Project 2 Screwed

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SPAX Design So ware v2.2.

M03 - Design of screwed connec on
Steel to Wood
1 shear plane Project 2
Screwed connec on
2 pcs SPAX 6.0 x 60 mm Full thread - Tip 4CUT
Head Steel Drive Packaging SPAX-No EAN-No
Flat countersunk head Stainless steel A2, 1.4567, AISI 304Cu T-STAR plus T 30 100 pcs 1197000600603 4003530168352
Flat countersunk head Stainless steel A2, 1.4567, AISI 304Cu Cross recess type Z 3 100 pcs 1087000600603 4003530014925

Name Name
Project 2
Address Customer ID

Postcode City Address

Country Postcode City

Phone Fax
DIN EN 1995-1-1:2010-12+A1+A2

[1] Side member [2] Main member

Width 3 340 mm
Depth 55 200 mm
Distance from axis to le member end 35 200 mm
Material Steel Timber
Grade - C22
Predrilling Without predrilling
With predrilling (6mm)
kmod 1.00 0.80
γM 1.30 1.30


Angle of load to grain of member [1] 0 ° d1 6.0 mm
Angle of load to grain of member [2] 90 ° L 60 mm
Angle of load to axis of member [1] 0 ° d2 4.0 mm
Shear load / Axial load 0.5 / 0.4 kN fax,k 12.00 N /mm2
Dura on of load Medium term ftens,k 7.10 kN
Service class 2 My,k 6.33 N ·m
lgT 53.00 mm

SPAX Interna onal GmbH & Co. KG 20200509 09:50:19 UTC - Djuro Savkin
Altenloh, Brinck & Co. Gruppe
Kölner Straße 71-77 · D-58256 Ennepetal - - so [email protected] 1
SPAX Design So ware v2.2.1
M03 - Design of screwed connec on


1. Design according to DIN EN 1995-1-1:2010-12+A1+A2 and its Na onal Annex, and to ETA-12/0114

2. The characteris c values of the mber materials correspond to EN 338:2009 (so wood / solid wood), EN 14080:2013
(glued-laminated mber) and EN 12369-1:2001 or EN 12369-2:2011 (wood-based panels), and reflect addi onal na-
onal regula ons where applicable.

3. The screws shall be driven without predrilling unless stated otherwise.

4. A minimum of two screws or threaded rods should be used for connec ons in load bearing mber structures. This
does not apply for reinforcements or other situa ons specified in Na onal Annexes to EN 1995-1-1.

5. Addi onal stresses such as those induced by eccentrici es within connec ons over large areas shall be verified sep-
arately, and handled through addi onal screws or other appropriate details.

6. The design, arrangement, amount of screws and further indicated details are valid exclusively for the use of SPAX
screws, as indicated by the SPAX Design So ware.

7. The screws may only be used for predominantly sta onary loads.

8. All calcula ons must be verified and signed off by the designer in charge of the works before installa on.

9. Reduc ons in the cross-sec onal area caused by SPAX screws or threaded rods with a diameter d1 ≥ 10mm shall be
taken into account in the member strength verifica on, both in the tensile and compressive area of members. For
screws in pre-drilled holes, the drill hole diameter should be considered in the member strength verifica on ; for
screws driven without pre-drilling, the inner thread diameter d2 should be considered. For further informa on see

10. In steel to mber connec ons, the steel plate strenngth shall be verified separately according to EN 1993. The so -
ware uses following minimum edge distances and spacing: mini. edge distance e1 = e2 = 3 x d1 ; mini spacing of holes
p1 = p2 = 3 x d1. Steel plates shall always be pre-drilled precisely at screw diameter. Further, for screws with coun-
tersunk head, precise countersunk inlay with 90° angle shall be provided. For detailed dimensions and tolerances of
screws, refer to the drawings in the annexes of ETA-12/0114.

The dimensions given in the SPAX Design So ware must be checked again for accuracy in the result output report.
In addi on, the recommended values, type and number of screws form an assistance for the design, which must be
checked for accuracy by an authorised architect or designer. The latest version of the user agreement, privacy policy and
general terms and condi ons apply, and have been accepted by the user prior to the use of the SPAX Design So ware.

SPAX Interna onal GmbH & Co. KG 20200509 09:50:19 UTC - Djuro Savkin
Altenloh, Brinck & Co. Gruppe
Kölner Straße 71-77 · D-58256 Ennepetal - - so [email protected] 2
SPAX Design So ware v2.2.1
M03 - Design of screwed connec on

28 28

[2] 340 F




55 Fax



Screws aligned (not staggered)



Member [1] Member [2]
Distance Min. Actual Min. Actual
a1 18 mm ≤ 75 mm 30 mm
a2 18 mm 24 mm ≤ 75 mm
a3,t 18 mm ≤ 18 mm 72 mm
a3,c 18 mm 72 mm
a4,t 18 mm 42 mm ≤ 42 mm
a4,c 18 mm ≤ 28 mm 18 mm ≤ 83 mm

SPAX Interna onal GmbH & Co. KG 20200509 09:50:19 UTC - Djuro Savkin
Altenloh, Brinck & Co. Gruppe
Kölner Straße 71-77 · D-58256 Ennepetal - - so [email protected] 3
SPAX Design So ware v2.2.1
M03 - Design of screwed connec on

Withdrawal resistance of threaded length in member [2] (pointside)
d1 6.00 mm
fax,k,2 12.00 N /mm2
lef,2 53.00 mm
ρk,2 340.00 kg/m3
( ρk,2 )0.8
Fax,α,Rk,2 = fax,k,2 · d1 · lef,2 · 350 3,728.52 N
kmod,2 0.80
γM 1.30
Fax,α,Rd,2 = Fax,α,Rk,2 · mod,2
γM 2.29 kN
Tension strength of fastener
ftens,k 7,100.00 N
γM 1.30
ftens,d 5.46 kN
Axial resistance
Fax,α,Rk = min (Fax,α,Rk,2 ; ftens,k ) 3,728.52 N
Fax,Rd = min (Fax,α,Rd,2 ; ftens,d ) 2.29 kN
In steel-to- mber connec ons the head pull-through capacity is not governing.

Characteris c dowel bearing strength in member [2]

Without pre-drilling
d1 6.00 mm
ρk,2 340.00 kg/m3
α 90.00 °
0.082·ρk,2 ·d−0.3
fh,α,k,2 = 1
2.5·cos2 α+sin2 α
16.29 N /mm2

SPAX Interna onal GmbH & Co. KG 20200509 09:50:19 UTC - Djuro Savkin
Altenloh, Brinck & Co. Gruppe
Kölner Straße 71-77 · D-58256 Ennepetal - - so [email protected] 4
SPAX Design So ware v2.2.1
M03 - Design of screwed connec on

Shear resistance of shear plane [1/2]

d1 6.00 mm
t2 57.00 mm
fh,α,k,2 16.29 N /mm2
My,Rk = 0.15 · 400 · d2.6
1 6,329.00 N · mm
Fax,α,Rk,[1/2] 3,728.52 N
∆Rk is limited to 100% of shear resistance 0.93 kN
kmod,2 0.80
γM 1.30
Fv,Rk (8.9.a) 2.23 kN
Fv,Rk (8.9.b) = 1.28 + 0.93 = 2.21 kN
Fv,Rd,[1/2] 1.36 kN

Loads on connec on
Angle of load to grain
Member 1 : α1 0.00 °
Member 2 : α2 90.00 °
Design value of loads
Design value of shear load: Fv,Ed 0.50
Load component perpendicular to member 2 : Fv,Ed,⊥,2 = Fv,Ed · sin α2 0.50

Effec ve numbers of fasteners [1] [2]

Total number of screws: n = n0 · n90 = 2
Design situa on n90 1 2
n0 2 1
kef - 1.00
nef = n0ef 2.00 1.00
Screws aligned (not staggered)

SPAX Interna onal GmbH & Co. KG 20200509 09:50:19 UTC - Djuro Savkin
Altenloh, Brinck & Co. Gruppe
Kölner Straße 71-77 · D-58256 Ennepetal - - so [email protected] 5
SPAX Design So ware v2.2.1
M03 - Design of screwed connec on

Verifica on

Shear plane [1/2] under load component perpendicular to member [2]

Fv,Ed,⊥,2 0.50
Fv,Rd,[1/2] 1.36
ηv,⊥,2 = n0,2 ·n90,2 ·Fv,Rd,[1/2] 0.18 ≤ 1

ηv = max (ηv,⊥,2 ) 0.18 ≤ 1

Fax,Ed 0.40
nef,ax 1.87
Fax,Rd 2.29
ηax = nef,ax ·Fax,Rd 0.09 ≤ 1

η = (ηax )2 + (ηv )2 0.04 ≤ 1

Tension perp. to grain in member [2]

Fv,Ed,⊥,2 0.50 kN
h2 200 mm
b2 340 mm
he,2 117 mm

F90,Rk,2 = 14 · b2 · w · he,2 79.92 kN
1− h2

kmod,2 0.80
γM,2 1.30
F90,Rd,2 = F90,Rk,2 · γM,2 49.18 kN
η90,2 = F90,Rd,2 0.01 ≤ 1

SPAX Interna onal GmbH & Co. KG 20200509 09:50:19 UTC - Djuro Savkin
Altenloh, Brinck & Co. Gruppe
Kölner Straße 71-77 · D-58256 Ennepetal - - so [email protected] 6
SPAX Design So ware v2.2.1
M03 - Design of screwed connec on

Block shear in member [2]

Fv,Ed,∥,2 0.00 kN
tpen,2 57 mm
Lnet,v,2 394 mm
Lnet,t,2 69 mm

tef,2 = 1.4 · fh,k,2 ·d 18,032 mm
Anet,v,2 = 2 (·Lnet,t,2 + 2 · tef,2 ) 11 mm2
Anet,t,2 = Lnet,t,2 · tpen,2 3,933 mm2
fv,k,2 3.80 N /mm2
Fbs,v,Rk,2 = 0.7 · Anet,v,2 · fv,k,2 47.97 kN
ft,0,k,2 13.00 N /mm2
Fbs,t,Rk,2 = 1.50 · Anet,t,2 · ft,0,k,2 76.69 kN
Fbs,Rk,2 = max (Fbs,v,Rk,2 ; Fbs,t,Rk,2 ) 76.69 kN
kmod,2 0.80
γM,2 1.30
Fbs,Rd,2 = Fbs,Rk,2 · γM,2 47.20 kN
ηbs,2 = Fbs,Rd,2 0.00 ≤ 1

SPAX Interna onal GmbH & Co. KG 20200509 09:50:19 UTC - Djuro Savkin
Altenloh, Brinck & Co. Gruppe
Kölner Straße 71-77 · D-58256 Ennepetal - - so [email protected] 7

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