BHP-Vessel Nomination Guide PDF

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Vessel Nomination Guide 10 Marina Boulevard # 50-01

Marina Bay Financial Center

Singapore 018983
To all BHP customers

Dear all,

This letter is to inform you about the information requirement by BHP vetting, from customers upon
nominating a vessel to BHP. Providing the below information at the initial stage helps to improve the
turnaround of the vetting process and thereby the approval or rejection decision of the vessel.

We hereby kindly request you to provide us with the below information upon vessel nomination to
facilitate our vetting process. We have provided a summary of our vetting criteria for your reference.
Kindly note that the vet of a vessel may require more analysis than the satisfaction of the below

Vessel information:
Vessel Name
IMO Number
Submitted TVQ expiry
ITF agreement expiry
date(if in place)
MLC expiry date
(if applicable)
ISSC expiry date

Documents required:
Applicable TVQ Confirmation that a TVQ for the relevant load port has been completed
submitted and submitted by the Master/Owner. The information in the TVQ shall be
accurate and up to date. TVQ is valid for 1 year.
If vessel is not covered Special ITF agreement certificate.
under ITF agreement If ITF agreement is not in place, MLC plus accompanying DMLC
documents to be produced
PSC deficiencies Reports of inspections carried out in the last 3 years along with close out
actions, including proof of implementation
PSC detentions Reports of inspections carried out in the last 3 years along with close out
actions, including proof of implementation
Rightship recorded Reports of incidents occurred in the last 3 years along with close out
incident actions, including proof of implementation, if any
Rightship inspection Report along with close out actions, if any
ISSC Copy of the ISSC certificate

Ship certificates, TVQ and ITF related documents must be valid for the anticipated duration of
the voyage.
BHP’s vetting process
Ocean freight is vital to our success as a reliable global supplier. We are taking a lead role in driving
changes in the dry bulk freight industry to focus on safety, environmental sustainability, innovation
and efficiency. Please refer to the below link for further reading.

A key feature of this initiative is the process we have established to vet all vessels scheduled to load
our material. This process is summarized below.

After nomination of a vessel, BHP vet the vessel using RightShip Qi and the vessel will be subjected
to the 3 layers of checks described below:

Stage 1: Global RightShip vetting criteria which is applicable to all vets run by RightShip.
Example: RightShip’s global age trigger for dry cargo inspections is 14 years

Stage 2: BHP vetting criteria are applied to enable RightShip’s decision to approve automatically or
refer to BHP vetting team for a detailed review. The BHP vetting criteria are in table 1:

What? Why?
Safety Vessels over 14 years Vessels with unsatisfactory inspection report will
must have an annual require further intervention by BHP vetting team.

Vessels over 25 years are

not accepted.
Incidents: nil over the last Incidents, Deficiencies and detentions indicate
2 years incorrect behaviour of equipment or humans.
Deficiencies: < 3 average In the event that customers/owners nominate a
per inspection over the vessel not complying with these criteria, our
last 3 years vetting personnel assures that the detentions,
Detentions: nil over the deficiencies and incidents have been closed out
last 3 years appropriately. Appropriately means that a root
Terminal feedback : no cause analysis has been conducted and all
adverse comments over corrective and preventative actions have been
the last 2 years implemented successfully across the
customers/owners fleet.
If a desktop review is not giving satisfactory
results then an inspection might be needed.
Terminal Vetting This questionnaire is filled in by the master of the
Questionnaire vessel to assure the vessel is compatible with the
terminal in terms of dimensions and operational
Ship management Ship managers who cause significant disruption at
a BHP port will be flagged and put on the
continuous improvement list. All their vessels will
be scrutinized, especially previous incidents and
the quality of close out thereof.
Environment Green House Gas rating F or G rated vessels are not acceptable other than
of A-E is acceptable in circumstances where the customer has a long-
term contract for the hire of the vessel entered
prior to 28th November 2017.
Social ITF Flag of Convenience vessels should be covered
Responsibility by an ITF agreement. Maritime Labour Certificate
and accompanying Declaration of Maritime Labour
Compliance must be presented and may be
accepted as a suitable alternative if the vessel is
not covered by ITF.
Table 1: BHP Vetting Criteria
Stage 3: The BHP vetting team takes a risk-based approach to vetting where several factors such as
RightShip inspection reports, terminal feedback, incidents and deficiency trends. When it is identified
that there is no indication of deterioration in safety performance of the vessel, ship management or
crew then the vet will be approved. The following items will be considered in the review:

 Flag of Convenience vessel without an ITF Special Agreement for Seafarer’s terms of
 Pending terminal questionnaire
 Vessel of age 14 years or more and does not have a valid Rightship Inspection
 Average PSC deficiencies of 3 or more in the last 36 months
 Open incident record
 P&I club not an International Group
 Vessel or DOC holder in continuous improvement plan by BHP
 Manual vet insisted on the vessel by vetting team


ITF International Transport Workers Federation

TVQ Terminal Vetting Questionnaire
PSC Port State Control
P&I Protection and Indemnity
DOC Document of Compliance
MLC Maritime Labour Certificate
ISSC International Ship Security Certificate

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