Isb 2006

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Membership Application
14070 Proton Rd., #100, LB 9 • Dallas, TX 75244, USA • 972/233-9107 ext. 204 • Fax 972/490-4219
[email protected] Visit the ISB’s Web site at
Membership includes subscription to Bass World magazine and the Bass Line newsletter

_____Renewal _____Change of Address _____1 year: $60

_____New Member Date________________ _____2 years: $110
_____3 years: $160
Name ______________________________________________ _____Full Time Student—1 year: $30
Address ____________________________________________ _____Senior (65 plus)—1 year: $45
City__________________________State or Province ________
Postal Code ______________ Country ____________________ INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP RATES
Telephone ( __________ ) ______________________________ _____1 year: $65
Fax ( ___________ ) __________________________________ _____2 years: $120
E-mail ______________________________________________ _____3 years: $175
_____Full Time Student—1 year: $35
Gift Subscription from _________________________________
_____Senior (65 plus)—1 year: $50
_____LIFE MEMBER—$750
Check all that apply
_____Young Bassist Payable in six annual installments of $125 if desired
_____University Student
_____Studio Teacher DONATION $__________ (Your gift to the ISB’s educational
_____School Teacher mission is tax deductible as allowed by law. )
_____University Professor
_____Professional Orchestra PAYMENT
______Check/Money order in U.S. funds enclosed
_____Jazz Bassist
______Charge Visa/MasterCard/American Express
Credit Card # ________________________________________
Credit Card Expiration Date _____________________________
_____Luthier (Print) Name on Card __________________________________
_____Other _________________________________________ Rates effective 1/15/2006


Back issues $5 each unless noted otherwise
_____Vol V, #1, 1978 _____Vol XXVI, #1, 2002 RAY BROWN “ART OF THE BASS”
_____Vol V, #2, 1979 _____Vol XXVI, #2, 2002 VIDEOS (VHS format only, color, 30 minutes
_____Vol V, #3, 1979 _____Vol XXVI, #3, 2003 each except Vol. 4. Add $5 shipping for one
_____Vol V, #4, 1979 _____Vol XXVII, #1, 2003 video, $7 for two, $8 for three or more)
_____Vol VI, #1, 1979 _____Vol XXVII, #2, 2003 _____Vol 1, featuring John Clayton $20
_____Vol VI, #2, 1980 _____Vol XXVII, #3, 2004 _____Vol 2, featuring Milt Hinton $20
_____Vol VII, #1, 1980 _____Vol XXVIII, #1, 2004 _____Vol 3, featuring Francois Rabbath $20
_____Vol VIII, #1, 1981 _____Vol XXVIII, #2, 2004 _____Vol 4, featuring the Triple Treat Trio $20
_____Vol IX, #3, 1983 _____Vol XXIX, #1, 2005
_____Vol XIV #1, 1987 _____Vol XXIX, #2, 2005 $__________TOTAL (International orders add $3
_____Vol XIV #2, 1988 _____Vol XXIX, #3, 2006 shipping per issue per magazine, convention
_____Vol XIV, #3, 1988 program or convention poster; add $50 for Bonus
_____Vol XVI, #1, 1989 Pack. For all other items see shipping noted.)
_____Vol XVI, #2, 1990 _____BONUS PACK (all available back issues of
_____Vol XVI, #3, 1990 magazine, plus convention programs) $50 SHIP TO:
_____Vol XVIII, #2, 1992 Name __________________________________
_____Vol XVIII, #3, 1993 _____‘05 ISB Convention T-Shirt $15 Address ________________________________
_____Vol XIX, #1, 1993 (L,XL,XXL, City__________________________State or
_____Vol XIX, #3, 1994 International orders add $5 each) Province ________________________________
_____Vol XIX, #3, 1994 Postal Code ______________ Country ________
_____Vol XX, #2, 1995 _____ ‘05 Convention DVD $35 includes
Telephone ( __________ ) __________________
_____Vol XXI, #1 Journal Index $10 shipping and handling, (International orders add
_____Vol XXII, #1 $5 each) Fax ( ___________ ) ______________________
_____Vol XXII, #2 E-mail _________________________________
_____Vol XXIII, #2, 1999 POSTER $40 (Add $10 for regular first class PAYMENT:
_____Vol XXIII, #3, 2000 shipping; $20 for international airmail) ______Check/Money order in U.S. funds enclosed
_____Vol XXIV, #2, 2000 ______Charge Visa/MasterCard/AmEx
_____Vol XXV, #1, 2001 Credit Card # _______________________________
_____Vol XXV, #2, 2001 Credit Card Expiration Date ____________________
_____Vol XXV, #3, 2002 (Print) Name on Card ________________________

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