Watchtower: 1950 Issues
Watchtower: 1950 Issues
Watchtower: 1950 Issues
S emimonthly
No. 1
JANUARY 1, 1950
B e R ich
Good W o r k s ........................... 3
P ublished S emimonthly B y
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
N. H.
K norr , P r e s id e n t
G r a n t S u iter , S e c r e ta r y
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
firmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may
have The Watchtower free upon written application to the publishers,
made once each year, stating the reason for so requesting it. We are
glad to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each year
is required by the postal regulations.
Printed in the United States of America
Entered as second-class m atter at the post office at Brooklyn, N, Y.t
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
1949, the most remarkable service year yet! So the 1950 Y e a rbook o f J e h o v a h 7s w itn e sse s shows. You will want to read about it
and rejoice at the noteworthy expansion of the worship of the true
God in the 104 regions reported on. In addition to the annual
world report of the president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract
Society, the Y e a rb o o k also sets out his comment upon the 1950
yeartext and a daily text and comment for throughout the year.
The printing of the 1950 Y e a rb o o k is in limited edition, and hence
a contribution of 50c per copy is asked. Where you are in association with others, send in a group order, as by the servant of a company of Jehovahs witnesses, with remittance to cover. This will
save us on time of handling as well as expense of shipping.
V ol .
J a n u a r y 1,
No. 1
B rooklyn ,
N. Y.
J anuary
1, 1950
B rooklyn ,
N. Y.
17. Why could he not follow Jesus and yet hold on to great wealth?
18. Why did Jesus not try to accumulate great earthly wealth?
19. For what kind of active, interested persons did Jesus look?
J anuary
1, 1950
B rooklyn ,
N. Y.
28. What was Timothy told to charge the rich of this world"? Why?
29. How did James counsel us against showing partiality?
T IS not the accumulation of this worlds wealth these days. It seems that after every war money loses
that brings security. It is the accumulation of value. Shortly after the second World War most of
good works. That is what makes one rich toward the money in European countries was blocked in the
God, and the poor of this world can accumulate this banks by government order, and the people could not
treasure more rapidly than the rich if they are rich withdraw all their funds for many years. Even the
in faith. Furthermore, those who are poor in this rich were given only a small amount to use, and just
worlds goods do not have to spend so much time recently those who were wealthy in pounds sterling
caring for that which they possess. One who puts his found that overnight they lost thousands upon thoutrust in money has very little security, especially in sands of dollars, as the value of the pound on the
foreign market exchange dropped from $4.03 to
1. Why can the worlds poor more easily be rich in good works"?
J anuary
1, 1950
$2.80. Many other currencies lost much of their buying power in world markets at the same time. So the
accumulation of money, wealth, or the uncertain
riches of this world is of little value. Its value can
vanish away overnight if governments so decree.
How much better it would be for a man to make his
wealth work to the benefit of others while it has some
value than to hold it until it gathers moths and rust
and becomes useless.
2It is really a sound investment to make your
money work on behalf of the poor and by so doing to
store up treasures in heaven. Christ Jesus preached
the Word, and you can make your riches help
you preach the Word. His admonition to all of his
followers was to go forth and preach this gospel of
the Kingdom in all the world for a witness. This
takes time, energy and money, and Jehovahs witnesses throughout the world are giving time, energy
and funds, building Kingdom Halls, renting places
and fixing them up so that they will be attractive
assembly places. Jehovahs witnesses invest their
money in Bibles, books and magazines and take these
to the people so that they, too, may study the Word
of God. They invest their money in traveling from
place to place and give of their strength in going to
the ends of the earth if need be with this good news.
Jehovahs witnesses are great travelers, glad to
spend their money so as to get to circuit and district
assemblies or national conventions, for they know
they will thus become better equipped so as to be
rich in good works. What a grand and glorious work
a Christian today has in going forth to the nations
of the world with this good news which brings comfort to the poor and in being privileged to spend
that which he possesses in the interests of those who
are captive to this old world. Using your time, energy
and money in doing this work is actually storing up
treasures in heaven. It is something that no nation,
no organization, no neighbor or thief could come in
and steal from you. You have already given the good
news to the poor, and they have its blessings. You
spent your money in helping them, but the blessing
to the giver is even greater than to the receiver.
3To do such work means that the individual will
be content and happy and will always have something
that is truly worth-while. Godliness is not just a
matter of going to church on Sunday or going to the
Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs witnesses, although that
is the only way some people try to show their godliness. The only way that true godliness can be of
great gain is if it is combined with contentment.
Your heart and mind as well as your body must be
used in preaching the Word. Those who go to the
synagogues or churches of this old world, or even
to the Kingdom Hall, if they are worried because of
2. How do Christians really make a sound investment now?
3, 4. What is truly great gain ? How do some fail to make it?
B rooklyn ,
N. Y.
J anuary
1, 1950
dom. The first World War was one of the first signs
foretold by Jesus in the 24th chapter of Matthew
as marking the end of the Gentile times and the beginning of Christs reign in heaven. The Watchtower magazine has proved this many times in its
columns. Were there many proclaimers or announcers of this established Kingdom then? Yes, there
were quite a number scattered throughout the world;
but when the world war broke forth in all its fury,
many of the Branch offices of the Society were
closed and Jehovahs witnesses almost everywhere
were cast into prison, many killed, and their organization considerably broken up. In fact, those at the
headquarters offices at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York, were taken away and put in Atlanta
prison; but by following through with the slow court
procedure and taking the case before the Supreme
Court of the United States, the officers of the Society were acquitted. By the time the officials of the
Society were freed from jail the clergy and the government officials felt that the Watch Tower Society
and its representatives were pretty well knocked
out and would remain inactive. They were as though
dead in the streets.Rev. 11: 8.
3You cannot keep Jehovahs witnesses silent. They
must preach the Word! They were revived from the
deathlike condition and began storing up more treasures in heaven. In 1918 there were only 3,868 persons announcing the King and the Kingdom in all
the world. Being strengthened by the spirit of the
Lord, and because of their determination to press
on, maintaining their integrity, they were richly
blessed. Never slacking their hand, they went forward, singing praises yet more and more, and as
a result ten years later there were 23,988 persons
proclaiming this same good news of the Kingdom
and comforting those who were mourning. Grateful
to God who had given them time to revive, and grateful, too, that they had the opportunity of gathering
together other sheep, this remnant of Jehovahs
organization moved on into greater activity. By the
time 1938 rolled around when the nations of the
world were again preparing for another world war,
there were 47,143 publishers preaching the Word.
By this time Jehovahs witnesses were established
in 52 different nations of the world, declaring this
same message that Jehovah reigns through His Son,
Christ Jesus, whom He has set upon His throne.
4Then came years of greater strife, turmoil, distress and perplexitya decade of war and of trying to establish peace among the nations. Jehovahs
witnesses were driven underground in most countries of the world; they were persecuted and their
work banned, but, nevertheless, they continued
preaching the Word. In 1948, after another ten
5Jehovahs witnesses are not trying to get members for their organization, but they are trying to
take to the people the truth as it is contained in
Gods Word, the Holy Bible. They know, however,
that as people study the Lords Word and receive
comfort from it and learn how to gain life eternal
by storing up treasures in heaven, they, too, will
proclaim this good news. They cannot do otherwise
if they love true worship. It is the deep appreciation of the individuals who learn the truth and the
righteous way of life that causes them to want to
tell others about it. As a natural result, then, a great
increase has come to the ranks of Jehovahs witnesses. In fact, in 1949 as compared with 1948 there
was a 21-percent increase throughout the world
in number of publishers proclaiming the Kingdom
as the only hope for mankind. A peak number of
317,877 publishers who were out in the work preaching the Word was reached for the year. This is the
highest number of ministers of the gospel ever to
engage in the work in any one year according to our
records, and we rejoice with all these persons of
good-will who are associating themselves with the
Lords organization and are now working under the
direction of the Society, all to the honor and glory
of Jehovahs name.
6Jehovahs witnesses love to serve the King of the
new world now. Their hope and faith is in the kingdom of God, for through it the blessings of eternal
life will be gained. So they continue to work and
pray: Your kingdom come! Your will be done on
earth as it is done in heaven! While being good citizens of the nation in which they live, paying their
taxes, complying with the laws of the land as long
as these laws are in full accord with Gods laws, still
they move ahead, expanding their activity among
the people, doing the will of the Lord and following
o tals
1918 1928 1938
Pubs. Pubs. Pubs. Pubs.
743 6,040 25,596 72,945
3,868 23,988 47,143 230,532
No. of
Comps Literature
2,905 7,316,373 16,749,899 291,296
613 1,783,177 3;654,787 66,191
628,297 2,361,346 33,569
451,474 7,865,383 59,475
77,253 1,434,848
35,187 2,661,611
56,849 1,795,674
219,245 1,607,028 16,072
1,586,123 11,012
633,200 14,363
15,709,161 53,741,547 596,766
7,453,310 5,043,956 61,193
528,613 1,310,082
479,524 3,963,449 20,742
13,020.994 15,897,544 167,571
J anuary
1, 1950
then hold them for ourselves. No, Jehovahs witnesses are not like the rich man who decided to quit
working and to live off his gains and just eat, drink
and be merry. Not at all! They want to plant more
seed and cultivate the field again and again. So, as
the Scriptures indicate, one will plant, another waters, but it is God who gives the increase. (1 Cor.
3:7) They sow in order that they may reap; and
as the Lord prospers their efforts, more people come
into His organization, seeking refuge and safety.
Even those newly coming to the organization in time
go out too to sow and water, looking to God to give
the increase at harvest time.
B rooklyn , N . Y.
12. How was the missionary work carried on, and where?
13. How was the pioneer work carried on? With what quality?
J anuary 1 ,
17. How do Jehovahs witnesses enter 1950, and with what purpose?
tains, and upon the grain, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth,
and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labor of
the hands.Hag. 1:1-11, A m . Stan. Ver.
Haggais words sank deep into the hearts of the people
and their leaders Zerubbabel and Joshua. In less than four
weeks the temple builders had reorganized themselves and
the work was resumed, right in the teeth of the imperial ban!
(Hag. 1 :1 2 1 5 )But as promised, Jehovah was with the
builders and blessed their zeal and fearlessness by causing
Darius II to renew the decree of Cyrus authorizing the
work. The malicious Samaritan enemies were squelched!
Haggais second discourse (2:1-9) came less than a month
after resumption of the work. This time it was to beat down
any propaganda of any old-timers that the new temple was
disappointing when compared with the glory of Solomons
temple; these zealweakeners complained that the new temple
being built was as nothing in comparison with the one Nebuchadnezzar had leveled. But in his discourse Haggai assured Zerubbabel and Joshua and the remnant that the
glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, for Jehovah will shake all nations and the desire of
all nations shall come to the temple.
Two months and three days later Haggai delivers his
B rooklyn ,
N. Y.
Dear Sister:
Answering yours of September 22 on the matter of sexual intercourse:
Of course, it is best for everyone not to pry into the private affairs of a married couple and even appear to attempt
to dictate to them in regard to this subject. The safest thing
we can do is to quote the inspired advice of the apostle Paul
thereon at 1 Corinthians 7:1-6 (Moffatts translation) :
**Now for the questions in your letter. It is indeed *an
excellent thing for a man to have no intercourse with a
woman; but there is so much immorality, that every man
had better have a wife of his own and every woman a husband of her own. The husband must give the wife her conjugal dues, and the wife in the same way must give her husband his; a wife cannot do as she pleases with her body
her husband has power, and in the same way a husband cannot do as he pleases with his bodyhis wife has power. Do
not withhold sexual intercourse from one another, unless
you agree to do so for a time, in order to devote yourselves
to prayer. Then come together again. You must not let Satan tempt you through incontinence [through your lack of
self-control, A n A m er. T rans.]. But what I have just said
is by way of concession, not command.
It is plain here that the apostle is speaking not just of sexual intercourse for the sake of reproducing children, but
for the sake of sexual relief. For this reason, he says, it is
better for some passionate persons to have a marriage mate
of their own to help keep them from indulging in the immorality prevalent in this world. So married couples should
not withhold sexual intercourse; otherwise, Satan might
tempt one or both of the couple to immorality with persons
outside. But, of course, in this matter self-control must be
exercised so as not to overindulge to ones spiritual harm,
even to interfering with *devoting yourselves to prayer. In
this respect let each couple regulate its own life and not try
to dictate to another couple.
Faithfully yours in Kingdom service,
W atch T ower B ible & T ract S o c ie t y
S in g u n to J e h o v a h , a ll th e e a r th ; sh ow fo r th his sa lv a tio n fr o m
d a y to d a y . D eclare his g lo r y am on g th e n a tio n s, his m a rvello u s
w o rk s am on g all th e p e o p le s . F o r g r e a t is J e h o v a h , a n d g r e a tly
to he p r a is e d : he also is to he fe a r e d ab o ve a ll g o d s. F o r all th e
g o d s o f th e p e o p le s a re id o l s : h u t J eh o va h m ade th e heaven s.
H o n o r a n d m a je s ty are b e fo re h im : stre n g th a n d g la d n ess are in
his p la ce. A sc rib e u n to J e h o v a h , y e k in d re d s o f th e p e o p le s ,
ascrib e u n to J eh o va h g lo r y a n d s tr e n g th ; ascrib e u n to J eh o va h
th e g lo r y due u n to his n a m e : b rin g an o fferin g , a n d com e b e fo re
h im ; w o rsh ip J e h o v a h in h o ly a rr a y . . . . s a y am,ong the n a tio n s,
J eh o va h re ig n e th .-1 Chron. 1 6 : 2 3 3 1 ,29, A .S .V .
Jehovahs Kingdom
V ol. L X X I
JANUARY 15, 1950
A G od of W arning ..................................... 19
Israel and Judah Warned o f Their Falls 20
The Warning in Jesus Day ...................21
W ho W ill S hare in the
F inal W itness ? ............................... 22
Who Share in the W ork? ....................... 23
How the Witness Is Given .......................23
Are Any Exempt ?
Study and Preach with the Organization 25
The Peoples Divided ............................... 26
Share in the Witness and the Victory! 27
United S tates D istrict A ssemblies
of 1949 ............................................... 28
L etters .... ....................................................... 32
Separating to the R ight
T estimony P eriod ........................... 18
W atchtower S tudies ........................... 18
1950 Y earbook of J ehovah s W itnesses 18
1950 Calen da r ............................................... 18
P u blish ed
Se m im o n t h l y B y
W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
117 Adam s Street
Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S.A.
N. H. K norr , P resid en t
ffic e r s
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from ail religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
No. 2
Thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.Ezek. 33:7.
EHOVAH God never strikes without warning. margin) He determined to cleanse the filth from
Did he deluge the first world in watery destruc the earth, not by a mere Saturday night bath of a
tion without warning? Did he burn out depraved few minutes duration, but by a torrential shower
Sodom and Gomorrah in a fiery downfall without of forty days and nights whose waters were not
warning? Did the Almighty take Egypt unawares dried from off the earth till ten months and thirteen
as he sent wave after wave of destructive plague days!
through the land? When Jehovah maneuvered the
4 Jehovah indicated this destruction 120 years in
overthrow of Israel and Judah by foreign invasions, advance. More than twenty years pass, and Noah
were the victims unwarned? Mighty Babylon that has three sons. The sons grow to manhood and
ruled like a glamorous queen over peoples and marry, as perhaps fifty or sixty more years slip by.
nations, should she have been surprised and caught Then Jehovah God tells Noah of the impending flood
flat-footed when enemy hosts took her by storm? and instructs that righteously disposed man to build
And what of the desolation that struck Jerusalem the ark for the preservation of himself and his
during the first century A.D., did that blow fall with family. For some forty or fifty years before the
out warning? To each one of these questions the deluge Noah gave a warning witness of its coming,
and thereby earned the designation preacher of
facts shout the answer, No!
2 This is not to say that Jehovah God personallyrighteousness . (Gen. 6:3,13,18; 2 Pet. 2:5) But
visits the earth to deliver a warning. That in itself the vast majority of mankind scoffed and looked
would spell destruction for man, for if he can be upon Noah as a false weather prophet and doubted
painfully burned and temporarily blinded by a com the possibility of an earth-wide flood. God created
paratively small sun nearly 93,000,000 miles away, the earth, he was able to give it a bath. After giving
how could he possibly survive a visit from the a warning witness through Noah, Jehovah did so
Father of lights ? (Jas. 1:17; Ex. 33:20) Out of bathe the earth to wash from existence the filth that
consideration for mans perishable frame of flesh had collected on its surface.
5 Several centuries later the cities of Sodom and
Jehovah God sends his warnings by messengers in
human form, messengers that the warned ones can Gomorrah are so saturated with grievous sin that
comfortably listen to and question for details. Of this their destruction is set. Not even ten righteously
practice we read, at Jeremiah 7 : 13, 25, 28: I spoke inclined persons reside there, and when angels
to you early and late, but you would not listen, and materialized as men stay overnight with Lot sex
I called you, but you would not answer . . . I sent crimes against their persons are attempted by a mob
all my servants the prophets, early and late, from of men and boys. Their being smitten with blindness
the day that your fathers came out of the land of should warn them of their wickedness, but they still
Egypt even to this day . . . This is the nation that grope for their victims. When the angels instruct
would not listen to the voice of the L ord its God, the Lot to give a witness concerning the impending
destruction of Sodom, his message makes him seem
nation that took no warning. An Amer. Trans.
3 Jehovahs warnings have seldom been heeded byas one who mocks or jests. Even his own household
a majority, though patiently sounded over long is divided, his wife not taking the instructions seri
periods of time. Prior to the flood G od saw that the ously enough to gain preservation. Only Lot and his
wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that two daughters escape when there rained upon
Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from
the whole imagination [purposes and desires] of the
the L ord out of heaven; and he overthrew those cities,
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and
and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities,
that the earth also was corrupt . (Gen. 6:5,11, and that which grew upon the ground .Gen. 18: 20,
32; 19:4-28.
6Down in Egypt in the sixteenth century B.C.
Jehovah God gives a series of warnings to Pharaoh
through His witness Moses. Before each of the
plagues the ruler is warned; after each his heart
hardens. With devastating effect the ten plagues roll
through the land: rivers turn to blood, frogs come
over the land, lice everywhere as dust, swarms of
flies next, then murrain of beasts, plaguing boils,
destructive hail, followed in rapid succession by
plagues of locusts and darkness, then the woeful
tenththe death of Egypts firstborn! These physi
cal facts in fulfillment of the warning witness given
by Moses the pagan religious leaders of Egypt try
to counteract and misinterpret, unsuccessfully in the
end. The plagues were seen and felt throughout the
land of that first world power, and the Egyptians
certainly had noised among them the witness given
by Moses. The Israelites had contact with the Egyp
tians, talked with them, and found many hearing
ears, so much so that when they finally made their
exodus from Egypt a mixed multitude went up
also with them and witnessed the destruction of
Pharaohs armies in the Bed sea.Ex. 12:38;
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
J anuary
15, 1950
11, 12. Why should not Babylon and Assyria have felt surprised on
13. With what message did Jesus sound warning, and why?
B kooklyn , N. Y.
B rooklyn , N. Y.
epistles, and Paul was particularly anxious about
some parchments. (Ex. 31:18; Josh. 8:32; Jer.
29:1; 36:1-32; Dan. 5: 5,25-28; 2 Tim. 4:13) These
are only a few of many examples where writing was
used to preach, in addition to the written scrolls
that eventually made up the sixty-six books of the
Bible itself.
9 Today high-speed printing presses flood out an
endless stream of reading matter that makes more
pointed than ever before Solomons warning against
the endless making of books whose study is a weari
ness of the flesh. But King Solomon exempted certain
material from this warning, saying: The words of
the wise are like goads; and collections which are
given by one teacher are like nails driven with a
sledge. (Eccl. 12:12,11, An Amer. Trans.) In
ancient times goads, long sticks with iron points,
were used to keep oxen moving in the right direction.
Wise words from the Bible or based upon the Bible
keep true Christians moving forward in Kingdom
service, not allowing them to lag or hold back or
stray down wrong pathways without pricking guilty
consciences. (Acts 26:14) Scriptural exhortation is
pointed and sharp. All sixty-six books of the Bible,
inspired by the one Teacher Jehovah God and
collected under the guidance of his spirit, contain
pointed truths that must be driven deep into ones
mind. Like nails sledged into a board, they will not
pull out but can be held onto with confidence, serving
as a sure anchor to keep us from being slapped and
tossed and battered about by the blowing winds of
worldly propaganda. (Jas. 1:6-8) Hence the Bible
and reliable Bible helps such as distributed by Jeho
vahs witnesses are not wearisome. Rather than
weary the flesh, their counsel heeded will return
flesh to the freshness of childhood! Job 33:25.
10 Today Jehovahs witnesses are aided in giving
the final witness by huge supplies of literature. Far
more than faithful men of old and early Christians
who sounded the past warnings of Bible times. And
having more committed to them, more is demanded,
namely, a world-wide witness to all nations spread
over the entire globe. (Luke 12:48; Mark 13:10)
Bibles and Bible literature they distribute by going
from house to house. Jesus preached by this method
and trained his followers to conduct themselves
properly at the doors of the people. (Matt. 10: 7-15)
Also, In every house, they ceased not to teach and
preach Jesus Christ. I kept back nothing that was
profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have
taught you publickly, and from house to house.
Even over in Babylon centuries before Christs com
ing the doorways were considered appropriate places
to discuss Gods message.Acts 5: 42; 20: 20; Ezek.
9. Have such been a weariness to the flesh or otherwise? W hy?
10. How is this distributed? W hy appropriately so?
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
26. Preaching brings what others into the open? In what numbers?
27. What course of action do these take, and for how long?
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
on S u n d a y , en titled I t I s L a te r th an Y o u T h in k ! M a n y
to do G o d s w ill.
the a ssem b ly w as fo r
Th e people o f L ittle
R o ck were h ospitable in
J anuary
15, 1950
p o rt s h o w s :
m ersed.
I s L a te r th an Y o u T h in k ! T h is allow ed fo r g iv in g an e x
to riu m su p e r in te n d e n t:
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
th e a u d itoriu m .
at D e tro it
The program
a p p eared on J u ly 5 in the D a i l y T r a n s c r i p t a n d T e le g r a m
J ehovah s W itnesses
I t is n o t possible to pass over th at g reat con vention o f
Jeh o va h s W itn e sse s a t th e E a ste rn S ta te s g ro u n d over the
p a st w eek-end w ith o u t ta k in g some tim e fo r stu d y o f w hat
it m ean s. I n the intense heat o f th e p a st fe w d a y s some
tw elve th ou sa n d m en , w om en a n d ch ildren gath ered to th rill
over the a n cien t B ib lic a l p rophecies th a t betoken a m a n
ifesta tio n o f G od am on g H is ch ildren.
T h e g ro u p gath ered a t E a ste rn S ta te s com e fr o m N ew
E n g la n d , N e w Y o r k an d N e w J ersey . W h a t is it th a t in
spires such a fo llo w in g o f w h a t to m a n y people seem s like
a p h o n y in terp reta tio n o f S c r ip tu ra l teach in g? These people
h ave no m in isters an d no reg u la r ch u rch o rgan ization . E ac h
m a n is his ow n m aster in the sect b u t his m a stery includes
w o rk in g closely w ith those oth er in d ep en d en ts w ho th in k
as he does.
I t is d o u b tfu l i f a n y other o f w h at we m ig h t call the
P ro te sta n t gro u p s w o u ld
a ll th eir h a zy
T h ey
preach in g.
O u tsta n d in g at the S p rin g fie ld a ssem b ly w as th e p u b lic ity
g iv en in the n ew spapers. A
cep t th is com m an d.
w h a t th a t real th in g w as.
tim e.
tensive in
m illio n
p o p u la tio n ,
In d ia n a p o lis,
the w itnesses sw a rm in g th ro u gh
can t
fin d
a stra n g e r
am o n g
th em ,
th e y re
flow ed
th e
a rm o ry s
m a in
a u d ito riu m ,
B ro th e r
K n orr
were im m ersed.
tu re I t I s L a te r th an Y o u T h in k ! E x p re ssio n s fr o m p e r
in N e w Y o r k city.
a t A r m a g e d d o n b y his h ea v en ly F a th e r a n d C om m a n d er in
O ctober 1 7 , 19 4 9
D ea r B r o th e r :
o rig in a l H e b re w te x t, a n d n o t o n ly th a t, b u t th e G reek S e p -
G reek, at N u m b e r s 6 : 6, as a d e a d p s y c h e ( p s y c h e i t e t e l e u -
operation s at the w a r o f A r m a g e d d o n .
tran sla te s it b y
p sy ch e .
W h e n y o u becom e defiled b y to u c h in g a p s y c h e , w h at k in d
S ep tem b er 1 6 , 1949
o f a p s y c h e is it, or w h a t k in d o f a n e p h e s h ? Th e co n text
D e a r B r o th e r :
A n s w e r in g y o u rs o f S ep tem b er 1 3 :
ren d erin g
in the A u g u s t 1 issue o f T h e W a t c h t o w e r d id n ot sa y, at
arou n d
d ifficu lty
h ide
th e
9 : 6, 7 , 1 0 ; 1 9 : IT , 1 3 ; H a g g a i 2 : 1 3 )
difficulty w hen
tr u th
w orld .
W e b s t e r s
D ic tio n a r y
m ay
im m o r ta lity
o f G od s W o r d is to p ro ve th a t th e p a g a n d o ctrin e o f the
F a it h fu lly y o u rs in K in g d o m service,
N o vem b er 2 1 , 19 4 9
show s th at o n ly
m em bers o f
C h rist s b o d y
w ill
D ea r S is te r :
A n s w e r in g y o u rs o f O ctober 2 9 :
T h e first y e a r o f an Isra e lite s m a rrie d life w as used
u n e n d in g
such as 1 9 1 8 to 1 9 1 9 . T h e p o in t is th at it w o u ld h a r d ly be
w ro n g in sa y in g th a t o n ly the K i n g o f k in g s a n d L o r d o f
th en
T im o th y
6 :1 4 -1 6
w o u ld
D eu t. 2 4 : 5.
So T h e W a t c h t o w e r m a in ta in s its position th a t im m o r
J o y f u lly y o u rs in K in g d o m service,
i / '
jM l
E 'i Ml
i ; n M>y
| *
I 'S fl
kc. K ^ i l l d
A \J
a IW
S emimonthly
FEBRUARY 1, 1950
W hat D o Y ou D o
R emaining T ime
P rofit 41
W TB . &T.5.
P ublish ed S em im o nth ly B y
N. H. K norr ,
P r e s id e n t
G ran t S u it e r , S e c r e ta r y
1949, the most remarkable service year yet! So the 1950 Y e a r b o o k o f J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s shows. You will want to read about it
and rejoice at the noteworthy expansion of the worship of the true
God in the 104 regions reported on. In addition to the annual
world report of the president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract
Society, the Y e a r b o o k also sets out his comment upon the 1950
yeartext and a daily text and comment for throughout the year.
The printing of the 1950 Y e a r b o o k is in limited edition, and hence
a contribution of 50c per copy is asked. Where you are in association with others, send in a group order, as by the servant of a company of Jehovahs witnesses, with remittance to cover. This will
save us on time of handling as well as expense of shipping.
F ebruary
1, 1950
No. 3
EHOVAH inspired the apostle Paul to warn a cant until it is also called to attention that the
Christian congregation nineteen centuries ago: year 1914, according to Bible chronology, marks the
The appointed time has grown very short. end of the Gentile times, or the period of 2,520 years
was foretold to intervene between Gods cast(1 Cor. 7:29,
An Amer. Trans.)Thiswhich
pronouncement from the lips of one of the worlds ing off the unfaithful nation of Israel in 607 B.C. and
foremost authorities on Christianity should be the restoration of Theocratic rule by installing Christ
thoughtfully considered by men living in this twen- Jesus as heavenly King. These signs stand out like
tieth century. But why, you may ask, should we mileposts, notifying men and nations of their wherebe particularly concerned now? What time, then, abouts on the stream of time. Whereas Paul had
grown so short could possibly affect this generation ? only the eye of faith with which to look for the end
Paul looked confidently forward to the end of the of the world and its attendant wickedness, we have
present system of things with its confusion, corrup- before our very eyes this series of happenings of
tion and violence; and his confidence was based on world-shaking magnitude, testifying that we are
Holy Scripture and the words of his Master, Christ living in the last days!
4It might still be argued that Paul thought the
Jesus. Had not Jesus told his disciples he would
come and that this old world would have an end? time was short away back in his day; so while we
Yes; so they believed it and sought further informa- can readily see the signs that Jesus foretold would
tion from him. In answer to their question, What mark the beginning of the time of the end, why are
shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of we not justified in concluding that there is yet ample
the world? Jesus enumerated events which would time 1 Perhaps several generations will yet come and
occur to mark his coming as enthroned King and go before Gods wrath is expressed against wickedthe beginning of the end of this world system. Paul ness and its final end brought about. Such a conwas looking for the end and its accompanying signs elusion should be hastily dismissed from mind, for
when he gave the above-quoted warning. The passing Jesus further said, when speaking of the signs:
of the many intervening years has not served to This generation shall not pass, till all these things
postpone the appointed time. If the time was short be fulfilled. (Matt. 24: 34) It is the generation you
in Pauls day, it must be much shorter now.
are living in that is primarily concerned.
2But to bring the matter even closer home: Do you
5 These facts are not here called to attention to
know that the very signs Jesus foretold and his paralyze you into fearful inactivity, but rather to
apostles looked for have seen fulfillment on this awaken you to the significance of the times, the rare
present generation? Look for yourself at Matthew privilege that can be yours and the most profitable
chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and Mark chapter 13, manner of using the remaining time. Of all the times
to see what Jesus said the signs would be: nation that one might have lived, certainly this is the most
rising against nation in total war, famines, pestilence blessed, notwithstanding the trials now afflicting
and earthquakes, with more sorrows to come. Then humankind. We are living at the climax of the ages,
call to mind what has been taking place upon the when a corrupt world is in its death throes and a
earth, say during the past 36 years. 130 you not note bright new world, with growing power, is crowding
the striking parallel, that these same events have wickedness into a corner, there to crush it and rid
already been visited upon this very generation?
the earth of it forever. The great day of the L ord
3 The fact that this series of events, along with hasteth greatly, warned the prophet Zephaniah.
others also foretold by Jesus, has been occurring (1:14) As it comes on apace, let us not be found
particularly since 1914 may not strike you as signifi among the scoffers who push the end into the remote
1. Why did Paul write that the appointed time was short?
2, 3. Why must the time be shorter now than in Pauls day?
4. As it is 1900 years since Paul wrote it was short, why now short?
5. Why do we here call attention to the shortness of the time?
Brooklyn, N. Y.
F ebruary
1, 1950
conclude that everything was vanity and striving God. Your life and the lives of others depend upon
for the wind, and there was no profit under the sun. how well you preach, how convincing your argument,
howa steadfast
your efforts. Men of this crumbling
(Eccl. 2:1-11,
An Amer. Trans.)Though
might prove so adept at amassing wealth that he world grasp at the opportunity to be ambassadors
gain the entire world, he could not truthfully say he of governments which are destined to fade away
had spent his time profitably. For what shall a man forever. Years of their lives are spent preparing to
be profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and do their jobs well. Does it not seem, then, that we in
forfeit his life? (Matt. 16: 26, Am. Stan. Ver.) Solo- whose hands rests an even greater responsibility can
mon further observed, I have seen all that goes on profitably spend some of our time in improving our
in this world; it is a vain, futile business.Eccl. abilities as ministers of God through study?
1:14, Moffatt.
12How foolish it is, then, to spend time storing up
15 Study is indeed a profitable thing, and no Chrisriches which moth and rust corrupt and thieves tian should allow himself to acquire the mistaken
break through and steal or even to spend more time belief that he can gain the approval of God without
than is absolutely essential to provide for the neces- studying, or that he is too busy to profitably spend
sities of life! (Matt. 6:19) To do so only turns the time for study. The admonition, Study to shew thymind away from the more important things. The self approved unto God, was not recorded for the
time which remains for this old world is not that we benefit of persons who have not heretofore had a
might follow such pursuits. In the short remaining knowledge of the truth. Without continued study
time it is Gods will that all men learn of him and truths once highly treasured grow dim and fade
gain life. And how are men to learn of God and his away. To preach profitably to others the well of
requirements? The apostle Paul raises that same truth must be kept filled. The clergy, who waste their
question and then provides the answer, at Romans time on philosophy and the writings of men instead
10:14: How then shall they call on him in whom of studying Gods Word, are referred to in the Bible
they have not believed? and how shall they believe as wells without water. We, being leaky vessels,
in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall might become the same unless the waters of truth
they hear without a preacher? Jehovah, who has a are replenished. Such a dried-out source can scarcely
time for every purpose (Eccl. 3:1), has set this time be expected to quench the thirst of a person seeking
aside for the preaching of the gospel, and men must after the truth if haply he might find it. The time of
be the preachers. To emphasize the fact that gospel- both the hearer and the preacher would be wasted.
preaching would immediately precede the final end,
16Paul affirmed the close connection between
Jehovah caused his only begotten Son to declare: preaching, teaching and study when he advised the
This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all young preacher Timothy: Attend to your Scripturethe world for a witness unto all nations; and then reading, your preaching, and your teaching. (1 Tim.
shall the end come.Matt. 24:14.
4:13, Moffatt) And do not Pauls words hold further
13It is such a privilege to have a share in this instruction for the time-conscious servant of God?
activity that the Scriptures indicate that even the Attend to, he says. How easy it is, while studying,
angels in heaven would rejoice at the opportunity. to allow the mind to wander to things not apropos,
(1 Pet. 1:12) They do not feel it beneath their so that, even while the eye is scanning the lines and
dignity or a waste of time to uphold Jehovah as the pages, time is not being profitably spent. The hazy
sovereign of the universe and make it known that impression gained slips out of the mind quickly, for
his King, Christ Jesus, is enthroned. Yet this privi- in reality it was never fixed there. For one to profitlege is reserved for men, but even if every man were ably use his time he must concentrate solely upon the
to fail to preach it would still be accomplished, for work at hand. While studying, work hard at i t ; while
Jesus declared that if his followers should hold their preaching, let thoughts of accomplishing the most
peace the stones would immediately cry out. (Luke good in the available time fill the mind; and similarly
19: 40) So Jesus set the proper pattern. He did not with each task that falls into the hand of the Chrisrefrain from preaching, but fervently devoted his tian to do. Do with your might what your hands find
life to that one thing. Since he left us an example to do, admonish the Scriptures (Eccl. 9 : 1 0 ) ; and to
that we should follow in his steps (1 Pet. 2:21), is do mighty works one cannot be content with beating
not preaching the most profitable manner in which the air. (1 Cor. 9:26) Knowledge is essential to
we could possibly spend our time ?
profitable preaching.
14True, it is no small responsibility to be a spokes17 Increasing efficiency in study serves to enhance
man or ambassador for the Government of Almighty the value of time so spent. While reading the Bible
12. Why is the short remaining time granted us?
13. Why view preaching as a most profitable spending of our time?
14. Why spend time improving our abilities as ministers?
15. Who are admonished to study? Why is study necessary for them?
16. Why must we be at attention when studying and preaching?
17. What is the efficient method for Bible study? Why?
from cover to cover will undoubtedly broaden ones
appreciation of the truth, knowledge is accumulated
more rapidly by employing the topical method of
study. For example, scriptures dealing with the
resurrection are distributed throughout the entire
Bible. One specifically interested in that subject
will profit most by gathering these scattered texts
together so that they may be compared one with
another and hence Gods mind on the subject be
determined. It is in this regard that publications of
the Watchtower Society are especially valuable, since
they present an array of assembled scriptures which
would take an individual researcher many tedious
hours to gather. Information gained through individual study, line upon line and precept upon precept
(Isa. 28:10), provides a backlog of information from
which to draw when discussing the Bible with others.
18In recent years the Lord has provided so bountifully for His servants that some may be prone to
begin to take the spiritual food for granted. The
world has so firmly adopted the attitude, It cant
happen to us, that the danger exists among Christians to forget that the adversary has not yet completed his days of roving about the earth seeking
whom he may devour. Further tests may be confidently expected. It can and will happen to us. What
form his attack will next take no one can foresee,
but is it not possible that Satan may again do as he
has done so many times in the past, withhold the
Bible and kindred publications? In such an event,
happy is the Christian who has done as warned: My
son, forget not my teaching, but keep my commands
in mind.( Prov. 3:1, An Amer. Trans.) Yes, time
set aside to firmly fix Gods truths in mind through
study is time profitably spent.
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
F ebruary
1, 1950
life. Do not allow yourself to be enticed into being a witnesses to the majesty of Jehovah, preaching the
lover of pleasures more than a lover of God like word of life. This, according to Paul, is the sacrifice
those from whom Christians are advised to turn that is pleasing to God. By him therefore let us
away. (2 Tim. 3: 4) Enter not the path of the wicked, offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that
and walk not in the way of evil men; avoid it, traverse is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
it not, shun it, and pass on. Although effort will be (Heb. 13:15) The desire to instruct and help others
required to profitably spend time in gaining instrue- which so fills one when he begins to learn of Jehotion the reward is great. Keep fast hold of instrue- vahs gracious provisions should not be shunted
tion, let her not go; guard her, for she is your life. aside, ignored or drowned with worldly cares. When
Prov. 4:14,15,13, An Amer. Trans.
one accepts Christ as his Redeemer and consecrates
23 Having studied and assembled with other Chris-his life to do Gods will, his time is no longer his
tians and thus gained knowledge is no guarantee that own to waste or squander. His time, yes, his very
a person will always retain it. Paul warned, We life belongs to the service of God. Ye were bought
Stan. Ver.
must give the very closest attention to the message with a price.1 Cor. 7: 23,
26 This continued study and use of Bible truth
we have heard, to keep from ever losing our hold
upon it. (Heb. 2:1, An Amer. Trans.) How disheart- brings great peace of mind. Thou wilt keep him in
ening it would be, after spending days, months or perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. (Isa.
years in learning about Gods Word, to find that the 26:3) Those lacking this bulwark find their minds
knowledge had been taken away again by him who besieged with all manner of cares and worries. Congave it! Much time would then have been wasted, sider what a tremendous amount of time is wasted
indeed. But such a thing need not happen, and the daily through worry alone! Worry accomplishes
best way to insure against it is to keep the truth nothing. Jesus asked: Which of you with all his
bright through use. Jehovah has given a rich gift to worry can add a single hour to his life ? (Matt. 6: 27,
those who gain an understanding of his purposes. An Amer. Trans.) One cannot lengthen the remainNeglect not the gift that is in thee, said Paul, ing time for him by worrying, neither can he profitMeditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to ably use that which is already allotted. And how can
them; that thy profiting may appear to all. (1 Tim. time-consuming worry be effectively banished f Paul
4:14,15) Use must be made of the gift if it is not says, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord
to be neglected and if all are to perceive how the Jesus Christ, the merciful Father, and the God
servant has profited or progressed. This harmonizes always ready to comfort! He comforts me in all my
with what Jesus told the disciples in one of his para- trouble, so that I can comfort people who are in any
bles. To everyone who has, shall more be given and trouble with the comfort with which I myself am
richly given; but from him who has nothing, even comforted by God. (2 Cor. 1: 3, 4, An Amer.Trans.)
what he has shall be taken.Matt. 25: 29, Moffatt. Sharing comfort, preaching gospel truths, will free
24By the above words, Jesus was indicating what distraught minds for profitable use. Paul contended
would be done with the talent which had been entrust- that God had comforted him that he might in turn
ed to a slothful servant who refused or neglected to comfort others. So doing, he followed his Exemplar,
trade with it and bring an increase to the master to Christ Jesus, whose commission was, in part, to
whom it belonged. The talent was forcibly removed comfort all that mourn.Isa. 61: 2.
from his possession and given to the servant who had
profitably used his time to bring an increase! The
27It is true that spending ones time in gospelnet result to the servant who fails to use his gift and preaching is deemed both strange and foolish to those
bears no fruit for the Kingdom is shown by Jesus who lack vision to see the signs of the times. In a
next words: Throw the good-for-nothing servant sense, it is strange or unusual to go about telling
into the darkness outside. (Matt. 25:30, Moffatt) people that destruction awaits them if they continue
Yes, the light of understanding of Gods Word grows in their heedless course; and it will be a strange or
dim and blacks out of the mind of the one who care- unusual thing when Jehovah brings about that delessly fails to trade with the talent or Kingdom inter- struction, for many centuries have passed since his
ests which are placed in his hands. As far as the Lord power has thus been made manifest to men. But the
is concerned, such a selfish person is good-for-noth- fact that it is strange does not alter the truth. Rather,
ing and not worthy of an understanding of His it serves to confirm it, for Isaiah, a prophet of Jehopurposes.
vah, recorded: For Jehovah will rise up as in mount
25 By bringing an increase or bearing fruit, JesusPerazim, he will be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon;
meant helping others to understand and to become that he may do his work, his strange work, and bring
to pass his act, his strange act. Now therefore be ye
23. What rich gift do we have? How do we keep firm hold on it?
24. What parable shows a non-user of the gift loses out?
25. What does bringing increase mean? Why is it due to God?
26. What do study and use of learning bring us? How so?
27. How do worldlings view our preaching? Why wrongly so?
B ro o klyn ,
N. Y.
F ebkuaby 1,1950
when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof give his life for the Kingdom it would be profitable:
goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that for whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and
field. (Matt. 13: 44) Nothing we now might own or whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
hope to obtain in the future could be compared in (Matt. 16:25) Christ can and will resurrect those
value to the kingdom of God and the blessings it will from death who faithfully devote their time to his
bring to those who live in it. Even though one might service.John 5: 28, 29.
1. For the Kingdom what earthly opportunities did Jesus give up?
2. Why is especially Jesus an example to us of redeeming time?
3. Of what devoting of time does God approve? But what is ideal?
well aware of the inherent weaknesses of the human
flesh; he knows every cunning device to trip the
unwary. That is why Paul stressed the necessity of
keeping the body under subjection at all times, not
catering to selfish and carnal desires nor allowing
the mind to dwell upon such things.
6 True, some who are now associated with Jehovahs witnesses once devoted all of their time either
to advancing in this world of big business, to the
acquiring of homes or to self-indulgent pleasures
which lead to all manner of sin. Concerning their
change to a more profitable use of their time, Peter
says: You have spent time enough in the past in
doing as the heathen like to do, indulging in sensuality, passion, drunkenness, carousing, dissipation, and
detestable idolatry. They are amazed that you no
longer join them in plunging into the flood of dissipation, and they abuse you for i t ; but they will have
to answer for it to him who is ready to judge living
and dead.1 Pet. 4: 3-5, An Amer. Trans.
7Having been freed from the works of the flesh
through a knowledge of the truth, one must stand
fast in it. For if you live according to the flesh, you
are about to die; but if, by the spirit, you put to
death the deeds of the body, you shall live. (Rom.
8:13, Diaglott) In death there is no time to be used
profitably or any other way. There is no work, nor
device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave.
(Eccl. 9:10) Better to refrain from spending time
with the works of the flesh now than to spend eternity
in the grave. Each step a Christian takes should be
weighed against the requirements of God. The steps
of a good man are ordered by the L ord. (P s. 37: 23)
It is far better to take a few moments for quiet reflection, fully considering Gods requirements before
rushing into an action that might bring Gods reproof. To act without reflection is not good; and
to be over-hasty is to miss the mark.Prov. 19: 2,
An Amer. Trans.
B rooklyn, N. Y.
F ebruary 1, 1950
sin not with your tongue. (Ps. 39:1) The same rant of Gods purposes. Do not give what is sacred
fountain cannot bring forth water both bitter and to dogs, cautioned Jesus, and do not throw your
sweet. (Jas. 3:11) The tongue cannot praise God pearls before pigs, or they will trample them under
and at the same time malign a brother; neither can their feet and turn and tear you in pieces. (Matt.
time be spent praising God and at the same time 7:6,
An Amer. Trans.)There are too many in the
thinking about or talking about a mistake another world with whom time can be profitably spent, who
has made. Time can be much more profitably spent are more anxious to listen and learn than they are
examining your own mistakes which you are in a posi- to talk. It is such meek ones that the preacher can
tion to correct than in being concerned about anoth- profitably spend his time in searching out, for the
ers shortcomings which you cannot change. Besides, meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will
says Jesus, why note the splinter in your brothers he teach his way.Ps. 25: 9.
eye, and fail to see the plank in your own eye? How
16Many who hate the truth are not content to
can you say to your brother, Let me take out the ignore it and those who devote their time to its
splinter from your eye, when there lies the plank proclamation. Frequently they do literally, like brute
in your own eye? (Matt. 7: 3, 4,
) Obviously, beasts, turn upon Jehovahs witnesses in an attempt
it is a waste of time and it is probable that more harm to trample them into silence. Their vicious assaults,
will be done than good.
combined with the indifference toward the warning
14 The things upon which the mind is allowed to message on the part of the majority of this wicked
dwell determine in the long run whether an individual and perverse generation, are often trying for Gods
will pursue a profitable or wasteful course. As he servants. They are prone to cry out, Lord, how
thinketh within himself, so is he, says the Proverb. long I and to wish for the time in which they must
(23: 7, Am. Stan. Ver.) A mind that is filled with evil continue to preach to come to an early end. Envisionthings will direct the body to do evil deeds. A mind ing the many blessings of the Kingdom, they would
filled with fancied wrongs is apt to seek occasion for hasten its coming and look for the early breaking of
quarreling, backbiting or revenge. Nip waywardness Armageddons fury.
and time-wasting in the bud by keeping the mind in
check, harnessing it for profitable work, directing it
in righteous ways. Now, brothers, Paul wrote, let
17But surely no servants of God, even those who
your minds dwell on what is true, what is worthy, become impatient, feel that their work of gospelwhat is right, what is pure, what is amiable, what is preaching is wasted. They see the results of their
kindlyon everything that is excellent or praise- labors, men hearing and turning to obey the comworthy. Do the things that you learned, received, and mandments of God, an ever-increasing multitude of
heard from me, and that you saw me do. Then God gospel-preachers profitably using the remaining
who gives peace will be with you. (Phil. 4: 8, 9, An time. They likewise see and experience evidence of
Amer. Trans.) A mind that is filled with truth and Gods approval upon their actions, His assurance
thoughts of serving God does not readily fall prey that they have been doing well. God rewards every
to the deadening forces launched by the Devil.
man according to his works, and everlasting life is
15Arguments over inconsequential matters, long granted to those who patiently continue in welldiscussions on hypothetical situations and personal doing. (Bom. 2:7) So the apostle warns, Let us
theories, these too claim valuable time from any who not be weary in well doing: for in due season we
are foolish enough to allow it. Avoid foolish, crude shall reap, if we faint not.Gal. 6: 9.
speculations; you know they only lead to quarrels,
18All things considered, we have no cause to be
and a slave of the Lord must not quarrel, but treat
It is God who sets the time for all things,
everyone kindly, Paul told Timothy. (2 Tim. 2:23, and being unduly
concerned about when Armageddon
An Amer. Trans.) Shut your mind against foolish,
will come does not hasten it. Jehovah is more fully
popular controversy. (
o) There
awareareof some
the wickedness of men than are we. It is
people, foolish in their own conceit, who desire only His name primarily that they are maligning, it is
to make a show of their own wisdom and who have no His creation that they have been corrupting for
desire to acquire the true wisdom of Gods Word. centuries. If he is patient enough to allow men a
Hours might be spent with them discussing their pet little more time to heed and turn from their timetheories; but they have no time to listen to the gospel. wasting, life-wasting course, surely we should have
One who is buying up every opportunity to preach the patience to give them the opportunity, knowing
will, of course, endeavor to direct the conversation or that, if it were possible, God would have all men
discussion to a profitable end, but he will not spend believe and be saved.1 Tim. 2:4.
unnecessary time with those who are willfully igno14. What, therefore, is a profitable use of the mind? Why?
15. What discussions are time-wasting, and what are beneficial?
B rooklyn ,
N. Y.
blessings of the Kingdom, the most profitable immediate use for you to make of your time is to study
and learn about it now while the patience of the Lord
is still holding destruction in abeyance. Do not allow
this worlds false sense of security to lull you to sleep
and think that Gods patience will continue forever.
Even though the majority of humankind may scoff at
the possibility of a change of such sweeping magnitude or scorn those who use the remaining time to
preach such a message, the majority can be wrong.
the23 It was the majority who had no time to hear what
Noah was telling them, much less turn from their
willfulness and join with him in what they considered
a gross waste of timebuilding a great boat and
preaching that generations doom. Whose time was
most profitably spent, you can judge. Again a generation is too busy to stop using its remaining time
in the manner in which it is accustomed. Many will
pay a high price to learn that they wasted their
remaining days when their lives are snuffed out by
the righteous wrath of God.
24 Each day makes the appointed time shorter.
Each day presents opportunities to proclaim Gods
name and purpose that will never be repeated. And
each day faithful ministers are buying up their opportunities, with the result that a growing throng
is halting from the headlong plunge that the nations
are taking toward destruction. As they halt and hear
and learn they joyfully consecrate their lives to the
service of Jehovah and share in the most profitable
activity ever presented to man. To them the remaining time does not seem too long; rather, it is extremely short in which to accomplish the work which must
yet be done. The harvest truly is great, but the
labourers are few. (Luke 10: 2) But though the time
is short Jehovah promises, The little one shall
become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation:
I, Jehovah, will hasten it in its time. (Isa. 60:22,
A.S.V.) A yet unnumbered multitude will heed the
warning message and join their voices in praising
Jehovahs name, and it can be your happy lot to help
them to learn the truth. In the thousands of years
ahead in which you may enjoy the blessings which
Jehovah has in store for those who serve him, you
will never have cause to regret that you were among
those who did not act thoughtlessly, but, like sensible men, made the most of your opportunities in
these evil, shortly-to-end times.
23. What illustrates how a majority can be wrong, misusing time?
24. How are ministers now using the time, never to regret it?
F ebruary
1, 1950
B rooklyn ,
N. Y.
F ebruary
1, 1950
B rooklyn, N. Y.
S emimonthly
FEBRUARY 15, 1950
Stick to Y our W ork .........................
A Ministry o f Activity .....................
W ork, a Requirement .........................
W hy Persevere in It ...........................
H o w to Stick to I t ...............................
The Freedom o f a Clear Conscience
A Sound Investment o f Effort .........
W h y C hristians S hun T obacco ......
Z eciiariah Urges God s Service
D espite B an ...................................
L etter [On Converting Calendar Dates
fo r the Time o f the End ] .......... .
F ield E xperien c e ....................................
Separating to the R ight
T estimony P erio d ...........................
W atchtower S tudies .......................
__________ _____________
P ublish ed
S e m im o n t h l y B y
W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
1 1 7 A da m s Street
B rook lyn 1, N .Y ., U .S .A .
N. H. K norr, P resid en t
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
o f its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
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u n d e r t h e A c t o f M a r c h 3, 1W9.
V ol.
F ebruary
15, 1950
No. 4
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
F ebruary
15, 1950
N. Y.
vah, for he well knows that then they will lose out on
Gods precious promises and Kingdom blessings. The
warning of the apostle Peter (1 Pet. 5:8, 9, Am. Stan.
Ver.) is therefore so appropriate at this time: Be
sober, be watchful: your adversary the devil, as a
roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour: whom withstand stedfast in your faith.
Satan is attacking every individual who is conse
crated to God, every man, woman and child doing
Gods work. The Devil wants us to turn back from
Gods work, against the good advice of Jesus, who
said: No man, having put his hand to the plow,
and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
Luke 9: 62.
21 How is this looking back done ? By turning
back to the old world from which we came out. It
means turning our interest back to the evil practices
and customs of the old world, as when Lot and his
family were delivered by God from the destruction
of wicked Sodom and Lots wife turned to look back
because her interest was actually there. She perished,
becoming a pillar of salt; therefore Jesus said: Re
member Lots wife. (Luke 17:32) Looking back
means not keeping the Kingdom interests first. It
means not sticking to your work.
22 Satan uses many ways to accomplish this. Some
persons are affected by the persecution. Reproach
slows others down. But this persecution and reproach
cannot be avoided. The Master told his followers they
would suffer many indignities and much torture for
his names sake. It was so in the case of his servants
following his ascension to heaven and it has been true
upon real Christians ever since. (Matt. 24: 9; 2 Tim.
3:12) To combat this violent action of the enemy
the Christian must be strong in faith. With strong
faith we are fortified by Jehovah and we are able to
overcome or neutralize the enemys attacks if we
persist in our work and trust in our God to deliver us.
23 Not all suffer violent persecution today, but
there are other methods Satan uses to turn us from
our good work. In this life we have many responsi
bilities. Some of us learn the truth after we have
acquired families, and these families do not always
believe the Scriptures as we do. Sometimes they put
every hindrance in our way in an effort to make us
fail to stick to our worship. The responsibility is
upon us to provide for our family members, which
we as Christians are pleased to do. But if any
providetli not for his own, and specially his own
household, he hath denied the faith, and is worse
than an unbeliever. (1 Tim. 5:8, Am. Stan. Ver.)
Even when they oppose our good works we must see
that they have the necessities to maintain life if we
are family providers. And in the end it may be that
21. How is this looking back done, and with what result?'
22. How does Satan induce this in some? How do we combat this?
23. Despite opposition must one still provide for family? Why?
F ebruary
15, 1950
that findeth his life shall lose it; and he that loseth
his life for my sake shall find it. Jesus showed that
there would be great ciises in the families who
accepted Christ and followed in the right way. No
Christian must permit family opposition to keep him
back from serving Jehovah God and Christ, but the
Christian must put the love of Christ first, else he
would fail to prove worthy. If others in the family
became so violent as to take the Christian believers
life, then Christ would restore life in the Kingdom
time; but if one would back up into inactivity in
order to save his life, in the end he would displease
the Life-giver and lose everlasting life. By keeping
the love of the Lord as of first importance and the
other required things secondary, we will properly
stick to our work.
N order to maintain our lives we must have a become afraid to lose the easy way of life for the
certain amount of this worlds goods. Will worldly works sake. The attractions of the old world can be
goods become a hindrance to us in our Christian a cause of looking backward. It happened in the early
work? Will we fall into the snare of the enemy Christian days and is still happening today. As the
because we become afraid of losing a steady income apostle Paul testified in his writing (2 Tim. 4: 9,10):
from our secular work? Pressure is often put on Do thy diligence to come shortly unto m e: for Demas
those who have taken up Gods service. They are hath forsaken me, having loved this present world,
boycotted in their business establishments, particu and is departed unto Thessalonica. Demas had
larly in such places as Quebec, where false religion great opportunities of serving God in company with
holds sway. Again, there may be merely threats of the apostle Paul, but he lost out because he did not
financial or business losses. We know that if there is stick to his work. By taking the course in life that
any selfishness or pride in us it will be worked on he chose he could only lose his chances to obtain ever
by our adversary to slow us down in our work. Here lasting life, which he evidently did.
3 Our wily foe uses other methods to slow down
is another great test of the Christians faith. The
Lord has promised to provide all the needs of his Gods servants. He sows discord among the brethren.
servants. (Matt. 6:33) Will their faith be strong It is often that we are evil spoken of by the world;
enough? Will they take the Lord at his Word? Based but when such things come from the mouths of those
upon his knowledge and faith, the apostle Paul came who are associated in the work it is not easily taken.
out with a statement of the sensible Christian posi It hurts deeply. If our faith is not strong, we may
tion : If we have food and clothing we will be satis become offended and isolate ourselves from other
fied. But men who want to get rich fall into tempta Christians. That is a mistake; it may cause us to
tions and snares and many foolish, harmful cravings, stop the work. That is why we must not allow dis
that plunge people into destruction and ruin. For unity to creep into our ranks. We must quickly settle
love of money is the root of all the evils, and in their any differences that arise and keep going forward in
eagerness to get rich, some men wander away from the work. Prov. 6:14,16,19; Eph. 4: 3,12,13, 31,
the faith and pierce themselves to the heart with 32; Col. 3:12,13.
4 Because we are attacked from so many sides by
many a pang.1 Tim. 6:8-10, An Amer. Trans.
evil one, we must keep alert and fight hard to go
2 Satan tries to make the things of this world
We cannot afford to take chances with our
appear alluring to those in Gods work. There are
many lusts of the flesh which war against the spirit lives, so we must always have a positive viewpoint.
ual things. (1 Cor. 10:6-11; Jas. 1:14,15; 1 Pet. There is danger in being indecisive, pausing on the
2:11) There are the pleasures of this life which can way to life. We are wise when we understand that
be allowed to take up all of our consecrated time. once we have made a consecration to serve God there
If we have plenty of this worlds goods we may is never any question about how to decide matters.
1. How do business and worldly goods tend to slow down our work?
2. What part do worldly attractions and our lusts tend to play?
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
And we play safe by making our decisions always did not feel that way. They did not choose to serve
in favor of the Lords work and in harmony with liis God because they were unable to find any other
Word. Jesus gave us a good example of how to pro employment or because they were unqualified for
ceed when the Devil tempted him in the wilderness. any other work. They saw in Gods service the highest
Jesus knew what the Scriptures said, so he used them honor that could come to any creature on this earth.
as his vehicle for reply. The Devil could not make Today there are many among Jehovahs witnesses
him change from his positive attitude of mind. (Matt. who, as the world views things, have unusual natural
4:1-11) We must likewise watch out that our fleshly abilities or talents. They may have intelligence well
desires or other creatures are not permitted to influ above the average. They may be clever. If they were
ence us unreasonably to keep us away from our Theo to direct their efforts that way, they would be able
cratic activities. It is necessary to stick close to the to gain high positions in this world, together with
Lord and his organization to be safe.
the wealth and all such things the world pursues.
6 Our minds must be trained through the study ofBut do they choose temporal things, with the loss of
the Scriptures if we are to stick to our work. Think Gods treasured work and blessings? Certainly not.
ing and talking about God and his purposes is good Bather they use all their natural abilities for the
for you. Consider your limitations. You have a advancement of the Lords work. We should consider
limited amount of time to give to the training of our natural abilities as gifts from Jehovah and cul
your mind. If you consume all of that time with tivate them in his service. (1 Cor. 12:31; 13:8;
worldly reading, radio entertainment, television, etc., 14:1,39; Eph. 4:7-13, Am. Stan. Ver.) Whatever
and thinking on earthly things, you are wasting time abilities we have, therefore, whether many or few,
that can be used to build up a protective barrier should be applied to Gods work and to help us stick
against the darts of the enemy. Your thoughts can to that work.
be filled with important ideas. Each day there is a
8 It is not enough that we share in Gods work. No,
text to consider, as published in the Yearbook of we must give our very best if we shall please him.
Jehovahs witnesses. You will find appropriate times We should keep the quality of work as high as
to discuss Theocratic matters when in association possible. As Paul put it: Like an expert builder, I
with others in public witness work, or with friends laid a foundation, as God commissioned me to do,
in travel or at home. The wise Christian sets aside and now someone else is building upon it. But let
certain regular times for the building up of his mind, everyone be careful how he does so. For no one can
fortifying himself for the work to be done.Phil. lay any other foundation than the one that is laid,
4:8, 9.
that is, Jesus Christ himself. And whether one uses
6 This course of action will help others too. You gold or silver or costly stone in building on the foun
have the privilege of building others up in the faith. dation, or wood or hay or straw, the quality of every
Oftentimes you will encounter a person who is not ones work will appear, for the Day will show it. For
positive in his ways, who shows laxity in his way of the Day will break in fire, and the fire will test the
working. You do a distinct service to such a doubtful quality of everyones work. If what a man has built
one when you encourage him to attend Bible-study on the foundation stands the test, he will have his
meetings with others of like precious faith and when pay.1 Cor. 3:10-14, An Amer. Trans.
you suggest to him that he participate in Gods serv
9It is a mistake to undervalue the wonderful serv
ice. He may not realize the danger into which he is ice of God. That service is a treasure of inestimable
being led when he makes little excuses for not doing value. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels
as God requires of his consecrated servants. As a [our fleshly bodies], that the exceeding greatness of
Christian you have the privilege of aiding another to the power may be of God, and not from ourselves.
form the good habits you have made your own and (2 Cor. 4: 7, Am. Stan. Ver.) We receive our abilities
of fighting off the bad habits that lead backwards. in the work from God and these we should employ
Cultivate the habit of regularly associating with the creatively, conscientiously and with diligence. We
Lords people. Habitually practice these things.
shall enjoy doing Gods work if we do it right, if we
7 Sticking to your work will be easier if you proper
give our best. There will be good building work done;
ly evaluate the extraordinary work that is the por
our work Avill be fruitful. It is upon the basis of the
tion of a Christian. Surely there is nothing of higher
value in this transitory world. It is not common or quality of our work that God will give us our pay.
ordinary. A proud person might feel himself to be Jehovah pays us well for our service in righteous
too important or too capable to go from house to ness ; he gives us everlasting life. The wicked man
house in Gods service. But Jesus and his disciples earns illusive wages; but he who sows righteousness
has a true reward.Prov. 11:18, An Amer. Trans.
5. Why must our minds be trained? By taking advantage of what?
6. How can we help brethren to faith and right habits?
7. How does properly evaluating the work help us stick to it?
F e b r u a r y 15, 1950
Dear Brethren:
I am writing for your suggestions on separation and
divorce. My husband and I are witnesses for Jehovah but
in the past two years we have slacked in our zeal for the
service. I realize the mistake we have made and have tried
to get my husband to get into the service again. Since the
first of this year I havent been able to get him to attend
meetings. He thinks because at one time he was company
servant and has slacked his hand that he has lost his right
to the Kingdom blessings. Of course I think the Devil has
ensnared him and he is trying to justify his actions now.
He has become involved with a woman and wants a
divorce so he can marry her. I told him he would certainly
be throwing away all hope if he proceeds in this. We have
two children, and I think anyone who has a knowledge of
Gods laws should be able to figure out that they must leave
such temptations alone, even if we cant get along, which
I think we could, if he would give up this other woman.
Please write us as soon as possible on our standing. I realize
we have lost a lot of blessings by our negligence, but is all
hope gone? I know he loves the Lord and the Lords people.
But I am at a loss as to what steps I should take.
Yours for the Theocracy,
That is the very pitiful state into which failing to
stick to the work and stick to the Lords organization
has led some individuals. That is what Satan will
bring upon those who give him an opening by paus
ing to associate again with the old world: mental
suffering, misery, unhappiness.
13 It is a comfort to us to know that our God in
heaven is a merciful One and that he is an ever
present source of help and comfort. When we are
caused to stumble under the constant attacks of our
adversary and we yield ground, we suffer untold
miseries on account of it. But if we truly love God
we will turn to him and seek his help, as a child will
go to its father. This help we may receive, by his
undeserved kindness, if we put forth a sincere effort
to henceforth go in the right way. We know we can
not go on willfully repeating our sins and then come
again each time to ask forgiveness, as is the manner
of some in modern religious circles, for the Scrip
tures do not allow for that (Heb. 10:26-30); but
when we sincerely repent and seek to go in the right
way, getting back into the Lords work and deter
mining to stick to it, there is the Lord to help us
recover. At the very least, the period of suffering is
certain to be a most difficult timethere are many
who never recoverand so the wise servant of Jeho
vah will keep his vision of the issue clear and stick
to his work, not taking any risks with his life.
14 In the finality, it is our works that will be con
sidered by our Father, and then it will be determined
whether or not we shall receive everlasting life. Why
13. How can taking advantage of Gods mercy help us to stick to it?
14. By what course can we lose all our pay for our past works?
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
F ebruary
15, 1950
fifteen centuries after the last book of the Bible was written.
Nevertheless, inspired admonition contained in Scripture
is of such scope as to definitely embrace the use of tobacco.
A meek and humble person who wishes to receive instruction
could consider with profit such scriptures as Proverbs
30:12, Isaiah 52:11, Galatians 5:19, Colossians 3: 5, James
1:22, Ephesians 5:3, 4, and other texts concerning clean
ness in matters both physical and spiritual. These texts
establish a principle of purity and cleanness that should
guide Christians, and 2 Corinthians 7:1 is explicit when it
orders: Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the
flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
A translation in modern English reads: Let us cleanse our
selves from everything that contaminates either flesh or
spirit; let us be fully consecrated by reverence for God.
M o ffa tt.
Is not tobacco-smoking filthy in that it stains the flesh,
stinks clothes and body, and litters ashes about? Is it not
expressing inconsiderate selfishness rather than love when
one fouls the air with strong smoke for others to breathe,
and which smarts the eyes? Does not the habit contaminate
the flesh by harming health? It admittedly cuts wind or
endurance, slows reflexes, fogs the brain, promotes diseases
of heart and blood vessels, lowers vitality, irritates sinuses
and membranes of nose, mouth, throat and lungs, induces
cancer, impairs reproductive functions in both men and
women, weakens moral fiber and shortens the life span. To
what advantages can cigarette smokers point to counter
balance these disadvantages? Can one consecrate his full
potential of strength and energy to God if he siphons off
a measure of it by sucking on cigarettes? Is a Christians
consecrated strength and time and money being wisely
spent when dissipated and wasted through the tobacco
habit? It is not necessary for Jehovahs witnesses to badger
or heckle smokers with these and similar questions. It is
sufficient for each smoker, particularly those who have eome
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
And one more point that new ones among Jehovahs wit
nesses should remember relative to the use of tobacco. That
is, is it their purpose to bring filthiness into the organization
and spoil its reputation for cleanness? The fact that Jeho
vahs witnesses as a group do not smoke has become a marker
of them, a sign that distinguishes them from worldlings, a
cause for special notice and comment by outside observers.
Typical of this is the press report in the Springfield U n io n ,
July 2, 1949, in the section With the Witnesses published
during the district assembly held in Springfield, Massa
chusetts :
One boy about 12 years old had his binoculars trained on
the speakers, even though he had a seat right near the front.
Use of the glasses tended to create a racetrack atmosphere.
But another condition in the Coliseum was a far cry from
whats usual at sporting events of any sort. People who
attend hockey games there, particularly, wouldnt have
recognized the place. Indeed, who had ever before been in
the Coliseum with 4,500 other people when there wasnt
the tiniest trace of eigaret smoke?
Do new ones wish to mar this standard of cleanness that
has made Jehovahs visible organization outstanding? It
does not seem that any new witnesses appreciative of the
truths they have learned from the organization would want
to repay by doing evil, by wrecking such a long-established
reputation for freedom from tobaccos filth. It is not the
purpose of the visible organization to be narrow or dog
matic or lacking in tolerance and mercy. It realizes that it
takes time for new ones to cleanse themselves of worldly
filth, both physical and spiritual, and those making up the
visible organization should exercise patience and under
standing with one another. New ones should be meek and
teachable and not stubbornly resist for selfish reasons the
Scriptural admonitions against the filthiness of the tobacco
habit. On the other hand, those in the organization who are
clean of this contamination of the flesh should not fall short
of being merciful and long-suffering, but should allow time
for new ones to readjust themselves and conform to the
Scriptural ways of Jehovahs organization.
Many different methods for breaking the tobacco habit
F e b r u a r y 15, 1950
HY did Jehovah God effect the release of the an official persecution of the temple builders and tried to
Jewish captives in Babylon that they might return hold up their work all the days of King Cyrus. Then they
to their homeland? Why, after their capital city joined in sending a letter to Cyrus successor, King Artaof Jerusalem had lain desolate for seventy years, werexerxes,
they and accused the temple builders of seditious aims
returned to Judah and Mount Zion? Was it for theagainst
sake the political state. King Artaxerxes believed the
of their political independence, so called? No; but for the accusation. Contrary to the law of the Medes and Persians,
restoration of Gods service in accord with Theocratic law. he countermanded the temple decree of Cyrus, and had the
To this end the decree in the opening year of Cyrus full temple work stopped. So it ceased unto the second year of
power over Babylon read: Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, the reign of Darius king of Persia.Ezra 4:1-24.
All the kingdoms of the earth hath Jehovah, the God of That means that for sixteen years the work of rebuilding
heaven, given me; and he hath charged me to build him a the temple had lain idle. Then, the prophets, Haggai the
house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whosoever there is prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied unto
among you of all his people, his God be with him, and let the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name
him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the of the God of Israel. (Ezra 5:1) Of the two prophets,
house of Jehovah, the God of Israel (he is God), which is Haggai was the elder and he took the lead in stirring up
in Jerusalem.Ezra 1:1-3, A m . S ta n . V e r .
the Jews to activity in Gods service of rebuilding the house
Accordingly in 537 B.C. nearly 50,000 devoted worshipers of Jehovah. Less than four weeks after his opening blast
of Jehovah undertook the perilous journey to return to their the temple work was resumed, in the teeth of the imperial
desolated homeland. Zerubbabel was made governor of this ban! Two months after Haggai led off with his vigorous
restored remnant, and prominently associated with him in exhortations the younger contemporaneous prophet Zecha
the work of rebuilding the temple was the high priest riah joined in with his voice: In the eighth month, in the
Joshua, or Jeshua. In the second year of their return the second year of Darius, came the word of the L ord unto
foundation of the new temple for the worship and service Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the
of Jehovah had been laid.Ezra 2:1, 2, 64-70; 3:1-4, 8-11. prophet.-Zech. 1:1.
At this time opposition to rebuilding the temple broke out From the above it appears that Zechariah was the grand
among the Gentile nations in Palestine. They carried on son of Iddo and the son of Berechiah. That Zechariah was
B rooklyn , N. Y.
records the curse that comes on those who rob God and
those who swear falsely to him; he sees Babylonish wicked
ness removed from among Gods restored remnant; finally,
four horse-drawn chariots appear in symbol of Gods war
organization, and Gods temple-builder is identified as The
Branch, who will be a priest upon his throne.
The last two chapters of this first section give answer that
feasts of weeping and self-pity should give way to times
of joy and gladness, that restored Zion was to prosper and
that men from all nations would take hold of the skirt of
him that is a Jew to accompany him to Jerusalem because
of Jehovahs blessings upon his people.
The second part of Zechariahs prophecy, chapters 9-14,
has the usual prophetic tone and character, in contrast with
the preceding vision-filled part so similar to the prophecies
of Daniel and Ezekiel. Many Bible critics claim that this
latter portion, because of the change of style and other
supposed internal evidence, was written by one other than
Zechariah, one living much earlier than Zechariahs time.
To those who appreciate not only the matter of miniature
fulfillment, but also the more important matter of major
fulfillment, their devious arguments are not very impressive.
The definite change in subject matter easily accounts for
the change in approach and style. Similar forms of expres
sion and like prophetic messages tie together both parts.
Most convincing, the writer of the second part shows knowl
edge of the writings of the prophets following Jerusalems
destruction, but by making allusions thereto he refers to the
future antitypical fulfillment of such prophecies. Hence the
second part could not have been written by one much
earlier than Zechariah, but, like the first, must have been
written after the Jewish exile. Zechariah was doubtless the
one Jehovah used to record the entire fourteen chapters of
the book that bears this prophets name.
This latter portion declares vengeance against heathen
nations, foretells Christs ride as King into Jerusalem on
an ass, the extension of Kingdom rule earth-wide, the
gathering of His people, the betrayal of Christ for thirty
pieces of silver, the outpouring of Gods spirit upon his
remnant after their repentance, the shame of false prophets
and the futility of hiding their identity, and the fall of
two elements of the people and salvation of a third element
(a remnant) by purification. The last chapter foretells the
international assault upon Jerusalem in the day of Jeho
vah, the split mount of Olives as a refuge for his people,
Jehovahs undisputed Kingship over the earth, the plague
wherewith he will smite the opposers, and the regular
worship of him year by year by the people and through
his holy temple organization.
Many of Zechariahs prophecies have been fulfilled, and
one-hundred-percent fulfillment of them in major complete
ness is not far distant. For references to Zechariahs proph
ecy in the Greek Scriptures, thus further establishing the
books authenticity, compare Zechariah 8:16 with Ephesians
4:25; Zechariah 9:9 with Matthew 21:4, 5 and John
12:14-16; Zechariah 12:10 with John 19:37; Zechariah
13: 7 with Matthew 26: 31 and Mark 14: 27, showing fulfill
ment of such prophecies in miniature.
Zechariah was faithful to God, and in pursuing that
faithfulness he urged the doing of Gods work even in the
F e b r u a r y 15, 1950
face of imperial ban. Because he remembered Jehovah and prophet will be remembered of Jah, which is the meaning
His service and held fast to integrity toward God, that of the name Zechariah.
MARCH 1, 1950
A Call to P raise ....................................... 67
Misdirected Eulogies ................................. 68
Why Know and Praise Him .................69
Uniting O dr P raises Un iversally _____70
How Do S o? ............................................. 72
In Helpful Association ........................... 73
Facilitating Our Praising Together .... 74
A V isit to Central A m e r ic a ...................76
Letter [Further on Blood Transfusion] 79
F ield E xperience ......................................... 80
A nnouncing M essiah s P resence
T estimony P eriod ............................... 66
W atohtower Studies ..........
M emorial for 1950 ....................................... 66
P u b l is h e d
S e m im o n t h l y
W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
117 A dam s Street
B rook lyn 1, N .Y ., U .S .A .
O f f ic e r s
N. H. K norr, P resid en t
: .
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
o f public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
The new moon nearest the spring equinox in the north temperate
zone determines the first month o f the year according to Jehovahs
decree. (Ex. 12; 1, 2) This year the month Nisan begins at sunset
o f March 19, and hence the fourteenth day o f Nisan would begin
at sundown o f Saturday, April 1, 1950. This agrees with the date
nineteen years previous according to the metonic cycle. That day,
after 6 p.m., Standard Time, would be the correct time for the
annual observance o f Christs death according to his command. At
an appointed hour that night companies, units, and groups o f the
consecrated people o f God should assemble. A fter an opening song
and prayer, some appointed consecrated person, preferably one of
Jehovahs anointed ones, should present extemporaneously or read
a discussion upon the meaning o f the Memorial emblems. Then
prayer should be offered over the emblems and they should be
served, fo r any o f the remnant o f the anointed members o f Christs
body to partake of. The emblems should be unleavened bread and
red wine, to copy our Lords example. All persons o f good-will,
whether consecrated or not, are cordially invited to attend this
significant and blessed celebration, even though they are not
authorized to partake o f the emblems as members o f Christs body.
A fter the Memorial appropriate service announcements for the
group may be made, a closing song sung, and the meeting dismissed
with prayer. A report should be made to the Society o f the entire
number attending at each gathering, and the number o f those
partaking o f the emblems.
M arch
1, 1950
No. 5
Let everything that hath breath praise Jehovah. Praise ye Jehovah.Ps.
Am .8tan.Ver.
EHOVAH, the great Builder of the universe and faithful spirit creatures inhabiting the invisible
the Creator of life, is worthy of praise. For his heavens high above man are not exempt from honor
own pleasure he willingly undertook the burden ing Jehovah God. They must bless and praise God in
of bringing into existence a great mass of orderly proof that they support his universal domination.
creation, visible and invisible. None of this creation The faithful spirit creatures are doing this, for at
exists independently of him, and therefore all crea the birth of Jesus they appeared with the announc
tion has an obligation toward God and must join ing angel and were observed by the God-fearing
in testifying to his supremacy by showing that his shepherds. And suddenly there was with the angel
work is commendable, or else perish. The rapidly a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and
approaching battle of Armageddon makes the matter saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
of praising God increasingly urgent for survival. At peace among men in whom he is well pleased. (Luke
this critical stage of world history it is more than a 2:13,14, Am .Stan.Ver.) Now that Jesus has come
question of what is expedient for us. This is a great since 1914 as King and sits upon his throne of power,
day of decision, and necessity requires us to face the those heavenly hosts are more than ever causing the
facts and decide where we stand on the issue of uni corridors of Gods habitation to resound with his
versal sovereignty. Are we for God and his kingdom praises.Rev. 12:1-12.
of righteousness? Or do we throw in our lot with
3 It would be fatally erroneous to conclude that the
this evil world under Satan its prince, being content necessity of giving God praise is limited to only
with what it provides and supporting its multifarious heavenly creatures. No creature, in the highest estate
schemes for human betterment? We cannot avoid the or in the most humble position, is exempt from the
issue, nor will the shortness of the time allow for us obligation of honoring and glorifying his Maker.
to indefinitely ponder our steps. Only positive action Moreover, it was down here at this earth that the
now in favor of praising Jehovah will guarantee supremacy of God was originally challenged, and so
continued existence, for God is now bringing every it is in the vicinity of this earth that the issue will
thing into final judgment. That which does not reflect shortly finally be settled. Inasmuch as man is created
Gods glory is doomed to destruction.Ps. 9: 7, 8. a little lower than the angels, he is wise in taking his
2 The inspired psalmist had foreknowledge of these cue from the faithful hosts. All inanimate creation
things, and therefore he calls upon everything that shows forth Gods glory, so it is only reasonable that
hath breath to praise Jehovah. So fully did he all living creatures, and outstandingly the intelligent
appreciate creations absolute dependence upon God human creature, should join the rest of creation,
for survival in this day of judgment that he goes including the angels, in declaring Gods adorable
beyond the realm of man and extends his call to qualities and virtues. The psalmist meant to over
praise even into the invisible heavens. In exalted look nothing when calling for praise to God, and so
phrase he sings out: Praise ye Jehovah. Praise ye he turns his attention from the high heavens to this
Jehovah from the heavens: praise him in the heights. earth: Praise Jehovah from the earth, ye seaPraise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his monsters, and all deeps; fire and hail, snow and
host. Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all vapor; stormy wind, fulfilling his word; mountains
ye stars of light. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and all hills; fruitful trees and all cedars; beasts
and ye waters that are above the heavens. Let them and all cattle; creeping things and flying birds; kings
praise the name of Jehovah; for he commanded, and of the earth and all peoples; princes and all judges of
they were created. He hath also established them for the earth; both young men and virgins; old men and
ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not children: let them praise the name of Jehovah; for
pass away. (Ps. 148:1-6, Am. Stan. Ver.) Even the his name alone is exalted; his glory is above the earth
1. Whom must we praise? Why is it increasingly urgent to do so?
2. How far up does the command to praise him extend? Why?
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N. Y.
and the heavens. (Ps. 148:7-13, Am. Stan.Ver.) It to direct mans praise. Instead of praise to God, how
is wise now for man to give serious heed to these ever, the earth rings with the glorifying of creatures.
words, for they mean life. The reason is shown by Men and women who have achieved fame in financial,
another prophet of God, who wrote concerning these political, social, military, religious and athletic fields
last days: Jehovah hath a controversy with the are held constantly in the public eye and are lauded
nations; he will enter into judgment with all flesh: for their works. Without protest from the clergy,
as for the wicked, he will give them to the sword, who indeed often join them, the people continue to
saith Jehovah.Jer. 25:31-33, Am.Stan.Ver.
forsake Gods law. They magnify the prominent and
4In the face of such wholesome admonition, with wise men of this world which lies under the wicked
a prediction of dire consequences for those not heed one, Satan the Devil. (1 John 5 :1 9 ; Matt. 4 :8 ,9 )
ing the call to praise God, one might expect to find The unhappy results that have always come from
a great chorus of voices extolling the Most High, praising men have no retarding influence on this
looking for his salvation. Unhappily, such is not the misdirected worship. Every man glories in his own
case. It is manifest that kings of the earth and all works and in the works of fellow men, whereas the
peoples; princes and all judges of the earth; both apostle Paul advised: He that glorieth, let him glory
young men and virgins; old men and children have in the Lord. (1 Cor. 1:31) Ignored is the wise
not .followed the instructions of the 148th Psalm. declaration that God himself is the one to be praised,
Had they done so, there would not have been two and for good reason, to o : Thou art worthy, 0 Lord,
total world wars in this century with practically all to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast
humankind, young and old, male and female, being created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and
regimented and required to take part in the effort were created. (Rev. 4:11) That includes praise
of the total nation against its enemy. There would from the creature man, who was brought into being
not now confront the nations the perplexing problem for God s pleasure.
7Not only do men join together to give praise to
of how to control the use of atomic energy to prevent
world disaster. The military would not be directing individuals, but nations have joined together in
the scientific effort of every nation toward the setting up a great idol to which they give honor and
development of more efficient instruments of death glory. A United Nations organization, with a world
and destruction. The dread of a cosmic-ray bomb capital, is set forth as the only remedy for the fear
with a thousand times the power of its atomic fore some troubles that now beset the peoples and nations.
runner would not haunt the rulers, nor would they The proverb advises mere man: Boast not thyself
find it necessary to appropriate huge sums to keep of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may
abreast of the field in a world armaments race. No; bring forth ; but global architects heedlessly boast
instead, the total effort of all nations and peoples of a better world of tomorrow through the efforts
would be centered and united on exalting the Lord of the U.N. They predict it will achieve great things
God, whose kingdom by Jesus Christ was brought for suffering humanity, and they call upon the people
forth A.D. 1914 in realization of Bible prophecies. to trust in it and support it. Religious clergy lend
6 So, in the light of Psalm 148, the nations havetheir moral support and look upon it as Gods way
failed in their highest duty. More than ever it is now of ushering in peace. The U.N. has become a graven
clear that the rulers are not the higher powers image that stands for mans power and achievement
ordained of God, and there is no truth to their and it is hailed as the worlds salvation. But it can
claim to rule by the grace of God . According to the never stand alongside of Jehovah God. In the com
facts they certainly do not rule for the glory of ing settlement of the controversy as to who is worthy
God nor as his administrative servants or ministers. of praise, God will not let the glory due him go to
(Rom. 13:1-4) The best interests of the people are any such image. Says he: I am Jehovah, that is my
not served, either, for, true to Jesus prediction for name; and my glory will I not give to another,
these very days, we find mens hearts failing them neither my praise unto graven images.Isa. 42: 8,
Am. Stan. Ver.
for fear, and for looking after those things which
8 The political and religious leaders would do well
are coming on the earth .Luke 21: 26.
to examine the record of past ages to determine
whether like schemes for world salvation met with
6Nevertheless, in the nations of the earth, particu any success. They might with profit note what
larly in Christendom, there is today a great pretense happened in the days following the deluge of Noahs
at praising God. Imposing church buildings and time when men tried to build a super city and a tower
temples are everywhere to be found, with paid clergy that would reach into the heavens, all in an effort to
hold the world together and make for themselves a
4. Have rulers and peoples obeyed this command? What proves it?
5. Whom does this disprove to be the higher powers"? Why so?
6. With whose praises does earth ring? On the part of whom?
M arch 1, 1950
great name. God held to his rule of not allowing his eternal, that they should know thee the only true
praise and glory to go to another. He confounded God, and him whom thou didst send, even Jesus
the would-be builders and reduced their combined Christ. (John 17:3, Am. Stan.Ver.; Rom. 6:23)
efforts to nothing. He has not changed from then No human agency can guarantee as much for you.
till now, and he will not change in future days till When Almighty God shortly goes forth to express
Armageddon in requiring that praise be given to his righteous indignation against this iniquitous,
him. If twentieth-century men persist in idol-build- creature-worshiping world, only the person with
ingj they can expect nothing better upon their efforts unshrinking faith will live because of having Gods
than that which God has decreed: Confounded be pleasure upon him. Men who now worship God aright
all they that serve graven images, that boast them will be hid in the day of the L o rd s anger . (Zeph.
selves of idols. (Ps. 9 7:7) They might with great 2: 3) Therefore you must recognize the truth of the
profit note how God was provoked to anger and prophets words: For great is Jehovah, and greatly
moved with jealousy because of the graven images to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods.
to which Israel gave praise, and how he gave that For all the gods of the peoples are idols: but Jehovah
nation of old over to complete destruction.Ps. made the heavens. From the rising of the sun unto
the going down of the same Jehovahs name is to be
6But the rulers do not prefer to give heed to the praised. (1 Chron. 16:25,26; Ps. 113:3, Am. Stan.
record of history preserved for the learning of those Ver.) You must realize that your eternal destiny
who would be truly wise. (1 Cor. 10:11) Undaunted rests in the hands of God, and therefore you must
by past failures they proceed with their own schemes seek to win Gods favor by praising his name, for
apart from God, at the same time keeping up a pre in his favour is life . Ps. 30: 5.
tense of acknowledging God. The situation in the
11 Make no mistake about the matter! It is the
world is as Isaiah was obliged to describe it: For praising of God that guarantees deliverance and
asmuch as this people draw nigh unto me, and with salvation into the new world of everlasting life.
their mouth and with their lips do honor me, but Unless a man now praises God by confessing his
have removed their heart far from me, and their faith, there is no lasting future for him; and there
fear of me is a commandment of men which hath are no exceptions, either. For it is written, As I
been taught them; therefore, behold, I will proceed live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and
to do a marvellous work among this people, even a every tongue shall confess to God. Look unto me,
marvellous work and a wonder; and the wisdom of and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am
their wise men shall perish, and the understanding God, and there is none else. By myself have I sworn,
of their prudent men shall be hid. (Isa. 29:13,14, the word is gone forth from my mouth in righteous
Am. Stan.Ver.; 1 Cor. 1:19) Jehovah will not be ness, and shall not return, that unto me every knee
served through any political government, nor shall bow, every tongue shall swear. (Rom. 14:11;
through any agency of idol-images. It is by and Isa. 45:22,23, Am. Stan.Ver.) The faithful apostle
through the Kingdom that Jehovah will perfect Paul, then, had Scriptural support when he argued
praise to himself, in heaven and earth, and that that not the praising of men or images but the con
is why the Kingdom is the predominant theme of the fession of praise to God leads to eternal salvation. He
Bible and why Jesus taught Christians to always was uttering the mind of God on the matter when
pray for its coming. Now it stands revealed in he said: With the heart man believeth unto right
heavenly glory, and it will soon command unlimited eousness; and with the mouth confession is made
jurisdiction of this planet earth. So the day is truly unto salvation. (Rom. 10:10) It is inescapable that
here when men must decide whether they will worship all men who live shall bow the knee to Jehovah God
and praise other creatures and images or whether and confess to his supremacy, and they must start
now. When Armageddon breaks over the earth it
they will seek out God and honor him.
will be useless for men to then first start doing these
God-honoring acts, because the judgment of all
10 Being practical, now, Why should an honest andliving men will have been completed and the execu
sincere person seek to know God and praise him? Do tioners will have been given the go-ahead signal. No
you not stand to lose in a world filled with creature- Armageddon deathbed repentance will be acceptable.
praisers, man-made idols and get-rich-quick schemes Therefore it is time to soberly consider the matter
if you take the opposite course of praising God? now while there is yet opportunity.
What is there in it for you? Stated briefly, it means
12 Today a great multitude of persons of all
life for you, not for sixty or seventy years, but for nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues are
years without number. Said Jesus: And this is life offering praise to God in the proper w ay; and their
9. By what agency will God perfect his praise? When?
10. What does it mean for one to know and praise Jehovah? Why so?
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M argh 1, 1950
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12. How does such knowledge acquired and appreciated affect us?
13. Why does responsibility to associate fall on us?
14. How was this need to associate shown in the early church?
15. Why can we not afford to neglect such association together?
B rooklyn, N. Y.
M abch
1, 1950
increasing force: Praise ye Jehovah. Praise God in
his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his
power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him
according to his excellent greatness. . . . Let every
thing that hath breath praise Jehovah. Praise ye
Jehovah. (Ps. 150:1-6, Am. Stan. Ver.) This is no
local call to praise God; it is a universal appeal to
all creation to join in singing Jehovahs praises. All
men that know Jehovah must praise him now, so that
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
New Jersey. There was a very heavy smog over the city that
E D N E S D A Y , November 30, 1949, was the day
morning, and especially over the airfield; but promptly at
that N. H . Knorr, president of the Watch Tower
9 a.m. the airport loudspeakers announced the departure
Bible & Tract Society, and one of his secretaries,
Airlines Flight 501 to Houston, Texas. The
R. E. Morgan, were scheduled to leave New York of
for Eastern
brethren seeing Brother Morgan off wished him the Lords
service tour of the Societys Branch offices and missionary
blessing upon his journey, and within a few minutes the
homes in Central America, also taking in three countries
giant new-type Constellation thundered down the runway
on the northern coast of the South American continent and
and soon disappeared in the haze on its southwesterly
several islands in the Netherlands W est Indies. They were
flight. W ith its pressurized cabin it cruised at an altitude
to attend conventions and give lectures in the principal
of more than 11,000 feet, crossing southeastern United
cities visited during their trip. Preparations for the journey
States at better than 300 miles per hour. Riding was smooth
were interrupted fourteen days prior to the departure date
for the greater portion of the trip. A few minutes before
when Brother Knorr was stricken with an acute attack of
2 p.m. the captain called for seat belts to be fastened, and
appendicitis. It was hoped that the inflammation would
promptly at 2 : 05 the wheels touched down on the Houston
respond to treatment and subside so as to make an operation
unnecessary. However, this was the third attack over a runway. Reservations called for a continuance of the trip
to Mexico City via Pan American W orld Airways at
two-year period and the doctors decided that an operation
3 : 3 0 p.m. But there was a delay of thirty minutes because
was imperative. So at 10 p.m. on November 16 an appen
of repairs being made on the Pan American DC-4. However,
dectomy was performed. This meant, of course, that Brother
not many minutes after 4 p.m. the Clipper Archer was
Knorr would be unable to leave on the journey according
out over the Gulf of Mexico, taking a straight course for
to the itinerary sent to all Branch offices of the Watch
Tower Society in the area to be visited, even though he the capital city of Old Mexico.
was back at his desk and working by November 22, six
days after the operation.
p.m. the lights of Mexico City
Due to the fact that Jehovahs witnesses in these coun
tries were expecting a visit by representatives from the began to appear in the distance. A ll was pitch dark in the
sky above as we flew over the city and circled to the west,
Societys headquarters, and because preparations had
but the brilliance of the multicolored lights below evidenced
already been made for conventions and the advertising of
public meetings to be addressed by Brother Knorr was the fact that Mexico City is a modern city, appearing no
different from the sky at night than any large American
being done, he advised Brother Morgan to continue his
travel arrangements and plan to make the trip by himself city might. The plane settled down smoothly on the runway
of the
on the outskirts of the city. On
from Mexico through to Nicaragua. Brother Morgan would
hand were all the Gilead graduates doing educational work
keep all the speaking appointments and substitute for the
president at the public meetings. Brother Knorr decided in Mexico City, along with some members of the Mexican
Bethel family. They wondered where Brother Knorr was,
that, after allowing several weeks for the incision to heal
as the Mexican office had not received the notification that
sufficiently, he would leave New York on the 17th of
December and spend two days in the first six countries to he would come two weeks later, although they knew Brother
Knorr had been sick. Some thought that a fellow traveler
be visited, finally overtaking Brother Morgan in Costa Rica
getting off the plane with Brother Morgan was one of the
on December 30. In this way Brother Knorr would be able
brethren from Brooklyn Bethel, and they gave that gentle
to handle important matters pertaining to the Kingdom
man as royal a reception and shook his hand as vigorously
work, check Branch offices, discuss problems of expansion
as they did with Brother Morgan. He certainly must have
and those confronting missionary homes, and address the
thought well of Mexican hospitality. It was not until a few
local companies that Brother Morgan had already served;
and at the same time he would not miss visiting and counsel of the reception committee of some thirty or more breth
ren said, W ait for the other brother, that they all learned
ing Gilead graduates in these countries.
Brother Morgan was traveling alone.
Early in the morning of November 30 a group of brethren
A fter all this excitement the group proceeded to the home
from Brooklyn Bethel, including Brother Knorr, who was
of the brethren. There everyone gathered around the dining
by this time feeling quite well and working every day,
room tables to look at the latest pictures of the new Brooklyn
accompanied Brother Morgan to the airport at Newark,
Aeropuerto Central
M arch
1, 1950
they knew it. This was the day Brother Knorr was to arrive.
He got away from New York on time, saying good-bye to
a number of brethren who had come to the airport to see
him off. He was traveling the same route he would have
traveled with Brother Morgan. The weather was, however,
not quite as favorable, for while traveling over the states
of Louisiana and eastern Texas the plane ran into a very
heavy rainstorm and bumpy air. About half the passengers
got sick. Brother Knorr, being a veteran traveler by air,
was not disturbed by the bouncing but he felt very sorry
for the many distressed passengers. He landed in a drench
ing downpour in Houston, Texas. A ll the passengers had
to walk through lakes of water to get to shelter. The plane
was considerably late and the traveler wondered if the
Mexico-bound Pan American plane had waited for the
arrival of this Eastern Airlines flight. In checking with
Pan American it was learned that their plane was late too
and would not leave until 7 p.m. That meant two and a half
hours of waiting around the airport.
Desiring to see some brethren in Houston, Brother Knorr
phoned the company servant, and shortly thereafter about
fifteen brethren came to the airport and spent the time with
him. There were many interesting things to talk about, and
so until they left about 9 : 30 p.m. he certainly appreciated
their company. Conversation made the time fly by rapidly.
Pan American kept postponing their flight 30 minutes at a
time until finally midnight rolled around. One of the engines
of the D C-4 did not run properly and had to be taken apart
two times before they found the trouble. Around 1 2 :1 5 a.m.
the engine was tuned up and sounded as good as the other
three. A ll passengers were on board and they rolled away
through a dense fog. Speeding down the runway it was
possible to see only a few lights that marked the path for
the plane, but within a few minutes they were up in the air
above the clouds, observing the stars of heaven. Tired and
sleepy, the president of the Society slept all the way to
Mexico City, arriving there at 4 : 3 0 in the morning. Pan
American had informed the brethren who had come out to
the airport earlier in the day to meet the plane that it would
not leave Houston until morning. So they gave up and went
home, with the exception of one brother who checked later
in the night and found the plane would arrive between
3 : 30 and 4 : 30 in the morning. So he waited until Brother
Knorr came. It was good to see Brother Teran, a graduate
of Gilead and a native Mexican. The two took a taxi to the
Bethel home and got in without being heard or disturbing
anyone, and they slept well for a few hours in the morning.
Sunday was a busy day, spent talking to graduates of
Gilead school and the Bethel family. Arrangements were
made to talk to two of the Mexico City units at 7 p.m.
and three units at 8 p.m. The first hall was packed out,
with standing room only, and Brother Perez, the servant
in charge, interpreted what Brother Knorr had to say to
the company. He was then rushed by car from one hall to
the other and started talking there at 8 p.m. A t the two
meetings there were 550 persons in attendance. Announce
ment was made at these two meetings that, due to the
number of publishers in Mexico City and the crowded three
halls they were using, the Society would arrange immedi
ately to break up the five units into twelve, establishing
units in all parts of the city so as to make it convenient
B rooklyn, N . Y .
M arch 1, 1950
holes; and here and there one sees a large hole. However,
we were soon at the airport and it seemed as though the
visit was all too brief. Here again the brethren were happy
that the visit was not completely over, because Brother
Knorr was coming in a few days. He arrived on the 20th
of December.
The plane Brother Knorr took out of Mexico City left
promptly and, having a good tail wind, it arrived early at
the Guatemalan airport. He landed and was going through
the customary procedure for entering the country, but none
of the brethren had arrived to meet him. They were all very
much embarrassed when they did arrive and found Brother
Knorr already there. A ll were very cheerful, though, and
one would think from the joy they all expressed that a
convention was on in full force. They had planned a meet
ing for that night. A ll the people of good-will had been
invited. So there was arranging of chairs at the Kingdom
Hall to be done; and we were delighted to see that 225
persons turned out. The subject discussed was the yeartext,
Preach the word, and it was pointed out how important
it is for the brethren to prepare to be on their own. They
should not work just because the Society had a Branch
office there, or a missionary home; but each person in the
truth should be ready to continue should all be scattered as
the brethren in Jerusalem were when persecution became
heavy against the early church. A ll should be ready to
preach the word everywhere. W hile there has been no
opposition to the preaching in Guatemala, and the message
is received well, it must be expected that the Devil will
bring pressure to bear from some source to disturb the
tranquillity of the organization.
There were many problems to discuss with regard to
the Branch and the work yet to be done in Guatemala. There
are more than 3 million people in the country, and at the
present time there are 188 publishers on the average, with
a peak of 218 last year. However, expansion is very notice
able in Guatemala, for at the time of the last visit there
were only twenty-five publishers on the average in the whole
country. That was three and one-half years ago. Plans were
made this time to send more Gilead graduates to Guatemala,
probably ten to work in other cities. And the graduates of
Gilead now in the country are going to work not only towns
they are in, but on specified days in certain months they
will move out into some of the villages to see what can be
done to establish companies. More visits will be made by
the Branch servant to the four companies already estab
lished, and to a number of isolated brethren. There is a lot
to do in Guatemala and the brethren are anxious to do it.
A fter spending two happy days in Guatemala, the president
of the Society was on his way to San Salvador, following
the route his secretary had taken.
October 28, 1949
Dear Madam:
Answering yours of the 14th instant re blood transfusion:
The method of giving blood transfusions today may not
follow the normal human procedure as when slaughterhouse
men drink the warm blood of animals they have killed or
B rooklyn, N . Y .
A young Catholic mother sent a letter to W B B R , request
ing more information. I received the letter from the station
and made the call. She had lost her only son of ten years
of age through drowning, but when she sought comfort
from her priest she was told his death was a judgment from
God for her not having been a good Catholic. She had
implored the priest to spare her son the fire of purgatory,
but to no avail. Frantic, unable to eat or sleep, she contem
plated suicide. Then by chance she tuned in on W B B R .
She heard of a new world of peace without death, she heard
of the dead being asleep, resting until a resurrection, when
God would bring them back again to a cleansed earth. Hope
Jehovahs Kingdomfjp
0(1 j\i f
lnJfl *
S emimonthly
MARCH 15, 1950
F earless at the W orld s E n d ............
Causes fo r Fear; How to Be Met ....
T he W ay to R emain F earless to the
F inal E nd ........................................
Effects o f Accepting T r u th ................
Fear o f God P r o p e r..............................
A Modem Example o f Fearlessness ..
Rewards o f Being Fearless at the
W orlds End ......................................
E l S alvador and the H onduran
Co u n tries ..........................................
L etters [Absence o f Prayer at Public
Meetings! also, Attending Funerals
and Marriages W here?] ................
F ield E xperience ....................................
A nnouncing M essiah s P resence
T estimony P eriod ..........................
W atchtower S tudies .........................
M emorial for 1950 ..............
W T B . &T.5.
P u b l is h e d
Se m im o n t h l y
W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
1 1 7 A dam s Street
Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S .A .
O fficers
N. II. K norr, P resid en t
G rant S uiter, S e cr eta r y
A n d all thy children shall be taught o f Jehovah; and
great shall be the peace o f th y children. * Isa ia h 3 4 : 1 3 .
THAT JEHOVAH Is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son of God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon i t ; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head of Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new world; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members of Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD o f Satan began its time of the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.
April closes the 1950 campaign o f taking subscriptions fo r the
W a tch to w er magazine. This final month has been set aside as
Announcing Messiahs Presence Testimony Period and will be
a month o f special effort and activity world-wide in this behalf.
When first published in July, 1879, our magazine was called
Zions Watch Tower and Herald o f Christs Presence . It is still
a herald o f the invisible presence o f Christ or Messiah, with more
proof of this now than ever before since 1914. Very fittingly, then,
subscriptions for T he W a tch to w e r are to be taken during the
Testimony Period thus designated. For each subscription for a
year at the regular rate o f $1.00 a set o f 8 booklets is to be
given as a premium. Where people are already subscribers fo r
The W a tch to w e r , they may be offered, instead, our companion
magazine A iv a k e ! but without the booklet premium. W e should
like this twelfth W a tch to w e r campaign to realize a peak o f sub
scriptions. I f you are in favor o f that, join us in the campaign.
Write us, should you need any assistance to that end. Each ones
report will enhance the world-wide total. So submit your report
on our form for such.
Week o f April 30: Fearless at the W orlds End,
1-13 inclusive, also The W ay to Remain Fearless
to the Final End ,
1-9 inclusive, T h e W a tc h to w e r March 15, 1950.
Week o f May 7 : The W ay to Remain Fearless to the Final End,
10-30 inclusive, T he W a tc h to w e r March 15, 1950.
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
M arch
15, 1950
EHOVAH caused the record to be made that in try to intimidate and if possible bring fear so that
the closing days of this old world there would be they will desist from spreading light. Such conduct
many tribulations, great evils committed, in by those of this world often causes much surprise to
creased oppressions, sorrows multiplied, and an all- the peaceful servants of the only light. They find it
pervading sense of uncertainty and insecurity would hard to understand until they call to mind what Jesus
rest on the people. Trouble upon trouble has come said concerning such experiences: Happy are ye,
upon this generation, until many wonder just what whensoever they may reproach you and persecute
will come next. Great fear has overtaken the earths you and say every evil thing against you falsely for
inhabitants. They know some great catastrophe is my sake: rejoice and exult, because your reward is
impending and that they are powerless to stop it. great in the heavens; for so persecuted they the
Terrible disasters have already taken place and more prophets who were before you. Matt. 5:11, Roth.
are yet to follow. Amid all this the faithful Christians
3 The thousands of good-will persons now receiving
are the objects of intense universal hatred, and the light have not been accustomed to ill-treatment.
yet they are counseled not to be discouraged or Sometimes they question the advisability of continu
frightened. Concerning the time of the end of this ing if such treatment is to be meted out to them, for
world, in which we have been since A.D. 1914, their it is one thing to learn the good things of Jehovahs
Master said: And when you hear of wars and dis holy Word and the marvelous blessings in the future
turbances, do not be scared; these have to come first, through the new world, but an entirely different
but the end is not at once. (Luke 2 1 : 9 , Moffatt) And thing to meet up with the worlds disapproval, scorn,
previous to that prophecy he had said to them: Fear ridicule and persecution. Nevertheless, the dis
not, you little flock, for your Fathers delight is to pleasure of the Most High God will be made mani
give you the Realm, that is, the Kingdom.Luke fest if we shirk responsibilities because of fear. The
12:32, Moff.
fear of man bringeth a snare; but whoso putteth
2 This present evil world is in opposition tohis trust in Jehovah shall be safe. Many seek the
Almighty Jehovah, and always has been, and there rulers favor; but a mans judgment cometh from
is no hope of its ever coming into harmony with Gods Jehovah. (Prov. 29:25,26, Am. Stan. Ver.) A
perfect will. Ignorance of the Most High God is mighty work has to be performed before this old
everywhere; a dense, mental darkness blankets world is destroyed. No time is this for hesitation,
humankind, obscuring the knowledge of Jehovah. timidity or fearfulness, but a time for going forward.
Only the faithful footstep followers of Jesus Christ This is a time for courageous action and marvelous
know Jehovah. Truly darkness covereth the earth, expansion on the part of all true servants of God.
and deep gloom the peoples, but on thee beameth The whole world and the invisible evil powers are
[Jehovah], and his glory on thee is seen . (Isa. 60: 2, exerting every effort to prevent this prosperity.
Rotherham) Into the darkness of this world the light Every expression of hatred is being and will be
must penetrate to open the blind eyes, revealing the raised to create barriers, but such obstacles will not
knowledge of the glory of God and of his beloved succeed. No weapon that is formed against thee
King-Son to earths millions, showing the pathway shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise
to life and offering comfort and peace. Darkness is against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. (Isa.
the antithesis of light. It is no wonder, then, that all 54:17, Am. Stan. Ver.) Such promises are for the
manner of evil things are said about the light-bearers heritage o f diligent, fearless servants of Jehovah
for their discouragement. Threats are made by the God.
workers of darkness against the children of light to
4 Today his mouthpieces have to speak God s Word
1. Who are today in fear, and who are not so, and why?
2. Who now bear the light? Why Is It attempted to frighten them?
3, 4. However, what is this a time for? and why that with confidence?
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
M arch
15, 1950
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
10. How must the strong not act toward the weak? Why not?
11, 12. How must the strong act toward the weak, and why?
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
M arch
15, 1950
17. Does fearing him make us enemies, or how does it affect us?
18, 19. Where was it said God is a devouring fire? How is he such?
B rooklyn,
N .Y .
22. What is the full force of "fear , that is, fear of Jehovah?
23. Is fear of him opposed to love? Why is that?
24. Since when has our fearlessness specially been shown? How?
25. Under what developments and how did God become very real to them ?
26. How were faith in him and love toward him strengthened in us?
M akch
15, 1950
29. Despite world trouble why is the lot of His fearers blessed?
30. What Joy Is set before us, and what final exhortation given?
M arch
15, 1950
S a tu r d a y m o r n in g , D e c e m b e r 17, B r o t h e r M o r g a n b id
adios to the b r e th r e n in S a n S a lv a d o r a n d b o a r d e d a D C -3
f o r th e 5 5 -m in u te flig h t to T e g u c ig a lp a , H o n d u r a s . T h is
p r o v e d to be a r o u g h t r ip , n o d o u b t d u e to a ir cu r r e n ts
crea ted b y th e e x tr e m e ly m o u n ta in o u s te r r a in b e lo w . T h e
ca p ta in o r d e r e d seat b e lts fa s te n e d a ll th e w a y , f o r th e sh ip
w as tossed a r o u n d lik e a fe a th e r . A s it h ea v ed to a n d fr o ,
som e o f th e p a ssen g ers d id lik ew ise. I t w as g o o d to settle
d o w n o n the r o c k -s tr e w n a irfie ld at T e g u c ig a lp a a n d fe e l
the solid n ess o f te r r a firm a a g a in . B r o t h e r B u r t a n d seven
o f the elev en G ile a d g ra d u a te s p r e s e n tly in H o n d u r a s w e re
th ere a t th e a ir p o r t to m eet th e v is ito r fr o m N e w Y o r k ,
a n d so w e re m a n y o f th e lo c a l p u b lish e rs. S o o n th e e n tire
g r o u p w as h ea d ed b a ck to w a r d th e c it y in th e b u s th a t h a d
been r e n te d f o r th e o cca s io n . T h e r e m a in in g h o u rs b e fo r e
n oon w e re s p e n t in n e ce ssa ry fo r m a lit ie s w ith th ree d iffe r e n t
d e p a rtm e n ts o f th e g o v e r n m e n t so th a t B r o th e r M o r g a n s
p a ssp o rt a n d p a p e r s w o u ld b e in o r d e r f o r h is d e p a r tu r e
fr o m the c o u n t r y a fe w d a y s la ter.
T h is w as a b ig w eek -en d f o r th e b r e th r e n in H o n d u r a s .
F r id a y h a d m a rk e d th e b e g in n in g o f th e first g e n e ra l c o n
v e n tio n ev e r h e ld in th a t c o u n t r y . B r e th r e n fr o m a ll sev en
co m p a n ie s in th e la n d w e re in T e g u c ig a lp a , a n d m a n y
isola ted p u b lis h e rs w e re h ere too. T h is re p re s e n te d a b ig
e ffo rt f o r m a n y o f th e b r e th r e n , b u t th e y h a d p la n n e d f o r
th is occa sio n . T w e n ty -e ig h t p u b lis h e r s cam e fr o m on e co m
p a n y b y a ir to th e c a p ita l, a n d som e o f th em h a d n e v e r
flow n b e fo r e . O n e b r o th e r s o ld th e fa m ily c o w in o r d e r to
g et su fficien t fu n d s f o r th e t r ip . O th e rs w a lk e d .
T h e in h a b ita n ts o f T e g u c ig a lp a w e re s ta r tle d to see J e h o
va h s w itn esses a d v e r tis in g w ith p la c a r d s f o r th e first tim e,
and the b re th re n h ad se v e ra l in te r e s tin g e x p e rie n ce s as th e y
w a lk ed a b o u t th e streets. O n e padre" fo llo w e d a sister
a lo n g th e street, d is c o u r a g in g p a s s e rs -b y a n d b y s ta n d e r s
fr o m a c c e p tin g h a n d b ills a d v e r tis in g th e p u b lic le ctu re ,
th o u g h he h a d a h a n d b ill in h is o w n h a n d . O n e g e n tle m a n
re m in d e d th e padre th a t i f he, th e padre, c o u ld tak e
a h a n d b ill th en th ere seem ed to b e n o rea son w h y o th ers
c o u ld n o t take th em . W it h th a t th e c le r g y m a n r ip p e d u p
the in v ita tio n . S u ch in te r fe r e n c e d id n o t s to p p e o p le fr o m
a tte n d in g th e p u b lic m e e tin g . O n S u n d a y m o r n in g a t
10 o c lo c k th ere w ere 511 p e rs o n s in th e th e a te r to h e a r
L ib e r t y to th e C a p tiv e s . T h is w a s the la r g e s t p u b lic m eet
in g ev e r h eld in H o n d u r a s b y J e h o v a h s w itn esses. T h a t
a ft e r n o o n elev en n ew w itn esses w e re b a p tiz e d in th e R io
G ra n d e r iv e r a b o u t a m ile o u t o f to w n , to w h ic h p la c e a ll
th e b re th re n w a lk ed . O n e p e rso n , a tra n s ie n t w h o h ad
ta lk ed to o n e o f J e h o v a h s w itn esses j u s t a fe w d a y s b e fo r e
a n d w h o h a d th en a tte n d e d a ll session s o f th e c o n v e n tio n ,
w as a m o n g th ose b a p tiz e d . H e is a n x io u s to le a r n e v e r y th in g
he ca n n o w so th a t he to o c a n jo i n in th e p r e a c h in g , a n d
so he ask ed i f h e m ig h t h a v e a B ib le s t u d y in h is hom e.
T h e r e w e re o th e r p la ce s to be v is ite d in H o n d u r a s , w h ere
g r a d u a te s o f G ile a d are w o r k in g , a lo n g w ith oth ers o f the
L o r d s p e o p le w h o w e re u n a b le to com e to th e g e n e ra l c o n
v e n tio n at th e c a p ita l. S o on M o n d a y a ft e r n o o n th e B r a n c h
se r v a n t a n d B r o t h e r M o r g a n b o a r d e d a T A C A p la n e f o r
S a n P e d r o S u la , a c it y ly in g n o rth w e s t o f th e ca p ita l.
M o n d a y e v e n in g w itn essed th e g a th e r in g o f 92 b reth ren
a n d p e rso n s o f g o o d -w ill at th e K in g d o m H a ll lo c a te d in
th e m is s io n a r y h om e w h ere tw o g ra d u a te s o f G ile a d liv e.
T h e lo c a l b r e th r e n w e re h a p p y w ith th e tu r n o u t. R ig h t
n e x t d o o r to th e m is s io n a r y h om e is a r a d io sta tion w h ich
g r a n ts fr e e tim e to J e h o v a h s w itn esses each w eek. T h e
m ission a ries p u t o n som e v e r y in te r e s tin g p r o g r a m s . San
P e d r o S u la is h ot, a n d it r a in s a g r e a t d ea l, b u t th e L o r d
is b lessin g the e ffo r ts o f th e b r e th r e n in p r e a c h in g th e
g o s p e l th ere.
T u e s d a y a ft e r n o o n th e tw o b r e th r e n tr a v e le d to L a C eiba,
a c it y o n the co a st d ir e c t ly n o r th o f T e g u c ig a lp a . E n ro u te
th e p la n e s to p p e d a t P u e r t o C o rte z a n d T e la . A s w e a p
p r o a c h e d L a C e ib a w e sa w th a tc h e d r o o fs o f th e hom es
b e lo w a n d g r e a t field s o f b a n a n a trees. T h e n o r th coa st
o f H o n d u r a s is fin e b a n a n a c o u n t r y , a n d th e fr u it com p a n ies
p r o v id e a b o u t th e o n ly m ea n s o f e m p lo y m e n t f o r th e p o p u
la tio n . T h a t e v e n in g th e th ree G ile a d g r a d u a te s w h o h ave
w o r k e d in L a C eib a f o r a b o u t s ix m o n th s w ere p lea sed to
see 41 p e rso n s a t th e m e e tin g . T e n o f these p e rso n s are
n o w p u b lish e rs, a n d a c o m p a n y o f J e h o v a h s w itn esses is
b e in g o rg a n iz e d . M a n y o f th e p e o p le o f g o o d -w ill le a r n in g
o f th e tr u th h ere a re a c tiv e in th e lo c a l ch u r ch e s, a n d som e
w e re tr o u b le d b y th e w a r n in g o f th e c le r g y th a t J e h o v a h s
w itn esses w o u ld ju s t sell as m a n y b ook s as p ossib le a n d then
lea v e f o r a n o th e r tow n . B u t th e y w e re a ssu red th a t J e h o
v a h s w itn esses w ere in L a C eib a to s ta y a n d th a t th e y
w ere fo r m in g a p e r m a n e n t c o m p a n y o r g a n iz a tio n f o r tru e
w o r s h ip in th a t c it y . T h ese n e w p e o p le w ere in te re ste d in
h e a r in g a b o u t th e S o c ie ty s w o r k t h r o u g h o u t th e w o r ld , as
w e ll as c o n s id e r in g th e re s p o n s ib ilitie s o f J e h o v a h s w it
nesses in L a C eib a to p r o c la im th e tr u th . W o r k in g h ere is
n o t easy, b u t th e b r e th r e n a re e n th u s e d w ith th e p r o s p e c ts
f o r e x p a n sio n .
T h e p a th s o f B r o t h e r M o r g a n a n d B r o t h e r K n o r r crossed
o n S a tu r d a y th e 2 4 th o f D e c e m b e r . T h e p la n e th a t the
p r e s id e n t o f th e S o c ie ty ca m e in o n a t T e g u c ig a lp a w as
th e sam e p la n e B r o th e r M o r g a n w as to le a v e o n f o r N ic a
ra g u a , he h a v in g a lr e a d y v is ite d B r itis h H o n d u r a s and
H o n d u r a s . F o r ten m in u te s th e y d iscu ssed m a tte rs p e r ta in
in g to th e c o u n tr ie s v is ite d , a n d th e n B r o t h e r M o r g a n w as
on th e w a y to N ic a r a g u a . B r o t h e r K n o r r w a s to s ta y an d
d e c id e o n m a tters r e la tiv e t o th e B r a n c h a n d m ission a ry
h om e. H e re c a lle d b e in g th ere in 1946 w h e n th e w o r k w as
r e a lly ju s t b e g in n in g , w h e n seven g ra d u a te s o f G ile a d had
b e e n sen t in th ere to o rg a n iz e th in g s f o r p r e a c h in g the
g o sp e l. B r o th e r B u r t h a d been t r a n s fe r r e d fr o m C osta R ica
t o T e g u c ig a lp a , a n d o th e r in e x p e r ie n c e d m ission a ries w ere
sen t to th e c a p ita l c it y to assist in th e o r g a n iz a tio n w ork .
D u r in g th e y e a r 1946 th ere w a s an a v e ra g e o f o n ly 19 p u b
lis h e rs in the field , tw e lv e o f these b e in g c o m p a n y p u b lish ers.
1947 s a w th e w o r k m o re th a n d o u b le , r e a c h in g 45 p u b lish e rs
f o r th e y e a r . T h e n 1948 sa w a la r g e in crea se, th e p u b lish e rs
ju m p i n g to 119. A g a in in th is la st serv ice y e a r th e y m ore
B rooklyn,
th a n d o u b le d in n u m b e r o f p u b lish e rs, b r in g in g th e tota l
u p to 246. T h is m ea n s th e y h a v e h a d an in cre a se o f m ore
th an 100 p e r c e n t in ea ch o f th e la st f o u r y e a rs . S o H o n d u r a s
has p r o v e d to b e a n e x c e lle n t Held f o r th e a d v a n c e m e n t o f
K in g d o m in terests.
O n S a tu r d a y e v e n in g a t th e K in g d o m H a ll, w h ic h is
situ a ted in th e m is s io n a r y h om e, 66 b r e th r e n a tte n d e d th e
ta lk d e liv e r e d b y B r o t h e r K n o r r . T h e b r e th r e n h ere, as in
o th e r c o u n trie s , m u st be p r e a c h e r s o f th e W o r d , e v e r y
in d iv id u a l b e in g on h is o w n as a m in is te r o f the g o sp e l.
J e h o v a h s w itn esses a re n o t in th is w o r k b eca u se som eon e
else is d o in g i t ; th e y a re in it b eca u se th e y h a v e a c c e p te d
the r e s p o n s ib ilit y o f p r e a c h in g th e W o r d in th e p resen ce
o f J e h o v a h G o d a n d in the p re s e n ce o f h is S on , a n d a t the
tim e o f C h rist s secon d a p p e a r in g a n d th e s e ttin g u p o f his
k in g d o m . W h ile m ost o f these b re th re n h a v e been in th e
tru th f o r o n ly a y e a r o r so, th e y are b e g in n in g to a p p r e
cia te th e r e s p o n s ib ilit y th e L o r d has p la c e d u p o n th em a n d
h ow th e y m u st a lw a y s re m a in fa it h fu l in o r d e r to g a in
etern a l life .
U p p e r m o s t in th e m issio n a rie s m in d s w a s h o w th e y m ig h t
e x p a n d d u r in g 1950. A f t e r c o n s id e r in g th e c o n d itio n s in
the c o u n t r y a n d th e p r o s p e c ts o f th e fu t u r e , it w a s b e lie v e d
best to a d d m o re m issio n a rie s to th e p re s e n t h om es a n d o p e n
a n ew h om e as soon as p ossib le in a n o th e r c it y . T h e re are
a lo t o f sm a ll v illa g e s o f fr o m tw o to fiv e th o u sa n d p erson s
th a t w ill a lso h a v e to be re a c h e d b y a g g re ssiv e , y o u n g
m ission a ries w h o w ill b e a b le to r o u g h it . I t is h o p e d
th a t b y the tim e th e y e a r is o v e r p e n e tr a tio n w ill h a v e been
m ade in to o th e r p a r ts o f th e c o u n t r y w ith th e K in g d o m
m essage.
W h ile th e m is s io n a r y h om e in T e g u c ig a lp a is a b e a u tifu l
p la ce a n d v e r y c o m fo r ta b le , it is b e lie v e d to be in th e w r o n g
p a r t o f th e c it y to b r in g a b o u t m u ch m o re a d v a n ce m e n t in
th a t te r r ito r y . I n s tr u c tio n s w e re g iv e n to th e B r a n c h se rv a n t
to m ov e th e m is s io n a r y h om e in to th e h e a rt o f T e g u c ig a lp a .
I t is n o w on th e o u tsk irts o f th e c it y . A sm a ll K in g d o m H a ll
situ a ted in th a t d is t r ic t w ill tak e ca re o f w h a te v e r g o o d
in te re st has been d e v e lo p e d a r o u n d th e h om e. T h e p u b lic
m e e tin g o f a w eek p r e v io u s d e m o n stra te d th a t th e re is a
lo t o f in te re st in th e c it y , a n d b e tte r a tte n tio n c a n b e g iv e n
th is in te re st i f the h om e a n d K in g d o m H a ll a re m o re c o n
v e n ie n t to th e p e o p le .
A f t e r a tt e n d in g th e E n g lis h Watchtower s tu d y a n d th e
S p a n ish La Atalaya s tu d y on S u n d a y , a n d ta lk in g o v e r
p r o b le m s w ith th e m ission a ries, B r o t h e r K n o r r s v e r y
p lea sa n t sta y w ith th is g r o u p cam e to a close. M o n d a y
m o r n in g he w as o n h is w a y to S a n P e d r o S u la to v is it fo u r
o th e r g ra d u a te s o f G ile a d a n d d iscu ss th e ir w o r k w ith th em .
G e ttin g a w a y a t 8 : 30 in th e m o r n in g o f th e 2 6 th , th e p la n e
la n d e d a t P r o g r e s o , a fe w m iles a w a y fr o m S a n P e d r o S u la.
I n a fe w m in u te s it w a s ta k in g o ff a g a in , s k im m in g th e
tr e e to p s o f th e b a n a n a p la n ta tio n s a n d th e cle a n little c it y
o f L a L im a o n th e w a y to S a n P e d r o S u la , w h ere it la n d e d
fiv e m in u te s la ter. T h e d a y w a s s p e n t w ith the m ission a ries
in th e ir h om e, a n d at 3 : 3 0 in th e a ft e r n o o n m a n y o f the
c o m p a n y p u b lis h e r s o f S an P e d r o S u la a n d L a L im a cam e
to the a ir p o r t to see B r o t h e r K n o r r o ff to B r itis h H o n d u r a s .
M o re th a n th ir t y b r e th r e n h a d c o m e to sa y h ello, r e g r e tt in g
v e r y m u ch th a t h e h a d b e e n u n a b le to be a t th e ir c o n v e n tio n
in T e g u c ig a lp a .
N. Y.
r ig h t to th e K in g d o m
H a ll. B r o th e r
M arch
15, 1950
K n o r r d id n o t h a v e o p p o r t u n it y t o sp ea k to th em a t the
a ir p o r t, so th e y assem b led in th e K in g d o m H a ll f o r a fe w
m in u tes a n d B r o th e r K n o r r ta lk e d to th em in th e la te a ft e r
n o o n . I t w as a g r e a t p le a s u re to g r e e t som e w h o h a d been
th ere o n his fo r m e r v isits, a n d a lso to see m a n y n e w fa ce s,
a n d w ish th em w ell.
T h e e v e n in g w a s sp e n t in th e m is s io n a r y h om e ta lk in g
o v e r th e p ro b le m s, o f w h ic h th ere w e re m a n y . O n e o f th e
g re a t p r o b le m s is th a t o f im p r e s s in g o n th e m in d s o f th e
p u b lish e rs th e ir re s p o n s ib ilitie s . M a n y n ew p u b lis h e r s w a n t
to serv e th e L o r d b u t th e y d o n o t a p p r e c ia te c o n s e c r a tio n
an d th e n e ce s s ity o f s y m b o liz in g it. I t ta k es g r e a t p a tie n ce
o n the p a r t o f m issio n a rie s to k e e p a ft e r th e n ew in terest.
B u t th en th e L o r d is p a tie n t w ith a ll o f h is p e o p le in these
last d a y s o f th is o ld w o r ld . A n d w e m u st b e p a tie n t, too.
I n som e la n d s in d iv id u a ls a p p r e c ia te th e ir p r iv ile g e o f
serv ice m o re q u ic k ly th an in o th e r p la ce s. T h e n , to o , m a n y
p e o p le a re ste e p e d in th e h a b its o f th is o ld w o r ld a n d its
r e lig io u s id ea s a n d it is h a r d f o r th em to ch a n g e in so sh o r t
a tim e. T h e b r e th r e n a re n o t d is c o u r a g e d b u t th e y n eed ed
co u n s e l a n d w e re w o n d e r in g h o w m issio n a rie s h a n d le d
the sam e situ a tio n in o th e r la n d s. P a tie n c e a n d lo v e f o r the
p e o p le o f th e la n d in w h ic h y o u w o r k is th e a n sw e r to the
p rob lem . W e m u st a lw a y s re c o g n iz e th a t p e o p le h a v e th e ir
o w n w a y o f li fe a n d h a v e fo r m e d h a b its o v e r ce n tu r ie s o f
tim e, a n d som e o f th e th in g s th e y d o a n d th e w a y th e y
th in k a re in b r e d in th em . B r itis h H o n d u r a n s are s lo w to
take o n n ew id ea s, a n d it tak es re a l p a tie n c e t o c o n v in c e
th em . H o w e v e r , th e b r e th r e n h a v e h a d g o o d re su lts a n d
th ere are n o w m o r e p e o p le p r o c la im in g th e m essage o f th e
K in g d o m th an e v e r b e fo r e in B r itis h H o n d u r a s .
I n a d d itio n to th e m is s io n a r y p r o b le m s th ere a re o th e r
th in g s to c o n te n d w ith . B e liz e has n o r u n n in g w a te r f u r
n ish e d to th e h om es b y a c it y w a te r s u p p ly . E v e r y h om e
m u st h ave its o w n w o o d e n o r c o n c r e te ta n k , a n d d u r in g
th e r a in y season d r a in w a te r o ff th e r o o f a n d store it f o r
la te r use. B u t th ese p r o b le m s a re m et, a lo n g w ith the m a rk e t
in g p r o b le m a n d th e m o d e o f tr a v e l, w h ic h a re d iffe re n t
fr o m w h a t th e m issio n a rie s w e re u s e d t o in th e U n ite d
S tates. A c c u s t o m in g o n e s e lf to c o n d itio n s , as a ll m ission a ries
m u st d o in th e ir c o u n t r y , is im p o r ta n t to s u c c e s s fu l serv ice
a n d e n jo y a b le liv in g . I t w as in d e e d g o o d to see th e s p le n d id
a tten d a n ce a t th e e v e n in g m e e tin g . T h e m issio n a rie s in v ite d
th eir p e o p le o f g o o d -w ill a n d , to th e ir s u rp ris e , 111 p erson s
cam e to h e a r B r o t h e r K n o r r ta lk o n P r e a c h th e W o r d .
T h e r e s p o n s ib ilit y o f b e in g a m in is te r h ere w as p u t sq u a r e ly
u p to the c o n g r e g a tio n assem b led . G o d s la w s a p p ly to a ll
p e o p le re g a rd le s s o f la n d , e d u c a tio n o r cu stom s. G o d s law s
n e v e r ch a n g e. A l l in d iv id u a ls m u st a c c o m m o d a te th em selves
to these la w s a n d a d ju s t th e ir liv e s to be in h a r m o n y w ith
J e h o v a h s p u rp o se s.
th e y
s h o u ld
tak e th e se lfsa m e
ta x i
com e o u t
im m e d ia te ly . S ix b r e th r e n h a p p e n e d to be a t h om e, d o in g
th e ir w a s h in g a n d cle a n in g . S o th e y h u r r ie d ly c h a n g e d , an d
a v e r y e n jo y a b le v is it w a s h a d f o r tw o h ou rs, in c lu d in g a
d in n e r to g e th e r a t th e a ir p o r t . T h e tim e w as w e ll sp en t.
A i r tr a v e l is a little u n c e r ta in . Y o u are n o t a lw a y s su re
w h e re y o u a re g o in g to la n d . B u t y o u e v e n tu a lly g e t w h ere
y o u are g o in g .
S h o r t ly b e fo r e 1 p .m . th e p la n e ca m e in a n d , a ft e r s a y in g
g o o d -b y e , B r o t h e r K n o r r w as o n h is w a y to T e g u c ig a lp a ,
w h ere a ll th e m ission a ries w e re c o m in g o u t to m eet h im ,
b e lie v in g he w o u ld be on th a t p la n e . A n d so th e p re sid e n t
o f th e S o c ie t y h a d th e p le a su re o f ta lk in g to th em f o r
fifte e n m in u te s b e fo r e g o in g o n to M a n a g u a .
N o v e m b e r 17, 1949
D ear B ro th e r:
A n s w e r in g y o u r q u e r y o f th e 9 th in s ta n t r e g a r d in g th e a b
sen ce o f p r a y e r in o p e n in g a n d c lo s in g o u r p u b lic m e e tin g s :
I t is ce r ta in th a t th e p u b lic d oes n o t co m e to o u r p u b lic
le c tu r e s in o u r K in g d o m H a ll o r elsew h ere to h ea r u s p r a y ,
b u t d o co m e to h e a r th e a d v e r tis e d s u b je c t sp o k e n u p o n b y
th e sp e a k e r a n n o u n c e d as co m p e te n t to h a n d le it. O u r
E x e m p la r J e s u s h e ld m a n y p u b lic lectu re s, b u t th ere is n o
r e c o r d th a t he o p e n e d o r clo se d a n y o f th em w ith p r a y e r .
T h e re is n o B ib le r e c o r d th a t h e o p e n e d u p th e serm on on
th e m o u n t w ith p r a y e r , o r th ose o p e n -a ir le c tu r e s a ft e r
w h ich h e fe d th e m u ltitu d e , first th e 5 ,0 0 0 a n d th en th e
4 ,0 0 0 . B u t th ere is a r e c o r d th a t w h en he th u s f e d th e
m u ltitu d e s he d id o ffe r p r a y e r o f th a n k s g iv in g to G o d b e fo r e
b r e a k in g th e b r e a d a n d fish a n d d is t r ib u tin g th e p ie ce s to
th e h u n g r y c r o w d s . A n d these le c tu r e s , m in d y o u , w ere
p u b lic g a th e r in g s o f p r a c t ic a lly a ll J e w s w h o a lr e a d y
b e lie v e d in J e h o v a h G o d . B u t in o u r ca se t o d a y w e a d v e r
tise o u r p u b lic le c t u r e s as o p e n to a ll p e o p le s, w h e th e r
n o m in a lly C a th o lic , P r o te s ta n t, J e w , s k e p tic, ath eist, o r o f
th e m a n y p a g a n re lig io n s . S u r e ly th ose o f th e p u b lic w h o
a re n o t o f the C h ris tia n fa ith d o n o t tu r n o u t to o u r m eet
in g s in o r d e r to jo i n w ith u s in p r a y e r to o u r G o d , b u t s o le ly
to h ea r th e sp eech w h ich is th e d r a w in g fe a tu r e . S o w e g iv e
th em th a t a n d d o n o t th in k to im p o se u p o n th em b y a tta c h
in g so m e th in g else to th e le c t u r e w h ic h m ig h t o ffe n d o r
stu m b le th em b e fo r e th e y h ea r th e sp e e ch th e y ca m e fo r .
T h e a p o stle P a u l, a t 1 C o rin th ia n s , c h a p te r 14, sa y s C h r is
tia n s s h o u ld o ffe r p r a y e r a t th e ir o w n m e e tin g s in a la n g u a g e
to be u n d e r s to o d in o r d e r th a t th e h ea rers m ig h t be a b le to
sa y A m e n ! a t its close. B u t w e sh o u ld n o t e x p e c t a n y n o n C h ristia n p u b lic to jo i n in a n y p r a y e r i f o ffe r e d a t a p u b lic
m e e tin g a n d th en sa y A m e n ! w ith u s at th e close. O u r b r e th
re n are o ffe r in g p u b lic le c tu r e s in m a n y p a g a n la n d s, a n d
i f it w o u ld b e im p o s in g u p o n th e p a g a n p u b lic to o ffe r o u r
p r a y e r s b e fo r e w e le t th em h e a r o u r p u b lic m essage, th en
the sam e r u le o u g h t to a p p ly e v en in C h ris te n d o m . B e ca u se
th e m essage is f o r th e p u b lic to tu n e in on , p r a y e r is lik e
w ise n o t o ffe r e d o v e r th e S o c ie t y s r a d io sta tion W B B R .
B u t th is d o e s n o t m ea n p r a y e r is n e v e r o ffe r e d in b e h a lf o f
all su ch p u b lic m eetin g s. I t is, p r iv a te ly , b y th ose p r o m o tin g
a n d s u p p o r t in g th e p u b lic le c tu r e c a m p a ig n . T h a t suffices.
Y o u r s fa i t h f u l l y in s e r v in g T h e T h e o c r a c y ,
T ract S ociety
B rooklyn, N . Y .
th a t w e a d v o c a te th e fr ie n d s a tt e n d in g w e d d in g s a n d
fu n e r a ls w h e n officia ted b y r e lig io u s c le r g y o r in th eir
b u ild in g s .
W h y , c e r ta in ly w e d o n o t a d v o c a te it, a n d th e le tte r
in th e a b o v e Watchtower th a t a n sw e re d th e in q u ir e r w as
n o t c o m m e n tin g on a t t e n d in g w e d d in g s a n d fu n e r a ls at
r e lig io u s b u ild in g s w h e re th e c le r g y h o ld fo r t h . O u r letter
m e n tio n e d s e n d in g o u t o u r o w n re p re s e n ta tiv e s to serve at
su ch fu n c tio n s .
H o w e v e r , w h e th e r a b r o th e r o r sis ter is fr e e to a tte n d
su ch a fu n c t io n u n d e r c le r g y m a n a g e m e n t a n d in th eir
esta b lish m en t is a n o th e r q u e stio n . C e r ta in ly a m a rria g e
p e r fo r m e d b y a r e lig io u s c le r g y m a n is ju s t as v a lid w ith
th e la w o f th e la n d as on e p e r fo r m e d b y a n y o f o u r b ro th e rs
w h o a p p lie s f o r a n d g ets a licen se. A n d w h en a n y o f o u r
b r e th r e n d o n o t h a v e a n y o f o u r o w n b r o th e r s to p e r fo r m
b u t g o to a m u n ic ip a l b u ild in g a n d h a v e th e c e r e m o n y p e r
fo r m e d b y a ju s t ic e o f th e p ea ce o r som e o th e r d u ly co n s ti
tu te d p u b lic officia l, th e y d o n o t ask first w h e th e r th a t
officia l is a C a th o lic , P r o te s ta n t, J e w , o r o th e r k in d o f r e li
g io n is t. T h e m a in th in g is, D o e s he r e p r e s e n t th e la w o f the
la n d a n d is he e m p o w e re d to g iv e le g a l a u th o r ity a n d r e c o g
n itio n to the m a r r ia g e ? A l l o th e r m a tte rs a re in cid e n ta l
a n d u n im p o r ta n t a n d w ith o u t b e a rin g .
A fa t h e r o r m o th e r, w h o f o r rea son s b e y o n d th e ir co n tro l
fe e l o b lig e d to g o to a r e lig io u s b u ild in g to see th e ir ch ild
m a r r ie d o r b u r ie d , g o e s th ere to see th e m a rria g e o r the
fu n e r a l a n d f o r n o r e lig io u s rea son , i f th e y a re in th e tru th .
I t is th e sam e as in th e a p o s tle s d a y in th e case o f a m an
w h o w e n t in to an id o l s te m p le f o r so m e th in g to eat. H e goes
in th ere to g e t a m eal, b u t n o t to w o r s h ip . (1 C o rin th ia n s
8 : 7-10, American Standard Version) S om e o th e r b r o th e r s
c o n s c ie n c e w o u ld n o t be s tr o n g e n o u g h to p e r m it h im to d o
th is, a n d h is w ea k co n s c ie n c e w o u ld take offen se i f he saw
h is C h ris tia n b r o th e r in su ch a p la c e f o r ju s t a m eal. S o
w h ile w e d o n o t a d v o c a te it, w e are n o t w ith in o u r p r o v
in c e to c r it ic iz e o r co n d e m n , b u t w ill le t G o d ju d g e o u r
b r o th e r w h o a c c o r d in g to h is co n s c ie n c e m a y fe e l o b lig a te d
to a tte n d fu n c t io n s u n d e r c le r g y officia tion .
F a it h fu l ly y o u r s in T h e o c r a t ic serv ice,
M a n y y e a r s a g o a y o u n g w o m a n w h o w a s b o r n in
G e rm a n y a n d w h o w a s a d e v o u t P r o te s ta n t a n d a s tu d e n t
o f th e B ib le b e lie v e d she c o u ld serv e th e p o o r a n d n e e d y
b e tte r i f she w e r e to e m b ra ce th e R o m a n C a th o lic b e lie f
a n d b e co m e a n u n . T h is sh e d id . S h e to o k th e v e il in th e
o r d e r o f th e S isters o f th e S a c r e d H e a r t, o f w h ic h M o th e r
C a b r in i w a s th e m o th e r g e n e ra l. T h is sister b eca m e th e
tr a v e lin g c o m p a n io n o f C a b r in i a n d w as la te r e le v a te d to
th e p o s itio n o f a m o th e r s u p e r io r . H e r d u tie s to o k h e r to
R o m e a n d V a tic a n C ity , a n d on e d a y w h ile in th e V a tic a n
w ith C a b r in i she n o te d som e m a g n ific e n t p a in tin g s u p o n
th e w a ll, on e o f w h ic h w a s a p ic t u r e o f D a n te s I n fe r n o .
S he saw th e p o o r v ic t im s p o r t r a y e d as in fr i g h t f u l torm en ts.
S h o r tly she m e t a c a r d in a l w ith w h o m she sp ok e in G erm a n ,
s a y in g : I f I b e lie v e d A lm ig h t y G o d w a s d o in g th a t ( p o i n t
in g to th e p ic t u r e ) to th e p o o r u n fo r tu n a t e s ju s t b eca u se
th e y w e re n o t C a th o lics, I d lose a ll m y fa it h in G o d . T h e
c a r d in a l sm iled a n d s a id : M y c h ild , d o n t tak e it too
s e rio u s ly . W e h a v e to fr ig h t e n th e p e o p le to m ake th em
g o o d . T h e sister n e v e r f o r g o t th a t. S h e cam e to A m e r ic a
a n d she a n d h e r se c r e ta r y , a n o th e r n u n , o p e n e d a h om e
f o r o r p h a n s ju s t o u ts id e o f N e w Y o r k c it y . S h e w as c r y in g
f o r G o d to sh o w h e r th e tr u th . S h e b o u g h t a sm all ra d io
a n d b e g a n to tu n e in v a r io u s r e lig io u s p r o g r a m s . O n e d a y
she tu n e d in W B B R , liste n e d , a n d a g r e a t flo o d o f lig h t
ca m e in to h e r h e a rt a n d m in d . S h e h a d fo u n d th e tr u th !
S h e sen t f o r lite r a tu r e a n d b e g a n t o w itn ess to h er n e ig h
b o r s in h er n u n s g a rb . H e r s e c r e ta r y also g o t th e tr u th an d
b eg a n
to w itn ess. I t w a s n o t lo n g b e fo r e
o ff cam e the
g a rm e n ts o f r it u a lis t ic r e lig io n a n d o n w e n t th e ga rm en ts
o f p ra is e to th e g r e a t J e h o v a h ! W a t c h t o w e r r a d io station
^ Mi Sfr MT:IM
s%L. re mJ Imo
They shall know that lam Jehovah!
-Ewkiel 35:15.
V ol. L X X I
No. 7
APRIL 1, 1950
D ivine E ducation B ears G ood F ruit
Spiritual Food Made Available ........
Blessed Change for the Divinely
Educated ............................................
More and M ore P ioneers of G ood
N ews .................................................
Conditions fo r Entry .........................
Divine Support fo r the W o r k ............
Child Pioneers .....................................
Remaining in This Branch o f Service
Requirements .......................................
F rom N icaragua to P anama ...............
R esolution of F irst Canadian
F rench Circuit A s se m bly ..........
A nnouncing M essiah s P resence
T estimony P eriod .........................
W atchtower S t u d y ...........................
(See also page 103)
M emorial for 1950 .................................
fHeWATCHTOWERP u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y
117 Adams Street Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
N. H. K norr , P resid en t
ffic e r s
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-wilL
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light o f the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
A pril 1, 1950
No. 7
TEHOVAH God ranks first in the field of up-to-date hood. The world considers such educational program
I education. Not that his inspired instruction has the vital one, and pushes it forward while pushing
J changed to keep pace with the times, for he com back old-fashioned Bible instruction.
8 Has the worlds educational program brought
pleted the key textbook of his study course more
than eighteen centuries ago. Rather than his instruc forth good fruit? Has it brought the peace, happiness,
tion catching up to the times, the times are just now health and life mankind wants? Has it erased greed
reaching the point where his prophetic wisdom has and selfishness, racial barriers and religious preju
all along been concentrated. The divine wisdom long dices from the human mind and heart? Has not war
ago stored up in the Bibles pages is only now being rather than peace had first call on mans scientific
fully understood by Jehovahs servants, for the knowledge ? Do not many measure happiness in terms
prophecies centered on the turbulent times of the of money? Has not health been sacrificed on the altar
last days, and now that man has reached this period of so-called civilization, with its unnatural ways of
he links the observed fulfillments with the prophecies, living? Has not life become artificial, filled with social
and understanding flashes into his enlightened mind. and other vanities ? Has mans knowledge of medicine
Jehovah giveth wisdom; out of his mouth cometh delivered him from the ill effects of disease and harm
knowledge and understanding: he layeth up sound ful habits and immoral practices? Mankinds ailments
wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to them that have increased with its education. Knowledge has
walk in integrity. They were written for our admo forwarded mans destruction. Worldly wisdom is not
nition, upon whom the ends of the ages are come. awake to the times, and its educational program is
(Prov. 2 :6 ,7 ; 1 Cor. 10:11; Rom. 15:4, Am.Stan. not up-to-date with these last days. Even its religious
Ver.) So now, finally, man has reached the point in systems have failed to feed the people on the divine
time when Jehovahs up-to-date education unfolds in education they are thirsting and starving for: Be
full bloom for humanitys comprehension.
hold, the days come, saith the Lord G od, that I will
2But not all persons heed Jehovahs provided edu send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor
cation. They look upon it as old-fashioned, and a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the
instead turn to the wisdom of this modern world. L ord: and they shall wander from sea to sea, and
With pride they point to the advances of scientific from the north even to the east, they shall run to and
knowledge in the fields of chemistry and physics and fro to seek the word of the L ord, and shall not find
medicine. They peer into their telescopes and micro it. Amos 8:11,12.
scopes, study the structure of the earth, read the
4 Travel the length and breadth of Christendoms
record in the rocks, and bring forth theories in waves. religious realm though they may, searching persons
Studies in human relations run the gamut from the will not find spiritual food in her religious or secular
family circle to the international front. They have educational programs. Why? Because these worldly
developed their cultures in music and literature and systems have either watered down or abandoned
art. Moreover, their religions have evolved with the Jehovah Gods chief textbook, the Bible. The modern
times, grown materially richer, embraced social prob professed people of God have blundered in the same
lems, entered political fields, and been added to and way as did the Israelites of old: My people have
subtracted from to make them able to live with sup committed two evils; they have forsaken me the foun
posed scientific advances in education. And to teach tain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns,
all this worldly wisdom they have set up intricate broken cisterns, that can hold no water. (Jer. 2:13)
school systems that grab the individuals mind at The clergymen have allowed their watering-places to
childhood and indoctrinate it till he reaches adult become cracked and riddled by human theories of
1. How does Jehovah rank as an educator, ai d why?
2, Do all heed Jehovah s provided education? What shows this?
B rooklyn , N. Y.
A pril 1, 1950
10. By whom are such home Bible studies blessed? How and why?
11. How does the one instructed communicate with the instructor?
12. How does he enlarge his study privileges? With what benefit?
13, 14. How does the topical method affect him? Is It Scriptural?
15. What privileges of study and training come at Kingdom Hall?
B rooklyn, N. Y.
A pril 1, 1950
and strengthens them till they can digest not only the
milk but the strong meat of Gods Word, and the
strength gained thereby equips him to withstand
persecution and other satanic snares that abound in
this world. He advances to perfection of maturity,
as the scripture counsels: Full-grown men have a
right to solid food, for their faculties are trained by
practice to distinguish right and wrong. Let us there
fore leave elementary Christian teaching alone and
advance toward maturity.Heb. 5 :1 4 ; 6:1, An
Amer. Trans.
22 Perhaps as this Christian continues his course
in divine education and bears more and more good
fruit he may advance to the very mature ministry of
full-time service, known to Jehovahs witnesses today
as pioneering.
21. How does the practical use ol his education benefit him?
1. Where is humanity now plunging? How can man halt from the plunge?
2. How floes God show concern for the oppressed and uninformed?
3. Why does the Society exist? What special calls docs it issue?
B rooklyn, N. Y.
pioneer calls by the Society can be better appreciated salem A.D. 70 and also gained eternal life in the
when one analyzes the contents of the inspired writ Kingdom.
7During the time of Jesus and his apostles the
ten records left for this generation.
4 The sacred writings foretold a Messiah who ministry expanded more and more. As others heard
would vindicate Jehovahs universal sovereignty and and responded, out of their bellies the living water
provide a ransom for the dying human family. True flowed after the holy spirit was poured out on the
to Gods written Word his firstborn Son appeared on day of Pentecost A.D. 33, and this water in turn
earth to do his Father s will. The same loving con reached others who also responded. (John 7: 38, 39)
cern shown by God for suffering mankind was also And so on until about forty years later, when Jeru
shown by his Son in no uncertain way. While he did salem was destroyed. Jehovah did not then hold those
not appear dressed like an American pioneer in buck early ministers bloodguilty. They had sounded the
skin with a rifle swung over his shoulder, he was at warning, resulting in salvation for those heeding and
first like a man breaking ground and blazing the trail destruction for those scoffing. Today the Watch
through a religious wilderness; a wilderness of Tower Society shows the same concern for this
ecclesiastical traditions that had the people snared generation now facing world destruction at Arma
and alienated from true worship. With a hearty pio geddon. Two great opposing organizations are set
neer spirit Jesus cut a trail through the Jews reli for a showdown fight then to settle once and for all
gion that left a path out of it beaming with the light the issue of supremacy. Satans strategy is to keep
of truth. A straight and narrow path it was, when the people in ignorance and let them stumble blindly
compared with the broad way that leads to destruc into the pit of Armageddons slaughter. Gods pur
tion, but, nevertheless, it led to freedom and life pose is to sound a warning by sending his witnesses
throughout the land, to open the eyes of the blind
6 Jesus Christ was a perfect example of a full-timeand release those who sit in darkness.
8 Christ Jesus is now invisibly present in his king
pioneer minister. He fully realized the hopeless
ruling in the midst of his enemies. (Ps. 110:1,2)
condition of the Jews bound up in their religious
zealous for Jehovahs side of the issue and will
traditions, and so did everything then possible to
no mercy to those who will not forsake the
save them. Great feeling, sympathy and anxious con
the great adversary. On the other hand, his
cern for Jerusalems welfare are seen in him when
toward the oppressed has not lessened
he said: 0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest
the time of his visible earthly so
the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto
followers now on the earth also
thee, how often would I have gathered thy children
together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under appreciate the issue and have a peculiar zeal for
her wings, and ye would not! With Jesus it was Jehovahs side of the controversy. They realize the
always, not my will, but yours be done, on earth people of this generation are faced with a great
even as it is done in heaven. This being true, one decision and to make it intelligently they must have
could not help but notice the driving force of Gods understanding. Here Gods mercy is expressed to the
spirit moving him to increase the intensity of gospel nations through his organization on the earth, by
preaching as the end of his earthly ministry drew sending his ministers to them. Truly the work of
Jehovah is not in vain, for many from all nations,
to a close.
6 So much was this increase that the religionists of kindreds and tongues are coming up the straight and
that day conspired to kill him before their pastures sure path that leads to life. The ministry expands
were completely spoiled. The urgency of the message more and more, but still the harvest is great and in
could be seen and felt by those hearing Jesus earnest comparison the laborers are few. Therefore the cry
and stirring appeal on the great day of the feast of ing need for more laborers to be sent into the field.
tabernacles: In the last day, that great day of the The Watch Tower Society, realizing this, is con
feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man tinually moved by Gods spirit to send out calls for
thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that more pioneers.
believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his
belly shall flow rivers of living water. (John 7:37,
9 None should close his mind to these calls and
38) All the Jews had to do was to accept Jesus as assume that pioneer service is out of the question
their Messiah; not by blind faith, but by searching as far as he is concerned. If you are one of Jehovahs
out the Scriptures foretelling him and seeing the consecrated witnesses, you must realize that all
physical fulfillment before their very eyes. Doing so, things are possible with God. He can even make you
they would have escaped the destruction of Jeru- a pioneer. By urging more to take up the pioneer
4. How did the Son show concern like Gods for suffering mankind?
5. How was he a perfect example of a full-time pioneer minister?
6. To escape destruction and enter the Kingdom, what was needed?
7. How did waters flow forth out of believers'? With what result?
8. How is Gods mercy expressed through his witness organization?
9. Why should a person consider the pioneer service? In what way?
A pril 1, 1950
B rooklyn , N. Y.
A pril 1, 1950
B rooklyn, N. Y.
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
A pril 1, 1950
B rooklyn , N. Y .
They shall know that I am Jehovah!
- Ezekiel 35:15.
APRIL 15, 1950
S ervants F eed the F lock ................
The Chief Servant and Shepherd ....
Feed My Sheep .................................
Religious Hirelings Take Over Flock
Regathering Scattered Flock ............
D ivine R equirements R esting on
S ervants ...........................................
Examples to Flock in Conduct and
Activity .............................................
P residential V isit to Northern
S outh A merica .............................. .
Gilead G raduates M ore Qualified
M issionaries ..................................
A nnouncing M essiah s P resence
T estimony P eriod .........................
W atchtower Studies .......................
S ave ...........................................................
F oreign-L anguage S ubscriptions ....
ru r/ A
W T B . & T5.
P ubi ,ish k
S e m im o n t h l y B y
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
N. H. K n orr , P resid en t
G r a n t S u it e r , S e cr eta r y
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other meuns
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
V ol.
A p r il
15, 1950
No. 8
5. Who is the Chief and Good Shepherd? Why should we look to him?
6. By what three special characters was he foreshadowed?
7. How did Jesus on earth show compassion like Gods for sheep?
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
A peil
15, 1950
day some had crept in and were feeding themselves power of the wicked shepherds he also separated
without fear . (Jude 12) Perverse and apostate men them from the horned oppressors who horn and butt
they were. Coveting the approval and praise of men, the sick and weak and who tram ple underfoot the
and desiring the sheep fo r themselves, they raided message of the Kingdom and muddy up the clear
the Good Shepherds fold and drove disciples off to water of truth. Delivering his sheep from all these
their own religious quarters. Yea, they are greedy evils Jehovah sets them in good pastures amid the
dogs which can never have enough, and they are shep Kingdom heights of his mountain. Ezekiel 34.
herds that cannot understand: they all look to their
own way, every one fo r his gain, from his quarter.
(Isa. 56:11) As shepherds without understanding
21 The facts that have come to pass in the cloudy
they fleeced the sheep even in the wintertim e. As and dark day of this twentieth century show beyond
greedy dogs who are never satisfied they continually all doubt that the complete fulfillm ent of Ezekiels
prophecy has taken place in our day. Jehovah has
fed themselves at the expense of the sheep.
18 The im portant yet humble position occupied by gathered the remnant of his people out of the far
a servant or slave in the Lords congregation was countries of Christendom where they were scattered.
looked down upon w ith scorn and contempt by these Over them God has set up my servant Christ Jesus
puffed-up and pompous ones who presumptuously the Greater David, and this one shepherd , the
assumed shepherdhood over the sheep. Proud and Chief Shepherd, is feeding them. F or some time prio r
haughty, they pushed aside the privilege of being to A.D. 1918 the preparing of the Lords way was
servants, installed themselves as the clergy (a class going on and then suddenly the Lord came to his
not provided or arranged fo r by either Christ or the temple, there to take account w ith his servants,
apostles), and took upon themselves flattering titles, rewarding those that had been fa ith fu l and punish
such as bishop, archbishop, metropolitan, pope, ing the unfaithful. This is described fo r us by Jesus
sovereign pontiff, etc. (M att. 23:5-11) W ith force in his great prophecy on the end of the world in
and w ith cruelty they ruled their flocks. Such was Matthew 24:42-51. As Malachi foretold, it would be
the state of affairs by the time Constantine the Great a time of fiery judgment and one that would last for
laid the foundation of the Catholic church in the some time, u n til all the evil servants were purged
fourth century A.D., and down through the centuries and cleaned out from among the Lords remnant.
since then, Christendoms m ultitudinous sects and Mai. 3:1-3.
cults have continued to hold sheeplike persons in
22 The gathering together of the remnant, the visit
their parish folds, where they are plundered, ex ing of evil upon their oppressors, the installing of
ploited, fleeced and devoured fo r the pleasure and the Chief Shepherd as K ing, and the reestablishment
profit of the false shepherds. M y people have been of the Theocratic organization as it existed in apos
lost sheep, says Jehovah by the mouth of Jeremiah, tolic times were also foretold by s till another proph
their shepherds have caused them to go astray; they et, namely, Jeremiah. (Jer. 23:1-8) W ith Christ
have turned them away on the m ountains; they have Jesus the Shepherd-King in charge since the re
gone from mountain to h ill; they have forgotten their gathering of the remnant after 1918, things moved
restingplace. A ll that found them have devoured along rapidly toward the setting up among them of a
them; and their adversaries said, We are not guilty, Theocratic organization sim ilar in design to that in
because they have sinned against Jehovah.Jer. existence 1,900 years ago. This meant they all recog
50: 6, 7, A m . S ta n . V e r .
nized the fact that Jehovah is the Great Shepherd
10 They may not think so, but the Great Shepherd over and above a ll; that Christ Jesus, the enthroned
Jehovah does hold the false shepherds guilty fo r and reigning K ing of the heavenly Theocratic gov
leading the sheep of his flock astray, and his burning ernment, is Jehovahs Chief Shepherd; that here
wrath and fierce anger are ignited against all such, upon earth the fa ith fu l and wise servant organ
as he says: Mine anger is kindled against the shep ization has been placed in charge of all the Kingdom
herds, and I w ill punish the he-goats; fo r Jehovah interests; and that in such Theocratic arrangement
of hosts hath visited his flock. (Zech. 10:3, A m . mature and fa ith fu l brethren have been appointed
S tan . V e r .) Yes, long ago Jehovah promised that in
as various servants to look after, w ait upon and care
his own due time he would visit his flock of scattered fo r the needs of the Lords sheep.
sheep and would ju stly punish the false shepherds.
23 A t first the flock that followed Christ Jesus were
20 Jehovah the Great Shepherd by the hand of hisfew in number, only a little flock , and when the
Chief Shepherd, the Greater David, is fu lly capable regathering work began after the Lords coming to
of separating the sheep from the oppressive horned the temple in 1918 there was only a small remnant
ones. So, when he came to deliver his flock from the 21. How has Ezekiels prophecy on the "one shepherd come true?
18. How have they exalted themselves? In what religious systems?
19, 20. What will Jehovah do for the sheep and to the false shepherds?
22. How since 1918 has the Theocratic organization been restored?
23. 24. How do we account for the great flock today? W ho feed them?
B rooklyn , N. Y .
S T H E Lord gathers more and more sheep into practice. I f ye know these things, happy are ye if
his fold he adequately provides fo r their every ye do them, said Jesus. John 13:17; Phil. 4:9.
2 I appeal therefore to those who are elders among
need by appointing servants who lovingly help
you; I am their brother-elder, is the way Peter
and assist the flock in the way the Lord directs. Such
Theocratic way is set fo rth in the Bible. The apostle begins his counsel. (1 Pet. 5:1, A n A m e r . T ra n s .)
Peter, it w ill be remembered, had very forcefully The elders (Greek: p r e s b y t e r o u s , older ones) do
impressed on his heart and mind the necessity for not refer to elected elders made so by the popular
him to prove his love fo r Christ by feeding and caring vote of some congregation after a heated political
fo r the Lords sheep. Peter never forgot this truth, campaign. Peter is addressing himself to the older
for, th irty years later, he earnestly exhorted other or elder ones in Christian growth, to those that are
servants of the Lord to likewise prove their love by mature and well versed in Theocratic law and organ
feeding the sheep . This letter of Peters, as well as izational requirements. They are not necessarily
Christs direct commandments to servants in general, those old in body and mind or those who have been a
has been preserved fo r the instruction and guidance very long time in the truth, but rather those mature
of those having special responsibilities in the Theo in spiritual growth and development. Timothy,
cratic organization today. Servants do well, there though a youth perhaps in his late teens, was never
fore, if they both study this counsel and put it into theless mature in spiritual growth, hence an elder. It
1. How do servants prove their love for the Shepherd, happily?
2. Who are the elders whom Peter tells to feed the flock?
A pril
15, 1950
B rooklyn,
N. Y .
A p r il
15, 1950
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
A p r il
15, 1950
B rooklyn, N. Y .
A pril
15, 1950
just having arrived. There are now ten in Caracas. All are
very much enthused about the assignment, and like the
people and their customs. The only thing they do not like
is the terrific expensethe cost of food and clothing. Vene
zuela is one of the most expensive countries in which to live
in all of South America at the present time. But this obstacle
is taken care of by the Society through the missionary home.
Back in 1946 when Brother Knorr made his first visit and
the first two missionaries started to work there were only
one or two good publishers, but by the end of that year
thirteen were reporting work. By the close of the service
year 1949 there were 91 regular publishers in the field, and
a peak of 132 had been reached. There are prospects that
before the 1950 service year ends they will have 100 pub
lishers in the city of Caracas alone, with good increases in
the six other companies that are organized throughout the
country. If possible the Society will send more missionaries
to Venezuela at the close of this service year and will open
missionary homes in several of the larger cities. There is
a lot of work to be done among the 3 | million Venezuelans.
RADUATION day at Gilead! Why is it such a happy After a few words from the farm servant and instructors,
occasion? Why are Jehovahs witnesses everywhere and the reading of telegrams of congratulation and encour
so interested in this semiannual event? Because Jeho agement from points in all corners of the earth, the Societys
president gave the graduation address. His subject: Quali
vahs witnesses are interested in Gods command, Preach
the word. They know that this means now to preach the fications for Service.
gospel of Gods established kingdom, starting in their own Mr. Knorr opened his talk by calling to mind the
home locality and extending to the uttermost corners of the thorough internal and external study of the Bible that the
earth. What greater work could be done now? No other students had just experienced. He admonished, however,
school on earth is devoted to training ministers to do this, that the question in the future would not be, How many
and, although not all of Jehovahs witnesses are able to times have I read my Bible? but, When did I read it last?
receive this advanced missionary training, all have a part Its the Lords Word that keeps us alive, he said.
in supporting the school and the work of those graduating. As the speaker used the texts at Ephesians 3:14-19; 5:1;
It was with glad hearts, then, that over 1,100 from many Philippians 4:8, 9; 1 Thessalonians 4:7, 8; 1 Timothy
states and Canada filled the assembly hall and classrooms 1:12-15; 3:5-8 and Hebrews 11:15, 16, he stressed how
of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead on the evening the apostle Paul wanted his brethren to have the qualifica
of Saturday, February 4, 1950, for the first session of tions for service. To enable them to have this, Paul empha
sized the importance of prayer. One serving God should
Gileads fourteenth graduation exercises.
After a study of the W a tch to w er article, Be Rich in never get to the point that he cant pray, or that he is
Good Works, and a short period of musical entertainment afraid to face God in prayer. If he does so, he has rejected
by student talent, a special treat was in store for all, and his Ransomer who has made it possible for him to come to
particularly the graduating students. The president of the God. By prayer the inner man is strengthened. This
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, N. H. Knorr, had inner man is what we really are inside. Our outward
just returned from a tour of Central and South America appearance may not be so attractive, but what we are inside
and would give an account of his travels. He related the will always show, and this determines whether we are good
marvelous expansion of the preaching work in these coun ministers and good missionaries. To comprehend God and
tries; and then, to the happy surprise of the students, after his organization we must dig into his Word, taking the
telling of the conditions and needs in the missionary fields, straight, unadulterated truths of it. We must get into Gods
began filling these needs by giving assignments to all! organization, continually study the life and acts of Jesus
Besides assignments to Latin American nations, other coun Christ and imitate him.
tries were included, bringing the total up to 22 countries, Whatsoever is virtuous, whatsoever is praiseworthy should
including Canada, Belgium, Holland, Sweden and New be what our minds dwell on. We cannot bring old world
foundland. Certainly a sizable part of the globe will be practices into new world service. Why use base, degraded
language in describing things, descriptions that are really
covered by the fourteenth class from Gilead!
This properly set the stage for the main session Sunday not expressive, but meaningless and worthless for any edi
morning, as 1,591 persons tried to find seating or standing fication? There are so many things we love, our Kingdom
room within earshot of the loud-speakers installed in the Hall, our local company, our records, our brethren, our
assembly hall, classrooms, basement and library building. organization, these we can dwell on, give our attention to.
B rooklyn, N. Y ,
L e t G od arise, let his enem ies he s c a tte r e d ; let them also that
h ate him flee b e fo r e him. A s sm ok e is d riv en a w a y, so d riv e them
a w a y : as w a x m elteth b e fo r e the fire, so let th e w ick ed perish
a t the p r e s e n c e o f G od. B u t let the righ teou s be g la d ; let them
ex u lt b e fo r e G o d : y e a , let them r e jo ic e w ith gladness. S in g u nto
G od, sin g p ra ises to his nam e. Psalm 68:1 -4 , A m . S tan . V er.
i fill
-Ezekiel 35:15.
No. 9
MAY 1, 1950
W hatever E lse Y ou Get, Get
U nderstanding ................................. 131
With All Thy Getting Get Under
standing ............................................... 132
Showing Understanding Like Jesus .... 134
What Comes from Lacking It .............135
For Whom W e Are Working ...............136
T he W ay to G ain U nderstanding ____137
W ho Have It in the Time o f
P u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y B y
117 Adams Street * Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S.A .
N. H. K n orr , P resid en t
G r a n t S u it e r , S e cr eta r y
Isaiah 4:13.
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
is conceded this rank by all that have been faithful readers thereof
during its more than seventy years o f publication. T he W a tch to w er
has increased in importance with the progress o f the years, and
never has it been more valuable than today, at this world crisis,
when the destiny o f each intelligent human creature is being de
cided. The getting o f correct information and instruction, just
such as required fo r the times, to decide your course wisely to
a happy destiny, was never more vital than now, fo r where there
is no vision, the people perish . Informed persons well acquainted
with the consistent contents o f T h e W a tch to w e r agree that those
who want to gain life in peace and happiness without end should
read and study it together with the Bible and in company with
other readers. This is not giving any credit to the magazines
publishers, but is due to the great Author o f the Bible with its
truths and prophecies, and who now interprets its prophecies. He
it is that makes possible the material that is published in the
columns o f this magazine and who gives promise that it shall
continue to publish the advancing truths as long as it continues
to exist for the service o f the interests o f his Theocratic Govern
ment. Carefully and prayerfully read this issue o f T he W a tch tow er. Then do not delay to mail in your subscription, that
you may receive it regularly, twice a month, twenty-four copies
the year. Subscription rates are shown above.
1, 1950
No. 9
N. Y.
M ay
1, 1950
12, 13. What principle toward God governed him? What tests prove It?
N. Y.
17. 18. What does understanding create? What does this help us do?
19. Does this have any point for Jonadabs? If so, how?
90. How did Jesus approach this undertaking without encumbrances?
M a y 1,
N. Y.
29, 30. Why was the course Jesus' disciples chose the wise one?
31. For whom were they w orking? And with what provisions?
32. What faith did they need? Who else must have it?
N. Y.
May i , 1950
These words you are now reading may find you located
in one of the more highly developed nations of the world.
If so, you know that to the people of such land Jehovahs
witnesses are bringing Bible information, light which comes,
not from men, but from the Lord Jehovah, who has risen
upon his servants. (Isa. 6 0 :1 , 2) You realize that this they
do for other than financial gain, because they spend, not
collect, of their time and every resource, material and spirit
ual. It may be that you join them in this glorious ministry,
and, if so, you know that there is no lack or shortage in
their lives which are filled to abundance with the spiritual
wealth of the truths of the kingdom of heaven.
On the other hand, this may come to you in a part of
the earth not developed according to mans proud civiliza
tion . Yet in all such places Jehovahs witnesses preach the
same W ord of God. Think of the variety of persons and
localities in this great field which is the world ! There is
wide contrast: every climate, all customs, varying standards,
practices and viewpoints. Everywhere, however rich, poor,
this color or that complexion, whatever language, in mansion
or very humble dwelling, everywhere there are people, and
people are what interests Jehovahs witnesses.
The various nations now possess some wealth, great in
many respects, but all really belonging to Jehovah the
Creator. Persons loving God turn such of this material
wealth as they can to the Lords praise by using it to
advance the Kingdom proclamation. However, many people
of the nations, the men, women and children who love right
eousness, are of real spiritual value, and they truly herald
Jehovahs praise by worshiping him. These persons are
precious to Jehovah God and to his servants, who love them.
After all, what is it that really makes a man? The cloth
with which he drapes his form? The color of his skin? The
locality of his mothers residence at his birth? His size,
features, inherited imperfection of body, the customs of his
ancestors? Surely, none of these things! A handsome, learned
person, possessing modern contrivances and elegant cloth
ing, might be cruel and selfish, or he might not. A poor,
uneducated person, to some strange in appearance and
speech, might love righteousness, respect his fellow man,
B rooklyn, N. Y.
M ay 1, 1950
B rooklyn, N. Y,
February 3, 1950
Dear Madam:
Yours of December 16 has not had previous attention
for press of business here.
Your frank statement concerning blood transfusion is
appreciated, and for it we are not taking any spiritual
action against you or against anyone else, but must let the
great Lawgiver be your Judge, as He is ours. Our published
statements concerning this matter are something owing to
those who look to us for spiritual guidance, and are not
issued to cause division among Jehovahs people. Repeatedly
we are confronted with requests for information on blood
transfusion, particularly for us to pronounce a sanction of
this medical practice. This is so general that for the in
formation of all, that they may know our position, we were
obliged to make a statement upon the matter. Our state
ments have not caused any more division of opinion upon
the subject than existed before we said anything about it.
It is only that we have made ourselves clear upon the matter,
so that others in doubt as to our position will not be plead
ing with us to sanction their resort to this disputed medical
practice. I f anyone thinks there is merit to our position
and that it has Scriptural support and chooses to be guided
by it, all right; but if contrariwise, then that is such ones
responsibility before God. He cannot claim taking a certain
course because of ignorance of what we Scripturally believe
upon the subject.
A t 1 Corinthians 9 : 9 , 10 Paul says: Is it about the
oxen that God is concerned! Is he not clearly speaking in
our interests! O f course this law [of Moses] was written in
our interests. (A n Am erican T ran slation ) And so we ask
you, I f God considered the blood of lower animals so sacred
that he forbade the transferring of their blood from their
bodies into the human system, does he consider the blood
of the higher creature man less sacred so that it can be
transferred from one system to another with impunity! God
confined the proper use of the blood of animal sacrifices
to the altar for the purpose of atonement or propitiation of
sins, to typify that Jesus blood would likewise be confined
to the spiritual altar for the purging of mankinds sins;
and all the Christian Greek Scriptures bear this fact out.
So in this important regard you are absolutely wrong when
you say that God or Christ Jesus never issued any com
mandment against h u m a n blood except the shedding of
it in murder . Y ou say truly that Christ said his disciples
must eat his flesh and drink his blood, but you also raise
the question: Since Jesus gave his blood for us, so that
we might have life eternal life, would it not be fitting,
that we, his imitators, give our blood to a sick brother
when he is nigh to death, so that he might recover and
further serve his Lord? So we ask you, Did Jesus give
his blood by the medical practice of transfusion? Is it by
medical blood transfusion that his disciples drink his
blood ? Or is it not by faith in his blood which was applied,
like blood of Israelite animal sacrifices, to Gods altar? And
if Jesus is Gods High Priest typified by Israels high priest
Aaron, did he not confine the blood of his human sacrifice
to the use that Gods law marked out for it, namely, to
Gods holy altar? (Leviticus 1 7 :1 1 ) So, how can anyone
argue that Jesus shedding of his blood in sacrifice author
B rooklyn, N. Y.
The prophet Zechariah declared: In those days it shall
come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all lan
guages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of
him that is a Jew, saying, W e will go with you : for we have
heard that God is with you. ( 8 :2 3 ) Those days have
come for Italy as well as for all other nations, peoples and
languages of the earth, and it is a daily source of amazement
to see spontaneous fulfillments of this prophecy in this
land. Here is a ease in point.
The company servant of the B ------- company of Jehovahs
witnesses in northern Italy recently received two unexpected
visitors who, explaining that they had come as represent
atives of a number of villages six to eight miles away, lost
no time in announcing the purpose of their visit: W e
want to be Christians! W e have heard that we might find
Protestants here that preach a good doctrine. W e have
recognized ourselves as being deceived by the priest and
have turned from him, desiring now to be organized into
a church. Among us are over 120 families; can you help
us? Overwhelmed with genuine joy, the company servant
immediately informed them that a traveling representative
of the Society, the circuit servant, was due that week and
that he would be glad to visit and talk with these interested
A s promised, the matter was talked over with the circuit
servant, plans were made for a public discourse, police
authorization secured, and all was in order for Monday
evening. That night as the brethren approached the village,
they rejoiced to see groups of three and four walking to
ward the hall to attend the new church , as it was called
by them. Outside the hall a crowd had gathered, an unusual
sight because in Italy it generally happens that the audience
does not begin arriving until the discourse is well under
way. But why were they standing outside? To give the
preacher a royal welcome? No indeed! They were outside
because there was no more room inside: the hall with two
adjacent rooms was packed tight with expectant people,
and the arriving brethren felt at that moment the com
passion Jesus must have experienced in his day upon seeing
the multitudes in need of a shepherd.
But Satan was determined to nip the new church in
the bud. Five carabinieri, awaiting the circuit servants
arrival, immediately informed him that permission to hold
the meeting had been canceled! It was useless discussing
the matter with these police. The marshals office was three
S emimonthly
P u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y
V ol . L X X I
M ay 15, 1950
No. 10
Ye are my witnesses, an affirmation of Jehovah, and my servant whom I have chosen, so that ye know
and give credence to me, and understand that I am he, before me there was no God formed, and after me
there is none. Isa. 43:10, Young.
3 Jehovah God created the heavens as w ell as this
"JEH O V A H has had his w itn esses in the earth from
which is m ans perm anent habitation. (Gen.
I the tim e of the first m artyr, A bel. A fter all these
the L ord that created the h ea v en s;
J m illennium s of tim e he still has his w itn esses on God him self saith
form ed the earth and m ade i t ; he
the earth, and these w ill be eyew itn esses of the
he created it not in vain, he
sm ashing victory he w ill gain over the enem y w orld
I am the L ord [J e h o v a h ];
at the com ing battle o f the universe, A rm aged d on !
T ill then they are obliged to live up to the honorable and there is none else. (Isa . 4 5 :1 8 ) H e pulled up out
nam e they bear. L ivin g up to it m eans divine protec o f the deep w aters of the earth the tow ering m oun
tion and salvation for them to life everlastin g. B y tain s w ith their stately peaks ju ttin g through the
them he has not left him self w ithout livin g testim ony beautiful clouds like upraised arm s, givin g testim ony
in this world. T hey g iv e to him the glory in harm ony to his m ajesty. Through h is om nipotence he placed
w ith his own affirm ation: I am Jehovah, that is m y in the heavens the m ighty sun and the beautiful moon
n am e; and m y glory w ill I not give to another, neither to give ligh t to the eyes of m an by day and by night.
m y praise unto graven im ages. (Isa. 4 2 :8 , Am. T hey shoot their beam s of ligh t all over the earth.
Stan. Ver.) H e is a God of purpose. The m eaning of P s. 1 0 4 :1 0 -3 0 ; Gen. 1 :1 4 -1 9 .
4 God not only purposed light for the eyes of man,
his unique nam e is he causes to be, and so he creates
all things according to his purpose. H e is able to but also purposed ligh t for the m ind of m an. The
carry out his purpose, and his w ord never f a ils : So light for m ans m ind is Gods W ord, the Bible, of
shall m y word be that goetli forth out o f m y m ou th : w hich he alone is the A uthor by his sp irit or active
it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accom force. (P s. 119:105) Through the W ord of God man
plish that which I p lease, and it shall prosper in the learns of him. H is W ord d iscloses h is purpose. The
divine purpose is that all m ankind shall know about
thing w hereto I sent it. Isa. 55 :1 1 .
2 H is attributes are pow er, w isdom , ju stice andhim, learn of his attributes and understand his law
love. The S criptures say that all pow er belongs to and purposes. F or that reason he purposed to raise
Jehovah and that he is thus the source of all pow er up a people for his name, in order that his ligh t for
in the universe. (P s. 6 2 :1 1 ) H is w isdom is perfect; the mind of man m ight shine in the earth. Since his
he does nothing w rong. E veryth in g he says or does holy name im plies the g ivin g of light, if his people
is right. The w ise One, he is the source of wisdom . in the earth reflect h is light, they m ust live up to the
(P s. 3 3 :4 ; P rov. 2: 6, 7) H e is ju st and is the begin nam e of Jehovah, the God of purpose tow ard man
ning of justice. H is decisions are righteous and fair. on the earth.
5 Gods nam e, Jehovah, m ust be revered throughout
(D eut. 3 2 :4 ) H is strong affirm ation is: T here is
no God else beside m e; a ju st God and a saviour; all the earth. F or this cause have I allow ed thee to
there is none beside m e. (Isa. 45: 21) Jehovah is a rem ain, in order to show thee m y pow er; and in
God of love. Of him it can be rightly said : God is order that they m ay proclaim m y nam e throughout
love. (1 John 4: 8 ,1 6 ) B y him love is expressed in all the earth. (E x . 9 :1 6 , Leeser; see also An Am er
perfect unselfishness and for the lastin g benefit of ican Translation) H e declared centuries ago that,
all his creatures who serve him w ith unbreakable in th is tim e o f the end w here w e now are, he would
devotion. To have love his creatures m ust be un raise up a people w ho w ould bb found livin g up to
nam e and who w ould proclaim that nam e through
selfishly devoted to him and m ust strive to reflect all the
the w orld: T hat men m ay know that thou,
four of his attributes to all.
Who bear
what does
2.1. What
are his
great and
and the
how name
are these
3.4. What
he create
light for
man what
5. Besides
Why must
his name
in all the
earth? ByTowhat
w hose nam e alone is JE H O V A H , art the m ost high
over all the earth. P s. 8 3 :1 8 .
6 W ho is livin g up to the nam e? In this tim e of
the end there is a people who bear that nam e. T hey
are known throughout the earth today as Jeh ovahs
w itn esses. The lo fty p rivilege of bearing the grand
est nam e in the universe is theirs. C oupled w ith the
privilege is a trem endous responsibility. T hey m ust
live up to the nam e.
7 Jehovahs w itn esses are a group o f m in isters and
m issionaries who perform their evan gelistic work
am ong the people in all parts o f the earth. T hey
m anifest their love o f God and their fellow m en by
declaring Gods purposes to all the people of the
whole w orld in the sam e prim itive m anner as did
Jesu s C hrist and his ap ostles. In the perform ance
of this strange w ork they are associated w ith and act
under the direction of the W atch T ow er B ible and
Tract Society, a charitable corporation organized
by law to preach the gosp el of Gods kingdom
throughout the earth. T his gosp el of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the w orld for a w itness unto
all nations; and then shall the end com e. M att.
8 P rior to 1931 this d istin ctive nam e w as not ap
plied to the m in isters who use as their legal and
publishing servant the W atch T ow er B ible and T ract
Society, for it w as then that they w ere first called
Jehovahs w itnesses. In 1931, w hile assem bled in an
international convention in Colum bus, Ohio, the m in
isters who w ork w ith the W atch T ow er B ible and
Tract Society acknow ledged by a resolution the g ift
o f the nam e Jehovahs w itn esses. T hey declared to
the w orld their determ ination to be identified by
this G od-given nam e and by none other. Y e are m y
w itn esses, saith Jehovah, and m y servant whom I
have chosen; . . . I, even I, am Jeh ovah ; and besides
me there is no saviour. . . . ye are m y w itnesses,
saith Jehovah, and I am God. (Isa. 43:10-12, Am.
Stan. Ver.) The facts prove beyond dispute that the
nam e has not been bestow ed upon any other group.
9 Jehovahs w itn esses give testim ony about Jeh o
vahs purposes. One who gives testim ony in court
is designated a w itn ess. V ery soon a final judgm ent
in the great issu e of the suprem acy of Jehovah
God m ust be rendered in the greatest court in the
universe, the court o f A lm igh ty God. Jehovahs
w itn esses have been designated to give testim ony
concerning that great controversy which Jehovah
has w ith the nations. Since they give testim ony about
Jehovah and his purposes, they are properly entitled
to use the nam e.
10 One who w itn esses to Jehovahs suprem acy is
6.7. Who
hisin name?
is their
do they
do? great
In what
8.9. Why
the entitled
name publicly
and how?
10. To bear the name Christian what must a person be? Why?
ro o klyn,
N . Y.
11. What
To prove true
to thecalled,
name, falsely
what word
and do
do such
we preach ?
we up
13. What have
name we
the religious
to live
to? down?
M ay 15, 1950
ro o klyn,
N. Y.
21. 23.
WhatAt does
will showing
happen tothemselves
their lies?not Gods sons? 26. What associated groups now bear the name, worthily?
What example
proves them
be truly what
are Christians
called? set us?
28. What
as toto preaching
did the
25. How have Jehovahs witnesses caught up the privilege?
M ay 15, 1950
B rooklyn, N. Y.
independently? or service
how? Why?
2.3.1. Must
What must
they observe
as to fundamental
their private lives and
How do
up topeace,
the name
them by among
love? themselves? 9.10,As11. toWhat
how do they
to the name?
recent persecution
havelivetheyup endured?
With what effect?
8.7. Why
do they
they live
ing. M oreover, because they have lived up to the
nam e, Jehovah has abundantly blessed their fa ith
fu lness w ith grow th and increase. Since the p erse
cution reached its zenith in 1939 the num ber of J eh o
vahs w itn esses increased from 67,000 to 260,000 in
12 A lthough Jehovahs w itn esses continue to be
persecuted in m any countries dom inated by the C ath
olics and the C om m unists and they know that the
storm of persecution w ill not abate, by continuing to
live up to the nam e they can stand fa st and w eather
the storm . L iving up to the nam e of Jeh ovah brought
reproaches upon C hrist J e su s. (P s. 6 9 :9 ; Rom.
1 5 :3 ) A s Ijpp^irped, they continue to fa ll upon his
faith fu l follow ers. R em em ber the word that I said
unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord.
I f they have persecuted m e, they w ill also persecute
you; if they have kept m y saying, they w ill keep
yours also. (John 1 5 :2 0 ) P eter said that these
persecutions and revilin gs should be expected. (1 P et.
4 :1 3 ,1 4 ) F ar from rebelling again st reproaches or
persecution, Jehovahs w itn esses do not even become
discouraged. T hey are sure, bv reason of - t h e ..rxv
proaches upon them .-that they are serving Gfld- in
the footstep s of Jesu s. A rm ed w ith know ledge of
the truth and encouraged by the ancient exam ples,
they are confident that Jehovah God w ill sustain
them to the end. Eph. 6:1 1 -1 8 ; 1 Cor. 1 0 :1 1 ; see
also H ebrew s chapter 11.
13 L ivin g up to the nam e o f Jehovah God w ill
continue to m ean arrests, cruelties and injuries in
flicted at the hands of dem onized m en. It w ill m ean
even the loss of life to som e of the fa ith fu l; but this
does not dism ay them . The threat or even the danger
of loss of life does not stop them or slow them down.
They believe w ith all their heart, soul, m ind and
strength the certainty of w hat Jesu s said at M atthew
1 0 :2 8 : B e not afraid of those who kill the body,
but cannot destroy the [fu tu re] life ; but rather
fear him who can u tterly destroy both life and body
in G ehenna. (Diag.) W hoever would save his life,
shall lose i t ; and w hoever loses his life on m y account,
shall find it. F or w hat is a m an profited, if he should
gain the w hole w orld, and*forfeit his life? or w hat
will a man give in ransom for his life? M att.
16: 25, 26, Diag.
14 Jehovahs w itn esses w ill live up to the nam e
B rooklyn, N . Y.
are theynotnotstop
or rebellious
against persecution? 15. What kind of people has God chosen them to be? Are they that?
Why do
or slowtemptation?
for persecutions?
16. By faithfulness to the name what outcome Is assured them?
14. How
do they
they guard against
For how long?
W oe to them th a t go dow n to E g y p t fo r help, and rely on horses,
and tru st in chariots because th ey are m an y, and in horsem en
because th ey are ve ry stro n g , but th ey look not unto the H o ly
One o f Isra el, neith er seek Jehovah I N ow the E g y p tia n s are m en,
and n ot G o d ; an d th eir horses flesh, an d not s p ir it: and w hen
Jehovah shall stretch out his hand, both he th at h elpeth shall
stu m ble, an d he th at is helped shall fa ll, and th ey all shall be
consum ed to geth er .Isaiah 31:1,3, A .S . V.
ro o klyn,
N. Y .
M ay 15, 1950
day he had the interview with Haman, that turned out so
painful to the Agagites ego.
Through Esthers intercession, as advised by Mordecai,
Hamans wickedness was exposed and he was hung on the
gallows he had reared up for Mordecai, Mordecai was
elevated to Hamans former position, and arrangements
were made for the Jews to defend themselves on the day
that Hamans wicked decree of destruction was to be execut
ed. As a result the tables were turned and it was the Jews
enemies that died instead of the Jews. To commemorate the
victory Mordecai ordained the keeping of the feast of Purim,
which command the Jews have since carried out. (Esther
8:11; 9:1-32) As for Mordecai himself, he was next unto
king Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews, and accepted
of the multitude of his brethren, seeking the wealth of his
people, and speaking peace to all his seed.Esther 10: 3.
The other dramatic happenings in the book of Esther
we leave for succeeding articles on the characters Esther
and Haman to develop. The remainder of this article we
devote to discussing some interesting facts regarding the
chronology of the times and the book of Esther, which was
probably written by Mordecai, whose name means like pure
myrrh or bruised myrrh. There is a difference of opinion
as to the writer of the book. There are scholars who credit
it to Ezra. Ezra probably brought the book with him when
he came from Babylon to Jerusalem, in 467 B.C., and added
it to the then still growing Hebrew canon. However, it is
more probable that Mordecai wrote the record, because he
was in position to have all the minute knowledge shown in
the narrative of the private affairs of Mordecai and Esther,
of Hamans family, and particularly of the domestic details
of the palace of Shushan. Also, at the time of his elevation
in the kings service he would have access to the official
records which are mentioned in the account.
The canonicity or authenticity of the book is questioned
by many. Their chief objection is based, not on historical
grounds or well-founded critical analysis, but on an arbi
trary, emotional reaction arising from the fact that the name
of God does not appear once in the narrative. But the entire
book breathes a spirit of faithfulness and integrity toward
God and deep interest in the cause of Gods people. The fact
that Mordecai steadfastly refused to honor and bow to Gods
enemy, Haman the Amalekite, is proof that Jehovah and
His law were recognized by Mordecai; Haman objected to
this people whose laws were diverse from the nations. More
over, divine maneuvering of events is implied at Esther
4:14, and prayer is doubtless referred to by the word cry
at 9:31.
The canonicity of the book may be established on the
following grounds: The Jews have always reckoned it in
the canon; it was probably received into the canon by Ezra,
who lived at the time its recorded events occurred and would
B rooklyn, N . Y.
M ay 15, 1950
Jehovahs Kingdom!
They shall know that I am Jehovah!
-Ezekiel 35:15.
V ol. L X X I
S emimonthly
N o. 11
JUNE 1, 1950
A M ind F reed for Godly Co m b a t ...........163
Captivity Due to Unfaithfulness...........164
Throw Down the Altar o f Baal .........166
Assembly Call fo r the Fearless .............168
Separating the Lazy from the Zealous 169
W hy Minds Are Made Free .................170
A Completely N ew W orld for T his
Globe ..................................................... 171
E sther M anifests D ivine W isdo m .........174
L e t te r [ On the Divine Mandate ] .........175
F ield E xperien c e ....................................... 176
L iving Up to the N ame
T estimony P eriod ............................. 162
W atchtower S tudies ........................... 162
Save ................................................................162
U se R enewal S ubscription B l a n k ..... 162
fEe W A T C H T O W E R P u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y B y
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S.A .
N. H. K n orr , P resid en t
ffic e r s
G r a n t S u it e r , S e cr eta r y
HIS journal is published for the purpose o f enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of Its contents in the light o f the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
V ol.
J une
1, 1950
No. 11
fR eW A T C H T O W E R
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
mg of the good news. Thus it is generally known they returned, and corrupted themselves . After
throughout the Imperial Guard and elsewhere that each deliverance and upswing to the high plane of
it is for the sake of Christ that I am in prison, and true worship, the Israelites would soon start hob
so most of the Christian brothers have been exceed nobbing with the demon-worshiping worldlings, and
ingly encouraged by my example to declare Gods again the unstable Israelites would succumb to the
message without any fear of the consequences. bondage of heathen religions. (Judg. 2:1-23) The
(Phil. 1:12-14, An Amer. Trans.) Freed from error following shows that to be the state of affairs just
and fear of consequences, the mind filled with Bible prior to the rise of Gideon as judge:
truth fights in godly combat to liberate others for
7 Then the Israelites did what was evil in the sight
Jehovahs service.
of the L ord, so that the L ord delivered them into the
6 Was it not in the interests of freedom of worshippower of Midian for seven years, and the power of
that the Almighty God swept Egypt with devastat Midian prevailed over Israel. It was because of
ing plagues in order to deliver the Israelites held Midian that the Israelites made for themselves the
captive by Pharaoh! (Ex. 5:1-9) Again, centuries dens which are in the mountains, and the caves and
later, when the Israelites were liberated from Baby strongholds. Whenever the Israelites put in seed,
lonish captivity and returned to their homeland, it the Midianites, Amalekites and Kedemites used to
was not for the purpose of establishing their political come up, and attack them. They encamped against
independence as a nation, but was in order that the them, and destroyed the produce of the land as far
temple at Jerusalem might be rebuilt and Jehovahs as the vicinity of Gaza. They would leave nothing in
true worship restored. (Ezra 1:1-4; Isa. 61:1-6) Israel for the sheep, oxen, and asses to live on; for
Similarly today, the freedom that comes by Scripture they used to come up with their cattle and tents;
knowledge is to be used in serving God. Persons they used to come like locusts for number.Judg.
freed by hearing the truth should then preach that 6:1-5, An Amer. Trans.
8Israel reaped the harvest for disobedience, as
truth to free others, that as many as will may be free
to worship God according to his commands. And Jehovah had forewarned: Ye shall sow your seed in
once liberated, stand fast in that freedom, as coun vain, for your enemies shall eat it. (Lev. 26:13-17)
seled : Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith What had they done that was evil in the sight of
Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again the L ord ? Jehovah told them, when he sent a
with the yoke of bondage. (Gal. 5 :1 ) That some prophet in answer to the cries for help that Israel
succeed and others fail is shown by prophetic events raised: It was I who brought you up out of Egypt,
and brought you out of a state of slavery; I rescued
that befell Israel in the days when judges ruled.
you from the power of Egypt, and from the power
of all your oppressors; I drove them out of your way,
8 The period of the judges was a turbulent time and gave you their land. So I said to you, I, the L ord,
in Israel's history. It was marked by ups and downs, am your God; you must not stand in awe of the gods
ups and downs in proportion to their obediences of the Amorites in whose land you are living. But
and disobediences. When the Israelites possessed you have not heeded my injunction. (Judg. 6:8-10,
the promised land they did not drive out the demon An Amer. Trans.) Jehovah God had liberated them
worshipers, but put them under slavery. True to from Egyptian bondage and established them in the
Gods warning, this course led the Israelites into promised land for the very purpose of enabling them
the snare of heathen religions. (Deut. 7 :16) They to worship him freely; but they had abused and mis
compromised and made leagues with the inhabitants used freedom of worship to practice Baalism. This
of the land, failed to root out and destroy false wor Devil religion had captured their minds, and heathen
ship, and came under bondage to it. Hence Jehovah oppressors fattened on the fruits of their physical
said to Israel concerning the demon worshipers: labors.
8All of this is a prophetic drama that foreshadows
They shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods
shall be a snare unto you. Permitting themselves conditions in this twentieth-century world. The peo
to be ensnared by demon religion, the anger of the ples of Christendom take the name of God and Christ,
L ord was hot against Israel, and he delivered them and are supposed to be serving Jehovah, freed from
into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them, and he the ignorant and contaminating practices of heathen
sold them into the hands of their enemies round dom. But only a glance suffices to show how unabout. Nevertheless, the L ord raised up judges, Christian is Christendom, how so many of its works
which delivered them out of the hand of those that are evil in Gods sight, how his injunctions have gone
spoiled them, but when the delivering judge died unheeded. Even religiously, Christendom has been
5. What is the divine purpose in freeing men from satanic captivity?
6. What conditions relative to worship existed during the period o f the
7,8. What was the state o f affairs In Israel just prior to Gideons
judgeship, and why so?
9. In what way are such conditions prophetic o f Christendom's religious
J une
1, 1950
fH eW A TC H T O W E R .
t& eW A TC H TO W E R ,
Br o o k l y n ,
N. Y,
16. What message is brought to Gideon, and what is his reaction to it?
17. What did Gideon quickly do, in response to whose instruction?
18. Whom did Gideon picture, and how was the position of these pre
figured ones similar to Gideon's when the angel visited him?
19. How did the anointed remnant react to the coming o f Christ Jesus
to the temple, in 1918?
20. As Gideon had done, how did Christians use in godly service things
once misused in improper sacrifices?
J une
1, 1950
ed to Jehovah by burnt offering. Take with you So the townsmen said to Joash, Bring out your son
words, and return unto Jehovah: say unto him, Take that he may die; for he has torn down the altar of
away all iniquity, and accept that which is good: so the Baal, and has cut down the sacred pole which was
will we render as bullocks the offering of our lips. beside it. Judg. 6: 28-30, An Amer. Trans.
In his name let us continually offer praise as our
23 Doubtless these men were among those who had
sacrifice to God the utterance of lips that glorify previously cried to the Lord because of their afflic
Gods name.Hos. 14:2, Am. Stan. Ver.; Heb. tions. They had probably heard the answering mes
13:15, An Amer. Trans.
sage God sent by the prophet, who told Israel that
21 Just as it was Gideons sacrifice to God that their backslide into Baalism was at the root of their
consumed Baals goods, so it is the Christian sacrifice trouble. Yet when the cause of their woes was
of praise fhat disposes of false religions doctrines. attacked they rose up in a mob against its exposer.
When Christians cite Ezekiels words, The soul that They wanted more of the thing that plagued them.
sinneth, it shall die, the religious doctrine of immor They could not meet the situation with reason and
tality of the human soul perishes. When they quote logic, but in true mob spirit flatly demanded the life
Pauls words, The wages of sin is death, the fable of the Baal-exposer. Today when Jehovahs witnesses
of eternal torment for the wicked goes up in smoke. expose the orthodox religions as of pagan origin
When they repeat Jesus words, My Father is and contrary to Gods Word, and thereby cast down
greater than I, the trinitarians claim that God and false religion in the minds of some hearers, many
Christ are equal is proved a lie. As for the three- others raise a great howl against Gods servants,
in-one doctrine of trinity, only one text in older demand their arrest, want them jailed, form mobs
Bibles supports it, and now that scholarly research against them, and even go so far as to demand and
has proved it spurious and it no longer appears in sometimes get the life of the servants of God. Peri
accurate modern translations, it has been blasted odically the world leaders in religion or politics
from the pages of Gods Word. (Ezek. 1 8 :4 ; Rom. plead for more of what plagues them, cry out that
6 :2 3 ; John 14:28; 1 John 5: 7) These and other what is needed is more of their religion. When their
words of praise that Christians catch up from the sore tribulation descends upon them at Armageddon,
Bible and use in their preaching overturn the false let them call to their chosen gods of heathen origin
teachings of todays organized Christian religions . for deliverance, and not to Jehovah God.Judg.
The traditional creeds and teachings of Christendom 10:14.
that trace back to paganism rather than Holy Scrip
24 Gideons father Joash stopped the mob in their
ture are thrown down; they have no more standing- tracks with these words: Will you take the Baals
in the minds of sincere, informed men than did Baals part, or will you champion him? Whoever takes his
image and the sacred pole after Gideon and his part will be put to death by morning. If he is a god,
helpers leveled them to the ground.
let him take his own part; for his altar has been torn
22 Gideons name means feller, hewer; warrior . down! But Baal could not answer for himself, nor
To the unclean implements of Baal worship Gideon can modern-day Baalism maintain its teachings in
did act as a feller and hewer in uprooting them, and the face of declared Bible truth or withstand by logi
his subsequent conduct vindicates his names mean cal argument the testimony brought against it by
ing of warrior . The greater Gideon, Christ Jesus, Jehovahs witnesses. The Christian faith is proved
reveals truths and judgments from the temple that by works, Baalism is disproved by the absence of
bring low down the Devils system in the minds of good works. Hence, Gideon was named Jerubbaal
His followers, and these followers share in this that day, meaning, Let the Baal take his own part
leveling-off work against modern Baalism by relay against him; for he tore down his altar. (Judg.
ing these cutting, smashing truths on to others. With 6: 31, 32, An Amer. Trans.) That altar of Baal had
what reaction from listeners? For a clue, note the belonged to Joash, yet Gideon did not feel as many
repercussions Gideons typical actions touched o f f : today do, that the religion of their father is good
When the townsmen rose early next morning, there enough for them; and Joash was willing to change
was the altar of the Baal torn down, and the sacred his worship when his god was proved powerless.
25 So away with all false religion that holds mens
pole which was beside it cut down, and the choice bull
offered up on the altar which had been built! Then minds captive, restrains and blinds mental faculties
they said to one another, Who has done this deed? so that they cannot perceive Gods true worship!
When they had inquired and investigated, they de Down with Baals altar, the images, the sacred poles,
clared, Gideon, the son of Joash, has done this deed. the offerings! God would not deliver Israel as long
as the Baal stood to be credited with the deliverance;
21. How does the Christians sacrifice of praise dispose of and throw
down modern Baalism?
22, 23. (a) How, in type and antitype, does the meaning o f Gideon s
name have significance? (b) In type and antitype, how do opposers
react to the throwing down of Baalism?
24. What proves the falsity of Baal worship, whether ancient or modern?
25. W hy is it so necessary to oust demon worship before one can enjoy
Jehovahs backing and blessing?
fE eW A T C H T O W E R ,
B rooklyn,
N. Y,
26. What may the enemy have been shrewd enough to grasp, and with
what reaction on their part?
27. How did Gideon meet this major threat, and with what concern for
God s backing?
28. What lawful sifting of Gideons force did God now order, and w hy?
29. What has taken place to fulfill the typical gathering of the Midianites
against Gideon, and his testing for God's backing?
30. Today, how does fear operate to separate many from Christian
J une L, 1950
ffieW A T C H T O W E R ,
B rooklyn, N . A .
a selfish one, to enlarge their own head, to puff up the antitypical fulfillments, take some time out to
with a knowledge unaccompanied by understanding, reflect on the drama up to this point. All Israel was in
to hoard truth to themselves as a miser buries gold. an unclean state in Gods sight, due to Baal worship.
This class, foreshadowed by the 9,700 in Gideons They were in virtual hiding from cruel occupation
time, was particularly in evidence during the 1920s, forces. They cried to the Lord in their distress. He
when so many were ensnared by the self-centered answered, by sending a prophet, and an angel, and
process of developing character , and when so few raising up a judge as deliverer. The majority resisted
saw the need for field service. When the necessity to the message sent through the prophet, and wanted
do service in the field was repeatedly pounded home to kill by mob violence the judge raised up by the
at meetings, that truth was too hard for many to take angels visit. They preferred popular Baalism to
and it removed them from the assembly of Jehovahs true worship. Likewise today, it is the orthodox but
false religions of Christendom that are popular, and
people.Prov. 4 :5 ,7 ; John 6:60-66; 1 Cor. 8:1.
37How different the attitude of the antitypical the unadulterated Bible truths sounded by Jehovahs
three hundred when they attend meetings! They witnesses that rile mobs to violence.
40 But faithful Gideon and his men threw Baal to
must drink, and do; but to them the message is not
just a nice Sunday sermon to tickle ears and be the ground, sent out invitations to assemble, pre
forgotten, not beautiful music to drift in one ear pared their forces for battle by weeding out the
and out the other, not a lovely song to lull one into fearful and the selfishly lazy, and kept on the alerl
daydreams about a new world. When they enjoy at for action. Today a similar group, an anointed rem
meetings instructive experiences or practical demon nant, is in existence. They have been prepared for
strations, their mind is on the lookout as to how they battle by ousting false religious ceremony and doc
may use that instruction in their own field service. trine from their minds, freed mentally from modern
When the Watclitower magazine is studied by the Baalism, with minds open to receive the truths from
congregation and good Scriptural points are brought Gods Word and from the Greater Gideon at the
out, they not only enjoy that truth themselves but temple. They study, privately and in assembly, free
think how they can use that knowledge in their own from fear and selfishness. They do not cease assem
preaching work. They are doers of the word, and bling and return to Baalism. Lots wife looked back
not hearers only . (Jas. 1: 22) They fill up with the at Sodom, the Israelites in the wilderness looked
waters of truth that gush forth at meetings, but as back at Egyptian pleasures, the washed sow goes
they do they keep eyes and ears open to service back to the mire, the dog returns to his vomit; but
opportunities wherein they can let truth flow to Christians delivered from modern Baalism do noi
others. As they themselves learn, the desire to tell return, do not look back after putting hand to the
others builds up pressure till it approaches the plow of Kingdom service.Gen. 19: 26; Num. 11:4-6,
bursting point; then they get relief by opening lips 18-20; 2 Pet. 2:20-22; Luke 9:62.
41 With minds made free, and filled with the truth
and letting the message bubble out for others to
enjoy, as Elihu did.Job 32:17-20, An Amer. Trans. that makes men free, these anointed witnesses went
38 During the 1920s the testings that came by the forth and still go forth to free others. They engineer
continuing new truths and judgments from the tem prison breaks, not from literal cells, and not by
ple cleansed and purged the anointed remnant till using saws or explosives, but by the truth of Gods
only the unshakable few were left, the tried and Word, which is sharper that any two-edged sword,
tested, the fearless and unselfish, the alert fighters and which can slash free minds bound by devilish
strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might . cords. The sword of the spirit stabs and slashes,
(Isa. 6:5-7; Zech. 3:1-5; Eph. 6:10) A small band waters of truth overflow the hiding-places of error,
of witnesses in comparison with the enemy hordes hard cutting truth like hail rips away the refuge of
to be faced; still, numbers are not needed for victory lies, as a scourge it vexes and terrorizes clerical
when Jehovah sides with the few. (1 Sam. 14:6; jailers unable to cover over their fraudulent minis
Luke 19:40; Rom. 8: 31) Developments proved that try, fiery truth consumes the religious chaff, and
principle true in Gideons day; antitypical events like a hammer cracking rocks it pulverizes the doc
trinal stumblingstones that trip up so many when
corroborate it today.
they try to follow the pathway of true worship. It
is as Isaiah and Jeremiah say:
39 But before plunging into the Scriptural narra
42 The hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies,
tive of the actual fight and paralleling with its events and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. . . .
When the overflowing scourge shall pass through,
37. How do others show purpose and alertness at meetings that makes
them comparable with the faithful 300 In the drama?
38. During the 1920s how were the ranks of the anointed witnesses
diminished, yet why was their fewness no cause for loss of courage?
39. How did and do the m ajority resent and resist the efforts toward
spiritual cleansing, both in the drama and today?
40. How are the anointed remnant prepared for battle, and what folly
do they avoid?
41, 42. How do mentally free witnesses use God s truth, as shown by
Bible symbolisms?
1, 1950
then ye shall be trodden down by it. From the time be persuasive and unresentful, correcting his oppo
that it goeth forth it shall take you : for morning by nents with gentleness; for God may possilily let them
morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: repent and acknowledge the truth, and they may yet
and it shall be a vexation when he shall make you return to their senses and escape from the toils of
to understand doctrine. For the bed is shorter than the Devil, who has caught them to make them do his
that a man can stretch himself on i t : and the covering will.2 Tim. 2: 23-26, An Amer. Trans.
44 It is for such godly combat in the interests of
narrower than that he can wrap himself in it. (Isa.
28:17-20, margin) The prophet that hath a dream, liberation that Jehovahs witnesses themselves have
let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let been mentally freed. The truth that has freed them
him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to must be used to free others, as shown by the parable
the wheat! saith the L ord . I s not my word like as a of the pounds. (Luke 19:11-27; Matt. 5:14-16) They
fire! saith the L o r d ; and like a hammer that breaketh fight as soldiers of Christ, enduring hardness, sepa
the rock in pieces? Jer. 23:28,29; Isa. 62:10; rate from worldly entanglements. (2 Tim. 2:2-4)
Armed not with carnal weapons but with Bible truth,
Eph. 6 :1 7 ; Heb. 4:12.
43 The truth as to the pagan origin and Baal-likethey can overthrow the mental prison-houses and
qualities of Christendoms religious doctrines frees strongholds, and any argument or obstacle raised
the mind of the hearer from them, overturns them, by the visible jailers can be smashed, and minds once
upsets them from any Christian standing they once captive to Satan become bound in obedience to Christ
had in the persons mind. But Bible truth does more and God. Though I do live an earthly life, I am not
than root out, pull down, throw down and destroy, carrying on an earthly war, for the weapons I use
as shown by Jeremiahs commission: I have this are not earthly ones, but divinely strong for destroy
day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, ing fortresses. I destroy arguments and every obsta
to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to cle that is raised against the knowledge of God, and 1
throw down, to build, and to plant. (Jer. 1:10) As take captive every thought and make it obey Christ.
Gideon built up true worship after downing Baalism, 2 Cor. 10: 3-5, An Amer. Trans.
45 When we turn back to the ancient prophetic
so today the anointed remnant plant and build up
correct teaching after clearing out the doctrinal drama involving Gideon and his little band of three
rubbish of the supposed Christianized paganisms. hundred, when we follow them into battle against
In performing this service Christs followers should the enemy that spread over the valley of Jezreel like
shun foolish speculations and quarrelings, and be locusts for number, will we find prefigured there the
meek and gentle and persuasive, that the learner may Christian warfare that uses no carnal weapons?
recover the mental freedom snatched from him by Will the outcome of the battle in the days of the
Satan. Avoid foolish, crude speculations; you know judges match the results of Christian combat in these
they only lead to quarrels, and a slave of the Lord last days of Satans world? For the facts in answer
must not quarrel, but treat everyone kindly; he must please see our next issue.
43. Aside from throwing down modern Baalism, what else is accom
plished by the truth? and how should Christs followers declare such
44. W hy have Jehovah s witnesses been mentally freed? and how are
they equipped to fulfill that purpose?
45. What questions remain for settlement in the next Issue?
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
1, 1950
S feW A T C H T O W E R .
1, 1950
October 9, 1949
Dear Brother:
Answering your recent letter regarding birth of children
to the other sheep class surviving Armageddon:
T he W a tch to w er has a number of times pointed out that
Christ Jesus is not yet begetting earthly children and for
this reason the present members of the other sheep class
are not justified to life eternal on earth. The remnant of the
anointed members of Christs body are likewise not the
B rooklyn,
fB eW A T C H T O W E R
ther. The life these get will be not a life in a spiritual way
but in a very literally human or earthly way, and the
princes do not give them this.
To speak of the other sheep that survive Armageddon
who marry and bring forth children by intermarriage as
being like the sons of God that married the daughters
of men in Noahs day is wrong. Their intermarriage is not
a turning from the spiritual to the human or earthly, to
produce a mongrel race of unapproved hybrids. To say
that marriage after Armageddon and then producing chil
dren is turning from the spiritual to the carnal is the same
as saying for the anointed Christians to intermarry and
produce children is turning from the spiritual to the carnal.
In cases the apostle Paul advised anointed Christians to
marry in the Lord, and surely he was not telling them
to turn from the spiritual to the carnal and produce a hy
brid offspring disapproved by God and doomed to destruc
tion. Nor when an anointed member of the remnant marries
one of the other sheep and children result is it a drop
ping from the spiritual to the fleshly and the producing
of mongrel children. At 1 Corinthians, chapter 7, the apos
tle says that where one member of a family union is not
Christian, still the children of such union are holy and the
unconsecrated husband is sanctified by the believing wife
and the unconsecrated wife is sanctified by the believing
husband. Why, then, should it be different when Armaged
don survivors of the other sheep marry, both being con
secrated and divinely approved with survival, and then
bring forth children ? Their children will certainly not cor
respond to the gibborim or men of renown whom the sons
of God and the daughters of men brought forth in Noahs
day.Genesis 6:1-4.
Since both of these other sheep marrying are devoted
to righteousness, then their children are conceived in right
eousness and are righteous. You try to force into the word
righteous the meaning of physical perfection. Evidently
you have forgotten that the booklet T he M eek In h e rit the
E a rth says, on page 28: The marriage of these faithful
and meek survivors of Armageddon will cause homes and
family circles to spring up throughout the earth. Beautified
earth will cheerily ring with the sweet voices of children,
whom these devoted parents will conceive and bring forth
N. Y.
While group witnessing in Pasadena, California, findingvery little interest, I came to a house on the corner. A goatish
woman at the door cared more for her religious fodder than
for the bread of life, so I went to a small house in the rear,
and in response to my knock a voice answered, Come in!
On entering I saw a man sitting in a wheel chair, his arms
no longer than twelve inches, with no hands; his knee joints
are at his hips, and his legs very short, and, of course, he
is unable to walk. He was born that way. He at once recog
nized the Kingdom message as the truth, took three bound
-Ezekiel 35:15.
N o. 12
A V ictory D edicated to
J ehovah s H o n o r .........................
The Strategy, and the A tta ck ..........
Others Rally to the Battle ...............
M opping Up O perations...................
Fruits o f V ictory Dedicated to God
I nternational A ssembly of
J ehovah s witnesses ................
H aman s P ride G oes B efore
D estruction ...............................
L etters [ On Torment Forever and
Ever , also Let the Dead
Bury the Dead ] ...........................
F ield E x perien c e .................................
L iving Up to the N ame
T estimony P eriod .........................
W atchtower S tudies ....................
B rooklyn B ethel V a c a t io n ............
S ave .........................................................
W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
1 1 7 A dam s Street
Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S .A .
O f f ic e r s
N. H. K norr, P resid en t
Grant S uiter, S e cr eta r y
A n d all th y children shall he taught o f Jehovah; and
great shall be the peace o f th y children. - Isa ia h 5 4 : 1 3 .
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlasting, and is the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that a cherub son o f God rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the issue of His universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon it; that man yielded to the unfaith
ful cherub, or Satan, and willfully disobeyed Gods law and was
sentenced to death; that by reason o f Adams wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to life;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him with all
power and authority as head o f Gods new capital organization;
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the new w orld; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zions children, members o f Jehovahs
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovahs supremacy and declare his purposes
toward mankind as expressed in the Bible;
THAT THE OLD WORLD of Satan began its time o f the end
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the new earth ;
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples can come only
by Jehovahs kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satans organization and establish
righteousness completely in the earth ; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will surviving Armageddon will carry out the
divine mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring, and
that the human dead in the graves will be raised to opportunities
of life on earth.
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light o f the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
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u n d e r t h e A c t o f M a r c h S, JS79.
Week o f July 16: A Victory Dedicated to Jehovahs Honor,
1-22 inclusive, T h e W a tch to w e r June 15,1950.
Week o f July 23: A Victory Dedicated to Jehovahs Honor,
If 23-43 inclusive. T h e W a t c h t o w e r June 15,1950.
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all the leading articles throughout the year. By saving your copies
and keeping them in date order you will have an invaluable refer
ence library fo r consultation in your study o f the Bible. Organized
companies should preserve copies in the library o f their local
Theocratic ministry course school.
V ol.
JE H O \ A H 'S K IN G D O M
J une
15, 1950
No. 12
Gideon and the three hundred? and what is the result of his recon
4. What do Christians today learn by scouting enemy positions? and
what do they sometimes hear from the enemys own mouth?
Brooklyn , N. Y.
B rooklyn , N. Y.
19. Since when has the other sheep class flocked forward, due to
v/hat widespread publicity?
20. In type and antitype, who rose to cut off enemy retreat, and why
are their efforts so telling?
own land to escape, they found new forces had come Christs body-members. Satans earthly organization
out to cut off their retreat. These new troops, the is known as the vine of the earth , and as far as the
Ephraimites, wreaked havoc on the Midianites, even visible warfare between it and Jehovahs witnesses
slaughtering their two princes, Oreb and Zeeb. So is concerned it is the anointed remnant that first
today from out of their own organizations the re proclaims the truth that starts the battle. (Rev.
treating enemies are met by surprise forces that loom 14:18-20) It is the remnants fearless preaching that
up suddenly from their very ranks, and the enemies routs the enemy and puts it on the run toward com
know not which way to flee. As the message pene plete defeat. By the time the other sheep join the
trates to new lands thousands more take up the fight, fray most of the doctrinal fruits of the enemy vine
showing that this world is a dead thing to them, void have been harvested as falsehoods, with only glean
of any life hopes. Like the Ephraimites, they take ings left. Yet the other sheep come into the conflict
the battle stations assigned them by the organiza at the crucial time to perform a vital service, just as
tional head of the antitypical three hundred. There is Ephraims gleanings in the ancient battle, the trap
where the efforts are telling, where the organization ping and slaughtering of the routed Midianites and
puts us, where unity of action against the enemy will the picking off of the stragglers, made a heavy con
tribution to the final victory.
21But what about the complaint voiced by the
21 This Gideon acknowledged, even as the anointed
Ephraimites at not being called earlier'? Back there remnant today gladly state that the other sheep
in the type it was God s purpose to use a limited now perform a major share in chasing and cornering
number in the initial assault, that credit for the vic and killing the doctrinal and ideological fruitage of
tory might properly go to Jehovah. (Judg. 7:2-4) Satans visible organization. The other sheep class
Similarly, the triumph over the modern-day Midian has no cause to chide anyone because of their slow
ites is not by force of numbers, and no flesh is to start. The Ephraimites must have known the Midian
glory in Gods sight. The victory must be to Jehovahs ites were in the land, that Gideon was gatheringhonor. He needs no creatures to rout the enemy; he forces to combat them, and that they could have at
could preach the truth by making the stones cry out. least offered their services without being formally
(Luke 19:40; 1 Cor. 1:29) He did, however, choose invited. Similarly, many now comprising the other
to use a little flock , an anointed remnant, to do the sheep previously knew of the work of the remnant
work of putting the enemy to flight. Later, as more and could have associated with them. It is true that
and more of the other sheep class are taken into they were not invited to take part in the service very
the fighting ranks, some may lament that they were much during the 1920s, the invitation being extended
not informed sooner about these Bible truths, that to them later on, just as in the type it came later to
they could have had a fuller share in the gospel the Ephraimites. After instruction, the other sheep
preaching work. But they appreciate the reason for appreciate why their ingathering had to wait, that
what seemed to them a tardy call to service, when it was Jehovahs purpose to fully gather in the little
they learn of Jehovahs purpose to first gather and flock first, and they are satisfied with Jehovahs
test, sift and judge an anointed remnant.John arrangement of matters and overjoyed by the service
10:16; 1 Pet. 4:17.
privileges they now possess, even as the Ephraimites
22By a soft and tactful answer Gideon turned away were placated after being instructed by Gideon. So it
the wrath of the Ephraimites. He applied principles is that now the other sheep come in on the tail-end
expressed centuries later: In honour preferring of the gospel-preaching work, after it has been goingone another ; In lowliness of mind let each esteem on for nineteen centuries, after the death of the anti
other better than themselves. (Prov. 1 5 :1 ; Rom. typical firstborn, and they rejoice that the closing12:10; Phil. 2: 3) It was no time for internal strife,
gleaning work they do is so amazingly fruitful and
so he abated their anger by pointing out the rich
contributes so heavily to the ingathering of those
share they had had in clinching the victory, even
will make up the great multitude of Revelation
adding generously, What was I able to do in compar
ison with you! Is not the gleaning of the grapes of 7:9.
Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezerf he
25 The account of the final stages of the typical
23 Abiezer stood for Gideons house, and in this
drama would point to the anointed remnant of battle continues. And Gideon came to Jordan, and
passed over, he, and the three hundred men that were
21. How may some of the "other sheep feel when first learning of
their privilege to preach? but appreciation of what facts clarifies with him, faint, yet pursuing them. And he said unto
matters for them?
22. How did Gideon answer, and what Scriptural principles did he apply,
in settling Internal strife?
23. In fulfillment, how can it be logically said that the anointed remnant
did harvesting on the enemy vine and the "other sheep only gleaning,
yet that gleaning contributes heavily to victory?
24. Why do the "other sheep now have no cause to chide anyone because
of their slow start in Theocratic warfare, but are satisfied and rejoice
in the gleaning work that falls to their lot?
25. What was Gideons experience with the men of Succoth and Penuel?
B rooklyn , N. Y.
the men of Succoth, Give, I pray you, loaves of bread men. So Gideon went up the caravan route, east of
unto the people that follow m e; for they be faint, and Nobah and Jogbehah, and attacked the camp as it lay
I am pursuing after Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of off its guard. Zebah and Zalmunna fled, but he pur
Midian. And the princes of Succoth said, Are the sued them, and captured Midians two kings, Zebah
hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand, that and Zalmunna, and struck panic into the whole
we should give bread unto thine army? Gideon army. (Judg. 8:10-12, An Amer. Trans.) As he
moved on, and voiced the same request to the men of returned victoriously along the way of pursuit, Gid
Penuel, and got the same answer. Gideon pronounced eon meted out appropriate punishment for the men
judgment against both Succoth and Penuel, and con of Succoth and Penuel, uncovered the fact that it
tinued the pursuit of the enemy.Judg. 8:4-9.
was the Midianite kings Zebah and Zalmunna that
28 The anointed remnant have been pressing on inhad slain his brothers, and justly put them to death.
the battle of truth against lies for many years now, Judg. 8:13-21.
29 It was Gideon and his three hundred that started
but, though aging and nearing exhaustion, they do
battle under Jehovahs direction; it was they who
not give in to weariness of the flesh but keep up the
it by his grace. So it is the anointed remnant
chase of the enemy, faint, yet pursuing them. Fre
the principal role in the visible Christian
quently they could use such assistance as that sym
Satans agents, being used to start
bolized by bread or a cup of cold water . Those
as it relates to these last days .
who refuse to assist Christs brethren are adversely
have had the privilege of
judged by the King, who says to them: I was hungry,
Midianite princes Oreb
and ye did not give me to eat; I was thirsty, and ye
lot to take and de
gave me no drink . . . Go away into eternal punish
necessary for the
ment. (Matt. 25:42,46; 10:42, Am. Stan. Ver.)
Such ones were prefigured by the men of Succoth and other sheep to keep such things in mind, that they
may always appreciate their relationship to the rem
Penuel, and will suffer a like fate.
27 Those of Succoth and Penuel still thought the nant, to the organization, and to Christ Jesus and
Midianites might win, and feared reprisals if they Jehovah God. The fact that by weight of numbers
helped Gideons band. The fleeing enemy now holed they now perform the bulk of the witness work should
up at Karkor numbered 15,000, enjoying odds of 50 only make them humble in their precious privilege;
to 1 in their favor, and to the men of little faith who never should it cause them to exalt themselves against
looked on outward appearances, blind to the power the anointed remnant, under whose immediate direc
of Jehovah that backs up his people, victory by tion they work. By so maintaining the proper mental
Gideon would still seem a dim prospect. The men of attitude, they will never be abased and destroyed
Succoth and Penuel still looked upon their oppres with the antitypical goatish men of Succoth and
sors as having the rule over them, as being higher Penuel. Matt. 23:12.
30 Thus it was that Gods people in the days of
powers to be in subjection to. How like the goat
were liberated from Midianite bondage, by a
and evil servant classes of today, who refuse aid
its course, from initial attack to mop
to the anointed remnant, unable to see that behind
Gideon followed through to the
these brethren of the Lord are Christ and Jehovah,
ministers the importance of
and are still fearful of the world leaders, consorting
of door-to-door preaching,
with them and viewing them as the higher powers !
in steps taken, but the
Such goatish ones think that this world organization
by modern carnal war
under Satan is all right, think that it will continue
on as the controlling power, and they cast their lot
31 Men of this going old world hold in their hand
with it. Hence in both type and antitype it is seen that
power to kill millions, by the grace of the Devil.
the rout and running battle divided the peoples, some
have their bacteria bombs and A-bombs and
coming out and joining in the fight against Satanic
potent H-bombs. Men of the coming new
oppressors, others siding with the doomed invaders
in their hand the power to show the path
of Jehovahs field of worship. Matt. 25: 31, 32.
by the grace of God. They have
28 The record of the typical struggle continues:
Word, which overflows with
Now Zebah and Zalmunna were at Karkor, and their
is mobilized to produce
army with them, about fifteen thousand men, all that
into factory assem
remained of all the Kedemite army, since the fallen
and poisonous
numbered one hundred and twenty thousand swordsgases. New world servants are mobilized to produce
26. Who accord similar treatment to the faint, yet pursuing remnant?
27. What view of matters did the men of Succoth and Penuel adopt? and
how did they so well prefigure the goat and evil servant classes
of today?
28. With the recording of what events does the prophetic drama end?
29. What should the other sheep keep In mind, and why?
30, 31. In carnal warfare and Christian warfare, what resemblances and
contrasts are there as to possessing power and being mobilized and
organized ?
day Midianites, nor will Christ have any successorsons to reign in his stead on the throne, as was pro
posed in Gideons case. After Gideon refused kingship for himself and his sons, he made an alternate
proposal, which was accepted and led to certain
events. But the prophetic drama had ended, so these
happenings also are weighted with no antitypical
significance. However, they do disclose a general
principle and an object lesson that are instructive in
their broad outlines. The account relates:
34 Gideon said unto them, I would desire a request
of you, that ye would give me every man the earrings
of his prey. (For they had golden earrings, because
they were Ishmaelites.) And they answered, We will
willingly give them. And they spread a garment, and
did cast therein every man the earrings of his prey.
And the weight of the golden earrings that he re
quested was a thousand and seven hundred shekels
of gold; beside ornaments, and collars, and purple
raiment that was on the kings of Midian, and beside
the chains that were about their camels necks. And
Gideon made an ephod thereof, and put it in his city,
even in Ophrah: and all Israel went thither a whoring
after it: which thing became a snare unto Gideon,
and to his house. Judg. 8: 24-27.
35 These facts stand out: The loot from the victory
did not go to the enrichment of any individual, but
was pooled to make an ephod. This was not an idol,
but was a priestly garment used in Gods service.
(Ex. 28: 6-14) In making the ephod the loot was used
to make something honoring and recognizing Jeho
vah. The case was similar to the time when the Israel
ites spoiled the Egyptians before the exodus, and
later when in the wilderness it was from this gold
and precious materials that the people contributed
for the building of the tabernacle, including ephods.
(Ex. 1 1 :2 ; 12:36; 35:5,21-29; 36:5-7, Am. Stan.
Ver.) Israel committed spiritual whoredom with the
ephod Gideon made, by worshiping it, and it became
a snare to Gideon and his house. However, Gideon
certainly did not make the ephod for idolatrous pur
poses; for Jehovahs honor he had refused the kingship for himself and instead focused attention on
the ephod as representative of God. But the people
33 It appears that with the total defeat of the wrongly worshiped the ephod rather than what it
Midianites the drama ends its prophetic significance. represented, as similarly happened with a bronze
As confirmation of this view, note that immediately serpent Moses had properly made, but which was
after final victory the people wished to make Gideon later idolized. (Num. 2 1 :9 ; 2 Ki. 18:4) The ephod
king over them, and his offspring after him. (Judg. did not serve the purpose for which it was made, and
8: 22, 23) This could hardly have antitypical signifi even proved a danger to Gideon and his house ;
cance, since in the fulfillment the Greater Gideon but the record does not say Gideon worshiped it.
Christ Jesus was enthroned as King before the (Judg. 8:27, Moffait) Gideon died approved, and
anointed remnant were gathered against the modern- Baal worship was not practiced in Israel any more
during his life. Judg. 8: 33; Heb. 11: 32.
3 2 . (a) Contrast the mopping up operations of old world and new world
forces, (b) Show by illustration the necessity of conducting back-calls
36 The general principle shown is that any fruits
B rooklyn , N. Y.
from Theocratic victories should go to Jehovahs organizations of the big and prosperous orthodox
honor, and not to the exaltation of any individual or churches of Christendom. The organization is served
organization. The Israelites stripped the Midianites and worshiped instead of the one it claims to repre
of their fine raiment and jewelry; so the truth de sent, namely Jehovah God. But this snare will never
clared against the world leaders, whether religious or catch Jehovahs cleansed people today; the growingpolitical, commercial or military, strips them of the visible organization does not fill them with the pride
higher powers claim in which they clothe them that precedes falls, but serves to remind them that
selves, removes them from their exalted position, Jehovah is directing and blessing the work, that it
plunders the prestige and adoration they once en is his seasonal time for gathering in the fruits of
joyed, and they lose the flattering titles that allowed gospel-preaching. Prov. 16:18.
them to glitter and shine. Any treasures of service
39 However, it is well for all to remember the snare
they might have enjoyed are gone, because they used that visible organizations can be. Did not some
their offices to make a show of themselves. These Israelites think too highly of a visible setup when
attention-grabbing things are not transferred to they lamented that the new temple being rebuilt after
truth-telling witnesses, but are lumped together and Babylonish captivity failed to measure up to the
given over for Jehovahs honor. As men of good-will glories of Solomons temple? (Hag. 2 :3 ) In Jesus
learn the truth they strip these formerly honored day and thereafter certain Jews took excessive pride
ones of their improper titles and adornments and in the visible temple and attributed too much to it;
give all praise to Jehovah, and attribute to God and they were forcefully reminded that God does not
Christ all honoring titles, such as Father and dwell in temples made with mens hands. (Matt.
Higher Powers . Job 32:21,22; Ps. 150:6; Isa. 23:18-22; 2 4 :1 ,2 ; Acts 7 :4 8 ; 17:24) The early
4 2 :8 ; Matt. 23:9.
Christian organization sprang up as fruitage to the
87 The object lesson in the ancient happenings that ministry of Christ Jesus, but it became apostate,
followed the prophetic part of the drama is that the worldly, powerful, with only a remnant holding true
fruits of victory should never be idolized. Any in to God. (Acts 20: 29; 2 Pet. 2 :1 ) Surely the Roman
creases or gains in numbers of publishers that come Catholic Church that grew out of that apostasy has
from the work of gospel-preaching should never be been snared, boasting of its size and wealth and
credited to men or to a visible organization, nor power, and worshiping itself and its traditions and
should the volume of work accomplished be a cause doctrines and clerical leaders instead of Jehovah
for creature boasting; all of this is due to Jehovah God. Again, when Christ came to the temple for
God and Christ Jesus and should be dedicated to judgment in 1918 a great number of those in line for
them and to the vindication of Jehovah s name. To the Kingdom were purged out, mainly because they
illustrate, a farmer sows seed and waters and culti held in worshipful esteem the Elijah-period organ
vates, but does he make the seed sprout and grow ization and its practices and personnel, which esteem,
and eventually bear fruit? Is not credit for the stubbornly clung to despite increasing light, dis
growth due to the Creator ? The apostle Paul deflated pleased God. They were snared; they were cast from
those looking to creatures as responsible for organ Jehovahs service.Zech. 1 3 :8 ,9 ; Matt. 24:48-51.
izational increases by such an illustration, saying:
40 But the visible organization that now grows and
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the prospers has been cleansed, purged of such ensnaring
increase. So then neither is he that plantetli any practices as creature worship. The increase is cred
thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth ited to Jehovah God; it comes not by human might
the increase. (1 Cor. 3 :6 ,7 ) Ministers may plant or power, but by His spirit. (Zech. 4 :6 ) In the
the seed of truth and water it by back-calling and ancient drama Gideon started alone, then worked
conducting home Bible studies, but it is God who with ten associates to throw down Baals altar, and
gathers in new ones to give growth and increase to when thousands flocked to him they were screened
the visible organization of preachers.
down to three hundred for use against Midian; so
38 There is this to remember concerning organihis force grew from one to eleven to three hundred
zations generally. When young and growing, fighting and one. (Judg. 6:11,27;
7: 7) Similarly from the
their way up, zeal is strong and evangelistic; but
time temple judgment started till the opening blast
when they have won their place and become strong
and wealthy and respected they often lose their virile began unseating world rulers as higher powers the
strength and become lax, fat, sluggish, and point anointed remnant increased in numbers. In 1918
with pride to their size, and put their directives there were on an average 3,868 publishers per month;
above Gods commands. That has happened to the in 1928, 23,988.
37. What object lesson is contained in the ancient happenings? and
what should it make Christians today aware of?
38. What should be remembered concerning worldly organizations? but
why will Jehovahs present visible organization never be so ensnared?
41 Thereafter the rout of the modern-day Midianites gained momentum, and during the 1930s the
other sheep joined in the fight, to bring the pub
lisher figure up to 47,143 in 1938. In ever-increasing
numbers they came during the next ten years, till
in 1948 there were 230,532 reporting service regu
larly. In 1949 the figure climbed to 279,421, with a
peak for one month of 317,877. For all of this pros
perity Jehovahs witnesses thank God, and give
credit therefor to no visible agencies. Jehovah God
foretold this abundant increase coming from all
nations, like flocks, like clouds of doves that darken
the sky for multitude. Into Jehovahs organizational
arrangement they come, and the gates are open to
receive them, shut neither day nor night. And why
the ever-increasing tempo of ingathering now? Is it
due to any brilliant human minds in the visible
organization? or to efficient methods or procedures
practiced? No; the other sheep of the Lord now
flock in abundantly because it is Gods time to hasten
their coming: The little one shall become a thousand,
and the small one a strong nation: I, Jehovah, will
hasten it in its time.Isa. 60:1-22, Am. Stan. Ver.
4* As the visible organization increases, the new
strength of numbers is dedicated to Jehovahs honor.
They are not held under as a laity class to bear up
and support a clergy class. There are no class dis
tinctions or discriminations or respect of persons
shown in the visible organization; all are under God
and Christ. (Matt. 2 3 :8 ; Acts 10:34) Like the
41. As the modern-day rout has gained momentum, what Increases have
come, and why such increase?
42. To what is the increase dedicated? and how are new ones fitted
3 0 to
A ugust
a tt e n t io n o f J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s t h r o u g h o u t th e
6 inclusive
in B i b l e s t u d y . A l l s e ssio n s a r e o p e n to th e p u b lic , s e a ts a re
I f you
w o r ld h a s b e e n fo c u s e d o n t h is m o s t o u t s t a n d in g e v e n t
sc h e d u le d f o r 1 9 5 0 . T h e a s s e m b ly s b e in g in N e w Y o r k
h a v e n o t p l a n n e d to b e in N e w Y o r k b e tw e e n t h e d a y s o f
c it y d o e s n o t m a k e it a n A m e r i c a n
a s s e m b ly , b u t it is an
J u l y 3 0 a n d A u g u s t 6 b u t y o u d o h a v e s o m e o cc a sio n to
c o m e to N e w Y o r k , m a k e i t y o u r b u s in e s s t o b e in th e c it y
c o m in g fr o m th e e n d s o f th e e a r th . A t t h is w r i t in g r e p o r ts
s o m e tim e d u r i n g t h is p e r io d , f o r y o u
a re to h a n d f r o m f if t y -f iv e d iffe r e n t n a t io n s s a y i n g t h e y a re
b le s s in g b y a t t e n d in g t h is g a t h e r in g o f t h e L o r d s p e o p le .
s e n d in g
com e
r e p r e s e n ta t iv e s .
fr o m
o th e r
M ore
c o u n t r ie s
th a n
2 ,0 0 0
a s s e m b le
d e le g a t e s
a lo n g
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a rich
w ill
t h e ir
A m e r ic a n a n d C a n a d ia n b r e th r e n a t t h is g r e a t fe a s t , t o be
h e ld f o r e ig h t d a y s in th e w o r l d s s e c o n d -la r g e s t c it y .
T h e fir st d a y o f th e c o n v e n t io n w il l b e k n o w n a s G ile a d
G r a d u a t io n D a y , a n d t h e p r o g r a m o p e n s a t 9 : 3 0
in th e
T h e p la c e s e le c te d f o r th e h o l d in g o f t h is g r e a t g a t h e r in g
m o r n in g w it h s o n g s . J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s w il l n o t h a v e to
o f J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s is t h e f a m o u s Y a n k e e S t a d iu m , s i t u
b r i n g t h e ir o ld s o n g b o o k s w it h t h e m , b e c a u se th e S o c ie t y
a te d a t R i v e r a v e n u e a n d E a s t 1 6 1 s t s tr e e t in t h e b o r o u g h
w il l b e r e le a s in g a n e w s o n g b o o k
of B ronx, N ew Y o rk
M a n y n e w s o n g s h a v e b e e n a d d e d , b u t w e w i l l n o t t e ll y o u
c it y , a n d it is a n t ic ip a t e d
t h a t th is
tr e m e n d o u s s t a d iu m w il l b e p r a c t i c a l ly fille d f r o m th e v e r y
a n y m ore
o p e n in g o f th e c o n v e n t io n o n J u l y 3 0 . N o t o n l y J e h o v a h 's
s o n g s o f p r a is e . T h e m u s ic a n d w o r d s t h a t w il l b e s u n g at
w itn e sse s a r e in v it e d to a tt e n d , b u t a ll
th e a s s e m b ly w i l l n o t m a tc h th e o ld s o n g b o o k .
Watchtower r e a d e r s ,
as w e ll a s th e g e n e r a l p u b l i c in N e w Y o r k w h o a re in te r e s te d
a b o u t it u n t i l y o u
T h e ch a h u n a n
jo i n
S u n d a y m o r n in g e a r ly .
o f th e c o n v e n t io n
w it h u s in s in g in g th e
w ill g iv e
th e o p e n in g
1 0 :3 0
m o r n in g .
rest o f
th e
B rooklyn, N . Y .
M a y 1 3 , a s p e c ia l m e e t in g w a s h e ld , w h ic h a r o u s e d m u c h
w il l b e d e v o te d to t h e g r a d u a t io n e x e r c is e s o f th e 1 5 t h c la ss
e n t h u s ia s m , a n d w it h j o y J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s in th e v ic in it y
o f th e W a t c h t o w e r B i b l e S c h o o l o f G ile a d . T h a t p r o g r a m
o f 2 5 m ile s o f N e w Y o r k w i l l i n g l y a s s u m e d th e r e s p o n s ib ilit y
w ill b e g in a t 1 : 3 0
in t h e a f t e r n o o n , a n d t h is is s o m e th in g
y o u w i l l w a n t to see a n d h e a r . I t w il l b e v e r y h e a r t -w a r m in g ,
p e r s o n s c o m in g to th e a s s e m b ly . T h e C o n v e n t io n B u r e a u and
h o t e ls a r e c o o p e r a t in g s p l e n d i d ly , a n d u p to t h is t im e w e
w e b e lie v e .
F r o m t h e fir s t d a y u n t i l th e la s t t h e p r o g r a m is p a c k e d
h a v e m o r e t h a n 9 ,0 0 0 r o o m s s e t a sid e in h o te ls a lo n e . O u r
f u l l o f in t e r e s t in g t h in g s , n o t o n e o f w h ic h y o u w ill w a n t
b ig
to m is s . B u t i f s o m e o f y o u
cannot get
S u n d a y m o r n in g , M a y 1 4 , a p p r o x i m a t e ly 4 ,0 0 0 p u b lis h e r s
th e r e f o r th e f u l l e ig h t d a y s , h a v e in m in d t h a t o n S u n d a y
s t a r t e d o u t in th e fie ld lo o k in g f o r r o o m s in p r iv a t e h o m e s
a ft e r n o o n ,
A u gu st
th e
Watchtower r e a d e r s
p r e s id e n t
th e
W a tc h to w e r
p r o b le m
w il l b e t o fin d
B ib le a n d T r a c t S o c ie t y , I n c ., N . H . K n o r r , w il l g iv e a p u b lic
c a r d s s h o w in g
a d d r e s s w h ic h w i l l h e w i d e ly a d v e r t is e d . T h e s u b je c t w il l
S o c ie t y
b e, C a n Y o u
r o o m s o r p r e f e r to s t a y in a p r iv a t e h o m e , t h e W a t c h t o w e r
L iv e
F o r e v e r in
H a p p in e s s on
E a rth ?
th a t
th ey
h o u s in g a c c o m m o d a tio n s . O n
a re
a u t h o r iz e d
g e t t i n g th e se r o o m s .
C o n v e n t io n
m o d a t io n s f o r e v e r y p e r s o n a t t e n d i n g th e c o n v e n t io n . R o o m
m e e tin g a t Y a n k e e S t a d iu m in y o u r it in e r a r y .
r e q u e s t f o r m s h a v e b e e n se n t t o a ll c o m p a n ie s o f J e h o v a h s
a s s e m b ly
w ill
p o s itio n
th e
w ant
w itn e s s e s , b u t i f a r e a d e r
The Watchtmver
not y et
see th e n e w B e t h e l h o m e
w a n t h o te l
Y o r k c i t y o n t h is w e e k -e n d o f A u g u s t 6 , 1 9 5 0 , in c lu d e th is
c o m in g
r e p r e s e n t th e
y o u r b u s in e s s o r o th e r m a t t e r s ta k e y o u a n y w h e r e n e a r N e w
T h ose
C o m m itt e e
W h e th e r
th e
a s so c ia te d
w ith
W a t c h T o w e r S o c ie t y , a s
w itn e s s e s
w e ll a s th e n e w p r i n t i n g
w r it e
p la n t
f o r a r o o m in g f o r m a n d
ju s t
d u r in g
c o n stru cte d
th e
la s t
m ay
to th e
ju s t
C o m m itte e
w e w il l g iv e h is r e q u e st
A r r a n g e m e n t s w i l l be
im m ediate
m a d e f o r a ll c o n v e n t io n -
R ead
t h is r o o m
e r s to g o t h r o u g h th e se
fo r m
o v er c a r e fu lly b e
fil lin g
re q u e st
tw o p la c e s , b o th s itu a te d
fo r e
in B r o o k ly n , o n M o n d a y
w i l l n o te t h a t h o te l p r ic
o u t. Y o u
f o ll o w in g
es a re a lit t le h ig h e r in
th e a s s e m b ly . O n A u g u s t
N e w Y o r k t h a n in m o s t
7 and
c itie s . A n a d d it io n a l cot
T u esd ay
8, fr o m
8 in th e
m o r n in g to 5 in th e e v e
m a y b e p r o v id e d in m o st
n in g , t o u r s w il l b e c o n
r o o m s to ta k e c a r e o f a
t in u o u s . W e e x p e c t t h o u
t h ir d
d it io n a l
p erson s
perso n
g o in g t h r o u g h b o th o f th e s e b u il d i n g s b e c a u s e o f t h e ir k e en
tw o d o lla r s a d a y . W e h o p e t h a t n o d e le g a t e w il l re q u e st
in te r e s t in th e w o r k b e in g d o n e in th e se p la c e s . I t w il l be
m o r e a c c o m m o d a tio n s t h a n
im p o s s ib le
w ill r e q u ir e a ll th e a c c o m m o d a tio n s w e c a n o b ta in f o r th e
sh ow
b e fo r e
B eth el
fa m ily
d u r in g
p erso n s th ro u g h
th e
w il l
c o n v e n t io n ,
b u sy
w it h
th e
fa c to r y
a ll
or hom e
m em bers
c o n v e n t io n
th e
la r g e c r o w d o f p e r s o n s a t t e n d in g t h is g r e a t a s s e m b ly .
m atters
t h a t it w ill be n e c e s s a r y t o k e e p b o th p la c e s c lo s e d t o t h e
p u b lic .
r u n n in g
th e
c o n v e n t io n
th e
im p o r t a n t
P e r s o n s n o t a c q u a in t e d w it h N e w Y o r k w ill w a n t to k n o w
t h in g d u r i n g th e c o n v e n t io n p e r io d , a n d t h a t m i l r e q u ir e
a fe w
a ll o f t h e B e t h e l f a m i l y s t im e .
o v e r n ig h t p a r k in g
C o n v e n t io n e r s
c o m in g
th e
a s s e m b ly
he a c t u a l ly n e e d s, b e c a u se w e
g o in g
t h in g s a b o u t t h e c i t y . W e
w o u ld lik e to s ta te th a t
o f c a r s in s t r e e t s in th e h o t e l se c tio n s
aw ay
is p r o h ib ite d . T h e r e f o r e i t w i l l b e n e c e s s a r y t o g a r a g e y o u r
fr o m it a re w e lc o m e to s t o p a t W B B R s t r a n s m it t in g sta tio n
c a r o r p u t it in a p a r k in g lo t . G a r a g e p a r k in g in N e w Y o r k
a t 1 1 1 1 W o o d r o w R o a d , o n S t a t e n I s la n d , a n d t h e W a t c h -
c i t y r u n s a b o u t $ 1 .5 0 to $ 2 .0 0 a n ig h t . P a r k i n g lo t s a re a
to w e r B i b l e S c h o o l o f G ile a d a t S o u t h L a n s in g , N e w Y o r k .
lit t l e lo w e r a n d y o u m a y fin d o n e c o n v e n ie n t to y o u r lo c a
W e w ill n o t be a b le to a c c o m m o d a te a n y o n e o v e r n ig h t a t
t io n . P a r k i n g o f c a r s n e a r Y a n k e e S t a d i u m w i l l b e e x t r e m e ly
th ese p la c e s , n o r in th e B e t h e l h o m e , b u t y o u w i l l be w e l
li m i t e d , so it w i l l b e b e s t f o r y o u to p la n t o t r a v e l to a n d
c o m e to s to p d u r i n g th e d a y a n d see th e b r o a d c a s t in g s t a t io n ,
fr o m
th e S c h o o l a n d t h e f a r m s t h e S o c ie t y o p e r a te s in c o n n e c tio n
f u r n is h e s e x c e lle n t t r a n s p o r t a t io n
w ith b o th .
is th e fa s t e s t w a y to g e t a r o u n d . T h e f a r e is 1 0 c e n ts a r id e .
T h e N e w Y o r k c o m p a n y o f J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s is h a p p y
th e s t a d iu m
b y b u s o r s u b w a y . T h e s u b w a y sy ste m
N ew
I f y o u h a v e n e v e r b e e n to N e w Y o r k
A u gu st
w ill
fa m ilia r
Y ork
th is
c i t y d u r i n g J u ly
w it h
th e
w e a th e r
to h a v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y o f b e in g h o s t t o J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s
c o n d it io n s . G e n e r a l ly th e w e a t h e r is v e r y w a r m a n d h u m id
f r o m a ll p a r t s o f th e w o r ld a n d t h e y a r e w o r k in g d i li g e n t ly
i t y is h ig h . W e s u g g e s t t h a t y o u b r i n g c o o l s u m m e r c lo th in g ,
in h a r m o n y w it h th e S o c ie t y s c o n v e n t io n c o m m itt e e t o ta k e
f o r e v e n t h e n ig h t s a re q u it e w a r m .
c a r e o f th e p r e l i m i n a r y a r r a n g e m e n t s . O n S a t u r d a y n ig h t ,
I t a p p e a r s t h a t th e r e w il l b e n o t r a ile r c a m p a t t h is con -
C o n v e n t io n
C o m m it t e e
o th e r s
sp e cia lly -
t io n s , to g e t e n o u g h m o n e y to p a y f o r r o o m s , so th e fr e e
a s s ig n e d h a v e s e a r c h e d d i l i g e n t l y f o r a p l o t o f la n d in o r
r o o m s w il l b e a s s ig n e d
o u t o f th e c i t y f o r th e c a m p , h u t it h a s b e e n im p o s s ib le to
c u r r e n c y c o n t r o ls f o r b i d t h e m to ta k e s u ffic ie n t m o n e y f o r
fin d a n y t h in g . W e h a v e c o v e r e d a n a r e a o f t w e n t y -f iv e m ile s
room s
r a d iu s f r o m
lo c a l c u r r e n c y .
c o m m u n itie s
th e c e n te r o f N e w Y o r k . M o s t t o w n s h ip s a n d
a c c o m m o d a tio n s .
p r o h ib ite d
t r a ile r
th e n
cam ps
th a t
a ll
th e
o n ly
a llo w
fu n d s
fo r
fr o m
t h e ir
c o u n t r ie s w h e re
t r a n s p o r t a t io n
T h e S o c ie t y h a s s e t u p a h e a d q u a r t e r s in N e w Y o r k c it y
t r a ile r
a t t e n d in g
to b r e th r e n
to ta k e
c a r e o f c o n v e n t io n
m a tte r s, p a r tic u la r ly
r o o m in g
c o m m u n ic a t io n s r e la t iv e to
th e c o n
c o n v e n t io n w il l h a v e to m a k e p l a n s t o s t a y in r o o m in g h o u se s
a c c o m m o d a tio n s . A l l
o r h o te ls w it h in t h e c i t y o f N e w Y o r k i t s e lf , o r m a k e y o u r
v e n tio n
o w n a r r a n g e m e n t s f o r c a m p in g s o m e d is t a n c e f r o m th e c i t y
C o m m it t e e , 5 5 7 W . 1 5 7 t h s t r e e t , N e w Y o r k 3 2 , N e w Y o r k .
s h o u ld
a d dressed
W a tc h to w e r
C o n v e n tio n
a n d c o m m u t e d a i l y . T h is la t t e r w e d o n o t a d v is e , b e c a u se
J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s t h r o u g h o u t th e U n it e d S t a te s , C a n a d a
N e w Y o r k c i t y tra ffic is e x t r e m e ly h e a v y in t h e m o r n in g .
a n d th e w o r ld h a v e f o r m o r e t h a n a y e a r b e e n m a k in g p la n s
a n n o u n cem en t,
to c o m e t o N e w Y o r k . N o w th e t im e is d r a w in g clo se a n d
b e c a u s e a t m o s t c o n v e n t io n s w e h a v e a lw a y s h a d e x c e lle n t
S o c ie t y
m ake
t h is
y o u h a v e to m a k e y o u r fin a l a r r a n g e m e n t s , o b t a in a ro o m
t r a ile r c a m p s . B u t th e se h a v e b e e n in t h e W e s t o r M id w e s t ,
a n d d e c id e h o w y o u w i l l t r a v e l. W e h o p e y o u h a v e m a d e
w h e r e w e h a v e h a d p l e n t y o f s p a c e . W i t h i n N e w Y o r k th e r e
u p y o u r m in d to h a v e a f u l l s h a r e in th e a s s e m b ly a n d w ill
is lit t le s p a c e , a n d , w h ile c o m m u n it ie s o u t s id e m a y h a v e lo ts
b e a t a ll se ssio n s. A s t r u e s t u d e n t s o f th e B ib l e , w e k n o w ,
a n d a d e q u a te s p a c e , th e se a r e n o t a v a ila b le b e c a u s e o f c i t y
b y th e L o r d s g r a c e , y o u w i l l b e d e s ir o u s o f a t t e n d in g a ll
r e s t r ic t io n s
person s
w ho d o n o t d e s ir e t o r e n t i t o u t f o r a t r a ile r c a m p f o r e ig h t
u s to p r e a c h t h e W o r d in a l l th e w o r ld f o r a w it n e s s . W e
or p ro p erty
b e in g
ow ned
p r iv a t e
to t e n d a y s . W e
a n n o u n c e t h is n o w so t h a t y o u c a n p la n
s in c e r e ly
a c c o r d in g ly . W e
k n o w m a n y w i l l b e d is a p p o in t e d b e c a u se
j o u r n e y to N e w Y o r k c i t y a n d t h a t J e h o v a h w i l l b le ss a ll
th a t
everyon e
w ill
p le a s a n t
o f th is , b u t a s y e t w e h a v e n o t b e e n a b le to lo c a t e a s u ita b le
p lace a f t e r m o n t h s o f h a r d w o r k .
J e h o v a h s w itn e s s e s a t Y a n k e e S t a d i u m . A l l p e o p le w h o lo v e
T h e r e w ill be n o f r e e r o o m s f o r p io n e e r s a t th e c o n v e n t io n ,
tru th
r ic h l y
a t t e n d in g
t h is
in t e r n a t io n a l
a s s e m b ly
a n d r ig h t e o u s n e s s a n d w h o a re a n x io u s t o k n o w o f
a s th ese w il l b e u s e d to a c c o m m o d a te E u r o p e a n b r e th r e n .
J e h o v a h a n d to b e t te r u n d e r s t a n d h is W o r d
I n so m e c o u n t r ie s i t is im p o s s ib le , d u e t o c u r r e n c y r e s t r ic
w e lc o m e to a tt e n d .
a re c e r t a in ly
B i b l e r e v e a ls S a t a n a s h a v in g b e e n th e c o v e r in g
H a m a n d o u b tle s s w a s p r e s e n t a t b o th o f th e f e a s t s t h a t
c h e r u b f o r th e fir s t h u m a n p a ir , a n d a s s a y in g in h is
K i n g X e r x e s m a d e f o r h is p r in c e s , r u le r s , n o b le s , e tc ., in
he w as
th e t h ir d y e a r o f h is r e ig n t o c e le b r a te h is v ic t o r ie s o v e r
d e te r m in e d to r e a liz e t h is a m b it io n e v e n t h o u g h it m e a n t
h is e n e m ie s, a n d w h ic h f e a s t s t o g e t h e r la s te d 1 8 7 d a y s . B e i n g
p l u n g i n g e v e r y la s t o n e o f G o d s in t e llig e n t c r e a t u r e s , b o th
a p r in c e h e w a s a lso a m o n g t h e f a v o r e d
v is ib le a n d in v is ib le , in to d e s tr u c tio n . A
th e b a n q u e t t h a t t h e k i n g h a d m a d e in h o n o r o f h is n e w
h eart I
w i l l b e lik e t h e M o s t
H ig h . A n d
c h a r a c t e r w it h a
g u e s ts a t t e n d in g
in th e B ib l e ,
q u e e n , E s t h e r , w h o r e p la c e d th e s e l f -w i l l e d V a s h t i . B u t d u e
w a s I l a m a n . B e c a u s e o n e J e w , M o r d e c a i, r e f u s e d to b o w
to Q u e e n E s t h e r s d is c r e t io n H a m a n d id n o t h a v e th e s lig h t
d o w n to h im h e m a d e a c o n s p ir a c y to w ip e o u t t h e w h o le
e st s u s p ic io n t h a t E s t h e r w a s a J e w e s s , w a s in f a c t n o n e
r a c e o f G o d s t y p ic a l c h o s e n p e o p le . A n d n o t o n l y t h a t , b u t,
o th e r t h a n th e c o u s in o f M o r d e c a i, th e J e w w h o s a t in th e
b e in g a m a n o f g r e a t w e a lth , h e w a s w i l li n g to p a y e ig h te e n
k in g s g a t e . N e i t h e r is it lik e ly t h a t h e k n e w o f th e s e r v ic e
th a t M o rd e c a i h a d
d o in g s o ! B u t H a m a n w a s m a d e to k n o w th e t r u t h o f th e
p lo t o n th e p a r t o f tw o o f th e k i n g s c h a m b e r la in s t o k ill h im .
lik e d is p o s it io n , w h o s e r e c o r d
is a ls o f o u n d
S c r ip t u r a l p r o v e r b : P r id e g o e s b e f o r e d e s tr u c tio n , a n d a
h a u g h ty
sp ir it
E ven
ren d ered
K in g
X erxes
in r e v e a lin g
I t w a s a f t e r th e se t h in g s t h a t H a m a n w a s a d v a n c e d to
An Amer.
c h i e f o v e r a ll t h e p r in c e s , m a k i n g h im g r a n d v iz ie r . P r o u d ,
a s S a t a n h i m s e lf w i l l b e m a d e to k n o w it,
v a in a n d h u n g r y f o r a d u la t io n a n d p r a is e , m o s t li k e ly it
b e fo r e
f a ll.
(P r o v .
1 6 :1 8 ,
a n d t h a t in th e n o t f a r d is t a n t f u t u r e .
w a s a t H a m a n s o w n s u g g e s t io n t h a t t h e k in g is s u e d th e
T h e a c c o u n t in th e b o o k o f E s t h e r r e v e a ls t h a t H a m a n
c o m m a n d t h a t a ll h is s e r v a n t s s h o u ld b o w d o w n to H a m a n .
w a s th e s o n o f H a m m e d a t h a , a n d a n A g a g i t e . H e th e r e fo r e
A n d a ll c o m p lie d , w it h th e e x c e p t io n o f M o r d e c a i th e J e w ,
b e lo n g e d t o th e r a c e o f th e A m a le k it e s , w h ic h p e o p le h a d
v io le n t ly
o p posed
th e J e w s o n
t h e ir w a y
th e la n d
C a n a a n , a n d c o n c e r n in g w h o m J e h o v a h c o m m a n d e d M o s e s :
W r i t e t h is f o r a m e m o r ia l in a b o o k , a n d r e h e a r se it in th e
e a r s o f J o s h u a : t h a t I w i l l u t t e r l y b lo t o u t t h e r e m e m b r a n c e
o f A m a le k
fr o m
u n d e r h e a v e n .
(E x .
1 7 :1 4 ,
Am. Stan.
H e w a s a p r in c e w h o liv e d in S h u s h a n , th e c a p it a l o f
w h o , h a v in g G o d s la w to g u id e h im , c o n s is t e n t ly r e f u s e d
t o d o o b e isa n c e to H a m a n .
W h e n t h is w a s b r o u g h t t o H a m a n s a tt e n t io n a n d he sa w
t h a t M o r d e c a i d i d n o t b o w d o w n o r d o o b e isa n c e t o h im
h e w a s fille d w it h r a g e . A n d
d e c a i : H e t h o u g h t it b e n e a t h h im t o l a y h a n d s o n M o r d e c a i
a lo n e ; f o r t h e y h a d t o ld h im M o r d e c a i s r a c e . S o
P e r s ia , t o w a r d th e b e g in n i n g o f t h e f if t h c e n t u r y B .C ., a t
s o u g h t to d e s t r o y
w h ic h t im e X e r x e s
w h o le k in g d o m
r u le d
e m p ir e , e x t e n d in g f r o m
o v er th e 1 2 7
p r o v in c e s o f t h a t
E t h i o p i a to I n d i a .
h is r a g e w a s so g r e a t t h a t
h e w o u ld n o t c o n t e n t h i m s e lf w it h m e r e ly d e s t r o y in g M o r
E sth er 3 :1 - 6 ,
H am an
a ll th e J e w s w h o w e r e t h r o u g h o u t th e
o f X e r x e s , e v e n t h e p e o p le o f M o r d e c a i.
An Amer. Trans.
B booklyn , N. Y.
O f c o u r s e , H a in a n c o u ld n o t c a r r y o u t s u c h a n a m b itio u s
F i g u r a t i v e l y r u b b i n g h is h a n d s in g le e a t th e p r o s p e c t , he
sc h e m e o f m u r d e r w it h o u t o ffic ia l s a n c t io n a n d c o o p e r a tio n ,
n e it h e r c o u ld h e r e v e a l h is o w n p e t t y a n d p e r s o n a l m o t iv e
d e lig h t s
f o r t h is m a lic io u s a c t io n . B e i n g a s u p e r s t itio u s p a g a n , he
th e k i n g h a s w o r n [n o t h in g b u t t h e b e s t f o r H a m a n ! ] , a n d
fir s t s o u g h t t h e c o o p e r a tio n o f h is g o d s b y h a v i n g lo t s c a s t
a h o r se w h ic h t h e k in g h a s r id d e n [n o o r d in a r y h o r se w o u ld
b e fo r e h im to d e te r m in e th e m o s t a u s p ic io u s t im e f o r th e
d o !] ,
c a r r y in g
H am an
h is
m u rd erou s
c o n s p ir a c y .
h is s e n t i m e n t s :
th e
le t
w o u ld
w h ic h
lik e d
th e
m an
g a r m e n ts
a royal
w hom
crow n
k in g
th e k in g
b ro u gh t
is se t.
h i m s e l f !]
w h ic h
[H o w
th e
g a r m e n t s a n d th e h o r se b e d e liv e r e d to o n e o f th e k i n g s
p e a r e d b e f o r e th e k i n g w it h t h is s t o r y :
T h e r e is a c e r t a in p e o p le s c a t t e r e d a b r o a d a n d d is p e r s e d
m o s t n o b le p r in c e s
[n o m e r e la c k e y o r p o r t e r w o u ld d o ! ] ,
p r o v in c e s o f y o u r
a n d le t t h e m c lo th e th e m a n w h o m th e k i n g d e lig h t s to h o n o r
k in g d o m , a n d t h e ir la w s a r e d if fe r e n t f r o m e v e r y o th e r p e o
a n d c a u se h im to r id e o n h o r s e b a c k t h r o u g h th e o p e n s q u a r e
am ong
th e
p e o p le s t h r o u g h o u t
a ll
th e
p l e ; n e it h e r d o t h e y o b s e r v e th e k i n g s la w s ; t h e r e fo r e it
o f th e c i t y , a n d p r o c l a im b e f o r e h im , T h u s s h a ll it b e d o n e
is n o t fit t in g to le a v e t h e m a lo n e . I f it p le a s e th e k in g , le t
t o th e m a n w h o m t h e k i n g d e lig h t s to h o n o r . H a m a n a l
it b e p r e s c r ib e d t h a t t h e y b e d e s t r o y e d ; a n d I w i l l p a y te n
r e a d y s a w h i m s e l f r id i n g t h r o u g h t h e s tr e e ts o f th e c a p ita l
t h o u s a n d t a le n t s [ $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , a t $ 1 ,8 0 0 a t a le n t ] in to
. . .
a n d c o u ld h a r d l y w a it f o r t h e k i n g to t e ll h im t h a t h e w a s
th e k in g s t r e a s u r ie s .
t h e m a n t o b e so h o n o r e d . I m a g i n e , t h e n , th e f a l l o f h is
u n se lfis h
g e stu re !
W hat
g r a n d -s c a le
U n s u s p e c t in g ly ,
K in g
p a t r io t ic
X erxes
a c c e p te d
h a u g h t y s p i r i t a s th e k i n g c o m m a n d s h i m
a s o n e o f th e
it f o r j u s t w h a t it s u p e r f ic ia lly s e e m e d to b e , a n d so a u t h o r
m o s t n o b le o f t h e p r in c e s
iz e d
a g a in s t th e J e w s a s se e m s g o o d
w o r s t e n e m y , e v e n t o M o r d e c a i! T h e o n e f o r w h o m h e h a d
L e t t e r s d ic t a t e d b y H a m a n a n d b e a r in g t h e k i n g s se a l
t h a t v e r y t im e f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f o b t a in in g p e r m is s io n to
H a in a n to p r o c e e d
t o y o u . E s t h e r 3 : 7 - 1 1 ,
An Amer. Trans.
to d o t h is s ig n a l h o n o r to h is
a lr e a d y b u il t a g a llo w s , in f a c t , h a d c o m e t o th e k in g a t
w e r e th e n s e n t o n th e 1 3 t h d a y o f th e fir s t m o n t h
(N is a n )
o u t, to s la y , a n d t o d e s t r o y a ll th e J e w s , b o th y o u n g a n d o ld ,
M o r d e c a i. E s t h e r
H ad
to a ll th e p r o v in c e s i n t h e ir r e s p e c tiv e l a n g u a g e s to w ip e
An Amer. Trans.
6 :1 -1 1 ,
H a m a n k n o w n w h a t w a s f u r t h e r in sto r e f o r h im
h e m i g h t h a v e s p a r e d h im s e lf t h is h u m ilia t io n , b u t , h a v in g
i n f a n t s a n d w o m e n in o n e d a y , e v e n u p o n th e t h ir t e e n t h
n o i n k li n g o f t h a t , th e r e w a s n o t h i n g l e f t f o r h im to d o b u t
d a y o f th e t w e l f t h m o n t h , . . . a n d to ta k e th e s p o il o f t h e m
t o o b e y t h e k i n g s c o m m a n d . C o m in g h o m e , c r e s t fa lle n a n d
a s p l u n d e r . T h e n th e k i n g a n d H a m a n s a t d o w n t o d r in k
m o u r n in g , h e g o t v e r y lit t l e c o m f o r t f r o m th e o n e s w h o h a d
w in e
fe lic it a t e
3 :1 2 -1 5 ,
An Amer. Trans.
N ot
th e re a fte r
lo n g
o th e r
th e
p r o s p e c t . E s t h e r
in flu e n c e d h im to b u il d th o se g a llo w s j u s t a f e w h o u r s b e fo r e .
N o w th ey s a id : I f M o rd eca i . . .
H am an
r e c e iv e d
in v it a t io n
a tt e n d a r o y a l b a n q u e t t h a t Q u e e n E s t h e r h a d m a d e f o r h im
b e o f t h e J e w is h ra ce,
. . . w i l l s u r e ly f a l l b e f o r e h im . A n d w h ile t h e y w e re
y e t s p e a k in g th e k in g s m e s s e n g e r a r r iv e d to h u r r y H a m a n
a n d th e k in g , a f t e r w h ic h H a m a n w e n t o u t t h a t d a y j o y f u l
t o t h e b a n q u e t Q u e e n E s t h e r h a d p r e p a r e d f o r h im a n d th e
a n d g la d o f h e a r t . B u t w h e n H a m a n s a w M o r d e c a i in th e
k in g . E s t h e r 6 : 1 2 - 1 4 ,
An Amer. Trans.
k in g s g a t e , a n d h e n e it h e r s t o o d u p n o r m o v e d f o r h im ,
P ic t u r e th e s e t t i n g : K i n g X e r x e s , p o w e r f u l w o r ld r u le r ,
H a m a n w a s fille d w i t h w r a t h a g a in s t M o r d e c a i . C o m in g
w h o se v e r y w h im w a s l a w ; Q u e e n E s t h e r , lo v e lie s t w o m a n o f
h o m e h e r e la te d t o h is w i f e a n d f r i e n d s th e g l o r y o f h is
a ll
r ic h e s a n d th e m u lt it u d e o f h is c h ild r e n a n d e v e r y in s ta n c e
f a w n i n g H a m a n , v a in , p r o u d , a n d w it h a h e a r t fille d w ith
w h e r e th e k in g h a d p r o m o t e d h im , a n d h o w h e h a d a d v a n c e d
m a lic e a ll e n j o y in g a m o s t s u m p t u o u s b a n q u e t w h e r e w in e
h im
flo w e d f r e e l y . T h e k i n g a g a in a sk s h is q u e e n f o r h e r p e tit io n .
a b o v e th e p r in c e s a n d t h e s e r v a n t s o f th e k i n g . . .
E v e n E s t h e r th e q u e e n
. . . h a s p e r m it t e d n o m a n b u t m e
th e
e m p ir e ,
d e c k e d in
N o t e th e e x p r e s s io n
m o st b e a u tifu l
rob es;
H a in a n s f a c e a s w it h a m a z e m e n t
to c o m e in w it h th e k i n g t o t h e b a n q u e t sh e h a s p r e p a r e d , a n d
h e h e a r s th e q u e e n d is c u s s h is p l o t to d e s t r o y t h e J e w s , a n d
t o m o r r o w a ls o I a m i n v i t e d b y h e r t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e k in g .
le a r n s t h a t sh e is a J e w e s s ; see i t b la n c h e w i t h s t a r k f e a r a n d
Y e t a ll t h is d o e s n o t s a t i s f y m e so l o n g a s I see M o r d e c a i
g u i l t a s t h e k i n g in g r e a t r a g e a sk s, W h o is h e, a n d w h e r e is
th e J e w
he w h o d a r e s p r e s u m e in h is h e a r t to d o so ? a n d a s E s t h e r ,
s it t in g a t t h e k i n g s g a t e .
Amer. Trans.)
(E sth e r 5 :5 - 1 3 ,
Y e s , H a m a n w a s a g r e a t m a n in h is o w n
e s t i m a t i o n ; b u t h o w lit t l e d i d h e s u s p e c t a s t o w h y t h e q u e e n
p o in t in g to H a m a n , r e p lie s , A n a d v e r s a r y a n d a n e n e m y ,
t h is w ic k e d H a m a n . E s t h e r 7 : 3 - 6 ,
T e r r ifie d ,
h a d in v it e d h i m !
H am an
p le a d s w it h
An Amer. Trans.
E sth e r
f o r h is l i f e ,
o n b y s u g g e s t in g
f a l l s o n h e r c o u c h w h ile d o in g so. T h e k in g , w h o in r a g e h a d
t h a t h e h a v e a g a llo w s s e v e n t y -fiv e f e e t h ig h e r e c te d a n d th e n
g o n e o u t t o t h e g a r d e n , u p o n r e t u r n i n g se e s H a m a n o n th e
h a v e M o r d e c a i h a n g e d t h e r e o n . T h i s j u s t s u ite d h is v a n i t y
c o u c h w i t h E s t h e r . H e d e m a n d s : W i l l h e v io la te t h e q u e e n
a n d m a lic e , a n d so h e im m e d i a t e ly h a d i t b u il t , a n d th e n
in m y p r e s e n c e in t h e h o u se ?
h a s te n e d to th e k i n g f o r p e r m is s io n t o h a n g M o r d e c a i o n it.
H a m a n s fa c e
B u t th e k in g h a d o th e r p l a n s f o r M o r d e c a i. D u r i n g a s le e p
in a ls ) . B e i n g a d v is e d o f th e g a llo w s 7 5 fe e t h ig h t h a t H a m a n
le ss n i g h t h e h a d o c c a s io n t o le a r n t h a t t h a t t r u s t e d s e r v a n t
h a d u n c o v e r e d a p l o t o n h is l i f e a n d t h a t h e h a d n o t b een
h a n g e d o n it . S o t h e y h a n g e d H a m a n o n th e g a llo w s th a t
r e w a r d e d t h e r e fo r . S e e in g h is g r a n d v iz ie r H a m a n s t a n d in g
in th e o u t e r c o u r t , th e k i n g b id s h im t o e n t e r a n d t h e n p o se s
a b a te d . E s t h e r 7 : 7 - 1 0 ,
H a in a n s w i f e a n d
f r i e n d s e g g e d h im
th e q u e s t io n to h i m : W h a t s h a ll b e d o n e to th e m a n w h o m
b u il t
fo r
A t t h is h is s e r v a n t s c o v e r
( a s w a s t h e c u s to m
M o r d e c a i,
prep ared
P r i d e h a d le d
fo r
th e
k in g
M o r d e c a i.
w it h
c o n d e m n e d c r im
ord ered
th e
An Amer. Trans.
H am an
k in g s
w r a th
H a m a n to h is d o w n f a l l a n d d e s tr u c tio n ,
O f c o u r s e , c o n c e it e d H a m a n
a n d a d is g r a c e f u l o n e a t t h a t . A n d n o t o n l y to h is o w n e n d ,
th o u g h t , w h o m c o u ld th e k in g p o s s ib l y w a n t to h o n o r m o r e
b u t b y a s u b s e q u e n t d e c re e c o u n t e r to th e d e c re e t h a t he
t h a n m e , a n d so, h o w w o u ld
th e k in g d e lig h t s to h o n o r ?
lik e t o b e h o n o r e d ? H m ! A h !
e n g in e e r e d ,
a lso
th e
d o w n f a ll
d e s tr u c tio n
.15, 1950
J une
so m e
7 5 ,0 0 0
e n e m ie s
th e
Jew s,
w h ic h
e n e m ie s
e it h e r
s h a r e d h is m a lic e f o r t h e J e w s o r s o u g h t to p r o fit b y th e ir
D e v il , d e p e n d in g u p o n h o w he w a s b e in g in flu e n c e d . R o m .
1 3 :1 - 4 ; 2 C or. 4 : 4 .
d e s tr u c tio n . H i s o w n t e n s o n s w e r e h a n g e d o n t h e g a llo w s
V a s h t i , t h e s e l f -w i l l e d
q u e e n w h o w a s d e p o s e d , fin d s a
a n d h is e s ta te w a s t u r n e d o v e r to E s t h e r a n d , b y h e r , to
p a r a ll e l in th o se w h o w e r e p r o s p e c t iv e m e m b e r s o f t h e b r id e
M o r d e c a i. I t w a s n o t G o d s w ill t h a t h is t y p ic a l n a m e -p e o p le ,
th e J e w s , s h o u ld b e w ip e d o u t , a n d t h e r e fo r e h e m a n e u v e r e d
r e je c t e d . M a t t . 1 3 : 4 1 .
th e
d e s tr u c tio n
o f t h e ir w o u ld -b e
d e s tr o y e r s .
C h r ist a n d
b ecau se
im p r o p e r cou rse
w e re
M o r d e c a i a n d E s t h e r w e ll p ic t u r e G o d s a n o in te d s e r v a n ts
le a v e s n o d o u b t a b o u t t h is , e v e n t h o u g h it d i r e c t ly o m it s a ll
a t t h e p r e s e n t t i m e : M o r d e c a i r e p r e s e n t in g t h e m
r e fe r e n c e s to G o d .
l a r l y a s th e f a i t h f u l a n d w ise s e r v a n t a n d E s t h e r p ic t u r in g
H a in a n s e n d c o n s t it u t e s a f o r c e f u l w a r n i n g t o a ll p r o u d
p a r t ic u
t h e m a s t h e m e m b e r s o f th e b r id e o f C h r is t . ( M a t t . 2 4 : 4 5 - 4 7 ;
e n e m ie s o f G o d s p e o p le o f t h e f a t e t h a t a w a it s t h e m i f t h e y
p e r s is t in t h e ir w ic k e d c o u r s e . I n m o d e r n t im e s o n e H i t l e r
lik e w is e
m ay
s p ir it u a l I s r a e lit e s s c a t t e r e d t h r o u g h o u t th e w o r ld . T h o se
p o in t e d
p r in c e
th e
C or.
1 1 :2 )
T h e J e w s t h r o u g h o u t th e
p ic t u r e
th e se
fr o m
th e
p r o v in c e s w o u ld
s t a n d p o in t
b e in g
d e s tr u c tio n o f a ll o f J e h o v a h s p e o p le b e c a u s e t h e y r e f u s e d
to H e i l h im a n d w h o h i m s e lf s u ff e r e d d e s t r u c t io n . H o w
b e c o m e p r a is e r s o f J e h o v a h a n d a s s o c ia te th e m s e lv e s w ith
e v e r , it w o u ld b e a m is ta k e t o c o n s id e r t h is p r o p h e t ic d r a m a
th e s p ir itu a l J ew s.
a s a p p l y i n g e s p e c ia lly t o h im . R a t h e r , t h e c o m p le t e f u l f i l l
becam e
H am an
Jew s
w o u ld
fo r e s h a d o w e d
p ic t u r e
th e
m en
proud ,
g o o d -w ill
s e l f -e x a lt e d
r e lig io u s
m e n t o f t h is d r a m a s e e m s s t il l to b e in t h e f u t u r e , h a v in g
c le r g y , w h o b e a r m a lic e t o w a r d J e h o v a h s t r u e s e r v a n t s a n d
th e f o l l o w in g p r o p h e t ic s ig n if ic a n c e :
w h o w o u ld d e s t r o y t h e m b y a c c u s in g t h e m o f s e d itio n , in
T h e f a c t t h a t X e r x e s ( A h a s u e r u s ) a t t im e s w a s in flu e n c e d
c i t i n g m o b s a g a in s t t h e m , e tc . F r o m
to th e h a r m o f a n d th e n a g a in f o r t h e g o o d o f G o d s p e o p le
w o u ld
d e stro y
in d ic a t e
th a t
a b str a c t; p ic tu r in g
r e p r e s e n te d
e it h e r t h e H i g h e r
pow er
th e
P ow ers , J eh ovah
G o d a n d C h r is t J e s u s , o r t h e g o d o f t h is w o r ld S a t a n th e
E sth e r
J eh ovah s
th a t
p e o p le ,
w h ile
t h e ir
t h e p r o p h e t ic d r a m a
e ffo r ts
G od
w il l
w ill
be m ad e
p reserve
th e m
a n d p e r m i t t h e m t o see t h e h u m il ia t io n a n d d e s tr u c tio n o f
t h e ir e n e m ie s.
is n o t a lit e r a l m a n , b u t p r o v e s t o b e a n o r g a n iz a tio n . O n
O cto b e r 8 , 1 9 4 9
A n s w e r in g
R e v e la t io n
'L ig h t
D ear F r ie n d :
you rs
S e p tem b er
2 0 :1 0 ,
s a y s in
V o lu m e
s t a t e d in R e v e l a t io n 1 4 : 1 0
F r a n l d y w e a re s u r p r is e d t h a t , in y o u r e ffo r t t o s u p p o r t
p u b lis h e d
page 219,
e n title d
p aragrap h
a n d t h e c o m m e n t s th e r e u n d e r ,
a ll i m p r is o n m e n t is t o r m e n t a s lo n g a s it. l a s t s ; a n d sin c e
e t e r n a l h e ll-fir e a n d t o r m e n t f o r h u m a n s o u ls , y o u t u r n to
T h e b e a s t a n d th e fa ls e p r o p h e t a n d S a t a n s h a ll n e v e r be
a b o o k o f s y m b o ls o r s i g n l a n g u a g e , a n d n o t t o s o m e p l a in ,
r e le a s e d f r o m th e im p r is o n m e n t o f d e s tr u c tio n , t h a t c o n d i
lit e r a l p a s s a g e o f S c r i p t u r e . H a v e y o u n e v e r n o t ic e d t h a t
t io n
th e
f o r e v e r a n d e v e r . I n a n c ie n t t im e s w h e n p e r s o n s w e r e in
in t r o d u c t io n
th e
R e v e la t io n
read s:
is s y m b o li c a ll y d e s c r ib e d a s T o r m e n t d a y
ja il,
o u t u n t o h is s e r v a n t s t h e t h in g s w h ic h m u s t n e e d s c o m e to
t h e y m i g h t b e r e le a s e d . . . . T h e r e is n o t h i n g t h a t c o u ld
p a s s w it h s p e e d , a n d
he sh ew ed
th em
signs , s e n d in g
1 :1 ,
2 , R o t h e r h a m s t r a n s la t i o n )
s ig n ifie d
G od
(R e v e la t i o n
th ro u g h
C h r is t
o r d is c lo s e d b y s ig n s a n d s y m b o ls h is m e s s a g e
to J o h n . H e n c e R e v e l a t io n 2 0 : 1 0 te a c h e s a t r u t h b y s ig n s
o r s y m b o ls , a n d o n e o f th o s e s i g n s o r s y m b o ls is th e la k e
o f fire a n d b r im s t o n e . H a v e y o u n e v e r n o t ic e d w h a t th e
t h e r e fo r e
r e le a s e
S a ta n
to rm e n t,
b east
c e r t a in
n ig h t
R e v e la t io n o f J e s u s C h r is t , w h ic h G o d g a v e t o h im to p o in t
t h r o u g h h is m e s s e n g e r u n t o h is s e r v a n t J o h n .
th e
f a ls e
c o n d itio n s
p r o p h e t .
T h i s T a k e o f fire a n d b r im s t o n e d e n o te s d e s tr u c tio n fr o m
w h ic h
th e r e
r e c o v e r y .
a fo r e m e n t io n e d
Light in t w o v o lu m e s d is c u s s e s a l l o f th e R e v e la t io n , c h a p te r
b y c h a p te r a n d verse b y verse. M a tth e w 1 8 : 3 4 speak s o f
j a i l e r s a s t o r m e n t o r s . Am. Stan. Ver.
R e v e la t io n 1 4 : 9 , 1 0 s a y s : I f a n y m a n w o r s h ip p e th th e
p la in ly :
b e a s t a n d h is im a g e , a n d r e c e iv e th a m a r k o n h is fo r e h e a d ,
A n d d e a th a n d H a d e s w e r e c a s t in t o t h e la k e o f fir e . T h i s
o r u p o n h is h a n d , h e a ls o s h a ll d r in k o f th e w in e o f th e
is th e second d e a t h , e v e n
w r a t h o f G o d , w h ic h is p r e p a r e d u n m ix e d in t h e c u p o f h is
la k e
s y m b o li z e s !
Standard Version)
R e v e l a t io n
2 0 :1 4
t h e la k e
t e ll s
o f fir e .
(A m e r ic a n
t h a t t h e la k e r e p r e s e n ts e t e r n a l
a n g e r ; a n d h e s h a ll be t o r m e n t e d w ith fir e a n d b r im s t o n e in
d e a t h o r a n n ih ila t io n a n d n o t a l i v i n g s t a t e is s h o w n b y
t h e p r e s e n c e o f t h e h o l y a n g e ls , a n d in th e p r e se n c e o f th e
th e n e x t v e r s e , w h ic h
L a m b .
says: A n d
if any
w a s n o t fo u n d
N o w , M r . ------------- , y o u
do not
w r it t e n i n t h e b o o k o f l ife , h e w a s c a s t in t o th e la k e o f
b e lie v e , d o y o u , t h a t in th e se v e r s e s th e b e a s t, h is im a g e ,
fir e . ( R e v . 2 0 : 1 5 , A . S . V . )
t h e m a r k o n fo r e h e a d a n d m a r k o n h a n d a n d th e w in e a n d
F o r n o t b e in g f o u n d w o r t h y o f
th e c u p a n d t h e L a m b a re lit e r a l t h in g s ? I f y o u m a k e th e
l a s t in g d e a t h s t a t e , w h ic h is a d e a th
th a t
fire a n d b r im s t o n e l it e r a l , th e n y o u m u s t m a k e th o s e o th e r
J u s t a s t h e la k e is a s y m b o l a t R e v e l a t io n 2 0 : 1 0 , so
th e n w h y d o y o u in s is t t h a t t h e fire a n d b r im s t o n e a re also
w h ic h A d a m
d if fe r e n t fr o m
b ro u g h t u p o n our race.
t h in g s l it e r a l . I f y o u s a y th o se o th e r t h in g s a r e n o t lit e r a l,
do not
l i t e r a l ? R e v e l a t io n 2 0 : 1 4 , 1 5 s h o w s th e fire a n d b r im s t o n e
b e lie v e it t o m e a n a l i t e r a l b e a s t, n o w d o y o u ? J u s t a s t h e
a re n o t l it e r a l , b u t s y m b o lic a l. H e n c e f o r t h e w o r s h ip e r o f
D e v il is n o t a lit e r a l d r a g o n ; a n d e v e n t h e f a ls e p r o p h e t
th e b e a s t a n d h is im a g e t o b e p u n is h e d w it h fir e a n d b r im -
th e b e a s t is a s y m b o l a n d n o t a lit e r a l is m . Y o u
B rooklyn, N. Y.
s to n e f r o m w h ic h t h e s m o k e ro s e u p fo r e v e r a n d e v e r m e a n s
i n t h is la n d a n d in m a n y o th e r la n d s . I n J e s u s d a y o v e r in
f o r su e h f a ls e w o r s h ip e r t o b e e a s t i n t o t h e s y m b o lic la k e
th e O r i e n t t h e y b u r ie d t h e d e a d a lm o s t im m e d ia t e ly . A n d
t h is is t h e c a se o f m a n y t r o p ic a l c o u n t r ie s t o d a y , w h e re
to b e c a s t in t o th e s e c o n d d e a t h . I t is a d e a t h f o r e v e r a n d
th e r e a r e n o t f a c ilit ie s f o r e m b a l m in g th e d e a d o r th e p o o r
e v e r , b e c a u s e t h e s y m b o lic fire a n d b r im s t o n e a re n e v e r p u t
p e o p le d o n o t h a v e t h e m e a n s f o r i t . B u t in t h is la n d , b e fo r e
o u t f o r th o s e t h r o w n in .
e v e r a d e a d p e r s o n c a n b e b u r ie d , a d o c to r s c e r tific a te h a s
T h o s e t h r o w n in to t h is s y m b o lic la k e d o n o t r e m a in a liv e ,
b u t d ie fo r e v e r w it h o u t h o p e
r e s u r r e c tio n . R e v e la t io n
t o b e o b t a in e d t h a t t h e p e r s o n is d e a d a n d th e r e h a s to be
a n in v e s t ig a t io n a s to th e c a u se s o f h is d e a th . A l s o a tim e
1 9 : 2 0 d o e s n o t s a y th e b e a s t a n d th e f a ls e p r o p h e t r e m a in e d
is a llo w e d to e la p s e to m a k e s u r e t h a t h e is r e a lly d e a d . T h u s
h u r r ie d b u r ia ls to c o v e r o v e r a c r im e c o m m itt e d u p o n th e
th e c a se o f G e h e n n a , t h e d u m p o u t s id e o f
d e a d a r e fo r e s t a ll e d . S o in t h is la n d w e c a n n o t a lto g e th e r
J e r u s a le m w h e r e th e c i t y s r e f u s e w a s b u r n e d , t h e b o d ie s
e lim in a t e f u n e r a ls . B u t i f a n y C h r is t ia n d o e s n o t c a r e to
o f dead a n im a ls w e r e t h r o w n
a t t e n d , h e c a n s u it h i m s e lf .
b r im s to n e . I n
th e r e
to b e
con su m ed
a n n ih ila te d , b u t i n th e c a se o f th e b e a s t a n d f a ls e p r o p h e t
J e su s w o rd s, F o llo w
m e ; a n d le t th e d e a d b u r y th e ir
t h e y a r e c a s t in to th e s y m b o lic la k e o f fir e a n d b r im s t o n e
d e a d , d o n o t m ilit a t e a g a in s t a n y o n e s a t t e n d in g a fu n e r a l.
w h ile t h e y a r e s t il l a liv e o r g o in g c o n c e r n s . C h r is t s u d d e n ly
T h e m a n h e r e a d d r e s s e d h a d s a id to J e s u s : L o r d , su ffe r
m e fir s t t o g o a n d b u r y m y f a t h e r .
a b r u p t l y e n d s t h e ir e x is te n c e .
Y e s , w e b e lie v e y o u w o u ld n o t t o r m e n t f o r a n in s t a n t a
d u m b b r u t e b e a s t.
So how
w o u ld
(M a tth e w 8 : 2 1 ,
T h i s d o e s n o t m e a n t h a t th e m a n s f a t h e r w a s d e a d a lr e a d y ,
G o d to r m e n t creatu res
f o r i f h is f a t h e r h a d b e e n d e a d a t th e m o m e n t th e m a n w o u ld
m a d e in h is im a g e a n d lik e n e s s a n d t o r m e n t t h e m so fie n d is h
h a v e b e e n th e r e a t t h e b ie r a n d n o t lis t e n in g to J e s u s . B u t
l y fo r e v e r a n d e v e r , w h e n h is S o n J e s u s C h r is t s a y s : A r e
th e m a n m e a n t t h a t h is f a t h e r w a s o ld a n d so o n e r o r la te r
n o t y e o f m u c h m o r e v a lu e t h a n t h e y ? M a t t h e w
w o u ld d i e ; a n d so th e m a n w a n t e d t o p o s t p o n e fo ll o w in g
so, M r .
------------- ,
not try
r e fu te
th e lit e r a l
J esu s
u n til
d e ath
a fte r
c o u ld
r e c e iv e
ta k e n
h is
fa th e r s
h is
d y in g
f a t h e r u n til
b le s s in g
t r u t h s o f th e B i b l e w it h s y m b o lic s t a t e m e n t s w h ic h C h r is t e n
th e n f u l f i l l h is f a t h e r s w is h to h a v e h is so n a t th e d e a th b e d
d o m s c le r g y h a v e t w is t e d o u t o f t h e ir m e a n in g . D o n o t t r y
clo se h is e y e s p io u s ly a f t e r d e a th e n s u e d . T h is w o u ld h a v e
t o m a k e t h e B i b l e c o n t r a d ic t i t s e l f b y y o u r so d o in g . I t n o w
d e la y e d t h e m a n s f o l l o w in g J e s u s in d e f in it e ly a n d h en ce
r e m a in s f o r y o u t o d is p r o v e a ll th e lit e r a l s t a t e m e n t s o f th e
J e s u s s a id t o le t t h e d e a d b u r y t h e ir d e a d . T h e m a n s r e la
B ib l e w h ic h w e h a v e s u b m it t e d t o y o u i n o u r B i b l e b o o k s
t iv e s w e r e e v id e n t ly n o t f o l l o w in g J e s u s o n th e w a y to lif e
t h a t p r o v e t h a t t h e h u m a n s o u l is n o t im m o r t a l b u t d ie s
a n d h e n c e w e r e d e a d s p i r i t u a l l y a n d c o u ld b e l e f t to b u r y
a n d h e n c e c a n n o t b e t o r m e n t e d f o r e v e r a f t e r t h e d is s o lu tio n
th e m a n s f a t h e r w h e n h e d ie d . B u t w h e n c o n s e c r a te d C h r is
t ia n s t o d a y w h o a re o n th e w a y o f l i f e a n d o u t f r o m u n d e r
th e w o r ld s c o n d e m n a t io n h a v e a d e a th in th e f a m i l y a n d
S in c e r e l y y o u r s in t h e in te r e s ts o f th e t r u t h ,
h a v e a f u n e r a l, c a n y o u r i g h t f u l l y s a y t h a t h e r e is a case
th e
(s p ir it u a lly )
b u r y in g
th e
N o.
m a n w a n t e d to g o h o m e t o b u r y h is f a t h e r a n d n o t to g iv e
a w it n e s s b y a f u n e r a l s e r m o n . B u t c o n s e c r a te d C h r is t ia n s
a r r a n g e f o r a w it n e s s to t h e t r u t h a t t h e f u n e r a l . T h is is
D e a r S is te r :
t a k in g a d v a n t a g e o f a n o p p o r t u n it y .
A n s w e r in g y o u r s o f t h e 6 t h i n s t a n t :
T h e f u n e r a l p r o f e s s io n in
C h r is t e n d o m
S in c e r e l y y o u r s in w it n e s s in g t o th e K i n g d o m ,
m a y be, as y ou
s a y , a r a c k e t , b u t t h e y a r e p r a c t i c a l l y r e q u ir e d b y la w
w itn e s s to t h e p a s s e n g e r s t o t h e h o n o r o f J e h o v a h s n a m e .
D e c e m b e r 1 1 , 1 9 4 7 , w e l e f t D e n m a r k o n a D a n is h
T h e c a p t a in w a s n o t s u r e t h a t t h e p a s s e n g e r s w e r e in te r e s te d
v e sse l. W e w e r e o n o u r w a y to t h e W a t c h t o w e r B i b l e S c h o o l
i n lis t e n in g to a B i b l e t a lk , b u t I p r e s s e d t h e o p p o s ite v ie w
o f G ile a d lo c a t e d in t h e s t a t e o f N e w Y o r k . W e h o p e d to
a n d h e f i n a lly g a v e p e r m is s io n f o r t h e t a lk t o b e g iv e n on
a r r a n g e f o r a p u b l i c m e e t in g w h ile e n r o u t e o n th e sh ip
th e
D ecem
P l e n t y . I n 1 9 4 7 w e h a d 2 3 p e r s o n s in a tt e n d a n c e , a n d th is
fo u n d
th e
c a p t a in
fr ie n d ly .
s h ip .
T h is
tim e
th e
s u b je c t
w as
F rom
S c a r c it y
b e r 1 9 I h a d t h e p r iv ile g e o f s t a n d i n g in f r o n t o f th e a u d i
t im e w e h a d 1 7 o u t o f 2 6 D a n is h -s p e a k in g p a s s e n g e r s . A f t e r
e n ce s p e a k in g t o t h e m o n th e s u b j e c t S w o r d s B e a t e n in to
th e t a lk a n d d u r i n g th e r e m a in d e r o f th e t r i p
P lo w s h a r e s . T h e s h ip w a s r o c k in g b a d l y , b u t i n s p it e o f
w o n d e r f u l o p p o r t u n i t y t o e x p l a in G o d s W o r d t o th e p e o p le .
t h a t t h e a u d ie n c e s t a y e d f o r t h e e n t ir e m e e t in g , a n d a f t e r
W e
th e t a lk w e h a d a s t u d y w it h o n e o f th e p a s s e n g e r s . M o r e
w h e r e m o s t li k e l y I w i l l h a v e t o g o t o j a i l f o r o n e a n d a
we had a
g a in e d m a n y f r i e n d s . N o w w e a r e b a c k in D e n m a r k ,
th a n a y e a r la t e r , in J a n u a r y , 1 9 4 9 , w e w e r e o n o u r w a y
h a lf y e a rs becau se I
b a c k t o D e n m a r k o n a S w e d is h s h ip , a n d a s w e h a d h a d
in s te a d o f p r e a c h in g th e g o s p e l. W h e t h e r in j a i l o r o n th e
g o o d r e s u lt s o n o u r w a y t o A m e r i c a i n 1 9 4 7 w it h t h e p u b lic
b o s o m o f t h e A t l a n t i c w e c a n s t il l s i n g t h e p r a is e s o f J e h o
m e e tin g s o n
v a h , a n d t h a t I w i l l d o m o r e a n d m o r e .
s h ip b o a r d , w e
d e s ir e d
a g a in
g iv e
h a v e r e f u s e d t o d o m i l i t a r y se r v ic e
" T h e y s h a ll k n o w t h a t I a m J e h o v a h ! '
-E zekiel 3 5:15 .
V ol. L X X I
S e m im o n t h l y
N o. 13
JULY 1, 1950
P u blish ed S e m im o n t h l y B y
1 1 7 A dam s Street
Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U .S A .
N. H. K norr, President
ffic e r s
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovahs witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
o f public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
for the kingdom o f Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge
in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
J uly 1, 1950
No. 13
Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year. Ex. 23:14.
EHOVAH commanded Moses to instruct the Is The tenth plague would mean the death of all the
raelites to keep three feasts unto the Lord each firstborn of man and beast in the land of Egypt. That
year. The first feast was at the beginning of the the Israelites might not suffer with the Egyptians,
year, in the month Nisan, and was called the feast when the angel of death would pass through the land,
of unleavened bread, which followed the passover. they were to take a lamb into their homes on a cer
The second was the feast of weeks, later called tain date and kill it, and sprinkle its blood on their
Pentecost (meaning fiftieth day ). The third and doorposts. The destroying angel would see the blood
last was the feast of tabernacles or ingathering. and would pass over that home without molesting
These feasts were associated with the harvest, and anyone in it. Not one Israelite was disturbed by the
the events connected with them pointed to the vindi angel of death that night, but there was a death in
every home of the Egyptians from Pharaoh down to
cation of the name of Jehovah.
2 Jehovah fixed the time and place where thesethe slave. That was a real passover for the Israelites.
5 The Lord instructed the Israelites to memorialize
feasts were to be held; also just how they were to be
conducted. Although they were called feasts unto this event, saying, This day shall be unto you for
the Lord, the people derived much benefit from the a memorial; . . . ye shall keep it a feast by an
observance of them. Three times in a year shall all ordinance for ever. Unleavened bread shall be
thy males appear before the L ord thy God in the eaten seven days; and there shall no leavened bread
place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleav be seen with thee. . . . Thou shalt shew thy son in
ened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast that day, saying, This is done because of that which
of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the the L ord did unto me when I came forth out of Egypt.
Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his
L ord empty: Every man shall give as he is able,
according to the blessing of the L ord thy God which season from year to year. (Ex. 12:14; 13: 7, 8,10)
From year to year, on the exact date, the children of
he hath given thee. Deut. 16:16,17.
3 It pleased Jehovah to have the people assembleIsrael observed this feast of the passover and unleav
on these occasions, that they might keep their minds ened bread. As they did so they thought back to the
on the Lord, and not become so involved in their time the nation was delivered from Egyptian bond
personal affairs that they would forget or neglect age and slavery and the Law covenant was made with
their duties to the Lord. At these gatherings the them over the slain passover lamb.
6 This covenant made the children of Israel the
people would talk about the goodness of the Lord,
people of Jehovah, that is, a people for his
and the many blessings they were enjoying. In this
name. The Lord said to them: Now therefore, if
way their minds would be kept in the right channels,
ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant,
and all would receive a great blessing.
then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above
4 The first passover was related to the plaguesall people: . . . and ye shall be unto me a kingdom
Jehovah sent on the Egyptians because Pharaoh of priests, and an holy nation. (Ex. 1 9 :5 ,6 ) And
refused to obey the command of Jehovah to permit what one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel,
the Israelites to go and serve their God. Nine plagues whom God went to redeem to be his own people, to
had already afflicted the Egyptians; still Pharaoh make thee a name of greatness and terribleness, by
refused to release the people. One more plague driving out nations from before thy people, whom
would crush haughty Pharaoh and he would yield. thou hast redeemed out of Egypt? For thy people
Israel didst thou make thine own people for ever;
1. What feasts were the Israelites commanded to celebrate, and to what
and thou, L o rd , beeamest their God. 1 Chron.
did they point?
2, 3. Who fixed the time and place for these feasts to be held, and did
17:21, 22.
the people receive blessing in observing these feasts? W hy?
4. Where and when was the feast of the passover and unleavened bread
instituted, and what benefit did the Israelites derive from the blood of
the slain lamb?
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
J uly 1, 1950
13, 14. When did Peter use the second key to the kingdom of heaven,
and what events prove that It was used at the home of Cornelius?
15. Would Jehovah recognize the offering of the two wave loaves after
Peter used the second key to the Kingdom?
tB eW A T C H T O W m
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
Y CONSIDERING the many features of the witness work because the other sheep were not
type, we are enabled to understand that the all gathered. We quote from the above-mentioned
feast of tabernacles pictured what the witnesses article:
of Jehovah would be privileged to do in the service 2 For several years now Jehovah has had in effect
of the King at the time of the final gathering of his his Theocratic organization, and he has been training
other sheep . Early in the year 1942 certain circum and instructing them for this very work. They have
stances caused some to conclude that the witness been assigned each one his territory in the field, and
work was about finished and that Armageddon was they must not permit their attention to be drawn
at hand. But an article appeared in the February 1 away, but be constant in doing the one thing, knowing
issue of T h e W a t c h t o w e r , entitled Final Gathering, what they are seeking for, and they must walk cir
which pointed out that there was a great work of cumspectly, ever ready to use the Lords equipment
gathering yet to be done. Jehovah thereby notified provided for this late day, and must act and work
his servants all over the world to keep busy at the together in absolute unity.
3 These things being so, the final gathering by the
1-4. What proof was offered to Jehovahs witnesses in the year 1942 that
is on. Let nothing for one instant interrupt the
the gathering work was not then complete?
J uly 1, 1950
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
13. Was there any significance in that the feast of tabernacles followed
the atonement day?
14. What was pictured by sounding the trumpet on the day of atonement
in the fiftieth year?
July 1, 1950
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
20. What did the prophet Zechariah say would be the result o f failure
to observe the feast o f tabernacles?
21. By what authority do the witnesses o f Jehovah and their companions
now invite all thirsty ones to come and drink of the water o f life?
22. What did the special lights used at the feast of tabernacles picture?
and what did Jesus say about the true light?
23. In what sense are the anointed followers lights in this world?
24. W hy are the peoples of the world in darkness about the purposes
of Jehovah, and how may they find light?
25. 26. What did Jesus promise to do for his anointed followers at the
end of the w orld? And what would be their responsibilities?
J uly 1, 1950
0 Jehovah, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth.
Psalm 8:1, A. S. V.
July 1, 1950
sanctified, and the word holy are all from the same
Greek root word. God said to the Israelites, whom he had
chosen for his typical people and with whom he made a
covenant: For I am the L okd your G od: ye shall therefore
sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy.
(Lev. 11:4 4 ) The inspired apostle quotes these words: As
obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to
the former lusts in your ignorance. Because it is written,
Be ye holy; for I am holy. (1 Pet. 1 :1 4 ,1 6 ) God is holy,
since he is devoted exclusively to righteousness, hence
wholly, entirely and fully righteous, or holy . To those
who have taken the side of God the admonition is given:
But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in
all manner of conversation [course of a c t i o n ] 1 Pet. 1:15.
Sanctified, applied according to the Scriptures, means
to be completely devoted to God and his kingdom, therefore
holy, as the Lord God and Christ Jesus are holy. The Lord
is wholly and completely devoted to righteousness; as it is
written: Righteous art thou, 0 Lord, and upright are thy
judgments. Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteous
ness, and thy law is the truth. (Ps. 119:137,142) Christ
Jesus is like his Father; that is, entirely righteous. Of him
it is written: Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wick
edness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with
the oil of gladness above thy fellows. (Ps. 45: 7) Like Jeho
vah God, Christ is also h oly: Who is holy, harmless, unde
filed, separate from sinners. Heb. 7: 26.
Every creature that pleases God and receives Gods ap
proval must be holy, that is to say, unreservedly devoted
to God and to his kingdom, which is righteous. Therefore
every one of such must be sanctified. That does not mean
that the person is perfect in the flesh, but it does mean his
heart devotion is unreservedly for the Lord God. Those who
take their stand on the side of God, his King and his
kingdom, must thenceforth be completely devoted to God
and his kingdom and must avoid compromising with the
world, which is the Devils organization.
Sanctification is the act of sanctifying. The man who
has agreed to do the will of God and has taken his stand
by declaring himself for God and his kingdom must then
act to the sanctifying of himself, which means that he sets
himself to the task of fully performing his agreement to do
the will of God. It will not do to merely agree; he must per
form his agreement. It is the faithful keeping of the agree
ment that God approves. To be sanctified, therefore, means
that the man who has agreed to do Gods will sets himself
faithfully to the task of performing his agreement, and
hence sets himself aside and devotes himself wholly to that
which is right and righteous. The man who takes the step
of setting himself to the task of doing Gods will is set to
work by the Lord to do Gods will and thus to maintain his
integrity toward God.
How is man sanctified? Jesus answers in these words,
addressed to Jehovah: Sanctify them through thy truth:
thy word is truth. (John 1 7 :1 7 ) It is therefore impossible
for any kind of ritualistic religious ceremony to sanctify
one to God. The clergy of the orthodox religious organiza
tions can do nothing to sanctify a man to God. Sanctification
is solely between the individual, who has agreed to do the
will of God, and the Lord God, who sets the man to work to
prove his agreement. The man must learn what is the will
of God toward him : For this is the will of God, even your
B rooklyn,
N. Y.
inces beyond the River were notified that Ezra might request
of them up to a hundred talents of silver, a thousand
measures of wheat, a hundred baths of wine, a hundred
baths of oil, and salt without reckoning . (Having a value
in our day of close to a quarter million dollars.) Whatever
is commanded by the God of the heavens, let it be faithfully
done . . . for why should there be wrath against the realm
of the king?
Further the kings decree provided that no tax, tribute
or toll might be imposed on any of the priests or on any
other temple servant, regardless of how lowly his assigned
tasks might be: Moreover do you Ezra, according to the
wisdom of your God that is in your grasp, appoint governors
and judges . . . all such as know the laws of your God,
and instruct any who do not know them. Finally Ezra
was authorized to punish with fines, imprisonment or even
death, any who refused to obey the law of his God.
No wonder that Ezra blessed Jehovah, the God of our
fathers, who has put such a thing as this in the kings heart.
Being strengthened by this evidence that Jehovahs blessing
was upon his efforts to advance the true worship in Pales
tine, he gathered the leading men of Israel to return with
him. Ezra, chapter 7, A n A m e r . Tran s.
The repatriates assembled on the banks of the river
Ahava, where Ezra made a three-day check on who was
returning and where he saw to it that among those return
ing were those who were qualified to be ministrants for
the house of our God . As he mentions the little ones that
were with them, and lists 1,754 males of the various tribes,
it is quite likely that well upward of 5,000 men, women and
children were in the party.
Always acknowledging Jehovah in all his ways, Ezra
then proclaimed a fast that we might humble ourselves
before our God to seek of him a safe journey . . . For I
was ashamed to ask of the king an armed force and horse
men to help us against the enemy on the way, because we
had said to the king, The hand of our God is with all who
seek him for good, but his power and his wrath are against
all who forsake him. Ezra 8:17, 21, 22, A n A m e r . Trans.
Ezra then carefully weighed and counted the treasure,
some four million dollars in value, and, with a solemn
injunction, entrusted it to twelve of the chief priests. After
a journey taking about four months, Ezra and his band
arrived safely in Jerusalem. Again Jehovah had prospered
Ezras zeal for the pure worship. After offering sacrifices
July 1, 1950
of bulls, rams, lambs and he-goats for all the twelve tribes
of Israel, Ezra learned of the transgression of the people
in the matter of taking heathen wives. To one so jealous for
the pure worship as was Ezra, this news of the widespread
infiltration of pagan worshipers caused the greatest conster
nation and amazement. I tore my garment and my mantle,
and pulled the hair from my head and my beard, and sat
down appalled . . . until the evening oblation.
Then falling upon his knees and spreading his hands out
to Jehovah he made a moving confession in the presence of
the assembled Israelites, all who trembled at the words of
the God of Israel. Confessing the wrongful course of his
people from the days of their fathers to the present time,
he recounted the punishment that they had received because
of it, and how God had again extended mercy to them by
permitting them to return. They had been punished with
less than they deserved, and- shall we again break thy
commands, and make marriage alliances with the peoples
who perform these abominable rites? Wouldst thou not be
enraged with us until thou hadst consumed us, until nei
ther remnant nor survivor was left?
On behalf of the people one Shechaniah spoke up and
counseled that all enter into a solemn agreement to straight
en this matter out, and, urging Ezra, said: Arise, for it is
your task, and we are with you; be strong and act. Ezra
then made all the people swear that they would be sub
missive to Jehovahs will in the matter, and they were
commanded to return for this purpose within three days.
All those refusing to do so were to be banished and their
goods confiscated. Ezra 9: 3-10: 8, A n A m e r . Tran s.
Accordingly all the people came together in Jerusalem
on the twentieth day of the ninth month. This was therefore
no small assembly. And all the people sat in the open
square in front of the house of God, trembling on account
of the occasion itself and also because of the pouring rain.
It was seen that the entire matter could not be taken care
of then and there because of the great number that had
transgressed, so after instructions being given by Ezra
arrangements were made to take care of the matter grad
ually at appointed times. By the end of the next three
months all the pagan worshipers had been cleared out.
Ezra 10: 9-17, A n A m e r . T ra n s.
Without doubt this action caused much suffering to all
concerned; the overdue remedying of violations of Gods
laws often does. Neither is it at all likely that the heathen
neighbors round about who were involved particularly wel
comed the return of these grass widows, with the added
burden of their children, nor that they appreciated the issue
of pure worship that was involved. But the servants of
Jehovah must decide whether they will be primarily con
cerned with pleasing Jehovah or with pleasing this world.
Ezra was determined to know, teach and do Gods will
and law regardless of what others thought. The servants of
the Lord today likewise cannot be governed in their decisions
by whether or not the people of the world appreciate the
issue in regard to such questions as the flag salute, military
service, or understand Gods will in the matter of blood
transfusions, etc. But, back to Ezra.
the Jews reckoned wholly by males, rejecting where the
blood of the grandfather passed to the grandson through
a daughter, the name of the daughter herself, and counting
that daughters husband for the son o f the maternal grand
father (Numbers 2 6 :3 3 ; 27: 4-7) . . . The evangelist Luke
has critically distinguished the r e a l from the l e g a l geneal
ogy by a parenthetical remark: Jesus being (as was re
puted) the son of Joseph (but in reality) the son of Heli,
or his grandson by his mothers side. page 774, col. 1.
I f Mary told her husband Joseph that the angel Gabriel
had advised her that God would give her son Jesus the
throne o f his father David (Luke 1 :3 2 ), then we can be
sure that Joseph, who proved himself a godly, obedient man,
would readily adopt Jesus as his legal heir as concerns his
interests in the title to the throne of David. T h e W a tc h to w e r
said Joseph co u ld do this, because the Bible does not directly
state or record that he did so, though this is implied. But
by natural birth through Davids great-granddaughter
Mary Jesus was naturally the son of David , and thus
naturally Jesus inherited rights to the throne of David; it
was in full harmony with Jesus n a t u r a l descent from
David that Gabriel could tell Mary that God would give
Jesus the throne of his n a t u r a l father David.
In the Bible genealogies that seem dry to the average
reader are very important; God would not have cluttered
up his W ord with genealogies if they were not important,
especially this one on Davids line. Ofttimes a point that
seems small and insignificant is very important and vital,
but may be entirely overlooked by the superficial reader.
Hence T h e W a tc h to w e r went, as you say, so far afield in
his attempt to prove a point that needs no proof. God gives
attention to and is faithful to fine points, and it magnifies
him to bring out these fine points and show how accurate
he is. Hence it was a real requirement for Jesus to become
the son of David that he be a n a t u r a l descendant of
that ancient king. I f Jesus had been o f another family than
Davids, the mere anointing of Jesus with the holy spirit
would not have made him the son of David . His con
secrated followers are also anointed with holy spirit to
reign with him, but these are not spoken o f as sons of
David in Scripture; they have a connection with David
only as they become members of Christs body. No genealogy
is given of King Melchizedek, but Jesus, because he was
anointed with holy spirit, is not Scripturally spoken of as
the son of Melchizedek , but by Gods oath he is made a
priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek . (Ps. 110:4)
Correspondingly Jesus, in being the seed of Abraham , was
also naturally a descendant of the patriarch. All these things
add to the proof of Jesus identity.
Sincerely yours,
earth ?
happiness on
N. H . K N O R R
Admission Free
A U G .6
No Collections
T o w e r B ib l e & T r a c t S o c ie t y
New York
Pr esident
S ecretary
AIl persons loving truth and righteo usness are cor dially in vited
to attend th e " Theocracy's Incr ease" Assembly of J ehovah 's witnesses. The place : Yank ee Stadium, New York city. Startin g time:
July 30, 1950, 9: 25 a.m. Ending: Sunday evening, August 6. Try
to arrange your trip so you'll be in New York early Sunday morning. Before th e program opens the new 96-page songb ook will be
available at Yankee Stadium. You will be delighted with it .
At 10 o'clock A. H . Macmillan will address the convention on
the subject, "Without F aith It I s I mp ossible to P lease God." At
10 : 30 you will hear the address of welcome by the chairman,
Grant Suiter. Then at 1 : 30 p .m. the graduation exercises of th e
15th Gilead class will begin. The president of the Society will be
HI S journal is published for t he purpose of enablJng the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bibie Instruction specifica lly
designed to aid Jehovah's witnesses and all people of good-will.
It a rra nges systematic Bible stu dy for its readers and the Society
supp lies othe r literature to ai d in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broad castin g and for other means
of public instruction in the Script ures.
It ad heres strictly to th e Bible as aut hority for its utterances.
It is entirely fre e a nd separate fro m all religion, parti es, sects or
ot her worldly organ izations. It is wholly and without reserv a tion
for t he kingdom of J ehovah God under Chr ist his beloved King.
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful a nd critical exam ination
of its contents in th e light of th e Scri ptures. It does not indulge
in controv ersy, and its columns are not open to person alities.
No. 14
5, 6, (a ) T oday who are vesse ls of wrath fitted to des t ruction? (b) Who
are the vesse ls of mercy fit for hi s use ? What Is the proof?
N. Y.
1881), and three years later, in 1884, this was incorporated under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania.
This incorporated Society has since served as part
of the equipment God provided for his people to do
7 But human vessels fit for the divine Master's
every kind of good work in both American and forservice need equipment for doing his work. The eign fields. He has preserved it to this day. It now
great Master J ehovah has shown his favor upon his has its main offices at 124 Columbia Heights, Brookvisible organization by blessing it with the equip- lyn 2, N. Y., but has its registered office still in Pittsment needed to accomplish its tremendous work burgh, Pa., where its annual meetings for transacting
under the modern circumstances of this perilous business and electing the Society's directors are held
epoch. The Bible, or a knowledge of what is in it, is, as required by Pennsylvania law. It is merely an
of course, the fundamental piece of equipment. In instrument, a legal and publishing servant, of J ehoproof of this the apostle's words to a man of God vah's visible organization, his consecrated witnesses.
are: "Every Scripture inspired by God is useful for
10 This Pennsylvania corporation's first president
teaching, for convincing, for correction of error, was Charles Taze Russell, and he was regularly
and for instruction in right doing; so that the man of elected to this office by the contributors to the Society
God may himself be complete and may be perfectly till his death, October 31,1916. The purpose of this
equipped for every good work."-2 Tim. 3: 16, 17, legal corporation was well stated in the charter
granted it on December 13, 1884: "The purpose for
8 The Bible societies of Christendom have distribwhich the corporation is formed is, the dissemination
uted Bibles by the hundreds of millions of copies of Bible truths in various languages by means of the
in more than 1,100 languages and dialects. Yet great publication of tracts, pamphlets, papers and other
iznorance persists as to its teaching. Sectarian con- religious documents, and by the use of all other
f~sion is bewildering as to its harmonious teaching. lawful means which its Board of Directors, duly conJ ehovah's Word is not of private human interpreta- stituted, shall deem expedient for the furtherance
tion. He is his own Interpreter. He causes light to be of the purpose stated." The Christian purpose of
shed on one Scripture text by others elsewhere in the the Society was harmonized more with developments
Bible bearing on the same subject. He also brings to and was stated in greater detail in an amendment
pass the fulfillment of Bible prophecies by definite adopted in 1944 and which altered the above article.
events and then he calls the attention of his witnesses
11 The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society today is
to such fulfillments in clarification of prophecy. He at the heart of a visible organization that has Branchhas appointed Christ Jesus the Head of his visible es in 63 lands of the earth, besides financing misorganization and his associate interpreter for the sionary homes and supervising Kingdom-preaching
organization, "an interpreter, one among a thousand." activities in 104 lands. Hence the interest of hun(Job 33: 23) So Jehovah's visible organization under dreds of thousands of Bible Christians or witnesses
Christ is a channel for bringing the divine interpreta- of Jehovah throughout the earth centers upon what
tion of his Word to his devoted people. What then ~ is going on at Society headquarters. They appreciate
An organizational instrument must be provided to the spiritual service that the legal Society is renderhelp all lovers of truth and life to gain a progressive ing them. Their prayers go up daily to the Most High
understanding of God's Word and for freeing them- God for his blessing upon it and its work. That is
selves from all the confusing, faith-destroying reli- why we here take up a brief account of the Society's
ozious doctrines and creeds of Christendom. Such an
development from its beginning, to show its growth
educational instrument this journal The Watchtower and its use as an instrument of Jehovah God.
was meant to be and has proved to be. Not fettered
12 In 1886 the Society published the first of a series
by any man-made religious creed, it has been free
seven bound books to be aids to Bible study and
to advance in the truth as the divine Interpreter has
as "Studies in the Scriptures". The sixth of
led the way by Jesus Christ.
these was published in 1904 by Brother Russell, and
s Besides The Watchtower other spiritual food was
the seventh was published in 1917, after his death.
provided through the pen of Brother Russell. This For many years, down to April, 1926, those Studies
was regularly spread to all hungry ones by the then in the Scriptures, translated into many languages
available means of distribution. To keep pace with and reaching a circulation of millions of copies,
Jehovah's blessing upon the work Brother Russell or- served as the textbooks for weekly Bible study by
ganized the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, at many congregations in all the earth. It was with the
Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1881 (The Watchtower, April, first volume of such Scripture Studies that the
pleased to use them as his visible organization. No
question about that!
10. Who was Its first president? What was Its chartered purpose?
11 Why Is world-wide attention centered on the Brooklyn Society?
12: How was a Bible-study aid series published and pioneering begun?
: : : : : ---
15, 1950
house-to-house missionary work, first known as "colporteur work" but now called the "pioneer work",
was begun, in 1886. Pioneers now number thousands.
1 3 For years the literature was published by the
Tower Publishing Company, which met all expenses
and furnished the books, tracts, etc., to the Society
at an agreed price. But in 1898 the ownership of the
entire plant at All egheny (North Pittsburgh), Pa.,
came into the hands of the Society, this carrying with
it The Watch To uier, the Bible House with its compl ete outfit of office fixtures, type, stock of Bibles,
Studies in the S criptures, booklets, tracts, etc., together with tons of valuable electroplates of various
publications in a number of languages. he Bible
House there on Arch street was a four-story building
built really for the Society's use. From the first it
was intended to be presented to the Society in course
of time, and was valued at $34,000. The net equity
of all this donation to the Society was appraised at
$164,033.65. From here on the Society furnished its
own capital, and all colporteur (pioneer ) accounts,
etc., were owing to it.
14 It sent out traveling representatives who gave
public talks and visited the congregations and served
th em with spiri tual admonition, but never did the se
take up collections, either privately or publicly. The
collection plate was absolutely banned from all congregational meetings, and all meetings were adverti sed under the legend "Seats free, no collection".
"Freely ye have received, freely give," Jesus told
th e missionaries he sent out. Since this was Jehovah's
organization and work, it was felt he would provide
the money for carrying on his work by his spirit
moving upon his devoted people. So support of the
work was left to voluntary contributions. In this way
Jehovah God, whose is all the silver and the gold,
ha s provid ed the money to this da y, both for th e
local congregations and for th e legal Society. This
is another evidence that he is ba ck of this visible
18. How was the Brooklyn Bethel 'esta blished and opened?
19. What other corporations were rormed. . and why ?
20. How was the Bethel enlarged in 1910-1911? With .wha t features ?
15, 1950.
kept brightening. This disclosed that Jehovah's Kingdom by Christ had been born A.D. 1914 an~
fully established in the heavens to rule amid Its
enemies in heaven and earth. Its first act was to
oust Satan from heaven.-See The Watchtow e1',
March 1, 1925.
3 Brother Russell died the last day of October in
1916. By an election held at Pittsburgh's annual
business meeting, January 6, 1917, J. F. Rutherford,
the Society's legal attorney and .one of its traveling
representatives, was made president of the Pennsylvania corporation, to succeed Brother Russell. He
was later elected president of the New York and
British corporations. Through regular election by
members and directors of the several corporations
he continued in the presidency of them till his death,
January 8,1942. Shortly after his election the United
States got involved in World War I, on April 6, 1917.
The publication of the seventh volume of Studies in
the Scriptures July 17, 1917, proved fateful, and
troublous times for the Society in the United States
took on a disastrous aspect. That Bible-study help,
The Finished Mystery, was an expose of the religious
systems of Christendom. So the enemy seized upon
it as part of their proof that the Society's president
and other members of the organization closely associated with him were guilty of sedition against the
government, and Brother Rutherford and seven
others were railroaded off to federal penitentiary in
the spring of 1918, under sentences of 80 years in
prison, and without benefit of bail for their freedom
till appeal to a higher court should be effected. After
nine months in the penitentiary bail was granted
them on March 21, 1919, and they were released.
Later the Appeal Court reversed the judgment
against them, and in 1920 the indictment against
them was disposed of. Thus they were completely
exonerated as innocent of the malicious charges of
the enemy. '
4 Meanwhile the conditions had seemed to dictate
the abandonment of the Brooklyn properties and
the moving of the Society's offices back to Pittsburgh,
in October, 1918. The Brooklyn Tabernacle was sold,
and the Bethel home was put up for sale. No buyer
appeared! Was that accidental 7No, but providential!
It was the hand of Almighty God, who knows his own
purposes. He was reserving this site on Columbia
Heights for the grander work of his faithful witnesses in postwar years. In view of the release of
the Society's officers from federal detention, and
other advantages, the decision was made to move
back and restore the headquarters and operating
plant to 124 Columbia Heights. This was done about
October 1, 1919. The Bethel home was reopened, with
Brother Rutherford presiding. Even during his im3. How was the Soclety's president accused In 1918 but exonerated?
4. How did Brooklyn Bethel come to be abandoned and then restored?
N. Y.
10. How did the Society Install WBBR and Improve Its studios?
11. As we grew, what menacing world developments led up to 1939?
12. What questions arose? How were they resolved, and why?
13. When and how did preparations for the postwar period begin?
14, 15. How did the School of Gilead arise, with what record to date ?
16. What postwar relief work was undertaken? For what purpose ?
N. Y.
19. How was WBBR Improved and the new equi pment put on the air ?
20. Wh at bulldlngs now cr own the cons truction work at headquarters ?
Showing; front center, what is left of the 1910 structure; on left, the 1927 building;
to the right and rear, the 1950 twelve-story edifice.
ONDAY, January 30,1950, wa.s set for dedica- his name and kingdom. Various features of the extion of the new Bethel to the consecrated pansion from early times were described as detailed
.:-, service of the Most High God. That night the in our preceding pages, and Brother Knorr enfirst meeting was held in the incomparable Kingdom visioned our spreading out within but a few years
Hall in the basement of the new home, the hall to even beyond the present home and factory when
having entrances both from within the home and these had reached their capacity. His appeal to the
from the street at 136 Columbia Heights. Present brethren was to be loyal to Jehovah's Theocratic
are the regular Bethel family and brethren from organization and to cleave to it. He urged or invited
WBBR, Staten island, and about 80 brethren re- .the members of the family to make the enlarged
cently arrived from foreign shores to enter the Bethel their real home and to enjoy and use it as
15th class of Gilead, the entire gathering numbering such to God's glory and in furtherance of their own
about 400. All faces are aglow. All hearts are part in his bles sed service.
swelling with the joy of Jehovah. At
8 p.m. the dedication exercises open a s
chairman Brother Knorr announces a
Kingdom song for all to sing. All heads
and hearts then bowed in prayer while
Brother Knorr thanked Jehovah God
for His gift of the new Bethel and expressed the dedication of it wholly to
the loving service into which He has
called us through Jesus Christ. Brother
Knorr's dedication speech now followed . It portrayed how, in fulfillment
of Jehovah's prophecies at Isaiah chapters 54 and 60, expansion was due to
come, even as it has come, and his visible organization was to be beautified,
improved and better regulated for the
maryelou~ work of bearing witness to !
1, 2. When and with what exercises was the new Bethel dedicated?
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." ,
15, 1950
N. Y.
1 0 The
family's tour was a forerunner of the
mammoth-scale tour expected to follow the 1950
International Assembly of Jehovah's witnesses at
Yankee Stadium, New York, July 30 to August 6.
In its announcements the Society has been inviting
all conventioners to make the tour. The New York
company of Jehovah's witnesses is to play host to
them all. Besides thousands of hotel accommodations,
it was estimated the conventioners will need 50,000
accommodations in private homes .of New Yorkcity.
House-to-house canvassing forsuch rooms by workers from companies within a 25-mile radius of Times
Square was scheduled to begin Sunday, May 14, p-receded by a meeting of all these in the St. Nicholas
Arena;:Manhattan, at 7: 30 p.m., Saturday, May 13.
11 The arena and hall downstairs were packed with
4,837 witnesses and persons of good-will. Brother
Knorr was first to address them, officially announcing
the place of the assembly and also the subject of his
public address there, "Can You Live Forever in
Happiness on Earth 1" He showed them the magnitude of the coming assembly, the need of rooms in
private homes, and the grand opportunity this offered for penetrating thousands of homes with living
witnesses of the Most High God to give an intimate
testimony to the Kingdom. His people in this metropolitan area would themselves see to securing the
needed rooms; a limited number of days remained
for doing it. Talks by the convention servant and his
assistants were next presented, also demonstrations
on how to apply for rooms tactfully and effectively.
Closing the two-hour program Brother Knorr returned to the stage and invited all there to visit the
factory and Bethel home the following Tuesday and
'Wednesday nights, May 16 and 17. The factory would
receive them from 7 to 8: 30 p.m., and thereafter the
Bethel home.
12 The tour at the factory started on the ground
floor, from an entrance on Prospect street, and
moved up floor by floor to the ninth and last. Descending direct to the first floor after nearly a mile of
walking through the building, the party proceeded
over to the Bethel home. Entering through the stately
reception room and passing through our beautiful
lounge room, they were guided to the new radio
studios, the sewing-room, laundry, kitchen, diningroom and Kingdom Hall. Tuesday night 1,315 friends
from many companies toured the factory, 1,260 of
whom then visited the Bethel home. Wednesday
night, despite rain, 1,165 toured the factory and about
a hundred less of these the home. It was about 10 p.m.
before they all cleared the home. All were delighted
and blessed.
13 Now we await the mass visit of the conventioners,
from more than 70 lands of the earth. They are keenly interested in seeing all the equipment which our
all-provident heavenly Father has given his visible
organization to deliver the great Kingdom witness
ahead. They will be filled with wonderment and with
praise of Him at what they see. As we meditate on
His goodness to his organized witnesses, we give him
thanks. We ask the prayers of all persons of goodwill that wemay faithfully,'. wisely and efficiently
use all these his gifts, as long as he privileges us to
do so, to advancing the interests of his righteous
new world and to vindicating his holy name and universal sovereignty.
10. 11. (a) What pre-conventlon rooming work had to be done. and by
whom? (b) What meeting and program prepared them fo_r_th_l_s?
12. How was the Invitation responded to and the tour conducted?
._F_or_al_lthis provision whom do we thank? We ask what prayers?
at 155th street will take you across the Harlem river' to the stadium. There are no parking facilities right at the stadium.
It is hoped talks at Yankee Stadium .will be transmitted by
telephone lines to the camp for . the benefit' of those who must be
on duty, but to get the real blessing come to Yankee Stadium daily.
U \.NE fO E CAN yO - ..
Admission Free
President of Watchtower Society -
No Oollections
P u b l is h e d
S e m im o n t h l y
N. H . K norr, President
W A T C H T O W E R B IB L E & T R A C T S O C I E T Y
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N .Y ., U.S.A.
o l.
1, 1950
No. 15
" Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you,
That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. Matt. 24:46,47.
EHOVAH is the omnipotent Ruler of the uni is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know
verse. At his right hand is the loyal and faithful all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts
King, Christ Jesus, who serves for evermore. of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not
The kingdom of the appointed ruler will exercise tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness
authority over this earth until everything therein thereof. (Ps. 50:10-12) I will tell of the decree:
praises and magnifies the Creators holy name. Into Jehovah said unto me, Thou art my son; this day
this marvelous service 144,000 have been called to have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I will give thee
participate, and such called ones will, by making the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost
their calling and election sure, be the bride of the parts of the earth for thy possession. (Ps. 2 :7 ,8 ,
King, and will be joint heirs with him. As Kingdom Am. Stan. Ver.) Satan, the god of this evil world,
inheritors they know that by promise they are to never had the possession of the earth with its moun
share the throne with the glorified Bridegroom. tains, oceans, lakes, rivers, trees, flowers, animals,
And what is of more immediate concern, that royal birds, fish and other created things. These were not
Spouse has revealed to them that during this worlds his to give to anyone. Adam did not come into this
synteleia and before completing their earthly course glorious dominion. The apostle Paul states at He
the sign of his favor toward them would be marked brews 2: 5-8 that this dominion will be given to Christ
by his entrusting them with special Kingdom respon Jesus. Paul here was quoting from Psalm 8, which
sibilities. Such Kingdom interests must be guarded, clearly teaches that the Universal Sovereign has put
watched and increased amid the turbulence of this all such created works in the charge of his beloved
worlds closing years. Nor would any human or Son. Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised
demon attraction or the confused events occurring him from the dead, and made him to sit at his right
in these fateful days succeed in diverting the faithful hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule, and
stewards from their service. These very events now authority, and power, and dominion, and every name
coming to pass supply further evidence of the ful that is named, not only in this world, but also in that
fillment of prophecy pertaining to the presence of which is to come: and he put all things in subjection
our Lord Jesus Christ, the nearness of the final end under his feet, and gave him to be head over all
of this evil world, and the requirements now laid things to the church, which is his body, the fulness
upon the true servants of the kingdom of heaven.
of him that filleth all in all.Eph. 1:20-23, Am.
2 That kingdom of God, with its appointed Ruler,Stan. Ver.; see also Dan. 7:13,14, Am. Stan. Ver.;
is of the greatest importance, and centuries have Dan. 2 :4 4 ; Ps. 89:34-37.
been used in its preparation. The King will rule in
3 Thus the everlasting kingdom belongs to Christ
righteousness, enforcing Gods law and breaking Jesus even as he himself declared: I appoint unto
down every power opposing truth and justice. Then you a kingdom, even as my Father appointed unto
will come the endwhen he surrenders the Kingdom me. (Luke 22: 29, Am. Stan. Ver.) Further, as to his
to his God and Father, having overthrown all other sharing it with his faithful disciples, we read, As
rule and all other authority and power. For he must you know how we . . . warned you to walk worthily
reign until God has put all his enemies under his of that G od who is inviting you into his own glorious
feet. (1 Cor. 15: 24-26, Twentieth Century ) Christ kingdom.1 Thess. 2:11,12, Diaglott; see also
Jesus receives this kingdom from his Father. No Rom. 8 :1 7 ; Phil. 3:10-14; 2 Tim. 2:12.
man or earthly powers could possibly give it to him,
4 When Jesus Christ was on earth he committed
for it is not theirs. For every beast of the forest many things to his disciples. There were his Word,
1. Jehovah and Christ Jesus being rulers means what to his people
on earth today?
2. W ho receives the dominion, and what scriptural p roof do w e have?
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11. W hat other great event happened in the year 1918, and with what
results to the servants o f God?
12. The faith fu l servants being approved resulted in what?
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HY are all the Masters goods placed in
the care of the faithful and wise servant ?
It is because he would look after them well.
Just as the servant in the parable would see that
everything was in a good state of repair, lands culti
vated, good storage, plenty of fruit, vegetables and
grain, members well clothed, so it has been today
with this approved servant class, with the Kingdom
interests. The household of the Master is well fed and
equipped. The servant sees that the commandments
of God and Christ Jesus are carried out, some of
which are: And in that day shall ye say, Give thanks
unto Jehovah, call upon his name, declare his doings
among the peoples, make mention that his name is
exalted. (Isa. 12: 4, Am. Stan. Ver.) Therefore my
people shall know my name: therefore they shall
know in that day that I am he that doth speak;
behold, it is I. How beautiful upon the mountains are
the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that pub
lished peace, that bringeth good tidings of good,
that published salvation, that saitli unto Zion, Thy
God reigneth! The voice of thy watchmen! they lift
up the voice, together do they sing; for they shall
see eye to eye, when Jehovah returned to Zion.
(Isa. 52: 6-8, Am. Stan. Ver.) Ye are my witnesses,
said Jehovah, and my servant whom I have chosen;
that ye may know and believe me, and understand
1 , 2. H ow has the faith ful servant looked after the "g o o d s "?
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talents , or Kingdom interests, so they will increase.
Try to double them. How can this be accomplished?
From what has already been stated, it will be appre
ciated what are the Kingdom interests committed
into the custody of the faithful and wise servant,
and therefore it will be easy to see how individuals
may handle the same interests. All servants of God
are entrusted with some Kingdom service, large or
small. Why, the very knowledge of the truth itself
is a trust, for it has been given to us by the Lord,
and it can also be taken away from us by the Lord.
We do not keep ourselves in the truth by human
methods, such as the mere human will-power. No,
for it is the loving-kindness of God that grants this
treasured knowledge. God pushes the proud away,
and the meek he shows his covenant. This being so,
then what are we doing with this interest? Are we
increasing in knowledge and understanding? It grows
with use, it does not increase by hiding it. Then we
have interests in magazine advertising, back-calls
on interested persons, Bible studies and other field
service. Then the congregational services must be
attended to. Every servant, every pioneer, and all
the brethren serving in the Societys institutions
have talents or interests .
14 Regardless of where we are, if our service has
been assigned to us by and through the faithful and
wise servant then it must be a Kingdom service,
because that servant is ruler over all the goods .
Then, are we developing the service given into our
custody? Are we merely going through the routine,
as it were, with no enthusiasm, zeal, eagerness and
joy behind it? Are we performing our service with
promptitude? Do not aspire to be in the limelight, but
let the Lord and his faithful servant assign you
the tasks. Remember that promotion comes from
the Lord. (Ps. 75: 5-7) Be grateful and appreciative
for even the smallest service you can perform. An
other Theocratic rule that must be borne in mind is,
To whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be
required. (Luke 12:48, Am. Stan. Ver.) For who
soever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have
abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall
be taken away even that which he hath. (Matt.
13:12, Am. Stan. Ver.) There must be an increase
of what has been entrusted.
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19. W h at future rewards are in store fo r those who increase their talents ?
HE government of Jehovah God is of paramount
importance to all who are seeking the way to life.
By and through his government or kingdom Jehovah
will vindicate his name and establish lasting peace in the
universe, and never again shall affliction rise up. (Nah. 1 : 9 )
In all periods of time honest men have desired such a
government and have had some vague knowledge of its
coming. Now Gods kingdom or government is here, and
every person of good-will toward God will be anxious to
learn about that government. The government of Jehovah
God is a Theocracy because under the immediate direction
and administration of Almighty God. It is a righteous
government because all of Jehovahs ways are right and
righteous. Jehovah is supreme; and all who have a part in
his government must be in full accord with him and joy
fully obey his commandments.
Following the rebellion in Eden the first ray of hope set
before man was Gods promise to establish a righteous
government on earth. Abel had faith and hope in that
coming government. Likewise Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and
a few others desired that government and by faith looked
forward to it. (Heb. 11:1-16) With the descendants of
Abraham God set up a typical Theocracy. He used the
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**"IC T t AKE the most of your opportunity, for these are
V I ev^
the apostle Paul counseled the Ephesians, as recorded at 5:16, A n A m e r . Tran s.
The servants of Jehovah today have particular reason for
taking this Theocratic admonition to heart, for never before
have they had so many opportunities for service as now and
never have the times been so evil. All such will therefore
note with interest and profit the example of one who zeal
ously made the most of his opportunities, and that in evil
times, namely, Nehemiah.
The record of Nehemiah is in the form of an autobi
ography. Its simplicity and straightforwardness stamp it
as truth. Without doubt Gods active force directed him to
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B rooklyn, N. Y.
Matthew 24: 27. The mere mention o f the east in this verse
does not determine matters.
Yours in the light of his lightnings,
W a t c h T ow er B ib l e & T r a c t S o c ie ty
February 3, 1950
Dear Brother:
Answering yours of December 18 [re letter Neither Can
They Die Any More , page 320 of T h e W a tc h to w e r
October 15, 1949] :
(1) Yes, that world and the world without end are
(2) No; that world or world without end does not
begin after the 1000-year restoration of Paradise and up
lifting of humankind to perfection, but begins after Arma
geddon is over.
Hence that world or world without end does
include the 1000-year reign of Christ for mankinds perfect
ing. However, for a person to survive Armageddon into
that world or for a person to come up in the resurrection
to life on the earth during the 1000 years does not mean
he has attained to that world. I f he does not take a course
of action that God rewards with the right to everlasting
life at the end of the thousand years and the test by the
loosing of Satan for a little season, he does not attain
to that world, because that world is a world without end
and for him to attain it he would have to live on without
end himself. I f he does attain it by Gods justifying of
him for his faithfulness and integrity after the test by
Satan s loosing, then by virtue of Gods justification of
him to endless life he cannot die anymore . Luke 20: 34-36.
Yours in devoted service of the Kingdom,
W a t c h T o w er B ib l e & T r ac t S o c ie ty
"The Increase of His Government"
Extending Its Sway Despite Opposition
Answering the Foes of His Government
Published Record Speaks for Itself
Name and Purpose of The Watchtower
Best-Seller Least Read?
Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Radio Station WEBR Preaches the Word
Questions from Readers
Experiences in Announcing
Jehovah's Kingdom
"Stick to Your Work"
Report of InternationaZ AssembZy
of Jehovah's W itnesses
Watchtower Studies
August 15, 1950
No . 16
EHOVAH God is now crowning his glorious purpose with success. At the very
time that mankind came into need because
of the invasion of selfishness, error and
death, Jehovah made it his purpose to set
up a righteous government 'over the whole
earth for mankind's deliverance. The setting up of such a government is his right.
It is, in fact, his responsibility, and he has
not failed that responsibility. "For there
is no authority except from God." (Rom.
13: 1, R ev. St an. V er.) Because it is a
government from him and is his means for
ruling his creatures on earth it is called a
"Theocr acy", for that name means God's
dom inion or rule. His government in the
heavens is now born and is ready to take
over earth's rule, regardless of the combined opposition of men who fight against
God. Earth and the people's way of existence are soon due for a wonderful transformation. This denotes a new world of
God's creation.
2 Jehovah's heart is glad for this time.
Yes, the heart of everyone is glad if he is
acquainted with Jehovah's grand purpose
and sees where we are in its successful development. Nineteen centuries have now
15, 1950
The witness given since 1914 has steadily increased the sway of the Kingdom in
the lives of men of good will. It could not
have been otherwise. Over God's own name
the prophecy long ago declared: "Of the
increase of his government and peace
ther e shall be no end ," and t his must come
.true, though now the King rules in the
midst of multitudinous enemies.
The irresistible zeal of Jehovah
of hosts will never let his prophetic Word be shoved back unperformed into his face and the
increase of the government of
his Son be blocked successfully.
The Kingdom witness ' since
1914 must go on increasing. It
must be made known more and
more throughout the earththat
the Supreme Governing Power,
Jehovah, has taken his great
power and has begun to reign
over earth by putting his Son on
the throne as his anointed King.
(Rev. 11: 15-18) Through this knowledge
spread abroad by his witnesses the people
of good will everywhere can have the
opportunity to know of the only Righteous
Government and can gather around it as
the only hope of mankind. They can give it
.their unqualified allegiance before Jehovah's King destroys all his foes and opposers in the coming "battle of that great
day of God Almighty".
1 The Increase of the sympathizers and
supporters of Jehovah's . reigning King
must correspond with the increase of his
followers in the first century after he
ascended to God's right hand after having
proved his right to the Kingdom by his
loving obedience to death. This increase
will be, not by might of armies using fire
6. Why must the Kingdom con tinue In cre asin g Its sway?
7. With what must Its Incr eas e today correspond ? By
means of what ?
N. Y.
20th Cent. N. T.
The life-giving blessing through Abraham's Seed, Jesus Christ, must therefore
be spread to all nations, Jew and Gentile
alike. Properly the blessing went first to
the Jewish descendants of Abraham. But
when that nation followed their religious
leaders and turned down the blessing because it came through the Christ who had
been nailed to a torture stake, Jehovah God
acted upon his words to Abraham. He extended the blessing through Jesus Christ
to the Gentile or non-Jewish nations. God
is no respecter of persons as based on earthly nationality. Our possessing faith like
that of Abraham is what counts with God
and wins his blessing through Christ.
-Gal. 3 : 9, 26-29.
15, 1950
13. What se rvice did Peter a n d Paul render to ward belief by Gentiles ?
14. Where, how and by wh om was Paul accused of
N. Y.
Amer. Trans.
she flee?
or 14,400 of them mean that the Communist Polish Government is encouraging and
financing them? Listen to this special dispatch published in the New York Times of
June 30, 1950, beginning on its front page,
which published in bold type, "PolesArrest Jehovah's Witnesses as Spies Directed
from Brooklyn", and which said, in part:
WARSAW, June 29-The complete liquidation of
an alleged United States spy ring, with headquarters in Brooklyn, N. Y., was announced today by Poland's Ministry of Public Security. Approximately 80 percent of the members of the
alleged ring have been arrested, the Ministry
The ring, which supposedly operated through
the religious sect called Jehovah's Witnesses ,
was charged with having gathered information
on military and commercial objectives and Polish Government institutions.
According to the last official census in 1948 t his
religious sect, which has a fifty-yea r-old history
in Poland, had 10,000 members in Po la nd. . . .
Searches carried on in t he sect's offices and
members' homes resulted in the confiscation
of a large amount of evidence, the report
declared. . . .
Another charge was that the sect counteracted
the campaign for gathering signatures for the
so-called Stockholm peace appeal urging that
the atomic bomb be outlawed.
4 Still earlier, in its issue of August 8,
1939, The Catholic Mind published an article called "Rutherford's Witnesses of Jehovah: Are They Apostles of Anarchy?" by
Herbert Thurston, Society of Jesus, and
which was rep rinted by the A mer ica Press.
The psychological effect intended by that
title is very apparent, even if all the article were not read. In November, 1942,
the booklet entitled" 'Judge' Rutherford",
written by that same Jesuit, "Rev." H.
Thurston, was published by The Catholic
Truth Society in London, England, and on
page 14 it says: "Whatever may be the professions of Jehovah's Witnesses, there is
no room for doubt that the practical effect
of the Watch Tower activities is to stimu-
15, 1950
N. Y.
23. What do persecution, misrepresentation and conspir acy now fall to halt ? Why ?
24. As shown In April, 1950, what may we expect as
we work on ?
15, 1950
but we warn our persecutors with Jehovah she will reap the whirlwind at ArmagedGod's words to his Theocratic organization: don. We who have sown to the interests
"The nation and kingdom that will not of Jehovah's Theocracy by Christ will reap
serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations the increase of thousands of other Kingshall be utterly wasted." -Usa. 60: 12) Obe- dom adherents, the "other sheep" whom
dience to the great Life-giver spells eternal the Good Shepherd will yet gather into
life for us in the new world, and the old the "one fold" of everlasting safety.-John
world's persecution of us will continue 10: 16.
failing to halt the Kingdom's increase.
28 God's Word and purpose have never
27 We will keep our integrity to God in
failed so far and will not fail us in the most
vindication of his universal sovereignty crucial world period ahead. So on with his
and his right to rule his creation, this earth work of witnessing to the Kingdom among
and all people permitted to live on it. In all nations before the end comes. In faith
Theocratic obedience and faithfulness we and obedience, endure hardness as good
will march on toward the New World, re- soldiers of Jesus Christ. Carry out your
joicing in all further expansion of his part as advance publicity agents of the
kingdom, for there will ' be no end to its New World government. Fear not the foe,
increase even this side of Armageddon. If but God only. By godly lives and ceaseless
we keep on sowing his Kingdom message, proclamation of the Bible truth, keep on
we shall reap returns for -eternity, for God recommending Jehovah's Theocracy by
will give his promised increase. Let Chris- Christ to all men of good will, confidently
tendom go on sowing to the wind by pur- looking to him for the rewarding increase.
suing the futile course of this old world; -2 Cor. 4: 2.
ZT. What activity will we keep at, and assured of what
Inc rease ?
6 WHEREAS the nations of this world re2 ON THIS momentous occasion, when we
fuse the warning which is set forth in God's
are gathered in a representative body of Word and verified by all the perilous contens of thousands from more than 50 lands ditions on earth, and they show opposition
here at Yankee Stadium, New York city, to God's purpose by extending their own
to carryon the international "Theocracy's world rule with which they seek to align
Increase" Assembly of Jehovah's Witness- all peoples, and they ignore, hinder and peres, we find it most opportune this 1st day of secute the faithful minority that preaches
August, 1950, to make this Declaration: the good news of God's established kingdom; and thereby they put themselves in
3 WHEREAS the God of heaven and earth,
whose name is Jehovah, is the Source of all the way of destruction by the "act of God"
rightful authority and power and has re- which will mark the close of this "time of
corded on the pages of the Holy Bible his the end";
purpose to restore his righteous Theocratic
7 THEREFORE we here, before God and
government to this earth (Psalm 62: 11; man, declare our unqualified support of
Matthew 6: 9,10); and
Jehovah's universal sovereignty and our
4 WHEREAS the "seven times" of uninterallegiance to his kingdom now established
rupted domination of the earth by Gentile in the hands of his Son Jesus Christ.
nations expired A.D. 1914 and now the
8 WE CONFESS that originally by his Son
Bible prophecy and its fulfillment prove God created this earth and man upon it
together that then Jehovah God again took and that after mankind rebelled against
up his power to reign over the earth and to divine government God sent his Son to
this end he enthroned in the heavens his prove his right to govern a new world and
Son Jesus Christ, who had proved his in- also to die sacrificially that all who become
tegrity to God even to death on a torture his subjects might live forever in the new
stake at Calvary and who had thereby world; and so we gladly confess that God
established his right to rule as King in his by his Son's sacrifice has bought us and we
Father's name (Daniel 4: 25,32; Luke owe our lives and our complete devotion
to God and his King and hence our obe21: 24; Revelation 11: 15 to 12: 10); and
to God and his reigning Son comes
5 WHEREAS Almighty God has decreed
first.-1 Corinthians 6: 20; 7: 23.
the end of this world and has promised us
9 WE ACKNOWLEDGE that Jehovah God
"new heavens and a new earth" to form
has according to his Word made us his
a righteous new world in which his en- witnesses, and we are obligated to carry
throned Son will be King, and hence this out this commission as Jehovah's witnesses
old world has been in its "time of the end" to the end of this world (Isaiah 43: 10-12,
since A.D. 1914 and the "battle of that Am. Stan. Ver.); and, being for God and
great day of God Almighty" draws near his kingdom by Christ, we could never be
for removing the old and installing the communistic. We denounce the false accunew world (2 Peter 3: 10-13; Revelation sation by our enemies that we are communists. We disavow all connection with or
16: 14-16; 21: 1-5); and
support of communism or any other politi258
15, 1950
meddling in worldly politics, and not engaging in any subversion even under persecution, that we may 'keep ourselves unspotted from this world' till its end.-Romans 12: 18; 1 Peter 2: 19-21; James 1: 27.
11 IN OBEDIENCE to the divine command
we will uni tedly continue to preach "this
gospel of the kingdom in all the world for
a witness unto all nations", warning both
rulers and peoples of the consequences of
their opposition to God's increasing kin gdom, and educating and encouraging all
lovers of righteousness, truth and life to
take refuge under God's kingdom by Christ
and to wait confidently for it soon to rid
10. What wlll we render, so keeping unspotted from the
the earth of Satanic rule and all wickedness
world ?
and to usher in the everlasting
New World of Theocratic rule,
.as. e,
justice, peace and prosperity.
1 2 The full report of the as1 5 DoIIer, 1949
sembly's action upon the above
Idr. Hayden .Covi ngt on
Resolution we hope to publish
117 Adams Street
Brookl yn I, New Yor k
as early as possible in The
~y dear Hr. Covi ngton :
Watchtower. We may add that
I have r ead with grea t cere your le t t er or 23 November 194 9 1n
the Resolution was slated for
which y ou poi nt out t hat the l!ar l ne Corps made a gra ve error
i n stating t ha t Jehovah' s flUnesse.s was as sociated with comtranslation into French, Spanmunism. I am convi nc ed th at t he s tat emen t made In Enclosure
(B) or ~rine Cor ps Memor an dum #55- 49 concerni ng J eho vah'e
ish , German, Russian, Holland\'IUnes ees i e t otally without roundation and I regret most excc edi ngly
it was pUblis hed .
ish, Greek, Hungarian, Danish,
I have or de r ed t he dis cu s s ion 'Co mmunism in the Uni t ed States Ukrainian, Slovak, Italian, Nor(Encl os ure (B) to Marine Corps Memorandum #5 5- 49) , revised so
as to eU",inate all reference to J ehovah's Witn esses and I sha l l
direc t t hat all c opies pr ese ntly exis ting wh i ch contai n s uch
wegian, Finnish, Swedish, Lithr of erence be de stroyed . In addition, I am c aus i ng a memorandum
to ce pr epared which wil l be issued by this Headqu ar ters an d
Portuguese, Armenian,
vl11 1 r e ceive t he aame dis t ribut i on given Marine Corps Memore.ndum
#55 -49 . This memorsndum wil l s tate t hat the refere nce made to
and Polish, to be presented at
J ehovah'. Wi t nes s es i n Enclosure (B) of Mar ine Cor ps Memor and um
#55- 49 was completely unf cunde d, that it was made without proper
foreign-language meetings
information, und o; a ll entir o mi s appr ehe nsi on as t o t he faots ,
and t ha t thi s Hea dquar t er s regrets tha t thie unfortunate statethe
assembly on the mornof
ment wa s publ ished . The pr epar at i on of this memorandum is being
expe di ted i n or der t h at it may be promulgated to the serviee at
Wednesday, Thursday,
an ear l y date.
and Saturday, for the benefit of
Plea s e ccnvey to your clients , Watch Tower Bible and Tract Soci ety and Jeh ovah ' s Witness es, my sinoere r egrot for the pUblicat ion of t he l amentable r efe rence t o t he m. If there is any other
all those attending who spoke
a cti on wh ich may be t ak en by this Headquar t e r s , please do not
he s i t ate to i nform me.
those languages but could not
Sincerely yours,
understand the English. The Society hopes these truths will
reach to the ends of the earth.
tr~ t
General, U. S . Marine Corps
Commandant or t he Mar ine Corps
11, Wha t
12. How
dled for
Ing only
This connection
between Jehovah
God and the
watchmen in the watchtowers was even
more vital in the case of those men appointed to be on the lookout for messages
from the Lord and to warn of dangers that
threatened the spiritual welfare of the
nation of Israel. Appreciation of the duties
of the watchmen posted in literal towers
helps us to grasp the service responsibilities
of those assigned as watchmen on the more
vital spiritual front. Habakkuk was one
of such, and he said: "On my watch-tower
I will stand, at my post upon the turret,
watching to see what he will say to me,
what answer he will offer to my plea."
-Hab. 2: 1, Moffatt.
15, 1950
Today the clergy of Christendom's orthodox religions assume a position of watchmen over the spiritual welfare of the nations. Because of their training they should
be in a position above the greeds and prejudices of our time, as though on the heights
of a watchtower that lifts them above the
worldly wranglings and affords them a
clear view of matters, unobstructed by the
many blinding biases of these days. They
should be able to view happenings in terms
of Bible prophecies, noting significant
events that warn of approaching danger,
or that appear as heart-cheering signs of
better times to come. Theyshouldbereceptive to God's direction, awake to his precepts, quick to declare his Word.
But do they measure up to the high
responsibilities of watchmen? When they
speak of the present woes of war or collapsed morality, do not their proposed
remedies make them sound more like politicians or social workers than like ministers
of God? Are they not blind to the signs of
the times? Silent when it comes to proclaiming an unpopular message of warning? asleep to the practical Bible truth
that Christ's kingdom is man's only hope?
Yet how alert they are to forward their
own ends, advance their own church, enhance their own reputation, boost their
popularity, or increase their financial income! Say what you will, honest examination fits them into the description of the
unfaithful watchmen of ancient times: "His
watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant,
they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark;
sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never
have enough, and they are shepherds that
cannot understand: they all look to their
own way, every one for his gain, from his
quarter."-Isa. 56: 10,11.
On the other hand, honest examination
matches another group with the faithful
watchman Ezekiel, who fulfilled his commission: "Whenever you hear a word from
my mouth, you shall warn them from me."
What modern group stands as a faithful
watchman that does not hesitate to boldly
speak God's message, though it be an unpopular warning? The anointed footstep
followers of Christ Jesus now remaining
on earth, and who are Scripturally known
as Jehovah's witnesses. (Matt. 24: 45-47;
Isa . 43: 10-12, A m. Stan. Ver.) Heeding
the divine order to be no part of this world,
they are neutral to its squabbles. (2 Tim.
N. Y.
15, 1950
N. Y.
15, 1950
in comforting those within its gr eat audience that mourn, and there are many such.
Today we are living in the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Amos 8: 11:
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord
Jehovah, that I will send a famine in the
land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst
for water, but of hearing the words of
Jehovah." (Am. St an. V er.) Throughout
the land of Christendom there is a dearth
of truth, a spir itual famine. Many of the
Lord's sheep are hungrily seeking the
green pas ture where food convenient can
be found. WEBR is playing an impor tant
role in cooperation with the Lord's people
in seeking out those hungry ones.
The Watchtower Society, the owner and
operator of WEBR, has found that these
dear sheep of the Lord Jesus Christ, the
Good Shepherd, can be fed most conveniently in small home Bible-study groups.
As the Good She phe rd promised : "Where
two or three are gathered together in my
name, there am I in the mid st of them."
(Matt. 18: 20, Am. Stan. V e?.) WEBR
enjoys the happy privilege of being able
to serve more than 5,000 such home Biblestudy groups.
In addition there are countless homes
into which the heart-cheering message of
the Kingdom is sent by radio signal.
Uniformed attendants, unsympathetic
doorkeepers or grumpy householders cannot stop a radio mess age from reaching
the receiver of some hungry sheep casually
turning the dial if haply he might find
something upon wh ich to feed his hungry
soul. In the huge apartment houses of
metropolitan New York this is particularly
true. The te na nt in the back room or a
member in the family, neither of whom
ever goes to the door, still may be reached
and served with the mere turning on of his
receiving set and his tuning to 1330 kilocycles. From among the apartment houses
N. Y.
:. :=: r
=: : : :
For the month of September, Jehovah's witnesses have selected their service theme from
1 Timothy 4: 16, lIIoffatt, "Stick to your work."
Their sticking to the work of gospel-preaching
has enabled you and thousands of others to
better understand God's purposes. Are you not
grateful for their perseverance? Your appreciation .canbest be shown by calling these truths
to the attention of others. So doing, you, too,
share in ' a work that leads both the workers
and those who hear them onto the path of life.
To this end, three booklets, one colored-cover
and two self-covered, are to be offered during
September, on a contribution of 10c. If you
would like to obtain a supply to .furnish to your
acquaintances you may obtain some from the
local company. of Jehovah's witnesses or write
to us for them. We shall be pleased at the same
time to furnish report slips and such instructions as you require so that your share in the
preaching work may be ad ded to th at of the
thousands of others who are sticking to this
work of the ministry throughout the world.
Se mimo nlhl y
(C) W T B&T S
"They will all be t aught by Jehovah."-J ohn 6: 45, NW; Isaiah 54: 13
Tak ing In L if e-givin g Kno w ledge
L iving According to Superior Knowledge
Clergyman No tes Faith of
Jehovah's Witnesses
Victory over Death
Good N ews from Greece
Isolated Publishers in H a waii
W ritin g Be for e the Flood
Josep h, t he Foster F ather of Jesus
"Stick to Your Work"
Question s from Readers
An n ouncem ents
A.~r1Ylatl 3n,
C I ~I. n n iOD'
LXX-The S",t m glnt Ve~cn
- J, m., Mollatt 's rerslcn
- New \\'o:ld Tn nsbUoll
- Catholle DousYJerslon
- J. B. l!otherham', rerslon
- The EmpbtUe Dled olt
- Rem ed StaDdcMVersion
- Isaa e Lemr'. ' enlon
Yg - BoJen Youn; . 'erslon
Unless olte ndse Indicated. the Bible used Is the KIna: Jam., Version
IU' 10
Semlmonlh ly
Arrlk" ns
r'ebu- \"!.ia f ftD
It alian
Hpan hh
(J" man
S"e<II, h
Five cents a co py
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(,hls honll
Rw dan
Cluyan j.
I ho
Malavala m
\'Isap n
Walc h Towel' seetetr om""
Yearly subserlptton rate
Ameriea, U.S. 11; Adam. St.. Brooklyn I . N.Y,
" um alla. II Bercslord R.I., Strat hfleld, N.S.W.
Brit ish Weit Indies. 21 TOl'lor St . Port 01 SpaIn. TrinIdad
$1. 25
Cam:ti3. 40 I rwin Aw ., Torollto 5 . Ontario
En.l and. 34 Crar en Terrace, London, W. 2
Jamalea, I:n KIng St. KIngston
ft': u!ati uI1J to gUJrantre sate rlell'rery of money. Remlttaa ees are :1cttpteJ
at &rOOkl)11 rrem ceuntrles where no omce is located, by Int era atl onal
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Entered 8!1 seecnd-elass matter at nrooklrn. N. Y.,
Act 01 )! arch 3 , 18; 9. Printed In U. S, A.
7'1n n o u n c 7Z...9
September 1, 1950
No. 17
EHOV AH, the Lord God, spoke of our and I will visit his ways UIJon him, and reown day, when he said long ago by his quite his deeds to him."-Hos. 4:1-9, AT.
pr ophet Hosea: "Hear the word of the
2 A few years after Hosea finish ed his
LORD, 0 Israelites! For the LORD has a prophesying the northern kin gdom of Isquarrel with the inhabitants of the land; rael fell to pagan conquerors, and in the
beca use t here is no fidelity, no kindness, following century the holy city of Jerusaand no knowledge of God in the land. Curs- lem and its temple were destroyed and
ing, lying, murder, theft , and adu!tery- the Jews were uprooted from their land.
they break out, and one crime follows hard A like destruction in the near future faces
upon another. Th erefore the land mourns, Christendom. Do students of world cona nd everything that dwells there in lan- ditions want to know the cause respon sible
guishes, even to the beasts of t he earth, for such destruction? With modern Chrisand the birds of the air; and the fish of the tendom in mind let them mark those words
sea also are swept away. Yet, let no one of the prophet: "cursing, lying, murder,
make charges, and let no one accuse; for theft, and adultery-they break out, and
wit h you is my quarrel, 0 priest; and you one crime follows hard upon another," and
shall stumble by day; the prophet also at the bottom of aU this, "no knowledge of
shall stumble with you by night; and I will God in the land." At whose door does the
dest roy your people. My people are de- Lord God lay the responsibility for t his
stroyed for want of knowledge-because ignorance? At the door of the religious
you have rejected knowledge, I will reject leaders, the priests and the prophets, for it
you from being my priest. Since you have is their duty to teach the people about
forgotten the law of your God, I likewise God, and the people look to them for such
will forget your children. The more they instruction. And now the people are about
increased, the more they sinned against to be "destroyed for want of knowledge"
me; they have exchanged their glory for in a world destruction. But the God of
shame. They feed on the sin of my people, justice decrees that it will become "like
and for their guilt t hey whet their appetite. people, like priest", and the priests and
So it has become 'like people, like priest'; clergy will fa re no better t han the people.
N. Y.
4. Why Is k nowledge need ed so mu ch now ? What re su lts In Its Inc rea se ':
1, 1950
Jesus cried out to them : "S erpents, offsp ri ng of vipers, how are you t o flee from
the judgment of Gehenna?" (Matt. 23: 33,
N W) By ke eping the people ignorant they
led them into having J esus killed on a torture stake at Calvary. Thirty-seven years
later this willfully cultivat ed ignorance led
to its fa t al consequences, the destruction
of the city of Jerusalem with an enormous
loss of human
lives, just as
Jesus had p redicted, and t he
breaking up of
the Jewish nation till this day.
And now in this
"time of the
end" the revived
nation of Israel
with capital at
the modern city of Jerusalem chooses to
go on in the steps of its for efathers, ignoring the counsel of Jehovah God. It has
again cho sen "Caesar" as its friend in
preference to God 's kin gdom by Christ. It
has gon e after and gai ned membership in
the Unit ed Nations of this doomed world.
There is only one outcome possible: destruct ion with t h is world because of taking
t he wrong course for want of t he knowledge of J eho vah God and his Messianic
k ingdo m.
N. Y.
10. What did Jesus say to show what man needed for
galn lng' life !
1, 1950
~e vV,t-\TCHTOWER..
N. Y.
1, 1950
1, 1950
7 We are living at the climax of this
Christ stands for. Let the world know the
wicked world and at the culmination of position of morality that Jehovah's TheoChristendom's existence. Pagan philoso- cratic organization takes, that they may
phies and doctrines of demons and man- know that it is a pure organization. Keep
made religious traditions masquerade un- the organization that way, as far as in you
der the guise of Christian
lies, that the organization
doctrine and practice. Evil~ into which you invite the
minded men slyly watch
Shepherd's "other sheep"
for an opening and try to
may be a clean, purifying
creep into our Christian
organization. True love is
companies for immoral
pure. The fear of Jehovah
purposes and to abuse
is clean. Love and godly
God's undeserved kindness
fear will help you meet the
and corrupt the faith and
moral problems which are
manners of those whom
still with us while we are
they can victimize. Weare
in this old world.-1 Cor.
living, indeed, in among seductive condi- 13: 5,6, NW; Ps. 19: 9, AS.
tions, and lest we stray there is every need
for us to do as it is written: "Ask for the
9 Thus for our own selves to gain everold paths, where is the good way, and walk
therein, and ye shall find rest for your lasting life we must continue taking in
souls." (Jer. 6:16) We need to go back knowledge of the only true God and of
direct to the inspired Scriptures them- Jesus Christ, whom He sent forth. Mankind
selves, examining them daily against what are not yet in paradise. Satan and his
is taught us by men, and by this course demons are not yet bound nor his wicked
get back to the "faith that was once for all seed destroyed from the earth. On the contime delivered to the holy ones". And trary, he has been cast out of heaven and
having rediscovered what it is, then we is now restrained to the earth and is bringmust "put up a hard fight" for it, to hold ing great woes upon the people and creatit and to practice it, as Jude 3 says (NW). ing many problems for God's righteous
people. So be on guard. Proverbs 11: 9 (AS)
8 In harmony with the original faith it
assures US: "Through knowledge shall
becomes our duty toward God to resist
righteous be delivered." Conversely,
those impure-minded persons who try to
through lack of knowledge those who prosneak in and lure unsuspecting Christians
into sexual abuses by wrongly claiming fess to be God's people are destroyed. In
God's mercy for willful sins. It is part of Christendom we see exemplified what this
our fight for the faith to hold high the lack produces, in harmony with what the
Bible principles concerning human mar- apostle said, at Romans 1:24-31: "Thereriage and the pure relations between men fore God in keeping with the desires of
and women in the congregation. Stick by their hearts gave them up to uncleanness,
these. Let the evil-designing sneaks and all that their bodies might be dishonored
worldly persons know what high moral among them, even those who exchanged
principles the true knowledge of God and the truth of God for the lie and venerated
and rendered sacred service to the creation
7. What faith must we asccrtaln? What must we do
a bo ut It ? Why ?
8. On the moral problems what Is It our duty accord in g
to t he faith?
1, 1950
10, Contrary to ignorant Christendom, what mu st Jehovahs witnesses now do under the provlslons of the
new covenant '!
N. Y.
and with blood will I enter into judgment Jesus Christ, whom he has now sent forth
with him; and I will rain upon him, and as King!
upon his hordes, and upon the many peoSURVIVAL
ples that are with him, an overflowing
1~ However, t hat is not t he way WE want
shower, and great hailstones, fire, and
brimstone. And I will magnify myself, and to learn to know Jehovah God and his
sanctify myself, and I will make myself Christ. We want to know them in a way
known in the eyes of many nations; and that means everlasting life, not destruction.
they shall know that I am Jehovah. And God has given us his holy spirit, and he
I will send a fire on Magog, and on them has baptized his faithful remnant of Kingthat dwell securely in the isles; and they dom heirs with his spirit and enlightened
shall know that I am Jehovah. . . . nei- them with the deep things revealed by that
ther will I suffer my holy name to be pro- spirit in God's Word. But Christendom
faned any more: and the nations shall will shortly be bapt ized with fire, the fire
know that I am Jehovah, the Holy One in of destruction at Armageddon. (Matt.
Israel. Behold, it cometh, and it shall be 3:11,12) We do not await destruction at
done, saith the Lord Jehovah; this is the the battle of Armageddon, but confidently
day whereof I have spoken."-Ezek. 38: expect to survive through that fiery time
into the new world. Nevertheless, to realize
21-23 and 39: 6-8, AS.
such preservation at the end of this world
16 Christ Jesus the King will act as Jeho.
Just as Noah and his ark companions envah's executional officer amid that world
joyed preservation at the watery end of
destruction, and the fact that he is now
the former world, we must live according
present in his kingdom and owns the earth
to knowledge. The knowledge which God
as his domain will be forcibly revealed to
has revealed to us by his spirit in these
all his opposers. Their destruction will
last days sets up high principles of livin g.
bring welcome relief to all of us who choose
to know and obey God. As it is written: We must live up to those principles. We
must hold fast to this knowledge by living
"It is righteous on God's part to repay
according to it and by giving it out to
tribulation to those who make tribulation
VIe must increase in knowledge in
for you, but, to you who suffer tribulation,
with the predicted increase of
relief along with us at the revelation of the
to make us strong to bear all
Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful
of these perilous times. "A
angels in a flaming fire, as he brings due
yea, a man of knowlpunishment upon those who do not know
(Prov. 24:5, AS)
God and those who do not obey the good
So let us wisely continue taking in knowlnews about our Lord Jesus. These very
edge from on high.
ones will pay the penalty of everlasting
18 We may not know now the day or the
destruction from before the Lord and from
hour when the battle of Armageddon will
the glory of his strength, at the time he
break out and the wicked heavens and
comes to be glorified." ( 2 Thess. 1: 6-10,
earth of the Devil's world will be dissolved
NW) What an INGLORIOUS end for their
to make way for the new heavens and earth
disobedient failure to take in now the
of the precious new world. We do not need
knowledge of the only true God and of
16, Who wlll a ct a s God 's ex ecutional officcr? How
will he r ew a rd the ob edl cnt on es and th ose will fu ll y
Ignorant ?
N. Y.
be found finally by him spotless and unblemished and in peace. Furthermore, consider the patience of our Lord as salvation."
-2 Pet. 3:11-15, NW.
211 As we are expecting to enter the new
world in which righteousness is to dwell,
then let us live in righteousness. We know
the Lord God's day is coming for the destruction of all those who are spotted and
blemished with this world and not at peace
with God. He will approve only those whom
he finds spotless, unblemished and in peace.
These he will preserve through the world's
end. And if we daily do our utmost to be
found finally, at that last day of this world,
in a spotless, unblemished and peaceful
condition, what else could this mean but
that we will win his approval and protection and will survive the fiery end into the
brigh t new world with its glor ies ? What a
wonderful possibility! What an opportunity
of all opportunities! By the undeserved
kindness from on high, we will avail ourselves of it by faithfully taking in the
knowledge of the true God and of Jesus
Christ, for "this means everlasting life".
-John 17:3, NW.
20. Wh at do es liv in g that way m ean fo r us a t the
world's end ? So what will we do':
dered lizardskin for stomach trouble and enemy death continues laying low patient
hiccups. Herbs were used to a de g r e e, and healer alike. Against the penalty of
especially by the Hebrews and Egyptians, death is directed the full force of what men
and the latter gained a meager knowledge hail as science's brilliant accomplishments,
of anatomy and produced a few surgical as different brands of doctors massage
instruments. The Greeks combined the su- muscles, manipulate bones, jab with their
perstitions of Babylon and Persia with needles, inject their serums, pepper you
the medical learning of the Egyptians, and with pills, reduce you, fatten you, fast you,
medical schools sprang up, one of which feed you, exercise you, and even slit you
is attributed to Hippocrates, who is called with the surgeon's blade to cast as a peace
offering to the enemy death an appendix, a
the father of medicine.
Medical knowledge with which to fight tonsil, a kidney, a leg or an arm-but even
death was on the advance, but with the this desperate retreat before disease soon
rise of papal dictatorship by a religious or- comes to a stone wall as some vital organ
ganization during the Dark Ages this ad- is cornered and death collects its prey.
Do not misunderstand. Doctors today
vance was halted and turned back. The
prevailing religion of that time was op- relieve much suffering, prolong many lives,
posed to the invasion of the field of healing render praiseworthy service to humanity,
by scholarly doctors, was against the spoil- and deserve credit for the good they do.
ing of pastures long dominated by the But the point being made is that their
priests. Surgery and bodily cleanliness and battle against death is only a delaying acother health measures were opposed, and in tion, not a final victory. Any deliverance
their stead were practiced such supersti- from disease they effect only hands the
tions as carrying horse chestnuts in your patient over to the clutches of old age.
pocket to cure rheumatism, placing a cat- The delaying action is but brief postponefish on your brow to cure epilepsy, wearing ment, and death is so patient, the grave can
amulets and religious medals to cure any- wait. And it never has to wait long, even
thing and everything, and even eating if man reaches the Biblical life span of
pages of the Bible that told of miracles "threescore years and ten" or "fourscore
was practiced to gain miraculous cures. But years". (Ps. 90:10) At best, man's present
during all this time priestly medicine men life on this earth is fleeting. As Job said:
of these false religions gained no victory "Man that is born of a woman is of few
days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth
over death.
like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth
also as a shadow, and continueth not."
After the Reformation medical knowl- -Job 14:1,2; Ps. 102:11; 144:4; Isa.
edge surged ahead, and in this atomic age 40:6,7.
its discoveries rocket along at supersonic
Today's doctors may not lay a fish on
speed. The attacks on the enemy death your head to cure epilepsy or give you
come from many battle fronts-from phy- powdered lizardskin for hiccups, but for
sicians, surgeons, herbalists, dieticians, all their scientific advances they are no
chiropractors, osteopaths, etc., and even nearer to a real victory over death than
from some religionists who say that your the witch doctor of antiquity. What if
ruptured appendix or your gallstones are science has brought a torrent of brilliant
only in your head. But, despite it all, the medical weapons up to the front to fight
1, 19;50
In that new world, with earth's inhabitants freed of the overlord Satan and properly organized under the Kingdom rei gn of
N. Y.
N. Y.
1, 1950
~ -:rT1'tq
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the Flood
N. Y.
1, 1950
an ideograph to represent the word heaven, sky, or god. However, signs appear
in these inscr iptions that do not resemble any object, signs that may rep r esent
words with abs tract meanings." Did they
resemble some object in their or iginal
forms, or had t hey never been used as
pictographs? Some 900 different signs
have been found in the 570 oldest tablets
from E rech. Pe rhaps this is not half the
number t hat were in use. The 194 tablets
from J emdet Nasr have about 400 different signs. Of the 900 signs fro m early
E re ch 31 mean "sheep" , perhaps to distinguish their breed or quality. In the 34
tablets fro m Erech of the early J emdet
Nasr period, only three differ ent sig ns are
used which mean "sheep" . The re ason may
In Shinar the writ ing on preflocd tablets be that instead of using a totally differ ent
consists of numbers followed by depict ed sign to indicate sheep of different breeds
or qualitie s, the difobjects. Thus the tabferent breed or quallets were economic IT u
ity was indicated by
r ather than historanother sign used
ical. 10 If an y his torwith the same one for
ical writing was done
t her e before the flood
In the later Jemdet
it must have been on
period a certain
perishable materials.
: Jon' I1. i" l'la sr
,.~~ S~u.han
sam e tim e s
In the earliest Sh ilim its o f Shinor
\~n . . .1~ '\l
o r.d ee e stll ne ct
....... ~,. "--"...
used not t o represent
nar texts found some
ti me 01 .~d o m s
rrech1r ' __ . . ,
the word for which it
of t he signs ar e pictocreollo n
U rrir.1 Q
Co c stHfie a t ti me
stands but the sound
graphs or pictures of
a l the
of the syllable which
the objects they are
intended to represent, but many ar e used was added to a word to make it plural."
as ideographs too, that is, the sign is used
Since one sign migh t stand for several
to represent the underlying ideas associat- different words, the way that the writer
ed wit h the things t hey represent as pic- indic ated which one of the words he meant
t ures; for exa mple, a sign made up of was to write with it another sign to indithr ee, four, or five intersecting lines , cate t he gene ral class to which the word
* * "*~, was evidently a pictograph rep- belonged . Such added signs are called deres enting a star, but it was used also as termina ti ves. The sign for god,
became one of such determinatives, and was
14 It Is tr om this time that the considerable colle ction
or Ins criptions t rom Shushan dates . (G. R. Dr iver. used with the na mes of their demon gods.
ibid ., page 4) The Shushan w riting does not s eem t o be
, \..,
f l o~ d
One instance of such use of it may appear on a tablet from Erech of the Uruk
period. Another det erminative appears on
t he tablets from Je mdet Nasr."
One of the eviden ces that the Shi nar
writing did not originate there is t hat the
symbol for sun was ori ginally a picture of
the sun rising between two mountain
peaks, 'CY ."1 If the writing had ori ginated in Shinar no doubt the sun would
have been sho wn ri sing from the level
horizon. Another evidence is th e fact that
the sign for land or homeland, which was
used to designate t he fiat level plain of
Shinar, was the picture of three mountain
peaks, "X'. This shows that th ese signs
mus t have been used in the mou ntai ns before they were used in Shinar ."
On the t ablets of the Uruk period no
attempt was made to break up the text
into lin es or columns or to arrange the
words in logical order. The signs were
more or less unifo rmly distributed over
t he tablet without regard to th e sense. On
t he larger tablets occasion ally hor izontal
lines divid ed the text into two or three
compartments. During t he J emdet Nasr
period the larger tablets often had ver tical
lines dividing th e signs into groups or compartments, though within such bands or
columns the signs were still distributed
without regard to order. Th e signs in the
right-hand band were to be read first, then
the signs in the next band to the left, etc. "
2 0 D. Dlrlng lr, i b id ., pa ge 43; G. R. Driver , i bi d .,
pa g es 6, 60. and 6l.
2 1 G. R. Drive r , i b id ., page 50: " Su ch signs p ro ve t he
Sumerlans to ha ve been ori g inally a people d welllng In
mountainous country."
~ 2 Journal. 0/ the Univ el's i t y 0/ Bombay, Vol. VII,
Part I , J u ly, 1938, H . Heras, " T h e Ori gin of the Sumerian W riting." page 9 : "This dua l meani n g [h ill ,
co u ntry] of the word . . . evidently shows t hat til e
count r y , [. e. , t h e ir cou n try, originally was mount ai nous ."
D. D lrrn gf r, i bid., page 41 : " W e a re a lso una bl e to
d ecide whet her t he e unelform system w as inven ted In
Mesopotamia or elsewhere, which seem s more probable ."
"3 G. R. Driver , ibid ., pages 39 and 40.
B n ooK LYN,
N. Y.
The oldest tablets were mostly rectangular (squ are or oblong) one and a half to
t wo inches long and one to one and a quarter inch es br oad. They were usually mad e
of clay, though sometimes they were made
of burnt gypsum mixed with sand. While
the clay was still moist an d soft, but not
so soft that it stuck to t he wr iter' s hand,
the signs were written on it with a stylus.
Before the flood the tablets were not
baked, but just allowed to dry in the sun."
Fro m the fore going it app ears that writing started in Adam's time, centur ies befor e the flood, in or near Eden, but not in
Shin ar , and becam e widespread at least
in the Near East. Writing was picto graphic, at least in part. It was scratched on
clay or sto ne or was put on some perishab le materi al.
And why did writi ng get such an early
start? Evidently so that Jehovah could
have a preflood written record of events
kept as a safeg ua rd against the lapses of
mem ory of imperfect men, thus insuring
an accurate uncorrupte d t ransmission of
the vital fac~s to future gener ations of
God's people.";
~ li
rAnl'tOUl'tcel'nen t s
Watchtower readers will be interested in
Turning to t he P eoples a P ur e Language
New World Translation of the
Ch ri sti an Greek Scriptures
An cien t P a t terns for the P r esen t
God's Blessed Fam ily
Mala chi Warns of Com ing J udgment
Captives of Cypr us Le arn of Liber ty
Que stions from Readers
E xp eri ences in Announcing
Jehovah's Kingdom
Announcemen t s
A' ''nldloll .... in
LXX Ho NW Ro -
F iv e cents a co py
I1okan o
,Arab ic
It af la n
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Cin)'anj a
~ 13. 1a ) & ! am
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Uk rain ian
T a ~ alog
lI u'Jgar lan
Ib o
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l' olWl
Chl~h on a
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Entered ss second-class mall" at Broeklrn, ~. Y.,
Art of ~l arrh 3 , 18, 0. Pr lnt ed In U. S. A.
Septe mber 15, 1950
No. 18
effect ?
2. Why now learn t his la ngu age, call on God 's name
a nd serve him ?
No; but by t he great witness wh ich Jehova h has r isen up to give, and by which he
has brought them all to gether under his
attention and has stirred them up to combine in united opposition t o hi s purpose.
In the ver y nick of t ime he mercifully turns
the pure language to the peoples. With it
all people seeking life in a new world may
sound forth hi s name and may unite in
serving him before ever t h is eart hly international or ganization is consumed by t he
fiery expression of hi s wrath at t he battle
of Armageddon. In none of Christe ndom 's
wars, from the days of Roman Emperor
Constantine onward, has J ehovah God ever
fou ght or aided either of the warring sides.
But in the battle of Armageddon, wh ich he
has foretold, he will figh t , outclassing all
the fission and fusion bombs of Christendom , an d he will win ! Happily for those
persons wh o have t aken up his langu age
and called upon his name and unit ed in
worshiping him, Jehovah will protect t hem
during t he h eat of that world disast er. In
safety he will bring t hem into t he new
world where only the pu re language will
be on every lip. -Rev. 16: 13-16 ; Zeph .
1 To day in m 0 r e
than a hundred na~
.:;:. :,
t ions, as far as we
~, .
h a ve r ec o rd, this
\\ \ ~ 'h :.:-~
" p ure lan guage" is
being spoken. Regardless of their nat ional
or moth er tongu e h undre ds of thousands
are now speaking this "purified speech "
in unity as one people; and the nations
are he ar ing t hem t alk it. Of co u rs e,
the nations, with their national and religious traditions, do not. like it. But they
cannot prevent it any mor e t han they ca n
prevent Almight y J ehovah from turning
t he "pure language" t o t he peoples now
-8 .
\\ :I
~""' I
N. Y.
..,., ~
15, 1950
N. Y.
10 Men who accepted or seized the responsibility of teaching and leading t he Christian congregation disregarded t he apostolic
warnings. They fell for the very t h ings
warned against, the philosophy of this
world, particularly the Platonic philosophy
of the Grecian culture which made a great
show of worldly wisdom; and also the r eligious traditions of men which contradict,
nullify and displace the Bible te achings.
They slyly worked these r eligious t raditions and worldly philosophy into the
Christian congregations and infected their
religious belief. Just as the apostle Paul
had forewarned in his fa r ewell letter:
"Wicked men and im postors will advance
from bad to worse, misleading and being
misled." (2 Tim. 3:13, NW) Only a small
minority followed the inst ructi on t o "put
up a ha rd fight for t he fa it h " that wa s
originally delivered by J esus Chri st and
by his apostles and disciples who wrote
under inspiration of God's spirit of trut h.
11 Thus t he perversion of Bible te ach ing
reached up into the hi ghest religious circles. It _ex en made att em pts .upon the
written text of th e Holy Scr ipt ures. The
original writings of the Hebrew prophets
and of the apostles and their associates
were inspired, but till the fift eenth century A.D. their writings had t o be copied
by ha nd. Mistakes due t o human imperfe ction crept into the making of these
copies. As the original autographs of the
inspired writers disappea red or wer e not at
hand, it became impossible to compare the
copies with t he inspired originals so as to
make perfect copies, to correct er rors and
to weed out all additions and int er wea vings
of worldly ph ilosophy and uni nspired religious traditions. One such addit ion, which
was worked into the original Greek text of
the Scriptures to suppor t the doctr ine of
15, 1950
N. Y.
.!Jreeli 5criptures
which was naturally to be expect ed in Christians in obedience to Christ's coma foreign translation. However, despite mand to make disciples out of all nations.
such Heb re w prejudice, the translation was The books of t he Hebrew can on had alcar r ied on during three centuries, evidently ready been collecte d at J erusalem prior to
by Alexa ndrian, and not Palest inian, Jews its destruction A D. 70, and now during
and wit h t he patronage of t he Egyptian t he second century the collect ing of the
ruler, and from Heb r ew ro lls possibly im- books of the inspired Chr isti an Gr eek
ported fro m Palestine. Though one r eli- Scriptures too k place, and translations progious t radition maintains inspirat ion for ceeded. Translat ions in the Old Latin
the Septuagint) there is no insid e or outside appeared. Por tions of t he Scriptures, such
evidence to prove that claim. This t ra nsla- as the four gospel accounts and t he letters
tion formed what may be called the pre - of the apostle Paul, were brought together
Chr isti an Gree k Scr iptur es. It pr oved very in codex form like books of our day, for
valuab le to t he Greek-speaking Chr isti ans convenient handling and use . The casing-in
of the first-century congregat ion and to of books between lids in t his style proved
t ra nslators of the Heb rew Scr ipt ures them- to be a marked specialty of t he Christian
selves. Th is Greek translation, and not t he congregation in t he bookmaking industry,
Hebrew Bible its elf, was the Scri pt ure col- in th at early second century.
:J Toward the end of the fourth cent ury
lection t hat was used in t he march of Chri
Jer-ome', commonly known as
tian missionary work westward t hrough
, ente red upon his work as
a t ranslato r. In 383 he produced his new
2 By the end of the firs t century A D. the
official catalogue or can on of t he inspired Latin version of t he gospel accounts of
writings of Christ' s disciples was finished. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and in
As t hey were wr itten in Greek, t hey form 405 he completed his entire t r anslati on of
what may ri ghtly be called the Chr ist ian t he Bible from t he Hebrew and Greek into
Greek Scri ptures. They are on an equality Latin. Despite widespread objection Je rwith the Hebrew (A vra-ma'ic) Scriptures ome' s' Lati n Version won out and became
as to inspiration, and they fill out those an- the Bible of Western Christendom for t he
cient writings, to compose t he complete next t housand years. It became kn own as
Bible. Thus t he canon or official collection the Lat in Vulgate or "common Lat in ediof inspired books of t he Holy Bible was tion". Th e first Bible to be r un off a printcompleted by the end of the first cent ury ing press by Jo 'hann Gu'ten.berg at Mainz,
A D. * Written trans lation of the Holy German y, was this Latin Vulgate .
Scr iptures followed in due course along
4 But in time Latin died out as the lanwith t he missionary effort of the early
15, 1950
N. Y.
15, 1950
N. Y.
Tract Society, Pennsylvania corporation, On F ebruary 9,1950, the New World Bible
just the preceding day. He read the com- Translation Committee submitted to us its
mittee's document by which it assigned the important Foreword of the translation. It
translation manuscript to the Society in long app eared a problem whether the work
recognition of t he Society's unsect arian could be accomplished on schedule for the
work of spreading the sac red Word of God outstanding event in the summer of 1950.
and of promoting the knowledge and und er- But Wedn esday afternoon, August 2, 1950,
standing of its teaching am ong the people when delivering his speech "Turning to t he
of every nation, kindred, people and lan- Peoples a Pure Language" at Yankee Staguage, and in ord er that the translation (Hum, New York city, the Society's presimight be a new means toward the expand- dent had the extreme pleasure of releasing
ing of its Christian edu cational act iviti es to the international Theocracy's Increase
throughout the world.
Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses the N ew
I I The presiden t himself had
r ead the W orld Translation of the Ohristum. Greek
manuscript of the entire translation, and Scriptures. The translation was received
on request he read to the meeting several
with the greatest of ent husiasm and appreentire chapters to let the directors see the
nature of the translation. This reading was ciat ion by the vast thron g of many thoufollowed by favorable comments by all the sands drawn fr om 72 lands of earth. Tens
directors present. One of t he P enn sylvania of thousand s of copies were eagerly t aken
corporation directors then moved t he So- up by t he conventioners that very af terciety's accept an ce of the gift . This was noon and many thousands more by t he
seconded. The motion was unanimously close of the assembly on August 6.
adopted by all the directors of the corporation, and thus the translation became legalI :: This new translation is a complete dely the property of the Society's Pe nnsyl- parture from the religious traditions of
vania corporation. But it had to be printed creed-bound Christendom. This is indicated
at the plant of the New York corporation even by its very name, as a translation of
here in Brooklyn, N. Y. On Sept ember 29, the "Chr ist ian Gre ek Scriptures" , instead
1949, the president turn ed over the first
13. What about Its na m e. t he Greek t ex t used, the
of the manuscri pt to the Brooklyn factory sty
le o f la ng ua ge ','
force to start working on it.
1 ~ With all the other work
to be turned out by the fac tory and with all the features that t he committee
produced to accompany the
translation, an i m men s e
amount of labor was involved to produce th e completed publication. A group of 40 me mber s of the
Brooklyn headquarters (Bethel) family was organized to do ex tra proofreading and checking
to insure accuracy of the publi cation's features.
11. Wha t was done with t he t ra ns la ti on assigned ': Wh en an d
wh ere was wo rk on It beg un for publi cati on ':
12, H ow did t he t r an sla ti on p rogress t o publication and re lease ':
15, 1950
of a traditionally so-called "New Testa- Hebrew name. In God's own time when He
ment". It is unscriptural and misleading to reveals the correct pronunciation of his
call these 27 Christian books of the inspired holy name, we will gladly make the accuScriptures a "New Testament". The trans- rate correction.
,:; The committee does not claim to be the
lation is not a revision of any previous
work, but is a brand-new rendering from first to render the sacred name in an Engthe original Greek text, usin g the st andard lish translation of the Christian Greek
text prepared by the two recognized Brit- Scriptures. Almost a hundred years ago
ish scholars, Westcott and Hort. But Greek the aut hor of The Emphatic Diaglott pubtexts by scholars of other lands have also lished his translation of Matthew's gospel
been consul ted by the translation commit- account and in it he used "Jehovah" 5
tee , with a sincere endeavor to give a trans- times, and the completed Diaglott (1864)
lation in agreement with the teachings of contains the name 18 times from Matthew
t he Scriptures in the ori ginal Gree k. A lit- to Acts, but without any explanation for
eral translation has been striven for as .far its use. But, to our knowledge, the New
as the modern English idiom has made this HIorld Translation is the first to render the'
possible without awkw ard ness. All old- divine name consistently from Matthew to
fashioned or out-of-date style of speaking Revelati on, 237 times all together iq the
has been eliminated, even as the ori ginal main re ading text, not to speak of 72 adScriptures were written in the people's ditional times where it occurs only in the
natural way of talking to one ano ther at marginal re adings at the bottom of the
the time. This makes for a better under- page.
standing and hence enjo yment of the
III "But
you can't do that!" said one
critic to whom the manuscript of the trans1-1 One outstanding fea ture th at is bound
lation was read for his comments. The comto stir up great controversy among modem mittee, in its Fore word of twenty-nine
translators and religious leaders of Chris- pages, shows how it can be done on valid
tendom is the use of God's own given nam e grounds; and it does so. English Bible
in this En glish rendering of the Christian translators have assumed that the divine
Greek Scriptures. The divine name is r ep- name never occurred in the inspired writresented by a four-lettered Hebrew word, ings of Christ's disciples. But Jer.ome', for
called a "tet.ra.gram'ma.ton" by th e Latin one, informs us: "Matthew, who is also
translator Jer-ome'. The name occurs 6,823 Levi, and who from a publican came to be
times in the old Hebrew Scriptures, and, an apostle, first of all the Evangelists, comas far as the re cords show , this na me has posed a Gospel of Christ in Judae'a in the
been read as "Jehovah" since th e four- Hebrew language and characters, for the
teenth century and has been popularized in benefit of those of the circumcision who
that form in Christendom. Exactly how the had believed. . . . wherever the Evangename was pronounced is not now known. list makes use of the testimonies of the old
But, while recognizing the merits of the Scriptures he does not follow the authority
pronunciation "Yah.weh'", the translation of the sevent y translators [the Greek Sepcommittee has used the form "Jehovah" tuagint},' but of the Hebrew." (Gatal.
because of its familiarity and because it Script. E ccl.) Hence where Matthew quoted
preserves the four original letters of th e
14, What outstanding feature shou ld sti r u p gre a t controversy '! What pronunciation have we followed, and
N. Y.
in Hebrew from the inspired Hebrew Scrip- stitute the titles "God" and "Lord" for the
tures, he must have faithfully quoted the divine name, and the holy spirit that indivine name and thus have put it in his spired those writers was not under any fear
Gospel account. The__apostle Matthew was that the divine name would be profaned by
one of the men concerning whom Jesus causing it to be written in Hebrew characsaid in prayer to God: "I have made your ters in the Christian Greek Scriptures. The
name manifest to the men you gave me disciples were free to follow the practice of
out of the world. . . . I have made your inserting the Hebrew letters of the divine
name known to them and will make it name in their Greek text. Their original
known." (John 17: 6, 26, NW) Matthew autograph writings have disappeared.
would therefore know the name from Jesus
1 8 Since the fourteenth century transand would have no consci entious qualms lations of the Christian Greek Scriptures
about using it properly in his history of have been made into the Hebrew tongue
Jesus' life. If Matthew translated his own for the benefit of Jews. The committee in
Gospel account from Hebrew into Greek, its Foreword lists 19 of such Hebrew transthen he would follow the ancient practice lations, and all these together contain the
of inserting the four Hebrew letters of divine name in 307 distinct instances.
God's name into his Greek text where it Where Jesus' disciples quoted from the
belonged, possibly 18 times as it occurs in Hebrew Scriptures in verses where the tetthe New World Translation.
ra.grarrrrna.ton occurs, these Hebrew trans1 7 Under
inspiration Christ's disciples lations were simply obliged to enter the
quoted copiously from the Greek Septua- divine name exactly as it is in the inspired
gint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. original Hebrew text, the same as the aposIn this translation the practice of old was tle Matthew was obliged to do. Thus all
to insert the Hebrew tet.ra.gram'maton in- these Hebrew translations have entered
to the Greek text to correspond with where the divine name Jehovah in the Christian
it occurred in the Hebrew Scriptures. Even writings from Matthew to Revelation; and
in the fourth century Jerome tells us that all modern translators are powerless to obin his day there were still copies of the ject. The lower marginal references of the
Greek translation which contained the He- New World Translation show where it has
brew tet.ra.gram'ma-ton where the divine backing from all these 19 Hebrew versions.
name occurred in the text. What would
1 9 More than that, the divine name is
the apostles writing in Greek do when they found, not only in such Hebrew translaquoted from such a Greek translation of tions, but also in vernacular form in many
the Hebrew Scriptures? Jesus did not translations made by missionaries during
follow Jewish tradition and he taught his the past two centuries. The committee's
disciples not to do so. The tradition of t he Foreword lists 38 such translations of the
Jewish religious leaders who opposed Jesus Christian Greek Scriptures in which the
to the death was to substitute the title name Jehovah occurs in twenty vernacular
"Lord" for the divine name, a name which forms aside from the Hebrew and English
they professed not to take in vain by not translations. And as far as all these transpronouncing it but which they did profane lations have the backing of the Hebrew
in practice. The inspired Christian writers Scriptures, they are correct in using the
were not bound by Jewish tradition to sub17. H~w did the Greek Septuagint warrant the dis ciples'
putting the divine name In their Greek writIngs ? Why
was tradition no deterrent ?
15, 1950
divine name Jehovah (Yah-weh') instead were inspired, did not reduce his heavenly
of the indefinite title "Lord", as is the prac- Father to a nameless God.
tice of the K ing Jam es V ersion.
22 The divine name restored to the Chris2 0 This is not making the Divine Being
tian Gree k Scriptures gives the heavenly
a tribal God of the Jews in whom the peo- Father a personality that distinguishes him
ple of the Gentile nations have no part. from his Son Jesus Christ. Instead of folOne modern Bible translator, who favors lowing t he King James V ersion} for ineliminating the name "Jehovah" or "Yah- stance, at Acts 2: 34, where that version
weh'" from translations of even the Hebrew reads, "The LORD said un to my Lord, Sit
Scriptures, is on record this year as saying: thou on my ri ght hand," the N ew World
"Thus the tradition of the Jewish syna- Translation reads, in full harmony with
gogue favors the practice of th e King the Hebrew Psalms: "Jehovah said to my
James Version, to which we are returning Lord, 'Sit at my right hand'''; and at
. . . There is an even stronger present verse 21 it reads: "And then anyone that
reason. Neither Jews nor Christians wor- calls upon the name of Jehovah will be
ship merely a tribal deity, who has to have saved." Oh, how much this valid translation
a proper name to distinguish hi m from makes the Bible text clearer to our underother gods. We worship the one an d only standing and subject to correct explanation
God of the universe." Now how do you at once! What a revealing light it throws
relish having a man of such views for your upon Christendom's traditional doctrine of
Bible translator, even though he is a uni- th e trinity! In like manner the N ew World
versity professor? Under the seemin gly Translation. by its direct and consistent renbroadminded idea of making the Supreme derings exposes false religious traditions
Person an international God he, like many about the human soul, hell, earth's destiny,
others, would make him a nameless God.
God's kin gdom, and other doctrines of
21 But the Most High God has not chosen
importance. But we must reserve it for
to remain nameless to the human family. articles in a later issue of this magazine to
He has given himself a name full of meandiscuss the illuminating features of this
ing to us. When asked by man what God's
name is, he gave it, and said to his prophet translation of 1950.
N. Y.
ANY church-going people t oday regard three-fourths of the
Bible, the Hebrew Scriptures which
they call the "Old Testament", as a
mere historical record of the dusty past,
In this they greatly err. For many centuries God dealt with the Israelites in a
special way and he caused their experiences, and the history of other ancient
people before them, to be written down as
patterns: "For whatever was written in
former days was written for our instruction."-Rom. 15:4, RS.
A type is an image or representation of
something that will come to pass at some
future time. The antitype is the reality of
the thing which the type represents. The
type may properly be called a shadow; t he
antitype, the reolits). Dramatic episodes
and experiences serve as t ypes, a st udy of
which will give a person a reasonable facsimile or picture of the reality, and therefore they are called prophetic p ictures. A
type is also a 1JC1tteTn that ser ves as a
guide in understanding the reality.
Having the proper view of this matter,
Paul the apostle appreciated t he impo rtance of Israel's dramatic history. This is
why in his letters he so often called up
t hose past events and showed how they
pictured, typified and cast a shadow of
greater realities. For example, P aul
says that the quenching of Is rael's thirst
by the water that issued out of the rock
was merely a pattern or type of the "liv ing
water" that issues forth out
of the g r ea t
Rock, Christ
Jesus.-1 Cor.
"Now these
thin gs," Paul
continues, "were our examples [figures,
margin], to the intent we should not lust
after evil things, as they [the ancient Israelites] also lusted. Neither be ye idolaters,
as were some of them; as it is written [Ex.
32: 6.1, The people sat down to eat and
drink, and rose up to play. Neither let us
commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and
twenty thousand. Neither let us make
trial of the Lord, as some of them made
trial, and perished by the serpents. [Num.
21:5,6] Neither murmur ye, as some of
them murmured, and perished by the destroyer. Now these things happened unto
them by way of example ["by way of type,"
Rothcrluimv: and they were written for
our admonition, upon whom the ends of
t he ages ar e come."-l Cor. 10:6-11, AS.
shadow or pattern of the great er and heavenly and spiritual things, as it is written:
"the service they engage in is only a shadow and imitatio n of that in heaven." (Heb.
8:5,6, AT) Yes, the cer emoni al ordinances
involving the keeping of holy day s, new
moons, sabbath days, meat and drink offerings, etc., the apostle tell s us, were "all
only the shadow of something that was to
follow; the reality is fou nd in Christ."
-Col. 2:16,17, AT.
Not lea vin g the sub ject, P aul again refers to those tabernacle sacr ifices as only
"a figure for t he ti me present " , an d continues: "But Ch r ist having come a hi gh
priest of the good things to come, t hroug h
the greater and more perfect tabernacle,
not m ade with hands, that is t o say, not of
this creation, nor yet through t he blood of
goats and cal ves, but through h is own
blood, entered in on ce for all into the holy
place, having obtained eternal redemption.
And according to t he law, I may almost
say, all things are cleansed with blood, anel
apart from shedding of blood t he re is no
remission. It was ne cessar y t herefore that
the copies of t he t hings in the heavens
should be cleansed wit h these ; but the
heavenly things themselves with better
sacrifices than these. F or Ch ri st entered
not into a holy place made with hands, like
in pattern to the true; but into heaven
itself, now to appear befor e t he fac e of
God for us. "-Heb. 9:9,11, 12, 22-24, AS)
Now "Abraham had two sons, t he one by
a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.
But he who was of the bondwoman was
born after the flesh ; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are
an allegory: for t hese are the two cove nants". (Gal. 4 :22-24 ) Wh at c o u I d be
plainer than this statement , that these
historical happenings were prophetic pictures, alle gories, of things to follow?
N. Y.
15, 1950
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the children of the desolate woman numbel' more than those of her who has the
husband.' "-Gal. 4:26,27, NW.
The apostle Paul was here quo t ing from
Isaiah's prophecy which tells ho w God's
organization was without children for a
long time. Then in her old age she produces
not only the promised "seed" Christ Jesus,
as Sarah brought forth Isaac, but also has
so many other children she has to enlarge
her dwelling-place on all sides. This is because the great Father has made his organization very fruitful. "For thy Maker is thy
husband; J ehovah of hosts is his name: and
the Holy One of Is rael is thy Redeemer;
the God of the whole earth shall he be
called. For Jehovah hath called thee as a
wife forsake n and grieved in spirit, even a
wife of youth, when she is cast off, saith
thy God."-Isa. 54:1-6, AS; Ps. 113:9.
This prophecy tells of the blessed expansion and prosperity now enjoyed by the
entire Theocratic family. Other scriptures
speak of the bountiful provisions made for
the household. The Father is the great
Provider of spiritual food , and he delegates
to his organization the duty of pre paring
and serving this life-sustaining "meat in
due season". The table is the Lord's, he
sits at the he ad, and the children seated
at the table are waited on and served and
helped by the mother organization.-Matt.
24:45; Ps. 23:5; Isa. 25:6.
God's children on earth live in a delinquent world, though no part of it. (John
17:11,14) They therefore ne ed maternal
guidance and direction in order to avoid
entanglement wit h this sex- maddened generation now living in these perilous "last
days". (2 Tim. 3 :1-5,14-17) As a consequence, God's children are commanded t o
honor and respect their spiritual parents
and give heed and obey the Lord's instructions coming to them by and through the
mother organization.-Deut. 5: 16.
15, 1950
world those who are children of the "Father of lights". "Ye are all the children of
light, and the children of the day: we are
not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let
us watch and be sober." (1 Thess. 5:5,6;
Eph. 5:8,9) These children of God are
awake, on the elevated watchtower, sounding the warning of Armageddon's approaching storm. All Christendom recognizes these favored people are Jehovah's
witnesses, for they take their Father's
name , and as his ambassadors publish and
declare his purposes throughout the earth.
In a very real sense they are "for signs and
for wonders" to this perverse generation.
There is no question as to whether an
individual is or is not a child of God and a
member of his beloved family, for John
says : "In this the children of God are
mani fest, and t he children of the devil:
whosoever doeth not righteousness is not
of God, neither he that loveth not his
bro t her. For this is the mess age that ye
heard from the beginning, that we should
love one another. My little children, let us
not love in word, neither in tongue; but in
deed and in truth." (1 John 3:10,11,18;
4:20,21) Such implicit love and devotion,
love for God and love for each brother and
sister, is the distinguishing quality that
sets the family of God off as separate and
distinct from t he organizations of this hateful old world.
N. Y.
Warn s of
~! f ' , '
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THE early
part of 1950 a
" \: . >~. , ~
C h r i s t ia n mis I
siona ry was going from house
to house in one of t he poore r sections of
Brooklyn , New York. Th rough the open
window of a basement apartment he engaged in conversation a youn g woman,
evidently of Italian extraction. She r elated
how her priest had accused her of living
in sin because her mar ri age had not been
performed by a Cat holic priest. And what
was her reason ? Was it because her fiance
was a P rotestant? No, he too was a Catholic. Then why were they not mar ried by
t he priest ? Becau se they could not afford
the fee t hat the priest charged for performing t he ceremony.
Some 2,300 years ago similar conditio ns
existed in Jerusalem. Then and there, too,
selfish ga in was t he primary consideration
of those who stood before t he people and
posed as t he servants of God. At J ehovah' s
command Malachi exposed t hose selfish,
hypocritical reli gious leaders and wa rne d
them of comin g judgment. Additionally
Malachi foretold a cleansing work t hat
would take place among those who served
God in spirit and in truth.
Malachi's prophecy appropr iately closes
t he Heb r ew Scriptures in the generally accepted Gentile versions, as doubt less it was
the last of the Hebr ew writings given under
divin e inspirat ion. The name "Malachi"
(or Malachiah) means "messenger of J ah ",
and the opinion is held by some t hat it was
merely the name of t he office rathe r than
the personal name of the prophet. However,
in the absence of an y direct st atement in
i ." ,
'~~ l
. .\
~(~ ~ y
miah's rule. On the other hand, t he conditions that Neh emiah fou nd after his second ret urn to Jerusalem (Nehemiah 13),
which was some time after 443 B.C., bear
a striking resemblance to those against
which Malachi prophesied. The circumst antial evidence, therefore, all seems to point
to the latter pa rt of Nehemi ah's governorship as the time when Malachi prophesied.
Malachi's manner is direct and for ceful.
Rather than soari ng to heights of eloquence we find him using an abrupt , strongly argumentative style. He reasons, makes
comparisons, and gives animation to his
prophecy, by continual questionings, much
of which he puts into the mouths of his
hearers as their objections, and then proceeds to answer them. His manner indicates
t hat these were guilty of gross negligence
and most blameworthy, and that they were
ready to justify themselves.
His prophetic message opens: "I have
loved you, saith Jehovah. Yet ye say,
Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau
Jacob's brother? saith Jehovah: yet I loved
Jacob; but Es au I hated, and made his
mountains a desolation."-Mal. 1 :2,3, AS.
Reproving the self-serving temp le servants, he con tinues: "A son honoreth his
father, and a servant his master: if then
I am a father, where is mine hono r? and
if I am a master, where is my fear? sa ith
Jehovah of hosts unto you, a priests, that
despise my name. And ye say, Wherein
have we despised thy name ? Ye offer
polluted bread upon mine altar. And ye
say, Wherein have we polluted thee? In
that ye say, The table of Jehovah is contemptible . . . ye offer the blind . . . the
lame and sick . . . Present it now unto thy
governor; will he be pleased with thee?"
-Mal. 1:6-8, AS.
No wonde r Jehovah says : "I have no
pleasure in you . . . neither will I accept
an offering at your hand. " But re gardless
of what t hey may do, "from the rising of
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shall offer unto Jehovah offerings in right- see who really serves God and who only
eousness." But those who by their course claims to do so.-Mal. 3:14-18.
of action show that they do not fear J ehoTh ese judgments are sure, Malachi
vah will receive swift judgment. "For I, warns: "For, behold, the day cometh, that
Jehovah, change not; therefore ye, 0 sons shall burn as an oven; and all the proud,
of Jacob, are not consumed." The evidence yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be
has been presented in the columns of The stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn
Watchtower time and again showing that them up . . . it shall leave them neither
in 1918 this messenger, Christ Jesus, came root nor branch." But upon those who fear
to his temple for judgment and that as a God will the sun of righteousness rise with
result of his cleansing work there is a clean healing in his wings and they shall go forth
priesthood today that is presenting offer- in strength and with joy and they shall
ings to Jehovah in righteousness.-Mal. tread the wicked underfoot.-Mal. 4:1-3.
3:1-6, AS.
Malachi closes his prophecy with counsel
Malachi next shows that those who with- to heed the law of Moses and with the warnhold their offerings from Jehovah are im- ing announcement: "Behold, I will send you
poverishing themselves. "Ye have turned Elijah the prophet before the great and
aside from mine ordinances, and have not terrible day of Jehovah come. And he shall
kept them. Return unto me , and I will re- turn the heart of the fathers to the chilturn unto you, sait h Jehovah of hosts. But dren, and the heart of the children to their
ye say, Wherein shall we return? Will a fathers; lest I come and smite the earth
man rob God? yet ye rob me. But ye say, with a curse."-Mal. 4:4-6, AS.
Wherein have we robbed t he e? In t ithes
Christ Jesus applied this prophecy to
and offerings. Ye are cursed with the John the Baptist, in whom it had a miniacurse; for ye rob me, even this whole na- ture fulfillment. (Matt. 11:14) However, its
tion.: Bring ye the whole tithe into the greater fulfillment has awaited our day,
store-house . . . and prove me now here- and the facts show that for the past
with, saith Jehovah of hosts, if I will not seventy-five years a similar work has been
open you the windows of heaven, and pour done: to convert the hearts of the fathers
you out a blessing, that there shall not be or leaders of Christendom to that of being
room enough to r eceive it."-Mal. 3:7-10, children of God, and the hearts of the chill1S .
dren, all people, to their fathers, Jehovah
Today, as in Malachi's time, many who and Christ. Since few are heeding this mesprofess to serve God are prone to think it sage, it follows t hat God will smite the
time and money wasted and, comparing earth with the curse of Armageddon.
their lot with that of others, complain :
Malachi's prophecy exalts the name of
"Now we call the proud happy; yea, they Jehovah of hosts by warning of coming
that work wickedness are set up; yea, they judgment. Let each servant of God examthat tempt God are even delivered." But ine himself in the light of this prophecy and
not so those who fear the Lord. Instead, make sure that his service to God is done
. such continue to encourage one another at unselfishly and in the fear of Jehovah.
the frequent gatherings of the Lord's peo- Doin g so he may rest assured that he will
ple. Jehovah will take note of these and, receive the blessings that Malachi foretold.
when he executes his vengeance on the Those who continue in the way of hypocwicked, will spare them as a man spares risy and selfishness will receive Jehovah's
his own son that serves him. Then all will curse. Now is the time of judgment!
Learn of
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The spirit of the L01'd Jehovah is upon m e; b ecau~e J eho v ah hath anointed me
to pr each good tidings u nto the m eek; he hath sent me to bind up the
broken-hearteti , to proclaim libeTty to the ca ptiv e8, and the open ing
of the pl 'i son to them t ha t aTe bound; to pToclai m t he y ew '
of J eho vah's favor, and the day of ve n geance of
our God; to comfort all that mourn .
-Isa. 61: 1, 2, AS.
rurxx -
"T hey will all be ta ught by J ehovah."-John 6: 45, NW; Isaiah 5i: 13
"The Wisdom from Above"
The Way of Success
"Droop Not Your Hands"
Theocracy's Expansion in South Korea
Joseph of Arimathea
Report of Theocracy's Increase Ass embly
It Is Nearer than They Think
Questions from Readers
A.,.,latIOtlI .11. 'I
October 1, 1950
No. 19
N. Y.
1. Wh at has
just the course of study, tra ining and activity that we need for us to succeed. It is,
therefore, essent ial that we obey his will
as Teacher.
This rule for success he emphasized
long ago. The prophet Moses was soon to
climb Mount Nebo for a look at the Promised Land of milk and honey and die and,
before parting, he led the Israelites into a
covenant of faithfulness toward Jehovah
God and said: "Keep therefore the words
of this covenant, and do them, that ye may
prosper in all that ye do." (Deut. 29:1-9)
Through Moses Jehovah God gave the
Book of the Law to the Israelites. He appointed Moses' faithful servant Joshua to
be his successor to lead the nation of Israel
into the Promised Land. Joshua's success as
the one taking Moses' place would be measured by his leading the people of God's
covenant triumphantly across the Jordan
river and subduing and clearing out the
enemies that then occupied the land. When
Joshua comes back in the resurrection from
the dead and you ask him what worked
for his success, he will tell you it was obedience to these words ' of Jehovah God to
him: "Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do
according to all the law, which Moses my
servant commanded thee: turn not from it
to the right hand or to the left, that thou
mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.
This book of the law shall not depart out
of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest
observe to do according to all that is
written therein: for then thou shalt make
thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt
have good success."-Josh. 1:7,8.
~ That settles it for us: The way to good
success lies in loyal obedience to our divine
Teacher, Jehovah. But to obey we have to
4. How was t his rule of success emphasized In Joshua's
case ?
5. AccordIng to those words to Joshua, In wh at does
the way to success lie?
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only at the finish that the apostle Paul gathering of ourselves together" but "encould say for himself: "The due time for couraging one another, and all the more so
my releasing is imminent. I have fought as you behold the day drawing near". (Heb.
the right fight, I have. run the course to the 10:25, NW) Our attending a public or prifinish, I have observed the faith. Ai; for the vate school with other pupils has its inrest, there is reserved for me the crown of structive benefits. So our gathering torighteousness, which the Lord, the right- gether with fellow Christians for study,
eous judge, will give me as a reward in that prayer and field-service instruction has its
day."-2 Tim. 4:6-8, NW.
invaluable benefits. If we get the large10 Hence Gilead graduates must press on
hearted spirit of our great Teachers, we
with their studies, and thus put to practical just love to be together with persons who
use the training they so graciously received are studying and training with us in the
through Jehovah's organization. They must same divine school.
now push their personal studies, no longer
11 But as with Gilead graduates, we canunder the pressure of the Gilead School not just drop our studies as soon as we
schedule or because of facing examinations leave school or classroom. When we close
or for the sake of winning passing grades; our Bibles and our Bible-study books after
no, but for the sake of meeting the demands a personal study, or when we leave a
made on them by the great teaching work meeting-place and.part from feIlow Chriswhich they have to cl!rry on after leaving tians, we cannot forget the things we have
school. Graduating from such a school and learned. That would be a waste of time,
being able to exhibit a diploma is not the money and mental effort. We must medifinal goal. Your succeeding in finaIly saving tate on those things and apply them as we
your own soul and helping in the salva- meet life's daily problems and also teIl
tion of others is the great objective of all these things out to others. We must put our
the schooling
acquired knowlJehovah gives
edge to work; as
through Jesus
it is wri tten :
Christ. AIl this
"Become doers
plays its part in
of the word, and
vindicating Jenot hearers only,
hovah as a Fadeceiving yourther who gives
selves with false
life to obedient.
reasoning." (Jas.
children who are devotedly. attached to 1: 22, NW) Keep always in view the subhim and who are a credit to him. To such lime purpose of your schooling under the
he says: "My son, be wise, and make my tutelage of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.
heart glad, that I may answer him that That purpose is that, after our study hours,
reproacheth me." (Prov. 27:11) It is not we may do God's work to his glory and
only by our personal study of the Bible for the salvation of ourselves and of others.
and the publications of the Watch Tower And this we are obliged to do in the midst
Bible & Tract Society at our abodes that of an unfriendly world. Remember, a great
we carry forward our study in the heavenly part of our own schooling comes through
Father's Word, but by "not forsaking the trying to te ach others.
10. Why , too, must dlplomaed Gile ad graduate s press
on with their studies afterward ? Besides In personal
study, ho w m us t we study ?
OCTOBER 1, 1950
;~~~~~=~::~~~:~:=~' ~
N. Y.
confess her motherhood. She is Theocratically subject to her Husban d, the Most High
God. We can t herefore trust her to lead us
in ways pleas ing to Jehovah the Giver of
everlasting life. Her loving concern is for
His childre n, and she looks well to t hat,
using all her organizational means and
powers for their welfare. The t hirty-first
chapter of Proverbs likens her to a virtuous
woma n. The description it gives of such a
woman inspires confide nce in the organ izat ion an d helps us to love an d appreciate it.
17 The
description was given to King
Lemuel, whose name means "belonging to
God" or "sacred to God". The vir tuous
woman was descri bed to him by his own
mot her. As mother to a king, she occupies
the relation of a queen to her great Husband, Jehovah the Kin g of eternit y, the
Father of the "kings of t he earth". So she
can re ar and inst ruct kings sacred to God.
By her description she shows what we
ought t o look for in His Theocratic woman
or organization. "A prudent wife is fr om
J ehovah," and the Theocrat ic woman or
organization is His cr eation and was ma de
for our motherhood.-Prov. 19 :14, AS.
18 Showing loyalty to her Husband, she
warn s her children against overindulging
in intoxicants or drinks which stupefy an d
benumb our powers and senses. Why? Lest
her ch ildren be overco me an d deprived of
a sound mind and forg et the law of God.
(Lev. 10:8-11) She builds up the statur e
and strength of her sons and daughters by
feed ing them wit h food. It does not matter
that she at times has to import t he food
from afar, like mercha nts' ships coming
from distant ports. So, to feed her children
in outlying t erritories or distant lands, the
Watch Tower Society imitates her by
bringing workers from distant points to
the Bible School of Gilead and sends these
17. To whom was th e descrIption of her gIven? In
gener al what does It show?
18. Against what do es she warn t hem ? An d how does
she fee d them ?
1, 1950
missionaries back or sends them to other proof and by kindly counsel she gives wise
distant points that by t hese she may feed te aching an d main tains God's law.
spiritual nourishment t o all her children.
21 In organizational operation and strucAll those who serve her, whether they be ture t he world may not think she is beaudirectly her children or not, sh e feeds an d tiful of feature or graceful and it makes
strengthens for service, for, it is written, fun of her primitive simplicity characterisshe gives "a portion to her maidens". (Prov. tic of apos tolic days. Ah, but she fears Je31:15) She rises early while it is yet dark hovah, and that is what ma kes her wise and
in order to have food ready on t ime for all virtuous and wins her lasting praise from
her household.
Him. She has a big love, stretching out
her hand to the poor and reaching fort h
19 Bes ides feeding, she also sees to the
clothing of her children. She works up her hand to t he needy; and so she instills
materials with which to clothe them, that in her children gener osit y and neighbor
they may be presentable with a godly, love. She wants them to share with others
Christian identification of which they need the spiritual blessings from their heavenly
never be ashamed. She clothes them with Father, imp arting to the poor and needy
the identity of witnesses of her Husband, the food of his Kingdom truth and clothing
Jehovah. So "she is not afraid of the snow them with garments to identify them with
for her household", for she knows God's his King.-Prov. 31: 30, 20.
children by her are well clothed to bear the
cold hatred of this world . She is always
2 2 In this world it is customary to speak
providing for their well-being in t he future,
looking ahead to what t hey will need in of a hi gh school, college or university from
time to come, that she may "r ejoice in time which a person graduates by the heathen expression "alma mater" (fostering
to come" at having met the needs.
But the Watchtower Bible School
20 She "looketh well to the ways of her
is not the great mother organizahousehold". Hence it is an orderly, welltion
Gilead graduates. The Watch
conducted, industrious 'and godly houseTower
& Tract Society is not the
hold, of which it is a blessing to be a memgreat
organization of Jehovah's
ber. In this behalf it may be necessary
received the Kingdom
sometimes for her to use t he r od and admin ister a reproof to one or all her children. truth through it and who cooperate with it
But by letting us go our own way it would world-wide, using it as their legal and businever work to our eventual success or bring ness servant and adviso ry governing body.
honor to her organizational methods. She No; as Jehovah's witnesses we represent
knows that "the rod and r eproof give wis- something greater than these minor visible
dam: but a child left to himself bringeth organizations. The great "mother " is Jehohis mother to shame". (Prov. 29:15) She vah's universal organization, which he
does not want to be ashamed of how she created and of which he is the faithful Husbrought up God's children and she does not band. (Isa. 54: 5; Gal. 4: 26) By her he
want us to be a grief and reproach to him. brings forth his beloved children for his
At the same time "she openeth her mouth purpose. 'By her he gives us law and instrucwith wisdom; and in her tongue is the law 21. What m akes h er wIs e and pr aisewor thy ? H ow do es
of kindness". (Prov. 31: 26) Thus by re- she t each love ?
19. H ow do es sh e clo the t h em ?
20. H ow does she look t o the ways of her h ousehold?
N. Y.
tion, provides for us, guides us and looks Keep in tune with it by accepting the
out for our welfare with a view to our ever- Theocratic organization rules and instruclasting life. In her we find fulfilled all the tions which God issues to us through it.
traits of a virtuous woman so lovelily de- Never forsake these, but be teachable, as
scribed to King Lemuel. Just now, when trustful children. Hold fast to the Bible.
25 Serve God where he places you. ReGod's kingdom is the paramount issue, his
"woman" is chiefly concerned with bring- member that the great Director of the
ing forth successfully to kingship with organization knows his tools or instruJesus Christ in heaven the remnant of his ments. He knows which to use and where
royal "little flock". Yet she is interested and how to use it. So lend yourself to his
also in the many, many "other sheep" who use when he chooses you. His choice of
will eventually become her earthly children you is never accidental and unpremediin God's image and likeness. Her heart is tated. Go to the territory or position to
big enough to hold a love now for them all which he designates you. Show your fitness
and to gather all these "other sheep" to for the place to which you are thus asher warm, loving bosom.-Luke 12:32; signed. Work in unity with the organizaJohn 10:16.
tion as a whole. Draw all the good out of
whatever reproofs are administered to you
2 3 However, what we see exemplified in
God's woman, his heavenly universal or- for your proper conduct. Carry out instrucganization, we should look to see in his tions with all respect for the great "mothvisible organization. Why? Because his er" organization. And never quit your ashigher, greater universal organization uses signed work of your own accord. Build up
it as her earthly instrument. That is why your ability and competence for the work
we do see those motherly traits, those by staying with it and familiarizing yourtraits and acts of a virtuous woman, in the self with it more and more. Take to heart
Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and in the apostle's organizational instruction to
the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, the young overseer Timothy: "Ponder over
because these profess to represent and these things, be absorbed in them, that
serve God's woman. We thank God for pro- your advancement may be manifest to all
viding and using them. So we stand up re- persons. Pay constant attention to yourspectfully and bless his faithful organiza- self and to your teaching. Stay by these
tion, his queenly "woman" in heaven which things, for by doing this you will save both
makes all these loving provisions for us as yourself and those who listen to you."
children of God.-Prov. 31:28.
-1 Tim. 4:15,16, NW.
26 In this way you will prove yourself
24 If we have an appreciation of all these
worthy child of God by his "woman".
truths, what shall we say is the way of
will show what he can make of you
success? All the examples and the teachby
instruction through his "woman".
ings of the Word of God agree that it is
the way marked by faithful, loving obe- Thus you will have a part with Jesus Christ
dience to God and to the commandments in vindicating Jehovah's rightful sovereignhe issues through his Theocratic organiza- ty over all intelligent creatures who live
tion. Hence keep in touch with the central in' the universe. That is what spells the
organization, God's Theocratic "woman". highest success for you for all life to come.
23. Yet what organizations on earth manifest her
traits? Why ?
24. Hence what Is the way of success ? So keep In touch
with what?
Delivered by the presid ent of the W atch Tower
Bible & Tract Society at 5 : 45 p.m. , Sunday,
August 6, 1950, as th e clos ing f e atu re of the
aday Theocracy's Increase Assemb ly of Jehovah's witnesses at the Yan kee Stad ium, New
York city.
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1, 1950
11, 12. Who should sing, shout, be glad and rejoice, and
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N. Y.
1, 1950
leader. Now we are Theocratically assembled and organized and have a Rightful
Ruler over us, the King of eternity.
22 So, let the enemy, now robbed of his
prey, continue to persecute. Our King gives
us his word that in due time he will deal
with those who smite us, reproach us and
oppress us. For his own name's sake he
will do this. Never mind, then. The enemy
will never again be able to break up our
world-wide unity. Spread though we may
be over all the earth among the many yetexisting nations, Jehovah is King over all
the earth and he can be our common Supreme Ruler no matter where we are on
this globe. His Kingship over us is what
unites us. By turning to us his one "pure
language", and by his setting our hands to
work in his united service, and by assembling us together in conventions and other
gatherings, the God of peace and unity has
welded us together more tightly. Through
the common worship and faith which he
has given us out of his One Book, the Bible,
and through his one Theocratic organization, he has cemented us together in the
unity of a new world people. He has deepened in us beyond erasure the consciousness that we are a people separate from
this world and are Jehovah's indivisible
people. The love which he has instilled
into us acts as a "perfect bond of union",
which the enemy can never break.-Col.
3:1 t! , NW.
constructive implements the heavenly Father has put into our hands, especially since
the 1950 Theocratic assembly at New York!
These implements were meant for work,
for our use to the full. The field of action
to which we go forth, and the future
stretching ahead of us till Armageddon,
are not the place and time for us to slack
our hands, either through laziness or
through fear. Know for certain : the time
is short! Lift up your hands and put them
to work with a will. Only if we fulfill the
work for which God has gathered us will
he grant us a share in the fulfillment of
his precious promise: "At that time will
I bring you in, and at that time will I
gather you; for I will make you a name
and a praise among all the peoples of the
earth, when I bring back your captivity
before your eyes, saith Jehovah."-Zeph.
3 :20, AS.
24 Because we have not cowardly drooped
our hands since he turned us from a captive
state in 1919, he has vindicated this promise to us in a wondrous way. For the shame
that we once bore, he has made Jehovah's
witnesses a name and a praise among all
the peoples of the earth. Not among the
hardened worldlings who ridicule and who
goatishly refuse the Kingdom message;
but among the godly inclined peoples of
all lands who sigh and cry for the religious,
political, commercial and social abominations carried on in the land and who long
for a heart-satisfying relationship with the
one true God. To these Jehovah has sent
24. How has he made us a name and praise among all
the peoples ?
----:~~~--- 4-
N. Y.
Jehovah saith unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right' hand, untill mak e thine enemies
thy footstool. Jehovah will send forth the rod of thy strength out of Z ion:
rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. Thy people offer themselves willingly in the day of thy power, i n holy array .
-Ps. 110: 1-3, AS.
north and vice versa, has almost bankrupt- THRILLS AND JOYS OF GOSPEL-PREACHING
"Because of these frightful conditions
ed the country. The average wage is about
6,000 won a month which, at the legal ex- many honest-hearted Koreans are now
change rate, is about $3.33. The water sys- looking for the answer to their many probtem here in Seoul, the capital of South lems. It is indeed a real joy to engage in
Korea, is inadequate, and electricity is preaching the good news of the Kingdom
turned on one or two hours in the evening here and to show these meek ones that
their only hope lies in Jehovah's righteous
"Seoul is now swelled to twice its nor- new world. To see their wonderful response
mal population by the flood of refugees to the Kingdom message is a real thrill.
from the Communist-controlled northern In August, 1949, when the first two mispart and living conditions here are very sionaries came, there were only eight perbad. Many of these refugees are children sons here who were active in the Kingdom
whose parents were killed by the Commu- service. In April of this year, there were
nists. In downtown Seoul it is a common forty-one company publishers for the Kingsight to see these poor children huddled up dom, averaging 33.5 hours of service per
against the buildings trying to sleep on publisher, seven full-time pioneer publishthe sidewalks, They wear pieces of old ers and eight Gilead missionaries. At the
sacks, paper or anything they find for Watchtower study the peak attendance
clothing and their skin is crusty with dirt. during April was 107.
They 'live' on what they get from begging.
"Our first public meeting, held May 14,
as an experiment, turned out to
"Food is scarce. Rice is the principal diet
No handbills or placards
and usually there is no meat to go with it.
it. Only announceMany families even have difficulty getting
enough rice. Clothing is very hard to oband
tain. For shoes they often wear little upthe
to be
turned rubber slippers. Housing is wholly
inadequate. Only the rich own or rent an
fillentire house for themselves. All families
hallare large families and it is the general
practice for four or five families to live way, the sun-porch and the stairs leading
in one small house. Usually the entire fam- to the second floor, until the count showed
there were 167 in attendance!
ily sleeps in a room. about ten feet square.
"One month ago we started our Theo"Despite their economic poverty and cratic ministry school. Because the texttheir slavery to tradition, the people of books are not in Korean we have the inKorea have a great deal of respect for struction talk from (Equipped f01' Every
knowledge and an educated man is very Good Work' given in English and interhighly regarded. Often a family of many preted in Korean. If someone did not unmembers will all work to support one of derstand he asked his neighbor, and if he
the family while he spends his life study- did not know the interpreter was asked to
ing. The most astounding thing is, the in- repeat or explain. Our hearts were full of
dividual who is studying usually has no joy as we watched their eager faces as
objective in life and never puts to use what each point new to them was brought out.
They nodded to each other and marveled.
he learns.
1, 1950
N. Y.
Joseph of Arimathea
IS early in the spring of the year A.D. 33
I T(Nisan
14 according to the Jewish calendar)
as we look in on the home of the high priest
Caiaphas in Jersualem. What a gathering of
distinguished men we see! Some threescore
and ten, consisting of the older men of influence of the nation, the chief priests and the
scribes, are present there, many of whom belong to the sect of the Pharisees. And how
excited they are! Why? Because they have a
prisoner before them who is none other than
the miracle-worker, Jesus of Nazareth.
As we note the proceedings one thing becomes very obvious: the lofty principles of this
Sanhedrin court, that every man is presumed
innocent until proved guilty and that its purpose "is to save, not to destroy life", have been
pushed aside. It seems as though the entire
body (with one or two exceptions) is actuated
by malice and the one presiding seems determined to prove the accused one guilty and so
worthy of death. Evidently a conspiracy is
afoot, for many false witnesses have testified.
The high priest is losing control of himself,
the trial is not at all going the way he would
like to have it go. So, addressing the prisoner,
he shouts: "I charge you, on your oath, by the
living God, tell us whether you are the Christ,
the son of God." The defendant, Jesus, answers: "It is true. Why, I tell you you will
soon see the Son of Man seated at the right
hand of the Almighty and coming upon the
clouds of the sky!" Feigning extreme righteous
indignation, the high priest tears his clothing
and exclaims: "He has uttered blasphemy!
What do we want of witnesses now? Here you
have heard his blasphemy! What is your de-
cision?" The council, with a pompous sanctimoniousness to cover up its malice, answers:
"He deserves death."-Matt. 26:63 -66, AT.
~ But the verdict was not altogether unanimous. No, a few, but very few, did not give
their consent nor approve of the action taken.
Among these was a rich man, Joseph of Arimathea. In fact, he was a disciple of the accused,
of Jesus. A disciple of Jesus ? Yes, according to
the three Gospel-writers Matthew, Mark and
Luke, he was a disciple of Jesus, a rich man, a
highly respected member of the council, who
was himself living in expectation of the reign
of God.-Matt. 27:57,58; Mark 15:43; Luke
23:50,51, AT.
'i' Why should Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple of Jesus, be associated with that great
religious body, the Sanhedrin, which was so
violently opposed to Christ Jesus? The apostle
John gives us the answer. He describes Joseph
of Arimathea as "being a disciple of Jesus, but
secretly for fear of the Jews".-John 19:38 .
~ But with the conviction and execution of
Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea gained courage. He
boldly went to Pilate and asked for the body
of Jesus. "Accordingly he bought fine linen and
took him down, wrapped him in the fine linen
and laid him in a tomb which was quarried
out of a rock-mass."-Mark 15:43-46, NW.
"i;' Whether or not Joseph of Arimathea followed through and became a fearless footstep
follower of Christ Jesus the Scriptures do not
reveal. However, from what is recorded regarding him we can appreciate why the Scriptures state "how difficult a thing it will be for
those with money to make their way into
the kingdom of God!"-Luke 18:24, NW.
~~ o~~:r.~=
! :.
. ?
ASSEMBLY~:' ~ '~~ :
s..; 1-
HE 1950 international convention of of, Jehovah's Withesses," re~atedly emJehovah's witnesses in New York city, phasized the in~ase and ; e~ansion of
July 30 to August 6, was beyond all ques- Jehovah's new world societY. To start off
tion of doubt the largest and most impor- with, the first release, Songs to Jehovah's
tant assembly of Christians ever held until Praise, struck a delightful note in harmony
now. Record-shattering crowds packed out with this theme.
and overflowed the mammoth Yankee StaAnyone sharing in Theocracy's expandium. Hotels, taxed to the limit, could ac- sion must have faith in Jehovah and his
commodate only about a third; multitudes Word and purposes, and faith in his organslept in private homes; more than 13,000 ization, for 'without faith it is impossible
others were provided for in a 90-acre trail- to please God'. It was on this vital subject
er and tent city 40 miles from the stadium. that A. H. Macmillan counseled his brethReasons enough why the newspapers, ra- ren at the morning session of the first day.
dio, television and newsreel cameras gave
this epoch-making convention a good deal
of free publicity.
Following Macmillan on the program,
Tens of thousands of delegates, at great Grant Suiter, as secretary and treasurer of
personal expense, came thousands of miles, the Watch Tower Society and serving as the
from 67 countries, to attend the meetings convention's chairman, officially opened
held in 20 different languages. The attend- the assembly with an address of welcome.
ance figure of 79,247 the first day swelled To speak of the tremendous expansion
until it reached the staggering total of in the ranks of Jehovah's witnesses is
123,707 on the great and final day. From boasting in the Lord, not in ourselves,
start to finish this vast multitude were Suiter declared, because "the new strength
made happy by a deluge of spiritual bless- of numbers is dedicated to Jehovah's
ings in the form of 40 new publications honor". The same is true of the material
released, in 17 different languages. All equipment with which the Lord has blessed
history now, yet it will long be remem- his organization. So, when the chairman
bored and talked about as a never-to-be- released 500,000 post cards, color photoforgotten milestone marking "the increase graphs of the Society's institutions, convenof his government and peace" which shall tioners quickly began mailing them off to
have no end. (Isa. 9:6,7) And how signifi- show others how the Lord God has blessed
cant that this great Theocratic convention and improved the publishing facilities of
of new world supporters should convene his people:
near the very capital of the doomed old
Since the Watchtower Bible School of
world's United Nations!
Gilead was opened in 1943 it has played
The convention's theme, imbedded in a great part in the 300-percent expansion
its name, "Theocracy's Increase Assembly in the number of Kingdom publishers
N. Y.
throughout the world. The graduating of Merciful," L. A. Swingle cited past and
120 more of its missio na ry students in Yan- present examples showing that only those
kee Stadium Sun day afternoon was there- who extend loving-kindness toward others
fore a thrilling event. The president of Gil- will in turn enjoy the happiness that comes
ead, N. H. Knorr, looked to the future and through God's mercy. L. E. Reu sch th en
further increases as he addressed these fervently spoke on the subject "Laying
graduates and their friends and relatives Aside Every Weight". Every reli gious, poon the subject "Th e Way of Success" . litical and commerci al weight must be
(Josh. 1:8) That evening the graduates avoided in order to move ahea d with Theo cthemselves had the opportunity to express racy's advance. "Strip down to bare necestheir thanks and gratitude for their special sit ies and run the race," Reusch urged, and
"run as though your life depended upon it.
It was all wonderful, that first day of the
Def endi ng and L egally Establishing th e
convention, and everyone than ked Jehovah
for this 15th class of Gilead who have now Good N ews was the surp rise release that
joined the ever-i ncreasing missionary fam- climaxed Monday's program, and in this
ily now numbering over 800 with hun dreds connection H. C. Covington gave a very
of others assigned to other fields, and who vivid description of the world-wide fight
will work for the expansion of pure wor- Christians have had during the past decade. Under the ir Leader and Commander,
ship in distant parts of the earth.
Christ Jesus, the enemy has been dr iven
back and Theocracy has moved ahead. But
Monday aft ernoon field reports from beware! Covington warned, "Eternal vigiNorth, Central and South America, Africa lan ce is the price of liberty. Make no mistake about it-our fights in the courts are
and the Philippines, told how people in
not over."
those countries, as starved sheep, are flocking to the green pastures of Jehovah's
Theocracy. T. J. Sullivan then spoke on
In this crucial hour of open warfare bePsalm 107 :23-31, the substance of his t alk tween the East and the West, August 1 was
being that if one really appreciates God's a very eventful and memorable day, one
goodness he will break away from Satan's on which a positive, uncompromising stand
old world organizat ion and will not put his was taken by Jehovah's witnesses. The
hope and trust in the Devil's ships or in- afternoon session began with firs thand restruments that ply the commercial and po- ports on the wonder ful expans ion of The
litical "seas". And since the call continues Theocracy in postwar Germany and in
to be sounded, "Come out of her, my peo- countries behind the Iron Curtain of Eastple," thousands more will yet respond, will ern Europe. This was followed by a very
important and fiery talk delivered by
come out of Satan's world, show their apN. H. Knorr, entitled "The In crease of His
preciation for God's undeserved kindness, Government".
and will thus share in the new world 's inTime and again the audience of nearly
creased blessings.
85,000 demonstrated their approval of
Monday evening provided conven tioners what was said, and at the conclusion they
with a full program of admonition and unanimously adopted a resolution and deccounsel. In the first talk, "Blessed Are the laration against communism, disavowing
"all connection with or support of commun ism or any other political element of
this old world". Fearlessly and boldly Jehovah's witnesses thus declared that their
allegiance and devotion -is to God's Theocratic kingdom under the administration
and rule of Christ the King. Never in the
history of Christianity has such a vast
multitude made their position so clear before God Almighty and the "Caesars" of
this world.
Thunderous applause shook Yankee Stadium when Knorr released the first issue
of the new, enlarged 32-page Watchtowm'
magazine containing this talk and resolution. From now on The Watchtower is to
be dressed in its new cover design, and its
new size and shape will allow for greater
variety in contents sparkling with colorful illustrations. Published in 32 languages
with a circulation of over 1,200,000 copies
of each issue, this improved instrument
will serve a vital part in Theocracy's forward surge to the glory of God.
All of this, it seems, was plenty of excitement for one day; yet more was in
store. The two-hour evening program was
loaded with other information that will
also increase the number of those praising
Jehovah. The Service -Meeting was built
around the convention's theme, increase.
Then followed four practical demonstrations in overcoming objections at the door
through refutation. Climaxing the evening,
C. D. Quackenbush attacked the "educated" myth of evolution with a hardhitting argument, consisting of scientific
data, factual logic, intelligent ridicule, and
divine truth.
"Evolution versus The New World" was
the title of Quackenbush's masterful talk,
and at the conclusion he released a new 64page colored-cover booklet by the same
title. Though higher critics belonging to
the evolution cult may scoff at this scientific piece of work, the booklet will un-
Not since the inspired apostles and disciples originally wrote the Christian Greek
Scriptures has anything happened in the
Biblical field to equal the N ew World
Translation of the Ohristian. Greelc Scrip-
tures, released August 2 at Yankee Stadium. Not since the days of the early
church have the common people been able
to read the words of Jesus in language
that so accurately expresses the original
thought and meaning. Without doubt this
new version is destined to have a tremendous impact on society as its compelling
weight of authority turns multitudes of
people out of the way of darkness and
death into the way of light and life.
Wednesday afternoon, after reports from
the British Isles and from Cuba had been
received, N. H. Knorr introduced this
new Bible translation with a talk entitled
"Turning to the Peoples a Pure Language".
If the people are to understand what Christ
and the disciples said, they must have a
faithful and pure translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Consequently, great
excitement and enthusiasm hailed Knorr's
announcement that the Watch Tower Society had secured and published a literal
version in modern speech which is so pure
and accurate it puts the name of Jehovah
in the text 237 times (and "Jah" 4 times),
where it properly belongs.
For the rest of Wednesday this historymaking release was the convention's general convers ation. That evening F. W.
Franz, vice-president of the Watch Tower
Society, in a scholarly discussion of the
ancient Greek language, showed by many
practical examples this new version's superiority in accuracy and language.
N. Y.
Convention Hosts over Religious Discrimination Against Visiting Witnesses of Jehovah". Aimed at certain blundering bigoted bosses in the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service of the
Department of Justice, this militant, fiery
protest flatly denied the false charge that
Jehovah's witnesses are "extreme pacifists". As one of Jehovah's Christian warriors, Knorr was in the best fighting form,
and he minced no words in denouncing the
nasty piece of religious discrimination and
mistreatment of 10,000 devout Christians
upon their arrival at the borders of this
country. Cheering and shouting, more than
70,000 American witnesses of Jehovah at
Yankee Stadium unanimously approved
this Regret and Protest, grabbed up a million copies of it that were fresh off the
printing press, and soon distributed them
throughout New York city.
The institutions of the Watchtower Society, together with their equipment and
facilities, are maintained and used as servants of the Lord's people to spread knowledge of Jehovah's Word and purpose.
Saturday afternoon and evening conventioners had the opportunity of hearing how
radio station WBBR, the printing plant
and office, the Brooklyn Bethel, and the
Bible School of Gilead are being used for
the preaching work that is spreading
knowledge of The Theocracy to the ends
of the earth.
"Taking In Life-giving Knowledge" was
also listed on the Saturday program. Delivered by N. H. Knorr, it proved to be another occasion when a bountiful meal of
rich spiritual food was served the Lord's
people. And for dessert a double surprise
was prepared-the new bound book ((This
Means Everlasting LiteJJ-in both English
and Spanish!
After receiving such generous gifts as
1, 1950
N. Y.
117 Adams Street
Brookl yn 1, N. Y., U. S. A.
N . H. KN ORR, Presiden t
"They will all be taught by Jehovah."-J ohn 6: 45, NW; Isaiah 54: 13
Clergy Voice Unwarranted Criticism
Physical Heavens Declare God's Glory
Jesus, the Faithful Son of God
"Miserable Comforters"
"Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill the Earth"
Riches of the Full Assurance
of Our Understanding
Further Enrichment of Understanding
"Blood Puddings"
Visiting Jehovah's Witnesses in China
Questions from Readers
East Germany Bans Jehovah's Witnesses
I loknno
Cebu- " ISS)"a.D I tali an
Norwe; lsn
new address.
'7*'in :n o u n c l ng
October 15, 1950
No. 20
tion for the other phrase? No; those identical words appear in both the K ing James
V ersion and t he New World Translation,
at 1 John 5:8. What the N ew World Tra'W3lation did was merely drop the K ing James
Version phrase at 1 John 5:7: "The Father,
the Word.."an d the Holy Ghost: and these
three are one. "
"Several clergymen and students of the
Well, was that an "unwarranted liberBible said today Jehovah's witnesses have ty"? The critical clergymen thought so, for
taken unwarranted liberties in rejecting the press report continued: "Prof. B. W.
the idea of the Holy Trinity in a new trans- Horan, Wycliffe College Bible authority,
lation of the Greek scriptures comprising said the translation approved by the Watch
the New Testament. Revealed yesterday, Tower and Bible Society--official name of
the version substitutes the words 'the spirit the Witnesses--can have no factual basis.
and the water and the blood' for the phrase He added : 'The words "Father, Son and
'F at her , Son and Holy Ghost'. The latter Holy Ghost" are clear in the original Greek,
t ranslation is found frequently through- our only authority, and are thus translated
out the King James version of the New in all English versions. They are taking an
Testament, used by orthodox churches,"
unwarranted liberty, and once you do that
These critical clergymen are poorly in- sort of thing you can get almost anything
formed, and in their haste to strive they out of the scriptures. They have no waropen themselves to shame. They should rant at all for their interpretation.' Officials
ha ve heeded the proverb: "Go not forth of the Anglican, United, Baptist, Presbyhastily to strive, lest thou know not what terian and Christian Science Churches
to do in the end thereof, when thy neigh- agreed with Prof. Horan."
bourhath put thee to shame." (Prov.25:8)
How can Horan be a "Bible authority"
Informed Bible students know that the for Wycliffe College, and yet say this
phrase "F ather, Son and Holy Ghost" is phrase is in the original Greek and is transnot found once in the K ing James Version. lated "F ather , Son and Holy Ghost" in "all
Found once is the phrase "the Father, the English versions"? The Greek originals
Word, and the Holy Ghost", at 1 John 5:7. were written in the first century of our
And what about the phrase "the spirit and common era, but it was not until the sixthe water and the blood"? Is it a substitu- teenth century that these spurious words
N. Y.
N. Y.
temperature on earth rose or fell fifty any other of the nine planets in our solar
degrees, life would roast or freeze. Of all system, human life would have been imthe stars and suns in the universe with possible. (Prov. 3:19, AS) On Mercury, the
their wide variations in size and radiation, planet nearest to the sun, the temperature
it is our sun that is right for earth's inhab- is hundreds of degrees above zero on one
itants. If our moon were much nearer, the side and at the same time hundreds of
tides it causes would overflow the lowlands, degrees below zero on the opposite side.
erode the mountains, and with continents Venus, the second-nearest to the sun, is
leveled water would cover the entire earth enveloped in perpetual clouds so dense that
to a depth of a mile and a half. If the earth sunlight never reaches it. Next comes the
were not tilted twenty-three degrees on its earth, just right in location. On Mars, the
axis we would have no seasons, the poles fourth planet from the sun, the average
would lie in eternal twilight, water vapor temperature is about zero, and beyond
from oceans would move north and south Mars, on the other planets, life is imposand pile up huge continents of snow and sible. What about our moon? Without an
ice in the polar regions, leaving desert in atmosphere and with a temperature change
between, and eventually the oceans would from daytime to nighttime of more than
disappear and rainfall cease, and the accu- 400 degrees, there is not the slightest posmulated weight of ice at the poles would sibility that man could live on the moon.
cause the equator to bulge, with fearful So let us all give thanks and praise to
results. The mixture of gases in the atmos- Jehovah, who, for our life and comfort and
phere is right, and if much different, if by his infinite wisdom, "hangeth the earth
much lighter or heavier, life would cease. upon nothing" at exactly the right distance
The mathematical odds that all of these from the sun.-Job 26:7.
and other essential conditions happened
Soldier boys that travel halfway around
by chance are astronomical, are one in the world from home are impressed with
the great size of the earth-25,000 miles
around the equator. To little man the earth
does seem very large, but compared with
Manifestly, this wonderful globe, with the sun and other heavenly bodies this
such varied conditions in perfect balance, globe is a mere grain of sand. If the sun
did not come about by mere chance or were hollowed out and the earth placed in
through the operation of blind force or the center, our moon, which is 238,000
spontaneous evolution. Rather, it was de- miles away from us, could continue in its
signed and prepared by a Creator of in- orbit with 190,000 miles to spare. Little
finite intelligence for the express purpose earth is less than 8,000 miles in diameter;
of supporting human creatures. "For thus majestic sun is 864,000 miles!
God "saw that it was good" to have the
saith Jehovah that created the heavens, the
God that formed the earth and made it, that sun as a center hub about which our earth
established it and created it not a waste, revolves, for it is earth's powerhouse and
that formed it to be inhabited: I am Je- the source of its light, heat and energy.
hovah; and there is none else." (Isa.45:18, (Gen. 1 :14-19) And what a terrific ball of
AS,. 42:5; Ps. 115:16) He also made it fire it is! Of the sun's total radiated heat,
to endure throughout eternity.-Eccl. 1:4. only one part in 1,000 million parts ever
"Jehovah by wisdom founded the earth" reaches this globe, and yet this wee amount
for man's habitation, for had He chosen is so great that it taxes our comprehension.
Like all of God's creation, there is endless variety among the stars. Each has its
own astral beauty. "One star differeth
from another star in glory." (1 Cor. 15:41)
Some are white, some yellow, some blue,
and others are red. Each travels at its own
particular speed. The fastest-moving bright
star is Arcturus, with a speed of 75 miles
a second (about 270,000 miles per hour).
Reason enough why God might use it to
illustrate how small and powerless man is.
"Canst thou guide Arcturus?" the Almighty asked Job. (Job 38:32) Some stars
are cooler than our sun, others are twice,
three times and even five times as hot.
Some are brighter; others are extremely
faint. A comet's tail is practically a vacuum, weighing only one four-sextillionth
(1/4000000000000000000000) as much as
a similar volume of air, whereas a dwarf
star is so unbelievably heavy that a cubic
inch of it weighs as much as 1,000 tons!
Wonders indeed! showing forth the glory
and majesty of their Creator.
Dwarfing man and exalting Jehovah
even more, the giant telescopes disclose
that this galaxy to which our earth belongs is only an island universe in the sea
Faithful .50
birt '
U 'l. tory has eq
g their flo
an gel informed them of Jesus' miraculous
birth. (Luke 2:8-20) The birth of this
promised "seed", the one who was in due
time to crush the head of the serpent, made
that serpent, Satan, the Devil, exceedingly
wroth. (Gen. 3:15) So the Devil tried to
kill the infant Jesus. Warned by the Lord,
the parents fled to Egypt. After Herod's
death they returned and settled down in
Nazareth. (Matt. 2:1-23) "And the child
grew and became strong, filled with wisdom ; and the favor of God was upon him."
-Luke 2:40, RS.
At a Passover feast in Jerusalem, when
but twelve years of age he amazed the
learned doctors and wise men of the day
by his questions and answers. When reproved by his mother for having failed to
return home with them Jesus discreetly
replied, "Did you not know that I must be
in my Father's house?" (Luke 2:41-49,
RS) As he grew up he learned the carpenter's trade from his foster father and "increased in wisdom and stature, and in
favor with God and man".-Luke 2:52.
Reaching his full age of maturity according to the Jewish law, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river. People are not
baptized in the Jordan in cold December.
Perea, on the other side of Jordan. His Christ offered himself as King amid joyful
fame brought great crowds to hear the im- acclaim . Then he cleansed the temple the
portant Kingdom message, yet at the same second time by driving out the religious
time the "mysteries of the kingdom of racketeers who had made his Father's
heaven" contained in the parables were house a den of thieves. (Matt. 21:1-16)
meant only for the disciples. (Matt. 13: The next day, in his parables Jesus exposed
1-53) Continually performing many mira- the clergy as the ones that would be guilty
cles-healing the diseased, crippled, sick, of rejecting and killing the Messiah, the
and reviving the dead-Jesus also fed one heir of the Kingdom, and furth er demultitude of 5,000 men and another of nounced them, saying: "Woe unto you,
4,000, "beside women and chi 1d I' en." scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!" And to
(Matt. 14:13-21; 15:32-38) Along with the nation as a whole he said: "Behold,
these public demonstrations and talks he your house is left unto you desolate."
also managed to give exhortations on hu- -Matt. 21: 17 to 23: 39.
mility, meekness, love toward one another,
In an upper room in Jerusalem, Nisan 14,
forgiveness and mercy.-Matt. 18:1-35.
A.D. 33, Jesus celebrated the last Passover
Passover came while Christ was on his with his apostles, washed their feet for an
third tour of Galilee, but this feast he did example in mutual love and service, instinot celebrate in a public way. He was again tuted the Memorial with the eleven faithat Jerusalem for the feast of tabernacles ful ones, and then gave them much valuin the fall of the year. By then the time able instruction. (John 13:2 to --17 :26)
was running out. The harvest was great; Momentous events followed in quick sucthe laborers few; scarcely six months left cession. The agonizing scene in the garden
to finish the work. Jesus therefore sent out of Gethsemane was followed by the betrayseventy more disciples to prepare the field al of Jesus and his arrest and trial before
for his ministry, and then speedily he the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin.
swung' up through Samaria, crossed the Turned over to Pilate the politician, he was
Jordan, went into Perea, crossed Jordan sent on to Herod, who mockingly returned
again in order to raise Lazarus from the him to Pilate the governor, who, though
dead, went back through Samaria for an- he knew Jesus was innocent, delivered him
other visit over Perea, and then returned over to be killed in order to satisfy the lust
to Bethany only a few days before the of the bloodthirsty clergy! (Matt. 26:36 to
27:31) Nailed to an accursed torture stake
great and final Passover.
That was a lot of traveling and preaching between thieves, this beloved Son of God,
to pack into six months, a fitting build-up after suffering hours of mockery and torfor what he would accomplish in the last ture, cried out, " It is finished!"
six days of his sojourn here on earth. (Luke
Jesus had fought a good fight, he had
10:1 to 11:28) But, even at that, he took completed his testimony as God's "faithful
time along the way to show kindness and and true witness", he had proved the Devil
tender compassion toward all, including a liar, he had purchased the right to life
little children.-Mark 10:13-16.
lost to Adam's offspring, he was indeed
That final and great week, the last act, worthy to be'the great vindicator of Jehoso to speak, of a stupendous drama and one vah God. For such obedience, Jehovah reswhich climaxed Jesus' public ministry, was urrected his faithful Son with a spiritual
staged in and around Jerusalem. Riding body and exalted him to a position in the
into Jerusalem in triumphal procession, universe far above all other creatures, "that
"Miserable Comforters"
RISTIANS are commissioned to "comCHfort
all that mourn". Usa. 61:2) But the ~
clergy of Christendom's orthodox religions do
not bear the fruits that ident ify them as
Christian comforters. For example, where is
any solid comfort in the following statement
that Catholic Jesuit Robert 1. Gannon, ex
president of Fordham University, made to an
audience of high school youths?-"Your generation has a different point of view. You
were born into chaos. It is part of the provldence of God that you, our sons and daughters who have to pick up the pieces of the
modern age, should look on disorder and uncertainty as a normal condition to be faced
without surprise or fear."
~ Why should a Catholic priest say that it
is God's providence that we should view chaos
and disorder as normal? Such hardly matches
the scripture at 1 Corinthians 14:33, as translated by Monsignor Knox: "God is the author
of peace, not of disorder." After adults make
a mess of things, of what comfor t is it to tell
youth "to pick up the pieces"? And if in the
providence of God the messy disorder is normal, why tell youth to make it abnormal by
picking up the pieces?
~ Gannon's empty words will not forestall
the fear Jesus said would come in these days,
due to the chaos and disorder of our times:
"Men withering away for fejir, and expectation of what shall come upon the whole
world." (Luke 21:26, D y) Jesus did not brush
off this fear as normal and as "part of the
providence of God", but offered real comfort
concerning it, showing that it and other abnormal conditions of the last days were due
to Satan, and were forerunners to the final
end of this old world and the beginning of
Jehovah's righteous new world.-Luke 21:28;
Rev. 12:12 ; 21:1-5.
~ This abnormal dose of woes from Satan
began when he was ous ted from heaven in
1914 by the newly enthroned King, Christ
Jesus, and it is noteworthy that the New York
Sunday News, in reporting Gannon's state-
N. Y.
15, 1950
EHOVAH God wants his people to understand his written Word, the Bible.
By understanding we gain the full assurance concerning what we believe. It is only
when we understand that we can declare
our beliefs to other people and can do so
with strong conviction that we have the
truth, which is worthy of acceptance by
all. There is not much good in hearing
something and yet not understanding it,
for then it does not mean anything to us.
We can never do right without understanding what the will of God is. Rather, we are
sure to act foolish in his sight, and this
would not win his approval. But when we
understand his will as contained in his
written instructions, we can do it. And as
we do so it builds up a full assurance of
hope in us, and we can firmly hold on to
that hope to the end, till we inherit what
God has promised and we reap his good
reward for our service. We want to understand how to approach him properly in
prayer and what to pray for, that we may
gain an answer. Then we can draw near to
him in full assurance. We want to understand definitely what the hope is which he
has set before us, that we may never suffer the disappointment of false hopes, having wasted all our efforts in aiming wrong.
(Heb. 6:11,12 and 10:22,23, NW) Hence
we cannot afford to underrate the riches
of the full assurance of understanding.
15, 1950
7. How
15, 1950
N . Y.
15, 1950
tality and destructibleness is given unusual in which a few people, that is, eight souls,
prominence in the new Bible version in were carried safely through the water ."
that it consistently translates the Greek But concerning the human soul's mortalwor d psy .che' by the one word "s oul" in ness, hear Jesus' fu rther words: "Is it lawth e 102 occurr ences of the Gr eek word. ful on the sabbath to do a good deed or to
Th is proves to be, not bunglesome, but very do an injury, to save or to kill a soul?"
r evealing on how the clergy of Chri sten- (Mark 3: 4; Luke 6 :9, NW) Also : "Whodom have adopted and taught pagan fa lse- ever seeks to keep his soul safe for himself
hoods about the human soul instead of will lose it, but whoever loses it will preChristian truth.
serve it alive." "He that is fond of his soul
15 The Appendix gr oups the occurrences
destroys it, but he that hates his soul in
of the word psy.che' un der different head- this world will safeguard it for everlasting
ings to show that th e soul is distinguished life." (Luke 17 :33; John 12:25, NW; comfrom t he spirit an d t hat live persons or pare Joshua 10 :28,30,32,35,37, 39; 11:11)
creatures are themselves souls. For exam- "My soul is deeply grieved, even to death."
ple, 1 Corinthians 15 :45 (NW ) reads: (Matt. 26:38; Mark 14:34, NW) And so
"The first man Adam became a living with many other scriptures. But this Chrissoul." And 1 Peter 3:20 (NW) r eads: "The tian doctrine that our souls die and that
patience of God was waiting in Noah's the dead are unconscious and inactive is
days, wh ile the ark was being construct ed, in full harmony with the comforting doctrine of r esurrection.
15. How do es the appendix sh ow fe atures ab out " soul"?
N. Y.
describes his writing as past, because it fasten his hold on him."-1 John 3:6-8;
will be so when his readers get his letter; 5:18,NW.
but today we say it in the present tense, as
at 1 John 2: 13, 14, NW, "I 'UJ'1'ite you, young
1 One other observation about verbs, and
children, because you have come to know
the Father. I write you, fathers, because that is an observation about them in the
you have come to know him," etc. In com- roundabout or periphrastic way of saying
mands the aorist, unlike the present tense, things. Proper regard for this form often
denotes the command to do something not leads us to a grasp of the right thought of
yet begun or undertaken, an action at a the original and it safeguards us against
certain point. For example: " Tell the error. In the similar cases of the periphrasdaughter of Zion, 'Look! your King is com- tic form we find it translated in a simple
ing to you." (Matt. 21:4, NW) Also: "Do way, at Matthew 24:9 (NW): "You will
not become fearful of those who kill the be hated by all the nations on account of
body but can not kill the soul." (Matt. my name"; but at Luke 21: 17 (NW) the
10: 28, NW) Also: "Do not give what is periphrastic sense is more fully brought
holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls be- out in these words: "You will be objects of
hatred by all persons because of my name."
fore swine."-Matt. 7:6, NW.
8 Four other cases, when rightly trans6 Rather than to denote practicing something regularly, the aorist tense may de- lated, do away with a false doctrine that
note the committing of just one act of that has been built upon them. At Matthew
kind. Hence we hear the Devil say to Je- 16:19 (NW) Jesus says to Peter: "I will
sus on the mount of temptation: "All these give you the keys of the kingdom of t he
things I will give you if you fall down heavens, and whatever you may bind on
and do an act of worship to me." (Matt. earth will have been bound in the heavens,
4:9, NW) And John writes us : "My little and whatever you may loose on earth will
children, I am writing you these things have been loosed in the heavens." At Matthat you may not commit a sin. And yet, if thew 18:18 (NW) Jesus says to all his
anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper apostles: "Trul y I say to you men, Whatwith the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous ever things you may bind on earth will
one." (1 John 2:1, NW) Contrast that iso- have been bound in heaven and whatever
lated act of sin with John's using the pres- things you may loose on earth will have
ent tense to say: "Everyone remaining in been loosed in heaven." Thus Jesus did not
union with him does not practice sin; no tell Peter and the other apostles that heavone that practices sin has either seen him en would wait upon their decision and
or come to know him. Little children, let would afterward confirm and abide by
no one mislead you; he who practices right- their decision on earth. No; but whatever
eousness is righteous, just as that one is Peter and his fellow apostles might decide
righteous. He who practices sin originates on earth, it would be the thing that had
with the Devil, because the Devil has been already been bound or loosed in heaven
sinning from when he began." "Every per- and Peter and his fellows would be merely
son that has been born from God does not expressing the prior decision of heaven.
practice sin, but the One born from God Thus heaven would not be dictated to from
watches him, and the wicked one does not 7. W ha t does " per iph ra sti c" m ean ? H ow does L uk e
15, 1950
OCTOBER 15,1950
12. How Is the connection betwe en faith a n d r ig h t eou sness ke pt pl a inl y to vi ew a t Rom ans 10:4, 8-U '!
13. W hy do we find the r enderin g "legal ly establishing"
at P hlIlpplans 1:7 ? What booklet title Is based on It?
N. Y.
14. On page 75 wh at does the booklet say on the Soclety and wItnesses ?
15. What do the footnotes show on James 1:26, 'n, Aets
26:5 and ColossIans 2:18 ? and what does the Greek
word sl gnlry ?
15, 1950
before whom Paul appeared in court referring to the Jewish worship as "worship
of the deity", when Festus said to King
Agrippa: "They simply had certain disputes with him concerning their own worsl~ip of the deity and concerning a certain
Jesus who was dead but who Paul kept asserting was alive." (Acts 25:19, NW) The
footnote here shows us that that expression
"worship of the deity" is practically the
same expression that Paul used when addressing the Athenians on Mars Hill and
saying: "Men of Athens, 1 behold that in
all things you seem to be more given to
the fear of the deities than others are."
(Acts 17: 22, NW) And as an illustration
of that fact Paul referred to the altar he
had found on which had been inscribed
"To an Unknown God", and Paul showed
them this unknown Deity was his own God.
Hence tactful Paul was not offending those
refined men of the high court by saying
they were more in fear of demons than
others, using the word "demons" in its
modern horrifying sense. The footnote
shows that "demons were thought to be
deities, not discourteously". And so Festus
applied the Greek expression ('a) to the Jewish belief, but not in a discourteous way. If now Paul fought for
Christianity with the legal term religio applied to it in his day, we can, too, in this
day, without objection. It follows, therefore, that the proposition submitted on
page 75 of the legal booklet is correct.
N. Y.
15, 1950
From this consideration alone it is evident that the New Wodd Translation
shows up sharply the distinction between
Jehovah God and Jesus Christ because they
are two separate and distinct persons, the
One the Creator and the other a creature
in God's image. This translation, by restoring the name Jehovah to the rightful place
it holds in the Greek Scriptures, shows that
the name Jehovah is not applied to Jesus.
For example, trinitarians are prone to
link up Romans 10:13, a quotation of Joel
2:32, with Jesus. But now if we read in the
New World Translation both verse 9 and
verse 13 of Romans 10 we see the wrongness of that. We read the verses as follows:
"For if you publicly declare that 'word in
your mouth', that Jesus is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that God raised
him up from the dead, you will be saved.
For 'everyone that calls upon the name of
Jehovah will be saved'." (NW) We note
that verse 9 does not say that, to be saved,
you must publicly declare that Jesus is Jehovah, but that he is Lord, or Master. The
footnote here shows that "Lord" here does
not mean or refer to Jehovah, and that not
even the Hebrew versions render it Jehovah. Hence, to be saved, it is upon the
UGJ3lood Puddings"
The Malv ern Gazette of July 7, 1950, contained the following report of a discussion
that occurred in British Parliament: "Mr. De La Bere also asked whether, in view of
the fact that dried animal blood plasma, imported from European slaughterhouses, was
being used as a substitute for eggs in cakes and confectionery sold in Great Britain,
the Government would give an assurance that steps would be taken to prohibit the sale
of this plasma for use as a substitute for eggs, with special regard to the fact that the
supply of eggs was more than adequate for all purposes throughout the country? Mr.
F. T. Willey, Parliamentary Secretary, stating that the ' Government would not do so,
added that bakers were still short of egg products, and animal plasma was a valuable
and harmless substitute. Mr. Walter Fletcher (Member for Bury and Radcliffe): To
protect the public from deception should not these be labeled 'blood puddings'? [Laughte r.l " However, t his additional case of violation of God's law prohibiting the eating of
blood is not a laughing matter.-Lev. 17:10; Acts 15:29.
N. Y.
teurs in the pay of the United States 'im per ialists' ".
Then on September 5 the New York D aily
N ews carried a United Press dispatch dated
Septe m ber 4 that reported: "The East German
Communist government banned Jehovah's witnesses in the Soviet zone today, charging the
estimated 25,000 members with 'espionage for
a foreign, imperialistic power'. . . . This was
the fir st formal action against the organization
by the Communist government, although it has
carried on a propaganda campaign against Jehovah's witnesses in recent weeks and assigned
a small army of men and women to watch the
members day and night." The New York Times
also reported this matter, but added: "Yesterday, reliable sources reported from the East
that the leaders of the group asserted 500 memo
bers had been seized last Wednesday in a
secret police raid on the Magdeburg headquarters."
On September 6 the New York Tim es published the fo llowing Reuters dispatch of September 5: "The East German security police
have thrown 1,000 of Jehovah's witness es into
prison in t he twenty-four hours since the East
German government banned the sect, a Berlin
spokesman for t he Witnesses declared today.
. . . The 'illegal pamphlets', a llegedly found
in the sect's offices, wer e Bib lical literature
translated in to more than ni nety la ngua ges
and available all over the world."
In Switzerland the B erner Tag blatt, Septernber 4, published on its front page: "A representative of the sect stated that the a ction
taken by the communists against t he sec t had
led to persecution more severe than that of the
Gestapo. The Gestapo had labelled the memo
bers of the sect as friends of communists and
Jews. Today they are charged as being 'agents
of American imperialism'. The sec t will never
submit to dictatorial pressure. Neither will it
cease to preach the gospel in the Soviet zone:'
i ::::
; : : : : 8 0:
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; : : ::::;
: : ::
Week of November 26: Riches of the Full Assurance of Our Understanding, n 1-15; a nd
Further Enrichment of Und erstanding, 1l 1-4.
Week of .Decernber 3: Furth er Enrichment o~
Understanding, IT 5-25.
NOVEMBER 1, 1950
Sem imo nth ly
Secr eta ry
Doing the Work Assigned
Dominican Republic
Persecutes Christians
Questions from Readers
Announ cem en ts
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Enlered I S seccnd-elass matte r at Brooklr n, N.t ..
.\ ct of ~larch 3 . 1879. Printed In U. So A.
November 1, 1950
No. 21
c:/:I. 'lucky old sun has nothing to do but and sustain life. It is not an idle body, but
roll around heaven all day'. The sun has spins so rapidly that at the equator its surmuch more to do than lazily roll around face travels over a thousand miles per
heaven. The sun was made to work. It was hour. Thus we have night and day. Adcreated as a "light to rule the day". (Gen. ditionally, the earth whizzes in its orbit
1:16) It is earth's furnace, supplying heat around the sun at a speed of 66,600 miles
and making life possible. If the sun did no per hour, so tirelessly that year after year
work, Ecclesiastes 1:7 would not be true: it completes this nearly 584,OOO,000-mile
"All the rivers run into the sea; yet the journey without val' yin g its schedule
sea is not full; unto the place from whence 1/1000 of a second. If it failed to make
the rivers come, t hit her they return this trip we would have no changing seaagain." Why not? Well, every second the sons. Fortunate for us that the earth does
sun lifts 16,000,000 tons of water vapor not hang idle and motionless in space.
from the seas, which vapor becomes clouds
And when man was put upon the earth,
that float inland and precipitate rain. With- he was not assigned to a dreamy and inout the laboring sun the sea waters would dolent existence, as though idleness were
not return to the rivers whence they came, the ideal state. When God made man He
and rainfall would cease. It is good for us "put him into the garden of Eden to dress
that the sun does more than just roll it and to keep it". Additionally, with Eve
around heaven all day.
he was to rear children, subdue the earth,
The moon also works, being created as a extend Edenic conditions earth-wide, and
"light to rule the night". (Gen. 1:16) It rule over the other forms of earthly life.
is the power behind the tides. Sun and (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:15) Happily, God did not
moon and stars perform a work of praise, create man for a career of loafing. Idleness
as is indicated when we take a literal view is a snare that leads to death.-Ezek.
of Psalm 19:1-4, AT: "The heavens are 16:'49; 1 Tim. 5:13.
Even the lower animals perform usetelling the glory of God, and the sky shows
forth the work of his hands. Day unto day ful service. To single out but one of these
pours forth speech , and night unto night many services, what about the insects that
declares knowledge. There is no speech, pollinate plants and enable such green
nor are there words; their voice is not things to reproduce and bear fruit? Why,
heard; yet their voice goes forth through Jehovah God even uses one of these tiny
all the earth, and their words to the ends lower creatures as an example in industriousness, saying: "Go to the ant, you
of the world."
N. Y
of Things
God) who long ago spoke on man y occasions and in many
ways t o our [o re j atlier s by m eans of the prophets, has at
the end of these days spoken to us by means of a Son)
whom he appointed heir of all thi ngs) and throuqh. whom
he made the systems of things.JJ-Heb. 1: 1) 2) NW.
N. Y.
of Christianity. Jesus pictorially described can know and understand this from the
the climax of the separating work and the apostle Paul's words at Hebrews 9:26. He
fiery destruction of the fake Christians, there refers to Jesus' sacrifice of his perand said: "The harvest is a consummation fect human life nineteen centuries ago.
of a system of things, and the reapers are Mer reminding us that Jesus was not a
angels. Therefore, just as the weeds are Levite priest who served at the temple in
collected and burned with fire, so it will be Jerusalem, he adds: "Otherwise, he would
in the consummation of the system of have to suffer often from the world's founthings. The Son of man will send forth his dation. But now he has manifested himself
angels, and they will collect out from his once for all time at the consummation of
kingdom all things that cause stumbling the systems of things to put sin away
and persons who are doing lawlessness, and through the sacrifice of himself." (NW)
they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. That consummation reached its end A.D.
There is where their weeping and the 70 with the destruction of old Jerusalem
gnashing of their teeth will be." Likening and its temple and the scattering of the
the separation work to a separating of Jewish nation for almost nineteen cengood and bad fish scooped up in a dragnet, turies. Although the old world has kept
Jesus further said: "That is how it will be standing, there can be no question that cerin the consummation of the system of tain systems there ended, to make way for
things: the angels will go out and separate new ones. Again the apostle speaks to prove
the wicked from among the righteous and this. He tells of the faithless acts of the
will cast them into the fiery furnace." This Jews and the punishments that befell them
separating work has been going on since for it in the wilderness after they were
A.D. 1919 as a result of the Kingdom testi- saved from Egypt. Then he remarks: "Now
mony delivered by Jehovah's witnesses in these things went on befalling them as
all nations of the earth. The fact now that examples and they were written for a
the weeping and gnashing of the teeth of warning to us upon whom the accomplished
the rejected unworthy ones has begun ends of the systems of things have arrived."
proves we are near the climax of the divid- (1 Cor. 10:11, NW) So we ask, What ends
ing work and that the accomplished end arrived on Christians back there?
is near upon this world.-Matt. 13: 39-42,
5 They were the ends of the systems of
47-50; 24:14, NW.
things which God had set up among his
chosen people for their benefit until Jesus
Christ should come and be sacrificed, be
4 Some who ar e to inherit the kingdom
raised from the dead and be glorified at
of the coming new world are still living God's right hand in heaven. The angel
amid this old world and its setup of things. Gabriel foretold to Daniel the exact year
But, remember, they are no part of it and when Messiah the Prince should appear. He
they do not fashion themselves after it. showed that three and a half years after
Not being of the old, they are of the new. Jesus was anointed with the spirit of God,
And do you know that for nineteen cen- or at the. middle of a week of years, the
turies now they have been living under a Messiah would be cut off in sacrifice. This
new system of things which Jehovah God would make all the animal sacrifices and
created by his Son J esus Christ? Yes. You other oblations of the Jews at the temple
4. H ow do we kn ow from H ebr ews 9:26 t h a t we Chrlstl ans ha ve long been livi n g und er a new syst em of th in gs":
1, 1950
N. Y.
1, 1950
N. Y.
N. Y.
23. Why ca n not we d esign at e the time of t h e new covenant "the Gospel a ge " '!
1, 1950
cT"HE old world has its society or its
-.1. people living according to a certa in social arrangement . The new world , too, will
have its society, all the memb ers of which
will live in harmony with a ri ghteous ar rangement. Satan the Devil, th e god of this
present wick ed system of t hings, is the
invisible ruler of the old-world society, but
he will not be the god of t he new world,
His wicked system will be obliterated by
the coming "war of t he gre at day of
God t he Almighty", Armageddon. (Rev.
16 :14-16, N W ) Jehovah, whose universal
sovereignt y Satan has challenged , will be
the one, t rue living God of t he new world.
He will r ule through the theocratic govern ment of his fa ithful Son, J esus Christ
t he King. That kin gdom will institute new
systems of things , the ones the Bible speaks
of as yet coming. Come to t hink of it, the
very establishment of God's kingdom in
t he heavens by enthroning his Son in 1914
r esulted in a radical ch ange in the activit ies of God's spiritual chil dr en who wer e
under t he new covenant. It has marvelously
altered the mes sage they preach in all the
earth for a witness to all nations. Aye, it
has put a "new song" in t heir mouths, the
song of God's kingdom at last brought to
birth after millenniums of waiting. (Rev.
N. Y.
1, 1950
6 When on earth Jesus Christ died unmarried and childless, but Psalm 45: 16
assures us that in his heavenly glory as
King he is to have earthly children, and
Isaiah 9 :6 tells of his birth and says his
name will be called "everlasting Father,
the Prince of Peace". By bestowing everlasting life upon obedient men for whose
life in the new world he died he will have
many sons, sons of the Prince of Peace. He
will be their Everlasting Father. Those
whom we used to call "ancient worthies"
will also become his sons by his raising
them from the dead and conferring life
upon them for their unfaltering loyalty. So
the question is, Will those sons whom he
makes "princes in all the earth" be limited
to those faithful pre-Christian witnesses
of Jehovah God? What is our answer now?
1 The people for Jehovah's name whom
he has called with the high calling to the
heavenly kingdom and whom he has taken
out from all nations by the agency of the
new covenant are now about complete.
Only a small remnant of them are yet on
earth. Also nowadays of the many who
devote themselves completely to God
through Christ there are few who give evidence of receiving the high calling. Evidently those few who now receive the high
calling are favored that way in order to
replace any among the spiritual remnant
who may lose their Kingdom opportunity
through unfaithfulness in the midst of this
world. So the high calling or heavenly
calling is soon to cease, the full membership
of the Kingdom class being finally purchased from among mankind and proved to
be faithful conquerors over Satan's world.
But now already in this year 1950 there are
hundreds of thousands of others who have
made a full dedication of themselves to
Jehovah by Christ and who have undertaken the serious service of Jehovah's
witnesses. Before the year 1935 we never
envisaged this "great crowd" of consecrated "ot her sheep". What of them? we now
ask.-Rev. 7:9-17.
8 Back in 1904 the first president of the
Watch Tower Society wrote the sixth volume of Scripture Studies, entitled "The
New Creation". In chapter 3, entitled "The
Call of the New Creation", he had this to
say, at the top of page 157: "And we may
be sure that any consecrating and performing a full sacrifice of themselves in the interest of the Lord's cause after the heavenly class is complete, will find that the
Lord has plenty of blessings of some other
kind still to give; and that all of his blessings are for such consecrators, self-sacrificers. Possibly they may be counted in
with the ancient worthies who had the
sacrificing disposition that is pleasing to
God, prior to the beginning of the 'high
9 Years after that publication The Watchtower had this to say in its issue of September 1, 1915, in paragraphs 5, 6 of an
article on the "harvest work" (pages 268,
269): "It is our thought that with the
closing of the 'door' of this Gospel age
there will be no more begetting of the holy
Spirit to the spirit nature. Any aft erwar d
coming to God through consecration, before the inauguration of the restitution
work, will be accepted by him, not to the
spirit plane of being, but to the earthly
plane. Such would come in under the same
conditions as the ancient worthies who
were accepted of God. The ancient worthies
came in, no call being opened to themthe high callin g not being yet open, . . .
Our thought is that whoever under such
conditions as these will make a full conse8. W hat did Tile New Creation, chapter 3. h ave to say
about such '!
9. W hat dId Tile Watchtower, Se ptember 1. 1915. h a ve
t o say of s uch '!
N. Y.
12. Have they suffered for their fa ith like those of old ?
Is It ye t all over with ?
N. Y.
no mistake about it, "the the remaining time to preach the message
time has grown very of warning and build a boat of safety. "Just
short." "Look carefully then [keep strict as it was in the time of Noah," so it is now.
watch, NW] how you walk, not as unwise -Matt. 24:37, AT.
men but as wise, making the most of the
Christ also laid hold of his opportunitime, because the days are evil." (1 Cor. ties. He too used his time in a most profit7:29; Eph. 5:15,16, RS) How much short- able way. Instead of climbing the short,
. er nowadays the remaining time, and how unprofitable, worldly "ladder of success"
much greater the need to make the most to become a commercial magnate, or an
imperial potentate, or a religious pontiff,
of it!
Whereas Paul saw things with the eye he entered the full-time service of his God
of faith, today the reality stares us in the Jehovah, even if it brought upon him great
face. The consummation of the present persecution and suffering and in the end
system of things has been reached. Bible cost him his human life. He went after the
chronology and fulfilled prophecy-total most profitable thing and obtained it.
world wars, famines, pestilent diseases,
The way we use our time is largely deterearthquakes, heart-stopping sorrows and mined by habits. It is therefore profitable
fears-are signs of the times or milestones, to cultivate good habits. Guard against
notifying men and nations where they are loving pleasure more than God. Do not
on the stream of time. The thirty-six inter- gamble that you will be here tomorrow to
vening years since 1914, instead of post- do what should be done today. (Matt. 6:27,
ponin g Armageddon, have only made it NW) Time is precious. Do not waste it on
nearer than most people think. Do not unessential, trivial things. Avoid associaforget: "This generation shall not pass, till tion with the wicked of this world.
all these things be fulfilled." (Matt. 24:34)
It is written: "Take fast hold of instrucConsequently, the important question is: tion; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy
What is the most profitable way in which life." (Prov. 4:13) This requires that one
to use the remaining time? If you are wise diligently study God's Word, and attend all
you will not dodge or side-step the answer. theocratic meetings. Forsake not the op-Eccl. 8:5.
portunity to assemble with Jehovah's witWe are living at the climax of the ages, nesses at the Watchtowe1' studies and servwhen the old world is in the throes of death ice meetings and to participate in the
and a bri ght new world is poised on the ministry school.-Heb. 10: 25.
horizon about to replace the old. It is thereYour life and the lives of others depend
fore vain and foolish to dash after wealth upon how well you use the knowledge and
and power and position or spend time and theocratic instructions gained in study.
energy storing up earthly possessions that You must preach what you learn to others,
cannot endure. (1 Tim. 6 :9, 10; Matt. 6:19) for it is through "the foolishness of preach"Behave wisely in relation to the outside ing" that people will escape destruction.
world, seizing your opportunities."
(1 Cor. 1:~1) Preaching is therefore the
Noah laid hold of his opportunities wise and profitable thing to do. When t his
when the world of that generation stood on world-wide witness work is completed and
the brink of destruction. Wisely he used Armageddon has s t r U c k, God's faithful
preaching witnesses will ga in endless life.
> See T he Watchtower, F ebrua ry 1, 1950.
v.!. appointed
Contrary to
Scientific Fact
c::T"'HEY say it is a woman's ri ght to
-.1. change her mind, but we say it is the
scientist that makes the most use of this
feminine privilege. Is it not t rue that t he
theor ies of scientists change like women 's
fashions ? that wh at is in high esteem today
ma y be derid ed in contempt tomorrow?
that it is seldom safe to be dogmatic on
any of the changin g theories of scientists ?
Why, look how they have changed th eir
minds on this matter of evolution." They
used to vow that life started spontaneously
in some mud puddle millions of years ago,
but now science t extbooks admit t hat t his
is not so, that no one knows how life started.
These s cie n t is ts used to teach that
environment caused changes in an imals,
which changes were passed on to offspring,
which developed them further, till afte r
t housands of years completely different
an imals evolved. But you know that is not
t r ue. You know Chinese women used to
bind their feet, but it did not cause their
babi es to be born with deformed feet. Some
t ri bes stretch their lips or bind their heads
into queer shapes, but their babies do not
inherit these deformed lips or heads. You
can lie on the beach for years an d become
heavily sun-tanned, but your offspring
will not be born sun-tanned. Now even the
scient ists r ealize such changes acquired in
later life because of environment are not
passed on to offspring. So the evolutionists
ha ve discarded this theory they once fanatically swor e by.
Then came Charl es Darwin, who said
small variations occurred in the forms of
. For a more det a ile d study see t h e 64-p a ge Watchtower
book let E vo l u t i o n v er su s Th e Ne w W orl d .
1, 1950
N. Y.
1, 1950
cats, dogs dogs, horses horses, monkeys that air-conditions its hive, the ant that
monkeys, and men men. Cats do not have builds bridges. Man can navigate the pathpups, or dogs colts, or monkeys human less seas of water and trackless oceans of
babies, no more than women have kittens. air? So can the eels and birds that migrate
This Scriptural unchangeableness of family for thousands of miles. And what about
kind is proved by the fossil record.
the moth that uses radio? the octopus that
Another point to reason on. Evolution uses jet propulsion? and the bat that uses
means to develop upward, to improve. But radar? Yes, what about all this? Should it
facts say man is degenerating, morally and not deflate the wiseacres of this world, to
physically, the victim of increasing mental see that these little creatures of no intelliand physical ailments. Despite increase of gence have instinctively used man's modhospitals, clinics, trained doctors, improved ern inventions for thousands and thousands
medicines and greater knowledge of the of years? Men should see reflected in these
human body, the degeneration that set in things the wisdom and power of the Creawith Adam's disobedience continues. It has tor that made them. But do they? God's
drastically cut down on man's life span. Word answers: "Ever since the creation of
Before the Flood men lived several centu- the universe God's invisible attributes-his
ries, a fact now confirmed by archeological everlasting power and divinity-are to be
discoveries. Those men were near to hu- seen and studied in his works, so that men
manity's perfect start in Eden; degenera- have no excuse . . . Their speculations
tion had not had time to cut into their life about him proved futile, and their undiscerning minds were darkened. Professing
span so heavily.
to be wise, they showed themselves fools."
-Rom. 1:20-22, Twen. Gen. N.T.
All along the line, in every respect we see
Men of good will do not want to be found
that the Bible account fits the facts of fools. They will reason on these matters,
true science, while evolution is a misfit in see how God's Word fits the facts. They
every way. But obstinately ignoring the will not be stumbled by evolution while en
facts and shunning reason, men of science route to Jehovah's promised new world,
prattle their empty theory. Were they not but will discern that it is just an oldso wise in their own conceit, so puffed up fashioned, unprovable pagan myth. They
in their own knowledge, they could not fail appreciate that Satan has revived it in
to see the evidence of God's creative power these last days to blind men to the good
and wisdom all around them. They .could news of the new world, that with this
see it when they peer through their tele- evolution bait he has hooked the wise and
scopes at the star-studded heavens, or when haughty, the puffed up and proud. It has
they squint into their microscopes, even become t he chief stone of stumbling to trip
noting the tiny solar systems of the atoms. up this wise, modern, brilliant generation
Without their telescopes and microscopes, of science worshipers. To such moderns
they can still see God's wisdom all around. science is a sacred cow-but their cow has
Man uses electricity? So does the electric gone dry so far as its being able to nurse
eel. Man has artificial lighting? So does the evolution 'is concerned!
firefly. He is a good engineer? So is the
Armed with both scientific truth and
spider that spins a web, the bird that Bible truth, Christians can prove God true,
weaves a nest, the beaver that builds a dam, tho ugh it make all evolutionists liars.
the wasp that manufactures paper, the bee -Rom. 3:4.
* Published 1950 a nd dist r ibuted by Watchtower Bible and T ract Soc iety, Br ooklyn, N. Y.
NOVEMBER 1, 1950
Dominican Republic =
Persecutes Christians
1, 1950
Are the honored documents of the United Nations and the Constitution of the
Dominican Republic no more than scraps
of paper? Evidently these responsible officials consider them just that. But why?
Whose interests are they trying to serve?
Certainly not the interests of their loyal,
God-fearing, freedom-loving citizens. The
truth of the matter, and the answer to the
question, lies in the fact that the Dominican Republic is a priest-ridden, churchand-state dictatorship, as intolerant toward
all who refuse to bow the knee to Rome as
is Franco's regime in Spain. Before the ban
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy preached
against God's witnesses, stirred up Catholic action, and circulated false charges
against them. With little difficulty this
clerical wrath was translated into civil
action and the cruel boots of the state
police were used to trample underfoot the
basic freedom of worship of God as taught
and commanded by Christ, and as presumably guaranteed by the Dominican constitution and the Charter of the United
Official Dominicans should take notice
what history teaches. Christ was nailed to
the torture stake and his disciples after
him were martyred. Said Jesus : "If they
have persecuted me, they will also persecute you." (John 15:20) But such persecution did not stop the preaching of the
gospel. As then, so now, those who fight
against God's witnesses are actually fighting against God and can expect only defeat
in the end. (Acts 5:39) Jehovah's witnesses
know that it is better to obey Jehovah
even if persecuted and killed by men than
to disobey God and become slaves of men
doomed to eternal death.-Matt.10:24-28.
So Jehovah's faithful Christian witnesses
in the Dominican Republic, knowing that,
in obedience to God rather than men, they
cannot but speak the things they have
learned in the Bible, will continue to
preach, either inside or outside of prison,
either underground or publicly. (Acts 4: 19,
20; 5:29) Their implicit trust is in the
great Jehovah God, who declares: "They
shall fight against thee; but they shall
not prevail against thee: for I am with
thee, saith Jehovah, to deliver thee."-Jer.
1:19, AS.
the mother and unborn young makes it difficult to believe that maternal impressions could
mark or physically alter the offspring to come.
Of course, during pregnancy the mother's
health is "the most important factor determining whether the fetus will be carried to term
and delivered in a viable and healthy condition", but "the myth of marking a fetus by
accident or by emotional upset should be dispelled", according to the Textbook of Petliatrics, 1950 edition, by Nina A. Anderson.
Dr. Palmer Findley, in his book The Story
of Ohildbirth, agrees, and in a section on maternal impressions shows that the idea of prenatal influence was anciently believed. "In the
law of Lycurgus it was decreed that Spartan
women should look upon the statues of Castor
and Pollux in order that strength and beauty
might be imparted to their offspring." "Hippocrates taught that strong emotions experienced
by the pregnant woman could give rise to deformities in the child." Aristotle believed this
ancient idea, said many women brought forth
children with harelip after seeing a hare, and
ascribed other deformities in children to "the
imagination of the mother, who has cast her
eyes and mind upon some ill-shaped creature".
Egypt's sacred bull of Memphis, with one or
two eagle-shaped figu res on its back and a
crescent on its forehead, had to be killed when
it was twenty-five years old; but before doing
so the priests had to supply a similarly marked
successor. In an effort to obtain a young bull
properly marked, during conception Egyptian
cows were surrounded by appropriately shaped
and colored objects.
Hence it is clear that belief in prenatal influence is ancient, and we can understand how
Jacob also would accept that general belief of
his time. But did it work for Jacob? It is true
that Jacob prospered when he employed his
scheme based on prenatal influence, but the
Bible does not specifically say that that was
the cause for his success. In fact, the Bible
ascribes a different reason for the uniformly
colored goats bringing forth spotted and
speckled and ring-streaked offspring. In the
next chapter Jacob tells his wives, Laban's
daughters Leah and Rachel, why he prospered.
Please note that he does not give the credit to
his scheme based upon the theory of prenatal
influence: "in this way God has taken the stock
from your father and given it to me. When
the stock was breeding, I raised my eyes in a
dream and saw that the he-goats that leaped
on the she-goats were striped, speckled, and
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N. Y., U. S. A.
N . H . KNORR , Pres ident
Paying Back God's Things to God
Subjection to the Higher Powers
The Authorities Ordained by God
Governing Body
Execution of Judgment upon Opposers
"On Account of Your Conscience"
An Answer to "The Baptist Record"
Should Christians Worship Relics?
Fraudulent Religious Relics
Questions from Readers
Experience and Announcements
SI. .....
Slon k
Slo" n1all
uml. IaD
~:'~~I'i. Ui~'~~I:::d..S~in~~A~:T.
No. 22
N. Y.
but in a foreign land under administration that the question was up concerning the
by the foreign ruIing power even an am- lawfulness of paying tax to him. Caesar's
bassador must pay tax on the real estate own law required the tax, but the legalness
he occupies in that foreign land or on the of it was questioned by the Jews according
things he buys or services hired. So Jesus to Jehovah's law, the theocratic law. The
was reasonable and righteous as to what pagan Romans paid worship to Caesar acwas owing to Caesar.-2 Cor. 5:20, NW. cording to his law and also worshiped or
paid religious honors to their military
standards and ensigns. By the first and
of the Ten Commandments the conCaesar may not have agreed with what
Jews like Jesus were forbidden
Jesus here said, because it placed a limitato
(Ex. 20: 2-6, AS) The Caesars,
tion upon Caesar. Today modern Caesars
of tolerance, allowed conand extreme nationalistic patriots insist on
to worship their own local
payments mainly to Caesar, but they do
but demanded that they
not like to quote or to be confronted with
Caesar or emperthe other part of Jesus' statement about
empire together
paying back God's things to God. Now
Jesus and his
everybody must take note that Jesus said
divide their
these words, not to Gentiles such as pagan
the mount
Romans and Greeks, but to religious Jews.
we read:
They were members of a nation consecrat"So
him all
ed to Jehovah God and which he had chosthe
in an
en and brought into a covenant with him.
They were primarily under the theocratic
law which God had given to them by
delivMoses, and which governed their personal
conduct and their worship. So by this theo- ered to me and to whomever I wish I give
cratic law they owed the first things to it. You, therefore, if you do an act of worJehovah God, and not to any human crea- ship before me, it will all be yours.' In retion such as Caesar. Later on, that same ply Jesus said to him : 'It is written, "It is
day, Jesus told the Jews this, when one of Jehovah your God you must worship, and
the Pharisees, versed in the theocratic law, it is to him alone you must render sacred
put him to the test by saying: "Teacher, service." ,,, (Luke 4: 5-8, NW) Hence when
which is the greatest commandment in the Jesus said to those under theocratic law
Law?" Thereupon Jesus quoted from the that they should pay back God's things to
Law at Deuteronomy 6:5 and at Leviticus God, he did not mean Caesar deified. He
19:18 and answered: " 'You must love Je- meant Jehovah God, who gave the Mosaic
hovah your God with your whole heart Law to his chosen people. On these things
and with your whole souI and with your owed to God we can never compromise
whole mind.' This is the greatest and first with "Caesar" and his political henchmen.
10 A.D: 1914 the "appointed times of the
commandment. The second, like it, is this:
which began in 607 B.C. with
'You must love your neighbor as yourself.'
destruction of JeOn these two commandments the whole
Law hangs, and the Prophets."-Matt. rusalem ran out. Since then the nations
22:34-40, NW .
have been in the "time of the end" of this
9 It was not according to Caesar's law
world. Under the international stress of
N. Y.
N. Y.
as the theological
principles expre ss e d in th e
words: 'Be subject
to the higher pow-
possible by an influential c h u r C h,
but solely by our
return to modesty
and love of one's
neighbor, the foundation of Christianity."
~ Not alone in Germany but in all the
belligerent countries the clergy of all denominations asked divine blessings upon
the carnal weapons of the destroyers of
human lives and valuable property. Their
religious flocks approved, applauded and
supported the advances that were being
made against the foe. But many honesthearted persons saw the excesses to which
the clergy interpretation of vital scriptures
led the professed followers of Christ Jesus,
making them the easy pawns of totalitarian dictators who demanded for "Caesar"
the abject subjection of the people to the
political state. So they were filled with
misgivings. They began to see there was
need to re-examine the Holy Scriptures,
15, 1950
is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God." Jehovah God is the
Supreme and Original Authority. He being
the Creator of all things, it follows that
he is the source of all authority for doing
what is right. Because he is supreme and
all creation is dependent upon him, no one
has the right to question the Most High
God on how he uses his authority, even
though for a time we may not understand
it. He does what he pleases, but what he
does is always for good, since there can
never be any unrighteousness or untruthfuIness in him. "The Almighty is beyond
our minds. Supreme in power and rich in
justice, he violates no right." "There is one
thing God has said; ay, twice have I heard .
him say it: that power belongs to God."
(Job 37:23 and Ps. 62:11, Mo) The fact
stands unassailable that Jehovah God is
the Chief of the Superior Authorities.
Every souI shouId be subject to him.
11 In saying "there is no authority except by God", the apostle PauI also meant
the authority possessed by God's onlybegotten Son Jesus Christ. Jesus admitted
that his authority came from Jehovah God
when he said: "Father, the hour has come;
glorify your son, that your son may glorify you, according as you have given him
authority over all flesh, that, as regards
the whole number which you have given
him, he may give them everlasting life."
"For just as the Father has in himself the
gift of life, so he has granted to the Son
to have also in himself the gift of life.
And he has given him authority to do
judging, because Son of man he is. I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative;
just as I hear, I judge, and the judgment
that I render is righteous, because I seek
not my own wiII but the wiII of him that
sent me." (John 17:1,2 and 5 :26,27,30,
NW) After Jesus had proved his complete
11. Why Is Jesus' authorlty al so meant In that te xt ?
N. Y.
15, 1950
N. Y.
15, 1950
22. How a re they to proceed where voting Is made compu lsory by law ?
position by God-:
highest ?
EXECUl.tON~-:::- -
5,6. Who as ruler Is God's minister fearful to evildoers? How does he praise those who do good ?
15, 1950
The sword which the authority bears symbolizes God-given power to execute [udgment and cut off those who range themselves against God. Hence the symbolic
description of Christ as he rides to execute
God's vengeance at Armageddon tells us:
"Out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp
long sword , that he may smite the nations
with it, and he will shepherd them with a
rod of iron." (Rev. 19:15, NW) So upon
the nations practicing evil he will act as
the avenger to express the divine wrath. At
Armageddon he will not recognize the poIitical powers of this world as the "superior authorities" with absolute control
over every human soul. No, but he will
destroy them. He will treat them as his
footstool, beneath his feet, and he will
tread them to destruction in the winepress
of God's wrath. Then there will no more be
a "Caesar" to whom anything must be
paid. All things will be God's and be paid
back to him.-l Cor. 15:24-28.
divine message, Paul pronounced the divine judgment upon him. "Instantly a
thick mist and darkness fell upon him, and
he went around seeking men to lead him
by the hand. Then the proconsul, upon seeing what had happened, became a believer,
as he was astounded at the teaching of
Jehovah." (Acts 5:1-11 and 13:6-12, NW)
It was indeed not without purpose that the
divine authority, which the apostles represented, bore the sword.
9 It is fear-inspiring to contemplate the
execution of God's judgment against evildoing. But not just for motives of fear
should we avoid evil-doing and do good.
The more powerful driving force in us
should be the conscientious love of righteousness. Hence the apostle says: "There
is therefore compelling reason for you to
be in subjection, not only on account of
that wrath but also on account of your
conscience." (Rom. 13:5, NW) It gives us
peace of heart and freedom from fear if
we have the approval of our conscience.
But to be sure that our conscience is a true
and safe indicator of the rightness of our
actions it should be taught by God's Word.
10 If we love life and want divine approval, we, of course, want to do right and
escape God's wrath. Fear of wrath is not
the greatest power for right-doing. "The
demons believe and shudder." (Jas. 2:19,
NW) But for all their fear of divine wrath
they do not break away from evil-doing in
the Devil's organization. However, where
we have a conscience trained in righteousness and we want it always to approve us
for doing right, we will abandon evil-doing
and will devote ourselves to right-doing.
Subjecting ourselves to the "superior authorities" because they are the arrangement of God is right. So, not just to avoid
God's wrath, but rather for the sake of our
N. Y.
good conscience, we will keep ourselves in to him who calls for tax [on commercial
subjection to the "superior authorities". items], the tax; to him who calls for fear,
This results in everlasting life to us, for it such fear; to him who calls for honor, such
vindicates the universal sovereignty of God. honor." (Rom. 13: 7, NW) The superior
11 With authority Jesus told his followauthorities within the divine organization
ers to pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, call for our proper fear and honor. These
including the payment of taxes. And so due things we will render them. To "Caefor conscience' sake we pay tribute to sar" we will rend er what is due him for
"Caesar" as long as Almighty God lets him the services he renders us, but we will not
continue on earth. "For that is why you let him crowd in upon our worship of the
are also paying tribute," Paul wrote to Most High God by decrees against the arthe Christians who were at Rome, the very rangement of God. We will "be in fear of
capital of Caesar the great imposer of tax him that can destroy both soul and body
and tribute. Then with reference again to in Gehenna", that is, the Almighty and
Jehovah's theocratic organization Paul Most High. (Matt. 10:28, NW ) To persons
adds: "For they are God's public servants in prominent positions with in "Caesar's"
constantly serving this very purpose." organization we will give due and proper
(Rom. 13:6, NW) Christ and his apostles, respect, but will do so with fear of God.
clothed with authority from God and thus "Honor men of all kinds," writes Peter ,
given superiority within his organization, "have love for the whole association of
are and must be his public servants. God brothers, be in fear of God, have honor
keeps a close supervision of them and holds for t he king." (1 Pet. 2:17, NW) In the
them responsible for the way they use fear of God we will honor his King whom
their delegated authority. To him they he has clothed with new world auth or ity.
1 3 Pursuing this course prescribed by the
must in due time render account on how
they used their authority in his name. So
it behooves these superior authorities un- Supreme Autho rity, we will be paying to
del' the Most High to serve his purpose con- everybody what is due him. Our obligations in this world both to "Caesar" and
stantly for the eternal good of those who
subject themselves according to God's will. to God we will discharge, so that in the
Christ Jesus and his associates in heaven final judgment no unpaid debts can be
will do so.
charged against us. One thing we will al12 The apostle now concludes the discusways be owing our fellow creature, and
sion, showing that we can pay back "Cae- that is love, love of our neighbo r as oursar's" things conscientiously to "Caesar" selves. This we will endeavor to pay alwhile at the same time paying back God's ways, in obedience to the apostollc.instr ucthings to God. In view of Jesus' words and tion: "Do not be owing anybody a single
the apostle's instructions, this course de- thing, except to love one another ; for he
that loves his fellow man has fulfilled th e
notes our subjection to the "superior authorities". Paul says : "Render to all their law." (Rom. 13:8, NW) In obedience to
the greatest commandment of all, that of
dues, to him who calls for tribute [levied
on persons and land estates] , the tribute; loving God completely, we will be subject
to the "superior authorities".
n . Why, then, do we primarlly pa y tribute? And what
purpose do God 's public serv a nts constantly serve ?
12. What d ues will we re nder to va r ious ones. as commanded ?
13. What will we always be paying one another as owIng them? In obedience to what com mand will we be
subject to superior authorities ?
11, 1950.
t .
I ,
N. Y.
15, 1950
N. Y.
Roman Catholics idolize. It is only a fiction that Helena, queen mother of Emperor Constantine, found by miraculous agencies the "true cross".
The New World Translation is not alone
in maintaining that Jesus was executed
upon a stake. If you have a copy of The
Companion Bible Part V . The Gospels) published by the Oxford University Press, then
turn to its Appendix No. 162 entitled "The
Cross and Crucifixion" (page 186). After
a lengthy discussion of considerable evidence the article concludes: "The evidence
is thus complete, that the Lord was put to
death upon an upright stake, and not on
two pieces of timber placed at any angle."
Evidently you, in your reading of the Bible, have failed to attach due significance
to the fact that the apostle Peter speaks
of it only as a "tree" (Acts 5:30; 10:39;
1 Peter 2: 24), and the apostle Paul speaks
of it also as a "tree", at Acts 13:29 and
Galatians 3:13. It was easy for you to assert that it was not a simple stake upon
which Jesus died, but your editorial fails
to provide a shred of proof or argument
that the New World Translation is fantastic, incorrect and unscriptural on this
Your editorial concludes: "But read the
article for yourself." (Meaning the RNS
announcement) It might better have read:
"But read the New World Translation for
yourself." Then your readers would be getting at the facts uncolored by your prejudicial comments and would be able to
reach independent, just conclusions. Even
for this adverse publicity we are glad, for,
as the apostle Paul says : "We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth."
(2 Corinthians 13:8) We consider it a privilege to serve as publishers of the New
World Translation. Nonetheless, we shall
continue to print on our presses and to
publish the King James Version and the
American Standard Version Bibles to aid
15, 1950
N. Y.
11 S
N. Y.
frauds moving among your circle of associates you are happy and glad if your real
friends point them out, in order that you
in turn may warn other honest persons
like yourself. It is therefore as true friends
of the honest-hearted that we call attention to the relic racketeers that operate
in the name of religion, and who have for
many centuries filched from and plundered
credulous people with their fake merchandise. Here are the facts.
Relicworship is of pagan origin and was
introduced in the Roman Catholic religion
many centuries ago. The Catholic Encyclopedia (vol. 12, pages 734-738) not only
admits this, but also discloses other very
startling facts about where these relics
15, 1950
From and after the days of Charlemagne, when Church and State ruled supreme, the traffic in bones of "saints" and
other so-called "holy" antiques became so
riotous that even members of the Hierarchy complained that the church altars
were being loaded down with bogus relics.
There was a keen competition between
various churches to outdo each other in
rare relics. Says the Catholic Encyclopedia: "At the beginning of the ninth century, as M. Jean Guiraud had shown, the
exportation of the bodies of martyrs from
Rome had assumed the dimensions of a
regular commerce, and a certain deacon,
Deusdona, acquired an unenviablenotoriety in these transactions. What was perhaps in the long run hardly less disastrous
than fraud or avarice was the keen rivalry
between religious centres, and the eager
credulity fostered by the desire to be
known as the possessors of some unusually
startling relic." "Such was the rage for
them at one time that even Mabillon, the
Benedictine, justly complains that the altars were loaded with suspected relics,
numerous spurious ones being everywhere
Admitted by high dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and other informed persons, that the majority of
Christendom's relics are fakes-why, then,
are they worshiped in this enlightened
twentieth century? What reasons, excuses
or explanations do the clergy have for not
informing the people in general that the
N. Y.
eo. .
Brooklyn 1, N. Y. U. S. A.
N. H . KNon. Pres ident
GRANT Surrn, 8ecretQTlI
Does Papal Encyclical Resist Compromise? 467
An Open Letter to the Catholic Monsignor 469
Mobsters Break Up Assembly in Missouri 475
Simeon Realizes His Heart's Desire
Gehenna, a Place of Eternal Punishment 477
Bringing Forth Fruit for Eternal Life
Parable of the Sower
"Preach the Word"
Questions from Readers
AII...,IItl....... II "TIll Walllltlwlr" ,. tIM '111m.. II.'. ,,"IllS .
AS - Amerbn 8t11ulll'll VerslOII
LXX- Tbe 8eIltnazlnt Version
A!' .. All AmorIeaIl TraDsJaUOII
Da - J. H. Darby', ftrllion
D!i .. Catbollo n-, nnIon
liD .. TIle IIIpbaUc DladoU'
Ro - J, B. Bot.berbam',ftrIIlon
At rlklW13
CebuVlsa1an Italian
Iho ,
cape 'reWD
- '1
lemlttu... should be sent to oIIIce III JOur eounlr)' III eompUe.nce wttb
December 1, 1950
No. 23
Church would not be popular in the United States democracy. Was not the Vatican
.compromising ?
And is it not in' an effort to compromise
with science that the Catholic Church says
that God may have made man's body by
evolution, and 'thi:m created a ,soul to go
into that evolved body? .The Catholic Encyclopedia states, "That God should have
made use of natural, evolutionary, original
causes in the production of man's 'body, is
per se not improbable, and was propounded by St. Augustine." And again the pope
in his recent encyclical echoes
this view
when he declares that studies in evolution
must be limited to "inquiries into the
origin of the human body as coming from
pre-existent and living matter-s-for Catholic faith obliges us to hold that-souls are
~mmediately created by God".
In his encyclical the pope acknowledged
"the word of God as contained in the
sacred scripture as the foundation of all
religious teaching"; yet this compromise
with evolution cannot have foundation in
the Scriptures. Why not? Because souls
existed long before man was created. When
making water animals God said, -"Let the
waters swarm with an abundance of -living soul." Again, "God created the great
sea-monsters, and every living soul that
moveth." As to land' animals, "God said,
Let the -land bring forth living soul after
its kind, tame-beast arid creeping thing
~ ~.
N. Y.
the fourth day of the International Assembly of Jehovah's witnesses there. During
.t he remaining four days of which Assembly 85,850 copies of this new translation
were placed with :the conventioners. We
being the printers who have come into possession of the publication rights of this
translation, we feel the obligation of making some answer to your article. .It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the general
public who read your adverse article is expecting a published reply from us, and we
do not want either to disappoint these or
to fail in our obligation to the Most High
God and his recorded Word.
Your article appears to be based entireIy on what the news reporters had to say
about the speeches and releases offered at
the Yankee Stadium Assembly, and not
Oct. 11, 1950. upon a personal examination of the literaTo Matthew Smith,
ture that was releaseci: For instance, your
Monsignor of the Roman Catholic
remark Of 17): "All this' will be wholly
Church in America,
different from the perpetual earthly hapc/o The Register,
piness promised by the Witnesses. Their
Catholic P ress Soc., me.
idea, if the newspapers are correctly quotDenver, Colo.
ing their leaders, is closer to a MohammeBefore us is a copy of The Catholic Tele- dan idea than to a Christian one."
graph-Register, Section Two, dated FriHearsay ("Listening In") is a very unday, August 18, 1950, containing an article _ reliable foundation on which to make such
signed by you. It occupies parts of three an assertion in the public press in criticism
columns in the lower left-hand corner of of a group of Christians, who, though a
page one and continues on page four for minority, have circulated their literature
two full-column lengths, and is entitled: around the earth in more than 90 lan"Listening In," with the subheading, "Sect guages in excess of half a billion copies
Rewrites Parts of Bible to Fit Beliefs." of bound books and booklets, besides hunAlso before us is a copy of. the identical dreds of millions of free tracts and magaarticle by you appearing in The St. Louis zines.
Register of the same date, from which fact
.Your article admits that in his public
is to }be gathered that your article was
address of August 6 on "Can You Live
published quite generally in the 32 Diocesan editions of The Register published in Forever in Happiness on Earth?" the
as many .. cities. 'Your article therefore Watch Tower Society's president N. H.
Knorr answered the question in the affirmgained nation-wide publicity. .
Following his lecture 250,000 'copies
You open and close your article with a
reference to the New World Translation of of his speech, in a 32-page booklet, were
the Ohristian Greek Scr iptures, released distributed free to all in attendance, numat Yankee Stadium, Wedriesday, August 2, bers taking many copies each, so that
N. ,Y.
what Mr: Knorr said was freely available argument that the apostle John saw only
in print: You, with your Catholic means an apocalyptic vision. Not only the prophof obtainlngInformatlon, could easily have et Isalas speaks also of a new heavens and
procured a copy of this booklet. Those who new earth (65:17; 66:22), but so does the
heard or read this speech know that it has apostle Peter. He.describes the destruction
no resemblance to Mohammedanism but is of the present heavens and earth in which
based wholly upon the inspired Scriptures injustice dwells and then says: "But we
and the moq,ern-?ay fulfillments of proph- look for new heavens and a new earth .acecy.
cording to hispromlses.dn which juStice
You saY, ."The idea of a perpetual 'r eign dwelleth."-2 Peter 3:13, Douas),
of the saints on earth, is repulsive to the ~ In harmony with the infallible Scripmajority. ot Christians,",;'Heaven will -not tures, Jehovah's' witnesses teach .""that
be a 'glorified earth," and, "It is to be Christ's footstep followers who overcome
hoped, therefore, that Jehovah's Witness- this "world will reign with him, not in the
es will not place all their faith in the ab- "new . e arth",' but in the "new heavens";
surdity of an earthly kingdom that will and obedient mankind on the "new earth"
never die." <1m 15, 16, 22) In none of .th eir will be bless~ by the' tnvisible, heavenly
speeches 'or publications have Jehovah's reign of Jesus Christ and his glorified folwitnesses taught that 'heaven Will be a -lowers, his bride. (Apocalypse 2:26-28;
glorified earth'; but it is you, Monsignor, 3:21; 2Q:4-6) .If this ,is "r epulsive", it is
and your religious system 'that teach that repulsive to the majority of professed
people of your faithwilltakethelr earthly Christians 'who do not accept God's Word
--: (' ,.'"
but who have been 'indoctrinated with rebodies 'to 'heaven. ' . ,
Jehovah's ' witn esses, however, . adhere ' ligious traditions of men contrary to God's
strictly to the inspired Scriptures and be- Word. (Matthew .15 :1-9, Douay) Your
lieve what ' the apostle John says about hopes, therefore, that we ' will not place
those of the "little flock" of Christians who our faith '''in the absurdity. of an earthly
will go' to the heavenly 'kingdom : "Dearly kingdom that will never die" ~I!lre ill-founded
beloved, we are now the sons of God; and and are needless. We do not hope for such
it hath not yet appeared what we shall be. a thing, but preach "the kingdom of HEAVWe know, that, when he shall 'appear, we EN" as the rightful government for
shall be like him: because we shall see him universe. Modern events fulfilling sacred
as hlnS." '(i John 3:2, Douas) Version) We prophecy prove that this' heavenly kingbelieve with the apostle John ill distinc- dom is at hand and will remove the Devil's
this fact we
tion between heaven and earth, and we ac- rule of earth;
cept his vision of the future in which he can assure people of good will that they
says: '''Arid I saw a new heaven and a new can live forever in 'happiJless'on earth .unearth: For the' first .heaven and the ' first der the heavenly kingdom of Christ and
earth was gone, and the sea is now no his 'glorified"congregation. Then, in answer
more." (Apocalypse.S'li l, Douay) Certain- to the Lord's prayer, God's name will be
ly that new earth is to be populated with hallowed and his ,Win will forever be-done
creatures of the earth; earthy, for Isaias on .earth as it is done in heaven. '
1=5: 18 declares that the Lord GOd did not
create the earth in vain: "he formed it
to be inhabited." ,
Xour, article <1r 2) .states : ,"Newspaper
It is useless for you to counter with the accounts indicated that the 'translation'
1, 1950
changed the 'texts' to fit Witnesses' doc- in his Preface in "An American Translatrines." Then, to make it appear that Jeho- tion" (1939): "1 have closely followed the
vah's witnesses are mutilating the Chris- Greek text of Westcottand Hort, now gentian Greek Scriptures, you quote the New erally accepted. 'E very scholar knows its
York Ti~ report as saying:' "Rejecting great superiority to the late and faulty
the idea' of the Holy Trinity, the Bible so- Greek texts from which the early English
ciety translation replaces the phrase 'the translations from Tyndal.e to the AuthorFather. rthe Son and the Holy Ghost;' used ized Version were made." ,
frequently throughout the King James verSo the New World Translation has resion with 'the spirit and the water and the written no part of the Greek text, not even
1 John 5:rT which is cited in your article
blood' (1 John v.7)."
'F irst of 'a ll, the lnewspaper report errs as a place where Jehovah's witnesses clash
in' saying that the phrase "the Father, the with the trinitarian doctrine. Does the
Son 'and the Holy Ghost" is used frequent- New tW orld Translation ' here replace ' the
ly throughout the King James Version. It phrase "the Father, the Son and theHoly
is not so 'u sed even in the Catholic DouaiJ Ghost" with the phrase "the spirit and the
VersiOn,' Theone placeIn theScriptures : water and the blood"?.. No! How could the
where the phrase does occur, namely, at latter phrase be used 'as' a - replacement
Matthew 28: 19, the New ,WOJ'ZdTrarisla- when it is already there 'in the Greek text?
tion'renders the verse: "Go therefore and But it is the former phrase that is not
make disciples of people of all the nations, there.
The New World Translation of 1 John
baptizing them rin .thename of the Father
and of the Son and of the holy spirit." In 5:7,8 reads: "For there are three witness
a corresponding passage, namely, 2 Corin- bearers, the spirit and the water and the
thians 13:14, this translation reads: "The blood, and the three ' are in agreement
undeserved kindriess of the Lord Jesus [margin: are for the one thing]." This is
Christ and the love of God and the sharing a literal translation of the Greek text by
the above-named Augustinus Merk, S.J.,
in the holy spirit be with all of you."
No parts' of tne Bible have beenrewrit- in his Novum Testamentum 'Greece et Laten in this New World -Translation to fit tine; it is also a literal translation of the
the beliefs of Jehovah's witnesses, as you Greek text by the other Roman Catholic
blatantlyassert.The Translation Commit- , scholar, Joseph M. Baver, S.J., in his Novi
tee did not construct its own Greek text Testamenti Biblia Graeca et Latina; as
of the Christian Scriptures. No; but on well as of Nestle's Novum Testamentum
page 8 of the Foreword it notifies us that Greece and of the Westcott and Hort
the Committee ~se~ ' the 1948 Macmillan Greek 'text. So you see that even those
ComP3l?-Y edition'of the Westcott and Hort J esuit scholars do not include in their
text of i1881, besides S. C. E. Legg's edi- G~eek texts the words "in 'heaven the
tions of -Matthew and Mark, and that it F th
" d
d' th '" H I ' G'h t'
a er,
or, an
e ' 0 y
os .
. t 0 consiideratiIon "oth
0 er t ex ts,
also too k m
including that prepared by D. Eberhard And these are ~ne. And there ar~
Nestle and that compiled by the 'Spanish three that give ' testimony: on earth.
Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover and that (Douay) Those words are now recognized
by the other Jesuit scholar A. Merk". Con- by all genuine scholars as spurious to the
cerning the same Greek text mainly -used authentic Greek text. Your own precious
by the Committee, E. J. Goodspeed says Vatican Manuscript -No. 1209 of the early
N. Y.
DECEMBER 1, 1950
sor of Pope Leo X, in his De'Arcanis
Oath- ent, you should call that "shallow scholarolicae Veritatis, published in 1518.,But the ship" on the part of your cardinal, what?
latest scholarship has proved he .was not
But that such "shallow scholarship" is
the one to, introduce the pronunciation not Iimited- to -Roman Catholic ,clergy of
Jehovah" and neither was-uyour afore- the 13th to the 16th centuries','please be
mentioned Porchetus de , Salvaticis. ;: As apprised 'that in aneditiori -of: the French
shown by Joseph Voisin. rthe learned editor Catholic Bible by Abbe A. Crampon of
of the Pugio Fidei (The Poniard of Faith) 1905 he used Jehovah in his text; this has
by Raymundus Martini, Jehovah had been since been amended to read "Yahweh", acused long before Galatinus. Even a genera- cording to our copy 'offhe 1939 edition.
tion .b efore Porchetus de Salvaticis -wrote But note' also the following.
You are also doubtless acquainted with
his V,ictoria contra Jtaeos '(1303) , the
magazine The Grail, published in St.
Spanish Dominican
tiniwrote,his iEugio, about 1278, and used Melnrads.Indiana. Well, -ln the February,
the name -Jehovah. In fact, Porchetus took 1949,1issiie of this magazine appearedthe
the ' contents of his Victoria largely from article"J oriaxGod's -Problem Prophet" by
Martini's Pugio. AndScaliger .proves that Philip Dan Stackr-Irrftwe.readr v'Now tlie
Galatinustook his De Arcanis bodily from word of Jehovah' carrie urito "Jona the son
Martini's Pugio. Galatinus did not intro- of Amittay* [Footilote4l;':-~'!AIUquotations
duce the pronunciation Jehovah. ibut ,m~r~~ froin Sacred Scripture"in 'this essay are
ly defended it against those who pro- from The Westminster . Version ' of -the
~ounced the Hebrew t~ir~graminatqn,Jova. Sacred Scripture, edited by The Rev. Cuth,In,1557rJ ehovah(became!est ablished in bertLattey, S.J.; this accounts for' the uriJohn Forster's New Heb'/ew rDictionary, usual spelling of certain proper names.'],
and Marcus Marinus admitted Jehovasin saying; 'Arise, go to Nineveh, t hat 'great
his Lexicon Arca Noae of 1593. Sebastian city: andrdenounce It .'for their wickedness
Muenster uses the name Jehova in his text is come up-before me.' (Jona 'I:1-2) ...
of his Latin .translation of vt h e ' Hebrew A fine chance he, an insignificant prophet
Scriptures (1534), and .vin his notes on from Gath-hefer, would stand in forcing
Exodus 3: 15 and 6::3 he '. uses the name as penance upon the 'fabulous.Ninevites, who
though it were well '~nown. Also in 1557, did 'noteven know 'his own God's name."
in ,br inging out Pagninus" Latin version of From page 54 to page ,58 the name Jehothe, Heb~ew Scriptures, Robert Stephanus yah is used 30 times/twice being 'spelled
used Jehova uniformly-for the Hebrew Jahve, and theversion from which it is
tetragrammaton. :in 'a note on Ps~m 2:1 quoting is, mind - you,the Westminster
he remarked that sUbstituting~Ad01uii for Version by a ' Jesuit Reverend! Was that
it was to be rejected as a Je\vish -super- not quite "shallow scholarship" to set be.
- fore Catholic readers? Does it ,not make
Cardinal Thomas 'de Vio Cajetanus in you blush to be confronted .with such
his Commentary on the Pentateuch.j.of ., ,_" s~allo~_. scholarship" on the part of Ro1531, regularly used Jehova. In his trans- . man Catholic publications and authors in
lation of Genesis 2:4 he ,has "Jehova Elo- this twentieth century?
him"; and in his ,note on Exodus 6:3 he
-The pronunciation Jahweh, usually credsays: "Jehovah the God of your fathers ited to John L. Ewald of the 18th century,
appeared to , me .Uehova Elohe patrum: goes back farther, to the 16th century. Ten
eetrorum vis us est mihi)." To be consist- .years before Ewald was born (1747),
_AY~ ':'
Happy ar e you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly
say eV81'Y kind 01 wicked thing against you lor my sake. Rejoice
' an d leap'lor j oy, since your reward is great in the heavens;
lor in that way t hey persecuted the prophets prior to you.
-Matt. 5:11,12, NW .
EHOVAH'S witnesses arrange for a three'day "circuit , assembly of. Christian people ;
September 13, in Kennett, Mo.' This is ' a' little
towri'Of six or seven thousand located in the
~~u'tl{eastern corner ' of the 'state. The rBlu~
RO'om above the Palace Cafe)s,obtaine'd,' pre~
liJIlinary preparations are completed, and the
Friday evening
sessionis . peaceably
. . ..
'if Early the next morning the witnesses .are
on the streets extending ,to the good 'citizens
of the community knowledge and information
which will enable' them Ito chose the way of
that - leads
~ God's glorious kingdom~'
the"new ; worid ~ 'of .righteousness long "'ago
prJmi~ea: fu 'fact, the public le~tui:e s'cheduled
to bEn~iven the next artemoon, and to which
the people aretnvited, is entitled "Choose Life
that You May Live ".
.., '
'if At"first a few sneering voices are heard,
thensthreats of-violence are hurled, and finally, - by late' afternoon the whole atmosphere
is filled with the .na sty storm .clouds _of . mob
violence. A bully .by 'the name of Coy.Bannister goes "from one-barroom to the next tanking -up onvalcohol,: and at the same time tries
td ;get a mob organized. He is joined' by1
couple of other rogues, Paul Patton and
"Buck" Estes, -and the three form the nucleus
of amob that swells' until ' it numbers 100 or
150. They mill aroundthestreets, rip placards
from the backs of helpless 'witnesses, pounce
on lone witnesses, beating up those they are
able,to -overpower.
' 'if 'Meantime, the mayor of the town, apparently an .honest and upright man, does everything in his __power to avoi dl'bloodshed. But
how helpless he is! There are 'only six men
ori-hls-pollee force. He calls the governor. of
the-state, He calls the -state police; It is now
late afternoon when he and the sheriff, the
prosecuting attorney,' the owner of the' hall,
and seve;a~ others come to see the besieged
witnesses ,a! , t!l_~ hall and lay plans for their
deliverance. , Itt~~ing impossible to hold ,any
kind of pUblic ll~~t~re the , next day .In ~h,i s
mob-Infested town, it is , agreed by all .that
evacuation must be , made Satui-~ay night.
"While you're in session," the .mayor, says,
life .
" t
,. ,
a t.
r~- Simeon
. ~~~~~~ . ~.~~~=r~---;-~
posed to do to that rebellious nation they . the Latin Vulgate into English in the
got the point. They knew that Almighty early seventeenth century were so menGOd purposed to destroy them as complete- , tally bound up"and constrained by manly as anything thrown into the literalGe- made creeds of "eternal torment" and "hell
henna was annihilated. -"Thus will I do fire" they were not free to make even an
unto this place, saith Jehovah, and to the honest translation. Consequentiy, at...the
inhabitants thereof, even making this city twelve places in the Christian Greek Scripas Topheth: andthe houses of Jerusalem, tures, commonly called the "New Testaand 't he houses of the kings of Judah; , ment", where the name Gehennaoccurs,
whichare defiled, shall be as the place of ~. they translated it. ' 'hell'' ,' which"English
Topheth." "Therefore, behold, the days <word they also used to translate'the Hecome, saith Jehovah, that it shall no more brew word "Sheol and the Greek 'words
be called Topheth, nor The valley of the Hades and Tartaros.
son of Hinnom, but The valley of SlaughAll modern t;anslators .of any repute,
ter."-:-Jer. 19:12,13; 7:32, 33,AS.
both Catholic and .Protestant.jhave been
And so it was when Jerusalem was forced to make note of and apologize for
'finally destroyed A.D. 70. According to the the gross bllmder'in the followiiigtexts:
Jewish historian, Josephus, between 2,000,- Matthew 5:22,29,30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,
'000 and 3,000,000 inhabitants died of fam- 33; Mark 9:43, '45, 47; Luke 12:5; James
ine or disease or were killed by the Ro- 3:6. The English Revised, American Standmans, and it appears that many of their 'ar d, Revised Standard, Catholic Oimfraterdead bodies were throWh into Gehenna nity, Spencer's (Catliolic), Young's, Rothafter that terrible struggle. , _ ' -.
erham's, Weymouth's, Mo att's, Emphatic
Now then, in view of what Gehenna was, 'Diaglott, the lfew wot!d ,,!,ransl~t~o'!l'~ and
literally and symbolically, what better many other modern versions, either corillustration or symbol could the - Great Fect the error in the text or make note of
Prophet,. Christ 'jesus ' use when' telling it in their footnotes.
Jews what was in store for the wilfully
wlckedt. WhEm .he said certain ones were
'What is that?"No eternal t~rment in the
.Ilable ,to:wind q ehE;I!!1a,'h:i,s,listeners
two millenniums ago knew exactly what he never-dying fires of Gehenna?' Thatis corwas talki!1g about, They, knew that if the rect ~ven though popular opinsulphurous fires did not consume their ion. The general idea held by organized
dead bodies, the ever-present maggots religionists is that Gehenna is just another
would. In. either event, they knew full well name for the fantastic ecclesiastical firethat to be cast into Gehenna meant they pool so: fanatically taught by the clergy.
were criminals unworthy of either a burial Simply carrying over the Greekword Geor a resurrection, only 'annihilation.
henna' into English Bibles means nothing '
.. But some may ask: 'When or where did 'if, the clergy continue to deceive the peoJesus speak of Gehenna? In our Catholic ple into believing that Gehenna is a place
Douay and Protestant King James Bibles nf eternal torment. As the Encyclopedia
'we; do n~t find the word' Gehenna.' Quite Americana (1942' ed., v.14, ' p, 81) . ob' tr ue. This is the 'point made earlier, that serves': "Much confusion and "misunder'those men who translated the Bible from st~ding has been caused tli~ough', ,the
the original Hebrew and Greek and from early translators ~f the Bible pe~sist~~tly
1, 1950
rendering 'the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek of eternal torment." To which' can be addHades and Gehenna by the word hell. The ed the following significant paragraph
simple transliteration of these words by found in the appendix, page 767, of the
the translators of the revised editions of " New Warld Translation of t"lte Christian
the Bible has not .sufficed .to appreciably ' Greek Scriptures (1950) : , "No living aniclear up this confusion and misconception." mals or human creatures were pitched into
"There is avast'distlnctlonbetween eter- Gehenna to be burned-alive' or tormented.
1laZtorment and -eternai de8truction~ Ge- Hence .the place could never ,symbolize an
henna symbOlizes the latter, a place of 'invisible region where human souls ' are
everlasting destruction. There was no tormen ted in literal fire and attacked by
thought of torment in the ancient Gehen- undying immortal worms for ever and ever.
na outside the walls of Jerusalem, for noth- "(Isa, 66:24) Because the dead criminals
ing alive was cast therein. To be tormented cast here were denied a decent .burial in a
ifwould'have to be alive! Hence.Xlehenna memorial tomb, whieh symbollzes the hope
cannot possibly symbolize' torment or tor- of a resurrection, Gehenna was used by
'Jesus and his disciples
everture; either temporary or eternal.
.... to symbolize
On this poiiJ.(it is well to' ~onsider,what
,. I '
etermodern .translators have to'saY. The footnal
note 'of Matthew 5 :22, ill the Oatholic Conhave
frafernity translation of 1941,.does not say
that .criminals were 'cast alive into Gehen- was considered the worst kind of punishria to be tortured in its fire and brimstone, ment. From .the literal Gehenna and from
but rather it was the place ~'where the its significance the symbol of the 'lake
bodies of criminals were burnt after execu- burning with fire and sulphur' was drawn,
20:10,14,15; 21:8."
tion of sentence". Commenting on this at Revelation
"Fire" ,is a symbol of utter destruction.
same text, the Roman Catholic Dr. F. A.
Revelation says in symbolic
Spencer, in his
.J-....L.: . . '
that when Kmg JOSIah desecrated the val- -language that tliose' who do .not get life
ley of Gehenna "the Jews "thereafter used are hurled.into the fiery lake which is the
it as a dumping place for all kinds of r ef- "second death". Likewise Jude 7 says that
use and the bodies of dead animals and Sodom arid Gomorrah are punished with
criininals. To prevent infection, fires were "eternal' fire". ThisIs not literal fire, for
kept always burning there; and the place those cities .are now under water on the
became a type of the state' of punishment bottom of the. Red sea Jesus says in the
of .the lost".' You see, there were fires in parable that' the ."sheep" receive everlastthe .literal Gehenna all right, butthey were ing life, ~but the "goats", thesopposite,
n~t 'uSed .tc torture, even .th~ worst crim- "everlasting cutting-oft'; ,in destruction.
inalS~ criminals, whose dead bodies ,were
(Matt. 25:46; N,Wj ED) The.n a r r a t i o n
throWn there because theywere considered of the rich man "and Lazarus ' at .Luke
16: 19-31 is juSt 'a parable~ hence not" lit.'unworthy ,of a .resurrectlon. '.
There is not one scripture tli~t supAfter giving a brief history ofthe:place,
"eternal torment" or "everlasting
ilie appendix, page 891, of Benjamin Wilwhen correctly understood: What
son's EmphatiC-Diaglott (1864), declares:
andhis followers justly receive
"Gehenma, then, as occurring in the New
cutting-off froin life in 'anniTestament, symbolizes death and utter de'.
strucuon, but in no place signifies a place hilation.
' 0f'
.. .
.. . "--
.. ....
woman the adversary sowed in her husband's heart the seeds of love of wife more
than the love of Jehovah God, whichwas,
in effect, a love more of himself than of
God. Such seeds of selfishness rooted themselves in his heart and brought forth under his wife's cultivation fruit in the form
of willful violation of Jehovah's law against
eatirig the forbidden fruit. The fruitage
thus brought forth by Adam and Eve met
with God's disapproval, for it showed obedience to the will of the adversary, Satan
the Devil, rather than God's will. And so it
was a fruitage that led to death and destruction, and not to everlasting life in the
paradise of pleasure. God sentenced the
disobedient pair to death and drove them
from the garden of Eden, out of reach of
the "tree of life", that they might not
"eat, and live for ever". (Gen. 3:1-24)
When pronouncing sentence upon the adversary who, like a serpent, had schemed
to lead mankind into disobedience" Jehovah God declared his purpose to .set up a
new government for the vindication of
Him as the universe's Sovereign whom all
mankind ought to obey. He declared his
purpose to bring this government forth
from the womb of his heavenly universal
organization and to have it break upthe
works of the Serp~nt.-:-1. John ~:8,)"{W.
_ 3 The
heavenly universal organization .
loved God. Hence she had no love forthe
Serpent. So, too, the new government to
which God's womanlike organization would
give birth was certain to love God rand
hate the Serpent. God determined to test
and prove the loyalty of this government
by letting the Serpent wound the heel of
its chief member, its King, the Seed
. 1. 'H ow do es Ma t th ew Introduce
Sower '!
t h e parable of t he
that he went
aboard a boatand
sat down, and all the
crowd was standing on the beach. Then he
told ' 'theni many things by illustrations,
saying :' 'Look! a sower went out to SO\v:
:2. When and how . was seed then sown, and what does
the parable of the ' Sower Illustrate ?
'1, ,1950
.,,,t:)o ...
A 83 -
~ OOli.'-'-i.r.
e: ,~ ,.;
5: That the parable' Illustrates tour kinds ot solIs sho ws
, 6. :Why are those !Ike soil alongside the road not saved '!
N. Y.
9. How have roadside hearers yielded t o such btrdsr
1, 1950
l ' .
! .
'<. .
.. "
1, 1950
.. 17, Why does not such "soil" bring forth fruit to per, fectIon ?
18. How do the "rocky soil" hearers accept the -" seed".
and why does a " season of testing" come upon them ?
19. How and unlike whom do they act under such
"heat "?
, ,
1; 1950
. '
' ,
N. Y.
1, .1950
N. Y.
it in order for others to hear the Kingdom ' tions. By ' displaying endurance he proves
tidings. That r seed of GOd's Word .is not his trust in God. In turn, God increases the
dead -but is a living force. It has power to seed yield rofxthe":enduring one that this
bring preaching ahllities rand -actlvities to seed may be .scattered about by-Kingdomthe.surface. so causingaicrop of Kingdom preaching. "In eve:ry4way~we -recommend
proclamation'; to -be reaped by the great ourselves as .God's -minister s, _by , the enSower. By the divine Word and spirit with- durance of much, -by,.tribulations, ... by
in-us God creates the fruit of our lips. (Isa, longsuffering, .. '. byrtruthful f speech, by
57:19) ' The "good soil" heart with the liv- God's power.", We do .not wither and .fall
ing seed I implanted 'in it, is deeply stirred away under the blazing sun of persecution
and it moves the vocal cords and tongue and tribulation. (2 Cor. 6:4-7, NW) Being
and lips into action to "preach the word". ourselves strengthened by God:~ power to
. The. fr uitage thus-produced is proof that endure.rwemust-help, others to endure. It
the person is of the "good soil" class and is oh so -necessary for us to assist others
that he very fact a minister of God's personally, encouraging them; praying for
Word, His producing Kingdom fruit wins them, setting them the right example, takthe great Sower's approval and makes it ing them along. with. us or accompanying
possible for.the Sower to.scatter more seed them in the field service of preaching the
upon other hearers. Thus through his fol- Word. God's .vlslble organization is endeavlowers' he continues sowing the precious oring .tohelplall-recelvers pfithe. seed to
be fruitful to the limlt-oftheir productive- .
ness. And so it-continues to promote -the
cultivation .wor k upon those whose hearts
. .
, 3~ We have to exercise endurance in order
are of the right kind of soil.
to produce Kingdom fruit in praise of God,
3 6 Jesus indicated there would be a difjust as -a ' farmer has to exercise patience terence; of. seed yield among those with
and showgood endurance when 'he culti- whom God'sWord is sown, some bringing
yates the ' soil and the growing crop. As forth as high as a hundredfold. Since the
he works, he must wait upon God to make quality of the,soil and the amount of cultithings grow. "In this way the kingdom of vation given to -it largely determine the
God is just as when, a man casts the seed yield, our ,own amount of-fruitfulness can
upon the ground and he sleeps at night and be determined considerably for each of .us
rises up by day, and the seed sprouts and by like things.. However, a 'person who
grows tall, .just how he does not know. brings forth only thirtyfold is .making a
Of its own self the ground bears fruit grad- commendable yield. His opportunities may
ually, first -the grass-blade, then the stalk- be limited through imprisonment, exile,
. . head, finally the full grain in the head. isolation, . underground - restrictions, and
Bur -as soon as the fruit permits it, . he confinement because of illness, infirmity
thrusts in the sickle, because the harvest- or old . age . But he has a right and good
.t ime hascorne."-Mark 4':26-29, NW.
heart, and so.he is sincere and zealous and
puts forth unselfish efforts. Hence his yield
3 5 ' A person must tru:>t in GOd to make
him -grow into a preacher', of the Word, of Kingdom publication whether by word
fully competent to present the message in of mouth ,or by printed page is good. .
37 Bringing forth sixtyfold denotes larger
all places and under all' outward condi-
~ ~
, r
34,35. (a) Like a farmer; what qual1tlesmust we exercise ? (b) How must we help other "good soil" persons ?
1, 1950
493 .
opportunities and a corresponding taking spreading his life-giving -Wor d, (2 Cor, "
advantagetofthem, Those who answer the 9:6-12; Ps. 112:9) Bringing forth fruit a
invitation into the full-time serviceorpio- hundredfold is a worthy goal to strive for,
neer- service enter into larger .privileges
3 9 Lift up your eyes, sweep them east
, and enjoy greater opportunities than the and west, north and south, and behold the
, ordinary company publisher does. They faithful witnesses of the Most High God
have a wider sphere of .action and larger bearing fruit like "good soil" thirtyfold,
possibilities. They must measure up to sixtyfold, and a hundredfold; both behind
these, Of course, our length of time in the the "iron curtain" of totalitarian dictatortruth and our living-to an active old age, ships and outside it: How the great Sower
as in the cases of the apostles Paul and must rejoice! What especially makes us
John, can allow for.more fruitage. But we also rejoice with him over this is that it
must do more than have mere length of means .an ever-Increasing praise to the
term in God's service. We have to pack it living, true God. The great Sower said:
full of positive effort and activity in order "My Father is glorified in this, that you
to be above the thirtyfold yield.
keep bearing .much fruit and prove your38 Yielding.a hundredfold is outstanding,
selves my disciples," (John 15 :8, NW) Our
But ifdoes;not denote perfection of service heavenly Father rejoices to see us fruitful.
in the case of any of us imperfect minis- He is pleased, therefore; to bestow evertel'S, It denotes our trying to live up fully lasting life upon us in the new world. It is
to the opportunities ~ that present them- for gaining this life that we receivers of
selves or that we can clear the way for. his Word must be fruitful now before ArWe .must be vigilantly watching against mageddon. But not only is our own new
the ' intrusion of any thorns of worldly world life involved with our productivity.
anxieties, money love, and pleasures. Through our fruit bearlng-TehovahCod is
Among Jesus' apostles" Paul, while he also pleased to confer life upon others
lived, "labored in excess of them all." upon whom he uses .us to scatter the seed
(1 Cor, 15: 10,' NW) Not that we are ' to and who likewise become fruitful manymake comparisons among ourselves, either ~ fold to ~d's gloryand vindication. ':h0~gh
to blow ourselves up with pride or to make , t he commg battle of Armageddon WIll WIpe
. , ,
out and uproot every ungodly plant which
excuses. for our. .underproduction.
Such a our heave
thl ' h as noot . pane
l t d" 1it
,. .
eavenIy F
course IS
note WI'II no t des't roy th e preCIOUS
. not
, .WIse for. us, But we can
I'm 0f our
' .
. ' ,'
rIg eousness m preac mg IS Word
or and
gives. m varymg. ,amounts m this one s case a divancmg
. thee imeres
f hi. kimgd om b y
' he .
, ~
and in that one s, and we can study the Chri t ' Oh th
f it t
fit '
rIS ,
, en, m t e time yet remaining
reasons or 1 0 our own pro
. ..
e ore rmage on may e con mue tc0
have room
. . t ers an d cons t an t ' . for growth . in productivity. cu l't'Ivat e ' us as. hlIS mInIS
None of us can ever equal the great Sower . '
hi " If' b ' f it t G d Th Ch '
ly renew our strength to endure and bring
imse m earmg I'm 0 o.
rIS- f th
f . f
. di ,
tlIan wh 0 sows
th e Word :' sparmg
' Iy WI'11 or ' more
ruit,- or . IS.vm
, Ication
. and
.. ,
, ,
our'.own everlasting.llfe m hIS new world!
reap sparmgly.But
those who zealously "Le't : hi1m th a t h as ears , I'IS t en, " - Ma tt .
' "
expend ' themselves WIll have God make 13' 9 NW
them abound <,wit h the righteousness of . "
38. What does producing a hundredfold denote, and
how do we make for It ?
39. Why especially do we rejoice over the productlveness:>f the " good soli" class today, and' wh at does It
mean' for all such fruitful ones ?
the . 'Word"
"';! - t ':
r- '
. ; .~ ~ '!.;.
':: ,1~
-:-'~ J
.., ~
. ',
; :.:".;,,:
-,. ; ~
; .::
; ,
I. " .
'0' . .. .'. -
'I ",
N .. Y.
_ -
, Shor tly before he was impaled Jesus counseled his apostles,, '''This good . news 'of the
kingdom 'will be preached 'in' all 'the 'inha bited
earth for the purpose , of""a-wifness ~to ~all 'the
nations, and then the 'accomplished end will
come." The ' time for the accomplished' end of
this wicked ' system of things is very near, and
the servants of God are giving the ' final witne ss in every corner of the earth. What a prlvilege it iS,to have a. share .in this momentous
work! Since you have now learned something
of God's gracious provisions for those who act
in harmony. with Iii's will ;' wouldn't you like to
shareIn spreading this good ne~s? , For J anuary .J ehovah's .witnesses have .as vt heir :service
theme; ' Sharing . the Final J Witness (Ma tt.
24:14 ;NW). ,Dui'ing 'this month they willoffer
a year's subscrljitlon :for thisChristian journal,
The " :l~riitC1itdwe,-/ on .a ' contriblitio'llc;ofl' $1.00.
Wh Yi.D.ot ~sh~re in :t he finat'witness'-~ by
. c~lling
1" 't he attention' of your neighbors'to the slgnifi.canc~~ ?f':i?e.: ~im,~s)n whfch we :live and ' offer
them -a subscription for The W atchtower t o aid
them ~~!'th~r:,to i.ear~ ::of !:c'od's requirements?
The 1~<JI ;cQ}!.lp.!1py';of. Jehovah's .witnesses will
be glad i'o asslstyou we will
furn ish : you .wlthl addtttorral rlns tr uctions and
.i orms -for reporting your 'a ctivity:
'. .
Jehovah's Witnesses Again Endure
Totalitarian Hate
This Masquerade Called Christmas '
Rellgious Charity versus Good Works
Praise to the New World's Founder
The Most Enjoyable Book
The New World ' Crowd of Praisers
Questions from Readers
Anna, the Aged Prophetess, Sees Jesus
An "Exclusion Clause" Recommended
Scripture Index for Leading Articles, 1950
Subject Index for The Watchtower, 1950
LXX110 NW ' Bo -
1,230,000 '
New WorldTranslation
. Afrikaans
Cebu-Visayan Italian
Cinyanja "
Russian .
.... _
: .
' :IiAN:~OVER,
so strongly resistant sect in order to def- branded the ~Eastern~~on~ .elect ions as
initely Ilquldatevthe; sect:':as~i ' ~ucq; Their , ,;~~Jr:auduient aiid~:;ilie' .Coinrhtmist . regime itleading preachers' have! 15e,en ,!se~tenced to ~~:" ,~)1:ra~ 'a: ~~J~ic rlile~:"o
~ " 4>,.:.
25 years of hard l.ab<:,>r.;a~d \sQ,j have the
""T~iIlg '~l?-e~teri~l'Jehil1d . the scripture, .
members of thelrfamllfes,'
one lIas" to' 'All pow~r 'inl,he~~ii ih~t'in eW is given
face the possibility , that., so.Jong as.fhe. . unto me,' Jehoval1's~.\vltitess~s, refuse to acCollllIl~ist government isln-power, all of .cept any .kind of eartfilYautlto~~iy. Nor- .
Jehovah's ..,witnesses will" disappear ~ into' mally theyare fighting neither the state
' : ~ _/~.,.,
,:' .as such. ~no:r: its Ja~~,~~ ,.~~ the .only thing
"Academy students who';have 'Jled from which 'they' have ' beerr~~6hsidering themthe Eastern Zone are reH9~~ing about ~8:I! selves '~nJitlel' .~to claim in or dinar y" honthat which th~}1,qttt9r~ti~~ pave doneHPllt., est, deW9cr~tic st~tes"lll.J~~I)~ exempted
hitherto witnout"-success, to break the' from serving 'In war. But;~>e~ctly,}as in the
open ~.g_~fanJ~-tj~al opposition of. ,;the .se9~, Hitler ~~ic!l, in ,t he; ~a~te~Q~~;: ~,<0Jlt~tpe~
against';il~the~ Communlsts.. Jehovah'swit- have got .Jnto,a mortal struggle;: ~ith ~
nesses have ,' been ill-treated. and tortured regime.only-because of their "publicJMrpr o'f,
in, the 'most horrible,way, without renounc- " cla~~ing .th etrfaith. As they, before~.19f.15,
ing their faith, which is-to .the-effect that used to :r:~ftlse -t o salute Hitler's-swastika
Christ is .tobeacknowledged .asthe plgh~ flag. .and t o .say , 'H~il Hitler', so they are
est-.and only authority. an<;1 " 3tii~t ~ih~y~ :do, now re~~s~pg ~'1tq ~.,salute .the {,Red,.ensigns.
not wantto sUbmlt~,tq ~anY:,;'Kpower. . And to . theEastern . Zone movement or re. "With .the mll~~;~iT,gs!iilg'~.9f Jehovah's sistance against the.. ComiP~i~t -regime
witnesses,.these '~~eo~ie~ haYe now', for t he they have, .becauseof their ,uncoWRr omissecond tiine,~withirl : a ; couple~ 'of,d~cades,' Ing attitude,--~:. ,~eLqo~e,- ~ ~~~ l~cJq~$~)~ro~d
donned "t he martyr's crown-s-and they, which to rally.i'I'o,the lll:~~sesf9f .Germans
know:.what that means. . Already during in ., the EasterriF~oneth~~ "',un sophist icat ed
the ~'IIrtler regime. about 1,OQO Jehoyah's' witnesses of ' Jehovah, " iQ,j "the~r ; 'implicit
witnesses were, executedes 't r altors; be~ fait:J;1., have beGom~, ~, .gr~B;t,;~~~ple, and
cause tlf~y not only r~r~s'~d to serve in hr~~~~ very da~g~~ou.s ,t~::~ff~'~'~~!~mimist
the war but openly opposed Hitler's au- regime,
/" ' " , ,,"",-'l".
thority. .Another 1,000 of Jehovah's wit,- "The , Communistshave an easy job in
nesses qi~~,)fl , p.ri~pris
concen trati~ roundingup jehov~f~ ;wPi~sses, by r~a~.
camps" and .allswho have afterwards been ~P? , 9f i the new q\!~,$ti!}l~lI~aire; .. '~re, you
describing life~ m lthosec.~ps~!lxe .In willing tosign Q:rj!i~sHrib~ totheStocktheir books given Jehovah's ' \~itn~~ses the holinAppe~r,ag~iilstMJJi~, ~~tom ~o~h,?~~~': ~ ,' .
very highest .recognit ion,
" .' ~ '.. ,
Hitherto ,th~y~' q~y~~{refused to sign, ~ali
"Jehovah's'witnesses have now been act- them, and',
,1:lj j.s': r efUsal th~y' : ,~t:~" pow
ing under the Communist Quisling regime all' gomg t9 :pri~Qn: In vie}\' of..1ehov*~s
just as theic--dcted 'dur ing tne', Hitler re- Wi~I~u~'~s'es' '. ciIJ#~~;~ ~uper~atura1" J:lq~er" iQt
gime,and in the Eastern Zone the sect had r~sistanc~, ;p~e, may ,t ake, ftfor' gr ant ed
of lat~ been getting such/a following, espe- that, ~h~,ula, ;,fhe c' CommUnlst regime iQ 't p.e_
cially' among , the~,~women apd "the youth" East~~l1;~~b:Q~" stgy' in ,power ~mu!I ,~ong~~,
that it 'became too 'fr ightening .to~' the ,'z-e- they ;'}Viif ' never 'r et ur n ;. fro~ th~ ':pr iso!js'
gim~. The preachevs, of . th.,e s~~t," ,h ~v~., aliv~:~~~,; ~"~
", '~-./ ,,'
neyer,h~sita~ed to openly ' stat~; , what ~they'
.To ihis revealing accoQnt is ad~ed the
think of the Confmupist regime:
~~ave ~iJnited ' ~ress dispatch o'f' October 4, fro'm
,,'n;;:, ,
_ '"',
,:, "
~ \ '''?''',~~,
. -','
r i::'<."
' ..
' . } '
, } ' ,
" , ' ,
'qf '
' , '
15, 1950
sabotage 'in: connection :with the Communist campaign to' outlaw the .atomlc bomb
ana' 'defamation -of thepeojile's 'elections'
scheduled to b~e -h eld iIi the ' Soviet ,zone
October' 15~" .
, J~Tlirotigh :~all <
}triaJs-,t'ehovah 's' witnesses
today hold' stilun'Chly to the inspired'conviction of .the apostle Paul r, "Who will
separate us from the love of the Christ?
ISIT the 'Kelly family around the corner :: and the '. J oneses across the street
on Christmas day and you will see that
they celebrate ' the .occasion about the
same way 'thousands of other. 'people- do
throughout . thevworld, The "Kellys are
Catholics, "-have':inme children, .and are
quite ,'poor. ~ Tl1e; 'Joii'eses 'a re Protestants;
have three' children, -and are well-to-de.
Circumstances liRe these make the annual
December celebration in the -two homes
very different in .many details. '
-For example, :in .the Kelly home is a
tiny artificial Christmas tree left over
from year'.before last. The ' J oneses have
such a' huge ' freshly-cut .evergr eerr itstop
had to be removea to
get it into ' the house.
Nevertheless, in'all purpose and intent, the
spirit of the occasion in the two homes is
essentially the same"Both housesare filled
with an unusual atmosphere 'ofmirth, and
as they sit down to special Christmas,dinners they momentarily forget theireveryday sorrows and worries. Faithfully, "they
have attended . their: respective churches
earlier in t he -day, Where they heard the
clergymen extol Christmas as a Christian
celebration in honor '~f" Jes'us Christ.
But pause and 't hink: What do such
things as the Christmas tree with Its trim':'
mings and the holiday's other accessories
-mistletoe,' holly; candles, .yuletide logs,
Jesus was nailed to 'the" tree when thirtyto do with ,the . bir th and life of tli~e.e and a half years' old, and since .t his
Christ?: -~Why -the ever-increasing' empha- occurred -at passover time.fn the spring
sis o:n~ -the "Christmas spirit" ; excessive or the year.necessarily.he was born thirty.w ining and dining; drunkenness .andlicen- three years and six months previous; that
-tieusnessj Where ,tdid:,t hei "Santa Claus" Is, .In the fall of ,the: year.:and .not iri De:'
.myth orlglnatej' If-December.zf is .Christ's cember. So all-the scriptures are very defbirthday ,~then why . do the "Eastern and , inite in' .p roving that J esus was -not .born
-Or thodox churches.celebrate .Chr istmas on anywhere.~ near'; December,'-25', or ~ JanuJanuary.Zr . " .~~~ ,.'~~'
.a ry.;7; Hence it is 'wrong''fo celebrate either
of these dates as Jesus' 'bii tffday. ",' ",
,... ,,:'.\y,H~N ~A.S ~J~SUS BOR~? ' : ~J'
Then .how does;it come that these' dates
. The Bible, fall- ~il1 agree, .is- the:'~Qnly, ,r e- b~ay~; been, so ,universally t a:ccept~d; for.the
Iiable ~ histery on -'Jh~ subject, and fortu- celebration .of. Chnistmas? Pi look at ~ annately it. does not leave us in,doubt as.te cient J~~ganism 'shows that .p eople th~u
what "time of, _the, year, ;J~sus was ..born. sands of years before Christ was bomtworZechariab, the. priestfY:~ fathbr.of John the , shiped the ~ey~r:-z:ising,. ever-setting, riever~
Baptist.. was serving
th'~ temple. in _the dy!pg sUi:!
source of life and immoreighth~ course' of
p~iesthoo~"" that,ty: ~~afl.y; 4?~y ~~t~l:led th~ ~'ays grqw.
of "Abijah". This was in~ "the"~early~ 'par t shorter r lU}.~II the wlnter solstice, on De.of June, and at that time the cord's angel cember 21/\vas~reached,and 't hen injubiinformed him that ' Elizabeth his wife lation over its "return" they held a great
would 'shor tly conceive a son who would feast in honor of the "reborn" 'sun. When
be . named John. (Luke 1:5, 8,13, 23-28, the tower-building experiment at Babel beAS) So when Jehovah's angel visited Eliza- carne confused sun W9rshipers were scatbeth's cousin, Mar~,~ ~ "d!lripg . the .,:~i~~h -, .ter~q throughout ~the~world~ and so among
month of Elizabeth's conception this would '. the", early Scandinavians, Anglo-Saxons
mark the time of year as December. The and Celts, as well as the Egyptians, Perrecord, therefore, shows that it was at , sians and others; riotous December feastthat time in December ~th~t .thls.Mary,..tqe jp.g:~!rwiPh: . drunken revelry and .lewd rites
mother-to-be of Jesus, became ~ pregnant. were he'id. :-ThiS. fe'ast among the pagan
Consequently, Jesus .w as not born' in ~e- .Romans
I" was known
. . ~~' as the'"feast
-- , of Saturcember.: but, ;rath~r( ,~in~ ~ }!119l}t~~t later, na ~a. " .,. I ~ i. n~
': . .
J _~;
around the, latter.part of September or the " r he ,91;Jvi91:J~~~~c0nclus~on -drawn. from
.first of ..Octob~!.~Luke l':~6 f27;#30:3+,36. these factsIs that the celebration Qf :~De!"
. Furthermore, t!t~ Scriptures ~ say : that cember, 2!? is purely of pagan anQ:demapi~
shepherds were i,J::r~~h~, open fields attending origln, ; .Sqy~!, tl:1~,) Cath.olic;_~,lftncYPl9.Pf3dia
their ,tlocks, when .Jesus was born. -Hence (vqI~~, page 727):: "The well-known 's olar
~t was , au~umn time before ~tJ1e rainy se_a~ f~ast; however, of Natql,is,. 'I~victi~ [~Birth~
son. iand not .in December, when the flocks q~Y: :.9f ,.the'1Vn~onq~er~CJ~ J- , ;, on
wouI~l be .wfntering in',: sheepfolds, (Duke
25 December, has a :strong ~~lai:ro on -the
2:8-20; ~~zr~ < ~O:9, 13). .Moreover, ~ Jesus responsibility for. our December date.'! -,::' ;
was-baptized in theJordan-river about-the ~ Ea~IYJChri~tians had noth41g to ,do with
time; of~ pis, ,:thi~ti~t~- birth_day, and tnat this. pagan 'holidaY~1 . ~~Christmas was <not
~as . :Qot ' ~he ~hiIJ . of wiriter. . ,( Luke
ameng the earliest festivals of,the Church.
3.2l-~3) Let ~i~ also .be called, to min.d that
IrenaeuS and !TIertulliaq omit it from their
as the
.15, 1950
lists-of feasts," says the' Oath,olio Encyclopedia.. However, .as time went on and the
Roman Catholic Church endeavored
over.more pagans, -the icler gy " pinne~; a
' fCh~istian" I l~bel -on the pagan Satumalla
on r~:p~cember .25~~~d sponsored-dt, as.ehe
"mass -of Christ".. orp~"Christ-mass ~'. ' -'.f
, . Not~ only do',:the .elergy admit -thls, ;they
.even. try to jtlstify~ , it. .J ames M. Gillis;
C-.S.P.,~ editor 'of the' .O'ath.ol i c WorUl
,~.meQ.~ 2 , I945), 'wrote: ~ 'It is a -well-known ,
fact that the . popes ' and . eouncils in : the '
early Church deliberately . 'placed ' a Christian festival .on ' OF near'.. .of a .pr eviously .existtng pagan, carnival, -withr'the
. purpose ,lof ~:o:ustjng j, the heathenish 'land
gener~JI~ .licea~~6~ .eelebration." Buthow
has .the . . continued.ecelebration, of this .pagan holiday . with a Christian .label on it
ousted the heathenish celebration ?,. Under
clergy sponsorship and blessing, the pas
gan customs .have .continued, down-until
the present. time. . '.
': .: q!\~!*~ ~NQ ~~~!iG.: ~F: :~~~ ':.Pl!~'!-:~~~ ~: ~ ;
~ A"::'
took up ., the practice, the.Chinese and Hindus used fireworks to make their worship
of the.demons as-noisy as possfble. r, ~'
,. Even~ the special Chrfstmas .dlshes of
food ~el the.use of ' patent aleoholic-drlnks
originated .w lt h ' thenpagans..Backvin. ~ the
days 9f~Jeremiah,.'t heser that turned .away
from . Jehovah's pure rworship :oaked:l spe~
cial cakesfor. their goddess, "the ' queen
~of heaven," and it is , from that ancient
practice that such: things as "gingerbread
men", mince pies andthe like originated.
(Jer. 7:18)' It was.the Druids who roasted
a boar's headfor theirgoddess Freya-and
since -t hen roast pig.!has .been .consider ed
very. appropriate-t:fo:Ul ,the"rChristmas . dinner. The forerunner'6~-;tp.e jseaso~s punch
bowl was'. the ' Anglo-Saxon',' wassail': bowl
with- its; -intox lcat ing -~bi!ew. .Gluttony ' .in
both eating and drinking was-as much ' a
part of -t he celebration.among the pagans
as .It Is: today among people of Christendom. The Bible, however, condemns such.
~Prov.~ 23:.21;" Gal. &:'~9-2l; Phil. , 3:19.
. ' ~ That .:~red:-clieeke~, .double-chtnned, .:bewhtskered-t'jolly .good' fellow" called ~Santa
Claus .hashada much .shorter association
with than -t he other accessories. Some claim that .a: saintly bishop of
Myre by the .name of -N jcholas, who lived
in the .' fourth century after Christ, _~ was
the first "St. Nicholas"; and down through
the ' dark; Middle Ages ;he was .consider ed
_the patron. 'sa int 'of p-awnshops and beggars. 'He -was depicted as a simple; -paleand
rather :ascetie .personage,-until: a cartoonist .got ~ p.qld~o~ -him _jn ' .,1~63 and -dressed
the -vsalnt" iUP in gay ~ togs, "St.' ,Nick t' in
reality ~ds_~. ,a" personification: of the',:, :Devil,
as .T he..Oentury D,ictionary points qut.
_The Devil has done everYthing ' possible
to ' blaspheme, .and reeroach the 't r Ue and
living God and to .t tirn the people away
from His - pure worship. -To. accomplish
b@th of these ~wicked purposes, as is done
when So~callea .Ghristians~ celebrate{~hristr
mas, the Devil has' employed .everydevlce itself Christian appease God'sangerfor'Its
of~ :deception. TWo .maior .features ,of .hls deliberate -withholding necessities ' of: life
scheme have been exposed, -narnelyr .the from the poor ~in., "order to keep prices
labeling oia. pagan holiday as Christ's high? Indeed riot! No outwardsplurge of
birthday, and the continued use of pagan charity to Christmas fundswtll .erase the
customs, -.symbols . and 'pract ices in ~ ~the wanton 'arid slnfultdestructlon of food and
name of Christ. In addition, Satan hasso . material-the killing off of pigs;' theburnsuccessfully bound the- hearts and affec- ing orcoffee.rthe plowing.underof cotton,
tions and emotienscof the people ' to this the dumping of -milk;'~.eggs , and potatoes.
God-dishonorlng. 'celebr at ion "th at even Surely God will hear the cry of the needy
when they' are informed :of the, outright who are doled out a portion of food on
paganism of. the.. whole -affair many people Christmasand are neglected.forgotten and
are.inclined-to hold on ,to it as' a cherished oppressed the rest of the. ~e:ar'. -Ps, 9: 16possession. ~' ~So what?" is their attitude. 18; Jer, 5: ,26-29; Amos 8:~~7. .' Q .. Overlook the' bad' features and look at the
Frankly, those that sing the l ou dest 'at
good .that is accomplished, they. say. Look Chrlstmastime about . "Peace "-ori>~'earth'"
at the spiritual ,uplift that is annually.. ob- are the" very ones that are roremost in
tained-gifts to. the poor,' inspiring carol fighting against the only meansof e bt atnsongs.Bible-reading about-peace, ing - that .lastlng "peace, namely;" by; and
good will toward men'; A :closer .examla a- through-Goa's 'k ingdom over.which Christ
tion of these .features,hO:wever, will also Jesusrules, Hypocrites they are who honshow -them to be clever partsof..the mas- or God with their lips but -with .thetr
querade. ': ,..
hearts, minds and course of .action oppose
You may be surprised to learn that the him. (Matt. 15:8) True Christianity, on
giving of .Chr istmas "gifts- is as pagan in the other hand.ds not aonce-a-year affair.
its origin as the other .customs, You ob- Itds a full-time, an all-the-time, way of
ject to this oil thegroundsthat "wise men" life,a life filled . full of singing Jehovah's
brought gifts when rJ~Sl:1S' was ,born'? Well, praise and the praise of his beloved Son,
that is just the point. Those "wise' men" a life , devoted to -the, doing of their will
were devll-worshiping magi from the East, and 'the .keeping of .theircommandments.
from ,Persia,andtheycame"attheinstance --.J:ohn ' 14 : 21, 23i ~4 ; 15:9,-10; 1 John
of the 'Devil ~ and ~ would . have carried out 2: 3-6. . ' .,.-, ,','
his 'purpose 'of betraying Jesusto wicked
Let -the Kellys-arid-the . Joneses and-all
Herod. had God notIntercepted theplan, the .oth er sincere, 'h onest and upright peaOn .the other hand, God-fearing shepherds ple who have -slavishly celebrated
pa:also came, but thereis no record-that they gan holidaycalled Christmas nowmake
indulgeddn-the pagan gift-giving practice. break forfreedom, Let them coiiie away
(Matt. 2:1:11;, Luke , 2:8-20) "Ter t ullian
and others tell '~how 'exchanging of gifts into the pure worship of Jehovah God the
was ,a part of' tae'Saturnalia celebration'. Life-giver ~as that worship is .set forth In
And -the .hymns-t hey sang 'a t that , feast ' the great Book of freedom and truth, the
; were predecessors tothe Christmas carols. ~1.~le~ ~This will mean not only everlasting
Let 'tis be honest .about. the giving of life-to .them, the following of such a Chrls..
food 'baskets'," to the .poor .at"this season, tian course, but also a happy life -of eterWhat - about the rest 'of the ':3 year? Will nity filled full of joy .-and gladness and
- once-a-year giving by a nation that calls -: pleasures forevermore.-John 17:3, NW.
% ...
' dollars year
of millions of
are contributed by the 'public
to what are, termed 'reputable, legitimate
and .selfishness. With cruelty and harshness the . masses of common people have
been oppressed and kept in subjection.
The state 'tells farmers what and how
much they may plant, how many pigs to
killoff andbury in the ground, how much
cotton to plow under, how much coffee to
~urn-all ' this 't o keep prices excessively
high. The government dumps potatoes and
destroys other crops when prices are "too
low", and' in this way the increase that
God gives to the land and 'its animals is
destroyed by selfish men.
Substituting _communistic ,co-operatives
for capitalistic governments does not remedy or' correct conditions. Under one system of government or under another, the
people continue to .s uffer . The poor we will
always have with us, 'Jesus said, until this
present evil world is swept away and God's
glorious new world is established.c-Mark
To know that Jehovah is able to shield
and protect the poor against the strong oppressor and the ,mighty rich is surely a
great comfort. '(Ps.' 35 :10) The Lord has
always been interested in helping the poor.
All 'tr ue Christians likewise do good to the
poor. "The 'r ighteous considereth the cause
of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not
to know it." "He that oppresseth the poor
reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him 'h ath, mercy on the poor."
(Prov. 29:7; 14:31) The poor love life and
its blessings the same as all other folks.
So why should anyone who loves God
make them suffer or .rob them of what
little they have? How foolish for the
rich to hoard up possessions for themselves. They cannot take-it with them when
they die, and it will beof no help or-protection during Armageddon. "Riches profit not in the day of wrath; but righteousness .delivereth from death."-Prov. 11:4.
N. Y.
Th~, Important thin~,, th~,,:W:o~~ 9f (;ad man to get injo ,the kingdom of GOd."
says, Is to be rich in good works. ..But . -Matt. 19 :23, '24,~Nw.
can one wealthy in material -. possessions
The apostle Paul was one of those that
ai~o be rich -in .,good' ~o:r.ks.1 {' ~is question followed; the wise 'counsel of _. Jesus. He
was in the mind of the rich young ruler in gave up - his rich earthly position as a
Jesus' day who asked 't he .Mast er what he Pharisee .and speIJ( his time, energy .and
must -a o'-iii ord~r"-to gaineternalIife. You substance feeding . those~~li~gering after
can read the account 'in Matthew 19: 16-2~. the truth. His counsel to Timothy was:
' J~s~ did notspeak Eivasiv~ly;.b~t rila~:' "Charge therrreto ~do good, to-be 'Ilich in
ly for the young man'sown goo!!: ,From good deeds,' open-handed and generous,
all outward appe~~anc~ -~h~s fellow . \ya~ ~ storing up a valuable treasure for them- '
respectable, law-abiding indivi~u~!: There seives ~;for~ the ~futuFe,. so ~ as' to grasp the
is nothing to indicate that-he' oppressed life that is life indeed."-l ~ Tim. 6:17-19,
or robbed -the "p60r. Apparently he-had ~T~ ;
comeby his 'money and holdings in a law- . 'THE- GOOD DEEDS OF ~ESUS AND .APOSTLES
fiiI manner. But the ' questionwas, What - A blind beggar, 'sitting beside the road,
'W-as ;'he going 'to do withwhat l ie had? 'cried out as Jesus passed-by. v'Have mercy
How was he to use hiswealthjSaidJesus: onme." Now, what did , Jesus do, reach
'If, you 'give to the j)Oor you. '\ViII-pave down -and give' the' peer- fellow a , couple
treasure in 'heaven, provmelt-'you :~9m~ of Roman coins for a crust of bread? No,
and follow me.'
not at-all; He gave him a. far more .valuThus it becomes ..clearthat donating to able gift in restoring 'hfs eyesight! -(Mark
charitable causes as aphilanthroplst is of 10:46-52; ;Matt. 20:30-34; Luke 18:35-43)
no value Iri God's sight unless one goes Jesus' ','charity" was not measured-nut -in
farther and becomes a 't r ue footstep 'fol- money to religious organizations for ques-.
lower ' of Jesus. It also appears that'the tionableidistrlbution. Jesus' loving-kindpossession Qf wealth:i s -in' itself of
::P~~-' ness, tender mercy and -bount lful gifts conticular harm.The question is, How is -that sisted af -r esterlng the sight to the blind,
wealth used? If you are rich in thisworld's making -the -lame to walk, eurlng the horgoods wiir you do whafJesus'said? Are.Y9u rible disease of, leprosy, opening deafened
willing to ' give up your mate~ial, _wealth ears, and even raising up .the dead. To the
and follow thecourse - Jesus did, work i~ :PQ9r .and -do w .nt r 'o d d e n he untiringly
th~ , interests 'of the poorrand with tile , preached the.good news about God's kingKingdom. message comfort those who dom.-::..:Matt.-:11:5; Luke 7:22; ,4:18..
mourn? Or will: you hang tightly on to . The apostles Peter and John followed a
what youhave and turn aside grieved and similar -course when they ' came upon ~
peeved: at what theLordhas said,' as. the .poor 'cdppl~ ~ho- requested a donation. '
young man did nlneteencenturlesagot To "Peter said: 'Silver and gold Ido not posdo that is . selfishness, greediness, covet; sess.,btit f\~I!Jlt I do have is 'Yhat I give
ousness.(l ( , 6:i10)i' yes, -rt he- rdght you: In the name of Jesus Christ Ute Nazthing -Is the hard thing to do, and Jesus arene, walk!' With that, he took . hold or
knew it: ,; "Truly I say,. to ,~.u, t~h~J ' ~t .~ ~~II
be ,a difficult- thing, for .a rich man to gethimJJY the righthand and raised him up.
into .the. kingdom of the heavens. .Again Instantly the soles -of his feet and his ankle
, ' I say-to, YPu~ It,,is' easierfora camel to , g~.~ .bon es were made .flrm, .aI1d" leaping U:P'f~~
through sa needle's eye than for a rich .stood up and began walking, and he ', en-
IS, 1950
tered with them into. the temple,' walking that Jesus told about-who fell among -roband leaping and praising God.~'-Aets _ ber:.s on his way 'down to Jericho. The
3:1-8, N.W.
~ ~
.,~. ~.
~ ~
~.~ : Catholic, Protestant and, JeWis~ religion1;..
ists have ~observed the.. spiritual condition
GOOD 'W ORJ{S, ~N\OT AJ~VERT!SED CH~RIT~ .p:' ~ of.these poor' people but nave steered clear
The gaudy practice, today ~ 'of -bestowlng of them, '~~J1eld~aloQ( 'a~(j.p~ssed ,them by on
honor and praise on heavy contributors to the opposite side of the road. Jehovah's
charity drives i~t directly opposed to Jesus' witnesses; on 'the ' other "lianCl;~ iike~ 'go~o~
counsel. "But 'f ake care . not to do . your Samaritans',"have searched bitt these spirgood deeds in -public for people to. see, for, itually sick, maimed and half-starved peeif-' ;YO~l qO, ' ~You- will -get -no' re'Y~rd ' fro m ple,and,_when theywere found.havebound
Y0ar :FatHer, ~ m-'~heciven~ ~6 &wl1en you"lare up itheit' w~tmds; ih~~l'v~_:fed them and cared
going to give 'to charity, do not blow ""'a f6F ~their 'needs:-:-Luke 10:29-37.
trumpet before, yourself. ias -the 'hypocr ites ":':"I t is no "secref many 's o-called "charity"
do, in .the synagogues "an d tthe"streets, to organizations operate 'a fraud and. racket,
make -people: praise_1;heIP.~ 'I tell -you, -that ~o~ example, the~ New :YorI{: ~Time8~ Sepis:1all,tlIe {rew~I:tlttliey wiIF"get!,':BMt .wlien temJj~r' 6', 19pO, 'ca~rika 1ari ' accotmt of how
you 'give:' to ' charity,-!your 'own left ,hand certain '-''' r eligious' cnar itai)le 'or gan izamust not..know.what your-right .h and is tfons" ~operating in Brooklyri, New -'York,
doing, sothat your .char ft ymay-be 'secr et , are' giving the poor only 15:per cent of the
and your Father who- sees what Is ~ secret - money they beg from the public: :~e other
will 'reward -you."':"'-Mat.t. ;i '6.::r~~4;'I.A T.::l~:~1 8~: 'per ' cent goes"for whatrtl:i~~ . callt'over" .J udas Iscarlot;, one-of tfiese~ hypocrites iiead~' expense",'God's faithfUl'pe bple 'canthat-liked -to make
his generos- not afford to donate to such (Jrganizations~
ity,:~well represkn~ed_thos~ today th~t crltl- ~~~y m~~t~~~se ~hat -~~~y ~~ave topreach
cize ' -Jeh6val1~s :witriesses ~for riot~build"lng this gos:Re1of ,the .estal:Uished Kirig(]om for
~9spitalsF~e1tp.1g up f90d kitchens in slum tp~'>ben~fit' :~~) "th{~'':~p(jor 'ever ywh ere, as
Ar eas. sucif' Jiidaslike ~'ones announce with comman'ded.~Matt.~<24:14. _-.:,
a: blare of horrfs' their ' personal qf
It takes: inti~h .time, e~~rgy' and 'money
mercy to ' the 'po'or . Judas 'grumbled about to carry' out this diviil' command.ibut JeMary's po~ring'c~stly"pe1JUin~d;011 on Je~ hovah's wttnessesare' happy to usetheir'~feet, :~aYing' that-if sho~ld :~av~b'e~n substance to do it: 'Infestirig their money
soldandthe' mOp~Y :'glven ~toYthe' pr90r~: " i'~e
~ i3ibles. and ojher: Iife-giving Iiterature,
said this~: :thoug~: notbecausehewas con- they take 'these -t o the'peopleat great per';
cerned a~out the pqor,b~t becausehewas sonal expense: But this is' really sound
thief and had-the money-box.and'usedtc 'investment on oehalf i,of 't he 'poor ,: for by
carry off:' the?~~moriles: ;put~;,iit 'it~"~ "(J ohn so-doing ,J ehovah's,:wltnesses are ~st6ring
, 12' :"'3~6; NW)' ~ Wfi~t ~~ffie .woman -did,'.}j6w~ up.treasures!irr-heaven and helping/others
ever; was more pleasing in the-sight of .God to . 'de the. same .thing, : And just as ' the
orr-that occasion than .amere .donation -te ancientbrethren.or.Macedonla and Achaia
the peon-Lacking realIove.iany contribu- <?pritribui~4.~at~rial'thing f~F their needy
tion J1;l~~s~:~ouIq ;h~.v~J~~de ~aQ!d have no R.r~~hren at . ~e~~~ai~ll!'~f,~O .~~~so .do _Je~9:
val~~.--:-l Cor. ~3,;~.~
, ,',.-: .' ( "_
" vah's witnesses. (R~in. 15:25, 26; Gal..
Tlie .people have .been robbed .and ,be~ten 2':10) ;Aif of these 'tI1ings 'are good work~
. and left' half-dead by the- rUling elements done out of love-for and to the 'honor of
of this World,' just like the' "certam -inm ,r; Jehovah God.
ea:snow'" af
U .L his .r ightfu l
\ ..
~ .i
does it mean?
2. What does
'to do?
19:6J NW.
the inevitable change,that is rapidly.nearing. Also .lt behooves ' every informed person to spread the cheering. information to
as many others as -possible that they may
prepare themselves for life in God's new
~, :~ .'
world. .
. 3,We are living in the most wonderful
time of. alt. human history, when we are
privileged to witness the .transit ion from
this ' death-dealing old world -to the: lifegiving new world of which inspired .prophets-have spoken-in such rich terms. Now
is the opportune'time-to swear our.eternal
allegiance .,~ to r the "Founder, _BUilder and
Ruler of the new world, and to .enllghten
and urge others to do so, for that action
results in our gaining life in the new world.
All the radiant prophecies focus upon this
highly important transition period to show
its great.significance, that we may set 'our
course aright, The, last book of the Bible
symbolically depicts the momentous events
that' havemarked or areyet to ' mark this
time; and it directs us ,'w hat' to do if we
want .to enjoy life in 'the world to come.
It foretellswhat a ,g~eat .crowd of people
will do towardthatend, Now it is upto
to decide to -be included in that great crowd
which has partin fulfilling"the-prophecy.
There, atRevelation 19:6, according tothe
Twe~tieth C~ntury Neio 'I'estament (:L90~
edition), we read: "Then ,I, heard what
seemed like the voices of a ' great throng,
and like the -, sound of many waters, and
like the sound of loud peals of thunder, all
saying-'Praise the Lord'! -The Lord:.:is
King, our God, the Al~~ghty.'".The }{ew
15, 1950
it best rendered?
5. Why is this call to "praIse him' made, and- in what
series of calls ?
N. Y.
earth." (Matt. ~6 :'9,",,10, NW) And now that of world-wide power and influence. This
the heavenly Father has,begun to rule as modern- act , of God ~when completed will
, king in fulfillment of his ancient promise .astonish all the earthorar more than his
.and in answer te Christian prayers, is it .over turntng. of ancientalsabylon did.
not right "to, -pr aise him? :>Most certainly
8 How appropviate It is that, 'when' Jehovest-For his rojzal rule' means, our deliver- vah God 'ov:eMurilsJ["and.:destvoys mystic
.ance -from this .oppressive world andun- -Babylen of today, he :'shoulc;I.'Qe announced
speakable the freenewworld, as ruling as King! The;!irst
But-how is it that, in our first. paragraph, an anti-Jehovah kingdom was, set 'up~after
we say he 'began ruling as -kingA'D. 1914? the flood. of -Noah's day was Babylon or
Here is how. .
Babel. The first.king of~that city was Nim. ~
.... .
rod, ~the ,r ebellious foe of the' true Go,d.
.Genesis ~'le : 8-10 Inrormsus. - "Gush [the
i We note at-Revelation, chapter 19, that .grandson of_
"Noah] begat .Ntmrod- <lie bethe:~:proclamation: that .J ehovah our God, gan tobe a mightyone in the earth. (He
the ' Almighty, has begun to:!ruIe as ' king was a migh.w hunter before [or, .in opposi.ismade. ln connection W!thlliis ;oyenhrow ' .J jOB to~ :c!ehQ~ah :: -wherefore it is. 'said,
of 'great mystic Babylon. ~ Revelation~. ~9 : ~ J~i~e r"N!mr~d a mighty .hunterbetore .J e~
. (NW)~ describes her .as -the.'''great harlot hovah. And the beginning of 'hls kingdom
who corrupted the earthwith.her fornica- was Babel, .and Erecn; and Aecad, and
tion". The angel -who' brought the revela- Calneh, in the land of Shinar." (AS; :Mction .to the apostle John speaks of Babylon Clintock :((; Strong's - ~yclopredia) Nimas .the "great harlot that sits on many wa- rod's kingdom at Babel or Babylon was
ters, withwhom the kings 'of 'the earth never authorizedby Jehovah but was. set
committed fomlcation, whereas those who ,up in defiance of 'him -and to belittle his
inhabit the 'earth were.-made drunk with name and universal so..vereignty, Many cen,the wine .of ,her.,forl')jcation~;~:. ~John .turies l!1ter~ ,~hen :B~PYJQn became -aworld
' ~Upon-her forehead was -written a name.,a power. mightier...-than \Eg~t1 and- Ass~ia,
mystery. . 'Babylon the Great; the mother it brazenly showed its hpstility to.Jehovah
of the harlots and ..of the disgusting things God by: destroying-Jerusalem and faking
of theeart~.'" (Rev..17: 1, 2, 5,~NW) T~i~ his people-into exile;' ' '
was (over
lit9 Th
. - . ' . .
e os Ig 0 'WI eild hiIS bl
' ess.
eral CItyof Babylon on the Euphrates rIver.
'B b I ", k" - b t
was.overthrown by Kings Darius and-Cy- mgs ,r~m ~a y on s mgs, U ra_I~e~ up
rus .in 539 . B.C.: aceording to the ~ decree and: app:oyed, Melchizedek, the , king. .of
of Jehovah Goq. ,When that ancient Baby- . Salem ~~J~h ~~ter became J ertis~~:p?: ,His
Ion was .thr owndown-from i~s . position .as nfl~e~. ?!.s~3ses . .t he .reason, 1or -.. It :~!peans ,
the:third wbrld~p.ow~li .of Bible"hisforY,'God t:'~~ii~<~~~~~i_gE.teousI?-ess'~" and the~}~~Il?-~ C?f
thus showed his-almighty power. but did. his citySalem means "peace", Mel~h~~d~k
not 'then begin to.reign over-all the earth. di~ ~t inh:~ri~ his kingship f~p!D hi~_earth
Mystic Babylon, Satan's ~ world organiza- . ,ly father or .t hrough h~s _. mother, and - he
/ tion, still remained. .It iS when God. has had no ,,~uccess.or tohis throne, Hence h~
-aetually begun to rule as king that he does ~~s used-In prophetic history to .foreshad"overturn and-destroy great mystic Babylon ,8. Why ,is it appropriate that event heshQuld
r :
e .
:take- up kingship ?
<:' 1"", . :
AS) In ' l?-armony,:~with Psalm 48:1,2,. Jesus himself said of Jerusalem:. "It is the
city of the great Klng," (Matt. ' 5:34, 35)
Thus, .through his -r eigning - ano~ted king
at Jerusalem, Jehovah God ruled as king
over_Israel's domaln.. ",~ - : .:
great King"?
17. Why 'was A.D. 1914 the -pr oper time for Jehovah
to begin retgnlng ?
B~QdKL~, N. Y. '
19. :How have .the nations ' reacted: at the birth of the
20. ' How 'dId modern Babylon take a ,tumble? .What wIll
yet be her fate? ' ,:;
21-23. (a) Whose world promInence Is Indicative of that
tumble? (b) Wha,tparable do -t hey- take UP. , against
whom and in whose pralser, r:
:.' tsEJ
tB qok,~
. - : . C!
:.; placed many booklets on Bible, t opics..' Several"clergymen' called1""'1 to "see,
of the report, but lost interest and left when they learned fro mthe editor that the
- ," F w~ite~J Was one of' Jehovali's" ~wittlesses.~l The" report has ' ;:b~eh . . r~printed in other
, . papeFs. -~ e>ne 'of his fellow workers said that -they 'w ere having trouble 'with their
churchsmintster constantly preaching' politics fromth~' puiJit~ that a~ :s~ecial 'meet:iJ:ig~ was:tcalled at which: lie,read ~this.'book; i-eport', and~then to ' the ~pre~cher ~hiS .
fellow worker said: "Look what .an -; electrician calf'; tell us for' notfilng, yet we .
, pay: ~ou a'Ibig .sala ry' 'an d get nothing -b ut pollttcs !'~ . ~lie ~ook~1!eporf ~that ':. the wit-. ~#~!
nesa .of Jehovah had-written follows: i~ _,
~~.~!'. ~;ve~ i fi~i~~ . ~e~4ing this book' in-D.:1YI li!ejime;~.<It~ begins' :by having)' a ~r~ ,
',;. ~eau~i.fl!l "c:hoI?e,,} -:~~~!r~y~d t1~~~ re.belHon. ~..Tr~g~qy,.,.: ~~~ste~, . s9~~ow" , m~rd~r~ !lng. . '
:. death .follow. As the ;famil~ multiplies, the plunge into despair-and darkness accel' . :,:~' erates. Centui les ~o~l .bY~~ nati~n~<1rise ~d f al(.!hOUsandl;! Of ' ~h~~c~e~;. pas~ Jn
..,," ' review,
'eve~ human 'emotton f rom stark, . r aw hate to a martyr's . love is eni"
: \.
I"-\; ..
"countered, Hop~ tiegi~ning a~ a faint spark, grows to absolute assurance. A perfeet governmentis to re;esta~~is~~!he -beautiful home. Its .ruler is the -King, Ch~~~,
Jesus. The government, the .&ingdom_of God. The -f~mily; the' human race; The '
.:' book is 't he Bible'!" ': :z'~\. ~ r;
r ...
" "1
- ..
~~ ~
.t ..
J" ..I
c../:l river Euphrates and extended 'her released from Babylon's power. They have
for what?
3. How are they his slaves and why are they 'bound
'., ;,
,DEGEMBER15, 1950
I '
4, s, What -~ry dO- _they raise, and so for what are
their praises?
:pe~~~~~~~~ey ean
pleaded :as an:excuse for'wrong action .according:to .the ,human mind, ' particularly
so now that-He has-raised up his witnesses
in all parts of the earth and sends .them
out with the message of his established
kingdom. (Acts 17:30) This is the time of
, judgment of .; th*e,nations.t lPhis world ' will
never 'r~turn to the.condit lons that existed
befo:re : ~'1914. For God's .k ingdom is here,
and is here to stay! "
.~ . . 8 All human governments, whether totalitarian-or: defi10cratic or 'of any other po':.
Iittca! .and social complexion; are being
made-to know that they ' can never ' ban
Jehovah .God from his decisive part in.the
future' disposition of.>t his -ear th.. He may
let-them ban Jehovah's'wltnessesand their
legal servants-the Watch Tower 'B ible-'&
Tract.'Society- and ' its scores of brarrehes,
but they cannot ban Jehovah;. For that
same reasorrrthey cannot destroy Jehovah's Word, the Bible, ' nor~'stainp~ out ' his
witnesses.. Were" they permitted by sheer
force to silence. the testimony af hls-witnesses, .he would make the very stones 'cr y
out. (L:uke, 19 :40; Hab. .2.:.11) Since God's
kingdom, ~ n'ow the -, rightful Challenger,
the . Kingdom;.. .jssue-. must henceforthvbe
pressed to a decisive finish, and Jehovah's
reigning-King .J esus Christ will .pr ess it
that faF.. Doing .t h at will mean the end.of
all .t he kingd~ins.: ;and, human, rulershlpsof
this world atrth.euniversal conflict of .Armageddon: . "There' is no ' peace to the
wicked," and there .'will be ~ no peace between this -world and God's ' established
kingdom..In-t h is: interim ,of::years>between
Satan's~ "oustirig fiom~ heaven and: the' coming battle ~of Armageadon~ there' has 'been
riostabilizing ofeartlily conditions By man
or by Unite'd Nations nor any ~iestofing
of. "normalcy" {~a:rid 'there'will tie"'h one.:,1311t
in .t his interim now soon to terminate.God
B RooK LYN, N. Y.
". .r.
Qriginally~eQ,cratic '~~le';obtair;te~
tIS"':' the :one~~~(j'!;' Md ,;.~n9t" thei~ppiit!cians, .in tJie jgatden of,,,Eqen,!l,'lfuenJtp~, move 'for
has pF0mi~~d~{:and ~ that ~~its :. gove:vnJ$~~t is papillar .self-rule, was advocated and-startan, "abpliite,j k'ingdoJ;ll," and;,- .that:-r:l:pen'r}oJa ed~ FAdamJ anat~E'Ye -asser tedt. themselves
eartQ.l llave :, nothing to say-about ~t;~ except ,agairi~t~tfiebcratic law ~d~ln:Jaccord with
and -commend
fimiLones to 'd~~rnlirle' .the f utUre-for all kiriij;~"g09d" .~e~p~g ,~,.p;rf~ci~~WMde. bemtmkiitd, - our- ~W~~b~d he~er. h~~e Je- tween 'aU' forces'iri and about:thEt 'eaith.
h<>~ah ~ as. King 'nbr "the Wiolhte(ci'SOI{"Jekus
10. 'What:
11. 'iWh.a t' priglnal.~ action show~' -';t nat, :;:p.op~lar:~ ~se1f-rul~
the: "means to
12. What.,is the sole hope , for , human,,r elief, ,and what
worship is '.'entirely out 'of ' order--now? ' .
13. Why is "J ehoyal'.i', and not Satan, pre-eminently-~the
N. Y.
I?ECE~BER "15,
. ~. ,ffi21
have ~h ope of life in the',new wo~ld', .whet h-
- . gfieWATCH'W)WER~
despite what?
s- ,:
' t ha t the spirltual was stronger,"and more Important. If the brethren standing outside with
his' mother had not- been his fleshly ' brothers
his::words wO!1IQ "hav e been meaningless and
without ,any point.
~ . Also, t his -sitit a tion indicates that .t hese
brothers were not :' cousins. .if they had ' been
cousins Itwould 'me a n that Jesuswould have
replied; "(Who,are : my cousins?" iA n d it would
make him say; a sshe-stretched forth his hand
toward,.his. disciples, ".:" Behold' my cousins." No, '
Jesus wa~: po{~talki~g. about GousiH~ or any
relationship other' t han brothers. It "I s well
known .that- Jesus 't aught . that .he and his :disciples were spiritual ; brothers, ~ not .cousins ,o r
somejother more dis tant relatives. ~ It is the
Greek words adelph6s and", ade.l~n,e "t pa t are
translated "brothers" and # "sisters"~~ and :a r e
used ,f or 'bot h natural and spiritPlIi~ Felation
ships. When .the vr ela t ion ship is mcfevdlstant,
as in,: ~he ,'case of ,eous ins, the Greek word used
. Is. syngenes. It-is the one. used in the .feminine
g~t?der~~at L~ke ~1:36, where the angel of God
said to Mary: ' "Behold thy cousin Elizabeth."
(DY) ".:But this Greek -w or d for cousin or kin
or-'r ela tive is never used in .connection wi th
. Jesus' . brothers "J a m es, Joseph, \.Sim on and
JUde, ' but always, the Greek
meaning brothers': That Mary dEt .h~ve other
children after Jesus' ' birth, is indicated .1Jy EUk
2:7 calling Jesus" Mary's "first-born :~son~'~ 'im:
plying that there were others bern. "later .on .
Also, Matthew 1:25, ' (Dy) says concerning
~9seph> ,and Mary: r,~~4-1:t~ ,l?;e :~~:~y~~e~r. not till
she brought forth 'her. nrstoo'r n son: ' and he
called-his name' JESUS." i Hi's "blearly Indicates
that Joseph did , "know" - 'h er 'afterwa r d, and
that he fathered he r other children.
, ~
Does Jeremiah 10:3-5 refer to the erection
and trimming ' pi .',Chri~tmas t r ees ?-C. M.,
Jeremiah 10:3-5 reads: "The customs of the
people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of
the -for est, the ~\.v6rK of the hands' of -the workman, wttrothe/ax, They 'deck it with' silver .and
with gold; they fasten it with nails and-with
hammers, that, it move .n ot , The,,y"'a re upright
as the palm tree, but speak' not: they must
needs bec.~borne, because they cannot go." This
woid ,
15, 1950
'" i; :
"'r: ~
,~'F>' '{H~
~~o- .
,t hey:
. . _: (.J"~ .. ~
- "'"
.r?'ii~;~~~"'(J f
S~es.-t"s.~S -':i -
~E N D
, :q~a.r
. , _,~,.,' ':'.
reversed-agaln-and.rhe doctors abandoned the
The,-M ay "l st .and ,15th WatC.h.towe'rs . on b190d 'a~P!~i:PPt:, to . w~t~draw' .' more, ::r~pl~c~~g.'" rap~d
transfusion mQve me to. write.of my,~ecenf"ex- ly..zwith other,",blopd. Tl1i,s patient who had-preperience- while ~on duty as'.a. special 'n:UFse~'~-in viously recetved-thirteen-plnts ~0f blood, eight
'one of the large hospitals. rer: -o.~.
,of which-were: on the -day .and first night;'_~f
On the 13th>.post op~rafiv~ -day, ' it was d_eter- operation, .died on. th~ 16th post operative day
mined to subject this p.~Jiel1tJg ~ blood :yva_~Aj~g, ,in spite ot or..;because J)f recelvlng .a total: ~of
conslstlng Qf wlthdrawtng ~,~W9 -pints-of blood seventeenplnts tof~~ str~pge blood. )Many veins
and ' replacing ' it with" two other pints. ,;':Vhis were occluded -and riddled as 1a: sieve by almost
operatlon was performed- in the room by -In- continuous puncturing for laboratory. test and
ternes on laboratory service and repeated on feedings of blood or ,-gl~cose.
_.,,'the following ,day, 'when this amazing .inc!dent .. Be it .known that it~is .becoming moreprevqccurred. , ~
,. < _
. ';~ ,
alent to-give , blqod.,t~ansfusions .during .qulte
..~.fL~t those who ~t.liink t~ere is no 'dangen to j he sim ple,.oper ations, a~d:;;Yp.~ Qn1y ~1qlowledge ' the
donor take heed. At . this second' blood-stream patient may have of It is when -asked 't o have
flushing while withdrawing the second pint of friends 'and relatives replace it in the blood
blood, the flow from patient to vacuum bottle bank. To avoid this an exclusion clause should
suddenly and unexplainably reversed itself, and ~ .Be inserted in .the hospital .release .con t r act 'bewhen noticed a column of- "ai r was , abo ut 'to : '; f9re signIng for operation. I carry.Identlfleation
enter the vein. The doctor quicklydisccnnected card, In my wallet marked , "No blood, tx:ansfuthe tube ' at 't he needle, "and"oh rec()1i'rtectiiig~it stop " l:ri =red Ink 'arid bearing -my ;signature:'"
behaved "n orI)l8.11y for ' a 'few minutes but th~n , , ; .
. .. Theocratically yours, .: :
.. ...
_ .
~ ,.
i ..~
.' Shortly ',before. he 'wa~: impaled :J esus' colin',tFhe' New 'W or ld Translation:"of the Ohristian
seled his'--:apostles; ,~t~r;rhisj g'o'od Jiews " ~df the '. Greek Scriptures, .first . r eleased to : the :publi~
kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited on Wednesday, August 2, 1950, during the .Inearth ror vthe purpose' ora witness to all the ternational,assembly -of Jehovah's witnesses in
New York city, answers . a long-felt need for an
nations, and then the 'accomplished end wlll accurate and dependable translation of the
come." .The time for the accomplished end" of Greek Scriptures. 'Done in .modem speeeh. .it is
thf~ ,wicked syst~m ' ,of: th~?~s .is very ne~r,'~~~d , just as understandable'.to present-day. readers
the servants. of. God are .grvm g the final WIt- " as- the origitiaJ~ .writihgs of ,1Christ's'-disciples
nessIn every corner of the earth. What a' priv- , were-understandable-to' the simple;' lowly .r eadIlege it is to have a- share Iri this 'm oment ous ersof -thelrday.ift.Isnot arevlslon.of.anyprework! Since you have now Iearned .something . vious work, 'but Is a .new r enderi ng.. from the
of 'God's gracious provisions -for those who 'act original Greek text; using primarily the standIn . harmony ;with his wtll. -wculdn't youIiketo ard text of ,W estcot t and Hort..-,To .insure accushare-In -spr ea dlng thls-good news? .F or January racy the..translation. ~1s' as lileral' 'a s modern
Jehovah's witnesses nave as their service.theme, , Englis1i~i.lsage-peffiiits:'~Q~e~~(jf .it s outstanding
features' is the"use of"..God's given name JehoSharing in the Final Witness (Matt. 24:'14;NW). vall throughout." There -are 'copious marginal
During the next four .m on ths they .-will offer references, chain 'xefe~ences, footnotes, an ena year~s > subscription for thisf;ehristian journal, lightening fereword, ,; an appendix, maps arid
The Watchtower, ,on ' a ' contribution' of-$1:00. illustrations>.,')Jhis new translation, presents the
Every;new.. sUb~'criber ::wjll .a lso get a ~premiuin .~ Greek. ~Scriptures"jn all their ,purity and is
of ,three"interesting booklets. Why not share in , wor thy.; of the <;.close ,study of ~ even'; the~ most
the final witness "by calling the attention of'your , critical student. A copy wi~l be sent you, post~
neighbors to the ' significance" of the ' times'-in , paid, on :a contribution of $1.50~ .,
whIch we live and offer th.em a subscription-for
<,' . .~ .. ~~
;.;', f;~~~:
k~ek of J~I1uaryr~i: .
Jehovah~s witnesses will be :glad to assist you; Pra~se. ~.t9 ~h~. - .New W<?rld's . Founder, U,l~19.
or write <to ,us :a nd we wUl ~ 'fumish you 'with
Week of 'J anuary 28: .
additional instructions and forms for-reporting Praise:',.to the New' World's , Founder, U20:.23;
your activity.
, .and The .New World Crowd of- Praisers, U 1~19.
l'KING~ A ,.;> ~.
4:21, 23, ' 24 89
, 89
: 89
12:5,6-" , .:196
16:16, 17 : ' .~ 195
17:18~ 19
168, 180
30:19, 20
' -511
3:5, 9-13
~11 : 1-11
2 KING$ c-' ,
'16:25, 26
~~;~~, 22
29:23, :l;0~12 512
27 11:18
56 28:10
282 28:17 :,' ,
62:11 147, 258, 13:12
517 28:17-20
' 171
442 14:12
69:9 86, 154, 181 14:27
88, 91 28:21
418 28:21, ,22
' 234 14':28
' 115 14:31
4 29:13, '14
183 "
138, 181
115 15:1
346 29:14
' 100
+~~~3-i~ , l~i 15:28
71 30:20
.186 35:3, 4
t~g 16:18
53 35:4
115 19:2
' 42 35:10
82:5 ,_ .
150 19:14
346 39:6, 7 .
51 40:10, 11
Ps. 83
168 19:15
91 40:28, 29, 31 86
~;ig 148, ~~~ 23:7
43 40:28-31-'
91 24:5
287 41:10
86, 201
' 42 42:8
68, 147.l
2~i 27:1 '
, 8
186, 31~
91:5, ,7, 9
91 27:11 151, ' 344 43:10 147,211
91:11; 12
86 27:17
38/101 43:10,11
153 ~~;~4
' , : ; 31~ .4,3 :~0-12258,1:6
5~~ 29:15
347 43:12
' 168
520 29:25 25, 40, 169 ' 44:24, 28
115 29:25, 26 83;:88 45:1-4
233 30:5, 6
310 45:18
}g~;~i5 . , li~ 30:12
59 , 45:22, ,23
' 41 31:15
347 46:10~-11
70 31:26
347 49:15
348 50:4
110:1, 2 104, 229, 31:28
251, 513 31:30, "20
347 52:2
:-~ 231
. 59:- 61~
103, 137 '-, ECCLESIASTES
493 1:4
149 54:1
. :279
69 1:14
37 54:5
23, 2:1-11
37 54:13 101,' 279
35,37 54:17
', 83
118:23-29 '~" 235 3:1
100, 150,
119:27 '.
, ;202
, 149
'25 3:19, .20
' 23 55:8,9
147, 5:3-5 6 55:11
22, 147,
';>: - 181, 202 5:15
36 56:11
126:5, 6
482 8:5
149 57:19 ,
.519 9:10
37, ,42 58:1
187 9:11
'88 60:1, 2 139, 181
145:10, 16
. 3 9:14-16
179 60:1-22 27, 187
70 9:18
179 60:2
83~ 202
'10 12:1
151 60:12
Ps. 148
68 12:12,11
24 60:22
: 44
61:1 .
101 61:2
20 62:10
67, '186 3:8
, 20 66:1
170 66:22
282 6:9,10
' 27
131,345 6:11
1:20, 21 24, 100 8:9-12
168 . ':, JEREMIAH
2:6, 7
99,147 8:12, 13
38 8:13
84, 90 1:5~ 6
136 9:6
243 1:10 "
131 9:7
20, .2:13
99, .169
21 6:16
170 10:12-16
131, 137 Chap. 12 201, 1:13 ; 25, 28 19
4:14, 15, 13. 39
232 8:20
491 12:1-3
201 17:9
' 25 12:3
169 20:7-9
51 12':4
231 20:9
87 23:1-8
6:14, 16, 19 55 12:6
23:28,29 ,.-..l '1f
345 Chaps. ~13, ,
21 25:8, 9, 11 ' 20
8:1-3 , 24, 100
,515 25:12
91 14:3-23
163 25':31-33 .: ' 68
131, .137, 14:12-14
'i 03
163 25:33 "
139 14:17
,1 20
21 25:34-36
10:11, 21 ' 123 21:2,9
39 25:36
40, 91 26:3
212 27:5-13, 17 443
5 26:13
'182 29:1
284 26:13,14
86, 108
36:22, 23
1:1, 2
":J' l~
, ~, 8:7,N~HEMIAH 384
1:7, 8
'3 42 8:8-10 '
1:8 ,
341 8:10
..1" ,
., 18b~282. 30 '3"2" : ~~ ,.
319 ' 35, 37, 39389
25 ~l;}g
.' ~~ 3:7-9
211 ,
319 2:1-23
164 ~;I" 8, 11
'~ ~~
14 :31
~ 6:1-5
164 14:13-15
147 6:8-10
166 31:34
185 6:11-24
,163 32:17-2026,170
' 195 6:25,26
'1 86
166 32:21, 22
185 6:25-27
' 214
167 33:23
20, 182 6:28-30
,,'2 4
- 167 33:25
12:~8, 49 ' -414 ~~3!' 32 ~168 37:23
.- 442
:, 10
13:7, 8, 10 195 6:34-40 , ::168 38:'41
Chaps. 14, -lS 36 7:1 ,
'168 42:10, 12 . 'A O
14:1-15:22 ,212 7 :1~ 15-20
'511 7:2,3
15:18, 19
19:5, 6
195 7:2-4
'197 7:4-7
' , 437 7:7 '
186 Ps. 2 168, 229
,414 7:9-15
179 2:7-9
51 7:20,21
195 7:20-22
182 Ps.8
-198 8:1-3
182 8:2 '
89 8:4-9
184 9:7,8
28:1-4 '
'25 8:10
168 11:~
185 8:10-12
16:11 .:
. 24
184 19:1 ';."
33:20 ";
. .' ;19 8:13-21
91, 284
185 19:9
35:5 ; 21-29 ' ..;185 8:22,23
511 23:1-4
185 8:24-27
185 24:1, 2~"7-10 ' 438
,- "'43
8:27 .
185 25:9
~: 89
185 ' 25:14
~" ,91
, zr
346 15:4,5
437 19:1
37:11, 29
2:11, 18
25 37:23
42 '
101 3:1-21
25 37:25
180 8:7
511 39:1
11:'4-6,18-20 170 i~;~4 , 115, ~~ . 45:16 irs,41!7
'85, 122,
132 15:23
150 46:1, 2
230 16:7
139 4Q:1, 2, 11
115 48:1,2
20:10, 12
132 5:2
. 227
417 50:10-12
185 19:13
1 ,
,; ::132
1950 ~: ~
36:1-32 50:6, 7
285 '
. 181
7:19 ;
9:6 ~
~ 106
12:23-25, 28 r 20
, 167
21:26, 27
33:7 " , 19,20
. 24
33:31-33 '
Chap. 34 119;
34:2, 3, 14 200
34:18, 19
2:44 .
. 4:16,23,
:,:,:"25, 32
5:5,25-28 24, 180
7:13, 14.
9:27 "
12:4 150, 243.
4:1-9 ..
5:5 '
' 20
, 167
7:14, 15
.- '
,8:11, 12
9:13 '
. 448
,' 21
~:i,~BROQK~~~~~~.l Y.
181 21:16
'106 Chap: 2
. 52 . 15:11-32 ' 182 10:16
. 187
. ~. 39 21:18, 19, :..,. ~
.. ~' 51 -16:9 .,' ~~ 105;"139 ~..;
183, 197,' 11:19"' .
6:33 55, 390~396 ~2;1:i,1.42
:'-:'~2083 3:,4... ," 389, 16:10 ." ~;"'41-7.:{;:
200, 257, jl 1:25,: 26 ;.I.; ;486
6:34,27 ' - ,: 87
~4': r . " . .' <'21 '16:15
:r- 23 '
348;405 13:6-12 #Li 451
:f il 4 '~?~ : ~;'i~:'22 :..
~~;i~,t*P .~',;;~~ 1+;~t30
~~ ii;11:'1~ ~!' ~' \= 1~;~~~ 'l~r ~~i~~
',' "4S,-:3 91 ,22:21 245:--, ',283, ' "4:16
487 17:33 :.. f'~.r'-: 389 ;11:25, 26
: 14 '13:36
::~ ~' 388
7:20 ".>:
435 '4':19
,, 489 18:29;430 ' ', 413 ~12:1-3;' 24 ,13:39
'~" 393
;1:26, -27 ! t,27 '22 f34-40 .,' 437 ,4':26-29"
492 19:11-27 '" .,1:7 1 ..12:12-15 , .f199 15:14 285,:"'112
.. '101 22:37
':~' 133 .6:34'
.,:116 19:22
~ 180 :(1:2:19 "
~;; 21 15:36
; . '\108 Ghap.23- , :' 71 8:1-4
21 19:40
37,170", .',tL2:25
389 .16:4, 5
'ZEPHA~t(~}~{~, 8:20-22
' :" ~~ 134 '23:1-33
. c181 :9:33-37
i ' 52
'-;'[ .I,Ji~~ 183~ 51l:S :,':1:2:26'
[-117 -16:20, 21 ' 247
,'~182 23:1-38
. ,",, 21 .J9:35:
,117 20:1 ..
~ 21. ;.j1.~ ; 31
444, 520 17:6 : "
":20 8:22
~.. ;35 "9:'10
1': 52 ':23:5'
! -::'1 81 ' 9:43-47
" 388 2O:19,;.26! ,f;.~436~~ [.2:32
~1395 a7:6~'~7 '
~~'; 149 ;.1
- 0:30 . 414: 489. ,2Q:20' (~: ."~436 ;" 12:42, 43 1) .,:~169 ,.017:11
231, 9:12,13 ':,,280, :23 :5~
';'119 '~0: 42...,45 . ';:117 20:34-36 ,:,';41:4 ' Cl:3:12-17'; '-;:117 17:17
308 9:35.. ,'- 21, 52 23:5-11
187': :,,12 :13-17,~: 436 ~20;41" .)f;,'121,~ ' 13:17:': {;12O;'~ 138 "l jl:22
. 395
2:3 i::;; .69.256,- 9:35;36 ,\.;'116 23:8
. ',(
f356 10:1-16 102, ..118 23:8,10
.280 12:32-34 : ",~ 138 Chap. 21 23,35 ' [~:6 ,l:~~',., 343 :11 :24;;:,' 186
,:;:135' 23:9 - 149, ;186';r2~33 ,; ,.: ..- : ,88' 21:14
8, 139 ['!:24 : ~ ' :'148 ,17 : 30v~ ~"; ~ '518
2:13-15 1/' . ' 21 10:5-10
.~ ;353, ll! :384 0 : ,,:149 21:9 ' ' '~ ,L ' ~' '. ,83 '!~:28:~ ,~167 17:32 " -~'~~t 24
3:1:'7 .:.. 309 10:7, 8 :,, ' ,j":i 2 ,23:10
. ~ 117 12:40
" '121 21:17- ~
391 1~:.30;" ~ , ' ";;:',, 23 18:3, 4 - . - ' ' 14
:..j. '307 . 10:7,~11-14 151 23:11
~ '~184 12:41-44 "<"'41 21:24 ' 216, 243~ [5:1;.s!_t":~~':C4 :26 18:28
' 22
3:9.>: - . 307, :350 10:7-15 t :;. 24 23:12 .
'3:9, 10
_,, 350 10:8 ':' ..102' 1'151 23:13;, '
,',~27:1 Chap. 13 23,-.35
258, 513 15:2, 3; 8 ' -'. 103 20:20
:'.. 353 10:16 " ...,..; ~ -; :151 23:14
":-121 13 ,:10 .' :",, 2'4 21:26
68, 202, 15:6 ':~~~390 .,":'"';
"100 . ~150
," _ 253 '15:8. ~;Jf, 493 ~. 20:20, .21"' ..: -52
3:11, 12 . . . . :.'~ 351 ,aO:22'i."--i" - I'\. 450 23:18-22 ' ~ ,186 14:27
,;. 389 21:28.;.32
102 15:"15' ~. -, ! l BI-:: ", ~0:27 -,~ '-:'232
3:13 hi, .<' -351 '10--28" 88 154 23':33 22:~271 ' ,1 4:34
388"'391' >'c';,. - ",,;;,;:~. 388
<_: :!:n 2:f:29'"
'396 1516 . a. , ..;- ~11 :: "2027-3t ~ ' - ~ 118
3:14, 15
352: :!5:< ~
, 452 C~~~~ 24/: il; 23, ,
, . ' 21:34=36
491 15:18, 19 : ~fl23: '~OO:2!t &t' ~ ~123
3:15 '~ .. i~: ; 353 ;:H! '
196 '15:19
412 l . OO:29~,~~ ~(~186
.. ~353 '-10 :34-39 : ' 55 ," :
184 24:1, 2 21;,:186
313, 481 22:28, ~9
:489 15:19, 20
254 , 2O:33_~~~;.,"" .: ~~139
, 3:17~ .. er 8:354 .10:42
'229 24:3, 14, 21 ,385 1:32, 33
' 116 22:29
. 227 '15:20 . 117, 154 20:35~i:. '~ 27:~102
,3:18,' 19 ' 355 1-1:14
. : ;356 11:19 ?~, 39 ; ,24:3-39
.. ' f01 1:46-48
386 ~ 22:29, 30
518 16:1-4
. 488 22:7 ~'f(~ > , <t392
,,:.: 24~ 2:1-5
.' :, 445 23:1 , 2
245 16:13
~12 22:9 :. ~~i)..~ ~ ;392
14326 24:7, 8
-, ' 51 24:9
54',~ 391; 2:S,20 ., '. '~: 244- 23:2 .
436 16:22
. 73 24:5, 6 ~ ''J;.:<,-247
~ :186 ~~~5 '
,,~~g >,-",
,405, 450 2:13; -. 1~ - "' 67 ,.23:42, 43
~81 17:1, 2
. 442 25:9-12 ". " 247
< ~ 12:30.
. ' 153 24:14 2f4~7ilg: ~';~8 46'4ll J~
if;!-3 69,'2~1: ~~;g9
- 12:34,: 35 "'491::: " ..,-t. 151, ,.152, 4:10;.21. '. . 70
288, '39u 26:14
:.': ',~24 .
3:1-5 ~ " e> - 170 12:34-3'(
r 71 {;[:.';"~' -200,',201, 6:1-5 '
{.', 51 .
313 17:6, 14, 16 412 ~.
., " ;
4:6 ' 27, 186;}-245 12;37
:392 "~:..,
231, ~2~4i ,6:9
389 ,1 :9'
~ 395 17:6, :26 . , 318 -'
.. ~213 13:1-9 ... ~,~482; V
,386,, 400' 6:22, 23 ,, 213 ' 3:3, ,5 r : ,,' '~82 ' 17~9, ~14, 16.. ,23
" ROMANS .{ .
'.- ",',73 :13:7, '22 :_.~ 25',2~ :15
149 6:415 ' " ;:::..:26 3:8 . ,.> \''', 386 ' ' 17:14, 16 ...435 '1 :24-31~ ~
.: ~:::119 13:9 ~'" ... '493 <: 24:21~,
. 27 :1:35
390;;392 3:.14, 15 " ~';-349 ' 17:17 ,
. , . .70 2:7
13:q . .:J~ "',117 ,13:11-17 .:..484 " 2~:22, . 't44 8:1 '
21, :71~, 3;14-17
311 17:25
:.-.: 279 2:28, 29
13:8, ~ ~~ri.~": 186" 13:12.
,:a.- :t234 .:'24:31
202, 256 '''."
102, 151 .3 :19
.' 150 18:36
,23, :181 3~4
, ...392
d.5 13:17 ..,..
;~ ;;t16 24:34
' 35 8:6
488 .3:19:-21, , 187 18:37 , f.':;~ r:148 .3:19, 20 . :278
;J.i:16,' 17 ', . (202 / 13:18;:~ 19 .i~483 24:36
27 8:8 .
' 491 3.:31'~ -.. '. 396 19:10, 11 '._ ,18,- ' 4:2, 3, 5
.. ~.~
.,. 13:18-22
. ~489 24:37-39
36 8:11
<.,' 482 3:35, 36 .. , 281 19:11
i'~ ,. 444 5:1;.5 "
, ,58
_ 483 ~:24
'386 19:12 ' ,c 245 5;1 '9'
': 93
:482 24:42-51
119 8:12 '
. 13:20,21
487 24:44 .
228 8:13 ':,:" ' 487 4:34
116 19:15
,513 5:g:5 ' :~ {!}, ~:' 85
Chaps. 1, 2 231 13:23 480, .491 2~:45 i
. 387 8:14 .,
'. 489 4:35-38
" 408 20:17
," ,390 5:18,19 :' .;396
276 13:37 ' , . '482 24:45-47
203 8:15 "'., ,; ,.491 5;2-18
',. 51 21:15-17 ' 101 6:7,8
~;i~ . \ ',
~i~~ ~3:39~42, "'<~.'~." ,t. '".;.
228, ;448: .8 :40 '.~, '~.;~:,486 5:17
- 51,~390 ~~:15~~8.:, , : , 118 6:23 ~ <, 69; 167
.136' i3'fJi~~ ~:~rig~ 24:46 , . ,~ ~~~ ~_;~32, 6. ~"-f~:~~i? :': ~;~:~~:' ~~~ 4~i ' ~'~~~~
, .~ .~,. " ' ~H~ \:\~ ;~",r2~
3:16,17 <. ,L SS" ,13:41-43 \:229 24:46,47 , ' 227, 9:49
';;:,::;:. 390~ ~5 :_30-krir:--~ 132 't~~,~ ACTS i ~",~. -8:28
'~~ 86
4:5, 6
229' 13:43 203,..229 '
387 ;9:59, 60 . ~,~, -,;Z~136 i '" 5 :113"i~'!"
319 '.~~~~
~ 317 8:30, 33
.' 393
41, '134 -. 24:47
228 9:62
.:54 ':170 ' 6 :14~ 15
443 1:6
.,,513 .8:31
'< MATTHEW''':::'' 13:45,46 :" 134~ 24:48-51
153, '10:1
-' !' 486 6:27
' '~'.~58 ,1:8,
/";-~ 53-~8:35-39
, . :;~,
~. 395'
186 10:1-4
" 136 6:38
-'0116 Chap. 2 J/>,!!\ 196~ ~ ~hap. 9
. 211
:13:51,52 ::(228 24:48,51
123 10:1~9 ;
"52 6:44,45
. ' 280 2:1~11
=-~-: iS11 "9:[ 7-24
t :i
, . 13:55 ' :121 25:1
<233 '10 :1-11, 17 102 6:60-66
( 170 2;16~1~ :~.395 9:21-23
2 116 ' . - 311 ,14:13-15
'21 25:14-30
.~ 233 10;1-17 "H" 118 6:68
123 2:21 . '.
~ 319 10:4
~: ~ .15:1-9.
..,'181 25:21
,),. 234 10:2"~ " ~"H,'! -44 7:2-10
.201 '2:21, 24-36 ~,:397 10: 4,8-11 " 393
;.. 15:1-14,
21 25:23
' 233 ,10:3842
'24 7:14;.16
:201 ~ 2:27, 31 - .. ~,388 10:9
. r, :397
3: ':229 - ~15 :8,.9, " . 149 25:26
'123' 11:7" ~,': ' ' ... 390 7:15
70, ~181 , 2:34 ,,' ~~~319 10:9, 13 '~:'397.
3:11,12 287,.408 , 'l~ :l~r, 150,163, 25:29
,, 39 11:13'~"
" 312 7:22, ~23
; .51;,2:41;" .' .:\,-"' 2<;16 10:10
~:1?11 '-56 1g ~.~'
", 276 25:30-, ", '., 39 11:52 ' 163, '277 7~37 ,...,:202, ;~~:22
+;' ' 116 10!13 : -.~ ~;39'7.
' " 61 15:32,33 ,', 21 25:31,. 32 , 184 12:15
. : 7 7:;37,;i8 :1Q~,.20l: :~~~4
246 10:14 ',_ ~~ 37
4:8, 9
. 68 1~:4 _" _ .390 .25:31, 34
120 12:16-21 . :' ," '1 7:38 .
. ; OO~; ~ i:l;.~3<
102,181 10:17
., 71
10 7~38, 39 . ~~104': f.l:19 ~
181 11:1~, ':; n
4:8-10 ,,.' 181 ..l~:19;c- 197;~391 25: ":'3a . 256 12:20_
.. "'" . , 391 ' -16:25 .
. 41 25.:32-46
,70 ~;~ 24 .., '..
>;.L 202 ..~:[9, 20
~ 445 ~:~. '
4:11_ .
~\~9Q " 1~j25:~ 26 '154 ~:34 ':' ,:~385 12:26
. 10 8~:~3 ' /~12l~~ ' 5;:1-11
451 12:4, 5 "P,;y446
4:12 25
:.21 16:26
37 341 ~g.34, 40,+; :45Q 12:27, 28 ' 14 ~:~ . '343;;:349 5:29
181, 256~ 1 2 : 5 2 2 8
Jij.' . 18:9 ; , .. ' '1388 ' ~,~:41-46 i. ,'i; 2.6 ' 12 :29~34 . ;14 8;31,32 ''' : "j:~8~' "; ,,' ; ' . :'353' ~2:10
., l S3
~149 .18:10-14
"-123, ~9~~, 46 '. 184 12:32
83.',120" 8:~2 70;' ~87,;;~:l.63 5:29-32
. "445 12:13 ..",\~~-{218
' t :75 'l s !i 4
' 341 29:
~', 117 ;' ~
, : 348 8:44 ,; 21t18I:, ' 5:38, 39
213, .~12:18
' 259
5~8 ' .
: 89 18:15-17 42,.75 .26:38
"389 i~:~~ 44 i..~+
~. !I ~8,4 '.
, . . ...449 . 12:2+, ", ~& ,: :.; 153
169 18.17 - '
386 28.18
4~ 12.47'
" 23~
, '",'. ,14 5:41
' 488 Chap. l3 ' ;} 166
'83, 395
: 8
28:18-20 , .248 . . : ' :
\ " 51 5
. '00' 13:1 106
... :'202
;",,391 28:19 ,23", 386 ~~.48
~~, 23:
24, 1 ., ~:' .:.
;~ 18P,
.5:14-16 171 181 18.20 _. 38, .85, 28.19 20 52 '201
- 234
.; :52 " , .
. 150 ',' ...181, 201,
. '. 51
'13:2, '4'
54 7:48 " 24,:!l.86 ,'.'" ~.'243, 439;
5:34, '.35
512 19:16-22'
6, 9,
311 13:6~9
. -408
. 122 7:49
>'-" 513 ' .
441, 442,
~~~ 1~:23, 24 . '181:;MARK . ~,'
13:10-17~ P,51!:: ,19 0 :' ~
121 7:60
<388 1~.'3 :-. :1'-4
' 446
386 _ .__ 490
.. 24: : 10:11
123 8:4
68, 283
~. 319 ! 9.28, 29
313, 481 13.31~ 32.::,~81 , 1~.+1, 14,
9:4 j.'
392 13:1-7 O,. 441
. '6:9 10
258 ~ l~;29
' 102 , 1:1-3
,229 , ~4:12';'14
, ':::"'-7 :~L16
352 9:7,
~ 392 13:2
.;' ,4 i9
510 ' 21:4
. '391' 1:16-20
; 12i 1~: 17-20
25 . 10:12, 13
123 Chap. 10t, ,- -197, '13:3,4
199 1:29 '
" 52 14:18~20
7 10:14
. 116
. ;: 247 13:4
5, -31 21:7-9
279 10:1-48
408 13:5
6:19, 20
72 21:12, 13
181 1:38
151 15:7 ~:~~; 354 10:14, 15
..... -, .i
r, ..
-i ,
I;:. .. :'
31fs Ni
. :,' ,. ';,
~c i'{
15; 1950
527 ~
24 6:10-17
27 3:1
., 121 5:7,8
90 5:7
486 1:1, 5"
~ 148 .
491 '.6 :11-14.
85 33..:21~!3
446 5:14
103 , 5:10,11
488 "1 :4. ' , " . ~,, 73
257 6:11-18
' . 122
6:1 '
103 ~ : l ':
278, '!50
~ 14:11
..,.' 69' 4.:.~,, .
23/163; 6:15 "
;. "'61 3:S=-7
122 ' 6:5 .'.
412 .' ' 1 PETER ' , 1:10
15:1~ .... . "74
444, 520 ' 6:17 "' 17:tt ~~, 3:8-13
' 122 6:7, 8
490 1:12 '
','37 2:10
. 86, ~ 154' 4:4-6
54, 200 ;6:11, 12 '
. 384 1:17-19
. 58 3:14 ~ ;148, 211~ '
15:4 84, 99, 197 4:6, 7
4:12 '
. 25 6:16
394 1:19 ' 213.278
'r':; 450 4:7
56 1'1
' 118 4:12-16
123 6:20-7:3
511 2:4-8
..23 3:20
16:1 .., , ~ '122 4:13
393 .1 :7' .
' 4 4'13
37 "8 :7-13
410 2:11
55 ', '4:11
68, 396
' , 481 5:17,18
.410 1:11
393'-'3~2 ~ 4~14, .15
. '39 8:10,12
197 2:17
.452~ 5:6~ .7
56.. 24~7
.,348 9:25,26
410 2:19-21 ' 259 , Chap. 7
1:12" .13
247 4.15, 16
'164 4:16
51,54, 9:26
406 '2:21
37; 118, '- 7:9 .: 150, 183
2 11214
1 CORINTHIANS \ 6:1~17
. 165 1:28. 180'
58, .59 10:1 '. ' 197, 203.1.
133, .151/ ; 7:9;~10:"
', 1:17-19, 30 132 7:1 ' . , 59, 60, 61 1:29
488" '5:8':
54, 105
40'( 2:25 ','
116 '
, -~ ;. 285, 405
183 5 ;22 ,~'
446 10:5~10
409 3:3
386 "7 :9~17 .: 70, 120,
' 1 :17-29
100 ' 9:6-12 ' ,,~ . 493 - :
69 '9:7 .
139 2
117 -5 :.23\,
25 10:12, 13
407, 3:13-17
57 .
40 9:10
' 513 3:15
' '41,' 71
~ .:
~~~ 6:6-10
9,490 '10:22,.,23
152 7:17 '
150, 235
40 10:3-5
171 ~:~-11
202 10:4
179 2'12 '
, 58 6:7,8
3 10:24,25
. 85, 3:20
389 11:8 "'~11, 22, '212
..1:26-29 23, 121 - 10:8
448 , 2:14 ' 15
. 153 6:8, 6
101 3:22 ~
, 447 11:9-11 ~
25 2:15,' 16 .
11:.2729' '~ " .... 4 , ' 12 :.7
202 . 6:8-10
55 10:25 '38,73,151, 4:3-5
42,102 11:15 ..18
1:31 "
.~. 68 13:5
: ..
~~ .6:1b
7 10:26;;.30- 1--- t"57 4:17 - 168, 183 11:1~12:10 , 258
102 -6:12, 19 .
151 10:28
.-; 197 5:1
120 11:17, 18
' 2:12 ' .
, 412 13:10
448 ~:~o..14
3:6 ' .
4:8, 9 .'
43 56 6:15
. 386' 10:32-39 ," ;489 5:1-3
121 Chap:12 54,216
18 .
. '120 6:17 ...19 3, 8, 490 10:35, 36 '. 58 .5 :2'
115, 121, 12:1-5
.' 514
'. 4
179 .4:19
84 6:18, -, 19
.::l, 15 Chap. 11 . 154,~ 5:3
121 12:1-10
\ 413
.4111 5:4
116 12:1-12'
483 ,1
56 3:7-9
247 , 4:23
182, 2825:5, 6
122 12:1-13
; 3:19
100, 412 3:8
412 " ~.
40 . 11:2, 4, 5,
:,. ~ 5:8
.61', 12:5
201, 229
4:4 ,392 3:8, 16
' 246"
39, 40
387 5:8, 9
54 ' 12:7-12
53 1:7-9
90 11:2, '38
. 414" ... '. .
,- ;12:7~13
44 '
118 3:9, ~6-29 '. ~. 246. 1:6-12
' 6:18
396 3:24~~ 25 "::' -*. 51~ ' 1:15-20 .
396 22'.:22_
410 ' . ~ 2 PETER
' 12 :10
. 117021~ 11:3
. 6:20
258 . 3:28
283 1:23'
181't 1:1 ""~ , ~ ..
118 , 12:12 '
408 2:4 " ,
23 11:8;.16
199: 1:5'::9 ;':',
152 : '12:17.'
7:23 ' 39, .258 ' 4:24~31 ', . 412 1:26, ' 27
. 7 :29 .. . >: 35 4:26 .
347 2:2
384 2:8 ; .9
354 11:17
390 ' , 2:1 ,-:' .; ... 186 Chap. 13
388 4:26-:-28, 31 :280 2:8
149, 181,' 2:11, 12
.489 11:17-19
407- 2:4 -. .',.-" -388' 13:1-12 -442, 444
170 5:1 , .
164 2:13, 14
407 2:12
227 11:32
185 2:5 "
. 19 13:2, 4, .
10122 11:36-38
448 5:16,17
74 2:14
196' 2:15
71, '2
416 2:12, 13
11, 12
-..9:12, 18
151 5:18
51 2:14-17
181 .2 =
. 211 11:38
405 2.:19 ' .
163- 13:.3
37 5:19
59 2:16 17 51 407 2
386 387 2 2022
170 13 8
211, 2
' 134 3:3, -4
101 ..13:16, 17
. 41, 152 5:19-21
.152 2:17'
196: 198 2 1
4132 . 12:2, 3
I :6-11
55 5:21
-74 2:18
, 394 2:223
116 3:3-7 '
26~36 14:1
22 23
' 1~~ 3:2
23 2:23-26
. 171 '12:5-8'
. '150' 3:4 .
\"388.) e.o :l:~:3
. 413
10:11 22, 51,. 69, 5:22
. "7,5 3 . . 152 13
168' 3:9-12 '
. '4':1: ' :14:18-20
9 9, 145064, .6'.:1 '
559 2:24 ,,25 . '- 123 12:5-11
' 163 12:9, 10
88 3:10-13 - . ' 258 ' 16:12-16
' 232
2:26 .;.
.355 3:1-5
23,'101 12:28, 29
89 3:11
36 16 :13, ,14
10:12 41, 75, 88 6:1, 2 123, 153 3:14'
'288' 16:13-16
1 '31
74 6:3 .
,122 3:16
.490' 3:4 "
. 39 '13:7, 17, 24 448 3:11-15
1 [ .
118 6:4
74 3:23-25
,..74 3:12
54, 169, 13:15
39, 167" 3:12, 13
413 ' 16:14-16
447 6:5
74, '153 '4 :14;'
121- .".
487 .
491 3:15
- ~ '258, 286,
12:12, 13, 18,
- ~ , 101',
310 13:20
24~ .25, . " . .6:9 . 43, 151, 356 .1 THESSALONIANS 3:16, 17
.... , 1 JOHN .
17:1, 2, 5
, , 27 28
447 .6.14 .-'
. 412
' 25 . 4:2
24; 152,
,; 391 17:12-14
1396 6:16 "; 351, 444 1.'6
201, .247.
.200 '17 :8'
488 4:5
107:, 1:1
118 2:13, 14
.391 Chap.18
'2:11, 12
227 4:6-8
344 . 1:2, 3
57 ~:i~-V7 \, 1~~ 18:4,5
Chap, 19
, 13:5, 6
25 4:9, 10
55 '1:6-8
56 ' .i;i~-23
~~ 4'13
388 ~:l~
1:14, 15
55 ~:~~ 23
391 19:1-6
227 '5.: 21
168 4:22
19 3:8
480 ' 19:2 , .
283 120-23
' 182
197 4:1-3
386 19:5
14:1, 39
56 2:.'1
1li'8 9
. 1 21
' 85
508 509,
'-14:1i ~
392 2:2 ,
59 '-170 " 4:8
516 517
447 22:.'7
. 123 . 1:1 '
, 344 ' 4:1 516
281 19:15
' '451
15:10 '"
. 16-10
287 159
122 1:22.:.25
' 23 " 4:18
', 25; 40, . 20:3
407 ;2:3t 7;,i . '. 309 . : ':"
. '
84, 169 20:6
196 2:!5, 16
. 390'
152, 259,': 5.7 " ;'
167 21:1-5
227 4. o, 12, 13,
' . "25
517 5:7, 8 ~
310 21:4' .
15:24-28 .. '418,
31, 32
.55 3:6-13 '
'".53 9 .
8 5:18
391 21:8
. 451 4.7
.228 3:7,;.9
' 15:28
395 ~:Ii13
2~ 3:9' - ." v448
2:17, 18
150 5:19 "
23, 68, 21:14
491 4:11 12
179, 444. 22:1
.. 38~. ,4:12'
'1 TIMOTHY- - 1:1,2 405, 407, 2:26 '
22:1, :17 169,185
,15 :45.
15:58 .
58 . 4:26
42 1:11
386 1'6
409, ~~ 3:11
. 43 1
118 22:3, 4
16 ;1
. 73 .5:3, 4 '.
59 2:1-4
396, ..2:1 , '
39 103 3:17
99, 1-79 ~ 3 284, 309,484 22:12
. ,59
16:2. ; 139, 140. 5:14-16
40 . 2:3-6
285,'483 '. 2 :5':~f
' 227 3:17, 18
~ 102: 12
119 '22:17
13;' 72,
~~13 :8
452 2:17
,. 454rs.22 .34 :. 2
1:3, ' 4
39 6:4
228 6:10
i~ ~~~. 6
84, 170
1~.' ~;~~':
213, 396
5~ : :;~'" 23.:~~~2\EVELATlO;5
th~ :~l;~Writi.ng8
118 22:18, 19
, I
~ 523
.; 264
: ~,~
Mary, ~ the Mother~ ~of ,J esus
~.: ..:
MeriloriaLfor 1950
Mind Freed for Godly Combat, A
"Miserable Comforters"
: .i.:
Mobsters Break Up Assembly in Missouri :
Moderation in the Enjoyment of Good' Things
Mordecai Worships-Only Jehovah :
More and More Pioneers of Good News
Mo~t Enjoyable Book, The
; }
:. 329
Most of '0pportunities
New ' ,Systems of Th~ngs
: : ~ . ; . :~
~~~ ~g;t3 .;g:S1~Ii~nP~ii~hr:' ~h;e ; :.,~
Jehovah'8 Witnes8es
c'tN~tl::::ss*r;:~lpReii'cs'?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~+
Good News .rrom Greece ..: :..:..:
SsimeodnIRealtizes H iAs Heart's Desire "" ~ " """ "" " ' '' ' '' ' '' '' '~' '' ' 47
. ~.
, ... ' ~
Haggai rExlior.ts the Temple ~BuiId;e~s ' ::...:...:::>;:L:....:.....: 15
~~~ar~s~ti~ki'~~~/f~~ ..~~~~.~? ~t~~~~.~.~~.~~:.~:
.ilAssembly of Je,hovah's Witnesses
Isolated' Publishers In Hawaii :
It ISNeaJ;,'e~.than ,They Think, ~..:.:
"Tt. Is , Nearervthan They 'I'htnk" Testlmony-Perlod 304
, ' ) : ': . ' .' '/ -:
: :;. .
Jehovah's:'Witnesses Again Eiiaure_Totalitarian Hate 499
Letters (In , ord~r ~of llrst',.:or 'of pri~cipal word)
. f P
..t "P bli M t l '
. sence o ;r ayer a u c ee ngs
,............ .
.~.fAttai~i n g. t,o"rhat .':Wo~ld" :
Attending Funerals and Marriages
:. .. ..
"Theocracy's Increase" Testimony; Period , : . ~ ;
",The WIsdom rrom Above" ..L ... ..:..::..:..:.....:.;.:.;;.; ~ :-..: 339
. : ;!. ~
: . : 419
Victory Dedicated to
' ~
Je1l.'<>~ah's ,
Honpr, A .:..,D:~. ~
- ..'
:. 157
: 260
~ ..:. ~475
~ ..':-155
. ,
N arne and .Purpose, of The Watchtower ..: ~