Sample Test Questions: Krok 2
Sample Test Questions: Krok 2
Sample Test Questions: Krok 2
Krok 2
Терапевтичний профiль 2
signs of exudate, fracture of the III-IV ribs. A. Acute left ventricular failure
On pleurocentesis: blood is detected. Choose B. Paroxysmal tachycardia
the further tactics: C. Bronchial asthma attack
D. Pulmonary embolism
A. Transfer to a thoracic surgery department E. Acute right ventricular failure
B. Prescribe conservative therapy
C. Perform repeated pleural taps 12. A 26-year-old woman is suspected to
D. Apply a fixation bandage to the rib cage suffer from systemic lupus erythematosus
E. Refer to a traumatologist due to systemic lesions of skin, vessels, joints,
serous tunics, and heart that developed
9. A 51-year-old man complains of vomiting after photosensitization. The following is
with blood. He has been drinking alcohol detected: LE cells, antibodies to native
excessively. Health disorder has been DNA, isolated anti-centromere antibodies,
observed since he was 40, when he first rheumatoid factor is 1:100, Wassermann
developed jaundice. On examination the reaction is positive, circulating immune
skin and visible mucosa are icteric, with complex is 120 units. What immunological
a stellate vascular pattern. The patient is indicators are considered to be specific to
malnourished and presents with abdominal this disease?
distension, umbilical hernia, and ascites. The
edge of the liver is tapered and painless, +3 A. DNA antibodies
cm, the spleen is +2 cm. Blood test: Hb- 80 B. Rheumatoid factor
g/L, leukocytes - 3·109 /L, platelets - 85·109 /L. C. Anti-centromere antibodies
What is the cause of portal hypertension in D. Immunoglobulin A
this patient? E. Increased circulating immune complex
mm/hour, Gumprecht shadows. What is the has been lasting for 2 years. Objectively:
most likely diagnosis? reduced spinal mobility, painful sacroiliac
joint, erythrocyte sedimentation rate - 45
A. Chronic lymphatic leukemia mm/hour. X-ray shows narrowing of the
B. Lymphocytic leukemoid reaction intervertebral disc space and of the sacroiliac
C. Acute leukemia joint. What eye pathology is often associated
D. Chronic myeloleukemia with this type of disease progression?
E. Lymphogranulomatosis
A. Iridocyclitis
16. A 23-year-old man complains of facial B. Retinal detachment
edemas, headache, dizziness, low urinary C. Cataract
output, and urine discoloration (dark red). D. Optic nerve atrophy
These complaints arose after a case of acute E. Blepharitis
tonsillitis. On examination there are facial
edemas, the skin is pale, temperature is 20. A 63-year-old man complains of
37.4o C ; heart rate is 86/min., blood pressure unmotivated weakness and pressing and
is 170/110 mm Hg. Heart sounds are muffled, bursting sensation in the left subcostal
the II heart sound is accentuated over the area. According to him, these signs
aorta. What etiological factor is the most have been present for a year already.
likely in this case? Previously he was healthy. He took part in
containment measures during the accident
A. Beta-hemolytic streptococcus at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
B. Staphylococcus aureus Objectively: the skin is pale, peripheral
C. Streptococcus viridans lymph nodes are not enlarged, the liver
D. Streptococcus pyogenes is +3 cm, the spleen is +10 cm. Complete
E. Staphylococcus saprophyticus blood count: erythrocytes - 3.1 · 1012 /L,
17. An 18-year-old young man complains of Hb- 100 g/L, leukocytes - 46 · 109 /L, blasts
pain in his knee and elbow joints and body - 2%, promyelocytes - 10%, myelocytes -
temperature up to 39.5o C . One week and 18%, band neutrophils - 27%, segmented
a half earlier he developed sore throat. On neutrophils - 10%, lymphocytes - 12%,
examination his body temperature is 38.5o C . eosinophils - 6%, basocytes - 3%, monocytes
Swelling of the knee and elbow joints is - 2%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate - 20
observed. Pulse is 106/min., rhythmic. Blood mm/hour. What is the most likely diagnosis?
pressure is 90/60 mm Hg. Cardiac borders A. Chronic myeloleukemia
are unchanged, heart sounds are weakened, B. Hepatic cirrhosis
at the cardiac apex there is a soft systolic C. Acute leukemia
murmur. What factor would be the most D. Hemolytic anemia
indicative of the likely disease etiology? E. Chronic lymphatic leukemia
A. Anti-streptolysin O 21. For three years a 31-year-old woman has
B. C-reactive protein been complaining of pain and swelling of
C. Creatine kinase her radiocarpal and metacarpophalangeal
D. Rheumatoid factor articulations and their reduced mobility in
E. Seromucoid the morning, which persisted up to 1.5 hours.
18. A woman has been provisionally Two weeks ago she developed pain, swelling,
diagnosed with pheochromocytoma. At the and reddening of her knee joints, her body
stage of intermission her BP is within norm; temperature increased up to 37.5o C . The
there is a tendency towards tachycardia. No treatment was untimely. Examination of
urine pathologies. The decision has been the internal organs revealed no pathologic
made to perform a provocative test with alterations. Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis
histamine. What drug should be kept close was made. What changes are most likely to
at hand for emergency aid in case of positive be visible on the arthrogram?
test result? A. Joint space narrowing, usuration
A. Phentolamine B. Joint space narrowing, subchondral
B. Pipolphen (Promethazine) osteosclerosis
C. Nifedipine C. Cysts in the subchondral bone
D. Numerous marginal osteophytes
D. Mesaton (Phenylephrine) E. Epiphyseal osteolysis
E. Prednisolone
22. A 52-year-old woman has been
19. A 40-year-old man with Bekhterev suffering for 2 years from dull, occasionally
disease (ankylosing spondylitis) complains of exacerbating pain in her right subcostal
elevated body temperature up to 37.8o C , back area, occurring after eating high-fat foods,
pain and stiffness, especially observed during bitter taste in her mouth in the morning,
the second half of the night. This condition constipations, and flatulence. Objectively she
Терапевтичний профiль 5
has excess weight, her body temperature muscles. What is the most likely diagnosis?
is 36.9o C ; there is a coating on the root
of her tongue; the abdomen is moderately A. Trigeminal neuralgia
distended and painful in the area of B. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
gallbladder projection. What examination C. Temporomandibular joint arthritis
would be the most helpful for diagnosis- D. Facial migraine
making? E. Maxillary sinusitis
A. Ultrasound 26. A 28-year-old man complains of skin
B. Duodenal intubation rash and itching on the both of his hands.
C. Cholecystography The condition persists for 1.5 years. The
D. Duodenoscopy exacerbation of his condition he ascribes to
E. Liver scanning the occupational contact with formaldehyde
resins. Objectively the lesion foci are
23. A 57-year-old woman complains of symmetrically localized on both hands.
weakness, dyspnea, loss of appetite, and Against the background of erythema with
liquid feces. She has been suffering from blurred margins there are papulae, vesicles,
this condition for 2 years. Objectively erosions, crusts, and scales. What is the most
she presents with pale skin, subicteric likely pathology?
sclerae, and bright-red fissured tongue.
Lymph nodes are not enlarged. Pulse A. Occupational eczema
- 100/min. BP- 105/70 mm Hg. Liver B. Idiopathic eczema
+3 cm, the spleen cannot be palpated. C. Allergic dermatitis
Blood test: erythrocytes - 1.2 · 1012 /L, D. Simple contact dermatitis
Нb- 56 g/L, color index - 1.4, macrocytes, E. Erythema multiforme
leukocytes - 2, 5 · 109 /L, eosinophils - 1%, 27. A 20-year-old student after failing an
juvenile - 1%, metamyelocytes - 1%, band exam developed complaints of a sensation of
neutrophils - 8%, segmented neutrophils - a round foreign body in her throat, difficult
47%, lymphocytes - 38%, monocytes - 4%, swallowing. She fixates on her condition,
reticulocytes - 0.1%, platelets - 100 · 109 /L, limits her diet, often cries, seeks attention,
ESR- 30 mm/hour, indirect bilirubin - 26 exhibits demonstrative attitude. She is highly
mmol/L. What changes can be expected in susceptible to psychotherapeutic suggestion.
the bone marrow puncture material? What psychiatric diagnosis can be made in
this case?
A. Prevalence of megaloblasts
B. Increased number of sideroblasts A. Hysterical neurosis
C. Erythroid hyperplasia B. Hypochondriacal neurosis
D. Presence of blast cells C. Depressive neurosis
E. Prevalence of lymphoid tissue D. Obsessive neurosis
E. Paranoid personality disorder
24. A 35-year-old man suffers from insulin-
dependent diabetes mellitus and chronic 28. A woman with atopic bronchial asthma
cholecystitis. He takes NPH insulin: 20 units was found to have one allergen to dog
in the morning and 12 units in the evening. hair +++. Carpets were removed from the
After a meal he developed pain in the right apartment, the apartment was renovated,
subcostal area, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, and air conditioner was installed. However,
and increased polyuria. What prehospital recurrent asphyxia attacks still occur every
measures will be the most effective for night, despite the patient undergoing
prevention of crisis within the next several pathogenetic therapy. What long-term
hours? treatment tactics can help this patient to
decrease her sensitivity to the allergen?
A. Change insulin regimen
B. Take analgesics A. Specific hyposensitization
C. Take cholagogues B. Continuation of prior treatment
D. Exclude fats from the diet C. Antihistamine therapy
E. Decrease carbohydrates in the diet D. Buteyko breathing technique
E. Referral for speleotherapy
25. A 45-year-old woman complains of
intolerable paroxysmal facial pain on the left 29. A 20-year-old man was hospitalized on
with attacks that last for 1-2 minutes. Attacks the 9th day of the disease. He attributes
are provoked by chewing. The disease onset his disease to eating of insufficiently
was two months ago after the overexposure thermally processed pork. At its onset
to cold. Objectively: pain at the exit points this condition manifested as periorbital
of the trigeminal nerve on the left. Touching edemas and fever. Objectively his body
near the wing of the nose on the left induces temperature is 38.5 C . The face is puffy and
a pain attack with tonic spasm of the facial the eyelids are markedly swollen. Palpation
Терапевтичний профiль 6
A. Gingival biopsy for the diagnosis of blood circulation. Oblectively her pulse is
amyloid disease 96/min., of unequal strength. Blood pressure
B. Radioisotopic examination of kidneys is 110/70 mm Hg, heart rate is 120/min. ECG
C. Urinalysis for Bence-Jones protein registers small unevenly-sized waves in place
D. Renal ultrasound of P-waves, R-R intervals are of unequal
E. Survey and excretory urography length. What is the most likely diagnosis?
59. A 42-year-old man, a worker at the A. Atrial fibrillation
meat processing factory, developed an B. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
itching spot on his lower jaw, which C. Atrial flutter
gradually transformed into a slightly painful D. Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia
carbuncle 3 cm in diameter, surrounded by E. Respiratory arrhythmia
a painless swelling that reaches the clavicle.
Temperature is subfebrile, under 37.8o C . The 63. An 18-year-old patient always obeys
doctor suspects anthrax. What drug should others and adapts his needs to the demands
this man be prescribed for treatment? of the people on whom he depends. He
excessively defers to their wishes and makes
A. Penicillin them responsible for his wellbeing, cannot
B. Levomycetin (Chloramphenicol) defend his interests and needs support
C. Biseptol (Co-trimoxazole) from other people. Such psychic profile
D. Interferon alpha has been formed in the childhood, remains
E. Azidothymidin (Zidovudine) unchanged, and hinders adaptation. What
psychic disorder is observed in this patient?
60. A 57-year-old patient complains of
dyspnea at rest. The patient presents with A. Dependent personality disorder
orthopnea, acrocyanosis, bulging cervical B. Anxiety (avoidant) personality disorder
veins. On percussion: dull sound over the C. Anankastic personality disorder
lower lung segments. On auscultation: no D. Markedly accentuated personality
respiratory sounds. Heart rate is 92/min. E. Psychopathy-like state
Right-sided cardiac dilatation is observed.
The liver is +7 cm. Shins are swollen. Pleural 64. A 45-year-old man with thrombophlebitis
effusion is suspected. What indicator would of the deep veins in his legs suddenly after
confirm the presence of transudate in this physical exertion developed sharp pain in his
case? thorax on the right, dyspnea, and hemoptysis.
Objectively his condition is severe; he
A. Total protein content in the pleural fluid presents with acrocyanosis, shortening of
below 25 g/L pulmonary percussion sound on the right,
B. Presence of atypical cells and weakened respiration. Respiration is
C. Total protein content in the pleural fluid 30/min., blood pressure is 110/80 mm Hg.
exceeding 30 g/L ECG shows sinus tachycardia, heart rate is
D. Specific gravity exceeding 1015 120/min., electrical axis of the heart deviates
E. Positive Rivalta’s test to the right, SI -QIII . What is the most likely
61. A 33-year-old man developed multiple
rashes on the skin of his torso and extensor A. Pulmonary embolism
surfaces of his upper and lower limbs. B. Community-acquired right-sided
The rashes itch and occasionally fuse pneumonia
together and form plaques. The elements C. Cancer of the right lung
of rash are covered with silver-white fine D. Right-sided exudative pleurisy
scales that easily flake off when scratched. E. Spontaneous pneumothorax
Grattage test results in three sequential
phenomena: stearin spot, terminal film, and 65. A 48-year-old woman has been
punctate hemorrhage. What diagnosis can be hospitalized due to development of
suspected? tachysystolic atrial fibrillation. She has lost
5 kg of body weight within 2 months. On
A. Psoriasis palpation there is a node in the left lobe of
B. Parapsoriasis the thyroid gland. What pathology resulted
C. Pyoderma in the development of this condition?
D. Lichen ruber planus
E. Secondary papular syphilid A. Toxic nodular goiter
B. Aterosclerotic cardiosclerosis
62. A 38-year-old woman after physical C. Chronic thyroiditis
overexertion suddenly developed palpitations, D. Nontoxic nodular goiter
dyspnea, and a dull pain in the cardiac E. Autoimmune thyroiditis
area. For 10 years she has been registered
for regular check-ups due to rheumatism 66. A 48-year-old woman developed
and mitral valve disease with non-disturbed insomnia, depressive mood, anxiety, fears
Терапевтичний профiль 11
one; the skin of the extremities is dry. No burns of the 15% of the body surface. On the
pulse can be detected on the pedal arteries, 20th day after the trauma the patient presents
while pulsation of the femoral arteries is with sharp increase of body temperature,
retained. What is the most likely diagnosis? general weakness, rapid vesicular respiration;
facial features are sharpened, BP is 90/50 mm
A. Obliterating endarteritis Hg, heart rate is 112/min. What complication
B. Diabetic angiopathy is it?
C. Leriche syndrome (aortoiliac occlusive
disease) A. Sepsis
D. Raynaud disease B. Pneumonia
E. Deep thrombophlebitis C. Acute intoxication
D. Purulent bronchitis
9. A 50-year-old patient was brought to E. Anaerobic infection
a hospital with complaints of blood in
urine. Urination is painless and undisturbed. 13. 2 hours after a traffic accident a 28-year-
Macrohematuria had been observed for old man in a grave condition was brought
3 days. Objectively: kidneys cannot be to a hospital. The patient complains of
palpated, suprapubic area is without abdominal pain. He received a blow to the
alterations, external genitalia are non- abdomen with the steering wheel. Objective
pathologic. On rectal investigation: prostate examination revealed the following: the
is not enlarged, painless, has normal abdomen does not participate in respiration,
structure. Cystoscopy revealed no changes. is tense and acutely painful on palpation;
What is the most likely diagnosis? the abdominal muscles are defensively
tense, peritoneal irritation signs are positive,
A. Renal carcinoma hepatic dullness is absent. BP is 90/60 mm
B. Bladder tuberculosis Hg, heart rate is 120/min. What further
C. Varicocele treatment tactics should be chosen?
D. Dystopic kidney
E. Necrotic papillitis A. Laparotomy
B. Laparoscopy
10. A 59-year-old man complains of pain C. Cold to the abdomen
in his left eye and left side of his head, D. Ultrasound investigation
significant vision impairment of the left eye, E. Laparocentesis
nausea, and vomiting. Visual acuity of the
right eye is 1.0. Visual acuity of the left 14. A 48-year-old woman has arrived to
eye is 0.03, attempts at correction bring no the surgical unit with wounds in her thigh.
improvement. Right eye intraocular pressure On examination the wound surface has
- 21 mm Hg, left eye intraocular pressure - dirty-gray coating with unpleasant sweet
65 mm Hg. Congestive injection is observed smell. Wound content resembles raspberry
on the sclera of the left eye. The cornea is jelly. Skin tissues around the wound are
thick and swollen. The anterior chamber is glossy and turgid. Palpation reveals moderate
shallow, moist, and clear. The pupil is dilated crepitation in the tissues. What microflora is
and unresponsive to the light, the fundus of the most likely to cause such inflammation?
the eye is not visible. What is the most likely
diagnosis? A. Anaerobic clostridial
B. Anaerobic non-clostridial
A. Acute attack of glaucoma of the left eye C. Streptococci
B. Acute iridocyclitis of the left eye D. Staphylococci
C. Stage II intraocular tumor of the left eye E. Blue pus bacillus
D. Endophthalmitis of the left eye
E. Panophthalmitis of the left eye 15. After a pain attack in the right subcostal
area, a 58-year-old woman with overnutrition
11. On the 15th day after a small trauma developed icteric skin and sclera, light-
of the right foot, the patient developed colored feces, and dark urine. Her abdomen
indisposition, fatigability, irritability, is distended and painful on palpation in the
headache, elevated body temperature, and right subcostal area. Palpation detects liver
sensation of constriction, tension, and enlargement by 2-3 cm. Blood test: total
twitching in the muscles of the right shin. bilirubin - 90 mcmol/L, conjugated bilirubin
What disease can be suspected? - 60 mcmol/L. What method of examination
will be the most informative for diagnosis
A. Tetanus clarification?
B. Anaerobic gas gangrene
C. Erysipelas
D. Acute thrombophlebitis
E. Thrombophlebitis of the popliteal artery
12. A patient has the second and third degree
Хiрургiчний профiль 15
33. A boy had a foreign body removed 37. A 40-year-old victim of a traffic accident
from under his nail plate. 3 days later he sustained the following injuries: closed
developed a sharp throbbing pain at the diaphyseal femur fracture, brain concussion,
end of his distal phalanx, which intensifies multiple rib fractures, hemopneumothorax,
when the phalanx is pressed, hyperemia of degloving shin injuries. What injuries require
the nail fold, elevated body temperature up the most urgent attention?
to 38.5o C , and nail plate discoloration. Make
the diagnosis: A. Multiple rib fractures, hemopneumothorax
B. Closed diaphyseal femur fracture
A. Subungual panaritium C. Brain concussion
B. Erysipelas D. Degloving shin injuries
C. Paronychia E. All injuries are equivalent
D. Erysipeloid
E. Abscess 38. At the railroad crossing a passenger
train collided with a bus. In this collision 26
34. A 32-year-old woman complains of body bus passenges died, another 18 passengers
weight loss despite her increased appetite, received mechanical injuries of varying
nervousness, and tremor of the extremities. severity. Where will be professional medical
Objectively: the skin is moist; the thyroid aid provided for the victims of this accident?
gland is diffusely enlarged, painless, soft, and Who will provide this aid?
mobile. Blood test: increased level of T3,
T4, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (THS). A. In medico-prophylactic institutions;
What is the most likely diagnosis? general physicians and surgeons
B. At the site of the accident; first-response
A. Diffuse toxic goiter emergency teams
B. Thyroid carcinoma C. At the site of the accident; specialized
C. Autoimmune (Hashimoto’s) thyroiditis second-response emergency teams
D. Thyroid adenoma D. In medico-prophylactic institutions;
E. Diffuse nontoxic goiter specialized second-response emergency teams
E. In medical institutions; all listed types of
35. A 19-year-old young man complains healthcare workers
of cough with expectoration of purulent
Хiрургiчний профiль 18
39. A 45-year-old man underwent a cardiac ambulance into the emergency hospital. He
surgery one week ago. His general state has complains of sudden pain in the lumbar area,
been deteriorating since then: dyspnea at frequent painful urination, and vomiting.
rest, retrosternal pain that irradiates to the Examination detects pain in the lumbar
neck, marked weakness. Objectively his body area, costovertebral angle tenderness, pain
temperature is hectic. His cardiac borders on palpation of kidneys and along the
are expanded, apical beat is weakened. ureter on the right. Urine test: proteins,
Auscultation detects pericardial friction rub. fresh erythrocytes, leukocytes. Make the
What is the most likely diagnosis? provisional diagnosis:
A. Acute pericarditis A. Urolithiasis, renal colic
B. Acute cardiac aneurysm B. Acute pyelonephritis
C. Myocardial infarction C. Acute glomerulonephritis
D. Acute myogenic dilatation of the heart D. Acute renal failure
E. Pulmonary embolism E. Polycystic kidney disease
40. A 45-year-old man was brought by an
Педiатричний профiль 19
middle school students, the doctors vere sample there is 1 dead trichinella detected
assessing correlation between biological and in 24 sections. This meat should be:
calendar age of the school students based
on the following criteria: height growth rate A. Sent for technical disposal
per year, ossification of the carpal bones, the B. Allowed for sale with no restrictions
number of permanent teeth. What additional C. Processed and sold through public catering
development criterion should be assessed at network
this age? D. Processed for boiled sausage production
E. Frozen until the temperature of -10o C is
A. Development of secondary sex reached in the deep layers, with subsequent
characteristics exposure to cold for 15 days
B. Body mass
C. Chest circumference 16. To assess the effectiveness of medical
D. Vital capacity of lungs technologies and determine the power and
E. Hand strength direction of their effect on the public health
indicators, the research was conducted to
11. During analysis of morbidity in the study the immunization rate of children and
city, it was determined that age structure measles incidence rate by district. What
of population is different in each district. method of statistical analysis should be
What statistical method allows to exclude applied in this case?
this factor, so that it would not skew the
morbidity data? A. Calculation of correlation coefficient
B. Calculation of morbidity index among the
A. Standardization nonvaccinated
B. Wilcoxon signed-rank test C. Calculation of matching factor
C. Correlation-regression analysis D. Calculation of standardized ratio
D. Dynamic time series analysis E. Calculation of statistical significance of the
E. Analysis of average values difference between two estimates
12. Clinical statistical investigation was 17. Having studied the relationship between
performed to determine effectiveness of the distance from villages to the local
a new pharmacological preparation for outpatient clinics and frequency of visits to
patients with ischemic heart disease. What the clinics among the rural population of
parametric test (coefficient) can be used to this area, it was determined that the rank
estimate the reliability of the results? correlation coefficient in this case equals -0.9.
How can this relationship be characterized?
A. Student’s t-distribution
B. Sign test A. Strong inverse relationship
C. Matching factor B. Strong direct relationship
D. Wilcoxon signed-rank test C. Moderate inverse relationship
E. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test D. Moderate direct relationship
E. -
13. In a rural health care area there is
an increasing cervical cancer morbidity 18. In the inpatient gynecological unit within
observed. The decision is made to conduct a year 6500 women underwent treatment.
a medical examination of the women living They spent there a total of 102000 bed-days.
in this locality. What type of medical What indicator of the gynecological unit
examination is it? work can be calculated based on these data?
A. Target A. Average length of inpatient stay
B. Preliminary B. Average bed occupancy rate per year
C. Regular C. Number of beds by hospital department
D. Complex D. Bed turnover rate
E. Screening E. Planned bed occupancy rate per year
14. In the process of hiring, a prospective 19. A middle school teacher with 4-year-
employee has undergone preventive medical long record of work was issued a medical
examination and was declared fit to work in certificate for pregnancy and childbirth leave.
this manufacturing environment. What type What amount of pay will she receive for the
of preventive medical examination was it? duration of her leave in this case?
A. Preliminary A. 100% of average salary
B. Scheduled B. 50% of average salary
C. Periodical C. 70% of average salary
D. Specific D. 60% of average salary
E. Comprehensive E. 80% of average salary
15. On laboratory investigation of a pork 20. In the air of the feed kitchen at the
Гiгiєна та органiзацiя охорони здоров’я 29