Financial Inclusion Principles
Financial Inclusion Principles
Financial Inclusion Principles
Innovative financial inclusion means improving access to financial services for poor people
through the safe and sound spread of new approaches. The following principles aim to help
create an enabling policy and regulatory environment for innovative financial inclusion. The
enabling environment will critically determine the speed at which the financial services access
gap will close for the more than two billion people currently excluded. These principles for
innovative financial inclusion derive from the experiences and lessons learned from policymakers
throughout the world, especially leaders from developing countries.
2. Diversity: Implement policy approaches that promote competition and provide market-
based incentives for delivery of sustainable financial access and usage of a broad range of
affordable services (savings, credit, payments and transfers, insurance) as well as a
diversity of service providers.
7. Knowledge: Utilize improved data to make evidence based policy, measure progress,
and consider an incremental “test and learn” approach acceptable to both regulator and
service provider.
8. Proportionality: Build a policy and regulatory framework that is proportionate with the
risks and benefits involved in such innovative products and services and is based on an
understanding of the gaps and barriers in existing regulation.
These principles are a reflection of the conditions conducive to spurring innovation for financial
inclusion while protecting financial stability and consumers. They are not a rigid set of
requirements but are designed to help guide policymakers in the decision making process. They
are flexible enough so they can be adapted to different country contexts.