Horizontal and Vertical Line-Shaft Pumps: AWWA Standard
Horizontal and Vertical Line-Shaft Pumps: AWWA Standard
Horizontal and Vertical Line-Shaft Pumps: AWWA Standard
(First Edition)
AWWA Standard
CAUTION NOTICE: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approval date on the front cover of this standard indicates comple-
tion of the ANSI approval process. This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. ANSI procedures
require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of publication.
Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American
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Horton Wasserman, Chairman
James I. Hurst, Secretary
Producer Members
* Liaison, nonvoting
Copyright © 2008 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2008 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.
A.2 Separately Coupled, Single-Stage, E.3 Friction Loss for Standard Pipe
I. Introduction.
I.A. Background. In 1994, AWWA’s Standards Council approved development
of a new standard for Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps. The new standard was assigned
to AWWA Standards Committee 276 for Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps. Upon review
of pump standards development in 1996, AWWA’s Standards Council modified the
development process to include two new pump standards to replace ANSI/AWWA
E101-88, Standard for Vertical Turbine Pumps—Line Shaft and Submersible Types.
As part of this action, two committees were renamed. AWWA Standards Committee
276 for Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps was changed to AWWA Standards Committee
276 for Horizontal and Vertical Line Shaft Pumps. Committee 276 was charged with
development of ANSI/AWWA E103, Standard for Horizontal and Vertical Line Shaft
Pumps. AWWA Standards Committee 375 for Vertical Turbine Pumps was changed to
AWWA Standards Committee 375 for Submersible Vertical Turbine Pumps. Committee
375 was charged with development of ANSI/AWWA E102, Standard for Submersible
Vertical Turbine Pumps. During development of these two replacement standards,
ANSI/AWWA E101-88 was withdrawn effective June 2000. This first edition of E103
was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on June 24, 2007.
I.B. History. The original standard for vertical line shaft turbine pumps
presented the composite findings from studies conducted from 1949 to 1986 by
committees consisting of manufacturers, consumers, and engineers. The first standard
was published in 1955. In 1961, the standard was revised to include standards for
submersible vertical turbine pumps. Additional technical changes were added in the
1971 revision. Solid shaft motors were added in the 1977 revision, together with
numerous editorial changes and conversions to the international system of units. The
1977 standard was reaffirmed in 1982 without revision. Additional revisions were
made in 1988. E101-88 was withdrawn in 2000.
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF
International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a
certification program for direct and indirect drinking water additives. Other members
of the original consortium included the American Water Works Association Research
Foundation (AwwaRF) and the Conference of State Health and Environmental
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Managers (COSHEM). The American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the
Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) joined later.
In the United States, authority to regulate products for use in, or in contact with,
drinking water rests with individual states.* Local agencies may choose to impose
requirements more stringent than those required by the state. To evaluate the health
effects of products and drinking water additives from such products, state and local
agencies may use various references, including
1. An advisory program formerly administered by USEPA, Office of Drinking
Water, discontinued on Apr. 7, 1990.
2. Specific policies of the state or local agency.
3. Two standards developed under the direction of NSF,† NSF/ANSI‡ 60,
Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals—Health Effects, and NSF/ANSI 61, Drinking
Water System Components—Health Effects.
4. Other references, including AWWA standards, Food Chemicals Codex, Water
Chemicals Codex,§ and other standards considered appropriate by the state or local
Various certification organizations may be involved in certifying products in
accordance with NSF/ANSI 61. Individual states or local agencies that have authority
to accept or accredit organizations may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Annex A, “Toxicology Review and Evaluation Procedures,” to NSF/ANSI 61 does
not stipulate a maximum allowable level (MAL) of a contaminant for substances not
regulated by a USEPA final maximum contaminant level (MCL). The MALs of an
unspecified list of “unregulated contaminants” are based on toxicity testing guidelines
(noncarcinogens) and risk characterization methodology (carcinogens). Use of Annex A
procedures may not always be identical, depending on the certifier.
ANSI/AWWA E103 does not address additive requirements. Thus, users of this
standard should consult the appropriate state or local agency having jurisdiction in
order to
1. Determine additives requirements, including applicable standards.
2. Determine the status of certifications by parties offering to certify products
for contact with drinking water.
* Persons outside the United States should contact the appropriate authority having jurisdiction.
† NSF International. 789 North Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
‡ American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY
§ Both publications available from National Academy of Sciences, 500 Fifth Street, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20001.
engines, gear drives, etc.). Driver torque characteristics must be suitable for the pump
torque requirements and the pump starting and stopping method. Driver requirements
should be provided by the purchaser.
II.A.5 Driver mounting and compatibility. Drivers are an integral part of a
pumping unit. Drivers affect pump-to-driver coupling requirements, motor stands
(vertical turbine pumps), base plates (horizontal pumps), shaft seals, and vibration levels.
Bearings in drivers that support rotating elements of the pump must be designed for static
and dynamic thrust loads. This standard does not require the pump manufacturer to
furnish the driver nor to mount the driver to the pump. If this is a concern, requirements
for furnishing or mounting the driver should be provided by the purchaser.
should identify special requirements and deviations from this standard, and include
appropriate language in purchase documents. (For example, Sec. of this
standard requires vertical pump suction cases and bells to have grease-packed CA
[bronze] bearings. If other types of bearings are required, this should be stated in the
purchase documents.)
II.B.1 Materials. Materials required by this standard are selected based on
suitability for operation with water as described in the scope. Selection is based on
successful experience in the waterworks industry.
II.B.1.1 Treatment chemicals. The potential for corrosion because of chemicals
added to the water should be considered. Materials, including some bronzes and rubber
compounds exposed to water containing chlorine, chloramines, or other chemicals,
may not be suitable. If such problems are anticipated, the purchaser should identify
the maximum expected concentrations of these chemicals and other factors, such as
pH and temperature ranges, that may affect the corrosivity of these chemicals. The
purchaser should consult with the manufacturers and, if appropriate, specify special
requirements for these materials.
II.B.1.2 Disinfection chemicals. Pumps are often disinfected prior to being
placed in service initially or after a repair. During the disinfection process, wetted
surfaces are exposed to liquids far more corrosive than that allowed by the scope of
from an external source during the startup period.
III.A.1.8.e Specify cooling and lubricating water arrangement and
III.A.2 Materials.
III.A.2.1 Drinking Water Requirements. Refer to Sec. 4.1. The purchaser should
state whether compliance with NSF/ANSI 61, Drinking Water System Components—
Health Effects is required, in addition to the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water
Act. If this certification is required, the purchaser should note, “This product shall
be certified as suitable for contact with drinking water by an accredited certification
organization in accordance with NSF/ANSI 61, Drinking Water System Components—
Health Effects.” Note that if the purchaser specifies a wetted component that was not
part of the tested and certified product, the certification may not be valid.
Purchasers should be aware that the availability of NSF/ANSI 61-certified pumps
is very limited, and this requirement may limit competition and add to the cost and
delivery time of the pumps. Purchasers should also be aware that some states will allow
installation of noncertified pumps, based on submittal and acceptance of materials
used to construct the pump, especially if suitable certified pumps are not available.
III.A.2.2 Alternative Materials. Purchasers may specify alternative materials or
limit manufacturer’s choices of materials listed in this standard. For example, this
standard lists silicon bronze, aluminum bronze, and stainless steel as impeller materials.
Silicon bronze may not be suitable if the water contains a significant concentration of
chlorine or chloramine. Aluminum bronze and stainless steel components may be more
costly and difficult to fabricate then silicon bronze components. Purchasers should be
AWWA Standard
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limited to the pressure rating for the ANSI/AWWA C207 class of flange shown for
the pump types described below.
1. For horizontal pumps:
–Discharge 42 in. (1,067 mm) and larger: Class E (275 psig,
1,900 kPa).
–Discharge smaller than 42 in.: Class F (300 psig, 2,100 kPa).
2. For vertical line-shaft pumps: Class F (300 psig, 2,100 kPa). Maximum steady-state suction pressure ratings.
1. For horizontal pumps: 50 psig (340 kPa).
2. For vertical line-shaft pumps: 100 psig (700 kPa).
1.1.3 Pump types included in this standard. Horizontal pumps. Refer to Hydraulic Institute (HI) Standard
ANSI/HI 1.1–1.2 for a description of types:
1. Separately coupled, single-stage, inline, flexible coupling.
2. Separately coupled, single-stage, inline, rigid coupling.
3. Separately coupled, single-stage, end suction.
4. Separately coupled, single-stage, horizontal, axial or mixed flow.
5. Single-stage, horizontal, double- or single-suction split case.
6. Vertically mounted, horizontal, double- or single-suction split case. Vertical pumps. Refer to ANSI/HI 2.1–2.2 for a description of types:
1. Barrel (can) pump with suction nozzle in discharge head or in
2. Deep well.
3. Wet pit with above- or below-floor discharge.
1.1.4 Drivers. This standard does not include drivers.
1.1.5 Conditions not covered by this standard.
1. Conditions resulting from water hammer, cavitation, and hydraulic
2. Excessive installed operating noise and vibrations, which may re-
quire special design, construction, and installation.
Sec. 1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to provide minimum requirements for water
system pumps of the types identified in Sec. 1.1.
Sec. 1.3 Application
This standard can be referenced by the purchaser for pumps described in
Sec. 1.1.
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
† Hydraulic Institute, 9 Sylvan Way, Parsippany NJ, 07054. (www.pumps.org)
‡ ASME International, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016.
§ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
ft (m).
3. Best efficiency point (BEP): The rate of flow and corresponding head
condition at which maximum pump efficiency is achieved.
4. Bowl assembly efficiency (ηba ): This is the efficiency obtained from
the bowl assembly, excluding hydraulic and mechanical losses within other pump
5. Bowl assembly input power (Pba ): The power delivered to the bowl
assembly shaft, expressed in hp (kW).
6. Condition point, normal: The point at which the pump will nor-
mally operate. It may be the same as the rated condition point.
7. Condition point, rated: The rate of flow, head, net positive suction
head required (NPSHR), and speed of the pump, as specified by the purchaser.
8. Condition point, specified: Synonymous with rated condition point.
9. Cosmetic defect: A blemish that has no effect on the ability of the
component to meet the structural design and test requirements of this standard.
Should the blemish or the activity of plugging, welding, grinding, or repairing of
the blemish cause the component to fail these requirements, the blemish shall be
considered a structural defect.
10. Datum: A horizontal plane that serves as the reference for head
measurements taken during test. Vertical pumps are usually tested in an open pit
with the suction flooded. The datum is then the eye of the first stage impeller.
Optional tests can be performed with the pump mounted in a suction can.
Irrespective of pump mounting, the pump’s datum is maintained at the eye of the
first stage impeller.
For horizontal pump units, the pump’s datum shall be referenced from the
centerline of the shaft. For vertical double-suction pumps, the pump’s datum shall
be referenced from the center of the first/lowest impeller.
11. Electric motor input power (Pmot ): The electrical input power to the
motor, expressed in hp (kW).
12. Elevation head (Z): The potential energy of the liquid because of
its elevation relative to datum level, measured to the center of the pressure gauge
or liquid level.
13. Field test pressure: The maximum static test pressure used for leak
testing a closed pumping system in the field if the pumps are not isolated. Gener-
ally 125 percent of the maximum allowable casing working pressure. Where me-
chanical seals are used, this pressure may be limited by the pressure-containing
capabilities of the seal.
Note: See definition for maximum allowable casing working pressure. Con-
sideration may limit the field-test pressure of the pump to 125 percent of the maxi-
mum allowable casing working pressure on the suction side of double-casing can-
type pumps and certain other pump types.
14. Friction head (hf ): The hydraulic energy required to overcome fric-
tional resistance of a piping system to liquid flow, expressed in ft (m).
15. Gauge head (hg ): The energy of the liquid because of its pressure
relative to atmospheric pressure, as determined by a pressure gauge or other pressure-
measuring device. Gauge head is positive when the reading is above atmospheric
pressure and negative when below. Gauge head is measured in ft (m).
16. Head (h): The expression of the energy content of the liquid re-
ferred to any arbitrary datum. It is expressed in units of energy per unit weight of
liquid. The measuring unit for head is ft (m) of liquid.
17. Manufacturer: The party that manufactures, fabricates, or produces
materials or products.
18. Maximum allowable casing working pressure: The highest pressure
at the specified pumping temperature for which the pump casing is designed. This
pressure shall be equal to or greater than the maximum discharge pressure. In the
case of double-casing can pumps, the maximum allowable casing working pressure
on the suction side may be different from that on the discharge side. Maximum
allowable casing working pressure is expressed in psi (kPa).
19. Maximum discharge pressure: The highest discharge pressure to
which the pump will be subjected during operation, which is expressed in psi
20. Maximum suction pressure: The highest suction pressure to which
the pump will be subjected during operation.
21. Net positive suction head available (NPSHA): The total suction head
in ft (m) of water absolute, determined at the first-stage impeller datum, less the
absolute vapor pressure of the water in ft (m):
22. Net positive suction head required (NPSHR): The percent loss in
total head to the first stage of the pump at a specific rate of flow.
23. Overall efficiency (hOA ): Also referred to as wire-to-water efficiency,
this is the ratio of the power imparted to the liquid (Pw ) by the pump to the power
supplied to the motor (Pmot ); that is, the ratio of the water horsepower to the power
input to the motor, expressed in percent.
24. Pump efficiency (hp): The ratio of the pump output power (Pw ) to
the pump input power (Pp ); that is, the ratio of the water horsepower to the brake
horsepower, expressed in percent.
25. Pump input power (Pp ): The power needed to drive the complete
pump assembly, including bowl assembly input power, line-shaft power loss, stuff-
ing box loss, and thrust-bearing loss. With pumps that have built-in thrust bearing,
the power delivered to the pump shaft coupling is equal to the pump input power.
With pumps that rely on the driver thrust-bearing, the thrust bearing loss shall be
added to the power delivered to the pump shaft. It is also called brake horsepower
(bhp). Pump input power is expressed in hp (kW).
26. Pump output power (Pw ): The power imparted to the liquid by the
pump. It is also called water horsepower, and is expressed in hp (kW).
27. Pump total discharge head (hd ): The sum of the discharge gauge
head (hgd) measured after the discharge elbow, plus the velocity head (hvd) at the
point of gauge attachment, plus the elevation (Zd ) from the discharge gauge center-
line to the pump datum. Pump total discharge head is measured in ft (m).
28. Pump total head (H): The measure of energy increase per unit
weight of the liquid, imparted to the liquid by the pump, expressed as the differ-
ence between the total discharge head and the total suction head.
Total head is normally specified for pumping applications, since the complete
characteristics of a system determine the total head required.
29. Purchaser: The person, company, or organization that purchases
products, materials, or work to be performed.
30. Rate of flow (capacity) (Q ): The total volume throughput per unit
of time at the suction inlet. It includes both water and any dissolved or entrained
gases existing at the stated operating conditions. Rate of flow is measured in gpm
31. Shutoff: The condition of zero flow when no water is flowing from
the pump during pump operation.
32. Single-plane balancing (also called static balancing): Correction of
residual imbalance to a specified maximum limit by removing or adding weight
in one correction plane only. Can be accomplished statically using balance rails or
by spinning.
33. Speed (n): The number of revolutions of the shaft in a given unit of
time. Speed is expressed as rpm.
34. Static suction lift (ls ): A hydraulic pressure below atmospheric at
the intake port of the pump, expressed in ft (m).
35. Structural defect: A flaw that causes the component to fail the struc-
tural design or test requirements of this standard. This includes, but is not limited
to, imperfections that result in leakage through the walls of a casting, and failure
to meet the minimum wall-thickness requirement.
36. Submerged suction: When the centerline of the pump inlet is below
the level of the liquid in the supply source.
37. Total suction head (hs ), closed suction: For closed suction installa-
tions, the pump suction nozzle may be located either above or below water level.
The total suction head (hs ), referred to the eye of the first-stage impeller, is
the algebraic sum of the suction gauge head (hgs ), plus the velocity head (hvs ) at
point of gauge attachment, plus the elevation (Zs ) from the suction gauge center-
line (or manometer zero) to the pump datum:
The elevation (Zs ) is positive when the suction gauge is located above the
datum and negative when below.
38. Total suction head (hs ), open suction: For open suction (wet pit) in-
stallations, the first-stage impeller of the bowl assembly is submerged in a pit. The
submergence in ft (m) of water (Zw ). Total suction head is measured in ft (m). The
average velocity head of the flow in the pit is small enough to be neglected:
hs = Zw (Eq 6)
Zw = Vertical distance in ft (m) from free water surface to
v = rate of flow divided by the cross-section area at the point of
gauge connection. Average velocity is expressed in ft/sec
g = 32.2 ft/sec2 (9.81 m/sec2).
41. Vertical pump bowl assembly total head (Hba ): The sum of gauge
head (hgd) measured at a gauge connection located on the column pipe downstream
from the bowl assembly, plus the velocity head (hv ) at point of gauge connection,
plus the vertical distance (Zd ) from datum to the pressure gauge centerline, minus
the submergence Zw, which is the vertical distance from datum to the water level,
plus the friction loss between the bowl exit and point of gauge connection and
in the suction pipe and strainer, if used (hf ). These friction losses are usually very
small. Bowl assembly total head is measured in ft (m).
42. Working pressure (pd ): The maximum discharge pressure that oc-
curs in the pump when it is operated at rated speed and suction pressure for the
given application. Working pressure is expressed in psi (kPa).
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10 AWWA E103-07
surfaces, and the exterior surfaces of pumps or pump components (usually vertical
pump columns) immersed in water.
4.1.3 Pump components. Part names, item numbers, and definitions shown
on Tables 1 through 3 are copied from ANSI/HI 1.1–1.2, Horizontal Pumps, and
ANSI/HI 2.1–2.2, Vertical Pumps. Item numbers refer to pump component lo-
cations as shown on drawings located in the referenced ANSI/HI standards and
shown in appendix A. If a component does not have an item number, it is defined
in this standard and not the ANSI/HI standard. Materials listed are requirements
for pumps meeting this standard. If no material is listed, manufacturers may pro-
vide their standard material, unless requirements are described in subsequent sec-
tions of this standard or in the purchaser’s documents.
The following are abbreviations used in the tables and elsewhere in this
CRM: corrosion-resistant material.
CA: copper alloy.
Additional requirements for materials are also defined in Sec. 4.1.4. Alternative materials. Materials shown in Tables 1 through 3 are
suitable for most applications with water meeting the conditions described in
Sec. 1.1.1. However, materials shown may not be appropriate for all applications,
water quality, and jurisdictions.
1. Cost. Water may not be as aggressive as described in Sec. 1.1.1, or
a long service life may not be required. In this case, lower-cost materials such as
cast- or ductile-iron impellers may be appropriate.
2. Water quality. Some waters promote dealloying corrosion of some cop-
per alloys in the form of dezincification or dealuminization, particularly when the ma-
terial is exposed to water at high velocity. In this case, appropriate copper alloys, cast
iron, ductile iron, or stainless steel may be required instead of the listed materials.
3. Regulatory requirements. Materials selected for components shown
in Tables 1 through 3, which are in contact with the pumped fluid, do not have a
lead content in excess of 1 percent except for bearings, which may contain as much
as 8 percent. Specific materials or alternative materials may be required to meet
Housing, bearing 99 A body in which the bearing is mounted.
Journal, thrust- A removable cylindrical piece mounted on the shaft and which
bearing turns in the bearing. It may have an integral thrust collar.
A parallel-sided piece used for preventing the bearing journal
Key, bearing journal 76
from rotating relative to the shaft.
A parallel-sided piece used to prevent the shaft from turning in
Key, coupling 46
a coupling half.
Locknut, bearing 22 A fastener that positions an anti-friction bearing on the shaft.
Locknut, coupling 50 A fastener holding a coupling half in position on a tapered shaft.
Lockwasher 69 A device to prevent loosening of a nut.
Nut, impeller 24 A threaded piece used to fasten the impeller on the shaft.
A threaded piece for altering the axial position of the rotating
Nut, shaft-adjusting 66
Nut, shaft sleeve 20 A threaded piece used to locate the shaft sleeve on the shaft.
Retainer, grease 51 A contact seal or cover to retain grease.
Ring, balancing 115 The stationary number of a hydraulic balancing device.
A stationary replaceable ring to protect the casing at the running
Ring, casing 7
fit with the impeller ring or the impeller.
A device to prevent the flow of a liquid or gas into or out of a
Seal 89
The cylindrical member on which the impeller is mounted and
Shaft 6
through which power is transmitted to the impeller.
A piece of material that is placed between two members to
Shim 67
adjust their position.
A cylindrical piece fitted over the shaft to protect the shaft
Sleeve, shaft 14 through the stuffing box, and which may also serve to locate
the impeller on the shaft.
(Part name, item number, and definition courtesy of Hydraulic Institute)
Head, surface A support for driver and pump column, and a means by which Cast Iron
discharge the liquid leaves the pump. Steel 4
Lubricator 77 A device for applying a lubricant to the point of use.
A threaded piece for altering the axial position of the rotating
Nut, shaft-adjusting 66 Steel 4
Ductile Iron
Nut, tube 183 A device for sealing and locking the shaft-enclosing tube. Cast Iron
Cast Iron
Pedestal, driver 81 A metal support for the driver of a vertical pump.
Steel 4
Pipe, column 101 A vertical pipe by which the pumping element is suspended. Steel 2
Pipe, suction 211 A device for conveying the liquid to the pump’s suction. Steel 2
Cast Iron
Plate, tension, tube 185 A device for maintaining tension on shaft-enclosing tube.
CA 4
(Part name, item number, and definition courtesy of Hydraulic Institute)
Table 4. Materials
Material Type ASTM Designation
Cast Iron ASTM A48, Class 30
Copper Alloy Type 1 (aluminum bronze) ASTM B148 or 505 alloys 952, 953, 954, 955 956, or 958
Type 2 (silicon bronze) ASTM B584 alloy 876
Type 3 ASTM B505, B584 alloy 903, 907
Type 4 Alloys listed for “Type 3,” plus alloys 836, 838, 844, 932
Type 5 (for fasteners) ASTM B16
Ductile Iron ASTM A536 Gr. 65-45-12
Malleable Iron ASTM A47
Steel Type 1 ASTM A108, Gr. 1045
Type 2 ASTM A53 Gr. A, A120
Type 3 ASTM A108 Gr. 213, 1113, 1144, 1020
Type 4 ASTM A36, A283
Type 5 (for fasteners) ASTM A307
Stainless Steel Type 1 ASTM A276, Type 304, ASTM A351, Type CF3
Type 2 ASTM A276, Type 316, ASTM A351, Type CF8
Type 3 ASTM A276, Type 410
Type 4 ASTM A582, Type 416
Type 5 (for fasteners) ASTM A193 (or A194), Gr. 8 (304 SS), ASTM F593 (31655)
Type 6 (for fasteners) ASTM A193 (or A194), Gr. 8M (316 SS), ASTM F593 (31655)
Mold parting fins and remains of gates and risers shall be chipped, filed, or ground
flush. The finish on casting surfaces located in water passages shall be free of slags,
burrs, sharp edges and other defects, which reduce efficiency or render the surface
unsuitable for required coatings. Flanges. Suction and discharge nozzles shall be supplied with flange di-
mensions conforming to ASME B16.1 Class 125 cast iron, including bolt circle,
number, and size of bolt holes.
Flanges shall be flat-faced with the minimum thickness and diameter speci-
fied in ANSI Class 125.
Flanges 12 in. (305 mm) and smaller subject to a pressure exceeding 200
psig (1,400 kPa), and flanges larger than 14 in. (360 mm) subject to a pressure
exceeding 150 psig (1,030 kPa), shall conform to ASME B16.1, Class 250 cast iron
dimensions. Steel flanges for suction and discharge nozzles shall conform to
ANSI/AWWA C207. Flange class shall be suitable for continuous service at the
maximum required pressure rating. Impellers. Impellers shall be cast in one piece. Impellers having lengths greater than half of the outside diam-
eters shall receive a dynamic balance to Grade G6.3 of ISO 1940 as a minimum.
Impellers having lengths equal to or less than half of the outside diameters shall
receive a static balance to Grade G6.3 of ISO 1940 as a minimum. Enclosed impellers shall have radial wear surfaces on the front
(eye-side) and, when balance holes are provided, on the back (hub-side) as well.
Enclosed impellers larger than 10 in. (250 mm) in diameter shall have replaceable
wear rings at wear surfaces or shall be designed to be machined to allow future ring
installation. Hardness of the impeller or impeller wear rings shall be a minimum
of 50 BHN (Brinell Harness Number) less than that of the casing or casing wear
rings, unless nongalling metals or galling clearances are used. Stuffing box. The stuffing box shall accommodate five rings of packing, sized
from ³⁄ in. (9.5 mm) to ¹⁄7 in. (3.6 mm) of the shaft diameter, including any sleeve,
plus a lantern ring or a mechanical seal, split or solid, balanced or unbalanced, with
or without a throat bushing. Construction details.
2. Packing: 90 drops per min. Packing shall not contain asbestos.
Sec. 4.3 General Design: Horizontal Pumps
4.3.1 Casing.
1. Casing shall be designed to produce a smooth flow with gradual
changes in velocity.
2. Suction and discharge nozzles shall be integrally cast into casing.
3. Casing shall be constructed to permit examination of impellers and
other interior parts without disturbing suction and discharge piping.
4. Casing shall include the means to facilitate disassembly without re-
quiring the use of wedges or prying elements, such as provision of tapped holes for
5. Casings shall be designed and constructed complete with integral
supports that are adequate to withstand hydrostatic and dynamic forces generated
by the operation of the pump. Design of support connections between the casing
and the base shall consider the hydrostatic and dynamic forces between the pump
and connecting piping systems based on installation, in accordance with the rec-
ommendation of ANSI/HI 1.4. Column pipe. Except for the top and bottom column sections on
water-lubricated open line-shaft pumps, column pipe shall be furnished in inter-
changeable sections having a maximum length of 10 ft (3 m). Column pipe over
12 in. (300 mm) in diameter shall be flanged. The length of the top and bot-
tom connections on open line shaft water-lubricated pumps shall not exceed 10 ft
(3 m). On enclosed line-shaft columns, the ends of each section of the
pipe may be faced parallel and machined with threads to permit ends to butt, or
they may be fixed with ASME B1.20.1 standard tapered pipe threads. On open line-shaft columns, the ends of each section of column
pipe shall be faced parallel, and the threads machined or flanged so that the ends
will butt against the bearing retainer shoulder to ensure proper alignment and to
secure the bearing retainers when assembled. Line shaft. Line shafts shall not be less than 1 in. (25.4 mm) in di-
ameter. Line shaft may be threaded up to 2 ⁄ in. (75 mm) diameter. The thread
will be designed to tighten during normal pump operation. Larger than 2 ⁄ in.
(75 mm) diameter will be keyed construction. The line shaft shall have a surface
finish at bearing locations not to exceed 40 Ra per ANSI B46.1. The shaft shall be
furnished in interchangeable sections having a length not to exceed 20 ft (6 m) for
an enclosed line shaft and 10 ft (3 m) for an open line shaft. They shall be straight-
ened to within 0.005 in. (0.13 mm) total indicator reading per 10-ft (3-m) section.
The butting faces shall be machined with center relief and square to the axis of the
shaft. The maximum permissible error in the axial alignment of the thread axis
with the axis of the shaft shall be 0.002 in. per 6 in. (0.05 mm per 150 mm). The
minimum size of the shaft shall be determined by the following formula for steady
loads of diffuser-type pumps with the shaft in tension because of hydraulic thrust
plus suspended weight:
; FD E + ; 396,000P E
2 2
D 3 = 16 (Eq 9)
rS 8 2rn --`,`,`,`,``,,,,,,,`,````,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
S = ; 2F2 E + ; 321,000
P E2
rD rD 3
(Eq 10)
S 2 - ; 2F2 E
P= nD 3 (Eq 11)
321,000 rD
D = shaft diameter at the root of the threads or the minimum
diameter of any undercut (in.)
S = combined shear stress (psi)
F = total axial load acting on the shaft, including hydraulic thrust
plus the weight of the shaft and all rotating parts supported
by it (lb)
P = power transmitted by the shaft (hp)
n = rotational speed of the shaft (rpm)
Note: in. × 25.4 = mm; lb × 0.454 = kg; psi × 6.895 = kPa; hp × 0.746 = kW;
rpm × 0.0167 = rps.
The maximum combined shear stress S shall not exceed 30 percent of the
elastic limit in tension, or be more than 18 percent of the ultimate tensile strength
of the material used. Shaft couplings. The maximum combined shear stress, determined
by the following formula, shall not exceed 20 percent of the elastic limit in ten-
sion, nor be more than 12 percent of the ultimate tensile strength of the coupling
material used.
62F @ ^321,000P h
2 2
S= = G +> H (Eq 12)
n ^ D 2 - d 2h n ^ D 3 - d 3h
S = combined shear stress (psi)
F = total axial load acting on the shaft, including hydraulic thrust
plus the weight of the shaft and all rotating parts supported
by it (lb)
D = outside diameter of the coupling (in.)
d = inside diameter of the coupling at the root of the threads (in.)
P = power transmitted by the shaft (hp)
n = rotational speed of the shaft (rpm)
Note: in. × 25.4 = mm; lb × 0.454 = kg; psi × 6.895 = kPa; hp × 0.746 = kW;
rpm × 0.0167 = rps. Line-shaft bearings. For enclosed line shafts, the shaft bearings, which are also inte-
gral enclosing tube couplings, shall be spaced not more than 5 ft (1.5 m) apart. The
maximum angle error of the thread axis to the bore axis shall be within 0.001 in.
per in. (0.001 mm per mm) of thread length. The concentricity of the bore to the
threads shall be within 0.005 in. (0.13 mm) total indicator reading. The bearings
must contain one or more lubricant grooves, or a separate bypass hole that will
readily allow the lubricant to flow through and lubricate the bearings below. For open line shafts, the shaft bearings shall be designed to be
lubricated by the liquid pumped. They shall be mounted in bearing retainers that
shall be held in position in the column couplings by means of the butted ends of
the column pipes. The bearings shall be spaced at intervals of not more than 10 ft
(3 m). The shaft shall be provided with a noncorroding wearing surface at the loca-
tion of each guide bearing. Shafts passing through stuffing boxes shall be stainless
steel or fitted with a stainless steel sleeve. Shaft-enclosing tube. The shaft-enclosing tube shall be made of
Schedule 80 steel pipe in interchangeable sections not more than 10 ft (3 m) in
length. The ends of the enclosing tube shall be square with the axis and shall butt
to ensure accurate alignment. The maximum angle error of the thread axis relative
to the bore axis shall be 0.001 in. per in. (0.001 mm per mm) of thread length. The
enclosing tube shall be supported in the column pipe by stabilizers.
4.4.3 Bowl assembly. General. Major components shall be designed with shoulders and rabbeted
fits to ensure accurate alignment during repeated disassembly and reassembly.
Mating faces of bowls, bells, and cases shall be fully machined to allow the
parallelism of the assembled joint to be gauged.
inlet connection shall be a nominal pipe size, which is larger in diameter than the
impeller eye diameter. Suction cases and bells shall have a grease-packed CA bearing with
a grease fitting and be protected from sand intrusion. Alternative designs (i.e., wa-
ter-lubricated rubber bearings) may be used if stated in the purchase documents. Suction strainer. Strainers may be cone-type or basket-type and
shall have a net inlet area equal to at least three times the impeller inlet area. The
maximum opening shall not be more than 75 percent of the maximum opening of
the water passage through the bowl or impeller. Intermediate bowls. Bowl connections shall be threaded or flanged for bowl sizes 8 in.
(200 mm) and smaller. Bowl connections shall be flanged for sizes greater than 8
in. (200 mm). Discharge cases. Discharge cases for enclosed line-shaft construction shall have
two bearings with bypass ports between them. Discharge case connections shall be threaded and/or flanged de-
sign to accommodate the connections on the bowl and column pipe.
--`,`,`,`,``,,,,,,,`,````,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Impellers. Impellers shall meet the requirements stated in Sec. Impellers shall be enclosed or semi-open configuration. Impellers shall be attached to the shaft with either impeller lock
collets or keys and thrust-ring retainers. Keys and thrust-ring retainers shall be used
exclusively for shaft diameters 2.50 in. (64 mm) and larger. Minimum diametrical running clearances of radial wear surfaces
shall be 1.5 times the clearance of the bowl bearings employed, 0.002 times the
diameter of the wear surface, or 0.010 in. (0.25 mm), whichever is greater.
With the agreement of the purchaser, replaceable wear rings of special
gall-resistant materials may be employed that would permit reduced running
For materials with high galling tendencies, such as 300 series stainless steels,
0.005 in. shall be added to the above minimum clearances. Pump shafts. The shaft shall have a surface finish not to exceed
40 Ra per ASME B46.1. The straightness of the shaft shall be 0.0005 in. (0.012 mm)
per foot of length or better. Bowl shaft stress calculations and limitations shall be
in accordance with the line-shaft requirements of this standard. Bowl bearings. Bowl bearings shall be cylindrical sleeve type and
shall be force-fitted to their larger components (bowls) with ASME B4.1, Class FN1
interference or greater. One bearing shall be located in each bowl and in the suc-
tion bell or suction case so that impellers, including the first-stage impellers, are
between bearings. The discharge cases may have one or two bearings.
Sec. 4.5 Coatings
4.5.1 Extent. Ferrous surfaces (except stainless steel) shall receive a
factory-applied coating. Other surfaces shall not be coated.
4.5.2 Materials. Bearing housings. Internal surfaces of oil lubricated bearing hous-
ings shall be coated with an oil-soluble rust preventive. Machined surfaces. Machined surfaces shall be coated with an
NSF/ANSI 61-certified rust preventive. Surfaces not in contact with water. Surfaces not in contact with the
water shall be primed with one coat of paint. Surfaces in contact with water. Interior surfaces of pump casings
shall be coated with materials meeting the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C550.
Interior surfaces of vertical pump discharge heads and interior and exterior sur-
faces of columns shall be coated with materials meeting the requirements of ANSI/
AWWA C550 or ANSI/AWWA C210. Products shall be formulated from materials
certified as suitable for contact with drinking water by an accredited certification
organization in accordance with NSF/ANSI 61 on the date of the purchase order.
4.5.3 Surface preparation surfaces. Surfaces to be coated shall be cleaned
prior to coating. The cleaning and surface preparation shall meet or exceed the
coating manufacturer requirements for the selected coating. As a minimum, the
following surface cleaning shall be done: Exterior surfaces. Exterior surfaces not in contact with the water
surfaces shall be cleaned to meet the requirements of SSPC-SP2. Other surfaces. Other surfaces shall be cleaned to meet the require-
ments of SSPC-SP6.
4.5.4 Application. Application of coatings. The application method and conditions for
coatings (i.e., surface temperature, humidity restrictions, mixing instructions, pot
life, wet and dry film thickness, etc.) shall meet the coating manufacturer’s require-
ments for the coating being applied. Noncoated surfaces. Surfaces not to be coated or cleaned shall be
protected from contamination and damage. Metalwork shall not be welded after
coating unless the coating can be inspected and repaired. Coatings shall be applied after hydrostatic testing for leakage, and
at such time that subsequent welding and assembly procedures will not damage
the coating.
1. Operating speed.
2. Head versus capacity curve from shutoff to runout.
3. NPSHR curve for the operating range.
4. BHP requirements from shutoff to runout.
5. Specific speed.
6. Suction specific speed.
7. Efficiency from shutoff to runout.
5.2.3 Mechanical.
1. Maximum allowable casing discharge pressure.
2. Maximum allowable casing suction pressure (for horizontal
pumps only).
3. Weight of the pump or bowl assembly.
This appendix is for information only and is not a part of ANSI/AWWA E103.
This appendix is not part of this standard, but is presented to help the user
identify specific part numbers of several types of pumps. Item numbers shown on
the drawings that follow correspond to the numbers of the components or parts
described in Tables 1–3 of this standard.
The drawings contained in this appendix have been provided courtesy of the
Hydraulic Institute, 9 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, NJ 07054-3802, www.pumps.org,
and are contained in the following standards:
Fig. A.1, A.2, A.3, and A.4 are contained in American National Standard for
Centrifugal Pumps for Nomenclature and Definitions, ANSI/HI 1.1–1.2-2000.
Fig. A.5 is contained in American National Standard for Vertical Pumps for
Nomenclature and Definitions, ANSI/HI 2.1–2.2-2000.
1 Casing
2 Impeller
6 Shaft, pump
11 Cover, seal chamber
14 Sleeve, shaft
16 Bearing, inboard
17 Gland
18 Bearing, outboard
33 Cap, bearing, outboard
40 Deflector
42 Coupling half, driver
44 Coupling half, pump
47 Seal, bearing cover, inboard
49 Seal, bearing cover, outboard
73 Gasket
81 Pedestal, driver
88 Spacer, coupling
89 Seal
99 Housing, bearing
Figure A.1 Separately coupled, single-stage, inline, flexible coupling pump with overhung impeller
Figure A.2 Separately coupled, single-stage, inline, rigid coupling pump with overhung impeller
1 Casing 27 Ring, stuffing-box cover
2 Impeller 28 Gasket, impeller screw
6 Shaft, pump 29 Ring, lantern
9 Cover, suction 32 Key, impeller
13 Packing 35 Cover, bearing, inboard
14 Sleeve, shaft 37 Cover, bearing, outboard
16 Bearing, inboard 38 Gasket, shaft sleeve
17 Gland 40 Deflector
18 Bearing, outboard 47 Seal, bearing cover, inboard
19 Frame 49 Seal, bearing cover, outboard
22 Locknut, bearing 69 Lockwasher
24 Nut, impeller 73 Gasket
25 Ring, suction cover 78 Spacer, bearing
Courtesy of Hydraulic Institute, www.Pumps.org, Parsippany, NJ 07054.
Figure A.3 Separately coupled, single-stage, frame-mounted pump with overhung impeller
Figure A.4 Separately coupled, single-stage, axial (horizontal) split-case pump with impeller between
2 Impeller
6 Shaft, pump
8 Ring, impeller
10 Shaft, head
12 Shaft, line
13 Packing
17 Gland
29 Ring, lantern
39 Bushing, bearing
40 Deflector
55 Bell, suction
63 Bushing, stuffing-box
64 Collar, protecting
66 Nut, shaft-adjusting
70 Coupling, shaft
77 Lubricator
79 Bracket, lubricator
83 Stuffing-box
84 Collet, impeller lock
85 Tube, shaft-enclosing
101 Pipe, column
103 Bearing, lineshaft,
183 Nut, tubing
185 Plate, tension, tube
187 Head, surface
189 Flange, top column
191 Coupling, column pipe
193 Retainer, bearing,
open line shaft
197 Case, discharge
199 Bowl, intermediate
Semi-open impeller
203 Case, suction
open lineshaft
hollow shaft driver 209 Strainer (optional)
Enclosed impeller 211 Pipe, suction
enclosed lineshaft
hollow shaft driver
Courtesy of Hydraulic Institute, www.Pumps.org, Parsippany, NJ 07054.
This appendix is for information only and is not a part of ANSI/AWWA E103.
on tests made in a laboratory, where accurate instruments used under controlled
conditions permit precise measurements. It is also recommended that field tests be
used as an overall indication of pump performance, and as a guide to show when
the pump or well requires service.
Field performance tests (in addition to the factory test) are usually run to
ensure that the pump is properly installed and that there are not unanticipated field
conditions that impede performance. If there are discrepancies between factory
performance and field performance, they need to be understood, evaluated, and if
necessary dealt with. Possible explanations may include
1. Incorrect rotation of pump.
2. Incorrect impellers or bowl assemblies may have been shipped.
3. Improper installation: There may be leaks in the column joints
record kept to give a complete and comparable history, and as a guide to determine
if an internal inspection or repair is required.
The accuracy with which a field test can be made depends on the instruments
used in the test, the proper installation of the instruments, and the skill of the test
personnel. If accurate field tests are required, it is necessary to design the complete
pump installation with this in mind and to provide for the use of the most accurate
calibrated instruments.
It should be recognized that environmental conditions in a well or the design
of a sump can significantly affect field performance and also affect the results of
field tests.
Table B.1 gives an indication of the best possible accuracy that can be ex-
pected for the various instruments that may be used for a field test. The values
given assume that each instrument is properly installed, is the correct size for the
values to be measured, and is used by experienced engineers.
A method of estimating the probable combined accuracy that will be ob-
tained with the instruments selected is illustrated in the following examples:
Table B.1. Limits of accuracy of pump test measuring devices in field use
Calibrated Limit of Accuracy
Test Variable Measuring Device (percent)
Capacity Venturi meter ± 0.75
Nozzle ± 1.00
Pitot tube ± 1.50
Orifice ± 1.25
Disc ± 2.00
Piston ± 0.25
Volume or weight tank ± 1.00
Propeller meter ± 4.00
Magnetic meter ± 1.00
= ± 0.84 percent
Bourdon gauge:
50 ft (15 m)
# 1.0 percent = 0.10 percent (Eq B.3)
500 ft (152 m)
The combined accuracy of the efficiency (Ac) is the square root of the quan-
tity of the square of the weighted-average head accuracy, plus the square of the
pitot-tube accuracy, plus the square of the watt-hour meter accuracy.
First, the head accuracy needs to be weighted between both the suction gauge
and discharge gauge.
Suction bourdon gauge: (Eq B.9)
20 ft (6 m)
# 1 percent = 0.04 percent
520 ft (158 m)
1. Datum: The elevation of the surface from which the weight of the
pump is supported. This is normally the elevation of the underside of the discharge
head or head base plate.
2. Driver efficiency (Ed ): The ratio of the driver output to the driver
input, expressed in percent.
3. Driver power input: The power input to the driver, expressed in
horsepower. In a line-shaft vertical turbine pump powered by an electric motor,
driver power input is equivalent to kilowatt input measured at the motor conduit
box divided by 0.746. In a submersible vertical turbine pump, it is equivalent to
kilowatt input measured at the conduit box on the discharge head divided by 0.746.
No satisfactory evaluation of this term for engine-driven pumps is available.
4. Head above datum (ha ): The head measured above the datum, ex-
pressed in feet (meters) of liquid, plus the velocity head at the point of pressure
5. Head below datum (hb ): The vertical distance, in feet (meters), from
the datum to the pumping level.
Q = rate of flow, in gallons per minute
H = pump total head, in feet
8. Pump speed of rotation (n): This is expressed in revolutions per min-
ute (rpm) or revolutions per second (rps). The speed of submersible motors cannot
be measured conveniently in field testing.
9. Pump total head (H): The sum of the heads above and below datum
(ha + hb ).
10. Rate of flow (Q ): Flow expressed in gallons per minute (cubic me-
ters per hour).
11. Velocity head (hvs or hvd ): The kinetic energy per unit weight of the
liquid at the point of measurement, expressed in feet (meters) of liquid. Using the
average velocity in feet per second (meters per second) at the point of measurement,
it is calculated from the following expression:
hv = v 2/ 2g (Eq. B.14)
v = velocity, in ft/sec (m/sec)
g = 32.2 ft/sec2 (9.81 m/sec2)
Note: Numbers in parentheses refer to item numbers in report form (Figure B.6). Minimum dimensions are the lengths of
straight pipe required in Figure B.5 for the particular type of capacity-measuring device used.
Figure B.1 Field-test diagram for line-shaft vertical turbine well pumps
Note: Numbers in parentheses refer to item numbers in report form (Figure B.6). Minimum dimensions are the lengths of
straight pipe required in Figure B.5 for the particular type of capacity-measuring device used.
Figure B.2 Field-test diagram for vertical turbine pumps for booster service
Note: Numbers in parentheses refer to item numbers in report form (Figure B.6). Minimum dimensions are the lengths of
straight pipe required in Figure B.5 for the particular type of capacity-measuring device used.
Note: Numbers in parentheses refer to item numbers in report form (Figure B.6). Minimum dimensions are the lengths of
straight pipe required in Figure B.5 for the particular type of capacity-measuring device used.
Figure B.5 Pipe requirements for orifice, flow nozzles, and venturi tubes
Figure continued next page.
Figure B.5 Pipe requirements for orifice, flow nozzle, and venturi tubes (continued)
Reprinted from ASME PTC 19.5;4-1959, by permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
In some cases this may reduce their usefulness. The friction head loss introduced
by insertion of a pitot-static tube, on the other hand, can generally be neglected.
Venturis also introduce very low losses, but because of their weight and length they
are somewhat more expensive to employ in field tests (unless they are a permanent
part of the installation).
2. Flow measurement by volume or weight. The accuracy of volumet-
ric measurement depends on the accuracy of tank dimensional measurements and
differences in liquid level. The derivation of rate of flow depends on the accuracy of
time measurement of the period of flow.
It is recommended that the minimum change in liquid level during any test
run not be less than 2 ft (0.6 m). The duration of any test run shall not be less
than one min when the tank is filled from an open discharge pipe. A submerged
entrance into the tank will cause an increase in the system head as the tank fills
and will result in a nonlinear change in rate of flow. Correlation of rate of flow with
weight is seldom feasible, except for extremely small flow.
3. Head above datum (ha ). This quantity can be measured by means
of a calibrated bourdon-tube gauge (reading converted to feet of liquid), plus the
distance from the datum to the centerline of the gauge plus velocity head. When
the head above datum is quite low, it may be measured with manometers, using
mercury or the liquid being pumped as a manometer fluid. The choice of manom-
eter fluid should produce manometer deflections of at least 6 in. (150 mm).
4. Head below datum (hb ). This distance can be measured by steel
tape, electric sounder, or the air-line gauge method. The elevation of the pump-
ing water level is determined electrically by measuring the length below datum
of waterproof insulated wire terminating in a shielded electrode that completes
the circuit through a magneto or dry cell to an indicating lamp, bell, or meter
on touching the water surface. The elevation of the pumping water level can be
The duration of this measurement shall not be less than one min. Commer-
cial watt-hour meter power measurements are expected to be within 0.5 percent,
unless specifically calibrated and used with a calibration chart. In this case, the
stated accuracy of the calibration shall prevail.
* Calculated
† Results will be in horsepower only if head measurements are in feet of liquid (hp × 0.746 = kW).
This appendix is for information only and is not a part of ANSI/AWWA E103.
1. Purchaser ______________________________________________________________________________
2. Address ________________________________________________________________________________
3. Installation Site __________________________________________________________________________
4. Job Reference Number _______________________Item No. _____________________________________
5. No. Required ______________________________Date Required _________________________________
6. Prime Mover: Electric motor _________________Engine _______________________________________
Description of Installation
Pumps are to be furnished in accordance with ANSI/AWWA E103 with the following exceptions:
This appendix is for information only and is not a part of ANSI/AWWA E103.
1. Purchaser ______________________________________________________________________________
2. Address ________________________________________________________________________________
3. Installation Site __________________________________________________________________________
4. Job Reference Number _______________________Item No. _____________________________________
5. No. Required ______________________________Date Required _________________________________
6. Prime Mover: Electric motor _________________Engine _______________________________________
7. Prime Mover Data:
Motor: Voltage _________Frequency _________Phase _________ rpm _________
Engine (type desired): Gas ______ Gasoline __________Diesel _________Other________
Maximum operating rpm _____________________________________________________
8. Driver: Vertical solid-shaft motor drive _________________________________________________
Vertical hollow-shaft right-angle gear drive ________________________________________
Vertical hollow-shaft belted drive _______________________________________________
Combination drive __________________________________________________________
Speed: Variable__________________________ Constant __________________________
Other _____________________________________________________________________
9. Line-shaft lubrication required: Open ______________________ Enclosed __________________________
10. Line-shaft lubrication required: Oil ________________________Water _____________________________
11. Type of discharge: Surface _____________________Below Base ________________________
If below base: Distance from datum to centerline of discharge tee ________________ ft(m)*
12. Other requirements
a. ANSI/NSF 61 Certification ( Y / N )
b. Certificate of Compliance ( Y / N )
--`,`,`,`,``,,,,,,,`,````,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 55
Description of Installation
39. Prelube water tank required: Yes ________ No _______Capacity______________ Gallons ______________
40. Automatic lubrication controls required: Time delay relay ________Float switch ___________
41. Air line and gauge required: Yes ________No _______
Pumps are to be furnished in accordance with ANSI/AWWA E103 with the following exceptions:
This appendix is for information only and is not a part of ANSI/AWWA E103.
However, wear rings that are of the same material must have more clearance than
and prevent motor overspeed in reverse when the pump is shut down and water
empties from the column.
E. Steady bushing. For vertical hollow-shaft motors used on
pumps equipped with mechanical seals, and also for pumps with packed stuff-
ing boxes operating at speeds greater than 2,900 rpm, a steady bushing should be
E.3.2.2. Prelubrication. Prelubrication of line-shaft bearings for water-
lubricated open line-shaft pumps having settings greater than 50 ft (15 m) should
be provided. Bearing should be thoroughly wetted before pump startup.
E.3.2.3. Seals.
E. Mechanical seals. Mechanical seals should be considered for
pressurized can pumps to avoid seal leakage during periods in which the pump is
not operating.
E.3.2.4. Column pipe corrosion. It may be advisable not to apply a coat-
ing to threaded column pipe exposed to waters having high conductivity levels.
The higher electrical potentials in this water are attracted to uncoated surfaces to
concentrate corrosion. Uncoated pipe provides a much larger surface area for the
electrical potentials to dissipate, and eliminates the concentration at the uncoated
threaded surfaces of the column pipe joints. Most product-lubricated pumps have
bronze bearing retainers, which are located in the center of the threaded pipe cou-
pling where the threaded column pipe ends are located. The bronze alloy is more
cathodic than the adjoining sacrificial steel-column pipe. This results in electrolysis
at the interface of the two dissimilar materials, and accelerated corrosion of the
steel pipe threads. Dissimilar materials also add to the rate of corrosion when el-
evated conductivity and higher concentrations of chlorides in the water exist.
Nominal diametrical clearance (in.)
Figure E.1 Horizontal pump nominal impeller-ring diametrical clearance (1 in. = 25.4 mm)
Table E.1. Diameters and weights of standard discharge column pipe sizes
, , , ,
, , , , ,
Capacity (gpm)
Diagonals are labeled to show nominal diameters (in inches) of outer pipe column and inner shaft-enclosing
tube, or if an open shaft, the shaft itself. For the outer pipe columns, the calculations used in constructing the
chart were based on inside diameters, which are close to the nominal sizes for pipe up to and including 12 in.
(for example, 10 in. Sch 30 pipe = 10 ⅕ in. ID). For pipe sizes in 12 in. and larger, the diameters shown are
equivalent to the outside diameter of pipe with ⅜-in. wall thickness (for example, 16 in. = 15 ¼ in. ID). For the
inner columns (shaft-enclosing tubes), the calculations were based on the outside diameters of standard or
extra-heavy pipe. Thus, “8 × 2” on the chart is actually 8.071 × 2 ⅜, and “16 × 3” is 15 ¼ × 3 ½.
Mechanical friction per 100 ft of line shaft (hp) Shaft diameter (mm)
Note: 0.746 hp = 1 kW
1 in. = 25.4 mm
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