Field Water Test
Field Water Test
Field Water Test
Drainage = is the removal of excess water and dissolved salts from the surface and subsurface of
the land in order to enhance crop growth.
(1) To remove ponding water from the surface of land, surface drainage is used.
Normally, this consists on digging shallow open drains.
To make easy the flow in these drains, the field is given an artificial slope.
This is known as land shaping or land grading.
(2) Surface drainage is the removal of ecxess water from the surface of the land by
diverting it into improved natural or constructed drains, by shaping and graiding of the
land surface towards such drains.
(1) To remove excess water from the root zone, subsurface drainage is used.
This is done by digging open drains or installing pipes, at depths varying from 1 to 3m .
The excess water flows down through the soil into these drains or pipes so that the water
table can be controlled.
(2) Subsurface drainage is the removal of excess water and dissolved salts from soils via
ground water flow to the drains so that the water table and root-zone salinity are
(1) To remove salts from the soil, more irrigation water is applied to the field than the
required quantity by crops.
The extra water infiltrates into the soil and percolates trhough the root zone.
While water is percolating, it disolves the salts in the soil and removes them through the
subsurface drains.
This process, in which water washes the salts out of the root zone, is called leaching.
(2) Leaching is the removal of soluble salts by water percolating through the soil.
(3) The extra water required for leaching must be removed from the root zone by
drainage, otherwise tha water table will rise and this will bring the salts back into the root
i.e salinity is controlled by a combination of irrigation and drainage.
NOTE 1: Obtainng a satisfactory stand of furrow irrigated crops on saline soils (or using
saline water)
(a) If both sides of raised bed are wetted, the salts accumulate in the center top of
the bed.
i.e (c) The double seed-row planted near the 2 shoulders at extreme edges will place the
crops away from salts accumulation.
(b) & (d) If only one side of the raised bed is wetted, the salts accumulated away at the
shoulder of the extreme edge i.e one crop row at nearest shoulder.
(e) & (f) A better crop salinity control can be achieved by using sloping beds with seeds
planted on the sloping side just above the water line.
NOTE 2: If saline water is used, salts tend to accumulate along the fringes of the wetted
i.e plant root may be restricted to the soil volume near each emitter as shown in the
following figure:
An agricultural land is said to be waterlogged when its productivity or fertility is affected by high
NOTE: The depth of water-table which tends to make the soil water-logged depends upon the
height of capillary fringe.
The activity of soil soil bacteria depends on the liberation of plant food from the soil.
But in case of water logging, it is defficult for soil bacteria to liberate plant food, due to excess of
soil tension.
Because of fall in soil temperature, the action of soil bacteria becomes slow and then the plant
food available is less.
The CO2 released by plant roots can not be dissolved and removed.
i.e the season fresh air is not available for soil bacteria to do its action
4. Rise of salt
Because of upward flow of water, the dissolved salts in H2O reach the root zone of plants and get
deposited due to evaporation of water.
The deposition of salts leads to changes in the PH value of the soil, which may adversely affect
PH Yield
7-8 Normal
8–9 Decreased
≥ 11 Infertile
The salinity process = the gradual accumulation of salts on the ground surface or in the root zone
of crops which leads to saline (acidic) and alkaline (basic) conditions.
Leaching is the process of removing accumulated salt by means of water trhough irrigation
- Pumping
- Control of seepage loss
- Recycling
2) By using proper quality of irrigation water
3) By leaching of the soil salt
4) By choosing salt tolerant crops and by adopting crop rotation
5) By using chemicals
(Certains chemicals like sulphur and sulphilic acid (H2SO4), gypsum, iron sulphate and limestone
neutralise harmfull salt present in soil)
The drainage requirement is the amount of water that must be removed from an area within a
certain period to avoid an uncceptable rise in the level of the ground water or surface water.
One of the benefit of installing a drainage system to remove the excess water is that the soil is
better aerated.
This leads to a higher productivity of crop land or grassland because:
a) The crops can root more deeply
b) The choice of crops to be grown is greater
c) There will be fewer weeds
d) Fertilizers will be used more efficiently
e) There will be less denitrification
1) The root zone cannot become salinized by the capillary rise of saline ground water
2) Leaching is made possible
1) It prevents inceases of soil saliniy in the root zone making them irrigated land use
sustainable in the long term
2) By removing salts, it allows salts-sensitive crops (i.e a wider range of crops) to be grown
3) It makes possible the reclamation of salt-affected soils, bringing then a new land into
1) Natural drains
- These are the lowest velley line between 2 ridges
- The natural drainage should be improved by removing debris from the waterways
(waterway under the road bridges, culverts waterways, etc…)
2) Artificial drains
These are the constructed drains, generally alined along the drainage line.
- Surface drains are normally used for the removal of ecxess surface irrigation
water or for the disposal of storm water
- They remove water before it has entered the soil
NOTE: Deep surface drains with bed level below water table also can be used to drain
surface water and seepage water.
- Closed drains or field buried drains are known as tile drains. They remove water
which has entered the soil.
- They are usually laid 1 to 1.5m below the ground surface at a suitable spacing and
grade to lower down the GW table.
1) A field drainage system, which prevents ponding water on the field or controls the water
2) A main drainage system, which conveys the water away from the farm
3) An outlet, which is the point where the drainage water is led out of the area.
1.6.4 Field drainage system
= a network that gathers the excess water from the land by means of field drains and
possibly supplemented by measures to promote the flow of water into these drains.
The drains may be open drains or closed drains with further classification as under:
1) Seepage drains
- Are used to drains the subsoil water
- They are made deep enough to allow water table to drop in the drain
2) Surface-cum-seepage drains
They serve the dual purpose of seepage and storm water drain: during rainy season, they carry
storm water and seepage water.(They have bed level below the water table)
3) Mole drain
- Mole drain is a method of draining soils by means of mole drains
- Mole drains are cylindrical drains formed in the subsoil by pulling a mole plough
of 5 to 10cm diameter by a tructor.
Field drains are small drains draining individually or a group of fields into the link drains.
- The drainage system comprises: a main drain, its branches and subsidiary drains.
- Tile system is so divised to drain all the wet areas that could eventually be drained
into one main drain.
- Various tile drainage systems are as follows:
- Consists of a system of drains, similar to trunk system, but covering much large
- The main drains are located along the depressions or low spots depending of
- Consists of a system of drains with long parallel laterals emptying into a single
main drain.
- It is used in poorly drained soils having unifor texture and little slope.
- Consists of a main and a sumain along the depression with parallel line of a field
drain sloping towards the main drains and joining it at staggered intervals.
- It is used for lands lying on both sides of a narrow depression and laterals must
enter from both sides.
- It is less economical on account of double drainage occuring where the laterals
and main join.
- In this system, the field drains are constructed in parallel lines along the direction
of slope and join the main drain at its lower end via submains.
- It is used for flat land with a uniform slope.
- Is a system of drains similar to that of herringbone system, except that they are 2
main drains on each side of the depression in this system.
- It is used wghen the bottom of the depression is wide.
- It is similar to the natural system, except that a few laterals are provided in wet
areas or ponds along the system.
- It envisage collection of water from a number of small systems and
discharginginto the ditch through one outlet.
- It is used where the topography and wetness on the field vary and pattern of
drainage must changed to fit different directions.
- In this system, drains are laid more or less at random to drain the wet areas.
- The main is located at natural drainage line and individual wet spots are
connected through submains and laterals.
- Where wet spots are large, the arrangement of the submain and laterals for each
wet place may utilise one or more of the parallel systems to provide the required
- It is used where scattered wet areas are isolated from each other.
- In this system, tiles are placed along he hillside to intercept the seepage water that
flow the upper surface of an impervious subsoil to prevent it from leaching the
land fields.
- It is used for draining seepage along hillsides.
- It is a system of dranage used to intercept seepage water, but has in addition wells
dug at regular intervals to let the water come up from a lower stratum and enter
the drain.
- In this system, field drains and mains are constructed in zigzag to reduce high
Gross command area = the whole area enclosed between an imaginary boundary line which
can be included in an irrigation project for supplying water to agricultural land by the network
of canals.
(1) Rainfall
(2) Snow melting
(3) Excess irrigation
(4) Rising of GWT
(5) Seepage from canals and reservoirs
(6) Leaching of soil (while removing salts from soil by supplying extra-
(7) Artesian wells
- By connecting an intake structure called an open inlet or surface inlet, the pit
water can be carried into the sub-surface or tile-drain:
Carry the storm water discharge fom the shallow surface drains and the seepage water coming
from the tile drains:
- Generally a cunnette is provided in the centre of the drain bed to carry small
discharges of the seepage water.
- A steeper slope is given to the cunnette and it is lined so as to withstand higher
flow velocities and thus to inhbit weed growth.
- The full section would operate only during the storms.
Le drainage des terres par fossés ouverts consiste à ouvrir sur les parcelles à assainir des fossés
superficiels qui véhiculent l’eau vers des collecteurs qui se déversent dans l’émissaire.
Cette technique de drainage superficiel est appelée « colature » dans le cas où les fossés sont peu
profonds (0.40m).
Sont destinés à protéger le périmètre contre les eaux extérieures qui ruissellent sur les versants.
Recueillent les eaux excédentaires des terres à assainir et les conduisent aux collecteurs.
(3) Le collecteurs
- Le collecteur principal
Reçoit les eaaux des collecteurs secondaires et les véhicule jusqu’au point du périmètre à assainir
où il débouche dans l’émissaire ou dans un bassin régulateur.
Dans la plupart des cas, il s’agit d’un cours d’eau naturel qui est alors redimensionné pour
évacuer le débit de drainage.
La durée de submersion acceptable est fixée en fonction des limites de submersion admises pour
chaque plantes :
- Culture du riz ; 7 – 10 jours
- Maїs et coton : 7 jours
- Canne à sucre : 7 jours
- Légumes : 1 jour
- L aération du sol qui doit recevoir les racines des plantes, est indispensable pour
obtainir un bon rendement.
- Une inondation permanente cause une humidité excessive qui réduit l’aération du
sol et les processus d’oxydation.
- D’autre part, un drainage trop poussé devient nefaste car il diminue la quantité
d’eau fournie aux plantes par l’ascension capillaire.
- D’où il y a pour chaque plante un niveau optimal de la nappe qui permet son
meilleur développement.
Ce niveau varie en fonction de la profondeur des racines.
Le réseau de drainage doit être calculé de façon à pouvoir évacuer la pluie critique dont la
durée est égale à la durée de submersion et dont la périodicité moyenne de retour est fixée
en fonction des caractéristiques culturales de la plante.
L’ensemble des fossés du réseau doit être curé régulièrement : Cette opération consiste à
desherber et à remettre aux dimensions initiales les fossées et les collecteurs.
Q= ; Q (cumecs) = design peak discharge of runoff
K = runoff coefficient
A = total area to be drained ; A (ha)
i = intensity of rainfall ; i (cm/hr)
Determine the design discharge of drainage channel with the following data:
(1) Intensity of raifall: i = 0.625cm/hr
(2) Total water logged area: A = 600ha
(3) Runoff coefficient: K = 0.60
Q= ; i = 0.625cm/hr
A = 600ha
K = 0.06
a. Open channel = passage in which liquid flows eith its upper surface exposed to atmosphere
- Open channels are known as natural channels (natural streams and rivers) and
artificial channels (canal, flume, chute, culvert, tunnel, ditch, partially filled pipes
which are drains or aqueducts of any chape).
- Artificial channels are excavated in a hard rock or in a rodible materials:
c. Channel sections
(1) Depth of flow: y = vertical distance from the channel bottom to the free
(2) Depth of the flow section: d = depth of the flow narmal to the direction
of flow (d = y cos θ )
(3) Top width: T = width of the free surface
(4) Flow area: A = cross-sectional area normal to the direction of flow
(5) Wetted perimeter: P = the length of the channel surface in contact with
water across a channel section
(6) Hydraulic radius: R =
(7) Hydraulic depth: D =
(8) Section factor: Z = =A D
(9) Section factor for uniform flow: Z n = AR 3
a. Prismatic channel = channel which side slopes, channel slope and cross-sectional area are
- The velocity of flow is not constant at all depths of water in the canal or river.
- It is found by observation that the velocity at a depth of 0.6d represent the mean
velocity, where d = depth of water in the canal or river.
After many investigations in various canals, the following formulae are used to determine the
mean velocity of flow in canals:
(3) Bazin’s formula: C = ; K = Bazin’s constant
R = Channel hydraulic radius
C = Chezy’s constant
NOTE: K = 1.30 to 1.75 (for unlined)
K = 0.45 to 0.85 (for lined)
0.00155 1
23 + +
(4) Kutter’s formula: C = S n ;
⎛ 0.00155 ⎞ n
1 + ⎜ 23 + ⎟×
⎝ S ⎠ R
n = Manning’s constant
S = Kutter’s coefficient
(i) Open channel = Passing in which liquid flows with its upper surface exposed to
(Flow in a conduit with a free surface is also known as open channel flow)
e.g: Flows in irrigation channels
Streams and rivers
Navigation channels
Drainage channels
Sewers etc….
(1) According to the change in flow depth with respect to time and space.
The state of flow in an open channel is governed by the effects of viscosity and gravity relative
to the inertia forces of flow:
F ρL2 v 2 ρv L
Re = i = = ; µ = dynamic viscosity of the flowing fluid.
Fv µv L µ
ρv D vD
(a) For a pipe flow: Re = ; D = pipe diameter or Re =
µ υ
vR A
(b) For an open channel flow: Re = ; R= ; R = hydraulic radius
υ P
A = wetted area
NOTE: Laminar flow ceases to exist in pipe when Re = is greater than 2000
v (4 R )
i.e. For open channel: Laminar flow exists when ≤ 2000
i.e. When ≤ 500 ;υ = Kinematic viscosity of the flowing liquid.
That is why Reynolds’s number is defined as: Re =
And from experiments:
Laminar: ≤ 500
Transition: 500 ≤ ≤ 2000
Turbulent: ≥ 2000
Fi ρL2 v 2 v2 v
Definition: Fr = = = =
Fg ρL g
Lg gL
(Ratio of inertia forces to gravitational forces)
Where: L = Characteristic length
⎛ A⎞
In open channel: L = D ⎜ = ⎟ ; D = Hydraulic mean depth
⎝ T⎠
i.e: Fr = (For any open channel)
⇒ Fr = (For a rectangular channel)
Fr > 1 ⇒ supercritical flow (i.e: when v > gD ) ⇒ rapid, shooting, torrential flow
Non uniform flows in open channel are also called varied flows:
i.e: Non-uniform flows are classified into 2 types:
- R.V.F (Rapid Varied Flows)
- G.V.F (Gradually Varied Flows)
a) G.V.F
If the depth of flow in a channel changes gradually over a long length of the channel, the
flow is said to be gradually varied flow.
b) R.V.F
Flow in which the depth of flow changes abruptly over a small length of the channel.
e.g: Flow over an over flow spillway.
- Prismatic channel
- Non-prismatic channel
NOTE: The slopes at various cross-sections of all natural stream do not remain the same
throughout the reach.
The vertical distance from the free surface to the channel bottom.
Ratio of the water area to the top width i.e: D =
Ratio of water area A to the wetted perimeter P i.e: R =
(9) Normal depth (y0 or yn)
A certain depth at which a given discharge will flow as uniform in a channel of known slope S0
or Sn
NOTE: Usually the uniform flow parameters are designated with a subscript 0 or n.
The most widely used resistance equation for uniform flow is the Manning’s formula:
1 2 3 12
v= Rh S b
The coefficient n is essentially a function of the boundary surface and has the dimensions of
L 3T .
v = C Rh S 0 ; Rh = Area of flow, wetted perimeter Rh =
S0 = Bottom slope of the channel.
i.e: Q = CA Rh S 0
(1) v = C RS Chezy’s ⇒ S = equation
RC 2
1 2 3 12 n2v 2
(2) v = R S Maning’s equation ⇒ S = 4
n R3
hf fv 2
(3) S = = Darcy-Weisbach equation
L 2 gD
1 2 3 12
CR 2 S/ = R S/
1 1
1 1 R6
C = ⋅R 6 ⇒ n=
n C
v/ 2 fv/ 2
RC 2 2 gD
8g 8g
f = 2
C f
n 2 v/ 2 fv/ 2
R3 2 gD
8 gn 2 fR 3
f = 1 ⇔n=
R3 8g
Q = CA Rh S 0 ⇒ Q = K S 0 ; K = CA Rh = .
Definition: The conveyance of the channel K = CA Rh is a measure of the carrying capacity of
the channel.
1. Rectangular channels
A by 4 .5 × 1 .2
v = C RS ;R = = = = 0.78m
P b + 2 y 4 .5 + 2 × 1 .2
v = 49 × 0.783 × = 1.53m / s
A triangular channel has a side slope of 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal and is laid on a longitudinal
slope of 1 in 1650.
Assuming Manning’s n = 0.013, determine the normal depth required to pass a discharge of
0.3m3 /sec.
1 2 1
Q= AR 3 S 0 2
S 0 = 1 : 1650
Q = 0.3m 3 / s
n = 0.013
2 2
A = my 0 = 1.5 y 0
P = 2 y0 1 + m 2
A 1.5 y 0
⇒R= = = 0.416 y 0
P 3.6 y 0
( )
1 ⎛ 1 ⎞
× 1.5 y 0 × (0.416 y 0 ) 3 × ⎜
2 2
⇔ 0.3 = ⎟
0.013 ⎝ 1650 ⎠
⇔ 0.3 = 1.583 y 0 3
⇒ y 0 = 0.54m
A trapezoidal channel has a bed width of 2m and side slopes of 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal.
If the Manning’s coefficient of the channel boundary is 0.018 and if the depth of the flow is
1.4m, determine:
(i) The mean velocity of the flow;
(ii) The discharge flow rate through the channel.
1 2 3 12
v= R S0
S 0 = 1 : 4000
(i) n = 0.018
(b + my ) y = (2 + 1.5 × 1.4) × 1.4 = 0.814m
b + 2 y 1 + m 2 2 + 2 × 1.4 1 + (1.5)2
1 ⎛ 1 ⎞
× (0.814 ) × ⎜
⇒v = 3
⎟ = 0.766m / s
0.018 ⎝ 4000 ⎠
A circular drainage pipe 0.8m in diameter conveying a discharge at a depth of 0.3m has a slope
of 1 in 90.
Determine the discharge through the channel.
Assume Manning’s n = 0.015.
1 1
AR 3 S 0 2
S 0 = 1 : 900
n = 0.015
D2 2y 0.3
A= (2θ − sin 2θ ) ; cos θ = 1 − = 1− 2× = 0.25 ⇒ θ = 75.52 0
8 D 0.8
⇒ A=
[2 × 1.318 − sin (2 × 75.52)] = 0.1722m 2
P = Dθ = 0.8 × 1.318 = 1.054m
A 0.1722
⇒R= = = 0.1634m
P 1.054
1 ⎛ 1 ⎞
× (0.1722) × (0.1634) 3
Thus Q = ×⎜ ⎟ = 0.114m / s
0.015 ⎝ 900 ⎠
5. A river has a cross section, snown below during the high flood. It has an average bed slope of
0.001. The channel has water to a depth of 2m in the shallow section and 5m in the deep section.
The value of n for shallow section is given as 0.038 where as for deep section as 0.028.
Compute the discharge through this section.
1 2 1
10 ) Q1 = A1 R1 3 S 0 2
S 0 = 0.001 = 10 −3
n1 = 0.028
A1 = (2my1 + 2b1 ) × = (b1 + my1 ) y1 = (100 + 1 × 5) × 5 = 525m 2
P1 = b1 + y1 + (my1 ) +
2 2
( y1 − 2)2 + [m( y1 − 2)]2
= b1 + y1 2 + ( y1 − 2 ) 2 = b1 + (2 y1 − 2) 2 = 100 + (2 × 5 − 2) × 2 = 111.314m ]
A1 525
⇒ R1 = = = 4.716m
P1 111.314
and hence Q =
1 2 1
2 0 ) Q2 = A2 R2 3 S 0 2
S 0 = 0.001 = 10 −3
n2 = 0.038
A2 = b2 × y 2 = 25 × 2 = 50m 2
2 2
P2 = b2 + z 2 = b2 y 2 + my 2 = b2 + y 2 2 = 25 + 2 2 = 27.828m )
A2 50
⇒ R2 = = = 1.797m
P2 27.828
and hence Q =
Most economical section of a channel = one which gives the maximum discharge for a given
area, bed slope and surface roughness.
NOTE: The most economical section of a channel would be that one with the smallest
wetted perimeter.
i.e. For an optimum channel, the shape requires the least amount of excavation and less
amount of lining and surface finishing.
In other words, a most economical channel section would tend to be the cheapest.
For the section to be the most economical efficient, the wetted perimeter P must be a minimum
P = b + 2y ; y & b variables.
A=bxy ⇒b=
⇒ P= + 2y
i.e: Q = Qoptimum ⇔ P = Pmin (due to the definition of a most efficient channel
dP d ⎛A ⎞
for Pmin = =0⇔ ⎜ 2 y ⎟ = 0 ; A = constant
dy dy ⎜⎝ y ⎟⎠
⇔ − +2=0
⇔ A = by = 2 y 2
⇔ b = 2 y or y=
Result: “A rectangular channel section is the most economical when: y = ”.
(1) Design a rectangular channel means “Determination of 5 variables:n (or C), y0, S0, b and Q”
(or v ).
Condition for a most economical rectangular channel: y = which means that:
⎡b = 2 y
⎢A = b× y = 2y
⎢P = b + 2 y = 4 y
⎢R = y
⎢ 2
⎢C = 50
⎢Q = 12 m 3 / s
⎣⎢v = 3m / s
Q 12
(i) y determination: Q = A × v = 2 y 2 × v ⇒ y = = = 1.414m
2v 2×3
(ii) b determination: Thus the geometrical elements of the channel becomes:
⎡b = 2 y = 2 × 1.414 = 2.828m
⎢ A = b × y = 2 y = 2 × (1.414 ) = 4m
2 2 2
⎢ P = b + 2 y = 4 y = 4 × 1.414 = 5.567
⎢ R = y = 1.414 = 0.707
⎢⎣ 2 2
v2 32 1
v = C RS ⇔ S = = = 5.09 × 10 −3 =
(iii) S0 determination : RC 2
0.707 × 50 2
⇒ S = 1 : 196
⎛ T ⎞ b + 2my
i.e: ⎜ = ⎟ = y 1 + m 2 (This is the condition for best side slopes)
⎝2 ⎠ 2
NOTE: The geometric elements for a most economical trapezoidal channel section are:
A = (b + my ) y
P = 2(b + my )
T b + 2my
= = y 1+ m2
2 2
tan θ =
Design a most economical trapezoidal channel with velocity of flow of 1m/sec, discharge of 3m3
/sec and a side slope of 1vertical : 2 horizontal.
Assume Chezy’s coefficient C = 55.
(1) To determine y:
(a) For a most economical channel: half top width = the sloping side
b + 2my
= y 1 + m2 ;m = 2
b + (2 × 2 y )
i.e. = y 1 + 22
b + 4y = 2y 5
b = 0.47 y
= A=
(2b + 2my ) × y
v 2
i.e. = A = y (b + 2 y ) or 3 = y (b + 2 y )
⎧b = 0.47 y
(a) and (b) means: ⎨ ⇒ 3 = y(0.47 y + 2 y ) ⇒ y ≈ 1.1m
⎩3 = y (b + 2 y )
(2) To determine b:
y 1 .1
v = C RS ;R = = (For a most economical trapezoidal channel)
2 2
i.e. R = 0.55m ; C = 55 ; v = 1m / s
⎛ 1 ⎞
Thus : 1 = 55 × 0.55 × S 0 ⇒ S 0 = 6 × 10 − 4 ; ⎜ = ⎟
⎝ 1667 ⎠
A concrete lined circular channel of 3.6m diameter has a bed slope of 1:600.
Deteremine the velocity and flow rate for the conditions of;
(i) maximum velocity
(ii) maximum discharge
Assume Chezy’s coefficient : C = 50
(2) =
( )
4.494 − sin 257.5 0 = 8.86m 2
⇒ Q = 2.135 × 8.86 = 18.9m 3 / s
Q = A× v ;A= (2θ − sin 2θ ) ;2θ = 308 0
(2) =
(1.8)2 5.3756 − sin 3080 = 9.985m 2
( )
⇒ Q = 2.09 × 9.985 = 20.87m 3 / s
1 1
The design of canals is based on uniform flow: Q =
AR 3 S 0 2 where A and R are functions of
the geometric elements of the chnanel.
n, S0
⇒ Q = f n (n, y 0 , S 0 ,b,m )
i.e a function of 6 variables to be solved.
i.e: If the cannal is of tapezoidal cross-section, channel desing means the determination of six
varibles out of which one is a dependent and the rest five are dependent.
- Regime theory
Lacey defines a regime channel as one which carries a constant discharge under uniform
flow and which has the bed and bank materials of the same characteristics as that of the
transported material and without changing the bottom slope, shape or size of the cross-
section over a period of time.
i.e when the silt charge and charge are constant i.e the term regime is used in connection
with alluvial channel to signify a state of equilibrium.
After many investigations for designing stable channels, Kennedy arrived at a theory which
states that “The silt carried by flowing water in a channel is kept in suspension by the vertical
component of eddy current which is formed over the entire bed width of the channel and the
suspended silt rises up gently towards the surface”
(a) The eddy current is developed due to the roughness of the bed
(b) The quality of the suspended silt is proportional to the bed width
(c) It is applicable to those channels which are flowing through the bed consisting of
sandy silt or same grade of silt.
- Kennedy established the idea of critical velocity (v) which will make a channel free
from silting and free from scouring:
v o = C × m × D 0.64
Vo = critical velocity
m = CVR i.e m = ; v = mean velocity
D = full supply depth (= depth of flow)
C = constant depending on type of bed and side material
NOTE 3: For non-silting & non-scouring (i.e stable channel) Kennedy found the coefficient
C = 0.546 and the exponent n = 0.64 on the basis of his observation on the channel
bed material of 0.32mm of media size
i.e v o = 0.546 × m × D 0.64
vo < v ⇒ Silting occurs
vo > v ⇒ Scouring occurs
NOTE: Values of N
Channel condition N
Very good 0.0225
Good 0.025
Indifferent 0.0275
Poor 0.03
(c) Ratio assumed between 3.5 to 12
(d) The full supply depth is assumed by to satisfy the value of m.
Generally the trial depth is assumed between 1m to 2m.
If the condition is not satisfied within this limit, then it may be assumed accordingly.
N 1 S 0 v0
v = C RS
Step II: Find area of flow: A = ; (assuming vo ≈ v )
A BD + 2 D 2
Find R = =
P B + 2 5D
1 0.00155
23 + +
Step V: use v = N S × RS
⎛ 0.00155 ⎞ N
1 + ⎜ 23 + ⎟×
⎝ S ⎠ R
Otherwise, repeat step I to step V till the 2 velocities are the same ( vo ≈ v ).
Case I: Given: Q = 50m3/s ; N = 0.0225 ; m = 1 ; S = = 0.015
= 0.55 × 1 × (1.5)
= 0.71m / s
Q 50
Step II: Area of flow: A = = = 70.4m 2
v0 0.71
= B x 1.5 + 2 x (1.5)2
⇒ B = 43.9m
A BD + 2 D 2 70.4
R= = = = 1.39m
P B + 2 5 D 43.9 + 2 5 × 1.5
1 0.00155
23 + +
Step V: R and S in: v = 0.0025 0.015 × 1.39 × 0.015 = 4.6m / s
⎛ 0.00155 ⎞ 0.0225
1 + ⎜ 23 + ⎟×
⎝ 0.015 ⎠ 1.39
v0 = 0.71m / s ⎫
⎬ The difference is high. i.e the difference >40%
v = 4.6m / s ⎭
⇒ Repeat step I to V
ASSIGNMENT: Write a programme for above calculations and give the answer to this
Case II: Given Q1 N1 m and ratio i.e =x
Design steps:
Step I : Find B = x × D
Find A = BD + 2D 2
= xD 2 + 2D 2
= D 2 (x + 2)
Q = A× v ; vo ≈ v
[D 2
(x + 2)]× (0.55 × m × D 0.64 )
⇒ Find D: (and hence B)
Find R =
1 0.00155
23 +
Step V: use v = N S × RS
⎛ 0.00155 ⎞ N
1 + ⎜ 23 + ⎟×
⎝ S ⎠ R
a) This theory is limited to average regime channel only. It uses Kutter’s equation
b) The design of channel is based on the trial and error method. For a given bed
slope, there are many combination of width and depth of flow to suit a given
c) The ratio has to be chosen only when a unique design is possible
d) The method does not take into account the sediments load.
a) Discharge: Q = 28m3/s
b) Kutter’s N = 0.0225
c) C.V.R: m = 1
d) Side slope = :1
e) ratio = 7.6
1) B = 7.6D
⎛ 1 ⎞
A = ⎜ B + D ⎟ D ; B = 7.6 D
⎝ 2 ⎠
= (7.6 D + 0.5D )D
= 8.1D 2
Q = A × v ; v ≅ v0
= 8.1D 2 × 0.55D 0.64 )
28 = 4.455D 2.64 ⇒ D = 2.01
Hence B = 7.6 × 2.01 = 15.248m
7) v = C RS ;
(Kutter’s formula)
1 0.00155
23 + +
0.86 = 0.0225 S × 1.658
⎛ 0.00155 ⎞ 0.0225
1 + ⎜ 23 + ⎟×
⎝ S ⎠ 1.658
⎛ 1 0.00155 ⎞
⎜ 23 + + ⎟× S
⎝ 0.0225 S ⎠
0.86 =
⎛ 0.00155 ⎞ 0.0225
0.777 + ⎜ 23 + ⎟×
⎝ S ⎠ 1.658
⎡ ⎛ 0.00155 ⎞ ⎤
0.86 = ⎢0.777 + ⎜ 23 + ⎟ × 0.0136⎥
⎣ ⎝ S ⎠ ⎦
⎛ 0.00155 ⎞
= ⎜ 23 + 44.444 + ⎟× S
⎝ S ⎠
By trial & error: S = = 0.00016
Lacey’s theory is based on the concept of the regime condition of the channel.
- The channel flows uniformly in unlimited incoherent alluvium of the same character
which is transported by the channel.
‘The silt carried by the flowing water is kept in suspension by the vertical components of
The eddies are generated at all points on the wetted perimeter of the channel section.
During the investigations works in various canals in alluvial soil, Gerald Lacey established the
effect of silt on the determination of discharge and the cannal section.
So he introduced the notion of silt factor of: f = 1.76 dr ; dr mean dia of the silt in mm.
(iii) v = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ; Q = (m3/s)
⎝ 140 ⎠
(iv) P = 4.75 Q ; P(m)
(v) v = 10.8R 3 S
2 1
;(Regime flow equation) and S = bed slope (= water surface slope)
3 5
f 2 f 3
(vi) Regime slope equation: S = 1
& S = 1
4980 R 3 3340Q 6
(viii) Q = ⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ 3340 × S ⎠
(ix) N = 0.0225 f 4
Given Q & dr
Step II : v = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 140 ⎠
Step III: A =
Step IV: P = 4.75 Q
Step V: Find B and D
A 5⎛v2 ⎞
Step VI: R = ; R = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ and compare the two “Rs”
P 2⎝ f ⎠
f 3
Step VII: Find S = 1
3340Q 6
(1.363) 3
5 5
f 3
S= =
3340Q 6 3340 × (40 ) 6
1 1
⎛ 1 ⎞
= 2.713 × 10 − 4 ⎜= ⎟
⎝ 3686 ⎠
P = 4.75 Q
= 4.75 × 40
= 30.042m
⎡ 40 × (1.363)2 ⎤
1 1
⎛ Qf 2 ⎞
6 6
(iv) v = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎢ ⎥ = 0.900m / s
⎝ 140 ⎠ ⎣ 140 ⎦
Q 40
(v) c/s area : A = = = 44.444m 2
v 0 .9
⎧ ⎛ 1 ⎞
⎪44.444 = A = ⎜ B + D ⎟ D (1)
⎨ ⎝ 2 ⎠
⎪30.042 = P = B + 5 D ⇒ B = 30.042 − 2.236 D ( 2)
(2) in (1)
44.444 = (30.042 − 2.236 D + 0.5 D )D
1.736 D 2 − 30.042 D + 44.444 = 0
30.042 ± (30.042)2 − 4 × 1.736 × 44.444
2 × 1.736
⇒ D+ = 15.672m ⇒ B + = 30.042 − 2.236 × 15.672 = −5m (absurde!)
⇒ D− = 1.634m ⇒ B− = 30.042 − 2.236 × 1.634 = 26.388m
2. It gives relation between “V” and “D” 2. It gives relation between “V” and “R”
3. In this theory, a factor known as critical 3. In this theory, a factor known as critical
velocity ratio “m” is introduced to make velocity ratio “f” is introduced to make the
the equation applicable to different equation applicable to different channels
channels with different silt grades. with different silt grades.
4. In this theory Kutter’s equation is used 4. This theory gives an equation for finding
for finding the mean velocity. the mean mean velocity
5. This theory gives no equation for bed 5.This theory gives an equation for bed
slope. slope.
6. In this theory, the design is based on trial 6. This theory does not involve trial – and –
– and – error method. error method.
It is essential to maintain irrigation channels frequently for their proper efficient functionning.
NOTE: Banks erosion can be due to bad design since each type of canal banks has its
corresponding maximumu allowable velocity to avoid banks erosion.
a) Silt removal
The deposited silts in the canal can be removed by the following methods:
(1) By flushing and bed cleaned with clear water.
- by mechanical or manual agitation of flow. E.g silting means < 1 ⇒ v ↑ to v ≈ v0
- by reduction of the area of flow
- by excavation if the flow is not there
Is defined as the failure of canal banks due to tearing (or breaching when the canal is in
(1) Due to deffect to deging & construction e.g: phreatic line failure due to excessive
seepage force.
(2) Rush of water through rat holes
(3) Due to piping near the d/s toe
(4) Piping due to excessive exit gradient: earth materials are removed from the
(1) by diverting the canal discharge to a near escape canal on the u/s of the gap
(2) by filling the gap with sufficient amount of earth
c) Weeds control
NOTE: The canal should be in silting i.e < 1 ⇒ v ↑ to v ≈ v0
(2) by rush rotation: i.e the channel is run with full supply discharge for sometimes and
kept dry completely
(2) by increasing the cross-section area of flow through all the zone of overflow.
Surface drainage is the removal of excess water within a given period of time from the land
surface over or through the uppermost top soil layer by a proper open drainage system.
The main concern of draining flat areas is timely the removal of stagnant surface water while the
drainage of sloping areas, the emphasis should be given on the removal of water without causing
soil erosion.
NOTE: Land levelling, land grading and land shaping are synonimous.
- Land farming also includes grading works for erosion control for example: contour
benching and earth work for parallel terraces.
- It is the transport of the earth according to the specific cuts and fills based on a
predetermined grade.
- Land grading for both irrigation and drainage is entirely practical and compatible.
- Land grading is essential to the development of surface irrigation systems.
Land smoothing is genarally the final operation of removing the minaor differences in
elevations of the land fields without changing the general topography of the land.
- From economical point of view, these drains are best suited to the scattered
depressions where the depth of cut is not over 1m.
The layout of a typical random field drain system is shown below:
- Whenever possible, the drains connect one depression to an other in conveying water
to a suitable outlet: cuts and fills for small depression which are not connected to the
system can be dore.
- The drain depth depends on the topography of the area and the design discharge:
usyally the depth should not be more than 25cm; the side slope should be ranged from
8:1 to 10:1 whenever they are to be crossed.
- Minimum ditch side slope of 4:1 are desired if the field is farmed parallel to the ditch.
- The land is devided into anumber of narrow-width plots known as beds. The beds
being separated by deadfurrows which serve as drains and running parallel to the
prevailing slope:
- Bedding system is most practicable on flat slopes of less than 1.5% and the soils are
slowly permeable. i.e where pipe drainage should not be economical.
• Width of the beds varies between 10-30m depending on the land use, slope of the fills
and deadfurrows, sand permeability, farming operations and the width of the farm
• Beds gradient after levelling = 0.1%
• Height of the beds varies between 15-45cm
• Side slope of the beds: usually 1.5% (= side slope of the ditch)
• The length of the beds may vary from 90m to 300m
(2) Deadfurrows
(1) The topmost soil is removed from the soil of the beds to the
middle, which may cause reduction in the yield.
(2) The dead furrows need frequent maintenace
(3) To a certain extent, the system requires a mechanical farming.
- The cross-section for field drains may be V-shaped or trapezoidal in the bedding
system. But the W-drains shown below consists essentially of 2 parallel ditches with a
narrow spacing: All of the spoil is placed between the channels, making the cross-
section similar to that os a road.
- The W- drain is best adequate to relatively flat land where the rows are drained through
both directions.
- A minimum width for W-drains varies from 5 – 30m depending on the size of the beds.
(1) It allows better row drainage because spoil does not have to be spread;
(2) It may be used as a turn row;
(3) It may serve as a field road;
(4) It can be constructed and maintained with ordinary farm equipment;
(5) It may be seeded to grass or row crops.
- Parallel field drains are similar to the bedding drains except that the channels are
spaced further apart and may have a greater capacity than the dead furrows. Also
drains do not need to be equally spaced and water may move in only one direction.
- As bedding system, the tun strip is provided where ditches border a fence line.
- Parallel field drains are constructed at convenient distances, the drain spacing
depending upon the permeability of the soil, the crops to be grown, the topography
and the gradient of the land after levelling.
- The side slopes should be 8:1 or flatter to facilitate crossing with farm machinery.
- For a maximum length of rows upo 200m having a continuous slope: provide a land
sloping in one direction and for lands of lengths beyond 200m upto 400m: the slope is
given in both directions.
NOTE: The length and grade of rows should be limited to prevent damage by erosion: on
highly erosive soils which are slowly permeable, the slope length should be reduced to
90m or less.
It is most expansive
In the sloping areas, the main concern is to regulate any occuring overland flow which has to be
intercepted before it becomes dangerous as an erosive force for the soil erosion.
- It mostly used on the lands with a regular slope of 2 to 4% and having numerous
shallow depressions. i.e the land is generally too steep for bedding or field drains
which would result in excessive erosion.
- Field drains are constructed parallel to the contours on a uniform grade ranging from
1:1 to 1:100.. Field drains are known as cross-slope ditches or channel type terraces.
- Spoils from the drains are used to fill depressions.(about 80% of the field drains is
below the original land surface)
- Smoothing of the land between the drains is essential for good operation of the
- The distance between the field drains depend on the slope, rainfall intensity, soil
erodibility and type of crops. The distance varies from 30m (for 4% land slope) to
45m( for 2% land slope).
- The maximum length of a sloping field drain is only : 350 to 450cm.
- The depth of field drain varies from 15-25cm
- The top width varies between 5-7.5cm
- The cross-section area varie between 0.4 to 7m2.
- This system is a measure to protect flat areas from watrelogging caused by upland
- It is implemented by the construction of the individual design channels, known as
diversion drains, near the top of the hill areas across the slope. i.e the diversion drains
are so designed for intercepting the flow to protect the
d/s flat areas from upland runoff.
- When the diversion drains are deep enough, they can also collect surface runoff.
Soil erosion is prevented by constructing terraces for soil and water conservation.
Terraces are of 2 types:
In this type of terracing, the original steep slopes are converted to several vertical
steps separating the horizontal plots of land.
- T erraces can be constructed without any grade or with a decreasing grade in the u/s
direction for the purpose of creating an approximate constant water depth in the
channel to promote water conservation
- Terraces withreasonably constant water are sometimes used in erosion control
practices to prevent silting of the channel
- The grades of terraces usually vary from 0.1 – 0.6%
- The side slope of the channel varies from 10:1 (for 10% land slope) to 4:1 (for 10%
land slope)
- The distances between channel are fixed on the basis of local practices
- When ever a new road has to cross an existing drain or a canal, or sometimes adrain
has to cross an existing road, a small bridge or a culvert is constructed at the point of
- These small bridges or culverts should be designed safely and economically to avoid
unnecessary over investments
1. A water pressure may essentially develop when the water table rises above the canal bed;
and there may be low flow or no flow in the canal.
Such situation will always cause an uplift pressure force on the lining, equal to the difference
in the water heads as shown in the figure below:
The hydrostatic pressures may also be caused on the lining by the seeping rain water in the
backfill, even when the water table remains below the canal bed.
In fact, the backfill may get saturated over a period of time due to seepage water trhough the
joints and cracks and during the drawdown in the canal, the water in the backfill may not be
drained out as quickly as the occuring draw downs, leading to build up of pressure behind the
NOTE: In all such case, drainage arrangements such as drainage pockets or open jointed pipe
drains must be provided to help in reducing such hydrostatic pressures to safe limits.
Consiste à disposer dans le sol un réseau se tuyaux pour drainer l’eau du sol ou l’eau
superficielle afin d’aérer et d’assainir le sol.
- Les tranheuses-poseuses
- Les poseuses à outil-taupe
- Les pelles hydrauliques et autres engins de terrassement
- Elles sont équipées, selon les types, de roues à godets ou de chaînes munies de
couteaux é creuser
- Elles permettent l’ouverture d’une tranchée dans les terrains de toutes natures, à
l’exception des terrains rocheux
- Les déblais sont extarits et répartis à l’aide d’un tapis convoyeur ou d’une vis sans
Elles sont équipés d’un coutre, sorte de masse métallique inerte dont la forme est étudiée pour
écartel le sol afin d’enfouir les drains sans avoir à ouvrir de tranchée.
- Bouche de drainage = ouvrage qui recueille les eaux de drainage d’un collecteur
principal et les resttue dans un émissaire.
- Les bouches doivent toujours se déverse au-dessus du niveau des eaux moyennes.
- A la bouche de décharge, le collecteur doit être enterré de 0,75m
- La bouche se compose d’un massif en maçonnerie ou en béton ayant au minimum 1m
de largeur et 0,50m d’épaisseur
- Le massif est prolongé par un radier disposé à 0,30m de la génératrice inférieur du
- Une grille protège la bouche contre l’entrée des petits annaux dans le collecteur
- Les regards sont des ouvrages destinés à vérifier le bon fonctionnement des
- Placé au point de rencontre de plusieurs collecteurs, ils servent de chambre de raccord
- Ils sont de forme carrée ou rectangulaire et sont construits en maçonnerie ou en béton
- Ils reposent sur un radier en béton
- Ils dépassent le niveau du sol et sont recouverts d’une dalle en béton armé servant de
- Les collecteurs sont disposés dand les thalwegs et le petits drains à l’intérieur de
chaque bassin versant unitaire correspondent à un collecteur.
- Les drains peuvent être placés :
• Soit suivant la ligne de plus grande pente
• Soit transversalement à cette pente
La jonction des drains et des collecteurs doit se faire sous un angle compris entre 300
et 600
Field drains = subsurface drainage systems that can control ground water table and
carries water to other types of drains for final disposal.
The placement depth of the field drains depend on the soil-hydrological characteristics.
Usually a depth of 1.5-3.0m is recommended. (Practical experience)
NOTE: It been seen that the maximum efficiency of removal of water is obtained at the
approximative depth of 2.1m below the GL.
The spacing between 2 drains is calculated depending upon the flow conditions taking
place in the soil.
There are 2 conditions of flow namely:
- Steady state flow condition
- Unsteady state flow condition
8K 2 ⋅ d ⋅ h 4 K1h 2
L2 = +
q q
A soil with an impermeable layer located at 3m below the drains level for which:
(1) The hydraulic conductivity below and above drains are K2 = 1m/day and
K1 = 0.5m/day respectively;
(2) The drainage coefficient is q = 0.005m/day;
(3) The height of water table above the drains level, at midway between drains is
h = 0.6m
(4) And the radius of field drains is r = 0.10m
According to Hoogoudt,
8K 2 ⋅ d ⋅ h 4 K1h 2
L2 = + ;
q q
q = constant recharge rate or drainage coefficient ; q = (m/day)
K1 = 0.5m/day
K2 = 1m/day
r = 0.1m
q = 0.005m/day
h = 0.6m
⎧L = ?
d depends on ⎨r = ok
⎪ D = ok
d = thickness of equivalent layer (directly obtained from the special table provided
by Hoogoudt)
1st trial:
L = 40m ⎫
r = 0.10m⎬ ⇒ table d = 2.156m
D = 3m ⎪⎭
2nd trial:
L = 50m ⎫
r = 0.10m⎬ ⇒ table d = 2.287m
D = 3m ⎪⎭
3rd trial:
d = d1 + × ∆L1
d 50 − d 40 ∆d ∆d
d 48 = d 40 + × (L48 − L40 ) ; 1 = ; ∆d1 = d − d1 and ∆L1 = L − L1
L50 − L40 ∆L1 ∆L
2.278 − 2.156
i.e: = 2.156 + × (48 − 40 )
50 − 40
= 2.2608
LHS = 48 2 = 2304⎫
⎬ LHS ≈ RHS ⇒ OK i.e L ≅ 48m
RHS = 2314 ⎭
- The rate at which the water is removed by a drain is called the drainage coefficient
- It is expressed as the depth of water in cm or in metres, to be removed in 24 hours
from the drainage area.
- The D.C largery depends upon the rainfall but varies with the type of soil, the croppin
pattern, the type and layout of the drain, etc…
- Depending of local recommendations, the value of D.C is as follows:
(1) Mineral soils: 1 – 2.5cn/day
(2) Organic soils: 1.25 – 10cm/day
For digfferent crops.
A tile drainage, draining 12ha, flows at a design capacity for 2 days following a storm.
If the system is designeg using a D.C of 1.25 cm/day, determine the volume of water which will
be removed during this periods.
i. Depth of water removed per day = = D.C
ii. Volume of water removed per day = D.C x A
= (1.25 x 10-2 )x 12
= 0.15 ha.m/day
iii. Volume of water removed after two days
= Vlume of water removed per day x Number of days
= 0.15 x 2 = 0.3ha.m = 0.3 x 104m3
= 3000m3
- The tail drains are designed according to Manning’s formula to carry a certain
discharge decided by the D.C : Q = ⋅ A ⋅ R 3 ⋅ S 2
2 1
- The drains are laid on a longitudinal slope varying from 0.05% to 3%.
NOTE: Where sufficient slope is not available, the grade may be reduced to
- Depending apon the available slope of the soil surface and the depth of the
outlet, a suitable value of the longitudinal slope is given to the tiles.
Determine the dia of a tile at the outlet oa a 6ha drainage system if the D.C is 1cm/day
and the tile grade is o.3%.
Assume the Manning’s coefficient for the tile drain material as n = 0.011.
πD 2 ⎫
A= ⎪ D
4 ⎬⇒ R =
P = πD ⎪⎭
1 2
Q= ⋅ A⋅ R 3 ⋅ S 2
2 1
1 1 πD 2 ⎛ D ⎞ 3 ⎛ 0.3 ⎞ 2
= × ×⎜ ⎟ ×⎜ ⎟
144 0.011 4 ⎝4⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠
π ⎛1⎞ 3
1 2+
× × ⎜ ⎟ × (0.003) 2 × D 3
0.011 4 ⎝ 4 ⎠
D = 4.4745 × 10 −3
⇒ D = 0.1315m
≈ 13.2cm
- The term “Non-steady state drainage” implies that the position of water table is not
fixed with respect to time.
Hence drain outlet flow rate will also vary with time.
- This happens when the inflow to the soil is different than outflow from the soil:
If the inflow exceeds the outflow, the water table will rise and if the outflow exceeds
the inflow, the water table will decline.
- The drainage design parameters are again the depth and spacing of the subsurface
drains which have to be adequate to bring down the water table within a pre-
detremined period of time.
- When there is asudden occurrence of a large amount of rainfall or accumulation of
runoff over the land, the infiltrated volume over a time period usually exceeds the
narmal outflow from the soil profile and the water table rises:
Under such conditions, temporary rise of water table is inevitable.
NOTE: The subsurface drainage system ensures thet even the active root zone
becomes saturated fast enough to restore proper aeration of active root
Is to ensure the proper functionning of subsurface draining (i.e tube drains) or open
ditches (i.e subsurface drains).
- The functionning of open drains can be verified by visual observations without
making any measuerement during wet period.
- The functionning of tubes drains can be verified by knowing the head loss using
installed piezometers.
The tube drains perforations may be clogged by the soil particles (silting up), chemical
deposits (iron deposits ) or plant roots.
3- Maintenance needed
- Prevetion of siltingup
- Prevetion and removal of iron deposits
- Use no perforated plastic pipes where the drain lines cross a border of the tree roots.
- The soil particle may move into drains from above or below tha drains level
- The rate at which silting up takes place depends upon the soil conditions: The silting
up is largely decreased during wet periods.
• By covering the top and bottom of the drains using filter materials such as gravel
or wraping the pipe completely by the coconut fiber
• By cleaning the drains using flushing materials
• By maintening a proper gradient of the tube drains during construction to ensure a
minimum flow velocity of 0.35m/s so that soil particles could move with the flow
to the outlet.
• The iron deposits can be removed by flushing using low pressure machines.
• The iron can be also be removed by dissolving it using sulphate dioxide (SO2)
dissolved in water.
• It can also be avoided by forcing the iron to precipitate using CaCO3 (lime)
before it enters the drain.
• It can be avoided by preventing air from entering the drain by keeping the drain
outlet under the water level of an open ditch so that no oxidation can take place.
• The good results can be obtained by pushing a dry plastic hose provided with a
head through the drain during the periods when the drain is flowing.
The hose looses iron deposits which can be removed by the drainage of water
Roots of certains species of trees, can enter through the perforations of tube drains and
my cause a co,mplete blockage of drain within a short time.
Use no perforated plastic pipes where he drains lines cross border of the tree roots
- Mehods of treatment
- Selection of treatment process
- Physico-chemical treatment
- Biological treatment
- Treatment in constructed wet lands
- The cultivators are the best judges to ascertain if drainage is a problem which is
affecting their agricultural production.
They should be knowledgeble about its main causes and its effects and some possible
- The major primary concern of drainage investigator is to conduct detailed technical
investigations and find the best solution from the various altarnatives to the desing
and implementation of the drainage system.
The direct and recognisable adverse effect of improper drainage is a reduced crop yield than
what is obtained under well drained conditions.
The reconnaissance survey team is to be equipped with some simple and portable instruments to
ascertain some easily measurable soil physical and chemical properties that are relevant to
- A soil auger can be used to measure soil depth, getting the soil profile of at few
depths, soil structure and find the existence of very wet soil in the crop root zone (i.e
shallow water table).
- A measuring tape will be used in noting the water table depth in the open wells. Also
a portable battery operated or mechanical water table depth indicator can be used.
- Portable electrical conductivity meter and PH meter can be used to test the quality of
water samples taken from open wells, auger holes and open water bodies.
- Certains other physical and chemical properties can be more rigorously determined in
the laboratory to depict ill-drainaed condition of the area by the survey team.
Major topographic data to be avialable on the updated contour map by the survey team.
Stream gauging data, rainfall data, climatological data, latest land use map, soilmap, socio-
economic parameters for adoption and maintenance of drainage system.
- Rainfall data are available either in the discrete form of one day rainfall measured by
a non-recording raigauge or in a continuous fom as time versus raifall depth charts
from the recording raigauge.
- Intensity-Duration- Frequency curves (I D F curves) are of use in designing drainage
Le but de l’assainissement agricole est la mise en valeur des terres humides, insolubles et
l’assèchement des marais et marécages.
Les émissaires constituent l’exutoire des réseaux de drainage, ils sont constitués soit par
une rivière naturelle ou par un canal artificiel.
Ils sont dimensionés pour évacuer les eaux excédentaires hors du périmètre.
- Assèchement :
= une opération effectuée sur des terres humides (marais et marécages) où des durées de
submersion interdisent toute mise en culture.
- Drainage :
= technique englobant tous le travaux ayant pour objet l’évacuation intesnive dans les
délais courts de l’eau de saturation du sol
- Colature :
This is the simplest form of dewatering used in the shallow, excavations in coarse grained
soils whose permeability is greater than 10-3cm/sec. Shallow pits, called sumps are dug
along the periphery.
- A ground channel is formeg in the soil with cracks along the mole drain and the
drainage water enters the mole drains through these cracks and is carried along the
slope into the subsurface or open drains.
One may investigate the feasibility of recharging the water into deep aquifer using a normal
thube well as a recharging well.
- Deep rooed trees like ecalptus draw a good quality of water from the ground.
- Eucalptus tree has roots extending up to 3m deep and transpires water at a high rate
i.e it works as a biological pump. It is thus a suitable anti-waterlogging measure to
take care of seepage along canals.
- The bio-drainage is effective if there is adequate aeration in the root zone and if the
roots extend up to the ground water reservoir and draw water from capillary zone.
- Land is configurated in such a waya that a part is elevated from its normal level by
spreading earth obtained from excavated pond over another place.
NOTE: The land equal to the surface area of the ponds is lost for cultivation but the
pond water may be useful in giving irrigation water to the crops grown on the
- Do you have enough funds for maintenance after the project completion?
- Benefit/cost analysis to select the best alternative
Sustainable development or sustainability means “the development that meets the needs for the
present generation without jeoparadizing the possibilities of future generation to meet their own
1. Rational formula
Determine the design discharge of a drainage channel with the following data:
i. Intensity of rainfall: i = 14.5mm/hr
ii. Catchment area: A = 15Km2 of which A1 = 10 Km2 is rural and A2 = 5Km2 is semi-
iii. Runoff coefficient: K1 = 0.30 for rural area and K2 = 0.50 for semi-urban area
A trapezoidal channel has a bed width of 2m and side slopes of 1.5 H: 1V.
The channel has a longitudinal slope of 1/4000.
If the Manning’s coefficient of the channel boundary is n = 0.018 and if the depth of the flow
is 1.4m, determine:
i. The mean velocity of the flow
ii. The discharge flow rate trhough the channel
Design a most economical trapezoidal section of a canal having the following data:
i. Discharge of the canal: Q = 20m3 /sec
ii. Permissible mean velocity = 0.85m/sec
iii. Bazin’s constant: K = 1.30
iv. Side slope of the canal = 1.5 H : 1V
Design an irrigation channel section by Kennedy’s theory with the following data:
i. Full supply discharge: Q = 10m3 /sec
ii. Bazin’s constant: K = 1.30
iii. Critical velocity ratio (CVR): m = 1
iv. Width to depth ratio: B/D = 4
v. Side slope: 1H : 1V
a) The discharge to be drained
b) The Lacey’s mean velocity of flow
c) The wetted area and the Lacey’s wetted perimeter of the flow
d) The depth of the flow and the channel bed width
e) The Lacey’s regime slope
A soil with an impermeable layer lacated at 4m below the drains level for which:
i. The hydraulic conductivity below and above drains are K1 = K2 = K = 1m/day
ii. The drainage coefficient: DC = q = 3mm/day
iii.The height of water table above the drains level, at midway between drains is
h = 0.5m
iv. The radius of field drains is r = 0.05m
A tile drainage system draining 10ha flows at a design capacity for three days
following a storm.
Determine the diameter of a tile at the outlet of a 6ha drainage system if the DC is 1cm/day
and the tile grade is 0.3%.
Assume the Manning’s coefficient for the tile drain as n = 0.011.
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