Clinical Microbiology and Infection: Position Paper
Clinical Microbiology and Infection: Position Paper
Clinical Microbiology and Infection: Position Paper
Position paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 5 February 2018 Objectives: With increasing global interest in hospital antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programmes,
Received in revised form there is a strong demand for core elements of AMS to be clearly defined on the basis of principles of
18 March 2018 effectiveness and affordability. To date, efforts to identify such core elements have been limited to
Accepted 22 March 2018 Europe, Australia, and North America. The aim of this study was to develop a set of core elements and
Available online 3 April 2018 their related checklist items for AMS programmes that should be present in all hospitals worldwide,
regardless of resource availability.
Editor: L Leibovici
Methods: A literature review was performed by searching Medline and relevant websites to retrieve a list
of core elements and items that could have global relevance. These core elements and items were
evaluated by an international group of AMS experts using a structured modified Delphi consensus
Antimicrobial resistance
Antimicrobial stewardship
procedure, using two-phased online in-depth questionnaires.
Hospital Results: The literature review identified seven core elements and their related 29 checklist items from 48
Low-income country references. Fifteen experts from 13 countries in six continents participated in the consensus procedure.
Middle-income country Ultimately, all seven core elements were retained, as well as 28 of the initial checklist items plus one that
was newly suggested, all with 80% agreement; 20 elements and items were rephrased.
* Corresponding author. C. Pulcini, Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire de Nancy, Service de Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Ho
^pitaux de Brabois, alle
e du Morvan,
54511 Vandoeuvre-Le s-Nancy, France.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Pulcini).
1198-743X/© 2018 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Pulcini et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25 (2019) 20e25 21
Conclusions: This consensus on core elements for hospital AMS programmes is relevant to both high- and
low-to-middle-income countries and could facilitate the development of national AMS stewardship
guidelines and adoption by healthcare settings worldwide. C. Pulcini, Clin Microbiol Infect 2019;25:20
© 2018 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All
rights reserved.
Box 2
Literature review and website search Core element 2: Accountability and responsibilities
Box 3 Box 5
Core element 3: Available expertise on infection management Core element 5: Other actions aiming at responsible antimicro-
bial use
Box 6
Discussion Core element 6: Monitoring and surveillance (on a continuous
Based on a pragmatic literature review and a structured
consensus procedure, we developed minimum core elements and
checklist items that could be relevant to hospital AMS programmes
Checklist item 6.1:
worldwide. Even though most of these checklist items may not
Does your hospital monitor the quality of antimicrobial use at the unit
currently exist in most hospitals in low-income countries, we and/or hospital wide level?
included all of them on the list because our main objective was to Accompanying comment: This can be done for example by
identify universally relevant, essential elements and items based on undertaking point prevalence surveys or audits, assessing
appropriateness of infection management and antimicrobial
the best available evidence. These seven core elements and their
prescription (e.g. indication, choice and duration of antibiotic
related 29 checklist items could be adapted and adopted locally therapy in pneumonia or surgical prophylaxis according to policy/
depending on factors such as clinical setting and resource avail- guidance)
ability. They provide a baseline of key elements required to start Checklist item 6.2:
hospital AMS programmes, and could be further modified and used Does your stewardship programme monitor compliance with one or
more of the specific interventions put in place by the stewardship
for the purposes of accreditation/certification, benchmarking, or
team (e.g. indication captured in the medical record for all
scrutiny/performance [52,53]. We were deliberately as generic as antimicrobial prescriptions)?
possible in the phrasing of elements and items so that countries Checklist item 6.3:
could adapt them to their own situations: for example, regarding Does your hospital monitor antibiotic susceptibility rates for a range
of key bacteria?
the composition of AMS teams.
Checklist item 6.4:
When comparing our seven core elements and 29 checklist Does your hospital monitor the quantity of antimicrobials prescribed/
items with the list developed by the Centers for Disease Control and dispensed/purchased at the unit and/or hospital wide level?
Prevention (CDC) in the United States, we found that both lists of
core elements are very similar in content, even though the phrasing
24 C. Pulcini et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25 (2019) 20e25
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