Om Om Om : The Concise Practice of Sherap Chamma, Mother of Wisdom and Love
Om Om Om : The Concise Practice of Sherap Chamma, Mother of Wisdom and Love
Om Om Om : The Concise Practice of Sherap Chamma, Mother of Wisdom and Love
Bring your full attention to this moment. Be aware of the presence of the sacred cyber sangha. Rest
in the stillness of your body, the silence of your speech, and gradually bring your attention inward to
your heart and rest in the boundless sacred space of your heart. From the union of openness and
awareness feel the warmth and pure devotion to the Mother of Wisdom and Love, Sherap Chamma.
Invoke Sherap Chamma
Sing OM [three times].
As you sing, Sherap Chamma miraculously appears in the sky before you. She is a peaceful wisdom
being of golden light, ornamented and smiling, radiating love and compassion to all beings.
Pray to Her
Help me, help us to overcome all obstacles to self-realization, to heal and enrich our lives in order to
benefit countless others.
Allow time to feel her presence and the warmth of connection.
Light emanates from her heart, and as you receive this light through your crown, it is a shower of
wisdom light washing through your body, speech, and mind purifying your karmic traces and
wounds of this life that you feel and are aware of.
Gradually feel your body, speech, and mind are like a clear open sky, and through her blessings you
connect with the primordial purity of being.
Receive the Empowerment
Sing A OM HUNG [three times each] as you receive the empowerments of body, speech, and mind.
As you sing A, white light radiates from her forehead to yours as you receive the empowerment of
the enlightened body.
A… A… A…
As you sing OM, red light radiates from her throat to yours as you receive the empowerment of
enlightened speech.
As you sing HUNG, blue light radiates from her heart to yours as you receive the empowerment of
enlightened mind.