The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Low Frequency Inductive Hyperthermi
The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Low Frequency Inductive Hyperthermi
The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Low Frequency Inductive Hyperthermi
10 144
3 authors:
Andrzej Krawczyk
Częstochowa University of Technology
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Inductive Hyperthermia
Purpose – The paper aims to present the basic ideas of magnetic nanoparticles’ usage in the breast cancer treatment,
which is called magnetic fluid hyperthermia. The proposed approach offers a relatively simple methodology of energy
deposition allowing an adequate temperature control at the target tissue, in our case a cancerous one. By means of a
numerical method the authors investigated two heating effects caused by varying magnetic fields i.e. eddy currents power
magnetic nanoparticles and the eddy current one, the Finite Element Method solver based on FEniCS project has been
prepared. To include the magnetic fluid in the model it has been assumed that power losses in the magnetic nanoparticles
are completely converted into heat according to experimentally developed formula. That formula can be interpreted as the
hysteresis losses with regard to the volume of magnetic fluid. Finally, the total power density has been calculated as the
product of the sum of power density from eddy currents and hysteresis losses. That methodology has been applied to
calculate the effectiveness of magnetic fluid hyperthermia with regard to the female breast phantom.
Findings – The paper presents the methodology which can be used in magnetic fluid hyperthermia therapy planning
and Computer Aid Diagnosis (CAD). Furthermore, it is shown how to overcome one of the most serious engineering
challenges connected with hyperthermia i.e. achieving adequate temperature in deep tumors without overheating the
body surface.
Practical implications – The obtained results connected with the assessment of eddy currents effect suggest that
during hyperthermia treatment the configuration which consists of an exciting coil and human body, plays a curial role.
Moreover, the authors believe that these results will help to predict the skin surface overheating that accompanies deep
heating. The presented methodology can be used by engineers in the development of Computer Aid Diagnosis systems.
Originality/value – In a given patient’s situation a number of choices must be made to determine the parameters of
the hyperthermia treatment. These include the need of multiple-point temperature measurements for accurate and
thorough monitoring. Treatment planning will require accurate characterization of the applicator deposition pattern and the
tissue parameters, as well as the numerical techniques to predict the resultant heating pattern. The presented paper
shows how to overcome these problems from the numerical point of view at least.
Magnetic nanoparticles have attracted much attention because of their important applications in biomedicine. These
applications involve the tagging or labelling of the desired biological entity with magnetic material, and after that,
separating these tagged entities via a fluid-based magnetic separation device (Moldey, 1982, Sangregorio, 1999,
Kularatne, 2002). They have also been used in drug delivery (Senyei, 1978) and MRI contrast enhancement ( Semelka,
2001, Enochs, 1999, Bulte, 1999) and finally, as the cancer or tumor therapy by hyperthermia (Duguet, 2006). Magnetic
fluid hyperthermia, which is the combination of inductive applicator and magnetic fluid (nanoparticles) injected into
cancerous tissue, has also attracted much attention because of their considerable heating effects in time-varying
magnetic field (Figure 1). It can increase the temperature in tumours to 43-48 0C, and therefore leads to apoptosis.
Figure 1 Low frequency hyperthermia idea – the magnetic fluid injected into cancerous tissue and then external
The Faraday induction law says that if H field is of sinusoidal variation, it induces an internal E field in the tissues (and
eddy currents density J). It should be mentioned that inductive applicators are working in deep heating regime. It means
that the frequency should be high enough to produce a sufficient internal E field but lower than 10 MHz for appropriate
penetration depth of the electromagnetic field. Moreover, for biomedical reasons, the frequency of hyperthermia device
has to be higher than 50 kHz to avoid neuromuscular electrostimulation (Jordan, 2001, Pankhurst, 2003).
On the other hand, ferromagnetic nanoparticles heating effect is present the cancerous tissue. The generation of heat
by magnetic substances in an external alternating magnetic field may be caused by several physical loss processes as
described in details in Fannin (2002) . In our case we have simplified the heat generation by magnetic nanoparticles to
hysteresis losses like in Yamada (2007) and Miaskowski (2010). This assumption means that the maximum of hysteresis
losses may be expected for single domain iron oxide particles near to a mean diameter of 30 nm (Hergt, 2006). To
validate such a simplified physical model of heat generation phenomenon the experiments have been prepared as
described in details in Miaskowski (2010). During the experiments the authors have investigated the temperature
dependence on the amount of magnetic fluid with regards to the female breast phantom as it is shown in Figure 2. The
authors have concluded that a reasonable assumption is that about 50 mg of magnetic material concentrated in each
cubic centimetre of tumour tissue is appropriate for magnetic hyperthermia in a female breast. Next, to validate the results
obtained from experiments the investigators have developed numerical solver based on Finite Element Method (FEM) as
it is described below.
Figure 2 Elucidation of the experimental set up – 5 turn exciting coil and the phantom.
In order to investigate the combination of the overheating effect of magnetic nanoparticles and the eddy current one,
the authors have prepared the FEM solver based on FEniCS project (Logg, 2010) as follows.
Taking into account low conductivity of human tissues and low frequency of electromagnetic field the considered
problem has been divided into a few steps. Firstly, the current density (Jc) in the torus shape coil has been calculated.
Secondly, describing magnetic field by magnetic vector potential A and knowing that ∇× A = B we have formulated a
∇ ⋅ ∇ A = − µ 0Jc (1)
Next, using electric scalar potential (ϕ) the eddy current problem in human tissues has been defined as follows:
∇ ⋅ σ∇ϕ = −∇ ⋅ σ
where σ is the conductivity of tissues. Then current density vector can be expressed as the sum of two components:
J = −σ∇ϕ − σ (3)
Power density (pe) produced by the eddy currents can be written as:
pe = (4)
To include in our model the magnetic fluid, we have assumed that power losses in the magnetic nanoparticles are
completely converted into heat, which can be expressed by the following formula for heat capacity Q (Yamada, 2007):
Q = km f Dw B 2 ml (5)
where: km = 2.4×10-3 [W/Hz/(mgFe/ml)/T2/ml], f – exciting frequency of applied field [Hz], B – external magnetic field [T], D w
Finally, total power density (p tot) is the product of the sum of the power density from the eddy currents and hysteresis
losses, i.e.:
p tot = p e + Q ⋅ 10 6 m3 (6)
Numerical Calculations
The methodology described above has been applied to calculate the effectiveness of magnetic fluid hyperthermia with
regard to the female breast phantom. In the phantom we have distinguished three different layers i.e. layer of skin, breast
fat and muscle (equivalent to cancerous tissue) as it is shown in Figure 3. The dimensions of the phantom are shown in
Figure 4.
model and parameters taken from Gabriel (Gabriel, 1996) (see Table 1).
1 Skin 0.089
3 Muscle/Tumor 0.370
The weight density of magnetic fluid, Dw=28 mgFe/ml, has been used, which is equivalent to, for example, Resovit
produced by Meito Sangyo Co. from Japan. As the excitation we have used the 5-turn torus coil flowing current with
amplitude of I = 400 A. The coil has been placed about 3 cm above the layer of skin as it is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 The complete simulation model consists of the coil and the simplified breast model. Lines of the picture show
authors have also provided an assessment of effects from electromagnetic field interference with human tissues i.e. low
As it is visible in Figure 6. the total power density (p tot) is completely dominated by Q term which represents magnetic fluid.
Color scale has been chosen to visualize much weaker effects related to eddy currents (p e), but one should be informed
that power density in the area of magnetic fluid is over 40 times higher comparing with the rest of the phantom.
Assessment of Eddy Current Effect
The high values of the heat capacity (Q) in the magnetic fluid area is considered as awaiting to achieve hyperthermia
heating effect. In this part of the paper the authors have investigated maximum field values (the power density and eddy
currents) in the surrounding tissues in order to achieve information about the low inductive heating.
Human tissues do not have special magnetic properties, like magnetic fluids, so only the effects caused by eddy
currents are present as the source of heat. The highest values of the current and power density are observed in the skin
layer which is the closest to the coil. The nature of eddy currents phenomena suggests that the size and distance between
the breast phantom and coil play crucial role in estimating the maximum values of p e.
Figure 7 Different sizes and locations of the phantom: a) the experimental setup, b) phantom closer to the coil, c) wider
That is why, three cases have been solved and analyzed (see Figure 7). The first one (Figure 7a) is the original
configuration (coil – phantom) taken from experimental setup (see Figure 2 and Figure 4), as described in details in
Miaskowski (2010), the second one, (Figure 7b) i.e. the breast phantom has been moved 2cm closer to the coil. In the last
case (Figure 7c) it has been decided to change the size of the phantom (without size changing of the magnetic fluid layer).
The importance of the case c) cannot be overestimated, because in real life it is not possible to restrict electromagnetic
interferences only to the female breast. It emerges from this that the case shown in Figure 7c can be understood as the
approximation of the whole trunk exposed to the magnetic field produced by hyperthermia setup coils.
The maximum values of power densities and eddy currents for those three cases are presented in Table II. It should be
noticed that these values have occurred in the skin layer and they are negligible when compared with Q, which occurred
in the cancer layer. Moving phantom model closer to the coil (case b) leads to 20% the increase of power density caused
by eddy currents (p e) as well as by magnetic fluid effect (Q). The third case is even more interesting, where the phantom’s
width is comparable to the coil diameter i.e. 24 cm. In this case the maximum p e increased six times, from 0.12 to 0.72
[W/cm3]. The authors believe this result has proved that future simulations of low frequency hyperthermia should be
Also the values of maximum current density in our model are presented in Table II. They have changed from 93 to 245
A/m2. Such levels of the current are significantly high for living tissues. Without any doubts, during the stimulation a patient
will feel skin sensations. But similar overrun is usually accepted in other magnetic field therapeutical techniques, such as
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). During TMS the values of current density in the human brain could reach up to
100 A/m2 (Sawicki, 2005). All results mentioned above suggest that during hyperthermia treatment the configuration: coil
– human has a crucial role. The authors believe that these results will help to predict the overheating of surface that
Taking into account the parameters of our model we have concluded that power density in the cancer layer is about
1000 times higher with magnetic fluid than without it. That means that eddy currents effects are completely negligible
regarding the heating of the injected magnetic fluid. On the other hand, eddy currents are important when talking about
inductive heating. The maximum power density values in the body are determined by the size of body, and so is the
Magnetic nanoparticles are promising tools for the minimal invasive elimination of small tumors in the breast with the
use of magnetically induced heating. In our simplified model we have not considered the presence of blood flow and
tissue perfusion, both of which are dominant sources of tissue cooling, and both of which vary actively as the tissue is
heated, but the proposed approach offers a very simple methodology of energy deposition allowing an adequate
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