Simulation of Physical Layer of Wimax Network Using Opnet Modeller
Simulation of Physical Layer of Wimax Network Using Opnet Modeller
Simulation of Physical Layer of Wimax Network Using Opnet Modeller
Abstract—Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access 3G (Third Generation) communication protocol that supports
(WiMAX) standard is based on the IEEE 802.16-2005. It high data transfer speed and capacity [4], [5].
provides wireless broadband to fixed and mobile terminals. The WiMAX is based on Wireless Metropolitan Area Network
(WMAN). IEEE 802.16 group developed WMAN and it is
demand for broadband wireless services is increasing day by day.
WiMAX provides wireless broadband to fixed and mobile adopted by ETSI (European Telecommunication Standard
terminals. It is one of the latest developments and considered as a
Institute) in HiperMAN group i.e. High Performance Radio
4G (Fourth Generation) technology. It is based on Wireless Metropolitan Area Network [2]. Although the work on IEEE
Metropolitan Area Networking (WMAN). In this paper, firstly
standard started in 1999, it was only during 2003 that the
delay, load and Throughput is discussed. Then performance
analysis of physical layer of WiMAX system for uplink/ downlinkstandard received wide attention when the IEEE 802.16a
on the basis of BER and SNR is given. standard was ratified in January.
WiMAX can be classified into Fixed WiMAX [6]
Keywords— WiMAX, OFDM, OPNET, BER, Throughput. and Mobile WiMAX. Fixed WiMAX is based upon Line Of
Sight (LOS) condition in the frequency range of 10-66GHz
I. INTRODUCTION whereas Mobile WiMAX is based upon Non-Line of Sight
Wimax stands for Worldwide Interoperability for (NLOS) condition that works in 2-11 GHz frequency range
[7]. For 802.16e standard, MAC layer & PHY layer has been
Microwave Access formed by WiMAX forum in 2001. It
defined, but in this paper, emphasis is given only on the PHY
provides wireless broadband to fixed and mobile terminals in layer. PHY layer for mobile WiMAX which is IEEE-802.16e
a large geographical area. The 2005 version of WiMAX
standard [8] has scalable FFT size i.e. 128-2048 point FFT
provides data rate up to 40Mbits/s and 2011 version can
with OFDMA, Range varies from 1.6 to 5 Km at 5Mbps in
support data rate up to 1 Gbit/s for fixed stations [1]. WiMAX
5MHz channel BW, supporting 100Km/hr speed.
system uses OFDM in the physical layer. OFDM is based on
Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) technology has also
the adaptive modulation technique in non-line-of-sight (NLOS)
been renowned as an important technique for achieving an
environments. Base stations of WiMAX can provide
increase in the overall capacity of wireless communication
communication without the need of line-of-sight (LOS)
systems. In this multiple antennas are employed at the
connection. WiMAX base station has enough available
transmitter side as well as the receiver side [8]. One can
bandwidth so at a time it can serve number of subscribers and
achieve spatial multiplexing gain in MIMO systems realized
also cover large area range. WiMAX standard have two
by transmitting independent information from the individual
versions: IEEE 802.16-2004 and IEEE 802.16d. It supports antennas, and interference reduction. The enormous values of
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) in
the spatial multiplexing or capacity gain achieved by MIMO
physical layer. It provides wireless DSL technology where
spatial multiplexing technique had a major impact on the
broadband cables are not available. WiMAX standard 802.16e
introduction of MIMO technology in wireless communication
uses (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access)
systems [9]. This paper is organized as follows. Simulation
OFDMA technique. It provides support for nomadic and
model of network using OPNET modeller is given in section
mobility services so it also known as mobile II. Section III gives the simulation results. Conclusion is given
WiMAX [2]. in section IV.
In this paper performance analysis of physical layer of
WiMAX system using OPNET modeller 14.5 is done. Firstly,
delay, load and throughput for all adaptive modulation
techniques are discussed. Then performance of physical layer
of WiMAX system is evaluated on the basis of uplink
/downlink BER and SNR
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[6] IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan
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[7] IEEE 802.16 WG,”IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area
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[8] IEEE 802.16WG,”IEEE standard for local and metropolitan area
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Fig. 8 Comparison of WiMAX PHY uplink SNR (dB)