'Anthropology is ill many respects one of archltecture's universols,' writes Preston Blier. The composition of the painting presents the traditional elements of De Chirico's metaphysical creations. Blier: a series of drawings and an aphorism by an architect who paints can help us to further discuss the aporia of arcpitectural drawings.
'Anthropology is ill many respects one of archltecture's universols,' writes Preston Blier. The composition of the painting presents the traditional elements of De Chirico's metaphysical creations. Blier: a series of drawings and an aphorism by an architect who paints can help us to further discuss the aporia of arcpitectural drawings.
'Anthropology is ill many respects one of archltecture's universols,' writes Preston Blier. The composition of the painting presents the traditional elements of De Chirico's metaphysical creations. Blier: a series of drawings and an aphorism by an architect who paints can help us to further discuss the aporia of arcpitectural drawings.
'Anthropology is ill many respects one of archltecture's universols,' writes Preston Blier. The composition of the painting presents the traditional elements of De Chirico's metaphysical creations. Blier: a series of drawings and an aphorism by an architect who paints can help us to further discuss the aporia of arcpitectural drawings.