Form 1243i Your Personal Identifying Information
Form 1243i Your Personal Identifying Information
Form 1243i Your Personal Identifying Information
This information form explains the authority of the Department How will the department obtain your personal identifier?
of Immigration and Border Protection (the department) to
Biometric information (personal identifiers) may be collected
collect your personal identifiers. It outlines why a personal
and/or verified from individuals:
identifier can be collected, how it may be collected, how it may
be used, how it is protected and how it may be disclosed. This • at airports when traveling;
information form should be read in conjunction with form 1442i • who are visa applicants, including protection visa applicants;
Privacy notice for general information on the collection, use
and disclosure of personal information more broadly. • who are immigration detainees;
The department has authority under the Migration Act 1958 • who are Australian citizenship applicants.
(the Migration Act) to collect a range of personal identifiers For more information on the department’s biometric initiatives,
from citizens and non-citizens, including citizens and non- refer to Fact sheet Biometric Initiatives, which is available from
citizens entering and departing Australia, visa applicants and the department’s website
other non-citizens in the Australian community and persons in
immigration detention. sheets/84biometric
The department also has the authority under the Australian Photos and signatures will continue to be the main personal
Citizenship Act 2007 (the Australian Citizenship Act) to collect identifiers collected from most visa applicants, who will
a range of personal identifiers from persons applying for generally be able to provide these personal identifiers to the
Australian citizenship and evidence of Australian citizenship, department by attaching a photograph to the visa application
seeking renunciation of their Australian citizenship, and for form and signing it. For some visa applications no personal
persons sitting the citizenship test. identifiers will be required, while from some non-citizens
additional personal identifiers may be required.
What personal identifiers can the department require? All citizenship applications will continue to request photographs
Under the Migration Act, a citizen or a non-citizen may be and signatures as the main types of personal identifiers.
required to provide the department with personal identifiers. Citizenship applicants will generally be able to provide these
personal identifiers to the department by attaching an endorsed
Under the Australian Citizenship Act, a person seeking to sit the photograph to the application, and then signing the application.
citizenship test must provide a photograph to the department
or allow a photograph to be taken of them.
Why does the department collect personal identifiers?
Otherwise under the Australian Citizenship Act, a person is not
obliged to provide a personal identifier to the department The department has authority under the Migration Act and the
following a request for one. However, the information from a Migration Regulations 1994 to collect personal identifiers for
personal identifier can be used by the Minister to make a the following reasons:
decision about a person’s identity. The Minister must not • identification and authentication of identity;
approve a person becoming an Australian citizen unless the • improving the integrity of Australia’s entry programs,
Minister is satisfied of the person’s identity. If an applicant fails including passenger processing at Australia’s border;
to provide the personal identifiers requested, the Minister may
not be able to be satisfied of the applicant’s identity. • facilitating a visa-holder’s access to their rights under the
Migration Act or the regulations;
For the purposes of the Migration Act and the Australian
Citizenship Act, a ‘personal identifier’ is defined to mean any of • improving the department’s procedures for determining visa
the following (including any of the following in digital form): applications and protection claims;
• fingerprints or handprints of a person (including those taken • enhancing the department’s ability to identify non-Australian
using paper and ink or digital live scanning technologies); citizens who have a criminal history or who are of national
security or character concern;
• a measurement of a person’s height and weight;
• combating identity and document fraud in immigration
• a photograph or other image of a person’s face and matters;
• detecting forum shopping by applicants for visas;
• an audio or a video recording of a person (Migration Act
only); • ascertaining whether protection visa applicants or offshore
entry persons making claims for protection have had
• an iris scan; sufficient opportunity to avail themselves of protection before
• a person’s signature; arriving in Australia;
• any other identifier prescribed by the Migration Regulations • to assist in determining whether a person is an unlawful non-
1994 or the Australian Citizenship Regulations 2007 citizen or a lawful non-citizen;
(whichever is relevant), other than an identifier the obtaining • complementing anti-people smuggling measures;
of which would involve the carrying out of an intimate
forensic procedure within the meaning of section 23WA of • satisfying home governments of the identity of removees and
the Crimes Act 1914 (provided it meets the description of an deportees.
image, measurement or recording of an external part of the