Fabrication of Self-Charging Electric Bike: ISSN: 1314-3395 (On-Line Version) Url: Http://acadpubl - Eu/hub Special Issue
Fabrication of Self-Charging Electric Bike: ISSN: 1314-3395 (On-Line Version) Url: Http://acadpubl - Eu/hub Special Issue
Fabrication of Self-Charging Electric Bike: ISSN: 1314-3395 (On-Line Version) Url: Http://acadpubl - Eu/hub Special Issue
Abstract: The frequent news about the extinction of is a system that involves three different ways of
fossil fuels has increased the importance of usage of charging a battery: solar power, Dynamo and 220V Ac
electricity in the future. Electric bikes will be utilized to wall charge. The power from these three modes is used
a greater extent. Office going people and people who to charge an electric PMDC motor running a bicycle
travel moderate distances will be benefitted from the [4]. Electric bike which will be driven with the help of
electric bike. The electric bike contains motor to help battery and thus provide required voltage to the motor.
the vehicle move forward and various power sources The focus of this report is to perform power
are being used. The batteries provide power to the calculations and system design of this Electric Bike.
motor and the motor drives the vehicle. When the This bike can be driven with the help of electricity or
battery is fully discharged the battery is recharged also with the help of solar energy [5]. The unit
again by using a battery charger. In this project, we developed by us is a combination of the standard
have used a DC motor/generator attached to the rear geared bicycle with an electric power motor cum
wheel of the bicycle. Two sets of batteries are alternator that would assist the rider throughout his
connected to the setup such as A and B. When one of journey. The system is modified in such a way that the
the batteries gets discharged another battery will rider can make choice of which mode he prefers i.e. he
provide the power required. During that time, the can either choose the bicycle to be driven completely
rotation of the wheel rotates the shaft of the dc with the electric motor or he can choose it to be driven
motor/generator which produces an output of voltage. manually by himself. The idea of mounting the motor
This voltage helps in the charging of the battery thus by cum alternator assembly onto a geared bicycle was to
increasing the mileage of the electric bike. reduce the effort to-be applied for extra little weight
that the rider will have to take along with the bicycle
Keywords: DC motor, battery, self-charging, [6] and [7]. Self-power generating electrical bike is
alternating voltage, generator. nothing but the self-power generating bike that generate
own power by using some arrangement of equipment
1. Introduction and drive the bike without any external energy. This
type of bike no need to any external energy just like
Components including chassis, transmissions, wheels fuel or charging of battery by externally .this is charge
and brakes are presented. Information will be basics for internally without any effect on operation of self-power
design of the conversion .electrical hazards of batteries, generating electrical bike [8].Self-charging electric bike
and high ampere and high voltage wiring will be comprise six separate parts: The Battery, Dynamo as a
presented [1]. The Electric Bicycle System is a systems wind generator, the BLDC engine, controller, charging
project that incorporates three different ways of framework and sun oriented board. Utilization of
charging a lithium-ion battery: the 120V AC wall disentangled Mechanical outline and less weighted dry
outlet, regenerative braking, and solar power; which is cell batteries to defeat the above issues. Wind-sunlight
used to power an electric hub motor running a bicycle. based blend is utilized for self-charging [9].
The purpose of the project is to show that it is possible
and relatively simple, to build an electric bicycle by 2. Experimental Setup and Parts
oneself [2]. So we intend to design a cycle which would
a. Components of Electric Bike
run on an alternative source and also reducing human
efforts called as Battery Operated Cycle. It contains a The Electric bike consists of the following components
strong motor and enough battery power that just needs i.e. DC motor, motor controller, throttle, two poles 6
charging to help in hill climbing, generate greater way switch, bridge rectifier, battery, generator.
motoring speeds and provides completely free electric b. DC Motor
transportation [3]. The hybrid powered electric bicycle
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
DC Motor is an electrical device which converts (DC motors, DC gear motors, servo motors etc.) require
electrical energy into mechanical energy. A simple DC several Amps.
motor has a stationary set of magnets in the stator and
an armature with one or more windings of insulated
wire wrapped around a soft iron core that concentrates
the magnetic field. The windings usually have multiple
turns around the core, and in large motors there can be
several parallel current paths. The ends of the wire
winding are connected to a commutator. The
commutator allows each armature coil to be energized
in turn and connects the rotating coils with the external
power supply through brushes. (Brushless DC motors
have electronics that switch the DC current to each coil
on and off and have no brushes. DC motors can
operate directly from rechargeable batteries, providing
the motive power for the first electric vehicles and
today's hybrid cars and electric cars as well as driving a
host of cordless tools. Today DC motors are still found
in applications as small as toys and disk drives, or in Figure 2. Motor Controller
large sizes to operate steel rolling mills and paper
machines. Large DC motors with separately excited d. Throttle
fields were generally used with winder drives for mine
hoists, for high torque as well as smooth speed control A throttle is the mechanism by which fluid flow is
using thyristor drives. These are now replaced with managed by constriction or obstruction.An engine's
large AC motors with variable frequency drives. power can be increased or decreased by the restriction
of inlet gases (by the use of a throttle), but usually
decreased. The term throttle has come to refer,
informally and incorrectly, to any mechanism by which
the power or speed of an engine is regulated, such as a
car's accelerator pedal. What is often termed
a throttle (in an aviation context) is morecorrectly
called a thrust lever, particularly for jet engine powered
aircraft. For a steam engine, the steam valve that sets
the engine speed/power is often known as a regulator.
Figure 1. DC Motor
c. Motor Controller
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
f. Bridge Rectifier
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
recharged.When the second battery runs out, the motor One watt motor burns 1Wh in one hour. That means,
will rotate with the help of energy charged by the 350 watt motor burns
generator thus by increasing the mileage of the bike. 360Wh=1.02hr ~1hr
Hence from the calculation if the electric bicycle is
driven at 22km/hr, it gives a mileage of 22km per hour
(or) per battery pack.
4. Conclusion
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue