Accounts Payable Guidelines: Particulars
Accounts Payable Guidelines: Particulars
Accounts Payable Guidelines: Particulars
1.Disbursement voucher (DV) and Purchase Journal (PJ)2020
2.Disbursement voucher (DV) and Purchase Journal (PJ)2019
3. General Journal 2019
4. General Journal 2020
5.Mobile monitoring 2019 to 2020
6. BIR form (2307)
7. Request for Payment form
8. For hard copy of documents that already done
9.For the other files documents
10. If there are old files or documents need to check
11. For the computation of the journal
With a completed signature
With a completed signature
With a completed signature
check the number of items
check the amount of payment
check the if the contract was terminated or not
er in the desktop search.