Airmax - Air Seperation Unit
Airmax - Air Seperation Unit
Airmax - Air Seperation Unit
Assembly of an AR105/06M MAC with six axial stages and one radial stage featuring a 3-D shrouded-type impeller
AR-MAX1 – the standardized axial/radial main air compressor can deliver volume
flows up to 1.5 Mio. cubic meters per hour, pressures up to 25 bar and exhibits
highest robustness: a piece of equipment our customers can rely on.
AR-MAX1 – a true game changer All components of the main air compressor have been
MAN Diesel & Turbo has further developed its proven optimized for efficiency. The aerodynamical design of
axial/radial main air compressor type AR by equipping the new axial blading and the subsequent radial dif-
it with the advanced axial blading generation MAX1. fuser have been optimized with most modern tools
Besides the blade geometry itself all parts and design and design methods used in the aero engine industry.
features are well referenced. AR-MAX1 is a fully API The excellent operating range of AR-MAX1 – running
compliant standardized modular system with a simple at constant speed – is achieved by four variable guide
layout and a reduced number of parts. vanes. For the standard ASU pressures AR-MAX1
features only one intercooler between the axial stage
Benefits of AR-MAX1 group and the radial stage, thus reducing complexity
AR-MAX1 features superior surge robustness. Also and easing assembly and maintenance. The diago-
regarding compactness AR-MAX1 is a true game nal inlet, the radial stage itself as well as the exit
changer. Therefore, it is economic in CAPEX and has volute have been significantly improved with respect
excellent transport features – the smallest and lightest to their efficiency; resulting in a superior performance
concept in the market. Furthermore, AR-MAX1 exhib- of AR-MAX1.
its potential for very high pressures for HP-ASU – also
with 2 intercoolings – and for very large air compressor
trains (7,000 t/d O2 and larger). Such a “mega-train”
featuring one AR-MAX1 is extremely economic in
CAPEX compared to two “50%-trains”. A further ben-
efit of a mega-train is the shorter delivery time and
lower effort for site erection, operations and mainte-
nance due to the lower train count in large plants.
AIRMAX trains serve the needs of todays and future ASU plants. AIRMAX trains
have already demonstrated their applicability to plants that until recently were
considered large but now have become “standard”.
3,000 tpd
4,000 tpd
5,000 tpd
6,000 tpd
Pressure Ratio [-]
Standard ASU
AR-MAX1 Dimensions and Weight
Size Production [t/d] Size Length [m] Width [m] Height [m] Weight [t]
AR-MAX1 rotor for standard ASU pressures with advanced axial blading MAX1
The new hybrid blading MAX1 represents a big step forward in power density and
robustness – a unique combination of the advantages of proven industrial design
and gas turbine technology.
MAX1 – the hybrid axial compressor blading significantly smaller impeller diameter. The strongly
MAN Diesel & Turbo has developed MAX1, the new increased power density drastically improves com-
hybrid blading based on proven industrial design and pactness, production cost and rotordynamics due to
gas turbine technology, together with its development the shorter rotor. The novel blading generation com-
partner MTU Aero Engines. MAX1 combines the ad- bines the increased power density with further essen-
vantages of gas turbine technology – greater stage tial advantages, such as very high efficiency, good
pressure ratios, higher speed and fewer stages – with operating range and highest robustness – a unique
the benefits of industrial axial compressors – high combination of features in the market.
efficiency and wide operating range. The robustness
could even be increased significantly. Superior surge robustness in the market
The MAX1 wide chord blading has a greatly improved
Uniquely Compact Robust Efficient robustness against all kinds of mechanical blade
The two main design targets of the MAX1 blading – a loads. MAX1 represents MAN Diesel & Turbo’s latest
big step forward in power density as well as in robust- generation of surge robustness. Extensive prototype
ness – have both been fully achieved. A speed in- tests and surge tests of the first customer machine
crease of approximately one third has led to a reduc- have proven impressively that MAX1 exhibits superior
tion in axial stage count by roughly one third and to a surge robustness in the market.
Lifting of AR-MAX1 compressor to MAN Diesel & Turbo’s test stand in Oberhausen
Market success of AIRMAX train concept stresses in the rotor blades. AR-MAX1 is uniquely ro-
The market has shown a tangible interest in the AIR- bust. It is much more surge robust than any other
MAX train concept from MAN Diesel & Turbo. MAN main air compressor in the market.
Diesel & Turbo received an order for four AIRMAX S
trains, for a nominal output of ~3,000 t/d O2, featuring AR-MAX1 for the world’s largest CTL plants
an AR105/06M MAC at the beginning of 2012. In ASU train sizes are constantly growing to take advan-
spring 2013 MAN Diesel & Turbo received another tage of economies of scale and – due to the lower
order for 11 AIRMAX M trains, featuring an AR115/06M train count in huge plants – also of shorter delivery
MAC for ~3,600 t/d O2. time and lower effort for site erection, operations and
maintenance. With the AIRMAX trains – standardized
Superior test results of AR-MAX1 in the sizes S to XL – our customers are prepared for
The final acceptance tests of the first order were suc- train capacities of 7,000 tons of oxygen per day or
cessfully performed in MAN Diesel & Turbo’s test cen- larger, which is an expected size in the foreseeable
ter for large machinery trains in Oberhausen. The test- future.
bed was equipped with the job intercooler. The MAC
was driven on the test stand by an electric motor. The At MAN Diesel & Turbo we are dedicated to innovation
very extensive test series was concluded with the me- and the continuous improvement of our products to
chanical running and performance test. In total 24 in- meet the challenges of tomorrow.
tensive measurement days were completed success- AR-MAX1 – the air compressor technology of the future.
fully. The performance of AR-MAX1 is significantly
better than expected and the high expectations re-
garding robustness have been fully confirmed. In total
155 MAC surges were measured; all showed very low