501c3 Nonprofit Organiza3on Dona3on Receipt

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Nonprot Organiza3on Dona3on Receipt

Nonprot Organiza3on: ___________________________

EIN Number: _________________

Address: _________________

City, State: ___________________, ___________ Zip Code ______________

Tax Dona(on Receipt

Thank you for your contribu3on of __________________ Dollars ($__________) to

____________________________ a Nonprot Organiza3on in the State of __________________. Your
support is greatly appreciated.

___________________________ is a 501c3 nonprot organiza3on. Your contribu3on is tax-deduc3ble

to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous
nancial dona3on.

Below is a breakdown of your total contribu3ons

Payment 1 - ____________,____ 20____ $_______

Payment 2 - ____________,____ 20____ $_______

Payment 3 - ____________,____ 20____ $_______

Payment 4 - ____________,____ 20____ $_______

Payment 5 - ____________,____ 20____ $_______


Total $___________________

Copyright 2015 FreeDownloads.net. All Rights Reserved.

Tax Dona(on Receipt

Thank you for your contribu3on of __________________ Dollars ($__________) to

________________________. Your support is greatly appreciated. Our organiza3on is a 501c3 nonprot
organiza3on and your contribu3on is tax-deduc3ble to the extent allowed by law.

For federal income tax purposes, you can deduct the charitable contribu3on of $___________________.

Copyright 2015 FreeDownloads.net. All Rights Reserved.

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