Rof For Wimax
Rof For Wimax
Rof For Wimax
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 56 2009
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 56 2009
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 56 2009
The laser and photodiode are modeled using (1) and (2),
respectively. The parameters and configurations of the IEEE 0.01
802.16a physical layer that are used for the simulation, are
listed in Table I.
Parameter/Configuration Value 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Channel bandwidth 3.5 MHz Signal to Noise Ratio [dB]
Number of OFDM symbols per burst 2
Cyclix prefix factor 1/8 Fig. 5 Bit error rate Vs signal to noise ratio with 64 QAM modulation
Forward error correction code Convolutional and ¾ coding without transmission diversity
at rates ½ and ¾
Modulation QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM
OFDM 192 sub carriers, 8 pilots, and VIII. CONCLUSION
256 point FFT Objective of this study was to investigate RoF technology
Space time block coding Alamouti’s scheme
Channel AWGN
for the transmission of WiMAX signals to the RAUs and
hence to suggest feasible RoF deployment scenarios to reduce
Fading Rayleigh
the capital and operational expenses of the service providers.
After detailed study, some factors responsible for increasing
Fig. 4 show the simulation results for bit error rate Vs the cost such as installation of large number of BSs, loss in
different SNR values. Result for 64-QAM with ¾ coding rate electrical cables, climate control in BSs etc. are identified. In
is shown here only. Transmit diversity was also provided. It is order to solve these problems, RoF can be a promising
seen from the figure that BER is decreased with increasing the technology. With the concept of BS hostelling and indoor
SNR. At SNR value of 21, BER is found to be 6.018 ×10 −5 . WiMAX cells, RoF can be a cost efficient enabling technology
BER Vs SNR results for 64-QAM and ¾ coding rate and for WiMAX broadband service.
without transmit diversity are show in Fig. 5. Here, similar
behavior is obtained as before. However, BER performance is ACKNOWLEDGMENT
found to be better in case of transmit diversity is added. These This work was supported by the Basic Science Program
results imply that RoF can be a successful enabling technology [R01-2008-20570-0] of Korea Science & Engineering
for transmitting WiMAX data. Foundation.
[1] I. Harjula, A. Ramirez, F. Martizez, D. Zorrilla, M. Katz, and V. Polo,
“Practical issues in the combining of MIMO techniques and RoF in
OFDM/A systems.” in Proc. 7th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Electron,
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 56 2009