2019 Apr May TG Compilation
2019 Apr May TG Compilation
2019 Apr May TG Compilation
April/May 2019
Table of Contents
“Celebrating Paper!”.................................................................. 2
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
April/May 2019
Table of Contents
Reading Supports......................................................................13
Anticipation Guide...............................................................................15
Graphic Organizer...............................................................................16
Student Reading Comprehension Questions...................................17
Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions.............................19
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. “United States paper money is made of paper.” U.S. “paper” money is not really
made of paper! It is made of 75% cotton and 25% linen with a few colored silk fibers running
through it. Paper, cotton, and linen all are primarily composed of cellulose fibers, but the
fibers in cotton and linen are stronger than the cellulose fibers in paper. The cotton and linen
used in U.S. money give the currency its unique look and feel, make the bills more durable
and waterproof (if you forget and wash them in your pocket), and make the money harder to
2. “Using paper products destroys trees and forests.” Trees are the most popular
source of cellulose fibers for paper products and, certainly, trees are killed when they are cut
down for use. However, most trees used in paper production come from managed forests—
places where trees that are cut down for use are replaced with seedlings that are either
planted or grow naturally in their place. In the past 100 years, the forested land of the U.S.
has remained constant at about 750 million acres. It is beneficial for the paper companies to
manage the forests well to ensure that they have an adequate supply of raw materials for
the future. The paper industry estimates that about 40% of all trees harvested in the U.S.
are used for paper, with the remainder going for lumber and construction. The old practice of
clear-cutting large swaths of land is not commonly used today in the paper industry.
3. “Because paper can be easily recycled, there is no need to cut down new trees.” It
is true that paper can be recycled; however, the fibers in paper products cannot be recycled
infinitely. Most paper fibers can only be used and recycled about 4–6 times before they
become so short or damaged that they are no longer useful (think of washing a shirt until it
falls apart). Paper manufacturers must use some new fibers in their products; the percent of
new fibers required is dependent upon the specific paper product. Certainly, by recycling
most of the paper used, the number of new fibers from trees is greatly reduced, but there
will always be a need for new, replacement fibers even if demand for paper products
remains at a constant level.
4. “Printing is dead; electronic documents will soon replace all paper ones.” Even in
the “digital age”, there is a need for printed documents, and there will be for the foreseeable
future. Electronic documents are certainly handy for many tasks, like for e-books, bills, bank
statements, correspondence, email, and advertising. But many people prefer printed
documents over electronic because they find it easier to read and comprehend printed
material rather than electronic documents. Also, people who use electronic documents
frequently print them for ease of reading and use or for long-term storage. Electronic
documents have a useful place in the world, but printing is not dead, and paper documents
have a useful place in most people’s lives, too.
5. “All types of paper can, and should be, recycled.” While it may be possible that all
types of paper can be recycled, the better thought might be, “Should all types of paper be
recycled?” The answer to that last question is, probably not. Most types of common paper
can be, and are, recycled, such as newspapers, corrugated boxes, chipboard (cereal
boxes), office (printer) paper, and junk mail. In 2015, paper products were the largest
component (by weight) of US municipal solid waste, at 25.9%. Each person generates an
average of 4.48 pounds of paper waste daily (https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
materials-waste-and-recycling/national-overview-facts-and-figures-materials). Paper
products had the highest recycling rate and accounted for about 67% (by weight) of all
recycled materials in 2015. There are some types of paper that may be too expensive to
successfully recycle, such as specialty papers with wax, foil, or plastic coatings; papers
printed with oil-based inks; soiled papers (used pizza boxes, dirty napkins and paper
towels); or even shredded papers, due to the shorter length and, thus, weakening of the
paper fibers. Other types of paper that would be undesirable to recycle include toilet paper
and disposable diapers. While people can always improve their recycling habits, U.S.
citizens are doing a good job of recycling the appropriate types of paper.
6. “It is better for the environment to recycle rather than to burn paper.” The initial
response from most people would be, yes, which is why paper recycling has a high
participation rate in the U.S. Like many environmental issues, the accuracy of the answer is
very complicated. Recycling paper certainly reduces the need to cut down new trees, energy
used to produce virgin paper, the release of possible toxins (dioxin and metals used in inks)
into the air, and the production of greenhouses gases from burning the paper. However,
recycling paper is not as green as many people believe. Paper is dense and requires a lot of
fuel to collect and haul it to recycling centers. The deinking process produces a toxic mess,
and the amount of water used is greater than that used in producing virgin paper. Part of the
energy used to produce virgin paper comes from burning the waste products (bark, etc.)
from the trees. Much of the energy used to recycle paper comes from electricity, which may
be generated from mining and burning coal. Either recycling or burning paper is preferable
to throwing it away.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. “If paper is made of cellulose, and cellulose is made of the common sugar glucose,
why can’t people digest paper?” Cellulose and starch are similar polymers, both made of
the repeating glucose monomer. The short answer why people can’t digest paper as they
can starch is that humans don’t have the appropriate enzyme to break down the cellulose
molecule. The primary difference between starch and cellulose is that the bonds between
glucose monomers are not the same. The bonds between glucose molecules in starch are
called alpha (α) linkages, and the bonds between glucose molecules in cellulose are called
beta (β) (linkages. (See the diagrams below.)
In the diagram of a starch molecule below, the glucose monomers all have the same
orientation and the α linkages are all below the plane of the glucose monomers, while in the
diagram of the cellulose molecule, successive glucose monomers are flipped 180o,
producing β linkages as the bonds that link successive monomers alternately form above
and below the plane of the monomers.
This simple, but significant, difference in the structures requires different enzymes to break
the alpha and beta linkages in these molecules. No vertebrate animal has the necessary
enzyme to digest cellulose directly, but some animals (horses, cattle, sheep, and goats)
have symbiotic bacteria in their guts that allow them to break down the cellulose (found in
plants and grasses), benefitting both the bacteria and the animal. Even termites, known for
destroying wood (made of cellulose), cannot digest cellulose without symbiotic bacteria.
2. “
(http://www.chemistryland.com/CHM107Lab/Exp03 (https://mybiochem.wordpress.com/tag
W h
_DetectOzone/OzoneLab/GlucoseMakesStarch.jpg) /cellulose/)
e n
was paper invented?” It is believed that the
Chinese made the first true paper (thin sheets of macerated plant fibers) around 100 CE,
and its manufacture spread to the Islamic world through the Silk Road during the 6th to 8th
centuries. Papyrus and parchment were used in the Mediterranean and other areas of the
world before then, but the pulping of the plant fibers and production of sheets (true paper)
originated with the Chinese. The Chinese used the paper for writing and for religious art
using woodblock printing.
3. “How many different kinds of paper are there?” The Web site
https://rbms.info/vocabularies/paper/th343.htm lists over 80 types of paper, and many of
them could have multiple subdivisions. Paper types can be organized by fiber patterns,
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
method of manufacture, use (or not) of sizing, or by end use. Paper has myriad uses, from
the more common ones such as writing, wrapping, boxes, facial tissues, and printed media,
to less common uses that include magician’s flash paper, underwater paper, and
thermochromic paper (changes color with heat). Some people believe that if the mind can
dream it, there’s a paper that might achieve it!
4. “Why does some paper tear better in one direction than another (e.g., newspaper)?”
As the wood fibers are deposited on a moving belt to form the paper, the long pulp fibers
tend to line up in the direction of the belt’s travel. With the fibers mostly aligned in one
direction, it gives the completed paper a grain, or direction of orientation. If the paper is torn
with the alignment of the pulp fibers, then the paper tears more smoothly and evenly.
However, trying to tear the paper perpendicular to that grain will result in a ragged pattern,
as the tear goes against the direction of the fibers. Creasing the paper sharply will help the
paper tear more evenly because it breaks the pulp fibers. Sometimes lightly dampening the
paper crease with water will improve the tearing action because the water interferes with the
hydrogen bonding between the fibers.
5. “Why does paper wrinkle when it gets wet?” Paper is composed of compressed cellulose
fibers held together primarily by hydrogen bonds between the fibers. Water causes the
compressed cellulose fibers to expand and breaks the hydrogen bonds between the
compressed fibers, allowing them to separate. When the paper is wet, the expansion of the
wet fibers shifts their location and places them in a different, wrinkled, arrangement. Also, as
the water evaporates and hydrogen bonds reform between the fibers, the wrinkling sets up
because the cellulose fibers are no longer compressed. Entropy also plays a role in this
behavior, because the wrinkled paper has a lower energy state than a smooth, flat piece of
6. “Is it true that paper bags are more environmentally friendly than plastic bags?” This
is an excellent, but complex, question. Some localities are considering action regarding
single-use plastic (polyethylene) shopping bags. Before the 1970s, most shopping bags
were brown paper bags, but concern over cutting forests, plus other environmental factors,
led to the development of the plastic bags used today. To fully answer the question requires
analysis of multiple factors. Paper bags are a renewable resource and can be recycled like
other paper products. Plastic bags are produced from petroleum, a non-renewable resource,
but they can also be recycled. Paper bags are strong when manufactured from high virgin
fiber content (from new trees), but much weaker when using recycled fibers. Plastic bags
are typically produced from ethane, a by-product of natural gas extraction. The manufacture
of paper bags requires four times the water and two to four times the energy that is required
to produce plastic bags. In a complete life cycle analysis (LCA), most studies agree that
plastic bags are more environmentally friendly. An important point lies in reusing either type
of bag as many times as possible and then recycling it. Paper bags have a higher recycling
rate than plastic bags, which may be why there are so many plastic bags in the
environment. Also, the paper bags will break down more readily in the environment when
wet and can decompose faster than the plastic bags that can litter the land. Good
stewardship of either resource, reduction of littering, conscious reuse, and purposeful
recycling efforts can allow either type of bag to fill needs in society. So, which is better? It
depends on how the bags are used, reused, recycled, and their method of disposal.
Perhaps the ultimate solution might be for consumers to use their own cloth or durable
plastic bags for shopping, as many are starting to do. But those bring their own problems,
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
such as bacterial contamination in the bags from the contents, and spills, especially from
fresh meats if the bags are not cleansed properly and regularly.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Biofuels: Cellulose Lab”: This two-day lab uses paper pulp (shredded newspapers) as the
starting material for the enzymatic conversion of cellulose into sugar for use as a biofuel.
Materials provided include the student lab sheet, teacher guide, and additional teacher
resources. (https://eli.lehigh.edu/energy/instructional-sequence/day-21)
“Hydrogen Bonds: A Special Type of Attraction”: In this activity students manipulate
temperatures while viewing the formation of hydrogen bonds among water molecules. Students
can show the hydrogen bonds with dotted lines, show partial charges on the atoms, and use
slow-motion animation. (https://learn.concord.org/resources/769/hydrogen-bonds-a-special-
“Chasing Paper” video (45:10): This video from National Geographic examines the past,
present, and future of paper in our lives. The video includes segments on modern paper
manufacturing and toilet paper. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K85aiiD_6I)
“Intermolecular Forces” video (8:35): The segment of this Khan Academy video from
2:54–5:47 explains hydrogen bonding, using the water molecule as an example.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Paper Recycling Experiments and Studies” lesson plans: This Web site provides lesson
plans, plus K–12 labs, activities, suggestions for science fair projects, and background
information for making paper and recycling paper.
“Hand Papermaking” project: Conventional methods of making paper actually recycle old
paper, but this Web site provides numerous free articles with helpful advice for hand-making
paper from plants. Readers will find the process challenging and will need to read carefully
because the articles provide only general information with few details; however, sufficient
information is included to inspire adventurous readers to tackle making raw paper.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Sizing Up Paper” explains: controlling how different papers absorb moisture by using sizing,
preserving papers, and the historical spread of paper across the world, as well as providing
chemical structures for compounds discussed. (Ruth, C. Sizing Up Paper. ChemMatters. 1998,
16 (2), pp 10–12)
“The Money Makers” describes how paper currency is made, including the special paper, inks,
printing, security measures, and counterfeiting. (Venere, E. The Money Makers. ChemMatters.
2003, 21 (1), pp 14–16)
This article includes an activity for using paper chromatography to separate water-based
markers into their components. (Brownlee, C. Forensic Chemists: Solving Mysteries with
Fascinating Science. ChemMatters. 2010, 28 (3), pp 17–19)
This “Open for Discussion” article examines whether paper or plastic bags are better for the
environment. (Sitzman, B.; Goode, R. The Big Bag Battle. ChemMatters. 2014, 32 (1), p 5)
“It’s Not Easy Being Green—Or Is It?” explains a life cycle analysis (LCA) and explores the life
cycles of disposable paper cups, shopping bags, and plastic water bottles. (Tinnesand, M. It’s
Not Easy Being Green—Or Is It? ChemMatters. 2014, 32 (1), pp 12–13)
“Cellulosic Ethanol: A Fuel of the Future?” looks at the process of producing cellulosic ethanol
from corn and other bio-sources. (Sherwood, J. Cellulosic Ethanol: A Fuel of the Future?
ChemMatters. 2016, 34 (2), pp 16–18)
“New Paper from Newspaper”, a J. Chem. Educ. Classroom Activity, provides a two-part
student activity to a) make paper from old newsprint and answer questions about that paper,
then b) use the finished paper in an art project. (Gettys, N.; Jacobsen, E First initial. New Paper
from Newspaper. J. Chem. Educ., 2001, 78 (11), p 1512A–1512B;
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed078p1512A. Note that this link takes you to a brief
abstract only; the full article is available only to American Chemical Society members or
subscribers to the journal.)
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Paper manufacturing
This link is a shorter and less technical description of how paper is manufactured.
Follow this link for excellent information on the origin of, history of, and interesting facts about
This site provides a list of products made from paper, organized by categories like office and
school, household, medicine and technology, and more.
This article, “10 Most Bizarre Uses of Paper in History”, might be a slight exaggeration, but the
uses are unusual.
Paper recycling
“Life-Cycle Assessment for Paper Products” is a report from a 1997 symposium examining the
entire process for recycling certain paper products and the environmental impacts of paper use
and recycling.
Read this article for a concise, colorful, and informative overview of recycling paper products
and an extensive list of reference links.
Types of paper
This site lists different types of paper with a brief description of their composition, uses, or
The environmental impact of both paper and plastic bags is outlined in this article.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
This site provides another discussion of the controversy of whether consumers should use
paper or plastic bags in shopping.
This web site is a compendium of many aspects of papermaking, but readers will find the
categories and multiple links within “Fun and Art”, “Mini-encyclopedia”, and “Links: Paper
Chemistry Sites” of particular interest.
Cellulose was the ACS Molecule of the Week on January 19, 2009, and this link provides both
structural and ball-and-stick formulas and a brief description of the compound.
This infographic shows the cellulose in cotton fibers, with their hydrogen bonds, and how water
can disrupt the hydrogen bonds between cellulose molecules.
Hydrogen bonding
Students may refresh their knowledge of hydrogen bonding by reading this article, which
includes charts and illustrations.
This Web site explains the concepts of hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds with useful
This link explains various types of saccharides, including polysaccharides, plus a description of
cellulose (with structural formula) and why it is different from amylose, a starch.
A curiosity, this house has typical wood framing, floors, and roof, but the walls and much of the
furnishings are made of paper.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Reading Supports
The pages that follow include reading supports in the form of an Anticipation Guide, a
Graphic Organizer, and Student Reading Comprehension Questions. These resources are
designed to help students prepare to read the article and then locate and analyze information
from the article.
Anticipation Guide (p. 15): The Anticipation Guide helps to engage students by
activating prior knowledge and stimulating student interest before reading. If class time
permits, discuss students’ responses to each statement before reading each article. As
they read, students should look for evidence supporting or refuting their initial responses.
Celebrating Paper!
Before reading, ask students what kinds of paper they can think of, and why we need
so many kinds of paper. Ask students to think about how different kinds of paper are
different chemically. As they read the article, students should record information they
find interesting and the differences in types of paper.
Graphic Organizer (p. 16): The Graphic Organizer is provided to help students locate
and analyze information from the article. Student understanding will be enhanced when
they explore and evaluate the information themselves, with input from the teacher, if
students are struggling. Encourage students to use their own words and avoid copying
entire sentences from the article. The use of bullets helps them do this.
If you use the aforementioned organizers to evaluate student performance, you may
want to develop a grading rubric such as the one below.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Some of the articles in this issue provide opportunities, references, and suggestions for
students to do further research on their own about topics that interest them.
To help students engage with the text, ask students which article engaged them most
and why, or what questions they still have about the articles. The “Web Resources for More
Information” section of the Teacher’s Guide provides sources for additional information that
might help you answer these questions.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Me Text Statement
3. Both the length and width of wood fibers depends on the type of tree it
comes from.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Wood fibers
Sizing agents
Summary: In the space below, or on the back of this paper, write a short sentence (20 words or
less) summarizing the article.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. In the table below, list three properties and a use for each that make paper useful for
Property Use
2. What are three characteristics of tree fibers that provide paper’s versatility?
4. What force binds the long polymeric chains of cellulose to each other, forming rigid
crystalline regions?
6. (a) Define hydrophilic, and (b) explain what effect this property has on cellulose.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
7. Why do some paper products, like toilet paper, come apart easily in water?
9. (a) What are sizing agents used on paper, and (b) how do they work?
10. What is done to paper towels to make them (a) strong, and (b) absorbent?
11. What substance is added to printer paper to make it appear brighter or whiter?
Critical-Thinking Questions
Write your answers on another piece of paper if needed.
2. The article mentions, but it does not completely describe, holocellulose, cellulose, and
hemicellulose. Research and explain the composition and relationships among these three
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. In the table below, list three properties and a use for each that make paper useful for
Property Use
Can be clean and bright For writing notes
Can be tough To form shipping boxes
Can be soft and absorbent To wipe noses
2. What are three characteristics of tree fibers that provide paper’s versatility?
4. What force binds the long polymeric chains of cellulose to each other, forming rigid
crystalline regions?
Hydrogen bonds are the forces binding the cellulose chains to each other and forming rigid
crystalline regions.
Tree cell walls are composed of multiple layers of microfibrils, which are composed of
6. (a) Define hydrophilic, and (b) explain what effect this property has on cellulose.
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
7. Why do some paper products, like toilet paper, come apart easily in water?
Some paper products, like toilet paper, have only hydrogen bonds acting between the
cellulose chains. So, water can get between the hydrophilic cellulose chains and break the
hydrogen bonds, allowing the fibers to disperse.
9. (a) What are sizing agents used on paper, and (b) how do they work?
a. Sizing agents used in paper are organic molecules that are hydrophilic on one end and
hydrophobic on the other.
b. The hydrophilic end of the sizing agent covalently binds with cellulose during the drying
process, with the hydrophobic end facing out toward the surface of the paper—which
helps to slow down the absorption of water by the paper.
10. What makes paper towels (a) strong, and (b) absorbent?
a. Paper towels have polymeric cross-linkers added to form covalent bonds between the
cellulosic fibers, so that water can enter the structure without the fibers separating from
each other, making them strong.
b. At the same time, the amount of bonding in paper towels is limited. This keeps the
density low, so lots of internal spaces are available for liquids to flow into, making them
11. What substance is added to printer paper to make it appear brighter or whiter?
Critical-Thinking Questions
“Celebrating Paper!” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Cellulose Glycogen
Monomer Glucose Glucose
Beta linkage (β(1-4) glycosidic bonds) Alpha linkage (α(1-4) glycosidic bonds)
Strength Stronger than glycogen Much weaker than cellulose
Solubility Insoluble in water Soluble in water
Source Plant cell walls Animal and fungi
Use Structural strength Energy storage
2. The article mentions, but it does not completely describe, holocellulose, cellulose,
and hemicellulose. Research and explain the composition and relationships among
these three components.
Holocellulose is the total polysaccharide component of wood and other woody materials. It is
composed of the cellulose plus the hemicellulose in a plant. Cellulose is an unbranched
polysaccharide composed of only glucose monomers with beta-linkages. Hemicellulose is a
much shorter, branched polysaccharide that is composed of many different sugar monomers
including glucose, xylose, mannose, and galactose. Hemicellulose serves to connect
microfibrils together. So, cellulose and hemicellulose are two different polysaccharides that,
together, comprise holocellulose (from Greek holos “whole” or “total” + cellulose).
Teacher's Guide for
April/May 2019
Table of Contents
Tools and Resources 23
Connections to Chemistry Concepts.................................................23
Possible Student Misconceptions .....................................................24
Anticipating Student Questions ........................................................26
Web Resources for More Information ...............................................32
Reading Supports 34
Anticipation Guide...............................................................................36
Graphic Organizer ..............................................................................37
Student Reading Comprehension Questions ..................................38
Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions ............................40
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. “Hydrogen bonding occurs when hydrogen is bonded to another atom on the same
molecule. Like the hydrogen atoms bonded to oxygen in a water molecule.” Students
often develop a misunderstanding about hydrogen bonds. Some will label the bond between
hydrogen and oxygen in a water molecule as a hydrogen bond. Literally, it is a hydrogen
bond, just not the one chemists are referring to when they talk about hydrogen bonding. It is
important to emphasize that a “hydrogen bond” is an electrostatic attraction between
neighboring molecules. When hydrogen is covalently bonded to a highly electronegative
element, the hydrogen electron is attracted to the more electronegative element, exposing
the positive charge of the hydrogen nucleus. The exposed hydrogen nucleus is attracted to
the negatively charged electrons of an oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine atom in neighboring
molecules, causing an attraction between and an alignment of the two molecules. This type
of bonding is illustrated with dashes between the hydrogen atoms of a water molecule and
an oxygen atom in a sulfate group of sodium lauryl sulfate in the article insert, “How
Shampoo Cleans Your Hair”.
2. “Intermolecular forces are the forces within a molecule.” Sometimes students may
interpret intermolecular forces as the forces that hold an individual molecule together.
Perhaps “inter” is being heard as “inner”. You may be able to help students with this by
using the example of the “interstate highways” that connect one state to neighboring
states, emphasizing the prefix inter-. “Intermolecular forces” then, are the attractions that
connect one molecule to neighboring molecules. Attractions between the atoms in the
molecule are the intramolecular forces and are stronger than forces between molecules.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
treatments use glyoxylic acid to relax the hair. But, as mentioned in question #3 above,
these treatments don’t provide as long-lasting results as the treatments that use the
formaldehyde-forming compounds. After the hair has been coated with keratin serum, it is
treated with a flat iron that activates the keratin, laminating it to the strands of hair. The
keratin wears off with time, so the hair slowly resumes its original curliness. With keratin
treatments, the hair maintains more of its original shape; it is just more manageable and
holds a straighter style between washes.
5. “Hair is composed of living cells that can repair themselves with the use of the right
product.” Reading the claims of many of the hair products on the market may give
consumers the impression that hair is a living organism. Several ingredients in shampoos
are listed as nutrients and, indeed, include some vitamins and minerals. However, hair is
nonliving material just like fingernails. The only living portion of hair is the follicle in the scalp.
Hair has no biochemical activity and hence is considered dead. To grow healthy hair
requires consuming a diet with adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals—not just layering
them on the hair surface.
6. “Air drying is healthier for hair than blow drying.” While blow drying causes more
damage to hair’s surface, air drying can create damage deeper within the strands. The
strands of hair swell when they get wet. When they remain swollen for the two hours it
typically takes hair to air-dry, the pressure put on the delicate proteins that hold the hair
intact can damage the strand’s internal structures. The best way to dry your hair is to blot it
with a towel and let it partially air dry before using a hair dryer, set on a low-temperature
setting, to finish drying your hair. (https://www.prevention.com/beauty/hair/a20442345/the-
7. “You should brush your hair 100 strokes per day.” Brushing benefits your hair by
distributing the oils, located near the hair follicles, throughout the hair. But you do not need
to brush your hair 100 strokes every day to maintain healthy hair. Too much brushing is
actually bad for your hair. Brushing can create friction on hair leading to cuticle damage,
breakage, and frizz. You should only brush your hair enough to get the tangles out and
smooth it out when needed. A wide-tooth comb or a brush with soft bristles is the best tool to
use for hair maintenance.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. “How do permanents for curling your hair differ from hair-straightening treatments
and keratin treatments?” Permanents for curling hair involve the same chemicals as those
used in straightening hair. The difference between the two treatments lies in how the hair is
shaped when the ammonium thioglycolate, a reducing agent, is applied to the hair. The
ammonium thioglycolate relaxes the hair by breaking the disulfide bonds between the hair’s
keratin molecules. In a perm (or “permanent wave”), the hair is wrapped on curlers when the
ammonium thioglycolate is applied, while with hair straightening, the hair is pressed
between the plates of a heated flat iron to restructure the hair into a straighter shape. The
next step in both processes is the application of an oxidizing agent such as hydrogen
peroxide to the hair, to reconstitute the disulfide bonds so that the hair will maintain the
desired shape. Keratin treatments use a compound to relax the disulfide bonds in the keratin
in order to allow more keratin to be added to the hair. A hot flat iron is then used to laminate
this keratin into the hair strands. Keratin treatments are believed to be safer for the hair,
since the natural structure of the hair is not being altered as drastically and more protein is
being added to the hair.
2. “In the hair-straightening treatments, why does the hair bond in a straightened
shape?” In hair-straightening treatments, the hair bonds in a straightened shape, because it
is physically pulled and arranged into that shape while the disulfide bonds in the strands of
hair are broken as hydrogen ions are added across the broken bond. This is referred to as
relaxing the hair. Once the hair is in the desired straightened shape, hydrogen peroxide is
placed on the hair. This causes the hydrogen to be removed from the sulfur in the cysteine
molecules of the keratin, so that the disulfide bonds within the hair can reform, keeping hair
3. “What is the purpose of the heat used in a keratin treatment?” Heat is used in the
keratin treatments to laminate the added keratin onto the surface of the hair, similar to how a
laminating machine seals the plastic film over and around a poster or piece of paper.
4. “What exactly is the purpose of hair conditioners? How do they work?” Conditioners
reduce the friction between hair strands, which makes brushing and combing easier, thereby
avoiding additional damage to the hair. It also improves the feel, appearance, and
manageability of hair. Some conditioners also contain sunscreens to protect the hair during
exposure to the sun. There are a lot of electrostatic attractions involved in the chemistry of
hair conditioning. The cysteine molecules that compose keratin are mildly acidic. When hair
is washed, these molecules lose hydrogen atoms, become deprotonated, creating a
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
negative charge in the cuticles. As like charges oppose each other, this makes the cuticles
stand up. Conditioners are mildly acidic and contain positively charged quaternary
ammonium compounds that can attach to the hair via electrostatic attractions. The
negatively-charged cuticles become neutral as they bond with either the quaternium cations
or the hydrogen ions from the acid in the conditioner, and they lay flat, tight against one
another. The quaternium cations have a long hydrocarbon backbone that lubricates the
surface of each hair and facilitates hair combing. This surface coating of cationic groups that
repel each other results in hair that resists tangling.
5. “Some of my friends are only using conditioner to wash their hair. It’s called
co-washing. What does that do for your hair?” Co-washing is where you skip the
shampoo and wash your hair with conditioner to avoid stripping the natural oils from the hair.
It allows natural oils to cleanse and condition the hair and scalp, and some think this is
healthier. After using only conditioner, hair is not fluffy or fly away and is easier to control.
Some say their hair feels softer and silkier from using only conditioner. The “down side” is
that the hair feels dull and heavy and sometimes may have a musky smell. If too much oil
collects around the hair follicle, the hair will not grow as fast. This practice works best for
people with thick, coarse, dry, or curly hair.
6. “How can defects in the hair cuticle be negatively charged?” Damaged cuticles usually
have hydrogen atoms that have been knocked off of the cysteine molecules that make up
hair keratin. Losing a hydrogen atom causes the molecule to become negatively charged.
Cysteine molecules are mildly acidic and, when hair is washed, these groups deprotonate,
leaving a negative charge.
7. “Are shampoos and conditioners bad for the environment?” Shampoos and
conditioners have many ingredients that can prove harmful to sea life, plants, and people.
Once these chemicals get into the water system and into the air we breathe, it is not long
until they can be detected within wildlife and humans. Waste-water treatment plants are not
equipped to remove most of these chemicals from the water, so they find their way into our
drinking water. Some of the most problematic chemicals are shown in the table below.
Compound Action
This surfactant in shampoos is a skin irritant in humans and a
Sodium laureth sulfate
mutagen in some wildlife.
Ammonium chloride This is a respiratory and eye irritant.
This antibacterial, antifungal preservative is a skin irritant, an
allergen, and a toxin to the immune system.
Parabens These compounds have been linked to breast cancer.
This antibacterial agent is toxic to aquatic life and has been
found in the bodies of fish and in human breast milk.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Some of the compounds in shampoos and conditioners, as well as other personal hygiene
products, emit volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) when exposed to the air. These create a
“personal plume” that follows a person out the door in the morning. VOCs in the presence of
sunlight react with nitrogen oxides in the air to form ozone, a type of pollution regulated
because of its effects on air quality and human health. Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, or
D5 siloxane for short, is one of these compounds added to products like shampoos, lotions,
deodorants, and hair gels, to make them feel smooth and silky. Recently, environmental
researchers from the University of Colorado found evidence of air pollution caused by these
volatile organic compounds. They detected a spike of siloxane in the air during the morning
rush hour. Thinking that it must be coming from automobile exhaust, the scientists
conducted isolated tests on automobile exhaust but did not find siloxane present. Since the
spike in siloxane occurred during the morning rush hour, a time where many people have
just finished using many of their personal-care products, the scientists hypothesized that the
source of the pollutants they detected was the “personal plumes’ of VOCs. Environmentally-
friendly products use plant oils and natural fragrances in place of the many petroleum
products currently found in the majority of personal hygiene products.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Intermolecular Forces and Physical Properties” demos: Using alcohol, acetone, and water,
the teacher discusses differences in polarity, intermolecular forces, surface tension beading,
and miscibility of each liquid, while demonstrating the phenomenon. A demonstration of the
polarity differences of blue food coloring and red food coloring provides a strong visual of
molecular preferences based on polarity. (Access is restricted to AACT members, but the article
will be available for free until June 1, 2019, at https://teachchemistry.org/classroom-
“How Does Shampoo Work?” video (3:38): This ACS Reactions video discusses the
ingredients in shampoos, especially the sulfates, and describes their action in cleaning hair.
A sequel to the above video, “What Happens if You Stop Washing Your Hair?” (3:15), gives
information about the ingredients in conditioners and discusses the “no poo” craze called
co-washing, where people skip the shampoo and just wash their hair with conditioner.
“Hair Styling Products: A Scientific Combination”, video (4:23): A Loreal product scientist
discusses the development of hair products that create different effects on the hair. The
research centers on using polymers to create the company’s different products.
“The Chemistry of Hair Care”: The activities in this lesson are planned to help students
answer the central question, “How does understanding the chemistry of hair care, including the
role of pH, help in the development of better hair-care products?” In this three-part lesson,
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
students measure the pH of different shampoos, analyze the effects of acidic and basic
solutions on strands of hair, and read and answer questions about the chemistry of hair.
“Are Designer Shampoos Worth It?” project: This site provides an idea and a structure for
students to complete a longer-term experiment with hair-care products. Students recruit
volunteers to use a variety of products and provide strands of hair for the student researchers to
test and analyze under a microscope in order to determine the efficacy of each hair product.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
This article provides illustrations of bonding changes that occur in hair during a perm that are
useful in explaining what happens at the cellular and molecular level when various chemicals
are applied to hair to relax and reshape it. (Baxter, R. Permanent Waves. ChemMatters. 1993,
11 (2), pp 8–11)
This article presents an overview of several hair products and how the chemicals they contain
interact with hair protein to achieve the desired effect. (Fruen, L. Natural, Braided, Bleached,
Colored, Straight, and Curly Hair…Thanks to Chemistry. ChemMatters. 2008, 26 (3), pp 15–17)
The Teacher’s Guide to the October 2008 ChemMatters article above contains instructions for
making a hair hygrometer.
Author Bruzek writes about how surfactant molecules in shampoos clean hair, using several
diagrams of the cleaning process to illustrate her work. There is a full-page graphic about
sodium lauryl sulfate following the article that could be used as a poster. (Bruzek, A. Shampoo:
From Lab to Shower. ChemMatters. 2014, 32 (3), pp 17–18)
The Teacher’s Guide to the October 2014 ChemMatters article above contains additional
information on the function and safety of the chemicals used in shampoos and conditioners.
Recipes for students to use to make their own shampoo are included, as well as links to
additional recipes and instructions.
This article contains information about parabens in regards to their safe use in personal care
products. (Gmurczyk, M. Parabens: A Source of Concern. ChemMatters. 2015, 33 (2), pp 8–9)
Triclosan, an antibacterial agent that is added to many shampoos, soaps, toothpastes, and
lotions, may interfere with some hormones, as well as alter the normal bacterial flora. This
article reviews some of the recent reports on this substance. (Harper, K. Bacteria Buster
Triclosan Kills Bacteria but Is It Safe? ChemMatters. 2015, 33 (4), pp 13–15)
The Teacher’s Guide to the December 2015 ChemMatters article above includes extensive
information and links to the various studies, both human and environmental, that have been
conducted about triclosan.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Hair-care documentary
“Horizon: Hair Care Secrets” (58:38) is a documentary about hair care, not only about the
chemistry of the products used for its maintenance but also the use of hair transplants and dyes
to counter the natural changes that occur in hair over time.
(https://vimeo.com/209603274 )
Keratin treatments
“8 Things to Know About Keratin Treatments” describes the chemistry of these treatments and
addresses the use of compounds that produce formaldehyde when heated in—treatments that
claim to be formaldehyde free. It also explains some chemistry of glyoxylic acid alternatives.
Permanent hair-straightening
This site explains the difference between hair-straightening and keratin treatments.
In “Hair Straightener”, the author addresses the chemistry behind the Brazilian blowout, the
Japanese thermal straighteners, and the alkaline-relaxer hair treatments.
Shampoo surfactants
“How Shampoo Works” contains information on shampoo as well as a brief (1:10) video about
busting four shampoo myths.
This entry (“Shampoo”) in How Products are Made goes through the steps involved in producing
a shampoo. It discusses in detail the purpose of each of the ingredients used to make shampoo.
Hair conditioners
Besides relating the history of conditioners and how they are classified, this site contains a good
list of conditioner ingredients and their function:
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
How does hair conditioner work? Explains the chemistry involved in hair conditioners and
conditioning shampoos.
This site gives ten different recipes for making your own shampoo, even including one for a no
poo shampoo.
Use simple ingredients from your kitchen or garden to make six hair conditioners.
Scientists from the University of Colorado, while studying air pollution, discovered a spike in the
VOC siloxane in the atmosphere during morning “rush hour”, possibly from personal-care
products such as shampoos, lotions, and deodorants.
“Polluting the Water with Toothpaste, Shampoo, and Drugs” addresses the pollution of water
with household chemicals found in soaps, shampoos, cleaning agents, and drugs. Many of
these compounds have not been thoroughly studied and are not required to be removed from
drinking water.
Not only is Alden’s and Dr. Clark’s story retold on this site, but the chemistry of the product they
developed is also presented.
“Better Hair Through Chemistry” is an article written for high school students that discusses the
chemistry of hair and several types of hair products. It addresses the hydrogen bonds and
disulfide bonds found in hair and explains how they are affected by changes in pH.
“Hair Cosmetics, An Overview” reviews the ingredients and action of shampoos, conditioner,
hair-straightening products, and hair dyes. The Brazilian keratin treatment is also reviewed.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Reading Supports
The pages that follow include reading supports in the form of an Anticipation Guide, a
Graphic Organizer, and Student Reading Comprehension Questions. These resources are
designed to help students prepare to read the article and then locate and analyze information
from the article.
Anticipation Guide (p. 36): The Anticipation Guide helps to engage students by activating
prior knowledge and stimulating student interest before reading. If class time permits,
discuss students’ responses to each statement before reading each article. As they read,
students should look for evidence supporting or refuting their initial responses.
Graphic Organizer (p. 37): The Graphic Organizer is provided to help students locate and
analyze information from the article. Student understanding will be enhanced when they
explore and evaluate the information themselves, with input from the teacher, if students are
struggling. Encourage students to use their own words and avoid copying entire sentences
from the article. The use of bullets helps them do this.
If you use the aforementioned organizers to evaluate student performance, you may want to
develop a grading rubric such as the one below.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Some of the articles in this issue provide opportunities, references, and suggestions for
students to do further research on their own about topics that interest them.
To help students engage with the text, ask students which article engaged them most
and why, or what questions they still have about the articles. The “Web Resources for More
Information” section of the Teacher’s Guide provides sources for additional information that
might help you answer these questions.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Directions: Before reading the article, in the first column, write “A” or “D,” indicating your
agreement or disagreement with each statement. As you read, compare your opinions with
information from the article. In the space under each statement, cite information from the article
that supports or refutes your original ideas.
Me Text Statement
6. The middle layer of hair contains proteins and the hair’s pigment.
7. Frizzy hair occurs when the outer layer of the hair is damaged.
9. Glycolic acid, derived from sugar cane, interacts with keratin to reduce frizz
and it is also used to remove dead skin cells.
10. Surfactants containing sulfates can strip natural oils from hair.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Ideas from the
article that will help
you choose hair
How does an
understanding of
chemistry help you
make decisions
about personal care
Summary: On the back of this paper, write a short email (a few sentences) to a friend who
wants relief from frizzy hair using information from the article.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Student Reading
Comprehension Questions Name
3. Why did Alden’s father discourage her from getting a commercial keratin
4. (a) What are surfactants, and (b) why are they added to shampoos?
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
8. (a) What is the principal frizz-fighting substance in Clark’s shampoo, and (b) how
does it work to correct two problems in frizzy hair?
Critical-Thinking Questions
Write your answers on another piece of paper if needed.
1. In shampoo, sodium lauryl sulfate is often added as a surfactant. For cleansing purposes,
why is it important that the sodium ion dissociates from the rest of the molecule?
2. Research the difference between soap and shampoo. Would soap be just as good as
shampoo to clean your hair? Use chemistry to explain your answer.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Salon keratin treatments use a mixture with reducing agents like formaldehyde, to break the
disulfide bonds that maintain hair’s shape. When the hair re-bonds, amino acids from
animal-derived keratin are laminated into the hair during the application of high heat, around
232°C, thus smoothing it.
3. Why did Alden’s father discourage her from getting a commercial hair-straightening
Alden’s father did not want her to get a commercial keratin treatment because the
formaldehyde in the treatments is carcinogenic and he did not want her exposed to a
cancer-causing substance [and, possibly, the time for each treatment and the cost].
4. (a) What are surfactants, and (b) why are they added to shampoos?
a. “Surfactants are molecules that, when added to a liquid, reduce its surface tension.”
b. They are added to shampoos to promote hair cleansing.
6. Name the three layers in a strand of hair, giving a description of each layer.
Complete the table below regarding the layers in a strand of hair
Name of each layer,
Description and function of layer
from outside to inside
The outer layer of hair, like a roof with shingles; a
Cuticle hydrophobic, protective layer of hair—responsible for shine
and smoothness
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
8. (a) What is the principal frizz-fighting substance in Clark’s shampoo? (b) How does it
work to correct two problems in frizzy hair?
Clark eliminated sulfates from his shampoo because they strip natural oils from hair that are
needed to guard against moisture and frizz.
Critical-Thinking Questions
When the sodium ion dissociates from the sulfate group of the molecule, the sulfate group’s
resulting negative charge is attracted to the hydrogen atoms in surrounding water
molecules, forming hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atoms in the sulfate and hydrogen
atoms in the water. Since the oil and dirt on the hair are dissolved in the nonpolar
hydrocarbon tails attached to the sulfate group, when the sulfate group bonds to water, the
entire molecule and adhering dirt can be rinsed away. If the sodium ion did not dissociate,
the sodium lauryl sulfate would not have a hydrophilic region to hydrogen bond with water
molecules and the dirt could not be rinsed away as easily.
2. Research the difference between soap and shampoo. Would soap be just as good as
shampoo to clean your hair? Use chemistry to explain your answer.
(The responses will vary depending on where the students find their answers. While some
sources report there is no difference, the students probably have personal experience that
dictates otherwise.)
Based on the editor’s research, soap would not be as good as shampoo to clean hair.
Soap is made from an oil and a base such as sodium or potassium hydroxide while
shampoo is made from detergents. Soaps are mildly basic while shampoos are mildly acidic.
These factors affect how the hair looks after it is washed. Soap reacts with hard water ions
to create soap scum, which can be hard to rinse out of your hair, leaving it dull and sticky.
“Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Also, the basic pH of most soaps affects the keratin cuticle such that it does not lay flat and
does not reflect light, making the hair appear dull.
Shampoo is made from detergents that do not react with the hard water ions, so there’s no
soap scum to worry about. Also, shampoos are slightly acidic, which causes the keratin
cuticle to lie flat which allows the hair to reflect more light and have more shine.
Teacher's Guide for
April/May 2019
Table of Contents
Tools and Resources 44
Connections to Chemistry Concepts.................................................44
Possible Student Misconceptions......................................................45
Anticipating Student Questions.........................................................48
Web Resources for More Information................................................54
Reading Supports 56
Anticipation Guide...............................................................................58
Graphic Organizer ..............................................................................59
Student Reading Comprehension Questions ..................................60
Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions ............................62
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
2. “The person who discovers an element can name it whatever they want.” This may
have been true prior to 1969, but then IUPAC set forth the guidelines and rules that govern
how an element can be named. So now, IUPAC states that once the discoverer of an
element has been confirmed, the discoverers must adhere to the following rules:
a. The name must differ as little as possible in different languages.
b. The element can be named after any of the following:
a mythological concept or character, including astrological bodies, like planets
a mineral
a geographical location or place
a property of the element
a scientist
c. The element must use the suffix ium—unless it is in group 17, where it will end in ine, or
in group 18, where it will end in on.
d. When a name has been used unofficially for an element, but a different name is
eventually chosen for that element, the unofficial name can never be used again for any
future elements to avoid confusion in the literature.
The last rule has an interesting story behind it that students might appreciate. The United
States chose the name rutherfordium in honor of Ernest Rutherford for element 104 and
hahnium for element 105 in honor of Otto Hahn. Russian scientists chose the name
kurchatovium in honor of Igor Kurchatov, “the father of the Russian atomic bomb,” for
element 104, and neilsbohrium for element 105. Both names and symbols were in use on
periodic tables and present in the literature. IUPAC felt the name kurchatovium was chosen
to anger the Americans, so it awarded naming rights for 104 to the US and chose the name
dubnium for element 105 in honor of the location of the Russian particle research lab. The
name hahnium can never be proposed again for the name of an element. Otto Hahn
received a Nobel Prize for his work in discovering nuclear fission while trying to create larger
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
elements than uranium. Although Hahn conducted the actual experiments, it was Lise
Meitner, his colleague of many years, who figured out what had happened and wrote the
explanation. When Hahn, a German, published the work, he did not include Meitner’s name
because she was Jewish and it is thought he did not want to be accused of collaborating
with a Jew during Nazi rule. However, after the war, he still did not give her credit. It is
perhaps karma that he is not immortalized on the periodic table while Lise Meitner was
finally recognized for her part in the discovery and is memorialized on the periodic table with
element 109, meitnerium.
3. “Most elements have been discovered in the United States.” Actually, more
elements have been discovered in the United Kingdom than any other country. Twenty-four
elements have been discovered in the UK, followed closely by the US with 21 elements and
Sweden with 20. German scientists are credited with the discovery of 19 elements, while 17
have been discovered in France. However, with respect to the 26 transuranium elements,
U.S. scientists have discovered 20. Of those 20 elements, the discoveries of eight of them
are shared with Russians who, with those eight, have discovered or co-discovered a total of
nine. German scientists have discovered five of the new elements, 108–112.
4. “The order of the elements on the periodic table is determined by their atomic
mass.” Even though it is presented in every lesson on the periodic table that the current
periodic table is arranged according to the number of protons in the nucleus of an element,
many students still cling to the idea that the periodic table is arranged according to atomic
weight. Perhaps it is because, for the majority of the elements, that appears to be the case.
While Dmitri Mendeleev did, in fact, arrange the precursor to today’s periodic table using
atomic weight and chemical properties, the proton had not yet been discovered. When the
table is arranged strictly by weight today, a few discrepancies in the order of the elements
occur. These discrepancies, such as the order of cobalt and nickel (nickel would come
before cobalt if weight is used) and argon and potassium, were not an issue when
Mendeleev was building his table because the atomic weights he used for cobalt and nickel
were identical at the time and argon had not yet been discovered.
When Henry Moseley conducted experiments in 1913 that involved bombarding the
elements with high energy electrons and measuring the resulting X-ray frequencies, he
found that each element produced a unique frequency. When the elements were ordered
according to this frequency, to which he had assigned a unique sequential whole number,
the order of the elements was confirmed and those anomalies that had surfaced from solely
considering atomic weight were resolved. This number was correctly identified as the
number of positive charges, protons, in the nucleus and matches the number of electrons in
the atom. Having a simple whole number for each element allowed for easier detection of
the “holes” in the periodic table, which led to the discovery of other yet-unknown elements.
Moseley’s sequential arrangement exposed the missing elements 43, 61, 72, and 75.
Moseley was only 26 at the time of his discovery and left his research to volunteer with the
Royal Engineers during World War I. He was killed in action in 1915 at the age of 27. Had
he not been killed, it is likely he would have received a Nobel Prize for his work. Nobel Prize-
winning physicist Robert Millikan wrote of Moseley’s passing, "In a research which is
destined to rank as one of the dozen most brilliant in conception, skillful in execution, and
illuminating in results in the history of science, a young man twenty-six years old threw open
the windows through which we can glimpse the sub-atomic world with a definiteness and
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
certainty never dreamed of before. Had the European War had no other result than the
snuffing out of this young life, that alone would make it one of the most hideous and most
irreparable crimes in history.” Following Moseley’s death, Ernest Rutherford lobbied the
British government to no longer allow its prominent and promising scientists to enlist for
combat duty. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Moseley)
5. “With the completion of the 7th row of the periodic table, the table is now
complete, there are no more elements to be added.” While the completion of the 7th row
of the periodic table makes the table look complete, there are probably more elements that
will be made in the same manner as the last four and will fit on row eight. Exactly how many
more elements can be made is up for debate. Some scientists feel that the atoms have a
certain stability depending on the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Some
isotopes of element 114 may exhibit more stability than the other elements surrounding it.
The discovery of new elements may not proceed sequentially due to the stability of certain
proton-neutron arrangements in the nucleus. Richard Feynman predicted that the largest
element possible will be element 137, while others have proposed elements up to 173. With
the 8th period of elements, scientists project g orbitals for the additional electrons.
6. “There’s only one way to organize the periodic table.” There are many ways to
organize the elements other than the order seen in the periodic table that you find in your
textbook. The current arrangement of the elements has evolved over time and continues to
be challenged with new ideas about the elements. Some scientists propose placing
hydrogen above carbon on the periodic table since, like “hybridized” carbon, it has a half-
filled shell of electrons. Other tables use different shapes like spirals or helixes, while still
others are arranged in 3-D. A plethora of different periodic tables can be found at this site:
7. “It’s easy to make new elements—just fire a lighter atom at a heavier atom.” It is
not easy to make new elements. Finding a suitable ion source material and a relatively
stable heavier element, whose fusion with the ion source results in the desired element, is
challenging. It can also be expensive. The calcium-48 isotope that was used in the creation
of three of the final four elements costs over $250,000 per gm. Then there are the
instrument parameters. Incoming atoms need to be fired with enough speed to overcome
nuclear repulsion but not so fast that they would cause fission of the target element. The ion
source beam fires at a rate of 6 trillion atoms per second at a thin metal foil target that may
only contain a few atoms of the heavier element with the hopes that one nucleus of the ion
source will overcome the repulsion of the positively charged nuclei to become fused as one
nucleus without causing the fission of the larger atom. Element 113 took scientists at the
RIKEN research lab in Japan nine years to produce three atoms. The first atom was
produced in 2004 and a second was produced in 2005. However, it took seven more years
before they succeeded in producing a third atom and could claim naming rights to the
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. “What elements, besides carbon, copper, gold, and mercury, were used by early
civilizations?” In addition to those above, the other elements that were used in the earliest
civilizations were silver, tin, lead, meteoric iron, and sulfur. Copper, silver, gold, and carbon
are considered native elements because they can be found in pure form (uncombined).
2. “If the number of protons determines the element, what significance do the neutrons
have?” The neutrons are responsible for the stability of the nucleus. The protons are
positively charged and, like all positively-charged particles, repel each other. The neutrons
are not charged and, in occupying the same space as the protons, shield the positive
protons from each other, while the strong force of the nucleus holds all the particles in the
nucleus together. Nuclei with neutron: proton ratios of 1:1 to 1.5:1 are stable. Nuclei with
neutron: proton ratios greater than 1.5:1 become unstable and exhibit beta decay,
essentially turning a neutron into a proton, while those with ratios lower than 1:1 are also
unstable and exhibit radioactive decay by electron capture, which turns a proton into a
3. “Why are the atomic weights of all the transuranium elements in brackets?” The
atomic weight shown on the periodic table is a weighted average of the masses of all the
known isotopes of that element. With the man-made elements, the isotope produced
depends on the way the element was synthesized, so natural isotopic abundance has no
meaning for these elements. Therefore, the total nucleon count—protons + neutrons—of the
most stable isotope (the one with the longest half-life) is placed in brackets on the periodic
table to distinguish it from the average atomic weights used for all the other elements.
4. “What happens to the neutrons that are released when scientists smash atoms
together? Are they dangerous?” The neutrons that “smash” atoms are contained within
the particle accelerators. Neutrons are not stable outside the nucleus and decay into a
proton and an electron within 14 minutes. Neutrons can travel farther and penetrate more
types of material than any other type of radiation. They can penetrate thick lead or steel
walls, but they can be stopped if blocked by hydrogen-rich materials like concrete or water.
Because neutrons are not charged, they are not repelled by either protons or electrons and
can penetrate the nucleus of an atom, often causing it to become unstable and radioactive.
They can alter a cell’s DNA and interfere with normal cellular function. They are rarely
encountered in the environment, due to their short life. The only time large numbers of
neutrons can escape into the environment is during a critical nuclear reactor accident or
detonation of a nuclear bomb.
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
6. “The article says there were more names for element 102. What were they?” Element
102 provided IUPAC with lots of controversy. First, the discovery was claimed by Swedish
scientists who chose the name nobelium after Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Institute. When
their claims could not be duplicated and confirmed by work done by Glenn Seaborg’s
research team in the U.S., they withdrew their claim. The U.S. team claimed they had made
the element and continued to refer to it as nobelium. But Russian scientists found flaws in
Seaborg’s work and presented their own claim for the discovery, in 1969. They chose the
name joliotium in honor of Irene Joliot-Curie. After IUPAC scientists reviewed all three
experiments, they concluded that the Russians had first created element 102. In 1994,
IUPAC ratified names for elements 101–109. The name nobelium was ratified for element
102, despite the wishes of its discoverers. In 1995, after much protest to the recently ratified
names, IUPAC changed the name of element 102 to flerovium, in an attempt to appease
Georgy Flyorov and the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions. This name also was
rejected, so, in 1997, IUPAC changed the name back to nobelium, stating that after 30 years
the name had become entrenched in the literature and Alfred Nobel was worthy of the
honor. It is interesting that the name flerovium was eventually used for element 114, despite
IUPAC’s own rule disallowing previously-nominated names ever to be used again.
7. “If only a few atoms of an element are made, how can they determine its properties?
Because of modern equipment like electron microscopes, scientists can work with incredibly
small samples, even those that are only one atom. One atom can be reacted in a small
capsule and the results analyzed to determine the chemical properties of the new element.
A small sample size is challenging, but it does not prevent testing. The incredibly short,
fraction-of-a-second half-lives of the newer elements, however, prevents any chemical
testing, even with one atom.
8. “What purpose do the man-made elements serve?” Most of the synthetic elements are
used only in nuclear research. They provide scientists insight and clues on how the neutrons
and protons are organized in the nucleus. The elements beyond element 99 serve purely
research purposes, but elements 93–99 and 43 (technetium) have a variety of uses.
Atomic No. Name Use
Diagnostic purposes in medical applications, corrosion inhibitors
43 Technetium
in steel used for enclosed systems
Research, used as the precursor material for the production of
93 Neptunium
plutonium, used in neutron detection equipment
Used in atomic bombs and to power nuclear reactors for
94 Plutonium
generation of electricity
95 Americium Used in smoke detectors
Used to produce heavier elements and provides an alpha source
96 Curium
in x-ray spectrometers
97 Berkelium Research uses only
Strong neutron emitter in fuel rod scanners in nuclear reactors,
98 Californium moisture gauges to find water and petroleum in oil wells, and in
some treatments of cervical and brain cancer
Used to calibrate the chemical analysis spectrometer on the
99 Einsteinium
Surveyor 5 lunar probe and to make heavier elements
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Particle accelerator concept using a ping pong ball” demo: This videotaped (1:34)
demonstration uses a glass bowl containing electric fields, and a coated ping pong ball to
demonstrate how a particle accelerator works. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
This video (10:53) shows you how to make a salad bowl particle accelerator similar to the one
above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x5hupUifBk. (Note that the project doesn’t produce
spectacular results—rather disappointing, actually, but it can work.)
“A Cyclotron”: Students observe particle behavior at the instrument’s original settings and then
can double the electric field or the magnetic field to observe the effects these two fields have on
particle behavior in a cyclotron.
“Have we found all the elements?” video (5:19): The narrator seeks to answer this question
after presenting the four latest elements to be added to the periodic table (the same four as in
the Dingle “The Final Four” article) and discussing how they were made. He mentions the
problems found in attempts to create elements larger than these and also mentions which as-
yet-to-be-discovered elements might be found to be stable. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
“Lise Meitner” video (4:50): In this history of the earliest attempts to make new elements by
bombarding heavy elements with neutrons, the experiments of Otto Hahn and interpretations of
those experiments by Lise Meitner provide insight into the plight of early women scientists.
(Free access to video at https://teachchemistry.org/classroom-resources/lise-meitner-video)
Teacher materials and guided questions for the students to answer after/while viewing the video
are available on the site. (Access to the video is open, but access to the teacher materials on
the site is restricted to AACT members; however, those materials will be available for free until
June 1, 2019.)
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Ptable.com Investigations” lesson: This site provides three lesson plans and a link to an
interactive periodic table that students can use first to explore information about the elements in
a scavenger hunt activity, then, observe a periodic trend in a second activity, and finally, learn
the basics of the periodic table in a third activity. (https://teachchemistry.org/classroom-
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“The New Alchemy” chronicles the discovery of radiation and the creation of new elements in
the experiments of Ernest Rutherford, Irene Joliot-Curie, Enrico Fermi, Edwin McMillan, and
Glenn Seaborg, which eventually led to a reorganization of the periodic table (McClure, M. The
New Alchemy. ChemMatters. 2006, 24 (3), pp 15–17)
This article describes how the elements were made in the stars by the process of nuclear fusion
(nucleosynthesis) for elements helium through nickel in the younger stars, and the formation of
the heavier elements by neutron capture and beta decay in supernovas.
(Ruth, C. Where Do Chemical Elements Come From? ChemMatters. 2009, 27 (3), pp 6–8)
The Teacher’s Guide for the October 2009 ChemMatters article above provides additional
information about nucleosynthesis in stars, including nuclear equations for those fusion
reactions. The guide also contains links to lessons on spectroscopy and supernova chemistry.
In this article about creating superheavy elements in a cyclotron, author Brownlee presents a
schematic with an explanation of how a cyclotron works, as well as a discussion on the process
for naming new elements.
(Brownlee, C. What Uuought to Know About Elements 112–118. ChemMatters. 2009, 27 (3), pp
The Teacher’s Guide for the October 2009 ChemMatters article above contains nuclear
equations for the formations of elements 110–118, as well as links to a discussion on how far
the periodic table may extend, and multiple links to additional videos, simulations, and lessons.
“The Periodic Table Turns 150: Is the Best Yet to Come?” presents the history of the periodic
table, including the discovery of the superheavy elements and Glenn Seaborg’s idea of an
“island of stability” related to the organization of the particles in the nucleus. (Warmflash, D. The
Periodic Table Turns 150: Is the Best Yet to Come? ChemMatters. 2019, 37 (1), pp 11–14)
The Teacher’s Guide for the February 2019 ChemMatters article above provides links to lesson
plans, videos, and demos that help teach the logic behind the patterns in the table.
The September 8, 2003 issue of Chemical and Engineering News celebrated the magazine’s
80th anniversary by presenting a variety of essays on the periodic table and the elements. Color
graphics complement the essays. (Chem. Eng. News, 2003, 81 (36)
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
In “Rearranging the table” in the January 7, 2019 issue of Chemical Engineering News, author
Sam Lemonick presents current discussions on changing the arrangement of the elements in
different table formats, based strictly on atomic orbitals and electron-filling order. Particularly
problematic for current tables is the question of which elements should belong in group three,
under scandium and yttrium.
(Lemonick, S. Rearranging the table. Chem. Eng. News, 2019, 97 (1), pp 26–29; “The periodic
table is an icon. But chemists still can’t agree on how to arrange it” [same article, different title],
Note that this link takes you to a brief abstract only; the full article is only available to American
Chemical Society members or subscribers to the journal.)
The February 2019 special issue of Science, “The Periodic Table Turns 150” features six
articles about the periodic table that highlight the superheavy elements, nucleosynthesis of the
elements in the stars, the order of the table, p-block chemistry, the electronic structure of the
transition metals, and the modern marvels of the rare earth metals.
(Science, 2019, 363 (6426), pp 464–493)
A special note from the above citation: Author Sam Kean includes his interview with Yuri
Oganessian, the scientist for whom element 118 is named, in this article about the most recent
superheavy elements. The article contains a schematic of the particle accelerator in Dubna,
Russia, details about the difficulties encountered by the Japanese team in creating element 113,
and projections of finding heavier elements in the future and where they will be represented on
the periodic table. (Kean. S. The Quest for the Superheavies. Science, 2019, 363 (6426), pp
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
The Web site for the IUPAC contains information about the history of the organization, their
current responsibilities, upcoming IUPAC sponsored events, as well as pictures and bios of the
current leadership.
Element names
“Explainer: How a new element gets its name” contains information about the history of some of
the element names on the periodic table, as well as the IUPAC rules for naming a new element.
Besides explaining the conventions for naming the early elements, this article also discusses
the controversy that surrounded the names for elements 104 and 105.
“The limits of nuclear mass and charge” is a scholarly article about the discovery of elements
113, 115, 117, and 118 and the challenges of analyzing the super heavy elements. The author
discusses the isotopes that may confirm an “island of stability”, as well as how far the periodic
table could possibly be extended.
This article about the creation of the superheavy elements discloses the competitiveness that
exists in discovering them and also explains where the upper limit to the number of elements yet
to be discovered may be found.
This article talks about the island of stability and how scientists believe they are getting close to
it with the creation of element 117.
“Element 115 and the Island of Stability” discusses the challenges in the creation of element
115 and that it may be approaching a stable number of protons and neutrons.
This article describes alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, and neutron radiations and contains several
links to information about the different sources and effects of radiation.
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Particle accelerators
This article explains the differences among cyclotrons (used for the creation of new elements),
linear accelerators (like the 2 mile long SLAC at Stanford), and synchrotrons (like the Large
Hadron Collider located in Switzerland).
Naturally-occurring elements
This Wikipedia site supports the idea of 94 naturally-occurring elements. It gives arguments for
dismissing elements above atomic number 94 as only being the product of man-made
synthesis. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_element#Occurrence_and_origin_on_Earth)
The article “How many elements can be found naturally?” supports considering 98 as the
number of naturally-occurring elements. There are several links at the end of the article to more
information on the elements.
This 2006 PBS video (6:52) examines the stability of certain elements and the projected stability
of element 114. The animated protons and neutrons simulate the strong force of the nucleus
and show the idea of patterns of organization of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
In the (5:40) video, “The Element Makers: Making Superheavy Elements”, a Lawrence Berkley
scientist explains how mapping the decay products of newly-created elements can be used to
prove their discovery.
The Royal Society of Chemistry’s interactive periodic table is complete through element 118.
Each element is linked to information, and there’s a video about each one. The video for
element 118 contains a good message for all budding science entrepreneurs.
This periodic table has information about the physical and chemical properties of each element
that can be accessed for all elements simultaneously by changing the property displayed. Each
element is linked to the Wikipedia information for the element.
This site contains links to a plethora of periodic tables of various shapes and content, both
chemical and some non-traditional, nonchemical tables.
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Reading Supports
The pages that follow include reading supports in the form of an Anticipation Guide, a
Graphic Organizer, and Student Reading Comprehension Questions. These resources are
designed to help students prepare to read the article and then locate and analyze information
from the article.
Anticipation Guide (p. 58): The Anticipation Guide helps to engage students by activating
prior knowledge and stimulating student interest before reading. If class time permits,
discuss students’ responses to each statement before reading each article. As they read,
students should look for evidence supporting or refuting their initial responses.
Graphic Organizer (p. 59): The Graphic Organizer is provided to help students locate and
analyze information from the article. Student understanding will be enhanced when they
explore and evaluate the information themselves, with input from the teacher, if students are
struggling. Encourage students to use their own words and avoid copying entire sentences
from the article. The use of bullets helps them do this.
If you use the aforementioned organizers to evaluate student performance, you may
want to develop a grading rubric such as the one below.
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Some of the articles in this issue provide opportunities, references, and suggestions for
students to do further research on their own about topics that interest them.
To help students engage with the text, ask students which article engaged them most
and why, or what questions they still have about the articles. The “Web Resources for More
Information” section of the Teacher’s Guide provides sources for additional information that
might help you answer these questions.
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Directions: Before reading the article, in the first column, write “A” or “D,” indicating your
agreement or disagreement with each statement. As you read, compare your opinions with
information from the article. In the space under each statement, cite information from the article
that supports or refutes your original ideas.
Me Text Statement
2. All of the final four elements were named for the places where they were
3. The first list of modern elements was published in the early 1800s.
9. All of the newest elements have half lives of less than one second.
10. The last row of the Periodic Table was completed in 2018.
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
When discovered
Location on the
Periodic Table
Alpha Particle
Summary: On the bottom or back of this paper, write a short (2-3 sentence) explanation of the
role of IUPAC in confirming and naming new elements.
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. When were the four last open spots in the periodic table filled?
2. Complete the table below for the four elements most recently added to the periodic table.
New elements
Atomic number Name Origin of name
3. (a) Who was the scientist who first published a textbook containing a table
identifying 33 simple substances later recognized as the first list of modern elements, and
(b) when was it published?
4. When and by whom was the first organization of elements that resembles the
current periodic table established?
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
8. Give the name and atomic number, and the location and date of discovery of the
first synthetic element produced.
9. What are the three main standards IUPAC proposed in regards to naming
10. What are the most fascinating properties of the new superheavy elements?
11. Which element is associated with the production of three of the four newest
Critical-Thinking Questions
Write your answers on another piece of paper.
2. Based on its expected position on the periodic table (directly under radium,
element 88), what properties (e.g., outer energy-level electron arrangement) oxidation
number, the formula of its compound with chlorine, reactivity with water, nuclear stability,
and density) would you predict for element 120 (unbinilium, Ubn)? Explain your predictions.
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. When were the four last open spots in the periodic table filled?
The four last spots in the periodic table were filled in 2016.
2. Complete the table below for the four elements most recently added to the periodic table.
New elements
Atomic number Name Origin of name
113 nihonium Japanese word “nihon”, meaning “land of the rising sun”
115 moscovium Discovered in Moscow, Russia
117 tennessine Tennessee, site of scientists’ discovery
In honor of Yuri Oganessian, nuclear physicist, for his
118 oganesson
role in discovering heavy elements
3. (a) Who was the scientist who first published a textbook containing a table identifying
33 simple substances later recognized as the first list of modern elements, and (b)
when was it published?
4. When and by whom was the first organization of elements that resembles the current
periodic table established?
In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev organized the elements in a table that resembles the current
periodic table of the elements.
Any given element is defined by its number of protons, its atomic number.
Any new element created must have a new and unique number of protons.
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
8. Give the name and atomic number, and the location and date of discovery of the first
synthetic element produced.
The first synthetic element produced was curium, atomic number 96, made by scientists at
the University of California, Berkeley, in 1944.
9. What are the three main standards IUPAC proposed in regards to naming elements?
10. What are the most fascinating properties of the new superheavy elements?
The most fascinating properties of the new superheavy elements are that they are
a. extremely radioactive and
b. unstable.
11. Which element is associated with the production of three of the four newest
Critical-Thinking Questions
Although the procedure should be the same for all answers (use of a cyclotron to bombard
elements together), the elements students choose to make element 120 will vary. Based on
information in the article on three of the four most recently created elements (the use of
calcium for three of the four), one likely possibility for students to propose would be to
bombard atoms of fermium (element 100) with calcium atoms (element 20) inside a
cyclotron to produce an element with an atomic number of 120. (Or they could hypothetically
offer any other combination of two elements whose atomic numbers add up to an atomic
number of 120.)
“The Periodic Table’s Final Four", ChemMatters, April/May 2019
2. Based on its expected position on the periodic table (directly under radium, element
88), what properties (e.g., outer energy level electron arrangement, oxidation number,
the formula of its compound with chlorine, reactivity with water, nuclear stability, and
density) would you predict for element 120 (unbinilium, Ubn)? Explain your
Formula of compound with chlorine UbnCl2, just as other group 2 elements (e.g., MgCl2)
Reacts vigorously with water, as other group 2
Reactivity with water elements react with water, with the trend in reaction
rate increasing
Nuclear stability Radioactive, just as radium is radioactive
Teacher's Guide for
“What Are Pool Chemicals?”
April/May 2019
Table of Contents
Tools and Resources 66
Connections to Chemistry Concepts.................................................66
Possible Student Misconceptions......................................................67
Anticipating Student Questions.........................................................69
Web Resources for More Information................................................73
Reading Supports 75
Anticipation Guide...............................................................................77
Graphic Organizer...............................................................................78
Student Reading Comprehension Questions...................................79
Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions.............................81
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. “I understand that a strong chlorine smell from the pool is a reminder that the
chlorine is present in the water for killing germs so the water is safe for swimming.”
The “chlorine” smell from a swimming pool is actually the opposite of what you think. It
means that the concentration of free chlorine is dangerously low and the concentration of
chloramines is high. Free, active chlorine has no odor when in water; however, when it is
combined with nitrogen or ammonia from sweat, perspiration, urine, and dirt from swimmers’
bodies, smelly chloramines form. The Arnaud article mentions trichloramine (NCl3). The
“chlorine” smell indicates the need to remove chloramines (shock treatment) and replenish
free chlorine (pool lingo for HClO) to kill pathogens in the pool water.
2. “My friend has blond hair that turns slightly green when she swims. She says that
the indoor pool has too much chlorine.” While it is true that swimmers with light colored
hair may leave a pool with a slight greenish tinge to their hair, the green color is not caused
by chlorine, a greenish-yellow poison in the gaseous phase, but colorless in a water
solution. The green is caused by dissolved copper ions present in the water due to either
heavy use of copper algaecide or leaching from copper pipes. The copper color can be
rinsed out by a quick shampoo immediately after swimming.
3. “Sometimes, the chlorine in a pool burns my eyes and leaves them red.” Red eyes
are not caused by chlorine; these symptoms usually indicate that you are swimming in a
pool that has a large concentration of chloramines indicated by a strong chlorine smell. Eye
redness can also occur if the pool pH is significantly higher or lower than the pH of your
eyes (about 7.3). In addition, if you swim underwater with your eyes open for an extended
period of time, the water will flush the eyes of tears leaving you with dry eyes that sting, burn
or feel scratchy.
4. “My golden retriever loves to swim in my pool with me and I don’t see any
problem with this because he won’t affect the pool chemistry.” Unfortunately, this is a
problem. The dog can foul your pool water as it will probably bring many types of invisible
bacteria on its hair and might even use the water as a toilet. In addition, a long-haired dog
like a retriever may shed hair that clogs the pool’s filtering system. Take your dog to a lake
or the ocean where there is plenty of water to dilute the added bacteria without changing the
pH or alkalinity of the water.
5. “I know that showers are required at public pools because so many people use
them. So, I guess that forgetting to take a shower before swimming in my friend’s
pool is not a problem.” Actually, it is important to shower before entering any pool, large or
small, for the health of the pool water, as well as your own health. If you don’t shower, you
carry into the pool water everything that is sitting on your skin including sunscreens and
lotions. These may contain nitrogen that reacts with free chlorine to produce chloramines.
6. “The pool water is disinfected, so it’s alright for young kids to swallow some.” No,
kids should be taught to avoid swallowing pool water. While chlorine does kill many
waterborne bacteria and viruses, chlorine levels fluctuate in pools, especially when the pools
are busy and crowded. And, hypochlorous acid is unable to destroy some cysts and
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
7. “I’ve heard parents warn kids, ‘Don’t pee in the pool because it will turn blue.’”
This is an old scare tactic used to keep children from urinating in the pool. Even if a
chemical indicator was used to show urination in pool water, it wouldn’t be very effective
because it would be difficult to keep it from reacting with other substances in the pool,
including pool chemicals.
8. “It’s dangerous to swim in a saltwater pool because it doesn’t contain any free
chlorine.” This is a misconception; a saltwater pool is not a chlorine-free pool. To sanitize a
saltwater pool, saltwater is forced across a metal cell charged by an electric current. This
electrolysis produces chlorine in the form of hypochlorite ions and hypochlorous acid to
disinfect and oxidize bacteria and viruses the pool.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. “Why is hypochlorous acid called ‘free chlorine’ in a swimming pool”?” Rather than
pathogens being destroyed by the element chlorine, pool water is actually oxidized and
disinfected by hypochlorous acid, a weak acid also commonly known as “free chlorine”. This
acid forms when a water-soluble chlorine compound reacts with pool water to form
hypochlorite ions (ClO–) and hypochlorous acid (HClO).
2. “This article says, ‘It’s not OK to pee in the pool!’, but is it OK to pee in the ocean?”
Yes, it is OK to pee in the ocean, because urine is composed of approximately 95% water
plus some sodium and chloride ions. These ions are already present in the ocean. The small
amount of urea that you release is minuscule compared to 350 quintillion liters of water in
the Atlantic Ocean. Enjoy this ACS video (2:50) to answer your question:
3. “How does very hard water affect swimming pools?” High Ca2+ levels may result in
cloudy pool water. Hard-water ions such as calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) can form
a scale that clogs filtration machinery, shortening the life of this equipment, raising costs of
heating the pool water by lowering the efficiency of electric water heaters, and, eventually,
leading to clogged pipes.
4. “Will it work to fill pools with soft water that contains low levels of Ca2+?” No, because
if the concentration of Ca2+ ions is very low, the low calcium-content water will remove the
calcium in the pool’s plaster or concrete. This is explained by Le Châtelier’s principle.
Limestone (CaCO3), a frequent source of Ca+2, dissolves in groundwater to form this
When the system (the pool water) lacks Ca2+, it will remove from the pool walls the calcium
needed to restore the equilibrium, leaving pits on wall surfaces. Soft water is more acidic
than hard water because it lacks the hard water minerals that act as buffers that reduce the
acidity of the water. If the pool is vinyl or fiberglass, with no source of calcium like the
concrete pool, this acidic soft water will attack metal fixtures and/or the metal parts of the
filtering system.
“Is UV-treated water safe to drink?” Unfortunately, the answer is no. UV radiation kills
chlorine-resistant parasites with protective outer shells like those of Cryptosporidium parvum
but, for human safety, water passes through a UV treatment box before it enters the pool.
However, humans or other animals can contaminate the water by bringing chlorine-resistant
microorganisms into the pool after UV treatment.
5. “People talk about ‘shocking the pool’, what does this mean?” When the pool smells
strongly of chlorine and the water is cloudy, it will probably need a shock treatment
(superchlorination) to remove a buildup of excess chloramines and to kill algae and other
pathogens. A powdered form of chlorine is added to the water and left in the pool overnight.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Swimming Pool Chemistry: Student Activities” lab: Directions and sample data for three
Flinn Scientific wet labs (build a swimming pool model, add urea and measure the effect of UV
light on each model pool’s water) are given. All materials are usually found in standard high
school chemistry stockrooms; dichloroisocyanuric acid (Dichlor) can be purchased at a pool-
supply or hardware store).
“[ChemVlab+] Acid Base Chemistry: pH and Swimming Pools Info” HS virtual lab: This
real-world, scenario-based lesson from the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) puts the
student in the position of a lifeguard who is responsible for the safety and quality of the water at
a small pool. (http://chemcollective.org/activities/info/148)
“Don’t Pee in the Pool”, video (3:03): This ACS “Breakthrough Science” video describes the
reaction between uric acid and chlorine to produce trichloramine. Possible human health effects
from this product (including its early use in warfare) are presented.
“Le Châtelier’s principle”, video (14:43): This Khan Academy video demonstrates the effects
of various disturbances placed on an equilibrium system and explains how the system responds
to establish a new equilibrium state. This is an excellent learning tool.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Swimming Pool Chemistry” Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) lesson for gifted and
talented students (AP Chemistry): The chemistry of swimming pools provides the context for
solving problems involving equilibria (Kc, Ksp, Ka, buffers, and Le Châtelier’s principle) and the
placement of arrows to show the direction of electron movement. Data and student worksheets
are provided, and teacher information includes complete keys to all questions.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“Swimming Pools” details the chemistry behind protecting the health of swimmers and
the pool by maintaining an appropriate pH range and stabilizing free chlorine when exposed to
UV radiation. (Baxter, R. Swimming Pools. ChemMatters. 1994, I2 (2), pp 10–12)
This ACS ChemClub bulletin lists seven “Experiments and Activities” and a long list of
“Articles and Information” about swimming pool chemistry. (American Chemical Society.
“Chemistry of Swimming Pools”. ACS ChemClub, 2016, May, p 1;
mming-pools.html) Free access for all at this link.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Pool maintenance
“Guide to swimming pool water chemistry” is a good basic guide for pool users. Topics
discussed are the use of disinfectants, total hardness, ways to reduce or elevate pH including
the dangers of an imbalance, ways to prevent algae growth and various swimming pool water-
testing procedures.
“The Chemistry of Swimming Pool Maintenance” from the Journal of Chemical Education
teaches the basic chemistry behind maintaining healthy pools. Two acid-base equilibria
(hypochlorous acid and calcium hydroxide), plus simple testing techniques (indicators to replace
pH meters and hardness measured by drop-count titration) are discussed.
“Swimming pool chemistry water fact sheet” shows that chlorine in any form reacts with water to
yield hypochlorous acid, the agent that kills algae and bacteria and oxidizes other organic
matter in pools. Facts are provided on ways to maintain optimum pH, alkalinity (buffer systems),
the level of cyanuric acid (CYA) needed to stabilize chlorine, and the effects of water
This basic pool chemistry lesson provides additional details on the use of CYA to protect
chlorine from being degraded by UV radiation and discussed what happens when calcium ion
concentration and/or pH are outside of their ideal range.
This excellent resource uses graphs to show the results of studies to determine the effect of
adding CYA to maintain the free chlorine (HClO) level in swimming pools.
The ability of CYA to protect free chlorine from degradation by the sun’s ultraviolet rays is
discussed in a three minute video. The molecular structure helps explain CYA’s ability to protect
free chlorine.
The “Hypochlorous Acid Information Sheet” describes how hypochlorous acid kills bacteria and
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Disinfectants used to kill microbes react with organic materials in pools (most brought in by
swimmers) to form DBPs. Effects on human health by DBPs are explained.
Swimmers’ breath and blood were tested for the formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) (a
consequence of water chlorination) after sitting on the edge of an indoor pool for one hour
before swimming and then tested again after swimming for one hour; all tests detected THMs.
This article emphasizes the importance and provides the rationale for balancing pool-water
alkalinity first, followed by pH and finally by calcium hardness.
“Pool Chemistry: Backyard Perils and Experiments” from Chem13 News uses equilibrium
expressions and structural formulas to discuss alkalinity and pH and describes how
trichloroisocyanuric acid stabilizes free chlorine by lowering the pH. Excellent article!
Metal ions can discolor water and form rust or copper stains on pools; chelating agents bind the
ions tightly in chemical bonds, keeping them suspended in the water. The source of metal ions
in pools, ways to test for their presence, and how to remove them are explained.
This excellent article contains a table showing the difference between chelation and
sequestration; both are involved in pool chemistry. A structural diagram shows how a metal ion
such as copper or iron is chelated by EDTA, and an illustration shows hard water ions
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Reading Supports
The pages that follow include reading supports in the form of an Anticipation Guide, a
Graphic Organizer, and Student Reading Comprehension Questions. These resources are
designed to help students prepare to read the article and then locate and analyze information
from the article.
Anticipation Guide (p. 77): The Anticipation Guide helps to engage students by activating
prior knowledge and stimulating student interest before reading. If class time permits,
discuss students’ responses to each statement before reading each article. As they read,
students should look for evidence supporting or refuting their initial responses.
Graphic Organizer (p. 78): The Graphic Organizer is provided to help students locate and
analyze information from the article. Student understanding will be enhanced when they
explore and evaluate the information themselves, with input from the teacher, if students are
struggling. Encourage students to use their own words and avoid copying entire sentences
from the article. The use of bullets helps them do this.
If you use the aforementioned organizers to evaluate student performance, you may
want to develop a grading rubric such as the one below.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Some of the articles in this issue provide opportunities, references, and suggestions for
students to do further research on their own about topics that interest them.
To help students engage with the text, ask students which article engaged them most
and why, or what questions they still have about the articles. The “Web Resources for More
Information” section of the Teacher’s Guide provides sources for additional information that
might help you answer these questions.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Directions: Before reading the article, in the first column, write “A” or “D,” indicating your
agreement or disagreement with each statement. As you read, compare your opinions with
information from the article. In the space under each statement, cite information from the article
that supports or refutes your original ideas.
Me Text Statement
6. The “chlorine” smell associated with indoor pools comes from chlorine
reacting with compounds found in urine and sweat.
8. No one is sure why the diving pool at the 2016 Summer Olympics turned
emerald green.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Chemicals to
balance pH
Green color in a
pool or your
Summary: On the bottom or back of this paper, write a tweet (280 characters or less) about the
chemistry of pool water, based on what you learned from reading the article.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Student Reading
Comprehension Questions Name
1. (a) Give three reasons why people complain about chlorine-based compounds in
pool water. (b) So, then, why is chlorine added to pools?
2. Why is chlorine (Cl) added to pool water as a part of more complex molecules?
3. List three reasons why residential pool owners usually use trichlor for disinfecting
their home pools.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
7. (a) Why is the intestinal parasite Cryptosporidium resistant to chlorine? (b) How
does UV radiation destroy this organism?
8. How are swimmers protected from UV radiation used to disinfect swimming pool
9. Why are people asked to urinate and shower before entering a swimming pool?
10. List three sources of copper that can turn swimmers’ hair greenish.
11. According to Le Châtelier’s principle, (a) if the pool pH is too high (too basic),
how will this affect the concentration of hypochlorous acid and the safety of the water, and
(b) what is the problem if the pH is too low (too acidic)?
Critical-Thinking Question
Write your answer(s) on another piece of paper.
a. List the advantages and disadvantages of using the various methods listed in the article to
disinfect municipal pool water.
b. Based on your analysis of these factors, describe how you would safeguard the water in
your school’s pool and explain the rationale for your plan. (Note: If your school doesn’t have
a swimming pool, consider this to be your plan for a possible future pool at your school.)
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
1. (a) Give three reasons why people complain about chlorine-based compounds in pool
(b) So, then, why is chlorine added to pools?
a. People complain about chlorine-based compounds in pool water because they can
1) dry out skin.
2) turn eyes red.
3) produce the familiar, pungent pool smell.
b. Chlorine is added to pools to keep the water free of microbes, such as Escherichia coli,
that can cause digestive troubles.
2. Why is chlorine (Cl) added to pool water as a part of more complex molecules?
Chlorine is added to pool water as part of more complex molecules because when these
compounds are added to water, they spontaneously form hypochlorous acid (HClO), which
is the disinfecting agent misleadingly called “free chlorine”.
3. List three reasons why residential pool owners usually use trichlor for disinfecting
their home pools.
Residential pool owners usually use an isocyanurate known as trichlor to disinfect their
home pools because it
a. dissolves slowly,
b. has high chlorine content, and
c. is easy to use.
Maintaining the proper concentration of the disinfectant is important because it must be high
enough so that some disinfectant is always in the water and also low enough to be
comfortable for swimmers.
A stabilizer is added to pool water to help protect the hypochlorous acid from breaking down
in sunlight.
6. (a) How do bromine-containing compounds work as disinfectants? (b) Why are they a
better choice than chlorine for hot tubs?
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
7. (a) Why is the intestinal parasite Cryptosporidium resistant to chlorine? (b) How does
UV radiation destroy this organism?
a. Cryptosporidium has a protective coat that makes it hard to destroy with chlorine.
b. The UV light penetrates the organisms’ cell walls and damages their DNA.
8. How are swimmers protected from UV radiation used to disinfect swimming pool
Swimmers are protected from UV radiation used to disinfect pool water because the UV
treatment takes place in a chamber away from swimmers, before water is released into the
9. Why are people asked to urinate and shower before entering a swimming pool?
People are asked to urinate and shower before entering swimming pools to remove body
sweat and urine that contain urea and other products that react with chlorine to form
trichloramine (pool smell) that may also be linked to asthma in swimmers.
10. List three sources of copper that can turn swimmers’ hair greenish.
Swimmers’ green hair can be caused by copper introduced to the pool water from
a. copper-containing compounds added to water to kill algae.
b. copper already present in the water used to fill the pool.
c. copper from corroded plumbing.
11. According to Le Châtelier’s principle, (a) if the pool pH is too high (too basic), how
will this affect the concentration of hypochlorous acid and the safety of the water, and
(b) what is the problem if the pH is too low (too acidic)?
(a) If the pool pH is too high, the reaction will favor the products (shift to the right) reducing
the concentration of HClO and its ability to disinfect the water.
(b) If the pH is too low (too acidic) the equilibrium will shift toward the reactants, and too
much HClO (hypochlorous acid) could burn swimmers’ eyes.
Critical-Thinking Question
a. List the advantages and disadvantages of using the various methods listed in the
article to disinfect municipal pool water.
b. Based on your analysis of these factors, describe how you would safeguard the water
in your school’s pool. Explain the rationale for your plan. (Note: If your school does
not have a swimming pool, consider this to be your plan for a possible future pool at
your school.)
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
Accept student answers that demonstrate their understanding of the material in the article or, if
assigned as homework, the students should demonstrate their understanding of aspects beyond
those stated in the article.
UV radiation
UV radiation can kill Cryptosporidium by destroying its protective coat.
UV radiation kills other harmful microbes.
UV radiation can degrade trichloramine (NCl3), the potent “chlorine” smell in
pools that might be linked to asthma in swimmers.
The effects of UV radiation are not dependent upon the pH of the pool water.
UV radiation
UV radiation can damage the skin.
Pool water must be exposed to UV light before it enters the pool to avoid human
exposure to the UV light.
UV radiation does not continue to disinfect the water after it leaves the UV
UV light does not destroy microbes that enter the water from people’s clothing
and bodies.
“What Are Pool Chemicals?” ChemMatters, April/May 2019
If this Critical-Thinking Question is assigned as a mini-research project, you might want to direct
students to these sites:
“Swimming Pools: Alternatives to Chlorine” discusses and gives pros and cons for
disinfection procedures, including bromine. (https://www.houselogic.com/by-room/yard-
The Pros and Cons of Using UV Rays for Water Treatment” lists some of the advantages
and disadvantages of using UV radiation as part of the water treatment process.
I live in a rural area where it’s cold and it snows, so an outside pool would not be
practical. Our school pool is indoors and much of our water supply comes from wells.
Our school’s pool will definitely need a disinfecting agent such as trichlor, because it
dissolves slowly in water and has a high chlorine content to destroy pathogens.
Since our pool is indoors, we won’t have to worry about sunlight breaking down the
microbe-destroying hypochlorous acid, a product of trichlor.
We will encourage students to use bathrooms and require that students use the shower
before entering the pool, to prevent the formation of chloramines, the products of
chlorine reacting with urine and sweat.
We do not have a hot spa, so chlorine-producing compounds will be more effective
against pathogens than those of bromine.
Since we fill our pool primarily with well water, we need to treat the water with UV
radiation before it enters the pool, in order to kill chlorine-resistant pathogens like
UV radiation also degrades trichloramine present in the well water. This is important for
me, since I am already an asthmatic.
The UV disinfectant chamber must be sealed so that water is disinfected before it enters
the pool, and swimmers aren’t affected by direct exposure to a high concentration of UV
Although the pH of our well water fluctuates, this is not a huge problem because, despite
the changes in HOCl concentration and its ability to kill pathogens due to changes in pH,
UV disinfection will still be effective because UV radiation’s ability to kill pathogens is
independent of the pH of the water.
Standards and Vocabulary
Links to Common Core Standards for Reading:
ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of
science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or
ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.5: Analyze the structure of the relationships among
concepts in a text, including relationships among key terms (e.g., force, friction,
reaction force, energy).
ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of
science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes
and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.
ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.4: Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and
other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific
or technical context relevant to grades 11-12 texts and topics.
Vocabulary and concepts that are reinforced in the April 2016 issue:
Structural formulas
Hydrogen bonding
Environmental impacts of personal and societal decisions
Periodic properties
Nuclear chemistry
Green chemistry
Consider asking students to read “Open for Discussion: Paper vs. Pixel” on page 4 of
the magazine before or after they read “Celebrating Paper!” to help them understand the
complexity of making decisions about whether to use paper or electronic versions of
paper products such as e-textbooks.
The theme of Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) this year is “The Chemistry of
Paper,” so you and your students can check out some of the activities that can be found
at the website found on the back cover of the magazine.
The engaging video “Is it OK to pee in the pool?” (see p. 18 of the magazine), produced
by ACS, has excellent chemistry information.
To help students engage with the text, ask students which article engaged them most
and why, or what questions they still have about the articles, and what they would like
to explore further.
Ask students if they have questions about some of the issues discussed in the articles.
About the Guide
Teacher’s Guide team leader William Bleam and editors Pamela Diaz, Steven Long, and
Barbara Sitzman created the Teacher’s Guide article material.
E-mail: [email protected]
Christine Suh, ChemMatters editor, coordinated the production of the Guide. Lis Gallegos,
ChemMatters editorial assistant, combined the Teacher’s Guides materials.
E-mail: [email protected]
Articles from past issues of ChemMatters and related Teacher’s Guides can be accessed from a
DVD that is available from the American Chemical Society for $42 or $135 for a site license.
The DVD contains the entire 30-year publication of ChemMatters issues, from February 1983 to
April 2013, along with all the related Teacher’s Guides since they were first created with the
February 1990 issue of ChemMatters.
The DVD also includes Article, Title, and Keyword Indexes that cover all issues from February
1983 to April 2013. A search function (similar to a Google search of keywords) is also available
on the DVD.
The ChemMatters DVD can be purchased by calling 1-800-227-5558. Purchase information can
also be found online at http://tinyurl.com/o37s9x2.