Permit Process
Permit Process
Permit Process
Read more: How to get a Business or Mayor’s Permit for all types of business in the
Register your business in the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR)
For online businesses such as online shops (single proprietor)
4. Pay the Registration Fee. Registration fee is PHP 500 and PHP
30 for loose DST or Proof of Payment of Annual Registration Fee
(ARF). You can pay the registration fee in BIR accredited banks.
Accredited banks will provide you a BIR payment form. Submit this
to the bank together with your Documentary Stamp Tax on Lease.
After payment, submit to your RDO a photocopy of your BIR form
payments and other documentary requirements.
5. Claim your Certificate of Registration (COR). Some RDOs
might require you to attend a seminar about filing your taxes before
you can claim your COR. Clarify this to the RDO after paying your
registration fee. Upon claiming your COR, ensure that you will also
receive the “Ask for Receipt” sign.
2a. Get a Tax Identification Number (TIN). For those who don’t
have a TIN yet, you need to accomplish and submit 2 copies of BIR
Form 1901. This is the first thing you need to secure before
proceeding to the next step.
2b. Update Your Personal Information. If you were previously
employed and already have a TIN, you still have to accomplish the
BIR Form 1901 and update your details. You now have to declare
that you are “self-employed”. In addition, you also have to
accomplish BIR Form 1905 to transfer your TIN registration.
Change your registered address and transfer to the appropriate
RDO where you do your business and have jurisdiction over you.
You can find your respective RDO here.