share in the Final Witness?
Tj 8-29 inclusive, T h e W a tc h to w e r January 15, 1950.

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from ail religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

Notice to Subscribers: Remittances should be sent to office in your

country In compliance with regulations to guarantee safe delivery of
money. Remittances are accepted at Brooklyn from countries where no
office is located, by international money order only. Subscription rates in
different countries are stated below in local currency. Notice of expiration
(with renewal blank) is sent at least two issues before subscription
expires. Change of address when sent to our office may be expected
effective within one month. Send your old as well as new address.
Please address the Watch Tower Society in every case.
Yearly Subscription Rate
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Rs. 3/8
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Translations of this journal appear in many languages.
firmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may
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1949, the most remarkable service year yet! So the 1950 Y e a r
b ook o f J eh ov a h s w itn esses shows. You will want to read about it
and rejoice at the noteworthy expansion o f the worship o f the true
God in the 104 regions reported on. In addition to the annual
world report o f the president o f the Watch Tower Bible & Tract
Society, the Y e a r b o o k also sets out his comment upon the 1950
yeartext and a daily text and comment fo r throughout the year.
The printing o f the 1950 Y ea r b o o k is in limited edition, and hence
a contribution o f 50c per copy is asked. Where you are in associa
tion with others, send in a group order, as by the servant o f a com
pany o f Jehovahs witnesses, with remittance to cover. This will
save us on time o f handling as well as expense o f shipping.
By having the 1950 Calendar published by the Watch Tower
Bible & Tract Society you will have prominent before your gaze
the yeartext, Preach the word (2 Timothy 4 : 2 ) , and also a view
o f the Societys headquarters home, including the new Bethel struc
ture, from which the service work throughout the earth is directed.
Alongside this artistic picture you will find a calendar. Besides giv
ing five interior views o f the new Bethel home, this sets out the
titles o f the bimonthly special testimony periods for 1950 and the
specific themes fo r the intervening months. This service calendar
we send to any address at 25c a copy or $1.00 for 5 copies sent to
one address, postpaid. So let companies or groups order the Calen
dar in quantity, through their designated servant, sending remit
tance to cover the cost at the above rate.





January 15, 1950

No. 2

Thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.Ezek. 33:7.
EHOVAH God never strikes without warning. margin) He determined to cleanse the filth from
Did he deluge the first world in watery destruc the earth, not by a mere Saturday night bath of a
tion without warning? Did he burn out depraved few minutes duration, but by a torrential shower
Sodom and Gomorrah in a fiery downfall without of forty days and nights whose waters were not
warning? Did the Almighty take Egypt unawares dried from off the earth till ten months and thirteen
as he sent wave after wave of destructive plague days!
through the land? When Jehovah maneuvered the
4 Jehovah indicated this destruction 120 years in
overthrow of Israel and Judah by foreign invasions, advance. More than twenty years pass, and Noah
were the victims unwarned? Mighty Babylon that has three sons. The sons grow to manhood and
ruled like a glamorous queen over peoples and marry, as perhaps fifty or sixty more years slip by.
nations, should she have been surprised and caught Then Jehovah God tells Noah of the impending flood
flat-footed when enemy hosts took her by storm? and instructs that righteously disposed man to build
And what of the desolation that struck Jerusalem the ark for the preservation of himself and his
during the first century A.D., did that blow fall with family. For some forty or fifty years before the
out warning? To each one of these questions the deluge Noah gave a warning witness of its coming,
and thereby earned the designation preacher of
facts shout the answer, No!
2 This is not to say that Jehovah God personallyrighteousness . (Gen. 6:3,13,18; 2 Pet. 2:5) But
visits the earth to deliver a warning. That in itself the vast majority of mankind scoffed and looked
would spell destruction for man, for if he can be upon Noah as a false weather prophet and doubted
painfully burned and temporarily blinded by a com the possibility of an earth-wide flood. God created
paratively small sun nearly 93,000,000 miles away, the earth, he was able to give it a bath. After giving
how could he possibly survive a visit from the a warning witness through Noah, Jehovah did so
Father of lights ? (Jas. 1:17; Ex. 33:20) Out of bathe the earth to wash from existence the filth that
consideration for mans perishable frame of flesh had collected on its surface.
5 Several centuries later the cities of Sodom and
Jehovah God sends his warnings by messengers in
human form, messengers that the warned ones can Gomorrah are so saturated with grievous sin that
comfortably listen to and question for details. Of this their destruction is set. Not even ten righteously
practice we read, at Jeremiah 7 : 13, 25, 28: I spoke inclined persons reside there, and when angels
to you early and late, but you would not listen, and materialized as men stay overnight with Lot sex
I called you, but you would not answer . . . I sent crimes against their persons are attempted by a mob
all my servants the prophets, early and late, from of men and boys. Their being smitten with blindness
the day that your fathers came out of the land of should warn them of their wickedness, but they still
Egypt even to this day . . . This is the nation that grope for their victims. When the angels instruct
would not listen to the voice of the L ord its God, the Lot to give a witness concerning the impending
destruction of Sodom, his message makes him seem
nation that took no warning. An Amer. Trans.
3 Jehovahs warnings have seldom been heeded byas one who mocks or jests. Even his own household
a majority, though patiently sounded over long is divided, his wife not taking the instructions seri
periods of time. Prior to the flood G od saw that the ously enough to gain preservation. Only Lot and his
wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that two daughters escape when there rained upon
Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from
the whole imagination [purposes and desires] of the
the L ord out of heaven; and he overthrew those cities,
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and
and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities,
that the earth also was corrupt . (Gen. 6:5,11, and that which grew upon the ground .Gen. 18: 20,

32; 19:4-28.

1. Does God strike without warning? What instances show It?

2. Does God warn personally or by agents, and why?
3. 4. What number heed the warning, as shown by the flood?

5. How was this shown in connection with Lot at Sodom?


6Down in Egypt in the sixteenth century B.C.
Jehovah God gives a series of warnings to Pharaoh
through His witness Moses. Before each of the
plagues the ruler is warned; after each his heart
hardens. With devastating effect the ten plagues roll
through the land: rivers turn to blood, frogs come
over the land, lice everywhere as dust, swarms of
flies next, then murrain of beasts, plaguing boils,
destructive hail, followed in rapid succession by
plagues of locusts and darkness, then the woeful
tenththe death of Egypts firstborn! These physi
cal facts in fulfillment of the warning witness given
by Moses the pagan religious leaders of Egypt try
to counteract and misinterpret, unsuccessfully in the
end. The plagues were seen and felt throughout the
land of that first world power, and the Egyptians
certainly had noised among them the witness given
by Moses. The Israelites had contact with the Egyp
tians, talked with them, and found many hearing
ears, so much so that when they finally made their
exodus from Egypt a mixed multitude went up
also with them and witnessed the destruction of
Pharaohs armies in the Bed sea.Ex. 12:38;

7Long after the Israelites had entered Canaan,

after the centuries in which judges ruled, after the
nation had split into two kingdoms, the ten-tribe
kingdom of Israel with capital at Samaria received
repeated warnings from God. By the prophets Isaiah,
Micah and particularly Amos a witness is given to
Israel of captivity to come. (Isa. 10:5,11; Mic.
1 :6 ; Amos 5: 27; 7:11) But through the dash and
fire of Hoseas words of rebuke and alarm streams
the most powerful witness against the ten-tribe king
dom. How heavy her guilt!the land polluted with
blood, robber bands troop over the countryside,
priests murder and commit lewdness, physical and
spiritual whoredoms are rampant, idols for demon
worship defile the populace, like a silly dove with
out heart her trust shuttles from Egypt to Assyria
but never rests in Jehovah God. They have sown the
wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind! Hosea
cries. They are gone up to Assyria . . . The Assyrian
shall be his king . . . Samaria shall become desolate;
for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall
by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces,
and their women with child shall be ripped up. (Hos.
6:8-11; 7:1-11; 8:7-9; 1 1 :5 ; 13:16) Israel had
warning, before Assyria carried her captive in
740 B.C.
8 One hundred and thirty-three years later the
kingdom of Judah, centered at Jerusalem, fell to
Babylon. Caught unawares? Jehovahs prophets Ho6. How did Jehovah warn Egypt, and with what response?
7. How did the ten-tribe kingdom o f Israel get warning? W hy?
8. 9. How was the kingdom of Judah warned, and how refuted?

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

sea, Micah, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Isaiah, Jeremiah,

Ezekielall of them gave witness of the coming
calamity. Micah, Hosea and Isaiah gave witness
some 150 years before the fall. (Mic. 3:10-12; 4 :1 0 ;
Hos. 5 :5 ; Isa. 3: 8; 5 :1 3 ; 39: 6, 7) During the forty
years prior to desolation Jeremiah withstood abuse
and mockery, beating and imprisonment, to witness
to the doomed city till the time it fell. He even warned
of the length of desolation: Thus saith the L ord of
hosts; Because ye have not heard my words, behold,
I will send and take all the families of the north,
saith the L o r d , and Nebuchadrezzar the king of
Babylon, my servant, and will bring them against
this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and
against all these nations round about, and will
utterly destroy them, and make them an astonish
ment, and an hissing, and perpetual desolations. And
this whole land shall be a desolation, and an aston
ishment; and these nations shall serve the king of
Babylon seventy years. Jer. 25:8,9,11.
9Destruction was determined for this city that
bore Gods name because it had abandoned Jehovahs
worship, offered incense to Baal, poured drinkofferings to heathen gods, sacrificed children to
Molech, and mocked the prophets sent to warn them.
Yes, this Jeremiah and the others like him were
calamity-howlers, social misfits, fanatics, malcon
tents, against everything and everybody, said the
people. Down through the years the prophets proph
esied doom, and down through the years the people
mocked. They said: The L ord will not do good,
neither will he do evil. They said: The L ord seeth
us not; the L ord hath forsaken the earth. They said:
The days go on, and every vision comes to nothing.
. . . The vision which he sees is for many days hence;
he is prophesying of times far off. (Zeph. 1:12;
Ezek. 8 :1 2 ; 12:22,27, An Amer. Trans.) But God
himself refutes them: The days are at hand when
every vision shall be fulfilled. No longer shall there
be any empty vision . . . For I the L ord will speak a
word, and it shall be fulfilledit shall no longer be
delayed for in your days, O rebellious house, I will
both speak a word and fulfil it. Ezek. 12: 23-25, 28,
An Amer. Trans.
10 The smart people were wrong! The prophets of
God were right! The witness of doom was not for
the distant future, for times far off. It was for their
day, and by repeated visions of the impending deso
lation Ezekiel was qualified as a watchman to sound
warning: I have set thee a watchman unto the house
of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my
mouth, and warn them from me. (Ezek. 33: 7) Also
through Habakkuk Jehovah revealed that it would
come not in distant days but upon those hearing the
warning witness: I will work a work in your days,
10. Upon whom was the warning to be fulfilled? And was it?

J anuary

15, 1950


campaign of warning and witnessing that is to

dwarf all preceding efforts. A warning against the
quagmires of religious traditions into which multi
tudes were sinking to their destruction, a witnessing
to the facts and prophecies that identified him as
Jehovahs Messiah Christ!
14 He struck at the heart of the densely populated
areas. From house to house he went, warning and
witnessing. But time was short, multitudes must be
reached. So he preached in the streets, in the public
squares, in the synagogues anywhere, everywhere.
As he goes from village to village, city to city, the
listening crowds increase and his fame spreads, till
multitudes flock to hear him, not only from Galilee
but from Samaria and the southernmost province of
Judea and even from beyond Jordan. The press of
growing crowds causes him to move from cramped
city areas to hold public meetings in wide open spaces
able to accommodate the growing throngs of thou
sands. On seashores, by riverbanks, in deserts, at
mountains, all these places played their part as Jesus
witnessed to Kingdom blessings and warned of rab
binical snares.Matt. 4:12-25; 5:1; 9: 35; 14:13-15;
15:32, 33; Mark 4:1; 8:1-4; Luke 8:1; 20:1.
15 Christ Jesus did not feint and spar and shadowbox with diplomatic doubletalk when he proclaimed
Gods warning. This warning was a matter of life or
death, and it was given plain and blunt, undiluted.
The false religious leaders of that day were blind
guides, leading other blind ones to the ditch of
destruction, teaching traditions that voided Gods
word, coveting flattering titles, donning showy robes,
projecting themselves into the public eye, praying
long-windedly for effect, doing works to be seen of
men, gnat-straining but camel-swallowing hypocrites
that appeared piously holy outwardly but were blas
phemously filthy within. Backed by the facts, he
branded them liars and fools, serpents and vipers,
and sons of Satan, the chief serpent. He warned
those wicked clerics that bloodshed would come
13But the restoration of true worship at the rebuilt upon their generation, that their house would be left
temple in Jerusalem following release from captivity desolate and at the temple not one stone would be left
was not permanent. As years passed formalistic atop another, and searcliingly he inquired of them:
ceremony and rabbinic traditions grew, till by the How can ye escape the damnation of hell ?Matt.
time Christ Jesus appeared centuries later true 15:1-14; 23:1-38; 2 4 :1 ,2 ; John 8:44.
16 So devastating to the religious pastures of the
worship had been all but smothered and choked out
by such rank, entangling growths. Time for another scribes and Pharisees was the warning and witness
warning! Time for another witness for true worship! ing of Christ Jesus that they wailed to one another:
Christ Jesus was not slow to fill the need. After his Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing! behold, the
immersion and as he pioneers through the province world is gone after him. (John 12:19) Under
of Galilee the electrifying cry breaks from his lip s: satanic prompting they stilled his tongue in death.
The kingdom of heaven is at hand! With burning But by that time Jesus had selected and trained apos
zeal he catches up this arresting cry once sounded tles and disciples to follow in his footsteps, and they
by John the Baptist and touches off an explosive pushed on with the campaign. They copied his

which ye will not believe, though it be told you. For,

10, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty
nation, which shall march through the breadth of the
land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not
theirs. . . . They shall gather the captivity as the
sand.Hab. 1: 5-9.
11 Jehovah God foretold the victorious rise of
Babylon against Judah, but he also forecast her
fall. Babylon took approving note of the prophecies
favoring her and showed special consideration to
Jeremiah because of them, but she forgot the accom
panying prediction of her fa ll: It shall come to pass,
when seventy years are accomplished, that I will
punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith
the L ord , for their iniquity, and the land of the
Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations.
(Jer. 25:12) Unheeded went Habakkuks words that
retributive justice would return upon Babylons
head. (Hab. 2 :8 ) But most amazing was Isaiahs
witness concerning Babylons collapse, given some
two hundred years in advance. At length he taunts
powerful Babylon about her fall, in detail he tells
how it will come about. The conquerors will be the
Medes and Persians, the chief militarist will be
Cyrus, and before him the citys two-leaved gates
will be found carelessly left open. (Isa. 2 1 :2 ,9 ;
45:1-4; chaps. 13,14,47) So Babylon should not
have been startled when in 539 B.C. Daniel read the
handwriting on the wall that was a last-second
witness of doom. Dan. 5: 25-31.
12 Nor should mighty Assyria have been shocked
when it came her turn to taste the bitter pill she had
once forced upon Israel, namely, the overthrow that
she suffered from Nebuchadnezzar in 625 B.C. Jeho
vahs prophets Micah, Isaiah and Zephaniah had
mentioned it, and Nahum bore advance and detailed
witness of it.Mic. 5 :6 ; Isa. 10:12-16; Zeph. 2:1315; Nahum chaps. 1-3.

11, 12. Why should not Babylon and Assyria have felt surprised on
13. With what message did Jesus sound warning, and why?

14. Where did he preach, and why there?

15. With what directness o f speech did he warn, and why?
16. What was the reaction to Jesus and his disciples preaching?


B kooklyn , N. Y.

methods, used the same places, and were blessed with

the same success. An increase of Kingdom publishers
was accomplished by preaching publickly, and from
house to house . (Acts 20:20; 18:28) They, like
Christ Jesus, incurred the wrath of the persecuting
scribes and Pharisees. Why? Because the result of
their intensive warning work was similar to that of
Jesus whirlwind witnessing campaign, as reflected
in the anguished cry of stung religionists that the
apostles and disciples had turned the world upside
down . (Acts 17: 6) Meaning their little religious
world built on the false foundation of pomp and
ceremony, on the shifting sands of oral tradition.
They favored maintaining the status quo in the
religious business of their day.
17 Nevertheless, their place and their nation that
they sought to save by shedding the blood of Jesus
and his followers were not saved. The flood victims
could not nullify Noahs warning by turning the

waters back to their heavenly abode. The Sodomites

could not quench the rainfall of fire. Furious Pharaoh
had no antidote for the ten plagues. Judah was as
helpless to hurl back the Babylonians as Israel before
her had been to ward off the invading Assyrians. Nor
could those heathen nations in their turn prove God
a liar by existing beyond the time set for their
collapse. Neither could the Jewish nation at the time
of Christ turn back void the warning Jehovah had
heralded abroad through the preaching of his
beloved Son. (Isa. 46 : 10, 11 ; 55 : 11) The generation
of vipers did see in their lifetime the loss of their
place and nation, the overthrow of their city and
temple, and did not escape the damnation of hell
or judgment of Gehenna . Matt. 23: 33, Am. Stan.
Ver., margin.
18 And neither will this present evil world escape
the destructive violence of Armageddon that she is
being warned of right now!

17. Did the unheeding warned ones escape? And w hy?

18. So how about this present evil w orld ?


EN say that history repeats itself. The history
of past divine warnings and executed judg
ments will, for Gods Word says that it all
happened to them by way of warning for others,
and it was written down for the purpose of instruct
ing us whose lot has been cast in the closing hours
of the world . (1 Cor. 10:11, Moffatt) Who can deny
the typicalness of the rainfalls of water and of fire
and brimstone during the days of Noah and Lot, and
the accompanying warnings indifferently received by
peoples who unconcernedly continued their daily
routine of living as though their world would go on
undisturbed indefinitely? Did not Jesus say as much
when he spoke of his second presence in these last
days ?As it was in the time of Noah, so will it
also be in the time of the Son of Man. Men were
eating and drinking, taking wives and giving wives,
up to the very day Noah entered the Ark, and the
Deluge came and destroyed them all. As it was also
in the time of Lot; they were eating and drinking,
buying and selling, planting and building; but on the
day that Lot left Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone
from the sky and destroyed them all. Exactly so will
it be on the day that the veil is lifted from the Son
of Man. (Luke 17:26-30, Weymouth) Christ Jesus
has been present since 1914 and witness has been
given of the signs that prove it, but the veil will not
lift from the sightless eyes of understanding of
humanitys majority till his power is revealed in
Armageddons fury.
2 That the Egypt which Moses warned and whose
power was broken when Jehovah liberated His people

was typical and symbolical is proved by Revelation

11: 8: Their bodies will lie in the street of the great
city that is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt
where their Lord also was crucified. {An Amer.
Trans.) The murdered bodies picture the stopping
of a certain phase of Gods witness work toward the
close of World War I. Yet it was in this same sym
bolical Egypt of this twentieth century that Jesus
was persecuted and killed, nineteen centuries ago.
Egypt, the first world power, figuratively stands for
the world-organization, this present evil world that
through the centuries has oppressed Jehovahs
people. The book of Revelation also shows that the
Babylon divinely warned by Isaiah and others was
typical of a greater Babylon to come, for long after
literal Babylons collapse chapter 18 foretells the
fall of a Babylon the great .
3As for Jerusalem and Judah that took Gods
name but fell so far short of living up to it, how
fittingly they prefigured Christendom of today!
Christendom takes the name of God and Christs
kingdom, but, like the Jerusalem of Jeremiahs time,
she has abandoned true worship for false gods; she
serves self, idolizes money, power, creatures, statues
and images, sacrifices her children to the god of war
and mocks and jails and sometimes kills Jehovahs
witnesses that warn her of her derelictions. Like
faithless Jerusalem of Jesus day, she has a form of
godliness but denies Gods power, her priests and
preachers ape the Pharisees by their garb and titles,
their philosophy and tradition, their ceremony and
creed, their hypocrisy and pious front, their words

1. What history repeats itself? Will our generation find it so?

2. What did Egypt and Babylon prefigure? W hy?

3. What was prefigured by Jerusalem and Judah? How well so?

January 15, 1950



and works said and done for publicitys sake. It is

in just such parallel conditions that Christ s true
followers can walk in his footsteps, doing a similar
work, by similar methods, through similar trials,
with similar response to a similar message and warn
ing. But with this difference: the present witness is
this worlds final witness. This gospel of the king
dom shall be preached in all the world for a witness
unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matt.

4Who share in giving the final witness concerning

Jehovahs kingdom and this worlds doom at Arma
geddon? Not the highly esteemed ones of this world,
for they are an abomination in the sight of God. Not
the worldly wise, not the wielders of influence, not
the nobility nor socialites, not the self-styled realists
and practical minds that scoff at what they consider
unrealistic and foolish gospel-preaching. Jesus said:
That which is highly esteemed among men is abomi
nation in the sight of God. Paul wrote: For con
sider, brothers, what happened when God called you.
Not many of you were what men call wise, not many
of you were influential, not many were of high birth.
But it was what the world calls foolish that God
chose to put the wise to shame with, and it was what
the world calls weak that God chose to shame its
strength with, and it was what the world calls low
and insignificant and unreal that God chose to nullify
its realities, so that in his presence no human being
might have anything to boast of.Luke 16:15;
1 Cor. 1: 26-29, An Amer. Trans.
5None, whether in fields commercial or political
or religious, who support and champion this world
and seek to perpetuate its existence despite Gods
warning of its early end would or could share in
giving the final witness. Those who would please
Jehovah God will heed his warning concerning this
world-organization: 'Christ is not of this world; his
kingdom is not of this w orld; pray not for this world;
I have chosen you Christians out of this world; love
not the world, neither the things in the w orld; be not
conformed to this world, but set your affections on
things above; Satan is the prince of this world, the
god of this world, and the whole world lieth in that
evil one; finally, those warring for Gods cause do
not entangle themselves in the affairs of this world,
and friends of the world are enemies of God. (John
17:9,14,16; 18:36; 14:30; 15:18,19; Korn. 1 2 :2 ;
Col. 3 : 2 ; 2 Cor. 4 : 4 ; 1 John 2:15-17; 5:19, Am.
Stan.Ver.; 2 Tim. 2 : 4 ; Jas. 4: 4) Does not this
barrage of divine pronouncements sweep even the
influential and esteemed orthodox clergy of Christen
dom from the ranks of true Christian ministers?
6 On the other hand, does not the foregoing indi4, 5. Who do not share in the final witness? And why not?
6. But who are proved to be God s ministers, to evidence what?

cate that the unesteemed, weak, lowly, insignificant,

uninfluential, unworldly group known as Jehovahs
witnesses are Gods ministers? They are considered
unrealistic and ignorant and foolish by this smart
world. Moreover, they are the only ones preaching
the good news of the established kingdom of Christ
and warning of Armageddons visit upon this genera
tion. By hundreds of millions of books and booklets,
in some eighty-eight languages, plus more millions
of magazines and tracts and thousands of public
lectures weekly, Jehovahs witnesses have given wit
ness that the wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes,
strifes and persecutions, unrest and fears, increased
world delinquencies and immoralities, failures in
national rules and world governmentsall are but
physical facts fitting the signs Jesus foretold to
accompany his second presence and on the heels of
which comes Armageddon. Just as at Jesus first
coming the fulfillment of scores of Hebrew Scripture
prophecies proved him to be the Messiah, so today his
second presence is evidenced by events in fulfillment
of prophecy. But just as the influential religious and
political leaders rejected him nineteen centuries ago,
the same classes reject him today and turn to this
world and its schemes for perpetuating itself.Matt.
24; Mark 13; Luke 21; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Ps. 118:22;
Matt. 21:42; 1 Pet. 2:4-8.
7 Christians consecrated to do Gods will accept the
obligation to share in the final witness, as command
ed by Christ Jesus. (Matt. 24:14) Their consecration
vow is not the quickly forgotten babble of wordy
fools: A fools voice is known by multitude of words.
When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay
it ; for he hath no pleasure in fo o ls: pay that which
thou hast vowed. Better is it that thou shouldest not
vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay.
(Eccl. 5: 3-5) Nor are they like the empty clouds and
blowing winds of Proverbs 25:14 (Moff.): Clouds
and wind that bring no rainlike him who promises
what he never gives! Christians do not merely
assemble for a few minutes one day a week in a
besteepled building and pay some titled cleric to
preach to them. Each and every Christian is a
minister and must preach to others.Jas. 1: 22-25.

8 Christians make effective use of printed Bibles

and Bible helps. This is not new. Moses presented
commands written on tablets of stone. Joshua wrote
upon stone altars. Jeremiah wrote a witness to
the captives in Babylon and Baruch recorded some
of Jeremiahs prophecies on a roll that was placed
with King Jehoiakim. A hand from God wrote a
message of doom on the palace wall of King Bel
shazzar. Apostles and other early Christians wrote
7. Who accept the obligation to preach? With what performance?
8. What voiceless means have also been used to preach?

B rooklyn , N. Y.

epistles, and Paul was particularly anxious about
some parchments. (Ex. 31:18; Josh. 8:32; Jer.
29:1; 36:1-32; Dan. 5: 5,25-28; 2 Tim. 4:13) These
are only a few of many examples where writing was
used to preach, in addition to the written scrolls
that eventually made up the sixty-six books of the
Bible itself.
9 Today high-speed printing presses flood out an
endless stream of reading matter that makes more
pointed than ever before Solomons warning against
the endless making of books whose study is a weari
ness of the flesh. But King Solomon exempted certain
material from this warning, saying: The words of
the wise are like goads; and collections which are
given by one teacher are like nails driven with a
sledge. (Eccl. 12:12,11, An Amer. Trans.) In
ancient times goads, long sticks with iron points,
were used to keep oxen moving in the right direction.
Wise words from the Bible or based upon the Bible
keep true Christians moving forward in Kingdom
service, not allowing them to lag or hold back or
stray down wrong pathways without pricking guilty
consciences. (Acts 26:14) Scriptural exhortation is
pointed and sharp. All sixty-six books of the Bible,
inspired by the one Teacher Jehovah God and
collected under the guidance of his spirit, contain
pointed truths that must be driven deep into ones
mind. Like nails sledged into a board, they will not
pull out but can be held onto with confidence, serving
as a sure anchor to keep us from being slapped and
tossed and battered about by the blowing winds of
worldly propaganda. (Jas. 1:6-8) Hence the Bible
and reliable Bible helps such as distributed by Jeho
vahs witnesses are not wearisome. Rather than
weary the flesh, their counsel heeded will return
flesh to the freshness of childhood! Job 33:25.
10 Today Jehovahs witnesses are aided in giving
the final witness by huge supplies of literature. Far
more than faithful men of old and early Christians
who sounded the past warnings of Bible times. And
having more committed to them, more is demanded,
namely, a world-wide witness to all nations spread
over the entire globe. (Luke 12:48; Mark 13:10)
Bibles and Bible literature they distribute by going
from house to house. Jesus preached by this method
and trained his followers to conduct themselves
properly at the doors of the people. (Matt. 10: 7-15)
Also, In every house, they ceased not to teach and
preach Jesus Christ. I kept back nothing that was
profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have
taught you publickly, and from house to house.
Even over in Babylon centuries before Christs com
ing the doorways were considered appropriate places
to discuss Gods message.Acts 5: 42; 20: 20; Ezek.
9. Have such been a weariness to the flesh or otherwise? W hy?
10. How is this distributed? W hy appropriately so?

11 I am no peddler of Gods message. (2 Cor.

2:17, An Amer. Trans.) Like Paul, Jehovahs wit
nesses today can say this because they do not stop
with the placement of literature in the homes of the
people. Book peddlers have completed their work
with the distribution of their wares, but not so the
minister placing Bible helps. In his wielding of the
sword of the spirit he does not make one thrust in
the form of a book placement and then sheathe the
truth-sword, but follows through by making a stab
for a home Bible study. He is zealous to revisit those
willing to hear him again on these vital subjects.
(Acts 15:36; 17: 32, An Amer. Trans.) And on such
revisits he conducts Bible studies free of charge.
Jesus taught in homes and revisited homes where
there was special interest. (Luke 10:38-42; John
12:1-3) He continues to do so till this day, not in
person, but representatively by his footstep follow
ers : Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any
man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in
to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Rev. 3: 20.
12 On busy streets Christian ministers take up
strategic positions, holding forth the word of life
to passers-by. The streets and public squares were
long ago used as places to declare Gods wisdom:
Wisdom cries aloud in the streets, she lifts up her
voice in the squares; at the head of noisy thorough
fares she calls, at the openings of the city gates she
utters her words. Again, Does not Wisdom call,
and Reason lift up her voice? At the head of the
highways, on the road, between the streets she takes
her stand; by the gates that enter the city, at the
doorways she cries aloud. (Prov. 1:20,21; 8:1-3,
An Amer. Trans.) Of Christ Jesus the people said:
Thou hast taught in our streets. (Luke 13: 26) In
the public squares or market-places Paul preached
to those present.Acts 17:17; An Amer. Trans.
13 Hence when persons accustomed to the orthodox
religious rut of Sunday sermons in a church building
demand to know why we do not conform to that
method, we can point to the foregoing scriptures to
show we are conforming to our Exemplar, Christ
Jesus. We can add, The most High dwelleth not in
temples made with hands. (Acts 7:48) Neverthe
less, we can show that as Jesus and his apostles used
the temple and synagogues Jehovahs witnesses do
use Kingdom Halls for holding congregational meet
ings, including public lectures. Also, they conduct
open-air meetings in parks and elsewhere, as did
Christ Jesus nineteen centuries ago.

14 Preach the w ord; be instant in season, out of

season. (2 Tim. 4: 2) This all of Jehovahs faithful

How do they act on placing of literature? After whose example?

In what public places also do they offer the message, rightly?
What Scripture proof do we offer for our places to preach?
How, to what extent, do some preach under varying conditions?

J anuary 15, 1959


witnesses do. Some are able to devote full time to the

preaching work; others can be only part-timers,
having to do some secular work to provide their
livelihood. There are circumstances that limit the
activity of some, but all can find opportunities to
share in the final witness. Physical ailments may
incapacitate some, but even these can preach by word
of mouth to neighbors, to friends, to callers at the
door or over the telephone, or by writing letters and
sending literature through the mail. Indeed, what
circumstance could knock the faithful witness out
of Jehovahs service completely!
15Are any too young to serve? Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians A.D. 50, and in that epistle referred to
Timothy as a minister of God . He must have been
a lad in his teens, for more than ten years later he
was still young, and Paul advised, Let no man
despise thy youth. (1 Thess. 3: 2; 1 Tim. 4:12) At
the age of twelve years Jesus preached and amazed
hearers with his wisdom. (Luke 2:42,46,47) Jere
miah was only a child when he started to warn Jeru
salem of her fall. (Jer. 1 :5 ,6 ) And, do you know,
Samuel ministered unto Jehovah at the tabernacle
and prophesied right after he was weaned! (1 Sam.
2:11,18; 3:1-21) Are you younger than that?
16 Some may plead old age as a reason to retire.
Aaron was ordained a priest when 83 years old, and
Moses was 80 when he was launched into service as
a mediator between Jehovah and Israel, in which
capacity he foreshadowed Christ Jesus and served
till his death, at the age of 120. (Ex. 7 :7 ; 28:1-4;
Deut. 34: 7) When first a prisoner at Rome because
of faithfulness to God Paul referred to himself as
Paul the aged , but after his release and for some
years he still preached. (Philem. 9) And the apostle
John was around one hundred years of age when he
wrote his contributions that completed the Bible
canon. Are you older than a hundred?
17111 health limits service activity, but should it
halt preaching entirely? Recall the case of Job. After
suffering the loss of his children and material riches,
he was smitten with a loathsome disease. Elephan
tiasis, or black leprosy! This ulcerous disease covers
the skin with dark scales and swells the legs to two
or three times natural size till they appear like
shuffling elephant feet, hence the names black lepro
sy and elephantiasis. Jobs physical activity was
greatly limited and suffering was intense, yet when
three callers visited him he zealously witnessed to
them and maintained integrity. (Job 2: 7, 8,11; 3 :1 )
Even youthful Timothy had stomach trouble and
frequent attacks of illness , and Paul served despite
a bitter physical affliction . (1 Tim. 5 :2 3 ; 2 Cor.
12:7, An Amer. Trans.) Today there are witnesses
who preach in spite of such extreme physical handi15, 16. Are any too old or too young to preach? What shows so?
17. Should physical infirmity halt preaching com pletely? W hy?

caps as crippling paralysis, blindness and inability

to either hear or speak.
18 Too busy to preach? Like some in Jesus day, do
any make excuses that they have a farm, or livestock,
or a wife that takes their time and leaves no time for
the new world? (Luke 14:17-20) Do they allow
thorny entanglements with this world and its cares
and riches to choke out gospel-preaching? (Matt.
13:7,22) Do not most persons find some time for
less essential things, such as secular work? shopping
for food? reading the newspaper? listening to the
radio? visiting friends? relaxing by some form of
recreation? and perhaps even sleeping in some Sun
day mornings? The last query reminds of the next
too lazy? Proverbs 6: 6-11 says (Moff.): You slug
gard, how long will you sleep? When will you rise
from your slumber? Let me sleep for a little, a little!
let me fold my hands for a little, to rest? yes, and
poverty will pounce on you, want will overpower
you. But perhaps such ones are too tired to live
forever, and prefer to sleep forever, in death, undis
turbed by clanging alarm clocks or resurrections!
19 Others may hold back because of timidity or
fear. Jeremiah surmounted that obstacle. (Jer. 1:6-9,
17-19) Perfect love for God casts out the ensnaring
fear of men. (1 John 4 :1 8 ; Prov. 29:25) Do you
feel unable to speak in Kingdom service? Both Jere
miah and Moses felt the same way at the start, but
look at the stirring oral testimony they gave after
they overcame this false fear. (Ex. 4:10-12) Nor
need fear of questions hard to answer block one from
sharing in the final witness. Theological training in
a religious seminary does not equip one for Jehovahs
service now, no more than it did in Jesus day when
he and the apostles confounded such trained ones.
Private study of the Bible and group study with
other witnesses, plus Jehovahs spirit, give ability
to answer second to none! Thy commands make me
wiser than my fo e s; I am never without them. I have
more insight than all these oracles, for I muse on
thine injunctions! I know more than these sages, for
I carry out thy behests! (Ps. 119:98-100, Moff.)
Note how young Elihu extols Jehovahs spirit as the
vital factor in wisdom: I am of few days, while you
are aged; therefore I feared and was afraid to show
you my knowledge. I thought days should speak, and
many years should teach wisdom. However, it is a
spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty, that
makes them intelligent ; it is not the old that are
wise.Job 32: 6-9, An Amer. Trans.

20 To preach requires faith, but not much. As little

as a grain of mustard seed will move a mountain.
18. Should any be too occupied to preach? Why your answer?
19. Should fear of men or of inability stop one? W hy?
20. 21. (a) How much faith need we to preach? (b) How do we develop
the Irrepressible urge to preach? As shown by what examples?



B rooklyn,

N. Y.

Less than even that little bit should move us into

field service, we are so much smaller than mountains!
None should need to be driven by others or by them
selves to be active in witnessing. But what if one does
not feel the urge to preach ? Study. Meditate in Gods
law day and night. Talk about the Scriptures at
congregational meetings, listen to the comments of
others. Take in the truth through eye and ear till
it fills the mind and heart, till it wells up inside and
overflows out the mouth in field service. It will do
this of itself. We talk of what is in our mind and
heart. Of the abundance of the heart his mouth
speaketh. (Luke 6: 45) Some gossip, carry tales, air
family troubles, detail their ailments and describe
their operations, or nag or complain or quarrel. That
is what fills their mind. What is on our mind, we
want to get off. So get the truth on your mind, and
then get it off your mind in your witnessing territory!
21If we feed our minds upon Gods truth and fill
our hearts with it, we will tell it or burst, must let
it flow from our lips to get relief! Elihu experienced
just such feelings when he stood impatiently by and
heard the false and blasphemous mouthings of Jobs
three comforters . At a lull in their words Elihu
spoke out: I also will answer my share, I too will
declare my knowledge. For I am full of words; the
spirit within me constrains me. Behold, my bosom is
like wine that has no vent; like skins of new wine
it is ready to burst. Let me speak, that I may get
relief; let me open my lips, and reply. (Job 32:17-20,
An Amer. Trans.) Keeping silent will be more tor
turous than the persecution that public witnessing
might bring, as Jeremiah discovered: I have become
a laughing-stock all day long, everyone mocks me.
As often as I speak, I must cry out, I must call,
Violence and spoil! For the word of the L ord has
become to me a reproach and derision all day long.
If I say, I will not think of it, nor speak any more
in his name, it is in my heart like a burning fire,
shut up in my bones; I am worn out with holding it
inI cannot endure it. Jer. 20:7-9, An Amer.
22 Let none wear themselves out holding in the
truth, but unload the flimsy reasons and excuses that
curtail Kingdom service, that tire you more to carry
around and battle with your conscience than would
the witness work. Let other publishers in the organ
ization help you direct your zeal, now that it is fired
by knowledge to a burning pitch. Direct it into tact
ful and organized gospel-preaching. Jehovahs visible
organization can use you, but can get along without
you too. But you cannot get along without it. Fruit
less ones are eventually pruned off and never missed
as new ones are grafted in. Pruned-off branches soon

23Leave the suicidal course to this old world of

unrighteousness. Let it sneer and mock and say to
us, as the Jerusalemites said to Jeremiah: God is
not interested in the earth. He has forsaken it. He
will not do good or evil. And even if Armageddon
comes someday, it will not come in our day, not in
this generation. The warning witness is indiffer
ently brushed aside by millions who may not violent
ly persecute but who merely fail to act upon it. That
indifference is enough to class them as goats .
(Matt. 25: 41-46) Those smugly indifferent or those
whose supposed superior intelligence will not let
them consider the warning, who brush it aside with
an airy dismissal that deluded simpletons were warn
ing of the worlds end in their fathers day or grand
fathers day, who say things will go on as they have
in times past, should remember that the scoffers
reasoned the same in Noahs day and in Lots day and
in Jeremiahs day. The apostle Peter warned of the
presence of such superior scoffers in the last days .
2 Pet. 3:3-7.
24 There is another class that manifests itself dur
ing these days of final witness. They know about the
witness work of Jehovahs witnesses. They believe
that Jehovahs witnesses have the best religion and
that their publications present the most harmonious
explanation of the Bible. Specially lovely and delight
ful do they consider the truths concerning the blessed
conditions of living in Jehovahs new world, and they
come and listen as though to a beautiful song. They
always come to the meetings when their favorite
speakers are on the program, and seldom miss con
ventions, and never Memorial services. But they do
not act upon what they hear, and zealous witnesses
are likely to be considered extremists and fanatical

22. How must gospel-preaching be directed? For what reason?

23. What fate awaits the scoffers and the indifferent?

24, 25. What class o f inactive ones are associated with us? How fated?

wither and die, being cut off from the circulating,

life-giving sap. Likewise, if a hand or foot is cut
from the human body the severed member perishes,
or if it is kept inactive in a cramped position it goes
to sleep, gets numb, loses its ability to move. The
blood in which is the life fails to circulate to those
parts, fails to bring in new food supplies and carry
off waste matter. So it is with Jehovahs visible
organization. All must associate together, get the
life-giving spiritual food that God circulates to his
people through the organization, get the new truths
that take away old ideas and the admonition that
keeps down queer personal ideas, all of which keeps
us fresh and strong and active, seeing eye to eye and
fighting shoulder to shoulder. Dont become a with
ered branch or a paralyzed foot. Dont amputate
yourself from the organization and commit spiritual
suicide.John 15:1-8.

J anuary 15, 1950



clergy have made hay, burns it as thoroughly as did

the jackal-borne firebrands that Samson loosed in
the standing grain of the faithless Philistines. Only
today the anointed witnesses and their good-will
companions have no jackals to carry the firebrands
of truth. But with voices joined to swell the volume
of the growing shout of witness, they will continue
till the final witness is given to all nations, till the
end comes, till the cities be wasted without inhabi
tant, and the houses without man, and the land be
utterly desolate .Acts 20:35; Joel 2:1-11; Jer.
25: 36; Judg. 15: 4, 5; Isa. 6:11.
23 Then ahead of obedient mankind will stretch end
less blessings in a new w orld; but to reap those bless
ings then we must sow the seed of truth now. Faith
fulness in so doing will bring down persecution on
our heads. Men will prey like lions on Gods wit
nesses, blaze against them, fire mobs to attack them.
The enemies are burned up by the message of doom
and set aflame by the fiery judgments. Hence they
roast the witnesses in the public press and pulpits
and use their teeth and tongues as spears and swords
to pierce the good reputation of the witnesses by
hurling names and smears at them. As David said:
My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them
that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose
teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp
sword. (Ps. 57:4) But Jehovah supplies a godly
armor that turns aside the fiery darts of the wicked,
and where human power and might fail his spirit
gives the victory!Eph. 6:10-17; Zech. 4: 6.
29 Share in the glorious treasure of giving the final
witness now, that you may feed on the fruits of
victory. The time is short even Satan knows that!
(Rev. 12:12) The time will not drag if spent in
zealous work. Why, the Bible says that Jacob served
seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him
but a few days, for the love he had to her . And
when the time lengthened beyond his expectations,
it still passed quickly. (Gen. 29:20,27,28) Because
of the love we have for God and his King and the
Kingdom work the time separating us from Arma
geddon will seem as a fast stream of pleasant days.
When those days are past the history of the final
27 These incoming lovers of righteousness do not
witness will be recorded, and that is a history that
come to Jehovahs visible organization to greedily
will not repeat itself. (Nah. 1 : 9 ; Matt. 24: 21) This
consume spiritual food to fatten self or to have ears
old world has been weighed in the balances and
tickled by pleasant truths of Kingdom blessings. No,
found wanting, its days are numbered, its hours are
they are prompted by no such selfish motives, but
numbered, as God knows its final hour. (Matt. 24: 36)
count it a greater blessing to give out the truth to
Our hours for gospel-preaching are numbered with
others than it was to receive it themselves in the
first place. They fall in step with others of Jehovahs it. The Devil uses the short time remaining as a wild,
witnesses, take their places in the ranks, march with raging, roaring lion seeking to prove his challenge;
the antitypical locust army, herald abroad the we should use our time as zealously for good as he
message that burns the lush pastures where the uses his for evil. Gone will be the time for proving

by them. They will come to their senses too late,

according to Ezekiel 33: 31-33:
25 They come unto thee as the people cometli, and
they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy
words, but they will not do them: for with their
mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth
after their covetousness. And, lo, thou art unto them
as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant
voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they
hear thy words, but they do them not. And when this
cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they
know that a prophet hath been among them. Christ
Jesus spoke of this class as foolish, saying: Every
one that lieareth these sayings of mine, and doetli
them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which
built his house upon the sand: and the rain descend
ed, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat
upon that house; and it fe ll: and great was the fall
of it.Matt. 7: 26, 27.
26 But if the final witness stirs up scoffers and
persecutors, and tickles the ears of the indolent and
selfish and foolish, it also brings into the open a
sheeplike class of lovers of righteousness. They not
only listen but give heed, see the signs proving
Christs second presence, believe the warning of
Armageddons approach, and take to heart the
admonition to flee from old-world entanglements.
Isaiah foretold this glorious increase and ingather
ing as a result of letting the light of truth shine
abroad into all the earth. As the abundance of the
seas they would be converted, as doves that darken
the sky by their flying masses they come to the only
light of Jehovahs organization. The gates of the
organization are open continually, shut neither day
nor night. Though false religion, politics, commerce,
militarism, demons and the Devil himself try to slam
shut the gates, they will never close for a moment,
but remain open to let the light shine out and receive
in the other sheep of the L ord ! A little one becomes
a thousand, a small one a strong nation, and Jehovah
hastens to accomplish it as his ministers give the
final witness.-Isa. 60:1-22.

26. Preaching brings what others into the open? In what numbers?
27. What course of action do these take, and for how long?

28. What is now our experience for preaching the truth?

29. How long yet is the time, and why preach now or never?



him a liar and sharing in the final witness when the

great clock of God strikes and booms out the fateful

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

hour of Armageddon ! Share in the final witness now

or never!



is a G o d o f love, an d his w itn esses preach

tw elve h ou rs an d tu rn ed th e o rd in a r ily docile T r in ity river

an d p ractice tru e n eig h b o r love. T h e C rea to r s love fo r

into a n u n co n tro lla b le a n d ra m p a g in g m ass o f w a ter, risin g

obedient m a n k in d is show n n o t o n ly b y his p ro visio n o f

to a h eig h t o f tw e n ty -n in e fe et. I t flooded the fire-gu tted

an ea rth ly hom e th a t m eets m a n s p h y sica l needs, b u t also

sta d iu m an d reach ed to w ith in a fe w fe e t o f the coliseum . It

by G o d s b o u n ty in s u p p ly in g th e m ore v ita l sp iritu a l needs

cu t off the c ity w a ter s u p p ly , w h ich w as n o t restored u n til

o f the h u m a n fa m ily . These su p p lies he ch an nels to m en

a fe w d a y s b efore the con vention d ate, a n d w as n o t p ro

th rou gh his W o r d th e B ib le , a n d also th ro u g h a visible or

n ou n ced safe u n til T h u r sd a y a ftern oo n , ju s t a d a y before

gan ization on earth d irected b y his sp irit. B y th e d istrib u

the assem b ly w as to convene. B u t n eith er fire n o r w a ter p re

tion o f B ib les an d B ib le h elps n ecessary sp iritu a l fo o d is

vailed a ga in st the a ssem bly, an d S a tu r d a y ev en in g s a tten d

m ade available to all m en o f m eek a n d h u m b le sp irit who

ance o f 3 ,1 0 9 w itnesses sw elled to 4 ,3 4 5 fo r the p u b lic talk

discern th at th is o ld w o rld an d its schem es offer n o real hope.

on S u n d a y , en titled I t I s L a te r th an Y o u T h in k ! M a n y

B u t m ore th an m ere d istrib u tio n o f p r in te d tr u th is p r o

a tte n d in g u n d ersto o d o n ly S p a n ish , so p rovision w as m ade

vid ed : m eetin gs fo r g ro u p stu d y are a v ita l a d d ition to th at

fo r th em to h ear som e o f th e talk s in th eir ow n lan gu age.

service. T h e m eetin gs m a y be o f o n ly tw o or three gathered

E ig h ty -se v e n w ere im m ersed to sym bolize th eir consecration

in H is nam e in a p riv a te h o m e; th e y m a y consist o f dozens

to do G o d s w ill.

in a sm all c o m m u n ity area, or h u n d red s in local K in g d o m

O n th is sam e w eek-en d the first o f tw o d istric t assem blies

H a lls, or several th ou sa n d in a u d ito riu m s or stad iu m s serv

fo r colored breth ren w as held in J ack son ville, F lo r id a . Th is

in g atten ders fr o m several states. A n d n o t o n ly do these

a ssem b ly w as th e v e r y essence o f a p p reciation an d en th u

m eetings w elcom e in to th eir m id st a n y g o o d -w ill person s d e

siasm . A s speakers m ade stron g p o in ts m u rm u rs o f a p p rov al

sirin g to atten d, b u t also these m e etin gs reach ou t to p riv a te

ran across the audien ce like th e ru stle o f w in d th rou gh

homes and p u b lic streets to ex ten d th eir b lessin gs to all m en.

pines. A p p la u s e w as fr e q u e n t. Sp eak ers w ith little w orld ly

A l l o f th is w as d em on strated b y th e d istric t assem blies

edu cation p resen ted excellen t m a teria l, b y Jeh ovah s grace.

o f J eh ovah s w itnesses r e c e n tly held in the U n ite d States.

These breth ren show ed excep tion al u n d e rsta n d in g o f hum an

Th e c o u n try is d iv id e d into seven d istricts, an d in each o f

n atu re an d s k illfu lly a p p lied B ib le tex ts to tear a w a y e x

these d istricts tw o assem blies w ere held to serve those sec

cuses or to offer en co u rag em en t in overcom in g difficulties

tions, to m ake a to ta l o f fo u rte e n d istr ic t assem blies in the

en cou ntered in the field w ork. Th e fe w w hite b reth ren who

U n ite d S ta te s in 1 9 4 9 . T h e p r o g r a m schedule w as th e sam e

assisted in loo k in g a fte r the a ssem b ly a rra n gem en ts were

fo r a ll o f the m eetin gs, b u t since the v a rio u s speakers w ere

o utspoken in th eir praise o f th e w a y the colored breth ren did

su p p lied w ith o n ly ou tlin es th e d etailed m a teria l o f th e same

the w ork assign ed to th em . W h ile

talk v aried w ith each speaker. B u t the gen eral in fo rm a tio n

colored persons, there w as no color lin e as fa r as the w it

given a t these d istric t assem blies 'will e v e n tu a lly ap p ear in

nesses w ere con cern ed. V a in

T h e W a t c h t o w e r , so space need n ot be g iv en to th a t in this

differences in skin color are le ft fo r q u a rre lin g w o rld lin gs,

article. T h is article w ill en d ea vo r to g ive some h ig h lig h ts

not fo r tru e C hristian s.

fr o m each o f the d istrict assem blies, p o in ts th a t m ake th at

p a rticu la r assem bly sta n d a p a r t fr o m th e others.


the a ssem b ly w as fo r

squ abbles a b ou t im m aterial

T w e n ty -e ig h t were im m ersed , and 1 ,1 6 3 w ere present fo r

the p u b lic lectu re. M e n tio n m ig h t be m ade o f an in terestin g
reaction fr o m a local bu sin essm an w ho w as fu r n is h in g a
steam table a n d oth er eq u ip m en t fo r the cafeteria. W h e n

D ra m a tic even ts centered a ro u n d the m eetin g-p la ce in

first con tacted he w a n ted to k n ow w h eth er the equ ipm en t

the first o f these d istrict assem blies, h eld M a y 2 7 -3 0 at F o r t

w as fo r anoth er con vention b ein g held in Jackson ville at

W o r th , T ex a s. T w o weeks p r io r to the a ssem b ly a trem en

the sam e tim e. W h e n it w as clarified th at th e requ est was

dous fire devastated L a G ra v e F ie ld , w here the convention

bein g m ad e fo r th e W a tc h to w e r a ssem b ly he brigh ten ed up.

was to be h eld. T h e stan d s w ere red u ced to a m ass o f tw isted

steel, w hich h ad b u ck led w ith th e inten se heat, p ra ctic a lly
m eltin g it in places. L itte re d over th e g ro u n d s w ere heaps
o f ch arred debris. W h e n one kn ow s th a t th is field w as con

C e r ta in ly th e y cou ld h ave it. A n d the price? W e ll, i f it

w as fo r th a t other con vention I w o u ld stick th em p le n ty ;
b u t fo r the W a tc h to w e r y ou m a y h ave it fre e .

sidered one o f th e m ost m odern m in o r leagu e b a ll p ark s in

the co u n try , an d th at a lo n g w ith it w ere d estro yed expen sive
sound eq u ip m en t an d n e w ly in sta lle d television b ro ad cast
in g eq u ip m en t, one can u n d e rsta n d w h y the catastroph e
w as rep orted as a m illio n -d o lla r loss. I t w as p ro v id e n tia l th at
the w itnesses w ere able to get on su ch short notice the N o rth side C oliseu m , to replace L a G rav e F ie ld as m eetin g-p la ce
fo r the assem bly.


O n J u n e 3 -5 the assem bly scene sh ifte d to L ittle Rock,
A r k a n sa s.

Th e people o f L ittle

R o ck were h ospitable in

o p en in g th eir hom es to accom m odate th e v isitin g w itnesses,

an d likew ise h e lp fu l w ere the businessm en. A n d n ot on ly
these, b u t also the officials o f the c ity w ere v e r y cooperative
in le n d in g the n eeded assistance. Q u ite a change fr o m the

F ir e had fa ile d to h alt the a ssem b ly ; n ow w ater tried its

m ob -crazed c ity th at tu rn e d on th is sam e g ro u p o f C h ris

hand. T hree d a ys a fte r th e fire ten inches o f rain fe ll in

tia n s seven y ears earlier, canceled the sam e a u d itoriu m and

J anuary

15, 1950



then en deavored to p rev en t h o ld in g the assem bly at a lo c a

A la b a m a ; the oth er at S a cra m en to, C a lifo rn ia . B o th used

tion several m iles ou t o f th e city . O n e o f the officials re

as a ssem b ly places the spaciou s fa irg r o u n d s o f those states,

fe rred to th is b y sa y in g , Y o u n eed n ever fe a r a n y such

w ith the tra d itio n a l sou th ern h o sp ita lity at B irm in g h a m

action as y o u r peop le received here in 1 9 4 2 .

bein g m atch ed b y the w estern v a r ie ty at S acram en to. A t

D istin ctiv e in th is a ssem b ly w as the ta x i service. O n a

the south ern a ssem b ly 57 n ew m in isters sym b olized their

lot fo u r blocks fr o m the a u d ito riu m tw o larg e ten ts sh el

con secration b y w a ter im m ersion , a n d some 1 ,2 0 0 persons

tered kitchen, ca fe te ria a n d refresh m en t stan d s. T o solve

o f g o o d -w ill a tten d ed the p u b lic lectu re, to sw ell the total

the tra n sp o rta tio n p ro b lem fo r poor w alkers tw elv e cars

atten d an ce figu re fo r th a t m e etin g to 3 ,9 0 0 . I n the w est 3 09

p ro vid ed a fre e ta x i-sh u ttle service betw een a u d ito riu m an d

w ere ba p tized , a n d atten d an ce rose fr o m S a tu r d a y s 7 ,4 0 6

cafeteria. N o n e were p o o r ly fe d , either te m p o r a lly or s p ir

to a g r a t ify in g 1 0 ,6 1 5 fo r the p u b lic lectu re on S u n d a y .

itu a lly . A s at m a n y o f th e o th er d istrict assem blies, w it

P o st-a sse m b ly rep o rts state th a t m a n y hom e B ib le studies

nesses b ro u g h t the hou seh old ers w ith w h o m th e y w ere s ta y

h ave been started as a resu lt. A t Sa cra m en to som e pioneer

in g to the p u b lic lectu re. O n e su ch w om an , w h o h ad n ever

w itnesses sw itch ed th eir energies fr o m th e field o f g osp el

heard a n y o f the lectu res b efore, w as d eligh ted an d w hen

p rea ch in g to fields o f fa r m in g in ord er to stock the c a f

the speaker closin g the fin al session m en tion ed th e eigh t-

eteria w ith fo o d fo r th e con vention ers, as th e fo llo w in g r e

d a y in tern a tio n a l con vention to be h eld in N e w Y o r k city

p o rt s h o w s :

in 1 9 5 0 , th is la d y declared she w as g o in g to a tten d th at one

A g reat sa vin g in the fo o d -bills w as realized d u r in g p r e

too. A fine tu rn o u t o f p u b lic w ere at the S u n d a y m eetin g,

con ven tion w ork w hen qu ite a co n tin g en t o f pion eers en

3 ,0 0 3 b ein g S u n d a y s atten dan ce, to com p are w ith 2 ,1 5 1 w it

g ag ed in fr u it an d b e r r y p ick in g d a ily . T h irtee n h u ndred

nesses presen t on S a tu r d a y even in g. T h irty -se v e n w ere im

p o u n d s o f cherries w ere picked at one fa r m , an d another

m ersed.

n u rse ry m a n , w ho is a b roth er, devoted the w hole second

W h ile w itnesses in re fo r m e d L ittle R o ck w ere e n jo y in g

crop o f his stra w b e rry p a tch fr e e , y ie ld in g en ough fo r one

their a ssem b ly colored b reth ren in N e w O rlean s, L o u isian a ,

f u ll m eal at th e a ssem bly. These sam e pioneers, a lo n g w ith

were h o ld in g th eirs. I t m ig h t n ot h ave been a ccom p an ied b y

the help o f th e c o m p a n y p u b lish ers in th e S acram en to com

the crow ds an d fa n fa r e o f the relig io u s a n d riotou s m a rd i

p a n y , rem a in ed t ill a fte r 9 p .m . p r e p a r in g and p u ttin g this

gras, b u t it w as w ell a d vertised a m o n g th e colored in h a b

choice fo o d in deep freeze fo r the b ig event. O n one occasion

ita n ts an d fa r exceeded th e m a rd i g ra s in benefits b ro u g h t

pion eers w orked all n ig h t c u ttin g a n d p a ck in g h ead lettuce

to those w ho atten d ed . T h e o p en in g session m ad e it a p p a re n t

(le ttu c e has to be cu t a fte r m id n ig h t) w h ich w as obtain ed

th at th e S a n J a cin to C lu b w o u ld n ot be adequ ate to seat

a t 5 0 c p er crate (n o r m a lly $ 6 ) . F i f t y crates w ere th e fr u its

the crow d ex p ected at th e p u b lic lectu re. E ffo rts to g ain

o f the n ig h t s w ork, rea lizin g a sa vin g o f m ore th an $ 2 5 0

a d d ition a l fa c ilitie s w ere fru itle ss, h ow ever, so the w itnesses

on h ead lettu ce alone.

proceeded to g et th e m ost o u t o f (p e rh a p s w e sh ou ld say

T h e d istrict a ssem b ly h eld in R a le ig h , N o rth C arolin a,

in to ) the fa c ilitie s th e y h ad. A is le s g rew n arro w er as chairs

J u n e 2 4 -2 6 , h ad a n u n u su a l fe a t u r e : an in terv iew over one

were in ch ed closer, w ith th e h a rd -to -im a g in e resu lt th at

o f the rad io statio n s w ith the speaker w ho w as to give It

accom m odated fo r the S u n d a y talk w ere 1 ,5 5 3 p erson s! A

I s L a te r th an Y o u T h in k ! T h is allow ed fo r g iv in g an e x

crow d g ath ered in fr o n t o f th e b u ild in g a tte n tiv e ly listen ed

cellen t w itn ess as to w ho are Jeh ovah s w itnesses an d w hat

to the lou d sp eak er outside, h eads peered in at ev ery w in d ow

are th eir m eth od s a n d pu rposes. A s it cam e over the air

o p en in g onto th e outside w a lk w a ys, an d n eigh bors sa t on

th e a ssem b ly so u n d d e p a rtm e n t recorded it a n d th en p la y ed

their steps an d gave ear as the talk w as d elivered.

E v e ry o n e who observed the p ro gress o f the a ssem b ly w as

it fo r the en tire assem bly at the close o f S a tu r d a y eve

n in g s session. V e r y coop erative w ith the w itnesses w ere the

im pressed b y the w a y in w h ich J eh ovah s sp irit w as m a n

tow n speople, busin essm en , hotels, officials a n d n ew spapers,

ifested u p o n th e b reth ren , m a n y o f w h o m h a d little p re

in a d d itio n to th e rad io station . A f t e r th e a ssem b ly the fo l

vious experien ce in the w o rk o f th e a ssem b ly assign ed to

lo w in g le tte r w as received fr o m the c ity m a n ag er a n d a u d i

them . B u t o rg a n ization d id n ot la c k ; the w ork progressed

to riu m su p e r in te n d e n t:

sm o o th ly fr o m p reco n ven tion d a y s even to the end o f the

last session on J u n e 5. T h e w itn esses p resen t a p p reciated
the fa c t th at, even th ou gh fo r c e d b y the la w o f the south
la n d to p ractice segregation , Jeh o va h s h a n d w as in no wise
sh orten ed ; rath er, it w as m ore g lo rio u sly seen u p on his
people, fo r it m ade the g if t s o f th e p a r tic ip a tin g b reth ren
m ore m a n ife st. A s th e y le f t fo r th eir scattered hom es the
cheery call I ll see y o u in N e w Y o r k in 1 9 5 0 w as u p on
m a n y lip s. A n d w h en Jeh ovah s w itnesses m eet in th at n o rth
ern c ity in in tern a tio n a l con ven tion , w ith scores o f th ou
sands a tte n d in g fr o m m a n y n ation s a n d w ith a v a r ie ty o f
skin colors a n d m a n y d ifferen t ton gu es, there w ill be no
segregation o f C h ristia n breth ren n ecessary. A g lo riou s p ro s
pect, th a t!

W e w o u ld like to take th is occasion to state th a t y o u r

con vention h eld here in R a le ig h w as a w ell-co n d u cted affair.
D u r in g a ll o f th is tim e we d id n o t have a co m p la in t, and
the d ire ctor o f b u ild in g s stated th a t y o u r g ro u p w as fine
a n d v e r y coop erative. W e h ope th a t as in d iv id u a ls an d as
a g ro u p y o u w ill aga in re tu rn to R a le ig h to v isit u s.
A s it so fr e q u e n tly seem s to occur, th is assem bly o f J e
h ovah s w itnesses in R a leig h w as held abou t th e sam e tim e
as a con ven tion o f the A m e r ic a n L e g io n . T h e L e g io n con
v en tion m o v ed ou t o f th e a u d ito riu m on T u e s d a y ; on F r i
d a y Jeh ovah s w itn esses w ere h o ld in g th eir sessions there.
A s u su al, th e con trast w as rem arkable. O ne h otel m an ager
observed th a t he h old s his b reath w h en the L e g io n announces
its con vention , b u t r e a lly likes th e w a y J eh ovah s witnesses


con d u ct them selves. T h is show s th a t we are co n stan tly on

T w o d istrict assem blies a t w id e ly sep arated p o in ts oc

tria l a n d b ein g scru tin ized in ou r actions. H o w im p o rta n t

cu pied the d a y s o f J u n e 1 0 -1 2 . O n e w as h eld at B ir m in g h a m ,

it is th at ou r beh avior be C h ristia n a t all tim es! O n S a tu r-



B rooklyn,

N. Y.

d a y 2 ,6 5 9 atten d ed , a n d on S u n d a y 3 ,7 7 8 m ore th an filled

the w ork o f these p eo p le. S o he d id . H o w ? B y attach ing

th e a u d itoriu m .

a d e ro g a to ry sign a b ou t the w itnesses to a car an d d riv in g

it a ll over th e c ity , h o n k in g th e horn. L ess too tin g o f a horn


an d m ore p reach in g o f th e B ib le m ig h t m ake B ib le tru th s

T h ree d istrict assem blies w ere held in the U n ite d S ta te s

declared b y Jeh ovah s w itnesses less em b arrassin g to C h ris

on th e d a y s J u ly 1 -4 , in D e tr o it, M ic h ig a n ; P o rtla n d , O regon ,

ten d o m s c le rg y . A l l th e co u n te ra ctin g p rie st g ot o u t o f it

at D e tro it

w as a ride, fo r m ore th a n 4 ,0 0 0 persons o f goo d -w ill at

w as sp ecia lly a p p reciated because o f d a ily discourses b y


S p rin g field , M assach u setts.

The program

ten d ed the p u b lic talk , an d , ad d ed to the w itnesses a tten d

N . H . K n o r r , p resid en t o f the W a t c h T o w er B ib le & T ra c t

in g , th is m ad e an audien ce o f 1 0 ,7 8 9 . Im m ersed w ere 169.

S ociety. O n S u n d a y he delivered the p u b lic ta lk I t I s L a te r

T h e effects o f th is d istric t assem bly were fe lt b eyon d the

th an Y o u T h in k ! to 1 2 ,4 0 2 persons, a crow d th a t overflow ed

lim its o f S p rin g fie ld itse lf. N o te th e fo llo w in g editorial that

the ca p a city o f the state fa irg r o u n d s C oliseu m . O n S a tu r

a p p eared on J u ly 5 in the D a i l y T r a n s c r i p t a n d T e le g r a m

d a y 7 ,5 0 0 atten d ed an d 2 3 1 w ere im m ersed.

o f the n eig h b o rin g city o f H o ly o k e :

D u r in g the course o f the assem bly one o f th e p reco n ven

tio n experiences w as related relative to o b tain in g room in g
accom m odation s. A

p u b lish er called at a nice hom e in an

exclu sive section. I n response to th e p u b lish er s requ est fo r

room s th e m an o f the house said, S u re, I have a room , and
y o u can h ave it u p on tw o con d ition s. F ir s t, th a t y o u send
someone who w o u ld n o t ob ject to ou r p la y in g classical m u
sic, an d second, th at th e y sp en d an h ou r or tw o e x p la in in g
y o u r w ork . A n d the room w o u ld be fr e e . T h e sequel was
told b y the w itn ess h a v in g th e good fo r tu n e o f o c cu p y in g
the room . A f t e r a lo n g d a y s w o rk a t the a ssem bly, th is
broth er an d h is com p an io n a rrive d at th e room abou t 11 p .m .
Th e fa m ily , a lo n g w ith three frie n d s, w ere w a itin g u p fo r
th em , rem in d ed th em o f the req u irem en t fo r o c cu p y in g the
room , a n d requ ested th a t the S o ciety s w ork be explain ed.
D iscu ssion lasted till 2 a .m . B etw een th en and S u n d a y a fte r
noon m ore discussion fo llo w ed , w ith the resu lt th a t th is
fa m ily a tten d ed the p u b lic lectu re. W h e n

the p u blish ers

w ere p re p a rin g to leave on M o n d a y , th e y w ere p ersu ad ed to

sta y over anoth er n ig h t to fu r th e r e x p la in the w ork. D oes
th is n o t show h ow g reat a w itn ess can be g iv en b y lo d g in g
in the hom es o f the people at con vention tim e?
A jo y o u s th ro n g d eligh ted in th e assem bly at P o rtla n d ,
w here o p en in g d a y saw 3 ,3 0 8 presen t, to be fo llow ed b y
4 ,3 3 7 on S a tu r d a y , 6 ,7 5 5 on S u n d a y an d 4 ,3 3 4 on M o n d a y .
Im m e rse d w ere 1 3 0 . A n in terestin g in c id en t took place at
th e close o f the p u b lic ta lk on S u n d a y . A w ell-dressed b u si
nessm an w e n t b ackstage to ta lk w ith the speaker, told h im
th at he a p p reciated the tru th s th a t he h ad ju s t heard, and
said he h ad som eth in g th a t he had in ten d ed g iv in g to one
o f the p ro m in en t clerg ym en o f the city b u t a fte r h ea rin g
th e talk I t I s L a te r th an Y o u T h in k ! he h ad decided to
give it to Jeh ovah s w itnesses fo r th eir w ork. W i t h th a t he
th ru st in to the speaker s h an d som e b ills an d q u ic k ly w alked
aw a y. H e had co n trib u ted $ 5 0 to w ard the w ork o f g osp el

J ehovah s W itnesses
I t is n o t possible to pass over th at g reat con vention o f
Jeh o va h s W itn e sse s a t th e E a ste rn S ta te s g ro u n d over the
p a st w eek-end w ith o u t ta k in g some tim e fo r stu d y o f w hat
it m ean s. I n the intense heat o f th e p a st fe w d a y s some
tw elve th ou sa n d m en , w om en a n d ch ildren gath ered to th rill
over the a n cien t B ib lic a l p rophecies th a t betoken a m a n
ifesta tio n o f G od am on g H is ch ildren.
T h e g ro u p gath ered a t E a ste rn S ta te s com e fr o m N ew
E n g la n d , N e w Y o r k an d N e w J ersey . W h a t is it th a t in
spires such a fo llo w in g o f w h a t to m a n y people seem s like
a p h o n y in terp reta tio n o f S c r ip tu ra l teach in g? These people
h ave no m in isters an d no reg u la r ch u rch o rgan ization . E ac h
m a n is his ow n m aster in the sect b u t his m a stery includes
w o rk in g closely w ith those oth er in d ep en d en ts w ho th in k
as he does.
I t is d o u b tfu l i f a n y other o f w h at we m ig h t call the
P ro te sta n t gro u p s w o u ld

gath er in such fo rce am id the

F o u r th o f J u ly d isco m fo rts o f the eastern states. These peo

ple are te rrib ly in earnest. T h e y stu d y th eir B ib le as m odern
m a n does his sp o rts pages. T h e y believe th at Jesu s w as the
p ro m ise o f Jeh ovah , b u t th at he w as o n ly p a rt o f the p ro m
ise. T h e y have conned S c rip tu re an d la ter w ritin g s fo r p r o o f
o f th eir fa ith in sacred p ro p h ecy . T h e y g lo r y in the praise
o f Jeh ovah , the one G od w h om th ey w ish to prove.
W ith

a ll th eir h a zy

org a n ization th e W itn e s s e s held

4 5 0 ,4 4 6 m eetin gs la st y ea r. O n th e w hole, there is y ou th

am o n g th e W itn e sse s. P ic tu re s o f th em in con vention show ed
th at th ey w ere on th e y o u n g side o f m id d le life .

T h ey

b ro u g h t th eir ch ild re n w ith th em . T h e y seem to be filled

w ith a trem en d ou s zeal to p u t n o th in g betw een th em and
th eir G od n ot even the A m e r ic a n flag.
E a c h o f the W itn e sse s believes h im se lf or h erself to be
p erso n a lly a w itness in tr u th to G od. T h e y look to see the

preach in g.
O u tsta n d in g at the S p rin g fie ld a ssem b ly w as th e p u b lic ity
g iv en in the n ew spapers. A

fe w d a y s b efore the assem bly

w o rld regen erated. T h ere m u st be no b a r a ga in st a personal

relation sh ip w ith th eir G od.

a rep o rt on the w itnesses th at

I n con vention th e y seem ed to h ave been led b y rep re

soun ded the u su al sour note, due to a fa lse rep o rt su bm itted

sen tatives o f the W a tc h to w e r B ib le and T r a c t S ociety. T h ey

b y a p re ju d ic e d rep orter. A fe e lin g o f d istru st w as ev id en t

w ere told to p u t on th eir a rm or o f G od a n d go fo r th and

one local p a p er p rin te d

on the p a rt o f officials th a t cam e to m ake rou tin e inspection

preach the gospel as Jesu s an d H is disciples did. T h e y ac

tou rs. B u t th ey w ere su rp rised a n d pleased w ith w h at th ey

cep t th is com m an d.

fo u n d , and one official notified the p a p ers th at th ey had

W h a t is it th a t gets such a fo llo w in g am o n g p lain a ver

better cover th is assem bly, as so m eth in g w as r e a lly h a p p e n

age A m e r ic a n m en and w om en? I s it the n a tu ra l y ea rn in g

in g . Th e pap ers d id , and, to th eir cred it, covered it h on estly.

o f m en to som ehow get to so m eth in g ou t h igh er th an he is,

So effective w as the a d vertisin g con d u cted b y th e w itnesses

a n d p erh ap s touch its h an d or fe el the hem o f its garm en t ?

th at one priest said, A f t e r a ll, som eone m u st cou n teract

I n a n age w h ere there are so m a n y churches, can it be th at

January 15, 1950


th e churches h ave m issed som eth in g in th eir reach to people?

g ro u p o f people w o u ld gath er fr o m tow n s an d cities su r

T h e fa c t o f tw elve th ou sa n d peop le a tte n d in g Jeh ovah s

r o u n d in g S io u x F a lls a n d th en , w ith ou t ex p ectin g one cent

W itn e sse s su m m er con vention , a fe w m iles dow n the river,

o f p a y m e n t, sp en d tim e a n d e n erg y fo r fo u r to six weeks

and there th rillin g to the prom ise th a t th e o ld w o rld is d y in g

g o in g fr o m house to house p rea ch in g and obtain in g lod g in g s

an d the n ew w o rld o f B ib lic a l p ro p h e c y is at h an d is n ot

fo r others. H e th o u g h t th a t peop le w ho w ou ld do th at m ust

som eth in g to be ju s t looked at an d p assed over. T h e m ove

h ave th e real th in g ; so he atten d ed the a ssem b ly to find out

m en t m u st g iv e fa ith and hope to peop le w h o fe e l th e y h ave

w h a t th a t real th in g w as.

m issed the w a y in m ore establish ed relig io u s fo r m s .

O n e n e w ly in terested p erson said a fte r one session, T h a t

settles it. F o r som e tim e I ve been stu d y in g w ith J eh ovah s


In d ia n a p o lis is a fr ie n d ly m id w est c ity o f alm ost h a lf a

w itnesses, b u t still g o in g to ch u rch . I cou ld n t m ake u p m y

m in d , an d cam e to th is a ssem b ly to t r y to decide once fo r

an d is som etim es r e fe rre d to as the

a ll. A s soon as I get back hom e I m b rea k in g off fr o m m y

S p eed w ay C ity because o f the an n u a l 5 0 0 -m ile autom obile

ch u rch fo r g o o d ! A m a n , h u sb an d o f one o f Jeh ovah s w it

race w h ich a ttra cts crow d s o f 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . T h ere it w as th at th e

nesses, w o u ld n ever a tten d m eetin gs b e fo r e ; bu t he did this

state o f In d ia n a p la y e d host to the eleven th d istrict assem

tim e.

b ly held in the U n ite d States. A d v e r tis in g w as sp e c ia lly in

fr ie n d s ! w as his com m en t. N o th in g cou ld keep h im aw ay

tensive in

a fte r th a t. M a n y other sim ila r experiences in d icate that

m illio n

p o p u la tio n ,

In d ia n a p o lis,

the w itnesses sw a rm in g th ro u gh

can t

fin d

a stra n g e r

am o n g

th em ,

th e y re


the c ity s d ow n tow n areas like locu sts. H a n d b ills, p laca rd s

S io u x F a lls a n d v ic in ity w ill p ro vid e a fe rtile field fo r back-

attach ed to p u b lish ers, w in d ow sign s, car sign s, a ll these

calls an d hom e B ib le stu d ies fo r the fu tu r e .

and other m ean s w ere used till th e title I t I s L a te r th an

T h e fo u rte en th a n d last o f th e U n ite d S ta te s d istrict as

Y o u T h in k ! becam e a b y w o rd "with th e in h a b ita n ts o f the

sem blies w as h eld in B a ltim o re , M a r y la n d , A u g u s t 2 6 -2 8 ,

city. B u t it had the desired effect, fo r fr o m n e a rly 5 ,0 0 0 on

a n d it w as th e second A m e r ic a n one a tten d ed b y B roth er

S a tu r d a y the atten d an ce increased to 8 ,1 2 3 fo r th e p u b lic

K n o r r . T h e m ost u n u su a l fe a tu r e o f th is occasion was the

talk on S u n d a y . B a p tize d w ere 1 3 0 .

A little fa r th e r w est an d a fe w d a y s later, an d we are at

a ppearan ce on television o f B ro th e rs K n o r r a n d L a rson ,

u sin g abou t eigh t m in u tes o f a p ro g r a m in an in terv iew at

L in co ln , N eb rask a, fo r the n ex t assem bly, J u ly 1 5 -1 7 . V i c

the statio n s stu d io. A

torious s u rm o u n tin g o f o p p osition a dded zest to th is con

p laced on th e a u d ito riu m stage d u r in g th is tim e, an d p a rt o f

larg e television receivin g set was

vention. A b o u t three w eeks b efore tim e fo r the assem bly the

th e audien ce w as able to see an d h ear th is u n iq u e convention

con tract to use the fa irg r o u n d s w as canceled. T h e excuse

a d d ition . C lo sin g off h is p u b lic talk to th e 1 1 ,6 6 8 th at over

given w a s th a t th e road s on th e g ro u n d s n eeded to be oiled.

flow ed

W h e n th is feeble excuse w a s released to the press, th e L in

stressed the lateness o f the tim e an d th e im p ortan ce o f each

th e

a rm o ry s

m a in

a u d ito riu m ,

B ro th e r

K n orr

coln S t a r called in rep resen tatives o f th e W a tc h to w e r S o

one s stu d y in g his B ib le. T w o h u n d red an d nine w ere im

ciety to in fo r m th em th at the A m e r ic a n L e g io n m em bers

m ersed at th e B a ltim o re assem bly.

w ere filin g co m p la in ts w ith the g ov ern or s office, the f a i r

O n th e d a y a fte r each o f these fo u rte e n assem blies closed

g ro u n d s b oard an d oth er state officials, o b je c tin g to the use

a rep resen tative fr o m the S o ciety s h ead qu arters m et w ith

o f the g ro u n d s b y Jeh o va h s w itnesses. T h e S t a r said it was

th e d istrict a n d circu it serv an ts a n d th eir w ives to discuss

goin g to p u b lish the co m p la in ts, an d th at alon gside these the

o rgan ization al p ro b lem s an d m eth ods to assist com panies

w itnesses w ere w elcom e to h ave p rin ted th eir side o f the

an d field w orkers. S u ch m eetin gs fo r w a r d b etter o rgan iza

story. T h is w as done, a n d w hen exposed to view in cold

tion an d enable m ore efficient p rea ch in g w ork to be done

p rin t the co m p la in ts sou n d ed v a p id an d silly . T h e L in c o ln

am on g th e peoples in th e v a rio u s territories.

J o u r n a l also liv ed u p to its rep u ta tio n fo r fa irn ess in its

S u r e ly these d istrict assem blies have been a b lessing to

h a n d lin g o f th is m a tter. T h e co n tract w as rein sta ted and

Jeh ovah s covenant p eople, an d th ey accept th em as a f u r

the fa irg r o u n d s used.

th er expression o f h is love fo r th em . B u t also these occasions

T h is episode h ad the u su a l resu lt, a d vertisem en t o f the

assem bly and Jeh ovah s w itnesses. I t p a v ed th e w a y fo r an
o p p o rtu n ity to broad cast over ra d io statio n K F O R , at w hich
tim e m a n y p ertin en t qu estion s w ere answ ered con cern in g
Jeh ovah s w itnesses an d th eir w ork . A n o th e r b ro ad cast w as

w ere used b y the w itnesses to preach to th ou san d s o f p er

sons in those cities, c a llin g on th em at the hom es and b u si
nesses, an d m e etin g th em on the streets. T h o u sa n d s o f these
v isited persons resp o n d ed b y co m in g to the assem blies as
guests o f Jeh ovah s w itnesses, an d th ey benefited b y w h at
th ey heard. I t w as love fo r th eir n eigh bors th at p ro m p ted

given over a n O m a h a statio n , W O W . B o th rad io stations

the w itnesses to in v ite and w elcom e these persons to their

an d n ew sp a p ers gave s tr a ig h tfo r w a r d a n d fa ir rep o rts on

con vention s, to e n jo y w ith th em the sp iritu a l fo o d there

the assem bly. N e a r ly 4 ,0 0 0 h ea rd the p u b lic talk , a n d 61

p ro vid ed . T h e com bin ed figures o f the fo u rte en assem blies

were im m ersed.

show th a t 4 9 ,6 4 1 atten d ed the S a tu r d a y sessions, and on

F o r the fo llo w in g w eek-end the assem bly scene sh ifte d to

S u n d a y the g ra n d to ta l w as 8 5 ,4 4 1 . A t th e fo u rte en assem

S io u x F a lls , S o u th D a k o ta , T h ere 3 ,4 2 2 h eard the k e y lec

blies 1 ,6 4 4 sym b olized th eir con secration to do G od s w ill,

tu re I t I s L a te r th an Y o u T h in k ! E x p re ssio n s fr o m p e r

b ein g b a p tized b y w a ter im m ersion.

sons o f goo d -w ill who atten d ed p a rts o f th is th re e-d a y as

A n d n ow T h e W a t c h t o w e r looks fo r w a r d to the tim e when

sem b ly o f Jeh o va h s w itnesses p ro ve w h a t w as stated at the

it can rep o rt on the n e x t con ven tion to be h eld in th e U n ited

outset o f th is rep o rt, n a m e ly , th a t the w itnesses p ractice

S ta te s o f A m e r ic a , th e b ig in tern a tio n a l con vention o f 19 5 0

n eigh bor love. O n e m a n said he cou ld n ev er fa th o m w h y a

in N e w Y o r k city.


a t A r m a g e d d o n b y his h ea v en ly F a th e r a n d C om m a n d er in

O ctober 1 7 , 19 4 9

C h ie f, even i f th is m e a n t to tu rn aside fr o m h is m a rita l

D ea r B r o th e r :

a rra n g e m e n t w ith his b rid e class. T h u s it w o u ld n o t be

R e fe r r in g to y ou rs o f th e 1 0 th in st. on dead souls :

n ecessary fo r h im first to g lo r if y the rem n a n t o f h is bride

A r g u e as y o u m a y , th e lite ra l statem en t is there in the

class a n d take th em fr o m th e earth to h eaven to be w ith

o rig in a l H e b re w te x t, a n d n o t o n ly th a t, b u t th e G reek S e p -

h im u p there b e fo r e he beg a n th e b a ttle o f A r m a g e d d o n .

t u a g in t V e r s i o n has ren d ered th e H e b re w lite r a lly into the

H e n c e there is n o th in g in th is p ictu re th a t m ilita te s a ga in st

G reek, at N u m b e r s 6 : 6, as a d e a d p s y c h e ( p s y c h e i t e t e l e u -

the th o u g h t th a t th e rem n a n t o f C h rist s b rid e w ill pass

t e k u i a i ) . T ru e, th e H e b re w expression cou ld grammatical

th ro u g h A r m a g e d d o n w ith the o th er sheep and w ill be

ly be tran sla te d soul o f th e d ead , as R o th e rh a m show s in

here a fte r A r m a g e d d o n u n til Jeh o va h s p u rp oses fo r them

his m a rg in a l rea d in g , b u t th en we r u n u p a ga in st the d o c

on earth h av e been f u l l y served. R ev ela tio n 2 : 2 6 , 27 in d i

trin a l error o f th e soul o f a m a n su r v iv in g a fte r he dies. Th e

cates th a t those o f th e b rid e class a lr e a d y glorified w ith the

tran sla tio n , h ow ever, can n ot g r a m m a tic a lly be tr a n s

B r id e g r o o m C h rist w ill take p a r t w ith h im in the h eaven ly


lated soul o f the dead , b u t lite r a lly m ean s dead p sy ch e .

operation s at the w a r o f A r m a g e d d o n .

Likew ise, in all oth er p laces w h ere the S crip tu re s speak o f

F a it h fu lly y o u r s in T h eocratic service,

W atch Tower Bible & Tract Society

becom in g defiled th ro u g h tou c h in g th e dead the H e b re w

tex t uses the w ord ( n e p h e s h ) fo r soul as th e th in g touched,
an d likew ise the G reek L X X

tran sla te s it b y


p sy ch e .

W h e n y o u becom e defiled b y to u c h in g a p s y c h e , w h at k in d

S ep tem b er 1 6 , 1949

o f a p s y c h e is it, or w h a t k in d o f a n e p h e s h ? Th e co n text

D e a r B r o th e r :

show s th at death su rro u n d s such p s y c h e or n e p h e s h . Th e

tran slators fr o m b oth the H e b re w a n d th e G reek L X X

A n s w e r in g y o u rs o f S ep tem b er 1 3 :


T h e a rticle T h e M a n ife sta tio n o f M essiah s P resen ce

ren d erin g

in the A u g u s t 1 issue o f T h e W a t c h t o w e r d id n ot sa y, at

n e p h e s h an d p s y c h e in such cases as dead b o d y . (N u m b e r s

p a ra g ra p h 19, the resu rrection o f those sleep in g m em bers

arou n d


d ifficu lty


h ide

th e

9 : 6, 7 , 1 0 ; 1 9 : IT , 1 3 ; H a g g a i 2 : 1 3 )
difficulty w hen


tr u th


B u t here we get into

o f C h rist s b o d y to im m o rta l life in the sp irit rea lm , to

com e across Isa ia h 1 0 : 1 8 , w h ich speaks

im p ly th a t im m o rta l life or im m o r ta lity w ill also be en joy ed

o f c o n su m in g both soul a n d b o d y , as also at M a tth e w 1 0 :

b y m a n k in d in the e a r th ly rea lm in the ev erlastin g new

2 8, w hich speaks o f d e stro y in g both soul and b o d y. H en c e

w orld .

we are n ot e x a g g e ra tin g m a tters w hen w e tran sla te lite r a lly

W e b s t e r s

an d use the B ib le exp ression dead sou l . W h e r e the B ib le

D ic tio n a r y

m ay


im m o r ta lity


ex em p tion fr o m d e a th ; u n en d in g existen ce , b u t the H o ly

uses the term n e p h e s h or p s y c h e b y itse lf to m ean soul, w h y,

S c rip tu re s do n ot a llow fo r such a b road definition. R ev ela

the con text show s w h eth er it is a liv in g or a dead soul.

tio n 2 : 1 1 states th at o n ly the fa ith f u l 1 4 4 ,0 0 0 m em bers o f

A t a n y rate, the fo rce o f th e o rig in a l, lite ra l expression

C h rist s b o d y w ill n ot be h u rt o f the second d eath , w hereas

o f G od s W o r d is to p ro ve th a t th e p a g a n d o ctrin e o f the

th e S crip tu re s show th a t th e h u m a n d ead in resurrection

im m o rta lity o f th e h u m a n sou l is a m y th a n d w h o lly u n -

fr o m the tom b s in the new w o rld u n d er C h rist s k in gd om

scrip tu ra l. I f y o u use the term p erson in stea d o f a lon g

w ill be liable to the second death, a n d a t the en d o f C h rist s

definition or d escrip tio n o f w h a t a sou l S c r ip tu r a lly is,

m ille n n ia l re ig n th e y w ill be su b je cte d to th e loo sin g o f

it will h elp y o u o ver y o u r m e n ta l difficu lty on th e m a tter.

S a ta n fo r a little season to determ in e w h eth er th ey should

F a it h fu lly y o u rs in K in g d o m service,

be p lu n g e d into the second death, p ictu re d b y the lake o f

W atch Tower Bible & Tract Society

fire an d brim ston e. (R e v e la tio n , c h a p te r 2 0 ) T h e resu rrec

tio n a rg u m en t o f the apostle P a u l a t 1 C orin th ian s, chapter



N o vem b er 2 1 , 19 4 9

show s th at o n ly


m em bers o f

C h rist s b o d y

w ill

be clothed u p on w ith im m o r ta lity a n d in c o rru p tib ility , and

D ea r S is te r :

R o m a n s 2 : 7 show s th a t these seek th is an d w ill g et it as

a p a rtic u la r rew ard.

A n s w e r in g y o u rs o f O ctober 2 9 :
T h e first y e a r o f an Isra e lite s m a rrie d life w as used

I f im m o r ta lity m ean t m e re ly ex em p tion fr o m death and

m ere ly as a n illu stra tio n , n o t to in d ica te a n y lite ra l y e a r

u n e n d in g

such as 1 9 1 8 to 1 9 1 9 . T h e p o in t is th at it w o u ld h a r d ly be

w ro n g in sa y in g th a t o n ly the K i n g o f k in g s a n d L o r d o f


th en

T im o th y

6 :1 4 -1 6

w o u ld


in k eep in g w ith th is p ictu re fo r C h r ist Jesu s to be en th ron ed

lord s has im m o r ta lity or h ad it at th e tim e th a t P a u l w rote,

and g et m a rried in 1 9 1 4 an d im m e d ia te ly a fte r th is u n ion

fo r at th at tim e the fa ith f u l an gels o f h eaven w ere e n jo y

w ith his bride b eg in th e w a r in h eaven la stin g t ill 1 9 1 8 .

in g ex em p tion fr o m death a n d existence th a t is u n en d in g

D eu t. 2 4 : 5.

fo r th eir fa ith fu ln e ss.

A f t e r the m a rrie d Isra e lite h a d been ex em p ted fo r the

So T h e W a t c h t o w e r m a in ta in s its position th a t im m o r

first y e a r in ord er to s ta y at hom e a n d c o m fo r t his n ew w ife

ta lity w ill n o t be bestow ed u p o n fa ith fu l m en a n d w om en

he w as con scrip ted fo r w a r d u t y a n d th u s h ad to leave his

on earth in the n ew w o rld , b u t o n ly ev erlastin g life fo r th eir

w ife and, lik e ly , ch ild . S ince, as w e u n d ersta n d , the m arriage

lo y a lty a n d u n break able devotion w ill be given them as a

o f the L a m b a n d his bride beg a n in 1 9 1 8 a n d the rem n a n t

rew ard. T h e y w ill a lw ay s be flesh ly m o rtals. O n ly the fa ith

have been g ath ered in to th e te m p le co n d ition w ith h im , th en

f u l ch u rch tak en fr o m am o n g m en w ill be im m o rtal w ith

all these y ears since th a t date have been a tim e in w h ich he

th eir H e a d a n d S a v io r Jesu s C h rist, w ho is in heaven.

cou ld c o m fo rt h is b rid e class. A n d c e rta in ly he h as done

J o y f u lly y o u rs in K in g d o m service,

W atch Tower Bible & Tract Society

so. H a v in g n ow co m forted her, he cou ld be called to d u ty


i / '


jM l



E 'i Ml

i ; n M>y

| *


I 'S fl

kc. K ^ i l l d

A \J

a IW

S emimonthly
FEBRUARY 1, 1950

with Y our T im e ? .... 35

Facing the Question ...................................36
Study .......................................................... 37
Attending Meetings ..........
Preaching .................................................. 39

W hat D o Y ou D o



R emaining T ime


P rofit 41

Wasting It over Unessentials ................ 42

Taking Advantage of Divine Patience 43
D istrict A ssemblies of 1949 in
Many L ands ........................................... 44
Zerubbabel R ebuilds the Te m p l e ..........47
S eparating to the R ight
Testimony P eriod ...................................34
W atchtower S tudies .............................. 34
1950 Y earbook of J ehovahs witnesses 34
1950 Calendar ..................................................34

W TB . &T.5.



P ublish ed S em im o nth ly B y


117 Adams Street
* * Brooklyn 1? N.Y., U.S.A.


N. H. K norr ,

P r e s id e n t

G ran t S u it e r , S e c r e ta r y

*And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and

great shall be the peace of thy children. - I s a ia h 5 4 : 13 .
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon i t ; that man yielded to the unfaithful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new world; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members of Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began its time of the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.

designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.

It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
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u n d e r th e A c t o f M a rc h 3, 1879.



This is the twelfth annual campaign for taking subscription for

T h e W a tc h to w e r . February, the second month of the campaign,
has been set aside as a special Testimony Period entitled Separating to the Right. Thoughtful readers of this magazine know
there is no better Bible publication than T h e W a t c h t o w e r for
helping people to be separated to the right of the King Jesus
Christ in this judgment day of the nations. As an added inducement to the public to subscribe, a premium of 8 assorted booklets
is offered with every years subscription for T h e W a t c h t o w e r
at the regular rate of $1, American money. To persons already
subscribing for T h e W a t c h t o w e r a years subscription for the
companion magazine A w a k e ! may be offered, however without
the premium added. We especially invite our W a t c h t o w e r readers
one and all to join in this campaign during February. A postcard
to us will bring instructions and references to local fellow campaigners. Yes, by all means, report on our form the success with
which Jehovah God blesses your activities during February.

1949, the most remarkable service year yet! So the 1950 Y e a r b o o k o f J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s shows. You will want to read about it
and rejoice at the noteworthy expansion of the worship of the true
God in the 104 regions reported on. In addition to the annual
world report of the president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract
Society, the Y e a r b o o k also sets out his comment upon the 1950
yeartext and a daily text and comment for throughout the year.
The printing of the 1950 Y e a r b o o k is in limited edition, and hence
a contribution of 50c per copy is asked. Where you are in association with others, send in a group order, as by the servant of a company of Jehovahs witnesses, with remittance to cover. This will
save us on time of handling as well as expense of shipping.


Week of March 12: What Do You Do with Your Time?

II 1-18 inclusive, T h e W a t c h t o w e r February 1, 1950.
Week of March 19: **What Do You Do with Your Time?
^ 19-32 inclusive, also **Turning the Remaining Time to Profit,
1-3 inclusive, T h e W a t c h t o w e r February 1, 1950.
Week of March 26: **Turning the Remaining Time to Profit,
If 4-24 inclusive, T h e W a t c h t o w e r February 1, 1950.


By having the 1950 Calendar published by the Watch Tower

Bible & Tract Society you will have prominent before your gaze
the yeartext, Preach the word (2 Timothy 4 : 2 ), and also a view
of the Societys headquarters home, including the new Bethel structure, from which the service work throughout the earth is directed.
Alongside this artistic picture you will find a calendar. Besides giving five interior views of the new Bethel home, this sets out the
titles of the bimonthly special testimony periods for 1950 and the
specific themes for the intervening months. This service calendar
we send to any address at 25c a copy or $1.00 for 5 copies sent to
one address, postpaid. So let companies or groups order the Calendar in quantity, through their designated servant, sending remittance to cover the cost at the above rate.



F ebruary

1, 1950

No. 3


There is . . . a time for every purpose under


EHOVAH inspired the apostle Paul to warn a cant until it is also called to attention that the
Christian congregation nineteen centuries ago: year 1914, according to Bible chronology, marks the
The appointed time has grown very short. end of the Gentile times, or the period of 2,520 years
was foretold to intervene between Gods cast(1 Cor. 7:29,
An Amer. Trans.)Thiswhich
pronouncement from the lips of one of the worlds ing off the unfaithful nation of Israel in 607 B.C. and
foremost authorities on Christianity should be the restoration of Theocratic rule by installing Christ
thoughtfully considered by men living in this twen- Jesus as heavenly King. These signs stand out like
tieth century. But why, you may ask, should we mileposts, notifying men and nations of their wherebe particularly concerned now? What time, then, abouts on the stream of time. Whereas Paul had
grown so short could possibly affect this generation ? only the eye of faith with which to look for the end
Paul looked confidently forward to the end of the of the world and its attendant wickedness, we have
present system of things with its confusion, corrup- before our very eyes this series of happenings of
tion and violence; and his confidence was based on world-shaking magnitude, testifying that we are
Holy Scripture and the words of his Master, Christ living in the last days!
4It might still be argued that Paul thought the
Jesus. Had not Jesus told his disciples he would
come and that this old world would have an end? time was short away back in his day; so while we
Yes; so they believed it and sought further informa- can readily see the signs that Jesus foretold would
tion from him. In answer to their question, What mark the beginning of the time of the end, why are
shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of we not justified in concluding that there is yet ample
the world? Jesus enumerated events which would time 1 Perhaps several generations will yet come and
occur to mark his coming as enthroned King and go before Gods wrath is expressed against wickedthe beginning of the end of this world system. Paul ness and its final end brought about. Such a conwas looking for the end and its accompanying signs elusion should be hastily dismissed from mind, for
when he gave the above-quoted warning. The passing Jesus further said, when speaking of the signs:
of the many intervening years has not served to This generation shall not pass, till all these things
postpone the appointed time. If the time was short be fulfilled. (Matt. 24: 34) It is the generation you
in Pauls day, it must be much shorter now.
are living in that is primarily concerned.
2But to bring the matter even closer home: Do you
5 These facts are not here called to attention to
know that the very signs Jesus foretold and his paralyze you into fearful inactivity, but rather to
apostles looked for have seen fulfillment on this awaken you to the significance of the times, the rare
present generation? Look for yourself at Matthew privilege that can be yours and the most profitable
chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and Mark chapter 13, manner of using the remaining time. Of all the times
to see what Jesus said the signs would be: nation that one might have lived, certainly this is the most
rising against nation in total war, famines, pestilence blessed, notwithstanding the trials now afflicting
and earthquakes, with more sorrows to come. Then humankind. We are living at the climax of the ages,
call to mind what has been taking place upon the when a corrupt world is in its death throes and a
earth, say during the past 36 years. 130 you not note bright new world, with growing power, is crowding
the striking parallel, that these same events have wickedness into a corner, there to crush it and rid
already been visited upon this very generation?
the earth of it forever. The great day of the L ord
3 The fact that this series of events, along with hasteth greatly, warned the prophet Zephaniah.
others also foretold by Jesus, has been occurring (1:14) As it comes on apace, let us not be found
particularly since 1914 may not strike you as signifi among the scoffers who push the end into the remote

1. Why did Paul write that the appointed time was short?
2, 3. Why must the time be shorter now than in Pauls day?


4. As it is 1900 years since Paul wrote it was short, why now short?
5. Why do we here call attention to the shortness of the time?



Brooklyn, N. Y.

future saying, Perhaps sometime, but not in our

day! Such a group has lived upon this earth in
the past.
6If you do feel inclined to scoff at the evidence of
the shortness of the remaining time you could profitably spend a few moments of the undetermined number which remain for you to consider an event which
took place 1,656 years after man had been placed
upon the earth. The righteous man Noah had just
completed the construction of a gigantic boat. During the course of its building he had also been delivering a message to the wicked and corrupt race of men
who had turned their back upon the righteous
requirements of the Creator, Jehovah God, and had
willfully followed the lead of the adversary, Satan
the Devil. They had no time for this preacher of
righteousness. Instead of heeding his warning of
the nearness of impending doom they occupied themselves with their own selfish pleasure. Then, with
startling suddenness, the flood waters struck! Fear
filled their hearts and brought to them the awful
realization that their time had not been profitably
spent in taunting and casting reproach upon Noah
and his family. Even as the lives of the wicked were
snuffed out, Noah and the seven who had profitably
spent their time as God had commanded them were
comfortably situated within the protection of the
ark. Before any scoff it is good to know that the
apostle Peter described a similar end for those
living in this day who willfully ignore the signs
which prove the nearness of the end of this world.
7 Said Peter in this regard: First of all, you must
understand this, that in the last days mockers will
come with their mockeries, going where their passions lead and saying, Where is his promised coming? For ever since our forefathers fell asleep everything has remained as it was from the beginning of
creation! For they wilfully ignore the fact that long
ago there existed heavens and an earth which had
been formed at Gods command out of water and by
water, by which also that world was destroyed,
through being flooded with water. But by the same
command the present heavens and earth are stored
up for fire, and are kept for the day when godless
men are to be judged and destroyed. (2 Pet. 3: 3-7,
An Amer. Trans.) This testimony is fully corroborated by Jesus himself when he said, For just as it was
in the time of Noah, it will be at the coming of the Son
of Man. For just as in those days before the flood
people were eating and drinking, marrying and being
married, until the very day Noah entered the ark,
and knew nothing about it until the flood came and
destroyed them all, so it will be at the coming of
the Son of Man.Matt. 24: 37-39, An Amer. Trans.
8If, from outward appearances, it seems to you

9To thoughtful men this evidence that the present

power of the nations will not forestall the day of
destruction, together with the Scriptural proof that
the remaining time is short, poses the question, What
shall we do in the remaining time that we may use it
most profitably? Or, as Peter put it: Seeing that
these things are thus all to be dissolved, what manner
of persons ought ye to be in all holy living and godliness? (2 Pet. 3:11,
Am.Stan. Ver.
also sharply drawn between what the future holds
for those who do and those who do not make wise
use of their time. A wise person, accepting the clear
Scriptural proof of the time in which we live, finds
out what to do and when to do it. So doing, he need
not fear the expression of Gods judgment upon him.
A wise mans heart discerneth both time and judgment.Eccl. 8: 5.
10Manifestly, if the old world is soon to go to
destruction, a wise man knows that he cannot spend
his time as the world does. Operating under the
principle that gain is godliness (1 Tim. 6:5), the
world dashes blindly after wealth and power. Their
wealth is used to provide luxuries which turn the
mind even farther from God. But happiness and contentment are not their lot. Before yielding to the
temptation to seek after wealth during the remaining
time, or even for a short part of it, hear Pauls advice
to Timothy on the subject. But men who want to get
rich fall into temptations and snares and many foolish, harmful cravings, that plunge people into destruction and ruin. For love of money is the root of
all the evils, and in their eagerness to get rich, some
men wander away from the faith and pierce themselves to the heart with many a pang.1 Tim. 6: 9,
10, An Amer. Trans.
11 The wise King Solomon records that after
indulging himself in gardens, homes, slaves, wealth,
provinces and all sorts of luxury he was forced to

6, 7. What illustration forewarns us against any scoffing now?

8. Why should the worlds stable appearance not fool us?

9. In view of the evidence, what question poses itself?

10, 11. Of what value or harm is our gaining material wealth now?

there is no sign that the old world is on the brink of

disaster, but that its institutions are strong and
stable, remember this significant incident. When the
nation of Israel was fleeing from the oppressive
Pharaoh, his armies were never in better form. His
hosts were at the height of their military power and
glory; the fleeing Israelites trapped before them
seemed an easy prey. From outward appearances
that army had many years of activity yet ahead. But
that armys time was not profitably spent when it
dashed between the towering walls of sea water that
Jehovah had caused to open for the passage of his
chosen nation. In a matter of moments that once
powerful army was reduced to a pile of junk and
silent bodies.Exodus, chapters 14,15.

F ebruary

1, 1950



conclude that everything was vanity and striving God. Your life and the lives of others depend upon
for the wind, and there was no profit under the sun. how well you preach, how convincing your argument,
howa steadfast
your efforts. Men of this crumbling
(Eccl. 2:1-11,
An Amer. Trans.)Though
might prove so adept at amassing wealth that he world grasp at the opportunity to be ambassadors
gain the entire world, he could not truthfully say he of governments which are destined to fade away
had spent his time profitably. For what shall a man forever. Years of their lives are spent preparing to
be profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and do their jobs well. Does it not seem, then, that we in
forfeit his life? (Matt. 16: 26, Am. Stan. Ver.) Solo- whose hands rests an even greater responsibility can
mon further observed, I have seen all that goes on profitably spend some of our time in improving our
in this world; it is a vain, futile business.Eccl. abilities as ministers of God through study?
1:14, Moffatt.
12How foolish it is, then, to spend time storing up
15 Study is indeed a profitable thing, and no Chrisriches which moth and rust corrupt and thieves tian should allow himself to acquire the mistaken
break through and steal or even to spend more time belief that he can gain the approval of God without
than is absolutely essential to provide for the neces- studying, or that he is too busy to profitably spend
sities of life! (Matt. 6:19) To do so only turns the time for study. The admonition, Study to shew thymind away from the more important things. The self approved unto God, was not recorded for the
time which remains for this old world is not that we benefit of persons who have not heretofore had a
might follow such pursuits. In the short remaining knowledge of the truth. Without continued study
time it is Gods will that all men learn of him and truths once highly treasured grow dim and fade
gain life. And how are men to learn of God and his away. To preach profitably to others the well of
requirements? The apostle Paul raises that same truth must be kept filled. The clergy, who waste their
question and then provides the answer, at Romans time on philosophy and the writings of men instead
10:14: How then shall they call on him in whom of studying Gods Word, are referred to in the Bible
they have not believed? and how shall they believe as wells without water. We, being leaky vessels,
in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall might become the same unless the waters of truth
they hear without a preacher? Jehovah, who has a are replenished. Such a dried-out source can scarcely
time for every purpose (Eccl. 3:1), has set this time be expected to quench the thirst of a person seeking
aside for the preaching of the gospel, and men must after the truth if haply he might find it. The time of
be the preachers. To emphasize the fact that gospel- both the hearer and the preacher would be wasted.
preaching would immediately precede the final end,
16Paul affirmed the close connection between
Jehovah caused his only begotten Son to declare: preaching, teaching and study when he advised the
This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all young preacher Timothy: Attend to your Scripturethe world for a witness unto all nations; and then reading, your preaching, and your teaching. (1 Tim.
shall the end come.Matt. 24:14.
4:13, Moffatt) And do not Pauls words hold further
13It is such a privilege to have a share in this instruction for the time-conscious servant of God?
activity that the Scriptures indicate that even the Attend to, he says. How easy it is, while studying,
angels in heaven would rejoice at the opportunity. to allow the mind to wander to things not apropos,
(1 Pet. 1:12) They do not feel it beneath their so that, even while the eye is scanning the lines and
dignity or a waste of time to uphold Jehovah as the pages, time is not being profitably spent. The hazy
sovereign of the universe and make it known that impression gained slips out of the mind quickly, for
his King, Christ Jesus, is enthroned. Yet this privi- in reality it was never fixed there. For one to profitlege is reserved for men, but even if every man were ably use his time he must concentrate solely upon the
to fail to preach it would still be accomplished, for work at hand. While studying, work hard at i t ; while
Jesus declared that if his followers should hold their preaching, let thoughts of accomplishing the most
peace the stones would immediately cry out. (Luke good in the available time fill the mind; and similarly
19: 40) So Jesus set the proper pattern. He did not with each task that falls into the hand of the Chrisrefrain from preaching, but fervently devoted his tian to do. Do with your might what your hands find
life to that one thing. Since he left us an example to do, admonish the Scriptures (Eccl. 9 : 1 0 ) ; and to
that we should follow in his steps (1 Pet. 2:21), is do mighty works one cannot be content with beating
not preaching the most profitable manner in which the air. (1 Cor. 9:26) Knowledge is essential to
we could possibly spend our time ?
profitable preaching.
14True, it is no small responsibility to be a spokes17 Increasing efficiency in study serves to enhance
man or ambassador for the Government of Almighty the value of time so spent. While reading the Bible
12. Why is the short remaining time granted us?
13. Why view preaching as a most profitable spending of our time?
14. Why spend time improving our abilities as ministers?

15. Who are admonished to study? Why is study necessary for them?
16. Why must we be at attention when studying and preaching?
17. What is the efficient method for Bible study? Why?

from cover to cover will undoubtedly broaden ones
appreciation of the truth, knowledge is accumulated
more rapidly by employing the topical method of
study. For example, scriptures dealing with the
resurrection are distributed throughout the entire
Bible. One specifically interested in that subject
will profit most by gathering these scattered texts
together so that they may be compared one with
another and hence Gods mind on the subject be
determined. It is in this regard that publications of
the Watchtower Society are especially valuable, since
they present an array of assembled scriptures which
would take an individual researcher many tedious
hours to gather. Information gained through individual study, line upon line and precept upon precept
(Isa. 28:10), provides a backlog of information from
which to draw when discussing the Bible with others.
18In recent years the Lord has provided so bountifully for His servants that some may be prone to
begin to take the spiritual food for granted. The
world has so firmly adopted the attitude, It cant
happen to us, that the danger exists among Christians to forget that the adversary has not yet completed his days of roving about the earth seeking
whom he may devour. Further tests may be confidently expected. It can and will happen to us. What
form his attack will next take no one can foresee,
but is it not possible that Satan may again do as he
has done so many times in the past, withhold the
Bible and kindred publications? In such an event,
happy is the Christian who has done as warned: My
son, forget not my teaching, but keep my commands
in mind.( Prov. 3:1, An Amer. Trans.) Yes, time
set aside to firmly fix Gods truths in mind through
study is time profitably spent.

18Further assistance toward efficiency in gospelpreaching is afforded through instruction imparted

at Christian meetings such as those conducted by
Jehovahs witnesses. No person can truthfully say
he has progressed to the degree that he cannot learn
from others. Whether one is considering the Bible
itself or Bible helps such as The Watchtower, the
presence of others proves stimulating and helpful.
This is a divinely established rule: Iron sharpeneth
iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his
friend. (Prov. 27:17) It might be further observed:
Wherever two or three are gathered as my followers, I am there among them. (Matt. 18: 20, An Amer.
Trans.) Gods spirit quickens the minds of those who
obediently gather together to consider his Word. By
participating in congregational study, not only does
one gain from the thoughts expressed by others but
he unselfishly helps his fellows to profit from the
18. Can we take for granted our always having Bible literature? So?
19. Why is meeting with others for study profitable?

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

information he has on the subject. Thus, time is

profitably spent by all.
20 Specific instruction on gospel-preaching is provided at the weekly service meeting of Jehovahs
witnesses. Much of the rapid growth in number of
active witnesses of God in recent years can be attributed to training gained here. No course in highpressure salesmanship, the meeting simply calls
attention to the Scriptural manner of preaching
adopted by Christ and the apostles and suggests
practical ways to carry out the same work today.
Regular attendance at studies of
and the service and other meetings is a profitable
way for the servant of God to spend the time set
aside for this purpose.
21At this point someone might suggest that the
pendulum has been allowed to swing too far, that
now there are too many meetings which occupy far
too much of the little available time. Would not more
time be available for preaching if less were spent
at meetings? The time might be available, yes; but
without the instruction and Christian fellowship
provided by gathering together, other interests would
soon tend to take up that available time. Time
spent in company with men and women whose minds
and hearts are set upon serving God is to your
eternal welfare. As the final end draws nearer wickedness increases and time spent in contact with the
world becomes increasingly hazardous. God, foreknowing this, caused Paul to record in his letter to
the Hebrews: Let us not neglect meeting together
as some do, but let us encourage one another, all
the more as you can see that the great Day is coming
nearer. (Heb. 10:25,
An AmSome
neglect meetings, according to Paul, and they will
advance one argument or another for so doing, but
that is not the profitable course to follow. By setting
and meeting the goal never to miss any of the meetings that the Lord provides for His people, the Christian is protected against becoming involved in the
affairs of this world. He doesnt have time for it!
22It is well to keep constantly in mind that the
pattern which our individual lives follow, the way
we use our time, is largely determined by habits we
have formed, whether good or bad. Usually the
course that seems most difficult, when carefully
examined, proves to be the best. It is a broad way
that Satan constructs to lead his followers to death.
The traveler on lifes way can ill afford to waste his
time on excursions away from the narrow though
more difficult road. He may find some day that he
has traveled too far; habits may have such a firm
grip upon him that the remaining time will prove too
short to extricate himself and return to the path of
20. Why is attendance at weekly service meeting time well spent?
21. What goal should we set for attending meetings? Why?
22. Why is it time economy to keep to the way of good habits?

F ebruary

1, 1950


life. Do not allow yourself to be enticed into being a witnesses to the majesty of Jehovah, preaching the
lover of pleasures more than a lover of God like word of life. This, according to Paul, is the sacrifice
those from whom Christians are advised to turn that is pleasing to God. By him therefore let us
away. (2 Tim. 3: 4) Enter not the path of the wicked, offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that
and walk not in the way of evil men; avoid it, traverse is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
it not, shun it, and pass on. Although effort will be (Heb. 13:15) The desire to instruct and help others
required to profitably spend time in gaining instrue- which so fills one when he begins to learn of Jehotion the reward is great. Keep fast hold of instrue- vahs gracious provisions should not be shunted
tion, let her not go; guard her, for she is your life. aside, ignored or drowned with worldly cares. When
Prov. 4:14,15,13, An Amer. Trans.
one accepts Christ as his Redeemer and consecrates
23 Having studied and assembled with other Chris-his life to do Gods will, his time is no longer his
tians and thus gained knowledge is no guarantee that own to waste or squander. His time, yes, his very
a person will always retain it. Paul warned, We life belongs to the service of God. Ye were bought
Stan. Ver.
must give the very closest attention to the message with a price.1 Cor. 7: 23,
26 This continued study and use of Bible truth
we have heard, to keep from ever losing our hold
upon it. (Heb. 2:1, An Amer. Trans.) How disheart- brings great peace of mind. Thou wilt keep him in
ening it would be, after spending days, months or perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. (Isa.
years in learning about Gods Word, to find that the 26:3) Those lacking this bulwark find their minds
knowledge had been taken away again by him who besieged with all manner of cares and worries. Congave it! Much time would then have been wasted, sider what a tremendous amount of time is wasted
indeed. But such a thing need not happen, and the daily through worry alone! Worry accomplishes
best way to insure against it is to keep the truth nothing. Jesus asked: Which of you with all his
bright through use. Jehovah has given a rich gift to worry can add a single hour to his life ? (Matt. 6: 27,
those who gain an understanding of his purposes. An Amer. Trans.) One cannot lengthen the remainNeglect not the gift that is in thee, said Paul, ing time for him by worrying, neither can he profitMeditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to ably use that which is already allotted. And how can
them; that thy profiting may appear to all. (1 Tim. time-consuming worry be effectively banished f Paul
4:14,15) Use must be made of the gift if it is not says, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord
to be neglected and if all are to perceive how the Jesus Christ, the merciful Father, and the God
servant has profited or progressed. This harmonizes always ready to comfort! He comforts me in all my
with what Jesus told the disciples in one of his para- trouble, so that I can comfort people who are in any
bles. To everyone who has, shall more be given and trouble with the comfort with which I myself am
richly given; but from him who has nothing, even comforted by God. (2 Cor. 1: 3, 4, An Amer.Trans.)
what he has shall be taken.Matt. 25: 29, Moffatt. Sharing comfort, preaching gospel truths, will free
24By the above words, Jesus was indicating what distraught minds for profitable use. Paul contended
would be done with the talent which had been entrust- that God had comforted him that he might in turn
ed to a slothful servant who refused or neglected to comfort others. So doing, he followed his Exemplar,
trade with it and bring an increase to the master to Christ Jesus, whose commission was, in part, to
whom it belonged. The talent was forcibly removed comfort all that mourn.Isa. 61: 2.
from his possession and given to the servant who had
profitably used his time to bring an increase! The
27It is true that spending ones time in gospelnet result to the servant who fails to use his gift and preaching is deemed both strange and foolish to those
bears no fruit for the Kingdom is shown by Jesus who lack vision to see the signs of the times. In a
next words: Throw the good-for-nothing servant sense, it is strange or unusual to go about telling
into the darkness outside. (Matt. 25:30, Moffatt) people that destruction awaits them if they continue
Yes, the light of understanding of Gods Word grows in their heedless course; and it will be a strange or
dim and blacks out of the mind of the one who care- unusual thing when Jehovah brings about that delessly fails to trade with the talent or Kingdom inter- struction, for many centuries have passed since his
ests which are placed in his hands. As far as the Lord power has thus been made manifest to men. But the
is concerned, such a selfish person is good-for-noth- fact that it is strange does not alter the truth. Rather,
ing and not worthy of an understanding of His it serves to confirm it, for Isaiah, a prophet of Jehopurposes.
vah, recorded: For Jehovah will rise up as in mount
25 By bringing an increase or bearing fruit, JesusPerazim, he will be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon;
meant helping others to understand and to become that he may do his work, his strange work, and bring
to pass his act, his strange act. Now therefore be ye
23. What rich gift do we have? How do we keep firm hold on it?
24. What parable shows a non-user of the gift loses out?
25. What does bringing increase mean? Why is it due to God?

26. What do study and use of learning bring us? How so?
27. How do worldlings view our preaching? Why wrongly so?



not scoffers, lest your bonds be made strong; for a

decree of destruction have I heard from the Lord,
Jehovah of hosts, upon the whole earth. (Isa. 28: 21,
22, A.8.V.) So, this is a case where the strange thing,
the foolish thing, is the profitable thing. So profitable
that it leads to life. What greater profit can there
be than that? It pleased God by the foolishness of
preaching to save them that believe.1 Cor. 1: 21.
28What, then, if the wise men of this world do scoff
and ridicule ? That is no cause to fear them and hold
them in awe to the point of failing to preach and thus
fall short of using time to greatest profit. The
foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. (1 Cor. 1:25) The
preacher may be certain he will be ridiculed. Such
opposition and scorn may even come from his own
family. But should that deter one from going out
and to the doors of his neighbors to bring them kindly words of warning? Worse affliction than that which
visited Gods servant Job could hardly be expected,
yet that tormented witness of Jehovah said: Did I
fear a great multitude, or did the contempt of families terrify me, that I kept silence, and went not out
of the door? (Job 31: 34) His course in maintaining
integrity to God was a profitable one. Not only did
the Lord give Job twice as much as he had before
and bless the latter end of Job more than the beginning (Job 42:10,12), but he increased Jobs remaining time upon the earth then. And Job is assured of
everlasting life upon the earth as one of the princes
in all the earth.Ps. 45:16.
29Fear is a weapon used by the adversary to paralyze the activities of men, to ensnare them to do his
will. The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso
putteth his trust in the L ord shall be safe. (Prov.
29: 25) The spirit of fear has settled upon this dying
old world, and if one fled from all the things the
world fears and flees from he would certainly have
time for nothing else, profitable or otherwise. But
God has not given his people the spirit of fear.
(2 Tim. 1:7) The wicked consume their time fleeing
when no one is pursuing (Prov. 28:1), but the Christian, bold as a lion, stands fast in the knowledge of
the supremacy of his God and devotes his time to
profitable pursuits. Perfect love casts out fear
(1 John 4:18), leaving the mind free to think clearly
and direct the body in profitable works of praise. One
who is interested in having more time to devote to
profitable works casts aside worldly cares and fears
God alone. The fear of the L ord prolongeth days:
but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.
(Prov. 10:27) It was godly fear that moved Noah
to build the ark to the saving of his house. Had he
allowed fear of man to interrupt his work, even for
a short while, in all probability the ark would not
28. Should scoffing make us curtail preaching? What does Job show?
29. Which fear is profitable as to time? How did Noah show it?

B ro o klyn ,

N. Y.

have been completed in time to serve its intended

purpose. In such a case, all of the time and effort
Noah had put into the incomplete structure would
have been entirely wasted. Instead of having many
long years following the flood for continued profitable service of the Creator, he and his loved ones
would have perished with the rest of the disobedient.
Bather than halt or interrupt your work for fear,
resist the devil, and he will flee from you.Jas. 4:7.
30Regularity in the preaching work is also essential. Not only is the mind thus occupied too busy for
the Devil to tempt and trip up, but constant activity
improves the efficiency of the preacher so that more
can be accomplished in the available time. When one
stops, he loses the swing of godly service, he becomes
rusty in his use of the sword of the spirit and new
bad habits crowd in and take the place of former
good ones. Hence, not only is the time lost that is
not spent in praising God, but time is also consumed
in regaining past efficiency. The remaining time is
too short to permit such losses; and there is the everpresent danger of being completely swallowed up
in the old world. Now is the time to be awake and
active and consistent in Gods service.
31 This need for wakefulness was emphasized by
Paul, who, after rebuking some in the congregation
at Ephesus for falling back into the practice of corruption, said, Wake up, sleeper! Rise from the
dead, and Christ will dawn upon you! Be very careful, then, about the way you live. Do not act thoughtlessly, but like sensible men, make the most of your
opportunity, for these are evil times. (Eph. 5:14-16,
An Amer. Trans.) Buy out for yourselves the opportunity. (
) These words of admonition
were offered by Paul to direct the future course of
Christians. As was true with those Ephesians, so
with us today; what has been done or what we have
failed to do in the past cannot be changed. That time
is gone, it cannot be used again. But in the present
and in the future are yet many opportunities awaiting the one who would serve God. These opportunities may present themselves in a variety of ways.
But, however they come, sensible men will make the
most of them, buying them up and putting them to
good use so that they will not be wasted.
32 It is only reasonable that the one who spends a
greater amount of time serving God will be able to
buy out or make use of more of these precious opportunities. No matter how high the cost might be in
relinquished wealth and good standing with this
world, these opportunities to serve God and Christ
will be well worth it and more. Christ spoke a parable
to his apostles, saying: Again, the kingdom of
heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which
30. Why is regularity in preaching essential as respects time?
31. How do we act like sensible men in these evil times?
32. How do we gain more opportunities? Why is it worth the cost?

F ebkuaby 1,1950



when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof give his life for the Kingdom it would be profitable:
goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that for whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and
field. (Matt. 13: 44) Nothing we now might own or whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
hope to obtain in the future could be compared in (Matt. 16:25) Christ can and will resurrect those
value to the kingdom of God and the blessings it will from death who faithfully devote their time to his
bring to those who live in it. Even though one might service.John 5: 28, 29.


ESUS did not preach one thing and do another.
His course of action was consistent with his words.
Everything he had, Jesus gave up for the sake of
the Kingdom, even to life itself. But he gave up a
great deal before his life was given in sacrifice. First
he gave up his heavenly existence as the Master
Worker and Spokesman of the Creator. Then consider his earthly prospects. This brilliant young man
(indeed his mind was perfect) might have devoted
his time to advancing science, to lengthening the life
span of the people through medical and social researches; he might have built up great cities with
model housing or huge commercial organizations.
With his perfect body he might have devoted his
time to physical feats wherein he could certainly
have excelled, a huntsman without a peer, an artist
with unsurpassed skill; yes, whatever he had set his
mind to he could undoubtedly have been the best. He
was the only perfect man on earth. But Jesus turned
his back upon all these things, and his decision hinged
around what he, with perfect perception, considered
to be the most profitable use of time.
2What Jesus chose to do himself was the same that
he directed his followers to do. He preached. Yes, he
preached about the kingdom of God; by the seashore,
in the wilderness, on the mountains, in the temple,
on the streets and in the homes of the people, at
every opportunity he magnified the name and purpose of his Father. Because of having chosen this
course he knew that his days were numbered, but he
redeemed the time, bought up every opportunity,
profitably used the time that remained for him.
Seeing, then, that Jesus, who had such great potentialities in every field of human endeavor, chose to
devote his time to the ministry of God, does it not
follow that our prime objective should be the same?
Most assuredly! Jesus instructed any who sought
his favor to take up his torture stake daily and
follow me. (Luke 9: 23) Daily service, yes, full-time
service should be the goal of every servant of God.
3It is true that not all will be able to attain to this
goal. Jesus was a single man; he had no obligations
to family, no encumbrances. God knows the circumstances of each one of his servants and he is pleased
with the service of each one, no matter how small

that service might be, if the servants give all they

can. Jesus showed that this is true when he called
the attention of his disciples to Gods approval of
the widow who gave all she had even though it was
a very small amount. (Mark 12:4144 )This does not
detract from but supports the truth, however, that
full-time service to God is the ideal situation for any
Christian. Each one, then, can profitably use a little
of his time to consider thoughtfully and prayerfully
his circumstances to determine whether or not there
is the possibility of full-time service for him.
4For the full-time worker or the part-time workers
who make up the majority of those now preaching
about Jehovahs kingdom, the Scriptural requirements are the same. God is no respecter of persons.
All do not have the same opportunities, but all can
buy up their opportunities, ever alert for an opening to enlighten another. Not only during time set
aside specifically for preaching, but throughout the
days activities occasions will arise to present or
defend the truth. Peter counsels concerning such:
Always be ready to make your defense to anyone
who calls you to account for the hope that you have.
But do so gently and respectfully. (1 Pet. 3:15,
Amer. Trans.) Is not this constant readiness the
only way to be sure not to let opportunities slip by,
to be certain that every moment is put to profitable
use? Great joy is frequently derived from speaking
about the truth to a person you might have been
prone to let go without including it in your conversation. Happy are they who hold to what is right, who
do their duty at all times!Ps. 106: 3, Moffatt.
5To hold to what is right does not restrict itself
to mean that the Christian should preach at every
opportunity and then feel free to spend other time
carelessly. Paul counsels with respect to this, saying:
I buffet my body, and bring it into bondage: lest by
any means, after that I have preached to others, I
myself should be rejected. And again, he says:
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take
heed lest he fall. (1 Cor. 9:27, A.8.V.; 10:12) It
is not how time has been spent in the past that marks
one as a profitable or unprofitable servant, but how
he is spending it now and in the future. One cannot
mix service of God with careless living. The Devil is

1. For the Kingdom what earthly opportunities did Jesus give up?
2. Why is especially Jesus an example to us of redeeming time?
3. Of what devoting of time does God approve? But what is ideal?

4. By what constant attitude do we not let opportunities slip by?

5. Why is it not right, when not preaching, to indulge oneself?

well aware of the inherent weaknesses of the human
flesh; he knows every cunning device to trip the
unwary. That is why Paul stressed the necessity of
keeping the body under subjection at all times, not
catering to selfish and carnal desires nor allowing
the mind to dwell upon such things.
6 True, some who are now associated with Jehovahs witnesses once devoted all of their time either
to advancing in this world of big business, to the
acquiring of homes or to self-indulgent pleasures
which lead to all manner of sin. Concerning their
change to a more profitable use of their time, Peter
says: You have spent time enough in the past in
doing as the heathen like to do, indulging in sensuality, passion, drunkenness, carousing, dissipation, and
detestable idolatry. They are amazed that you no
longer join them in plunging into the flood of dissipation, and they abuse you for i t ; but they will have
to answer for it to him who is ready to judge living
and dead.1 Pet. 4: 3-5, An Amer. Trans.
7Having been freed from the works of the flesh
through a knowledge of the truth, one must stand
fast in it. For if you live according to the flesh, you
are about to die; but if, by the spirit, you put to
death the deeds of the body, you shall live. (Rom.
8:13, Diaglott) In death there is no time to be used
profitably or any other way. There is no work, nor
device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave.
(Eccl. 9:10) Better to refrain from spending time
with the works of the flesh now than to spend eternity
in the grave. Each step a Christian takes should be
weighed against the requirements of God. The steps
of a good man are ordered by the L ord. (P s. 37: 23)
It is far better to take a few moments for quiet reflection, fully considering Gods requirements before
rushing into an action that might bring Gods reproof. To act without reflection is not good; and
to be over-hasty is to miss the mark.Prov. 19: 2,
An Amer. Trans.

8But it is not only the big or the obvious thing

that hinders the work of a Christian or the congregation of Christians. Often it is a trivial thing, a
matter not worthy of the time that it eventually consumes. Little misunderstandings are certain to arise
as long as men are imperfect. The adversary will see
to it that they do. And when they do, nothing pleases
him more than to see somebody begin to imagine that
some action or remark meant more than it was intended to. Why? Because immediately the mind of
that person becomes divided. Instead of thinking on
ways to buy up opportunities to serve God, it dwells
upon the fancied wrong. Time once profitably spent
is now wasted in feeling sorry for self.
6. How is the time we spent in the past in the world to be rated?
7. Why would it now be a waste of time to revert to that course?
8. 9. How is time misspent over misunderstandings between persons?

B rooklyn, N. Y.

8 The Devil is not content to let the injured one

brood about the matter. He is greedy for our time.
Sympathy is required; others must be told; the time
of others must be consumed. An unwary person, hearing this tale of abuse, may be prone to take sides in
the difficulty and what was once a trivial matter may
sweep through the congregation like a conflagration,
disrupt the orderly and profitable service of God and
give rise to charges and countercharges, publicly
aired before all. Fortunately, this is not the usual
thing among witnesses for God, but if there is a
possibility of its happening, time-conscious, profitable servants do well to keep themselves forwarned.
10It is a refreshing contrast to consider what a
great amount of time, mental concern and productive
effort can be saved when the Scriptural rule is
followed. Moreover if thy brother shall trespass
against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee
and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained
thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take
with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two
or three witnesses every word may be established.
And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the
church [representatives]: but if he neglect to hear
the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man
and a publican.Matt. 18:15-17.
11Usually difficulties can be settled between the
two concerned if each is willing to put his own feelings second and love his brother as himself. Not even
one night of anxiety should be spent while the wrong,
either real or imagined, grows in the mind. Let not
the sun go down upon your wrath. (Eph. 4:26)
Sleep is sweet and refreshing for one who has confessed his wrong to his brother or taken his grievance to the one who wronged him and settled it as
mature brethren should. Rising in the morning, he
joyfully goes into the service of his God instead of
lingering with a heavy heart.
12A servant of God, busy about his masters business, does not allow himself to become involved in
controversies of others. He knows that like a man
who seizes a dog by the ears is the passer-by who
meddles with a quarrel not his own. (Prov. 26:17,
An Amer. Trans.) Before he can extricate himself
from the situation he will have spent much more
time there than he intended and the evidence will
clearly show that it was not time profitably spent.
No, he has no time to even listen to the details of the
matter; no time to listen and less time to repeat.
13A tale repeated, regardless of how good the
intentions, becomes busybodying and gossiping. The
tongue, a small member of the body but most difficult
to control, will not long be content with mere repetition. Use care then; take heed to your ways that you


did Jesus say to dispose of personal wrongs?

does following this course profit one as to time?
does avoiding meddling save our time?
is it a waste of time to gossip and find faults in others?

F ebruary 1, 1950


sin not with your tongue. (Ps. 39:1) The same rant of Gods purposes. Do not give what is sacred
fountain cannot bring forth water both bitter and to dogs, cautioned Jesus, and do not throw your
sweet. (Jas. 3:11) The tongue cannot praise God pearls before pigs, or they will trample them under
and at the same time malign a brother; neither can their feet and turn and tear you in pieces. (Matt.
time be spent praising God and at the same time 7:6,
An Amer. Trans.)There are too many in the
thinking about or talking about a mistake another world with whom time can be profitably spent, who
has made. Time can be much more profitably spent are more anxious to listen and learn than they are
examining your own mistakes which you are in a posi- to talk. It is such meek ones that the preacher can
tion to correct than in being concerned about anoth- profitably spend his time in searching out, for the
ers shortcomings which you cannot change. Besides, meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will
says Jesus, why note the splinter in your brothers he teach his way.Ps. 25: 9.
eye, and fail to see the plank in your own eye? How
16Many who hate the truth are not content to
can you say to your brother, Let me take out the ignore it and those who devote their time to its
splinter from your eye, when there lies the plank proclamation. Frequently they do literally, like brute
in your own eye? (Matt. 7: 3, 4,
) Obviously, beasts, turn upon Jehovahs witnesses in an attempt
it is a waste of time and it is probable that more harm to trample them into silence. Their vicious assaults,
will be done than good.
combined with the indifference toward the warning
14 The things upon which the mind is allowed to message on the part of the majority of this wicked
dwell determine in the long run whether an individual and perverse generation, are often trying for Gods
will pursue a profitable or wasteful course. As he servants. They are prone to cry out, Lord, how
thinketh within himself, so is he, says the Proverb. long I and to wish for the time in which they must
(23: 7, Am. Stan. Ver.) A mind that is filled with evil continue to preach to come to an early end. Envisionthings will direct the body to do evil deeds. A mind ing the many blessings of the Kingdom, they would
filled with fancied wrongs is apt to seek occasion for hasten its coming and look for the early breaking of
quarreling, backbiting or revenge. Nip waywardness Armageddons fury.
and time-wasting in the bud by keeping the mind in
check, harnessing it for profitable work, directing it
in righteous ways. Now, brothers, Paul wrote, let
17But surely no servants of God, even those who
your minds dwell on what is true, what is worthy, become impatient, feel that their work of gospelwhat is right, what is pure, what is amiable, what is preaching is wasted. They see the results of their
kindlyon everything that is excellent or praise- labors, men hearing and turning to obey the comworthy. Do the things that you learned, received, and mandments of God, an ever-increasing multitude of
heard from me, and that you saw me do. Then God gospel-preachers profitably using the remaining
who gives peace will be with you. (Phil. 4: 8, 9, An time. They likewise see and experience evidence of
Amer. Trans.) A mind that is filled with truth and Gods approval upon their actions, His assurance
thoughts of serving God does not readily fall prey that they have been doing well. God rewards every
to the deadening forces launched by the Devil.
man according to his works, and everlasting life is
15Arguments over inconsequential matters, long granted to those who patiently continue in welldiscussions on hypothetical situations and personal doing. (Bom. 2:7) So the apostle warns, Let us
theories, these too claim valuable time from any who not be weary in well doing: for in due season we
are foolish enough to allow it. Avoid foolish, crude shall reap, if we faint not.Gal. 6: 9.
speculations; you know they only lead to quarrels,
18All things considered, we have no cause to be
and a slave of the Lord must not quarrel, but treat
It is God who sets the time for all things,
everyone kindly, Paul told Timothy. (2 Tim. 2:23, and being unduly
concerned about when Armageddon
An Amer. Trans.) Shut your mind against foolish,
will come does not hasten it. Jehovah is more fully
popular controversy. (
o) There
awareareof some
the wickedness of men than are we. It is
people, foolish in their own conceit, who desire only His name primarily that they are maligning, it is
to make a show of their own wisdom and who have no His creation that they have been corrupting for
desire to acquire the true wisdom of Gods Word. centuries. If he is patient enough to allow men a
Hours might be spent with them discussing their pet little more time to heed and turn from their timetheories; but they have no time to listen to the gospel. wasting, life-wasting course, surely we should have
One who is buying up every opportunity to preach the patience to give them the opportunity, knowing
will, of course, endeavor to direct the conversation or that, if it were possible, God would have all men
discussion to a profitable end, but he will not spend believe and be saved.1 Tim. 2:4.
unnecessary time with those who are willfully igno14. What, therefore, is a profitable use of the mind? Why?
15. What discussions are time-wasting, and what are beneficial?

16. What do assaults and indifference often incline us to wish?

17. Why should we not be weary in well-doing under such conditions?
18. In the face of what example should we not be impatient?



19By far the majority of those who are reading

this page have reason to rejoice over Gods patience.
Justice would have been satisfied had the war which
Christ instituted against the Devil in casting him
out of the heavens been continued to the removal of
all the wicked from the earth. (Bev. 12:7-13) But
Gods love and patience worked to our benefit. As
Jesus pointed out: If those days had not been cut
short, nobody would have escaped, but for the sake
of Gods people those days will be cut short. (Matt.
An Amer. Trans.)We are now living in
intervening period between the beginning of the
overthrow of the wicked world and its final accomplishment, which period of grace was made possible
by Gods cutting short those days. Gods people do
not fret but rejoice at his patience.
20The fact that the remaining time has continued
as long as it has does not mean that God is slow or
has forgotten the date he set for the final end. The
Lord is not slow about his promise, in the sense that
some men think; he is really showing his patience
with you, because he does not want any to perish,
but wishes all men to be brought to repentance. The
Day of the Lord will come like a thief; on it the
heavens will pass away with a roar, the heavenly bodies will burn up and be destroyed, and the
earth and all its works will melt away. If all these
things are to be dissolved in this way, what holy and
pious lives you ought to lead, while you await and
hasten the coming of the Day of God.2 Pet.
3: 9-12, An Amer. Trans.
21No, God, with whom a thousand years is as one
day, is not slow in allowing these few intervening
years to be used for the profitable purpose of gospelpreaching. With him it is as but a few moments; and
the remaining days can go by rapidly for you too.
You can hasten the coming of the Day of God by
having a share in the purpose for which these days
have been set aside. This gospel of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto
all nations; and then [and not before] shall the end
come. If the remaining days are occupied in profitable service they will not drag for you; they will
fly by as though on wings.
22 Should you be one of the persons of good-will
toward God who has not previously heard of the

Why do we readers have reason to rejoice over Gods patience?

Since the remaining time has been so long, is God slow? Why?
How can we hasten the coming of the Day of God?
What is the most profitable immediate use of time by new hearers
the message?

B rooklyn ,

N. Y.

blessings of the Kingdom, the most profitable immediate use for you to make of your time is to study
and learn about it now while the patience of the Lord
is still holding destruction in abeyance. Do not allow
this worlds false sense of security to lull you to sleep
and think that Gods patience will continue forever.
Even though the majority of humankind may scoff at
the possibility of a change of such sweeping magnitude or scorn those who use the remaining time to
preach such a message, the majority can be wrong.
the23 It was the majority who had no time to hear what
Noah was telling them, much less turn from their
willfulness and join with him in what they considered
a gross waste of timebuilding a great boat and
preaching that generations doom. Whose time was
most profitably spent, you can judge. Again a generation is too busy to stop using its remaining time
in the manner in which it is accustomed. Many will
pay a high price to learn that they wasted their
remaining days when their lives are snuffed out by
the righteous wrath of God.
24 Each day makes the appointed time shorter.
Each day presents opportunities to proclaim Gods
name and purpose that will never be repeated. And
each day faithful ministers are buying up their opportunities, with the result that a growing throng
is halting from the headlong plunge that the nations
are taking toward destruction. As they halt and hear
and learn they joyfully consecrate their lives to the
service of Jehovah and share in the most profitable
activity ever presented to man. To them the remaining time does not seem too long; rather, it is extremely short in which to accomplish the work which must
yet be done. The harvest truly is great, but the
labourers are few. (Luke 10: 2) But though the time
is short Jehovah promises, The little one shall
become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation:
I, Jehovah, will hasten it in its time. (Isa. 60:22,
A.S.V.) A yet unnumbered multitude will heed the
warning message and join their voices in praising
Jehovahs name, and it can be your happy lot to help
them to learn the truth. In the thousands of years
ahead in which you may enjoy the blessings which
Jehovah has in store for those who serve him, you
will never have cause to regret that you were among
those who did not act thoughtlessly, but, like sensible men, made the most of your opportunities in
these evil, shortly-to-end times.
23. What illustrates how a majority can be wrong, misusing time?
24. How are ministers now using the time, never to regret it?


RECEDING issues of The Watchtower have reported
on district assemblies held by Jehovahs witnesses in
South America, the West Indies, Canada, Germany
and the United States of America. In this issue is presented

a closing report on some of the other district assemblies that

were conducted in other lands during the past year.
Five such assemblies were held under the oversight of
the British Branch office, at Blackpool, Brighton, Dundee,

F ebruary

1, 1950


Belfast and Leicester. From the industrial centers of the

north of England the witnesses trekked to the seashore and
Blackpool, for the district assembly there June 10-12. So
thoroughly did the intensive advertising of the public talk
It Is Later than You Think! catch on that when the prime
minister was late to a social function one of the waiters
remarked: Someone should tell him that it is later than
he thinks. Saturday sessions were attended by 3,100, on
Sunday 6,000 turned out for the public talk, and 177 were
Nearly two weeks later a four-day assembly opened at
Brighton, convening from June 23 to 26. It was at the
Stadium in Brighton that the witnesses met for a district
assembly in 1948, and a comparison of the two assemblies
shows the progress of the Kingdom work. In 1948 7,000
attended the public lecture, whereas in 1949 the figure
swelled to 9,600. In 1948 at the assembly 140 were immersed,
but the 1949 assembly saw that figure stepped up to 455.
On Saturday 5,340 attended, which means some 4,000 newly
interested ones were present on Sunday for the public talk.
The assembly for Scotland and the extreme north of
England was held at Dundee, July 8-10. The companies
served by this assembly are for the most part small, and
a large attendance was not anticipated. Nevertheless, the
witnesses made real effort to attend and they intensively
advertised the public talk to the 175,000 inhabitants of
Dundee. In addition to the usual advertising means employed by Jehovahs witnesses, the cinemas in the town displayed slides during their shows, thereby advertising the
assembly free of charge. The Saturday attendance of
1,250 increased to 2,300 for the public talk on Sunday,
and 88 were immersed.
The three days district assembly held at Belfast, Ireland,
July 29-31, was a milestone marking the grand progress
that is being made in this most religious part of the British
field. Just prior to the meeting there had been much publicity given by reason of a debate at Portadown. The
so-called Protestant religious element had gone into a frenzy
of rage because many were leaving their organizations and
taking interest in the Kingdom message declared by Jehovahs witnesses. The assembly was timely and met the needs
of both Northern Ireland and Eire. Patience and tact are
required to work successfully in this difficult territory, and
these things were emphasized at the assembly. The wide
publicity given to the public talk bore fruit, for on Sunday
1,600 gave close attention to It Is Later than You Think!
On Saturday 725 were in attendance, and 37 were baptized.
The fifth and last district assembly for the British Isles
for 1949 was held at Leicester, September 2-4. Leicester is
located in the midlands and the district covers a thickly
populated area, so a large attendance was expected. On
Saturday 4,650 were present, and on Sunday 8,500 packed
out the facilities. The people of Leicester are getting to
know Jehovahs witnesses and many came to see what their
assembly was like. The previous large assembly of the witnesses there was in 1941, and left somewhat of a bitter
taste with the Leicester people because of the touchy war
years; but what a difference now! With Jehovahs servants
fully organized and trained to be tactful and alert to the
dignity of the name they bear, Leicester watched, Leicester
listened, Leicester was interested. Her press published fair

reports, and of particular note is the following statement

appearing on the front page of the Illustrated Leicester
Chronicle of September 10:
All over the country congregations in churches and
chapels have dwindled to an alarming degree. Thousands
of children are being brought up with little or no religious
background. The man in the street shows small interest in
the old established faiths. Yet a religious convention in
Leicester last week-end attracted 8,500 adherents of a creed
which inspires its members with overwhelming fervour.
The burning enthusiasm of the Jehovahs witnesses is something to make clergymen and their depleted congregations
thinkand think hard. Why is this movement so powerful
a magnet? Why are its members filled with such ardour?
One answer is that Jehovahs witnesses believe in taking
religion to the people. They believe in preaching from door
to door. They are fully aware of the value of publicity,
and enterprising in their use of it. They shout their religion
from the house-tops. Whatever any church or chapel-goer
may think of their beliefs or methods, their intense eagerness is a challenge to bishops and clergymen in every diocese,
and to every chapel in the land. Will they answer the
challenge by sweeping away old-fashioned ideas?
When the 279 immersed at Leicester are added to those
of the four other assemblies, the total shows 1,036 symbolized
their consecration to do Gods will. Total attendance for
Saturday was 15,065, and for the public talk on Sunday
there were 28,000.

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, said

Isaiah. This was literally true of the city of Perth, Western
Australia, when the first of Australias 1949 district assemblies was held there, July 1-3. Because of the nation-wide
coal miners strike all electric power was cut off and darkness settled over the citys 273,000 population. But not so
at the district assembly, neither literally nor spiritually.
Auxiliary lighting for the hall was provided by the witnesses
and sessions ran as smoothly as in normal times. And many
new ones especially enjoyed the spiritual enlightenment at
the assembly. On Sunday 925 packed out the hall to hear
It Is Later than You Think!
The next week-end, July 8-10, saw the second assembly
in progress at Adelaide, South Australias capital city.
Here, too, public transport was curtailed and lighting restrictions were enforced due to the coal shortage. But again
the assembly ran without difficulty. Outstanding was the
large number of persons attending the public lecture.
Though the place is known as the city of churches, and
despite the holding of a Protestant rally that Sunday, there
were 730 present to hear the public talk. This was a
32-percent increase over attendance at a similar assembly
in Adelaide the previous year.
On July 22 the third assembly opened in Hobart, the
capital of Tasmania, the island state. This time there were
no power restrictions in force, for Tasmania is Australias
only state having hydroelectric power. There are only 171
publishers in the entire state of Tasmania, but the attendance at the public lecture was 321. At least 25 persons came
to the talk on the invitation of one pioneer sister.
Now back across Bass strait to Melbourne, Victorias
capital and Australias second-largest city, with a popula-



tion of 1,227,000. On July 2931 the assembly was held

there, with 1,316 in attendance at the public meeting. One
week later the assembly in Brisbane, capital of the state
of Queensland, was held. Now move your eye up on the map
seven hundred air miles northward to the city of Townsville, Queensland. No sign of winter here, as this city lies
in the heart of the tropics. Many more witnesses were
present on this occasion than when an assembly was held
the previous year. One small company from which only
3 attended then was represented by 20 now!
The last of the seven assemblies was the largest, being
held in Sydney, Australias largest city, on August 19-21.
It is here that the Watch Tower Societys Branch office is
located. The assembly was a fitting climax to all the assemblies, for it packed out the main floor of the Sydney Town
Hall with 2,625 persons. It is news indeed when its main
hall is filled by any organization, but this time there was
not a word in the newspapers. The big newspapers in
Australia seem resolved not to print anything favorable
about Jehovahs witnesses. One of the Town Hall guards
had a hard time convincing two policemen that their services would not be needed to handle the crowd after the
public talk. They just could not understand why some
policemen would not be needed to handle such a large
crowd, but the guard assured them that he had been present
at many assemblies of the witnesses in the hall and that
there was never any trouble whatsoever.
Concluding the report on the seven assemblies in Australia, we find that combined figures of the conventions
show that 4,101 attended the largest meeting of the witnesses
on Saturday, and that the total at the public lecture was
In New Zealand the district assembly for Jehovahs witnesses there was held at Palmerston North, a town with a
population of about 30,000. To advertise the public talk
22,000 handbills were distributed, which means just about
everyone of sufficient age to understand got one. For the
talk 1,010 assembled in the Opera House. Fifteen were
immersed. In reporting on the district assembly a newspaper commented on the attendance, saying: From all
parts of New Zealand Jehovahs witnesses assembled for
the 1949 district assembly. Many Maori representatives were
in attendance from North Auckland, the King Country,
and Hawkes Bay.
In the Philippines a really splendid district assembly was
held early in 1949, on the days of January 28-30. The
assembly was located in Quezon City, and accommodations
for it were the spacious studio and grounds of the Oriental
Pictures. This property is owned by one of the witnesses,
who very generously permitted the entire property to be
used without charge. Other buildings on the grounds, and
even the brothers own home, were used to sleep conventioners, more than 700 of them sleeping and preparing their
meals right on the assembly grounds.
Witnesses came from all parts of the island of Luzon.
One came from Negros and another from far-away Davao,
on the southern tip of Mindanao. Most noticeable among the
visitors were those from the remote sections of Mountain
Province. These brethren are Igorots. The Igorots are
pagans; some of them still head-hunters, roaming the fastnesses of the mountains of central Luzon. The womenfolk

B rooklyn ,

N. Y.

wear a very colorful native costume. In contrast with this

the men wear a very scanty loincloth, frequently referred
to locally as a G-string.
Our brethren from among the Igorots no longer practice
head-hunting or any other of the tribal customs of their
forefathers, but some of them still retain the native costume.
A few of these who came to the district assembly wore the
traditional loincloth, but over this they wore a shirt and
light jacket. One of them was formerly a priest of one of
the Igorot tribes. He was formerly called upon to invoke the
favor of the pagan god at the native feasts, called canao.
Although he is totally illiterate, he is now a regular Kingdom publisher and devotes an average of more than thirty
hours per month hiking in the mountains to tell his fellow
Igorots what he has heard about Gods kingdom.
The widely advertised public lecture was held on the large
grassland in front of the Manila hotel, known as the New
Luneta. Located near the shore of Manila bay, it was a
pleasant spot for the splendid turnout for the more than
7,000 persons to hear It Is Later than You Think! This
represented a high percentage of public present, for the
Saturday attendance of witnesses was 2,350. Many Europeans were seen in the audience, and this gladdened the
hearts of the Filipino brethren, for they sometimes feel that
the white people in the Philippines pay little heed to the
message of the Kingdom.

The first of two district assemblies in India was held at

Dehra Dun in northern India, December 1 7 1 9 4 8 ,19. While
this was not in the calendar year of 1949, it was in the 1949
service year. There were 45 witnesses present, and 40 of
them traveled a total of more than 105,000 miles to attend,
coming from Karachi (Pakistan), Darjeeling, Calcutta,
Bombay, and places in between. A man who had been
more or less associated with the Society for many years is
now vice-chairman of the Dehra Dun municipality, and he
certainly rendered valuable service in using his influence to
get accommodations for the assembly, also good publicity.
A pleasant hotel room was used for all the meetings except
the public lecture. For that the Town Hall was placed at
the witnesses disposal free of charge, and 164 attended.
The second assembly was held January 7-9, 1949, at
Bangalore, where 90 witnesses attended. Attendance at the
public meeting was 248, and 18 left their names for being
called on. Many favorable remarks were heard at the conelusion of the public lecture.
A previous issue of The Watchtower reported on the
thrilling district assemblies in Germany; but many other
district assemblies were held in Europe. Few details are
available at present and the figures are sometimes incomplete, but the following information will make evident the
fact that during 1949 Jehovahs witnesses did cover many
countries with district assemblies.
Three were held in Switzerland. Italian-Swiss conventioners were served at Locarno, French-Swiss at Geneva
(where 560 heard the public lecture), and German-Swiss
at Zurich. The latter one was held June 3 6 , and on Sunday
3,200 persons assembled to hear the discourse It Is Later
than You Think! The advertising of this talk in Zurich

F ebruary

1, 1950


required some firmness on the part of the publishers. The

police did not want to give permission to use handbills and
placards in advertising, arguing that such activity was
prohibited by city regulations. However, the regulations
involved only commercial matters. Finally the police
allowed use of handbills but prohibited the information
marching with placards. But because the mere difference
in size between handbill and placard was immaterial, and
since the handbill was admittedly not commercial, then
surely the larger placard was not; the witnesses used both
in advertising. Some publishers were accosted by police,
but no arrests occurred and advertising was thoroughly
and successfully completed.
One district assembly was held at Botterdam to serve the
witnesses in the Netherlands, on July 1 3 . A large stadium
was used, and its spaciousness was used to good advantage
in housing the many departments necessary for the smooth
running of an assembly. In this seacoast city the weather
is very unpredictable, but for the assembly days it was
beautiful and the fresh air in the stadium was far better
than the hot stuffiness of an enclosed hall. Between 8,000
and 9,000 attended the public lecture, and 239 were
In Belgium district assemblies in Antwerp and Brussels
showed a combined attendance of 2,380 and immersion of
151. Two in Austria, at Vienna and Salzburg, had more
than 2,450 for Sunday and 119 immersed. At Odense in
Denmark 178 were immersed and on Sunday 4,102 listened
to It Is Later than You Think! Finland provided three
assemblies to serve that country, in Helsinki and Oulu and
Vaasa, at which a total of 6,485 heard the public talk. The


number baptized was 201. Norway held four assemblies, and

reports for the two at Haugesund and Fredrikstad show
more than a thousand at the public lectures. Three in
Sweden totaled 3,169 witnesses attending and 5,075 out
for the public discourse. Baptized were 198.
The second assembly in Sweden, at Yasteras on
August 5 7 , was held under interesting circumstances. The
clergy there advertised five weeks in advance of the con
vention that they were going to hold a meeting right after
the witnesses assembly closed, in the same building, and
for the purpose of exposing Jehovahs witnesses. Newspaper
publicity was often belittling the witnesses, and on the
streets the orthodox religionists were rather aggressive. The
townspeople became quite stirred up over the controversy,
and as a result more than 800 strangers appeared at the
public lecture, to make the total attendance 1,914. Several
clergymen were present and a State Church priest, along
with many of their congregations. For the most part they
were favorably impressed, and surprised at the sound
Scriptural presentation that they heard. The next evening
the meeting sponsored by the local association of pastors,
made up of both State Church and other religious bodies,
gathered only about 1,000 persons to hear the usual derogatory statements. After that meeting many who attended
both sessions said they saw the difference between Jehovahs
witnesses and the orthodox religionists, and that they were
no longer going to attend the orthodox churches.
And now with the closing out of the reports on the
district assemblies of 1949, Jehovahs witnesses look forward
expectantly to the grand international convention scheduled
for New York city next July 30 through August 6.


1HE captive city of Jerusalem must rise again! So
predicted the prophet Isaiah two hundred years in
advance. When he declared this prophecy of recon
struction and restoration, Jerusalem had not as yet even
been desolated, was not to be desolated, in fact, for still
some 130 years. Prior to the fall of Jerusalem the prophet
Jeremiah foretold the time of desolation as stretching over
seventy reproachful years, years during which the land
would be desolated and its former inhabitants held captive
in Babylon. Yet at the end of that time the temple was to
be rebuilt and the city restored to its teeming life by the
liberated Babylonish captives. The great Keeper of times
and seasons, Jehovah God, had so declared and gone on
record in His Word. Would release come on time?
That Babylon should have compassion on the Jewish cap
tives was not to be expected, for it was said prophetically
of Babylons king that he opened not the house of his
prisoners. (Isa. 14:4, 17) Only by overthrow of mighty
Babylon was release to come, and that overthrow was foretold to come at the hands of Cyrus. (Isa. 45:1, 13) Sixtyeight years of captivity crawl by, with no sign of release
from Babylon. On a night in 539 B.C. blasphemy against
the God of the Hebrews mounts even higher. King Belshazzar caps the wickedness of his party of wild and drunken revelry by profanely using the golden and silver vessels
stolen from Jehovahs temple to drink wine and toasts to
his demon gods and idols. Who could ever smash mighty


Babylon and spring from captivity the puny Hebrews?

Why, the foretold King Cyrus! On that very night BabyIon fell to the joint forces of Darius the Mede and Cyrus
the Persian and Belshazzar was slain. Aged Darius brief
reign over Babylon is succeeded by that of Cyrus, in
537 B.C. Now the last few grains of the sands of time
measuring the appointed seventy years of Jerusalems desolation trickle out. The time is up! But with the same pre
cision timing that marks the movements of the heavenly
bodies in the vast solar systems of the universe, the great
Jehovah keeps the set schedule for liberation and restoration. In that very year of 537 B.C. Cyrus issues the decree:
Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the
word of Jehovah by the mouth of Jeremiah might be
accomplished, Jehovah stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king
of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all
his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying, Thus saith
Cyrus king of Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath
Jehovah, the God of heaven, given me; and he hath charged
me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
Whosoever there is among you of all his people, his God
be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in
Judah, and build the house of Jehovah, the God of Israel
(he is God), which is in Jerusalem. And whosoever is left,
in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of his place
help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and



with beasts, besides the freewill-offering for the house of

God which is in Jerusalem.Ezra 1:1-4, Am. Stan. Ver.
King Cyrus also restored to the Jewish remnant that departed from Babylon the vessels of the house of the L ord,
which Nebuchadnezzar had brought forth out of Jerusalem,
and had put them in the house of his gods. These vessels
for temple service Cyrus committed into the hands of a
prince of Judah named Sheshbazzar. But that was only
the Babylonian name for Zerubbabel, a lineal descendant
of King David and who was made governor of the restored
remnant and charged with supervising the rebuilding of
the temple. (Ezra 1:7, 8; 2:2; 5:14-16) Zerubbabel
means seatterer or grief of Babylon; stranger or banished
at Babylon. With Governor Zerubbabel returned nearly
50,000 devoted men and w^omen, reconstructors, including
Nethinim and other servants of good-will.Ezra, chapter 2.
The return of the remnant to their homeland was so
timed that in the very month of the year in which the
complete desolation of the land went into effect a new altar
was erected at the temple site in Jerusalem and the remnant
were able to celebrate the feast of tabernacles, seventy years
later to the month. (Ezra 3:1-6) The work of rebuilding
the temple was pushed, and soon the foundation was laid
amid shouts of praise and tears of joy. (Ezra 3: 71 3 )But
at this point opposition to the work rears its ugly head.
When heathen adversaries hear of the rebuilding of the
temple they come forward with crafty offers to assist, to
which Zerubbabel and his counselors answer: Ye have
nothing to do with us to build an house unto our God;
but we ourselves together will build unto the L ord God
of Israel, as king Cyrus the king of Persia hath commanded
us.Ezra. 4:1-3.
But when the enemies insincere offers of assisiance were
rejected and their attempts to infiltrate a fifth-column
failed, subtlety gave way to open opposition. Religious
persecution plagued the temple-builders all the days of
Cyrus, and a smear campaign of letter-writing to Cyrus
successor Artaxerxes charging sedition caused official ban
to be slapped on the temple-building work. The letter to
Artaxerxes read:
If this city be rebuilt and its walls finished, they will
not pay tribute, custom, or toll, and immediately it will
injure the revenue of the kings. Now because we eat the
salt of the palace and it is not fitting for us to behold the
kings dishonor, therefore we have sent and informed the
king, that search be made in the book of the records of
your fathers; for you will find in the book of the records
and learn that this city is a rebellious city and one that
causes damage to kings and provinces and that the Jews
have stirred up sedition in it from ancient times. Artaxerxes replied: Give command that these men cease and
that this city be not rebuilt. When the opposers received
this satisfying reply they went in haste to Jerusalem to
the Jews, and by force and compulsion made them stop
the temple-rebuilding. The work remained at a standstill
until the second year of the reign of Darius II, king of
Persia.Ezra 4: 4-24, An Amer. Trans.
After about sixteen years of inactivity, Jehovah God
raised up the prophets Haggai and Zechariah to stir
Zerubbabel and the builders to action. Their fiery words of
exhortation fell like sparks on tinder, and roused Zerubbabel

B rooklyn, N. Y.

from his apathy and spurred him to zealous activity. The

work went on, despite official ban! But again the letterwriters protested to the king, who by this time was
Darius II. Courageously and in faith the temple-builders
stood fast for their freedom of worship; they argued the
legality of their wT0rk by reference to the original decree
of King Cyrus. Was it not the rule that the law of the
Medes and Persians changed not? Thereupon King Darius
had search made in the state archives, and the decree of
Cyrus was uncovered. Back came Darius reply to the
Let the work of this house of God alone; let the governor
of the Jews and the elders of the Jews rebuild this house
of God in its place. Moreover I make a decree in regard to
what you shall do for these elders of the Jews for the building of this house of God: that out of the kings funds from
the tribute of the province beyond the River the expenses
be paid in full to these men, and that without delay. Whatever is needed, both young bulls and rams and lambs for
burnt-offerings to the God of the heavens, wheat, salt, wine,
and oil according to the word of the priests at Jerusalem,
let it be given to them day by day without fail, that they
may offer sacrifices of a soothing odor to the God of the
heavens; and pray for the life of the king and his sons.
Also I make a decree that any man who alters this command,
a beam shall be pulled out from his house and he shall be
impaled upon it, and his house shall be made a refuse-heap
for this. The God who has caused his name to dwell there
shall overthrow any king or people who shall put forth his
hand to alter this, or to destroy this house of God, which
is in Jerusalem. I, Darius, have issued a decree, let it be
executed to the letter.Ezra 6: 7-12, An Amer. Trans.
With this legal victory and material assistance, Zerubbabel and his builders pushed the work to a successful finish
during the next four years. The account reads: And the
elders of the Jews builded, and they prospered through the
prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son
of Iddo. And they builded, and finished it, according to the
commandment of the God of Israel, and according to the
commandment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes king
of Persia. And this house was finished on the third day of
the month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign
of Darius the king.Ezra 6:14, 15.
In the rebuilding of the temple Zerubbabel is a type of
Christ Jesus, who builds up the spiritual temple on heavenly
Mount Zion. With even greater force do the words of
Zechariah and Haggai to Zerubbabel apply to Christ Jesus:
This is the word of the L ord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not
by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the L ord
of hosts. Who art thou, 0 great mountain? before Zerubbabel
thou shalt become a plain. Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the
earth; and I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I
will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen;
and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in
them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every
one by the sword of his brother. In that day, saith the L ord
of hosts, will I take thee, 0 Zerubbabel, my servant, the
son of Shealtiel, saith the L ord, and will make thee as a
signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the L ord of hosts.
Zech. 4:6, 7; Hag. 2:20-23.

They shall know that I am Jehovah!

V ol. L X X I

S emimonthly
FEBRUARY 15, 1950

Stick to Y our W ork .........................
A Ministry o f Activity .....................
W ork, a Requirement .........................
W hy Persevere in It ...........................
H o w to Stick to I t ...............................
The Freedom o f a Clear Conscience
A Sound Investment o f Effort .........
W h y C hristians S hun T obacco ......
Z eciiariah Urges God s Service
D espite B an ...................................
L etter [On Converting Calendar Dates
fo r the Time o f the End ] .......... .
F ield E xperien c e ....................................
Separating to the R ight
T estimony P erio d ...........................
W atchtower S tudies .......................

__________ _____________

P ublish ed

S e m im o n t h l y B y

W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
1 1 7 A da m s Street
B rook lyn 1, N .Y ., U .S .A .
N. H. K norr, P resid en t

Grant S uiter, S e cr eta r y

A n d all th y children shall be taught o f Jehovah ; and

great shall be the peace o f th y children. - Isa ia h 5 4 : 13 .
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon i t ; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new w orld; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members of Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD o f Satan began its time of the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
o f its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

N o tic e to S u b s c r ib e r s :
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effective within one month. Send your old as well as new address.
Please address the Watch Tower Society in every case.
Yearly Subscription Rate
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A u s t r a l i a , 11 Beresford Rd., Strathfield, N.S.W.
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San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City
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Translations of this journal appear in many languages.
firmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may
have T h e W a t c h t o w e r free upon written application to tile publishers,
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E n t e r e d a s s e c o n d - c l a s s m a t t e r a t t h e p o s t o ffic e a t B r o o k l y n , N . 7 ,,
u n d e r t h e A c t o f M a r c h 3, 1W9.



This is the twelfth annual campaign for taking subscription for

T he W a tch to w er. February, the second month o f the campaign,
has been set aside as a special Testimony Period entitled Separat
ing to the Right . Thoughtful readers o f this magazine know
there is no better Bible publication than T h e W a tch to w e r for
helping people to be separated to the right o f the King Jesus
Christ in this judgment day o f the nations. As an added induce
ment to the public to subscribe, a premium o f 8 assorted booklets
is offered with every years subscription fo r T h e W a tch to w e r
at the regular rate o f $1, American money. To persons already
subscribing for T h e W a tc h to w e r a years subscription fo r the
companion magazine A w a k e ! may be offered, however without
the premium added. W e especially invite our W a tch to w e r readers
one and all to join in this campaign during February. A postcard
to us will bring instructions and references to local fellow cam
paigners. Yes, by all means, report on our form the success with
which Jehovah God blesses your activities during February.

your personal or home copy o f each issue o f T he W a tch to w er.

Do not throw them away, but preserve them in a binder or drawer
or on library shelves. At the end o f each year, in its Decem
ber 15 issue, T he W a tch to w e r contains an index o f subjects and an
index o f all the scriptures cited, quoted and commented upon in
all the leading articles throughout the year. By saving your copies
and keeping them in date order you will have an invaluable refer
ence library for consultation in your study o f the Bible. Organized
companies should preserve copies in the library o f their local
Theocratic ministry course school.


Week o f April 2 : Stick to Your W ork,

1-24 inclusive, T h e W a tch to w e r February 15, 1950.
Week o f April 9 : How to Stick to It,
tj 1-21 inclusive, T h e W a tc h to w e r February 15, 1950.


When writing the Society regarding a W a tch to w e r or A w a k e !

subscription in a language other than English, the foreign
language should be clearly indicated (as, Greek, Spanish, or
Polish, etc.). This is especially necessary when sending in changes
o f address and subscription renewals, using other than the regular
renewal slips. Renewal slips with no foreign language indicated
are always believed to be English, hence considerable trouble and
delay may be eaused if a foreign-language subscription is desired.
Be sure to in d icate the lan gu age p la in ly in all correspondence and
in upper right-hand corner on all renewal slips. It will greatly
facilitate the work in the office if you use the renewal slips that
are sent with your magazine. Your correspondence with the
Societys office at Brooklyn will be given quicker attention i f you
write in the English language whenever possible.

V ol.


F ebruary

15, 1950

No. 4


Watch yourself and watch your teaching; stick to your work. 1 Tim. 4:16, Moff.
TEH OVAH GOD has always shown consideration
I in dealing with the problems and needs of creaJ tures upon the earth. He knows what is good for
his creatures. He knew well that the nation of Israel
required commandments to regulate their lives and
to keep them close to pure worship of him. Through
Moses, God gave to Israel the Decalogue, or Ten
Commandments, written on stone. It was in the
Fourth Commandment where God stated his arrange
ment for governing the work that must be done:
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six
days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but the
seventh day is a sabbath unto Jehovah thy G od: in
it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor
thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant,
nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy
gates: for in six days Jehovah made heaven and
earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the
seventh day: wherefore Jehovah blessed the sabbath
day, and hallowed it.Ex. 20:8-11, Am. Stan.Ver.
2Probably almost everyone in Christendom today
knows of the law which God stated concerning the
sabbath; yet very few have looked upon it as also
a direct command from God to work. It is most
important to remember that the Fourth Command
ment is not limited to a mere consideration of one
day in seven, but Gods pleasure for his creatures
was that they should work. By far the greater part
of their time would be devoted to working.
3When man had been ejected from the garden of
Eden, God provided that through the sweat of his
brow he would earn his bread. That meant working;
it meant hard work. But from this ordinary work
to maintain a livelihood the imperfect man would
properly pause for recuperation. So the Israelites
were given one day out of seven to rest from the
servile work or ordinary business of life. There was,
of course, great prophetic significance too in what
God caused them to do. (1 Cor. 10:11) Since Jeho
vahs Word records his disapproval and condemna
tion of idleness (Prov. 6:10,11; 19:15), it would be

error to suppose that the commandment forbade

activity of any kind and imposed complete idleness
for the day. However, in the years that followed the
issuance of the command on the sabbath to the nation
of Israel, many of the Jews fell away from keeping
the command, and eventually the clergy turned the
words to suit their own convenience.
4 That by the time Jesus came to the earth the
clergy had induced the people to believe they must
be completely idle on the sabbath day, and that there
was a very general perversion of the sabbath then,
are apparent both from their objections to the work
Jesus did on that day and from his marked conduct
on the sabbath to which these objections were sure
to be urged. Evidently Jesus purposely did his acts
on the seventh day to provide proper education for
the common people. Jesus showed that it was not a
violation of Gods Law, which he kept perfectly, for
anyone to do good works for the benefit of others
on that day. Rather it was in keeping with Gods
principles to do the works of righteousness every day.
5When Jesus freely cured a man who had been
sick for thirty-eight years, the traditional religion
ists hated him for it and persecuted him, seeking to
slay him. Jesus gave the straightforward answer:
My Father is still at work, and I work too. (John
5:17, An Amer. Trans.; also see Matthew 12:1-15;
Mark 3 :2 ; Luke 6:1-5; 13:10-17; John 5:2-18;
7: 22, 23; 9:1-34) Jesus had not come to destroy the
Law, but to fulfill it. (Matt. 5:17) The necessity of
keeping the sabbath law remained until the death
of Jesus, when the Law was abolished.Eph. 2:15;
Gal. 3: 24, 25; 5 :1 8 ; Col. 2:16,17.
6But the ending of the sabbath law with its com
mand to work as well as rest did in no way change
Gods principle that creatures should work. As Jesus
clearly put it, God is a worker. We see his works
every day; they are all about us. The Bible tells us
of his creative works and the many acts he performed
in behalf of his people on the earth in ancient days.
Greater works have never been done than those of
the Most High God.Ps. 19:1.

1. By the Fourth Commandment what did God govern for Israelites?

2. Besides to rest, what was this a command to do? How much?
3. What was rest to provide? Did it mean complete idleness?

4, 5. Over objections, what did Jesus show regarding the sabbath?

6. Did abolition of sabbath law change its principles? Why?


B rooklyn,

N. Y.

7 Jesus brought a ministry of work to the earth.

The Father in heaven had sent him, providing him
with a commission to do marvelous and miraculous
works while upon the earth. On one occasion, for
example, Jesus saw a man who was blind from his
birth, whom Jesus healed. The words of Jesus on that
occasion were: Neither hath this man sinned, nor
his parents: but that the works of God should be
made manifest in him. I must work the works of him
that sent me. (John 9 :3 ,4 ) And so Jesus worked
diligently throughout the time of his ministry. He
devoted his talents and abilities exclusively to Gods
work and purposes. With this his Father in heaven
was well pleased, thereafter exalting Christ to the
highest position in the universe next to the Most
8Before his exaltation, Jesus instructed his disci
ples upon the earth and showed them by his working
example the manner of carrying on Gods service.
According to Gods Law, Jesus went to the syna
gogues and assembled with the people. He used these
occasions for informing the people concerning Gods
purposes: And Jesus went about all the cities and
villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching
the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness
and every disease among the people. (Matt. 9:35)
Multitudes of Jews assembled at the synagogues;
that was their regular meeting place. By speaking
the truth then it was possible for Jesus to bring the
truth to the ears of thousands of people in the terri
tory he was assigned by Jehovah to cover. His follow
ers thus learned by example how to take advantage
of the custom of public assembling of the people, and
this method was used later by faithful servants.
Acts 13:15,16.
9In Mark 1:29 is the record of how Jesus went
into the homes to do Gods work. The miraculous
healing Jesus did was a token or evidence as to who
he was, and the fame of him spread. In Mark 2 is the
account of how Jesus conducted home Bible studies
and instruction periods when the people gathered to
hear his wisdom. (Also see Matthew 9:10.) Mark
9:33-37 shows how Jesus instructed disciples in a
house, using a little child as an illustration or help
so they could understand the principles he was teach
ing. Jesus visited the homes more than once, for
it would have been impossible to impart sufficient
knowledge to the imperfect minds of the people at
one time. Jesus did this without respect for the
standing of persons in the community, but on account
of the desire of the people to learn Gods truth and
because of their faith and love for righteousness.

10 The apostles and disciples of Jesus benefited

from his work. They learned much of the Kingdom
gospel so they also could preach the Word. After
they had witnessed Jesus working, Jesus gave them
direct commands to go out to cities and villages to
do the work of preaching and teaching. He left no
doubt about it: a Christian is required to go to the
people. After this the Master appointed seventy-two
others, and sent them on before him, two by two, to
every town or place to which he intended to come.
And he said to them, The harvest is abundant
enough, but the reapers are few. So pray to the owner
of the harvest to send reapers to gather it. Now go.
Here I send you out like lambs among wolves. Carry
no purse nor wallet nor shoes, and do not stop to
exchange civilities with anyone on the way. When
ever you go to stay at a house, first say, Peace to
this household! If there is anyone there who loves
peace, your blessing will rest upon him, but if there
is not, it will come back to you. Stay at the same
house, eating and drinking what they offer you, for
the workman deserves his pay. Do not change from
one house to another. Whenever you come to a town
and they welcome you, eat what is offered you, and
cure the sick there, and say to them, The Kingdom
of God is close upon y ou ! Luke 10:1-9, An
Amer. Trans.; see also Luke 9 :1 , 2, 6.
11 This meant house-to-house working, preaching
and teaching the good news. They were not to change
from house to house because one householder might
possess more of the worlds goods or might offer
more comfort and physical entertainment, but rather
stay on until the message and instruction had been
given adequately. The apostle Paul showed that to
be the correct understanding when he said: I kept
back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have
shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and
from house to house, testifying both to the Jews, and
also to the Greeks. (Acts 20: 20, 21) Paul did work
from house to house.
12 That their Christian work was to include mission
ary service in far-away nations was shown by the
direct words of Jesus to his disciples concerning the
work they were to do following his ascension to
heaven: Go, disciple all the nations, immersing
them into the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the holy spirit; teaching them to observe all
things which I have enjoined upon you. (Matt.
28:19,20, Diag.) This was a clear command to go
out to the people of all nations. It was further empha
sized that this is a part of the work of the Christian
when Jesus said: But you shall receive power by
the holy spirit coming upon you; and you shall be
my witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and

7. What ministry did Jesus bring? How did he show it?

8. Sabbaths, why did Jesus go to the synagogues? What do we learn?
9. What work did he do at the homes of the people? Why?

10. Who learned by his example? So what did he do to them?

11. What did such instructions to them mean?
12. What was their Christian work to include? To what extent?

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in Samaria, and even to the remotest parts of the

earth. (Acts 1: 8, Diag.) That took in a lot of terri
tory; it showed there would be much work done.
13When Jesus ascended to heaven to be with his
Father, the comforter, Gods holy spirit, was poured
out upon the faithful followers of Christ upon the
earth. That spirit or invisible active force of God
moved the Christians to perform wonderful works
of preaching and teaching. God blessed their minds
and hands for the performance of his will. Many
persons believed the gospel and entered upon the
way to life.

14 Many of all nations were given the benefit of the

tireless working of the faithful disciples. Among
them were the people of Thessalonica. Some of the
Thessalonians did not seem to have a proper appre
ciation of the value of good works. They did not take
note that the Scriptures condemned idleness and
laziness at work. By being slack at their work they
were doing injury to themselves and withholding
good from others, which action might bring about
destruction of life at Gods hands. They should have
known Proverbs 18:9 says, He who is slack at his
work is brother to him who destroys. (AnAm er.
Trans.) But evidently this ignorance was a result of
those at Thessalonica not being diligent in the study
of the Scriptures. (Acts 17:11) There was really no
excuse for anyones being idle there at Thessalonica.
The teaching of the Scriptures had been given to
them by Paul, Timothy and others to show them how
God required proper Christian works. Additionally,
they had the excellent personal example of Paul.
Nevertheless the apostle Paul had to write to them:
We charge you, brothers, in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ, to keep away from any brother who
lives in idleness, instead of following the teaching
you received from us. For you know yourselves what
you must do to follow my example, for I was not
idle when I was with you; . . . When I was with you,
I gave you this rule: Tf anyone refuses to work, give
him nothing to eat! For we hear that some of you
are living in idleness, mere busybodies, not doing
any work. Now Avith the authority of the Lord Jesus
Christ we charge and exhort such people to keep
quiet and do their work . . . But you, brothers, must
not get tired of doing right. 2 Thess. 3: 6-13, An
Amer. Trans.

15All of the Christians were required to work.

According to the apostle, the idleness of some of the
Thessalonians was a result of their not following the
teaching received from Paul and the other servants
who visited them. They were not at work because
13. What assistance was given them from above to that end?
14. Why and how were Thessalonians shown work is a requirement?
15. Why were some idle? Why was knowledge necessary?

they were not following knowledge of the truth. It

is true that the Lord poured out his spirit upon the
Christians in those days, but if some did not have
faith and the knowledge upon which to base it they
would surely not receive the spirit. Paul had dealt
with them in the same manner as he had done with
other Christians in other places, imparting such
knowledge as the Lord directed for the upbuilding
of the individuals in the Christian worship. Certainly
without proper knowledge none could work in a
manner pleasing to the L ord ; none could bring forth
fruits to the honor of Jehovahs great name.
16 The knowledge of the wonderful hope of what
is stored up for Christians by Jehovah God seemed
to have a different effect upon those Colossians to
whom Paul wrote: You first heard of it long ago
when the true message of the gospel came among
you, to thrive and bear its fruit among you, as it
does all over the world, from the time when you first
heard about the mercy of God, and really came to
know it, in the form in which Epaphras . . . taught
it to you . . . it is he who has told me of the love
the spirit has awakened in you. That is why, from
the day I first heard of it, I have never given up
praying for you and asking God to fill you, through
full spiritual wisdom and insight, with a clear knowl
edge of what his will is, so that the lives you live
may be worthy of your Master and wholly pleasing
to him, and you may be fruitful in all kinds of good
deeds, and may grow into fuller knowledge of God.
Then, so mighty is his majesty, he will nerve you
perfectly with strength for the cheerful exercise of
endurance and forbearance in every situation, and
you will thank the Father who has entitled you to
share the lot of Gods people in the realm of light.
(Col. 1:6-12, An Amer. Trans.) Here Paul showed
how important it is to have a clear knowledge of what
Gods will is. Without it one cannot live a proper life,
pleasing to the Master and worthy of him. With it the
way is open to be fruitful in all kinds of good works.
Not only that, but there will be a gift of strength,
nerving one for cheerful endurance. But all these
things go together. Proper use of the knowledge
helps us to work; the Lord will help us to stick to
our work, to persevere in it in every situation. That
is the blessed lot of true servants of God.
17 Is it possible for any person to obtain such
knowledge? Will it truly be possible to work for the
Most High and stick to that work? That so-important
knowledge is something that does not come all in one
moment. Our God has provided his Word of truth to
help us and to show us the way to serve him. As we
study it we learn what Gods purposes are and we
see that in order for a creature to please him that
individual must make a consecration of his life to
16. As Paul showed the Colossians, how is knowledge effective in us?
17. How does such important knowledge come?



Gods service. That means work. When one is filled

with the knowledge of the hope in the living God and
then works, that will benefit him in an exceptional
18Why do we work? It is because of our faith and
because we believe Gods promise that he will give
us life. It is for this that we toil and struggle, for
we have fixed our hopes on the living God, the Savior
of all men, especially those who believe. (1 Tim.
4:10, An Amer. Trans.) To someone who has no
faith this may appear to be a drudgery; yet in truth
it is the source of the greatest joy to Christian men
in this world. Especially at this time, when the forces
of evil appear more actively than ever in the past,
when the signs of the end of this old world are upon
us, it is the greatest privilege. This is the time when
the work of preaching the gospel in all the world for
a testimony is taking place. It is the time when great
light has been shed upon Gods truth and when the
Christians business is to be studying his Word and
assembling together regularly with those of like
precious faith in Bible study, helping others to learn
more of the kingdom hope of all mankind.
19 The knowledge of the Scriptures shows us that
just ahead of us is that terrible and dark time of the
battle of Armageddon, when the evil forces of the
Devils world will go down into destruction. The
nearness of that world-shaking event impresses upon
our minds the import of the words of Jesus at John
9:4, according to An American Translation: We
must carry on the work of him who has sent me while
the daylight lasts. Night is coming, when no one can
do any work. Now is the time to act wisely in doing
these righteous works of teaching. Now is the time
to live and work as Christians, especially now, for
the final end is near. That is why the apostle advises
us to be vigilant and careful: Watch yourself and
watch your teaching; stick to your work; if you do
that, you will save your hearers as well as yourself.
1 Tim. 4:16, Moff.

20 Stick to your work, he says. Why is it neces

sary to give such pointed advice? It is because there
is real struggle in keeping going in Gods work. Were
it true that no one opposed Gods work, then, of
course, it would be much easier; however, we must
be aware that Satan the Devil is our adversary and
he is very angry now, since he has been cast out of
heaven. (Revelation 12) He is busily trying to turn
all creatures away from God and into destruction
with him at the coming conflict. He wants to make
each one slack the hand, slow down, and finally stop
completely from Gods beneficial work. He is still try
ing to fight God by overcoming the servants of Jeho18. 19. Why do we do this Christian work, and especially now?
20. Why give such pointed advice about sticking to our work?


N. Y.

vah, for he well knows that then they will lose out on
Gods precious promises and Kingdom blessings. The
warning of the apostle Peter (1 Pet. 5:8, 9, Am. Stan.
Ver.) is therefore so appropriate at this time: Be
sober, be watchful: your adversary the devil, as a
roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour: whom withstand stedfast in your faith.
Satan is attacking every individual who is conse
crated to God, every man, woman and child doing
Gods work. The Devil wants us to turn back from
Gods work, against the good advice of Jesus, who
said: No man, having put his hand to the plow,
and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
Luke 9: 62.
21 How is this looking back done ? By turning
back to the old world from which we came out. It
means turning our interest back to the evil practices
and customs of the old world, as when Lot and his
family were delivered by God from the destruction
of wicked Sodom and Lots wife turned to look back
because her interest was actually there. She perished,
becoming a pillar of salt; therefore Jesus said: Re
member Lots wife. (Luke 17:32) Looking back
means not keeping the Kingdom interests first. It
means not sticking to your work.
22 Satan uses many ways to accomplish this. Some
persons are affected by the persecution. Reproach
slows others down. But this persecution and reproach
cannot be avoided. The Master told his followers they
would suffer many indignities and much torture for
his names sake. It was so in the case of his servants
following his ascension to heaven and it has been true
upon real Christians ever since. (Matt. 24: 9; 2 Tim.
3:12) To combat this violent action of the enemy
the Christian must be strong in faith. With strong
faith we are fortified by Jehovah and we are able to
overcome or neutralize the enemys attacks if we
persist in our work and trust in our God to deliver us.
23 Not all suffer violent persecution today, but
there are other methods Satan uses to turn us from
our good work. In this life we have many responsi
bilities. Some of us learn the truth after we have
acquired families, and these families do not always
believe the Scriptures as we do. Sometimes they put
every hindrance in our way in an effort to make us
fail to stick to our worship. The responsibility is
upon us to provide for our family members, which
we as Christians are pleased to do. But if any
providetli not for his own, and specially his own
household, he hath denied the faith, and is worse
than an unbeliever. (1 Tim. 5:8, Am. Stan. Ver.)
Even when they oppose our good works we must see
that they have the necessities to maintain life if we
are family providers. And in the end it may be that
21. How is this looking back done, and with what result?'
22. How does Satan induce this in some? How do we combat this?
23. Despite opposition must one still provide for family? Why?

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they will accept the truth and we shall gain our

families for the Lord by setting a faithful example
of belief and good works.
24 The counsel on overcoming family opposition is
found in Jesus words at Matthew 10:34-39 (Am.
Stan. V e r . ) : Think not that I came to send peace on
the earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For
I came to set a man at variance against his father,
and the daughter against her mother, and the daugh
ter in law against her mother in law : and a mans foes
shall be they of his own household. He that loveth
father or mother more than me is not worthy of m e;
and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is
not worthy of me. And he that doth not take his
[stake] and follow after me, is not worthy of me. He
24. Why stick to the work despite family opposition? How?

that findeth his life shall lose it; and he that loseth
his life for my sake shall find it. Jesus showed that
there would be great ciises in the families who
accepted Christ and followed in the right way. No
Christian must permit family opposition to keep him
back from serving Jehovah God and Christ, but the
Christian must put the love of Christ first, else he
would fail to prove worthy. If others in the family
became so violent as to take the Christian believers
life, then Christ would restore life in the Kingdom
time; but if one would back up into inactivity in
order to save his life, in the end he would displease
the Life-giver and lose everlasting life. By keeping
the love of the Lord as of first importance and the
other required things secondary, we will properly
stick to our work.


N order to maintain our lives we must have a become afraid to lose the easy way of life for the
certain amount of this worlds goods. Will worldly works sake. The attractions of the old world can be
goods become a hindrance to us in our Christian a cause of looking backward. It happened in the early
work? Will we fall into the snare of the enemy Christian days and is still happening today. As the
because we become afraid of losing a steady income apostle Paul testified in his writing (2 Tim. 4: 9,10):
from our secular work? Pressure is often put on Do thy diligence to come shortly unto m e: for Demas
those who have taken up Gods service. They are hath forsaken me, having loved this present world,
boycotted in their business establishments, particu and is departed unto Thessalonica. Demas had
larly in such places as Quebec, where false religion great opportunities of serving God in company with
holds sway. Again, there may be merely threats of the apostle Paul, but he lost out because he did not
financial or business losses. We know that if there is stick to his work. By taking the course in life that
any selfishness or pride in us it will be worked on he chose he could only lose his chances to obtain ever
by our adversary to slow us down in our work. Here lasting life, which he evidently did.
3 Our wily foe uses other methods to slow down
is another great test of the Christians faith. The
Lord has promised to provide all the needs of his Gods servants. He sows discord among the brethren.
servants. (Matt. 6:33) Will their faith be strong It is often that we are evil spoken of by the world;
enough? Will they take the Lord at his Word? Based but when such things come from the mouths of those
upon his knowledge and faith, the apostle Paul came who are associated in the work it is not easily taken.
out with a statement of the sensible Christian posi It hurts deeply. If our faith is not strong, we may
tion : If we have food and clothing we will be satis become offended and isolate ourselves from other
fied. But men who want to get rich fall into tempta Christians. That is a mistake; it may cause us to
tions and snares and many foolish, harmful cravings, stop the work. That is why we must not allow dis
that plunge people into destruction and ruin. For unity to creep into our ranks. We must quickly settle
love of money is the root of all the evils, and in their any differences that arise and keep going forward in
eagerness to get rich, some men wander away from the work. Prov. 6:14,16,19; Eph. 4: 3,12,13, 31,
the faith and pierce themselves to the heart with 32; Col. 3:12,13.
4 Because we are attacked from so many sides by
many a pang.1 Tim. 6:8-10, An Amer. Trans.
evil one, we must keep alert and fight hard to go
2 Satan tries to make the things of this world
We cannot afford to take chances with our
appear alluring to those in Gods work. There are
many lusts of the flesh which war against the spirit lives, so we must always have a positive viewpoint.
ual things. (1 Cor. 10:6-11; Jas. 1:14,15; 1 Pet. There is danger in being indecisive, pausing on the
2:11) There are the pleasures of this life which can way to life. We are wise when we understand that
be allowed to take up all of our consecrated time. once we have made a consecration to serve God there
If we have plenty of this worlds goods we may is never any question about how to decide matters.
1. How do business and worldly goods tend to slow down our work?
2. What part do worldly attractions and our lusts tend to play?

3. How do discord and evilspeaking tend to operate?

4. Why must we be alert and have a positive viewpoint of our work?



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N. Y.

And we play safe by making our decisions always did not feel that way. They did not choose to serve
in favor of the Lords work and in harmony with liis God because they were unable to find any other
Word. Jesus gave us a good example of how to pro employment or because they were unqualified for
ceed when the Devil tempted him in the wilderness. any other work. They saw in Gods service the highest
Jesus knew what the Scriptures said, so he used them honor that could come to any creature on this earth.
as his vehicle for reply. The Devil could not make Today there are many among Jehovahs witnesses
him change from his positive attitude of mind. (Matt. who, as the world views things, have unusual natural
4:1-11) We must likewise watch out that our fleshly abilities or talents. They may have intelligence well
desires or other creatures are not permitted to influ above the average. They may be clever. If they were
ence us unreasonably to keep us away from our Theo to direct their efforts that way, they would be able
cratic activities. It is necessary to stick close to the to gain high positions in this world, together with
Lord and his organization to be safe.
the wealth and all such things the world pursues.
6 Our minds must be trained through the study ofBut do they choose temporal things, with the loss of
the Scriptures if we are to stick to our work. Think Gods treasured work and blessings? Certainly not.
ing and talking about God and his purposes is good Bather they use all their natural abilities for the
for you. Consider your limitations. You have a advancement of the Lords work. We should consider
limited amount of time to give to the training of our natural abilities as gifts from Jehovah and cul
your mind. If you consume all of that time with tivate them in his service. (1 Cor. 12:31; 13:8;
worldly reading, radio entertainment, television, etc., 14:1,39; Eph. 4:7-13, Am. Stan. Ver.) Whatever
and thinking on earthly things, you are wasting time abilities we have, therefore, whether many or few,
that can be used to build up a protective barrier should be applied to Gods work and to help us stick
against the darts of the enemy. Your thoughts can to that work.
be filled with important ideas. Each day there is a
8 It is not enough that we share in Gods work. No,
text to consider, as published in the Yearbook of we must give our very best if we shall please him.
Jehovahs witnesses. You will find appropriate times We should keep the quality of work as high as
to discuss Theocratic matters when in association possible. As Paul put it: Like an expert builder, I
with others in public witness work, or with friends laid a foundation, as God commissioned me to do,
in travel or at home. The wise Christian sets aside and now someone else is building upon it. But let
certain regular times for the building up of his mind, everyone be careful how he does so. For no one can
fortifying himself for the work to be done.Phil. lay any other foundation than the one that is laid,
4:8, 9.
that is, Jesus Christ himself. And whether one uses
6 This course of action will help others too. You gold or silver or costly stone in building on the foun
have the privilege of building others up in the faith. dation, or wood or hay or straw, the quality of every
Oftentimes you will encounter a person who is not ones work will appear, for the Day will show it. For
positive in his ways, who shows laxity in his way of the Day will break in fire, and the fire will test the
working. You do a distinct service to such a doubtful quality of everyones work. If what a man has built
one when you encourage him to attend Bible-study on the foundation stands the test, he will have his
meetings with others of like precious faith and when pay.1 Cor. 3:10-14, An Amer. Trans.
you suggest to him that he participate in Gods serv
9It is a mistake to undervalue the wonderful serv
ice. He may not realize the danger into which he is ice of God. That service is a treasure of inestimable
being led when he makes little excuses for not doing value. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels
as God requires of his consecrated servants. As a [our fleshly bodies], that the exceeding greatness of
Christian you have the privilege of aiding another to the power may be of God, and not from ourselves.
form the good habits you have made your own and (2 Cor. 4: 7, Am. Stan. Ver.) We receive our abilities
of fighting off the bad habits that lead backwards. in the work from God and these we should employ
Cultivate the habit of regularly associating with the creatively, conscientiously and with diligence. We
Lords people. Habitually practice these things.
shall enjoy doing Gods work if we do it right, if we
7 Sticking to your work will be easier if you proper
give our best. There will be good building work done;
ly evaluate the extraordinary work that is the por
our work Avill be fruitful. It is upon the basis of the
tion of a Christian. Surely there is nothing of higher
value in this transitory world. It is not common or quality of our work that God will give us our pay.
ordinary. A proud person might feel himself to be Jehovah pays us well for our service in righteous
too important or too capable to go from house to ness ; he gives us everlasting life. The wicked man
house in Gods service. But Jesus and his disciples earns illusive wages; but he who sows righteousness
has a true reward.Prov. 11:18, An Amer. Trans.
5. Why must our minds be trained? By taking advantage of what?
6. How can we help brethren to faith and right habits?
7. How does properly evaluating the work help us stick to it?

8, 9. What quality of work should we give to this ministry? Why?

F e b r u a r y 15, 1950


10 Even now we are receiving rewards. We have the

satisfaction and contentment of mind that comes only
with the blessing of the Lord. We have the joy of
the Lord, hearts full of hope and expectation. These
come to us as a bulwark against the Devils opposi
tion. We see that now we have the privilege of devel
oping ourselves through the many experiences and
tests that come upon us. We are, as it were, perfect
ing our work, polishing out the defects. As we see our
work improving we receive much joy. We rejoice in
doing the Lords will, as it is written: You must
find the greatest joy, my brothers, in being involved
in various trials, for you know that the testing of
your faith leads to steadfastness, and steadfastness
must have full play, so that you may be fully and
perfectly developed without any defects.Jas.
1: 2, 3, AnAm er. Trans.

11With this perfecting of our service comes the

knowledge that we are doing what is right. Thus the
Lord pays us with the freedom that comes only
from having a clear conscience. We, as Christians,
have made a consecration to serve our Father, and
he helps us to keep our integrity. By taking the
course of righteousness we receive many blessings
and we are privileged to show by our upright con
duct that those who abuse us have all the shame.
And who is there that can hurt you if you are eager
to do what is right? Even if you should suffer for
uprightness, you are blessed. But do not be afraid of
them, nor be troubled, but reverence Christ in your
hearts as Lord, and always be ready to make your
defense to anyone who calls you to account for the
hope that you have. But do so gently and respect
fully, and keep your conscience clear, so that those
who abuse your upright Christian conduct may be
made ashamed of their slanders. What a wonderful
feeling it is to be free from fear, to be satisfied, to
rely on the safety of the covering hand of the Most
High. There is a certain joy in suffering for doing
right in Gods work; but, on the other hand, how
great is the mental anguish of those who do wrong.
For it is better to suffer for doing right, if that
should be Gods will, than for doing wrong.1 Pet.
3:13-17, An Amer. Trans.
12 When we stick to the work of serving God and
when we stick close to his organization we may suffer
persecution, but God grants us the strength and
ability to bear it. It is when we carelessly drift back
to the old worlds ways and become ensnared in any
of Satans many pits or traps that we suffer the
untold miseries that we bring upon ourselves. The
attention of the Watch Tower Society is often called
to such things because persons seek help in their
10. What present rewards do we have for thus doing?
11. What freedom does a clear conscience give us?
12. To what pitiful state does failure to stick to it lead?


time of trouble. One recent example that is very un

fortunate is set forth in the following letter:

Dear Brethren:
I am writing for your suggestions on separation and
divorce. My husband and I are witnesses for Jehovah but
in the past two years we have slacked in our zeal for the
service. I realize the mistake we have made and have tried
to get my husband to get into the service again. Since the
first of this year I havent been able to get him to attend
meetings. He thinks because at one time he was company
servant and has slacked his hand that he has lost his right
to the Kingdom blessings. Of course I think the Devil has
ensnared him and he is trying to justify his actions now.
He has become involved with a woman and wants a
divorce so he can marry her. I told him he would certainly
be throwing away all hope if he proceeds in this. We have
two children, and I think anyone who has a knowledge of
Gods laws should be able to figure out that they must leave
such temptations alone, even if we cant get along, which
I think we could, if he would give up this other woman.
Please write us as soon as possible on our standing. I realize
we have lost a lot of blessings by our negligence, but is all
hope gone? I know he loves the Lord and the Lords people.
But I am at a loss as to what steps I should take.
Yours for the Theocracy,
That is the very pitiful state into which failing to
stick to the work and stick to the Lords organization
has led some individuals. That is what Satan will
bring upon those who give him an opening by paus
ing to associate again with the old world: mental
suffering, misery, unhappiness.
13 It is a comfort to us to know that our God in
heaven is a merciful One and that he is an ever
present source of help and comfort. When we are
caused to stumble under the constant attacks of our
adversary and we yield ground, we suffer untold
miseries on account of it. But if we truly love God
we will turn to him and seek his help, as a child will
go to its father. This help we may receive, by his
undeserved kindness, if we put forth a sincere effort
to henceforth go in the right way. We know we can
not go on willfully repeating our sins and then come
again each time to ask forgiveness, as is the manner
of some in modern religious circles, for the Scrip
tures do not allow for that (Heb. 10:26-30); but
when we sincerely repent and seek to go in the right
way, getting back into the Lords work and deter
mining to stick to it, there is the Lord to help us
recover. At the very least, the period of suffering is
certain to be a most difficult timethere are many
who never recoverand so the wise servant of Jeho
vah will keep his vision of the issue clear and stick
to his work, not taking any risks with his life.
14 In the finality, it is our works that will be con
sidered by our Father, and then it will be determined
whether or not we shall receive everlasting life. Why
13. How can taking advantage of Gods mercy help us to stick to it?
14. By what course can we lose all our pay for our past works?



should we foolishly risk the loss of that excellent pay

from Jehovah by going back and pursuing the illu
sive wages of this dying old world? It is better to
consider and heed the words of the apostle Peter:
And if you address him as Father who judges every
one impartially by what he does, you must live rever
ently all the time you stay here, for you know that
you have not been ransomed with anything perish
able like silver or gold, from the futile way of living
in which you were brought up, but with precious
blood. (1 Pet. 1:17-19, An Amer. Trans.) It is re
quired of Christians to live reverently all the time
they stay in this old world, following Gods Word
carefully, if they are to gain final approval of the
Life-giver in heaven. The ransom by Christ Jesus
is not to be viewed as a common thing, but it is a
precious treasure far more valuable than silver and
gold. We can lose all of the blessings of the Lord
if we go back to the futile way of living in which we
were brought up before we knew the truth and made
our consecration.
15With the pay we receive now from Jehovah we
find the divine protection. We are in an evil world
that is seeking to destroy all that honors Jehovahs
name. Were it not for the unexcelled protective serv
ice from above our chances of survival in this old
world would be nil. We are given every reasonable
help too. The Lord has given his spirit in abundance
to his servants and with that has come a supply of
spiritual food and knowledge of his purposes that
we cannot contain. The food is plentiful. When we
are working hard we use more of the food and we
appreciate it more. It gives us added strength to
stick to our work.
16 The strength that God gives us to endure in this
old world is beyond the understanding of this world.
The world sees that as an organization Jehovahs
witnesses are sticking to their work under any and
all conditions, in the face of the violence of perse
cution and war. The efforts made to stop the work
would ordinarily bring an end to the activities of any
group. We know it is only Jehovahs help that makes
it possible for us to endure, and so we do not boast
in ourselves. We boast in hope of the glory of God.
And not only so, but we triumph also in afflictions,
knowing that affliction works out endurance; and
endurance, approval; and approval, hope; and this
hope is not put to shame, because the love of God
has been diffused in our hearts, through that holy
spirit which has been given to us.Rom. 5:1-5, Diag.
17 With the help of Gods spirit and the wonderful
hope, we can endure, we find ourselves able to per
severe, we can continue, we can stick to our work.
It is the only wise thing to do now. We have the
prospects of life, and the time is so near. Paul said:
15, 16. Where and how do we get strength for our work?
17. As to our work, what is the only wise thing to do now? How?

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

You must not lose your courage, for it will be richly

rewarded, but you will need endurance if you are to
carry out Gods will and receive the blessing he has
promised.Heb. 10: 35, 36, An Amer. Trans.

18 The enduring things are what we must invest in.

These are only the Theocratic things, Gods work.
We are advised not to put all of our energies into the
worldly enterprises because those things are doomed
to destruction at the near battle of Armageddon. If
we give all of our time to such things it will be lost
because such things are doomed to destruction with
this world at the now near battle of Armageddon. If
we give all of our time to such things it will be time
lost because such things are going to be lost. Worse
than that, we may be smashed up with them at Arma
geddon because of not sticking to Gods work and
keeping that first in our lives. You must not work
for the food that perishes, but for that which lasts
for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you,
for God the Father has authorized him to do so.
(John 6:27, An Amer. Trans.) It must be remem
bered that the gaining of salvation means work,
sticking to it through thick and thin. Wherefore, my
beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my
presence only, but now much more in my absence,
work out your own salvation with fear and trem
bling.Phil. 2:12.
19And all the work we do is profitable. A few words
spoken at the right time will help many a person to
appreciate more of Gods purposes and his great
mercy. We have opportunities to speak to other
people by telephone. We write letters about the
gospel. We can mail literature concerning the King
dom to friends and people of good-will. When visitors
come to our homes we can speak with them about
Jehovah God. These are all a part of the good work,
oftentimes in addition to the important work of call
ing upon the people at their homes and places of
business. Whether it may be that we do much in the
work or a little because of limited strength or ability,
sticking to the work is good. Since it means salvation,
your work is not wasted or thrown away. So my
dear brothers, be firm and unmoved, and always
devote yourselves to the Lords work, for you know
that through the Lord your labor is not thrown
away.1 Cor. 15: 58, An Amer. Trans.
20 It has always been true that Christians are
required to work, for that is according to the princi
ples of the Most High God. The advice of Paul that
is written at 1 Timothy 4:16 was full of meaning for
the consecrated ones in early Christian times. But
today the times are more perilous, the days are more
18. To what should we not bend all our energies? Why not?
19. In what profitable ways can our personal work proceed?
20. Why does the quotation from 1 Timothy 4: 16 have more force now ?

F ebruary

15, 1950


evil. The time for the final settlement of the great

issue of universal domination is here and the ire
of the evil ones is at its highest pitch. This means
that the assaults against those who are seeking to do
Gods work are more intense and violent than at any
other time in history. In the face of all of this we
ourselves must stand firm in our integrity, never
giving even a slight opening to the Devil to get in
a wounding blow to disable us from the Christian
service; never permitting ourselves to be captured
by his forces and dragged back into the darkness
of this world and its perdition.
21 The work that we have been given is a great
blessing. It keeps us away from the dangerous things
of the old world, so it acts as a protector. The work
we have to do now is teaching and preaching. All of
the time and strength we can possibly muster should
go into the work. We have entered into this work
21. How is our work a blessing now toward winning out?


with determination to see it through to the finish.

The name of Jehovah is involved and so is our eternal
salvation. We want to win and we can win by doing
good works. Indeed, we must stick to our work, faith
fully looking to the time when the Lords statement
at Revelation 22:12 (An Amer. Trans.) is fulfilled:
See! I am coming very soon, bringing with me my
rewards, to repay everyone for what he has done.
Now is the time. Because the final settling of the
great issue is to come in this generation, our salva
tion is much nearer than when Christians first started
to serve God. It is even much closer than when we
ourselves first started to do Gods work. We must
not take chances by looking back to the old world for
anything. We cannot risk even the slightest slowing
down now. That is why the admonition at 1 Timothy
4:16 (Moff.) means so much to us in the last days:
Watch yourself and watch your teaching; stick to
your work.


ANY new ones are coming to a knowledge of the

truths in the Bible and are taking their place in the
gospel-preaching ranks of Jehovahs witnesses. Many
of these new ones formerly smoked tobacco, but have now
quit. A few others come to a knowledge of the truth but
do not quit smoking. When an effort is tactfully made to
instruct them they reply that the Bible does not forbid
smoking, that when they are shown from the Bible that it
is wrong then they will quit. Some of these have even offered
cigarettes to non-smoking witnesses when at local Kingdom
Halls. At least, their attempt at humor is unbecoming and
savors of taunting. At most, they could tempt only another
who had cleansed himself of the habit.
It is true that the Bible does not specifically name tobacco
smoking as an evil to be avoided. If Christians should shun
it, why does not the Bible definitely mention it? Because
in the times when the Bible was written the smoking of
tobacco was unknown. Under the heading Tobacco the
E n c y c lo p e d ia A m erica n a -, 1942 edition, states:
Originating in America, the use of tobacco has been ex
tended into practically all parts of the world, and, indeed, it
has come to be incomparably the most generally used
of all narcotics. .. . Tobacco was widely used by the Indians
at the time of the discovery of America by Columbus and
relics of the Mound Builders show that pipe smoking was
a very ancient custom among the aborigines. On landing
in the West Indies in 1492 members of Columbus crew
observed that the natives smoked rolls of dried tobacco
leaves. When the Spaniards landed in Mexico in 1519 they
found the natives cultivating tobacco with care and skill.
. . . The American Indians had evolved methods of cultivat
ing tobacco and preparing it in all forms which are now
used. . . . The culture and the use of tobacco were intro
duced into India, Persia and other Asiatic countries early
in the 17th century.
Hence it was not used in Biblical lands till more than

fifteen centuries after the last book of the Bible was written.
Nevertheless, inspired admonition contained in Scripture
is of such scope as to definitely embrace the use of tobacco.
A meek and humble person who wishes to receive instruction
could consider with profit such scriptures as Proverbs
30:12, Isaiah 52:11, Galatians 5:19, Colossians 3: 5, James
1:22, Ephesians 5:3, 4, and other texts concerning clean
ness in matters both physical and spiritual. These texts
establish a principle of purity and cleanness that should
guide Christians, and 2 Corinthians 7:1 is explicit when it
orders: Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the
flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
A translation in modern English reads: Let us cleanse our
selves from everything that contaminates either flesh or
spirit; let us be fully consecrated by reverence for God.
M o ffa tt.
Is not tobacco-smoking filthy in that it stains the flesh,
stinks clothes and body, and litters ashes about? Is it not
expressing inconsiderate selfishness rather than love when
one fouls the air with strong smoke for others to breathe,
and which smarts the eyes? Does not the habit contaminate
the flesh by harming health? It admittedly cuts wind or
endurance, slows reflexes, fogs the brain, promotes diseases
of heart and blood vessels, lowers vitality, irritates sinuses
and membranes of nose, mouth, throat and lungs, induces
cancer, impairs reproductive functions in both men and
women, weakens moral fiber and shortens the life span. To
what advantages can cigarette smokers point to counter
balance these disadvantages? Can one consecrate his full
potential of strength and energy to God if he siphons off
a measure of it by sucking on cigarettes? Is a Christians
consecrated strength and time and money being wisely
spent when dissipated and wasted through the tobacco
habit? It is not necessary for Jehovahs witnesses to badger
or heckle smokers with these and similar questions. It is
sufficient for each smoker, particularly those who have eome



to a knowledge of the truth and who engage in Jehovahs

service, to honestly consider these questions and look frankly
into his own mind and heart for the answer.
They might also remember that it was Jehovahs visible
organization that God used to rid their mind of false reli
gious doctrine, that He used it to teach them Kingdom
truths, to picture for them new-earth blessings, and to train
them in the gospel-preaching work that leads to such joys
and eternal life. They trusted the organization in those
matters, certain that God was and still is using it. Is it not
reasonable that God also uses it to cleanse His people of such
filthy habits as smoking? After the novice becomes a witness
through the organizations aid, does he suddenly become
wiser than his visible teacher on the subject of cleanliness
and on explaining scriptures relating thereto? On different
occasions in times past T h e W a tc h to w e r has discussed the
use of tobacco. Note the following comments taken from the
W a tc h to w e r magazine of July 1, 1942, after it quoted
2 Corinthians 7:1.
Any filthiness, whether it be of the flesh or of the spirit,
is abominable in His sight. Cleanliness of the flesh and spirit
is the very opposite of filthiness, and means that the creature
must be clean in body and in mind and use the natural
faculties with which he is endowed to the glory of God.
Having taken his position on the side of Jehovah in the
great issue, and having been granted by Jehovah the great
privilege of being associated with his Theocratic organiza
tion, he must deport himself in keeping with that holy
The armies [of this world], and the religious organiza
tions with them, are seeing to it that those fighting for world
domination are amply supplied with tobacco. The E n c y c lo pcedia B r ita n n ic a (Yol. 26) says: As the continent of
America was opened up and explored, it became evident
that the consumption of tobacco, especially by smoking, was
a universal and immemorial usage, in many cases bound
MONIES. That means the use of that herb was associated with
demonism, to bring its dupes under the power of the demons.
Is the use of tobacco, then, clean or filthy within the mean
ing of the Scriptures? The use of tobacco is extremely filthy,
regardless of the form in which it is used. It befouls the
body and dulls the mental faculties. It makes the user
offensive to those with whom he comes in contact, and
works great injury to the user and is a dishonor to God and
Christ. The use of tobacco has greatly demoralized the
human race. It creates an appetite for other impure and
filthy things. Under no condition is the use of tobacco
approved by Gods Word, although not mentioned by name.
It, therefore, does not seem consistent for anyone of
Gods organization or those who have been privileged by
His grace to enter the cities of refuge, to use tobacco. . . .
Those who persist in the use of the harmful weed cannot
be considered as proper examples in word, in charity, in
spirit, in faith, or in purity, and by their course of action
the example they are setting forth works ill to their neigh
bor. They are rebelling against a reasonable requirement
of the Lords organization. . . .
If a man chooses to injure himself by the use of tobacco,
no one has the right to say he shall not use it, but certainly
no person has the right to blow tobacco smoke into the

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

nostrils of another person. The habit of tobacco-smoking

is one of the most selfish that is exercised by human crea
tures; and, being selfish, it is the very opposite of love. The
smoker fails to give any consideration to the rights and
privileges of others about, to whom tobacco may be offensive.
There is every reason against the use of tobacco; there is
not one reason that supports its use. . . .
Tobacco is the Devils weed employed for the purpose
of demoralizing human creatures, particularly in the time
of the end. The use of tobacco having originated with
demonism, it should be expected that the prince of the
demons would introduce its use into Christendom by reli
gionists and popularize it there among religious practi
tioners. The contaminating influence thereof has spread to
all parts of the earth. Imagine the great multitude of
Armageddon survivors, under the righteous rule of the
visible princes in all the earth, with cigarettes in their lips
and trying to carry out the divine mandate to fill the earth
with a healthy-blooded righteous race! (Pages 205, 206)

And one more point that new ones among Jehovahs wit
nesses should remember relative to the use of tobacco. That
is, is it their purpose to bring filthiness into the organization
and spoil its reputation for cleanness? The fact that Jeho
vahs witnesses as a group do not smoke has become a marker
of them, a sign that distinguishes them from worldlings, a
cause for special notice and comment by outside observers.
Typical of this is the press report in the Springfield U n io n ,
July 2, 1949, in the section With the Witnesses published
during the district assembly held in Springfield, Massa
chusetts :
One boy about 12 years old had his binoculars trained on
the speakers, even though he had a seat right near the front.
Use of the glasses tended to create a racetrack atmosphere.
But another condition in the Coliseum was a far cry from
whats usual at sporting events of any sort. People who
attend hockey games there, particularly, wouldnt have
recognized the place. Indeed, who had ever before been in
the Coliseum with 4,500 other people when there wasnt
the tiniest trace of eigaret smoke?
Do new ones wish to mar this standard of cleanness that
has made Jehovahs visible organization outstanding? It
does not seem that any new witnesses appreciative of the
truths they have learned from the organization would want
to repay by doing evil, by wrecking such a long-established
reputation for freedom from tobaccos filth. It is not the
purpose of the visible organization to be narrow or dog
matic or lacking in tolerance and mercy. It realizes that it
takes time for new ones to cleanse themselves of worldly
filth, both physical and spiritual, and those making up the
visible organization should exercise patience and under
standing with one another. New ones should be meek and
teachable and not stubbornly resist for selfish reasons the
Scriptural admonitions against the filthiness of the tobacco
habit. On the other hand, those in the organization who are
clean of this contamination of the flesh should not fall short
of being merciful and long-suffering, but should allow time
for new ones to readjust themselves and conform to the
Scriptural ways of Jehovahs organization.
Many different methods for breaking the tobacco habit

F e b r u a r y 15, 1950


are recommended by worldly theorists, such as special diets,

exercise, medicines, gradual tapering-off of smoking, etc.
The best method for quitting is to have a good incentive
for doing so and then to stop abruptly. It is the method
used by many when they became Jehovahs witnesses and
wanted to cease fouling themselves with tobacco. Many of
this multitude of witnesses numbering into the tens of
thousands were at one time in slavery to tobacco with the
rest of the world, but they broke free of its unclean bonds,
not because they followed a special diet or course of exer
cise, but because they realized that it was defiling their
bodies and harming their health and making them unclean
for Jehovahs service. Had they not learned that Jehovahs
witnesses were commanded to be clean in both mind and
body?Isa. 52:11; 2 Cor. 7:1.
How, then, were so many thousands able to break the
tobacco habit? Most people fail to appreciate that the mind
is the agency that controls, governs and directs the body
and its habits. But Jehovahs witnesses fully realize this
and know that the battle against tobacco must be fought
and won in the mind. They know full well that the great
adversary the Devil as a roaring lion seeking whom he may
devour attacks ones mind, and so they take mental refuge
under the protecting hand of Jehovah God. (1 Pet. 5:8)
Under such overshadowing protection they are taught by
Gods Word, the Bible. But in addition to a mind fed,
strengthened and directed by Gods Word he gives them
that all-necessary invisible force or energy toward right
eousness, and that is his holy spirit. To those who ask him
persistently he gives this spirit more readily than earthly
parents give good gifts to beloved children. Thus, fortified

and moved by his holy spirit, and with honest-to-goodness

appeal or prayer to God for his help to overcome the
entrenched habit, they are bound to vindicate his power
in gaining the victory.
Food and exercise are also important factors for Jehovahs
witnesses. Their special diet is that prescribed by the great
Physician: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every
word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. (Matt.
4:4) They do not get choosy and stubbornly reject the
spiritual food that puts their unclean habits in an unfavor
able light, but partake of the spiritual food to get strength
to overcome the uncleanness. For exercise they have their
feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace
(Eph. 6:15), and they hasten from house to house with
this good news. They do not sit around in a tobacco-laden
atmosphere, but get out into the fresh air and occupy their
mind and body by standing on the street corners with
magazines heralding forth the Kingdom message.
This, then, is the sure and positive cure for the tobacco
habit, and anyone who will make a clean and abrupt break
from the snare and follow this course will find that in a
short time he will have lost his desire for the weed. Then
he will have more health and strength and energy to expend
in Jehovahs service. He will have redeemed time and
money for worth-while uses. He will have Scripturally
cleansed himself from that particular filthiness of the
flesh. Then, instead of tearing down the organizations
reputation for cleanness, he will be a clean associate of
the clean organization that today is preaching the good
news of Jehovah Gods righteous new world of endless


HY did Jehovah God effect the release of the an official persecution of the temple builders and tried to
Jewish captives in Babylon that they might return hold up their work all the days of King Cyrus. Then they
to their homeland? Why, after their capital city joined in sending a letter to Cyrus successor, King Artaof Jerusalem had lain desolate for seventy years, werexerxes,
they and accused the temple builders of seditious aims
returned to Judah and Mount Zion? Was it for theagainst
sake the political state. King Artaxerxes believed the
of their political independence, so called? No; but for the accusation. Contrary to the law of the Medes and Persians,
restoration of Gods service in accord with Theocratic law. he countermanded the temple decree of Cyrus, and had the
To this end the decree in the opening year of Cyrus full temple work stopped. So it ceased unto the second year of
power over Babylon read: Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, the reign of Darius king of Persia.Ezra 4:1-24.
All the kingdoms of the earth hath Jehovah, the God of That means that for sixteen years the work of rebuilding
heaven, given me; and he hath charged me to build him a the temple had lain idle. Then, the prophets, Haggai the
house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whosoever there is prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied unto
among you of all his people, his God be with him, and let the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name
him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the of the God of Israel. (Ezra 5:1) Of the two prophets,
house of Jehovah, the God of Israel (he is God), which is Haggai was the elder and he took the lead in stirring up
in Jerusalem.Ezra 1:1-3, A m . S ta n . V e r .
the Jews to activity in Gods service of rebuilding the house
Accordingly in 537 B.C. nearly 50,000 devoted worshipers of Jehovah. Less than four weeks after his opening blast
of Jehovah undertook the perilous journey to return to their the temple work was resumed, in the teeth of the imperial
desolated homeland. Zerubbabel was made governor of this ban! Two months after Haggai led off with his vigorous
restored remnant, and prominently associated with him in exhortations the younger contemporaneous prophet Zecha
the work of rebuilding the temple was the high priest riah joined in with his voice: In the eighth month, in the
Joshua, or Jeshua. In the second year of their return the second year of Darius, came the word of the L ord unto
foundation of the new temple for the worship and service Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the
of Jehovah had been laid.Ezra 2:1, 2, 64-70; 3:1-4, 8-11. prophet.-Zech. 1:1.
At this time opposition to rebuilding the temple broke out From the above it appears that Zechariah was the grand
among the Gentile nations in Palestine. They carried on son of Iddo and the son of Berechiah. That Zechariah was



a priest as well as a prophet is shown at Nehemiah 12:12,16.

When he started his prophetic service, in 520 B.C., he was
yet a young man, and continued in it at least two years,
until 518 B.C.Zech. 2:4; 7:1.
Zechariah, addressing both Joshua and Zerubbabel as
prefiguring Christ Jesus the High Priest and Headstone of
Gods house, wrote: Hear now, 0 Joshua the high priest,
thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men
wondered at [men of wonder, or sign]: for, behold, I will
bring forth my servant the B r a n c h . For behold the stone
that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be
seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof,
saith the L ord of hosts. . . .
This is the word of the L ord unto Zerubbabel, saying,
Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the
L ord of hosts. Who art thou, 0 great mountain? before
Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring
forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace,
grace unto it. The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foun
dation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou
shalt know that the L ord of hosts hath sent me unto you.
Zech. 3: 8, 9; 4: 6, 7, 9.
And when the Jews plunged anew into the rebuilding
work as a result of prophetic urging, what was the result
of such defiance of the decree of the political state? The
enemies appealed to King Darius to punish these seeming
violators of the law, but courageously the temple builders
contended that their God-given work was not against the
interests of the state but was perfectly legal according to
the original decree of King Cyrus. Thereupon King Darius
turned to basic law and had search made in the state
archives. The decree of King Cyrus was uncovered. It must
stand and be enforced according to the rule of the law of
the Modes and Persians, which changes not. The work of
building the temple was finished, while the enemies looked
on with chagrin. Worse still, they were ordered by the king
to furnish aid to the temple work. In the twelfth month,
which is the month Adar, and in the sixth year of King
Darius (516 B.C.), the rebuilt temple was dedicated with
great joy by the remnant, and Jehovahs word and name
were vindicated.
A closer look at the prophetic book that Zechariah wrote
under inspiration shows that it is generally divided into
two parts: chapters 1-8 and chapters 9-14. The first part
consists mainly of a series of visions which generally relate
to the temple and the hopes raised by its rebuilding, and
ends with a discourse replying to questions raised concern
ing certain feasts. Summarizing it, the prophet sees horse
men of the Lord inspecting the affairs on earth and hears
promise of the temples completion and Jerusalems pros
perity; he sees the four horns that scattered Israel and the
four carpenters that are to destroy the horns; he has the
vision of a man with a measuring line in his hand approach
ing Jerusalem, which foretells the growth and prosperity of
Jerusalem and the joining of other nations unto the Lord;
he hears Satan rebuked and sees high priest Joshuas filthy
garments replaced with glorious change of raiment; a sevenlamped golden candlestick flanked by two olive trees for
its oil supply next greets his wide-eyed gaze and he hears
the cries of Grace, grace heralding the bringing forth
of the temple headstone; he envisions a flying roll that

B rooklyn , N. Y.

records the curse that comes on those who rob God and
those who swear falsely to him; he sees Babylonish wicked
ness removed from among Gods restored remnant; finally,
four horse-drawn chariots appear in symbol of Gods war
organization, and Gods temple-builder is identified as The
Branch, who will be a priest upon his throne.
The last two chapters of this first section give answer that
feasts of weeping and self-pity should give way to times
of joy and gladness, that restored Zion was to prosper and
that men from all nations would take hold of the skirt of
him that is a Jew to accompany him to Jerusalem because
of Jehovahs blessings upon his people.
The second part of Zechariahs prophecy, chapters 9-14,
has the usual prophetic tone and character, in contrast with
the preceding vision-filled part so similar to the prophecies
of Daniel and Ezekiel. Many Bible critics claim that this
latter portion, because of the change of style and other
supposed internal evidence, was written by one other than
Zechariah, one living much earlier than Zechariahs time.
To those who appreciate not only the matter of miniature
fulfillment, but also the more important matter of major
fulfillment, their devious arguments are not very impressive.
The definite change in subject matter easily accounts for
the change in approach and style. Similar forms of expres
sion and like prophetic messages tie together both parts.
Most convincing, the writer of the second part shows knowl
edge of the writings of the prophets following Jerusalems
destruction, but by making allusions thereto he refers to the
future antitypical fulfillment of such prophecies. Hence the
second part could not have been written by one much
earlier than Zechariah, but, like the first, must have been
written after the Jewish exile. Zechariah was doubtless the
one Jehovah used to record the entire fourteen chapters of
the book that bears this prophets name.
This latter portion declares vengeance against heathen
nations, foretells Christs ride as King into Jerusalem on
an ass, the extension of Kingdom rule earth-wide, the
gathering of His people, the betrayal of Christ for thirty
pieces of silver, the outpouring of Gods spirit upon his
remnant after their repentance, the shame of false prophets
and the futility of hiding their identity, and the fall of
two elements of the people and salvation of a third element
(a remnant) by purification. The last chapter foretells the
international assault upon Jerusalem in the day of Jeho
vah, the split mount of Olives as a refuge for his people,
Jehovahs undisputed Kingship over the earth, the plague
wherewith he will smite the opposers, and the regular
worship of him year by year by the people and through
his holy temple organization.
Many of Zechariahs prophecies have been fulfilled, and
one-hundred-percent fulfillment of them in major complete
ness is not far distant. For references to Zechariahs proph
ecy in the Greek Scriptures, thus further establishing the
books authenticity, compare Zechariah 8:16 with Ephesians
4:25; Zechariah 9:9 with Matthew 21:4, 5 and John
12:14-16; Zechariah 12:10 with John 19:37; Zechariah
13: 7 with Matthew 26: 31 and Mark 14: 27, showing fulfill
ment of such prophecies in miniature.
Zechariah was faithful to God, and in pursuing that
faithfulness he urged the doing of Gods work even in the

F e b r u a r y 15, 1950



face of imperial ban. Because he remembered Jehovah and prophet will be remembered of Jah, which is the meaning
His service and held fast to integrity toward God, that of the name Zechariah.

December 21, 1949

Dear Brother ---------:
We have your letter of recent date requesting further
information as to the conversion of Julian Calendar dates
to their Gregorian equivalents as presented in the Novem
ber 1, 1949, W a tc h to w e r . Since receiving your letter these
dates have been rechecked by our mathematicians and are
all found to be correct, as published.
While it is true there is a difference of a day in about
every 128 years between the Julian and the Gregorian
calendars, however, when arranging for conversion from
one to the other, a person must be governed by the rules
set down by those who designed these calendars. For the
following rules we refer you to the 1942 edition of the
E n c y c lo p e d ia B r ita n n ic a , Vol. IY, page 569. The Julian
Calendar as authorized by Julius Caesar B.C. 45 provides
for a common year of 365 days and a leap year of 366 days
every four years with the extra day being added to the
month of February. The Gregorian Calendar as advocated
by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 (now accepted by all of
Western Christendom and adopted by Russia in 1918)
operates according to the following rule. Every year the
number of which is divisible by 4 is a leap year, excepting
the last year of each century, which is a leap year only
when the number of the century is divisible by 4; but
4000, and its multiples, 8000, 12000, 16000, etc., are
common years. Like the Julian the Gregorian Calendar
has a common year of 365 days and for its leap years the
extra day is added to the month of February.
Thus since the Julian Calendar continually has leap
years at the turn of the century whereas the Gregorian
Calendar has only a common year at that time except where
the century number is divisible by 4, the Julian Calendar
is consequently a little longer, approximately one day longer
every 128 years. Hence the difference between the two
calendars is noticeable generally at the century years. Being
therefore a little shorter the Gregorian Calendar year
approximates more exactly the true solar year of 365 days
5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. This then makes it possible
for the Spring (Vernal) Equinox to generally fall on the
same day, namely, March 21, as originally designed by the
makers of the Gregorian Calendar regardless of whether
using the calendar in the A.D. period or projecting it back
into the B.C. period.
Note how this is true in the following examples. On page
329 of the above-referred-to W a tc h to w e r the Nautical
Almanak Society of Britain is accurately quoted as saying:
The Spring Equinox in the year 607 B.C. was on
March 28th (Julian Calendar). As Gregorian dates are
b e h in d Julian dates for the identical events prior to the

third century A.D., actually 7 days b e h in d for the 7th

century B.C. Subtracting the 7 days from March 28
restores the Spring Equinox to March 21 607 B.C. as it
should be according to the Gregorian Calendar, which has
a uniform date for the equinoxes. Then take the example
of the year B.C. 45 when the Julian Calendar began, the
Julian date for the Spring Equinox that year was March 23.
The conversion factor for the first century B.C. is a 2,
thus again restoring the Spring Equinox to March 21
B.C. 45 Gregorian Calendar. Then note that at the time
of the Nicean Council A.D. 325 the Spring Equinox occurred
on March 20 Julian. The conversion factor for the fourth
century A.D. is a positive 1. Again this brings the Spring
Equinox to March 21 Gregorian A.D. 325. As a final example
note that in Pope Gregorys time (1582) the Spring Equinox
occurred on March 11 Julian reckoning. The conversion
factor for the 16th century A.D. is 10, thus again restoring
the Spring Equinox date to March 21 Gregorian. You will
know that to commence their new Gregorian Calendar in
1582 the Roman Catholics arranged to drop 10 days from
their old Julian Calendar by having October 15 of that
year immediately follow their date of October 4. Though
the Roman Catholic countries and later the Protestant
countries adopted this new calendar after 1582, yet the
Greek Orthodox Catholics continue to use the original
Julian Calendar without any adjustments.
The apparent reason for the Gregorian dates running
a h e a d of Julian dates in the A.D. period since the 3rd
century is that the extra days difference always occurs as
the last day of February, which addition occurs before the
Spring Equinox reckoning in the positive direction.
Whereas in projecting the Gregorian Calendar backwards
beyond the zero conversion factor, the extra day added in
February always comes after the Spring Equinox when
reckoning in the negative direction.
For the conversion factors referred to in the above please
consult the works of the following astronomical authorities
from which sources we have obtained our information and
confirmation of the dates in question.
Robert Schram in his book entitled K a le n d a r io g r a p h isc h e u n d C h ro n o lo g isc h e T a fe ln , published in Leipsig
in 1908.
Karl Schoch in his book P la n e te n T a fe ln F u r J e d e r m a n n ,
published in Berlin in 1927. These latter tables also appear
in English in the book entitled T h e V e n u s T a b le ts o f
A m m iz a d u g a , by S. Langdon and J. K. Fotheringham, pub
lished in London. Dr. Schochs tables appear in the appendix
of this English publication.
Rejoicing with you in being Jehovahs ministers, we
Faithfully yours in Jehovahs service,
W a t c h to w e r B ible and T ract S ociety , I n c .


trance under the large loudspeaker that was hung up out

side the building for the benefit of those who wanted to lis
ten to the lecture in the street. All in all we calculated a
total audience of more than 1,200, and they stayed right to
the very end of the talk. Jehovahs blessings had far ex
ceeded even what we had dared to hope for. As the chairman
and the speaker came out on the stage, the audience began 1
to clap their hands, and this alone should have convinced
the religionists that interference on their part would not
be tolerated by these honest, simple persons that comprised
the audience. The speaker too made it clear that the people
had come to hear the truth and hence invited would-be opposers to leave the theater. Only people who were not afraid
of the truth should stay. But no one left his seat.
At the close of the hours discourse which Seripturally
exposed false apostles who hated light, and made plain
where the source of the true and only light could be found,
an appreciative audience applauded loudly and with feeling.
The good news of the only light had been enjoyed by almost
all in the audience, but not a ll, because one of the half-dozen
priests in the audience suddenly jumped up demanding a
debate. Seminary students, that he had brought along with
him and had scattered in the theater, cheered as their fa
ther and priestly director of the local seminary stood up
in opposition to the truth that had badly offended his reli
gious susceptibilities.
The chairman explained that Jehovahs witnesses had paid
all expenses connected with this public lecture and had done
all their own advertising. Certainly then, it was out of the
question that he permit those to speak who had opposed the
public lecture from the beginning and who, not succeeding
in having it banned, pretended that they wanted a debate.
As if the religious priests had no places to do their preach
ing! Must they come uninvited to interfere with Christian
assemblies? Would they permit questions or debates in their
own religious temples? The chairman then showed that the
people had come to hear a Bible lecture on The Only Light
and not religious justification. This lecture the people had
heard and were satisfied. There was nothing more to say
and therefore, faithful to their promise to the people of
good-will, Jehovahs witnesses were closing the meeting and
dismissing the audience. How the people cheered the breth
ren for the truths sake and booed and hissed the priest as
he persisted in talking! What a miserable defeat for this
proud religionist before the very people that he claims to
serve spiritually! It was nothing more than a flat rejection
of his services and shows well that honest people in Italy
are not asleep as to what religion has done in this land. No,
the honest people can no longer be fooled and religion is
reaping just what she has sown. It is not difficult to see how
the propheey in Revelation 17:16-18 will be fulfilled.
The priests and their hirelings left in a hurry and
the honest people made their way out orderly, accepting a
free booklet that was offered them at the exits. Almost 50
bound books and 600 booklets were placed with the people,
many of whom, asking to be visited, left their names with
the ushers. A great witness was given to the name of Jeho
vah, and the new local company organized by our ex-pris
oner of war received a real stimulus.


The public meeting campaign is having splendid results

in Italy, and the following experience well illustrates how
the people are glad to hear the Kingdom message, packing
out a public gathering with an audience of about 40 stran
gers to 1 publisher.
It was decided to hold the circuit assembly in the city of
C------, which has a population of about 14,000 inhabitants,
a city buried in the picturesque mountains of southern
Italy. To reach the place we had to take a train on a second
ary line which looked more like the Toonerville trolley
than a railroad train. After winding about in the mountains
for three hours we reached our destination. It was only by
Jehovahs marvelous power that the truth came to this iso
lated spot in Italy. An Italian prisoner of war, interned in
California, U.S.A., received the truth while there and sym
bolized his consecration to the Lord before returning to
Italy. His immersion in a bathtub at the home of brethren
in California has already been mentioned by T h e W a tc h to w e r in one of its Field Experiences several years ago.
This brothers faithful activity in the service has Jehovahs
blessings, and now a youthful, healthy organization is
springing up in this town in Italy. It was felt that holding
the assembly there would strengthen the new company. And
it did.
There are a little more than 150 publishers associated with
this circuit, but, because of recent floods in the area and
other very unfavorable conditions, only 30 brethren were
able to assemble and participate in the advertising of the
public discourse, The Only Light. We had 4,000 handbills
and more than 100 wall signs printed. The handbills were
practically all distributed on Saturday, while the wall signs
had been pasted on the buildings of the main street several
days in advance. Everybody in town knew that we were go
ing to have a public lecture and we were quite sure that a
fairly large audience would be on hand. The word was
passed around that local priests would be present also, but
with the intention of causing a controversy on the subject.
First, let it be said that the clergy made attempts to put
pressure on the local authorities so that our right to hold a
public lecture might be denied; but to no avail. The local
police officials were determined to stand fast for freedom,
and it takes more than a little courage to refuse to take or
ders from the religious leaders in this clergy-dominated land.
When this failed, the clergy laid plans to break up our as
sembly and turn the tables on Jehovahs witnesses. Would
their plans succeed?
Early Sunday morning a brief visit was made at the office
of the local c a r a b in ie r i by our brethren. Men in uniform
would be on hand, we were assured, and would be ready to
keep order and protect our right of free worship. The only
movie house in the city had been rented for the occasion. It
was a theater that would seat about 700 persons, and we
felt that it would be a blessing if we could at least fill it.
The lecture was due to begin at 10: 30 in the morning, and
at 10:15 the theater was already packed out. But still the
crowd continued to pour into the building, until all stand
ing room was taken up. Then the enthused people thronged
into the lobby of the theater; others remained at the en

They shall know that lam Jehovah!

-Ezekiel 35:15.
V ol. L X X I

MARCH 1, 1950

A Call to P raise ....................................... 67
Misdirected Eulogies ................................. 68
Why Know and Praise Him .................69
Uniting O dr P raises Un iversally _____70
How Do S o? ............................................. 72
In Helpful Association ........................... 73
Facilitating Our Praising Together .... 74
A V isit to Central A m e r ic a ...................76
Letter [Further on Blood Transfusion] 79
F ield E xperience ......................................... 80
A nnouncing M essiah s P resence
T estimony P eriod ............................... 66
W atohtower Studies ..........
M emorial for 1950 ....................................... 66


P u b l is h e d

S e m im o n t h l y


W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
117 A dam s Street
B rook lyn 1, N .Y ., U .S .A .
O f f ic e r s

N. H. K norr, P resid en t

Grant Suiter, S e cr eta r y

A n d all th y children shall be taught o f Jehovah ; and

great shall be the peace o f th y children. 5 4 13


: .


THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon it ; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life ;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new w orld; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members o f Jehovahs
organization, and are Ills witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began its time o f the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that Ilis
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
o f public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

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country in compliance with regulations to guarantee safe delivery of
money. Remittances are accepted at Brooklyn from countries where no
office is located, by international .money order only. Subscription rates in
different countries are stated below in local currency. Notice of expiration
(with renewal blank) is sent at least two Issues before subscription
expires. Change 0f address when sent to our office may be expected
effective within one month. Send your old as well as new address.

Please address the Watch Tower Society In every case.

Yearly Subscription Rate
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Rs. 3/8
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Translations of this journal appear in many languages.
firmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may
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made once each year, stating the reason for so requesting it. We are
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under the Act of March 3, IS79.



April closes the 1950 campaign o f taking subscriptions for the

W a tch to w e r magazine. This final month has been set aside as
Announcing Messiahs Presence Testimony Period and will be
a month o f special effort and activity world-wide in this behalf.
When first published in July, 1879, our magazine was called
Zions Watch Tower and Herald o f Christs Presence . It is still
a herald o f the invisible presence o f Christ or Messiah, with more
proof o f this now than ever before since 1914. Very fittingly, then,
subscriptions for T he W a tc h to w e r are to be taken during the
Testimony Period thus designated. F or each subscription fo r a
year at the regular rate o f $1.00 a set o f 8 booklets is to be
given as a premium. Where people are already subscribers for
T he W a tch to w e r , they may be offered, instead, our companion
magazine A w a k e ! but without the booklet premium. W e should
like this twelfth W a tc h to w e r campaign to realize a peak o f sub
scriptions. I f you are in favor o f that, join us in the campaign.
Write us, should you need any assistance to that end. Each ones
report will enhance the world-wide total. So submit your report
on our form for such.

The new moon nearest the spring equinox in the north temperate
zone determines the first month o f the year according to Jehovahs
decree. (Ex. 12; 1, 2) This year the month Nisan begins at sunset
o f March 19, and hence the fourteenth day o f Nisan would begin
at sundown o f Saturday, April 1, 1950. This agrees with the date
nineteen years previous according to the metonic cycle. That day,
after 6 p.m., Standard Time, would be the correct time for the
annual observance o f Christs death according to his command. At
an appointed hour that night companies, units, and groups o f the
consecrated people o f God should assemble. A fter an opening song
and prayer, some appointed consecrated person, preferably one of
Jehovahs anointed ones, should present extemporaneously or read
a discussion upon the meaning o f the Memorial emblems. Then
prayer should be offered over the emblems and they should be
served, fo r any o f the remnant o f the anointed members o f Christs
body to partake of. The emblems should be unleavened bread and
red wine, to copy our Lords example. All persons o f good-will,
whether consecrated or not, are cordially invited to attend this
significant and blessed celebration, even though they are not
authorized to partake o f the emblems as members o f Christs body.
A fter the Memorial appropriate service announcements for the
group may be made, a closing song sung, and the meeting dismissed
with prayer. A report should be made to the Society o f the entire
number attending at each gathering, and the number o f those
partaking o f the emblems.


Week o f April 16: A Call to Praise,

Tj 1-12 inclusive, also Uniting Our Praises Universally ,
U 1-5 inclusive, T he W a tc h to w e r March 1, 1950.
Week o f A pril 23: Uniting Our Praises Universally,
1J6-23 inclusive, T he W a tch to w e r March 1, 1950.


V ol.


M arch

1, 1950

No. 5

Let everything that hath breath praise Jehovah. Praise ye Jehovah.Ps.


Am .8tan.Ver.

EHOVAH, the great Builder of the universe and faithful spirit creatures inhabiting the invisible
the Creator of life, is worthy of praise. For his heavens high above man are not exempt from honor
own pleasure he willingly undertook the burden ing Jehovah God. They must bless and praise God in
of bringing into existence a great mass of orderly proof that they support his universal domination.
creation, visible and invisible. None of this creation The faithful spirit creatures are doing this, for at
exists independently of him, and therefore all crea the birth of Jesus they appeared with the announc
tion has an obligation toward God and must join ing angel and were observed by the God-fearing
in testifying to his supremacy by showing that his shepherds. And suddenly there was with the angel
work is commendable, or else perish. The rapidly a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and
approaching battle of Armageddon makes the matter saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
of praising God increasingly urgent for survival. At peace among men in whom he is well pleased. (Luke
this critical stage of world history it is more than a 2:13,14, Am .Stan.Ver.) Now that Jesus has come
question of what is expedient for us. This is a great since 1914 as King and sits upon his throne of power,
day of decision, and necessity requires us to face the those heavenly hosts are more than ever causing the
facts and decide where we stand on the issue of uni corridors of Gods habitation to resound with his
versal sovereignty. Are we for God and his kingdom praises.Rev. 12:1-12.
of righteousness? Or do we throw in our lot with
3 It would be fatally erroneous to conclude that the
this evil world under Satan its prince, being content necessity of giving God praise is limited to only
with what it provides and supporting its multifarious heavenly creatures. No creature, in the highest estate
schemes for human betterment? We cannot avoid the or in the most humble position, is exempt from the
issue, nor will the shortness of the time allow for us obligation of honoring and glorifying his Maker.
to indefinitely ponder our steps. Only positive action Moreover, it was down here at this earth that the
now in favor of praising Jehovah will guarantee supremacy of God was originally challenged, and so
continued existence, for God is now bringing every it is in the vicinity of this earth that the issue will
thing into final judgment. That which does not reflect shortly finally be settled. Inasmuch as man is created
Gods glory is doomed to destruction.Ps. 9: 7, 8. a little lower than the angels, he is wise in taking his
2 The inspired psalmist had foreknowledge of these cue from the faithful hosts. All inanimate creation
things, and therefore he calls upon everything that shows forth Gods glory, so it is only reasonable that
hath breath to praise Jehovah. So fully did he all living creatures, and outstandingly the intelligent
appreciate creations absolute dependence upon God human creature, should join the rest of creation,
for survival in this day of judgment that he goes including the angels, in declaring Gods adorable
beyond the realm of man and extends his call to qualities and virtues. The psalmist meant to over
praise even into the invisible heavens. In exalted look nothing when calling for praise to God, and so
phrase he sings out: Praise ye Jehovah. Praise ye he turns his attention from the high heavens to this
Jehovah from the heavens: praise him in the heights. earth: Praise Jehovah from the earth, ye seaPraise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his monsters, and all deeps; fire and hail, snow and
host. Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all vapor; stormy wind, fulfilling his word; mountains
ye stars of light. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and all hills; fruitful trees and all cedars; beasts
and ye waters that are above the heavens. Let them and all cattle; creeping things and flying birds; kings
praise the name of Jehovah; for he commanded, and of the earth and all peoples; princes and all judges of
they were created. He hath also established them for the earth; both young men and virgins; old men and
ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not children: let them praise the name of Jehovah; for
pass away. (Ps. 148:1-6, Am. Stan. Ver.) Even the his name alone is exalted; his glory is above the earth
1. Whom must we praise? Why is it increasingly urgent to do so?
2. How far up does the command to praise him extend? Why?

3. Who on earth are commanded to praise him? Why wisely do so?




B rooklyn,

N. Y.

and the heavens. (Ps. 148:7-13, Am. Stan.Ver.) It to direct mans praise. Instead of praise to God, how
is wise now for man to give serious heed to these ever, the earth rings with the glorifying of creatures.
words, for they mean life. The reason is shown by Men and women who have achieved fame in financial,
another prophet of God, who wrote concerning these political, social, military, religious and athletic fields
last days: Jehovah hath a controversy with the are held constantly in the public eye and are lauded
nations; he will enter into judgment with all flesh: for their works. Without protest from the clergy,
as for the wicked, he will give them to the sword, who indeed often join them, the people continue to
saith Jehovah.Jer. 25:31-33, Am.Stan.Ver.
forsake Gods law. They magnify the prominent and
4In the face of such wholesome admonition, with wise men of this world which lies under the wicked
a prediction of dire consequences for those not heed one, Satan the Devil. (1 John 5 :1 9 ; Matt. 4 :8 ,9 )
ing the call to praise God, one might expect to find The unhappy results that have always come from
a great chorus of voices extolling the Most High, praising men have no retarding influence on this
looking for his salvation. Unhappily, such is not the misdirected worship. Every man glories in his own
case. It is manifest that kings of the earth and all works and in the works of fellow men, whereas the
peoples; princes and all judges of the earth; both apostle Paul advised: He that glorieth, let him glory
young men and virgins; old men and children have in the Lord. (1 Cor. 1:31) Ignored is the wise
not .followed the instructions of the 148th Psalm. declaration that God himself is the one to be praised,
Had they done so, there would not have been two and for good reason, to o : Thou art worthy, 0 Lord,
total world wars in this century with practically all to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast
humankind, young and old, male and female, being created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and
regimented and required to take part in the effort were created. (Rev. 4:11) That includes praise
of the total nation against its enemy. There would from the creature man, who was brought into being
not now confront the nations the perplexing problem for God s pleasure.
7Not only do men join together to give praise to
of how to control the use of atomic energy to prevent
world disaster. The military would not be directing individuals, but nations have joined together in
the scientific effort of every nation toward the setting up a great idol to which they give honor and
development of more efficient instruments of death glory. A United Nations organization, with a world
and destruction. The dread of a cosmic-ray bomb capital, is set forth as the only remedy for the fear
with a thousand times the power of its atomic fore some troubles that now beset the peoples and nations.
runner would not haunt the rulers, nor would they The proverb advises mere man: Boast not thyself
find it necessary to appropriate huge sums to keep of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may
abreast of the field in a world armaments race. No; bring forth ; but global architects heedlessly boast
instead, the total effort of all nations and peoples of a better world of tomorrow through the efforts
would be centered and united on exalting the Lord of the U.N. They predict it will achieve great things
God, whose kingdom by Jesus Christ was brought for suffering humanity, and they call upon the people
forth A.D. 1914 in realization of Bible prophecies. to trust in it and support it. Religious clergy lend
6 So, in the light of Psalm 148, the nations havetheir moral support and look upon it as Gods way
failed in their highest duty. More than ever it is now of ushering in peace. The U.N. has become a graven
clear that the rulers are not the higher powers image that stands for mans power and achievement
ordained of God, and there is no truth to their and it is hailed as the worlds salvation. But it can
claim to rule by the grace of God . According to the never stand alongside of Jehovah God. In the com
facts they certainly do not rule for the glory of ing settlement of the controversy as to who is worthy
God nor as his administrative servants or ministers. of praise, God will not let the glory due him go to
(Rom. 13:1-4) The best interests of the people are any such image. Says he: I am Jehovah, that is my
not served, either, for, true to Jesus prediction for name; and my glory will I not give to another,
these very days, we find mens hearts failing them neither my praise unto graven images.Isa. 42: 8,
Am. Stan. Ver.
for fear, and for looking after those things which
8 The political and religious leaders would do well
are coming on the earth .Luke 21: 26.
to examine the record of past ages to determine
whether like schemes for world salvation met with
6Nevertheless, in the nations of the earth, particu any success. They might with profit note what
larly in Christendom, there is today a great pretense happened in the days following the deluge of Noahs
at praising God. Imposing church buildings and time when men tried to build a super city and a tower
temples are everywhere to be found, with paid clergy that would reach into the heavens, all in an effort to
hold the world together and make for themselves a
4. Have rulers and peoples obeyed this command? What proves it?
5. Whom does this disprove to be the higher powers"? Why so?
6. With whose praises does earth ring? On the part of whom?

7. What world organization is idolized? Will Its praises endure?

8. Examining Bible history, what should such idolaters note?

M arch 1, 1950



great name. God held to his rule of not allowing his eternal, that they should know thee the only true
praise and glory to go to another. He confounded God, and him whom thou didst send, even Jesus
the would-be builders and reduced their combined Christ. (John 17:3, Am. Stan.Ver.; Rom. 6:23)
efforts to nothing. He has not changed from then No human agency can guarantee as much for you.
till now, and he will not change in future days till When Almighty God shortly goes forth to express
Armageddon in requiring that praise be given to his righteous indignation against this iniquitous,
him. If twentieth-century men persist in idol-build- creature-worshiping world, only the person with
ingj they can expect nothing better upon their efforts unshrinking faith will live because of having Gods
than that which God has decreed: Confounded be pleasure upon him. Men who now worship God aright
all they that serve graven images, that boast them will be hid in the day of the L o rd s anger . (Zeph.
selves of idols. (Ps. 9 7:7) They might with great 2: 3) Therefore you must recognize the truth of the
profit note how God was provoked to anger and prophets words: For great is Jehovah, and greatly
moved with jealousy because of the graven images to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods.
to which Israel gave praise, and how he gave that For all the gods of the peoples are idols: but Jehovah
nation of old over to complete destruction.Ps. made the heavens. From the rising of the sun unto
the going down of the same Jehovahs name is to be
6But the rulers do not prefer to give heed to the praised. (1 Chron. 16:25,26; Ps. 113:3, Am. Stan.
record of history preserved for the learning of those Ver.) You must realize that your eternal destiny
who would be truly wise. (1 Cor. 10:11) Undaunted rests in the hands of God, and therefore you must
by past failures they proceed with their own schemes seek to win Gods favor by praising his name, for
apart from God, at the same time keeping up a pre in his favour is life . Ps. 30: 5.
tense of acknowledging God. The situation in the
11 Make no mistake about the matter! It is the
world is as Isaiah was obliged to describe it: For praising of God that guarantees deliverance and
asmuch as this people draw nigh unto me, and with salvation into the new world of everlasting life.
their mouth and with their lips do honor me, but Unless a man now praises God by confessing his
have removed their heart far from me, and their faith, there is no lasting future for him; and there
fear of me is a commandment of men which hath are no exceptions, either. For it is written, As I
been taught them; therefore, behold, I will proceed live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and
to do a marvellous work among this people, even a every tongue shall confess to God. Look unto me,
marvellous work and a wonder; and the wisdom of and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am
their wise men shall perish, and the understanding God, and there is none else. By myself have I sworn,
of their prudent men shall be hid. (Isa. 29:13,14, the word is gone forth from my mouth in righteous
Am. Stan.Ver.; 1 Cor. 1:19) Jehovah will not be ness, and shall not return, that unto me every knee
served through any political government, nor shall bow, every tongue shall swear. (Rom. 14:11;
through any agency of idol-images. It is by and Isa. 45:22,23, Am. Stan.Ver.) The faithful apostle
through the Kingdom that Jehovah will perfect Paul, then, had Scriptural support when he argued
praise to himself, in heaven and earth, and that that not the praising of men or images but the con
is why the Kingdom is the predominant theme of the fession of praise to God leads to eternal salvation. He
Bible and why Jesus taught Christians to always was uttering the mind of God on the matter when
pray for its coming. Now it stands revealed in he said: With the heart man believeth unto right
heavenly glory, and it will soon command unlimited eousness; and with the mouth confession is made
jurisdiction of this planet earth. So the day is truly unto salvation. (Rom. 10:10) It is inescapable that
here when men must decide whether they will worship all men who live shall bow the knee to Jehovah God
and praise other creatures and images or whether and confess to his supremacy, and they must start
now. When Armageddon breaks over the earth it
they will seek out God and honor him.
will be useless for men to then first start doing these
God-honoring acts, because the judgment of all
10 Being practical, now, Why should an honest andliving men will have been completed and the execu
sincere person seek to know God and praise him? Do tioners will have been given the go-ahead signal. No
you not stand to lose in a world filled with creature- Armageddon deathbed repentance will be acceptable.
praisers, man-made idols and get-rich-quick schemes Therefore it is time to soberly consider the matter
if you take the opposite course of praising God? now while there is yet opportunity.
What is there in it for you? Stated briefly, it means
12 Today a great multitude of persons of all
life for you, not for sixty or seventy years, but for nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues are
years without number. Said Jesus: And this is life offering praise to God in the proper w ay; and their
9. By what agency will God perfect his praise? When?
10. What does it mean for one to know and praise Jehovah? Why so?

11. Why must praising him be started now, before Armageddon?

12. By whom is he now being praised increasingly? In what way?



ranks are constantly growing. (Rev. 7:9-17) With

Jehovahs witnesses they raise their voices from
every nation, echoing the words of the psalmist:
Praise ye Jehovah. Praise Jehovah, 0 my soul.
While I live will I praise Jehovah: I will sing praises
unto my God while I have any being. Put not your
trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom
there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth
to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.
(Ps. 146:1-4, Am .Stan.Ver.) Jehovahs irresistible
spirit is behind this singing of praise and nothing can
stop its increase. In a very practical way, with much
hard work in tramping from door to door, repeated
ly visiting the people with the Kingdom message,
Jehovahs witnesses and their companions testify to

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

the people concerning the Kingdom and its blessings.

They call upon the people to join in praising God,
because it is on this issue of praising God that men
are now being judged. It is a great dividing work
that is now in progress among the people everywhere,
as Jesus foretold. Those who join in singing Gods
glories are classed as sheep whose inheritance will
be eternal blessings. Those who refuse to acknowl
edge God by praising his name now place themselves
with the goats whose end is eternal destruction.
(Matt. 25: 32-46) Where will you stand! Will you be
able to say, as it was foretold Jesus did, I will give
thanks unto Jehovah with my mouth; yea, I will
praise him among the multitude !Ps. 109: 30,
Am. Stan. Ver.


UPPOSE now, having considered the foregoing
facts dealing with the importance of praising
God at this end of the world, you earnestly
desire to seek God and strive for the salvation and
blessings he has promised. What shall you do! Shall
you enroll in a religious seminary and undertake a
difficult course of study, consuming years of time, in
order to prepare yourself to serve God in a manner
that will merit his salvation! Must you first produce
a certificate signifying high educational achieve
ment in schools of this world before you can hope
to make confession of praise to God! If so, then not
many men could hope to qualify for the salvation
that God promises. And if only a few are capable and
qualified to sing Gods praises in the right manner,
then how can we understand these words of Jesus!
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony unto all
the nations; and then shall the end come. (Matt.
24:14, Am.Stan.Ver., margin) How possibly could
such a testimony be given to all nations in this very
generation, as Jesus said it would, unless there were
many, many persons singing Gods praises! No, such
high worldly educational achievement is not neces
sary for you to serve God. That is why it is possible
for Jehovah to call forth a great multitude from
all nations in these last days.
2 Consulting the Bible record we find that Jesus
himself had not studied at the feet of Doctor of Laws
Gamaliel in Jerusalem, nor is there any record of
his having had extended training in any college or
school as a prerequisite to commencing the preaching
work ordained for him by God his Father. Jehovah
God knew what the people needed: they needed the
truth concerning himself and his kingdom of salva
tion. They needed this message in a pure and unadul
terated form, without worldly embellishments, un-

1. What worldly course is not needed to learn to praise him?

2, 3. How was this exemplified In Jesus case?

beclouded by any wisdom of man. So when Jesus

appeared at the Nazareth synagogue he was not
known to the people as a learned doctor of divinity,
nor as a doctor of letters, but as a carpenter was he
known, the son of a carpenter. That did not hold
Jesus back from declaring his intention to praise
God by becoming a preacher of Jehovahs Word, did
it! Certainly not, for he picked up the Holy Scrip
tures and read his commission from the book of the
prophet Isaiah: The spirit of the Lord [Jehovah]
is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim
glad tidings to the poor; he has sent me to publish
a release to the captives, and recovery of sight to
the blind; to dispense freedom to the oppressed; to
proclaim an era of acceptance with the Lord.Luke
4:16-21, Diaglott.
3Yes, it caused a stir among the people for Jesus
to do this, especially because they knew he was not
qualified according to the standards of men at that
time. The Jews therefore marvelled, saying, How
knoweth this man letters, having never learned!
(John 7:15, Am. Stan. Ver.) Perhaps Jesus was not
learned in all the wisdom of his time, but he did have
the truth, which is the Word of God. (John 17:17)
He knew it was the truth that would make the people
free and enable them to join in praising God unto
salvation, and with this truth from Gods Word he
had filled his heart. (John 8: 32) So Jesus could not
refrain from doing that which he knew was to the
highest good of humankind and, more importantly,
to the eternal glory of God and the vindication of
Jehovahs name. The desire to praise God was like
a burning fire within him and he could not keep still.
Jeremiah felt the same way, for he said: But his
word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in
my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I
could not stay. (Jer. 20: 9) Jesus did not make an
effort to withhold his praise. Rather, as it is written,

M argh 1, 1950



And it occurred afterwards that he traveled through

every city and village, publishing and proclaiming
the glad tidings of the kingdom of God; and the
twelve were with him.Luke 8 :1 , Diaglott.
4 And what about the twelve that were with him?
They, too, became praisers of God by preaching his
Word and telling of his good works. They looked for
Gods salvation, even as we look for it now in these
last days when it is so near. How did they qualify
to praise God? They did not spend years getting
ready to tell others about the glorious gospel of the
Kingdom. With the exception of Paul, they were not
men of worldly education, yet that did not stop them
from confessing with their mouths. For example,
take Peter and John. Although uneducated according
to the standards of the day, they praised God so
mightily in declaring his way of salvation that they
caused great wonderment among the high officials
of Jerusalem. Now when they saw the boldness of
Peter and John, and perceived that they were un
learned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they
took knowledge of them, that they had been with
Jesus. Unlearned and ignorant though they were
considered to be, they had hearts filled with the desire
to praise God because of what they had heard from
Jesus. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth
speaketh ; so they spoke words of praise to Jehovah.
These early Christians were joined by many more
who heard the truth from their lips, and they formed
a great company of gospel-preachers. They had a
treasure of knowledge concerning God and his king
dom, and they brought forth good things in behalf
of all the people. For the good man out of his good
treasure bringeth forth good things: and the evil
man out of evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
. . . For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by
thy words thou shalt be condemned . (Matt. 12:34-37,
Am. Stan. Ver.) They stood apart from the religious
scribes and Pharisees whom Jesus condemned as
bringers of evil upon the people. Matthew 23.
5 So neither education nor lack of education can
prevent anyone from singing praises to God; nor
is ones qualification to preach determined by his
social or financial standing. He must have an honest
heart, desiring truth and righteousness. That does
not mean to say it is not necessary for a man today
to study Gods Word, for as the disciples had to learn
from Jesus, so we today must learn from the Bible.
It would be impossible to answer any man concerning
Gods works and the hope you have in Gods promises
unless you apply yourself to study of what God has
written concerning himself. You must always be
ready to give an answer for the hope that you have
in order to stir up faith in others. (1 Pet. 3:15)
Paul admonished Timothy on this point, saying:

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a work

man that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing
the word of truth. (2 Tim. 2:15) Timothy needed
to be equipped, and we need to be equipped today.
8 The mouth cannot speak good things of praise to
God unless the heart is ready to supply the message
from its abundance. So, then, the heart of the right
eous studieth to answer. (Prov. 15: 28) Study, then!
That is what you must do in order to serve God in
the right way; and as you learn you must put your
knowledge to work by telling others. This will
strengthen your faith, a basis of things hoped for,
a conviction of things unseen, and you will be better
able to commend to others the good works of God.
Through personal study you will gain an insight of
Gods omnipotence; you will hear of his wondrous
acts in times past in behalf of men of good-will, and
you will see what he promises for this day and for
the new world now at hand. Paul says that faith
cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of
God . (Rom. 10:17) So you must study the Word of
God, which requires merely the ability to hear and
read in your own native tongue.
7But you say that you must work at your job for
eight hours a day, five or six days a week, with only
week-ends and a few evenings free for other activity
of your own choosing. True, and the great majority
of people in every nation have to do the same. Yet
it is to them and to you that the glorious gospel of
Christ is being preached, and you have the same
opportunity of hearing, believing and praising God
unto salvation. God is not making a mistake in having
the gospel preached to you and to like people in all
the world, because there are people in all the world
who will praise God and be saved. God knows you
have the problems of life that are common to all men
and that you must, by the sweat of your brow, wrest
a living from the earth. Yet he knows, too, that you
have sufficient time to hear his message and act in
harmony with it in giving him praise that is due;
otherwise he would not bother to have the gospel
preached. Therefore to those of honest heart in this
evil world he gives some good advice, namely: Look
therefore carefully how ye walk, not as unwise, but
as wise; redeeming the time [buying up the oppor
tunity, margin], because the days are evil. Where
fore be ye not foolish, but understand what the will
of the Lord is. (Eph. 5:15-17, Am. Stan. Ver.) It is
possible for you to devote a little time each week to
a consideration of Gods Word as it applies to these
times; and it is possible for you to set aside some
time for the giving of praise to God. But there must
be the desire on your part and the determination to
take the God-approved course, by his grace.

4. How was this exemplified in the case of the apostles?

5. What are the requirements to be able to preach and praise?

6. Why is study necessary?

7. So, with limited time available, what is it needful to do?



B rooklyn,

N. Y.

9How do Jehovahs witnesses and their compan

ions praise God? By preaching the gospel of the
Kingdom. Referring to the 1950 Yearbook we find
a record of great world-wide activity in offering this
praise to God. More than 317,000 different indi
viduals devoted approximately 53,700,000 hours to
the service of preaching in 1949. They conducted
more than 167,000 free Bible studies in the homes
of the people weekly, singing praises of God to those
who wanted to hear. As they walked from house to
house encouraging the people to give heed to the
gospel message, they left more than 15,000,000
Bibles, books and booklets in the homes of the people,
in scores of languages. Additionally, more than
13,000,000 copies of magazines bearing the good
news were obtained from them by persons who
wanted to know more about this time of the end ,
to be followed by a new world of righteousness.
They found it necessary to arrange for more than
174,000 public Bible lectures during 1949 and they

advertised these meetings widely. The interest mani

fest by the people who heard compelled these preach
ers to revisit homes more than 15,800,000 times dur
ing the year. All of this work was done in 104 differ
ent nations, colonies, isles of the sea and territories
of nations. How did Jehovahs witnesses do it? By
going through every city and village, publishing
and proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom of
God, as Jesus did it. And, mind you, most of this
work was done by people who have families, jobs,
and all the other responsibilities that are common
to all men. But they set aside a little time each week
for praising God, endeavoring to be filled with the
fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ,
unto the glory and praise of God .Phil. 1:11.
10 Jehovah's witnesses, working under the direction
of the Watch Tower Society, are prepared to aid
any seeking person in his study of the Bible. They
have a systematic and orderly course of study in
Bible matters, designed to fit into the busy routine
of the man or woman who must work for his daily
bread. This study course is based upon a time period
of one hour each week, that hour to be of your choice.
Right in your own home you can in a few months
time gain more knowledge of the Bible and its
present-day application than you ever dreamed you
could have in a lifetime. What does it cost you?
Absolutely nothing, except your time and the small
effort you put forth. Yes, Jehovahs witnesses, many
of whom themselves learned Bible truths in the very
same manner, are willing to come to your home for
one hour each week and help you grasp what the
Bible says and what it means today; and they will
not charge you a penny for this Bible-study service.
This is in keeping with the invitation that God him
self sends forth to everyone: Let him that hearetli
say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And
whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
(Rev. 22:17) Moreover, when Jesus sent the twelve
out to preach The kingdom of heaven is at hand
he reminded them that they had not paid anything
for the good truth they received from him. So he
said to them, Freely ye have received, freely
give. This brings praise to God because it is an
unselfish devotion to helping others learn of Him.
Matt. 10:7,8.
11Using a textbook provided by the Watch Tower
Society you take up Bible study according to a
topical arrangement. Within a years time you will
have covered many subjects. You will know who
Jehovah God really is; why he sent his Son Christ
Jesus to the earth and what Jesus did; how a diso
bedient cherub became Satan the Devil, Gods oppo
nent, and why he seeks to devour all men. Hell, the
trinity, the Lords return, resurrection, the end

8. How is the practical possibility of this attested to?

9. How does the Y e a r b o o k show his witnesses did this in 1949?

10. By what course do they help people study? On what terms?

11. What knowledge is thus gained? By what study arrangement?

8 The practicalness of this conclusion is attested

to by the record of Jehovahs anointed witnesses and
that great multitude of persons now with them in
praising Jehovah God in all the earth. Most of these
people are just like you. They are factory workers,
farmers, professional men, laborers, skilled trades
men, housewives in fact, they come from every
walk of life. Many of them have families to care for
and they work for their daily bread. They have
household chores to perform ; they get sick now and
then; they come home from work late sometimes; and
very often they are tired from the long hours of work
they must perform in order to realize a reasonably
comfortable existence. All the problems of life that
you must daily face, they contend with also; and yet
they study Gods Word to gain better understanding,
and they devote some time to singing Jehovahs
praises. They are looking for the salvation that God
has promised, with its eternal blessings. Therefore
they understand that not all ones effort must be
devoted to securing comforts in this present evil
world, nor should one strive to lay up treasure as a
protection against the future. While they work for
their daily living, they keep in mind Jesus words:
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth,
where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves
break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust
doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through
nor steal. (Matt. 6:19,20) They strive to lay up
these treasures with God in heaven by praising him
here on earth, with the assurance that such heavenly
treasure will be available to them in full measure.

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is There are other responsibilities that fall upon

those who undertake the praising of Gods name.
Individually, each one has toward God the obligation
of using his tongue to sing Gods praises to others.
But, because now he is a part of Gods family of
chosen people upon whom Jehovah bestows his
spirit and blessing in their faithful service to Him,

the new publisher of the Kingdom must not keep

himself apart from others who are similarly worship
ing God. In the days of Christ Jesus and the apostles
the truth spread out over a wide area of the then
known world as a result of their preaching. Many
people heard, believed, exercised faith and began to
join in offering praise to God, just as they are doing
today. Because these believers were in a world
generally hostile to the truth they were, on the basis
of their common belief and faith, naturally drawn
together. Thus we find that early Christians were
associated in congregations or companies, which the
Bible calls churches . Rev. 1 : 4 ; 1 Cor. 16:1.
14 The evidence shows that the early praisers of
God were associated together in these churches or
groups, and the churches were in contact with the
headquarters at Jerusalem, where there were many
of the apostles and older brothers. In like manner
all of Jehovahs witnesses throughout the world
today have contact with the central headquarters
through association with the local congregations.
This association together is very beneficial to the
individual and has Gods blessing, for we read con
cerning the ministry of Paul and Timothy: And as
they went on their way through the cities, they
delivered them the decrees to keep which had been
ordained of the apostles and elders that were at
Jerusalem. So the churches were strengthened in the
faith, and increased in number daily. (Acts 16: 4, 5,
Am .Stan.Ver.) Moreover, God deemed it advisable
to have entire letters of the Greek Scriptures ad
dressed to various churches or congregations, giving
instruction, admonition and correction to the entire
group of worshipers. Thus the congregations re
ceived the encouragement and assistance that the
headquarters body was able to provide, and this
strengthened them in the faith and aided in fostering
an increase among the associated praisers.
15 What was true in the days of the apostles is
more true at this time as we see the day of Arma
geddons trouble fast approaching. No one today
who wants to serve God acceptably can afford to
ignore the injunction at Hebrews 10:25 (An Amer.
Trans. ) : Let us not neglect meeting together as
some do, but let us encourage one another, all the
more as you can see that the great Day is coming
nearer. It pleases God for us to meet together for
joint study of his Word and for combined activity
in the field service, and his blessing is seen in the
great increase in the numbers of persons praising
him in every nation. We cannot afford to remain
away from the meetings of Jehovahs witnesses
where our brethren receive instruction and plan
their organized praise. Gods favor is plainly upon
the group activity and the arrangements for the

12. How does such knowledge acquired and appreciated affect us?
13. Why does responsibility to associate fall on us?

14. How was this need to associate shown in the early church?
15. Why can we not afford to neglect such association together?

of the world, judgment day, images, sabbath, prayer,

the Kingdom, the new earth , consecrationall
these and many other subjects will come under your
examination in a years time and you will under
stand what the Bible has to say on all of them. How
much of this have you learned through religion in
many years? You will have a good basic knowledge
of what the Bible teaches, and you will have read the
Scripture texts yourself out of your own Bible. No
man will have deceived you with cunningly devised
fables, but you will have rightly divided the Word of
truth. Your whole outlook on world conditions will
change and you will have new hope, because now God
has revealed to you through his Word the reason for
present-day troubles. But you will not be satisfied
to stop here, for you will want to go on increasing
in knowledge and understanding. You will join the
psalmist in his prayer to God, saying: Make me to
understand the way of thy precepts: so shall I talk
of thy wondrous works. Ps. 119: 27.
12You will find that you cannot hold back from
telling to others the good news that you have learned.
It fills your heart and burns within you, and you
get great joy out of speaking the truth to your
friends and neighbors. Truly, it is more blessed to
give than to receive, so you will want to follow the
example of Christ Jesus, telling publicly that the
kingdom is at hand . You will, even with what you
think is your limited knowledge, feel like the prophet
Isaiah did, who said, The Lord G od has given me
a tongue for teaching. (Isa. 50: 4, An Amer. Trans.)
You will want to teach others so they may praise
God also. The prophet Zechariah knew beforehand
what you and others like you would do in these last
days, and so he declared: These are the things that
ye shall d o : Speak ye every man the truth with his
neighbor. (Zech. 8:16, Am. Stan.Ver.) And you
will be doing that, secure in the knowledge that it
is the approved way of praising God and that you
have his favor and blessing. You are now actively
fulfilling the primary purpose of Christianity, which
is to give witness in favor of Jehovah and his king
dom by Jesus the Messiah. Because of your newly
found vision of God and the kingdom by his Christ,
your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh
from you.John 16: 22.



weekly Watclitower study, service meeting and

course in Theocratic ministry, which are held in the
local Kingdom Halls of Jehovahs witnesses every
where throughout the earth. Each one has the respon
sibility of contributing toward these meetings for
the general good of the congregation and for his own
spiritual welfare. To neglect these congregational
activities when they are available to us indicates a
lack of appreciation for Gods arrangement to aid us
in maintaining our praise to him, thus assuring us of
salvation. Such neglect may lead to worse despisings
on our part and we may ultimately fall from the
ranks of praisers.
16As we work with a congregation, cooperating in
doing the field work of preaching, everyone will
have to bear his own load of responsibility. (Gal.
6:5, Moff.) That is to say, each publisher of the
Kingdom message is directly responsible to the Great
Judge for the work he does or does not do in and
with the congregation. God requires a reasonable
service of praise from each one, which the individual
ought to do according to a convenient schedule. If,
by Gods grace, he is able to do much in Kingdom
service, he will not compare his record with that of
another person who is perhaps able to do less, seiz
ing upon the occasion as an opportunity to boast
among his brethren. He will realize that every man
ought to test his own work, and then whatever satis
faction he has will be with reference to himself, and
not in comparison with someone else . (Gal. 6 :4 ,
An Amer. Trans.) If you must compare yourself
with others, take Jesus as your measuring rod and
see how you line up with his example. That will
eliminate any spirit of competition from the congre
gation and the consequent feeling of dejection, in
feriority or discouragement that is prone to occur
to those who are, for one reason or another, able to
perform less service than others. For real satisfac
tion from your service, you must follow the spiritual
advice that Paul gave to the Colossians, namely:
Whatever you are doing, let your hearts be in your
work, as a thing done for the Lord and not for men.
For you know that it is from the Lord you will
receive the inheritance as your reward. . . . The man
who perpetrates a wrong will find the wrong repaid
to him. Col. 3:23-25, Weymouth (Fifth Edition);
1 Cor. 10:31.
17 While each must bear his own load before God,
he does at the same time have a responsibility toward
others in the congregation having the same faith and
who are also striving to praise God. Paul indicates
this when he says, Bear ye one anothers burdens,
and so fulfil the law of Christ. This shows that, as
we praise God ourselves, we cannot be unmindful of
those who are associated with us in running the race
16. How must we bear our responsibility? To compare with whom?
17. How can we bear one anothers burdens, and those ot the weak?

B rooklyn, N. Y.

of faith. If we have first in mind the vindication of

Jehovahs name and his universal sovereignty, then
we will appreciate that the faithful, constant service
of our fellow workers will contribute as much toward
the honoring of Jehovahs name as will our own con
fession of praise. Contrariwise, the failure of any
will bring reproach upon Gods cause. So if we are
strong in the Lord and in the power of his might
and bear our own burdens well, perhaps also being
better situated materially to do this, we must fulfill
an obligation toward those who may be having a
more difficult time continuing with us in Gods serv
ice. Because we are strong, we cannot become im
patient with those among us who are weak, nor can
we brush them aside as of little importance in Gods
arrangement. If we do so, then we are going express
ly contrary to the Lords instruction given through
the apostle Paul. He says: We who are strong ought
to bear the burdens that the weak make for them
selves and us. We are not to please ourselves; each
of us must please his neighbour, doing him good by
building up his faith. Christ certainly did not please
himself, but, as it is written, The reproaches of those
who denounced Thee have fallen upon me.All such
words were written of old for our instruction.
Rom. 15:1-4, Moff.

18 This means, really, that in our association

together as a group of Gods people we are not to
be governed by the standards or spirit governing
those outside of the faith in the world. The world
operates on the principle of selfishness, and a man is
acclaimed for his achievements no matter whom he
hurts or offends in the process. Survival of the
fittest is the motto of this evil world, and so in their
struggle to get to the top men of the world bite and
devour one another, they bicker and strive, they
indulge in quarrelings and bitter rivalries. Fre
quently they assume the attitude that the end justi
fies the means and they steamroller over anything
that gets in their way. Not so among Gods people,
however, because they know that those who practice
such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Gal.
5:21) Anyone seeking to praise Jehovah must be
guided by the spirit of God. Now I say, Walk by the
spirit, and fulfil not the desire of the flesh. For the
flesh desires the contrary of the spirit, and the spirit
the contrary of the flesh; for these are opposed to
each other; so that you do not perform the things
which you wish. (Gal. 5:16,17, Diag.) Being guided
by the spirit of God, his servants in their association
together must walk by the spirit and show forth the
fruits of the spirit. But the fruit of the spirit is
love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
fidelity, meekness, self-control; against such like
18. In our association by what spirit must we be guided? How?

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things there is no law. (Gal. 5: 22, 23, D'mg.) There

is no law that prohibits a Christian from superabounding in these good fruits of the spirit, and in
doing so he is a blessing to those with whom he
associates. That means we will not be acting immor
ally, getting drunk, indulging in pleasures to excess
as the world in general does, but we will be soberly
giving first attention to spiritual things.
19Looking to the direction of Gods spirit we will
not conduct ourselves in the company of Gods people
as though we had a chip on our shoulder. It is not
good to be so touchy and sensitive that we seize upon
every remark or utterance as an assault upon our
person and attempt to retaliate in kind. We must not
permit prejudice to build up within us against
another brother or sister in the company organiza
tion, so that we cannot speak to her or hear him
speak without being overbalanced adversely to the
extent of closing our mind to the good things from
Gods Word that he may be imparting to the congre
gation relative to our mutual service. This will have
a tendency to sour our mental disposition and distort
our thoughts, and the resulting mental upset will not
permit us to benefit from attendance at meetings.
Instead of fixing our mind on the important things
of Gods service, the united service is forgotten in
favor of personal selfish inclinations. There is
danger, too, that this attitude, as a cancerous growth,
may spread to others of the congregation and thus
inflict spiritual damage to more than ourselves. We
must strive to counter such imperfect inclinations by
exercising love and forbearance.
20Being guided by Gods spirit we will never
become cocky, high-minded and proud, thinking we
have progressed to a point where it is impossible
for us to commit a trespass or be overcome by the
adversary. Let him that thinketh he standeth take
heed lest he fall. (1 Cor. 10:12) Realizing that we
are all subject to temptation, we will not feel any
inward satisfaction over a misstep of another brother
in the congregation. Having love, kindness and selfcontrol, we will be anxious to help that brother up
from his unfortunate condition. We will not increase
his burden by going to others in the congregation
and whispering to them just what his difficulties are
and wherein he has erred, not if we love him and
want to help him as one of Gods sheep . We will
try to visualize ourselves in the same position and
then we will act toward him as we would want to be
dealt with if we made the same mistake. This is the
gist of the apostles advice at Galatians 6 :1 (Am.
Stan. Ver. ) : Even if a man be overtaken in any
trespass, ye who are spiritual, restore such a one in
a spirit of gentleness; looking to thyself, lest thou
also be tempted.
19. Why must we not be touchy, sensitive, quick to retaliate?
20. Why not gloat over but try to help those who have misstepped?


21 Suppose a brother commits a wrong of some kind

against us, perhaps unsuspectingly. What shall we
do ? Shall we hold a grudge and be unyielding in our
attitude, waiting for him to come beaten and penitent
at our feet? Shall we insist on a public apology before
we attempt any move at reconciliation? No; we can
go to him and settle the matter privately, avoiding
publicity that might embarrass him. In a spirit of
gentleness we will approach him in the way Jesus
directed, striving for a settlement of the matter with
the least possible disturbance. If he will not hear us,
then we can lay the matter before the representative
members of the congregation so that they, quietly
and in a spirit of gentleness, might remonstrate with
the one who has offended us. (Matt. 18:15-17) We
must not let slip from our mind the general good and
welfare of the congregation, and our efforts at
settlement of any dispute should be put forth having
first in mind the peace and unity of the company,
so that Gods service of praise is not interfered with.
In this way we endeavor to safeguard Gods organ
ization, and at the same time hold onto those who are
our brethren, and not merely preach to others out
side of the organization in order to bring new ones
into the fold of God. All of this imposes a burden
upon us, but we must willingly bear it to help others
with their load.
22 We must remember that Jesus did not spare
himself, but he laid down his life for his friends.
He was surely walking by the spirit of God when he
unselfishly took upon himself our great burden of
sin, while at the same time bearing the reproaches
that fell upon God. He was reflecting in our behalf
the great mercy that God himself exercises, and so
he was praising Jehovah God. We must be willing to
extend the same mercy to our brethren who commit
faults and make mistakes. Do not forget the divine
law: Blessed are the merciful, for they will be
shown mercy! (Matt. 5:7, An Amer. Trans.) We
are going to make mistakes, too, at one time or
another, and we shall want forgiveness and restora
tion in a spirit of gentleness . But we must always
try to show improvement, else such mercy is wasted
on us.
23 Today all of us who have heard the truth, by
Gods mercy and loving-kindness, must be constantly
aware of the fact that Jehovah is allowing this brief
interval of time between the enthroning of his King
and the violent outbreak of Armageddon so that this
gospel of the kingdom may be preached. Already
thirty-six years have passed and the opportunity to
praise God grows more fleeting with each succeed
ing year. Urgently the command falls upon us with
21. How do we avoid disturbing a company over personal wrongs?
22. Why should we be merciful and also not abuse others' mercy?
23. Why must we praise God during this interval before Armageddon?

increasing force: Praise ye Jehovah. Praise God in
his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his
power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him
according to his excellent greatness. . . . Let every
thing that hath breath praise Jehovah. Praise ye
Jehovah. (Ps. 150:1-6, Am. Stan. Ver.) This is no
local call to praise God; it is a universal appeal to
all creation to join in singing Jehovahs praises. All
men that know Jehovah must praise him now, so that

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N. Y.

maximum opportunity is afforded others of good

will to learn of him and join in the praising. Every
available instrument must be pressed into service to
sound out Jehovahs glories. No one must shirk
his privilege of joining in the Hallelujah chorus,
for the only creation that will survive to all eternity
will be that which renders unceasing praise to Jeho
vah in this day of Jehovah and forever beyond
its terrible climax.


New Jersey. There was a very heavy smog over the city that
E D N E S D A Y , November 30, 1949, was the day
morning, and especially over the airfield; but promptly at
that N. H . Knorr, president of the Watch Tower
9 a.m. the airport loudspeakers announced the departure
Bible & Tract Society, and one of his secretaries,
Airlines Flight 501 to Houston, Texas. The
R. E. Morgan, were scheduled to leave New York of
for Eastern
brethren seeing Brother Morgan off wished him the Lords
service tour of the Societys Branch offices and missionary
blessing upon his journey, and within a few minutes the
homes in Central America, also taking in three countries
giant new-type Constellation thundered down the runway
on the northern coast of the South American continent and
and soon disappeared in the haze on its southwesterly
several islands in the Netherlands W est Indies. They were
flight. W ith its pressurized cabin it cruised at an altitude
to attend conventions and give lectures in the principal
of more than 11,000 feet, crossing southeastern United
cities visited during their trip. Preparations for the journey
States at better than 300 miles per hour. Riding was smooth
were interrupted fourteen days prior to the departure date
for the greater portion of the trip. A few minutes before
when Brother Knorr was stricken with an acute attack of
2 p.m. the captain called for seat belts to be fastened, and
appendicitis. It was hoped that the inflammation would
promptly at 2 : 05 the wheels touched down on the Houston
respond to treatment and subside so as to make an operation
unnecessary. However, this was the third attack over a runway. Reservations called for a continuance of the trip
to Mexico City via Pan American W orld Airways at
two-year period and the doctors decided that an operation
3 : 3 0 p.m. But there was a delay of thirty minutes because
was imperative. So at 10 p.m. on November 16 an appen
of repairs being made on the Pan American DC-4. However,
dectomy was performed. This meant, of course, that Brother
not many minutes after 4 p.m. the Clipper Archer was
Knorr would be unable to leave on the journey according
out over the Gulf of Mexico, taking a straight course for
to the itinerary sent to all Branch offices of the Watch
Tower Society in the area to be visited, even though he the capital city of Old Mexico.
was back at his desk and working by November 22, six
days after the operation.
p.m. the lights of Mexico City
Due to the fact that Jehovahs witnesses in these coun
tries were expecting a visit by representatives from the began to appear in the distance. A ll was pitch dark in the
sky above as we flew over the city and circled to the west,
Societys headquarters, and because preparations had
but the brilliance of the multicolored lights below evidenced
already been made for conventions and the advertising of
public meetings to be addressed by Brother Knorr was the fact that Mexico City is a modern city, appearing no
different from the sky at night than any large American
being done, he advised Brother Morgan to continue his
travel arrangements and plan to make the trip by himself city might. The plane settled down smoothly on the runway
of the
on the outskirts of the city. On
from Mexico through to Nicaragua. Brother Morgan would
hand were all the Gilead graduates doing educational work
keep all the speaking appointments and substitute for the
president at the public meetings. Brother Knorr decided in Mexico City, along with some members of the Mexican
Bethel family. They wondered where Brother Knorr was,
that, after allowing several weeks for the incision to heal
as the Mexican office had not received the notification that
sufficiently, he would leave New York on the 17th of
December and spend two days in the first six countries to he would come two weeks later, although they knew Brother
Knorr had been sick. Some thought that a fellow traveler
be visited, finally overtaking Brother Morgan in Costa Rica
getting off the plane with Brother Morgan was one of the
on December 30. In this way Brother Knorr would be able
brethren from Brooklyn Bethel, and they gave that gentle
to handle important matters pertaining to the Kingdom
man as royal a reception and shook his hand as vigorously
work, check Branch offices, discuss problems of expansion
as they did with Brother Morgan. He certainly must have
and those confronting missionary homes, and address the
thought well of Mexican hospitality. It was not until a few
local companies that Brother Morgan had already served;
and at the same time he would not miss visiting and counsel of the reception committee of some thirty or more breth
ren said, W ait for the other brother, that they all learned
ing Gilead graduates in these countries.
Brother Morgan was traveling alone.
Early in the morning of November 30 a group of brethren
A fter all this excitement the group proceeded to the home
from Brooklyn Bethel, including Brother Knorr, who was
of the brethren. There everyone gathered around the dining
by this time feeling quite well and working every day,
room tables to look at the latest pictures of the new Brooklyn
accompanied Brother Morgan to the airport at Newark,

Aeropuerto Central

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Bethel and factory, and to talk about friends back home

and how things were going in the U .S .A . This was Brother
Morgans first trip to a strange and interesting country
and he was enjoying it.
Thursday and Friday were devoted to checking procedure
in the office of La Torre del Vigia de Mexico, A .C . Although
Jehovahs witnesses in Mexico had just concluded three
very successful district assemblies, a good number of persons
gathered together in Mexico City to enjoy a fourth assembly
for that country during the year. Principally those com
prising the units in Mexico City were in attendance. A ll
persons interested in the work of Jehovahs witnesses were
invited to attend the special talk to be delivered on the
subject Liberty to the Captives . There were 670 brethren
attending the opening meeting on Friday night. To
Brother Morgan this was a new experience and he was
impressed by the colorful group people coming from all
walks of life, each distinguished by his dress, but all being
the Lords other sheep . To see babies carried in a
or shawl in the mothers bosom or on her back was a strange
sight when one is used to seeing babies moved about in
carriages or carried in the arms of the mother. The children
of all ages were unusually quiet and never caused any
disturbance. A ll faces radiated joy and happiness. A fter
a few words of greeting the speaker conveyed the love and
best wishes of Brother Knorr and his regrets at not being
able to be with them.


Then a fine service program got under way. This con

cluded with a thirty-minute talk by the traveling representa
tive on the responsibilities of servants in the company organ
ization. Saturday morning was set aside for field service;
and the afternoon was devoted to talks, all by graduates of
Gilead, two being native Mexican brethren. Saturday eve
ning Brother Morgan spoke again, using a Gilead graduate
as interpreter. Although the Mexican brethren do not have
but just the printed words,
it seemed that their singing was so much more vigorous and
moving than when the same songs are rendered in English.
Sunday afternoon 850 persons assembled to hear the special
talk Liberty to the Captives . There were many persons
of good-will in attendance, some having come to their first
meeting. The convention concluded Sunday evening with
a report on the expansion of the Societys facilities in the
United States and a summary of how the witness work is
moving ahead in other countries of the world. Approximate
ly 950 persons enjoyed this last session and they requested
Brother Morgan to convey their love to all their fellow
workers whom he would meet along the course of his trip.
A t 11 a.m. Tuesday morning, December 6, Brother Morgan
bade good-bye to the brethren at the Mexican office and
boarded a Pan American D C -4 for the trip to Guatemala,
to the south.

Kingdom. Service Song Book,


The Mexican brethren had a very blessed time with
Brother Morgan. They were not downhearted because
Brother Knorr had not been present with him, because they
knew that in about ten days they would receive a second
visit, this time by the president of the Society. While his
stay would not be as long, still it meant two visits by some
one from headquarters, and for this they were glad. Time
rolled by quickly and December 17 was upon them before

they knew it. This was the day Brother Knorr was to arrive.
He got away from New York on time, saying good-bye to
a number of brethren who had come to the airport to see
him off. He was traveling the same route he would have
traveled with Brother Morgan. The weather was, however,
not quite as favorable, for while traveling over the states
of Louisiana and eastern Texas the plane ran into a very
heavy rainstorm and bumpy air. About half the passengers
got sick. Brother Knorr, being a veteran traveler by air,
was not disturbed by the bouncing but he felt very sorry
for the many distressed passengers. He landed in a drench
ing downpour in Houston, Texas. A ll the passengers had
to walk through lakes of water to get to shelter. The plane
was considerably late and the traveler wondered if the
Mexico-bound Pan American plane had waited for the
arrival of this Eastern Airlines flight. In checking with
Pan American it was learned that their plane was late too
and would not leave until 7 p.m. That meant two and a half
hours of waiting around the airport.
Desiring to see some brethren in Houston, Brother Knorr
phoned the company servant, and shortly thereafter about
fifteen brethren came to the airport and spent the time with
him. There were many interesting things to talk about, and
so until they left about 9 : 30 p.m. he certainly appreciated
their company. Conversation made the time fly by rapidly.
Pan American kept postponing their flight 30 minutes at a
time until finally midnight rolled around. One of the engines
of the D C-4 did not run properly and had to be taken apart
two times before they found the trouble. Around 1 2 :1 5 a.m.
the engine was tuned up and sounded as good as the other
three. A ll passengers were on board and they rolled away
through a dense fog. Speeding down the runway it was
possible to see only a few lights that marked the path for
the plane, but within a few minutes they were up in the air
above the clouds, observing the stars of heaven. Tired and
sleepy, the president of the Society slept all the way to
Mexico City, arriving there at 4 : 3 0 in the morning. Pan
American had informed the brethren who had come out to
the airport earlier in the day to meet the plane that it would
not leave Houston until morning. So they gave up and went
home, with the exception of one brother who checked later
in the night and found the plane would arrive between
3 : 30 and 4 : 30 in the morning. So he waited until Brother
Knorr came. It was good to see Brother Teran, a graduate
of Gilead and a native Mexican. The two took a taxi to the
Bethel home and got in without being heard or disturbing
anyone, and they slept well for a few hours in the morning.
Sunday was a busy day, spent talking to graduates of
Gilead school and the Bethel family. Arrangements were
made to talk to two of the Mexico City units at 7 p.m.
and three units at 8 p.m. The first hall was packed out,
with standing room only, and Brother Perez, the servant
in charge, interpreted what Brother Knorr had to say to
the company. He was then rushed by car from one hall to
the other and started talking there at 8 p.m. A t the two
meetings there were 550 persons in attendance. Announce
ment was made at these two meetings that, due to the
number of publishers in Mexico City and the crowded three
halls they were using, the Society would arrange immedi
ately to break up the five units into twelve, establishing
units in all parts of the city so as to make it convenient



for those interested to get to meetings and get better atten

tion as to field organization. This arrangement was received
with enthusiasm, for the brethren in Mexico are expansionminded.
Monday was devoted to problems pertaining to the office
work and generally in the field. There are nine circuits in
the country of Mexico. These are being increased so that
better arrangements can be made for circuit assemblies. A
circuit servant in Mexico must be physically strong and
mature in the truth. Getting from company to company in
some of the out-of-the-way places involves much walking,
traveling by horseback, sleeping out in the open, enduring
all kinds of hardships, never being sure of good drinking
water, contending with the threat of malaria and other
diseases, etc. But the brethren in Mexico, like the apostle
Paul, are willing to endure all things for Christ s sake.
Many little groups of isolated publishers need the serv
ice of the circuit servant, and arrangements were made
to get in touch with them and give them regular visits.
Three and a half years ago Brother Knorr visited Mexico,
and in that year they had an average of 3,094 publishers.
They have nearly doubled that now with an average in
1949 of 5,547, reaching a peak during the year of 6,733.
Companies have increased from 223 to 306. A ll this ex
pansion has made the brethren rejoice in the Lords blessing
upon their work. There are over 200 pioneers devoting full
time to the service, many getting out into isolated places.
Opposition to the work comes mainly from the Catholic
Church. It has for years been their policy in Mexico to
keep the people ignorant, whereas Jehovahs witnesses for
some time now have been helping the illiterate to read and
write. The government of Mexico has put forth vigorous
efforts to help the people in their education. This, of course,
has not found favor in the eyes of the Catholics. They have
been able to hold their great population throughout the
world by keeping people ignorant, but they are in for a
day of reckoning. W hile the Church has been thrown out
of government and has little to say in affairs of state, it
still does wield great influence over the people who are born
into Catholic families and know nothing else but the Cath
olic system. The Church would like to regain her lost power
in Mexico, but the present generation can recall clearly
the evil it has done to the nation. Prominent are the remains
of some of the church institutions which, if allowed to
remain, will always remind the people of the tyranny of
religious inquisition that once existed in Mexico. There was
nothing holy about the years the Catholic Church ruled
that land. In one of the sixteenth-century convents, still in
a fair state of preservation, we find beautiful gardens cover
ing subterranean dungeons where' religious prisoners were
chained in pitch darkness. In their fiendishness the priests
devised a method of driving prisoners insane by dropping
water on their heads. Still preserved is the lime pit where
bodies of the victims were destroyed. Places like this speak
for themselves as to the holy years of Catholic rule.
It is good to see the W ord of God now getting into the
homes of the people. And the Mexicans are rejoicing and
making known the good news of salvation, letting God be
true though every man be proved a liar. On Monday, the
19th, Brother Knorr left Mexico City to take up his work

B rooklyn, N . Y .

in Guatemala, after spending a most pleasant time with

the Mexican brethren.
Flying over Guatemalan territory to the capital, Guate
mala city, to the left of the plane Brother Morgan could see
three huge volcanoes: Agua, Acatenango and Fuego, Fuego
(meaning fire ) being the only active one of the three. It
was about 2 : 2 0 p.m. when the plane passed over Lake
Amatitlan at an altitude of only a few hundred feet and
then settled down on the paved airstrip south of Guatemala
city, one of the finest airports in Central America. Immi
gration checking was very brief, but Brother Morgans
baggage was retained at the airport for four hours in order
to fumigate it. This is a government precaution against the
spread of hoof-and-mouth disease among cattle. Each
passenger also had to walk through chemically treated wet
sawdust for the same purpose; and all had their baggage
handled in the same manner. But within twenty minutes
or so the Branch servant and all the Gilead graduates and
company publishers who had come to greet the visitors from
New York were on their way to the Branch home at
11 Avenida Norte No. 8, Guatemala city. On the way home
we passed the site where is being constructed a gigantic
sports center. This is being rushed to completion for the
Latin-American sports games early in 1950. Right up to
date is Guatemala city, with its many busses and fine new
cars. A t the same time alongside the new age are the
many yoked oxen, horse-drawn carts and barefooted Indians
carrying huge loads on their backs and heads. The fine
missionary home consists of seven bedrooms and a modern
bath, along with a kitchen and three patios. The largest
patio is enclosed and forms an ideal Kingdom Hall that
will comfortably seat 200 persons. This certainly provides
an excellent headquarters for the Lords work in Guatemala.
On Wednesday morning the Branch servant, Brother
Munsterman, and Brother Morgan emplaned for Quetzaltenango, a city to the northwest of the capital with a popu
lation of about 35,000. Here a missionary home is located
and the brethren have been doing good work. For that
afternoon they had arranged a public meeting in the Teatro
Zarco, one of the town s several movie houses. The Gilead
graduates were a bit apprehensive, wondering what would
happen and how many people would come to a midweek
meeting. There is no company in Quetzaltenango as yet,
and the previous high attendance figure for a public meet
ing was only thirty-seven. A t 3 p.m. there were not more
than twenty or thirty persons present, and so it was decided
to wait fifteen minutes more to allow some people time to
arouse themselves from the midday siesta. B y the time the
talk Liberty to the Captives got well under way there
were 145 persons listening. Everyone was delighted with
the attendance, and it was hoped that this meeting would
give impetus to the work in Quetzaltenango. A company is
being formed there now. Thursday morning all the Gilead
graduates returned to the capital with Brothers Morgan and
Munsterman to attend the convention there.
It was reported that Guatemala city presented a strange
sight on Wednesday evening. A fter 6 p.m. many fires
appeared in the streets, two or three to a block. The church
bells began to toll incessantly, and the air resounded with
the explosion of fireworks. This was the eve of the annual

M arch 1, 1950


celebration of the immaculate conception of the virgin

Mary, and hundreds of fires were lighted everywhere to
frighten away the evil spirits. In some cases hot coals are
taken into the homes so that no evil spirit will take refuge
there. It was observed on Thursday that a large image of
the virgin was carried from one church to another.
Following this image were eight other images, all supposed
to represent angels. On Friday night this ceremony was
repeated when the virgin and her angels were returned
to the church of origin. It is a very ceremonious procession
and is made somewhat weird in the night by the carrying
of lanterns and lighted candles on poles. People line the
streets to observe the procession, and many move along
with it, selling various kinds of foods and trinkets. The
men who bear the statue of the virgin on their shoulders
pay so much per block for the privilege of carrying her.
And those who actually carry her back into the church
building, which is considered the greatest privilege of the
ceremony, pay the most money. This certainly emphasizes
the need of liberty for the captives.
Thursday night a good service meeting was had at the
Salon del Reino in Guatemala city, and on Friday evening
184 brethren were present for the opening of the assembly.
There were young and old, the oldest being a brother of
80 years. He had traveled 120 miles to attend the conven
tion and felt this might be his last because, as he said,
Im getting rather old to travel. But his vision of the
Kingdom is clear and he is an active publisher. It is his
earnest desire to have help in the preaching in his town.
One sister with eight children, who also manages several
Bible studies each week, was there too. Great zeal is shown
by many in preaching the Word.
Saturday was devoted to field service, principally the
distribution of 60,000 handbills which had just arrived
from Brooklyn on Thursday. In the afternoon and evening
there was a full program of talks. Sunday morning seven
brothers and nine sisters symbolized their consecration in
a small pool in the park on the edge of town. The attendance
of 425 at the public meeting on Sunday afternoon made
glad the hearts of all the brethren. This was a figure 173
more than any previous public meeting in the country. A ll
agreed that this was the best convention yet in Guatemala,
Monday, December 12, after dinner, all the brethren at
the Branch home piled into the bus that was to take Brother
Morgan to the airport; and shortly, with our driver leaning
on the horn, we were under way. Sometimes it seems that
the brakes are a safety factor second only to the horn. A s
we passed down the streets we glimpsed the beautiful
National Palace, an architectural credit to the city. But it
still bears the marks of the last revolution, for its pretty
light-green stone surface is pock-marked with small shell


holes; and here and there one sees a large hole. However,
we were soon at the airport and it seemed as though the
visit was all too brief. Here again the brethren were happy
that the visit was not completely over, because Brother
Knorr was coming in a few days. He arrived on the 20th
of December.
The plane Brother Knorr took out of Mexico City left
promptly and, having a good tail wind, it arrived early at
the Guatemalan airport. He landed and was going through
the customary procedure for entering the country, but none
of the brethren had arrived to meet him. They were all very
much embarrassed when they did arrive and found Brother
Knorr already there. A ll were very cheerful, though, and
one would think from the joy they all expressed that a
convention was on in full force. They had planned a meet
ing for that night. A ll the people of good-will had been
invited. So there was arranging of chairs at the Kingdom
Hall to be done; and we were delighted to see that 225
persons turned out. The subject discussed was the yeartext,
Preach the word, and it was pointed out how important
it is for the brethren to prepare to be on their own. They
should not work just because the Society had a Branch
office there, or a missionary home; but each person in the
truth should be ready to continue should all be scattered as
the brethren in Jerusalem were when persecution became
heavy against the early church. A ll should be ready to
preach the word everywhere. W hile there has been no
opposition to the preaching in Guatemala, and the message
is received well, it must be expected that the Devil will
bring pressure to bear from some source to disturb the
tranquillity of the organization.
There were many problems to discuss with regard to
the Branch and the work yet to be done in Guatemala. There
are more than 3 million people in the country, and at the
present time there are 188 publishers on the average, with
a peak of 218 last year. However, expansion is very notice
able in Guatemala, for at the time of the last visit there
were only twenty-five publishers on the average in the whole
country. That was three and one-half years ago. Plans were
made this time to send more Gilead graduates to Guatemala,
probably ten to work in other cities. And the graduates of
Gilead now in the country are going to work not only towns
they are in, but on specified days in certain months they
will move out into some of the villages to see what can be
done to establish companies. More visits will be made by
the Branch servant to the four companies already estab
lished, and to a number of isolated brethren. There is a lot
to do in Guatemala and the brethren are anxious to do it.
A fter spending two happy days in Guatemala, the president
of the Society was on his way to San Salvador, following
the route his secretary had taken.

October 28, 1949
Dear Madam:
Answering yours of the 14th instant re blood transfusion:
The method of giving blood transfusions today may not
follow the normal human procedure as when slaughterhouse
men drink the warm blood of animals they have killed or

as when people eat blutwurst or blood sausage with its

congealed blood. But just because the manner of adminis
tering the blood is different is not proving that Gods law
concerning blood does not cover or apply to transfusion
of h u m a n blood. Whether by eating or drinking or trans
fusing blood, in all cases it is basically the transferring of
blood from one organism human or animal to another organ-



ism, and this basic transfer of blood is what Gods W ord

condemns and forbids to his consecrated people. Just
because a blood transfusion does not quench a persons thirst
or satisfy a persons hunger is beside the point: the transfer
of the blood remains an undeniable fact.
And why did God forbid the transfer of blood from
another creatures organism to the partakers seeking some
sort of relief, whether relief of hunger, thirst or blood
depletion? Search the law of God given in the Bible, if
you please, and in no case will you find that the reason
why God forbids such transfer of blood is in any way a
health reason, to avoid corruption, contamination or infec
tion. The reason is a higher one than that, and your letter
shows you have ignored or overlooked that higher reason.
A t the very beginning, when God established the everlasting
covenant with Noah regarding the sanctity of our blood, he
made plain this higher reason, when he said: But flesh
with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye
not eat. (Genesis 9 : 4 ) The blood is the life of the flesh,
and for that reason God restricted the use of blood to
propitiatory sacrifices for his holy altar. Note that no
health reason is given when God says on the atoning value
of the blood: And whatsoever man there be of the house
of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among them,
that eateth any manner of blood, I will set my face against
that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among
his people. [W hy?] For the life of the flesh is in the blood;
and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atone
ment for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh atone
ment by reason of the life. Therefore I said unto the children
of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any
stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood. And what
soever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the
strangers that sojourn among them, who taketh in hunting
any beast or bird that may be eaten; he shall pour out the
blood thereof, and cover it with dust. For as to the life of
all flesh, the blood thereof is all one with the life thereof:
therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Y e shall eat
the blood of no manner of flesh; [why?] for the life of all
flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut
off. Leviticus 1 7 :1 0 -1 4 ,
see also Deuter
onomy 1 2 :1 6 , 23-27.
It was in harmony with this fundamental significance of
the blood that David refused to drink water brought him
at the risk of mens lives and said: M y God forbid it me,

Am. Stan. Ver.;

B rooklyn, N . Y .

that I should do this thing: shall I drink the blood of these

men that have put their lives in jeopardy? (1 Chronicles
1 1 :1 8 , 19) In harmony with this vital significance of blood
Jesus said: He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood
hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in
me, and I in him. (John 6 : 54-56,
It is
his blood that makes propitiation on Gods antitypical holy
altar for our human souls. Hence without the shedding of
his blood there is no remission or forgiveness of our sins.
(Hebrews 9 :1 4 -2 2 ) That is the only use of human blood that
does any real good to humankind, and we should, therefore,
not pretend to do mankind a service by a misuse of human
blood contrary to the very essence of Gods law.
Blood transfusion is blood transfusion whether done by
the crude methods of 1492 or by the more refined methods
of 1949. Though modern blood transfusion does not kill
the blood donor, it is taking part of his life and reducing
his vitality and misappropriating his blood under the
specious claim of doing good. The Bible speaks of quench
ing fire, and the pouring out of water in order to save
combustible property from a fire is a far-fetched comparison
with blood transfusion for medical purposes, because Gods
law does not forbid quenching fire with water but his law
is very specific regarding the disposal of blood. The figures
you cite on the enormous use of blood in the U .S.A. in
medical practice just goes to show the tremendous blood
bill that God has to settle with mankind at the battle of
Armageddon for their violation of his everlasting covenant
regarding the sacredness of creature blood.
True, Jesus told his disciples to heal the sick and he
gave the order unconditionally. There were no buts attached
to it . But records at Matthew 10, Mark 6 and Luke 9 and
10 do not show he authorized them to perform blood trans
fusions or other violations of the everlasting covenant to
do so. He gave them miraculous powers, and the only thing
like medical practice is that they cast out many demons,
and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed
them . Mark 6 : 1 3 ,
Sincerely yours,

Am. Stan. Ver.)

Am. Stan. Ver.

W atch T ower B ible & T ract Society

[F or our previous letters on this subject see the W a tch to w e r
issue o f December 1, 1949, pages 367, 368, under the heading On
Blood Transfusion .]

A young Catholic mother sent a letter to W B B R , request
ing more information. I received the letter from the station
and made the call. She had lost her only son of ten years
of age through drowning, but when she sought comfort
from her priest she was told his death was a judgment from
God for her not having been a good Catholic. She had
implored the priest to spare her son the fire of purgatory,
but to no avail. Frantic, unable to eat or sleep, she contem
plated suicide. Then by chance she tuned in on W B B R .
She heard of a new world of peace without death, she heard
of the dead being asleep, resting until a resurrection, when
God would bring them back again to a cleansed earth. Hope

sprang up in her heart and she had written for someone

to call on her. She had asked that the caller come in the
forenoon, as her husband would not be home, for she
supposed her husband opposed her listening to W B B R .
But when I called her husband was unexpectedly home, yet
as I discussed world conditions and Gods purposes to bring
in a new world of righteousness he nodded in agreement. I
finally asked how he had gained so much knowledge. To
his wifes amazement he said that every evening, while she
put the children to bed, he had been listening to W B B R !
I immediately arranged for a study in that home, and now
the mother and one daughter are active in Jehovahs
service. New York city publisher.

Jehovahs Kingdomfjp

0(1 j\i f
lnJfl *

S emimonthly
MARCH 15, 1950

F earless at the W orld s E n d ............
Causes fo r Fear; How to Be Met ....
T he W ay to R emain F earless to the
F inal E nd ........................................
Effects o f Accepting T r u th ................
Fear o f God P r o p e r..............................
A Modem Example o f Fearlessness ..
Rewards o f Being Fearless at the
W orlds End ......................................
E l S alvador and the H onduran
Co u n tries ..........................................
L etters [Absence o f Prayer at Public
Meetings! also, Attending Funerals
and Marriages W here?] ................
F ield E xperience ....................................
A nnouncing M essiah s P resence
T estimony P eriod ..........................
W atchtower S tudies .........................
M emorial for 1950 ..............

W T B . &T.5.


P u b l is h e d

Se m im o n t h l y


W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
1 1 7 A dam s Street
Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S .A .
O fficers
N. II. K norr, P resid en t
G rant S uiter, S e cr eta r y
A n d all thy children shall be taught o f Jehovah; and
great shall be the peace o f th y children. * Isa ia h 3 4 : 1 3 .
THAT JEHOVAH Is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon i t ; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new world; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members of Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD o f Satan began its time of the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.
April closes the 1950 campaign o f taking subscriptions fo r the
W a tch to w er magazine. This final month has been set aside as
Announcing Messiahs Presence Testimony Period and will be
a month o f special effort and activity world-wide in this behalf.
When first published in July, 1879, our magazine was called
Zions Watch Tower and Herald o f Christs Presence . It is still
a herald o f the invisible presence o f Christ or Messiah, with more
proof of this now than ever before since 1914. Very fittingly, then,
subscriptions for T he W a tch to w e r are to be taken during the
Testimony Period thus designated. For each subscription for a
year at the regular rate o f $1.00 a set o f 8 booklets is to be
given as a premium. Where people are already subscribers fo r
The W a tch to w e r , they may be offered, instead, our companion
magazine A iv a k e ! but without the booklet premium. W e should
like this twelfth W a tch to w e r campaign to realize a peak o f sub
scriptions. I f you are in favor o f that, join us in the campaign.
Write us, should you need any assistance to that end. Each ones
report will enhance the world-wide total. So submit your report
on our form for such.
Week o f April 30: Fearless at the W orlds End,
1-13 inclusive, also The W ay to Remain Fearless
to the Final End ,
1-9 inclusive, T h e W a tc h to w e r March 15, 1950.
Week o f May 7 : The W ay to Remain Fearless to the Final End,
10-30 inclusive, T he W a tc h to w e r March 15, 1950.

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

Notice to Subscribers: Remittances should be sent to office in your

country in compliance with regulations to guarantee safe delivery of
money. Remittances are accepted at Brooklyn from countries where no
office is located, by international money order only. Subscription rates in
different countries are stated below in local currency. Notice of expiration
(with renewal blank) is sent at least two issues before subscription
expires. Change of address when sent to our office may be expected
effective within one month. Send your old as well as new address.

Please address the Watch Tower Society in every case.

Yearly Subscription Rate
America (U.S.), 117 Adams St Brooklyn 1, N.Y.
Australia, 11 Beresford Rd., Strathfield, N.S.W.
British West Indies, 21 Taylor St., Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad $1.25
Burma, 39 Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon
Bs. 3/8
Canada, 40 Irwin Ave Toronto 5, Ontario
England, 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2
India, 167 Love Lane, Bombay 27
Rs. 3/8
Jamaica, 151 King St., Kingston
Newfoundland, Post Box 521, St. John's
New Zealand, G. P.O. Box 30, Wellington, C. 1
Nigeria, West Africa, P.O. Box 605. Lagos
Philippine Republic, 104 Roosevelt Road,
San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City
2 pesos
South Africa, 623 Boston House, Cape Town
T. Hawaii, 1228 Pensacola St., Honolulu 14
Translations of this journal appear in many languages.
firmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may
have The Watchtower free upon written application to the publishers,
made once each year, stating the reason for so requesting it. We are
glad to thus aiil the needy, but the written application once each year
is required by the postal regulations.
Printed in the United States of America

Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Brooklyn, N, Y

under the Act of March S, W79.


The new moon nearest the spring equinox in the north temperate
zone determines the first month o f the year according to Jehovahs
decree. (E x. 1 2 :1 , 2) This yeai the month Nisan begins at sunset
o f March 19, and hence the fourteenth day o f Nisan would begin
at sundown o f Saturday, April 1, 1950. This agrees with the date
nineteen years previous according to the metonic cycle. That day,
after 6 p.m., Standard Time, would be the correct time for the
annual observance o f Christs death according to his command. At
an appointed hour that night companies, units, and groups o f the
consecrated people o f God should assemble. After an opening song
and prayer, some appointed consecrated person, preferably one of
Jehovahs anointed ones, should present extemporaneously or read
a discussion upon the meaning o f the Memorial emblems. Then
prayer should be offered over the emblems and they should be
served, fo r any o f the remnant o f the anointed members of Christs
body to partake of. The emblems should be unleavened bread and
red wine, to copy our Lords example. All persons o f good-will,
whether consecrated or not, are cordially invited to attend this
significant and blessed celebration, even though they are not
authorized to partake o f the emblems as members o f Christs body.
After the Memorial appropriate service announcements for the
group may be made, a closing song sung, and the meeting dismissed
with prayer. A report should be made to the Society o f the entire
number attending at each gathering, and the number o f those
partaking o f the emblems.


V ol.


M arch

15, 1950



" God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear.
Ps. 4 6 : 1, 2.

EHOVAH caused the record to be made that in try to intimidate and if possible bring fear so that
the closing days of this old world there would be they will desist from spreading light. Such conduct
many tribulations, great evils committed, in by those of this world often causes much surprise to
creased oppressions, sorrows multiplied, and an all- the peaceful servants of the only light. They find it
pervading sense of uncertainty and insecurity would hard to understand until they call to mind what Jesus
rest on the people. Trouble upon trouble has come said concerning such experiences: Happy are ye,
upon this generation, until many wonder just what whensoever they may reproach you and persecute
will come next. Great fear has overtaken the earths you and say every evil thing against you falsely for
inhabitants. They know some great catastrophe is my sake: rejoice and exult, because your reward is
impending and that they are powerless to stop it. great in the heavens; for so persecuted they the
Terrible disasters have already taken place and more prophets who were before you. Matt. 5:11, Roth.
are yet to follow. Amid all this the faithful Christians
3 The thousands of good-will persons now receiving
are the objects of intense universal hatred, and the light have not been accustomed to ill-treatment.
yet they are counseled not to be discouraged or Sometimes they question the advisability of continu
frightened. Concerning the time of the end of this ing if such treatment is to be meted out to them, for
world, in which we have been since A.D. 1914, their it is one thing to learn the good things of Jehovahs
Master said: And when you hear of wars and dis holy Word and the marvelous blessings in the future
turbances, do not be scared; these have to come first, through the new world, but an entirely different
but the end is not at once. (Luke 2 1 : 9 , Moffatt) And thing to meet up with the worlds disapproval, scorn,
previous to that prophecy he had said to them: Fear ridicule and persecution. Nevertheless, the dis
not, you little flock, for your Fathers delight is to pleasure of the Most High God will be made mani
give you the Realm, that is, the Kingdom.Luke fest if we shirk responsibilities because of fear. The
12:32, Moff.
fear of man bringeth a snare; but whoso putteth
2 This present evil world is in opposition tohis trust in Jehovah shall be safe. Many seek the
Almighty Jehovah, and always has been, and there rulers favor; but a mans judgment cometh from
is no hope of its ever coming into harmony with Gods Jehovah. (Prov. 29:25,26, Am. Stan. Ver.) A
perfect will. Ignorance of the Most High God is mighty work has to be performed before this old
everywhere; a dense, mental darkness blankets world is destroyed. No time is this for hesitation,
humankind, obscuring the knowledge of Jehovah. timidity or fearfulness, but a time for going forward.
Only the faithful footstep followers of Jesus Christ This is a time for courageous action and marvelous
know Jehovah. Truly darkness covereth the earth, expansion on the part of all true servants of God.
and deep gloom the peoples, but on thee beameth The whole world and the invisible evil powers are
[Jehovah], and his glory on thee is seen . (Isa. 60: 2, exerting every effort to prevent this prosperity.
Rotherham) Into the darkness of this world the light Every expression of hatred is being and will be
must penetrate to open the blind eyes, revealing the raised to create barriers, but such obstacles will not
knowledge of the glory of God and of his beloved succeed. No weapon that is formed against thee
King-Son to earths millions, showing the pathway shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise
to life and offering comfort and peace. Darkness is against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. (Isa.
the antithesis of light. It is no wonder, then, that all 54:17, Am. Stan. Ver.) Such promises are for the
manner of evil things are said about the light-bearers heritage o f diligent, fearless servants of Jehovah
for their discouragement. Threats are made by the God.
workers of darkness against the children of light to
4 Today his mouthpieces have to speak God s Word

1. Who are today in fear, and who are not so, and why?
2. Who now bear the light? Why Is It attempted to frighten them?

3, 4. However, what is this a time for? and why that with confidence?



B rooklyn,

N. Y.

to rebellious Christendom, a stiff-necked generation,

a hardhearted people, and no words must be dimin
ished from the divine commands. No; but the whole
counsel of God must be declared, even though Satan,
the god of this evil world, will try to make us forget
the truth and Gods instructions. Those who are over
come by the evil one or by his agents will incur the
displeasure of Jehovah.
5 The fearless servants of God are at enmity with
this world: The friendship of the world is enmity
to God. Whosoever, therefore, is minded to be a
friend of the world an enemy of God doth constitute
himself. (Jas. 4 :4 , Roth.) This enmity is not for
different political opinions, ideologies, religious
views, or racial animosity. No, our enmity is far
more embracing, for it is opposition to the whole
world, visible and invisible. No individual, group or
world organization could continue in such a state of
alienation from this present evil world in its own
strength. Human endurance can go only so far. No
person of flesh and blood can stand against the
whole world and serve with an unpopular, despised
organization for very long, unless he obtains
strength from the highest source, the Almighty
Jehovah. In such service there are no praises from
men, no plaudits, no thanks nor honors from the
world, no monetary nor commercial gain. Indeed the
more service rendered, the more zeal, energy and
devotion put into the work, the greater the hatred
and disesteem from those of this world. Therefore,
is it not of vital importance to know how this muchneeded strength and support may be obtained?
6 His Word abounds with assurances: Come
now! D o you not understand, have you not heard,
that the Eternal is an everlasting God, the maker of
the world from end to end? He never faints, never
is weary, his insight is unsearchable; into the weary
he puts power, and adds new strength to the weak.
Young men may faint and weary, the strong youths
may give way, but those who wait for the Eternal
shall renew their strength, they put out wings like
eagles, they run and never weary, they walk and
never faint. (Isa. 40: 28-31, Moff.) The apostle Paul
comforted us with these words: In conclusion,
strengthen yourselves in the Lord and in the power
which His supreme might imparts. (Eph. 6:10,
Weymouth) An American Translation expresses it,
You must grow strong through union with the
Lord. Stress is laid on the words must grow
strong . Quite evidently, then, the power of God will
not just fall on us like a coat, equipping us to do
mighty works, but rather something has to be done
by each individual to strengthen himself in the Lord.
Much time in study has to be spent that one may learn
the source of strength, who has already obtained it,

and how he did so. Every Christian surely wants to

be a valiant warrior of the Lord, do his holy work
without fear and withstand the fiery darts of the
wicked one, having complete confidence in Jehovah
and in his glorious King-Son Christ Jesus.

5. With what are we at enmity? Whose strength do we need? Why?

6. How may such needed strength and support be obtained?

7. What are some of the causes of fear?

8, 9. What assurances have we to fortify us against such fears?


7What are some of the causes for fear? Probably

all will concede that fear is the expression of selfish
ness. Where there is complete unselfishness there is
love. There is no fear in love: but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath punishment; and he
that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John
4:18, Am. Stan. Ver.) This slavish fear certainly
would be absent if all selfishness were eliminated.
However, is it not true that when we are requested
to perform some special service for Jehovah, which
may be in direct opposition to this world, may in fact
even be a message against it, thoughts like these
enter the mind: Can I do this work? Will I fail?
What will be the result? What will the people think
and say? Is there possibility of hurt or danger to
me or to my family? Will it be mental or physical?
Can the pain be endured? Many doubts come upon
the fearful. Hesitation sets in and the fear of man
takes hold. Immediately excuses come to mind; per
haps there is something more important to do, some
thing demanding attention has been forgotten, or
maybe ones health is not so good. Timid and fearful
ones are satisfied they have good reasons for not
going forward with the work in hand. The spirit
indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
8 Is it really possible for a creature to build up his
courage so there would not be all these fears? Can
he be fortified against all these fleshly limitations and
weaknesses? The answer in the affirmative is sup
plied from Jehovahs Word. And my God shall
supply every need of yours according to his riches
in glory in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:19, Am. Stan.
Ver.) The Most High assures us: Fear thou not, for
I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God;
I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I
will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteous
ness. And again, Jehovah of hosts, him shall ye
sanctify; and let him be your fear, and let him be
your dread. (Isa. 41:10 and 8:13, Am. Stan. Ver.)
He who knows so well the weakness of human flesh
commands us not to fear.
9 Then how can we depend on him ? Is it possible
to stake ones life on the promise of Jehovah? The
Scriptures supply the answer: All such words were
written of old for our instruction, that by remaining
stedfast and drawing encouragement from the scrip
tures we may cherish hope. (Rom. 15:4, Moff.)
There is no need to fear that our hope will be in

M arch

15, 1950


vain or that we shall be disappointed, for the apostle

says: Tribulation worketh stedfastness; and stedfastness, approvedness; and approvedness, hope:
and hope putteth not to shame; because the love of
God hath been shed abroad in our hearts.Rom.
5: 3-5, Am. Stan. Ver.
10 Our strength must therefore be drawn from a
study of the Scriptures, for here we learn who is the
source of strength. Did not the Almighty make
strength? He created it. The more we learn of Jeho
vah, and how he supplies his power, the better en
abled we shall be to become recipients of it. To know
Jehovah is to trust him. Our Lord Jesus is the per
fect example of complete confidence, knowing no fear
of man, of the world, or of the Devil. The truth gives
freedom of mind, of speech and of self. Jesus there
fore said to those Jews that had believed him, If ye
abide in my word, then are ye truly my disciples; and
ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you
free.John 8:31,32, Am. Stan. Ver.
11 Truth must be received in meekness. Wherefore
putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wicked
ness, receive with meekness the implanted word,
which is able to save your souls. (Jas. 1:21, Am.
Stan. Ver.) The Lord Jesus was meek. Likewise the
man Moses was very meek, above all the men that
were upon the face of the earth. (Num. 12: 3, Am.
Stan. Ver.) Meekness and fear of the Lord are
essential qualities of the Christian, and Jehovah has
graciously provided for our private and collective
study so that we may attain growth in these qualifica
tions. By meekness will instruction come, and the
faithful disciple will always be found waiting on the
Lord and seeking His will. Then at all times the con
science will be void of offense toward the Lord when
supplicating him for help and strength to do his
work. Lack of meekness will often result in ones
going ahead and trying to accomplish something in
his own strength.
12 By our associating for fellowship, study and
service, we are able to encourage and aid each other
in the faith. Then they that feared the Lord spoke
10. Therefore from what study must we draw strength, and why?
11. How must truth be received, and why?
12. 13. How can we encourage and aid one another in the faith?


every one with his neighbour: and the Lord gave

ear, and heard it: and a book of remembrance was
written before him for them that fear the Lord, and
think on his name. And they shall be my special
possession, saith the Lord of hosts, in the day that
I do judgment: and I will spare them, as a man
spareth his son that serveth him. (Mai. 3:16,17,
Douay) Speaking every one with his neighbor cannot
be accomplished by remaining at home or by only
reading the Scriptures. To accomplish this it must of
necessity mean meeting one with another and dis
cussing the Lords Word and those works which
pertain to the honor of his holy name. It means talk
ing to ones neighbors, and telling them the truth.
With such actions the Lord is so well pleased that
he commanded a record to be made: But meanwhile
those who worshipped the Eternal talked to each
other, and the Eternal heeded them and heard them;
before him lies a record of his worshippers who
adhere to him. And I will claim them, the Lord of
hosts declares, as my own prized possession, on the
day when I take action; I will spare them, as a man
spares the son who works in his service. Mai.
3:16,17, Moff.
13 Then the apostle Paul declared: By observing
one another, let us arouse ourselves to rival one
anothers love and good deeds. Let us not neglect
meeting together as some do, but let us encourage
one another, all the more as you can see that the
great Day is coming nearer. Jesus said, For whereever two or three are gathered as my followers, 1
am there among them. (Heb. 10: 24, 25; Matt. 18: 20,
An Amer. Trans.) It is so that we can understand the
good purposes of the great Jehovah, and grasp for
ourselves an understanding of the righteous new
world and its King, for there must be a personal
acceptance and conviction of these truths. To have
complete trust and implicit confidence we must make
these truths our own, a part of ourselves, so to speak,
and then we shall be able to obey the injunction,
Stand your ground, then, with the belt of truth
around your waist. The truth is truly our armor
from God to enable us to withstand the onslaughts
of the evil one and his demons in these last days.
Eph. 6:11-14, An Amer. Trans.


BVIOUSLY talking together to know the truth
will embrace attending Bible studies regularly,
being present and sharing to the extent
possible in the service meetings and ministry school
meetings, making sure we are present at the circuit
assemblies and other assemblies arranged by the

1. What does talking together to know the truth mean or require?

Lords organization. All these provisions are made

to learn the truth and so grow strong in the Lord,
and in the power of his might . As each servant
increases in knowledge he will desire to make it
available to others. So then, there is the publishing
of the good news, talking to those outside the com
panies, the people in general, yes, going from house



to house, then making further visits until the inter

est is kindled into a desire for study. The oftener
Jehovahs children converse together and carry this
news to others, the more pleasing it is in his sight.
2Is it not a fact that those servants who attend
meetings regularly, take an interest in the ministry
programs and in the actual preaching service, who
are present at every session of their circuit assem
blies, are the ones who are most lively, always dis
cussing the truth, eager for any opportunities and
privileges of service? Are they not always talking
about their back-calls, their studies, or how someone
has been aided in the service? These dear ones have
no time to spend doing anything else, but keep them
selves free from old world pursuits in order that
they may willingly be slaves of the Lord Jesus Christ.
3 Nothing escapes the eye of the Lord. Thy Father
which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee open
ly. (Matt. 6: 4 ) He takes note of faithful, loyal
service. Never does an act escape him. The L ord
hath his throne in the heavens, his eyes behold, his
eyelids prove, the children of men. (Ps. 11:4,
Leeser) We know his eye never sleeps and he is ever
watchful for the best interests of his children. For
he puts you under his angels charge, to guard you
wherever you go, to lift you in their hands lest you
trip over a stone. (Ps. 91:11,12, Moff.) Remem
ber the precious promises: For the eyes of the Lord
behold all the earth, and give strength to those who
with a perfect heart trust in him. (2 Chron. 16:9,
Douay) He never faints, never is weary, his insight
is unsearchable; into the weary he puts power, and
adds new strength to the weak. . . . Those who wait
for the Eternal shall renew their strength. (Isa.
40: 28, 29, 31, Moff.) Contentment and peace are the
lot of those who live in the conscious condition that
Jehovahs power is always available for their need,
and he is watchful for their best interests, believing
that we know also that those who love God, those
who have been called in terms of his purpose, have
his aid and interest in everything .Rom. 8:28, Moff.
4Why should the Christian then fear? Surely with
such assurances he may follow through with the serv
ice of the truth and grow in love, and so grow
strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might .
Jehovahs witnesses are the only ones who are in
such a happy condition, for they know the truth and
it has made them free. They study the Bible, talk
about it, and obey it, because they know it is Gods
Word. Their studies include reviews of the acts of
faith and fearlessness of the servants of God in ages
past, and they believe that the same God who did
wondrous works then is the same one we know and
serve today. For this God is our God for ever and
2. What effect does such faithful talking together have on one?
3, 4. What assurances give us contentment, peace, happiness, freedom?

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

ever: he will be our guide even unto death.Ps.

48:14, Am. Stan. Vor.
5 The way, then, to remain fearless to the end is
to study the truth which is Gods W ord; learn of his
works toward men in times past; get to know who
God is and understand his purposes. Appreciate the
fact that he is the Eternal God, the Almighty, the
Most High, who always was, is and is to b e; without
beginning, without end, who knows the end from the
beginning, the source of goodness and life. Learn of
his beloved Son, the beginning of all creation, for
without him was not anything made that has been
made; how he has always been his Fathers delight,
and, when sent to earth, he took the form of human
flesh wherein he suffered, and by complete obedience,
fearlessness, loyalty and love was highly exalted and
given a name above every name, for he is King of
kings and Lord of lords, the Everlasting Father, and
the Prince of Peace. Study Gods Holy Record and
be taught of the new world of righteousness and its
blessings, in which you may now learn to rejoice.
Keep firm your hope to share in these blessings.
Happy the people who know thy festal songs, who
live within the sunshine of thy favour! (Ps. 89:15,
Moff.) It is good to know about these promises; yes,
go beyond merely knowing, memorize them if you
will, so that they are always in mind for your comfort
and consolation. Only those who have learned to
actually trust in Jehovah know the value of beingable to recall at will some of the precious statements
God has made for those who love him.
6All good-will persons must learn of these things,
be taught what is involved and who first raised the
issue of universal supremacy. Unless properly in
formed of Satans works they will not value the
promises of the Almightys protection. For is it not a
fact that those who seek righteousness and the Lords
honor become targets of the Devil? David, speaking
prophetically for Jesus, said: For the zeal of thine
house hath eaten me u p ; and the reproaches of them
that reproached thee are fallen upon me. (Ps.
69:9) Jesus did not choose for himself, but pleased
first his heavenly Father: For even Christ pleased
not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of
them that reproached thee fell on me.Rom. 15: 3.

7The acceptance of these truths by sincere persons

has an immediate effect on the disposition and the
pathway along which they walk. A disinclination to
continue seeking the company of former associates
and relatives shows itself and a leaning more to
be with those who have the truth. This is as it should
be. The more they seek the truth and companionship
5. What, then, is the way to remain fearless to the end?
6. To value God's promises, what issue must we be taught? Why?
7. 8. (a) What change does accepting truth effect in us, leading to
what fears? (b) In whom must we build up trust, and how?

M arch 15, 1950



of the brethren, the more it becomes apparent to their

former friends and business associates that some
thing has happened in their lives to change the course
of conduct, the conversation and forms of relaxation.
It may be some will scoff, ridicule and bring various
kinds of opposition to bear, or perhaps our secular
occupation is in question, and then, if there are
Scriptural family responsibilities on us, what will
happen? Who will look after them? Former friends
may be lost and disesteem be manifested. Also sup
pose these prophecies are not going to work out as
expected! What will then be done? It may be Arma
geddon will not come as soon as expected! Then
what? And, to say the least, one would become the
laughingstock of others. All these fears and many
more may crowd into the mind. It is now time to take
comfort and obtain strength.
8 Listen to Jehovahs w ord: Trust in Jehovah with
all thy heart, and lean not upon thine own under
standing: in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he
will direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes;
fear Jehovah, and depart from evil. (Prov. 3:5-7,
Am. Stan. Ver.) Perhaps at first it is not easy to trust
in the Lord, for we certainly have to know anyone
before he can be trusted. However, by prayer in
earnestness and sincerity, with study and fellowship
in service, you will learn how to trust in Jehovah with
all your heart.
9 Honest seekers for righteousness must learn to
go much farther, if they would become champions
of truth, real soldiers in the war against the
Devils world, fighters for the new world of right
eousness, and fearless at this worlds end. Activity
in the work of Jehovah becomes those who want to
make progress and really obtain from the Lord his
full approval, a place in the new world, and a share
in the joy and blessings with others in the future
purposes of Jehovah. Fear prevents progress. It
brings stagnation, perhaps providing obstacles to
being received into the new world. Those who are
fearful are in a continual condition of anxiety and
worry about many things that never happen. The
Lord Jesus instructed: So do not worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries of its own.
Let each day be content with its own ills. But
which of you with all his worry can add a single hour
to his life? (Matt. 6:34, 27, An Amer. Trans.) Need
less to say, many do not take the Lord at his word
and cast all their cares upon him. So they are un
happy because always fearful about something that
might happen, described by Paul as those who
through fear of death had been subject to lifelong
slavery . (Heb. 2:15, Weymouth) There is a Deliver
er, and that one is Christ Jesus, who can set every
captive free from self-bondage, bondage to the Devil,

yes, and to present evil conditions. The truth of God

as given by Christ Jesus will set free from such fears.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free. John 8: 32, Am. Stan. Ver.
10 Those who are strong cannot please themselves
as to their course of conduct, for they must help the
weaker ones. How easy for the strong ones to say
to the timid and fearful ones, Stand aside and let
me go o n ! Or to lose patience with the Lords other
sheep and, because they themselves can boldly go
forward, think that every one else should and it is
just too bad if they cannot! No, it cannot be this
way for the devoted ones of the Lord; for the com
mand of Jehovah is: Proclaim liberty to the cap
tives, and the opening of the prison to them that are
bound. (Isa. 61:1, Am. Stan.Ver.) Again: Shake
thyself from the dust; arise, sit on thy throne, 0
Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bonds of thy
neck, 0 captive daughter of Zion. Furthermore:
Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the
feeble knees. Say to them that are of a fearful heart,
Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with
vengeance, with the recompense of God; he will come
and save you. Isa. 52:2 and 35:3, 4, Am. Stan. Ver.
11 The responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders
of the anointed remnant and their companions to
strengthen the weaker ones, and not push them to
one side. The timid ones should not be bruised or
hurt or loaded with further handicaps. It must not
be that way. Rather obey Gods command, Say to
them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not !
Then instruct and explain, showing reason for not
being afraid. Strengthen them in the sure knowledge
of the truth; give them the assurance they need.
Certainly point them to the true Deliverer and
Avenger. Lo! your God with avenging doth come,
with the recompence of God, he doth come to save
you. (Isa. 35:4, Roth.) How precious and assuring
these words are to the true lovers of Jehovah! He
comes with avenging . All the evildoers, scoffers,
blasphemers, persecutors, haters, slanderers and
other agents of Satan will be punished, and harm
will come to those who hurt Gods children.
12Let the fearful ones know and take courage in
the knowledge that Jehovah reigns. Cry aloud and
shout, thou inhabitant of Zion; for great in the
midst of thee is the Holy One of Israel. (Isa. 12: 6,
Am. Stan. Ver.) The King is here. He now sits on
the throne of authority, and shortly will again attack
the enemy organization and break it to pieces. Cause
the fearful ones to be strong in the certain knowl
edge of these important and vital facts, so that they
will realize that the things to which they are holding
in this life are not really worth consideration. How
ever, all should deal kindly and not dogmatically, or

9. What further Is needed to build up fearlessness? In what way?

10. How must the strong not act toward the weak? Why not?
11, 12. How must the strong act toward the weak, and why?



B rooklyn,

N. Y.

14 The apostle Paul warned, So the man who

thinks he can stand must be on his guard against
a fall. (1 Cor. 10:12, An Amer. Trans.) Jehovah
has recorded that not to the swift was the race, nor
to the strong the battle . (Eccl. 9:11, Roth.) No one
is so strong that he needs no added strength. Pauls
experience was certainly an outstanding example,
for he exclaimed, That is why I am pleased with
weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and
difficulties, when they are endured for Christs sake,
for it is when I am weak that I am strong. (2 Cor.
12:10, An Amer. Trans.) Then how is it possible to
always be able to draw strength from Jehovah? you
may ask. The answer is that we must all live in the
fear of the Lord. Strange though it may appear,
yet it is a fact, true to experience, that the more we
fear Jehovah, then the less we shall fear creatures,
conditions and the world with its wicked demons and
overlord. It is not for us to fear Jehovah as a great

monster. Jehovah is just, true, wise and loving.

These attributes are part of the Almighty. We fear
him, so we love him. Some may wonder how this is
possible. If you do, then take for example the human
father, and remember that the childs love for parents
is not one whit diminished by knowledge that dis
obedience and wrongdoing will bring some form of
punishment. Good parents must discipline their chil
dren. When our earthly fathers disciplined us we
treated them with respect; should we not far more
submit to the Father of our spirits, and so have life?
For they disciplined us for a short time and as they
thought proper, but he does it for our good, to make
us share his holiness.Heb. 12: 9,10, An Amer.
16 With Jehovah it is a question of obedience or
disobedience. He shows the way leading to life by
obedience, and those who walk therein are happy;
those who refuse to walk according to the light they
have are stubborn or negligent ones and are disci
plined, and if they turn rebellious then they are cut
off from the way leading to life. Should we, there
fore, not fear the Life-giver? The man is foolish who
refuses to do so. It may not appear a vital matter
whether one is fearful or fearless, but there should
be no misapprehension as to how Jehovahs Word
deals with the two classes. The fear of man bringeth
a snare; but whoso putteth his trust in Jehovah shall
be safe. Many seek the rulers favor; but a mans
judgment cometh from Jehovah. (Prov. 29:25,26,
Am. Stan. Ver.) Have no fear of those who kill the
body but cannot kill the soul: rather fear Him who
can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. (Matt.
10: 28, Moff.) The fear of Jehovah is a fountain of
life, that one may depart from the snares of death.
(Prov. 14:27, Am.Stan. Ver.) When judgment is
rendered we know the righteous Judge will be true
and impartial, and still he expresses his decision that
the destiny of those judged fearful is destruction:
But for the fearful . . . their part shall be in the
lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which is
the second death. (Rev. 21: 8, Am. Stan. Ver.) None
can afford to ignore these plain statements from the
16 Often an examination of oneself is beneficial to
see if the commandments of Jehovah and Christ
Jesus are being obeyed. Are we really sharing in the
ministry committed to the chosen ones? Is our heart
really behind our service effort? Are we truly devot
ing all? And to love him with ones whole heart, ones
whole understanding, and ones whole strength, and
to love ones neighbor as ones self is far more than
all these burnt-offerings and sacrifices. (Mark 12:33,
An Amer. Trans.) If this is true in our case, then we
may depend upon it that we shall not be fearful. If,

13. What joy ana opportunities result to the strong so acting?

14. By what attitude do we draw strength from Jehovah? How so?

15. Why is it important to tear Jehovah rather than creatures?

16. Why should we see that we are not just pretending to obey God?

with a domineering attitude. A little reasoning on

some of these matters, with time taken out to explain,
will be time well spent and reap its own rewards. Do
not hastily brush aside their problems and seemingly
great barriers, but try to understand their attitude,
and help them. Remember that the timid ones want
the assurance that everything will be all right if
they go on, not a blunt word that they should not
fear; for very often they know that themselves.
Sometimes those who have been the fearful ones
become firm, loyal soldiers of Christ Jesus, having
learned in a difficult way that their own lack of
strength to go forward in the holy service of God
has necessitated a complete dependence upon Jeho
vah, the Strength-giver.
13 Surely this is a most joyful occupation, to help
the Lords little ones in this way, to see the knees of
those who are weak get strong so they can carry the
servant on in the service, to note the hands and arms
which did hang down limp get stronger until they
commence to use them in the employ of others. Yes,
to really see an inactive person become active is a
joy. Those who are found handling their brethren
with kindness and consideration, therefore obtaining
results, will surely be granted further gracious op
portunities of service. Does not the Lord know they
will be careful, diligent and dependable, always try
ing to build and strengthen the brethren? Let us
take to heart the dealings of Jehovah with each one
of us and so deal with the fearful and timid ones
in like manner. Resulting from these ministrations
is the greater expansion of Jehovahs service. All
the faithful servants will so help each other to remain
fearless to the end.

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15, 1950


of course, a pretense is being carried out, if we are

just going along with the crowd, and not making
sure of our steps, and coming to a personal decision,
then we may expect to be fearful. To be fearless must
mean entering into the truth, the commands, the
service, the experiences, with all we have, wholly,
completely devoted to Jehovahs holy will. We may
be satisfied if our examination reveals honesty and
sincerity and not hypocrisy. Happy the pure in
heart; for they will behold G od!Matt. 5: 8, Diag.
17 Certainly it must be clear that if there was a
real fear of the Almighty then no creature of sound
mind would ever dare displease him. For our own
well-being it is imperative that we learn to fear the
Most High. Those fearing him are his friends. The
friendship of Jehovah is with them that fear him;
and he will show them his covenant. (Ps. 25:14,
Am .8tan.Ver.) Correct information is of utmost
importance. For that right instruction we are bound
to rely on Gods Word. He is the source of knowledge,
and those desiring understanding must first learn
that the fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom .
(Ps. 111:10, Am. Stan. Ver.) Our worship to him
must be rendered with fear. Therefore let us render
thanks that we receive a realm unshaken; and in this
way let us worship God acceptably though with
godly fear and awe, for our God is indeed a con
suming fire.Heb. 12:28,29, Moff.
18 Pause and consider the words, Our God is
indeed a consuming fire. What is the significance?
The apostle Paul in all probability is quoting from
Deuteronomy 4:24 where Moses was referring to
the occasion when Jehovah had been displeased with
him. It happened at Kadesh, the burial place of
Miriam, and the children of Israel had murmured, re
belling at Gods dealings with them, for there was
no water to drink. Jehovah instructed Moses to
gather the assembly together and speak to the
rock before their eyes, and water would spring forth.
Quite evidently Israel was to witness a marvelous
demonstration of Gods power. Moses gathered
Israel together and took his rod and then said: Hear
now, ye rebels; shall we bring you forth water out
of this rock? And Moses lifted up his hand, and smote
the rock with his rod twice: and water came forth
abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their
cattle. And Jehovah said unto Moses and Aaron,
Because ye believed not in me, to sanctify me in the
eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not
bring this assembly into the land which I have given
them.Num. 20:10-12, Am. Stan. Ver.
19 Moses knew well that proper worship is accept
able only with fear of Jehovah. Because he failed to
give Jehovah credit, and did not hallow the Creators
name, God denied him the honor and great responsi-

bility of taking Israel actually into the land. Little

wonder, then, that he drove these truths home to
Israel: Furthermore Jehovah was angry with me
for your sakes, and sware that I should not go over
the Jordan, and that I should not go in unto that
good land, which Jehovah thy God giveth thee for an
inheritance. He further said: Take heed unto your
selves, lest ye forget the covenant of Jehovah your
God, which he made with you, and make you a graven
image in the form of anything which Jehovah thy
God hath forbidden thee. For Jehovah thy God is a
devouring fire, a jealous God. (Deut. 4:21,23, 24,
Am. Stan. Ver.) Israel should have known this, for
at Mount Sinai God had revealed his glory by fire.
And the appearance of the glory of Jehovah was
like devouring fire on the top of the mount in the
eyes of the children of Israel. (Ex. 24:17, Am. Stan.
Ver.) So, now forty years later, Moses commanded:
Know therefore this day, that Jehovah thy God is
he who goeth over before thee as a devouring fire;
he will destroy them. If thou wilt not observe to
do all the words of this law that are written in this
book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful
name, JEHOVAH THY GOD. (Deut. 9 :3 and
28: 58, Am. Stan. Ver.) Moses truly feared the Lord
as indicated by his w ords: For Jehovah your God,
he is God of gods, and Lord of lords, the great God,
the mighty, and the terrible, who regardeth not
persons, nor taketh reward.Deut. 10:17, Am.
Stan. Ver.
20Where is the man, where the ruler, yes, and
where is there any government that should not bow
the knee in fear of this most mighty One, who inhab
its eternity, who can melt the mountains, and rain
fire from heaven? He can burn with fire this old evil
world and consume every evildoer on the face of the
earth. Indeed it is his purpose to do so. Every one
not having a place in the new world of righteousness
will be destroyed forevermore. Truly our God is a
consuming fire ! Once we grasp this truth and fact,
and make it our own, then and only then shall we
live in the fear of Jehovah, a fear to go contrary to
the ways he has marked out, a fear to go against
his instructions, a fear to hurt in any way those who
are his own children. The whole world will try to
hurt Gods anointed and their companions, and will
meet with well deserved disaster. Jehovah says: Say
ye not, A conspiracy, concerning all whereof this
people shall say, A conspiracy; neither fear ye their
fear, nor be in dread thereof. Jehovah of hosts, him
shall ye sanctify; and let him be your fear, and let
him be your dread. Isa. 8:12,13, Am. Stan. Ver.
21 Just try to imagine the fear you might have
toward these evil worldly powers. Go to the limit in
your imagining, and then realize with all the force

17. Does fearing him make us enemies, or how does it affect us?
18, 19. Where was it said God is a devouring fire? How is he such?

20. How will he yet manifest this fact?

21. Who Is exempt from fearing Jehovah? Why is this?



B rooklyn,

N .Y .


possible that the fear of Jehovah must be far greater

than all that. Does not ordinary sense convey to us
that Jehovah the Life-giver can just as easily take
away our life as he can give it? Faithful Job gave
expression thus: Naked came I out of my mothers
womb, and naked shall I return thither: Jehovah
gave, and Jehovah hath taken away; blessed be the
name of Jehovah. (Job 1:21, Am. Stan. Ver.)
Knowledge of the great Creator is so essential, and
those knowing him best trust him most, and fear is
with all. No one is exempt from fearing Jehovah, not
even the beloved and precious Son of God, for it is
written: Who in the days of his flesh, having offered
up prayers and supplications with strong crying and
tears unto him that was able to save him from death,
and having been heard for his godly fear, though he
was a Son, yet learned obedience by the things which
be suffered. (Heb. 5 :7 ,8 , Am. Stan. Ver.) Yes, he
was heard for his godly fear, his reverent fear.
22 Sometimes there is an inclination to water down
this expression fear and say it means just rever
ence of Jehovah. True, reverence must be included
in our fear of him, but fear also means dread, awe.
Take, for example, the scripture at Isaiah 8 :1 3 :
Let him be your fear. The word fear here is a
translation of the Hebrew word mo-raw' and means
also dread, terribleness, terror . At Psalm 2:11 the
word fear , translated from yi-raw', is derived
from the same Hebrew verb yi-reh' meaning to fear,
reverence, honor .
23 The many recorded works of Jehovah clearly
teach that creatures should have proper, intelligent
fear toward God. They should stand in awe before
him and bow down before his great and terrible
name Jehovah, for no one should willfully cause his
displeasure. Disobedience is punishable by death.
Has he not the right and power to destroy? While
fearing to incur his anger for rebellion, stubbornness,
idolatry and all forms of disobedience, yet Gods
children must love him. Perfect or complete love will
cast out all slavish fear and give the creature a
proper appreciation of his relationship to his Crea
tor. No one who really has an awe, a dread, a rever
ence, yes, fear of Jehovah, has fear of man or condi
tions in the world. Those who are the loyal and faith
ful children of the Most High God know from scrip
tures and experience that fear and love of Jehovah
go hand in hand, and are not, in His case, in opposi
tion. They fear to do anything contrary to his will,
for he can destroy; yet they love him with all they
have. If we maintain fear of God we shall be kept
fearless of men; and at this worlds end this is most

24 In these years since the close of World War I

in 1918 true lovers and fearers of Jehovah have many
times demonstrated their fearlessness toward men.
They have been taught to know him and to make him
their strong tower. His purposes in his people are
clearly seen. Evidences of his guiding hand in their
affairs pile up. They wait on him and are nourished
for future service, even as the apostle Paul declared:
For God has not given us a timid spirit but a spirit
of power and love and discipline. So do not be
ashamed to testify to our Lord, and do not be
ashamed of a prisoner of the Lord like myself; join
me in bearing suffering for the gospel, by the power
of the God who has saved us. (2 Tim. 1: 7-9, Moff.)
But how little they realized the need they would
have for all these favors and assurances. Great
opposition was being organized in 1933 against the
Lords anointed, and it broke out in fury a few years
later. Furious demonized mobs attacked these peace
ful Christians until the persecution became a national
issue in America. Bitterness, hatred and all forms of
slander and evilspeaking were heaped on these faith
ful witnesses, both young and old, male and female.
It required fearlessness to withstand such brutal
oppression; those who had no strength were granted
it by the Almighty in whom they had trusted. Their
trust and confidence were rewarded and the abuse
and hurt turned out to be a testimony against their
25 On came World War II, but no one had grasped
how far-reaching it would be when the peace was
broken. Totalitarian hordes overran Europe. Jeho
vahs witnesses were arrested in large numbers, and
overnight cast into prisons or concentration camps.
The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Societys work
was interfered with and some Branch offices occupied
by the gunmen. But Gods work could not stop. His
commandments were final. Bitter and terrible perse
cution came on Jehovahs witnesses in most countries,
yet what happened to Gods faithful servants? Did
they discontinue doing Jehovahs service? Certainly
not! The whole world was against them, yet they
trusted in the Most High God. In themselves they
were subject to human frailties, fear and doubts,
but looking to the Lord and relying on his might and
strength, they went on confident that he was their
support and was truly backing them up. It is a fact
that in all countries where Jehovahs servants
carried on the gospel-preaching work to the best
of their ability Jehovah God became, as it were, very
real. Assurance was supplied, so that no one could
doubt that God was with us. We knew.
28 Over and over again, as the loyal brethren all

22. What is the full force of "fear , that is, fear of Jehovah?
23. Is fear of him opposed to love? Why is that?

24. Since when has our fearlessness specially been shown? How?
25. Under what developments and how did God become very real to them ?
26. How were faith in him and love toward him strengthened in us?

M akch

15, 1950


know, the Lord comforted and gave such marvelous

demonstrations of his working with us, of his power
manifested on our behalf, that we were strengthened
to go on. How many times it could be recalled that a
seemingly impossible situation would arise, yes,
often involving the service of Jehovah and the inter
ests and well-being of the brethren; yet a way out
was provided! And at knowing it was no one but
Jehovah who had so acted gratitude would fill the
heart; our love for him would grow deeper and
stronger and true fear of the Lord brought forward
its own rich reward. Oh love Jehovah, all ye his
saints: Jehovah preserveth the faithful, and plenti
fully rewardeth him that dealeth proudly. Be strong,
and let your heart take courage, all ye that hope in
Jehovah. (Ps. 31:23,24, Am. Stan. Ver.) The
anointed knew their calling and promised reward in
the kingdom of heaven, and the Lords other sheep
had been strengthened in their hope of the new world
blessings and Jehovahs favors. I had fainted,
unless I had believed to see the goodness of Jehovah
in the land of the living. Wait for Jehovah: Be
strong, and let thy heart take courage; yea, wait
thou for Jehovah. Ps. 27:13,14, Am. Stan. Ver.
27 So today all the children of the Most High
rejoice in the faithful, fearless action of those who
were honored and privileged to have assigned to
them such opportunities of service, which have all
been for the advancing and expansion of the Lords
service. The ministry was performed. They were used
and others have benefited. Fearlessness brings


28 No good thing will be withheld from those who

fear the Lord and walk uprightly, whereas the ones
who are without fear of God and do wickedly shall
lose life and have no good things added to them.
The fear of Jehovah prolongeth days; but the years
of the wicked shall be shortened. (Prov. 10:27,
Am. Stan. Ver.) No good thing will he withhold
from them that walk uprightly. O Jehovah of hosts,
blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. (Ps. 84:11,
12, Am. Stan. Ver.) The fear of Jehovah is a foun
tain of life, that one may depart from the snares of
death. (Prov. 14:27, Am. Stan. Ver.) Not only will
the Lord preserve and add many years to the ones
fearing him, but will give to them wisdom, that most
precious gift. The fear of Jehovah is the beginning
of wisdom. (Ps. 111:10, Am. Stan. Ver.) Then
more blessings follow, for he has promised: The

reward of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches,

and honor, and life. (Prov. 22:4, Am. Stan. Ver.)
Those who fear Jehovah are clean and hate evil, for
it is impossible to be filthy in mind, heart and body,
or to love the unrighteous evil thing and truly fear
God at the same time. The fear of Jehovah is clean,
enduring for ever. (Ps. 19:9, Am.Stan. Ver.) The
fear of Jehovah is to hate evil.Prov. 8:13, Am.
Stan. Ver.
29 The last days of this wicked, abominable world
are upon us, and we shall see the final end dur
ing this generation. Terrible calamities will befall
those living on earth today, for it is the time for
Jehovahs anger to be poured out. It is a time of
darkness, desolation and gloom. Famine, disease and
death will overtake those on earth today. Every form
of oppression and corrupt, sadistic practice will be
used. Violence will be everywhere, for all the world
will be shaken to its very foundation. Hatred upon
Gods children will be viciously expressed by the
wicked. But blessed is the lot of those who fear Jeho
vah, those who trust in him. Study the 91st Psalm
and know that Jehovah is the lot of those who can
apply its precious promises to themselves: Thou
shalt not be afraid for the terror by night . . . it
shall not come nigh thee . . . For thou, 0 Jehovah,
art my refuge! Thou hast made the Most High thy
habitation. (Ps. 91 :5 ,7 ,9 , Am. Stan. Ver.) Protec
tion is guaranteed to those fearing Jehovah, for
even the angels will guard them. The angel of Jeho
vah encampeth round about them that fear him, and
delivereth them. (Ps. 34: 7, Am.Stan. Ver.) As the
mountains are round about Jerusalem, so Jehovah is
round about his people from this time forth and for
evermore. (Ps. 125:2, Am. Stan. Ver.) God is a
shelter and stronghold for us, we shall find him very
near; therefore we never fear, though earth be over
set . . . The Lord of Hosts is at our side, the God
of Jacob is our fortress.Ps. 46:1,2,11, Moff.
30 Oh the joy of that time when every human heart
praises Jehovah and fears him with a clean and
enduring fear! No more evildoers in the land, for in
Gods new world only his friends will be there. Not
alone in the future; but now in this very day the rich
blessing and favors of Jehovah are granted to those
who are fearless. Let all learn to know Jehovah.
Study his precious Word. Grow strong in him and in
the power of his might. Keep the eye single and the
heart steadfast, wholly trusting in Jehovah and
being fearless at the worlds end.

27. So what attitude has been rewarded, and in whom?

28. What are the rewards to those having the clean fear of Jehovah?

29. Despite world trouble why is the lot of His fearers blessed?
30. What Joy Is set before us, and what final exhortation given?


K n o w th e r e fo r e that J eh ova h th y G od, he is G od , the fa ith fu l

G od , w ho k e e p eth co ven a n t and lovin g k in d n ess w ith them that
love him and k e e p his com m an d m ents . . . , and rep a y eth them that
hate him to th eir fa c e , to d es tro y th em . D eut. 7 : 9 ,1 0 , A.,S'.F.


T T H E n ew , b e a u t ifu l a ir p o r t o f S a n S a lv a d o r , w h ich
b esp ea k s th e in c r e a s in g r o le b e in g p la y e d b y in te r
n a tio n a l a ir tra v e l, a g r o u p o f J e h o v a h s w itn esses
w ere a w a itin g th e a r r iv a l o f B . E . M o r g a n o n D e c e m b e r 12,
a n d ten d a y s la te r f o r N . H . K n o r r , p r e s id e n t o f th e W a tc h to w e r S o c ie ty . T h e first v is it o r sa w n e w te r r a in a n d a c it y
n ew to h im in C e n tra l A m e r ic a .

I n a ll o f E l S a lv a d o r th ere are 207 p u b lis h e rs , b u t n o t

m ore th a n 100 o f these are in th e c a p it a l c it y . N ev erth eless,
the b re th re n h a d a r r a n g e d f o r a p u b lic m e e tin g o n T u e s d a y
e v e n in g , D e c e m b e r 13. T h e d e c la r a tio n o f th e tr u th d eserv ed
th e best, a n d so th e B r a n c h lea sed th e T e a tr o N a c io n a l,
the fin est a n d m ost r e p u ta b le th e a te r in E l S a lv a d o r . T h e
m e e tin g w as w id e ly a d v e r tis e d w ith h a n d b ills a n d p osters,
a n d sev era l h u n d r e d le tte rs o f in v it a tio n h a d been p r e p a r e d
a n d d e liv e re d . T h e o c c a s io n w a s a b it u n u s u a l b eca u se o f
the fa c t th a t th is n ig h t m a rk e d th e ev e o f th e n a tio n a l
ce le b r a tio n o f th e first a n n iv e r s a r y o f th e r e v o lu tio n . T h e
g o v e r n m e n t h a d m a d e e la b o ra te a r r a n g e m e n ts f o r th e c e le
b ra tio n a n d th e fe s t iv a l s p ir it w a s e v e r y w h e r e in e v id e n ce .
B a n d s, d r u m c o r p s , tr o o p s , p o lic e a ll w e re r e a d y f o r th e
b ig d a y m a r k in g on e y e a r o f fr e e d o m fr o m d ic t a t o r ru le
in E l S a lv a d o r . H o w w o u ld L ib e r t y to th e C a p tiv e s be
r e ce iv e d in su ch a n a tm o sp h e re ? W h a t w o u ld th e r e a c tio n
be to a s tr o n g d e c la r a tio n a g a in st C a th o lic o p p r e s s io n ?
W o u ld m a n y p e o p le co m e to su ch a m e e tin g o n th is e v e n in g ?
T hese q u e stio n s w e re soon a n sw e re d as 803 p e rso n s fo u n d
th eir w a y in to th e N a tio n a l T h e a te r. N o t h in g th is b ig h a d
ev e r h a p p e n e d to J e h o v a h s w itn esses in E l S a lv a d o r b e fo r e .
T h e ta lk , w ith in te r p r e t a tio n , p r o g r e s s e d w ell. A b o u t h a lf
w a y th r o u g h th e ta lk it w a s n o te d th a t som e n a tio n a l p o lic e
h a d e n te r e d th e b u ild in g , on e c o m in g u p f r o n t n e a r th e
stage. H o w e v e r , th e y m a d e n o e ffo r t to in te r fe r e w ith the
m eetin g a n d w ere a p p a r e n t ly th e re to see th a t o r d e r w as
m a in ta in ed . T h e s p ir it o f th e a u d ie n c e w a s g o o d , a ll lis te n
in g a tte n tiv e ly as r e lig io u s -p o litic a l-e c o n o m ic o p p r e s s io n
a n d c a p t iv it y w e r e c o n tr a s te d w ith th e g r e a t fr e e d o m s
w h ich th e n e w w o r ld w ill b r in g to th e p e o p le . S p o n ta n e o u s
a p p la u se a n sw ered th e d e c la r a t io n in th is s u p p o s e d ly s tr o n g
C a th o lic c o u n t r y th a t p e o p le w h o w a n te d to k n o w th e tr u th
sh o u ld n o t d e p e n d o n th e p rie sts, f o r th e y w o u ld n e v e r
teach th e tr u th fr o m th e B ib le . T h e m e e tin g w a s a h u ge
su ccess, a n d it is estim a ted th a t a t lea st 600 o f th e p u b lic
w ere th ere.
A r r a n g e m e n ts h a d b een m a d e f o r th e B r a n c h se rv a n t a n d
B r o th e r M o r g a n to tr a v e l b y s ta tio n w a g o n to S a n ta A n a
the n e x t m o r n in g , som e 45 m iles fr o m th e c a p ita l. H e r e are
lo ca te d a n o th e r m is s io n a r y h om e a n d a c o m p a n y o f J e h o
v a h s w itn esses, a n d a m e e tin g w a s s c h e d u le d f o r W e d n e s d a y
n ig h t. A l l p a ssen g ers b u t tw o w e re a b o a r d a n d it a p p e a r e d
th a t w e w ere to e n jo y a p le a s a n t t r ip w ith o u r S p a n ish
s p e a k in g ch a u ffe u r. B u t , alas, th e s h in y n ew C h e v r o le t
soon c o u g h e d , s p u tte r e d a n d q u it c o ld . T h e c h a u ffe u r m a n i
fe s te d d is g u s t as he m u tte r e d in E n g lis h , U g h , n o g a s !
H e seem ed d u m fo u n d e d a n d a g h a st th a t su ch a th in g c o u ld
h a p p e n to h im ; b u t th e fu e l g a u g e r e g is te r e d E m p t y w h en
he ca lle d a t th e B r a n c h h om e f o r tw o o f h is p a ssen g ers.
A n d so w e w a ite d p a tie n t ly f o r a h a lf h o u r w h ile he tr o t te d
o ff in sea rch o f m o re c o m b u s tib le flu id . W h e n gas h a d been
p u t in th e ta n k , th e b a tt e r y w o u ld n o t tu r n th e e n g in e o v er.

S o w e le n t som e a ssista n ce to o u r d istressed c h a u ffe u r b y

h e lp in g h im p u sh th e m a ch in e. I t g o t to S a n ta A n a .
T h a t a ft e r n o o n sev era l h o u r s w ere s p e n t d is t r ib u tin g
in v ita tio n s . D u r in g th e co u rs e o f th e w o r k th e p u b lish e rs
sa w tw o fu n e r a l p ro c e s s io n s en r o u te fr o m ch u r ch to
c e m e te r y w h ich w e ll d e m o n s tra te d th e a ttitu d e o f th e C a th
o lic C h u r c h to w a r d th e p e o p le here. T h e first w a s th e fu n e r a l
o f a p o o r m a n , w h ose b o d y w as b e in g c a r r ie d in a p la in
b o x b y rela tiv es. T h os e w h o fo llo w e d w o r e ta tte re d cloth es
a n d som e h a d n o shoes. I t w a s in d e e d a p it ifu l sig h t to
b e h o ld . B u t th e s e co n d fu n e r a l w as f o r a w e a lth y m an . W e lld ressed p a llb e a r e r s c a r r ie d an o r n a te casket. T h e y w ere
p r e c e d e d b y tw o p r ie s ts in flo w in g rob es. A lo n g lin e o f
b la c k -c la d m o u r n e r s fo llo w e d , a n d m a n y a u to m o b ile s a n d
flo w e rs w e re in e v id e n c e . B r o th e r M o r g a n in q u ir e d o f a
s h o p k e e p e r as to w h y th e p rie s ts d id n o t also lea d th e first
fu n e r a l p r o c e s s io n . T h e a n sw er sh ow s w h e re th e lo v e o f
th e c le r g y is, f o r th e p o o r p e o p le d id n o t h a v e su fficien t
m o n e y to p a y th e p r ie s ts to le a d th e ir fu n e r a l. H o w w o n d e r
f u l th a t G o d lo v e s th e p o o r a n d g iv e s th e w a te r o f tru th
to th em f r e e l y ! C e r ta in ly these p e o p le n eed th e K in g d o m
a n d its b less in g s to release th em fr o m th e ir p o v e r t y an d
c a p tiv ity .
T h a t e v e n in g a n en th u s ia stic g r o u p o f 136 p erson s assem
b le d in the p a tio o f th e m is s io n a r y h om e in S a n ta A n a to
h e a r a s e rv ice ta lk a n d to listen to a r e p o r t o f th e w o n d e r fu l
e x p a n s io n o f th e K in g d o m w o r k in m a n y c o u n tr ie s o f the
w o r ld . S u r e ly th ese d e a r b r e th r e n in S a n ta A n a w ere n ot
a lo n e in p r a is in g th e ir G od , f o r e v e r y w h e r e a n d in e v e ry
la n g u a g e J e h o v a h s p e o p le w e re h o ld in g h ig h th e S ig n a l.
J u s t as th r ille d as a ll th e ir b re th re n w ere th ree to t a lly b lin d
p u b lis h e r s w h o sat in th e first ro w . T h e y sell n ew sp a p ers
a n d k n o w e v e r y in c h o f th e c it y , a n d a t lea st on e s u p p o r ts
a fa m ily . T h e y are a m o n g the best p u b lis h e r s in th e S an ta
A n a c o m p a n y . T h e y h ave th e ir o w n te r r ito r ie s a n d w o rk
th e m ; th e y a tte n d e v e r y m e e tin g a n d a n sw er fr o m the
Informant a n d Watchtower b e tte r th a n m ost b re th re n w h o
ca n rea d these p u b lic a t io n s f o r th em selv es; th e y are en ro lle d
in T h e o c r a t ic m in is tr y a n d g iv e s tu d e n t talks, a n d th e y g iv e
g o o d ones, too. W h a t an e x a m p le th e y set f o r K in g d o m
p u b lis h e r s e v e r y w h e r e w h o h a v e ey es w ith w h ich to see!
I t w a s a p le a su re to m eet th em a n d see th e ir j o y f o r the
L o r d a n d f o r th e p r iv ile g e th e y h a v e o f h e lp in g o p e n the
ey es o f th ose w h o are b lin d e d b y r e lig io u s tr a d itio n .
A fe w d a y s a ft e r B r o t h e r M o r g a n le f t E l S a lv a d o r
B r o t h e r K n o r r a r r iv e d a n d a g a in h a d a g o o d v is it w ith
m a n y fa it h fu l m ission a ries. E x t r a c h a ir s w e re o b ta in e d f o r
th e m e e tin g in th e K in g d o m H a ll, w h ic h is situ a ted in the
m is s io n a r y h om e. A t th e e v e n in g m e e tin g 128 p e rso n s p a ck ed
o u t th e a ssem b ly p la ce , th e la r g e s t m e e tin g o f b re th re n ever
h e ld in S a n S a lv a d o r . T h e less th a n t w o -d a y v is it w as m u ch
to o sh o r t to g o in to a ll th e d e ta ils, b u t th e b ig p rob lem s
w e re h a n d le d . A r r a n g e m e n t s w ere m a d e to o p e n a n ew
m is s io n a r y h om e in S a n M ig u e l o n F e b r u a r y 1. F o u r o f
th e m ission a ries fr o m S a n ta A n a w ill b e t r a n s fe r r e d to th is
h om e. A r r a n g e m e n ts w e r e m a d e, to o , f o r th e v is itin g o f
co m p a n ie s a n d iso la te d p u b lis h e r s m o r e o ft e n d u r in g the
y e a r ; a n d e ffo rts w ill b e m a d e n o w to o p e n u p n ew te r r i
to r ie s f o r w itn e ssin g . S in ce th e la st v is it o f B r o th e r K n o r r ,
w h e n th ere w ere 22 p u b lis h e rs th ere th ree a n d a h a lf y ea rs
a g o, a m a g n ific e n t in crea se has ta k e n p la ce . T h e re w as an

M arch

15, 1950


a v era g e o f 177 p u b lis h e r s f o r 1949, w ith a p e a k o f 207.

T h ere are tw e lv e m ission a ries in th e c o u n t r y , a n d it is h o p e d
th a t b e fo r e 1950 is o v e r m o re w ill b e ab le to e n te r to h e lp
in the e x p a n s io n p r o g r a m . I t w a s a p le a s u re to a n sw er th e
G ile a d g ra d u a te s m a n y q u e stio n s a b o u t th e n e w B e th e l
h om e, th e ch a n g e s a t G ile a d , a n d te ll th em a b o u t th e in
creases m a d e in o th e r la n d s. T o le a rn o f th e fa ith fu ln e s s o f
th e ir fe llo w stu d e n ts in s tic k in g to th e ir w o r k a lw a y s b r in g s
j o y to th ose w h o a re w o r k in g h a r d to s ta y in th e field .

S a tu r d a y m o r n in g , D e c e m b e r 17, B r o t h e r M o r g a n b id
adios to the b r e th r e n in S a n S a lv a d o r a n d b o a r d e d a D C -3
f o r th e 5 5 -m in u te flig h t to T e g u c ig a lp a , H o n d u r a s . T h is
p r o v e d to be a r o u g h t r ip , n o d o u b t d u e to a ir cu r r e n ts
crea ted b y th e e x tr e m e ly m o u n ta in o u s te r r a in b e lo w . T h e
ca p ta in o r d e r e d seat b e lts fa s te n e d a ll th e w a y , f o r th e sh ip
w as tossed a r o u n d lik e a fe a th e r . A s it h ea v ed to a n d fr o ,
som e o f th e p a ssen g ers d id lik ew ise. I t w as g o o d to settle
d o w n o n the r o c k -s tr e w n a irfie ld at T e g u c ig a lp a a n d fe e l
the solid n ess o f te r r a firm a a g a in . B r o t h e r B u r t a n d seven
o f the elev en G ile a d g ra d u a te s p r e s e n tly in H o n d u r a s w e re
th ere a t th e a ir p o r t to m eet th e v is ito r fr o m N e w Y o r k ,
a n d so w e re m a n y o f th e lo c a l p u b lish e rs. S o o n th e e n tire
g r o u p w as h ea d ed b a ck to w a r d th e c it y in th e b u s th a t h a d
been r e n te d f o r th e o cca s io n . T h e r e m a in in g h o u rs b e fo r e
n oon w e re s p e n t in n e ce ssa ry fo r m a lit ie s w ith th ree d iffe r e n t
d e p a rtm e n ts o f th e g o v e r n m e n t so th a t B r o th e r M o r g a n s
p a ssp o rt a n d p a p e r s w o u ld b e in o r d e r f o r h is d e p a r tu r e
fr o m the c o u n t r y a fe w d a y s la ter.
T h is w as a b ig w eek -en d f o r th e b r e th r e n in H o n d u r a s .
F r id a y h a d m a rk e d th e b e g in n in g o f th e first g e n e ra l c o n
v e n tio n ev e r h e ld in th a t c o u n t r y . B r e th r e n fr o m a ll sev en
co m p a n ie s in th e la n d w e re in T e g u c ig a lp a , a n d m a n y
isola ted p u b lis h e rs w e re h ere too. T h is re p re s e n te d a b ig
e ffo rt f o r m a n y o f th e b r e th r e n , b u t th e y h a d p la n n e d f o r
th is occa sio n . T w e n ty -e ig h t p u b lis h e r s cam e fr o m on e co m
p a n y b y a ir to th e c a p ita l, a n d som e o f th em h a d n e v e r
flow n b e fo r e . O n e b r o th e r s o ld th e fa m ily c o w in o r d e r to
g et su fficien t fu n d s f o r th e t r ip . O th e rs w a lk e d .
T h e in h a b ita n ts o f T e g u c ig a lp a w e re s ta r tle d to see J e h o
va h s w itn esses a d v e r tis in g w ith p la c a r d s f o r th e first tim e,
and the b re th re n h ad se v e ra l in te r e s tin g e x p e rie n ce s as th e y
w a lk ed a b o u t th e streets. O n e padre" fo llo w e d a sister
a lo n g th e street, d is c o u r a g in g p a s s e rs -b y a n d b y s ta n d e r s
fr o m a c c e p tin g h a n d b ills a d v e r tis in g th e p u b lic le ctu re ,
th o u g h he h a d a h a n d b ill in h is o w n h a n d . O n e g e n tle m a n
re m in d e d th e padre th a t i f he, th e padre, c o u ld tak e
a h a n d b ill th en th ere seem ed to b e n o rea son w h y o th ers
c o u ld n o t take th em . W it h th a t th e c le r g y m a n r ip p e d u p
the in v ita tio n . S u ch in te r fe r e n c e d id n o t s to p p e o p le fr o m
a tte n d in g th e p u b lic m e e tin g . O n S u n d a y m o r n in g a t
10 o c lo c k th ere w ere 511 p e rs o n s in th e th e a te r to h e a r
L ib e r t y to th e C a p tiv e s . T h is w a s the la r g e s t p u b lic m eet
in g ev e r h eld in H o n d u r a s b y J e h o v a h s w itn esses. T h a t
a ft e r n o o n elev en n ew w itn esses w e re b a p tiz e d in th e R io
G ra n d e r iv e r a b o u t a m ile o u t o f to w n , to w h ic h p la c e a ll
th e b re th re n w a lk ed . O n e p e rso n , a tra n s ie n t w h o h ad
ta lk ed to o n e o f J e h o v a h s w itn esses j u s t a fe w d a y s b e fo r e
a n d w h o h a d th en a tte n d e d a ll session s o f th e c o n v e n tio n ,
w as a m o n g th ose b a p tiz e d . H e is a n x io u s to le a r n e v e r y th in g
he ca n n o w so th a t he to o c a n jo i n in th e p r e a c h in g , a n d

so he ask ed i f h e m ig h t h a v e a B ib le s t u d y in h is hom e.
T h e r e w e re o th e r p la ce s to be v is ite d in H o n d u r a s , w h ere
g r a d u a te s o f G ile a d are w o r k in g , a lo n g w ith oth ers o f the
L o r d s p e o p le w h o w e re u n a b le to com e to th e g e n e ra l c o n
v e n tio n at th e c a p ita l. S o on M o n d a y a ft e r n o o n th e B r a n c h
se r v a n t a n d B r o t h e r M o r g a n b o a r d e d a T A C A p la n e f o r
S a n P e d r o S u la , a c it y ly in g n o rth w e s t o f th e ca p ita l.
M o n d a y e v e n in g w itn essed th e g a th e r in g o f 92 b reth ren
a n d p e rso n s o f g o o d -w ill at th e K in g d o m H a ll lo c a te d in
th e m is s io n a r y h om e w h ere tw o g ra d u a te s o f G ile a d liv e.
T h e lo c a l b r e th r e n w e re h a p p y w ith th e tu r n o u t. R ig h t
n e x t d o o r to th e m is s io n a r y h om e is a r a d io sta tion w h ich
g r a n ts fr e e tim e to J e h o v a h s w itn esses each w eek. T h e
m ission a ries p u t o n som e v e r y in te r e s tin g p r o g r a m s . San
P e d r o S u la is h ot, a n d it r a in s a g r e a t d ea l, b u t th e L o r d
is b lessin g the e ffo r ts o f th e b r e th r e n in p r e a c h in g th e
g o s p e l th ere.
T u e s d a y a ft e r n o o n th e tw o b r e th r e n tr a v e le d to L a C eiba,
a c it y o n the co a st d ir e c t ly n o r th o f T e g u c ig a lp a . E n ro u te
th e p la n e s to p p e d a t P u e r t o C o rte z a n d T e la . A s w e a p
p r o a c h e d L a C e ib a w e sa w th a tc h e d r o o fs o f th e hom es
b e lo w a n d g r e a t field s o f b a n a n a trees. T h e n o r th coa st
o f H o n d u r a s is fin e b a n a n a c o u n t r y , a n d th e fr u it com p a n ies
p r o v id e a b o u t th e o n ly m ea n s o f e m p lo y m e n t f o r th e p o p u
la tio n . T h a t e v e n in g th e th ree G ile a d g r a d u a te s w h o h ave
w o r k e d in L a C eib a f o r a b o u t s ix m o n th s w ere p lea sed to
see 41 p e rso n s a t th e m e e tin g . T e n o f these p e rso n s are
n o w p u b lish e rs, a n d a c o m p a n y o f J e h o v a h s w itn esses is
b e in g o rg a n iz e d . M a n y o f th e p e o p le o f g o o d -w ill le a r n in g
o f th e tr u th h ere a re a c tiv e in th e lo c a l ch u r ch e s, a n d som e
w e re tr o u b le d b y th e w a r n in g o f th e c le r g y th a t J e h o v a h s
w itn esses w o u ld ju s t sell as m a n y b ook s as p ossib le a n d then
lea v e f o r a n o th e r tow n . B u t th e y w e re a ssu red th a t J e h o
v a h s w itn esses w ere in L a C eib a to s ta y a n d th a t th e y
w ere fo r m in g a p e r m a n e n t c o m p a n y o r g a n iz a tio n f o r tru e
w o r s h ip in th a t c it y . T h ese n e w p e o p le w ere in te re ste d in
h e a r in g a b o u t th e S o c ie ty s w o r k t h r o u g h o u t th e w o r ld , as
w e ll as c o n s id e r in g th e re s p o n s ib ilitie s o f J e h o v a h s w it
nesses in L a C eib a to p r o c la im th e tr u th . W o r k in g h ere is
n o t easy, b u t th e b r e th r e n a re e n th u s e d w ith th e p r o s p e c ts
f o r e x p a n sio n .
T h e p a th s o f B r o t h e r M o r g a n a n d B r o t h e r K n o r r crossed
o n S a tu r d a y th e 2 4 th o f D e c e m b e r . T h e p la n e th a t the
p r e s id e n t o f th e S o c ie ty ca m e in o n a t T e g u c ig a lp a w as
th e sam e p la n e B r o th e r M o r g a n w as to le a v e o n f o r N ic a
ra g u a , he h a v in g a lr e a d y v is ite d B r itis h H o n d u r a s and
H o n d u r a s . F o r ten m in u te s th e y d iscu ssed m a tte rs p e r ta in
in g to th e c o u n tr ie s v is ite d , a n d th e n B r o t h e r M o r g a n w as
on th e w a y to N ic a r a g u a . B r o t h e r K n o r r w a s to s ta y an d
d e c id e o n m a tters r e la tiv e t o th e B r a n c h a n d m ission a ry
h om e. H e re c a lle d b e in g th ere in 1946 w h e n th e w o r k w as
r e a lly ju s t b e g in n in g , w h e n seven g ra d u a te s o f G ile a d had
b e e n sen t in th ere to o rg a n iz e th in g s f o r p r e a c h in g the
g o sp e l. B r o th e r B u r t h a d been t r a n s fe r r e d fr o m C osta R ica
t o T e g u c ig a lp a , a n d o th e r in e x p e r ie n c e d m ission a ries w ere
sen t to th e c a p ita l c it y to assist in th e o r g a n iz a tio n w ork .
D u r in g th e y e a r 1946 th ere w a s an a v e ra g e o f o n ly 19 p u b
lis h e rs in the field , tw e lv e o f these b e in g c o m p a n y p u b lish ers.
1947 s a w th e w o r k m o re th a n d o u b le , r e a c h in g 45 p u b lish e rs
f o r th e y e a r . T h e n 1948 sa w a la r g e in crea se, th e p u b lish e rs
ju m p i n g to 119. A g a in in th is la st serv ice y e a r th e y m ore

B rooklyn,

th a n d o u b le d in n u m b e r o f p u b lish e rs, b r in g in g th e tota l
u p to 246. T h is m ea n s th e y h a v e h a d an in cre a se o f m ore
th an 100 p e r c e n t in ea ch o f th e la st f o u r y e a rs . S o H o n d u r a s
has p r o v e d to b e a n e x c e lle n t Held f o r th e a d v a n c e m e n t o f
K in g d o m in terests.
O n S a tu r d a y e v e n in g a t th e K in g d o m H a ll, w h ic h is
situ a ted in th e m is s io n a r y h om e, 66 b r e th r e n a tte n d e d th e
ta lk d e liv e r e d b y B r o t h e r K n o r r . T h e b r e th r e n h ere, as in
o th e r c o u n trie s , m u st be p r e a c h e r s o f th e W o r d , e v e r y
in d iv id u a l b e in g on h is o w n as a m in is te r o f the g o sp e l.
J e h o v a h s w itn esses a re n o t in th is w o r k b eca u se som eon e
else is d o in g i t ; th e y a re in it b eca u se th e y h a v e a c c e p te d
the r e s p o n s ib ilit y o f p r e a c h in g th e W o r d in th e p resen ce
o f J e h o v a h G o d a n d in the p re s e n ce o f h is S on , a n d a t the
tim e o f C h rist s secon d a p p e a r in g a n d th e s e ttin g u p o f his
k in g d o m . W h ile m ost o f these b re th re n h a v e been in th e
tru th f o r o n ly a y e a r o r so, th e y are b e g in n in g to a p p r e
cia te th e r e s p o n s ib ilit y th e L o r d has p la c e d u p o n th em a n d
h ow th e y m u st a lw a y s re m a in fa it h fu l in o r d e r to g a in
etern a l life .
U p p e r m o s t in th e m issio n a rie s m in d s w a s h o w th e y m ig h t
e x p a n d d u r in g 1950. A f t e r c o n s id e r in g th e c o n d itio n s in
the c o u n t r y a n d th e p r o s p e c ts o f th e fu t u r e , it w a s b e lie v e d
best to a d d m o re m issio n a rie s to th e p re s e n t h om es a n d o p e n
a n ew h om e as soon as p ossib le in a n o th e r c it y . T h e re are
a lo t o f sm a ll v illa g e s o f fr o m tw o to fiv e th o u sa n d p erson s
th a t w ill a lso h a v e to be re a c h e d b y a g g re ssiv e , y o u n g
m ission a ries w h o w ill b e a b le to r o u g h it . I t is h o p e d
th a t b y the tim e th e y e a r is o v e r p e n e tr a tio n w ill h a v e been
m ade in to o th e r p a r ts o f th e c o u n t r y w ith th e K in g d o m
m essage.
W h ile th e m is s io n a r y h om e in T e g u c ig a lp a is a b e a u tifu l
p la ce a n d v e r y c o m fo r ta b le , it is b e lie v e d to be in th e w r o n g
p a r t o f th e c it y to b r in g a b o u t m u ch m o re a d v a n ce m e n t in
th a t te r r ito r y . I n s tr u c tio n s w e re g iv e n to th e B r a n c h se rv a n t
to m ov e th e m is s io n a r y h om e in to th e h e a rt o f T e g u c ig a lp a .
I t is n o w on th e o u tsk irts o f th e c it y . A sm a ll K in g d o m H a ll
situ a ted in th a t d is t r ic t w ill tak e ca re o f w h a te v e r g o o d
in te re st has been d e v e lo p e d a r o u n d th e h om e. T h e p u b lic
m e e tin g o f a w eek p r e v io u s d e m o n stra te d th a t th e re is a
lo t o f in te re st in th e c it y , a n d b e tte r a tte n tio n c a n b e g iv e n
th is in te re st i f the h om e a n d K in g d o m H a ll a re m o re c o n
v e n ie n t to th e p e o p le .
A f t e r a tt e n d in g th e E n g lis h Watchtower s tu d y a n d th e
S p a n ish La Atalaya s tu d y on S u n d a y , a n d ta lk in g o v e r
p r o b le m s w ith th e m ission a ries, B r o t h e r K n o r r s v e r y
p lea sa n t sta y w ith th is g r o u p cam e to a close. M o n d a y
m o r n in g he w as o n h is w a y to S a n P e d r o S u la to v is it fo u r
o th e r g ra d u a te s o f G ile a d a n d d iscu ss th e ir w o r k w ith th em .
G e ttin g a w a y a t 8 : 30 in th e m o r n in g o f th e 2 6 th , th e p la n e
la n d e d a t P r o g r e s o , a fe w m iles a w a y fr o m S a n P e d r o S u la.
I n a fe w m in u te s it w a s ta k in g o ff a g a in , s k im m in g th e
tr e e to p s o f th e b a n a n a p la n ta tio n s a n d th e cle a n little c it y
o f L a L im a o n th e w a y to S a n P e d r o S u la , w h ere it la n d e d
fiv e m in u te s la ter. T h e d a y w a s s p e n t w ith the m ission a ries
in th e ir h om e, a n d at 3 : 3 0 in th e a ft e r n o o n m a n y o f the
c o m p a n y p u b lis h e r s o f S an P e d r o S u la a n d L a L im a cam e
to the a ir p o r t to see B r o t h e r K n o r r o ff to B r itis h H o n d u r a s .
M o re th a n th ir t y b r e th r e n h a d c o m e to sa y h ello, r e g r e tt in g
v e r y m u ch th a t h e h a d b e e n u n a b le to be a t th e ir c o n v e n tio n
in T e g u c ig a lp a .

N. Y.


T h e sam e r e c e p tio n w a s g iv e n B r o th e r K n o r r as B r o th e r
M o r g a n r e c e iv e d w h en he a r r iv e d in B elize, B r itis h H o n
d u ra s. T w o tr u c k lo a d s o f b r e th r e n h a d com e o u t to greet
th e v is ito r s fr o m th e S o c ie ty s h e a d q u a rte rs. I n B r o th e r
M o r g a n s case h is p la n e a r r iv e d tw o h ou rs late a n d his la n d
in g w a s in th e d a r k ; w h ile B r o th e r K n o r r s p la n e w as on
tim e a n d , in fa c t , a r r iv e d th ere b e fo r e on e tr u c k lo a d o f
b r e th r e n g o t to th e a ir p o r t . I t w a s in d e e d a p lea su re fo r
b o th to see th ese 65 zea lou s b r e th r e n o f B e liz e w e lco m in g
th e v is ito r s to th e ir seaside c it y .
B r o th e r M o r g a n , a ft e r c le a r in g C u stom s, c lim b e d in to
on e o f th e tr u c k s w ith th e re st o f the b r e th r e n a n d h ead ed
b a ck in to the c it y o f B elize. T h a t e v e n in g he g a v e th em a
r e p o r t o n w h a t h a d o c c u r r e d on h is tr ip u p to th a t tim e.
T h u r s d a y m o r n in g w as d e v o te d to c h e c k in g th e B ra n ch
r e c o r d s a n d m is s io n a r y h om e r e p o r ts . I n th e a fte r n o o n the
b re th re n w e re a d d re sse d on the s u b je c t o f L o v e , a n d at
7 o c lo c k th a t e v e n in g 100 p e rso n s ca m e to h ea r the p u b lic
le c tu r e . T h e m a jo r it y o f th em re m a in e d to h ear an h o u r s
ta lk fo llo w in g th e p u b lic le ctu re , o n the r e s p o n s ib ilit y o f
J e h o v a h s w itn esses in p r a is in g J e h o v a h s n am e.
H is s ch e d u le c a lle d f o r h im to lea v e e a r ly F r id a y m o r n
in g , a n d th e m ission a ries sa w h im o f f a t th e a ir p o r t. T h e
w e a th e r w as b a d a n d v is ib ility p o o r . F ly in g a w a y o v e r the
G u lf o f H o n d u r a s th e p la n e s tr u c k som e v e r y r o u g h w eather
a n d h e a v y ra in s. I t w a s n e ce ssa ry to k eep th e seat belts
fa s te n e d a ll the tim e, a n d it seem ed as th o u g h the p la n e w ere
b o u n c in g a n d s lid in g a r o u n d in the a ir a n d c o u ld n o t do
m u c h to o v e rco m e th e fo r c e o f th e elem en ts n o w ra g in g .
T h e d e s tin a tio n w a s S an P e d r o S u la in H o n d u ra s , b u t the
sto rm a n d f o g w ere to o in ten se f o r a la n d in g th ere, alth ou gh
a t r y w a s m ad e. A f t e r c ir c lin g th e field f o r som e tim e, t r y
in g to g e t in , th e p ilo t ch a n g e d h is co u rs e a n d e v e n tu a lly
la n d e d a t a sm a ll field in P u e r t o C ortez. T h is m ea n t th a t
B r o t h e r M o r g a n m issed seein g th e m ission a ries a g a in at
S a n P e d r o S u la , w h o w e re w a itin g a t th a t field. A f t e r the
p la n e h a d r e fu e le d it g o t a w a y to T e g u c ig a lp a . I t w as
in d e e d g o o d to g e t o u t o f th a t d r e n c h in g ra in a n d o ff the
m u d d y field a n d see th e su n sh in e w h en a r r iv in g in T e g u c i
g a lp a . I t w as here th a t B r o th e r M o r g a n s ta y e d o v e rn ig h t
a n d th en m et B r o t h e r K n o r r th e n e x t m o r n in g a t the a ir p o r t
on h is w a y to N ica ra g u a .
T h e e la p se d tim e b e tw e e n B r o th e r M o r g a n s v isits and
B r o t h e r K n o r r s w a s g r o w in g sh o rte r. I t w as o n ly a m a tter
o f d a y s, a n d it seem ed to th e b re th re n as th o u g h it w ere a
c o n tin u o u s c o n v e n tio n w ith a little rest p e r io d in betw een.
A t B e liz e B r o t h e r K n o r r w as d r iv e n in to th e c it y b y tru ck ,
e n jo y in g th e c o m p a n y o f th e b re th re n a n d the b e a u tifu l
sce n e r y a lo n g the B e liz e r iv e r , w h ic h is r e a lly ju n g le c o u n
t r y . S om e o f th e m ission a ries h ave g on e a w a y b a ck in to the
c o u n t r y o f B r itis h H o n d u r a s w h ere th e m a h o g a n y trees
a re c u t a n d lu m b e r flo a te d d o w n th e r iv e r . S ix sm all c o m
p a n ie s h a v e b een o r g a n iz e d in v a r io u s p a r ts o f B ritish
H o n d u r a s a n d th ere has been a s te a d y g r o w th in the n u m b er
o f p u b lis h e r s in th is c o u n t r y . I n 1946 w h en th e first g r a d u
ates o f G ile a d a r r iv e d th ere w e r e o n ly th irte e n p u b lish e rs
a n d th e o n e c o m p a n y a t B e liz e . N o w th ere a re fifty -fiv e
p u b lis h e r s a n d s ix co m p a n ie s in d iffe r e n t p a r ts o f the
c o u n t r y . W h e n th e tw o tr u c k lo a d s o f b re th re n a r r iv e d in
B e liz e t h e y d r o v e

r ig h t to th e K in g d o m

H a ll. B r o th e r

M arch

15, 1950


K n o r r d id n o t h a v e o p p o r t u n it y t o sp ea k to th em a t the
a ir p o r t, so th e y assem b led in th e K in g d o m H a ll f o r a fe w
m in u tes a n d B r o th e r K n o r r ta lk e d to th em in th e la te a ft e r
n o o n . I t w as a g r e a t p le a s u re to g r e e t som e w h o h a d been
th ere o n his fo r m e r v isits, a n d a lso to see m a n y n e w fa ce s,
a n d w ish th em w ell.
T h e e v e n in g w a s sp e n t in th e m is s io n a r y h om e ta lk in g
o v e r th e p ro b le m s, o f w h ic h th ere w e re m a n y . O n e o f th e
g re a t p r o b le m s is th a t o f im p r e s s in g o n th e m in d s o f th e
p u b lish e rs th e ir re s p o n s ib ilitie s . M a n y n ew p u b lis h e r s w a n t
to serv e th e L o r d b u t th e y d o n o t a p p r e c ia te c o n s e c r a tio n
an d th e n e ce s s ity o f s y m b o liz in g it. I t ta k es g r e a t p a tie n ce
o n the p a r t o f m issio n a rie s to k e e p a ft e r th e n ew in terest.
B u t th en th e L o r d is p a tie n t w ith a ll o f h is p e o p le in these
last d a y s o f th is o ld w o r ld . A n d w e m u st b e p a tie n t, too.
I n som e la n d s in d iv id u a ls a p p r e c ia te th e ir p r iv ile g e o f
serv ice m o re q u ic k ly th an in o th e r p la ce s. T h e n , to o , m a n y
p e o p le a re ste e p e d in th e h a b its o f th is o ld w o r ld a n d its
r e lig io u s id ea s a n d it is h a r d f o r th em to ch a n g e in so sh o r t
a tim e. T h e b r e th r e n a re n o t d is c o u r a g e d b u t th e y n eed ed
co u n s e l a n d w e re w o n d e r in g h o w m issio n a rie s h a n d le d
the sam e situ a tio n in o th e r la n d s. P a tie n c e a n d lo v e f o r the
p e o p le o f th e la n d in w h ic h y o u w o r k is th e a n sw e r to the
p rob lem . W e m u st a lw a y s re c o g n iz e th a t p e o p le h a v e th e ir
o w n w a y o f li fe a n d h a v e fo r m e d h a b its o v e r ce n tu r ie s o f
tim e, a n d som e o f th e th in g s th e y d o a n d th e w a y th e y
th in k a re in b r e d in th em . B r itis h H o n d u r a n s are s lo w to
take o n n ew id ea s, a n d it tak es re a l p a tie n c e t o c o n v in c e
th em . H o w e v e r , th e b r e th r e n h a v e h a d g o o d re su lts a n d
th ere are n o w m o r e p e o p le p r o c la im in g th e m essage o f th e
K in g d o m th an e v e r b e fo r e in B r itis h H o n d u r a s .
I n a d d itio n to th e m is s io n a r y p r o b le m s th ere a re o th e r
th in g s to c o n te n d w ith . B e liz e has n o r u n n in g w a te r f u r
n ish e d to th e h om es b y a c it y w a te r s u p p ly . E v e r y h om e
m u st h ave its o w n w o o d e n o r c o n c r e te ta n k , a n d d u r in g
th e r a in y season d r a in w a te r o ff th e r o o f a n d store it f o r
la te r use. B u t th ese p r o b le m s a re m et, a lo n g w ith the m a rk e t
in g p r o b le m a n d th e m o d e o f tr a v e l, w h ic h a re d iffe re n t
fr o m w h a t th e m issio n a rie s w e re u s e d t o in th e U n ite d
S tates. A c c u s t o m in g o n e s e lf to c o n d itio n s , as a ll m ission a ries
m u st d o in th e ir c o u n t r y , is im p o r ta n t to s u c c e s s fu l serv ice
a n d e n jo y a b le liv in g . I t w as in d e e d g o o d to see th e s p le n d id
a tten d a n ce a t th e e v e n in g m e e tin g . T h e m issio n a rie s in v ite d
th eir p e o p le o f g o o d -w ill a n d , to th e ir s u rp ris e , 111 p erson s
cam e to h e a r B r o t h e r K n o r r ta lk o n P r e a c h th e W o r d .
T h e r e s p o n s ib ilit y o f b e in g a m in is te r h ere w as p u t sq u a r e ly
u p to the c o n g r e g a tio n assem b led . G o d s la w s a p p ly to a ll
p e o p le re g a rd le s s o f la n d , e d u c a tio n o r cu stom s. G o d s law s
n e v e r ch a n g e. A l l in d iv id u a ls m u st a c c o m m o d a te th em selves
to these la w s a n d a d ju s t th e ir liv e s to be in h a r m o n y w ith
J e h o v a h s p u rp o se s.

I t is b e lie v e d th a t th e v is it o f th e b r o th e r s to B e lize has

h e lp e d th e p u b lis h e r s a n d th e n e w in terest, as d id the v isits
t o o th e r c o u n trie s . I t w a s a p le a su re to be a ssocia ted w ith
th ese b r e th r e n a n d it w as to o b a d th e v is it c o u ld n o t h ave
b een lo n g e r , b u t th e p la n e s ch e d u le ca lle d f o r le a v in g e a r ly
th e n e x t m o r n in g . B y ta x i a ll th e m ission a ries a n d B r o th e r
K n o r r w e n t to th e a ir p o r t . H e a n tic ip a te d se e in g the G ilea d
g r a d u a te s a g a in a t S a n P e d r o S u la a n d T e g u c ig a lp a on th e
w a y to M a n a g u a . A f t e r s a y in g g o o d -b y e to the little g r o u p
th e p r e s id e n t o f th e S o c ie ty d id n o t e x p e r ie n c e th e sam e
k in d o f t r ip as h is s e c r e ta r y in th e w a y o f r o u g h w ea th er
on h is w a y to S a n P e d r o S u la , b u t lik e h is s e c r e ta r y he
m issed la n d in g at S a n P e d r o S u la b e ca u se th ere w ere n o
p a ssen g ers to g e t o ff a n d n on e to g e t on . H e w as to ld th is
b y the stew a rd ess o n th e p la n e a b o u t fifte e n m in u tes a ft e r
le a v in g B e liz e . H e w as s o r r y h e d id n o t g e t to see these
m ission a ries a g a in , b u t he c o n s o le d h im s e lf in th e fa c t th at
th e g r o u p in T e g u c ig a lp a w o u ld be a t th e a ir p o r t to g reet
h im . B u t th ir t y m in u te s la te r th e stew a rd ess sa id th e p la n e
w o u ld n o t la n d in T e g u c ig a lp a e ith e r b eca u se n o on e w ou ld
be g e ttin g o n o r off, a n d th a t in stea d it w o u ld g o o n to San
S a lv a d o r .
T h e b r e th r e n in S a n S a lv a d o r h a d b een t o ld th a t B r o th e r
K n o r r w o u ld n o t la n d th ere o n h is w a y to M a n a g u a , b u t
w o u ld la n d a t T e g u c ig a lp a ; so b o th th e S a n P e d r o S u la
a n d T e g u c ig a lp a g r o u p s a n d B r o t h e r K n o r r w ere d is
a p p o in te d in n o t se e in g ea ch o th e r. N o w he w as la n d in g
at S a n S a lv a d o r a t 10 a.m ., a n d so he ta lk ed to th e E l
S a lv a d o re a n C u stom s officers, r e q u e s tin g p e rm issio n to g o
in to to w n d u r in g th e th r e e -h o u r sta y . H o w e v e r , h e w as
in fo r m e d th a t tr a n s it p a sse n g e rs w e r e n o t a llo w e d to leave
th e a ir p o r t . W it h th e a id o f a k in d P a n A m e r ic a n em p loy ee,
he p h o n e d a ta x i c o m p a n y in S a n S a lv a d o r a n d t o ld them
to g o to th e a d d re ss o f the m is s io n a r y h om e a n d te ll the
p e o p le liv in g th ere th a t M r . K n o r r w a s a t th e a ir p o r t an d
th a t

th e y

s h o u ld

tak e th e se lfsa m e

ta x i


com e o u t

im m e d ia te ly . S ix b r e th r e n h a p p e n e d to be a t h om e, d o in g
th e ir w a s h in g a n d cle a n in g . S o th e y h u r r ie d ly c h a n g e d , an d
a v e r y e n jo y a b le v is it w a s h a d f o r tw o h ou rs, in c lu d in g a
d in n e r to g e th e r a t th e a ir p o r t . T h e tim e w as w e ll sp en t.
A i r tr a v e l is a little u n c e r ta in . Y o u are n o t a lw a y s su re
w h e re y o u a re g o in g to la n d . B u t y o u e v e n tu a lly g e t w h ere
y o u are g o in g .
S h o r t ly b e fo r e 1 p .m . th e p la n e ca m e in a n d , a ft e r s a y in g
g o o d -b y e , B r o t h e r K n o r r w as o n h is w a y to T e g u c ig a lp a ,
w h ere a ll th e m ission a ries w e re c o m in g o u t to m eet h im ,
b e lie v in g he w o u ld be on th a t p la n e . A n d so th e p re sid e n t
o f th e S o c ie t y h a d th e p le a su re o f ta lk in g to th em f o r
fifte e n m in u te s b e fo r e g o in g o n to M a n a g u a .

N o v e m b e r 17, 1949
D ear B ro th e r:
A n s w e r in g y o u r q u e r y o f th e 9 th in s ta n t r e g a r d in g th e a b
sen ce o f p r a y e r in o p e n in g a n d c lo s in g o u r p u b lic m e e tin g s :
I t is ce r ta in th a t th e p u b lic d oes n o t co m e to o u r p u b lic

le c tu r e s in o u r K in g d o m H a ll o r elsew h ere to h ea r u s p r a y ,
b u t d o co m e to h e a r th e a d v e r tis e d s u b je c t sp o k e n u p o n b y
th e sp e a k e r a n n o u n c e d as co m p e te n t to h a n d le it. O u r
E x e m p la r J e s u s h e ld m a n y p u b lic lectu re s, b u t th ere is n o
r e c o r d th a t he o p e n e d o r clo se d a n y o f th em w ith p r a y e r .
T h e re is n o B ib le r e c o r d th a t h e o p e n e d u p th e serm on on



th e m o u n t w ith p r a y e r , o r th ose o p e n -a ir le c tu r e s a ft e r
w h ich h e fe d th e m u ltitu d e , first th e 5 ,0 0 0 a n d th en th e
4 ,0 0 0 . B u t th ere is a r e c o r d th a t w h en he th u s f e d th e
m u ltitu d e s he d id o ffe r p r a y e r o f th a n k s g iv in g to G o d b e fo r e
b r e a k in g th e b r e a d a n d fish a n d d is t r ib u tin g th e p ie ce s to
th e h u n g r y c r o w d s . A n d these le c tu r e s , m in d y o u , w ere
p u b lic g a th e r in g s o f p r a c t ic a lly a ll J e w s w h o a lr e a d y
b e lie v e d in J e h o v a h G o d . B u t in o u r ca se t o d a y w e a d v e r
tise o u r p u b lic le c t u r e s as o p e n to a ll p e o p le s, w h e th e r
n o m in a lly C a th o lic , P r o te s ta n t, J e w , s k e p tic, ath eist, o r o f
th e m a n y p a g a n re lig io n s . S u r e ly th ose o f th e p u b lic w h o
a re n o t o f the C h ris tia n fa ith d o n o t tu r n o u t to o u r m eet
in g s in o r d e r to jo i n w ith u s in p r a y e r to o u r G o d , b u t s o le ly
to h ea r th e sp eech w h ich is th e d r a w in g fe a tu r e . S o w e g iv e
th em th a t a n d d o n o t th in k to im p o se u p o n th em b y a tta c h
in g so m e th in g else to th e le c t u r e w h ic h m ig h t o ffe n d o r
stu m b le th em b e fo r e th e y h ea r th e sp e e ch th e y ca m e fo r .
T h e a p o stle P a u l, a t 1 C o rin th ia n s , c h a p te r 14, sa y s C h r is
tia n s s h o u ld o ffe r p r a y e r a t th e ir o w n m e e tin g s in a la n g u a g e
to be u n d e r s to o d in o r d e r th a t th e h ea rers m ig h t be a b le to
sa y A m e n ! a t its close. B u t w e sh o u ld n o t e x p e c t a n y n o n C h ristia n p u b lic to jo i n in a n y p r a y e r i f o ffe r e d a t a p u b lic
m e e tin g a n d th en sa y A m e n ! w ith u s at th e close. O u r b r e th
re n are o ffe r in g p u b lic le c tu r e s in m a n y p a g a n la n d s, a n d
i f it w o u ld b e im p o s in g u p o n th e p a g a n p u b lic to o ffe r o u r
p r a y e r s b e fo r e w e le t th em h e a r o u r p u b lic m essage, th en
the sam e r u le o u g h t to a p p ly e v en in C h ris te n d o m . B e ca u se
th e m essage is f o r th e p u b lic to tu n e in on , p r a y e r is lik e
w ise n o t o ffe r e d o v e r th e S o c ie t y s r a d io sta tion W B B R .
B u t th is d o e s n o t m ea n p r a y e r is n e v e r o ffe r e d in b e h a lf o f
all su ch p u b lic m eetin g s. I t is, p r iv a te ly , b y th ose p r o m o tin g
a n d s u p p o r t in g th e p u b lic le c tu r e c a m p a ig n . T h a t suffices.
Y o u r s fa i t h f u l l y in s e r v in g T h e T h e o c r a c y ,

W atch T ower B ible


T ract S ociety


N o v e m b e r 17, 1949
D ear B roth er:
Y o u r c a r d o f th e 1 0 th in s ta n t r e fe r s to o u r le tte r in th e
N o v e m b e r 15 issue o f The Watchtower on W e d d in g s a n d
F u n e r a ls a n d asks w h e th e r y o u a re to u n d e r s ta n d th e r e b y

B rooklyn, N . Y .

th a t w e a d v o c a te th e fr ie n d s a tt e n d in g w e d d in g s a n d
fu n e r a ls w h e n officia ted b y r e lig io u s c le r g y o r in th eir
b u ild in g s .
W h y , c e r ta in ly w e d o n o t a d v o c a te it, a n d th e le tte r
in th e a b o v e Watchtower th a t a n sw e re d th e in q u ir e r w as
n o t c o m m e n tin g on a t t e n d in g w e d d in g s a n d fu n e r a ls at
r e lig io u s b u ild in g s w h e re th e c le r g y h o ld fo r t h . O u r letter
m e n tio n e d s e n d in g o u t o u r o w n re p re s e n ta tiv e s to serve at
su ch fu n c tio n s .
H o w e v e r , w h e th e r a b r o th e r o r sis ter is fr e e to a tte n d
su ch a fu n c t io n u n d e r c le r g y m a n a g e m e n t a n d in th eir
esta b lish m en t is a n o th e r q u e stio n . C e r ta in ly a m a rria g e
p e r fo r m e d b y a r e lig io u s c le r g y m a n is ju s t as v a lid w ith
th e la w o f th e la n d as on e p e r fo r m e d b y a n y o f o u r b ro th e rs
w h o a p p lie s f o r a n d g ets a licen se. A n d w h en a n y o f o u r
b r e th r e n d o n o t h a v e a n y o f o u r o w n b r o th e r s to p e r fo r m
b u t g o to a m u n ic ip a l b u ild in g a n d h a v e th e c e r e m o n y p e r
fo r m e d b y a ju s t ic e o f th e p ea ce o r som e o th e r d u ly co n s ti
tu te d p u b lic officia l, th e y d o n o t ask first w h e th e r th a t
officia l is a C a th o lic , P r o te s ta n t, J e w , o r o th e r k in d o f r e li
g io n is t. T h e m a in th in g is, D o e s he r e p r e s e n t th e la w o f the
la n d a n d is he e m p o w e re d to g iv e le g a l a u th o r ity a n d r e c o g
n itio n to the m a r r ia g e ? A l l o th e r m a tte rs a re in cid e n ta l
a n d u n im p o r ta n t a n d w ith o u t b e a rin g .
A fa t h e r o r m o th e r, w h o f o r rea son s b e y o n d th e ir co n tro l
fe e l o b lig e d to g o to a r e lig io u s b u ild in g to see th e ir ch ild
m a r r ie d o r b u r ie d , g o e s th ere to see th e m a rria g e o r the
fu n e r a l a n d f o r n o r e lig io u s rea son , i f th e y a re in th e tru th .
I t is th e sam e as in th e a p o s tle s d a y in th e case o f a m an
w h o w e n t in to an id o l s te m p le f o r so m e th in g to eat. H e goes
in th ere to g e t a m eal, b u t n o t to w o r s h ip . (1 C o rin th ia n s
8 : 7-10, American Standard Version) S om e o th e r b r o th e r s
c o n s c ie n c e w o u ld n o t be s tr o n g e n o u g h to p e r m it h im to d o
th is, a n d h is w ea k co n s c ie n c e w o u ld take offen se i f he saw
h is C h ris tia n b r o th e r in su ch a p la c e f o r ju s t a m eal. S o
w h ile w e d o n o t a d v o c a te it, w e are n o t w ith in o u r p r o v
in c e to c r it ic iz e o r co n d e m n , b u t w ill le t G o d ju d g e o u r
b r o th e r w h o a c c o r d in g to h is co n s c ie n c e m a y fe e l o b lig a te d
to a tte n d fu n c t io n s u n d e r c le r g y officia tion .
F a it h fu l ly y o u r s in T h e o c r a t ic serv ice,

W atch T ower B ible & T ract S ociety

M a n y y e a r s a g o a y o u n g w o m a n w h o w a s b o r n in
G e rm a n y a n d w h o w a s a d e v o u t P r o te s ta n t a n d a s tu d e n t
o f th e B ib le b e lie v e d she c o u ld serv e th e p o o r a n d n e e d y
b e tte r i f she w e r e to e m b ra ce th e R o m a n C a th o lic b e lie f
a n d b e co m e a n u n . T h is sh e d id . S h e to o k th e v e il in th e
o r d e r o f th e S isters o f th e S a c r e d H e a r t, o f w h ic h M o th e r
C a b r in i w a s th e m o th e r g e n e ra l. T h is sister b eca m e th e
tr a v e lin g c o m p a n io n o f C a b r in i a n d w as la te r e le v a te d to
th e p o s itio n o f a m o th e r s u p e r io r . H e r d u tie s to o k h e r to
R o m e a n d V a tic a n C ity , a n d on e d a y w h ile in th e V a tic a n
w ith C a b r in i she n o te d som e m a g n ific e n t p a in tin g s u p o n
th e w a ll, on e o f w h ic h w a s a p ic t u r e o f D a n te s I n fe r n o .
S he saw th e p o o r v ic t im s p o r t r a y e d as in fr i g h t f u l torm en ts.
S h o r tly she m e t a c a r d in a l w ith w h o m she sp ok e in G erm a n ,
s a y in g : I f I b e lie v e d A lm ig h t y G o d w a s d o in g th a t ( p o i n t
in g to th e p ic t u r e ) to th e p o o r u n fo r tu n a t e s ju s t b eca u se

th e y w e re n o t C a th o lics, I d lose a ll m y fa it h in G o d . T h e
c a r d in a l sm iled a n d s a id : M y c h ild , d o n t tak e it too
s e rio u s ly . W e h a v e to fr ig h t e n th e p e o p le to m ake th em
g o o d . T h e sister n e v e r f o r g o t th a t. S h e cam e to A m e r ic a
a n d she a n d h e r se c r e ta r y , a n o th e r n u n , o p e n e d a h om e
f o r o r p h a n s ju s t o u ts id e o f N e w Y o r k c it y . S h e w as c r y in g
f o r G o d to sh o w h e r th e tr u th . S h e b o u g h t a sm all ra d io
a n d b e g a n to tu n e in v a r io u s r e lig io u s p r o g r a m s . O n e d a y
she tu n e d in W B B R , liste n e d , a n d a g r e a t flo o d o f lig h t
ca m e in to h e r h e a rt a n d m in d . S h e h a d fo u n d th e tr u th !
S h e sen t f o r lite r a tu r e a n d b e g a n t o w itn ess to h er n e ig h
b o r s in h er n u n s g a rb . H e r s e c r e ta r y also g o t th e tr u th an d
b eg a n

to w itn ess. I t w a s n o t lo n g b e fo r e

o ff cam e the

g a rm e n ts o f r it u a lis t ic r e lig io n a n d o n w e n t th e ga rm en ts
o f p ra is e to th e g r e a t J e h o v a h ! W a t c h t o w e r r a d io station

^ Mi Sfr MT:IM
s%L. re mJ Imo
They shall know that lam Jehovah!
-Ewkiel 35:15.
V ol. L X X I


No. 7

APRIL 1, 1950

D ivine E ducation B ears G ood F ruit
Spiritual Food Made Available ........
Blessed Change for the Divinely
Educated ............................................
More and M ore P ioneers of G ood
N ews .................................................
Conditions fo r Entry .........................
Divine Support fo r the W o r k ............
Child Pioneers .....................................
Remaining in This Branch o f Service
Requirements .......................................
F rom N icaragua to P anama ...............
R esolution of F irst Canadian
F rench Circuit A s se m bly ..........
A nnouncing M essiah s P resence
T estimony P eriod .........................
W atchtower S t u d y ...........................
(See also page 103)
M emorial for 1950 .................................



fHeWATCHTOWERP u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y


117 Adams Street Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.

N. H. K norr , P resid en t

ffic e r s

G ran t S uiter , S e cr eta r y

And all thy children shall he taught of Jehovah; and

great shall be the peace of thy children. - Isaiah 54:13.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker o f heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon it; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new w orld; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members o f Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed In the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began its time o f the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead In the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.
April closes the 1950 campaign o f taking subscriptions fo r the
W a tch to w e r magazine. This final month has been set aside as
Announcing Messiahs Presence Testimony Period and will be
a month o f special effort and activity world-wide in this behalf.
When first published in July, 1879, our magazine was called
Zions Watch Tower and Herald o f Christs Presence . It is still
a herald o f the invisible presence o f Christ or Messiah, with more
proof o f this now than ever before since 1914. Very fittingly, then,
subscriptions fo r T h e W a tc h to w e r are to be taken during the
Testimony Period thus designated. F or each subscription fo r a
year at the regular rate o f $1.00 a set o f 8 booklets is to be
given as a premium. Where people are already subscribers for
T he W a tch to w e r , they may be offered, instead, our companion
magazine A w a k e ! but without the booklet premium. W e should
like this twelfth W a tc h to w e r campaign to realize a peak o f sub
scriptions. I f you are in favor o f that, join us in the campaign.
Write us, should you need any assistance to that end. Each ones
report will enhance the world-wide total. So submit your report
on our form fo r such.
Week o f May 1 4 : Divine Education Bears Good Fruit,
If 1-22 inclusive, T h e W a tch to w e r April 1, 1950.
(See also page 103)

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-wilL
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light o f the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

Notice to Subscribers: Remittances should be sent to office in your

country in compliance with regulations to guarantee safe delivery of
money. Remittances are accepted at Brooklyn from countries where no
office is located, by International money order only. Subscription rates in
different countries are stated below in local currency. Notice of expiration
(with renewal blank) is sent at least two issues before subscription
expires. Change of address when sent to our office may be expected
effective within one month. Send your old as well as new address.
Please address the Watch Tower Society in every case.
Yearly Subscription Rate
America (U.S.), 117 Adams St., Brooklyn 1, N.Y.
Australia, 11 Beresford Rd., Strathlleld, N.SAV.
British West Indies, 21 Taylor St., Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad $1.25
Burma, 39 Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon
Rs. 3/8
Canada, 40 Irwin Ave., Toronto 5, Ontario
England, 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2
India, 167 Love Lane, Bombay 27
Rs. 3/8
Jamaica, 151 King St., Kingston
Newfoundland, Post Box 521, St. Johns
New Zealand, G. P.O. Box 30, Wellington, C. 1
Nigeria, West Africa, P.O. Box 695, Lagos
Philippine Republic, 104 Roosevelt Road,
San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City
2 pesos
South Africa, 623 Boston House, Cape Town
T. Hawaii, 1228 Pensacola St., Honolulu 14
Translations of this journal appear in many languages.
firmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may
have The Watchtower free upon written application to the publishers,
made once each year, stating the reason for so requesting it. We are
glad to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each year
is required by the postal regulations.
Printed in the United States of America
Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Brooklyn, N. Y
under the Act of March S, 1X79.


The new moon nearest the spring equinox in the north temperate
zone determines the first month o f the year according to Jehovahs
decree. (Ex. 1 2 :1 , 2) This year the month Nisan begins at sunset
o f March 19, and hence the fourteenth day o f Nisan would begin
at sundown o f Saturday, April 1, 1950. This agrees with the date
nineteen years previous according to the metonic cycle. That day,
after 6 p.m., Standard Time, would be the correct time for the
annual observance o f Christs death according to his command. At
an appointed hour that night companies, units, and groups o f the
consecrated people o f God should assemble. A fter an opening song
and prayer, some appointed consecrated person, preferably one of
Jehovahs anointed ones, should present extemporaneously or read
a discussion upon the meaning o f the Memorial emblems. Then
prayer should be offered over the emblems and they should be
served, fo r any o f the remnant o f the anointed members o f Christs
body to partake of. The emblems should be unleavened bread and
red wine, to copy our Lords example. All persons o f good-will,
whether consecrated or not, are cordially invited to attend this
significant and blessed celebration, even though they are not
authorized to partake o f the emblems as members o f Christs body.
After the Memorial appropriate service announcements for the
group may be made, a closing song sung, and the meeting dismissed
with prayer. A report should be made to the Society o f the entire
number attending at each gathering, and the number o f those
partaking o f the emblems.


V ol. L X X I

A pril 1, 1950

No. 7


The wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, forbearing, conciliatory, full of mercy and
wholesome fruit. Jas. 3:17, Moffatt.

TEHOVAH God ranks first in the field of up-to-date hood. The world considers such educational program
I education. Not that his inspired instruction has the vital one, and pushes it forward while pushing
J changed to keep pace with the times, for he com back old-fashioned Bible instruction.
8 Has the worlds educational program brought
pleted the key textbook of his study course more
than eighteen centuries ago. Rather than his instruc forth good fruit? Has it brought the peace, happiness,
tion catching up to the times, the times are just now health and life mankind wants? Has it erased greed
reaching the point where his prophetic wisdom has and selfishness, racial barriers and religious preju
all along been concentrated. The divine wisdom long dices from the human mind and heart? Has not war
ago stored up in the Bibles pages is only now being rather than peace had first call on mans scientific
fully understood by Jehovahs servants, for the knowledge ? Do not many measure happiness in terms
prophecies centered on the turbulent times of the of money? Has not health been sacrificed on the altar
last days, and now that man has reached this period of so-called civilization, with its unnatural ways of
he links the observed fulfillments with the prophecies, living? Has not life become artificial, filled with social
and understanding flashes into his enlightened mind. and other vanities ? Has mans knowledge of medicine
Jehovah giveth wisdom; out of his mouth cometh delivered him from the ill effects of disease and harm
knowledge and understanding: he layeth up sound ful habits and immoral practices? Mankinds ailments
wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to them that have increased with its education. Knowledge has
walk in integrity. They were written for our admo forwarded mans destruction. Worldly wisdom is not
nition, upon whom the ends of the ages are come. awake to the times, and its educational program is
(Prov. 2 :6 ,7 ; 1 Cor. 10:11; Rom. 15:4, Am.Stan. not up-to-date with these last days. Even its religious
Ver.) So now, finally, man has reached the point in systems have failed to feed the people on the divine
time when Jehovahs up-to-date education unfolds in education they are thirsting and starving for: Be
full bloom for humanitys comprehension.
hold, the days come, saith the Lord G od, that I will
2But not all persons heed Jehovahs provided edu send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor
cation. They look upon it as old-fashioned, and a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the
instead turn to the wisdom of this modern world. L ord: and they shall wander from sea to sea, and
With pride they point to the advances of scientific from the north even to the east, they shall run to and
knowledge in the fields of chemistry and physics and fro to seek the word of the L ord, and shall not find
medicine. They peer into their telescopes and micro it. Amos 8:11,12.
scopes, study the structure of the earth, read the
4 Travel the length and breadth of Christendoms
record in the rocks, and bring forth theories in waves. religious realm though they may, searching persons
Studies in human relations run the gamut from the will not find spiritual food in her religious or secular
family circle to the international front. They have educational programs. Why? Because these worldly
developed their cultures in music and literature and systems have either watered down or abandoned
art. Moreover, their religions have evolved with the Jehovah Gods chief textbook, the Bible. The modern
times, grown materially richer, embraced social prob professed people of God have blundered in the same
lems, entered political fields, and been added to and way as did the Israelites of old: My people have
subtracted from to make them able to live with sup committed two evils; they have forsaken me the foun
posed scientific advances in education. And to teach tain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns,
all this worldly wisdom they have set up intricate broken cisterns, that can hold no water. (Jer. 2:13)
school systems that grab the individuals mind at The clergymen have allowed their watering-places to
childhood and indoctrinate it till he reaches adult become cracked and riddled by human theories of
1. How does Jehovah rank as an educator, ai d why?
2, Do all heed Jehovah s provided education? What shows this?

3. What fruit has the w orlds educational program produced?

4. W hy is no spiritual food to be found in Christendom s programs?



evolution and scientific doubtings, as well as con

taminated by pagan religious philosophies. Their
new theories will not hold water, and their old pagan
teachings are quickly punctured by the Bible truths
they have forsaken. Their wisdom rates no higher
than any of the other wisdom of this present old evil
world, and which Jehovahs Word evaluates as fol
lows : The wisdom of this world is foolishness with
God. 1 Cor. 3 :1 9 ; 1:17-29; Isa. 29:14.
5 Because of spiritual starvation, the orthodox
congregations are wasting away and are too weak to
fight off the inroads of materialism and atheism.
This condition is being noted by worldly observers,
and they note something else, also. Consider the fol
lowing, published in Englands Illustrated Leicester
Chronicle, September 10,1949: All over the country
congregations in churches and chapels have dwindled
to an alarming degree. Thousands of children are
being brought up with little or no religious back
ground. The man in the street shows small interest
in the old established faiths. Yet a religious conven
tion in Leicester last week-end attracted 8,500 ad
herents of a creed which inspires its members with
overwhelming fervour. The burning enthusiasm of
the Jehovahs witnesses is something to make clergy
men and their depleted congregations think and
think hard. Why is this movement so powerful a
magnet? Why are its members filled with such
ardour? One answer is that Jehovahs witnesses
believe in taking religion to the people. They believe
in preaching from door to door. They are fully aware
of the value of publicity, and enterprising in their
use of it. They shout their religion from the house
tops. Whatever any church or chapel-goer may think
of their beliefs or methods, their intense eagerness
is a challenge to bishops and clergymen in every
diocese, and to every chapel in the land. Will they
answer this challenge by sweeping away old-fash
ioned ideas?
6 What such candid observers fail to understand
is why Jehovahs witnesses are so zealous and the
orthodox church-goers so apathetic. Even the clergy
note the difference, and of this Catholic bishop
Thomas J. McDonnell of New York complained: The
average Catholic often lacks any sense of a lay apostolate. Too often he is content with just a passive
membership. He regards his religion as something
between himself and God and is not interested in
sharing his faith with others. Faith without good
works is dead. Then the bishop cited Jehovahs
witnesses as the last word in zeal for propagating
their faith . (New York Times, November 15, 1948)
But why the difference? It is not that Jehovahs wit
nesses as people are any different. Most of them
were at one time apathetic and listless members of
5. How do Christendom s systems and Gods witnesses compare on zeal?
6. What accounts for this difference as to zeal?

B rooklyn , N. Y.

orthodox religious congregations. The key point is

that they changed their spiritual diet, or, more ac
curately, broke the spiritual fast forced upon them in
Christendoms congregations. Not getting spiritual
food, they had no spiritual strength for Christian
labors. But when they broke from the parched and
famine-stricken religious pastures of Christendom
and began to feed upon the rich and nourishing spirit
ual food of Gods Word, the Bible, they became
strengthened and energized and spiritually bubbled
over. And continued feeding renews strength for
continuous bubbling over in fervent and zealous
Christian preaching.

7 Through the gospel-preaching of Jehovahs wit

nesses thousands of persons of good-will are discov
ering bounteous supplies of spiritual food. They
cease their foolish starving in the midst of plenty.
They are learning of the program of divine education
offered by Jehovah God. Not from the doctors of
divinity who can flourish a diploma from some theo
logical seminary do they learn, nor is the Bible
knowledge gained by regular attendance at some
besteepled edifice. Their education frequently begins
at home, and without charge by either stipulated
tuition or collection-plate solicitation. Ho, every
one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that
hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat. Whosoever
will, let him take the water of life freely.Isa.
5 5 :1 ; Rev. 22:17.
8 Christ Jesus is closely associated with Jehovah
God in the teaching work, and he taught in the homes
of the people when he was on earth. Following in
Jesus footsteps his early disciples ceased not to
teach and preach Jesus Christ in every house. The
apostle Paul taught the people from house to house .
(Acts 5 :4 2 ; 20:20) True Christians today cling to
the methods established by their Exemplar, Christ
Jesus. They call at the homes of the people, present
ing the gospel message. When they stand on the
streets displaying Bible magazines and a passer-by
shows interest, they offer to call at that persons
home to conduct Bible studies. Prov. 1: 20, 21;
9 Many persons of good-will are finding that a
practical way to get the divine education is to set
aside an hour once a week for Bible study with such
Christians, Jehovahs witnesses. With the Bible and
Bible helps one can carefully examine and discuss
the primary teachings of Gods Word. That does not
mean the creed-bound doctrines of the orthodox
religions, for the learner soon discovers that such
teachings as trinity, hell-fire, immortal soul and
others are not Scriptural. What he does learn are
7. How have many o l good-will ceased from starving amid plenty?
8. To whose teaching methods do we cling today? In what way?
9. What do many And a practical way to get up-to-date education?

A pril 1, 1950



truths concerning Christs kingdom, the blessings it

will bring in a new earth, the signs now visible prov
ing that we are living in the last days, the evidences
that Christs kingdom is established in the heavens
and is scheduled to soon move explosively against
this wicked world in the battle known as Armaged
don, and many other vital instructions that will
enable the learner to survive these troublous days
and ultimately live in Jehovah Gods new world
without end. (Matt. 24:3-39; 2 Tim. 3:1-5) This is
education that is up-to-date with these perilous
times, and not lagging behind the times as does the
worldly education that scoffs and says that these
things in fulfillment of Bible prophecy are yet far
off, if they ever come at all.2 Pet. 3: 3, 4.
10 Jehovah God blesses the home Bible study, and
Christ Jesus prospers even such a small gathering.
Did he not promise, Where two or three are gath
ered together in my name, there am I in the midst
of them 1? (Matt. 18: 20) Hence as the zealous witness
conducts the home study in an orderly manner, the
real Teachers, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, en
lighten the eyes of understanding of the meek stu
dent and cause the divine purpose to unfold for the
learner. (Isa. 30:20; 54:13; Eph. 1:18) Faithfully
each week the witness will go to the home for several
months, and sometimes for more than a year, freely
giving his time and energy to obey Christs command
to feed the sheep, not with one but with many, many
spiritual meals.John 21:15-17.
11 As time goes by the progressing student becomes
better able to heed the Scriptural rule: Let him who
is being orally instructed in the word have fellowship
with him that is so instructing him, in all good
things. (Gal. 6: 6, Roth.) The instructed one contrib
utes to the educational instructiveness of the study
by communicating back to the conductor the good
things being learned. This fixes the newly learned
truths in the students mind and gives him confidence
in expressing them in his own words. He will be
better able to tell his neighbors what he is learning.
12 Now an invitation is extended to him to attend
a Bible study with a larger group of persons in a
nearby home. This company book study is conducted
similarly to the one held in his own home, but more
attend and a greater variety of comments stimulates
his own mind to activity and remembrance of things
previously learned. The experience proves the Bible
proverb: Iron is sharpened by iron: so doth a man
sharpen himself on the countenance of his friend.
(Prov. 27:17, Leeser) Sharpened by these contacts
with others of Jehovahs witnesses, the new person
is keen on going to the larger congregational meet
ings of Jehovahs witnesses held at the Kingdom

Hall. Will he not reap additional blessings by heed

ing the admonition, Let us consider how to stir up
one another to love and good deeds, not ceasing to
meet together, as is the habit of some, but admonish
ing one anotherall the more so, as you see the Day
drawing near ? Heb. 10:24,25, Moffatt.
13 At the Kingdom Hall a strong bond of Christian
companionship springs up between the learner and
others in the company. Their fellowship does stir him
to love and good deeds and fortifies him against the
mounting evils as time marches on nearer to the day
of divine reckoning for this Satanic world. The public
lectures at the hall cover many of the points previous
ly explained to him, but the different speakers ap
proach from other angles and clarify and broaden his
understanding. True, the speakers take texts from
scattered parts of the Bible to let them converge on
the one subject theme, and the student can remember
when his worldly friends and even his former church
preacher scoffed at this method and said the witness
es jumped here and there through the Bible like
grasshoppers, and that by such skipping about in the
Bible one could prove anything . But this topical
method of study was the reason that he had learned
more through the witnesses in a month than he had
from his former church organization in twenty years.
14 Moreover, did not the inspired writers of the
Greek Scriptures bring together texts scattered
throughout the Hebrew Scriptures? And did not that
exemplary Teacher, Christ Jesus, in his famous
public sermon on the mount make twenty-one Hebrew
Scripture quotations, from the books Exodus, Leviti
cus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, 2 Kings, Psalms, Isaiah
and Jeremiah? He was not trying to prove any old
thing by jumping here and there in his use of texts.
By this method and to the peoples pleasant surprise
he taught them as one having authority, and not as
the scribes , because he backed up his teaching with
the authority of Gods written Word.Matt. 7: 29.
16 At the Kingdom Hall study of the W atchtoiver
magazine he is Hashed the meat in due season from
Gods Word, illuminating the highway to life. He had
been reading The Watchtower at home, but now he
sees how much of the material he had failed to grasp.
And the Kingdom Hall service meetings and Theo
cratic ministry school! Church-going days had never
brought forth anything like those sessions! So this
is why Jehovahs witnesses were so efficient in preach
ing the gospel. At the service meeting they studied
effective ways of presenting the message, demon
strating the methods as well as discoursing on them.
And the way they organized so that one would not be
duplicating the work of another! As for the school,
it taught good speaking, composition, facts about the
origin and preservation of the Bible, when the var-

10. By whom are such home Bible studies blessed? How and why?
11. How does the one instructed communicate with the instructor?
12. How does he enlarge his study privileges? With what benefit?

13, 14. How does the topical method affect him? Is It Scriptural?
15. What privileges of study and training come at Kingdom Hall?



ions Bible books were written, by whom, to whom,

what they contained, and many additional instruc
tions vital to ministers. Then the ministers enrolled
for this training gave classroom talks, and were con
structively counseled on their delivery and composi
tion. Surely the witnesses did strive hard to obey the
admonition, Do your best to win Gods approval as
a workman who has nothing to be ashamed of, but
rightly shapes the message of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15,
An Amer. Trans.
16 The instruction and training that Jesus gave to
the apostles and early Christians compare with the
ministry school and service meeting of Jehovahs
witnesses of today. Many of Jesus discourses were
service talks, urging his followers to let the light
shine, to preach the Kingdom gospel, to bear fruit,
to baptize the new ones and start them off in the
preaching work. He conducted demonstrations for
the benefit of his followers, taking the lead in serv
ice and showing how the work should be done. He
went throughout every city and village, preaching
and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of G od:
and the twelve were with him. (Luke 8 :1 ) They
observed the Master Preacher, and learned from him,
and later they gave others cause to recall this superb
training. (Acts 4 :1 3 ) When Jesus sent the twelve
apostles out to preach, he gave them specific instruc
tion on how to handle interest and opposition found
in door-to-door witnessing. (Matt. 10:1-16) Later
on he gave similar Theocratic ministry training for
field service to seventy disciples before sending them
out to preach, and they returned to report the suc
cess of their field service activities.Luke 10:111,17.

17Now, the new learner pauses to reflect on what

he had gained through the divine education offered
by God through His witnesses. Before, his life had
been a routine of work and a rather desperate effort
to capture what he once considered fun , which fre
quently involved late hours and dissipation that
added to the burdensomeness of his secular work.
W orry over the perplexing world problems with war
fears always hovering close by, and anxiety for his
family because of financial burdens and juvenile
delinquency dangers, kept peace from his mind. But
how different now ! He knew the sure remedy of Gods
kingdom, that it was near, that present woes were
only forerunners of eternal joys in a new world, that
the dark clouds had the most silvery of linings when
viewed through the prophetic vision of Gods Word.
Luke 21:28-32.
18 Of course, many of his former friends do not
16. How do service meeting and Theocratic school compare with what
Jesus gave his disciples?
17. What change for the better does such divine education bring?
18. What change of associates occurs? Does the learner mind it?

B rooklyn, N. Y.

come to associate with him as they used to. It seems

they no longer speak the same language. He no longer
wishes to do the things he did with the old gang, feels
that he has wasted too much time on that in the past,
and does not even mind the ridicule his former
friends now aim at him. He is comforted to read:
You have spent time enough in the past in doing
as the heathen like to do, indulging in sensuality,
passion, drunkenness, carousing, dissipation, and
detestable idolatry. They are amazed that you no
longer join them in plunging into the flood of dissipa
tion, and they abuse you for i t ; but they will have to
answer for it to him who is ready to judge living and
dead. (1 Pet. 4:3-5, An Amer. Trans.) He does not
mind their loss, for he has gained many more and
better friends.Matt. 19: 29.
19 Moreover, he now has the peace of God, which
passeth all understanding . (Phil. 4 :7 ) Not peace
just because he knows what the future holds and is
no longer anxious about conditions and his family.
Not peace just because he has found spiritual food
and is no longer awed by this worlds foolish wisdom
that is so often turned to destructive purposes, or
because he has found better and cleaner friends. His
peace is of God, because he has been educated by God
with Gods wisdom, and he shares the benefits of that
divine wisdom. As it is written: The wisdom from
above is first of all pure, then peaceable, forbearing,
conciliatory, full of mercy and wholesome fruit,
unambiguous, straightforward; and the peacemakers
who sow in peace reap righteousness.Jas. 3:17,
18. Moffatt.
20 He shares in these blessings to the full, even to
the extent of bringing forth wholesome fruit . The
one-time learner has now become a teaching instru
ment by reason of his diligent study, for now he is
able to teach others also . (2 Tim. 2: 2) Freely ye
have received, freely give, he remembers. (Matt.
10:8) According to the Scripture rule he has found
it true, It is more blessed to give than to receive.
(Acts 20: 35) By his study of Gods Word, and by
instruction gained at the ministry school and service
meeting, and by observing the good examples of
zealous witnesses, his mental outlook has changed
over from old-world to new-world thinking. You
must not adopt the customs of this world but by your
new attitude of mind be transformed so that you can
find out what Gods will iswhat is good, pleasing,
and perfect. (Bom. 12: 2, An Amer. Trans.) Purged
of past bad habits of thinking and conduct by Gods
Word, he is fruitful in Kingdom service, as com
manded : Every branch in me that beareth not fruit
he taketli away: and every branch that beareth fruit,
he purgetli it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
19. What peace does he enjoy, and for what reason?
20. Why must he become fruitful? By what mental change?

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Now ye are clean through the word which I have

spoken unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that
ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
John 15: 2, 3, 8.
21 Peace that passes human understanding is his
now because he is at peace with God, in harmony
with God, doing Gods will, sharing in Gods vindi
cation. He proves that he has wisdom and understand
ing by obeying the commands to preach. (Ps. I l l : 10)
By using the divine education in field service, by
repeating Bible truths at the doors of the people, he
fixes them in his mind and prevents them from slip
ping his memory when needed. Continued study
refills the imperfect mind that lets the truth waters
escape as if from a leaky vessel. (Heb. 2 :1 ; margin)
Diligent use of his mental faculties in study exercises

and strengthens them till they can digest not only the
milk but the strong meat of Gods Word, and the
strength gained thereby equips him to withstand
persecution and other satanic snares that abound in
this world. He advances to perfection of maturity,
as the scripture counsels: Full-grown men have a
right to solid food, for their faculties are trained by
practice to distinguish right and wrong. Let us there
fore leave elementary Christian teaching alone and
advance toward maturity.Heb. 5 :1 4 ; 6:1, An
Amer. Trans.
22 Perhaps as this Christian continues his course
in divine education and bears more and more good
fruit he may advance to the very mature ministry of
full-time service, known to Jehovahs witnesses today
as pioneering.

21. How does the practical use ol his education benefit him?

22. To what large privilege of service may he advance?


This article makes searching examination o f full-time ministry service as a career. I t considers some o f the pioneers
problems, the requirements, and how to stick to this service. It calls notice to how children may share in pioneering.
Because o f the service theme, the article will be studied at the service meeting instead o f the W atchtower study.
By the regular W atchtower study method, each company should consider it during the last three service meetings
in April. Use no more than 30 minutes o f each meeting fo r the study, and at the first meeting consider paragraphs
1-10; at the second, 11-11; at the third, 22-31.

HIRTY-SIN years have gone by since God

established his kingdom in heaven for man
kinds benefit. The day of Jehovah beginning
A.D. 1914 is far spent and the accomplished end of
this world is at hand. The human family is facing
the greatest slaughter since the days of Noah. After
the storm of Armageddon has passed there will not
be enough living to bury the dead. (Jer. 25:33)
Carrion-eating birds of prey and wild beasts of the
field and forest will be summoned to a feast of human
flesh. (Jer. 34:20) The invisible demon forces can
no doubt see Jehovahs Chief Executioner, Christ
Jesus, closing in on them. Frantically their desperate
and turbulent influence moves upon the kings of the
earth to drive them like stampeding cattle to their
doom. (Rev. 16:14-16) That is why the rulers of the
earth are confused and frustrated, with each nation
dashing against another like the roaring sea pound
ing its rocky shores; mens hearts failing them for
fear of what they see coming upon the earth. As the
end draws ever closer, the pressure of the demons
increases; earths rulers become more desperate and
arrogant, resulting in more and more oppression to
the sea of humanity. Only by a knowledge of Gods
kingdom and with complete reliance upon it can man
stop his headlong rush down to the Dead Sea of
2Jehovah has no pleasure in the death of the
wicked; how much less in the death of the oppressed

and uninformed! In this class there are many meek

and teachable ones who sigh and cry because
of the abominations committed in the land. Even
though the future may look dark and hopeless for
many, there is, however, a way of escape. Down
through the ages Jehovah has always shown concern
for the oppressed. In olden times he sent his prophets
to sound warnings and point out the way of relief
and to leave a written record for future generations.
Now in this time c f the end do you think God
would leave this world to its doom without sounding
a warning and pointing out a way of escape? To be
sure, He would not do it and has not done i t !
3 Today Jehovah God has a modern, efficient, work
ing organization of ministers who are completely
devoted to him and governed by his spirit. Gods
spirit directed them in organizing their legal corpo
ration, known as the Watch Tower Bible & Tract
Society, as an instrument to facilitate the sounding
of a world-wide warning before the accomplished
end. The Watch Tower Society classes Jehovahs
active ministers or witnesses in two groups: the
group preaching only part-time and the other class
on more of a full-time basis, preaching at least one
hundred hours a month. This latter class the Society
refers to as pioneer ministers . From time to time
special letters showing the urgent need for more to
enter pioneer service are sent to all companies of
Jehovahs witnesses. The reason for continual

1. Where is humanity now plunging? How can man halt from the plunge?
2. How floes God show concern for the oppressed and uninformed?

3. Why does the Society exist? What special calls docs it issue?



B rooklyn, N. Y.

pioneer calls by the Society can be better appreciated salem A.D. 70 and also gained eternal life in the
when one analyzes the contents of the inspired writ Kingdom.
7During the time of Jesus and his apostles the
ten records left for this generation.
4 The sacred writings foretold a Messiah who ministry expanded more and more. As others heard
would vindicate Jehovahs universal sovereignty and and responded, out of their bellies the living water
provide a ransom for the dying human family. True flowed after the holy spirit was poured out on the
to Gods written Word his firstborn Son appeared on day of Pentecost A.D. 33, and this water in turn
earth to do his Father s will. The same loving con reached others who also responded. (John 7: 38, 39)
cern shown by God for suffering mankind was also And so on until about forty years later, when Jeru
shown by his Son in no uncertain way. While he did salem was destroyed. Jehovah did not then hold those
not appear dressed like an American pioneer in buck early ministers bloodguilty. They had sounded the
skin with a rifle swung over his shoulder, he was at warning, resulting in salvation for those heeding and
first like a man breaking ground and blazing the trail destruction for those scoffing. Today the Watch
through a religious wilderness; a wilderness of Tower Society shows the same concern for this
ecclesiastical traditions that had the people snared generation now facing world destruction at Arma
and alienated from true worship. With a hearty pio geddon. Two great opposing organizations are set
neer spirit Jesus cut a trail through the Jews reli for a showdown fight then to settle once and for all
gion that left a path out of it beaming with the light the issue of supremacy. Satans strategy is to keep
of truth. A straight and narrow path it was, when the people in ignorance and let them stumble blindly
compared with the broad way that leads to destruc into the pit of Armageddons slaughter. Gods pur
tion, but, nevertheless, it led to freedom and life pose is to sound a warning by sending his witnesses
throughout the land, to open the eyes of the blind
6 Jesus Christ was a perfect example of a full-timeand release those who sit in darkness.
8 Christ Jesus is now invisibly present in his king
pioneer minister. He fully realized the hopeless
ruling in the midst of his enemies. (Ps. 110:1,2)
condition of the Jews bound up in their religious
zealous for Jehovahs side of the issue and will
traditions, and so did everything then possible to
no mercy to those who will not forsake the
save them. Great feeling, sympathy and anxious con
the great adversary. On the other hand, his
cern for Jerusalems welfare are seen in him when
toward the oppressed has not lessened
he said: 0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest
the time of his visible earthly so
the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto
followers now on the earth also
thee, how often would I have gathered thy children
together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under appreciate the issue and have a peculiar zeal for
her wings, and ye would not! With Jesus it was Jehovahs side of the controversy. They realize the
always, not my will, but yours be done, on earth people of this generation are faced with a great
even as it is done in heaven. This being true, one decision and to make it intelligently they must have
could not help but notice the driving force of Gods understanding. Here Gods mercy is expressed to the
spirit moving him to increase the intensity of gospel nations through his organization on the earth, by
preaching as the end of his earthly ministry drew sending his ministers to them. Truly the work of
Jehovah is not in vain, for many from all nations,
to a close.
6 So much was this increase that the religionists of kindreds and tongues are coming up the straight and
that day conspired to kill him before their pastures sure path that leads to life. The ministry expands
were completely spoiled. The urgency of the message more and more, but still the harvest is great and in
could be seen and felt by those hearing Jesus earnest comparison the laborers are few. Therefore the cry
and stirring appeal on the great day of the feast of ing need for more laborers to be sent into the field.
tabernacles: In the last day, that great day of the The Watch Tower Society, realizing this, is con
feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man tinually moved by Gods spirit to send out calls for
thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that more pioneers.
believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his
belly shall flow rivers of living water. (John 7:37,
9 None should close his mind to these calls and
38) All the Jews had to do was to accept Jesus as assume that pioneer service is out of the question
their Messiah; not by blind faith, but by searching as far as he is concerned. If you are one of Jehovahs
out the Scriptures foretelling him and seeing the consecrated witnesses, you must realize that all
physical fulfillment before their very eyes. Doing so, things are possible with God. He can even make you
they would have escaped the destruction of Jeru- a pioneer. By urging more to take up the pioneer
4. How did the Son show concern like Gods for suffering mankind?
5. How was he a perfect example of a full-time pioneer minister?
6. To escape destruction and enter the Kingdom, what was needed?

7. How did waters flow forth out of believers'? With what result?
8. How is Gods mercy expressed through his witness organization?
9. Why should a person consider the pioneer service? In what way?

A pril 1, 1950


ministry the Society does not expect you to do so

without due consideration. Such a decision must in
the final analysis be made soberly before Jehovah
with full confidence and reliance upon him. If a man
has a family and gains a knowledge of the truth and
desires to become a full-time minister, it would not
be proper for him to do so unless he could provide
for his family at the same time. Those who do not
provide for their own, says 1 Timothy 5: 8, are worse
than unbelievers.
10 Neither would it be proper for the husband to
separate from his wife because of her unbelief, or
vice versa, and enter the pioneer work. If the un
believing one is willing to live with the consecrated
Christian, due consideration should be given to the
unbeliever by the consecrated one. This is the Scrip
tural course, and it may be that the wise and consider
ate course taken by the consecrated one will win the
unbelieving one over to Jehovahs side. God joined
man and woman in marriage, and the truth should
not separate them unless the unbelieving one refuses
to remain with the one who desires to serve Jehovah
God. Then, of course, this would leave the consecrat
ed free to concentrate upon the Kingdom work. We
are admonished to work out our own salvation with
fear and trembling. To do this the spirit of a sound
mind must be used. Emotions should not be permitted
to lead one into a hasty decision on the spur of the
moment. Jesus advised his servants to seek first the
Kingdom, promising that the material things would
be added.
11 Seeking the Kingdom first means one would
have uppermost in his mind at all times the King
dom interests. Such one would be looking for oppor
tunities to serve in its behalf, and not be forever
seeking first his material needs and laying up worldly
goods to safeguard his future. To be sure, not all
will be able to take up the full-time ministry. Never
theless, this advice applies just as much to those who
find it necessary to engage in secular activities for
financial support. By seeking continually to serve the
Kingdom as opportunity affords, many have seen
their way cleared for entry into the pioneer service.
Thousands have taken advantage of such opportuni
ties, and, no doubt, there are now associated with
companies of Jehovahs witnesses thousands more
who could become pioneers if the privilege were
sought after more earnestly.
12 Many housewives find it possible to work in
three or four hours each day telling others about
the Kingdom blessings. Maybe you are one who could
do likewise. If so, then you should seriously consider
the pioneer calls. It may even be possible for both the
husband and wife to pioneer, by one or both of them
10. How should one in marriage ties decide as to pioneer w ork?
11. As to service, what does seeking first the Kingdom mean?
12. Why is part-time work for pioneers not to be frowned upon?


doing some part-time secular work. Part-time work

to maintain one in the ministry is not to be frowned
upon. That is exactly what the apostle Paul did in
order that he might not be a burden upon those to
whom he preached. Thus doing, no offense could be
found against him, except it be found against the
message itself. However, orthodox religions of this
world do not look upon this method with favor. On
the other hand, Jehovahs witnesses do not herd their
congregations into elaborate cathedrals and confront
them continually with a collection basket throughout
the services.
13 Jehovahs witnesses come from all walks of life,
engaging in all trades of secular activities. Their
first aim is to please Jehovah God by faithfully ful
filling their consecration vows to preach. The amount
of secular activity engaged in is governed by the cir
cumstances. When it comes to storing up wealth for
the future or for living in extravagance now, Chris
tians should consider Jesus counsel: Lay not up
gold and silver where thieves break in and steal. If
this course of laying up earthly treasures is followed,
there is where the heart and mind will be also. But
the mammon of unrighteousness, when used wisely
now, can cause its user to be received by our true
Friends, Jehovah and Christ, into everlasting habi
tations when it fails. Why? Because the treasures of
such one are stored in heaven, where no thieves can
steal, and because their money was used only as a
means, directly or indirectly, to sustain them in seek
ing the Kingdom first. Luke 16: 9.

14 The consecrated minister puts God on the spot,

so to speak, in that he takes Jehovah at his word. By
sound reasoning he considers his course to be the
same as that taken by Israel when Jehovah called
them out of Egypt. Israel was in bondage to the world
power of that time and under great, oppressive
burdens. By the hand of Moses God delivered them
after bringing upon Egypt ten devastating plagues.
The final ones were those of thick darkness and of
the killing of Egypts firstborn. With a crowning
demonstration of his mighty power God opened the
Red sea and Israel marched through on dry land.
Pharaoh and his army, driven by wild, blinding
anger, plunged into the breach, only to be trapped
and completely destroyed. Such a mighty demonstra
tion of mass deliverance and mass slaughter brought
Jehovahs name prominently into the view of that
world. His name had been placed on a people of his
15 After all this, do you think God would permit
Israel to perish in the wilderness? Do you think he
would permit it to be said: God was able to deliver
13. How about the amount of our secular work and use of mammon?
14. 15. How does the minister put God on the spot as in Israels case?



Israel from bondage but was not able to sustain them

through their wilderness sojourn? Absolutely not!
For his names sake Jehovah preserved over 2,000,000
Israelites for forty years. Their clothes did not grow
old and rot; their sandals did not wear out, and the
manna from heaven never failed to stay their hunger.
Israel did not live in luxury, but had sufficient while
on the march toward the Promised Land. Above all,
they had plenty of spiritual food, supplied through
Moses and the Levitical priesthood. With the fruit
ful land of promise before them, peace and patience
and contentment should have been theirs.
10 Today a like deliverance is taking place for thou
sands, yes, and for probably millions before the final
count at Armageddon. This great multitude are those
delivered from bondage to the present evil world. To
them the higher powers of this world are as destroyed
already; they recognize only Jehovah God and his
Son Christ Jesus as The Higher Powers . (Rom.
13:1) Their eyes of understanding see before them
the promised new world flowing with milk and
honey. Just as surely as Jehovah called his people
out of Egypt by the hand of his servant Moses, so
now he is calling his people out of antitypical Egypt
under his greater Moses, Christ Jesus. No life of
luxury in abundance and ease is promised to these
now. But there is ample of what they need most to
sustain them. Whats that? you say. It is a table of
spiritual food, meat in due season, surpassing any
thing ever before supplied. With such spiritual bless
ings and the grand hope of a new world so near Gods
servants can show the same patient attitude as Paul,
who said: Having food and raiment let us be there
with content, for godliness with contentment is
great gain .1 Tim. 6: 8, 6.
17 As the Christian grows in spiritual understand
ing and maturity his appreciation of God increases.
The things of this life that in times past rated first
in importance receive now but little attention. He
considers the plight of those groping about in the
thick darkness of antitypical Egypt and does what
he can to open their eyes to the only light. If the
Lord God opens their eyes to the light of truth it will
lead them safely through this old world wilderness of
tangled politics, commerce and religion.

18 Israelite children also marched in that exodus

from Egypt and continued through the wilderness to
inherit the Promised Land. Children today are num
bered in the ranks of Gods people on the march to
the new world. They, too, must be strong spiritually
and ready to identify themselves by testifying before
others. For this reason parents are admonished to
16. What is promised and provided, with which to be content?
17. With increased appreciation o f God, how do we look on matters?
18. What does the Society urge children to become, and why?

B rooklyn , N. Y.

raise their children in the nurture and admonition

of the Lord. For the childs own good and to the
praise of God the Watch Tower Society also urges
children to become vacation pioneers. Out of the
mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected
praise, said Jesus. (Matt. 21:16; Ps. 8: 2) Would
it not make you parents happy and proud to have a
child instilled with the desire to serve its Creator?
To know that it, through knowledge and understand
ing, had chosen to serve God instead of running the
usual course for children of this world? A course
that might even lead to delincpiency, bringing shame
and reproach on you.
19 To the contrary, you might say: I love my child
too much to fill his young mind with ideas that would
cause him to become unpopular with his neighbor
hood playmates, and for this reason I will not
encourage him to serve God now, but will wait until
he is grown; then he can decide for himself. Is this
true love for the child? True love would be to take
the course that would benefit the child most, over the
longest period of time. At Armageddons slaughter
old and young alike will not be spared. After the
marking work had been done according to Jehovahs
instructions, the command to his executioners then
was: Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and
little children, and women: but come not near any
man upon whom is the mark. (Ezek. 9: 6) Therefore
no guarantee is given that a child will pass through
Armageddon by reason of the field-service record
of a parent that is careless toward his own children.
In fact, the parent might be zealous and faithful on
every point except that of offering his own children
freely in Gods service. The selfish love held for a
child might cause a parent to try to protect it from
the adversarys rebukes which come to all who stand
for the Kingdom.
20 Consider Abraham, who withheld not his only
beloved son from God. Abraham taught Isaac con
cerning Jehovah and, when it was time for him to be
offered in obedience to Jehovahs command, he was
ready and willing. Suppose Isaac, through lack of
knowledge, had become panic-stricken and had brok
en away from his father and raced off over the hills.
Or, on the other side, suppose Abrahams faith in
God had been shaken by a selfish love he might have
held for his son, and so he had refused to obey. Jeho
vahs purpose would not have been served in making
a prophetic picture foretelling the sacrifice of his
only-begotten son. It was more of a test upon Abra
ham than upon Isaac, but Abraham knew that to obey
was the wise course. It would result in the most good
to himself and to his beloved son. Imagine the joy and
satisfaction to both Abraham and the young fellow
when Jehovah said: Lay not thine hand upon the
19. How might some decide against the child s best interest? W hy?
20. What does Abrahams course show as to deciding for one s child?

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lad, neither do thou any thing to him: for now I

know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not
withheld thy son, thine only son . . . in blessing I
will bless thee, . . . and in thy seed shall all nations
of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my
voice.Gen. 22:12-18.
21 Jehovah did not ask Abraham to do something
that He was not willing to do himself. As a boy Jeho
vahs son Jesus had early training, and this created
in him the desire to know more about his heavenly
Father. So at a tender age he was at his Fathers
courts inquiring and discussing. Even though this
course led him into conflict with the then-existing
world and resulted in his death on the stake, he never
for a minute wanted to turn back. Truly, then, Isaac
and Jesus were wise sons and made the heart of their
fathers glad.
22 Shining examples such as these illuminate the
path for present-day parents to follow in raising the
children. If you have children, help them to have and
to hold the desire to serve their Creator. Make it
possible for them to respond to the call for vacation
pioneers. Many will respond if they are properly
taught. Many will respond if they are properly
taught at home and taken to the Kingdom Hall
studies regularly and, with you, into the field service.
Doing this they will not become a part of this worlds
rising tide of child delinquents, but will contribute
to the ever-increasing Kingdom.
23 From the childs viewpoint his young mind will
be able to see the difference between standards of
this world and those of the new world, even as they
apply to children of his own age. Instead of his
minds being filled with hero-worship, such as of
Superman, Dick Tracy, and the Lone Ranger, he
will soberly consider faithful men of valor, such as
Joshua and David. If he is frowned upon for not
showing the same zeal for present-day sportschampions, he need not be duly concerned. He will
find satisfaction in pointing out that none of their
champions could hold a candle beside David, who
slew a lion while a young shepherd and killed a huge
giant with a sling; and Samson, who slew a thousand
foes with the jawbone of an ass. The child who is
diligent and enthusiastic about serving his Maker
holds promise of living in a beautiful earthly para
dise where all beasts of the forest will be his pets.
Love for God and faith in his promises will be the
motivating power that will cause him to respond to
vacation pioneering. During this past summer, in
the United States alone more than 800 children
joined the pioneer ranks in singing Jehovahs praises.
21. How was Jesus, like Isaac, a wise son?
22. How can parents incline and help children to serving God more?
23. What will motivate the child to answer the pioneer call?



24 Increase in the ministry and on to the pioneer

field will not be without tests, whether one is old or
young, male or female. Forward advance will cause
the god of this world to put increasing opposition
in your path to impede your progress. Follow Pauls
advice and watch thou in all things, endure afflic
tions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof
of [your] ministry . (2 Tim. 4: 5 ) Thousands of
pioneers throughout the earth are making full proof
of their ministry in the face of obstacles and afflic
tions. Jehovah has so added the increase to their
ranks that from 462, in 1922, there are now more than
12.000 pioneers serving full-time throughout the
world. From these over 1,200 have been sent through
the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead for advance
missionary training equipping them to serve in
foreign countries throughout the world. These have
been sent to over 80 foreign countries with the lifegiving message for all who will hear. In South
America, for example, over the past five years, minis
ters for the new world have increased from 1,700 to
now more than 5,000 reporting each month. This is
an increase of more than 194 percent. Like increases
in other parts of the world are attributed largely to
the work of pioneer ministers; and yet still more and
more pioneers are needed, for truly the harvest is
25 Jesus said that all the Law and the Prophets
hung upon the two great commandments: love Jeho
vah with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and,
second to this, love your neighbor as yourself. To
go into a foreign assignment takes great faith and
complete trust in God. Love for the Lord God and
for ones neighbor does not mean a selfish, emotional
love, which results from false religious teachings. It
means perfect expression of unselfishness. Pioneer
ministers when going into foreign countries must
express that kind of love. Hardships will be en
countered, but by faithful endurance the fruits of our
labors will bring joys far beyond expectations. Ex
periences related by missionaries testify to this fact.
For instance, from the interior of the Philippine
Islands we hear of native settlements with Jehovahs
witnesses in the majority. From the heart of Africa
we hear of whole villages consisting of Jehovahs
witnesses, and in every country the number of wit
nesses enlarges. Actual reports now show over
300.000 ministers preaching at least part of the time
during each month. Their congregations are neigh
bors living within their reach. Thus true love is
expressed, not only to God in obedience to his com
mand to preach, but also to their neighbors. So doing,
these ministers guarantee salvation for themselves
24. In the face of what do pioneers prove their ministry? How w ell?
25. What two great commandments do they fulfill? With what results?



and also for those who respond to the Kingdom

26 Truly Jehovahs new world ministers, whether
pioneers or otherwise, are a peculiar people. To God
they are the apple of his eye. To the world, they are
strange and are considered by many to be religious
fanatics. But, regardless of what the world thinks of
his servants, whom he out of mercy sends forth to
sound a final warning, Jehovah will never forsake
them. His eyes run to and fro throughout the earth
to show himself strong in behalf of those who love
him.2 Chron. 16: 9.

27 What must one do after taking the steps into the

pioneer field, to be assured of remaining in this
branch of the service? In answer to this question let
us consider, for example, the Faithful and True
Witness , Jesus Christ. His actual course and abun
dant counsel give perfect instructions. 'Well, you
might say, Jesus told us to consider the lilies of the
field, how they neither toil nor make provision for
the future, and yet Solomon in all his glory and with
all his riches was not so adorned. Jesus also said to
consider the birds and how the heavenly Father
provides for them. And, further, he said to take no
thought of the morrow, for sufficient to the day is
the evil thereof. How can I stay in the pioneer work
if I have such an attitude? This is the modern twen
tieth century, and we have to be practical about the
high cost of living. To be sure, such questions of
yours must be considered.
28 The first requirement for pioneers to consider is
that of faith. Jesus surpassed us all in this quality.
Without it it is impossible to please God. With it
the servants mind and heart are in the right attitude
for understanding and are quick to respond when
enlightened. Jesus was a true servant, fired with a
zeal that caused him to work at his Fathers service
as did no other. He could not sit down and sway in
the breeze just to be pleasing to the eyes of men and
expect God to provide for him. That was not his pur
pose for being on the earth. The lilies, however, ful
filled their purpose, and for that reason God sus
tained them in their beauty. The birds of the air
fulfilled their purpose and are also provided for. For
Jesus to be sustained he must fulfill Gods purpose
as it applied to him, namely, to bear witness to the
truth in vindication of his Fathers sovereignty over
all and to provide a ransom.
29 Jesus fulfilled his commission perfectly and was
sustained sufficiently throughout his earthly sojourn.
For 33^ years he lived as a human creature and his
material needs were no less than any other human
creatures. As a young man he, no doubt, worked at

Despite world opinion, what may God s ministers expect of him?

How may some argue as to maintenance in full-time service?
29. (a) How is faith regarding support in service a requirement?
How was this Illustrated in Jesus own case?

B rooklyn, N. Y.

the carpenter trade. At the age of thirty he devoted

his full time to gospel-preaching. He had made no
plans for marriage and the raising of children, but
decided at an early age to serve his heavenly Father
completely. When entering the full-time work he did
not have to consider supporting a family. His faith
was sufficient that he left his support completely at
the disposal of his Father in heaven. By faithfully
preaching he found that those who listened to him
were in many cases willing and anxious for him to
dine with them. In doing so Jesus imparted spiritual
food far more valuable than the material food he
consumed. He was not particular about his lodging
for the night, but slept anywhere Jehovah provided,
whether under the stars, in a stable, or in a home.
He said: The foxes have holes, and the birds of the
air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where
to lay his head.Matt. 8: 20.
30 Today the same is possible for single persons
who are without family and financial obligations and,
above all, fired with a zeal for Jehovah similar to
that of Jesus. Again we say, this does not mean you
will have the conveniences and luxuries expected by
members of this world. Man does not live by bread
alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth
of Jehovah. If you preach the gospel, you will live
by the gospel, because the laborer is worthy of his
hire. Many to whom you carry the water of life will
count it a privilege and a service to the Lord God
to provide you with food and drink. Accept it as
Gods provision in meekness and with thanksgiving.
When Jesus said of those who would hear, that from
their bellies would flow living waters of life, he
meant that the divine truth would be their first con
cern in life. They would bear fruit, and were likened
by the apostle Paul to good ground that drinks in
frequent showers of spiritual refreshment, and pro
duces vegetation or Kingdom fruits which are of use
to those for whom the ground is cultivated. Pioneers
are cultivated by God for his work of advertising
his Kingdom and warning of Armageddon.
81 This is the acceptable time for you to join the
pioneer ranks. Never was the need for them so great,
nor the time so short and the harvest to be reaped
so plentiful. If you have been called out of darkness
into the marvelous light, reflect it to others before
it is too late. The more time you spend in reflecting
the light, the brighter your reflector becomes and the
more brilliant your light, and the more are attracted
to the truth. The day of Jehovah is far spent and the
night of Armageddon is very near. Ho not be caught
napping and in a state of indifference toward those
who are in bondage. Hear the call for more and more
pioneers of good news. Feel the urgent need, and
then respond!
30. By what will the full-time minister live and be fruitful?
31. Why is this the special time to join the pioneer ranks?


HE president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract
Society, Nathan H. Knorr, was flying the same route
that his secretary, Robert Morgan, had taken some
days earlier through Central America. While on this flight
Brother Morgan had his first view of a volcano that was
really belching smoke. There are a number of volcanoes in
Central America that are active from time to time, but this
one really showed its anger by throwing up a great column
of smoke and ashes into the air. He was glad to get a good
view of this phenomenon. A fine group of brethren, includ
ing the twelve Gilead graduates assigned to Nicaragua, were
at the airport to meet him. Brother Morgan was to experi
ence the fact that Nicaragua is really a warm country, even
though he arrived there during the cool season. The con
vention arranged for the visit of the American travelers was
already in progress. Eighty-six brethren assembled for the
Saturday evening meeting, December 24, 1949. There were
representatives from five different cities in Nicaragua.
Sunday morning they had an immersion service and six
brethren symbolized their consecration to the Lord to carry
forward the message of the kingdom of God in that land.
One sister was 74 years old and she had traveled 75 miles
to get to the convention and symbolize her consecration
before the brethren.
The public meeting was scheduled for Sunday afternoon
at the Teatro Trebol, an unusual building with four walls
but no roof. Practically all theaters in Managua are con
structed in this manner, because they like plenty of airconditioning in this hot country. Good advertising was
carried on by the brethren. Forty thousand handbills were
distributed; posters were put up; letters of invitation were
sent out; announcements were made over the radio; news
papers were used for advertising; and large banners were
hung over the streets. This Sunday, however, was Christmas
day and the greater portion of the people was carrying
on the usual celebration. But despite the Christmas attrac
tion for feasting and celebrating there were 286 persons at
the public meeting. It was the largest public meeting yet
held in Nicaragua by Jehovahs witnesses. The brethren were
pleased with the results, especially in view of the fact that
Christendom was celebrating her feast day of pagan origin,
for Christ really was not born on the 25th of December.
It is interesting to observe how the Latins in different
countries celebrate the Christmas festivity. In Managua on
Christmas eve Brother Morgan was able to observe that
many of the people who could get a horse and buggy to
drive around the streets celebrated by driving. One of the
principal means of conveyance in Managua has been the
red-and-blaek carriage drawn by two small-sized horses.
There were also many parties in progress throughout the
city. A few days before Christmas Brother Knorr, while in
Guatemala, observed that it was the custom for people to
carry images of Joseph and Mary through the streets from
house to house, looking for someone to give the statues
lodging. Some kind-hearted person who was in the mood
to celebrate would invite the carriers of Joseph and Mary
into his home, along with the few others who followed with
their improvised noise-making instruments, and all would
join in a feast. So the party began. In Honduras on Christ
mas eve, where Brother Knorr gave a talk to the brethren,
the whole city of Tegucigalpa celebrated in the same fashion

as Americans do on the 4th of July. Throughout the entire

talk the explosion of fireworks was heard. As the evening
drew on toward midnight the crescendo increased until the
noise was deafening, and one would suppose that he was
in the middle of a battlefield listening to the cannonading
and shellfire. How different from the time when the birth
of Jesus actually took place! That was not a time of great
noise, but one of joyful singing on the part of angels. The
shepherds were in the fields watching their flocks, and all
was peaceful and quiet.
Then, too, the pagan yule log had to be brought into the
picture in some way. Many of the stores, cafes and restau
rants, and a good many of the homes that could afford it,
obtained boughs of pine trees and set them up. In other
places pine needles were strewn over the floor and decora
tions set up. So every nation has its customs, all of which
are handed down by tradition. Very little thought is given
to Gods W ord on Christmas day or on the days immediately
preceding it. Using the occasion to explode fireworks, make
a glutton of oneself and become drunk is giving way to
ideas far removed from the message of peace which the
Savior brought. But so much for Christmas in Central
America. There is still much work for Jehovahs witnesses
to do in preaching this gospel of the kingdom which will
bring peace and comfort and real joy to those people of
the world who love righteousness and the peace that sur
passes all understanding, and who are not particularly
interested in hilarious living for one day.
In addition to addressing the convention, Brother
Morgan again talked to the brethren on Tuesday evening
and also spent some time checking records and handling
Branch matters. He was on his way to the next country,
Costa Rica, Wednesday morning. That same afternoon
Brother Knorr arrived in Nicaragua for a two-day visit
with the missionaries and the Managua brethren. On Thurs
day night the two units in Managua assembled together in
the Kingdom Hall in the home housing the Branch office
and there were 90 in attendance. It was good to see such
a fine organization in this capital city. Back in 1946 when
Brother Knorr visited the then newly established missionary
home there were only six company publishers in the land.
Now there are 136 on the average every month, with a peak
of 166 publishers during the 1949 service year. Good
progress is being made, but there is plenty of room for
expansion. One Gilead graduate prefers to work alone out
among the natives, and she is having a very enjoyable time
in some of the smaller towns. Brother Knorr arranged for
another group of newly arrived graduates to go to Diriamba,
a city of about 13,500 people situated in the hills. There is
a real need for many more missionaries in this country,
and it is hoped that the Society can send at least ten or
twelve more into this land to work other towns, now that
the truth is established there and the people of good-will
are taking heed to the message of the Kingdom.
The brethren are looking forward to the 1950 assembly,
as are all the folks along the way. While they have high
hopes that 1950 will be a banner year in preaching the
gospel in Nicaragua, we know that all Central American
countries will have interruptions due to the fact that so
many of the missionaries will be returning for that inter
national gathering of Jehovahs witnesses in New York city.



But they are planning to return to their foreign assign

ments to accomplish really big things, by the Lords grace.
They expect many new missionaries to join their ranks
immediately after the convention, for the 1951 service year.
To preach the word is their determination in Nicaragua,
as in every Central American land.
It seemed that the days were too short. Being with
brethren of like precious faith makes time go by quickly.
Friday morning saw all the Gilead graduates piling into
two cars to go with Brother Knorr to the airport to see him
off to Costa Rica, where he would catch up with Brother
Morgan and from which place they would finish the trip

The trip by air from Nicaragua to Costa Rica was un

eventful, although one does fly over Lake Managua and
Lake Nicaragua, two beautiful bodies of water which take
up a large part of Nicaragua. Then there come into view
the beautiful hills and cultivated lands of Costa Rica, which
make the trip very interesting. Costa Rica has its beauties
in nature, and it has a delightful climate, especially around
San Jose. The airport is very convenient to the city; in
fact, it adjoins the city. Approximately seventy of the conventioners had come out to the airport to welcome Brother
Knorr to the city. This was very much appreciated, and it
was not long until all were starting off for the convention
hall. The assembly had begun the day before, on the 29th of
December, and was going in full swing. A fine cafeteria
was organized and excellent food was being served. A wellstocked bookroom was convenient for all the publishers.
As far as convention details were concerned, it looked like
a good-sized circuit assembly in any country.
Everyone attending was surprised at the number who
had managed to get to the assembly, because just a few
weeks before terrific rainstorms had washed out sections
of the railroad in three different places and it was im
possible to come from the Atlantic coast to San Jose by
train. Many of the brethren gathered together all the funds
they could get and flew over to San Jose. They were very
glad that they had done so, too, because they not only
enjoyed the air trip and the new view of the country it
gave them, but they also enjoyed the assembly, which proved
to be instructive to all publishers, both in English and in
Spanish. The Friday evening meeting found 526 assembled,
and Saturday night brought out 542. That Saturday evening
in the Estadio Mendoza Brother Knorr was privileged to
release the 1950 Y e a r b o o k and Calendar at the conclusion
of his talk to the brethren. They were very happy to be able
to get these publications before the new year began. They
certainly appreciated the Calendar with its picture of the
new Bethel home, and many were looking forward to coming
to New York to see the real thing. After that meeting
Brother Knorr spoke to 30 pioneers about the prospect of
Gilead, and nine of these pioneers filled out preliminary
applications, hoping that some day soon they would be
called to receive special training for missionary assign
ments. Three faithful pioneer sisters had already been
called to come to Gilead. They have done excellent work
in Costa Rica and so they were in the 15th Gilead class,
which started on February 22, 1950.
It is certainly a joy to see the good work that has been

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

done in this country. Many of the brethren have seen their

privilege of engaging in the pioneer service, and now there
are 47 pioneers in Costa Rica, only seven of these being
from Gilead. The remaining 40 are native Costa Ricans.
As more of the brethren throughout the Central American
countries arrange their time to take up the pioneer service
they will find that the Lord richly blesses those who are
willing to give up their secular employment and get into
the work such as Paul, Timothy and others of the early
church did, striking out into new fields and building up
new companies that will eventually take care of the work
in that territory.
It was in the winter of 1943 that the first missionaries
were sent to Costa Rica, and at that time there were 83 pub
lishers, most of them associated with the English-speaking
colored company at Port Limon. Very little work was
being done among the Spanish-speaking people. Since then
the work has gone ahead by leaps and bounds until today
there are nearly 1,100 publishers scattered throughout the
land, organized in 28 companies. While there has been a
splendid increase in number of publishers there is still
great room for improvement in company organization. One
of the outstanding things observed to be true in Costa Rica
is also true in many parts of the world. Some brethren do
not see their responsibility or appreciate the value of coming
regularly to the W a tc h to w e r study and service meeting. In
San Jose, for example, one of the units with 160 publishers
has an average of 50 to 60 brethren attending the W a tc h to w e r study. They are zealous in their work and they do
very well from door to door, but a number let other things
interfere as to their proper feeding on the Lords Word.
These points were covered at the assembly. On the other
hand, at other places in Costa Rica brethren put forth great
efforts to get to the assemblies of the Lords people. They
appreciate that they should not forsake the assembling of
themselves together. Several zealous brethren travel ten
miles by canoe to attend every company meeting. Zeal such
as this is worthy to be marked by all of Jehovahs witnesses,
especially where so many have to walk only a mile or two
to get to a meeting and feed upon things convenient for
all of us. It is believed that this, along with other counsel
given at the assembly, will stimulate attendance at meetings,
which meetings will stimulate the brethren to even greater
works, which will result in more expansion in Costa Rica.
On Sunday morning 45 brethren symbolized their conse
cration to do Gods will. The assembly was concluded with
the rousing public meeting held on January 1, another great
fiesta day in Costa Rica. All convention attenders were
wondering how many of the people would forsake the fiesta
to come to hear the Bible talk It Is Later than You
Think! But 863 gathered together in the auditorium, includ
ing the head of the evangelical mission in Costa Rica, who
recently published a book against Jehovahs witnesses. His
slanderous remarks have not hurt the work at all.
In between sessions the Branch records had to be checked
and other problems discussed. Again time was too short
for everything one would have liked to do. A t noon on
Monday the travelers had to be away for their next appoint
ment, in Panama. Another large crowd was down at the
airport Monday noon. Many of the Port Limon brethren
were flying back home, too, so it seemed as though the air-

A pril 1, 1950


port was overflowing with Jehovahs witnesses, some going

in one direction and some in another. It surely is interesting
to observe that in this little country of approximately
900,000 people there are now 1,100 publishers for the King
dom. It is believed that there are many more people of
good-will to be found and, by the Lords grace, the pub
lishers in Costa Rica are going to feed the other sheep
that Christ gathers to his fold.

The two travelers, Brother Knorr and Brother Morgan,

wished they could have remained longer to visit with the
graduates of Gilead, for their stay seemed to be no longer
than the long breakfast they had together on Monday
morning, January 2, at which time some personal problems
were discussed. But traveling they must be, in order to
keep the schedule. A fast rise was made by our Pan Amer
ican DC-3 plane in order to get over the nearby mountains
to the south. And it was not long till we were flying out
over the Pacific and, a little later, approaching the airport
at David, Panama. This was just a refueling point, but a
few passengers also got off. It was good, however, to see
this city in the northern part of Panama where there is a
small company organized due to the good work of mission
aries. Then on again, flying in an easterly direction out over
the Pacific, for here the mainland takes a jog to the east.
It was a disappointment to Brother Knorr not to land at
Balboa, where he had come in on previous trips; however,
within the last three months the commercial airlines had
to move out into the country to a new field, Aeropuerto
Tocumen. The Balboa field is convenient to the city, but
the new airport is about twenty miles away from Panama
City. But this did not quench the desire of the brethren
to meet the plane. There was a number of carloads of breth
ren, as well as many travelers by bus, who had come out
to welcome the visitors from the Society. There were so
many people that it was difficult to see all the missionaries;
but it was not long until we arrived at the missionary home
on 4th of July avenue and were able to talk to all those
who had been through school and had taken up foreign
assignments. It was a real pleasure to talk to them that
night and show them the latest photographs of the Brooklyn
Bethel home and factory and the campus of the Watchtower
Bible School of Gilead, all of which brought back many
memories to them. And they had a lot of questions to ask,
including some about the 1950 assembly that were not
answered. But it is hoped they will get the answers in due
time, to their full satisfaction.
Brothers Knorr and Morgan stayed with the sixteen
missionaries at the home in Panama City, which is a very
beautiful home. Pour and a half days were spent in Panama
and they were busy ones. During the day the publishers
were busy in the field advertising the public talk Liberty
to the Captives . In the evening we were busy in the assem
bly hall, which was a night club rented for the occasion.
The session, beginning at 7 p.m., had to be over by 9 p.m.
so that the room could be used for other purposes. On
Tuesday night there were 350 brethren in attendance, both
English- and Spanish-speaking publishers and people of
good-will. The lectures had to be interpreted from English
into Spanish. Brothers Knorr and Morgan spoke to the

Wednesday morning, January 4, a baptism talk was given

and twelve brethren symbolized their consecration. Adver
tising of the public meeting by means of handbills and
placards continued. That evening the auditorium was packed
out, every seat having been taken, and there were hundreds
standing. The count showed that 703 had gathered together,
and they paid rapt attention. Thursday was devoted to the
missionaries and the Branch office activity, as well as was
part of Friday. A trip had to be made to Colon on the
Atlantic side of the isthmus, where there are also an English
and a Spanish company. A visit was made to the missionary
home in Colon. Excellent work is being accomplished
through it. Two good companies are established, and these
brethren assembled together in their regular Kingdom Hall,
which they use jointly. Their book-study people were
invited to attend this meeting, all in English, as the majority
of the Spanish-speaking brethren also understand English.
Pilling the Kingdom Hall were 294. This was the first
session of their English circuit assembly on Friday night,
so Brother Knorr and Brother Morgan were their speakers,
devoting time to service talks. That night after the meeting
a few of the brethren returned to Panama City with the
brethren from headquarters, for it was necessary for the
visitors to be up early the next morning to travel on to
The work in Panama is progressing very nicely, but there
is still room for expansion, and that is the thing every
missionary is anxious to see. Some are most desirous of
getting off into the interior, and they hoped a new mission
ary home would be opened up. They felt sure they could
get away from the larger cities, work the smaller towns and
start new companies. So arrangements were made to open
up a new missionary home with some of the present Gilead
graduates in the interior immediately after the 1950 assem
bly, for these brethren want to attend the assembly and
then return to new terrritory. Upon reviewing the work it
was determined that a number of new missionaries should
go into Panama. So probably four or six brethren will be
sent to Panama immediately after the international gather
ing of Jehovahs witnesses to add stimulus to the work
going on so well there. During the first year the missionaries
were in Panama, the record shows, there were 53 publishers
on the average. And in five years the average has increased
to 375, with a peak of 490. Here too we see a number of
local brethren taking up the general pioneer service. Fifteen
of the publishers in this land have found it possible to get
into the full-time service. A number of them have gone into
the interior, having excellent success. There are now eleven
companies established, and the brethren believe that in 1950
a number more will be built up in other towns and villages.
Panamanians are an excitable people and very active,
and, as the missionaries have said, are either quick to grasp
the truth or want nothing to do with it. Probably their
temperament can be best understood by observing their
bus-driving tactics. You find hundreds of these small twenty passenger busses throughout Panama City; and it is not
uncommon to see these small busses racing with one another
to get to the next stop first in the hope of getting to the
prospective passengers before the competitor. You often
wonder how your driver will make it on the narrow streets
as he squeezes by other vehicles. Brother Morgan and



Brother Knorr were traveling with four Gilead graduates

through the city on one occasion, and they were amused
to watch the bus driver draw up to the curb and ask some
one if he wanted to go somewhere. It is all right for the
driver to solicit business, and he will stop for anyone who
even looks as if he were thinking about getting on a bus.
Sometimes he will stop in the middle of an intersection to
pick up a passenger.
However, the two visitors and the Gilead graduates got
their greatest thrill and amusement this morning when the
driver stopped on a hill behind several other busses. Then
this rickety vehicles brakes gave way and the fun started.
Instead of allowing his machine to drift two or three feet
and bump into the machine ahead, the driver foolishly
steered the bus to the right and mounted the sidewalk.
People scattered quickly to avoid being run down as the
bus rolled along the sidewalk. Finally the driver, gesticu
lating wildly to show that his brakes were not working,
wedged the machine in between another bus and the build
ing, blocking the entrances to two shops. Fortunately no
one was hurt, and it was impossible to keep from laughing
at the situation. The passengers could not get out of the
bus, because the entrance was jammed against the build
ing wall and the windows were too small to crawl through.
There was much excitement and a lot of talk, and within
a few minutes three policemen were on the scene arguing
with the bus driver as to why he did such a thing. Argu
ments were loud and gestures augmented the words to prove
that the brakes really did not work. This seemed to wholly
satisfy the policemen. It seemed that if your brakes did
not hold, that was the thing to do; and there were no traffic
violation summonses being handed out to appear in court

B rooklyn , N. Y .

for using a vehicle for public conveyance that was not in

proper shape.
Finally the policeman got after the driver of the bus
that had us pinned to the building and told him to get mov
ing. Then we wondered what would happen. Would we con
tinue to roll down the sidewalk? There were hundreds of
people standing right in front of the bus by this time,
thoroughly discussing the situation, and it would do no
good to tell them to move. There was excitement and every
one wanted to be in on it. Fortunately the bus was pressing
so tightly against the wall that it would not move down
hill. The only way the passengers could now get out was
through the emergency door in the side of the bus, now
that the other bus had moved on. Brother Morgan tried to
open the door by loosening the latch, but he found that the
emergency door for quick exit was nailed shut. One of the
Gilead graduates explained to the driver in Spanish that
we wanted to get the emergency door open. So he took his
lucky horseshoe and, using that as a hammer and pry,
bent back the nails, making it possible to open the emergency
door. All the passengers got out and walked down the street
a few blocks to another bus, leaving the excitement behind.
Later in the day the same group of brethren got on another
bus returning to the missionary home and, much to their
surprise, there was the same driver who had run the machine
up on the sidewalk. He appeared just as exuberant and
happy as ever, only this time he had a new bus and he
insisted that the brakes worked on this one. To convince
us he drove full speed ahead and then slammed on the
brakes to stop quickly at a corner. And so with the little
busses and their horns Panama City keeps on the move.


The following letter of resolution was drawn up by a

committee of elder brethren of the Quebec circuit who have
witnessed the growth in numbers of Jehovahs praisers from
about 5 publishers twenty years ago to well over 500 now.
It was presented at the final session of the circuit assembly,
Sunday, January 15, 1950, and enthusiastically adopted.
Jehovahs witnesses of Quebec, Circuit No. 1, and their
friends, united in assembly in the number of 800, desire
to express to all their brethren, and to all their friends, as
well as to all persons who may be reached by this present,
their firm resolution to remain unshakably in the service of
our heavenly Father, the Great God of the universe, Jeho
vah, who made himself known to us through his organization,
while we in Quebec were still held captives, in ignorance of
the W ord of God, the Bible.
Our resolution signifies our determination to continue
in the way blazed for ns by Jesus Christ and the apostles,
in spite of the fact that systematic opposition and intense
persecution are unleashed against us. We have not forgotten
the words pronounced only a few years ago by persons in
high honour in this province, declaring that the handful
of Jehovahs witnesses will soon be forced to evacuate this
province , dominated almost entirely by Catholicism. In
fact, far from having left the province, by the grace of
Jehovah, who has abundantly blessed and protected us, His
witnesses are now in greater numbers than ever before,

spread out in more than 32 different localities of the prov

The persecutions and restrictions of which we have been
the target since the start of pur preaching of the Bible under
the direction of the Theocratic organization will not at all
impair our resolution to march ever forward in the way
that we have followed to now, and which we would follow
even to death, whatever be the persecutions and the machina
tions that the Devil may raise by his agents or organizations.
We know that there are yet many prisoners in this
province, but the fact of being united here, in our first
French circuit assembly, in such large numbers, is for us
the proof that we are carrying out the will of God.
It is therefore with absolute confidence in Jehovah
and with gratitude toward Him, and love for our neighbor,
that we are resolved, being fortified by food in due season
received from Jehovah through his faithful and wise serv
ant, to seek in our turn all those in our circuit who hunger
and thirst after righteousness; to bring them the same
spiritual food which will deliver them from their condition
of captivity and cause them, with us, to praise Jehovah
more and more in preaching His Word.
With much love for our brethren of Bethel, of Gilead,
and of the Toronto Bethel, we are,
United with you to the end of the fight,
Y o u r B r e t h r e n o f Q u e b e c C ir c u it No. 1.

They shall know that I am Jehovah!
- Ezekiel 35:15.

APRIL 15, 1950

S ervants F eed the F lock ................
The Chief Servant and Shepherd ....
Feed My Sheep .................................
Religious Hirelings Take Over Flock
Regathering Scattered Flock ............
D ivine R equirements R esting on
S ervants ...........................................
Examples to Flock in Conduct and
Activity .............................................
P residential V isit to Northern
S outh A merica .............................. .
Gilead G raduates M ore Qualified
M issionaries ..................................
A nnouncing M essiah s P resence
T estimony P eriod .........................
W atchtower Studies .......................
S ave ...........................................................
F oreign-L anguage S ubscriptions ....

ru r/ A


W T B . & T5.

P ubi ,ish k

S e m im o n t h l y B y

117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.

N. H. K n orr , P resid en t


G r a n t S u it e r , S e cr eta r y

And all thy children shall be taught o f Jehovah; and

great shall be the peace o f thy children. * Isa ia h 5 4 : 13 .
THAT JEHOVAH Is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and Is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon it; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered deatli in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new world; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members of Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began its time of the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovah's kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that Ills
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other meuns
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

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Please address the Watch Tower Society in every case.
Yearly Subscription Rate
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April closes the 1950 campaign o f taking subscriptions fo r the

W a tch to w e r magazine. This final month has been set aside as
Announcing Messiahs Presence Testimony Period and will be
a month o f special effort and activity world-wide in this behalf.
When first published in July, 1879, our magazine was called
Zions Watch Tower and Herald o f Christs Presence . It is still
a herald o f the invisible presence o f Christ or Messiah, with more
proof o f this now than ever before since 1914. Very fittingly, then,
subscriptions for T he W a tch to w e r are to be taken during the
Testimony Period thus designated. For each subscription fo r a
year at the regular rate o f $1.00 a set o f 8 booklets is to be
given as a premium. Where people are already subscribers for
T he W a tch to w e r , they may be offered, instead, our companion
magazine A w a k e ! but without the booklet premium. W e should
like this twelfth W a tc h to w e r campaign to realize a peak o f sub
scriptions. I f you are in favor o f that, join us in the campaign.
Write us, should you need any assistance to that end. Each ones
report will enhance the world-wide total. So submit your report
on our form for such.

your personal or home copy o f each issue o f T he W a tch to w er.

Do not throw them away, but preserve them in a binder or drawer
or on library shelves. At the end o f each year, in its Decem
ber 15 issue, T h e W a tch to w e r contains an index o f subjects and an
index o f all the scriptures cited, quoted and commented upon in
all the leading articles throughout the year. By saving your copies
and keeping them in date order you will have an invaluable refer
ence library fo r consultation in your study o f the Bible. Organized
companies should preserve copies in the library o f their local
Theocratic ministry course school.


Week o f May 21: Servants Feed the Flock,

1-20 inclusive, T h e W a tch to w e r April 15, 1950.
Week o f May 28: Servants Feed the Flock,
f[ 21-25 inclusive, also Divine Requirements
Resting on Servants ,
1-14 inclusive, T he W a tc h to w e r April 15, 1950.


When writing the Society regarding a W a tch to w e r or A w a k e !

subscription in a language other than English, the foreign
language should be clearly indicated (as, Greek, Spanish, or
Polish, etc.). This is especially necessary when sending in changes
o f address and subscription renewals, using other than the regular
renewal slips. Renewal slips with no foreign language indicated
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delay may be caused i f a foreign-language subscription is desired.
Be sure to in d ica te the lan gu age p la in ly in all correspondence and
in upper right-hand corner on all renewal slips. It will greatly
facilitate the work in the office if you use the renewal slips that
are sent with your magazine. Your correspondence with the
Societys office at Brooklyn will be given quicker attention i f you
write in the English language whenever possible.


V ol.


A p r il

15, 1950

No. 8


'F e e d the flock o f G o d . 1 P e t . 5 : 2.

T E H O V A H is the Great Shepherd over all his

I people. None are greater than he in the expression
J of love and wisdom and in the exercise of justice
and strength toward his people. He is more fa ith fu l
and just in dealing w ith his flock than is any human
shepherd, more tender and compassionate toward his
little ones than any herdsman of this world, more
powerful and tierce in defending his people than any
guardian of natural sheep. A t all times Jehovah
protects those devoted to him from w ild and beastly
enemies, while at the same time he provides them
fertile pasturelands of spiritual food and leads them
along the life-sustaining streams of refreshing
waters that constantly flow from his W ord of truth.
Surely The Great Shepherd is Jehovah!
2 I t is not surprising to find that this Superior
Shepherd employs methods that are superior and
altogether different from those used by others, in
handling, tending and looking after the needs of his
multitudinous flock. Instead of bringing in hirelings,
such as popes, cardinals, archbishops and bishops,
giving them lo fty and high-sounding titles and set
ting them up to rule over the flock, A lm ighty God
raises up from among his own flock certain ones
whom He appoints as servants or slaves to look
after and care fo r the needs of their brethren as he
directs. F aithful to their appointments as servants,
these sheep-tenders never try to turn the flock to one
side or out of the righ t way or exploit the flock for
their own profit, but rather they guide and direct
the Lords sheep in the God-appointed way. I t is
therefore Jehovah God that takes fu ll responsibility
and receives fu ll credit and praise fo r the way of
prosperity in which his people now find themselves.
That this is the Lord Gods orderly way of providing
fo r the needs of his Theocratic organization we shall
see from a study of the Scriptures.
3 In ancient times it was the Great Shepherd Jeho
vah that led his people Israel, together w ith a mixed
multitude, out of E gypt through the wilds of the
Sinai peninsula and into the hostile country now
known as Palestine, and he did so by the hands of
such fa ith fu l servants as Moses and Aaron. Thou
1. How is Jehovah the Great Shepherd over his people?
2. In appointing whom does he show himself a superior shepherd?
3. How did he show himself a shepherd by means of Moses and David?

leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses

and Aaron. (Ps. 77: 20) I t was Jehovah that made
his own people to go forth like sheep, and guided
them in the wilderness like a flock . (Ps. 78:52)
When they fell away and were in distress it was to
their Great Shepherd Jehovah that they cried, say
ing : Give ear, 0 Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; thou that dwellest between
the cherubims. (Ps. 80:1) In the course of time God
called forth David from among his brethren and set
him over the flock of Israel to care fo r their particu
la r needs. And Jehovah said to [D avid], Thou shalt
be shepherd of my people Israel, and thou shalt be
prince over Israel. (2 Sam. 5 :2 ; 1 Chron. 11:2,
A m . S ta n . V e r .) Now David was a humble man, a man
after Gods own heart, and though he sat on the
throne of Jehovah he never forgot that he was mere
ly the servant of the Great Shepherd. (1 Sam. 13:14;
Acts 13:22; 1 Chron. 29:23, A m . S ta n . V e r .) David
appreciated that actually it was God who provided
the necessary food, care and proper guidance in the
righ t way fo r his chosen people, and so he sang:
Jehovah is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me
beside still waters. He restoreth my soul: he guideth
me in the paths of righteousness fo r his names sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death, I w ill fear no evil; fo r thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff, they com fort me. Ps. 23:1-4,
A m . S ta n . V e r .

4 The flock of God today, as in times past, are not

four-legged, wool-bearing, dumb beasts, but, as the
Scriptures say, they are men , men of good-will, the
people of the Lord. Ye my sheep, the sheep of my
pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord
Jehovah. (Ezek. 34:31, A m . S ta n . V e r .) The ma
jo rity of the readers of this magazine, being meek
and teachable and having gentle, sheeplike disposi
tions, show by their willingness to follow the Great
Shepherd Jehovah that they are now gathered or are
being gathered together into the Lords fold. Know
ye that Jehovah, he is God: it is he that hath made
us, and we are h is ; we are his people, and the sheep
of his pasture. (Ps. 100:3, A m . S ta n . V e r .) I t is
4. W hy should servants know God's method

of caring for his sheep?



therefore im portant fo r all of such flock to know and

understand Gods method fo r caring fo r the needs
of his people. They should appreciate that he has
appointed servants to feed, aid and comfort them in
these modern times. I t is also good fo r such servants
to realize and appreciate the great responsibilities
and duties placed upon them by the Lord. They must
not neglect such duties. They must not abuse such
privileges. They must fa ith fu lly look after and care
fo r such God-assigned duties to the honor and glory
of the Great Shepherd and the blessing of his flock.

* Behold Christ Jesus whom God has appointed as

both Chief Shepherd and Good Shepherd over His
flock! (1 Pet. 5 :4 ; John 10:14) Look unto Jesus
the author and finisher of our fa ith ; who fo r the joy
that was set before him endured the cross, despising
the shame, and is set down at the righ t hand of the
throne of God. F or consider him that endured such
contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be
wearied and fa in t in your minds . (Heb. 12:2,3)
Yes, look to this Son of God as the perfect example
of one raised up from among his brethren to be a
servant over the flock. (Acts 3:22) F a ith fu lly he
endured all manner of persecution and hardship
while searching out and looking after the lost sheep.
Shame and reproach brought upon him by this world
of antitypical Egyptians, who hated and despised
him because he was the Chief Shepherd, the Son of
the great Shepherd-Father, did not stop or turn him
aside from his assignment. F or every shepherd is
an abomination unto the Egyptians, both typically
and a n tityp ica lly; but this did not cause Jesus to
change his occupation as Gods foremost servant and
shepherd.-Gen. 46: 34.
6 Prophecy recorded centuries before Jesus was
born showed that he was destined to be Jehovahs
Chief Shepherd, and he was determined to fu lfill such
role. Moses, the shepherd over fleshly Israel, was a
type of Christ, the shepherd over the true Israel of
God. (Deut. 18:15; Acts 3: 22) David, who shepherd
ed Gods chosen people, was a picture of C hrist Jesus
the Greater David, in whom Ezekiels prophecy finds
fulfillm ent: And David my servant shall be king
over them; and they all shall have one shepherd.
(Ezek. 37:24; Luke 1:32,33) Christ the Shepherd
is also spoken of in prophecy as the Greater Cyrus,
concerning whom Isaiah foretold, saying: Thus
saith Jehovah . . . Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and
shall perform all my pleasure. Isa. 44: 24,28,
A m . S ta n . V e r .

7 So we find Jesus, that great shepherd of the

sheep , showing the same love and devotion and

5. Who is the Chief and Good Shepherd? Why should we look to him?
6. By what three special characters was he foreshadowed?
7. How did Jesus on earth show compassion like Gods for sheep?

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

tender compassion fo r the Lords sheep as exhibited

by his Father. (Heb. 13: 20) Ceaselessly the anointed
Jesus ministered to the needs of his brethren, the
flock of God. U n tirin g ly he searched out the strayed
and hungry sheep, and when he found them he fed
them on food convenient fo r their health and well
being. And Jesus went about all the cities and
villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching
the gospel of the kingdom, and hearing every sickness
and every disease among the people. B ut when he
saw the multitudes, he was moved w ith compassion
on them, because they fainted, and were scattered
abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. (M att. 9: 35,
36) The Good Shepherd did not ignore this multitude
of people who were hungering and thirsting fo r the
bread of life and water of truth. He may have been
tired and weary from his extensive travels through
out all the cities and villages, and from his exhaustive
work of teaching and preaching and healing the sick
and diseased, yet he did not pass up this multitude
and leave them without a shepherd u n til sometime
later. When he saw that they were sheep who were
going astray, the record says that he began to teach
them many things , pointing out to them the right
way that leads to eternal life. (M ark 6:34) Doubt
less many of that m ultitude gave heed, returned
from their waywardness and thereafter continued
to follow the Good Shepherd, giving praise to the
Great Shepherd, Jehovah. A ll Christians, the apostle
Peter tells us, were at one time in a sim ilar hopeless
condition. F or ye were going astray like sheep; but
are now returned unto the Shepherd and Overseer
of your souls. 1 Pet. 2: 25, A m . S ta n . V e r ., margin.
8 In becoming Jehovahs Chief Servant, it was
necessary fo r Jesus to lay aside his form er heavenly
glory that he had enjoyed as the Logos, and take on
the form of a servant, even humbling himself to do
the work usually performed by slaves. Jesus had
made a consecration to do, not his own w ill, but the
w ill of his heavenly F a th e r; hence, if it was the w ill
and purpose of Jehovah that his beloved Son should
become a servant or slave to his brethren, who was he
to find fault or rebel or grumble over this assign
ment? Instead of complaining or undertaking the job
half-heartedly, Jesus zealously and energetically
worked as a humble slave among the flock of God. His
meat and strength was the doing of his heavenly
Fathers w ill, no m atter what personal discomfort
or hardship it brought upon him. (John 4: 34; 6: 38)
In this he is a noble example fo r all servants of God
to follow. I f any would aspire to be servants of the
Most H igh God let them have this same mental a tti
tude and follow the same course of hum ilitythis is
the advice of the apostle Paul. Have the same a tti
tude that Christ Jesus had. Though he possessed the
8. What steps did he take to become and prove himself shepherd?

A pril 15, 1950



nature of God, he did not grasp at equality w ith God,

but laid it aside to take on the nature of a slave and
become like other men. When he had assumed human
form, he s till furthe r humbled himself and carried
his obedience so fa r as to die, and to die upon the
cross. Phil. 2: 5-8, A n A m e r . T ra n s.
9 Even as Moses was fa ith fu l in all his house, as
a servant , so also was the Greater Moses, Christ
Jesus. (Heb. 3: 5) Even as Moses spake unto Jeho
vah, saying, Let Jehovah, the God of the spirits of
all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation, who
may go out before them, and who may come in before
them, and who may lead them out, and who may bring
them in ; that the congregation of Jehovah be not as
sheep which have no shepherd , so also was Christ
concerned over the continued well-being of the Chris
tian congregation after his departure. (Num.
27:15-17, A m . S ta n . V e r .) Jesus knew that when his
brief m inistry on earth was completed the congre
gation of sheep le ft behind would need to be shep
herded and cared for. Furthermore, the fact that
Christ was appointed as the C h ie f Shepherd in itself
implied that it was the w ill and purpose of God that
other shepherds would be associated w ith and would
serve under Christ. F or these reasons Christ gave
his apostles and disciples special verbal instructions
as well as practical examples on how they should
conduct themselves as servants and shepherds of the
flock. Listen to my words and follow my example,
was the substance of this instruction.
10 On one occasion Jesus called his disciples to
gether and said to them: You know that those who
are supposed to rule the heathen lord it over them,
and their great men tyrannize over them; but it is
not to be so among you. Whoever wants to be great
among you must be your servant, and whoever wants
to hold the first place among you must be everybodys
slave. F or the Son of Man himself has not come to
be waited on, but to wait on other people, and to give
his life to free many others. (M ark 10:42-45, A n
A m e r . T r a n s .) Again stating the same thing in fewer
words, it is w ritte n : And he sat down, and called the
twelve, and saith unto them, I f any man desire to be
first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.
(M ark 9: 35; M att. 23:11) Those among the flock of
God who would be especially honored w ith greater
privileges of service should be servants and slaves
to the others, w aiting on and helping their brethren
in every way possible. Remember the word that I
said unto you, The servant is not greater than his
lord. (John 15:20) I f the Lord Christ Jesus, as a
shepherd and servant of God, spent time feeding his
Fathers flock, w aiting on them, com forting them, and
in every way possible helping them, then no less is
expected of the servants of Christ. I f any man serve
9. What need of his flock after his leaving did he provide for?
10. What rule did the Good Shepherd lay down for fellow servants?

me, let him follow my example, is the rule laid down

by this Good Shepherd. John 12: 26.
11 Jesus m inistry was fast drawing to a close. Now
only a few hours remained before he would be be
trayed and hung on the cursed torture stake. He must
impress upon his disciples minds in the strongest
possible way the proper position of servants in the
congregation. So he rose from the table at which he
celebrated the last passover, the account says, and,
after laying aside his outer robe, he took a towel and
a basin of water and began washing the feet of his
brethren. This concluded, the Chief Servant said:
Do you understand what I have been doing to you?
You call me Teacher and Master, and you are right,
fo r that is what I am. I f I then, your Master and
Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash
one anothers feet too. F or I have set you an example,
in order that you may do what I have done to you.
I tell you, no slave is superior to his master, and no
messenger is greater than the man who sends him.
Now that you have this knowledge, you w ill be blessed
if you act upon it. John 13:12-17, A n A m e r . T ra n s.

12 Thus fo r three years and more this Chief Shep

herd showed by way of examples as well as by pre
cepts how servants in the Theocratic arrangement
should m inister to the needs of their brethren.
H is period of m in istry in the flesh among the Lords
sheep had come to an end. The time had arrived for
the sm iting and slaying of the shepherd in fulfillm ent
of Zechariahs prophecy, and, as a consequence, it
was a time fo r the momentary scattering of the sheep
which was also foretold. (Zech. 1 3 :7 ; M att. 26:31;
M ark 14:27) That the scattering of those who had
followed this shepherd would be of short duration
is shown by the events which occurred after the
resurrection of Christ. On several occasions Christ
appeared to those selected to be special servants, the
apostles, in order to strengthen them fo r the work
of regathering the scattered sheep.
13 I t was on such an occasion, early in the day, at
breakfast time, that Jesus inquired of Peter if he
really loved him. In answer to the question Peter
said: Yes, Master, you know that I love you. To
this reply Jesus said: Then feed my lam bs! Again,
Jesus said to him a second time, Simon, son of
John, are you devoted to me? This time Simon
Peter answered w ith more emphasis, stating in no
uncertain language, Yes, Master, you know that I
love you. To this second answer Jesus replied:
Then be a shepherd to my sheep! And still again,
the th ird time, Jesus asked the question: Simon,
son of John, do you love me? W ell, by now Peter
11. What demonstration did he make at the last passover? W hy?
12. When and how were his sheep scattered and then regathered?
13. How did Jesus emphasize with Peter the need to feed the flock?


was distressed and perplexed that the Lord would

repeatedly question his devotion and love. There was
no doubt in his own mind on the m atter; hence it
says that Peter was hurt because the th ird time
Jesus asked him if he loved him . Therefore in great
earnestness and most emphatically, Peter declared:
Master, you know everything, you can see that I
love you. Undoubtedly Peter's sincerity was so
visibly displayed he was sure that Christ could even
see that he loved him, yet the Lord Jesus simply
repeated his instruction: Feed my sheep! (John
21:15-18, A n A m e r . T r a n s .) W hat Jesus was really
doing was emphasizing by repetition the necessity
fo r Peter, and likewise others who would also be serv
ants of the flock, to feed the sheep if they were to
really prove that they love the Chief Shepherd Christ
Jesus and the Great Shepherd Jehovah.
14 Peter and the other apostles knew what Jesus
meant when he said that they were to feed the Lords
sheep, fo r while the Good Shepherd was s till on earth
he had sent them out from city to city w ith instruc
tions to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven
is at hand . (M att. 10:1-16) The record says that he
sent out seventy of the mature and fa ith fu l disciples
to engage in this shepherding work. (Luke 10:1-17)
It is true that the commission to preach this gospel
of the Kingdom falls on every one of Gods people,
but especially is this true of those whom the Lord
selects as servants in his Theocratic organization.
That this is so is shown by what occurred from and
after Pentecost. There on that occasion a goodly
portion of the Lords power and holy s p irit was
poured out on all present, brothers and sisters alike,
old and young alike, servants and nonservants alike.
However, the apostles, as appointed servants, were
particularly zealous in proving their love fo r God
and his kingdom. They went to the lim it in searching
out, finding and feeding the Lords sheep. As Peter,
James, John, Jude and Paul mentioned in the in tro
ductions to their epistles, they appreciated that as
sheep-tenders over the flock, they were servants of
the Lord. (2 Pet. 1 :1 ; Jas. 1 :1 ; Rev. 1 :1 ; Jude 1;
Phil. 1 :1 ; Titus 1 :1 ) In this position Peter set Christ
up as his pattern and example, and he urged his fel
low servants to do likewise. Paul did the same thing,
declaring: Be ye followers of me, even as I also am
of Christ. 1 Pet. 2: 21; 1 Cor. 11 :1 ; 1 Thess. 1: 6.
15 Paul writes that to be an apostle and a servant
of the flock is no easy task. W hile his greater respon
sibilities and privileges of service gave Paul much
joy and contentment, they also seemed to bring
greater affliction and distress to the flesh, as he
w rites: I think that God hath set fo rth us the apos
tles last, as it were appointed to death: fo r we are
14. Who especially must preach and feed sheep? After whose example?
15. Is being tiock servant easy? How did Paul illustrate this?

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N. Y.

made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and

to men. We are fools fo r Christs sake, but ye are
wise in C hrist; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye
are honourable, but we are despised. Even unto this
present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are
naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwellingplace, and labour, working w ith our own hands: being
reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it:
being defamed, we in tre a t: we are made as the filth
of the world, and are the offscouring of all things
unto this day. (1 Cor. 4: 9-13) T ru ly Paul endured
much while in the line of duty as a fa ith fu l servant
of the flock; not in his own strength, however, but
he endured it by the Lords grace and strength, as
he writes on another occasion: Notwithstanding
the Lord stood w ith me, and strengthened me; that
by me the preaching m ight be fu lly known, and that
all the Gentiles m ight hear: and I was delivered out
of the mouth of the lion. 2 Tim . 4:17.

16 F a ith fu lly the apostles as servants labored in

the field, hunting fo r lost sheep, feeding such when
they found them, fighting fo r the flock against all
apostates, disorderly persons and those ravenous
ones who tried to cause division among the brethren.
Under such Theocratic organization the flock pros
pered and grew in numbers, and many sheep were
gathered together from off the scant and barren
ranges of heathendom into the fertile pasturelands
of true C hristianity. B ut w ith the passing of the
apostles off the scene it was not long before worth
less men set themselves up as the chief or principal
ones over the flock. Being altogether negligent of the
duties they should have performed as servants, and
being lazy and indifferent toward the needs of the
flock, they not only refused to get out and hunt for
lost sheep, they even refused to feed and care for
those already gathered. They called themselves
shepherds, yet when wolves entered in to destroy and
devour the flock these impostors fled and refused to
fight fo r the sheep. Consequently, the fierce judgment
of Jehovah fell upon them.
,T A sorry condition it was, even as the apostle
Paul had warned it would be i f the appointed serv
ants were not fa ith fu l to their assignments: Take
heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock, in which
the holy sp irit hath made you overseers, to feed the
church of the Lord which he purchased w ith his own
blood. I know that after my departing grievous
wolves shall enter in among you, not sparing the
flock; and from among your own selves shall men
arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the
disciples after them. W herefore watch ye. (Acts
20:27-31, A m . S t a n .V e r ., m argin) Even in Judes
16. 17. When did false shepherds enter In. and how conduct themselves?

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day some had crept in and were feeding themselves power of the wicked shepherds he also separated
without fear . (Jude 12) Perverse and apostate men them from the horned oppressors who horn and butt
they were. Coveting the approval and praise of men, the sick and weak and who tram ple underfoot the
and desiring the sheep fo r themselves, they raided message of the Kingdom and muddy up the clear
the Good Shepherds fold and drove disciples off to water of truth. Delivering his sheep from all these
their own religious quarters. Yea, they are greedy evils Jehovah sets them in good pastures amid the
dogs which can never have enough, and they are shep Kingdom heights of his mountain. Ezekiel 34.
herds that cannot understand: they all look to their
own way, every one fo r his gain, from his quarter.
(Isa. 56:11) As shepherds without understanding
21 The facts that have come to pass in the cloudy
they fleeced the sheep even in the wintertim e. As and dark day of this twentieth century show beyond
greedy dogs who are never satisfied they continually all doubt that the complete fulfillm ent of Ezekiels
prophecy has taken place in our day. Jehovah has
fed themselves at the expense of the sheep.
18 The im portant yet humble position occupied by gathered the remnant of his people out of the far
a servant or slave in the Lords congregation was countries of Christendom where they were scattered.
looked down upon w ith scorn and contempt by these Over them God has set up my servant Christ Jesus
puffed-up and pompous ones who presumptuously the Greater David, and this one shepherd , the
assumed shepherdhood over the sheep. Proud and Chief Shepherd, is feeding them. F or some time prio r
haughty, they pushed aside the privilege of being to A.D. 1918 the preparing of the Lords way was
servants, installed themselves as the clergy (a class going on and then suddenly the Lord came to his
not provided or arranged fo r by either Christ or the temple, there to take account w ith his servants,
apostles), and took upon themselves flattering titles, rewarding those that had been fa ith fu l and punish
such as bishop, archbishop, metropolitan, pope, ing the unfaithful. This is described fo r us by Jesus
sovereign pontiff, etc. (M att. 23:5-11) W ith force in his great prophecy on the end of the world in
and w ith cruelty they ruled their flocks. Such was Matthew 24:42-51. As Malachi foretold, it would be
the state of affairs by the time Constantine the Great a time of fiery judgment and one that would last for
laid the foundation of the Catholic church in the some time, u n til all the evil servants were purged
fourth century A.D., and down through the centuries and cleaned out from among the Lords remnant.
since then, Christendoms m ultitudinous sects and Mai. 3:1-3.
cults have continued to hold sheeplike persons in
22 The gathering together of the remnant, the visit
their parish folds, where they are plundered, ex ing of evil upon their oppressors, the installing of
ploited, fleeced and devoured fo r the pleasure and the Chief Shepherd as K ing, and the reestablishment
profit of the false shepherds. M y people have been of the Theocratic organization as it existed in apos
lost sheep, says Jehovah by the mouth of Jeremiah, tolic times were also foretold by s till another proph
their shepherds have caused them to go astray; they et, namely, Jeremiah. (Jer. 23:1-8) W ith Christ
have turned them away on the m ountains; they have Jesus the Shepherd-King in charge since the re
gone from mountain to h ill; they have forgotten their gathering of the remnant after 1918, things moved
restingplace. A ll that found them have devoured along rapidly toward the setting up among them of a
them; and their adversaries said, We are not guilty, Theocratic organization sim ilar in design to that in
because they have sinned against Jehovah.Jer. existence 1,900 years ago. This meant they all recog
50: 6, 7, A m . S ta n . V e r .
nized the fact that Jehovah is the Great Shepherd
10 They may not think so, but the Great Shepherd over and above a ll; that Christ Jesus, the enthroned
Jehovah does hold the false shepherds guilty fo r and reigning K ing of the heavenly Theocratic gov
leading the sheep of his flock astray, and his burning ernment, is Jehovahs Chief Shepherd; that here
wrath and fierce anger are ignited against all such, upon earth the fa ith fu l and wise servant organ
as he says: Mine anger is kindled against the shep ization has been placed in charge of all the Kingdom
herds, and I w ill punish the he-goats; fo r Jehovah interests; and that in such Theocratic arrangement
of hosts hath visited his flock. (Zech. 10:3, A m . mature and fa ith fu l brethren have been appointed
S tan . V e r .) Yes, long ago Jehovah promised that in
as various servants to look after, w ait upon and care
his own due time he would visit his flock of scattered fo r the needs of the Lords sheep.
sheep and would ju stly punish the false shepherds.
23 A t first the flock that followed Christ Jesus were
20 Jehovah the Great Shepherd by the hand of hisfew in number, only a little flock , and when the
Chief Shepherd, the Greater David, is fu lly capable regathering work began after the Lords coming to
of separating the sheep from the oppressive horned the temple in 1918 there was only a small remnant
ones. So, when he came to deliver his flock from the 21. How has Ezekiels prophecy on the "one shepherd come true?
18. How have they exalted themselves? In what religious systems?
19, 20. What will Jehovah do for the sheep and to the false shepherds?

22. How since 1918 has the Theocratic organization been restored?
23. 24. How do we account for the great flock today? W ho feed them?



of this little flock remaining on earth. (Luke 12: 32)

However, today there is a great and m ighty flock of
sheep, meek and teachable people, follow ing the Good
Shepherd, even as Jesus said there would be. Other
sheep I have, which are not of this fold [not of the
little flock fo ld ]: them also I must bring, and they
shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and
one shepherd. (John 10:16) The parable of the
sheep and goats reveals that Christ Jesus would
begin to gather and bring these other sheep
following his enthronement as K in g in 1914 and his
coming to the temple fo r judgment in 1918. When
the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the
holy angels w ith him, then shall he sit upon the throne
of his g lory: and before him shall be gathered all
nations; and he shall separate them one from another,
as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats.
M att. 25:31,34.
24 In such separating work, now progressing among
the nations, the other sheep class are placed on the
Kings righ t hand of favor. The Revelation vision
given to John describes these other sheep as a
great m ultitude of persons of good-will who have
been gathered together in recent years and are
now jo y fu lly singing: Salvation to our God which
sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. Never
again w ill they hunger or thirst, fo r the Lamb
which is in the m idst of the throne shall feed them,
and shall lead them unto livin g fountains of waters.
(Rev. 7:9-17) Some sheep have been in this one
flock organization of the Lord fo r twenty or th irty
years, others fo r a much shorter time, and still
others, like newborn lambs, are now studying this
W a t c h t o w e r magazine fo r the first time. B ut all

B rooklyn , N. Y .

together, Jehovah and Christ Jesus are feeding the

sheep , whether they be young or old. Behold, the
Lord Jehovah w ill come as a m ighty one, . . . He w ill
feed his flock like a shepherd, he w ill gather the
lambs in his arm [ w ith his arm ; H is righ t arm
Christ Jesus ( S e p t u a g i n t , B & g s t e T ; D o u a y ; L e e s e r ) ] ,
and carry them in his bosom, and w ill gently lead
those that have their young. Isa. 40:10,11, A m .
Stan . V e r .

25 This gathering of the half-starved other sheep

out of Christendoms dried-up strongholds by the
Good Shepherd has progressed so rapidly since the
Lord came to the temple that it has filled the clergy
and the principal of their flocks "with fear and anguish
and has caused them to howl out in bitter rage. They
see that this righteous work of the Lord is dividing
off and bringing out from their ecclesiastical pens
all the sheep , leaving only the goats , and so they
weep and curse and gnash their teeth in anger over
this loss in membership and revenue. Howl, ye shep
herds, and c ry ; and wallow yourselves in the ashes,
ye principal of the flock: fo r the days of your slaugh
ter and of your dispersions are accomplished; and
ye shall fa ll like a pleasant vessel. And the shepherds
shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock
to escape. A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an
howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard:
fo r the L ord hath spoiled their pasture. (Jer.
25:34-36) Better that they howl now, fo r shortly,
when this work is completed, Armageddons slaugh
ter of Christendoms false shepherds w ill silence
them forever! Hence all you fa ith fu l servants, feed
now the flock!
25. What do the clergy now do, but the faithful servants do?


S T H E Lord gathers more and more sheep into practice. I f ye know these things, happy are ye if
his fold he adequately provides fo r their every ye do them, said Jesus. John 13:17; Phil. 4:9.
2 I appeal therefore to those who are elders among
need by appointing servants who lovingly help
you; I am their brother-elder, is the way Peter
and assist the flock in the way the Lord directs. Such
Theocratic way is set fo rth in the Bible. The apostle begins his counsel. (1 Pet. 5:1, A n A m e r . T ra n s .)
Peter, it w ill be remembered, had very forcefully The elders (Greek: p r e s b y t e r o u s , older ones) do
impressed on his heart and mind the necessity for not refer to elected elders made so by the popular
him to prove his love fo r Christ by feeding and caring vote of some congregation after a heated political
fo r the Lords sheep. Peter never forgot this truth, campaign. Peter is addressing himself to the older
for, th irty years later, he earnestly exhorted other or elder ones in Christian growth, to those that are
servants of the Lord to likewise prove their love by mature and well versed in Theocratic law and organ
feeding the sheep . This letter of Peters, as well as izational requirements. They are not necessarily
Christs direct commandments to servants in general, those old in body and mind or those who have been a
has been preserved fo r the instruction and guidance very long time in the truth, but rather those mature
of those having special responsibilities in the Theo in spiritual growth and development. Timothy,
cratic organization today. Servants do well, there though a youth perhaps in his late teens, was never
fore, if they both study this counsel and put it into theless mature in spiritual growth, hence an elder. It
1. How do servants prove their love for the Shepherd, happily?

2. Who are the elders whom Peter tells to feed the flock?

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is such mature ones that are chosen fo r the more

responsible duties as servants among the Lords
sheep . So whether you are appointed to care fo r
the Kingdom interests as a company servant in a
congregation of the Lords people or as some assist
ant servant assigned to look after other organiza
tional details, you do well to take special heed to
what Peter says, fo r he speaks as your brother elder,
a fu lly matured servant of the Lord.
3 The elders which are among you I exhort, who
am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of
Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall
be revealed: Feed the flock of God which is among
you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint,
but w illin g ly; not fo r filth y lucre, but of a ready
m ind; neither as being lords over Gods heritage,
but being ensamples to the flock. (1 Pet. 5:1-3) You
who are servants should not accept the appointment
by constraint , as though it were forced upon
you ( A n A m e r . T r a n s .) , reluctantly { W e y m o u t h ) ,
because you are compelled to do so. {2 0 th Cen.
N e w T e s t . ) Rather, take up the duties as a servant
w illingly , of your own free w ill, w ith eagerness
and alertness, glad and happy fo r the privilege of
serving in any capacity in which the Lord can use
you. Those seeking the office of a servant seek a good
thing. They must also accept the responsibilities that
go w ith it. 1 Tim . 3:1.
4 B ut what if one who receives a servants assign
ment feels he is incapable of handling the duties?
What should he do? The answer is simple: Accept
the appointment as from the Lord, and pray fo r
Gods sp irit and power to be upon you to help you
handle the job fa ith fu lly and efficiently. Remember,
Jehovahs w rath was kindled against Moses when he
protested that he was unfit fo r his assignment.
Appointed by God as a special servant and witness
to go before that wicked Pharaoh of Egypt, Moses
in substance replied: Who? Me, Lord? I cant talk!
Send someone else. (Ex. 4:10-14) Remember also
the case of Jeremiah. When appointed as the Lords
servant and prophet, Jeremiah threw up his hands
and cried: 0 Lord, I am but a ch ild ; I cant speak;
better send someone else. (Jer. 1 :6 ,7 ) In both of
these cases, complaining that they were unqualified
fo r the assignment was the same as telling the Lord
He had made a mistake in choosing them.
5 Few of the Lords servants are college graduates,
trained and qualified fo r handling the duties that fa ll
on servants in the Lords organization. (1 Cor.
1:26-29) Many are farmers, carpenters, fishermen
and factory laborers by trade and training. B ut call
to mind that Noah was not chosen fo r his special work
because he was a shipbuilder by trade. Moses was
3. How should such elders take up their duties as servants?
4. What should those feeling incapable do, and remembering whom ?
5. What illustrates servants need no college, seminary training?

not selected because he was an eloquent orator who

could persuade and overpower the m ighty Pharaoh
w ith cunning speech-making. The apostles were not
appointed as the Lords special ministers and serv
ants because they were graduates of a great rab
binical school of theology. Moses and David and
Amos were stock-raisers by occupation. (Ex. 3 :1 ;
Ps. 7 8 : 70-72; Amos 7 :14,15) Peter and Andrew and
other apostles were fishermen by education. (M ark
1:16-20) Luke was a physician by schooling. (Col.
4:14) And Jesus, the Chief Servant of the Lord, was
only a carpenters helper by training before his
anointing. (M att. 13:55) In each and every one of
these cases it was Jehovahs holy s p irit or active
power and force upon them that enabled them to take
up and carry out their new assignments as the Lords
special servants. They cultivated the gifts that they
received, and the Lord blessed them. The same holy
sp irit of God w ill be upon any servant of the Lord
today if he w illin g ly accepts his assignment and d ili
gently works at it, tryin g fa ith fu lly to perform the
assigned duties.
6 Peter cautioned those that are servants among
the flock of God not to accept an assignment fo r
filth y lucre , not fo r base love of gain (1 Pet. 5: 2,
A n A m e r . T r a n s .) , not in the hope of sordid gain
(K noxs N e w T r a n s .) . Servants among Gods flock
are not to fleece the flock or feed themselves instead
of feeding the flock. They are not to plunder the
flock as thieves who enter in to steal, and to kill, and
to destroy . (John 10:10) They are not to assume
the attitude or follow the sinful course of Christen
doms lucre-loving clergy, who abuse and destroy the
sheep , scatter the flock, and even rob and devour
widows houses to satisfy their lustful and greedy
appetites. (M att. 23:14; M ark 12:40; Luke 20:47)
Make no mistake: if any servant w ithin the Lords
fold would prey upon his brethren or in any wise
follow such a course of iniquity, the Good Shepherds
holy angels would move so sw iftly in casting the
worthless wretch out that his teeth would start to
gnash and chatter. I f unrepentant his end would be
the same as that of the false shepherds: everlasting
destruction! M att. 13: 41, 42.
7 This is why Peter also warns his fellow servants
not to conduct themselves as lords over Gods
heritage, as the arrogant sectarian shepherds do
over their flocks. Not as domineering over those in
your charge but being examples to the flock, is the
apostles good advice. (1 Pet. 5:3, R e v . Stan . V e r . )
As a servant are you puffed up in your own estima
tion? Surely your position of responsibility is noth
ing to compare w ith that of Moses, who headed a
great nation or congregation of people numbering in
the millions. W hy, then, should your estimation of
6. For what purpose should servants not handle "sheep ? Why not?
7. W hy should servants not lord it over the flock?


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yourself be inflated, when it says: Now the man

Moses was very meek, above all the men which were
upon the face of the earth ? (Num. 12:3) I f any
servant thinks he is im portant and should be placed
on a pedestal above his brethren, there to be looked
up to and honored, then let him read what Paul
wrote: I f anyone imagines he is somebody, he is
deceiving himself, fo r he is nobody. (Gal. 6:3,
M o ffa t t ) Do not let the job of being a servant go to
your head. Do not be a domineering boss or a harsh
dictator over the sheep . Do not forget that the
sheep belong to someone else. They are not your
sheep . They are my sheep , says the Good Shep
herd, and as he calls them each by name they know
his voice . They know not the voice of strangers ;
hence, if you speak to them in a bossy voice, a
strangers voice, they w ill not respond. (John 10: 3-5)
So meekness and hum ility is the rule governing the
Lo rds sheepfold; and all therein, servants included,
must obey such law. A ll must im itate the perfect
example of meekness and hum ility found in Christ
the Chief Shepherd. A ll of you be subject one to
another, and be clothed w ith h u m ility : fo r God
resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
Humble yourselves therefore under the m ighty hand
of God. 1 Pet. 5: 5, G.

9 A fte r detailing the requirements that overseers

of the Lords flock must have, Paul next points out
to Tim othy that assistant servants must meet the
same high standard in sp iritu a lity and conduct.
So, too, Assistant-Officers [Greek: di-a'ko-nos, at
tendants; hence servants among the flock of God]
should be serious and straightforw ard men, not given
to taking much drink or to questionable money
making, but men who hold the deeper truths of the
Faith and have a clear conscience. They should be
tested first, and only appointed to their Office if no
objection is raised against them. I t should be the
same w ith the women. They should be serious, and
not gossips, sober, and trustw orthy in all respects.
[Phebe, being such a woman, was appointed as a
servant in the congregation of Cen'chre-ae. (Rom.
16:1, also subscription to Romans)] AssistantOfficers should be fa ith fu l husbands, and men who
rule their children and their households well. Those
who have filled that post w ith honour gain fo r them
selves an honourable position, as well as great con
fidence through the faith that they place in Christ
Jesus. 1 Tim. 3:8-13, 20tli C en . N e w T e s t., 1904 ed.
10 In his letter of instructions to Titus the apostle
Paul gave sim ilar advice concerning those that
should be given the responsibility of caring fo r the
of God on the island of Crete. M y reason for
Crete, writes Paul, was that you
8 The apostle Paul in his letters to Tim othy andm ight putyouin in
had been left unsettled, and
Titus sets forth the requirements that servants and appoint Officers of what
in the various towns,
overseers in the Theocratic organization must meet. as I myself directed you. They are
of irre
The overseer [Greek: e p isk o p o s , a superintend proachable [qualities], who are fatoithbefumen
ent] therefore must be without reproach [above whose children are Christians and have never been
reproach], the husband of one wife, temperate charged with dissolute conduct or have been unruly.
[vig ila n t], sober-minded [stable-minded, sensible, For a Presiding-Officer, as Gods steward, ought to
thoughtful], orderly [o f good behavior], given to be
a man of irreproachable [q u a litie s]; not selfhospitality, apt to teach [able to teach]; not quarrel willed
or quick-tempered, nor addicted to drink or to
some over wine [not a hard drinker, not a drunkard], brawling
questionable money-making. On the
no striker [not pugnacious]; but gentle, not conten contrary, orhe toshould
eager fo r the
tious, no lover of money [not greedy fo r filthy lu c re ]; right, discreet, upright,bea hospitable,
and capa
one that ruleth [manages] well his own house, having ble of self-restraint, who holds doctrinelifethat
can be
his children in subjection [under control] w ith all relied on as being in accordance w ith the accepted
gravity. (1 Tim. 3:2-4, A m . S t a n .V e r ., m argin) Teaching; so that he may be able to encourage others
Moreover, Paul continues: For if a man does not by sound teaching, as well as to refute our oppon
know how to conduct his own household, how can he ents. Titus 1: 5-9, 2 0 th C en . N e w T e s t.
look after a church of God? He must not be a new
11 I f servants are to be proper examples fo r their
convert [not a novice or newly interested one], or brethren
in the church of God they must constantly
he may grow conceited and incur criticism from slan and consistently
bring forth the fru it of the sp irit ,
derous people. He must also be a man of good stand which is love, joy,
peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
ing w ith outsiders, or he may get into disgrace and goodness, fa ith . (Gal.
The servant of the
be entrapped by the slanderers. (1 Tim . 3: 5-7, A n Lord must not strive ; but5:22)
unto all men, apt
A m e r . T r a n s.) No, one appointed as an overseer
should not be a newly interested person, but rather oppose themselves; if God peradventure those
should be one showing growth and m aturity, one that
is fu lly consecrated to God and his service, and hence them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.
9. What requirements did Paul write him as to assistant servants?
one that is baptized by water immersion.
10. What requirements as to overseers did Paul write Titus?
8. What requirements as to overseers did Paul write Tim othy?

11. In what respects should servants be examples to the flock?

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15, 1950


(2 Tim . 2: 24, 25) Set those who believe an example

in speech, conduct, love, faith, and pu rity. U n til I
come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scrip
ture, preaching, and teaching. Do not neglect the
g ift you have, . . . Cultivate these things, devote
yourself to them, so that everyone w ill see your
progress. Look out fo r yourself and fo r your teach
ing. Persevere in your work, fo r if you do you w ill
save both yourself and those who listen to you.
(1 Tim. 4:12-16, A n A m e r . T r a n s .) And because
Tim othy followed this advice, and because Paul him
self practiced what he preached, Paul was able to
call the Thessalonians attention to how he and
Tim othy and Silvanus had been proper examples
among them. F or you yourselves know how you
ought to im itate us; because we were not disorderly
among you . . . that we m ight give ourselves a pattern
fo r you to im itate us. 2 Thess. 1 :1 ; 3: 7-9, D ia g lo tt.
12 Servants, follow the Chief Shepherds pattern in
conduct! Im itate the apostles! Display before your
brethren proper examples both in word and in deed!
Be faith fu l, steady, regular, calm, earnest, thought
ful, humble, meek, peaceable, trustw orthy, depend
able, sincere. Above all, show love. Lovingly and
with great mercy, tenderness and longsulTering seek
out the Lords other sheep that are lost, and when
you find them, feed them. Food is the im portant
thing. As the wise man says: Remove fa r from me
falsehood and lies; give me neither poverty nor
riches; feed me w ith the food that is needful fo r me.
(Prov. 30:8, A m . S t a n . V e r . ) This necessary food
provided by the good and righteous Shepherd is
Gods revealed W ord, which if any eat they are
promised eternal life. (John 6:68) The mouth of
a righteous man is a well of life : . . . The lips of
the righteous feed many. (Prov. 10:11,21) Feed
not only the spiritua lly skinny sheep you find in the
field, but also, servants, feed and take care of the
ilock of which you are a part. Take heed to your
selves and to all the flock of which the holy sp irit
has appointed you guardians. Acts 20: 28, M o f f a t t .
13 The Lords appointed servants are not hirelings.
They are true shepherds and guardians of the
sheep . H irelings care nothing fo r the sheep , and
if wolfish beasts enter in to maim and k ill they run
to save their own skin. (John 10:12,13) True shep12. So what exhortation does The W atchtower give servants?
13. How do servants show themselves true shepherds, not hirelings?


herds, on the other hand, fight fo r the sheep, not

against them, and, like the Good Shepherd, they are
even w illin g to lay down their lives fo r the sheep.
(John 10:11) Like the Chief Shepherd, faith fu l
servants are w illing to put the welfare of their breth
ren ahead of their own comforts. W illin g to lay down
their lives fo r their brethren, they are more w illing
to go out of their way to help weaker ones with their
problems. I f publishers create burdens fo r them
selves and fo r the servants, then servants, not be
grudgingly, but gladly and out of love fo r the weaker
members, offer to give aid and help as seems best
under the circumstances. (Gal. 6 :1 ,2 , A n A m e r .
T r a n s .) Unlike Christendoms hirelings and false
shepherds, servants in the Theocratic organization
spiritua lly strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind
up the wounded, bring back the strayed, seek out the
lost lambs. (Ezek. 34: 4) I t is Gods w ill that not one
lamb should perish. M att. 18:10-14.
14 I f all this seems like much to demand of serv
ants, then it is because to them much has been given
in the way of blessed privileges of service at the
hands of the Lord. To whom much has been given,
the rule is, much more is demanded in return. (Luke
12:48) Keep in mind that your responsibility as
servants is to the Great and Chief Shepherds, and
what service is rendered unto your brethren is count
ed as rendered unto the Lord. The sheep are the
Lords. Be not therefore slothful servants or un
profitable slaves, lest you be cast out, not only out
of office as a servant, but into outer darkness with
no furthe r opportunity fo r life. (M att. 24:48,51;
25: 26) Faithfulness in performance of duties is what
brings good results, results in the form of rewards,
rewards now and in the ages to come both to the serv
ants and to the flock. As long as servants and sheep
continue to hear their M asters voice and follow
him there w ill be mutual joy and gladness, and rapid
progress w ill be made toward that glorious new world
of eternal peace and prosperity in which there are
no w ild beasts, parched lands or dried-up streams.
W hat a blessed lot now is ours! W hat glorious pros
pects lie ahead of u s! W ith voices and hearts united
in thanksgiving and praise to Jehovah we sing: We
thy people and sheep of thy pasture w ill give thee
thanks fo r ever: we w ill shew fo rth thy praise to all
generations. Ps. 79:13.
14. Why is so much required of servants? But with what rewards?


HILE the travelers, the Watchtower Societys

president and his secretary, were in Panama they
had the pleasure, too, of meeting five brethren
from New Zealand. These pioneers were on their
New York, planning to attend the next class at the Watch-

tower Bible School of Gilead. They spent a few days in the

missionary home at Panama City during the early part of
Brother Knorr and Brother Morgans visit. The three
to and two sisters were anxiously looking forward
to seeing the new Bethel home and then going on to Gilead.



But here they got a little foretaste of what missionary home

life is like and also firsthand information as to what mission
aries can accomplish. Moreover, they were able to enjoy
part of the assembly held in Panama City. To hear one of
the New Zealanders say Too right! after a Panamanian
publisher expressed his pleasure at the good meeting re
minded Brother Knorr of his visit to Australia and New
Zealand. Their flight to Miami (Florida) took the New
Zealand brethren away from the missionary home in the
wee hours of the morning. Brother Knorr and Brother
Morgan left from the same airport a few days later, bound
for Colombia.

Saturday, January 7, was a clear, bright day and it was

interesting to watch the jungle and rolling terrain below.
It was not long until the sparkling blue waters of the
Caribbean came into view, with the coastlines silver fringe.
Then the plane headed south, inland toward Medellin,
Colombia. Before arriving in Medellin the plane passed
over some very beautiful mountains, but the valleys seemed
to be quite barren with burned red earth. However, as your
eye runs from the valley up the side of the mountain the
color gradually changes from burned red to brown mixed
with spots of green; and when your eye has reached the
top of the mountain you realize that the color has become
a rich forest green. Interesting it is to note the scattered
houses on the tops of the mountains, with cultivated patches
around them, for it is up here that crops grow. As one gets
nearer to the equator one expects warm weather. The best
place to live is in the high altitude, for here you get lighter
air and cool breezes, as well as rain and sunshine.
Medellin was the first stop, and here it was necessary to
change planes, from Pan American to Avianca. As the
airport is approached the plane passes over the well-laid-out
city. Scattered throughout the city itself, as well as on the
outskirts, one sees large industrial plants. The hustle and
bustle of the city are felt at the airport because of the great
number of planes coming and going, all of them carrying
heavy passenger traffic and freight. After a few hours wait
for their plane to arrive, some sixty-odd passengers climbed
aboard the DC-4, and within a short time the two travelers
were being greeted by seventeen of Jehovahs witnesses from
Bogota who had come to the airport to welcome the Societys
representatives to the city.
Inasmuch as Brother Morgan and Brother Knorr arrived
in Bogota late in the afternoon, it was not long until the
brethren were coming to the Saturday night meeting, and
50 of them filled the small Kingdom Hall. Special permission
had to be obtained for the public meeting, and this was
granted by the government. It was impossible to rent a
public hall for the occasion, so only those having Bible
studies were invited to the meeting. On Sunday afternoon
81 persons packed out the hall and dining-room of the
missionary home. Brother Robert Tracy, the Watch Tower
Branch servant, did excellently in translating from English
to Spanish. Brother George Dawkins, who interpreted for
Brother Morgan, did very well too. These brethren have
been in Colombia for only a little over three years and it
was good to see how they had, because of careful study and
practice, grasped the language sufficiently to be of use as

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

interpreters. The third session of the three-day assembly was

held on Monday night, and 61 brethren and people of good
will gathered to hear more of the Lords Word discussed.
After going over the problems of the missionary home
with the six brethren there now, three having just arrived
in the latter part of December, it was concluded that a larger
Kingdom Hall is needed. Every effort will be made to move
to a new location so that the hall in the missionary home
will be large enough to handle greater crowds. It is believed
that in this city, which is situated a mile and a half above
sea level, there are hundreds of persons who will become
ministers of the gospel if they are given the opportunity to
study and learn the truth. More missionaries are needed;
more work must be done. The city of Bogota is growing
rapidly and it is a very pleasant place to live, although the
cool evenings require one to sleep under two or three blan
kets for comfort. Brother Knorr observed many changes
since his last visit to Bogota. Many splendid improvements
have been made in the city: streets have been paved; beau
tiful boulevards have been constructed; new model electric
and gasoline busses are to be seen operating throughout the
city; and a fine building program is under way in the heart
of town. The construction program was made necessary
mainly because of the havoc wrought by fire in the spring
of 1949, which fire was touched off by the rioting crowds
of people who were angry over the assassination of a popular
political figure. The destruction was terrible. But the
Colombians are not just letting the ruins stand. They are
cleaning up the mess and are making the city more beautiful
than ever. Streets are wider and the heart of the city is
taking on a new look.
There has been considerable political unrest throughout
the whole country of Colombia, and everything is under
army control. Everyone is waiting to see what the new
president will do when he takes office in August, 1950.
Conditions are certainly favorable for the preaching of the
gospel, for when the people mourn it is good to take to them
the hope of the Kingdom. Usually they are in a more recep
tive frame of mind under such circumstances. If the people
once get started in a study of the Word of God and come
to appreciate the blessings of the new world, they will
desire to preach in season and out of season, as Paul
admonished Timothy to do.
The stay of the Societys representatives in Bogota was
much too short, but meetings had been arranged in Barranquilla at the second missionary home. So on Tuesday at
9: 30 a.m. the Branch servant, along with the two brethren
from New York, were winging their way northward to this
Colombian seaport city. One of the most thrilling sensations,
and probably one of the most fascinating sights in the world,
is to leave Bogota for Barranquilla by plane. For ten
minutes after taking off you are cruising over the beautiful
plateau on which the city of Bogota is built. Then you come
to the edge of the plateau and abruptly there is a drop of
many thousands of feet. It appears to the passenger that
the plane is soaring high into the sky, gaining altitude in
an almost miraculous manner; but the fact is that the earth
below has dropped away from the plane. The jagged peaks
were a sight to behold. They come on you very suddenly
and this makes them all the more awe-inspiring. Gods
creative powers certainly have made the earth glorious!

A p r il

15, 1950


What will it be when God instructs man how to make it

his paradise home?
At the airport in Barranquilla were the four missionaries
of that city, along with thirty other publishers who had
come out by bus to meet the brethren from Bogota. Maybe
it is the climate, but the company publishers here seemed
warmer and more enthusiastic about the visit and about
the work of preaching the gospel than the brethren in
Bogota did. When you enter the Kingdom Hall, which is
in the missionary home, one of the first things you observe
is that the company recently reached a new peak of 81 pub
lishers; also that each publisher is averaging 17 hours per
month, and the average number of home Bible studies is .9,
or nearly one study for each company publisher. No wonder
they were enthusiastic, for in Barranquilla things are on
the move! That feeling prevailed throughout the entire stay.
A meeting had been arranged for the company that night,
and 94 listened attentively to Brother Morgan and Brother
Knorr give them counsel on the work to be done at the
present time and also help them with their organizational
The brethren asked if they might advertise the public
meeting on the radio and by means other than through
handbill distribution and the extending of invitations to
those having Bible studies. But Brother Knorr advised
them that with such enthusiasm among the company pub
lishers they would probably fill the hall to overflowing with
just their personal activity. This turned out to be true. So
no extra money was spent in advertising the talk Liberty
to the Captives. Before the talk began on Wednesday eve
ning the hall was practically filled. When the count was
taken there were 261 present, not including children under
the age of understanding. The hall was packed out and
some were standing on the front porch. The audience gave
excellent attention, and the brethren were certainly delight
ed with the attendance. This was Jehovahs witnesses biggest
public meeting in Barranquilla, in fact, in all of Colombia.
It demonstrated to everyone that there are interested people
in the city, and now is the time to take the message of the
Kingdom to them. It was expected that Barranquilla would
be unbearably warm, being right on the coast and practically
at sea level, but steady breezes from the Caribbean made
the visit most pleasant. They were a wonderful aid to the
public meeting, too, because the people packed into the hall
did not have to endure the usual sweltering weather.
At the present time there are only nine missionaries in
Colombia. The Society could very easily use 25 more in
the principal cities of this country, which has nearly eleven
million people. The Society has tried diligently in the last
four years to keep missionaries there, but for one reason
or another more than fifteen have left their assignment. For
three years, from 1946 to 1948 inclusive, the work practically
stood still in the way of aiding the people of good-will. But
1949, with only eight hard-working missionaries, found the
Lords blessing upon the work. It is firmly believed that if
the brethren who take up missionary privileges would stick
to their work rather than become entangled in the affairs
of the world, as a number did in Colombia, the work in that
country would be far more advanced than it is today and
would show an increase more in proportion to the efforts
put forth. But it was a joy to spend a few days with the

brethren who are working diligently to expand true worship

in Colombia. By the Lords grace, much more work will be
done in the very near future. On the morning of January 12
ten of the publishers traveled to the airport with us, and
soon we were saying good-bye and were en route to Mara
caibo, Venezuela.

Here again another grand reception was accorded Brother

Morgan and Brother Knorr. There were about fifty present
at the airport. Children carried bouquets of flowers, and a
newspaper photographer was there to take a picture, which
appeared in the paper the next day, giving notice of the
arrival of the speaker who would talk on Liberty to the
Captives, at the Masonic Temple. The two travelers, along
with the missionaries located in Maracaibo, left for the
home while the other company publishers went into the field
to distribute handbills advertising the public meeting. The
Kingdom Hall was much too small for the little assembly
that had been arranged for the companies near Maracaibo,
but chairs were set up in the patio behind the house and
75 persons listened to the lectures given that evening from
seven to nine.
Maracaibo is a thriving city; the production of oil makes
it a very busy place. Friday morning it was necessary to
go downtown in connection with immigration regulations
and to check on travel to the next city, and while there the
brethren went into the market, which was very interesting.
In the food section the meat hangs down from a rail right
above the counter, and when someone wants to make a
purchase he has to push a leg or some other large cut of
beef or pork out of the way in order to talk to the man
behind the counter. A missionary working the market may
have a rabbit or chicken draped around his neck while
giving a witness to the person in the booth. It was certainly
a crowded place, but everyone seemed congenial and friend
ly. The missionaries have a number of Bible studies with
persons who work in the market. Everyone seemed to know
of the public meeting that night; so the brethren were look
ing forward to a good attendance. The rainy season was
supposed to be over, but the weatherman changed his mind
and it had been raining every day since the beginning of
the dry season. It was hoped that no rain would fall that
afternoon or evening, because when it rains in Maracaibo
people just do not come out. Unfortunately there was a
downpour just an hour before the public meeting, which
dampened the zeal of some. Despite this the hall was filled,
132 occupying the seats and a few standing in the lobby.
The brethren were so enthused about Brother Knorrs
coming that they thought the lecture should be broadcast
and they arranged for this with radio station Ondas del
Lago (which means Waves of the Lake). Special per
mission had to be obtained to have a public meeting, and
permission also had to be obtained to speak in the English
language over the radio. This permission was given by the
government. Just fifteen minutes before the lecture was to
begin the radio technicians arrived to make the connections
so that the talk in English and Spanish would be relayed
from the Masonic Hall to the transmitter. A few minutes
after 8 p.m. the program commenced. Approximately fifteen
minutes after Brother Knorr began speaking to the very
attentive audience all the lights in the building went out.


The auditorium was plunged into darkness, and the power

failure interfered with the broadcast. Brother Knorr asked
the audience to remain quiet and he continued with his
discussion. No one left, with the exception of the few who
hurried out to see what could be done about getting the
lights back on. There was a momentary murmur through
the hall, but soon all quieted down and resumed listening
to the lecture. It was learned later that a fuse had blown
on the main line. The caretaker replaced this quickly; so
the audience was in darkness only about three minutes.
Within a matter of seconds after the power came on again,
Brother Morgan heard the English-Spanish conversation
once more coming forth from the small radio with which
he was monitoring the program.
The broadcast went through very well, both in English
and in Spanish, for an hour and thirty minutes. The next
day it was reported to brethren working from house to house
that the public lecture was greatly appreciated. One woman
was bubbling over with enthusiasm because of what she had
learned and it was no effort to place a book with her and
arrange for a study. She had heard the radio announcements
advertising the public lecture, but her neighbors advised
her not to attend the talk at the Masonic Hall. The priests
had told her neighbors that Jehovahs witnesses were white
devils from the States. But her curiosity got the best of her
and she listened to the broadcast. She was certainly over
joyed with what she heard, and wanted to hear more. Other
publishers reported that some people listened to the English
discussion, while still others understood only the Spanish.
Favorable comments concerning the broadcast were heard
everywhere. The local publishers were extremely glad to
know that the broadcast went over well, and they hope to
reap good results due to this meeting.
The little company of Jehovahs witnesses in Maracaibo
has been growing well since the missionaries started there
a year ago. Now there are 36 company publishers. Five
missionaries from Gilead are now helping the publishers in
that city. Another thing that made the local brethren happy
was that the newspaper P an oram a d el D iario published
another picture of Brother Knorr, along with his interpret
er, speaking at the Masonic Temple. They made the comment
that the talk was very interesting. So Jehovahs witnesses
are at work in Maracaibo, and the missionaries and company
publishers will take advantage of the advertising that has
been done and will help free the captives from their super
stition and religious chains by diligently carrying on Bible
studies in the homes of those of good-will. Once again the
visit seemed much too short, but it was felt that a lot of
good was accomplished by talking to the missionaries and
handling some problems that had arisen among the company
Saturday morning the two representatives of the Society
had to be on their way to the capital city of Venezuela,
Caracas. A number of brethren were at the Maracaibo air
port to see them off, and at 11:15 a.m. the Pan American
Clipper was speeding down the runway, heading toward
Lake Maracaibo and then out to sea. The two travelers,
along with the other passengers, had settled back into the
comfortable seats, thinking that in an hour and a half they
would be meeting more of their fellow workers in the capital
city. Suddenly the plane seemed to pause in the air momen-

B rooklyn, N. Y .

tarily and then go ahead again. Something was going wrong.

The same thing happened a second time, and a third. The
sensation is difficult to describe. You might imagine that
you are pulling hard on the end of a rope, with an equal
force pulling on the other end. Suddenly the force at the
other end of the rope lets go momentarily and you slip back.
Then when the pull resumes you return to your original
position. But in the process you get a jolt. This occurred
with the plane three times, and the two travelers realized
that one of the engines was not functioning properly. In a
matter of minutes after this occurred it was noted that the
captain banked the plane to the right, heading inland, and
kept it going to the right until he had completed the turn.
Then he straightened the plane out for a direct run to the
airport which we had left only fifteen minutes before.
By that time the brethren who had seen the travelers off
had returned to the city. Not knowing how long the plane
would be grounded for repairs, all the two brethren could
do was to wait. In a little more than two hours the mechanics
had taken out some parts of the engine and made replace
ments. When they tested the engine it seemed to be in
excellent condition; so at 2 p.m. Brother Morgan and
Brother Knorr left again, this time completing a smooth
trip to the airport at La Guaira, which city is the seaport
for Caracas. The brethren were there waiting for the travel
ers, wondering what had happened, and were very glad to
see them. Then came the interesting ride up the mountain
side, with the road zigzagging, twisting and turning, first
this way and then that way, with many sharp precipices all
along the route. But the road was much improved compared
with its condition when Brother Knorr traversed it three
and a half years ago on the occasion of his first visit. For
Brother Morgan it was all new and interesting. Finally the
city came into sight, about three thousand feet above sea
level. Big changes are being made in the city of Caracas.
The center of town has been pretty well torn down and a
new super highway or boulevard, parts of it subterranean,
is going right through the heart of the city. Fine new build
ings are being constructed, some already being completed.
Caracas is a growing, busy city and the missionaries assigned
here are happy to be in this metropolis to preach the Word.
Saturday night was the second day of the circuit assem
bly, and Brothers Knorr and Morgan were scheduled to
speak. They did so to an audience of 110. This was a great
contrast to the little meeting held a few years previous in
the small home of an interested person. Now in the large
Kingdom Hall, which was a remodeled garage, it was inter
esting to meet some of the brethren whom Brother Knorr
met before and to enjoy to the full the splendid increase in
the work. The next morning twelve brethren symbolized
their consecration by water baptism. The afternoon was set
aside for a public meeting, but because written permission
had not been obtained for Brother Knorr to address the pub
lic assembly a native minister of Jehovahs witnesses gave
the public talk on The Only Light. He did very well, and
those who braved the rain, of which there were 90, enjoyed
the talk very much. Later in the day the weather cleared
and the people of good-will felt more free to come to the
evening meeting to hear Brothers Knorr and Morgan once
again. This was the largest meeting of the assembly, namely.

A pril

15, 1950


All the company publishers were inquiring about their

pioneer brother who had been called to Gilead and who
would attend the class beginning in late February. They
were told he was well and studying English diligently, as
well as changing pace from the slower Latin style to the
faster ways of our American brethren in the factory. For
a number of years the missionaries in Caracas had to be
content with a very humble home in a poor section of the
city, because they were unable to obtain anything else.
About a year ago the Branch servant, Brother Baxter,
finally succeeded in renting a very lovely home in the better
section of town. The brethren are very well pleased to have
decent living conditions, as well as their fine Kingdom Hall,
which is now much too small, connected right to the house.
In fact, at the Sunday night meeting half of the audience
had to sit in the driveway and front yard and were served
by loud-speakers. Probably it will not be very long until
another company will have to be formed to accommodate
the growing interest. The new missionary home, which is a
large house, is now filled with missionaries, five new ones


just having arrived. There are now ten in Caracas. All are
very much enthused about the assignment, and like the
people and their customs. The only thing they do not like
is the terrific expensethe cost of food and clothing. Vene
zuela is one of the most expensive countries in which to live
in all of South America at the present time. But this obstacle
is taken care of by the Society through the missionary home.
Back in 1946 when Brother Knorr made his first visit and
the first two missionaries started to work there were only
one or two good publishers, but by the end of that year
thirteen were reporting work. By the close of the service
year 1949 there were 91 regular publishers in the field, and
a peak of 132 had been reached. There are prospects that
before the 1950 service year ends they will have 100 pub
lishers in the city of Caracas alone, with good increases in
the six other companies that are organized throughout the
country. If possible the Society will send more missionaries
to Venezuela at the close of this service year and will open
missionary homes in several of the larger cities. There is
a lot of work to be done among the 3 | million Venezuelans.


RADUATION day at Gilead! Why is it such a happy After a few words from the farm servant and instructors,
occasion? Why are Jehovahs witnesses everywhere and the reading of telegrams of congratulation and encour
so interested in this semiannual event? Because Jeho agement from points in all corners of the earth, the Societys
president gave the graduation address. His subject: Quali
vahs witnesses are interested in Gods command, Preach
the word. They know that this means now to preach the fications for Service.
gospel of Gods established kingdom, starting in their own Mr. Knorr opened his talk by calling to mind the
home locality and extending to the uttermost corners of the thorough internal and external study of the Bible that the
earth. What greater work could be done now? No other students had just experienced. He admonished, however,
school on earth is devoted to training ministers to do this, that the question in the future would not be, How many
and, although not all of Jehovahs witnesses are able to times have I read my Bible? but, When did I read it last?
receive this advanced missionary training, all have a part Its the Lords Word that keeps us alive, he said.
in supporting the school and the work of those graduating. As the speaker used the texts at Ephesians 3:14-19; 5:1;
It was with glad hearts, then, that over 1,100 from many Philippians 4:8, 9; 1 Thessalonians 4:7, 8; 1 Timothy
states and Canada filled the assembly hall and classrooms 1:12-15; 3:5-8 and Hebrews 11:15, 16, he stressed how
of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead on the evening the apostle Paul wanted his brethren to have the qualifica
of Saturday, February 4, 1950, for the first session of tions for service. To enable them to have this, Paul empha
sized the importance of prayer. One serving God should
Gileads fourteenth graduation exercises.
After a study of the W a tch to w er article, Be Rich in never get to the point that he cant pray, or that he is
Good Works, and a short period of musical entertainment afraid to face God in prayer. If he does so, he has rejected
by student talent, a special treat was in store for all, and his Ransomer who has made it possible for him to come to
particularly the graduating students. The president of the God. By prayer the inner man is strengthened. This
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, N. H. Knorr, had inner man is what we really are inside. Our outward
just returned from a tour of Central and South America appearance may not be so attractive, but what we are inside
and would give an account of his travels. He related the will always show, and this determines whether we are good
marvelous expansion of the preaching work in these coun ministers and good missionaries. To comprehend God and
tries; and then, to the happy surprise of the students, after his organization we must dig into his Word, taking the
telling of the conditions and needs in the missionary fields, straight, unadulterated truths of it. We must get into Gods
began filling these needs by giving assignments to all! organization, continually study the life and acts of Jesus
Besides assignments to Latin American nations, other coun Christ and imitate him.
tries were included, bringing the total up to 22 countries, Whatsoever is virtuous, whatsoever is praiseworthy should
including Canada, Belgium, Holland, Sweden and New be what our minds dwell on. We cannot bring old world
foundland. Certainly a sizable part of the globe will be practices into new world service. Why use base, degraded
language in describing things, descriptions that are really
covered by the fourteenth class from Gilead!
This properly set the stage for the main session Sunday not expressive, but meaningless and worthless for any edi
morning, as 1,591 persons tried to find seating or standing fication? There are so many things we love, our Kingdom
room within earshot of the loud-speakers installed in the Hall, our local company, our records, our brethren, our
assembly hall, classrooms, basement and library building. organization, these we can dwell on, give our attention to.



We can listen to advice from our brethren, advice based on

the Word of God. This will help us to dwell on the proper
things and be imitators of God.
Then, by the use of 1 Timothy 3:1-7, the missionaries
were shown what qualifications to look for in selecting
ministers for service positions in the congregations which
they would establish, for many of the assignments are in
places where the Word of God has never been preached.
But what would the missionaries themselves do? Would
they permit home ties, weariness in well-doing, or any other
thing to bring them back from their assignments? Do we
have an example of the God-pleasing course in this respect?
Abraham was one. He left his home country at Gods com
mand, and went to the foreign assignment Canaan to preach
the Word. Certainly he left a comfortable home in a much
more highly developed civilization, just as many of these
missionaries are doing. Abraham could have found plenty
of excuses and opportunities to return home, as the apostle
says. But he didnt. He believed the word of God and went
to his assignment with the idea of staying until that heavenly
city, the Kingdom of God, was established. He did not live
that long, but because of his faith he is going to receive a
resurrection to life in the new world.
Faith and faithfulness to the Lord is necessary. It makes
no difference where we live, because the whole earth is going
to be made glorious. Those faithful missionaries who have
been in the foreign field for a number of years, when they
come back for a visit, are anxious to get back home. The
assignment the Lord gave them, that is their home, and
they love it and the people in it. Their example strengthens
our faith in Gilead and the purpose for which it was estab
After the talk each student stepped to the platform as
his name was called and received from the Societys pres
ident an envelope containing a class picture and a gift from
the Society to help them get started in their assignments.
While those going to Quebec will immediately start in their
final assignments, most will proceed to New York city, work
ing there until after the International Assembly in August,
whence they will go on to foreign lands. Also in their
envelopes 99 of the 103 graduates found diplomas of
scholastic merit.
As the last student returned to his seat, a resolution was
presented by one of the student body and unanimously
adopted. It expressed in a forceful way their resolve to
show fa:' thfulness during the few remaining years until the
new world is established, even in the face of Satans certain
attempts to divert them from this course. It was as follows:
W hereas the universal war o f Armageddon is near, Jehovah
God having established His King and Chief Field Marshal on
the throne A.D. 1914 and since that time He has been ruling in
the midst o f His enemies; and

B rooklyn, N. Y ,

W hereas we have come out from this present evil world

and have enlisted as soldiers in the army o f this Field Marshal,
dedicating ourselves thereto as full-time fighters pledging unbreak
able allegiance to Him and His kingdom; and
W hereas the battle has been intensified by the ever-increasing
advances by Jehovahs people toward pure worship and Satan is
making his final all-out effort to stop the proclamation o f the
established Kingdom by an onslaught o f violent persecution and
by every means at his command, including the so-called holy
year o f 1950; and
W hereas we have been called in from the Canadian and
American theaters o f Theocratic warfare to be further trained
and equipped at the Watchtower Bible School o f Gilead and we
desire to show our deep thankfulness and appreciation to Jehovah
God and His organization fo r this blessed privilege o f expanding
our efficiency as Theocratic warriors;
T herefore we, the members o f the fourteenth class and o f the
first class o f the eventful international convention year o f Jeho
vahs witnesses, 1950, assembled at graduating exercises at South
Lansing, New York, this day o f February 5, 195Q, do hereby
resolve and declare:
T hat we will go forth from this place to whatever post o f
duty our Commander directs through His organization; and
T hat we will use the weapons o f knowledge He has given us
to proclaim liberty to those held captive by Satan and his organ
ization and that we will not allow the sword o f the Spirit to
get dull in our hands nor let it rust in its sheath but will effectively
wield it to the vindication o f Jehovahs name; and

That we will show love toward those to whom we are sent,

by lovingly nourishing them with Gods Word of truth; and
T hat , by Gods grace, we will resist all the Satanic efforts of
world conspiracy and will not yield to his subtle schemes to
regiment all the world into his service but will continue to
preach the word until Satan and satanic supporters lie crushed
and Jehovah has carried His people victoriously through the
final war o f Armageddon into the new world wherein dwelleth
righteousness .

This assembly dismissed, the attenders enjoyed fellowship

with old friends. Light lunches were served in the Gilead
basement, so that almost all were able to spend the full day
right on the campus, inspecting the various features of the
farm and school.
And so we turn the pages of another chapter of the place
called Gilead. Another potential heap of witness in far
away countries. Another group of zealous ministers of our
God Jehovah who are in readiness to bring to persons of
good-will joy in the place of mourning, and life-giving
spiritual food in the place of death-dealing leaven spread
on the table of demons.
School is over; but what do we see on this last day? Gradu
ates excitedly thumbing their way through encyclopedias
and geographic magazines, and saying, There is where I
am going! This provided subject material for the closing
session Sunday evening, as they gave brief expressions of
appreciation from the platform. Much was heard on far
away peoples and far-away lands: lands and peoples that
will be their future homes and future neighbors.

L e t G od arise, let his enem ies he s c a tte r e d ; let them also that
h ate him flee b e fo r e him. A s sm ok e is d riv en a w a y, so d riv e them
a w a y : as w a x m elteth b e fo r e the fire, so let th e w ick ed perish
a t the p r e s e n c e o f G od. B u t let the righ teou s be g la d ; let them
ex u lt b e fo r e G o d : y e a , let them r e jo ic e w ith gladness. S in g u nto
G od, sin g p ra ises to his nam e. Psalm 68:1 -4 , A m . S tan . V er.

i fill



"TheyshaO know that lam Jehovah!

V ol. LXXI

-Ezekiel 35:15.


No. 9

MAY 1, 1950

W hatever E lse Y ou Get, Get
U nderstanding ................................. 131
With All Thy Getting Get Under
standing ............................................... 132
Showing Understanding Like Jesus .... 134
What Comes from Lacking It .............135
For Whom W e Are Working ...............136
T he W ay to G ain U nderstanding ____137
W ho Have It in the Time o f

P u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y B y

117 Adams Street * Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S.A .

N. H. K n orr , P resid en t


G r a n t S u it e r , S e cr eta r y

And all thy children shall be taught o f Jehovah; and

great shall be the peace o f thy children.

Isaiah 4:13.


THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon i t ; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head o f Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new w orld; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members o f Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began its time o f the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings o f the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.
Do you profess or would you like to be one o f Jehovahs
witnesses? Then you sincerely want to walk worthy o f the name.
You will appreciate, too, the intent o f the June Testimony Period,
entitled Living Up to the Name . W e are sure you will be with
us in carrying out the program o f activity fo r that month. Toward
delivering the witness in harmony with our God-given name, we
shall be offering the three bound books L e t G od B e T ru e , T he
K in g d o m I s at H a n d and T h e T ru th S hall M a k e Y o u F r e e ,
on the nominal contribution o f one dollar fo r all three books. It
is mutually strengthening to have your cooperation in this testi
mony, and our joined efforts work together to give a more impres
sive witness and to prove that the Most High God has a people on
earth who uphold the honor o f his name. He knows all the efforts
you put forth, not for praise from man but from him. Nevertheless,
we should appreciate your making out a report o f the months
work and results, on our form therefor, that we may compile a
combined report.
Week o f June 4 : Whatever Else You Get, Get Understanding,
ft 1-25 inclusive, T he W a tch to w e r May 1,1950.
Week o f June 11: Whatever Else You Get, Get Understanding,
ft 26-35 inclusive, also The W ay to Gain Understanding ,
ft 1-12 inclusive, T h e W a tc h to w e r May 1,1950.

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

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T h e W a tc h to w e r is a magazine without equal in the earth, and

is conceded this rank by all that have been faithful readers thereof
during its more than seventy years o f publication. T he W a tch to w er
has increased in importance with the progress o f the years, and
never has it been more valuable than today, at this world crisis,
when the destiny o f each intelligent human creature is being de
cided. The getting o f correct information and instruction, just
such as required fo r the times, to decide your course wisely to
a happy destiny, was never more vital than now, fo r where there
is no vision, the people perish . Informed persons well acquainted
with the consistent contents o f T h e W a tch to w e r agree that those
who want to gain life in peace and happiness without end should
read and study it together with the Bible and in company with
other readers. This is not giving any credit to the magazines
publishers, but is due to the great Author o f the Bible with its
truths and prophecies, and who now interprets its prophecies. He
it is that makes possible the material that is published in the
columns o f this magazine and who gives promise that it shall
continue to publish the advancing truths as long as it continues
to exist for the service o f the interests o f his Theocratic Govern
ment. Carefully and prayerfully read this issue o f T he W a tch tow er. Then do not delay to mail in your subscription, that
you may receive it regularly, twice a month, twenty-four copies
the year. Subscription rates are shown above.


V ol. L X X I


1, 1950

No. 9


" Above all things get wisdom; whatever else you get, get understanding.

Prov. 4 : 7 , An Amer. Trans.

EHOVAH, the great Theocrat, understands all

things and gives understanding to his faithful
servants as they need it. Such understanding is
one of the chief requisites to proper Theocratic
service. It is the thing that marks a mature serv
ant from a novice. The wisest man of ancient times
said: The knowledge of the Holy One is under
standing. (Prov. 9:10, An Amer. Trans.) The One
wiser than that ancient sage said to that Holy One:
This is life eternal, that they might know thee
the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou
hast sent. This knowledge of the Holy One means
much more than just a mental idea of his existence.
It means a proved knowledge of Jehovah and of
his purposes which resists any and all efforts to
upset it. It means an understanding of him and an
appreciation of why he does the things that he does.
2 This proved, tried and unupsettable knowledge
is something to be striven for. It is something we
cannot get along without, if we hope to enjoy life
eternal blessed by Gods kingdom. Keep this fact
in mind, and a better appreciation of the force and
meaning of the inspired words at Proverbs 4 :7 ,
used as our title, results. If we understand that
God is our Father, then we will pay attention to
what he teaches us, and this will increase our under
standing of him and of our relationship to him.
Hear, my son, a fathers instruction, and attend,
that you may gain understanding; because I give
you sound learning, forsake not my teaching! Above
all things get wisdom; whatever else you get, get
understanding. (An Amer. Trans.) In addition to
the exhortation of a father, we have also the coun
sel of his wise and faithful son, who himself prof
ited by his fathers directions: For I was a son
unto my father, tender and only beloved in the sight
of my mother. And he taught me, and said unto m e:
Let thy heart retain my words; keep my command
ments, and live. Prov. 4:1-4, 7, Am. Stan. Ver.
3In this process of getting understanding we
recognize that one might have considerable knowl-

1. Why is knowledge o f the Holy One important? It means what?

2. What recommendation in favor of understanding are we given?
3. W hy is understanding necessary in addition to wisdom ?

edge and still not have understanding. Understand

ing not only deals with the fact, but also with the
why and the wherefore of things. It embodies the
application or use of that knowledge for the highest
good. Therefore, without understanding knowledge
is of very little value. That is particularly true when
it comes to applying the knowledge we have of God,
his kingdom and his law. The above scriptures also
indicate that it is possible to have wisdom and still
not have understanding. We might decide upon a
proper course to follow. We may have consecrated
ourselves to serve the Lord, all of which is a wise
procedure; but, in addition, we must get under
standing. The apostle says that the difference be
tween a son and a servant is that to the sons the
Lord Jesus makes known what his Father does.
(John 15:15) He reveals to us the why and the
wherefore of the things we need to know. This under
standing is within the reach of each child of God,
but he must go and get it. Without it he cannot
make a success of his Christian calling.
* This counsel from a father to a son is primarily
from Jehovah to his only-begotten Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ, and also embraces the members of
the body of Christ. But in principle it applies to
every human creature who will ever attain to life
in or under Jehovahs kingdom. This exhortation
from the two greatest counselors in the universe,
Jehovah God and his Son, Christ Jesus, to give
attention to the Word of God, to get understanding
of that Word, that we might fully appreciate our
relationship to our God and his organization, is
therefore something to be greatly appreciated and
taken very seriously. My son, hear the instruction
of thy father, and forsake not the teaching of thy
mother. (Prov. 1: 8, Am. Stan. Ver., margin) We on
our part must do something. We must get under
standing of Jehovahs purposes and learn how they
apply to us individually, and collectively. If we re
fuse or neglect to get this understanding we endan
ger our future existence in any part of Gods realm.
5 In times past the Lord commended King Solomon
4. Who thus really counsel us? What Is It our part to do?
5. What choice o young King Solomon did the Lord God commend?



very highly for desiring an understanding heart

above everything else. A consideration of Solomons
course and the Lords pleasure in it will be profitable
here. In Gibeon the L o r d appeared to Solomon in
a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall
give thee. Solomon replied: Give therefore thy
servant an understanding heart to judge thy people,
that I may discern between good and bad: for
who is able to judge this thy so great a people?
And the speech pleased the L o r d , that Solomon
had asked this thing. And God said unto him, Be
cause thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked
for thyself long life; neither hast asked riches for
thyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies;
but hast asked for thyself understanding to discern
judgment; behold, I have done according to thy
words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an under
standing heart; so that there was none like thee
before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like
unto thee. And I have also given thee that which
thou hast not asked, both riches, and honour: so
that there shall not be any among the kings like
unto thee all thy days. 1 Ki. 3: 5, 9-13.
6 Solomons choice pleased Jehovah God because
it acknowledged Him as supreme. It showed that
Jehovah is the only proper source of understanding
and that Solomon was a servant who wanted to
serve him faithfully and that the people who were
to be judged were Jehovahs people. This wise choice
sets the right course for all of God s servants to
follow, and it foreshadowed the correct course that
their Leader, the faithful and true servant of Jeho
vah, would take. Moses the prophet also manifested
exemplary meekness and looked to Jehovah for
understanding and direction, and for this the Lord
God used Moses mightily. Num. 12: 3.
7However, the greatest example we have in seek
ing understanding and in applying it is, of course,
Jesus of Nazareth, for he said: I can of mine own
self do nothing: . . . I seek not mine own will, but
the will of the Father which hath sent me. (John
5: 30) By not seeking his own will he did not mar
his wisdom and understanding. This Jesus is, due
to God, made unto us wisdom. (1 Cor. 1:17-19, 30)
We do well, therefore, to give particular attention
to the example he has set for us. Before doing so,
however, let us consider another side of the matter.
8 The fact that one has understanding up till now
is no assurance that this understanding will be his
for all time. To be retained, this understanding
must be cherished, preserved and striven for. No
issue pertaining to Jehovahs kingdom by Christ
should be let arise without getting a proper under
standing and view of it. What is Gods purpose
6. Why did his choice please Jehovah? What did It foreshadow?
7. Who Is our greatest example o f seeking understanding? W hy?
8. Can understanding be lost? Whose example proves your answer?


N. Y.

concerning it? What is my Theocratic responsibility

toward it? No price is too great to pay for under
standing. Solomon, the highly praised servant of
Jehovah, lost his understanding, which at one time
was so precious and important to him. He set his
affections on other things than the Lord. He grat
ified the desires of his human heart, which is de
ceitful above all things, and desperately wicked .
(Jer. 17:9) This leaning to his own will corrupted
his understanding and he died condemned of God.
(1 Ki. 11:1-11) This teaches that no other creature,
be that one as near and as dear as a wife, can be
permitted to come between the servant and his God.
Solomon was properly warned of the consequence
of his course but chose to ignore it; which was a
serious step and denoted corrupted understanding
had set in.

9 Similarly Moses, who was known as the meekest

man in all the earth, manifested great discernment
and understanding of the will and purposes of
Jehovah concerning himself and the people of God
whom he was privileged to serve. But he became so
carried away with his own importance and disturbed
by the repeated transgression of the Israelites that
he refused to properly honor Jehovah before them.
Note the words of the once meek and humble Moses.
And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation
together before the rock, and he said unto them,
Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out
of this rock? . . . And the L o r d spake unto Moses
and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify
me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore
ye shall not bring this congregation into the land
which I have given them. (Num. 20:10,12) Moses
understanding became corrupted, he thought him
self equal with God in providing blessings upon
10 The greatest enemy of understanding is self
in any form, self-importance, self-pity or selfindulgence. Self always beclouds the issue and ob
scures the vision. Therefore, if we would retain un
derstanding we must continually keep self in subjec
tion and our eye single to the Lords glory, study
his Word and meditate upon and follow closely the
examples the Lord sets forth in the Scriptures for
our guidance. Now let us consider Jesus, who was
made unto us wisdom and an example of getting
and retaining proper understanding.
11 Jesus had knowledge, wisdom and perfect un
derstanding of the divine purposes. This perfect
knowledge, wisdom and understanding did not come
automatically to him; he had to get it by study,
9 How did Moses on a trying occasion illustrate this sad fact?
10. What Is the greatest enemy of understanding? W hy?
11. How did Jesus get understanding? How do we get It?

M ay

1, 1950



meditation and prayer, even as we. (Deut. 17:18-20)

His faithful course in this respect is set forth as
an example for us to follow. (1 Pet. 2:21) His
reasonings and conclusions are based upon a perfect
understanding of the divine will. These reasonings
and conclusions are entirely foreign to human meth
ods of reasoning, and most of his conclusions are
entirely different from ours, because of our imper
fections and human inclinations which are after
the flesh. (Isa. 5 5 :8 ,9 ) The course of action he
advocates for his followers is the right one, regard
less of how much it may conflict with our own, and
must be given precedence over our own or any
other creature s conclusions. We must be trans
formed by a renewing of our mind to conform to
Gods mind as expressed in his Word, before we
can have real knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
12 Jesus position regarding his and our relation
ship to Jehovah God is set forth at Matthew 22: 37:
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
He was always governed by this principle himself
and advocated it for everyone else. When the Devil
misquoted scriptures and suggested their misappli
cation to his personal needs Jesus on all occasions
honored the name and the word of Jehovah and
displayed his understanding by properly applying
the scriptures.
is Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the
wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he
had fasted forty days and forty nights, he afterward
hungered. And the tempter came and said unto him,
If thou art the Son of God, command that these
stones become bread. But he answered and said,
It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but
by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth
of God. Then the devil taketh him into the holy
city; and he set him on the pinnacle of the temple,
and saith unto him, If thou art the Son of God, cast
thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his
angels charge concerning thee: and, On their hands
they shall bear thee up, Lest haply thou dash thy
foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, Again
it is written, Thou shalt not make trial of the Lord
thy God. Again, the devil taketh him unto an ex
ceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the
kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and
he said unto him, All these things will I give thee,
if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith
Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is
written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and
him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth
him; and behold, angels came and ministered unto
him. (Matt. 4:1-11, Am. Stan. Ver.) Jehovah in
turn vindicated Jesus faith and faithfulness by

having his angels come and minister to him after the

test was past. Jesus, however, had to endure the test
and show his faith first.
14 The humble servant of Jehovah who is anxious
to get understanding will meditate on this example.
First, he will note that Jesus did not choose his
own course to follow, or select his own territory.
He was led of the spirit. His own preferences and
ideas of what should be done were not the important
thing. The same attitude is in evidence as he met
each issue. The big question was not that of supply
ing his own bodily needs, no matter how legitimate
those needs might seem to be, or following a seem
ingly easier and more desirable way of doing his
Fathers business. He had understanding. He knew
his Fathers purposes. That understanding plus the
spirit of Jehovah enabled him to properly under
stand and apply these scriptures that Satan had
misapplied and to counter with scriptures properly
applied according to his Father s purposes.
15 Jesus well knew that to use his power to turn
the stones into bread would be leaving an example
of selfishness for his disciples to follow. He would
be using his God-given power for his own comfort
rather than for his Fathers glory. This would be
a stumblingblock to his followers rather than a
proper example. He had faith that his God would
supply his needs when the time came; and He did so.
Jesus understanding told him that if he jumped
off the pinnacle of the temple and should be pre
served he might develop a following, but such fol
lowers would not be accepting him because of the
eternal principles of his God, which he had cov
enanted to hold forth, but because of the spectac
ular deed which he performed. Jehovah would not
be glorified, nor the people benefited, by such a
course. Similarly, by bowing down and worshiping
Satan, even if such a scheme could be successful,
what would be the advantage1? If he obtained the
kingdoms of this world he would simply have a
mass of vessels prepared for inevitable and ultimate
destruction. The Devils schemes are never an outlet
through which to make known the riches of Gods
glory on the vessels of mercy which He has prepared
for His glory. (Romans 9: 21-23) Jesus understand
ing enabled him to clearly appreciate that the Lords
way of inviting men of good-wili to submit them
selves to the principles of Jehovah os revealed in
Christ Jesus for their own transformation, and for
thus having His law written in their hearts, was
the best and only proper way.
16 This series of examples set forth by Jesus for
our edification covers the various ways in which the
Devil approaches the servants of the Lord, through
the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the

12, 13. What principle toward God governed him? What tests prove It?

14, 15. What marks of understanding do we note in Jesus example?

16. So what does it take for us to resist the tests by the Devil?




N. Y.

pride of life, in an effort to turn them aside from

faithfully serving Jehovah. (1 John 2:16,17) It
takes understanding to resist them. Study them
carefully, meditate upon them, and with all your
getting get understanding. The Devil had and used
knowledge. Jesus had and used understanding. There
is a big difference.
17 Regarding Jesus, it is written of him that he
for the joy that was set before him endured the
cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the
right hand of the throne of God . (Heb. 12:2) The
Scriptures indicate that Jesus had a personal joy
in fulfilling the purposes of his Father and receiving
the promised reward. They indicate a personal ob
jective, a reward that would be all his own, all in
harmony with and pleasing to his heavenly Father,
who set this joy before him.
18 A part of this great joy was that of being King
in Gods glorious kingdom, the joy that he might,
if faithful, be the instrument used by his heavenly
Father to direct the Kingdom activities which would
vindicate Jehovahs name and bestow untold bless
ings upon faithful creatures throughout the uni
verse. This joy that was set before Jesus, and which
he desired so greatly, is pictured in the Scriptures
as a treasure hid in the field; he was required to
sell all that he had in order to obtain this field.
The members of the body of Christ, who are heirs
of God and joint heirs with Christ, are called upon
and required to follow in his footsteps. They too
are required to sell all that they have in order to
be with him in the Kingdom. The same consuming
joy is set before them and it must inspire them
with the same unalterable determination that no
sacrifice is too great, or obstruction too difficult, for
them to overcome in order to have a part in this
glorious reward to which Jehovah invited them.
Matt. 13:44.
19 Similarly the Jonadabs or other sheep , who
will be greatly blessed and honored under that
glorious kingdom and be recipients of its blessings,
are also required to consider this privilege of ines
timable value and are required to follow a course
of faithfulness similar to that of Jesus and his body
members in order to qualify for its blessings. There
fore the selling of all that he had, this giving up
everything in order to obtain that pearl of great
price, is of vital concern to all the members of the
body of Christ and to their faithful Jonadab asso
ciates. Our appreciation of this is enhanced by
proper understanding. Get understanding! Matt.
20 The attitude of Jesus and his method of approach
to this great undertaking is recorded at Matthew

8:20-22: Foxes have holes and wild birds have

nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his
head! (An Amer. Trans.) His big objective was
to serve his God and trust Him for everything else.
He was not interested in accumulating personal
earthly treasure. He had no desire to acquire the
wealth of this world, nor land, nor even a home. He
did not even try to have the ordinary things that
other creatures felt necessary to their existence.
He was concerned with one thing, the acquiring of
that field containing the hid treasure. All other
earthly acquisitions would have been burdensome
and would have interfered with his plans; therefore
he joyfully relinquished them rather than have them
in any way interfere with his one great objective.
21 Jesus started out by officially undertaking the
obligations connected with the work. He presented
himself to his Father saying (as expressed by the
psalmist), Lo, I come . . . to do thy will, 0 my
God. After his forty days in the wilderness, where
he undoubtedly studied, meditated and carefully
planned his future course, and after being tempted
by the Devil, he came forth with that positive deter
mination to get this field and obtain that treasure
of great price at any cost. He did not stop and say,
Do I have enough money in the bank in order to
care for me if this thing should collapse or if things
do not work out? Nor did he demand a trailer or
insist on some other provisions in order to provide
for his comfort during this undertaking. No, he
came right out of the wilderness and went right
to work serving the purposes of the Almighty God
according to his covenant. Publishing this gospel
of the Kingdom and inviting followers to join him
in it, he understood what he was doing.

17. 18. What does understanding create? What does this help us do?
19. Does this have any point for Jonadabs? If so, how?
90. How did Jesus approach this undertaking without encumbrances?

21. How did he start out on his course of action?

22. What attitude did those invited to join him as disciples take?
23. 24. Whom, and with what instructions, did he send out first?


22 He invited Andrew, Peter, James and John,

among others, to join him in the work of becoming
fishers of men. These immediately left their fishing
business. They, like Jesus, did not stop indefinitely
to consider, What is this going to cost me? or, Do
I have sufficient money to care for my needs in
this work? nor say, If it fails all my customers
will be gone, and what will become of me? No, they
immediately left their fishing business and went
on and followed Jesus. As time went on, other
disciples, similarly disposed, joined them and the
nucleus of quite an organization was developed.
23 The time finally came to send these disciples
forth on their mission as fishers of men. He selected
the most advanced, mature and Theocratic to make
up this first pioneer group and sent them out in
the service as representatives of the Kingdom.
There were just twelve of them.

M a y 1,



2* The Lords instructions to them were pointed

and explicit. Matthew 10:5-10 (An Amer. Trans.)
reads: Jesus sent these twelve out, after giving
them these directions: Do not go among the heathen,
or to any Samaritan town, but proceed instead to
the lost sheep of Israels house. And as you go
about, preach and say, The Kingdom of Heaven
is at hand! Cure the sick, raise the dead, heal lepers,
drive out demons. Give without payment, just as
you received without payment. Do not accept gold
or silver or copper money to put in your pockets,
and do not take a bag for your journey, nor two
shirts, nor shoes, nor a staff, for the workman de
serves his fo o d ! The similarity between this com
mission and Jesus own course of ministry is very
25 This method of doing the work must have sound
ed strange to the disciples, it being so entirely con
trary to human reasoning that one might think the
disciples would not understand; but they were will
ing. We cannot get away from the fact that this
is the procedure Jesus himself followed, and it
is the course of action he advocated his followers
to take. The question naturally arises, Why did
Jesus advocate a course like this for himself and
his followers? Jesus knew that any earthly accu
mulations other than what was absolutely neces
sary for them to get along with would be simply
extra burdens upon them and would interfere with
the commission they had received from Jehovah.
Such accumulations would retard the progress of
the work they were setting out to do. Consequently
from the beginning he advocated that they were
not to burden themselves with such things. Their
commission had come from Jehovah. He had assigned
them a very important work; all unnecessary weights
that would interfere with its accomplishment must
be given up. These things would be simply some
thing to worry about, to divide their attention be
tween their accumulation and their commission from
the Lord. Jesus wanted, above everything else, that
their minds should be free and devoted entirely to
this commission in order to insure its success. Jesus
had understanding and helped the disciples under


28 This way is entirely different from the human

way. Today, even among those who profess to be
Christians, it is safe to say that almost everyone,
when he considers full-time service, the first thing
that he thinks of is: What have I in the way of
earthly resources, something to fall back on? I may
become sick or maybe this thing will not work out
satisfactorily; then what will I do, if I do not have
a home or other provisions to turn to? This is

the natural functioning of the human mind; it puts

ourselves first and God and his requirement second.
This is not reasoning according to the understanding
of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is therefore sensual,
earthly, demonic. The question everyone who pro
fesses to be a Christian is faced with in such an issue
is, Who is right, Jesus Christ our Lord and Head
or I? All will agree the Lord is right. Well, then,
do I have faith enough in Almighty God to accept
the direction of our Lord Jesus Christ and follow
the course of action that he outlined for all his
faithful followers and which course his faithful
disciples maintained when he was with them at his
first advent? Boiled right down, the question is,
Am I prepared to sell all that I have for a part
in Gods kingdom?
27 Knowing our limitations, and the power of our
earthly cravings, and the Devils alertness to help
us gratify them, the Lord has emphasized this mat
ter of getting understanding in the Scriptures. He
indicated that it is very necessary to get understand
ing first; and when we have attained to that, we
shall be able to appreciate that it would be very
foolish indeed to try to make the Kingdom with
a lot of unnecessary accumulated burdens that are
bound to obstruct our progress and corrupt our
28As an illustration: Today a man having property
valued at one hundred thousand dollars is required
to pay approximately four thousand dollars a year
in taxes, or more than three hundred dollars every
month. He cant take his property to heaven with
him if he is a member of the body of Christ. What
is he going to do with it? Even if he is a Jonadab,
it is questionable that he would be able to preserve
it through Armageddon. Therefore, why spend all
this time, energy and money trying to preserve
something that he cannot take into the kingdom
of God? That time and energy and mammon could
be used in the Kingdom service and be converted
into treasures in heaven for that property owner.
Otherwise, he is wasting that much effort. Along
this same line, it is told of a man who had great
wealth, a fine man as far as worldly principles were
concerned, that he attained wealth beyond his fond
est expectation. He had a home in the city, in the
country and by the seashore; and in one of these
many lodges, all alone, death came upon him. All
his wealth could not help him; no servant nor other
human creature was near; he died in distress with
no one to comfort him; his great accumulations
were of no help to him. Had that man made true
friends with Jehovah God and His King Christ
Jesus by spending his energy in the Kingdom serv
ice, giving up all that he had in order to get that

25. Why did Jesus send them forth unencumbered?

28. How was that entirely different from the human way o f acting?

27, 28. W hy should we accumulate understanding, not burdens? Illus






N. Y.

the necessary sleep he required and had sufficient

clothing. The same is true of his disciples. There
was no possibility of failure, because the Almighty
God of the universe was the One guaranteeing
these things. This was no isolated instance, or some
thing that applied only to that one particular time.
It was a definite policy which the Lord set for
himself and his disciples to follow now as well as
then, if they would attain to the Kingdom. Later,
when he sent out the seventy, similar instructions
were given to them: After this the Master appointed
[seventy] others, and sent them on before him, two
by two, to every town or place to which he intended
to come. And he said to them, The harvest is abun
dant enough, but the reapers are few. So pray to
the owner of the harvest to send reapers to gather
it. Now go. Here I send you out like lambs among
wolves. Carry no purse nor wallet nor shoes, and
do not stop to exchange civilities with anyone on
the way. (Luke 10:1-4, An Amer. Trans.) The
very same principle was adhered to here that he
set before the preceding twelve, and the same
principle must apply today to the faithful followers
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
33 An illustration of how literally this policy ap
plied is given us at Luke 9:59,60. One of Jesus
disciples came to him and said: Let me first go and
bury my father. (An Amer. Trans.) Jesus counsel
was, No, you come on and follow me. Let the dead
81 Now consider the Lords conclusion to his coun bury the dead; that is their business. That is where
sel: The workman deserves his food. Whom were their interest is placed. But you have taken up new
these disciples working for? Were they working interests and you cannot be burdened with those
for some human leader, even the great Jesus of things. You are called to a higher calling to serve God
Nazareth? Were they working for the people of now and have a part in his kingdom throughout
good-will upon whom they called and to whom they eternity.
ministered? No. They were servants of the Almighty
34 If we could only keep these points before us
God, their Father in heaven. And He was the one continually it would be of inestimable value to us.
who had guaranteed them food. Therefore all earthly Understanding that our God will supply all our
accumulations would indicate lack of faith sufficient needs through Christ Jesus our Lord, understand
to trust Jehovah to the very end. The disciples were ing that we can depend upon him in every emergency,
not thus handicapped; they trusted Jehovah. They would enable us to realize the fullness of Christian
had faith based upon understanding and they acted living.
upon it and were rewarded. They, like David, testified
35 In order to help us to get this understanding,
by their lifes course: I have been young, and now Jehovah through his prophet invites us: Prove
am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, me now herewith, saith Jehovah of hosts, if I will
nor his seed begging bread.Ps. 37: 25.
not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you
32 In the case of Jesus and his disciples it wasout a blessing, that there shall not be room enough
not a matter of being unable to obtain these earthly to receive it. (Mai. 3:10, Am. Stan. Ver.) How
advantages. Jesus could have had all of them; he are we going to prove Jehovah unless we step out
possessed abilities such as no other man who walked upon his promises? unless we bring all our tithes
this earth. But that was not what his joy was in. into the storehouse and trust him? By so doing the
He had faith based on understanding that when Lord will prove himself and enable us to appreciate
he went out in the Lords service his Father would with understanding how real are his promises and
see to it that he had enough to eat, that he obtained how wise is his counsel.

pearl of great price, he would have had treasures

in heaven which moth or rust could not hurt nor
thieves break through and steal. And when the
end came, he would have had peace, contentment
and happiness, which comes from association with
those great friends, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ
our Lord.
29 The great mass of so-called Christians follow
the course of action that this wealthy man followed
through lack of understanding. They are blinded to
the true facts of life by Satan the Devil, who uses
as willing instruments unfaithful preachers, un
principled politicians and greedy profiteers. They
perish from lack of understanding. This understand
ing has to cut through every human tradition and
base, lustful craving that the human creature has
been cultivating for the past 6,000 years. It has
to enlighten us to the fact that there can be no
security or preservation apart from Jehovah God
and his King Christ Jesus.
30 When we do get that understanding we fully
appreciate that the disciples of Jesus chose the
wise course. They accepted their commission with
gladness. They realized that the Lord alone could
direct their steps. And they were willing to accept
that direction and not lean upon their own under
standing. Prov. 3: 5, 6.

29, 30. Why was the course Jesus' disciples chose the wise one?
31. For whom were they w orking? And with what provisions?
32. What faith did they need? Who else must have it?

33. W hy must we "let the dead bury their dead ?

34, 35. How. then, do we properly "prove Jehovah God?


TESUS acquired understanding from a study of
I Gods Word. He was not born with it as a human
J babe; he had to study the Word of Jehovah. It
was written concerning kings: And it shall be,
when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom,
that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book
out of that which is before the priests the Levites:
and it shall be with him, and he shall read therein
all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear
the L o r d his God, to keep all the words of this law
and these statutes, to do them. Deut. 17:18,19.
2If study was necessary in order for the King
to obtain understanding and learn to fear Jehovah,
how much more is it necessary for us subjects to
study His law and diligently apply ourselves to an
understanding of his purposes. This we must do if we
are to acquire that confidence and reliance that will
enable us to step out on the promises of Jehovah
with peace and implicit assurance that he will fulfill
every one of them.
3 This is understanding; it means eating the book.
It means a great deal more than simply taking the
instruments that the Lord supplies for our edifica
tion, such as the Bible, The Watchtower, the books
and booklets and the Informant, and looking them
over superficially or just studying them in order to be
able to answer a question on the night of the meeting.
No, we must diligently apply ourselves to a thorough
study, so that this knowledge provided by the Lord
becomes part of us and makes us ready and equipped
to always give an answer for the hope that is within
us. This knowledge is what the prophet had in mind
when he said: Knowledge of the Holy One is
understanding. (Prov. 9:10, Am. Stan. Ver.) With
that understanding we will be equipped to meet
every issue with positive Scriptural answers, even
as Jesus did when he was tempted by the adversary.
We should study our Watchtower or other Theo
cratic publications until we thoroughly understand
their contents. If necessary, wrestle with the sub
ject, pray to the Lord for help. Dont quit! Jacob
had to wrestle all night with the angel of the Lord
in order to get a blessing. The Lord rewarded his
diligence and determination. He will likewise reward
ours. He tells us, if we lack wisdom, to ask the Lord
for it, and he will bestow it abundantly upon us
without adding any sorrow thereto. Therefore, with
all thy getting get understanding.Prov. 4: 7.
4With his understanding, Jesus saw the need of
his disciples of then and today. He gave detailed
instructions and under Gods guidance he put into
operation arrangements for protecting their inter
ests. These form a model outline for the overseers

in Jehovahs Theocratic organization from then until

now. Every Watch Tower Society Branch servant,
every district servant, every circuit servant and
every company servant would do well to study this
outline carefully and continually. It shows them
how they should faithfully consider the Kingdom in
terests in the organization to which they have been
assigned to minister. They should plan their congre
gational meetings or other course of action to build
up the weak points and to protect the concerns of
Jehovahs organization committed to their charge.
They should so conduct themselves as the divine
Word instructs. The same planning and correct con
duct would apply also to a Bible study held at the
Kingdom Hall or in homes of interested people. The
needs of the people being ministered to should be
lovingly considered by the study conductor and the
meeting be planned and held to accomplish the great
est good.
5The more we consider the loving care and tender
counsel which Jesus imparted to his disciples and
all other persons of good-will who assembled with
him, the more we realize that this vital information
constitutes splendid instruction for all servants of
God to follow. It displays wisdom and understand
ing and love in every circumstance that might affect
their ministry. By copying him we apply the same
wisdom and understanding and love and we become
effective ministers equipped for every good work.
Carrying out his instructions increases our own
understanding of them and of our relationship to
God his Father. Ps. I l l : 10.
6We are living in a crucial day. It is very im
portant that we get an insight into Jehovahs pur
poses and the commandments that he issues to his
people in harmony with his purposes. Now the world
leaders, the political, commercial, religious and
military elements, are pitting their so-called knowl
edge and philosophies and scientific advances
against the revealed and declared purposes of God.
Consequently they speak against the witnesses of
the Most High God and persecute those who have
been honored with the glorious privilege of proclaim
ing his kingdom to the ends of the earth. All such
self-confident opposers of God and His people go
on willfully in their ignorance of the divine purposes
for this period in human history. As for an appre
ciation of Gods will and commandments, they are
little better than brute beasts and are surely more
reprehensible than such beasts. The apostle Peter
aptly describes them with these words: But these,
as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and de
stroyed, speak evil of the things that they under
stand not; and shall utterly perish in their own

1, 2. How did Jesus gain understanding? So how must we do so?

3. Hence how must we study the Bible and Bible publications?
4. Whose outline ot Instructions should servants study? W hy?

5. How do we Increase our understanding of his instructions?

6, As to understanding, what are worldly leaders like? How so?




corruption; and shall receive the reward of unright

eousness.2 Pet. 2:12,13.

7In this time of the end, when Gods righteous

ones are enjoying the benefit of the increase of divine
knowledge, those worldlings have no comprehension
that we are at the end of this world and that Gods
righteous new world under the kingdom of his be
loved Son is at hand. They refuse to renounce the
honors and glory of this world and to hearken to
Gods message and humble themselves under his
mighty hand and seek the honor that comes from
him only. Is it any wonder, then, that those world
lings do not see into the operations of Jehovah God
in these last days of this world? Truly, Daniels
prophecy on the time of the end correctly pre
dicted their inability to grasp divine things: The
words are closed up and sealed till the time of the
end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and
tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none
of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall
understand.Dan. 12: 9,10.
8 Hence the wicked are not so smart as they think.
In their mental darkness concerning the words of
Gods Bible they are going on to early destruction
at Armageddon. There all their hypocritical religious
worship, together with all their worldly shrewdness,
will be proved vain and will be destroyed. As Isaiah
29:13,14 has well said: Wherefore the Lord said,
Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their
mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have
removed their heart far from me, and their fear
toward me is taught by the precept of men: therefore,
behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among
this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder:
for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and
the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.
Their worldly brand could not be the kind of wisdom
and understanding that the Proverbs urge us to get,
whatever else it is that we try to get. Their worldly
brand is without any true love of God; it does not
promote love of him, and is therefore false and de
ceiving. Those worldly leaders, with all their reputed
braininess and smartness, are plain fools.
9We are urged not to be like them, especially in
these days when catastrophic Armageddon is so near
and when what little time remains counts so much
for our salvation and for that of people to whom
we preach the message of salvation. With prophetic
warning for our day the apostle says: See then
that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Where7. As Daniel foretold, who do not understand now? W hy not?
8. What will happen soon to their wisdom and understanding? W hy?
9. 10. So what are we exhorted urgently to do?


N. Y.

fore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the

will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine,
wherein is excess; but be filled with the spirit.
Eph. 5:15-18.
10 So grasp the significance of these evil days and
the astounding things that are taking place, espe
cially among Jehovahs people. Put your heart into
your quest for wisdom and understanding from the
only Source, Jehovah God. Pray for more of his
holy spirit. Learn his will from his Word. Love
him with all your heart, mind, soul and understand
ing, by doing his will. Love your neighbor as you do
yourself, especially as far as sharing with your
neighbor Gods Kingdom message. Remember that
your closest neighbors on earth are your own broth
ers and sisters within the fold of the Good Shepherd
Jesus Christ. Remember that on his last night in
the flesh with his faithful apostles he told them he
gave them a new commandment, to love one another
as he had loved them. By this true affection all men
of understanding would know they were his disciples.
Their doing these things would deepen their insight
into the wisdom behind Jesus instructions and would
give them jo y ; for he said: If you know these things,
happy are you if you do them. (John 13:17, The
Emphatic Diaglott) Yes, they would be happy, be
cause they would be wise, and their wisdom would
be justified by the results that flowed from it.
11 The doing of God s commandments through
Christ proves that we love Jehovah our Father.
To love him aright, it takes understanding. That is
why Jesus approved of the saying of the scribe who
said: Master, thou hast said the truth: for there
is one God; and there is none other but he: and to
love him with all the heart, and with all the under
standing, and with all the soul, and with all the
strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is
more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.
Seeing that the scribe answered discerningly, Jesus
said: Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.
(Mark 12: 32-34) Understanding gives us an evalua
tion of all that the one Supreme God Jehovah is and
all that he means to us for our eternal welfare; and
it makes us love him more. It spurs us on to keep in
relationship with him by obeying his commandments.
12 The way of understanding is therefore the only
way that will bring any of Christs anointed followers
into the Kingdom or any of his other sheep of
good-will into endless life on a paradise earth in the
new world, now so near. In the matter of getting
understanding, Jesus Christ is our highest example,
for no other son of God is more understanding than
he is. For this reason our heavenly Father loves him
most tenderly. Teaching us understanding even as
his heavenly Father has taught it to him, this beloved
11. With what especially must we love God?
12. What way brings us into eternal life in the new w orld?

May i , 1950


Son of God says to all seekers of everlasting life

in the upright new world: I was my fathers son,
tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother
[Gods holy universal organization]. He taught me
also, and said unto me, Let thine heart retain my


words: keep my commandments, and live. Get wis

dom, get understanding. The fear of Jehovah is
the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the
Holy One is understanding. Prov. 4: 3-5; 9:10,
Am. Stan. Ver.


CROSS the wide surface of this pleasant earth which
our Creator has provided in his love for the blessed
home of men, the knowledge of his W ord, the Bible,
is at this time being carried by persons dedicated to the
service of the Most High. Their calling to preach the W ord
is an honorable commission and a sacred trust, with which
nothing else on earth compares. That which they make
known is the glory of Jehovah, the true God, whose servants
they are.

These words you are now reading may find you located
in one of the more highly developed nations of the world.
If so, you know that to the people of such land Jehovahs
witnesses are bringing Bible information, light which comes,
not from men, but from the Lord Jehovah, who has risen
upon his servants. (Isa. 6 0 :1 , 2) You realize that this they
do for other than financial gain, because they spend, not
collect, of their time and every resource, material and spirit
ual. It may be that you join them in this glorious ministry,
and, if so, you know that there is no lack or shortage in
their lives which are filled to abundance with the spiritual
wealth of the truths of the kingdom of heaven.
On the other hand, this may come to you in a part of
the earth not developed according to mans proud civiliza
tion . Yet in all such places Jehovahs witnesses preach the
same W ord of God. Think of the variety of persons and
localities in this great field which is the world ! There is
wide contrast: every climate, all customs, varying standards,
practices and viewpoints. Everywhere, however rich, poor,
this color or that complexion, whatever language, in mansion
or very humble dwelling, everywhere there are people, and
people are what interests Jehovahs witnesses.
The various nations now possess some wealth, great in
many respects, but all really belonging to Jehovah the
Creator. Persons loving God turn such of this material
wealth as they can to the Lords praise by using it to
advance the Kingdom proclamation. However, many people
of the nations, the men, women and children who love right
eousness, are of real spiritual value, and they truly herald
Jehovahs praise by worshiping him. These persons are
precious to Jehovah God and to his servants, who love them.
After all, what is it that really makes a man? The cloth
with which he drapes his form? The color of his skin? The
locality of his mothers residence at his birth? His size,
features, inherited imperfection of body, the customs of his
ancestors? Surely, none of these things! A handsome, learned
person, possessing modern contrivances and elegant cloth
ing, might be cruel and selfish, or he might not. A poor,
uneducated person, to some strange in appearance and
speech, might love righteousness, respect his fellow man,

be of good-will toward God, or his heart might be the reverse

of these good qualities. So, isnt it that which is inside that
makes the man, and moves him in his response to the truth
of Gods Word? W e do not refer to that fictitious religious
invention, the immortal soul , but to that which God can
and does see, the heart. (1 Sam. 1 6 :7 ) A ll persons have
minds and hearts, setting their affections on unrighteous,
old world things or on righteous principles in harmony with
new world principles as revealed in the Scriptures.
W e feel that you would like to consider this matter from
this viewpoint. Such helps us to appreciate the necessity
for the W atch Tower Bible & Tract Society to continually
and consistently urge the preaching of the gospel to every
person, everywhere. It is an encouragement to you if you
are participating in this Bible educational work. When we
realize that whoever or wherever a person is he can respond
in one way or another to Gods W ord, we comprehend why
Jehovahs witnesses are sent to all areas to preach to the
people. When you read in this magazine or other of the
W atch Tower Societys publications, such as the 1950 Y ear
book, of the work earth-wide, you know the motive that gives
this work life and force: love for God and man, and Jeho
vahs spirit of blessing on his unselfish servants.
The money which is contributed by persons who accept
the printed Bible-study helps from Jehovahs witnesses
aids quite a bit in keeping the work going. The greater part
of the financial assistance, however, comes from other volun
tary contributions made by Jehovahs witnesses, by others
associating with them, and by any persons who desire to
support the work in this manner. It is a ioy and an assurance
to us, and we believe it will be to you also, for us to again
confirm the fact that never in its history has the Watch
Tower Bible & Tract Society, nor its representatives,
solicited any funds, nor taken up a collection , or levied
tithes. Christians covet no mans r Ald . (Acts 2 0 :3 3 ) In
following such Scriptural rule Jehov. Y s blessing has been
upon his organization.
The miracle of the expansion of Jehovahs worship is
taking place in this day by the Lords rich blessing and
direction. A man is following a wise course in using of
his money and other material blessings to support this work.
Now, as at all times, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society
follows the Scripturally approved policy of accepting
unforced, unsolicited, free-will donations of money. See
Luke 16 : 9; 2 1 :1 -4 ; 1 Corinthians 16: 2 ; 2 Corinthians 9 : 7.
This principle has always operated among Gods servants
on earth at all times. The same privilege is here today. Such
donations build and operate headquarters and Branch
offices and facilities in 65 countries, including missionary
homes (107 of these now ), promote the work in every land
(104 at the present writing), school missionaries and trans



port them to their foreign assignments, pay for local,

national and international conventions of gospel ministers,
publish Bibles and study aids, and ship and distribute these.
And the work is increasing.
Yearly we discuss this matter in The W atchtower for the
information of all, thus answering the questions relative
thereto for our many new readers, outlining the Good
Hopes donation arrangement. Soliciting money? Absolute
ly not! To consider the Lords work and plan in advance
to further it is a blessed and wonderful privilege in this
day. The Society plans in advance, and so do many individ
uals. Planning in advance what we can arrange to give is
in harmony with the advice regarding donations at 1 Corin
thians 1 6 :2 . So it is suggested that, upon receiving this
issue of The W atchtower, you address a postcard or letter
to the Society and keep a copy as a reminder to yourself
concerning the amount you hope to contribute. A ll you need
to write is, in substance:
By Gods grace I hope to be able to contribute to the work
of announcing the kingdom o f Jehovah during the ensuing year
the amount o f $ ................................ , which I will remit in such
amounts and at such time as I can find it convenient, as I am
[Signed] .......................................... ................................ ................

B rooklyn, N. Y.

Address your card or letter to

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
Treasurer s Office
124 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn 2, New York
Those residing outside of the United States, and who
desire to contribute in the above way to the coming years
expense, please address letters or cards to the Societys
office in the respective country in which you live. (See
page 130 for a list.)
Some persons may not care to undertake any such volun
tary arrangement as that above, feeling they are obligating
themselves. They prefer to send in their contributions to
the Society at any time, according to their prosperity or
ability to do so. In such cases they should send all these
contributions to the Society at the above Brooklyn address,
even if they have not notified the Brooklyn office in advance.
Your desire and ours is that Gods will may be accom
plished through his organization. And so, in prayer, present
to Him our need for His guidance, that all money contribu
tions we receive may be used to the best advantage to
announce the Kingdom, until the end comes and the new
world enters. Matt. 2 4 :1 4 .


N Wednesday morning, January 18, N. H . Knorr,
president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society,
and his traveling companion, R. E. Morgan, left
Caracas, Venezuela, bound for the island of Aruba in the
Netherlands W est Indies. In a little more than an hours
time the Royal Dutch Airlines D C-4 was over the island,
which could be seen in its entirety from the air; and it was
not long until immigration and customs formalities had
been completed and the visitors and brethren who came to
greet them were traveling by car to the missionary home in
San Nicolas. Aruba is an interesting little island, neat,
clean, windy and wr-m. Its 69 square miles are quite well
populated with Dutch- and English-speaking people. Of
peculiar interest were the growing characteristics of the
divi-divi tree, whose foliage extends out horizontally from
the trunk all in one direction. This is due to the constant
winds from the same direction. There is no natural water
supply on the island, all fresh water being distilled from
the ocean. Oil refining is the basis of the economic life, and
the same is true in the nearby sister island of Curacao.
Venezuela is a large producer of oil, and much of its black
gold is carried by boat to the Netherlands W est Indies and
refined there. In fact, Aruba and Curasao have two re
fineries that are among the largest in the world.

Jehovahs witnesses are active in Aruba, there now being

approximately fifty publishers in the San Nicolas company,
as compared with the fifteen of a year ago. Two graduates
of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead are assigned to
this territory, and they are doing commendable work. There
is more territory than two persons can handle. On Wednes
day evening Brothers Knorr and Morgan gave service talks
to an assemblage of sixty persons in the Suriname Club hall,
and again on Thursday afternoon they spoke to the brethren

in the local congregation at their Kingdom Hall. A great

deal of advertising of the talk Liberty to the Captives
had been carried out by the brethren, with posters, soundcar announcements and handbills. The Club Suriname had
been leased for the public talk too, it being required that
Jehovah s witnesses pay only the janitor fees and electric
bill. Extra chairs were rented, and on Thursday evening
it was gratifying to see 332 persons in the Club Suriname,
all listening attentively, having packed out the place, with
standing room only when the speaker began. The fact
that a Catholic priest strode back and forth outside the
club, peering through the open door in an endeavor to
ascertain whether any of his parishioners were in attend
ance, did not lessen enthusiasm of the audience for the
message they heard. Nor did this priests calling at the
homes of some who had attended the meeting frighten them,
either, for many new faces are finding their way into the
Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs witnesses since the lecture was
given. The members of the Club Suriname were so pleased
with the public meeting that they subsequently voted to
refuse any payment whatsoever for the use of the hall.
And they are interested in having further lectures given
by Jehovahs witnesses. Undoubtedly new impetus was
given the work on this island, and the two travelers were
glad to have a share in the expansion program for Aruba.
Friday afternoon the two travelers from New York,
along with the two missionaries assigned to Aruba, said
good-bye to the brethren and flew over to the larger island
of Curasao to attend the assembly arranged for that week
end. The capital city of Willemstad was in a gala mood, for
the prince of the Netherlands had just arrived for a visit.
Buildings and thoroughfares were brightly lighted at night
with colored lights; and the Dutch ensign was everywhere

M ay 1, 1950


to be seen, alongside a great number of orange banners in

honor of the Dutch House of Orange. Willemstad in many
ways reminded Brother Knorr of his visit to the Nether
lands. The city is not more than a few feet above sea level,
and the style of building construction is similar to that in
the mother country. One unusual feature of the town is
the Queen Emma bridge which crosses St. Anna bay. This
two-lane bridge rides on fourteen large pontoons, and it
provides passage for both vehicles and pedestrians. The
bridge has a hinge arrangement on one side, and when boats
must enter the bay the entire bridge swings aside on this
hinge, moving to a position parallel and close to the shore.
While the bridge is open people are ferried across the water
free, but vehicles must wait till the bridge is closed again.
In a matter of minutes it is easily closed and traffic resumes.
Not far from this bridge one finds tied up at the wharf
many small craft that bring tropical fruit from Venezuela,
selling such directly from the boat to consumer. W ithin
a few blocks of this site is the city market. A visitor cannot
help but be amused by the curious custom of smoking
adopted by many natives. Though they Tight up in the
usual manner, the lighted cigarette is at once reversed so
that the glowing tobacco is inside the mouth. Thus the ob
server sees the customary puffing of smoke, but he is at
first puzzled by the lack of glow on that portion of the
cigarette protruding from the mouth. However, where there
is smoke there must be fire, and he soon sees the cigarette
removed from the smokers mouth to facilitate the removal
of ash. Then the phenomenon becomes plain. The cigarette
companies of America have not advertised this method yet.
Maybe they can sell the public the idea of being fire-eaters
instead of just being a smokestack.
The company of fifty of Jehovahs witnesses in W illem
stad had looked forward to this first visit of the Societys
president to Curasao, and they, along with the two mission
aries assigned to the territory, had made good preparations.
On Friday night there were 93 persons assembled to hear
talks by the two brothers from New York. A fter each talked
a summary of the talks was given in Papiamento. In view
of the fact that Brother Knorr would be in Curasao only
one full day, Saturday, the public lecture was arranged
for that evening in the fine public library building. This
building is a bit unusual because, although it is entirely
enclosed so far as entrance from the street is concerned, it
has a large patio in the center specially designed for
meetings and lectures. So, with the starry sky as a roof,
234 persons heard Brother Knorr discourse on the great
freedom that the new world will soon bring to all lovers of
righteousness. The people of the Netherlands W est Indies
particularly enjoy lectures of this kind, as had also been
evidenced at Aruba, where many thought the hour talk
much too short. So at Curasao Brother Knorr went into
greater detail, devoting the best part of an hour and a half
to the subject. Many were the expressions of appreciation
In reviewing the Kingdom work in the Netherlands
West Indies, it was observed that there is a continually
developing interest in the six islands of this group. The
new Kingdom publishers need better attention and service
than can be given them from the office at Brooklyn. So
Brother Knorr arranged for the establishment of a new

Branch commencing March 1, 1950, to be known as the

Netherlands W est Indies Branch. This will keep the brethren
and companies of Jehovahs witnesses in much closer touch
with the Society and give them much better aid in per
forming their field ministry. Brother Thomas R. Yeatts,
a Gilead graduate serving in that territory since the middle
of 1946, was appointed Branch servant.
Early Sunday morning, January 22, Brother Knorr bade
the brethren good-bye and departed by air for Paramaribo,
Surinam (Dutch Guiana). Brother Morgan remained behind
in Curasao to conduct a baptismal service for the Willemstad
company that morning; and in the evening he spoke to the
brethren once again after the usual W atchtower study. As
was true with practically all the talks given by the two
visitors in Curagao, a local brother gave a brief resume in
the Papiamento dialect for the benefit of those who did
not fully understand English. The brethren in Curagao
are enthused over the prospects for the expansion of the
work in the Netherlands W est Indies; and they are espe
cially happy with the fact that they now have a Branch
office to serve them. Moreover, the missionaries serving in
both Aruba and Curagao were happy to learn that they
would get help from graduates of the 14th Gilead class
after the 1950 assembly.
Although Brother Knorr had been in Surinam only last
year on his South American trip, it seemed advisable for
him to now make a special journey from Curagao down to
Surinam. There had been some difficulties among the breth
ren and some problems had arisen that they did not feel
able to handle. For the interests of the work it seemed
advisable to make the trip. Brother Knorr was met by the
brethren at the airport Sunday afternoon, drove into town
and had dinner with the graduates of Gilead at the mission
ary home. That evening all attended the W atchtower study,
86 being present. One-half hour later the public meeting
began. This was arranged for in the Kingdom Hall, and just
the known people of good-will were invited. There was no
public advertising. There were 112 in attendance, and much
interest was shown by those present. This was the beginning
of a three-day assembly.
Monday and Tuesday Brother Knorr spoke through an
interpreter to about 75 of the brethren. The admonition
given was to forget the difficulties that had arisen in the
past and settle down to the principal work of preaching
the gospel. Even though the people in Surinam gossip and
say some bad things about Jehovahs witnesses, the brethren
should not be disturbed by that. By the lives you lead and
the message which you preach you will be able to comfort
those seeking truth and righteousness, Brother Knorr told
them. It was pointed out, too, that we are not following man
or an organization but the principles set out in Gods Word,
and this we must do regardless of what other people have
done or will do in the future. Our work has been, and will
continue to be, 'preaching the word. But while we preach
the word our life and daily course of action must reflect
that we believe the W ord of God and will live up to it, even
as Christ Jesus did. He took the proper course in his daily
life and he also preached the truth, proving himself worthy
to be the chief witness of all Jehovahs witnesses. The breth-



ren were greatly encouraged to press on. They realize that

the maintaining of ones integrity is essential regardless
of what other people do or say.
A new Branch servant was appointed, Brother Simmonite
from Canada. It is believed that he will pick up the Dutch
language very quickly. Even after being there only two
months he was able to read his speech in the Dutch language
and this was greatly appreciated by all the brethren. The
missionaries now in Surinam are cooperating well together,
and they are doing everything they can to aid the company
organization and carry on the expansion work. The three
days in Paramaribo were very blessed, even though it was
at the close of the rainy season and periodically throughout
the day the downpour of rain was so great that there was a
sheet of water from one side of the street to the other. It
was good to be with the brethren again. They are all deter
mined to continue on faithfully in the work, and they send
their love and greetings to their fellow workers throughout
the world.
On Wednesday, January 25, rising time was 5 : 30 a.m.,
for it was a long ride out to the airport where Brother Knorr
was to get his Pan American flight for the trip back home.
He said good-bye to the brethren at 8 : 4 5 and was on his
way to Trinidad. While the stop-over at Trinidad was only
twenty minutes, previous arrangements had been made for
the Branch servant to meet the president at the airport to
go over any problems with regard to the work in the British
West Indies. The twenty-minute stay in Trinidad was just
like a minute. But it was good to see Brother Newton again
before continuing the flight to Puerto Rico.
A t 10 p.m. Monday evening, January 23, Brother Morgan
left Curasao for San Juan, Puerto Rico, arriving there in
the wee hours of the morning. Brother R. V . Franz, the
Branch servant, and another Gilead graduate were on hand
to meet him, and by 3 a.m. they were retiring for a few
hours rest before undertaking the busy schedule outlined
for Tuesday. Inasmuch as Brother Knorr would not arrive
in Puerto Rico from Surinam until Wednesday afternoon,
on a Pan American through flight to New York, the Puerto
Rican Branch arranged for Brother Morgan to serve two
meetings. Wednesday morning a group of brethren accom
panied Brother Morgan to the town of Caguas, where a
new missionary home had just been established. En route
the party drove through some very beautiful country. In
the afternoon 64 brethren and persons of good-will assem
bled to hear a discourse, in English and Spanish, packing
out the two rooms in the missionary home that are used
for a Kingdom Hall. In the late afternoon the party re
turned to San Juan, and that evening 190 persons, including
23 graduates of Gilead, gathered together in a hall specially
rented for the occasion. A ll were delighted to hear of the
good progress the Kingdom work is making throughout
Central America and the other points visited. And yet the

B rooklyn, N. Y,

Puerto Rican brethren are happy with their own progress

and the Lords evident blessing upon their efforts, for during
December, 1949, Puerto Rico exceeded 300 Kingdom pub
lishers for the first time.
Some time Wednesday morning was devoted to going
over Branch matters and inspecting the Societys recently
purchased home in San Juan. In the early afternoon a
large group of brethren accompanied Brother Morgan to
the airport where he would join Brother Knorr for the final
leg of the long trip. A t 3 p.m. Brother Knorr arrived by
plane from Surinam, and the forty-odd brethren who had
come to the airport were able to talk to him for an hours
time. O f these, 27 were graduates of Gilead. Also, the
Branch servant was able to consult Brother Knorr on cer
tain matters regarding the work in Puerto Rico. A t 4 p.m.
the loudspeakers called for all New York-bound passengers
to board the four-engine plane, and so Brothers Knorr and
Morgan were off on their final flight, Puerto Rico to New
York. Passengers were advised that the weather in New
York was bad and that the only airport open was the new
International Airport at Idlewild. However, when the
plane had covered about half of the scheduled eight-hour
nonstop flight the stewardess announced that landing would
have to be made at Washington National Airport, as now
all the New York area was blanketed in fog. A t 1 2 : 1 0 a.m.
the ship put down at Washington; and at 1 : 0 5 a.m. all
passengers boarded a special bus for the trip to New York
city. A t 9 a.m. Thursday morning several brethren from
Brooklyn Bethel met the tired travelers at the airlines
terminal in the heart of New York.
Looking back over the trip, which was made in eight
weeks by Brother Morgan and in six weeks by Brother
Knorr, it is seen to have been a profitable one. Much had
been accomplished and many plans made for expansion.
In 1946 the president of the Society visited these same
thirteen countries, with the exception of the Netherlands
W est Indies, and at that time there were 3,810 publishers
in the field. Three years later we find that there are 8,219
on the average every month preaching the message of the
Kingdom, or an increase of 115 percent. From reports that
are coming in from these places concerning work being done
in the respective countries it is believed that 1950 will show
well over 10,000 publishers working under the thirteen
Branch offices. So the work goes on. The brethren continue
to preach the word and Jehovah s name is honored. In
1950 new territory will be reached in all these countries;
and, by the Lords grace, the plans made for the future
will mean that immediately after the 1950 assembly in NeAv
York city many more missionaries will go into these terri
tories. A s long as Jehovah God shows his patience so that
salvation may come to others we, his servants in the earth,
will, with him, be patient and present the good news in
all the world for a witness. W e are grateful for the mercy
shown to us and for the opportunity to preach the word .

R e jo ic e in J eh ov a h , O y e r ig h teo u s: p ra ise is co m ely f o r the u p

righ t. S in g u n to him a n ew s o n g ; p la y sk ilfu lly w ith a loud noise.
F o r the w ord o f J eh ova h is r ig h t; and all his w ork is d one in fa ith
fu ln ess. H e lov eth righ teou sn ess and ju s t ic e : the earth is fu ll o f
the lovin g k in d n ess o f J eh ova h . Ps. 3 3 :1 , 3-5, A .S .V .


February 3, 1950
Dear Madam:
Yours of December 16 has not had previous attention
for press of business here.
Your frank statement concerning blood transfusion is
appreciated, and for it we are not taking any spiritual
action against you or against anyone else, but must let the
great Lawgiver be your Judge, as He is ours. Our published
statements concerning this matter are something owing to
those who look to us for spiritual guidance, and are not
issued to cause division among Jehovahs people. Repeatedly
we are confronted with requests for information on blood
transfusion, particularly for us to pronounce a sanction of
this medical practice. This is so general that for the in
formation of all, that they may know our position, we were
obliged to make a statement upon the matter. Our state
ments have not caused any more division of opinion upon
the subject than existed before we said anything about it.
It is only that we have made ourselves clear upon the matter,
so that others in doubt as to our position will not be plead
ing with us to sanction their resort to this disputed medical
practice. I f anyone thinks there is merit to our position
and that it has Scriptural support and chooses to be guided
by it, all right; but if contrariwise, then that is such ones
responsibility before God. He cannot claim taking a certain
course because of ignorance of what we Scripturally believe
upon the subject.
A t 1 Corinthians 9 : 9 , 10 Paul says: Is it about the
oxen that God is concerned! Is he not clearly speaking in
our interests! O f course this law [of Moses] was written in
our interests. (A n Am erican T ran slation ) And so we ask
you, I f God considered the blood of lower animals so sacred
that he forbade the transferring of their blood from their
bodies into the human system, does he consider the blood
of the higher creature man less sacred so that it can be
transferred from one system to another with impunity! God
confined the proper use of the blood of animal sacrifices
to the altar for the purpose of atonement or propitiation of
sins, to typify that Jesus blood would likewise be confined
to the spiritual altar for the purging of mankinds sins;
and all the Christian Greek Scriptures bear this fact out.
So in this important regard you are absolutely wrong when
you say that God or Christ Jesus never issued any com
mandment against h u m a n blood except the shedding of
it in murder . Y ou say truly that Christ said his disciples
must eat his flesh and drink his blood, but you also raise
the question: Since Jesus gave his blood for us, so that
we might have life eternal life, would it not be fitting,
that we, his imitators, give our blood to a sick brother
when he is nigh to death, so that he might recover and
further serve his Lord? So we ask you, Did Jesus give
his blood by the medical practice of transfusion? Is it by
medical blood transfusion that his disciples drink his
blood ? Or is it not by faith in his blood which was applied,
like blood of Israelite animal sacrifices, to Gods altar? And
if Jesus is Gods High Priest typified by Israels high priest
Aaron, did he not confine the blood of his human sacrifice
to the use that Gods law marked out for it, namely, to
Gods holy altar? (Leviticus 1 7 :1 1 ) So, how can anyone
argue that Jesus shedding of his blood in sacrifice author

izes his followers to be blood donors for transfusion pur

You say Gods laws concerning the disposal of animal
blood have no bearing upon the matter of blood transfusion.
W e say that Gods laws in this matter are significant and
typical and that they do have a strong bearing upon the
matter. Whose position is safer, yours or ours? Whose
position is more Scriptural and showing careful regard for
the laws of God?
Your admission is very interesting: Even if the blood
given is not compatible with your o w n type, it will kill
you. I f blood transfusion is approved of God and is Christlike, why should this be so? O f what type was Christs
blood? And does his blood benefit only people with a certain
kind of blood? Or does it benefit all? You refer to the scrip
ture that God hath made of one blood all nations of men
(A cts 1 7 :2 6 ) . W h y, then, should medical doctors have to
exercise such care about the types and other features of
the blood of certain individuals? I f God, the great Physician,
approves of blood transfusion as practiced between human
and human (not lower animal and human), why should not
blood transfusion be outright beneficial and applicable with
out all the precautions? And think of all the harm that
blood transfusions did before the doctors discovered the
harmful features about this practice that must be guarded
against! Do you think God justified all the harm that was
thus done during the experimental stage and that is still
being done despite greatest care, on the assumption that
the doctors are working toward the perfecting of the prac
tice for the greater health benefit of all mankind?
You send us a clipping from the E ven in g Bulletin,
Philadelphia, Friday, December 16, 1949, announcing
Rare Operation Saves Girl, 14 and telling of how this
girl had been built up by 17 blood transfusions and tell
ing of her discharge from the hospital. W e can counter
with a clipping from The A m erican Weekly, January 29,
1950, under the heading Safeguarding the B lood B a n k s .
It tells how a young girl Mary, injured and shocked from
an automobile accident, was given a blood transfusion and
appeared to be normal after two weeks; bu t a month
later, however, Mary developed a fever. Her eyes and skin
took on a yellowish cast. Doctors diagnosed jaundice and
traced its cause to a serious liver disease, known to the
medical profession as virus hepatitis. This disorder is caused
by an infectious virus. A s yet there is no specific remedy
to destroy the virus, . . . A t first the source of Marys
infection was a mystery. Then a check-up disclosed that
her transfusion had been from a donor whose blood con
tained the virus that causes hepatitis. Marys recovery,
from the disease her donors blood gave her, took much
longer than her recovery from the automobile accident.
The foregoing, please, is not any sectarian opinion of
ours, setting down any iron-clad rules of conduct govern
ing human beings the distinguishing signposts of apostate
religion , but is the statement of the writer of the news
paper or magazine article. It may be true, as you say, that
one Roman Catholic pope banned blood transfusion; and yet
another pope, claimed to be just as infallible as the other,
tried blood transfusion causing the death of the donors,
and today Roman Catholics likewise resort to the same



medical practice. W e do not know why Catholics reject the

ban of an infallible pope, but our position against trans
fusion is not dictated by the ban of that pope; our appeal
is to the Holy Scriptures.
Your bringing in the matter of smoking into this dis
cussion is beside the point. But it seems to us that in arguing
for us to show indifference toward smoking you are incon
sistent when you appeal to all the good that the medical
profession claim for the blood transfusion, whereas you
seem to ignore all that science and valid medical investiga
tion have to say against smoking as injurious to the human

B rooklyn, N. Y.

system. W h y not adhere to all that medical practice claims

and harmonize therewith?
W e shall let the foregoing paragraphs suffice as an answer
to your seven pages, hoping that they make our stand still
clearer to you. Whether you accept or reject does not hurt
or hinder us. You are the one that must take the con
sequences of the course that you pursue. W e must bear our
responsibility before God as those trying to expound his
sacred W ord and commandments.
Sincerely yours,
W atch T ower B ible & T ract Society

The prophet Zechariah declared: In those days it shall
come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all lan
guages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of
him that is a Jew, saying, W e will go with you : for we have
heard that God is with you. ( 8 :2 3 ) Those days have
come for Italy as well as for all other nations, peoples and
languages of the earth, and it is a daily source of amazement
to see spontaneous fulfillments of this prophecy in this
land. Here is a ease in point.
The company servant of the B ------- company of Jehovahs
witnesses in northern Italy recently received two unexpected
visitors who, explaining that they had come as represent
atives of a number of villages six to eight miles away, lost
no time in announcing the purpose of their visit: W e
want to be Christians! W e have heard that we might find
Protestants here that preach a good doctrine. W e have
recognized ourselves as being deceived by the priest and
have turned from him, desiring now to be organized into
a church. Among us are over 120 families; can you help
us? Overwhelmed with genuine joy, the company servant
immediately informed them that a traveling representative
of the Society, the circuit servant, was due that week and
that he would be glad to visit and talk with these interested
A s promised, the matter was talked over with the circuit
servant, plans were made for a public discourse, police
authorization secured, and all was in order for Monday
evening. That night as the brethren approached the village,
they rejoiced to see groups of three and four walking to
ward the hall to attend the new church , as it was called
by them. Outside the hall a crowd had gathered, an unusual
sight because in Italy it generally happens that the audience
does not begin arriving until the discourse is well under
way. But why were they standing outside? To give the
preacher a royal welcome? No indeed! They were outside
because there was no more room inside: the hall with two
adjacent rooms was packed tight with expectant people,
and the arriving brethren felt at that moment the com
passion Jesus must have experienced in his day upon seeing
the multitudes in need of a shepherd.
But Satan was determined to nip the new church in
the bud. Five carabinieri, awaiting the circuit servants
arrival, immediately informed him that permission to hold
the meeting had been canceled! It was useless discussing
the matter with these police. The marshals office was three

miles away. Appealing to the assembled audience to remain,

for he had many important things to tell them, the circuit
servant hastened to the police station and, with the Italian
Constitution in one hand and the Questuras written au
thorization in the other, succeeded in convincing the author
ities that the meeting should be allowed. The latter acqui
esced on one condition: no wine was to be sold and all
glasses and bottles were to be cleaned from the hall. Con
dition granted, for the speaker was to use the bar as his
pulpit !
The discourse was given, lasting one and a half hours,
before a most attentive and responsive audience imaginable.
No one entered or left. When statements of the Churchs
hatred for the spread of the Bible were read, and official
Catholic Church documents revealing the pagan origin
of its doctrines, expressions of surprise appeared on honest
faces as they began to perceive why the Church has hidden
the Bible from the Catholic people. An accurate count
was impossible, but over 1,000 persons listened to the talk,
and not a single handbill had been used to invite them!
The limited supply of 185 booklets, 18 books and 30 maga
zines were placed in eager hands in short order.
Many were the interesting comments after the discourse
was finished. The wife of the owner of the hall had been ill
and earlier that same day had been visited by the parish
priest, who had counseled her to go to the hospital. Hos
pital ! cried she, but I cant. I m expecting the new church
tonight! Kemarked a young m an: I have heard many
discourses of the clergy, the Communists and others, but
never a discourse like this. W ith these I desire to unite
myself. Another: I thought we had it, but now I must
admit that you folks have it. Its about time we were
getting our eyes opened, opined another man who asked to
be visited and wanted to subscribe for L a Torre di Guardia.
That was indeed a memorable evening. A s the brethren
took leave of the townsfolk, the latter lined both sides of
the street shouting farewell and Beturn again . This
gave promise that the local company of Jehovahs ministers
will have many heart-rejoicing experiences in these days
as they help these persons of good-will array themselves
on Jehovahs side along with other thousands in the earth
who now cry out: W e will go with you: for we have
heard that God is with you!
A Gilead graduate in Italy

They shall know that I am-Ezekiel

Vol. LXX1

S emimonthly

MAY 15, 1950


L iving Up to the N a m e ...............................147

Living Down False Nicknames ............. 148
Clergy Proved False in Doctrine .........149
True Bearers of the Appellation .........150
Witnessing Required ................................ 151
Organized for U nited T estim ony .........152
Persecution ..................................................153
Moderation in the E njoyment of
Good T hings .........................................155
Mordecai W orships Only J ehovah .......157
L etter [ . . . on Blood Transfusion] 158
F ield E xperiences .......................................160
L iving U p to the N ame
T estimony P eriod .............................. 146
W atchtower S tudies ..................
A wake ! ........................................................146

P u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y



117 Adams Street * * Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
N. H. K norr, P resid en t


Grant S uiter, S ecreta ry

And all thy children shall he taught of Jehovah; and

great shall be the peace of thy children. - Isa ia h 5 4 : 13 .
T H A T JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker o f heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
T H A T GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon it; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason o f Adam's wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life ;
T H A T T H E LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
T H A T GODS C A P IT A L O R G A N IZA TIO N is a Theocracy called
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Oiiicer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new w o rld ; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members o f Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
T H A T TH E OLD W O R LD o f Satan began its time o f the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
T H A T TH E R E L IE F and blessings o f the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves w ill be raised to opportunities
o f life on earth.

Do you profess or would you like to be one of Jehovahs

witnesses? Then you sincerely want to walk worthy of the name.
You will appreciate, too, the intent of the June Testimony Period,
entitled Living Up to the Name. We are sure you will be with
us in carrying out the program of activity for that month. Toward
delivering the witness in harmony with our God-given name, we
shall be offering the three bound books L et G od Be T rue, The
K in gdom Is a t H a n d and The T ru th Sh all M ake Y ou F ree,
on the nominal contribution of one dollar for all three books. It
is mutually strengthening to have your cooperation in this testi
mony, and our joined efforts work together to give a more impres
sive witness and to prove that the Most High God has a people on
earth who uphold the honor of his name. He knows all the efforts
you put forth, not for praise from man but from him. Nevertheless,
we should appreciate your making out a report of the months
work and results, on our form therefor, that we may compile a
combined report.

Week of June 18: Living Up to the Name,

1-27 inclusive, The W a tch to w er May 15, 1950.
Week of June 25: Living Up to the Name,
28-35 inclusive, also Organized for United Testimony,
Tj 1-16 inclusive, The W a tch to w er May 15, 1950.


H IS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the

people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
o f its contents in the light o f the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

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(with renewal blank) is sent at least two issues before subscription
expires. C hange o f address when sent to our office may be expected
effective within one month. Send your old as well as new address.
Please address the Watch Tower Society in every case.
Yearly Subscription Rate
A m erica ( U .S . ), 117 Adams St., Brooklyn 1, N.Y.
A u stra lia , 11 Beresford Rd., Strathfield, N.S.W.
B ritish W est In d ies, 21 Taylor St., Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad $1.25
B u rm a , 39 Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon
Rs. 3/8
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A W A K E !

This magazine stepped into the field of public service at the

Glad Nations Theocratic Assembly of Jehovahs witnesses in
August of 1946, and is published by the Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society, Inc. It answers the rousing call for fearless infor
mation, not because we have entered the atomic age, but because
the world is fast asleep near the brink of that universal war Scripturally called Armageddon and lovers of life in security need
to be awakened to the real sense of the news and the pressing
issues upon which to decide. A w a k e! is aimed to help them make
a right decision that leads to life unending in the now-close New
World of righteousness. It is a magazine of 32 pages devoted to
news and information of world import, gained from world-wide
sources. Its make-up is of fine appearance. Its leading articles,
without compromise toward commercialism, politics and religion,
present the straight facts, without fear to publish the plain truth.
Much variety of interest is also provided in shorter articles of
educational and instructive value. Under the heading Thy Word
Is Truth, each number of A ioake! offers a moderate-length dis
cussion of Bible teachings of importance. A final section, headed
Watching the World, makes note of the latest world news
before going to press and gives the pith of all news items,
uncolored, undistorted, concise. A ioake! is published on the 8th
and 22d of each month. A years subscription of 24 issues is $1,
American money; individual copy, 5c; mailed anywhere.

V ol . L X X I

M ay 15, 1950

No. 10


Ye are my witnesses, an affirmation of Jehovah, and my servant whom I have chosen, so that ye know
and give credence to me, and understand that I am he, before me there was no God formed, and after me
there is none. Isa. 43:10, Young.
3 Jehovah God created the heavens as w ell as this
"JEH O V A H has had his w itn esses in the earth from
which is m ans perm anent habitation. (Gen.
I the tim e of the first m artyr, A bel. A fter all these
the L ord that created the h ea v en s;
J m illennium s of tim e he still has his w itn esses on God him self saith
form ed the earth and m ade i t ; he
the earth, and these w ill be eyew itn esses of the
he created it not in vain, he
sm ashing victory he w ill gain over the enem y w orld
I am the L ord [J e h o v a h ];
at the com ing battle o f the universe, A rm aged d on !
T ill then they are obliged to live up to the honorable and there is none else. (Isa . 4 5 :1 8 ) H e pulled up out
nam e they bear. L ivin g up to it m eans divine protec o f the deep w aters of the earth the tow ering m oun
tion and salvation for them to life everlastin g. B y tain s w ith their stately peaks ju ttin g through the
them he has not left him self w ithout livin g testim ony beautiful clouds like upraised arm s, givin g testim ony
in this world. T hey g iv e to him the glory in harm ony to his m ajesty. Through h is om nipotence he placed
w ith his own affirm ation: I am Jehovah, that is m y in the heavens the m ighty sun and the beautiful moon
n am e; and m y glory w ill I not give to another, neither to give ligh t to the eyes of m an by day and by night.
m y praise unto graven im ages. (Isa. 4 2 :8 , Am. T hey shoot their beam s of ligh t all over the earth.
Stan. Ver.) H e is a God of purpose. The m eaning of P s. 1 0 4 :1 0 -3 0 ; Gen. 1 :1 4 -1 9 .
4 God not only purposed light for the eyes of man,
his unique nam e is he causes to be, and so he creates
all things according to his purpose. H e is able to but also purposed ligh t for the m ind of m an. The
carry out his purpose, and his w ord never f a ils : So light for m ans m ind is Gods W ord, the Bible, of
shall m y word be that goetli forth out o f m y m ou th : w hich he alone is the A uthor by his sp irit or active
it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accom force. (P s. 119:105) Through the W ord of God man
plish that which I p lease, and it shall prosper in the learns of him. H is W ord d iscloses h is purpose. The
divine purpose is that all m ankind shall know about
thing w hereto I sent it. Isa. 55 :1 1 .
2 H is attributes are pow er, w isdom , ju stice andhim, learn of his attributes and understand his law
love. The S criptures say that all pow er belongs to and purposes. F or that reason he purposed to raise
Jehovah and that he is thus the source of all pow er up a people for his name, in order that his ligh t for
in the universe. (P s. 6 2 :1 1 ) H is w isdom is perfect; the mind of man m ight shine in the earth. Since his
he does nothing w rong. E veryth in g he says or does holy name im plies the g ivin g of light, if his people
is right. The w ise One, he is the source of wisdom . in the earth reflect h is light, they m ust live up to the
(P s. 3 3 :4 ; P rov. 2: 6, 7) H e is ju st and is the begin nam e of Jehovah, the God of purpose tow ard man
ning of justice. H is decisions are righteous and fair. on the earth.
5 Gods nam e, Jehovah, m ust be revered throughout
(D eut. 3 2 :4 ) H is strong affirm ation is: T here is
no God else beside m e; a ju st God and a saviour; all the earth. F or this cause have I allow ed thee to
there is none beside m e. (Isa. 45: 21) Jehovah is a rem ain, in order to show thee m y pow er; and in
God of love. Of him it can be rightly said : God is order that they m ay proclaim m y nam e throughout
love. (1 John 4: 8 ,1 6 ) B y him love is expressed in all the earth. (E x . 9 :1 6 , Leeser; see also An Am er
perfect unselfishness and for the lastin g benefit of ican Translation) H e declared centuries ago that,
all his creatures who serve him w ith unbreakable in th is tim e o f the end w here w e now are, he would
devotion. To have love his creatures m ust be un raise up a people w ho w ould bb found livin g up to
nam e and who w ould proclaim that nam e through
selfishly devoted to him and m ust strive to reflect all the
the w orld: T hat men m ay know that thou,
four of his attributes to all.
Who bear
what does
2.1. What
are his
great and
and the
how name
are these

3.4. What
he create
light for
man what
5. Besides
Why must
his name
in all the
earth? ByTowhat

w hose nam e alone is JE H O V A H , art the m ost high
over all the earth. P s. 8 3 :1 8 .
6 W ho is livin g up to the nam e? In this tim e of
the end there is a people who bear that nam e. T hey
are known throughout the earth today as Jeh ovahs
w itn esses. The lo fty p rivilege of bearing the grand
est nam e in the universe is theirs. C oupled w ith the
privilege is a trem endous responsibility. T hey m ust
live up to the nam e.
7 Jehovahs w itn esses are a group o f m in isters and
m issionaries who perform their evan gelistic work
am ong the people in all parts o f the earth. T hey
m anifest their love o f God and their fellow m en by
declaring Gods purposes to all the people of the
whole w orld in the sam e prim itive m anner as did
Jesu s C hrist and his ap ostles. In the perform ance
of this strange w ork they are associated w ith and act
under the direction of the W atch T ow er B ible and
Tract Society, a charitable corporation organized
by law to preach the gosp el of Gods kingdom
throughout the earth. T his gosp el of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the w orld for a w itness unto
all nations; and then shall the end com e. M att.
8 P rior to 1931 this d istin ctive nam e w as not ap
plied to the m in isters who use as their legal and
publishing servant the W atch T ow er B ible and T ract
Society, for it w as then that they w ere first called
Jehovahs w itnesses. In 1931, w hile assem bled in an
international convention in Colum bus, Ohio, the m in
isters who w ork w ith the W atch T ow er B ible and
Tract Society acknow ledged by a resolution the g ift
o f the nam e Jehovahs w itn esses. T hey declared to
the w orld their determ ination to be identified by
this G od-given nam e and by none other. Y e are m y
w itn esses, saith Jehovah, and m y servant whom I
have chosen; . . . I, even I, am Jeh ovah ; and besides
me there is no saviour. . . . ye are m y w itnesses,
saith Jehovah, and I am God. (Isa. 43:10-12, Am.
Stan. Ver.) The facts prove beyond dispute that the
nam e has not been bestow ed upon any other group.
9 Jehovahs w itn esses give testim ony about Jeh o
vahs purposes. One who gives testim ony in court
is designated a w itn ess. V ery soon a final judgm ent
in the great issu e of the suprem acy of Jehovah
God m ust be rendered in the greatest court in the
universe, the court o f A lm igh ty God. Jehovahs
w itn esses have been designated to give testim ony
concerning that great controversy which Jehovah
has w ith the nations. Since they give testim ony about
Jehovah and his purposes, they are properly entitled
to use the nam e.
10 One who w itn esses to Jehovahs suprem acy is
6.7. Who
hisin name?
is their
do they
do? great
In what
8.9. Why
the entitled
name publicly
and how?
10. To bear the name Christian what must a person be? Why?

ro o klyn,

N . Y.

a C hristian. Jehovahs w itn esses follow in the foot

step s o f C hrist Jesu s, which en titles them to call
them selves C hristians. The author o f C hristianity
w as a m ighty w itn ess on behalf of Jehovahs suprem
acy. B efore P ilate, he s a id : To this end w as I born,
and for this cause cam e I into the world, that I
should bear witness unto the truth. E very one that
is o f the truth heareth m y voice. (John 18: 37) In
the R evelation o f J esu s Christ, which God gave
unto him, to shew unto his servants things which
m ust shortly come to p a ss, he further discloses:
A nd from J esu s C hrist, who is the fa ith fu l witness,
. . . T hese things saith the Am en, the fa ith fu l and
true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.
(R ev. 1 : 1 ,5 ; 3 :1 4 ) It is plain, therefore, that in
order to bear the nam e of C hrist and assum e the
nam e C hristian one m ust first be a w itness of
Jehovah, as w as Christ.
11 One who lives up to the nam e does not preach
his own word. H e m ust preach and teach the words
and law of A lm igh ty God from the divine Record,
the B ible. N or does he preach the w isdom of the
Lord Jesu s, or of som eone other than Jehovah God.
Jesu s declared that the w ord which ye hear is not
m ine, but the F ath ers which sent m e. (John 14: 24)
It is clear that Jesu s, the g reatest w itness, inter
preted the nam e C hristian to m ean one who gives
w itness or testim ony to the nam e, word and kingdom
of A lm igh ty God. To be a C hristian, therefore, one
m ust prove true to the name.

12 Jehovahs w itn esses have been fa lsely called by

other nam es. T hey have been referred to as R ussellites. Som e have called them R utherfordites. Others
have cast the appellation o f M illennial D aw nites
upon them . Sim ilar unclaim ed and uninvited nam es
have been given to them by their enem ies or by
scoffers, as w ell as by the clergy o f Christendom .
A ll o f such nam es are defam atory of Jehovahs
w itn esses because th ey follow no m an and are not
to be identified by any one o f these m isnom ers which
find no support in the Bible. Such nam es detract
from the real person glorified by them , who is Jeho
vah God, the C reator of all things. Jehovah God is
the author of every doctrine or truth that is to be
found in the Bible. H e dictated the B ible itself, which
is his W ord. Jehovahs w itn esses cannot properly
be called by the nam e of any doctrine or m an. They
can be identified only by the nam e of the only one
they represent, who is Jehovah God, and by the work
of w itn essin g they m ust do. T hey can and w ill live
down the defam atory nam es given them by men, by
livin g up to the nam e Jehovahs w itnesses.
13 The clergy of C hristendom and m illions o f their

11. What
To prove true
to thecalled,
name, falsely
what word
and do
do such
we preach ?
we up
13. What have
name we
the religious
to live
to? down?

M ay 15, 1950


religious follow ers claim to be C hristians. T hey are

not livin g up to the nam e. B y claim ing to be C hris
tians, they assum e the obligation to w itn ess to Jeh o
vahs nam e through C hrist Jesu s. T hey take the
name C hristian, but do th ey m easure up to it? N o!
T hey decline to be w itn esses of Jehovah. T hey show
great disdain for the nam e. T hey have failed com
pletely to give testim ony concerning the K ingdom ,
the purposes or the nam e o f A lm ighty God. M illions
of people in the C atholic cult, the B ap tist, the P res
byterian, E p iscop al and hundreds o f other sects
claim to be C hristians. B ut none o f them lives up to
the nam e by actin g as w itn esses for Jehovah or
givin g testim ony in harm ony w ith his W ord and w ill.
14 The clergy of the variou s sects and cults of
organized religion in C hristendom call them selves
by high-sounding titles. T hey assum e these grandiose
titles so as to d istin gu ish them selves from and place
them selves above the common people. T hey in sist
on being called reverend, very reverend, father, his
holiness, his em inence, etc., contrary to the scriptures
which exp ressly forbid such practice. H oly and
reverend is his [Jehovahs] nam e. (P s. I l l : 9) Call
no m an your father upon the e a r th : for one i s your
Father, which is in heaven. (M att. 23: 9) P ractically
all the clergy of C hristendom w ear a distin ctive garb
so as to be seen am ong m en and assum e a superior
attitude. T his attitude of segregation and superiority
that sets them apart from the common people is
condem ned by God. M att. 23: 5-8; M ark 12: 38-40.
15 W hile claim ing to follow C hrist Jesu s, the clergy
and their follow ers have rejected him and the testi
mony which he gave to the suprem acy o f Jehovah,
the A lm ighty. A lso, they have rejected the kingdom
of A lm ighty God as the only hope for m ankind and
have hailed the substitute, the abom ination o f deso
lation, as m ans savior. (M att. 2 4 :1 5 ) T hey scoff
at the B ible doctrine that A lm igh ty God w ill bring
about a new w orld of righ teou sn ess on the earth.
16 F alse im personation is a fraud. To im personate
certain officials o f a governm ent or assum e to repre
sent a governm ent of th is w orld w ithout being au
thorized to do so is a crim e. A person, not a member,
but w earing the uniform of the arm ed forces of a
nation m ay be prosecuted and im prisoned. The law
of the land m akes it a felony, punishable by heavy
line and long prison term . The clergy of C hristendom
have fa lsely assum ed the nam e C hristian. T herefore
they are gu ilty of im personating the first w itn ess of
Jehovah, the Lord C hrist Jesu s, in violation of the
law of A lm ighty God.
17 These self-styled C hristians have com m itted a
much higher crim e than violatin g the law o f C aesar.
T hey have flouted the com m andm ents of A lm ighty
assume superiority?
and the and
17. Doctrinally how have they flouted Gods law and commands?


God and violated his suprem e Law. T hey have

adopted pagan rites and traditions into their reli
giou s organizations and advanced false doctrines as
the truth. T hey fa ll into that class o f persons proph
esied by Isaiah and described by C hrist J esu s: This
people honor m e w ith their lip s, yet their hearts are
far aw ay from m e. (M att. 15: 8, 9, A n Amer. Trans.;
see also C olossians 2 :8 ) T here is a m ultitude of such
unscriptural doctrines. M ention o f only a few of them
here w ill dem onstrate the fa lse im personation of the
clergy and a failu re on their part to live up to the

18 The clergy o f C hristendom and their supporters

deny the second presence o f Christ. T hey say that
he has not taken h is K ingdom pow er. The clergy
fa il to live up to the nam e by teaching that the earth
w ill be destroyed by fire. T his is contrary to Gods
W ord that the earth abideth for ever and that God
created it as the place of eternal habitation for those
o f m ankind who are m eek and teachable and who
obey God. E ccl. 1 :4 ; P s. 3 7 :1 1 , 29; M att. 5: 5.
19 Furtherm ore, they teach the people that when
m an dies he goes to an eternal torm ent of hell if
wicked. The B ible p lainly teaches that hell is the
grave where all who die rem ain in silence unless
and until God resurrects them . (E ccl. 3 :1 9 ,2 0 ;
9 :5 ,1 0 ; Job 14:13-15) The clergy, m oreover, fail
to live up to the nam e unlaw fully assum ed by them
by fa lsely tellin g the people that m an has a soul
distinct and separable from the body, w hereas the
B ible plainly teaches that m an is a soul. Man is a
living, sentient creature and, like all other anim als,
ceases to exist when he dies. (E zek. 1 8 :4 ,2 0 ; Eccl.
3 :1 9 ) R om an C atholic clergy instruct the people
that m an goes to p u rgatory upon death and re
m ains in that transitory state until, by the paym ent
of an adequate sum of m oney m ade to the p riests by
the relatives or friends, he is prayed out of purga
tory into heaven. I f the relatives cannot afford to
pay, the poor m an finally is left to suffer his full
term there. The w ord purgatory does not appear
in the B ib le ; nor is a description of such place found
20 C hristendom s clergy fa il to live up to the name
by refu sin g to tell the people about Gods kingdom
and the new w orld o f righteousness here on the earth
as the hope of m en, w hich is the principal and main
them e of the Bible. T hey hide from the people a
know ledge o f that new w orld which shall vindicate
the nam e of Jehovah and provide a m eans of life
everlastin g for the people of good-w ill tow ard God.
B ein g blind to this param ount truth, they lead their
blind follow ers to believe that man w ill not live upon
do they err
err as toto the
and earth's death?
19. How
soul principal
How do
do they
they fall asshort
on the
doctrine after
of the Bihle?



ro o klyn,

N. Y.

w itn esses. P articu larly since 1918 they have been

running to and fro in the Scriptures and their knowl
edge has been greatly increased. Now, as the w ise
am ong the people, they instruct m any by a great
cam paign of education o f the people in Gods pur
poses. (D an. 1 1 :3 3 ; 1 2 :4 ) Such facts prove that
they, exclu sively, are liv in g up to the name.
26 Jehovah now has anointed w itn esses who are
true and legitim ate sons o f God, begotten by his
spirit, and sp iritu al brothers of the anointed K ing
C hrist Jesu s. A ssociated w ith them , and also bearing
the nam e, are a great m ultitude of other sheep
who are to becom e earthly children of the K ing.
(R ev. 7 :9 ; John 1 0 :1 6 ) T ogether they bear the name
Jehovahs w itn esses. T hey are C hristians in fact as
w ell as in nam e. B y givin g testim ony concerning the
truth o f Gods purposes, they live up to the name,
w itn esses of Jehovah. B y so doing they have d istin
guished them selves from the false im personators,
the religious clergy and their follow ers.
27 Jehovahs w itn esses not only bear the clear,
truthful doctrines of the B ible about Gods kingdom,
but they have lived up to the nai*& by opposing the
false doctrines of the clergy. N ever have they been
found to bear the nam e o f Jehovah fa lsely or to have
assum ed that nam e in vain. U nlike the clergy, they
have n<wer berci false im personators. T hey have
born^ kingdom *!ruit, proving where their heart is.
W herefore by their fru its ye shall know them .
(M att. 7 :2 0 ) The people of good-w ill and all the
w orld at large can see who are the true w itn esses of
Jehovah. T hey have practiced w hat they preached.
B y livin g their faith, they have shown to the world
a m ountain of evidence in indisputable proof that
they are liv in g up to the nam e. F aith, if it hath not
works, is dead, being alone. Y ea, a m an m ay say,
Thou hast faith, and I have w o rk s: shew me thy faith
w ithout thy w orks, and I w ill shew thee m y faith by
m y w orks. Jas. 2 :1 7 ,1 8 .
28 The prim itive follow ers of Jesu s, the apostles
and disciples, set the exam ple for Jehovahs w it
n esses today o f livin g up to the nam e. T hey did not
follow the course pursued by the clergy of that day,
who m ade the people sit at their feet to receive
instruction. T he m eek and low ly ap ostles and early
Christians w ent to the people w ith the gospel m es
sa g e. T hey did not put the common people to the
trouble o f com ing to them to get the truth.T hey took
Gods w ord w hich had been given to theni by the
M aster and p ersonally carried it to the people in
their hollies, v isiting from house to hmisp rmrl g m n g
bqck for instructive revisits. (A cts 2 0 :2 0 ; 5 :4 2 )
25 The privilege o f preaching the m essage of the T his w as the exam ple set by Jesu s, who also went
K ingdom has been joyou sly caught up by Jehovahs from door to door and city to city publicly preaching

this earth but that the earth w ill be destroyed and

m an w ill end up either in heaven or in hell. M att.
21 W hat a contrast there is betw een the clear, re
fresh in g w aters of truth about Gods kingdom and
new w orld o f righteousness as the only hope for
m ankind, as given by Jehovahs w itn esses, and the
dry, deathly doctrines of C hristendom s c le r g y ! (R ev.
2 2 :1 7 ; Isa. 5 5 :1 ; R ev. 7 :1 7 ) T he truth blow s aw ay
the false testim ony like chaff before the w ind. The
truth presented by Jehovahs w itn esses is like hail
that riddles the thin, brittle roof over the refuge of
lies. Judgm ent also w ill I lay to the line, and right
eousness to the plum m et: and the hail shall sw eep
aw ay the refuge o f lies, and the w aters shall overflow
the liiding place. (Isa . 2 8 :1 7 ) Like flooding wraters
the truth w ashes out the hiding-place of the lyin g
w itnesses, the clergy.
22 In sp ite of the fact that the error o f their doc
trines has been p lain ly established in the G reat
Court, the clergy refu se to discontinue the teaching
o f such false doctrines. T hey know not, neither w ill
they understand; they w alk on in darkness. (P s.
82: 5) T his is the condem nation, that light is come
into the w orld, and m en loved darkness rather than
light. (John 3: 19) T hey have balked like a stubborn
m ule and defied all efforts by Jehovah to bring them
into line w ith his purposes.
23 The clergy and their follow ers have rebelliously
declined to be disciplined. (E ph. 2 :2 ) R ebellion is
as the sin of w itchcraft, and stubbornness is as
iniquity and id olatry. (1 Sam . 15: 23) W hile claim
ing to be sons of God, they have, by their course of
action, shown that they are not sons. I f you have
none of that discipline w hich all sons undergo, you
are illegitim ate children, and not true sons. Heb.
12:5-8, An Amer. Trans.
24 T he actions and doctrines of the clergy of C hris
tendom find no support in the Bible. T hey have not
given and do not give testim ony concerning the
kingdom o f God. On the contrary, they have lied and
uttered false w ords concerning the purposes of God.
A lthough they have had an opportunity to carry
the v ita l m essage to the people, they have lost all
opportunity o f having and proclaim ing the truth.
Their course o f action proves to the w orld that they
do not live up to the nam e. T herefore say I [C hrist
Jesu s] unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the
fru its thereof. M att. 21: 43.

21. 23.
WhatAt does
will showing
happen tothemselves
their lies?not Gods sons? 26. What associated groups now bear the name, worthily?
What example
proves them
be truly what
are Christians
called? set us?
28. What
as toto preaching
did the
25. How have Jehovahs witnesses caught up the privilege?

M ay 15, 1950


and teaching. (M att. 1 0 :7 ,1 1 -1 4 ; M ark 1 :3 8 ; Luke

8 :1 ) True C hristians do not em ulate the clergy of
today, who do not preach by calling from door
to door. T hey em ulate Christ.
29 C hrist also suffered for us, leavin g us an ex
am ple, that ye should follow his step s. (1 P et. 2: 21)
Jeh ovahs w itn esses preach as did the p rim itive
follo'wers of Jesu s. TUey have a far grander p rjvi,lege than the early d isciples, because th ey are now
advertisin g in this tim e of the end the com plete
fulfillm ent of all tnat lias been w ritten InThe Bible.
T hey accept the resp on sib ility im posed by GotLand
the Lord Jesu s C hrist to declare now the gospel of
Gods kingdom over all the earth. T hey have an
sw ered the great challenge o f preaching this gospel
in all the w orld as a w itn ess to all nations (M att.
2 4 :1 4 ) by em ploying m odern inventions, such as
radio, the p rinting press and m odern tran sp ortation,
t o supplem ent their prim itive m ethod. T hey have
caused the m essage to be put into the form of printed
B ibles, books, booklets, journals, new spapers, hand
bills and other literature whj^h has been distributed
throughout the e w h by- the. m illions, yes, by the
billions of copies. T his sharing o f the truth with
others they do w ithout financial reward. It is only
by this w ise course, as sons of God, that they can
have a part in the vindication o f.J e h o v a h s nam e
and live up to the nam e as his w itn esses, m aking
glad his heart. M y son, be w ise, and m ake m y heart
glad, that I m ay answ er him that reproacheth m e.
Prov. 27:11.
30 The covenant obligations of Jehovah s w itnesses,
requiring them to live up to the nam e of Jehovah,
are carried out by both old and young alike. A ll who
hear m ust say Com e ! (R ev. 2 2 :1 7 ) T oday, in every
part of the earth, are to be found young and old
alike preaching and teaching the glad tidings of
Gods kingdom . T rue to the adm onition of E cclesias
tes 1 2 j l, the young m in isters nf .Tphnvnh find t-p .
m ember their C reator in the d ays nf th p ir ynqth
In order to escape the destruction which is the des
tiny of the un faith fu l religion ists at A rm ageddon,
they offer acceptable sacrifices of praise now. They
dp not w ait until they are old and decrepit to prnisp
Jehovah by preaching and teaching. T hey serve
w hile they have vigor. T hey put forth all their ener
gies in their youth, laatitta-uip a great treasure of
good works. (T~Tiin. 6 :1 2 , lfiy ^ h e preaching work
is not reserved^ to the 16w, as tHe clergy claim preach
in g as their prerogative. T he preaching work of J e
hovahs w itn esses is open to all, young and old, from
every nationality and walk of life, who are w illing
to enter into a covenant w ith God and who w ant to
volunteer to live up to the nam e hv declaring V]jg
work, kingdom and nam e in .this tim o-of the end.
om dotheweolder
In preaching,
with and
modern aids?
30. W1
who also but


31 To gain the know ledge required for preaching,

Jeh ovahs w itn esses forsake not the assem bling of
them selves together. R ealizing they are livin g in the
last days, they strengthen them selves for the work
of m aintaining the nam e o f Jehovah. L et us not
neglect m eeting together as som e do, but let us
encourage one another, all the m ore as you can see
that the great D ay is com ing nearer. (H eb. 10:25,
A n Amer. Trans.) H avin g freely received the g ift
o f know ledge as to Jehovah s purposes, they are
obligated to freely give it to others. M att. 10: 8.

32 g iv in g up to the nam e requires preaching.

T hough 1 preach the gosp el, I have nothing to glory
o f : for n ecessity is laid upon m e ; yea, woe is unto
m e, if I preach not the g o sp e l! (1 Cor. 9 :1 6 ) B esid es
preaching verbally Jehovahs w itn esses distribute
m agazines containing Gods W ord o i truth on the
slr e e ts and, incidental to their preaching to the
people in their hom es, offer them B ibles and explan
atory literature. Such literature is an additional
channel of the flowing stream of ednf'!1Gnn B'ot kmrk
to m e. R evisits b v th e m inister are required to m ain
tain a constant flow of the truth. T his continual
helpfulness, exercised in a w ise and taetful m anner
(M att. 1 0 :1 6 ), produces good results, proving that
Jeh ovahs w itnesses are livin g up to the nam e. The
" persons o f good-w ill also become active as preachers
of the W ord. R ev. 22 :1 7 .
33 L ivin g up to the nam e does not m ean ju st p rais
ing Jehovah God on occasions. It is not confined to
fair-w eather serving of Jehovah. R egular, depend
able preaching is required, w ith much patience. L et
us not be w eary in w ell d o in g : for in due season we
shall reap, if we fain t not. (G al. 6 : 9 ) L ivin g up
to the nam e bv perseverance requires that Jeh ovahs
w itnpssfta continue to stand on the street corners
w ith the m agazines regardless of the stony faces,
cold looks iind rebukes of passers-bv. or bad w eather.
It m eans they w ill continue their w itn essin g regard
less of the lack of in terest shown. It m eans that
territory w ill be combed over reg u la rly /ev en though
floor after door m ay be stem m ed m ttie tace.
34 The apostle P aul had in m ind the perseverance
required to live up to the nam e when he w rote that
Christians must, have the patience of a farmpj(1 Cor. 3 : 6 ) T here he w rote: I have planted,
A p ollos w atered; but God gave the increase. A s
a farm er m ust w ait on the pow er of God to bring
up the seed and m ake it grow , so m ust Jehovahs
w itn esses plant, cultivate, w ater, w atch over and
care for their territory of w itnessing. T hey m ust
also fight the religious tares and w eeds which the
we do?
to theto name
How isus,thisbe
33. 34.
To be



clergy throw in am ong the crop o f people of good

w ill in the territory. Show ing the perseverance of a
farm er in diligent attention to his crops, Jehovahs
w itnesses live ijp to the nam e.
35 Much m ore than ju st preaching is required to
live up to the nam e. It is possible, as the apostle
stated, to preach to others and yet becom e a casta
way. (1 Cor. 9 :2 7 ) C hristians m ust live their fa ith
in their daily liv es, being alert at all tim es to praise
and honor God's nam e, both in season and nut of
season. (^ Tim. 4 :2 ) T his m eans that by liv in g up

35. When will they preach, and In what manner?

B rooklyn, N. Y.

to the nam e Jeh ovahs w itn esses w ill take every

opportunity to explain to people the hope that is
w ithin them . (1 P et. 3 :1 5 ) T hey w ill not rem ain
silent when it is proper to speak rT h ev w ill not, of
course, indiscrim inately intrude the K ingdom m es
sage upon others. T h ey jy ill not be rndc. B ut they
w ill not w ait for a direct question for occasion to
answ er the hope w ithin them or tell others about
the K ingdom prom ises. T hey w ill be friendly, taking
advantage o f the opportunity to inform the listener
on w hat the B ible reveals concerning the new world
of righteousness.


N O R D E R to m easure up to their nam e, Jehovahs

w itnesses know that they m ust work together
w ith others of like precious faith . T ogether they
all fulfill M atthew 24: 14 by preaching the gospel
in all the w orld as a w itness to all nations. E ach is
for all and all are for each. E ach knows that not
ona-is safe alone or can preach the gosppl inHpppntl.
ently of
his n t h p r L r p f lir p n _Tn w orking together
to form a com posite body, they live up to the name.
Gods blessing and direction is upon his com posite
body of people in the earth. God deals >yPh his ppnplp
as a group or sof-icty, as Jip d e a d with Trrnpl in
times o f-o ld.
2 Jehovahs w itn esses therefore associate with
their brethren at the congregational m eetings, at
circuit assem blies and district assem blies and at
large international conventions, when possible and
convenient to attend. In-carrying out their preaching
work, they all cooperate together like an army. Jeh o
vah God has placed each one in the organization as
it p leases him . In an arm y not all can be officers,
but p rivates do the great m ass of w orking and fight
ing. A ll am ong Jeh ovah s w itn esses realize that the
greatest position or job that one can have in Gods
organization is being a m inister, teacher, preacher
or publisher by tellin g others about Gods kingdom .
H aving this know ledge and feelin g of equality of
privileges, Jeh ovahs w itn esses are led toward unity.
U nity and harm ony o f sp irit and m ind and work
are accom plished by the pow er or sp irit of Jeh ovah
God that h O V erS ~QY p r
m -ganG atirm lilra a m ig h ty
_s In their private lives as w ell as in their dealings
with one another, Jehovahs w itn esses recognize that
in Gods law there are laid down m any requirem ents
that they m ust abide by in order to prove that they
are livin g up to the nam e. T hey m ust keep them
selves unstained by Dip wm-lrl ( Jas. 1: 27) N ot only

independently? or service
how? Why?
2.3.1. Must
What must
they observe
as to fundamental
their private lives and

m ust th ey keep entirely free from the political,

com m ercial and religious elem ents of the old w orld,
but they m ust also abstain from the nefarious living
habits o f the world. T hey m ust avoid the standards
of personal conduct prevalent in the w orld in respect
to m orals and honesty they are U> keep them selves
unspotted from the w orld. T h e ^ keep them selves
clean m orally and p hysically. T his they do because
th ey know that God requires all who bear the m es
sage, as his vessels, to be clean. B e ye clean, that
bear the v essels o f the L ord . (Isa. 5 2 : 11) The apos
tle s a id : I beat and bruise m y body and make it
m y slave, so that after I have called others to the
contest I m ay not be disqualified m yself. 1 Cor.
9: 27, An Amer.. Trans.
4 B ein g consistent w ith their nam e requires that
the w arning o f P aul be accepted, by follow in g his
advice to egc.hew the vices tl^at flow from the lpst.s
o f the flesh. N ow the w orks of the flesh are m anifest,
which are th ese: adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviou sn ess, idolatry, w itchcraft, hatred, variance,
em ulations, w rath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, m urders, drunkenness, revellings, and such
like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also
told you in tim e past, that they which do such things
shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (G al. 5:19-21)
Thus J ehnyahs witnesses have renew ed their m inds
hv Gods-g rnce and help and have put out of their
m inds the personal w ays and habits o f the evil,
wicked world. T heir m inds have been purged with
the truths o f righteousness m entioned by the apostle
at 2 P eter 1: 5-9.
5 In order to live up to the nam e, Jehovahs w it
nesses do not place heavy burdens on anyone. Each
does not shirk his resp on sib ilities in doing his part
o f the work. E ach bears his own hnrden in a ssisting
w ith the preaching o f the gosp el or the m aintenance
of a m eeting-place or any other instrum entality that
4. What works not consistent with the name do they eschew? How?
5, 6. What burdens do they not impose? What help do they offer free?

May 15, 1950


is used by the Lord. F or one to fa il to bear his own

burden w ould result in the placing o f a heavier
burden upon another who w ould have to carry it.
Each m ust bear his personal resp on sib ility before
God. F or every m an shall bear his own burden.
Gal. 6 :5 .
6 B esid es a ssistin g their w eaker brethren and the
people of good-w ill (G al. 6 : 1 ,2 ) , Jeh ovah s w it
nesses decline to put burdens upon them . T hey live
up to the nam e by conducting B ible studies and
m aking revisits upon the people of good-w ill and
visitin g the sick and infirm w ithout charge. W hile
they receive nom inal contributions to cover the cost
o f printing and distributing the literature which
they fuinish to such persons, they m ake no com
m ercial profit. T he literature distrihntqfi is often
left with the nonr and poorly w itlm rit a n y rnntvilmt.ion. A nyone who d esires the literature and who
is unable t<^ contribute m ay obtain literature upon
the prom ise to read it. The m oney received from
those w illing and able to contribute is used to print
and distribute other literature. Thus no heavy bur
den is bound down upon the lovers o f righteousness.
7 B y exercisin g love am ong one another Jehovahs
w itnesses live up to the nam e of Jehovah which is
upon them , for he is a God o f love. Tjioy .show, their
love by helping one another. T hey know that the
law requires them to love their neighbor. W hile
the people of good-w ill are their neighbor, their
closest neighbor is their brother. W ith a brother they
avoid p etty jealou sies and other m isunderstandings.
S a v in g in m ind the in terests o f the K ingdom they
do not resent the added p rivileges that are given
to their brethren. T hey rejoice when they see another
brother put into a position o f special service p rivi
leges. B y lovin g their closest neighbor as w ell as
them selves, they live up to the nam e.
8 Jehovah is a God o f peace and order. To live up
to hisTname. therefore, his w itn esses work so as~to
avoid faultfinding, m urm uring and com plaining
against one another. B o all things w ithout m urmurings and" disptltm gs fThat ye m ay be blam eless and
harm less, the sons o f God, w ithout rebuke, in the
m idst of a crooked and p erverse nation, am ong whom
ye shine as ligh ts in the w orld. (P h il. 2 :1 4 ,1 5 )
T hey are fam iliar w ith the record m ade o f the nation
of Israel, show ing that the Israelites suffered be
cause of faultfindings, m urm urings and com plaining
about the provision s o f m anna and w ater in the
w ilderness by the Lord. T hey have seen the quick
and righteous execution o iJ e h o v a h God again st
the evil servan t class of m odern days who have
rel^ e (T !ig a in st~ Gods organ ization and deserted
JfTTM att. 24:48-51) Jehovahs w itn esses are aw are
that faultfinding w ith brethren eventually leads to


finding fau lt w ith the Lord. Jesu s said : H e who

is not w ith me, is again st m e; and he who gathers
not w ith me, scatters. (M att. 12 :3 0 , D iaglott) In
livin g up to the nam e, Jehovahs w itn esses avoid
fights w ith one another over personal or p etty m at
ters. T hey perm it nothing to divide them or interfere
w ith unity and peace and the execution o f the com
m ission placed upon them.

9 In this perilous tim e o f the end, Jehovahs w it

n esses live up to the nam e by overcom ing persecution
w orld-w ide. D o not be conquered by evil, bute.cyouer evil with grnrl v (Rom . 12: 21, Aw*Amer. Trans.)
W hen violence is ram pant in the earth prior to
A rm ageddon, where we now are, they stand firm
again st the assau lts o f the D evil and his agents.
invisible an6
T he rfations have attem pted
to supp ress Jehovahs w itn esses w ith an iron fist
and crush them by m ischief fram ed by law . (P s.
94: 20) T hey have overcom e and com pletely d efeated
such fiencfislTpersecuti^n m m any pnnntrios. V olum es
w ould he yognivArl in
tl1ft m odern n ersecution
of Jehovahs w itn esses. It surp asses anything that
has been recorded concerning the persecution of any
m inority for conscience sake.
10 In the U nited S tates there w ere arrests by the
thousands annually for several years. M ore than
tw enty-five hundrorl vinlont nmlK assqqjted .Telinval^s w itn esses from 1940 through 1944. The arrests
a n d p ro ^ ecu u o n s were proved false by favorable
decisions by the Suprem e Court of the U nited S tates
and other high state and federal courts of the nation.
The m obs w ere not stopped by the governm ent or
state officials, but only by the pow er o f A lm ighty God.
11 T he m ost notorious case o f persecution for living
u& to the nam e is that of the w itn esses in G erm any.
T hey w ere banned by H itler soon after he signed
the concordat w ith the V atican in 1933. T heir prop
erty w as confiscated. T en thousand m inisters were
placed in concentration cam ps. O nly eight thousand
w ere released after W orld W ar II; two thousand
had been m urdered. In Canada Jehovahs w itnesses
w ere banned and driven wnderground. A lthough the
ban has been lifted, the persecution o f Jehovahs
w itn esses in C atholic-controlled Quebec province
continues to this day, w ith the cases num bering into
the thousands. In Greece, which claim s to be a liberal, dem ocratic state, but which is in practice a
faicisT ~state dom inated hv the Orthodox Church,
J e hovahs w itn esses have been treated in a m anner
w orse than that ever adm inistered hv the Qpgtnpo
in~Nazi Utermanv, In su ite o f such persecutions, in
m any countries Jehovahs w itn esses have lived to
see their release and the restoration of their preach-

How do
up topeace,
the name
them by among
love? themselves? 9.10,As11. toWhat
how do they
to the name?
recent persecution
havelivetheyup endured?
With what effect?
8.7. Why
do they
they live

ing. M oreover, because they have lived up to the
nam e, Jehovah has abundantly blessed their fa ith
fu lness w ith grow th and increase. Since the p erse
cution reached its zenith in 1939 the num ber of J eh o
vahs w itn esses increased from 67,000 to 260,000 in
12 A lthough Jehovahs w itn esses continue to be
persecuted in m any countries dom inated by the C ath
olics and the C om m unists and they know that the
storm of persecution w ill not abate, by continuing to
live up to the nam e they can stand fa st and w eather
the storm . L iving up to the nam e of Jeh ovah brought
reproaches upon C hrist J e su s. (P s. 6 9 :9 ; Rom.
1 5 :3 ) A s Ijpp^irped, they continue to fa ll upon his
faith fu l follow ers. R em em ber the word that I said
unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord.
I f they have persecuted m e, they w ill also persecute
you; if they have kept m y saying, they w ill keep
yours also. (John 1 5 :2 0 ) P eter said that these
persecutions and revilin gs should be expected. (1 P et.
4 :1 3 ,1 4 ) F ar from rebelling again st reproaches or
persecution, Jehovahs w itn esses do not even become
discouraged. T hey are sure, bv reason of - t h e ..rxv
proaches upon them .-that they are serving Gfld- in
the footstep s of Jesu s. A rm ed w ith know ledge of
the truth and encouraged by the ancient exam ples,
they are confident that Jehovah God w ill sustain
them to the end. Eph. 6:1 1 -1 8 ; 1 Cor. 1 0 :1 1 ; see
also H ebrew s chapter 11.
13 L ivin g up to the nam e o f Jehovah God w ill
continue to m ean arrests, cruelties and injuries in
flicted at the hands of dem onized m en. It w ill m ean
even the loss of life to som e of the fa ith fu l; but this
does not dism ay them . The threat or even the danger
of loss of life does not stop them or slow them down.
They believe w ith all their heart, soul, m ind and
strength the certainty of w hat Jesu s said at M atthew
1 0 :2 8 : B e not afraid of those who kill the body,
but cannot destroy the [fu tu re] life ; but rather
fear him who can u tterly destroy both life and body
in G ehenna. (Diag.) W hoever would save his life,
shall lose i t ; and w hoever loses his life on m y account,
shall find it. F or w hat is a m an profited, if he should
gain the w hole w orld, and*forfeit his life? or w hat
will a man give in ransom for his life? M att.
16: 25, 26, Diag.
14 Jehovahs w itn esses w ill live up to the nam e

B rooklyn, N . Y.

notw ithstanding all that their enem ies can do in an

effort to stop them and throw them from the path
of righteousness that leads to life everlasting. They
m ust, to live up to the name, alw ays be circum spect
and w alk in a w ay they know to be p leasin g to Jeh o
vah God. T hey prav that they m av not be abandoned
when tem pted by the enem y, Satan the D evil, and
left unp rotected from his assau lts. T hey know they
m ust keep their m ind set on things above, not only
when in the m issionary field, but also at every other
hour of the day. The business of livin g u p to the
n am p is a tw p n ty -fm ir-1mnrs==-rlny jn h Tf. rp q n ires
all o f ones tim e and atten tion .
15 The S criptures conclusively establish that Jeho
vah, being a God of purpose, arranged to have a
separate and distinct people for his name in this
tim e of the end. T hey m ust not be his people in name
only; they m ust live up to the nam e. L ivin g up to
the nam e places upon the people s e le c t e ^ y Jeh ovah
the responsibility pf rW laving bis name, his purposes
and his law throughout the pntirp wmlrl a w itness.
The clergy o f C hristendom and their m illions of
supporters are not the selected people, because they
do not live up to the nam e. Jehovahs w itn esses not
only have the nam e o f A lm igh ty God, which is not
p ossessed or claim ed by any other group, but the
facts show that they live up to the nam e which they
bear. T hey preach the K ingdom m essage, that the
new w orld of righteousness is the only hope of m an
kind, which is irrefutably established in the Bible.
T heir preaching this gospel of the kingdom through
out all the w orld as a w itness before the end com es
and their being persecuted in all nations for Gods
nam es sake prove that they are livin g up to the
16 L ivin g up to the nam e now m eans to Jehovahs
w itn esses that they have the sure prom ise of not
being led onto the broad and w inding road traveled
by the clergy of C hristendom and their m illions of
follow ers. The assurance that they w ill not be driven
over the precipice to w hich that broad road leads,
into the abyss of death at A rm ageddon, causes them
to rejoice. B y livin g up to the nam e faith fu lly, they
w ill see the fulfillm ent o f prophetic P salm 83:18,
which re a d s: T hat men m ay know that thou, whose
nam e alone is JE H O V A H , art the m ost high over
all the earth. There those who have lived up to
the nam e Jehovah God w ill vindicate as his w itnesses.

are theynotnotstop
or rebellious
against persecution? 15. What kind of people has God chosen them to be? Are they that?
Why do
or slowtemptation?
for persecutions?
16. By faithfulness to the name what outcome Is assured them?
14. How
do they
they guard against
For how long?
W oe to them th a t go dow n to E g y p t fo r help, and rely on horses,
and tru st in chariots because th ey are m an y, and in horsem en
because th ey are ve ry stro n g , but th ey look not unto the H o ly
One o f Isra el, neith er seek Jehovah I N ow the E g y p tia n s are m en,
and n ot G o d ; an d th eir horses flesh, an d not s p ir it: and w hen
Jehovah shall stretch out his hand, both he th at h elpeth shall
stu m ble, an d he th at is helped shall fa ll, and th ey all shall be
consum ed to geth er .Isaiah 31:1,3, A .S . V.


*T TOW many are thy works, 0 [Jehovah]! In wisdom

r | hast thou made them all; the earth is full of thy
creations. They all wait upon thee, to give them
their food in due season. . . . When thou openest thy hand,
they are satisfied with good things. Praise ye Jehovah!
So exclaims the psalmist at Psalm 104:24,27,28,35 (An
A m er. T ran s.; A . S . P.) Yes, on every hand he saw the
evidences of Jehovahs goodness and loving care for his
And in providing for mans sustenance God did not
content himself with bestowing upon his earthly creation
just the barest necessities, but showered blessings upon
him in great profusion. He provided many varieties of
cereals, of fruits, of vegetables and of meats. And not
only many varieties, but many different kinds of each
variety; so that man can enjoy many different kinds of
apples, pears, grapes, etc., and that in various forms, fresh,
preserved, dried, such as raisins, pressed as grape juice or
fermented as wine.
But some will object to the inclusion of wines and other
alcoholic beverages in the good things that the Creator has
provided for man. Water, milk, fruit juices and soft
drinks, yes; but wine, beer, brandy and other alcoholic
drinksNo! They ask us to consider an imposing array
of statistics and facts showing how much harm alcohol has
done to the human mind, the body and to family life. They
point to the picture all too familiar to our cities, of the
drunkard staggering along the streets or lying in the
gutter; they call attention to the many accidents due to
alcoholism, not to mention the delinquency, both adult and
juvenile. Surely, they argue, no one can have a good word
for alcoholic drinks; every Christian not only should be a
total abstainer but should support the temperance move
What should be the attitude of Gods servants, the con
secrated Christian ministers, regarding wine, etc.? First of
all note that Jesus clearly stated that his followers were
not of the world (John 17:16) and indicated that it would
be folly for them to spend their time, energy and means
in trying to mend this worn-out old world with the new
patches of Christian principles. Let the world try to reform
itself by social legislation, by temperance movements and
suchlike; the Christian has only one obligation, this one
thing he does, Preach the word. (2 Tim. 4:2) He will
not try to impose his views on others, but will endeavor
to bring his life in accord with the principles as set forth
in the Bible. It alone contains satisfactory and authoritative
information as to what is right or wrong in all matters
of personal conduct.
As noted in a previous issue of this journal, the Bible
does not countenance the use of tobacco by the Christian
minister, even though tobacco is not mentioned by name
in it (for the very obvious reason that it was unknown
outside of the Western Plemisphere until fifteen centuries
after the Bible was written). Tobacco is a narcotic that
enslaves its users, its indulgence is unclean, injurious to
both mind and body as well as harmful to others who are
compelled to inhale smoke-laden air. Tobacco certainly
is not one of the good things to be enjoyed by man.
On the other hand, there are some things that are lawful
or unlawful depending upon the purpose. Hunting and

fishing, when done solely for sport, are condemned by the

Scriptures. It is selfish and wicked to deprive a creature
of life merely for the thrill of pitting ones powers against
it or to satisfy the lust to kill. But game and fish are
among the good things that God has provided for man,
and therefore it is entirely right and proper to hunt and
fish for clothing and food.
Then, again, some things are lawful but not expedient
(1 Cor. 10: 23), and one course may be good but another
be better. (1 Cor. 7:38) Connubial joys are among the
blessings that are lawful for man to enjoy, but those en
gaging in immorality will receive destruction at Gods
hands. He who finds a wife finds good fortune (Prov.
18:22, A n A m er. T ra n s.), and marriage is honorable in
all. (Heb. 13: 4) Here, too, the Scriptures give admonition
as to the proper course; mates are to be content with each
other (Prov. 5:19) and are to deal with each other fairly
and with consideration.1 Pet. 3: 7; 1 Cor. 7: 3,4.
And so we find that the Scriptures give wise counsel
as to what is right and what is wrong as regards the use
of wine and strong drink. Nowhere are they forbidden in
toto. Melchizedek, priest and king, served Abram bread and
wine. (Gen. 14:18) The Israelites were given instructions
regarding the use of wine for drink offerings to Jehovah.
(Lev. 23:13) The psalmist tells us that God provided
wine to cheer up the heart of man. (Ps. 104:15, M offatt)
And, further, the Scriptures advise, Drink thy wine with
a merry heart, and that wine maketh glad the life. (Eccl.
9:7; 10:19, margin) And time and again wine is used to
picture the good spiritual things that God gives to man:
Ah come, all ye that thirst, come to the waters, . . . buy
food for nothing, wine and milk without money! . . . Listen
to me, oh listen, and you shall feed on good, and thrill over
the finest fare. (Isa. 55:1,2, M offatt) And, again: Wis
dom has built her house, . . . she has mingled her wine
. . . Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine I have
mingled; forsake your folly, and live.Prov. 9:1-6, A n
A m er. T rans.
Coming to the Greek Scriptures, we find that the very
first miracle that Jesus performed was that of turning
water into wine; and both the Greek word used and the
account itself make clear that it was not just grape juice,
but was fermented wine. (John 2:3-10) On another occa
sion he spoke of not putting new wine into old bottles (wine
skins), lest they should burst, and that old wine was to be
preferred to the new (Luke 5:37-39); again clearly in
dicating that wine was referred to, and not unfermented
grape juice. He himself indulged in wine, causing the selfrighteous hypocritical Pharisees to accuse him (falsely)
of being a drunkard.Matt. 11:19, M offatt.
Further, we find Paul counseling Timothy: Stop drink
ing nothing but water; take a little wine for the good of
your digestion and for your frequent attacks of illness.
(1 Tim. 5:23, A n A m er. T ran s.) From this Scriptural
array it is quite apparent that wine is among the good
things that the Creator provided for mans enjoyment.
It would be a serious mistake, however, to jump to the
conclusion that because wine in itself was not prohibited
one could indulge in it to excess or to the inflaming of the
baser passions. Excess is wrong and harmful, regardless
of what it may be, and the Scriptures condemn excess in



food (gluttony) as severely as they do excess in drinking;

a fact which total abstainers are prone to overlook.Deut.
21:20; Prov. 23:20,21.
The Christian is admonished to supplement knowledge
with self-control, and is advised that the spirit that God
has given us is not a spirit of timidity, but of love, and of
power and of self-discipline. (2 Pet. 1: 6; 2 Tim. 1: 7, A n
A m er. T ran s.) It will also be noted that Paul counseled
Timothy to take a little wine for the sake of his health,
and that he made it very definite that those given to much
wine were not to be appointed as overseers or assistants in
the Christian congregation. (1 Tim. 3:3,8; Tit. 1:7; 2:3)
And, since these are to be examples, it follows that the rest
of the congregation should likewise not be given to much
wine. Rather than be filled with wine, wherein there is
excess and riot, all are to be filled with the holy spirit, Gods
active force.Eph. 5:15-18.
That overindulgence in wine and strong drink is both
foolish and wrong is further borne out by the following
scriptures: Who have woe? who have pain? who have
strifes? who have complaints? who have wounds without
cause? who have redness of eyes? Those who stay long
over wine. Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler;
none who reels under it is wise. (Prov. 23: 29, 30; 20:1,
A n A m er. T ran s.) Woe unto them that are mighty to drink
wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink [and weak
to execute justice]: which justify the wicked for reward.
(Isa. 5:22,23) Wine and liquor take away the under
standing.Hos. 4:11, A n A m er. T rans.

Not only do the Scriptures indicate that there should

be moderation in the use of wine, but that, as with every
purpose under the sun, there is a time to drink and a time
to refrain from drinking. When should one refrain from
drinking? The Levite priests were commanded not to drink
wine when serving before Jehovah in the tabernacle. (Lev.
10:9) They were not to be under the influence of wine
nor to depend upon its stimulation when performing their
priestly duties. Their minds and consciences were to be
sensitively attuned to the law of Jehovah, and such would
hardly be the case if they were influenced by alcoholic
drinks. This strongly recommends that, while engaged in
their ministerial service, those serving Jehovah today like
wise refrain from drinking wine, etc. Thereby not only will
they keep in the best mental and spiritual condition and
have the greatest self-control, but they will also avoid giving
needless offense to those to whom an alcoholic breath is
repulsive. That indulging in wine is likely to interfere
with ones using the best judgment is likewise indicated
at Proverbs 31: 4, 5 ( M o ffa tt ): It is not for kings to be
(piaffing wine, nor for princes to be swilling liquor; lest
in their cups they forget their law and misjudge a case
of misery.
Respect for the principles and consciences of others may
indicate that we refrain from wine. We may feel strong
and able to control ourselves by indulging in moderation,
but we should not coax or cajole our brother to indulge if
he feels that it is best and safest for him to abstain. (See
Habakkuk 2:15,16.) In fact, we should not even indulge
when in the company of such weaker ones, but rather deny
ourselves the enjoyment of indulgence for the sake of the

ro o klyn,

N. Y .

spiritual welfare of our brother. As the apostle Paul well

puts it: It is true, everything is clean, but it is wrong for
a man to hurt the consciences of others by what he eats.
The right thing to do is to eat no meat at all and to drink
no wine or do anything else if it hurts your brothers con
science.Rom. 14: 20, 21, A n A m er. T ran s.
For those who have difficulty in exercising self-control
it would at all times be best to refrain from drinking in
toxicating beverages. Better deny oneself the brief tem
porary enjoyment of indulging in wine than to bring
reproach upon the truth and perhaps cause others to
stumble. And denying oneself such should not be a great
hardship. The Jews did without wine for forty years (Deut.
29:6), and seemingly did not miss it too much; as we read
of their longing for the flesh, the leeks, onions and garlic
of Egypt (Num. 11:5), but not of their missing their wine.
The Rechabites were willing to do without wine because
of having been commanded thus by their forefather Jonadab, and they were commended by Jehovah for obeying
that commandment. (Jer. 35:1-19) Daniel and his three
companions were blessed for refusing the kings dainties,
which included wine.Dan. 1: 8-21.

Today there is a tendency on the part of some of the

Lords servants to throw or attend parties where there is
an opening for much drinking. It is advisable to be on guard.
Excess drinking can be accompanied by conversation that is
far from edifying and with actions that will not stand the
light. Such parties, when ignoring the spiritual welfare,
are dangerous to all of Gods servants that would have his
approval. Married people can find themselves trifling with
others and straining their faithfulness to each other for
the thrill of skating on thin ice ; while young and single
folks, who by properly cultivating the gift of singleness
have so much to look forward to in the pioneer, foreign
missionary or Bethel service, find themselves becoming in
flamed and, as a result, come into marital situations where
to keep their integrity they must shoulder the added
burdens of domestic obligations with the corresponding
diminishment of Kingdom privileges, and that with a bad
All too frequently such parties savor of the attitude of
the Godless world: Let us eat and drink; for to morrow
we shall die. (Isa. 22:13) They have more in common with
Belshazzars feast, where, inflamed with wine, he willfully
reproached Jehovahs name, than with the fellowship and
eating of bread that Jesus enjoyed with his apostles and
disciples after his resurrection.
True, there is nothing wrong in itself with brethrens
coming together occasionally and enjoying in a little more
abundant way than usual the good things that the Lord
has provided for man in the way of food and drink. In fact,
such occasions can even aid in helping the good-will interest
to appreciate the fact that Jehovahs witnesses are not
fanatical extremists. But at such times let us not forget
that we are Jehovahs servants, let the indulgence in food
and drink be in moderation, so as not to bring any reproach
nor to have ill aftereffects, and above all, let the conver
sation be clean and on things that edify.The singing and
playing of Kingdom songs, the playing of Scriptural quiz

M ay 15, 1950


games, the relating of field-service experiences, etc., can

all combine to make such an evening one not only of relax
ation and enjoyment but also one of profit.
Let each Christian minister be on guard, therefore,
remembering that Satan is out to debauch the human race
so as to cause all to be destroyed at Armageddon, that to
sow to the flesh is to reap destruction, and that [we] have
spent time enough in the past in doing as the heathen like
to do, indulging in sensuality, passion, drunkenness, ca

rousing, dissipation. (1 Pet. 4:3, A n A m er. T ran s.) Let

us make honest, wise and considerate use of our Christian
liberty. Be moderate in the enjoyment of the good things
that God has provided, so whether you are eating or
drinking or doing anything else, do it all to the honor
of God; ever appreciating that the Kingdom of God is
not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of uprightness,
peace, and happiness through the possession of the holy
spirit.1 Cor. 10:31; Rom. 14:17, A n A m er. T ran s.


ORDECAI was involved in the government affairs

of a world empire, but he did not worship the
political state. He obeyed the laws of the land when
they did not conflict with Gods laws. He even acted for the
preservation of the state when it was threatened by seditious
conspirators. But when it came to a showdown test of
allegiance Mordecais loyalty was for God first. That his
fearless course was blessed by Jehovah is shown by the
record in the Bible book called Esther.
The narrated events of the book take place in Persia,
in the royal city of Shushan, in the days of Ahasuerus,
(this is Ahasuerus which reigned, from India even unto
Ethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twenty prov
inces:). The book of Esther covers approximately
484-474 B.C. While the principal character of the book
might be said to be Esther, it was Mordecai who through
his wise counsel guided her into the queenship. Their rela
tionship is shown by the following:
Now in Shushan the palace there was a certain Jew,
whose name was Mordecai, the son of Jair, the son of
Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been carried
away from Jerusalem with the captivity which had been
carried away with Jeconiah king of Judah, whom Nebu
chadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away. And he
brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncles daughter:
for she had neither father nor mother, and the maid was
fair and beautiful; whom Mordecai, when her father and
mother were dead, took for his own daughter. King
Ahasuerus, because of Queen Vashtis disobedience, selected
a new queen, who was Mordecais cousin Esther. But even
after her exaltation to the queenship Esther did the com
mandment of Mordecai, like as when she was brought up
with him.Esther 1:1; 2:5-7, 20.
Next in the record are recounted two events that show
Mordecais stand for law and order through human govern
ment, yet make clear his refusal to violate Gods law when
state ordinances conflict therewith. The first event is record
ed at Esther 2:21-23: In those days, while Mordecai sat
in the kings gate, two of the kings chamberlains, Bigthan
and Teresh, of those which kept the door, were wroth, and
sought to lay hand on the king Ahasuerus. And the thing
was known to Mordecai, who told it unto Esther the queen;
and Esther certified the king thereof in Mordecais name.
And when inquisition was made of the matter, it was found
out; therefore they were both hanged on a tree: and it was
written in the book of the chronicles before the king.
Thus was squelched the conspiracy against the state. But
in the very next verses Mordecai himself is found defying

the kings command, because it would have forced him to

violate Gods law if he obeyed the kings: After these
things did king Ahasuerus promote Haman the son of
Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him, and set his
seat above all the princes that were with him. And all the
kings servants, that were in the kings gate, bowed, and
reverenced Haman: for the king had so commanded con
cerning him. But Mordecai bowed not, nor did him rever
ence. Then the kings servants, which were in the kings
gate, said unto Mordecai, Why transgressest thou the kings
commandment? Now it came to pass, when they spake daily
unto him, and he hearkened not unto them, that they told
Haman, to see whether Mordecais matters would stand: for
he had told them that he was a Jew. And when Haman
saw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, then
was Haman full of wrath.Esther 3:1-5.
Note that when Mordecai had been daily questioned as
to his refusal to bow down, he had answered by telling them
that he was a Jew. That meant he reminded them that he
was following Gods command that forbade bowing down
and reverencing and worshiping creatures. Hamans anger
sought outlet not only against Mordecai but against all the
Jews, and in pursuance of that end Haman pushed through
a decree to destroy the Jews. On what basis was he able to
get the kings consent to his anti-Semitic drive? By charging
the Jews with sedition against the state because they put
Gods law above mans. Haman told the king: Their laws
are diverse from all people; neither keep they the kings
laws.Esther 3: 8.
So confident of success was the cocksure Haman that he
built gallows on which to hang Mordecai, and was on his
way to see the king to get permission for such legalized
murder. But the king met the Agagite with the question:
What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth
to honour? Conceited Haman thought that surely the man
to be honored was himself, so he outlined an elaborate
parading of the man through the streets on the kings horse,
the horse to be led by one of the kings princes. The king
agreed, but how crushing the blow to Haman when he heard
the man to be honored was Mordecai and that he, Haman,
would be the one to lead the horse on which Mordecai rode!
Why did the king suddenly wish to honor Mordecai? Because
one night the king suffered from insomnia and had read
to him the historical records, and in that reading it was
brought to his attention again how Mordecai had reported
the conspiracy against the king, and when the king learned
that nothing had been done to honor Mordecai for his
service, he determined to remedy the oversight. The next

day he had the interview with Haman, that turned out so
painful to the Agagites ego.
Through Esthers intercession, as advised by Mordecai,
Hamans wickedness was exposed and he was hung on the
gallows he had reared up for Mordecai, Mordecai was
elevated to Hamans former position, and arrangements
were made for the Jews to defend themselves on the day
that Hamans wicked decree of destruction was to be execut
ed. As a result the tables were turned and it was the Jews
enemies that died instead of the Jews. To commemorate the
victory Mordecai ordained the keeping of the feast of Purim,
which command the Jews have since carried out. (Esther
8:11; 9:1-32) As for Mordecai himself, he was next unto
king Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews, and accepted
of the multitude of his brethren, seeking the wealth of his
people, and speaking peace to all his seed.Esther 10: 3.
The other dramatic happenings in the book of Esther
we leave for succeeding articles on the characters Esther
and Haman to develop. The remainder of this article we
devote to discussing some interesting facts regarding the
chronology of the times and the book of Esther, which was
probably written by Mordecai, whose name means like pure
myrrh or bruised myrrh. There is a difference of opinion
as to the writer of the book. There are scholars who credit
it to Ezra. Ezra probably brought the book with him when
he came from Babylon to Jerusalem, in 467 B.C., and added
it to the then still growing Hebrew canon. However, it is
more probable that Mordecai wrote the record, because he
was in position to have all the minute knowledge shown in
the narrative of the private affairs of Mordecai and Esther,
of Hamans family, and particularly of the domestic details
of the palace of Shushan. Also, at the time of his elevation
in the kings service he would have access to the official
records which are mentioned in the account.
The canonicity or authenticity of the book is questioned
by many. Their chief objection is based, not on historical
grounds or well-founded critical analysis, but on an arbi
trary, emotional reaction arising from the fact that the name
of God does not appear once in the narrative. But the entire
book breathes a spirit of faithfulness and integrity toward
God and deep interest in the cause of Gods people. The fact
that Mordecai steadfastly refused to honor and bow to Gods
enemy, Haman the Amalekite, is proof that Jehovah and
His law were recognized by Mordecai; Haman objected to
this people whose laws were diverse from the nations. More
over, divine maneuvering of events is implied at Esther
4:14, and prayer is doubtless referred to by the word cry
at 9:31.
The canonicity of the book may be established on the
following grounds: The Jews have always reckoned it in
the canon; it was probably received into the canon by Ezra,
who lived at the time its recorded events occurred and would

be in position to pass on its authenticity. He would have

excluded it if it had been a fable. Though written in
Hebrew, it contains the Persianisms and Aramaisms with
which the Hebrew tongue had by that time been contami
nated ; its wording in this respect matches that of the books
Ezra, Nehemiah, and First and Second Chronicles. The
record has the ring of genuineness by harmonizing com
pletely with the times in which it is historically set. Another
strong argument in behalf of its authenticity and historical
basis is that to this day the Jews keep the feast of Purim
ordained by Mordecai in remembrance of their deliverance
at that time. The strongest argument, however, is that the
prophetic pictures forecast by the events of the book of
Esther are now, in these last days, undergoing fulfillment
under Jehovahs direction.
During what time did the events related occur? It was
at a time when the Persian empire extended from India
even unto Ethiopia. This would fix Darius II as the earliest
possible ruler to so hold sway, and the language of the book
and the events and customs disclosed and its inclusion into
the canon by Ezra would not permit the events to be located
beyond the reign of Artaxerxes III. In between these two
Persian monarchs was Xerxes. The Ahasuerus of the Esther
account must have been one of these three.
In the twelfth year of his reign this Ahasuerus did not
seem too well acquainted with the Jews and their beliefs
or disposed to favor them, because he permitted himself to
be very readily influenced by Haman to decree their destruc
tion. Darius II would hardly have fitted in this setup; he
was well acquainted with the Jews and had favored them
early in his reign, before the twelfth year thereof. Neither
would Artaxerxes III, because he specially favored the
Jews in his seventh year and again in his twentieth year.
It must be that the Ahasuerus of the Esther account was
Xerxes. To this most scholars agree, and the A m erican
T ran sla tio n Bible and M offatts translation even substitute
Xerxes for Ahasuerus in the account.
When, then, did Xerxes reign? After the long reign of
Darius II Xerxes began ruling, about 486 B.C. Historians
generally say 485 B.C. As to the time of ending of his
reign there is disagreement. Most encyclopedias say his reign
extended to a twenty-first year, to 465 B.C., and that then
Artaxerxes III ascended the throne. But the most accurate
profane historian of those times, and who lived during the
reign of Artaxerxes III, namely Thucydides, fixes, in the
light of a chronology table by Diodorus, the end of Xerxes
reign and the beginning of Artaxerxes rule at about the
year 474 B.C. Actually, Xerxes reigned twelve full years
and possibly started his thirteenth, from 486 to 474 B.C.
The events of Esther extend from his third year through
his twelfth, a period of about ten years.


February 13, 1950

Dear Brother:
Answering your letter of January 24:
Of course, Gods prohibition against drinking the blood
by Noah and his descendants applied only to the lower
animals, because God authorized man to kill and eat the

B rooklyn, N . Y.

flesh of such animals. He did not authorize man to kill

human creatures and to eat their flesh like cannibals, and
therefore he did not have to state a law against drinking
human blood or against having a blood transfusion from one
human organism into another organism. (Genesis 9:1-6)
If transfusion of human blood in the modern way* was not
practiced back there in Noahs day or in Moses day, there

M ay 15, 1950


was no need for God to expressly state a law against it;

just the same as he included no law against smoking tobacco
in his commandments to his typical people. But that is not
saying or proving that the fundamental essence of his law
is not against such things.
When God commanded Abraham to circumcise himself
and all the males of his household, there was of course some
shedding of human blood by that operation. (Genesis 17: 914, 23-27) But such shedding of a measure of human blood
was not a tra n sfu sion of such blood into another organism.
You say that at a blood transfusion the person receiving
the blood is in great need of it; the transfusion is not under
taken because he is greedy for it. How can you say this!
For when a doctor tells a patient that he must have a blood
transfusion or else he cannot get well and live, what does
the doctor create in the patient but a greed for the blood
of another human creature?
It is not altogether true that at a blood transfusion, the
blood donor does not venture his life. Just recently a
World War II veteran was hailed as a hero because for
three hours he lay alongside a young girl afflicted with a
fatal blood disease, while his blood was made to course
through her blood vessels and her blood vessels discharged
her diseased blood into his blood vessels. Despite this blood
transfusion the girl died. But why was the man hailed as
a hero? His blood was pumped into her body because he
had recovered from an unusual disease and his blood had
come to be of the very type the doctors claimed the diseased
girl needed. But while they claim that his blood might have
altered her blood to overcome her disease, yet the veteran
exposed himself to contracting her disease by having her
blood pulsate through his body. Because he thus ventured
his life, he was acclaimed as a hero. True, the man volun
teered in response to a call by the medical doctors over the
radio, but by what God-given law have the doctors the right
to expose a strong, full-grown man to death in order to save
the life of a young girl? What if the blood donor had died
by contracting her disease? Who would have been held
responsible for the mans death?
Through the news agencies you mainly hear about the
supposed value and benefits of blood transfusion; but less
frequently you hear about all the damage that it is doing
on a world-wide scale. For instance, T he A m erica n W eek ly
of January 29, 1950, on page 10, had this to say about the
other side of the matter: Safeguarding the B lood Banks :
What many sincere donors dont know, however, is the
fact that blood that is not free from germs may cost the life
it was meant to save. . . . Various types of viruses, including
those of influenza and infantile paralysis, might be present
in blood or plasma intended for transfusion, unless the
greatest vigilance is exercised. Similarly, such blood or
plasma might carry germs causing malaria and other dis
eases. Or, it might contain allergy-producing protein sub
stances, called allergens. Such substances might cause
hives, asthma or hay fever in the patient who received the
transfusion. Mrs. Gil da Burlin, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was
so sure that she contracted malaria as the result of a blood


transfusion that she sued the University of Cincinnati

Transfusion Service, at the General Hospital, for $50,000.
She charged that she was a patient at the Jewish Hospital
in 1947 and received two units of blood supplied from the
bank of the Transfusion Service. . . . Scientifically, however,
the transmission of malaria in the process of transfusion is
possible. It also is possible that various diseases might
develop because the apparatus used in the transfusion was
contaminated. This, however, is closely guarded against
in all first-class hospitals; but accidents might happen. . . .
The virus of hepatitis, or other viruses, cannot be observed
under the microscope. This makes such infection a greater
hazard than that from bacterial organisms which are more
easily detected. . . . In addition to testing for the presence
of agents that may cause disease, the blood bank must check
all donated blood for its type. . . . Another important
division concerns the Rh factor. . . . If an Rh-negative
person receives an Rh-positive transfusion, especially more
than once, the results may be most serious.
So do not be swayed by the emphasis placed upon the
life-giving qualities of the human blood, but think also
upon the disease-spreading qualities of the blood. In the
face of all such risks, and in view of all the harm that is
being effected, do you not think that Gods everlasting cove
nant concerning the sanctity of blood also prohibits human
blood transfusions? If God forbade close relatives like
brothers and sisters, parent to child, etc., to marry because
of thereby bequeathing emphasized human idiosyncrasies
to their offspring and causing diseases, do you think that
God would disapprove any less of blood transfusion with
all its disease-spreading and fatal properties and possi
bilities?Leviticus 18:6-18; 20:11-21.
It is freely acknowledged that the fluid from a person of
one type of blood may kill a person of another type of
blood. If, now, you donated your blood, and your type of
blood killed the person receiving the transfusion, would
you be guilty of murder? Or would the doctor or nurse that
administered the transfusion be guilty of the murder?
Would you not be at least an accessory to a murder? Oh,
you might say, it was all accidental, all unintended! But
remember that in the typical nation of Israel God held the
person responsible for even an accidental killing of a man
or woman, so that the unwitting slayer had to flee to a city
of refuge and stay there in order to escape the avenger of
the blood of the dead person. (Numbers 35:9-34) Chris
tians are taught to be even more careful of human life than
were those natural Jews.
For other arguments against blood transfusion see the
letters that are being published in T he W a tch to w er in
addition to the ones you have already read.
Faithfully yours in the cause of righteousness,
Watch Tower B ible & Tract Society
* P.S. Pharaoh of ancient Egypt is reported as having had
150 Israelites killed daily and their blood drained in order
to provide a blood-bath for the cure of his terrible disease.

In th a t d a y w ill Jehovah o f hosts becom e a crow n o f g lo ry, and

a diadem o f b ea u ty, unto the residue o f his p e o p le ; an d a sp irit
o f ju stice to him th a t sitteth in ju d g m en t, an d stren g th to them
th a t tu rn back the ba ttle a t the g a te .Isaiah 28:5, 6, A.S'.T.


Real missionary service in the Gold Coast results in a

variety of experiences. I was assigned, along with two other
graduates of Gilead, to visit the Ho company of Jehovahs
witnesses, as well as the nearby leper settlement. Traveling
by car we left Accra, the capital, at midday. Some five hours
later we were warmly welcomed at Ho. Soon we were headed
for the center of the town to give the public talk. By this
time it was dark. So, as is often the case, the discourse was
given out under the bright tropical moon and the sparkling
stars. Approximately 300 attended the talk. Was there
interference? Yes! What kind? The lantern used to shed
light on the speakers Bible and notes also served as a signal
for a large variety of insects to assemble to greet the speaker
in their own particular way.
The next morning we were on our way to the leper
settlement three miles distant. Out of about 500 lepers of
various religious beliefs in the settlement there are four of
Jehovahs witnesses. And were they glad to see us Gilead
graduates! We will long remember the expressions of joy on
their faces, one of the few ways in which they could show
their joy, because they could not touch us. The Branch
office has been sending regular, free supplies of The W atch tow er to these brethren, and they very much appreciate this.
After an interview with the superintendent of the settle
ment permission was granted to give a public talk to those
who were present. All listened closely. It was not a pleasant
audience to look at in the physical sense. They were of all
ages, yet some of the young boys looked like old men, with
the leprosy affecting each one in a slightly different way.
One of the leper brothers interpreted for the speaker, and
this was something the speaker will long remember. This
interpreter stood three feet away from the speaker, with
his Ewe Bible in his hand. His ears were half eaten off,
also his toes. His fingers were eaten off back to the second
knuckle, yet he had the full Kingdom smile on his shriveled
face. When it came to reading Scriptures it was outstanding
to notice how quick he found the texts, even with just
stumps of fingers at his disposal. He knew his Bible.
The talk over, a chat with the four witnesses by them
selves, and it was time to leave, for we had to get back to
Accra that day. The custom among the natives is to greet
and bid farewell with an enthusiastic handshake, but these
publishers could not do that. They came to the boundary
of the settlement with us, and then we parted, after promis
ing that we will come again as soon as possible to visit
them. As we headed for Accra 100 miles to the south, we
could not help but long all the more for the coming of
the new world with its promised blessings for all obedient

have greatly desired my sister to share the same privilege

of being a servant of The Theocracy. I wrote a letter to
the brethren in the town where she lives, asking them to
call and witness to her, but all their efforts were fruitless.
At last I decided to make a visit myself. The main stumblingblock appeared to be her superstitious belief in the power
of a certain ju ju in her house. She believed that should she
eat any food made from cassaver, including the native food
called g a ri, or listen to any message other than that received
from this ju ju , she would die.
Understanding the Africans superstitious belief in the
power of medicine, I approached the problem in the follow
ing manner: I took some ordinary water and put it in a
bottle. When I reached the house she told me that she under
stood I had now joined the Armageddon company and that
other Armageddon people had been calling on her, but she
could not agree with them as she had a powerful ju ju . I
then told her that for her good I had obtained some very
powerful medicine known as Juju Driver, and that' even
since I had been in the house the power of her ju ju had
been broken. I then produced the bottle and told her to
drink some and also to rub some on her body, after which
she would be able to eat g a ri without any danger of death,
because the ju ju had already run away.
At first she was still afraid to eat the g a ri, but after
more encouragement she took some, particularly after she
watched me eat some. I made her repeat the same thing the
next day and again the third day. By now she was con
vinced that the power of the ju ju had really been broken,
so she asked how I had managed to get such powerful
medicine. I told her to get her Bible, and we started reading
some passages together. For three days we studied together,
and then I told her about the water in the bottle and how
the real Juju Driver was the water of truth. She laughed
and said that God did indeed move in mysterious ways. By
the time I left she was attending the company studies and
sharing in the service.Nigeria publisher.

I wish to relate an experience of our six-year-old son.

While playing with an eight-year-old girl he kept telling
her what he knew about the truth and the new world. She
began to ask questions about the Bible that he could not
answer. He told her that he had a booklet that would answer
her questions, and he would give it to her if she could get
her mother to read it. He explained that then her mother
could answer her questions. So the girl took the booklet,
rushed home, and begged her mother to read it. About
thirty minutes later the girl brought me a letter from her
mother, asking me to come over and tell her more. I called
on her the next day. She took the L e t G od B e T ru e book
and we had a Bible study that first call. The mother said
I have an elder sister to whom I have always been very she would never have read the booklet if it had not been
attached, and since coming to a knowledge of the truth I for the enthusiasm of her child.Publisher in Washington.
B u t Jeh ovah sitteth as king fo r e v e r : he hath p rep a re d his throne
fo r ju d g m e n t; an d he w ill ju d g e the w o rld in righ teou sness, he
w ill m in ister ju d g m en t to the p eo p les in uprigh tn ess. Jeh ovah
also w ill be a high to w er fo r the o p p ressed , a high to w er in tim es
o f tro u b le; an d th ey th a t know th y nam e w ill p u t th eir tru st in
th ee; fo r th ou, Jeh ovah , hast not forsa ken them th a t seek thee.
Psalm 9:7-10, A .S .V .

Jehovahs Kingdom!
They shall know that I am Jehovah!
-Ezekiel 35:15.
V ol. L X X I

S emimonthly

N o. 11

JUNE 1, 1950

A M ind F reed for Godly Co m b a t ...........163
Captivity Due to Unfaithfulness...........164
Throw Down the Altar o f Baal .........166
Assembly Call fo r the Fearless .............168
Separating the Lazy from the Zealous 169
W hy Minds Are Made Free .................170
A Completely N ew W orld for T his
Globe ..................................................... 171
E sther M anifests D ivine W isdo m .........174
L e t te r [ On the Divine Mandate ] .........175
F ield E xperien c e ....................................... 176
L iving Up to the N ame
T estimony P eriod ............................. 162
W atchtower S tudies ........................... 162
Save ................................................................162
U se R enewal S ubscription B l a n k ..... 162



fEe W A T C H T O W E R P u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y B y

117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S.A .

N. H. K n orr , P resid en t

ffic e r s

G r a n t S u it e r , S e cr eta r y

And all thy children shall be taught o f Jehovah; and

great shall be the peace o f thy children. * Isaiah 3 4 :1 3 .
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker o f heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon It; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason o f Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death In order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head o f Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new world; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members o f Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began its time o f the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
o f life on earth.

HIS journal is published for the purpose o f enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of Its contents in the light o f the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

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Do you profess or would yon like to be one o f Jehovahs

witnesses? Then you sincerely want to walk worthy o f the name.
You will appreciate, too, the intent o f the June Testimony Period,
entitled Living Up to the Name . W e are sure you will be with
us in carrying out the program o f activity fo r that month. Toward
delivering the witness in harmony with our God-given name, we
shall be offering the three bound books L e t G od B e T ru e , T he
K in gd om I s a t H a n d and T h e T ru th Shall M a k e Y o u F r e e ,
on tie nominal contribution o f one dollar fo r all three books. It
is mutually strengthening to have your cooperation in this testi
mony, and our joined efforts work together to give a more impres
sive witness and to prove that the Most High God has a people on
earth who uphold the honor o f his name. H e knows all the efforts
you put forth, not for praise from man but from him. Nevertheless,
we should appreciate your making out a report o f the months
work and results, on our form therefor, that we may compile a
combined report.

your personal or home copy o f each issue o f T h e W a tch to w er.

Do not throw them away, but preserve them in a binder or drawer
or on library shelves. A t the end o f each year, in its Decem
ber 15 issue, T h e W a tch to w e r contains an index o f subjects and an
index o f all the scriptures cited, quoted and commented upon in
all the leading articles throughout the year. By saving your copies
and keeping them in date order you will have an invaluable refer
ence library fo r consultation in your study o f the Bible. Organized
companies should preserve copies in the library o f their local
Theocratic ministry course school.


Week o f July 2 ; A Mind Freed fo r Godly Combat,

U 1-21 inclusive, T h e W a tch to w e r June 1,1950.
Week o f July 9 : A Mind Freed fo r Godly Combat,
22-45 inclusive, T h e W a tc h to w e r June 1,1950.


The renewal blank sent you prior to the expiration o f your

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out delay. It will also be a great help if you sign your name uni
formly, and note any recent change o f address, on the renewal slip.

V ol.


J une


1, 1950

No. 11


Tear down the altar of the Baal that your father has, and cut down the sacred pole that is beside it.
Then build an altar to the LORD your God on the top of this stronghold with the material.
Judg. 6:25,26, An Amer. Trans.
EHOVAH is not a God of captivity. He imprisons could bring no liberty to Eve, so men today enslaved
none of his creatures behind iron bars. He does by sinful lusts and corruption can play no effective
not tie down even the mental processes of the role as liberators. Blind leaders and blind followers
individual, but allows freedom of thought in the together will topple into the ditch of destruction.
minds that he created. He brought into existence Matt. 15:14.
3Without literal bars Satan the Devil has jailed
no physical or mental robots to mechanically move
in the ways he ordained, but provided his creatures the minds of men, and to prevent any prison breaks
of intelligence with minds not only capable of know he has many visible jailers standing guard over
ing right and wrong but also free to choose either his mental prison-houses. Devilish Lucifer is known
course. Did not he extend this freedom of choice, as one that opened not the house of his prisoners ;
accompanied by cautioning counsel, to the first hu hence his jailers have no keys that unlock the cells.
man pair in Eden? And did not his spokesmen do Why, they themselves have taken away the key of
likewise with the nation of Israel? I call heaven knowledge, and that is the only key that throws
and earth to witness against you this day, that I wide the doors to mental freedom! Did not Jesus
have set before thee life and death, the blessing and say, Know the truth, and the truth shall make you
the curse: therefore choose life, that thou mayest free ? (Isa. 14:17; Luke 11:52; John 8:32) The
live, thou and thy seed; to love Jehovah thy God, to most vital truth is that contained in Gods Word,
obey his voice. But, If it seem evil unto you to the Bible. Do you doubt that? If Seripture truths
serve Jehovah, choose you this day whom ye will were known and followed there could be no racial
serve. Gen. 2 :1 7 ; Deut. 30:19,20; Josh. 24:15, prejudice, religious hate, national greed, no juvenile
delinquency nor adult crime nor international wars.
Am. Stan. Ver.
2 The spirit creature now known as Satan theIt would be a changed world, a new world. Bible
Devil chose to serve himself, and became captive truth would free the mind from satanic captivity
to his own evil pride and ambitious greed. (Isa. and give it a new outlook that would reveal what
14:12-14) Prodded on by those jailers of his mind, would be really good and pleasing and perfect for
Satan set out to imprison others. In the name of mankind. Romans 12: 2 states: You must not adopt
securing greater mental liberty for Eve, he took the customs of this world but by your new attitude
her mind captive, and through her appeal to Adams of mind be transformed so that you can find out
selfish desires Satan was able to draw the husband what Gods will iswhat is good, pleasing, and
into captivity. Since that time the majority of the perfect.An Amer. Trans.
4Hence it is Bible truth that will enable mankind
descendants of that first pair have been taken
captive by him at his will . (Gen. 3: 3-6; 2 Tim. 2: 26) to make a successful prison break from Satans
Though their bodies be unfettered, Satan has blind jailhouses, that will spring humanity from bondage
ed the minds of them to a state of dungeon darkness. into the freedom of knowing and serving the true
(2 Cor. 4: 4) Yet it is these blinded ones, themselves God. When the mind is free, Jehovahs people can
captives, who would blaze a trail to freedom for serve him even though their bodies languish in prison
mankind. They promise them freedom, but they cells or suffer in concentration camps. When the
themselves are slaves o f corruption; for whatever apostle Paul was incarcerated he wrote: Now I
overcomes a man, to that he is enslaved. (2 Pet. want to assure you, brothers, that what has happened
2:19, Rev. Stan. Ver.) Just as the eaptive Satan to me has actually resulted in furthering the preach-

3. W ho cannot open the doors to mental freedom ? but what will?

4. Why is mental freedom more important to ministers than bodily
liberty ?

1. With what freedom did God endow man? Illustrate.

2. How did Satan become a captive? and how has he drawn others into
bondage with him?


fR eW A T C H T O W E R

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

mg of the good news. Thus it is generally known they returned, and corrupted themselves . After
throughout the Imperial Guard and elsewhere that each deliverance and upswing to the high plane of
it is for the sake of Christ that I am in prison, and true worship, the Israelites would soon start hob
so most of the Christian brothers have been exceed nobbing with the demon-worshiping worldlings, and
ingly encouraged by my example to declare Gods again the unstable Israelites would succumb to the
message without any fear of the consequences. bondage of heathen religions. (Judg. 2:1-23) The
(Phil. 1:12-14, An Amer. Trans.) Freed from error following shows that to be the state of affairs just
and fear of consequences, the mind filled with Bible prior to the rise of Gideon as judge:
truth fights in godly combat to liberate others for
7 Then the Israelites did what was evil in the sight
Jehovahs service.
of the L ord, so that the L ord delivered them into the
6 Was it not in the interests of freedom of worshippower of Midian for seven years, and the power of
that the Almighty God swept Egypt with devastat Midian prevailed over Israel. It was because of
ing plagues in order to deliver the Israelites held Midian that the Israelites made for themselves the
captive by Pharaoh! (Ex. 5:1-9) Again, centuries dens which are in the mountains, and the caves and
later, when the Israelites were liberated from Baby strongholds. Whenever the Israelites put in seed,
lonish captivity and returned to their homeland, it the Midianites, Amalekites and Kedemites used to
was not for the purpose of establishing their political come up, and attack them. They encamped against
independence as a nation, but was in order that the them, and destroyed the produce of the land as far
temple at Jerusalem might be rebuilt and Jehovahs as the vicinity of Gaza. They would leave nothing in
true worship restored. (Ezra 1:1-4; Isa. 61:1-6) Israel for the sheep, oxen, and asses to live on; for
Similarly today, the freedom that comes by Scripture they used to come up with their cattle and tents;
knowledge is to be used in serving God. Persons they used to come like locusts for number.Judg.
freed by hearing the truth should then preach that 6:1-5, An Amer. Trans.
8Israel reaped the harvest for disobedience, as
truth to free others, that as many as will may be free
to worship God according to his commands. And Jehovah had forewarned: Ye shall sow your seed in
once liberated, stand fast in that freedom, as coun vain, for your enemies shall eat it. (Lev. 26:13-17)
seled : Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith What had they done that was evil in the sight of
Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again the L ord ? Jehovah told them, when he sent a
with the yoke of bondage. (Gal. 5 :1 ) That some prophet in answer to the cries for help that Israel
succeed and others fail is shown by prophetic events raised: It was I who brought you up out of Egypt,
and brought you out of a state of slavery; I rescued
that befell Israel in the days when judges ruled.
you from the power of Egypt, and from the power
of all your oppressors; I drove them out of your way,
8 The period of the judges was a turbulent time and gave you their land. So I said to you, I, the L ord,
in Israel's history. It was marked by ups and downs, am your God; you must not stand in awe of the gods
ups and downs in proportion to their obediences of the Amorites in whose land you are living. But
and disobediences. When the Israelites possessed you have not heeded my injunction. (Judg. 6:8-10,
the promised land they did not drive out the demon An Amer. Trans.) Jehovah God had liberated them
worshipers, but put them under slavery. True to from Egyptian bondage and established them in the
Gods warning, this course led the Israelites into promised land for the very purpose of enabling them
the snare of heathen religions. (Deut. 7 :16) They to worship him freely; but they had abused and mis
compromised and made leagues with the inhabitants used freedom of worship to practice Baalism. This
of the land, failed to root out and destroy false wor Devil religion had captured their minds, and heathen
ship, and came under bondage to it. Hence Jehovah oppressors fattened on the fruits of their physical
said to Israel concerning the demon worshipers: labors.
8All of this is a prophetic drama that foreshadows
They shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods
shall be a snare unto you. Permitting themselves conditions in this twentieth-century world. The peo
to be ensnared by demon religion, the anger of the ples of Christendom take the name of God and Christ,
L ord was hot against Israel, and he delivered them and are supposed to be serving Jehovah, freed from
into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them, and he the ignorant and contaminating practices of heathen
sold them into the hands of their enemies round dom. But only a glance suffices to show how unabout. Nevertheless, the L ord raised up judges, Christian is Christendom, how so many of its works
which delivered them out of the hand of those that are evil in Gods sight, how his injunctions have gone
spoiled them, but when the delivering judge died unheeded. Even religiously, Christendom has been
5. What is the divine purpose in freeing men from satanic captivity?
6. What conditions relative to worship existed during the period o f the

7,8. What was the state o f affairs In Israel just prior to Gideons
judgeship, and why so?
9. In what way are such conditions prophetic o f Christendom's religious

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fH eW A TC H T O W E R .

taken in the snare of modern Baalism. Careful

students of ancient religions know that all of the
basic doctrines stem from the Babylon founded by
Cush and Nimrod, and that Baal can be traced to
them, and that Nimrod is the one responsible for
the present-day popular conception of the Devil as
horned and tailed and cloven-hoofed. When Nimrods
tower-building project collapsed and the peoples
were scattered by the confusing of tongues, the peo
ples took with them their religious beliefs. That is
why the various false religions have so much in
common: they sprang from the one source of ancient
Baalism.Hislops The Two Babylons, pp. 21-40.
10 Nor has modern Christendom evaded this snare
of Baal worship, for many of her doctrines can be
traced, along with the teachings of heathen religions,
back to ancient Babylon. The Scriptures foretold
that evil men would bring in destructive heresies
after the death of the apostles; and this contami
nation was climaxed A.D. 325, when Emperor Con
stantine fused apostate Christianity with paganism.
Shortly thereafter the Roman Catholic Church had
its beginning, and when centuries later Protestant
ism split off it carried with it many of the pagan
religious teachings. Today those who follow what is
known as the Christian religion are not mentally
free to worship God properly; their minds have been
enmeshed with the modern forms of Baalism and are
blinded to Biblical true worship. To establish the
common ground of paganism and orthodox Chris
tian religions , consider the following quotations.
11 The copious transfusion of heathen ceremonies
into Christian worship, which had taken place before
the end of the fourth century, had, to a certain extent,
paganized (if we may so express it) the outward
form and aspect of religion. Church History, by
Dean Waddington.
12 qqie worshippers of Buddha in Burma, Siam,
and the Chinese Empire . . . have their relics and
their images, the objects of supreme veneration;
their temples costing fabulous sums of money; their
saints canonized by ecclesiastical authority; their
priests with shaven heads, vowing chastity, poverty
and obedience; their wax candles burning night and
day; their penances and self-inflicted tortures; their
endless traditions, and hair-splitting moral distinc
tions; and even their confessional. They have also
their Lent, when for four or five weeks all the people
are supposed to live on vegetables and fruits; their
acts of merit, repetition of prayers, fasting, offerings
to the images, .celibacy, voluntary poverty, enforced
devotions, and munificent gifts to temples, monas
teries and idols. Even the rosary, a string of beads
used in saying prayers, and supposed by Papists to
10, 11. When and how did Baal-worship ensnare the system that has
now developed into Christendom?
12. How does Van Dyke s Popery show the heathen origin o f Catholi
cism's practices?


be a device specially revealed to St. Dominic, is part

of the sacred machinery of the devout Buddhist.
Popery, by Van Dyke.
13 Confiding then in the power of Christianity to
resist the infection of evil, and to transmute the very
instruments and appendages of demon worship to
an evangelical use, and feeling also that these usages
had originally come from primitive revelations and
from the instinct of nature, though they had been
corrupted; and that they must invent what they
needed, if they did not use what they found; and that
they were moreover possessed of the very arche
types, of which paganism attempted the shadows;
the rulers of the [Roman Catholic] church from
early times were prepared, should the occasion arise,
to adopt, or imitate, or sanction the existing rites and
customs of the populace, as well as the philosophy
of the educated class. The use of temples, and these
dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on
occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps,
and candles; votive offerings on recovery from ill
ness; holy water; asylums; holydays and seasons,
use of calendars, processions, blessings on the fields;
sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in mar
riage, turning to the East, images at a later date,
perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the [song]
Kyrie Eleison, are all of pagan origin, and sanctified
by their adoption into the Church.Essay on the
Development of Christian Doctrine, by Cardinal
14 Certainly Christendom has dipped deep into
paganism for her religious lore, though it bears the
name Christian . Contrary to some religious belief,
it is no more possible to sanctify demonism by adopt
ing it into orthodox Christian churches than it
was for Israel to whitewash Baal worship. (2 Cor.
6:14-17) Because of her deflection from Jehovahs
true worship as set forth in the Bible, Christendom
does not have God s protection and her peoples
suffer mental captivity and bodily oppression. Today
the people are in a position paralleling that of the
Israelites under Midian. The Midianites and their
allies picture Satans visible agents that ride rough
shod over the peoples that must bear them up.
15 Political, commercial, religious and military sys
tems rule and oppress the mass of the people. Like
robbers and plunderers and murderers they prey
upon the defenseless and take away the fruits of
their labor. The common people toil to produce food
and raiment and homes, while others, who have pro
duced nothing, reap the benefits of the work. The
Israelites had to make dens in which to hide their
substance, in order to eat. At the present time the
13. How does Cardinal Newman corroborate the fact that Roman Catholic
worship stems from paganism and demonism?
14, 15. Can demonism be sanctified by adoption into a so-called "Chris
tian church? and what conditions in Christendom paralleling those in
Gideon s day support your answer?


t& eW A TC H TO W E R ,

Br o o k l y n ,

N. Y,

Jesus and the remnant of anointed body-members.

During and immediately after World War I the true
Christians were in a position similar to Gideons at
the time of the angels visit. Like the Israelites in
the promised land, they were located in a position to
serve God, and did some sowing of the seed of truth,
but were unable to bring their Christian fruitage
to full harvest. They had been contaminated with
some of the religious practices of the modern Baalworshipers around them, and thus blinded did not
frame the message in just the straightforward and
uncompromising way that it should have been pre
sented. They looked upon the rulers of the world as
the higher powers mentioned in Romans 13, were
afflicted by a degree of creature worship and fear
of man, and did not preach as openly and boldly as
they should have. Oppressive worldlings exercised
harsh control over them, held them in mental re
straint, and jailed many. They were not free for
18 Among the Israelites that cried out in sincerity
Christ Jesus came to the temple in 1918,
was Gideon. Our first view of him is in Ophrali
by the visit of the angel to Gideon.
threshing wheat by a winepress, and not on the
open threshing-floor where the plundering Midian- Their commission to preach was made clear to them.
ites might easily spot him. He has a visitor. An angel Yes, they were but a small group, least among men
of the Lord addresses him as thou mighty man of so far as numbers and influence were concerned, and
valour , and says, Thou slialt save Israel from the from all appearances could do nothing. But the
hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee! Oh truths that now illuminated their minds and cleared
my Lord, wherewith shall I save. Israel ? behold, my away misunderstandings signified to them that God
family is poor in Manasseli, and I am the least in was with them in the work, and they came to sudden
my fathers house, responds Gideon. He did not life in Kingdom sendee, though the enemy thought
think more highly of himself than he ought, but was these imprisoned ones appointed to death were as
meek and lowly of heart. Yet he was willing to take good as destroyed. (Ps. 79:11; Isa. 4 2 :7 ; Rev.
on the dangerous service, if he could be sure that 11: 9-11) Convinced that Gods power was now oper
God would back him up. Hence he asked for a sign, ating on their behalf, and filled with the new truths
and got it when the angel caused fire to burst out of that flooded forth from the temple, this small band
a rock and consume a food-offering Gideon had pro of Christians closed in to attack the false religions
that were blinding men of good-will.
vided.Judg. 6:11-24.
17 Jehovah God was not slow in instructing Gideon
20 Gideon and his fellows struck with boldness
how to proceed, nor did Gideon tarry over acting on against Baalism, uprooting the image of Baal, chop
those instructions. The record reads: That very ping down the sacred pole, and laying hold on the
night the L ord said to him, Take the choicest of the bull dedicated to Baal. This substance previously
bulls that your father has (it has been the choice bull misused they now put to work in Gods service. With
for seven years), and tear down the altar of the Baal the material they build an altar for Jehovah, slaugh
that your father has, and cut down the sacred pole ter the choice bull, and use it as a burnt-offering to
that is beside it. Then build an altar to the L ord God, feeding the flames with the sacred pole they
your God on the top of this stronghold with the had hacked down. Similarly, following World War I
material, and take the choice bull, and offer it up as Jehovahs revived witnesses consumed in Kingdom
a burnt-offering with the wood of the sacred pole
service things once appropriated by oppressing
which you are to cut down. So Gideon took ten of
world systems. Time and energy once misspent now
his slaves, and did as the L ord told him; but since
he was too afraid of his fathers household and the go into Gods service. Material possessions are used
townsmen to do it by day, he did it by night.Judg. to Jehovahs honor. (Prov. 3:9) Words once used in
improper religious ways are now offered as sacrifices
6: 25-27, An Amer. Trans.
18 In this prophetic drama Gideon pictured Christ of praise to God, as sacrificial bullocks wholly devot-

people skimp and save for an uncertain future, but

the ruling factors seek out these savings and dip
into salaries and wages as they levy exorbitant taxes,
which are used not so much for necessary expendi
tures in the interest of the people but for fat salaries
made fatter by graft, for useless schemes and gov
ernmental blunders and outright waste. Big business
seeks all the profit it can get by keeping the prices
spiraling upward, while lowering the quality of its
wares. Parasitic false religions beg and wheedle
money from people who think they thereby serve
God, but who in fact forward the modern Baalism
that lies at the root of so much of their trouble. Dis
illusioned and oppressed, in bitterness many cry out
to the Lord in their distress; but when slight re
lief and temporary prosperity come they forget God.
Just as the Israelites did in the days of the judges.

16. What message is brought to Gideon, and what is his reaction to it?
17. What did Gideon quickly do, in response to whose instruction?
18. Whom did Gideon picture, and how was the position of these pre
figured ones similar to Gideon's when the angel visited him?

19. How did the anointed remnant react to the coming o f Christ Jesus
to the temple, in 1918?
20. As Gideon had done, how did Christians use in godly service things
once misused in improper sacrifices?

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ed to Jehovah by burnt offering. Take with you So the townsmen said to Joash, Bring out your son
words, and return unto Jehovah: say unto him, Take that he may die; for he has torn down the altar of
away all iniquity, and accept that which is good: so the Baal, and has cut down the sacred pole which was
will we render as bullocks the offering of our lips. beside it. Judg. 6: 28-30, An Amer. Trans.
In his name let us continually offer praise as our
23 Doubtless these men were among those who had
sacrifice to God the utterance of lips that glorify previously cried to the Lord because of their afflic
Gods name.Hos. 14:2, Am. Stan. Ver.; Heb. tions. They had probably heard the answering mes
13:15, An Amer. Trans.
sage God sent by the prophet, who told Israel that
21 Just as it was Gideons sacrifice to God that their backslide into Baalism was at the root of their
consumed Baals goods, so it is the Christian sacrifice trouble. Yet when the cause of their woes was
of praise fhat disposes of false religions doctrines. attacked they rose up in a mob against its exposer.
When Christians cite Ezekiels words, The soul that They wanted more of the thing that plagued them.
sinneth, it shall die, the religious doctrine of immor They could not meet the situation with reason and
tality of the human soul perishes. When they quote logic, but in true mob spirit flatly demanded the life
Pauls words, The wages of sin is death, the fable of the Baal-exposer. Today when Jehovahs witnesses
of eternal torment for the wicked goes up in smoke. expose the orthodox religions as of pagan origin
When they repeat Jesus words, My Father is and contrary to Gods Word, and thereby cast down
greater than I, the trinitarians claim that God and false religion in the minds of some hearers, many
Christ are equal is proved a lie. As for the three- others raise a great howl against Gods servants,
in-one doctrine of trinity, only one text in older demand their arrest, want them jailed, form mobs
Bibles supports it, and now that scholarly research against them, and even go so far as to demand and
has proved it spurious and it no longer appears in sometimes get the life of the servants of God. Peri
accurate modern translations, it has been blasted odically the world leaders in religion or politics
from the pages of Gods Word. (Ezek. 1 8 :4 ; Rom. plead for more of what plagues them, cry out that
6 :2 3 ; John 14:28; 1 John 5: 7) These and other what is needed is more of their religion. When their
words of praise that Christians catch up from the sore tribulation descends upon them at Armageddon,
Bible and use in their preaching overturn the false let them call to their chosen gods of heathen origin
teachings of todays organized Christian religions . for deliverance, and not to Jehovah God.Judg.
The traditional creeds and teachings of Christendom 10:14.
that trace back to paganism rather than Holy Scrip
24 Gideons father Joash stopped the mob in their
ture are thrown down; they have no more standing- tracks with these words: Will you take the Baals
in the minds of sincere, informed men than did Baals part, or will you champion him? Whoever takes his
image and the sacred pole after Gideon and his part will be put to death by morning. If he is a god,
helpers leveled them to the ground.
let him take his own part; for his altar has been torn
22 Gideons name means feller, hewer; warrior . down! But Baal could not answer for himself, nor
To the unclean implements of Baal worship Gideon can modern-day Baalism maintain its teachings in
did act as a feller and hewer in uprooting them, and the face of declared Bible truth or withstand by logi
his subsequent conduct vindicates his names mean cal argument the testimony brought against it by
ing of warrior . The greater Gideon, Christ Jesus, Jehovahs witnesses. The Christian faith is proved
reveals truths and judgments from the temple that by works, Baalism is disproved by the absence of
bring low down the Devils system in the minds of good works. Hence, Gideon was named Jerubbaal
His followers, and these followers share in this that day, meaning, Let the Baal take his own part
leveling-off work against modern Baalism by relay against him; for he tore down his altar. (Judg.
ing these cutting, smashing truths on to others. With 6: 31, 32, An Amer. Trans.) That altar of Baal had
what reaction from listeners? For a clue, note the belonged to Joash, yet Gideon did not feel as many
repercussions Gideons typical actions touched o f f : today do, that the religion of their father is good
When the townsmen rose early next morning, there enough for them; and Joash was willing to change
was the altar of the Baal torn down, and the sacred his worship when his god was proved powerless.
25 So away with all false religion that holds mens
pole which was beside it cut down, and the choice bull
offered up on the altar which had been built! Then minds captive, restrains and blinds mental faculties
they said to one another, Who has done this deed? so that they cannot perceive Gods true worship!
When they had inquired and investigated, they de Down with Baals altar, the images, the sacred poles,
clared, Gideon, the son of Joash, has done this deed. the offerings! God would not deliver Israel as long
as the Baal stood to be credited with the deliverance;
21. How does the Christians sacrifice of praise dispose of and throw
down modern Baalism?
22, 23. (a) How, in type and antitype, does the meaning o f Gideon s
name have significance? (b) In type and antitype, how do opposers
react to the throwing down of Baalism?

24. What proves the falsity of Baal worship, whether ancient or modern?
25. W hy is it so necessary to oust demon worship before one can enjoy
Jehovahs backing and blessing?


fE eW A T C H T O W E R ,

B rooklyn,

N. Y,

Israel might glory over me by claiming, My own

hand has won the victory. Come now, issue this
proclamation to the people, that anyone who is
terrified and trembling must go home. (Judg.
7: 2, 3, Moffatt) This time the test was not one asked
by Gideon to show correctness of position or assur
ance of Jehovahs backing, but it was a sifting by
God himself of those assembled for the fight. The
scared ones were told to go home; and 22,000 left
the assembly, retreated from the fighting force. Ten
thousand remained at the well of Harod; the name
which well, incidentally, means trembling, palpi
tation . Odds against Israel once four to one now
28 Disobedience to God had led the Israelites into
become thirteen to one! Yet, Jehovah wisely acted
a state of virtual captivity; obedience was the key
within his law: The officers shall speak further
that would unlock the prison and free them to drive
unto the people, and they shall say, What man is
out the oppressors. Ousting Baal worship was the
there that is fearful and fainthearted! let him go and
first necessary step on the comeback trail to true
return unto his house, lest his brethrens heart faint
worship. The heathen looters of the land may have
as well as his heart.Deut. 20: 8.
been shrewd enough to grasp this fact, and to see
29 In fulfillment of these parts of the prophetic
in the purge against Baalism the first signs of con
drama, following the enthronement and temple
certed uprising against their customary plundering
coming of Christ Jesus and the cleansing of the
of the land. Anyway, it was at this critical time that
anointed remnant on earth, Satans organization set
all the oppressors joined forces, at least 135,000
itself for battle against Kingdom publishers. (Rev.
strong, and their hordes spilled down over the banks
12:17) Several prophecies predict that at that time
of Jordan, churned across the river, and streamed
men and nations would conspire and join forces to
into the heart of Israel, into the fertile valley of Jezresist the witnesses, now mentally freed from many
reel. There they squatted, a sprawling enemy camp
false religious ideas that hamstrung their service to
bristling with swords to cut down any opposition
God. (Psalms 2 and 83; Isa. 8: 9-12; Rev. 11:17,18)
that might rise against them.Judg. 6 :3 3 ; 8:10,
Greatly outnumbered, as was Gideons band, Jeho
An Amer. Trans.
vahs anointed witnesses must rely upon Gods help;
27 The record recounts how Gideon was spurred
on by the Lords spirit to meet this invasion by of themselves they can do nothing. So they contin
ually test their position, examine themselves, search
sounding the alarm, sending messengers to certain
the Scriptures to see that their preaching remains in
territories, and mustering troops to oppose the in
vaders ; how he sought more assurance from Jehovah harmony therewith, look for evidences of Jehovahs
that He was going to be with them in the fight and direction and blessing, and stay alert to profit by
save Israel; and how this assurance was given by any divine rebuke or correction. As Gideon checked
Gods causing dew to settle first on the fleece while and re-checked, so they continue to test their stand
the ground remained dry, and then on the ground ing with God as they move along in the stream of
time.2 Cor. 1 3 :5 ; 1 Thess. 5 :2 1 ; Heb. 12:5-11.
while the fleece collected none. Previously Gideon
30 As the witnesses preach throughout the earth
had checked to be sure of divine guidance when the
invite others to assemble with them. Many
angel came; now he double-checked in this test to
agree in their heart with the message against
make certain of the rightness of his position. Then
hypocritical religion, but refuse to assemble. Others
Jerubbaal, who is Gideon, and all the people that
were with him, rose up early, and pitched beside the agree and assemble, like the 32,000 Israelites. But
at these meetings they discern the fight involved,
well of Harod: so that the host of the Midianites
see the enemy host arrayed against the witnesses,
were on the north side of them, by the hill of Moreh,
discover that persecution comes to those who stand
in the valley .Judg. 6: 34-40; 7 :1 .
for Jehovah, and after a brief period of meeting
28With a mere 32,000 Israelites assembled in the
attendance they withdraw from the company of the
hills above, and an enemy horde of 135,000 spread
fearless ones. Not having the perfect love for God
out in the valley below, Jehovah God issued this
that casts out all fear, they are snared by fear of
amazing command to Gideon: There are too many
man and fright binds their mind in bondage. The
men with you, for me to hand over the Midianites;
meetings where the waters of truth flow forth become

he saves only when there is no strange god among

his people. (Isa. 43:12) Before Jehovah directed
steps against the invading hordes of Midianites in
Gideons day, Baal was cast down and the sincere
Israelites were cleansed of its taints. Antitypically,
before Jehovah sent his witnesses against the Devils
systems in bold attack he caused them to undergo
a spiritual cleansing under the oversight of the
Greater Gideon Christ Jesus at the temple, all to the
end that they might offer unto the L ord an offering
in righteousness . Mai. 3:1-5; 1 Pet. 4:17.

26. What may the enemy have been shrewd enough to grasp, and with
what reaction on their part?
27. How did Gideon meet this major threat, and with what concern for
God s backing?
28. What lawful sifting of Gideons force did God now order, and w hy?

29. What has taken place to fulfill the typical gathering of the Midianites
against Gideon, and his testing for God's backing?
30. Today, how does fear operate to separate many from Christian

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ffieW A T C H T O W E R ,

places of trembling and palpitation for them, just

as did the well of Harod for the 22,000. They prefer
a good standing in the community rather than a
good standing with God, as prominent men did in
Jesus time: A number even of the authorities
believed in him, though they would not confess it
on account of the Pharisees, in case of being excom
municated; they preferred the approval of men to
the approval of God. (John 12:42,43, Moffatt) So
their feeble try at a prison break from Satans
jailhouse systems ends as they lose courage, forsake
assembling, and return to captivity. Prov. 29: 25;
Matt. 5:10-12: 2 Tim. 3 :1 2 : Heb. 10:25; 1 John
4: 18.

31Jehovah God made this test to weed out the

fearful. He did it by revealing truth disclosing the
tight ahead, that the Devils organization was to be
exposed, and such disclosures brought fear to the
surface. The truth cut out from the flock of sheep
those who would not courageously follow their Lead
er, Christ Jesus. It sacrificed quantity for quality,
but still further revelations of truth were to thin out
the ranks even more, as foreshadowed by what next
happened to Gideons army of ten thousand:
32And the L ord said unto Gideon, The people are
yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and
I will try them for thee there: and it shall be, that
of whom I say unto thee, This shall go with thee,
the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I
say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same
shall not go. So he brought down the people unto
the water: and the L ord said unto Gideon, Every one
that lappeth of the water with his tongue, as a dog
lappeth, him shalt thou set by himself; likewise
every one that boweth down upon his knees to drink.
And the number of them that lapped, putting their
hand to their mouth, were three hundred men: but
all the rest of the people bowed down upon their
knees to drink water. And the L ord said unto Gideon,
By the three hundred men that lapped will I save
you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and
let all the other people go everv man unto his place.
Judg. 7:4-7.
33 Odds against Israel rocketed to 450 to one! What
could this mere handful do against 135,000 enemy
swordsmen? Of themselves, surely nothing! Any
deliverance that might now come through them would
certainly not be due to their strength of numbers.
Never could they later swell with pride and boast,
My own hand has won the victory. Not to the Baal
now thrown down and uprooted, not to their ranks
now so thinned out and depleted, but only to Jehovah
God could credit for any forthcoming victory g o !
31-33. How
and w hy?

were the ranks of Gideon s army further thinned out,


34 But why were the 9,700 who kneeled to drink

sent home, rejected? It is readily agreed that fear
fulness was a good reason for weeding out the 22,000;
but what sound basis could this drinking test have?
Well, remember that Gideons force was on the out
skirts of the enemy camp, that the opposition was
in range of vision, that a fight was just ahead. Did
not the circumstances call for alertness, watchful
ness? And how much can a man see who bows over
or prostrates himself to greedily suck in water,
oblivious to his surroundings? Did not the 9,700
show carelessness, negligence, indifference, a lack of
appreciation for the criticalness of the situation,
by getting off their feet and sinking down comfort
ably to satisfy their personal needs? Yes; just as
much so as the 300 showed the opposite good qualities
by keeping their feet on the ground, handing the
needed water up to their mouths by scooping with
cupped palms, having eyes front and heads up to
the events that were rapidly reaching a climax. While
slaking their thirst, they forgot not the fight.
35 The prophetic significance of this? Well, the
Scriptures overflow with evidence that water repre
sents life-giving truths from Jehovah. Such expres
sions as wells of salvation, fountains of living waters,
rivers of life, and being cleansed by the washing
of water by the word are but a few examples. (Isa.
1 2 :3 ; Jer. 2 :1 3 ; Ezek. 47:1-12; Amos 8 :1 1 ; Epli.
5 :2 6 ; Rev. 22:1,17) While one may drink of the
truth waters privately in his own home, he should
also drink in congregational assemblies. Such meet
ings are watering-places for many; and in the drama
being considered it was an assembled group doing
the drinking. Hence the drinking test in modern
times has manifested itself at the assemblies of
Jehovahs witnesses.
36 The 22,000 scared ones did not hang around
the well of Harod long enough to quench any thirst,
but the 9,700 did. Many today come to a meeting or
two and are frightened away by the prospects of
service and persecution before they really get the
taste of the truth waters, but others do continue to
assemble and drink in the message. They attend
meetings, get off their feet and assume positions of
ease and comfort, enjoy the harmonious explanation
of difficult scriptures that is as beautiful music to
their ears, and drink in the descriptions of new world
blessings that strike them as a very lovely song; but
they will not make that beautiful music for others,
they will not sing the lovely song for other ears,
they will not get on their feet for witnessing, or open
their eyes to service, or face the enemy in the field.
(Ezek. 33:30-33) Their only expansion program is
34. What existing circumstances provided a sound basis for the drink
ing test?
35. Today, where are symbolical watering-places for many, and what
Scriptural support has your answer?
36. What class was foreshadowed by the 9,700 who failed in the drinking
test in Gideon's day, and, when was it particularly in evidence?



B rooklyn, N . A .

a selfish one, to enlarge their own head, to puff up the antitypical fulfillments, take some time out to
with a knowledge unaccompanied by understanding, reflect on the drama up to this point. All Israel was in
to hoard truth to themselves as a miser buries gold. an unclean state in Gods sight, due to Baal worship.
This class, foreshadowed by the 9,700 in Gideons They were in virtual hiding from cruel occupation
time, was particularly in evidence during the 1920s, forces. They cried to the Lord in their distress. He
when so many were ensnared by the self-centered answered, by sending a prophet, and an angel, and
process of developing character , and when so few raising up a judge as deliverer. The majority resisted
saw the need for field service. When the necessity to the message sent through the prophet, and wanted
do service in the field was repeatedly pounded home to kill by mob violence the judge raised up by the
at meetings, that truth was too hard for many to take angels visit. They preferred popular Baalism to
and it removed them from the assembly of Jehovahs true worship. Likewise today, it is the orthodox but
false religions of Christendom that are popular, and
people.Prov. 4 :5 ,7 ; John 6:60-66; 1 Cor. 8:1.
37How different the attitude of the antitypical the unadulterated Bible truths sounded by Jehovahs
three hundred when they attend meetings! They witnesses that rile mobs to violence.
40 But faithful Gideon and his men threw Baal to
must drink, and do; but to them the message is not
just a nice Sunday sermon to tickle ears and be the ground, sent out invitations to assemble, pre
forgotten, not beautiful music to drift in one ear pared their forces for battle by weeding out the
and out the other, not a lovely song to lull one into fearful and the selfishly lazy, and kept on the alerl
daydreams about a new world. When they enjoy at for action. Today a similar group, an anointed rem
meetings instructive experiences or practical demon nant, is in existence. They have been prepared for
strations, their mind is on the lookout as to how they battle by ousting false religious ceremony and doc
may use that instruction in their own field service. trine from their minds, freed mentally from modern
When the Watclitower magazine is studied by the Baalism, with minds open to receive the truths from
congregation and good Scriptural points are brought Gods Word and from the Greater Gideon at the
out, they not only enjoy that truth themselves but temple. They study, privately and in assembly, free
think how they can use that knowledge in their own from fear and selfishness. They do not cease assem
preaching work. They are doers of the word, and bling and return to Baalism. Lots wife looked back
not hearers only . (Jas. 1: 22) They fill up with the at Sodom, the Israelites in the wilderness looked
waters of truth that gush forth at meetings, but as back at Egyptian pleasures, the washed sow goes
they do they keep eyes and ears open to service back to the mire, the dog returns to his vomit; but
opportunities wherein they can let truth flow to Christians delivered from modern Baalism do noi
others. As they themselves learn, the desire to tell return, do not look back after putting hand to the
others builds up pressure till it approaches the plow of Kingdom service.Gen. 19: 26; Num. 11:4-6,
bursting point; then they get relief by opening lips 18-20; 2 Pet. 2:20-22; Luke 9:62.
41 With minds made free, and filled with the truth
and letting the message bubble out for others to
enjoy, as Elihu did.Job 32:17-20, An Amer. Trans. that makes men free, these anointed witnesses went
38 During the 1920s the testings that came by the forth and still go forth to free others. They engineer
continuing new truths and judgments from the tem prison breaks, not from literal cells, and not by
ple cleansed and purged the anointed remnant till using saws or explosives, but by the truth of Gods
only the unshakable few were left, the tried and Word, which is sharper that any two-edged sword,
tested, the fearless and unselfish, the alert fighters and which can slash free minds bound by devilish
strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might . cords. The sword of the spirit stabs and slashes,
(Isa. 6:5-7; Zech. 3:1-5; Eph. 6:10) A small band waters of truth overflow the hiding-places of error,
of witnesses in comparison with the enemy hordes hard cutting truth like hail rips away the refuge of
to be faced; still, numbers are not needed for victory lies, as a scourge it vexes and terrorizes clerical
when Jehovah sides with the few. (1 Sam. 14:6; jailers unable to cover over their fraudulent minis
Luke 19:40; Rom. 8: 31) Developments proved that try, fiery truth consumes the religious chaff, and
principle true in Gideons day; antitypical events like a hammer cracking rocks it pulverizes the doc
trinal stumblingstones that trip up so many when
corroborate it today.
they try to follow the pathway of true worship. It
is as Isaiah and Jeremiah say:
39 But before plunging into the Scriptural narra
42 The hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies,
tive of the actual fight and paralleling with its events and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. . . .
When the overflowing scourge shall pass through,
37. How do others show purpose and alertness at meetings that makes
them comparable with the faithful 300 In the drama?
38. During the 1920s how were the ranks of the anointed witnesses
diminished, yet why was their fewness no cause for loss of courage?
39. How did and do the m ajority resent and resist the efforts toward
spiritual cleansing, both in the drama and today?

40. How are the anointed remnant prepared for battle, and what folly
do they avoid?
41, 42. How do mentally free witnesses use God s truth, as shown by
Bible symbolisms?


1, 1950



then ye shall be trodden down by it. From the time be persuasive and unresentful, correcting his oppo
that it goeth forth it shall take you : for morning by nents with gentleness; for God may possilily let them
morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: repent and acknowledge the truth, and they may yet
and it shall be a vexation when he shall make you return to their senses and escape from the toils of
to understand doctrine. For the bed is shorter than the Devil, who has caught them to make them do his
that a man can stretch himself on i t : and the covering will.2 Tim. 2: 23-26, An Amer. Trans.
44 It is for such godly combat in the interests of
narrower than that he can wrap himself in it. (Isa.
28:17-20, margin) The prophet that hath a dream, liberation that Jehovahs witnesses themselves have
let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let been mentally freed. The truth that has freed them
him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to must be used to free others, as shown by the parable
the wheat! saith the L ord . I s not my word like as a of the pounds. (Luke 19:11-27; Matt. 5:14-16) They
fire! saith the L o r d ; and like a hammer that breaketh fight as soldiers of Christ, enduring hardness, sepa
the rock in pieces? Jer. 23:28,29; Isa. 62:10; rate from worldly entanglements. (2 Tim. 2:2-4)
Armed not with carnal weapons but with Bible truth,
Eph. 6 :1 7 ; Heb. 4:12.
43 The truth as to the pagan origin and Baal-likethey can overthrow the mental prison-houses and
qualities of Christendoms religious doctrines frees strongholds, and any argument or obstacle raised
the mind of the hearer from them, overturns them, by the visible jailers can be smashed, and minds once
upsets them from any Christian standing they once captive to Satan become bound in obedience to Christ
had in the persons mind. But Bible truth does more and God. Though I do live an earthly life, I am not
than root out, pull down, throw down and destroy, carrying on an earthly war, for the weapons I use
as shown by Jeremiahs commission: I have this are not earthly ones, but divinely strong for destroy
day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, ing fortresses. I destroy arguments and every obsta
to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to cle that is raised against the knowledge of God, and 1
throw down, to build, and to plant. (Jer. 1:10) As take captive every thought and make it obey Christ.
Gideon built up true worship after downing Baalism, 2 Cor. 10: 3-5, An Amer. Trans.
45 When we turn back to the ancient prophetic
so today the anointed remnant plant and build up
correct teaching after clearing out the doctrinal drama involving Gideon and his little band of three
rubbish of the supposed Christianized paganisms. hundred, when we follow them into battle against
In performing this service Christs followers should the enemy that spread over the valley of Jezreel like
shun foolish speculations and quarrelings, and be locusts for number, will we find prefigured there the
meek and gentle and persuasive, that the learner may Christian warfare that uses no carnal weapons?
recover the mental freedom snatched from him by Will the outcome of the battle in the days of the
Satan. Avoid foolish, crude speculations; you know judges match the results of Christian combat in these
they only lead to quarrels, and a slave of the Lord last days of Satans world? For the facts in answer
must not quarrel, but treat everyone kindly; he must please see our next issue.
43. Aside from throwing down modern Baalism, what else is accom
plished by the truth? and how should Christs followers declare such

44. W hy have Jehovah s witnesses been mentally freed? and how are
they equipped to fulfill that purpose?
45. What questions remain for settlement in the next Issue?


NEW WORLD! Who can create such a thing? What

will it be like? According to whose ideas will it be
made? Will it suit everybody that lives? Will it
endure forever? The right answer, backed by authority that
cannot be questioned, comforts those who mourn because
of the present wicked conditions, and quiets all fears of the
future that is shrouded in darkness and uncertainty. It
fills the hearts of righteous persons with hope. Receiving
that authoritative information, such ones are put at ease
with the assurance that the new world will be absolutely
perfect and will completely satisfy their hearts desire and
more than fulfill their highest expectations.
Now is the time for all lovers of righteousness and truth
to take courage and rejoice. It is a time for all who would
live under a rule of justice and peace to examine the facts
in the light of that incoming new world and to learn the

truth and then be guided by it. The difficulties in the way

and the cost of time and study on your part are not to be
compared with the rewards you receive in knowledge, under
standing, peace, joy and hope of life. The time is short.
Those who do not inform themselves and who do not now
choose the new world which the true Higher Powers will
shortly establish will never live to enter into its blessings
and glories. It is for those who desire it and prepare for
it. None will be forced into it against their will and choice.
The new world means more than the nations realize. It
calls for more than they can muster. The bald fact is that
they do not want it. For that reason the promised new world
of lasting peace should not be confused with the so-called
new order or new world order that was held up and
widely advertised a few years ago by the political and reli
gious dictators as a lure to the people. The righteous new



world is the very opposite of that selfish and ambitions

human scheme. Such scheme seeks realization by harsh,
brutal might, by the destruction of millions of lives and
peaceful homes, by the forcing of the common people con
trary to their conscience and personal free choice, and, for
shame! by the cooperation of organized religion to persuade
the subjected peoples that such new order is according to
the will of Almighty God. Set up by such means and ways
and for such purposes, that man-made new order can
never be the expression of the will of a God of truth and
justice. Neither can it last or endure, for it stands in the
way of the glorious new world of righteousness, and it poses
as a counterfeit substitute for Gods promised kingdom.
Doomed to failure, it will perish!
Not by human wish and power and effort shall this be,
but by the almighty power and decree of the great Ruler of
the universe. He is the great Authority on questions affect
ing the universe, including our earth and the nations and
people thereon. He is the One Source of dependable infor
mation that satisfies the longing of honest hearts for the
truth. His revealed Word, the sacred Bible, is His means
or channel for bringing this unerring information to the
teachable persons who seek righteousness and life. He is
the One Interpreter of his own prophetic Word. He brings
to pass in our day the conditions and events which fulfill
and make clear the hidden meaning of the prophecy, and
then he opens the eyes of the searchers of his Word to see
the agreement or correspondency between prophecy and the
hard facts in evidence today. (2 Pet. 1: 20, 21) Therefore,
to the great Ruler of the universe all credit, honor and
thanksgiving are due for all the revealed information on
the new world which will completely transform the lives
of humankind on earth.
Great upheaval is under way on earth. On the one hand,
there are new methods of atomic warfare, modern means
of travel and communication, startling discoveries of sci
ence, and, on the other hand, there are flashes of truth
exposing the unfounded new order schemes of religion.
As a consequence, great changes are under way. The need
of a new is admitted; the old must pass out. However,
humans are prone to cling to the old, because accustomed to
it, notwithstanding it has been to their hurt. The few selfish
men who have reaped profit, advantage, power and control
from the old, prefer it and try to stop or control any move
ment toward the new. For their selfish interests they offer
things which they call new, but which are merely camou
flaged with modern names and dress and are underneath the
same old things. Careful investigation discloses that there
are forces stronger than man which prevent him from setting
up a truly new system of things. Man can change only the
surface appearance of a few things on the earth, and can
make them look new for only a short time; he cannot con
trol the things which are higher than man and unseen to him.
However, the One who sits upon the throne of the universe
has said: Behold, I make all things new . . . Write: for
these words are true and faithful.Rev. 21: 5.
Mans talk about a new world by human accomplish
ment is very recent and is really designed to check mans
progress and freedom. Already nearly six thousand years
ago the Creator foretold the building and coming of a grand
new world and that it would liberate obedient men from

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

deception, oppression and death. And why, in the early

dawn of mans existence, did the Creator of perfection
foretell of a coming new world? For an answer to that
question it is necessary to review the facts concerning the
world which the Creator originally made, as well as the
facts concerning the world that now exists and which is
responsible for the present distress.

The word world as used by the great Creator is not

limited to the earth and the things visible to man. The in
spired Scriptures of truth show that a world includes the
heavens, or things higher and unseen to man, as well as the
earth. It includes the invisible and visible together, the
invisible dominating and affecting what is visible to the
human eye. Let there be no confusion on what Seripturally
constitutes the two parts of a world. Heavens here does not
refer to the celestial stars and planets of stellar space, nor
does the earth have reference to this physical terrestrial
globe that swings through an annual solar orbit. In a sym
bolic sense, the heavens and the earth of a world are
made up of intelligent creatures rather than inanimate
objects, the heavenly part being composed of invisible crea
tures, while human creatures make up the visible earthly
part. That this definition and explanation of what const!
tutes a world is no cunningly devised fable, but is according
to the holy Scriptures, we shall see from a careful study
of the Bible.
The world that God created originally, and as man first
knew it, was made up of visible and invisible elements. The
superior part, the heavens, was composed of spirit crea
tures, spirit sons of God, all perfect, glorious and holy, all
organized in an orderly manner for Gods service. Some
were given positions as seraphim, others as cherubim, and
still others as angels or messengers. All of these countless
myriads of glorious spirit creatures made up Gods universal
organization, and all were in harmonious agreement with
Him and subject to His direction.Ps. 80:1; 99:1, A m .
S ta n . V er., margin.
In the orderly arrangement of that original world, God
placed an invisible princely one, an anointed cherub, over
the visible earthly part for the purpose of caring for and
watching out for the welfare of man. Concerning this one,
it is recorded: Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God;
. . . Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have
set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou
hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
(Ezek. 28:13,14) Altogether different from these spirit
creatures who made up the heavens of that first world
were Adam and his helpmeet, Eve, who were of the earth,
earthy. (1 Cor. 15:47) There are heavenly bodies, and
there are earthly bodies, but the beauty of the heavenly
bodies is of one kind, and the beauty of the earthly bodies
is of another. (1 Cor. 15:40, A n A m er. T ran s.) Thus it
was that the original world was made up of two parts, both
perfect and righteous.
But did it remain pure and virtuous in its integrity?
Did that first world continue as a part of Gods universal
organization, submissive to Jehovahs sovereign domination?
The tragic facts that followed and which are now a part of


1, 1950

S feW A T C H T O W E R .

mankinds woeful history show that it did not. Rebellion

broke out. Covetousness and lawlessness entered the heart
of the anointed cherub, and since then he has been known
by such names as the Devil, Satan, Dragon, Serpent and
Lucifer. The human pair as well as many angelic creatures,
now called demons, joined Satan in that rebellion. Thus
it was that both parts of that original world of righteousness
met their downfall.
As a result, the wicked spirit creatures were placed under
surveillance, while disobedient Adam and his companion
in sin were driven out of the garden of perfection to begin
their sentence of death amid conditions of sweaty labor and
sorrow. The children they brought into existence were all
by inheritance imperfect, sinful and unclean, and con
demned to death.Rom. 5:12.
That first and fallen world lasted only sixteen and a half
centuries before it came to its disastrous end in the over
whelming flood of Noahs day. The world that then was,
says the apostle Peter, being overflowed with water, per
ished. (2 Pet. 3:6) That world that perished was not
this globe, for there is much historical and geological evi
dence to prove that it was our present sphere that expe
rienced the flood. What then perished in the flood? Why,
human society in its corrupt and degenerate generations,
and also broken up was the organizational setup of Satans
invisible demon hordes that were misleading and oppressing
mankind. This brought to an end that first world, even
though the heavenly part, wicked angels, did not perish,
but only had its then existing organization disrupted. Proof,
this is, that it takes both parts to constitute a world.

The Devils invisible demon forces not being destroyed

at the flood, it was not long before they were reorgan
ized and thereafter succeeded in turning most of the
offspring of Noah away from God. Thus another world,
made up of invisible and visible parts, sprang into existence,
and because of its sinful course, and because it has contin
ued on down to the present time, it is spoken of in the
Scriptures as this present evil world. (Gal. 1:4; Titus
2:12) This world has no relationship with Gods promised
new world. It is the Devils world. He is its chief invisible
prince, the god of this world. (John 14: 30; 2 Cor. 4: 4)
And again Christians are warned that the whole world
lieth in the evil one. (1 John 5:18,19, A m . S ta n . Ver.)
Still another scripture there is, that proves that a world is
made up of visible and invisible parts. For we [as Gods
witnesses] are made a spectacle unto the world, both to
angels and men.1 Cor. 4: 9, A m . S ta n . Ver.
For our good cheer in this present time of the seeming
triumph of wickedness the sure Word of Almighty God
declares: And I will punish the world for their evil, and
the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy
of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of
the terrible. Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the
earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the
L ord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger. (Isa.
13:11,13) That the Lord Jehovah will this time shake down
and consume in a fiery destruction the invisible as well as

the visible elements of the Devil-ruled world, note what

the apostle Peter declares: But the heavens and the earth,
which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved
unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of
ungodly men.2 Pet. 3:7.
Many blind followers of religious creeds contend that
Peters statement here means that this literal globe of ours
is going to be burned to a crisp. Foolish people! Have they
never read the infallible words of the Lord: The earth
abideth for ever? (Bccl. 1:4) Moreover, by taking such
a view churchy religionists are found in the ridiculous
position of claiming they are going to heaven when the
earth is burned up, the same heaven which Peter says
being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt
with fervent heat. (2 Pet. 3:12) So if, to get off the horns
of this dilemma, the religionists admit that in the one case
the heavens are symbolical rather than literal, then they
are forced to admit that the earth referred to in the
same passage is also symbolical, which is the simple truth
of the matter.
The fact, however, that the Lord has predetermined to
completely destroy this present wicked world, this present
system of visible things under the direction of the invisible
satanic powers of wickedness, should give no cause for alarm,
worry or dismay. No, for the apostle continues with this
heart-gladdening statement: Nevertheless we, according to
his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein
dwelleth righteousness. (2 Pet. 3:13) Ah, yes, a completely
new world! And all according to his promise made back
there in the garden pf Eden when rebellion first broke out.
(Gen. 3:15) Thus purposing from the beginning to estab
lish a righteous world, with righteous heavenly creatures
supervising the activities of perfect earthly creatures,
Almighty God, by the mouth of his prophets, from time to
time gave reassuring promises that in his due time he would
accomplish his purpose. Behold, Jehovah says, I create
new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be
remembered, nor come into mind. But be ye glad and rejoice
for ever in that which I create.Isa. 65:17,18.
Who, then, can create such a thing? Why, Jehovah God,
the one who created the original righteous world. What will
it be like? The visible part will exist in the most beautiful,
perfect and soul-satisfying garden that can be imagined,
and then some! Unlike the Devils present world of woe in
every detail. According to whose ideas will it be made? Only
according to the perfect design of the great God whose
wisdom, love, justice and power are supreme. Will it suit
everybody that lives? Most assuredly, for only the lovers
of righteousness and those that delight themselves in the
abundance of peace will live forever in that world. Under
Theocratic rule directed by the invisible heavens with
Christ Jesus the King and overlord, all will be happiness,
peace and blessedness on earth. Sickness and disease and
want and fear will be unknown, the worship of Jehovah
will be pure and free, in spirit and in truth, and man and
the lower animals will be at peace. Will it endure forever?
Yes, for the Devil and all his wicked spirit associates will be
destroyed, never again being allowed to turn a righteous
world into sin and disobedience.


**T""^VERYTIIING has its appointed hour, there is a

time for all things under heaven: a time to kill,
a time to heal, . . . a time to cry, a time to laugh,
. . . a time for silence and a time for speech. Appreciation
of the wisdom of these words, recorded at Ecclesiastes
3:1, 3, 4, 7 ( M o ffa tt ), will help all servants of Jehovah
who would frustrate the designs of the enemies of truth
and righteousness and make the most of their opportunities
to serve him. Such will therefore peruse with interest and
profit the record of one Esther, a Jewish maiden who
followed this wise course.
Esther lived in the royal city of Shushan, capital of
Persia, in the early part of the fifth century B.C., at the
time when Xerxes (Ahasuerus) ruled the 127 provinces
of the empire which extended from Ethiopia to India.
Orphaned at a tender age, she had been reared by her
cousin, Mordecai, a Benjamite. Her name Esther was
the Persian equivalent for the Jewish Hadassah, meaning
Esther first appears in the book by her name after Xerxes
had deposed his queen Vashti for a serious act of insub
ordination and when the most beautiful virgins of the
empire were being brought to the capital as likely candi
dates to replace the deposed queen. Esther was among
those so chosen, for she was fair and beautiful, and from
the record that follows it is quite apparent that she had a
lovely disposition. It is not surprising, therefore, to learn
that she immediately received preferment above all other
virgins by the keeper of the kings women, Ilegai, when
her time came to prepare her visit to the king.
Esther manifested wisdom by obeying Mordecais instruc
tions not to reveal her identity as a Jewess; for why should
racial prejudice disqualify her? Here was a time for silence.
And after the prescribed beauty course, which lasted for
twelve months, when it came her turn to visit the king and
she was permitted to ask for anything she wished so as to
appear before him in the most attractive manner possible,
again she showed wisdom and contentment by keeping
silent; trusting the maturer judgment of Hegai and asking
for nothing save what he prescribed. Some girlish notion
might easily have spoiled things.
Regarding her visit to the king we read: The king loved
Esther more than all the women, and she won favor and
kindness in his presence more than all the maidens; so that
he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen
instead of Vashti. Following this the king made a great
feast, declared a national holiday and gave lavish gifts,
all in honor of Esther his new queen.Esther 2:16-18,
A n A m er. T ran s.
Not long thereafter Esthers cousin Mordecai revealed
to her a plot to kill the king, which she made known to the
king and which upon investigation was found to be so. Here
again she showed wisdom, for, while making sure to advise
the king that it was Mordecai that had uncovered the plot,
she did not make known her kindred and people. Though
now a queen she still heeded the wise instructions of this
wise and devoted servant of Jehovah the same as before.
Vashti had been deposed in the third year of Xerxes
reign; four years had passed by the time Esther succeeded
her. Now it was the twelfth year of his reign, about 475
B.C., as one day her maidens brought her the report that

all the Jews in Shushan, including Mordecai, were in great

distress, weeping, wailing and fasting and covering them
selves with sackcloth and ashes. Perplexed, Esther sends
clothes to Mordecai so that he could discard his garments
of sackcloth, but he refuses to accept them. Troubled Esther
then sends one of the kings chamberlains, Hatach, who
was at her service, to learn what this was and why it was.
Mordecai advises him of all that had happened to him
and regarding the exact sum of money ($18,000,000) that
Haman had promised to pay to the kings treasuries for the
destruction of the Jews. He also gives Hatach a copy of
the decree that was given out in Shushan to destroy all
the Jews on the 13th day of the twelfth month (Adar),
which date had been determined by the casting of lots, that
he might show it to Esther, and charges her to go in to the
king and implore him. on behalf of her people.Esther
But Esther hesitates, and not without seemingly good
reason: All the kings servants . ..... know, she tells Mor
decai, that whoever, whether man or woman, comes to
the king into the inner court who is not summoned, there
is one law for him, that he be put to death, except those
to whom the king shall hold out the golden scepter that he
may live; but I have not been summoned to come to the
king these thirty days. Was the king angry with her? Had
she displeased him in some way and so was no longer, or
at least not for the time being, in his favor? Thirty days
seemed like a long time to ignore his lovely queen.Esther
4:11, A n A m er. T rans.
But Mordecai firmly stands his ground: Think not, he
sends word to Esther, to yourself that you will escape
inside the royal palace any more than all the rest of the
Jews. For if you remain altogether silent at this time, then
relief and deliverance will rise up for the JeAvs from another
quarter, . . . and who knows whether you have not come
to the kingdom for such a time as this? Appreciating his
line of reasoning, Esther, with her trust in Jehovah, replies:
Go, assemble all the Jews that are to be found in Shushan
and fast for me . . . three days. . . . I also and my maid
ens will likewise fast, and then I will go to the king, which
is not according to the law; and if I perish, I perish.
(Esther 4:13-16, A n A m er: T ran s.) Without doubt, with
the fasting went prayers to Jehovah for guidance and help.
At the end of the three days Esther put on her royal
robesshe was going to appear at her bestand then ven
tured into the kings presence. When the king saw her she
met Avith his favor and so he extended his scepter to her
and inquired: What is your Avish, Queen Esther, and what
is your request? It shall be given you even to the half of
the kingdom. Did Esther immediately blurt out all the
facts regarding the dire straits she and all the Jews were
in because of Hainans foul conspiracy? No; urgent though
the matter was, she showed tact, self-control and wisdom,
appreciating that there was a time for everything, and so
simply requested that the king and his grand vizier Haman
come to a banquet she had prepared. First she Avould put the
king in the best possible frame of mind, and by inviting Ha
man she not only would throAV him off guard but would have
him present at the time of his exposure.Esther 5:1-4.
The king and Haman attend the banquet. At this she
requests their presence at another banquet the following


1, 1950


day, at which she would make known her petition. At the

end of the second banquet she answers the kings third
request for her petition with the well-chosen words: If I
have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it please the
king, let my life be given me at my petition and my people
at my request; for we are sold, I and my people, to be
destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. But if we had been
sold as male and female slaves, I would have held my peace,
since the distress would not have been worth disturbing
the king. Coming at just this particular occasion, what a
shock this news must have been to the king! No wonder he
exclaimed in amazement: Who is he, and where is he who
dares presume in his heart to do so? Where is he? Note
here the wisdom of having Hainan present at the banquet
as she replies: An adversary and an enemy, this wicked
Haman. Before the day was over Ilaman was hanging on
the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai, and Hamans
estate was given to the queen, who placed Mordecai in
charge of it. Esther was well rewarded for her patience,
courage, wisdom, and, above all, her trust in Jehovah.
Esther 7:1-10, A n A m er. T rans.
The great enemy of the Jews was dead, but his work was
yet to be undone, fob his decree of destruction of all the
Jews still stood. So Esther again ventured into the presence
of the king, this time falling at his feet and beseeching him
with tears to avert the evil planned by Haman, and again
the king extended his scepter to her. Note now, with what
eloquence she pleads, not for her own life, but for the life
of her people: If it please the king, and if I have found
favor in his sight, and the thing seem right before the king,
and I am pleasing in his sight, let it be written to reverse
the letters devised by Haman. . . . For how can I endure
to see the calamity that will come upon my people?
Esther 8: 2-6, A n A m er. T ran s.
In response to this petition the king authorized the mak
ing of a counter-decree, and so Mordecai WTote to all the
Jews in the provinces to fight for their lives on Adar 13,
and even to take the offensive against their enemies. The
letters were sealed with the kings signet and sent out by
the fastest means at the disposal of the king. Moreover
Mordecai went from the presence of the king in royal
garments . . . with a great crown of gold . . . and the
city of Shushan shouted and was glad . . . and many
from among the peoples of the land became Jews.Esther
8:8-17, A n A m er. T ran s.


Due to this turn in events the officials everywhere sided

with Mordecai, Esther and the Jews; and, as a result, when
that dreaded 13th day of Adar came, instead of all the
Jews being destroyed, 75,000 of their enemies throughout
the provinces licked the dust and in Shushan alone 500
perished. And while the decree permitted the Jews to despoil
their enemies, the record states that they laid not a finger
on the plunder.Esther 9:10, M offatt.
Commenting on this news King Xerxes asked his queen
Esther what else she wished, and it would be given her.
This being a time to kill, Esther requested that the Jews
in Shushan be given another day to avenge themselves on
their enemies, and that the ten sons of Haman, already
slain, be hung on a gallows. And so while the Jews through
out the provinces rejoiced and celebrated on Adar 14, the
Jews in the capital city of Shushan hung Hamans ten sons
on a gallows, most likely the very one their father had made
for Mordecai and on which Haman himself was hung, and
the Jews continued their work of avenging themselves on
their foes with the result that 300 more fell. Then they
feasted and rejoiced on the 15th of the month. Both Morde
cai and Esther then sent letters to the Jews throughout the
provinces ordaining the 14th and 15th of Adar as days for
rejoicing; and the Jews to this day still celebrate these two
days, known as the feast of Purim because of the lots
Pur that Haman had cast to determine the day for the
destruction of the Jews.
Jehovahs servants can learn much from Esthers wise
example, especially now as legal conspiracy and lawless
acts against them continue to increase. It emphasizes that
there is indeed a time for silence, for avoiding the arousing
of prejudices needlessly and being careful not to divulge
information that the enemy could use to injure the Lords
people and his work. It also shows that there is a time for
speaking, for being bold and fearless, yet having full trust
in Jehovah that he will eome to their aid after they have
done all they possibly can. It shows the need of being faith
ful and loyal to one another and the wisdom of listening to
and being submissive to the instructions and counsel given
by the mature and devoted servants of Jehovah whom he
is using at the present time to direct his work in the earth.
Additionally, the drama of Esther is fraught with prophetic
significance, foreshadowing events in our day and giving
us a glimpse into the near future, assuring us that the
designs of the enemies of Gods people will fail, for he will
preserve all those who love and serve him.


October 9, 1949

Dear Brother:
Answering your recent letter regarding birth of children
to the other sheep class surviving Armageddon:
T he W a tch to w er has a number of times pointed out that
Christ Jesus is not yet begetting earthly children and for
this reason the present members of the other sheep class
are not justified to life eternal on earth. The remnant of the
anointed members of Christs body are likewise not the

mother of the other sheep class of today, and it would not

be right for the other sheep to address the remnant as
either father or mother in a spiritual sense. During the
thousand-year reign of Christ those who come forth from
the tombs and gain eternal life are not spoken of as the
children of the earthly princes but are said to be equal un
to the angels; and are sons of God, being sons of the resur
rection. (Luke 20:35,36, A m . S ta n .V e r .) As their life
on earth is gained through the sacrifice of Christs perfect
humanity, he also is spoken of as their Everlasting Fa-


B rooklyn,

fB eW A T C H T O W E R

ther. The life these get will be not a life in a spiritual way
but in a very literally human or earthly way, and the
princes do not give them this.
To speak of the other sheep that survive Armageddon
who marry and bring forth children by intermarriage as
being like the sons of God that married the daughters
of men in Noahs day is wrong. Their intermarriage is not
a turning from the spiritual to the human or earthly, to
produce a mongrel race of unapproved hybrids. To say
that marriage after Armageddon and then producing chil
dren is turning from the spiritual to the carnal is the same
as saying for the anointed Christians to intermarry and
produce children is turning from the spiritual to the carnal.
In cases the apostle Paul advised anointed Christians to
marry in the Lord, and surely he was not telling them
to turn from the spiritual to the carnal and produce a hy
brid offspring disapproved by God and doomed to destruc
tion. Nor when an anointed member of the remnant marries
one of the other sheep and children result is it a drop
ping from the spiritual to the fleshly and the producing
of mongrel children. At 1 Corinthians, chapter 7, the apos
tle says that where one member of a family union is not
Christian, still the children of such union are holy and the
unconsecrated husband is sanctified by the believing wife
and the unconsecrated wife is sanctified by the believing
husband. Why, then, should it be different when Armaged
don survivors of the other sheep marry, both being con
secrated and divinely approved with survival, and then
bring forth children ? Their children will certainly not cor
respond to the gibborim or men of renown whom the sons
of God and the daughters of men brought forth in Noahs
day.Genesis 6:1-4.
Since both of these other sheep marrying are devoted
to righteousness, then their children are conceived in right
eousness and are righteous. You try to force into the word
righteous the meaning of physical perfection. Evidently
you have forgotten that the booklet T he M eek In h e rit the
E a rth says, on page 28: The marriage of these faithful
and meek survivors of Armageddon will cause homes and
family circles to spring up throughout the earth. Beautified
earth will cheerily ring with the sweet voices of children,
whom these devoted parents will conceive and bring forth

N. Y.

in righteousness. Not yet perfected themselves, the parents

will not be able to generate their children in perfection,
but will do so in righteousness. They will thereafter bring
up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord
God and under the righteous supervision of the new heav
The Flood was a real physical catastrophe to the old un
godly world. The Battle of Armageddon will be likewise
a physical catastrophe to this present evil world, and not
something just spiritual. The ark of salvation that we enter
is not a literal ark but is Gods organization; and as for
Noahs familys not having children while in the ark, if the
other sheep class now having natural children in the
ark condition vitiated the picture of the childlessness
of the arks occupants, then the anointed remnants having
natural children now would also vitiate the ark picture
or type. But it does not. Children born now are not born in
fulfillment of the divine mandate reissued. When God re
issued this mandate to marry and reproduce to Noah after
the Flood (Genesis 9:1, 7) the mandate was fulfilled in a
typical way by a token fulfillment, 70 (10 X 7) generations
being listed in Genesis, chapter 10, as springing from Noah
and his sons. In the same way the fulfillment of the divine
mandate reissued after Armageddon will be, not by crowd
ing it with inhabitants to the saturation point, but by a
token fulfillment that will allow for the resurrection of the
dead with plenty of room for these resurrected ones. Thus,
as pointed out in the W a tch to w er article The Apostles
Counsel on Wedlock, February 1, 1947, page 45, column
2, footnote, God will show that he can have the divine man
date fulfilled in a very literal way in vindication of his word
and he will give a faithful demonstration of its fulfillment.
Those having part in its fulfillment will still serve God in
his temple day and night (Rev. 7:15), they will fulfill
Deuteronomy 6:7 as to bringing up their children, and
their children will fulfill Ephesians 6:1-3 as to obeying thenparents, in the same way that the anointed remnant and
their children are instructed to obey these divine command
Faithfully yours in Theocratic service,
W atch T ower B ible & T ract S ociety


While group witnessing in Pasadena, California, findingvery little interest, I came to a house on the corner. A goatish
woman at the door cared more for her religious fodder than
for the bread of life, so I went to a small house in the rear,
and in response to my knock a voice answered, Come in!
On entering I saw a man sitting in a wheel chair, his arms
no longer than twelve inches, with no hands; his knee joints
are at his hips, and his legs very short, and, of course, he
is unable to walk. He was born that way. He at once recog
nized the Kingdom message as the truth, took three bound

books, and later subscribed for T he W a tch to w er and A w ake!

He had previously heard of J. F. Rutherford, a former
president of the Watchtower Society. I proceeded with a
home Bible study with him. He is self-supporting, a radio
announcer, and leaves books with persons in Hollywood
that would be difficult for others to reach. He now is a
publisher, averages fifteen hours a month, makes back-calls
and conducts Bible studies. His brother cares for him, and
both attend the company studies. He plans to go to the
New York assembly and be immersed. All this in six months
time.Publisher in California.

T ha t the trial o f y o u r fa ith , b ein g m uch m ore p r ec io u s than o f

g o ld that p erish eth , thou gh it be tried w ith fire, m igh t be fo u n d
u n to p ra ise and h on ou r and g lo r y . . . b eliev in g, y e r e jo ic e luith
j o y u n sp ea k a b le and fu ll o f g lo r y . 1 Peter 1 : 7, 8.

They shall know that lam Jehovah!

V ol. L X X I

-Ezekiel 35:15.



N o. 12


A V ictory D edicated to
J ehovah s H o n o r .........................
The Strategy, and the A tta ck ..........
Others Rally to the Battle ...............
M opping Up O perations...................
Fruits o f V ictory Dedicated to God
I nternational A ssembly of
J ehovah s witnesses ................
H aman s P ride G oes B efore
D estruction ...............................
L etters [ On Torment Forever and
Ever , also Let the Dead
Bury the Dead ] ...........................
F ield E x perien c e .................................
L iving Up to the N ame
T estimony P eriod .........................
W atchtower S tudies ....................
B rooklyn B ethel V a c a t io n ............
S ave .........................................................


P u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y B y

W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
1 1 7 A dam s Street

Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S .A .
O f f ic e r s
N. H. K norr, P resid en t
Grant S uiter, S e cr eta r y
A n d all th y children shall he taught o f Jehovah; and
great shall be the peace o f th y children. - Isa ia h 5 4 : 1 3 .
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son o f God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon it; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason o f Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head o f Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new w orld; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members o f Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began its time o f the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light o f the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

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R e m i t t a n c e s should be sent to office in your
country in compliance with regulations to guarantee safe delivery of
money. Remittances are accepted at Brooklyn from countries where no
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(with renewal blank) is sent at least two issues before subscription
expires. C h a n g e o f a d d r e s s when sent to our office may be expected
effective within one month. Send your old as well as new address.

Please address the Watch Tower Society in every case.

Yearly Subscription Rate
A m e r i c a ( U .S .) , 117 Adams St., Brooklyn 1, N.Y.
A u s t r a l i a , 11 Beresford Rd., Strathfleld, N.S.W.
B r i t i s h W e s t I n d i e s , 21 Taylor St., Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad $1.25
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Rs. 3/8
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Rs. 3/8
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San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City
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Translations of this journal appear in many languages.
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E n t e r e d a s s e c o n d - c l a s s m a t t e r a t t h e p o s t o ffic e a t B r o o k l y n , N . f
u n d e r t h e A c t o f M a r c h S, JS79.



Do you profess or would you like to be one o f Jehovahs

witnesses? Then you sincerely want to walk worthy o f the name.
You will appreciate, too, the intent o f the June Testimony Period,
entitled Living Up to the Name . W e are sure you will be with
us in carrying out the program o f activity fo r this month. Toward
delivering the witness in harmony with our God-given name, we
are offering the three bound books L e t G od B e T ru e , T h e
K in gd om I s at H a n d and T he T ru th Shall M a k e Y o u F r e e ,
on the nominal contribution o f one dollar fo r all three books. It
is mutually strengthening to have your cooperation in this testi
mony, and our joined efforts work together to give a more impres
sive witness and to prove that the Most High God has a people on
earth who uphold the honor o f his name. He knows all the efforts
you put forth, not for praise from man but from him. Nevertheless,
we should appreciate your making out a report o f the months
work and results, on our form therefor, that we may compile a
combined report.

From August 26 to September 5 inclusive the Bethel home and

factory printing plant will be closed down to give the family a
rest period. No mail or correspondence will be handled during
this period. This announcement is made now so that all companyservants and pioneers can make plans early and order needed
supplies before that time.
The Bethel family will be busy during the entire convention
period, hut the factory and home will be opened for visitors the
Monday and the days following the convention and will be opera
ting fo r three weeks thereafter until the vacation period begins,
on August 26, 1950.

Week o f July 16: A Victory Dedicated to Jehovahs Honor,
1-22 inclusive, T h e W a tch to w e r June 15,1950.
Week o f July 23: A Victory Dedicated to Jehovahs Honor,
If 23-43 inclusive. T h e W a t c h t o w e r June 15,1950.

your personal or home copy o f each issue o f T he W a tch to w er.
Do not throw them away, but preserve them in a binder or drawer
or on library shelves. At the end o f each year, in its Decem
ber 15 issue, T h e W a tch to iv er contains an index o f subjects and an
index o f all the scriptures cited, quoted and commented upon in
all the leading articles throughout the year. By saving your copies
and keeping them in date order you will have an invaluable refer
ence library fo r consultation in your study o f the Bible. Organized
companies should preserve copies in the library o f their local
Theocratic ministry course school.

V ol.


JE H O \ A H 'S K IN G D O M
J une

15, 1950

No. 12


They cried, The sword of Jehovah and of Gideon, And they stood every -rnan in his place
round about the camp.Judg. 7:20,21, Am. Stan. Ver.
TEHOVAH is a God of war who knows no defeat.
3 The principle that wisdom is better than weapons
| No single enemy or combination of conspirators of war finds vindication in the prophetic drama in
J can put into the field of battle enough power to volving Gideon and his three hundred fighters. From
match his. No opposer in all the universe can out our preceding issue you will recall that they had
general him in war strategy. So unparalleled is his ousted from mind ensnaring Baal worship, and
wisdom that with forces so insignificant as to be purged from their numbers the fearful and selfishly
laughable he can put mighty armies to rout. Because lazy. Now, with ranks whittled down to a mere three
of his wisdom in outmaneuvering his enemies, he hundred, they confronted an opposing force of at
does not have to call upon his almighty power to gain least 135,000 enemy swordsmen. The situation called
victories. When from above, Wisdom is better than for strategy. In obedience to Jehovahs command,
weapons of war.Eccl. 9:18.
Gideon goes on a reconnoitering trip among the out
2 The true Christians known as Jehovahs witnessesposts of the Midianite camp, and overhears two of
can vouch for this truth. Guided by the wisdom that the enemy. One tells a dream about a barley cake
comes down from above, their string of victories tumbling into the camp and overturning a tent, and
over worldly nations that bristle with the latest war the other interprets: This is nothing else save the
weapons runs on unbroken. They can apply Pauls sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel:
words to themselves: The weapons of our warfare into his hand God hath delivered Midian, and all the
are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling host. Gideon returned to his own camp and cried out:
down of strong holds. (Jas. 3 :1 7 ; 2 Cor. 10:4) They Arise; for Jehovah hath delivered into your hand
may suffer battle casualties in opposing this present the host of Midian. Judg. 7: 9-15, Am. Stan. Ver.
4A cake of barley bread is not much, but it bowled
evil world that lieth in the evil one , Satan the
Devil; but they win out against the persecutions and over a tent. Gideons three hundred were greatly out
mobs, the imprisonments and government bans, even numbered, but they were told by God through this
triumph over the execution of death sentences, for dream that they would rout Midian. The anointed
their service work prospers, their numbers soar, and witnesses today are comparatively few, but Jehovah
their life rights in a new world are sure. (Gal. 1 :4 ; opens their eyes to the weaknesses of this worlds
1 John 5:19; Rev. 2:10, Am. Stan. Ver.) For this they systems. As Christians reconnoiter the enemy posi
honor God, because it is his protection and guiding tions, they discern the false stand of Christendoms
wisdom that bring the victory. As they pit their small religions, the corruptness of her politics, the greed of
numbers against an armed world, they appreciate the her commerce, the lust for power that burns within
words of Ecclesiastes 9:14-16: There was a little her militarism. Men on the inside of world affairs can
city, and few men within it ; and there came a great be heard frequently lamenting the sorry state of
king against it, and besieged it, and built great bul worldly religion, politics, commerce and militarism,
warks against i t : now there was found in it a poor all of which seem itching for a third world war. Out
of their own mouths enemy worldlings can be heard
wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city;
condemning themselves, and sometimes lauding Je
yet no man remembered that same poor man. Then
hovahs witnesses for their uprightness as a group
said I, Wisdom is better than strength. The world and for their zeal as Christians. Not that they favor
remembers and idolizes its war heroes; its preser Jehovahs witnesses, but the facts force these admis
vation would be more sure if it did not brush aside sions from unwilling lips and pry eyes open to the
and forget the wisdom from above.Eccl. 7:12.
3. At what point do we resume consideration of the drama involving
1. When, particularly, Is wisdom better than war weapons?
2. Why can Jehovahs witnesses vouch for the fact that wisdom is better
than weapons or strength?

Gideon and the three hundred? and what is the result of his recon
4. What do Christians today learn by scouting enemy positions? and
what do they sometimes hear from the enemys own mouth?



handwriting on the wall. (Dan. 5:5,25-28; Luke

19:22) Like the Midianites dream, unfaltering Chris
tian courage is a twofold sign: destruction for the
enemy and deliverance for the godly servant. Never
for a moment falter before your opponents, for your
fearlessness will be a sure sign for them of their
coming destruction, but to you it will be an omen,
from God himself, of your deliverance. Phil. 1: 28,
An Amer. Trans.

5U p ! A rise! Prepare for battle! Gideon returns

from his nighttime reconnoitering and rouses his
little band to fighting zeal. He divides his force into
three companies of one hundred each, and deploys
them into the nights blackness for action. Down from
the heights of Mount Gilboa they file, a silent line of
figures that finally encircles the sleeping Midianite
camp that sprawls in the valley of Jezreel, at the
foot of the hill of Moreh to the north. Well armed,
these three hundred? No, not militarily speaking;
they would draw scornful laughter and ridicule from
haughty militarists. Each one had a trumpet, a pitch
er, and a torch within the pitcher. Each one knew the
instructions, had his assigned place in the thin line
that stretched round about the camp, and looked to
Gideons location for the cue. At the given signal each
one blew mightily upon his trumpet, broke his pitch
er, held aloft the firebrand thus uncovered, and
shouted, The sword of Jehovah and of Gideon!
Judg. 7:1,15-20, Am. Stan. Ver.
8 A scene of wildest confusion and terror broke
loose in the Midianite host. The nights silence shat
tered by the blasts of three hundred trumpets, its
stillness broken by the shouts from three hundred
throats, its darkness pierced by the eerie flames from
three hundred torches, and added to this the fright
ened stampeding of Midianite livestock, the unnerved
terror of the invaders is understandable. The shouts
and blasts rolled across the camp to strike the sides
of Moreh, only to bounce back over the confused
scene and bump into Mount Gilboas bluff, and as the
noise was magnified and the echoes answered back,
it seemed that the very hills awoke and took up the
cry against Midian. The reverberating echoes con
verged upon the enemy, and as they stumbled from
their tents sleep-filled eyes widened in startled fright
at the leaping flames that highlighted shadowy
shapes and fired superstitious imaginations. Believ
ing the trumpets were of a numerous army that had
penetrated their camp, the Midianites supposed their
enemies were among them and turned their swords
against every man they met, against their own num
bers. They were confused and rattled, and rushed
5. How and with what equipment does Gideon launch the attack?
6, 7. How effective against the Midianites was this strangely conducted
attack ?

Brooklyn , N. Y.

about wildly, and added to the din by their own cries,

till they could straighten out their aimless dashing
and take flight toward the fords of Jordan and their
own land. The war of nerves had shattered their
control and they flew at one another before finally
breaking into headlong flight. The fear that was
catching spread like a plague, and terror gave wings
to the rout. (Deut. 20:8) No strategem was ever
better laid, better executed, or more completely
successful. Judges 7: 20-22 reads:
7 The three companies blew the trumpets, and
brake the pitchers, and held the torches in their left
hands, and the trumpets in their right hands where
with to blow; and they cried, The sword of Jehovah
and of Gideon. And they stood every man in his place
round about the camp; and all the host ran; and they
shouted, and put them to flight. And they blew the
three hundred trumpets, and Jehovah set every mans
sword against his fellow, and against all the host;
and the host fled.Am. Stan. Ver.
8 By following the strategy given by Jehovah
through Gideon, and by Gods maneuvering the ad
dled enemy to commit self-slaughter, the three hun
dred Israelites gained the victory without carnal
weapons. Wisdom is better than weapons of war.
Shouts and trumpet blasts preceded attacks: God
is gone up [against the enemy] with a shout, the
L ord with the sound of a trumpet. If ye go to
war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth
you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets.
(Num. 1 0 :9 ; Ps. 47:5) Usually a trumpet heralds
the advance of a company, so by each of the three
hundred having trumpets it seemed to the Midianites
that they were overrun by three hundred companies
of troops instead of only three. By the end of that
battle so spectacularly launched, the oppressing Mid
ianites and their fellow conspirators were dead, and
Israel was free of their cruel overlordship.
9 The modern-day Midianites and their allies, the
visible agents of Satan that rule over and oppress
the peoples of earth, and especially seek to crush
those who serve Jehovah, claim to be the higher
powers mentioned at Romans 13:1. But the antityp
ical three hundred, the anointed remnant of Christs
body-members under the command of the Greater
Gideon Christ Jesus, dispute that claim. On August 5,
1928, in a resolution entitled Declaration Against
Satan and for Jehovah, which was adopted by 12,000
witnesses assembled in Detroit, Michigan, and which
was later printed in several languages and distribut
ed by the millions, the statement was made: Hence
forth our battle cry shall be, T he S word of J ehovah
and of His A nointed ! The whole tenor of this Dec
laration and the public talk Ruler for the People
8. Why was this strategy so effective in terrorizing the Midianites and
their allies? and what was their condition at the battles end?
9. What claim do antitypical oppressors make? but how and when was
It disputed?

J une 15, 1950



that accompanied it, both of which were at that time

broadcast over a chain of more than 100 radio sta
tions, in America and Canada, was that Satan was
the god of this world and national leaders were his
representatives and no earthly nation had Jehovah
as its God. The truth that Jehovah God and Christ
Jesus, and not worldly politicians, are the Higher
Powers of Romans 13:1 was made clearer and given
wider publicity from and after 1929, especially by
the June 1 and June 15 Watchtowers of that year.
10 The apostles did not view worldly politicians as
the higher powers , else they would never have said
to them: We ought to obey God rather than men.
(Acts 5 :2 9 ; 4 :19) Nor did Jesus, who exposed and
spoiled the principalities and powers of commerce
and politics and false religion, and invisible demon
powers as well. (Matt. 4:8-10; 6:19-21; 19:23,24;
21:12,13; 23:1-33; Luke 13:31,32; John 8 :4 4 ;
18: 36; 19:10,11; Col. 2:14-17) To early Christians
the power of such men became as dead as the first
born of Egypt at the time of the tenth plague, which
pictured the death of worldly rulers as the higher
powers . The deadness of the antitypical firstborn
(the beginning [or chief] of his strength ) shows
up when Jehovahs witnesses say before worldly
courts and authorities: We ought to obey God rather
than men.Deut. 21:17.
11 Hence it was with this truth about the true
higher powers that Jehovahs witnesses attacked
the modern-day Midianites, from and after 1928, and
with it they snapped the bonds that once improperly
tied them in subjection to world rulers eVen in mat
ters of worship, when they thought such rulers were
ordained of God . The knowledge that God and
Christ are the Higher Powers put to rout and de
stroyed the power of worldly authorities over Chris
tians relative to the worship of Jehovah. Since appre
ciating this truth they boldly shout their battle-cry:
The sword of Jehovah and of his Anointed!
12 This old world and its leaders are in darkness
as deep as that which settled over Egypt during the
ninth plague, and surrounding and infiltrating into
this world camp are the comparatively sparse num
bers of Jehovah s witnesses. But to the enemy the
witnesses seem like multitudes, because Theocratic
organization makes the best use of the small band,
each keeping his assigned place, just as Gideons
three hundred remained every man in his place
round about the camp . They are schooled in the best
methods and strategies of Christian warfare, and
when the Greater Gideon flashes and trumpets forth
truth from the temple they quickly start reflecting
that light, letting it shine throughout the bedarkened

world, lifting up their voices like a trumpet of praise

to God, making sure that the blast is clear and cer
tain, shouting with zeal the truths that make men free
of harsh oppressors. The anointed are likened to
earthen vessels in which is stored the treasured light,
and to let this light shine they willingly consume and
use up their bodily strength and even allow it to be
broken in death like shattered clay pitchers. But their
exemplary course shines on and the light increases.
Gen. 4 :1 0 ; Ps. 4 7 :1 ; 6 9 :9 ; 119:105; 150:3; Isa.
5 8 :1 ; 6 0 :1 ,2 ; Jer. 50:15; Matt. 5:14-16; 1 Cor.
14: 8, 9; 2 Cor. 4 :6 ,7 ; Heb. 11:4.
13Worldlings may think that Jehovahs witnesses
are as poorly equipped for ministerial service as
soldiers armed with torches and pitchers and horns
would be for carnal war. They are not equipped with
the orthodox religious teaching, nor armed with
a diploma from some theological seminary. They do
not use orthodox methods, such as sitting back in
church buildings waiting for a congregation to come
to them, or reviewing worldly books and prattling
politics or supplanting the Bible with creed and
ritual, or sponsoring church socials and bingo gam
bling. But when the witnesses begin speaking and
let the Bible light shine, the enemy is confused and
rattled and unable to stand against the truths de
clared. (John 7 :1 5 ; Acts 4:13) The Bible light is too
strong for enemies long sleeping in darkness, so they
grope in blindness, addled by a message strange to
them. Unable to make a stand on the Bible, they flee
to tradition, to creed, to custom, to ritual and cere
mony and formalism, till in full rout from the land
of Jehovahs true worship.Isa. 29:13,14; Matt.
15:1-9; 2 3 :5 ; Col. 2:8.
14 Unable to get together on a unified charge
against Gods witnesses, enemies in one land call
them communists, in another imperialists, one year
accuse them as nazis, the next brand them Reds. The
world leaders clash among themselves, quarreling
and fighting and killing one another. Their own ac
tions show they could not be the higher powers ;
their own confused, internal strife helps kill their
claim as such. Divided religiously, commercially, po
litically and militarily, they cannot stand, but fall,
blasted from their false position by the message of
truth and by their own un-Christian conduct. To en
lightened Bible-believers these leaders of Christen
dom supposedly representing God are seen to have
only dead faith, a faith unfounded on knowledge and
unenlivened by Scriptural works. To God they are
dead in willing trespasses and sins, and they are as
good as dead to Christians, who no longer look upon
them as higher powers ordained of God . (Matt.

10. How are Jehovahs witnesses of today hacked up in this position by

the course of Jesus and early Christians?
11. How does this truth free Christians and rout modern-day Midianites?
12. In spite of their comparatively few numbers, why do Jehovahs wit
nesses seem like multitudes to the enemy?

13. Why might worldlings think Jehovahs witnesses poorly equipped

for Theocratic warfare? but what result proves otherwise when the
battle is joined?
14. What shows enemy confusion and the impossibility of their being
the higher powers ? and to whom are they dead?


B rooklyn , N. Y.

8: 22; 12: 25; Eph. 2 :1 ; Heb. 1 1 :1 ; Jas. 2:26) Isaiah

describes their death thus: 0 L ord our God, other
lords beside thee have had dominion over u s: but by
thee only will we make mention of thy name. They
are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they
shall not rise: therefore hast thou visited and de
stroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.

18 In the fulfillment, the anointed remnant under

went temple cleansing and purging to fit them for
godly combat, and when they were finally equipped
with sufficient truth to rout Satans visible represent
atives from their squatting in Jehovahs territory as
higher powers , the anointed launched the attack.
From the Bible the witnesses proved that world
leaders had invaded a place belonging to God and
Christ, and their boldness in the exposure, and the
OTHERS r a l l y t o t h e b a t t l e
enemys inability to answer back and maintain its
15In the ancient drama the fearless onslaught by position, caused other observers to see that Satans
Gideons three hundred swept the terrified enemy agents could not stand their ground as the higher
toward Jordan in full rout, and this amazing success powers . Hence as higher powers these world lead
fed courage into the veins of other Israelites and ers became dead in the sight of the observers, who
stirred them to rally to the pursuit. The report of told others, who in turn told still more persons this
that and of what followed is given at Judges 7: 23-25 truth that punctured as by a swordthrust the higher
and 8:1-3 :
powers fable of oppressing rulers. Some of the first
18 And the men of Israel were gathered togetherones to rally to the side of the anointed remnant in
out of Naphtali, and out of Asher, and out of all the early 1930 s had previously known of the wit
Manasseh, and pursued after Midian. And Gideon nesses and attended meetings, but, like the selfish
sent messengers throughout all the hill-country of prodigal son of the parable, had drifted off in their
Ephraim, saying, Come down against Midian, and own pleasurable ways of least resistance. (Luke
take before them the waters, as far as Beth-barah, 15:11-32) Now they return to the worship of the
even the Jordan. So all the men of Ephraim were Father, along with ever-increasing numbers of others
gathered together, and took the waters as far as who receive for the first time the invitation to join in
Beth-barah, even the Jordan. And they took the two Christian warfare. These added numbers being gath
princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb; and they slew Oreb ered in are the Lords other sheep , who will eventu
at the rock of Oreb, and Zeeb they slew at the wine ally form a great multitude from all nations, peoples,
press of Zeeb, and pursued Midian: and they brought kindreds and tongues.Rev. 7: 9-17.
the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon beyond the
19 Was it not after the death of the firstborn in
Jordan. And the men of Ephraim said unto him, Why Egypt that the mixed multitude is shown marching
hast thou served us thus, that thou calledst us not, with Israel? (Ex. 12:38) And after the killing of
when thou wentest to fight with Midian? And they Midianite power by the rout that large reinforce
did chide with him sharply. And he said unto them, ments joined the three hundred? So it is after the
What have I now done in comparison with you? Is antitypical tenth plague and rout begins that the
not the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than other sheep class flock forward. The truth concern
the vintage of Abiezer? God hath delivered into your ing the higher powers as being God and Christ was
hand the princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb: and what made clear in 1928 and 1929, and since then that
was I able to do in comparison with you ? Then their pointed truth has been repeatedly wielded as an
anger was abated toward him, when he had said important part of the sword of the spirit. It has been
that.Am. Stan. Ver.
a part of the continuing, running fight down through
17After the initial attack the fight developed into the years, gaining widespread and attention-attract
a running battle, and as it streamed toward Jordan ing publicity by thousands of court cases involving
and beyond reinforcements from Israel swept in to clashes with worldly authorities over rights to
join the pursuing three hundred. The first ones to preach, saluting of flags, heiling of men, military
spontaneously join in the battle were from Naphtali service, etc. The more the light of truth shone; the
and Asher and Manasseh, tribes from which had more the shouts and trumpetings of praise reverber
originally come the 32,000 but whose ranks were ated, that much more did men of good-will rally to
thinned down to the three hundred finally used, as the ranks of Jehovahs witnesses.
a result of tests to weed out the fearful and selfish.
20 The Midianites and their allies had invaded the
Doubtless some who now came forward to fight had land supposed to be occupied by true worshipers, had
been among the 31,700 previously sent home. Others, polluted and looted it, impoverished it, left it wasted
such as the Ephraimites, received the call to action and fruitless. But when they were routed by revived
after the rout was going full tilt.
and strengthened Israelites, and fled toward their
15, 16. How did other Israelites respond when the Midianites were
routed? and what contention between Israelites was peacefully settled?
17, 18. What ones joined In the running battle in Gideons day? and in
fulfillment how are these various ones manifested, to form what class?

19. Since when has the other sheep class flocked forward, due to
v/hat widespread publicity?
20. In type and antitype, who rose to cut off enemy retreat, and why
are their efforts so telling?

J une 15, 1950



own land to escape, they found new forces had come Christs body-members. Satans earthly organization
out to cut off their retreat. These new troops, the is known as the vine of the earth , and as far as the
Ephraimites, wreaked havoc on the Midianites, even visible warfare between it and Jehovahs witnesses
slaughtering their two princes, Oreb and Zeeb. So is concerned it is the anointed remnant that first
today from out of their own organizations the re proclaims the truth that starts the battle. (Rev.
treating enemies are met by surprise forces that loom 14:18-20) It is the remnants fearless preaching that
up suddenly from their very ranks, and the enemies routs the enemy and puts it on the run toward com
know not which way to flee. As the message pene plete defeat. By the time the other sheep join the
trates to new lands thousands more take up the fight, fray most of the doctrinal fruits of the enemy vine
showing that this world is a dead thing to them, void have been harvested as falsehoods, with only glean
of any life hopes. Like the Ephraimites, they take ings left. Yet the other sheep come into the conflict
the battle stations assigned them by the organiza at the crucial time to perform a vital service, just as
tional head of the antitypical three hundred. There is Ephraims gleanings in the ancient battle, the trap
where the efforts are telling, where the organization ping and slaughtering of the routed Midianites and
puts us, where unity of action against the enemy will the picking off of the stragglers, made a heavy con
tribution to the final victory.
21But what about the complaint voiced by the
21 This Gideon acknowledged, even as the anointed
Ephraimites at not being called earlier'? Back there remnant today gladly state that the other sheep
in the type it was God s purpose to use a limited now perform a major share in chasing and cornering
number in the initial assault, that credit for the vic and killing the doctrinal and ideological fruitage of
tory might properly go to Jehovah. (Judg. 7:2-4) Satans visible organization. The other sheep class
Similarly, the triumph over the modern-day Midian has no cause to chide anyone because of their slow
ites is not by force of numbers, and no flesh is to start. The Ephraimites must have known the Midian
glory in Gods sight. The victory must be to Jehovahs ites were in the land, that Gideon was gatheringhonor. He needs no creatures to rout the enemy; he forces to combat them, and that they could have at
could preach the truth by making the stones cry out. least offered their services without being formally
(Luke 19:40; 1 Cor. 1:29) He did, however, choose invited. Similarly, many now comprising the other
to use a little flock , an anointed remnant, to do the sheep previously knew of the work of the remnant
work of putting the enemy to flight. Later, as more and could have associated with them. It is true that
and more of the other sheep class are taken into they were not invited to take part in the service very
the fighting ranks, some may lament that they were much during the 1920s, the invitation being extended
not informed sooner about these Bible truths, that to them later on, just as in the type it came later to
they could have had a fuller share in the gospel the Ephraimites. After instruction, the other sheep
preaching work. But they appreciate the reason for appreciate why their ingathering had to wait, that
what seemed to them a tardy call to service, when it was Jehovahs purpose to fully gather in the little
they learn of Jehovahs purpose to first gather and flock first, and they are satisfied with Jehovahs
test, sift and judge an anointed remnant.John arrangement of matters and overjoyed by the service
10:16; 1 Pet. 4:17.
privileges they now possess, even as the Ephraimites
22By a soft and tactful answer Gideon turned away were placated after being instructed by Gideon. So it
the wrath of the Ephraimites. He applied principles is that now the other sheep come in on the tail-end
expressed centuries later: In honour preferring of the gospel-preaching work, after it has been goingone another ; In lowliness of mind let each esteem on for nineteen centuries, after the death of the anti
other better than themselves. (Prov. 1 5 :1 ; Rom. typical firstborn, and they rejoice that the closing12:10; Phil. 2: 3) It was no time for internal strife,
gleaning work they do is so amazingly fruitful and
so he abated their anger by pointing out the rich
contributes so heavily to the ingathering of those
share they had had in clinching the victory, even
will make up the great multitude of Revelation
adding generously, What was I able to do in compar
ison with you! Is not the gleaning of the grapes of 7:9.
Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezerf he
25 The account of the final stages of the typical
23 Abiezer stood for Gideons house, and in this
drama would point to the anointed remnant of battle continues. And Gideon came to Jordan, and
passed over, he, and the three hundred men that were
21. How may some of the "other sheep feel when first learning of
their privilege to preach? but appreciation of what facts clarifies with him, faint, yet pursuing them. And he said unto
matters for them?
22. How did Gideon answer, and what Scriptural principles did he apply,
in settling Internal strife?
23. In fulfillment, how can it be logically said that the anointed remnant
did harvesting on the enemy vine and the "other sheep only gleaning,
yet that gleaning contributes heavily to victory?

24. Why do the "other sheep now have no cause to chide anyone because
of their slow start in Theocratic warfare, but are satisfied and rejoice
in the gleaning work that falls to their lot?
25. What was Gideons experience with the men of Succoth and Penuel?


B rooklyn , N. Y.

the men of Succoth, Give, I pray you, loaves of bread men. So Gideon went up the caravan route, east of
unto the people that follow m e; for they be faint, and Nobah and Jogbehah, and attacked the camp as it lay
I am pursuing after Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of off its guard. Zebah and Zalmunna fled, but he pur
Midian. And the princes of Succoth said, Are the sued them, and captured Midians two kings, Zebah
hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand, that and Zalmunna, and struck panic into the whole
we should give bread unto thine army? Gideon army. (Judg. 8:10-12, An Amer. Trans.) As he
moved on, and voiced the same request to the men of returned victoriously along the way of pursuit, Gid
Penuel, and got the same answer. Gideon pronounced eon meted out appropriate punishment for the men
judgment against both Succoth and Penuel, and con of Succoth and Penuel, uncovered the fact that it
tinued the pursuit of the enemy.Judg. 8:4-9.
was the Midianite kings Zebah and Zalmunna that
28 The anointed remnant have been pressing on inhad slain his brothers, and justly put them to death.
the battle of truth against lies for many years now, Judg. 8:13-21.
29 It was Gideon and his three hundred that started
but, though aging and nearing exhaustion, they do
battle under Jehovahs direction; it was they who
not give in to weariness of the flesh but keep up the
it by his grace. So it is the anointed remnant
chase of the enemy, faint, yet pursuing them. Fre
the principal role in the visible Christian
quently they could use such assistance as that sym
Satans agents, being used to start
bolized by bread or a cup of cold water . Those
as it relates to these last days .
who refuse to assist Christs brethren are adversely
have had the privilege of
judged by the King, who says to them: I was hungry,
Midianite princes Oreb
and ye did not give me to eat; I was thirsty, and ye
lot to take and de
gave me no drink . . . Go away into eternal punish
necessary for the
ment. (Matt. 25:42,46; 10:42, Am. Stan. Ver.)
Such ones were prefigured by the men of Succoth and other sheep to keep such things in mind, that they
may always appreciate their relationship to the rem
Penuel, and will suffer a like fate.
27 Those of Succoth and Penuel still thought the nant, to the organization, and to Christ Jesus and
Midianites might win, and feared reprisals if they Jehovah God. The fact that by weight of numbers
helped Gideons band. The fleeing enemy now holed they now perform the bulk of the witness work should
up at Karkor numbered 15,000, enjoying odds of 50 only make them humble in their precious privilege;
to 1 in their favor, and to the men of little faith who never should it cause them to exalt themselves against
looked on outward appearances, blind to the power the anointed remnant, under whose immediate direc
of Jehovah that backs up his people, victory by tion they work. By so maintaining the proper mental
Gideon would still seem a dim prospect. The men of attitude, they will never be abased and destroyed
Succoth and Penuel still looked upon their oppres with the antitypical goatish men of Succoth and
sors as having the rule over them, as being higher Penuel. Matt. 23:12.
30 Thus it was that Gods people in the days of
powers to be in subjection to. How like the goat
were liberated from Midianite bondage, by a
and evil servant classes of today, who refuse aid
its course, from initial attack to mop
to the anointed remnant, unable to see that behind
Gideon followed through to the
these brethren of the Lord are Christ and Jehovah,
ministers the importance of
and are still fearful of the world leaders, consorting
of door-to-door preaching,
with them and viewing them as the higher powers !
in steps taken, but the
Such goatish ones think that this world organization
by modern carnal war
under Satan is all right, think that it will continue
on as the controlling power, and they cast their lot
31 Men of this going old world hold in their hand
with it. Hence in both type and antitype it is seen that
power to kill millions, by the grace of the Devil.
the rout and running battle divided the peoples, some
have their bacteria bombs and A-bombs and
coming out and joining in the fight against Satanic
potent H-bombs. Men of the coming new
oppressors, others siding with the doomed invaders
in their hand the power to show the path
of Jehovahs field of worship. Matt. 25: 31, 32.
by the grace of God. They have
28 The record of the typical struggle continues:
Word, which overflows with
Now Zebah and Zalmunna were at Karkor, and their
is mobilized to produce
army with them, about fifteen thousand men, all that
into factory assem
remained of all the Kedemite army, since the fallen
and poisonous
numbered one hundred and twenty thousand swordsgases. New world servants are mobilized to produce
26. Who accord similar treatment to the faint, yet pursuing remnant?
27. What view of matters did the men of Succoth and Penuel adopt? and
how did they so well prefigure the goat and evil servant classes
of today?
28. With the recording of what events does the prophetic drama end?

29. What should the other sheep keep In mind, and why?
30, 31. In carnal warfare and Christian warfare, what resemblances and
contrasts are there as to possessing power and being mobilized and
organized ?

J une 15, 1950



the life-giving message, by maintaining printing

plants that heap up stocks of Bibles and Bible helps.
The old world is organized to distribute its killers,
by recruiting armies to man the tanks and ships and
planes that deliver death to the battlefields. The new
world workers are organized in companies to distrib
ute the message of life, by making door-to-door visits
and doing street-witnessing in the preaching fields
world-wide. Both old world and new world forces
follow through with mopping up operations, but what
a contrast in results!
32When the old world mops up in the wake of
victorious armies, it sends in occupation forces, loots
and oppresses, demands reparations, and sets up
slave labor camps and prison camps. After Kingdom
publishers distribute Bible literature they follow
through by calling back on the obtainers, to answer
questions, to conduct home Bible studies, to show
interested ones how to preach, to spring them from
the bondage of this old world into the prospects of
freedom in a new world of righteousness. Theocratic
ministers know that the truth of the Bible is likened
to water, and that it may be said that within the
covers of a Bible help is a reservoir of such water.
Moreover, when water remains dammed up and mo
tionless it becomes stale, stagnant; it must flow like a
stream to be clear and sparkling. So ministers call
back, encourage obtainers to open the publications,
let the message on the page free to flow through the
eye into the mind and fill the heart. If the truth
waters have been befouled and polluted by lying
modern-day Midianites, the back-calling minister
can settle the dirt peddled by mudslingers and clear
up the water and get it streaming to the listener in
sparkling clarity. (Ezek. 34:18,19; Rev. 22:1,17)
So ministers must call back, not only to teach pure
truth but also to mop up on any dirty smears or
falsehoods left by those still posing as represent
atives of Christ or as higher powers ordained of
God . Such Theocratic mopping up operations are
necessary to completely free the oppressed and to
eliminate any straggling oppressors.

day Midianites, nor will Christ have any successorsons to reign in his stead on the throne, as was pro
posed in Gideons case. After Gideon refused kingship for himself and his sons, he made an alternate
proposal, which was accepted and led to certain
events. But the prophetic drama had ended, so these
happenings also are weighted with no antitypical
significance. However, they do disclose a general
principle and an object lesson that are instructive in
their broad outlines. The account relates:
34 Gideon said unto them, I would desire a request
of you, that ye would give me every man the earrings
of his prey. (For they had golden earrings, because
they were Ishmaelites.) And they answered, We will
willingly give them. And they spread a garment, and
did cast therein every man the earrings of his prey.
And the weight of the golden earrings that he re
quested was a thousand and seven hundred shekels
of gold; beside ornaments, and collars, and purple
raiment that was on the kings of Midian, and beside
the chains that were about their camels necks. And
Gideon made an ephod thereof, and put it in his city,
even in Ophrah: and all Israel went thither a whoring
after it: which thing became a snare unto Gideon,
and to his house. Judg. 8: 24-27.
35 These facts stand out: The loot from the victory
did not go to the enrichment of any individual, but
was pooled to make an ephod. This was not an idol,
but was a priestly garment used in Gods service.
(Ex. 28: 6-14) In making the ephod the loot was used
to make something honoring and recognizing Jeho
vah. The case was similar to the time when the Israel
ites spoiled the Egyptians before the exodus, and
later when in the wilderness it was from this gold
and precious materials that the people contributed
for the building of the tabernacle, including ephods.
(Ex. 1 1 :2 ; 12:36; 35:5,21-29; 36:5-7, Am. Stan.
Ver.) Israel committed spiritual whoredom with the
ephod Gideon made, by worshiping it, and it became
a snare to Gideon and his house. However, Gideon
certainly did not make the ephod for idolatrous pur
poses; for Jehovahs honor he had refused the kingship for himself and instead focused attention on
the ephod as representative of God. But the people
33 It appears that with the total defeat of the wrongly worshiped the ephod rather than what it
Midianites the drama ends its prophetic significance. represented, as similarly happened with a bronze
As confirmation of this view, note that immediately serpent Moses had properly made, but which was
after final victory the people wished to make Gideon later idolized. (Num. 2 1 :9 ; 2 Ki. 18:4) The ephod
king over them, and his offspring after him. (Judg. did not serve the purpose for which it was made, and
8: 22, 23) This could hardly have antitypical signifi even proved a danger to Gideon and his house ;
cance, since in the fulfillment the Greater Gideon but the record does not say Gideon worshiped it.
Christ Jesus was enthroned as King before the (Judg. 8:27, Moffait) Gideon died approved, and
anointed remnant were gathered against the modern- Baal worship was not practiced in Israel any more
during his life. Judg. 8: 33; Heb. 11: 32.
3 2 . (a) Contrast the mopping up operations of old world and new world
forces, (b) Show by illustration the necessity of conducting back-calls
36 The general principle shown is that any fruits

and home Bible studies.

33, 34. What confirms the view that with the defeat of Midian the pro
phetic significance of the drama ends? yet what events followed that
contain general instruction?

35. What facts stand out?

36. What general principle is shown by Gideon's course? and how do
Jehovah's witnesses today apply that principle?



B rooklyn , N. Y.

from Theocratic victories should go to Jehovahs organizations of the big and prosperous orthodox
honor, and not to the exaltation of any individual or churches of Christendom. The organization is served
organization. The Israelites stripped the Midianites and worshiped instead of the one it claims to repre
of their fine raiment and jewelry; so the truth de sent, namely Jehovah God. But this snare will never
clared against the world leaders, whether religious or catch Jehovahs cleansed people today; the growingpolitical, commercial or military, strips them of the visible organization does not fill them with the pride
higher powers claim in which they clothe them that precedes falls, but serves to remind them that
selves, removes them from their exalted position, Jehovah is directing and blessing the work, that it
plunders the prestige and adoration they once en is his seasonal time for gathering in the fruits of
joyed, and they lose the flattering titles that allowed gospel-preaching. Prov. 16:18.
them to glitter and shine. Any treasures of service
39 However, it is well for all to remember the snare
they might have enjoyed are gone, because they used that visible organizations can be. Did not some
their offices to make a show of themselves. These Israelites think too highly of a visible setup when
attention-grabbing things are not transferred to they lamented that the new temple being rebuilt after
truth-telling witnesses, but are lumped together and Babylonish captivity failed to measure up to the
given over for Jehovahs honor. As men of good-will glories of Solomons temple? (Hag. 2 :3 ) In Jesus
learn the truth they strip these formerly honored day and thereafter certain Jews took excessive pride
ones of their improper titles and adornments and in the visible temple and attributed too much to it;
give all praise to Jehovah, and attribute to God and they were forcefully reminded that God does not
Christ all honoring titles, such as Father and dwell in temples made with mens hands. (Matt.
Higher Powers . Job 32:21,22; Ps. 150:6; Isa. 23:18-22; 2 4 :1 ,2 ; Acts 7 :4 8 ; 17:24) The early
4 2 :8 ; Matt. 23:9.
Christian organization sprang up as fruitage to the
87 The object lesson in the ancient happenings that ministry of Christ Jesus, but it became apostate,
followed the prophetic part of the drama is that the worldly, powerful, with only a remnant holding true
fruits of victory should never be idolized. Any in to God. (Acts 20: 29; 2 Pet. 2 :1 ) Surely the Roman
creases or gains in numbers of publishers that come Catholic Church that grew out of that apostasy has
from the work of gospel-preaching should never be been snared, boasting of its size and wealth and
credited to men or to a visible organization, nor power, and worshiping itself and its traditions and
should the volume of work accomplished be a cause doctrines and clerical leaders instead of Jehovah
for creature boasting; all of this is due to Jehovah God. Again, when Christ came to the temple for
God and Christ Jesus and should be dedicated to judgment in 1918 a great number of those in line for
them and to the vindication of Jehovah s name. To the Kingdom were purged out, mainly because they
illustrate, a farmer sows seed and waters and culti held in worshipful esteem the Elijah-period organ
vates, but does he make the seed sprout and grow ization and its practices and personnel, which esteem,
and eventually bear fruit? Is not credit for the stubbornly clung to despite increasing light, dis
growth due to the Creator ? The apostle Paul deflated pleased God. They were snared; they were cast from
those looking to creatures as responsible for organ Jehovahs service.Zech. 1 3 :8 ,9 ; Matt. 24:48-51.
izational increases by such an illustration, saying:
40 But the visible organization that now grows and
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the prospers has been cleansed, purged of such ensnaring
increase. So then neither is he that plantetli any practices as creature worship. The increase is cred
thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth ited to Jehovah God; it comes not by human might
the increase. (1 Cor. 3 :6 ,7 ) Ministers may plant or power, but by His spirit. (Zech. 4 :6 ) In the
the seed of truth and water it by back-calling and ancient drama Gideon started alone, then worked
conducting home Bible studies, but it is God who with ten associates to throw down Baals altar, and
gathers in new ones to give growth and increase to when thousands flocked to him they were screened
the visible organization of preachers.
down to three hundred for use against Midian; so
38 There is this to remember concerning organihis force grew from one to eleven to three hundred
zations generally. When young and growing, fighting and one. (Judg. 6:11,27;
7: 7) Similarly from the
their way up, zeal is strong and evangelistic; but
time temple judgment started till the opening blast
when they have won their place and become strong
and wealthy and respected they often lose their virile began unseating world rulers as higher powers the
strength and become lax, fat, sluggish, and point anointed remnant increased in numbers. In 1918
with pride to their size, and put their directives there were on an average 3,868 publishers per month;
above Gods commands. That has happened to the in 1928, 23,988.
37. What object lesson is contained in the ancient happenings? and
what should it make Christians today aware of?
38. What should be remembered concerning worldly organizations? but
why will Jehovahs present visible organization never be so ensnared?

39. In former times, how have organizations seeking or claiming to

serve God been ensnared?
40. Paralleling the increase of Gideons band up to the time of attack
on Midian, how much did the anointed remnant increase in numbers?



J unk 15, 1950

41 Thereafter the rout of the modern-day Midianites gained momentum, and during the 1930s the
other sheep joined in the fight, to bring the pub
lisher figure up to 47,143 in 1938. In ever-increasing
numbers they came during the next ten years, till
in 1948 there were 230,532 reporting service regu
larly. In 1949 the figure climbed to 279,421, with a
peak for one month of 317,877. For all of this pros
perity Jehovahs witnesses thank God, and give
credit therefor to no visible agencies. Jehovah God
foretold this abundant increase coming from all
nations, like flocks, like clouds of doves that darken
the sky for multitude. Into Jehovahs organizational
arrangement they come, and the gates are open to
receive them, shut neither day nor night. And why
the ever-increasing tempo of ingathering now? Is it
due to any brilliant human minds in the visible
organization? or to efficient methods or procedures
practiced? No; the other sheep of the Lord now
flock in abundantly because it is Gods time to hasten
their coming: The little one shall become a thousand,
and the small one a strong nation: I, Jehovah, will
hasten it in its time.Isa. 60:1-22, Am. Stan. Ver.
4* As the visible organization increases, the new
strength of numbers is dedicated to Jehovahs honor.
They are not held under as a laity class to bear up
and support a clergy class. There are no class dis
tinctions or discriminations or respect of persons
shown in the visible organization; all are under God
and Christ. (Matt. 2 3 :8 ; Acts 10:34) Like the
41. As the modern-day rout has gained momentum, what Increases have
come, and why such increase?
42. To what is the increase dedicated? and how are new ones fitted

anointed remnant before them, the incoming other

sheep study Gods Word privately and in groups,
to purge their mind of false religious contaminations.
They heed the counsel in the Bible, and welcome
instruction from the visible organization. Then as
they take places in the ranks of field publishers,
marching shoulder to shoulder with the anointed rem
nant, they take comfort from these words: Blessed
be Jehovah my rock, who teacheth my hands to war,
and my fingers to fight: my lovingkindness, and my
fortress, my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield,
and he in whom I take refuge. Ps. 144:1, 2, Am.
Stan. Ver.
43 So taught from above, all Jehovahs ministers
on earth can say: Wisdom is better than strength ;
Wisdom is better than weapons of war. Without
carnal weapons they will encircle this religionized
old world that lies in darkness, and loves it. (John
3:19-21) They will let the truth torch shine, lift up
their voice like a trumpet, shout out the praises of
God and courageously wield the sword of the spirit,
which is the word of God . (Eph. 6:17) Their place
is not with the 22,000 scared ones who went home,
is not with the 9,700 greedy and lazy ones who were
indifferent to the fight. Their place is witli the three
hundred faithful fighters and the reinforcements that
joined them in pursuing the routed enemy. And as
they press on in the warfare their battle-cry adver
tises the ones to whom the victory is dedicated: For
Jehovah and for the Greater Gideon Christ Jesus!
43. What will all Jehovahs ministers on earth now say and do? and
what will their battle-cry advertise?





3 0 to

A ugust

a tt e n t io n o f J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s t h r o u g h o u t th e



6 inclusive

in B i b l e s t u d y . A l l s e ssio n s a r e o p e n to th e p u b lic , s e a ts a re

I f you

w o r ld h a s b e e n fo c u s e d o n t h is m o s t o u t s t a n d in g e v e n t

fr e e , a n d n o c o lle c tio n s w il l b e ta k e n a t a n y m e e tin g .

sc h e d u le d f o r 1 9 5 0 . T h e a s s e m b ly s b e in g in N e w Y o r k

h a v e n o t p l a n n e d to b e in N e w Y o r k b e tw e e n t h e d a y s o f

c it y d o e s n o t m a k e it a n A m e r i c a n

a s s e m b ly , b u t it is an

J u l y 3 0 a n d A u g u s t 6 b u t y o u d o h a v e s o m e o cc a sio n to

in te r n a tio n a l g a t h e r in g o f J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s , f o r t h e y are

c o m e to N e w Y o r k , m a k e i t y o u r b u s in e s s t o b e in th e c it y

c o m in g fr o m th e e n d s o f th e e a r th . A t t h is w r i t in g r e p o r ts

s o m e tim e d u r i n g t h is p e r io d , f o r y o u

a re to h a n d f r o m f if t y -f iv e d iffe r e n t n a t io n s s a y i n g t h e y a re

b le s s in g b y a t t e n d in g t h is g a t h e r in g o f t h e L o r d s p e o p le .

s e n d in g
com e

r e p r e s e n ta t iv e s .

fr o m

o th e r

M ore

c o u n t r ie s


th a n

2 ,0 0 0

a s s e m b le

d e le g a t e s

a lo n g

w it h

w i l l r e c e iv e

a rich

w ill


t h e ir

A m e r ic a n a n d C a n a d ia n b r e th r e n a t t h is g r e a t fe a s t , t o be
h e ld f o r e ig h t d a y s in th e w o r l d s s e c o n d -la r g e s t c it y .

T h e fir st d a y o f th e c o n v e n t io n w il l b e k n o w n a s G ile a d
G r a d u a t io n D a y , a n d t h e p r o g r a m o p e n s a t 9 : 3 0

in th e

T h e p la c e s e le c te d f o r th e h o l d in g o f t h is g r e a t g a t h e r in g

m o r n in g w it h s o n g s . J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s w il l n o t h a v e to

o f J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s is t h e f a m o u s Y a n k e e S t a d iu m , s i t u

b r i n g t h e ir o ld s o n g b o o k s w it h t h e m , b e c a u se th e S o c ie t y

a te d a t R i v e r a v e n u e a n d E a s t 1 6 1 s t s tr e e t in t h e b o r o u g h

w il l b e r e le a s in g a n e w s o n g b o o k

of B ronx, N ew Y o rk

M a n y n e w s o n g s h a v e b e e n a d d e d , b u t w e w i l l n o t t e ll y o u

c it y , a n d it is a n t ic ip a t e d

t h a t th is

tr e m e n d o u s s t a d iu m w il l b e p r a c t i c a l ly fille d f r o m th e v e r y

a n y m ore

o p e n in g o f th e c o n v e n t io n o n J u l y 3 0 . N o t o n l y J e h o v a h 's

s o n g s o f p r a is e . T h e m u s ic a n d w o r d s t h a t w il l b e s u n g at

w itn e sse s a r e in v it e d to a tt e n d , b u t a ll

th e a s s e m b ly w i l l n o t m a tc h th e o ld s o n g b o o k .

Watchtower r e a d e r s ,

as w e ll a s th e g e n e r a l p u b l i c in N e w Y o r k w h o a re in te r e s te d

a b o u t it u n t i l y o u

T h e ch a h u n a n

jo i n

S u n d a y m o r n in g e a r ly .

o f th e c o n v e n t io n

w it h u s in s in g in g th e

w ill g iv e

th e o p e n in g





1 0 :3 0


m o r n in g .


rest o f

th e


B rooklyn, N . Y .

M a y 1 3 , a s p e c ia l m e e t in g w a s h e ld , w h ic h a r o u s e d m u c h

w il l b e d e v o te d to t h e g r a d u a t io n e x e r c is e s o f th e 1 5 t h c la ss

e n t h u s ia s m , a n d w it h j o y J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s in th e v ic in it y

o f th e W a t c h t o w e r B i b l e S c h o o l o f G ile a d . T h a t p r o g r a m

o f 2 5 m ile s o f N e w Y o r k w i l l i n g l y a s s u m e d th e r e s p o n s ib ilit y

w ill b e g in a t 1 : 3 0

in t h e a f t e r n o o n , a n d t h is is s o m e th in g

o f t r y i n g t o fin d s u ffic ie n t r o o m in g a c c o m m o d a tio n s f o r a ll

y o u w i l l w a n t to see a n d h e a r . I t w il l b e v e r y h e a r t -w a r m in g ,

p e r s o n s c o m in g to th e a s s e m b ly . T h e C o n v e n t io n B u r e a u and
h o t e ls a r e c o o p e r a t in g s p l e n d i d ly , a n d u p to t h is t im e w e

w e b e lie v e .
F r o m t h e fir s t d a y u n t i l th e la s t t h e p r o g r a m is p a c k e d

h a v e m o r e t h a n 9 ,0 0 0 r o o m s s e t a sid e in h o te ls a lo n e . O u r

f u l l o f in t e r e s t in g t h in g s , n o t o n e o f w h ic h y o u w ill w a n t

b ig

to m is s . B u t i f s o m e o f y o u

cannot get

S u n d a y m o r n in g , M a y 1 4 , a p p r o x i m a t e ly 4 ,0 0 0 p u b lis h e r s

th e r e f o r th e f u l l e ig h t d a y s , h a v e in m in d t h a t o n S u n d a y

s t a r t e d o u t in th e fie ld lo o k in g f o r r o o m s in p r iv a t e h o m e s

a ft e r n o o n ,

a n d a p a r t m e n t s , a ll p u b lis h e r s h a v in g p r o p e r id e n tific a tio n

A u gu st


th e

Watchtower r e a d e r s
p r e s id e n t


th e

W a tc h to w e r

p r o b le m

w il l b e t o fin d

B ib le a n d T r a c t S o c ie t y , I n c ., N . H . K n o r r , w il l g iv e a p u b lic

c a r d s s h o w in g

a d d r e s s w h ic h w i l l h e w i d e ly a d v e r t is e d . T h e s u b je c t w il l

S o c ie t y

b e, C a n Y o u

r o o m s o r p r e f e r to s t a y in a p r iv a t e h o m e , t h e W a t c h t o w e r

L iv e

F o r e v e r in

H a p p in e s s on

E a rth ?



th a t

th ey

h o u s in g a c c o m m o d a tio n s . O n

a re

a u t h o r iz e d

g e t t i n g th e se r o o m s .

C o n v e n t io n

m o d a t io n s f o r e v e r y p e r s o n a t t e n d i n g th e c o n v e n t io n . R o o m

m e e tin g a t Y a n k e e S t a d iu m in y o u r it in e r a r y .

r e q u e s t f o r m s h a v e b e e n se n t t o a ll c o m p a n ie s o f J e h o v a h s

a s s e m b ly

w ill



p o s itio n

th e

w ant



w itn e s s e s , b u t i f a r e a d e r


The Watchtmver

not y et

see th e n e w B e t h e l h o m e


w a n t h o te l

Y o r k c i t y o n t h is w e e k -e n d o f A u g u s t 6 , 1 9 5 0 , in c lu d e th is
c o m in g


r e p r e s e n t th e


y o u r b u s in e s s o r o th e r m a t t e r s ta k e y o u a n y w h e r e n e a r N e w

T h ose

C o m m itt e e


W h e th e r

th e

a s so c ia te d


w ith

a com p an y o f Jeh ovah s

W a t c h T o w e r S o c ie t y , a s

w itn e s s e s

w e ll a s th e n e w p r i n t i n g

w r it e

p la n t

f o r a r o o m in g f o r m a n d

ju s t

d u r in g

c o n stru cte d

th e

la s t


m ay

to th e

ju s t

C o m m itte e

w e w il l g iv e h is r e q u e st


A r r a n g e m e n t s w i l l be

im m ediate

m a d e f o r a ll c o n v e n t io n -

R ead

t h is r o o m

e r s to g o t h r o u g h th e se

fo r m

o v er c a r e fu lly b e
fil lin g



re q u e st

tw o p la c e s , b o th s itu a te d

fo r e

in B r o o k ly n , o n M o n d a y

w i l l n o te t h a t h o te l p r ic

o u t. Y o u

f o ll o w in g

es a re a lit t le h ig h e r in

th e a s s e m b ly . O n A u g u s t

N e w Y o r k t h a n in m o s t

7 and

c itie s . A n a d d it io n a l cot


T u esd ay
8, fr o m

8 in th e

m o r n in g to 5 in th e e v e

m a y b e p r o v id e d in m o st

n in g , t o u r s w il l b e c o n

r o o m s to ta k e c a r e o f a

t in u o u s . W e e x p e c t t h o u

t h ir d


d it io n a l


p erson s



perso n







g o in g t h r o u g h b o th o f th e s e b u il d i n g s b e c a u s e o f t h e ir k e en

tw o d o lla r s a d a y . W e h o p e t h a t n o d e le g a t e w il l re q u e st

in te r e s t in th e w o r k b e in g d o n e in th e se p la c e s . I t w il l be

m o r e a c c o m m o d a tio n s t h a n

im p o s s ib le

w ill r e q u ir e a ll th e a c c o m m o d a tio n s w e c a n o b ta in f o r th e


sh ow

b e fo r e


B eth el

fa m ily

d u r in g

p erso n s th ro u g h

th e

w il l

c o n v e n t io n ,



b u sy


w it h

th e

fa c to r y

a ll

or hom e

m em bers

c o n v e n t io n


th e

la r g e c r o w d o f p e r s o n s a t t e n d in g t h is g r e a t a s s e m b ly .

m atters


t h a t it w ill be n e c e s s a r y t o k e e p b o th p la c e s c lo s e d t o t h e
p u b lic .


r u n n in g


th e

c o n v e n t io n


th e

im p o r t a n t

P e r s o n s n o t a c q u a in t e d w it h N e w Y o r k w ill w a n t to k n o w

t h in g d u r i n g th e c o n v e n t io n p e r io d , a n d t h a t m i l r e q u ir e

a fe w

a ll o f t h e B e t h e l f a m i l y s t im e .

o v e r n ig h t p a r k in g

C o n v e n t io n e r s

c o m in g


th e

a s s e m b ly


he a c t u a l ly n e e d s, b e c a u se w e

g o in g

t h in g s a b o u t t h e c i t y . W e

w o u ld lik e to s ta te th a t

o f c a r s in s t r e e t s in th e h o t e l se c tio n s

aw ay

is p r o h ib ite d . T h e r e f o r e i t w i l l b e n e c e s s a r y t o g a r a g e y o u r

fr o m it a re w e lc o m e to s t o p a t W B B R s t r a n s m it t in g sta tio n

c a r o r p u t it in a p a r k in g lo t . G a r a g e p a r k in g in N e w Y o r k

a t 1 1 1 1 W o o d r o w R o a d , o n S t a t e n I s la n d , a n d t h e W a t c h -

c i t y r u n s a b o u t $ 1 .5 0 to $ 2 .0 0 a n ig h t . P a r k i n g lo t s a re a

to w e r B i b l e S c h o o l o f G ile a d a t S o u t h L a n s in g , N e w Y o r k .

lit t l e lo w e r a n d y o u m a y fin d o n e c o n v e n ie n t to y o u r lo c a

W e w ill n o t be a b le to a c c o m m o d a te a n y o n e o v e r n ig h t a t

t io n . P a r k i n g o f c a r s n e a r Y a n k e e S t a d i u m w i l l b e e x t r e m e ly

th ese p la c e s , n o r in th e B e t h e l h o m e , b u t y o u w i l l be w e l

li m i t e d , so it w i l l b e b e s t f o r y o u to p la n t o t r a v e l to a n d

c o m e to s to p d u r i n g th e d a y a n d see th e b r o a d c a s t in g s t a t io n ,

fr o m

th e S c h o o l a n d t h e f a r m s t h e S o c ie t y o p e r a te s in c o n n e c tio n

f u r n is h e s e x c e lle n t t r a n s p o r t a t io n

w ith b o th .

is th e fa s t e s t w a y to g e t a r o u n d . T h e f a r e is 1 0 c e n ts a r id e .

T h e N e w Y o r k c o m p a n y o f J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s is h a p p y

th e s t a d iu m

b y b u s o r s u b w a y . T h e s u b w a y sy ste m

N ew

I f y o u h a v e n e v e r b e e n to N e w Y o r k

A u gu st


w ill



fa m ilia r

Y ork


th is

c i t y d u r i n g J u ly
w it h

th e

w e a th e r

to h a v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y o f b e in g h o s t t o J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s

c o n d it io n s . G e n e r a l ly th e w e a t h e r is v e r y w a r m a n d h u m id

f r o m a ll p a r t s o f th e w o r ld a n d t h e y a r e w o r k in g d i li g e n t ly

i t y is h ig h . W e s u g g e s t t h a t y o u b r i n g c o o l s u m m e r c lo th in g ,

in h a r m o n y w it h th e S o c ie t y s c o n v e n t io n c o m m itt e e t o ta k e

f o r e v e n t h e n ig h t s a re q u it e w a r m .

c a r e o f th e p r e l i m i n a r y a r r a n g e m e n t s . O n S a t u r d a y n ig h t ,

I t a p p e a r s t h a t th e r e w il l b e n o t r a ile r c a m p a t t h is con -

J une 15, 1950

v e n tio n .




C o n v e n t io n

C o m m it t e e


o th e r s

sp e cia lly -

t io n s , to g e t e n o u g h m o n e y to p a y f o r r o o m s , so th e fr e e

a s s ig n e d h a v e s e a r c h e d d i l i g e n t l y f o r a p l o t o f la n d in o r

r o o m s w il l b e a s s ig n e d

o u t o f th e c i t y f o r th e c a m p , h u t it h a s b e e n im p o s s ib le to

c u r r e n c y c o n t r o ls f o r b i d t h e m to ta k e s u ffic ie n t m o n e y f o r

fin d a n y t h in g . W e h a v e c o v e r e d a n a r e a o f t w e n t y -f iv e m ile s

room s

r a d iu s f r o m

lo c a l c u r r e n c y .

c o m m u n itie s

th e c e n te r o f N e w Y o r k . M o s t t o w n s h ip s a n d

a c c o m m o d a tio n s .

p r o h ib ite d



t r a ile r
th e n

cam ps

th a t

a ll


th e

o n ly

a llo w

fu n d s

fo r

fr o m

t h e ir

c o u n t r ie s w h e re
t r a n s p o r t a t io n


T h e S o c ie t y h a s s e t u p a h e a d q u a r t e r s in N e w Y o r k c it y

t r a ile r

a t t e n d in g


to b r e th r e n

to ta k e

c a r e o f c o n v e n t io n

m a tte r s, p a r tic u la r ly

r o o m in g

c o m m u n ic a t io n s r e la t iv e to

th e c o n

c o n v e n t io n w il l h a v e to m a k e p l a n s t o s t a y in r o o m in g h o u se s

a c c o m m o d a tio n s . A l l

o r h o te ls w it h in t h e c i t y o f N e w Y o r k i t s e lf , o r m a k e y o u r

v e n tio n

o w n a r r a n g e m e n t s f o r c a m p in g s o m e d is t a n c e f r o m th e c i t y

C o m m it t e e , 5 5 7 W . 1 5 7 t h s t r e e t , N e w Y o r k 3 2 , N e w Y o r k .

s h o u ld


a d dressed


W a tc h to w e r

C o n v e n tio n

a n d c o m m u t e d a i l y . T h is la t t e r w e d o n o t a d v is e , b e c a u se

J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s t h r o u g h o u t th e U n it e d S t a te s , C a n a d a

N e w Y o r k c i t y tra ffic is e x t r e m e ly h e a v y in t h e m o r n in g .

a n d th e w o r ld h a v e f o r m o r e t h a n a y e a r b e e n m a k in g p la n s


a n n o u n cem en t,

to c o m e t o N e w Y o r k . N o w th e t im e is d r a w in g clo se a n d

b e c a u s e a t m o s t c o n v e n t io n s w e h a v e a lw a y s h a d e x c e lle n t

S o c ie t y





m ake

t h is

y o u h a v e to m a k e y o u r fin a l a r r a n g e m e n t s , o b t a in a ro o m

t r a ile r c a m p s . B u t th e se h a v e b e e n in t h e W e s t o r M id w e s t ,

a n d d e c id e h o w y o u w i l l t r a v e l. W e h o p e y o u h a v e m a d e

w h e r e w e h a v e h a d p l e n t y o f s p a c e . W i t h i n N e w Y o r k th e r e

u p y o u r m in d to h a v e a f u l l s h a r e in th e a s s e m b ly a n d w ill

is lit t le s p a c e , a n d , w h ile c o m m u n it ie s o u t s id e m a y h a v e lo ts

b e a t a ll se ssio n s. A s t r u e s t u d e n t s o f th e B ib l e , w e k n o w ,

a n d a d e q u a te s p a c e , th e se a r e n o t a v a ila b le b e c a u s e o f c i t y

b y th e L o r d s g r a c e , y o u w i l l b e d e s ir o u s o f a t t e n d in g a ll

r e s t r ic t io n s

person s

se ssio n s, f o r t h e y w ill b e i n s t r u c t iv e a n d w ill b e t te r p r e p a r e

w ho d o n o t d e s ir e t o r e n t i t o u t f o r a t r a ile r c a m p f o r e ig h t

u s to p r e a c h t h e W o r d in a l l th e w o r ld f o r a w it n e s s . W e

or p ro p erty

b e in g

ow ned


p r iv a t e

to t e n d a y s . W e

a n n o u n c e t h is n o w so t h a t y o u c a n p la n

s in c e r e ly

a c c o r d in g ly . W e

k n o w m a n y w i l l b e d is a p p o in t e d b e c a u se

j o u r n e y to N e w Y o r k c i t y a n d t h a t J e h o v a h w i l l b le ss a ll


th a t

everyon e

w ill



p le a s a n t

o f th is , b u t a s y e t w e h a v e n o t b e e n a b le to lo c a t e a s u ita b le


p lace a f t e r m o n t h s o f h a r d w o r k .

J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s a t Y a n k e e S t a d i u m . A l l p e o p le w h o lo v e

T h e r e w ill be n o f r e e r o o m s f o r p io n e e r s a t th e c o n v e n t io n ,


tru th

r ic h l y


a t t e n d in g

t h is

in t e r n a t io n a l

a s s e m b ly


a n d r ig h t e o u s n e s s a n d w h o a re a n x io u s t o k n o w o f

a s th ese w il l b e u s e d to a c c o m m o d a te E u r o p e a n b r e th r e n .

J e h o v a h a n d to b e t te r u n d e r s t a n d h is W o r d

I n so m e c o u n t r ie s i t is im p o s s ib le , d u e t o c u r r e n c y r e s t r ic

w e lc o m e to a tt e n d .

a re c e r t a in ly



B i b l e r e v e a ls S a t a n a s h a v in g b e e n th e c o v e r in g

H a m a n d o u b tle s s w a s p r e s e n t a t b o th o f th e f e a s t s t h a t

c h e r u b f o r th e fir s t h u m a n p a ir , a n d a s s a y in g in h is

K i n g X e r x e s m a d e f o r h is p r in c e s , r u le r s , n o b le s , e tc ., in

he w as

th e t h ir d y e a r o f h is r e ig n t o c e le b r a te h is v ic t o r ie s o v e r

d e te r m in e d to r e a liz e t h is a m b it io n e v e n t h o u g h it m e a n t

h is e n e m ie s, a n d w h ic h f e a s t s t o g e t h e r la s te d 1 8 7 d a y s . B e i n g

p l u n g i n g e v e r y la s t o n e o f G o d s in t e llig e n t c r e a t u r e s , b o th

a p r in c e h e w a s a lso a m o n g t h e f a v o r e d

v is ib le a n d in v is ib le , in to d e s tr u c tio n . A

th e b a n q u e t t h a t t h e k i n g h a d m a d e in h o n o r o f h is n e w

h eart I

w i l l b e lik e t h e M o s t

H ig h . A n d

c h a r a c t e r w it h a

g u e s ts a t t e n d in g

in th e B ib l e ,

q u e e n , E s t h e r , w h o r e p la c e d th e s e l f -w i l l e d V a s h t i . B u t d u e

w a s I l a m a n . B e c a u s e o n e J e w , M o r d e c a i, r e f u s e d to b o w

to Q u e e n E s t h e r s d is c r e t io n H a m a n d id n o t h a v e th e s lig h t

d o w n to h im h e m a d e a c o n s p ir a c y to w ip e o u t t h e w h o le

e st s u s p ic io n t h a t E s t h e r w a s a J e w e s s , w a s in f a c t n o n e

r a c e o f G o d s t y p ic a l c h o s e n p e o p le . A n d n o t o n l y t h a t , b u t,

o th e r t h a n th e c o u s in o f M o r d e c a i, th e J e w w h o s a t in th e

b e in g a m a n o f g r e a t w e a lth , h e w a s w i l li n g to p a y e ig h te e n

k in g s g a t e . N e i t h e r is it lik e ly t h a t h e k n e w o f th e s e r v ic e

m illio n d o lla r s in to th e k i n g s t r e a s u r y f o r th e p r iv ile g e o f

th a t M o rd e c a i h a d

d o in g s o ! B u t H a m a n w a s m a d e to k n o w th e t r u t h o f th e

p lo t o n th e p a r t o f tw o o f th e k i n g s c h a m b e r la in s t o k ill h im .

lik e d is p o s it io n , w h o s e r e c o r d

is a ls o f o u n d

S c r ip t u r a l p r o v e r b : P r id e g o e s b e f o r e d e s tr u c tio n , a n d a
h a u g h ty


sp ir it
E ven

ren d ered

K in g

X erxes

in r e v e a lin g

I t w a s a f t e r th e se t h in g s t h a t H a m a n w a s a d v a n c e d to

An Amer.

c h i e f o v e r a ll t h e p r in c e s , m a k i n g h im g r a n d v iz ie r . P r o u d ,

a s S a t a n h i m s e lf w i l l b e m a d e to k n o w it,

v a in a n d h u n g r y f o r a d u la t io n a n d p r a is e , m o s t li k e ly it

b e fo r e

f a ll.

(P r o v .

1 6 :1 8 ,

a n d t h a t in th e n o t f a r d is t a n t f u t u r e .

w a s a t H a m a n s o w n s u g g e s t io n t h a t t h e k in g is s u e d th e

T h e a c c o u n t in th e b o o k o f E s t h e r r e v e a ls t h a t H a m a n

c o m m a n d t h a t a ll h is s e r v a n t s s h o u ld b o w d o w n to H a m a n .

w a s th e s o n o f H a m m e d a t h a , a n d a n A g a g i t e . H e th e r e fo r e

A n d a ll c o m p lie d , w it h th e e x c e p t io n o f M o r d e c a i th e J e w ,

b e lo n g e d t o th e r a c e o f th e A m a le k it e s , w h ic h p e o p le h a d
v io le n t ly

o p posed

th e J e w s o n

t h e ir w a y


th e la n d


C a n a a n , a n d c o n c e r n in g w h o m J e h o v a h c o m m a n d e d M o s e s :
W r i t e t h is f o r a m e m o r ia l in a b o o k , a n d r e h e a r se it in th e
e a r s o f J o s h u a : t h a t I w i l l u t t e r l y b lo t o u t t h e r e m e m b r a n c e
o f A m a le k


fr o m

u n d e r h e a v e n .

(E x .

1 7 :1 4 ,

Am. Stan.

H e w a s a p r in c e w h o liv e d in S h u s h a n , th e c a p it a l o f

w h o , h a v in g G o d s la w to g u id e h im , c o n s is t e n t ly r e f u s e d
t o d o o b e isa n c e to H a m a n .
W h e n t h is w a s b r o u g h t t o H a m a n s a tt e n t io n a n d he sa w
t h a t M o r d e c a i d i d n o t b o w d o w n o r d o o b e isa n c e t o h im
h e w a s fille d w it h r a g e . A n d

d e c a i : H e t h o u g h t it b e n e a t h h im t o l a y h a n d s o n M o r d e c a i
a lo n e ; f o r t h e y h a d t o ld h im M o r d e c a i s r a c e . S o

P e r s ia , t o w a r d th e b e g in n i n g o f t h e f if t h c e n t u r y B .C ., a t

s o u g h t to d e s t r o y

w h ic h t im e X e r x e s

w h o le k in g d o m

r u le d

e m p ir e , e x t e n d in g f r o m

o v er th e 1 2 7

p r o v in c e s o f t h a t

E t h i o p i a to I n d i a .

h is r a g e w a s so g r e a t t h a t

h e w o u ld n o t c o n t e n t h i m s e lf w it h m e r e ly d e s t r o y in g M o r

E sth er 3 :1 - 6 ,

H am an

a ll th e J e w s w h o w e r e t h r o u g h o u t th e

o f X e r x e s , e v e n t h e p e o p le o f M o r d e c a i.

An Amer. Trans.


B booklyn , N. Y.


O f c o u r s e , H a in a n c o u ld n o t c a r r y o u t s u c h a n a m b itio u s

F i g u r a t i v e l y r u b b i n g h is h a n d s in g le e a t th e p r o s p e c t , he

sc h e m e o f m u r d e r w it h o u t o ffic ia l s a n c t io n a n d c o o p e r a tio n ,


n e it h e r c o u ld h e r e v e a l h is o w n p e t t y a n d p e r s o n a l m o t iv e

d e lig h t s

f o r t h is m a lic io u s a c t io n . B e i n g a s u p e r s t itio u s p a g a n , he

th e k i n g h a s w o r n [n o t h in g b u t t h e b e s t f o r H a m a n ! ] , a n d

fir s t s o u g h t t h e c o o p e r a tio n o f h is g o d s b y h a v i n g lo t s c a s t

a h o r se w h ic h t h e k in g h a s r id d e n [n o o r d in a r y h o r se w o u ld

b e fo r e h im to d e te r m in e th e m o s t a u s p ic io u s t im e f o r th e

d o !] ,

c a r r y in g

H am an



h is

m u rd erou s

c o n s p ir a c y .




h is s e n t i m e n t s :




th e

le t


w o u ld





w h ic h
lik e d

th e

m an

g a r m e n ts

a royal



w hom


crow n

k in g

th e k in g

b ro u gh t

is se t.

h i m s e l f !]

w h ic h

[H o w


th e

g a r m e n t s a n d th e h o r se b e d e liv e r e d to o n e o f th e k i n g s

p e a r e d b e f o r e th e k i n g w it h t h is s t o r y :
T h e r e is a c e r t a in p e o p le s c a t t e r e d a b r o a d a n d d is p e r s e d

m o s t n o b le p r in c e s

[n o m e r e la c k e y o r p o r t e r w o u ld d o ! ] ,

p r o v in c e s o f y o u r

a n d le t t h e m c lo th e th e m a n w h o m th e k i n g d e lig h t s to h o n o r

k in g d o m , a n d t h e ir la w s a r e d if fe r e n t f r o m e v e r y o th e r p e o

a n d c a u se h im to r id e o n h o r s e b a c k t h r o u g h th e o p e n s q u a r e

am ong

th e

p e o p le s t h r o u g h o u t

a ll

th e

p l e ; n e it h e r d o t h e y o b s e r v e th e k i n g s la w s ; t h e r e fo r e it

o f th e c i t y , a n d p r o c l a im b e f o r e h im , T h u s s h a ll it b e d o n e

is n o t fit t in g to le a v e t h e m a lo n e . I f it p le a s e th e k in g , le t

t o th e m a n w h o m t h e k i n g d e lig h t s to h o n o r . H a m a n a l

it b e p r e s c r ib e d t h a t t h e y b e d e s t r o y e d ; a n d I w i l l p a y te n

r e a d y s a w h i m s e l f r id i n g t h r o u g h t h e s tr e e ts o f th e c a p ita l

t h o u s a n d t a le n t s [ $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , a t $ 1 ,8 0 0 a t a le n t ] in to

. . .

a n d c o u ld h a r d l y w a it f o r t h e k i n g to t e ll h im t h a t h e w a s

th e k in g s t r e a s u r ie s .


t h e m a n t o b e so h o n o r e d . I m a g i n e , t h e n , th e f a l l o f h is

u n se lfis h

g e stu re !

W hat

g r a n d -s c a le

U n s u s p e c t in g ly ,

K in g

p a t r io t ic

X erxes

a c c e p te d

h a u g h t y s p i r i t a s th e k i n g c o m m a n d s h i m

a s o n e o f th e

it f o r j u s t w h a t it s u p e r f ic ia lly s e e m e d to b e , a n d so a u t h o r

m o s t n o b le o f t h e p r in c e s

iz e d

a g a in s t th e J e w s a s se e m s g o o d

w o r s t e n e m y , e v e n t o M o r d e c a i! T h e o n e f o r w h o m h e h a d

L e t t e r s d ic t a t e d b y H a m a n a n d b e a r in g t h e k i n g s se a l

t h a t v e r y t im e f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f o b t a in in g p e r m is s io n to

H a in a n to p r o c e e d

t o y o u . E s t h e r 3 : 7 - 1 1 ,

An Amer. Trans.

to d o t h is s ig n a l h o n o r to h is

a lr e a d y b u il t a g a llo w s , in f a c t , h a d c o m e t o th e k in g a t

w e r e th e n s e n t o n th e 1 3 t h d a y o f th e fir s t m o n t h

(N is a n )


o u t, to s la y , a n d t o d e s t r o y a ll th e J e w s , b o th y o u n g a n d o ld ,

M o r d e c a i. E s t h e r

H ad

to a ll th e p r o v in c e s i n t h e ir r e s p e c tiv e l a n g u a g e s to w ip e


An Amer. Trans.

6 :1 -1 1 ,

H a m a n k n o w n w h a t w a s f u r t h e r in sto r e f o r h im

h e m i g h t h a v e s p a r e d h im s e lf t h is h u m ilia t io n , b u t , h a v in g

i n f a n t s a n d w o m e n in o n e d a y , e v e n u p o n th e t h ir t e e n t h

n o i n k li n g o f t h a t , th e r e w a s n o t h i n g l e f t f o r h im to d o b u t

d a y o f th e t w e l f t h m o n t h , . . . a n d to ta k e th e s p o il o f t h e m

t o o b e y t h e k i n g s c o m m a n d . C o m in g h o m e , c r e s t fa lle n a n d

a s p l u n d e r . T h e n th e k i n g a n d H a m a n s a t d o w n t o d r in k

m o u r n in g , h e g o t v e r y lit t l e c o m f o r t f r o m th e o n e s w h o h a d

w in e


fe lic it a t e


3 :1 2 -1 5 ,

An Amer. Trans.

N ot

th e re a fte r

lo n g

o th e r


th e

p r o s p e c t . E s t h e r

in flu e n c e d h im to b u il d th o se g a llo w s j u s t a f e w h o u r s b e fo r e .
N o w th ey s a id : I f M o rd eca i . . .

H am an

r e c e iv e d


in v it a t io n


a tt e n d a r o y a l b a n q u e t t h a t Q u e e n E s t h e r h a d m a d e f o r h im


b e o f t h e J e w is h ra ce,

. . . w i l l s u r e ly f a l l b e f o r e h im . A n d w h ile t h e y w e re

y e t s p e a k in g th e k in g s m e s s e n g e r a r r iv e d to h u r r y H a m a n

a n d th e k in g , a f t e r w h ic h H a m a n w e n t o u t t h a t d a y j o y f u l

t o t h e b a n q u e t Q u e e n E s t h e r h a d p r e p a r e d f o r h im a n d th e

a n d g la d o f h e a r t . B u t w h e n H a m a n s a w M o r d e c a i in th e

k in g . E s t h e r 6 : 1 2 - 1 4 ,

An Amer. Trans.

k in g s g a t e , a n d h e n e it h e r s t o o d u p n o r m o v e d f o r h im ,

P ic t u r e th e s e t t i n g : K i n g X e r x e s , p o w e r f u l w o r ld r u le r ,

H a m a n w a s fille d w i t h w r a t h a g a in s t M o r d e c a i . C o m in g

w h o se v e r y w h im w a s l a w ; Q u e e n E s t h e r , lo v e lie s t w o m a n o f

h o m e h e r e la te d t o h is w i f e a n d f r i e n d s th e g l o r y o f h is

a ll

r ic h e s a n d th e m u lt it u d e o f h is c h ild r e n a n d e v e r y in s ta n c e

f a w n i n g H a m a n , v a in , p r o u d , a n d w it h a h e a r t fille d w ith

w h e r e th e k in g h a d p r o m o t e d h im , a n d h o w h e h a d a d v a n c e d

m a lic e a ll e n j o y in g a m o s t s u m p t u o u s b a n q u e t w h e r e w in e

h im

flo w e d f r e e l y . T h e k i n g a g a in a sk s h is q u e e n f o r h e r p e tit io n .

a b o v e th e p r in c e s a n d t h e s e r v a n t s o f th e k i n g . . .

E v e n E s t h e r th e q u e e n

. . . h a s p e r m it t e d n o m a n b u t m e

th e

e m p ir e ,

d e c k e d in

N o t e th e e x p r e s s io n



m o st b e a u tifu l

rob es;


H a in a n s f a c e a s w it h a m a z e m e n t

to c o m e in w it h th e k i n g t o t h e b a n q u e t sh e h a s p r e p a r e d , a n d

h e h e a r s th e q u e e n d is c u s s h is p l o t to d e s t r o y t h e J e w s , a n d

t o m o r r o w a ls o I a m i n v i t e d b y h e r t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e k in g .

le a r n s t h a t sh e is a J e w e s s ; see i t b la n c h e w i t h s t a r k f e a r a n d

Y e t a ll t h is d o e s n o t s a t i s f y m e so l o n g a s I see M o r d e c a i

g u i l t a s t h e k i n g in g r e a t r a g e a sk s, W h o is h e, a n d w h e r e is

th e J e w

he w h o d a r e s p r e s u m e in h is h e a r t to d o so ? a n d a s E s t h e r ,

s it t in g a t t h e k i n g s g a t e .

Amer. Trans.)

(E sth e r 5 :5 - 1 3 ,


Y e s , H a m a n w a s a g r e a t m a n in h is o w n

e s t i m a t i o n ; b u t h o w lit t l e d i d h e s u s p e c t a s t o w h y t h e q u e e n

p o in t in g to H a m a n , r e p lie s , A n a d v e r s a r y a n d a n e n e m y ,
t h is w ic k e d H a m a n . E s t h e r 7 : 3 - 6 ,
T e r r ifie d ,

h a d in v it e d h i m !

H am an

p le a d s w it h

An Amer. Trans.

E sth e r

f o r h is l i f e ,


o n b y s u g g e s t in g

f a l l s o n h e r c o u c h w h ile d o in g so. T h e k in g , w h o in r a g e h a d

t h a t h e h a v e a g a llo w s s e v e n t y -fiv e f e e t h ig h e r e c te d a n d th e n

g o n e o u t t o t h e g a r d e n , u p o n r e t u r n i n g se e s H a m a n o n th e

h a v e M o r d e c a i h a n g e d t h e r e o n . T h i s j u s t s u ite d h is v a n i t y

c o u c h w i t h E s t h e r . H e d e m a n d s : W i l l h e v io la te t h e q u e e n

a n d m a lic e , a n d so h e im m e d i a t e ly h a d i t b u il t , a n d th e n

in m y p r e s e n c e in t h e h o u se ?

h a s te n e d to th e k i n g f o r p e r m is s io n t o h a n g M o r d e c a i o n it.

H a m a n s fa c e

B u t th e k in g h a d o th e r p l a n s f o r M o r d e c a i. D u r i n g a s le e p

in a ls ) . B e i n g a d v is e d o f th e g a llo w s 7 5 fe e t h ig h t h a t H a m a n

le ss n i g h t h e h a d o c c a s io n t o le a r n t h a t t h a t t r u s t e d s e r v a n t


h a d u n c o v e r e d a p l o t o n h is l i f e a n d t h a t h e h a d n o t b een

h a n g e d o n it . S o t h e y h a n g e d H a m a n o n th e g a llo w s th a t

r e w a r d e d t h e r e fo r . S e e in g h is g r a n d v iz ie r H a m a n s t a n d in g


in th e o u t e r c o u r t , th e k i n g b id s h im t o e n t e r a n d t h e n p o se s

a b a te d . E s t h e r 7 : 7 - 1 0 ,

H a in a n s w i f e a n d

f r i e n d s e g g e d h im

th e q u e s t io n to h i m : W h a t s h a ll b e d o n e to th e m a n w h o m

b u il t

fo r

A t t h is h is s e r v a n t s c o v e r

( a s w a s t h e c u s to m
M o r d e c a i,

prep ared

P r i d e h a d le d

fo r

th e

k in g

M o r d e c a i.

w it h

c o n d e m n e d c r im

ord ered

th e

An Amer. Trans.

H am an
k in g s



w r a th

H a m a n to h is d o w n f a l l a n d d e s tr u c tio n ,

O f c o u r s e , c o n c e it e d H a m a n

a n d a d is g r a c e f u l o n e a t t h a t . A n d n o t o n l y to h is o w n e n d ,

th o u g h t , w h o m c o u ld th e k in g p o s s ib l y w a n t to h o n o r m o r e

b u t b y a s u b s e q u e n t d e c re e c o u n t e r to th e d e c re e t h a t he

t h a n m e , a n d so, h o w w o u ld


th e k in g d e lig h t s to h o n o r ?

lik e t o b e h o n o r e d ? H m ! A h !

e n g in e e r e d ,

a lso


th e

d o w n f a ll


d e s tr u c tio n


.15, 1950

J une
so m e

7 5 ,0 0 0


e n e m ie s


th e

Jew s,

w h ic h

e n e m ie s

e it h e r

s h a r e d h is m a lic e f o r t h e J e w s o r s o u g h t to p r o fit b y th e ir

D e v il , d e p e n d in g u p o n h o w he w a s b e in g in flu e n c e d . R o m .
1 3 :1 - 4 ; 2 C or. 4 : 4 .

d e s tr u c tio n . H i s o w n t e n s o n s w e r e h a n g e d o n t h e g a llo w s

V a s h t i , t h e s e l f -w i l l e d

q u e e n w h o w a s d e p o s e d , fin d s a

a n d h is e s ta te w a s t u r n e d o v e r to E s t h e r a n d , b y h e r , to

p a r a ll e l in th o se w h o w e r e p r o s p e c t iv e m e m b e r s o f t h e b r id e

M o r d e c a i. I t w a s n o t G o d s w ill t h a t h is t y p ic a l n a m e -p e o p le ,


th e J e w s , s h o u ld b e w ip e d o u t , a n d t h e r e fo r e h e m a n e u v e r e d

r e je c t e d . M a t t . 1 3 : 4 1 .

th e

d e s tr u c tio n

o f t h e ir w o u ld -b e

d e s tr o y e r s .



C h r ist a n d


b ecau se



im p r o p e r cou rse

w e re

M o r d e c a i a n d E s t h e r w e ll p ic t u r e G o d s a n o in te d s e r v a n ts

le a v e s n o d o u b t a b o u t t h is , e v e n t h o u g h it d i r e c t ly o m it s a ll

a t t h e p r e s e n t t i m e : M o r d e c a i r e p r e s e n t in g t h e m

r e fe r e n c e s to G o d .

l a r l y a s th e f a i t h f u l a n d w ise s e r v a n t a n d E s t h e r p ic t u r in g

H a in a n s e n d c o n s t it u t e s a f o r c e f u l w a r n i n g t o a ll p r o u d

p a r t ic u

t h e m a s t h e m e m b e r s o f th e b r id e o f C h r is t . ( M a t t . 2 4 : 4 5 - 4 7 ;

e n e m ie s o f G o d s p e o p le o f t h e f a t e t h a t a w a it s t h e m i f t h e y

p e r s is t in t h e ir w ic k e d c o u r s e . I n m o d e r n t im e s o n e H i t l e r

lik e w is e

m ay

s p ir it u a l I s r a e lit e s s c a t t e r e d t h r o u g h o u t th e w o r ld . T h o se


p o in t e d




p r in c e



th e

C or.

1 1 :2 )

T h e J e w s t h r o u g h o u t th e

p ic t u r e

th e se


fr o m

th e

p r o v in c e s w o u ld

s t a n d p o in t


b e in g

d e s tr u c tio n o f a ll o f J e h o v a h s p e o p le b e c a u s e t h e y r e f u s e d


to H e i l h im a n d w h o h i m s e lf s u ff e r e d d e s t r u c t io n . H o w

b e c o m e p r a is e r s o f J e h o v a h a n d a s s o c ia te th e m s e lv e s w ith

e v e r , it w o u ld b e a m is ta k e t o c o n s id e r t h is p r o p h e t ic d r a m a

th e s p ir itu a l J ew s.

a s a p p l y i n g e s p e c ia lly t o h im . R a t h e r , t h e c o m p le t e f u l f i l l

becam e

H am an

Jew s

w o u ld

fo r e s h a d o w e d

p ic t u r e

th e

m en

proud ,


g o o d -w ill

s e l f -e x a lt e d


r e lig io u s

m e n t o f t h is d r a m a s e e m s s t il l to b e in t h e f u t u r e , h a v in g

c le r g y , w h o b e a r m a lic e t o w a r d J e h o v a h s t r u e s e r v a n t s a n d

th e f o l l o w in g p r o p h e t ic s ig n if ic a n c e :

w h o w o u ld d e s t r o y t h e m b y a c c u s in g t h e m o f s e d itio n , in

T h e f a c t t h a t X e r x e s ( A h a s u e r u s ) a t t im e s w a s in flu e n c e d

c i t i n g m o b s a g a in s t t h e m , e tc . F r o m

to th e h a r m o f a n d th e n a g a in f o r t h e g o o d o f G o d s p e o p le


w o u ld

d e stro y

in d ic a t e

th a t

a b str a c t; p ic tu r in g


r e p r e s e n te d


e it h e r t h e H i g h e r

pow er


th e

P ow ers , J eh ovah

G o d a n d C h r is t J e s u s , o r t h e g o d o f t h is w o r ld S a t a n th e

E sth e r



J eh ovah s

th a t

p e o p le ,

w h ile
t h e ir

t h e p r o p h e t ic d r a m a

e ffo r ts
G od

w il l

w ill

be m ad e

p reserve


th e m

a n d p e r m i t t h e m t o see t h e h u m il ia t io n a n d d e s tr u c tio n o f
t h e ir e n e m ie s.


is n o t a lit e r a l m a n , b u t p r o v e s t o b e a n o r g a n iz a tio n . O n

O cto b e r 8 , 1 9 4 9

A n s w e r in g

R e v e la t io n
'L ig h t

D ear F r ie n d :
you rs


S e p tem b er

2 0 :1 0 ,

s a y s in



V o lu m e


s t a t e d in R e v e l a t io n 1 4 : 1 0


F r a n l d y w e a re s u r p r is e d t h a t , in y o u r e ffo r t t o s u p p o r t

p u b lis h e d
page 219,



e n title d

p aragrap h



a n d t h e c o m m e n t s th e r e u n d e r ,

a ll i m p r is o n m e n t is t o r m e n t a s lo n g a s it. l a s t s ; a n d sin c e

e t e r n a l h e ll-fir e a n d t o r m e n t f o r h u m a n s o u ls , y o u t u r n to

T h e b e a s t a n d th e fa ls e p r o p h e t a n d S a t a n s h a ll n e v e r be

a b o o k o f s y m b o ls o r s i g n l a n g u a g e , a n d n o t t o s o m e p l a in ,

r e le a s e d f r o m th e im p r is o n m e n t o f d e s tr u c tio n , t h a t c o n d i

lit e r a l p a s s a g e o f S c r i p t u r e . H a v e y o u n e v e r n o t ic e d t h a t

t io n

th e

f o r e v e r a n d e v e r . I n a n c ie n t t im e s w h e n p e r s o n s w e r e in

in t r o d u c t io n


th e



R e v e la t io n

read s:


is s y m b o li c a ll y d e s c r ib e d a s T o r m e n t d a y

ja il,

o u t u n t o h is s e r v a n t s t h e t h in g s w h ic h m u s t n e e d s c o m e to

t h e y m i g h t b e r e le a s e d . . . . T h e r e is n o t h i n g t h a t c o u ld

p a s s w it h s p e e d , a n d

he sh ew ed

th em

signs , s e n d in g


1 :1 ,

2 , R o t h e r h a m s t r a n s la t i o n )

s ig n ifie d


G od

(R e v e la t i o n

th ro u g h

C h r is t

o r d is c lo s e d b y s ig n s a n d s y m b o ls h is m e s s a g e

to J o h n . H e n c e R e v e l a t io n 2 0 : 1 0 te a c h e s a t r u t h b y s ig n s
o r s y m b o ls , a n d o n e o f th o s e s i g n s o r s y m b o ls is th e la k e
o f fire a n d b r im s t o n e . H a v e y o u n e v e r n o t ic e d w h a t th e


t h e r e fo r e

r e le a s e

S a ta n


to rm e n t,


b east


c e r t a in

n ig h t

R e v e la t io n o f J e s u s C h r is t , w h ic h G o d g a v e t o h im to p o in t

t h r o u g h h is m e s s e n g e r u n t o h is s e r v a n t J o h n .



th e

f a ls e

c o n d itio n s
p r o p h e t .

T h i s T a k e o f fire a n d b r im s t o n e d e n o te s d e s tr u c tio n fr o m
w h ic h

th e r e



r e c o v e r y .


a fo r e m e n t io n e d


Light in t w o v o lu m e s d is c u s s e s a l l o f th e R e v e la t io n , c h a p te r
b y c h a p te r a n d verse b y verse. M a tth e w 1 8 : 3 4 speak s o f
j a i l e r s a s t o r m e n t o r s . Am. Stan. Ver.
R e v e la t io n 1 4 : 9 , 1 0 s a y s : I f a n y m a n w o r s h ip p e th th e

p la in ly :

b e a s t a n d h is im a g e , a n d r e c e iv e th a m a r k o n h is fo r e h e a d ,

A n d d e a th a n d H a d e s w e r e c a s t in t o t h e la k e o f fir e . T h i s

o r u p o n h is h a n d , h e a ls o s h a ll d r in k o f th e w in e o f th e

is th e second d e a t h , e v e n

w r a t h o f G o d , w h ic h is p r e p a r e d u n m ix e d in t h e c u p o f h is

la k e

s y m b o li z e s !

Standard Version)

R e v e l a t io n

2 0 :1 4

t h e la k e

t e ll s


o f fir e .

(A m e r ic a n

t h a t t h e la k e r e p r e s e n ts e t e r n a l

a n g e r ; a n d h e s h a ll be t o r m e n t e d w ith fir e a n d b r im s t o n e in

d e a t h o r a n n ih ila t io n a n d n o t a l i v i n g s t a t e is s h o w n b y

t h e p r e s e n c e o f t h e h o l y a n g e ls , a n d in th e p r e se n c e o f th e

th e n e x t v e r s e , w h ic h

L a m b .


says: A n d

if any

w a s n o t fo u n d

(Am. Stan. Ver.)

N o w , M r . ------------- , y o u

do not

w r it t e n i n t h e b o o k o f l ife , h e w a s c a s t in t o th e la k e o f

b e lie v e , d o y o u , t h a t in th e se v e r s e s th e b e a s t, h is im a g e ,

fir e . ( R e v . 2 0 : 1 5 , A . S . V . )

t h e m a r k o n fo r e h e a d a n d m a r k o n h a n d a n d th e w in e a n d

F o r n o t b e in g f o u n d w o r t h y o f

liv in g , h e w a s t h r o w n in to t h e fie r y la k e , t h a t is, th e e v e r

th e c u p a n d t h e L a m b a re lit e r a l t h in g s ? I f y o u m a k e th e

l a s t in g d e a t h s t a t e , w h ic h is a d e a th

th a t

fire a n d b r im s t o n e l it e r a l , th e n y o u m u s t m a k e th o s e o th e r

J u s t a s t h e la k e is a s y m b o l a t R e v e l a t io n 2 0 : 1 0 , so

th e n w h y d o y o u in s is t t h a t t h e fire a n d b r im s t o n e a re also

w h ic h A d a m

d if fe r e n t fr o m

b ro u g h t u p o n our race.

t h in g s l it e r a l . I f y o u s a y th o se o th e r t h in g s a r e n o t lit e r a l,
do not

l i t e r a l ? R e v e l a t io n 2 0 : 1 4 , 1 5 s h o w s th e fire a n d b r im s t o n e

b e lie v e it t o m e a n a l i t e r a l b e a s t, n o w d o y o u ? J u s t a s t h e

a re n o t l it e r a l , b u t s y m b o lic a l. H e n c e f o r t h e w o r s h ip e r o f

D e v il is n o t a lit e r a l d r a g o n ; a n d e v e n t h e f a ls e p r o p h e t

th e b e a s t a n d h is im a g e t o b e p u n is h e d w it h fir e a n d b r im -

th e b e a s t is a s y m b o l a n d n o t a lit e r a l is m . Y o u


B rooklyn, N. Y.


s to n e f r o m w h ic h t h e s m o k e ro s e u p fo r e v e r a n d e v e r m e a n s

i n t h is la n d a n d in m a n y o th e r la n d s . I n J e s u s d a y o v e r in

f o r su e h f a ls e w o r s h ip e r t o b e e a s t i n t o t h e s y m b o lic la k e

th e O r i e n t t h e y b u r ie d t h e d e a d a lm o s t im m e d ia t e ly . A n d

w h e r e s u c h s y m b o lic fire a n d b r im s t o n e are? I n o th e r w o r d s ,

t h is is t h e c a se o f m a n y t r o p ic a l c o u n t r ie s t o d a y , w h e re

to b e c a s t in t o th e s e c o n d d e a t h . I t is a d e a t h f o r e v e r a n d

th e r e a r e n o t f a c ilit ie s f o r e m b a l m in g th e d e a d o r th e p o o r

e v e r , b e c a u s e t h e s y m b o lic fire a n d b r im s t o n e a re n e v e r p u t

p e o p le d o n o t h a v e t h e m e a n s f o r i t . B u t in t h is la n d , b e fo r e

o u t f o r th o s e t h r o w n in .

e v e r a d e a d p e r s o n c a n b e b u r ie d , a d o c to r s c e r tific a te h a s

T h o s e t h r o w n in to t h is s y m b o lic la k e d o n o t r e m a in a liv e ,
b u t d ie fo r e v e r w it h o u t h o p e


r e s u r r e c tio n . R e v e la t io n

t o b e o b t a in e d t h a t t h e p e r s o n is d e a d a n d th e r e h a s to be
a n in v e s t ig a t io n a s to th e c a u se s o f h is d e a th . A l s o a tim e

1 9 : 2 0 d o e s n o t s a y th e b e a s t a n d th e f a ls e p r o p h e t r e m a in e d

is a llo w e d to e la p s e to m a k e s u r e t h a t h e is r e a lly d e a d . T h u s

a liv e afte r b e in g c a s t in t o th e la k e o f fire t h a t b u r n e t h w it h

h u r r ie d b u r ia ls to c o v e r o v e r a c r im e c o m m itt e d u p o n th e

th e c a se o f G e h e n n a , t h e d u m p o u t s id e o f

d e a d a r e fo r e s t a ll e d . S o in t h is la n d w e c a n n o t a lto g e th e r

J e r u s a le m w h e r e th e c i t y s r e f u s e w a s b u r n e d , t h e b o d ie s

e lim in a t e f u n e r a ls . B u t i f a n y C h r is t ia n d o e s n o t c a r e to

o f dead a n im a ls w e r e t h r o w n

a t t e n d , h e c a n s u it h i m s e lf .

b r im s to n e . I n

th e r e

to b e

con su m ed


a n n ih ila te d , b u t i n th e c a se o f th e b e a s t a n d f a ls e p r o p h e t

J e su s w o rd s, F o llo w

m e ; a n d le t th e d e a d b u r y th e ir

t h e y a r e c a s t in to th e s y m b o lic la k e o f fir e a n d b r im s t o n e

d e a d , d o n o t m ilit a t e a g a in s t a n y o n e s a t t e n d in g a fu n e r a l.

w h ile t h e y a r e s t il l a liv e o r g o in g c o n c e r n s . C h r is t s u d d e n ly

T h e m a n h e r e a d d r e s s e d h a d s a id to J e s u s : L o r d , su ffe r


m e fir s t t o g o a n d b u r y m y f a t h e r .

a b r u p t l y e n d s t h e ir e x is te n c e .

Y e s , w e b e lie v e y o u w o u ld n o t t o r m e n t f o r a n in s t a n t a
d u m b b r u t e b e a s t.

So how

w o u ld

(M a tth e w 8 : 2 1 ,


T h i s d o e s n o t m e a n t h a t th e m a n s f a t h e r w a s d e a d a lr e a d y ,

G o d to r m e n t creatu res

f o r i f h is f a t h e r h a d b e e n d e a d a t th e m o m e n t th e m a n w o u ld

m a d e in h is im a g e a n d lik e n e s s a n d t o r m e n t t h e m so fie n d is h

h a v e b e e n th e r e a t t h e b ie r a n d n o t lis t e n in g to J e s u s . B u t

l y fo r e v e r a n d e v e r , w h e n h is S o n J e s u s C h r is t s a y s : A r e

th e m a n m e a n t t h a t h is f a t h e r w a s o ld a n d so o n e r o r la te r

n o t y e o f m u c h m o r e v a lu e t h a n t h e y ? M a t t h e w

w o u ld d i e ; a n d so th e m a n w a n t e d t o p o s t p o n e fo ll o w in g


Am. Stan. Ver.


so, M r .

------------- ,


not try


r e fu te

th e lit e r a l

J esu s

u n til

d e ath


a fte r
c o u ld



r e c e iv e

ta k e n
h is


fa th e r s


h is

d y in g

f a t h e r u n til
b le s s in g


t r u t h s o f th e B i b l e w it h s y m b o lic s t a t e m e n t s w h ic h C h r is t e n

th e n f u l f i l l h is f a t h e r s w is h to h a v e h is so n a t th e d e a th b e d

d o m s c le r g y h a v e t w is t e d o u t o f t h e ir m e a n in g . D o n o t t r y

clo se h is e y e s p io u s ly a f t e r d e a th e n s u e d . T h is w o u ld h a v e

t o m a k e t h e B i b l e c o n t r a d ic t i t s e l f b y y o u r so d o in g . I t n o w

d e la y e d t h e m a n s f o l l o w in g J e s u s in d e f in it e ly a n d h en ce

r e m a in s f o r y o u t o d is p r o v e a ll th e lit e r a l s t a t e m e n t s o f th e

J e s u s s a id t o le t t h e d e a d b u r y t h e ir d e a d . T h e m a n s r e la

B ib l e w h ic h w e h a v e s u b m it t e d t o y o u i n o u r B i b l e b o o k s

t iv e s w e r e e v id e n t ly n o t f o l l o w in g J e s u s o n th e w a y to lif e

t h a t p r o v e t h a t t h e h u m a n s o u l is n o t im m o r t a l b u t d ie s

a n d h e n c e w e r e d e a d s p i r i t u a l l y a n d c o u ld b e l e f t to b u r y

a n d h e n c e c a n n o t b e t o r m e n t e d f o r e v e r a f t e r t h e d is s o lu tio n

th e m a n s f a t h e r w h e n h e d ie d . B u t w h e n c o n s e c r a te d C h r is

o f our hum an body.

t ia n s t o d a y w h o a re o n th e w a y o f l i f e a n d o u t f r o m u n d e r
th e w o r ld s c o n d e m n a t io n h a v e a d e a th in th e f a m i l y a n d

S in c e r e l y y o u r s in t h e in te r e s ts o f th e t r u t h ,

W a t c h T ow er B ible & T ract S ociety

h a v e a f u n e r a l, c a n y o u r i g h t f u l l y s a y t h a t h e r e is a case


N ovem ber

th e


(s p ir it u a lly )

b u r y in g

th e


N o.


m a n w a n t e d to g o h o m e t o b u r y h is f a t h e r a n d n o t to g iv e

a w it n e s s b y a f u n e r a l s e r m o n . B u t c o n s e c r a te d C h r is t ia n s


a r r a n g e f o r a w it n e s s to t h e t r u t h a t t h e f u n e r a l . T h is is

D e a r S is te r :

t a k in g a d v a n t a g e o f a n o p p o r t u n it y .

A n s w e r in g y o u r s o f t h e 6 t h i n s t a n t :
T h e f u n e r a l p r o f e s s io n in

C h r is t e n d o m

S in c e r e l y y o u r s in w it n e s s in g t o th e K i n g d o m ,

m a y be, as y ou

W a t c h T ow er B ible & T ract S ociety

s a y , a r a c k e t , b u t t h e y a r e p r a c t i c a l l y r e q u ir e d b y la w


w itn e s s to t h e p a s s e n g e r s t o t h e h o n o r o f J e h o v a h s n a m e .

D e c e m b e r 1 1 , 1 9 4 7 , w e l e f t D e n m a r k o n a D a n is h

T h e c a p t a in w a s n o t s u r e t h a t t h e p a s s e n g e r s w e r e in te r e s te d

v e sse l. W e w e r e o n o u r w a y to t h e W a t c h t o w e r B i b l e S c h o o l

i n lis t e n in g to a B i b l e t a lk , b u t I p r e s s e d t h e o p p o s ite v ie w


o f G ile a d lo c a t e d in t h e s t a t e o f N e w Y o r k . W e h o p e d to

a n d h e f i n a lly g a v e p e r m is s io n f o r t h e t a lk t o b e g iv e n on

a r r a n g e f o r a p u b l i c m e e t in g w h ile e n r o u t e o n th e sh ip

th e


D ecem

P l e n t y . I n 1 9 4 7 w e h a d 2 3 p e r s o n s in a tt e n d a n c e , a n d th is

fo u n d

th e

c a p t a in




fr ie n d ly .


s h ip .

T h is

tim e

th e

s u b je c t

w as

F rom

S c a r c it y


b e r 1 9 I h a d t h e p r iv ile g e o f s t a n d i n g in f r o n t o f th e a u d i

t im e w e h a d 1 7 o u t o f 2 6 D a n is h -s p e a k in g p a s s e n g e r s . A f t e r

e n ce s p e a k in g t o t h e m o n th e s u b j e c t S w o r d s B e a t e n in to

th e t a lk a n d d u r i n g th e r e m a in d e r o f th e t r i p

P lo w s h a r e s . T h e s h ip w a s r o c k in g b a d l y , b u t i n s p it e o f

w o n d e r f u l o p p o r t u n i t y t o e x p l a in G o d s W o r d t o th e p e o p le .

t h a t t h e a u d ie n c e s t a y e d f o r t h e e n t ir e m e e t in g , a n d a f t e r

W e

th e t a lk w e h a d a s t u d y w it h o n e o f th e p a s s e n g e r s . M o r e

w h e r e m o s t li k e l y I w i l l h a v e t o g o t o j a i l f o r o n e a n d a

we had a

g a in e d m a n y f r i e n d s . N o w w e a r e b a c k in D e n m a r k ,

th a n a y e a r la t e r , in J a n u a r y , 1 9 4 9 , w e w e r e o n o u r w a y

h a lf y e a rs becau se I

b a c k t o D e n m a r k o n a S w e d is h s h ip , a n d a s w e h a d h a d

in s te a d o f p r e a c h in g th e g o s p e l. W h e t h e r in j a i l o r o n th e

g o o d r e s u lt s o n o u r w a y t o A m e r i c a i n 1 9 4 7 w it h t h e p u b lic

b o s o m o f t h e A t l a n t i c w e c a n s t il l s i n g t h e p r a is e s o f J e h o

m e e tin g s o n

v a h , a n d t h a t I w i l l d o m o r e a n d m o r e .

s h ip b o a r d , w e

d e s ir e d



a g a in

g iv e

h a v e r e f u s e d t o d o m i l i t a r y se r v ic e

" T h e y s h a ll k n o w t h a t I a m J e h o v a h ! '
-E zekiel 3 5:15 .
V ol. L X X I
S e m im o n t h l y
N o. 13
JULY 1, 1950


F ea sts to J e h o v a h .............................. .. .........195

F e a s t o f W eek s o r P e n te c o s t........ .........196
F e a s t o f T a b e rn a c le s ......................... ____ 197
T h e R ea l F e a st o p I n g a t h e r in g
U nder W ay ...................................... .........198
H a ilin g th e K in g w ith J o y ............. ........ 199
A T im e o f B ible E d u c a tio n .......... ......... 200
E n lig h ten m en t ...................................... .........202
S t e p s T ow ard L i p e ................................. ......... 204
E zra , Z ealous for P u r e W o r s h ip .........206
L et t e r [ O n J e su s R ig h ts ] ..........
T heo cra cy s I n cr ea se
T e st im o n y P eriod ....................... ....... 194
W a t c h t o w e r S tu d ies .................... ......... 194
B ro o k ly n B e t h e l V a ca tio n .......... .........194
C o n v e n t io n T ra iler C a m p ............... .........194


P u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y B y

1 1 7 A dam s Street
Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S A .

N. H. K norr, President

ffic e r s

Grant S uiter, Secretary

A n d all thy children shall he taught o f Jehovah; and

great shall he the peace o f th y children. * Isaiah J 4 : i j .
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker o f heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son o f God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon i t ; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King o f the new world; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members of Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD o f Satan began its time o f the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.
The International Assembly fo r 1950 at New York city! This
starts off the Testimony Period entitled Theocracys Increase .
And so many from all parts o f the earth will begin August, the
Testimony month, with attendance at the Assembly. But whether
at the assembly or not, all adherents o f The Theocratic Govern
ment will loyally take part in the world-wide testimony. The book
Let God Be True , now published in 17 languages, will be the
leading offer fo r the month, on a contribution o f 35c. Where it
is not available, another bound book to correspond should be
offered to the people. Surely our readers will want to work for
The Theocracy to increase its devoted subjects by circulating the
literature which advertises that Government and thus help others
to come under its benign sway. Let any reader write us who wants
assistance to get started witnessing and needs references and
instructions. W e count on the report o f every participant in the
Testimony Period. So make your report at the close o f August
and thus give proof in your case o f The Theocracys general
Week o f July 30: Feasts to Jehovah,
U 1-23 inclusive, also The Real Feast o f Ingathering Under
W ay ,
1-7 inclusive, The Watchtower July 1,1950.
Week o f August 6 : The Real Feast o f Ingathering Under W ay,
8-29 inclusive, The Watchtower Jvdy 1,1950.

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
o f public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom o f Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.

Notice to Subscribers: Remittances should be sent to office in your

country in compliance with regulations to guarantee safe delivery of
money. Remittances are accepted at Brooklyn from countries where no
office is located, by international money order only. Subscription rates in
different countries are stated below in local currency. Notice of expiration
(with renewal blank) is sent at least two issues before subscription
expires. Change of address when sent to our office may be expected
effective within one month. Send your old as well as new address.
Please address the Watch Tower Society in every case.
Yearly Subscription Rate
America (U.8 .), 117 Adams St., Brooklyn 1, N.Y.
Australia, 11 Beresford Rd., Strathfield, N.S.W.
British W est Indies, 21 Taylor St., Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad $1.25
Burma, 39 Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon
Rs. 3 /8
Canada, 40 Irwin Ave., Toronto 5, Ontario
England, 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2
India, 167 Love Lane, Bombay 27
Rs. 3/8
Jamaica, 151 King St., Kingston
Newfoundland, Post Box 521, St. Johns
New Zealand, G. P.O. Box 30, Wellington, C. 1
Nigeria, West Africa, P.O. Box 695, Lagos
Philippine Republic, 104 Roosevelt Road,
San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City
2 pesos
South Africa, 623 Boston House, Cape Town
T. Hawaii, 1228 Pensacola St., Honolulu 14
Translations of this journal appear in many languages.
firmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may
have The Watchtower free upon written application to the publishers,
made once each year, stating the reason for so requesting it. We are
glad to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each year
is required by the postal regulations.
Printed in the United States of America
Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Brooklyn, N. Y
under the Act of March S, 1879.


From August 26 to September 5 inclusive the Bethel home and
factory printing plant will be closed down to give the family a
rest period. No mail or correspondence will be handled during
this period. This announcement is made now so that all company
servants and pioneers can make plans early and order needed
supplies before that time.
The Bethel family will be busy during the entire convention
period, but the factory and home will be opened for visitors the
Monday and the days following the convention and will be operat
ing for three weeks thereafter until the vacation period begins,
on August 26, 1950.
The Society is well pleased to be able to announce that, from
information at hand at the time o f going to press with this issue of
The Watchtower, it appears that there will be a trailer camp for
the 1950 International Assembly o f Jehovahs witnesses. Negotia
tions are being completed for a site in Middlesex county, New
Jersey, south o f the city o f Plainfield. It is about 40 miles from the
Yankee Stadium. Good roads and express highways to New York
are in the vicinity. While the distance is considerable, it is better
than not having a trailer camp at all.
Conventioners coming to the International Assembly can plan
on such accommodations being available. More information will
be mailed to companies o f Jehovahs witnesses soon. Also see the
next issues o f The Watchtoioer and the Informant fo r details.


V ol. L X X I

J uly 1, 1950

No. 13

Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year. Ex. 23:14.

EHOVAH commanded Moses to instruct the Is The tenth plague would mean the death of all the
raelites to keep three feasts unto the Lord each firstborn of man and beast in the land of Egypt. That
year. The first feast was at the beginning of the the Israelites might not suffer with the Egyptians,
year, in the month Nisan, and was called the feast when the angel of death would pass through the land,
of unleavened bread, which followed the passover. they were to take a lamb into their homes on a cer
The second was the feast of weeks, later called tain date and kill it, and sprinkle its blood on their
Pentecost (meaning fiftieth day ). The third and doorposts. The destroying angel would see the blood
last was the feast of tabernacles or ingathering. and would pass over that home without molesting
These feasts were associated with the harvest, and anyone in it. Not one Israelite was disturbed by the
the events connected with them pointed to the vindi angel of death that night, but there was a death in
every home of the Egyptians from Pharaoh down to
cation of the name of Jehovah.
2 Jehovah fixed the time and place where thesethe slave. That was a real passover for the Israelites.
5 The Lord instructed the Israelites to memorialize
feasts were to be held; also just how they were to be
conducted. Although they were called feasts unto this event, saying, This day shall be unto you for
the Lord, the people derived much benefit from the a memorial; . . . ye shall keep it a feast by an
observance of them. Three times in a year shall all ordinance for ever. Unleavened bread shall be
thy males appear before the L ord thy God in the eaten seven days; and there shall no leavened bread
place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleav be seen with thee. . . . Thou shalt shew thy son in
ened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast that day, saying, This is done because of that which
of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the the L ord did unto me when I came forth out of Egypt.
Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his
L ord empty: Every man shall give as he is able,
according to the blessing of the L ord thy God which season from year to year. (Ex. 12:14; 13: 7, 8,10)
From year to year, on the exact date, the children of
he hath given thee. Deut. 16:16,17.
3 It pleased Jehovah to have the people assembleIsrael observed this feast of the passover and unleav
on these occasions, that they might keep their minds ened bread. As they did so they thought back to the
on the Lord, and not become so involved in their time the nation was delivered from Egyptian bond
personal affairs that they would forget or neglect age and slavery and the Law covenant was made with
their duties to the Lord. At these gatherings the them over the slain passover lamb.
6 This covenant made the children of Israel the
people would talk about the goodness of the Lord,
people of Jehovah, that is, a people for his
and the many blessings they were enjoying. In this
name. The Lord said to them: Now therefore, if
way their minds would be kept in the right channels,
ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant,
and all would receive a great blessing.
then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above
4 The first passover was related to the plaguesall people: . . . and ye shall be unto me a kingdom
Jehovah sent on the Egyptians because Pharaoh of priests, and an holy nation. (Ex. 1 9 :5 ,6 ) And
refused to obey the command of Jehovah to permit what one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel,
the Israelites to go and serve their God. Nine plagues whom God went to redeem to be his own people, to
had already afflicted the Egyptians; still Pharaoh make thee a name of greatness and terribleness, by
refused to release the people. One more plague driving out nations from before thy people, whom
would crush haughty Pharaoh and he would yield. thou hast redeemed out of Egypt? For thy people
Israel didst thou make thine own people for ever;
1. What feasts were the Israelites commanded to celebrate, and to what
and thou, L o rd , beeamest their God. 1 Chron.
did they point?
2, 3. Who fixed the time and place for these feasts to be held, and did
17:21, 22.
the people receive blessing in observing these feasts? W hy?

4. Where and when was the feast of the passover and unleavened bread
instituted, and what benefit did the Israelites derive from the blood of
the slain lamb?

5. What was the purpose o f memorializing the passover feast?

6. What advantages came to Israel under the Law covenant?



7 The passover feast was a shadow of things to

come, and pointed forward to Jesus the real Lamb
of God that would take away the sins of the world
and deliver all men of good-will from the bondage
of sin and death, and also validate the new covenant.
This is something the passover lamb could not do,
it being only a shadow. Jesus was the substance of
that shadow. (Col. 2:17) The night of Nisan 14,
A.D. 33, Jesus together with his disciples, who were
Israelites, met in an upper room in Jerusalem to
observe the passover. This was the last passover
that Jehovah would recognize, and Jesus said: I
have desired to eat this passover with you before
I suffer. (Luke 22:15) After the supper was over,
Jesus instituted something new and different to
follow in the future. He instituted the memorial of
his death, and of the members of his body the church.
Then he pointed out that his blood, represented by
the wine in the cup, would validate the new covenant.
That same day, Nisan 14, Jehovah nailed that old
covenant arrangement to the torture stake on which
Jesus died. Col. 2:14.
8 On the first day after the sabbath following the
passover, the high priest took a sheaf or handful of
the firstfruits of the barley harvest and offered it
before the Lord. Did the high priest in the city of
Jerusalem make the required offering on the 16th of
Nisan in the year 33 (A .D .)! If he did, he did not
know that the substance of that shadow, which he
was observing, was then present. Where would the
high priest offer this sheaf of the firstfruits of the
barley harvest! Jehovah arranged just where this
service was to be performed: Unto the place which
the L ord your God shall choose out of all your tribes
to put his name there, even unto his habitation shall
ye seek, and thither thou shalt come: and thither
ye shall bring your burnt offerings, and your sacri
fices, and your tithes, and heave offerings of your
hand.Deut. 12: 5, 6.
9On Nisan 16, A.D. 33, the high priest would go
into the temple at Jerusalem (for there Jehovah was
pleased to put his name) and proceed to offer the
required sheaf or handful of the firstfruits of the
barley harvest. When he entered the holy place to
make his offering he saw the veil that hung between
the holy and most holy place was rent in twain. What
did this mean! The priest did not know. There he
stood with his offering to be made to the Lord. Would
the Lord have respect to this offering as in the past!
N o! That high priest stood there in his priestly robes,
but with a guilty conscience. A short time before
he was clamoring for the death of the Son of God,
whose resurrection he was trying to picture in offer7. Of what was the Law covenant a shadow? and what was the sub
stance ?
8. Where did the high priest offer the sheaf of barley? and would Jehovah
recognize this offering on Nisan 16, A.D. 33?
9. What did the high priest see when he entered the temple to make his
required ottering on the 16th of Nisan, A.D. 33, and what did this mean?

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

ing the sheaf of barley. God would no more recognize

such offerings, because this picture was now fulfilled
in the resurrection of his beloved Son Christ Jesus,
who was the firstfruits of them that slept. (1 Cor.
15: 20) While the high priest was fumbling around
in much confusion, and with a sense of guilt, the
followers of the Master were thrilled. Why thrilled!
The Lord was raised from the dead very early that
morning. He appeared to several of his followers
that day. The news spread rapidly and there was
great joy among the disciples. Excitement was run
ning high. They were all very happy, because their
impaled Lord and Master was alive and that for
evermore. He had gone beyond the veil of flesh.

10 Counting from the day the high priest offered

the firstfruits of the barley harvest, fifty days would
bring the Israelites to the date of the next feast,
known as the feast of weeks or Pentecost. On that
day the high priest offered two wmve loaves before
the Lord. These loaves were made of the firstfruits
of the wheat harvest, and were baked with leaven.
Events on that notable day open up the meaning of
the offering of these two loaves before the Lord. The
record is found at Acts chapter 2, where we read:
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they
were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly
there came a sound as of a mighty rushing wind,
and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared cloven tongues like as of fire,
and it sat upon each of them. And they were filled
with the holy spirit, and began to speak with other
tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance. And there
were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, of
every nation under heaven. And they were all amazed
and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are
not these men that speak Galileans!
11 Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his
voice and said to them: This is that which was
spoken by the prophet J oel: And it shall come to pass
in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my spirit
upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters
shall prophesy, and your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions: and also upon
the servants and upon the handmaids in those days
will I pour out my spirit, and they shall prophesy.
And with many other words did he testify and exhort.
Then they that gladly received his word were bap
tized : and the same day there were added unto them
about three thousand souls.
12 In this speech Peter convinced a multitude of
Jews that Jesus was indeed the Christ. That three
thousand were baptized proves that these disciples
10, 11. How was the date ot the feast of Pentecost determined? What
occurred on that day in fulfillment of Joel s prophecy?
12. When did Peter use the first key to the Kingdom, and what event
proved that the key was used at that time?

J uly 1, 1950



devoted themselves to the Lord, and thus received

the spirit and the heavenly calling, and were there
fore in line for a place in the Kingdom with Christ
Jesus the Lord. Here, then, Peter used the first key,
of knowledge, to open the heavenly way to the faith
ful Jews. Peter had another key to use in opening
the Kingdom way to the Gentiles. When would he use
it, and show the meaning of the picture made by the
priests offering two wave loaves before the Lord on
the day of Pentecost?Matt. 16:19.
13 Some time later Peter was called to the home of
Cornelius in Caesarea. At that time Peter was at the
home of Simon the tanner in Joppa. While waiting
for dinner to be served Peter had a vision, and saw
heaven open, and a certain vessel descending to him
as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners,
and let down to the earth, wherein were all manner
of four-footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts
and creeping things and fowls of the air. And there
came a voice to Peter saying, Arise, kill and eat.
Peter replied, I have never eaten anything unclean.
Then the voice spoke to him saying, What God hath
cleansed call not thou common. While Peter was
wondering Avhat this vision meant men from the home
of Cornelius called at the home of Simon and asked
for Peter. They told him that Cornelius, a just and
godly man, of good report among the Jews, had been
visited by an angel. The angel told him to send for
Peter, and to hear his words.Acts 10.
14 Peter, with several Jews, went with the men to
the home of Cornelius. After entering the home of
Cornelius, Peter said it was not lawful for Jews to
enter the homes of Gentiles, but he was sure that the
Lord had to do with his being called there. Then he
preached the Word to the gathered family and
friends of Cornelius. While Peter was conducting this
most remarkable home Bible study the holy spirit
came upon these Gentile believers as it did on the
Jews at Pentecost. Peter now understood the mean
ing of the vision he had at the home of Simon the
tanner in Joppa. He called for those upon whom the
spirit came to be baptized. Here Peter used the
second and last key to open the heavenly calling to
the Gentiles. This was a continuance of the outpour
ing of the spirit that was witnessed at Pentecost
when the heavenly calling was opened to the Jews.
15No doubt the Jewish high priest was still offer
ing the two wave loaves before the Lord, not knowing
that the shadow was past and the substance was at
hand. So the Lord God did not accept them any more.
We remember that the wave loaves were made of
the firstfruits of the wheat harvest and were baked
with leaven, showing that the called ones from Jews
and Gentiles were not righteous in themselves, and

required the righteousness of Christ to make them

acceptable to Jehovah. They were a kind of firstfruits of his creatures by adoption as sons of God,
but Jesus was primarily t h e firstfruits.Jas. 1:18.
16 The new covenant was validated by the precious
blood of Christ, and was made for the purpose of
preparing a people for the name of Jehovah; it was
now in operation. Under the Law covenant there was
no mercy extended to those that despised its laws;
the guilty one died without mercy under two or three
witnesses. (Heb. 10:28) Those taken into the new
covenant are shown mercy; for it is written: I will
put my laws into their mind, and write them in their
hearts: . . . I will be merciful to their unrighteous
ness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remem
ber no more. (Heb. 8:10,12) Under this merciful
covenant Jehovah will bring forth a kingdom of
priests and a holy nation. This honor had been of
fered to the Israelites at Horeb.Ex. 19: 6.

13, 14. When did Peter use the second key to the kingdom of heaven,
and what events prove that It was used at the home of Cornelius?
15. Would Jehovah recognize the offering of the two wave loaves after
Peter used the second key to the Kingdom?

16. What was the purpose of the new covenant?

17. Can It be proved from the Scriptures that the feast of tabernacles
pictured things to be done before Armageddon? If so, how?
18. 19. Why was the feast of tabernacles such a Joyous occasion?


17 In times past some students of the Bible thought

that the feast of tabernacles pictured things to be
done during the thousand-year reign of Christ, and
therefore had no special message for those following
in the footsteps of the Master at this time. The apos
tle Paul said the things that happened to Israel were
types and were for the admonition of those living at
the end of the world. Also the law had a shadow
of good things to come. The feast of tabernacles
was a feature of the law, and this picture is now due
to be understood by those that are active witnesses
for the Kingdom. Note further what the same apos
tle had to say about things that were written in times
past: Whatsoever things were written aforetime
were written for our learning, that we through
patience and comfort of the scriptures might have
hope.1 Cor. 10:11; Heb. 1 0 :1 ; Bom. 15: 4.
18 The feast of tabernacles was to begin five days
after the day of atonement, in the seventh Jewish
month. At that time the increase of the fields and
vines had been gathered. It was the last feast of the
year, and was a joyous occasion for all; they rejoiced
greatly because of the goodness of the Lord in giving
them plenty for the winter at hand. When this type
is completely fulfilled there will be much happiness
for all that had part in the final gathering of the
Lords other sheep . (John 10:16) The gospel of the
Kingdom will have been preached in all the world
for a witness to all nations, as Jesus commanded,
and then will come the wintertime of trouble for the
old world of Satan. Now is the time to flee from
doomed Christendom and find refuge in Jehovahs
organization. Flee now!


tB eW A T C H T O W m

19 When the Israelites returned from Babylonian

captivity, arrangements were made to keep the feast
of tabernacles. Ezra, the priest, read the law to the
gathered people. When they learned about the feast
of tabernacles, and that they had not observed this
feast while they were in captivity, they wept. Nehemiah and Ezra and the Levites that taught the peo
ple said to them: This is a holy day unto the Lord
your God; mourn not nor weep, but go your way and
eat the fat, and drink the sweet; neither be ye sorry,
for the jov of the L ord is your strength.Neh.
8 : 8- 10.
20 The three feasts Jehovah commanded Israel to
observe each year are all connected with the vindi
cation of his name. Satan raised the issue of the su
premacy of Jehovah. This means that Satan thought
he had a better method of dealing with creatures,
spiritual and human, than Jehovah announced. Jeho
vah required absolute obedience to his laws, even if
his creatures did not fully understand just why cer
tain laws were enacted and enforced. All obedient
ones would in due time receive that which was for
their good. The principles of the divine government
were brotherly love and cooperation. When God in
quired of Cain where his brother was, Cain answered,
Am I my brothers keeper? Satan had already
filled his mind with his own spirit of self-interest and
competition. This principle, Satan thought, would
work better than the way of love. Get all you can,
any way you can, and keep all you get, is the basic
law of Satan.
21 This wicked one challenged Jehovah to put crea
tures on earth that would be obedient to Him if Satan
was permitted to get at them. This was made mani
fest in the case of Job. Job was a man devoted to
Jehovah. The enemy said Jobs faithfulness was not
20-23. In what way Is the vindication of Jehovah's name shown in the
three feasts he commanded Israel to observe each year?

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

genuine, but was mercenary; that he served Jehovah

because Jehovah prospered him, and hedged him in
so that none could get at him to tempt or try him.
Let me at him, said the wicked one, and he will curse
you to your face. Satan was permitted to try Job,
but failed to turn him away from Jehovah.
22 The passover feast of unleavened bread was held
at the beginning of the year, and the feast of taber
nacles was the last feast or at the end of the year. (Ex.
12: 2; 23:16) Killing the passover lamb and offering
the firstfruits of the barley harvest pictured the
death and resurrection of Christ the Lord in vindi
cation of Jehovahs name and universal sovereignty.
At the beginning of the Christian era, Christ the Lord
was impaled on the 14th of the month Nisan (the day
the passover lamb was killed) and was raised on the
third day, or the 16th of Nisan, the day the high
priest offered the firstfruits of the barley harvest.
Fifty days later, at Pentecost, Christ Jesus began
offering up to God the members of his body, who
share with him in vindicating God. In this we see
that this shadow continued until the substance came
in Christ. Col. 2:17.
23 The feast of tabernacles was the last feast of the
year, and for that reason it was said to be observed
at the end of the year. This feast well pictures the
final ingathering of the Lords other sheep, show
ing that they will be gathered in support of Jehovahs
universal sovereignty before the wintertime of Ar
mageddon begins. When Armageddon begins, it will
be too late to do any gathering. Then some will say:
The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we
are not saved. (Jer. 8 :20) At Armageddon Satan
will witness the destruction of his organization visi
ble and invisible. Then he will be cast into the abyss
and be sealed up there for one thousand years, that
he should deceive the nations no more, till the thou
sand years be fulfilled.Rev. 20: 3.


Y CONSIDERING the many features of the witness work because the other sheep were not
type, we are enabled to understand that the all gathered. We quote from the above-mentioned
feast of tabernacles pictured what the witnesses article:
of Jehovah would be privileged to do in the service 2 For several years now Jehovah has had in effect
of the King at the time of the final gathering of his his Theocratic organization, and he has been training
other sheep . Early in the year 1942 certain circum and instructing them for this very work. They have
stances caused some to conclude that the witness been assigned each one his territory in the field, and
work was about finished and that Armageddon was they must not permit their attention to be drawn
at hand. But an article appeared in the February 1 away, but be constant in doing the one thing, knowing
issue of T h e W a t c h t o w e r , entitled Final Gathering, what they are seeking for, and they must walk cir
which pointed out that there was a great work of cumspectly, ever ready to use the Lords equipment
gathering yet to be done. Jehovah thereby notified provided for this late day, and must act and work
his servants all over the world to keep busy at the together in absolute unity.
3 These things being so, the final gathering by the
1-4. What proof was offered to Jehovahs witnesses in the year 1942 that
is on. Let nothing for one instant interrupt the
the gathering work was not then complete?

J uly 1, 1950


onward push of his covenant people in his service.

The time is short, the opportunity is great, and
blessed is he that has a part in it.
4 In considering what was done and said during
the feast of tabernacles or ingathering, we shall see
that this last feast of the Jewish year pictures the
'final gathering of the Lords other sheep; and
when this picture is finished Jehovahs ingathering
work will end, and his strange act will quickly
follow. Isa. 28:21.
5 During the feast of tabernacles the people were
to live in huts made from boughs of goodly trees .
Dwelling in booths is significant. A booth is a tempo
rary dwelling-place while the occupants are looking
for a permanent home. On the journey from Egypt
to the promised land the Israelites dwelt in booths.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob dwelt in booths in their
day. They did not wish to be a part of Satans world,
but looked for a city or government that would
be controlled by Jehovah. All these confessed that
they were strangers and pilgrims on earth, looking
for a heavenly country. (Heb. 11:8-16) Jesus said,
My kingdom is not of this world ; so all those who
are looking for the kingdom of God as their hope
are not permanent dwellers in this evil world, and
do not consider themselves a part of it. They do not
devote their time and energies accumulating worldly
riches. These will all be swept away at Armageddon
as completely as material things of the first world
were destroyed in the flood of Noahs day.
6 The booths set up by the Israelites were not
elaborately furnished, but had just the things needed
for reasonable comfort. Today the servants of Jeho
vah engaged in proclaiming the good news of the
Kingdom do not devote time and money building
expensive homes in which to live in grand style and
entertain friends Avith worldly pleasures. They are
busy in the Kings service hunting for the Lords
other sheep, where they can he found. After they find
one of the Lords sheep, they do as the Master told
his disciple: Feed my sheep. Repeated visits are
made on these, and home Bible studies are conducted
with them, to the end that they may learn the good
purposes of Jehovah, and take their stand on his
side, then joining in the gathering Avork. Let him
that heareth say, Come. (Rev. 22:17) The work is
great and the Avorkers are few. All that love the Lord
and their fellow man Avill join in this work before it
is too late. This is a strange work to the religionists.
It is the ingathering work of Jehovah, and Avill
soon be completed; then the strange act of destruc
tion will begin, at Armageddon.
5. The Israelites were to live in booths during the feast o f tabernacles.
What did this picture?
6. How is this feature of the feast of tabernacles fulfilled by Jehovah s
witnesses at this time?

7 Many sacrifices Avere offered during the feast of

tabernacles. From day to day they offered bullocks
until seventy were sacrificed. On the day of atone
ment the high priest offered one bullock and two
goats, picturing the sacrifice made by Christ Jesus
on behalf of mankind. That there were seventy bull
ocks offered during the feast of tabernacles would
s Iioav that the sacrifice offered by Jesus Avas complete
from both a human and a divine point of vieAv. Sev
enty is a multiple of ten and seven. S e v e n represents
completeness from a heavenly standpoint, and t e n
from a human or earthly point of view. Jesus gave
himself a ransom for all, and thus paid the required
price in full.Num. 29:12-34; 1 Tim. 2: 5, 6.

8 During the feast of tabernacles the people carried

palm branches from day to day. These palm branches
would suggest joy and victory. A few days before his
death, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on an ass that had
never been ridden by man. This was at the time of
the passover, and 'much people were come to the
feast. When they heard that Jesus was coming to
Jerusalem they took branches of palm trees and Avent
forth to meet him, and cried: Hosanna: Blessed is
the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the
Lord. (John 12:12-15) The apostle John saw later
in vision a great multitude standing before the throne
of God and the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and
palms in their hands; and they cried Avith a loud
voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth
upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. This great
multitude was rejoicing in the victory of Jehovahs
King and hailed him as their Lord and l'edeemer.
(Matt. 21: 7-9; Rev. 7: 9,10) At the ancient feast of
tabernacles the Israelites rejoiced greatly, giAdng
praise to Jehovah for his goodness to them, and
recognized him as the savior and deliverer. LikeAvise
those that went before Jesus as he entered Jerusalem
and offered himself to Israel as their king hailed him
as the king of Israel. Similarly the great multi
tude of Revelation hailed the King by haAdng palm
branches to wave in their hands.
0 The three special feasts the Lord commanded
Israel to celebrate each year were seasons of rejoic
ing for all the people. These Avere feasts unto Jeho
vah ; therefore at the last one of the year the people
would have special occasion to give thanks to Jeho
vah. All the blessing of the year past came from the
Lord, and they desired to show their appreciation of
all that was done for them. He was their Creator,
their Redeemer and their King and was worthy of
Avorship and praise, and this they wished to render
7. How many bullocks were offered during the feast of tabernacles, and
what did this offering picture?
8. What was pictured by the people s carrying palm branches during
the feast o f tabernacles?
9. Why was the last feast o f the year the occasion o f great rejoicing?



to him without stint. The increase from the fields and

vineyards was now gathered, and they had a bounti
ful supply for the wintertime just at hand. They were
the people of Jehovah and he was their God; so all
was well.
10 The people of Jehovah on earth now have like
wise much cause for rejoicing. The anointed remnant
have been brought into the spiritual temple, and are
now with the Lord engaged in the final gathering.
The other sheep are coming out of the religious
prison-houses, where they have been held in bondage
through ignorance and superstition. The work of
gathering is expanding rapidly, as the anointed and
their other sheep companions go forth with the
Kingdom message to all the nations of the earth; and
in so doing they are obeying the Master s command:
This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all
the world for a witness unto all nations; and then
shall the end come. (Matt. 24:14) This is cause for
much happiness, for the Kingdom is established in
the heavens, and this truth is being proclaimed to the
people, that they may find comfort and hope, and
may escape from the religious systems that have long
kept them in ignorance of Jehovah and his glorious
purposes. The servants of Jehovah have much oppo
sition and many trials as they go forth in his service,
but none of these things move them, for they are
determined to finish the work with joy. They partici
pate in the joy of the Lord God in the vindication of
his holy name.
11Every seventh year, and the fiftieth or jubilee
year, was a sabbatical year. When the feast of taber
nacles was held in a sabbatical year, the priests were
to gather all the people, men, women, children and
any strangers that were in the land with them, to
hear the reading of the law. And Moses commanded
them, saying, At the end of every seven years, in the
solemnity of the year of release, in the feast of
tabernacles, when all Israel is come to appear before
the L okd thy God in the place which he shall choose,
thou shalt read this law before all Israel in their
hearing. Gather the people together, men, and wom
en, and children, and thy stranger that is within thy
gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn,
and fear the L ord your God, and observe to do all the
words of this law: and that their children, which
have not known any thing, may hear, and learn to
fear the L ord your God.Deut. 31:10-13.

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

12From these instructions it is clear that the feast

of tabernacles pictured a time when the truth of God
must be taught to all peoples. There is a multitude
of people on earth today that are as the children

were in the days referred to in the above text. They

know not anything about the good purposes of Jeho
vah nor about the Kingdom that is their only hope.
The prophet Hosea said: My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge. (Hos. 4: 6) Why should peo
ple in so-called Christian countries perish for lack of
knowledge? The prophet Ezekiel answers, at the 34th
chapter of his prophecy, as follow s: Son of man,
prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy,
and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord G od unto the
shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do
feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the
flocks ? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool,
ye kill them that are fe d : but ye feed not the flock.
Then the prophet adds the following: I will feed
them in a good pasture . . . in a fat pasture shall
they feed upon the mountains of Israel. (Ezek.
34: 2, 3,14) Then the other sheep will be brought
to the one fold, as stated by Jesus at John 10:16.
The kingdom of God now established in the heavens,
these hungry sheep find nourishing food for their
hungry souls on the mountains (Kingdom realm) of
13 The feast of tabernacles began five days after
the yearly atonement day. On the atonement day the
high priest offered a bullock and two goats for the
sins of all Israel; then followed the blessing of the
feast of tabernacles. The blessing pictured in the
feast of tabernacles could not come until Jesus had
given his life for the sins of mankind. The priest
made atonement first for the priests and Levites,
then for all the people. Now that the Kingdom is
established, and the remnant are gathered at the
temple, the time has come for the other sheep to be
brought into the fold. John said Jesus was a propi
tiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also
for the sins of the whole world . (1 John 2: 2) All
mankind inherited the curse of death from Adam.
The few years they live here on earth are beset witli
many sorrows, due to the influence of Satan and his
associated demons, and no man can redeem his own
soul nor that of his brother. All must look to Christ
Jesus and to the living God, who is the Saviour of
all men, specially of those that believe . 1 Tim. 4:10.
14On the atonement day in the fiftieth year the
jubilee trumpet was sounded throughout the land.
The sounding of that trumpet meant liberty for
the people. Today the jubilee trumpet is sounding
throughout the world. This means liberty for the
prisoners held in ignorance and superstition in the
Devils organization and its religious prison-houses,
and, by the Lords grace, a great multitude of these
are finding their way to the free organization of
Jehovah, where they can find liberty and peace. No

10. What reason is there for Jehovah s witnesses to rejoice now?

11, 12. What special feature was observed when the feast of tabernacles
was celebrated in the sabbatical year? and what does this picture?

13. Was there any significance in that the feast of tabernacles followed
the atonement day?
14. What was pictured by sounding the trumpet on the day of atonement
in the fiftieth year?


July 1, 1950


longer do they look to men as the higher powers

whom they must serve and obey. (Rom. 13:1) Jeho
vah God and Christ Jesus are the higher powers that
all the consecrated believers look to, and in them
they find rest and security. Blessed is the people
that know the joyful sound [like a trumpet announc
ing Jehovahs K in g ]: they shall walk, 0 L o rd , in the
light of thy countenance.Ps. 89:15.
15The apostle John gives an account of Jesus
attendance at the feast of tabernacles, and of the
things he said and did, which leads us to the conclu
sion that this visit was a very important one; and so
we find it to be in showing the importance of the feast
of tabernacles. Jesus was in Galilee, where he per
formed many miracles, and thereby aroused much
interest in himself and his work, but his brethren did
not believe in him up to this time. The feast of taber
nacles was at hand. His brethren therefore said
unto him, Depart hence, and go into Judea, that thy
disciples also may see the works that thou doest. For
there is no man that doeth any thing in secret, and
he himself seeketh to be known openly. . . . For
neither did his brethren believe in him. Then Jesus
said unto them, . . . Go ye up unto this feast: I go
not up yet unto this feast; for my time is not yet full
come. . . . But when his brethren were gone up, then
went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it
were in secret.John 7: 2-10.
16 A few days later, about the midst of the feast
Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. And the
Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man let
ters, having never learned? Jesus answered them,
and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent
me. (John 7:14-16) The reading of the law at the
feast of tabernacles was for the instruction of the
people. The religious leaders of the Jews were look
ing for Jesus at this time, to kill him. In view of this
fact some might ask, Why did Jesus expose himself
publicly? He here began the fulfillment of this type.
He was teaching the truth to those that would hear,
thus showing them the way to life and happiness.
There the type began to be fulfilled.
17 Completing fulfillment now of this type, Jeho
vahs witnesses teach the people the great truths
about the Kingdom that are now due to be understood.
The religionists say with some scorn: By what au
thority do you people teach the people; you never
went to one of our theological schools, neither have
you been ordained by our denominations. However,
the things we teach are from the Word of God, and we
are commanded to preach the word at this time by
a higher authority than any earthly systems civil or
religious possess. Jesus gave the command, and the
15. Is there any significance in the fact that the apostle John gave such
a detailed account of Jesus' attendance at the feast o f tabernacles? If
so, what?
16, 17. What was pictured by Jesus teaching the people at the feast of
tabernacles, and the Jews being surprised because he never went to
their schools?


apostle confirmed the same. (Matt. 24:14; 2 Tim.

4 : 2 ; Isa. 61:1-4) In order that this command of the
Master may be carried out at this time, the Watchtower Society maintains the Bible School of Gilead,
where hundreds of missionaries are instructed and
thus equipped to go to foreign lands to preach the
word . Students come from many lands to attend
this Bible school in upstate New York. Hundreds
have already gone to their territory, and are pro
claiming the good news of the Kingdom to many hun
gry souls that have in the past been fed on the husks
of human tradition offered by the clergy. This fea
ture of the feast of tabernacles is now being ful
filled.Matt. 28:19,20.
18 Another interesting feature of the celebration of
the feast of tabernacles was that concerning the
priests bringing water from the pool of Siloam and
pouring it on the altar. As the priest entered the
court with the pitcher of water the Levites blew
trumpets, and the underpriests chanted from the
12th chapter of Isaiah: Behold, God is my salvation;
I will trust, and not be afraid: for the L ord JEHO
VAH is my strength and my song; he also is become
my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water
out of the wells of salvation. (Isa. 12:1-3) On the
last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood and
cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto
me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scrip
ture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of
living water. (John 7:37,38) Here, then, Jesus
pointed to the beginning of the fulfillment of this
part of the type.
19 The river of water of life that was later seen by
John in the Revelation proceeded out of the throne
of God and of the Lamb Christ Jesus. (Rev. 22:1)
At the end of the Gentile times, A.D. 1914, Christ
Jesus was placed on the throne as King of the new
world. (Rev. 12: 5) After this the river of water of
life would flow to quench the thirst of all people of
good-will. During the past the waters, representing
truth, have been fouled by the false shepherds, the
unfaithful clergy. One of the prophets of Jehovah
who had a similar vision of a river of truth said:
Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up
the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your
feet the residue of your pastures ? and to have drunk
of the deep waters, but ye must foul the residue with
your feet? And as for my flock, they eat that which
ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink
that which ye have fouled with your feet. (Ezek.
34:18,19) The river of crystal-pure water proceed
ing from the throne of God and of the Lamb was, no
doubt, part of what Jesus referred to when he said
at the feast of tabernacles, out of him shall flow
18, 19. Did Jesus begin the fulfillment of the picture made by the priest
bringing water from the pool of Siloam. and pouring it over the altar?
If so, how?



B rooklyn,

N. Y.

22 The final feature of the celebration of the feast

of tabernacles to be considered is the lighting of
several clusters of lamps in the court of the women
each night. Jewish writers say these lamps made a
brilliant light that could be seen a considerable dis
tance. They pictured the spiritual light from Gods
temple. In this connection Jesus said: I am the light
of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in
darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John
8:12) It is possible that Jesus made the above state
ment the day after the feast was over. (John 7:37)
At that time the bright lights of the temple were now
out and gave no light to anyone, so the people would
then walk in darkness; but the light Jesus gave would
shine forever, for he gave the light of life. The
psalmist said: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path. (Ps. 119:105) This light
shining from the Word of God is from God and is
reflected by Jesus Christ. It will guide his people
through this dark world, until they reach the new

world of righteousness, where there will be no dark

ness of error to blind the redeemed of the Lord.
23 On one occasion Jesus said to his anointed fol
lowers, Ye are the light of the world. (Matt. 5:14)
By that statement the Master did not mean that his
followers would be the most brilliant people living
at that time, nor that they would be the well-educated
and cultured according to the standards of the world.
Paul said, Ye see your calling, brethren, how that
not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty,
not many noble, are called: but God hath chosen the
foolish things of the world to confound the wise.
(1 Cor. 1:26,27) The same apostle said, That ye
may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God,
without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and per
verse nation, among whom shine ye as lights in the
world; holding forth the word of life. (Phil. 2:15,16,
m a r g i n ) It is because of the light of truth they bear
that they shine as lights in this dark world. They
bring to the people the message of the kingdom of
God as the only hope for mankind.
24 The world is in darkness at this time regarding
the purposes of Jehovah. Said the prophet, Behold,
the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross dark
ness the people. (Isa. 60:2) Today mankind is in
great darkness regarding the purposes of Jehovah.
They have no definite knowledge about the future.
Looking at world conditions in the light of the creeds
of Christendom is very discouraging. From day to
day the public press calls attention to the fact that
a third world war is possible, and that with atom
and hydrogen bombs. It is claimed by some that
these weapons could destroy all creatures on the
earth, and then blow the planet to pieces. We are
not surprised that mens hearts are failing them for
fear, and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth. (Luke 21:26) Jesus referred
to all these as proof that we had reached the time
of the end, and that conditions would not grow better,
but worse. While those that are in darkness would
be busy trying to improve conditions in this old
world the servants of Jehovah would be busy preach
ing the gospel of the kingdom as the only hope of
peace and security for the human race here on earth.
For illumination let the people look to the light from
Jehovah which his witnesses are reflecting to all
25 Jesus further said that his followers would not
be left in doubt and darkness with the rest of man
kind, for he would send his angels with a great
sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together
his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven
to the other . (Matt. 24: 31) Also that he would have

20. What did the prophet Zechariah say would be the result o f failure
to observe the feast o f tabernacles?
21. By what authority do the witnesses o f Jehovah and their companions
now invite all thirsty ones to come and drink of the water o f life?
22. What did the special lights used at the feast of tabernacles picture?
and what did Jesus say about the true light?

23. In what sense are the anointed followers lights in this world?
24. W hy are the peoples of the world in darkness about the purposes
of Jehovah, and how may they find light?
25. 26. What did Jesus promise to do for his anointed followers at the
end of the w orld? And what would be their responsibilities?

rivers of living water . (John 7 :38) For the Chris

tian remnant today have the privilege of serving
this water to the thirsty ones.
20 The prophet Zechariah told about the efforts of
the wicked one to have the organization of Jehovah
destroyed by moving people from all nations against
it. These efforts would not be successful. Later peo
ple from these nations would turn to the Lord Jeho
vah and join with his witnesses in bringing the living
waters to the thirsty ones. Any that would not join
in this work, pictured by the feast of tabernacles,
upon such no rain would come. That is, they would
not receive the water of life.Zech. 14:16,17.
21AVith the kingdom of God established in the
heavens, and the water of life flowing therefrom, the
time is here to invite all thirsty ones to come and
drink. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And
let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is
athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the
water of life freely. (Rev. 22:17) Hundreds of
missionaries from the Watchtower school at Gilead
are being sent to various parts of the earth to bring
the news of the Kingdom to the people. They are
invited to come and drink freely of the life-giving
waters now flowing from the established Kingdom.
Thousands of thirsty souls are coming and drinking
freely, without money and without price. Said the
prophet of old: Ho, every one that thirsteth, come
ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come
ye, buy, . . . without money and without price.
Isa. 55:1.

J uly 1, 1950


a faithful and wise servant whom he would make

ruler over his goods (kingdom interests) to give his
people meat in due season. (Matt. 24:45-47) The
word r u l e r in the above text has the thought of dis
tributor. It is true that there is only one organization
on earth today that is announcing the kingdom of
God as the hope of mankind , and that organization
is Jehovahs faithful and wise servant associated
with the Watchtower Bible Society.
26Again, at Matthew 13:43, Jesus said the serv
ants of Jehovah would shine as the sun in the
kingdom of his Father, after he would separate the
wheat from the tares. We have witnessed this sepa
rating work in times past, and now we see the faithful
ones pictured by the wheat shining as the sun. The
expression shine as the sun has the thought of
shining as a beam of light. Shining as a beam of light
might not have had any special meaning in the days
of Jesus, but today it means much to us. A huge sky
cruiser comes over a landing field with a load of
human freight on a foggy day. The pilot cannot see
the landing field; his fuel is running low ; how is he
to bring his ship with its precious cargo to a safe
landing! It would not be possible but for the fact
that he is given direction from the control tower to
follow the beam of light sent through the mists to
guide him to the landing field. Today a multitude of
people of good-will are groping in the darkness that
beclouds the minds of men as they feel after God if
haply they might find him. They wander like sheep
without a shepherd, not knowing where to go. Then
the Lord sends to them a beam of light from his Word
of truth that guides them through the darkness and
confusion caused by the conflicting creeds of men,
to his organization where they find peace and secu
rity. In order that this work might be done millions
of books, booklets and magazines are distributed
over the earth each year by the witnesses of Jehovah.
The light displayed at the temple of Jehovah at
Jerusalem during the feast of tabernacles was a
shadow of good things to come, and those good
things are here now while the picture made away
back there is being fulfilled. Heb. 10:1.
27 We have now reached the time of the end, that
is, the consummation of this old system of things,
and there is much work to be done before the storm
of Armageddon breaks to destroy Satans wicked
organization that has so long reproached the name
of Jehovah and persecuted all that took their stand
on his side of the great controversy. There is a great
multitude of people yet to be reached with the King
dom message before the work is finished. At Revela27. What assurance is given that Armageddon will not begin until all
the multitude have been found and fed?


tion chapter 7 we are told that this multitude will

come from all nations, kindreds and tongues. It is
also stated in the same chapter that the angels are
holding the four winds until the work of sealing
Gods anointed ones is completed. Reports coming
from various parts of the world prove that the work
of the anointed remnant is expanding and that the
multitude of the Lords other sheep are hearing the
message and coming to the only place of safety on
earth today, that is, the Lords organization; and
happy is the man that has a part in this great work
that will soon end to the glory of Jehovah and the
blessing of all that take their stand on his side.
28 Jehovah having commanded his chosen people
to keep three special feasts each year, namely, the
feast of unleavened bread, the feast of weeks and
the feast of tabernacles, as a shadow of good things
to come, it is reasonable to conclude that all these
feasts would be fulfilled during the lifetime of the
remnant, and that their companions would join them
in the fulfillment of the last feast, that is, the feast
of tabernacles. These feasts foreshadow very impor
tant matters in the carrying out of the divine pur
poses. The feast of the passover and unleavened
bread and the offering of the firstfruits of the barley
harvest pointed to the death and resurrection of
Christ the Lord. The feast of weeks or Pentecost
shows that the church would be taken from botli
Jews and Gentiles as a people for Jehovahs name.
The two wave loaves of the firstfruits of the wheat
harvest picture these two classes that are called to
the high calling of God in Christ. The feast of taber
nacles, observed after the fruits of the fields and
vines were gathered, suggests that after the church
has been gathered to the Lord at the temple, then
attention would be given to the great multitude .
The facts in fulfillment of these feasts prove them
typical of things to be performed during the Chris
tian era.
29 The obligation is laid upon the remnant and
their companions of today to continue the work of
preaching the Word and pointing to the water of life
now free for all to drink, and thus shine forth as
lights in this dark world. (Phil. 2:15,16) The enemy
will do all in his power to stop this work and to de
stroy the workers. This will not cause the faithful to
slack their hands. Trusting Jehovah and his King
they will continue in this blessed service until all the
other sheep are safely in the fold provided by the
good Shepherd. Then the faithful in heaven and on
earth will praise the name of Jehovah.
28. How do the three leasts Jehovah commanded the Israelites to observe
show the progressive development of Jehovahs purpose in preparing
a people for his name?
29. What obligations are now laid upon the remnant and their com
panions ?

0 Jehovah, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth.
Psalm 8:1, A. S. V.


V E R Y sane person desires to live. Life everlasting
in a state of perfect peace and happiness, what more
could one desire? The time has come for sincere persons
to live forever on the earth if such will comply with Gods
requirements. From and after Armageddon the kingdom of
God will exercise full control over the affairs of earth. Con
cerning the result to obedient human creatures it is written:
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and
there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things
are passed away. Rev. 21: 4.
The human race has been afflicted with sickness, sorrow
and death for such a great period of time that many find
it difficult to believe that conditions will ever change. Let
each one satisfy himself on this point by giving diligence
to learn the truth. Gods arrangement is that there is a
time for everything; and now is the time for people of good
will to learn the way to life everlasting. Ps. 16:11.
In the Bible are the indisputable facts that prove that
death is the result of sin, which comes upon all men by
inheritance; that to Jehovah God belongs salvation; that
the greatest crisis of all time is at hand, when the wicked
will be destroyed at Armageddon and when those who seek
righteousness and meekness may be spared in that great
disaster; that salvation from death, and life forever in hap
piness, are open to the obedient ones; and that therefore
a great emergency now confronts those who shall form the
great multitude . In order to gain life everlasting one must
conform himself to Gods requirements. What are some of
these needs, as revealed by the Scriptures?
All who would receive the gracious gift of life must please
God. Faith is the first requirement. But without faith it
is impossible to please him : for he that cometh to God must
believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that
diligently seek him. (Heb. 11: 6) That means that the ones
who desire to live must believe first that God is the Almighty,
whose name is Jehovah, that he is the Supreme One, and that
he is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Their
desire is to be in harmony with the Almighty God.
His provision for life is by and through Christ Jesus.
Therefore Jesus says: I am the way, the truth, and the
life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John
14: 6) And this is life eternal, that they might know thee
the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
(John 1 7 :3 ) Jesus buys every one of the human race that
asks to be bought; and, being bought, that is to say, receiving
the benefit of the ransom price he paid for men, the bought
ones become the bond servants of the Lord, and therefore
Jesus says: I f any man serve me, let him follow me. (John
12:2 6 ) The first requirement, therefore, is to believe in
God, the Almighty, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as
mans Redeemer or purchaser, and then to follow Jesus.
The man proves his belief by the course of action he takes.
The next step to be taken is to do the will of Almighty
God, because that is what Jesus always does; as it is written:
Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, 0 God. He taketh
away the first [old covenant arrangement], that he may
establish the second [new covenant arrangement]. (Heb.
10: 9) I delight to do thy will, 0 my God: yea, thy law is
within my heart. (Ps. 40: 8) Imperfect man is selfish and
desires to do his own will; but having believed on God and

Christ Jesus, that man then must voluntarily surrender his

own selfish will, agreeing to do whatsoever is Gods will
concerning him. That means consecration of the man by
agreeing to serve Jehovah God through Christ Jesus; and
such consecration must be unconditional, that is to say, the
person must gladly forego the doing of his own selfish will
and way and diligently seek to know and to do what is the
will of Jehovah God.
What, then, is the will of God concerning the Lords
other sheep that are now being gathered unto life? They
must assemble to the Lord God, separating themselves
from and abandoning the systems of this present evil world
of Satan. (Zeph. 2 : 1 ) As shown by the typical city of
refuge, such persons must flee to Christ, the Head of Gods
organization, and there find refuge until the crisis of Arma
geddon is passed. Those persons must recognize Christ Jesus
as the bread of life ; and as the famine-stricken people of
Egypt asked Joseph to buy them so that they might not die,
so now the persons of good-will must ask Christ Jesus, the
Greater Joseph, to buy them and feed them upon the bread
of life that they may not die. They must see that Gods
kingdom under Christ is the only place of protection and
salvation. The religious institutions of Christendom are
snares into which Satan draws men and entraps them; and
the one who would live must avoid such snares and give
himself entirely into the possession of Christ Jesus.
The person who believes that Jehovah God is supreme
and that Christ Jesus is Gods Executive Officer, great High
Priest and King, and Redeemer of man, is therefore anxious
to know and do the will of God. Belief does not mean merely
a mental conception of the fact that God is supreme and
that Christ Jesus is the Redeemer, but it means to acknowl
edge the same and to act accordingly: That if thou shalt
confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe
in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou
shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto right
eousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salva
tion. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him
shall not be ashamed. Rom. 10: 9-11.
Fleeing from Satan s organization and seeking refuge
under Christs organization means that such a one acknowl
edges the Lord Jesus Christ and asks Christ to take him in.
He is not ashamed to confess before others his full confidence
in God and Christ Jesus; and so he makes it known to others
that he has taken his stand on the side of God and Christ
and has voluntarily agreed to do the will of God. The heart
is the seat of motive; and, therefore, when a person believes
on the Lord, he is moved to make known to others that he
has fled to Christ Jesus and has taken his stand on the side
of the Lord and wishes to acknowledge that he has agreed
to do the will of God. He seeks protection at the hand of
Christ Jesus and calls upon the Lord God for protection
and salvation: For whosoever shall call upon the name of
the Lord shall be saved. (Rom. 10 :1 3 ) Being received by
the Lord and under his protection, such person is in line to
be saved from the devastation of Armageddon. He conse
crates his life to God.

Another necessary step to take is that of sanctification.

In the Scriptures the words sanctification , sanctify,

July 1, 1950


sanctified, and the word holy are all from the same
Greek root word. God said to the Israelites, whom he had
chosen for his typical people and with whom he made a
covenant: For I am the L okd your G od: ye shall therefore
sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy.
(Lev. 11:4 4 ) The inspired apostle quotes these words: As
obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to
the former lusts in your ignorance. Because it is written,
Be ye holy; for I am holy. (1 Pet. 1 :1 4 ,1 6 ) God is holy,
since he is devoted exclusively to righteousness, hence
wholly, entirely and fully righteous, or holy . To those
who have taken the side of God the admonition is given:
But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in
all manner of conversation [course of a c t i o n ] 1 Pet. 1:15.
Sanctified, applied according to the Scriptures, means
to be completely devoted to God and his kingdom, therefore
holy, as the Lord God and Christ Jesus are holy. The Lord
is wholly and completely devoted to righteousness; as it is
written: Righteous art thou, 0 Lord, and upright are thy
judgments. Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteous
ness, and thy law is the truth. (Ps. 119:137,142) Christ
Jesus is like his Father; that is, entirely righteous. Of him
it is written: Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wick
edness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with
the oil of gladness above thy fellows. (Ps. 45: 7) Like Jeho
vah God, Christ is also h oly: Who is holy, harmless, unde
filed, separate from sinners. Heb. 7: 26.
Every creature that pleases God and receives Gods ap
proval must be holy, that is to say, unreservedly devoted
to God and to his kingdom, which is righteous. Therefore
every one of such must be sanctified. That does not mean
that the person is perfect in the flesh, but it does mean his
heart devotion is unreservedly for the Lord God. Those who
take their stand on the side of God, his King and his
kingdom, must thenceforth be completely devoted to God
and his kingdom and must avoid compromising with the
world, which is the Devils organization.
Sanctification is the act of sanctifying. The man who
has agreed to do the will of God and has taken his stand
by declaring himself for God and his kingdom must then
act to the sanctifying of himself, which means that he sets
himself to the task of fully performing his agreement to do
the will of God. It will not do to merely agree; he must per
form his agreement. It is the faithful keeping of the agree
ment that God approves. To be sanctified, therefore, means
that the man who has agreed to do Gods will sets himself
faithfully to the task of performing his agreement, and
hence sets himself aside and devotes himself wholly to that
which is right and righteous. The man who takes the step
of setting himself to the task of doing Gods will is set to
work by the Lord to do Gods will and thus to maintain his
integrity toward God.
How is man sanctified? Jesus answers in these words,
addressed to Jehovah: Sanctify them through thy truth:
thy word is truth. (John 1 7 :1 7 ) It is therefore impossible
for any kind of ritualistic religious ceremony to sanctify
one to God. The clergy of the orthodox religious organiza
tions can do nothing to sanctify a man to God. Sanctification
is solely between the individual, who has agreed to do the
will of God, and the Lord God, who sets the man to work to
prove his agreement. The man must learn what is the will
of God toward him : For this is the will of God, even your


sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication.

1 Thess. 4: 3.
In this text the word fornication has much more than
a literal meaning, embracing not only illicit sex relations
between individuals but also improper relationship between
a Christian and this world. The one who has agreed to do
Gods will is precluded from mixing up with or compro
mising with the world, or the Devils organization; and to do
so means an illicit relationship described as fornication or
adultery. Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that
the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever
therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
(Jas. 4 : 4 ) The consecrated and sanctified one must be
entirely or wholly on the side of God and his kingdom and
wholly or completely against the Devil and his organization.
And what about baptism? Is it another required step
toward life? Yes, because baptism or immersion in water
is a symbol outwardly testifying that the person thus im
mersed has surrendered his selfish will to do Gods will.
To such God provides protection. Immersion in symbol says:
I have put myself entirely under the command of Almighty
God, and by his grace I will do his will. It is to such that
God furnishes his protection and guidance. Before entering
upon his work Jesus presented himself to John to be bap
tized, and John objected, and Jesus in reply said: Suffer
it to be so now : for thus it becometh us to fulfill all right
eousness. (Matt. 3:15-17) Jesus was then baptized; and
when he came up out of the water, God gave an outward
demonstration of his acceptance of Jesus.
Those who went into the ark with Noah thereby showed
that they had agreed to do Gods will as made known to
them by Noah. They were baptized unto Noah and were thus
saved from the flood. When once the longsuffering of God
waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing,
wherein few, that is, eight souls, were saved by water. The
like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us
(not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer
of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of
Jesus Christ. 1 Pet. 3: 20, 21.
When the Israelites left Egypt under the command of
Moses, all of them agreed thereby to obey Moses as Gods
representative; and Moses was a type of Christ. Under a
miraculous cloud they followed Moses across the dry bed
of the Red sea, made possible by Gods miracle. They were
thus hidden or immersed in the cloud and in the sea. More
over, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how
that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed
through the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the
cloud and in the sea. (1 Cor. 10:1, 2) When John the Bap
tist came as the representative of the Lord he commanded
the Israelites to repent of their sins against the law covenant
and to be baptized. (Matt. 3:1-11) Those who did repent
and were baptized testified thereby that they had changed
their course of action and that they would no longer be
guided by their own selfishness and would gladly obey the
will of God. Those who felt they had not violated the Law
covenant but had been faithful to God felt they had no need
to be baptized.
Baptism, therefore, symbolically and outwardly testifies
to an agreement to do Gods will. In the picture concerning
the cities of refuge (Num. 35:10-32) the other sheep of



the Lord are shown as fleeing to the Lords organization,

thereby agreeing to do his will. They are thus hidden or
immersed under and unto the organization of the Lord.
Those who followed Moses through the waters of the Red sea
and under the canopy of the cloud overhead were thus
baptized unto Moses in the sea and the cloud and were
thus against the Egyptians, representing the Devils organ
ization. Likewise those who followed Noah into the ark and
remained there were hidden or immersed and thereby bap
tized unto Noah. Both Moses and Noah pictured Christ Jesus
the great Prophet of Jehovah God. Therefore even the other
sheep at this present time experience the baptism unto the

B rooklyn,

N. Y.

Greater Noah, Christ Jesus. Coming under the protection

of the Theocratic organization of Christ Jesus, they now
find shelter, and if they continue there to seek righteousness
and meekness, rendering themselves in obedience unto the
Lord, they have the promise of deliverance from the wrath
of God at Armageddon. That baptism with fire will be to
the destruction of all Satans organization, but will be to
the protection of all those who find refuge in or under Jeho
vahs organization.
Hence experiencing and living up to the meanings of
faith, consecration, sanctification and baptism are impor
tant steps along the way to life in Jehovahs incoming new
world of righteousness.


ZRA, the Levite scribe of the fifth century B.C., had
faith in God. He was not like the countless multitudes
of Christendom today, who, by their course of ignoring
God and his laws, manifest that they have said in their
hearts, There is no God. Believing that God is, and that
he rewards those that diligently seek him, Ezra manifested
a burning zeal for the pure worship of Jehovah. God pros
pered that zeal, just as he is prospering the zeal of his
faithful servants today.
The land of Palestine had lain desolate seventy years,
even as foretold by Jehovah through his prophet Jeremiah.
A t the end of that time about fifty thousand devoted serv
ants of Jehovah took advantage of the liberation decree of
Cyrus and returned under the leadership of Zerubbabel
to rebuild the temple. A malicious conspiracy on the part
of their envious neighbors, however, caused an official ban
to be placed on that work. So it happened that twenty years
went by before the temple was finally completed.
Fifty more years pass and Ezra appears on the scene. He
was a direct descendant of the high priest Aaron and had
set his heart to seek the law of Jehovah, and to do it, and
to teach in Israel [Jehovahs] statutes and ordinances .
(Ezra 7:10, A m . S ta n . V e r .) Ezra was far different from
the hypocritical self-appointed would-be teachers of Gods
law described by Jesus who say and do not , who bind
heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on
mens shoulders; but they themselves will not move them
with their finger . (Matt. 23: 3, 4, A m . S ta n . V e r .) No, he
not only sought to know and to teach Gods law in Israel,
but also to do it himself. He had a genuine zeal for the pure
It was with a clear conscience, therefore, that Ezra sum
moned up courage to petition King Artaxerxes for permis
sion to return to Palestine to advance the pure worship
there. That the king noticed his zeal and sincerity is very
apparent from his reply to Ezras request. Whoever of his
own free will wished to return with Ezra was authorized
to do so. Ezra might accept contributions for this purpose
from any of the Jews as well as from anyone in Babylon,
the king and his seven counselors also contributing thereto.
If, after all things needful for the carrying on of the true
worship had been obtained, some funds were left, Ezra and
the Jews with him were to use them as they thought best,
and if more funds were needed Ezra was to requisition
them from the kings treasury. The governors of the prov

inces beyond the River were notified that Ezra might request
of them up to a hundred talents of silver, a thousand
measures of wheat, a hundred baths of wine, a hundred
baths of oil, and salt without reckoning . (Having a value
in our day of close to a quarter million dollars.) Whatever
is commanded by the God of the heavens, let it be faithfully
done . . . for why should there be wrath against the realm
of the king?
Further the kings decree provided that no tax, tribute
or toll might be imposed on any of the priests or on any
other temple servant, regardless of how lowly his assigned
tasks might be: Moreover do you Ezra, according to the
wisdom of your God that is in your grasp, appoint governors
and judges . . . all such as know the laws of your God,
and instruct any who do not know them. Finally Ezra
was authorized to punish with fines, imprisonment or even
death, any who refused to obey the law of his God.
No wonder that Ezra blessed Jehovah, the God of our
fathers, who has put such a thing as this in the kings heart.
Being strengthened by this evidence that Jehovahs blessing
was upon his efforts to advance the true worship in Pales
tine, he gathered the leading men of Israel to return with
him. Ezra, chapter 7, A n A m e r . Tran s.
The repatriates assembled on the banks of the river
Ahava, where Ezra made a three-day check on who was
returning and where he saw to it that among those return
ing were those who were qualified to be ministrants for
the house of our God . As he mentions the little ones that
were with them, and lists 1,754 males of the various tribes,
it is quite likely that well upward of 5,000 men, women and
children were in the party.
Always acknowledging Jehovah in all his ways, Ezra
then proclaimed a fast that we might humble ourselves
before our God to seek of him a safe journey . . . For I
was ashamed to ask of the king an armed force and horse
men to help us against the enemy on the way, because we
had said to the king, The hand of our God is with all who
seek him for good, but his power and his wrath are against
all who forsake him. Ezra 8:17, 21, 22, A n A m e r . Trans.
Ezra then carefully weighed and counted the treasure,
some four million dollars in value, and, with a solemn
injunction, entrusted it to twelve of the chief priests. After
a journey taking about four months, Ezra and his band
arrived safely in Jerusalem. Again Jehovah had prospered
Ezras zeal for the pure worship. After offering sacrifices

July 1, 1950


of bulls, rams, lambs and he-goats for all the twelve tribes
of Israel, Ezra learned of the transgression of the people
in the matter of taking heathen wives. To one so jealous for
the pure worship as was Ezra, this news of the widespread
infiltration of pagan worshipers caused the greatest conster
nation and amazement. I tore my garment and my mantle,
and pulled the hair from my head and my beard, and sat
down appalled . . . until the evening oblation.
Then falling upon his knees and spreading his hands out
to Jehovah he made a moving confession in the presence of
the assembled Israelites, all who trembled at the words of
the God of Israel. Confessing the wrongful course of his
people from the days of their fathers to the present time,
he recounted the punishment that they had received because
of it, and how God had again extended mercy to them by
permitting them to return. They had been punished with
less than they deserved, and- shall we again break thy
commands, and make marriage alliances with the peoples
who perform these abominable rites? Wouldst thou not be
enraged with us until thou hadst consumed us, until nei
ther remnant nor survivor was left?
On behalf of the people one Shechaniah spoke up and
counseled that all enter into a solemn agreement to straight
en this matter out, and, urging Ezra, said: Arise, for it is
your task, and we are with you; be strong and act. Ezra
then made all the people swear that they would be sub
missive to Jehovahs will in the matter, and they were
commanded to return for this purpose within three days.
All those refusing to do so were to be banished and their
goods confiscated. Ezra 9: 3-10: 8, A n A m e r . Tran s.
Accordingly all the people came together in Jerusalem
on the twentieth day of the ninth month. This was therefore
no small assembly. And all the people sat in the open
square in front of the house of God, trembling on account
of the occasion itself and also because of the pouring rain.
It was seen that the entire matter could not be taken care
of then and there because of the great number that had
transgressed, so after instructions being given by Ezra
arrangements were made to take care of the matter grad
ually at appointed times. By the end of the next three
months all the pagan worshipers had been cleared out.
Ezra 10: 9-17, A n A m e r . T ra n s.
Without doubt this action caused much suffering to all
concerned; the overdue remedying of violations of Gods
laws often does. Neither is it at all likely that the heathen
neighbors round about who were involved particularly wel
comed the return of these grass widows, with the added
burden of their children, nor that they appreciated the issue
of pure worship that was involved. But the servants of
Jehovah must decide whether they will be primarily con
cerned with pleasing Jehovah or with pleasing this world.
Ezra was determined to know, teach and do Gods will
and law regardless of what others thought. The servants of
the Lord today likewise cannot be governed in their decisions
by whether or not the people of the world appreciate the
issue in regard to such questions as the flag salute, military
service, or understand Gods will in the matter of blood
transfusions, etc. But, back to Ezra.


Thirteen years pass, and it is the first day of the seventh

month when we next hear of him. In the meantime Nehemiah had returned, rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem and was
serving as governor of the land. Again we see Ezra manifest
zeal for the pure worship by instructing the people in the
law of Jehovah. We see him stand on a platform that was
raised high above the people so that all could see and hear,
and after a prayer to Jehovah he reads from the law from
day dawn till noon. For that convention the people had
gotten up early! As the law or word of the law was written
in Hebrew and the people in general no longer understood
it but spoke Aramaic, it was necessary that others interpret
it for them; hence they read in the book in the law of God
distinctly [that is, gave the Aramaic paraphrase], and gave
the sense [by dividing the words according to the sense],
and caused them to understand the reading [by giving
the traditional pronunciation of the words] . Neh. 8: 8.
As the people heard the words of the law read they wept,
but they were told not to weep, but to rejoice, that this was
a time of joy and feasting, for the joy of Jehovah is your
strength. And all the people went their way to eat, and to
drink, and to send portions, and to make great mirth,
because they had understood the words that were declared
unto them. On the next day the people again gathered for
Bible education, even to give attention to the words of the
law. Learning of Gods commandment to celebrate the
feast of tabernacles, they immediately went out to the
forests and gathered boughs and made themselves booths or
tabernacles and dwelt in them. And there was very great
gladness. Ezra continued to instruct the people: Also day
by day, from the first day unto the last day, he read in the
book of the law of God. And they kept the feast seven days;
and on the eighth day was a solemn assembly. (Neh.
8: 9-18, A m . S ta n . V e r .) Great as was the joy of the people,
Ezras joy was, without doubt, still greater; for is it not
more blessed to give out the words of Gods law than to
receive them?
In addition to orally instructing the people, Ezra showed
his zeal for the pure worship in other ways. He wrote the
book bearing his name as well as the two books of Chronicles.
Further, there is every reason to believe that Jehovahs
spirit directed his zeal to compile the Hebrew Scripture
canon; collating the various books of the Hebrew canon
while still in Babylon and then putting them into final form
and adding his own writings after he returned to Palestine.
The evidence at hand is quite conclusive that the Hebrew
canon was complete in his day, with perhaps the single
exception of the book of Malachi.
The time of Ezra also saw the making of many copies of
the Hebrew Scriptures for the use of the Jews in the syna
gogues, scattered far and wide. Without doubt Ezras zeal
for pure worship caused him to pioneer in this work and
also to supervise it. Thus in various ways Ezra manifested
his zeal for the pure worship of Jehovah, and not only
did his contemporary brethren benefit from it but all of
Jehovahs servants since have profited from his resolve
to know, teach and do Jehovahs law. And in this he also
set a good example for all servants of Jehovah today.

1 w ill g iv e thanks u n to J eh ova h w ith m y w hole h e a r t; I w ill show

fo r th all th y m a rvellous w o rk s .Psalm 9:1, A . S. V .

the Jews reckoned wholly by males, rejecting where the
blood of the grandfather passed to the grandson through
a daughter, the name of the daughter herself, and counting
that daughters husband for the son o f the maternal grand
father (Numbers 2 6 :3 3 ; 27: 4-7) . . . The evangelist Luke
has critically distinguished the r e a l from the l e g a l geneal
ogy by a parenthetical remark: Jesus being (as was re
puted) the son of Joseph (but in reality) the son of Heli,
or his grandson by his mothers side. page 774, col. 1.
I f Mary told her husband Joseph that the angel Gabriel
had advised her that God would give her son Jesus the
throne o f his father David (Luke 1 :3 2 ), then we can be
sure that Joseph, who proved himself a godly, obedient man,
would readily adopt Jesus as his legal heir as concerns his
interests in the title to the throne of David. T h e W a tc h to w e r
said Joseph co u ld do this, because the Bible does not directly
state or record that he did so, though this is implied. But
by natural birth through Davids great-granddaughter
Mary Jesus was naturally the son of David , and thus
naturally Jesus inherited rights to the throne of David; it
was in full harmony with Jesus n a t u r a l descent from
David that Gabriel could tell Mary that God would give
Jesus the throne of his n a t u r a l father David.
In the Bible genealogies that seem dry to the average
reader are very important; God would not have cluttered
up his W ord with genealogies if they were not important,
especially this one on Davids line. Ofttimes a point that
seems small and insignificant is very important and vital,
but may be entirely overlooked by the superficial reader.
Hence T h e W a tc h to w e r went, as you say, so far afield in
his attempt to prove a point that needs no proof. God gives
attention to and is faithful to fine points, and it magnifies
him to bring out these fine points and show how accurate
he is. Hence it was a real requirement for Jesus to become
the son of David that he be a n a t u r a l descendant of
that ancient king. I f Jesus had been o f another family than
Davids, the mere anointing of Jesus with the holy spirit
would not have made him the son of David . His con
secrated followers are also anointed with holy spirit to
reign with him, but these are not spoken o f as sons of
David in Scripture; they have a connection with David
only as they become members of Christs body. No genealogy
is given of King Melchizedek, but Jesus, because he was
anointed with holy spirit, is not Scripturally spoken of as
the son of Melchizedek , but by Gods oath he is made a
priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek . (Ps. 110:4)
Correspondingly Jesus, in being the seed of Abraham , was
also naturally a descendant of the patriarch. All these things
add to the proof of Jesus identity.
Sincerely yours,


September 26, 1949

Dear Sir:
Your letter of the 16th instant for attention of Grant
Suiter has been referred to us for reply.
We can do no better than refer to some reputed author
ities, since you dispute the correctness of what has been
published in T h e W a tc h to w e r . The W e s tm in s te r D ic tio n a r y
o f the B ib le (revised edition o f 1944), under Genealogy ,
page 198, column 1, says among other things respecting the
problems connected with Jesus earthly ancestry in the line
of David: A readier solution of the problem on the lines
of this theory is that the table in Matthew contains the
l e g a l successors to the throne of David, while that in Luke
gives the maternal ancestors of Joseph. . . . after Zerubbabel
the two lines separated. The family of the elder son, in whom
the title to the throne inhered, at length became extinct, and
the descendants of the younger son succeeded to the title.
. . . the table in Matthew gives the genealogy of Joseph and
exhibits him as heir to the throne of David, while the table
in Luke gives the genealogy of Mary and shows Jesus to be
the a c t u a l son of David. . . . Jesus, according to Luke, is
grandson of Heli, Marys father, and thus a lineal descend
ant o f David. . . . In the genealogy as given in Matthew,
chapter 1, appears the entry, A fter the carrying away to
Babylon, Jechoniah begat Shealtiel. The 2 genealogies are
intelligible, if this notice in Matthew be understood as a
broad declaration in genealogical form denoting l e g a l
succession to the throne. The title passed from Jechoniah
on his death to Shealtiel, a lineal descendant of David.
Under Jesus Christ the same Dictionary says (p. 303,
col. 1) : The Messiah was to be the son of David; and so
Joseph, his legal father, and probably mother, his actual
mother, were descended from David. . . . [col. 2] The
enrollment of the Jews, however, evidently took place after
the Jewish method, by which each father o f a household
was registered, not at his dwelling place, but at the place
where his family belonged in view of its ancestry. Hence
Joseph had to go to Bethlehem, the original home of David.
Mary accompanied him.
MeClintock & Strongs C yclopcedia (1882) says, under
Genealogy (page 773, col. 2, of Volume III) : Grotius
. . . supposes that Luke traces the n a t u r a l Pedigree of
Christ, and Matthew the l e g a l . This he argues on two
grounds: . . . Dr. B arrett. . . states his own hypothesis, viz.,
that Matthew relates the genealogy of Joseph, and Luke that
of Mary. He supposes a sufficient reason, that after Matthew
had given his genealogical table another should be added by
Luke, fully to prove that Christ, according to the flesh,
derived his descent from David, not only by his supposed
father Joseph, but also by his real mother Mary. . . . In
constructing their genealogical tables, it is well known that


The International Assembly of Jehovahs Witnesses

Invites you to hear
the public



earth ?
happiness on
N. H . K N O R R

President of Watchtower Society


Admission Free


A U G .6




No Collections

T o w e r B ib l e & T r a c t S o c ie t y

All persons are invited

to attend the
International Assembly
of Jehovahs Witnesses
July 30 to A u gust 6, 1950
Y ankee Stadium

New York





117 Adams Street
N. H.


Pr esident

Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S .A.



S ecretary

"And all thy children sh all be taught of Jehovah: and

great shall be the peace of thy ch ildren." Isai ah 54:I3.
THAT J EHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is th e Ma ker of hea ven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures ; th at th e Word or Logos was th e beginnin g
of his creation a nd his acti ve agent in crea ting all other thin gs ;
and th at a cherub son of God rebelled agai nst J ehovah and raised
th e issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man , mad e perfect man for
the ea rth a nd placed him upon it; th at man yielded to th e unfaithful cher ub. or Satan. and will fully disobeyed God's law a nd was
sentenced to death; that by reaso n of Adam's wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the ri ght to life;
TH AT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and sutfer ed death in orde r to produce the ra nsom or redempti ve pr ice for
obedient men; th at God rai sed up Chris t J esus divine and exalted
him to heaven a bove every othe r creature a nd clothed him with all
power and au thority as head of God's new capital organiza tion ;
Zion, and tha t Chris t J esus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
righ tful King of the new world; tha t the fa ithful a nointed
followers of Christ J esus are Zion's children , members of Jehovah's
organi zat ion, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to J ehova h's supremacy and declare his purposes
toward man kind as exp ressed in the Bible ;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began it s "time of th e end"
A.D. 1914 , and Christ Jesus has been placed by J ehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan fr om hea ven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and est ablish the "new earth";
THAT THE HELIEF a nd blessings of t he peoples can come only
by Jehovah's kingdom under Chr ist, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Sa ta n's organ ization and estab lish
righteousness completely in th e ea rth; and th at under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to "filJ the earth" with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of Ilfe on earth.

Week of August 13: "Equip p ing th e New World Organization,"

1f 1-7 inclusive, also "Organized Testimony to the New W orld",
1f 1-14 inclusive, Th e W atchtower July 15, 1950.
Week of August 20: "Organized Testimony to th e New W orld,"
1f 15-20 inclusive, also "Postwar E nlargement of th e Theocratic Organiz ati on",
1f 1-15 inclusive, Th e W atcht ower J uly 15, 1950.
Week of August 27: "Postwar E nlargement of the Theocratic
Organ ization,"
1f 16-20 inclusive, also " Dedication",
1f 1-13 in clusive, Th e W atchtower July 15, 1950.

AIl persons loving truth and righteo usness are cor dially in vited
to attend th e " Theocracy's Incr ease" Assembly of J ehovah 's witnesses. The place : Yank ee Stadium, New York city. Startin g time:
July 30, 1950, 9: 25 a.m. Ending: Sunday evening, August 6. Try
to arrange your trip so you'll be in New York early Sunday morning. Before th e program opens the new 96-page songb ook will be
available at Yankee Stadium. You will be delighted with it .
At 10 o'clock A. H . Macmillan will address the convention on
the subject, "Without F aith It I s I mp ossible to P lease God." At
10 : 30 you will hear the address of welcome by the chairman,
Grant Suiter. Then at 1 : 30 p .m. the graduation exercises of th e
15th Gilead class will begin. The president of the Society will be

HI S journal is published for t he purpose of enablJng the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bibie Instruction specifica lly
designed to aid Jehovah's witnesses and all people of good-will.
It a rra nges systematic Bible stu dy for its readers and the Society
supp lies othe r literature to ai d in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broad castin g and for other means
of public instruction in the Script ures.
It ad heres strictly to th e Bible as aut hority for its utterances.
It is entirely fre e a nd separate fro m all religion, parti es, sects or
ot her worldly organ izations. It is wholly and without reserv a tion
for t he kingdom of J ehovah God under Chr ist his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful a nd critical exam ination
of its contents in th e light of th e Scri ptures. It does not indulge
in controv ersy, and its columns are not open to person alities.

No t i ce to Sub scrib ers: R emi ttances should be sent to office In your

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Translations of this journal a ppear In many languages.

ALL SINCERE ST UDE NT S OF THE BIBLE who by reason of Inflrml ty , pover ty or adversity a re un a ble t o pa y the su bs cri ption price may
ha ve T he W atch t ow er free upon wri tten a pplicat ion to t he publIs hers,
made on ce eac h yea r, s tating the reason for so re que sting It. We are
gla d t o thus a id t he needy, but th e written applIca ti on once each year
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Printed In the United States of Ame ri ca
Entered as second-class matter at th e post otfl ce at Brooklyn, N. Y.
u nd er th e A ct of M ar ch 3, 1879.

one of th e speakers addre ssing the students and the conventioners.

In th e evening you will hear from th e students themselves.
On Monday, July 31, representat ives of the Society from
Argentina, South Africa, Can ad a, Mexico, and other places, will
r ep ort and Brother Covington talks on " Defen ding and Legally
E stablishing the Good News". Monday star ts off a ser ies of meetings in various langu ages : Spanish, Greek, Dan ish, P or tuguese,
Swed ish, and German. See th e program fo r tim es and places of
meetings. There will be meetings in oth er lan gu ages on oth er days .
Tra iler and T ent Camp. It is a pl easure to announce tha t a camp
will be set up at the Butterw orth Farm, Old New Brnnswick R oad ,
near New Mark et, N. J . If you are traveling toward New Yor k
on U. S. Route 22, near Plain field you will notice a large sign
saying " Turn Right to Dunellen" . Make th e right turn and dri ve
th rough Dunellen to the camp. If you are traveling towa r d New
York on U. S. Route 1, just af ter you leave New Brunswick tu rn
lef t at th e sign th at says " To Cam p Kilmer" . After you leave
th e main highways you will see "J.W. Camp" signs to guide you
to the camp.
If you did not receive through your company of J ehovah 's
witnesses the special form for req uesting camp parking space,
you may write to the Watchtower Convention Rooming Committee,
557 West 157th Street, New York 32, N. Y., and requ est the form.
Please use the form when requesting parking space. There will
be a small charge to those using this rented land.
To reach Yankee Stadium from th e camp, which is abou t 40
(Contin ued on pag e 224)



JULY 15, 1950

No. 14


"I f th erefore a man keeps himself clear of these latter, he himself will be for specially honourable u se,
consecra ted, fit for th e Ma st er's s ervice, and f ully eq1lipped for ev ery good w ork ."
- 2 Tim. 2: 21, W eymouth.

, 'JEHOVAH'S witnesses" was the name adopted

at the international assembly of consecrated
Christians at Columbus, Ohio; U. S. A., July 26,
1931, and was taken up by cong regations of like
Christians all over th e earth thereafte r . Becau se of
this, many peopl e . migh t look upon th em as just
another religious sect and as of very modern rise.
But not so. 'When humankind was quite young, J ehovah God had one witness r eported to be in th e ear th.
That was Abel, who looked forward to the new world
ruled by th e Seed of God's woman. (Gen. 3: 15) A
tool of th e gre at Serp ent, Cai n, killed Abel , an eventuality which ha s befallen many of J ehovah's wit nes ses ever since, even the Seed J esus Christ.
2 Reckoned from Abel, Jehovah's visibl e organization of his witnesses is now almo st six thou sand
years old, hence older than an y and every thing
in Christendom. Jesus Christ, "the faithful and true
witness" (Rev. 3: 14), formed and organized his
body of spirit-anointed followers almost two thousand years ago. They made up a Christian or spiritual I srael of God, under a new covenant with him
by a Mediator gre ate r than Moses, Jesus Christ,
and all of th em being J ews inwardly whose circumcision was a clean sing of th eir hearts from the
uncleanness of this world. Th at was long ago, and
we can read abou t it for ourselves in the Bible.
What we are concerned about now is those named
"Jehovah's witnesses" in this da y. Since they are no
part of th e sects of Christendom and are not appointed, chosen or r ecognized by such religious bodies,
how did this mod ern-day group of witnesses get
formed T
3 If th ese Christians had been chosen by th e worldly
religious sys tems of Christend om, they would not
now be witnesses of th e Most High . Jehovah calls
his witnesses "my servant whom I have chosen", and
Jesus told his disciples something similar, saying :
"Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you." (Isa.
43 :10; John 15: 16) Suppose, now, that sincere per1,2. How old Is Jehovah 's line of witnesses, and why so? In what way
are we Interested In Jehovah 's wit nesses today. and why ?
3,4. (a) By whom are they chosen? (b) What requirement must they
meet to be fit for service as His witnesses ?

sons, following the instructions of the Bible, dedicate

themselves unconditionally to J ehovah God to - do
his will in imitation of J esus Christ. If Jehovah
chooses to accept th em and makes th em his witnesses,
then no r eligi ous sys tem can up set God's choice or
accomplis h an ything by denyin g it and fighting
against it. Th e un scriptural religiou s ceremoni es of
Christ endom 's clergy cannot put anybod y into God's
vi sible organization. As to his requirements for us
to be used as his instrument or ves sel in his organization, note the text th at heads this article: "If
'therefor e a man keeps himself clear of these latter,
he himself will be fo r specially honourable use, consecrated, fit for th e Mast er's service, and fully equipped
for every good work."-2 Tim. 2: 21, 'Weymouth's
tran slation.
4 To be fit for serving J ehovah the gr eat Master
and to be equipped by him for good work of every
kind, the apo stle Paul sa ys, a man mu st get clear and
keep himself clear of certain ones whom he speaks of
as "these latter". Paul likens men to vessels or articles in a gre at hou se and says : "Now in a gr eat house
th ere are not only articles of gold and silver, but also
others of wood and of earthenware; and some are
for spe cially hon ourable, and oth ers for common
use." (2 Tim. 2: 20, W ey mou th) It is by separ ating
from these latter ones of common use la cking honor
that a person proves he is consecrated or set ap art
for God's sacr ed use. That way he is fit for Jehovah's
service, worthy of being equipped for good works
a s J ehovah's witness. In chapter 9 of Romans the
apo stle likens a certain ruler to a vessel for a use
to which no honor was attached, namely, haughty
Pharaoh of Egypt, who said to Jehovah's witness,
Moses: "Who is Jehovah, to whose voice I am to
hearken to let I srael go T I do not know Jehovah,
nei th er will I let I srael go." (Ex. 5: 2, Darby) For
his dishonorable service Pharaoh was destroyed
with his army after Egypt had suffered ten ruinous
plagues from Jehovah God. He proved a vessel of
wrath fitted to destruction, The Israelites who followed Jehovah's great witness Moses were rescued





fr om Egypt and the faithful ones were at length

brought int o the Promised Land of milk and honey.
-Ex. 14: 1 to 15: 22.
5 It is the same way now with the spiritual Israelites, who are in this world but are no part of it. The
un seen Pharaoh and "god of this world", Satan the
Devil, is a vessel upon whom God's wrath now rests
and who will eve ntually be destroyed. B u t the faithful Christians of spiritual Israel are likened to "vessels of mercy", whom God had aforetime "prepared
unto glory". (Rom. 9 : 17-24) These have cleared
themselves from wicked creatures who are vessels
for a common or dishonorable service and who are
doomed to eventual destruction as opposers of the
true God Jehovah.
. 6 The modern-day Egypt, Satan's world, is full
of vessels on whom divine wrath rests. (Rev. 11: 8)
They are destined to an early destruction at the
oncoming battle of Armageddon. That includes
Christendom's religious leaders and sects that err
from Bible truth, like Hymenaeus and Philetus whom
the apostle Paul names. Today's witnesses of Jehovah are a consecrated people because of dedicating
themselves to the hol y service of God t o carry out
his will and commandments. Rather than further
yi eld themselves slavishly to service of this doomed
modern Egypt, those whom Jehovah has made his
witnesses have devoted themselves to His use, consideringit an honor t o be used by him in any capacity. Only by such separateness are they fit for the
great Master's service, and he shows his acceptance
of them by equ ipping th em for works that are go od
in his sight. Ah, there is the proof that they are

his witnesses who compose his visible organization,

namely, his bles sing of them and making a ctual us e
of th em in carrying out hi s work in the earth. Christendom's religious sys tems may deny that th ese are
witnesses of J ehovah and may nickname th em with
all sor ts of opprobrious names and spe ak and work
against them. Yet if th ey have th e evidence that th ey
are the honored vessel s of God's vi sible organization,
the reproach and opposition of worldly r eligious syst ems does not matter. They stand unmoved on a solid
foundation: "Yet God's solid fo undation stands unmoved, bearing this in scription, 'The LORD [that is,
Jehovah] knows tho se who really belong to him'.
And this al so, 'Let everyone who names th e Name
of the L ORD [that is, J ehovah] renounce all wickedne ss'."-2 Tim . 2 : 19, W eymouth; Num, 1: ,5; I sa .
26 : 13.
7 From the time the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT
SOCIETY was founded and Th e Wat chtower wa s fir st
published, Jehovah's witnesses have used th ese instr umentalities in hi s servic e, but under continual
as sault by Christendom. And yet after these more
than seventy years, there are now more, many times
more, Christians who have confess ed the name. And
now in this year 1950 the God whom we ser ve has
equipped us more mightily than ever before for still
larger accomplishments as hi s honored vessels. This
we shall here briefly describe, for it is evidence that
the Universal Sovereign has not failed to have his
witnesses in the earth in these perilouslast days of
the old world. It is al so evidence that we are at the
gates of the upright New World which his witnesses

5, 6, (a ) T oday who are vesse ls of wrath fitted to des t ruction? (b) Who
are the vesse ls of mercy fit for hi s use ? What Is the proof?

7. What Instrumentalities have J ehovah's witnesses use d for over seven ty

years ? How are they equipped today, In evidence of what?


N J ULY of 1879 the fir st issue of what is now

T he Watchto wer came off the press and began
to be circulated from 101 Fifth St., Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, U . S. A. So now this magazine is 71
years old, with a record of never having missed an
issue despite the turbulence of those years and th e
bitter religious "cold war" of Christendom against
our magazine. 1Vhat moved its publication 1 What
divine authority did its promoter and editor have
to enter the field of giving Bible in struction and
testifying .to Jehovah God 1 Did he me et the r equirement of 2 Timothy 2: 21, that of clearing himself
from ves sels that were serving a dishonorable
destruction-deserving purpose 1 Yes. In his teens
Cha rles Taze Russell, the edi tor, had been a member
of the Congregational Church and a stro ng believer
1. (a) What Is the publication record of The Watchtower ! (b) How di d

Its first editor come to be "fit for th e Master's use" ?

in th e doctrine of eternal torture of danmed human

souls in a hell of literal fire and brimstone. But when
trying to reclaim an acquaintance, an infidel, to
Christianity, he him self was routed from his secta r ian po sition and driven into skepticism. Hungrily
he began investigating ' the heathen religions in
sea r ch of the truth on God's purpose and man's
destiny. Proving all these un satisfactory and before
giving up religious investigation altogether, he to ok
up the search of the Holy Scriptures from a 'skep tic's
standpoint, now untrammeled by the fal se r eligious
doctrines of the secta rian sy stems of Christendom.
He had had to clear him self from such religious
vessels so as to be an honorable vessel of Jehovah
God, consecrated, .fit for hi s Master's use , and fully
equipped for every 'good work.

JULY 15, 1950



2 The year 1870 found young Russell a member

of a private Bible class, organized for the honest
prayerful examination of the Holy Scriptures, letting
the Bible speak for itself and God be his own interpreter of his written Word. This study class grew
into a congregation of students of the Bible to which
he preached, and in October of 1876 he was elected
the spiritual shepherd or pastor of this class of Bible
students, there in Pittsburgh, Pa. The same year he
became assistant editor of a 16-page monthly magazine published in Rochester, New York, for which
he continued to write until 1878. That year the editor
published an article which practically rejected one
of the key doctrines on human salvation, namely,
the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Assistant editor Russell countered with an article in loyal support
of that vital doctrine, attempting to set forth God's
purpose in connection with the ransom sacrifice. This
difference arising and worsening in the editorial
staff, Brother Russell decided finally it was nece ssary
to establish an independent magazine uncompromisingly loyal to God's Word and courageously following the advancing light on Bible teaching. Hence the
birth of Zion's Watch Tower in July, 1879, the title
of which is today The Watchtow er Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom. It was published for the purpose
of feeding Jehovah's witnesses with pure, unsectarian Bible truth.
_. ! Humble was that beginning of Th e Wat chtower,
with an initial issue of 6,000 copies. But "who hath
despised the day of small things l" (Zech. 4: 10)
Today, after seventy-one years of publication, our
Brooklyn presses run off about 750,000 copies of each
issue, about a million and a half copies monthly. So
in this quite obscure way there began a movement
of witnesses of Jehovah which was to shake all Christendom to its false religious foundations; to draw
upon itself the hatred, vituperation and malicious
persecution from all the religious systems of this old
world; to attract the notice of governments of every
political shade who have resorted to banning Jehovah's witnesses and their Bible literature, dissolving
their local organizations, committing them to prisons,
concentration camps, exile and execution; but, in
the face of such world-wide antagonism, a movement
to make the name of the living, true God known and
famous throughout the earth, advertising his kingdom by Christ, announcing his righteous new world,
and drawing together in a oneness of belief and a
unity of action Jehovah's witnesses all over the
globe. What does this prove I
4 It proves that this united organization of consecrated people is J ehovah'svisible organization; that
his blessing is upon it; and that he is using it as his

vessel for an honorable purpose. Had this movement

been of man, "Russellism," as enemies reproachfully
call it in order to slur it as being man-made, then
after these more than seventy years of such world
opposition it would have come to nought. But since
it is manifestly of God, being founded upon his Word
and proceeding solely according to Scripture, the
conspiracy of religion, commerce and politics has
been unable to overthrow the organization and those
worldly conspirators are found to be fighting against
God. (Acts 5: 38, 39) The concentrated hatred of
all religious sects disagreeing with it, the crushing
political pressure and rabid persecution brought
against it, does not disprove but rather confirms that
the divine approval is on it. Said Jesus, "Blessed are
ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall
separate you from their company, and shall reproach
you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of
man's sake. R ejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy:
for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in
the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets."
-Luke 6: 22, 23.
5 Neither Jehovah nor Christ Jesus nor the Christian witnesses of Jehovah court the favor of this
world and its political, commercial and religious
elements. Such worldly elements are opposing the
divine purpose and are vessels of divine wrath fitted
for destruction at Armageddon. Necessarily persons
who want to be vessels of divine mercy, consecrated
to God and fit for his use must clear out from such
worldly vessels to escape destruction with such
vessels of God's wrath. And this requirement Th e
Watchtower and all associating with it have fulfilled
from the start. As The Watchtower (page 2) said in
its early issues concerning "This Journal -and Its
Mission": "This journal is set for the defense of the
only true foundation of the Christian's hope now
being so generally repudiated,-Redemption through
the precious blood of 'the man Christ Jesus who
gave himself a ransom [a corresponding price, a
substitute] for all: (1 Pet. 1: 19; 1 Tim. 2: 6) ...
It stands free from all parties, sects and creeds of men, while it seeks more and more to bring its every
utterance into fullest subjection to the will - of God
in Christ, as expressed in the Holy Scriptures. It is
thus free to declare boldly whatsoever the Lord hath
spoken;-according to the divine wisdom granted
unto us, to understand."
6 What
separateness from all elements of this
world, and what dedication to Jehovah God, could be
~nore complete than that here expressed and maintained ~ Maintainin-g "this attitude, the witnesses
with this journal
have proved to be clean
. .
. vessels, fit for the Master's use. So Jehovah has been

2. How did this Independent magazine come to be established?

3. From that obscure beginning what kind of movement developed?
4. What proof exists today that this movement was not from man?

5. How have The Watchtower and Its associates shown separateness?

6. In what has this separateness resulted?




N. Y.

1881), and three years later, in 1884, this was incorporated under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania.
This incorporated Society has since served as part
of the equipment God provided for his people to do
7 But human vessels fit for the divine Master's
every kind of good work in both American and forservice need equipment for doing his work. The eign fields. He has preserved it to this day. It now
great Master J ehovah has shown his favor upon his has its main offices at 124 Columbia Heights, Brookvisible organization by blessing it with the equip- lyn 2, N. Y., but has its registered office still in Pittsment needed to accomplish its tremendous work burgh, Pa., where its annual meetings for transacting
under the modern circumstances of this perilous business and electing the Society's directors are held
epoch. The Bible, or a knowledge of what is in it, is, as required by Pennsylvania law. It is merely an
of course, the fundamental piece of equipment. In instrument, a legal and publishing servant, of J ehoproof of this the apostle's words to a man of God vah's visible organization, his consecrated witnesses.
are: "Every Scripture inspired by God is useful for
10 This Pennsylvania corporation's first president
teaching, for convincing, for correction of error, was Charles Taze Russell, and he was regularly
and for instruction in right doing; so that the man of elected to this office by the contributors to the Society
God may himself be complete and may be perfectly till his death, October 31,1916. The purpose of this
equipped for every good work."-2 Tim. 3: 16, 17, legal corporation was well stated in the charter
granted it on December 13, 1884: "The purpose for
8 The Bible societies of Christendom have distribwhich the corporation is formed is, the dissemination
uted Bibles by the hundreds of millions of copies of Bible truths in various languages by means of the
in more than 1,100 languages and dialects. Yet great publication of tracts, pamphlets, papers and other
iznorance persists as to its teaching. Sectarian con- religious documents, and by the use of all other
f~sion is bewildering as to its harmonious teaching. lawful means which its Board of Directors, duly conJ ehovah's Word is not of private human interpreta- stituted, shall deem expedient for the furtherance
tion. He is his own Interpreter. He causes light to be of the purpose stated." The Christian purpose of
shed on one Scripture text by others elsewhere in the the Society was harmonized more with developments
Bible bearing on the same subject. He also brings to and was stated in greater detail in an amendment
pass the fulfillment of Bible prophecies by definite adopted in 1944 and which altered the above article.
events and then he calls the attention of his witnesses
11 The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society today is
to such fulfillments in clarification of prophecy. He at the heart of a visible organization that has Branchhas appointed Christ Jesus the Head of his visible es in 63 lands of the earth, besides financing misorganization and his associate interpreter for the sionary homes and supervising Kingdom-preaching
organization, "an interpreter, one among a thousand." activities in 104 lands. Hence the interest of hun(Job 33: 23) So Jehovah's visible organization under dreds of thousands of Bible Christians or witnesses
Christ is a channel for bringing the divine interpreta- of Jehovah throughout the earth centers upon what
tion of his Word to his devoted people. What then ~ is going on at Society headquarters. They appreciate
An organizational instrument must be provided to the spiritual service that the legal Society is renderhelp all lovers of truth and life to gain a progressive ing them. Their prayers go up daily to the Most High
understanding of God's Word and for freeing them- God for his blessing upon it and its work. That is
selves from all the confusing, faith-destroying reli- why we here take up a brief account of the Society's
ozious doctrines and creeds of Christendom. Such an
development from its beginning, to show its growth
educational instrument this journal The Watchtower and its use as an instrument of Jehovah God.
was meant to be and has proved to be. Not fettered
12 In 1886 the Society published the first of a series
by any man-made religious creed, it has been free
seven bound books to be aids to Bible study and
to advance in the truth as the divine Interpreter has
as "Studies in the Scriptures". The sixth of
led the way by Jesus Christ.
these was published in 1904 by Brother Russell, and
s Besides The Watchtower other spiritual food was
the seventh was published in 1917, after his death.
provided through the pen of Brother Russell. This For many years, down to April, 1926, those Studies
was regularly spread to all hungry ones by the then in the Scriptures, translated into many languages
available means of distribution. To keep pace with and reaching a circulation of millions of copies,
Jehovah's blessing upon the work Brother Russell or- served as the textbooks for weekly Bible study by
ganized the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, at many congregations in all the earth. It was with the
Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1881 (The Watchtower, April, first volume of such Scripture Studies that the
pleased to use them as his visible organization. No
question about that!

7. What Is our fundamental piece of working equipment?

8. What Instrument Is needed In conjunction with the Bible? Why?
9. How did the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society develop?

10. Who was Its first president? What was Its chartered purpose?
11 Why Is world-wide attention centered on the Brooklyn Society?
12: How was a Bible-study aid series published and pioneering begun?

: : : : : ---


15, 1950


house-to-house missionary work, first known as "colporteur work" but now called the "pioneer work",
was begun, in 1886. Pioneers now number thousands.
1 3 For years the literature was published by the
Tower Publishing Company, which met all expenses
and furnished the books, tracts, etc., to the Society
at an agreed price. But in 1898 the ownership of the
entire plant at All egheny (North Pittsburgh), Pa.,
came into the hands of the Society, this carrying with
it The Watch To uier, the Bible House with its compl ete outfit of office fixtures, type, stock of Bibles,
Studies in the S criptures, booklets, tracts, etc., together with tons of valuable electroplates of various
publications in a number of languages. he Bible
House there on Arch street was a four-story building
built really for the Society's use. From the first it
was intended to be presented to the Society in course
of time, and was valued at $34,000. The net equity
of all this donation to the Society was appraised at
$164,033.65. From here on the Society furnished its
own capital, and all colporteur (pioneer ) accounts,
etc., were owing to it.
14 It sent out traveling representatives who gave
public talks and visited the congregations and served
th em with spiri tual admonition, but never did the se
take up collections, either privately or publicly. The
collection plate was absolutely banned from all congregational meetings, and all meetings were adverti sed under the legend "Seats free, no collection".
"Freely ye have received, freely give," Jesus told
th e missionaries he sent out. Since this was Jehovah's
organization and work, it was felt he would provide
the money for carrying on his work by his spirit
moving upon his devoted people. So support of the
work was left to voluntary contributions. In this way
Jehovah God, whose is all the silver and the gold,
ha s provid ed the money to this da y, both for th e
local congregations and for th e legal Society. This
is another evidence that he is ba ck of this visible


either f r ee or for a charge. So Brother Russell

became the greatest syndicate writer of his day.
Many came to a knowledge of the truth by means of
these published sermons. At the time of transfer
Brooldyn was known as "The City of Churches", and
within a radius of a few miles of it there lived a population of seven and a half million of many nationalities. So Brooklyn was chosen as "our most suitable
center for the harvest work during th e few remaining
years". (Th e Wat ch Tower, Dec. 15, 1908) That Jehovah guided in this transfer to a bigger field for larger
service is manifest, for it has been out from Brooklyn
that the greatest work of the Society has been projected. Yes, from here has been directed the greatest
campaign of announcing God's kingdom by Christ
Jesus in all the history of the Christian church. By
his protective care and providence we are still here
in Brooldyn in 1950, possessing greater equipment
now than ever before for what we believe will be
the grand climax of the global testimony to the name
and word of Jehovah God and his Theocratic Government of the new world of righteousness.
16 Property was
purchased at 17 Hicks street,
Brooklyn, New York.:This came to be known as the
Brooklyn Tabernacle. On its second floor was a large
auditorium seating 800, and here public addresses by
Brother Russell and other Society representatives
were to be delivered and oth er meetings held. The
street floor was fitt ed up for office purposes, and the
basement floor for the literature stock and the shipping department. Into this the Society began moving
in January of 1909, and on Sunday, January 31, there
was an opening celebration, almost 41 years to a day
before a similar event this year which we are about
to describe.
1 7 The total number attending that Tabernacle
openin g was about 350 from New York, Brooklyn,
Jersey City, Newark, and oth er cities as far away
as Boston. The following Sunday all the friends
present from New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City
voted unanimously to be parts of a congregation
whose home would be at Brooklyn Tabernacle, and
15 In 1908 it was decided to transfer headquarters
of the Society to Brooklyn, New York, as it was con- the y unanimously elected Brother C. T. Russell to
sidered a more impressive place from which to carry be "pas tor" of the same. And so th e designation "P ason the newspaper work by which the weeldy sermons tor Ru ssell", by which he became known world-wide,
of the president of the Society were published in was not because of any self-assumed title. Ephesians
newspapers throughout the land. At that time 4: 11, 12 declared that Christ Jesus would give some
Brother Russell's sermons were being published in of his consecrated followers to be "pastors" ; and in
eleven newspapers. But in course of time the num - view of the pastoral work Brother Russell was doing
ber rose to more than 2,000 newspapers, with a com- under the Chief Shepherd Christ Jesus the congregabined circulation to 15,000,000 readers, concurrently tions throughout the earth voted him to be their
publishing his sermons. All together, there were acknowledged pastor. By extensive travels he personover four thousand newspapers in several lands ally served many of them. It was while on a tour
which at onetime or another published these sermons visiting and serving congregations that he died, in
great pain from a physical infirmity, on a train
13. How did the Society come Into ownership of Its first plant ?
14. By what financial method has the work been supported till now?
15. What guided toward the mo ving of headquarters to Brooklyn ?

16,17. What 'events marked opening the new quarters?




moving through the state of Texas, October 31, 1916.

At a little Texas town his body was taken off and
deposited in a basket on a loading platform of the
railroad station, before it .was finally taken care of
for regular interment at a Pittsburgh cemetery.
18 At the time of openin g the Brooklyn Tabernacle
th e headquarters family numbered more than thirty.
'With that number it wa s felt that th ey fairly needed
a hotel in order to hou se th em. Th e Tabernacle had
no living apartments. H ence property was purchased
in the nearby residential section on the heights.
This property, which was numbered 124 Columbia
Heights, proved to be none other than the residence
of a former famous Brooklyn preacher, Henry Ward
Beecher, whereas the Tabernacle building had been
the "Beecher Bethel". After extensive repairs the
dwelling was made suitable for the headquarters
family. As the purpose wa s for this home to be a
house where God dwelt by his spirit, it was call ed
"Bethel", that name meaning "house of God". Wh en
the Bethel family finally got moved and established
in the Brooklyn Tabernacle and Bethel home, the
family held a reception for the friends outside, one
night in April from 7 to 9 p.m. -About 400 came. They
were first received over at the Brooklyn Tabernacle
and ' shown the features of this part of the Society's
equipment and then went to the Bethel home, where
they were privileged to inspect the place. Before
they departed, refreshments were served them in
the dining-room in the basement. It was a grand
occasion for then! Some time later the adjoining
property, 122 Columbia Heights, was purchased and
thus the home enlarged.
19 In order thatJ ehovah's consecrated people might

hold these properties and carryon all the business

connected with their publication work in New York
state it became necessary for another corporation
to be formed. In February, 1909, under provisions
of Th e Membership Corporation Law of the laws of
New York a membership corporation was established
known as "P eoples Pulpit A ssociation", with a board
of seven directors and of which Brother Ru ssell was
elect ed president. Thirty years later, by an amendment filed F ebruary 6, 1939, the name of this New
York corporation was changed to "' VATCHTOWER
BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY, INC." The fir st issue of our
magazine The Wuichiouier to be published as from
Brooklyn as that of April 15, 1909. It announced
as foreign agencies of the Watch Tower Society
three Branches, in London, England, Barmen, Germany, and Melbourne, Australia. In 1914 it was
found advisable to organize a British corporation
for expediting the gospel-preaching in the British
Isles, and thus the International Bible Students
As sociation was formed. Brother Russell was elect ed
president of this British corporation. He served in
the capacity of joint president of the Pennsylvania,
New York and British corporations till the day
he died .
2 0 In 1910 an addition to the rear of the Brooklyn
Bethel home began to be constructed. This ran back
to Furman street, at the foot of a precipice. So the
Bethel addition, completed in 1911, extended down
the precipice nine floors to the Furman street level.
In this addition the Bethel dining-room was located,
where the family ate together, and where study
meetings were held; and a tank sunk in the concrete
floor served as an immersion pool on occasion.

18. How was the Brooklyn Bethel 'esta blished and opened?
19. What other corporations were rormed. . and why ?

20. How was the Bethel enlarged in 1910-1911? With .wha t features ?


W AY back in 1880 the columns of Th e Wat chtower had called notice to Bible chronology
marking A.D. 1914 as the year for the 2,520year period to end referred to by Jesus as the "times
of the Gentiles" in his prophecy on the world's end.
(Luke 21: 24) In harmony with this it was expected
that in 1914 the kingdom of God by Christ Jesus in
the heavens would be fully established, whil e this
world would be involved in an unprecedented "ti me of
trouble". The religious leaders and systems of Christendom were all set to laugh at Brother Russell and
his fellow witnesses of Jehovah over failure of his
announced predictions concerning A.D. 1914. But it
was no laughing matter when, at the end of July,
World War I broke out and by October it had become
global in its scope. Christendom's religious mouths

1. What silenced clergy ridicule as to predictions about 1914?

were silenced at this frightening turn of events, but

not Brother Ru ssell's. Octob er 1,1914, on taking his
place at the breakfast table in the Brooklyn Bethel
dining-room, he in a strong voice denoting conviction
announced: "The Gentile Times have ended!"
2 Knowing that the world had now reached the time
for its dissolution he refused to heed the plea of U. S.
Presid ent 'Wilson for all clergymen and preachers
to join in nation-wide prayer for peace. Atthat time
it was not appreciated that th ere was also war up in
heaven, between Jehovah's newly inaugurated King
Jesus Christ and the Devil's hosts, resulting in the
Devil's being ousted from up there and debased to
this earth fora short time before his destruction.
But the Bible prophecies kept fulfilling. Light upon
God's Word, particularly Revelation, chapter 12,
2. What heavenly events marked A.D. 1914?


15, 1950.


kept brightening. This disclosed that Jehovah's Kingdom by Christ had been born A.D. 1914 an~
fully established in the heavens to rule amid Its
enemies in heaven and earth. Its first act was to
oust Satan from heaven.-See The Watchtow e1',
March 1, 1925.
3 Brother Russell died the last day of October in
1916. By an election held at Pittsburgh's annual
business meeting, January 6, 1917, J. F. Rutherford,
the Society's legal attorney and .one of its traveling
representatives, was made president of the Pennsylvania corporation, to succeed Brother Russell. He
was later elected president of the New York and
British corporations. Through regular election by
members and directors of the several corporations
he continued in the presidency of them till his death,
January 8,1942. Shortly after his election the United
States got involved in World War I, on April 6, 1917.
The publication of the seventh volume of Studies in
the Scriptures July 17, 1917, proved fateful, and
troublous times for the Society in the United States
took on a disastrous aspect. That Bible-study help,
The Finished Mystery, was an expose of the religious
systems of Christendom. So the enemy seized upon
it as part of their proof that the Society's president
and other members of the organization closely associated with him were guilty of sedition against the
government, and Brother Rutherford and seven
others were railroaded off to federal penitentiary in
the spring of 1918, under sentences of 80 years in
prison, and without benefit of bail for their freedom
till appeal to a higher court should be effected. After
nine months in the penitentiary bail was granted
them on March 21, 1919, and they were released.
Later the Appeal Court reversed the judgment
against them, and in 1920 the indictment against
them was disposed of. Thus they were completely
exonerated as innocent of the malicious charges of
the enemy. '
4 Meanwhile the conditions had seemed to dictate
the abandonment of the Brooklyn properties and
the moving of the Society's offices back to Pittsburgh,
in October, 1918. The Brooklyn Tabernacle was sold,
and the Bethel home was put up for sale. No buyer
appeared! Was that accidental 7No, but providential!
It was the hand of Almighty God, who knows his own
purposes. He was reserving this site on Columbia
Heights for the grander work of his faithful witnesses in postwar years. In view of the release of
the Society's officers from federal detention, and
other advantages, the decision was made to move
back and restore the headquarters and operating
plant to 124 Columbia Heights. This was done about
October 1, 1919. The Bethel home was reopened, with
Brother Rutherford presiding. Even during his im3. How was the Soclety's president accused In 1918 but exonerated?
4. How did Brooklyn Bethel come to be abandoned and then restored?


prisonment the loyalty of the brethren to him and

their conviction that he was innocent impelled the
voting brethren of the several societies to re-elect
him president at their annual business meeting.
S In the summer following their release from unjust
imprisonment the first international convention of
Jehovah's people at Cedar Point, Ohio, took place,
September 1-8, 1919. Just prior to this The Watchtower published a series of two articles on "Blessed
Are the Fearless", showing from Bible prophecy that
a bold work, the greatest of their career, must be
performed by God's devoted people among all nations
before the battle of Armageddon. This work was
spoken on and emphasized at this Cedar Point
Assembly, and plans were announced for enlarging.
the work, including publishing The Golden Age.
6 World 'Val' I had disrupted the work in all the
earth. Society connections with its Branches had been
interfered with or in some cases broken off. Things
were in quite a disorganized state. Now was the time
to restore connections for bringing God's faithful
ones to a state of unity everywhere, under a Theocratic arrangement in which the ' great Theocrat
Jehovah ruled from the top down through his organization. It was a time for reorganizing and training
his people for renewed service. A most critical work
lay ahead! It required courage. It called for expansion of the organization to the ends of the earth. In
1918 some 3,868 had been reporting field activity.
The remainder of God's faithful remnant of spiritbegotten heirs of the Kingdom must be gathered to
the organization. However, early in 1918 the Lord
God had revealed that a great earthly flock, whose
number was estimated to run into the millions, would
survive Armageddon into the New World, and these
must be given the witness and gathered to the Good
Shepherd's fold. The command to preach "this gospel
of the kingdom" in all the world for a witness to all
nations applied now during all the postwar period
down till Armageddon clears the earth for the New
World. No time must be lost in organizing for the
work. All obstacles must be cleared out from among
God's devoted servants. The work must be done for
the vindication of Jehovah's name and for the salvation of the witnesses themselves and of those accepting their witness. God's visible organization for the
work must be built up, instructed, strengthened and
adequately equipped for the colossal work. Christ
Jesus at the spiritual temple of God understood the
situation and saw to it that all the needs were met.
7 Greater work meant more equipment was needed.
Jehovah God, whose work it was, provided the equipment for it. A move to do all our own printing in the
United States began. A small printing plant was
5. What events gave stimulus to the postwar work?
6. What great work then lay ahead? What did this require?
7. What publishing equipment was provided and what slogan raised?



established at 35 Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, and the

Bethel family was increased. This proving too small
as operations of Jehovah's witnesses increased, a
larger factory was installed at 18 Concord street,
Brooklyn, in March, 1922. The second Cedar Point
Convention followed on September 5-13, 1922. Here
the King's presence at Jehovah's temple for judgment proceedings was announced, and the rousing
call to the witness work was shouted by Brother
Rutherford to that international gathering of many
thousands: "Advertise the King and his kingdom I"
The response was instantaneous. The service organization all over the earth was stirred to action and
addressed itself to the work as never before.
8 The burden of responsibility upon the Society at
Brooklyn increased. It must widen its supervision
of the work and must supply the needs of the Kingdom advertisers over a vaster area according to
their increasing numbers. (Rom. 12: 13) Literature
setting forth the Kingdom truths was needed in
larger volume, in a rising number of languages. The
issues of The Watchtower, issues of The Golden Age
(now the magazine Awake!), books with the newly
revealed truths (no longer the outdated Studies in
the Scriptures), booklets, tracts, Bibles, handbill
advertisements, etc., all these must be produced to
meet the growing demand and at a cost easily within
the financial ability of all people to contribute for or
to allow free distribution. Production of literature
could no longer be left to the unconsecrated hands of
worldly commercial printing plants. By God's grace
and provision of the physical equipment, we here at
Brooklyn must do the printing and publishing with
his own consecrated people as the workers. Branch
offices in other lands must be given their share of
the work.
9 Space fails us for detailing how the great Provider bestowed the means of production upon his
. willing servants. Faced with the prospect of having to
leave the Concord Street plant (whose site New York
city has since converted into a public park), the
Society built its own concrete factory at 117 Adams
street, Brooklyn, a half mile from the Bethel home.
In February, 1927, we moved in and occupied its
eight stories. A larger factory and office force necessitated a larger home to house them. Jehovah
provided it. That same year the original Bethel home
buildings, together with an adjoining brownstonefront residence (126 Columbia Heights, bought in
1926), were torn down. A new concrete and brick
structure was erected, seven stories high above Columbia Heights street, with a 75-foot frontage. This
new building was joined with the old addition to the
rear that fronted on Furman street and in which the
8. What literature must now be published, and printed by whom? Why?
9. How were a new factory and new Bethel home provided In 1927?


N. Y.

family dining-room and kitchen continued to be


But are we forgetting the radio broadcasting 1

No I This, too, offered the opportunity for Jehovah's
visible organization to penetrate the numberless
homes of the people with the New World message.
In 1923 the Society began erecting its own radio
station on the southern heights of Staten island.
Finally completed, and licensed by the government,
station 'VBBR began officially broadcasting Sunday
night, February 24, 1924, on 500 watts of power, and
with Brother Rutherford delivering the message
"Radio and Divine Prophecy". The studio that night
was up in the top floor of the administration building,
but shortly thereafter it was transferred to fine quarters in the transmitter house nearby. It proved inconvenient, however, to have the studio so far out on
Staten island, about 18 miles from the Brooklyn
headquarters. So in 1929 a set of studios, a large one
equipped with an excellent organ and a small one,
were built to the rear of the new Bethel building and
extended to Furman street. There we started putting on our radio program Sunday morning, Novembel' 13, 1929, with Brother Rutherford speaking over
a chain of stations using WBBR as key station. The
program was carried by telephone cable to the radio
transmitter out on Staten island.
11 For many years all such physical equipment was
used to the full. But the steady growth of the work
and organization world-wide caused conditions to
become more and more crowded at headquarters. In
1938 a four-story addition was built to the Adams
Street factory. But now Fascism and Nazism had
reared their hideous heads and taken the aggressive
in the Western Hemisphere, and Jehovah's witnesses
had been banned in Germany and thrust into prisons
and concentration camps, 10,000 strong. Communism
was sensitive to the situation and was building up
its power. War-clouds were gathering for a global
storm. The mob spirit in the United States was rising
against Jehovah's witnesses. Catholic action was
increasing strength and making tests of strength.
The world peace-organization, the League of Nations,
was being flouted as an impotent thing. It had not
proved to be the "political expression of the Kingdom
of God", which the Protestant Council of Churches
had called it, and it was nearing the brink of the
"bottomless pit". (Rev. 17: 8) Come September, 1939
-crash! That was the Nazi hordes smashing their
way through Poland, in a blitzkrieg. World War II
was on, with the atomic bomb due to climax it.
12 Had we reached the finis of this world 1 VV ould
the global war merge into the world catastrophe of

10. How did the Society Install WBBR and Improve Its studios?
11. As we grew, what menacing world developments led up to 1939?
12. What questions arose? How were they resolved, and why?

JULY 15, 1950



out again. Witness today the United Nations! The

coming peace meant that more work, the final work
of Jehovah's witnesses, was yet ahead. Now during
the throes of world war was the time to prepare for
the peace, to enter well-equipped and organized into
the postwar epoch and its vast work. At this Cleveland convention and its subsidiaries, besides the book
The N ew World, the first edition of the King James
Version Bible printed on the Society's own presses
at Brooklyn was released. A mighty piece of working
equipment this!
14 If Europe's being the main theater of the war
limited free activity there, the witness work could
expand southward into Latin lands, namely, Central
and South America and the islands of the Caribbean
sea. But the workers sent there deserved to be
trained. In th e mind of Brother Knorr the idea of a
mis sionary-training school formed. A large 3-story
brick building had been erected at Kingdom Farm,
South Lansing, New York, in 1940, for emergency
purposes. Why let it stand idle ' Why not make alterations in it and convert it into missionary-trainingschool quarters ' Just so! The Watch Tower board of
directors was enthusiastically in favor of it, and thus
what was first called the Watchtower Bible College
of Gilead was arranged for. By confidential letter,
dated December 14, 1942, invitations were sent out to
a number of full-time servants of Jehovah to apply
for admission to this college (now called a school)
13 Sunday, December 7,1941, found Brooklyn headfor the free 5-month course. Of the applicants 100
quarters at last in a nation at war! Thirty-two days were chosen to constitute the first class of Gilead
later the Society's president, J. F. Rutherford, died, students. On February 1, 1943, Brother Knorr preJanuary 8, 1942, at San Diego, California. The vice- siding, the opening ceremonies were conducted in
president, N. H. Knorr, was voted to succeed him in the beautiful school auditorium with the student
office, by the unanimous vote of a joint meeting of body, instructors and members of the Kingdom Farm
the boards of directors of the Pennsylvania and New family present. As Latin America was then in view,
York corporations at the Brooklyn Bethel. Forward Spanish was the foreign language taught. Since then,
Jehovah's work went without interruption, with Portuguese, French, Italian and Japanese have also
determined efforts toward a bigger future. An "Ad- been taught various classes Of groups of students.
vanced Course in Theocratic Ministry" was inaugu- During the seven and a half years of operation since
rated at the Brooklyn Bethel in February, 1942, and then, this School of Gilead has drawn students from
the following year it was destined to be extended to more than thirty different lands on all continents.
the companies of Jehovah's witnesses outside. De15 Graduating two student classes a year, Gilead
spite wartime difficulties a New World Theocratic has sent over a thousand specially trained full-time
convention was held that following summer in Cleve- publishers into foreign missionary fields. Each gradland, Ohio, September 18-20, with 26,000 present uation is a grand event! The graduation exercises of
at the public meeting, where Brother Knorr gave the fifteenth class, of 120 students from 32 lands,
the address "Peace-Can It Last f ' which was carried will have a most unique setting, in the Yankee
by direct telephone lines to upward of 50 joint con- Stadium of New York city. Why there' In order to
ventions in other cities. Over 80 cities on four conti- feature the opening day of the 1950 International
nents had simultaneous conventions. Backed by Assembly of Jehovah's witnesses, Sunday, July 30.
divine prophecy, this public address showed a peace
period would follow World War II and the inter. 16 With the close of the occidental and oriental
national peace-beast which had gone into the bottomphases of World War II in 1945, Jehovah's visible
less pit by a shove from World War II would come
Armageddon' Was the end of the Kingdom witnesswork here, and had the peak in the expansion of J ehovah's visible organization this side of Armageddon
been reached' Would the organization now succumb
to martial conditions and pressures as in 1918 and
slack its hand and crumble in disorganization ' Not
this time, now that Jehovah's spirit in double portion
had been poured out upon his anointed remnant and
had been spread to their devoted companions of goodwill, all together some 47,143 world-wide. These had
been so well organized and instructed that they knew
what to do amid the world upheaval. They had their
instructions from Jehovah's Word and through his
Theocratic organization. Let the communications
with lands overseas be snapped or made difficult!
Invisibly Christ Jesus as Jehovah's great Liaison
Officer acted to keep the visible organization in unity
of spirit; purpose, effort and activity. So on they
went, preaching God's Word in season and out of
season, but largely out of season. The divine approval upon this course of his witnesses became observable, for he blessed it with increase. The great international convention of Jehovah's witnesses at St.
Louis, Missouri, August 6-10, 1941, the largest on
record till then, proved that a great work was yet
to be done. Untold thousands of God's "other sheep"
were evidently yet to be gathered to him.

13. When and how did preparations for the postwar period begin?

14, 15. How did the School of Gilead arise, with what record to date ?
16. What postwar relief work was undertaken? For what purpose ?




N. Y.

organization stepped expectantly into the atomic-age

postwar period, but with more witnesses than 'ever
and with new foreign Branches and with missionary
homes . Th e entire or ganization was permeated' with
the spirit of expansion. At the sectional convention
at Cleveland, Ohio, September 29, 30, 1945, Brother
Knorr announced r elief work would be undertaken,
the companies of J ehovah's witnesses in certain areas
to cont ri bute particularl y clothing . Sh or tly great
r elief works, directed fr om Brooklyn headquarters,
were carried forward to help r ehabilitate our brethren for J ehovah's active service in lands specially
hard hit by th e global war.
1 7 Th en came the advices that New York city was
projecting a new superhighway connecting Brooklyn
with Manhattan; it was to run alon g Furman st re et
and would encr oach up on the gr ound occupied by
the rear of th e Bethel property, to a depth of "fifty
fee t. Condemned by the city fo r p ropo sed highway,
this much of Be th el property must go. T his would
cut off many living-rooms, th e kitchen, much of the
dining-room and much of the big radio studio, including it s organ. Only a new Beth el would solve the
problem thrust upon us. Came Thursday, "P ublishers
Equipment Day," Augu st 8, at th e 1946 Glad Nations
Theo cratic Assembly of J ehovah's witnesses at the
Cleveland Stadium with abou t 58,000 present, f rom
33 nations. That aft ernoon th e new Th eocratic Mini stry School book entitled "E quipped for Every Good
VV ork" had been rel ea sed. It is now night. P resident
Brother Knorr is spe aking on th e subject, "The P r oblems of Reconstruction and E xpansion ." H e announces something new, th e dividing up of all working
territory into circuits with about twenty companies
or units to a circuit, and circuit servants to vi sit each
company of a circuit, and circuit assemblies to be
held every six mon th s in each circuit. But he tells
something more: To cope with the global demand
for Kingdom literature th e Brooklyn factory has
to .be enlarged. To hou se the larger office and fa ctor y
force -needed; a new Beth el home ha s to be ere cted.
Watchtower radio sta tion, \VBBR, mu st be increased
inpower and facilities. The mon ey for all this t No,
none to be borrowed from commercial banks. J ehovah's visible organization, his ' devoted .people, would
be given th e privilege of loaning the needed 'capitai
by taking the 2-percent notes which the Watchtower
Society would soon issue. The jubilation that follow ed
wa~ the precursor of an oversub scription of the loan
by generous hearts.
.18 To .make way for the demolition work soon to
begin , the following October 12 the radio offices and
broadcasting studio were transferred from Bethel
back to WBBR on Staten island. The dining-room
was transferred to the Bethel parlor and library-

r oom on the ba sement floor . H ere the Bethel family

ate their meal s in two shif ts for lack of table space,
in cafeteria "style. Th e" afore time morning Beth el
service at the breakfast table,"a feature car ried over
from th e original Bible House in Allegheny (North
Pittsburgh) ; Pa., had to be discontinued. The new
Beth el building was planned to extend alon g Columbia H eights from the existing Be th el southwar d to
the end of th e block at P ineapple stre et. To purchase
the property standing ther eon it took considerable
time and abn ormal exp ense. Th ereafter to get th e
tenants out of th ese r esid ences posed another pr oblem, which cau sed long delays, in getting onto the new
const ruc tion work. Meantime building cons t ruction
costs soare d. For tho se Bethel family members who
had been fo rced out of th eir living quarters by demolition of the fifty-feet-deep rear section 'of Beth el,
houses were .bough t at 111, 113, and 151 Columbia
H eights, in addition to using t he house at 34 Orange
street. This scattered the fam ilv to' the least extent.
Th e fam ily's Monday night lV~tchtower study and
Th eocratic Mini stry School meeting had to be transferred to th e Fulton st ree t Kingdom Hall of the
Brooklyn Center unit of Jehovah's witnesses.
1 9 Much difficulty, caus ing vexatious delay, was met
with in securing all the properties and sites adjacent
to th e factory. Finally th e way was cleare d for erecting a factory addition as planned an d blueprinted.
But befo re th is, \VBBR had expanded. New transmitt er equipment was in stall ed and thre e new ste el
towers, 411 feet high above g rade, were er ected at
\VBBR, Staten island. Tuesday nig ht, May 25, 1948,
at 7 p.m ., the old radio equipment was signed off th e
ai r, and the new equipment, with power increased
from 1,000 to 5,000 watts, was switched on, to send
th e program in a directional beam from the three
steel towers acr oss the hitherto impenetrable populous metropolitan area of Gr eater New York city.
At it s old studio in th e transm it te r house Brother
Knorr officia lly inaugurated WBBR on its new equipment and power by a r adi o speech tellin g of th e
expansion of God's visible organization. By then
233,578 Kingdom publishers over all th e ear th wer e
r eporting field activity monthly. The Watchtower
Bibl e School of Gilead had already graduated a
thousand students, and 534 of th em were located in
68 lands and in 85 different missionary homes. Prospects for fur ther expansion were bright.
20 An unusually mild winter of 1948-1949 furn ished
most favo rable weather for cons tr uction work to
begin on the new Bethel. The constructi on work on
th e new factory began in January, 1949. At long
last th e time for occupyin g the new st ructur es arrived. Behold, there stands the new Bethel home, a
~trong imposing st ructure ten stories high abov e

17. How was new construction at "headquar ters necessitated?

18. What adjustments at Bethel were made to allo w for th is ?

19. How was WBBR Improved and the new equi pment put on the air ?
20. Wh at bulldlngs now cr own the cons truction work at headquarters ?

JULY 15,' 1950




Showing; front center, what is left of the 1910 structure; on left, the 1927 building;
to the right and rear, the 1950 twelve-story edifice.

Columbia Heights and surmounted by a

rectangular watchtower. Up above th e
city's new cantilever highway of two
levels for motor vehicles arid a promenade Bethel rears itself in a commanding position, occupying now the complete block from Pineapple to Orange
street and increasing the living quarters
to accommodations for more than 450
persons, two in a room . A half mile
away stands the factory with its new
addition, a structure of concrete nine
stories high, and the whole factory now
extending from Adams to Pearl street
and with its floor space almost doubled.
Page space here does not allow for description of these fine buildings which
Jehovah God has provided for equipping his visible organization to be richer than ever in good works. Let the pictures herewith describe them to you .


ONDAY, January 30,1950, wa.s set for dedica- his name and kingdom. Various features of the extion of the new Bethel to the consecrated pansion from early times were described as detailed
.:-, service of the Most High God. That night the in our preceding pages, and Brother Knorr enfirst meeting was held in the incomparable Kingdom visioned our spreading out within but a few years
Hall in the basement of the new home, the hall to even beyond the present home and factory when
having entrances both from within the home and these had reached their capacity. His appeal to the
from the street at 136 Columbia Heights. Present brethren was to be loyal to Jehovah's Theocratic
are the regular Bethel family and brethren from organization and to cleave to it. He urged or invited
WBBR, Staten island, and about 80 brethren re- .the members of the family to make the enlarged
cently arrived from foreign shores to enter the Bethel their real home and to enjoy and use it as
15th class of Gilead, the entire gathering numbering such to God's glory and in furtherance of their own
about 400. All faces are aglow. All hearts are part in his bles sed service.
swelling with the joy of Jehovah. At
8 p.m. the dedication exercises open a s
chairman Brother Knorr announces a
Kingdom song for all to sing. All heads
and hearts then bowed in prayer while
Brother Knorr thanked Jehovah God
for His gift of the new Bethel and expressed the dedication of it wholly to
the loving service into which He has
called us through Jesus Christ. Brother
Knorr's dedication speech now followed . It portrayed how, in fulfillment
of Jehovah's prophecies at Isaiah chapters 54 and 60, expansion was due to
come, even as it has come, and his visible organization was to be beautified,
improved and better regulated for the
maryelou~ work of bearing witness to !
1, 2. When and with what exercises was the new Bethel dedicated?






N. Y.

between. The large windows permit visitors in the

2 The directors of both corporations were present
in full number. So Brother Knorr then called to . observation room to clearly view all going on in the
the platform for brief speeches the Society's vice- studios while they listen in on the loud-speaker.
president, its secretary-treasurer and his assistant, Kingdom Hall itself will be used as the largest of
then three members of the board of directors of the \VBBR's studios, the console of a new and larger
New York corporation who included the factory serv- organ being located westward of the speaker's platant and the Bethel home servant, and finally the form. The broad grill-work in front of the organ
other three members of the board of directors of the pipes is just behind and over the platform. FullPennsylvania corporation. All voiced warm apprecia- scale educational and musical programs carried on
tion for God's provision of the new home and its by the Bethel family will be radiocast direct from
modern appointments and facilities. With earnest- Kingdom Hall. On Sunday, March 12, at 8 a.m.,
ness they exhorted the brethren to greater love of \VBBR initiated its broadcasting from its new Bethel
His organization and to stick to its work here at studios, the Society's president fittingly presenting
headquarters. Concluding the speeches, Brother the day's text and after a musical interlude the
Knorr pointed to the advantages that the home and Woichioioer's extended comment thereon, as the
its family life offered, and encouraged all to be wise opening feature of the day.
and take full ad5 Saturday night,
vantage of them. A
April 1, marked the
closing song by the
first celebration of
assem bl y, a final
the Memorial of
prayer by the viceChrist's death held
president, and then
in the Kingdom
the assembly adHall, first by the
journed to enjoy
Brooklyn Center
some ice-cream and
unit and then by the
cake and informal
Brooklyn H eights
companionship t 0unit, Brothel'
Knorr conducting
S This inauguratthe latter. 'I'he foled r egular us e of
lowing Monday,
the Kingdom Hall.
April 3, marked an'I'h e subsequent
other step in uti'I'hu isd ay night
lizing God's equipment for his people.
the new Brooklyn
Heights' unit of the
For a bou t three
Gr eater New York company of Jehovah's witnesses and a half years now th e Bethel family had eaten
held its first weekly Theocratic Ministry school and cafeteria-style in shifts, without the former tableservice meeting there. Th e next night the Brooklyn discussion privileges. But this morning the spacious
Center unit, which had just been forced out of its new Bethel dining-room in the subbasement was
Fulton Street meeting-place, held like meetings. On opened up. At 7 a.m. the family were all seated, in
Sunday the weekly study of The Watchtower and full number, in groups of ten about each table. Forty
public lectures were held by each of these units at its such tables are available, besides large serving tables
assigned time for use of Kingdom Hall. The fol- at the western side. Brother Knorr at the head of
lowing Monday night the Bethel family met there table No.7, with the microphone at his place, sat at
for its advance study of The Watchtower and its the eastern end with the entire dining-room well in
Theocratic Ministry school. After the review ques- view. Announcing the restoration of the morning
tions and the instructor's talk to all the school in the Bethel service, he explained how it would be conductKingdom Hall the family divided up into five groups, ed henceforth, and then demonstrated it. He called
one group staying in the hall for its three student for the reading of the day's text in the 1950 Yearbook
talks and counsel, the other groups going to four by a brothel' at his table, near the microphone. Questions on the text were called for. On each question
other locations.
4 In March the radio office force and studio personBrother Knorr asked several members of the family,
nel moved from Staten island into Bethel, where it brothers and sisters, for their comment and then
has its offices and elegant studios of floating type, threw each question open for any . voluntary coma large and a small one, with the control room in ments. He closed the discussion by giving his own
3. To what use was the Kingdom Hall put Immediately thereafter?
4. Where and how did WBBR open up Its new studios?

5, 6. When and how was . the new Bethel dining-room Inaugurated?

." ,



15, 1950

extended comment up on th e text as a whole, after

which he had the brother read the Y earbook comment.
The morning prayer followed, which Brother Knorr
offered, thanking God for his lovin g-kindness and
asking hi s blessing on th e da y's activities by his
people everywhere and al so acknowledging his provi sion of th e morning meal. Only he stood as the one





Brother Knorr offered a short prayer of dismissal.

Before each meal a brother is call ed upon to ask the
blessing upon the food . Dismissal at close of th e
meal is by prayer.
8 The same eventful Monday the new fa ctory was
opened up and t he office and factory fo rce expanded
into it. Overcrowded conditions were at la st gone .
That night at seven o'clock th e members
of th e family, according to Brother
Knorr's announcement, began a tour of
in sp ection of t he new Bethel home and it s
appointment s and oper atin g equipment.
From top to bottom th ey toured, inspecting offices of the presid ent and his staff,
the legal and finan cial department s, th e
beautiful new libr ary, th e sewing-room
and laundry which were pu t in regular
operation for exhibition purposes, and
th e kitchen r eplet e with all it s shiny modern equipment. Th e fa ctory next came in
for in spection. All its nin e floors wer e
put in full operation. All those insp ectin g
r ejoiced at th e increased space now available for convenient handling of the work.
They marveled at all th e ma chin es and
apparatus for dischargin g the tremendou s amount of work that th e office and
factory force must daily turn out. Of

offering prayer, hi s voice carrying well

through all th e dining-ro om wit hout
benefit of th e microphone; all th e re st
of th e family r emained seated.
6 The prayer being finish ed, the fam ily
proceeded to eat their breakfast, the food
being efficiently served by the waiter s
from quietly rolling car riages with six
tiers for dishes of food. Th e kitch en ad joins the dining-room on th e north, and
when the partitions are rolled up it can
be viewed beyond the counter and warming units for keeping trays and pots of
food heated.
7 The family greatly appreciated the
resuming of the morning Bethel service.
The y confess to rec eiving many bles sings
from it. It provides spiritual food, our
most neces sary portion, the first thing
in t he day for the assembled family. We
recommend that all Christian families or hous eholds special inter est and attraction was our new quartercar ry on such a morning breakfast-table service, million-dollar rotary printing press newly installed
using the daily text and comment published in th e on the press floor, th e sixth floor . It is capable of
current Y earbook or in foreign-language issues of running off up to 29,000 copies an hour of a magazine
The Watchtow er. Th is helps to start off the day like Awake!
aright for everyone participating. At the close of the
9 Touring over, the family returned and took their
meal the Bethel family rose at their places and 8. What also was op en ed v p that day? Wha t Insp ection tours followed ?
7. What br eakfa st -table service do we recommend for households ?

9. What sp iritual ex hor ta tion closed this eventful day ?



assigned seats in the Bethel dining-room for some

ice-cream and cake, shortly after 10 p.m. While all
were enjoying their refreshments, Brother Knorr '
called on eight brothers (none Society directors)
who had been members of the family for quite a number of years to come to the microphone and each offer
some remarks. We were all glad to hear their words
of appreciation and encouragement to be true and
faithful in serving God together with his visible
organization. Brother Knorr offered the final remarks, exhorting the family members to be regular
in attending the morning Bethel service and to partake of all the spiritual food which is the peculiar
privilege of the Bethel family. He dismissed them
now with prayer. It was past 11 p.m. So off to bed!


N. Y.

1 0 The
family's tour was a forerunner of the
mammoth-scale tour expected to follow the 1950
International Assembly of Jehovah's witnesses at
Yankee Stadium, New York, July 30 to August 6.
In its announcements the Society has been inviting
all conventioners to make the tour. The New York
company of Jehovah's witnesses is to play host to
them all. Besides thousands of hotel accommodations,
it was estimated the conventioners will need 50,000
accommodations in private homes .of New Yorkcity.
House-to-house canvassing forsuch rooms by workers from companies within a 25-mile radius of Times
Square was scheduled to begin Sunday, May 14, p-receded by a meeting of all these in the St. Nicholas
Arena;:Manhattan, at 7: 30 p.m., Saturday, May 13.
11 The arena and hall downstairs were packed with
4,837 witnesses and persons of good-will. Brother
Knorr was first to address them, officially announcing
the place of the assembly and also the subject of his
public address there, "Can You Live Forever in
Happiness on Earth 1" He showed them the magnitude of the coming assembly, the need of rooms in
private homes, and the grand opportunity this offered for penetrating thousands of homes with living
witnesses of the Most High God to give an intimate

testimony to the Kingdom. His people in this metropolitan area would themselves see to securing the
needed rooms; a limited number of days remained
for doing it. Talks by the convention servant and his
assistants were next presented, also demonstrations
on how to apply for rooms tactfully and effectively.
Closing the two-hour program Brother Knorr returned to the stage and invited all there to visit the
factory and Bethel home the following Tuesday and
'Wednesday nights, May 16 and 17. The factory would
receive them from 7 to 8: 30 p.m., and thereafter the
Bethel home.
12 The tour at the factory started on the ground
floor, from an entrance on Prospect street, and
moved up floor by floor to the ninth and last. Descending direct to the first floor after nearly a mile of
walking through the building, the party proceeded
over to the Bethel home. Entering through the stately
reception room and passing through our beautiful
lounge room, they were guided to the new radio
studios, the sewing-room, laundry, kitchen, diningroom and Kingdom Hall. Tuesday night 1,315 friends
from many companies toured the factory, 1,260 of
whom then visited the Bethel home. Wednesday
night, despite rain, 1,165 toured the factory and about
a hundred less of these the home. It was about 10 p.m.
before they all cleared the home. All were delighted
and blessed.
13 Now we await the mass visit of the conventioners,
from more than 70 lands of the earth. They are keenly interested in seeing all the equipment which our
all-provident heavenly Father has given his visible
organization to deliver the great Kingdom witness
ahead. They will be filled with wonderment and with
praise of Him at what they see. As we meditate on
His goodness to his organized witnesses, we give him
thanks. We ask the prayers of all persons of goodwill that wemay faithfully,'. wisely and efficiently
use all these his gifts, as long as he privileges us to
do so, to advancing the interests of his righteous
new world and to vindicating his holy name and universal sovereignty.

10. 11. (a) What pre-conventlon rooming work had to be done. and by
whom? (b) What meeting and program prepared them fo_r_th_l_s?

12. How was the Invitation responded to and the tour conducted?
._F_or_al_lthis provision whom do we thank? We ask what prayers?

(Oontinued from page 210)

miles away, you should travel by U. S. Route 1 or 22 to either
the Holland or the Lincoln Tunnel or the Erie Ferry near__ the
Hoilliiid Tunnel. In Manhattan take the West Side Express
Highway (no trucks permitted) to 158th Street exit. The bridge

at 155th street will take you across the Harlem river' to the stadium. There are no parking facilities right at the stadium.
It is hoped talks at Yankee Stadium .will be transmitted by
telephone lines to the camp for . the benefit' of those who must be
on duty, but to get the real blessing come to Yankee Stadium daily.



The International Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses

invites you to hear
the public


U \.NE fO E CAN yO - ..

Admission Free


President of Watchtower Society -


No Oollections

All persons are invited

to attend the
International Assembly
of Jehovah's Witnesses
I July -so_to August 6, 1950 .
Yankee Stadium
New York

P u b l is h e d

S e m im o n t h l y

N. H . K norr, President

Grant Suiter , Secretary

And all thy children shall be taught o f Jehovah; and

great shall be the peace o f thy children. * Isaiah 5 4 : 13 .
T H A T JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son o f God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue o f His universal sovereignty;
T H A T GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon i t ; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to l i f e ;
T H A T TH E LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient m en; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
T H A T GODS C A P IT A L O R G AN IZATIO N is a Theocracy called
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new w o rld ; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members of Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
T H A T T H E OLD W O RLD of Satan began its time o f the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
T H A T TH E R E L IE F and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.
The International Assembly fo r 1950 at New Y ork city ! This
starts off the Testimony Period entitled Theocracys Increase .
And so many from all parts o f the earth will begin August, the
Testimony month, with attendance at the assembly. But whether
at the assembly or not, all adherents o f The Theocratic Govern
ment will loyally take part in the world-wide testimony. The book
Let God Be True , now published in 20 languages, will be the
leading offer fo r the month, on a contribution o f 35c. W here it
is not available, another bound book to correspond should be
offered to the people. Surely our readers w ill want to work fo r
The Theocracy to increase its devoted subjects by circulating the
literature which advertises that Government and thus help others
to come under its benign sway. Let any reader write us who wants
assistance to get started witnessing and needs references and
instructions. W e count on the report o f every participant in the
Testimony Period. So make your report at the close o f August
and thus give proof in your case o f The Theocracys general
W eek o f
jj 1-17
Week o f



W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
117 Adams Street

Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U.S.A.

September 3: Serving with the Servant,

inclusive, The Watchtower August 1, 1950.
September 10: Servants Care o f the Masters Goods,
inclusive, The Watchtower August 1, 1950.

H IS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the

people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
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The Watchtower is a magazine without equal in the earth, and

is conceded this rank by all that have been faithful readers thereof
during its more than seventy years o f publication. The Watchtower
has increased in importance with the progress o f the years, and
never has it been more valuable than today, at this world crisis,
when the destiny o f each intelligent human creature is being de
cided. The getting o f correct information and instruction, just
such as required fo r the times, to decide your course wisely to
a happy destiny, was never more vital than now, fo r where there
is no vision, the people perish . Inform ed persons well acquainted
with the consistent contents o f The Watchtower agree that those
who want to gain life in peace and happiness without end should
read and study it together with the Bible and in company with
other readers. This is not giving any credit to the magazines
publishers, but is due to the great Author o f the Bible with its
truths and prophecies, and who now interprets its prophecies. H e
it is that makes possible the material that is published in the
columns o f this magazine and who gives promise that it shall
continue to publish the advancing truths as long as it continues
to exist fo r the service o f the interests o f his Theocratic Govern
ment. Carefully and prayerfully read this issue o f The W atchtower. Then do not delay to mail in your subscription, that
you may receive it regularly, twice a month, twenty-four copies
the year. Subscription rates are shown above.



o l.



1, 1950

No. 15

" Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you,
That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. Matt. 24:46,47.

EHOVAH is the omnipotent Ruler of the uni is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know
verse. At his right hand is the loyal and faithful all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts
King, Christ Jesus, who serves for evermore. of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not
The kingdom of the appointed ruler will exercise tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness
authority over this earth until everything therein thereof. (Ps. 50:10-12) I will tell of the decree:
praises and magnifies the Creators holy name. Into Jehovah said unto me, Thou art my son; this day
this marvelous service 144,000 have been called to have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I will give thee
participate, and such called ones will, by making the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost
their calling and election sure, be the bride of the parts of the earth for thy possession. (Ps. 2 :7 ,8 ,
King, and will be joint heirs with him. As Kingdom Am. Stan. Ver.) Satan, the god of this evil world,
inheritors they know that by promise they are to never had the possession of the earth with its moun
share the throne with the glorified Bridegroom. tains, oceans, lakes, rivers, trees, flowers, animals,
And what is of more immediate concern, that royal birds, fish and other created things. These were not
Spouse has revealed to them that during this worlds his to give to anyone. Adam did not come into this
synteleia and before completing their earthly course glorious dominion. The apostle Paul states at He
the sign of his favor toward them would be marked brews 2: 5-8 that this dominion will be given to Christ
by his entrusting them with special Kingdom respon Jesus. Paul here was quoting from Psalm 8, which
sibilities. Such Kingdom interests must be guarded, clearly teaches that the Universal Sovereign has put
watched and increased amid the turbulence of this all such created works in the charge of his beloved
worlds closing years. Nor would any human or Son. Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised
demon attraction or the confused events occurring him from the dead, and made him to sit at his right
in these fateful days succeed in diverting the faithful hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule, and
stewards from their service. These very events now authority, and power, and dominion, and every name
coming to pass supply further evidence of the ful that is named, not only in this world, but also in that
fillment of prophecy pertaining to the presence of which is to come: and he put all things in subjection
our Lord Jesus Christ, the nearness of the final end under his feet, and gave him to be head over all
of this evil world, and the requirements now laid things to the church, which is his body, the fulness
upon the true servants of the kingdom of heaven.
of him that filleth all in all.Eph. 1:20-23, Am.
2 That kingdom of God, with its appointed Ruler,Stan. Ver.; see also Dan. 7:13,14, Am. Stan. Ver.;
is of the greatest importance, and centuries have Dan. 2 :4 4 ; Ps. 89:34-37.
been used in its preparation. The King will rule in
3 Thus the everlasting kingdom belongs to Christ
righteousness, enforcing Gods law and breaking Jesus even as he himself declared: I appoint unto
down every power opposing truth and justice. Then you a kingdom, even as my Father appointed unto
will come the endwhen he surrenders the Kingdom me. (Luke 22: 29, Am. Stan. Ver.) Further, as to his
to his God and Father, having overthrown all other sharing it with his faithful disciples, we read, As
rule and all other authority and power. For he must you know how we . . . warned you to walk worthily
reign until God has put all his enemies under his of that G od who is inviting you into his own glorious
feet. (1 Cor. 15: 24-26, Twentieth Century ) Christ kingdom.1 Thess. 2:11,12, Diaglott; see also
Jesus receives this kingdom from his Father. No Rom. 8 :1 7 ; Phil. 3:10-14; 2 Tim. 2:12.
man or earthly powers could possibly give it to him,
4 When Jesus Christ was on earth he committed
for it is not theirs. For every beast of the forest many things to his disciples. There were his Word,

1. Jehovah and Christ Jesus being rulers means what to his people
on earth today?
2. W ho receives the dominion, and what scriptural p roof do w e have?

3. W ith whom does Christ Jesus share his kingdom ?

4. W h at w ere some o f the interests he committed to the care o f his
church ?



ro o klyn,

N. Y.

the feeding of the sheep, my peace, preaching of

the Kingdom, the honor of the Fathers name. Later
at Pentecost, through the operation of the holy
spirit and the ministrations of the apostles, more
interests were placed in the churchs care. Every
one of us, however, has been entrusted with some
charge, each in accordance with the extent of the
gift of the Christ. (Eph. 4 :7 , Twentieth Century)
Many of these gifts are mentioned in verse 11: He
it is who gave to the church apostles, prophets,
missionaries, pastors, and teachers. All these gifts
were for a specified purpose: For the complete
qualification of the saints for the work of service,
in order to the building up of the body of the Anoint
ed one. (Verse 12, D iaglott) The apostles faithfully
performed these services, and loyal service has been
rendered at the end of the world where we now are.
There have been among the millions of professing
Christians a few who have fed the flock of God, kept
the good and true Word of God before the people,
who have strengthened those of the household of the
Lord and preached the kingdom of heaven is at
hand , all to the honor of the heavenly Fathers
name. When the Lord Jesus Christ returned in power
and glory to establish his Kingdom rule over all
the earth, he was to find the faithful servant dis
charging his responsibilities in a manner pleasing
to him. When with his disciples, he gave a parable
which is also a prophecy pertaining to this very
servants work, and showing what would happen.
A consideration of this parable and appreciation of
its fulfillment now brings joy, comfort and strength
to Gods own people.

this commendation of the servant the master rewards

him by entrusting much greater responsibilities to
his care. He will set him over all that he hath.
(Verse 47, Am. Stan. Ver.) He will put him in
charge of all his property. (A n Amer. Trans.) He
shall make him ruler over all his goods. King
James Version.
6 This parables prophetic fulfillment comes to
pass at the second presence of the Lord Jesus Christ,
at the end of the world. It is now being fulfilled, and
therefore can be understood. Who then is the faith
ful and wise servant ? Where is the household ?
How and when did the master come and approve
the servant ? What is meant by the goods , prop
erty, possessions ? What is meant by being made
ruler over all his goods ? These questions and
many more come to the mind of the reader. It is
possible to understand the fulfillment, of this parable
now, and blessed are your eyes if you see.
7First, let us locate the time of the fulfillment.
Verse 46 says when his master returns, and verse
44 states the Son of Man is coming at a time when
you do not expect him . (A n Amer. Trans.) It will
be appreciated that the prophecies recorded in this
24th chapter of Matthew pertain to the end of the
world. The Lord uses one of his own titles, Son of
man, therefore making it obvious that he was refer
ring to himself as the master of the household.
The time is that of the second appearing of Christ,
and in this evil worlds time of the end, or synteleia, when his kingdom is due to commence its rule.
8Who is responsible for seeing to it that the house
hold is fed? On another occasion Jesus said to his
followers, Do you understand all this ? They said
to him, Yes. He said to them, Then remember that
5 Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom
every scribe who has become a disciple of the King
his lord hath set over his household, to give them
dom of Heaven must be like a householder who can
their food in due season? Blessed is that servant,
supply from his storeroom new things as well as
whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
old. (Matt. 13:51,52, An Amer. Trans.) These
Verily I say unto you, that he will set him over all
therefore are the kingdom of heaven class, the
that he hath. (Matt. 24:45-47, Am. Stan. Ver.) It
prospective members of the bride of Christ , those
will be observed that the prophecy does not pertain
who are in Christ , as mentioned in Romans 12:5
to just any servant, but to one who has been specially
(Am . Stan. Ver.) : So we, who are many, are one
chosen, one whom the master hath appointed over
body in Christ, and severally members one of anoth
his household (R o th .); whom his master put in
er. For all the promises of God have their Yes in
charge of his household. (A n Amer. Trans.) The
Him; and therefore through Him also we utter the
chief service mentioned which had to receive atten
Amen to the glory of God. But He who confirms
tion was to give food in due season, or to give the
us as well as you in union with Christ, and has
members of it their supplies at the proper time . (A n
anointed us, is God, and He has also set His seal upon
Amer. Trans.) By this servants faithfully, thought
us, and has put His spirit into our hearts as a guar
fully, loyally and prudently carrying out his assigned
antee. (2 Cor. 1:20-22, Weymouth) They are of
duties he received the approval of the master. Hap
the anointed . This company is made up of 144,000
py that servant, whom his master, on coming, shall
members (Rev. 14:1), whose calling began with the
find thus employed! (Matt. 24:46, D iaglott) Well
6. W hen is this parable due fo r fulfillm ent, and what are some o f the
pleased is the Lord and so is the servant. Following questions
which come to the mind?
5. W ho appointed the faith fu l and wise servant , and what was it
that so pleased the L o rd on his return?

7. W hich portions o f scripture in the parable help us to locate the time

o f fulfillm ent?
8. W ho are the "anointed ? and what is meant b y "anointed remnant ?


1, 1950



apostles and nears its completion at the second

appearing of Jesus Christ. It is now about complete.
Indeed only a small remnant of this company, gen
erally known as the anointed remnant, is now left
on earth. Such a class would be on the earth when
the Lord returned, for so he taught.
9 The Lord Jesus Christ was enthroned as the new
worlds King in 1914, as all the prophecies of old
and facts of today testify. Earths greatest event
then took place, for that is when the Most High God
instructed his Son to rule in the midst of his ene
mies. (Ps. 110:1,2) Then it was that action com
menced in heaven to bring forward the Kingdom
rule, this new power which will rule all nations. (Ps.
2; Rev. 12:5) Before this all-important date, there
had been a preparatory work going on for years.
The 40-year period of time (from 1878 to 1918) was
foretold in Scripture prophecy, and generally has
been referred to as the Elijah or John the Bap
tist work, and so named because it constitutes a
large-scale, modern-day fulfillment of their prophetic
works. The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ,
the Son of God. Even as it it written in Isaiah the
prophet, Behold, I send my messenger before thy
face, who shall prepare thy way; the voice of one
crying in the wilderness, Make ye ready the way of
the Lord, make his paths straight. (Mark 1:1-3, Am.
Stan. Ver.; Matt. 3:1-12) Behold, I will send you
Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day
of Jehovah come. And he shall turn the heart of the
fathers to the children, and the heart of the children
to their fathers; lest I come and smite the earth with
a curse. (Mai. 4: 5, 6, Am. Stan. Ver.) And if ye are
willing to receive it, this [John the Baptist] is Elijah,
that is to come. (Matt. 11:14, Am. Stan. Ver.) The
way must be prepared before the King appears.
During the 40 years before 1918, as in the days of
John the Baptist, the message delivered was strong,
clear, comforting to the poor in spirit, denunciatory
of proud doers and testifying to the Christ of God.
The anointed people of God for more than 30 years
before 1914 were announcing the nearness of the end
of the Gentile times , and called upon the professed
people of God to be ready for Jehovahs service. Mes
sage after message was publicly announced, several
millions of textbooks were published, many more mil
lions of tracts were circulatedall to call the peoples
attention to the fulfillment of prophecy and the
urgency of being awake and watchful. The untiring,
unselfish, wholehearted ministry of these faithful
Christians was known to the master of the house
hold, and he recognized them.
10 It was in the year 1884 that these faithful serv
ants organized and established the Watch Tower

Bible & Tract Society, and began conducting through

it all their ministrations. When the first president
of this Society ended his earthly course in 1916,
some who had been associated with the Lords anoint
ed rebelled against the servants of God. Their covet
ous hearts found expression in evilspeaking against
Gods loyal children, saying that the Watch Tower
Bible & Tract Society was no longer being used by
the Lord, that they had the light and the servants
of God should follow them. Amidst all this con
tention, evilspeaking, hard sayings, treacherous ac
tions, betrayals and the persecutions and trials of
World War I the faithful anointed continued to feed
the household with proper spiritual food; and not
once did they fail to publish the Watch Toiver
11 The church was certainly being tried, from with
out and from within. Then in 1918 the Lord Jesus
Christ appeared at the temple for judgment. His
angels gathered out of his Kingdom class those who
were offending and working iniquity. The Son of
man shall send forth his angels, and they shall
gather out of his kingdom all things that cause
stumbling, and them that do iniquity, and shall cast
them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weep
ing and the gnashing of teeth. Then shall the right
eous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their
Father. He that hath ears, let him hear. (Matt.
13: 41-43, Am. Stan. Ver.) The great invisible Judge
quickly disposed of these wicked ones, and at the
same time brought forth his faithful ones. Then will
the righteous shine out like the sun in their Fathers
Kingdom. (Verse 43, Weymouth) By getting the
rebels and wicked ones out of the way he could use
his own people and let them shine forth, for their
light had come. He approved these loyal servants,
for regardless of all the problems, hindrances, trials
and persecutions the anointed had gone right on with
the work of feeding the sheep and this always
through the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society.

9. W h y is 1918 an im portant date? Explain the w ork p rior to 1918.

10. When was the Society organized, and what difficulties w ere experi
enced shortly after 1916?

11. W hat other great event happened in the year 1918, and with what
results to the servants o f God?
12. The faith fu l servants being approved resulted in what?


12 The master of the household said, Happy is

that servant . . . He shall make him ruler over all
his goods. This servants privileges and responsi
bilities are now greatly enlarged, for, whereas he
had been caring for the household in general, now
added duties were laid upon him. He was appointed
to have the complete management of all the masters
goods, the administration of all the property, pos
sessions, lands and wealth. What could this now
mean! What were the goods , possessions, prop
erty entrusted to this faithful and wise servant ?
Surely we immediately think of the greatest and



most precious possession of the new worlds King,

and that is, the Kingdom. But how could the King
dom be given into the servants custody? Certainly
it could not be that part of the Kingdom in heaven
itself, for the anointed remnant is yet on earth. We
find that this is exactly what it has to do with, the
interests of the glorious Kingdom as they pertain
now to this earth. That is, those Kingdom interests
which are visible. Can it therefore really mean that
the returned master who comes as earths new ruler
has made this faithful and wise servant ruler over
all the present earthly interests of his kingdom? That
is exactly what it states, and certainly no less. He
shall make him ruler over all his possessions. Not
only do we believe this, but give thanks to God and
Christ day and night for his loving-kindness to the
children of men.
13 How are these interests cared for and adminis
tered? The answer, clearly, is by his anointed rem
nant through the organization he has so richly and
unmistakably blessed during these 66 years, the
Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. Some readers
may question this fact, but you are invited to con
sider the evidences and see for yourself it is true.
Even at this point, can you think of another organi
zation being used by God s people wholly and solely
in the doing of his work? Here is a company of
anointed servants of the Lord God who have devoted
their all to his holy service, and are now acting in
complete faith, honoring his name, preaching the
King and the Kingdom, feeding the flock, and using
this same organization to accomplish these purposes.
It may be comparatively easy to just say, It is not
so ; but can you name one other organization on
earth today so engaged? You will find it is not pos
sible. However, you will note that these statements
are not mere assertions, but are facts and true. The
Lords faithful and wise servant has proof to show
that it is the servant , and once this has been estab
lished then those realizing it are compelled to make
decisions as to their service. Can you, will you, con
tinue to engage in services not authorized by or in
harmony with the ruler over all his goods , or will
you learn Gods way? You cannot do both. The faith
ful and wise servant is loyal and true, is blind and
deaf to everything and everyone that would seek to
cause division or hurt among the household, and this
servant met with the Masters favor. Then make
your decision.
14 Jesus Christ is the head of this faithful serv
ant , and all must recognize it. These most vital
Kingdom interests are not just passed over or simply
given away to the servant class to do with just as
they wish. No, it is not like that at all. The goods
13. (a ) H ow are the "good s administered, and through which organi
zation? (b ) W h at does this mean?
14. T o whom do these interests re a lly belong? W h y so?

ro o klyn,

N. Y.

still belong to Christ Jesus, the ruler , and he puts

them in the servant s care, in his custody. They are
handed over as a trust. Furthermore, would it not
be a strange thing if Christ had more than one faith
ful and wise servant ? Suppose he had two, or more,
and each contended he had the rulership over the
possessions. There would be confusion; and God is
not the author of confusion.
is There is 0nly one Most High Jehovah, one Lord
Jesus Christ, one holy spirit, one anointed company,
one company of the Lords other sheep . There are
not two Christs, and neither are there two anoint
ed companies. So today there is only one faithful
and wise servant class. Consider Jehovahs past
dealings. For example, Noah: He was the one chosen
for that preflood work. To Abraham God gave the
promise that his seed should possess the land and
bless all families of the earth, not to two or three
Abrahams. He used one man Moses to deliver, lead
and give the law to Israelnot several men. The
same can be said for Aaron the high priest, and for
Jeremiah and his work. Of course, two can work in
unison, like Elijah and Elisha, but certainly not
with different commissions and against each other.
By example and reason then we are forced to the
conclusion that only one faithful and wise servant
class has been entrusted with these all-important
Kingdom possessions.
16 Following the assigning of these goods to this
faithful servant class after 1918, some disputed
and said to those officers of the Watch Tower Bible &
Tract Society, who were representing the anointed
remnant, You are taking too much on yourselves.
Who appointed you to this position? Where do you
get your authority to assume you can now direct all
the Lords work on earth? Or, We also are Gods
people and have some rights, and we believe God still
reveals his purposes through individuals irrespec
tive of the servant body. Such rebellious ones tried
to organize all Gods people to act against the Watch
Tower Bible & Tract Society, and hence against the
servant body. They urged the children of God to
separate and find their own paths or at least join
them and they would feed and show them truths. And
just where are those rebellious ones today? They are
not to be found. It is just as though the earth opened
her mouth and swallowed them up, as it did with
Korah and the 250 princes of the congregation who
joined in his rebellion against Moses, the servant of
God. (Num. 16:1-35) Furthermore, at that time to
settle the question of the appointment of high priest,
Jehovah commanded a rod to be brought before him
for each tribe, twelve in all, and he would cause one
of the rods to bud, showing his appointment, and so
15. B y what examples and reasons m ay w e be sure there is only one
"fa ith fu l and wise servant ?
16. H ow did some view the "servan t receiving rulership over all the
masters goods ? And what has happened?


1, 1950


put an end to the murmuring. It was Aarons rod that

produced blossoms and bore ripe almonds. (Num.
17:1-11) It is the same today. The anointed remnant
of Christs followers have not taken this responsi
bility upon themselves. Neither did they choose it.
They were faithful to their duties and Christ reward
ed them with added privileges and services. Anyone
who questions who is the one appointed by the Mas
ter should look for the fruits. Whose rod has
budded ? Whose authority is bringing forth results?
Surely the answer must be obvious; it is none other
than this faithful and wise servant . Some may not
have realized this, but the testimony is there and
is sure.
17 Continually and with promptness is the food
from the storehouse supplied to the household. It is
good, wholesome and nourishing, and the steady
revealment of truths has made the household very
happy and contented. It will keep on to the end, for
the Great Provider, Jehovah, and the Lord Jesus
Christ, who is the Greater-than-Joseph, are the ones
supplying the food. It is good to remember there is
17. W h y should we eat on ly at the L o rd s table?


only one table of the Lord. Ample supply of excellent

food is prepared and served there, and, if you know
such to be the case, then why go nibbling at the table
of those who are opposed to this wise steward of the
Masters provisions? You might get spiritual poison,
for their food has not been Theocratically tested.
Why be concerned with the meager dishes of those
outside of Gods faithful household when there is
so much to digest in the Lords house ? Those who are
without are not cooperating with the Watch Tower
Bible & Tract Society and therefore cannot help you,
for they do not have the Lords blessing, and you
will be dishonoring God the Provider. There are
those who try serving up meals for the Lords people
on their own tables independent of the Lords, but
it is of no use, for once they have left the Lords
household and set up housekeeping their food gets
stale, and so do they; and, besides, consider the fate
ful results to those who treat the Lords table with
contempt. (Mai. 1,2) The safest way for the mem
bers of Gods household is to be content with the
food of the Masters providing and as served out
by his faithful and wise servant . Masticate the
food well, and you will rejoice and be strong.

HY are all the Masters goods placed in
the care of the faithful and wise servant ?
It is because he would look after them well.
Just as the servant in the parable would see that
everything was in a good state of repair, lands culti
vated, good storage, plenty of fruit, vegetables and
grain, members well clothed, so it has been today
with this approved servant class, with the Kingdom
interests. The household of the Master is well fed and
equipped. The servant sees that the commandments
of God and Christ Jesus are carried out, some of
which are: And in that day shall ye say, Give thanks
unto Jehovah, call upon his name, declare his doings
among the peoples, make mention that his name is
exalted. (Isa. 12: 4, Am. Stan. Ver.) Therefore my
people shall know my name: therefore they shall
know in that day that I am he that doth speak;
behold, it is I. How beautiful upon the mountains are
the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that pub
lished peace, that bringeth good tidings of good,
that published salvation, that saitli unto Zion, Thy
God reigneth! The voice of thy watchmen! they lift
up the voice, together do they sing; for they shall
see eye to eye, when Jehovah returned to Zion.
(Isa. 52: 6-8, Am. Stan. Ver.) Ye are my witnesses,
said Jehovah, and my servant whom I have chosen;
that ye may know and believe me, and understand

1 , 2. H ow has the faith ful servant looked after the "g o o d s "?

that I am he: before me there was no God formed,

neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am Jehovah;
and besides me there is no saviour. (Isa. 43:10,11,
Am. Stan. Ver.) And this gospel of the kingdom
shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony
unto all the nations; and then shall the end come.
(Matt. 24:14, Am. Stan. Ver.) Go ye therefore, and
make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy
spirit. (Matt. 28:19, Am. Stan. Ver.) Son of man, I
have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel:
therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them
warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou
shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning,
nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked
way, to save his life ; the same wicked man shall die
in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thy
hand.Ezek. 3:17,18, Am. Stan. Ver. See also
Ezek. 9:1-11; Zeph. 2:1-3.
2 The name of Jehovah is being made known in
all the world. Everywhere the good tidings of the
Kingdom are being preached. Multitudes are being
taught the commandments. The warning to the wick
ed is being given and the end of this world pro
claimed. The marking of those to be spared at Arma
geddon goes on. Hundreds of thousands are turning
to righteousness and seeking meekness. The other
sheep are being gathered into one fold. The King-



dom Signal is raised on high, the road prepared for

the returning exiles. The sheep are protected against
aggressive and ruthless men, and those who would
harm their eternal interests. The barren places in
the world are blossoming, for where only a few years
ago one or two persons were praising Jehovah now
there are hundreds, yes, and thousands. The eyes of
the blind are being opened, the ears of the deaf un
stopped, the tongue of the dumb loosened, and the
lame can leap. These miracles are now being wrought
in the spiritual sense, but in the new world they will
be realized in a very literal manner.
3 Other interests (goods ) of the Kingdom are
also receiving the most careful, thoughtful and thor
ough attention, for the whole structure of the Lords
visible organization is watched and weak parts con
tinually strengthened. The very charter of the Watch
Tower Bible & Tract Society was brought up to date,
and so the Society was made a more direct, living
part and a powerful, usable instrument. Then there
are the interests of organizing and directing all the
branches, missionary homes, Watchtower School of
Gilead, radio station, Kingdom farms, circuits and
districts, all the assemblies, companies, pioneers,
public witness service, Bible studies, Theocratic min
istry school. There are many more new world inter
ests which are goods or possessions placed in
the care of the servant .
4Yes, these goods have been placed under the
jurisdiction of the anointed remnant with its legal
governing body operating through the Watch Tower
Bible & Tract Society. No one else in the whole world
has been given or made responsible for these pos
sessions, nor given the authority to direct and handle
such interests. To some readers this may seem a
hard statement; but it is the truth, and is made for
the protection of the Lords other sheep , that they
may recognize this faithful and wise servant and
know the master has confidence in his discharging
faithfully what has been entrusted. Therefore, see
now the progressive works of the returned Master
in using his faithful people. If we see these things
it becomes our bounden duty to cooperate with this
servant to receive favor.

ro o klyn,

N. Y.

5 Beyond all human comprehension is the marvel

ous arrangement made by the Lord Jesus Christ to
entrust to his servant all the tremendous responsi
bilities on earth pertaining to the new world. The
happiness of those who have the Masters confidence
goes far beyond human pleasures. It is that inward
consciousness of realizing the Lords approval on
the loyal and faithful ministry performed thus far.

It is refreshing and certainly beneficial for all to

learn why the Lord has confidence in his people at
this end of the world. Then, when understood, it sets
the example for all to follow if they too would have
his confidence.
6 The Lord knows they have held out his Word of
life, have preached fin season and out of season,
guided his people in the right paths, never allowing
his Word to be pushed into the background behind
human philosophy, traditions of men, worship of
creatures and the propaganda of this world. The
servant has kept aloft the purposes and kingdom of
God, yes, higher than all the schemes of men, above
the insults, slanders and revilings of this evil genera
tion. God will preserve his Word, and no one can
destroy it; but how he rejoices and finds pleasure in
those he can trust, the ones who have his spirit, who
are as finen after Gods own heart ! (1 Sam. 13:14)
The Lord knows from past service that his faithful
and wise servant will be a loyal custodian of the
Word, guarding it well, treating it as the most pre
cious trust, magnifying it, suffering for it and even
dying for it. He knows his own and has his confi
dence well placed.
7 The servant has not shunned to declare the whole
counsel of God (Acts 20: 27), regardless of whether
announcing the peaceful, millennial reign or the
destructive, terrible disaster of Armageddon, the
exaltation of Gods name, or the denunciation of the
Devils world. (Rev. 20: 6; 16:12-16; Isaiah 12; Rev.
1 8 :4,5) They have continually fought forward
against all odds, through evil or good report.
Through two world wars they have ministered, yet
never stopping or pausing by the way. Onward, ever
onward, completing their task and always caring
for the Kingdom interests. Warning proclamations
against the nations and the entire world have been
delivered, and they have not hesitated to go before
the highest courts of the land for the gospels sake,
or before rulers and many of the officials to testify
to the Kingdom. All the way this faithful servant
class has been deeply concerned with the new world
interests. To everything else they have been blind.
Yes, blind to everything but the doing of Jehovahs
will and obeying the K in g ! Their desire has been to
serve and please the new worlds King, and not men.
This one thing they have done. This servant class
has been absolutely dependable and thoroughly reli
able. No opportunities have been allowed to slip by
that could be used to further the Kingdom interests.
Complete performance has been rendered. Not only
have they cared for these goods, but have sought
always to advance them. The new worlds King has
confidence in his servant that he will hold these

3. W hat are some other Interests cared lo r?

4. W ho only has been made responsible lo r the goods ?
5. The L o rd s confidence means what to the servant?

6. W hat brings about this confidence in his servant?

7. (a ) Has the faith ful and wise servant shrunk from service ? (b ) H ow
is the servant blind ?



1, 1950


goods faithfully now and will continue to do so

in the years ahead. There is much to he accomplished,
and by Jehovahs goodness the great work will be
8It is true and a fact that the Lord has shown his
trust in this faithful and wise servant , but how
about all the individuals making up the anointed
remnant and now the thousands of other sheep of
good-will? Does this ruler express his pleasure and
confidence in these individuals, or does he reckon
and deal only with groups ? Unquestionably he judges
and approves or disapproves individuals. Of course,
such persons do not operate independently of the
faithful servant . Some of these individual responsi
bilities are shown by the parable of the talents .

9 This parable is recorded at Matthew 25:14-30,

and pertains to Kingdom interests, privileges and
opportunities. When giving this and the other pre
ceding parables the Lord said, The kingdom of
heaven is like unto. This does not mean that first
when the church enters into heaven such a parable
will be fulfilled, neither is he saying what heaven is
like by those parables. No, he is not teaching that.
Note Matthew 25:1, Then shall the kingdom of
heaven be likened unto . . . This indicates a time
feature, and is at the time when the Lord returns,
but before he destroys this evil world and commences
the 1,000-year reign among men. It is in the time
of the end ( synteleia ). So with the parable of the
talents; the master is going on a long journey and
calls his servants together and delivers to them his
goods. One gets five talents, another two, and the
third gets one, each according to his several ability,
which ability really is depth of devotion.
10 The Lord returns and has a reckoning, and learns
that the servant with five talents has increased to
ten, he with two increased to four, and the third hid
his one talent and therefore it was just as it was.
The first and second servants are congratulated and
rewarded. Well done, good and faithful servant;
thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make
thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy
of thy lord. This clearly teaches that to be trust
worthy, faithful and excellent servants we must not
only hold and preserve what we have entrusted to us,
but increase by doubling. Devotion and performance
are required of all those who would hear the Well
done! (Matt. 25: 23) The Lord said, You have been
trustworthy in the management of a little, I will put
you in charge of much. (W eymouth) This is a rule
of action upon which the Lord acts; that is, faithful
ness in the smallest matters indicates, yes, deter8. Does the "r u le r show his confidence In individuals?
9,10. W h at does the parable o f the talents show, and when is it due
fo r fulfillm ent?

mines whether one would be faithful in large matters.

On another occasion Jesus said, He that is faithful

in a very little is faithful also in much: and he that
is unrighteous in a very little is unrighteous also in
much. (Luke 16:10, Am. Stan. Ver.) He,who is
trustworthy in the smallest matter is trustworthy
in a great one also. Twentieth Century.
11 There are those who enthusiastically tackle the
seemingly big tasks, especially if it brings them into
the limelight, but how about smaller, insignificant
tasks, perhaps menial ones, not seen by others?
These may seem to be so unimportant that they
could easily be left for someone else to do. A servant
shows his degree of faithfulness and trustworthiness
by the care and diligence he devotes to these small
things. The servant must prove his own dependa
bility. Think of the servants of God who gained his
complete approval. Moses, for example, the visible
leader of approximately two million persons, with
all his tremendous responsibilities; yet note the thor
oughness with which he attended to every minute
detail when building the tabernacle and its furnish
ings. The record is, And Moses indeed was faithful
in all his [Gods] house as a servant, for a testimony
of those things which were afterward to be spoken.
(Heb. 3:5, Am. Stan. Ver.) Jehovah could safely
trust Moses to do whatever He commanded. Moses
proved himself to be reliable, thoroughly dependable,
and it is true today that if we want the Masters con
fidence and approval, also increased privileges, then
individually we must be dependable and trustworthy.
12 The Creator himself supplies the pattern for
all his creatures to follow. Note how carefully and
with what thoroughness he has provided for all.
The animals, birds, fish, trees, mankindnothing is
missed. The desire of every living thing is satisfied.
(Psalm 104) Observe too all the careful preparation
for the new worlds rule. The Lord Jesus is a perfect
example of one caring for the smallest details. Let
us remember that any service we are called upon to
do by the Lords faithful and wise servant is impor
tant, whether it be large or small, seen or unseen.
Do it as unto the Lord. All such work is important
and honorable if we count it so. The psalmist said on
one occasion, For a day in thy courts is better than a
thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house
of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
(Ps. 84:10, Am. Stan. Ver.) Therefore let us not
shirk any assigned tasks. Accept the responsibility
and do not seek the easy way out of it as do those of
this world. Rather, let us enter into it with all our
hearts and be faithful.
13 To be faithful in our service we must use our
11. (a ) W h at Theocratic rule is here taught? (b ) Moses is an example
o f what? and how can this be applied now?
12. W hat does Jehovahs thoroughness teach us?
13. 14. W h at are some o f the K ingdom talents entrusted to the indi
vidual? and what must be done w ith them?

talents , or Kingdom interests, so they will increase.
Try to double them. How can this be accomplished?
From what has already been stated, it will be appre
ciated what are the Kingdom interests committed
into the custody of the faithful and wise servant,
and therefore it will be easy to see how individuals
may handle the same interests. All servants of God
are entrusted with some Kingdom service, large or
small. Why, the very knowledge of the truth itself
is a trust, for it has been given to us by the Lord,
and it can also be taken away from us by the Lord.
We do not keep ourselves in the truth by human
methods, such as the mere human will-power. No,
for it is the loving-kindness of God that grants this
treasured knowledge. God pushes the proud away,
and the meek he shows his covenant. This being so,
then what are we doing with this interest? Are we
increasing in knowledge and understanding? It grows
with use, it does not increase by hiding it. Then we
have interests in magazine advertising, back-calls
on interested persons, Bible studies and other field
service. Then the congregational services must be
attended to. Every servant, every pioneer, and all
the brethren serving in the Societys institutions
have talents or interests .
14 Regardless of where we are, if our service has
been assigned to us by and through the faithful and
wise servant then it must be a Kingdom service,
because that servant is ruler over all the goods .
Then, are we developing the service given into our
custody? Are we merely going through the routine,
as it were, with no enthusiasm, zeal, eagerness and
joy behind it? Are we performing our service with
promptitude? Do not aspire to be in the limelight, but
let the Lord and his faithful servant assign you
the tasks. Remember that promotion comes from
the Lord. (Ps. 75: 5-7) Be grateful and appreciative
for even the smallest service you can perform. An
other Theocratic rule that must be borne in mind is,
To whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be
required. (Luke 12:48, Am. Stan. Ver.) For who
soever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have
abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall
be taken away even that which he hath. (Matt.
13:12, Am. Stan. Ver.) There must be an increase
of what has been entrusted.

ro o klyk,

N. Y.

and to treat opposition and competition. He gets

good, reliable assistants, and spends his money
where it will bring the best results. He must work
hard, be untiring in efforts, boundless in patience,
if he wants the desired results. If all these things
are accomplished for secular business, for goods
which are transitory and perishable, then how much
more should we do for Kingdom business, which
is eternal. In this new world you have a personal
interest; for do you not expect to live in it and enjoy
its blessings? If so, then be one of those servants
expending yourself on its behalf. Add something to
your service. Do not be trying to show the ruler of
all the interests how to do his business, but get busy
with those committed to your care. If only all the
Lords servants would put the same thought, plan
ning, enthusiasm, hard work, alacrity, in the new
worlds service as they do in their own worldly
affairs, then they would reap 100-percent increase.
Then greater and wider opportunities of service
would come to mind, opening out wider fields. Neglect
toward these interests brings disaster. The slave
who knows his masters wishes, but does not get
ready or act upon them, will be severely punished.
Luke 12: 47, An Amer. Trans.
16 To be approved by the new worlds Rulers we
must increase the interests we have, large or small.
Therefore concentrate on the Lords work and do not
permit your personal business matters and other
affairs to hinder your handling the Lords interests
so they will increase. Accept your responsibilities
and do not wait for someone to urge you on, but go
forward yourself. You are one of the Lords servants.
Make the Kings business the most important, and
force your own into second or even third place. Never
be indifferent, careless, unreliable, escaping respon
sibilities. Rather, copy the faithful and wise serv
ant , who now has charge of all the Lords visible
Kingdom services.

13 How does a man increase his worldly business ?

He will first become well acquainted with the product
he is selling. It may be he is convinced it will do a
certain amount of good, and he becomes optimistic
and enthusiastic. Then he commences advertising
and provides for demonstrations, learns how to meet

17 Esteem above all else the obtaining of the high

est praise and commendation from the King of all
kings, the Ruler chosen by Almighty Jehovah. Well
done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faith
ful over a few things, I will set thee over many
things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. (Matt.
25:21, Am. Stan. Ver.) Faithful service brings the
reward, for more responsibilities are placed on the
shoulders of such servant, and this happens before
the old world is destroyed. These approved ones are
also entering into the joy of their Lord. The great
joy of the new worlds ruler is to do the heavenly
Fathers work, to see that his name, Jehovah, is

15. (a ) H ow should each servant handle his talents? (b ) W hat would

a person do to increase his w o rld ly business, and what to increase the
K in g s business?

16. H ow can we make sure w e increase our K ingdom interests?

17. H ow are the commendation and jo y o f the L o rd given to his
servant in these days?



1, 1950



praised forever and ever, and to have part now in

vindicating it before all the world. That joy knows
no limits. Then there is the destruction of this evil
world, removing evildoers for all time. Oh, that the
day might even be hastened! It cannot come quickly
enough. Then the Devil, his demons, his rulers of
darkness, will be gone. Does not even this prospect
bring abounding joy to your heart? And there is
still more to follow.
18 Can you not begin to enter into the joy of thy
Lord ? Yes, it is possible, and that to the extent of
your faithful service. This joy is not given to the
slackers, murmurers and idlers, but only to those
who are ever alert, awake and seeking to increase
at all times. The greater the service and approval,
the more we enter into the joy. All the joys of King
dom service, belonging to the King, we may enter
into, and the immediate future holds many more.
This is our day of prosperity. Let us rejoice and be
glad that now we are in it. (Ps. 118: 23-29) Be joyful
in the King of the new world. There has never been
a time like this in the history of man, and there will
never be such a time again. Share the Kings service
now, and share the Kings joy. Now is the time to
work hard and work with a will. The work is joyful
and will continue so, bringing its increase in talents
(Kingdom interests). The promise has been made,
Thou wilt show me the path of life : in thy presence
is fulness of joy ; in thy right hand there are pleas
ures for evermore.Ps. 16:11, Am. Stan. Ver.

19 Then everlasting blessings in the glorious new

world. And the ransomed of Jehovah shall return,
and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting
joy shall be upon their heads: they shall obtain
gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee
away. For the Lamb that is in the midst of the
throne shall be their shepherd, and shall guide them
unto fountains of waters of life : and God shall wipe
away every tear from their eyes. (Isa. 35:10 and
Rev. 7:17, Am. Stan. Ver.) No time now to slack the
hand, but be busy in the Kingdom service, improving,
increasing, always expanding your talents (King
dom interests). The time is short. All loyal, faithful
servants of God, enter fully into your present serv
ice. Greater responsibilities, which may require all
the strength we have, lie ahead, but the rewards are
also great. Therefore let all be sober, be vigilant, be
energetic. Foes will come up against us, but Jehovah
will push them back, so that we can get ahead with
his precious work. Watch the faithful and wise
servant and receive with meekness and gratitude
the counsel and instructions issued. Keep away from
the tables of those opposed. Watch well your present
interests in the Kingdom. Do not spare yourself,
but increase more and more, and you will be con
scious of the Lords approval and those sweet, de
lightful, satisfying words of approval by the Master,
Well done, good and faithful servant! Our eternal
existence depends upon faithful performance of duty.

18. H ow can w e begin to enter into the jo y o f our L ord ?

19. W h at future rewards are in store fo r those who increase their talents ?

HE government of Jehovah God is of paramount
importance to all who are seeking the way to life.
By and through his government or kingdom Jehovah
will vindicate his name and establish lasting peace in the
universe, and never again shall affliction rise up. (Nah. 1 : 9 )
In all periods of time honest men have desired such a
government and have had some vague knowledge of its
coming. Now Gods kingdom or government is here, and
every person of good-will toward God will be anxious to
learn about that government. The government of Jehovah
God is a Theocracy because under the immediate direction
and administration of Almighty God. It is a righteous
government because all of Jehovahs ways are right and
righteous. Jehovah is supreme; and all who have a part in
his government must be in full accord with him and joy
fully obey his commandments.
Following the rebellion in Eden the first ray of hope set
before man was Gods promise to establish a righteous
government on earth. Abel had faith and hope in that
coming government. Likewise Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and
a few others desired that government and by faith looked
forward to it. (Heb. 11:1-16) With the descendants of
Abraham God set up a typical Theocracy. He used the

Israelites to make prophetic pictures of his coming real

Theocratic government. Moses, Aaron, Joshua and Samuel
were representatives on the earth of Gods Theocratic gov
ernment. When the Jews requested a man for king they dis
pleased God, and concerning this it is written: And the
L ord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the
people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not
rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should
not reign over them. According to all the works which they
have done since the day that I brought them up out of
Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken
me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee.
1 Sam. 8: 7, 8.
Demon religion, brought in by the Devil, was the reason
for the Jews rejecting God as King. They wanted to be
like other people. Because of Sauls unfaithfulness he was
rejected by the Lord. God then made David king over Israel;
and David was a type foreshadowing Christ Jesus, the
Beloved of Jehovah, and who is the worlds real and true
King under Jehovah, the king of eternity . Jer. 10:10,
The last typical king of Israel was Zedekiah, the unfaith
ful and wicked one. He was overthrown, and God declared



that the kingdom should be no more, until he come whose

right it is; and I will give it him . (Ezek. 2 1 :2 7 ) There
after the Devil continued as the invisible lord of the Gentile
nations and carried on his wickedness without interruption,
God suffering him to do so in order that the Devil might
have full opportunity to carry out his boasted challenge.
Gods expressed purpose is to have a righteous world, and
concerning this he said: For, behold, I create new heavens
and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered,
nor come into mind. But be ye glad and rejoice for ever
in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem
a rejoicing, and her people a joy. Isa. 65:17,18.
Jerusalem as used in this text refers to his great govern
ment of righteousness under Christ the King, and the
prophecy here recorded is about completely fulfilled. All
of Gods holy prophets prophesied concerning the restora
tion of all things pertaining to the Kingdom, and which
prophecies must come true. (Acts 3: 20, 21) Gods prophet
wrote foretelling the birth of the King and of his righteous
and glorious reign. For unto us a child is born, unto us
a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoul
der: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of
Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there
shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his
kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment
and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal
of the L ord of hosts will perform this. (Isa. 9: 6, 7) That
prophecy must be completely fulfilled.
Approximately four thousand years after the rebellion
in Eden Jesus was born at Bethlehem. There the prophecy
of Isaiah above quoted was beginning to have fulfillment.
It was then and there that the messengers of Jehovah
declared: Glory in the highest unto God! and on earth
peace, among men of good-will. (Luke 2:1 4 , R o th e r h a m )
Clearly now it is seen that the birth of the child Jesus shall
in due time be 'glory to Almighty God for all creatures
that live, and that through him and his government peace
shall come to stay and shall be a blessing to all men of
good-will, and to none other. The above-quoted text from
R o th erh a m emphasizes the fact that peace on earth is to
men of good-will only. W hy should the kingdom of Jehovah
God under Christ ever be a blessing and a joy to anyone
who is not of good-will toward God? A ll the enemies of
God shall perish forever, and hence to them the Kingdom
will be nothing. (Pss. 2 1 :8 ; 3 7 :2 0 ) A fter the coming
battle of Armageddon never again shall Satan and his
wicked rule be in vogue. Never again will his religious
agents and their organization be in existence. Then the
memory of those wicked ones shall perish forever; as it is
written: The memory of the just is blessed; but the name
of the wicked shall rot. (Prov. 1 0 :7 ; Isa. 2 6 :1 4 ) Today
the people on earth that are of good-mil toward God and
his kingdom have reason to rejoice, and should rejoice,
because the time of complete deliverance and peace ever
lasting is near. For that reason God is now making clear
his purpose to those who desire his righteous government.
A t the time of the baptism of Jesus he was anointed to
be King. (Matt. 3 :1 6 ; John 18: 37) His first public procla
mation when he thereafter returned to Galilee was: The
kingdom of heaven is at hand. He instructed all persons

ro o klyn,

N. Y.

of good-will to continue to pray to God: Thy kingdom

come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (Matt.
6 :1 0 ) Because he was and is the King under the immediate
command of the almighty Theocrat, Jehovah, that beloved
One, Jesus, was impaled on a stake by Satans religious
agents. It was their hope to destroy him, but God defeated
his enemies by raising Jesus out of death and exalting him
to the highest place in the universe next to God himself.
Christ Jesus is the heir of all things , and he is the express
image of his Father, Jehovah; and concerning the beloved
Son God commands all the angels to worship him . (Heb.
1 :6 ) Furthermore Jehovah commands that every knee to
him shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God . Phil. 2:10,11 .

Although fully clothed with power and authority as King

when he ascended into heaven, Jesus the King must wait
to begin his reign until Jehovah selected the 144,000 body
members of his royal organization from among men, and
when that is finished the enemy shall be put down. So
Satan continued his wicked course without interruption.
Hence it is written: The L ord said unto my Lord, Sit thou
at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
(Ps. 110:1) But this man, after he had offered one sacri
fice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his foot
stool. (Heb. 1 0 :1 2 ,1 3 ) Those who shall be associated
with Christ Jesus in his kingdom must first be selected, and
they must prove their integrity under the test. Such faithful
ones are taken into the covenant for the Kingdom. (Luke
22: 28-30) After the return of Christ Jesus in his Kingdom
power the faithful are made kings and priests unto God
to reign with Christ Jesus. (Rev. 1: 6; 5 :1 0 ) As the typical
kingdom of Israel was made up of twelve tribes, so in the
antitype the associates with Christ Jesus are of twelve clans
or tribes, all of one family and all together constituting the
144,000. (Rev. 7 : 4 ) That favored body of creatures com
posing the body of Christ , the anointed ones, must, every
one of them, be put to the test, prove faithful and true, be
baptized into the death of Christ, and experience the resur
rection change from human to spirit, and be forever with
Christ Jesus in his kingdom. Rom. 6: 3-5; 1 Cor. 15: 51-55;
Rev. 20:4.
The period of Christs waiting, according to Gods good
pleasure, has been approximately 1900 years, during which
time the members of the body of Christ have been selected,
and the death and resurrection change of the remnant yet
on earth of the 144,000 soon shall take place. Those of these
elect ones who died in Christ have already been resurrected.
(1 Thess. 4:15-17; 2 Tim. 4 : 1 ) The period of waiting ended
A.D. 1914, and the King assumed his high office under the
command of Jehovah, the great Theocrat. The L ord shall
send the rod of thy strength out of Zion [saying]: rule thou
in the midst of thine enemies. Thy people shall be willing
in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from
the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.
(Ps. 110: 2, 3) We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty,
which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast
taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the
nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time


1, 1950


of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou

shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and
to the saints, and to them that fear thy name, small and
great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
Rev. 11:17,18.
The first work of the enthroned King is to oust the rebel
Satan, and therefore the war in heaven began in 1914.
(Rev. 12:1-17) The battle of Armageddon yet to come will
dispose definitely of all those who oppose Christ the King,
and that will be the end of Satans reign.
The kingdom of heaven is Gods capital organization
called Zion. It consists of Christ Jesus, the Head, together
with 144,000 associates, who are designated as kings and
priests unto God and Christ. A ll of such are spirits in the
likeness of Christ Jesus. The number will he no more and
no less than 144,000 members. The Kingdom is the creation
of Jehovah God, and he is over all and above all. He is the
great and almighty Theocrat. The King, Christ Jesus, will
fully and completely carry out Jehovahs purpose. The
kingdom or government of peace is The Theocracy.
But what about the men of faith that lived before Jesus,
who devoted themselves to God, refused to compromise
with Satan or worldly governments, and looked to the prom
ised rule of Almighty Jehovah? None of them can ever be
members of the heavenly kingdom or government of Jeho
vah, for the manifest reason that they all died before the
ransom sacrifice was provided by Jesus and paid over.
Those men are held forth in the Scriptures as examples of
faith and true devotion. (Heb. 1 2 :1 ) Being faithful, they
received at Gods hand a good report . They were wit
nesses to the name and majesty of Almighty God, and he
approved them, and concerning them the inspired apostle,
who is a member of the Kingdom, wrote: These all died
in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen
them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced
them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims
on the earth. And these all, having obtained a good
report through faith, received not the promise: God having
provided some better thing for us [Christians], that they
without us should not be made perfect. (Heb. 11:13,39,40)
The apostle Paul spoke also of himself when he said us ,
and he knew that he could not be made perfect until the
coming of Christ Jesus, the King of glory (2 Tim. 4 : 8 ) ;


and therefore the faithful men of old could not be made

perfect until the setting up of the Kingdom. It is certain,
then, from the Scriptures that these men will be brought
back from death as participants in a better resurrection
following the Kingdoms establishment. (Heb. 11: 35) What,
then, shall be their place in Jehovahs arrangement and
under his Theocratic government?
The kingdom or government of Jehovah is spiritual;
therefore invisible to human eyes. God had his representa
tives on earth during the tenure of his typical kingdom of
Israel and so he will have his representatives on earth
during the reign of Christ the King of glory. And those
visible representatives, acting with authority, will be made
up of the faithful men of old mentioned at Hebrews chapter
eleven, as well as others not there mentioned by name; and
concerning them it is 'written: Instead of thy [Christs]
fathers shall be thy children whom thou mayest make
princes in all the earth. Ps. 45:16.
The King, Christ Jesus, is the Ruler, and the earthly
representatives of that great Ruler are called the princes ,
who shall represent the Kingdom on the earth. As Samuel
the prophet, under the typical kingdom, went about among
the people delivering to them the commands of Jehovah,
so under the reign of Christ the faithful men of old, the
princes in the earth, shall go among the people directing
them according to the commands of the Lord. That is the
Theocratic government in operation toward the paradise
earth to come.
The abundance of Scriptural evidence, together with the
physical facts that have come to pass showing the fulfillment
of prophecy, conclusively proves that the time for Arma
geddon, the battle of the great day of God Almighty, is
very near and that in that battle all of Gods enemies will
be destroyed and the earth cleared of wickedness, prepara
tory to the complete establishment of righteousness. The
affairs of earth then will be under the complete control of
Christ Jesus; and the faithful men of old above mentioned
will act as representatives of the heavenly Theocratic
government. They will inhabit the glorified earth -with men
of good-will preserved through the battle of Armageddon.
Such great multitude of Armageddon survivors will
marry and multiply and fill the earth with offspring devoted
to God; and thus an inhabited earth will rejoice under the
righteous administration of Gods heavenly government.

**"IC T t AKE the most of your opportunity, for these are
V I ev^
the apostle Paul counseled the Ephesians, as recorded at 5:16, A n A m e r . Tran s.
The servants of Jehovah today have particular reason for
taking this Theocratic admonition to heart, for never before
have they had so many opportunities for service as now and
never have the times been so evil. All such will therefore
note with interest and profit the example of one who zeal
ously made the most of his opportunities, and that in evil
times, namely, Nehemiah.
The record of Nehemiah is in the form of an autobi
ography. Its simplicity and straightforwardness stamp it
as truth. Without doubt Gods active force directed him to

write such things as God wanted recorded for the benefit

of his servants now. And though it does not appear that
Jehovah displayed any supernatural phenomenon in Nehemiahs time, as he did in the days of Moses, Joshua and
others, neither can there be any doubt that he was active
on behalf of Nehemiah, guiding and blessing his efforts,
even as Jehovah is guiding and blessing the efforts of his
servants today.
Little is known of Nehemiahs genealogy, aside from the
fact that his fathers name was Hacaliah. However, it is
quite apparent that his parents were God-fearing Jews, for
the name they gave their son means Jah is comfort ; and
from Nehemiahs own course it is clear that he had been



brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord .

Eph. 6: 4.
Nehemiah was cupbearer to the king Artaxerxes III,
ruler of the Persian world empire in the middle of the fifth
century B.C. While Nehemiah could hardly have wished
for a more honorable and lucrative position, he was one
of those faithful exiles who preferred Jerusalem above
his chief joy . (Ps. 1 3 7 :5 ,6 ) Receiving word that some
Jews had returned from Jerusalem, including his kinsman
Hanani, he eagerly made inquiry, and to his sorrow learned
that the survivors there were in great misery and reproach
and that the walls and gates of Jerusalem were still in ruins.
Hearing this bad news, Nehemiah wept, fasted, and prayed
to Jehovah. In his prayer he recounted what Jehovah had
promised to do for his people if, after having been scattered
because of disobedience, they repented and obeyed his
commandments. He claimed this promise and asked Jehovah
to bless his efforts to bring this matter to the attention of
the king. How Nehemiah longed to go to Jerusalem and
rebuild those walls!
Unexpectedly, the opportunity came one day as the king
noticed that Nehemiah was sad, and he inquired why. He
told the king of the sorry state of affairs in Jerusalem,
the city of his fathers. The king gave him a sympathetic
ear, and asked what he could do for him. Nehemiah, first
inwardly praying to God, requested: If it please the king,
. . . send me to Judah . . . that I may rebuild it . . .
and [give me] a letter to Asaph, the keeper of the kings
park, that he may give me timber to furnish beams for the
gates of the citadel, which belongs to the temple, and for
the walls of the city, and for the house that I shall enter.
(Neh. 2:1-8, A n A m e r . T r a n s.) Alert Nehemiah certainly
made the most of this opportunity; also note that his first
concern was the temple, then the walls of the city, and then
his own dwelling. God answered his silent prayer, causing
the king not only to grant his requests but also to provide
him with an escort of army officers and horsemen.
In this Nehemiah, though doubtless without realizing it,
was being used by Jehovah to bring about a fulfillment of
the prophecy of Daniel (9 :2 5 ) regarding the decree to
rebuild Jerusalem, and which was to mark the beginning
of the seventy weeks relative to the Messiahs coming. Thus
that year, 455 B.C., became an outstanding one in Bible
Three days after his arrival in Jerusalem, Nehemiah
made a night inspection tour of the citys walls, carefully
examining in detail their condition. He did this secretly,
for he had not yet told any man what God had put in his
heart to do for Jerusalem. Gossip might misrepresent the
matter. Then, evidently to a gathering of the rulers and the
people, he first revealed his purpose to rebuild the walls,
told of Gods blessing upon it, and of the kings cooperation
with it. Their enthusiastic response was: Let us arise and
build. And they took courage for the good work . When
envious neighbors questioned his motive Nehemiah replied,
The God of the heavens, he will prosper us; therefore we
his servants will arise and build. Neh. 2:11-20, A n A m e r .
T ra n s.

Such an extensive construction project required efficient

organization, and Nehemiah made the most of this oppor
tunity also. In the third chapter of his book he records the

ro o klyn,

N. Y.

details of all the assignments made; each group going for

ward with the work given to them, with the exception of
the nobles of the Tekoites, who refused to bend their necks
in the service of the Lord.
Noting all this activity the envious neighbors, Sanballat
the Samaritan, and Tobiah the Ammonite, began to ridicule:
W ill they revive the stones out of the rubbish heaps? . . .
if a fox should go up he would break down their stone wall.
Looking to God, Nehemiah prayed: Hear, 0 our God for
we are despised and turn back their reproach upon their
own head. So the building work continued and soon the
walls were joined together to half of their height, for the
people had a mind to work. -Neh. 4:1-6, A n A m e r . Tran s.
Seeing that ridicule did not discourage the builders, their
enemies, Sanballat, Tobiah, and others, conspired to make
war on Jerusalem. Ten times Nehemiah received reports
to that effect from the Jews living in the outskirts of the
city. But instead of quitting because of fear, Nehemiah
states: We made supplication to our God, and set a watch
as a protection against them day and night. Arming all the
workmen, organizing a eorp of guards and an alarm system,
he encourages them: Remember the L ord , who is great and
terrible, and fight for your kinsmen, further assuring them
that our God will fight for us . So they continued to
build in troublous times, even as was foretold, each man
with a tool in one hand, and with the other he held a weapon.
Neh. 4 : 9-23, A n A m e r . T ra n s.
Though occupied with directing such a great building
project, and commanding an army as well, Nehemiah was not
too busy to show his love for his humbler Jewish brethren.
Hearing their complaints that they were being oppressed
by the rich Jews in the matter of usury, he took action.
Calling a great assembly he exposed this evil and admon
ished, Ought you not to walk in the fear of our God? Then
he made them go on record that they would no longer exact
interest from their poor brethren. In striking contrast
with the course of these rich nobles and rulers was that of
Nehemiah. Because of the fear of God he bore all the
expenses of maintaining the governors mansion, which
among other things involved the feeding of more than 150
men daily. Nehemiah chapter 5, A n A m e r . Tran s.
Obviously the Lord was blessing Nehemiah, and his ene
mies, noting that neither sly innuendo nor ridicule nor even
threat of war had any effect on him, schemed to lure him
away from his work and assassinate him. But alert Nehe
miah answered them: I am doing a great work, so that I
cannot come down. After four such vain attempts his foes
sent a letter telling that rumors were abroad that he was
plotting sedition against the king, and suggesting that he
meet with them to take counsel. Immediately seeing through
their schemes, he plainly told them that this was just one of
their inventions. Trying still another trick, his enemies
hired a Jew to warn Nehemiah that a plot was afoot to kill
him and that therefore he should hide in the temple. But
Nehemiah would not hear of such a thing. Should a man
like me flee? Neh. 6:1-11, A n A m e r . Tran s.
Nehemiah, by being alert and fearless, made the most
of his opportunities, permitting absolutely nothing to inter
fere with the great building work. As a result, in the incred
ibly short time of less than two months, fifty-two days, to
be exact, the entire wall around Jerusalem was completed.


1, 1950


And all to Jehovahs glory: When all our enemies heard

of it, all the nations round about us feared and fell decidedly
in their own esteem; for they perceived that this work had
been done with the help of our God. Neh. 6 :1 5 ,1 6 , A n
A m e r . Tran s.

The wall being completed, Nehemiah then gave his atten

tion to the work of organizing the temple servants. Next
he placed two men in charge of the city, one of whom he
describes as a faithful man and one who feared God
more than many . He also gave instructions regarding the
opening and the closing of the citys gates and the guarding
of them. Neh. 7:1-3, A n A m e r . T ra n s.
Now was a suitable time for assemblies, and so Nehemiah
arranged for a series of these to be held in a comparatively
short period of time. Bach of these furnished an opportunity
to advance the worship of Jehovah; and Nehemiah made
good use of them. At the first one he checked the genealogies
and arranged for contributions for the temple service. Nehe
miah set a good example, and the heads of the families and
the rest of the Jews responded to the extent of more than
one-third of a million dollars. (Neh. 7: 5-72) Another assem
bly featured instruction from the law of God. The people
were told to rejoice for the joy of Jehovah is your strength
( A m . S ta n . V e r .) . This assembly led to the celebration of
the feast of tabernacles, which lasted for eight days. Nehe
miah 8.
Two days later Nehemiah called the people together for
another assembly, to which they came clothed in sackcloth,
and fasting. In a prayer to Jehovah the people heard the
record of his loving-kindness and mercy from Abrahams
time to their own day, and a covenant was proposed to which
they all subscribed. They bound themselves to faithfully
keep the law of God, not to intermarry with the heathen, to
observe the sabbath day and year, and to bring their offer
ings to the temple. (Nehemiah 9 and 10) After this lots
were cast and one out of ten dwelt in Jerusalem.


The dedication of the walls called for another assembly.

For this Nehemiah summoned all the Levite musicians,
both singers and instrumentalists with their harps, cymbals
and lyres. Two groups were appointed to give thanks to
Jehovah, each under the direction of a leader. They offered
great sacrifices that day and rejoiced; for God had made
them rejoice with great joy; . . . so that the joy of Jerusa
lem was heard far away. Neh. 12: 27-43, A n A m e r . Tran s.
After twelve years of governorship Nehemiah returned
to Shushan the palace, but not to stay there. After some
days he again asked leave of the king and came back to
Jerusalem. And what a condition he found! Israel had
backslid; the temple was being polluted, its service neglect
ed, the sabbath was being profaned and there was inter
marrying with the heathen. He cast all the household stuff
of Tobiah out of the great temple chamber that that enemy
of the Jews had appropriated for himself with the conniv
ance of a priestly relative; had the temple chambers cleansed
and the vessels and offerings returned to them. Noting
that the Levites had gone back to their farms because of
lack of support, he brought this to the attention of the
rulers, recalled the Levites and provided for the faithful
distribution of the tithes. He also enforced the keeping of
the sabbath and took punitive measures against those who
intermarried with the heathen, especially the priests and
Levites, not mincing matters one bit. Neh. 13: 4-30.
Nehemiah was indeed an alert, discreet, fearless and un
selfish servant of Jehovah God. With zeal he made the most
of his opportunities to build and to fight, and to organize
the true worship and to keep it pure. A t all times he looked
to God to direct his ways and ascribed all honor to him.
Soon God will answer his prayer, Remember me, 0 my God,
for good, by giving him a resurrection to life on earth, with
princely service in the new world. (Neh. 13: 31) Are you,
as Nehemiah did, making the most of your opportunities?


September 16, 1949

Dear Brother:
Answering yours of September 6 concerning the article
Like Lightning and Noahs Days appearing in the
July 15 issue of T h e W a tc h to w e r :
The book T h e T im e I s at H a n d , published in 1889,
explained the Greek word astrape in Matthew 24:27 to
mean the sun as the bright shiner , because there Jesus
mentioned the astrape as coming out of the east and shin
ing even to the west. (See said book at pages 155-157.)
However, never in sacred Scripture nor in classical Greek
literature is astrape used to refer to the sun of our solar
system. At Luke 1 7:24 Jesus makes a parallel statement,
but does not designate any particular direction from which
the lightning flashes, saying: As the lightning [a str a p e ],
that lighteneth [verb a strd p to ] out of the one part under
heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall
also the Son of man be in his day. Notice that expression
under heaven , which befits lightning which occurs under
the sun in the heavens obscured by the clouds. In this verse

Jesus uses the verb-form from which astrape is drawn.

In classical Greek this verb is used to mean lighten, hurl
lightnings, flash or glance like lightning, consume with
lightning . Hence at Luke 24: 4 this verb is used in describ
ing the flashing garments of the two angels that appeared
at Jesus tomb after his resurrection. Matthew 2 8 :3 says
the countenance of the angel that descended and rolled the
stone away was like lightning , and not shining like the
sun as is said of another angel at Revelation 10:1. Luke
11:38 speaks of the flashing light of a lamp of those days
as astrape ; in other literature it is used of the flashing
of the human eyes, and is also combined with a verb to
mean hurl lightnings or carry lightnings .
Jesus said he saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
(Luke 10:18) And at Revelation 4 : 5 ; 8 : 5 ; 11:19, and
16:18 astrape is always spoken of in the plural number
and is associated with thunders: For example, Revelation
4: 5 says: Out of the throne proceeded lightnings [a stra p e]
and thunderings and voices.
It would therefore be wresting the sense and associations
of the word astrape to interpret it to mean the sun at


B rooklyn, N. Y.


Matthew 24: 27. The mere mention o f the east in this verse
does not determine matters.
Yours in the light of his lightnings,
W a t c h T ow er B ib l e & T r a c t S o c ie ty

February 3, 1950
Dear Brother:
Answering yours of December 18 [re letter Neither Can
They Die Any More , page 320 of T h e W a tc h to w e r
October 15, 1949] :
(1) Yes, that world and the world without end are
(2) No; that world or world without end does not
begin after the 1000-year restoration of Paradise and up
lifting of humankind to perfection, but begins after Arma
geddon is over.

Hence that world or world without end does
include the 1000-year reign of Christ for mankinds perfect
ing. However, for a person to survive Armageddon into
that world or for a person to come up in the resurrection
to life on the earth during the 1000 years does not mean
he has attained to that world. I f he does not take a course
of action that God rewards with the right to everlasting
life at the end of the thousand years and the test by the
loosing of Satan for a little season, he does not attain
to that world, because that world is a world without end
and for him to attain it he would have to live on without
end himself. I f he does attain it by Gods justifying of
him for his faithfulness and integrity after the test by
Satan s loosing, then by virtue of Gods justification of
him to endless life he cannot die anymore . Luke 20: 34-36.
Yours in devoted service of the Kingdom,
W a t c h T o w er B ib l e & T r ac t S o c ie ty


The Lord is now gathering the sheep , even in hospitals

and despite opposition. About eight months ago I was con
fined in a hospital superintended by a former religious
medical missionary who forbade Jehovahs witnesses to
enter and preach. Nevertheless, Jehovahs arm was not
shortened. One day a fellow patient asked what I thought
about eternal life, and told me some new things hed re
cently learned from another patient, one of Jehovahs
witnesses, and recommended that I talk to him. He was a
pioneer, and gave me T h e K in g d o m H o p e o f A l l M a n k in d .
When he later asked for a comment I said, I cant see that
it is anything new. He merely replied, No, the Bible is
an old book. But he thereafter gave me L e t G o d B e T r u e .
I read it through twice before I began to understand how
very new it was, in comparison with all the religious mis
information Id collected. My first thought was that it was
wrong; but my resistance could not withstand the Scriptural
facts. I studied in my free time, of which I had much. Later
a girl from the Lima company started a Bible study with me.
I cannot say when my own ministry began, for Id dis
cussed the truth with another patient almost immediately,
and later began a study with that patient. Sometimes others
were drawn into the discussion, and witnessing oppor
tunities grew. I was privileged to report my ministry time,
and did so until my hospital discharge in November. My first
real contact was with the man who conducted the hospital
Sunday-school class. He returned the L e t G o d B e T r u e
I gave him, with the admonition, Burn it. In our conver
sation that followed he wanted me to believe that he had
read the book, yet said that Jehovahs witnesses didnt
believe in Christ, didnt believe in being saved, used only
the so-called Old Testament, and that he would not waste
time talking to the witnesses as he was not qualified nor
did he know who was! I continued attending his class till
my discharge, but my comments there were deliberately
ignored. He charged that the witnesses jumped here and
there in the Bible, and that anything could be proved that
way. Hence I was quite surprised to find that our Sundayschool lesson was taken from eight different sections of

Scripture with no more than three verses from any one

division. The Lima company had been refused permission
to enter and preach at this hospital because its teaching was
not orthodox; other religious organizations were allowed
to enter. One patient overheard me preaching to another,
and called me to her room to say, Im with you, Kid. Yes,
indeed, you were really talking the truth. Do you mind my
asking what church you belong to? When I replied that
I was one of Jehovahs witnesses she declined to discuss
the matter with me further, because she didnt believe what
they taught. Today I am home, and am associated with the
local company in declaring these new things to others. It
is a great privilege to share in the ever-increasing song of
praise; it is too wonderful to bear in silence. So it is with
grateful heart that I join you in His vindication by preach
ing the true word. Publisher in Ohio.

One of the Dixon, Illinois, publishers recently placed a

book with a lady, who on the return
visit asked him to address the Ladies prayer meeting , con
sisting of about nine women from the local Baptist church.
This the witness did, and delivered a talk on Gods purposes
in this day. The ladies questions were also answered and
he was invited back the next week. Again more Bible ques
tions were answered, and then the proper method of con
ducting a home Bible study was introduced, using the L e t
G o d B e T r u e as a Bible study help. Result: the study con
tinues and participants really enjoy it. A ll admit they never
learned as much in their church. Two of the attendants
dropped out, for obvious reasons. Earths New Rulers
was a talk enjoyed by the group. They are now telling their
friends and neighbors the good things of the Kingdom.
With the ladies on the offensive in declaring the truth, the
local pastor has been having difficulty maintaining his
poise while on the defensive. Earths New Rulers was
given in two parlor talks to groups in the rurals, with 21 in
attendance in addition to 45 at the public lecture. Circuit
servant in Illinois.
L e t G od B e Tru e


Literal towers in Bible times were elevated van~e points from which
watchmen could observe happenings, warn of dan~er, or announce 200d
news. Our m~azine fi~uratively occupies such a vanta~e point, for it is
founded on the very pinnacle of wisdom, God's Word. That elevates it
above racial, national andlolitical propa~andas and prejudices, frees it from
selfish bias. It is not boun by any traditional creed, but its mess~e advances as the li~ht on God's purposes and works increases.-Habakkuk 2:1-3.
It sees thin~s SCripturally. When it observes this ~eneration ;iHicted
with ~reed, delinquency, hypecrtsy, atheism, war, famine, pestilence, perplexity and fear, and persecution of unpopular minorities, it does not p~ot. the
ofd fable about history repeatin~ itself. Informed by Bible prophecy, it sees in
these thin~s the sign of the world's time of the end. But with bright hope it
also sees openin~ up for us just beyond these woes the portals of a new world.
Thus viewed, "The Watchtower" stands as a watchman atop a tower,
alert to what is ~oin~ on, awake to note si~s of dan~r, faithful to point out
the way of escape. ft announces Jehovah's kin~om established by Christ's
enthronement in heaven, feeds his kin~m jOint-heirs with spiritual food,
cheers men of good will with glOriOUS prospects of eternal life in a paradise
earth, comforts us with the resurrection promise for the dead.
It is not do~atic, but has a confident ring in its voice, because it is based
on God's Woret: Itdoes not privately interpret prophecy, but calls attention
to physical facts, sets them alon~side prophecy, and you see for yourself how
well the two match, how accurately Jehovah interprets his own prophecy.
In the interests of our salvation, it keeps sharp and faithful focus on Bible
truth, and views reli~ious news generally.
'Be watchful in these perilous times,' God admonishes. So keep on the
watch by regularly readin~ "The W atc~tower".


117 Adams Street
Brookl yn 1, N. Y., U. S. A.
N. H.




"They will all be taught by Jehovah."-John 6:45; Isaiah 54:13

"The Increase of His Government"
Extending Its Sway Despite Opposition
Answering the Foes of His Government
Published Record Speaks for Itself
Name and Purpose of The Watchtower
Best-Seller Least Read?
Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Radio Station WEBR Preaches the Word
Questions from Readers
Experiences in Announcing
Jehovah's Kingdom
"Stick to Your Work"
Report of InternationaZ AssembZy
of Jehovah's W itnesses
Watchtower Studies

Printing this Issue: 1,210,000




Five cents a copy


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August 15, 1950

No . 16


" O] the i ncr ease of his government and peace there shan be no end,
upon the throne of David, and upon his k ingdom."-Isa. 9: 7.

EHOVAH God is now crowning his glorious purpose with success. At the very
time that mankind came into need because
of the invasion of selfishness, error and
death, Jehovah made it his purpose to set
up a righteous government 'over the whole
earth for mankind's deliverance. The setting up of such a government is his right.
It is, in fact, his responsibility, and he has
not failed that responsibility. "For there
is no authority except from God." (Rom.
13: 1, R ev. St an. V er.) Because it is a
government from him and is his means for
ruling his creatures on earth it is called a
"Theocr acy", for that name means God's
dom inion or rule. His government in the
heavens is now born and is ready to take
over earth's rule, regardless of the combined opposition of men who fight against
God. Earth and the people's way of existence are soon due for a wonderful transformation. This denotes a new world of
God's creation.
2 Jehovah's heart is glad for this time.
Yes, the heart of everyone is glad if he is
acquainted with Jehovah's grand purpose
and sees where we are in its successful development. Nineteen centuries have now

1. W hat Is J eh ova h ' s purpose, and hi s right a nd responsibility?

2. W h y Is J ehovab g la d for this time, and w h o else
with h im?

passed since his dear Son Jesus Christ died

sacrificially, was raised from the dead, and
ascended to heaven, there to sit at his
Father's right hand until the time should
come for all his enemies in heaven and in
earth to be made his footstool, laid low in
defeat. Meantime his enemies were let rule
the earth without interruption from heaven, and that period Jesus called the "times
of the Gentiles". (Luke 21: 24) Thirtysix years ago, in 1914, the terminus of that
long period of time was reached. All the
calamities and disturbances that have befallen the Gentiles or nations since 1914,
all the woes in concentrated measure that
have come upon the groaning peoples, all
the fruitless attempts of politics, commerce
and organized religion to better or remedy
conditions, the worsening of conditions and
the rising fears of rulers and peoples, all
these are a sign. Of its meaning we need
not be in doubt. Jesus Christ explained it
for us in his final days on earth. The sign
shows that the Gentile times ended in 1914,
with World War I as a marker. The beginning of sorrows which came in that year
gave painful notification to this old world
that it had now entered its "time of the
end". It was the beginning of the end for
it. (Matt. 24: 7,8; Dan. 11: 40; 12: 4) Yes,
but it also notified us that the Theocratic



government of a new and upright world,

the promised kingdom of God by his Son
Jesus Christ, had been born in the heavens.
Why should not God and Christ be glad?
Why should not all lovers of God and of a
New World government bringing righteousness, peace and life be glad? We are!
a Over nineteen centuries ago God's Ruler
for this government was born as a human
child, as the Messianic "Son of David". He
had come to earth to pro ve his right to
the Government. Now after this long period
of waiting for God's due time, the Theocratic government has been born, and the
authority and responsibility for carrying
it on has been laid upon the shoulder of
the installed King, Jesus Christ. Eight centuries before Christ's birth Isaiah's prophecy foretold it and told of his taking up
the Government, in these cheering words:
"Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is
given; and the government shall be upon
his shoulder: and his name shall be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the
increase of his government and of peace
there shall be no end, upon the throne of
David, and upon his kingdom, to establish
it, and to uphold it with justice and with
righteousness from henceforth even for
ever. The zeal of Jehovah of hosts will perform this."-Isa. 9: 6,7, Am. Stan. Ver.
4 The birth of the royal Son of God had
its witnesses: Not only God's angels, who
rejoiced over it with the words, "Glory to
God in the highest; and on earth peace to
men of good will," but also hard-working
men, the shepherds-who heard the angel's
announcement and went to Bethlehem,
King David's city, to verify it. (Luke
2: 8-20, Douay) But none of the traditionbound priests and Levites at the temple in
3. Why mainl y d id h Is Son come to earth? Fulftlllng
what prophecy ?
4. What must bIrth of the KIngdom have ? Why ? Who
are they?


Jerusalem were witnesses, although they

showed the evil-designing King Herod the
prophecy of where the child was to be born.
(Matt. 2: 1-16) Important as was the Son's
birth, the birth of God's kingdom by his
Son is of far greater importance. Hence it,
too, deserves to haveits witnesses on earth.
More than that, it must have its witnesses
on earth, in order to fulfill Jesus' own
prophecy concerning the end of this world:
"This gospel _of the kingdom shall be
preached in all the world for a witness unto
all nations; and -then shall the end come."
(Matt. 24: 14) Whom has God raised up
to be his witnesses concerning the Kingdom, The Theocracy established in 1914?
The lowly followers of Jesus Christ for
whom he spoke those words of prophetic
command. They correspond with the honest
men and women at the time Jesus was
born, the God-fearing shepherds, the aged
Simeon, the prophetess Anna, and faithful
5 The political rulers of earth today are
not pleased over the birth of God's kingdom, no more than murderous Herod was
pleased over Jesus' birth at Bethlehem. So
the rulers and their hangers-on and supporters try to suppress the witness of the
establishment of the Kingdom. But by
Jesus Christ, Almighty God foretold that
a Kingdom witness had to be given, and
no opposing pO.'Y~r in heaven or on earth
can prevent the witness in all the inhabited
earth for a testimony to all nations. Highly
favored are all those men and women today
whom God raises up and uses to have a
part in fulfilling the prophecy concerning
the witness to the established Kingdom!
Jehovah's witnesses of today are happy to
bear the hatred and persecution from all
peoples and nations in order to be his Kingdom witnesses.
5. Are wor ldly rulers pleased at the bIrth? What can
they not prevent?


15, 1950



The witness given since 1914 has steadily increased the sway of the Kingdom in
the lives of men of good will. It could not
have been otherwise. Over God's own name
the prophecy long ago declared: "Of the
increase of his government and peace
ther e shall be no end ," and t his must come
.true, though now the King rules in the
midst of multitudinous enemies.
The irresistible zeal of Jehovah
of hosts will never let his prophetic Word be shoved back unperformed into his face and the
increase of the government of
his Son be blocked successfully.
The Kingdom witness ' since
1914 must go on increasing. It
must be made known more and
more throughout the earththat
the Supreme Governing Power,
Jehovah, has taken his great
power and has begun to reign
over earth by putting his Son on
the throne as his anointed King.
(Rev. 11: 15-18) Through this knowledge
spread abroad by his witnesses the people
of good will everywhere can have the
opportunity to know of the only Righteous
Government and can gather around it as
the only hope of mankind. They can give it
.their unqualified allegiance before Jehovah's King destroys all his foes and opposers in the coming "battle of that great
day of God Almighty".
1 The Increase of the sympathizers and
supporters of Jehovah's . reigning King
must correspond with the increase of his
followers in the first century after he
ascended to God's right hand after having
proved his right to the Kingdom by his
loving obedience to death. This increase
will be, not by might of armies using fire

6. Why must the Kingdom con tinue In cre asin g Its sway?
7. With what must Its Incr eas e today correspond ? By
means of what ?


and sword, not by power, but by Jehovah's

spirit, his invincible active force. The love
in men and women devoted to his King and
kingdom is something stronger than any
devilish or human power can overcome;
and it draws and holds them to his King
and kingdom regardless of all the hostility
that their stand for God and his kingdom
arouses.-Zech. 4: 6.
8 In the first century believing men and women had to vow
their allegiance to Jesus Christ
as God's King in the face of the
dominant world power, the Roman empire, whose Caesars
were deified for worship. It was
actually a representative of that
Roman empire, Governor Pontius Pilate, who gave the order
for Jesus Christ to be nailed to
the torture stake. Because Jesus
preached God's kingdom to
which he had been called and
anointed, his religious enemies,
the priests, scribes, Sadducees
and Pharisees, accused him of sedition to
the Roman governor. The inspired Record
says : "They began to accuse him, saying,
We found this fellow perverting the nation,
and forbidding to give tribute to Cresar,
saying that he himself is Christ a King."
And when Pilate made efforts to release
Jesus, "the Jews cried out saying, If thou
let this man go, thou art not Cresar's
friend: whosoever maketh himself a king
speaketh against Cresar. " It was this Jesus
who two days before had said to his religious opposers: "Render therefore unto
Cresar the things which are Cresar's; and
unto God the things that are God's."
-Luke 23: 1,2; John 19: 12; Matt. 22: 21.
9 Because his religious enemies did not
8. How w as Caesar Im plicat ed wi t h the King In the
first century ?
9, 10. (a) Despite m is r epres enta ti on a nd opp osi tion what
Increase Is recorded ? (b) By wh a t was the K in gdom
proclamation spread ?



want Jesus as God's Messiah and King, they

used his preaching of God's kingdom for
an excuse to accuse him of being seditious
against Caesar and a men ace to the state.
This willful misrepresentation and this
combined opposition of Caesar and religious forces brought Jesus' death, but did
it prevent the adherents of God's risen
King from increasing? Did it silence the
preaching of the kingdom of heaven? No!
The next month, on the day of Pentecost,
God's spirit was poured out upon the King's
loyal followers, and the Kingdom proclamation was revived and carried on with
greater force than during J esus' time and
in many languages. That same day of
Pentecost those who declared themselves
in favor of God's kingdom as administered
by his King Christ Jesus increased to 3,000.
Religious opposition mounted and arrests
of the Kingdom preachers followed, and
yet the number of the King's adherents
rose to 5,000. (Acts 2: 41; 4: 4) Later the
martyrdom of Stephen set off one of the
worst persecutions there at that center of
religion, Jerusalem. The apostles were driven underground, but thousands of the
King's followers were scattered.
10 Jehovah and his anointed King in
heaven had reason to laugh at these efforts
of the religious opposers to silence the
Kingdom proclamation. Why? Because, as
the account tells us, "they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching
the word." "Those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over
Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia and
Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to
none except Jews." (Acts 8: 4; 11: 19, Rev.
Stan. Ver.) In the throes of this religious
inquisition the great pusher of persecution,
Saul of Tarsus himself, was miraculously
won over to allegiance to Christ the King
and became one of the apostolic Kingdom


N. Y.

11 But Jehovah's kingdom by Christ is

nothing nationalistic. It is not Jewish or
to be confined to the Jews only. The patriarch Abraham was not a Jew, and when
Jehovah told that faithful man about the
blessing that was to come to men through
the Theocratic government of his King, he
said: "In thee shall all families of.the earth
be blessed." "Thy seed shall possess the gate
of his enemies; and in thy seed shall all
the nations of the earth be blessed." (Gen.
12: 3; 22: 17,18) The Seed of Abraham
is primarily Jesus Christ. The blessing
through him is, first of all, that of bringing
believers into a righteous standing with
God where they may enjoy his favor and
have the prospect of eternal life in his
righteous new world. On this matter the
apostle Paul reasons in these words: "And
Scripture, foreseeing that God would pronounce the Gentiles righteous as the result
of faith, foretold the Good News to Abraham in the words-'Through thee all the
Gentiles shall be blessed.' "-Gal. 3: 8, 16,

20th Cent. N. T.

The life-giving blessing through Abraham's Seed, Jesus Christ, must therefore
be spread to all nations, Jew and Gentile
alike. Properly the blessing went first to
the Jewish descendants of Abraham. But
when that nation followed their religious
leaders and turned down the blessing because it came through the Christ who had
been nailed to a torture stake, Jehovah God
acted upon his words to Abraham. He extended the blessing through Jesus Christ
to the Gentile or non-Jewish nations. God
is no respecter of persons as based on earthly nationality. Our possessing faith like
that of Abraham is what counts with God
and wins his blessing through Christ.
-Gal. 3 : 9, 26-29.

11. Is th e Kin gd om nationalistic ? Wha t does God 's

promise show ?
12, What course did the extending of t he bles sing take ?
Wh y?


15, 1950




The apostle Peter was the one God

used to take the key of knowledge and unlock the door of Kingdom opportunities to
the Gentile nations, but it was the apostle
Paul who became the foremost apostle to
the Gentiles. Paul is the only apostle who
the Holy Scriptures t ell us got to Rome.
(Acts 10; Rom. 11: 13; Gal. 3: 7-9) By a
divine vision Paul was called to bear the
witness into Europe. It was in what is today
called Greece, the cradle of democracy,
that Paul was accused as a seditionist for
preaching God's kingdom by Christ.
14 After Paul had cast out a demon from
a spirit-medium, the demons caused their
religious dupes to drag Paul and Silas
before the political rulers with this charge:
"These men, being Jews, do exceedingly
trouble our city, and teach customs, which
are not lawful for us to receive, neither to
observe, being Romans." A miracle of God
released Paul and Silas from the dungeon.
That was at Philippi. But at Thessalonica
the religious opposers stirred up a mob
which cried out against Paul and Silas to
the political rulers: "These that have
turned the world upside down are come
hither also ; . .. and these all do contrary
to the decrees of Ceesar, saying that there
is another king, one Jesus." Back again in
Palestine, when before Caesar's court in
Caesarea, prisoner Paul was accused by his
religious persecutors in .these words of
their spokesman: "We have found this man
a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition
among all the Jews throughout the world,
and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: who also hath gone about to profane
the temple: whom we took, and would have
judged according to our law." But the
apostle Paul would not submit to having
them judge him according to their religious

canon law. In full accord with his rights

as a Roman citizen he reminded the court
that he stood before Caesar's judgment
seat, and not before a religious judicial
court. So in the interests of preaching the
gospel he appealed to Caesar.-Acts 16: 20,
21; 17: 6,7; 24: 5,6; 25: 9-12.
15 For two years before and for two years
after Paul got to Rome he was detained in
custody. But did the proclamation of the
good news suffer curtailment because of
such persecution against him and his fellow
witnesses? No; for Paul used these circumstances to give a witness to rulers, to his
custodians and to all whom he could invite.
He accomplished a far-reaching witness,
so that he wrote from his house of detention at Rome: "Brothers, I want you to
realize that what has happened to me has
actually served to forward the Good News.
It has even become evident, not only to all
the Impe rial Guard, but to everyone else,
that it is for Christ's sake that I am in
chains." "The Good News to which you
listened, which has been proclaimed among
all created things under Heaven, and of
which I, Paul, was made a minister." Paul
followed his own instruction: "Preach the
word ; be instant in season, out of season. "
-Phil. 1: 12,13 and Col. 1: 23, eou. Cent.
N.T., 2 Tim. 4: 2.
16 The followers of the King Jesus Christ
obeyed his parting orders: "All authority
hath been given unto me in heaven and on
earth. Go ye therefore, and make disciples
of all the nations, baptizing them into the
name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit." No man-made government
of any nation can countermand that authoritative command or successfully impede its execution by the King's followers.
His command applies to us now at the end
of this world and its nations, and we will

13. What se rvice did Peter a n d Paul render to ward belief by Gentiles ?
14. Where, how and by wh om was Paul accused of

15. Did such persecution curtail preaching the good

news ? Why ?
16. What parting command of Jesus applles now ? Who
wlll obey It ?




obey it for the increase of the interests

of his government.-Matt. 28: 18-20, Am.
Stan. Ver.


N. Y.

nation and their plans for future control

of the earth belie their prayers and prove
they do not want God's kingdom by his Son
to supplant them and give the people a
righteous, Theocratic government. The nations stand in fear and mutual distrust of
one another. Anxieties are expressed that
they will exterminate one another in further global war with secretly invented
weapons of mass destruction. The nations
do stand faced with destruction, but it is
for refusing God's kingdom by Christ, the
only rightful government for our globe .
Their destruction will come shortly by an
act of God which was foreshadowed in the
global flood of Noah's day. By Jehovah's
witnesses he is now giving all peoples and
nations fair and ample warning of it.
19 The religious organizations of Christendom have linked their fate with the
political powers of earth and will be wiped
out with them by God's act as His enemies.
It is written: "You renegades! Do you not
know that the friendship of the world
means enmity with God? So whoever
wishes to . be . the world's friend declares
himself . God's enemy."-Jas. 4: 4, An

1 7 Even before Christ's day it was the

favorite trick of the enemies of Jehovah
God to accuse his faithful people of political
crimes so as to implicate them with worldly governments and bring the power of the
state down on them. In the days of Queen
Esther this wicked device was used by the
false worshiper Haman to accomplish the
complete destruction of Jehovah's chosen
people from all parts of the Persian empire.
Said Haman to Emperor Xerxes: "There
is a certain people scattered abroad and
dispersed among the peoples throughout
all the provinces of your kingdom, and
their laws are different from every other
people; neither do they observe the king's
laws; therefore it is not fitting to leave
them alone. If it please the king, let it be
prescribed that they be destroyed." (Esther
3 : 7-9, An Amer . Trans.) Haman's malicious scheme failed to wipe out or even
diminish Jehovah's people. It resulted in
himself being exposed as against the emperor's interests and getting hanged. Thus
those who now try to hinder the increase
of God's kingdom work out their own ruin.
1 8 Today the faithful announcers of God's
kingdom by Christ face political movements and organizations on a hemispheric
or global scale. That it should be proclaimed
by his witnesses that Jehovah took up
again the reins of earth's government in
1914 and brought the kingdom of his Son
to birth does not please the political rulers.
They have other plans for dominating
earth's peoples. Under the religious guidance of the clergy of Christendom the poIitical element may pray, "Thy kingdom
come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is
in heaven"; but their wars for world domi-

2 0 The religious friends of. this world are

enemies of God's kingdom by Christ. They
show whose friends they are by working
for the further miserable existence of this
old world and by trying to hinder the increase of Jehovah's Theocracy by Christ.
Since the birth of his kingdom in 1914 new
political factors have come to positions of
world prominence and power. Those which
have survived till now as dominant figures
are the United Nations, the successor to
the short-lived League of Nations, and
atheistic Communism.
21 To date theUnited Nations has failed
to cement the old world It is split into two

17. Ho w was the enemy 's s ame trick tried In Esther's

day? Resu lts ?
18. Wh y do the nations now stand faced wi t h destruction ?

19, 20. Who show t hemselves friends of this world ?

How ? W ith what fa te ?
21. How Is the world div ided? What pos ition do Jehovah 's witnesses take, and with what result certain ?

Amer. Trans.

AUGUST -1S, 1950


blocs, with the Big Three championing the

Western bloc and Communist Russia dietating for the Eastern bloc; The fires of
World War IT have died down, but a "cold
war" is raging between - both blocs and
there is feverish maneuvering for power.
In the midst of this world situation stand
Jehovah's witnesses, pointing neither east
nor west, but heavenward, heralding His
kingdom by Christ as the divinely authorized government, the only government with
adequate ability to introduce a righteous,


peaceful, healthful new world, the only

government with power to save the people
from annihilation in the world catastrophe
of Armageddon. For this neutral position
toward the deadly conflicts of this old
world and for their Christian devotion and
allegiance to God's New World government
by his Son Jehovah's witnesses are hated
by all nations and suffer persecution at
the hands of the religious friends of the old
world. Yet, despite this, their cause is
bound to increase and win.

the foes of His Governm.ent --=HRISTE NDOM is being

steadily encroached upon
by the aggressions of godless Communism. This is condemning evidence that
Christendom has failed. She can definitely
trace her existence from the days of Roman
Emperor Constantine of the fourth century,
and so has had sixteen centuries of opportunity. If Christendom had really lived
up to what her name means and had practiced the Christianity- of Jesus and his
apostles, would godless Communism have
had grounds for coming into existence
or for taking its birth right within the
realm of Christendom herself? Hardly.
True Christianity does not pave the way
for the. rise and growth of atheistic Communism; hypocritical Christianity does!
Not remarkable, then, that vast Russia,
the one-time domain of the Russian Orthodox Church, is now the formidable stronghold of the Communist power. For help
Christendom flees, not to Jehovah God and
his government, but to this old world, and
she takes her stand with the Western
1. What proves Christendom has _ falled? Where does

she flee?

powers and their democratic adherents.

With them she shares the dread of the
totalitarian Communist menace.
2 No one will deny that the religious
systems of Christendom have no sympathy
with Jehovah's witnesses and put no faith
in their proclamation that God's kingdom
is now established in the heavens for complete domination of the universe, including
our sin-wracked earth. They make efforts
to stamp out Jehovah's witnesses and to
misrepresent their Christian work and to
prejudice the people's minds against their
Kingdom proclamation. So the religious
leaders of Christendom take advantage of
the fears and hatreds of the Western democratic bloc. Resorting to the age-old method
of involving God's people with the political
powers of this world, they accuse Jehovah's
witnesses who reside in the Western bloc
of nations of being communist. They inflame the nationalistic feelings of the people and poison the minds of their religious
congregations against Jehovah's witnesses.
Hence, when these carry the Kingdom mes2. How do religionists take advantage of conditions
against us ?



sage from door to door or when they offer

Bible literature on the street pavements
they are abusively called "Communists!"
and their message is refused as dangerous
3 To cite examples of these prejudicial
accusations: The Catholic Chronicle, of
Toledo, Ohio, on February 27, 1948, published an article headed "Pole Reds Finance
'Jehovah' Agents" and which read: "Warsaw-The atheist government of Poland
is financing sects like the Jehovah's witnesses in an effort to destroy the Catholicity of the people. 'Watchtower' salesmen
are making the rounds of homes with pamphlets reviling the Church. Sunday lectures
also are organized, denouncing Catholicism
and glorifying communism." This report
was repeated by Father Baker's Victorian
Magazine of June, 1948. The following October 16, 1948, at 6: 45 p.m., the religious
monsignor who edits the Columbus Register read over radio station WHKC a Catholic report from Warsaw. Besides misrepresenting our relief work to our Polish
brethren, it said: "The Soviet satellite
government encourages and financially aids
the Witnesses, whose free literature bears
clear traces of Communist propaganda."
The falsity of such blasphemous lies against
witnesses of the Most High God was certainly bound to be exposed in due time by
the transpiring of the actual situation to
the knowledge of the whole world. The
sources of those several religious reports
against us knew they were lying when they
started them rolling through the news. And
now those Catholic news agencies who were
so eager to grab and publish untruths and
misrepresentations in order to put Jehovah's witnesses in a false light before the
anti-Communist nations ought to feel great
embarrassment. Jehovah's witnesses have
now over 18,000 active Kingdom publishers
in Poland, and does the arrest of 80 percent
3. How have t hey misrepresented us as respects Poland ?


or 14,400 of them mean that the Communist Polish Government is encouraging and
financing them? Listen to this special dispatch published in the New York Times of
June 30, 1950, beginning on its front page,
which published in bold type, "PolesArrest Jehovah's Witnesses as Spies Directed
from Brooklyn", and which said, in part:
WARSAW, June 29-The complete liquidation of
an alleged United States spy ring, with headquarters in Brooklyn, N. Y., was announced today by Poland's Ministry of Public Security. Approximately 80 percent of the members of the
alleged ring have been arrested, the Ministry
The ring, which supposedly operated through
the religious sect called Jehovah's Witnesses ,
was charged with having gathered information
on military and commercial objectives and Polish Government institutions.
According to the last official census in 1948 t his
religious sect, which has a fifty-yea r-old history
in Poland, had 10,000 members in Po la nd. . . .
Searches carried on in t he sect's offices and
members' homes resulted in the confiscation
of a large amount of evidence, the report
declared. . . .
Another charge was that the sect counteracted
the campaign for gathering signatures for the
so-called Stockholm peace appeal urging that
the atomic bomb be outlawed.
4 Still earlier, in its issue of August 8,
1939, The Catholic Mind published an article called "Rutherford's Witnesses of Jehovah: Are They Apostles of Anarchy?" by
Herbert Thurston, Society of Jesus, and
which was rep rinted by the A mer ica Press.
The psychological effect intended by that
title is very apparent, even if all the article were not read. In November, 1942,
the booklet entitled" 'Judge' Rutherford",
written by that same Jesuit, "Rev." H.
Thurston, was published by The Catholic
Truth Society in London, England, and on
page 14 it says: "Whatever may be the professions of Jehovah's Witnesses, there is
no room for doubt that the practical effect
of the Watch Tower activities is to stimu-

4. What charges did a Brltlsh Jesuit make In 1939 and


AUGUST 15, 1950


late Communism, not to say anarchy, and

to undermine all feeling of reverence for
5 We challenge that British Jesuit to
harmonize, if he can, his accusation with
the public declaration by J. F. Rutherford,
then president of the Watch Tower Society,
from London's Royal Albert Hall, Sunday,
September 11, 1938. Delivering his speech
"Face the Facts", which was beamed by
radio and carried by direct wire to more
than 50 cities in the United States, Canada,
Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and
Tasmania, and also broadcast by a transcontinental chain of 118 U. S. radio stations, Mr. Rutherford said: "Fulfilled
prophecy shows that in 1914 Jehovah enthroned Christ Jesus and sent him forth
to rule, while Satan stilI exercises his power
in the world. (Psalm 110: 1,2) In 1917
was the first appearance of a totalitarian
rule, and which opposes God and his kingdom. It declares that the State is the
supreme power, and it persecutes those
who serve God and Christ Jesus.'?"
6 But to continue: On April 17, 1948, the
bishop of Cork, Ireland, addressed a letter
to clergy in charge of parishes in Cork
and vicinity, and which was published in
the Cork Examiner that day. After referring to activities of Jehovah's witnesses,
the bishop's letter concluded: "Some call
these activities Communism. Anyhow, all
weakening of religion is welcomed by Communism as a preparation for itself." The
Irish Times , Dublin, reprinted that statement two days later. In an article headed
"Jehovah's Witnesses in Sligo", the Sligo
Champion (Ireland) of June 25, 1949, pub The statement quoted can be read on page 12, U3, to
page 13, top, of the booklet Face the Facts, published
In 1938, and circulated In mlllions of copies, In a number of languages.
5. Against what publlc declaration Is he challenged to
harmonize his ch arges?
6. What charges ha ve Irish rellglonlsts recently made?


lished the letter of the CATHOLIC LmRARY

INFORMATION BUREAU, which said: "The
menace of Communism is belittled by the
Witnesses who have called it a bogey-man
created by the Catholic Church with an
ulterior motive. . . . Russian atheism is
defended by the Witnesses." The Dublin
Evening Mail of June 22, 1949, also printed
that same statement. The Sunday Independent of April 16, 1950, reports the
breaking up of a public meeting of Jehovah's witnesses at The Fountain, Dun
Laoghaire [diin la'd], Ireland, by local
townsmen with shouts of "Communists!"
"Get out of here!" and, "Go back to where
you came from!"
7 In Greece, as a result of slanders by the
clergy of the Greek Orthodox Church the
witnesses of Jehovah are called traitors,
unpatriotic, anarchists, and Communists;
and on November 17,1949, it became neeessary for us to write the minister of foreign affairs of Greece, at New York city,
to answer the question whether Jehovah's
witnesses are a secret or communistic
8 The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, with main offices in Brooklyn, New
York, acts advisorily as the governing body
and servant of Jehovah's witnesses in all
lands. So what is true of Jehovah's witnesses in America must be true of them
throughout the earth. Active witnesses are
found in their greatest numbers in the
United States, with more than 108,000 reporting in April this year. Ever since World
War I closed, in 1918, the American government has been alerted to the threat of
Communism to American democracy. The
Communists are reported operating in

7. Due to clergy slanders how do witnesses fare In

8. (a) Why Is Investigation of witnesses In America decisive for the world? (b) What did the Justice Department report In 1941?



America since September, 1919. But in all

t he years since t hen official investigat ion
has failed to find the slightest link between
the Watch Tower Society or Jehovah's witnesses and godless communism. In 1941
Senator David of Pennsylvania, the state
where the Society was incorporated in 1884,
wrote to the United States Department of
Justice at Washington, D. C. In response
the Department reported that Jehovah's
witnesses were not communistic and had
no communist tendencies.
9 Further, in 1948, the United States government, acting through its attorney general, listed all organizations that were
totalitarian, fascist, communist, and subversive and which advocate the overthrow
of the government by violence or by unconstitutional means. The attorney general
supplied this list of organizations to the
chairman of the Loyalty Review Board of
the United States Civil Service Commission. By letter dated September 21, 1948,
(Memorandum No. 19) the chairman of
the Loyalty Review Board forwarded a
list of such organizations to all executive
departments and agencies of the United
States government. An examination of that
official list of subversive and illegal organizations discloses that the names of Jehovah's witnesses and the Watch Tower
Bible & Tract Society nowhere appear.
10 The misinformation about Jehovah's
wit nesses penetrated even into a published
Memorandum of the United States Marine
Corps. As a result the Marine Corps Memorandum No. 55-49, released on June 6, 1949,
stated that Jehovah's witnesses were associated with communism. This error was
called to the attention of the Headquarters
of the U. S. Marine Corps at Washington,
D. C. In reply to our legal attorney the
commandant of the Marine Corps at Wash9. Wh at dId t he Loya lty RevIew Boa rd's ll st In 1948
show ?
10.11. What error In Its Memorandum dld the U. S.
MarIne Corps correct ? Ho w ?


ington sent a letter dated December 15,

1949, in wh ich he expressed t he conviction
that the statement about Jehovah's witnesses is totally without foundation. His
letter says: "I haveordered the discussion
'Communism in the United States' (Enclosure [B ] to Marine Corps Memorandum
#55-49), revised so as to eliminate all reference to Jehovah's Witnesses and I shall
direct that all copies presently existing
which contain such r efer ence be destroyed.
In addition, I am causing a memorandum
to be prepared which will be issued by this
Headquarters and will receive the same
distribution given Marine Corps Memorandum #55-49. This memorandum will
state that the reference made to Jehovah's
witnesses in Enclosure (B) of Marine Corps
Memorandum # 55-49 was completely unfounded, that it was made without proper
information, under an entire misapprehension as to the facts, and that this Headquarters re grets that this unfortunate
statement was published.... Please convey to your clients, Watch Tower Bible
and Tract Society and Jehovah's Witnesses, my sincere regret for the publication
of the lamentable reference to them. If
there is any other action which may be
taken by this Headquarters, please do not
hesitate to inform me." >
11 Under date of December 23, 1949, Marine Corps Memorandum No. 131-49 was
released andposted up, and it fully carried
out all that the commandant had promised
in the foregoing letter. t Needless to say,
See pa ge 259 for pho tost atic copy of t hIs letter.

t Marine Corps Memora ndum No . 131-49 r eferred t o the

Memora ndum N o. 55-49 and saId: " 1. Refere nce (a), entitled 'Communis m In the United Sta t es ,' contaIn ed the
st a tem ent that the r ellgious sect k nown as 'Jehovah' s
WItne sse s ' h a d been fr eq uen tly as socla ted wIth communism .
" 2. The publlcatIon of thIs statement has reacted unfavorably again st t haMa rt ne Corps, In th a t It wa s publlshed with ou t proper Infor mation and h as been shown
to be complet ely unfounded in fa ct .
" 3. CommandIn g officers wlll take tmmedlate s te ps
to b rIng the foregoIng to the attention of all personnel
to whom the orI gIn al statement conta Ined . In reference
(a) may have .been communicated."-Dated 23 De cember 1949.

AUGUST 15, 1950


we highly appreciate this honorable course

taken by the Headquarters of the U.S.
Marine Corps.
12 The charges that Jehovah's witnesses
are Communists, "apostles of Stalin," a
"fifth column" of communism, and "strive
to bring about conditions favourable to the
spread of Marxism", are absolutely without
basis and are blasphemous lies against the
servants of the Most High God.. Their
Christian educational work in all lands
and their official publications prove that.
Throughout the earth the witnesses use
the corporation Watch Tower Bible & Tract
Society as their legal and publishing servant. They use the publications of said Society in their work of educating the people
on the Holy Bible. From earliest times the
Watch Tower publications have exposed
communism as a world menace and have
shown it to be impractical, doomed to
failure, and contrary to God's kingdom by
Christ. As early as its third issue, The
Watchtower of September, 1879, in its
leading article entitled "The Day of the
Lord" (paragraphs 7 and 14), said the
following, and as you read this we want
you to remember this was published, not
in 1950, but away back seventy-one years
1 3 "Very many Scriptures seem to teach
that the kingdoms of earth will be overthrown by a rising of the people: goaded
to desperation from lack of employment
and seeking relief from the oppression of
bloodthirsty governments. Such a rising
and overturning, Socialists, COMMUNISTS,
and Nihilists of today would gladly bring
about if they could. Now the Scripture
recognizes wrong and oppression as existing in the nations and foretells this as the


What wor k and publications show up the charges?

what effect?
What did The Watchtow er ot:.September, 1879, say
Communism ?


way in which they will be overthrown, and

says: 'Go to now, ye rich men , weep and
howl for the misery that shall come upon
you. Ye have heaped treasure together for
the last days. Behold, the hire of the laborers which is of you .kept back by fraud,
crieth.' Jas. v. 1. Yet it does not recognize
this Communism as right but the contrary
rather instructing believers . . . saying to
us-'Be pati ent, therefore, brethren, unto
the coming of the Lord.' . . . And it is
astonishing how very rapidly these things
once looked at as absurd and imposs ible
are becoming realities. When we with a
few others declared these things only a
short time since , and called attention to
the fact that trouble was taught to be
occasioned by a rising of the people and
the overthrow of governments-Communism-we were laughed at; there was truly
little sign then of Communism; but today
every civilized nation is in dread, and
Nihilism, Communism and Socialism, are
household words, and we see 'men's hearts
failing them for fear and for looking after
those things coming on the earth, for the
powers of heaven (governments) shall be
shaken.' Luke xxi. 26."
1 4 In its issue of June, 1883, The Watchtower (page 8) said: "In other words, remove the element which advises prudence,
morality, and right-doing, from the counsels of the restless masses-from the Labor
leagues and other associations, and let the
lower element control itself, and the result
would quickly be the destruction of life,
property, laws, and peace-a grand reign
of anarchy in the name of communism."
1 5 In its issue of - January,
1884, The
Watchtower (page 5) published the article
"Light in Darkness" and quoted, in paragraph 5, the statement of Blackwood's
Magazine: "How humiliating, too, is the
thought that .. . the dangerous classes,
14. What d id Its Issue ot June, 1883, sa y on It?
15. Wh at d id It s Issue ot J anuar y , 1884, say on It ?



and 'dissolving forces' are becoming more

formidable than ever, and that the 'social
revolution'-Atheistic Communism and
Nihilism-may yet shake to its foundations
the entire system of civilization which
modern Europe has been so slowly perfecting as the highest product of the Aryan
Community of nations."
16 Now note these further statements:
In its issue of September 1, 1895, The
Watchtower) under the heading "They Had
All Things in Common", said this: "Experience proves the failure of communistic
methods in the present time. . . . The
Bible does not teach communism, but does
teach loving considerate individualism, except in the sense of family communismeach family acting as a unit, . . . Moreover, the forming of a commune of believers
is opposed to the purpose and methods of
the Gospel age. The object to this age is
to witness Christ to the world, and thus to
'take out a people for his name;' and to
this end each believer is exhorted to be a
burning and a shining light before menthe world in general-and not before and
to each other merely. . . . It is still the
work of God's people to shine as lights in
the midst of the world, and not to shut
themselves up in convents and cloisters
or as communities. The promises of Paradise will not be realized by joining such
communes. "
11 In its issue of January 1, 1902, The
Watchtower published the article entitled
"The Early Church", and under the subheading "Communism at Present Impractical" it said: "The early church did not
practice what is now known as communism;
. . . So far as the record shows there was
no compulsory division of wealth, such as
communism purposes. On the contrary,
everything was voluntary; and everything
of the same kind is just as free, just as
16. What did Its Issue of September 1, 1895, sayan it?
17. What did its issue of January 1, 1902, sayan it?


voluntary, and just as proper, now as then

-no more so, no less so. . . . It is noteworthy that the apostles neither commanded nor advised communism; nor do their
writings intimate that it prevailed in the
early church."
1 6 In 1886 the Watch Tower Bible &
Tract Society published the book The Plan
of the Ages) and this book continued to be
published and circulated by the millions
of copies in many languages until 1929,
when it was let go out of stock. In chapter 15, entitled "The Day of Jehovah",
page 312112, this Watch Tower publication
said: "Hence, the wealthy are drawn closer
to the governments; and the wage-working
masses, beginning to think that laws and
governments are designed to aid the
wealthy and to restrain the poor, are drawn
toward Communism and Anarchy, thinking that their interests would best be served
thereby, and not realizing that the worst
government, and the most expensive, is
vastly better than no government at all.? "
All the foregoing published record speaks
for itself.
19 Jesus Christ said to his followers: "If
ye were of the world, the world would love
his own: but because ye are not of the
world, but I have chosen you out of the
world, therefore the world hateth you. . . .
If they have persecuted me, they will also
persecute you." (John 15: 19,20) The
persecution that Jehovah's witnesses have
undergone till now proves they are no part
of this world and have no connection with
or support from political communism or
any other political movement. In Russia

See also The Battle 01 Armageddon, published in

1897, and particularly Its chapter 10 .entitled "Proposed
Remedies-Social and Financial", pages 473-481. Not e
that under the heading " Com m un ism as a Remedy" It
says : "As a wh ole It Is qu ite Im practica ble." This boo k
also was distributed till 1929.
18. What did The Plan 01 the A ges (1886) sayan It ?
19. What persecution in Russia proves the charges fa lse ?


15, 1950


Jehovah's witnesses and the Watch Tower

Bible & Tract Society are not registered or
recoznized as legal. They have been outlawed and banned there. Because of their
Bible way of worshiping the Most High God
they have been cruelly persecuted and
exiled to Siberia by the Communists. This
is not because they are Titoists, for in 1947
Titoist Yugoslavia seized all the officials
representing the Watch Tower Bible &
Tract Society and Jehovah's witnesses in
Zagreb and banned both the Society and
the witnesses. Eleven of such officials were
prosecuted and were imprisoned for long
sentences ranging from three to twenty
20 The government of Albania has likewise imprisoned Jehovah's witnesses and
banned their organization. Czechoslovakia
has put all the officials of the Watch Tower
Society and Jehovah's witnesses carrying
on the work there in labor camps, after
denying them trials. Romania has placed
the officials of the Watch Tower Society
in prison, confiscated the Society's property and banned Jehovah's witnesses. Bulgaria, too, has banned them and placed
representatives of the Society and Jehovah's witnesses in prison. Persecution is
also carried on against them in Hungary
and Poland. In Eastern Germany, now dominated by communist Russia, the same
persecution goes on against them. More so
since July 30, 1949, when 18,000 of Jehovah's witnesses, while assembled in convention in the Waldblihne (Forest Stage)
of Berlin, adopted a resolution exposing
the persecution by the Communist powers
in Eastern Germany and raised a vigorous
protest against it.
21 In the above countries the Communist
governments have made it illegal to print
or distribute the publications of the Watch
20. Wh at persecutions in Russian sa tellite lands disprove them ?
21. What about Watchtower publications there ? So
what do we ask ?


Tower Bible & Tract Society, though these

have free circulation in the United States
and other lands of the Western bloc. We
ask, therefore, If Jehovah's witnesses are
communistic, as our religious enemies in
Christendom declare, then why have the
Communist powers proscribed these witnesses who bear the name of Jehovah God
and confiscated their property and hounded them with fanatical persecution?

We look to no government agencies to

vindicate us of the false charges which the
foes of God's kingdom raise against us, to
blind the people to the facts and the Kingdom truths. Almighty God has promised
to vindicate his faithful witnesses, and he
will do so at the battIe of Armageddon, in
which he will totally destroy godless communism and all other elements of the old
world. In Daniel's prophecy concerning the
Devil's world organization at this crucial
time where it tries to hold the worldly
elements together like clay mixed with
iron, it is written: "And in the days of
these kings shall the God of heaven set up
a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed:
and the kingdom shall not be left to other
people [neither to Communist people nor
to any other political group], but it shall
break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." The
prophecy likens God's kingdom by Christ
to a stone which strikes and grinds the
Devil's governmental image to powder, and
says: "The stone that smote the image
became a great mountain, and filled the
whole earth." (Dan. 2: 44,35) Neither the
United Nations nor any totalitarian power
will be able t o stand up against the fulfillment of that prophecy. Jehovah's Theocratic government under his Christ will
survive the battle of Armageddon as win22

22. To whom do we look to vindicate us? Wher e and

how ?



ner and will bring faithful people of good

will through as survivors and will thereafter dominate all the earth without any
rival powers.
23 That government will rule supreme
from heaven. It is the Kingdom which
Jehovah's witnesses announce to all nations, and to it they declare their unqualified allegiance before all the world. His
kingdom by Christ is bound to increase.
The King Jesus Christ has already begun
the gathering together of his earthly subjects of good will, and his mighty unseen
angels are taking part with him in the
gathering work. (Matt. 24: 31; 25: 31-33)
No persecution, no base misrepresentation,
no conspiracy by worldly powers can halt
the increase of that kingdom and prevent
a numberless multitude of devoted subjects
from flocking to it as mankind's rightful
ruler and only hope.
24 For this reason Jehovah's witnesses
today are preaching the gospel of the Kingdom in greater numbers now than at the
time of the Kingdom's establishment in
1914. For example, in April of this year the
world-wide report compiled by the Watch
Tower Bible & Tract Society shows 357,889
active witnesses in 106 lands and in association with 65 Branch organizations. This
1950 international convention, this "Theocracy's Increase" Assembly of Jehovah's
witnesses here at Yankee Stadium, New
York city, is overwhelming testimony of
the Kingdom's increase on earth. We are
assured that of the Kingdom's increase
there will be no end. So, as we push ahead
with the work Jehovah commissions us to
do :in these "last days" of this world, the


N. Y.

number of ministers of the good news of

the Kingdom may be expected to increase
in fulfillment of divine prophecy.

25 Ours is a peaceful work. We will keep

on obeying Jesus' command to 'render to
Caesar the things that are Caesar's and
to God the things that are God's'. Hence we
will be orderly, resorting to no violence or
subversion against the .political powers of
this world, but letting them continue to
carryon their political experiments as long
as God allows them. We will fulfill our
obligation to warn all nations of the coming
"act of God" against this world at Armageddon. This course alone can have his
approval and assure us of survival at the
battle of Armageddon. His Word commands us: "Seek ye Jehovah, all ye meek
of the earth, that have kept his ordinances;
seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may
be ye will be hid in the day of Jehovah's
anger." (Zeph. 2_: 3, Am. Stan. Ver.) We
urge all to this course of godliness with
2 6 We mark the growing tendency to
totalitarian regimentation of the peoples
as a desperate final measure to preserve
the worldly powers in control. People are
being swept into the movement to idolize
the state and to exalt it above God, who is
the only Supreme Power. The Bible has
foretold this. (Rev. 13: 16, 17) But we
cannot be divided in our worship. Con- .
fronted with further encroachments upon
our worship of the Supreme Ruler and our
devotion to his kingdom by Christ, we are
determined to obey our King's command
to "render . . . unto God the things that
are God's". Mindful of the apostle Peter's
words to the court at Jerusalem, "We ought
to obey God rather than men," we will
keep obedience to God's commands first,
together with unbreakable devotion to his
kingdom now established. (Acts 5: 29) We
are bound to suffer more international
persecution for this godly course of action,

23. What do persecution, misrepresentation and conspir acy now fall to halt ? Why ?
24. As shown In April, 1950, what may we expect as
we work on ?

25. Our work being peaceful, what course wlll we take?

26. What positi on on worship do we take, and despite
what ahead ?


15, 1950



but we warn our persecutors with Jehovah she will reap the whirlwind at ArmagedGod's words to his Theocratic organization: don. We who have sown to the interests
"The nation and kingdom that will not of Jehovah's Theocracy by Christ will reap
serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations the increase of thousands of other Kingshall be utterly wasted." -Usa. 60: 12) Obe- dom adherents, the "other sheep" whom
dience to the great Life-giver spells eternal the Good Shepherd will yet gather into
life for us in the new world, and the old the "one fold" of everlasting safety.-John
world's persecution of us will continue 10: 16.
failing to halt the Kingdom's increase.
28 God's Word and purpose have never
27 We will keep our integrity to God in
failed so far and will not fail us in the most
vindication of his universal sovereignty crucial world period ahead. So on with his
and his right to rule his creation, this earth work of witnessing to the Kingdom among
and all people permitted to live on it. In all nations before the end comes. In faith
Theocratic obedience and faithfulness we and obedience, endure hardness as good
will march on toward the New World, re- soldiers of Jesus Christ. Carry out your
joicing in all further expansion of his part as advance publicity agents of the
kingdom, for there will ' be no end to its New World government. Fear not the foe,
increase even this side of Armageddon. If but God only. By godly lives and ceaseless
we keep on sowing his Kingdom message, proclamation of the Bible truth, keep on
we shall reap returns for -eternity, for God recommending Jehovah's Theocracy by
will give his promised increase. Let Chris- Christ to all men of good will, confidently
tendom go on sowing to the wind by pur- looking to him for the rewarding increase.
suing the futile course of this old world; -2 Cor. 4: 2.
ZT. What activity will we keep at, and assured of what

Inc rease ?


28. How wlll we recommend God's kingdom to all men

of good will ?


HE two foregoing articles were programed to be delivered together as the

keynote speech by N. H. Knorr, president
of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society,
at 3 p.m., Tuesday, August 1, 1950, to the
many thousands expected to pack the Yankee Stadium, New York city, in attendance
at the international convention or "Theocracy's Increase" Assembly of Jehovah's
Witnesses. The material was kindly handed
us in advance for publishing in this issue
of our magazine, that the printed speech
appearing in our columns might be released

1. Where were the foregoing articles programed for

delivery as a sp eech, and under what circumstances?


to the conventioners r ight after Mr. Knorr

delivered the speech and followed it up
with his presentation of the Resolution
below for adoption:

6 WHEREAS the nations of this world re2 ON THIS momentous occasion, when we
fuse the warning which is set forth in God's
are gathered in a representative body of Word and verified by all the perilous contens of thousands from more than 50 lands ditions on earth, and they show opposition
here at Yankee Stadium, New York city, to God's purpose by extending their own
to carryon the international "Theocracy's world rule with which they seek to align
Increase" Assembly of Jehovah's Witness- all peoples, and they ignore, hinder and peres, we find it most opportune this 1st day of secute the faithful minority that preaches
August, 1950, to make this Declaration: the good news of God's established kingdom; and thereby they put themselves in
3 WHEREAS the God of heaven and earth,
whose name is Jehovah, is the Source of all the way of destruction by the "act of God"
rightful authority and power and has re- which will mark the close of this "time of
corded on the pages of the Holy Bible his the end";
purpose to restore his righteous Theocratic
7 THEREFORE we here, before God and
government to this earth (Psalm 62: 11; man, declare our unqualified support of
Matthew 6: 9,10); and
Jehovah's universal sovereignty and our
4 WHEREAS the "seven times" of uninterallegiance to his kingdom now established
rupted domination of the earth by Gentile in the hands of his Son Jesus Christ.
nations expired A.D. 1914 and now the
8 WE CONFESS that originally by his Son
Bible prophecy and its fulfillment prove God created this earth and man upon it
together that then Jehovah God again took and that after mankind rebelled against
up his power to reign over the earth and to divine government God sent his Son to
this end he enthroned in the heavens his prove his right to govern a new world and
Son Jesus Christ, who had proved his in- also to die sacrificially that all who become
tegrity to God even to death on a torture his subjects might live forever in the new
stake at Calvary and who had thereby world; and so we gladly confess that God
established his right to rule as King in his by his Son's sacrifice has bought us and we
Father's name (Daniel 4: 25,32; Luke owe our lives and our complete devotion
to God and his King and hence our obe21: 24; Revelation 11: 15 to 12: 10); and
to God and his reigning Son comes
5 WHEREAS Almighty God has decreed
first.-1 Corinthians 6: 20; 7: 23.
the end of this world and has promised us
9 WE ACKNOWLEDGE that Jehovah God
"new heavens and a new earth" to form
has according to his Word made us his
a righteous new world in which his en- witnesses, and we are obligated to carry
throned Son will be King, and hence this out this commission as Jehovah's witnesses
old world has been in its "time of the end" to the end of this world (Isaiah 43: 10-12,
since A.D. 1914 and the "battle of that Am. Stan. Ver.); and, being for God and
great day of God Almighty" draws near his kingdom by Christ, we could never be
for removing the old and installing the communistic. We denounce the false accunew world (2 Peter 3: 10-13; Revelation sation by our enemies that we are communists. We disavow all connection with or
16: 14-16; 21: 1-5); and
support of communism or any other politi258

2. What made it opportune for such a Resolution?

3. Who is the source of authority ? What is his purpose?
4. What events bearing on world domination marked
A.D. 1914?

5. In what period is the old world now, and what draws


6. How do nations oppose God's purpose? Exposing

themselves to what ?
7,8. What do we therefore declare, and wha t confess?
9. What do we acknowledge, what denounce, and what


15, 1950



meddling in worldly politics, and not engaging in any subversion even under persecution, that we may 'keep ourselves unspotted from this world' till its end.-Romans 12: 18; 1 Peter 2: 19-21; James 1: 27.
11 IN OBEDIENCE to the divine command
we will uni tedly continue to preach "this
gospel of the kingdom in all the world for
a witness unto all nations", warning both
rulers and peoples of the consequences of
their opposition to God's increasing kin gdom, and educating and encouraging all
lovers of righteousness, truth and life to
take refuge under God's kingdom by Christ
and to wait confidently for it soon to rid
10. What wlll we render, so keeping unspotted from the
the earth of Satanic rule and all wickedness
world ?
and to usher in the everlasting
New World of Theocratic rule,
.as. e,
justice, peace and prosperity.
1 2 The full report of the as1 5 DoIIer, 1949
sembly's action upon the above
Idr. Hayden .Covi ngt on
Resolution we hope to publish
117 Adams Street
Brookl yn I, New Yor k
as early as possible in The
~y dear Hr. Covi ngton :
Watchtower. We may add that
I have r ead with grea t cere your le t t er or 23 November 194 9 1n
the Resolution was slated for
which y ou poi nt out t hat the l!ar l ne Corps made a gra ve error
i n stating t ha t Jehovah' s flUnesse.s was as sociated with comtranslation into French, Spanmunism. I am convi nc ed th at t he s tat emen t made In Enclosure
(B) or ~rine Cor ps Memor an dum #55- 49 concerni ng J eho vah'e
ish , German, Russian, Holland\'IUnes ees i e t otally without roundation and I regret most excc edi ngly
it was pUblis hed .
ish, Greek, Hungarian, Danish,
I have or de r ed t he dis cu s s ion 'Co mmunism in the Uni t ed States Ukrainian, Slovak, Italian, Nor(Encl os ure (B) to Marine Corps Memorandum #5 5- 49) , revised so
as to eU",inate all reference to J ehovah's Witn esses and I sha l l
direc t t hat all c opies pr ese ntly exis ting wh i ch contai n s uch
wegian, Finnish, Swedish, Lithr of erence be de stroyed . In addition, I am c aus i ng a memorandum
to ce pr epared which wil l be issued by this Headqu ar ters an d
Portuguese, Armenian,
vl11 1 r e ceive t he aame dis t ribut i on given Marine Corps Memore.ndum
#55 -49 . This memorsndum wil l s tate t hat the refere nce made to
and Polish, to be presented at
J ehovah'. Wi t nes s es i n Enclosure (B) of Mar ine Cor ps Memor and um
#55- 49 was completely unf cunde d, that it was made without proper
foreign-language meetings
information, und o; a ll entir o mi s appr ehe nsi on as t o t he faots ,
and t ha t thi s Hea dquar t er s regrets tha t thie unfortunate statethe
assembly on the mornof
ment wa s publ ished . The pr epar at i on of this memorandum is being
expe di ted i n or der t h at it may be promulgated to the serviee at
Wednesday, Thursday,
an ear l y date.
and Saturday, for the benefit of
Plea s e ccnvey to your clients , Watch Tower Bible and Tract Soci ety and Jeh ovah ' s Witness es, my sinoere r egrot for the pUblicat ion of t he l amentable r efe rence t o t he m. If there is any other
all those attending who spoke
a cti on wh ich may be t ak en by this Headquar t e r s , please do not
he s i t ate to i nform me.
those languages but could not
Sincerely yours,
understand the English. The Society hopes these truths will
reach to the ends of the earth.

cal element of this old world. Moreover,

we make united protest against the persecution of Jehovah's witnesses by the communist powers and by other governmental
powers ; and we declare the persecut ion of
any religious minority by political governments and by powerful religious hierarchies to be wrong and unchristian and
we will have no part in it .
1 0 While re ndering first to God what is
God's, we will as long as this world lasts
ren der to Caesar what is Caesar's, leading
peaceable, well-ordered lives as Christians,
not engaging in the conflict of opposite
political and social ideologies, not inter-



tr~ t

General, U. S . Marine Corps
Commandant or t he Mar ine Corps

P age 252 co m me nts on th is letter.

11, Wha t
12. How
dled for
Ing only

wUl we un itedly conti n ue to do'!

wa s the Resolu tion to be hanbenefit of conventloners knowforeign t ongues?

racy it .vvas. true

that, "unless the
LORD keep the
city, the watchman keeps awake
in vain."-Ps.
127: 1, An Amer.

Name and Purpose


HY is this magazine called "The

Watchtower"? Does the name have
Bible background and significance? What
is the purpose of the magazine? Does it
fill a need not met by any of the hundreds
of other magazines that continually flood
onto the public newsstands? The Watchtower stands alone in its field, its value
unmeasurable in money. What are the facts
that prove it so?
The Bible frequently mentions towers.
They were lofty structures, much higher
than wide, and erected in a variety of
places to form a prominent feature of
architecture in ancient Israel. Often they
were in vineyards, as shown by Jesus in
his parable of the husbandmen. (Isa. 5: 2;
Matt. 21: 33; Mark 12: 1) Towers as lookout stations were built beyond the walls
of fortified cities, as well as atop the walls
to serve as observation posts and fortified
strong points. (2 Ki. 17: 9; 18: 8; 2 Chron,
20: 24; 26: 9,10,15; Neh. 3: 1; Ps. 48: 12)
Because of the use of literal towers as
places of refuge, figurative language speaks
of Jehovah God as a strong tower to those
trusting in him.-Judg. 9: 51,52; Ps.18: 2;
61: 3; 144: 2; Provo 18: 10.
Watchmen were stationed on the towers
to serve as lookouts, to forestall any surprise attacks by enemies, or to herald forth
any news of consequence that they could
glean from their observations, whether
that news be good or bad. (2 Ki. 9: 17)
Their duty was to stay awake, and watch,
and' warn, However, in that typical Theoc-


This connection
between Jehovah
God and the
watchmen in the watchtowers was even
more vital in the case of those men appointed to be on the lookout for messages
from the Lord and to warn of dangers that
threatened the spiritual welfare of the
nation of Israel. Appreciation of the duties
of the watchmen posted in literal towers
helps us to grasp the service responsibilities
of those assigned as watchmen on the more
vital spiritual front. Habakkuk was one
of such, and he said: "On my watch-tower
I will stand, at my post upon the turret,
watching to see what he will say to me,
what answer he will offer to my plea."
-Hab. 2: 1, Moffatt.

The commission of such watchmen is

more sharply defined for us in the case of
Ezekiel. Though he stood upon no literal
watchtower atop some city wall, he vvas
addressed by Jehovah as follows: "0 mortal man, I appoint you a watchman to the
house of Israel; and whenever you hear a
word from my mouth, you shall warn them
from me. If I say to the wicked, 'You shall
surely die,' and you fail to warn him-if
you say nothing to warn the wicked man
from his wicked way, in order to save his
life-he being wicked shall die for his iniquity, but his blood will I require at your
hand. If, however, you warn the wicked
man, and he turn not from his wicked conduct and his wicked way, he shall die
for his iniquity, but you will have saved
yourself. Or if a righteous man turn from


15, 1950



his righteousness, and do what is wrong,

and I make that the occasion for bringing
about his downfall, he shall die; because
you did not warn him, he shall die for his
sin, and the righteous deeds which he has
done shall not be remembered, but his blood
will I require at your hand. If, however,
you warn the righteous man not to sin, and
he do not sin, he shall live, because he took
warning; and you will have saved yourself."-Ezek. 3: 17-21, An Amer. Trans.
Not only is the watchman's salvation
assured by faithful performance of his
duties, but also opportunity for life opens
up to wicked ones who heed the watchman's warning. Jehovah's merciful promise is: "I have no pleasure in the death of
the wicked, but rather in this, that the
wicked man turn from his way and live.
Turn, 0 turn, from your evil ways! Why
should you die, 0 house of Israel? And if
I say to the wicked man, 'You shall surely
die,' and he turn from his sin, and do what
is lawful and right-if the wicked man restore the pledge, repay what he has taken
by robbery, follow the statutes that lead
to life, and do no wrong, he shall surely
live, and not die."-Ezek. 33: 11,14-16, An
Amer. Trans.

After Jerusalem's fall to Babylon and

her lying desolate like a female captive for
seventy years, she spies the messenger
speeding over the mountain tops who comes
to publish salvation and declare to liberated Zion that her God reigns. In joyous
faith she sees, as it were, her walls and
towers rebuilt and her watchmen stationed
at their posts beholding with her the welcome sight of the coming deliverer: "Hark!
your watchmen lift up the voice, together
they sing; for eye to eye they shall see,
when the LORD restores Zion." It is on the
occasion of this same glorious restoration
that watchmen are again mentioned as
zealously singing Jehovah's praise: "Over
your walls, 0 Jerusalem, I have appointed

watchmen, who never keep silent by day or

by night. You who are the LORD'S remembrancers, take no rest for yourselves, and
give him no rest, until he establish and
make Jerusalem a praise in the earth!"
-!sa. 52: 1-10; 62: 1-12, An Amer. Trans.
Having in mind that it meant restoration
for Jerusalem, the tidings of Babylon's
fall came as good news from the watchman's throat: "Thus hath the Lord said
unto me, Go, set a watchman; let him
declare what he seeth. And he cried as a
lion: 0 Lord, I stand continually upon the
watch-tower in the day-time, and am set
in my ward whole nights; and, behold, here
cometh a troop of men, horsemen in pairs.
And he answered and said, Fallen, fallen
is Babylon; and all the graven images of
her gods are broken unto the ground."
-!sa. 21: 6, 8, 9, Am. Stan. Ver.
Does not all the foregoing impress upon
us that watchmen occupied a key position,
whether as observers on literal watchtowers or as servants of God alert to receive
messages from Jehovah and relay such
counsel and warning on to the people? In
either case, the watchman had to occupy a
position or vantage point that enabled him
to see and hear what was essential for the
performance of his duties.

Today the clergy of Christendom's orthodox religions assume a position of watchmen over the spiritual welfare of the nations. Because of their training they should
be in a position above the greeds and prejudices of our time, as though on the heights
of a watchtower that lifts them above the
worldly wranglings and affords them a
clear view of matters, unobstructed by the
many blinding biases of these days. They
should be able to view happenings in terms
of Bible prophecies, noting significant
events that warn of approaching danger,
or that appear as heart-cheering signs of



better times to come. Theyshouldbereceptive to God's direction, awake to his precepts, quick to declare his Word.
But do they measure up to the high
responsibilities of watchmen? When they
speak of the present woes of war or collapsed morality, do not their proposed
remedies make them sound more like politicians or social workers than like ministers
of God? Are they not blind to the signs of
the times? Silent when it comes to proclaiming an unpopular message of warning? asleep to the practical Bible truth
that Christ's kingdom is man's only hope?
Yet how alert they are to forward their
own ends, advance their own church, enhance their own reputation, boost their
popularity, or increase their financial income! Say what you will, honest examination fits them into the description of the
unfaithful watchmen of ancient times: "His
watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant,
they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark;
sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never
have enough, and they are shepherds that
cannot understand: they all look to their
own way, every one for his gain, from his
quarter."-Isa. 56: 10,11.
On the other hand, honest examination
matches another group with the faithful
watchman Ezekiel, who fulfilled his commission: "Whenever you hear a word from
my mouth, you shall warn them from me."
What modern group stands as a faithful
watchman that does not hesitate to boldly
speak God's message, though it be an unpopular warning? The anointed footstep
followers of Christ Jesus now remaining
on earth, and who are Scripturally known
as Jehovah's witnesses. (Matt. 24: 45-47;
Isa . 43: 10-12, A m. Stan. Ver.) Heeding
the divine order to be no part of this world,
they are neutral to its squabbles. (2 Tim.


N. Y.

2: 4; Jas. 4: 4) They speak God's Word, not

man's. They see God's way, not man's.
To illustrate, when Jehovah's witnesses
observe present conditions, see the bumper
crop of selfish boasters and blasphemers,
note the rise of delinquency and lack of
natural affection, consider the persecutors
and breakers of agreements, and realize
that this pleasure-mad world hypocritically
dons an outward form of godliness but has
no real love for God, then these faithful
witnesses recognize that such things are
the foretold signs of the "last days".
(2 Tim. 3: 1-5; Jas. 5: 1-6) When they see
the concentrated doses of war, famine,
pestilence, earthquake, cruel persecution of
Christians and blundersome political attempts to rule the world through international combines, they do not thoughtlessly parrot the old fable about history
repeating itself. Having their eyes open to
Bible prophecies, they see these things as
fulfillments thereof. (Matt. 24: 3-21; Luke
21: 25,26) They have eyes that see, ears
that hear, minds that perceive, and tongues
zealous to speak. (Matt. 13: 14-17; Eph.
1: 18) Moreover, they are enlightened to
see that present woes will soon give way
to an incoming new world of righteousness.
-Luke 21: 28-32.

But what has all this to do with the

Watchtower magazine? Very much, for
The Watchtower is the official voice of the
watchman class today. Just as literal towers were located on vantage points affording broad views, so The Watchtower is
founded on the very pinnacle of reliable
wisdom, namely, God's Word the Bible.
That elevates it above party squabbles,
prejudices, greeds, propagandas, biases of
race or nation, and frees from influences
that might sway or warp viewpoint. Its
vision is not narrow or shortsighted, but
takes an over-all view and is farsighted


15, 1950


enough to peer into the future, by use of

recorded inspired prophecy. It views modern conditions and events in the light of
God's Word, being receptive to Jehovah's
message, and quick to declare his truths
and judgments. Jehovah commands the
watchman class to "call aloud, hold not
back, lift up your voice like a trumpet;
show my people their transgression". (Isa.
58: 1, An Amer. Trans.) As a voice for
the watchman class, The Watchtower has
trumpeted forth the sins of those professing to serve God, and at present lifts up
its voice in thirty languages and is heard
throughout the nations of earth.
Viewed in this light it may be said that
The Watchtower stands as a watchman on
a lookout post, alert to what is going on,
awake to note signs that warn of danger,
quick to point the way to life in a new
world. It heralds the news of Jehovah's
kingdom established by Christ's enthronement in heaven, warns that we live in the
last days of this old world, cries out that
Jehovah's battle of Armageddon comes on
apace, feeds the kingdom joint-heirs with
will WIith
spiritual food, cheers men 0 f good WI
glorious prospects of eternal life in a paradise earth, and comforts us with the resurrection promise for the dead. All this it
does with confident ring in its voice, because its words find their foundation in
God's Word. It is not a blind or dumb
watchman, but tries to keep in tune with
God by searching his Word and being receptive to his guidance, with eyes always
open to prophecy so that it knows what to
look for in world events, so that it understands the significance of what it sees. It
does not privately interpret prophecy, but
calls attention to physical facts, sets them
alongside prophecy, and you see for yourself how well the two match, how accurately Jehovah interprets his own prophecy.
-2 Pet. 1: 20, 21.


Hence the purpose of this magazine is

to keep sharp and faithful focus on Bible
truth, on world happenings that may fulfill
prophecies, and on religious news generally. Sometimes it will tear down religious
falsehoods, that Bible truth may be built
up in their stead. Such two-way work is
Scripturally commanded, and is beneficial
for all persons of right heart condition.
(Jer. 1: 10; Heb. 12: 5-13) However, The
Watchtower does not claim to be inspired
in its utterances, nor is it dogmatic. It invites careful and critical examination of
its contents in the light of the Scriptures.
Its purpose is to aid others to know Jehovah and his purposes toward mankind, and
to announce Christ's established kingdom
as our only hope.
Jehovah God is the Teacher of his people,
but we must "be on the watch" to catch
his instruction. We must "not sleep like
the rest of men, but be wakeful and sober".
To those who do slumber the wakeful ones
must cry, "It is high time to awake!" (Isa.
54 : 13 ; R om. 13 : -11; 1 Cor. 16 : 13, A n
Amer. Trans.; 1 Thess. 5: 6, Moffatt) If
you have been asleep to the signs of the
times, not watching world developments
in the light of Bible prophecies, then you
must obey the command to wake up and
watch. Let The Watchtower help you heed
such admonition that leads to life, for that
is its purpose.
Faithfully living up to its name and purpose, The Watchtower does stand alone in
its field, and its value is unmeasurable in
money. It declares God's wisdom, which is
"better than rubies; and all the things that
may be desired are not to be compared to
it". Such wisdom "is a tree of life". The
Watchtower beckons you to lay hold upon
that wisdom, and gain life in a new world
without end.-Prov. 3: 13-18; 8: 10,11;
Eph. 3: 21.


chief cause of all for the Bible being an
unknown book is, of course, non-Christian
~~ homes."
;~ cr. The Rev. Dr. H. Townsend, Principal Emeritus, Manchester Baptist College, was honest
~~~ enough to admit that even the clergy are
grossly ignorant when it comes to the Bible.
Backing up his admission he quoted the Anglican Commission as saying: "The ignorance
of the Bible today amongst many of the younger clergy is really horrifying." Others thought
that the clergy should be only partly blamed.
Wrote Mrs. H. M. Fenn, "The clergy are not
the only ones responsible for interpreting the
scriptures. Even when being taught by Christ's
own apostles the early Christians were commended for 'searching the scriptures daily,
whether these things were so.' (Acts 17: 11)"
The truth of the matter is, these are all contributing factors-evolution, modern atheism,
pagan doctrines taught by both the Catholics
and the Protestants, the hiding of the Bible
under the creeds and traditions of men, the rejection of the Bible as God's inspired Word of
Truth, the gross blindness of the clergy, and
the woeful indifference of the people themselves toward reading and studying the Bible
-all these elements combined have produced
a wild generation of hypocrites! They draw
near to God with their lips in prayer, but their
. hearts are far from Him and their minds are
so far removed they know not even the simplest things about the Bible. In vain they do
worship, teaching and believing the commandments of men and the philosophies of the
pagans.-Matt. 15: 19.
But you, dear reader, do not be like those
who have the best-seller in their homes and
yet open it so seldom they cannot tell the Gospel books containing the life of Christ. Do not
be an imitation Christian. Instead of following
the blind clergy of Christendom and falling
into their miry ditch of confusion, better it
will be if you study the Bible for yourself, as
Christ and the apostles did. It too can be a
lamp for your feet. It can lead you out of the
darkness and death of this present devil-ruled
world into the glorious brightness and life of
the new world of righteousness. Gain such lifegiving knowledge and wisdom and you will
not exchange it for silver or gold or precious
rubies.-Ps. 119: 105; Provo 8: 8-12.





the Mother of Jesus

AIL, 0 favored one, the Lord is with

you!" With this arresting salutation
the angel Gabriel addressed the humble
daughter of Heli in the city of Nazareth
some 1,952 years ago. She was a young virgin of poor circumstances, this girl, and her
father called her Mary) meaning "bitter".
She was engaged to be married, not to a
noble prince, but to Joseph the carpenter,
a man of humble station in life, like herself.
Then why would an angelic messenger from
the Most High God hail her as a "favored
one"? Or why did her cousin Elizabeth,
under power of the holy spirit, exclaim to
Mary, "Blessed are you among women"?
-Luke 1: 28, 41, 42, Rev. Stan. Ver.
Dismiss from your mind at once any
thought that Mary was blessed by a socalled "immaculate conception" to free her
from the stains of Adamic sin. She was
born like all other girls. When it came to
inherited imperfections due to Adam's original sin she was no different from King
David, who declared: "I was shapen in
iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive
rne." (Ps. 51: 5) Whereas there is not the
finest thread of Scriptural support for the
theory of theologians that Mary was born
immaculately perfect, there is much proof
in the Bible to the contrary. Then how and
in what way was this woman favorably
blessed above others of Eve's daughters?
. According to Jewish law and custom,
Mary was considered as the espoused wife
of Joseph, though she was still living with
her parents. (Matt. 1: 18) During this engagement period prior to the actual marriage the Lord's messenger appeared to her
with startling news. "Do not be afraid,
Mary," the angel said, "for you have found
favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and

you shall call

name Jesus. He ... ~
will be great,
and will be called the:: n
of the Most Hi ill and
the Lord God . g Ive to
him the th 0 e f his
vid, and he will
reign ov tHe liouse of Jacob foreve~;
of his kingdom there
-Luke 1:30-33, Rev. Stan. Ve1".
Well, at such a stupendous announcement as this, you can just visualize the
surprise, wonderment and doubt mixed
with heated emotions, all crowding the
mind and countenance of this modest girl.
Not knowing what to say first, reason came
to her rescue. "How can this be, since I
have no husband?" she queried. "The holy
spirit will come upon you," explained the
angel, "and the power of the Most High
will overshadow you; therefore the child
to be born will be called holy, the Son of
God." To help her remove any doubts about
the matter the angel then declared: "Behold, your kinswoman Elizabeth in her old
age has also conceived a son; and this is
the sixth month with her who was called
barren. For with God nothing will be impossible."-Luke 1: 34-37, Rev. Stan. Ver.
Mary immediately accepted the privilege
of service, willingly and joyfully, yet in
all meekness and humility. "Behold I am
the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me
according to your word." And with that she
hastened to the hilly country of Judah, to
the home of Elizabeth, where she found
conditions exactly as the angel had described. What joy and gladness filled
Mary's heart and mind! Overwhelmed, her
lips bubbled forth in beautiful words of
praise.-Luke 1: 38-55, Rev. Stan. Ver.




N. Y.


returned and settled in the little village of
It was necessary for a virgin to supply Nazareth. (Matt. 2: 13-23; Luke 2: 39) It
the human body of J esus, for this was one was there that Mary reared J esus under
of the signs foretold by the prophet. (Isa. godly family conditions. She provided Jesus
7 : 14; Matt. 1: 22,23) But why was a with natural brothers and sisters.
betrothed rather than a disengaged virgin
required ? In order to provide a fosterfather, a natural descendant of David, who
You did not know this? It is plainly
could pass along to the child the legal right recorded in the Bible. In the course of his
to the throne of David. Joseph was such a traveling from village to villa ge Jesus came
descendant through Solomon, as the histo- to his own home town in Galilee where all
r ian Matthew shows. Luke records that the his childhood acquaintances re cognized
mother Mary was likewise of the tribe of him. "Is not this the carpenter's son?" they
Judah an d was also a descendant of David, asked. "Is not his mother called Mary? And
through his son Nathan. (See The Kingdom are not his brothers James and Joseph and
Is at Hand, pages 39 t o 43.) Hence the Simon and Judas ? And are not all his
heirship rights of Jesus were doubly estab- sisters with us?" (Matt. 13: 55,56, Rev.
lishe d. (Matt. 1 : 2-16; Luke 3 : 23-34) Stan. Ver.) The Nazarenes referred to the
This is why the angel assured Joseph that natural, physical family that lived in their
he should not hes itate to take Mary for his village, Joseph the carpenter, his wife
legal wife, even though she was with child. Mary and her sons and daughters whom
-Matt. 1 : 19-25.
they knew to be the natural brothers and
Fo rced by a taxation decree of Caesar sisters of this man Jesus.
No student of the Bible need be deceived
Augustu s, Joseph and Mary had to go up
to Bethlehem t o register. While there, and into thinking these brothers and sisters
under those crowded conditions, Mary was were "cousins". Neither were they his
delivered of her first-born son. Shepherds spiritual brethren, his disciples, for John
from the fields came to pay honor to the 2: 12 makes the clear distinction between
new-born Je sus and give praise to his life- the two groups, t o wit: "After this he went
giving Father Jehovah. After forty days down to Capernaum, with his mother an d
of puri ficat ion according t o the law of his brothers and his disciples." (R ev. Stan.
Moses, Mary went up to the temple in Je- V er.) "But other of the apostles I saw
rusalem to make atonement for her sins. none, " Paul writes, "saving James the
(Luke 2: 22-24; Lev. 12) This proves she brother of the Lord ."(Gal. 1: 19, Douay)
was no "Immaculate mother of God". Her Since the' account says that Joseph "knew"
natural imperfections had to be covered by Mary not "until" Jesus was born, it goes
atoning sacrifices. While there in Jerusa- without saying that he "knew" her afte rlem Simeon the man of God, and the aged wards, and that he fathered her other chilprophetess Anna, blessed and worshiped dren. (Matt. 1: 25, Rev . Sta n. V er .) Not
this Son of God. These events further em- . without meaning Luke 2: 7 calls Jesus her
phasize that the mother Mary was not the "first-born son".
As a good mother Mary diligently taught
center of attraction and worship. (Luke
2: 25-38) Later Magi fr om the East came t o and instructed her children in righteousrender homage to her son.-Matt. 2: 1-12. ness . The proverb she knew: "Train up a
After fleeing to Egypt and abiding there child in the way he should go : and when
until wicked Herod died, Jesus' parents he is old, he will not depart fr om it." (Prov.

AUGUST 15, 1950


22: 6) Studiously she schooled herself in

the inspired Scriptures, as shown in her
spontaneous expression when greeted by
Elizabeth. (Luke 1: 46-55) On that occasion she repeated the sentiments of Hannah's song, and displayed a good knowledge
of the psalms, historic and prophetic writings, and books of Moses. (1 Sam. 2: 1-10;
Gen. 30: 13; Provo 31: 28; Mal. 3: 12) Prophetic events and sayings she committed
to memory, treasured them up in her heart,
pondered over them in her mind, and was
thus equipped to give parental instruction
to the lad Jesus.-Luke 2: 19,33.
When only a mere boy of 12, Jesus astonished the learned doctors of the temple
with his home training in the Scriptures.
However, the circumstances under which
Jesus separated himself from his parents
at that passover season brought reproof
from his mother. "Son, why hast thou thus
dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have
sought thee sorrowing." The lad Jesus
defended his preaching activity, and these
words Mary also stored in her memory.
However, Jesus did learn and exercise obedience to his parents, for "he went down
with them, and came to Nazareth, and was
subject unto them".-Luke 2: 42-52.


a certain woman out of the crowd shouted

to him, saying, 'Blessed is the womb that
bore you, and the breasts that you have
sucked.' 'No, r ather,' he answered, 'blessed
are those who listen to t he word of God,
and keep it.''' (Luke 11: 27, 28, Centenary
Trans.; Weymouth; Oath: Conf ratemity)

Again, at the wedding feast Jesus sa id to

Mary, "Woman, what have I to do with
thee?" (John 2: 4) Today we might say,
'What business is it of yours?' Modern
translations read: "Leave the matter in my
hands." (Weymouth) "Do not try to direct
me."-An Amer. Trans.
When one of Jesus' listeners interrupted
his preaching to say his mother and brothers were outside desiring to speak to him,
Christ simply gestured toward his disciples
and said: "Behold my mother and my
brethren! For whosoever shall do the will
of my Father which is in heaven, the same
is my brother, and sister, and mother."
(Matt. 12: 46-50; Mark 3: 31-35; Luke
8: 19-21) Of a truth, Jesus would never
make a comparison like this unless he actually had natural brothers and sisters,
children of his mother!
So the singular privilege and blessedness
that Mary enjoyed was first giving birth
to the human body of Jesus, then motherMARY AS JESUS' DISCIPLE
ing and training the young child, and
The meekness and purity of Mary's heart finally, through relation with God by faith,
and mind, her sincere love and devotion to becoming Christ's disciple and spiritual
God, the absence of any selfish ambition to sister. Our last glimpse of Mary in the Bible
shine because of her unique assignment does not show her being bowed down to
of service, are all manifest in her becoming and worshiped as "Our Lady", the "Blessed
Jesus' devoted disciple. Search the Scrip- Virgin", but rather we see her in an upper
tures and you will not find her with a halo, room together with other faithful women
seated on a throne as "mother-queen" or and the apostles and with her other sons,
"madonna", bathing herself in reflected there worshiping God and his Son Christ
glory of Christ. Rather you will see her Jesus. (Acts 1: 13,14) In course of time
far in the background out of the public's she died, her body returned to the dust,
and, like the other early Christians, she
spotlight.-John 2: 12; Matt. 13: 53-56.
Jesus nipped in the bud any such thing waited till God's due time to raise her as a
as pagan "mariolatry" among his followers. spirit creature for life in heaven.-1 Cor.
"It happened while he was saying this, that 15: 44,50; 2 Tim. 4: 8; Rev. 11: 15-18.

Radio Station WBBR Preaches the Word

Jehovah's witnesses now declare because of its location in New York city.
. ::: "the day of vengeance of our How so? Why, because the focal point of
.... God" and at the same time "com- the largest gathering of national represent~ fort all that mourn". (Isa. 61: 2) atives ever to exist on earth is New York
This message of judgment upon the nations city. The nations gather there representaand of comfort to the mourners is being tively in a United Nations organization.
published in all the world unto all nations And WBBR has a message that should
by God's faithful Kingdom publishers who vitally concern the United Nations, beare ministers of the gospel, by the printed cause God's Word speaks of such interpage, by word of mouth, by correspondence national attempts to rule the world, and
and by radio. Outstanding in the field of WBBR preaches that Word.
radio is the Watchtower station WBBR,
Over nineteen centuries ago Jesus gave
in New York city.
warning of the coming of this great council
Many have been the attempts by the of nations with its religious backing and
misguided servants of darkness to stilI the said it would presume to stand in the holy
voice of this, the only radio station on place, claiming to be divinely authorized,
earth dedicated wholly to the service of but in actuality it would be a dreadful deseAlmighty God; but after twenty-six years cration under the guise of the political exof uninterrupted proclamation of the King- pression of the kingdom of God on earth.
dom message giving unstinted praise to "'So when you see the dreadful desecraJehovah, WEBR goes confidently on shar- tion, of which the prophet Daniel spoke,
ing with all other Theocratic instruments set up in the Holy Place '-the reader must
the protection Jehovah has promised to his take note of this."-Matt. 24: 15, An Amer.
people.-Isa. 54: 17, Am. Stan. Ver.
Trans.; Ps. 2: 1-9.
At the time this great kingdom counterThis station being confined to a building,
and its voice not being strong enough to feit come into prominent view there is to
reach into all lands, it is unable to fulfill be a mighty world-wide proclamation rethe divine command to preach this gospel garding the true kingdom: "And this gosof the Kingdom to all nations. The over- pel of the kingdom shall be preached in
spreading of the earth with the gospel all the world for a witness unto all nations;
message is done by the entire body of gos- and then shall the end come." (Matt.
pel preachers, Jehovah's witnesses, as they 24: 14) The desecrating counterfeit has
actively publish the truth in all nations. come into view; God's people are taking
However, WEBR does have a rare oppor- note of this. And WEBR is preaching it,
tunity of preaching to many persons from at the very doorstep of the U.N.
many nations.
Not only are the official representatives
WEBR's voice may reach some or many of many nations within reach of WBBR's
of the official representatives of nations, radio signal, but also there are millio ns of
.........' \ 1 /",




15, 1950


individuals speaking the languages of t he

various nations, many thousands of them
being foreign-born. The iron curtain may
be down between the good news of the
Kingdom and those nations behind that
iron curtain, and may hinder though not
stop gospel-preaching in those lands; but
there are still in the great metropolitan
center of New York city, WEBR's primary
area, according to the last census, 926,516
Russians; 412,543 Poles; 322,586 Austrians; 123,188 Hungarians; 57,624 Czechoslovakians; 84,675 Rumanians, and 11,355
We might look to Palestine, with its
1,912,000 inhabitants, when we think of
the good news of the Kingdom going to the
Jews of the fleshly house of Israel, and yet
incline to ignore the fact that there are
2,035,000 Jews in New York city alone.
We think of Rome as being the city where
most Italians would be found in one place;
there are 1,500,000 inhabitants in Rome,
yet in New York city there are 1,095,000
persons, Italian-spea king or Italian-born.
There are 506,635 people in Dublin, Ireland, where the Kingdom message is greatly opposed by the Catholic clergy, yet there
are 518,466 Irishmen in New York city
alone, where the Kingdom message is freely
broadcast by WBBR. And while in Greece
Jehovah's witnesses r eceive diabolical persecution at the hands of false religionists,
from WEBR the good news of the Kingdom
is within easy reach of 53,253 Greeks residing in the city of New York.
WEBR is indeed a powerful instrument
in the hands of the Most High God, privileged to preach not to all nations, but to
many individuals from many nations.

While it is true that WEBR counts it an

honor and a privilege to declare the purpose of Jehovah and his coming judgments
upon the nations, it takes particular delight


in comforting those within its gr eat audience that mourn, and there are many such.
Today we are living in the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Amos 8: 11:
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord
Jehovah, that I will send a famine in the
land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst
for water, but of hearing the words of
Jehovah." (Am. St an. V er.) Throughout
the land of Christendom there is a dearth
of truth, a spir itual famine. Many of the
Lord's sheep are hungrily seeking the
green pas ture where food convenient can
be found. WEBR is playing an impor tant
role in cooperation with the Lord's people
in seeking out those hungry ones.
The Watchtower Society, the owner and
operator of WEBR, has found that these
dear sheep of the Lord Jesus Christ, the
Good Shepherd, can be fed most conveniently in small home Bible-study groups.
As the Good She phe rd promised : "Where
two or three are gathered together in my
name, there am I in the mid st of them."
(Matt. 18: 20, Am. Stan. V e?.) WEBR
enjoys the happy privilege of being able
to serve more than 5,000 such home Biblestudy groups.
In addition there are countless homes
into which the heart-cheering message of
the Kingdom is sent by radio signal.
Uniformed attendants, unsympathetic
doorkeepers or grumpy householders cannot stop a radio mess age from reaching
the receiver of some hungry sheep casually
turning the dial if haply he might find
something upon wh ich to feed his hungry
soul. In the huge apartment houses of
metropolitan New York this is particularly
true. The te na nt in the back room or a
member in the family, neither of whom
ever goes to the door, still may be reached
and served with the mere turning on of his
receiving set and his tuning to 1330 kilocycles. From among the apartment houses



of Manhattan comes this note of gratitude:

"The West Manhattan Unit of Jehovah's
witnesses wishes to express appreciation
to WBBR for the good work that is being
done for the people of good will in our
territory. The West Manhattan territory
is such that much of it is inaccessible, but
we are comforted in the knowledge that
the waves of VlBBR can go
beyond those doors and reach in where we
One would expect to find in the Lord's
work perfect coordination between all its
branches. A faithful witness standing patiently at the street corner, holding in view
of the passers-by the message of life as
contained in The Watchtower and inviting
others to partake of the message, could
hardly know that WBBR had already
paved the way and stirred up a hungry
sheep to seek the green pasture of truth.
But such was the case. From a Kingdom
publisher comes this happy testimony:
"When we were in street work I handed
a lady an invitation to the public Bible
lecture. She smiled and thanked me. She
said she had been listening to WBBR for
about four months and found it very interesting and 'the gentleman on the radio told
me someone would call and help me study
the Bible. You know, two are better than
one. Do you do that work?' I have had
three studies with her in (L et God Be T rue'.
That is the first time an yone ever came up
and asked me for a study. Thanks for the
wonderful help we are receiving in the
field from the broadcasts of WBBR."
But WBBR's service . is not confined to
metropolitan New York, as large and extensive as it is. F rom the eastern reaches
of New Brunswick, Canada, came this note
of interest: "I called on a family who are
all old and cri ppled in some way. They are
isolated and love the truth dearly. They
get the evening programs of WBBR . . .
The radio is really a blessing to this iso-


N. Y.

lated family and they are happy beyond

And then those unfortunate shut-ins:
"Just a note of appreciation to our heavenly Father for the programs we hear each
day. My mother is 95 years of age and
almost blind, and but for the radio would
indeed be lonely."
Expressions from our Jewish friends
should not be overlooked:
"I have been a constant listener to your
evening broadcasts. If there be any solution to the world's ills, it shall be only one:
the abandonment of materialism displaced
by spiritual belief and love for one another
and for God. I would like to know more
about the Watchtower. My upbringing,
being nearly empty of religious instruction
(of the Hebrew faith), lacking knowledge
of the truth, has caused me to be in confusion. Now, however, the truth is seeping
in. Awaiting your reply."
This dear sheep got his reply! From
another sincere Jew came this heartfelt
"Among your many well-wishers, I too
should like to extend to you my heartfelt
wishes in behalf of your splendid work. It
is perhaps needless for me to tell you that
among all the major and minor broadcasting stations yours indeed excels them all,
for your services are of priceless value,
sound and inspiring. Your humble organization of Jehovah's witnesses, in the devotion towards spiritual light and truth, is
a sublime consolation and effort in this
unbearable tragic day and age of spiritual
and moral darkness and desecration."
And so with boldness in this day, giving
all praise to Jehovah, WBBR gives warning, 'declaring "the day of vengeance of
our God", and with humble gratitude to
the Great Shepherd, Jehovah, and the Good
Shepherd, Christ Jesus, continually feeds
the sheep, comforts those that mourn, and
faithfully preaches the Word.- 2 Tim. 4: 2.

involved; it was simply a rest ri ction placed on

the Is raelites, one whi ch other n ation s then did
not observe. The reason wh y the Israelites must
view the m atter differently from other nations
is shown by- the wor ds, "For thou art a holy
people un to Jehovah thy God."

After hi s resurrection, why did Jesus tell

Mary Magdalene not to touch him but commanded Thomas to touch him?-A New York
The widely used K ing J am es V ers ion gives
Jesus' words to Mary as follows: "Touch me
not; for I am not yet as cended to my Father."
Then he told her to go tell the disciples a bout
his resurrection and com ing ascension. (John
20: 17) Modern speech clarifies Jesus' meaning,
as we see by An American Translation's rendering: "You must no t cling to me, for I have
not yet gone up t o m y Father." It was n ot a
question of her t ouching Jesus ; she had not
only touched him but was clinging to him,
doubtless fearful that he would vanish and ascend in to heaven. Jesus assured her that he
was not going yet, and th at she should stop
clinging to him but go tell his disciples what
had happened. That same day Jesus ap peared
to other disciples, but Thomas was not present
and later said he would no t believe it till he
saw the nail wounds on Jesus and had thrust
his hand into J esus' speared side. A few days
later J esus did appear to the disciples when
Thomas was present, and he invited Thomas
to touch the wounds. (John 20: 25-27) In both
instances Jesus had good reasons for speaking
as he did, and there is no contradiction or inconsistency between the two cases.
Why did the Mosaic Law permit the Israelites
to give to the stranger anything that died of
itself, though they might not eat it themselves ?
-Reader in California.
The quest ion refers to Deut eronomy 14: 21,
wh ich reads : "Ye shall not eat of anything that
dieth of itself : thou mayest give it unto the
sojourner that is within thy gates, that he may
ea t it; or thou mayest sell it unto a foreigner :
for thou art a holy people unto Jehovah thy
God." (A m. St an . Ver.) In giving or selling such
a carcass to a stranger or foreigner the Israelites were not to misrepresent the matter. The
receiver or buyer of such wares would be acting
voluntarily. He was under no obli gation to buy
it or accept it as a gift. There was n o injustice

., What is meant by the foot-washing mentioned

at J ohn 13: 416? D02s it m ean that this should
be performed as a ceremony by Christians?
- Reader in Virginia .
In the time of Christ t he people wore sandals
and the feet of travelers became soiled, so that
upon arriving at their des tination it was necessary to wash the fe et. Th e traveler being weary
from his journey would often be shown the
courtesy of having his feet washed by a servant under the direction of the host. (Luke 7: 44)
Servants not being usual among Christians,
most of them being poor, the servi ce was performed by the host or hostess. (l Tim. 5: 10)
It was a service having much practical value
in Jesus' time. When Jesus did it he was not
establishing any religious ceremony, but was
se tting an example. "If I then, you r Lord and
Master, have washed your fee t; ye also ought
to wa sh one another's feet. For I have given
you an example, that ye should do as I have
done to you." (John 13: 14,15) He wa s demonstrating humility and love by performing a
menial service for the comfort of his brethren;
by example he made his disciples see the need
of being servants in God's organization, wait ing
on one another with the water of truth t o aid
them to walk in the clean way. (Eph, 5: 25,26)
Hence Christians tod ay should copy his example by being humble and ready to serve their
brethren in practical ways, just as in Jesus' day
foot-washing was practical. Changed conditions
have removed the practical benefits from footwashing under those same circumstances, and
it should not be done merely ceremonially.
How can it be said J esus was born 2 B.C. if
the Christian era began to count from his birth?
- A New Jersey reader.
When Christendom began to count the years
since J esus' birth a n error was made in the
calculation. This is generally recognized, but the
degree of error is disputed, some saying the era
starts from four to eight years late. However,
the Scriptur es show Jesus' birth as 2 B.C. In
the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius, Jolm
the Baptist began his ministry, at which time
John was thirty (about April 1). Six mont hs




later Jesus was thirty. (Num, 4: 3; Luke 3: 1-3,

23; 1: 36) That would be about October 1, in
the sixteenth year of Tiberius Caesar. Tiberius'
first year began August 19, A.D. 14; his fifteenth

would end August 18, A.D. 29. Hence if Jesus

was thirty at about October 1, 29, that means
that his birth thirty years earlier must have
been about October 1, 2 B.C.

experiences in Announcing Jeh ovah's Kingdom


Brother Bernard Gaouranga, one of the new

and zealous publishers of the Bangui company,
came to visit here at Dekoa for two months. It
is his native land. We go out witnessing together, and, as this district is, so to speak,
solidly people of good will, we are followed by
big crowds to whom we witness. Protestant
assemblies, encouraged principally by Jacques
Samba, a native pastor of that region, invite
us constantly, in spite of the interdiction of the
European pastors. In one place it happened that
we were preaching to an assembly of 988 eager
listeners. Many more persons of good will hesitate to participate in the "strange work" of
Jehovah because they have not seen in our land
a white leader in charge of the work. The colored Africans would not hurl themselves to an
organization without fear unless they see a


:. :=: r

=: : : :

European in charge. Therefore we rejoiced so

much in reading in one of the issues of The
Watchtower that the Society will send some
brethren.-Dekoa publisher.

A publisher from Florida reports this rather

amusing experience: "One outstanding event
was with a man who had lost two dollars ten
years ago in his home, and had fired his maid
for theft. When he asked me whether his Bible
was like mine and contained the same information, I asked to see his copy. After some searching it was found, and I opened his Bible and
there the long-lost two dollars. He spent one of
the dollars for an Awake! subscription, and
commented, 'If I ever 'fi nd the maid I'll send
her a subscription with the other one.' "

=:=:=::=:= : : =:=:=: =:=::=::=:= :


For the month of September, Jehovah's witnesses have selected their service theme from
1 Timothy 4: 16, lIIoffatt, "Stick to your work."
Their sticking to the work of gospel-preaching
has enabled you and thousands of others to
better understand God's purposes. Are you not
grateful for their perseverance? Your appreciation .canbest be shown by calling these truths
to the attention of others. So doing, you, too,
share in ' a work that leads both the workers
and those who hear them onto the path of life.
To this end, three booklets, one colored-cover
and two self-covered, are to be offered during
September, on a contribution of 10c. If you
would like to obtain a supply to .furnish to your
acquaintances you may obtain some from the
local company. of Jehovah's witnesses or write
to us for them. We shall be pleased at the same
time to furnish report slips and such instructions as you require so that your share in the
preaching work may be ad ded to th at of the
thousands of others who are sticking to this
work of the ministry throughout the world.



:= =:=::=:= :=:=:=:= : =:= ;




A complete report describing .all eight days

of the International Assembly : of Jehovah's
Witnesses, held July 30 through August 6, 1950,
at the Yankee Stadium, New York, will be available about August 14, 1950. This 96-page brochure, which includes all five convention issues,
is printed on white paper with pages the same
in dimensions as this magazine. It is bound in
a durable cover and will be mailed anywhere,
postpaid, on a contribution of .25c: It provides a
lasting record of this memorable event.

Week of September 17:

"The Increase of His Government," 11 1-21.
Week of September 24:
Answering the Foes of His Government, 11 1-18.
Week of October 1:
Answering the Foes of His Government, 1119-28;
Resolution, 11 1-12.

Se mimo nlhl y


(C) W T B&T S



Literal towers in Bible t im es were elevated vanta~e points from which
w atchm en could observe happenings, warn of dan~er, or announce good
news. O ur m agazine fi~ura.tively occupies such a vantage point, for it is
founded on the very pinnacl e of w isdom, God's Word. That elevates it
above racial, national and political propa~andas and prejudices, frees it from
selfish bias. It is not bound by any traditional creed, ' but its rnessaqe advances as the light on God's purposes and works increases.-Habakkuk 2:1-3.
It sees things Scripturally. W hen it observes this generation afflicted
with greed, delinquency, hypocrisy, atheism, war, famine, pestilence, perplexity and fear, and persecution of unpopular minorities, it does not parrot .the
old fable about htstory repeatin~ itself. Informed by Bible prophecy, it sees in
these thinsls the si~n of the world's time of the end. But w ith brig~t hope it
also see~ openin~ up for us just beyond these woes t he portals of a new world.
Thus viewed, "The W atchtower" stands as a watchman atop a tower,
alert to what is ~oin~ on, awake to no te si~ns of danger, fa ithful to ~int out
the w ay of escape. ft announces Jehovah 's kingdom established by Christ's
enthronement in heaven, feeds his kin~dom jolnt-hetrs with spiritual food,
cheers men of ~ood will with ~lorious prospects of eternal life in 0. paradise
earth, comforts us with the re suerectlcn promise for the dead.
It is not do~matic, but has a confident rin~ in its voice, because it is based
on God's Word. Itdoes not privat ely interpr et prophecy, but calls attention
to physical facts, sets-them alo ngSide prophecy, and you see for yourself how
well the two match, how accurately Jeho vah interprets h is own prophecy.
In the interests of our salvation, it keeps sharp and faithful focus on Bible
truth , and views r eligic us new s ~eneral1y.
'Be w atchful in these perilous times,' G od ad monishes. So keep on the
watch by re~ularly readin~ "The W atchtower".


117 Ad ams Street
Brook lyn 1. N. Y. U. S. A.
N. H . KNORR. President



"They will all be t aught by Jehovah."-J ohn 6: 45, NW; Isaiah 54: 13

Tak ing In L if e-givin g Kno w ledge
L iving According to Superior Knowledge
Clergyman No tes Faith of
Jehovah's Witnesses
Victory over Death
Good N ews from Greece
Isolated Publishers in H a waii
W ritin g Be for e the Flood
Josep h, t he Foster F ather of Jesus
"Stick to Your Work"
Question s from Readers
An n ouncem ents
A.~r1Ylatl 3n,



C I ~I. n n iOD'
LXX-The S",t m glnt Ve~cn
- J, m., Mollatt 's rerslcn
- New \\'o:ld Tn nsbUoll
- Catholle DousYJerslon
- J. B. l!otherham', rerslon
- The EmpbtUe Dled olt
- Rem ed StaDdcMVersion
- Isaa e Lemr'. ' enlon
Yg - BoJen Youn; . 'erslon
Unless olte ndse Indicated. the Bible used Is the KIna: Jam., Version

IU' 10

Wt ::ttawlr" fer tl:e foIlG.. lc~

P r inting th is Iss ue : 1.210,000

AS - AmerIe. n Standard Version

- An A::1erictn TI'llnsIaUon
- J. N. Dt rby', !tnion





Semlmonlh ly
Arrlk" ns
r'ebu- \"!.ia f ftD
It alian
Hpan hh

(J" man

S"e<II, h

Five cents a co py

Monthl y
(,hls honll
Rw dan
Cluyan j.


I ho
Malavala m
\'Isap n
Walc h Towel' seetetr om""
Yearly subserlptton rate
Ameriea, U.S. 11; Adam. St.. Brooklyn I . N.Y,
" um alla. II Bercslord R.I., Strat hfleld, N.S.W.
Brit ish Weit Indies. 21 TOl'lor St . Port 01 SpaIn. TrinIdad
$1. 25
Cam:ti3. 40 I rwin Aw ., Torollto 5 . Ontario
En.l and. 34 Crar en Terrace, London, W. 2
Jamalea, I:n KIng St. KIngston




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September 1, 1950

No. 17


" Th is means everlasting life) t heir taking i n knowledge of you) the only t rue God)
and of the one whom Y01L sent [orth, Jesus ChriEt.JJ--John 17: 3) NW.

EHOV AH, the Lord God, spoke of our and I will visit his ways UIJon him, and reown day, when he said long ago by his quite his deeds to him."-Hos. 4:1-9, AT.
pr ophet Hosea: "Hear the word of the
2 A few years after Hosea finish ed his
LORD, 0 Israelites! For the LORD has a prophesying the northern kin gdom of Isquarrel with the inhabitants of the land; rael fell to pagan conquerors, and in the
beca use t here is no fidelity, no kindness, following century the holy city of Jerusaand no knowledge of God in the land. Curs- lem and its temple were destroyed and
ing, lying, murder, theft , and adu!tery- the Jews were uprooted from their land.
they break out, and one crime follows hard A like destruction in the near future faces
upon another. Th erefore the land mourns, Christendom. Do students of world cona nd everything that dwells there in lan- ditions want to know the cause respon sible
guishes, even to the beasts of t he earth, for such destruction? With modern Chrisand the birds of the air; and the fish of the tendom in mind let them mark those words
sea also are swept away. Yet, let no one of the prophet: "cursing, lying, murder,
make charges, and let no one accuse; for theft, and adultery-they break out, and
wit h you is my quarrel, 0 priest; and you one crime follows hard upon another," and
shall stumble by day; the prophet also at the bottom of aU this, "no knowledge of
shall stumble with you by night; and I will God in the land." At whose door does the
dest roy your people. My people are de- Lord God lay the responsibility for t his
stroyed for want of knowledge-because ignorance? At the door of the religious
you have rejected knowledge, I will reject leaders, the priests and the prophets, for it
you from being my priest. Since you have is their duty to teach the people about
forgotten the law of your God, I likewise God, and the people look to them for such
will forget your children. The more they instruction. And now the people are about
increased, the more they sinned against to be "destroyed for want of knowledge"
me; they have exchanged their glory for in a world destruction. But the God of
shame. They feed on the sin of my people, justice decrees that it will become "like
and for their guilt t hey whet their appetite. people, like priest", and the priests and
So it has become 'like people, like priest'; clergy will fa re no better t han the people.

1. At Hosea 4 : 1-9 wh a t did J ehova h long ago say for

our d ay ?

2. What Is t he ca use r esponslbe for destruction? Due

to whom ?




N. Y.

They have led the people in rejecting the

knowledge of the truth; and if the blind
guides the blind, then both will fall into the
pit, but the guide is the one with the greater responsibility-Matt. 15: 14.
3 God's written Word, the Bible, has been
spread by the hundreds of millions of
copies, and yet the religious clergy have
not turned this great opportunity and advantage to good account, so as to incite
the people to study that Holy Word and
inform themselves of God and his kingdom.
Is it any wonder, then, that, go whe re
you will in Christendom, you will find the
people in religious confusion, none of them
clear on why God Almighty has permitted
this reign of wickedness and woe till now
and what he purposes to do now about this
state of affairs and what his will is for
lovers of life and security to do? Becau se
the Bible with its divine informat ion has
been so available to the clergy and they
have rejected its truths and enli ghtening
prophecies, the great God of spiritual
plenty has rejected them as his spokesmen
and channels of Scripture information and
instruction. They are r ejected from being
his priest, for it is written: "The priest's
lips should keep knowledge, an d they
should seek the law at his mouth; for he
is the messenger of Jehovah of hosts."
(Mal. 2:7, AS) Thus spiritual famine has
struck Christendom as forewarned: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord Jehovah, that I will send a famine in the land,
not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for
water, but of hearing the words of Jehovah.
And they shall wander from sea to sea , and
from the north even to the east; they shall
run to and fro to seek the word of Jehovah,
and shall not find it. In that day shall the
fair virgins and the young men faint for
thirst [for the waters of truth]." (Amos
8:11-13, AS) In place of finding the words

of Jehovah among the clergy and religious

systems of Christendom, you come face to
face with the nasty fact of religious persecution against the witnesses of Jehovah
who speak His word.

3, What s pIrItua l state has come u pon Ch rIs te ndom?

F or wha t re aso n '!

4. Why Is k nowledge need ed so mu ch now ? What re su lts In Its Inc rea se ':



The anguished cry of the people today

is for life. How are they to find the way
to it? If the rule God announces holds true
that "my people are destroyed for want of
knowledge", then the converse must ho ld
true, that the people will be saved and preserved alive by the possession of knowledge. This is the time of greatest need for
life-giving knowl edge, because all the developments since the year 1914 prove that
this world has entered its "t ime of the end "
and is now nearing the disastrous close of
that period. The much needed information
God has mercifully promised, for he long
ago said to Daniel the prophet: "Shut u p
the words, and seal the book, even to the
time of the end : many shall run to and fro ,
and knowledge shall be increased." (Dan.
12:4) But if the people's running to and
fro through t he midst of Christendom fails
to locate t he words of Jehovah for the
r elief of the spiritual famine, then what
running to and fro is it that results in the
promised increase of knowledge? It is the
running to and fro in the written Word of
God, that is to say , the scrutinizing and exami ning of the Holy Bible for our direct
instruction, If the paid religious clergy and
spiritual advisers reject the Bible in favor
of worldly philosophy and traditions of
men contrary to God's Word, then the
people who earnestly want life must themselves run to and fro through the pages of
the sacred Book if they are ever going to
get the life-giving increase of knowledge.
So let the people act independently of the


1, 1950


reli gious leaders who have failed them.

Let t hem exercise faith and run to and fro
through God's now unsealed and opened
Book. His spirit that searches the "deep
t h ings of God" has been poured out. His
marvelous time for spiritual illumination
has come.
5 The greatest service any man or woman could possibly r ender to humanity
t oday is to impart to them the
k now l e d g e of
God and encoura g e them t o
run to and fro
Book in personal
Bi Ie study. The
r eligious clergy
have missed out
in this service of
most urgent importance, t he same as in
J esus' da y. The Son of God courageous ly
pointed out the ones wh om God held accountable for the death deali ng state of
ignorance of the people. At t he r isk of
stir ri ng up the combined opposition of the
priests and religious leaders he sa id : "Woe
to you , scribes and Pharisees. hypocrites!
because you shut up the kingdom of the
heavens before mankind ; for you yourselves do not go in, neither do you permit
those on their way in to go in." "Woe t o
you who a re versed in the Law, because
you took away the key of knowledge: you
yourselves did not go in, and t hose going in
you hinder ed!"-Matt. 23:13 and Luke


Jesus cried out to them : "S erpents, offsp ri ng of vipers, how are you t o flee from
the judgment of Gehenna?" (Matt. 23: 33,
N W) By ke eping the people ignorant they
led them into having J esus killed on a torture stake at Calvary. Thirty-seven years
later this willfully cultivat ed ignorance led
to its fa t al consequences, the destruction
of the city of Jerusalem with an enormous
loss of human
lives, just as
Jesus had p redicted, and t he
breaking up of
the Jewish nation till this day.
And now in this
"time of the
end" the revived
nation of Israel
with capital at
the modern city of Jerusalem chooses to
go on in the steps of its for efathers, ignoring the counsel of Jehovah God. It has
again cho sen "Caesar" as its friend in
preference to God 's kin gdom by Christ. It
has gon e after and gai ned membership in
the Unit ed Nations of this doomed world.
There is only one outcome possible: destruct ion with t h is world because of taking
t he wrong course for want of t he knowledge of J eho vah God and his Messianic
k ingdo m.

" By thus withholding the truth from the

people tho se clergymen of J esus' day wer e
leading the people to destruction and their
na tio n to ruin. Because of their responsible
pa rt in it t he r elig ious leaders were earning for themselves als o annih ilati on. He nce

J esus Christ wa s t he greatest Jew, for

he was t he Jewish Messiah, the Christ.
King Solomon of Jerusalem, as long as he
walked in Jehovah's way, was the wise st
man of ancient times; but Jesus Christ was
something greater t han Solomon. He knew
what we need to kno w in order to gain
everlasting life. He was wiser than the
ancient pagan philosopher , Thales of Milet us, wh o said : "Know thys elf." Yes, wiser

G, 6, (a) What grea t es t of se r vices h ave t he cler gy

m issed out on? (b) With what co nsequences t o themselves a n d t o the people of Is rael':

7. 8, (a ) T han what two oft-quoted me n was J esus

wi se r '! (b) \,"hat experi ence of Is rael shows man' s way
of salvation Is not in h im sel f ':




than the English poet, Alex. Pope, who is

considered famous for saying: "The proper
study of mankind is man." Jesus pointed to
a greater knowledge as absolutely vital to
life. Certainly if a man seeks to know himself, the only honest conclusion he can
come to is that he is imperfect like all
other men and is a sinner and that the
means of salvation is not in himself or
other men. Even what relics of conscience
he has inherited from Adam, the once perfect man, wiII remind him he is a sinner
and wiII condemn him.
B The way of salvation, the me ans of
gaining everlasting life, is not in man himself, even when given a perfect law. For
fifteen cen turies the Jewish nation lived
under the law Jehovah gave them through
Moses. But that good and holy law of God
was more than they could measure up to,
and it only showed them up all the more to
be sinners. The lesson to be learned from
this the apostle Paul summed up in these
words: "Now we know that all the things
the Law says it addresses to t hose under
the Law, so that every mouth may be
stopped and all the world may become liable to God for punishment. Therefore by
works of law no flesh wiII be declared righteous before him, for by law is the accurate
knowledge of sin." (Rom. 3:19,20, NW)
How glad we can be today that we do not
need to go through Israel's fifteen centuries
of experience to find out that our Salvation is not by our own attempts at selfrighteousness!
U To
be wise for eternal salvation we
must heed the words of the One who is
greater than Solomon, Jesus Christ. When
on earth he told men and women to follow
him and imitate him. We can do so by
taking up the work which he did. Being
born a perfect man by the miracle of Jehovah God his heavenly Father, Jesus was
D. What did Jesus establlsh as being the hi ghes t vocation for us?


N. Y.

the only man that could lay down his life

as a ransom sacrifice for mankind to gain
everlasting life in the new world. But
before laying down his life, what work did
he take up as pleasing to God and of highest importance? To what did he devote
himself as being the most pressing need of
the people who were facing destruction?
At the appoint ed ti me marked out in prophecy he abandoned his carpenter work and
took up preaching. Though he knew it
would lead to a martyr's death in public
disgrace, he devoted himself to spreading
the knowledge of Jehovah God. He thus
established preaching God's Word as being
the highest vocation. This world may sneer
at preaching the Bible as being foolish and
most impractical, especially in this crucial
period of world history; but all the world
with its political offices and Big Business
jobs and honored religious pulpits could
never offer us a hi gher voca tion t han that
which Jesus set as a pattern for us. For his
loyal cou rse in the midst of a hostile, unappreciative world he earned for himself
the title, "The faithful and true witness."
(Rev. 3:14; 1:5) Can we today enjoy any
higher privilege than to be witnesses like
him, witnesses of Jehovah, and to prove
ourselves faithful as such? Jesus' example
says No!

Next to vindicating Jehovah's rulership as being the only rightful sovereignty

of the universe, Jesus was interested in
the abundant, everlasting life for the people. God had given him power over all
flesh, and Jesus was interested in giving
mankind perfect life in God's image and
likeness, free from sin. He knew what we
needed to gain this, and he devoted h imself
to giving this to us. He knew the value of
knowing God, and so he said: "I am the
right shepherd, and I know my sheep and

10. What did Jesus say to show what man needed for
galn lng' life !


1, 1950



my sheep know me, just as the Father

knows me and I know the Father ; and I
su rrender my soul in behalf of the sheep."
And in his last prayer on earth with his
sheep he said: "Righteous Father, the
world has, indeed, not come to know you,
but I have come to know you." (John
10:14,15; 17:25, NW) It was his personal
knowledge of God that made J esus strong
to stand up for God's universal sovereignty
and to carry out God's loving purpose
toward mank ind, cost what it might. So in
his final pr ayer to God with his faithful
apos tles he said to his heavenly Father:
"Glor ify your son, that your son may
glorify you, according as you have given
him authority over all flesh, that, as rega rds the whole number which you have
given him, he may give them everlasting
life. This means everlasting life, their
taking in knowledge of you, the only t rue
God, and of the one whom you sen t fort h,
J esus Chr ist."-John 17:1-3, NW.
11 No, the counsel t hat leads to endless
life is not: "Know thyself." The greatest
study of man is not man, either you rself
or other men. The greatest study of man
is God and God's Chief Agent, Jesus Christ.
True, God himself is invisible and infinitely
high beyond the reach of man, and yet
God has made this study of him possible
for man by means of his written Word and
wit h the aid of his illuminating active
force or spir it . Such a study deals with the
highest things and leads to the results of
highest importance to us. We must pursue
this study if we want to t ake in the knowledge which means everlasting life in the
new world. Why so? Because it is the
taking in of knowledge of the great Fountain of life, Jehovah the only true God, and
also the knowledge of the Chief Agent
which God uses for making t his life possible
to us, Jesus Christ, whom God sent forth

into t his world to declare God to us as no

other prophet had done. When we study
man, we are st udying a dying creature.
When we study God, we are studying the
life-giving Creator. Certainly it is more
vital to get acquainted with the Creator
and get into relationship with him than to
study sinful creatures of earth who are
condemned to death. Certainly, too, it is
more important to get to know t he Creator's Chief Agent of life than to interest
ourselves in creatures who need life and
have no means of saving themselves. The
higher study leads to everlasting life.
1 2 When we turn to God and Christ and
take up a study of God's Book , then He
becomes our Teacher, and surely he knows
how to teach us the way to attain eternal
existence in peace and happiness. God
caused it to be written in the prophets.
"And all t hy children shall be taught of
J ehovah; and great shall be the peace of
thy children." (Isa. 54:13,AS) Th ese
words were addressed to God's "woman",
that is to say, Jehovah's Theocratic organization called "Zion" which brings forth
those who become the spiritual children of
God. The chief one of her children is J esus
Christ, who was anointed to be Jehovah's
King for the promised kingdom. The others
of her children he re spoken of are the
footst ep followers who are anointed with
God's spirit to be associated with Jesus
Christ in the heavenly kingdom. On bringing forth these royal children, ' beginning
with Jesus, she is told to sing and cry aloud
for joy at having ceased from her barrenness. (Isa. 54: 1) The apostle Paul shows
that this woman is Jehovah's Theocratic
organizati on and that her children are
J esus Christ and his body of faithful followers, by saying: "The Jerusalem above
is free, and she is our mother. For it is
wr itten: 'Be glad , you ba rren woman who

11. W hy Is that a h igher st ud y a nd knowl ed ge a nd

lea ding to li fe '?

12. T o whom does J eho vah become T eac h er ? Accor di ng

to wh a t p ro m is e ?


~e vV,t-\TCHTOWER..

does not bear children; break out and cr y

aloud, you woman who does not have childbirth pains; because the children of the
desolate woman number more t han those
of her who has the husband.' Now we,
brothers, are children belongin g to the
promise the same as Isaac was. Wherefore,
brothers, we are children, not of a servant
girl, but of the free woman." -Gal. 4:
26-28, 31, NW.
1 3 How precious it is to have Jehovah
God himself for ou r Teacher! There could
be no education higher than this, for it is
a receiving of knowledge from the highest
source in the school of life. And God has
called into service as his fellow teacher his
royal Son Je sus Christ. For that special
reason Jesus said to his followers: "But
you, do not you be called 'Rabbi', for one
is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. Neither be called 'leaders', for your
Leader is one, the Christ." (Matt. 23: 8, 10,
NW) So we must be taught by Jehovah
God through Jesus Christ.
14 Because the teaching is t hrough J esus
Christ as Chief Instructor, many refuse
to be taught, for they do not wish to be
made like their Teacher. Hen ce not all men
and women are admitted or do apply for
admittance into this school of highest
learning, but only those who love and fea r
Jehovah God and who m he draws. J esus
made that fact clear when he said: "No
man can come to me unl ess the F ather , who
sent me, draws him, and I will resurrect
him in the last day. It is written in t he
Prophets, 'And they will all be taught by
Jehovah.' Everyone that has heard the
Father's teaching and has learned comes
to me." (John 6:44, 45, NW) According to
Jesus, the learning a Christian gains in this
Theocratic school leads to resurr ecti on
from the dead and everlasting life in the
13, 14. (a) By whom do es Jehovah do the teach lrig ?
(b) Who a re adm itted to H is school , and with what
b less in gs t o them ?


N. Y.

opening thousand years of the New World.

Those taught in this school are blessed
with peace and prosperity and are kept
from the selfish, deadly conflicts of this
old world. Let us see to it, therefore, that
our teachers are not men with their dead
precepts, traditions and worldly philosophies, but that our teachers are the two
great Instructors of the un iverse, Jehovah
God and Jesus Christ. It signifies life for
us to do so.
15 Jesus met all the qualifications of a
trustworthy instructor. He did not sit in
the t eacher 's seat of Jehovah's school of
life and then turn aside to the empty
philosophies of this world and teach his
followers something contrary to the topmost Educator, Jehovah God, just to be
popular with this world. What God requires
of all those who profess to represent and
speak for him is that they t ell the truth
about God and impart t he real knowledge
of him to the people. On two occasions
Jesus is repor ted as quoting from Hosea's
prophecy, chapter' 6, which reads : "For I
desired mercy, and not sac rifice; and the
kno wledge of God more than burnt offerings. But they like men have transgressed
the covenant: there ha ve they dealt treacherously against me." (Hos. 6: 6,7; Matt.
9:12,13; 12:7) That was why Jesus wielded God's prophetic Word like a sword and
drove it into those religious clergy and
slew their religious pretensions.
16 Hosea's
prophecy in the preceding
verses foretold this action of Jesus, saying:
"0 Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee?
o Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for
your goodness is as a morning cloud, and
as t he earl y dew it goeth away. Therefore
have I.hewed them by t he prophets; I have
slain them by t he words of my mouth: and
thy judgments are as the light that goeth
forth."-Hos. 6:4,5.
15, 16. How d id J esus meet the qu al lllcatlons a! a true


1, 1950



17 The whole teaching of the Bible from

and were wanting to identify him and unite
cover to cover is that the people are being with him. In due time t he Messiah cam e
destroyed for lack of knowledge of God in the person of Jesus Christ. If we were
the Creator and Savior. To supply the need to follow the course of the religious clergy
God offers the people the knowledge in his of Jesus' day and reject the facts about
inspired Book. Therefore let us who want him as foretold in the prophecies, we would
to be his faithful witnesses bear this in never ga in everlasting life. We would be
mind and not be turned aside to something like those Jews who perished for rejecting
else. Let us hold strictly to dispensing the this knowledge. The knowledge of God
pure Word of God to his honor and to the minus h is Son J esus Christ is only partial.
saving of the people. It is because the reli- Life by the law of Moses is impossible.
gious clergy of Christendom have turned Likewise the knowledge of Jesus Christ
from doing this and have imitated the minus Jehovah God is only pa rtial, as in
clergy of Jesus' day that now it has come Christendom's case today. To know Jehotheir turn to be 'hewed by the prophets and vah God and to know Jesus Christ are
slain by the words of Cod's mouth'. Like it? inseparable for salvation.
1 0 John 3:35,36
(NW) tells us: "The
Well, of course, they do not; and they hate
and has given all
Jehovah's witnesses for declaring the
things into his hand. He that exercises
prophecies and publishing the words of
faith in the Son has everlasting life; he
God's mouth, which has su ch a sla ughter- that disob eys t he Son will not see life, but
ing effect on the clergy befor e t he people. the wrath of God remains upon him." And
1 John 2 :22,23 (NW) says : "Who is the
liar if it is not the one that denies that
18 When
we take God's i n s tru cti on Jesus is the Christ? This is t he antichrist ,
through the Bible, let us take all it te aches. the one that denies the Father and the Son .
The Supreme Teacher warns us that we Everyone that denies the Son does not have
must neither add worldly false knowledge the F ather either. He that confesses the
to his Word nor take away from it. We Son has the Father also." And to this
must have the full information for the 1 John 4: 15 (NW) adds: "Whoever makes
obtaining of the salvation which He pro- the confession t hat Jesus Christ is the Son
vides. For thousands of years godly men of God, God remains in union with such
and women had been seeking information one and he in union with God." There is
on the One whom God was to send forth no other way about it: our taking in
knowledge of the only true God and of his
17. Hence to be God 's faithful witnesses w ha t course
Sent One, Jesus Christ, as well is what
m us t we pursue ?
18, 19. Why Is par tial k now ledge n ot enou gh for gaini ng
everlasting life to us.
sa lvation?

From inf anc y you ha v e k no w n the holy writi n gs which ar e able to m ak e yo u

w ise f or salv ation through the fai th in con n ection wit h Ghrist Jesus. All
Script ure -is in sp ired of God and benefi cial for t eaching, f01' Tepr ov ing,
for setting things straight, for disc iplining in r ighte ousness,
that the man of God may be f ully com pet en t , com pl et el y
eq ui pped for every good w or lc.- 2 Tim. 3 :1517, N W,

F WE imitate J esus Christ we shall

never go wrong. He feared God and
others the fear of God according to
the truth, We must have this correct fear
of God if we aim at getting the informat ion
t hat leads to life that really is life. Proverbs
1:7 (AS) tells us: "The fear of J ehovah
is the beginning of kno wledge; but t he
foolish despise wisdom and instruction."
Such fear of the only true God is the beginning, that is, the chief part or the
first thing in knowledge. Because the wise,
brainy, powerful people of this world do
not have that fear of Jehovah, all the
knowledge they accumulate and hand out
does not save the world or result in life.
By the Holy Bible we are taught the fear
of God. And it is wise t hat we fear him,
for he is the Source of all life. For us not
to fear him but to reject him means cutting
ourselves off from the great Fountainhead
of life. This would spell absolute annihilation for us. God's own Word tells us also
to honor Jesus Christ because of the key
part that he performs in the life-giving
arrangements of God. So we gladly accept
the Son of God. For us to reject him means
we are cutting ourselves off from the central connection with God, the one channel
of life from God; and this would likewise
spell utter destruction for us. How grand
and beneficial it is, then, to take in knowledge of both the Father and the Son!
2 Our doing this can never stop. We must
advance to perfection. We have gained real
enlightenment only by going to the Book

of truthful information, that is, the Bible,

God's gift to us. What knowledge we have
already gained has been by studying that
Book. But to continue in the fear and
knowledge of God and of his Son Jesus
Christ we need to keep on studying that
Book, and to do so with all the faithful
helps which the heavenly Father provides
through his Theocratic organization. From
what we have learned out of the Holy
Scriptures we have fai th in God and Christ
and are able by this to please God. Th is
faith, Hebrews 11:1 (NW) tells us: "is the
assured expectation of things hoped for. "
And so we have hope, a wonderful hope of
a perfect new world, wit h a new heavens
and a new earth, in which we may enjoy
the promised everlasting life in unspeakable happiness. But fa ith and hope are not
all t hat is necessa ry. They are quite proper
in themselves. It is written: "Hope deferred
maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life." (Prov.
13:12) We do not know wh at heaven is
to be like for the 144,000 Christian overcomers of this world, but we could write
a book and paint a vivid picture of the
par adise that is t o be renewed on earth and
we could set this hope before people of
good will now seeking life in it. But powerful as this hope might be as a stimulant,
it is not all that is neces sary to keep a
person fai thful.
3 Long ago miraculous gifts passed out
.of the life of t he Christian congregation,
but the things that now remain are not
only faith and hope but also love : "these
three, but the greatest of these is love."

1. W h y m u st we fea r God, and wh y m ust we ho nor

Jesus Ch r Ist ?
2. (a) To continue In thIs fe a r and knowled ge wh at
must we do ? (b) Ho w do we gaI n faIth a nd h ope, and
3. What qualIty Is m ost ess en tial for ri ght lIvIng now ?
are thes e a ll that Is needed ?


1, 1950


(1 Cor. 13:8-13, NW) The new world for

which we hope is at the door, but we are
still living in the degraded old world, and,
besides faith and hope, love is most essential for ri ght living amid these debas ing
conditions. We need love now while surrounded with this selfish world, for without
love we are nothing in God's sight. We are
in most perilous times, and living now is a
great problem. We must keep on studying
God's Word in order to learn how to live
right and how to show love that is godlike.
The new world is still a hope, but this old
world is a present reality. We must yet
face it, and this creates difficulties for us.
We have to meet these without compromising God's cause. So we must know how
to meet them, and this calls for knowl edge
right now. Hence the need for us to study
the Bible further on wh at it has to say
with regard to our rel atio ns with t his existence, for if we do not handle t hese a right ,
we shall not be found worthy of life in the
future world.

The "appointed times of the Gentiles"

expired in 1914, but the Gentile governments still continue as going concern s,
wrathful against God's established kingdom. "Caesar" still holds the reins of
earthly government, and totalitarian governments are more powerful than ever. \Ve
need to know from the Bible that the
"superior authorities" to whom Christian
souls must be subject are Jehovah God and
Christ Jesus, if we want to escape divine
wrath. We need to be taught how our first
duties are to God, obeying Him as Ruler
in preference to men , and then giving to
Caesar only what belongs to Caesar.-Rom.
13:1-4 and Matt. 22:21, NW.
s Another problem is to know the places
men and women occupy in the Theocratic

4. What pro blem must we meet livin g u nde r present

governments ?
5. What problem does sex pres ent ? And children ?


organization of Jehovah God. It is true

that in the Christian congregation "there
is neither male nor female ; for you are all
one in union with Christ Jesus". (Gal. 3:28,
NW) But we are still male and female in
the flesh; we can still marry and produce
children, we can still be moved by passion
and be tempted to commit sexual abuses.
So woman's position in the congregation
and in the home needs to be adjusted accordin g to God's will for the safety and
happiness of all concerned, that the Theocratic rule may be carried out and no reproach be brought upon God's name and
his organization. Children are still being
brought into this world. We love them and
we long to see them succeed in the most
important thing. But how to bring them up
under present conditions of increasing
parental and child delinquency poses a
serious problem. We need to kno w how to
bring them up "in the discipline and authoritat ive advice of Jehovah", that we
may educate and train them for everlasting life with us in the blessed new world.
(Eph. 6 :4, NW) How glad we are that
we have God as our Teacher by Jesus
Christ and have the Holy Bible for our
book of instructions!
G We are living at a time when God by
his Right Shepherd not only is gathering
the remnant of his 'little flock' and is almost through, but in view of the new world
near at hand, is now also gathering a numberless flock of "other sheep" whose destiny will be, not immortal life in heaven
with the "little flock", but complete human
life on earth in the restored paradise. We
have to determine our destiny and act
accordingly. Has God called us to heaven
to reign with Christ or to the paradise
earth? To determine this is a problem with
many, and to solve it each one must study
God's Word further and be convinced in
his own mind.
6. What prob lem of destiny no w presents Itself ?


7 We are living at the climax of this
Christ stands for. Let the world know the
wicked world and at the culmination of position of morality that Jehovah's TheoChristendom's existence. Pagan philoso- cratic organization takes, that they may
phies and doctrines of demons and man- know that it is a pure organization. Keep
made religious traditions masquerade un- the organization that way, as far as in you
der the guise of Christian
lies, that the organization
doctrine and practice. Evil~ into which you invite the
minded men slyly watch
Shepherd's "other sheep"
for an opening and try to
may be a clean, purifying
creep into our Christian
organization. True love is
companies for immoral
pure. The fear of Jehovah
purposes and to abuse
is clean. Love and godly
God's undeserved kindness
fear will help you meet the
and corrupt the faith and
moral problems which are
manners of those whom
still with us while we are
they can victimize. Weare
in this old world.-1 Cor.
living, indeed, in among seductive condi- 13: 5,6, NW; Ps. 19: 9, AS.
tions, and lest we stray there is every need
for us to do as it is written: "Ask for the
9 Thus for our own selves to gain everold paths, where is the good way, and walk
therein, and ye shall find rest for your lasting life we must continue taking in
souls." (Jer. 6:16) We need to go back knowledge of the only true God and of
direct to the inspired Scriptures them- Jesus Christ, whom He sent forth. Mankind
selves, examining them daily against what are not yet in paradise. Satan and his
is taught us by men, and by this course demons are not yet bound nor his wicked
get back to the "faith that was once for all seed destroyed from the earth. On the contime delivered to the holy ones". And trary, he has been cast out of heaven and
having rediscovered what it is, then we is now restrained to the earth and is bringmust "put up a hard fight" for it, to hold ing great woes upon the people and creatit and to practice it, as Jude 3 says (NW). ing many problems for God's righteous
people. So be on guard. Proverbs 11: 9 (AS)
8 In harmony with the original faith it
assures US: "Through knowledge shall
becomes our duty toward God to resist
righteous be delivered." Conversely,
those impure-minded persons who try to
through lack of knowledge those who prosneak in and lure unsuspecting Christians
into sexual abuses by wrongly claiming fess to be God's people are destroyed. In
God's mercy for willful sins. It is part of Christendom we see exemplified what this
our fight for the faith to hold high the lack produces, in harmony with what the
Bible principles concerning human mar- apostle said, at Romans 1:24-31: "Thereriage and the pure relations between men fore God in keeping with the desires of
and women in the congregation. Stick by their hearts gave them up to uncleanness,
these. Let the evil-designing sneaks and all that their bodies might be dishonored
worldly persons know what high moral among them, even those who exchanged
principles the true knowledge of God and the truth of God for the lie and venerated
and rendered sacred service to the creation
7. What faith must we asccrtaln? What must we do
a bo ut It ? Why ?
8. On the moral problems what Is It our duty accord in g
to t he faith?

9. Wh y must we keep takin g In knowled ge? Wh at does

Ch ristend om ex em pll fy ?


1, 1950



rather than the One who created, . ..

And just as they did not approve of holding
God in accurate knowledge, God gave them
up to a disapproved mental state, to do the
things not fitting, filled as they were with
all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, injuriousness, being full of envy, murdel', strife, deceit, malicious disposition,
being whisperers, backbiters, haters of
God, insolent, haughty, self-assuming, inventors of injurious things, disobedient to
parents, without understanding, false to
agreements, having no natural affection,
1 0 Hence not merely
heathendom, but
Christendom has magnificently demonstrated what the want of knowledge of
Jehovah God will do to the hurt and disgrace of the people. Now it is the turn of
you who are Jehovah's witnesses to demonstrate what the true knowledge of God
will do for a people, an organization of
people on a world-wide scale. You who
are Jehovah's witnesses are living at the
culmination of God's 'new c a v e nan t
through Christ, when it is being crowned
with success by taking out the final
members to com p l e t e the
"people for his name". Besides the for g i v e n e s s of
sins through the Mediator
of that covenant, one of its
blessed provisions is this:
"I will put my law in their
inward parts, and in their
heart will I write it; and
I will be their God, and they
shall be my people. And they
shall teach no more every
man his neighbor, and every man his
brother, saying, Know Jehovah; for they
shall all know me, from theleast of them
unto the greatest of them, saith Jehovah."

(Jer. 31:31-34, AS; Acts 15:14) Jehovah's

witnesses, indeed, now know him from the
least to the greatest of them; but Christendom, by her willful ignorance of Jehovah
God, proves she is not in the new covenant
and that she is not the "people for his
name" which he has been taking out of all
nations during the past nineteen centuries.
11 One of the ways by which we must
manifest to all the world what the knowledge of God does for the people is by acting
as his witnesses to mankind both in word
and in action. We must speak and act in
harmony ,....ith the will of God. What is
that? It is written: "This is right and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God,
whose will is that all kinds of men should
be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. For there is one God, and one
mediator between God and men, a man
Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all-this is what
is to be witnessed to at its own particular times." (1 Tim. 2:3-6, NW) Now is
the time of all times to be bearing witness, NOW, when God by his Right Shepherd is gathering under his Theocratic
organization a "great crowd"
of persons of good will "out
of all nations and tribes and
peoples and tongues", "all
kinds of men." By the witness we are giving in all
nations this "great crowd"
know where their salvation
comes from. What a joy it
is to us now to hear them
in their hundreds of thousands crying with a loud
voice before the divine throne: "Salvation
we owe to our God, who is seated on the
throne, and to the Lamb." (Rev. 7: 9,10
NW) Let the numbers of this great crowd

10, Contrary to ignorant Christendom, what mu st Jehovahs witnesses now do under the provlslons of the
new covenant '!

11. How must we show what k nowledge do cs for us ,

esp eci all y no w?



increase by our intensifying the witness

in all nations as never before.
12 Jehovah God has given us knowledge
under his new covenant for the express
purpose of our being his witnesses. He
reminds us: "Ye ar e my wit nesses, sait h
Je hovah , and my servant whom I have
chosen; that ye may K NOW and believe me,
and understand that I am he: . . . I have
declared, and I have saved, and I have
showed ; and there was no st range god
among you: t herefor e ye are my wit nesses
saith Jehovah, and I am God." (Isa:
43 :10-12, AS) And what an opportunity
for witnessing we now ha ve! We have the
Book of books, the Holy Bible; and now,
too , we have the 1950 New World Translation of t he Christian Greek Scri ptures.
To aid us to gain knowledge of God from
his Book, we have the supplementary Bible
literature published by a proved instrument
of God and Christ, the Watch Tower Bible
& Tract Society.
13 The great enem y of life, Satan the
Devil, is opposed to the spread ing of the
life-giving knowledge, even t hough in Eden
he pretended to want to increase mankind 's knowledge by seducing Eve into
disobediently eating of the "tree of the
knowledge of good and evil". E vil, yes!
But he has never favored mankind's gaining a knowledge of good. He is the "god
of this system of t hings" , an d all along he
has "blinded the minds of the unbelievers
that the illumination of the glorious good
news about t he Christ, who is t he image of
God, might not shine through". But by the
irresistible power of God t he light has
broken through the devilish opposition and
has reached us, and He "has shone on our
hearts to illuminate them with the glorious
knowledge of God by the face of Christ".
(2 Cor. 4:4-6, N W) Let us, in turn, rise
12. For w ha t purpose has God given us knowledge?
Why do we have a grand o pportunity fo r this no w"
13. \Vh o Is opposed to s preading this knowledge? 'T o
what m ust we rise?


N. Y.

an d shine, reflecting the light on to ethers.

If the people are being dest ro yed for lack

of knowledge, let it not be because of any

negligence and failure on our part. If a
great crowd of good will is now being led
to salvat ion, let it be by God's use of us
t hrough his Shephe rd.


Christendom will go on refusing to

accept the knowledge of J eho vah God at
the mouths and hands of his witnesses.
But the awesome hour draws near when
she will be ma de to know that these have
been God's witnesses, his "prophet among
them", and that He is Jehovah and that
since .1914 his King, Jesus Christ, rules in
the kmgdom for t he new world. But being
MADE to kno w Jehovah at that time will
be no bless ing to he r or the re st of this
world. It will mean her own destruction
amid a 'World destructi on ! Because of
Chri stendom's willful lack of knowledge
she is opposing J ehovah's kingdom by hi~
Christ. She is lining herself up with all the
forces of Gog of Magog for the final
assault up on t he visible Th eocr atic organizat ion of Jehovah's people on earth. Th e
propaganda inspired by the demons is
hurrying all her rulers blindly, madly, on
to the warfront of Armageddon. (Rev.
16:14-16) Shortly, at a thieflike hour, the
Supreme Warrior for truth and r ighteousness will make himself kno wn to all his
opposers in a language that t hey will
un derstand, the language of cosmic force s
that will speak destruction to them. Th ere
was never anything like it before except
the great deluge of Noah's day. Meaning
Gog and all his for ces, J ehovah says:
1 5 "And I will call for a sword against
him unto all my mountains, sait h the Lord
Jehovah : every man's sword shall be
against his brother. And with pestilence

14, 15. (a) Why w ill Ch r istendom be made t o know

J ehovah , a n d how? ( b ) What will Jehovah do to Gog
and h is forces ? How affecting the n ations'?





and with blood will I enter into judgment Jesus Christ, whom he has now sent forth
with him; and I will rain upon him, and as King!
upon his hordes, and upon the many peoSURVIVAL
ples that are with him, an overflowing
1~ However, t hat is not t he way WE want
shower, and great hailstones, fire, and
brimstone. And I will magnify myself, and to learn to know Jehovah God and his
sanctify myself, and I will make myself Christ. We want to know them in a way
known in the eyes of many nations; and that means everlasting life, not destruction.
they shall know that I am Jehovah. And God has given us his holy spirit, and he
I will send a fire on Magog, and on them has baptized his faithful remnant of Kingthat dwell securely in the isles; and they dom heirs with his spirit and enlightened
shall know that I am Jehovah. . . . nei- them with the deep things revealed by that
ther will I suffer my holy name to be pro- spirit in God's Word. But Christendom
faned any more: and the nations shall will shortly be bapt ized with fire, the fire
know that I am Jehovah, the Holy One in of destruction at Armageddon. (Matt.
Israel. Behold, it cometh, and it shall be 3:11,12) We do not await destruction at
done, saith the Lord Jehovah; this is the the battle of Armageddon, but confidently
day whereof I have spoken."-Ezek. 38: expect to survive through that fiery time
into the new world. Nevertheless, to realize
21-23 and 39: 6-8, AS.
such preservation at the end of this world
16 Christ Jesus the King will act as Jeho.
Just as Noah and his ark companions envah's executional officer amid that world
joyed preservation at the watery end of
destruction, and the fact that he is now
the former world, we must live according
present in his kingdom and owns the earth
to knowledge. The knowledge which God
as his domain will be forcibly revealed to
has revealed to us by his spirit in these
all his opposers. Their destruction will
last days sets up high principles of livin g.
bring welcome relief to all of us who choose
to know and obey God. As it is written: We must live up to those principles. We
must hold fast to this knowledge by living
"It is righteous on God's part to repay
according to it and by giving it out to
tribulation to those who make tribulation
VIe must increase in knowledge in
for you, but, to you who suffer tribulation,
with the predicted increase of
relief along with us at the revelation of the
to make us strong to bear all
Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful
of these perilous times. "A
angels in a flaming fire, as he brings due
yea, a man of knowlpunishment upon those who do not know
(Prov. 24:5, AS)
God and those who do not obey the good
So let us wisely continue taking in knowlnews about our Lord Jesus. These very
edge from on high.
ones will pay the penalty of everlasting
18 We may not know now the day or the
destruction from before the Lord and from
hour when the battle of Armageddon will
the glory of his strength, at the time he
break out and the wicked heavens and
comes to be glorified." ( 2 Thess. 1: 6-10,
earth of the Devil's world will be dissolved
NW) What an INGLORIOUS end for their
to make way for the new heavens and earth
disobedient failure to take in now the
of the precious new world. We do not need
knowledge of the only true God and of
16, Who wlll a ct a s God 's ex ecutional officcr? How
will he r ew a rd the ob edl cnt on es and th ose will fu ll y
Ignorant ?

17, What do we expect for ou rselves at Armageddon ?

So wh at must we do no w r es pec ting knowled ge ?
18. Do we know the t lrne for Ar mageddon '! How, t h en
m ust we llve ?



to know, but every day we can live in the

consciousness that it is near. We can live
lives that harmonize with our steadfast
hope of soon entering the glorious new
things which Jehovah God will create. No
more living for the old world for us!
19 The apostle Peter looked forward to
this new world, and he tried to live worthy
of entering it. And especially for the benefit of us living at this world climax he
wrote telling us how he tried to live and
how we ought to live. After describing the
world-wide flood of Noah's time and then
the thieflike arrival of J ehovah's destructive day upon the Devil's heavens and
earth, Peter wrote: "Since all these things
are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, awaiting
and keeping close in mind the presence of
the day of Jehovah, through which the
heavens being on fire will be dissolved and
the elements being intensely hot will melt.
But there are new heavens and a new earth
that we are awaiting according to his
promise, and in these righteousness is to
dwell. Hence, beloved ones, since you are
awaiting these things, do your utmost to
19. What sort of pe rsons does P et er sa y we o ug h t to be ?


N. Y.

be found finally by him spotless and unblemished and in peace. Furthermore, consider the patience of our Lord as salvation."
-2 Pet. 3:11-15, NW.
211 As we are expecting to enter the new
world in which righteousness is to dwell,
then let us live in righteousness. We know
the Lord God's day is coming for the destruction of all those who are spotted and
blemished with this world and not at peace
with God. He will approve only those whom
he finds spotless, unblemished and in peace.
These he will preserve through the world's
end. And if we daily do our utmost to be
found finally, at that last day of this world,
in a spotless, unblemished and peaceful
condition, what else could this mean but
that we will win his approval and protection and will survive the fiery end into the
brigh t new world with its glor ies ? What a
wonderful possibility! What an opportunity
of all opportunities! By the undeserved
kindness from on high, we will avail ourselves of it by faithfully taking in the
knowledge of the true God and of Jesus
Christ, for "this means everlasting life".
-John 17:3, NW.
20. Wh at do es liv in g that way m ean fo r us a t the
world's end ? So what will we do':

elergyman Notes Faith of Jehovah's Witnesses

One of Jehovah's wit nesses preaching f rom door t o door in Arka nsas met a
householder who said, "I wish all you J ehovah's wi tnesses could have heard our
pastor yesterday. He gave a wonderful sermon on faith. " Then this person qu oted
the clergyman as saying: "I don't kn ow how you feel about it , but in my est imation
there is only one organization on this earth that r eally has faith in what th ey
believe, and that is the organization of J ehovah's witnesses, Would you [pointing
to congregation] have the faith and courage t o stand on the street corner and put
forth your views and be laughed at, scorned, mo cked, arreste d, beaten and put in
prison and still continue to do it? Would you have the fa it h and courage t o stand
there in the snow, rain and heat and not become discouraged? Would you have
the faith and courage to ring door bell after door bell and re ceive in return doors
slammed in your face and still continue in your belief? I don't believe you can say
that you have that kind of fai th. If our church had the kind of faith that this group
of Jehovah's witnesses have, we 'd have a tremendous organization. "

'"J1HE majority of men

.1 the wrong weapons.

shall die: but t he dead know

not any thing, neither have
they any more a reward; for
the memory of them is forgotten. Whatsoever thy hand
findeth to do, do it with thy
might; for there is no work,
nor device, nor knowledge, nor
wisdom, in the grave, whither
thou goest." "The soul that
sinneth, it shall die." "The wages sin pays
is death."-Ps. 89:48; 146:4; Eccl. 3:19, 20;
9:5,10; Ezek. 18:4; Rom. 6:23, NW.

fight death with

The first human
pair blundered, for they sought to retain
life by disobeying God. Rejecting Jehovah's
warning that disobedience to him would
false religion in ancient times had
mean death, Eve listened to Satan's prescription that godlike living safe from more to offer than Satan's lie that death
death would come to her by eating for- was just the doorway to spirit immortality.
bidden fruit. Adam, though not deceived, It sought to heal through the practice of
foolishly followed his wife 's diet that she medicine, and from ancient times the
supposed would lead to an enlightened priests of pagan reli gions were the doctors
existence as gods. But instead it opened and physicians, and claimed to possess suthe door to death, not only for Adam and pernatural powers to cure both body and
Eve but for all their descendants.-Gen. soul. They believed sickness the work of an
evil spirit or visitation from a deity, and
2:17; 3:3-6,19; 5:5; Rom. 5:12.
the prescription involved sorcery or occult
Satan had said to Eve "Ye shall not
divination. If the ailment was from a desurely die" and "Ye sh all be as gods" ; and mon, the patient was subjected to horrible
since false religion's beginning till now it
treatment in the belief that if the demon's
has taken up these satanic lies as its chief
abode, the patient's body, was made miserassurance against death. Religious teachable enough the demon could not stand it
ings of reincarnation and of immortality of
would flee. So the medicine men made
the human soul are as false as their foundadeafening
noises and terrifying faces, while
tion laid by Satan the Devil. The followin g
underwent heat or other pain
Bible texts prove them so : "What man is
odors. Quite a bedhe that liveth, and shall not see death ?
shall he deliver his soul from the hand of side manner, those reli gious doctors had.
the grave?" "His breath goeth forth , he
Some of the Jews that fell away from
returneth to his earth ; in that very day his God's wors h ip used as medicines such items
thoughts perish." "That which befalleth as fish gall, saliva , cowdung, urine, and
the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one bat's blood. Chinese medicine men brewed
thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so super st it ious prescriptions with quackery
dieth the other; yea, they have all one and black magic. Powdered turtle shells
breath; so that a man hath no preeminence were to give long life, tiger bones soaked
above a beast: for all is vanity. All go unto in wine were to give the tiger's strength,
one place; all are of the dust, and all turn gorilla blood for feminine ailments, powto dust again." "The living know that they dered snakeskin for rheumatism, and pow2 S~


dered lizardskin for stomach trouble and enemy death continues laying low patient
hiccups. Herbs were used to a de g r e e, and healer alike. Against the penalty of
especially by the Hebrews and Egyptians, death is directed the full force of what men
and the latter gained a meager knowledge hail as science's brilliant accomplishments,
of anatomy and produced a few surgical as different brands of doctors massage
instruments. The Greeks combined the su- muscles, manipulate bones, jab with their
perstitions of Babylon and Persia with needles, inject their serums, pepper you
the medical learning of the Egyptians, and with pills, reduce you, fatten you, fast you,
medical schools sprang up, one of which feed you, exercise you, and even slit you
is attributed to Hippocrates, who is called with the surgeon's blade to cast as a peace
offering to the enemy death an appendix, a
the father of medicine.
Medical knowledge with which to fight tonsil, a kidney, a leg or an arm-but even
death was on the advance, but with the this desperate retreat before disease soon
rise of papal dictatorship by a religious or- comes to a stone wall as some vital organ
ganization during the Dark Ages this ad- is cornered and death collects its prey.
Do not misunderstand. Doctors today
vance was halted and turned back. The
prevailing religion of that time was op- relieve much suffering, prolong many lives,
posed to the invasion of the field of healing render praiseworthy service to humanity,
by scholarly doctors, was against the spoil- and deserve credit for the good they do.
ing of pastures long dominated by the But the point being made is that their
priests. Surgery and bodily cleanliness and battle against death is only a delaying acother health measures were opposed, and in tion, not a final victory. Any deliverance
their stead were practiced such supersti- from disease they effect only hands the
tions as carrying horse chestnuts in your patient over to the clutches of old age.
pocket to cure rheumatism, placing a cat- The delaying action is but brief postponefish on your brow to cure epilepsy, wearing ment, and death is so patient, the grave can
amulets and religious medals to cure any- wait. And it never has to wait long, even
thing and everything, and even eating if man reaches the Biblical life span of
pages of the Bible that told of miracles "threescore years and ten" or "fourscore
was practiced to gain miraculous cures. But years". (Ps. 90:10) At best, man's present
during all this time priestly medicine men life on this earth is fleeting. As Job said:
of these false religions gained no victory "Man that is born of a woman is of few
days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth
over death.
like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth
also as a shadow, and continueth not."
After the Reformation medical knowl- -Job 14:1,2; Ps. 102:11; 144:4; Isa.
edge surged ahead, and in this atomic age 40:6,7.
its discoveries rocket along at supersonic
Today's doctors may not lay a fish on
speed. The attacks on the enemy death your head to cure epilepsy or give you
come from many battle fronts-from phy- powdered lizardskin for hiccups, but for
sicians, surgeons, herbalists, dieticians, all their scientific advances they are no
chiropractors, osteopaths, etc., and even nearer to a real victory over death than
from some religionists who say that your the witch doctor of antiquity. What if
ruptured appendix or your gallstones are science has brought a torrent of brilliant
only in your head. But, despite it all, the medical weapons up to the front to fight


1, 19;50


death? Death continues to stalk through

the fields of humanity and leaves in its
wake windrow upon windrow of felled
corpses. Several causes might be cited as
contributors to death's rising toll, but the
two vital ones are man's continuing degeneration and Satan's foretold woes of wars
and calamities, famines and pestilences, for
these last days of this evil world.-Matt.
24:3,7; Rev. 12:12.
Yet this flood of death-dealing woes is
no cause for being disheartened or downcast, for after predicting such things Christ
Jesus said: "But as these things start to
occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your
heads up, because your deliverance is getting near." (Luke 21:28, NW) Deliverance
from suffering, sickness and death by this
world's end and a righteous new world's
beginning. But by whose hand does deliverance from death come? From men? Psalm
49: 7,14,15 answers no: "None of them
can by any means redeem his brother, nor
give to God a ransom for him. Like sheep
they are laid in the grave; death shall feed
on them; and t he upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their
beauty shall consume in the grave from
their dwelling. But God will redeem my soul
from the power of the grave."
Jehovah God redeems men by meeting
the law requirement of a ransom, by sending Jesus to earth "to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many". (Lev. 17:11;
Deut. 19:21; Matt. 20:28, NW) And how in
a practical way does this victory over death
come through Christ Jesus? By a resurrection of the dead! By opening the graves,
emptying them, releasing from them the
numberless human dead that the death
penalty has stored up for the past thousands of years! Scriptural testimony
abounds on this point. "Since death is
through a man, resurrection of the dead is


also through a man. For just as in Adam

all are dying, so also in the Christ all will
be made alive." "There is going to be a
resurrection of both the righteous and the
unrighteous." "The hour is coming in
which all those in the memorial tombs will
hear his voice and come out, those who
did good things to a resurrection of life,
those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment." (1 Cor. 15:21,22;
Acts 24:15; John 5:28,29, NW) Those
who then obey will live forever, for it is
concerning that resurrection time that
Jesus said, "Everyone that is living and
exercises faith in me will never die at all."
-John 11:23-26, NW.
Proverbs 30: 15, 16 discloses that the
grave is one of those things that never says,
It is enough. For centuries it has gorged
and stuffed itself, but the gluttonous grave
will be emptied by the resurrection of the
dead and the "second death" in Gehenna
will be avoided by the eternal obedience
of those who attain to Jehovah's new world.
And why will the Armageddon survivors
and the resurrected ones that prove faithful not eventually die again? Because the
sin and degeneration inherited from Adam
will be erased by the ransom, and because
the Devil that possesses the power of death
will be destroyed. (Heb . 2 :14; Rev. 20:10)
At Jehovah's battle of Armageddon it is
Satan that will be laid low, and he will
not be revived for a thousand years, and
then only a little season elapses till he has
the tables turned on him forever, being
destroyed by Christ Jesus. As Satan has
sown, so shall he reap. He has sown sin ,
he will reap destruction for himself. At
his annihilation there will be no funeral, no
mourners, no tears, only joy and happiness.

In that new world, with earth's inhabitants freed of the overlord Satan and properly organized under the Kingdom rei gn of



Christ Jesus, the death that has for so long

ravaged mankind will have been defeated,
swallowed up in victory. No more will war
take a toll of human life. "They shall beat
their swords into plowshares, and their
spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not
lift up sword against nation, neither shall
they learn war any more." (Isa. 2:4) No
famine, for "then shall the earth yield her
increase" so abundantly that "the plowman
shall overtake the reaper", who because of
heavy yields will still be gathering in
produce when it is time for the plowman
to prepare the ground for next season's
crops. (Ps. 67:6; Amos 9:13) Disease
then? Jehovah promises to heal all diseases,
to bring in health and cure, and that no
more will man say, I am sick. (Ps. 103:3;
Isa. 33:24; Jer. 33:6) Old age? No, for
Job 33:24,25 says: "Deliver him from
going down to the pit: I have found a ransom. His flesh shall be fresher than a
child's: he shall return to the days of his
youth." In short, nothing shall hurt or
destroy in that new world without end.
-Isa. 11:9; Eph. 3:21.
Now you may be surprised to hear this,
but it is true that when some persons are
told about a new world of righteousness
wherein joy and happiness reign to the exclusion of all adversity and suffering, they
say that they would not care to live in
such a world, that it would become boresome and monotonous. Doubtless you have


N. Y.

heard persons say that they were so tired.

so sick, so sad, or so miserable that they
wished they were dead. But have you ever
heard anyone say that he was so happy
that he wished he were dead? Did any suicide ever leave a note stating that he was
having such a good time that he could
stand it no longer? Of course not. And none
will ever tire of living in a new world where
no sorrow nor sickness nor death will mar
happy existence, but all will long enjoy the
work given into their hands at that time
by their Creator.-Isa. 65:22; Rev. 21:1-5.
To sum up, death has been having its
day for nearly 6,000 years. Soon life will
have its day forever. Death has won many
battles, but in the end it will lose the war.
It is not men who thrash it. It is not
whipped by religious doctrines of immortal
souls. Reincarnation can take no victory
bows. Neither penicillin nor pills nor powdered lizards can pose with a foot on the
corpse of the enemy death and give vent
to a victory cry. Death is vanquished only
by J ehovah God through the kingdom of
Christ. The way to share in the fruits of
that victory over death is to now follow
the way of life. Would you care to share
in the spoils of victory, namely, eternal
life? Then heed the divine prescription for
life : "This means everlasting life, their
taking in knowledge of you, the only true
God, and of the one whom you sent forth,
Jesus Christ."-John 17:3, NW.

UT of war-torn and clergy-ridden

Greece come both good and bad
reports about Jehovah's witnesses.
The bad news tells about the terrible suffering that continues to be inflicted upon
these humble Christians. The good news,
on the other hand, relates how Almighty
God is not only upholding and sustaining
his witnesses in their affliction, but also
how he is giving them marvelous opportunities in which to tell others about both
Jehovah's loving-kindness and tender mercy toward the meek of the earth, and his
fierce and terrible anger shortly to be unleashed upon all of mankind's wicked oppressors. This thrilling news report will
cheer and comfort the hearts of all persons
of all nations who love and fight for freedom and truth.
Last year on April 12, in Athens, nine of
Jehovah's witnesses were cruelly arrested
while celebrating a most solemn feast, the
Memorial supper instituted by Christ the
night in which he was betrayed. These
brethren of Christ were sentenced to many
months in prison. This year, notwithstanding the fact that there was neither martiallaw nor emergency measures in force
as a pretense for such wicked action, God's
enemies again swooped down on Jehovah's
witnesses. This time the incident occurred
at Serres .in Macedonia, where 35 of the
Lord's people and 4 interested persons of
good will were assembled for the Memorial
in obedience to Christ's command. All were
arrested, tried by a prejudiced court, and
sentenced to jail terms ranging from 3 to
7 months in prison, and fines from 100,000

to 300,000 drachmas, and one year police

paroles to follow.
You will be interested to know upon
what the judges in that tyrannical country
based their decision. A translation of that
portion of the infamous sentence, No. 233,
" . . . that is to say, these, belonging
to the heresy of Jehovah's witnesses, put
in operation a prayer-meeting home, ha ving used for the purpose a room in the
hous e of John Duzulikopulos, located at
33 Megalou Alexandrou street, which was
properly arranged for the occasion by placing sea ts, benches, one suitably laid table,
whereon they had placed unleavened bread
and other vessels of their mass and various books of the heresy of Jehovah's witnesses, such as The Watchto'Wm' and the
like, seized by the authorities, and intended for their celebrating Christ's Memorial
(Passover) . . . ."
There is, however, another and a brighter side to this black inquisitional cloud of
persecution. The trial lasted a whole day
and was attended by about 500 persons
who heard a tremendous witness about the
work and faith of Jehovah's people. Even
the court had to deliberate for 2-J hours in
order to reach a decision. Comments on
the trial were published by the newspapers
at Serres, Salonica and Athens. So in the
end, everything proved to the glory of J ehovah's name. As for the judgment handed
down, an appeal was taken to a higher
court at Salonica.




The assistant company servant in t he

Athens group of J ehovah's witnesses recently completed a 120-day sentence in
prison, not because he had done wrong, but
because he serves God. In a letter he recounts the won d el' f u I experiences that
were his during his imprisonment , and
from this letter the r emainder of this article is taken.
"At firs t I was put in a provisional prison together wit h 27 to 30 other pr isoners,
all of which were put in one cell intended
for only 5 or 6 persons. But it was a relat ively tolerable room in point of cleanness
and type of prisoners. Most of the others
were merchants, military officers, lawyers ,
ph ysicians, professors, gendarmes and other professionals.
"I was kept there 14 days an d during
that time 84 differ ent pr isoners passed
through the room. By the Lord 's grace it
was possible to hold t wo-hour public meetings every evening at wh ich time talks
were given about J ehovah's kingdom by
Christ and about God's blessings of the
future. All heard the witness t hat was
given. E ven t he chief of depa r tment , his assistant, and all the jailers and gend armes
also heard. Thereafter, two of them manifested exceptional interest in the t rut h and
today I started a home Bible study with
one of them.
"Afterwards, I was taken to an other
prison in Athens , and because I did not
want to disown Jehovah the God whom I
worship, as demanded by the chief guardian, I was locked up with about 73 dangerous evil-doers and hashish-smokers.
[Hashish is an intoxicating narcot ic with
the stupefying power of opium. ] These
people, in spite of their degen erate condition, were well aware of the Bible truth,
having learned considerably from others
of J ehovah's witnesses who in times pas t
had also been caged t here.


N. Y.

"By t he way, I deem it my duty to tell

you t ha t so far as I have been able to
ascertain, t he conduct of J ehov ah' s wit nesses who have served sentences in this
and other pr isons, and in the Makronesus
an d Yura prison islands, has contri buted
to a great adve r tising of the Lord's name.
This it seems is because of t he Christian
conduct of t he brethren, and their prudence and Theocratic t actfulness during
their va rious discussions. Thus the ground
was suitably prepared by the time I arrived, an d hence my 'public speeches' were
greatly appreciated.
"Several among this group, however,
heard for t he first time about the Bible,
ab out a loving God and his Kingdom,
about the coming battle of Armageddon,
an d t he imperative need for them to take
t heir stand now at the right hand of Christ
t he King. These supposedly 'evildoers an d
dope fiends' listened wit h enthusiasm,
and request ed t hat no day or evenin g
pass without the giving of a Bible talk
and discussion from Goa 's Word. As time
went on, several of them, fu ll of joy, were
heard crying out t o t he jailers that from
now on they are J ehovah's wit nesses !
Indeed, t hey would t r y to cease their
smoking, and t wo of them actually succeeded. They star ted to study the Bible,
and before I left they too k no te of my
home address so that upon their r elease
from prison they can have a regular hom e
Bible st udy started in their own hom e.
"My presence am idst these unfo rtunate
people gave them a fur ther opportunity to
hear the good news of the Kingdom, and
not only to hear but also to strengthen
their hope for life under J ehovah's kingdom rule by Christ.
"At t he end of those 17 days, I was
called before the pr ison's director, who
very civilly and politely recommended
that I speak no more and make no more
'propaganda', as it was rep orted to him


1, 1950


by his secret agents who are usually found

in each of the prison rooms. As part of the
bargain, and an inducement for me to comply with his request, the director promised to transfer me to another wing in
the prison, thus affording me more freedom
and ease.
"In replying to this offer, the director
allowed me to explain that the mere discussion of my faith is not 'propaganda',
and since speech itself, the mere use of the
tongue, is not prohibited, it is most pleasant for me to talk about the coming blessings of the Creator and his Kingdom, instead of gossiping and discussing other
subjects and things. I added that J ehovah's witnesses do not meddle in matters
and affairs of politics and business; that
they are exclusively interested in knowing
their Creator. So I availed myself of this
opportunity to explain to him in brief our
faith and God's will as stated in the Bible.
"'But why do you call God Jehovah'!'
he asked. Ll1 reply I said: 'The answer may
be given to you by the reli gious inspector
of the prisons himself, who is here present.' With that I turned to this gentleman,
who replied without hesitating: 'God's
name is Jehovah, whether we like it or
not.' Well, my joy was very great, because
the director heard from the mouth of an
Orthodox clergyman that Jehovah is the
name of God!


"In my immediate cell a broad witness

was given to the 12 inmates in the form
of lectures and discussions. They recognized that Jehovah's witnesses are consistent in their practice with what they
believe according to the Bible. They knew
that orthodox religions have become the
instruments of politics, that they are human institutions based on traditions, and
that their teachings conflict with the Bible.
"This cell I was in was quite different
from all the others I had been in until
then, for not only did I have more ease
and comfort, but I was also allowed free
communication with the crowd of prisoners throughout the whole wing from 8: 30
a.m, to 6 p.m. So the Lord permitted me
to become acquainted with this multitude
of about 600 persons, some of whom
proved to be 'sheep'.
"One of these sheeplike persons was
such a fanatical religionist prior to learning the truth that he had bought all the
publications written by a professor in the
Athens University against the witnesses.
These he had donated to the prison's library in the hope that the other prisoners
would not be deluded by what he called
the 'heretic witnesses of Jehovah'. But because this man was honest of heart, like
the Pharisee Saul who later became the
apostle Paul, so now this person is a zealous witness for Jehovah.
"I must relate still another very interesting experience. A well-known professor
"After learning that Jehovah is God, the in the Athens University published a sort
director of the prison, who at first was so of letter of criticism against Jehovah's witsevere, ordered me to be taken to a better nesses in the Athens paper Estia, which
wing, to a room called Colona7ci (meaning contained this statement: 'They [Jehothe 'aristocratic qua r tel"), perhaps be- vah's witnesses] distort the Bible and excause he reasoned that those in there plain the Revelation, which is a sealed and
would give no heed to the message, owing closed book for all and forever.' This pubto their social station in life and because lication caused quite a stir in our prison
many of them were scientists and educated cell, and a fellow prisoner, who was a lawatheists. However, developments were alto- yer, after reading the professor's statement, asked whether I had any different
gether different.



opinion. I told him: 'First I shall hear your

own opinion, but before you speak, read
Revelation 22: 10.' So from a copy of the
New Testament published by the Orthodox
Brotherhood he read the Scripture: 'Seal
not the sayings of the prophecy of this
book.' Thereupon he exclaimed: 'It is very
obvious that the professor is not ri ght, and
I am amazed at his boldness to publicly insult Jehovah's witnesses and distort the
truth so bombastically.'
"The other listeners in the cell also hastened to read the paper's publication and
the verse referred to in Revelation, and
they too showed surprise at the professor's
false statement. Giving them more information I said: 'If you now read Revelation
1:1 where it is written, "The Revelation
of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him,
to shew unto his servants," you will readily understand that this book is sealed and
closed for the professor because he is not


a servant of Christ, but the book is not

closed to the servants of God and Christ,
Jehovah's witnesses. The very name of the
book, Revelation, shows it would not be
closed forever.'
"Now how many of those prisoners, who
showed interest in this message of truth,
will go ahead and pro gress in their knowledge of the Bible, only the Lord knows.
Jehovah God knows His own, and will not
permit any of His sheep to be lost. I thank
the Lord with all my heart for the blessed
experiences granted me during my detention. Out of season for me, but in season
for those prisoners, I tried to avail myself
of every opportunity to preach the Word.
It is most evident from these experiences
that all these hardships, persecutions and
imprisonments heaped upon Jehovah's
witnesses here in Greece only go to prove
the glory and majesty and greatness of our
God, whose name alone is Jehovah!"

Isolated Publishers in Hawaii

It w a s very joyful at Kawaihae last Friday to find at least three isolated
publishers in this beach town. One family said they were immersed about ten
years a go by an early brother in the territory. One of t he m had seen us at the
Chinese store and later stopped us on the road to contact us. It seems tha t
no one had called here for over t hree years , and the religionists had t r ied t o
get them to burn their books, but they r ef used a nd plainly t old them wh y.
One f amily lost their home in t he tidal wave of April, 1946, and t hey lost eve r ything except t he Salvation book. No w they would like to get some of these
older books a gain. They t ook copies of t he publications which we had with
us at t he t ime and su bscribed for the W at chtow er and Awake! m a gaz ine s.
The Awake! m agaz ine and E q ui ppetl. book we r e entirely new to t hem, and
they we re overjoyed when we tol d t hem of the m any things that had happened
since someon e called there last. They didn't know about the Gilead school
and t he convent ions. \Ve a rranged to call there again in two we eks and h old
a study in the book "Let God Be Tr ue" and help them to get orga nized for t he
Kingdom service. There a re many isolated places on this la r ge island of
Hawaii, and, by the Lor d's grace, we hope to be able to r ea ch them soon.
- Special pione er.

~ -:rT1'tq


.J .\ '

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" \ r:

. .~ -~ ~'" -"""'

the Flood

NoT so long ago

people believed
that Moses was the first to invent writing,
doing so in order to carry out God's commandment: "The LORD said unto Moses,
Write this for a memorial in a book." (Ex.
17:14) But even before this, in the days of
J ob, this man of affliction had cried out:
"Oh that my defence were written, oh that
my case could be preserved in writing, cut
with an iron pen on lead, or lastingly engr aved on stone!" He also spoke of "the
scroll which my opponent has written".
(Job19:23, 24, lifo; 31 :35,36, AT) Attimes
scoffers have sought to discredit the Bible
statement t hat Moses wrote the first five
books, by claiming t ha t wr iting was unknown at his time.
However, in recent years archaeologists
have une arthed proof not only that writing was known at the time of Moses and
even Job, but that it was used many centuri es before the existence of these two
men, even before the flood of Noah's day,
in 2370 B.C. The questions arise, How long
before the flood did wr iting start? Where
did it start? What was preflood writing '
like ? How was it done? Why did Jehovah
have a preflood written r ecord kept? This
ar ticle, backed by the authoritative sources shown in the footnotes , attempts to answer these questions.
"This is the book of the gen erations of
Adam. " The use of the word book implies
writing. 'Adam's wr itten history" (Gen.
2 :5 to 5: 2) covers the period from man 's
creation to the t ime of Tubal-cain, "the

forerunner of those who forge vessels of

bronze [copper] and iron." (Gen . 4:22,
Catholic Confraternity V ersion) Sin c e
Tubal-cain was a great-gre at-grea t-gran dson of Enoch, Cain's son, and Enoch was
born near the time that Seth was born ;
Tubal-cain was probably a contemporary
of Seth's great-great-g I' e a t-g I' and son
Enoch, t he son of Jared," Since E noch, the
son of Jared, was born in 3404 B.C., Tubalcain's metal-working probably took place
in the thirty-fourth century B.C. or a little
later," And as it is the latest event mentioned in 'Adam's history book', that book
was probably written in the thirty-fourth
century B.C. or later; but not later than
the end of the thirty-fi rst century B.C., because Adam died in 3096 B.C. So 'Adam's
history book' was written probably between about 3350 and 3096 B.C:
But this book is not the first one mentioned in the Bible. Genesis 2 :4 says :
"This is the book of the generation of
heaven and earth." iBaqs ter' Septuag int)
While this book of the "story of t he heavens and the ear th " (Confratm'nity) was
not necessar ily written in Eden," it is probably older than 'Adam's history book'.
So writing has been done on earth since
Adam's time. Since he died 726 years before the flood came, wr it ing must have
started not later than that many years be-

2 However , Tuba l-ca ln cou ld have precede d E noch,

so n of J a r ed, by a bo u t a century, fo r Lamech , Tuba lca in 's fath e r, was n ot necessarI ly a s old whe n Tu ba lcaI n was born as Jared was (162) wh en h Is son E noch
was born. L nm ech could have be en as yo un g when
T ub a l-ca in was born as Mahalalel was (65) w hen his
son Jared was born.-Gen . 4 :1, 17-22, 25; 5 :3-18.
3 Accord Ing to footnotea this co uld have taken place
In the th irty-fifth century B.C.
1 The H ebrew word toledo tn, often t r a nsl a t ed " ge n4 AccordIng to roo tnot ea It cou ld have been as early as
era tl ons" , sho uld be trans lated "history" at Genes is
til e t hIrty-fift h century B.C.
2 :4 ; 5 :1 a nd 6 :9, as proved In The W atc h t ower of
S See the J u ly I , 1948, Wa t ch tower, pa ge 202, paraJuly I , 1948, pages 200 and 201, par a g ra phs 10 t o 13.
gr aph 20.



fore the flood and possibly much earlier.


If Adam did not write the 'history of

the heavens and the earth' in Eden, then

we do not know exactly where writing
started. Since two of the rivers which
flowed out of the garden of Eden (the
Euphrates and Hiddekel, or Tigris) rise in
or near Armenia, the garden of Eden was
probably somewhere in what is now known
as Armenia. Genesis 3: 24 indicates that
Adam was driven eastward out of the garden of Eden, but the Scriptures do not reveal whether he remained there to the day
of his death, or whether he moved abo ut.
His son Cain moved to the land of Nod,
also east of Eden. (Gen. 4: 16) While preflood human remains in various parts of
the earth show that man had moved to
various parts of the earth before the flood
came, we know nothing of Adam's movements after his expulsion from Eden.
Remains of preflood writing have been
foun d in Elam (at Shushan) and in Shinar
and possibly at Ghassul in the southern
Jordan valley and at Gebal on the Phoenician coast. Of these remains the oldest are
those found in Shinar, if what was found
at Ghassul was not writing.
At Ghassul a large number of inscribed
objects have been dug up, including stones
pebbles, seals, bricks, and broken pottery:
About 150 pieces of broken pottery (potsherds) have only one sign, others have
from two to six signs each, and about 170
stones have similar inscriptions. All these
marks are scratched on the objects. Most
of the lines are straight, while curved lines
are very r are." This writing, if it really is
writ ing, was done after Tubal-cain began
to work in metals, for these marked objects appear sometime after copper objects
DrIver, Sem itic W ritin g (1 9-18). pages 90, 91.
Albrtgh t , Th e A rctiaeot om, of Palest i ne (J 949)
pages 45 and 66.
G G. R.
7 W. F.


N. Y.

Later than the inscript ions at Ghassul

inscript ions begin to show up in Shinar.
Shinar was the flat plain built up by the
mud, clay, etc ., laid down by the Tigris
and Euphrates rivers and was later called
also "Babylonia"." Apparently this flat
plain was still under water, and hence un~nhabited, when Tubal-cain was working
ill metals, for copper objects are found in
0e highlands to the north of it before an y
SIgnS of human h abitat ion appear in Shinar.? The first to settle in Shinar were
h ighlander s from the reg ion ea st of o They began to go there during t he
t ime that the inscriptions were being mad e
at Ghassul. If they could write, they must
have don e so on perishable materials for
. .
no Inscription of theirs h as been found,
Next, some mountaineers from the cen ter
of what is now Turkey came down into
Shinar an d settled in Erech an d other
cities. " A while afterward their writine
began to appear on clay tablets the first
writing to show up in Shinar. From this
earliest period of preflood writing in Sh inar several tablets have been found: 570
at Erech, one at Kish (just east of the
place where the tower of Babel was later
built) , one at Umma and one from anothe r
Shinar site." This period is known as the
Uruk (Erech) period." In the next period,
known as the Jemdet Nasr period, people
from the eastern h ighlands came down into Shinar." It was during t his period t hat
the flood came, probably toward t he end.
From the earlier part of the J emdet Nasr
period 34 inscribed tablets have been

The Westmins ter D ic tio na ry of t he B ib le (1911)

page 559, und er " Sh inar" .

o Se to n L loyd, T w in R it'ers (1947), pages 7 a n d 12.
10 I b Id , pages 7 and 13.
11 G. R. D rlvgr, i bi d ., page 4.
12 I t was during t h e latter pa rt of t h e Uruk period
that t he InscrI ptions found at Geba l were m a de. ConcernIn g these Inscripti on s W . F . Albrigh t ( i b id
page 185) sa ys : "Some of thes e Impre ssions contain .~
do zen or more s epa rat e 'pict og raphs' a r ran ged In a
r egul a r or der .. . . On ly the f ut ure can t ell us wh et he r
we are r ea ll y dealing h ere with a k ind or wrtt lnz or
no t. "

Seton Ll oy d . i b id " pa ge 13.


1, 1950



found at Erech and a few at other places

in Shinar. ' > F rom t he latter part of that
period 194 inscribed tablets have been dug
up at Jemdet Nasr itself," a site in Shinar
about 17 miles northeas t of K ish.> As will
be shown late r , the very form of the writing showed t hat it did not start in Shinar,
but that it was brought there from the
mountains. Why, then, do the inscr iptions
not begin to show up as soon as the mountaineers move into Shinar? Possibly because when they first settled there they
wrote on perishable materials that have
not been preser ved to our day, and it was
only later that they started to use clay as
a material to wr ite on.>

an ideograph to represent the word heaven, sky, or god. However, signs appear
in these inscr iptions that do not resemble any object, signs that may rep r esent
words with abs tract meanings." Did they
resemble some object in their or iginal
forms, or had t hey never been used as
pictographs? Some 900 different signs
have been found in the 570 oldest tablets
from E rech. Pe rhaps this is not half the
number t hat were in use. The 194 tablets
from J emdet Nasr have about 400 different signs. Of the 900 signs fro m early
E re ch 31 mean "sheep" , perhaps to distinguish their breed or quality. In the 34
tablets fro m Erech of the early J emdet
Nasr period, only three differ ent sig ns are
used which mean "sheep" . The re ason may
In Shinar the writ ing on preflocd tablets be that instead of using a totally differ ent
consists of numbers followed by depict ed sign to indicate sheep of different breeds
or qualitie s, the difobjects. Thus the tabferent breed or quallets were economic IT u
ity was indicated by
r ather than historanother sign used
ical. 10 If an y his torwith the same one for
ical writing was done
t her e before the flood
In the later Jemdet
it must have been on
period a certain
perishable materials.
: Jon' I1. i" l'la sr
,.~~ S~u.han
sam e tim e s
In the earliest Sh ilim its o f Shinor
\~n . . .1~ '\l
o r.d ee e stll ne ct
....... ~,. "--"...
used not t o represent
nar texts found some
ti me 01 .~d o m s
rrech1r ' __ . . ,
the word for which it
of t he signs ar e pictocreollo n
U rrir.1 Q
Co c stHfie a t ti me
stands but the sound
graphs or pictures of
a l the
of the syllable which
the objects they are
intended to represent, but many ar e used was added to a word to make it plural."
as ideographs too, that is, the sign is used
Since one sign migh t stand for several
to represent the underlying ideas associat- different words, the way that the writer
ed wit h the things t hey represent as pic- indic ated which one of the words he meant
t ures; for exa mple, a sign made up of was to write with it another sign to indithr ee, four, or five intersecting lines , cate t he gene ral class to which the word
* * "*~, was evidently a pictograph rep- belonged . Such added signs are called deres enting a star, but it was used also as termina ti ves. The sign for god,
became one of such determinatives, and was
14 It Is tr om this time that the considerable colle ction
or Ins criptions t rom Shushan dates . (G. R. Dr iver. used with the na mes of their demon gods.
ibid ., page 4) The Shushan w riting does not s eem t o be


, \..,
f l o~ d


der ived tro m t h e Sh lna r writing, but both seem to have

a com m on so u rce In some older wr ltl ng.- G. R. Drlvcr,
i bi d ., page 2 ; D. Dlrlnglr, The A ll1habet (In 18 ) , page 54.
15 D. Dlrlngir, ib id ., pa ges 45 and 46 .
G. R. Dr iver , i bid ., pa ges 2, 6, 28.


17 D. Dl rtngl r , i bid. , page 34; G. R . Dr iver, i bid .,

pages 46 a nd 47.
l S G. R. Dri ver , Ibid., pa ges 50 a n d 51.
iu G. R. Drlver, Ibid ., p a ges 6, 5i, an d 61.



One instance of such use of it may appear on a tablet from Erech of the Uruk
period. Another det erminative appears on
t he tablets from Je mdet Nasr."
One of the eviden ces that the Shi nar
writing did not originate there is t hat the
symbol for sun was ori ginally a picture of
the sun rising between two mountain
peaks, 'CY ."1 If the writing had ori ginated in Shinar no doubt the sun would
have been sho wn ri sing from the level
horizon. Another evidence is th e fact that
the sign for land or homeland, which was
used to designate t he fiat level plain of
Shinar, was the picture of three mountain
peaks, "X'. This shows that th ese signs
mus t have been used in the mou ntai ns before they were used in Shinar ."
On the t ablets of the Uruk period no
attempt was made to break up the text
into lin es or columns or to arrange the
words in logical order. The signs were
more or less unifo rmly distributed over
t he tablet without regard to th e sense. On
t he larger tablets occasion ally hor izontal
lines divid ed the text into two or three
compartments. During t he J emdet Nasr
period the larger tablets often had ver tical
lines dividing th e signs into groups or compartments, though within such bands or
columns the signs were still distributed
without regard to order. Th e signs in the
right-hand band were to be read first, then
the signs in the next band to the left, etc. "
2 0 D. Dlrlng lr, i b id ., pa ge 43; G. R. Driver , i bi d .,
pa g es 6, 60. and 6l.
2 1 G. R. Drive r , i b id ., page 50: " Su ch signs p ro ve t he
Sumerlans to ha ve been ori g inally a people d welllng In
mountainous country."
~ 2 Journal. 0/ the Univ el's i t y 0/ Bombay, Vol. VII,
Part I , J u ly, 1938, H . Heras, " T h e Ori gin of the Sumerian W riting." page 9 : "This dua l meani n g [h ill ,
co u ntry] of the word . . . evidently shows t hat til e
count r y , [. e. , t h e ir cou n try, originally was mount ai nous ."
D. D lrrn gf r, i bid., page 41 : " W e a re a lso una bl e to
d ecide whet her t he e unelform system w as inven ted In
Mesopotamia or elsewhere, which seem s more probable ."
"3 G. R. Driver , ibid ., pages 39 and 40.

B n ooK LYN,

N. Y.

At Erech during the Uruk period the

lines were drawn in the clay and were
thin. During the early Jemdet Nasr period
t he sign was imprinted into the clay and
with a coarser stylus ; therefore the lines
wer e thicker. ~1 The curved lines were
dropped an d straight ones took their
place.t :' It was not until af ter the flood that
the lines took on t he wedgelike appearance
that has given the name cuneiiorni (wedgeshaped) to aU the Shinar writing on clay,
stone , etc., preflood and postflood. >
HOW ,\.1'{ D WIl Y

The oldest tablets were mostly rectangular (squ are or oblong) one and a half to
t wo inches long and one to one and a quarter inch es br oad. They were usually mad e
of clay, though sometimes they were made
of burnt gypsum mixed with sand. While
the clay was still moist an d soft, but not
so soft that it stuck to t he wr iter' s hand,
the signs were written on it with a stylus.
Before the flood the tablets were not
baked, but just allowed to dry in the sun."
Fro m the fore going it app ears that writing started in Adam's time, centur ies befor e the flood, in or near Eden, but not in
Shin ar , and becam e widespread at least
in the Near East. Writing was picto graphic, at least in part. It was scratched on
clay or sto ne or was put on some perishab le materi al.
And why did writi ng get such an early
start? Evidently so that Jehovah could
have a preflood written record of events
kept as a safeg ua rd against the lapses of
mem ory of imperfect men, thus insuring
an accurate uncorrupte d t ransmission of
the vital fac~s to future gener ations of
God's people.";
~ li

G. IT. Driver . i IJid., page 49.

G. R . Driv er, HJid ., pa ~.{e SO.
D . D i l'ln g-!r. ib id ., pa ge 0.1 3.

G. R. Drlve r. i b id ., pa ges Sand 9.

2S T h e W a tch to wer of .Iu ly I , HilS, page 20-1, para gra ph 34.

Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus

E H OVAH God, through his active force, the
holy spirit, supervised the recording of the
historical facts found in the Scriptures. No
doubt for good reasons he did not see fit to
have much written down regarding Joseph,
the foster father of His human son Jesus. In
striking contrast to apocryphal lore which is
replete with details regarding Joseph's life,
the Bible contains very little regarding the
humble though vital role that Joseph played
in the early life of Jesus.
Joseph was a descendant of David through
the line of Solomon. He was the son of one
Jacob, the son-in-law of one Heli, OVIatt. 1:16;
Luke 3:23, margin) He was a carpenter and
lived in Nazareth of Galilee. (Matt. 13:55; Luke
2:4) Without doubt, Joseph was a meek and
humble Jew, one who had faith in God and who
desired to do what is right. The few incidents
of his life that are recorded in the Scriptures
show that he was ever obedient to God's commands, whether such were given to him directly
by means of angels or were contained in the
law of Moses.
Joseph was engaged to marry a maiden by
the name of Mary. "During the time .. . Mary
was promised in marriage to Joseph, she was
found to be pregnant by holy spirit before they
were united. However, Joseph her husband, because he was righteous and did not want to
make hera public spectacle, intended to divorce
her secretly. But after he had thought these
things over, look! Jehovah's angel appeared to
him in a dream, saying: 'Joseph, son of David,
do not be afraid to take Mary your wife home,
for that which has been begotten in her is by
holy spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you
must call his name "Jesus", for he will save h is
people from their sins.' Then Joseph woke up
from his sleep and did as the angel of Jehovah
had directed him, and he took his wife home.
But he had no relations with her until she gave
birth t o a son; and he called his name 'Jesus'."
- Ma tt. 1: 18-21,24, 25, NW.
In obedience to the law of God Joseph presented Jesus at Jerusalem with an offering, as
was required for all male firstborns. There he
and Mary wondered as they heard Simeon utter
his prophecy of the great things tha t Jesus
would do. "So when they had carried out all the
things according to the law of Jehovah, they
went back into Galilee to their own city Nazareth."-Luh:e 2:23-39, NlV.

In the meantime three wise men, astrologers

or magi, from the east were directed to Bethlehem to bring gifts to the child Jesus while there.
"After they had withdrawn, look! Jehovah's
angel appeared in a dream to Joseph, saying:
'Get up, take the young child and its mother
and flee into Egypt, and stay there until I give
you word; for Herod is about to hunt the young
child to destroy it.' So he got up and took the
young child and its mother by night and withdrew into Egypt, and he stayed there until the
decease of Herod." -Matt. 2:1-15, NlV.
Upon the death of Herod an angel of Jehovah
again appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,
saying: "Get up, take the young child and its
mo ther and be on your way into the land of
Israel." However, hearing that Herod's son
Ar-chela'us was reigning in his father's stead,
he feared to return to Judea, and "being given
divlne warning in a dream, he withdrew into
the territory of Galilee, and came and settled
in a city named Nazareth".-Matt. 2:19-23, NW.
In some things it seems that Joseph let his
wife Mary take the initiative. Thus we find that
when he and Mary returned to Jerusalem for
the boy Jesus, whom they found in the temple,
it is Mary and 'n ot Joseph who rebukes Jesus.
Mary's reference to Joseph as "your father" is
in striking contrast to the boy Jesus' own
words: "Did YOU not know that I must be in the
house of my Father?" (Luke 2:48,49, NW) As
Jesus grew up Joseph, no doubt, taught him
the carpenter trade, for Jesus was known not
only as the son of a carpenter but also as "the
carpenter, the son of Mary".-Mark 6:3.
The Scriptures are silent as to the death of
Joseph, but that statement at Mark 6: 3 indicates he was then dead. Also it is not likely
that he survived Jesus, for had he done so
Jesus would not have commended his mother
to his favorite disciple and apostle J ohn, "whom
he loved," as he hung on the torture stake.
- J ohn 19:26,27.
Joseph will be among the countless dead
that will hear the voice of the Son of man and
come forth to a resurrection. (John 5: 28,29, NW)
Hearing of 'God's provision for eternal life,
doubtless he will gladly avail himself of it and
will be an obedient subject of the great King,
Christ Jesus, even as he was an obedient servo
ant of God when he was the foster father of
Jesus more than 1900 years ago.


ORK that is worth while is very profitable. The expending of energy and
time in doing things and accomplishing
tasks, if they are of the right sort, in the
end proves to be beneficial. But if you do
not know what work is worth while and
of the right sort, then pick out a noble
example of a profitable workman and
follow him. Look to the perfect example
Christ Jesus! He became the slave-servant
of his Father Jehovah God. "My Father
has kept working until now, and I keep
working," he said. (John 5:17, NW) Jesus'
ministry was great and marvelous, his
work was righteous and good and of enduring value. Profitable to him? Indeed so,
for when it was completed he was exalted
to the highest position in the un iverse next
to the Most High God. In addition, his
work was most beneficial to all others who
will love and serve Jehovah God.
And how did the Model Workman go
about his praiseworthy task? "Jesus went
about all the cities and villages, teaching
in their synagogues, and preaching the
gospel of the kingdom, and healing every
sickness and every disease among the people." (Matt. 9:35) This noble Example
showed his disciples how to put to work
their faculties, talents and abilities in
God's service work. On one occas ion he
sent them out on a preaching tour with
instructions to cover the territory, town
by town, place by place, and to stick to it
until they had completed the circuit.Luke 9: 1-6; Matthew 10.
But that did not complete the work;
more of the same thing must follow. Disciples of Christ as workers would have to
go to "all nations" before this important
work would be finished. (Matt. 28:19,20;
Acts 1: 8) That meant there was still much
work to be done. A lot of territory would
have to be covered. Much time would be


required. Those privileged to engage in it

would therefore have to stay with it and
not walk off the job.
But how is one today able to stick to
this work begun nearly two thousand
years ago? An important question, especially in these "last days", when the Devil
is furiously attacking the Lord's servants
in an all-out effort to drive them from
their Kingdom work. (1 Pet. 5: 8,9) Make
no mistake about it, Satan and his demons
will use every trick in the bag in an effort
to turn you away from serving Jehovah
God. If persecution from the world fail s,
he may bring opposition from your close
relatives. If these snares fail to catch you
the wicked one may bait the trap with material things-money, position, glittering
entertainment, worldly lusts and vanities.
But if you want to get on with your Theocratic work never take time out to sample these attractions. Keep your hands on
the plow. Look straight ahead. Never
"look back".-Luke 9:62; 17:31,32.
Answering the question directly: Stick
to your work of gospel-preaching by following the wonderful patterns set by Christ
and his disciples. Your time, strength and
opportunities are limited. Use them as a
true follower of Christ should. Be diligent
in attending t he instructive assemblies provided for you in the Kingdom Halls of
Jehovah's witnesses. Be regular in your
preaching work from house to house. Call
back on people that are interested. Start
Bible studies in the homes of these people
of good will. "Watch yourself and watch
your teaching; stick to your work; if you
do that, you will save your hearers as well
as yourself."-l Tim. 4:16, lifo.
How profitable is this work! Not only
will you and your hearers have joys with
contentment and peace of mind now, but
you will gain life in God's new world.

How many days was Jesus in the tomb?

Some say three full days. Is that correct?
-Vermont subscriber.
No. But some argue so from Jesus' words:
"As Jonas was three days and three nights
in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man
be three days and three nights in the heart
of the earth." (Matt. 12:40) This would seem
to mean a full 72 hours, but we must not ignore
other similar expressions that show the actual
intent of the words. In the Bible "three days"
does not necessarily mean three full days, but
may mean parts of three different days. Hence
when Rehoboam told the people to return in
"three days" they came back "the third day, as
the king had appointed". (1 Ki. 12:5,12) Jesus
spoke of himself as being resurrected "the
third day". (Luke 24:46) Repeatedly the Scriptures speak of Jesus as being raised the third
day; but if he had remained in the grave three
full days, or 72 hours, it would have been the
fourth day. Jesus was put to death on a Friday
afternoon, remained in the grave Saturday,
and was raised Sunday morning. For detailed
consideration of this matter see the March 15,
1944, Watchtowe'r.

e What is meant by the words at 1 John 3:18:

"Let us not love in word, neither in tongue;
but in deed and in truth"?-Reader in Florida.
It means that one cannot be pleasing to the
Lord by just being sanctimonious and speaking
softly and followlng forms and ceremonies, but
doing no real service to God. In addressing Jewish religionists Jesus quoted Isaiah 29: 13, saying: "You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied
about you, when he said: 'This people honors
me with their lips, yet their hearts are far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep
paying respect to me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.''' Again, "Not

ever yone sa ying to m e, 'Mas ter, Master,' will

enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the
one doing the will of my Father." (Matt. 15:7-9;
7:21, NW) Jehovah's will for Christians is that
they now preach the Word, preach the gospel
of the Kingdom throughout the nations of
earth. (Matt. 24:14; 2 Tim. 4:2) Those who love
God will prove it by obedience to his will. "If
you love me, you will observe my commandments." "This is what the love of God means,
that we observe his commandments."-John
14:15; 1 John 5:3, NW.
Must consecrated women who participate in
congregational meetings have their heads covered?-Reader in California.
After stating that the head of the woman is
man, the head of man is Christ, and the head
of Christ is God, Paul writes: "Every woman
that prays or prophesies with her head unveiled
shames the one who is her head." (l Cor. 11: 310, NW) Commenting on this, the book "This
M eans Everlasting L ife" states: "In the apostle's day, and especially there in the scandalously immoral city of ancient Corinth, it was the
custom for respectable women to go veiled in
public. For a woman to go otherwise to public
assemblies was to brand her a woman of low
moral standards and easy virtue. . . . In these
modern times or in lands where custom does
not require women of the community to go
veiled as a sign of respectability, Christian decency does not require the woman to comply
with that ancient custom for the sake of the
faith and organizati on. . . . But regardless of
popular custom, if a woman today should rise
in a congregation and pray or prophesy to the
believing men and women present, she should
veil her head or have a 'sign of authority upon
her head because of the angels'." (Pages 161,
162) Hence if a Theocratic assignment requires
a woman to pray at or to conduct a Bible study
meeting she should wear a sign of authority
while so performing, to show recognition of
the Theocratic headship of the man and "because of the angels". However, no head covering is necessary when she participates by
merely answering questions put to the audience or relating experiences or serving in

rAnl'tOUl'tcel'nen t s
Watchtower readers will be interested in



The m onth of October has been designated

"It Is Nearer than You Think" Testimony Period. Do you believe, as do the majority of the
readers of The Watchtower, that the final end
of all wickedness is very near at hand, much
nearer than the uninformed think? If you do,
you will undoubtedly desire to join with us in
the a ctivity to which this October Testimony
Period is to be devoted, namely, the taking of
subscriptions for the A wake! m agazine. A wake!
the companion magazine to The Watchtow er,
is issued on the 8th and 22nd of every month.
It plays a very important part in awakening
the people to the nearness of the expression
of God 's wrath at Armageddon. You will want
your friends and neighbors t o have the timely
information it presents, and you ca n aid them
by offering a year's subscription for Auuik el
at the regular rate of one .dolla r. We shall be
pleased to send you instructions and al so helpf ul forms on which to report your activity as
well as to secure the essential information so
that the subscriptions you obtain will be corr ectly addressed.

le arning that several new publicatlons were

released at the recent International Assembly
of Jehovah's Witnesses in New , York city. So
that our friends not associated with a company
of Jehovah's witnesses may ' obtain personal
copies, these publicatlons are here , listed, to gether with a brief description and the contribution necessary to obtain each.
The New World Translation of the Christi an
Greek Scr iptnres is a completely new transla-

tion of the Greek Scriptures, accomplished entirely by consecrated hands. It is accurate to

the latest Bible research and contains many
splendid study helps. $1.50 a copy.
"This Means E verla st ing L ife" is a new 320page bound volume which clearly sets forth
the prospects of everlasting life as based upon
the promises of God. Publishers' edition50c.
Can Yon L iv e FOre1JBl' in Happin ess on
Earth ? is a new 32-page self-covered booklet.
It contains the text of the public talk delivered

by the president of the Watchtower Society,

N. H . Knorr, a t the International Assembly of
Jehovah's Witnesses, 5c a copy.
E volution ve r sus T he New World. This is a
64-page, colored-cover booklet which presents
the evidence for both evolution ' and the Bible's
new world. 5c a copy.



The annual meeting of the members of the

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society will be
D efending and L e!,al l y Establishing the Good
held on Sunday, October 1, 1950, at ten o'clock
in the forenoon. The place of the m eeting will News. This new 96-page booklet provides a rebe a t the registered office of the Society lo- view of the laws and helpful .suggestlons to
ca ted in the , W abash Building, 4io Liberty those interested in the guarantee s of freedom.
Avenue, Pittsburgh ' 22, Pennsylvania. The 10c a copy.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society is a nonSongs to Jehouah/ Pra ise. This -n ew 96-pag e
profit Pennsylvania corporation, and at this,
the 1950 annual ' meeting, r egular business of songbook contains 91 song s, manyofwhtch are
the corporation will be transa ct ed. Those who new. The music is be autiful arid the words are
a re 'm em ber s of the corporation will receive in complete harmony with God's '. expressed
the regular .notice of the meeting together with purposes. 15c a copy.
proxy forms by mail in the usual way, and this
Any of the above publications will be mailed
announcement supplements the letters of noti- to you postpaid. Send your order and contrlbufication. ' As' soon as convenient a fte r r eceiving .t lon to Watchtower Society, 117 Adams Street,
the' regular notice and proxy form each memo
,B r ook ly n ,I , N. Y."
bel' should fill ' out and mail his proxy to the
office of the 'secreta ry of ' the Society, 124 Co"WATCHTOWER" ST UDIES
lumbia Heights, Brooklyn 2, .N ew York. This
Week of October ~~ :
should be . done .by every member whether a tT aking in Life-giving Knowledge, n 1-19.
tending 't he meeting in person or not, and we
Week of October 15:
should like 'to have all of t he proxies in not
Living According to Superior Kn owledge .jl 1-20,
later than Se ptember 15, 1950. '


Literal towers in Bible times wer e elevated vLl.n~e points from w hich
w atchmen could obse rve happenings, warn of danger, or announce good
news. Our magazine fi~uratively occupies such a vantage point, for it is
founded on the very pinnacle of w isdom, God's Word. That elevates it
above r acial, national and political propagandas and prejudices, frees it from
selfish bias. It is no t bound by any traditional creed; but its m essage advances as the light on God's purposes and works incr eases.-Habakkuk 2:1-8.
It sees thin~s Scripturally. When it observes this gen eration .cllicted
w ith greed, delinquency, hypocrisy, atheism, war, fam ine, pestilence, perplexity and fear , and persecution of unpopular minorities, it does not parrot .the
ofd fable about history repeatin ~ Itself In form ed by Bible pr ophe cy, it sees in
these t hings the si~n of the w orld's tim e of the end. But with bright hope it
also see~ opening up for us just beyond these woes the po rtals of a new world.
Thus viewed, "The Watchtower" stands as a watchman atop a tower,
alert to what is goin~ on, awake to no te si~ns of danger, faithful to point out
the way of escape. ft announces Jehovah's kingdom established by Christ 's
enthronement in he aven, feeds his kingdom jo int-heirs wit h spiritual food ,
cheers men of good w ill w ith glorious prospects of eternal life in a paradise
earth, comforts us with t he re surrection promise for the dead .
It is not dogmatic, but has a confident rin~ in its voice, because it is based
on God's Word. Itdoes not privately interpr et prophecy, but calls attention
to physical facts, sets them alon~side prophecy, and y ou see for yourself how
well the two match, how accurately Jehovah in t erp rets h is own prophecy.
In the interests of our salvation, it keeps sharp and faithful focus on Bible
truth, and views religiOUS news gene r ally.
'Be w atchfu1 in these perilous tim es,' God adm onish es. So keep on the
watch by regularly reading " T he W atcht ow er ".


117 Ad a ms Str ee t
B r ook ly n I , N . Y., U. S . A.
N . H . KNORR, President



"They will a ll be taught by Jehovah."-John 6: 45, NW; Isaiah 54: 13

Turning to t he P eoples a P ur e Language
New World Translation of the
Ch ri sti an Greek Scriptures
An cien t P a t terns for the P r esen t
God's Blessed Fam ily
Mala chi Warns of Com ing J udgment
Captives of Cypr us Le arn of Liber ty
Que stions from Readers
E xp eri ences in Announcing
Jehovah's Kingdom
Announcemen t s
A' ''nldloll .... in


P r in t in g this is sue : 1,210,000


Watcbt"" u " for tht followllg Blbl' n n lOl 1

AS - Amerl ean Stan dard " m lon

AT - An Amerlean Tra nslaUon
Do - J. N. Dar by'S rerslon
D!i - Calboll c Donay reman
BlJ - The Empbatlc Dlaglolt
Le - mac Leeser's renlon
tlDl... olbe...l.. Indicated. Ibe Bible

LXX Ho NW Ro -

The SeptuaKln t Version

Jam es Mollatt ', rerston
NewWorld TraDsla Uon
J . B. Rotherbam ', 'erslon
R8 - Red sed StoDdard Version
Yl1 - Robert YOUDK'S rerslon
US<d Is t he KinK Jsm es VmloD

F iv e cents a co py


Semlmonlh ly
Monlh ly
Afri kaan .:i
I' ebu- Ylsaran
Enclt sh
Ffn ufsh

I1okan o

,Arab ic

It af la n
f\onf rgl :m
Panga..lua n

Cin)'anj a



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Rlo \'l'ul an
Uk rain ian


T a ~ alog

lI u'Jgar lan
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IIcll an dish


l' olWl


Chl~h on a

Port uguese


Wa teh Tower Sorl .lf onl...

Yearly subscrlptfon rate
Ameri ca, U.S., 11, Ada m. si ., Hrooklr n I , N. Y
Aoslrall a. 11 O. "' slord ltd.. ~ tra l h nel d . X.8.W.
Briti sh We, t Indies, ~ 1 Tn,-Io, st ., Port 01 Spai n, Tr lold .d
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Septe mber 15, 1950

No. 18


" For then will I tum to the peoples a pure language, that they may all call upon the
nam e of Jehovah, to serve him with one consent ." - Zeph. 3: 9, AS, Da, Yg.

EHOVAH God's language is as pure as

truth. It is the only pu re lan guage. Now
is the time to be speaking it. Mastered by
the peoples of whatever nationality, his
language is a m ighty unifying force amid
a divided, wa r -menace d world. It does away
with religious error and false worship and
unites all persons who speak the language
in a pure worship of the living and t rue
God. In an era when the 2,796 listed languages and dialects of the world act as a
great barrier to people's understanding of
one another and when hundreds of religious sects confu se and prejudice mankind
on t he vital matter of worsh ip, Jehovah
God is turning to the many peopl es of today
a "pure language". This is in fulfillment of
his ancient prophecy by one of h is witnesses, Zephaniah: "For then I will turn t he
speech of the peoples into a purified speech;
so that all of them may call upon t he name
of the LORD [Jehovah , AS ], and serve him
with one accord."-Zeph. 3:9, AT.
2 Many persons will ask : "Why should
I learn t hi s langu age in order t o call upon
the name of Jehovah and serve him?" The
answer is, Because our rescue from destruction depends on our pure worsh ip and

service of the Most High God. It is the

prime requirement of our salvation. When
we speak of destructum, we mean not
merely a destruction of individual persons,
but a destruction of nations, all the nations
of this world. Are we meaning a wor ld
destruction? Yes! and this, not with the
atomic and hydrogen bombs and chemical
and germ wa rfare in mind, but with the
execution of God's purpose in mind:
" 'Therefore wait for me,' is the oracle of
the LORD [Jehovah ], 'aga inst the day when
I arise as a witness. For it is my decision
t o gather nations, to assemble k ingdoms,
that I may pour out my wrath upon them,
all the heat of my anger. For in the fire of
my zeal, all the earth shall be consumed.' "
-Zeph. 3:8, AT, Ra, LXX.
3 That oracle of Jehovah, though uttered
twenty-six centuries in the past, was especially spoken for our crucial day. Ancient
J erusalem, to whom it was first spoken
directly, was just the prot ot ype of modern
Christendom, which professes to hold to
the sacred Bible, Our day, since A.D . 1914
and its first wor ld wa r , is the day of the
gathering of the nations and the assembling
of the kingdoms. Not by all the means of
communication man has invented, however.

1. What Is J ehovah turning to the peopl es ? Wi t h what

effect ?
2. Why now learn t his la ngu age, call on God 's name
a nd serve him ?

3. How h as God no w ga t hered nations a nd kingdoms ?

Why Is It a timely mercy th at he now turns a pure
langu age to the peo ple s?



No; but by t he great witness wh ich Jehova h has r isen up to give, and by which he
has brought them all to gether under his
attention and has stirred them up to combine in united opposition t o hi s purpose.
In the ver y nick of t ime he mercifully turns
the pure language to the peoples. With it
all people seeking life in a new world may
sound forth hi s name and may unite in
serving him before ever t h is eart hly international or ganization is consumed by t he
fiery expression of hi s wrath at t he battle
of Armageddon. In none of Christe ndom 's
wars, from the days of Roman Emperor
Constantine onward, has J ehovah God ever
fou ght or aided either of the warring sides.
But in the battle of Armageddon, wh ich he
has foretold, he will figh t , outclassing all
the fission and fusion bombs of Christendom , an d he will win ! Happily for those
persons wh o have t aken up his langu age
and called upon his name and unit ed in
worshiping him, Jehovah will protect t hem
during t he h eat of that world disast er. In
safety he will bring t hem into t he new
world where only the pu re language will
be on every lip. -Rev. 16: 13-16 ; Zeph .
1 To day in m 0 r e
than a hundred na~
.:;:. :,
t ions, as far as we
~, .
h a ve r ec o rd, this
\\ \ ~ 'h :.:-~
" p ure lan guage" is
being spoken. Regardless of their nat ional
or moth er tongu e h undre ds of thousands
are now speaking this "purified speech "
in unity as one people; and the nations
are he ar ing t hem t alk it. Of co u rs e,
the nations, with their national and religious traditions, do not. like it. But they
cannot prevent it any mor e t han they ca n
prevent Almight y J ehovah from turning
t he "pure language" t o t he peoples now


-8 .

\\ :I

~""' I

4. Wh o n ow talk t hIs la ng uage ? Where is the t ex t book

for It?


N. Y.

that his fixed t ime for it h as come. By now

you are ask ing "What is this language , and
whe re is t he textbook on it?" The answer
to thi s is very evident. Since it is the Lord
Jehovah that turns the pure langu age to
the peop les, we must t urn to his written
Word , the Holy Bible, for t hat is what he
wants us t o t alk.
r. Th e Bible is the
d.~ . '
te xt boo k w h i c h
'l;' l '. ~
o '";;' "
teach es t his langu age
of the r igh teous ne w
world. By that we
do not mean the Hebrew,'lc and
Gr eek in whic h the inspired Scriptures
wer e originally writte n. Neith er do we
mean the mere w r i tt e n words of the
Scriptures wh ich a person may memorize
and quote without knowing the ri gh t meaning of h is quotation. We mean the pure
message of God's written Word, wh ich he
as its Au thor alone can m ake clear by hi s
spirit. That message reveals who He is,
wh at hi s name is, what his unchangeable
purposes are concerning h is friends and hi s
enemies, now and in the new wor ld. It is
the message of the New World government,
hi s kingdom in the hands of his anointed
King, J esus Ch ri st. People who declare
J ehovah's purp ose according to t he revealed Scr iptures an d who announce h is
now established kingdom are speaking t ha t
pure language, declaring his nam e an d
serving him with one consent.
.; J ehovah God gave us t he one original
Bible. But despite this t he hu ndr eds of
rel igi o us se c ts o f
Christ endom are not
speaking the "pure
I a n g u a ge" or calling upo n J ehovah 's 1'\
name and pe a c e f u I I y ser ving him in
hear t h ar mony. All together, these religionists have no harmonious message based


..,., ~


5. W hat Is t h e langua ge t his text book t eaches ?

6. W hy . then, a re Christendo m's re ll glo nlsts not spea k in g it ?


15, 1950


on the Bible. Why? Because they place

reli gious traditions, worldly philosophy and
party loyalties above t he pure, simple Word
of God. They scorn the name of J ehovah
God, they split over
. ~~'" political and national
~ ~:: , ~ ;1'( '
issues and even fight
.. ~
--- ,
violent wars of blood"
\ shed and costly destruction, Catholic ag ainst Cat holic and
Protestant against Protestant. Their methods, purposes and hopes are all of the old
world, and their language is of t he old
world. There is a fundamental need of purifying the lan guage of sin cere persons who
want to worship God in spirit and in truth
and to ca ll upon his holy name and serve
him in oneness.
When we consider the preceding words
of t he pro phet Zephaniah, we see how well
they find their final fulfillment in religious
Christendom an d we can appreciate the
need for a "purified spe ech". Referring to
unfaithful Jerusalem of old and her modern counterpart in Chr istendom, Zephaniah
says : "\Voe to her that is rebellious and
polluted ! to the oppressing city ! She obeyed
not the voice; sh e re ceived not correction;
she trusted not in J ehovah ; she drew not
near to her God. Her princes in the mid st
of her are roaring lions; her judges are
evening wolves; they leave nothing t ill the
morrow. Her prophets a re light and t reacherous persons; her priests have profaned
the sanctuary, t hey
have done violence to
the law. ... they rose
~ ,'
early and corrupte d
~ t
/ _
all t h e i r doings." 1f ~ ;J1:\ fd/';i
(Zeph . 3 :1-7, AS ) Therefore J ehovah declared he would r ise up against th e hy pocritical religionists as a witness and would
deliver his testimony and execute his fier y


7. Agai nst w ho m , a nd w hy . did J ehovah say he wo u ld

r lse as w i tnes s?


~ But in order that not all the people on

earth may be consumed in the execution
of his wrath against disobedience, hypocri sy and wickedness it is necessary for
J ehovah to purify the speech or language
of persons to be saved. When we hear him
describe the re ligious leaders as they r eally
are, t he prophets or preachers as reckless,
untrustworthy men an d the priests as profaning really holy things and doing violence to God's law by
wresting it out of its
t rue meaning and application, we can see
how the language of
the people has been corrupted in res pect to
the most sacred an d vital thing, t hei r
knowledge, understanding and worship of
God. Little wond er that Jehovah finds
grounds for wrath and has purposed to dest roy the entire system of things.


This t wentieth centu ry represents the

culmination of this corruptive process.
During the nineteen centuries since t he
days of Christ's apostles t he re has been a
gr eat depa r ture from "the fa ith that was
once for all time delivered to the holy
ones" . (Jude 3, NW) The faithful apostles,
an d the Hebrew pro phets before them, and,
in fact , the t ypica l history of the nation of
Israel, foretold unitedly that there would
be a great "falling away" from th e or igin al
pure fait h and its practice. About the middle of the firs t century the apostle Paul
declared that the " mystery of t his lawlessness" was already at work in his day, and
he gave repeated warnings against what to
expect. (2 Thess. 2:3, 7, NW) The prophecies of these t hings have proved to be
insp ire d, for they have come true, as all
' t he facts of history show.

S. T h at not all m ay be consume d, wha t Is it neces sary

t o do ?
!l . What corrup tion ha s t aken pla ce for centuries, as
foret old?




N. Y.

10 Men who accepted or seized the responsibility of teaching and leading t he Christian congregation disregarded t he apostolic
warnings. They fell for the very t h ings
warned against, the philosophy of this
world, particularly the Platonic philosophy
of the Grecian culture which made a great
show of worldly wisdom; and also the r eligious traditions of men which contradict,
nullify and displace the Bible te achings.
They slyly worked these r eligious t raditions and worldly philosophy into the
Christian congregations and infected their
religious belief. Just as the apostle Paul
had forewarned in his fa r ewell letter:
"Wicked men and im postors will advance
from bad to worse, misleading and being
misled." (2 Tim. 3:13, NW) Only a small
minority followed the inst ructi on t o "put
up a ha rd fight for t he fa it h " that wa s
originally delivered by J esus Chri st and
by his apostles and disciples who wrote
under inspiration of God's spirit of trut h.
11 Thus t he perversion of Bible te ach ing
reached up into the hi ghest religious circles. It _ex en made att em pts .upon the
written text of th e Holy Scr ipt ures. The
original writings of the Hebrew prophets
and of the apostles and their associates
were inspired, but till the fift eenth century A.D. their writings had t o be copied
by ha nd. Mistakes due t o human imperfe ction crept into the making of these
copies. As the original autographs of the
inspired writers disappea red or wer e not at
hand, it became impossible to compare the
copies with t he inspired originals so as to
make perfect copies, to correct er rors and
to weed out all additions and int er wea vings
of worldly ph ilosophy and uni nspired religious traditions. One such addit ion, which
was worked into the original Greek text of
the Scriptures to suppor t the doctr ine of

a trinity, was that at 1 John 5:7, 8, namely,

the words "in heaven, the Father, the
Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three
a r e one. And there a re three that bear witness in earth". This uninspired religious
addition ap peared first in a Latin translation of the fifth century. The Bible had
threat ened a punishment and had warned
against thus adding to God's Word or
taking away from it.-Deut. 4:2; Provo
30 :5,6; Rev. 22:18,19.
1~ Generally, however, there was a reverential regard for the text of the Scriptures
itself, and hence an endeavor to keep it as
free as possible from corruption. The writings of Chri st's disci ples, with the exception
of the gos pel account by the apostle Matthew, were at first written in the common
Greek spoken then throughout the re gions
of the Mediter ranean sea. Of more than
4,000 Greek manuscript copies which are
at hand today there are no two exactly
ali ke. Yet by means of a ca reful study and
compari son of t hese , especially with the
most ancient manuscript copies and papyri
fragments wh ich have been discovered and
bro ught to light in the last sever al centuries, it has been possible to construct a
text of the Christian Greek Scriptures
wh ich closely resembles the ori ginal inspired writings of Christ's disciples. Such
a text makes for t ruth.

10. Who t ook th e lead th en In t h e corruptive wo rk,

a n d h ow ?
11. How did co r r up tio n r each o ut for the Bible 's origin al
t ext evcn ?

12. How ha s it bee n pos sl bl e to r econ struct so methi ng

close to th at t ex t ?
13. In wh at Held was coloring of the m ess a ge ' m ore
possible ? Wh y there ?


But it was in the field of translating

the original Scriptures into foreign languages that t he Devil's greater opportunity
lay for perverting or coloring the sacred
teachings of God's Word. It was not the
divine purpose that t he good news of God's
Word should be held down to those who
could read the original Hebrew,'ic
and Greek of the Holy Bible. Jehovah is a
God of salvation for all humankind of


15, 1950


whatever race, color, nationality or language. In fulfillment of sacred prophecy,

Christ Jesus was a Jew and all his apostles
were Jews. Yet salvation by the sacrifice
of his Jewish flesh was not for Jews only,
but for all those of mankind who should
believe on him. (John 3:14-17) So Jesus
gave full width to the vision of our Christian work when he said to his disciples
before parting, "Go therefore and make
disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching
them to observe all the things I have commanded you." (Matt. 28: 19, 20, NW) This
meant translating the message of salvat ion
into as many languages and dialects as the
people of all such nations spoke. If the
message was not translated, they could
not understand it and act upon it in faith
and obedience.
14 The first translation of the message
of salvation by Christ's disciples was inspired by God's spirit. This was on the
first day of Pentecost at Jerusalem after
Jesus had ascended to heaven, and he
poured out the spirit upon his 120 disciples
there. So they "started to speak with different tongues, just as the spirit was granting them to make utterance". The big
crowd, representing fifteen or more lands,
that assembled to witness this strange
manifestation of God's spirit said: "We
hear them speaking in our tongues about
the magnificent things of God." (Acts
2:1-11, NW) There is historical testimony
that the apostle Matthew first wrote his
"book of the history of Jesus Christ" in
the Hebrew for Jewish readers, but that
later he made his own translation of this
gospel account into the common Greek to
reach a larger reading public. In that way
he could transfer his inspi ration to his
translation into Greek, so that his written
14. Was the first translation by Christians Inspired ?
Ho w so ?


translation was inspired. (Matt. 1: 1, NW)

But the other disciples wrote directly in
the common Greek; so their writings needed translation into'Ic, Hebrew,
Latin, etc.
I ~ Aside from Matthew's own translation
into Gre ek, no written translation of the
Scriptures down to this day is inspired.
Moreover, being made from imperfect
copies of the original Scriptures, the translation in a foreign language is often made
more incapable of presenting perfectly the
original thought or shade of meaning. So
no recent translation of the Holy Scriptures
should be venerated as inspired, not even
the most popular Bible translation, the
King James Version, nor the Latin Vulgate
or Martin Luther's Version.
I G Up till the beginning of the year 1950
the Scriptures had been translated, in
whole or in part, into 1,118 languages and
dialects. New translations are being turned
out on the average of about one a month.
For the most part these are being made by
religious clergymen and missionaries of
Christendom's sects. Naturally the translations made by such religious men and women will be influenced, colored, worded and
phrased according to the pagan philosophies and unscriptural traditions which
their religious systems have inherited from
the past. Their honesty, sincerity and religious zeal will fire them on to weaving
these things into the translation as far as
possible. And when they make their translation, not from the original Hebrew, Arama'ic and Greek, but from a mere translation that already contains this particular
religious coloration, it tends all the more
to corrupt the t ranslation. This hinders
the users of the translation from speaking
the pure language of God's message of
15. Why sh ould no written translati on since be venerated as saIne a re?
16. How ma y t ra nslators be hindered rrom speaking the
pure langua ge '?



17 Just as the Bible students of ancient

Beroea, Greece, searched t he Scriptures
daily t o see wh ether the things preached
by even such a person as the apostle Paul
were Script ural and thus true, so the r eader
of a mo dern translation can safeguard himself against religious colorat ion of a translation. Ho w? By cutt ing through re ligious
tradition and digging down t o t he original
sources by me ans of all the mo dern helps
that he has for this pu r pose, such as ancient language dictionaries, Bible concordances, the latest grammars on ancient
tongues, etc. He can detect error by com paring Scripture verse with Scripture
verse t o note any inconsistencies in translation and the n searching ba ck t o the
original text, if possible.
1 S SO a Bib le translator needs mo rejhan
mere religious fervor and honesty. He
needs fre edom from the religious traditions
of influential, popular systems and from
generally acc ept ed pagan phil osophies of
this world. He needs to take t he or iginal

17. Ho w can a reade r safe guard hIm self agatnst a

colo red transla ti on ?
18. So what does a translator nee d to serve God for
salva tion ?


N. Y.

writings of t he inspired writers for what

they say, in an effort to find, not t he proof
of modern religious t each ing, but the "faith
t hat was once for all t ime delivered to the
holy ones". E specially must he remember
that the original Scriptures were inspire d
by God's active force or spirit. He should
therefore pray for that same spi r it, not
to inspim h im, bu t to help and guide him
in translating. For t hat spir it is " the spirit
of t he truth " , and God is more willing to
give it to his spi r itual ch ildren than an
earthly father is t o give good gifts to hi s
natural children. (John 16 :13, NWJ Luke
11: 13 ) Th e t r anslator should not haze in
mind making a name for himself by having
his name attached to t he t ranslati on. He
should be swallowed up in t he desi re t o
present the "pure language" of God' s trut h
in order that readers of h is t ranslation may
call upon the name of God, wh ose name is
Jehovah, and may join with people who
speak other tongues and dialects in serving
this one true God with one consent. In that
way the t ran slator serves God 's purpose
and he wor ks for h is own salvation and
that of t hose using the translation.

kno wn as t he Greek Septuagint

Version (LXX). "" Th e disciples of
,-rAJ r.r C7'.iansfation
~w woria Vi.
Chr ist, who wrot e in Gree k, quo ted
this version in t heir inspired
writings. Th e Greek Septuagint began t o be mad e in t he beginning of
the t hi rd century before Christ at
Alexand ria, Egypt, a large percen tage of which was then Greekspeaking Jews. Th e Hebrews at
J er usalem h ad d ev e lop e d a prejudice
r"f1HE first written translation of the Holy against wr it ten t rans lations of the sacred
1 Scriptures wa s from t he Hebrew canon canon of t he Scriptures, t h inking them
into the common Gr eek an d came t o be t oo holy to suffer from misinterpretation


.!Jreeli 5criptures

1. How was the first wrItten translation of Scripture

accomplIsh ed?

"The earlIer "Sa ma r it a n Pentateuc h" was mainly

a transliteration of t he Hebrew In Sa ma ri tan cha ra cters.

which was naturally to be expect ed in Christians in obedience to Christ's coma foreign translation. However, despite mand to make disciples out of all nations.
such Heb re w prejudice, the translation was The books of t he Hebrew can on had alcar r ied on during three centuries, evidently ready been collecte d at J erusalem prior to
by Alexa ndrian, and not Palest inian, Jews its destruction A D. 70, and now during
and wit h t he patronage of t he Egyptian t he second century the collect ing of the
ruler, and from Heb r ew ro lls possibly im- books of the inspired Chr isti an Gr eek
ported fro m Palestine. Though one r eli- Scriptures too k place, and translations progious t radition maintains inspirat ion for ceeded. Translat ions in the Old Latin
the Septuagint) there is no insid e or outside appeared. Por tions of t he Scriptures, such
evidence to prove that claim. This t ra nsla- as the four gospel accounts and t he letters
tion formed what may be called the pre - of the apostle Paul, were brought together
Chr isti an Gree k Scr iptur es. It pr oved very in codex form like books of our day, for
valuab le to t he Greek-speaking Chr isti ans convenient handling and use . The casing-in
of the first-century congregat ion and to of books between lids in t his style proved
t ra nslators of the Heb rew Scr ipt ures them- to be a marked specialty of t he Christian
selves. Th is Greek translation, and not t he congregation in t he bookmaking industry,
Hebrew Bible its elf, was the Scri pt ure col- in th at early second century.
:J Toward the end of the fourth cent ury
lection t hat was used in t he march of Chri
Jer-ome', commonly known as
tian missionary work westward t hrough
, ente red upon his work as
a t ranslato r. In 383 he produced his new
2 By the end of the firs t century A D. the
official catalogue or can on of t he inspired Latin version of t he gospel accounts of
writings of Christ' s disciples was finished. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and in
As t hey were wr itten in Greek, t hey form 405 he completed his entire t r anslati on of
what may ri ghtly be called the Chr ist ian t he Bible from t he Hebrew and Greek into
Greek Scri ptures. They are on an equality Latin. Despite widespread objection Je rwith the Hebrew (A vra-ma'ic) Scriptures ome' s' Lati n Version won out and became
as to inspiration, and they fill out those an- the Bible of Western Christendom for t he
cient writings, to compose t he complete next t housand years. It became kn own as
Bible. Thus t he canon or official collection the Lat in Vulgate or "common Lat in ediof inspired books of t he Holy Bible was tion". Th e first Bible to be r un off a printcompleted by the end of the first cent ury ing press by Jo 'hann Gu'ten.berg at Mainz,
A D. * Written trans lation of the Holy German y, was this Latin Vulgate .
Scr iptures followed in due course along
4 But in time Latin died out as the lanwith t he missionary effort of the early

15, 1950

"T he b ishop of Alex andria wrote a letter ea ch year

to the con gregations un der h is superv is ion to In form
t hem a bo ut t he dat e of " E ast er " . In his 39th such
Paschal le tter . w r itten A. D. 3G7, A vt ha. na' gave a
lis t of t he books of the " Old and N ew Testame nt " . T ha t
portio n of h is let t er , t ran sla te d from the Greek , r ea ds:
" T h e books o f the Ne w T est ament ther e is no hesi tatio n a bou t sa y ing a ga ln , fo r they are thes e : F our
gos pels a ccordi n g t o Ma t thew. ac cordin g to Ma rk accordi n g to Luk e an d a ccor din g t o John ; a n d next a fte r
t h ese Acts of t he Apostles a nd seven so-call ed general
letters of th e ap ostl es a s foll ows : One of James , t wo of
P eter, t h en t hr ee of J oh n a nd after thes e one of Jude.
In addition t o thes e t h er e are fourteen le tters of P a ul
2. When was t h e Bible ca no n completed ': When and
how were its bo oks collected an d published"!

th e apost le, written t hus in order : The firs t one t o t he

Rom an s , then t wo t o t he Cori nth ians, and n ext after
t he se ( 0 the Ga la tians a nd th er ea ft er to the EphesIans,
t hen to t h e Ph lllppla ns a nd t o the Colossia ns a nd t wo
to the T h es sa loni an s a n d the on e t o the Hebrews; a nd
t he n two t o Timot h y, bu t one to T it us . And on e final one
t o P hilem on ; a n d a ga in of John a Reve la tion."
This is t h e Ilrst ex a m p le of the catalog ue of t h e
boo ks of the Chris tian Gr eek Scri pt ur es as we h a ve t hem
t oday . Thi s pu bl lsh ed list , know n as "The Ca non of
A t ha. na/", p r eceded t hu s by 30 y ea rs t h e li st publis he d by the Council or Synod of Ca r thage, Africa, in
397 (,\ .D.) .
3. W hat was the IIrst Bi ble printed ? W ho m a de that
tra nslat ion '!
4. W hen L at in died out , w h at trans lations wer e needed?
lIow was the nee d m et?



guage of the common people, and popular

languages of Latin extraction and also
Teutonic languages developed. The need
for Bible versions in the people's language
became more insistent, and there were
many handwritten or manuscript translations that were produced. Before printing
was invented, about 1456, there were several German translations of t he Bible or
parts of it. The first Bible to be printed in
a modern language was a German translation by an unknown author, and which was
printed at Strassburg by Jo 'hann Men'tel
in 1466. But time fails to tell or even make
mention of Bible production in all other

From the time of its organization the

Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society has
used the King James Version of 1611 as its
basic version for Bible study. Ou r chief aim
has been to make clear to t he people t he
pure Bible teachings in t he ligh t of unfolding prophecy. We see k to ad vance with the
brightening light of t ruth and t o r id ourselves of all the bedarkening t radit ions of
men and pagan philosophies of this world.
When first formed in 1881 it was called the
Watch Tower Tract Soci ety, to indicate its
purpose to sp read the revealed truths of
the Bible. (The Wa tchtowe1', April, 1881)
In 1884 it became incorporated as Zion's
Watch Tower Tract Society, but in 1896 it
was called Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. True to its name, it has engaged in
distributing Bibles as well as publishing
books, tracts, and other papers for disseminating Christian knowledge ba sed on the
rock-bottom teachings of God's Word. Its
Bible education for t he people has been
unsectarian, and this type of education
alone allows a Christian t he freedom to cut
through religious tradition and worl dly
philosophy and get back to the "faith that

5, F r om Its beginnin g, to what h as t h e Watch T owe r

Soc iety be en devoted ? H ow a nd wh y has It made u se

of Bi ble tran s lations ?


N. Y.

was once for all time delivered to the holy

ones". So from the time of publication of
the magazine The Watchtowe r in 1879 the
English publications of the Watch Tower
Society have till now quoted, cited and referred to more than seventy different Bible
translations in English and other languages. Thus the Society has recognized
the value of them all and has made use of
the good in them all as needed for setting
forth God's true message and clearing
away r eligious confusion.
6 In 1902 the Wa t ch Tower Society came
into possession of its first plates of a Scripture edition and could become a Bibleprinting soci ety. These were the plates of
an emphasized translation of the Christian
Greek Scriptures known as "The Emphatic
Diaglott", This had first been published by
its author, Benjamin Wilson, a newsp aper
editor of Geneva , Illinoi s, in 1864, and who
was ne ver as sociated with the Watch Tower
Bible & Trac t Society. This em phatic translation had some notable feat ures that made
for a be tter understanding of the truth.
However , it was not until December 21,
1926, that Th e Emphatic Diaglott was
printed on our Society's own presses and
cased in at a printing plant of its own.
r This led eventually to the desire of the
Society to print t he complete Bible on its
presses. World War II made the need for
independent publicat ion of the Bible itself
even grea t er . In t he throes of t hat global
conflict the Society succeeded in purchasing plates of the complet e ~.i.!.!~~es Version of the Bible. On Sept ember 18, 1~4-2.,
the New World Th eocratic Assembly of
J ehovah's witnesses opened up, wit h its key
conv ention-assembly at Cleveland, Ohio.
The re the Soci et v's president spoke on the
sub ject "P r esenting 'The Sword of the
Spirit'" and as a climax he released t his
6. When did the Soc ie ty firs t becom e a Btbl e-prlnt tn g
Socloty 'I Ho w 'I
7. How d id t h e Society com e to prin t the w ho le Bibl e
a nd r elease It '!


15, 1950


the first complete Bible printed on our

presses. In its appendix it had many helpful features added for use in Bible study.
In America 35,000 copies were disposed
of immediately, since which beginning
700,000 copies of this Watch Tower edition
have been distributed in many lands.
S An excellent Bible translation of t he
twentieth century is the Arnedcan Standard Version. Besides being 'a- great improvement over the King James Version
it has the remarkable and commendable
feature of rendering God's name "Jehovah"
at the 6,~23 places where it occurs in the
Hebrew Scriptures. After long negotiations
and by a financial arrangement the Watch
Tower Society was able in 1944 to purchase
the use of the plates of the complete American Standard Version of the Bible for printing this version on its presses with a specially prepared Appendix of Bible-study
helps. On August 10, 1944, at Bu ffalo, New
York, the key city of 17 simultaneous assemblies of Jehovah's witnesses link ed together by private telephone lines, the Society's president delighted his vast audience
by releasing the Watch Tower edit ion of
the American Standard Versi on. Already
252,000 copies have been produced , and it
has proved an additional instrument in
sounding abroad God's holy name and publishing the grand news of his kin gdom of
the new world of life and peace.

We acknowledge our debt to all the

Bible versions which we have used in attaining to what truth of God's Word we
enjoy today. We do not dis courage the use
of any of these Bible versions, but shall
ourselves go on making imitable use of
them. However, during all our years of

8. Of what other Bib le version did t h c Socicty next

pr in t and r etease an edIti on , a nd how'?
9. Afte r us e of all t he va ri ou s t ranslati ons what ne ed
wa s felt ? Why ?


using these versions down to the latest of

them, we have found them defective. In one
or another vital respect they are inconsistent or unsatisfactory, infected with religious traditions or worldly philosophy and
hence not in harmony with the sacred
truths which Jehovah God has restored to
his devoted people who call upon his name
and seek to serve him with one accord.
Especially has this been true in the case
of the Christian Greek Scriptures, which
throw light and place proper interpretation
upon the ancient He brew Scriptures. More
and more the need has been felt for a
translation in modern speech, in harmony
with revealed truth, and yet furnishing us
the basis for gaining further truth by
faithfully presenting the sense of the original writings; a translation just as understandable to mod ern readers as the original
writings of Chr ist's disciples were understandable to the simple, plain, common,
lowly readers of their day. Jesus reminded
us that our heavenly Father knows the
need s of his ch ildren before they ever ask
him. How has he made provision for us in
t his need wh ich we now keenly feel?
\ 0 Particularly since 1946 the president
of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society
has been in quest of such a translation of
the Christian Greek Scriptures. On September 3, 1949, at 8 a.m., at the Brooklyn
headquarters (Bethel) the Society's president convened a joint meeting of the boards
of directors of the Pennsylvania and New
York corporations, only one director being
absent. After the meeting was opened
with prayer the president announced to
these eight fellow directors the existence
of a "New World Bible Translation Committee" and t hat it had completed a translati on of the 'Christian Greek Scriptures.
This it had turned over to the possession
and control of the Watch Tower Bible &
10. How was a nother tra nsl ation comm it t ee a nn ou nced
a t a di rectors' meeti ng, and what ha d It doner




N. Y.

Tract Society, Pennsylvania corporation, On F ebruary 9,1950, the New World Bible
just the preceding day. He read the com- Translation Committee submitted to us its
mittee's document by which it assigned the important Foreword of the translation. It
translation manuscript to the Society in long app eared a problem whether the work
recognition of t he Society's unsect arian could be accomplished on schedule for the
work of spreading the sac red Word of God outstanding event in the summer of 1950.
and of promoting the knowledge and und er- But Wedn esday afternoon, August 2, 1950,
standing of its teaching am ong the people when delivering his speech "Turning to t he
of every nation, kindred, people and lan- Peoples a Pure Language" at Yankee Staguage, and in ord er that the translation (Hum, New York city, the Society's presimight be a new means toward the expand- dent had the extreme pleasure of releasing
ing of its Christian edu cational act iviti es to the international Theocracy's Increase
throughout the world.
Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses the N ew
I I The presiden t himself had
r ead the W orld Translation of the Ohristum. Greek
manuscript of the entire translation, and Scriptures. The translation was received
on request he read to the meeting several
with the greatest of ent husiasm and appreentire chapters to let the directors see the
nature of the translation. This reading was ciat ion by the vast thron g of many thoufollowed by favorable comments by all the sands drawn fr om 72 lands of earth. Tens
directors present. One of t he P enn sylvania of thousand s of copies were eagerly t aken
corporation directors then moved t he So- up by t he conventioners that very af terciety's accept an ce of the gift . This was noon and many thousands more by t he
seconded. The motion was unanimously close of the assembly on August 6.
adopted by all the directors of the corporation, and thus the translation became legalI :: This new translation is a complete dely the property of the Society's Pe nnsyl- parture from the religious traditions of
vania corporation. But it had to be printed creed-bound Christendom. This is indicated
at the plant of the New York corporation even by its very name, as a translation of
here in Brooklyn, N. Y. On Sept ember 29, the "Chr ist ian Gre ek Scriptures" , instead
1949, the president turn ed over the first
13. What about Its na m e. t he Greek t ex t used, the
of the manuscri pt to the Brooklyn factory sty
le o f la ng ua ge ','
force to start working on it.
1 ~ With all the other work
to be turned out by the fac tory and with all the features that t he committee
produced to accompany the
translation, an i m men s e
amount of labor was involved to produce th e completed publication. A group of 40 me mber s of the
Brooklyn headquarters (Bethel) family was organized to do ex tra proofreading and checking
to insure accuracy of the publi cation's features.
11. Wha t was done with t he t ra ns la ti on assigned ': Wh en an d
wh ere was wo rk on It beg un for publi cati on ':
12, H ow did t he t r an sla ti on p rogress t o publication and re lease ':


15, 1950



of a traditionally so-called "New Testa- Hebrew name. In God's own time when He
ment". It is unscriptural and misleading to reveals the correct pronunciation of his
call these 27 Christian books of the inspired holy name, we will gladly make the accuScriptures a "New Testament". The trans- rate correction.
,:; The committee does not claim to be the
lation is not a revision of any previous
work, but is a brand-new rendering from first to render the sacred name in an Engthe original Greek text, usin g the st andard lish translation of the Christian Greek
text prepared by the two recognized Brit- Scriptures. Almost a hundred years ago
ish scholars, Westcott and Hort. But Greek the aut hor of The Emphatic Diaglott pubtexts by scholars of other lands have also lished his translation of Matthew's gospel
been consul ted by the translation commit- account and in it he used "Jehovah" 5
tee , with a sincere endeavor to give a trans- times, and the completed Diaglott (1864)
lation in agreement with the teachings of contains the name 18 times from Matthew
t he Scriptures in the ori ginal Gree k. A lit- to Acts, but without any explanation for
eral translation has been striven for as .far its use. But, to our knowledge, the New
as the modern English idiom has made this HIorld Translation is the first to render the'
possible without awkw ard ness. All old- divine name consistently from Matthew to
fashioned or out-of-date style of speaking Revelati on, 237 times all together iq the
has been eliminated, even as the ori ginal main re ading text, not to speak of 72 adScriptures were written in the people's ditional times where it occurs only in the
natural way of talking to one ano ther at marginal re adings at the bottom of the
the time. This makes for a better under- page.
standing and hence enjo yment of the
III "But
you can't do that!" said one
critic to whom the manuscript of the trans1-1 One outstanding fea ture th at is bound
lation was read for his comments. The comto stir up great controversy among modem mittee, in its Fore word of twenty-nine
translators and religious leaders of Chris- pages, shows how it can be done on valid
tendom is the use of God's own given nam e grounds; and it does so. English Bible
in this En glish rendering of the Christian translators have assumed that the divine
Greek Scriptures. The divine name is r ep- name never occurred in the inspired writresented by a four-lettered Hebrew word, ings of Christ's disciples. But Jer.ome', for
called a "tet.ra.gram'ma.ton" by th e Latin one, informs us: "Matthew, who is also
translator Jer-ome'. The name occurs 6,823 Levi, and who from a publican came to be
times in the old Hebrew Scriptures, and, an apostle, first of all the Evangelists, comas far as the re cords show , this na me has posed a Gospel of Christ in Judae'a in the
been read as "Jehovah" since th e four- Hebrew language and characters, for the
teenth century and has been popularized in benefit of those of the circumcision who
that form in Christendom. Exactly how the had believed. . . . wherever the Evangename was pronounced is not now known. list makes use of the testimonies of the old
But, while recognizing the merits of the Scriptures he does not follow the authority
pronunciation "Yah.weh'", the translation of the sevent y translators [the Greek Sepcommittee has used the form "Jehovah" tuagint},' but of the Hebrew." (Gatal.
because of its familiarity and because it Script. E ccl.) Hence where Matthew quoted
preserves the four original letters of th e
14, What outstanding feature shou ld sti r u p gre a t controversy '! What pronunciation have we followed, and

15. I~what way is th e trans lation fir s t to use the divine

name th u s '!
16, H ow did Matthew put t he divine name In the Christ ia n Scr iptures ':




N. Y.

in Hebrew from the inspired Hebrew Scrip- stitute the titles "God" and "Lord" for the
tures, he must have faithfully quoted the divine name, and the holy spirit that indivine name and thus have put it in his spired those writers was not under any fear
Gospel account. The__apostle Matthew was that the divine name would be profaned by
one of the men concerning whom Jesus causing it to be written in Hebrew characsaid in prayer to God: "I have made your ters in the Christian Greek Scriptures. The
name manifest to the men you gave me disciples were free to follow the practice of
out of the world. . . . I have made your inserting the Hebrew letters of the divine
name known to them and will make it name in their Greek text. Their original
known." (John 17: 6, 26, NW) Matthew autograph writings have disappeared.
would therefore know the name from Jesus
1 8 Since the fourteenth century transand would have no consci entious qualms lations of the Christian Greek Scriptures
about using it properly in his history of have been made into the Hebrew tongue
Jesus' life. If Matthew translated his own for the benefit of Jews. The committee in
Gospel account from Hebrew into Greek, its Foreword lists 19 of such Hebrew transthen he would follow the ancient practice lations, and all these together contain the
of inserting the four Hebrew letters of divine name in 307 distinct instances.
God's name into his Greek text where it Where Jesus' disciples quoted from the
belonged, possibly 18 times as it occurs in Hebrew Scriptures in verses where the tetthe New World Translation.
ra.grarrrrna.ton occurs, these Hebrew trans1 7 Under
inspiration Christ's disciples lations were simply obliged to enter the
quoted copiously from the Greek Septua- divine name exactly as it is in the inspired
gint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. original Hebrew text, the same as the aposIn this translation the practice of old was tle Matthew was obliged to do. Thus all
to insert the Hebrew tet.ra.gram'maton in- these Hebrew translations have entered
to the Greek text to correspond with where the divine name Jehovah in the Christian
it occurred in the Hebrew Scriptures. Even writings from Matthew to Revelation; and
in the fourth century Jerome tells us that all modern translators are powerless to obin his day there were still copies of the ject. The lower marginal references of the
Greek translation which contained the He- New World Translation show where it has
brew tet.ra.gram'ma-ton where the divine backing from all these 19 Hebrew versions.
name occurred in the text. What would
1 9 More than that, the divine name is
the apostles writing in Greek do when they found, not only in such Hebrew translaquoted from such a Greek translation of tions, but also in vernacular form in many
the Hebrew Scriptures? Jesus did not translations made by missionaries during
follow Jewish tradition and he taught his the past two centuries. The committee's
disciples not to do so. The tradition of t he Foreword lists 38 such translations of the
Jewish religious leaders who opposed Jesus Christian Greek Scriptures in which the
to the death was to substitute the title name Jehovah occurs in twenty vernacular
"Lord" for the divine name, a name which forms aside from the Hebrew and English
they professed not to take in vain by not translations. And as far as all these transpronouncing it but which they did profane lations have the backing of the Hebrew
in practice. The inspired Christian writers Scriptures, they are correct in using the
were not bound by Jewish tradition to sub17. H~w did the Greek Septuagint warrant the dis ciples'
putting the divine name In their Greek writIngs ? Why
was tradition no deterrent ?

18. What were r ecent Hebrew translators obliged to do

about the name ?
19. In what other recent translations does the divine
name appear ?

15, 1950

divine name Jehovah (Yah-weh') instead were inspired, did not reduce his heavenly
of the indefinite title "Lord", as is the prac- Father to a nameless God.
tice of the K ing Jam es V ersion.
22 The divine name restored to the Chris2 0 This is not making the Divine Being
tian Gree k Scriptures gives the heavenly
a tribal God of the Jews in whom the peo- Father a personality that distinguishes him
ple of the Gentile nations have no part. from his Son Jesus Christ. Instead of folOne modern Bible translator, who favors lowing t he King James V ersion} for ineliminating the name "Jehovah" or "Yah- stance, at Acts 2: 34, where that version
weh'" from translations of even the Hebrew reads, "The LORD said un to my Lord, Sit
Scriptures, is on record this year as saying: thou on my ri ght hand," the N ew World
"Thus the tradition of the Jewish syna- Translation reads, in full harmony with
gogue favors the practice of th e King the Hebrew Psalms: "Jehovah said to my
James Version, to which we are returning Lord, 'Sit at my right hand'''; and at
. . . There is an even stronger present verse 21 it reads: "And then anyone that
reason. Neither Jews nor Christians wor- calls upon the name of Jehovah will be
ship merely a tribal deity, who has to have saved." Oh, how much this valid translation
a proper name to distinguish hi m from makes the Bible text clearer to our underother gods. We worship the one an d only standing and subject to correct explanation
God of the universe." Now how do you at once! What a revealing light it throws
relish having a man of such views for your upon Christendom's traditional doctrine of
Bible translator, even though he is a uni- th e trinity! In like manner the N ew World
versity professor? Under the seemin gly Translation. by its direct and consistent renbroadminded idea of making the Supreme derings exposes false religious traditions
Person an international God he, like many about the human soul, hell, earth's destiny,
others, would make him a nameless God.
God's kin gdom, and other doctrines of
21 But the Most High God has not chosen
importance. But we must reserve it for
to remain nameless to the human family. articles in a later issue of this magazine to
He has given himself a name full of meandiscuss the illuminating features of this
ing to us. When asked by man what God's
name is, he gave it, and said to his prophet translation of 1950.

Moses: "I am Jehovah." Through his

prophet Isaiah he says: "I am Jehovah,
th is is My name." (Ex. 3:13-15; 6:2,3 and
Isa. 42:8, Yg) Jesus Christ is the Greater
Prophet foreshadowed by both Moses and
Isaiah, and his very name "Jesus" means
"Jehovah is salvation". Jesus said: "I have
come in the name of my Father." He
taught his disciples to pray: "Our Father
in the heavens, let your name be sanctified."
(John 5:43 and Matt. 6 :9, NW) No, this
Jesus, who sen t the spirit helper by means
of which the Christian Gr eek Scriptures
20, 21. (a) Is t his m akin g th e Di vin e Being a t rib al God ?
(b) Why wo uld m odern translators r educe him to a
nameless Goel ? Why should not we ?


23 What shall we do now? Or what shall
we say? The beginning of world sorrows
in 1914 and all the fulfillments of Bible
prophecy since then testify that we are
certainly in the world's "time of the end".
God's approval and blessing are not upon
this doomed world in any of its political,
commercial and religious efforts for perpetuating this old system of things; but,
instead , his ri ghteous wrath and indigna-

22. \Vha t does r estori ng t he name to the Ch r is ti an

Scrip t u res acco mplis h?
23. (a) W hat gather in g now n ears It s final sta ge, and
why ? ( b) What has J ehovah don e in beha lf of the langu a ge of the new world '?



tion. The gathering of the nations and the

assembling of the kingdoms, with their
United Nations and political blocs and pacts
within the framework of that U.N. organization, are nearing the final stage. The
time for the entire earthly system of things
to be consumed in the fire . of Jehovah's
zeal is drawing close. But not without warning from the God of love and mercy. In
this time of the end he has kept his promise
and turned a "pure language" to the peopIes who long for truth and righteousness.
He has not left himself nameless, but has
revealed his identity in order that the peopIes may know to whom to turn through
Jesus Christ. Through the Theocratic 01'ganization of his anointed witnesses he has
been clearing up the Bible truth more and
more and thus purifying their speech. So
now they talk and live in harmony with
the language of the approaching new
world. And here, in this year of 1950, his
providence brings forth this N ew World
Tromslation. of the Christian Greek Bcl"il)-

tures as a further purification of the speech

of his people. He has graciously provided
it as a further powerful means for turning
to the peoples a "pure language".
24 Do not, then, let the prejudices, religious traditions and sectarian concei tedness of Christendom stumble you. Give
this new English translation an openhearted welcome. It is issued to glorify or memorialize the names of no men. Therefore
the men who compose the translation
committee have indicated their desire to
the Society's boards of directors to remain
24. (a) Whose name Is this new t ransla tion Issued to
honor? (b) Ho w wlll th is English t r an sla ti on ben eHt
people of m an y other t on gu es ':


N. Y.

anonymous, and specifically do not want

their names to be published while they are
in life or after death. The purpose of the
translation is to exalt the name of the
living, true God and spread the fragrant
knowledge of his kingdom by Christ Jesus.
Although published only in English, yet
through publications of the Watch Tower
Society which quote it and which are translated into upward of 90 languages, this
translation will spread its spiritual help to
millions of peoples of many tongues and
nations. This translation, for its faithfulness, courage, and correctness, will commend itself to every honest searcher for
the truth of the divine revelation.
~;; Take this translation. Read it through,
a thing that will be done with enjoyment.
Study it, for it will help you to better your
understanding of God's Word. Put it in the
hands of others. Help others to study it
a nd the Scripture publications based upon
it. By this course you will be perfecting
your mastery of the "pure language", the
speech which talks understandingly of the
new world in which God's kingdom by
Jesus Christ will rule supreme and without
a rival. By this course, too, you will be
having a part as a coworker with God in
turning to the peoples this "p ure language".
This will enable them all to " call upon the
name of Jehovah" and to "serve him with
one consent", gathered unitedly in support
of his kingdom. This is the only way they
will be shielded during the outburst of the
fire of his wrath and indignation at Armageddon and be spared for joyous living in
the endless new world.
25, \\'hilt s hould t hose havin g t h is translation do with it,
a nd In wh at work wlll th ey t hus h a ve a Iarger -part '!

ANY church-going people t oday regard three-fourths of the
Bible, the Hebrew Scriptures which
they call the "Old Testament", as a
mere historical record of the dusty past,
In this they greatly err. For many centuries God dealt with the Israelites in a
special way and he caused their experiences, and the history of other ancient
people before them, to be written down as
patterns: "For whatever was written in
former days was written for our instruction."-Rom. 15:4, RS.
A type is an image or representation of
something that will come to pass at some
future time. The antitype is the reality of
the thing which the type represents. The
type may properly be called a shadow; t he
antitype, the reolits). Dramatic episodes
and experiences serve as t ypes, a st udy of
which will give a person a reasonable facsimile or picture of the reality, and therefore they are called prophetic p ictures. A
type is also a 1JC1tteTn that ser ves as a
guide in understanding the reality.
Having the proper view of this matter,
Paul the apostle appreciated t he impo rtance of Israel's dramatic history. This is
why in his letters he so often called up
t hose past events and showed how they
pictured, typified and cast a shadow of
greater realities. For example, P aul
says that the quenching of Is rael's thirst
by the water that issued out of the rock
was merely a pattern or type of the "liv ing
water" that issues forth out
of the g r ea t
Rock, Christ
Jesus.-1 Cor.
"Now these
thin gs," Paul


continues, "were our examples [figures,
margin], to the intent we should not lust

after evil things, as they [the ancient Israelites] also lusted. Neither be ye idolaters,
as were some of them; as it is written [Ex.
32: 6.1, The people sat down to eat and
drink, and rose up to play. Neither let us
commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and
twenty thousand. Neither let us make
trial of the Lord, as some of them made
trial, and perished by the serpents. [Num.
21:5,6] Neither murmur ye, as some of
them murmured, and perished by the destroyer. Now these things happened unto
them by way of example ["by way of type,"
Rothcrluimv: and they were written for
our admonition, upon whom the ends of
t he ages ar e come."-l Cor. 10:6-11, AS.

Could it be that all those regulations,

ordinances and commandments given Israel regarding their tabernacle services
and sacrifices were pictorial of greater
things to come? Most assuredly! And Paul
makes this very clear by explaining the
reality of many of those t hings. "For
whil e the Law foreshadowed the blessings
th at were to come, it did not fully express
them." (Reb. 10:1, AT) The priesthood
under the old Law covenant was only a



shadow or pattern of the great er and heavenly and spiritual things, as it is written:
"the service they engage in is only a shadow and imitatio n of that in heaven." (Heb.
8:5,6, AT) Yes, the cer emoni al ordinances
involving the keeping of holy day s, new
moons, sabbath days, meat and drink offerings, etc., the apostle tell s us, were "all
only the shadow of something that was to
follow; the reality is fou nd in Christ."
-Col. 2:16,17, AT.
Not lea vin g the sub ject, P aul again refers to those tabernacle sacr ifices as only
"a figure for t he ti me present " , an d continues: "But Ch r ist having come a hi gh
priest of the good things to come, t hroug h
the greater and more perfect tabernacle,
not m ade with hands, that is t o say, not of
this creation, nor yet through t he blood of
goats and cal ves, but through h is own
blood, entered in on ce for all into the holy
place, having obtained eternal redemption.
And according to t he law, I may almost
say, all things are cleansed with blood, anel
apart from shedding of blood t he re is no
remission. It was ne cessar y t herefore that
the copies of t he t hings in the heavens
should be cleansed wit h these ; but the
heavenly things themselves with better
sacrifices than these. F or Ch ri st entered
not into a holy place made with hands, like
in pattern to the true; but into heaven
itself, now to appear befor e t he fac e of
God for us. "-Heb. 9:9,11, 12, 22-24, AS)
Now "Abraham had two sons, t he one by
a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.
But he who was of the bondwoman was
born after the flesh ; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are
an allegory: for t hese are the two cove nants". (Gal. 4 :22-24 ) Wh at c o u I d be
plainer than this statement , that these
historical happenings were prophetic pictures, alle gories, of things to follow?


N. Y.


Other writers of the Greek Scriptures,

the so-called "New Testament", also recognized in the He brew Scriptures patterns
and profitable examples for Christ ians to
follow. Sarah, in h er meekness and obedience to her husband Abraham, is a good
model for wiv es in the Ch ristian congregation to imitate, the apostle P eter tells us.
(1 P et. 3:1-6) The disciple James calls up
Abraham and Rahab as good patterns for
those t o follow who would pro ve their
faith by their works. (Jas. 2 :20-26) Or if
it is a qu estion of endur ing affliction and
persecution at the hands of the Devil and
his agents, then one finds some of the
finest examp les in the accounts of the old
Hebr ew prophets, "Take, my brethren, the
pro phet s, who have spoken in the name
of the Lo rd, for an example of suffer ing
affliction, and of patience." That righteous
man Jo b, James says , is an outstanding
example of patient endurance and steadfast ness in integrity under stress.-Jas.
5: 10, 11.
On t he ot her hand, Jude in his sh or t
but powerful lett er, in which he exhorts
Ch ri stians to earnestly contend for the
faith, says t hat they should be on guard
aga inst wicked men who would sn eak in
among the Lo rd's people. Jude t hen tells us
t hat Cain in his wickedness is an example
of suc h on es. Also Balaam's er ror pictured
t he mischief of t his wicke d class. And yet
a t h ird example is cited by Jude, when he
shows that Korah in his rebellion was a
picture of t hose that endeavor to pollute
Ch ri sti an congregations. -Num. 16:1-35;
22 :7; 1 John 3 :12; Jude 3,4, 11.
John the Baptist and his work were furt her proof that t he lives and work of the
Hebrew prophets were pictorial of events
to come to pass in the future. Malachi had
foretold that one would come of whom
Elijah t he prophet was a picture, and while
John t he Bapti st gave assurance that he


15, 1950


was not Elijah, he freely admitted that

he was doing the work pictured by the
prophet. (Mal. 4:5; John 1:21-23) Jesus
also testified that, if we are ready to accept the idea, John the Baptist was the one
foreshadowed by Elijah.-Matt. 11:13,14;
17:12, AT; Mark 9:12,13.


tidings unto the meek", etc., was really

prefiguring Christ Jesus. Hence, Christ
was fully justified in reading this passage
from the book of Isaiah in the synagogue
at Nazareth and applying it to himself.
"This day is this scripture fulfilled in your
ears."-Isa. 61:1,2, AS; Luke 4:16-21.
The young male passover lamb, free of
all blemishes, that was slain in Egypt was
Many men of old, in their special service in truth a picture or type of the perfect
to God, pictured in a typical way Christ young man Jesus, "a lamb without blemJesus and his ministry. The anointed Jesus, ish and without spot." (Ex. 12:5; 1 Pet.
then, became the reality of those prophetic 1: 18, 19) It is the blood of Christ, the
pictures. As the root of Jesse, the Lion of Lamb of God, that validates the new covethe tribe of Judah in whom good-will peo- nant. "For our Passover lamb is already
ple of all nations must hope, Christ is the sacrificed; it is Christ himself." (1 Cor.
Greater David. (Rom. 15:8,12; Rev. 5:5; 5:7, AT) As the redeemer and purchaser
22:16) Pointing to himself as the Greater of all that Adam lost, Christ takes the
Solomon, Christ declared : "Behold, a place of Adam as the father, "The evergreater than Solomon is here." (Luke lasting Father," of the new world's popula11:31; 1 Ki. 10:1-9; 2 Chron. 9:1-8) The tion. Hence Adam, as Paul tells us, "foreapostle Peter and Stephen, a servant in shadowed the one who was to come," namethe early church, recognized Christ as the ly, Christ Jesus.-Isa. 9:6; Rom. 5:14, AT.
Greater Moses, of whom Moses was a type.
Paul in writing to the Hebrews is very
-Acts 3:20,22; 7:37; Deut. 18:15.
explicit that Christ as the high priest of
When that generation asked for further God, ordained to offer greater sacrifices
proof that Jesus was Messiah, Christ cited than those offered by the Aaronic priestthe prophet Jonah as a fitting picture or hood, was pictured by Melchizedek. Meltype, in more ways than one, of himself, chizedek's name and the name of his kingsaying: "An evil and adulterous generation dom were significant, and the fact that
seeketh after a sign; and there shall no there was no record of his beginning or
sign be given to it but the sign of Jonah ending made him "like no one but the Son
the prophet: for as Jonah was three days of God" who continues as priest forever.
and three nights in the belly of the sea- "The point is still more clear in view of
monster; so shall the Son of man be three the fact that the appointment of the new
days and three nights in the heart of the priest [Christ Jesus] resembles that of
earth." (Matt. 12:39,40, AS, margin; Jo- Melchizedek, for he is appointed not for
nah 1:17) "Behold, a greater than Jonah is possessing any legal physical qualifications,
here," declared Jesus. "For even as Jonah but by virtue of a life that cannot end ."
became a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall -Heb. 5:1-10; 6:20; 7:1-3,15,16, AT.
also the Son of man be to this generation."
-Luke 11:30,32, AS; Matt. 12:41; Jonah
It would be a great mistake to think
that all the prophetic pictures that God
Isaiah, in declaring that "the spirit of had recorded in the holy Hebrew Scripthe Lord Jehovah is upon me; because tures had their fulfillment in the days of
Jehovah hath anointed me to preach good Christ and the apostles. Rather, one should



view such fulfilled pictures as tangible

evidence that ot her pro phetic pictures fore telling events in our day will likewise
come to pass. In this world's crisis, thoughtful persons will therefore diligently consider the picto rial events of long ago.
In his great prophecies on the end of the
present devilish system of things, Chr ist
said this: "In the t ime of the Son of Man
it will be just as it was in the time of Noah.
People went on eat ing, drinking, marrying,
an d being married up to the very day that
Noah got into the ark and the flood came
an d dest ro yed th e m aIl."
(Luke 17: 26, 27, A T; Matt.
24 :37,38 ) Plainly, then, t he
events of Noah's time, the
destruction of that wicked
generation, and t he preservation of righteous Noah
and his household , were a
graphic and dramatic picture of w 0 r l d eve n t s in this day.
"Or as it was in Lot' s time; they went
on eating, drinking, buying, selling , planting, and building, but the day Lot left
Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from
heaven and destroyed them all. It will be
like that on the day when the Son of Man
appears." Thus spoke Christ in solemn
warning! And calling forth this picture of
Lot's escape and the failure of some to
heed the warning, he added : "Remember
Lot's wife !"-Luke 17:28-30,32, AT.
Sodom an d Gomorrah, wicked cities beyond re form! It was fr om such that Lot
h . .
fl-ed for sa f ety, A n d It was sue CItIeS t at
the Lord used to picture the pr esent wicked world under Satan's rule, which is likewise beyond re pentance or reform. No, this
is not some private assertion. God's own
Word makes t his interpr etation. It was in
the t horoughfares an d concourses of this
world, of wh ich Chr istendom is very much
a part, that the work of God's witnesses


was killed in 1918. As lifeless as dea d bodies

they lay " in the street of the great city
which is allegorically ["fi guratively," AT ]
called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord
was crucified". (Rev. 11:8, RS) Isaiah's
prophecy, in its greater an d final fulfillment, is addressed to Chr istendom, that
"sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity,
a seed of evildoers, ch ildren that are corrupters" and whose rulers are as the "rulers of Sodom" and whose people are as the
"people of Gomorrah". (Isa. 1 :4,10) J ude
warns that those wicked individuals who try to sneak
into God's or ganizati on are
like those of Sodom an d
Gomorrah, "filthy dreamers" who "defile the flesh" .
-Jude 7, 8.
Nor s h 0 u 1d the truthseeker in this time of the
end mistakenly think that the prophecies foretelling Babylon's doom were completely fulfill ed in the year 539 B.C. Especially in view of the fact that more than
600 yea rs later a vivid descr ipt ion of
was given in Revelation, chapters 17 and
18. The judgment of doom ente red against
an titypical Babyl on, 'the great whore with
whom the kings of t he earth have committed fornication and who has made the
inhabitants of the earth drunk on the
wine of her fornication,' will shortly be
carried out.o-Rev. 18:9,10.
F rom the foregoing it is clear that t he
Hebrew Scriptures are not mere ancient
history, but contain types an d shadows
of t hings now coming to pass upon this
twentieth-century generat ion. The entire
Bible is profitable for our study, an d none
have authority t o chop off as useless t hreefourths of its instnrction.-2 Tim . 3 : 16,17;
Rev. 22: 19; Deut . 4 : 2.

HE sacredness of the human family is

being violated, flouted and mocked as
never before. Parents are unfaithful to

Father, he is very near to his children.

He hears the faintest cry of his little ones.
His ears are constantly open to the pr aychildren. Children are disobedient to par- ers and petitions of those that may propents. Marital relations are insecure. Homes erly address him as "Our Father". (Ps.
are broken up because of separations and 34:15; Matt. 6:9) "If ye then, being evil,
divorces. As a result hopes for peace and know how to give good gifts unto your
security are dashed to the ground and t he children, how much more shall your Fahappy condition of love, joy and prosperity ther which is in heaven give good things
is shattered. Sorrow, disappointment and to them that ask him?" "Most truly
despondency overshadow many a household I say to you, If you ask the Father for
today. In view of such dreadful condit ions anything he will give it to you in my
it is well to consider the blessed lot of God's name," is the assurance from God's Anointbig, happy family over which J ehovah him- ed Son Jesus. (Matt, 7:11; John 16:23,
self presides as Head and Father. Though NW) Every good and perfect gift is from
assailed from all sides by the enemy from the great Father, Jehovah.-Jas. 1:17.
without, the Lord's blessed fa mily holds
Jehovah Gael is the Great Teacher to his
together in the perfect bond of peace and devoted childr en, and to such he gives his
law for their guidance and instruction.
Not in all the universe, in millenniums (Isa. 54:13; John 6:45) As the head of his
past or in endless ages to come , is there household this r ighteous Lawgiver lays
anyone to compare with the heavenly down the rules governing the entire family,
Father. His name alone is Jehovah. A God and if any need correcting the Lord takes
of purpose is he. From everlasti ng to ever- care of that too, as it is written: " 'My son ,
lasting, without beginning and without do not belittle the discipline from Jehovah,
ending, this great First Cause is the Crea- neither give out when you are corrected
tor of heaven and ea rth an d all things by him; for whom Jehovah loves he discitherein, both visible and invisible, animate plines, in fact he scourges everyone whom
and inanimate. The very lives of his chil- he receives as a son.' Furthermore, we used
dren depend on this Fountain of Life. They to have fathers who were of our flesh to
are the clay; he is t he Potter . His glory disc ipline us and we used to give them reand majesty are unmeasurable; his quali- spect. Shall we not much more subject ourties, supremely perfect ; h is personality, selves to the Father of our spiritual life
altogether lovely. In wisdom he is unsur- and live? For they for a few days used to
passed, in justice he is unequaled, in love discipline us according to what seemed
he is infinite, in power he is unli mited. Now good to them, but he does so for our profit
with attributes like these what human that we may partake of his holiness."
father, please tell, can compare
-Heb. 12:5,6,9,10, NW.
with Jehovah?-Ex. 3:14,15;
_=~ -~
~~1 . Blessed too in other ways,
Ps. 90:2; Isa. 40:12-18,21-26;
~~ 'J1,;I ~~ )'-~
members of this happy family
Ps. 36:9; Rom. 9:21; Deut. 32 :4.
find in their Father one who
is fully capable of defending
And yet , notwithstanding the
them against all their enemies.
loft y position of the heavenly




Like the protective shadow of a hen over

her chicks, so also is the shadow of J ehovah's mighty hand over his little ones. (Ps,
17:8; 36:7; 57:1 ; 63:7; 91:1; Isa. 51:16)
His everlasting arms uphold them. (Deut.
33 :26,27) A never-failing help in every
time of need, so is the ever-watchful Jehovah to his children. "God is our refuge and
strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore will not we fear."-Ps . 46:1,2;
54:4; 121:2; Isa. 50:7-9, AS.
A faithful Father, a truthful F ather who
cannot lie, a covenant-keeping Father unto
a thousand generations-such a one is the
heavenly Father. (Dan. 9: 4; 2 Thess. 3:3;
Heb. 6:18) Moreover, Jehovah is merciful
beyond measure, full of compassion and
forgiveness toward his childr en that are
weak, gentle and tender-hearted toward the
downtrodden, the oppressed, the weary and
sorrowful of he art. Truly the "Father of
mercies, and the God of all comfort" is
Jehovah toward those of his househo ld.
-2 Cor. 1: 3, 4.
Having such a wonderful Father as this
his household are admonished to honor and
obey him, give heed to hi s counsel and
instructions, and fear to do anything in
violation of his commandments. "Honor
thy father and thy mother, that thy days
may be long in the land which Jehovah thy
God giveth thee." (Ex. 20: 12, A S ) "My
son, hear the instruction of thy fa ther, and
forsake not the law of thy mother."-Prov.

The Scriptures identify God's "woman"

as his universal organization ; and as in the
human family, so also in God's household,
the mother serves an important function.
"But the Jerusalem above is free, and she
is our mother. For it is written: 'Be glad,
you barren woman who does not bear children; break out and cry aloud, you woman
who does not have childbirth pains; because


N. Y.

the children of the desolate woman numbel' more than those of her who has the
husband.' "-Gal. 4:26,27, NW.
The apostle Paul was here quo t ing from
Isaiah's prophecy which tells ho w God's
organization was without children for a
long time. Then in her old age she produces
not only the promised "seed" Christ Jesus,
as Sarah brought forth Isaac, but also has
so many other children she has to enlarge
her dwelling-place on all sides. This is because the great Father has made his organization very fruitful. "For thy Maker is thy
husband; J ehovah of hosts is his name: and
the Holy One of Is rael is thy Redeemer;
the God of the whole earth shall he be
called. For Jehovah hath called thee as a
wife forsake n and grieved in spirit, even a
wife of youth, when she is cast off, saith
thy God."-Isa. 54:1-6, AS; Ps. 113:9.
This prophecy tells of the blessed expansion and prosperity now enjoyed by the
entire Theocratic family. Other scriptures
speak of the bountiful provisions made for
the household. The Father is the great
Provider of spiritual food , and he delegates
to his organization the duty of pre paring
and serving this life-sustaining "meat in
due season". The table is the Lord's, he
sits at the he ad, and the children seated
at the table are waited on and served and
helped by the mother organization.-Matt.
24:45; Ps. 23:5; Isa. 25:6.
God's children on earth live in a delinquent world, though no part of it. (John
17:11,14) They therefore ne ed maternal
guidance and direction in order to avoid
entanglement wit h this sex- maddened generation now living in these perilous "last
days". (2 Tim. 3 :1-5,14-17) As a consequence, God's children are commanded t o
honor and respect their spiritual parents
and give heed and obey the Lord's instructions coming to them by and through the
mother organization.-Deut. 5: 16.


15, 1950



No one will ever get life from the eternal

Father Jehovah unless he has the meek and
teachable disposition of a child. Christ
Jesus, the "elder brother" in God's family,
illustrated this in his discourses. "So, calling a young child to him, he set it in their
midst and said: 'Truly I say to you, unless
you turn around and become as young
children you will by no means enter into
the kingdom of the heavens.' "-Matt.
18:2-4; 19:14, NW.
This childlike willingness to learn is required of all children in Jehovah's household, and there are many. Some of the
children are destined to be members of the
'body of Christ, the church', and live as
spirit creatures in the heavens. (Col. 1:18;
1 Cor. 12:27) To those destined for heavenly glory the apostles write: "Behold, what
manner of love the Father hath besto wed
upon us, that we should be called the sons
of God." "The spirit itself bea reth witness
with our spirit, that we are the children of
God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of
God, and joint-heirs with Christ." (1 John
3:1,2; Rom . 8:15-17) Upon the "remnant"
of such sons and daughte rs God's holy
spirit is poured out in a special way.-Joel
2:28; Acts 2:17.
Besides these spir it ual sons that "shall
be priests of God and of Chr ist, and shall
reign with him a t housand years" ther e are
many other children in this household arrangement. (Rev. 20:6 ; John 10 :16) Th ese,
as earthly sons of Christ J esus the Everlasting Father, will live et ernally on the
paradise earth. (Isa. 9: 6) They also are
being fed from the Lord's bountiful and
overflowing table. They too ar e being nu rtured and cared for by t he mother organization. They too have the meek and teachable dispo sition so necessary to escape
destruction and get life .-Zeph. 2: 3.
In this gloomy and dark day it is very
easy to distinguish from others of the


world those who are children of the "Father of lights". "Ye are all the children of
light, and the children of the day: we are
not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let
us watch and be sober." (1 Thess. 5:5,6;
Eph. 5:8,9) These children of God are
awake, on the elevated watchtower, sounding the warning of Armageddon's approaching storm. All Christendom recognizes these favored people are Jehovah's
witnesses, for they take their Father's
name , and as his ambassadors publish and
declare his purposes throughout the earth.
In a very real sense they are "for signs and
for wonders" to this perverse generation.
There is no question as to whether an
individual is or is not a child of God and a
member of his beloved family, for John
says : "In this the children of God are
mani fest, and t he children of the devil:
whosoever doeth not righteousness is not
of God, neither he that loveth not his
bro t her. For this is the mess age that ye
heard from the beginning, that we should
love one another. My little children, let us
not love in word, neither in tongue; but in
deed and in truth." (1 John 3:10,11,18;
4:20,21) Such implicit love and devotion,
love for God and love for each brother and
sister, is the distinguishing quality that
sets the family of God off as separate and
distinct from t he organizations of this hateful old world.

Not all children in this great family of

God are of the same age. Some are quite
old, some much younger, and others are
mere babes who must be looked after and
cared f or 'by the more mature brothers and
sisters. When one of these young ones is
found seeking after the truth, a publisher
of the Kingdom message calls back and
studies the Bible with that one . As "new-



born babes" in t he truth, these young ones

at firs t must be nu rsed alon g on the simple
"sincere mil k of t he word". (1 Pet . 2 :2;
1 Cor. 3 :2) Care must be exe rci sed to see
that t hey do not choke on some doctrine
too advanced, heavy and involved. Growing
stronger, t hey are able to fee d on the
Lord's meat ier matters.
Aft er playing in secta r ian mud puddles
these young ones have to be bat hed wit h
the pu re water of trut h to remove the soils
of demon religion. (J ohn 3 :5; 15:3; Eph.
5 :26; Heb. 10 :22) Then t hey must be
clothed in garments that identify such ones
as belonging to God's clean organization.
These youn g ones in t he t ruth must not
always r emain undeveloped and helpless
babies, needing constant attention by the
mature members of t he fam ily. They must
grow up, and show pr ogress in learning
new world me thods. Paul, in condemning
some in his day for failing to show spi ritual growt h, wrote : "Although you ought
to be teachers in view of t he t ime, you
again ne ed someone to t each you from the
beginning t he first principles of the sacred
pronouncements of God, and you have become su ch as need milk, not solid food. Fo r
everyone that part akes of milk is unac quainted with the word of ri ght eousness,
for he is a babe. But soliel food belongs to
mature people, to those who t hrough use
have t hei r perceptive powers trained to
distinguish both ri gh t and wrong." They
should have put away the "traits of a bab e"
and grown up.-Heb. 5 :12-14; 1 Cor.
13:11, NW.


N. Y.

It is therefore t he blessed privilege of

the older members of God's fa mily to aid
these young ones to develop and grow in
knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
Much training and instructio n in t he ri gh t eous ways of J ehovah is needed. At t he
Lor d's table t hese young children must
learn how to dig the truths out of God's
pr ecious Word by at tending studies. Th ey
must learn to walk by going fro m house to
house in the witness work. Learning to
talk is easy when t hey begin to te ll others
abo ut God's glorious kin gdom. Their new
wor ld educat ion is greatly improved by
attending t he Theocratic ministry school
held each week in t he Kin gdom Halls of
Jehovah's wit nesses. Their re adi ng t hey
should im prove. (1 Tim. 4:13) Writing
clearly they will find useful.- Deut. 6 :9 ;
11: 20.
Trul y the ex pan sion of God's gre at fa mily is tak ing place on all sides ! By t he thousands lovers of r ighteousn ess a re coming
und er the parental care of Jehovah God
and his Th eocratic org an izati on, as shown
by the act ual figur es. No housing sh ortage
faces this fa mily. No sho rtage of food
plagues t he Lord's household. And what a
blessed and happy atmosphere prevails ! No
family troubles. No parental neglect of

the ch ildren. No juvenile delin quency. But

instead, peace and un it y, prosperity and
contentment, joy and gladness, dwell here
continua lly , all to the pr aise and honor and.
glory of the eternal God and Father whose
name alone is J eho vah.

ehild Remembers Her Creator

E a ch day in a la r ge wes t coast city a m edica l-doctor picks up five school chilo
dren, gives them a littl e party and then interviews them over a national radio
network for about eight or ni ne minute s. On t his day a gr oup of a bout seven or
eig ht year s of age we re being in tervi ewed , and among th e qu estions he asked
them was, "What do you want t o do w he n you grow up? " One little girl wa s
heard to answer: "B e a mi ss ionary wi th J ehovah's wi tness es." The doctor re plied, " I am sure you will be a fine missionary."-B. S., New York.

Warn s of

\~ Coming Judg ment }

~! f ' , '

y .....~


THE early
part of 1950 a
" \: . >~. , ~
C h r i s t ia n mis I
siona ry was going from house
to house in one of t he poore r sections of
Brooklyn , New York. Th rough the open
window of a basement apartment he engaged in conversation a youn g woman,
evidently of Italian extraction. She r elated
how her priest had accused her of living
in sin because her mar ri age had not been
performed by a Cat holic priest. And what
was her reason ? Was it because her fiance
was a P rotestant? No, he too was a Catholic. Then why were they not mar ried by
t he priest ? Becau se they could not afford
the fee t hat the priest charged for performing t he ceremony.
Some 2,300 years ago similar conditio ns
existed in Jerusalem. Then and there, too,
selfish ga in was t he primary consideration
of those who stood before t he people and
posed as t he servants of God. At J ehovah' s
command Malachi exposed t hose selfish,
hypocritical reli gious leaders and wa rne d
them of comin g judgment. Additionally
Malachi foretold a cleansing work t hat
would take place among those who served
God in spirit and in truth.
Malachi's prophecy appropr iately closes
t he Heb r ew Scriptures in the generally accepted Gentile versions, as doubt less it was
the last of the Hebr ew writings given under
divin e inspirat ion. The name "Malachi"
(or Malachiah) means "messenger of J ah ",
and the opinion is held by some t hat it was
merely the name of t he office rathe r than
the personal name of the prophet. However,
in the absence of an y direct st atement in
i ." ,



'~~ l

. .\

the Scri pt ures to

;e r~
that effect, we ~~~ ~. ~ , ~ _ ;>f~}~
will let it rest "tJi) ~ )--'-ij ""'- /- g
with t he way it
1k NITdj[kdj
app ears in t he
opening verse of his prophecy: "The burden of t he word of t he L ORD to Israel by
the hand of Malachi."-Mal. 1:1, margin.
There is not a single fact re corded r egarding Malachi, his ancestry or personal
history. The fact that Jehovah used him to
give t his message would indicate that he
was devoted to God; and fro m t he tenor of
his prophecy it is quite evident that he was
zealous for the name and pure worship of
J ehovah and that he felt strong righteous
indignatio n towa rd those who pro fess ed to
serve God but who served only t he mselves.
Neither is there an y direct statement as
to the t ime of Malachi's pro phesyin g. But
t here are a number of clues in his prophecy
t hat help us to at least approximate the
time it was given . He speaks of the J ews
as being un der the civil administrat ion of
a governor. This would fix hi s prophecy as
postcapt ivit y, as it was only after the
seventy-year captivity and t heir return to
J eru salem that the Jews were under such
governors. The fa ct that the temple service is mentioned but without any re ference
to t he buil ding of t he temple would indicate
that Malachi prophesied after the te mple
was complete d and therefor e also after the
time of Governo r Zerubbabel.
Nehemiah is the only other such governor menti oned in the Scri ptures. And since
nothing is stated in Malachi's pro phe cy regarding t he buildi ng of t he wall around
Jerusalem, it is not like ly t hat this pro phecy was given in the early part of Nehe-

~(~ ~ y



miah's rule. On the other hand, t he conditions that Neh emiah fou nd after his second ret urn to Jerusalem (Nehemiah 13),
which was some time after 443 B.C., bear
a striking resemblance to those against
which Malachi prophesied. The circumst antial evidence, therefore, all seems to point
to the latter pa rt of Nehemi ah's governorship as the time when Malachi prophesied.
Malachi's manner is direct and for ceful.
Rather than soari ng to heights of eloquence we find him using an abrupt , strongly argumentative style. He reasons, makes
comparisons, and gives animation to his
prophecy, by continual questionings, much
of which he puts into the mouths of his
hearers as their objections, and then proceeds to answer them. His manner indicates
t hat these were guilty of gross negligence
and most blameworthy, and that they were
ready to justify themselves.
His prophetic message opens: "I have
loved you, saith Jehovah. Yet ye say,
Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau
Jacob's brother? saith Jehovah: yet I loved
Jacob; but Es au I hated, and made his
mountains a desolation."-Mal. 1 :2,3, AS.
Reproving the self-serving temp le servants, he con tinues: "A son honoreth his
father, and a servant his master: if then
I am a father, where is mine hono r? and
if I am a master, where is my fear? sa ith
Jehovah of hosts unto you, a priests, that
despise my name. And ye say, Wherein
have we despised thy name ? Ye offer
polluted bread upon mine altar. And ye
say, Wherein have we polluted thee? In
that ye say, The table of Jehovah is contemptible . . . ye offer the blind . . . the
lame and sick . . . Present it now unto thy
governor; will he be pleased with thee?"
-Mal. 1:6-8, AS.
No wonde r Jehovah says : "I have no
pleasure in you . . . neither will I accept
an offering at your hand. " But re gardless
of what t hey may do, "from the rising of


N. Y.

the sun even unto the going down of the

same my name shall be great among the
Gentil es ; and in every place incense sha ll
be offer ed unto my nam e, and a pure offering."-Mal. 1:10,11.
Malachi sounds Jehovah's warning: "If
ye will not hear , and if ye will not lay it
to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith
Jehovah of hosts, the n will I send the curse
upon you, and I will curse your blessings ;
yea , I have cursed them already, because
ye do not lay it to heart." And why should
not Jehovah be an gry with them? "The
priest's lips should keep knowl edge, and
they should seek the law at his mouth ; for
he is the messenger of Jehovah of hosts,"
but Jehovah tells them t hat, instead of
doing that, they have turned aside from
the right way themselves and caused others
to stumble. (Mal. 2 :1-8, AS) Similar conditions prevail today, even as they did in
Jesus' time.-Matt. 23:13.
Malachi nex t pleads : "Have we not all
one father? hath not one God created us ?
why do we deal t reacherously every man
against his brother? . . . let none deal
treacherously against the wife of his
youth." And further reproving t hem he
sa ys: "Ye have wearied Jehovah with your
words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we weari ed him? In t ha t ye say, Every one t ha t
doeth evil is good in the sight of J ehovah ."
(Mal. 2:10-17, AS) Yes, how ready the
clergy are to whitewash the wicked; be it a
Franco, a Hitler, a Mussolini, a Stepinac, or
just a common, ordinary political gangster!
Malachi next describes the coming judgment andIts results: "Behold, I send my
messenger, and he shall prepare the way
before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek ,
will suddenly come to his temple." It will
be a time of great t esting: "Who can abide
the day of his coming? and who shall stand
when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's
fire . . . he will purify the sons of Levi,
and refine them as gold and silver ; and they


15, 1950



shall offer unto Jehovah offerings in right- see who really serves God and who only
eousness." But those who by their course claims to do so.-Mal. 3:14-18.
of action show that they do not fear J ehoTh ese judgments are sure, Malachi
vah will receive swift judgment. "For I, warns: "For, behold, the day cometh, that
Jehovah, change not; therefore ye, 0 sons shall burn as an oven; and all the proud,
of Jacob, are not consumed." The evidence yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be
has been presented in the columns of The stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn
Watchtower time and again showing that them up . . . it shall leave them neither
in 1918 this messenger, Christ Jesus, came root nor branch." But upon those who fear
to his temple for judgment and that as a God will the sun of righteousness rise with
result of his cleansing work there is a clean healing in his wings and they shall go forth
priesthood today that is presenting offer- in strength and with joy and they shall
ings to Jehovah in righteousness.-Mal. tread the wicked underfoot.-Mal. 4:1-3.
3:1-6, AS.
Malachi closes his prophecy with counsel
Malachi next shows that those who with- to heed the law of Moses and with the warnhold their offerings from Jehovah are im- ing announcement: "Behold, I will send you
poverishing themselves. "Ye have turned Elijah the prophet before the great and
aside from mine ordinances, and have not terrible day of Jehovah come. And he shall
kept them. Return unto me , and I will re- turn the heart of the fathers to the chilturn unto you, sait h Jehovah of hosts. But dren, and the heart of the children to their
ye say, Wherein shall we return? Will a fathers; lest I come and smite the earth
man rob God? yet ye rob me. But ye say, with a curse."-Mal. 4:4-6, AS.
Wherein have we robbed t he e? In t ithes
Christ Jesus applied this prophecy to
and offerings. Ye are cursed with the John the Baptist, in whom it had a miniacurse; for ye rob me, even this whole na- ture fulfillment. (Matt. 11:14) However, its
tion.: Bring ye the whole tithe into the greater fulfillment has awaited our day,
store-house . . . and prove me now here- and the facts show that for the past
with, saith Jehovah of hosts, if I will not seventy-five years a similar work has been
open you the windows of heaven, and pour done: to convert the hearts of the fathers
you out a blessing, that there shall not be or leaders of Christendom to that of being
room enough to r eceive it."-Mal. 3:7-10, children of God, and the hearts of the chill1S .
dren, all people, to their fathers, Jehovah
Today, as in Malachi's time, many who and Christ. Since few are heeding this mesprofess to serve God are prone to think it sage, it follows t hat God will smite the
time and money wasted and, comparing earth with the curse of Armageddon.
their lot with that of others, complain :
Malachi's prophecy exalts the name of
"Now we call the proud happy; yea, they Jehovah of hosts by warning of coming
that work wickedness are set up; yea, they judgment. Let each servant of God examthat tempt God are even delivered." But ine himself in the light of this prophecy and
not so those who fear the Lord. Instead, make sure that his service to God is done
. such continue to encourage one another at unselfishly and in the fear of Jehovah.
the frequent gatherings of the Lord's peo- Doin g so he may rest assured that he will
ple. Jehovah will take note of these and, receive the blessings that Malachi foretold.
when he executes his vengeance on the Those who continue in the way of hypocwicked, will spare them as a man spares risy and selfishness will receive Jehovah's
his own son that serves him. Then all will curse. Now is the time of judgment!


Learn of


N THE first century of Christianity, and

Special laws in Cyprus, presumably set
on the apostle Paul's first missionary up to curb the communists, prohibit the
journey abroad, he and his companions holding of any public meeting without first
stopped at the island of Cyprus in the east- obtaining permission from the town counern Mediterranean. There, on the western cil, who also charges a fee of 3 to 24 pounds
coast of the island, they visited the impor- tax. The place itself where the meeting is
tant town of Paphos, where the worship of to be held must also be approved by the
the sexy Greek goddess Aphro.di'te, called council. Because of such police-state reguVenus by the Romans, was centered. Im- lations, Jehovah's witnesses obtained permediately the proclamation of the gospel mission to use the largest cinema in town
message encountered opposition from a only at the last minute. Their other sessions
fanatical religious sorcerer named Elymas. were held in a hall run by a coffee shop.
But by the power of God the apostle Paul
Though permission was granted, the
denounced this fellow as a "child of the council tried to force the witnesses to call
devil", smote him with temporary blind- off the assembly by limiting the number
ness, and put him to open shame. As a re- of people in the building to 150, and by slapsult, hon est-hearted people, including the ping a heavy 15-pound tax on the witnesses.
deputy ruler of the island, were liberated Both of these barriers failed. A large. yard
from their pagan bondage and began to attached to the assembly hall pr ovided
praise and worship the true God Jehovah plenty of room for the overflow, and the
and his beloved Son in the sweet liberty political racketeers were quickly paid their
and freedom of Christianity. How their exorbitant fee.
hearts must have rejoiced on that occasion!
-Acts 13:1-13.
Today multitudes of sincere people in
Like the ancient sorcerer of this town,
the vicinity of ancient Paphos are like- the Orthodox bishop of Paphos, Kleopas,
wise rejoicing because of a similar de- became excited over the presence of the
liverance from the snare of demon religion Lord's witnesses in his territory. So with
in the middle of this twentieth century. all of his wonder-working ecclesiastical
Last April hundreds of J ehovah's witnesses
magic he sent out a leaflet "excommunimoved into the captive town of Paphos for
their semiannual circuit assembly, and for cating" the two pioneer witnesses living in
three days these modern-day Christians Paphos. Th is was quickly followed by anbeat down all opposition hurled at them by other Ieaflet by the bishop, denouncing '
the Devil's agents, and, by God's grace, Jehovah's witnesses as the "heresy known
they too were able to open the religious as Chiliasm", which he said was "a Satanic
prison-houses and free many captives of invention of the unhealthy imagination of
good will.
the last century".



15, 1950


All of this shouting by the bishop only

helped to awaken the sleepy people of
Paphos. They began talking. The topic of
the day was Jehovah's witnesses. Then the
situation became more exciting as transportation vehicles one after another halted
in the main street to discharge happy-faced
witnesses brought from other towns and
villages on the island for this assembly. To
the populace it seemed that something very
strange had hit their normally quiet town.
Long before the opening session on Friday, April 28, the coffee shop was packed
out, and both sides of the narrow street
outside were filled with curious onlookers.
This set the pace in attendance for all the
other talks. The people of Paphos are noted
for their curiosity, and this was particularly noticeable Saturday night. When a
witness would give a comment all the strangers present would stand up to get a good
look at the person commenting. It was
indeed surprising how many strangers
stayed to hear all the talks delivered.
But other things were happening at the
coffee shop besides the sch eduled program.
Prominent people of the town were visiting the keeper and offering him large sums
of money if he would but turn the witnesses
out. However, he was an honest man, a
freedom-loving individual, a believer in
liberty for all, and ' he therefore refused
to break his contract.
Paphos has a large Turkish population;
h ence the public talk was to be given in
both Greek and Turkish. So Saturday
morning the witnesses of Jehovah lined
every street in the town, supplied with
handbills and placards printed in both languages. Never had the people of this town
seen such a spectacle! The ecclesiastics
were frantic. Their two leaflets "exposing"
t he witnesses had proved a complete failure. The situation for them was desperate.
Quickly they organized the young people's
association of the Orthodox Church and


sent them out to do "street work" with

still another leaflet.
There they were Saturday afternoon,
standing side by side, a witness for Jehovah '
and a young child of Orthodoxy, the latter
holding out a leaflet stating that Jehovah's
witnesses do not believe in the trinity, etc.
Naturally, passers-by were intensely interested; so it was a common sight to see a
group of 10 or 15 gathered around a Kingdom publisher asking questions and getting
answers from the Book of Freedom, the
Bible. Thus another attack of the enemy
only resulted in a greater witness to the
honor of Jehovah God!

The big guns of the newspapers lined

up with the Orthodox prison-keepers and
hurled heavy salvos against Jehovah's proclaimers of liberty. Bewailing the fact that
the activity of the Orthodox youth "looked
wretched" compared with that of Jehovah's
witnesses, and urging that something
"should be done today and not tomorrow"
to stop this prison-breaking work, the New
Political Review newspaper of Paphos declared:
"The followers of Jehovah already number hundreds in our district, though even
yesterday they could be counted on the
fingers of the hand. They will grow to
thousands by tomorrow and will endanger
the very existence of our
Church. For these reasons it is necessary for
our Holy Synod and our
bishops to get on the
move and to investigate
immediately and without
postponement or del a y
this terrible matter."
An 0 the r newspaper,
Paphos, in the confusion
and darkness, endeavored
to expose the reason why



so many captives were fleeing to the ranks

of Jehovah's witnesses, but their volley
backfired and uncovered the miserable
condition of the religious prison-houses
and the ones responsible for it. Notice how
the truth in the following excerpt exploded
in their own face.
"The condition of poverty and misery
that holds sway in some villages, as well
as the extensive property owned by the
monasteries and the Church, all these
things have created the right climate for
the growth of the Chiliastic religious belief
[meaning the belief of Jehovah's witnesses]. We mention for example one village,
namely Episkopi, where almost all the land
belongs to the Church and its inhabitants
work as slaves renting land or entering into
partnership. It so happens that for years
they have not been gathering a single seed
from the land which they rented of the
Church, due to heavy losses which they
sustain from wheat disease existing in this
locality. And yet, in spite of this, they are
forced to pay their rents to the full, without
any discount. No wonder then, if half of
the population of this village became Jehovah's witnesses. . . .
"From the above the Cyprus Church
should understand that it will not prevail
with a paper fight. The Chiliasts have
found the Achille's heel of clericaldom
. . . It is not sufficient to fight them with

Sunday was the big day. Early in the

morning 200 assembled and heard a discourse on the meaning and purpose of


N. Y.

baptism. Then a busload went down to the

sea at Lower Paphos, the ancient town
where Paul preached salvation and liberty,
and there 19 persons symbolized their consecration by total immersion. "Liberty to
the Captives" was the title of the advertised public lecture. Now the hour for its
delivery drew near. There was much concern over how many would attend. Would
the poor captives of Paphos obey their
prison-keepers and remain away? Or would
they come and learn the way of escape?
The public themselves gave the answer
when a total of more than 500 filled the
cinema and listened with intense interest
to the explanation on how they might find
everlasting freedom from the oppression of
their religious captors, as well as life in a
new world.
The three-day assembly came to a close,
and the witnesses left Paphos with hearts
filled with gratitude to Jehovah for all his
wonderful blessings and for the privileges
they had had in proclaiming liberty to the
downtrodden people of this district. They
must have thought of Paul and his companions, and observed that in these "last
days" Jehovah God has multiplied his
gospel-preachers many times in number
and sent them back on this return visit to
Paphos for the purpose of proclaiming liberty to the modern-day captives, the opening of the prison to them that are bound,
and the exposing to the sight of all the fact
that their clerical sorcerers today are as
blind as anci ent Elymas. Surely Jehovah's
power and spirit in behalf of his witnesses
on this occasion was as mighty as it was
nineteen hundred years ago!

The spirit of the L01'd Jehovah is upon m e; b ecau~e J eho v ah hath anointed me
to pr each good tidings u nto the m eek; he hath sent me to bind up the
broken-hearteti , to proclaim libeTty to the ca ptiv e8, and the open ing
of the pl 'i son to them t ha t aTe bound; to pToclai m t he y ew '
of J eho vah's favor, and the day of ve n geance of
our God; to comfort all that mourn .
-Isa. 61: 1, 2, AS.

What does Revelation 20:5 m ean by the

words, "The rest of the dead lived not again
until the thousand years were finished"?-J. S.,
This does not mean that "the r est of the
dead", those aside from the body-members of
Christ who reign with him in heaven for a
thousand years, have no resurrection till the
end of the millennium. The word "aga in" is
not in the ancient reliable m anuscript s, as
shown by the modern translations based upon
the latest studies in this field. The N ew Worl d
Translation renders this part of t he text, "The
rest of the dead did not corne to life until the
thousand years were ended." In the past cen turies mankind generally have been counted
"dead in trespasses and sins", under death sen tence inherited from Adam, without right to
life, and hence not having fullness of life in
God 's sight. It is n ot until the end of the
thousand-year reign, after the test brought
about by the return of Satan for a short while,
that t he benefits of Christ's r ansom to those
who will inhabit the ear th re ach thei r climax.
Then it is that J ehovah God declares them right eous and registers their names permanently in
the "book of life", and they enter fully in t o
everlasting life. Then, with Adam ic death abolished, earth's inhabit ants for the first time
"come to life" in the fullest meaning of life a s
Jehovah God views it.-Eph. 2:1 ; Rev. 20:79,
12,15 ; 22:19.

ther eafter the tree wit hered and died. (Mark

11: 1214,20, N W ) Di fferent Bible scholars seek
to show that und er certa in conditions figs were
on t rees at that t ime of year , but their arguments do not seem too strong, and fail to offset
the Scriptural explanation that "it was not the
season of figs". W h y, then , condemn the tree?
Be cause t he appearance of the tree led observers to expect fruit on it. In the case of fig t rees
the fruit appears before the lea ves, and when
leaves are out one can expect to find fruit. This
t ree had leaves. Jesus saw this from a distance.
He had a r ight t o expect f ruit on it, in view of
the t r ee' s leafy appearance, so he went to get
some figs to satisfy his hunger. When he found
n one, he condemned t he tree. Granted that it
wa s no t the sea son fo r figs, but a pp arently this
t r ee was exce ptiona l, unusually early for some
r eason, and its leaves promised fruit. It reminds
of the Jewish nation, in covenant with God,
having h is law, going through the forms of
worship, giving outward appearances of bear ing
fruit to God; ye t when Christ Jesus came to
earth and inspected that nation he found its
pretensions to frui t- bear ing false, and he condemned that natio n, sayin g, "Your house is left
un to you desola te." It wit he r ed and died as
God 's hol y n ation, for he ca st it off and thereafter the Romans carne and desolated Jerusalem.-Matt.23:38.

o Can it be said that Armageddon started in

1914 wit h the casting of Satan out of heaven
and down to earth?- Connect icut reader.
Whe n the Gentile Times ended and Jesus
Christ was enthroned in 1914, Satan did no t
a ccept the new Kin g, and wa r in heaven reo
sulted, wh ich ended with the ousting of Satan
therefr om . That wa r was the begi nning of "the
time of the end" for Sa tan's wo r ld, but it was
not pu sh ed to Satan' s destr ucti on. The trouble
was cut short to a llow for the preaching of the
Kin gd om gospel a nd the gathering of the
L ord's other sh eep on ea r th. W hen the witness
has been g iven and sheep and goats separated,
then will com e the final end upon Satan's
wo rld. That will be Ar mage ddon, the battle of
the gr eat day of God Almi ghty, and it will rid
the un ive rse of Sata n and h is dem ons and his
vis ible a gen ts on earth.-Matt. 24:14; Rev.
12:712; 16:1416; 19:11-20:3.

How could Jesus justly condemn and cause

to wither the fig tree that had no fruit on it,
in view of the fact that it was not the season
for figs?-P. S., Oklahoma.
The ac count reads: "From a distance he
caught si gh t of a fig tree that had leaves, and
he went to see whet her he would perhaps find
something on it . But, on corni ng t o it , he foun d
no thing bu t leaves, for it was not the season of
figs. So, in response, he said to it: 'May no one
eat fruit from you any more forever.''' Soon

ing Jehovah' Kingdom

"Priest. vs. Christ
In a dis cussion at the do or by a minis ter of
the gospel with the householder, the mention
of Jehovah's name called forth a priest who
had been wi thin listening. "I se e your Jehovah
has you pretty well posted, but those n ames
like Moses, Isaiah, and others you con ti nually
quote mean nothing to me. If I want to know
anythi ng I ca n write to t he pope or even telephone him for information." After a few more
of such observations the minister of the gospel
replied, "You talk like the men Jesus sp oke of
in the 23rd chapter of Matthew." "God damn
the 23rd chapter of Matthew," was the priest's
reply.-M. E ., Illinois.

cAll Preaching Except "Preacher"

In working over our territory we found a
gr oup known as the "Church of God and

Christ". The first one we contacted was the

clergyman. He received the message very
favorably an d invited us to return. In the meantime he told his con gregation that he was goin g to take les sons so that he could the better
preach to them and asked for them to pay for
these les sons. They readily agreed. Seems that
this prea cher could not conceive of anything
bein g free. As our work progressed in the territory we go t to vis it each of his members. They
t oo r eceived the message favorably and were
glad to take pa rt in a regular study. As a result the ch urc h has closed its doors and all its
one-tim e mem bers are now taking part in proclaiming Jehovah's kingdom. The preacher is
still studying bu t has not taken an a ctive part
as yet. -A. B., Alabama.



rurxx -

The m onth of October has been desi gnated

"It Is Nearer than You Think" Testimony P e
riod . Do you believe, as do th e maj orit y of t he
readers of Th e Watcit t ow e/', t hat the fina l end
of all wickedness is very n ear at hand, much
nearer than the uninformed think? If you do,
you will undoubtedly desire to joi n with us in
the a cti vity to wh ich this October Testimony
Period is to be devoted, namely, the tak in g of
subscr ipti ons for the Awake! magazine . A w a7ce!
the companion magazine to Th e Watc htower,
is issued on the 8t h and 22nd of every m on th.
It plays a very important part in awake n ing
the people to the nearness of th e expression
of God 's wrath at Armageddon. You will want
your friends and neighbors to have the timely
information it presents, and you can aid them
by offering a year's subscription fo r Awake!
at the regularYate of one dollar. We shall be
pleased to send you instructions and also helpful forms on which to report your a ctivity as
well as to secure the essential information so
that the subscriptions you obtain will be cor rectly addressed.

held 011 Sunday, Oct ober 1, 1950, a t ten o'clock

in the forenoon. The place of the m eeting will
be at the registered office of the Society located in the Wabash Building, 410 Liberty
Ave n ue, Pi ttsburgh 22, P ennsyl vania. The
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society is a nonprofit Pennsylvania corporation, an d at this,
the 1950 annual meeting, regular bu siness of
the corpora tio n will be transacted. Those who
are members of t he cor porat ion will r eceive
the re gular notice of the meeting to gether with
proxy forms by mail in the usual way, and this
announc ement supplem ents the letters of notification. As soo n a s convenient after receivin g
the r egular notice a nd proxy form each member should fill out and m ail his proxy to the
office of the se creta ry of the Society, 124: Colum bia Heights, Brooklyn 2, New York. .This
should be done by every member whether. attending the meeting in person 0 1' not, and . we
should like to have all of t he proxies in not
later than September 15, 1950.

Week of October 22: Turning to the Peoples a

Pure Langua ge , U 1-18; New World Translation of the Christian Greek Sc r ip ture s, U 1-4.
Week of October 29: New World Translation of
the Christian Greek Scriptures, ~ 5-25.



The annual meeting of the members of the

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society will be


Literal towers in Bible times w ere elevated van~e points from which
watchmen cou ld observe happen ings, warn of danger, or announce good
news. Our magazine fi~uratively occupies such a vanta~e point, for it is
founded on the very pinnacle of w isdom, God's Word. That elevates it
above racial, Qational and polit ical propa~andas and prejudices, fr ees it from
selfish bias. It is not bound by any traditional creed, but its message advances as the li~ht on God's purposes and w or ks increases.-Habakkuk 2 :1-3.
It sees thin~s SCriptur ally. When it observes this generation ~fHicted
with ~:"eed, delinquency, hypocrisy, atheism , war, famine, pestilence, perplexity and fear, and persecution of unpopular minorities, it does not parrot .the
old fable about history repeatin~ itself. Informed by Bible prophecy, ft sees in
these things the si~n of the world's time of the end. But with bri~ht hope it
also sees opening up for us just beyond these woes the portals of a new world.
Thus viewed, "The Watchtower" stands as a w a.tchman atop a tower,
elert to what is goin~ on, awake to note si~ns of danger, faithful to point out
the w ay of escape. ft announces Jehovah's kin~dom established by C hrist's
enthronement in heaven, feeds his kingdom joint-heir s with spiritual food,
cheers men of ~ood w ill w ith ~lorious prospects of eternal 1l.fe in a paradise
earth, comforts us with the resurrection promise for the dead . .
It is not do~atic, but has a confident rin~ in its voice, because it is based
on God's Word. Itdces not privately int erpr et prophecy, but calls attention
to physical facts, sets them alon~side prophecy, and you see for yourself how
well the two m atch, how accurately Jehovah interprets his own prophecy.
In the interests of our salvation, it keeps sharp and faithful focus on Bible
truth, and views religiOUS news ~enerally.
'Be watchfuf in these perilous times: God admonishes. So keep on the
watch by regularly reading "The Watc~tower".


117 Adams Street
Broo klyn 1. N. Y., U. S. A.
N . H . KNORR, President
GR.\ NT S UI TER. Secretary

"T hey will all be ta ught by J ehovah."-John 6: 45, NW; Isaiah 5i: 13

"The Wisdom from Above"
The Way of Success
"Droop Not Your Hands"
Theocracy's Expansion in South Korea
Joseph of Arimathea
Report of Theocracy's Increase Ass embly
It Is Nearer than They Think
Questions from Readers
A.,.,latIOtlI .11. 'I


Printing this issue:


Wat.blower" for the follC1llng Blbl' Yenlons

AS - Amerlean Stanll4rd Version

AT - An Amerl.'n Tran,I ,U on
Da - J. N. Darby', rerslcn
Dv - Ca!bollc Dcuay ..moo
.b - The Emph'Uc Dla,lott
La - Isaac Leesu' l ,enloD
tl'IlIess otherwise indicated. the- Bible

LXX- Th. Sepluaglnt Version

810 - J ames ~ Io!! att', rerslon
NW - N. w World Tr.nsl.Uon
Ro - J. n, Rotcerham', . m len
R8 - Rem ed Standard Version
Y" - Robert Young', rerston
used 'Js !be KIn, James VersiOD


Five cents a copy


S"ml",onl hly
Mll kaa",
Il okann
Cebu- Ylsar.D
I tali an
Chi hona
st amese
l'u gll ,h
Gr. ek
lIu ngarlan
SIor enlan
I bo
Ilkr aln lan
~"I .ya la m
Ylsor an

Walch To,.-" Society omces

Yearly .ubscrl pUon rate
A",,,Iea, U.S. , 117 Adam, St. , Breoklrn 1. N. Y.
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Brll h , We-;t Indlas, 21 Tarl or tit I'ort of tipaln, Trlnld3d
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October 1, 1950

No. 19


RASSHOPPERS are not very smart.
Their thoughts are not men's thoughts.
If a man could give just a small part of

woes that have afflicted and still afflict this

generation, since 1914. But they blindly
say it is only history repeating its elf.
his mental power to a grasshopper , t hat Wher eas t he eyes of understanding enlightfavored grasshopper would be far wiser ened by God's Word see in these t hings not
than all the other gra sshoppers combined. repeating history, but the foretold signs
How high above grasshoppers are men!
of Messiah's presence. By st udying the
But before any swell with pride, re ad Bible such persons have the mind of the
what Isaiah says about J ehovah God: "He Lord on these momentous happ enings, and
sits over the r ound earth , so high that its hence they draw on a wisdom far superior
inhabitants look like grasshoppers." (Is a. to the pooled wisdom of all the finest
40 :22, 11:10) How high above men is God! human brains in the world, a wisdom high"My thoughts are not you r t houghts , nei- er above man's than man's is above a gra ssther are your ways my ways, saith the hopp er's. Note things written centuries ago
LORD. For as the heavens are higher than that mark the time of the end of this
the earth, so are my ways higher than present wicked system of things.
your ways, and my t houghts t han your
Jesus said: "Nation will ri se against nathoughts." (Is a. 55:8, 9) If a man could get tion, and kingdom against kingdom, and
some of God's wisdom in him, that fav or ed there will be great ear thquakes and in one
man would be wiser than all other men place after ano th er pestil ences and food
that lack divine wisdom.
short ages .. . and on the earth anguish of
While it is not possible for feeble man to nations, not knowing the way out because
project any of his men tal power to a grass- of t he roaring of t he sea and it s agitation,
hopper, it is possible for Jehovah to imp art while men become -faint out of fear and
his wisdom to men . Through his Word the expectation of the things coming upon the
Bible "the LORD giveth wisdom", "he laye th inhabi ted earth."-Luke 21 :10,11,25,26,
up sound wisdom for the ri ghteous." (Pr ov. NW.
2:6,7) For those who gain proper underTh e apostle Paul said: "Know this, that
standing alon g with the wisdom from the in the last days critical ti mes hard to deal
Script ures , the eyes of their understanding with will be here. Fo r men will be lovers of
are enlighte ned. They discern more than themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming,
ot her men.-Prov. 4: 7; E ph. 1: 18.
haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parFor instance, many men not e the wa rs, ents, without gratitude, wit h no lovingfamines, pestilences and other numerous kindness, having no natural affection, not



ope n to any ag reement, slanderers, without

self- control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with
self-esteem , lovers of pleasures rather than
lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power ; and
from these turn awa y. . . . Wicke d men
and impostors will advance from bad to
worse, m isleading and being m isled."
-2 Tim. 3:1-5, 13, NW.
The apostle Peter said: " In t he last days
there wiII come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own
desires and saying: 'Where is this promised
presence of his? Why, from the day our
forefathers fell asleep in death, all things
are continuing exactly as from creation's
beginning.' "-2 Pet. 3:3, 4, NW.
Men who shut eyes and stop ears and
close minds to such wisdom from above
that enlightens us concerning t hese "critical times h ard to deal with" wiII remain as
stupid as grasshoppers in God's sight. If
they ridicule the divine wisdom that informs that present events and woes are
signs of t he last days, if they brush off such
happenings as history repeating itself, as
cycles "conti nuing exactly as from creation's beginning", then their ver y presence
as ridiculers is but an added sign.
But relative to these woes now afflicting
mankind, some men do worse than merely
ridicule. Some blaspheme God, and cause
others to blaspheme. The clergy, who claim
to serve God, often say He brings these
woes upon men to punish them for evil,
and frequently say punishment comes because men today do not su pport the organized churches of Chri stendom. Typical is
this from a leaflet circulated by Catholics
in Timmins, Ontario: "Did you know that
the 2nd World War was a punishm ent from
heaven for sins?" Such falsehoods turn men
away from God. It is of such wisdom that
Jehovah says: "The wisdom of their wise
men shall perish." It perishes, when we lis-


N. Y.

ten to divine wisdom that tells who is

really behind present woes: "\Voe for the
earth and for the sea, because the Devil
has come down to you, having great anger,
knowing he has a short period of time."
-Rev. 12:12, NW.
"The wisdom of this world is foolishness
with God." (1 Cor.3:19) Do not be dazzled
by foolishness. True, some men are smarter than others, viewed in a worldly way.
Isn't it also true some grasshoppers may
have more instinctive wisdom than others?
Even so, to a man all grasshoppers are so
low down mentally that it makes little
difference. Similarly, to God all men are so
far below him in wisdom that none are of
consequence mentally. In fact, he generally
favors those of less worldly wisdom. "For
you behold his calling of you, brothers, that
not many wise in a fleshly way were called,
not many powerful, not many noble; but
God chose the foolish things of the world,
that he might put the wise men to shame,
and God chose the weak things of the world,
that he might put the strong things to
shame; and God chose the igno ble things
of the world and' the things looked down
upon, the things that are not, that he mi ght
bring to nothing the things that are, in
order that no flesh might boast in the sight
of God."-l Cor. 1:26-29, NW; Matt.
11:25; Acts 4:13.
Hence men who would be truly wise will
seek "the wisdom that comes down from
above", which is peaceable, reasonable,
merciful, fruitful, impartial, and not hypocritical. That wisdom is a defense in these
critical times; fools will die for lack of it.
Search the Bible for it, as for something
marl'! valuable than gold and silver. Studiously dig for it, as you would seek out
hidden treasures. "If anyone of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep on asking God,
for he gives generously."-Prov. 2:1-5;
10:21; Eccl. 7:12; Jas. 1:5; 3:15-18, NW.

"Then. thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and

then thou shalt have good SUCCe8s."-Josh. 1: 8.

EHOVAH is conducting a Government

school of success. There is nothing else
on earth like it. Since it graduated a Master
Instructor it has been in operation for
nineteen hundred years. The wonderful
course that it offers through him is an
education and training for life through all
eternity to come. You will not graduate
from this school until you have proved
yourself worthy of the right to everlasting
life. Gaining this right is the measure of a
person's real success, and it is a credit to
the School Instructors and a lasting joy and
blessing to the successful graduate. Success
is really to be measured in terms of living,
and not in the fleeting superficial things of
this world. The One who gained the highest
type of life, immortality in the heavens,
said: "What benefit will it be to a man if
he gains the whole world but forfeits his
soul? or what will a man give in exchange
for his soul?" (Matt. 16: 26, NW) To what
greater success could any man or woman
attain than to gain endless life in happiness,
that with it he might serve the God who
bestows this prize? Next to that, what
sweeter privilege could we have than to
help someone else to gain such life with us?
None. Then how to make such a success is
the question, and Jehovah's theocratic
school of success supplies the answer.
2 To enter this school we have to turn
ourselves over fully to the great Conductor

1. Wh at has

J eh ovah been conducting ? And ho w is

succe ss m eas u r ed ?
2. How do we enter this scho ol ? How h ave worldly
schools fa lled ?

Delivered by the preside nt of the W atch Tower

Bible &. Tract Society at
the graduation exercises
of the W atchtower Bible
School of Gilead at 3 p.m .
Sunday, JUly 30, 1950, at
the Yankee Stadium, New
York city , as the opening feature of the 8-day
Internat ional asse mb ly of
Jehovah's w itnesses

of the school, Jehovah God. We have to

submit. ourselves fully to his course of
instruction and be willing to learn according to his way. That means we have to
choose to serve God and to enter into an
agreement with him to do his will, desiring
his will to be done in everything. We want
him to make out of us what he wants, and
not what this world thinks we ought to be.
Mter more than four thousand years of
existence this world has proved itself a
dismal failure, showing that it has no life
of freedom, of tranquillity and or, joy to
offer. All the schools it has established till
now have failed to' teach its students how
to gain such a life. And so the glowing
plans that this world wants to map out for
us according to its idea of success are
doomed to end up in bitter disillusionment
for us, in this modern electronic age the
same as in all previous ages. The days of
this world are numbered, and all those who
are studying and aiming for success in this
world will pass out with it in destruction.
3 But Jehovah God wants his students to
find a permanent place in the free new
world which he creates and which will
never pass away. That is his desire for us
who enter his school. His beloved Son Jesus
said: "Likewise it is not a desirable thing
with my Father who is in heaven for one
of these little ones to perish." (lVIatt.18:14,
NW) He wants to have us attain to eternal
life in the world to come, and he knows
3. What Is J eh ovah's de sire for those en t erin g h is
school ?



just the course of study, tra ining and activity that we need for us to succeed. It is,
therefore, essent ial that we obey his will
as Teacher.
This rule for success he emphasized
long ago. The prophet Moses was soon to
climb Mount Nebo for a look at the Promised Land of milk and honey and die and,
before parting, he led the Israelites into a
covenant of faithfulness toward Jehovah
God and said: "Keep therefore the words
of this covenant, and do them, that ye may
prosper in all that ye do." (Deut. 29:1-9)
Through Moses Jehovah God gave the
Book of the Law to the Israelites. He appointed Moses' faithful servant Joshua to
be his successor to lead the nation of Israel
into the Promised Land. Joshua's success as
the one taking Moses' place would be measured by his leading the people of God's
covenant triumphantly across the Jordan
river and subduing and clearing out the
enemies that then occupied the land. When
Joshua comes back in the resurrection from
the dead and you ask him what worked
for his success, he will tell you it was obedience to these words ' of Jehovah God to
him: "Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do
according to all the law, which Moses my
servant commanded thee: turn not from it
to the right hand or to the left, that thou
mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.
This book of the law shall not depart out
of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest
observe to do according to all that is
written therein: for then thou shalt make
thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt
have good success."-Josh. 1:7,8.
~ That settles it for us: The way to good
success lies in loyal obedience to our divine
Teacher, Jehovah. But to obey we have to
4. How was t his rule of success emphasized In Joshua's
case ?
5. AccordIng to those words to Joshua, In wh at does
the way to success lie?


N. Y.

familiarize ourselves with his will. He has

given us his written Word, but we have to
meditate on it day and night that we may
make out what his will is for us, what work
he wants us to do. That Word must not depart from our mouths, but we must keep it
on our tongue and discuss it with others
and must declare it to others for their
guidance to success. Our loving Teacher is
ever ready to help us to learn his will and
know the truth. He watches our line of
action in trying to do his will and is always
there to guide us. Assuringly he says to us:
"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the
way which thou shalt go: I will counsel
thee with mine eye upon thee. Be ye not
as the horse, or as the mule, which have
no understanding; whose trappings must
be bit and bridle to hold them in, else they
will not come near unto thee." (Ps. 32:8,9,
AS) If we have better sense than a horse
and a mule we will come willingly to our
great Master Jehovah God and will look to
him for instruction and teaching, and will
always try to carry these out, knowing that
his eye is upon us to watch how we do and
correct us when we make mistakes. So he
keeps us from going the wrong way, which
ends up in failure. We could not have a
more devoted teacher than he is, one who
is sincerely and lovingly interested in the
lasting welfare of his pupils and concerned
for their ultimate success.
G Jehovah's beloved Son Jesus Christ was
his greatest pupil, and if we copy his example we shall be certain to succeed as he did.
Jesus was completely resigned to doing
what his Father and Teacher showed to be
his will and speaking what He taught him
to say in this world. For doing his Father's
will to the limit, he was lifted up with his
hands and feet nailed to a torture stake.
Not a success in this world's eyes, of course.
But it proved the Devil a liar in saying no
6. Copylng what pupl!'s example lead s to sure success ?
Why so ?


1, 1950


man could be compl etely faithful to God in

this world, and it showed Jesus' perfect
integrity and obedience to God as Seve reign Ruler over all. Therefore Jesus said
to the Jews: "When once you have lifted
up the Son of man, t hen you will know that
1 am he, and that 1 do nothing of my own
initiative, but just as the Father taught me
1 speak these t hings." (John 8:28, NW)
Jesus admitted to bein g taught by his God
and Father, and for us to follow in his
footste ps we must have the same Teacher
as he had. Persons of this world pride themselves on having gone to a certain school
or college and having had certain renowned
ones as instructors. But we could not have
a teacher grander and more competent
than Jehovah God, nor any schooling higher t han what he gives, .for this lea ds to
sure success.
7 Because of Jesus' faithfulness Jehovah
sent hi m forth into t his world to teach us.
Hence we must become Jesus' disciples or
learn ers. We can not ga in entrance into
Jehovah's school of success unles s through
J esus , for he said: "1 am the way and t he
t ruth and t he life. No one comes t o the
F ather except through me ." (John 14:6,
N W) And so Jehovah's ent ire school systern has been organized with Jesus Christ
as the main Teacher under Jehovah God
himself. And as Jehovah taught Jesus that
he might teach others, so we too , after
ourselves being taught, must teach others.
God's bringing us into his school is for an
unselfish purpose. It is not a school where
mere theory is taught, but it is a most
practical school. The purpose of our attending t he re is that we mi ght learn to do
what is in harmony with our Cr eator and
may te ach others for them also to win life
from God through Jesus Christ.
7. Th rou gh wh om must we enter t his sch ool, a nd why ?
After being taught, what must we do?



This world and its invisible ruler the

Devil are opposed to God's will. It is in the
midst of this world that we must live just
now , but, thank God, it is now only a "sh ort
period of time" befo re the Devil and his
world-rulers of this da rkn ess a re bound
and put out of t he way. But during this
remaining "shor t period of t ime" in which
t his world stands we have to live in it, and
for this special reason we mu st pursue our
studies and learning in the divine school.
We cannot afford to drop out or play hooky.
We cannot afford to be dismi ssed from
it for improper conduct, r ebelliousness
against our Teachers, and unfaithfulness.
In order to be crowned with success we
must keep on with our studies of God's
Word and with our efforts t o te ach others
also. Some of us may have been privileged
as full- time ministers of God t o attend the
Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and
graduate from it and receive a diploma of
merit. That has been a great blessing to
all such graduates, and it has put them far
ahead in understand ing God's will and in
being able to study his Word an d to teach
others. But that is not the end of study
an d schooling for even such graduates. No;
it is the beginning of living und er a greater
r esponsibility before God. Graduates of
Gilead as well as all the rest of us must
continue on in the greater school of Jehovah God by Christ Jesus, which is open to
all of us. In this divine inst itut ion we must
all carry on our studies as long as we are
in this wicked enemy world, that we may
not be destroyed with it.
D Success, which leads t o everlasting life
in the new world, will never be attributed
to us until we have fin ished our career in
t his old world and have kep t the divine
approval upon us down to the finish. It was

8. Why do we all, Including g raduate s of Gilead, have

to stay In this school now a nd carry on ou r stu die s?
9. Wh en wlll success be attribute d to us , as Paul




N. Y.

only at the finish that the apostle Paul gathering of ourselves together" but "encould say for himself: "The due time for couraging one another, and all the more so
my releasing is imminent. I have fought as you behold the day drawing near". (Heb.
the right fight, I have. run the course to the 10:25, NW) Our attending a public or prifinish, I have observed the faith. Ai; for the vate school with other pupils has its inrest, there is reserved for me the crown of structive benefits. So our gathering torighteousness, which the Lord, the right- gether with fellow Christians for study,
eous judge, will give me as a reward in that prayer and field-service instruction has its
day."-2 Tim. 4:6-8, NW.
invaluable benefits. If we get the large10 Hence Gilead graduates must press on
hearted spirit of our great Teachers, we
with their studies, and thus put to practical just love to be together with persons who
use the training they so graciously received are studying and training with us in the
through Jehovah's organization. They must same divine school.
now push their personal studies, no longer
11 But as with Gilead graduates, we canunder the pressure of the Gilead School not just drop our studies as soon as we
schedule or because of facing examinations leave school or classroom. When we close
or for the sake of winning passing grades; our Bibles and our Bible-study books after
no, but for the sake of meeting the demands a personal study, or when we leave a
made on them by the great teaching work meeting-place and.part from feIlow Chriswhich they have to cl!rry on after leaving tians, we cannot forget the things we have
school. Graduating from such a school and learned. That would be a waste of time,
being able to exhibit a diploma is not the money and mental effort. We must medifinal goal. Your succeeding in finaIly saving tate on those things and apply them as we
your own soul and helping in the salva- meet life's daily problems and also teIl
tion of others is the great objective of all these things out to others. We must put our
the schooling
acquired knowlJehovah gives
edge to work; as
through Jesus
it is wri tten :
Christ. AIl this
"Become doers
plays its part in
of the word, and
vindicating Jenot hearers only,
hovah as a Fadeceiving yourther who gives
selves with false
life to obedient.
reasoning." (Jas.
children who are devotedly. attached to 1: 22, NW) Keep always in view the subhim and who are a credit to him. To such lime purpose of your schooling under the
he says: "My son, be wise, and make my tutelage of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.
heart glad, that I may answer him that That purpose is that, after our study hours,
reproacheth me." (Prov. 27:11) It is not we may do God's work to his glory and
only by our personal study of the Bible for the salvation of ourselves and of others.
and the publications of the Watch Tower And this we are obliged to do in the midst
Bible & Tract Society at our abodes that of an unfriendly world. Remember, a great
we carry forward our study in the heavenly part of our own schooling comes through
Father's Word, but by "not forsaking the trying to te ach others.
10. Why , too, must dlplomaed Gile ad graduate s press
on with their studies afterward ? Besides In personal
study, ho w m us t we study ?

11. What Is It necessary for us to do after our study

hours ?

OCTOBER 1, 1950




never returns void and unfulfilled to him.

When Joshua marched across the Jor- -Isa.55:11.
dan river into hostile territory he needed
14 To be successful for life eternal we
great courage and unswerving devotion to have to listen to God's instruction through
Jehovah's purpose. So with us now. We his Theocratic organization and to abide
today march forward to the work for which by it even under circumstances of great
our great Teacher has schooled us under stress. Speaking to his pupils as children,
Jesus Christ, and we do so in a world filled God says: "My son, hear the Instruction of
with foes. We
~ . ...
thy father, and
know what we
~forsake not the
have been in'-v.
ing] [or,ofteachthy
structed to do,
but we cannot
mother." The
successfully do
hea venly Fait in our own
ther here likens
~~'~~".--- his organizastrength and ~=~~Il:c:
according to
tion for teachour natural understanding of things. We ing his children to a woman, a mother who
need the guidance, help and backing of the is' very devoted to her husband and to
One who sends us out from his
eir. chll reno (Prov. 1:8, AS, margin)
school. He does not send us out and forget The heavenly Father wants us to have reabout us. He is keenly interested in how spect for his educational organization, and
his pupils use the precious knowledge he
so he says: "My son, keep thy father's comhas given them through his Theocratic
and forsake not the law of thy
organization under Christ. He has promised
the commandment is a lamp;
to be with them, but only if they carry out
his commandments and act according to and the law is light; and reproofs of in-
the way they have been taught. Naturally struction are the way of life." (Prov.6:20,
he would not be with those who prove dis- 23) If we keep our Father's instruction and
obedient and are not doers of his Word. commandment, not only will he be with
The enemy world tries to compel us to act us, but his "woman", our "mother", will
and live contrary to divine teaching, so also be with us. Every normal woman is
that all our schooling may go for nothing, attached to her children. Jehovah, who
wasting God's' goodness. For that reason made woman, asks: "Can a woman forget
we need all the more to be fearless and to her sucking child, that she should not have
adhere strictly to what God has commandcompassion on the son of her womb? yea,
ed and taught us. He does not guarantee us
they may forget, yet will I not forget thee."
prosperity and good success in his service
(Isa. 49:15) God's woman, or Theocratic
if we do otherwise.
organization, is like him. She never forgets
13 But be sure of this one thing: He has
children, those whom she teaches and
not sent us forth on a vain mission, but he
will grant us prosperity and good success brings forth as witnesses and representaif we carry out his Word; for his word tives of her husband, the Most High God.

;~~~~~=~::~~~:~:=~' ~



12. 13. Why do we need to be courageous. like Joshua?

Whose backing Is promised us , and under wh at conditions?

14. Through what do es God give us Instruction? Like

h im, why will It be with us as we go forth, and on
what conditions?



We should show our love for her by not

fors aking t he law of our mother. It would
be foolish to give up her law and t r eat it
with contempt. "A wise son maketh a glad
father: but a foolish man despiseth his
mother."-Prov. 15 :20.
15 A person who thinks he can get along
without God's organ ization and can study
the Bible on his own and can do God's work
independently as he thinks best apart fr om
all organization is very foolish . He lacks
all understanding of how God has dealt
with his servants in times past. We must
not forget that God instructs us through
his organization, his woman, our mother.
He respects his woman and appreciates the
work that she does in behalf of His sons
and daughte rs. So he does not like it when
any professed Christian disrespects the
"mother" organ ization. To disrespect her
means to disr espect Jesus Christ , for God
has made this beloved Son the head of the
Theocr at ic organ ization. He who robs t he
organization of the respect due this symbolic mother is working to dest ro y the
organizati on, not build it up. He is guilty
of transgressing against her divine husband, J ehovah our heavenly Father. What
you do against her you do against him.
"Whoso robbeth his father or his mot her,
and saith, It is no t ransgression ; the same
is the companion of a destroyer." And t he
great destr oyer is Satan the Devil. (Pro v.
28 :24) Le t us, then, not r ob and destroy,
but show love an d resp ect for our moth er
by never forsak ing he r law and teaching
as the Devil did. Let us ever be obedient
to her, doing so as to Jehovah, her Husband and Head.
1G She is a worthy woman. She is no
adulter ess or fornicator with th e Devil, and
we are not illegitimate children when we
15. Why Is one who thInks he can get along wIthout
the or gantzatton foolish ? Of what dIsrespect a n d transgre ssIon Is he guil ty?
16. In wh a t way is sh e a wom a n worthy to be our
mother ?


N. Y.

confess her motherhood. She is Theocratically subject to her Husban d, the Most High
God. We can t herefore trust her to lead us
in ways pleas ing to Jehovah the Giver of
everlasting life. Her loving concern is for
His childre n, and she looks well to t hat,
using all her organizational means and
powers for their welfare. The t hirty-first
chapter of Proverbs likens her to a virtuous
woma n. The description it gives of such a
woman inspires confide nce in the organ izat ion an d helps us to love an d appreciate it.
17 The
description was given to King
Lemuel, whose name means "belonging to
God" or "sacred to God". The vir tuous
woman was descri bed to him by his own
mot her. As mother to a king, she occupies
the relation of a queen to her great Husband, Jehovah the Kin g of eternit y, the
Father of the "kings of t he earth". So she
can re ar and inst ruct kings sacred to God.
By her description she shows what we
ought t o look for in His Theocratic woman
or organization. "A prudent wife is fr om
J ehovah," and the Theocrat ic woman or
organization is His cr eation and was ma de
for our motherhood.-Prov. 19 :14, AS.
18 Showing loyalty to her Husband, she
warn s her children against overindulging
in intoxicants or drinks which stupefy an d
benumb our powers and senses. Why? Lest
her ch ildren be overco me an d deprived of
a sound mind and forg et the law of God.
(Lev. 10:8-11) She builds up the statur e
and strength of her sons and daughters by
feed ing them wit h food. It does not matter
that she at times has to import t he food
from afar, like mercha nts' ships coming
from distant ports. So, to feed her children
in outlying t erritories or distant lands, the
Watch Tower Society imitates her by
bringing workers from distant points to
the Bible School of Gilead and sends these
17. To whom was th e descrIption of her gIven? In
gener al what does It show?
18. Against what do es she warn t hem ? An d how does
she fee d them ?


1, 1950



missionaries back or sends them to other proof and by kindly counsel she gives wise
distant points that by t hese she may feed te aching an d main tains God's law.
spiritual nourishment t o all her children.
21 In organizational operation and strucAll those who serve her, whether they be ture t he world may not think she is beaudirectly her children or not, sh e feeds an d tiful of feature or graceful and it makes
strengthens for service, for, it is written, fun of her primitive simplicity characterisshe gives "a portion to her maidens". (Prov. tic of apos tolic days. Ah, but she fears Je31:15) She rises early while it is yet dark hovah, and that is what ma kes her wise and
in order to have food ready on t ime for all virtuous and wins her lasting praise from
her household.
Him. She has a big love, stretching out
her hand to the poor and reaching fort h
19 Bes ides feeding, she also sees to the
clothing of her children. She works up her hand to t he needy; and so she instills
materials with which to clothe them, that in her children gener osit y and neighbor
they may be presentable with a godly, love. She wants them to share with others
Christian identification of which they need the spiritual blessings from their heavenly
never be ashamed. She clothes them with Father, imp arting to the poor and needy
the identity of witnesses of her Husband, the food of his Kingdom truth and clothing
Jehovah. So "she is not afraid of the snow them with garments to identify them with
for her household", for she knows God's his King.-Prov. 31: 30, 20.
children by her are well clothed to bear the
cold hatred of this world . She is always
2 2 In this world it is customary to speak
providing for their well-being in t he future,
looking ahead to what t hey will need in of a hi gh school, college or university from
time to come, that she may "r ejoice in time which a person graduates by the heathen expression "alma mater" (fostering
to come" at having met the needs.
But the Watchtower Bible School
20 She "looketh well to the ways of her
is not the great mother organizahousehold". Hence it is an orderly, welltion
Gilead graduates. The Watch
conducted, industrious 'and godly houseTower
& Tract Society is not the
hold, of which it is a blessing to be a memgreat
organization of Jehovah's
ber. In this behalf it may be necessary
received the Kingdom
sometimes for her to use t he r od and admin ister a reproof to one or all her children. truth through it and who cooperate with it
But by letting us go our own way it would world-wide, using it as their legal and businever work to our eventual success or bring ness servant and adviso ry governing body.
honor to her organizational methods. She No; as Jehovah's witnesses we represent
knows that "the rod and r eproof give wis- something greater than these minor visible
dam: but a child left to himself bringeth organizations. The great "mother " is Jehohis mother to shame". (Prov. 29:15) She vah's universal organization, which he
does not want to be ashamed of how she created and of which he is the faithful Husbrought up God's children and she does not band. (Isa. 54: 5; Gal. 4: 26) By her he
want us to be a grief and reproach to him. brings forth his beloved children for his
At the same time "she openeth her mouth purpose. 'By her he gives us law and instrucwith wisdom; and in her tongue is the law 21. What m akes h er wIs e and pr aisewor thy ? H ow do es
of kindness". (Prov. 31: 26) Thus by re- she t each love ?
19. H ow do es sh e clo the t h em ?
20. H ow does she look t o the ways of her h ousehold?

22. Who Is ou r s pir it ua l m oth er , GlIea d, the Watch

To wer Societ y ? Why ? And in wh at chlldren Is she
interested ?




N. Y.

tion, provides for us, guides us and looks Keep in tune with it by accepting the
out for our welfare with a view to our ever- Theocratic organization rules and instruclasting life. In her we find fulfilled all the tions which God issues to us through it.
traits of a virtuous woman so lovelily de- Never forsake these, but be teachable, as
scribed to King Lemuel. Just now, when trustful children. Hold fast to the Bible.
25 Serve God where he places you. ReGod's kingdom is the paramount issue, his
"woman" is chiefly concerned with bring- member that the great Director of the
ing forth successfully to kingship with organization knows his tools or instruJesus Christ in heaven the remnant of his ments. He knows which to use and where
royal "little flock". Yet she is interested and how to use it. So lend yourself to his
also in the many, many "other sheep" who use when he chooses you. His choice of
will eventually become her earthly children you is never accidental and unpremediin God's image and likeness. Her heart is tated. Go to the territory or position to
big enough to hold a love now for them all which he designates you. Show your fitness
and to gather all these "other sheep" to for the place to which you are thus asher warm, loving bosom.-Luke 12:32; signed. Work in unity with the organizaJohn 10:16.
tion as a whole. Draw all the good out of
whatever reproofs are administered to you
2 3 However, what we see exemplified in
God's woman, his heavenly universal or- for your proper conduct. Carry out instrucganization, we should look to see in his tions with all respect for the great "mothvisible organization. Why? Because his er" organization. And never quit your ashigher, greater universal organization uses signed work of your own accord. Build up
it as her earthly instrument. That is why your ability and competence for the work
we do see those motherly traits, those by staying with it and familiarizing yourtraits and acts of a virtuous woman, in the self with it more and more. Take to heart
Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and in the apostle's organizational instruction to
the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, the young overseer Timothy: "Ponder over
because these profess to represent and these things, be absorbed in them, that
serve God's woman. We thank God for pro- your advancement may be manifest to all
viding and using them. So we stand up re- persons. Pay constant attention to yourspectfully and bless his faithful organiza- self and to your teaching. Stay by these
tion, his queenly "woman" in heaven which things, for by doing this you will save both
makes all these loving provisions for us as yourself and those who listen to you."
children of God.-Prov. 31:28.
-1 Tim. 4:15,16, NW.
26 In this way you will prove yourself
24 If we have an appreciation of all these
worthy child of God by his "woman".
truths, what shall we say is the way of
will show what he can make of you
success? All the examples and the teachby
instruction through his "woman".
ings of the Word of God agree that it is
the way marked by faithful, loving obe- Thus you will have a part with Jesus Christ
dience to God and to the commandments in vindicating Jehovah's rightful sovereignhe issues through his Theocratic organiza- ty over all intelligent creatures who live
tion. Hence keep in touch with the central in' the universe. That is what spells the
organization, God's Theocratic "woman". highest success for you for all life to come.
23. Yet what organizations on earth manifest her
traits? Why ?
24. Hence what Is the way of success ? So keep In touch
with what?

25. Where should we serve God? For what length of

time. and how ?
26. What w1ll you thus prove yourself, and In what
will you have a part?

Delivered by the presid ent of the W atch Tower
Bible & Tract Society at 5 : 45 p.m. , Sunday,
August 6, 1950, as th e clos ing f e atu re of the
aday Theocracy's Increase Assemb ly of Jehovah's witnesses at the Yan kee Stad ium, New
York city.

1. Ho w has It been dem onstrat ed God has a people on

of Jehovah God is now at work in the

earth as it was in ancient times? It has
enveloped the people who bear his name
and clothed them like a garment to identify
them befo re all the world. That spirit is the
active force issuing forth from the Kingdom which the Most High God established
in the heavens in 1914 in the hands of Jesus
Christ his Son, and that spirit must now
be reckoned with by all the nations. The
activity and onward-sweeping movement of
the witnesses who exalt the name of Jehovah God spring from him. It is according
to his will and therefore has his blessing.
It could not have come about otherwise. By
establishing his kingdom in the hands of
Jesus Christ in 1914 he raised the Signal
of hope for all peoples. All of th ese can now
turn to it, just as the faces of all the Israelites in the wilderness who had been bitten
by deadly serpents turned to the brazen
serpent which Moses raised on a pole that
they might be healed from the venom of
death.-Num. 21:4-9; John 3:14,15; 8:28.
3 In opposition to God's newly established
kingdom Satan the..Devil stirred up the
wrath of the nations of earth in the first
total war for world domination. Taking
advantage of that war of 1914-1918 he subjected God's witnesses to oppressive measures. Yet from 1919 forward Jehovah
delivered, revived and regathered his consecrated people that they might publish
the Kingdom message to all nations before
the world's destruction at Armageddon. In

eart h ca lled by h is name ? Wh o do t hey prove to be ?

2. Wh at a ctive for ce Is to day at work on ea rth ? and
ho w ? When ce does It sprin g ?

3. To oppose th e Kingdo m what did satan stir up, and

yet h ow did God turn a messa ge of hope to the peoples ?

HROUGH years of world-wide publicity

efforts since A.D. 1914, through years
of hard work pushed to the ends of the
earth, through years of international reproach and persecution, and through years
of divine protection, preservation and increase, it has been definitely established
before all mankind that Jehovah God has a
people in the earth who are called by his
name. This has startled and alarmed all
Christendom. For sixteen centuries she has
professed to be the favored organization
of God. Yet it has not been Christendom
that has brought God's name to the fore.
She has not made plain what his marvelous
works in this critical time are nor what his
blessed purpose for the immediate future
of mankind is. She has not stood up for his
side of the controversy that must now be
settled: The rule of the universe by Jehovah God or world domination by Satan,
which? It has been a despised and persecuted people that has been used by divine
providence to do these things, Jehovah's
witnesses! And their work is not yet done.
It takes on greater importance as the world
situation grows more critical, and it will
be blessed with yet larger results by God's
2 Who can deny that the invincible spirit





N. Y.

this way he has turned to the peoples of

all nations the new message of hope. As
the prophecy of Zephaniah 3: 9 foretold,
he has 'turned to the peoples a pure
4 Our heavenly Father has answered t he
age-long prayer for his kingdom. He has
set up the Kingdom separate and distinct
from reli gious Christ endom and higher
than all earthly governments, yes, higher
than the "tower of Babel" skyscrapers of
the United Nations capital in New Yor k
city. This potent fact has influenced the
speech of God's people and acted as a corrective. It has been the basis of the purifying of their language as his witnesses. It
has drawn them to the heavenly Signal,
the Kingdom, and has unified them all
over the earth, in utter contempt of the
racial, color, social, language, political,
national, and religious differences and divisions of this world.
5 No matter how far off they have been
dispersed over the earth, the pure language
of the Kingdom message has sounded out
like a trumpet blast at a king's coronation
and has reached their ears and turned
these dispersed ones to the Kingdom. So
from all places they have assembled to it
as one people by uniting their hearts to the
Kingdom. They have come as "suppliants",
making supplication for the favor of Jehovah God and his reigning King Jesus Christ,
and their supplications have risen like an
incense that is sweet-smelling to God.
Speaking of this very time in which the
worldly nations and kingdoms have been
gathered together to be consumed by God's
fury and indignation, he gave the prophecy
that has now come to pass: "Then will I
turn to the peoples a pure language, that
they may all call upon the name of J ehovah, to serve him with one consent. F rom

beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed

[ones], shall bring mine offering."-Zeph.
3:9,10, AS.
6 In proof of this we could speak of the
united activities of Jehovah's witnesses
today in 106 nations under 64 Branch offices
of the Watch Tower Society, and with
357,889 active Kingdom publishers reporting in the month of April, 1950, not including those uncounted ones in Russia and
Yugoslavia. However, no more stupendous
demonstration of this united coming of
God's dispersed ones could have been given,
all concentrated in one small locality, than
the Theocracy's Increase Assembly of Jehovah's witnesses at Yankee Stadium, New
York city, for the eight days of July 30 to
August 6, 1950. For among the 89,451
delegates attending it there were representatives not only from "beyond the rivers
of Ethiopia" but also from seventy other
nations. The offerings of praise and of
devotion to God's kingdom which they
brought were only a token of the larger
offerings made by their fellow witnesses
in all the lands they represented.

1 It was to be expected that Christendom

and the rest of the world would look down
upon them. But Jehovah's witnesses never
did claim to be religiously prominent or
socially high or politically powerful in this
world. The Most High God of glory does
not need such kind of persons to contribute
any glory, money or influence to him. What
is more, he did not promise to gather such
kind of persons and blend them into one
people by means of his "pure language".
Jehovah's witnesses are persons who were
once transgressors like the rest of the
world, but their transgressions have now

4. What age-long prayer has God answer ed? Whom has

he thus drawn to gether?
5. To what have the dispersed ones come? How as
suppliants ?

6. Wh at do we have that demonstrates such coming of

H is dispersed ones ?
7. Wh at kind of peo ple are Jehomh's witnesses, just
as foretold by the pr ophecy ?



1, 1950


had divine forgiveness t hr ough Christ.

Comparatively, they are a "little people",
an afflicted , poor and humble people in the
midst of an alien world. But that just fits
the description of those whom the God of
glory promised to ass emble round his Kingdom Signal on the heavenly Mount Zion.
Pointing to this "day of J ehovah ", he sa id :
"In that day shalt thou not be put to shame
for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me; for then I will take
away out of t he midst of thee thy proudly
exulting ones, and thou shalt no more be
haughty in my holy mountain. But I will
leave in the midst of t hee an afflicted an d
poor people, and they shall t ake refuge in
the name of Jehovah."-Zeph. 3:11, 12, AS.
S Their refuge is an outstanding feature
about them. The name of J ehovah has been
practically a lost name in this world, even
in Christendom. Today the tendenc y of religious clergy who seek worldly recognition
and respect is to get away from that name
as being the cognomen of a t ribal god of a
despised people. No other name has borne
more reproach and vilification, from Christendom in particular, than the name of
Jehovah since his wit nesses publicly chose
in 1931 to be ma rked by it. But his witnesses know from the Holy Bible what that
name stands for. They know all the glorious
history connected with it. They know all
the divine promises, covenants and prophecies that have been given and fulfilled
over that name. They kn ow, too, that every
last one of the nations of this world will
yet be made to know that name as belonging to the Supreme and Omnipotent God of
the universe. Therefore t hey have enough
faith, enough Chr istian respect, and
enough childlike confidence to "take r efuge
in the name of J ehovah". To them it stands
for the only Rightful Government, for
God's F atherhood of Jesus Christ the King,
for our eternal deliverance from Satan's
8. Why do they take r efuge in J eho vah's name ?


world, and for our everlasting life in the

unbroken pea ce, health and happiness of
an enduring new world. Therefore we consider it a privilege to bear the reproaches
which the Devil casts upon that name. We
count it an honor to call upon that name,
sound ing it forth in praiseworthy language
to all who long for knowledge of the true
a At this time there is only a small remnant of spiritual Israelites. (Gal. 6 :16)
These anointed followers of J esus Christ
form the core of the visible Theocratic organization of Jehovah God on earth today.
To show the results which prove that this
remnan t had the pure language turned to
them from 1919 onward, the prophecy
says: "The remnant of Israel shall not
work unrighteousness, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in
their mouth: but they shall feed and lie
down, and none shall make them afraid."
(Zeph. 3:13, D a) Unrighteousn ess, lies, deceit, and molestation an d disturbance of
peace and security will be no part of the
coming new world. They have no place
now in the Theocratic organ ization which
has had its speech purified and which is
the only visible organization that will survive this world's end into the clean new
world. The remnant of spiritual Israelites
can no longer follow the lawlessness, nor
the self-willed irregulari ty, such as marked
the time when there was no king in Israel
and when everyone did what seemed right
in his own eyes. We now r ecognize that the
Kingdom has been set up and that now we
have a reigning King. This certainly makes
a diff erence, and so we take orders from
our King. We are Theocratic.-Judg. 18:1;
19:1; 21:25.
1 0 Our speech has been cleansed of the
traditional religious lies which we picked
9. Wh y do th e r emnant of Is rael no longer work unr ighteou sn ess '?
10, Why Is no deceitful tongu e found In t h eir mouths,
and how do they feed a nd lie dow n ?



up and became tainted with during our

captivity in Babylonish Christendom, and
we have chosen to "let God be true", though
it makes every religious instructor in
Christendom a liar. The remnant of spiritual Israel are now out to preach the truth
which is in God's Word. And so we are
proclaiming the good news of his Government, and we have renounced a deceitful
tongue. We are not peddlers of God's Word
who misrepresent their product in order
to deceive their customers and make sales
for self-enrichment at the people's expense.
We boldly declare the truth and let its simple purity recommend the truth to every
honest seeker of truth and right. We fear
God, to whom we are responsible, and
hence we trust in his protection and, like
sheep under his Right Shepherd Jesus
Christ, we feed in green spiritual pastures
and lie down without fear of being molested by disturbers within the organization.
The spiritual Israelites today may be only
a remnant, but now the Right Shepherd of
Jehovah gathers to our side a great flock
of "other sheep" to en joy the blessings
of Theocratic organization with us.-John
10:11,14,16, NW.
11 What if the world does not love us, but
oppresses and persecutes us? With conditions so marvelously changed to a flourishing Paradise state among God's devoted
people this is no time t~ be sad and mourn
and lose all ambition. From millenniums
past the inspired prophecy comes booming
down to us: "Sing, 0 daughter of Zion;
shout, 0 Israel ; be glad and rejoice with all
the heart, 0 daughter of Jerusalem. Jehovah hath taken away thy judgments, he
hath cast out thine enemy: the King of
Israel, even Jehovah, is in the midst of

11, 12. Who should sing, shout, be glad and rejoice, and


N. Y.

thee; thou shalt not fear evil any more."

-Zeph. 3:14,15, AS.
1 2 Yes, from the capital city on down to
the lowest limits of the Theocratic organization; from the heavenly Mount Zion,
where Jesus thrones as King, on down to
the remnant of spiritual Israel and all the
international "strangers" who have been
gathered to us, it is a time to sing, aye,
shout and be glad and rejoice with the
whole heart. Just think of it: Jehovah God
is in our midst. He, the Supreme Ruler of
the universe, is our King! In 1914 he took
his great power and began ruling as King
toward our earth, where we spiritual Israelites and persons of good will are located.
The kingdom of God, prayed for so many
centuries, has at last been established; and
in convincing demonstration of that fact
Jehovah God has seated his anointed Son
Jesus Christ on the royal throne to rule
now and until the battle of Armageddon in
the midst of his enemies. And in overwhelming proof that Jehovah now reigns
on the heavens which are his throne, he
has by his King Jesus Christ routed our
great enemy from the heavens and cast
Satan the Devil and all his demons down
to his footstool the earth, to await destruction after a short period of time. (Rev.
12:1-13) So sing, rejoice!
1 3 We belong to Jehovah God by individually dedicating ourselves to him. His Son
the Right Shepherd surrendered his human
soul for us that he might purchase us ; and
we have acknowledged his rightful ownership of us. God has therefore every right
to be our King and to establish himself as
our King. With joy unspeakable we rejoice
that to us he has revealed his Kingship
since 1914. Him we will obey as Ruler
rather than man, and his enthroned Son
Jesus Christ we will have as our Leader
13. 14. (a) Who Is our K in g, and why? (b ) How h as
he taken awa y our judgments, cast out our enemy, and
treed us from f ear ?


1, 1950



rather than any totalitarian dictator.-Acts

5: 29 and Matt. 23:10, NW.
14 Jehovah has accepted us as his worthy
subjects. To that end he has taken awa y all
h is judgments which he held against us
because of our having once been soiled, misgu ided and mistaught by the Babylonish
world to which we had fallen ca ptive. He
has clea nsed us from these worldly soils.
He has pu t a pure speech in our mouths.
He has clothed us with the garments of
identification as his subjects and witnesses.
He has rid the organization of his people
of all untheocratic features and individuals.
He has therefore lifted his curse from us;
for we read: "And no more will there be
any curse. But the throne of God and of the
Lamb will be in it, and his slaves will render him sacred service, and they will see
his face, and his name will be on their
foreheads." (Rev. 22:3,4, NW) And so he
says: "Thou shalt not fear [or, see] evil any
more." (Zeph. 3:15, AS, margin) That
means that Jehovah will manage his Theocratic organization from the top down, as
he has been managing it from 1919 onward;
and he will direct it in the ways of rightdoing, so that never again will his displeasure be upon his organized people.
Never again will evil and trouble be allowed
to come upon them as a rebuke and punishment from him.
1 5 What a comfort this is, to know that
Jehovah's adverse judgment will no more
be upon his organized people, now that he
has turned them Theocratic! Oh, individuals from among us may become insubordinate and unruly and may stray away
and come under His adverse judgment, resulting in their personal destruction. J ehovah has promised to clear out those who
become haughty in their self-assumed importance and in their self-willed independent spirit: "for then I will take away out
15. (a) Does that mean Individuals wlll not come under
adverse judgment? (b) So why should we stick to the
organization, and how?

of the midst of thee thy proudly exulting

ones, and thou shalt no more be haughty
in my holy mountain." (Zeph. 3:11, AS)
Let those who think they can get along
without the organization go their way. Let
those who feel they have direct personal
connections with God and are not bound
by any Theocratic regulations pursue their
course, thereby being gathered out of the
organization by God's angels, even though
they do not appreciate that fact. On the
other hand, let us show mature understanding of our relationship with our Creator in this time of the Kingdom. Let us be
that poor humble people which the prophecy speaks about, and so may we stay in
harmony and unity with the Theocratic
organization Jehovah has built up. Let us
loyally work with it and enjoy its blessings,
help, protection and guidance in common
with all those who faithfully stick to it. We
want Jehovah-to be our King, for he is the
All-highest of the universe. We want Godrule, Theocracy, and we pray for its increase. And in accord with His rule we
gladly follow the Leader he has anointed
for us. "The King of kings and Lord of
lords," Jesus Christ. We invite others to
follow with us.

Now at this late period of the world's

"time of the end" the united cry of all the
Bible prophecies is for ACTION, fearless
action, on the part of Jehovah's Theocratic
organization. "On that day," says the
prophecy, "shall Jerusalem be told, 'Fear
not, droop not your hands, a Sion.' " (Zeph.
3:16, 1110) Our Leader, Jesus Christ, who
rules in heavenly Jerusalem, is not afraid
of the Devil's entire organization. He is a
Lion for boidness and fearlessness. On the
heavenly Mount Zion, where he has stood
up in his authority, he does not droop his

16. What do es the prophecy next call on us to do?

Why should we obey ?



hands. He wields the royal scepter, the rod

of his strength, the iron rod, and makes its
sign ificance felt out fr om Zion. It is for
us, his subjects, to be willing in this day
which we recognize to be that of his regal
power. With Jehovah at last as Supreme
King in our midst, and with such an undaunted Leader as He has given us in his
Son J esus Christ, why should we be afraid
even faced with a world turning totalitarian? Let us not , then, be paralyzed with
fear so t hat our hands droop helplessly
in inact ion. "Droop not your hands," is
the divine command in this day to Jehovah's anointed remnant and their companion s of good will. And why not?
17 The prophecy inspires us to fearlessness and activity with our hands, by the
words: "Jehovah thy God is in the midst
of thee, a mighty one who will save; he
will rejoic e over thee with joy; he will
rest in his love; he will joy over thee with
singing. " (Zeph. 3:17, AS) Since we have
our God in our midst as for us, who can be
against us and succeed? No one! By our
faithfulness to him we can foil the malicious purpose of the persecution directed
against us. The enemy may forcibly take
us into his power and hold us bound or
restricted physically, but if we fearlessly
continue to speak the pure language to all
with whom we come in touch under even
the most unfavorable circumstances, then
God's word or message of the Kingdom
will not be bound. (2 Tim. 2:8, 9, NW) But
our God is mighty to come to our rescue
and to deliver us in his own time and
manner. He now has great joy, and "the
joy of Je hovah is your strength".-Neh.
8:10, AS.
1 8 Remember that he will save his Theocratic organization whom he here addresses, and so let our desire for safety and
17. Why should we not fear ? Ho w can we foil the
purpose of persecution?
18. Why does he r ejo Ice over hIs people? Ho w does he
re st In his love?


N. Y.

deliverance spur us to adhere tightly to the

organization. With all the loving joy of a
devoted Husband Jehovah is rejoicing over
his beloved "woman", his Theocratic 01'ganization, because of its godly submission
and obedience to him in the midst of an
enemy world. And in loving his organized
people he finds rest. He is not excited, disturbed, irritable, and suspicious, for joyfully he observes the unmistakable proofs
of our love for him. There is more joy in
heaven over one sinner that repents than
over ninety-nine self-righteous ones of
Christendom who feel no need of repenting
and returning to Jehovah God. (Luke 15:7,
NW) He has restored his organized people
to his love and has renewed her in his love.
He is so happy that he is singing over them,
shouting joyfully over them.
19 What an evidence of this there was in
the blessed Theocracy's Increase Assembly
of Jehovah's witnesses at Yankee Stadium,
New York, in 1950! There he imparted to
his witnesses a song, not merely in their
singing from a new songbook, but in filling
their mouths more fully than ever before
with the sublime "new song" of the Kingdam. One printed release followed after
another: the New World Translation.of the
Christian Greek Scriptures; the enlarged
Watchtower magazine, the new bound book
{(This Means EVe1'lasting Life" both in
English and in Spanish; the new booklets
in English Can You Live Foreoer in Happiness on Earth? Evolution versus the New
World) and Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News) besides the 25 other

printed releases in 16 different languages.

This rapid succession of spiritual gifts
raised repeated shouts among his assembled people, and they are shouting forth
the Kingdom message since then as at no
time in the past. So, seeing that he rejoices
thus over his organization, and since he
19. What big evIdence did he give of this recently ?
Ho w should we respond ?


1, 1950


rests in his love for it, let us individually

give him no cause for une asiness about us,
but let us keep ourselves in God's love.
-Jude 2l.
ao Time was, not only during the captive
period of His witnesses during World
War I, but also in the individual experiences of each one of us before we got the
t ruth , when we longed sorrowfully for the
one true God to gather us to his people,
about whom there could be no mistake that
they were His. And now in this "time of
the end", when we are at the threshold of
the new world, he has gathered us to his
organization in fulfillment of his promise:
"I will gather them that sorrow for the
solemn assembly, who were of thee; to
whom the burden upon her was a reproach.
Behold, at that time I will deal with all
them that afflict thee; and I will save that
which was lame, and gather that which was
driven away; and I will make them a praise
and a name, whose shame hath been in all
the earth."-Zeph. 3:18,19, AS.
2 1 Our past sins under God's disfavor held
us from his organization. Also for our sins
we were handed over to the enemy's power.
The enemy's action held us captive and
tried to prevent us from assembling to
Jehovah's exalted Signal on Mount Zion,
where we could associate together and
serve the Most High God at his temple in
company with all his consecrated servants
and sub jects. But now Jehovah has proved
himself our King and Savior by delivering
us from the enemies' power and bringing
us together in solemn assembly, a most
serious and high occasion indeed. The reproach of being a scattered and disorganized people, subject to the bossism and
whims of this world, he has removed from
us who represent his Theocratic organization. We can no longer be reproached as a
man-made organization, following a human
20,21. For wha t did we on ce sorrow ? In what respect
ca n we no lon ger be r ep r oac hed ?


leader. Now we are Theocratically assembled and organized and have a Rightful
Ruler over us, the King of eternity.
22 So, let the enemy, now robbed of his
prey, continue to persecute. Our King gives
us his word that in due time he will deal
with those who smite us, reproach us and
oppress us. For his own name's sake he
will do this. Never mind, then. The enemy
will never again be able to break up our
world-wide unity. Spread though we may
be over all the earth among the many yetexisting nations, Jehovah is King over all
the earth and he can be our common Supreme Ruler no matter where we are on
this globe. His Kingship over us is what
unites us. By turning to us his one "pure
language", and by his setting our hands to
work in his united service, and by assembling us together in conventions and other
gatherings, the God of peace and unity has
welded us together more tightly. Through
the common worship and faith which he
has given us out of his One Book, the Bible,
and through his one Theocratic organization, he has cemented us together in the
unity of a new world people. He has deepened in us beyond erasure the consciousness that we are a people separate from
this world and are Jehovah's indivisible
people. The love which he has instilled
into us acts as a "perfect bond of union",
which the enemy can never break.-Col.
3:1 t! , NW.

You are engaged in a constructive

work for the new world, which is now at
the portals. This upbuilding work is the
service to which the new world's Creator
has assigned us. You are pioneers of the
New World! Always let ring in your ears
the divine encouragement, "Fear not!" and,
"Droop not your hands!" And oh! what

22. Wh at holds us toget her as an Indivisible people ?

23. Wh a t re asons ha ve we now for pu tting ou r hands
to work ?



constructive implements the heavenly Father has put into our hands, especially since
the 1950 Theocratic assembly at New York!
These implements were meant for work,
for our use to the full. The field of action
to which we go forth, and the future
stretching ahead of us till Armageddon,
are not the place and time for us to slack
our hands, either through laziness or
through fear. Know for certain : the time
is short! Lift up your hands and put them
to work with a will. Only if we fulfill the
work for which God has gathered us will
he grant us a share in the fulfillment of
his precious promise: "At that time will
I bring you in, and at that time will I
gather you; for I will make you a name
and a praise among all the peoples of the
earth, when I bring back your captivity
before your eyes, saith Jehovah."-Zeph.
3 :20, AS.
24 Because we have not cowardly drooped
our hands since he turned us from a captive
state in 1919, he has vindicated this promise to us in a wondrous way. For the shame
that we once bore, he has made Jehovah's
witnesses a name and a praise among all
the peoples of the earth. Not among the
hardened worldlings who ridicule and who
goatishly refuse the Kingdom message;
but among the godly inclined peoples of
all lands who sigh and cry for the religious,
political, commercial and social abominations carried on in the land and who long
for a heart-satisfying relationship with the
one true God. To these Jehovah has sent
24. How has he made us a name and praise among all
the peoples ?


his witnesses, speaking a pure language,

a message which the sighing peoples have
reco gnized as not from this unclean old
world but from the God of Christianity, the
Creator of the new heavens and the new
earth. Eagerly and appreciatively they
take up the message, the pure lan gua ge,
and they give praise to the name wh ich his
witnesses bear. They do good to these who
represent Jehovah's King Jesus. Th ey seek
meekness and righteousness and Jehovah's
favor, that they may be safely hid in the
day of his expression of an ger.-Zeph. 2: 3.
2 5 With hundreds of thousands this has
already occurred. Who knows how many
other hundreds of thousands are yet to
have this occur with them before the battle
of Armageddon? So never let the name of
Jehovah suffer reproach because of anything vile that you personally do. Never let
his praise be lessened or silenced because
of laziness, fear or treachery on your part.
Let your lives as well as your purged lips
speak the pure language. The name of the
wicked enemies who belong to this world
will rot, but the name and praise of Jehovah's witnesses will live forever on the
luminous pages of etern it y to God's vindication. To the final work, then! "Let us not
give up in doing what is right, for in due
season we shall re ap by not giving out."
(Gal. 6:9, NW) Till we reap the full share
in the vindication of Jehovah's name at
his victory on Armageddon's battlefield,
"droop not your hands," but raise them
always in praise to him and his King.
25. So what course shall we pu rsue henceforth ?


----:~~~--- 4-


N. Y.

Jehovah saith unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right' hand, untill mak e thine enemies
thy footstool. Jehovah will send forth the rod of thy strength out of Z ion:
rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. Thy people offer themselves willingly in the day of thy power, i n holy array .
-Ps. 110: 1-3, AS.

HE first of Jehovah's Christian

missionaries, graduates of the
Watchtower Bible School of Gilead,
located at South Lansing, New York,
arrived in Seoul in August, 1949.
Others were sent later. In the few
months they were there they greatly
helped those poverty-stricken people
to gain a knowledge of man's only
hope, God's righteous kingdom, and as a
result there has been a tremendous expansion in the number of those in that country
who are singing the praises of Jehovah God
and Christ Jesus. The report on these results which follows was made by the Watchtower representative, Don L. Steele, and
was written and mailed at Seoul on May 23,
1950, one month before the Communist
armies invaded South Korea on June 25.
"Since liberation by the allies in 1945
the Korean people have tasted only bitterness, and much of this extends from the
Yalta agreement between Roosevelt and
Stalin that divided the country in two. The
North has been sponsored by Russia; the
South by the United States. Now, of
course, the big political issue is the 38th
parallel that separates the two. The struggling South Korean Republic is seemingly
kept going only by United States aid.
Fighting occurs daily over the border and
tension is great. When will full-scale war
begin? [This is interesting, for it shows
that even though the rest of the world was
shocked by the outbreak of war, it came as
no surprise to Koreans.]
"To really appreciate the expansion here
in the ranks of Jehovah's witnesses you
should know something about the religious,
social and economic conditions of the Ko357

reans. Religiously, about 800,000 profess

to be Christians, out of the 22,000,000
population. Ten million others are Buddhists, Confucianists, etc. This leaves at
least half the people professing no faith,
which is a good way to describe their general outlook of hopelessness.
"In many ways Koreans are primitive.
They are great followers of tradition and
worshipers of creatures. Many business
and professional men realize that Korea is
far behind in education and economic advancement and they are trying to catch
up with the times. But it seems the working class of people would rather wash
clothes by beating them with a paddle,
plow with oxen, and haul great loads on
their heads and backs, rather than graduate to anything as modern as a washboard. They are .set in their traditional
ways and do not want to change, no matter
how much time and energy they could
"Economic conditions, as poor as they
were, are now made much worse by the
division of Korea on the 38th parallel.
South Korea has the agricultural area,
while in the northern sector are located
the natural resources and what little industry there is. The high cost of maintaining defense, the south against the

north and vice versa, has almost bankrupt- THRILLS AND JOYS OF GOSPEL-PREACHING
"Because of these frightful conditions
ed the country. The average wage is about
6,000 won a month which, at the legal ex- many honest-hearted Koreans are now
change rate, is about $3.33. The water sys- looking for the answer to their many probtem here in Seoul, the capital of South lems. It is indeed a real joy to engage in
Korea, is inadequate, and electricity is preaching the good news of the Kingdom
turned on one or two hours in the evening here and to show these meek ones that
their only hope lies in Jehovah's righteous
"Seoul is now swelled to twice its nor- new world. To see their wonderful response
mal population by the flood of refugees to the Kingdom message is a real thrill.
from the Communist-controlled northern In August, 1949, when the first two mispart and living conditions here are very sionaries came, there were only eight perbad. Many of these refugees are children sons here who were active in the Kingdom
whose parents were killed by the Commu- service. In April of this year, there were
nists. In downtown Seoul it is a common forty-one company publishers for the Kingsight to see these poor children huddled up dom, averaging 33.5 hours of service per
against the buildings trying to sleep on publisher, seven full-time pioneer publishthe sidewalks, They wear pieces of old ers and eight Gilead missionaries. At the
sacks, paper or anything they find for Watchtower study the peak attendance
clothing and their skin is crusty with dirt. during April was 107.
They 'live' on what they get from begging.
"Our first public meeting, held May 14,
as an experiment, turned out to
"Food is scarce. Rice is the principal diet
No handbills or placards
and usually there is no meat to go with it.
it. Only announceMany families even have difficulty getting
enough rice. Clothing is very hard to oband
tain. For shoes they often wear little upthe
to be
turned rubber slippers. Housing is wholly
inadequate. Only the rich own or rent an
fillentire house for themselves. All families
hallare large families and it is the general
practice for four or five families to live way, the sun-porch and the stairs leading
in one small house. Usually the entire fam- to the second floor, until the count showed
there were 167 in attendance!
ily sleeps in a room. about ten feet square.
"One month ago we started our Theo"Despite their economic poverty and cratic ministry school. Because the texttheir slavery to tradition, the people of books are not in Korean we have the inKorea have a great deal of respect for struction talk from (Equipped f01' Every
knowledge and an educated man is very Good Work' given in English and interhighly regarded. Often a family of many preted in Korean. If someone did not unmembers will all work to support one of derstand he asked his neighbor, and if he
the family while he spends his life study- did not know the interpreter was asked to
ing. The most astounding thing is, the in- repeat or explain. Our hearts were full of
dividual who is studying usually has no joy as we watched their eager faces as
objective in life and never puts to use what each point new to them was brought out.
They nodded to each other and marveled.
he learns.



1, 1950


'Moses began to write the Bible in 1513 B.C.!

It has only one Author but over thirty

writers! There are about 15,000 ancient

man uscripts to the Bible in existence today!' The questions on the oral review
were well answered from t he notes they
had taken. Attendance increased from 60
at first to 96, and an hour for the school
seemed too short.
"The Bible-study work here is our greatest joy. We study with doctors, lawyers,
teach ers, professors, soldiers, housewives,
businessmen, college students (including
seminary students), and many others. They
are not the people to believe everything
you tell them until you prove it to them.
Daily we must call upon various translatio ns, concordances, Bible dictionaries and
other reference books, and we find ourselves often referring to notes made at the
Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, as we
discuss their many questions. But what a
blessed privilege! And what a wonderful
thrill to see many of these people in turn
teaching others what they learn in these
Bible studies.
"An example of their rapid progress is
in the case of a young college girl. A Korean publisher called on her mother and
told her about the New World. The next
day the girl called on the publisher and
asked many ques tions. Satisfied with the
answers, she arranged to have a regular
Bible study. She had been interested in
going to school and learning languages
(she speaks very good En glish), and other
subjects, but now she came to the conclusion that all of that was a waste of time.
If she was going to learn the Bible, she
saw that much time would be needed and
so she quit college the day after her first
Bible study. Studying now for about a
month, she will probably make pioneer
hours in field service, going with us and
helping at any studies sh e can. She has a


keen mind and learns very rapidly and

her willingness in Kingdom service will
bring her many blessed privileges in the
future from the hand of Jehovah.
"A professor of music in a women's college here has been studying now with us
for six months. In addi tion to his teaching
he does concert work and has a radio program, but in spite of his busy life he finds
time to translate for us, to act as interpreter at our public lectures and in the
Theocratic ministry school, to engage in
field service, as well as find the time for
his regular Bible study. He is ano ther of
the many in Korea who are seizing hold
of Theocratic privileges given them.
"Among our unique exp eriences are our
Bible studies con d u c ted in the public
schools. All together we have eight st udies
each week at several high schools and in
each group there are from 60 to 70 students
as well as the teachers. We study an English booklet with them and have them bring
Bibles and look up scriptures. Many of the
students are of heathen pa r ents and have
never before come in contact with the Bible. The teachers express their appreciation for our efforts to te ach them the Bible. They are impressed that we do not
ride around in automobiles like other missionaries. They recognize that we really
want to help the Korean people. So perhaps good seed is being sown here that
some day will bring forth much fruit."
Five weeks after making the above report Mr. Steele sent another, postmarked
Kobe, Japan, in which he says:
"As I finished my public lecture in a
school auditorium in Seoul, June 25, the
police notified us that South Korea had
been attacked and a curfew was imposed.
Incidentally, interest in the Theocracy had
so increased there were 336 attending this
last public lecture! The following night
(Monday) the South Korean defenses col-



lapsed and Seoul was brought under siege.

Tuesday morning, with Communist troops
entering the city, all Americans were ordered to evacuatevIn ~ the ' emergency we
called a hurried meeting and, after asking
Jehovah's guidance, we prayerfully discussed the situation. To remain meant capture, imprisonment and the stopping of
our preaching. All missionaries, including
Methodist and Catholic, are imprisoned in
North Korea. Developments that followed


N. Y.

proved it was the Lord's will that we move.

"We had only 30 minutes to catch the
last convoy leaving the city. Personal and
household belongings were turned over to
the local company servant, Lee Shi Chong.
The city at the moment was under bombardment, and in the wild dash to the airport at Kimpo our busses were strafed.
Flown to Japan, all eight of us, including
six women, are at present working with
Jehovah's witnesses here in Kobe."

Joseph of Arimathea
IS early in the spring of the year A.D. 33
I T(Nisan
14 according to the Jewish calendar)
as we look in on the home of the high priest
Caiaphas in Jersualem. What a gathering of
distinguished men we see! Some threescore
and ten, consisting of the older men of influence of the nation, the chief priests and the
scribes, are present there, many of whom belong to the sect of the Pharisees. And how
excited they are! Why? Because they have a
prisoner before them who is none other than
the miracle-worker, Jesus of Nazareth.
As we note the proceedings one thing becomes very obvious: the lofty principles of this
Sanhedrin court, that every man is presumed
innocent until proved guilty and that its purpose "is to save, not to destroy life", have been
pushed aside. It seems as though the entire
body (with one or two exceptions) is actuated
by malice and the one presiding seems determined to prove the accused one guilty and so
worthy of death. Evidently a conspiracy is
afoot, for many false witnesses have testified.
The high priest is losing control of himself,
the trial is not at all going the way he would
like to have it go. So, addressing the prisoner,
he shouts: "I charge you, on your oath, by the
living God, tell us whether you are the Christ,
the son of God." The defendant, Jesus, answers: "It is true. Why, I tell you you will
soon see the Son of Man seated at the right
hand of the Almighty and coming upon the
clouds of the sky!" Feigning extreme righteous
indignation, the high priest tears his clothing
and exclaims: "He has uttered blasphemy!
What do we want of witnesses now? Here you
have heard his blasphemy! What is your de-

cision?" The council, with a pompous sanctimoniousness to cover up its malice, answers:
"He deserves death."-Matt. 26:63 -66, AT.
~ But the verdict was not altogether unanimous. No, a few, but very few, did not give
their consent nor approve of the action taken.
Among these was a rich man, Joseph of Arimathea. In fact, he was a disciple of the accused,
of Jesus. A disciple of Jesus ? Yes, according to
the three Gospel-writers Matthew, Mark and
Luke, he was a disciple of Jesus, a rich man, a
highly respected member of the council, who
was himself living in expectation of the reign
of God.-Matt. 27:57,58; Mark 15:43; Luke
23:50,51, AT.
'i' Why should Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple of Jesus, be associated with that great
religious body, the Sanhedrin, which was so
violently opposed to Christ Jesus? The apostle
John gives us the answer. He describes Joseph
of Arimathea as "being a disciple of Jesus, but
secretly for fear of the Jews".-John 19:38 .
~ But with the conviction and execution of
Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea gained courage. He
boldly went to Pilate and asked for the body
of Jesus. "Accordingly he bought fine linen and
took him down, wrapped him in the fine linen
and laid him in a tomb which was quarried
out of a rock-mass."-Mark 15:43-46, NW.
"i;' Whether or not Joseph of Arimathea followed through and became a fearless footstep
follower of Christ Jesus the Scriptures do not
reveal. However, from what is recorded regarding him we can appreciate why the Scriptures state "how difficult a thing it will be for
those with money to make their way into
the kingdom of God!"-Luke 18:24, NW.


~~ o~~:r.~=
! :.

. ?

ASSEMBLY~:' ~ '~~ :

s..; 1-

HE 1950 international convention of of, Jehovah's Withesses," re~atedly emJehovah's witnesses in New York city, phasized the in~ase and ; e~ansion of
July 30 to August 6, was beyond all ques- Jehovah's new world societY. To start off
tion of doubt the largest and most impor- with, the first release, Songs to Jehovah's
tant assembly of Christians ever held until Praise, struck a delightful note in harmony
now. Record-shattering crowds packed out with this theme.
and overflowed the mammoth Yankee StaAnyone sharing in Theocracy's expandium. Hotels, taxed to the limit, could ac- sion must have faith in Jehovah and his
commodate only about a third; multitudes Word and purposes, and faith in his organslept in private homes; more than 13,000 ization, for 'without faith it is impossible
others were provided for in a 90-acre trail- to please God'. It was on this vital subject
er and tent city 40 miles from the stadium. that A. H. Macmillan counseled his brethReasons enough why the newspapers, ra- ren at the morning session of the first day.
dio, television and newsreel cameras gave
this epoch-making convention a good deal
of free publicity.
Following Macmillan on the program,
Tens of thousands of delegates, at great Grant Suiter, as secretary and treasurer of
personal expense, came thousands of miles, the Watch Tower Society and serving as the
from 67 countries, to attend the meetings convention's chairman, officially opened
held in 20 different languages. The attend- the assembly with an address of welcome.
ance figure of 79,247 the first day swelled To speak of the tremendous expansion
until it reached the staggering total of in the ranks of Jehovah's witnesses is
123,707 on the great and final day. From boasting in the Lord, not in ourselves,
start to finish this vast multitude were Suiter declared, because "the new strength
made happy by a deluge of spiritual bless- of numbers is dedicated to Jehovah's
ings in the form of 40 new publications honor". The same is true of the material
released, in 17 different languages. All equipment with which the Lord has blessed
history now, yet it will long be remem- his organization. So, when the chairman
bored and talked about as a never-to-be- released 500,000 post cards, color photoforgotten milestone marking "the increase graphs of the Society's institutions, convenof his government and peace" which shall tioners quickly began mailing them off to
have no end. (Isa. 9:6,7) And how signifi- show others how the Lord God has blessed
cant that this great Theocratic convention and improved the publishing facilities of
of new world supporters should convene his people:
near the very capital of the doomed old
Since the Watchtower Bible School of
world's United Nations!
Gilead was opened in 1943 it has played
The convention's theme, imbedded in a great part in the 300-percent expansion
its name, "Theocracy's Increase Assembly in the number of Kingdom publishers





N. Y.

throughout the world. The graduating of Merciful," L. A. Swingle cited past and
120 more of its missio na ry students in Yan- present examples showing that only those
kee Stadium Sun day afternoon was there- who extend loving-kindness toward others
fore a thrilling event. The president of Gil- will in turn enjoy the happiness that comes
ead, N. H. Knorr, looked to the future and through God's mercy. L. E. Reu sch th en
further increases as he addressed these fervently spoke on the subject "Laying
graduates and their friends and relatives Aside Every Weight". Every reli gious, poon the subject "Th e Way of Success" . litical and commerci al weight must be
(Josh. 1:8) That evening the graduates avoided in order to move ahea d with Theo cthemselves had the opportunity to express racy's advance. "Strip down to bare necestheir thanks and gratitude for their special sit ies and run the race," Reusch urged, and
"run as though your life depended upon it.
It was all wonderful, that first day of the
Def endi ng and L egally Establishing th e
convention, and everyone than ked Jehovah
for this 15th class of Gilead who have now Good N ews was the surp rise release that
joined the ever-i ncreasing missionary fam- climaxed Monday's program, and in this
ily now numbering over 800 with hun dreds connection H. C. Covington gave a very
of others assigned to other fields, and who vivid description of the world-wide fight
will work for the expansion of pure wor- Christians have had during the past decade. Under the ir Leader and Commander,
ship in distant parts of the earth.
Christ Jesus, the enemy has been dr iven
back and Theocracy has moved ahead. But
Monday aft ernoon field reports from beware! Covington warned, "Eternal vigiNorth, Central and South America, Africa lan ce is the price of liberty. Make no mistake about it-our fights in the courts are
and the Philippines, told how people in
not over."
those countries, as starved sheep, are flocking to the green pastures of Jehovah's
Theocracy. T. J. Sullivan then spoke on
In this crucial hour of open warfare bePsalm 107 :23-31, the substance of his t alk tween the East and the West, August 1 was
being that if one really appreciates God's a very eventful and memorable day, one
goodness he will break away from Satan's on which a positive, uncompromising stand
old world organizat ion and will not put his was taken by Jehovah's witnesses. The
hope and trust in the Devil's ships or in- afternoon session began with firs thand restruments that ply the commercial and po- ports on the wonder ful expans ion of The
litical "seas". And since the call continues Theocracy in postwar Germany and in
to be sounded, "Come out of her, my peo- countries behind the Iron Curtain of Eastple," thousands more will yet respond, will ern Europe. This was followed by a very
important and fiery talk delivered by
come out of Satan's world, show their apN. H. Knorr, entitled "The In crease of His
preciation for God's undeserved kindness, Government".
and will thus share in the new world 's inTime and again the audience of nearly
creased blessings.
85,000 demonstrated their approval of
Monday evening provided conven tioners what was said, and at the conclusion they
with a full program of admonition and unanimously adopted a resolution and deccounsel. In the first talk, "Blessed Are the laration against communism, disavowing




"all connection with or support of commun ism or any other political element of
this old world". Fearlessly and boldly Jehovah's witnesses thus declared that their
allegiance and devotion -is to God's Theocratic kingdom under the administration
and rule of Christ the King. Never in the
history of Christianity has such a vast
multitude made their position so clear before God Almighty and the "Caesars" of
this world.
Thunderous applause shook Yankee Stadium when Knorr released the first issue
of the new, enlarged 32-page Watchtowm'
magazine containing this talk and resolution. From now on The Watchtower is to
be dressed in its new cover design, and its
new size and shape will allow for greater
variety in contents sparkling with colorful illustrations. Published in 32 languages
with a circulation of over 1,200,000 copies
of each issue, this improved instrument
will serve a vital part in Theocracy's forward surge to the glory of God.
All of this, it seems, was plenty of excitement for one day; yet more was in
store. The two-hour evening program was
loaded with other information that will
also increase the number of those praising
Jehovah. The Service -Meeting was built
around the convention's theme, increase.
Then followed four practical demonstrations in overcoming objections at the door
through refutation. Climaxing the evening,
C. D. Quackenbush attacked the "educated" myth of evolution with a hardhitting argument, consisting of scientific
data, factual logic, intelligent ridicule, and
divine truth.
"Evolution versus The New World" was
the title of Quackenbush's masterful talk,
and at the conclusion he released a new 64page colored-cover booklet by the same
title. Though higher critics belonging to
the evolution cult may scoff at this scientific piece of work, the booklet will un-


doubtedly be the means of helping many

honest though deceived persons to get a
knowledge of Jehovah God and his provisions for life.

Not since the inspired apostles and disciples originally wrote the Christian Greek
Scriptures has anything happened in the
Biblical field to equal the N ew World
Translation of the Ohristian. Greelc Scrip-

tures, released August 2 at Yankee Stadium. Not since the days of the early
church have the common people been able
to read the words of Jesus in language
that so accurately expresses the original
thought and meaning. Without doubt this
new version is destined to have a tremendous impact on society as its compelling
weight of authority turns multitudes of
people out of the way of darkness and
death into the way of light and life.
Wednesday afternoon, after reports from
the British Isles and from Cuba had been
received, N. H. Knorr introduced this
new Bible translation with a talk entitled
"Turning to the Peoples a Pure Language".
If the people are to understand what Christ
and the disciples said, they must have a
faithful and pure translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Consequently, great
excitement and enthusiasm hailed Knorr's
announcement that the Watch Tower Society had secured and published a literal
version in modern speech which is so pure
and accurate it puts the name of Jehovah
in the text 237 times (and "Jah" 4 times),
where it properly belongs.
For the rest of Wednesday this historymaking release was the convention's general convers ation. That evening F. W.
Franz, vice-president of the Watch Tower
Society, in a scholarly discussion of the
ancient Greek language, showed by many
practical examples this new version's superiority in accuracy and language.



One's first obligation in serving God is

to make a consecration and symbolize it
by baptism in water. Hence the number of
those immersed is a good measuring scale
of Theocracy's increase. Thursday at this
assembly there were 3,381 baptized in an
outdoor pool, notwithstanding a heavy
downpour of rain at the time.
Though the afternoon and evening were
physically wet and soggy, the hearts and
minds of the conventioners were made very
bright and happy by the 95 missionaries
from around the world who related many
thrilling experiences they have had in
reaching and feeding lost and isolated
"sheep" of the Lord. These missionaries
had gone through Gilead, had gone to their
foreign fields, had stuck to their assignments, and had returned, not to retire and
quit preaching, but to attend this great
international convention. They were anxious to get back to their assignments and
help multitudes of others in those countries to learn the way to life.

Friday's program-morning, afternoon

and evening-was packed full of reports
from the Branch servants, 67 of them, who
had come in from every corner of the
globe. As they told of the great expansion
in the number of prospective Armageddon
survivors in their respective territories, it
was plainly to be seen that this is indeed
a true Theocratic organization with its
world-wide work directed by Christ Jesus.
Adding to the joys of the day the program
was frequently punctuated with new releases, 25 all together, in 16 languages
other than English which will be used to
spread a knowledge of the pure language in
fifty different countries.
Breaking into the afternoon session N. H.
Knorr delivered a blazing denunciation
entitled "Regret and Protest by American


N. Y.

Convention Hosts over Religious Discrimination Against Visiting Witnesses of Jehovah". Aimed at certain blundering bigoted bosses in the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service of the
Department of Justice, this militant, fiery
protest flatly denied the false charge that
Jehovah's witnesses are "extreme pacifists". As one of Jehovah's Christian warriors, Knorr was in the best fighting form,
and he minced no words in denouncing the
nasty piece of religious discrimination and
mistreatment of 10,000 devout Christians
upon their arrival at the borders of this
country. Cheering and shouting, more than
70,000 American witnesses of Jehovah at
Yankee Stadium unanimously approved
this Regret and Protest, grabbed up a million copies of it that were fresh off the
printing press, and soon distributed them
throughout New York city.

The institutions of the Watchtower Society, together with their equipment and
facilities, are maintained and used as servants of the Lord's people to spread knowledge of Jehovah's Word and purpose.
Saturday afternoon and evening conventioners had the opportunity of hearing how
radio station WBBR, the printing plant
and office, the Brooklyn Bethel, and the
Bible School of Gilead are being used for
the preaching work that is spreading
knowledge of The Theocracy to the ends
of the earth.
"Taking In Life-giving Knowledge" was
also listed on the Saturday program. Delivered by N. H. Knorr, it proved to be another occasion when a bountiful meal of
rich spiritual food was served the Lord's
people. And for dessert a double surprise
was prepared-the new bound book ((This
Means Everlasting LiteJJ-in both English
and Spanish!
After receiving such generous gifts as


1, 1950


these from the hand of the Lord in the

afternoon no one expected what was in
store for those attending the evening session when F. W. Franz spoke about "New
Systems of Things". What Franz said in
his introduction certainly proved true before the session was over, that Jehovah has
arranged matters so that one set of good
things leads to better and grander things,
which in the end reaches a height of goodness that leaves nothing more to be desired.
Before the hour was finished Yankee
Stadium was quaking with the loudest and
most prolonged applause of the whole eight
days. The due time had arrived for the
Lord to reveal that some of the "children"
whom he will "make princes in all the
earth" after Armageddon are of the "other
sheep". {Her e} tonight}.in our midst, there
are a number of prospective princes of the
new earth!' Franz announced, and with
that a sustained ovation went up, followed
by profound silence as Franz brought forth
the proof from the Bible.

Like the first Christian pioneer Jesus,

and like his disciples who followed the
same pioneer trail, there are today thousands of faithful pioneers the world over
engaged in the same full-time work. Ten
brethren from as many parts of the earth,
during the last day's morning sess ion, told
how these pioneers are living and working
for the new world and are sharing in its
increase. But this great increase, R. L.
Anderson pointed out, calls for more pioneers. The harvest is great. The full-time
reapers are comparatively few. It was
therefore very gratifying to see 1,730 answer the call by requesting pioneer application forms, and 281 of these were filled
out and enrolled as pioneers during the
The climax of the whole assembly was
approaching. Soon now the highly adver-


tised question "Can You Live Forever in

Happiness on Earth?" would be answered.
Would the people of New York come to
hear this vital lecture? Threatening rain
clouds darkened the sky. Three o'clock
came, not a seat was empty. Outside this
largest stadium in New York, in the cafeteria tents, on the surrounding sidewalks
and streets, more than 25,000 additional
persons were waiting to hear the answer
over the loudspeakers. An additional 11,000
were at the trailer camp. All together, by
actual count, 123,707 were present, in addition to WEBR's vast radio audience! All
were thrilled to hear N. H. Knorr prove
his answer, "You can live forever in happiness on earth!" It is up to you. Abandon
your course that leads to death. Choose
life, that you may live! To add to their joy
at the conclusion, all present were given a
free booklet containing this all-important
talk, a quarter of a million copies!
A short intermission, then J. O. Groh,
the convention servant, and his assistant,
Clarence Newcomb, gave behind-the-scene
reports on the working organization of
this, the greatest convention of Christians
ever held on earth. Then the finale, a
heart-to-heart talk by Knorr in which he
urged his brethren, "Droop Not Your
Hands." Now is no time to slow down,
grow lazy or quit. Return to your home
territories, oh faithful servants of the Lord,
for there are yet many thousands more
you must help to become members of J ehovah's growing new world society.
For many, the leaving of Yankee Stadium Sunday evening, August 6, was not
the end of their happy visit in New York.
For several days thereafter conventioners
by the thousands streamed through the
Brooklyn Bethel and printing plant. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 29,460
visited Bethel and 35,081 went through the
factory, and what they saw on every hand
was evidence of Theocracy's increase.

It Is Nearer than They Think

HAT is this that is so near?" Why,
if you have not heard, it is the day
of Jehovah's vind icat ion. The day when
mank ind's enemies and oppressors will be
destroyed at Armageddon. The day when
all of God's howling foes will bite the dust
in bitter an guish in th e battle of God Almight y. A triumphant day indeed! The
time when lovers of r ighteousness will see
not only the day of doom come upon the
wicked workers of iniquity, but also God's
majestic Kingdom rule extended over the
entire earth in all its glory.
Today ever y effort is being made by the
Devil's organi zation to bolster its forces
and hold on to its domination of the earth.
Under the ban ner of th e United Nations
the powers of this old world are engaged
in a st renuous propaganda and military
str uggle in an effort to st rengthen its entrenched position. Polit ical, commercial
and re ligious leaders boast of this array of
strength and in haughty self-confid ence
they put their t rust in human schemes and
institutions as if such were imp regnable
for tr esses . But just as th e ancient city of
Babylon came tumbling down from its
lofty height in one fateful night in 539 B.C.,
so modern Babylon will collapse, sud denly.
Look at this modern counterpart of ancient Babylon. She is an immoral mistress
committing fornication with earth's rulers.
Her beauty an d splendor are so artificial
and thin, a veneer on the surface, beneath
which is found gross corruption and all
uncleanness. (Rev. 17 :1-6,15, 18; 1 John
2:16,17) No wonder, th en, J ehovah determines to pour out upon her his pitiless
wrath and blazing anger in this gr eat and
terrible day wh ich is so near. Hence, t he
alarm and warning to all the inhabitants
of the ear th: "Behold, the day of J ehovah

F or a mo re complete cons ideration of this

subject see The Watchtower, October 1, 1949.

cometh, cruel, with wrath and fierce an ger;

to make the land a desolation, an d to destroy the sinners thereof out of it. And I
will punish the world for their evil, an d the
wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause
the arrogancy of the proud to cease, an d
will lay low the haughtiness of the terri ble."-Isa. 13:9,11, A S.
Like Isaiah, the prophet of old who
sounded this warning, so today J ehovah 's
fai thful witnesses hasten throughout the
world declaring that the "day of vengeance
of our God" is near at hand. (Isa. 61: 2) To
be sure, this pr oclamation r aises a gr eat
howl among the Devil's cro wd. "Wail ye ;
for the day of Jehovah is at hand ; as dest ruction from the Almight y shall it come."
(Isa. 13:6, AS; Jas. 5:1) Nevertheless, the
warning must be sounded for the benefi t
of good-will people who re ceive this message of doom as good news. From house to
house Jehovah's messengers hasten in order t hat none be overlooked. In te r ested persons, once located, are called back on and
further Bible proof is given them that
Babylon's destruction "is near" an d "her
days shall not be prolonged" .-Isa. 13 :22.
Now is no time for one to be captivated
by this world's glitter or be fooled by its
"all is well" gush of propaganda. Now is
no time to scramble for all that one can
seize of this world's possessions for protect ion. Neither is it a t ime to postpone
Armageddon in one's mind. (1 Thess.
5:2-4) Now, as never before, is the ti me
to bestir oneself and t ake life-saving act ion while there is yet time. "Now it is
high time to awake! " t he apostle Paul says.
(Rom. 13 :11) Destruction of modern BabyIon will clear the ground for the extens ion
of God's blessed Theocratic rule to t he
limits of the earth. Pr aise be to God that
such momentous events are nearer than
most people think!

Does not the expression "in Christ shall all

be made alive" include Adam?-P. E., Maryland.
Evidently Adam stood in a different position
as regards redemption from that occupied by
his descendants. He had the right to life, but
did not value it or appreciate it enough to hold
on to it; whereas his descendants never had
the right to life and needed redemption from
the beginning. It should be observed that in the
statement "as in Adam all die, even so in Christ
shall all be made alive" Adam is excluded from
the comparison. (1 Cor. 15:22) We could not
say that Adam died in Adam. Adam was personally sentenced to death for his own willful
wrongdoing, but not his offspring. Nor does
the Bible anywhere say that Adam was the
one ransomed to thereby automatically release
all his descendants. The ransom is not given
for one, but "for many" or "for all". (Matt.
20:28; 1 Tim. 2:6) However, in 1 Corinthians,
chapter 15, the apostle is discussing the resurrection of Christ's body members. The statement that "in Christ shall all be made alive"
applies to all those "which are fallen asleep
in Christ" (verses 6,18), and not to mankind
in general. (See The Watchtower, April 1, 1944,
rrrr 22-25.) Hence those to be thus made alive
must come into relationship to Christ as Lifegiver and are made members of his body. Not
all men receive the benefits of Christ's ransom,
but only "all them that obey him". The condemnation inherited from Adam is lifted from
those who believe and obey Christ Jesus ; it remains upon those who do not believe and obey.
-John 3:18,36; Heb. 5:9.
How can we harmonize Matthew's account
that both thieves railed at Jesus with Luke's
that tells of one scoffing and the other defending Jesus?-M. Q., California.
A possible explanation would be that at the
start both taunted Jesus, but that as time
passed one of the thieves noted what was happening and observed how Jesus patiently endured injustice and cruelty. During these passing hours this thief might easily have changed

his mind about Jesus, and, though scoffing a t

first, as Matthew notes, la ter championed Jesu s,
as Luke r elates.
However, another explanat ion may be the
answer. There may have been four others impaled with Jesus, two on each side. Matthew
uses a Greek word (t r anslat ed "thieves", whereas Luke uses a difIerent Greek word, which is
translated "malefactors". From Matthew's account it appears that Jesus had already been
impaled, and lots had been cast for his ga r ment, and a sign pos ted over his head, by the
time the two thieves were brought up and impaled with him. Then these two newcomers
joined with the priests and people in railing at
Jesus. (Matt. 27:35-44) But from Luke's account
it appears that the two malefactors were "led
with him to be put to death" and that when
this trio arrived at Calvary "there they crucified
him, and the malefactors, one on the right
hand, and the other on the left". One of these
malefactors scoffed at Jesus, the other believed
in Jesus and the kingdom. (Luke 23:32-43; see
New World translation) Hence this explanation
would say that two malefactors were impaled
at the same time as Jesus, one of whom scoffed
and one who believed Jesus, and that later
two thieves were brought and impaled, both of
whom taunted Jesus. This would me an there
were two staked on each side of Jesus, or a
total of five staked in a row. This contention
is supported by the fact that there is a "Calvary" to be seen at Ploubezere near Lannion,
in the Cotes-du-Nord, Brittany, known as Les
Oinq Oroix ("The Five Crosses"). There is a
high cross in "the center, with four smaller
ones, two on each side.
If the faithful men before Jesus' time are
not resurrected as perfect men, in what way is
their resurrection "better"?-Texas reader.

The questioner refers to Hebrews 11:35:

"Women received their dead by resurrection;
but other men were tortured because they would
not accept release by some ransom, in order
that they might attain a better resurrection."
(NW) We let the new book "This Means Everlasting Life" answer by our quoting from it ,
page 295: "By the faith of God's prophets of
old a number of persons were resurrected
from the dead, but because they were inheritors
of death from Adam and the Kingdom was not
yet established, they re turned to death. All
those faithful ones of old, down to John the
Baptist, died in faithfulness to Jehovah God,




N. Y.

and for this t hey will have a resurrection better

than what those had who were resurrected to
a life still under the regime of sin and deat h.
It will be a 'better resurrection' because it will
be performed by Jehovah's greatest prophet,
the King Jesus Christ, and it will be performed
under God's kingdom in his hands. It will be
without the unavoidable need to die a gain,
because it will be under the rulership of the Son
of God, whose ransom secures their release forever from death. The opp ortunity to gain life
on earth eternally will then be set bef ore them;

and with Satan and his demons abyssed and

his wick ed world gone there will be no forces
to hinder their efforts to gain the latest knowledge on God's kingdom and to walk the paths
of enlightened ri ghteousness toward everlasting
life in this Paradise. And since they exercised
faith as fa r as they had knowledge and they
died in their unbreakable integrity toward God,
they have inclined toward righteousness, and
this will be to their a dvantage at t he resurrection under His kin gdom by Ch rist."


and Scriptural instruction on how to attain to

it. A scripture index enhances its value. Your
personal cop y will be sent to you, postpaid, f or
a contribution of 35c.

Not forever will the Cr ea tor allow present

distress a nd wickedness to continue on the
earth. He has foreordained a definite time to
bring the last vestiges of Satan's world to a
violent end; and the r em aining time is very
short. Don't you desire to use that remaining
ti m e wisely? (Eph, 5:15,16, R S ) If so, we invite
you to join with J ehova h's wi tnesses in the activity t hey have arranged for November. During this m onth they will be offering t he new
book "T h is Means E v erlast i ng L ife" , on a contribution of 35c. Throughout its 320 pages this
attractive and enlightening book alerts its readers to how everlasting life may be gained and
t he nea rness of the time when it will be the
cherished possession of righteous humankind.
Life-seekers ne ed t o quickly and in telli gentl y
seek God and his kingdom. Can you think of a
wiser use of your time than to aid another to
learn of the way to life? Jehovah's witnesses
in your community will be glad to assist you
to share in this activity. Or, if you prefer, write
to us an d we will furnish you with helpful instructions and report forms.

Wh at can compare with everlasting life?

Wealth? F ame ? Or personal accomplishment?
No, as desirable as m ay be the attainment of
even our fondes t imaginations, their brilliance
fades as life-forces ebb. Without life, no other
pleasure can be enjoyed; when life ceases,
ownership, happiness and pleasures end. So, if
you would prolong the cherished good things
you now kn ow, you must not seek them firs t;
but rather; you must firs t seek everlasting life.
A new 320-page book "This M eans E v er las t ing
L ife" presents informatlon of vital import to
life-seekers. Clearly and logic ally it unfolds to
its readers the sureness of the promise of life



Humanitarians have long hoped for and

worked toward lengthening t he span of life.
But with all their work and even in their fondest dreams they do not envisage more t ha n a
few sh ort yea rs to be added, and those replete
with present troubles. But what if those cares
could be taken away and the sp an of life
lengthened into eternity? Think of the possibilities! Hopes spiral up ward as the mind dwells
upon the prospects. And it will cheer you to
know that this hope is not a m er e figment of
t he im agination. Scriptural evidence which indisputably proves that soon lasting life on
earth will be a reality is now available to you
in a 32-page booklet Can Yon L ive For ev er
i n H app in ess on E ar t h ? It contains the text
of a speech deli vered by N. H . Knorr, president of the Watchtower Society, to a visible
audience of 123,707 as t he climax event of an
8-day International Ass embly of Jehovah's witne sses in New York city, J uly 30 through Augu st 6, 1950. You will be sent a copy of this
booklet, postpaid, on a contribution of 5c.

In the first copies of the first edition of "This

M eans E v erlasting L ife" an error appears on
page 206, paragraph 2, line 8. The date A.D. 607
should be 607 B.C. This is not true of the Spanish edition.

Week of Nov. 5: The Way of Success, If 1-15.

Week of Nov. 12: The Way of Success, If 16-26;
and "Dr oop Not Your Hands" , If 1-8. .
Week of Nov.19: "Dr oop Not Your Hands," If9'-25.


Literal towers in Bible times were elevated vantage points from which
watchmen could observe happenings, warn of da.n~er, or announce ~ood
news. Our m~ine :fi~atively occupies such a vantage point, for it is
founded on the very pinnacle of wisdom, God's Word. That elevates it
above racial, national andlolitical propa~andas and prejudices, frees it from
selfish bias. It is not boun by any traditional creed, but its mess~e advances as the liQht on God's purposes and works increases.-Habakkuk 2:1.3.
It sees thin~s Scripturally. When it observes this ~eneration Amlcted
with ~reed, delinquency, hypocrisy, atheism, war, famine, pestilence, perplex.
ity and fear, and persecution of unpopular minorities, it does not parrot .the
old fable about history r epeating itself. Informed by Bible prophecy, it sees in
these thin~s the si~n of the world's time of the end. But with bri~ht hope it
also sees openin~up for us just beyond these woes the portals of a new world.
Thus viewed, ''The Watchtower" stands as a watchman atop a tower,
alert to what is ~inR on, awake to note siQns of dan~r, faithful to point out
the way of escape. ft announces Jehovah's kin~om established by Christ's
enthronement in heaven, feeds his kingdom joint.heIrs with spiritual food,
cheers men of ~ood will with glOriOUS prospects of eternal life in a paradise
earth, comforts us with the resurrection promise for the dead.
It is not do~atic, but has a confident rin~ in its voice, because it is based
on God's Word. It .dces not privately interpret prophecy, but calls attention
to physical facts, sets them alon~side prophecy, and you see for yourself how
well the two match, how accurately Jehovah interprets his own prophecy.
In the interests of our salvation, it keeps sharp and faithful focus on Bible
truth, and views reli~ious news ~enerally.
'Be watchful in these perilous times,' God admonishes. So keep on the
watch by reQularly reading "The Watclltower".

117 Adams Street
Brookl yn 1, N. Y., U. S. A.
N . H. KN ORR, Presiden t



"They will all be taught by Jehovah."-J ohn 6: 45, NW; Isaiah 54: 13

Clergy Voice Unwarranted Criticism
Physical Heavens Declare God's Glory
Jesus, the Faithful Son of God
"Miserable Comforters"
"Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill the Earth"
Riches of the Full Assurance
of Our Understanding
Further Enrichment of Understanding
"Blood Puddings"
Visiting Jehovah's Witnesses in China
Questions from Readers
East Germany Bans Jehovah's Witnesses

Printing this Issue: 1,210,000


...~ I. "Tilt WItC'tOWlf" fir til, fill ..,.. Blbl' YlnIIlS

AB - AmerlClUl Stanclutl Versloo
LXX-The 8<J>tnaglnt Verstoo
AT - An Amerlran TranslaUon
110 - James Motra tt' a rem oo
Do - J. N. Darby's rerston
NW - Ne.. Worltl TranalaUan
DII - Catholic Douay ..m oo
Eo - J. B, Rothemam'. nnJoo
IlD- The EmphaUcDa dott
R8 - Re. 1se.d Standard Vmloo
Le - Isaac Leeser's . enI on
Yl1 - Robert YOIIDI'. nnJoo
tJb1ea othmrlse IncllCited. the Billie UIOd '11 Ule E1n& JIIIIa VClIIGD

I loknno
Cebu- " ISS)"a.D I tali an
Norwe; lsn

Five cents a copy


~1J1 11)' a 18 m
Ru' slan
Hungari an
Kana rese

Watch Tower SocIety om...

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Entered u aerond-c1asa matter at Brooklyn, N.Y.,

Act of }I. rch 3, I B79. Printed In U. B. A.

'7*'in :n o u n c l ng
October 15, 1950

No. 20


N August 2 the Watchtower Society

released the N ew World Tronslaium.
oi t he Christian Greek Scriptures. The very
next day the Toronto Da ily Star published
on page one the following:

tion for the other phrase? No; those identical words appear in both the K ing James
V ersion and t he New World Translation,
at 1 John 5:8. What the N ew World Tra'W3lation did was merely drop the K ing James
Version phrase at 1 John 5:7: "The Father,
the Word.."an d the Holy Ghost: and these
three are one. "
"Several clergymen and students of the
Well, was that an "unwarranted liberBible said today Jehovah's witnesses have ty"? The critical clergymen thought so, for
taken unwarranted liberties in rejecting the press report continued: "Prof. B. W.
the idea of the Holy Trinity in a new trans- Horan, Wycliffe College Bible authority,
lation of the Greek scriptures comprising said the translation approved by the Watch
the New Testament. Revealed yesterday, Tower and Bible Society--official name of
the version substitutes the words 'the spirit the Witnesses--can have no factual basis.
and the water and the blood' for the phrase He added : 'The words "Father, Son and
'F at her , Son and Holy Ghost'. The latter Holy Ghost" are clear in the original Greek,
t ranslation is found frequently through- our only authority, and are thus translated
out the King James version of the New in all English versions. They are taking an
Testament, used by orthodox churches,"
unwarranted liberty, and once you do that
These critical clergymen are poorly in- sort of thing you can get almost anything
formed, and in their haste to strive they out of the scriptures. They have no waropen themselves to shame. They should rant at all for their interpretation.' Officials
ha ve heeded the proverb: "Go not forth of the Anglican, United, Baptist, Presbyhastily to strive, lest thou know not what terian and Christian Science Churches
to do in the end thereof, when thy neigh- agreed with Prof. Horan."
bourhath put thee to shame." (Prov.25:8)
How can Horan be a "Bible authority"
Informed Bible students know that the for Wycliffe College, and yet say this
phrase "F ather, Son and Holy Ghost" is phrase is in the original Greek and is transnot found once in the K ing James Version. lated "F ather , Son and Holy Ghost" in "all
Found once is the phrase "the Father, the English versions"? The Greek originals
Word, and the Holy Ghost", at 1 John 5:7. were written in the first century of our
And what about the phrase "the spirit and common era, but it was not until the sixthe water and the blood"? Is it a substitu- teenth century that these spurious words




crept into a Greek manuscript. In 1516

Erasmus produced a Greek "New Testament" text. He brought out several editions, and the first two did not contain the
spurious words at 1 John 5:7. However,
the omission of this forged text was noted
by Catholic authorities, particularly by
Stunica, and through subsequent contriving Stunica prevailed upon Erasmus to insert it in a later edition, against the better
judgment of Erasmus. William Tyndale
used this E rasmus later 'edit ion to revise
his English translation, and it is this Tyndale version that is the basis of the popular
King Jam es V el'sion of 1611. Thus we see
how 1 John 5:7, never in the ori ginal Greek
Scriptures, wormed its way into the K ing

N. Y.

ham's Emphasised Bible (1897) , and so on

through practically all modern English
versions. The Baptist cleric, J.B.McLaurin,
that protested against the N ew W01'ld
Translation should have known that the
American Baptist Publication Society copyrighted and published in 1924 a .modern
version of the Greek Scriptures, in which
they omitted the spurious verse. (The other hasty critics of the N ew World Translat ion wer e D. B. Rogers, Church of England,
F . W. Boorer, Christian Scientist, V. T.
Mooney, United Church, and J. A. Munro,
Presbyterian church.)
Catholic Monsignor Knox completed a
translation in 1943, and while including the
spurious text admitted in a footnote: "This
Jam es Version.
verse does not occur in any good Greek
And what about Horan's claim that this manuscript." The Catholic Confraternity
spurious trinitarian text is in "all English translation explained that it retained the
versions"? It is extremely difficult to be- text because the Holy See reserved to itlieve he is so ignorant of the facts, yet that self the right to pass on the text, but did
belief is perhaps more charitable than to admit that according to the evidence of
think he deliberately falsifies. In 1881 there many manuscripts the verse was spurious.
was published a revision of the "New The fact is that every informed clergyman
Testament" of the K ing Jam es V ersion, knows that the words of 1 John 5:7, as in
called the "English Revised Version". It the K ing James Version, are not found in
omitted the spurious text 1 John 5 :7 , as the most reliable Greek Scripture manuhad Benjamin Wilson's Emphatic Diaglott scripts, namely, the Vatican 1209, the
version a few years earlier. Almost invaria- Sinaitic, and the Alexandrine. The Greek
text used as the basis of the New World
bly modern versions in English omit it.
The American Standard V ersion of 1901 Translation is the widely accepted Westcott
did. When the Greek Scriptures of this ver- and Hort text (1881) , by reason of its
sion were revised and published in 1946, admitted excellence. It does not contain the
the spurious text was still missing. It is like- spurious words at 1 John 5 :7.
In view of all this, what do we conclude?
wise omitted in Moffatt's modern translation (1922), in An American Translation That the N ew W01'ld Translation did not
by Goodspeed (1935), in Th e N ew Testa- take any unwarranted liberties, but that
m ent in Basic English (1941), in Darby's these clergymen voiced un warranted critiversion (1949), in Weymouth's version cism, and in their haste to do so have
(fifth edition, 1929), in the Twentieth Oen- demonstrated ignorance or prejudice, or
tury New Testament (1901), in Rother- both, to their shame.


He that i s has ty of spirit exalte t h fo lly. He that answereth a matter

before he heareth it, i t is folly and shame unto him.

-Provo 14:29 ; 18:13.

ble into the same pitfall of willful

ignorance. Let the well-known scientific facts and figures speak for themselves, and as they show forth and
ILLE D with profound reverence after tell of God's omnipotence, let us consider
viewing the vastness and celestial maj- their testimony with an open, reasoning
esty of the starry expanse, King David of and logical mind. Consider this earth and
old was moved to exclaim: "0 Jehovah, our solar system, and, beyond this, the
our Lord, how excellent is thy name ... ! wonders of the universe, its glory, beauty,
When I consider thy heavens, the work of unity and unlimited expanse. Consider all
thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which of this, and a person with a reasonable
thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou mind must admit that there is a Creator,
art mindful of him?" (Ps. 8: 1, 3, 4, AS) and that His wisdom, knowledge, power
David was deeply impressed with the Crea- and eternity are far superior to anyone
tor's infinite greatness and his own small- and anything else in cosmic space.
First consider this globe upon which we
Today's astronomers are well-equipped live, man's home among the stars and
with mammoth telescopes capable of pene- planets. To enumerate all the marvelous
trating stellar space to a great depth. So conditions that make life possible here
if astronomer David could come to his wise would take many volumes. Hence, an epitconclusions more than 3,000 years ago ome of some of these wonderful things
without even a pair of opera glasses, how must suffice. To quote a recent Watchtower
reprehensible this well-informed modern publication, Evolution versus The New
age is for its impudent refusal to recognize World) pages 35, 36:
Jehovah God as the all-wise Creator of the
"The earth is the only planet on which
physical heavens! Surely they are without life as we know it could exist. If the earth
excuse, for Jehovah's "invisible qualities rotated on its axis much faster or much
are clearly seen from the world's creation slower, making days and nights much
onward, because they are understood by shorter or longer, all life would die either
the things made, even his eternal power by freezing at night or by burning during
and Godship, so that they [of this "brainy" the day. The sun is the earth's furnace, and
world] are inexcusable".-Rom.l:20, NW. our globe is just far enough away to be
But just because today's so-called scien- properly warmed for life to exist. But if the
tists and "wise men" are so nearsighted earth traveled much faster or much slower
arid self-centered that they fail to appre- in its orbit around the sun it would be too
ciate that Jehovah God is the great First far from or too close to the sun for life.
Cause and Creator of the universe, this is The sun's surface temperature of 12,000
no reason why the rest of mankind need degrees Fahrenheit is just right for heatfollow their blind course and stupidly sturn- ing the earth. If the yearly average of





N. Y.

temperature on earth rose or fell fifty any other of the nine planets in our solar
degrees, life would roast or freeze. Of all system, human life would have been imthe stars and suns in the universe with possible. (Prov. 3:19, AS) On Mercury, the
their wide variations in size and radiation, planet nearest to the sun, the temperature
it is our sun that is right for earth's inhab- is hundreds of degrees above zero on one
itants. If our moon were much nearer, the side and at the same time hundreds of
tides it causes would overflow the lowlands, degrees below zero on the opposite side.
erode the mountains, and with continents Venus, the second-nearest to the sun, is
leveled water would cover the entire earth enveloped in perpetual clouds so dense that
to a depth of a mile and a half. If the earth sunlight never reaches it. Next comes the
were not tilted twenty-three degrees on its earth, just right in location. On Mars, the
axis we would have no seasons, the poles fourth planet from the sun, the average
would lie in eternal twilight, water vapor temperature is about zero, and beyond
from oceans would move north and south Mars, on the other planets, life is imposand pile up huge continents of snow and sible. What about our moon? Without an
ice in the polar regions, leaving desert in atmosphere and with a temperature change
between, and eventually the oceans would from daytime to nighttime of more than
disappear and rainfall cease, and the accu- 400 degrees, there is not the slightest posmulated weight of ice at the poles would sibility that man could live on the moon.
cause the equator to bulge, with fearful So let us all give thanks and praise to
results. The mixture of gases in the atmos- Jehovah, who, for our life and comfort and
phere is right, and if much different, if by his infinite wisdom, "hangeth the earth
much lighter or heavier, life would cease. upon nothing" at exactly the right distance
The mathematical odds that all of these from the sun.-Job 26:7.
and other essential conditions happened
Soldier boys that travel halfway around
by chance are astronomical, are one in the world from home are impressed with
the great size of the earth-25,000 miles
around the equator. To little man the earth
does seem very large, but compared with
Manifestly, this wonderful globe, with the sun and other heavenly bodies this
such varied conditions in perfect balance, globe is a mere grain of sand. If the sun
did not come about by mere chance or were hollowed out and the earth placed in
through the operation of blind force or the center, our moon, which is 238,000
spontaneous evolution. Rather, it was de- miles away from us, could continue in its
signed and prepared by a Creator of in- orbit with 190,000 miles to spare. Little
finite intelligence for the express purpose earth is less than 8,000 miles in diameter;
of supporting human creatures. "For thus majestic sun is 864,000 miles!
God "saw that it was good" to have the
saith Jehovah that created the heavens, the
God that formed the earth and made it, that sun as a center hub about which our earth
established it and created it not a waste, revolves, for it is earth's powerhouse and
that formed it to be inhabited: I am Je- the source of its light, heat and energy.
hovah; and there is none else." (Isa.45:18, (Gen. 1 :14-19) And what a terrific ball of
AS,. 42:5; Ps. 115:16) He also made it fire it is! Of the sun's total radiated heat,
to endure throughout eternity.-Eccl. 1:4. only one part in 1,000 million parts ever
"Jehovah by wisdom founded the earth" reaches this globe, and yet this wee amount
for man's habitation, for had He chosen is so great that it taxes our comprehension.

OcroBER 15, 1950


Estimates say that it would be necessary

to burn 1,000 million tons of coal each and
every second to generate the amount of
heat received.
Men of science and invention boast of
the supersonic speeds to which they have
attained, and the distances they hope some
day to travel in rocket "space ships"; but,
considering cosmic distances and planetary
speeds, the greatest accomplishments of
science are extremely small. The sun, for
example, is 93,000,000 miles away on the
average. But how far is that, little man?
Well, if you were to ride a nonstop streamline train traveling 93 miles an hour, day
and night, it would take you over 114
years to make the one-way trip to the sun!
To reach the same destination from Pluto,
outermost planet in our solar system, it
would take more than 4,200 years.
At the same time our globe daily rotates
on its axis with a surface speed at the
equator of more than 1,000 miles an hour,
it hurls itself around the sun at a speed of
62,000 miles per hour, without varying so
much as 1/1000 of a second in this yearly
trip of 558,000,000 miles. But this is not
all. The whole solar system--our sun,
moon, earth and the other planets-while
maintaining this perfect timing among
themselves, are all together speeding
through space in the general direction of
the star Vega at 43,000 miles per hour, a
speed 21 times the velocity of a cannon
ball. No man-made electronic timing device could regulate these motions with such
accuracy or precision.

When the God-fearing man David beheld

the beauty and grandeur of the night sky
he was looking far beyond this little solar
system in which we spin. To him it was as
if he were on the inside of a tent beholding
a huge enclosing curtain interwoven with
glistening jewels, diamonds and precious


stones. David knew that the same Jehovah

God who made the earth had also fashioned
the stars. All was His matchless handiwork.
Isaiah the prophet, after looking into the
same stellar vault of heaven, appreciated
why Jehovah likened this mundane sphere
to a lowly footstool.-Gen. 1:16; 2 Ki.
19:15; Ps. 102:25; 104:1,2; Isa. 42:5;
44:24; 66:1,2; Acts 7:48-50.
But what those men of old saw at one
time was at the most only about 2,000
stars, a very small fraction of the celestial
glory that makes up our galaxy, commonly
called the Milky Way. The telescope has
brought into view so many stars that man
cannot even count them. In an area of the
sky no larger than the Big Dipper's bowl,
there are 50,000,000 stars, and estimates
based on actual photographs say there are
at least 50,000,000,000 stars in the Milky
Way. Proved then that God's Word is true:
man can no more count the stars than he
can count the grains of seashore sands.
-Jer. 33:22, Mo.
Then how big is the Milky Way in which
so many billions of stars are "crammed"?
Man can measure it fairly accurately, but
after doing so his brain is too small to comprehend really how great a space it occupies. You doubt this? Do you want to try,
where all others fail , to imagine how big
our galaxy is? Then here are the figures.
Recall how far it is from here to the sun
and how long it would take you to get there
on a high-speed train-1l4 years. Well, the
next-nearest star is 300,000 times farther
away than the sun. If, after reaching it,
you returned to earth your round-trip excursion would have consumed 69,000,000
years. No human can imagine how long a
time that is, so how can one comprehend
how far it is across the equatorial diameter
of the Milky Way when it equals 4,000 of
such round trips? Why, for a beam of light,
streaking along at the speed of 186,000
miles per second, it would take it 33,000



years to cross from one side of the Milky

Way to the other!
Man's imagination staggers to think that
the sun is more than 108 times as great in
diameter as the earth, and yet there is a
countless host of other stars many times
as large as the sun. Aldebaran is 40 times
as large as the sun and 90 times as bright.
But this is nothing. The largest star known
to man, Antares, is 14,000 times as big as
our sun. Think of that, a molten ball of
fire 360,000,000 miles in diameter, and
90,000,000 times as bright as our sun! Only
its great distance away makes it appear

Like all of God's creation, there is endless variety among the stars. Each has its
own astral beauty. "One star differeth
from another star in glory." (1 Cor. 15:41)
Some are white, some yellow, some blue,
and others are red. Each travels at its own
particular speed. The fastest-moving bright
star is Arcturus, with a speed of 75 miles
a second (about 270,000 miles per hour).
Reason enough why God might use it to
illustrate how small and powerless man is.
"Canst thou guide Arcturus?" the Almighty asked Job. (Job 38:32) Some stars
are cooler than our sun, others are twice,
three times and even five times as hot.
Some are brighter; others are extremely
faint. A comet's tail is practically a vacuum, weighing only one four-sextillionth
(1/4000000000000000000000) as much as
a similar volume of air, whereas a dwarf
star is so unbelievably heavy that a cubic
inch of it weighs as much as 1,000 tons!
Wonders indeed! showing forth the glory
and majesty of their Creator.
Dwarfing man and exalting Jehovah
even more, the giant telescopes disclose
that this galaxy to which our earth belongs is only an island universe in the sea


of space. Out and beyond our Milky Way

there are more than 100,000,000,000 other
Milky Ways called nebulae, each containing billions of suns, stars and planets. The
200-inch Palomar telescope is able to reach
out 1,100,000,000 light-years (one lightyear equals six trillion miles), and still no
end to the stars. This means that these
stars are so far away that the light that
left them 1,100,000,000 years ago is just
now reaching our globe. So in view of such
astronomical facts, such distances, how
much greater than time and space and all
that fill them must Jehovah God be! What
powers of communication he must possess!
For moment by moment he knows what is
going on in the most distant corner of
infinity. No, not even "the heaven and
heaven of heavens" are able to contain
Jehovah.-1 Ki. 8:27; 2 Chron. 2:6; 6:18.
Again the question: "What is man, that
thou art mindful of him?" Again the only
truthful answer: compared with God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, man
is oh so very, very small! "Why, the nations
are a mere drop in the bucket, no more
to him than dust upon a balance! Before
him all the nations are as nothing; to him
they are but empty and inane. Then whom
can you compare with God?" Jehovah God
is he who "sits over the round earth, so
high that its inhabitants look like grasshoppers; he spreads the skies out like a curtain, and stretches them like a tent. Lift
high your eyes, look up; who made these
stars? he who marshals them in order,
summoning each one by name". Puny man
cannot even number the stars, much less
summon or call them by name.-Isa.
40:15, 17, 18,22,26 ,~lo.
If ail this inanimate creation praises
Jehovah because of who and what he is,
then "let all the earth fear Jehovah: let
all the inhabitants of the world stand in
awe of him"!-Ps. 33:8, AS; 148:1-6.

Faithful .50
birt '
U 'l. tory has eq

birth of Jesus. He who wa

ok man or Logos, he who was God's firs
only direct creation, he through whom all
other things were made, this one laid aside
his lofty invisible existence as a spirit creature and was born of human flesh in the
lowly form of a man. Little wonder that at
his birth angelic creatures jubilantly sang,
"Glory to God in the highest; and on earth
peace to men of good will."-John 1:1-14,
ED; Rev. 3:14; Luke 2:13, 14, Dy.
And why did this "only begotten Son" of
God lay aside his heavenly glory and become a man? (1 John 4:9) There are several very important reasons. Born of Mary,
the daughter of Heli , Jesus became a natural descendant of King David, hence "the
son of David". His foster father, Joseph,
also a natural descendant of David, was
able to hand Jesus the legal right to David's
throne. (Matt. 1 :1-17; Luke 3:23-38) Born
perfect under the law covenant, Jesus was
able to fulfill that law and put it to an end.
(Gal. 4:4; Matt. 5:17) Being humbled in
a bondman's form, even in the likeness of
sinful man, he withstood Satan, maintained
integrity, and proved qualified to be the
vindicator of Jehovah God.-Phil. 2:5-8.
Furthermore, Jesus was a perfect human, no more, no less, the exact equal to
the perfect man Adam. He was therefore
able to lay down a perfect human life as
the purchase price for all that Adam lost,
namely, the rightto perfect human life and
to give life to posterity.-1 Cor. 15:21,22.

g their flo
an gel informed them of Jesus' miraculous
birth. (Luke 2:8-20) The birth of this
promised "seed", the one who was in due
time to crush the head of the serpent, made
that serpent, Satan, the Devil, exceedingly
wroth. (Gen. 3:15) So the Devil tried to
kill the infant Jesus. Warned by the Lord,
the parents fled to Egypt. After Herod's
death they returned and settled down in
Nazareth. (Matt. 2:1-23) "And the child
grew and became strong, filled with wisdom ; and the favor of God was upon him."
-Luke 2:40, RS.
At a Passover feast in Jerusalem, when
but twelve years of age he amazed the
learned doctors and wise men of the day
by his questions and answers. When reproved by his mother for having failed to
return home with them Jesus discreetly
replied, "Did you not know that I must be
in my Father's house?" (Luke 2:41-49,
RS) As he grew up he learned the carpenter's trade from his foster father and "increased in wisdom and stature, and in
favor with God and man".-Luke 2:52.

Reaching his full age of maturity according to the Jewish law, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river. People are not
baptized in the Jordan in cold December.



It was the fall of the year A.D. 29; proof

that Jesus was not born December 25.

(Luke 3:21-23) But why was the sinless
Jesus baptized? Because he had made a
consecration or contract to henceforth do
his Father Jehovah's will and not his own.
(Ps. 40:7,8; John 4:34) His baptism
symbolized that he had made such an
Immediately after his baptism Jesus
went into the wilderness and there spent
40 days preparing himself for his public
ministry. At the end of that period the
Devil came to him with very subtle temptations, which Jesus thwarted with the
"sword of the spirit", God's Word. (Matt.
4:1-11) Thereafter, Jesus came in contact
with some of the disciples of John, who
became his companions as he traveled
northward into Galilee. It was there in
Cana, at the marriage feast, that Jesus
performed his first miracle, turning water
into wine.-John 1:29-51; 2:1-11.
Springtime, A.D. 30, with six months of
gospel-preaching behind, with the whole
country awakening to the Messiah's presence, it was time for Jesus to go up to Jerusalem for the annual Passover. There he
found the money-changers and those that
sold oxen, sheep and pigeons right in the
temple. Fired with the zeal of Jehovah,
Jesus made a whip of cords and, turning
over the money tables and driving out
dealers, cattle and all, said: "Away with
these! My Father's house is not to be turned
into a shop!"-John 2:13-17, Mo.

Truly a man of action! Up and down the

length and breadth of the land Jesus went,
and on foot too, preaching and witnessing
to the people: in their ' homes, in the
market places, along the highways, in openair gatherings on the mountainsides, anywhere and everywhere that the people
would listen. Remember how he took time


to talk to that Samaritan woman at Jacob's

well? (John 4:4-26) He also spent many
hours on return visits, instructing the
householders further in the Scriptures. And
for all of this he never took up a collection.
The next two years following the Passover A.D. 30 Jesus concentrated his activity in the district of Galilee, broadcasting
the thrilling message: "The kingdom of
heaven is at hand!" (Matt. 4:17) Indeed
so, for the King himself was present. But
not everyone would accept this proclaimer
of glad tidings. For example, when he entered the synagogue in his own home town
of Nazareth and read from the book of
Isaiah, chapter 61, and applied to himself
the prophecy there recorded, the people
scoffed at him as only a carpenter's son,
and even tried to kill him . In striking contrast to his own townsmen were those of
Capernaum, who listened attentively, "astonished at his doctrine: for his word was
with power."-Luke 4:16-32.
"And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the
gospel of the kingdom, and healing all
manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people." (Matt. 4: 23) This
first organized tour in Galilee was interrupted by the Passover feast at Jerusalem
A.D. 31. There Christ cured a cripple on
the sabbath, and as a result he clashed with
the tradition-keeping Pharisees who sought
to kill him. Jesus, however, gave all credit
to Jehovah God: "The Son can do nothing
of himself." (John 5:1-47) Back again in
his Galilee t err ito r y, this plain-spoken
preacher delivered that wonderful talk
known as the "sermon on the mount".
-Matthew, chapters 5, 6, 7.

The last half of Jesus' ministry was

packed full of work and excitement. Not
once, but three times he must go over the
Galilee territory. He must bear witness to

OCTOBER 15, 1950



Perea, on the other side of Jordan. His Christ offered himself as King amid joyful
fame brought great crowds to hear the im- acclaim . Then he cleansed the temple the
portant Kingdom message, yet at the same second time by driving out the religious
time the "mysteries of the kingdom of racketeers who had made his Father's
heaven" contained in the parables were house a den of thieves. (Matt. 21:1-16)
meant only for the disciples. (Matt. 13: The next day, in his parables Jesus exposed
1-53) Continually performing many mira- the clergy as the ones that would be guilty
cles-healing the diseased, crippled, sick, of rejecting and killing the Messiah, the
and reviving the dead-Jesus also fed one heir of the Kingdom, and furth er demultitude of 5,000 men and another of nounced them, saying: "Woe unto you,
4,000, "beside women and chi 1d I' en." scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!" And to
(Matt. 14:13-21; 15:32-38) Along with the nation as a whole he said: "Behold,
these public demonstrations and talks he your house is left unto you desolate."
also managed to give exhortations on hu- -Matt. 21: 17 to 23: 39.
mility, meekness, love toward one another,
In an upper room in Jerusalem, Nisan 14,
forgiveness and mercy.-Matt. 18:1-35.
A.D. 33, Jesus celebrated the last Passover
Passover came while Christ was on his with his apostles, washed their feet for an
third tour of Galilee, but this feast he did example in mutual love and service, instinot celebrate in a public way. He was again tuted the Memorial with the eleven faithat Jerusalem for the feast of tabernacles ful ones, and then gave them much valuin the fall of the year. By then the time able instruction. (John 13:2 to --17 :26)
was running out. The harvest was great; Momentous events followed in quick sucthe laborers few; scarcely six months left cession. The agonizing scene in the garden
to finish the work. Jesus therefore sent out of Gethsemane was followed by the betrayseventy more disciples to prepare the field al of Jesus and his arrest and trial before
for his ministry, and then speedily he the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin.
swung' up through Samaria, crossed the Turned over to Pilate the politician, he was
Jordan, went into Perea, crossed Jordan sent on to Herod, who mockingly returned
again in order to raise Lazarus from the him to Pilate the governor, who, though
dead, went back through Samaria for an- he knew Jesus was innocent, delivered him
other visit over Perea, and then returned over to be killed in order to satisfy the lust
to Bethany only a few days before the of the bloodthirsty clergy! (Matt. 26:36 to
27:31) Nailed to an accursed torture stake
great and final Passover.
That was a lot of traveling and preaching between thieves, this beloved Son of God,
to pack into six months, a fitting build-up after suffering hours of mockery and torfor what he would accomplish in the last ture, cried out, " It is finished!"
six days of his sojourn here on earth. (Luke
Jesus had fought a good fight, he had
10:1 to 11:28) But, even at that, he took completed his testimony as God's "faithful
time along the way to show kindness and and true witness", he had proved the Devil
tender compassion toward all, including a liar, he had purchased the right to life
little children.-Mark 10:13-16.
lost to Adam's offspring, he was indeed
That final and great week, the last act, worthy to be'the great vindicator of Jehoso to speak, of a stupendous drama and one vah God. For such obedience, Jehovah reswhich climaxed Jesus' public ministry, was urrected his faithful Son with a spiritual
staged in and around Jerusalem. Riding body and exalted him to a position in the
into Jerusalem in triumphal procession, universe far above all other creatures, "that




confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the

glory of God the Father."-Phil. 2:10,11.

at the name of Jesus every knee should

bow . . . and that every tongue should

"Miserable Comforters"
RISTIANS are commissioned to "comCHfort
all that mourn". Usa. 61:2) But the ~
clergy of Christendom's orthodox religions do
not bear the fruits that ident ify them as
Christian comforters. For example, where is
any solid comfort in the following statement
that Catholic Jesuit Robert 1. Gannon, ex
president of Fordham University, made to an
audience of high school youths?-"Your generation has a different point of view. You
were born into chaos. It is part of the provldence of God that you, our sons and daughters who have to pick up the pieces of the
modern age, should look on disorder and uncertainty as a normal condition to be faced
without surprise or fear."
~ Why should a Catholic priest say that it
is God's providence that we should view chaos
and disorder as normal? Such hardly matches
the scripture at 1 Corinthians 14:33, as translated by Monsignor Knox: "God is the author
of peace, not of disorder." After adults make
a mess of things, of what comfor t is it to tell
youth "to pick up the pieces"? And if in the
providence of God the messy disorder is normal, why tell youth to make it abnormal by
picking up the pieces?
~ Gannon's empty words will not forestall
the fear Jesus said would come in these days,
due to the chaos and disorder of our times:
"Men withering away for fejir, and expectation of what shall come upon the whole
world." (Luke 21:26, D y) Jesus did not brush
off this fear as normal and as "part of the
providence of God", but offered real comfort
concerning it, showing that it and other abnormal conditions of the last days were due
to Satan, and were forerunners to the final
end of this old world and the beginning of
Jehovah's righteous new world.-Luke 21:28;
Rev. 12:12 ; 21:1-5.
~ This abnormal dose of woes from Satan
began when he was ous ted from heaven in
1914 by the newly enthroned King, Christ
Jesus, and it is noteworthy that the New York
Sunday News, in reporting Gannon's state-

ment, said that the year before that heavenly

event was the last normal year in history, as
follows: "Today's world is in a chaotic fix,
what with old empires rocking crazily from
the effects of the latest great war, and with
U. S. Democracy, British Socialism and Russian Communism battling for the minds of
mankind. Further, the world has been in
more or less chaos for quite a while now. The
last completely 'normal' year in history was
1913, the year before World War I began... .
Where it all comes out, we haven't a guess.
Maybe the end, as some gloom merchants
predict, will be an atomic suicide by the whole
human race."
~ When the faithful man Job was under assault by Satan because of integrity toward
Jehovah God, he was visited by "three friends"
who came "to comfort him". (Job 2:11) But
after listening to their supposed wisdom on
the distressing circumstances in which he
found himself, Job cried out: "Miserable comforters are ye all. Shall vain words have an
end?" Or, to give his words as rendered by
the Catholic Douay translation of the Bible,
"You are all troublesome comforters. Shall
windy words have no end?" (Job 16:2,3)
Those who babble about these times as being
normal and "part of the providence of God"
are certainly "miserable comforters" and rate
no higher value than that Job placed on his
"three friends".
~ True Christians can and do give real comfort to those that mourn, and who are meek
enough to listen to God's Word on the present
perilous times in which we find ourselves. It
is wrathful Satan that is authoring the chaotic and disordered conditions now, but the
signs of the times indicate that soon he and
his wicked world will meet their destruction,
and .In their stead will be Christ's kingdom
ruling over a cleansed earth of joyful men of
good will. Then the providence of God will see
to it that peace reigns. All may now take com. fort in the fact that then, in both heaven and
earth, God will be an "author of peace, not of


THE first human pair, Adam and

Eve, God stated, "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of
the air, the domestic animals, and all the
living things that crawl on the earth!"
(Gen. 1:28, AT) That this is God's purpose regarding the earth is also made clear
at Isaiah 45: 18, where we are told that
God formed the earth to be inhabited.
Since that is God's purpose regarding
the earth, it will be accomplished, for he
further states: "I have spoken it, I will
also bring it to pass ; I have purposed it,
I will also do it."-Isa. 46:11.
The command, "be fruitful, multiply, fill
the earth," coming from Jehovah God himself, would therefore be an authoritative
command, or a mandate; and he being the
Divine One, it would be a divine mandate.
When this divine mandate was given to
our first parents they were perfect and
righteous, for all God's work is perfect.
(Deut. 32:4) To assist them to continue in
the way of righteousness and obedience and
to protect them from evil, God ' provided
them with a guardian angel. (Ezek. 28:13,
14) However, this guardian angel became
filled with pride and selfishly ambitious.
To further his ambitious scheme he lured
our first parents into a course of disobedience resulting in their death. That
cherub has since been known by the names
Dragon, Serpent, Devil and Satan. (Rev.
20:2) Although at the time of his rebel-


lion God decreed his destruction, he has

been permitted to continue his nefarious
activity up to the present time as "god of
this world". (Gen. 3:15; 2 Cor. 4:4) The
purpose of that divine mandate being to
have children brought forth in righteousness and unto life, it follows that under
such unrighteous con d i t ion s and with
Adam and Eve under the sentence of death
the mandate could not be carried out as
originally purposed by Jehovah God. Since
God's purposes do not change, we may confidently expect that divine mandate yet to
be fulfilled.
Who will fulfill that divine mandate?
Not Christians who hope to share heavenly
glory with Christ Jesus, for the divine
mandate is to be carried out on earth by
human creatures. (See John 14:2,3;
1 John 3:2; Rev. 20:5,6.) Glorious spirit
creatures in heaven could not carry out
such a command.-1 Cor. 15:43,44.
Neither will the resurrection of the dead
be the fulfilling of that divine mandate.
(John 5:28,29) True, it will contribute to
the filling of the earth, yet such would be
done by the power of God and not by creatures in obedience to his mandate. Nor
will the resurrected multitudes be privileged to do so, for Jesus plainly stated
that such will not marry nor be given in
marriage.-Matt. 22:30.
Who then will fulfill that divine mandate? The facts show that today God has
bestowed his spirit upon many without



awakening in them the hope of heavenly

glory. These are described as a "great multitude" coming from all nations and are
shown as standing before the throne of
God ascribing salvation to him and to the
Lamb. (Rev. 7: 9-17) Seeking righteousness and meekness, they have the promise
of being hidden in the day of God's anger.
(Zeph. 2:1-3) After that expression of
wrath they will share in a fulfillment of
that divine mandate.


N. Y.

present time from the catastrophe, the

battle of Armageddon. (Rev. 16:16) And
what is that provision? It is God's organization, and it will serve as the place
of protection from the expression of God's
wrath against his enemies, even as did the
ark for Noah and his family.
After the ark had served God's purpose
in keeping alive the righteous ones and the
flood waters had full y subsided and the
earth was dried, God commanded Noah to
come out of the ark, together with his
family and all the animals. (Gen. 6:18;
The events leading up to the flood of 7:2-11; 8:14-16) Noah and his family were
Noah's day and those immediately follow- the only human creatures alive at that
ing serve as a key to unlock these truths time and all of them were considered rightto us, picturing with remarkable accuracy eous by God. To these he restated the diwhat is now taking place and will shortly vine mandate: "Be fruitful, multiply, and
follow. That the time of Noah had prophet- fill the earth." (Gen. 9:2, AT) However,
ic significance Christ Jesus himself made not being actually righteous and perfect
clear, sa ying: "And as were the days of but merely accounted so because of faith
Noah, so shall be the presence of the Son and obedience, they could fulfill that command in only a pictorial way.
of man."-Matt. 24:37, AS, margin.
In contrast to the sons of Noah, the great
Regarding Noah's day we read: "And
Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man multitude who survive Armageddon will
was great in the earth, and that every be able to carry out that divine mandate
imagination of the thoughts of his heart in actuality because they will receive the
was only evil continually. And Jehovah benefits of the ransom sacrifice of Christ
said, I will destroy man whom I have cre- Jesus. (Matt. 20:28; Rom. 5:18,19) Havated from the face of the ground; both ing been accounted worthy of being preman, and beast . . . But Noah found favor served through the destruction of this evil
in the eyes of Jehovah." Why? Because system of things because of their faith and
"Noah was a righteous man".-Gen. 6:5, obedience, continuing in such way they
will gradually be lifted to perfection and
7-9, AS.
Jehovah God therefore com man d e d actual and complete righteousness. (Isa.
Noah to build an ark or huge boat, into 26:9) Satan and his demon horde will no
which he was to take his family and cer- longer exert any evil influence over mantain animals. Noah obeyed, thereby prov- kind, but will be abyssed for a thousand
ing his faith by his works. And he further years. (Rev. 20:1-3) In their stead Christ
bore testimony to his faith by preaching, Jesus and his bride will shower blessings
warning the wicked of the flood.-Heb. upon obedient mankind.-Rev. 21:4,5.
The question then arises: Since those
11:7; 2 Pet. 2:5.
The ark served as a place of protection who will comprise the great multitude are
for Noah, his family and the animals he now being gathered, is the marriage of any
took therein. What did it picture? God's of them now and their bringing forth chilprovision for protecting his people at the dren now the beginning of fulfilling the


15, 1950


divine mandate? The fact that none of

Noah's sons had any chi I d r e n born to
them before or during the flood would indicate that the answer to that question
should be No. Only eight humans entered
the ark and only eight came forth. (Gen.
7:13; 8:16; 1 Pet. 3:20) In harmony with
the fact that the divine mandate was first
restated after the flood, the first child mentioned was born two years after the flood.
(Gen. 11:10) The conclusion is therefore
inevitable that the time for the fulfillment
of the divine mandate is after Armageddon.
Since the carrying out of the command
to "be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth"
waits until after Armageddon, does that
mean that those who now marry and rear
children are violating God's laws? No, for
the Scriptures show that "marriage is honourable in all".-Heb. 13:4.
The question then presents itself: What
about those who now marry or who were
married at the time they heeded the call
of warning to flee into the antitypical ark
by associating themselves with God's organization? Will they have the same mates
after Armageddon? If both mates are preserved through that catastrophe they will
continue as man and wife. The end of the
old world will not dissolve such marriage
ties. The Scriptures show that only the
death or the unfaithfulness of one's mate
frees one from the covenant entered into
at the time of marriage. This latter fact
should have a sobering effect upon all
those contemplating marriage now.
The fulfilling of the command "be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth" by the great
multitude surviving Armageddon and the
complete filling of the earth by the resurrected millions will be in vindication of
Jehovah's supremacy. How so? Because
this was the original purpose of Jehovah
God as announced to the first human pair
in the garden of Eden, and the rebellious
cherub who became Satan the Devil staked


everything on his ability to thwart that

purpose to fill the earth with God-fearing
people and thus demonstrate that God was
not supreme. Having turned aside Adam
and Eve, he boasted that he could do the
same with all of their offspring. (Job 1
and 2) It was for the purpose of giving
him time to prove that boast that God permitted him to remain.-Ex. 9: 16, A T .
To maintain his supremacy J ehovah God
must exercise his justice and power in the
destruction of the wicked. Could he do so
and still realize his purpose regarding the
earth? That was the issue. The facts show
that he has been and is able to do so, for,
even as he had faithful men and women on
the earth before the flood whom he preserved during that catastrophe, so he has
men and women on the earth now whom
he is justified in preserving through the
expression of his wrath against all unrighteousness at Armageddon, because of their
faith and obedience. These who thus prove
Satan's boast that he can turn all men
away from Jehovah God to be a lie will
be rewarded with the blessings of the new
world, including the fulfillment of the command "be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth".
Also, thereby they will have a still greater
share in vindicating Jehovah's supremacy
by making his purpose regarding the earth
come true; namely, the earth filled with a
righteous race of human creatures living
in an earth-wide Paradise, who will have
dominion over the lower animals and who
will serve God in spirit and in truth.
"And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards,
and eat the fruit of them. They shall not
labor in vain, nor bring forth children for
destruction: for they are a race of the
LORD'S blessed ones, and their offspring
shall remain with them. The wolf and the
lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall
eat straw like the ox."-Isa. 65:21,23,25,

of the Full Assurance

of Our

"Their hearts may be com[orted, that they may be

harmoniously joined together in love and with a view
to an the riches of the full
assurance of their understanding~ with a view to an
accurate knowledge of the
sacred secret of God, namely~ Christ."-Col. 2:2~ NW.

EHOVAH God wants his people to understand his written Word, the Bible.
By understanding we gain the full assurance concerning what we believe. It is only
when we understand that we can declare
our beliefs to other people and can do so
with strong conviction that we have the
truth, which is worthy of acceptance by
all. There is not much good in hearing
something and yet not understanding it,
for then it does not mean anything to us.
We can never do right without understanding what the will of God is. Rather, we are
sure to act foolish in his sight, and this
would not win his approval. But when we
understand his will as contained in his
written instructions, we can do it. And as
we do so it builds up a full assurance of
hope in us, and we can firmly hold on to
that hope to the end, till we inherit what
God has promised and we reap his good
reward for our service. We want to understand how to approach him properly in
prayer and what to pray for, that we may
gain an answer. Then we can draw near to
him in full assurance. We want to understand definitely what the hope is which he
has set before us, that we may never suffer the disappointment of false hopes, having wasted all our efforts in aiming wrong.
(Heb. 6:11,12 and 10:22,23, NW) Hence
we cannot afford to underrate the riches
of the full assurance of understanding.

2 As far as the vast majority of mankind

is concerned, the Bible, in which God's will
and purpose are expressed, is written in
dead languages, Hebrew and ancient common (') Greek. For that reason the
original Bible has needed to be translated
for us to know what it says. Even then it
has to be translated or explained in such
a way as to give us an understanding of
what it says. Already five centuries before
Christ the Hebrews or Israelites themselves had to have their own Hebrew
Scriptures translated to them in order to
grasp their contents. Jerusalem had been
destroyed and the survivors had been carried captive to Babylon. During their
seventy years of exile there a new generation had grown up. Because of the close
association of the rising generation with
the Babylonians they had lost their mother
tongue and had come to speak'ic,
a language similar to Hebrew and related
to it. This is what they spoke when they
were restored to their homeland. Eightytwo years after they were restored Governor Nehemiah succeeded in rebuilding the
walls of Jerusalem. They had a celebration'
over it, at which Ezra the priest and other
Levites read the Bible to the assembled
people. But for the audience in general to
understand it these readers had to interpret it to them. On this we read, at Nehemiah 8:7, 8: They "explained the meaning

1. How do we gain the tull assurance ot understanding?

.For what purpose?

2. Why did Hebrews in Nehemiah's day need to have

the Bible translated to them ?


15, 1950



of the law to the people as they stood; they

read from the book, from the law of God,
translating as they went and explaining the
meaning, so that the people understood
what was read". (Mo) By having the Bible
text translated from Hebrew to the Ar.ama'ic which they spoke, the people came to
understand what God's law was.
3 Today in many countries many of our
Bible translations are in out-of-date language and so are not fully understandable
but need explanation in modern terms. For
example, the Roman Catholic Douay Version of the Bible was completed in 1610.
The popular German translation by Martin
Luther was completed in 1534, but later revised by him. The most popular Bible edition, the King Jam es or Authorized Version } was published in 1611. Thus these
Bible versions are hundreds of years old,
and by now languages have undergone
great changes in meanings of words and in
forms of expression. Also our understanding on the meaning of the original Hebrew,
Ar.a .ma'ic and Greek of the Bible has improved, to make possible a more accurate
translation. Quite pro perly many t ranslations that make use of the present-day
advantages have appeared in modern
speech, and all these cast a brighter light
upon the pages of the Holy Scriptures. At
the time of publishing this, t he latest and
doubtless most unique version to appear is
that entitled "New World Translation of
the Christian Greek Scriptures", first released on Wednesday afternoon, August 2,
1950, at the 8-day international Theocracy's Increase Assembl y of Jehovah's
Witnesses, Yankee St adium, New York
city. A reading of this version, produced
by the New World Bible Translation Committee, adds t remendously to our riches of
the full assurance of our unde rstanding of
God's Word. Its striking features are many.

As we here take note of some of them, it

would be well for any readers having a
copy of this new version to have it at
hand for consultation.
4 In the K ing James Version as well as in
other old versions great misunderstanding
has been caused by rendering two or more
different words in the original Greek by
one English word. The New World Translation} however, maintains the fine distinctions between the original words, and
thereby aids toward the right interpretation of the Scriptures. Take, for instance,
the word "world". In the King James Version it is used to translate four different
Greek words: ai-on', gel kos'mos and oikou-me'ne. In Jesus' prophecy on the end
of this world organization all four words
occur. The K ing James Version does not
differentiate between three of them; it
renders all three "world". But note the new
version's readings where the three words
are found at Matthew 24:3,14,21; 25:34,
NW: "While he was sitting upon the mount
of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: 'Tell us, When will these
things be, and what will be the sign of your
presence and of the consummation of the
[a i.on'] system of things?' " Jesus replied:
"This good news of the kingdom will be
preached in all the ['ne] inhabited earth for the purpose of a witness to
all the nations, and then the accomplished
end will come." "For then there will be
great tribulation such as has not occurred
since the [kos'mos] world's beginning until
now, no, nor will occur again." "Come, you
who have my Father's blessing, inherit the
kingdom prepared for you from the [kos'mos] world's foundation." Such translation
can in no way lead readers to deduce that
it is our literal earth that is to come to an

3. \Vhy a re m odern transla ti on s of the Bibl e p roper

t oday ? Wh ich Is a mo st un ique version among them ?

4. H ow does this version distinguish between w or ds

t ranslated w o r l d t





end, but it is the system of things. That the

term "earth", which the K ing James renders "world" at Revelation 13:3, can be
used in a symbolic way is shown by the new
renderi ng: "And all the earth [ge] followed the wild beast with admiration."
(NW) Here, of course, earth. means the
people dwelling on the earth. Thus we see
that only the one word [kos'mos] is translated world throughout the new version.
The one exception to translating it world is
where 1 Peter 3: 3 applies kosmos to women's adornment.
6 The name Gentile (s)
is dropped and
the force of the original word is brought
out by rendering it "nations", or "man of
the nations", or "people of the nations".
(Matt. 24:14; 18: 17; 6:7, NW) Note this
one instance, Jesus' final command to his
disciples: "Go therefore and make disciples
of people of all the nations) baptizing them
[the people, and not the nations] in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of
the holy spirit."-Matt. 28:19, NW.
6 The word pneu'ma has the basic meaning of invisible, active force, and the new
translation brings it out in five ways. First,
as an unseen force in action, whether the
wind or an impersonal spirit: We read:
"The wind blows where it wants to, and
you hear the sound of it, but you do not
know where it comes from and where it
is going. So is everyone that has been born
from the spirit." (John 3:8, NW) Second,
as an unseen, heavenly person: "God is a
Spirit:" (John 4:24, NW) Third, as a mental attitude or inclination: Whereas the
King James says, "The Lord Jesus Christ
be with thy spirit," the new version says:
"The Lord be with the spirit you show."
(2 Tim. 4:22, NW; also Phil. 4:23, NW)
Fourth, as a moving or inspiring force:
Instead of using the uncertain expression

"in the spirit", John is made to say: "By

inspiration I came to be in the Lord's day."
(Rev. 1: 10, NW) This shows John came
under the spirit's power. Fifth, as an utterance inspired by an unseen source: "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions
to see whether they originate with God,
because many false prophets have gone
forth into the world. . . . this is the antichrist's inspired expression which you
have heard was coming." (1 John 4:1-3,
NW) "And I saw three unclean inspired
expressions that looked like frogs come
out of the mouth. . . . They are, in fact,
expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings
of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them
together to the war of the great day of
God the Almighty."-Rev. 16:13,14, NW.
7 The King James renders two different
Greek words as "blessed". The new version
always distinguishes between them and
renders the one (ma.ka'ri.os) as "happy".
For instance, in the sermon on the mount
we read: "Happy are those who are conscious of their spiritual need, since the
kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.
Happy are those who mourn, since they
will be comforted." And so on; so that we
cannot any longer call them "beatitudes"
in accord with the Latin Vulgate. We must
call them states of happiness or felicities.
(Matt. 5:3-12, NW) Consistent with this,
Jesus' human mother Mary is heard to
say: "My soul magnifies Jehovah, . . .
For, look! from now on all generations will
pronounce me happy." (Luke 1:46-48,
NW) We likewise read of the "happy God"
and of the "happy and only Potentate".
(l Tim. 1:11; 6:15, NW) God and his Son
are happy! .
s In the King James at Hebrews 12:1,

5. Wha t Improv ement does It make over the former

translation Ge ntiles !
6. Ho w does it bring out the sense of "pneuma" In five
ways '!

7. How

does It distinguish between happIness and

bless edness ?
8. How does it show the length ot exIstence ot Jehovah's wIt nesses?


15, 1950


why the writer should suddenly introduce

the word "witnesses" has led to a variety of
interpreting, many thinking he means
spectators witnessing an athletic race. But
the new version shows that the related
verb meaning "to bear witness" is used
four times in the preceding chapter where
he discusses faith and where he says: "By
means of this the men of old times had
witness borne to them." He specifically
names Abel and Enoch as having had this
witness, and ends the chapter, saying:
"And yet all these, although they had witness borne to them through their faith,
did not get the fulfillment of the promise,
as God foresaw something better for us."
He then opens the next chapter, saying:
"So, then, because we have so great a cloud
of witnesses surrounding us, let us also put
off every weight and the sin that easily
entangles us, and let us run with endurance
the race." (Heb. 11:2,4,5,39,40; 12:1,
NW) So we awake to the fact that the
writer means the witnesses of Jehovah
from Abel on to John the Baptist. By this
we know that Jehovah's witnesses did not
have their beginning first in 1931, when
that Scriptural name was publicly confessed at our international convention in
Columbus, Ohio, to distinguish us from
the hundreds of sects professing to be
9 Modern versions render several Greek
words by "household", including the word
which occurs only once, at Matthew 24:45.
But here the new version makes a striking
distinction, rendering the text: "Who
really is the faithful and discreet slave
whom his master appointed over his domestics ['a] to give themtheir food
at the proper time?" (NW) The similar
text at Luke 12: 42 enlarges on the word
domest i cs by using the words "body of
attendants", showing what "domestics"
9, 10. How do es It emphasize the promotion of the wi se,
fai t h fu l servant ?


means. There seems to be only one other

English translation that holds with this
rendering "domestics", and that is Murdock's translation from the Syriac version.
The translation from the Syriac by A. S.
Lewis renders it "companions", that is,
companion slaves. All other versions indifferently render it "household". But
Osty's 1949 French translation agrees by
rendering it "domestiques"; and the German translations by Luther and by Perk
(1947), and the Elberfelder, agree, and
also the Spanish translations by NacarColunga (1948) and by Bover-Cantera
(1947) and the Hispano-Americana, and
also the Portuguese translation by J. F.
10 With this accurate rendering we can
appreciate how our Lord promotes this
consecrated service organization which he
pictures as the "faithful and discreet slave"
at this end of the world . Before being promoted the slave is put over only the Lord's
"domestics", or "body of attendants", to
give them their spiritual food at the proper time; and so we can see how one in
his position could turn evil and start beating his fellow slaves. But what promotion
does the discreet slave organization get for
faithfully feeding all the Lord's domestics?
Jesus' prophecy on the world's end answers: "Happy is that slave if his master
on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say
to you that he wiII appoint him over
[what?] ALL his belongings." (Matt. 24:
46,47, NWj Luke 12:43,44) And now the
facts show that Jesus promoted his anointed slave class in this way since 1919.

Jesus compared death to a sleep.

Speaking of the death of his dear friend
he said: "Lazarus our friend has gone to
rest, but I am traveling there to awaken

11. How does It sh ow t hat the death state Is llke sl eep ?



him from sleep." Then in explanation he

said outspokenly to his disciples: "Lazarus
has died." (John 11:11-14, NW) Our new
version shows where the verb "sleep"
means death. When the martyr Stephen
was being stoned and had said his last
word, we read: "And after saying this he
fell asleep in death." Also, David "fell
asleep in death and was laid with his forefathers". As for a wife , "if her husband
should fall asleep in death, she is free to
be married to whom she wants." To Christians the apostle says: "We do not want
you to be ignorant concerning those who
are sleeping in death, that you may not
sorrow just as the rest also do who have
no hope." And those who ridicule us today
for our warning of the world's end were
foretold as saying to us: "Why, from the
day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all
things are continuing exactly as from creation's beg inn i n g."-Acts 7 :60; 13:36;
1 Cor. 7:39; 1 Thess. 4:13; 2 Pet. 3:4, NW.
12 Consistent with the fact that the death
state of those redeemed by Jesus is like
a sleep, the new version clearly distinguishes between three different Greek
words, rendering them respectively as
Hades, Gehenna and Tartarus. The King
James renders all three words by the one
English term "hell". This has led to many
a hell-fire sermon and to much confusion
and mental agony of those who lost loved
ones in death. The word "hell", with the terror which the religious clergy have loaded
into it, does not appear in the New Wodd
Translation. Its appendix con t a ins an
illuminating explanation of Hades, Gehenna and Tartarus, showing their restricted
meanings and the difference between them.
1 3 The footnotes below the translation
show that Hades corresponds with the
Hebrew "She'ol" and applies to the com12. As to "hell". wha t three Greek words does It distl ngulsh? Ho w ?
13. What does It show those three Greek words to apply to or me an ?


N . Y.

mon grave of mankind redeemed by Christ

and it will one day be completely emptied
by the resurrection of all who are in their
individual graves. Hence Peter applies the
prophecy to Jesus when he was in the common grave of mankind: "You will not forsake my soul in Hades." He adds that
David the prophet here "saw beforehand
and spoke concerning the resurrection of
the Christ, that neither was he forsaken
in Hades". (Acts 2 :27, 31, NW) Later Jesus
tells John: "I have the keys of death and
of Hades." The vision of when he applies
those keys reads: "And death and Hades
gave up those dead in them, and they were
judged individually according to their
deeds. And death and Hades were hurled
into the lake of fire. This means the second
death, the lake of fire." That means the
death or finish of Hades. The symbolic
"lake of fire" corresponds with Gehenna
and pictures everlasting destruction. Jesus
tells us so in these words: "Do not become
fearful of those who kill the body but can
not kill the soul; but rather be in fear of
him that can destroy both soul and body
in Gehenna." Jesus contrasts life and Gehenna, because to be condemned to Gehenna means to be blotted out from all life.
(Matt. 10:28; 18:9; 23:33; Mark 9:43-47,
NW) The third term, Tartarus , applies
only to the fallen angel spirits, and not to
us humans. Occurring just once, at 2 Peter
2: 4, it describes such angels' present
abased condition for their sinful rebellion
against Jehovah God.
14 In a text just quoted, Jesus declared
God had the power to destroy both the
human body and the soul in Gehenna. This
awakens us to the awful fact that the human soul is destructible and by no means
immortal as the pagan philosophers Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato taught. The
Christian truth on the human soul's mor14. Ho w does It give prominence to the mortality of the
human soul ?


15, 1950



tality and destructibleness is given unusual in which a few people, that is, eight souls,
prominence in the new Bible version in were carried safely through the water ."
that it consistently translates the Greek But concerning the human soul's mortalwor d psy .che' by the one word "s oul" in ness, hear Jesus' fu rther words: "Is it lawth e 102 occurr ences of the Gr eek word. ful on the sabbath to do a good deed or to
Th is proves to be, not bunglesome, but very do an injury, to save or to kill a soul?"
r evealing on how the clergy of Chri sten- (Mark 3: 4; Luke 6 :9, NW) Also : "Whodom have adopted and taught pagan fa lse- ever seeks to keep his soul safe for himself
hoods about the human soul instead of will lose it, but whoever loses it will preChristian truth.
serve it alive." "He that is fond of his soul
15 The Appendix gr oups the occurrences
destroys it, but he that hates his soul in
of the word psy.che' un der different head- this world will safeguard it for everlasting
ings to show that th e soul is distinguished life." (Luke 17 :33; John 12:25, NW; comfrom t he spirit an d t hat live persons or pare Joshua 10 :28,30,32,35,37, 39; 11:11)
creatures are themselves souls. For exam- "My soul is deeply grieved, even to death."
ple, 1 Corinthians 15 :45 (NW ) reads: (Matt. 26:38; Mark 14:34, NW) And so
"The first man Adam became a living with many other scriptures. But this Chrissoul." And 1 Peter 3:20 (NW) r eads: "The tian doctrine that our souls die and that
patience of God was waiting in Noah's the dead are unconscious and inactive is
days, wh ile the ark was being construct ed, in full harmony with the comforting doctrine of r esurrection.
15. How do es the appendix sh ow fe atures ab out " soul"?

NE of t he most important parts of

speech of an y language is the verb. It
is doubtless the most difficult part of speech
to master. To enrich our understanding of
the Christ ian Gree k Scriptures fully the
translator must understand that complicated part of Gr eek speech, t he verb. It
has a number of voices and te nses and
modes. A number of distinctions between
all t hese were dying out with t he passing
away of the class ical Greek and the pre valence of the common or Gree k in
the days of J esus and his apostles. Yet t he
modern t ranslator cannot aff ord to be
careless and loose as to the exact shade of

meaning of a verb. In Greek the verb tenses

not only express the time of an action or
state, but also the kind of action, whether
starting out, or continuative, or repetitious,
or completed at a certain point. Attention
to such senses contained in t he verb forms
leads to a precise translation and a nicety
of expression. To some readers it may look
like a free translation rather than a literal
one , but such is not actually the case. A
brief consideration of some cases which
show the attention that the N ew World
Tr anslatuni has given to the descriptive
force of the verb will prove enlightening.
2 It appears that, except in the book of

1. Ho w has t he new t ranslation been careful ab out the

Greek verb ?

2. What does It do wIt h t he hIstorIcal present tense of

the verb ?



Revelation, the New World Translation

has done away with the historical present
and has rendered all cases of it as verbs in
the past tense. Thus, where the King James
reads, "Then the devil leaveth [historical
present] him, and, behold, angels came and
ministered unto him," we now read: "Then
the Devil left him, and, look! angels came
and began to minister to him." (Matt.
4:11, NW) Note that expression, "began
to minister," instead of "ministered". This
is because the verb "minister" is put in the
imperfect tense and here it denotes the beginning of an action that continues for a
S A fine rendering of the present tense
where it denotes action that still continues
from the past is given us at John 5:17. The
K ing James reads: "My Father worketh
hitherto, and I work." But the new version
reads: "My Father has kept working until
now, and I keep working." (NW) Another
good rendering of the present tense which
denotes duration or continuance of action
is at John 17:3, which reads: "This means
everlasting life, their taking in knowledge
of you, the only true God, and of the one
whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (NW)
Not just coming to know, but their cont inuing to know, or rather, their taking in
knowledge of God and Jesus Christ results
in everlasting life. A continuative present
we find at Matthew 16:4: "A wicked and
adulterous generation keeps on seeking for
a sign." (NW) The rendering of the present tense of verbs in the form of a command is interesting. For example: "Continue to love your enemies and to pray for
those persecuting you." "Keep on, then,
seeking first the kingdom." (Matt. 5 :44;
6:33, NW) "Finally, brothers, carry on
prayer for us." (2 Thess. 3:1, NW) As for
negative commands: "Stop judging, that
you may not be judged." (Matt. 7:1, NW)
3. How does it render the present tense to show cont lnuous actlon and the command to do it no more ?


N. Y.

To Mary Magdalene Jesus says: "Stop

clinging to me. For I have not yet ascended
to the Father." (John 20:17, NW) And the
man in bed says to the friend knocking at
his door at midnight: "Quit making me
trouble." (Luke 11:7, NW) In these cases
the action has been going on, and now the
command is to stop it or quit it.
4 Take, now, the imperfect tense: It may
express not only the start of an action that
continues, but also an attempt to do something. Hence, instead of John's forbidding
a man, we read: "John said: 'Instructor,
we saw a certain man expelling demons by
the use of your name and we tried to prevent him, because he is not following with
us.' But Jesus said to him: 'Do not you men
try to prevent him.''' (Luke 9:49, NW)
Also, Abraham did not actually sacrifice
his son, Isaac, but we read: "By faith Abraham, when he was put to the test, offered
up Isaac, and the man that had gladly received the promises attempted to offer up
his only-begotten son."-Heb. 11:17, NW.
5 The Greek has also a peculiar tense
called the "aorist", which means "not
bounded" as to time. Verbs in the aorist
tense may be rendered in a variety of ways
according to their context. It is interesting
at times to make a difference between these
and verbs in the present tense or in the
perfect tense. The aorist tense may mark
a definite occurrence of something at an
unstated time in the past. That is why we
read, at Matthew 3: 17: "This is my Son,
the beloved,whom I have approved." (NW)
Again, it may denote customary or proverbial action, as at John 15:6 (NW) on the
vine and the branches: "If anyone does not
remain in union with me, he is cast out as
a branch and is dried wp:" (Also Matthew
11:19; LUke 7:35, NW) Then there is the
letter-writer's aorist tense. While at it he
4. How does It show the Imperfect tense expresses att empted acti on?
5. What does " aorist " mean ? How does It render this
ver b tense ?

describes his writing as past, because it fasten his hold on him."-1 John 3:6-8;
will be so when his readers get his letter; 5:18,NW.
but today we say it in the present tense, as
at 1 John 2: 13, 14, NW, "I 'UJ'1'ite you, young
1 One other observation about verbs, and
children, because you have come to know
the Father. I write you, fathers, because that is an observation about them in the
you have come to know him," etc. In com- roundabout or periphrastic way of saying
mands the aorist, unlike the present tense, things. Proper regard for this form often
denotes the command to do something not leads us to a grasp of the right thought of
yet begun or undertaken, an action at a the original and it safeguards us against
certain point. For example: " Tell the error. In the similar cases of the periphrasdaughter of Zion, 'Look! your King is com- tic form we find it translated in a simple
ing to you." (Matt. 21:4, NW) Also: "Do way, at Matthew 24:9 (NW): "You will
not become fearful of those who kill the be hated by all the nations on account of
body but can not kill the soul." (Matt. my name"; but at Luke 21: 17 (NW) the
10: 28, NW) Also: "Do not give what is periphrastic sense is more fully brought
holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls be- out in these words: "You will be objects of
hatred by all persons because of my name."
fore swine."-Matt. 7:6, NW.
8 Four other cases, when rightly trans6 Rather than to denote practicing something regularly, the aorist tense may de- lated, do away with a false doctrine that
note the committing of just one act of that has been built upon them. At Matthew
kind. Hence we hear the Devil say to Je- 16:19 (NW) Jesus says to Peter: "I will
sus on the mount of temptation: "All these give you the keys of the kingdom of t he
things I will give you if you fall down heavens, and whatever you may bind on
and do an act of worship to me." (Matt. earth will have been bound in the heavens,
4:9, NW) And John writes us : "My little and whatever you may loose on earth will
children, I am writing you these things have been loosed in the heavens." At Matthat you may not commit a sin. And yet, if thew 18:18 (NW) Jesus says to all his
anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper apostles: "Trul y I say to you men, Whatwith the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous ever things you may bind on earth will
one." (1 John 2:1, NW) Contrast that iso- have been bound in heaven and whatever
lated act of sin with John's using the pres- things you may loose on earth will have
ent tense to say: "Everyone remaining in been loosed in heaven." Thus Jesus did not
union with him does not practice sin; no tell Peter and the other apostles that heavone that practices sin has either seen him en would wait upon their decision and
or come to know him. Little children, let would afterward confirm and abide by
no one mislead you; he who practices right- their decision on earth. No; but whatever
eousness is righteous, just as that one is Peter and his fellow apostles might decide
righteous. He who practices sin originates on earth, it would be the thing that had
with the Devil, because the Devil has been already been bound or loosed in heaven
sinning from when he began." "Every per- and Peter and his fellows would be merely
son that has been born from God does not expressing the prior decision of heaven.
practice sin, but the One born from God Thus heaven would not be dictated to from
watches him, and the wicked one does not 7. W ha t does " per iph ra sti c" m ean ? H ow does L uk e

15, 1950

6.HO\v does it sh ow t he difference bet ween th e aorist

a nd the present t ense as t o committing an act an d
practicing something?

21:17 sho w it?

8. How Is false doctrin e thus disposed of at Matthew
16:19 ; 18:18?




the earth upward, but"the apostles on earth

would be directed Theocratically from
heaven downward. And so by the simple
translation of the periphrastic form of the
verb, without the insertion of any added
words, the New Wo rld Translation disposes
of a doctrinal error.
9 A nice rendering also helps to overcome
an apparent contradiction between Acts
9:7 and 22:9, on whether the men with
Saul of Tarsus heard anything supernatural when the glorified Jesus showed himself
to Saul on the road to Damascus. This difficulty is overcome by paying attention to
the grammatical
case of the word
voice which is the
object of the verb
"hear". That word
voice (pho .ne') can
mean either sound
or voice and it is
transla ted both
ways. At Acts 9:4
(NW) we read:
"He fell to the ground and heard a voice
say to him: 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?'" There the word voice is in
the accusative case and Paul heard what
the voice said. But verse 7 has voice change
to the genitive case to show that his companions heard of the voice. Hence we now
read: "The men that were journeying with
him were standing speechless, hearing, indeed, the sound of a voice, but not beholding any man." (NW) But did they hear
with Paul what the voice said? No! For at
Acts 22:9 Paul says: "The men that were
with me beheld, indeed, the light but did
not hear the voice [accusative case] of the
one speaking to me." (NW) He means that,
though the men heard the sound, they did
not hear what the voice was telling Paul.
They did not get its message. But at verse 7

Paul tells us he himself not only heard the

sound of the voice but also understood what
it was saying: "I fell to the ground and
heard a voice [genitive case] say to me:
'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? ' "
(NW) So in the footnote, it gives an aIternative reading to show that Paul's men did
not hear in that they did not "hear understandingly".-C 0 m par e 1 Corinthians
14:11, NW.
10 At the start those who have long been
enamored of the King Jam es V ersion
may bewail the disappearance of familiar terms and
p h r a s e s. But in
time they will see
that the change of
names, terms and
expressions makes
for greater clearness of meaning.
Take tha t word
"justified". Very few people know its Bible
meaning. The New Wo rld Translation renders the Greek verb for it "declare (or
prove) righteous ; declare guiltless; acquit;
vindicate". Romans 3: 4 now reads: "Let
God be found true, though every man be
found a liar, even as it is written: 'That
you might be vindicated in your words and
might win when you are being judged.' "
(NW) Paul declares: "I am not conscious
of anything against me. Yet by this I do
not stand vindicated, but he that examines
me is Jehovah." (1 Cor. 4:4, NW) Jesus
declares: "Wisdom is vindicated by its
works." And: "By your words you will be
vindicated, and by your words you will be
condemned." (Matt. 11:19; 12 :37; Luke
7: 35, NW) To show our justification by
faith in Jesus' sacrifice, Paul says: "From

9. How does it help overcome a seemIng contradIction

between Acts 9:7 and 22:9?

10. What qu otations show how It renders the Greek

verb for "j ustl1y " ?


OCTOBER 15,1950


all the things from which you could not be

declared guiltless by means of the law of

Moses, everyone who believes is declared
guiltless by means of this One." (Acts
13:39, NW) To Christians who die sacrificially with Jesus Paul further says: "He
who has died has been acquitted from his
sin. Moreover, if we have died with Christ,
we believe that we shall also live with
him."-Rom. 6:7,8, NW.
11 How our justification is gained through
faith in Christ's blood is stated in these
words: "Therefor e, now that we have been
declared righteous as a result of faith, let
us enjoy peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ. Much more, therefore, since
we have been declar ed righteous now by
his blood, shall we be saved through him
from wrath." (Rom. 5:1,9, NW) That God
does the justifying, we read, in these
words: "Those whom he called are the
ones he also declared to be righteous. . ..
Who will file accusation against God's
chosen ones? God is the One who declares
them righteous." (Rom. 8:30,33, NW) In
English the relation between the AngloSaxon word beli eving and the Latin word
faith is not so apparent, but in Greek the
words meaning "faith" and "to believe"
are clearly seen to be related, as they are
drawn from the same root word. The New
World Translat ion endeavors to keep this
relationship clear by rendering the verb
"to believe" in appropriate places as "to
exercise faith; to put faith; to rest faith".
Hence note how clear justification by faith
is made in this rendering : "If, for instance,
Abraham were declared righteous as a result of works, he would have grounds for
boasting; but not with God. For what does
the scripture say? 'Abraham exercised
faith in Jehovah, and it was counted to him
as righteousness.' ... to the man that does
not work but puts faith in him who de11. How Is t he r elationsh ip between r ighteousness and
fa ith more clearly shown?


clares the ungodly one righteous, his faith

is counted as righteousness." (Rom. 4:2,
3,5, NW) Also, instead of the King James'
rendering, "I believed, and therefore have
I spoken," 2 Corinthians 4:13 now reads:
"Now because we have the same spirit of
faith as that of which it is written, 'I exercised faith, therefore I spoke,' we, too,
exercise faith and therefore we speak."
1 2 The inseparable connection of faith
with justification and righteousness is further kept plainly in view in this rendering
at Romans 10:4,8-11 (NW): "Christ is the
accomplished end of the Law, so that
everyone exercising faith may have righteousness. But what does it say? 'The word
is near you, in your mouth and in your
heart'; that is, the 'word' of faith which
we are preaching. For if you publicly declare that 'word in your mouth', that Jesus
is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart
that God raised him up from the dead, you
will be saved. For with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the
mouth one makes public declaration for
salvation. For the Scripture says: 'None
that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.'''


At the 1950 international assembly of

Jehovah's witnesses at Yankee Stadium,
New York city, there was released to us
the invaluable legal document, the 96-page
booklet entitled "Defending and Legally
Establishing the Good News". By the way,
that title is based on Paul's words in prison
at Rome, recorded at Philippians 1:7
(NW): "All of you being sharers with me
in the undeserved kindness both in my
prison bonds and in the defending and
legally establishing of the good news." The

12. How Is the connection betwe en faith a n d r ig h t eou sness ke pt pl a inl y to vi ew a t Rom ans 10:4, 8-U '!
13. W hy do we find the r enderin g "legal ly establishing"
at P hlIlpplans 1:7 ? What booklet title Is based on It?




N. Y.

we now find "formal worshiper" and "form

of worship" at James 1:26,27: "If any man
seems to himself to be a formal worshiper
and yet does not bridle his tongue, but goes
on deceiving his own heart, this man's form
of worship is futile. The form of worship
that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to care
for orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from
the world." (NW) The footnotes show that
the Old Latin Versions here read 1'eligiosum esse (to be religious) and religio (religion). That the Greek word here tthreskei'a) means "form of worship" is shown
by Paul at Acts 26:5: "According to the
strictest sect of our form of worship I lived
a Pharisee." (NW) Here the footnote
shows the Old Latin texts read sectam
nostrae r eligionis (sect of our religion). At
Colossians 2: 18 he also writes of "a form
of worship of the angels", and the footnote
shows that the Old Latin versions read
and Legally Establishing the Good News religione angelorum (a religion of the
we read one of the conclusions arrived at angels).
concerning the Watch Tower Bible & Tract
16 From this it is apparent that the early
Society after many years of fighting in the Latin-speaking Christians used religio (recourts: "It is submitted that the Watch ligion) as the equivalent of the Greek word
Tower Society and Jehovah's witnesses are (three-kei'a) . Doubtless in the Roman court
a legal religious organization and that their before which Paul appeared, the Latin term
representatives engaged in preaching the religio was applied to Paul's form of worgospel are legally recognized as minis- ship, Christianity. But Paul did not object,
ters of religion, which entitles them to all because he understood the general, comprivileges accorded to all religious organi- monly accepted meaning of the word.
zations and ministers."
Whether he carried on his fight in the Ro1 5 This interesting conclusion makes us
man court in Latin or in Greek and whethturn to the New World Tmnslation for er he himself applied the term religio to
light on religion. The word nowhere occurs his form of worship of Jehovah God we do
in the main body of the text, but does oc- not know. He was there to fight for its
cur in an explanatory way in the footnotes. right to exist and to expand the same as
In contrast with the King James Version any religio of the day.
with its terms "religious" and "religion",
17 We find the Roman governor Festus

reader may wonder why the Greek word

(be.bai'o.sis) here is rendered "legally establishing". We note that at Hebrews 6:16
(NW) the word has again the legal flavor
and is translated "legal guarantee". However, Th e Vocabulary of the Greek Testament by Moulton and Milligan (1914) shows
it is a technical word with the flavor of judicial courts, and has it also at Philippians
1:7. Dr. Adolf Deissmann, a pioneer with
ancient papyri manuscripts, held that "the
word must always be read with the technical sense in mind" (page 108). The
papyri discovered since Deissmann's pioneer work was published support his proposition with many examples. So we can
appreciate from Paul's words that he was
in prison at Rome in a fight to legally establish the right to preach the good news
of God's kingdom and the right of the gospel to have as free a circulation as all the
heathen religions in the Roman empire.
14 On page 75 of the booklet Defending

14. On page 75 wh at does the booklet say on the Soclety and wItnesses ?
15. What do the footnotes show on James 1:26, 'n, Aets
26:5 and ColossIans 2:18 ? and what does the Greek
word sl gnlry ?

16. How dId early Latin-speakIng ChrIstians use the

word religi o t DId P aul use It In cour t?
17. Was Paul dIsc ourteous In h Is op en ing words to the
AthenIans on Mars Hill? Under what le gal Latin term
dId h e figh t for ChrIstianIty ?


15, 1950



before whom Paul appeared in court referring to the Jewish worship as "worship
of the deity", when Festus said to King
Agrippa: "They simply had certain disputes with him concerning their own worsl~ip of the deity and concerning a certain
Jesus who was dead but who Paul kept asserting was alive." (Acts 25:19, NW) The
footnote here shows us that that expression
"worship of the deity" is practically the
same expression that Paul used when addressing the Athenians on Mars Hill and
saying: "Men of Athens, 1 behold that in
all things you seem to be more given to
the fear of the deities than others are."
(Acts 17: 22, NW) And as an illustration
of that fact Paul referred to the altar he
had found on which had been inscribed
"To an Unknown God", and Paul showed
them this unknown Deity was his own God.
Hence tactful Paul was not offending those
refined men of the high court by saying
they were more in fear of demons than
others, using the word "demons" in its
modern horrifying sense. The footnote
shows that "demons were thought to be
deities, not discourteously". And so Festus
applied the Greek expression ('a) to the Jewish belief, but not in a discourteous way. If now Paul fought for
Christianity with the legal term religio applied to it in his day, we can, too, in this
day, without objection. It follows, therefore, that the proposition submitted on
page 75 of the legal booklet is correct.

ners or sorts of persons or things; and

(3) as meaning every other, or all other
persons or things. When Jesus said the
kingdom of heaven was like a merchant
who, on finding one pearl of high value,
"went and promptly sold all the things he
had and bought it," Jesus meant all things
minus nothing. (Matt . 13:45, 46, NW)
Where Paul says concerning God's Son Jesus Christ, "When all things will have been
subjected to him, then the Son himself will
also subject himself to the one who subjected all things to him, that God may be
all things to everyone," Paul meant all
things and all persons barring none. (1 Cor.
15: 28, NW) That is the first sense of the
10 Those who believe in universal salvation of all persons, including the Devil himself, will object to the second sense. But we
cannot escape it, if we agree that the Scriptures are harmonious. Note how the New
World Translation harmonizes the Scriptures that only those who gain knowledge
and exercise faith to the finish will be
saved: "The true light [Jesus] which gives
light to every kind of man was about to
come into the world." Also Jesus' own
words: "I, if I am lifted up from the earth,
will draw men of all kinds to me." (John
1:9; 12:32, NW) Also: "Happy are you
when people reproach you and persecute
you and lyingly say every kind of wicked
thing against you for my sake." (Matt.
5:11, NW) Then Joel's prophecy fulfilled
on the day of Pentecost: " 'In the last days,'
God says, 'I shall pour some of my spirit
18 One of the words that has caused great
out upon every kind of flesh, and your sons
difficulty in understanding is the little word and your daughters will prophesy and your
"all". How many are "all"? The Greek text young men will see visions and your old
uses it in three senses, as set forth in the men will dream dreams; and even upon my
New World Translation: (1) As meaning men slaves and upon my women slaves 1
"all", a totality, including everything and will pour out some of my spirit in those
everyone; (2) as meaning all kinds, man- days, and they will prophesy." (Acts 2:1618. What sense or " all " Is listed first, and where II It
so used ?

19. What Is the second sense of "all". and where II

"all" so used ?



18, NW) Paul says Christians should pray

"concerning all kinds of men" and then
adds: "This is right and acceptable in the
sight of our Savior, God, whose will is that
aU kinds of men should be .saved and come
to an accurate k now led g e of truth."
-1 Tim. 2 :1-4, NW J also 6, footnotes,
20 But what about Romans 5:18, 19? you
say. Well, we are relieved of all need of a
long explanation by the rendering: "So,
then, as through one trespass the result to
men of all kinds was condemnation, likewise also through one act of justification
the result to men of aU k inds is a declaring
of them righteous for life. For just as
through the disobedience of the one man
many were constituted sinners, likewise
also through the obedience of the one person many will be constituted righteous."
(NW) Thus the fact that many, but not all
men without exception, will be constituted
righteous agrees with the related fact that
the result of Christ's act to men of all
kinds is a declaring of them righteous for
life. All this harmonizes with Paul's argument up to this point that not only natural
Jews but people of all other nations, people
of all kinds, will have an opportunity for
salvation. But not aU men are saved.
21 Now as to the third sense of "all":
This plays havoc with the trinitarian arguments. Yet this sense of "all other" or
"every other" is perfectly grammatical and
Scriptural. Note Jesus' words showing this:
"Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom
and his righteousness, and all these other
things will be added to you." In his prophecy on the world's end: "Note the fig tree
and aU the other trees." (Matt. 6 :33; Luke
21:29; also 13:2,4, NW) Then Paul's body
illustration: "If one member suffers, aU
the other members suffer with it; or if a
member is glorified, aU the othe r members
20. So ho w Is Ro mans 5:18, 19 rend er ed , a nd why r Ightly so ?
21. Wh at Is the thIrd sense of " all", and wh ere Is It so
used ?


N. Y.

rejoice with it." (1 Cor. 12:26; also 6:18,

NW) As to Christ's glorification Paul says:
"God exalted him to a superior position
and kindly gave him the name that is above
every other name."-Phil. 2:9, NW.
22 But now trinitarians confront you with
Paul's words at Colossians 1 :15-20 according to the K ing James Ve1sion. They argue
that, if Jesus Christ was before all things
and all things consist by him and were
created by him and for him, then he must
be the very same as the Almighty, Most
High God, or be one person with God. But
we must ha rmonize these verses with all
the other scriptures that Jesus Christ was
God's Son and a creation of His. So the
Greek word here must be rendered in the
sense of "all other". Note, then, how the
New World Translation blasts the trinitarian argument:
23 "He is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn of all creation, because by
means of him all other things were created
in the heavens and upon the earth, the
things visible and the things invisible, ...
All other things have been created through
him and for him. Also he is before all other
things and by means of him all other things
were made to exist, and he is the head of
the body, the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that
he might become the one who is first in
all things, because God saw good for all
fullness to dwell in him and through him
to reconcile again to himself all other
things by making peace through the blood
he shed on the torture stake, no matter
whether they are the things upon the
earth or the things in the heavens." (NW)
In harmony with this, Revelation 4: 11
(NW) tells us that Jehovah God "created
all things", including his only-begotten
Son, Jesus Christ.-See also John 3:31,
22, 23. How do trinitarians a rgue on Colossians 1:15-20.
and ho w do es t h e new tra ns la ti on dispose of theIr
a rgument ?


15, 1950



From this consideration alone it is evident that the New Wodd Translation
shows up sharply the distinction between
Jehovah God and Jesus Christ because they
are two separate and distinct persons, the
One the Creator and the other a creature
in God's image. This translation, by restoring the name Jehovah to the rightful place
it holds in the Greek Scriptures, shows that
the name Jehovah is not applied to Jesus.
For example, trinitarians are prone to
link up Romans 10:13, a quotation of Joel
2:32, with Jesus. But now if we read in the
New World Translation both verse 9 and
verse 13 of Romans 10 we see the wrongness of that. We read the verses as follows:
"For if you publicly declare that 'word in
your mouth', that Jesus is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that God raised
him up from the dead, you will be saved.
For 'everyone that calls upon the name of
Jehovah will be saved'." (NW) We note
that verse 9 does not say that, to be saved,
you must publicly declare that Jesus is Jehovah, but that he is Lord, or Master. The
footnote here shows that "Lord" here does
not mean or refer to Jehovah, and that not
even the Hebrew versions render it Jehovah. Hence, to be saved, it is upon the

24. Does the name Jehovah apply to Jesus ? How Is

your answer shown?


name of Jehovah that we must call, for

he is the One that raised the Lord Jesus
from the dead . All the context of these
scriptures agrees with this. We could also
refer to Acts 2:21,24-36 to show that Jehovah and Jesus are distinct and that the
divine name does not apply to the Son Jesus. There is only the one Most High and
Almighty God, and that is Jehovah the
Father of our Lord Jesus.
25 But space fails us to tell of other outstanding features of this New World Tramslaiion, how it eliminates false passages that
are not in the most ancient and authentic
Greek manuscripts; how and why it drops
the word "cross" in favor of "torture
stake"; how it gives the Hebrew background to the Christian Greek Scriptures;
how it sets forth Christ's second presence
or par-ou-sic: with Kingdom power. But for
some further information on its features
we can refer our readers to our article of
September 15,1950, on "New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures".
After our thorough examination and close
scrutiny of this remarkable translation we
commend its use in Bible study to all seekers of truth and life. By it they are sure
to gain riches of the full assurance of their
25. What other features of the translation do we not
have space now to treat ? To whom and for what do
we commend Its use ?

UGJ3lood Puddings"
The Malv ern Gazette of July 7, 1950, contained the following report of a discussion
that occurred in British Parliament: "Mr. De La Bere also asked whether, in view of
the fact that dried animal blood plasma, imported from European slaughterhouses, was
being used as a substitute for eggs in cakes and confectionery sold in Great Britain,
the Government would give an assurance that steps would be taken to prohibit the sale
of this plasma for use as a substitute for eggs, with special regard to the fact that the
supply of eggs was more than adequate for all purposes throughout the country? Mr.
F. T. Willey, Parliamentary Secretary, stating that the ' Government would not do so,
added that bakers were still short of egg products, and animal plasma was a valuable
and harmless substitute. Mr. Walter Fletcher (Member for Bury and Radcliffe): To
protect the public from deception should not these be labeled 'blood puddings'? [Laughte r.l " However, t his additional case of violation of God's law prohibiting the eating of
blood is not a laughing matter.-Lev. 17:10; Acts 15:29.

Visiting Jehovah's Witnesses in China

it has been said that China, which
is about one -third larger than the United
States, is actually a "sea"-yes, a sea of 463,500,000 people. And, like a sea, this mighty
ocean of humanity has moved with the tides of
time. China has enjoyed the welcomed calms
of peace during its 4,200 years of existence, but
at the same time it has had more than its share
of lashing storms, having been tossed and torn
and whipped about by famine and dreaded pestilence, political crises and bloody wars.
Millions of Chinese people face death by starvation during the coming year because of the
deplorable conditions in this land. We view the
gaunt frames of adults; we note tiny children
suffering from malnutrition. We are told that
conditions are so bad in some sectors that many
have resorted to eating a clay pie mixed with
weeds and grasses. This they call the "goddess
of mercy". Not only death through famine
stalks China, but, as the world well knows, the
tidal wave of godless communism has flooded
the nation with bloody civil war and has routed
the Nationalist government out of the land.
But, regardless of these frightful conditions,
many of the Chinese people have a bright new
hope for the future, for they are the happy
recipients of the Kingdom message published
by Jehovah's witnesses in that land. Let's stop
off for a moment in Shanghai and meet the
Watch Tower Society's Branch servant, Stanley
Jones, and obtain more information on the
work of Jehovah's witnesses in China.
Shanghai appears to be a disorganized mass
of buildings on the banks of the Yangtze river.
The harbor is choked with the famous Chinese
junks and numerous other craft, all sizes and
shapes. We see the "coolies" running about
with their heavy loads balanced on the two
ends of bamboo poles that rest on the laborers'
strong shoulders. Branch servant Jones and
two other Gilead-trained missionaries stationed
in Shanghai are anxious to tell about their increases in China, and we listen attentively.
The witnesses currently number about 300.
The Shanghai company of Jehovah's witnesses
is continually growing. To illustrate this Stanley
Jones relates the experience of a Chinese lady
doctor who became interested in Jehovah's
witnesses following the visit of a publisherminister. A Bible study was arranged; rapid
progress was made. On learning the truth
about the trinity, hell and the soul, she re398

marked: "I never could really believe these

religious doctrines." It was not long until she
was engaging in the missionary work from
house to house. Through the efforts of this new
minister a Bible study was conducted with a
group of nurses, and this study has already
produced another new publisher.
But what goes on at our next stop, Hong
Kong? Multitudes of people are on the move.
Hundreds of men are running along the streets
pulling their rickshas. The harbor is full of
activity. Motor-powered boats and junks with
their one huge sail plow through the waters;
myriads of small craft and sampans powered
by women with long oars weave about between
the ferries, ocean liners and other vessels that
have taken refuge here to escape any "incldents" with the Communist and Nationalist
navies. Here too we see the traditional coolie
men and women loading and unloading trucks,
and carrying heavy bundles along the roadside.
Roaring past them goes a modern motor transport. Here is the contrast of East and West.
Our four friends, missionaries all, are glad
we are with them. Indeed their words of joy
and appreciation brighten this dreary day as
we make our way to the missionary home at
1 Bonham Road. The work in Hong Kong is
progressing favorably, and the missionaries are
kept very busy conducting dozens of home Blble studies with those interested in the truth,
just like their fellow workers in Shanghai.
The little group in Hong Kong is commencing
to grow and we can look for good increase.
Two of the missionaries who meet us at the
airport were until very recently serving on the
island of Tai Wan, commonly called Formosa.
You will re call that Formosa is the last stronghold of the Nationalist government and the
place they plan to make their death stand
against the Chinese communists. The two missionaries inform us that Jehovah's witnesses
on Formosa are undergoing persecution and
hardships because of their ministry, but they
are nonetheless pressing on. The witnesses on
Tai Wan are to be found mostly among the
Ami people, a very humble and meek class of
persons who inhabit the mountainous regions
of Formosa. We rejoice to learn that more
than 200 Ami people have manifested genuine
interest in the preaching activity.
China is getting a witness, but there is so
much more to do!

Revelation 21: 4 says that in the new world

there will be no more death. Does this mean
that even animals will not die then?-M. I.,
New York.
This text does not mean that all death will
be eliminated. Rebellious human creatures will
die during Christ's millennial reign, and those
siding with Satan at the end of the thousand
years will perish. Usa. 65:17,20; Rev. 20:710)
True, Revelation 20:14 shows death destroyed
and t hereafter Revelation 21:4 says there will
be no more death, but the death referred to is
death due to inheritance from Adam. Men will
not then degenerate and die because of Adam's
transgression, but at any future time Jehovah
God could execute any willful rebel that would
disrupt the peace of the new world. Hence
Revelation 21:4 speaks only of the Adamic
death of humans, and has no application to the
animal realm.
As to whether animals will die in the new
world we cannot be dogmatic. It appears that
men will not kill them for food, nor will animals prey upon one another. In the new world
Jehovah's original purpose relative to food supplies will be realized, as stated to Adam and
Eve: "See, I give you all the seed-bearlng
plants that are found all over the earth, and
all the trees which have seed-bearing fruit; it
shall be yours to eat. To all the wild beasts of
.the earth, to all the birds of the air, and to all
the land reptiles, in which there is a living
spirit, I give all the green plants for food."
(Gen. 1:29,30, AT) If that outstanding carnivorous animal, the lion, is to "eat straw like
the ox", surely no others will be meat-eaters.
(Isa, 11:69) Incidentally, this shows that Revelation 21:4 does not eliminate all death of organic life, for plants will die to become food
for men and animals.
But merely that animals will not be used
for food does not prove they will live forever.
There is reason to believe they will die. Man's
disobedience in Eden did not bring death to
animals-they had been living and dying and
many forms becoming extinct for thousands

of years before man's creation. The ne w world

will eliminate the effects of Adam's disobedience, but that does not concern animal death .
The status of the beast has rem a ined un changed since its creation-it lives out its life
span and dies . At no time has it had set befor e
it the prospect of eternal life.
Man's position is different. Adam had ho pe
of eternal life set before him, but tha t hope
vanished when he failed to pass the test of
obedience. Had he passed t hat test he doubtless would have eventually eaten of the "tree
of life". Through Adam all men lost the opportunity of eternal life, but through t he ransoming work of Christ Jesus the opportunity
is restored and men of good will may hope fo r
eternal life in the new world. None of this con cerns animals.
If a man is willfully wicked and scorns the
ransom, he will never gain eternal life, though
he lives for a few years now. He loses the better position of opportunity that is open for
mankind, and drops into the same position as
that of animals, a position that offers no opportunities of eternal life. Of such ones the Inspired apostle Peter wrote: "But these men,
like unreasoning animals born naturally to be
caught and destroyed, will, in the things of
which they are ignorant and speak abusively,
even suffer destruction in their own course of
destruction."-2 Peter 2:12, NW.
If animals had opportunity for eternal life,
why would these men who lose such opportunity be compared to them? There seems to be
no Scriptural basis for arguing that animals
will live forever in the new world, but rather
that they will continue being born, maturing,
bringing forth offspring, and dying. Argument
to the contrary seems to be based largely on
sentimental grounds.


On August 30 at Magdeburg in the Soviet
zone 60 of Jehovah's witnesses were arrested
and jailed, according to a dispatch in the New
York Times, August 31. The report said that
for months past the Witnesses "have been imprisoned. by the dozens, their meetings broken
up and various individuals among them badly
beaten by the police on the ground that they
constituted a threat to peace. Accusations have
been raised against them constantly in the Cornmunist press that they were spies and sabo-




N. Y.

teurs in the pay of the United States 'im per ialists' ".
Then on September 5 the New York D aily
N ews carried a United Press dispatch dated
Septe m ber 4 that reported: "The East German
Communist government banned Jehovah's witnesses in the Soviet zone today, charging the
estimated 25,000 members with 'espionage for
a foreign, imperialistic power'. . . . This was
the fir st formal action against the organization
by the Communist government, although it has
carried on a propaganda campaign against Jehovah's witnesses in recent weeks and assigned
a small army of men and women to watch the
members day and night." The New York Times
also reported this matter, but added: "Yesterday, reliable sources reported from the East
that the leaders of the group asserted 500 memo
bers had been seized last Wednesday in a
secret police raid on the Magdeburg headquarters."

On September 6 the New York Tim es published the fo llowing Reuters dispatch of September 5: "The East German security police
have thrown 1,000 of Jehovah's witness es into
prison in t he twenty-four hours since the East
German government banned the sect, a Berlin
spokesman for t he Witnesses declared today.
. . . The 'illegal pamphlets', a llegedly found
in the sect's offices, wer e Bib lical literature
translated in to more than ni nety la ngua ges
and available all over the world."
In Switzerland the B erner Tag blatt, Septernber 4, published on its front page: "A representative of the sect stated that the a ction
taken by the communists against t he sec t had
led to persecution more severe than that of the
Gestapo. The Gestapo had labelled the memo
bers of the sect as friends of communists and
Jews. Today they are charged as being 'agents
of American imperialism'. The sec t will never
submit to dictatorial pressure. Neither will it
cease to preach the gospel in the Soviet zone:'

::::::::" : :::::::: ::::: : :::: : : :: ::52::: : : : : : :

i ::::


Not forever will the Creator allow present

distress and wickedness to continue on the
earth. He has foreordained a definite time to
bring the last vestiges of Satan's world to a
violent end; and the remaining time is very
short. Don't you desire to use that remaining
time wisely? (Eph. 5:15,16, RS) If so, we invite
you to join with Jehovah's witnesses in the activity they have arranged for November. During this .m ont h they will be offering the new
book "This Means Everlasting L ife", on a contribution of ' 35c. Through its 320 pages this
attractive and enlightening book alerts its readers to how everlasting life may be gained and
the nearness of the time when it will be the
cherished possession of righteous humankind.
Life-seekers need to . quickly .a nd intelligently
seek God and his kingdom. Can' you think of a
wiser use of your time , than to aid another to
learn of the way to life? Jehovah's witnesses
in your community will be glad to assist you
to share in ' this activity. Or, if you prefer, write
to us ~nd ' we will furnish you with helpful Instructions and report forms.

Outstanding among the Scripture transla-

; : : : : 8 0:

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; : : ::::;

: : ::

tions issued in recent years is the N ew World

Translation of the Ohristian Greek Scr ip tu r es,
first released on Wednesday, August 2, 1950, at
the Theocracy's Increase Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses, Yankee Stadium, New York
city. Its total initial distribution at this assernbly was 85,850 copies. This translation, accornplished by the New World Bible Translation
Committee, is highly accurate, taking into account the latest Bible research. Modern speech
is used throughout, yet for the sake of a ccuracy
it is as literal as modern English usage will
permit. The Creator's name, Jehovah, appears
237 times from Matthew to Revelation. Copious
marginal references, chain references on irnportant words and phrases, footnotes, a foreword and an appendix combine to make the
New World Tmnslation a remarkable con trlbution toward a better understanding of the
Christian Greek , Scriptures. Your copy will be
sent to you, postpaid, for a contribution of $1.50.

Week of November 26: Riches of the Full Assurance of Our Understanding, n 1-15; a nd
Further Enrichment of Und erstanding, 1l 1-4.
Week of .Decernber 3: Furth er Enrichment o~
Understanding, IT 5-25.

NOVEMBER 1, 1950
Sem imo nth ly






Literal towers in Bible times were elevated van~e points from which
watchmen could observe happenings, wern of dan~er, or announce good
news. Our m~azine fi~atively occupies such a vanta~ point, for it is
founded on the very pinnacle of wisdom, God's Word. That elevates it
above racial, national and political propa~andas and prejudices, frees it from
selfish bias. It is not bound by any traditional creed, but its mess~e advances as the light on God's purposes and works increases.-Habakkuk 2:1-3.
It sees thin~s Scripturally. When it observes this ~neration ~ffiicted
with greed, delinquency, hypccrlsy, atheism, war, famine, pestilence, perplexity and fear, and persecution of unpopular minorities, it does not parrot the
old fable about history repeating itself. Informed by Bible prophecy, it sees in
these things the si~n of the world's time of the end. But with bright hope it
also sees opening up for us just beyond these woes the portals of a new world.
Thus viewed, "The Watchtower" stands as a watchman atop a tower,
alert to what is goin~ on, awake to note si~ns of danger, faithful to point out
the way of escape. It announces Jehovah's kingdom established by Ch~'s
enthronement in heaven, feeds his kingdom joint-heirs with spiritual food,
cheers men of good will with glorious prospects of eternal Hfe in a paradise
earth, comforts us with the resurrection promise for the dead.
It is not dogmatic, but has a confident ring in its voice, because it is based
on God's Word. It .dces not privately interpret prophecy, hut calls attention
to physical facts, sets them alongSide prophecy, and you see for yourself how
well the two match, how accurately Jehovah interprets his own prophecy.
In the interests of our salvation, it keeps sharp and faithful focus on Bible
truth, and views religious news generally.
'Be watchful in these perilous times,' God admonishes. So keep on the
watch by regularly reading "The W atchtcwer",


117 Adams Street
Brook lyn 1, N . Y. , U. S. A.
N. H. KN ORR, P r esiden t


Secr eta ry

"They will all be taught by Jehovah."-John 6: 45, NW; Isaiah 54: 13

Print ing this issue:

Doing the Work Assigned


New Systems of Things


Beginning the New World Society


Use the Remaining Time Wisel y


E voluti on Contrary to Scientific Fact


W as Christ Hung on a Cross ?


Dominican Republic
Persecutes Christians
Questions from Readers
Announ cem en ts


A~~latl ....... II IOU. Wallbtlwtr" f. till foliNI'1 Blbl' "nlas

1~: ~Tm~~~~~~on ~x: ~~~~=~~~l:

Dc - J. N. Darb,', union

NW - N.... World Translatlon

- J. B. Botherbam ', \'U1I1on
R8 - Rnll ed Stllldard Version
Le - I saac Leeser' , ' erilon
YI/ - Robert YoUlli" u nion
Unless otherwise Indleated, Ihe Bible Il3<d Is Ihe KIne James Version
Dy - CatholIc Doua7 fenlon

ED- The EmpbaUc Dl'cIolt



Ilo kano
.l( rlka.DS
rebu-Vi.<ajan Italian
NON . elan
1l. nIsh
,:ni llsh
Tai lllog
Holl andl.h
VlI ayan

Five cents a copy


Clnran ja



Ill""l. n



e krdnl...



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Watch Tower SocIety oIIlc. ,

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Enlered I S seccnd-elass matte r at Brooklr n, N.t ..
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November 1, 1950

No. 21



POPULAR song declares that the

The earth was made to work, to nourish

c:/:I. 'lucky old sun has nothing to do but and sustain life. It is not an idle body, but
roll around heaven all day'. The sun has spins so rapidly that at the equator its surmuch more to do than lazily roll around face travels over a thousand miles per
heaven. The sun was made to work. It was hour. Thus we have night and day. Adcreated as a "light to rule the day". (Gen. ditionally, the earth whizzes in its orbit
1:16) It is earth's furnace, supplying heat around the sun at a speed of 66,600 miles
and making life possible. If the sun did no per hour, so tirelessly that year after year
work, Ecclesiastes 1:7 would not be true: it completes this nearly 584,OOO,000-mile
"All the rivers run into the sea; yet the journey without val' yin g its schedule
sea is not full; unto the place from whence 1/1000 of a second. If it failed to make
the rivers come, t hit her they return this trip we would have no changing seaagain." Why not? Well, every second the sons. Fortunate for us that the earth does
sun lifts 16,000,000 tons of water vapor not hang idle and motionless in space.
from the seas, which vapor becomes clouds
And when man was put upon the earth,
that float inland and precipitate rain. With- he was not assigned to a dreamy and inout the laboring sun the sea waters would dolent existence, as though idleness were
not return to the rivers whence they came, the ideal state. When God made man He
and rainfall would cease. It is good for us "put him into the garden of Eden to dress
that the sun does more than just roll it and to keep it". Additionally, with Eve
around heaven all day.
he was to rear children, subdue the earth,
The moon also works, being created as a extend Edenic conditions earth-wide, and
"light to rule the night". (Gen. 1:16) It rule over the other forms of earthly life.
is the power behind the tides. Sun and (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:15) Happily, God did not
moon and stars perform a work of praise, create man for a career of loafing. Idleness
as is indicated when we take a literal view is a snare that leads to death.-Ezek.
of Psalm 19:1-4, AT: "The heavens are 16:'49; 1 Tim. 5:13.
Even the lower animals perform usetelling the glory of God, and the sky shows
forth the work of his hands. Day unto day ful service. To single out but one of these
pours forth speech , and night unto night many services, what about the insects that
declares knowledge. There is no speech, pollinate plants and enable such green
nor are there words; their voice is not things to reproduce and bear fruit? Why,
heard; yet their voice goes forth through Jehovah God even uses one of these tiny
all the earth, and their words to the ends lower creatures as an example in industriousness, saying: "Go to the ant, you
of the world."



sluggard, look at her ways, learn sense;

for she has no leader , no foreman or chief,
yet in the summer she provides h er food,
and gathers during harvest-days." (Prov.
6:6-8, lifo) Have you ever seen an an t lyin g
at ease basking in the sun? R ather, are
they not alw ays hustling energetically
about their business?
Jehovah God the Creator works, and his
work is perfect. (Deut. 32:4) He may have
entered upon a sabbath after his work of
creation relative to ear th , but that this did
not mean he became an idler in the universe is thereafter sho wn by Jesus' words:
"My Father worke th hitherto, and I work."
When on earth Jesus said: "I must work
the works of him that sent me." Wh en
twelve years old Jesus wa s at work in his
Father's ser vice, and years later he died a
faithful worker beari ng witness to J ehovah's truth. (John 5 :17 ; 9:4; 18 :37; Luke
2: 42-49) So zealous was Jesus in enduring
in godly wor k that he became a model for
Christians: "To this course you were
called, because even Christ suff ered for
you, leaving you a mod el for you to follow his steps closely."- l Pet. 2:21, NW.
Christ Jesus gave the work assignmen t
to his followers when he commanded them
to be his witnesses and make disciples, and
declared: "This good news of the kingdom
will be preached in all the inhabited earth
for the purpose of a witness to all the nations, and then the accomplished end will
come." (Matt, 24:14; 28 :19; Acts 1:8, NW)
And as Christians wor k together as an organization, each one should stick to his
individual assignment, realizing that Jehovah places each one as it pleases Him,
and that all assigned services are essential.
(1 Cor. 12:18-25) Recall that Satan coveted a loftier place than that assigned to
him, to his downfall. Did not Miriam seek
to exalt herself to a hi gher position of
service, and suffer divine re buke therefor?
And when Korah rebelliously aspired to


N. Y

more prominence in Israel, did not the

earth open up and swallow him? Ho w
much better was the attitude of his descendants centuries later, as expressed in
the psalm for them: "I had r atherbe a
doorkeeper in the house of my God, than
to dwell in the tents of wickedness." (Num.
12:1-15; 16:1-3,31-33; Ps. 84:10; Is a.
14:12-15) When one seeks to change h is
ser vice assignment he forgets the theocratic principle expressed at Psalm 75 :6,7:
"For promotion cometh neither from t he
east, nor from the west, nor from the
south. But God is the judge: he putteth
down one, and setteth up another." Hence
you should not covet and go after the work
assignments of others. You should "stick
t o y ou?' work".-l Tim. 4:16, Mo.
Then we will be blessed. Then we will
have success. The work God assigns us is
the work we can do, by his grace and spirit. We cannot do the sun's work, and lift
16,000,000 tons of water eve ry second. We
cannot move the tides, like the moon. We
cannot light up the n ight sky as the stars
do. Why, we cannot even do the work of
little insects in pollinating plant blossoms!
Nor for that matter can we do the theocrat ic wor k as signed to our Christian
br ethr en. Bu t we can by God's grace do
t he work assigned to us in or under God's
organization ; that is the work his spirit
will h elp us t o do. In that theocratic way
we can 'work out our own salvation'.
-Phil. 2: 12.
And when such salvation sees us delivere d into J ehovah's new world, we can
en ter upon blessed work assignments then.
Anointed ones will reign with Christ in
heavenly glory, while earthly servants will
take up the work Adam and Eve abandoned in disobedience, namely, filling the
earth, subduing it, beautifying it, and exercisin g loving dominion over the animals.
Then men will "long enjoy the work of
t heir h ands" .- Isa. 65 :22.

of Things
God) who long ago spoke on man y occasions and in many
ways t o our [o re j atlier s by m eans of the prophets, has at
the end of these days spoken to us by means of a Son)
whom he appointed heir of all thi ngs) and throuqh. whom
he made the systems of things.JJ-Heb. 1: 1) 2) NW.

EHOVAH God is the Maker of ri ghteous

systems of things. They are all under
his supreme control. He has arranged them
in an order that leads from one set of
good things to better or grander things,
at last r eaching a height of goodness that
leaves us with nothing further to be desired. He is a God of ord er an d kno ws
whither he is proceeding with his arrangements. His goal is to rid the entire universe
of all forces of wickedness and disturbance.
He will do this by means of his promised
gover nment in the hands of his glor ified
Son, J esus Christ, thus bringing all living
creation, seen and unseen, into peaceful ,
obedient relationship with their Creator
and God. By attaining this goal he will
vindicate himself as Rightful Soverei gn
over all the universe. To this end he has
made a ser ies of systems of things to follow one anot her. His Son ha s a most important part in the vindication of Jehovah 's
universal sovereignty, and he has used him
in the making of the systems of things .
2 This present worldly system of things
under Satan it s god is permitted only for
a time. It does not ha ve the divine approval.
It has had the witn esses of Jehovah God
among it since its beginning after the
Flood, but it has never been able to amal-

gamate them with itself. They have been

left in this world by God in order to deliver a wit ness concerning his purpose to
establish a new world government. But
the world has acted unworthily of their
presence by disregarding their message
and viciously persecuting them for it. By
this we mean not just the pre-Christian
prophets from Noah down to John t he
Baptist, whose exploits a nd sufferings are
described in chapter eleven of P aul's lettel' to the Hebrews. We mean also the little
flock of true Christians of whom only a
remnant is on earth today; yes, and the
"great crowd" of "other sheep" who have
flocked to their side in order to serve as
Jehovah's wit nesses with t hem. The persecution of all these modern witnesses of t he
Most High God since World War I was
foretold by Jesus, who said it would be a
clear sign of the consummation of t his
wicked system of Satan. Its persecution of
them ha s become notori ous, thus proving
the world is not worthy of t hem. For this
re ason it will be destroyed.-Heb. 11:38;
Matt. 24:9; Rev. 7: 9,10, N W ; John 10 :16.
3 One
of the evidences that we had
reached its consummation and th at its end
was near was .to be a separating work between its peoples, particularly those within
Christendom, which claims to be the realm

1. By wh om and to wh a t en d has J eh ova h made system s

of t h in gs ?
3. What work was to ev idence we had r ea ched Its con 2. Of whom has this old world n ot proved worthy ?
summation .?
How s o ?




N. Y.

of Christianity. Jesus pictorially described can know and understand this from the
the climax of the separating work and the apostle Paul's words at Hebrews 9:26. He
fiery destruction of the fake Christians, there refers to Jesus' sacrifice of his perand said: "The harvest is a consummation fect human life nineteen centuries ago.
of a system of things, and the reapers are Mer reminding us that Jesus was not a
angels. Therefore, just as the weeds are Levite priest who served at the temple in
collected and burned with fire, so it will be Jerusalem, he adds: "Otherwise, he would
in the consummation of the system of have to suffer often from the world's founthings. The Son of man will send forth his dation. But now he has manifested himself
angels, and they will collect out from his once for all time at the consummation of
kingdom all things that cause stumbling the systems of things to put sin away
and persons who are doing lawlessness, and through the sacrifice of himself." (NW)
they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. That consummation reached its end A.D.
There is where their weeping and the 70 with the destruction of old Jerusalem
gnashing of their teeth will be." Likening and its temple and the scattering of the
the separation work to a separating of Jewish nation for almost nineteen cengood and bad fish scooped up in a dragnet, turies. Although the old world has kept
Jesus further said: "That is how it will be standing, there can be no question that cerin the consummation of the system of tain systems there ended, to make way for
things: the angels will go out and separate new ones. Again the apostle speaks to prove
the wicked from among the righteous and this. He tells of the faithless acts of the
will cast them into the fiery furnace." This Jews and the punishments that befell them
separating work has been going on since for it in the wilderness after they were
A.D. 1919 as a result of the Kingdom testi- saved from Egypt. Then he remarks: "Now
mony delivered by Jehovah's witnesses in these things went on befalling them as
all nations of the earth. The fact now that examples and they were written for a
the weeping and gnashing of the teeth of warning to us upon whom the accomplished
the rejected unworthy ones has begun ends of the systems of things have arrived."
proves we are near the climax of the divid- (1 Cor. 10:11, NW) So we ask, What ends
ing work and that the accomplished end arrived on Christians back there?
is near upon this world.-Matt. 13: 39-42,
5 They were the ends of the systems of
47-50; 24:14, NW.
things which God had set up among his
chosen people for their benefit until Jesus
Christ should come and be sacrificed, be
4 Some who ar e to inherit the kingdom
raised from the dead and be glorified at
of the coming new world are still living God's right hand in heaven. The angel
amid this old world and its setup of things. Gabriel foretold to Daniel the exact year
But, remember, they are no part of it and when Messiah the Prince should appear. He
they do not fashion themselves after it. showed that three and a half years after
Not being of the old, they are of the new. Jesus was anointed with the spirit of God,
And do you know that for nineteen cen- or at the. middle of a week of years, the
turies now they have been living under a Messiah would be cut off in sacrifice. This
new system of things which Jehovah God would make all the animal sacrifices and
created by his Son J esus Christ? Yes. You other oblations of the Jews at the temple
4. H ow do we kn ow from H ebr ews 9:26 t h a t we Chrlstl ans ha ve long been livi n g und er a new syst em of th in gs":

5, 6. Wh a t was one of those ends that arrived on Jewish

Chr istians?


1, 1950


out of date and of no further force and

value. Gabriel said concerning Jesus the
Messiah: "And he will make a strong covenant with the many for one week [of
years] ; and in the half of the week will he
cause the sacrifice and the oblation to
cease." (Dan. 9:27, L e; AT) Mo) That this
meant the end of the Jewish system of
sacrifices and oblations as set down in the
law of Moses is certain. Testifying to such
end the apostle says: "Christ is the accomplished end of the Law, so that everyone
exercising faith may have righteousness."
G Again for the comfort of both Gentile
people and Jewish people he says: "By
means of his flesh he abolished the hatred,
the Law of commandments consisting in
decrees, that he might create the two
peoples in union with himself into one new
man and make peace, and that he might
fully reconcile both peoples in one body
to God through the torture stake." Again:
"God . . . kindly forgave us all our trespasses and blotted out the handwritten
document against us which consisted of
decrees and which was in opposition to us,
and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake."-Rom. 10:4
and Eph. 2:15,16 and Col. 2:13,14, NW.
'i So nineteen centuries ago the end arrived upon that system of Mosaic law and
its animal sacrifices and oblations offered
by priests of the tribe of Levi. How? By
Jesus' death on the torture stake, then his
resurrecti on and his ascending to heaven
to offer the value of his human sacrifice to
God. More proof that such system had
ended was given thirty-seven years later
when the Jewish priests were forcibly deprived of their sacri ficial work by the
dest ruction of t heir t ypical te mple, whi ch
has cont inued un restored till this very day.
Not only t hat, but the national system
whereby the J ews had a hu man king
7, 8. W hat other systems of thl n gs ended t her e, a s Paul
stated ':


re igning on the "throne of Jehovah" at

Jerusalem came to a decisive end. Why so?
Because the Jewish nation rejected Jesus
the Son of David as their King and after
he rose from the dead Jesus refused to
restore the earthly kingdom to the nation
of natural Israel. Instead, he sat down at
God's right hand in heaven, there to await
the year 1914 for God to enthrone him to
be the heavenly King of the righteous new
world.-Heb. 10: 12, 13.
8 Besides that, there had been a system
of prophetic types and shadows dramatizing wonderful realities which were to come,
and, after Jesus ascended to heaven, this
system ended. Now the time had come for
fulfillments in order to prove God's Word
true. (Col. 2:16,17; Heb . 10:1; 11:17-19)
Also the system by which God spoke and
delivered his message by means of Hebrew
prophets from Abraham down to John t he
Baptist ended. At the end of those days
God spoke to men by means of his heavenly
Son Jesus Christ and by his Son's followers
whom God adopted as his spiritual sons.
(Heb. 1: 1, 2) In view of the fact t hat all
such arrangements ceased then, the ap ostle
P aul could ri ghtly say nineteen hundr ed
years ago that the accomplished ends of
the systems of things had arrived upon him
and his brethren.
o A dividing work is today taking place
world-wide at this consummation of Satan's wicked system. To foreshadow t his,
there was a separating work carri ed on
among the Jewish nation in Palestine until
fiery destruction came upon their cap ital
and its temple in the year 70. John the
Baptist foretold it when he spoke of th e
coming of the Messiah an d said : "Th at one
will baptize' you people with holy spirit
and with fire . His winno wing shovel is in
his hand, and he will completely clean up
9. Ho w was the presen t dividin g wo rk fo r es ha dowe d
a nd a lso t y plca lly m en ti on ed b y J oh n t h e Baptist a n d
.Ies us?



his threshing-floor, and will gather his

wheat into the storehouse, but the chaff he
will burn up with fire that cannot be put
out." (Matt. 3 :11,12, NW) The wheat
gathered into the storehouse was the Jewish remnant that sided with Jesus as Messiah the Prince. They were baptized with
the holy spirit from the day of Pentecost
forward. The chaff t hat was burned up
was the Jewish nation in general, which sided with Caesar
a gainst Jes us. The y were
baptized with the fire of
God's wrath particularly
from 70 (A.D.) onward. J esus
himself referred to the dividing work among the Jews
with which those old sys tems
of things ended. He referred
to the believing Jews that
were to be harvested out
from among the faithless nation, with himself as the
Chief Reaper, and said: "Lift up your eyes
and view the fields, that they are white
for har vesting. Already the reaper is receivin g a reward and gathering fruit for
everlasting life, so that the sower an d the
reaper may rejoice together. In this respect, indeed, the saying is true, One is
t he sower and another the reaper. I dispatched you to reap what you have spent
no labor on. Others have labored, and you
have entered into the benefit of their
labor."-John 4: 35-38, NW.
10 After that harvest, but particularly
after t he good news was turned to the
uncircumcised Gentiles and they were
given the opportunity to enter the heavenly
kin gdom, the Jewish na tion withered away
from being God's favored people, like the
fig tree which Jesus cursed. (Matt. 21 :18,
19,43; Luke 13: 6-9; Acts 10:1-48) Today,
after mor e th an thirt y years of similar
10. How will such work en d ': W h y not ca t astr op hi ca lly
for us ?


N. Y.

harvest work, how well we see prefigured

in that Jewish harvesting and threshing
what is in progress in Christendom today!
When we call to mind the horrible end that
came upon the Jewish capital and its besieged inhabitants back there, we shudder
at the more terrible end that is shortly to
come upon hypocritical Christendom and
its confusion of reli gions. However, this
catastrophe spells no disaster
to God's true people, the genuine Christians. It will wipe
out a great blot on God's holy
name and it will cleanse the
earth for the pure worship of
Jehovah God everywhere, resulting in peace and prosperity to mankind.
11 The
period of time in
which those old systems of
things flourished we could
not designate by any such
name as "t he Jewish age".
Why not? Because they began before
there were any natural Jews. Also God is
now dealing with those who are Jews inwardly, having their hearts circumcised.
These are spiritual Israelites, who make up
"the Israel of God". (Rom. 2:28,29) So
we merely take note of such a period of
time since the Flood during which those
systems of things obtained, but do not
name it. The time for such old things ended nineteen centuries ago. They are among
the past systems of things and past generations from which the sacred secret of God
was concealed concerning Christ and his
followers, but which secret has now been
made known to His holy ones.-Col. 1: 26,
27, NW.



1 2 What a grand experience it is to live

under God's new system of things and to

11. W hy do we not ca ll su ch perIod "the J ewIsh a ge " ':

12, 13. How dI d t h e u ncoveri ng of God 's secr et Im prove
t h lngs for us ?


1, 1950


know it is only the forerunner of finer

things to come! It transforms all our existence that we are obliged to live now in this
fading old world. Now that Jehovah God
has revealed his sacred secret, it has made
things new for us. His secret was wrapped
up in his Anointed One or Christ, whom
he had foretold and foreshadowed during
previous millenniums. In due time his beloved Son left the heavenly courts and
was born as a man and the prophecies began fulfilling concerning him. Then the
long-hidden sacred secret was uncovered to
those who believed and received the spirit
of God. By means of his Son Jehovah God
did away with what was old that he might
introduce what was new.
1 3 The apostle is plain on this improvement of matters for us, saying: "Hence
when [Jesus] comes into the world he
says: '''You did not desire sacrifice and
offering, but you prepared a body for me.
You did not approve of whole burntofferings and sin offering." Then I said,
"Look! I am come (in the roll of the book
it is written about me) to do your will, 0
God." After first saying, 'You did not
desire nor did you approve of sacrifices and
offerings and whole burnt-offerings and sin
offering'-sacrifices which are offered according to the Law-then he actually says,
'Look! I am come to do your will.' He does
away with what is first that he may establish what is second. By the said 'will' we
have been sanctified through the offering
of the body of Jesus Christ once for all
time." (Heb. 10:5-10, NW) Now, does that
sound like making things new for us who
seek life and happiness? For one thing, that
replacement of the first set of sacrifices
with the second kind of sacrifice which
really sanctifies means a new high priest
of God. It means a new rel ationship of
worshipers with God.


14 How much more satisfying this is than

the old! The Levite priesthood, who offered
mere animal sacrifices and vegetable offerings, were put in office under the old Law
covenant which God made with the natural
Israelites through Moses. So those priests
were part of the ancient system of things
that existed under the Law covenant. The
sacrifices they offered could never take
away human sins and make men perfect,
and so they were merely pictorial of the
coming real sacrifice. If men were to get
lasting good, a new and better system of
things was certainly necessary, and God
made it by his Son Jesus Christ. (Heb.
1: 1, 2, NW) The old Law covenant prevented Jesus the Messiah from becoming
a priest on earth and it only condemned
men for sins instead of relieving them of
such. So if there was to be a new high
priest of God with a sacrifice removing
sins, and if Messiah of the tribe of Judah
was to be this High Priest, then there must
be a new covenant. Christ Jesus was made
High P riest by the sworn oath of Jehovah
God, and then he was given to be the High
Priest of the new covenant. What this
means we read:
1 5 "For if that first covenant had been
faultless, no place would have been sought
for a second; for he does find fault with the
people when he says: ' "Look! the days are
coming," says Jehovah, "when I shall consummate a new covenant toward the house
of Israel and toward the house of Judah;
. . . For this is the covenant which I shall
covenant with the house of Israel after
those days," says Jehovah: "I shall put my
laws in their mind, and upon their hearts
I shall write them, and I shall be a God to
them and trey will be a people to me. And
they will by no means teach every man
his fellow citizen and every man his brother, saying: 'Know Jehovah,' because they

14. 15. \Vh y wa s a new coven ant n ecessa ry ? How did

God's promise of It affect the L aw cove na nt?



will all know me, from the lea st to the

greatest of them. For I shall be merciful
t o their un righteous deeds and I will by no
means call their sins t o mind any more ." ,
In his sa ying 'a new covenant ' he has made
the former one obsolete. Now that which
is made obsolete and growing old is near to
vani shing away."-Heb. 8:7-13, NW.
1 6 By means of
Chr ist 's service as a
mediator great er t han the prophet Moses
and by his service as a self-sac rificing Hi gh
Priest Jehovah God replaced the old Law
covenant with the new covenant. 'When
God nailed the old covenant to the torture
stake upon wh ich Jesus Chri st was sacrificed, a system of things 1,545 years old
passed away which once had to do with the
natural J ews or Israelites. On the day of
Pentecost A.D. 33 the resur r ected and
glor ified Jesus in heaven inaugurated the
new covenant toward his faithful followe rs
on earth. Th ere t he Christian disciples
were begotten by God's outpoured spirit
and became spi ritual Is raelites, or Jews
17 Would not this mean, then, the introductio n of new systems of things? This
must be included in the meaning of the
ap ostle's words wh en he says: "If anyone
is in union with Christ, he is a new creation ; t he old things passed away, look! new
things have com e into existence. But all
things are from God, who reconciled us to
himself through Christ and gave us the
ministry of the reconciliation." (2 Cor.
5 :17,18, NW) Such a thing as this "new
creation" in union with Christ the He ad
had never existed before, no, not in all
God's universe. So it coul d not be otherwise than that new systems of things
should be introduced, and these in connection with the Christian "new creation".
Such new systems were introduced. Jeho16, 17. By Christ's services what did God end and what
inaugurate ? So wh at did th is mea n a s t o system s of
t hin gs '?


N. Y.

vah God so indicated when h e described

the benefits of the new covenant, saying
that he would really remove sins by means
of it from those spiritual Israelites taken
into t he covenant and that they would all
be taught by J ehovah and all would know
him, from the least of them to the greatest
of t hem.-Jer. 31 :31-34, AS.
1 8 It was, indeed, the opening of a wonderful epoch, an epoch of new things ab out
which inspired men of God had pro phesied
and of wh ich the sacr ifices, feasts and laws
of the old covenant had cast shadows before them. The realities now brought in
surpassed in wondrousness what ancient
men of fai t h had envisaged; and now by
faith and under t he illumination of God's
spirit we behold t hem. Hence the apostle
writes : "By faith we understand that the
systems of things were put in or der [prepared, adjusted] by God's wor d, so that
wh at is beheld came to be out of things
that do not appear." (Heb. 11:3, NW) margin) Now we can see that there is more
meant than we formerly appreciated when
Revelation 13 :8 speaks of J esus Chr ist as
"the Lamb who was slaughtered from the
world's foundation". (NW) The foundation
of a new world was truly laid in the sacrifice he offered nineteen centuries ago. This
fact is emphasized by the apostle Paul in
sh owing that the sacrifice of the High
P ri est Jesus Christ needs no repeat ing, in
t hese words: "Neit her is it in or der that he
should offer himself often, ... Otherwise,
he would h ave t o suffer often from the
world's foundation." (Heb. 9 :25,26, NW)
What world? we ask. Why, the new world
of new heavens and a new earth, in which
ri gh teousness is t o dwel l. In his sa crifice
Jesus laid the foundation for creatures on
ear th to be rescued from sin and death in
or der to live in the new heavens and new
ea r th of t he r ighte ous new world. It is
] 8. So wh a t do we see now by faith '? How do we appr ecia t e Revelation 13:8 more concernin g the Lam b '?




from the laying of that world's foundation

onward that he does not have to keep on
suffering often in order to make the new
world sure and permanent, for his sacrifiee was perfect and up to eve ry requirement of justice.
1 0 More than that! Jesus' sacrifice met
t he crucial requir ements for flatly answer ing the pre-eminent issue before all the
universe, namely, Can Jehovah God maintain his sovereignty over all creatio n, and
will God's highest Son hold true to his
Father's universal sovereignty? Sat an the
slanderer said No, and by applying the full
pressu re of his entire world he tried to
make Jesus say No! But the willing, loyal
sacrifice of Jesus the Son of God answered
Yes! By his obedience to a sacrificial death
on a torture stake Jesus held true to J ehovah's universal sovereignty and he held
fast his integrity toward his God. After his
baptism in the Jordan ri ver he was ano inted with God's spirit to be the King of the
new world, and by his integrity to God,
who gave him the royal anointing, Jesus
Christ proved his right to the Kingdom .
He thus made sure that there would be a
Kingdom to govern the new world r ighteously. By his sacri fice he ransomed men,
not only those who would be given the
high calling to rule with him in the kingdom of heaven but also those of mankin d
who would become hi s earthly subjects in
the new world.
20 Thus in a twofold sense the foundation
of the new world was laid in Jesus ' perfect
sacrifice. That he mi ght one day be Kin g
ent hroned in the government and that he
might aet as High Priest in applying t he
benefits of his human sacrifice, Almighty
God raised Jesus Christ from the dead as
an immortal spirit Son and ushered him
into his heavenly presence. As a result,
19. I n h is sacrifice what other r eq u ir em en ts did Jesus
m eet ?
20. Why has t h e new wor ld' s fou ndation stood solid a ll
t his ti me?


the foundation of t he new world has stood

solid and immovable t hr ough all t he storms
and assaults of t he past nineteen hundred
years, and toda y we jubilantly hail t he
ea rly incoming of the new worl d with Jesus
Christ as Jehovah's anointe d Kin g.

The corning new world is one of the

new systems of things God makes by his
Son. But after its foundation was laid, we
did not have t o wa it until t he actual establishment of the new world in order to
enjoy new systems of things. Chr ist ians
who have been brought into the new covenant from Pentecost of the year 33 forward
have been enjoying the new a rrangements
and provisions. No literal t emple at Jerusalem, no Levite priesthood, no animal sacr ifices which need to be offe r ed repeatedly
year in and year out, no consciences burdened with guilt of sin for wh ich the Law
of Moses condem ns me n, no, none of all
those things for us! We have come t o the
New Jer usalem, God's capital of t he universe. We have a new temple , of which
Jesus Christ is the chief corn erstone an d
all his spiritual followers ar e living stones,
built upon him as the foundat ion. We have
a new hi gh prie st, a new sacri fice of a
super ior kind which actually cleanses away
sins by its blood , a new law inscr ibed not
on stone tablet s but on our hea rts, a new
mediator betwe en God and men, a new
covenant. Anything more? Yes, new knowledge, new works of God in fulfillment of
his past pr ophecies, sha dows an d types,
a new ministry, and a new rel at ionship
with God as his new na tion of spiri tual
Israel and as his sons whose spirit cries
out to him, "Abba, Father! " True Christians, living up to their privileges, have
long enjoyed these things over t he centuries. Today a faithful re mnant of Chr ist 's

21. For n ew system s h a ve we had to wa lt till th e n ew

world? How so ?




N. Y.

joint heirs are enjoying them. All these

new th ings operating together as new systems of things since Pentecost are preliminary and pr eparato ry to God's own new
world. They are an absolute guarantee of
the full coming of the new world.
2 2 Since Christ 's death, resurrection and
asce nt to heaven all these things have been
true even in the midst of this old world.
Th e new covenant is no part of t he old
world arr angements but it takes out of
this world a people for Jehovah's name.
(Acts 15 :14) Th ese are no longer a part of
the old world, no more than Jesus their
Mediato r was ever a part of it. And God
has chosen for his people t hose whom t his
world docs not prize. Figuratively speaking, they are impaled toward this world
and, in turn, it is impaled toward them as
a thing condemned to destruction. And so
they do not have its spirit, nor do they
follow its wisdom. (Jo hn 8:23; 15:19;
17:6,14, 16; 1 Cor. 1 :27, 28; Gal. 6:14 ;
1 Cor. 2: 12; 3 :19) They have "tasted the
right word of God and powers of the
coming system of things ", t he apostle tells
us. He te lls t hose who are God's children
in the new covenant th at their mother is
not the organization und er the Mosaic law
covenant wh ich was pictured by t he servant girl Hagar. Their mother is like the
free woman to whom Hagar belonged,
Sarah the true wife of Abraham. Abraham,
who sacrificed his beloved son at the divin e
command, pictu red Jehovah God, and his
wife Sar ah pictured the holy organization
which is the mother or producer of God's
children. She is not a part of this old world,
but is clean fr om it and high above it. She
is heavenly, like God, and completely subject to him and devoted to his purposes.
Jerusal em on earth is not her symbol.
"But," says t he apostle P aul to Chr istians

in the new covenant, "the Jerusalem above

is free , and she is our mother." (Heb . 6:5
and Gal. 4 :24-31, NW) By means of the
new covenant she produces God's spiritual
children who are to be joint heirs with
Jesus Christ in the heavenly kingdom.
2 3 This period of time in which the new
covenant is in force and in which the good
news of the Kingdom is preached by those
in the covenant we must not designate by
an y such name as "the Gospel age". Let us
remember that the gospel or good news did
not begin to be preached first when the
new covenant was made. No ; for at Galat ians 3 :8 (NW) we read : " Now the Scripture, seeing in advance that God would
declar e people of the nations righteous due
to faith, declared the good news beforehand
to Abraham, namely: 'By means of you all
the nations will be blessed.' " Neither can
we say that the new covenant system of
things ends with the coming battle of Armageddon in which this world will be
destroyed. Since God's spiritual children
in the new covenant will have a remnant
that will overli ve Armageddon into the
new world, then t his new covenant system
must last till afte r Armage ddon. It must,
together with its provisions, last until
God's power removes his fa it hful r emnant
fr om t he earth and glorifies t hem with
Jesus Christ in the heavenly kingdom.
Hence the end of the new covenant arrangement does not come at the end of t his
old world of Satan's rule. We must yet wait
to see when Jehovah God brings the new
covenant to its successful end. At that time
he will bring all his spir it ual sons into th e
"coming systems of things" in which will
be "demonstrated the surpassing riches of
his undeserved kindness in his graciousness
toward us in union with Chr ist Jesus ".
-Eph. 2 :7, NW.

22. Why do those und er t he new cove na nt not have th is

world' s spirit '! W ho Is t heIr mother, and by means of
what '!

23. Why ca n not we d esign at e the time of t h e new covenant "the Gospel a ge " '!


1, 1950


~4 One thing is certain: The end of the

new covenant does not bring t he end of
God's covenant with Abraham, t o whom
he decla red the good news, "By means of
you all t he nations will be blessed." That
2-1. Docs the n ew covenant 's close end the Abraharntc
coven a nt ? W hy?


Abrahamic covenant is an "everlasting

covenant". (Ps. 105:8-10) It will extend on
through the thousand years of Christ's
royal rule for the blessing of all his earthly
sub jects, no matter of what nationality
they may have been in this old world.

cT"HE old world has its society or its
-.1. people living according to a certa in social arrangement . The new world , too, will
have its society, all the memb ers of which
will live in harmony with a ri ghteous ar rangement. Satan the Devil, th e god of this
present wick ed system of t hings, is the
invisible ruler of the old-world society, but
he will not be the god of t he new world,
His wicked system will be obliterated by
the coming "war of t he gre at day of
God t he Almighty", Armageddon. (Rev.
16 :14-16, N W ) Jehovah, whose universal
sovereignt y Satan has challenged , will be
the one, t rue living God of t he new world.
He will r ule through the theocratic govern ment of his fa ithful Son, J esus Christ
t he King. That kin gdom will institute new
systems of things , the ones the Bible speaks
of as yet coming. Come to t hink of it, the
very establishment of God's kingdom in
t he heavens by enthroning his Son in 1914
r esulted in a radical ch ange in the activit ies of God's spiritual chil dr en who wer e
under t he new covenant. It has marvelously
altered the mes sage they preach in all the
earth for a witness to all nations. Aye, it
has put a "new song" in t heir mouths, the
song of God's kingdom at last brought to
birth after millenniums of waiting. (Rev.

14: 3; 12: 1-10) The systems of things under

which we have lived according to the new
covenant have been grand, we must admit;
but those which will obtain in the new
world will be oh so much grander for all
its society .
~ Wh y should it not be diffe rent, yes ,
better? For it will have new heavens and
a new earth. The destruction of this old
world wit h its Devil-controlled heavens and
earth will therefore be no calamity. We
eagerly look for it , doing as the apostle
P eter says : "Await ing and keeping close
in mind t he pres ence of the day of Jehovah,
through which th e heavens being on fire
will be dissolved and the elements bein g
intensely hot will melt. But there are new
heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these
ri ghteousness is to dwelL" (2 P et. 3: 12, 13,
N W ) The kin gdom of Jesus Christ, toget her with his 144,000 faithful victorious
followers, will spread out its power over
all this globe and will form the "new heavens". To these spiritual followers Jesus has
said: "There is no one who has left house
or wife or brothers or parents or children
for the sake of the kingdom of God that is
not certain to get many times more in this
period of time and in t he coming system of
t hin gs everlasting life." (Luke 18:29, 30,

1. Ho w will the n ew world have It s soc iety? How has

the Kt ngdom 's establishment a lready af fected us ?

2. W hy w ill It be d iffe ren t there ? W ha t Is the pr oof ?




N. Y.

NW; Mark 10:30) The gospel account of

nant. These "other sheep" are enjoying

Matthew speaks of the coming system and many of the benefits of the new covenant
calls it the "re-creation" or the "new arrangement along with the spiritual remworld", saying: "In the re-creation [new nant. Really, these present-day "other
world], when the Son of man sits down sheep" correspond with the "strangers" of
upon his glorious t h rone, you who have good will who lived peaceably and harmofollowed me will also yourselves sit upon niously within the city gates of the ancient
twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes Israelites under the Law covenant. The
of Israel. And everyone that has left houses Sabbath law of the Ten Commandments
or brothers or sisters or father or mother speaks of them prophetically as "thy stranor children or lands for the sake of my ger that is within thy gates". That old covename will receive many times more and will nant made many provisions for such Godinherit everlasting life."-Matt. 19:28,29, fearing strangers. In many things it had
the same ordinances for them as for the
NW) margin.
natural Israelites. (Ex. 20:8-10; 12:48,49)
3 But what of the "new earth"? Well, it
will be human society, on our same planet, The modern-day flock of "strangers" soof course, but organized according to a new journing within the gates of the new
and righteous system of things under the covenant arrangement have been greatly
Kingdom. Doubtless the most of those who blessed with the spiritual remnant by obeyenter t he "new earth" will have to be ing the same divine ordinances.
raised from the dead to do so. As Je sus
said, when discussing the general resur5
some years now both the remnant
rection of mankind: "The children of this
great crowd of strangers or "other
system of things marry and are given in
been looking .for the promised
marriage, but those who have been counted
new earth to appear. Their
worthy of gaining that system of things
based upon the stateand the resurrection from the dead neither
which is addr essed
marry nor are given in marriage. In fact,
"Instead of thy
neither can they die any more, for they are
whom thou
like the angels, and they are God's children
earth." In
by being children of the resurrection."
to apply
-Luke 20:34-36, NW.
~ However , that comin g system of things
is one wh ich God uses his glorified Son
Jesus to make. (Heb. 1:1,2, NW) The either the natural forefathers of Jesus
"new earth" which the Kingdom will bring Christ, such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
into existence will be begun with the sur- and David, or who were faithful prophets
vivors of Armageddon who have an earthly and fellow witnesses of these. Their line
hope and destiny. They are the Right Shep- runs from Abel to John the Baptist, and the
he rd's "ot her sheep". A "great crowd" of names and exploits of a number of them
them which keeps increasing in number are reported in Hebrews, chapter 11. Basis now living with the remnant of Kingdom ing it upon Hebrews 11 :2, 38, the WATCH
joint heirs who are under the new cove- TOWER publications used to refer to them
as the "ancient worthies".
3. What wlll the " ne w ea r th" be ':
4. 'W ith whom w lll t he new ea rth he be gu n ? Ho w a r e
t hey s tra n gers ?

5. For years for who se a ppearance ha ve we been lookIn g ? Why ?


1, 1950


6 When on earth Jesus Christ died unmarried and childless, but Psalm 45: 16
assures us that in his heavenly glory as
King he is to have earthly children, and
Isaiah 9 :6 tells of his birth and says his
name will be called "everlasting Father,
the Prince of Peace". By bestowing everlasting life upon obedient men for whose
life in the new world he died he will have
many sons, sons of the Prince of Peace. He
will be their Everlasting Father. Those
whom we used to call "ancient worthies"
will also become his sons by his raising
them from the dead and conferring life
upon them for their unfaltering loyalty. So
the question is, Will those sons whom he
makes "princes in all the earth" be limited
to those faithful pre-Christian witnesses
of Jehovah God? What is our answer now?
1 The people for Jehovah's name whom
he has called with the high calling to the
heavenly kingdom and whom he has taken
out from all nations by the agency of the
new covenant are now about complete.
Only a small remnant of them are yet on
earth. Also nowadays of the many who
devote themselves completely to God
through Christ there are few who give evidence of receiving the high calling. Evidently those few who now receive the high
calling are favored that way in order to
replace any among the spiritual remnant
who may lose their Kingdom opportunity
through unfaithfulness in the midst of this
world. So the high calling or heavenly
calling is soon to cease, the full membership
of the Kingdom class being finally purchased from among mankind and proved to
be faithful conquerors over Satan's world.
But now already in this year 1950 there are
hundreds of thousands of others who have
made a full dedication of themselves to

6. What children wlll the KIn g have ? How ? So wha t

question arIses ?
7. How a n d why a re a ny fav ore d wIth t he h Igh callIn g
at this t ime ? But what others have no w appeared. and
In w h a t numbers ?


Jehovah by Christ and who have undertaken the serious service of Jehovah's
witnesses. Before the year 1935 we never
envisaged this "great crowd" of consecrated "ot her sheep". What of them? we now
ask.-Rev. 7:9-17.
8 Back in 1904 the first president of the
Watch Tower Society wrote the sixth volume of Scripture Studies, entitled "The
New Creation". In chapter 3, entitled "The
Call of the New Creation", he had this to
say, at the top of page 157: "And we may
be sure that any consecrating and performing a full sacrifice of themselves in the interest of the Lord's cause after the heavenly class is complete, will find that the
Lord has plenty of blessings of some other
kind still to give; and that all of his blessings are for such consecrators, self-sacrificers. Possibly they may be counted in
with the ancient worthies who had the
sacrificing disposition that is pleasing to
God, prior to the beginning of the 'high
9 Years after that publication The Watchtower had this to say in its issue of September 1, 1915, in paragraphs 5, 6 of an
article on the "harvest work" (pages 268,
269): "It is our thought that with the
closing of the 'door' of this Gospel age
there will be no more begetting of the holy
Spirit to the spirit nature. Any aft erwar d
coming to God through consecration, before the inauguration of the restitution
work, will be accepted by him, not to the
spirit plane of being, but to the earthly
plane. Such would come in under the same
conditions as the ancient worthies who
were accepted of God. The ancient worthies
came in, no call being opened to themthe high callin g not being yet open, . . .
Our thought is that whoever under such
conditions as these will make a full conse8. W hat did Tile New Creation, chapter 3. h ave to say
about such '!
9. W hat dId Tile Watchtower, Se ptember 1. 1915. h a ve
t o say of s uch '!



cration to the Lord, to lea ve all to follow

in his ways, and will live up faithfully,
loyally, to t hat consecration, may be privileged to be counted as a similar class to
t hose who preceded this Gospel age . We
know of no reason why the Lord would
refuse to receive those who make a consecration after the close of the Gospel age
high calling and before the full opening of
the Millennium."
10 In its issue of January 15, 1920, (pa ges
21-28) in an article entitled "WorthiesAncient and Modern", The Watchto uicr
discussed the question of "modern worthies" according to the information and
facts then available and said No! to such a
class. Bu t that was fifteen years before the
revealing of the identity of the "great
crowd" symbolized at Revelation 7 :9-17.
That was years before members of this
great cro wd of "other sheep" began to
flock to t he side of t he spiritual remnant .
That was years before it was appreciated
that it was fitting for this great crowd to
make a full dedication of t hemselves to
God through Christ. But t hose already of
this increasing great
crowd have, as we
now kno w, de vo ted
themselves to God
t hrough Christ as fully as t he spiritual
remnant have. Like
the remnant , th ey
have sym bolized th at
self-dedication by wa'' baptism. And th ey
have since endeavored to prove th eir selfdedication genuine by doing God's will and
subjecting themselves to t he re sponsibilit ies of Jehovah's witnesses.
11 Are they men and women of faith like
Abel, E noch , Noah, Abraham and Sarah ?


N. Y.

Yes, and they have gone farther in belief

than those of old. Those ancient people
merely looked fo r ward by faith to Christ
the Seed of Abraham. But these "other
sheep" of today have actually accepted
Jesus as the Messiah their Savior and King.
Many r ighteous men and kings of old desir ed to see the things these "ot her sheep"
now see and hear. Today, instead of pointing into the indefinite future toward the
Kingdom, these sheep declare the Kingdom
actually established and now about to usher
in the new world.-Matt. 13: 17.
12 But have these other sheep suffered
for their faith as Jehovah's witnesses like
those approved men and women of old?
Have they had a "trial by mockings and
scourgings, indeed, more than that, by
bonds and prisons"? Have they been
stoned, died by slaughter with the sword,
gone about in animal skins, been in want,
t ribulation and ill-treatment, and wandered
in deserts, mountains, dens and underground shelters of the earth? (Heb. 11:
36-38, N W) Has this same old world acted
not worthily of t hese modern wit nesses
of Jehovah? THERE is
the record of recent
years. Consult it. The
evidence is overwhelming already!
But there is yet much
demonstrating of
fait h and integrity,
yet much witnessing,
yet much intense suffer ing, before we step
out victoriou s into the new world. So these
"other sh eep" of today are indeed proving
t hemselves sterling witnesses of t he Most
High God, like their faithful predecessors
of pre-Christian times; but t hey have yet
to prove their full devotion to the finish
during the t ime t hat yet re ma ins till Arma-


10. Since 1920 wh at facts h ave become clear about such

class '!
11. As to fai t h ho w do these compare with the fai thfu l
o nes of old '!

12. Have they suffered for their fa ith like those of old ?
Is It ye t all over with ?




geddon and the glorious birth of the new

1 3 Those who do manifest their faith and
integrity to the full will become children
of the King Jesus Christ, the Everlasting
Father, just as much so as the faithful
ancients who preceded Christ. Since they
manifest a similarity of faith, there is
nothing that Scripturally argues against
his taking as many of these "other sheep"
as he requires and making them "princes
in all the earth". When we examine Psalm
45:16 we see it does not say that only those
who were the earthly "fathers" of Jehovah's anointed King will be the children
whom he will make visible earthly princes
to represent the heavenly Kingdom. To
give the sense, Moffatt's Bible translation
renders Psalm 45: 16: "Your sons shall step
into your fathers' place, and rise to be
princes over all the land." The Roman
Catholic French translation by Crampon
renders it: "Your children shall take the
place of your fathers; you will constitute
them princes over all the earth." The Roman Catholic Spanish translation by NacarColunga renders it similarly."
11 And
when we consider this term
pri nce, translated from the Hebrew word
Sa1' (feminine, Sarah), we see that it is
not always nor necessarily applied to the
son of a king, to a prince of royal birth
who is made a state official or governmental officer. It means the first, foremost
oI' chief in any class, the head of any company or group. So in the Bible this Hebrew
term Siir, sometimes translated prince, is
even applied to Jesus himself, to the archangel Michael, to princes of the tribes of
Israel, to princes of the provinces, to gov On t he use of the expre ssion " Ins t ead ot ; In place of :
In t h e ro om of", compa re Genesi s 4 :25 : 22 :13 ; LevIti cus
1-1 :42 ; 2 Samuel 19 :13,
13. Does P salm 45 : 16 say on ly "fathers" will be m a de
" pr Inces " ? W hat Is the se nse of th e passage '!
14. How Is t h e Hebrew term Sar applied , and so what
does It Ind Ica t e for t h e faIthfu l ones as t o future opport u nIties t


ernors of cities, and to chiefs or captains

of the guard, to captains over thousands,
over hundreds, over fifties, over tens.
Hence, to be made princes, in the Hebrew
sense of the word Siir, in the new world
society, in the "new earth", offers a variety
of opportunities of service with responsibilities of varying degrees; and there will
be many such privileges. In the new earth
they will not be addressed with the title
before their name, like "Prince Charles",
"Prince Abraham," "Prince Albert," etc .
No; we will be living then under a CHRISTIAN government. We are living now under
that divine government, and we do not
have anything like such titles now in the
theocratic organization. So it would be
inconsistent to think we will have any titled
forms of address then. But just as now we
may refer to officers as servants or directors of the Society, we may then refer to
them as sarim. (p1'in ces) in the Hebrew
sense of the word. All we have to say now
is that those "other sheep" who have been
given positions of responsibility in the visible theocratic organization of today, even
if it be over a group of ten who meet for
Bible study and united service in the neighborhood, should look well to how they
discharge their responsibilities now. Remember the rule stated by Jesus: "The
person faithful in what is least is faithful
also in much." (Luke 16:10, NW) Only if
you prove yourself faithful in what is committed to you now in this passin g old world
will you have any likelihood of being made
a prince in the new earth along with the
resurrected faithful witnesses .of ancient
times before Christ.

Glorious, then, are the prospects for

us all who continue faithful. By virtue of
God's new covenant through Christ we are

15. Why a re we n ow li vIn g d ifferentl y f ro m the snclety

of thIs wo rld ?




N. Y.

already amid new systems of things. But

we are moving on to newer systems of
things by the re-creation of an entire world
of righteousness, with new heavens and a
new earth. We are no part of this old world
and we are not meddling in its affairs. That
fact testifies that we are under the new
covenant system and are for the new world.
That Jehovah God is dealing with us in
this manner adds to the proof that the new
world is on the way. God is not now preparing us for nothing. No; but he has a new
world in store for us. Knowing what is
right at hand, God is now getting ready a
new world society. That is why we are
living differently, as people who are not of
the society of this old world. He is not only
preparing his remnant of spiritual Israelites for membership in the heavenly kingdom of the new heavens. He is also preparing our good-will companions, the great
crowd of "other sheep", for the visible society of the new earth. Proverbs 14:28
declares: "In the multitude of people is the
king's honour: but in the want of people
is the destruction of the prince." According
to that principle the King Jesus Christ, the
Prince of Peace, is now gathering a great,
numberless flock of his earthly "other
sheep" to his one fold.
16 Remnant and "other sheep" will together make it safely to the new world, no
matter how desperately Satan's old world
tries to destroy us. It can no more prevent
us from surviving the battle of Armageddon into the new world than it can block
or destroy the new heavens and earth.
"For," to quote Isaiah 66:22, "as the new
heavens and the new earth, which I will
make, shall remain before me, saith Jehovah, so shall your seed and your name remain." (AS) His now preparing of a nucleus of the new world society will never
be in vain. Hid by Jehovah's powerful

.hand in the days of his anger against the

doomed old world, this nucleus will go
through Armageddon, just as Noah and
his household went though the Flood, hid
in the ark. You survivors of Armageddon
will be the first on the field of action in the
"new earth".
17 But what we want is that when, after
Armageddon, we do emerge from the ark
of hiding we will emerge organized. The
enemy may yet take us into his power and
scatter us physically or drive us underground. But when he is destroyed at Armageddon and we come forth from his
smashed places of detaining us, we shall
march forth 0 l' g ani zed theocratically,
knowing organization procedures. And we
shall all get together again and work as a
free society of the theocratic new world,
all over the globe. In due time the faithful
remnant will have their change by death
and resurrection and be gathered into the
invisible new heavens, but the "other
sheep" will carry on as the new earth with
visible "princes". That righteous "new
earth" will grow from this small nucleus
until it includes all the dead resurrected
from the graves and who obey the Kingdom. When the Kingdom will have accomplished God's purpose toward mankind by
the close of the thousand years, then that
arrangement will end. Then new systems
of things will follow for the delight and
blessing of faithful mankind of the new
earth for all eternity.-l Cor. 15:24-28.
18 With these transporting prospects so
close before us, let us keep theocratic
organization and let God continue improving it as a new world society. Never may
we look back to this modern Sodom which
is reserved for destruction; but we will
keep faces forward in full faith. Onward,
then, steadily, all of us together, as a new
world society!

16. Why are remnant and "other sheep" certain to

survive Armageddon?

17. How do we want to emerge? What will tollow ?

18. What, then, Is our determination henceforth ?

Use the '1{emaining Time Wisely



no mistake about it, "the the remaining time to preach the message
time has grown very of warning and build a boat of safety. "Just
short." "Look carefully then [keep strict as it was in the time of Noah," so it is now.
watch, NW] how you walk, not as unwise -Matt. 24:37, AT.
men but as wise, making the most of the
Christ also laid hold of his opportunitime, because the days are evil." (1 Cor. ties. He too used his time in a most profit7:29; Eph. 5:15,16, RS) How much short- able way. Instead of climbing the short,
. er nowadays the remaining time, and how unprofitable, worldly "ladder of success"
much greater the need to make the most to become a commercial magnate, or an
imperial potentate, or a religious pontiff,
of it!
Whereas Paul saw things with the eye he entered the full-time service of his God
of faith, today the reality stares us in the Jehovah, even if it brought upon him great
face. The consummation of the present persecution and suffering and in the end
system of things has been reached. Bible cost him his human life. He went after the
chronology and fulfilled prophecy-total most profitable thing and obtained it.
world wars, famines, pestilent diseases,
The way we use our time is largely deterearthquakes, heart-stopping sorrows and mined by habits. It is therefore profitable
fears-are signs of the times or milestones, to cultivate good habits. Guard against
notifying men and nations where they are loving pleasure more than God. Do not
on the stream of time. The thirty-six inter- gamble that you will be here tomorrow to
vening years since 1914, instead of post- do what should be done today. (Matt. 6:27,
ponin g Armageddon, have only made it NW) Time is precious. Do not waste it on
nearer than most people think. Do not unessential, trivial things. Avoid associaforget: "This generation shall not pass, till tion with the wicked of this world.
all these things be fulfilled." (Matt. 24:34)
It is written: "Take fast hold of instrucConsequently, the important question is: tion; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy
What is the most profitable way in which life." (Prov. 4:13) This requires that one
to use the remaining time? If you are wise diligently study God's Word, and attend all
you will not dodge or side-step the answer. theocratic meetings. Forsake not the op-Eccl. 8:5.
portunity to assemble with Jehovah's witWe are living at the climax of the ages, nesses at the Watchtowe1' studies and servwhen the old world is in the throes of death ice meetings and to participate in the
and a bri ght new world is poised on the ministry school.-Heb. 10: 25.
horizon about to replace the old. It is thereYour life and the lives of others depend
fore vain and foolish to dash after wealth upon how well you use the knowledge and
and power and position or spend time and theocratic instructions gained in study.
energy storing up earthly possessions that You must preach what you learn to others,
cannot endure. (1 Tim. 6 :9, 10; Matt. 6:19) for it is through "the foolishness of preach"Behave wisely in relation to the outside ing" that people will escape destruction.
world, seizing your opportunities."
(1 Cor. 1:~1) Preaching is therefore the
Noah laid hold of his opportunities wise and profitable thing to do. When t his
when the world of that generation stood on world-wide witness work is completed and
the brink of destruction. Wisely he used Armageddon has s t r U c k, God's faithful
preaching witnesses will ga in endless life.
> See T he Watchtower, F ebrua ry 1, 1950.

v.!. appointed


Contrary to
Scientific Fact
c::T"'HEY say it is a woman's ri ght to
-.1. change her mind, but we say it is the
scientist that makes the most use of this
feminine privilege. Is it not t rue that t he
theor ies of scientists change like women 's
fashions ? that wh at is in high esteem today
ma y be derid ed in contempt tomorrow?
that it is seldom safe to be dogmatic on
any of the changin g theories of scientists ?
Why, look how they have changed th eir
minds on this matter of evolution." They
used to vow that life started spontaneously
in some mud puddle millions of years ago,
but now science t extbooks admit t hat t his
is not so, that no one knows how life started.
These s cie n t is ts used to teach that
environment caused changes in an imals,
which changes were passed on to offspring,
which developed them further, till afte r
t housands of years completely different
an imals evolved. But you know that is not
t r ue. You know Chinese women used to
bind their feet, but it did not cause their
babi es to be born with deformed feet. Some
t ri bes stretch their lips or bind their heads
into queer shapes, but their babies do not
inherit these deformed lips or heads. You
can lie on the beach for years an d become
heavily sun-tanned, but your offspring
will not be born sun-tanned. Now even the
scient ists r ealize such changes acquired in
later life because of environment are not
passed on to offspring. So the evolutionists
ha ve discarded this theory they once fanatically swor e by.
Then came Charl es Darwin, who said
small variations occurred in the forms of
. For a more det a ile d study see t h e 64-p a ge Watchtower
book let E vo l u t i o n v er su s Th e Ne w W orl d .

animals, and t hat through natural selection

and survival of the fittest the good varia-.
t ions were preserved and over the centuries
accumulated till new families were formed.
But today the up-to-date evo lu t ion ists
indul gently smile at Darwin as a wellmeaning chap, but do not take him seriously. As one of them said : "Darwin has
been shorn of his theory as completely as
Samson was sho rn of his locks."
And who was th e modern Delilah that
clipped Darwin's hair? One he considered
his supporter, geology. Geology is t he stu dy
of the earth's r ocks and layers, and in these
layers are found fossil form s of life that
existed in the dim past . Th e evolutionist
would have us believe that in this fossil
record of the roc ks we can see the story of
life slowly evolvin g from small beginnings
up to man . But honest investigation does
not show us any fossils that conn ect two
diffe rent animal families. Rather, it shows
new families appearing sudd enly, and t hat
once in existence t hey did not change
greatly. Geology testified against Darwin's
Moreover, geology deal t an ot her devastating blow to evolution. First appearance
of fossils is in earth layers evolu tionists
say are 500 million years old. But these
first fossils are of life in such advan ced
forms that the evolutionists say life must
ha ve been in existence for 1000 million
years before, because it would take evolution t hat lo ng to get little one-celled animals evolved up to these advanced form s
that are found in t he fir st fossils . What
does this mean? Why, it means that though
they say life has been in existence for 1500


1, 1950


million years, they have fossil record of

life back only 500 million years, and that
therefore they have no record at all of the
first 1000 million years of evolution! Twothirds of the fossil record they need is a
blank! May we suggest that the scientists
not fret themselves too much looking for
the missing link? What they need to find is
the missing chain!

At any rate, after geology so riddled the

idea of slow evolving of life to bridge family
after family, after it showed that the various families of life appeared suddenly and
remained constant, the evolutionists
changed their minds again, buried Darwin's theory with mourning, and revised
their teachings once more. As evidence of
this revision, Doctor Clark, a Smithsonian
Institution biologist and evolutionist, said
no links connected major groups of animals, that the gaps were natural and not
due to a deficiency in the fossil record, and
he further said: "So far as concerns the
major groups of animals the creationists
seem to have the better of the argument.
There is not the slightest evidence that any
one of the major groups arose from any
Doctor Clark's confession is confirmed
by a French scientist, an evolutionist, who
wrote in his book Human Destiny: "Each
group, order, or family seems to be born
suddenly and we hardly ever find the forms
which connect a new group with an ancient
one." He goes on to admit that reptiles
appear suddenly, that they cannot be linked


with any earthly ancestors, and makes the

same admission about mammals. About
birds he says they have "all the unsatisfactory characteristics of absolute creation".
Now, why should he call the "characteristics of absolute creation" "unsatisfactory"?
Because to the evolution-religion creation
is heresy!
Nevertheless, scientists have been forced
to face the fact that new families appeared
suddenly, with all the unsatisfactory characteristics of creation. So what do they do?
Acknowledge creation? They would never
dream of doing that! So they trot out a
new theory that will let them face the fact
of families appearing suddenly, without
having to face creation. They now preach
mutations. A mutation is a sudden change
between parent and offspring, such as happens in the case of freaks.
Would it not be possible for a flood of
mutations to quickly form a new family?
Evolutionists would like to show this, but
mutations are very rare in nature. However, scientists have learned that by subjecting the parents to atomic radiation they
can cause a heavy run of mutations. So
they have taken animals that reproduce
quickly, subjected them to radiation, and
thus noted changes that would ordinarily
have taken many thousands of generations
to get. They did this with a little fruit fly,
and followed it through enough generations
to turn an ape into a man, according to
their theory. What, then, was the amazing
change effected in the little fruit fly? Did
it turn into a bumble bee? or a June bug?
No; it was still the same little fruit fly they
started with, still undergoing mutations that changed its eyes from
red to white, and back again, that
changed its wings from long to
short, and back again.
And here is an odd thing. If mu- .
tations cause evolution, and if evo-




N. Y.

and they believe they descended from the

animal that is their totem. On this the
Encuclopcedia Britannica says:
"The turtle clan of the Iroquois are descended from a fat turtle, which, burdened
by the weight of its shell in walking, contrived by great exertions to throw it off,
and thereafter gradually developed into a
man. The cray-fish clan of the Choctaws
were originally cray-fish and lived underground, coming up occasionally through
the mud to the surface. Once a party of
Choctaws smoked them out, and, treating
them kindly, taught them the Choctaw language, taught them to walk on two legs,
made them cut off their toenails and pluck
the hair from their bodies, after which they
adopted them into the tribe."
Christendom's clergy are quick to swallow this fairy tale of evolution. The Cath olic Encyclopedia says under "Evolution":
"It is in perfect agreement with the Christian conception of the universe. That God
should have made use of natural, evolutionary, original causes in the production of
man's body is per se not improbable, and
was propounded by St. Augustine." During
August, 1950, Pope Pius XII issued an
encyclical on Catholic doctrine, and the
official English translation showed that
therein the pope did not forbid the study of
evolution, but that such study should be
limited to "inquiries into the origin of the
human body as coming from pre-existent
living matter-for Catholic faith
But their theory does have a foundation,
us to hold that souls are immediateand about the same adjectives can be used
by God". (New York Times)
to describe it. This theory was taught in
opens the door to evolution
ancient Babylon. Traces of it are found in
while unscripturally sepaof
the religions of the Hindus and Mayans.
therefrom. Space forbids
Greek philosophers taught it in the fourth
and Jewish authorities,
and fifth centuries before Christ. To this
similar views.
day savage tribes in many parts of the
-that when evoluearth believe it. You have all heard of
totem poles . Well, many tribes have their tionists charge Bible believers with being
totem, which is usually an animal or plant, old-fashioned, ignorant, gullible, believers

lution made a man of us from nothing, why

are the scientists so afraid of mutations?
They are, for that is why they dread the
aftereffects of atomic bombing. The radiation from such explosions causes mutations,
and Life magazine recently reported scientists as saying: "The mutations among the
Japanese exposed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki may plague the human race for thousands of years." The fact is, small mutations
weaken the species, big mutations produce
freaks that soon die or cannot reproduce.
Instead of evolving life upward to higher
forms, mutations are harmful. Life magazine recently said: "Five years of tests
have shown that radiation produces no
abnormalities that do not occasionally
show up in nature. No useful mutations
have .appeared, and none is anticipated."
Well there are the hard, cheerless facts
facing 'the evolutionists who had hoped
their failing theory could gain salvation
by mutations. They grabbed at mutations
as the straw to keep afloat their sinking
theory, but that straw has become about
as useful to them as a millstone around the
neck of a drowning man, and once again
the evolutionists are thrown face to face
with creation. From the fog of wishful
thinking the firm fact emerges that they do
not have a shred of scientific evidence on
which to base their fantastic, unscientific,
senseless, silly theory of evolution!


1, 1950


in myths and legends and superstitions,

they are only hurling a charge that boomerangs to crash back on their own heads!
On the other hand, the Bible is the most
up-to-date book, telling us of things to come
in the next thousand years, of a blessed
new world that will never end. Let us
consider some of the Bible testimony concerning God's creation, and see whether it
fits the known scientific facts better than
evolution. As Jehovah invites, "Come now,
and let us reason together."

First reason about the earth. God says

he made the earth, created it not in vain,
formed it to be inhabited. The facts show
he made it just right for us. If it rotated much faster or slower, if it were
much closer or farther from the sun, or
if the sun were much hotter or cooler than
it is, we would roast or freeze. If the moon
were much nearer to earth tides would
cover lowlands, erode mountains, level
continents, till water covered the entire
earth. If the mixture of gases in earth's
atmosphere were much different, we would
die. If the ea rth were not tilted on its axis
we would have no seasons, water vapor
from oceans would move north and south,
fall as snow and ice at the poles, never
melt, leave desert in between, and soon
oceans would disappear and rainfall cease.
Consider man. The Bible says he was
created in God's image, with wisdom, justice, love and power. This explains the big
gulf between man and any other animal.
Man alone has ability t o reason, determine
right and wrong, manifest conscience, and
has the urge to worship a higher power.
Science says man uses but a small percentage of his marvelous brain. Evolution
would not evolve something that was never
used, but perfect man was created with
his wonderful brain and used it in t he
beginning, though degenerate man does not


now use it fully. Man was created far

above all other animals, that he might be
fitted to exercise intelligent dominion over
The Bible shows that man was created
with the power of speech, and was able
from the beginning to coin new words,
giving names to the animals. Evolution
says as man evolved from ape he also
evolved his present speech from animal
grunts and growls. The facts say No. A
science magazine states: "Older forms of
the languages known today were far more
difficult than their modern descendants.
Man appears not to have begun with a
simple speech, and gradually made it more
complex, but rather to have gotten hold of
a tremendously knotty speech somewhere
in the unrecorded past, and gradually simplified it to the modern form." The Bible
account fits these facts. Man started out
with a hi ghly developed language, but
man's speech has degenerated with him.
The Bible states that one human pair
was created, and this pair was commanded
to multiply and fill the earth. Now evolutionists admit all men descended from one
original pair, that there is no real difference in races. A scientific magazine recently said: "The story of Adam and Eve in
the book of Genesis has been vindicated, in
part at least, by science. Its main point is
now generally accepted as true: namely,
that there is only one human family . . .
with a common origin." The Genesis record
of creation tells that God made each family
group to reproduce after its kind, yet each
family has power to vary widely within its
fa mily boundaries. That is why there is
such variety in the cat family, dog family,
or human family with its many races. That
is why men can develop a variety of domestic horses or cows or chickens. But despite
this ability to vary widely, each family
reproduces after its family kind: cats have

cats, dogs dogs, horses horses, monkeys that air-conditions its hive, the ant that
monkeys, and men men. Cats do not have builds bridges. Man can navigate the pathpups, or dogs colts, or monkeys human less seas of water and trackless oceans of
babies, no more than women have kittens. air? So can the eels and birds that migrate
This Scriptural unchangeableness of family for thousands of miles. And what about
kind is proved by the fossil record.
the moth that uses radio? the octopus that
Another point to reason on. Evolution uses jet propulsion? and the bat that uses
means to develop upward, to improve. But radar? Yes, what about all this? Should it
facts say man is degenerating, morally and not deflate the wiseacres of this world, to
physically, the victim of increasing mental see that these little creatures of no intelliand physical ailments. Despite increase of gence have instinctively used man's modhospitals, clinics, trained doctors, improved ern inventions for thousands and thousands
medicines and greater knowledge of the of years? Men should see reflected in these
human body, the degeneration that set in things the wisdom and power of the Creawith Adam's disobedience continues. It has tor that made them. But do they? God's
drastically cut down on man's life span. Word answers: "Ever since the creation of
Before the Flood men lived several centu- the universe God's invisible attributes-his
ries, a fact now confirmed by archeological everlasting power and divinity-are to be
discoveries. Those men were near to hu- seen and studied in his works, so that men
manity's perfect start in Eden; degenera- have no excuse . . . Their speculations
tion had not had time to cut into their life about him proved futile, and their undiscerning minds were darkened. Professing
span so heavily.
to be wise, they showed themselves fools."
-Rom. 1:20-22, Twen. Gen. N.T.
All along the line, in every respect we see
Men of good will do not want to be found
that the Bible account fits the facts of fools. They will reason on these matters,
true science, while evolution is a misfit in see how God's Word fits the facts. They
every way. But obstinately ignoring the will not be stumbled by evolution while en
facts and shunning reason, men of science route to Jehovah's promised new world,
prattle their empty theory. Were they not but will discern that it is just an oldso wise in their own conceit, so puffed up fashioned, unprovable pagan myth. They
in their own knowledge, they could not fail appreciate that Satan has revived it in
to see the evidence of God's creative power these last days to blind men to the good
and wisdom all around them. They .could news of the new world, that with this
see it when they peer through their tele- evolution bait he has hooked the wise and
scopes at the star-studded heavens, or when haughty, the puffed up and proud. It has
they squint into their microscopes, even become t he chief stone of stumbling to trip
noting the tiny solar systems of the atoms. up this wise, modern, brilliant generation
Without their telescopes and microscopes, of science worshipers. To such moderns
they can still see God's wisdom all around. science is a sacred cow-but their cow has
Man uses electricity? So does the electric gone dry so far as its being able to nurse
eel. Man has artificial lighting? So does the evolution 'is concerned!
firefly. He is a good engineer? So is the
Armed with both scientific truth and
spider that spins a web, the bird that Bible truth, Christians can prove God true,
weaves a nest, the beaver that builds a dam, tho ugh it make all evolutionists liars.
the wasp that manufactures paper, the bee -Rom. 3:4.


Was Christ Hung on a


millions of people the answer

to this question seems as simple as
t he three-letter word "Yes" . To serious
students of both ancient history and the
Bible t he answer is even simpler, as simple
as the two-letter word "No!" But t wo answers as far apart as these open up between them a great gulf t hat all tr uth
seekers must be able to bridge in order to
stand on the solid ground of truth.
It is common knowledge in th is enlightened age that the Bible was not first set
down in En glish. Consequently, to settle
the question as to whether Christ was hung
on a cross or not it is necessary to consult
the original Hebrew and Greek languages
in which th e Bible was written. By God's
grace manuscript copies of the original
accounts, some of wh ich copies date back
to within fift y years of th e or iginals, are
available to scholars. Besides these, the
ori ginal words are defined an d explain ed
in dictionari es or lexicons written in modern English, if t hat is the only lan guage
you read. And , in addit ion, t here are dependable encyclopedias, histories, et c., to
which refer ence can be made.
The Catholic D igest magazine, May,
1948, page 108, had the following to say
on the subject of the cross : "Long before
the birth of Christ the cros s was a religious
symbol. On the site of an cient Troy discs
of baked clay stamped with a cro ss, were
recently discovered. Two similar objects
were found at Herculaneum. The Aztecs of
ancient Mexico carved the cross on amulets,
pottery, and temple walls. Many traces of
use of t he cross by North American Indians
have been discovered. Buddhists of Tibet
see in the cross a mark of th e foot print of


Buddha. The Mongolians draw a cross on

paper and place it on the breasts of their
dead. Egyptian inscriptions often have the
Tau (T) cross. They considered the scarab
(beetle) sacred because markings down the
back and across the thorax form a T. A
cross of this form was used as a support
for the arms of Hindu ascetics in India
who were wont to sit for days and nights in
a Buddhalike attitude. The cr ux ansata
(handled cross) has a loop serving as a
handle. For t he Egyptians this cross was
a symbol of life and in their sign language
meant 'to live.' " See also Th e Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 4, page 517; the footnote
on pages 312, 313, of Gibbon 's History of
Christum i ts), Eckler's edition, 1891.
But how was the cross a "symbol of life"
to the pagans ? Well, a father, the male, is
life-giver to his child ren by and t hrough
th e mother. Hence, those sex-worshiping
pagans, under th e inspiration of the Devil
and his demons, constructed a phallic image
of the er ected ma le genit ive organ , with a
crossbar toward one end to represent the
test es. Carrying t he symbo lism a step further in the cr ux ansata, the loop on the top,
which pious reli gionists choose to describe
as a "handle", represented the female genitive organ joined to the masculine symbol.
That t hese diabolical fa cts are true, see the
following r efer ences: Funeral Tent of an
Egyptian Queen, by Villiers Stuart; Masculine CTOSS and Anci ent Sex W01'ship) by
Sha Rocco ; Two Babylons) by Alexander
Hisl op; Essays on the Worshi p of Priapus)
by Richard 'Payne Knight .
Reference to the ori ginal languages in
which t he Bible was wr itten will show
beyond a quest ion of doubt t hat Christ




Aes'chy.lus used to describe this means to

fasten or fix on a pole or stake, to impale,
and the Greek au thor Lucian used

stau-ro'o as a synonym for that word. In the

Christian Greek Scriptures ama-stau-ro'o
occurs but once, at Hebrews 6: 6. The root
verb stau .ro'o occurs more than 40 times,
and we have rendered it 'impale', with t he
footnote: 'Or, "fasten on a stake or pole." ,
"The inspired writers of the Christian
Greek Scriptures wrote in the common
(') Greek and used the word stau-ros'
to mean the same thing as in the classical
Gree k, namely, a stake or pale, a simple
one without a crossbeam of any kind or at
any angle. There is no proof to the contrary. The apostles Peter and Paul also use
the word xy'lon to refer to the torture instrument upon which Jesus was nailed, and
this argues that is was an upright stake
without a crossbeam, for that is what x y'Zon in this special sense means. (Acts 5:30 ;
10:39; 13:29; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 2 :24)
At Ezra 6: 11 we find xy'Zon in the Greek
Septuagint (1 Esdras 6:31), and there it
is spoken of as a beam on which the violator of law was to be hanged, t he same as at
Luke 23 :39; Acts 5:30; 10:39.
"The fact that stou-ros is translated crux
in the Latin versions furnishes no argument against this. Any authoritative Latin
dictionary will inform the examiner t ha t
the basic meaning of crux is a 'tree, frame ,
or other wooden instrument of execution'
on which criminals were impaled or hanged.
(Lewis-Short) A cross is only a later meaning of C1U X. Even in the writings of Liv y,
a Roman historian of the first century
B.C., crux means a mere
stake. Such a sin gle stake
for impalement of a criminal was called cmx sirnple, and the method of
nailing him to such an
- instrument of torture is
illustrated by the Roman
Catholic scholar, Justu s

* Published 1950 a nd dist r ibuted by Watchtower Bible and T ract Soc iety, Br ooklyn, N. Y.

Lipsius, of the 16th century. We present her ewith

was never hung on any pagan cross. Hence,

the use of the word "cross" in the Englishlanguage Bibles is a mistranslation. On this,
the New W01'ld Translation of the Christian
Greek Scriptures," in its appendix, on
pages 768-771, in commenting on Matthew 10: 38, where the Greek word aW1JQoi;
tstau-ror) first appears and which is translated "cross" in most Bibles, states:
"This is the expression used in connection
with the execution of Jesus at Calvary.
There is no evidence that the Greek word
siou-roe' meant here a 'cross' such as the
pagans used as a religious symbol for many
centuries before Christ to denote the sungod. On the ancient sculptures of Egypt
may be seen representations of their gods
bearing the so-called C1'UX an-sa'ta, a Tcross with a loop at the top, it being a
phallic symbol of life. In Babylonian inscriptions Tammuz was signified by a
heart from which sprang a single or a
double cross.
"India, Syria, Persia, as well as Babylon
and ancient Egypt, have all yield ed objects
marked with crosses of various designs, ineluding the swastika among t he early Aryans. This betrays t he worshiping of the
cross to be pagan.
"In the classical Greek the word stau-ros'
meant merely an upr ight stake or pale , or
a pile such as is used for a found ation. The
verb siau-ro'o meant to fence with pales,
to form a stockade or palisade, and this is
the verb used when the mob called for J esus
to be impaled. To such a stake or pale the
person to be punished was fastened, just as
when the popular Greek he ro Prome'
was represen ted as t ied to a stake or st au1'OS'. The Greek word which the dramatist

NOVEMBER 1, 1950


a photographic copy of his illustration on

page 647, column 2, of his book D e Cruce
Liber Primus. This is the manner in which
Jesus was impaled.
"Religious tradition from t he days of
Emperor Constantine proves nothing. Says
that monthly publication for the Roman
Catholic clergy, The Ecclesiastical Review,
of September, 1920, No. 3, of Baltimore,
Maryland, page 275: 'It may be safely asserted that only after the edict of Milan,
A.D. 312, was the cross used as the permanent sign of our Redemption. De Rossi
positively states that no monogram of
Christ, discovered in the catacombs or
other places, can be traced to a period anterior to the year 312. Even after that
epoch-making year, the church, then free
and triumphant, contented herself with
having a simple monogram of Christ: the
Greek letter chi vertically crossed by a r ho,
and horizontally sometimes, by an iota.
[*] The oldest crucifix mentioned as an
object of public worship is the one venerated in t he Church of Narbonne in southern France, as early as the 6th century.'
"After showing the pagan ori gin of the
cross, The Encyclopcedia Britannica, Vol. 7,
of edition 11, page 506, says: 'It was not
till the time of Constantine that the cross
was publicly used as the symbol of the
Christian religion.' That was but logical,
for Emperor Constantine was a worshiper
of the pagan sun-god, whose symbol was a
cross. Other experts have pointed out t hat
'before the fourth century the cross was
not used as a Christian emblem in the East
any more than in the West'.
"Rather than consider the torture stake
upon which Jesus was impaled a relic to
be worshiped, the Jewish Christians like
Simon Peter would consider it to be an
abominable thing. At Galatians 3:13 the
apostle Paul quotes Deuteronomy 21: 23
and says: 'It is written: "Accursed is every
man hanged upon a stake.'" Hence the


Jewish Christians would hold as accursed

and hateful the stake upon which Jesus had
been executed. Says the celebrated Jewish
aut hority, Moses Mai.morr'i.des, of the 12th
century: 'They never hang upon a tree
which clings to the soil by roots; but upon
a t imber uprooted, that it might not be
an annoying plague: for a timber upon
which anyone ha s been hanged is buried;
that the evil name may not remain with it
and people should say, "This is the timber
on which so-and-so was hanged." So the
stone with which anyone has been stoned'
and the sword, with which the one killed
has been killed; and the cloth or mantle
with which anyone has been strangled; all
these things are buried along with those
who per ished.' (Apud Casaub. in Baron.
Exercitat. 16, An. 34, Num. 134) Says
Kalinski in V aticinia Observationibus Illustrata, page 342: 'Consequently since a
man hanged was cons idered the greatest
abomination-the Jews also hated more
than other things the timber on which he
had been hanged , so t hat they covered it
also with earth, as being equally an abominable thing.'
"The evidence is, therefore, completel y
lacking that Jesus Christ was crucified on
two pieces of t imber placed at a right
angle. We refuse to add anything to God's
written Word by inserting the pagan cross
into the inspired Scriptures, but render
stau-ros' and x y'lon according to the simplest meanings. Since Jesus used stau-ros'
to represent the suffering and shame or
torture of his followers (Matthew 16:24),
we have translated stau-ros' as 'torture
stake', to distingui sh it from x y' lon, which
we have translated 'stake', or, in the footnote, 'tree,' as at Acts 5:30."
The gulf Of speculation having thus been
bridged, Christians today stand on the
solid ground of provable facts when they
emphatically declare that Christ was neve r
hung on a pagan cross of phallic origin.

Dominican Republic =
Persecutes Christians

Dominican Republic claims to be

a Christian nation. She claims to be a
freedom-loving republic. She is a member
of the United Nations. Notwithstanding,
she has distinguished herself as the first
so-called Christian nation in peacetime to
officially outlaw her devout Christian citizens and deny them the right to worship
God as commanded in his Word, the Bible.
This republic lies between Cuba and
Puerto Rico and occupies the eastern twothirds of the second-largest island in the
Caribbean. It was established in 1844, and
in 1929 a new constitution was proclaimed,
with certain modifications added in 1934
and 1942. This constitution has provisions
similar to those contained in the American
Bill of Rights for the protection of the
individual's freedom against oppression by
the state.
Title II, Section 1, of the constitution
deals with Individual Rights, and says, in
paragraphs 3 and 5, that people may enjoy
"freedom of conscience and of worship,
without other limitation than the respect
due to public order and good customs".
Also, that the people have "t he r ight to
express thought without subjection to previous censorship", the only limitation in
this regard being: "The law shall establish
sanctions applicable to those who attack
the honor of individuals, the social order,
or the public peace."
It was into such a republic that the
Watch Tower Society sent its first missionaries in April of 1945. Early in June of that
year two additional missionaries were sent,
and on the 26th of that month the Dominican Republic signed the Charter of the
United Nations. At that time not one per-



son aside from these

graduates of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead
was active in preaching the gospel of God's kingdom as commanded
by Christ. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19,20) By the
end of 1946 there were 18 missionaries in
the country in addition to 5 local publishers, and as they continued to preach many
more people heard. And not only did they
hear, they attended the free Bible meetings
of Jehovah's witnesses; they believe d; they
were baptized; and they themselves began
preaching the good news to others, until
this year, in the month of May, there were
238 active ministers of the gospel in the
Dominican Republic, in addition to th e
American missionaries, and 21 of these
Dominicans are full-time pioneer workers.
This progress in pure worship, however,
was not made without interference and
persecution. In the city of San Francisco
de Macoris Catholic opposition showed itself against the good work done by fou r
female missionaries. Teen-agel's pestered
the girls with a song, the theme of which
was, 'Get out, you Protestants, we are
Catholics.' The sign on the Kingdom Hall
was torn down. The Bible educational work
became more difficult in certain parts of
the town as the girls carried on under
showers of sticks and stones.
In the city of Santiago the downtown
streets were littered with thousands of
handbills, 10 by 12 inches in size, downing
the Watchtower and Awake! magazines,
and warning Catholics to have nothing to
do with Jehovah's witnesses. A few weeks
later a similar handbill was circulated


1, 1950


falsely linking Jehovah's witnesses with

Official civil pressure is brought on the
people who study the Bible with Jehovah's
witnesses, and some are called down to the
army fort and warned to discontinue their
Christian study. In San Cristobal one of
the witnesses is a pharmacist. One night
someone tore down the Kingdom Hall sign
from the front of his house. Police came
the next day and warned him to quit his
preaching or suffer the consequence of mob
action, but the pharmacist continued his
God-commanded preaching. Next, his gasoline ration tickets were taken away. Still
he faithfully served Jehovah God. Finally,
he was called for military service, in spite
of the fact that he is 40 years of age and
the law says that those between 35 and 55
are to be called only in time of war. Other
persons in this city who study the Bible
with the witnesses have lost their jobs.
In the capital city, Ciudad Trujillo, more
than 25 of Jehovah's witnesses are in prison and many more have lost secular employment. Anyone who studies the Bible
with one of Jehovah's witnesses is shortly
thereafter visited by a police officer with
the familiar warning. The witnesses are
followed wherever they go.
u. N. vows BROKEN
Through it all Jehovah's witnesses have
continued their peaceful work of visiting
the people with the comforting message of
hope from the Bible. After all, the Dominican Republic is a charter member of the
United Nations and hence these distressing
conditions should be corrected. Under its
"Purposes and Principles", set forth in
Chapter I, Article 1, this Charter declares
that its signatory powers, and the Dominican Republic is one of them, are determined
to achieve international co-operation "in
promoting and encouraging respect for
human rights and for fundamental free-


doms for all without distinction as to race,

sex, language, or religion".
Consequently, the Dominican Republic
has made a most solemn and forthright
pledge guaranteeing that man's fundamental and basic freedom to worship the Almighty God, whose name alone is Jehovah,
will be upheld, respected and protected in
that land. It was, therefore, shocking news
to hear that on June 21, 1950, the government issued a decree dissolving the Christian organization of Jehovah's witnesses,
placing their preaching work under ban,
and forbidding them to assemble together
for Bible study as the Scriptures command.
(Heb. 10:25) This arbitrary action was not
taken because these innocent Christians
upset "public order and good customs", or
because they attacked the honor of individuals, the social order, or the public peace.
Oh, yes, the charge of "public disorder"
is laid against the witnesses, but you judge
for yourself how false it is. A recent report
in this regard tells how seven of Jehovah's
witnesses were thrown into prison. Then
four other persons, as Jesus' parable says,
went to visit the Lord's witnesses that were
in prison. (Matt. 25:31-46) The four in
turn were locked up, held incommunicado,
and three of them were severely beaten.
One was clubbed with a pistol, his lip cut
and a gash inflicted behind his ear. Now,
to add insult to injury, these innocent people were charged with "public disorder".
This brutal and wicked persecution of
innocent Christians by public officials in
the capital city of Ciudad Trujillo was particularly manifest in the case of Lucia
Pozo. Lucia had arranged to bathe at a
friend's home on Mella Avenue the day
before she expected to leave for New York
and the international convention of Jehovah's witnesses at Yankee Stadium. She
took a towel and soap and her most prized
possession, her Bible, but on the way was



stopped by the police, who commanded:

'Come with us.'
To the police station, to the jail, to the
army fort, and finally to the Prison for
Women she was taken. All manner of
threats, rid i cui e and false accusations
were hurled at her. In one office she was
left alone with a policeman, who attempted
to seduce her. In the prison she was thrown
in among degenerate prostitutes, who also
tried to seduce her. One of her tormentors
was none other than the prosecuting attorney, one named Rijos.
All of this happened on Friday night.
Sunday, the customary visiting day, her
friends were turned back at the gate. Strict
orders had been given by the chief of
police, Abreu, that no one, absolutely no
one, was to see Lucia. Until given a "trial",
ten days after her arrest, she was held incommunicado.
The "trial" was a kangaroo affair, a
ridiculous farce from start to finish. The
charge was read; no witnesses were produced , not even the arresting officer; Lucia
was asked if she had anything to say; she
was denied the opportunity to produce
witnesses to prove she was guiltless; the
accusation was reread; the prosecuting
attorney urged that the full penalty of the
law be inflicted; and the judge affirmed the
recommendation and sentenced the poor
innocent girl to three months in prison and
$100 fine-all for being caught on the
street with a towel, soap and a Bible!

Are the honored documents of the United Nations and the Constitution of the
Dominican Republic no more than scraps
of paper? Evidently these responsible officials consider them just that. But why?
Whose interests are they trying to serve?
Certainly not the interests of their loyal,
God-fearing, freedom-loving citizens. The
truth of the matter, and the answer to the



question, lies in the fact that the Dominican Republic is a priest-ridden, churchand-state dictatorship, as intolerant toward
all who refuse to bow the knee to Rome as
is Franco's regime in Spain. Before the ban
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy preached
against God's witnesses, stirred up Catholic action, and circulated false charges
against them. With little difficulty this
clerical wrath was translated into civil
action and the cruel boots of the state
police were used to trample underfoot the
basic freedom of worship of God as taught
and commanded by Christ, and as presumably guaranteed by the Dominican constitution and the Charter of the United
Official Dominicans should take notice
what history teaches. Christ was nailed to
the torture stake and his disciples after
him were martyred. Said Jesus : "If they
have persecuted me, they will also persecute you." (John 15:20) But such persecution did not stop the preaching of the
gospel. As then, so now, those who fight
against God's witnesses are actually fighting against God and can expect only defeat
in the end. (Acts 5:39) Jehovah's witnesses
know that it is better to obey Jehovah
even if persecuted and killed by men than
to disobey God and become slaves of men
doomed to eternal death.-Matt.10:24-28.
So Jehovah's faithful Christian witnesses
in the Dominican Republic, knowing that,
in obedience to God rather than men, they
cannot but speak the things they have
learned in the Bible, will continue to
preach, either inside or outside of prison,
either underground or publicly. (Acts 4: 19,
20; 5:29) Their implicit trust is in the
great Jehovah God, who declares: "They
shall fight against thee; but they shall
not prevail against thee: for I am with
thee, saith Jehovah, to deliver thee."-Jer.
1:19, AS.

Does the Bible support the idea that what

a mother sees or experiences during pregnancy
may mark her offspring in some way? Some
argue that it does, citing as proof Genesis
30: 37-43.-T. C., Pennsylvania.
When Jacob wanted to leave his father-inlaw Laban's service, Laban wanted him to stay
and accept wages, asking, "What am I to give
you?" "Nothing at all," said Jacob; "let me go
on feeding and tending your stock, if you will
simply do this for me: to-day, as I go over all
your stock, I will set apart all the speckled
and spotted animals, and my pay shall consist
of any black sheep or any speckled and spotted
goat hereafter born." Laban agreed, and the
record continues: "Then Laban that very day
set apart the striped and spotted he-goats and
all the speckled and spotted she-goats-every
animal that had a white tinge, and all the
black sheep; he put them in charge of his sons,
at a distance of three days' march from Jacob.
The rest of Laban's stock was fed by Jacob.
But Jacob took fresh boughs of poplar, almond, and plane, and peeled white streaks in
them, exposing the white of the boughs. These
peeled sticks he laid in front of the flocks, in
the runnels of the watering-troughs at which
the flocks drank; they bred when they came to
drink, and as they bred in front of the sticks
they brought forth young that were striped,
speckled, and spotted. These lambs Jacob kept
separate [turning the faces of the flocks to the
striped and black animals in Laban's flock],
he kept his own droves apart, instead of adding them to Laban's stock. Jacob also used to
lay the sticks in the runnels only when the
stronger animals came to breed, that they
might breed in sight of the sticks; when the
weaker animals came, he did not put in the
sticks. In this way, the weaker lambs fell to
Laban, the stronger to Jacob."-Gen. 30:25-42,
11[0 .

This would seem to support the theory of

prenatal influence or maternal impressions,
but scientific experiment has been unable to
duplicate or confirm Jacob's experience. The
fact that there is no nerve connection between

the mother and unborn young makes it difficult to believe that maternal impressions could
mark or physically alter the offspring to come.
Of course, during pregnancy the mother's
health is "the most important factor determining whether the fetus will be carried to term
and delivered in a viable and healthy condition", but "the myth of marking a fetus by
accident or by emotional upset should be dispelled", according to the Textbook of Petliatrics, 1950 edition, by Nina A. Anderson.
Dr. Palmer Findley, in his book The Story
of Ohildbirth, agrees, and in a section on maternal impressions shows that the idea of prenatal influence was anciently believed. "In the
law of Lycurgus it was decreed that Spartan
women should look upon the statues of Castor
and Pollux in order that strength and beauty
might be imparted to their offspring." "Hippocrates taught that strong emotions experienced
by the pregnant woman could give rise to deformities in the child." Aristotle believed this
ancient idea, said many women brought forth
children with harelip after seeing a hare, and
ascribed other deformities in children to "the
imagination of the mother, who has cast her
eyes and mind upon some ill-shaped creature".
Egypt's sacred bull of Memphis, with one or
two eagle-shaped figu res on its back and a
crescent on its forehead, had to be killed when
it was twenty-five years old; but before doing
so the priests had to supply a similarly marked
successor. In an effort to obtain a young bull
properly marked, during conception Egyptian
cows were surrounded by appropriately shaped
and colored objects.
Hence it is clear that belief in prenatal influence is ancient, and we can understand how
Jacob also would accept that general belief of
his time. But did it work for Jacob? It is true
that Jacob prospered when he employed his
scheme based on prenatal influence, but the
Bible does not specifically say that that was
the cause for his success. In fact, the Bible
ascribes a different reason for the uniformly
colored goats bringing forth spotted and
speckled and ring-streaked offspring. In the
next chapter Jacob tells his wives, Laban's
daughters Leah and Rachel, why he prospered.
Please note that he does not give the credit to
his scheme based upon the theory of prenatal
influence: "in this way God has taken the stock
from your father and given it to me. When
the stock was breeding, I raised my eyes in a
dream and saw that the he-goats that leaped
on the she-goats were striped, speckled, and



mottled. The an gel of God said to me in the

drea m, 'Ja cob !' 'Yes,' said 1. And he said,
'Raise your eyes , look! a ll the he-goats that
leap on t he she-goats a re str iped, speckled,
a nd mo ttled,' "-Gen. 31: 912, M o.
J eho vah God here gav e J a cob instruction in
the modern scien ce of genetics. There were no
spo tted goats in t he flock Jacob tended, yet
t he vision disclosed spotted goats. How could
t his be? It is appa rent that the spots were no t
visible, yet their presence in t hese solid-colored
animals wa s supernaturally re vealed to J acob
a nd dou bly impressed upon him by what he
saw in the dre am and by the angel's specifi cally ca lling his attention to them. Apparently
t hese plain- colored goats were hybrids, that
is, th ey were the resul t of a cross between the
spot ted goats and plain goats t ha t ran together
in Laban's flocks. Though these hybrids were
uniformly colored themselves, they carried in
their germ cells the hereditary factors for
spotting and spe ckling, and, in accord with
the laws of heredity discovered by Gregor Mendel in th e nineteenth cent ury a nd cla r ified and
en la rged in this twentieth cent ury, m an y of the
offspring of these solid-colored hybrid goats
were spotted and speckled. By the vision God
opened Jacob's eye s to the naturally in visible
prese nce of t he heredita r y fa ct ors fo r sp ottin g


and speckling that were in the plain-colore d

hybrid goats, and Jehovah could well cause the
proportion of spotted offspring to run heavy.
Both Laban and Jacob acknowledged Jehovah's
interest in this matter. (Gen. 30:2730; 31:5,7,
9,16) As for the point raised by Genesi s
30:41,42 that the stronger offspring were J acob's, it should be remembered that all the
speckled and spotted would come from th e
hybrids, and it is a modern biological truth
t hat hybrids are stronger than un crossed
breeds. Not all the goats in the flock J acob
tended we re hybrids, and these fe ebler ones,
without the hybrid vigor, would breed true
and produce only solid-colored offspring, and
which feebler kids would be Laban's.
Hence it appears that the Bible does no t support the idea that what a mother sees or experiences during pregnancy may mark her
offspring. Jacob thought so at the outset of
his experiment, but he changed his mind wh en
later instructed otherwise by God. Jacob had
God's approval, and may be com mended f or
acting acc ording to the knowledge he possessed and doing all in his power to effect a
good result, a nd God blessed Jacob. But th e
manner in which the good result was brought
about was revealed by the inspired dream, and
not by Jacob's breeding methods.



December, the final month of 1950, has been

design a ted a s "P reac h t he Wo rd " Te stimony
Period. H ow could this eventful yea r be more
eITectively concluded th an by t aking the word
of God upon your lips and hera lding it f or th
t o all wh o will hear? That is what Jehovah's
witne sses will be doing, in harmony wi th P aul's
counsel to Timothy (2 Tim. 4 :2, Moffa t t) , and
you are cordially invited to join in with them
in this God-approved work. Th e 320page book
" T his M eans E v erlasting Life" will be offered
to those displaying interest in God's Word,
t he contribution being 35c. It points out from
the Word of God what is required of those who
seek life ' everlasting. Th a t your activity may
be in clud ed along with that of thousands of
ot hers Who will be preaching the Word in
December, we suggest that you report to us
the re su lt s of your preaching. We shall be
happy to . supply you wit h re port ca rds and
an y instruction you may r equire. If there is a
com pa ny of Jehovah's witnesses in your community, fee l free to ca ll upon t hem f or help.

Arrogantly t he proponents of the theory of

evolution have foisted their ideas upon t he
public. Through the press, schools, clergy and
ot her means their belief has been spread like
a blight upon the human race; a blight because
it belittles and disputes the Biblical ac count of
crea tion by an intelligent Creator. Is their ca se
so strong that it defies refutation ? Most cert a inly not! The cont ra dicti ons of men do not
bring to nou ght the Word of God. Moreover,
scientific f acts bear out the Bible account of
crea ti on, leaving the evolutionists without any
tangible support for their mythical theories.
A wealth of incontrovertlbleproof in favor of
the Bible re cord of creation and a gainst the
theory of evolution is now collected within the
covers of one booklet, Evolution versus Th e
N ew World. This 64-page, colored-cover brochure will be sent to you, postpaid, for 5c.

Week of December 10:

New Systems of Things, U1-20.
Week of December 17:
New Systems of Th ings, U21-24; an d
Beginn ing t he New World Society, Vi I -IS.


NOVEMBER 15, 1950

Semimonth ly









Literal towers in Bible times were elevated van~ points from which
watchmen could observe happenings, warn of dan~er, or announce ~
news. Our m~azine figuratively occupies such a van~_ point, for it is
founded on the very pinnacle of wisdom, God's Word. That elevates it
above racial, national and/olitical prop~andas and prejudices, frees it from
selfish bias. It is not boun by any traditional creed, but its me88~e advances as the li~ht on God's purposes and works increases.-Habakkuk 2 :1-8.
It sees thin~s Scripturally. When it observes this ~neration Affiicted
with greed, delinquency, hypocrisy, atheism, war, famine, pestilence, perplexity and fear, and persecution of unpopular minorities, it does not parrot .the
old fable about history rel'eatin!ll itself. Informed by Bible prophecy, it sees in
these thin!lls the si~n of the world's time of the end. But with bri!llht hope it
also sees openin~ up for us just beyond these woes the portals of a new world.
Thus Viewed, "The Watchtower" stands as a watchman atop a tower,
alert to what is ~in~ on, awake to note si~ns of dan~er, faithful to ~int out
the way of escape. ft announces Jehovah's kinsldom established by Christ's
enthronement in heaven, feeds his kinsldom joint-heirs with spiritual food,
cheers men of !Ilood will with ~lorious prospects of eternal life in a paradise
earth, comforts us with the resurrection promise for the dead.
It is not d~atic, but has a confident rin~ in its voice, becaus~ it is based
on God's Word. It.does not privately interpret prophecy, but calls attention
to physical facts, sets them alon~side prophecy, and you see for yourself how
well the two match, how accurately Jehovah interprets his own prophecy.
In the interests of our salvation, it keeps sharp and faithful focus on Bible
truth, and views reli!llious news ~eneraUy.
'Be watchful in these perilous times,' God admonishes. So keep on the
watch by r~larly readinla "The Wa~tower".

117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N. Y., U. S. A.
N . H . KNORR , Pres ident

"They will all be taught by Jehovah."-John 6: 45, NW; Isaiah 54: 13

Printing this Issue: 1,225,000

Paying Back God's Things to God
Subjection to the Higher Powers
The Authorities Ordained by God
Governing Body
Execution of Judgment upon Opposers
"On Account of Your Conscience"
An Answer to "The Baptist Record"
Should Christians Worship Relics?
Fraudulent Religious Relics
Questions from Readers
Experience and Announcements


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LXX- ~ 8eptu.cInt Vendon
Ito - James ', tel'I!on

AS - AmtrIeon Standard VmlOll

AT - All ADr1eaIl TrIDalation
Do - J. N. DarbJ" m .IoD

NW - N.... World Tralll1atlon

R<> - J. B. Botberbam'l tenlon
TIle Emphatic Dla&lolt
R8 - InIsed Standard Vwon
Le - IsaacUaer', ,en1on
Yg - IIobert Toone'l tenlon
UDl8 ol1IerwlsI indicated, the Jltble mod II th e KID, J.mes Vmlon

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November 15, 1950

No. 22


" Then. he said to them: 'Pay back, therefore, Caesar's things to Caesar,
but God's things to God.'JJ-Matt. 22:21, NW.

EHOVAH God will in the near future

bring to a decisive end his controversy
with Caesar over .who is to dominate the
earth. When that supreme issue of universal sovereignty is settled, everybody permitted to live on earth will pay back everything to Jehovah God, because Caesar will
be no more. There will be no division of
obligations between God and the political
powers of this old world then. This old
world with its Caesars will have been destroyed. The righteous new world will be
here with Jehovah as the living, true God
and with the perfect Governor whom He
puts in authority over all the earth.
2 But until the universal war of Armageddon removes "Caesar" and all his
henchmen and his commercial and religious allies, "Caesar" has to be taken into
account even by persons who are no part
of this world but who are nevertheless living in it. When on earth as a man in the
midst of Caesar's domain, the Son of God
said: "I am from the realms above. . . .
I am not from this world." "I am no part
of the world." Yet at the same t ime he
said : "Pay back, therefore, Caesar's th ings
to Caesar, but God's things to God."
(John 8:23; 17:14,16 and Matt. 22:21,
NW) As long as this world lasts, Jesus'
words here apply. The question has to be
determined, therefore, as to what is to be

paid back to "Caesar" and what is to be

paid back to God. The question must be
determined, not according to "Caesar's"
arbitrary demands, but according to God's
own Book, the Bible, because Jehovah God
is the Supreme Authority.
3 The circumstances under which Jesus
made his oft-quoted statement reveal one
of the things that we must pay to "Caesar", It was not the matter of worship and
devotion or saluting the military standards
that they were discussing, but the matter
of paying public taxes for governmental
administration purposes. This fact is made
plain by the Bible account concerning this
incident at a time when Herod Antipas
was the administrator appointed by Caesar
for the province of Galilee and Pontius
Pilate was the administrator appointed by
Caesar for the province of Judea. The place
is Jerusalem in Judea. The time is just two
days before Jesus is impaled on the torture
stake at Calvary. The account reads:
~ "Then the Pharisees went their way
and took counsel together in order to trap
him in his speech. So they dispatched to
him their: disciples together with party
followers of Herod, saying: 'Teacher, we
know you are truthful and teach the way
of God in truth, and you do not care for
anybody, for you do not look upon men's
outward appearance. Tell us, therefore,




What do you think? Is it lawful to pay

tribute to Caesar or not?' But Jesus, knowing their wickedness, said: 'Why do you
put me to the test, hypocrites? Show me
the tribute coin.' They brought him a denarius [equal to 17 cents or 8 pence 2 farthings, a day's wage for workmen then].
And he said to them: 'Whose image and
inscription is this?' They said: 'Caesar's.'
Then he said to them: 'Pay back, therefore, Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's
things to God.' Well, when they heard that,
they marveled, and leaving him they went
off."-Matt. 22 :15-22, NW)' Mark 12:1317 ; Luke 20:19-26.
5 The scheme of the Pharisees, scribes
and chief priests of the Jews was to get
Jesus in trouble with Caesar's government
over Palestine and lay him open to the
charge of sedition. That is why they sent
along Jews who were party followers or
politically in favor of Herod as a local
ruler over them. Luke points that out,
saying: "And, after observing him closely,
they [the scribes and chief priests] sent
out men secretly hired to pretend that they
were righteous, in order that they might
catch him in speech, so as to turn him over
to the government and to the authority of
the governor [Pont ius Pilate]." They
proved unable to catch any subversive, seditious words from Jesus. Yet two days
later they deliberately went ahead and accused him before Pontius Pilate of those
very things, saying: "This man we found
subverting our nation and forbidding the
paying of taxes to Caesar and saying he
himself is Christ a king." (Luke 20:20;
23:2, NW) Little wonder that today the
religious enemies of Jehovah's witnesses
accuse them before the political authorities of espionage, subversiveness and sedition! Well, Jesus, who is Jehovah's chief
witness, declared that if the enemies accused him, the Master, of such things, how
much more would they falsely accuse his


N. Y.

followers of the same things to bring them

into difficulties with the political powers!
6 As we analyze Jesus' statement we see
he was not subversive and seditious but
just and fair toward Caesar. Whether the
Pharisees, scribes and chief priests liked
it or not, Jesus conceded that the payment
of tax to Caesar was a due owing to him.
It is true that Caesar was the military
conqueror of Palestine and held the Jews
in subjection, but, just the same, Caesar's
servants were exercising governmental
functions. They provided many public
benefits from their administration and
kept the peace and public order. So for
such social, economic and administrative
benefits and services, even the oppressed,
liberty-loving, independence-seeking Jews
were obligated to pay back to Caesar what
belonged to him. Part of the tax money
paid in Caesar might use in his military
ventures; but though the Jews had no sympathy for such military aggressions and
did not join his armies, they still must pay
the tax, because it was Caesar's responsibility and not theirs as to what he did with
his own money. The denarius coin was of
his make, and not that of Jehovah's theocratic government. The image and inscription on the coin identified the political taxing power, and it was in this coin that the
tax was to be paid. So for the beneficial
services that Caesar dispensed to them the
subject peoples were to pay him back in
the coin which he demanded, even if he
overcharged them oppressively.
7 Jesus himself paid the tax. And that
he had no objection to the collection or
the payment of the tax by his fellow Jews
to a foreign imperial power he showed by
his mingling with tax collectors and seeking their salvation. Hence his religious
foes said: "Look! a man gluttonous and
given to drinking wine, a friend of tax collectors and sinners." (Matt. 11:19, NW)
Jesus came as God's ambassador to earth,

NOVEMBER 15, 1950

but in a foreign land under administration that the question was up concerning the
by the foreign ruIing power even an am- lawfulness of paying tax to him. Caesar's
bassador must pay tax on the real estate own law required the tax, but the legalness
he occupies in that foreign land or on the of it was questioned by the Jews according
things he buys or services hired. So Jesus to Jehovah's law, the theocratic law. The
was reasonable and righteous as to what pagan Romans paid worship to Caesar acwas owing to Caesar.-2 Cor. 5:20, NW. cording to his law and also worshiped or
paid religious honors to their military
standards and ensigns. By the first and
of the Ten Commandments the conCaesar may not have agreed with what
Jews like Jesus were forbidden
Jesus here said, because it placed a limitato
(Ex. 20: 2-6, AS) The Caesars,
tion upon Caesar. Today modern Caesars
of tolerance, allowed conand extreme nationalistic patriots insist on
to worship their own local
payments mainly to Caesar, but they do
but demanded that they
not like to quote or to be confronted with
Caesar or emperthe other part of Jesus' statement about
empire together
paying back God's things to God. Now
Jesus and his
everybody must take note that Jesus said
divide their
these words, not to Gentiles such as pagan
the mount
Romans and Greeks, but to religious Jews.
we read:
They were members of a nation consecrat"So
him all
ed to Jehovah God and which he had chosthe
in an
en and brought into a covenant with him.
They were primarily under the theocratic
law which God had given to them by
delivMoses, and which governed their personal
conduct and their worship. So by this theo- ered to me and to whomever I wish I give
cratic law they owed the first things to it. You, therefore, if you do an act of worJehovah God, and not to any human crea- ship before me, it will all be yours.' In retion such as Caesar. Later on, that same ply Jesus said to him : 'It is written, "It is
day, Jesus told the Jews this, when one of Jehovah your God you must worship, and
the Pharisees, versed in the theocratic law, it is to him alone you must render sacred
put him to the test by saying: "Teacher, service." ,,, (Luke 4: 5-8, NW) Hence when
which is the greatest commandment in the Jesus said to those under theocratic law
Law?" Thereupon Jesus quoted from the that they should pay back God's things to
Law at Deuteronomy 6:5 and at Leviticus God, he did not mean Caesar deified. He
19:18 and answered: " 'You must love Je- meant Jehovah God, who gave the Mosaic
hovah your God with your whole heart Law to his chosen people. On these things
and with your whole souI and with your owed to God we can never compromise
whole mind.' This is the greatest and first with "Caesar" and his political henchmen.
10 A.D: 1914 the "appointed times of the
commandment. The second, like it, is this:
which began in 607 B.C. with
'You must love your neighbor as yourself.'
destruction of JeOn these two commandments the whole
Law hangs, and the Prophets."-Matt. rusalem ran out. Since then the nations
22:34-40, NW .
have been in the "time of the end" of this
9 It was not according to Caesar's law
world. Under the international stress of



this crucial time, and particularly now with

the cold war between the Eastern and
Western blocs of nations threatening to
become hot in a third world war, the political state symbolized by Caesar feels
under pressure to demand that its citizens
pay everything to Caesar, attributing to
the state the continued welfare and salvation of its citizens. More and more it is
inclined to encroach upon those God-given
things which genuine Christians must pay
back to the living, true God, and it makes
demands in conflict with the ru1ing laid
down by Jesus Christ. The proud, ambitious, self-centered nations never consider
that they as nations owe anything to Jehovah God. Nevertheless, they owe it to God
to pay back what belongs to him, particularly since 1914. Since then the issue of
universal sovereignty has been set before
them by the witnesses of Jehovah God.
This issue includes the question, Who will
rightfu1ly dominate the earth and rule all
its people? Who should rightfully do so
is clear from the prophecy for our time, at
Psalm 24 :1,2,7-10 (AS): "The earth is
Jehovah's, and the fu1ness thereof; the
world, and they that dwell therein. For he
hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. Lift up your
heads, 0 ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye
everlasting doors: and the King of glory
will come in. Who is the King of glory?
Jehovah strong and migh ty, Jehovah
mighty in battle. . . . He is the King of
11 No nation owns in absolute right the
territory it governs. The earth belongs to
Jehovah the Creator, and it is only by his
sufferance that nations are occupying His
territory, his possession. They are responsible to him for the way they manage the
earth. The governments over the various
parts of the earth and its people hold a
communal responsibility to the Creator,
especially those governments which claim


N. Y.

to be Christian or which have renounced

Christianity. He holds them responsible,
just as he did ancient Sodom and Gomorrah upon which he rained down fire and
brimstone. The appointed times of the nations for world domination expired in 1914.
He has notified them of this by his witnesses who proclaim the setting up of his
kingdom by Christ. Therefore it would be
the right thing for the nations, especially
those of Christendom, to pay back to God
his things and yield over their territory and
their sovereignty to him and his Christ.
But "Caesar" refuses to bow to this right
course. All the nations selfishly choose to
perpetuate "Caesar" and to exploit Jehovah's property, the earthly globe, and to
ruin it and its populations. As pictured by
the "ten kings", they prefer to fulfill
Revelation 17:12-14 (NW): "These have
one purpose, and so they give their power
and authority to the wild beast. These will
battle with the Lamb, but, because he is
Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb
will conquer them. Also those called and
chosen and faithfu1 with him will do so."
12 Extreme nationalists, exasperated at
the faithfulness of Jehovah's witnesses to
him, want to drive them off Jehovah's own
property and territory. They talk like godless totalitarians and loudly clamor for
Jehovah's witnesses to be deported from
the country, as if these witnesses were living on soil where they did not belong. In
fact, they would deport them from the face
of the earth. Little do they appreciate that
the faithfu1 servants of Jehovah are the
only ones who now have a right to occupy
the earth. God will demonstrate that right
in the battle between the Lamb and the
worldly nations. There Jehovah will clear
the earth of these fanatical superpatriots
of this world and will let only his faithful
witnesses survive on earth into the new
world where all creatures will pay back to
God the things belonging to God.

!T"HE clergy of Christendom have made

be drawn into political movements and be

themselves a part of this world. They swung over to Nazi, Fascist, Communist
freely meddle in the politics of this world and other dictators who set up a totalitarand drag politics into their religious meet- ian state, brutally persecute the true woringhouses. In 1929, by means of a concor- shipers of Jehovah and the faithful imitadat with the late Fascist dictator Musso- tors of his Christ and set out on a course
lini, the chief religionist re-established of military aggression for dominating the
himself as a political ruler over a political world and subjecting all peoples to their
state and now receives at his court the po- social, political ideologies.
litical ambassadors, ministers and charges
3 What such clerical construing of the
d'affaires from the various nations. Not Scriptures has resulted in may be gathered
only do the clergy pray for the political from a couple of news reports. A special
figures of the state and their policies, but dispatch to the New York Times with the
in times of mortal combat between nations date line "Moscow, April 24" stated: "The
they let their religious unity be split and elaborate celebration of the Russian Orthopray for the contending sides, each side dox Easter opened last night with the trapraying to the same God in the name of ditional midnight services conducted by
the same Christ to bless their side against Patriarch Alexei at Moscow's Yelokhovsky
the other side, while Methodist sets out to Cathedral. The cathedral was jammed to
destroy Methodist, Baptist Baptist, Catho- capacity. Just before midnight, Alexei utlic Catholic, Presbyterian Presbyterian, tered prayers for the Soviet people and
etc. The clergy and their religious flocks for the preservation of peace and a BENEjustify themselves in such actions by af- DICTION FOR THE LEADER OF THE SOVIET
firming that they must render to Caesar STATE, JOSEPH STALIN."-New York Times)
what belongs to Caesar.
April 25, 1949.
2 The
clergy also quote the apostle 's
4 The other dispatch was published by
writing at Romans 13: 1: "Let every soul the South German Gazette (Sueddeutsche
be subject unto the higher powers . For Zeitung) on December 7,1945, and tells of
there is no power but of God: the powers the confession of the well-known Pastor
that be are ordained of God." This scrip- Niemoeller shortly after the end of World
ture, they explain, declares that Caesar War II. Bearing the date line "Frankfort
and like political authorities are the "high- on the Main, 6 December (DANA)", this
er powers" ordained by God, and Chris- article with the heading "Criticism of the
tian souls must be subject to them, render- Evangelical Church" said: "Pastor Nieing full obedience to them. Under such moeller preached here on the first Sunday
ecclesiastical interpretation of the text it in Advent to an audience of a thousand
has been easy for so-called Christians to men and women of all professions and
ages. He expressed the wish for peace and
1. How do t he clergy make themselves part of this


world, and how do they justify themselves In doing so?

2. How do the)" exp lain Romans 13:1? With what effect
on Christians ?

3, 4. What do two newspaper reports show resulting

tram such clergy construing at the Scriptures?



warned against those who say that peace

is unrealizable and impossible. With sharp
words Pastor Niemoeller severely criticized the Evangelical Church, which in
former years and for hundreds of years
WEAPONS. He held out in contrast with
them the courageous fighters who unfiinchingly stood up for their ideas, making special mention of the Bibelforscher
[Bible Students, or Jehovah's witnesses]
who to the number of thousands had suffered death in the concentration camps for


N. Y.

for certainly God's sacred Word was not to

be interpreted in such a way that it led to
such un-Christlike acts. In proof of such
misgivings in honest hearts was the news
received at the same time as the above
dispatch from the American Zone of the
then occupied Germany.
G The news was to this effect: That "in
Frankfort a strong movement within the
Evangelical Church is under way which is
aiming at a reform in the church also in
a theological sense. Nothing has been so
detrimental to the Evangelical Church in



faith. The pea c e

that we aspire to,
said Niemoeller,
and the work
which awaits us,

as the theological
principles expre ss e d in th e
words: 'Be subject
to the higher pow-


possible by an influential c h u r C h,
but solely by our
return to modesty
and love of one's
neighbor, the foundation of Christianity."
~ Not alone in Germany but in all the
belligerent countries the clergy of all denominations asked divine blessings upon
the carnal weapons of the destroyers of
human lives and valuable property. Their
religious flocks approved, applauded and
supported the advances that were being
made against the foe. But many honesthearted persons saw the excesses to which
the clergy interpretation of vital scriptures
led the professed followers of Christ Jesus,
making them the easy pawns of totalitarian dictators who demanded for "Caesar"
the abject subjection of the people to the
political state. So they were filled with
misgivings. They began to see there was
need to re-examine the Holy Scriptures,

5. How have many honest-h ea rted persons been affected

by such thing s ?


thority over you'

-therefore a Iso
the Hitler dictatorship-and, 'Render
unto Caesar the
things which are Caesar's-and, according to this, also 'unto the Fuehrer the
things which are the Fuehrer's'. These
teachings had made the crossing over into
the camp of National Socialism all too easy
and facilitated the further step of blessing
cannon for the war. Teachings of this kind
which were quite understandable from
Luther's standpoint have been outlived.
Here a reform must be made".
7 How far the Evangelical Church of
Germany has gone in altering its understanding of the Scripture texts above referred to we are here not prepared to say.
But in Pastor Niemoeller's confession reported nbove he ment ioned the Bibelforscher or Je hovah's witnesses in Germany
and the Christian course of action they
6. I n proof of this what was the news from Frankfort
on the Main ?
7. \Vhen did we re-examine Romans 13:1-7 and publish
the conc lus ions ? What has holding to those conclusions
meant ?


15, 1950



took even under stress of dictatorship and

World War II. Up till 1928 they, too, had
held to the ecclesiastical interpretation of
Romans 13:1-7 concerning the "higher
powers". But that year this scripture was
taken under re-examination, especially in
view of the fact that the "times of the Gentiles" had ended A.D. 1914 and God's kingdom by Christ had then been established
in the heavens to bring in a new world
with eternal blessings for obedient men of
good will. The conclusions arrived at were
published in the June 1 and 15, 1929, issues of The Watchtower in the article, in
two parts, entitled "The Higher Powers".
Holding to these conclusions ever since has
cost many of Jehovah's witnesses their
personal liberty and even their lives. But
persecution, imprisonment, exile, and violent death were also the price which Jesus'
faithful apostles paid for paying back to
God God's things and to Caesar only Caesar's things and for rendering proper subjection to the true "higher powers". But
such sufferings are not to be compared
with the everlasting reward they have received. So, because of the pertinence of the
subject, now that totalitarian ideas and
practices and the idolatry of the political
state and its emblems are spreading, we
here take up a discussion of the crucial
text, Romans 13:1-7.
8 The King James or Authorized Version
of the Bible reads, at Romans 13: 1: "Let
every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the
powers that be are ordained of God." The
apostle Paul wrote those words to the
Christian congregation at Rome when the
Caesars were ruling the Roman Empire.
The clergy of Christendom have interpreted Paul to mean here by the "higher
powers" the political powers of this world.
So they have used his words here as in-

spired instructions on rendering to Caesar

the things belonging to Caesar. Understanding that the existing political powers
have been ordained by God, the translators
of the English Authorized Version were
led to say the following in their dedication
found in the front of each copy of this
9 "To the Most High and Mighty Prince,
James, by the Grace of God, King of Great
Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of
the Faith, &c. The Translators of the Bible wish Grace, Mercy, and Peace through
JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Great and manifold were the blessings, most dread Sovereign, which Almighty God, the Father of
all mercies, bestowed upon us the people of
England, when first he sent Your Majesty's
Royal Person to rule and reign over us.
. . . The Lord of heaven and earth bless
Your Majesty with many and happy days,
that, as his heavenly hand hath enriched
Your Highness with many singular and
extraordinary graces, so You may be the
wonder of the world in this latter age for
happiness and true felicity, to the honour
of that great Goo, and the good of his
Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord
and only Saviour."
10 But rather than being instructions by
the apostle to render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, Romans 13:1-7 has since
1929 been taken by Jehovah's witnesses to
be instructions on rendering to God what
belongs to God. Why? Because the expression "the higher powers" is now understood to mean primarily the Most High
God and his reigning Son Jesus Christ.
Surely there are no powers or authorities
higher than these. As rendered by the .recently issued New World Translation of
the Christian Greek: Scriptures Romans
13: 1 reads: "Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there

8, 9. Ho w h ave the clergy a pp lie d Romans 13:1, a n d

how Is this s hown In the dedication of the King James
Bible Version ?

10. Romans 13:1-7 ar e Instructions to make payments

back to whom ? Why ?



is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God." Jehovah God is the
Supreme and Original Authority. He being
the Creator of all things, it follows that
he is the source of all authority for doing
what is right. Because he is supreme and
all creation is dependent upon him, no one
has the right to question the Most High
God on how he uses his authority, even
though for a time we may not understand
it. He does what he pleases, but what he
does is always for good, since there can
never be any unrighteousness or untruthfuIness in him. "The Almighty is beyond
our minds. Supreme in power and rich in
justice, he violates no right." "There is one
thing God has said; ay, twice have I heard .
him say it: that power belongs to God."
(Job 37:23 and Ps. 62:11, Mo) The fact
stands unassailable that Jehovah God is
the Chief of the Superior Authorities.
Every souI shouId be subject to him.
11 In saying "there is no authority except by God", the apostle PauI also meant
the authority possessed by God's onlybegotten Son Jesus Christ. Jesus admitted
that his authority came from Jehovah God
when he said: "Father, the hour has come;
glorify your son, that your son may glorify you, according as you have given him
authority over all flesh, that, as regards
the whole number which you have given
him, he may give them everlasting life."
"For just as the Father has in himself the
gift of life, so he has granted to the Son
to have also in himself the gift of life.
And he has given him authority to do
judging, because Son of man he is. I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative;
just as I hear, I judge, and the judgment
that I render is righteous, because I seek
not my own wiII but the wiII of him that
sent me." (John 17:1,2 and 5 :26,27,30,
NW) After Jesus had proved his complete
11. Why Is Jesus' authorlty al so meant In that te xt ?


N. Y.

subjection to his heavenly Father as the

Supreme Authority of the universe even
to dying on the torture stake, God raised
him from the dead to immortal life in the
heavens. Then the resurrected Jesus said
to his disciples: "All authority has been
given me in heaven and on the earth."
(Matt. 28:18, NW) Such fuIl authority
was God's gift to him for his perfect faithfuIness.
12 On the clergy interpretation of Romans 13: 1 has been based the Roman
Catholic doctrine of the "divine right of
kings". Man-made governments since the
flood of Noah's day stem from Nimrod's
government at Babel or Babylon. "Cush
[Noah's grandson] was the father of Nimrod, who was the first person on the earth
to be a despot. . . . The nucleus of his
kingdom was Babylon." (Gen. 10:8-10,
AT; Mo) A public accusation was recently
made in Quebec against Jehovah's witnesses in these words: "Finally, the witnesses are anarchists, for they consider
that all the governments of the world,
from Nimrod to our days, have been under
Satan's inspiration,'?" But can anybody
say that Nimrod had the "divine right of
kings" and that his despotic kingdom at
Babylon was set up under the inspiration
and by the authority of Jehovah God? His
own Word, at Genesis 10:8-10, describes
Nimrod as setting himself up in opposition
to Jehovah, as being mightier than Jehovah. None of the man-made political governments since Nimrod's day can prove
from God's Word that they draw authority
from God for their existence.
13 The Bible describes political govern* L es T emo ins de Jehovah, par Damien Jasmin,
Collection de L'Institut P ie XI, Editions Lumen,
Montreal 1947. Also the Montreal-Matin, Canada, January 12, 1948.
12. From what government do man-made governments
till now st em ? Ho w Is It sho wn whet her this has been
with di vine au thority ?
13, 14. How does Revelation 13:1-12 show the source or
th eir au thorlty r


15, 1950



ments under the form of wild beasts. (Dan.

7: 1-24) Revelation symbolizes the worldly
political system which has dominated the
earth since Nimrod's day down to the
twentieth century as a beast from the sea.
It symbolizes the empire that has dominated the world since the seventeenth century as a beast out of the earth. It symbolizes Satan the Devil as the dragon.
Showing symbolically the source of worldly political authority it says:
14 "And the dragon [not God] gave the
beast its power and its throne and great
authority. And they worshiped the dragon
because he gave the authority to the wild
beast, and they worshiped the wild beast
. . . And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns
like a lamb, but it began speaking as a
dragon. And it exercises all the authority
of the first wild beast in its sight."-Rev.
13:2,4,11,12, NW.
1~ The Bible is not anarchistic for revealing that fact; and neither are Jehovah's
witnesses for teaching the Bible. They are
the most law-abiding, order-keeping people on the earth. Jesus was not anarchistic
because he refused to deviate from God's
law to please men and devils. Because he
recognized that man-made governments
did not derive their authority from God
but were under the inspiration of Satan,
he refused to meddle in them or take the
headship over them. It was Satan the
Devil, and not God, who offered him all the
authority and glory of the kingdoms of
this world if Jesus would do an act of worship to Satan. But Jesus was anointed with
God's spirit to the kingdom of the hea vens ,
and he refused to try to form a fusio n govern ment with Satan in order to gai n the
authori t y over the kingdoms of this world.
Jesus even refused to be elected king by
the popular vote of the Jewish people, be-

16 Clergymen who insist that political

powers of this world are the higher authorities to which we are to be subject bring
forward certain scriptures to bolster their
argument. They quote Daniel's words in
interpreting the dream to Nebuchadnezzar
king of Babylon: "Thou, 0 king, art a king
of kings: for the God of heaven hath given
thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and
glory. And wheresoever the children of
men dwell, the beasts of the field and the
fowls of the heaven hath he given into
thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over
them all." And on the night that Babylon
fell to the Persian conqueror Cyrus, Daniel
said to King Belshazzar: "0 thou king, the
most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy
father a kingdom, and majesty, and glory,
and honour: and for the majesty that he
gave him, all people, nations, and languages, trembled and feared before him."
(Dan. 2:37,38; 5:18,19) In harmony
with this Jehovah God told the Israelites
by the prophet Jeremiah: "And now have
I given all these lands into the hand of
Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon"; and
he told the Israelites to go out and yield
themselves in subjection to the king of
Bab ylon. (Jer. 27:5-13,17) Then, too ,
there are the words of Cyrus the conqueror of Babylon : "Thus saith Cyrus king of
Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath
Je hovah, the God of heaven, given me; and
he hath charged me to build him a house
in Jerusalem, which is in Judah." (2 Chron.

15. Why. then. cannot J ehovah's witnesses or Jesus

himself be ri ghtl y accused of being an archisti c '?

16. How do the clergy r efer to Nebuehndnezzar and

Cyrus to bolst er their argumentr

cau se he r ecognized that his appointment

and his authority to be king came from
God. He did not derive his power to govern from the consent of the governed, that
is to say, from the people. (Luke 4:5-8;
John 6:14,15) So he kept subject to the
Supreme Authority, God.



36:22,23, AS; Ezra 1:1,2) Do not these

scriptures prove that the political powers
of this world of today draw their authority from Jehovah God and are ordained
by him?
17 The foregoing scriptures must be harmonized with Revelation, chapter 13, and
other texts which show the political powers of this world are by and are under the
"ruler of this world", "the god of this systern of things." "The whole world is lying
in the power of the wicked one." (John
12:31 and 2 Cor.4 :4 and 1 John 5:19, NW)
So it must be remembered that both Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus were used as types.
In destroying Jerusalem in 607 B.C. and
taking the Jews captive to Babylon Nebuchadnezzar was being used as Jehovah's
executioner against the unfaithful Jewish
nation. For this reason Jehovah spoke of
him as "my servant" and gave him the
domination over other nations of this
world. In this capacity Nebuchadnezzar
was a type of Jesus Christ. God uses Christ
as his executioner of vengeance against
Jerusalem's modern counterpart, Christendom, and God also gives him the domination over all the nations of this world before destroying them at the battle of Armageddon. In conquering Babylon and restoring the exiled Jews to Palestine to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem Cyrus king
of Persia was also used as a type. For this
reason Jehovah God gave the kingdoms of
this world into the hand of Cyrus. This
prefigured that God would use Jesus Christ
to destroy the Devil's organization, mystic
Babylon, and wou1d use him to restore
Jehovah's witnesses to the pure and free
worship of God in this "time of the end"
of the world and would make him ruler
over all the earth.
1 8 It cannot be said of the other political
17. How do we answer their argum ent In ha rmony wit h
Revelation 13:1-12?
18, 19. Ho w, therefore. does this prove poll tical governments are not the "superior authorities" , a nd how fa r
do we obey them ?


N. Y.

powers and authorities of this world that

they were types of Christ as God's Chief
Servant and that therefore God gave such
political powers their authority. Certainly
Caesar's government in killing the Son of
God and thereafter persecuting his faithfu1 followers was not a type of Christ's
government authorized by God. Jesus told
the Roman government: "You wou1d have
no authority at all against me unless it
had been granted to you from above. This
is why the man that handed me over to
you has greater sin." (John 19:11, NW)
But God did not approve of the Roman
government for executing Jesus at Calvary. Neither did he hold it without sin
for doing so. Likewise he does not authorize and give approval to political governments of today in persecuting the Christian witnesses of Jehovah.
19 The political powers of this world are,
therefore, not the "superior authorities"
to whom Christian souls are to be subject
in every demand they make. Every law
and statute that is in harmony with righteousness the true Christians will obey in
an exemplary fashion. But any law and demand made in conflict with the superior
laws and commandments of God they will
not obey, for that would mean to render to
"Caesar" what belongs to God.
20 Jesus' apostles took this position. In
their day the Jewish Sanhedrin at Jerusalem was charged with certain judicial and
legal functions by Caesar's government.
But it was not for this reason part of the
"superior authorities" among Jesus' followers. Jesus had separated his disciples
from the natural Israelites and had formed
them into a spiritual Israel, "the Israel of
God." (Gal. 6:16 ) So the Jewish Sanhedrin
was no longer a govern ing body among
God's true people, but was an alien governmental body now. Its being a religious body
20. How d id Jesus ' apostl es take this same position, and


15, 1950



of priests and clergymen added nothing to

its power over Jewish Christians. So when
it demanded of the apostles that they stop
preaching Jesus Christ to the people at
Jerusalem, Peter and John answered the
Sanhedrin: "Whether it is righteous in
the sight of God to listen to you rather
than to God, make your decision. But as
for us, we cannot stop speaking about the
things we have seen and heard." A second
time before the Sanhedrin for refusing to
obey their court order, Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God as
ruler rather than men. The God of our
forefathers raised up Jesus, . . . And we
are witnesses of these matters, and so is
the holy spirit which God has given to
those obeying him as ruler." (Acts 4:19,
20 and 5: 29-32, NW) But for this refusal
to obey the anti-God order of the Jewish
Supreme Court Peter and the other apostIes could not be accused of being anarchists or subversive. God gave them and not
the Sanhedrin his holy spirit, thus showing
whom he approved and authorized.
21 In view of not recognizing worldly poIitlcal powers as the "superior authorities"
ordained by God, but recognizing only
God and Jesus Christ to be such now, the
Christian witnesses conscientiously refrain
from taking part in the politics of this
world, yes, even from voting. This has
been true of them from the first century
on. Testifying to this fact, Ancient Times
-A History of the E ar ly World) by Jas.
H. Breasted, Ph.D., LL.D., says, under the
heading, "1070. Rome persecutes the early
Christians," the following: "The officers of
government often found these earl y converts not only refusing to sacrifice to the
emperor as a god but also openly prophesying the downfall of the Roman State. The
early Christians were therefore more than
once called upon to endure cruel persecu-

tion. Their religion seemed incompatible

with good citizenship, since it forbade
them to show the usual respect for the
emperor and the government."-Page 663,
edition of 1916.
22 In some countries today the legislature wants to make all the adult citizens
responsible for the government. To enforce
the democratic way upon them they are
required by law to vote in the national
elections. Under such circumstances what
are Christians to do, since they are under
divine command to keep themselves unspotted from this world? By dedicating
themselves wholly to God through Christ
they have vowed their unswerving allegiance to the kingdom of God, and they
cannot divide their allegiance. So how are
they now to proceed? Can they register as
qualified voters? Yes. The apostle Paul
held onto his Roman citizenship and fought
for its rights, even appealing to Caesar in
defending his right to preach the gospel.
In lands where military conscription is in
force Jehovah's witnesses register the
same as all others within the age limits,
and they write down their relationship to
the matter. They remember how Joseph
and Mary complied with Caesar's decree
and traveled to Bethlehem-Judah in order
to be registered at their home town. (Luke
2: 1-5, NW) But it is when these ministers
of Jehovah's Word are called up for induetion into the army that then they present
themselves and take their stand according
to God's Word and pay to him what belongs to him. Likewise where Caesar makes
it compulsory for citizens to vote. After
they have registered and when election
day comes, they can go to the polls and
enter the voting booths. It is here that
they are called upon to mark the ballot or
write in what they stand for. The voters
do what they will with their ballots. So

21. Hence from what have Christi ans refrained, from

the first century on '!

22. How a re they to proceed where voting Is made compu lsory by law ?



here in the presence of God is where his

witnesses must act in harmony with his
commandments and in accordance with
their faith.
23 It is not our responsibility to instruct
them what to do with the ballot. They
must act in accord with their conscience
as enlightened by the study of God's Word.
In lands where voting is not compulsory,
the ministers of Jehovah's Word remember that his people are theocratically organized. According to the divine law under which they are organized the popular
vote of the majority does not put servants
in office, but all appointments in the theocratic organization are from God and
through those whom he puts in authority
in his organization. Even in his visible organization the individual members of the
congregation do not vote democratically
and put qualified men into positions of
overseers and ministerial servants by majority vote. No, but the appointments to
all official positions of service are made by
the spirit of God and through the governing body according to the Scriptural requirements. Even the governing body
which make the appointments are under
instructions from the "superior authorities", God and his Christ. To them it is
written: "Never lay your hands hastily
upon any man; neither be a sharer in the
sins of others; preserve yourself pure."
(1 Tim. 3:1-13 and 5:22, NW) So the ministers of Jehovah's Word do not possess
the vote within his organization. As for
the governing body, it does not lay its
hands hastily upon a consecrated person,
lest it should become responsible for his
sins in office due to a hasty appointment
of an undependable, unqualified person.
24 Since they do not exercise the popular
vote to put even consecrated servants into
office even within the theocratic organiza23. 24. What do they do where voting Is not compulsory. and why ?



tion, they consider it improper to exercise

the democratic vote by which unconsecrated persons are put into worldly political
offices. They do not choose to share in the
responsibility for the sins of such worldlings in governmental offices. They want to
preserve themselves pure from this world.
They abide by God's appointments through
his theocratic organization, and they accept his appointment of Jesus Christ to the
kingship of the righteous new world.
25 Paul was a member of the governing
body of the congregation of the first century. He gives the reason for being in subjection to the superior authorities, saying:
"The existing authorities stand placed in
their relative positions by God." (Rom.
13:1, NW) How could this be true of
worldly political governments? There those
in official positions are put in by popular
vote, by machine party-politics, by dictatorial seizure of power, by executive appointment, by hereditary law of a dynasty,
by legislative action or parliamentary appointment. God is not manipulating worldly politics like a political boss. It is only
within his theocratic organization that
the existing authorities stand placed in
various positions with relationship to one
another by God. In the preceding chapter
Paul writes: "Just as we have in one body
many members, but the members do not all
have the same function , so we, although
many, are one body in union with Christ,
but members belonging individually to one
another."-Rom. 12: 4,5, N W.
26 In an earlier letter to the congregation
at Corinth Paul writes concerning the same
theocratic body and says : "But now God
has set the members in the body, each one
of them, just as he pleased. . . . God compounded th e body, giving honor more

25, 26. Where are th e existing authorities placed In

position by God-:

NOVEMBER 15, 1950


abundant to the part which had a lack, so

that there should be no division in the
body, but that its members should have
the same care for one another. Now you
are Christ's body, and members individually. And God has set the respective ones
in the congregation, first, apostles; second,
prophets; third, teachers; then powerful
works; then gifts of healings; helpful services, abilities to direct, different tongues."
-1 Cor. 12:12,13,18,24,25,27,28, NW.
27 Rightfully Jehovah God has reserved
for himself the position of Supreme One
of the "superior authorities". He shares
that position with no one else, trinitarians
to the contrary. Whom, then, has he placed
next highest with relation to himself? Jesus Christ, who proved his loyalty to his
heavenly Father to a violent death in the
midst of Satan's hostile world. "Keep this
mental attitude in you which was also in
Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration
to a seizure, namely, that he should be
equal to God. No, but he emptied himself
and took a slave's form and came to be in
the likeness of men. More than that, when
he found himself in fashion as a man, he
humbled himself and became obedient as
far as death, yes, death on a torture stake.
For this very reason also God exalted him
to a superior position and kindly gave him
the name that is above every other name,
so that in the name of Jesus every knee
should bend of those in heaven and those
on earth and those under the ground, and
every tongue should openly confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God
the Father."-Phil. 2:5-11, NW.
28 Further testifying that the Most High
God has made Jesus Christ one of the
"superior authorities", Paul writes: "It is
according to the operation of the mightiness of his strength, with which he has
'n, 28. So who is highest, and who has been placed next

highest ?


operated in the case of the Christ when

he raised him up from the dead and seated
him at his right hand in the heavenly
places, far above every government and
authority and power and lordship and
every name named, not only in this system
of things, but also in that to come. He also
subjected all things under his feet, and
made him head over all things to the congregation, which is his body." (Eph.1:1923, NW) "He is at God's right hand, for
he went his way to heaven, and angels and
authorities and powers were made subject
to him."-l Pet. 3:22, NW.
29 Since Jesus has thus been exalted next
to God far above every other government
in this world or in that which is to come,
then God rightly commands us who adhere to his organization to be subject to
Christ Jesus as the Head of the congregation which is his body. To picture this
theocratic subjection of the congregation
to its Head Christ Jesus, the Christian
wives maintain themselves subject to their
husbands. To show they are subject to the
"superior authorities", they do not usurp
authority over the men in the congregation and set themselves up as teachers.
(1 Cor. 14:33-35; 1 Tim. 2:11-13) When
they receive an appointment through the
theocratic organization and temporarily
occupy the position of service that a man
should carry out within the congregation,
they subject themselves to the rule at
1 Corinthians 11: 10 (NW): "That is why
the woman ought to have a sign of authority upon her head because of the angels."
They are safeguarded through such subjection.
3 0 The entire body of Christ is to be associated with Jesus in the heavenly kingdom in the world to come. This Kingdom

29. To wh om. therefore, does God rightly command us

to be s ubj ect ? How 15 our subjection to him pictured ?
30. \Vho else were superior authorities In the first century ? Why ?



body with Jesus Christ as King of kings

and Lord of lords will be Jehovah's capital organization over the universe. It was
during the first century that "God has set
the respective ones in the congregation,
first, apostles". (1 Cor. 12:28, NW) Hence
in the theocratic organization the apostles,
that is, the "twelve apostles of the Lamb",
were next to Jesus Christ the Head. (Rev.
21:14) Hence they formed part of the "superior authorities" to which every Christian soul was to be subject. This is indicated to us by various scriptures.
31 For example, Paul speaks of those then
governing within the entire congregation,
saying: "Remember those who are governing you, who have spoken the word of God
to you, and as you contemplate how their
conduct turns out imitate their faith. Be
obedient to those who are govern ing you
and be submissive , for they are keeping
watch over your souls as those who will
render an account, that they may do this
with joy and not with sighing, for this
would be damaging to you. Give my greetings to all those who are governing you
and to all the holy ones." (Heb. 13:7,17,
24, NW) In no way could this refer to political governors appointed by Caesar or
by the Roman Senate. Paul says that these
holy governors spoke God's Word to the
Christians and their conduct showed faith
that is worthy of Christian imitation and
they were keeping watch over the souls of
the congregation most conscientiously because they had to give an accounting to
God. Paul was one of that governing body ,
and in a number of places he speaks of his
authority, which God gave him in the congregation in order to build it up and not
tear it down.-l Cor. 9:12, 18; 2 Cor. 10:8;
13:10; 2 Thess. 3:9.
31. How does P aul fu rther Indica te that fac t, even in
his own case ?


3 2 According to the theocratic arrangement today there must be a governing

body for the congregation of Jehovah's
witnesses throughout the earth. The facts
show these to be associated with the
Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. However, the twentieth-century governing body
are not a part of the "superior authorities"
as the twelve apostles were. They are subject to the invisible "superior authorities"
and merely represent them on earth.
33 Christ Jesus now is invisibly present
in his second par-ou-sic: and is the acting
Head Governor over his congregation. He
is the one whose birth on earth was foretold at Micah 5: 2, the prophecy which is
quoted at Matthew 2 :6: "You, however, 0
Bethlehem of the land of Judah, are by no
means the most insignificant city among
the governors of Judah; for out of you will
come forth a leader who will shepherd my
people, Israel." (NW) In the capacity of
Governor with superior authority Jesus in
this his second por-ou-sia appoints his
anointed slave class to a more responsible
service and so fulfills his own prophecy:
"Who really is the faithful and discreet
slave whom his master appointed over his
domestics to give them their food at the
proper time? Happy is that slave if his
master on arriving finds him doing so.
Truly I say to you that he will appoint him
over all his belongings." (Matt. 24 :45-47,
NW) But that does not mean making this
"faithful and discreet slave" class a part
of the "superior authorities" to wield the
sword of execution. Since the appointment
of this faithful class is theocratic, they
should be respected an d their services
should be gladly received as from the
"superior aut hor it ies".

32. How a bout th e govern ing body on earth today ?

33. Wh o is th e Head Governor? Wh at class has he now
p rom oted In se rvice. and doe s this m ak e it part of t he
su per ior authorities ?

EXECUl.tON~-:::- -


.:.-:---=-OE-J YE>G-M EI\IT

with respect to Jehovah's theocratthat Paul says : "ThereIforeTicISheorganization
who ranges himself up against the
authority has taken a stand against the
arrangement of God; those who have taken
a stand against it will receive judgment
to themselves." (Rom. 13:2, NW) Jehovah
God has built up a universal organization
of his faithful creatures in heaven and
earth, and various creatures he sets in
positions with special authority. These
represent him, and for this reason they
are to be respected. They have not assumed this authority themselves. The y
received it from God in a theocratic way.
We are therefore to respect the "authority", the office which the servant of God
occupies, even though personally we might
want to take exception to the servant in
the office. God set up the theocratic organization of the Christian congregation.
He made Jesus of Nazareth Head of it and
also stationed unlettered and ordinary men
as apostles next to him in the organization.
The unbelieving Jews, especially their religious leaders, opposed this arrangement of
God, and persecuted Jesus and his apostles.
In doing so they were taking a stand
against God's arrangement and really
fighting him. Gamaliel , a Law teacher,
warned the Jewish Sanhedrin of this, saying: "Do not meddle with the se men, but
let them alone; (because, if this scheme
and this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not
be able to overthrow them ;) otherwise,
you may perhaps be found fighters actual1. To what organizati on does Rom ans 13:2 apply ? So
why must the " author ity" be re sp ected and not taken
a stand a gainst ?

ly against God." (Acts 5:38,39, NW) Because it is God's arrangement against

which the opposers take a stand and fight,
they subject themselves to direct judgment from him. They will surely have it
executed upon them by him.
2 A.D. 1914 the appointed times of the
nations expired. Then God put his Son
into authority as King of the new world.
Thus the "authority of his Christ" came,
and God says now: "Let all God's angels
worship him." (Rev. 12:10 and Heb. 1:6,
NW) The nations of this world , intent on
keeping up their own domination of the
earth, opposed this theocratic appointment
of Christ, and they have since raged and
imagined vain things in opposition. Jehovah 's witnesses continue to warn them
that they have thus taken a stand against
the invincible arrangement of God and will
receive adverse judgment from him for it.
His fiery judgment will be executed upon
them in their utter destruction at the battle of Armageddon. For this special reason
the worldly political rulers could not be
the "superior authorities" to whom Christian souls are to be subject in everything.
Were we to subject ourselves to them in
their ideas for perpetuating their political
domination of the earth, we would be ranging ourselves with them against Jehovah's
kingdom and his Christ. We would then
recei ve judgment to ourselves with them
and would suffer annihilation with them
at Armageddon.
3 It is for our good that we subject our2. Why has the course of the nations since 1914 shown
t hey are not the " superior authorities" ? Why cannot
we range ourselves with them ?
3, 4. Are worldly ru lers no object of fear to th e good
deed ? Are they God's ministers to us for good ?




selves to the "superior authorities" and to

God's arrangement of them. "For those
ruling are an object of fear, not to the good
deed, but to the evil. Do you, then, want
to have no fear of the authority? Keep
doing good, and you will have praise from
it; for it is God's minister to you for your
good" (Rom. 13:3,4, NW) This cannot be
said of worldly rulers, who connive at evildoers and praise and eulogize those who
practice wickedness in this system of
things. The greatest good deed that a person could perform is to serve God according to his commandments and to act as a
minister of his Word, bearing witness to
his name, purpose and universal sovereignty. But in lands behind the "iron curtain"
and in so-called democratic lands where
fascistic dictators and totalitarian hierarchies hold control, Jehovah's witnesses
are forbidden to perform such a good deed.
In fact, in all lands they are penalized in
various ways for serving the living, true
God in harmony with his Word. They are
hated by all nations and peoples.-Matt.
10:22; 24:9.
~ Because worldly rulers terrorize and
create fear in those who want to do the
good deed, multitudes of people are frightened off from taking their stand openly
for Jehovah and his kingdom and associating themselves with his witnesses in
worshiping and serving him. So such political rulers are not God's ministers to us
for good. Let such rulers examine themselves and honestly admit it.
5 Concerning Jesus Christ it was prophesied: "There will be the root of Jesse
[King David's father], and there will be
one arising to rule nations; on him nations
will rest their hope." Since Jesus' resurrection from death and his glorification in
heaven he is "The Ruler of the kings of

the earth". (Rom. 15:12 and Rev. 1:5,

NW) He is indeed an object of fear to
those doing evil, but he is an encourager
of those doing good according to God's
will. These have no fear of him in his position of authority since 1914, but good-will
persons of all nations are led to rest their
hope in him.
8 For doing good in obedience to God's
Word we do receive praise, so that we
know we have the divine approval and
blessing. Because the "other sheep" do
good to the anointed witnesses who are
Christ's brothers, the King Jesus Christ
says: "Come, you who have my Father's
blessing, inherit the kingdom prepared for
you from the world's foundation. . . . To
the extent that you did it to one of the
least of these my brothers, you did it to
me." (Matt. 25:34,40, NW) So in the
strictest sense the Ruler Jesus Christ is
God's minister or servant for our highest
good. He assures us of his approval despite
the scorn, condemnation and persecution
by the rulers of this world. And those in
the theocratic organization who represent
the "superior authorities" in an official
capacity will likewise praise those who do
good and will encourage them.
7 "But if you are doing evil, be in fear:
for it is not without purpose that it [the
authority] bears the sword; for it is God's
minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing evil." (Rom. 13: 4,
NW) How true this is in this "time of the
end" since 1914! The judgment of the nations is moving ahead. It is a time to fear
to do evil. Rather, seek righteousness,
meekness and godliness, because Jehovah's
authorized Ruler of the new world, Jesus
Christ, is on the throne and ruling in the
midst of his foes. He is God's avenger and
the vindicator of His universal sovereignty.

5,6. Who as ruler Is God's minister fearful to evildoers? How does he praise those who do good ?

7. What does th e authority bear, and for what purpose?

Where w ill Chr ist use It toward the nations, and how?


15, 1950


The sword which the authority bears symbolizes God-given power to execute [udgment and cut off those who range themselves against God. Hence the symbolic
description of Christ as he rides to execute
God's vengeance at Armageddon tells us:
"Out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp
long sword , that he may smite the nations
with it, and he will shepherd them with a
rod of iron." (Rev. 19:15, NW) So upon
the nations practicing evil he will act as
the avenger to express the divine wrath. At
Armageddon he will not recognize the poIitical powers of this world as the "superior authorities" with absolute control
over every human soul. No, but he will
destroy them. He will treat them as his
footstool, beneath his feet, and he will
tread them to destruction in the winepress
of God's wrath. Then there will no more be
a "Caesar" to whom anything must be
paid. All things will be God's and be paid
back to him.-l Cor. 15:24-28.


8 In the first century of the Christian

congregation the apostles as part of the
"superior authorities" exercised considerable power. As inspired spokesmen for God
they expressed his judgments against evildoers in the congregation, this in cases being immediately followed by their punishment. Recall how Ananias and Sapphira
fell down at once and expired when Peter
pointed out that they had played false, not
to men, but to God. What effect did this
have on others? "Consequently great fear
came over the whole congregation and
over all those hearing about these things."
When the apostle Paul and Barnabas were
preaching before the Roman proconsul on
the island of Crete and the sorcerer, the
Jewish false prophet Elymas, opposed the

divine message, Paul pronounced the divine judgment upon him. "Instantly a
thick mist and darkness fell upon him, and
he went around seeking men to lead him
by the hand. Then the proconsul, upon seeing what had happened, became a believer,
as he was astounded at the teaching of
Jehovah." (Acts 5:1-11 and 13:6-12, NW)
It was indeed not without purpose that the
divine authority, which the apostles represented, bore the sword.
9 It is fear-inspiring to contemplate the
execution of God's judgment against evildoing. But not just for motives of fear
should we avoid evil-doing and do good.
The more powerful driving force in us
should be the conscientious love of righteousness. Hence the apostle says: "There
is therefore compelling reason for you to
be in subjection, not only on account of
that wrath but also on account of your
conscience." (Rom. 13:5, NW) It gives us
peace of heart and freedom from fear if
we have the approval of our conscience.
But to be sure that our conscience is a true
and safe indicator of the rightness of our
actions it should be taught by God's Word.
10 If we love life and want divine approval, we, of course, want to do right and
escape God's wrath. Fear of wrath is not
the greatest power for right-doing. "The
demons believe and shudder." (Jas. 2:19,
NW) But for all their fear of divine wrath
they do not break away from evil-doing in
the Devil's organization. However, where
we have a conscience trained in righteousness and we want it always to approve us
for doing right, we will abandon evil-doing
and will devote ourselves to right-doing.
Subjecting ourselves to the "superior authorities" because they are the arrangement of God is right. So, not just to avoid
God's wrath, but rather for the sake of our

8. How did t he apostles act with swo rd-bearing authorlt y ?

9, 10. What Is the compelling reason for us to be In

subjection ? Why ?





N. Y.

good conscience, we will keep ourselves in to him who calls for tax [on commercial
subjection to the "superior authorities". items], the tax; to him who calls for fear,
This results in everlasting life to us, for it such fear; to him who calls for honor, such
vindicates the universal sovereignty of God. honor." (Rom. 13: 7, NW) The superior
11 With authority Jesus told his followauthorities within the divine organization
ers to pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, call for our proper fear and honor. These
including the payment of taxes. And so due things we will render them. To "Caefor conscience' sake we pay tribute to sar" we will rend er what is due him for
"Caesar" as long as Almighty God lets him the services he renders us, but we will not
continue on earth. "For that is why you let him crowd in upon our worship of the
are also paying tribute," Paul wrote to Most High God by decrees against the arthe Christians who were at Rome, the very rangement of God. We will "be in fear of
capital of Caesar the great imposer of tax him that can destroy both soul and body
and tribute. Then with reference again to in Gehenna", that is, the Almighty and
Jehovah's theocratic organization Paul Most High. (Matt. 10:28, NW ) To persons
adds: "For they are God's public servants in prominent positions with in "Caesar's"
constantly serving this very purpose." organization we will give due and proper
(Rom. 13:6, NW) Christ and his apostles, respect, but will do so with fear of God.
clothed with authority from God and thus "Honor men of all kinds," writes Peter ,
given superiority within his organization, "have love for the whole association of
are and must be his public servants. God brothers, be in fear of God, have honor
keeps a close supervision of them and holds for t he king." (1 Pet. 2:17, NW) In the
them responsible for the way they use fear of God we will honor his King whom
their delegated authority. To him they he has clothed with new world auth or ity.
1 3 Pursuing this course prescribed by the
must in due time render account on how
they used their authority in his name. So
it behooves these superior authorities un- Supreme Autho rity, we will be paying to
del' the Most High to serve his purpose con- everybody what is due him. Our obligations in this world both to "Caesar" and
stantly for the eternal good of those who
subject themselves according to God's will. to God we will discharge, so that in the
Christ Jesus and his associates in heaven final judgment no unpaid debts can be
will do so.
charged against us. One thing we will al12 The apostle now concludes the discusways be owing our fellow creature, and
sion, showing that we can pay back "Cae- that is love, love of our neighbo r as oursar's" things conscientiously to "Caesar" selves. This we will endeavor to pay alwhile at the same time paying back God's ways, in obedience to the apostollc.instr ucthings to God. In view of Jesus' words and tion: "Do not be owing anybody a single
the apostle's instructions, this course de- thing, except to love one another ; for he
that loves his fellow man has fulfilled th e
notes our subjection to the "superior authorities". Paul says : "Render to all their law." (Rom. 13:8, NW) In obedience to
the greatest commandment of all, that of
dues, to him who calls for tribute [levied
on persons and land estates] , the tribute; loving God completely, we will be subject
to the "superior authorities".
n . Why, then, do we primarlly pa y tribute? And what
purpose do God 's public serv a nts constantly serve ?
12. What d ues will we re nder to va r ious ones. as commanded ?

13. What will we always be paying one another as owIng them? In obedience to what com mand will we be
subject to superior authorities ?

The Baptist Record,

Baptist Building,
Jackson 105, Miss.

11, 1950.
t .

Attention of A. L. Goodrich, D.D., Editor

In your edition of Th e Baptist Record of
Thursday, August 31, copy of which has
been referred to us, you call public notice
to the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures released on August 2
at Yankee Stadium, New York city, at the
international assembly of Jehovah's witnesses. Your page 1 presents verbatim the
Religious News Service (RNS) announcement of this new translation, but it is on
your editorial page (4) where you make
your attitude known toward this twentiethcentury translation of the Christian Scriptures from the original Greek into Ianguage that people talk and understand today. A Christian work of this kind is certain to make the sacred Scriptures more
understandable to the people and more
loved by them, with a transforming effect
on their lives in these days when godless
communism is cutting deep swaths through
the ranks of Christendom.
But you find no commendation for it.
Your editorial comment is headed "The
Cross Is Not A Stake". First it calls attention to the RNS announcement and
then at once declares your lack of confidence in the N ew World Translation. The
prejudice that stamps your editorial is

plainly because the 'Yatch Tower

Bible & Tract Society obtained possession of this Scripture Translation and is publishing it. We observe that on page one your article
headed "Georgia Senators Will Oppose Ambassador to Vatican" reflects your opposition to the Roman Catholic religious system. So
we wonder whether you are likewise prejudiced against the Douay Version of the Bible and other versions of the
Holy Scriptures recently brought out by
such men as Monsignor Ronald Knox, Rev.
F. A. Spencer, Rev. Cuthbert Lattey, S.J.,
the Episcopal Committee of the Catholic
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, etc .,
just because of their being Catholic translators.
In its English publications the Watch
Tower Bible & Tract Society has made
many quotations from all these Roman
Catholic translations, quoting all together
from upward of 70 different Bible translations. But you discourage the use of the
New World Translation by Baptists and
any other readers of your paper because
of who publishes it. You do this without
To further bias your readers against the
New World Translation you comment sarcastically on the fact that the translators
have chosen to remain unnamed, letting
the merit of the translation rest, not on
names, but upon its faithful rendition of
the Scriptures from their original language. You impugn the motives of the
translators for doing so. Your second paragraph reads: "Note that the translators
'wish to remain anonymous even after
death.' We don't blame them. If the facts
as stated in the article mentioned above
are true, they deserve to remain anonymous both before and after death."
Your comment is on a par with that of
The Catholic Telegraph Reqister, of August 18, section two, pages 1, 4, which


I ,


says: "Although the Witnesses claim that

their translation is the 'product of three
years' research by an international commission of Biblical scholars in New York
city'-albeit the identity of the translators
is being withheld at their own requestthey are not likely to make much impression on either Catholic or Protestant scholars. It is no wonder that the translators
wish to remain unknown." (Monsignor
Matthew Smith) Although they disagree
violently among themselves on many points
of doctrine and practice, how alike in attitude the clergy of the various wings of
orthodox religion of Christendom are
toward what is unorthodox!
However, is a work of Scripture to be
condemned because the producers do not
choose to advertise themselves but let all
the glory go to the Author of the Scriptures, God? Then The Twentieth Centuru
New Testament is to be condemned without investigation because those responsible
for it, "a company of about twenty persons, members of various sections of the
Christian Church," chose to remain anonymous and merely signed their Preface
"The Translators", November, 1898. Likewise any other anonymous translations of
the Scriptures. Then, too, the anonymous
books of the Bible, such as 1 and 2 Kings,
1 and 2 Chronicles, and Hebrews, and
those which give a name but no details
about the one named, are to be condemned,
their scholarship is to be doubted and contemned, and their ableness for the task
of writing is to be suspected. In its appraisal of the New World Translation Committee, The Baptist Record has shown an
absence of scholarship. A true scholar
would first investigate and honestly study
a newly produced work before passing
judgment upon its producers according to
his own preconceived notions and indoctrination. A trustworthy scholar will in
this case follow the Scriptural rule, "Prove


N. Y.

all things, hold fast that which is good."

-1 Thessalonians 5:21,
There is no excuse for your position,
The New World Translation was released
August 2 and various news agencies at
once published this event. Between then
and the date you published your paper
you had four weeks in which to procure
a copy. But your editorial betrays that you
failed to get a copy and make a thorough
examination of all its many fea tures which
are well documented and authenticated.
And yet you presume to pass judgment on
the New World Translation and condemn
it without investigation to all your readers. For this, your responsibility is great
before the Bible's great Author.
The pitfall into which such a course will
lead a clergyman is revealed in your third
paragraph, which makes you ridiculous before all true Biblical scholars. You say
therein: "It is also stated that reference
to the Trinity have been omitted. [sic ] Instead of the phrase 'Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost,' the new translation uses the word s
'the spirit, the water, and the blood.' Th at
is just one sample of the unscriptural
teaching Jehovah's Witnesses. [ sic ] In
other words the phrase 'the spirit, the water, and the blood' in the place of the
'The Father, Son and Holy Ghost' [sic ] is
not according to the original Greek in
which the New Testament was writ ten."
Of course, The Baptist Record should
know that the word "trinity" does not occur in any English edition of the Bible,
nor even in the Latin translation of the
original Greek, but the equivalents for it,
trias and trinuas, were introduced into
ecclesiastical writings by Theophilus and
Ter'tuIlian in the late second century. The
Baptist Record should know, to o, that the
words "Holy Ghost" do not occur in the
American Standard Vers ion of the Bible
but that it uses the words "holy spirit";
and so do other modern versions.


15, 1950


Hence your statement that "reference to

the Trinity have been omitted" is begging
the question. Had you been cautious and
procured first a copy of the New World
Translation and read Matthew 28:19, you
would have seen that this translation
reads: "Go therefore and make disciples
of people of all the nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the holy spirit."
But the scripture text to which The Baptist Record particularly refers is the one
upon which trinitarians have relied for
centuries as their strongest buttress, namely, 1 John 5:7,8. The New World Translation renders the phrase "the spirit and the
water and the blood" because they are
there in the authentic Greek text, but it
does not render what is not there in the
Greek text. So you are absolutely false
when you say, "The phrase 'the spirit, the
water, and the blood' in the place of the
'The Father, Son and Holy Ghost' is not
according to the original Greek in which
the New Testament was written."
The New World Translation. does not
substitute the one phrase for the other
here, but it translates only what is in the
Greek. It refuses to violate the Bible rule:
"Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar."
-Proverbs 30:6; also Deuteronomy 4:2
and Revelation 22: 18.
And when talking of the "original Greek
in which the New Testament was written",
we ask you, To which edition of the Greek
text do you refer? You are referring to a
Greek text from which the King James
Ver si on of 1611 was translated, but which
is a text now rejected by true scholars because of the many mistakes, additions and
omissions which mark it, so that the King
James Version has been convicted of containing over 20,000 errors. On page 8 of its
Foreword the New Wadd Tmnslation apprizes us that the Greek text it used as its


basis was the Westcott and Hort text of

1881, while at the same time it considered
three other twentieth century editions of
the Greek text by Protestant and Catholic
scholars. Dr. Philip Schaff called the
Westcott-Hort text "the purest Greek
text" and "the last and best edition of the
Greek Testament". So your reference to
the original Greek text was indeed a fast
play to deceive your readers ; for the
Westcott-Hort Greek text does not contain
the phrase "The Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost" at 1 John 5:7,8, but it reads just
as the New World Translation. has faithfully rendered it.
You show ignorance of the contents of
your own Baptist publications. We refer to
the translation of The Holy Bible of the
American Baptist Publication Society, of
1913. At 1 John 5:7, 8 it also reads: " 1 For
there are three that testify; the Spirit, and
the water, and the blood; 8 and the three
agree in one [testimony]." Is this Baptist
rendition guilty of substituting "spirit,
water and blood" for "Father, Son and
Holy Ghost"? Is this Baptist rendering
contrary to the "original Greek in which
the New Testament was written"? Your
charge against the N ew WOTld Translation.
of omitting "reference to the Trinity" you
are now obliged to level against your very
own Baptist translation.
You call the New WOTld Translation fantastic in its translation, when you say in
your fourth paragraph: "Another sample
of their fantastic translation is the fact
that the terms 'hell,' and 'cross' have been
omitted in favor of 'hades' and 'stake'.
There is absolutely no authority for translating the cross as stake."
You might as well accuse the American
Standa rd Version for fantastic translation,
because in the 8 places where "hades" occurs in the Greek text it renders that word
"Hades" in English and never "hell". Your
Baptist Bible chooses to render "hades" as



"underworld" instead of "hell". But in the

13 places in the American Standard Version where the word "hell" does appear, it
is not translated from the Greek "hades".
It is translated 12 times from "gehenna"
and once from "tartaro'o"; and in its footnotes the American Standard Version is
honest enough to admit that these are
original words in the Greek text.
The New World Translation is not fantastic but is literal in its translation when
it renders the Greek words "hades, gehenna and tartaros" into English as "Hades,
Gehenna, and Tartarus". In a 43-page Appendix those words are explained according to their Scriptural meaning. While we
are on that point, note the famous text of
Matthew 16: 18. There the Revised Standard Version of 1946 translates Jesus as
saying to Peter "the powers of death" instead of "the gates of hell"; and in its footnote it says: "Greek the gates of Hades."
Does that strike you as fantastic translation? It knocks one prop for your medieval
hell from under you.
Your heading says, "The cross is not a
stake," and your paragraph four says it is
fantastic to use "stake" instead of "cross".
Infected unwittingly as you are with Roman Catholic doctrine, you could be expected to speak that way. If you had not
been so foolish as to blurt out before investigation but had gotten a copy of the
New World Translation and read what
pages 768-771 of the Appendix say on Matthew 10: 38 and "torture stake", you would
have been more restrained in your editorial. You would have learned that the instrument of torture which the Greeks
called stauros, and the Latins crux) was
originally only a stake without a crossbeam at any angle. Consult your International E ncyclopedia or other exhaustive
reference work upon the subject for yourself. There is no factual, historical proof
that Jesus was nailed to a cross such as


N. Y.

Roman Catholics idolize. It is only a fiction that Helena, queen mother of Emperor Constantine, found by miraculous agencies the "true cross".
The New World Translation is not alone
in maintaining that Jesus was executed
upon a stake. If you have a copy of The
Companion Bible Part V . The Gospels) published by the Oxford University Press, then
turn to its Appendix No. 162 entitled "The
Cross and Crucifixion" (page 186). After
a lengthy discussion of considerable evidence the article concludes: "The evidence
is thus complete, that the Lord was put to
death upon an upright stake, and not on
two pieces of timber placed at any angle."
Evidently you, in your reading of the Bible, have failed to attach due significance
to the fact that the apostle Peter speaks
of it only as a "tree" (Acts 5:30; 10:39;
1 Peter 2: 24), and the apostle Paul speaks
of it also as a "tree", at Acts 13:29 and
Galatians 3:13. It was easy for you to assert that it was not a simple stake upon
which Jesus died, but your editorial fails
to provide a shred of proof or argument
that the New World Translation is fantastic, incorrect and unscriptural on this
Your editorial concludes: "But read the
article for yourself." (Meaning the RNS
announcement) It might better have read:
"But read the New World Translation for
yourself." Then your readers would be getting at the facts uncolored by your prejudicial comments and would be able to
reach independent, just conclusions. Even
for this adverse publicity we are glad, for,
as the apostle Paul says : "We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth."
(2 Corinthians 13:8) We consider it a privilege to serve as publishers of the New
World Translation. Nonetheless, we shall
continue to print on our presses and to
publish the King James Version and the
American Standard Version Bibles to aid


15, 1950


and encourage the groping multitudes to

study God's Word.
We are handing a copy of this letter
over to the Watchtower magazine for publication. In the meantime The Baptist Record has the privilege of publishing in its
columns this reply to its editorial. You
owe it to your readers to do so, to rectify

the misimpression you have caused. But

you owe it especially to the Lord God to do
so, for you have grossly misrepresented a
faithful translation of his inspired Word
and thus hindered the cause of his truth
with many.


T HAS been said that

"the most precious
treasures" of the Roman Catholic Church
are its large collections
of relics, which are highly esteemed and
on which much veneration and honor are
bestowed by the faithful. Such devotion
was particularly manifest when the right
forearm of St. Francis Xavier, the first
Jesuit missionary to go to Japan, 400 years
ago, was recently displayed.
In the cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris,
is "the reputed true Crown of Thorns worn
by Christ", and at Bruges, Belgium, is a
"relic of the Most Precious Blood of Our
Lord". (Denver Catholic Register) A small
piece of the "True Cross" sold at auction
in London for 600 in 1945, and a couple
of months before that the London Catholic
Herald told how the supposed relics of
Timothy, the apostle Paul's companion,
had been found in a church along the
Adr iatic coast of Italy. In Prague, Czechoslovakia, there is a church decorated with
the bones of 10,000 persons, arranged in
the form of shields, crowns, crucifixes,
etc. Other churches in Bohemia and Italy
are decorated with relics of dead men's
bones, which are worshiped. As the Roman


Catholic Hierarchy catalogues this vast collection of antiques, they

are aware of the fact
that the bones of the
apostle Peter are missing. Hence, their
fanatical zeal in flooding the public press
with stories about how they "suppose",
"assume," "fancy," and "suspect" that
"per haps" , "maybe," or "possibly" Peter's
bones have been found in the pagan cemetery upon which the Vatican is built.
But why are such old bones, blood and
other a b j e c t s worshiped? The Catholic
Encyclopedia (vol. 12, p. 734) says: "The
teaching of the Catholic Church with regard to the veneration of relics is summed
up in a decree of the Council of Trent
(Sess. XXV), which enjoins on bishops and
other pastors to instruct their flocks that
'the holy bodies of holy martyrs and of
others now living with Christ-which
bodies were the living members of Christ
and "the temple of the Holy Ghost"
(1 Cor., vi, 19) and which are by Him to
be raised to eternal life and to be glorified
are to be venerated by the faithful, for
through these [bodies] many benefits are
bestowed by God on men'." The writings
of early "church fathers", as Ambrose and



Augustine, were cited as justification for

the Council's decree.
As for Scriptural support, the Catholic
Encyclopedia says: "Turning to Scripture
analogies, the compilers [of the "Roman
Catechism" produced by the Council of
Trent] further argue: 'If the clothes, the
kerchiefs (Acts xix, 12), if the shadow of
the saints (Acts v, 15), before they departed from this life, banished diseases
and restored strength, who will have the
hardihood to deny that God wonderfully
works the same by the sacred ashes, the
bones, and other relics of the saints?' "
It is not a matter of having bravery or
pluck to defend a theological dogma, right
or wrong. Instead of hardihood, who has
the honesty to examine God's sacred and
infallible Word of truth on the matter?
Those who have will find that the Scriptures do not support the relic-worshiping
practice at all. In the particular cases
mentioned in Acts 5: 15 and Acts 19: 12
there is no question that God performed
great miracles by the hands of Peter and
Paul. Nevertheless, those men did not allow
other creatures to bow down to, worship
or venerate them as long as they were
alive. Why, then, would anyone want to
worship their bones after they are dead?
(Acts 10:25,26) The account at 2 Kings
13: 21 tells how a dead man came to life
after coming in contact with the bones of
the prophet Elisha, but there is no record
that Elisha's bones were worshiped either
before or after that miracle. It was God
that performed that miracle, not the bones;
so it was proper that all veneration, worship, glory, honor and praise be given to
God and not to the lifeless bones.

In addition to the above-cited scriptures,

the distinguished Jesuit theologian Bellarmine cites 2 Kings 23:16-18, Isaiah 11:10
and Matthew 9 :20-22 as "proof" for relic


N. Y.

worship. Examination of these texts, however, shows them to be of no weight or

consequence. In the first instance, Josiah
showed respect for the prophet of the Lord
by leaving his bones undisturbed. But he
did not bow down to, venerate or worship
those bones, nor did he command or allow
any religious homage to be bestowed on
them by others. Josiah made it his business to clean out pagan idola try and demonic practices from the land, and he
would not defeat his purpose by instituting the worship of dead men's bones in
place of the pure worship of Jehovah.
-2 Kings 23:16-18.
Textual examination reveals that the
Catholic Douay Version has grossly mistranslated Isaiah 11:10 when it says concerning "the root of Jesse" that "his
sepulchre shall be glorious". The original
Hebrew word here rendered "sepulchre"
has the thought of "rest" or "resting
place" and has no reference to the tomb
or grave. Out of the 21 places where the
word occurs the Latin Vulgate as shown
by the Douau V ersion translates the word
this way only once. In most other occurrences it properly translates the word. For
example, look up Ruth 1: 9 and see how the
Latin Vulgate did not dare to mistranslate
the word as "sepulchre" instead of "rest".
The eminent Catholic authority, Msgr.
Ronald Knox, in his 1950 translation of the
Hebrew Scriptures corrects the mistake
in Isaiah and then apologizes for the Vulgatrls blunder. In a footnote he says that
"the Latin understands this of resting in
the tomb, but this is not suggested by
the Hebrew text". So Isaiah 11:10 in no
way supports tomb worship.
It is told in Matthew 9: 20-22 how a sickly woman had faith so strong that when
she touched the garment of Jesus she was
cured. Undoubtedly she, like the others
that were miraculously cured by Jesus,
gave praise to Almighty God, not to the




garment or the one wearing it. (Matt. 9:8;

Acts 3: 8, 9) There is nothing in the record
to the contrary.-Mark 5:25-34; Luke
The Israelites kept certain things, as the
pot of manna, Aaron's budded rod, the
stone tablets of the Law, but these were
kept as a court record, as a testimony or
witness before the people, and on no occasion were they dragged out, worshiped and
used to cure ailments of the people. (Heb.
9:4; Ex. 25:10,16; Num. 17:10; Deut.
31:26,27) Then there was the mighty
sword of Goliath, that had been wrapped
up and kept in the Lord's house as a witness of what Jehovah had done to that
proud and haughty boaster. But none of Israel worshiped or venerated that bloodstained relic.-1 Sam. 21:9.
That such "souvenirs" were not to be
venerated is shown by what happened to
the brazen serpent that Moses raised up.
It was kept for many years as a symbol
of Jehovah's saving power, but when the
nation turned away from God and began
showing devotion and homage to that relic,
good king Hezekiah, with God's full approval, had it destroyed. This is a case
bearing directly on the question of relic
worship, and it positively, irrefutably and
unquestionably condemns such form of
idolatry.-Num. 21:8,9; 2 Ki. 18:4-6.
Furthermore, God's law at Numbers
19:11-13 clearly defines dead bodies as unclean, not "holy". The bones of Jacob and
Joseph, in due respect to their wishes in
the matter, were buried in the land of
promise rather than in Egypt. Be it noted,
such bones were not hung up in the tabernacle or used to decorate Solomon's temple
or enshrined in some niche in the hope
that they would cure ills of those making
pilgrimages to see them. No, their bones
were buried in the ground. (Gen. 50:5-13,
25,26; Ex. 13:19; Josh.24:32; Acts 7 :15,
16) How the Devil would have liked to


get hold of the bones of Moses! But the

Lord God took care of that matter and
buried them in a place no one knew, lest
His chosen people should stumble and fall
into the heathen practice of worshiping
relics of Moses. (Deut. 34:5,6; Jude 9)
Likewise, in the case of Jesus' human
body, it was disposed of by the Lord in
such a way the relic collectors never got
their hands on it.-Matt. 28:5,6; Mark
16:6; Luke 24:1-3.
There is not a particle of evidence that
the body .of the first Christian martyr,
Stephen, or the bones of the martyr James,
were distributed around or sent on a tour
as relics by early Christians. To the contrary, the scripture definitely states that
Stephen was buried in the ground. (Acts
8:2) These Scriptural facts, therefore, give
no comfort or support to those who teach
that the bones of "saints" and martyrs
should be revered and worshiped, and
hence the Hierarchy appeals to tradition
and heathen customs for support.

In addition to what God's holy Word the

Bible says on the matter there are other
very good reasons why true Christians
should not venerate or worship religious
relics. The practice and custom did not
originate with Christ or his apostles or
with God's chosen nation of Israel. It is
clearly a pagan invention and hence of the
Devil, pure and simple, and the Oatholic
Encyclopedia admits as much. It says that
the veneration of relics is "a primitive instinct" and is associated with many other
religious systems besides that of Catholicism. It goes on to tell how the ancient
Greeks superstitiously worshiped the bones
and ashes of their heroes, how the Persians "treated with the deepest veneration" the remains of Zoroaster, and how
"relic-worship amongst the Buddhists of
every sect is a fact beyond dispute".



Other authorities have shown that the

ancient Egyptians, Assyrians and Babylonians likewise venerated the relics of
their lords and princes. "In the realms of
Heathendom the same worship had flourished for ages before Christian saints or
martyrs had appeared in the world. . . .
From the earliest periods, the system of
Buddhism has been propped up by relics,
that have wrought miracles at least as
well vouched as those wrought by the relics of St. Stephen, or by the 'Twenty Martyrs' [mentioned by Augustine]." (Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons, pages
177,178) In Kandy, Ceylon, a 400-year-old
temple contains what is said to be Buddha's
tooth, "venerated by many millions of people." (The Ceylon Daily News, April 1,
1950) Into the presence of this relic the
British foreign secretary, Ernest Bevin,
was brought on January 1, 1950, in the
hope it would miraculously cure his ailments.-New York Times, Jan. 16, 1950.
The heathen idea of attributing magical
powers to bones, skulls, teeth and skins is
so much older than Christianity, the above

11 S

AN honest, upright and sincere

~ person you love truth and right-

eousness. You love those who speak the

truth, who are honest and can be trusted.
Naturally you hate all liars, thieves and
cheats. Fakers of all kinds you despise,
and especially so when you discover them
to be among your closest friends in whom
you have in times past put your implicit
trust. And if there are any such masked


N. Y.

Catholic authority chooses to call it "a

primitive instinct". In reality it is nothing
more than fetishism, concerning which the
Encyclopedia Americana (1942 ed., vol. 11,
p. 158) says: "It is the lowest of the unsystematic forms of worship found among
uncivilized tribes, and exists especially
among the Negroes of Africa, but also
among the natives of both Americas, the
Polynesians, Australians, and Siberians."
When Catholic Portuguese mariners sailed
down the west coast of Africa they could
see little difference between the worship
of "sacred" bones, skulls and charms by
the natives, and their own worship of religious relics and amulets which they called
feitir;os, and from which we get the name

M'Clintock & Strong's Oyclopcedia (vol. 8,

p. 1028) well sums up the whole matter
when it says: "There is no doubt that the
worship of relics is an absurdity, without
the guarantee of Scripture, directly contrary to the practice of the primitive
Church, and irreconcilable with commonsense."

frauds moving among your circle of associates you are happy and glad if your real
friends point them out, in order that you
in turn may warn other honest persons
like yourself. It is therefore as true friends
of the honest-hearted that we call attention to the relic racketeers that operate
in the name of religion, and who have for
many centuries filched from and plundered
credulous people with their fake merchandise. Here are the facts.
Relicworship is of pagan origin and was
introduced in the Roman Catholic religion
many centuries ago. The Catholic Encyclopedia (vol. 12, pages 734-738) not only
admits this, but also discloses other very
startling facts about where these relics


15, 1950


came from and how. Relic worship among

Catholics, it says, "easily lent itself to
error, fraud, and greed of gain," and as a
result "many grave abuses" were committed. As early as the fourth century, in the
days of Augustine, Catholic monks were
going around "making profit by the sale
of spurious relics".
"In the Theodosian Code," the Encyclopedia continues, "the sale of relics is forbidden, but numerous stories, of which it
would be easy to collect a long series, beginning with the writings of St. Gregory
the Great and St. Gregory of Tours, prove
to us that many unprincipled persons
found a means of enriching themselves by
a sort of trade in these objects of devotion,
the majority of which no doubt were

From and after the days of Charlemagne, when Church and State ruled supreme, the traffic in bones of "saints" and
other so-called "holy" antiques became so
riotous that even members of the Hierarchy complained that the church altars
were being loaded down with bogus relics.
There was a keen competition between
various churches to outdo each other in
rare relics. Says the Catholic Encyclopedia: "At the beginning of the ninth century, as M. Jean Guiraud had shown, the
exportation of the bodies of martyrs from
Rome had assumed the dimensions of a
regular commerce, and a certain deacon,
Deusdona, acquired an unenviablenotoriety in these transactions. What was perhaps in the long run hardly less disastrous
than fraud or avarice was the keen rivalry
between religious centres, and the eager
credulity fostered by the desire to be
known as the possessors of some unusually
startling relic." "Such was the rage for
them at one time that even Mabillon, the
Benedictine, justly complains that the altars were loaded with suspected relics,
numerous spurious ones being everywhere


offered to the piety and devotion of the

faithful. He adds, too, that bones are often
consecrated which, so far from belonging
to saints, probably do not belong to Christians."-M'Clintock & Strong's Cuclopcedia, vol. 8, p. 1928.

In later times the huge collections of

duplicate relics even embarrassed the

Hierarchy to the point that they were
forced to do some explaining. To quote
again, the Catholic Encyclopedia says:
"The practice already noticed of attributing the same sanctity to objects which had
touched the shrine as attached to the contents of the shrine itself, the custom of
making facsimiles and imitations) a custom which persists to our own day in the
replicas of the Vatican statue of St. Peter
or of the Grotto of Lourdes-all these are
causes adequate to account for the multitude of unquestionably spurious relics with
which the treasuries of the great medieval
churches were crowded." When one appreciates how clerical rogues operated with
unlimited license "it becomes easy to understand the multiplicity and extravagance of
the entries in the relic inventories of Rome
and other countries", says this authority.
Italian churches close to their mother in
Rome are especially full of fictitious relics.
"The following is only a sample of those
in the Church of Santa Croce de Gerusalemme: three pieces of the true cross, the
title placed over the cross; two thorns
from the crown of our Lord; the sponge
extended to our Lord with vinegar and
gall; a piece of the veil and hair of the
Virgin; a phial full of the blood of Jesus;
some Of the manna gathered in the desert,
etc." (M'Clintock & Strong's Cyclopredia)
One observer has commented that "there
is in existence throughout Catholicism today enough of the 'True Cross' to build
several houses". And besides the phial of



Jesus' blood here mentioned and another

at Bruges, Belgium, the Denver Catholic
Register newspaper says "other supposed
relics of the Precious Blood are preserved
in Wurttemberg, Sarzana, Mentone, and
Making a historical footnote on this
fake-relic business in his day, Geoffrey
Chaucer in his "Prologue to the Canterbury Tales" describes "The Pardoner" who
had just arrived straight from the Vatican with his pockets full of pardons hot
from Rome. Besides these, in his bag he
had a pillowcase which he said was "Our
Lady's" veil; also a fragment of the very
sail from Saint Peter's fishing boat; also
a glass full of pig's bones. These latter
"relikes" (relics), Chaucer says, he peddled, making twice as much money in a
single day as a working man. And yet, for
all of this, "he was in church a noble
ecclesiaste", gibed Chaucer.
A more recent example of a questionable
relic being worshipfully bowed down to
by thousands of trusting souls was that of
St. Francis Xavier's "right" forearm and
hand. Life magazine published a picture of
the relic when it toured the United States.
Whereupon a doctor's wife called the editor's attention to the fact that it was actually a left arm and hand turned over. It
can't be, Life declared, because Xavier's
left arm is still attached to the body in
Goa, India, which only proves the relic being circulated is somebody else's left arm
and hand. A blundersome forgery indeed!

Admitted by high dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and other informed persons, that the majority of
Christendom's relics are fakes-why, then,
are they worshiped in this enlightened
twentieth century? What reasons, excuses
or explanations do the clergy have for not
informing the people in general that the


N. Y.

majority of their antiques are fraudulent

imitations? Their answers to these questions, as set forth in the Oatholic Encyclopedia, will shock honest, truth-loving persons.
First of all, in view of the fact that relic
worship extends back into remote antlquity, the clergy say they should not be
blamed for allowing the practice to continue. But is this Christlike? Did not J esus at all times speak the truth, even if it
exposed and rooted out false teachings and
demonic practices of the Jewish clergy
that were rooted in remote antiquity?
(Matt. 15:1-9; 23:1-5,16-28) The task of
determining which relics are genuine and
which are spurious is too great, the "time
and expense" too much, the clergy say, and
besides it would cause a sensational scandal and disturbance among the peasantry.
All right, why not do away with the whole
inventory of relics? Why not tell the people that the whole business of worshiping
relics is of pagan origin and of the Devil?
Why not tell the people the truth? Why
try to hide the real facts beneath a refuge
of lies or bury them under ecclesiastical
falsehoods? Do the clergy not know that
soon now Jehovah God will wash away
their refuge of lies and falsehoods?-Isa.
"Supposing it [relic worship] to be in
fact spurious," the Oatholic Encyclopedia
says, "no dishonour is done to God by the
continuance of an error which has been
handed down in perfect good faith for
many centuries." How foreign and strange
this doctrine to anything written in the
Bible! Jehovah is the God of truth! (John
3:33; Rom. 3:4; Heb. 6:18) All error and
lies are 'of the Devil and are certainly a
great reproach and dishonor to God. (John
8:44; Rom. 1:25) Consequently, Jehovah
is against all such pious frauds that teach
lies in His name and He will clean them
out at Armageddon.

How does one account for the apparently

barbarous treatment that David, a man after
God's own heart, meted out to the Ammonites,
as recorded at 2 Samuel 12:31 and 1 Chronicles
20:3 ?-J. C., Lisbon, Portugal.
At 2 Samuel 12:31 it states that David "put
them under saws, and under harrows of iron,
and under axes of iron, and made them pass
through the brickkiln". At 1 Chronicles 20:3 it
says he "cut them with saws, and with harrows
of iron, and with axes". Modern translations
bring out the true sense of these passages,
showing that David merely put the Ammonite
captives to work. Hence Moffatt's translation
renders these two texts as follows: "He also
brought away the spoil of the town, a vast
amount, and the townsfolk, whom he set to
work with saws and iron picks and iron axes
and made them labour at brick-making." "The
townsfolk, whom he set to work with saws and
iron picks and axes."
Will children who have
not reached the age of accountability and who die at
Armageddon have a resurrection?-Ohio reader.
We cannot be dogmatic
about this matter, as God is
the j udge. However, if Jehovah God expresses an adverse judgment against certain individuals, and does
this through his King Christ
Jesus at Armageddon, there
must be some sort of finality
t o God's decision. If so, those
destroyed by the judgment of
God in the battle of Armageddon are really destroyed.
Ezekiel chapter 9 appears to
re fer to Armageddon, and
verse 6 states, "Slay utterly
old and young, both maids,
and little children, and women: but come not near any

man upon whom is the mark." Those unmarked

by a favorable reception of God's warning receive no mercy from him. This is no injustice on
God's part. If it were a case of absolute justice
he would spare no one, as everyone, young or
old, is an imperfect sinner. It is only through
the exercise of his love and mercy that anyone
is preserved through Armageddon or is resurrected.
Children are affected by the course of their
parents, and parents are warned that their
iniquity is visited on their offspring unto the
third and fourth generation. (Ex. 20:5,6)
Parents are commanded to instruct their chilo
dren in God's way, and if in these last days
parents refuse to heed the divine instruction
and warning they bring destruction upon themselves and their small children at Armageddon. (Deut. 6:6,7; Eph. 6:4) According to justice God can leave such children dead, for, as
Ezekiel showed, all die in their iniquity. (Ezek.
3:17-19; 33:16) Parents should remember that
their wrong course unfavorably affects their
children and may bring their offspring to destruction at Armageddon, just as a right course
on the part of parents may put their small
children in the way of preservation during
Armageddon and opportunity for eternal life
in the new world to follow.

In your copy of the New W orl d Trall8lation 0/ the Christian Gre ek

Scriptures In the blank space on page 788:


Since release of the New World Translation on August 2,

1950, at the international assembly of Jehovah's witnesses at
Yankee Stadium, New York city, there has been widely published religious criticism over its rendering of 1 John 5:7,8.
Therefore we append the following as a suitable footnote to
those verses appearing on page 700:
1 John 5:7,8: ''For there are three witness bearers, the spirit
and the water and the blood, and the three are In agreement."

This rendering is according

to the Greek texts by Westcott
and Hort (1881) and by D.
Eberhard Nestle (l8th edition
of 1948) and by Jose ,Maria
Bover, S.J. (1943) and by Augustinus Merk, S.J. (6th edition of 1948).
After "witness bearers" the
cursive Manuscripts No. 61 (of
15th or 16th century) and
No. 629 (in Latin and Greek,

of 14th to 15th century) and

Vgc.s add the words: "In heaven, the Father, the Word and
the holy spirit; and these three
are one. 8 And there are three
witness bearers on earth." But
these words are omitted by
~BASymost MSS .
Vgmany MBS.
and the Latin New Testament
according to the edition of St.
Jerome, by Wordsworth and
White, edition of 1911.

experience in.Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom


a gift copy of the book 'Let God Be True'. Next

morning after thanking his host for the food
and housing and expressing his gratitude for
the new Bible knowledge and the book, the
wayfarer and his children were on their way.
The story now shifts to a little town in Alabama: Keener. The wayfarer had moved on
and the book had gone with him. He and his
children stayed all night at a house in Keener,
and he told his host about the new world of
righteousness. His host showed interest, and
wanted the book 'Let God Be True'. But it was
the wayfarer's most prized possession; he could
not part with it. But he told his host how to
get one: write to the kind servant of Jehovah
back in Tennessee. The host wrote the letter;
he got his copy of the book, provided by the
same servant of God who had first showed
hospitality to a warfarer. Once again it is seen
that Jehovah is working in many ways that
the 'sheep' may be found."

"Here is the heart-warming story of a kind

servant of Jehovah and a grateful wayfarer
who had with him three little children. Some
time ago out here in the mountains of Tennessee a witness was going home from a home
Bible study. The evening was coming on and
it was raining. As he drove slowly down the
road he saw a man leading some little children
by the hand and leaning into the driving rain.
The witness stopped his car and invited them
to ride down the road with him. It was learned
that the man and children had come almost
one hundred miles in the last few days in the
rain. The witness invited them to come in and
stay all night and have a meal. The wayfarer
declined to stay in the house but did take some
warm food and he and the children stayed all
night in the barn. Before bedding down for the
night the wayfarer got his interest aroused in
the new world of righteousness, and received







eo. .





December, the final month of 1950, has been

designated as "Preach the Word" Testimony
Period. How could this eventful year be more
effectively concluded than by taking the word
of God upon your lips and heralding it forth
to all who will hear? That is what Jehovah's
witnesses will be doing, in hannony with Paul's
counsel at 2 Timothy 4:2. The 320-page book
"This Means Everlasting Life" will be offered
to those displaying interest in God's Word,
on 35c contribution. We suggest you report to
us the results of your preaching.

Of the increase of God's government and

peace , there will be no end. . This Scriptural
truth is convincingly proved by the report of.
the 1950 service year as presented by the president of the WatchTower Bible & Tract Society
in the 1951 Yearbook of JehovaNs Witnesses. In
addition to this annual report covering more
than 100 regions, the Yearbook contains the
president's comment on the yeartext for 1951
and -a dallytext and comment for each day of
the -coming ' yea r . Those associated with a
group should send in combined orders, as
through the servant of a company, to save time
and expense. A remittance of 50c per copy
should accompany each order.

Prominently displayed across the top of the

1951 Calendar published by the Watch Tower
Bible & Tract Society is the new yeartext,
"They said: 'Praise Jah, you people, because
Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to
rule as king.''' (Rev. 19:6, NW) Beneath this
appears a beautiful view of the Society's newly
enlarged printing plant in ' Brooklyn, New
York. The calendar pad attached below this
picture presents six different' scenes of theocratic interest in pastel shades, overprinted by
the calendar for 1951. The calendar pad also
furnishes the Scriptural themes for , the six
bimonthly testimony periods and service themes
for the intervening months. This service calendar will be sent to any address at 25c a copy
or $1.00 for 5 copies sent to one address, postpaid. Groups or companies are encouraged to
order in quantity, through the appointed servant, sending remittance to cover the cost.

Week of December 24:

Subjection to the Higher Powers, U1-24.
Week of December 31:
SUbjection to the Higher Powers, U2533; a nd
Execution of Judgment upon Opposers, U1:13.



Literal towers in Bible times were elevated vantage points from which
watchmen could observe happenings, warn of dansaer. or announce pel
news. Our m~a.zine fi~atively occupies such a vantasae_ poiii~ for it is
founded on the very pinnacle of wisdom, God's Word. That elevates it
abli)ve racla1, national and political prop~andas and prejudices, frees it from
selfish bias. It is not bound by any traditional creed, but its mess~ advances as the li~ht on God's purposes and works increases.-Habakkuk 2:1..3.
It sees thin~s Scripturally. When it observes this ~eneration AmIcted
with ~reed, delinquency, hypocz:isy,atheism, war, famine, pestilence, perplexity and fear, and persecution of unpilular minorities, it does not p~. the
ofd fable about history repeatin~ itse . Informed by Bible prophecy, it see. In
these thin~ the si~n of the world's time of the encl. But witli bri~ht hope it
also sees openin~ up (or us jU6t beyond these woes the portals of a new world.
Thus Viewed, "The Watchtower" stands as a watchman atop a tower,
alert to what is sacing on, awake to note si~ns of dan~r, faithful to point out
the way of escape. ft announces Jehovah', kingdom atablished by Christ's
enthronement in heaven, feeds his kin~m joint.heirs with spiritual food,
cheers men of sacod will with glorious prospects of eternal life in a paradise
earth, comforts us with the resurrecti~n promise for the dead.
It is not dogmatic, but has a confident ring in its voice, because it is based
on God's Word: It.does not privately.interpret prophecy, but calls attention
to physical facts, sets them alongside prophecy, and you see for yourself how
well the two match, how accurately Jehovah interprets his own prophecy.
In the interests of our salvation, it keeps sharp and faithful focus on Bible
truth, and views reli~ous news saenerally.
"Be watchful in these perilous times, God admonishes. So keep on the
watch by r~ly reading "The Watc:lttower'.

Brooklyn 1, N. Y. U. S. A.
N. H . KNon. Pres ident
GRANT Surrn, 8ecretQTlI

117 Adams Street

"They will.1I be taught by Jehovah."-JohD 6: 45, NW; Isaiah M: 13

Does Papal Encyclical Resist Compromise? 467
An Open Letter to the Catholic Monsignor 469
Mobsters Break Up Assembly in Missouri 475
Simeon Realizes His Heart's Desire
Gehenna, a Place of Eternal Punishment 477
Bringing Forth Fruit for Eternal Life
Parable of the Sower
"Preach the Word"
Questions from Readers
AII...,IItl....... II "TIll Walllltlwlr" ,. tIM '111m.. II.'. ,,"IllS .
AS - Amerbn 8t11ulll'll VerslOII
LXX- Tbe 8eIltnazlnt Version
A!' .. All AmorIeaIl TraDsJaUOII

Da - J. H. Darby', ftrllion
D!i .. Catbollo n-, nnIon
liD .. TIle IIIpbaUc DladoU'

.0 - James MoIfaU', mIl!on

NW - N... World TralWation

Ro - J, B. Bot.berbam',ftrIIlon

llS - BeriIecI StIIuIlJd VenloD

Le -Isaac Leeset', ,ersIoo
Yg -Ilobm YllWII" Yel'SiOll
1hl1eu Cll!IerIJ'IIe Indleated, the Bible llIIOd II the Klnl J ames Venlon

Printing this ' Blue : 1,230.000

Fivi clnt. a COpy



At rlklW13






CebuVlsa1an Italian










Iho ,







Walch To"., tlocIot1 oIIIces




Yearly subserlptlon iat.

Alllorlca, U.S., 11' MallIS St. Brooklyn 1 N.Y.

A.slrall.. 11 Beresford se., S!r&lblltld, N.S. W,
Irltlsh Wesl I._III, 21 rarlor St., Port of Spalll. TrlDJdad
Clnd. 40 Inr1D Ate., Toronto II Ontario

En.lan~. 34 Cra,OII Terrace. LoadOU. W. II

JlUIIale.. 1111 Klnl St.. K!Dploll
N,w Z..lu_, G.P.O. Box 30, Wel1Jnlloll.. C. 1
Slh Alrlea. 623 Boeloll House,

cape 'reWD


- '1





lemlttu... should be sent to oIIIce III JOur eounlr)' III eompUe.nce wttb

r~t101l1 to Il\IU&ntee late deU,.., 01 mODfl'. RemUtaoCOl ... ac:apted

al Brookl1D lrom eouotrles "here 00 oIl\ce is located, by IIlternatlonal
monty ordtr ...". Snbcerlpt10ll ralto 10 cWrerool couotr!el an bert slaled
. 10 local currenq. "".. ., ..,I,.tI.. (witb reo."al blau) II _I II
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II "ell II De" addml.
Entered II teCODd-class IUItter .t Brookl1D, N.Y.,

Act of March 3, 1819. PrInted 10 U. S. A.


December 1, 1950

No. 23


~ UGUST 2Ymarked the release of the
translation of Pope
Pius XII's encyclical.Humani Generis (Of
Mankind). Its target was those Catholic
churchmen who, in the interests of unity
and of forming a solid religious front
against atheism, would compromise on or
set aside differences in dogma.
But was it the principle of compromise
that the pope really objected to? In countries where she is powerful the Catholic
Church declares .t hat freedom of speech
and freedom of religion are pernicious
errors to be stamped out, but in democrat;
ic lands where the Church is a minority
her spokesmen champion such freedoms.
Is that not compromising her principles?
The Catholic Encycloped ia says, "Union
with the Church is not merely one out of
various means by which salvation may be
obtained: it is the only means." Papal bulls
and Church catechisms have said the same,
and in this latest encyclical the pope lamerited, ' ''So~e reduce to a meaningless
formula the necessity of belonging to the
true church in order to gain .salvation."
Yet when four Catholicteachers in Catholic schools in Boston protested that Jesuit
Keleher, pre sid e n t of Boston College,
taught heresy in saying there was salvatia"l~ outside the Church, the teachers were
fired. Their appeals to ' the Vatican were
futile; ~'for the Vatican knew that its doctrine of no salvation outside the 'Catholic

U:I.. official English


Church would not be popular in the United States democracy. Was not the Vatican
.compromising ?
And is it not in' an effort to compromise
with science that the Catholic Church says
that God may have made man's body by
evolution, and 'thi:m created a ,soul to go
into that evolved body? .The Catholic Encyclopedia states, "That God should have
made use of natural, evolutionary, original
causes in the production of man's 'body, is
per se not improbable, and was propounded by St. Augustine." And again the pope
in his recent encyclical echoes
this view
when he declares that studies in evolution
must be limited to "inquiries into the
origin of the human body as coming from
pre-existent and living matter-s-for Catholic faith obliges us to hold that-souls are
~mmediately created by God".
In his encyclical the pope acknowledged
"the word of God as contained in the
sacred scripture as the foundation of all
religious teaching"; yet this compromise
with evolution cannot have foundation in
the Scriptures. Why not? Because souls
existed long before man was created. When
making water animals God said, -"Let the
waters swarm with an abundance of -living soul." Again, "God created the great
sea-monsters, and every living soul that
moveth." As to land' animals, "God said,
Let the -land bring forth living soul after
its kind, tame-beast arid creeping thing
~ ~.





and wild-beast.': (Gen. 1:20,21,24, Ro)

Hence living sou1s were in existence before "God formed man of the dust of the
ground, and breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became a living
sou1". (Gen. 2:7) Numbers 31:28 shows
that animals are sou1s. Ecclesiastes 3 :18-20
shows the close similarity between' men
and beasts in death, and Ezekiel 18:4
proves that human souls die. No scripture
even , intimates that God implanted in
man's body an immortal soul.
If the pope is concerned over compromise that contaminates the faith, why
limit concern to modern 't rends? Why not
cleanse the Catholic Church of .the pagan
teachings it embraced at the time of Emperor Constantine, in the fourth century?
From that time forward the Church has
opened its arms to such paganisms as trinity, purgatory, eternal. torment, prayers
for the dead, use of rosaries and images,
cross worship, and many,others. In defense
of adopting such paganisms Cardinal Newman said the Church did "transmute the
very instruments and a p pen d age s of
demon-worship to an .evangelical use" and
added that they "are all of 'pagan origin,
and sanctified by their adoption into the
Church". (Ess,ay. on the Development of
Christian Doctrine) Such hierarchy reasoning, however, collides head-on ' with
2 Corinthians 6:14-16: ' "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:
for what fellowship hath righteousness
with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what
concord hath Christ with Belial? or -what
part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
And what agreement hath the temple of
God with idols?"
Actually, it is not so much compromise
that the pope opposes. Catholic Church
history reeks with many kinds of compromises. What the pope fears are the
compromises of priests made independent


N. Y.

of the Church. He fears their drift from

papal control, and that is why "his encyclical repeatedly hammers home the assertion that the Church is the "teaching authority". But is the Catholic Church the
"teaching authority", the "faithful and
wise servant, whom his lord hath made
ru1er over his household, to give them
meat in due season"? (Matt. 24:45t No
organization that provides pagan doctrines
as spiritual "meat in due season" cou1dbe,
for 1 Corinthians 10:21 states: "Ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and
of the tableof devils."
~ Nor can the Catholic Church pass as the
teaching authority on the basis of her
claim to be built on Peter. There is ' no
proof that she is founded on him. He would
not accept money for divine favors; the
priests do. (Acts 8:20) He would not allow another man to kneel at his feet; the
popes have men kiss theirs. (Acts 10:26)
Moreover, the true church of Christ is not
built on Peter, but on Christ. He is the one
the Jews rejected as cornerstone for the
spiritual temple, not Peter. He is the one
Peter himself identified as the Chief
Cornerstone, and added that other anointed Christians are living stones built up as
a spiritual ,temple on Him. As for Peter,
he claimed 'n o infallibility, was corrected
and taught by Pau1, and was spoken of as
only one of the twelve apostolic foundation
stones.-Isa. 28:16; 1 Pet. 2:4-8; Gal. 2:1114; 2 Pet. 3:15,16; Rev. 21:14:
In view of all these conflicts between the
Catholic Church and the Bible, we can understand this papal encyclical's lament concerning men now turning to the Bible: "It
is a matter of regret that not a few of
these, the more firmly they accept the
word "of God, so much the more do they
diminish the value of human reason, and
the more they exalt the authority of .God
and revealer, the more severely do they
spurn the teaching office of the church."


the fourth day of the International Assembly of Jehovah's witnesses there. During
.t he remaining four days of which Assembly 85,850 copies of this new translation
were placed with :the conventioners. We
being the printers who have come into possession of the publication rights of this
translation, we feel the obligation of making some answer to your article. .It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the general
public who read your adverse article is expecting a published reply from us, and we
do not want either to disappoint these or
to fail in our obligation to the Most High
God and his recorded Word.
Your article appears to be based entireIy on what the news reporters had to say
about the speeches and releases offered at
the Yankee Stadium Assembly, and not
Oct. 11, 1950. upon a personal examination of the literaTo Matthew Smith,
ture that was releaseci: For instance, your
Monsignor of the Roman Catholic
remark Of 17): "All this' will be wholly
Church in America,
different from the perpetual earthly hapc/o The Register,
piness promised by the Witnesses. Their
Catholic P ress Soc., me.
idea, if the newspapers are correctly quotDenver, Colo.
ing their leaders, is closer to a MohammeBefore us is a copy of The Catholic Tele- dan idea than to a Christian one."
graph-Register, Section Two, dated FriHearsay ("Listening In") is a very unday, August 18, 1950, containing an article _ reliable foundation on which to make such
signed by you. It occupies parts of three an assertion in the public press in criticism
columns in the lower left-hand corner of of a group of Christians, who, though a
page one and continues on page four for minority, have circulated their literature
two full-column lengths, and is entitled: around the earth in more than 90 lan"Listening In," with the subheading, "Sect guages in excess of half a billion copies
Rewrites Parts of Bible to Fit Beliefs." of bound books and booklets, besides hunAlso before us is a copy of. the identical dreds of millions of free tracts and magaarticle by you appearing in The St. Louis zines.
Register of the same date, from which fact
.Your article admits that in his public
is to }be gathered that your article was
address of August 6 on "Can You Live
published quite generally in the 32 Diocesan editions of The Register published in Forever in Happiness on Earth?" the
as many .. cities. 'Your article therefore Watch Tower Society's president N. H.
Knorr answered the question in the affirmgained nation-wide publicity. .
Following his lecture 250,000 'copies
You open and close your article with a
reference to the New World Translation of of his speech, in a 32-page booklet, were
the Ohristian Greek Scr iptures, released distributed free to all in attendance, numat Yankee Stadium, Wedriesday, August 2, bers taking many copies each, so that






N. ,Y.

what Mr: Knorr said was freely available argument that the apostle John saw only
in print: You, with your Catholic means an apocalyptic vision. Not only the prophof obtainlngInformatlon, could easily have et Isalas speaks also of a new heavens and
procured a copy of this booklet. Those who new earth (65:17; 66:22), but so does the
heard or read this speech know that it has apostle Peter. He.describes the destruction
no resemblance to Mohammedanism but is of the present heavens and earth in which
based wholly upon the inspired Scriptures injustice dwells and then says: "But we
and the moq,ern-?ay fulfillments of proph- look for new heavens and a new earth .acecy.
cording to hispromlses.dn which juStice
You saY, ."The idea of a perpetual 'r eign dwelleth."-2 Peter 3:13, Douas),
of the saints on earth, is repulsive to the ~ In harmony with the infallible Scripmajority. ot Christians,",;'Heaven will -not tures, Jehovah's' witnesses teach .""that
be a 'glorified earth," and, "It is to be Christ's footstep followers who overcome
hoped, therefore, that Jehovah's Witness- this "world will reign with him, not in the
es will not place all their faith in the ab- "new . e arth",' but in the "new heavens";
surdity of an earthly kingdom that will and obedient mankind on the "new earth"
never die." <1m 15, 16, 22) In none of .th eir will be bless~ by the' tnvisible, heavenly
speeches 'or publications have Jehovah's reign of Jesus Christ and his glorified folwitnesses taught that 'heaven Will be a -lowers, his bride. (Apocalypse 2:26-28;
glorified earth'; but it is you, Monsignor, 3:21; 2Q:4-6) .If this ,is "r epulsive", it is
and your religious system 'that teach that repulsive to the majority of professed
people of your faithwilltakethelr earthly Christians 'who do not accept God's Word
--: (' ,.'"
but who have been 'indoctrinated with rebodies 'to 'heaven. ' . ,
Jehovah's ' witn esses, however, . adhere ' ligious traditions of men contrary to God's
strictly to the inspired Scriptures and be- Word. (Matthew .15 :1-9, Douay) Your
lieve what ' the apostle John says about hopes, therefore, that we ' will not place
those of the "little flock" of Christians who our faith '''in the absurdity. of an earthly
will go' to the heavenly 'kingdom : "Dearly kingdom that will never die" ~I!lre ill-founded
beloved, we are now the sons of God; and and are needless. We do not hope for such
it hath not yet appeared what we shall be. a thing, but preach "the kingdom of HEAVWe know, that, when he shall 'appear, we EN" as the rightful government for
shall be like him: because we shall see him universe. Modern events fulfilling sacred
as hlnS." '(i John 3:2, Douas) Version) We prophecy prove that this' heavenly kingbelieve with the apostle John ill distinc- dom is at hand and will remove the Devil's
this fact we
tion between heaven and earth, and we ac- rule of earth;
cept his vision of the future in which he can assure people of good will that they
says: '''Arid I saw a new heaven and a new can live forever in 'happiJless'on earth .unearth: For the' first .heaven and the ' first der the heavenly kingdom of Christ and
earth was gone, and the sea is now no his 'glorified"congregation. Then, in answer
more." (Apocalypse.S'li l, Douay) Certain- to the Lord's prayer, God's name will be
ly that new earth is to be populated with hallowed and his ,Win will forever be-done
creatures of the earth; earthy, for Isaias on .earth as it is done in heaven. '
1=5: 18 declares that the Lord GOd did not
create the earth in vain: "he formed it
to be inhabited." ,
Xour, article <1r 2) .states : ,"Newspaper
It is useless for you to counter with the accounts indicated that the 'translation'







1, 1950



changed the 'texts' to fit Witnesses' doc- in his Preface in "An American Translatrines." Then, to make it appear that Jeho- tion" (1939): "1 have closely followed the
vah's witnesses are mutilating the Chris- Greek text of Westcottand Hort, now gentian Greek Scriptures, you quote the New erally accepted. 'E very scholar knows its
York Ti~ report as saying:' "Rejecting great superiority to the late and faulty
the idea' of the Holy Trinity, the Bible so- Greek texts from which the early English
ciety translation replaces the phrase 'the translations from Tyndal.e to the AuthorFather. rthe Son and the Holy Ghost;' used ized Version were made." ,
frequently throughout the King James verSo the New World Translation has resion with 'the spirit and the water and the written no part of the Greek text, not even
1 John 5:rT which is cited in your article
blood' (1 John v.7)."
'F irst of 'a ll, the lnewspaper report errs as a place where Jehovah's witnesses clash
in' saying that the phrase "the Father, the with the trinitarian doctrine. Does the
Son 'and the Holy Ghost" is used frequent- New tW orld Translation ' here replace ' the
ly throughout the King James Version. It phrase "the Father, the Son and theHoly
is not so 'u sed even in the Catholic DouaiJ Ghost" with the phrase "the spirit and the
VersiOn,' Theone placeIn theScriptures : water and the blood"?.. No! How could the
where the phrase does occur, namely, at latter phrase be used 'as' a - replacement
Matthew 28: 19, the New ,WOJ'ZdTrarisla- when it is already there 'in the Greek text?
tion'renders the verse: "Go therefore and But it is the former phrase that is not
make disciples of people of all the nations, there.
The New World Translation of 1 John
baptizing them rin .thename of the Father
and of the Son and of the holy spirit." In 5:7,8 reads: "For there are three witness
a corresponding passage, namely, 2 Corin- bearers, the spirit and the water and the
thians 13:14, this translation reads: "The blood, and the three ' are in agreement
undeserved kindriess of the Lord Jesus [margin: are for the one thing]." This is
Christ and the love of God and the sharing a literal translation of the Greek text by
the above-named Augustinus Merk, S.J.,
in the holy spirit be with all of you."
No parts' of tne Bible have beenrewrit- in his Novum Testamentum 'Greece et Laten in this New World -Translation to fit tine; it is also a literal translation of the
the beliefs of Jehovah's witnesses, as you Greek text by the other Roman Catholic
blatantlyassert.The Translation Commit- , scholar, Joseph M. Baver, S.J., in his Novi
tee did not construct its own Greek text Testamenti Biblia Graeca et Latina; as
of the Christian Scriptures. No; but on well as of Nestle's Novum Testamentum
page 8 of the Foreword it notifies us that Greece and of the Westcott and Hort
the Committee ~se~ ' the 1948 Macmillan Greek 'text. So you see that even those
ComP3l?-Y edition'of the Westcott and Hort J esuit scholars do not include in their
text of i1881, besides S. C. E. Legg's edi- G~eek texts the words "in 'heaven the
tions of -Matthew and Mark, and that it F th
" d
d' th '" H I ' G'h t'
a er,
or, an
e ' 0 y
os .
. t 0 consiideratiIon "oth
0 er t ex ts,
also too k m
including that prepared by D. Eberhard And these are ~ne. And there ar~
Nestle and that compiled by the 'Spanish three that give ' testimony: on earth.
Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover and that (Douay) Those words are now recognized
by the other Jesuit scholar A. Merk". Con- by all genuine scholars as spurious to the
cerning the same Greek text mainly -used authentic Greek text. Your own precious
by the Committee, E. J. Goodspeed says Vatican Manuscript -No. 1209 of the early




4th century ' does not contain the words,

but brands them spurious; '
The French Catholic Bible 'by Canon A.
Crampon puts those words in brackets and
says in the footnote: "The words put in
brackets are not found in any Greek manuscript prior to the 15th century, nor in
any manuscript of the Vulgate prior to the
8th." The Catholic German translation by
P. Johann Perk of 1947 puts the words in
parentheses and explains in a footnote. It
is true that the Jesuit scholars Merk and
Bover show the words in their parallel
Latin text, but, please, note this: Bever
and Cantera do nof include the words in
their Spanish translation of 1947. Also,
the words do not appear in the Latin text
of the Novum Testamentum Latine by J.
Wordsworth and H. J. White of 1911, and
which is rendered according to St. Jerome's
edition. Their footnote says they print the
Latin text without the 'disputed words, in
harmony-with the Latin manuscripts Amiatinus, Armachanus, Fuldensis, Sangermanensis, and the original Vallicellanus, these
manuscripts being of the 6th to the 9th
centuries. The footnote adds that the words
appear in the Latin manuscripts Cavensis,
the revised Vallicellanus, of the 9th century, and the Sixtine and Clementine editions of the Vulgate 'of the 16th century.
Please note other Roman Catholic trans- .
lations that omit the words: The Spanish
translation of 1948 by Nacar and Colunga;
the French translation by Canon E. Osty,
of 1949, and the French Catholic Bible of
1949 by the Monks of Maredsous; and the
Westminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures by Rev. Cuthbert Lattey, S.J., of
1948. These read like the 1950 New World


Thus on the main text that is cited for

charging Jehovah's witnesses with rewriting parts of the Bible to fit their beliefs
you are proved false. The NeurWorld
Translation stands vindicated; and it will


N. Y.

remain so against any future attacks from

any quarter.

The last four paragraphs of your article

are grouped under the' Heading "Jehovah
Not Correct as God's Nanie". Here you
open by saying: "Something of the shallow scholarship in the sect in adopting the
word Jehovah as part of its title ris shown
by the Catholic Biblical EncycloPedia's
treatment of this word: ...." And your
closing paragraph says: "We fear that all
the other scholarship of the Witnesses, ineluding what they have done in their translation of~ the ' New Testament, is on the
same basis as their use of the word Jehovah."
Thank you for this opportunity to present some facts to you and to the public.
We do not say that "Jehovah" is the correct pronunciation of God's name. For that
matter, neither is "Jesus" the correct pronunciation of Christ's name. But according to the Aramaic language which 'Christ
and his apostles spoke, his name was pronounced "Yeshu'a" (the a representing a
gutteral ending). But "Jesus" is only our
colloquial way of pronouncing his name,
and we do not find fault with you f01' using
it instead.of Yeshu'a. However, if you call
it shallow scholarship for the Committee
to use the word Jehovah in the New World
Translation, then you will have to admit
that it is due to the shallow scholarship of
the Roman Catholic clergy of the thirteenth century, ".for in that ' century the
word historically. appears among them.
Your quotation from the Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia says Jehovah, was the
incorrect pronunciation given ' to' the Hebrew tetragrammaton JHVH in the 14th
century by Porchetus de Salvaticis (1303).
But let us say: The origin of the word
Jehovah used to be attributed to Petrus
Galatinus, a Franciscan friar, the confes-

DECEMBER 1, 1950



sor of Pope Leo X, in his De'Arcanis
Oath- ent, you should call that "shallow scholarolicae Veritatis, published in 1518.,But the ship" on the part of your cardinal, what?
latest scholarship has proved he .was not
But that such "shallow scholarship" is
the one to, introduce the pronunciation not Iimited- to -Roman Catholic ,clergy of
Jehovah" and neither was-uyour afore- the 13th to the 16th centuries','please be
mentioned Porchetus de , Salvaticis. ;: As apprised 'that in aneditiori -of: the French
shown by Joseph Voisin. rthe learned editor Catholic Bible by Abbe A. Crampon of
of the Pugio Fidei (The Poniard of Faith) 1905 he used Jehovah in his text; this has
by Raymundus Martini, Jehovah had been since been amended to read "Yahweh", acused long before Galatinus. Even a genera- cording to our copy 'offhe 1939 edition.
tion .b efore Porchetus de Salvaticis -wrote But note' also the following.
You are also doubtless acquainted with
his V,ictoria contra Jtaeos '(1303) , the
magazine The Grail, published in St.
Spanish Dominican
tiniwrote,his iEugio, about 1278, and used Melnrads.Indiana. Well, -ln the February,
the name -Jehovah. In fact, Porchetus took 1949,1issiie of this magazine appearedthe
the ' contents of his Victoria largely from article"J oriaxGod's -Problem Prophet" by
Martini's Pugio. AndScaliger .proves that Philip Dan Stackr-Irrftwe.readr v'Now tlie
Galatinustook his De Arcanis bodily from word of Jehovah' carrie urito "Jona the son
Martini's Pugio. Galatinus did not intro- of Amittay* [Footilote4l;':-~'!AIUquotations
duce the pronunciation Jehovah. ibut ,m~r~~ froin Sacred Scripture"in 'this essay are
ly defended it against those who pro- from The Westminster . Version ' of -the
~ounced the Hebrew t~ir~graminatqn,Jova. Sacred Scripture, edited by The Rev. Cuth,In,1557rJ ehovah(became!est ablished in bertLattey, S.J.; this accounts for' the uriJohn Forster's New Heb'/ew rDictionary, usual spelling of certain proper names.'],
and Marcus Marinus admitted Jehovasin saying; 'Arise, go to Nineveh, t hat 'great
his Lexicon Arca Noae of 1593. Sebastian city: andrdenounce It .'for their wickedness
Muenster uses the name Jehova in his text is come up-before me.' (Jona 'I:1-2) ...
of his Latin .translation of vt h e ' Hebrew A fine chance he, an insignificant prophet
Scriptures (1534), and .vin his notes on from Gath-hefer, would stand in forcing
Exodus 3: 15 and 6::3 he '. uses the name as penance upon the 'fabulous.Ninevites, who
though it were well '~nown. Also in 1557, did 'noteven know 'his own God's name."
in ,br inging out Pagninus" Latin version of From page 54 to page ,58 the name Jehothe, Heb~ew Scriptures, Robert Stephanus yah is used 30 times/twice being 'spelled
used Jehova uniformly-for the Hebrew Jahve, and theversion from which it is
tetragrammaton. :in 'a note on Ps~m 2:1 quoting is, mind - you,the Westminster
he remarked that sUbstituting~Ad01uii for Version by a ' Jesuit Reverend! Was that
it was to be rejected as a Je\vish -super- not quite "shallow scholarship" to set be.
- fore Catholic readers? Does it ,not make
Cardinal Thomas 'de Vio Cajetanus in you blush to be confronted .with such
his Commentary on the Pentateuch.j.of ., ,_" s~allo~_. scholarship" on the part of Ro1531, regularly used Jehova. In his trans- . man Catholic publications and authors in
lation of Genesis 2:4 he ,has "Jehova Elo- this twentieth century?
him"; and in his ,note on Exodus 6:3 he
-The pronunciation Jahweh, usually credsays: "Jehovah the God of your fathers ited to John L. Ewald of the 18th century,
appeared to , me .Uehova Elohe patrum: goes back farther, to the 16th century. Ten
eetrorum vis us est mihi)." To be consist- .years before Ewald was born (1747),



Jahveh was found-in Eichhorn's-Senoais,

the Lexicon in most general ' use in Germany. F. H. Gesenius adopted the pronunciation Jahveh 'when Ewald was still defending Jehovah.
Why, then, does the New World Translation use the name Jehovah 237 times in
its main text? Is it due to "shallow scholarship", as you insinuate? No. In the Foreword, from page 10 to page 25, the Translation Committee explains its basis for using this name so many .times, In addition
to the 19 Hebrew versions, it cites versions
of the "New Testament" in 38 languages
besides English and Hebrew where the
translators use a vernacular form of the
Hebrewtetragrammaton. But in its 2nd
last paragraph-the Translation Committee
says::,"While inclining to view the pronunciation 'Yah-weh" as the more correct
way, we have retained the form 'Jehovah'
because of people's familiarity with it since
the 14th t century.' Moreover, itpreserves,
equally with -other forms, the four letters
of the tetragrammaton JHVH." And in its
footnote a of page 36, on Matthew ' 1: 20
where ~'Jehovah's angel" appears, it says:
"Jehovah's, or, Yahweh's."
, At the Yankee Stadium, when giving his
speech introducing the New World Translation, the Society's president said: "But,
while recognizing the merits of the pronunciation 'Yah-weh", the translation committee -,has used the form 'Jehovah' because ofits familiarity and because it preserves the four original letters of the vln God's own time when He
reveals the ; correctipronunciation: of his
holy name, we will gladly make the accu)



rate correction.t'-e-See The Watchtower,

September 15, -1950, page 317 11 14.
The true scholarship behind the New
World Translation will make itself known,
not by the disclosure ot the names of the
translating committee, but by thefaithfulness of the translation to the Greek text
and by the reliable help it gives toward
understanding God's written revelation to
men. We are not troubled, therefore: by
your 'thr ust : "Albeit the identity of the
translators is being 'withheld at their own
request-they.are not likely to make much
impression on' either Catholic or Protestant scholars. It is no wonder that thetranslators wish to remain unknown." (117) ,
Not praise from the scholarship of this
fading world, butthe true service of God
and "the education of the people in his
Word, is what we are after, The honesty,
courage and firm foundations of this translation will commend it to 'honest seeking
hearts. Already-the fact that ,the. universally known Watch Tower-Bible & Tract
Society publishes this ,New World Translation has been more of a recommendation
to lovers of God's .Word than the mere
scholarship of Christendom.
We are releasing thisletter for publication in The Register, in fair play, as our
answer to your article: Regardless of
whether any o( the affiliates of The Register publish this answer in whole or not,
the Watchtower'magazine will gladly publish it and thus if ~ll reach its way to the
public to whom it is due.
, .
'. " t.

_AY~ ':'


Happy ar e you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly
say eV81'Y kind 01 wicked thing against you lor my sake. Rejoice
' an d leap'lor j oy, since your reward is great in the heavens;
lor in that way t hey persecuted the prophets prior to you.

-Matt. 5:11,12, NW .

Mobstess } }}r ealG" l:JJpj ~1 Missouri ,


EHOVAH'S witnesses arrange for a three'day "circuit , assembly of. Christian people ;
September 13, in Kennett, Mo.' This is ' a' little
towri'Of six or seven thousand located in the
~~u'tl{eastern corner ' of the 'state. The rBlu~
RO'om above the Palace Cafe)s,obtaine'd,' pre~
liJIlinary preparations are completed, and the
Friday evening
sessionis . peaceably
. . ..
'if Early the next morning the witnesses .are
on the streets extending ,to the good 'citizens
of the community knowledge and information
which will enable' them Ito chose the way of
that - leads
~ God's glorious kingdom~'
the"new ; worid ~ 'of .righteousness long "'ago
prJmi~ea: fu 'fact, the public le~tui:e s'cheduled
to bEn~iven the next artemoon, and to which
the people aretnvited, is entitled "Choose Life
that You May Live ".
.., '
'if At"first a few sneering voices are heard,
thensthreats of-violence are hurled, and finally, - by late' afternoon the whole atmosphere
is filled with the .na sty storm .clouds _of . mob
violence. A bully .by 'the name of Coy.Bannister goes "from one-barroom to the next tanking -up onvalcohol,: and at the same time tries
td ;get a mob organized. He is joined' by1
couple of other rogues, Paul Patton and
"Buck" Estes, -and the three form the nucleus
of amob that swells' until ' it numbers 100 or
150. They mill aroundthestreets, rip placards
from the backs of helpless 'witnesses, pounce
on lone witnesses, beating up those they are
able,to -overpower.
' 'if 'Meantime, the mayor of the town, apparently an .honest and upright man, does everything in his __power to avoi dl'bloodshed. But
how helpless he is! There are 'only six men
ori-hls-pollee force. He calls the governor. of
the-state, He calls the -state police; It is now
late afternoon when he and the sheriff, the
prosecuting attorney,' the owner of the' hall,
and seve;a~ others come to see the besieged
witnesses ,a! , t!l_~ hall and lay plans for their
deliverance. , Itt~~ing impossible to hold ,any
kind of pUblic ll~~t~re the , next day .In ~h,i s
mob-Infested town, it is , agreed by all .that
evacuation must be , made Satui-~ay night.
"While you're in session," the .mayor, says,


life .

" t



,. ,


"we will make all arrangements for your removal." :'


:. ~ .Around six' o'clock the , evening program

\ gets-under way, while thetlimited police force
~ guards the two entrances; Kingdom tsongs are
.\ sung; Jehovah's direction is ' asked 'an d the
entire meeting is put in his hands; 'Field ' ex\ periences are related, and, needless " to ' say,
~ tll~re .are many interesting ones . The 'crowd
,~ outside 'cannot understand how the witnesses
~~. c~n remain ~o cool, all.d many of them will
~ ) long remember the beautiful songs that are
sung to Jehovah's praise.,Even the state police,
.\ the mayor androtheruofflcials -m arvel at the
coolness of these Christians in the face of so
,\ much' opposition. During the meeting an at~ tempt is made to cut the light wires;' and at
one time the mob charges the back door tryS ing,.to force entrancecs'I'he 'state pollee sta~ tioned there draws his 'gim and holds-them off.
~ 'if It i~ now about 9 p.m., the nii~ti'j;g is over
i and the National Guard is prepared to eva~u
ate the witnesses. Martial law is declared.
~ The .crowd. outside, now numbering upward
~, of .2,000;'1s to the opposite side of th e
s!'!r'~3:cIron, door ~o the hall is opened and
~ .down ~ come ,., the WItnesses. Steel-helmeted
\ guardsmen with fixed bayonets now patrol
the sidewalks maintaining law and order.
~ : Tru!~ it is a strange sight, for one now se~s
\ among the guardsmen some of those who
~ , only a short time ago were among thernob',. sters. Ordered into uniforms they are now
i forced to ac! as protectors Of the v~ry Chris~ tian m~n a~d ~~rPe~;t~ey squght to ' destroy.
It reminds one , of how Jehovah turned the
~ tablei{orl wi~k~d' Haman.-Esther 6:4.13~ . ~~ :a~ (~ that ancient case, ~o here in
Kennett, many people are very much opposed
to this' violent outbreak of devllishmob spir\' it. The "sheep" are thus divided from the
S "goats". (Matt. '25:31-46) In conclusion' 'this
eyewitness account, as , related ' by the, circuit
~ and, district servants, tells how the broken-up
assembly was -moved a hundred miles away
~ t? Cape .Glra r deau. fcrtheflnal day's sessions.
There, eleven were, baptized and about 200
. '
, attended the public lecture.



a t.





r~- Simeon

Realizes His Heart's Desire

he sees Joseph, Mary and the child. With
what joy Simeon takes the child Jesus in his
arms! This was the One who would be the
promised Messiah, the Son of David! Though
himself too old to hope to see this One fulfill
his earthly mission, yet even to see him as a
babe, to realize that salvation for Israel was
that near, that God had again remembered
and visited his people, that all that had been
written regarding him by the prophets was
now at long last beginning to have fulfillment
-what ecstasy all this must have brought to
the aged Simeon! Now he was content to
sleep in death until the latter end, Until God
would call him forth in the resurrection.Lifting' his voice in praise to God we hear him
say: "Now, Sovereign Lord, you are letting
your slave go free in peace according to y our
declaration; because my eyes have seen your
means of saving that you have made ready
in the sight of all the peoples, a light for removing the veil from the nations and a glory
of your people Israel."-Luke 2:27-33, NW.
~ See now how his face lights up as he blesses Joseph, the foster father, and Mary, the
mother of Jesus! Then his face suddenly becomes serious, as, directing his remarks to
Mary alone, he adds: "Look! this one is laid
for the fall and the rising again of many in
Israel and for a sign to be talked against
. (yes, a long sword will be run .t hr ough the
soul of you yourself), in order that the reasonings of many hearts may be uncovered."
-Lu~e 2:34 ,35, NW.
'i: Under the Influence of the holy spirit Simcon here was applying a number of prophecies to Jesus. See Isaiah 52:10; 40:5; 42:6;
49:6; 8:14,18. The Christian Scriptures and
the physical facts have since borne out that
the Messiah, Christ Jesus, is indeed the light
of the nations, the One to remove .t he veil of
darkness from the faces of men and the One
that brings them salvation.
~ We have good reason to believe that before long Simeon himself will share in the'
blessings that he foretold that Christ Jesus
would bring to the peoples. (Rev. 11:17,18)
With what joy he will enter on his privileges
in the new world under Jehovah's king, the
Son of David!

N -E DEN God foretold the coming of the

One who would bruise the serpent's 'head;
Later, to Abraham, God identified that One
as he who was to bless all the families of .the
earth. Under inspiration Abraham's grandson,
Jacob, when on his deathbed, foretold .t he
coming of that One, Shiloh, to whom the
people would gather. Moses prophesied . of
the coming of that One, and that he would
be a prophet greater than Moses. David, king
and poet, sang of the glories of His kingdom.
Isaiah ' foretold that he would be born of a
Virgin, and Micah recorded that that One
would be born in Bethlehem. Such are but a
few of the many prophecies that pointed forward to the One who by common consent of
the Jews was referred to as the Messiah, the
Son of David.
1: These prophecies were now hundreds of
years, yes, one of them even four thousand
years old. The Israelites had seen a seventyyear captivity in Babylon coupled with . the
complete desolation of their beloved homeland
and since then they had experienced five hundred more years of subjection to Gentile rulers. Still no Messiah! still no Son of David!
How the faithful, God-fearing Jews yearned
and prayed for his coming-he that was to restore Israel, free it from the galling Gentile
yoke; the One who was to bless all the farnilies of the earth.
1l Among such righteous and reverent Jews
who longed and prayed for the Messiah's corning was a ' fai thful old servant of Jehovah by
the name of Simeon who lived in Jerusalem.
God had placed on him his holy spirit and
rewarded him with the revelation that he
would not see death until he had laid eyes on
the one who was to be the Christ of Jehovah.
Days, months, years were fieeing by, Simeon
was aging, he had not much longer to live.
When would he see this one? '

1l Then one day, toward the end of {~.C.,

a young couple with a baby came to the temple from Bethlehem in Judea. The holy spirit
revealed tohim that this was the day he was
waiting for andmoved him to go to the temple, and there he would ' see the one of whom
all the prophets had written. Hurrying there'
as quickly as his aged frame will permit him;




. ~~~~~~ . ~.~~~=r~---;-~

;-;~"only true God, he built abomUT]IDE of the sma 11

" inable altars in 't his r avine to
number-.,;;.9f serio
V, /ii',
the pagan gods and goddess
,<}ents , of the . Bibl~t'!Q,e
l ' ; ", of Molech, Baal, Chemosh "and
. , 'i'!f;, ,Ashtoreth. (1 Ki. 11:5-7) It is
very few people, who Rno
n 1lt! : said that a monstrous idol ' of
'what ' Gehenna really is. The
,j!' <'I.'M '.briil-ss was here erected which
vast majority of people are
totally ' igr1ora~t 'on subjec}
was' heated . f~om within, and into
they should be very much con-;
whose red-hot'.'arms the idol worcerned about. This is pity,
shipers , cast alive .their sons and
~ consequence: this valbecause, for the most part, <,y ....~~"l~~ ~:5 daughters.
they are 'not responsible for :~!;C'~?<.~;i~f/f, ley that o~ce,. re~ounded WIt? Jehotheir ignorance. Hundreds of
' .f.: J.--w,,~,::~::!
vah's pratse : was . filled WIth the
years ago creed-bound men mistranslated screams of little childrenwho were offered
into the many Bible versions certain Greek up as sacrifices to ili~' "fire:god Molech.
words. This is one r~ason for the general -2 Chron. 28:3; ,33:6. '
~ ",
misunderstanding ,on the subject of what
In due time, faithful King .rosiah stamped
the eternal'9' punishmentcf
-the wicked is. 'out this fiendishness; and in order that
- ,", ...,
Another reason is the fact that the clergy- the practice might not spring up again he
men of 'Christendom, although many of polluted the valley by defiling it with dead
them 'know th e truth of the matter, have 'meh 'S Doni s. (2 'Ki." 23:10, 14; 2 Chron.
done very little to inform the people con- 34:4,5)'From"'that time on Gehenna becerning Gehenna's true nature.
'. caine the common cesspool for the city's
To the west and south, and immediately sewage, a place \vhere all of Jerusalem's
outside the ancient city of Jerusalem, was garbage and filth were dumped: Here' the
a valley first known in Hebrew as gey ben bodies of dead animals and executed crim[ b' ne] hinnom, "the valley of t he son [or, inals were thrown: It was the city's incinsons] of Hinnom." Later it was just called erator, and to keep the fires burning sulgey 'hinnom, "valley of Hinnom," or in the phur or brimstone was added. The sides
Greek tongue, Gehenna: It was a rather of the cliffs were jagged and some of the
deep 'and narrow gorge, with steep rocky refuse thrown over clung to the rocks, and
slopes, situated not far from the great tem - as putrefaction set in worins or maggots
pIe and palace of 'Solomon. One portion consumed the fleshy parts rather than the
of this valley was later called Topheth, and sulphurous fires below. To the Jewish mind
it was here, some believe, that a music ,Gehenna became a vivid symbol of destrucgrove was located where Solomon's royal .t ion and an.abomination, an abhorrence to
singers and musicians gathered to 'fill the the eye, and a stench to the nostrils.
valley with songs of praise to Jehovah'.
What a fitting example and illustration
-Josh. 15 :8 ; ' iKi. 23:10; Jer. 19:2,6.
Gehenna was for Jeremiah to use! When
However, in his' old age, when Soiomon's that prophet of God pointed to that defiled
heart was turned away from serving the 'place as an example of what Jehovah pur-







posed to do to that rebellious nation they . the Latin Vulgate into English in the
got the point. They knew that Almighty early seventeenth century were so menGOd purposed to destroy them as complete- , tally bound up"and constrained by manly as anything thrown into the literalGe- made creeds of "eternal torment" and "hell
henna was annihilated. -"Thus will I do fire" they were not free to make even an
unto this place, saith Jehovah, and to the honest translation. Consequentiy, at...the
inhabitants thereof, even making this city twelve places in the Christian Greek Scripas Topheth: andthe houses of Jerusalem, tures, commonly called the "New Testaand 't he houses of the kings of Judah; , ment", where the name Gehennaoccurs,
whichare defiled, shall be as the place of ~. they translated it. ' 'hell'' ,' which"English
Topheth." "Therefore, behold, the days <word they also used to translate'the Hecome, saith Jehovah, that it shall no more brew word "Sheol and the Greek 'words
be called Topheth, nor The valley of the Hades and Tartaros.
son of Hinnom, but The valley of SlaughAll modern t;anslators .of any repute,
ter."-:-Jer. 19:12,13; 7:32, 33,AS.
both Catholic and .Protestant.jhave been
And so it was when Jerusalem was forced to make note of and apologize for
'finally destroyed A.D. 70. According to the the gross bllmder'in the followiiigtexts:
Jewish historian, Josephus, between 2,000,- Matthew 5:22,29,30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,
'000 and 3,000,000 inhabitants died of fam- 33; Mark 9:43, '45, 47; Luke 12:5; James
ine or disease or were killed by the Ro- 3:6. The English Revised, American Standmans, and it appears that many of their 'ar d, Revised Standard, Catholic Oimfraterdead bodies were throWh into Gehenna nity, Spencer's (Catliolic), Young's, Rothafter that terrible struggle. , _ ' -.
erham's, Weymouth's, Mo att's, Emphatic
Now then, in view of what Gehenna was, 'Diaglott, the lfew wot!d ,,!,ransl~t~o'!l'~ and
literally and symbolically, what better many other modern versions, either corillustration or symbol could the - Great Fect the error in the text or make note of
Prophet,. Christ 'jesus ' use when' telling it in their footnotes.
Jews what was in store for the wilfully
wlckedt. WhEm .he said certain ones were
'What is that?"No eternal t~rment in the
.Ilable ,to:wind q ehE;I!!1a,'h:i,s,listeners
two millenniums ago knew exactly what he never-dying fires of Gehenna?' Thatis corwas talki!1g about, They, knew that if the rect ~ven though popular opinsulphurous fires did not consume their ion. The general idea held by organized
dead bodies, the ever-present maggots religionists is that Gehenna is just another
would. In. either event, they knew full well name for the fantastic ecclesiastical firethat to be cast into Gehenna meant they pool so: fanatically taught by the clergy.
were criminals unworthy of either a burial Simply carrying over the Greekword Geor a resurrection, only 'annihilation.
henna' into English Bibles means nothing '
.. But some may ask: 'When or where did 'if, the clergy continue to deceive the peoJesus speak of Gehenna? In our Catholic ple into believing that Gehenna is a place
Douay and Protestant King James Bibles nf eternal torment. As the Encyclopedia
'we; do n~t find the word' Gehenna.' Quite Americana (1942' ed., v.14, ' p, 81) . ob' tr ue. This is the 'point made earlier, that serves': "Much confusion and "misunder'those men who translated the Bible from st~ding has been caused tli~ough', ,the
the original Hebrew and Greek and from early translators ~f the Bible pe~sist~~tly








1, 1950


rendering 'the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek of eternal torment." To which' can be addHades and Gehenna by the word hell. The ed the following significant paragraph
simple transliteration of these words by found in the appendix, page 767, of the
the translators of the revised editions of " New Warld Translation of t"lte Christian
the Bible has not .sufficed .to appreciably ' Greek Scriptures (1950) : , "No living aniclear up this confusion and misconception." mals or human creatures were pitched into
"There is avast'distlnctlonbetween eter- Gehenna to be burned-alive' or tormented.
1laZtorment and -eternai de8truction~ Ge- Hence .the place could never ,symbolize an
henna symbOlizes the latter, a place of 'invisible region where human souls ' are
everlasting destruction. There was no tormen ted in literal fire and attacked by
thought of torment in the ancient Gehen- undying immortal worms for ever and ever.
na outside the walls of Jerusalem, for noth- "(Isa, 66:24) Because the dead criminals
ing alive was cast therein. To be tormented cast here were denied a decent .burial in a
ifwould'have to be alive! Hence.Xlehenna memorial tomb, whieh symbollzes the hope
cannot possibly symbolize' torment or tor- of a resurrection, Gehenna was used by
'Jesus and his disciples
everture; either temporary or eternal.
.... to symbolize
On this poiiJ.(it is well to' ~onsider,what
,. I '
etermodern .translators have to'saY. The footnal
note 'of Matthew 5 :22, ill the Oatholic Conhave
frafernity translation of 1941,.does not say
that .criminals were 'cast alive into Gehen- was considered the worst kind of punishria to be tortured in its fire and brimstone, ment. From .the literal Gehenna and from
but rather it was the place ~'where the its significance the symbol of the 'lake
bodies of criminals were burnt after execu- burning with fire and sulphur' was drawn,
20:10,14,15; 21:8."
tion of sentence". Commenting on this at Revelation
"Fire" ,is a symbol of utter destruction.
same text, the Roman Catholic Dr. F. A.
Revelation says in symbolic
Spencer, in his
.J-....L.: . . '
that when Kmg JOSIah desecrated the val- -language that tliose' who do .not get life
ley of Gehenna "the Jews "thereafter used are hurled.into the fiery lake which is the
it as a dumping place for all kinds of r ef- "second death". Likewise Jude 7 says that
use and the bodies of dead animals and Sodom arid Gomorrah are punished with
criininals. To prevent infection, fires were "eternal' fire". ThisIs not literal fire, for
kept always burning there; and the place those cities .are now under water on the
became a type of the state' of punishment bottom of the. Red sea Jesus says in the
of .the lost".' You see, there were fires in parable that' the ."sheep" receive everlastthe .literal Gehenna all right, butthey were ing life, ~but the "goats", thesopposite,
n~t 'uSed .tc torture, even .th~ worst crim- "everlasting cutting-oft'; ,in destruction.
inalS~ criminals, whose dead bodies ,were
(Matt. 25:46; N,Wj ED) The.n a r r a t i o n
throWn there because theywere considered of the rich man "and Lazarus ' at .Luke
16: 19-31 is juSt 'a parable~ hence not" lit.'unworthy ,of a .resurrectlon. '.
There is not one scripture tli~t supAfter giving a brief history ofthe:place,
"eternal torment" or "everlasting
ilie appendix, page 891, of Benjamin Wilwhen correctly understood: What
son's EmphatiC-Diaglott (1864), declares:
andhis followers justly receive
"Gehenma, then, as occurring in the New
cutting-off froin life in 'anniTestament, symbolizes death and utter de'.
strucuon, but in no place signifies a place hilation.
' 0f'



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.B ri ~ g i n g Forth Fruit.for Eternal Life

A s for the one sown upon the right kind of soil, this is the one
hearing the word and getting the sense of it, who really does
bear fruit and produces, this one a hundredfold, that
one sixty, the other thirty."-Matt. 13:23, NW.

EHOVAH takes pleasure in fruitfulness,

especially where it results in everlasting
life. .Where there is fruit there is life, and
.what bears good fruit deserves to live.
Every farmer feels joy and satisfaction in
the productiveness of land under .his cultivation. Not less true' is thisof the greatest
farmer of them all, and he is Jehovah God.
It was on the third day pf creation that
this great Cultivator of all the earthissued
the fiat: "Let the earth -put forth grass,
herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees bearing
fruit 'after their kind, wherein is the seed
thereof, upon the earth.Y .You see, he had
notcreated this earth to be a waste. Days
later, before he made man and woman,
"Jehovah God planted a garden eastward,
in Eden; and there he put the man whom
he had formed. And out of the ground
made JehovahGod to grow every.tree that
is pleasant to the sight, and good for food;
the tree of life also in the midst of the garden,and the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil." (Gen. 1:11; 2:8,9, AS) 'T o this
perfect man the great Cultivator let out
the earth for him and his future family to
till it and look after it, extending the gar.den 'of Eden all around the globe to make
it a ' paradise of pleasure. The great Cultivator will yet realize this paradise purpose
of his, that obedient mankind -may enjoy
eternal life in a happy home. Their eating
of the perfect fruits of this 'earthly paradise' will sustain their lives .forevermore.
~ The ' adversary of God and of man
sowed the seeds of doubt and distrust in
the heart of the woman in Eden. They took
root in her and brought forth fruit in the
form of disregard of her 'husband's headship:and disobedience to God. Through the

woman the adversary sowed in her husband's heart the seeds of love of wife more
than the love of Jehovah God, whichwas,
in effect, a love more of himself than of
God. Such seeds of selfishness rooted themselves in his heart and brought forth under his wife's cultivation fruit in the form
of willful violation of Jehovah's law against
eatirig the forbidden fruit. The fruitage
thus brought forth by Adam and Eve met
with God's disapproval, for it showed obedience to the will of the adversary, Satan
the Devil, rather than God's will. And so it
was a fruitage that led to death and destruction, and not to everlasting life in the
paradise of pleasure. God sentenced the
disobedient pair to death and drove them
from the garden of Eden, out of reach of
the "tree of life", that they might not
"eat, and live for ever". (Gen. 3:1-24)
When pronouncing sentence upon the adversary who, like a serpent, had schemed
to lead mankind into disobedience" Jehovah God declared his purpose to .set up a
new government for the vindication of
Him as the universe's Sovereign whom all
mankind ought to obey. He declared his
purpose to bring this government forth
from the womb of his heavenly universal
organization and to have it break upthe
works of the Serp~nt.-:-1. John ~:8,)"{W.
_ 3 The
heavenly universal organization .
loved God. Hence she had no love forthe
Serpent. So, too, the new government to
which God's womanlike organization would
give birth was certain to love God rand
hate the Serpent. God determined to test
and prove the loyalty of this government
by letting the Serpent wound the heel of
its chief member, its King, the Seed




God's woman. Then by this proved loyal

government God purposed to destroy utterly the Serpent and all the wicked offspring
which the Serpent would bring forth. In
this way God purposed to bring back all
the earth and its inhabitants under the
universal sovereignty of God and to restore paradise and make it earth-wide. All
this is included in his cryptic words to the
Serpent, Satan the Devil: "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
between thy seed and her seed; he shall
bruise thy head, and thou shalt wound his
heel." (Gen. 3:15,Le) Four thousand years
later God's Son from heaven, Jesus Christ,
suffered the heel wound and was raised
from the dead and returned to heaven to
become Kingrfl'hen -his apostle Paul wrote
to the King's faithful followers: "For his
part, the God who' gives peace will crush
Satan under your feet shortly." (Rom.
16: 20, NW) The time is very short now till
Satan and his seed are crushed and paradise is afterward restored on earth.
4 When suffering the wounding of his
heel by dying on the torture take at Calvary Jesus Christ gave promise of the restoring of paradise to earth. The evildoer
hanging alongside him had just said sympathetically: "Jesus, remember me when
you get into 'your kingdom." Jesus showed


the resurrection hope which was set , be:

fore this evildoer and all mankind in their
graves by saying to him: "Truly I tell you
today, You will be with me in Paradise."
(Luke 23:42,43, NW; Ro) ' This evildoer
had not been a follower of Jesus Christ and
so could hope only for paradise as ' the
place for him to gain everlasting life. However, during the three and a half years of
Jesus' teaching campaign among the Jews
he had invited believers to become his footstep followers, forsaking this world: He
held before them no earthly paradise hope ,
but a heavenly hope. He told them of his
returning to heaven to receive the -kingship in ' the government- of a new world,
and he invited' them to prove themselves
worthy to share .with him in his heavenly
kingdom. To this end he told them many
parables or illustrations and explained the
meaning of these to them. Among other
requirements, they must be fruitful to the
praise of God and his kingdom. Fruit of
this kind results in eternal life for the
fruitbearer, whereas the fruit that Eve
and Adam brought forth 'in Eden resulted
in death for us all. To illustrate this, Jesus,
in the second year of his .public lecture
campaign, gave his parable of the sower
of seed. Life seekers will be interested in
studying it in the article that next follows.


parable of the sower is ,

found . in the gospel accounts . _
of the disciples Matthew, Mark and-Luke.
Matthew's history of Jesus Christ introduces it this .way ; "On that day Jesus',
haying left tJ1~ 1l9u~e: -~as sitting by the
sea; and great crowds gathered to him, so
- ..- .- ..


. 1. 'H ow do es Ma t th ew Introduce

Sower '!

t h e parable of t he

that he went
aboard a boatand
sat down, and all the
crowd was standing on the beach. Then he
told ' 'theni many things by illustrations,
saying :' 'Look! a sower went out to SO\v:

:2. When and how . was seed then sown, and what does
the parable of the ' Sower Illustrate ?

3, 4. Who Is the sower? What Is the seed '!



'1, ,1950

, -to sow andswill increase the products of

your. righteousness." .(2 .Cor , 9:10, NW)
Since"'A.D. 1914, .the year when the "appointed times of. the nations" ended, the
seed .has been the message of -God's king..dom as born or set .up. .:
" 5 Jesus' Illustration-of -the four kinds of
soils shows the four general Kinds -of persons who receive 'the' seed of the Wordor
who come in touchwlth the Kingdom message; This seed ,'is soWn in' their:hearts 'O r
minds:' Those who1 'receive"it .and -rnake
fciithful .use-{Qfit -in -the proper way:'come
under)special cultivation byJehovah GOd.
<N03matter what man or-omen have to do
with sowing the seedsand watering-it in
the hearts' of the receivers; these receivers
,do -not" become' sectarfansor followers of
human religious .leaders . No; they -belong
to God as'his property, for he supplied-the
seed -of 'th e Word arid it is his .Word that
they accepted rTo such 'ones with whom
the EiWordf of -the Kingdom~ was sown the
apostle wrote : "You people are God'sfield
under CUltivation, God's building.", (1 Cor.
3:9, NW) But in the course of -scattering
the seed, all kinds of persons as represented by the four, kinds of soils get a witriess
to the Kingdom.c'I'lie-natural Jews were
-flrst to'get it through-Jesus in their midst.
''''Three and a halfyears'after his 'death and
resurrection and his 'ascent to heaven the
people of all the non-Jewish nations were
privileged ~t~ receive.the witness, yes, peo'pie 'Ot' all' classes, high aiuf u,w. This fits in
jVith ,'th e purpose of 'God: "'!This. is right
,~~ :af~~Pta~~e bt ",th,e sight 'of Our Sa~ior,
, God,+whose will is that all kinds of men
ShOlild~be saved and come to an accurate
knowleage ~f truth. For there is one .God,
"and 'one mediator between God ana men, a
. ,man jChrlsfiiJesus, who vgave-thiinself " a
a, -.r
_." ;'
correspondmg ransom for all-s-this'Is what
'. ' "

.,,,t:)o ...


A 83 -



~ OOli.'-'-i.r.
e: ,~ ,.;
5: That the parable' Illustrates tour kinds ot solIs sho ws

.is- to be, witnessed to at its 'own particular

-t imes.t'-c-L Tim. 2:3-6"NW.:
, Of,
; 6 Are .You a farmer interested in differ.ent ;kinas ,of soil? No? Still you are concerned about living in a perfect new -world
.and you wantto produce fruit that will Iifetin ethat world; whether in
-its heavenly government or in-its paradise
earth. You want to avoid .what will prevent
your 'being:'fru itful' in' that direction,' for
YOU ')~fU1t to be just as fruitful as you can.
You ',Will therefore be interested .In: the
in.ustfa~ion ~!.lich Jesus gave.of how you
can do:
things. Sofhere are three
... these
types of 'soil' that you do 'not i want ' to be
like.,The firsttype Jesus explained to his
disciples , in this-.tway:f. !'You,. then, . Ilsten
to the .illustrat ion-of the man~that 's owed.
Where anyone hears the word of the kingdom-but .does not get the serise of it; the
"wicked one-comes and snatches away what
has , been .sown in his heart. , this .Jsrthe
onec sown ralongside the ' road ," (Matt.
13: 18, 19, NW) Soil alongside a road would
likely be hard-packed" like the road .itself
over which .the regular traffic passes. This
hard 'surface condition would 'not ilet the
seeds sown sink ,iIi but w ould .make them
lie exposed where the wild 'hungry birds
could see' them ana pick them up. The seed
never takes roof"or shoots-up even a blade.
For the seed 'of the Kingdom truth to take
root in usrand bear fruit it must sink into
our hearts or minds,' for it is' with the
heart that a ' pers on exercises faith ; for
righteousness, .With out faith .we can never
. be saved; which is why-Jesus said: "Those
alongside the road 'are the ones thathave
heard; then'the Devil comes.anditakes.the
word away from their 'hearts in order .th at
they may not believe and be saved." (Isuke
8:12,-NW)' We must bear fr uit in order to
be saved.

, 6. :Why are those !Ike soil alongside the road not saved '!




N. Y.

1 The roadside hearers of God's Word

to commit a robbery. He sends out his
who lose even what they had Jesus com- "birds", whether they are invisible demons
pared with Isaiah's description at Isaiah who work at the mind or are men and
6 :9,10. Jesus said to his disciples: "To women. His birds hate the pure Word of
you it is granted to understand the sacred God, whether by that is meant a faithful
secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, translation of the Bible or the explanation
but to those people it is not granted. For of the "faith that was once for all time dewhoever has, more will be given him and livered to the holy ones". (Jude 3, NW)
he will be made to abound; but. whoever Like hungry birds which are not interested
does not have, even what he has will be in the producing offood for mankind, Sataken from him.
tan's agents 'are -on the hunt for such seed
sown. How ~apy; reports we receive of
This is why I
clergymen, nuns and priests that follow up
speak to them by
the use of illustrathe distribution "of ili~ printed Word . by
Jehovah's witnesses and demand that, its
tions, bee au s e,
obtainers either hand over such printed
looking, they look
material or else .burn, it up if they do not
in vain, and hearing, they hear in vain, neither do-they get surrender it, to such religious "birds"!
the sense of it; and toward them the proph- ' They will attack and oppose such printed
ecy of Isaiah is having fulfillment which Word, in harmony with the wicked one's
says: 'By hearing, you will hear but by no name "Satan". Or else they will misrepmeans get the sense of it; and, looking, you resent it and slander and malign the ones
will look but by no means see. Eor the heart sowing such spiritual seed, in harmony
of this people has grown thick, and with with the wicked one's name "Devil". In
their ears they have heard with annoyance, this way ,they show they are his children.
and they have shut their eyes; that they -John 8:44.
might never see with their eyes and hear
o Those who do not seek understanding
with their ears and get the sense of it with will yield to opposers, slanderers and intheir hearts and turn back, and I. heal timidators. Many such kind have thus contributed the literature they obtained
them.' "-Matt. 13:11-17, NW.
8 That kind of hearers are .those who listoward the pile that has been collected and
ten without understanding.or not burned publicly to the glee of the clergyseek an understanding. .They can .thus .be men who set the match to .it. We do not
easily robbed of the Iife-giving .Information
have to go so
that was sown on their .hearts, Only a
far b a c kin
wicked person would want to rob them of
min d as the
time when copthis seed of God's Word instead of cultiies of William
vating it in their hearts. That wicked one
T y n d a l e' s
Luke's account says is .the Devil. Mark's
account says he .ds Satan, which name is printed translation of the Holy Scriptures
another designation of that same wicked were .burned at St. Paul's cross in London ,
one. (Mark 4:15) We can be sure he is England. Early in his dictatorship the Nazi
ever alert and watches wherever the seed fuehrer in true . Hitlerian style .had as
is sown and follows it up with his assaults many as 50,000 copies of the literature of
7, With wh at propheti c descrip tio n did Jesus compa re
Jehovah's witnesses burned in Germany.

the roadside h earers'?

S. Who a r e the parable's bi rd s, and how do these act ?

9. How have roadside hearers yielded t o such btrdsr


1, 1950


But an understanding person or one who

does want understanding and who prizes
it will not be like a roadside hearer. He
will hold onto the seed sown with him and
will ' refuse to part with it on the demand
of enemies.
' 10 Over a half billion copies of bound
books and booklets, besides Bibles, have
been distribute d by J e h 0vah's witnesses
since A.D. 1918
a Ion e, not to
men fi 0 n the
addit ional huridreds of millions of copies
of ' magazines, free tracts, and announcements 'also passed out. Why, on the very
day, August 6; 1950, that the public leeture "Can You Live Forever in Happiness
on Earth?" was delivered at their international assembly at Yankee Stadium,
New York city, a quarter of a million
copies of the speech in print in a handsome 32-page booklet were distributed free
r ight afterward to the 123,707 in attendance. But as for all the literature distributed till now, many possessors have not
studied it thoroughly or at all, and many
readers have not understood or not sought
fur ther understanding, and the religious
clergy have not helped them understand.
The religious agents of Christendom have
discouraged the reading of such Bible material and have tried to capture the interest and attention of the :people away from
such literature. ,.. . . .-':;'. .
11 Much Bible litebture:~~weli :cisBibles
tiiemselves nave 'thus" lain id}e,"'iike seed
that chanced to fall on hard-packed, wayside ground. The matter has largely to do
with the mind and with the condition of
the heart, as to whether it yearns for truth
and understanding. So that, even if the
10. How have many obtalners of literature been like
roads Ide soil ?
11. Wh y h ave th e b ir ds been a ble t o sn atch so mu ch
s eed away ?


Kingdom message is presented in 'a verbal

way by a public lecture or by a more direct personal presentation at the doors tep
or elsewhere, the message received will lie
dormant on the surface of the heart or
mind and be as good as dead, allowing the
demons and others who make attacks on
the mind to snatch away what has been
sown there. The' Sower has been along
their way, but they did not understand
him or his work or his message delivered
by word of mouth or by the printed page.
Not hungering for truth and righteousness, not care to understand. So the seed
is snatched away bythe foes of the Word
before ' ever it has a . chance to take root.
In consequence of all this, what appalling
Bible illiteracy there now is!
1 2 We, who have our eyes open to what
is going on and who are aware of the enemy's tactics, what can we do about the
situation? We can put forth more efficient
efforts to reduce the great Bible illiteracy.
We can continue to spread the "word of
the kingdom" and can beat off the wicked
one's "birds" and prevent them from
snatching God's Word from those not yet
understanding it. Yes, we must even try'
to beat those "birds" to it. How? By making calls without
delay upon those
who ' express interest after hearing the message
or who hand in
their names at a
public lecture, or by making return visits
upon those in whose homes we place -the
literature. So doing, we can anticipate the
action of the greedy "birds" and can help
the receivers of the Word to understand
it and to develop an appetite for more of
it. We can make our regular visits back
progressively helpful by instituting a Bi12. Aware of a ll th is. what can we do a bo ut thc sltuatlon ?






l ' .


! .

ble study there, using OI~e of our Bible

helps as a guide to the r material studied.
1 3 We-are not merebook and Bible peddlers, who spread. a lot of 'printed matter
for the sake of the financial intake and
who run away from the territory where we
spread the literature; afraid to go back and
face again the people with whom we placed
literature, but seeking, .instead, a new territory ill which just to .place books. True, '
the printed page can take the place of the
oralisermon. Butvthe apostle Paul and
Barnabas' stayed arwhole year in Antioch
in order to teach the people. It was not be_
cause 'Paul and Barnabas did not have
much, if'any, printed or hand-copied literature to put out on a contribution for
their support. No; but because theverbal
message sown on the -heart or mind can be
snatched - away by- Satan's birds just as
easily as, if not more quickly than, a printedmessage. Hence the need for Paul and
Barnabas to stay in the territory to forestall-the coming and activity of.the "birds".
Jesus, .too; moved around from place to
place, but he did so within his territory.
He. had to reach all his territory -and had
. only three and a half years in -which to do
so and he made return trips over the different parts of his assignment. He also did
follow-up work fafter his apostIes..;;..;""Acts
11:25,26; Luke , 8:40' 000 11:7{.-Luke
10:1: ~." >
. .
14 Remember: 'a f
f ,lIe wantSjo
reapr cannotsleave I1is . e s; 'ietting tliem
go uncultivateds after a sowing. He must
work at -his: sown fields and -keep off the
destroyers 'of crops, and must vshow -pa.. tience.waiting long for his crop. (Jas.5:7)
We who are privileged 'to sow God's Word
must do the same thing' iII' a spiritual way.
The graduates of the Watchtower Bible
School of Gilead who were sent as missio.nar~es into the province of Quebec

13. In what way must we not be mere book peddlers ?

14. How must we be like a farmer who wants to reap ?

'<. .


(Canada), 'which is plagued with many

"birds'x -hadvto hang on fast and hard to
their territory -and 'fight off the "birds".
Now their eyes and hearts rejoice over the
fruitage which they see from ' the . seed
sown. So, too, it has been in other parts of
the world. .Hence we must not leave it -all
to .those with .whom the Word' is sown as
th~ir responsibility, but must stay cIoseby
the seed sown and try to improve the soil
thl!S seeded and help, it become,-,frwtful
and lielp to counteract the invasion of Satan's
'1s Of course; those wHo receive the Word
byhearingit or by getting ,r~~~~g.matter
have a responsibillty.ff they .do. not seek
an understanding of it, keeping their minds
hard . ~d <'urireceptive', llke much-trodden
soil. They suffer, ,too, the .consequences of
their,irid!ffer~nt}lardness by suffering robbery from the~'blrds". So they remain unfruitful, because never coming to a belief
of the seed sown. They are no better than
the open road ' itself. What they,once had
is taken from .th~m. [Th~ become seedless
soil,and stay barren, because .the rain of
God's .blessings has nothing .to work~,on .
They. are .a disappointment to .the Sower.
Their faithless unfruitfulness gains no salvation. If, .then"
.we love
f eternal lif~
happiness" want .to be that kind
of soil to-the great Sower. In our own case
~e . have to..beware "of the adversary's
"birds" ' as
as soften our own hearts
and ;nind~, t~w."aFP ~e _Kingdom message.
"Subject yourselves, therefore, to.God: but
oppose the ,Devil, and he will fiee' from
yoi.t." ~ '(Jas. 4:7;NW) , Do not 'let your
minds be tli~'Devil's roadway ~d let him
harden you. ,'r '





.. "

16 To prove worthy of everlasting 'life,

especially life ..with Jesus' Christ in the
15. :How are the "roadsIde soll" hearers responsible,
suffering the consequences of theIr hardness t
16. To what are the quItters lIkened? To what: does
quItting lead ?


1, 1950

heavenly kingdom, we must show decision

for the right and then stick to it with en;
durance down to the end. Quitters will
never gain eternal life; and that fact holds
true. also for those persons of good will
.who now entertain hopes of surviving the
world catastrophe.of Armageddon into the
"new earth". This vital point is made by
Jesus when he explains whom the soil with
a rock-layer underneath pictures: "As for
the one sown upon the rocky places, this
is -the -one hearing the word and at once
accepting it with joy. Yet he has no root
in . himself' but continues for a time, and
after tribulation or persecution has arisen
on account of the word he is at once stumbled." (Matt. 13:20,21, NW) And Luke
8: 13 says: ."They believe for a season, but
in a season of testing they fall away."
(NW) Such stumbling and falling away
leads to destruction!
:1One thing is sure: .If you accept the
truth, you are going to -be persecuted and
suffer tribulation for it; You cannot escape
it in this world, and especially in this
"time of the end"; The apostle Paul writes:
"In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted." (2 Tim. 3: 12;
NW) Well, then, are you going to prove
like the soil with a rock-shelf beneath?
Such'lsoll does not have much depth and
hence cannot 'hold much of the moisture
which the rains deposit upon it. It does not
hold moisture long, because the rock-shelf
underneath is reached by the sun's heat
and war~ .t he soil above and helps-hasten
its evaporation. The shallow depth of the
soil also does not let the roots strike deep
in searchof plant food and moisture. How,
then, can such soil bririg forth fruit abun. dantly
to perfection? J esus shows it
cannot. ., - ,





.. 17, Why does not such "soil" bring forth fruit to per, fectIon ?

18 It is a joy to ' receive God's Word, and

especially the message that . his kingdom
by -Chr ist was established in the heavens
A.D. 1914 and so the righteous new world
is near. The people of the rocky-soil kind
do "accept it with joy". (Mark 4:16, NW)
Because of its own goodness.the "word of
the kingdom" ought to be accepted with
joy, and that joy ought .to be a strength
to us to go through whatever may follow.
But the rocky-soil persons let their joy
quickly evaporate: At first they overflow
with joy and manifest a great zeal both
to gain knowledge and to share it with
others yet in ignorance. And then something happens! This Word sets before
them.the supreme issue of God's universal
sovereignty, an .issue upon which both
angels and men are obliged to decide each
for himself. To be right they are obliged
to line up on the side of Jehovah's rightful
sovereignty by his kingdom. To .do this by
associating .with Jehovah's witnesses and
by publishing the Kingdom message exposes the rocky-soil persons to reproach,
tribulation and persecution. -Th us that
"season of ,testing" comes upon them. The
solar heat beats down .upon them. Then
19 The seed of divine truth has sprouted
in them, but now they feel scorched and
they weakly wither away. The tribulations
met with-in their service of God and the
persecutions they must undergo for preaching the Word dry up .their fruit-bearing
possibilities. They are stumbled by this
fiery -tribulation and persecution and take
offense at it, rather than being convinced
that such an experience marks the right
side and proves that they are on the right
side. Unlike the apostles, they do not come
through the tribulation and persecution
"rejoicing because they had been counted

18. How do the "rocky soil" hearers accept the -" seed".
and why does a " season of testing" come upon them ?
19. How and unlike whom do they act under such
"heat "?




, ,


worthy to be dlshonoredIn .behalf of his

name". In ancient time believers at Thessalonica, Greece, who 'accepted the \Vord
through Paul, ''accepted the .word under
much tribulation with .joy of holy spirit,
so'that [they] came to be an-example to all
the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia."
(Acts 5:41;1 Thess, 1:6-8, NW) They
were not stumbled either by the persecutions upon -the apostle Paul who sowed the
seed -among them or by the persecution
they themselves now suffered. But -not' so
the rocky-soil receivers of the Word. They
do not' view 'th ings 'as Paul and so do not
believe that "to . you the ' privilege was
given in behalf of Christ, not only to put
your faith in him; but also to suffer in his
behalf". (Phil: 1:29, NW) They stopgrowing. They fall away.
. 20 What is wrong with them? They forget' that Jesus foretold that tribulation and
persecution 'would .come 'upbn' them for
faithfully copying"hiffi"mld his j ~ll)Ostles.
To his apostles h'e ' s~id: "l 'have. spoken
these things to you that 'you may not be
stumbled. - Men: will 'expel you from the
congregation. -In 'fact , the -hour is coming
when everyone that Kills you will 'imaghie
he has rendered a sacred service to God.
But they will do these things because-they
have not come to know 'either -the Father
or me. Nevertheless, I have spoken these
things to you 't hat , when the hour for them
arrives, you may remember I told them to
you."-Johri 16:1.:4: NW. ' .,.
2 1 But the rocky-soil C1a~s do stumble,
despite this forewarning.', ' God's ' Word
proves ,to be not deeply '-rooted .in them.
Its seed-roots do not take deep ' hold on
their hearts, so as to 'br ing forth a public
confession from a heaft abolmd.lng with
truth and to maintain that confession undel' heat of persecution and '.tr ibulation.
God's blessings have rained down upon
20. What words of Jesus do they forget ?
21. .W hy do es this class st um bl e a nd t ak e offense ?


them with a refreshment that should last,

but they have not stored up enough of such
refreshment to withstand the heat of a
blazing enemy sun. (Euke8:6) They prove
shallow-minded, ' weak-hearted.' They have
not overwhelminglyrconvinced themselves
of the genuine qualityofjthertruth sown
in them. They let the Word goHn only so
far and then-let some impenetrable thing
like a trock-layer prevent Itsrroots from
going-down deeper and pulling -good qualities of-courage and faithfulness to the surface . Under the test they betray ' themselves as double-minded, lukewarm, not
consumed'with zeal for God's house. They
think the cost is too great: the persecutions and tribulations cost more than the
seed of God's Word and his rain of blessings are worth. So the "season of testing"
sifts them out- from the loyal. (.
22 What an opportunity they miss
brand the Devil a liar in charging that
Almighty God could not put on earth .a
man in his image and likeness -who would
keep his integrity toward God under persecution and tribulation 'by' the Devil! How
happy inwardly, yes, ' how happy eventually, they would be if they availed themselves of this opportunity to keep integrity
under persecution! They have -plenty of
ancient examples for; doing so <, "Take as
a pattern of the suffering of evil and the
exercising of patience the !prophets, who
spoke in the
name ....of'''''If. Jehovah.
Look! we
,. .
pronounce happy those' who have endured.
You have heard 'of
'enduraiide of Job
and have seen the outcbme Jehovah gave,
that Jehovah is 'very i~nder in affection
and ' compassionate." (Jas, 5:10,11, NW)
Let us remember -that the 'approved aposties ' stuck with Jesus -in his trials and for
their faithfulness ,they were taken into the
covenant .for the heavenly kingdom with
him. For leaving everything and following
him they took the persecutions along with


22. How could they b e happy , a nd thus be li k e whom ?



1; 1950

the heavy 1 rain,of blessings,a hundredfold.

They-endured the great contest under sufferings.~They never drew back either when
fac~d with persecution or-when in the heat
ofit -They knew that to shrink back meant
destruction, but to have faith meant the
preserving alive orthe-soul.-c-Luke 22: 28,
29 and Markl0:30 ,and Hebrews 10:32-39,


. '


ourselves. endure tribulation - encountered

in the field. The rocky-soil class 'who at
first raise greathopes in usturn out painfully disappointing to us; But we are glad
thatin.all .our sowing of -Jehovah's Word
many are demonstrating that they are not
of the..r ocky-soil kind there in countries
behind the communistic "iron curtain",
yes, too, in Greece, in the Dominican Republic, in :Argentin~,.in .Quebec, and r elsewhere; .Instead of withering away Under
the heat, their roots are drawing on the
moisture :'of God's. truth, blessing and
~pir~t, and they .are fruitful in obedience
to his supreme commands, They are defeating thevwicked intent of the 'e nemy
persecution and are " making Jehovah's
heart laugh at the frustrated enemies. The
"faithful and,discreet slave" organization
devotedlysticks with them under persecution,gettingfood to them. (Matt. 24:45-47,
NW) Hence the number of His witnesses
keeps .incr easing.

:3.As in , that first 'century, tribulation

and persecution can scatter the faithful
disciples., It scatters them to be .preachers
or sowers-of the ' Word elsewhere, 'over, a
broader field. But the rocky-soilclass are
scattered by persecution as runaways hunting cover: They do.not have' the apostle's
conviction that nothing trialsome now or
yet to come will be "able to separate us
from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our
Lord". Since they do not act on their high
privilege to suffer with Christ, they miss
out.forever on.relgnlng with -him in glory.
(Rom. 8:35-39, NW,. 2 Tim. 2:11,12) For
proving unfruitful, they fail to gain new
world life, .
. .
25 "As, for the' one sown
among the
24 Seeing, then, that tribulation and-perthorns"
the word,
secution -ar e, certain to come upon those
of things
among whom iwer sow God's Word 'of the
Kingdom, we should forewarn and prepare
them for its coming. When .it does come
g~ye .the 'Yarning accordupon them in their -early days before -the
message i has had time to take deep root ing to Matthew 13: 18-22 (NW). But Mark
andbe fruitful, we should stand loyally -by 4: 19 says ;the desires for the rest of the
them under it. Help them to endure it, things ' joi~ ,ui"making inroads upon his
watering .them with the rain of God's bless- selfish hea:rt~ Luke names another factor
ings that they 'may withstand the "heat". saying: "As for that which fell among the
these .are. the -ones that have heard
., ,
Weicannot do so by forsaking them to thorns,
themselves, refusing to make return visits
upon -them, discussing the Bible or holding and wealth and pleasures of this life, ;they
are completelychoked and bring nothing
a regular study 'of it with them, taking
to perfec~ion.' :. (Luke 8:14, NW) },This systhem to our meetings and also out in 'the
tem of thmgs may be at its consummation,
field service 'w it h us to show them how ~e but it is' still with us. while it lasts, there
are its anxious cares, its -wealth-getting
23. What prlvllege do they not act on? What do they
fall to gain? '. ....,
and the pleasures of this
24. Foreseeing tribulation coming, what should we do






' ,


toward those on whom we sow seed? How does this

affect the number of witnesses?

25. How Is' the course of the thorny-soll' class de~Crlbed?




life. So we all need to take heed to the

warning picture Jesus gave.
26 People to'day '\Vho are 'Iike the thorninfested soil receive the seed of the Word
and could be [ust as fruitful as others. But
they do not ridthemselves'bf the thorns
andthistles. They are t oo 'concern ed about
tomorrow 'and its
and so do not up" root such: ' thorny"things by fWly trusting
Jehovah according to his promises. Then,
too, they are aeeply enmeshed in this present system, making themselves slaves .of
it, ana they seek to preserve their souls
according to present standards of living.
What they lack is godly devotion with con':
tentment. Hence what theydo is seek to
be nch in this world's goods, thus -stabbing
themselves ail :over with ' many pains.
Somehow they never get undeceived: So
their selfishness never allows them proper
time 'to be rich in 'good works or to bring
forth fruit in Goa's service, Their selfish
anxiety does not let them give attention to
this. And if they do have time, they must
spend 'i t in the "pleasures of this life". For
relief from anxiety and boredom they feel
they' must turn to such 'pleasures.' What
wonder, then, that God's Word which was
sown in them "has itS productive power
completely choked!
21' Do we find ' ourselves -infested' with
such thorns' and thistles and correspondingly poor in the' good works of God? Then
we need to burn o'ff those .stlcky, thorny
growths so as to allow the seed of his Word
in us 'to grow, leading .to .fruit bearing.
Otherwise, we 'cannot be r ich ,in;' right
works which wili leave a record 'that will
survive ourdeath. We cannot treasure up
a 'right foundation for us to attain real
life, eternal life in 'the new world.. (l Tim.
6:6-10, NW) Look 'at Jesus. How heavenly
rich he was! And yet how comparatively


26. How do they let thorny things choke their productivity ?

'Z1, 28. What action must the thorn-Infested ones take?
Otherwise, what wl1l be their end ?


N. Y.

poor he became.even to the point of being

poor in earthlymaterial goods! To do this,
he sold all he' had and at last he submitted
to a sacrificial death. Now he has become
supernally rich. Unless we copy him ;' his
word will,not' dwell in us' richly; making
us also 'abound in fruit.~ol. 3: 16:
28 ThOrny, thistly ground is rejected by
the cultivator and is near to being cursed
because of not producing life-giving food
in response to the rain that falls upon it.
It ends up with being burned. If that is so,
then the thorny-soil class have a similar
end. (Heb. 6:7,8) They waste God's undeserved kindness to them and let worldly
things combine to choke ' off their fruit
bearing. This results-In fiery destruction
to them.
2 9 We may see some who are in mIT congregation' or some whom we have sown
with the seed tending to let thorny-like
obstructions invade their lives and hearts
and choke their spiritual productiveness.
We can warn them. When the young man
let his love of deceptive wealth choke off
his fruit-bearing possibilities as a Christian, ' Jesus warned his disciples: "It will
be.a difficult thing for a rich man -to get
into the kingdom of the heavens." Timothy, as a young overseer'in a congregation,
was instructed by the apostle Paul to warn
the rich and those Incliningto the love of
money. (Matt. 19:23,24; 'I' Tim. 6:17-19,
NW) We want to help others now to get
free of entanglements and worldly preoccupations and to seek, instead, the 'I'heocracy's increase now -when it is due. (Isa.
9: 6, 7) We want to avoid letting this thorninfested condition overrun the soil -of our
own hearts and minds. In harmony with
such an effort ,within ourselves we should
lovingly help others to do so. It }s most
timely to keep before us Jesus' words: "Pay
attention to yourselves that your .hearts
29. What can we do to help them and ' also do In our "
ow n Int er est ?


1, .1950


never-become weighed downwith.overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of

life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. For it will come in upon
all those dwelling.upon the face of all the
earth. Keep awake, then, all-the time making supplication .that you may succeed in
escaping all these things that are destined
to occur, and to thold your position before
the Son of 'man ;"- Luke 21:34-36, NW;

Who, then, are the ones like the "good .

soil" upon which the seed fell, so that,
"after'sprouting; it produced fruit" manyfold? (Luke 8 :8, NW) Ah, these are the
ones who have right and good hearts into
which to receive the seed of the Word. On
hearing the Word, they get the sense of it.
If not getting it just at the time, they
afterward seek an understanding of it
through God's spirit and organization.
They hold onto the Word and do not hardheartedly yield it over to the robber birds
of the Devil.
3 1 Describing the "good soil" class, Jesus
said: "As for the one sown upon the right
kind of soil, this is the one hearing the
word and getting the sense of it, who really
does bear fruit and produces, this one a
hundredfold, that one sixty, the other thirty." (Matt. 13: 23, NW.) 'J esus' words according to Luke's.accountshow just why such
a hearer of the Word gets the sense of it
and why he brings forth fruit so manyfold,
saying: . "As for that on the right soil, these
are the ones that, after hearing the word .
with.a right-and good heart, retain it and
bear fruit with endurance." (Luke 8:15,
NW) First of all, these have a right and
good heart condition. Once receiving the
Word, theyi'retain if as precious, just like
the good, loamy, thorn-free soil that' has

30. How do those llke the "good soU" a ct to ward the

seed sown ?
31. How dId Jesus lllustrate such ones. showIng what
they do ?


been plowed up 'an d that .can let the seed

sown sink deep down and be covered over,
because it has great, moisture-retaining
depth, with no rock barrier beneath. Their
heart stores up treasures of good things,
because it fixes its affections upon such.
When God's ministers of the new 'covenant
come along with the seed of his Word, they
let God -by his Word and spirit Write his
law upon the fleshly 'tablets 'of the heart',
so that from then on they do God's will
from the heart, by the power of his spirit.
They guard their hearts with all vigilance,
for out of it flow' the wellsprings ' of life.
(2 Cor. 3:3-6, NW; Provo 4:23) How we do
enjoy going with the seed of God's Word
to persons with such hearts!
3 2 What, then, is the fruit that such
hearts bear? Well, seeds of the various
grains produce other seeds, each variety
of seed producing its own kind. The seed
which the great Sower broadcasts is the
Word of God's kingdom..So, then, the fruit
it produces must be witness-bearing or
Kingdom testimonies to others. A Kingdom seed brings .forth its own kind in
Kingdom preaching.-1 Cor. 15 :36-38.
3 3 With the heart the "good soil" person
receives the seed of the Word and believes
it for righteousness, but it is ' with the
mouth that he fearlessly makes public declaration for salvation. It is out of the
abundance of the heart that the mouth is
bound to speak. Having been favored' to
receive the Kingdom message into right
and good hearts, we must "always offer to
God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit
of lips which make public
his name". "(Rom ; 10:10; Matt. 12:34,35;
Heb. 13:15, NW) So, when we receive the
seed and it takes root in us because we
retain it and get the sense of God's Word,
we have 't hus lodged with us a commission
to preach, and we must fully accomplish

32, Wh a t Is the fruit that such he arts bear ?

33. Why must the " good soU" person produce such
fr uit ?



N. Y.

it in order for others to hear the Kingdom ' tions. By ' displaying endurance he proves
tidings. That r seed of GOd's Word .is not his trust in God. In turn, God increases the
dead -but is a living force. It has power to seed yield rofxthe":enduring one that this
bring preaching ahllities rand -actlvities to seed may be .scattered about by-Kingdomthe.surface. so causingaicrop of Kingdom preaching. "In eve:ry4way~we -recommend
proclamation'; to -be reaped by the great ourselves as .God's -minister s, _by , the enSower. By the divine Word and spirit with- durance of much, -by,.tribulations, ... by
in-us God creates the fruit of our lips. (Isa, longsuffering, .. '. byrtruthful f speech, by
57:19) ' The "good soil" heart with the liv- God's power.", We do .not wither and .fall
ing seed I implanted 'in it, is deeply stirred away under the blazing sun of persecution
and it moves the vocal cords and tongue and tribulation. (2 Cor. 6:4-7, NW) Being
and lips into action to "preach the word". ourselves strengthened by God:~ power to
. The. fr uitage thus-produced is proof that endure.rwemust-help, others to endure. It
the person is of the "good soil" class and is oh so -necessary for us to assist others
that he very fact a minister of God's personally, encouraging them; praying for
Word, His producing Kingdom fruit wins them, setting them the right example, takthe great Sower's approval and makes it ing them along. with. us or accompanying
possible for.the Sower to.scatter more seed them in the field service of preaching the
upon other hearers. Thus through his fol- Word. God's .vlslble organization is endeavlowers' he continues sowing the precious oring .tohelplall-recelvers pfithe. seed to
be fruitful to the limlt-oftheir productive- .
ness. And so it-continues to promote -the
cultivation .wor k upon those whose hearts
. .
, 3~ We have to exercise endurance in order
are of the right kind of soil.
to produce Kingdom fruit in praise of God,
3 6 Jesus indicated there would be a difjust as -a ' farmer has to exercise patience terence; of. seed yield among those with
and showgood endurance when 'he culti- whom God'sWord is sown, some bringing
yates the ' soil and the growing crop. As forth as high as a hundredfold. Since the
he works, he must wait upon God to make quality of the,soil and the amount of cultithings grow. "In this way the kingdom of vation given to -it largely determine the
God is just as when, a man casts the seed yield, our ,own amount of-fruitfulness can
upon the ground and he sleeps at night and be determined considerably for each of .us
rises up by day, and the seed sprouts and by like things.. However, a 'person who
grows tall, .just how he does not know. brings forth only thirtyfold is .making a
Of its own self the ground bears fruit grad- commendable yield. His opportunities may
ually, first -the grass-blade, then the stalk- be limited through imprisonment, exile,
. . head, finally the full grain in the head. isolation, . underground - restrictions, and
Bur -as soon as the fruit permits it, . he confinement because of illness, infirmity
thrusts in the sickle, because the harvest- or old . age . But he has a right and good
.t ime hascorne."-Mark 4':26-29, NW.
heart, and so.he is sincere and zealous and
puts forth unselfish efforts. Hence his yield
3 5 ' A person must tru:>t in GOd to make
him -grow into a preacher', of the Word, of Kingdom publication whether by word
fully competent to present the message in of mouth ,or by printed page is good. .
37 Bringing forth sixtyfold denotes larger
all places and under all' outward condi-



~ ~


, r


34,35. (a) Like a farmer; what qual1tlesmust we exercise ? (b) How must we help other "good soil" persons ?

36. How Is our yield determined, and why do some

bring forth thirtyfold ?
37. How do ot her s bring forth si xtyfold ?


1, 1950



493 .

opportunities and a corresponding taking spreading his life-giving -Wor d, (2 Cor, "
advantagetofthem, Those who answer the 9:6-12; Ps. 112:9) Bringing forth fruit a
invitation into the full-time serviceorpio- hundredfold is a worthy goal to strive for,
neer- service enter into larger .privileges
3 9 Lift up your eyes, sweep them east
, and enjoy greater opportunities than the and west, north and south, and behold the
, ordinary company publisher does. They faithful witnesses of the Most High God
have a wider sphere of .action and larger bearing fruit like "good soil" thirtyfold,
possibilities. They must measure up to sixtyfold, and a hundredfold; both behind
these, Of course, our length of time in the the "iron curtain" of totalitarian dictatortruth and our living-to an active old age, ships and outside it: How the great Sower
as in the cases of the apostles Paul and must rejoice! What especially makes us
John, can allow for.more fruitage. But we also rejoice with him over this is that it
must do more than have mere length of means .an ever-Increasing praise to the
term in God's service. We have to pack it living, true God. The great Sower said:
full of positive effort and activity in order "My Father is glorified in this, that you
to be above the thirtyfold yield.
keep bearing .much fruit and prove your38 Yielding.a hundredfold is outstanding,
selves my disciples," (John 15 :8, NW) Our
But ifdoes;not denote perfection of service heavenly Father rejoices to see us fruitful.
in the case of any of us imperfect minis- He is pleased, therefore; to bestow evertel'S, It denotes our trying to live up fully lasting life upon us in the new world. It is
to the opportunities ~ that present them- for gaining this life that we receivers of
selves or that we can clear the way for. his Word must be fruitful now before ArWe .must be vigilantly watching against mageddon. But not only is our own new
the ' intrusion of any thorns of worldly world life involved with our productivity.
anxieties, money love, and pleasures. Through our fruit bearlng-TehovahCod is
Among Jesus' apostles" Paul, while he also pleased to confer life upon others
lived, "labored in excess of them all." upon whom he uses .us to scatter the seed
(1 Cor, 15: 10,' NW) Not that we are ' to and who likewise become fruitful manymake comparisons among ourselves, either ~ fold to ~d's gloryand vindication. ':h0~gh
to blow ourselves up with pride or to make , t he commg battle of Armageddon WIll WIpe
. , ,
out and uproot every ungodly plant which
excuses. for our. .underproduction.
Such a our heave
thl ' h as noot . pane
l t d" 1it
,. .
eavenIy F
course IS
note WI'II no t des't roy th e preCIOUS
. not
, .WIse for. us, But we can
I'm 0f our
' .
. ' ,'
rIg eousness m preac mg IS Word
or and
gives. m varymg. ,amounts m this one s case a divancmg
. thee imeres
f hi. kimgd om b y
' he .
, ~
and in that one s, and we can study the Chri t ' Oh th
f it t
fit '
rIS ,
, en, m t e time yet remaining
reasons or 1 0 our own pro
. ..
e ore rmage on may e con mue tc0
have room
. . t ers an d cons t an t ' . for growth . in productivity. cu l't'Ivat e ' us as. hlIS mInIS
None of us can ever equal the great Sower . '
hi " If' b ' f it t G d Th Ch '
ly renew our strength to endure and bring
imse m earmg I'm 0 o.
rIS- f th
f . f
. di ,
tlIan wh 0 sows
th e Word :' sparmg
' Iy WI'11 or ' more
ruit,- or . IS.vm
, Ication
. and
.. ,
, ,
our'.own everlasting.llfe m hIS new world!
reap sparmgly.But
those who zealously "Le't : hi1m th a t h as ears , I'IS t en, " - Ma tt .
' "
expend ' themselves WIll have God make 13' 9 NW
them abound <,wit h the righteousness of . "
38. What does producing a hundredfold denote, and
how do we make for It ?

39. Why especially do we rejoice over the productlveness:>f the " good soli" class today, and' wh at does It
mean' for all such fruitful ones ?



the . 'Word"

"JEHOVAH has made preaching the

most important work any of us
could do in this world." So stated The
Watchtower, issue of December 15, 1949,
which considered in detail the subject
"Preach the Word". This preaching work
has to do with the permanent rescue of
obedient persons from the death-dealing
effects of the first man's fall.
Why did the greatest man who ever
lived quit his secular employment in the
prime of life? To preach! What did that
One, Jesus Christ, instruct his associates
to do? Preach too! And what did he tell
those outside his circle of apostles? Preach
also! (Luke 9:1,2,6,59,60) Furthermore,
after ' his death and resurrection, Jesus
again laid upon his followers the obligation of being his witnesses among all nations to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Preaching of this message therefore became not only a work of great importance
but also one of world-wide consequence.
-Matt. 28:19,20; Acts 1:8.
Opposition and persecution were not to
stop this preaching work. Saul of Tarsus,
in fact, became acquainted with it during
raging fires of hate in the days after
preacher Stephen was taken out and stoned
to death. But this did not prevent this man
Saul from becoming Paul the apostle, who
later wrote: "Woe is unto me, if I preach
not ' the gospel!" (1 Cor. 9:16) Paul's
preaching work took him far afield. Under
all kinds of hardships, trials and afflictions
he carried on. He never quit his preaching.
He fought a good fight. And when his
course was about over, and while lingering
iii. prison, he was well-qualified to counsel
his friend and companion Timothy. (Rom.
8:35-39; 2 Cor. 11:23-28; 2 Tim. 4:6,7)
Wrote Paul: "I earnestly beg you before
God and Christ Jesus, who is destined to
judge the living and the dead, and by his

manifestation:and his kingdom, Preach the

word."-2 .Tim;4:1, '2, NW. ' '
Paul thus made his charger and appeal
to Timothy as strong as possible,' before
God and Christ, the "higher powers".
(Acts 10:38-42; 1 Ki. 22:14; Dan : 3:17, 18;
Acts 4:18-20; 5:29,32; Rom. 13:1) Let no
human court, political power or religious
system presume upon God and Christ, or
attempt to countermand the apostles, by
inteifering with or forbidding the preaching work of Jehovah's witnesses today in
this time of "his manifestation and his ,
kingdom". And because this command to
preach does not originate with men orthe
"Watchtower Society", but with Almighty
God, His witnesses put the gospel-preach':
ing ahead of everything else in their lives,
and, if the need be forced upon them, are
willing to go to a Hitler or Communist
slave camp and there die a slow death.
What, how, where, when, and ' why
, preach? Paul says "preach the word" of
God, which should be.studied and used to
teach, reprove, correct and train others.
(2 Tim. 3:14-17) By example, Paul showed
how and where this preaching was to be
done: "In public and from house to house,"
in conformity with the .pattern cut out by
Christ.-Acts 20: 20, 21, 25, RS j Matt. 4: 1217,23; Luke 8:1; 9:1,2; 10:1.
And when is it possible to preach? "Be
at it urgently in favorable season, in troublesome season ," Paul admonishes. (2 Tim.
4: 2, NW) You may be all tired out from
the day's work, or you may be languishing ,
in a filthy jail, and yet the occasion is a
very "favorable season" for the listeners:
You therefore preach. You do this in order
to save life. We are living in a critical
time. This world's end is upon us. There is
no time to lose. Your life and the life of
others is at stake. 'So "preach the word"!
-1 Tim. 4:16.


done away with; whether there are t on gues,

th ey will cease; wheth er there is knowledge, it
will be done away ' wit h." (l Cor. 13:8, NW)
The gist of Paul's reasoning in the remainder
of this chapter is that such miraculous gifts
of the spirit were given to establish the early
church while in its infancy, but that once established and mature it would no longer need
such gifts of tongues, healing, etc., to maintain
or bolster it up.

Was the gift of tongues in the early church

always manifested -in languages used by men,
or was it sometimes evidenced in tongues for If there is to be ' no resurrection of the
eign to all men?-L. S., New York.
wicked, why did Th e Watchtower quote Act s
Paul wrote: "If I speak in the tongues of 24:15 from An A m er ic an Translat ion, which
men and of angels but do not have love, I have reads: "There is to be a resurrection of the upbecome a sounding piece of brass or a clash- right and the wicked"?-An Ohio reader.
ing cymbal." (l Cor. 13:1, NW) Here Paul
We see no ' reason to be disturbed over the
made a distinction between the tongues of men use of "wicked" in connection with the resurand the tongue of angels, and certainly the lat- rection. We cannot be held down to one meantel' would not be uriderstood by men. Yet it is ing and one application by the word "wicked",
evident that the gift of tongues by the spirit It all depends upon whether the wickedness is
sometimes enabled men to speak in the tongue- deliberate and persisted in right along or
of angels. It is possible that at the time of whether it is done otherwise.
Pentecost when t he spirit was poured out some , For example, -Epheslans 6:16 speaks of the
spoke in "the tongue of angels, which because "fiery darts orthe wicked'Land uses the Greek
of its strangeness to human ears brought forth word poner6s; in fact, 1 John 2:13,14; 3:12;
the charge that the Christians were intoxicated. 5:18,19 all speak of the "wicked one ", using
Certainly drunkenness could not be used to ex- poner6s and meaning Satan the Devil. And yet
.. plain the sudden ability to speak In various in addressing his disciples in the sermon on the
human languages, though it might be cited by mount Jesus said to them: "If ye then, being
scoffers as inspiring speech that was unintelli- evil [potlEn-6s], know how to give good gifts ungible to all human ears. .(Acts 2:113) Without to your children," etc. (Matt. 7: 11; Luke 11: 13)
the gift of interpretation, it would edify no He also said God made his "sun to rise on the
man, but would be as "a sounding piece of evil [ponm'6s] and on the good'? (Matt. 5:45;
brass or a clashing cymbal"..,-1 Cor. 12:10.
Luke 6:35) Colossians 1:21 tells us that we
were once enemies of God "in your mind by
Were not the gifts of tongues, healing, etc., wicked [ponm'6s] works". Also Ezekiel 18:21, 23
to continue after the time of the apostles, ac- says: "But if the wicked will turn from all his
cording to Jesus' words at Mark 16:17,18? sins that he hath committed, and keep all my
-A. J., Pennsylvania.
statutes and do that which is lawful and right,
he shalisurely live, he ' shall not die. Have I
The authenticity of these verses is question- any ple asure at all that the wicked should die?
able, since Mark 16 ends with verse 8 in the old saith the Lord Goo: and not that he should reand reliable manuscripts Vatican 1209 and
d I've?"
turn rom IS wa ys, an 1 ,
Sinaitic, though verses 920 do appear in the
So we see that those who wrote the Bible
Alexandrine and other ancient manuscripts and used the words meaning wickedness or to be
versions. However, even these questionable wicked in a general way sometimes, to il!clude
verses cited ' in the above question do not say those who can be recovered to righteousness
such things would continue after the apostles, and spared from Gehenna. So An American
but only. after Jesus. These gifts to the early T ransla t.ion has committed no grave doctrinal
church could not have continued long after the error in speaking of a "resurrection of . . .
death of the apostles, for it was only through the wicked", neither The Watchtow er in quotthe apostles that such g:i~ts were passed on to ing that translation. Certainly here could not
others. (Acts 8:721; 19:6) Paul specifically said be meant deliberately wicked ones beyond the
such gifts ' would not' continue on: "Whether point of reformation, as reterredto by Psalm
there are gifts of prophesying, they will be 145:20: "All the wicked will he destroy." .



In ,view -of what Deuteronomy 4:1523 has to

say about the making of .a ny graven image,
would' it 'be considered Scripturally correct to
make ' photographs of ' individuals for display
purposes of ally sort, or for other uses?-P. S.,
Indiana. "


"';! - t ':

r- '

The prohibitions as to the making of images

had to , do specifically with the making . of
images for the purposes of worship. The Israelites were not prevented from making images
for other purposes, but since frnage-rnaklng . in
those times was 'almost. invariably of an Idolat rous nature, there , wa s little Image-making





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among the ' Israelites. " However, " there....were

images or likenessesfof cherubim in the tabernacle, both on the hangings and on the cover
of the ark. Solomon made images of ' oxen to
support the laver for , the temple, and ,images
of lions for his throne. It would 'be -fa r 'fetched
to connect the taking of photographs for any
purpose.. other ' t han worship, of course, with
the making of idols. Photography; painting and
sculpturing ' can: serve useful ' orriartistic purposes in accurately depicting persons'or things.
P ictures are .often .ed ucat ional, and it is .sa id
that ' a , picture :teli~( more .than. .a thousand

, Shor tly before he was impaled Jesus counseled his apostles,, '''This good . news 'of the
kingdom 'will be preached 'in' all 'the 'inha bited
earth for the purpose , of""a-wifness ~to ~all 'the
nations, and then the 'accomplished end will
come." The ' time for the accomplished' end of
this wicked ' system of things is very near, and
the servants of God are giving the ' final witne ss in every corner of the earth. What a prlvilege it iS,to have a. share .in this momentous
work! Since you have now learned something
of God's gracious provisions for those who act
in harmony. with Iii's will ;' wouldn't you like to
shareIn spreading this good ne~s? , For J anuary .J ehovah's .witnesses have .as vt heir :service
theme; ' Sharing . the Final J Witness (Ma tt.
24:14 ;NW). ,Dui'ing 'this month they willoffer
a year's subscrljitlon :for thisChristian journal,
The " :l~riitC1itdwe,-/ on .a ' contriblitio'llc;ofl' $1.00.
Wh Yi.D.ot ~sh~re in :t he finat'witness'-~ by
. c~lling
1" 't he attention' of your neighbors'to the slgnifi.canc~~ ?f':i?e.: ~im,~s)n whfch we :live and ' offer
them -a subscription for The W atchtower t o aid
them ~~!'th~r:,to i.ear~ ::of !:c'od's requirements?
The 1~<JI ;cQ}!.lp.!1py';of. Jehovah's .witnesses will
be glad i'o asslstyou we will
furn ish : you .wlthl addtttorral rlns tr uctions and
.i orms -for reporting your 'a ctivity:


'. .

Of. .t he ' increase ':bf God's . government and

peace " iii'kfe~"'-iii ~" b~ 'iI 0 / end . This "Scriptural
truth-Is ' conv incingly proved by' the report of
the 1950 se rv iceyea r'u s presented by the presi-'.
dent of Hie Watch -Tower 'Bible ' & Tract Society

in the 1951 Yearbook of Jehovah's


, .... ..;1', .',. .

addition to this annual report covermg mo re
than 100 regions, the ' Yearbook contains th e
IYpresident 's comment on . the yeartext for ,1951
and a daily text and comment 'f or each 'day of
the coming year. Those associated ', with . n
group should'~ ~~!Id in combined orders, as
through the servant of a company, to save time
and expense. A remittance of :,.50c . per copy
should accompany each order. Your , 1~5 1 Calendar 'may be ordered at the same"time: price:
25 cents each or five to one address for $1.00.
1951 ASSEl\IBLIES ",:

The big convention of the year 1951'

is planned
" ' ) .' ,
for London, England, August 1 to 5 'inclusive.
Brethren in America and other .cQuntrles"can
now make plans for vacation ;"..perlocis~
~ ~rid
.. . " ", ... .'-.'" 1
traveling to England to attend thi s.'gathering
of Jehovah's witnesses.
'" .:' i "":(:'"
' .; . ~ . ,. ~ ~
. .. .;:
If possible, other assemblies will , be held ~in
France from August 9 to 12"iricihsiy~~:ahd :'in
. "
. ,
.v': : . "
' . ', '
The Netherlands -r r om 'August 17,:to ;19u nclt!
sive. Other European ' assemblies \V:iiCb'e ~'cin:
nounced later.
: :: ;'.':~
J'~', ~,"' ,"
The principal convention -wtll -be .atLondon,
Details and ,travel , announcements ': f cn: A1neri
can brethren willcbe -publishedsoon.Ifelease do
not write the Society 'until you 'r ead these.


Week 'of January 7: .

, Parable ~ of the Sower, 1Tl19.

.,Week of January 14: .

P arable of the Sow er, U20-39,




Literal towers in Bible times were elevated van~e points from which
watchmen could observe happenings, warn of dan~er, cr announce ~ood
news. Our magazine n~uratively occupies such ' a va.n~e po~t, for it is
founded on the very pinnacle of Wisdom, God's Word. T hat elevates it
above racial, n,ationalandlolitical ~propa~andas and prejudices~ frees it from
selfish bias. It is not boun by any traditional creed, but its mess~ adv~c.
es as the light on God's purposes and works increases.-Habakkuk ~:1-3.
. It sees .thin~s Scripturally. When it qb~e"es this ~eneration afilicted
with greed, delinquency, hypocrisy, atheism, war, famine, pestilence, perplex. '
ity ana fear, and persecution of unpopular minorities, it does not parrot. the
~fd ~abler ~ut history repeatin~ itself: Informed by Bible prophecy, it sees in
these thitl~s the sign ~f the .woeld's time of -the end. But with bri~ht hope it
also sees openin~ up for us just beyond these ~oes the portals of a new world.
Thus viewed, "The Watchtowertt stands as a watchman atop a ~wert
. alert to what is ~ing .en, awake to note . 8isan~ of dan~er, faithful to point out
the way of escape. It announces 'J ehovah's kin~om established by Cluis~'s
enthronement in heaven, feeds his kin~m jOint-heirs with spiritual food,
cheers men of ~ood will with ~lorious prospects of etemal life in a paradise
earth, comforts us with the resurrection prom~~ for the dead.
It is not do~atic, but has ' a confident rin~, in its voice, because it is based
on God's Wo~cL Itdoee not privately interpret prophecy, but calls attention
to physical facts, sets them alop~side prophecy, arid yo~ see for yourself how
well the two match, .how accUrately Jehovah interprets his own propheey,
In the interests of our salvation, it 'keeps sharp and faithful focus on Bible
truth, and views reli~ious news ~eneral1y.
'Be watchfu1 in these perilous times,' God admonishes. So keep' on the
watch by re~ularly readin~ "The Watchtower"...


117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N. Y., U. S. A.
N. H. KNORR, Pre8ident
G,RAN'J;' $UITER, Secretary

"They will allbe taught by Jehovah."-John 6: 45, NW; Isaiah 54: 13

Printi~g this Issue:

Jehovah's Witnesses Again Endure
Totalitarian Hate
This Masquerade Called Christmas '
Rellgious Charity versus Good Works
Praise to the New World's Founder
The Most Enjoyable Book
The New World ' Crowd of Praisers
Questions from Readers
Anna, the Aged Prophetess, Sees Jesus
An "Exclusion Clause" Recommended
Scripture Index for Leading Articles, 1950
Subject Index for The Watchtower, 1950



A.,.IatIOls .... .1 "T... w,telltlW"''' for tile.followlnl Blbl. Ylnlons

AS - American Standard Version

AI' - An Ameriean Translation

Del -J.-N. Darby's version

LXX110 NW ' Bo -

Five cents a copy

1,230,000 '

TIle Septuaifnt Version

James Moffatt'sversion

New WorldTranslation

D1J .. CatholicDoua, version

J. B. Bothemam's version 8b - The Emphatic Diaglott
28 - Bev1sed,Standard Version
Le -Isaac Leeser'sversion
'Yg - Robert Young'sversion
1JD1ess otherwise indicated, the Bible used is the KiDs James Verslon

. Afrikaans
Cebu-Visayan Italian






Cinyanja "



Russian .




Watch Tower Society oftlces

Yearly subscription' rate
America, U.S., 111 Adams St., Brooklyn 1, N.Y.
Australia, 11 Be-resford Rd., Strathfleld, N.S. W.
British West Indies, 21 Taylor sr., Port of Spain, Trinidad
Canada; 40 Irwin Ave., Toronto 5, Ontario $1

England, 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2

Jamaica, 151 King St., Kingston
<New Zealand, O.P.O. Box 30, Wellington.C. 1
_'Sout h Africa, 623 Boston House, Cape Town
Remittances . should be sent to oftlce in your country in compliance with
regulations to guarantee safe delivery of money. Remittances are ac~Pted
at Brooklyn from countries where no oftlce is located, by international
money order only. Subscription rates in different countries are here stated
in local currency. Notice of expiration (with renewal blank) is sent at
least two issues before subscnptlon expires. Change of address when sent
"to out office may be expected effective. within oae month. send your old
as well as new address.
Entered as second-class matter at Brooklyn, N.Y.,
Act of March 3, 1819. Printed in U. S. A.

,,":,J~J:IOVA;fI~~ WITN~~S~S A@}\IN , ;EN:DUR~ .., .



COinm~'riis~ in East G'ermany ;~lights . the Na'zi fir~s


.... _





OMMUNISTS mayhate the Bible, but

they prove Its prophecies true. .T helr
furious onslaughts <against Jeho vah's witnesses~ar~a part ' or' tli~~ ~fuIfiiJ.n1ent of JJ-'
sus'<words to 'his followers: ,eYe shall De

hated of' all nations' for my name's sake."

, (Matt~ ' 24:'9 ) "In blazing forth against these

followers of Christ. rtheCommunists'prove

themselves footstep followers of the Nazis.
The Reds relight the 'fires' ofpersecutioh
once stoked ' by Hftler's 'hor des..; Alia; like
the Nazisrthe Communists-seek ~to ~cover
their basic hate <?f -true Christianity with
a torrent ~ of lies. . '
The Cornmtip.istidominated East Ger.many press continually spews out distortions against the Witnesses. It falsely accuses ' them of 'advobating immorality. It
claimed that a :Witn ess 'murdered his wife
as a sacrit;ice. to Jehovah, and that he was
ihtendmg' j~to kill ': hfS .chtldren to imitate'
Abraham's ' willingness to sacrifice -Isaac.
It charges the :Witnesses with anti-Semitism because they 'SG.riptu~aliy teach that
=+r . .
Jews no <
longer comprise a consecrated;
holy nation, but are- on 'an equal footing
'God...But the favorite
with ,all-',men
:. ,,1:, - ,'"
distortion is that tile' Witnesses are spies
for American Impertaiists,' The' evidence?
Why, they ~ get literature 'from America,
distribute .CARE "packages from America',
refuse 'to sign the Communist .appeal - to








outlaw the at~m;' bomb, and preach that

the destructive war of Armageddon is inevitable, Commuhlst -pr opaganda argues
thatthe Witnesses ~refiIse -t o;'sigri the 'appeal outlawing the ' atom bomb 'because
through this "bomb America will 'win the
battle of Armageddon.' How- Fidiculousf
- y: Hidinghateful religious persecution behindfalse charges of subversion and sedition was 'not 'new with the' Nkis and 'is
Boi'=riew' ~ith th'e' Communists'' The same
false charges of sedition and weakener of
national morale were brought against 'J e,-



hovah's ~ervants; f before ~ ehrist, against

Christ, and agalnst his followers. Note

this ~or' yourself by reading Ezra 4:1~, "
Nehemiah 2:~9, E~th~r" ,3:8, Jeremia~
37:13-15; i38 :4, Luke ' 23:2 -and:Acts 24:5. '
Such faithful servants of'God suffered torture and -death in .ancient times, They do
io~~aSralso.'Read tHe following' translation
of ' a dispatch appearing in the newspaper
Stockholms-TidningenJ S -e pt e'm b r -18,
1"950:- -~- :~ ~
~i -' '-






: .




' :IiAN:~OVER,

' Sept. 17.-:+(Srn~ ~Having


arrested nearly 1,000' of the more noted

among 'Jehovah's witnesses in the Eastern
Zone, the-People's Poiiee-are now-searchIng high' and low for all members 'of ~f!is





so strongly resistant sect in order to def- branded the ~Eastern~~on~ .elect ions as
initely Ilquldatevthe; sect:':as~i ' ~ucq; Their , ,;~~Jr:auduient aiid~:;ilie' .Coinrhtmist . regime itleading preachers' have! 15e,en ,!se~tenced to ~~:" ,~)1:ra~ 'a: ~~J~ic rlile~:"o
~ " 4>,.:.
25 years of hard l.ab<:,>r.;a~d \sQ,j have the
""T~iIlg '~l?-e~teri~l'Jehil1d . the scripture, .
members of thelrfamllfes,'
one lIas" to' 'All pow~r 'inl,he~~ii ih~t'in eW is given
face the possibility , that., so.Jong as.fhe. . unto me,' Jehoval1's~.\vltitess~s, refuse to acCollllIl~ist government isln-power, all of .cept any .kind of eartfilYautlto~~iy. Nor- .
Jehovah's ..,witnesses will" disappear ~ into' mally theyare fighting neither the state
' : ~ _/~.,.,
,:' .as such. ~no:r: its Ja~~,~~ ,.~~ the .only thing
"Academy students who';have 'Jled from which 'they' have ' beerr~~6hsidering themthe Eastern Zone are reH9~~ing about ~8:I! selves '~nJitlel' .~to claim in or dinar y" honthat which th~}1,qttt9r~ti~~ pave doneHPllt., est, deW9cr~tic st~tes"lll.J~~I)~ exempted
hitherto witnout"-success, to break the' from serving 'In war. But;~>e~ctly,}as in the
open ~.g_~fanJ~-tj~al opposition of. ,;the .se9~, Hitler ~~ic!l, in ,t he; ~a~te~Q~~;: ~,<0Jlt~tpe~
against';il~the~ Communlsts.. Jehovah'swit- have got .Jnto,a mortal struggle;: ~ith ~
nesses have ,' been ill-treated. and tortured regime.only-because of their "publicJMrpr o'f,
in, the 'most horrible,way, without renounc- " cla~~ing .th etrfaith. As they, before~.19f.15,
ing their faith, which is-to .the-effect that used to :r:~ftlse -t o salute Hitler's-swastika
Christ is .tobeacknowledged .asthe plgh~ flag. .and t o .say , 'H~il Hitler', so they are
est-.and only authority. an<;1 " 3tii~t ~ih~y~ :do, now re~~s~pg ~'1tq ~.,salute .the {,Red,.ensigns.
not wantto sUbmlt~,tq ~anY:,;'Kpower. . And to . theEastern . Zone movement or re. "With .the mll~~;~iT,gs!iilg'~.9f Jehovah's sistance against the.. ComiP~i~t -regime
witnesses,.these '~~eo~ie~ haYe now', for t he they have, .becauseof their ,uncoWRr omissecond tiine,~withirl : a ; couple~ 'of,d~cades,' Ing attitude,--~:. ,~eLqo~e,- ~ ~~~ l~cJq~$~)~ro~d
donned "t he martyr's crown-s-and they, which to rally.i'I'o,the lll:~~sesf9f .Germans
know:.what that means. . Already during in ., the EasterriF~oneth~~ "',un sophist icat ed
the ~'IIrtler regime. about 1,OQO Jehoyah's' witnesses of ' Jehovah, " iQ,j "the~r ; 'implicit
witnesses were, executedes 't r altors; be~ fait:J;1., have beGom~, ~, .gr~B;t,;~~~ple, and
cause tlf~y not only r~r~s'~d to serve in hr~~~~ very da~g~~ou.s ,t~::~ff~'~'~~!~mimist
the war but openly opposed Hitler's au- regime,
/" ' " , ,,"",-'l".
thority. .Another 1,000 of Jehovah's wit,- "The , Communistshave an easy job in
nesses qi~~,)fl , p.ri~pris
concen trati~ roundingup jehov~f~ ;wPi~sses, by r~a~.
camps" and .allswho have afterwards been ~P? , 9f i the new q\!~,$ti!}l~lI~aire; .. '~re, you
describing life~ m lthosec.~ps~!lxe .In willing tosign Q:rj!i~sHrib~ totheStocktheir books given Jehovah's ' \~itn~~ses the holinAppe~r,ag~iilstMJJi~, ~~tom ~o~h,?~~~': ~ ,' .
very highest .recognit ion,
" .' ~ '.. ,
Hitherto ,th~y~' q~y~~{refused to sign, ~ali
"Jehovah's'witnesses have now been act- them, and',
,1:lj j.s': r efUsal th~y' : ,~t:~" pow
ing under the Communist Quisling regime all' gomg t9 :pri~Qn: In vie}\' of..1ehov*~s
just as theic--dcted 'dur ing tne', Hitler re- Wi~I~u~'~s'es' '. ciIJ#~~;~ ~uper~atura1" J:lq~er" iQt
gime,and in the Eastern Zone the sect had r~sistanc~, ;p~e, may ,t ake, ftfor' gr ant ed
of lat~ been getting such/a following, espe- that, ~h~,ula, ;,fhe c' CommUnlst regime iQ 't p.e_
cially' among , the~,~women apd "the youth" East~~l1;~~b:Q~" stgy' in ,power ~mu!I ,~ong~~,
that it 'became too 'fr ightening .to~' the ,'z-e- they ;'}Viif ' never 'r et ur n ;. fro~ th~ ':pr iso!js'
gim~. The preachevs, of . th.,e s~~t," ,h ~v~., aliv~:~~~,; ~"~
", '~-./ ,,'
neyer,h~sita~ed to openly ' stat~; , what ~they'
.To ihis revealing accoQnt is ad~ed the
think of the Confmupist regime:
~~ave ~iJnited ' ~ress dispatch o'f' October 4, fro'm

,,'n;;:, ,




_ '"',





,:, "

~ \ '''?''',~~,



. -','

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' ..








' . } '





, } ' ,




....., },.~_ , t, :li~r

" , ' ,


'qf '




' , '




15, 1950


Berlinrv'Nine members of the Jehovah's

.witnesses sect were sentenced to long prison -t er ms today 'by the Supreme Court .In
Communist East Germany ' for spying. 'in
the; Russlan zone . for .the' United ~, States~
Willi~,Heinicke and Friedric Adler.received
life: terms. :The.rothers were-sentenced to
from eight to fifteen "years. All were "con:'
victed of charges 'of sending military-and
other- data to r'an espionage center in
Brooklyn'. ,. They were .charged also with

sabotage 'in: connection :with the Communist campaign to' outlaw the .atomlc bomb
ana' 'defamation -of thepeojile's 'elections'
scheduled to b~e -h eld iIi the ' Soviet ,zone
October' 15~" .
, J~Tlirotigh :~all <
}triaJs-,t'ehovah 's' witnesses
today hold' stilun'Chly to the inspired'conviction of .the apostle Paul r, "Who will
separate us from the love of the Christ?


Will tribulation or distress ,or persecution

or hunger or nakedness or danger or
sword? To'the contrary, in all these things
we are"coming 'off 'completely' victorious
through -h im that, For lam convinced .that neither .death' nor life nor
angels..nor governments nor things, here
nor things-to come nor powers nor-height
nor depth .nor any other creation will be
able to separate us from God's love that is
in -Christ Jesus our 'Lord." (Rom. 8:35,
37-39, NW) ' Communism cannot succeed
where Nazism failed. . Human ruling isms
will end at the latest in Jehovah God's battIe ' of' Armageddon~',..To those who endure
the ' hate and persecution from all nations
'for Christ's naql,e'~:: ~ak~ the pr~mIse' applies.' "He that has _endured to the finish
is the one that. will ~be saved."-Matt.






ISIT the 'Kelly family around the corner :: and the '. J oneses across the street
on Christmas day and you will see that
they celebrate ' the .occasion about the
same way 'thousands of other. 'people- do
throughout . thevworld, The "Kellys are
Catholics, "-have':inme children, .and are
quite ,'poor. ~ Tl1e; 'Joii'eses 'a re Protestants;
have three' children, -and are well-to-de.
Circumstances liRe these make the annual
December celebration in the -two homes
very different in .many details. '
-For example, :in .the Kelly home is a
tiny artificial Christmas tree left over
from year'.before last. The ' J oneses have
such a' huge ' freshly-cut .evergr eerr itstop

had to be removea to
get it into ' the house.
Nevertheless, in'all purpose and intent, the
spirit of the occasion in the two homes is
essentially the same"Both housesare filled
with an unusual atmosphere 'ofmirth, and
as they sit down to special Christmas,dinners they momentarily forget theireveryday sorrows and worries. Faithfully, "they
have attended . their: respective churches
earlier in t he -day, Where they heard the
clergymen extol Christmas as a Christian
celebration in honor '~f" Jes'us Christ.
But pause and 't hink: What do such
things as the Christmas tree with Its trim':'
mings and the holiday's other accessories
-mistletoe,' holly; candles, .yuletide logs,

' , ~ ;B ROOK EYN,.;:N .



fruits and nuts, mince pies, and roast pig


Jesus was nailed to 'the" tree when thirtyto do with ,the . bir th and life of tli~e.e and a half years' old, and since .t his
Christ?: -~Why -the ever-increasing' empha- occurred -at passover time.fn the spring
sis o:n~ -the "Christmas spirit" ; excessive or the year.necessarily.he was born thirty.w ining and dining; drunkenness .andlicen- three years and six months previous; that
-tieusnessj Where ,tdid:,t hei "Santa Claus" Is, .In the fall of ,the: year.:and .not iri De:'
.myth orlglnatej' If-December.zf is .Christ's cember. So all-the scriptures are very defbirthday ,~then why . do the "Eastern and , inite in' .p roving that J esus was -not .born
-Or thodox churches.celebrate .Chr istmas on anywhere.~ near'; December,'-25', or ~ JanuJanuary.Zr . " .~~~ ,.'~~'
.a ry.;7; Hence it is 'wrong''fo celebrate either
of these dates as Jesus' 'bii tffday. ",' ",
,... ,,:'.\y,H~N ~A.S ~J~SUS BOR~? ' : ~J'
Then .how does;it come that these' dates
. The Bible, fall- ~il1 agree, .is- the:'~Qnly, ,r e- b~ay~; been, so ,universally t a:ccept~d; for.the
Iiable ~ histery on -'Jh~ subject, and fortu- celebration .of. Chnistmas? Pi look at ~ annately it. does not leave us in,doubt as.te cient J~~ganism 'shows that .p eople th~u
what "time of, _the, year, ;J~sus was ..born. sands of years before Christ was bomtworZechariab, the. priestfY:~ fathbr.of John the , shiped the ~ey~r:-z:ising,. ever-setting, riever~
Baptist.. was serving
th'~ temple. in _the dy!pg sUi:!
source of life and immoreighth~ course' of
p~iesthoo~"" that,ty: ~~afl.y; 4?~y ~~t~l:led th~ ~'ays grqw.
of "Abijah". This was in~ "the"~early~ 'par t shorter r lU}.~II the wlnter solstice, on De.of June, and at that time the cord's angel cember 21/\vas~reached,and 't hen injubiinformed him that ' Elizabeth his wife lation over its "return" they held a great
would 'shor tly conceive a son who would feast in honor of the "reborn" 'sun. When
be . named John. (Luke 1:5, 8,13, 23-28, the tower-building experiment at Babel beAS) So when Jehovah's angel visited Eliza- carne confused sun W9rshipers were scatbeth's cousin, Mar~,~ ~ "d!lripg . the .,:~i~~h -, .ter~q throughout ~the~world~ and so among
month of Elizabeth's conception this would '. the", early Scandinavians, Anglo-Saxons
mark the time of year as December. The and Celts, as well as the Egyptians, Perrecord, therefore, shows that it was at , sians and others; riotous December feastthat time in December ~th~t .thls.Mary,..tqe jp.g:~!rwiPh: . drunken revelry and .lewd rites
mother-to-be of Jesus, became ~ pregnant. were he'id. :-ThiS. fe'ast among the pagan
Consequently, Jesus .w as not born' in ~e- .Romans
I" was known
. . ~~' as the'"feast
-- , of Saturcember.: but, ;rath~r( ,~in~ ~ }!119l}t~~t later, na ~a. " .,. I ~ i. n~
': . .
J _~;
around the, latter.part of September or the " r he ,91;Jvi91:J~~~~c0nclus~on -drawn. from
.first of ..Octob~!.~Luke l':~6 f27;#30:3+,36. these factsIs that the celebration Qf :~De!"
. Furthermore, t!t~ Scriptures ~ say : that cember, 2!? is purely of pagan anQ:demapi~
shepherds were i,J::r~~h~, open fields attending origln, ; .Sqy~!, tl:1~,) Cath.olic;_~,lftncYPl9.Pf3dia
their ,tlocks, when .Jesus was born. -Hence (vqI~~, page 727):: "The well-known 's olar
~t was , au~umn time before ~tJ1e rainy se_a~ f~ast; however, of Natql,is,. 'I~victi~ [~Birth~
son. iand not .in December, when the flocks q~Y: :.9f ,.the'1Vn~onq~er~CJ~ J- , ;, on
wouI~l be .wfntering in',: sheepfolds, (Duke
25 December, has a :strong ~~lai:ro on -the
2:8-20; ~~zr~ < ~O:9, 13). .Moreover, ~ Jesus responsibility for. our December date.'! -,::' ;
was-baptized in theJordan-river about-the ~ Ea~IYJChri~tians had noth41g to ,do with
time; of~ pis, ,:thi~ti~t~- birth_day, and tnat this. pagan 'holidaY~1 . ~~Christmas was <not
~as . :Qot ' ~he ~hiIJ . of wiriter. . ,( Luke
ameng the earliest festivals of,the Church.
3.2l-~3) Let ~i~ also .be called, to min.d that
IrenaeuS and !TIertulliaq omit it from their





as the






.15, 1950

lists-of feasts," says the' Oath,olio Encyclopedia.. However, .as time went on and the
Roman Catholic Church endeavored
over.more pagans, -the icler gy " pinne~; a
' fCh~istian" I l~bel -on the pagan Satumalla
on r~:p~cember .25~~~d sponsored-dt, as.ehe
"mass -of Christ".. orp~"Christ-mass ~'. ' -'.f
, . Not~ only do',:the .elergy admit -thls, ;they
.even. try to jtlstify~ , it. .J ames M. Gillis;
C-.S.P.,~ editor 'of the' .O'ath.ol i c WorUl
,~.meQ.~ 2 , I945), 'wrote: ~ 'It is a -well-known ,
fact that the . popes ' and . eouncils in : the '
early Church deliberately . 'placed ' a Christian festival .on ' OF near'.. .of a .pr eviously .existtng pagan, carnival, -withr'the
. purpose ,lof ~:o:ustjng j, the heathenish 'land
gener~JI~ .licea~~6~ .eelebration." Buthow
has .the . . continued.ecelebration, of this .pagan holiday . with a Christian .label on it
ousted the heathenish celebration ?,. Under
clergy sponsorship and blessing, the pas
gan customs .have .continued, down-until
the present. time. . '.


': .: q!\~!*~ ~NQ ~~~!iG.: ~F: :~~~ ':.Pl!~'!-:~~~ ~: ~ ;


~ A"::'



~l Eyergreens.c ;)w:ere used. by -thet ancient

sun worshipers:-as .a symbol of immortality., ~. In. Egypt, whererpine - trees ,.are not
available, the green branches-of palm trees
were.substituted. <In.'India, .oleander twigs
were used" and .the pagans of Rome .decorated their homes for the grand Saturnalia
feast with green"bqughs. , +y~ and holly
were.: fl~~ew!s~ ~._ considered ,~ ~,cre~, by the
ancient - Greeks-. and others. The . Dr uids
held 'mistletoe:~:~speciaily' sacred, .and; 'in
t4~i~ inyst~c, :i1J~s"~iQn" December'. '~ 5 . . <.' ilj~:
privilege of the mistletoe" allowed a youth
to' :'k iss, a '" girl 'tf~nea:th 'it ~s long' 'as the
b~rries -last ed',
"for each ki~s~ ' ' .
,, ~ Lighted candles in the "\vindow'':' hark
oa~k 'to the
candles used " by the
Roinan~ celebrators' of.. the Saturnalia. "fhe
yule ~ log waS annually burned at:the
cember festival ' by ' tlie Scandinavians;
Lortg 'befor e' 'so~called Christians in Jl t aly





took up ., the practice, the.Chinese and Hindus used fireworks to make their worship
of the.demons as-noisy as possfble. r, ~'
,. Even~ the special Chrfstmas .dlshes of
food ~el the.use of ' patent aleoholic-drlnks
originated .w lt h ' thenpagans..Backvin. ~ the
days 9f~Jeremiah,.'t heser that turned .away
from . Jehovah's pure rworship :oaked:l spe~
cial cakesfor. their goddess, "the ' queen
~of heaven," and it is , from that ancient
practice that such: things as "gingerbread
men", mince pies andthe like originated.
(Jer. 7:18)' It was.the Druids who roasted
a boar's headfor theirgoddess Freya-and
since -t hen roast pig.!has .been .consider ed
very. appropriate-t:fo:Ul ,the"rChristmas . dinner. The forerunner'6~-;tp.e jseaso~s punch
bowl was'. the ' Anglo-Saxon',' wassail': bowl
with- its; -intox lcat ing -~bi!ew. .Gluttony ' .in
both eating and drinking was-as much ' a
part of -t he celebration.among the pagans
as .It Is: today among people of Christendom. The Bible, however, condemns such.
~Prov.~ 23:.21;" Gal. &:'~9-2l; Phil. , 3:19.
. ' ~ That .:~red:-clieeke~, .double-chtnned, .:bewhtskered-t'jolly .good' fellow" called ~Santa
Claus .hashada much .shorter association
with than -t he other accessories. Some claim that .a: saintly bishop of
Myre by the .name of -N jcholas, who lived
in the .' fourth century after Christ, _~ was
the first "St. Nicholas"; and down through
the ' dark; Middle Ages ;he was .consider ed
_the patron. 'sa int 'of p-awnshops and beggars. 'He -was depicted as a simple; -paleand
rather :ascetie .personage,-until: a cartoonist .got ~ p.qld~o~ -him _jn ' .,1~63 and -dressed
the -vsalnt" iUP in gay ~ togs, "St.' ,Nick t' in
reality ~ds_~. ,a" personification: of the',:, :Devil,
as .T he..Oentury D,ictionary points qut.
_The Devil has done everYthing ' possible
to ' blaspheme, .and reeroach the 't r Ue and
living God and to .t tirn the people away
from His - pure worship. -To. accomplish
b@th of these ~wicked purposes, as is done
when So~callea .Ghristians~ celebrate{~hristr







mas, the Devil has' employed .everydevlce itself Christian appease God'sangerfor'Its
of~ :deception. TWo .maior .features ,of .hls deliberate -withholding necessities ' of: life
scheme have been exposed, -narnelyr .the from the poor ~in., "order to keep prices
labeling oia. pagan holiday as Christ's high? Indeed riot! No outwardsplurge of
birthday, and the continued use of pagan charity to Christmas fundswtll .erase the
customs, -.symbols . and 'pract ices in ~ ~the wanton 'arid slnfultdestructlon of food and
name of Christ. In addition, Satan hasso . material-the killing off of pigs;' theburnsuccessfully bound the- hearts and affec- ing orcoffee.rthe plowing.underof cotton,
tions and emotienscof the people ' to this the dumping of -milk;'~.eggs , and potatoes.
God-dishonorlng. 'celebr at ion "th at even Surely God will hear the cry of the needy
when they' are informed :of the, outright who are doled out a portion of food on
paganism of. the.. whole -affair many people Christmasand are neglected.forgotten and
are.inclined-to hold on ,to it as' a cherished oppressed the rest of the. ~e:ar'. -Ps, 9: 16possession. ~' ~So what?" is their attitude. 18; Jer, 5: ,26-29; Amos 8:~~7. .' Q .. Overlook the' bad' features and look at the
Frankly, those that sing the l ou dest 'at
good .that is accomplished, they. say. Look Chrlstmastime about . "Peace "-ori>~'earth'"
at the spiritual ,uplift that is annually.. ob- are the" very ones that are roremost in
tained-gifts to. the poor,' inspiring carol fighting against the only meansof e bt atnsongs.Bible-reading about-peace, ing - that .lastlng "peace, namely;" by; and
good will toward men'; A :closer .examla a- through-Goa's 'k ingdom over.which Christ
tion of these .features,hO:wever, will also Jesusrules, Hypocrites they are who honshow -them to be clever partsof..the mas- or God with their lips but -with .thetr
querade. ': ,..
hearts, minds and course of .action oppose
You may be surprised to learn that the him. (Matt. 15:8) True Christianity, on
giving of .Chr istmas "gifts- is as pagan in the other hand.ds not aonce-a-year affair.
its origin as the other .customs, You ob- Itds a full-time, an all-the-time, way of
ject to this oil thegroundsthat "wise men" life,a life filled . full of singing Jehovah's
brought gifts when rJ~Sl:1S' was ,born'? Well, praise and the praise of his beloved Son,
that is just the point. Those "wise' men" a life , devoted to -the, doing of their will
were devll-worshiping magi from the East, and 'the .keeping of .theircommandments.
from ,Persia,andtheycame"attheinstance --.J:ohn ' 14 : 21, 23i ~4 ; 15:9,-10; 1 John
of the 'Devil ~ and ~ would . have carried out 2: 3-6. . ' .,.-, ,','
his 'purpose 'of betraying Jesusto wicked
Let -the Kellys-arid-the . Joneses and-all
Herod. had God notIntercepted theplan, the .oth er sincere, 'h onest and upright peaOn .the other hand, God-fearing shepherds ple who have -slavishly celebrated
pa:also came, but thereis no record-that they gan holidaycalled Christmas nowmake
indulgeddn-the pagan gift-giving practice. break forfreedom, Let them coiiie away
(Matt. 2:1:11;, Luke , 2:8-20) "Ter t ullian
and others tell '~how 'exchanging of gifts into the pure worship of Jehovah God the
was ,a part of' tae'Saturnalia celebration'. Life-giver ~as that worship is .set forth In
And -the .hymns-t hey sang 'a t that , feast ' the great Book of freedom and truth, the
; were predecessors tothe Christmas carols. ~1.~le~ ~This will mean not only everlasting
Let 'tis be honest .about. the giving of life-to .them, the following of such a Chrls..
food 'baskets'," to the .poor .at"this season, tian course, but also a happy life -of eterWhat - about the rest 'of the ':3 year? Will nity filled full of joy .-and gladness and
- once-a-year giving by a nation that calls -: pleasures forevermore.-John 17:3, NW.
% ...


' dollars year
of millions of
are contributed by the 'public
to what are, termed 'reputable, legitimate


and worthy charities" many of which are

sponsored by religious organizations. The
question is;' Should true Christians, who
are under the godly commandments to do
good, contribute to these, supposedly humanitarian money-raising schemes?
Jehovah God is the best example of one
that does good to others. He gave the first
man a beautiful home with all the necessities-of life. ' (Gen. .1':29-31) Thereafter, and
in spite of the original man's disobedience,
condemnation and execution, the sinful
offspring of the 'first pair have continued
to enjoy many blessings from God's 'mercifulhand. All living creatures are completely dependent-on Him for the 's unshine, air,
rain, soil, fertile seed and all other things
essential for life.-Ps. 145:15-17, Yg.
Why, then, are .there so many poor and
needy people -in the world, so many who
are sick, diseased and suffering, and who
'are in need of the bare necessities 'of life?
Satan the Devil is the one responsible for
all this woe,and trouble. God is in no wise
to blame for such miserable conditions
even though so' falsely charged. The Devil,
by,and through his world organization, has
.r uled the people with the spirit of greed

and .selfishness. With cruelty and harshness the . masses of common people have
been oppressed and kept in subjection.
The state 'tells farmers what and how
much they may plant, how many pigs to
killoff andbury in the ground, how much
cotton to plow under, how much coffee to
~urn-all ' this 't o keep prices excessively
high. The government dumps potatoes and
destroys other crops when prices are "too
low", and' in this way the increase that
God gives to the land and 'its animals is
destroyed by selfish men.
Substituting _communistic ,co-operatives
for capitalistic governments does not remedy or' correct conditions. Under one system of government or under another, the
people continue to .s uffer . The poor we will
always have with us, 'Jesus said, until this
present evil world is swept away and God's
glorious new world is established.c-Mark
To know that Jehovah is able to shield
and protect the poor against the strong oppressor and the ,mighty rich is surely a
great comfort. '(Ps.' 35 :10) The Lord has
always been interested in helping the poor.
All 'tr ue Christians likewise do good to the
poor. "The 'r ighteous considereth the cause
of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not
to know it." "He that oppresseth the poor
reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him 'h ath, mercy on the poor."
(Prov. 29:7; 14:31) The poor love life and
its blessings the same as all other folks.
So why should anyone who loves God
make them suffer or .rob them of what
little they have? How foolish for the
rich to hoard up possessions for themselves. They cannot take-it with them when
they die, and it will beof no help or-protection during Armageddon. "Riches profit not in the day of wrath; but righteousness .delivereth from death."-Prov. 11:4.





N. Y.

Th~, Important thin~,, th~,,:W:o~~ 9f (;ad man to get injo ,the kingdom of GOd."
says, Is to be rich in good works. ..But . -Matt. 19 :23, '24,~Nw.
can one wealthy in material -. possessions
The apostle Paul was one of those that
ai~o be rich -in .,good' ~o:r.ks.1 {' ~is question followed; the wise 'counsel of _. Jesus. He
was in the mind of the rich young ruler in gave up - his rich earthly position as a
Jesus' day who asked 't he .Mast er what he Pharisee .and speIJ( his time, energy .and
must -a o'-iii ord~r"-to gaineternalIife. You substance feeding . those~~li~gering after
can read the account 'in Matthew 19: 16-2~. the truth. His counsel to Timothy was:
' J~s~ did notspeak Eivasiv~ly;.b~t rila~:' "Charge therrreto ~do good, to-be 'Ilich in
ly for the young man'sown goo!!: ,From good deeds,' open-handed and generous,
all outward appe~~anc~ -~h~s fellow . \ya~ ~ storing up a valuable treasure for them- '
respectable, law-abiding indivi~u~!: There seives ~;for~ the ~futuFe,. so ~ as' to grasp the
is nothing to indicate that-he' oppressed life that is life indeed."-l ~ Tim. 6:17-19,
or robbed -the "p60r. Apparently he-had ~T~ ;
comeby his 'money and holdings in a law- . 'THE- GOOD DEEDS OF ~ESUS AND .APOSTLES
fiiI manner. But the ' questionwas, What - A blind beggar, 'sitting beside the road,
'W-as ;'he going 'to do withwhat l ie had? 'cried out as Jesus passed-by. v'Have mercy
How was he to use hiswealthjSaidJesus: onme." Now, what did , Jesus do, reach
'If, you 'give to the j)Oor you. '\ViII-pave down -and give' the' peer- fellow a , couple
treasure in 'heaven, provmelt-'you :~9m~ of Roman coins for a crust of bread? No,
and follow me.'
not at-all; He gave him a. far more .valuThus it becomes ..clearthat donating to able gift in restoring 'hfs eyesight! -(Mark
charitable causes as aphilanthroplst is of 10:46-52; ;Matt. 20:30-34; Luke 18:35-43)
no value Iri God's sight unless one goes Jesus' ','charity" was not measured-nut -in
farther and becomes a 't r ue footstep 'fol- money to religious organizations for ques-.
lower ' of Jesus. It also appears that'the tionableidistrlbution. Jesus' loving-kindpossession Qf wealth:i s -in' itself of
::P~~-' ness, tender mercy and -bount lful gifts conticular harm.The question is, How is -that sisted af -r esterlng the sight to the blind,
wealth used? If you are rich in thisworld's making -the -lame to walk, eurlng the horgoods wiir you do whafJesus'said? Are.Y9u rible disease of, leprosy, opening deafened
willing to ' give up your mate~ial, _wealth ears, and even raising up .the dead. To the
and follow thecourse - Jesus did, work i~ :PQ9r .and -do w .nt r 'o d d e n he untiringly
th~ , interests 'of the poorrand with tile , preached the.good news about God's kingKingdom. message comfort those who dom.-::..:Matt.-:11:5; Luke 7:22; ,4:18..
mourn? Or will: you hang tightly on to . The apostles Peter and John followed a
what youhave and turn aside grieved and similar -course when they ' came upon ~
peeved: at what theLordhas said,' as. the .poor 'cdppl~ ~ho- requested a donation. '
young man did nlneteencenturlesagot To "Peter said: 'Silver and gold Ido not posdo that is . selfishness, greediness, covet; sess.,btit f\~I!Jlt I do have is 'Yhat I give
ousness.(l ( , 6:i10)i' yes, -rt he- rdght you: In the name of Jesus Christ Ute Nazthing -Is the hard thing to do, and Jesus arene, walk!' With that, he took . hold or
knew it: ,; "Truly I say,. to ,~.u, t~h~J ' ~t .~ ~~II
be ,a difficult- thing, for .a rich man to gethimJJY the righthand and raised him up.
into .the. kingdom of the heavens. .Again Instantly the soles -of his feet and his ankle
, ' I say-to, YPu~ It,,is' easierfora camel to , g~.~ .bon es were made .flrm, .aI1d" leaping U:P'f~~
through sa needle's eye than for a rich .stood up and began walking, and he ', en-



IS, 1950



tered with them into. the temple,' walking that Jesus told about-who fell among -roband leaping and praising God.~'-Aets _ ber:.s on his way 'down to Jericho. The
3:1-8, N.W.
~ ~
.,~. ~.
~ ~
~.~ : Catholic, Protestant and, JeWis~ religion1;..
ists have ~observed the.. spiritual condition
GOOD 'W ORJ{S, ~N\OT AJ~VERT!SED CH~RIT~ .p:' ~ of.these poor' people but nave steered clear
The gaudy practice, today ~ 'of -bestowlng of them, '~~J1eld~aloQ( 'a~(j.p~ssed ,them by on
honor and praise on heavy contributors to the opposite side of the road. Jehovah's
charity drives i~t directly opposed to Jesus' witnesses; on 'the ' other "lianCl;~ iike~ 'go~o~
counsel. "But 'f ake care . not to do . your Samaritans',"have searched bitt these spirgood deeds in -public for people to. see, for, itually sick, maimed and half-starved peeif-' ;YO~l qO, ' ~You- will -get -no' re'Y~rd ' fro m ple,and,_when theywere found.havebound
Y0ar :FatHer, ~ m-'~heciven~ ~6 &wl1en you"lare up itheit' w~tmds; ih~~l'v~_:fed them and cared
going to give 'to charity, do not blow ""'a f6F ~their 'needs:-:-Luke 10:29-37.
trumpet before, yourself. ias -the 'hypocr ites ":':"I t is no "secref many 's o-called "charity"
do, in .the synagogues "an d tthe"streets, to organizations operate 'a fraud and. racket,
make -people: praise_1;heIP.~ 'I tell -you, -that ~o~ example, the~ New :YorI{: ~Time8~ Sepis:1all,tlIe {rew~I:tlttliey wiIF"get!,':BMt .wlien temJj~r' 6', 19pO, 'ca~rika 1ari ' accotmt of how
you 'give:' to ' charity,-!your 'own left ,hand certain '-''' r eligious' cnar itai)le 'or gan izamust not..know.what your-right .h and is tfons" ~operating in Brooklyri, New -'York,
doing, sothat your .char ft ymay-be 'secr et , are' giving the poor only 15:per cent of the
and your Father who- sees what Is ~ secret - money they beg from the public: :~e other
will 'reward -you."':"'-Mat.t. ;i '6.::r~~4;'I.A T.::l~:~1 8~: 'per ' cent goes"for whatrtl:i~~ . callt'over" .J udas Iscarlot;, one-of tfiese~ hypocrites iiead~' expense",'God's faithfUl'pe bple 'canthat-liked -to make
his generos- not afford to donate to such (Jrganizations~
ity,:~well represkn~ed_thos~ today th~t crltl- ~~~y m~~t~~~se ~hat -~~~y ~~ave topreach
cize ' -Jeh6val1~s :witriesses ~for riot~build"lng this gos:Re1of ,the .estal:Uished Kirig(]om for
~9spitalsF~e1tp.1g up f90d kitchens in slum tp~'>ben~fit' :~~) "th{~'':~p(jor 'ever ywh ere, as
Ar eas. sucif' Jiidaslike ~'ones announce with comman'ded.~Matt.~<24:14. _-.:,
a: blare of horrfs' their ' personal qf
It takes: inti~h .time, e~~rgy' and 'money
mercy to ' the 'po'or . Judas 'grumbled about to carry' out this diviil' command.ibut JeMary's po~ring'c~stly"pe1JUin~d;011 on Je~ hovah's wttnessesare' happy to usetheir'~feet, :~aYing' that-if sho~ld :~av~b'e~n substance to do it: 'Infestirig their money
soldandthe' mOp~Y :'glven ~toYthe' pr90r~: " i'~e
~ i3ibles. and ojher: Iife-giving Iiterature,
said this~: :thoug~: notbecausehewas con- they take 'these -t o the'peopleat great per';
cerned a~out the pqor,b~t becausehewas sonal expense: But this is' really sound
thief and had-the money-box.and'usedtc 'investment on oehalf i,of 't he 'poor ,: for by
carry off:' the?~~moriles: ;put~;,iit 'it~"~ "(J ohn so-doing ,J ehovah's,:wltnesses are ~st6ring
, 12' :"'3~6; NW)' ~ Wfi~t ~~ffie .woman -did,'.}j6w~ up.treasures!irr-heaven and helping/others
ever; was more pleasing in the-sight of .God to . 'de the. same .thing, : And just as ' the
orr-that occasion than .amere .donation -te ancientbrethren.or.Macedonla and Achaia
the peon-Lacking realIove.iany contribu- <?pritribui~4.~at~rial'thing f~F their needy
tion J1;l~~s~:~ouIq ;h~.v~J~~de ~aQ!d have no R.r~~hren at . ~e~~~ai~ll!'~f,~O .~~~so .do _Je~9:
val~~.--:-l Cor. ~3,;~.~
, ,',.-: .' ( "_
" vah's witnesses. (R~in. 15:25, 26; Gal..
Tlie .people have .been robbed .and ,be~ten 2':10) ;Aif of these 'tI1ings 'are good work~
. and left' half-dead by the- rUling elements done out of love-for and to the 'honor of
of this World,' just like the' "certam -inm ,r; Jehovah God.

ea:snow'" af



"Praise Jah, you people, because Jehovah our -GodJ the

AlmightYJ has. begun to rule as


Jehovah has taken

PQ~~~ over our earth
and has begun to .r ule as its king. That is
a fact of which all peoples of the earth
should take serious note during the year
1951. It signifles that a righteous new
world is at the doors and is certain to come
in ' b~y" the "power of Almighty God. If' is
something to 'shout about! A marvelous
change is 'certain 'to follow all around this
globe which 'will be~ a credit to God'~ rule
and which will mean tranquil, secure and
prosperous living.for all men ~f "good will,
No more will men thinkthat .God has-forsaken the earth or 'ask ~why he has permitted wickedness . .to rule over the earth
for these past six thousand, years. .Hls appointed timehas come to clear up the great
mystery and to settle the raging controversy over the sovereignty of the universe.
2 What a tiny part of the boundlessuniverse is our earth! Yet it -Is now the one
hot spot where this issue of universal sovereignty .must, be finally decided, And it
will be decided" no, not in favor of the'
.:' United Nations or other elements.of this
old' world, but in , favor of the right One,
,Jehovah. That is why he has begun to rule
as k~~g with' a 'b~and-new ~~rld government. for this earth since his- own , fixed
date A;D. 1914. ',T hat may be thirty-six
years ,ago; .but,this.. 1sall the .more reason
why"every informed person should examine his course in life, and his future plans
to see whether they ,are in 'harmony with

U .L his .r ightfu l

\ ..

~ .i


1. Because of what can we .say Hallelujah! and what

does it mean?
2. What does
'to do?


19:6J NW.

it now behoove ' every



the inevitable change,that is rapidly.nearing. Also .lt behooves ' every informed person to spread the cheering. information to
as many others as -possible that they may
prepare themselves for life in God's new
~, :~ .'
world. .
. 3,We are living in the most wonderful
time of. alt. human history, when we are
privileged to witness the .transit ion from
this ' death-dealing old world -to the: lifegiving new world of which inspired .prophets-have spoken-in such rich terms. Now
is the opportune'time-to swear our.eternal
allegiance .,~ to r the "Founder, _BUilder and
Ruler of the new world, and to .enllghten
and urge others to do so, for that action
results in our gaining life in the new world.
All the radiant prophecies focus upon this
highly important transition period to show
its great.significance, that we may set 'our
course aright, The, last book of the Bible
symbolically depicts the momentous events
that' havemarked or areyet to ' mark this
time; and it directs us ,'w hat' to do if we
want .to enjoy life in 'the world to come.
It foretellswhat a ,g~eat .crowd of people
will do towardthatend, Now it is upto
to decide to -be included in that great crowd
which has partin fulfilling"the-prophecy.
There, atRevelation 19:6, according tothe
Twe~tieth C~ntury Neio 'I'estament (:L90~
edition), we read: "Then ,I, heard what
seemed like the voices of a ' great throng,
and like the -, sound of many waters, and
like the sound of loud peals of thunder, all
saying-'Praise the Lord'! -The Lord:.:is
King, our God, the Al~~ghty.'".The }{ew


~. What is it the opportune time for us "to' dO?,,:. '



15, 1950


Testament in Basic English (1941 edition)

.readsr "And there came to myears the
voice of a great army, like the sound ,of
waters, and the sound of .Ioud thunders,
saying, 'Praise to toe Lord: for the Lord
our.God, Ruler of all, is King.' " .
. .In the original Greek text of the Bible
the word "Hallelujah" occurs in the above
' verse. The ' general practice of translators
is to 'transfer this word literally into the
English, as, for instance, in the American
Standard Version and the Revised Standard Version: "Hallelujah! For the Lord
our' Go-d the Almighty reigns:" However,
'you note above that the Twentieth Oentuty
Neui Testament: 'and ~The 'New Testament
in ~<,:Basic English ' translate the word 'to
read, "Praise the Lord," and, '''Praise'to
the -Lord," respectively. But ,"Hailelu-jah"
is ; Hebrew and literally';' means" "Praise
Jah", as a command to a number of'persons, Therefore the New World Tra'nsla-,
tion of the Ohristian Greek . Scriptures
makes the most direct "translation when it
renders Revelation 19 :'6 ' as follows: "And
I heard 'what was ,a s .a voice of a ,great
as-a sound"of.many wa.:ters';ahd
as 'a sound of ' heavy thunders,' Tliey said:
'Praise Jab, 'you people, because 'Jehovah
OU~ . God, the Almighty; has begun to rule
as king.' " This translation also makes it
clear, not only that Jehovah .reigns or rules
as king,:.but also that he began ruling as
'king at a'certain point oftime. ''ntis agrees
with' the rendering by Rotherham's Smphasiseq, Bible translation: "Hallelujah!
'Because the Lord [our] God the Almighty
hath' become" king." His reign begun is a
cause for praising him.
- 5 The name "Jah" IS an abbreviation -for
""J eh'Ovah", or "Yahweh", The call here to
praise him is the last of a series 'of five
'calls to 'praise him because of the 'astound4.' 'W hat .'does "Hallelujah'; here mean, a'iid" 'wh~re is


it best rendered?
5. Why is this call to "praIse him' made, and- in what
series of calls ?


ing events that he brings about, events

, which we see fulfilling today. That we may
.get the setting for' thls series -of. .ealls we
quote the entire -passage (Re ve I'a tl o n
19:1.-6) from the New World Translation:
-"After these things I heard-what-was asa
loud -voice' of a great crowd in heaven.
They said: 'Praise Jah, you people :[marginal reading: ' They said: 'Hallelujah']!
'The salvation and the"glory and the power
belong to our God, because his judgments
are true and righteous. For he has executed [udgment upon the ' great harlot who
corrupted ~the earth 'with her fornication,
and he.has avenged the blood of his slaves
at. <her. hand.'. And right .away for the
second: time tHey said': 'Praise"J ah, you
people [Hallelujah)'! .And the smoke from
her goes' on ascending for 'ever and ever.'
And the twenty-four 'persons of advanced
age and the four living creatures fell dO\Vl1
-and worshiped God seated upon the throne
and said: 'Amen! Praise Jah, you people
[Hallelujah]!' Also a voice Issued forth
from the throne and said: 'Be praising our
GOd, all you his slaves, who fear him, the
small ''ones and "the great.' -And ' I ' heard
what was as a voice of a great crowd and
-as a sound of many waters and as a sound
of heavy thunders. They said: 'Praise -Jah,
'you people [Hallelujah], because'Jehovah
our God, the Almighty; has begun to rule
'as king.'"
',-" 6 Forthousands of years faithful men:of
old, from John 'the Baptist all the way back
to Abel the first martyr, looked ahead "to
the establishment of- God's .the
hands of his Seed, the Messiah, or,Christ.
For.nineteen centuries the Chrlstian fol. Iowers-of the .Messlah , .Jesus -Christ, have
prayed -the-prayer he taught us: 2.," Our Father inthe heavens, let your'name be sanetifled, Let your kingdom come. Let your
will cometo pass, -as in .heaven, also 'upon
6. In view of what is it certainly right to praise him




N. Y.

earth." (Matt. ~6 :'9,",,10, NW) And now that of world-wide power and influence. This
the heavenly Father has,begun to rule as modern- act , of God ~when completed will
, king in fulfillment of his ancient promise .astonish all the earthorar more than his
.and in answer te Christian prayers, is it .over turntng. of ancientalsabylon did.
not right "to, -pr aise him? :>Most certainly
8 How appropviate It is that, 'when' Jehovest-For his rojzal rule' means, our deliver- vah God 'ov:eMurilsJ["and.:destvoys mystic
.ance -from this .oppressive world andun- -Babylen of today, he :'shoulc;I.'Qe announced
speakable the freenewworld, as ruling as King! The;!irst
But-how is it that, in our first. paragraph, an anti-Jehovah kingdom was, set 'up~after
we say he 'began ruling as -kingA'D. 1914? the flood. of -Noah's day was Babylon or
Here is how. .
Babel. The first.king of~that city was Nim. ~
.... .
rod, ~the ,r ebellious foe of the' true Go,d.
.Genesis ~'le : 8-10 Inrormsus. - "Gush [the
i We note at-Revelation, chapter 19, that .grandson of_
"Noah] begat .Ntmrod- <lie bethe:~:proclamation: that .J ehovah our God, gan tobe a mightyone in the earth. (He
the ' Almighty, has begun to:!ruIe as ' king was a migh.w hunter before [or, .in opposi.ismade. ln connection W!thlliis ;oyenhrow ' .J jOB to~ :c!ehQ~ah :: -wherefore it is. 'said,
of 'great mystic Babylon. ~ Revelation~. ~9 : ~ J~i~e r"N!mr~d a mighty .hunterbetore .J e~
. (NW)~ describes her .as -the.'''great harlot hovah. And the beginning of 'hls kingdom
who corrupted the earthwith.her fornica- was Babel, .and Erecn; and Aecad, and
tion". The angel -who' brought the revela- Calneh, in the land of Shinar." (AS; :Mction .to the apostle John speaks of Babylon Clintock :((; Strong's - ~yclopredia) Nimas .the "great harlot that sits on many wa- rod's kingdom at Babel or Babylon was
ters, withwhom the kings 'of 'the earth never authorizedby Jehovah but was. set
committed fomlcation, whereas those who ,up in defiance of 'him -and to belittle his
inhabit the 'earth were.-made drunk with name and universal so..vereignty, Many cen,the wine .of ,her.,forl')jcation~;~:. ~John .turies l!1ter~ ,~hen :B~PYJQn became -aworld
' ~Upon-her forehead was -written a name.,a power. mightier...-than \Eg~t1 and- Ass~ia,
mystery. . 'Babylon the Great; the mother it brazenly showed its hpstility to.Jehovah
of the harlots and ..of the disgusting things God by: destroying-Jerusalem and faking
of theeart~.'" (Rev..17: 1, 2, 5,~NW) T~i~ his people-into exile;' ' '
was (over
lit9 Th
. - . ' . .
e os Ig 0 'WI eild hiIS bl
' ess.
eral CItyof Babylon on the Euphrates rIver.
'B b I ", k" - b t
was.overthrown by Kings Darius and-Cy- mgs ,r~m ~a y on s mgs, U ra_I~e~ up
rus .in 539 . B.C.: aceording to the ~ decree and: app:oyed, Melchizedek, the , king. .of
of Jehovah Goq. ,When that ancient Baby- . Salem ~~J~h ~~ter became J ertis~~:p?: ,His
Ion was .thr owndown-from i~s . position .as nfl~e~. ?!.s~3ses . .t he .reason, 1or -.. It :~!peans ,
the:third wbrld~p.ow~li .of Bible"hisforY,'God t:'~~ii~<~~~~~i_gE.teousI?-ess'~" and the~}~~Il?-~ C?f
thus showed his-almighty power. but did. his citySalem means "peace", Mel~h~~d~k
not 'then begin to.reign over-all the earth. di~ ~t inh:~ri~ his kingship f~p!D hi~_earth
Mystic Babylon, Satan's ~ world organiza- . ,ly father or .t hrough h~s _. mother, and - he
/ tion, still remained. .It iS when God. has had no ,,~uccess.or tohis throne, Hence h~
-aetually begun to rule as king that he does ~~s used-In prophetic history to .foreshad"overturn and-destroy great mystic Babylon ,8. Why ,is it appropriate that event heshQuld

r :

e .


7. The overthrow of what is proclaimed in connection


with his ruling .as King? Whom does this astonish?',-

be announced as ruling as King?'

.9, 10. Who was the first human king Jehovah .approved ?
Why? '
. - ,

DECEMBER ~ 15, "1950



brought back the waters of the 'sea upon

Jehovah's Son Jesus Christ.
.. ~
.' them; but -the children of Israelcwalked
10 MeIQhizedek .met 'f""a i t h f u l 'Abr aham
Oil dry land jil~.the ~inidst"oftthe sea.'.~ Arid
arterhis victory'over the.king of-Babylori~ when just across ' the borders from the
ish' 'Shfnar land-h is alliesi Concerningthis Promised.: Land, -speakfng .of . Israel ,as
we read: "And Melchizedek kingof Salem . ~'JeshUrim"or "Righteous ."0ne'~~f3fMoses
brought forth bread and wine: and he was sang: "And he was king in Jeshurun,
priest of GOd Most High; And
blessed ' when t he heads of -the: people were gath.him; and -said, Elesse'd be" Abram 6fTGQd ered, all tp~ tt:.~bes,~of Israel together." ~Ex.
Most High, possessor:,~of~heaven arid earth:' ~~,:18,:19~ana De1J.t.( 33:5, AS) Gideonvthe
and blessed ~be' God Most High, who hath deliverer of the Israelites 'from; Midianite
. delfveredthine enemies inte thy hand: And r~ide~~, reeognized that vital tact. So,
he"; tADrahamTY~gave j.him:-('a .7tenth of all." , ~hep' the rpeeple' ~~te,d . to draft him to
(Gen. ' 14 :18-20,-.A:8) -:Ana as~ to why 'Mel~ , be their vlsible human,'k ing, Gideon said:
chizedek 'foreshadowed. ~cresMs ' Christ we "1 w.ilt:not rule oven ygu, neither -shall. my
, read : ~ ~~8'esas; "~,whQ1i basi :become: a nigli ' sen ~qle oyer: yo~ :\~'~ettaa~;:shall;rule over
. priest after the likeness , of~" MelchiZedek y~u~'!4udg. 8:23;-AB. ,- - ~.- , ~ ~ -. :
forever. For this Melchizedek, king of Sa- -~ , 1 2 Is -it wise now for us to recognize Jeholent, priest of theMost High GOd~-,wht> Jnet vahour God as-king? Yes. 'TIme" amid this
Abjaham~rettiming from' theslaughter' of , woplel,of human kings-and-"priBeely :-rulevs
the kings and blessed him and,
whom it~ takes faith to, recognize: that he
Abraham apportioned a tenth of all things, the -rulingKing over his people -and is .to
Isflrstof all; by translation; 'K1Ilgof night. berobeyed -as,.-such, But vthe .Israelttes
eousness,' ana is th~n 'also king: of Salem, showed -we 'are sure to .suffer if we-reject
tha~t is, 'Kmg of peaoe.! In being fathe1!less; orfalltaway from that falth.Tn ~e days of
motherless;c wlthout" genea1ogy, ".having the .prophet Samuel they . asked him -to
nefthe~i'a beginning. "af:daysn..orran end~of make-a visible king over their nation to ,
life, 'but having' been made like the Son of correspond.with the kings of this world.
God, he remains a priest rper petually." In ,grief Samuel took ,the matter to God
tHebe 6~: 20 to 1: 3, ~W) 'Melchizedek;::rep- in jpra~er., ~ 'Antil"1Jehovahsaid'unto.Samuel;
resented Jehovah as King. '
Hearken unto -the .voice of the people in
- 11 Centuries later Jehovah God began
all that jhey say unto thee; for they have
relgntng-overa.nation, that of Israel. The : not reiected ,tlJee, .but they haverejected
cltyof.Jerusalern became -Its capltal.and me, that L should not be king over them:"
King Davidcwas-flrst to:' reign there. .But (1 Sam..8:7, AS) The .sum-up of their excenturies before that, GOd ' had been their perience 'w ith humankings is tersely stated
veal King; -Jt Jiougn Invisible. vThe ,prophet by! ~' J~he~ah's~~;rw"ords~ to the "Isr aelites :
'Moses testified to this fact' at-the Red 'sea, ~ '<Wher;e now is thy-king, that he may save
when God drownedrtheEgyptlan armies thee in alr~thy cities? and -thy judges,_of
hotly- pursuing l,:t heI eseaping.. Israelites; whoin "4thou.. saidst, 'Give ' ~a}fkiBg and
Moses then sang: "Jehovah-shall reign for p~lnces? Lhave given thee "a king in mine
ever-and 'ever . For the Horses of ' Pharaoh anger, . and have taken. him away in my
went -in'~ with his ' .char iotse and with<<:;$his wrath." (Hos. 13 :.i O, ;11, AS) ~ Their .last
horsemen into the. se~, _and , .,.J.e~()v~, human king was,taken away in .divine
ow' the 'righteous King of t he new"world,



11. over what nation did , J ehovah

How is this B:~tested to?

:take- up kingship ?
<:' 1"", . :

12. r What shows it -Is wise now to recognize him as




wrath when Babylon's armless destroyed

Jerusalem in 607 B.C. Like him, the last
kings and princely rulersof Christendom
will be .t aken awayIn God's-wrath at the
battle of Armageddon amid a tribulation
foreshadowed' by the.destruetlon of Jerusalem.' .
13 The -. second
king whom Jehovah's
prophet anointed ::ove r' Israel was' a .man
agreeable -to his --own heart, David the
shepherd"of -Bethlehem; l~ was King David
who .wrested' Zion, Jerusalem's citadel,
from: its .pagan occupiers and made it the
capital'~ity of' Israel. 'He 'brought into the
capital city and near his palace the symbol
orJehovah's presence with his -people, the
sacred ark of- the covenant, He made preparations for the building of a glorioustern- .
ple it.' lforsu~h: ze~l tawand .worship ' of the 'living ' and true God Jehovah
made -a covenant.for an -everlasting kingdom with David, that-one of David's descendants should be 'a king _forever: That
descendant or' "son .of ' David',' was -to be
Jesus Christ, born toa virgin traclngher
descent from King David. The kings of
David's lineruled as visible representatives
of -t he real King of Israel,' .J ehovah -God;
and were therefore .said toistt upon 'His
throne.. As ,it is written ":of "King David's
. son and successor. "Then Solomon' sat
orr-the throne of Jehovah king instead
of 'David his fathervand prospered; and
all.Israel obeyed him," David, "when: abdicating the throne: in. .favor. of Solomon,
prayed ' and acknowledged Ood as King,
saying: ' "Thine, O . Jehovah/ is the (greatness, and .the power, and the glory" and
the.victory, and the' majesty: for all that
isin theheavens andIn theearthis thine';
thine is the kingdom, :" 0 'J ehovah, 'and
thou', art exalted as head-above alI. Both
riches and honor come of thee, and 'thou
rulest, over . all." (lChron: 29:23,'10-12 ;


AS) In ' l?-armony,:~with Psalm 48:1,2,. Jesus himself said of Jerusalem:. "It is the
city of the great Klng," (Matt. ' 5:34, 35)
Thus, .through his -r eigning - ano~ted king
at Jerusalem, Jehovah God ruled as king
over_Israel's domaln.. ",~ - : .:









In his covenant ~ with David for .-an

everlasting kingdom by which he promised remove the k.ilJg~!tip, .from David's
line God said coneernlng David's successors on the threne r t'If he-commit iniquity,
I wfll-chasten -hlm with the'.rod ~f m~n,
and with the stripes. of the children of
men; but-my Iovingkindness shall not depart trqmhim, as . I took "it .from Saul,
whom I put"away .before thee. And thy
house-and' thy kiHg~OF!l shall be made sure
for -ever before thee: thy throne shall be
established for .ever .". (2 Sam. 7:14-16,
ASf) So from 621 ,-to 601 B.C. ~~God~ chastened David's unfaithful successors, from
Jehoiakim-on to Zedekiah, with the rod of
the Babylonian Imperialists. Kings Jehoiachin andZedekiah were obliged to vacate
the throne and weretaken-captive to Babylon, and Jerusalem and its palaces and.tern- pIe were ,destroyed;
15. In. 't his' way the "'p rophecy to ' King
Zedekiah was fulfilled: "Thus saith the
Lord-Jehovah: Remove the mitre, and .take
off "- the' crown; this;shall be no ~ more the
same; exalt that.which is lew, andabase
that which is high. I will overturn; overturn', overturn it: this also shall -be no
more, until he come whose right"it?is; and
I will give ithim," (Ezek. 21:26,27, AS)
Thus, by"hisown decision, .Jehovah ceased
to rille as king over Israel 'a nd its domain;
By: the use of the Gentile-armies, he overturned .the .visible .representation .or. his .
kingdom on earth, 'in ,607: B~C. In the .fall
'. , 14

14. What Chastening did 't h e Kingdom covenant


ise? How was this finally inflicted?

15: How . was- God's kingdom suspended, and; what nerlod then began?
:- , '" :

13. How , did Jerusalem come to : be the "clty of the

great King"?

DECE~BER ' 15,



of that year, at the complete-desolation-of

Jerusalem and.Judah, the Gentile times or
"appointed times of .the nations" began, to.
run. for . "seven times'.', .or '2,520. years. .
(Dan. .4:,16, 23, 25, 32) God's kingdom.over
an YJe,f)art'of the earth was thus suspended.
",i 6 When the Jewish clergy'rejected Jesus
before Pontius Pilate at Jerusalem A.D. 33
with the cry, "We have -no 'king: but
Caesar," .the times of Gentile -domination
were' bound to keep on running. Jesusrefused to interfere with 'God's allowance of
"seven times" for Gentile domination. So
he did .not then " '~estore -agaln the kingdam , to"Israel".
prophesied 'that they
weuld-run -theirfullIength, which would
be-tlii 'the fall of t'fA;.D. 1914 ~ (John 19:15i
Act~' , -1:6; Luke '21:24) "But this man
offered ' one sacrifice for sins perpetually '
and-sat down at ,the right hand of . God,
from then on awaiting until his enemies
should be made a stool for his feet." (Heb,
10:12, 13, NW; Ps. . 1 10:1,2) That meant
that Jesus 'a tGod's-r ight hand had to wait
till 1914" because-Jehovah God does not
. change -but faithfully keeps to His appoin.ted ti mes and 'seasoris, In:'1914 was the time
for GOd to give the kingdom-tohls faithful Son, "whose right i t ' Is," and -for the
Son to come ' into the ' kingdom in fulfillment of the covenant with his forefather
David, At that date was the time for him
to act on his heavenly Father's "invitation:
"Askorme, and I will give thee the nations for thine. inheritance; and the uttermost -parts of the-earth for thy possession.
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron;
thou' shalt dash them ''in pieces like a potter's-vessel." (Ps. '2 :-7-9, AS) Since he received the nations ' of earth in order to
break and.'dash them to pieces like pottery
smashed. 'with an iron rod, it would indicate that the "appointed times of the nations" had ended.



11 In '1914,.at the end of -those "appointed

times", .Jehovah beganvto rule -as . king.' we.know that? Well, .a t the' beginning of -those times in 607-B.C. he -ceased
torelgn; by-overturning.King .Zedeklah's
rule at .Jerusalem. He oustedhim-from the
"throne.of Jehovah'<and Jet the Babylon,
ian Gentiles smash ,..Jerusalem to pieces
and let it De.trampled on by the. nations.
Hence the end of those times in ' 1914
meant just the reverse. There God "AI-'
mighty took .agaln to himself his great
power. He began ruling as king, not :at
earthly Jerusalem or- over . the .former
promised land -of , Palestine. : but .overall
the"earth. and-all its nations .inside .and
outside of Chrlstendertt..He did of his kingdom covenant 'with
David and by ,ipst~!iip.g~ th~ worthy ~ Son
of David, Jesus Christ, as ~~ng of .t he,new
world, Not ,as King on, a material .thr one
in an earthlyJerusalem, but-on the "throne
of Jehovah" which is in heaven and where
Jesus had been sitting waiting for .a11 his
enemies. to be rnade his footstool. ~ ' {~he
heaven-Is my throne.rand t he earth i~:;mY
footstool," says Jeh~vah;; (Acts 7:49,.. NW;
Isa. 66:1, AS) So since 19~4. is the time
for the Gentile nations to beno longer-on
top but underfoot, to be trampled on l:?Y
the heavenly Rulers till they .are ground
to powder and are blown away at the battle of Armageddon,
- 18 The angels in heaven were perfectly,
aware of those events dn 1914: "And-loud
voices occurred in heaven saying:: !,~The.
kingdom of the world has become the
kingdom of our Lord and -of his-Christ,
andhe will rule as king for eyer and.ever,'
And the twenty-four persons .of ..advanced
age who,were seated before God upon their
thrones fell upon their" faces and .worshipedGod, saying: "We thank you, Jeho-

17. Why 'was A.D. 1914 the -pr oper time for Jehovah

to begin retgnlng ?

16.. Whatr was Jesus' attitude and course toward the

18. In heaven what announcement .and .thanksgiving

"appointed times of the nations"?

were rendered? What birth there took place? -[ . :



vah GOd, 'the Almighty, the one wllo :is and

who was, because. you have taken " your
great power andbegun ruling asking-But
the nations becamer. wrathful, and your
own wrath caine,' and:the appointed time
. . . to briilg~;'to -~,ruin~~'tll(3'se"'~ ruirllng'rthe
earth.''' (Rev! : 11 ~ 15~18,. NW) Jehovafi's
heavenly organization is spoken of 'as symbolie Jerusalem. It ~brought forth Jesus
'Chr ist as thesoneto be enthroned -King
of".JehoY~'s:tnew : world, Hence '..-chapter
twelve -of rhe ~Revelation ' pictures . as
the birth of- a' male .babe : "And-she gave
birth to a son; a male, who is destined to
shepherd all the nations with-an iron rod!
And her child .was .caught: away to Goa
and to ~ his throne, "~Rev~ -r12 : 1-5,,~NW.
, : 19 His iron rod meant wtiat h forf tl1e nations ' whose appointed ;"seven times" ~ had
run, out. So 1914 -w as not :a time.-for tHe
Gentile }riat ions to pejoiee-'~at 'J enovah 's 'tassuming of his ~ruling~':powe'F .over :t nEr' earth '
ana the birth of the kingdom of his Christ:
They became wrathful."The 'e vents of his:',
to ry show they became so right> ~ the
crucial date ' 'of ; 1914. They engaged -in
world "war between themselves :for: wor ld,
domination" instead of. acting 'like -Chr istians and yielding over their earthly 'power to Jehovah's enthroned .K lng. ~
thirty-six 'year s since 't hat date >.. thelr
net-lessened but has inreasetl;
this .being proved by their 'Incr easing persecution of Jehovah's' witnesses',who announce.his kingdom by his Christand represent it as ambassadors,




B~QdKL~, N. Y. '

Ian; tile Devil's'world' organization; sho'uld

take a .turnble -as a : 'r esult' of Jehovah's
judgment 'against her, ,and ,should be Rut
underfoot. How did this occur? By casting
the .invisible king of - m Yst ic Babylon, Sa;.
tarithe'- :;IDev~I,~ ~and hisrdemem organization
out of~_tQ~~heavenly heights fromassoclation~ -~~t~ the ,"h.oly angels and- down 'to
God's footstoolvthe earth, Action to bring
this ~ab~~t began ,~ght att~!j the Kingdom
was. ib~J'n :..~n . :.:1~4. tt)'~o 'c!0WI! ,$ e great
dragon was hurled;. Ph~ ()Pigin~l serpent,
tQe one -called 'Devil: and 'Satan!" who. .is ,
misleading- the entire inhabited earth; he
~as h~le~,down t~ the ~.eanth, and h~!
angels were. hurled down with him. And
I ~heard.~~; 19~~ woice in"heaven say: "No~
~ay~ come to, pass ,(he salvation and -t he
power and the,kingdom of our God and the
authority of his Christ, because the accuseJ.i,~, of QUv, ~brotiiersf has. been:<hurled down
~.~ ~',,'. , On this a~c9unt.P~gia4~. you heavens
and you who reside in them! Woe for the.
earth .and for,'the sea; because the..Devil
has come down .to you, having great anger,
knowing he has',a short period of.. time.l."

~ReY -l2 : 7~~?~ Ai~)~ ~~ ~e "~:~Cl:ttle ~~(;'~~:

mageddon, after this "short period ~ ef

time", .modern. Babylon or Satan's world
organization 'will be ~ -destroyed and the
}].ew ~orig. P~ . completely bfOught in.
.t'~,l~, Ir!qi~~tiye,~,~~f the .t l@l;>le of modern
B?bylon_-from,:the-heavenly heights is Jl!~
deliverance of .~Jehovah's faithful consecrated . remnant. and their good-will campanions- :fr~m, -that world 'orgapization.
Wh~t i~" WhiY ~ J~p~v~h's




The Babylonian .empir e was: used to

destroyJerusalem in 607 B~C. and-to-start
offfhet'appolnted times o:f the nations".
Quite fitting, then, :that atthe.close-of. the
appointed . t imes'in 1914 .the-moder n .Baby, 20


b~ -so world-promlnent 'since ~919~

When .an cient . . Babylon was herself , des~royed as a world power in.539.~.C.,. the
Israelite remnant was delivered from Its
P9:Ner. .T hey were, let}:~ttjrN "to the. site .of
Jerusalem and .r ebuild 1:ne>"holy temple by
d~cree of ' Babylon's conqueror, King 'CyA

19. :How have .the nations ' reacted: at the birth of the
20. ' How 'dId modern Babylon take a ,tumble? .What wIll
yet be her fate? ' ,:;

21-23. (a) Whose world promInence Is Indicative of that
tumble? (b) Wha,tparable do -t hey- take UP. , against
whom and in whose pralser, r:







:.' tsEJ









tB qok,~









, '~ ' : ~.~



~One~ of Jehovah's witnesses employed 'as: electriclan at, a department store. in .

t."'-r*"'~~ ..~:~~~r'4..
...... "
Daytonr Ohi o, was as ked ; b'y~_ the~editop of the store ' pape~ t o wrtte'a brief report .









of ail-out ioo words orr-the -most enjo~able

reatl lat~ly.-.t He wrote .the .
1 ..
. . - ..
report, ' it was
-from" fellow

. - : . C!

:.; placed many booklets on Bible, t opics..' Several"clergymen' called1""'1 to "see,
of the report, but lost interest and left when they learned fro mthe editor that the
- ," F w~ite~J Was one of' Jehovali's" ~wittlesses.~l The" report has ' ;:b~eh . . r~printed in other
, . papeFs. -~ e>ne 'of his fellow workers said that -they 'w ere having trouble 'with their
churchsmintster constantly preaching' politics fromth~' puiJit~ that a~ :s~ecial 'meet:iJ:ig~ was:tcalled at which: lie,read ~this.'book; i-eport', and~then to ' the ~pre~cher ~hiS .
fellow worker said: "Look what .an -; electrician calf'; tell us for' notfilng, yet we .
, pay: ~ou a'Ibig .sala ry' 'an d get nothing -b ut pollttcs !'~ . ~lie ~ook~1!eporf ~that ':. the wit-. ~#~!
nesa .of Jehovah had-written follows: i~ _,
~~.~!'. ~;ve~ i fi~i~~ . ~e~4ing this book' in-D.:1YI li!ejime;~.<It~ begins' :by having)' a ~r~ ,
',;. ~eau~i.fl!l "c:hoI?e,,} -:~~~!r~y~d t1~~~ re.belHon. ~..Tr~g~qy,.,.: ~~~ste~, . s9~~ow" , m~rd~r~ !lng. . '
:. death .follow. As the ;famil~ multiplies, the plunge into despair-and darkness accel' . :,:~' erates. Centui les ~o~l .bY~~ nati~n~<1rise ~d f al(.!hOUsandl;! Of ' ~h~~c~e~;. pas~ Jn
..,," ' review,
'eve~ human 'emotton f rom stark, . r aw hate to a martyr's . love is eni"
: \.
I"-\; ..
"countered, Hop~ tiegi~ning a~ a faint spark, grows to absolute assurance. A perfeet governmentis to re;esta~~is~~!he -beautiful home. Its .ruler is the -King, Ch~~~,
Jesus. The government, the .&ingdom_of God. The -f~mily; the' human race; The '
.:' book is 't he Bible'!" ': :z'~\. ~ r;



























r ...

" "1

- ..









~~ ~









.t ..



J" ..I









~ .NCIENT Babylon sat astride the

Jehovah since A.D.. 1919, when they were

imperialistic power over peoples, nations

and 'tongues. So :Satan's woman, mystic
Babylon. ihas wielded its oppressive power
over all mankind. Only Jehovah our God
the Almighty ' could 'effect their deliverance by taking to himself his great power
and again beginning to rule as universal
King and destroying Babylon at the coming battle of Armageddon. The praise ,to
him for beginning his reign by Christ in
1914 and for already effecting a deliverance of those who calIon his name is already swelling from a multitude that
grows with each passing year.
2 The wrathful nations, though resorting
to totalitarian methods, are unable to
drown out Jehovah's praise. ,In fulfillment
of Revelation 19: 6 our ears can hear what
is as the "voice of agreat crowd and as a
sound of many 'waters and as a sound of
heavy thunders". Yes, we can hear them
saying: "Praise Jah, you people, because
Jehovah .our God, the Almighty, has' b~
gun to rule as king." .(N W ) Since .the
sound of their voices Is so mighty that it
is likened to the sound of many waters
and to.thunderpeals, terrestrial .and celestial sounds, it suggests that an earthly
class and a heavenly class are producing
the mighty proclamation. The facts agree
with this. The remna.nt~ of spiritual I~rael
iteswho are in linefor the heavenly kingdom have been openly praising' Jah or

sincebeen joined by hundreds of thousands

of believers whose hope is "for an earthly
destiny in the n~w w~rld.
3 B~ -devoting themselves unreservedly
,to God through Christ Jesus our Ransomer they have become slaves of God and owe
him their undivided service. .The fact that
the prophecy said that the great crowd
whose voice is to be heard would be praising Jehovah makes it binding upon 'them
. to: sound forth his .praise. ,The prophecy
must be fulfilled. In fact, the command to
them to laud him comes from .God on his
throne and comes through his Son, the
Lamb, who stands "in 'the 'midst of the
_throne". So it 'is written. "Also a voice
issued forth from the throne and said: 'Be
praising our "God,' all, you 'his slaves, who
fear him, the small ones and the great.' "
(Rev. . 5:6,7; 19:5, NW) Jesus spoke of
. him as "my Father and your Father" .and
."my God andyour God"; and Jesus and
all the' sheep who follow him '. fear God,
'rather than men or demons.' Their fear of
him is not a sickly dread created by BabyIonish ,falsification of who and what Jehovah is, 'but their truthful knowledge of
God discloses his praiseworthy qualities
to them. They delight to commend him to
all ,and to correct others' of him. "Publicly and from house to
house" they let , their praise of him be
heard, They have "no ' encomiums for the
"golden calf" set 4P.',by the commercial

c../:l river Euphrates and extended 'her released from Babylon's power. They have

1. From whom Is praise to Jehovah now swelling; and

for what?

2. 'Wh at is it we now hear in fulfillment of Revelation


3. How are they his slaves and why are they 'bound

to praise him? How do they. praise' him?


'., ;,




,DEGEMBER15, 1950

'element "of thisworld or for .the political

'and military, gods of "the nations orfor
the , religious ( gods ,and <idols: adored .by
Christendom-and:heathendom.. They have
turned their backs forever on Babylonish
worship. .'
--- - i;i:,ip raise Jah; ~you 'people lvis what they
cry allover the earth. They know the-ex:
elusive name of the Most High God and
they point" outhis identity ~to all "who do
not know him. They show all -the glory,
fame and good promise' .that attaches to
his ~:holY name. Since ~theY. have taken up
this cry, the world politicians and ' "backed up by the 'religious clergy have
set lip a symbol of .world domination. Before .'World ~War~" II .jt~ 'h'acl the-form: of-the
League ''of Nations,', but now it' has <t he
form of the United Nations. Political and
rellgioua.efforts are being made to have
all peoples idolize ' it "and hope in It for
their salvation: Quite "recently, on September, ,7 ~ 1950, the chief 'execut ive ~, of- the
United States"said: ~ "Th~~'United .Nation's
is our one hope to which :t>we may 'look for
a ' peaceful world.' '-INS .dispatch.
5 'However, ~ "-the ' great",crowd of slaves
who fear God cannot be 'diverted from
praising him. They know who -t helr Deliverer, ' their Creatorrtheir hope of'everlasting life in the' new world is.'They 'have
no'imlsleadlng praises for the , .rnan-made
political systems and rulerships ' of 'this
world, -no,'~for' any -part of ' niodefh~ Babylon. Their praise is of Jehovah's ~kingdom
by Christ. They 'h ave no heart for world
politlcs. They do -not sully themselves by
meddling . in, numan .pollt lcs, ' In this: "respect they hold to' 'the true-.definition . of
clean worship ,of God : '~The, form . 'of war,ship, t hat is clean 'and Undefiled from the
standpoint of our God and 'Father is ,this :
to .care ,for orphans' ,arid .widows :in their
tribulation, and to keep oneself without

spot from the world." (Jas, 1:27, NW) As

'ambassadors.for God's kingdom, they offer
praise'of the theocratic-government-which
they' represent.c-z Cor>5.:2<:)", NW.

I '

4, s, What -~ry dO- _they raise, and so for what are
their praises?



The' reverent slaves of God are under

command:<to"call upon ,all: the' 'people to
turn from -the praise of-the gods, "'idols and
mighty ones of this world to .the praise
'of the Creator,~ Founder and - Builder of
'. , 6

the -enduring new -world, The reason for

this is most urgent-now, .and -they explain
It-to -the people-Iri sthese' words: "Because
Jehovah our God, .the 'Almighty, has begun to rule -as king." ~ (Rev. 19:6, NW)
-That explanation placeszbeforeall -the people. and their earthly governments' the '
paramount issue of all time; ' the universal
sovereignty 'of the Most High God. .That
is to 'say" Who will rule the universe' as
rightful sovereign?
( , 7 For 2,520'years, the length of the seven
"appointed. times "of ". the "nations", the
rightful universal "Sovereign, -J ehovah, was
not 'r uling-any 'part of this earth, not even
the so-called Holy Land ofPalestine, But
,this is not now the case since 1914. So now
it is eminently improper fop any 'nation or
person to do what seems right to just ,the
humanrnlnd; 'as -in 't he days whenfhere
was no visible 'human king in the land of
Israel but "everyman did that which was
right in his own eyes"; (Judg, 21,:25) The
mind unguided by God's Word' ~and .spi r tt
is,.certain to, be influenced-by the. world
andits god -Satan t he ,P evil andhence to
go wrong. Proverbs 14:12 says: ."1J1ere Js
a -way which .seemeth right unto a man,
P1.].tthe end-thereof 'ave the 'wa~s~9f _~e~th. "

tlmes ,of Ignorance__~Gbd once overlooked, But now .ignoranee cannot, be

:pe~~~~~~~~ey ean

upon the people to do now? Why

7. 'W h y. is it eminently improper now to continue every

man doing what Is 'r ight in his own eyes as in ancient



pleaded :as an:excuse for'wrong action .according:to .the ,human mind, ' particularly
so now that-He has-raised up his witnesses
in all parts of the earth and sends .them
out with the message of his established
kingdom. (Acts 17:30) This is the time of
, judgment of .; th*e,nations.t lPhis world ' will
never 'r~turn to the.condit lons that existed
befo:re : ~'1914. For God's .k ingdom is here,
and is here to stay! "
.~ . . 8 All human governments, whether totalitarian-or: defi10cratic or 'of any other po':.
Iittca! .and social complexion; are being
made-to know that they ' can never ' ban
Jehovah .God from his decisive part in.the
future' disposition of.>t his -ear th.. He may
let-them ban Jehovah's'wltnessesand their
legal servants-the Watch Tower 'B ible-'&
Tract.'Society- and ' its scores of brarrehes,
but they cannot ban Jehovah;. For that
same reasorrrthey cannot destroy Jehovah's Word, the Bible, ' nor~'stainp~ out ' his
witnesses.. Were" they permitted by sheer
force to silence. the testimony af hls-witnesses, .he would make the very stones 'cr y
out. (L:uke, 19 :40; Hab. .2.:.11) Since God's
kingdom, ~ n'ow the -, rightful Challenger,
the . Kingdom;.. .jssue-. must henceforthvbe
pressed to a decisive finish, and Jehovah's
reigning-King .J esus Christ will .pr ess it
that faF.. Doing .t h at will mean the end.of
all .t he kingd~ins.: ;and, human, rulershlpsof
this world atrth.euniversal conflict of .Armageddon: . "There' is no ' peace to the
wicked," and there .'will be ~ no peace between this -world and God's ' established
kingdom..In-t h is: interim ,of::years>between
Satan's~ "oustirig fiom~ heaven and: the' coming battle ~of Armageadon~ there' has 'been
riostabilizing ofeartlily conditions By man
or by Unite'd Nations nor any ~iestofing
of. "normalcy" {~a:rid 'there'will tie"'h one.:,1311t
in .t his interim now soon to terminate.God




8. (a) What cannot the nations ban, and hence 'what

issue will be .p r essed to' the finish? (b) , Of what now

should we take advantage?


B RooK LYN, N. Y.

.:is-mercftullv-exerctstng patience-In behalf

ef; saving the people.of .good wil l:' So the
wise thing feD the' people.<to do is to take
advantage of his patience and mercy ana
heed :k is Kingdom message, turn to him
and his King as .the only hope and then
laud and.magnify his}'YPF!I1~ nam~~:-2;Pet.
3: 15. ': '











FroIl! the proclamatlon Goa's,.pr aisers

must 'make, Ietrall men note that-the :only
government which He promised to 'set up
and . which he has set up is a kingdom.
This follows from the covenant for .the
K'ingdom which he made with King ;p aYid
.of Jerusalem-and: which he ' lias never: re-:'
voked. ~ i!l es, it is in fulfillment of the covenant which he made with his Son Jesus
Christ. i to give him -this everlasting kingdorn of~ the new world, and ' into which
Kingdom covenant-Jesus takes.hisfaithrliII
followers as joint "heirs. (Luke 22: 29, 30~
NW) It is a kingdom, in: which.Jehovah
God ' tsthe .absolute Ruler, and It is not
a democracy. is a. Theocracy, and
not,a people's-rule, Under this theocratic
~ingao~ ..thei;p~,()pie -on earth
warship the Ruler as God, even as ' the King
Christ .J esus and his joint heirs worship
theSupreme-:tt~I~F_ as Gaq.,- 'Thls is proper,
~~.f~U~~~, ~s: .ind~e~ theIlvmg .al)p
t~lte Goq, , ;ap.~ .all !tl~kind owe t oihlm
their-existence and .all of life's blessings,
and .notably - their r edempt ion from sin,
condemnation and, death by - the,-sacriflee
of his-Son. Jehovah: our God .is -the 'AImig:pty, "~d .!lappy it. is for: mankind that
such an all-powerful one as !J.e has taken
the reins of government -Of the . earth.. It
takes an .almight y .one ~' li~e- .Hlm to .;delivep-groaning-mankind from; the crushing
weight of the' Devil's Babylonish .organiza-t lon.'
,_. "


". .r.





. 9.-What kind of government is It he sets .u p ? 'Why is

his almightiness fortunate for mankind? "

DE?E~J~~~ 15,' 19?O

, 10

;' ~eWA]CHm0WER '

Clad-we-can-be that "t He' iBeW world



Qriginally~eQ,cratic '~~le';obtair;te~

tIS"':' the :one~~~(j'!;' Md ,;.~n9t" thei~ppiit!cians, .in tJie jgatden of,,,Eqen,!l,'lfuenJtp~, move 'for
has pF0mi~~d~{:and ~ that ~~its :. gove:vnJ$~~t is papillar .self-rule, was advocated and-startan, "abpliite,j k'ingdoJ;ll," and;,- .that:-r:l:pen'r}oJa ed~ FAdamJ anat~E'Ye -asser tedt. themselves
eartQ.l llave :, nothing to say-about ~t;~ except ,agairi~t~tfiebcratic law ~d~ln:Jaccord with

fO ;f)liay' for: it, -advertlse.dt

and -commend

jt t~(bo.thets, iftthey so choose. .God1islcpm-

the .Serp,ent , .whcbecame- thec'god :OE this

systemt~Qf;"thirtgs". , rrne .asserting Jef popuJar ' selfsrule, bro.ughtf':sihahdH~qeath: into
.the "eant~~j .~God~s.ruI~ '<,: by;~ ~~his : 'SQn7~:aesus
Chrlst-meanseternal Iife .ina. slnless ~ew
. werld. To . tn:~ .:~q.preme King' over .all the
universe evrypody .who 'wants Iifevand
perfect government must now .tenden .his
alleglance, th~Jlobi~h ~Jesus' -;christ.
~/ 12 Fallen .irian~iil(~lfhas/,proved itself in.capable :()~~ .; seIf~~ulEi:!!~et .every makeshift

)}>assibnate towardemankind.and' will~~~vih",

.dicete his ' ability"t~to,"" make. somethingxto
his praise .o~t"~~~ fallen mankind-despite
the:' BeyitTfAn~l :so 'God -h as .letthe Jiumail
.fanii'ii~,,:thai::' descended from.sinful; Adam
and'~ Bve remain; 'but:he.determined to: set
'up, a 'n ew' governtnent ~ove:rhit~~ ,iWhen, the
righteous.. would, Irr: thessgarden.cof :Eden
passed: ~ because~j~o~f~.sin~~I{el}try t he. d~tet.,.
mined:tolbniRg,:' :nac~.i:a; world :of:~i'ighteoUs~. is',being~?)res(;),rted ~tof~f~a' iappl~ed:by, Chris:.
in ess'i~.:;a ne'~J~wonid;:.:~ .At~/his due tlme'he tendomdnrender to~o~pbse~ and avoid, havfOphde~l~tliat~ wonld-or-laid .t he -foundat lon lng-J"ehovah"'G6d" ~asfE~ing;~B, .Chr tst Jesus,
ofrxitr:iir 'ithe sacrificial death and.resurrec- -.what is the resUIt~~;"siilce>t~914? " :lEvery~
tion~,' of- "his 'Son Jesus Christ nineteen, ~cen-where. ~the peoplecontiQlie(ei~uFfer. They
turdesego. Now he has .establlshed the ' share the ,gu~lt in perpetuatij1g~~their~oWn
heavenly, SUfferings. ,Tl1eir, gods , are ,J~lII~gIto<:bring
appointlng. his' 'self-sacrificing, Son , in. ~eli~~. ?The ' sole hQpe .f~rJJel~efi}j~i'Jn:. the
its: kingi-.He bas' done -this; .although, the di~q~ government.. ,L~tL-;t,b~,; ;P~QP!~>.~.stO:f)

mo~ttbi:learth'~j~,.p'eople'; have.motwanted ,c ~llip.g" r1}.fl9J1,. '~~ei~; :f aJsetg~<!St an9 ~~ 9(':)l,s: for

JesUls'~Ghristjas'~'1~ing,"a fact which proves r~lief.Since; , ()ur ., :Gedt:eJeho\T,ah .' the ~ ,AIthat this ris -notoa q,emQcratlc .arrangement .mig~'t~ "-~PPW~. ;~91~~"" ~,'~iki:gg,~ ;jt "t&:.. entir~lY
,~bHt a .theocr atlcaoneaandct hat.ehe people ' _oytl ~of~J~~td~:p : t9\ ".gQqs and
, sunder:"the::;f)e:We~Joi: '~~:~ ~~' l,agM:~~:' 'CJleatHEe'-madei idoIsr 'He,:twill'not "tolerate
~;afur_~ / :
":~~~~jl 'j>~;!~~~t}nil cUiY ', f~l~e ,~wor~h:iI!~ij,u'~"~th~ ,~~~~ w'OrI.d.\,S@
~~}~he people; even,the!majonlty;,'ofthelJl, why not-praise- ,@ d,,;,sgr:ve hirp., , ~s, King
are-ri9~,~~er;guide iri: this ~,~ 'p~esent "wicked :w~tl1o~t. q~J~~;?,~ , ,~",:rs~,~~.35"; 1-~, ~5~.1.8:~
systems 0~Jit~j)tngs! '. , because: Satan.1s ," god . ;,~" " ~3 How.strange-it. isithat earth's Inhabitof;this lsystem;:of~,things" andrls.mlslead- not wan their. King the Crea-' .
ing the enj;iR~1ip~.a;bi~d~arth. D~mocra- tC?rdj)~:t4g:e~t.l!::,.an.d.of;ma,n upo:@'ittNot
ci:~~ had , ~t~t~tr ,~~rjgi,:t].~J ~ irt pagan G~~~~thep1~not.;this~at@rnic, age;,~but God-is~tlle
which adopted, B,apylon's religion; .and ~~if (j~e, ~Who: pre~~m,i~~ntly: , ~~o~s 'J1()~~tto '~:wi
democracies..or0peop.le~s repJJblicswere ,the the:'ea.I1h )md ~can ." regUlate :Jt -. foi;:man~

fimiLones to 'd~~rnlirle' .the f utUre-for all kiriij;~"g09d" .~e~p~g ,~,.p;rf~ci~~WMde. bemtmkiitd, - our- ~W~~b~d he~er. h~~e Je- tween 'aU' forces'iri and about:thEt 'eaith.
h<>~ah ~ as. King 'nbr "the Wiolhte(ci'SOI{"Jekus

s~t~ri:~ thetib~vii ~has hiisuJ,a.'~il 'these for~-

Christ:'~his; ~oya{t~p;~ke1itati~eoQ~~':tli~ e~.; H~'lias'~exerdsed "Obiy


10. 'What:

furth~r ' shows this :1s a,~: theocratic: ~rrange-

ment, and not a democratic one? '


11. 'iWh.a t' priglnal.~ action show~' -';t nat, :;:p.op~lar:~ ~se1f-rul~

is' not the way to good government and lifeJ '




the: "means to

t .~'~< - ~:-.~ . "f~r:} .~'i



12. What.,is the sole hope , for , human,,r elief, ,and what
worship is '.'entirely out 'of ' order--now? ' .
13. Why is "J ehoyal'.i', and not Satan, pre-eminently-~the

one , q ~alified to run

the ;~eaJ;t~. :;and: \lts Inhabi~ants?:



.cause .death ".: There .is no life' .lrrhim or

through anything' he has establlshed. vAs
"ruler of. this world'<and as ' "god. of this
,system of.'things",,'he has~ failed. Ithas not
meant life or good government, but
the directopposite. {Heb::,2:14 and-John
12:'31 and 2 -Cor, 4:4, .NW} In Eden ', he
had been anointed asthe "covering .cherub" and was 'then "perfect in- [his]. ways".
But when he set out to :exercise worldcont r ol independent af .J ehovah 's Universal
's overeignt y, therr.fniqulty was found in
him. - 'B y . advocating .hum an .self-government apart "fr om -God he led', 'A dam and
Evei.into rebellion.and sin. (Almight y God
drove -t he rebels 'from Eden, but did not
displace the unfaithful cherub (now Satan
the Devil) from being an invisible power over mankind. God ,let him .carry. PI! in
the false position into whichhe':p~~ d~ceit~ully wormed .his ~way: ~ over mankind.
.- Ezek. ' 28 :t13~19~:'l
14 Despite such advantageous position
over mankind, . Satan has failed to prove
his right and worthiness to universalsov. ereigntyor his ability to turn all men 'aild
women, againstJehovah's universal sovereignty, Satan .has 'failed: toprove himself
able to offer something' better thanwhat
Almighty God 'or iginally. made and 'prb~
vided for mankind, After these six thousand years 'of satanic,domination of .earth
what the ''wicked one 'promised in Eden
through .Adam and Eve's rebellion against
Jehovah's 'universal sovereignty has not
materialfzed. The type of human governrnent that he started with'Nimrod BabyIon, the ' birthplace of all worldly kings,


N. Y.

, EX~T9~ T~E: ,;-1JNIVERSAL K~~~~~,~

' 15 ,Now a . ilife~giving change is -under

way. The settling 'of the age-old issue.'of
universal sovereignty.: .will , shortly take
place at. Armageddon, Jehovah our .God
the 'A lmighty reignsnow ,as Khtg.of earth
and.heaven.Tle .tsrthe Conquerorwho has
ousted the Devil .from heaven.-and will
shortly destroy that one' and create
a: 'new world of life .and JOY. SO let allwho
long for life, peace .arid nighteous government. forsake this doomed-world. and declare themselves Jehovah's :~1ibjects. :It is
only reasonable, that all ' normasspersons seekthe favor of;the":~w,.
King, especially if all must eventually 'submit-to his.rule or perish. Common 'sense
dictates this as the wise course, because
, it is :-for' 'one's .beneftt and glorifies God.
:It)upholds~Jeh~~a~~.s :~universal .sovereignty
~,against the.. false, 'ch arges _and assaults of
the Devil. As Jehovahts.witnesses"keep on
preaching the Kingdorrrrgospel; more. and
more people hear the sound of -the great
crowd saying: "Praise J ali, you people',
because Jehovah our God,' the Almighty,
.has begun to rule as .king." It 'is high' time
for every hearer today 't o .act 'upon this
call to praise him as King, their personal
King whom: they have. chosen -to worship
and serve forever. Let"all begin living and
speaking as now being under his k ingdom.
;Thr oughout, the :earth'! let them unitedly
praise him as asociety of people who,give
. full allegianee .to his everlasting kingdom.
16,The prophecies pertaining to this'awesome time :are aglow With announcements
lth divine
of ' Jehovah'~; reign begun and :W
. has failed to give the people satisfactory decrees on what is now the right thing to
administrationof fheir affairs. The conse- do.' ~< :e;~alt~~l strains.Psalm 99:'1-5 ail:'
quences of following the ways of the false nounces: ," '_Yahweh [or, Jehovah lhathbegodSatan and ofdefying.and.ignoring the . come king, let the peoples 't remble, he
true God Jehovah and 'his Christ have . ~......
15. Why is it the wise course to seek Jehovah's favor
been heart-breaking troubleand death. . . hearers act?



14. Despite his' advantage, how has Satan failed? ",

'16.{:What does Psalm :99:1-5 announce and call on people

.' to "do?


I?ECE~BER "15,


. ~. ,ffi21
have ~h ope of life in the',new wo~ld', .whet h-

- . gfieWATCH'W)WER~

enthroned on the cherubim, let the earth

shake. Yahweh in ZIon is great, and high er ,ip the- heavenly ,ki~gdom orIn the new
is ~h~ oyer'all tfie peoples. Let them thank earth, ,we' will ;~rejoice/a:hd:~~xtiit as."loudly
his .Name-c-great and reverend, holy is as peals ofheavythunderand asthe roarli~,f~~ea .with the strength of a king [ustlce ing of rnany waters. For J ehovah has prehe-Ioveth, .thou. hast , 'established' equity, served unshaken the foundation of the
justice "and righteousness in Jacob 't hou new ' world 'and has now ' established the
hast wrought. Exalt Yahweh our "God and Theocratic Government for " it 'jn: the
bow down athis..footstool, holyis :h e ! "-:-R~. mighty hands.of Jesus Christ. Shortly the
~7 Jehovah -is enthroned on the cherubim removalof theDevil's 'old. world will fo~
who upheld-his sovereignty. Among those low as a certain-consequence at .Armacherubim is not the" one' 'who' was ' the geddon's war of vindication, and the new
"anointed cherub' that covereth'r .In Eden. ' earth will be-established on the founda- \
For .t ransformlng himself ' ~~tq, Satan the tions of everlasting righteousness. We deDevil. he has been ejected from heaven 'a nd light 'now .to obey ~ the:'prophetic command
is' not: now 'supporting the' divine throne. for this glorious time': "Bow down to YahNc>;:'btii -ne has "Deen' ~fuade~the footstool for weh 'Ior; 'J ehovah ] in;"the .adornment of
the feet. bi ~,Jehovah's King ~jesUs Christ. holiness, Be in anguish at-hispresence all
Jehovah's becoming king and enthroning the earth! Say among-the nations, Yahweh
his Son -, among the cherubim to "be king hath .become King. Surely' J).e~ hath' fixed
_of the new world is an event powerfully - the~world, it-shall not' be ~~iiak~n, he will
affecting our earth. No wonder it' has judge the peoples with equity. Let the
been shaking, figuratively speaking;::sitlce heavens rejoice, and , the .earth- exult; let
1914! the foundations:-u pon,'which,' itshu- the 'sea < ~oar ~ and the fulness. "thereof."
man society has- rested for "six <:thousand ~Ps. 96:9~11, Ro.
years .are tottering. Its nations God has
19 This',.prophetic command . determines
put on j~agmerit 1to rnake them showtheir forusourmessage and .states our commisattitudetoward his King and his kingdom sion of service, So, come what political, sofor which Christendom has hypocritically cial, religious and other changes may in ,
professed to .pr ay, Now is on e -time for truly 195~, yes, come what persecutions, and.reGod-fearing people to follow , the worldly pressive measures 'may 'against _J ehovah's
political "and . religious ,'leaders in Ignoring people and their message, 'our commission
and defying Jehovah's rule as ' king. It -1s and our message remain unchangeable.
a time-for the people to tremble. _. - Likewlse 'oUr' determination will remain
18 Let earthly society of Satan's dominunchanged. In behalf of the :Theocracy's
.ion go 'on wrjUling in .angulsh for stub- increase we will continue by all God-given
bomlyrefusing divine rule. As for us who " means to -raise the Hallelujah cry: "Praise
J ah, you 'people; because Jehovah our 'God,
17. Over whom is , Jehovah enthroned? How has his
' .
beeomlngjdng affected the earth, and what is it ttme
th~ Almighty, has begun t~. rule ~.s- king."

for people to do? .

18. <
What does Psalm 96 command lis , to say among
the.nations ?'

19. What are we determined ' unchanget;loly to -do, and

despite what?



s- ,:


Regarding the term '"brethren'iat Mat'thew

13: 55, d"oes it mean splritual ~ brethren, ~'fleshly
brothers, or cousins of ies~-s ?~J. P. T., Spain.
Jesus had entered Iii~ :~ri~tive' territory and
amazed' his acquaintanceswith his wisdom and
mighty works, and they''a sked in astonishment:
"How came ,thisrman by this wisdom and miracles? Is not . this the carpenter's son? Is , not
his mother ,~called Mary, and his brethren
James ariti J,6 ~eph and Simon and Jude? And
his 'sist er s, are 't hey .no t" ali 'with us?" :(Ma t t.
13:54-56: Dy) The very settingshows thatthese
townsmen were speaking .of a 'flesh!y, family
relationshlp.rThey hadknownJesus for -years,
had known ..;hismother; and. 'his . brothers 'an d
sisters: so 'how comes this . big change '~in him
all of a sudden? They even name "His' Brot her s.
The circumstances 'rule" out-~ any' possibility ~f
their having spiritual brethren in mind. (Mark
6:1-4,Dy) The ,apostle John makes distinction
between Jesus" natural brothers' and ,h is disciples or spiritual brethren, .saying : "He went
down to Capharnaum, he and hismother, and
'his. brethren: and his disciples," (John, 2:'12,
Dy) John 7'~:'3~5/also makes:this distinction and
goes ,fu~tn.erjJy,saying, ' ''N~ithe~ dtdhls.brethren ' be~~eye' him." JDy) q~!tainly suchiunbelievers could not he spiritual brethren'; they
must have been brethren 'after the flesh. However" after .J esus' death and resurrection 'his
natural brothers-did becomebeltevers, as .several scriptures .sh ow. (Acts 1:13,~14; Gal. 1:.19;
Jude, 1) Ad4!ng more evidence, we read: "As
he was yet 'spea kin g to the multitudes; behold
his mother ana'/ his ~ brethren stood - without,
seeking to.speak to hlm.: And one said to him:
Behold .' thy -; }~n..9!h~~'j,?-P~ ~hy ,pr~t1.:l~~p' stand
without" seeking' 'thee. But; .h e .answering him
that told hlm, "said r 'Who: is
mother ' and
who are my 'br et hr en ? ~And' stretching fo~th~hi~
hand towards his disciples, .Iie said: Behold
my mother and my brethren. For whosoever
shall do the will of my Father that is in heav-


en, he is my brother, and sister, and mother."

(Matt. 12:46-50; Mark 3:31-35; Luke 8:19-21,
Dy) Jesus was contrasting the natural relationship and spiritual relationship, showing

' t ha t the spirltual was stronger,"and more Important. If the brethren standing outside with
his' mother had not- been his fleshly ' brothers
his::words wO!1IQ "hav e been meaningless and
without ,any point.
~ . Also, t his -sitit a tion indicates that .t hese
brothers were not :' cousins. .if they had ' been
cousins Itwould 'me a n that Jesuswould have
replied; "(Who,are : my cousins?" iA n d it would
make him say; a sshe-stretched forth his hand
toward,.his. disciples, ".:" Behold' my cousins." No, '
Jesus wa~: po{~talki~g. about GousiH~ or any
relationship other' t han brothers. It "I s well
known .that- Jesus 't aught . that .he and his :disciples were spiritual ; brothers, ~ not .cousins ,o r
somejother more dis tant relatives. ~ It is the
Greek words adelph6s and", ade.l~n,e "t pa t are
translated "brothers" and # "sisters"~~ and :a r e
used ,f or 'bot h natural and spiritPlIi~ Felation
ships. When .the vr ela t ion ship is mcfevdlstant,
as in,: ~he ,'case of ,eous ins, the Greek word used
. Is. syngenes. It-is the one. used in the .feminine
g~t?der~~at L~ke ~1:36, where the angel of God
said to Mary: ' "Behold thy cousin Elizabeth."
(DY) ".:But this Greek -w or d for cousin or kin
or-'r ela tive is never used in .connection wi th
. Jesus' . brothers "J a m es, Joseph, \.Sim on and
JUde, ' but always, the Greek
meaning brothers': That Mary dEt .h~ve other
children after Jesus' ' birth, is indicated .1Jy EUk
2:7 calling Jesus" Mary's "first-born :~son~'~ 'im:
plying that there were others bern. "later .on .
Also, Matthew 1:25, ' (Dy) says concerning
~9seph> ,and Mary: r,~~4-1:t~ ,l?;e :~~:~y~~e~r. not till
she brought forth 'her. nrstoo'r n son: ' and he
called-his name' JESUS." i Hi's "blearly Indicates
that Joseph did , "know" - 'h er 'afterwa r d, and
that he fathered he r other children.
, ~
Does Jeremiah 10:3-5 refer to the erection
and trimming ' pi .',Chri~tmas t r ees ?-C. M.,
Jeremiah 10:3-5 reads: "The customs of the
people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of
the -for est, the ~\.v6rK of the hands' of -the workman, wttrothe/ax, They 'deck it with' silver .and
with gold; they fasten it with nails and-with
hammers, that, it move .n ot , The,,y"'a re upright
as the palm tree, but speak' not: they must
needs bec.~borne, because they cannot go." This

woid ,




scripture cannot be properly applied to cutting

down evergreens, building bases to hold them
'upr ight , and decorating them with gold and sil ver tinsel or other ornamentation. Jeremiah 10
is e xp o s in g the folly of worshiping idols.
Men made such idols by felling a tree, lopping


15, 1950

'ofiLt he Dranches~,:~d '_hewing>~and "ca:rying:tlfe

i'em aining "t:r.un k into ;.t he shape of ~.the desired
image. "This they would then plate' or -over lay
with gold and csilver , As tl1e 'account states,
"The"core"of their idols is but; timber; overlaid
with beaten silver brought from T a r shish and
,wit h ' gold 'fr om Ophir." :.. ( Vss:: 8; 9, ~(l' ) 'Being
shaped dn the , farm.: "of:: some . -;,Jiving f,. creatur e
OE "supposed .god, - they~ ;migl1t tlbe expected ' by
their superstitious- worshipers to have - some
power of expression , or . movement' or }a bilitY
to deliver- in 'time of stress;", but - their utter
faflureuto-do .anythlngvdraws-derislve -tauhts:
~ 'Idols' a re ,like scarecrows''in '.;a field, they ca.h~


'" i; :



"'r: ~



"fr om the ' start with accuracy, to write them

in logical order toyou, most excellent TheophIlus, that you ,may .k now .f~lly .the certainty
of '. .t he things ', which<you> have .b een-rt aught '.J
orally.."~Luke 1:3; 4, NW . _ -' ,.
cf In giving, us- this logically ,:'arz:anged li~~':-< '
tory "of "the .life -:~"of Jesus we find that' Luke
not ~ only: ~ fo1lows 'it strict chronologica f order;':
6ut.tais~~gIYes~ ~. xp.a;nY ~Qitsj ,o'~:~ist9ry of the'
Iife. of \cliFist ~Jesus which are- not" recorded
by the':"oih~r, ~ ,gpspel writers. .P er ha ps most .
important .am ong ,these 'is :his >record of the ~~
lab!'r Judean and Perean ministries,' of our' Lord.v However, ' we' are ' alsos appreciative: of '
his care' in giving details I:'egarcling t he birth' ~
ani;lr-'early "infancy ,of; Jeslfs~ :For \vithout his ~ ,
:recor(f 'we~' 7woui(j'not have tli~lcircum'siancesc':
relative-'tot~the ,lilh'h: of John. the' Baptist~ the
sayingsthat M~~ and the angels ut tef.ed, ,th~
record of-the ~'shepherds': visit 't o .the m an ger ; ,
~~,d except, 'f~~\_)?-im'\ ~e' would not JJ~ve , th~;:


.oJ? <th~s.temple scene,wh~re

,~'F>' '{H~


in _wr iting -t o one Theophilus, states: "I

res9Ived~also, 'because I -have traced all things



~~o- .


{,~~.. : 'J)'~'t.~~~.,.:, ','9f:'''/t' /L, - : \,.:,~'

HE~ :~~Ci~l~ 6?~ J'e sus, , Lu~e the . ~.~ysjciap,


not say a word; they have to : ,be t~ai;'ried,'for

cannot'J move ' a,~st~p.f~.iH:ave no!"f ear:"of
tliem; ::'the~i . cannot ~ -hult- you~no, no r
you!" , Next tHe 'accouht -speaks"ol '~Jehovah's
great power, then continues": "It strikes man
dumb and senselessr the goldsmith is ashamed
of: 'his ~carved 'image; 'His metalImagefs a futile-r'thlng; J There' is no -breatw"of .].,life ~ in -idols ;
they .are- 'a 'valn delusion,' tHey oreak -down
when' thevtest arrives." (Vss., 5, 14;'~ i5, .: MiJ)
Hence itIs clear that Jeremiah 10:3-5"does not
refer -to decorated: Christmas, trees, when "~we
view these verses with their context andwith
the hlstorlcal-background' of that time'In mind.

,t hey:


others Anna, tIle ; aged!,.prophetess, saw -' t he''ll

child Jesus.
fL According to Luke, :Anna was the' d~:nlghte'r '
of one Phanuel and of the tribe of Asher. Being a prophetess she had the gift of the .holy
spirit in a specHil sense::.,After ~Iiving with her
hUsQand .f6r. seven years1~she :becanie a 'w idow'
and was now.84 years o~d: In. :spit~ of her 'a dv~nce_d age she ."was never missing .from tl).e
t~~ple, rendering , sacred se:vvice night anq '
day with fastings and supplications". No ques-

. . _: (.J"~ .. ~




- "'"

.r?'ii~;~~~"'(J f







S~es.-t"s.~S -':i -



~~i'J ':-': :,,:i . ,



.tlon about it, Anna .ha d , a , ,ke~~r appreciation

of :the 'blessedness 't iiat came..with .service in
the house 'of Jehovah. ~Her ~ctions told all,
that she, like David, had but one thing to ask
of Jehovah, that she might dwell In -his house
ii.I! ,the, days orher life,."to: behold.the beauty
.!.~j iIeho\Ta h, and to inquire~!~~n'1 hi~ ;: temple."
:.-;-P s. 27:.4, AB."
.,.;rs ':f< r-; .
,~.Cl !\t the very hour that Jo~eph and Mary
' b,:rol)ght Jesus.:.Into the. temple 1\nna "came
near and began returning-thanks ~to:God and
speaking about; the .child-to : ail thosewaltlng
'for Jerusalem's' .dellveran ce'": (Luke 2:36~38,
NW) As! the. angels -had done _foFt~ days be. fore, Anna was bearing testimony to him who '
- was. to. be the savior r.~of. the world. (Luke
2:8-15) Doubtless, like Simeon, she had been
.lon ging, praying and .waiting-for the One who
"was; to -deliver .Isr ael.. and' the good news-that
thtswas theOnewas 't ao 'good to keep. . .:
ct How different Annawas from the practitioners -of orthodox .r eliglon ! How unanyiof
them would keep.on rendering sacred service ..
night and. day 'a t. the 'a ge of 84? They would
::h ave , a sked f9r"a>pension .Ibn-g, '~ago. , Anna 'set
.,;; a-~good example .(even as did~ Paul lt her"a gea ;'
" some sixty or seventy years'later). to all serv_ ant s of Jehovah who ,a r e advanced :in years.
_Regardless of how old>. one may be he is not
. too 'old- to devote.his life to the sacred, service
".of Jeho~ah; 'nor is \he everhtO()" old, 'once in
" tha,.tse vYice, to w:itnes~ to -t he :Kin g and Kjng." dom .a s opportunity <affords." Those rendering
s_uch service now can testify to Jehovah's
blessing upon them, even as Ann~ back there
was specially blessed.

~E N D

, :q~a.r

. , _,~,.,' ':'.
reversed-agaln-and.rhe doctors abandoned the
The,-M ay "l st .and ,15th WatC.h.towe'rs . on b190d 'a~P!~i:PPt:, to . w~t~draw' .' more, ::r~pl~c~~g.'" rap~d
transfusion mQve me to. write.of my,~ecenf"ex- ly..zwith other,",blopd. Tl1i,s patient who had-preperience- while ~on duty as'.a. special 'n:UFse~'~-in viously recetved-thirteen-plnts ~0f blood, eight
'one of the large hospitals. rer: -o.~.
,of which-were: on the -day .and first night;'_~f
On the 13th>.post op~rafiv~ -day, ' it was d_eter- operation, .died on. th~ 16th post operative day
mined to subject this p.~Jiel1tJg ~ blood :yva_~Aj~g, ,in spite ot or..;because J)f recelvlng .a total: ~of
conslstlng Qf wlthdrawtng ~,~W9 -pints-of blood seventeenplnts tof~~ str~pge blood. )Many veins
and ' replacing ' it with" two other pints. ,;':Vhis were occluded -and riddled as 1a: sieve by almost
operatlon was performed- in the room by -In- continuous puncturing for laboratory. test and
ternes on laboratory service and repeated on feedings of blood or ,-gl~cose.
_.,,'the following ,day, 'when this amazing .inc!dent .. Be it .known that it~is .becoming moreprevqccurred. , ~
,. < _
. ';~ ,
alent to-give , blqod.,t~ansfusions .during .qulte
..~.fL~t those who ~t.liink t~ere is no 'dangen to j he sim ple,.oper ations, a~d:;;Yp.~ Qn1y ~1qlowledge ' the
donor take heed. At . this second' blood-stream patient may have of It is when -asked 't o have
flushing while withdrawing the second pint of friends 'and relatives replace it in the blood
blood, the flow from patient to vacuum bottle bank. To avoid this an exclusion clause should
suddenly and unexplainably reversed itself, and ~ .Be inserted in .the hospital .release .con t r act 'bewhen noticed a column of- "ai r was , abo ut 'to : '; f9re signIng for operation. I carry.Identlfleation
enter the vein. The doctor quicklydisccnnected card, In my wallet marked , "No blood, tx:ansfuthe tube ' at 't he needle, "and"oh rec()1i'rtectiiig~it stop " l:ri =red Ink 'arid bearing -my ;signature:'"
behaved "n orI)l8.11y for ' a 'few minutes but th~n , , ; .
. .. Theocratically yours, .: :



.. ...

_ .




~ ,.


i ..~



.' Shortly ',before. he 'wa~: impaled :J esus' colin',tFhe' New 'W or ld Translation:"of the Ohristian
seled his'--:apostles; ,~t~r;rhisj g'o'od Jiews " ~df the '. Greek Scriptures, .first . r eleased to : the :publi~
kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited on Wednesday, August 2, 1950, during the .Inearth ror vthe purpose' ora witness to all the ternational,assembly -of Jehovah's witnesses in
New York city, answers . a long-felt need for an
nations, and then the 'accomplished end wlll accurate and dependable translation of the
come." .The time for the accomplished end" of Greek Scriptures. 'Done in .modem speeeh. .it is
thf~ ,wicked syst~m ' ,of: th~?~s .is very ne~r,'~~~d , just as understandable'.to present-day. readers
the servants. of. God are .grvm g the final WIt- " as- the origitiaJ~ .writihgs of ,1Christ's'-disciples
nessIn every corner of the earth. What a' priv- , were-understandable-to' the simple;' lowly .r eadIlege it is to have a- share Iri this 'm oment ous ersof -thelrday.ift.Isnot arevlslon.of.anyprework! Since you have now Iearned .something . vious work, 'but Is a .new r enderi ng.. from the
of 'God's gracious provisions -for those who 'act original Greek text; using primarily the standIn . harmony ;with his wtll. -wculdn't youIiketo ard text of ,W estcot t and Hort..-,To .insure accushare-In -spr ea dlng thls-good news? .F or January racy the..translation. ~1s' as lileral' 'a s modern
Jehovah's witnesses nave as their service.theme, , Englis1i~i.lsage-peffiiits:'~Q~e~~(jf .it s outstanding
features' is the"use of"..God's given name JehoSharing in the Final Witness (Matt. 24:'14;NW). vall throughout." There -are 'copious marginal
During the next four .m on ths they .-will offer references, chain 'xefe~ences, footnotes, an ena year~s > subscription for thisf;ehristian journal, lightening fereword, ,; an appendix, maps arid
The Watchtower, ,on ' a ' contribution' of-$1:00. illustrations>.,')Jhis new translation, presents the
Every;new.. sUb~'criber ::wjll .a lso get a ~premiuin .~ Greek. ~Scriptures"jn all their ,purity and is
of ,three"interesting booklets. Why not share in , wor thy.; of the <;.close ,study of ~ even'; the~ most
the final witness "by calling the attention of'your , critical student. A copy wi~l be sent you, post~
neighbors to the ' significance" of the ' times'-in , paid, on :a contribution of $1.50~ .,
whIch we live and offer th.em a subscription-for
<,' . .~ .. ~~


;.;', f;~~~:


k~ek of J~I1uaryr~i: .

Jehovah~s witnesses will be :glad to assist you; Pra~se. ~.t9 ~h~. - .New W<?rld's . Founder, U,l~19.
or write <to ,us :a nd we wUl ~ 'fumish you 'with
Week of 'J anuary 28: .
additional instructions and forms for-reporting Praise:',.to the New' World's , Founder, U20:.23;
your activity.
, .and The .New World Crowd of- Praisers, U 1~19.


,~ 147
'>~ 3
2:8 9 , :;', 480 '
2:15 '
-~ 3
211, '481
6:3, 13, 18
10:8-10 442; 510
. . ,' 2~6
14:1&-20 ;:;.511
18:20 >'32 ''19
19:4-28 .
. 170
22:13 ,
22:17, -18
29:20, 27, 28 - 27
46:34 "

l'KING~ A ,.;> ~.



4:21, 23, ' 24 89
, 89
: 89
12:5,6-" , .:196
16:16, 17 : ' .~ 195
17:18~ 19
168, 180
30:19, 20
' -511

3:5, 9-13

~11 : 1-11

2 KING$ c-' ,




'16:25, 26
~~;~~, 22
29:23, :l;0~12 512


27 11:18
56 28:10
282 28:17 :,' ,
62:11 147, 258, 13:12
517 28:17-20
' 171
442 14:12
69:9 86, 154, 181 14:27
88, 91 28:21
418 28:21, ,22
' 234 14':28
' 115 14:31
4 29:13, '14
183 "
138, 181
115 15:1
346 29:14
' 100
+~~~3-i~ , l~i 15:28
71 30:20
.186 35:3, 4
t~g 16:18
53 35:4
115 19:2
' 42 35:10
82:5 ,_ .
150 19:14
346 39:6, 7 .
51 40:10, 11
Ps. 83
168 19:15
91 40:28, 29, 31 86
~;ig 148, ~~~ 23:7
43 40:28-31-'
91 24:5
287 41:10
86, 201
' 42 42:8
68, 147.l
2~i 27:1 '
, 8
186, 31~
91:5, ,7, 9
91 27:11 151, ' 344 43:10 147,211
91:11; 12
86 27:17
38/101 43:10,11
153 ~~;~4
' , : ; 31~ .4,3 :~0-12258,1:6
5~~ 29:15
347 43:12
' 168
520 29:25 25, 40, 169 ' 44:24, 28
115 29:25, 26 83;:88 45:1-4
233 30:5, 6
310 45:18
}g~;~i5 . , li~ 30:12
59 , 45:22, ,23
' 41 31:15
347 46:10~-11
70 31:26
347 49:15
348 50:4
110:1, 2 104, 229, 31:28
251, 513 31:30, "20
347 52:2
:-~ 231
. 59:- 61~
103, 137 '-, ECCLESIASTES
493 1:4
149 54:1
. :279
69 1:14
37 54:5
23, 2:1-11
37 54:13 101,' 279
35,37 54:17
', 83
118:23-29 '~" 235 3:1
100, 150,
119:27 '.
, ;202
, 149
'25 3:19, .20
' 23 55:8,9
147, 5:3-5 6 55:11
22, 147,
';>: - 181, 202 5:15
36 56:11
126:5, 6
482 8:5
149 57:19 ,
.519 9:10
37, ,42 58:1
187 9:11
'88 60:1, 2 139, 181
145:10, 16
. 3 9:14-16
179 60:1-22 27, 187
70 9:18
179 60:2
83~ 202
'10 12:1
151 60:12
Ps. 148
68 12:12,11
24 60:22
: 44
61:1 .
101 61:2
20 62:10
67, '186 3:8
, 20 66:1
170 66:22
282 6:9,10
' 27
131,345 6:11
1:20, 21 24, 100 8:9-12
168 . ':, JEREMIAH
2:6, 7
99,147 8:12, 13
38 8:13
84, 90 1:5~ 6
136 9:6
243 1:10 "
131 9:7
20, .2:13
99, .169
21 6:16
170 10:12-16
131, 137 Chap. 12 201, 1:13 ; 25, 28 19
4:14, 15, 13. 39
232 8:20
491 12:1-3
201 17:9
' 25 12:3
169 20:7-9
51 12':4
231 20:9
87 23:1-8
6:14, 16, 19 55 12:6
23:28,29 ,.-..l '1f
345 Chaps. ~13, ,
21 25:8, 9, 11 ' 20
8:1-3 , 24, 100
,515 25:12
91 14:3-23
163 25':31-33 .: ' 68
131, .137, 14:12-14
'i 03
163 25:33 "
139 14:17
,1 20
21 25:34-36
10:11, 21 ' 123 21:2,9
39 25:36
40, 91 26:3
212 27:5-13, 17 443
5 26:13
'182 29:1
284 26:13,14

86, 108
36:22, 23

1:1, 2





":J' l~

, ~, 8:7,N~HEMIAH 384
1:7, 8
'3 42 8:8-10 '
1:8 ,
341 8:10
..1" ,
., 18b~282. 30 '3"2" : ~~ ,.
319 ' 35, 37, 39389
25 ~l;}g
.' ~~ 3:7-9
211 ,
319 2:1-23
164 ~;I" 8, 11
'~ ~~
14 :31
~ 6:1-5
164 14:13-15
147 6:8-10
166 31:34
185 6:11-24
,163 32:17-2026,170
' 195 6:25,26
'1 86
166 32:21, 22
185 6:25-27
' 214
167 33:23
20, 182 6:28-30
,,'2 4
- 167 33:25
12:~8, 49 ' -414 ~~3!' 32 ~168 37:23
.- 442
:, 10
13:7, 8, 10 195 6:34-40 , ::168 38:'41
Chaps. 14, -lS 36 7:1 ,
'168 42:10, 12 . 'A O
14:1-15:22 ,212 7 :1~ 15-20
'511 7:2,3
15:18, 19
19:5, 6
195 7:2-4
'197 7:4-7
' , 437 7:7 '
186 Ps. 2 168, 229
,414 7:9-15
179 2:7-9
51 7:20,21
195 7:20-22
182 Ps.8
-198 8:1-3
182 8:2 '
89 8:4-9
184 9:7,8
28:1-4 '
'25 8:10
168 11:~
185 8:10-12
16:11 .:
. 24
184 19:1 ';."
33:20 ";
. .' ;19 8:13-21
91, 284
185 19:9
35:5 ; 21-29 ' ..;185 8:22,23
511 23:1-4
185 8:24-27
185 24:1, 2~"7-10 ' 438
,- "'43
8:27 .
185 25:9
~: 89
185 ' 25:14
~" ,91
, zr
346 15:4,5
437 19:1
37:11, 29
2:11, 18
25 37:23
42 '
101 3:1-21
25 37:25
180 8:7
511 39:1
11:'4-6,18-20 170 i~;~4 , 115, ~~ . 45:16 irs,41!7
'85, 122,
132 15:23
150 46:1, 2
230 16:7
139 4Q:1, 2, 11

115 48:1,2
20:10, 12
132 5:2
. 227
417 50:10-12
185 19:13

1 ,

,; ::132

1950 ~: ~


36:1-32 50:6, 7

285 '
. 181

7:19 ;
9:6 ~
~ 106
12:23-25, 28 r 20
, 167
21:26, 27
33:7 " , 19,20
. 24
33:31-33 '
Chap. 34 119;
34:2, 3, 14 200
34:18, 19
2:44 .
. 4:16,23,
:,:,:"25, 32
5:5,25-28 24, 180
7:13, 14.
9:27 "
12:4 150, 243.
4:1-9 ..
5:5 '



' 20



, 167

7:14, 15
.- '
,8:11, 12
9:13 '


. 448
,' 21





~:i,~BROQK~~~~~~.l Y.

~O. 'l~O~ ~',10:34

181 21:16
'106 Chap: 2
. 52 . 15:11-32 ' 182 10:16
. 187
. ~. 39 21:18, 19, :..,. ~
.. ~' 51 -16:9 .,' ~~ 105;"139 ~..;
183, 197,' 11:19"' .
6:33 55, 390~396 ~2;1:i,1.42
:'-:'~2083 3:,4... ," 389, 16:10 ." ~;"'41-7.:{;:
200, 257, jl 1:25,: 26 ;.I.; ;486
6:34,27 ' - ,: 87
~4': r . " . .' <'21 '16:15
:r- 23 '
348;405 13:6-12 #Li 451
:f il 4 '~?~ : ~;'i~:'22 :..
~~;i~,t*P .~',;;~~ 1+;~t30
~~ ii;11:'1~ ~!' ~' \= 1~;~~~ 'l~r ~~i~~
',' "4S,-:3 91 ,22:21 245:--, ',283, ' "4:16
487 17:33 :.. f'~.r'-: 389 ;11:25, 26
: 14 '13:36
::~ ~' 388
7:20 ".>:
435 '4':19
,, 489 18:29;430 ' ', 413 ~12:1-3;' 24 ,13:39
'~" 393
;1:26, -27 ! t,27 '22 f34-40 .,' 437 ,4':26-29"
492 19:11-27 '" .,1:7 1 ..12:12-15 , .f199 15:14 285,:"'112
.. '101 22:37
':~' 133 .6:34'
.,:116 19:22
~ 180 :(1:2:19 "
~;; 21 15:36
; . '\108 Ghap.23- , :' 71 8:1-4
21 19:40
37,170", .',tL2:25
389 .16:4, 5
'ZEPHA~t(~}~{~, 8:20-22
' :" ~~ 134 '23:1-33
. c181 :9:33-37
i ' 52
'-;'[ .I,Ji~~ 183~ 51l:S :,':1:2:26'
[-117 -16:20, 21 ' 247
,'~182 23:1-38
. ,",, 21 .J9:35:
,117 20:1 ..
~ 21. ;.j1.~ ; 31
444, 520 17:6 : "
":20 8:22
~.. ;35 "9:'10
1': 52 ':23:5'
! -::'1 81 ' 9:43-47
" 388 2O:19,;.26! ,f;.~436~~ [.2:32
~1395 a7:6~'~7 '
~~'; 149 ;.1
- 0:30 . 414: 489. ,2Q:20' (~: ."~436 ;" 12:42, 43 1) .,:~169 ,.017:11
231, 9:12,13 ':,,280, :23 :5~
';'119 '~0: 42...,45 . ';:117 20:34-36 ,:,';41:4 ' Cl:3:12-17'; '-;:117 17:17
308 9:35.. ,'- 21, 52 23:5-11
187': :,,12 :13-17,~: 436 ~20;41" .)f;,'121,~ ' 13:17:': {;12O;'~ 138 "l jl:22
. 395
2:3 i::;; .69.256,- 9:35;36 ,\.;'116 23:8
. ',(
f356 10:1-16 102, ..118 23:8,10
.280 12:32-34 : ",~ 138 Chap. 21 23,35 ' [~:6 ,l:~~',., 343 :11 :24;;:,' 186
,:;:135' 23:9 - 149, ;186';r2~33 ,; ,.: ..- : ,88' 21:14
8, 139 ['!:24 : ~ ' :'148 ,17 : 30v~ ~"; ~ '518
2:13-15 1/' . ' 21 10:5-10
.~ ;353, ll! :384 0 : ,,:149 21:9 ' ' '~ ,L ' ~' '. ,83 '!~:28:~ ,~167 17:32 " -~'~~t 24
3:1:'7 .:.. 309 10:7, 8 :,, ' ,j":i 2 ,23:10
. ~ 117 12:40
" '121 21:17- ~
391 1~:.30;" ~ , ' ";;:',, 23 18:3, 4 - . - ' ' 14
:..j. '307 . 10:7,~11-14 151 23:11
~ '~184 12:41-44 "<"'41 21:24 ' 216, 243~ [5:1;.s!_t":~~':C4 :26 18:28
' 22
3:9.>: - . 307, :350 10:7-15 t :;. 24 23:12 .
'3:9, 10
_,, 350 10:8 ':' ..102' 1'151 23:13;, '
,',~27:1 Chap. 13 23,-.35
258, 513 15:2, 3; 8 ' -'. 103 20:20
:'.. 353 10:16 " ...,..; ~ -; :151 23:14
":-121 13 ,:10 .' :",, 2'4 21:26
68, 202, 15:6 ':~~~390 .,":'"';
"100 . ~150
," _ 253 '15:8. ~;Jf, 493 ~. 20:20, .21"' ..: -52
3:11, 12 . . . . :.'~ 351 ,aO:22'i."--i" - I'\. 450 23:18-22 ' ~ ,186 14:27
,;. 389 21:28.;.32
102 15:"15' ~. -, ! l BI-:: ", ~0:27 -,~ '-:'232
3:13 hi, .<' -351 '10--28" 88 154 23':33 22:~271 ' ,1 4:34
388"'391' >'c';,. - ",,;;,;:~. 388
<_: :!:n 2:f:29'"
'396 1516 . a. , ..;- ~11 :: "2027-3t ~ ' - ~ 118
3:14, 15
352: :!5:< ~
, 452 C~~~~ 24/: il; 23, ,
, . ' 21:34=36
491 15:18, 19 : ~fl23: '~OO:2!t &t' ~ ~123
3:15 '~ .. i~: ; 353 ;:H! '
196 '15:19
412 l . OO:29~,~~ ~(~186
.. ~353 '-10 :34-39 : ' 55 ," :
184 24:1, 2 21;,:186
313, 481 22:28, ~9
:489 15:19, 20
254 , 2O:33_~~~;.,"" .: ~~139
, 3:17~ .. er 8:354 .10:42
'229 24:3, 14, 21 ,385 1:32, 33
' 116 22:29
. 227 '15:20 . 117, 154 20:35~i:. '~ 27:~102
,3:18,' 19 ' 355 1-1:14
. : ;356 11:19 ?~, 39 ; ,24:3-39
.. ' f01 1:46-48
386 ~ 22:29, 30
518 16:1-4
. 488 22:7 ~'f(~ > , <t392
,,:.: 24~ 2:1-5
.' :, 445 23:1 , 2
245 16:13
~12 22:9 :. ~~i)..~ ~ ;392
14326 24:7, 8
-, ' 51 24:9
54',~ 391; 2:S,20 ., '. '~: 244- 23:2 .
436 16:22
. 73 24:5, 6 ~ ''J;.:<,-247
~ :186 ~~~5 '
,,~~g >,-",
,405, 450 2:13; -. 1~ - "' 67 ,.23:42, 43
~81 17:1, 2
. 442 25:9-12 ". " 247
< ~ 12:30.
. ' 153 24:14 2f4~7ilg: ~';~8 46'4ll J~
if;!-3 69,'2~1: ~~;g9
- 12:34,: 35 "'491::: " ..,-t. 151, ,.152, 4:10;.21. '. . 70
288, '39u 26:14
:.': ',~24 .
3:1-5 ~ " e> - 170 12:34-3'(
r 71 {;[:.';"~' -200,',201, 6:1-5 '
{.', 51 .
313 17:6, 14, 16 412 ~.
., " ;
4:6 ' 27, 186;}-245 12;37
:392 "~:..,
231, ~2~4i ,6:9
389 ,1 :9'
~ 395 17:6, :26 . , 318 -'
.. ~213 13:1-9 ... ~,~482; V
,386,, 400' 6:22, 23 ,, 213 ' 3:3, ,5 r : ,,' '~82 ' 17~9, ~14, 16.. ,23
" ROMANS .{ .
'.- ",',73 :13:7, '22 :_.~ 25',2~ :15
149 6:415 ' " ;:::..:26 3:8 . ,.> \''', 386 ' ' 17:14, 16 ...435 '1 :24-31~ ~
.: ~:::119 13:9 ~'" ... '493 <: 24:21~,
. 27 :1:35
390;;392 3:.14, 15 " ~';-349 ' 17:17 ,
. , . .70 2:7
13:q . .:J~ "',117 ,13:11-17 .:..484 " 2~:22, . 't44 8:1 '
21, :71~, 3;14-17
311 17:25
:.-.: 279 2:28, 29
13:8, ~ ~~ri.~": 186" 13:12.
,:a.- :t234 .:'24:31
202, 256 '''."
102, 151 .3 :19
.' 150 18:36
,23, :181 3~4
, ...392
d.5 13:17 ..,..
;~ ;;t16 24:34
' 35 8:6
488 .3:19:-21, , 187 18:37 , f.':;~ r:148 .3:19, 20 . :278
;J.i:16,' 17 ', . (202 / 13:18;:~ 19 .i~483 24:36
27 8:8 .
' 491 3.:31'~ -.. '. 396 19:10, 11 '._ ,18,- ' 4:2, 3, 5
.. ~.~
.,. 13:18-22
. ~489 24:37-39
36 8:11
<.,' 482 3:35, 36 .. , 281 19:11
i'~ ,. 444 5:1;.5 "
, ,58
_ 483 ~:24
'386 19:12 ' ,c 245 5;1 '9'
': 93
:482 24:42-51
119 8:12 '
. 13:20,21
487 24:44 .
228 8:13 ':,:" ' 487 4:34
116 19:15
,513 5:g:5 ' :~ {!}, ~:' 85
Chaps. 1, 2 231 13:23 480, .491 2~:45 i
. 387 8:14 .,
'. 489 4:35-38
" 408 20:17
," ,390 5:18,19 :' .;396
276 13:37 ' , . '482 24:45-47
203 8:15 "'., ,; ,.491 5;2-18
',. 51 21:15-17 ' 101 6:7,8
~;i~ . \ ',
~i~~ ~3:39~42, "'<~.'~." ,t. '".;.
228, ;448: .8 :40 '.~, '~.;~:,486 5:17
- 51,~390 ~~:15~~8.:, , : , 118 6:23 ~ <, 69; 167
.136' i3'fJi~~ ~:~rig~ 24:46 , . ,~ ~~~ ~_;~32, 6. ~"-f~:~~i? :': ~;~:~~:' ~~~ 4~i ' ~'~~~~
, .~ .~,. " ' ~H~ \:\~ ;~",r2~
3:16,17 <. ,L SS" ,13:41-43 \:229 24:46,47 , ' 227, 9:49
';;:,::;:. 390~ ~5 :_30-krir:--~ 132 't~~,~ ACTS i ~",~. -8:28
'~~ 86
4:5, 6
229' 13:43 203,..229 '
387 ;9:59, 60 . ~,~, -,;Z~136 i '" 5 :113"i~'!"
319 '.~~~~
~ 317 8:30, 33
.' 393
41, '134 -. 24:47
228 9:62
.:54 ':170 ' 6 :14~ 15
443 1:6
.,,513 .8:31
'< MATTHEW''':::'' 13:45,46 :" 134~ 24:48-51
153, '10:1
-' !' 486 6:27
' '~'.~58 ,1:8,
/";-~ 53-~8:35-39
, . :;~,
~. 395'
186 10:1-4
" 136 6:38
-'0116 Chap. 2 J/>,!!\ 196~ ~ ~hap. 9
. 211
:13:51,52 ::(228 24:48,51
123 10:1~9 ;
"52 6:44,45
. ' 280 2:1~11
=-~-: iS11 "9:[ 7-24
t :i
, . 13:55 ' :121 25:1
<233 '10 :1-11, 17 102 6:60-66
( 170 2;16~1~ :~.395 9:21-23
2 116 ' . - 311 ,14:13-15
'21 25:14-30
.~ 233 10;1-17 "H" 118 6:68
123 2:21 . '.
~ 319 10:4
~: ~ .15:1-9.
..,'181 25:21
,),. 234 10:2"~ " ~"H,'! -44 7:2-10
.201 '2:21, 24-36 ~,:397 10: 4,8-11 " 393
;.. 15:1-14,
21 25:23
' 233 ,10:3842
'24 7:14;.16
:201 ~ 2:27, 31 - .. ~,388 10:9
. r, :397
3: ':229 - ~15 :8,.9, " . 149 25:26
'123' 11:7" ~,': ' ' ... 390 7:15
70, ~181 , 2:34 ,,' ~~~319 10:9, 13 '~:'397.
3:11,12 287,.408 , 'l~ :l~r, 150,163, 25:29
,, 39 11:13'~"
" 312 7:22, ~23
; .51;,2:41;" .' .:\,-"' 2<;16 10:10
~:1?11 '-56 1g ~.~'
", 276 25:30-, ", '., 39 11:52 ' 163, '277 7~37 ,...,:202, ;~~:22
+;' ' 116 10!13 : -.~ ~;39'7.
' " 61 15:32,33 ,', 21 25:31,. 32 , 184 12:15
. : 7 7:;37,;i8 :1Q~,.20l: :~~~4
246 10:14 ',_ ~~ 37
4:8, 9
. 68 1~:4 _" _ .390 .25:31, 34
120 12:16-21 . :' ," '1 7:38 .
. ; OO~; ~ i:l;.~3<
102,181 10:17
., 71
10 7~38, 39 . ~~104': f.l:19 ~
181 11:1~, ':; n
4:8-10 ,,.' 181 ..l~:19;c- 197;~391 25: ":'3a . 256 12:20_
.. "'" . , 391 ' -16:25 .
. 41 25.:32-46
,70 ~;~ 24 .., '..
>;.L 202 ..~:[9, 20
~ 445 ~:~. '
4:11_ .
~\~9Q " 1~j25:~ 26 '154 ~:34 ':' ,:~385 12:26
. 10 8~:~3 ' /~12l~~ ' 5;:1-11
451 12:4, 5 "P,;y446
4:12 25
:.21 16:26
37 341 ~g.34, 40,+; :45Q 12:27, 28 ' 14 ~:~ . '343;;:349 5:29
181, 256~ 1 2 : 5 2 2 8
Jij.' . 18:9 ; , .. ' '1388 ' ~,~:41-46 i. ,'i; 2.6 ' 12 :29~34 . ;14 8;31,32 ''' : "j:~8~' "; ,,' ; ' . :'353' ~2:10
., l S3
~149 .18:10-14
"-123, ~9~~, 46 '. 184 12:32
83.',120" 8:~2 70;' ~87,;;~:l.63 5:29-32
. "445 12:13 ..",\~~-{218
' t :75 'l s !i 4
' 341 29:
~', 117 ;' ~
, : 348 8:44 ,; 21t18I:, ' 5:38, 39
213, .~12:18
' 259
5~8 ' .
: 89 18:15-17 42,.75 .26:38
"389 i~:~~ 44 i..~+
~. !I ~8,4 '.
, . . ...449 . 12:2+, ", ~& ,: :.; 153
169 18.17 - '
386 28.18
4~ 12.47'
" 23~
, '",'. ,14 5:41
' 488 Chap. l3 ' ;} 166
'83, 395
: 8
28:18-20 , .248 . . : ' :
\ " 51 5
. '00' 13:1 106
... :'202
;",,391 28:19 ,23", 386 ~~.48
~~, 23:
24, 1 ., ~:' .:.
;~ 18P,
.5:14-16 171 181 18.20 _. 38, .85, 28.19 20 52 '201
- 234
.; :52 " , .
. 150 ',' ...181, 201,
. '. 51
'13:2, '4'
54 7:48 " 24,:!l.86 ,'.'" ~.'243, 439;
5:34, '.35
512 19:16-22'
6, 9,
311 13:6~9
. -408
. 122 7:49
>'-" 513 ' .
441, 442,
~~~ 1~:23, 24 . '181:;MARK . ~,'
13:10-17~ P,51!:: ,19 0 :' ~
121 7:60
<388 1~.'3 :-. :1'-4
' 446
386 _ .__ 490
.. 24: : 10:11
123 8:4
68, 283
~. 319 ! 9.28, 29
313, 481 13.31~ 32.::,~81 , 1~.+1, 14,
9:4 j.'
392 13:1-7 O,. 441
. '6:9 10
258 ~ l~;29
' 102 , 1:1-3
,229 , ~4:12';'14
, ':::"'-7 :~L16
352 9:7,
~ 392 13:2
.;' ,4 i9
510 ' 21:4
. '391' 1:16-20
; 12i 1~: 17-20
25 . 10:12, 13
123 Chap. 10t, ,- -197, '13:3,4
199 1:29 '
" 52 14:18~20
7 10:14
. 116
. ;: 247 13:4
5, -31 21:7-9
279 10:1-48
408 13:5
6:19, 20
72 21:12, 13
181 1:38
151 15:7 ~:~~; 354 10:14, 15





..... -, .i




r, ..

-i ,


I;:. .. :'



31fs Ni






. :,' ,. ';,





~c i'{


15; 1950

527 ~


24 6:10-17
27 3:1
., 121 5:7,8
90 5:7
486 1:1, 5"
~ 148 .
491 '.6 :11-14.
85 33..:21~!3
446 5:14
103 , 5:10,11
488 "1 :4. ' , " . ~,, 73
257 6:11-18
' . 122
6:1 '
103 ~ : l ':
278, '!50
~ 14:11
..,.' 69' 4.:.~,, .
23/163; 6:15 "
;. "'61 3:S=-7
122 ' 6:5 .'.
412 .' ' 1 PETER ' , 1:10
15:1~ .... . "74
444, 520 ' 6:17 "' 17:tt ~~, 3:8-13
' 122 6:7, 8
490 1:12 '
','37 2:10
. 86, ~ 154' 4:4-6
54, 200 ;6:11, 12 '
. 384 1:17-19
. 58 3:14 ~ ;148, 211~ '
15:4 84, 99, 197 4:6, 7
4:12 '
. 25 6:16
394 1:19 ' 213.278
'r':; 450 4:7
56 1'1
' 118 4:12-16
123 6:20-7:3
511 2:4-8
..23 3:20
16:1 .., , ~ '122 4:13
393 .1 :7' .
' 4 4'13
37 "8 :7-13
410 2:11
55 ', '4:11
68, 396
' , 481 5:17,18
.410 1:11
393'-'3~2 ~ 4~14, .15
. '39 8:10,12
197 2:17
.452~ 5:6~ .7
56.. 24~7
.,348 9:25,26
410 2:19-21 ' 259 , Chap. 7
1:12" .13
247 4.15, 16
'164 4:16
51,54, 9:26
406 '2:21
37; 118, '- 7:9 .: 150, 183
2 11214
1 CORINTHIANS \ 6:1~17
. 165 1:28. 180'
58, .59 10:1 '. ' 197, 203.1.
133, .151/ ; 7:9;~10:"
', 1:17-19, 30 132 7:1 ' . , 59, 60, 61 1:29
488" '5:8':
54, 105
40'( 2:25 ','
116 '
, -~ ;. 285, 405
183 5 ;22 ,~'
446 10:5~10
409 3:3
386 "7 :9~17 .: 70, 120,
' 1 :17-29
100 ' 9:6-12 ' ,,~ . 493 - :
69 '9:7 .
139 2
117 -5 :.23\,
25 10:12, 13
407, 3:13-17
57 .
40 9:10
' 513 3:15
' '41,' 71
~ .:
~~~ 6:6-10
9,490 '10:22,.,23
152 7:17 '
150, 235
40 10:3-5
171 ~:~-11
202 10:4
179 2'12 '
, 58 6:7,8
3 10:24,25
. 85, 3:20
389 11:8 "'~11, 22, '212
..1:26-29 23, 121 - 10:8
448 , 2:14 ' 15
. 153 6:8, 6
101 3:22 ~
, 447 11:9-11 ~
25 2:15,' 16 .
11:.2729' '~ " .... 4 , ' 12 :.7
202 . 6:8-10
55 10:25 '38,73,151, 4:3-5
42,102 11:15 ..18
1:31 "
.~. 68 13:5
: ..
~~ .6:1b
7 10:26;;.30- 1--- t"57 4:17 - 168, 183 11:1~12:10 , 258
102 -6:12, 19 .
151 10:28
.-; 197 5:1
120 11:17, 18
' 2:12 ' .
, 412 13:10
448 ~:~o..14
3:6 ' .
4:8, 9 .'
43 56 6:15
. 386' 10:32-39 ," ;489 5:1-3
121 Chap:12 54,216
18 .
. '120 6:17 ...19 3, 8, 490 10:35, 36 '. 58 .5 :2'
115, 121, 12:1-5
.' 514
'. 4
179 .4:19
84 6:18, -, 19
.::l, 15 Chap. 11 . 154,~ 5:3
121 12:1-10
\ 413
.4111 5:4
116 12:1-12'
483 ,1
56 3:7-9
247 , 4:23
182, 2825:5, 6
122 12:1-13
; 3:19
100, 412 3:8
412 " ~.
40 . 11:2, 4, 5,
:,. ~ 5:8
.61', 12:5
201, 229
4:4 ,392 3:8, 16
' 246"
39, 40
387 5:8, 9
54 ' 12:7-12
53 1:7-9
90 11:2, '38
. 414" ... '. .
,- ;12:7~13
44 '
118 3:9, ~6-29 '. ~. 246. 1:6-12
' 6:18
396 3:24~~ 25 "::' -*. 51~ ' 1:15-20 .
396 22'.:22_
410 ' . ~ 2 PETER
' 12 :10
. 117021~ 11:3
. 6:20
258 . 3:28
283 1:23'
181't 1:1 ""~ , ~ ..
118 , 12:12 '
408 2:4 " ,
23 11:8;.16
199: 1:5'::9 ;':',
152 : '12:17.'
7:23 ' 39, .258 ' 4:24~31 ', . 412 1:26, ' 27
. 7 :29 .. . >: 35 4:26 .
347 2:2
384 2:8 ; .9
354 11:17
390 ' , 2:1 ,-:' .; ... 186 Chap. 13
388 4:26-:-28, 31 :280 2:8
149, 181,' 2:11, 12
.489 11:17-19
407- 2:4 -. .',.-" -388' 13:1-12 -442, 444
170 5:1 , .
164 2:13, 14
407 2:12
227 11:32
185 2:5 "
. 19 13:2, 4, .
10122 11:36-38
448 5:16,17
74 2:14
196' 2:15
71, '2
416 2:12, 13
11, 12
-..9:12, 18
151 5:18
51 2:14-17
181 .2 =
. 211 11:38
405 2.:19 ' .
163- 13:.3
37 5:19
59 2:16 17 51 407 2
386 387 2 2022
170 13 8
211, 2
' 134 3:3, -4
101 ..13:16, 17
. 41, 152 5:19-21
.152 2:17'
196: 198 2 1
4132 . 12:2, 3
I :6-11
55 5:21
-74 2:18
, 394 2:223
116 3:3-7 '
26~36 14:1
22 23
' 1~~ 3:2
23 2:23-26
. 171 '12:5-8'
. '150' 3:4 .
\"388.) e.o :l:~:3
. 413
10:11 22, 51,. 69, 5:22
. "7,5 3 . . 152 13
168' 3:9-12 '
. '4':1: ' :14:18-20
9 9, 145064, .6'.:1 '
559 2:24 ,,25 . '- 123 12:5-11
' 163 12:9, 10
88 3:10-13 - . ' 258 ' 16:12-16
' 232
2:26 .;.
.355 3:1-5
23,'101 12:28, 29
89 3:11
36 16 :13, ,14
10:12 41, 75, 88 6:1, 2 123, 153 3:14'
'288' 16:13-16
1 '31
74 6:3 .
,122 3:16
.490' 3:4 "
. 39 '13:7, 17, 24 448 3:11-15
1 [ .
118 6:4
74 3:23-25
,..74 3:12
54, 169, 13:15
39, 167" 3:12, 13
413 ' 16:14-16
447 6:5
74, '153 '4 :14;'
121- .".
487 .
491 3:15
- ~ '258, 286,
12:12, 13, 18,
- ~ , 101',
310 13:20
24~ .25, . " . .6:9 . 43, 151, 356 .1 THESSALONIANS 3:16, 17
.... , 1 JOHN .
17:1, 2, 5
, , 27 28
447 .6.14 .-'
. 412
' 25 . 4:2
24; 152,
,; 391 17:12-14
1396 6:16 "; 351, 444 1.'6
201, .247.
.200 '17 :8'
488 4:5
107:, 1:1
118 2:13, 14
.391 Chap.18
'2:11, 12
227 4:6-8
344 . 1:2, 3
57 ~:i~-V7 \, 1~~ 18:4,5
Chap, 19
, 13:5, 6
25 4:9, 10
55 '1:6-8
56 ' .i;i~-23
~~ 4'13
388 ~:l~
1:14, 15
55 ~:~~ 23
391 19:1-6
227 '5.: 21
168 4:22
19 3:8
480 ' 19:2 , .
283 120-23
' 182
197 4:1-3
386 19:5
14:1, 39
56 2:.'1
1li'8 9
. 1 21
' 85
508 509,
'-14:1i ~
392 2:2 ,
59 '-170 " 4:8
516 517
447 22:.'7
. 123 . 1:1 '
, 344 ' 4:1 516
281 19:15
' '451
15:10 '"
. 16-10
287 159
122 1:22.:.25
' 23 " 4:18
', 25; 40, . 20:3
407 ;2:3t 7;,i . '. 309 . : ':"
. '
84, 169 20:6
196 2:!5, 16
. 390'
152, 259,': 5.7 " ;'
167 21:1-5
227 4. o, 12, 13,
' . "25
517 5:7, 8 ~
310 21:4' .
15:24-28 .. '418,
31, 32
.55 3:6-13 '
'".53 9 .
8 5:18
391 21:8
. 451 4.7
.228 3:7,;.9
' 15:28
395 ~:Ii13
2~ 3:9' - ." v448
2:17, 18
150 5:19 "
23, 68, 21:14
491 4:11 12
179, 444. 22:1
.. 38~. ,4:12'
'1 TIMOTHY- - 1:1,2 405, 407, 2:26 '
22:1, :17 169,185
,15 :45.
15:58 .
58 . 4:26
42 1:11
386 1'6
409, ~~ 3:11
. 43 1
118 22:3, 4
16 ;1
. 73 .5:3, 4 '.
59 2:1-4
396, ..2:1 , '
39 103 3:17
99, 1-79 ~ 3 284, 309,484 22:12
. ,59
16:2. ; 139, 140. 5:14-16
40 . 2:3-6
285,'483 '. 2 :5':~f
' 227 3:17, 18
~ 102: 12
119 '22:17
13;' 72,

~~13 :8

452 2:17
,. 454rs.22 .34 :. 2









1:3, ' 4


39 6:4
228 6:10

i~ ~~~. 6

84, 170

1~.' ~;~~':

213, 396

From infanCy you ,have' k1iO~


5~ : :;~'" 23.:~~~2\EVELATlO;5

117, 233 5:1

171 5:1-3





th~ :~l;~Writi.ng8




118 22:18, 19



which are able to

wise for salv.ationt.~rough't he faith in iconnection with Ohrist :Jesus.' All
, Scripture is 'i nspir ed of God and bin,f3ficia~.for leaching,~;f~r .r epr o,v ing~ for ~ 8f?tt~ng thing~ straight, for, disciplining in righteousnes8"
. that 't'f(~ ??tan of ' God, may be fully competen~,. completely
equipped lor every good: work.~2 Tim. 3: 1517~ NW.


, I


Ancient Patterns for the Present
Anna.; the Aged Pro\>hetess, Sees :1 Jesus

321 , -Malaehl Warns . of~Coming Judgment

~ 523

"Announcing Messiah s Presence" Testimony 'Period 66

Answer , to The Baptist Record, An
Answering the Foes of His Government
"Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill the Earth"
Beginning the New World Society
Be Rleh in Good Works ,
Best-Seller Least Read?
'Blood' Puddings"
Bringing Forth Fruit for Eternal Life
BrooklynBethel Vacation


.; 264

g:lf~~a~rir:i 'i:':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::: 4~f

Captives of Cyprus Learn of Liberty

:.. 332
Christian Use of Material Wealth, A
~: ..~ .. 139
Clergy Voice Unwarranted Criticism
Clergyman Notes' Faith of JehQvah~s Witnesses
Completely New World for:.'This Globe,' A.
: 17~ '
: : :
~ \ ~.L .. 221
District Assemblies of , 1949 in Many Lands
Divine Education Bears Good Fruit
Divine Requirements Resting on Servants
Does Papal Encyclical Resist Compromise?'
Doing the Work Assigned ~
Dominican Republic Persecutes Christians
. "Droop ~9t Your Hands"
East Germany Bans Jehovah's Witnesses
~~ 399
EEl. sialviadOrthandN the wHonlduroan Countries . ~
~. 29112
qu pp .n g
e . ew
or d rganization
Esther Manifests Divine
Evolution Contrary to Sclentltlc Fact .............................
~Exclusion Clause" Recommended, An
:. ~2
zreacutzioena loOufsJ fUodrgm
p eunr et \lpoOnrshOippposers
Fearless at .the World's En
' d ...
to Jehovah
: '
:..:' ;
Religious Relics
From Netherlands West Indi"es"to:"Bethei'''.:;::::::::::::::: 140
From Nicaragua to Panama".'
Further Enrichment of Understanding
G h
. - PI
f Et
I P . h
urns merite erma, a . ace 0
Gilead Graduates More Qualified Missionaries

: ~,~
Mary, ~ the Mother~ ~of ,J esus
~.: ..:
MeriloriaLfor 1950
Mind Freed for Godly Combat, A
"Miserable Comforters"
: .i.:
Mobsters Break Up Assembly in Missouri :
Moderation in the Enjoyment of Good' Things
Mordecai Worships-Only Jehovah :
More and More Pioneers of Good News
Mo~t Enjoyable Book, The
; }

:. 329



Most of '0pportunities
New ' ,Systems of Th~ngs
: : ~ . ; . :~
~~~ ~g;t3 .;g:S1~Ii~nP~ii~hr:' ~h;e ; :.,~

Open Letter tortfie - Catholic Monsignor, An ~

Organized 'for United !Testi mony
:.. 152
Organized Testimony to the New World
Parable of the Sci'tve~~ L..~:~
, L.:.~:.:.L ..:
:.. '481
Paying Back God's Things to God
Physical Heavens Declare -,God 's Glory: ~ .L
~ 373
Postwar Enlargement of the Theocratic Organization 216
Praise to the New World's Founder
"Preach the Word'"
~. ;
Presidential Visit to Northern South America'
: ;~3 '
Questions from Readers .. 271, 303, 335, '367, 399. 431, 463~ . ,
' . 495; ~5~
Rado ; St~tion W~BR Preaches the".W or d
: .\ ~68
Real Feast of Ingathering Under Way The
198 '
R eIi
. g ous - ar y versus ood Works
505 .
Report 01 International AS8embly 0/'


Jehovah'8 Witnes8es

Report of Theocracy's, Increase Assembly

361 .
Resolution [Adopted at
:. :
Resolution of First Canadian
' :',
French Circuit Assembl
', ' 1 ; :
Reviewing the East , Year's Wo'rk~ World-wIde
' 10
Riches of the Full Assurance .9~. qu~: Uptlerst~nding ?S4
Scripture Index for Leading Articles...,1950
"Separating to the Right" Testimony Period
Servant's Care of the Master's' Goods ~ ~
v1 '
Servants Feed the Flock
: : :
,; .. 115


c'tN~tl::::ss*r;:~lpReii'cs'?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~+
Good News .rrom Greece ..: :..:..:
SsimeodnIRealtizes H iAs Heart's Desire "" ~ " """ "" " ' '' ' '' ' '' '' '~' '' ' 47

. ~.
, ... ' ~
Haggai rExlior.ts the Temple ~BuiId;e~s ' ::...:...:::>;:L:....:.....: 15
~~~ar~s~ti~ki'~~~/f~~ ..~~~~.~? ~t~~~~.~.~~.~~:.~:
.ilAssembly of Je,hovah's Witnesses
Isolated' Publishers In Hawaii :
It ISNeaJ;,'e~.than ,They Think, ~..:.:
"Tt. Is , Nearervthan They 'I'htnk" Testlmony-Perlod 304
, ' ) : ': . ' .' '/ -:
: :;. .
Jehovah's:'Witnesses Again Eiiaure_Totalitarian Hate 499


~~~~~h t~~ ffi~~t~e:~~...~~~0?~~~ .:::~~::~:::::: ::~::::::::::~::::::::~:: ~~

JOS~i>h, " the : FoS~er~ Father 'of 'Je~us '

Letters (In , ord~r ~of llrst',.:or 'of pri~cipal word)
. f P
..t "P bli M t l '
. sence o ;r ayer a u c ee ngs
,............ .
.~.fAttai~i n g. t,o"rhat .':Wo~ld" :
Attending Funerals and Marriages


for ' the . 'rIme of .'the-El].d '"

;:On.~t~e:)~iVIne/Mandate'~) ;,: : ;:,


,3, 158, 524



nves men t >


:. .. ..

~~1:yg~~~wguti~ork;; ..:::::.:::::.:.:::::::::::::)::::::::::::::::::."s( ~8~

Subjection to the Higher Powers
:~ ..:. '..;.;
/ .. :.:
"The Increase of His Government"
:.. 243
Theocracy's Expansion -In South Korea
: :': : 357
' ~Theocracy's ' Increase" Assembly of
.;. .
Jehovah's Witnesses
'..~ . } :

"Theocracy's Increase" Testimony; Period , : . ~ ;
",The WIsdom rrom Above" ..L ... ..:..::..:..:.....:.;.:.;;.; ~ :-..: 339

i~~~i~:s~eer~~~~~\~: ~~~t~a~r()tit:::::~~~~:~::::::::: :~ :::~~i

Turning 't o the Peoples a Pure -Language'..;. :

: ;307
United States Dlstrldt Assemblies or 1949 ..:..~
:~ : -:..2s
Uniting Our Praises Universally
~ :.;
: ' ; ;, : 70
Use the Remaining Time Wisely

. : ;!. ~
: . : 419

Victory Dedicated to

' ~
Je1l.'<>~ah's ,




Honpr, A .:..,D:~. ~

- ..'

~I:lt~ .~~e.i.~r.~..a,.~D...~e~.~~, w.~.~~:,~.'1~~::iJ;:~~.:i~~.::I: :.~.: :.~:.~:;::;~

~~~:i::~;: j!

Was Christ .Hung on a Cross?

=:~ :
~.; ..: 425
" Each Marri~d. Couple . ..
Way of :Success, , The
~: :..: :
;.. 341
,to~' Cheer ' His' Wife"
~ ... . .. . . . 32 '" Way to Gain Understanding, The
~ '.The -H uman SOUl Mortal'. ~ :~
32 " Way to, . ~emain F~arless to the Final End, The
''' Immor t ality ':in; t he: Spirit Realm"
'}YwhahtDo YOEUI ' DOy Wi~G
h YouGr Tuime? :

Who Will ~ Share dn the Final Witness?- ..:.22

~ :tf~~t~i'g:~f~~n:g~~r:.~:~.~~~.~.~~~~:!..::::::: ::::::::: ::.: ::~::~~::::::~ ~i~ . Wi!Jl~g
Why ' Christians,
-Shun .-Tobacco :;..: : : ;: ~ ~::
: Before_' t ne "FIOO~ :.; ~.;
:. ',297
"On Torment -Forever' and Ever"
b k 1J h
h' Wt
. 1951
Living ccordlng to.,Sup~rior ,Knowledge' :
ear ~o 9 e ~va 8 . ~ nf?8ses,'
: :~ ..'
Livin.g . . to the Name
Zechariah Urges God's Service 'D espit e Ban
"Liiv g Up to the Name" Testimony Period .:'. .:
Zerubbabel Rebu~ld~. the .Templ~


:. 157

: 260




~ ..:. ~475
~ ..':-155


. ,
N arne and .Purpose, of The Watchtower ..: ~




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