Joeshua Loria BS in Hospitality Management-2A What Is Body Composition?

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Joeshua Loria

BS in Hospitality Management-2A

What is Body Composition?

Body composition is the proportion of fat and non-fat mass in your body. A
healthy body composition is one that includes a lower percentage of body fat
and a higher percentage of non-fat mass, which includes muscle, bones, and

Knowing your body composition can help you assess your health and fitness
level. Often, you will measure your body composition at the start of a weight-
loss or fitness program and then check it periodically to monitor your

Your body is composed of two types of mass: Body fat and non-fat mass.

Body fat can be found in muscle tissue, under the skin (subcutaneous

fat), or around organs (visceral fat). Some fat is necessary for overall
health. This "essential fat" helps protect internal organs, stores fuel for
energy, and regulates important body hormones. But you may also
have excess storage of fat and non-essential body fat.
Non-fat mass includes bone, water, muscle, organs, and tissues. It
may also be called lean tissue. These tissues are metabolically active,
meaning they burn calories for energy, while body fat is not.

Body fat percent is a measurement of body composition telling how much

of the weight of your body is fat. The percentage of your body that is not fat
is fat-free mass. There are normal ranges for body fat, which differ for men
and women.

Weighing yourself on a regular bathroom scale does not assess your

body composition. A regular scale cannot tell how much of your total weight
is comprised of water, fat, or muscle. To know whether your body
composition is healthy, you should get an estimate of your body fat
percentage. You can do so by taking simple measurements and entering
them into a body fat percentage calculator.
Top 10 Foods for Fat Loss and Body Composition
These ten foods will help you lose fat because they support your body to do
one or more of these five things:

•  Increase the body’s use of fat for energy, shifting it to burn fat instead of
•    Decrease chronic inflammation and improve the sensitivity of cells to
insulin so that blood sugar from carbohydrates is used for energy or stored
as muscle glycogen and doesn’t turn into fat.
• Improve the body’s internal detoxification system to enhance elimination
of waste products and toxins that slow the metabolism.
• Support tissue repair and increase the body’s resting metabolic rate so
that more energy is burned when food is broken down.
• Improve the endocrine response to food—there are many effects of this,
including lower
1. These cold water fish are high in the omega-3 fats that improve insulin
sensitivity and decrease inflammation. The effect is of getting the
majority of dietary fat from omega-3 fats is fat loss and improved body
composition. For instance, a recent study of healthy adults showed that
taking 4 grams of omega-3s a day for 6 weeks significantly increased lean
mass and decreased body fat. Other studies have shown an association of
a better body composition in people who eat more than 5 servings of cold
water fish a week.

Take Away:Get the majority of your dietary fats from foods that are high
in omega-3 fats. Cold water fish is a great place to start, and grass-fed
and wild meats can increase your intake. Eat a serving of one of these
high-protein sources at every meal.

2. Nuts are high in antioxidants, protein, fiber, and healthy fats, and
research shows that supplementing the diet with them can significantly
improve body composition. They not only increase the metabolic response
to eating, but they increase feelings of satiety and blunt hunger—the
hormone leptin has been found to be higher in people who eat nuts daily.
Take Away: Eating a serving of nuts a day in conjunction with a high-
protein, low-carb diet can produce significant fat loss and help you feel

3. Whey protein, which can be found in dairy products and taken as a

supplement, is a super food for body composition because it enables the
body to repair tissue and burn fat. It also enhances the body’s internal
antioxidant system by increasing something called glutathione.

Take Away: Supplement with whey protein daily to increase your

metabolic rate, antioxidant status, and support tissue repair.

4. Besides being delicious, berries are great for fat loss because they contain
fiber, antioxidants, and have been shown to blunt the amount of insulin
the body produces in response to eating them with high-carbohydrate
foods. Raspberries, in particular, contain a unique antioxidant called
ellagitannins that have been shown to improve the brain’s sensitivity to
leptin, making you feel less hungry.

Take Away:Get multiple servings of berries daily. Throw in a serving of

the superfruits mango, pomegranate, and tart cherries for variety—all
three convey similar benefits as berries and food scientists have called
them all “anti-obesity” fruits.

5. A recent review of foods that can treat obesity and prevent diabetes
wrote that the “avocado has tremendous antioxidant capacity,” and has
been shown to completely eradicate chronic inflammation related to high
body fat in mice. Adding avocados and pomegranates to the diet of the
mice allowed for them to lose fat and have better insulin sensitivity over

Take Away: Selectively include avocados in your diet. Depending on

other fat intake, eat them a few days a week. One avocado contains 250
calories, 10 g of fiber, 15 g of monounsaturated fat, 4 g of protein, and 20
essential nutrients.
6. The cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower help the body
clear excess estrogen—both naturally occurring and chemical estrogens
such as BPA. By a variety of mechanisms, compounds in these veggies
can interact with the genes involved in estrogen binding, while clearing
estrogen from the body. In addition, research shows that the high fiber
content of these veggies will delay carbohydrate absorption, favorably
modifying the glucose response. Their inherent high fiber brings about a
very moderate insulin response, thus making them an ideal fat loss food.
Dark green vegetables usually have a large antioxidant content as well.
Take Away:Shoot for multiple servings of cruciferous vegetables daily.
Broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, kale, collards, arugula, radish can be
eaten raw, added to salads, or steamed. Raw food are better for fat loss,
but the key is to eat them daily, so if cooked is more palatable, go for it.
7. Eggs are an excellent protein source and they also provide a nice dose of
choline, which protects the liver from accumulating fat and is the
precursor to the energizing neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Increasing
acetylcholine levels can increase growth hormone, which is a potent fat
burner. Plus, eggs are very filling, and you get a nice boost in metabolism
on account of the thermic effect of  their high protein content.

Take Away:Eat eggs a few days a week to increase your protein and
choline intake. Avoid eating them daily because this has ben shown to
cause intolerances.
8. There is compelling evidence that coffee increases your metabolic rate so
that you burn more calories, and it can help shift the body to burn fat
rather than glucose for energy. In addition, we know coffee enhances the
body’s defenses against reactive oxygen species, can help modulate
blood sugar, and may even reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The
fat loss effect of coffee drinking hasn’t been studied extensively, but one
study showed drinking 500 ml of coffee daily for 4 weeks produced 2.5 kg
weight loss in overweight subjects. Perhaps more effective, green coffee
extract, which comes from the bean before roasting and can be added to
any beverage, has been shown to produce significant fat loss: One study
compared the effect of giving participants a high-dose green coffee
extract (1050 mg), a low-dose (700 mg), or a placebo for 6 weeks and
found that the large dose resulted in an average 8 kg loss in body weight
and a 4.4 percent drop in body fat—very impressive. The low dose and
placebo produced no changes in body composition.

Take Away:Using green coffee extract and drinking coffee can help you
lose fat in conjunction with a healthy diet. They aren’t a weight loss
solution, but a nice addition to a complete fat loss diet. Green tea
provides similar benefits
as coffee if it is your beverage of choice.

9. Kimchi, a fermented Korean food made from napa cabbage, onions, garlic,
and fiber, has been shown to aid digestion, improve insulin sensitivity,
and produce fat loss. A recent study showed that overweight subjects who
ate 100 grams of kimchi at every meal for 4 weeks produced significant
fat loss and decreased body fat by 1.5 percent.
10. Blood pressure and blood sugar control were both lower by the end of
the study.
Take Away:Include kimchi and other fermented foods in your diet daily
for better health and fat loss. Get kimchi at an Asian food store or Whole
11. Vinegar aids the body in storing carbohydrates as muscle glycogen
rather than storing them as fat. In addition, studies show eating vinegar
as a seasoning with meals can improve pancreatic function, and lower the
insulin response to carbs. Even if you just add vinegar to your salad or
cruciferous vegetables, it can lower the insulin response to your whole
meal, leading to a more moderate elevation in blood sugar.

Take Away: Balsamic and white wine vinegar are some of the most
delicious vinegars, but you can add any kind to your meal daily and get
the fat loss benefits.

How to Measure Body Composition

1. Skinfold Calipers
Skinfold measurements have been used to estimate body fat for over
50 years. Skinfold calipers measure the thickness of your subcutaneous fat
— the fat underneath the skin — at certain body locations. Measurements
are taken at either 3 or 7 different sites on the body. The specific sites used
vary in men and women. For women, the triceps, area above the hip bone
and either the thigh or abdomen are used for the 3-site measurement. For a
7-site measurement in women, the chest, area near the armpit and area
beneath the shoulder blade are also measured. For men, the 3 sites are the
chest, abdomen and thigh, or the chest, triceps and area beneath the
scapula. For a 7-site measurement in men, the areas near the armpit and
beneath the shoulder blade are also measured.
Advantages: Skinfold calipers are very affordable, and measurements can
be taken quickly. They can be used at home but are also portable.
Disadvantages: The method requires practice and basic anatomy
knowledge. Also, some people don’t enjoy getting their fat pinched.
Availability: Calipers are affordable and easy to purchase online.
Accuracy: The skill of the person performing the skinfolds can vary,
impacting the accuracy. Measurement errors can range from 3.5–5% body
SUMMARY: Estimating body fat percentage with skinfold calipers is
affordable and relatively simple once you know how to do it. However, the
accuracy depends on the skill of the person performing the assessment.
2. Body Circumference Measurements
Body shape varies from person to person, and the shape of your body
provides information about your body fat. Measuring the circumference of
certain body parts is a simple method of body fat estimation. For example,
the US Army uses a body fat calculation that simply requires an individual’s
age, height and a few circumference measurements.
For men, the circumferences of the neck and waist are used in this equation.
For women, the circumference of the hips is also included.
Advantages: This method is easy and affordable. A flexible measuring tape
and calculator are all you need. These tools can be used at home and are
Disadvantages: Body circumference equations may not be accurate for all
people due to differences in body shape and fat distribution.
Availability: A flexible measuring tape is easily available and very
Accuracy: The accuracy can vary widely based on your similarity to the
people used to develop the equations. The error rate can be as low as 2.5–
4.5% body fat, but it can also be much higher.
SUMMARY: Using body circumferences to estimate body fat is quick and
easy. However, the accuracy of this method can vary widely and is not
considered an ideal method of measuring body fat percentage.

3. Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA)

As the name implies, DXA uses X-rays of two different energies to estimate
your body fat percentage.
During a DXA scan, you lie on your back for approximately 10 minutes while
an X-ray scans over you.
The amount of radiation from a DXA scan is very low. It’s about the same
amount you receive during three hours of your normal life.
DXA is also used to assess bone density and provides detailed information
about the bone, lean mass and fat in separate body regions (arms, legs and
Advantages: This method provides accurate and detailed information,
including a breakdown of different body regions and bone density readings.
Disadvantages: DXAs are often unavailable to the general public,
expensive when available and deliver a very small amount of radiation.
Availability: A DXA is typically only available in medical or research
Accuracy: A DXA provides more consistent results than some other
methods. The error rate ranges from 2.5–3.5% body fat.
SUMMARY: DXA is more accurate than many other methods of assessing
body fat percentage. However, it’s often unavailable to the general
population, fairly expensive and not feasible for regular testing.
4. Hydrostatic Weighing
This method, also known as underwater weighing or hydrodensitometry,
estimates your body composition based on its density.
This technique weighs you while submerged under water after exhaling as
much air as possible from your lungs.
You are also weighed while you are on dry land, and the amount of air left in
your lungs after you exhale is estimated or measured.
All of this information is entered into equations to determine the density of
your body. Your body’s density is then used to predict your body fat
Advantages: It’s accurate and relatively quick.
Disadvantages: It’s difficult or impossible for some individuals to be fully
submerged under water. The method requires breathing out as much air as
possible, then holding your breath underwater.
Availability: Hydrostatic weighing is typically only available at universities,
medical settings or certain fitness facilities.
Accuracy: When testing is performed perfectly, the error of this device can
be as low as 2% body fat (3, 10).
SUMMARY: Hydrostatic weighing is an accurate way to assess your body
fat. However, it’s only available at certain facilities and involves holding your
breath while being completely submerged in water.

5. Air Displacement Plethysmography (Bod Pod)

Similar to hydrostatic weighing, air displacement plethysmography (ADP)
estimates your body fat percentage based on the density of your body.
However, ADP uses air instead of water. The relationship between the
volume and pressure of air allows this device to predict the density of your
You sit inside an egg-shaped chamber for several minutes while the pressure
of the air inside the chamber is altered.
To obtain accurate measurements, you need to wear skin-tight clothing or a
bathing suit during testing.
Advantages: The method is accurate and relatively quick, and it does not
require being submerged in water.
Disadvantages: ADP has limited availability and can be expensive.
Availability: ADP is typically only available at universities, medical settings
or certain fitness facilities.
Accuracy: The accuracy is very good, with an error rate of 2–4% body fat.
SUMMARY: The Bod Pod is the main ADP device currently used. It predicts
your body fat with air rather than water. It has good accuracy, but it’s
typically only available at certain medical, research or fitness facilities.
Factors that Affecting Body Composition
There are numerous factors that can influence body weight. The
individual has no control over some of these factors, including
developmental determinants, genetic makeup, gender, and age.
Other factors that influence body weight over which the individual has
potential control include level of physical activity, diet, and some
environmental and social factors. This chapter explores the relationship
between each of these factors and body weight.

There are also 3 Factors that influence Body Weight

Developmental Determinants
Prenatal Factors
Adiposity Rebound

Methods in Enhancing your Body Composition

1. Reduce Your Fat Mass

As we mentioned, the different types of fat you can carry in your body
play a large role in body composition. To dramatically improve body
composition, a good place to start is with fat. Reducing fat mass is good for a
number of reasons: it helps you to get smaller, places less strain on your
body and internal organs, and build up muscle. To reduce fat mass, you can
begin with diet and exercise. Exercises for fat loss usually depend on where
you are carrying your fat. If you are like most people, the midsection is your
problem section, so it is important to focus your attention there.
Some exercises for fat loss include:
Weight Training
Interval Workouts (On a Treadmill, etc)
Strength Training

2. Increase Your Lean Body Mass

Increasing lean body massmeans toning and building up lean muscle
throughout your body. This is usually where you see the flat stomach, toned
arms and legs, and a strong back. To increase lean body mass, you'll want to
engage in certain exercises.
Some include:
Cardio based Workouts Such as Running or Jogging
Strength Training (Pilates, Lifting Weights, Stretching)
A big part of increasing your lean body mass is maintaining it. This
means that you should be constantly tracking your progress and keeping
notes on your body fat percentage as you move forward. You don't want to
be backsliding and not even know it! Keep track by taking weekly
measurements, daily pictures, or personal assessment (sight, touch, etc). In
addition to this, ensure that you get at least 9 hours of sleep each night, be
sure to manage your stress through mindfulness exercises and the like, and
take time to relax when you can.

3. Improve Your Diet and Devise a Health Plan

We've already talked a bit about improving diet and which foods to
eat, but you can take things a step further with the help of DexaFit's DNA
Fitness Test . This test assesses your genetic disposition toward certain
diseases and chronic illnesses so that you can lower your risk and potentially
avoid them, returns data on specific bodily needs such as vitamins,
supplements, and prime dietary choices, and even help you understand how
your body respond to certain types of exercises. In addition to this, a DNA
Fitness Test comes with a personalized workout and nutrition guide so that
you know you're getting the right results for you and you alone. This is a
great step towards creating a health plan and changing your diet because it
helps you find a plan that's not just another generic fad, but something
proven to work for you and your body.

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