PIM400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-

Lined Steel Piping

This section provides guidelines for the selection, design and installation of
commonly used nonmetallic and nonmetallic-lined steel piping materials. The
guidelines are general and do not provide all the information necessary for the
complete detailed design of a piping system. Sound engineering judgement is espe-
cially important when these piping materials are used in services or situations where
the Company has little or no experience. Consult Materials and Equipment Engi-
neering at CRTC for technical guidance in areas not addressed in this chapter.

Contents Page

410 General Considerations 400-3

411 Nonmetallic Versus Steel Piping
412 Code Restrictions in Hydrocarbon Service
413 Comparison of Nonmetallic Piping Materials
420 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) 400-23
430 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) 400-32
440 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) 400-40
450 Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) 400-53
460 Polypropylene (PP), Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) and Polybutylene (PB)
470 Concrete 400-65
480 Plastic- and Cement-Lined Steel 400-69
490 References 400-75
491 General References
492 References for HDPE
493 References for PVC and CPVC
494 References for FRP

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

495 References for ABS

496 References for PP, PVDF, and PB
497 References for Concrete Pipe
498 References for Lined Steel

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

410 General Considerations

This section gives summary information about nonmetallic piping to help you
choose between it and steel piping. It also compares nonmetallic pipe materials for
suitability in various environments. Nonmetallic piping includes piping made of
plastics (thermoplastics and thermosets) and metal pipe lined with plastics or

411 Nonmetallic Versus Steel Piping

The relative advantages and limitations of nonmetallic piping materials compared to
steel piping are:

• Lower installed cost (usually)
• Does not corrode
– No chemical inhibition
– No cathodic protection
– No corrosion allowance
– No corrosion monitoring
– No painting (usually)
– No product contamination
• Excellent flow properties
– Less energy required for pumping, or
– Smaller pipe sizes for same job

• Lower temperature limits
• Lower design pressures
• Pressure derating in hydrocarbons
• Susceptible to sunlight damage
• Not fireproof
• More susceptible to mechanical damage
• Not all codes allow plastic
• High thermal expansion coefficient
• Requires more support than steel piping

412 Code Restrictions in Hydrocarbon Service

Industry codes restrict the use of plastics in hydrocarbon service. Before choosing
plastic piping for use with hydrocarbons, consider the following code restrictions:

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

ASME/ANSI B31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping, 1986

• Thermoplastics (HDPE, PVC, ABS, PP):
– Shall not be used in flammable fluid service above ground
– Shall be “safeguarded” when in other than Category D service (i.e., low
pressure, benign service like nontoxic water)
• Thermosets (FRP): shall be “safeguarded” when used in toxic or flammable
fluid service
• Lined piping: code limitations are based on the outer metal
• Metal-to-nonmetal flanged joints: should be flat faced; full faced gaskets are
Note The code does not define “safeguarded.” Also, it is important for the manu-
facturer to test and rate the flange. Do not assume it is rated the same as pipe made
of the same material.

ASME/ANSI B31.4, Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, LPG,

Anhydrous NH3, and Alcohols, 1986
• Nonmetallics are not allowed

ASME/ANSI B31.8, Gas Transportation and Distribution Piping Systems

• Thermoplastics and thermosets: use of plastic piping is limited, primarily to
mains and service lines operating at 100 psig or less in gas distribution systems

413 Comparison of Nonmetallic Piping Materials

Sections 420–480 are organized as shown in the list below. The figures cited in the
list give comparative data for various types of plastic piping and apply to all the
piping materials discussed in Section 400. These figures comprise the bulk of
Section 410.
For lists of Company and industry documents relating to these piping materials, see
Section 490.
Figure 400-1 lists evaluation criteria for materials discussed in Section 400.
• Typical Uses
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
• Available Sizes
• Ordering Suggestions
• Cost (Figure 400-2)
• Chemical Resistance (Figure 400-27; this oversized figure is found at the end of
Section 400)

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

• Temperature and Pressure Limitations (Figures 400-3 and 400-4)

• Joining Methods (Figure 400-5)
• Fittings and Valves
• Installation Considerations (Figures 400-6, 400-7, and 400-8)
• Testing and Quality Control (Figure 400-9)
• Repair Methods
• Flow Properties/Pressure Surge (Figure 400-10)
• Physical and Mechanical Properties

Fig. 400-1 Application Recommendations for Nonmetallic Pipe

Cost 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1
Availability 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1
High Pressures 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 2
High Temperatures 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 2
Low Temperatures 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1
Mechanical 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 3
Damage Resistance
Joint Reliability 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3
Repairability 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3
Hydrocarbons 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
Strong Chemicals 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3
Sunlight 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1
Key: 1 = Probably a good choice
2 = Average choice, some concerns
3 = Probably not a good choice
(1) HTPE is a specially formulated Plexco proprietary polyethylene compound for elevated temperature service. It is an intermediate choice
between HDPE and PP.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-2 Costs for Various Piping Materials

Approximate Material-Plus-Installation Cost Ratios for Various Piping Materials
Using Standard Weight Carbon Steel as the Cost Base (i.e., Ratio = 1.0)
Cost Ratio to Std. Wt. Carbon Steel
Pipe Material 2” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12”
Carbon Steel, Std. Wt. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
304L SS, Sch 40 1.8 1.8 2.5 — — —
316L SS, Sch 40 2.2 2.5 3.1 — — —
90Cu-10Ni Alloy 1.8 2.7 2.5 2.9 2.8 2.7
Aluminum 6063 T-6 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 —
HDPE, SDR 11 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9
PVC, Sch 80 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.9
PVC, Sch 40 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8
CPVC, Sch 80 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.9 — —
CPVC, Sch 40 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7 — —
ABS, Sch 40 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 — —
PVDF, SDR 32 2.7 2.8 3.0 3.6 3.8 4.9
PP, SDR 11 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.5
Polyester FRP, 150 psi 1.8 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7
Vinyl Ester FRP, 150 psi 1.9 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Epoxy FRP, 150 psi 1.9 1.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Lined Steel
Cement Lined, Std. Wt. (shop) 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
PP Lined, Std. Wt. (shop) 2.9 2.6 2.4 2.8 — —
PVDF Lined, Std. Wt. (shop) 4.1 4.2 4.1 4.5 4.9 —
Teflon Lined. Std. Wt. (shop) 5.2 5.7 6.1 7.7 8.3 —
HDPE Lined, Std. Wt. (field) 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9
Internally Coated, Std. Wt. (field) — 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2
Internally Coated, Std. Wt. (shop) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Notes: 1. Cost ratios are based on relatively long (500 ft. plus), straight, onshore piping systems with few fittings.
2. Shipping, external coating and cathodic protection costs are not included in above cost ratios. These costs plus anticipated costs
of chemical inhibition, pumping and piping replacement (over 7-10 year period) should be used in economic evaluations
comparing piping material options.
3. Lined and internally coated steel cost ratios include the price of the steel pipe.

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Fig. 400-3 Summary of Suggested Temperature Limitations for Plastic Pipe

Maximum Temperature in
Temperature in Nonpressure Minimum
Pipe Material Pressure Service, °F Service, °F Temperature, °F
HDPE 140 180 -40
HTPE 170 190 -40
PVC 140 150 0
CPVC 200 210 0
ABS 160 180 -30
PP 150 200 30
PVDF 280 300 0
PB 200 210 -30
Notes: 1. For temperature limits of FRP, consult the manufacturer.

Fig. 400-4 Calculating Collapse Pressures for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials

Collapse resistance can be calculated as follows:
Pc = 2E/(1-µ2) × (t/D)3 × C
Pc = Collapse pressure of unconstrained pipe, psi
µ = Poisson ratio
= 0.35 to 0.45 for thermoplastics for short term loading
t = Pipe wall thickness, in.
D = Pipe mean diameter, in.
C = Ovality factor
= (Ro/Ri)3 where Ri is the major radius of curvature for the ovalized pipe and Ro is the radius assuming
no ovalization. Suggest using a 0.5 safety factor instead of making assumptions about ovality.
E = Modulus of elasticity of pipe material, psi.This will vary with temperature and duration of
loading. Typical values for short termloading are as follows:
Modulus (× 105)
Material 73°F 110°F 140°F 170°F 210°F 250°F
HDPE 1.3 * * * NR NR
PVC 4.1 3.4 3.0 NR NR NR
CPVC 4.2 3.7 3.3 2.9 2.3 NR
ABS 3.0 * * * NR NR
PP 2.0 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.5 NR
PVDF 2.2 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4
PB 0.6 * * * * NR
Key: NR = Not recommended
* = Data not found
(1) See Plexico’s Application Note 2 for both short and long term collapse of HDPE at ambient and elevated temperatures.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-5 Nonmetallic Pipe Joints Courtesy of Central Plastics Company, Shawnee, OK; Fibercast (1 of 7)


BUTT FUSION: Pipe ends are cleaned,

squared, aligned, melted and then pushed
together to form a butt-fused joint with a
uniform, rounded, double melt bead. This is
the most common and preferred method for
joining HDPE pipe. PVDF, PB and PP pipe can
also be joined this way.

SOCKET FUSION: This is similar to butt

fusion. A special tool is used to heat the
external surface of the male pipe end and
the internal surface of the socket (or female
pipe end). Once the prescribed temperature
is reached, the tool is removed and the parts
pushed together to form the socket fusion
joint. This is a common and reliable method
for joining PP, PB and PVDF pipe. HDPE pipe
can also be joined this way.

January 1998 400-8 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Fig. 400-5 Nonmetallic Pipe Joints Courtesy of Central Plastics Company, Shawnee, OK; Fibercast (2 of 7)

SOLVENT CEMENTING: Solvent cementing

involves no heating. Instead, a primer and
solvent cement are applied to the male pipe
end and socket inside. While the pipe end
and socket are still soft and wet, the pipe
end is forcefully bottomed in the socket.
After initial set (15 minutes to 2 hours
depending on temperature and pipe size),
the joint can be safely handled. This is the
most common and preferred method for
joining PVC, CPVC and ABS.


with factory-molded threads are generally
available and are preferred to field
threading (FRP cannot be field-threaded).
Threading plastic pipe requires special
care. Only Schedule 80 thermoplastic
piping should be threaded and the pipe
pressure rating must be reduced by 50%.
Plastic pipe should have male threads
when joined to metal pipe. Threads should
be Teflon taped prior to assembly with strap
wrenches. Do not use standard pipe
wrenches for assembly.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-5 Nonmetallic Pipe Joints Courtesy of Central Plastics Company, Shawnee, OK; Fibercast (3 of 7)

LAP JOINT FLANGES (also called Van

Stone flanges): Although this is the most Metal back-up flange
common method for joining HDPE pipe to Polyolefin
dissimilar piping materials, other types of stub end
nonmetallic pipe can also be joined this
way. However, ANSI B31.3 prefers flat
face flanges and gaskets and does not
allow lap joint flanges for severe cyclic

Polyolefin pipe
(to be fused to stub end)

ADHESIVE JOINTS: Pipe ends are joined

with adhesives which match the FRP
material used (i.e., epoxy, polyester, vinyl
ester, etc.). The adhesives are applied to
male and female pipe ends with a brush
prior to joint makeup and typically cure in
less than six hours at 70°F. This is a
common, low cost method for joining FRP,
but unfortunately these joints are very
sensitive to installation practices and are
the most likely joints to come apart due to
installer error. Adhesive joints come in
various mating end
configurations and those which combine
mechanical (threads) with adhesive
joining are more reliable. “Heat packs”
decrease curing time and can increase
joint reliability (less chance of damaging
the joint before it sets).

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Fig. 400-5 Nonmetallic Pipe Joints Courtesy of Central Plastics Company, Shawnee, OK; Fibercast (4 of 7)

BUTT-AND-STRAP JOINTS: Layers of resin-

impregnated fiberglass are wrapped around the
joint and allowed to cure (usually 2 to 4 hours at
70°F). The resin is selected to be compatible with
the pipe. This is a high cost, labor intensive joint
for FRP pipe but is very reliable.

FLAT-FACED FLANGES: Flat-faced flanges are 1. Make sure that all the bolt holes of the matching flanges match up. It
generally available for PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF, ABS is not necessary to twist the flange and pipe to achieve this.
and FRP piping materials and are the most 2. Insert all bolts.
common and preferred method for joining these 3. Make sure that the faces of the mating flanges are not separated by
piping materials to dissimilar piping. The flanges excessive distance prior to bolting down the flanges.
can be joined to the pipe by solvent cementing, 4. The bolts on the plastic flanges should be tightened by pulling down
the nuts diametrically opposite each other using a torque wrench.
threading, heat fusion or adhesive bonding,
Complete tightening should be accomplished in stages and the final
depending on pipe material. Flanges are likely to torque values in the following table should be followed for the
limit the pressure capability of the system, so various sizes of flanges. Uniform stress across the flange will elimi-
check with the manufacturer/supplier. Care must nate leaky gaskets.
be taken not to overtorque the flange bolts and
crack or damage the flange. Flange installation
tips (per Harrington Plastics) are given at right.

5. If the flange is mated to a rigid and stationary flanged object, or a

metal flange, particularly in a buried situation where settling could
occur with the plastic pipe, the plastic flange must be supported to
eliminate potential stressing.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-5 Nonmetallic Pipe Joints Courtesy of Central Plastics Company, Shawnee, OK; Fibercast (5 of 7)

O-RING JOINTS (Nonrestrained): This

is the primary method for joining
HDPE Spirolite pipe and concrete
pipe. However, this type of joint is also
available for other nonmetallic pipe,
including FRP, PVC and CPVC. These
joints are easy to install but provide
no axial restraint. Axial restraint must
be provided by burial, thrust blocks,

Concrete Pipe Joints

January 1998 400-12 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Fig. 400-5 Nonmetallic Pipe Joints Courtesy of Central Plastics Company, Shawnee, OK; Fibercast (6 of 7)

O-RING JOINTS (Restrained): Because of reli-

ability problems with field-fabricated adhesive
joints, many FRP pipe manufacturers have
developed proprietary O-ring joints which are
mechanically restrained by various methods
including threads, clamps and keys. These
joints add cost to the pipe but these added
costs can usually be recovered during installa-
tion, which is far less labor intensive than
adhesive joints. HDPE Spirolite pipe can be
axially restrained by fusion welding. Concrete
cylinder pipe can be axially restrained by
welding the steel cylinder.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-5 Nonmetallic Pipe Joints Courtesy of Central Plastics Company, Shawnee, OK; Fibercast (7 of 7)


transition fittings are available for joining
plastics to steel or other types of plastics.
Check with the manufacturer for pressure
ratings. HDPE-to-steel transition fittings are in
common use. The one shown below is cour-
tesy of Central Plastics Co., Shawnee, OK.

Ample length for making

Double “O” Seal several welds should one be
Tamperproof, gas tight faulty

Beveled edge (for weld to steel

pipe) or threaded Schedule 40 steel pipe with Your choice of polyethylene
epoxy protective coating

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Fig. 400-6 General Installation Considerations for Plastic Pipe (Consult Pipe Manufacturer for Specifics) (1 of 2)
Contractor Selection
Of all the factors that affect the installation of a nonmetallic piping system, selection of the installation contractor
is probably the most critical. Selection of a contractor with specific knowledge of and experience with the mate-
rial to be used is essential for installation of a reliable, problem-free piping system.
Consider the following when developing a list of qualified installation contractors:
• Contractor's experience with the exact type of piping material to be installed.
• Experience level of foreman and craftsmen that are available and will be assigned to your job. Where will the
experienced labor come from? Many contractors are experienced but their available foremen and craftsmen
may not be. Consider requesting resumes of key field supervisory personnel.
• Previous experience with Chevron. Review the contractor's previous performance.
• Previous experience with other companies. Contact knowledgeable personnel to discuss the contractor's
previous performance.
• Will extensive on-the-job training of craftsmen be required? If so, who will do it?
• Previous experience with similar environmental conditions.
• Experience with the specific type of joint to be used.
Storage and Handling
• Do not store pipe for long times outdoors and unprotected if it is not UV-resistant. Also, protect pipe from
excessive heat during storage.
• Pipe should be stored on racks that give enough support to prevent sagging. Avoid point contacts.
• Pipe should not be stacked to such heights that lower pipe sections are forced out of round.
• Pipe should not be thrown from trucks, dragged across the ground or lifted with chains or hooks. Lift pipe with
a woven cloth or nylon sling with a spreader bar.
• Large diameter piping may require internal bracing to keep piping round if stacked or stored for long periods of time.
Pipe Joints
• Avoid handling pipe joints that have not cured/cooled sufficiently. (Joint curing time is dependent on weather
• Standard pipe wrenches should not be used for making up threaded connections on plastic piping since they
can deform or scar the pipe. Use strap wrenches instead.
• If long jointed sections of pipe are to be lifted, they should be adequately supported, and the joints should be
fully cured.
• Flanged connections are preferred for joining nonmetallic to metallic piping and for joining nonmetallic piping
made of dissimilar materials. Mating plastic and metallic flanges should both be drilled, full-face flanges. A
full-face gasket should be used.
• Plastic flanges can withstand limited bolt torques. Consult the pipe manufacturer for maximum allowable bolt
torques and for recommended bolt tightening sequences.
• Steel washers should be used between flange bolts and plastic flanges to prevent the bolts from gouging the
• If a raised face metallic flange must be mated to a full-face plastic flange, use a full-face gasket along with a
hard fiber or metal spacer ring to fill the gap created by the raised facing.
• If threaded connections are used to join metallic to nonmetallic piping, the metal end should be female and the
plastic end male. With this configuration, upon thermal expansion the connection will get tighter.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-6 General Installation Considerations for Plastic Pipe (Consult Pipe Manufacturer for Specifics) (2 of 2)
Pipe Joints (continued)
• Special precautions may be necessary if nonmetallic piping is to be connected to equipment subject to high
vibration. It may be necessary to isolate the equipment from the piping by the use of expansion bellows.
Consult the pipe manufacturer for recommendations.
• At metallic to nonmetallic piping joints, consider thermal expansion of the metallic piping and the resulting
load on the nonmetallic piping. The metallic piping may need to be anchored near the interface.
Above or On-the-Ground Installation
• Because nonmetallic piping materials are subject to mechanical and UV damage and are not fire resistant,
burial is always preferred.
• Some codes prohibit or restrict plastics for flammable fluid services above ground. (ASME/ANSI B31.4 does
not allow plastic; B31.3 allows thermosetting plastics like FRP, but only allows thermoplastics like HDPE below
• If pipe is installed above or on the ground and is not UV-resistant, it should be painted or shaded for protec-
tion. Light colored, water based latex paints should be used for painting. Cleaning and very light sanding are
recommended prior to painting.
• Because of low tensile moduli, above-the-ground plastic piping requires continuous or near continuous
support (see Figure 400-8 for details). Supports must have a large bearing surface to prevent excessive wear
at “point” contacts.
• Plastic piping has a high coefficient of thermal expansion. Expansion is usually compensated for by (1)
snaking, (2) direction changes, (3) expansion loops, or (4) the guide and anchor method where anchors
prevent the line from expanding and guides between anchors prevent the line from buckling. See Figure 400-9
for details.
• Relatively brittle plastics (PVC, CPVC, PP) should never handle compressed air or gases in aboveground appli-
• Aboveground plastic piping handling fluids with low electrical conductivity, like petroleum distillates, should
have bonded connections to prevent accidental static electricity discharge.
• Avoid installation near hot objects like steam piping, hot crude lines, etc.
• Metal valves in a nonmetallic piping system must not be supported by the nonmetallic pipe. Expansion joints
should also be supported.
Underground Installation
• Trench bottoms should be continuous, relatively smooth and free of rocks. Depending on the native soil condi-
tioning, special bedding (a 6-inch or so pad) may be required.
• Trench width should be sufficient for 1) “snaking” to accommodate thermal expansion/contraction, and 2)
joining, if joining will be done in the ditch.
• Pipe should be buried a minimum of 12 inches or one pipe diameter. Traffic loads, soil type or cold weather
may require deeper burial.
• Metal wire or “terra tape” should be laid in the trench to facilitate pipe locating after burial.
• The preferred backfill is crushed rock for the pipe zone backfill. Particle size should be ½" or 10% of pipe
• Piping under roadways should be encased in steel and centralizers used in most cases to prevent abrasion
damage. Centralizers should not be used with HDPE or PB due to their high coefficient of thermal expansion.
• Casing entry and exit should be sealed to prevent backfill migration into the annulus.

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Fig. 400-7 Recommended Support Spacings for Aboveground Plastic Piping Courtesy of Fibercast
Suggested Maximum Support Spacings, in Feet, for Continuous Spans of
Aboveground Thermoplastic Piping at Selected Temperatures, °F
Pipe Size 60° 100° 1400° 60° 140° 180° 80° 100° 140° 60° 140° 180°
2“ Sch 40 6 5 3 6.5 5 3 4.5 4.5 2.7 3 2.5 2.3
3“ Sch 40 7 6 3.5 8 6 3.5 — — — 3.5 3 2.7
4“ Sch 40 7.5 6.5 4 8.5 6.5 4 — — — 4 3.5 3
6“ Sch 40 8.5 7.5 4.5 9.5 7.5 4.5 — — — — — —
8“ Sch 40 9 8 4.5 — — — — — — — — —
2“ Sch 80 7 6 3.5 7.5 6 3.5 5.5 5.2 3 3.5 3 2.75
3“ Sch 80 8 7 4 9 7 4 — — — 4 3.5 3.5
4“ Sch 80 9 7.5 4.5 10 7.5 4.5 — — — 4.5 4 3.5
6“ Sch 80 10 9 5 11 9 5 — — — — — —
8“ Sch 80 11 9.5 5.5 — — — — — — — — —
Continuous support is recommended for temperatures above the maximum shown. Aboveground HDPE and PB
usually require continuous support.

Pipe Size, FRP up to

in. 150°F
2 10
3 11
4 12
6 14
8 16
10 17
12 19

Consult pipe manufacturer for temperatures

above 150°F.
Anchors for all types of plastic pipe should generally be used near changes of direction, when transitioning to a
dissimilar pipe material or where there is a change in line size. For long, straight runs of piping, anchor spacing
should generally not exceed 250 feet. Anchors restrict pipe movement in all directions, guides and supports do
not. Anchors, supports and guides for plastic pipe need large, smooth bearing surfaces to prevent wear or cutting.
Suggested types are shown above.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-8 Accommodating Thermal Expansion and Contraction of Plastic Pipe (1 of 3)

BURIED PIPE: Contraction is usually the biggest concern with pipe to be buried. This is because pipe is usually
installed during the day when it’s hot and contracts at night when it cools off. The trench should be backfilled and
compacted when the pipe is cool. Once the piping installation is complete and backfill is compacted around the
pipe neither expansion (from hot fluid service) or contraction are much of a concern since the compacted soil
restrains pipe movement. To prevent stress on pipe joints from contraction prior to backfilling, pipe should be
snaked in the trench; otherwise the joints could part at night. The severity of snaking depends on such things as
anticipated temperature change, pipe stiffness and pipe size. Suggested snaking dimensions are shown below:

HDPE and PB Pipe:

Temperature Change, °F
Loop 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Length Offset for contraction, in.
30 ft 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
50 ft 7.50 10 12.50 15 17.50 20 22.50 25 27.50 30
100 ft 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

PVC, CPVC, ABS, FRP, PP and PVDF Pipe: (small dia. only)
Temperature Change, °F
Loop 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Length Offset for contraction, in.
20 ft 1.50 2 2.50 3 3.50 4 4.50 5 5.50 6
50 ft 3.25 5 6.25 7.50 8.25 10 11.25 12.50 13.25 15
100 ft 7.50 10 12.50 15 17.50 20 22.50 25 27.50 30

For large pipe sizes snaking may not be practical. Therefore, as an alternative to snaking, completely install the
pipe but leave it free at one end and install the last joint during the coolest part of the day when the pipe has
contracted fully.

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Fig. 400-8 Accommodating Thermal Expansion and Contraction of Plastic Pipe (2 of 3)

ABOVE OR ALONG-THE-GROUND PIPE: Aboveground pipe generally experiences larger and more frequent
temperature variations than buried piping, and pipe movement is not restrained by compacted soil. Expansion and
contraction are both concerns in most aboveground systems. For example, consider a PVC line handling periodic
90°F produced water overflow in a desert climate. In nonuse periods the pipe could get heated to 130°F by the
summer sun. When water overflows into the line the pipe will experience a sharp temperature drop and contract.
When flow discontinues the pipe will again heat up and expand.
Expansion and contraction of very flexible along-the-ground piping systems, like HDPE and PB, are handled by
snaking, just as shown for buried piping. The snaking will prevent high axial stresses during contraction and since
HDPE and PB are highly flexible, buckling or bending failures are not likely during expansion as long as the pipe is
given room to grow. More rigid aboveground piping systems like PVC, CPVC, ABS, FRP, PP and PVDF usually
require expansion loops or frequent direction changes to accommodate expansion and contraction. Suggestions
for expansion loop design are provided below:
• Place loop between two anchors—for long straight piping systems anchors should not be more than about 250
feet apart.

• Calculate the total length change (∆L1 + ∆L2) as follows:

∆L = 12eL(∆T) where:
e = coefficient of expansion (see text)
L = anchor to anchor length of run
∆T = maximum anticipated temperature change
• Calculate total loop length where:
(2A + B) = (3ED∆L/2S)1/2 where:
E = modulus of elasticity, psi (see Figure 400-5)
D = outside diameter, in.
∆L = Length change calculated above
S = thermal stress, psi
= e(∆T)E

Chevron Corporation 400-19 January 1998

400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-8 Accommodating Thermal Expansion and Contraction of Plastic Pipe (3 of 3)

• Solve for A by letting B = ½A, Solve for B
• Do not place guides in loop that constrain pipe in the plane of the loop

Fig. 400-9 Quality Control and Testing for Plastic Piping (1 of 2)

QUALITY CONTROL (In the Shop): Suggested quality control tests/inspections are given below. (These may be
superseded by industry specifications):


Dimensions(1) X X X X

Short-term Rupture(2), (3) X X X X

Hydrostatic Design Basis(4) X X X X

Flattening(2) X X

Stiffness(5) X

Impact(2) X

Visual(6) X X X X

Joints(7) X

Acetone(8) X

Notes: 1. At startup of given size or material, then once every two hours for each extruder (winding or casting machines for FRP)
2. At startup of a given size, machine or material then once per 24 hours for each material in a plant. If one material is continuously
used in several machines or sizes, then sample selection shall be from a different machine each day, and rotated in sequence
among all sizes or machines
3. Use ASTM D 1599 “Short Term Hydraulic Failure Pressure” for sizes to 4". Above 4" use ASTM D 2290 “Apparent Tensile Strength”
4. At startup of a new material then once per year
5. At startup of given size or material then once per shift for each machine
6. All pipe produced. Check for defects and proper marking prior to stacking for shipment or storage
7. Test results shall be available showing that proposed joint has thermal, mechanical and chemical performance equivalent to the
pipe itself
8. PVC only. At startup of new material then once per year.

All the above tests/inspections are not practical or necessary for off-the-shelf piping. However, piping should
always be visually inspected upon arrival at the job site prior to transfer to the installation contractor.

Inspectors should be qualified for the specific material being inspected. It may be desirable to hire an indepen-
dent inspection firm with the proper experience.

Installation contractors should develop a quality control program for review by Company.

January 1998 400-20 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Fig. 400-9 Quality Control and Testing for Plastic Piping (2 of 2)

TESTING (After Installation): Plastic piping for pressure service should always by hydrotested. Hydrotesting is the
best way to detect faulty joints or defective pipe. Nonpressure pipe can be hydrotested or, as an alternative, air
tested to about 5 psi maximum. In the air test soap solution should be applied to all joints to check for leaks.

Suggested guidelines for hydrotesting plastic piping are as follows:

• Make sure joints are fully cured prior to testing. Some joints may take more than 24 hours to cure.

• Add water and increase pressure slowly to prevent water hammer.

• The various types of nonmetallic pipe have different allowable test pressures. Review with the manufacturer.
Testing at 1.5 times the system design pressure is not always correct. If possible test pipe when the ambient temper-
ature will remain below 75°F. Higher test temperatures may mean lower test pressures since most plastic piping
requires pressure derating at temperatures above 75°F. Summertime sun can heat pipe surfaces to 110-130°F.

• Hydrotest pressures should be held for about four hours. Do not extend the test beyond four hours without
first checking with the pipe manufacturer to make sure the pipe can withstand longer time at test pressure.

• Visually inspect all joints for leaks.

• For aboveground systems all guides and anchors should be installed prior to hydrotesting.

• Long underground systems should be partially backfilled prior to testing to hold the line in place. However,
leave all joints exposed for visual examination.

• Some water may need to be added during testing due to pipe expansion, so slight pressure drop does not
always mean pipe leakage.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-10 Flow Properties of Various Piping Materials

Pipe Material Hazen-Williams Flow Coefficient Manning N-value
HDPE 155 0.009
PVC 150 0.009
CPVC 150 0.009
FRP 150 0.009
PP 150 0.009
PVDF 150 0.009
ABS 150 0.009
Carbon Steel/Cast Iron 100–140 (depending on age and condition of pipe) 0.015
Plastic-Lined Steel 150–155 0.009
Internally Coated Steel 120–150 (depending on coating condition) —
Cement-Lined Steel 140 0.012
Galvanized Steel 100–140 (depending on coating condition) —
Stainless Steel 140 —
Aluminum 140 —
Transite 140 0.012
Concrete 130 0.012
Notes: 1. The higher the Hazen-Williams coefficient or lower the Manning N-value the less fluid flow is restricted. By using pipe materials
with improved flow characteristics, energy costs for pumping can be reduced or smaller pipe sizes can be used.

The Hazen-Williams formula for pressurized water is

∆P100 = 452Q1.85/C1.85D4.86

The Manning formula for gravity flow is

q = 1.486 AR2/3 S1/2/N


∆P100 = pressure loss per 100 ft. of pipe, psi

Q = flow rate, GPM
C = Hazen-Williams coefficient
D = pipe internal diameter, in.
q = flow rate, ft3/sec
N = Manning value
A = cross sectional area of flow, ft2
R = hydraulic radius (=I.D./4), ft
S = slope of hydraulic gradient

See also the Fluid Flow Manual for further guidance on performing flow calculations.

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

420 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

HDPE piping is a polyolefin thermoplastic material made by an extrusion process. It
is tough, flexible, and low cost. It is usually black owing to carbon black additions
for ultraviolet (UV) resistance. Its drawbacks include lower strength and tempera-
ture limits than most plastic piping materials. Thermal fusion is the primary joining
technique. Spirolite, manufactured by Chevron Chemical, is a large diameter, ribbed
outer wall HDPE pipe with a smooth inner wall and is used primarily in drainage

Typical Uses, HDPE

Because of its low cost, ease of installation and high reliability, HDPE pipe has been
used in many producing services including:
• Production
• Produced water
• Wet gas (including casing gas)
• Softened water
• Demineralized water
• Storm and chemical drains
• Strong corrosives (acids, scrubber liquor, etc.)

Advantages, HDPE
• Low cost
• Easy installation
• Excellent toughness and flexibility (won't crack if impacted)
• Butt-fused joints are reliable
• UV-resistant (with carbon black additions)
• Excellent flow properties (best of nonmetallics)
• Good toughness at very low temperatures (to -30°F)
• Resistance to wide range of chemicals
• Easy availability in wide range of sizes
• Excellent abrasion resistance

Disadvantages, HDPE
• Low maximum temperature limit (150°F - 180°F)
• Very high thermal expansion coefficient
• Lack of UV resistance without carbon black additions
• Lack of fire resistance (creates toxic fumes when burned)
• Lower pressure rating (reduced by 50%) when hydrocarbons are present even
in small quantities
• Should not be used with high concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

• Lower strength and design pressures than most nonmetallic piping materials

Available Sizes, HDPE

There are two types of HDPE pipe, solid wall pressure pipe (Plexco) and profile
wall non-pressure pipe (Spirolite).
Solid wall pressure pipe is available in sizes from ½" IPS through 36" IPS. HDPE
pipe is not purchased according to schedules used for steel piping. Instead, standard
dimension ratios (SDRs) are used. An SDR is a pipe's actual outside diameter
divided by its minimum wall thickness. Pipe is available with SDRs of 32.5 to 7.3
(decreasing number means thicker wall) with pressure ratings from 50 to 255 psig at
73.4°F. See Figure 400-12 for available SDRs and pressure ratings.
Pressure pipe is available in rolls of up to 1500 feet in the ½" to 3" size and 40 foot
lengths in sizes from 2" through 36". See Plexco Bulletin 301 for details.
Profile wall non pressure pipe is used in drainage operations only. Sizes available
are 18" to 144". Spirolite pipe is purchased by ring stiffness class. Available classes
are 40, 63, 100 and 160. Allowable crush loads increase with class number. See
Spirolite catalogue for details.

Ordering Suggestions, HDPE

For optimum strength, pressure retaining capability and temperature resistance,
HDPE pressure pipe should be ordered to material designation PE3408. Plexco
manufactures color (non-black) pipe with UV resistance of up to 4 years. For
permanent above ground service, call for 2 to 3% carbon black to be added.
Service Identification stripes per ANSI Z53.1 color code can be extruded into the
pipe; Yellowstripe for gas, bluestripe for potable water, redstripe for fire mains,
orange stripe for communications and greenstripe for waste water.
Two major suppliers of HDPE pressure pipe are:
Franklin Park, IL
(708) 455-0600
Purchased by the Company in 1989, Plexco is one of the largest and most experi-
enced suppliers. Its pipe is of the highest quality and is cost competitive (with espe-
cially favorable pricing for Chevron Companies). Also, only Plexco is approved for
underground fire main service by Factory Mutual. Excellent bulletins are available
for engineering design, joining, installation and procedures and chemical resistance
from Plexco.
The major producer of profile wall non-pressure pipe is:
Spirolite Corporation
3295 River Exchange Drive
Norcross, Georgia 30071
(404) 497-2309
Spirolite was acquired in the Gulf merger.

January 1998 400-24 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Plexco and Spirolite have merged.

While HDPE Driscopipe has been used in the past, we recommend our own
Chevron Plexco HDPE and HTPE pipe for all future operations.
Phillips Driscopipe, Inc.
Richardson, TX
(800) 527-0662
in Texas (800) 442-3802

Cost, HDPE
Material plus installation costs are very competitive with other low cost plastics
such as PVC, CPVC and ABS and can be significantly less than standard weight
steel. (See also Figure 400-2 in Section 410.)

Chemical Resistance, HDPE

HDPE has excellent resistance to most acids, bases and corrosive waters. The pres-
ence of hydrocarbons, such as crude oil, requires significant pressure derating (see
Basic Ordering Suggestions) but does not preclude using HDPE pipe. HDPE pipe
should not be used to convey fluids containing high concentrations of aromatic
hydrocarbons. HDPE with a 2% to 3% carbon black addition is UV resistant and
can be used aboveground without painting or shading. (See Figure 400-27 at end
of Section 400.)

Temperature and Pressure Limitations, HDPE

• Maximum recommended temperature in pressure applications: 150°F
• Maximum recommended temperature in nonpressure applications: 180°F
• Minimum recommended temperature: -30°F
Design Pressure Calculation:
Design pressures for HDPE pipe are calculated as follows (See Figure 400-11):

P = [2S/(SDR-1)] × TF × EF × JF
(Eq. 400-1)
P = Design pressure, psi
S = Hydrostatic design stress (HDS)
= 800 psi for PE3408 pipe
Note The last two digits in the material designation multiplied by 100 equals
HDS. The HDS equals the hydrostatic design basis (HDB) divided by two. ASTM
D2837 is used to determine the HDB.

Chevron Corporation 400-25 January 1998

400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-11 Design Pressure, psi, for Butt Fused HDPE PE3408 Pipe, Nonhydrocarbon Service(1)
Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR)(2)
Temp °F 32.5 26 21 17 13.5 11 9 7.3
73.4 51 64 80 100 128 160 200 254
80 48 60 76 95 122 150 190 241
90 44 56 70 87 111 140 174 221
100 40 50 63 79 101 125 158 201
110 36 45 57 71 90 113 142 180
120 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 159
130 28 36 45 56 72 90 110 140
140 25 32 40 50 64 80 100 127
150 21 26 33 41 52 66 82 104
(1) The presence of hydrocarbons, even in small quantities, reduces the above pressure ratings by 50%. Use of joining methods other than
butt fusion, like flanged or socket fused joints, may also lower pressure ratings—check with the pipe manufacturer. External tempera-
tures must be taken into account in design. Aboveground pipe may get heated to 130°F by the summertime sun.
(2) SDR = Pipe O.D./Min. Wall Thickness

t = Minimum wall thickness, in.

Do = Outside diameter, in.
SDR = Standard dimension ratio
= Do/t
TF = Temperature derating factor, as follows:
Temp. (°F) Derating Factor
73.4 1.00
80 0.95
90 0.87
100 0.79
110 0.71
120 0.63
130 0.55
140 0.50
150 0.41

EF = Environment derating factor

= 1.0 for nonhydrocarbon service
= 0.5 for hydrocarbon service

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Use 0.5 even if only trace quantities of organics are present (e.g. corrosion
inhibitors, NGL). Government regulations or piping codes may require lower
environment derating factors for gas piping. For example, ASME/ANSI B31.8
specifies a 0.32 derating factor and a 100 psi operating limit.
Note ASME/ANSI B31.4 does not allow plastic piping at all.
JF = Joint derating factor
= 1.0 for butt-fused HDPE (check with manufacturer for pressure
ratings or derating factors for other types of joints)
Vacuum Conditions:
Consult with the manufacturer if pipe will experience vacuum conditions. In
general, SDRs of 11 or lower are used. See Figure 400-12. (Also, see Figure 400-4
in Section 410.)

Joining Methods, HDPE

(See also Figure 400-5 in Section 410.)
To Similar Materials:
Butt fusion is the most common and the preferred joining method. It is low in cost
and reliable. Socket fusion is sometimes used on very small pipe sizes and bell-
and-spigot O-ring gasketed joints are usually used with large diameter profile wall
pipe (Spirolite). They are low in cost but give no axial restraint. An alternative large
diameter joint is the thermal fusion joint, which is higher in cost but provides axial
HDPE cannot be solvent cemented to itself or to any other material.
HDPE can be threaded but pipe threads will not hold pressure or take axial loads.
To Dissimilar Materials:
HDPE is usually joined to dissimilar piping materials with lap joint flanges or
specially manufactured transition fittings. ASME/ANSI B31.3 does not allow lap
joint flanges for severe cyclic services.
Plexco flange adapters are manufactured with a serrated surface to hold the gasket
and prevent blowout or leakage.
Butt Fusion Method:
Butt fusion equipment and a proper butt fusion procedure are as follows:
• Squaring and facing tools
• Heating plates
• Securing and aligning clamps
• Leverage for pressing pipe ends together

Chevron Corporation 400-27 January 1998

400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-12 External Pressure Rating (Collapse Pressure) for HDPE Pipe Courtesy of American Petroleum Institute,
from API Specification 15LE, Specification for Polyethylene Line Pipe (PE), 3rd ed., 1995
(From API 15/LE) Section 6
In certain applications, polyethylene pipe may be subjected to a “negative pressure” that could cause the
collapse of the pipe. A “negative pressure” situation exists where the external loading on the pipe is greater than
the internal pressure in the pipe.
Examples of negative pressure situations are:
• A buried gravity flow line.
• A vacuum line, e.g., a water suction line submerged 23 feet in a lake (equivalent to 10 psi external loading) and
operating under a partial vacuum of 5 psi. The net negative pressure is 15 psi.
• A water line going over a hill. The velocity of the water flow down the hill can exceed the velocity of the water
coming up the hill and cause a “negative pressure” to occur.
The ability of the pipe to resist the negative pressure is measured by its buckling strength (pk) and is commonly
referred to as the external loading capability of the pipe. In installations where negative pressure is anticipated, a
pipe of sufficiently heavy wall thickness should be chosen so that the pipe will not be permanently damaged or
deformed. The following figure shows the buckling pressures (without safety factors) for various SDRs of high
density polyethylene pipe.
Ovality and temperature have a significant effect on the external loading capabilities of polyethylene pipe. The
safety factor chosen by the engineer should be appropriate for the application. Safety factors of 2 to 2.3 are
commonly used.

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

1. Clean each pipe end with a clean cloth to remove dirt, moisture and grease.
2. Square (face) the ends of each pipe to be fused.
3. Check lineup of pipe ends. Adjust high-low. Check heater plate for proper
temperature with Tempilstik or pyrometer (proper temperature is usually 475°F
to 500°F, but check with manufacturer).
4. Insert heater plate between aligned ends and bring ends firmly in contact with
heater plate, but do not apply heavy pressure. Watch for proper melt bead.
Beads should be between 1/16 inch and 1/8 inch for pipe sizes 3 inches and
smaller, 1/8 inch and 3/16 inch for sizes 3 inches to 8 inches, and 3/16 inch and
1/4 inch for sizes over 8 inches.
5. Remove heater plate after achieving proper melt bead.
6. Bring ends together rapidly but do not slam. Apply enough force to form a
double roll-back bead.
7. Before moving or disturbing the joint, allow butt fusion joint to cool until
finger can remain comfortably on bead.
8. Do not hydrotest until joint has fully cooled.
See Testing and Quality Control, following, for a butt fusion qualification proce-
dure. Butt fusion equipment can be purchased or leased from most HDPE pipe

Fittings and Valves, HDPE

Injection-molded fittings are preferred and readily available in sizes smaller than
about 10 inches. Injection-molded fittings have wall thicknesses greater than that of
compatible pipe to give the fittings the same design pressure as pipe.
Fittings can also be fabricated by cutting (mitering) segments of straight HDPE pipe
and butt fusing the segments together. However, these fittings are much less desir-
able than molded fittings. Fabricated fittings should be derated to 60% of the design
pressure of the pipe from which they are made, or the pressure rating should be
established by the fabricator.
HDPE valves are available in sizes smaller than about 6 inches and can be directly
butt-fused or socket-fused into a polyethylene piping system (see Figure 400-13).
For easy valve removal or large HDPE piping, other types of nonmetallic valves can
be flanged into the HDPE piping system.
When fusing polyethylene valves and fittings to polyethylene piping, make sure the
same type of polyethylene is used (if the piping is PE3408, use PE3408 valves and

Chevron Corporation 400-29 January 1998

400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-13 HDPE Ball and Plug Valves Courtesy of Nordstrom Valves, Inc. Ployvalve is  trademark

Polyvalve Ball Valve Polyvalve Plug Valve

Installation Considerations, HDPE

Aboveground HDPE pipe usually requires continuous support to avoid sagging. For
this reason, HDPE is rarely run aboveground. It is usually buried or run along the
ground instead.
HDPE pipe has a very large coefficient of thermal expansion, more than ten times
that of steel and two to three times that of other plastic piping materials. Since
HDPE is very flexible, expansion and contraction are usually compensated for by
considerable intentional “snaking” of pipe along the ground or, if buried, in the
trench. Be careful not to run along-the-ground pipe too close to hot equipment.
Black pipe is UV-resistant and can be exposed to sunlight indefinitely. Non black
Plexco pipe is UV resistant for 4 years. It should be shaded or buried if installed in a
permanent system.
Fused joints should not be moved or handled until fully cooled (until your finger
can remain comfortably on the weld bead).
Refer to Figures 400-6, 400-7, and 400-8 (located in Section 410). These figures
give general installation considerations applicable to all types of plastic piping.

Testing and Quality Control, HDPE

Testing (including hydrotesting) and quality control recommendations applicable to
all types of plastic pipe are given in Figure 400-9 (located in Section 410). The
following is a butt fusion qualification procedure for HDPE pipe:
1. Observe the joining process (previously described under Joining Methods) to
determine that the proper procedure is being followed.
2. Visually inspect the joint and compare it to a sample or picture of an accept-
able joint.
3. Allow the joint to cool for at least one hour.

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

4. Cut at least three strap samples of pipe lengthwise through the joint area.
5. Visually inspect the strap samples for voids, lack of bonding, misalignment,
bead size, etc.
6. Bend the strap samples 180 degrees.
7. If flaws are observed or develop during bending, try to determine the cause,
recheck the procedure, and make another joint.
8. The welder is disqualified if the second joint is also unacceptable.
9. The welder should be separately qualified for all pipe sizes to be welded.
Heat fusion qualification guides, including photographs of acceptable/unacceptable
joints, are available from most HDPE pipe manufacturers.

Repair Methods, HDPE

The damaged section of HDPE pipe should be cut out and a new HDPE pipe section
fused in place according to the foregoing procedure. Compression repair sleeves,
clamps, patches, etc., are generally not recommended for HDPE
pressure pipe.

Flow Properties/Pressure Surge, HDPE

HDPE pipe has outstanding flow properties and, because it does not corrode in
service, its superior flow properties will not degrade with time. An accepted Hazen-
Williams flow coefficient is 155. Should pigging ever become necessary, use
smooth poly pigs only. Never use scraper pigs.
HDPE can handle pressure surges up to 1.5 times the pressure rating in systems with
many fittings or up to 2.5 times the pressure rating in systems with few or no
fittings. For instantaneous velocity changes < 5 fps, surge pressure is not a concern.
For higher velocities, surge pressure may be a concern depending on the system.
HDPE has been successfully used with velocities to 25 fps.
(See also Figure 400-10 in Section 410.)

Physical and Mechanical Properties, HDPE

Notable physical properties of HDPE are exceptional toughness and flexibility, a
very high thermal expansion coefficient and relatively low strength. Typical values
for these and other properties are as follows:
Property HDPE
Coefficient of linear expansion in./in./°F ×10-5 8 or 9
Impact strength, Izod notch, ft-lb/in 10+
Tensile strength, ksi 2.8 to 3.2
Tensile modulus, psi ×106 0.13
Specific gravity 0.94 to 0.95
Thermal conductivity, (Btu)(in.)/(hr)(ft )(°F) 2.9 to 3.2

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Liquids permeate HDPE at extremely slow rates. Permeability rates of various gases
in cc per day per 100 in.2 per mil thickness at atmospheric pressure differential are
as follows:
Gas Rate
Carbon Dioxide 345
Hydrogen 321
Oxygen 111
Ethane 236
Natural Gas 113

430 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)

PVC and CPVC piping are thermoplastic materials made by an extrusion process.
These low cost, high strength, commonly used piping materials are usually white or
gray in color. PVC and CPVC have very similar properties, but CPVC has higher
temperature limits. Poor impact resistance of some PVC/CPVCs is the primary
drawback. Solvent cementing is the most common joining method.

Typical Uses, PVC and CPVC

Because of low cost, relatively easy installation and good availability, PVC and
CPVC pipe have been used in many production services, including produced water,
seawater, strong corrosives (acids, caustic, scrubber liquor, etc.) and storm and
chemical drains.

Advantages, PVC and CPVC

• Low cost
• Easy installation
• Solvent-cemented joints are reliable
• Higher strength and design pressures than most thermoplastic piping materials
• Good flow properties
• Wide range of sizes
• Resistance to wide range of chemicals
• CPVC can be used at high temperatures (200°F to 210°F)

Disadvantages, PVC and CPVC

• Poor toughness (especially when cold)
• Loses toughness with long sunlight exposures
• Not fire resistant
• Pressure rating must be reduced by 60% when hydrocarbons are present even in
small quantities
• Cannot be used with high concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons

January 1998 400-32 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

• PVC has a low maximum temperature limit (140°F to 150°F)

Available Sizes, PVC and CPVC

PVC piping is readily available in sizes up to 12 inches, and CPVC piping in sizes
to 8 inches. Larger sizes have limited availability. Standard joint length is 20 feet.
PVC and CPVC pipe are usually purchased to standard schedule sizes, Schedule 40
and Schedule 80 being the most common. They can also be purchased according to
the standard dimension ratio (SDR), which is a pipe's outside diameter divided by
its minimum wall thickness.

Ordering Suggestions, PVC and CPVC

To obtain optimum strength, pressure retaining capability and temperature resis-
tance order PVC to material designations 1120, 1220 or 2120, and CPVC to
material designation 4120. PVC 2120 has better impact resistance than PVC 1120 or
PVC 1220 but may not be as readily available. Some manufacturers (such as
Harrington Plastics) are starting to offer extra-UV-resistant pipe, but at a
premium cost.

Cost, PVC and CPVC

Material plus installation costs are very competitive with other low cost plastics
such as HDPE and ABS and can be significantly less than standard weight steel.
(See also Figure 400-2 in Section 410.)

Chemical Resistance, PVC and CPVC

PVC and CPVC have excellent resistance to most acids, bases and corrosive
waters. PVC and CPVC pipe can be used in hydrocarbon service but significant
pressure derating is necessary. PVC and CPVC pipe should not be used to convey
fluids containing high concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons. PVC and CPVC
can lose toughness after long sunlight exposure and should be buried, shaded or
painted. Temporary exposure to sunlight is not a concern. For painting, use epoxy
mastic coating system such as System 1.8 (in the Coatings Manual).
(See Figure 400-27 at end of Section 400.)

Temperature and Pressure Limitations, PVC and CPVC

Max. recommended temp., pressure applications 140°F 200°F
Max. recommended temp., nonpressure applications 150°F 210°F
Min. recommended temp. 0°F 0°F

Design Pressure Calculation:

Design pressures for PVC and CPVC pipe are calculated as follows (See also
Figure 400-14):
P = [2St/(Do - t)] × TF × EF × JF
(Eq. 400-2)

Chevron Corporation 400-33 January 1998

400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-14 Design Pressures for PVC and CPVC Pipe

Design pressures for PVC 1120, PVC 1220, PVC 2120 and CPVC 4120 pipe in 73°F nonhydro-
carbon service are as follows:
Nominal Pipe Solvent-Cemented Solvent-Cemented Threaded
Size, in. Schedule 40 Schedule 80 Schedule 80
1 450 psi 630 psi 315 psi
2 280 psi 400 psi 200 psi
4 220 psi 324 psi NR
6 180 psi 280 psi NR
8 160 psi 250 psi NR
10 140 psi 230 psi NR
12 130 psi 225 psi NR
The above design pressures need to be derated if temperatures exceed 73°F and/or
hydrocarbons are present. The derating factor for the presence of hydrocarbons is 0.4.
Temperature derating factors are as follows:
Working De-Rating Working De-Rating
Temperature, °F Factor Temperature, °F Factor
73 1.00 73 1.00
80 0.88 110 0.72
90 0.75 120 0.65
100 0.62 130 0.57
110 0.51 140(1) 0.50
120 0.40 150 0.42
130(1) 0.31 160(1) 0.35
(1) (1)
140 0.22 170 0.29
180(1) 0.25
Notes: External temperatures must be taken into account in design. Pipe can be heated to 130°F by the
summertime sun.

Example: 6” Schedule 80, solvent-cemented CPVC in 120°F crude oil service would have a design
pressure of: 280 psi × 0.4 × 0.65 = 73 psi.

(1) Pipe should not be threaded. Use flanged joints or unions where disassembly is necessary.

January 1998 400-34 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping


P = (2S × TF × EF × JF)/(SDR-1)
(Eq. 400-3)
P = Design pressure, psi
S = Hydrostatic design stress (HDS)
= 2000 psi for PVC 1120, PVC 1220, PVC 2120 and CPVC 4120
= 1600 psi for PVC 2116
= 1200 psi for PVC 2112
= 1000 psi for PVC 2110
Note The last two digits in the material designation multiplied by 100 equal the
HDS. The HDS equals the hydrostatic design basis (HDB) divided by two. ASTM
D2837 is used to determine the HDB.
t = Minimum wall thickness, in.
Do = Outside diameter, in.
SDR = Standard dimension ratio
= Do/t
TF = Temperature derating factor, as follows:
Derating Factor
Temp (°F) PVC CPVC
73.4 1.00 1.00
80 0.88 0.95
90 0.75 0.87
100 0.62 0.80
110 0.51 0.72
120 0.40 0.65
130 0.31 0.57
140 0.22 0.50
150 NR 0.42
160 NR 0.35
170 NR 0.29
180 NR 0.25

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

EF = Environment derating factor

= 1.0 for nonhydrocarbon service
= 0.4 for hydrocarbon service. Use 0.4 even if only trace quantities
of organics are present (e.g., corrosion inhibitors, NGL). Govern-
ment regulations or piping codes may require lower environment
derating factors for gas piping. For example, ASME/ANSI B31.8
specifies a 0.32 factor and a 100 psi operating limit.
Note ASME/ANSI B31.4 does not allow plastic piping at all.
JF = Joint derating factor
= 1.0 for solvent-cemented joints
= 0.5 for threaded joints
Note Check with manufacturer for pressure ratings or derating factors for other
types of joints.
Vacuum Conditions:
Consult the pipe manufacturer for vacuum service. Schedule 80 piping is usually
used. See Figure 400-4 in Section 410.

Joining Methods, PVC and CPVC

(See also Figure 400-5 in Section 410.)
To Similar Materials:
Solvent cementing of socket joints is the most common joining method and is
preferred. Threaded joints are sometimes used with small diameter (4-inch or less)
Schedule 80 piping, but the pressure rating of threaded pipe must be reduced by
50%. Bell-and-spigot O-ring gasketed joints are used for large diameter drainage
To Dissimilar Materials:
Solid flat-faced flanges are the most common and the preferred method of joining
PVC and CPVC pipe to dissimilar piping materials. Lap joint flanges with PVC or
CPVC backup rings have also been used for dissimilar pipe joints. Threading can
also be used for dissimilar pipe joints, but the PVC/CPVC pipe must have male
threads to be joined to metal or fiberglass pipe.
It is likely that flanges will limit the pressure capability of a PVC or CPVC piping
system. This should be checked with the manufacturer/supplier. Refer to Figure
400-15 for typical flange ratings. Flanges can be attached by solvent cementing or

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Fig. 400-15 PVC and CPVC Flanges—Typical

Maximum Operating Pressures
Operating Flanges, psi(1)
Temp., °F PVC CPVC
100 150 150
110 135 145
120 10 135
130 75 125
140 50 110
150 NR 100
160 NR 90
170 NR 80
180 NR 70
190 NR 60
200 NR 50
210 NR 40
NR = Not recommended.
(1) Threaded flanges must be back welded for above
pressure capability to be applicable.

Summary of Methods:
Joining techniques for PVC and CPVC pipe can be summarized as follows:
• Solvent-cemented socket. Preferred and most commonly used. Reliable and
low cost. Cement brands are interchangeable
• Flat face flanges. Preferred for dissimilar pipe joints. Solid flanges are used
without voids intentionally cast into the flange backface. May limit pressure
capability of pipe system. It is necessary to limit bolt torques and use full face
gaskets. Available for almost all pipe sizes
• Lap joint flanges. Also known as Van Stone flanges. An alternative dissimilar
pipe joint. (ANSI B31.3 disallows these flanges for severe cyclic service.) Use
PVC or CPVC backup rings
• Threaded. Schedule 80, 4-inch and smaller piping only. Pressure rating must
be reduced by 50%. Joints are made using Teflon tape and strap wrenches.
Male PVC or CPVC threads are mated to female steel or FRP threads.
Injection-molded factory threads are preferred to field threading
• Bell-and-spigot. No axial restraint. Large drainage pipe with O-rings only.
These are low-cost joints

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Solvent Cementing Method:

The following is a proper solvent cementing procedure.
1. Cut the pipe square to the desired length using a hand saw and miter box, a
mechanical saw, or a tube cutter.
2. Chamfer pipe end 10 to 15 degrees, 1/16 inch to 3/32 inch back.
3. Clean male pipe end and female socket with a cloth rag to remove all dirt,
moisture and grease.
4. Check dry fit of pipe in fitting. Pipe should enter socket to about 1/3 to 3/4
socket depth. More or less indicates a fitup problem.
5. Dissolve inside of socket by brushing with primer. Use a brush size of at least
one-half pipe diameter.
6. Dissolve the male end of the pipe by brushing on a liberal coat of primer.
7. Again apply primer to socket inside, then, without delay, apply proper cement
to male end of pipe.
8. Apply the same cement lightly to the inside of the socket. Time is important at
this stage, so work quickly; two men should work together for 3-inch and larger
9. Apply a second coat of cement to the male pipe end, then forcefully bottom the
male pipe end in the socket, giving the male end a quarter turn.
10. Hold joint firmly for 30 to 60 seconds to prevent backing out.
11. Handle new joints carefully until the recommended set time has elapsed,
30 minutes at 60°F to 100°F
2 hours at 40°F to 60°F
4 hours at 20°F to 40°F
6 hours at 0°F to 20°F
12. Do not pressure test for at least 24 hours after assembly.

Fittings and Valves, PVC and CPVC

Injection-molded fittings are preferred and are readily available in sizes smaller than
about 10 inches. Both molded socket and molded threaded fittings are available.
Injection-molded fittings have wall thicknesses greater than those of the compatible
pipe to give the fittings the same design pressure as the pipe.
Fittings for large pipe sizes (greater than 10 inches) are typically fabricated from
PVC or CPVC pipe by hot gas welding or butt fusion of mitered seams. Fiberglass
reinforcement is added where required. Pressure ratings for fabricated fittings can
be up to 60% less than the rating of the pipe from which they were made. Check
with the pipe manufacturer.

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PVC and CPVC valves are readily available in sizes less than about 6 inches and
have limited availability in sizes up to about 12 inches. Valves are typically flanged
or threaded. Valves with solvent cement socket connections are also available but
cannot be removed after they are cemented in place.

Installation Considerations, PVC and CPVC

General installation considerations for all types of plastic piping are given in
Figures 400-6, 400-7, and 400-8 (located in Section 410). The present discussion
concerns those specific to PVC/CPVC pipe.
PVC and CPVC piping generally have limited flexibility, and will crack if crushed
or severely impacted. This potentiality should be considered when installing the
pipe. It is especially important to use washers under bolts and nuts. To avoid
breakage or cracking from bending, consult the pipe manufacturer for recom-
mended bending limits.
Prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to embrittlement. Consequently PVC/
CPVC piping installations should be buried, shaded, or painted. Water-based latex
or epoxy mastic (see System 1.8 in the Coatings Manual) coatings are suitable.
Surface preparation consists of light sanding.
Thermal expansion and contraction of buried PVC/CPVC is usually accommodated
by “snaking” pipe in the trench. Aboveground, expansion loops or frequent changes
in direction are the usual remedy.
Make sure PVC cements are used for joining PVC piping and CPVC cements for
CPVC piping.

Testing and Quality Control, PVC and CPVC

Testing (including hydrotesting) and quality control recommendations applicable to
all types of plastic pipe are given in Figure 400-9 (located in Section 410). The
following considerations are specific to PVC/CPVC pipe:
• PVC/CPVC solvent-cemented joints should finish curing at least 24 hours prior
to hydrotesting
• Solvent cements whose shelf life has been exceeded should not be used

Repair Methods, PVC and CPVC

The preferred method of making repairs is to cut out the damaged pipe and solvent-
cement a new section of pipe in place according to the same procedure given under
Joining Methods. Compression repair sleeves, such as those used on steel pipe, have
been used to stop PVC/CPVC pipe leaks in low or nonpressure systems.
Leaking solvent-cemented (or threaded) joints are sometimes repaired by hot gas
welding at the fillet formed by the fitting and the pipe. The surfaces of the base
material and a plastic filler rod are softened and fused together to seal the leak.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Flow Properties/Pressure Surge, PVC and CPVC

PVC and CPVC have very good flow properties that do not degrade with time
because there is no corrosion roughening. An accepted Hazen-Williams flow coeffi-
cient is 150. Should pigging ever become necessary, use smooth poly pigs only.
Never use scraper pigs.
Most manufacturers recommend that fluid flow not exceed 5 ft/sec to avoid exces-
sive pressure surges from sudden changes in flow (such as from closing a valve or
starting a pump).
(See also Figure 400-10 in Section 410.)

Physical and Mechanical Properties, PVC and CPVC

Notable physical properties of PVC/CPVC are high strength and stiffness and rela-
tively poor toughness. Typical values for these and other properties are as follows:
Property PVC 1120, CPVC 4120
PVC 1220
Coeff. linear expansion, in./in./°F × 10-5 3.0 3.5
Impact strength, Izod notch, ft-lb/in. 1.0 1.5
Tensile strength, ksi 8.0 8.0
Tensile modulus, psi × 10 6
0.41 0.42
Specific gravity 1.40 1.54
Thermal conductivity, (Btu) (in.)/(hr) (ft2) (°F) 1.1 1.0

440 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP)

Fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) pipe is a composite material consisting of rein-
forcement, usually glass fibers, surrounded by or embedded in a thermosetting resin,
usually polyester, vinyl ester or epoxy. Pigments, thixotropic agents or UV stabi-
lizers may also be added. A typical FRP pipe wall construction is shown in
Figure 400-16.

Fig. 400-16 Typical FRP Pipe Wall Construction

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

An interior resin-rich liner may be provided for chemical resistance; not all
commodity (off-the-shelf) FRP pipe has this inner liner. The glass-rich middle
layers provide structural strength. A resin-rich layer on the outside of the pipe helps
resist damage owing to spills, weather and handling.
FRP pipe goes by many different names, including fiberglass pipe, glass-reinforced
plastic (GRP) pipe and reinforced thermosetting resin (RTR) pipe. The two most
common processes for making FRP pipe are filament winding, in which liquid-
resin-saturated fiber strands or woven roving are wound around a mandrel, and
centrifugal casting, in which liquid resin and reinforcements are placed inside a
rotating mold and removed after the resin has cured.
FRP pipe comes in a variety of colors and can handle much higher pressures and
temperatures than most other nonmetallic pipe materials.
Potentially poor reliability of field-installed adhesive joints due to human error is a
primary drawback. This can be overcome by training or by using mechanical joints.
FRP pipe and fittings are classified according to ASTM D-2310, as follows:
• Types
– Type I. Filament-wound pipe
– Type II. Centrifugally cast pipe
– Type III. Pressure-laminated pipe
• Grades
– Grade 1. Fiberglass epoxy resin pipe
– Grade 2. Fiberglass polyester/vinyl ester resin pipe
– Grade 3. Fiberglass phenolic resin pipe
– Grade 4. Not applicable for oil and gas service
– Grade 5. Not applicable for oil and gas service
– Grade 6. Not applicable for oil and gas service
– Grade 7. Glass-fiber-reinforced furan resin pipe
• Classes
– Class A. No liner
– Class B. Polyester/vinyl ester resin liner (nonreinforced)
– Class C. Epoxy resin liner (nonreinforced)
– Class D. Phenolic resin liner (nonreinforced)
– Class E. Polyester/vinyl ester resin liner (reinforced)
– Class F. Epoxy resin liner (reinforced)
– Class G. Phenolic resin liner (reinforced)
– Class H. Thermoplastic resin liner (specify)
– Class I. Furan resin liner (reinforced)

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Typical Uses, FRP

Because FRP pipe is strong, corrosion resistant and often less costly than steel pipe,
it has been used in many producing services, including:
• CO2 injection
• Softened water
• Produced water
• Seawater and brine
• Production
• Demineralized water
• Wet gas
• Scrubber liquor

Advantages, FRP
• Often less costly than steel
• Handles much higher pressures than most plastic piping
• High maximum temperature limits (200°F plus)
• Temperature and pressure limitations generally not affected by presence of
crude oil (unlike most thermoplastic piping materials)
• UV-resistant if UV stabilizers are added
• Lower thermal expansion coefficient than most thermoplastic pipe materials
• Good flow properties
• Readily available in wide range of sizes

Disadvantages, FRP
• Field repair can be difficult, especially with large diameters and inclement
• Field-fabricated adhesive joints require conscientious workmanship to be
• Aboveground, non-UV stabilized pipe must be painted to prevent surface
• FRP is brittle, and buried piping is easily damaged by soil movement or settling
• FRP is not as resistant to acids and caustics as some thermoplastic piping
• Impact and crush resistance are only fair (definitely inferior to HDPE)
• More expensive than most thermoplastic piping materials

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Available Sizes, FRP

FRP piping is readily available in sizes from 1 inch to 16 inches. Larger sizes have
limited availability, but sizes up to about 144 inches in diameter have been made.
Standard joint lengths are 20, 30, and 40 feet. FRP piping is typically not purchased
to standard schedule sizes or standard dimension ratios, and different manufacturers
have different sizing schemes. However, most manufacturers make pipe with
outside diameters comparable to standard steel pipe.

Ordering Suggestions, FRP

Figure 400-17 provides basic requirements and ordering suggestions for fiberglass
pipe. These requirements and suggestions were taken in part from the Fiberglass
Pipe Institute (FPI) publication, Specification Guideline for FRP Pipe Systems for
Oil and Gas Service, March 1987 issue.

Fig. 400-17 Basic Requirements and Ordering Suggestions for FRP Pipe (1 of 2)
• Use the API specifications 15LR and 15HR.
• Filament wound or centrifugally cast, epoxy polyester, or vinyl ester pipe with a liner will provide suitable
service in most environments and should be ordered unless special service conditions dictate otherwise.
These types of FRP pipe have provided good service in many oilfield environments, are readily available and
relatively low in cost.
• The resin rich corrosion liner should not be less than 20 mils thick.
• Pipe for aboveground service should be UV-stabilized or painted.
• Additions of fillers, pigments, dyes, accelerators etc., are not restricted as long as such ingredients have been
shown not to impair the performance of the pipe.
• Pipe and fittings shall be manufactured to referenced dimensional standards for roundness, straightness,
curvature, and mating. Diameter, wall thickness and length dimension tolerances shall also be maintained.
(See ASTM D3567.)
• All joining materials (adhesives, seals, etc.) for the piping system shall have thermal, mechanical and chem-
ical performance equivalent to the pipe itself. The manufacturer/distributor shall supply complete written
instructions for making the proposed joints. In most cases it is appropriate to have the manufacturer repre-
sentative present for at least the start of the job.
• Evidence of chemical resistance for the intended service shall be supplied. This evidence could be resin
coupon testing, field experience, pressurized pipe testing or strain corrosion testing (ASTM D3681).
• Minimum pipe stiffness as determined by ASTM D2412 shall be as follows:
Nominal Diameter, in. Stiffness at 5% Deflection, psi
1 700
2 110
3 55
4 25
5 40
8 30
10 18
12-144 9

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-17 Basic Requirements and Ordering Suggestions for FRP Pipe (2 of 2)
• There shall be no visual evidence of crazing or cracking of the pipe barrel at the required deflection.
• The hydrostatic design basis (HDB) for all FRP pipe shall be determined per ASTM D2992 Procedure A or
Procedure B. Pipe tested to Procedure A (cyclic) shall utilize a service or safety factor of 1.0 in design pres-
sure calculations. Pipe tested in Procedure B (static) shall utilize a service or safety factor of 0.5. (Pipe must
be requalified yearly with shorter duration tests.)
• Information shall be provided for the following properties for each size/rating as appropriate:
– Short time hydraulic failure pressure (ASTM D1599)
– Collapse or vacuum resistance (see ASTM 2924)
– Hoop tensile modulus and maximum recommended strain limits
– Maximum recommended axial tensile load for pipe body and across the joint at rated pressure and without
– Coefficient of thermal expansion (ASTM D696)
– Minimum bending radius
– Maximum support spacing
– Poisson ratio (hoop and axial)
– Barcol hardness of interior surfaces (ASTM D2583)
– Minimum degree of cure
– Minimum degree of reinforcement (ASTM D2584)
– Maximum degree extractable materials (ASTM D4024)
– Nominal weights for pipe, fittings and couplings
– Density of pipe and fittings
– Thermal conductivity
– Torsional stress limits (ultimate and maximum recommended)
– Glass transition temperature, Tg
• All pipe and fittings shall at least be marked with the manufacturer's trademark, the nominal pipe size, the
type of fiberglass (ASTM D2310) and the pressure rating.
• Adhesive and butt-and-strap kits shall be marked with the manufacturer's name or trademark and expiration
date, and shall come with complete instructions for handling and use.

Note API has good specifications for commodity pipe. API 15LR and 15HR
should almost always be used to order commodity FRP pipe. (See also Section 490.)
Most FRP oilfield pipe in service today is filament-wound or centrifugally-cast
epoxy pipe. More chemically resistant vinyl ester resin is also available. The less
chemically resistant polyester resins are no longer used much for commodity
FRP pipe.
Epoxy and vinyl resins can successfully handle most oilfield environments. A resin-
rich liner is generally recommended for anything other than nonaggressive water or
oil service (not involving chemicals, acidizing gases, high pressure, etc.). Liners
should not be less than 20 mils thick. Some pipe manufacturers add UV stabilizers

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

to pipe to make it UV-resistant. UV stabilization is recommended for pipe to be

used above ground; the alternative is painting.

Cost, FRP
Material-plus-installation costs can be significantly higher than standard weight
steel in small pipe sizes (4-inch diameter and under). However, in large pipe sizes,
FRP pipe can be much less costly than standard steel and competitive with low cost
thermoplastic pipe materials like HDPE, PVC and CPVC. Unfortunately, FRP
fittings and flanges can be very expensive and can become a relatively greater
portion of the total materials cost than steel fittings would be.
(See also Figure 400-2 in Section 410.)

Chemical Resistance, FRP

The chemical resistance of FRP pipe is determined by the resin used to make the
pipe and, specifically, the resin used for the corrosion-resistant liner. Epoxies and
vinyl esters are the most common resins for both pipe and liners. Polyesters were
formerly very common, but are used less often today. Furan, phenolic and even ther-
moplastic liners are sometimes used in special situations. General chemical and heat
resistance properties for various resins are given in Figure 400-18.
We’ve seen in Figure 400-27 the expected chemical resistance of epoxy, polyester and
vinyl ester resins to typical oilfield environments. One definite advantage of FRP
pipe over most thermoplastic piping is that temperature and pressure ratings are
generally not reduced by the presence of crude oil.
A resin layer on the outside of the pipe is important to enhance resistance to weath-
ering, chemical spills and handling damage. However, unless UV stabilizers are
added to the resin, sunlight will eventually damage the pipe.
Sunlight damage is characterized by chalking or cracking of the resin rich layers,
and eventually allows the glass fibers in the pipe to come loose (the pipe looks like
it is growing hair). The loosening of the glass fibers causes a decrease in pipe
strength that could lead to an overpressure failure.
If the resin is not UV-stabilized and the pipe is used above ground, it should be
painted with an epoxy mastic coating system such as System 1.8 in the Coatings
Manual. If the FRP pipe has a wax coating applied at the mill, remove it first with
light sanding.

Temperature, Pressure Limitations, FRP

Consult the pipe or resin manufacturer for temperature limitations in specific envi-
ronments. Many resins can give satisfactory service in most applications up to
200°F. In some cases 300°F or a little higher can be achieved.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-18 General Chemical and Heat Resistance Properties of Various Resins, FRP Pipe
Chemical Resistance Heat
Resins Acids Bases Solvents Resistance
Polyester Resins Fair-Good Poor Fair Fair-Good
Isophthalic acid based — 0 + —
HET acid based — 0 + +
BPA/fumaratest + — — —
Vinyl ester terminated polyesters — — — +
Vinyl Ester Resins Good Fair-Good Fair-Good Good-V.Good
BPA/ECH epoxy derived
n=0 + — + +
n=2 + + — —
Phenolic-Novalac epoxy derived + — + +
Epoxy Resins Fair Good V. Good Good-V. Good
Aliphatic amine cured — — + +
Aromatic amine cured — + ++ ++
Anhydride cured — 0 + +
Lewis acid cured + + + ++
Furan Resins Fair Good V. Good V. Good
Furfuryl alcohol derived — + ++ ++
Key: ++ = very good
+ = good
— = fair
0 = poor
Source: Based on table from M. B. Launikitis, “Chemically Resistant FRP Resins,” Proceedings of 1977 Plastics Seminar, National
Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, Texas.

Design Pressure Calculation:

Design pressures for FRP pipe are calculated as follows (see ASTM D2992,
Obtaining Hydrostatic or Pressure Design Basis for Fiberglass Pipe and Fittings, for
determination of design basis S):

P = [2St/(Do - t)] × SF
(Eq. 400-4)
P = Design pressure, psi

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t = Minimum reinforced wall thickness, in. (does not include non-

reinforced liners or exterior gel coats)
Do = Outside diameter, in.
S = Hydrostatic design basis as determined by ASTM D2992, i.e., the
hydrostatic pressure that will cause failure after 150 × 106 pres-
sure cycles (Procedure A) or 100,000 hours of static pressure
(Procedure B) at rated temperature
Note ASTM is changing the design basis for Procedure B from 100,000 hours to
50 years. Manufacturers must requalify pipe each year with 1000- and 3000-hour
tests to verify that they still produce the same quality pipe as originally tested.
SF = Safety factor
= 1.0 for calculations using a Procedure A (cyclic) hydrostatic
design basis
= 0.5 for calculations using a Procedure B (static) hydrostatic
design basis
Fiberglass pipe joint designs using O-rings are tested by the ASTM D4161 method.
In this test, straight, cocked and point-loaded joints are hydrostatically tested at
twice their rated pressure.
Design pressure calculation for fiberglass pipe differs from that for thermoplastic
pipe because standard temperature and environment derating factors are not used in
the equation. The pipe manufacturer must run the ASTM D2992 test at or above the
anticipated use temperature to provide the correct hydrostatic design basis for the
equation. The manufacturer must also supply acceptable chemical resistance test
data for the resin used to make the pipe that shows its suitability for the environ-
ment and temperature in question. Resin chemical resistance test data is often
supplied by the resin manufacturer, not the pipe manufacturer.

Vacuum Conditions
Certain piping codes may limit pressure and temperature well below calculated
values or pipe manufacturer recommendations. For instance, ANSI B31.8 limits
FRP pipe to 100 psig and 150°F.

Joining Methods, FRP

(See also Figure 400-5 in Section 410.)
To Similar Material:
Adhesives. The most common and least costly method of joining FRP pipe is with
adhesives. Common adhesive joints include bell-and-spigot, socket and threaded.
The various end configurations enable proper fitup and alignment while the adhe-
sive creates the pressure-rated bond. Adhesives are selected to match the FRP mate-
rial and are brush-applied to the joint prior to makeup. The adhesive typically cures
in less than six hours at 70°F.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Field-installed adhesive joints can be unreliable. They are very sensitive to installa-
tion practices and are the most likely FRP joints to come apart due to installer error.
Even joints that have passed hydrotest have failed in service during pressure surges
or frequent pressure cycles. Careful, constant inspection is a must for field-installed
adhesive joints. Those adhesive joints that combine mechanical locking (like
threading) with adhesive bonding are the most reliable.
O-ring Joints. Many FRP pipe manufacturers have developed nonadhesive propri-
etary O-ring joints, both restrained and nonrestrained. These joints minimize joint
failures that result from installer error. Restrained joints use clamps, keys, threads,
couplings, etc., for mechanical locking. These joints are generally more costly than
adhesive joints but added material costs can usually be partially recovered during
installation, which is far less labor intensive than for adhesive joints. Pipe with bell-
and-spigot nonrestrained O-ring joints is usually buried to keep the joints from
backing out.
Butt-and-strap Joints. Butt-and-strap joining is a very labor intensive but very reli-
able method of joining FRP pipe. Butt-and-strap joints are made by overwrapping
the pipe-to-pipe or pipe-to-fitting interface with multiple, increasingly wide layers
of resin-saturated glass reinforcement. The resin for the overwrap is usually the
same resin used for making the pipe. The necessary materials for this type of joining
are usually provided as individually packaged butt-and-strap joint kits (one kit per
Threaded Joints. FRP pipe and fittings with factory-molded threaded connections
provide easy-to-install, reliable joints. FRP pipe cannot be field-threaded
To Dissimilar Material:
Drilled, full-face FRP flanges are the preferred method for joining FRP pipe to
dissimilar pipe materials. The FRP flanges are usually adhesively bonded to the
FRP pipe. Lap joint (Van Stone) flanges, which consist of FRP stub ends with steel
backup rings, are also sometimes used for dissimilar pipe joints. However, lap joint
flanges usually have much lower pressure ratings than full-face flanges. Filament
wound or hand lay-up flanges and stub ends are preferred to press-molded
(compression-molded) flanges. FRP joining techniques may be summarized as
• Adhesive. Most common and low cost. Field-installed adhesive joints are not
reliable without careful, constant inspection
• O-ring. Many types are available. They are usually expensive but easy to
install and minimize joint failures from installation error. Restrained joints use
various mechanical locking devices. Nonrestrained joints should be buried
and/or thrust-blocked to prevent backout. Consider long term effects of service
on the elastomer O-ring
• Butt-and-Strap. Expensive and labor intensive, but reliable. Require skilled

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

• Threaded. Factory-molded threads only; FRP cannot be field threaded. Use

strap wrenches
• Full-Face Flanges. Preferred for dissimilar pipe joints. It is necessary to limit
bolt torques. Use full-face gaskets. Avoid press-molded construction
• Lap Joint Flanges. An alternative to full-face flanges, but usually has a lower
pressure rating. Avoid press-molded construction. Not allowed by ASME/ANSI
B31.3, which requires full facing for severe cyclic service.
Adhesive Method:
The following is a proper adhesive joining procedure:
1. Avoid making field tapers if possible (lay out pipe carefully). If field tapers are
required follow manufacturer's instructions, and use special tapering tools. Do
not use hand grinders.
2. Prior to bonding, visually inspect all spigots and bells (or sockets) for damage.
3. Clean all dirt, moisture and other foreign matter from both the bell-and-spigot
surfaces. A second man should be mixing the adhesive while the pipe is being
4. Adhesive must be thoroughly mixed and should never be split, since it is diffi-
cult to correctly proportion resin and hardener. Preferred mixing temperature is
70°F to 80°F. Use a wooden spatula for mixing. Check to make sure that the
adhesive shelf life has not been exceeded. Use only pipe manufacturer
approved adhesives.
5. Do not touch bonding surfaces after cleaning and do not allow dirt from ditch
walls to fall onto bonding surfaces after cleaning.
6. Immediately after cleaning, apply a smooth, thin coat of adhesive to both the
bell and spigot ends. Use a clean paint brush for application.
7. Do not apply adhesive if it has turned warm in the can; this indicates the resin
is about to set.
8. Remove all paint brush bristles from applied adhesive with a sharp, clean tool.
9. Mark the spigot (or determine location of factory-installed marks) to indicate
appropriate insertion depth.
10. Push and twist spigot into bell to appropriate insertion depth. Wood blocks and
hammers, or come-alongs may be used for joining larger pipe sizes. A good
insertion has good alignment and should produce a small, even bead both inter-
nally at the end of the spigot and externally at the bell end.
11. Allow joints to cure fully before moving or testing. “Heat packs” can accel-
erate cure times, which are highly dependent on temperature.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fittings and Valves, FRP

Several types of FRP valves are available in sizes up to about 12 inches. They are
usually of molded construction. Trim and packing are usually thermoplastic mate-
rials. Valves are usually flanged into the piping system. Four commonly used FRP
fittings are:
Filament-Wound Fittings. These are made by continuously winding strand(s) of
resin-rich fiberglass around a mandrel to build up the desired wall thickness.
The fittings are available in sizes from 2 to 14 inches and are stronger than molded
Press-Molded Fittings. These are produced using matching male and female
molds. A specially prepared resin-plus-reinforcement molding compound is
injected, then compressed in the molds to form the fitting. These fittings are low in
cost and available in sizes from 2 to 8 inches. Not usually as strong as filament-
wound or hand lay-up fittings, they are acceptable if purchased to the API specs.
Hand Lay-up Fittings. These are made using a fitting mold or form. Layers of
fiberglass mat and/or woven roving are laid on the mold and wetted with resin.
Additional layers are added until the desired thickness is achieved. Making these
fittings is labor intensive, therefore usually expensive. Hand lay-up fittings are made
in all sizes and have even greater strength than filament-wound fittings.
Fabricated Fittings. These are made from two or more prefabricated sections. For
example, a fabricated tee may be made from two sections of filament-wound pipe
joined by overwrapping with fiberglass and resin layers. These fittings come in all
pipe sizes and generally are not as strong as fittings of one piece construction.

Installation Considerations, FRP

General installation considerations applicable to all types of plastic pipe are given in
Figures 400-6, 400-7, and 400-8 (located in Section 410). Some considerations
specific to FRP are as follows:
• Field fabricated adhesive joints are highly sensitive to installer error. Careful,
constant inspection is a must
• FRP pipe is not UV-resistant without UV stabilizers. Aboveground piping
should be UV stabilized or painted, unprimed, with a common alkyd, epoxy or
urethane paint
• For large or critical FRP piping projects, contact CRTC's Materials and Equip-
ment Engineering Unit. Outside FRP piping consultants are:
Fiberglass Structural Engineers,
(206) 734-7040
Norwest Design Associates,
(206) 671-1620
Simpson, Gumpertz and Hegler,
(617) 643-2000

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

• Expansion of aboveground FRP pipe is usually handled by offsets or frequent

direction changes. Expansion coefficients for FRP pipe vary depending on
method of manufacture, the resin used, etc.
• Thrust blocks are occasionally used for buried piping, particularly at elbows,
but this heavy weight has caused some problems with settling

Testing and Quality Control, FRP

Testing (including hydrotesting) and quality control recommendations applicable to
all types of plastic pipe are given in Figure 400-9 (located in Section 410). Testing
and quality control for Company applications of FRP pipe are covered very well by
the API specification, which should be used whenever possible.
Visual inspection is a very important part of quality control when purchasing FRP
pipe. Descriptions and suggested limitations (from API pipe specifications) on
visible defects are given in Figure 400-19.
Acoustic Emission Testing is a technique for testing FRP piping. It is normally not
required but may be considered for critical, high pressure lines. Generally, good
quality control, good field fabrication inspection and hydrotesting are sufficient to
ensure system integrity.

Repair Methods, FRP

Compression repair sleeves and clamps are sometimes used to repair minor leaks on
low pressure lines or as a temporary repair on higher pressure lines.
Leaks can also be repaired by cutting a length of new FRP lengthwise and adhe-
sively bonding it over the leak area. The repair segment is usually clamped tight
until the adhesive cures. Clamps may be left in place for added insurance against
Severely damaged pipe is usually cut out of the line, the cut ends prepared and
adhesively bonded to a new pipe section with belled ends. The new section should
be slightly longer than actually required to make sure the new adhesive joint
remains tight during curing.
Always consult the pipe manufacturer/supplier for specific repair instructions.

Flow Properties, FRP

FRP's very good flow properties vary slightly depending on the liner construction.
An accepted Hazen-Williams flow coefficient is 150. Flow properties do not
degrade with time since FRP does not corrode. Should pigging become necessary,
use smooth poly pigs only, not scraper pigs.
Consult the pipe manufacturer for recommended fluid velocity limits. Maximum
recommended limits of 15 to 20 ft/sec are typical.
See also Figure 400-10 in Section 410.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Fig. 400-19 Visible Defects, FRP Pipe

Defect Description Maximum Size
Pipe Body and Collar
Burn Thermal decomposition evidenced by distor- 20% area if lightly blemished; 5% area if
tion or discoloration of the surface moderate burn of outer resin layer structural
Chip Small piece broken from edge or surface Permitted if laminate has not been fractured
Crazing Fine cracks at or under the surface seen by None permitted
the unaided eye
Cut Roving Outer rovings broken or cut owing to Maximum 3 per pipe with maximum size of 1
scraping or scuffing, or manufacturing in.2, such that the wall thickness is not
process reduced below minimum
Dry Spot Area where reinforcement was not thor- None permitted
oughly wet with resin
Fracture Rupture of laminate without complete pene- None permitted
tration. Visible as lighter-colored area of
interlaminar separation
Pits(pinholes) Small craters in the surface Maximum 1/16 in. deep, no limit on number
Resin Drip Resin protrusion Maximum 1/8 in. high, no limit on number
Restriction Any restriction in I.D. of pipe: paste, epoxy or None permitted
wax, lump, foreign matter
Scratch Shallow mark caused by improper handling No limit on number if reinforcement is not
Air Bubbles Small bubbles at crest of threads Maximum size 1/8 in.: One allowed. Maximum
size 1/16 in.: 10 allowed
Broken Light patch at the root of the thread Maximum size 1/8 in. in any direction and one
allowed per pin
Chips Areas where over 10% of thread height is Maximum 3/8 in. long in one thread per
removed connection, none permitted in LC area
Cracks In direction of thread axis None permitted
Flat Thread Area where top of thread is broken or Maximum 3/8 in. long in one thread per
ground off connection, not to exceed 10% of the thread
height. None permitted in LC area
Squareness Cut end angle perpendicular to pipe axis Maximum 1/16 in. variation in end
Finish Finish of cut end No sharp edges. No exposed loose fiber. No
protrusions. No impact areas

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Physical and Mechanical Properties, FRP

The physical properties of FRP are directionally dependent and vary with method of
manufacture, resins used, etc. In general, FRP has much higher strength and stiff-
ness and a much lower coefficient of expansion than thermoplastic piping mate-
rials. Typical physical properties are given in Figure 400-20.

Fig. 400-20 Physical Properties, Filament-wound Epoxy or Vinyl Ester FRP Pipe
Property Hoop Direction Axial Direction
Coefficient of linear expansion, in/in/°F × 10 -5
0.5 - 0.8 1.0 - 1.8
Tensile strength, ksi 20 - 50 2 - 10
Tensile Modulus, psi × 10 6
1.5 - 40 0.8 - 2.0
Density, g/cm3 1.9 1.9
Thermal Conductivity, (Btu)(in.)/(hr)(ft )(°F) 1.5 - 4.2 1.5 - 4.2

450 Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS)

ABS piping is a thermoplastic material made by an extrusion process. The propor-
tions of the three different monomers (acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene) used to
make this piping can be varied to give a range of properties. In general, however,
ABS has strength, toughness and flexibility between that of HDPE and PVC. ABS
piping is usually black due to carbon additions for ultraviolet (UV) resistance. ABS
usually costs slightly more than PVC. Like PVC and CPVC, solvent cementing is
the most common joining method.

Typical Uses, ABS

ABS has not been used in many oilfield services but may be considered whenever
PVC, CPVC or HDPE piping is being considered. Its intermediate properties and
competitive cost may make it the best piping material for some applications.

Advantages, ABS
• Low cost
• Easy installation
• Solvent-cemented joints are reliable
• Good flow properties
• Good toughness and strength (values between PVC and HDPE)
• UV-resistant with carbon black additions
• Maintains good toughness at low temperatures (to -30°F)

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Disadvantages, ABS
• Low maximum temperature limit (160°F to 180°F)
• Not UV-resistant without carbon black additions
• Not fire-resistant
• Pressure rating must be reduced 60% when hydrocarbons are present even in
small quantities
• Should not be used to convey aromatic hydrocarbons
• Not as resistant to strong chemicals as most thermoplastics

Available Sizes, ABS

ABS piping is readily available in sizes up to about 12 inches. Standard joint length
is 20 feet. ABS is usually purchased to standard schedule sizes, Schedule 40 and
Schedule 80 being most common. However, pipe can also be purchased to a stan-
dard dimension ratio (SDR), which is a pipe's outside diameter divided by its
minimum wall thickness. ABS pressure pipe is not readily available.

Ordering Suggestions, ABS

The four most common ABS pipe designations are ABS1208, ABS1210, ABS1316
and ABS2112. All designations have similar temperature limits and toughness but
ABS1316 provides the highest pressure retaining capability and is generally
preferred for pressure systems. Often ABS pipe is sold without any designation;
special ordering is required to obtain specific designations.

Cost, ABS
Material-plus-installation costs are very competitive with other low cost plastics
such as HDPE, PVC and CPVC and can be significantly less than standard weight
(See also Figure 400-2 in Section 410.)

Chemical Resistance, ABS

ABS is resistant to dilute acids and bases, and corrosive waters. It may not be as
resistant to strong acids and bases as other thermoplastics (limited information
exists). ABS pipe should not be used in hydrocarbon service, but, if it is, significant
pressure derating is necessary. ABS piping should not be used to convey fluids
containing high concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons. ABS with carbon black
additions is UV-resistant and can be exposed outdoors indefinitely.
(See also Figure 400-27 at the end of Section 400.)

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Temperature and Pressure Limitations, ABS

• Maximum recommended temperature in pressure applications: 160°F
• Maximum recommended temperature in non-pressure applications: 180°F
• Minimum recommended temperature: -30°F
Design Pressure Calculation:
Design pressures for ABS are calculated as follows:

P = [2St/(Do - t)] × TF × EF × JF
(Eq. 400-5)

P = [2S/(SDR - 1)] × TF × EF × JF
(Eq. 400-6)
P = Design pressure, psi
S = Hydrostatic design stress (HDS)
= 1575 psi for ABS1316,
= 1250 psi for ABS2112,
= 1000 psi for ABS1210,
= 800 psi for ABS1208.
Note The last two digits in the material designation multiplied by 100 equals the
HDS. The HDS equals the hydrostatic design basis (HDB) divided by 2. ASTM
D2837 is used to determine the HDB.
t = Minimum wall thickness, in.
Do = Outside diameter, in.
SDR = Standard dimension ratio
= Do/t
TF = Temperature derating factor (use derating factors for PVC given
in Section 430, Temperature and Pressure Limitations, due to lack
of specific information)
EF = Environment derating factor
= 1.0 for nonhydrocarbon service

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

= 0.4 for hydrocarbon service (use 0.4 even if only trace quantities
of organics are present). Gas piping codes may be more stringent.
ASME/ANSI B31.8 specifies a 0.32 factor and a 100 psi oper-
ating limit.
JF = Joint derating factor
= 1.0 for solvent-cemented joints
= 0.5 for threaded joints (check with manufacturer for derating
factors or pressure ratings for other types of joints)
Vacuum Conditions:
Consult the pipe manufacturer if pipe will experience vacuum conditions. Schedule
80 is usually used. See Figure 400-4 in Section 410.

Joining Methods, ABS

(See also Figure 400-5 in Section 410.)
The joining methods for ABS are identical to those for PVC/CPVC. The ABS
solvent cementing procedure is basically the same as that given in Section 430,
Joining Methods. Of course, ABS solvent cements and primers are used in place of
PVC/CPVC cements and primers. ABS joining methods are summarized next.
• Solvent-cemented socket. Preferred, reliable, low cost, and most common
• Flat-faced flanges. Preferred for dissimilar pipe joints, but availability is
limited. Use solid flanges without voids intentionally cast in the backface.
Flanges may limit pressure capability of system. Limit bolt torques and use
full-face gaskets
• Lap joint flanges. An alternative dissimilar pipe joint. ASME/ANSI B31.3
disallows their use in severe cyclic service.
• Threaded. For Schedule 80, 4-inch and smaller piping only. Reduce pipe pres-
sure rating by 50%, use Teflon tape and strap wrenches, mate male ABS
threads to female steel or FRP threads. Injection-molded factory threads are
preferred to field threading
• Bell-and-spigot O-ring. Gives no axial restraint, has low cost

Fittings and Valves, ABS

Injection-molded socket and threaded fittings are generally available and preferred
to fabricated fittings. Injection-molded fittings have wall thicknesses greater than
the compatible pipe to give the fittings the same design pressure as the pipe.
ABS valves are not generally available. Other types of plastic valves (usually PVC
or CPVC) are usually flanged or threaded into an ABS piping system.

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Installation Considerations, ABS

General installation considerations are given in Figures 400-6, 400-7, and 400-8 in
Section 410. Some considerations specific to ABS pipe are:
• Make sure that ABS pipe used above ground has carbon black additions for UV
• ABS is much tougher than PVC and CPVC but can still crack if severely
impacted or crushed. Consider potential damage when installing
• Thermal expansion/contraction of buried ABS pipe is usually accommodated
by snaking in the trench. Expansion/contraction of aboveground pipe is usually
accommodated by expansion loops or frequent direction changes
• Use only ABS cements for joining pipe. PVC/CPVC cements are not

Testing and Quality Control, ABS

Testing (including hydrotesting) and quality control recommendations applicable to
all types of plastic pipe are given in Figure 400-9, located in Section 410. Some
considerations specific to ABS pipe are:
• ABS solvent-cemented joints should have cured at least 24 hours prior to
• Solvent cement shelf life should be checked and the cement discarded if shelf
life is exceeded

Repair Methods, ABS

The preferred method for repairs is to cut out the damaged pipe and solvent-cement
a new section of pipe in place. Compression repair sleeves can be used to stop leaks
in low or nonpressure systems.

Flow Properties/Pressure Surge, ABS

ABS has good flow properties, with an accepted Hazen-Williams flow coefficient of
150. Should pigging become necessary, use smooth poly pigs only. To avoid exces-
sive pressure surges, most manufacturers recommend that fluid flow not exceed 5
(See also Figure 400-10 in Section 410.)

Physical and Mechanical Properties, ABS

ABS has no outstanding physical properties. Its properties are between those of
tough, flexible, low strength HDPE and stiff, strong, relatively brittle PVC. Typical
values for strength, stiffness and other properties are as follows.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Property ABS
Coefficient of linear expansion, in./in./°F ×10 -5
5.5 - 6.0
Impact strength, Izod notch, ft-lb/in. 4-6
Tensile strength, ksi 4.5 - 7.0
Tensile modulus, psi ×10 6
Specific gravity 1.04 - 1.08
Thermal conductivity, (Btu)(in.)/(hr)(ft )(°F) 1.35

460 Polypropylene (PP), Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) and

Polybutylene (PB)
Because of high cost or limited availability, PP, PVDF and PB pipe are used much
less often than the other plastic pipe materials discussed so far. However, special
properties such as high temperature limits make these materials good choices for
certain applications. Like HDPE, PP and PB are both polyolefin thermoplastic mate-
rials made by an extrusion process. PB, like HDPE, is very tough, flexible and, with
carbon black additions, UV-resistant. PP has only marginal toughness but is more
resistant to organic solvents than most other thermoplastics.
PVDF is a fluoroplastic material, most commonly available commercially by the
name of Kynar. It has very high temperature limits and resists most strong chemi-
cals, UV and aromatic hydrocarbons. It is the only thermoplastic pipe material
which does not require pressure derating in hydrocarbon service.
All three materials employ socket fusion, though butt fusion is sometimes used on
larger pipe sizes.

Typical Uses, PP, PVDF, PB

Because of their relatively high cost and limited availability, PP, PVDF, and PB
have not been used much in production services. However, PVDF pipe has been
used for high temperature saltwater in offshore platform desalination units. This
environment is quite corrosive for most metallic piping and too hot for most thermo-
plastic piping. PVDF is most commonly used as a liner (see Section 480).

Advantages, PP, PVDF, PB

• High temperature limits (200°F+)
• Easy to install
• Socket- and butt-fused joints are reliable
• PVDF is UV-resistant
• PB is UV-resistant with carbon black additions
• PVDF does not require pressure derating in hydrocarbon service
• PVDF and PP can handle many organic solvents
• Good flow properties

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Disadvantages, PP, PVDF, PB

• High cost
• Limited availability, especially in large sizes
• PP is not usually UV-resistant
• Not fire-resistant
• PP and PB pressure rating must be reduced by 50% when hydrocarbons are
present, even in small quantities
• PB is not suitable for aromatic hydrocarbons
• PB has a very high thermal expansion coefficient

Available Sizes, PP, PVDF, PB

PP, PVDF and PB are readily available only in small pipe sizes—about 4 inches and
under. Sizes up to about 12 inches have limited availability. Standard joint lengths
are usually 10 and 20 feet. Small PB pipe sizes are available in coils of up to about
700 feet.
PP, PVDF and PB are usually purchased to a standard dimension ratio (SDR), not
schedule sizes. SDR equals the pipe outside diameter divided by the minimum wall
thickness. Some manufacturers offer pipe in standard schedule sizes.

Ordering Suggestions, PP, PVDF, PB

To obtain optimum strength, pressure retaining capability and temperature resis-
tance, PP should be ordered to material designation PP1110 and PB to material
designation PB2110. PP2105 has better toughness than PP1110 but is not as strong.
A 2% to 3% carbon black addition should be specified for PB pipe to provide UV
resistance. Standard material designations do not yet exist for PVDF but most
manufacturers make pipe with hydrostatic design stresses in excess of 2000 psi.
PVDF is the strongest, most temperature-resistant piping material of the three
discussed in this section.

Cost, PP, PVDF, PB

Material-plus-installation costs for PP and PB pipe can be competitive with stan-
dard weight steel pipe, but are usually higher than those for HDPE, PVC, CPVC or
ABS pipe. Material-plus-installation costs for PVDF pipe are commonly two to four
times that for standard weight steel.
(See also Figure 400-2 in Section 410.)

Chemical Resistance, PP, PVDF, PB

All three piping materials are resistant to most acids and corrosive waters, but
PVDF should not be used in hot concentrated caustic.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

PB and PP pressure ratings need to be reduced if hydrocarbons are present. PVDF

does not require pressure derating in hydrocarbon service. PVDF and PP pipe can
be used to convey aromatic hydrocarbons, but PB cannot.
PVDF is UV-resistant by nature and PB is UV-resistant with carbon black addi-
tions. PP pipe is usually not UV-resistant. To prevent UV exposure use an epoxy
mastic coating system such as System 1.8 in the Coatings Manual.
(See also Figure 400-27 at the end of Section 400.)

Temperature and Pressure Limitations, PP, PVDF, PB

Temp., °F
Max. recommended, pressure applications 280 200 150
Max. recommended, nonpressure applications 300 210 200
Min. recommended 0 0 30

Design Pressure Calculation:

Design pressures for these pipe materials are calculated as follows:

P = [2St/(Do - t)] × TF × EF × JF
(Eq. 400-7)

P = [2S/(SDR - 1)] × TF × EF × JF
(Eq. 400-8)
P = Design pressure, psi
S = Hydrostatic design stress (HDS)
= 1000 psi for PB2110 and PP1110
= 800 psi for PP 1208
= 500 psi for PP 2105
Note Consult the pipe manufacturer for PVDF HDS values—most manufacturers
make pipe with an HDS of over 2000 psi. Note that the last two digits in the mate-
rial designation multiplied by 100 equals the HDS. The HDS equals the hydrostatic
design basis (HDB) divided by two. ASTM D2837 is used to determine the HDB.
t = Minimum wall thickness, in.
Do = Outside diameter, in.

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

SDR = Standard dimension ratio

= Do/t
TF = temperature derating factor, as follows:
Temp. (°F) PVDF PB PP
73.4 1.0 1.0 1.0
80 0.93 0.96 0.93
90 0.87 0.89 0.83
100 0.80 0.82 0.74
120 0.68 0.75 0.58
140 0.58 0.65 0.40
160 0.49 0.57 0.35
180 0.42 0.50 NR
200 0.36 0.37 NR
220 0.30 NR NR
240 0.25 NR NR
280 0.18 NR NR

EF = Environment factor, as follows:

Nonhydrocarbon service 1.0 1.0 1.0
Hydrocarbon service 1.0 0.5 0.5
(even dilute quantities)

JF = Joint factor
= 1.0 for socket or butt fusion
= 0.5 for threaded joints (check with manufacturer for pressure
ratings or joint derating factors for other types of joints)
Vacuum Conditions:
Consult the manufacturer if the pipe will experience vacuum conditions. See Figure
400-4 in Section 410.

Joining Methods, PP, PVDF, PB

(See also Figure 400-5 in Section 410.)
To Similar Materials:
Socket fusion and butt fusion (larger pipe sizes) are the most common and preferred
methods for joining PP, PVDF and PB piping systems. PVDF can also be threaded
(Schedule 80 only). PB and PP should not be threaded.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

To Dissimilar Materials:
Solid flat-face flanges are usually used for joining PP and PVDF piping materials to
dissimilar piping.
Summary of Methods:
Joining methods are summarized below.
• Socket fusion. Most common. Low cost, preferred, and reliable
• Butt fusion. Usually for larger pipe sizes only. Reliable and low cost
• Threaded. For Schedule 80, 4-inch and smaller PVDF only. Reduce pressure
rating by 50%. Use Teflon tape and strap wrenches, mate male plastic threads
to steel or FRP female threads. Injection molded factory threads are preferred to
field threading
• Flat-face flanges. Preferred for PP and PVDF dissimilar pipe joints. Use solid
flanges without voids intentionally cast in backface. Limit bolt torques and use
full face gaskets. Flanges may limit the pressure capability of the pipe system,
so check with the manufacturer (typical flange pressure ratings are given in
Figure 400-21).
• Lap joint flanges. Preferred dissimilar pipe joint for PB piping and alternative
dissimilar pipe joint for PVDF and PP piping. ASME/ANSI B31.3 disallows
their use in severe cyclic service.

Fig. 400-21 Typical Pressure Ratings for PVDF and PP Flanges

Temperature, °F PP, psi PVDF, psi
100 150 150
110 140 150
120 130 150
130 118 150
140 105 150
150 93 140
160 80 133
170 70 125
180 50 115
190 NR 106
200 NR 97
250 NR 50
280 NR 25

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Socket Fusion Method:

Socket fusion is much like butt fusion (described in Section 420). A proper socket
fusion procedure is as follows:
1. Select proper socket fusion tool to match pipe size.
2. Heat tool to proper temperature, which varies with piping material (check with
pipe manufacturer); check tool temperature with surface pyrometer or Tempil
3. Clean and dry all fusion surfaces.
4. Push pipe and fitting onto tool without twisting.
5. Hold pipe on tool for appropriate dwell time (check with pipe manufacturer).
6. Carefully withdraw pipe and fitting without twisting.
7. Check alignment marks and insert pipe into fitting until shoulder is reached; do
not rotate pipe while inserting fitting.
8. Hold joint firmly for 30 to 60 seconds.
9. Joints should have a slight melt bead at fitting to pipe interface.
10. Allow joint to cool until finger can remain comfortably on melt bead before
disturbing or moving joint.
11. Clean tool carefully before making next joint.
Socket fusion tools can be purchased or leased from most plastic pipe

Fittings and Valves, PP, PVDF, PB

Injection-molded fittings are readily available for small pipe sizes and are preferred
to fabricated fittings because they maintain the pressure rating of the compatible
Fittings can be fabricated by mitering segments of straight pipe and butt fusing the
segments together. However, these fittings should be derated to 60% of the design
pressure of the pipe from which they are made.
Small PP and PVDF valves are available and come with threaded, socket, butt or
flanged end connections.
To avoid difficulties when fusing valves and fittings to piping, make sure the same
material designations are used.

Installation Considerations, PP, PVDF, PB

General installation considerations applicable to all types of plastic piping are given
in Figures 400-6, 400-7 and 400-8 in Section 410. Some considerations specific to
PVDF, PP and PB are:

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

• Aboveground PB usually requires continuous support to prevent sagging; there-

fore it is usually run along the ground or buried
• PB has a very large expansion coefficient. Since PB is very flexible, expansion
and contraction are usually compensated for by deliberate snaking of the pipe
along the ground or, if buried, in the trench
• PVDF is UV-resistant by nature and PB is UV-resistant with carbon black addi-
tions. These piping materials can be used aboveground without degradation. PP
is usually not UV-resistant and should definitely be buried, shaded or painted
• Fused joints should not be moved until they are cool to the touch
• PP has relatively poor toughness and will crack if impacted. Consider the
potential for impact damage when installing, especially at low temperatures

Testing and Quality Control, PP, PVDF, PB

See Figure 400-9 in Section 410.

Repair Methods, PP, PVDF, PB

Cut out the damaged pipe section and socket or butt fuse a new pipe section in
place. Compression repair sleeves, clamps, etc. are generally not recommended for
pressure piping.

Flow Properties/Pressure Surge, PP, PVDF, PB

PP, PVDF and PB have very good flow properties with an accepted Hazen-Williams
flow coefficient of 150 for PP and PVDF and 155 for PB. Flow properties will not
degrade with time since the pipe will not corrode. Should pigging become necessary,
use smooth poly pigs only.
Most manufacturers suggest that fluid flow not exceed 5 ft/sec to avoid excessive
pressure surges from sudden changes in flow.
(See also Figure 400-10 in Section 410.)

Physical and Mechanical Properties, PP, PVDF, PB

See Figure 400-22

Fig. 400-22 Physical and Mechanical Properties; PVDF, PB, and PP Pipe
Property PVDF PB PP
Coefficient of linear expansion, in./in./°F × 10-5 7.0 7.2 4.3
Impact strength, Izod notch, ft-lb/in. 4 10+ 2
Tensile strength, ksi 7.0 4.2 5.0
Tensile modulus, psi × 10 6
0.22 0.06 0.2
Specific gravity 1.76 0.92 0.92
Thermal conductivity, (Btu)(in.)/(hr)(ft )(°F) 1.5 1.5 1.2

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470 Concrete
The two broad categories of concrete pipe are concrete nonpressure pipe and
concrete pressure pipe. Concrete nonpressure pipe is made from portland cement
with or without reinforcing steel. Concrete pressure pipe is made from reinforced
portland cement with or without a full length steel cylinder embedded in the
concrete. Figure 400-23 lists the industry specifications and corresponding pressure
ratings of these categories of pipe.

Fig. 400-23 Concrete Nonpressure Pipe and Concrete Pressure Pipe

Mild High Allowable
Steel Non- Reinforcing Strength Pressure,
Type of Pipe Spec. Cyl. cyl. Bar Wire Psig
Concrete Nonpressure Pipe
Nonreinforcement concrete non-cyl. ASTM C14 X gravity flow
Reinforced concrete non-cyl. ASTM C76 X X gravity flow
Concrete Pressure Pipe
Reinforced concrete non-cyl. ASTM C361(1) X X 10 to 50
Reinforced concrete non-cyl. AWWA C302 X X 55
Reinforced concrete cylinder AWWA C300 X X 250
Prestressed concrete cylinder AWWA C301 X X 400
Pretensioned concrete cylinder AWWA C303 X X 400
(1) Five classes to cover 25 to 125 feet of head.

Typical Uses, Concrete

This pipe has been used for produced water and storm drains. For drainage or sewer
applications one could consider any of the first four pipes listed in Figure 400-23.
Economics will be dictated by what is produced locally, including sizes and joint
lengths available.
ASTM Specifications C14 and C76 simply describe the concrete pipe and give no
guidance on installation. Although ASTM C361 and AWWA C302 produce the
same pipe, the AWWA specification is more comprehensive on design and
Pipe is also available to handle pressures in excess of 300 psi (see Figure 400-23).
Concrete pipe is low in cost and readily available in very large diameters.
Advantages, Concrete:
• Low material cost
• Large pipe sizes are readily available
• Fireproof

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

• Resists many corrosive waters and hydrocarbons

• High temperature limit (but beware of thermal shock)
• Pipe available to handle high pressures (300 psi-plus)
Disadvantages, Concrete:
• Sensitive to impact damage and thermal shock
• Acids, bases and waters high in sulfur compounds may cause corrosion damage
• Installation costs may be higher than for plastic pipe
• Joints are somewhat leak-prone (highly dependent on joint type and gasket
system used)

Available Sizes, Concrete

Concrete pipe is readily available in sizes from 4 inches to 144 inches, with larger
sizes having limited availability. Typical joint length is 10 feet or less, but 20-foot
lengths can be special ordered without undue trouble.

Ordering Suggestions, Concrete

Sulfate-resistant portland cement may need to be specified if waters high in sulfur
compounds will be conveyed by the pipe.
Note Cement-lined steel line pipe is a different product and may be purchased
using Company Specification PPL-MS-1632.

Cost, Concrete
Concrete pipe usually has lower material costs than large diameter piping of other
materials. However, when shipping and installation costs are considered, more
expensive large diameter materials, like Chevron Chemical's Spirolite HDPE pipe,
become competitive. Spirolite HDPE should be considered along with concrete pipe
for all large diameter piping applications as long as high pressures and/or tempera-
tures do not preclude its use.

Chemical Resistance, Concrete

Concrete pipe should not be used in acidic or highly basic services. The fluid pH
should be between 5 and 12. Waters high in sulfur compounds can promote concrete
corrosion through formation of H2S and sulfurous or sulfuric acids (most oilfield
waters are very high in sulfur compounds). Use of sulfate-resistant cements can
minimize corrosion damage in some sulfur-compound-containing environments.
Hydrocarbons, saltwater and freshwater generally have little or no effect on concrete

Temperature and Pressure Limitations, Concrete

Maximum recommended temperature: 200°F
Pressure limits are per ASME/ANSI B31.3, Chapter VII; see Figure 400-23.

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Joining Methods, Concrete

Methods for Concrete Pipe With Steel Cylinder:
Bell-and-Spigot Joints. Bell-and-spigot joints with O-rings are the most commonly
used type for concrete pipe. The steel at the core of the pipe is extended to provide
the bell-and-spigot mating surfaces. A rubber O-ring gasket seals the joint. Bell-
and-spigot O-ring joints are available for all concrete pipe sizes, from
10 inches through 180 inches.
Bell-and-spigot O-ring joints provide no resistance to axial thrust. However, thrust
can be resisted by field-welding the steel bell-and-spigot at a sufficient distance on
each side of the thrust point to develop the required axial restraint.
Methods for Reinforced Concrete Pipe, No Steel Cylinder:
Bell-and-Spigot Joints. Four types of bell-and-spigot O-ring joints are available:
• Concrete joints with flared bells
• Concrete joints with flush bells
• Steel joints with flush bells
• Concrete joints with double gaskets
Figure 400-24 compares the four joints. All rely on O-rings for the pressure seal.
None of the four joints provides resistance to internal axial thrust. Appropriate
restraint must be provided by such means as installing the piping underground or
using thrust blocks.

Fig. 400-24 Bell-and-Spigot Joints for Reinforced Concrete Pipe (No Steel Cylinder)
Joint Type Diameter, in. Materials Cost Installation Cost(1)
Concrete, flared bell 18-72 Lowest
Concrete, flush bell 78-180 Lowest —
Steel, flush bell 45-180 Lower
Concrete, double gasket 12-72 Low
(1) Installation costs are about the same, except where noted in the table.
(2) Requires extra excavation so that piping will lay flat.
(3) Requires cement mortar pointing and grouting in the field to complete the joints. However, the grouting
gives the joints a lower leak rate than concrete joints with flush or flared bell.

Concrete joints with double gaskets are the most flexible and are frequently used
where ground settlement is anticipated. They also can be air tested following instal-
lation to ensure joint integrity.
Reinforced Thermosetting Resin (RTR) Joint. The RTR joint uses a fiberglass
coupling and two O-ring gaskets to form a seal. The coupling and one of the gaskets
are typically installed by the piping manufacturer.

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

RTR joints are available for pipe sizes from 21 inches through 72 inches. They are
comparable in cost to the concrete bell-and-spigot joint with double gaskets, except
that no grouting is required for the RTR joints.
Since no grouting is required, testing or backfill can begin immediately following
joint completion. RTR joints are flexible and are frequently used where ground
settlement is anticipated.
RTR joints provide no resistance to internal axial pressure thrust. Appropriate
restraint must be provided by such means as installing the pipe underground or
using thrust blocks.

Fittings, Concrete
Concrete pipe fittings are fabricated from pipe sections and are available in all pipe
Special fittings and pipe sections can be fabricated to meet specific project require-
ments. Long radius (over 20 feet) bends can be made by offsetting a series of
consecutive bell-and-spigot joints.
In concrete pipe systems for pressure services, elbows are generally not used
because the internal pressure thrust created spreads the bell-and-spigot joints.

Installation Considerations, Concrete

Concrete piping is generally not used aboveground because external restraint is
needed to ensure joint integrity; cradles may be required. Also, some types of
concrete require special coating if used aboveground.
Concrete pipe is brittle. It must be handled and installed carefully to prevent
cracking and chipping.
Trench bedding must be stable, uniform and free of large rocks. Backfill should be
free of large rocks, frozen clods and other debris. For primary backfill, use light
tamping only. Final backfill can be tamped with heavy compaction equipment.

Testing and Quality Control, Concrete

Concrete pipe with no metal cylinder is typically used in gravity flow systems or
systems with operating pressures of less than 55 psi. As a result, low pressure leak
tests are normally sufficient to test system integrity.
Similar test procedures are usually followed for concrete cylinder pipe systems,
although system operating pressures, and therefore system test pressures, can be
significantly higher (up to 500 psi).

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Before pressure testing concrete pipe, consult the piping manufacturer for recom-
mended testing procedures and guidelines. In addition, the following guidelines
should be considered:
1. Typically, the test pressure should not exceed 120% of the maximum system
operating pressure. (Verify that the test pressure is acceptable with the pipe
2. Fill the line to be tested with water and let stand under a slight pressure for
48 hours prior to the test. This allows time for the concrete to become saturated.
3. Slowly bring the pressure to the test level and hold for about 4 hours.
4. Determine the leak rate by carefully measuring the quantity of water which
must be added to maintain the test pressure.
5. Visually inspect joints for leaks.

Repair Methods, Concrete

Damaged in-place concrete pipe is often repaired with mortar patches. Pipe exten-
sively damaged during handling should be replaced.

Flow Properties, Concrete

Concrete pipe has flow properties superior to those of corroded steel or cast iron
pipe but inferior to plastic piping. An accepted Hazen-Williams flow coefficient is
130. An accepted Manning N-value is 0.012.
(See also Figure 400-11 in Section 410.)

Physical and Mechanical Properties, Concrete

Specific properties depend on types of cement and reinforcing used and the manu-
facturing method. In general, concrete pipe is stiffer, stronger and more temperature
resistant than most plastic piping. It is not flexible and is susceptible to impact
damage and cracking from thermal shock. It has a much lower coefficient of
thermal expansion than plastic piping. The coefficient is 0.5 × 10-5 in./in.°F.

480 Plastic- and Cement-Lined Steel

This section discusses several types of lined steel piping materials in which the liner
provides a corrosion barrier while the steel backing provides pressure retaining
capability. There are many types of lined steel piping materials available and all of
them cannot be covered here. Glass-lined steel is one type not discussed. Some
linings are shop-applied and some field-applied. Lined steel pipe has a much
thicker, more durable corrosion barrier than steel that is internally coated with a thin
film. The latter pipe will not be discussed here (see the Coatings Manual). The
following lined steel piping materials are discussed in this section:
• PP-, PVDF- and PTFE/FEP (Teflon)-lined steel with flanged connections
(shop fabrication). Some manufacturers include Dow, Resistoflex, Peabody-
Dore, Plastic Omnium, Fusibond

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

• PVC- and FRP-lined steel with threaded connections (shop fabrication). Some
manufacturers include Seal Tite, Rice Duoline
• Cement-lined steel with various connections (shop fabrication). Some manu-
facturers include Permian Enterprises, Shaw Pipe Protection
• HDPE-lined steel with flanged corrosion connections (field fabrication). Some
installers are Miller Pipeline Service Co., Pipeline Technology Corp, United
Corrosion Consultants
• FRP-lined steel (field fabrication). Installers include Gelco Insituform
The properties of most of the plastics used for lining have already been discussed in
detail in earlier sections of the chapter. The following are brief descriptions of how
the liner is installed in the steel pipe:
• PP, PVDF and Teflon (shop). (1) Liner is pulled into oversized steel pipe and
steel is swaged over liner, or (2) oversized liner is pulled through swaging die
into steel pipe
• PVC and FRP (shop). Undersized liner is held in place with cement or adhe-
sive in annular space
• Cement (shop). Cement mix is placed in steel pipe, which is spun to produce
uniform lining. Cement is usually steam-cured after lining
• HDPE (field). (1) Undersized butt-fused HDPE pipe is pulled into steel pipe
and hydrostatically expanded to fit against steel pipe wall or (2) oversized butt-
fused HDPE is swaged through die as it is pulled into steel pipe. Expansion
resulting from plastic “memory” produces tight fit
• FRP (field). Uncured resin-rich felt sock is inverted and expanded in pipe by
means of cold water pressure. Once liner is in place, hot water is injected to
cure resin

Typical Uses, Lined Steel

Typical uses of the various lining materials are:
• PP, PVDF and Teflon. Very strong corrosives such as acid and caustic
• PVC and FRP. Produced water, production, waste water
• HDPE. Produced and waste water, wet gas
• Cement. Produced water, waste water, firewater
• FRP. Corrosive drainage (nonpressure)

Advantages, Lined Steel

• Corrosion resistance of nonmetallics combined with strength of steel
• Resistance to mechanical damage and fire
• Good flow properties

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Disadvantages, Lined Steel

• High cost
• Limited availability
• Steel may still need external corrosion protection

Available Sizes, Lined Steel

PP, PVDF and Teflon Liner. Readily available in sizes up to about 12 inches. Stan-
dard joint lengths are 10 and 20 feet.
PVC and FRP Liner. Readily available only in 4-inch and smaller pipe (or tubing)
sizes. 20-foot joints are standard.
Cement Liner. Steel pipe sizes up to about 24-inch diameter can be lined.
HDPE Liner. Up to 1-mile pulls in 2- to 48-inch diameter lines.
FRP Liner. 6-inch and larger lines. The larger the line size, the longer the contin-
uous liner length. Continuous lining in excess of 1000 feet is typical.

Ordering Suggestions, Lined Steel

PP, PVDF, and Teflon. Full vacuum resistance. Venting to relieve trapped gases.
HDPE. Vacuum resistance. Venting to relieve trapped gases and check liner integ-
rity. Use PE3408 pipe.
Cement. For oilfield waters use Type III cement with zero tricalcium aluminate.
Steam cure the cement. Use Company Specification PPL-EG-1632. See the
Pipeline Manual.
FRP. Specify appropriate resin for chemical resistance (see Section 440); vacuum
resistance; venting to check liner integrity.

Cost, Lined Steel

Material-plus-installation costs from highest to lowest are estimated to be as
1. Teflon-lined steel with flanged connections (shop)
2. PVDF-lined steel with flanged connections (shop)
3. PP-lined steel with flanged connections (shop)
4. Insituform FRP-lined steel (field)
5. HDPE-lined steel with flanged connections at ends of pull (field)
6. FRP-lined steel with threaded connections (shop)
7. PVC-lined steel with threaded connections (shop)
8. Cement-lined steel with butt welding connections (shop)

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Since internal corrosion allowance is not necessary for the steel pipe, some cost
savings can be realized by using a light wall steel pipe shell.
Actual relative costs will vary from job to job. For example, recent work in Central
Texas found HDPE-lined steel to be less costly than cement-lined steel.
(See also Figure 400-2 in Section 410.)

Chemical Resistance, Lined Steel

(See also Figure 400-27 at end of Section 400.)
PP. Temperature may need to be limited in some hydrocarbon/organic fluid
PVDF. Not recommended in concentrated caustic. Resistant to all hydrocarbons.
Teflon. Resistant to almost all chemicals.
HDPE, PVC. Not for aromatic hydrocarbons. Temperature should be limited to
140°F if high concentrations of organic fluids are present.
Cement. Not for fluids with pH less than 5.
FRP. Depends on resin used (epoxy, polyester, etc.). See Section 440, Chemical

Temperature and Pressure Limitations, Lined Steel

Consult the manufacturer for temperature limitations in specific environments.
Suggested limits for most environments are given in Figure 400-25. Unless the
liner is loose, the pressure capability of the system is determined primarily by the
steel pipe and fittings being lined. Vacuum resistance is a concern with plastic lined

Fig. 400-25 Temperature and Pressure Limitations, Nonmetallic Linings

Recommended Temperature
Liner Material Max., °F Min., °F
PP 225 0
PVDF 275 0
Teflon 300–500 None
HDPE 180 -30
Cement 200 None
FRP 200–250 -20
PVC 150 0

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Joining Methods, Lined Steel

PP, PVDF and Teflon. The plastic liner is flared over the steel flange face in the
shop to form a raised-face, self-gasketing sealing surface. Cutting pipe in the field to
fabricate a field joint should be avoided but is often done. The procedure is as
follows: (1) cut pipe to the proper length with a saw, (2) determine the proper steel
cutback to expose liner, (3) remove the saw-cut steel ring, (4) thread the steel pipe,
(5) install the steel flanges, (6) flare the plastic over the flanges.
PVC and FRP. Threaded steel pipe and couplings are used and a special nonme-
tallic coupling seal is inserted into the coupling area prior to joint make-up.
Cement. Butt-welded joints with flush cement are the most common. Patching
compounds or heat resistant gaskets are placed at the cement/cement interface to
protect the steel weld from corrosion. Other joints include (1) sleeve joints,
(2) screwed joints, and (3) butt joints with recessed cement, none of which is recom-
HDPE. For pressure Swagelining operation, Dowell Schumberger has developed an
in-situ molded flange for their Swagelining process. By OEM agreement Plexco is a
majority supplier of HDPE liner for DS. Chevron users should specify Plexco mate-
rials when using the DS Swagelining process.
FRP. No actual joints. Reinforced resin patching compound is used to seal liner at
pipe ends.

Fittings and Valves, Lined Steel

PP, PVDF and Teflon. Completely lined fittings are generally available in sizes up
to 12 inches. Fittings are flanged and the plastic lining is flared over the flanged
face. Lined valves are generally available in sizes up to about 6 inches. Teflon is the
most common valve lining material.
PVC and FRP. PVC- and FRP-lined fittings and valves are generally not available.
Cement. Most fittings can be shop-lined, usually by hand trowelling. Wire rein-
forcement may be used. Valves must be made of other corrosion resistant materials.
HDPE. Only long radius bends can be field-lined and, since shop HDPE-lined
fittings are not generally available, other types of lined fittings need to be incorpo-
rated into the piping system to provide corrosion resistance throughout.
FRP. Insituform can negotiate bends (even 90-degree). Tees, wyes and laterals
present special installation problems.

Installation Considerations, Lined Steel

PP, PVDF and Teflon. Avoid overtorquing of bolts, which can damage plastic
sealing surfaces. Leave protective end covers in place until the pipe is ready for
installation. Never weld or strike an arc on the pipe. Avoid abrasive blasting near
raised plastic flange faces. Avoid heat tracing. Use saws to cut pipe; no torch cutting

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

should ever be used. Design the pipe system carefully prior to ordering pipe so that
field-fabricated joints can be avoided as much as possible.
Cement. Don’t handle pipe roughly; avoid excessive bending. Avoid welding or
striking arcs on the pipe. Glue gaskets to pipe butt ends to hold them in place prior
to welding. During shipment and prior to installation keep cement lining moist by
sealing the pipe with plastic end caps.
HDPE. Run a scraper pig prior to pulling the liner. Run a practice joint of HDPE
pipe through a steel pipe to make sure the liner will not be damaged by sharp
objects (weld spatter, etc.). Make sure the pulling cable has a load indicator to deter-
mine if excessive pulling force is being used. The liner cannot negotiate 90-degree
or 45-degree bends.
Insituform FRP. The proprietary Insituform is tightly controlled by the contractor
to ensure that the resin won’t harden before installation is complete. The liner can
negotiate 90-degree bends.

Testing and Quality Control, Lined Steel

FRP, PVC, PP, PVDF and Teflon. Liners should be visually and electrostatically
tested in the shop, typically at 10kV. Vacuum and temperature cycling tests for
representative production samples should be considered. Installed pipe should be
hydrotested in the field.
Cement. Random pipe sections should be checked for lining thickness, uniformity,
cracking, etc. Cement should be free from spalled or loose areas, fractures, or cracks
that extend more than halfway through the lining. Verify that proper materials and
proportions are used in the mix. Hydrotest installed pipe.
HDPE. Verify that PE3408 material is used. Reject pipe with gouges or scratches
exceeding 10% of wall thickness. Examine shaved-off external melt beads to verify
quality of fusion joints. Hydrotest liner with open vent in steel pipe to verify liner
integrity. Typically, vents are placed at every flange—about ½-mile intervals.
Hydrotest for four hours minimum.
FRP. Hydrotest with open vent in steel pipe to verify liner integrity. Hydrotest for
four hours minimum.

Repair Methods, Lined Steel

FRP, PVC, PP, PVDF and Teflon. If the liner is damaged, the whole joint usually
has to be replaced.
Cement. Cement liner damage at pipe ends can usually be patched. Otherwise,
damaged pipe section should be saw-cut out and a new lined section butt-welded in
HDPE and FRP. Damaged liner usually means the pipe must be entirely relined.
Very large diameter FRP-lined steel can be patched if a man can get inside the pipe.

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Flow Properties and Velocity Limits, Lined Steel

Plastic-lined steel has excellent flow properties. Accepted Hazen-Williams flow
coefficients are 150-155. Cement-lined steel’s flow properties are better than steel
but inferior to plastic or plastic-lined steel. An accepted Hazen-Williams flow coef-
ficient is 140.
Velocity limitations for all lined steel piping products are primarily aimed at
limiting erosion damage, especially if large quantities of solids are in the fluid being
carried. Limits tend to be very high for plastic-lined steel and lower for cement-
lined steel. As a rough guideline, velocities for cement-lined steel should be limited
to 100/p1/2 where p equals the density of the fluid being carried in lb/ft3.
(See also Figure 400-10 in Section 410.)

Physical and Mechanical Properties, Lined Steel

The physical and mechanical properties of most of the plastics used for lining have
been discussed in the foregoing subsections.

490 References

491 General References

This section gives general codes, standards and references for plastic pipe. Codes,
standards and references pertaining to specific types of plastic pipe begin at
Section 492.

Industry or National Codes and Standards

ASME/ANSI B31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping Code, Chapter
VII, Nonmetallic Piping and Piping Lined with Nonmetals ASME/ANSI B31.8,
Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
ANSI Z223.1-1977, National Fuel Gas Codes
DOT Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192, Transportation of Natural
Gas and Other Gas by Pipeline, Minimum Federal Safety Standards
DOT Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 195, Transportation of Liquids by
Pipeline, Minimum Federal Safety Standards
National Sanitation Foundation Standard 14 for Plastics Piping System Compo-
nents and Related Materials

Test Methods
ASTM D 2290, Apparent Tensile Strength of Ring or Tubular Plastics by Split Disk
ASTM D 1180, Bursting Strength of Round, Rigid, Plastic Tubing
ASTM D 2122, Determining Dimensions of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings

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400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

ASTM D 2412, Determining External Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by

Parallel-Plate Loading
ASTM D 2444, Impact Resistance of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings
ASTM D 4166, Measurement of Thickness of Nonmagnetic Materials
ASTM D 2837, Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe
ASTM D 1599, Short Term Hydraulic Failure Pressure of Plastic Pipe and Fittings
ASTM D 1598, Time to Failure of Plastic Pipe Under Constant Internal Pressure
ASTM F 948, Time to Failure of Plastic Pipe Systems Under Constant Internal
Pressure with Flow
ASTM F 600, Ultrasonic Evaluation of Socket and Butt Joints on Thermoplastic
ASTM 2924, External Pressure Resistance of Plastic Pipe
ASTM F 725, Drafting Impact Test Requirements in Plastic Pipe Standards
ASME/ANSI B31.4, Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid
Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohols, does not allow plastic piping.

General Product Specifications

ASTM D 2513, Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings, ¼ – 12 inch
diameter (ABS, PVC, HDPE and PB pipe materials)
ASTM F 480, Thermoplastic Water Well Casing, covers 2 – 12 inch diameter ABS
and PVC pipe
ASTM D 3311, DWV Plastic Fittings, 1 – 6 inch ABS, PVC and PP pipe
ASTM F 409, ABS and PVC Accessible and Replaceable Tube and Fittings,
3 – 12 inch

Joining and Installation

ASTM D 2321, Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe
ASTM D 2774, Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping
ASTM F 477, Elastomeric Seals for Joining Plastic Pipe
ASTM D 3212, Joints for Drain Plastic Pipe Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals
ASTM D 3139, Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals
ASTM F 913, Thermoplastic Elastomeric Seals for Joining Plastic Pipe
ASTM F 402, Safe Handling of Solvent Cements

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Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Miscellaneous Specifications
ASTM D 1600, Abbreviations of Terms Relating to Plastics
ASTM D 1765, Classification System for Carbon Blacks
ASTM F 412, Terms Relating to Plastic Piping Systems
ASTM D 883, Terms Relating to Plastics
ASTM D 2749, Symbols for Dimensions of Plastic Pipe and Fittings

Plastic Pipe Institute Literature, New York, NY (212) 351-5420:

AW-101, Plastic Pipe Give Excellent Service to Gas Utilities
AW-102, Impact of Plastic Pipe and Fittings on Water Quality, 1984
AW-103, Selection and Installation of Thermo-plastic Water Well Casing, 1980
AW-104, Plastic Pipe in Gas Distribution, 1985
AW-105, Plastic Pipe chapter from Standard Handbook of Plant Engineering, 1983
(design and installation information)
AW-118, Policies and Procedures for Listing of Thermoplastic Pipe, Fittings and
Fixture Materials when Evaluated Under Constant Internal Pressure with Flow by
ASTM F 948, 1987
AW-119, Procedures for Developing Recommended Hydrostatic Design Stresses for
Thermoplastic Pipe Materials, 1988
AW-122, Method of Calculation of Nominal Weight of Plastic Pipe, 1988
AW-124, Recommended Service Factors for Pressure Applications of Thermo-
plastic Pipe Materials, 1988
AW-126, Resistance of Thermoplastic Pipe Materials to Micro and Macro Biolog-
ical Attack, 1969
AW-128, Water Flow Characteristics of Thermo-plastic Pipe, 1971
AW-129, Weatherability of Thermoplastic Piping, 1973
AW-130, Thermoplastic Pipe for Transport of Chemicals, 1984
AW-132, Thermal Expansion and Contraction of Thermoplastic Pipe, 1988
AW-134, Thermoplastic Fuel Gas Piping (Maximum Temperatures), 1988
AW-137, Electrical Grounding, 1971
AW-138, Odorants in Gas Pipelines, 1971
AW-141, The Nature of Hydrostatic Time-to-Rupture Plots, 1973
AW-143, Suggested Temperature Limits in Non-pressure Service, 1979

Chevron Corporation 400-77 January 1998

400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

AW-147, Limiting Water Velocities, 1971

AW-148, Thermoplastic Pipe for Transport of Compressed Air or Other
Compressed Gases, 1972
AW-153, Noise in Piping, 1988
AW-156, Pipe Permeation, 1984

492 References for HDPE

ASTM D 2104, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedule 40 (½ – 6 in.)
ASTM D 2239, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, (SDR-PR) (½ – 6 in.)
ASTM D 2447, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 Based on
Outside Diameter (½ – 12 in.)
ASTM D 2683, Socket Type Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene
Pipe (½ – 6 in.)
ASTM D 2737, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Tubing (½ – 2 in.)
ASTM D 3035, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Based on Controlled Outside Diam-
eter (½ – 6 in.)
ASTM D 3261, Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for Polyeth-
ylene (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing (½ – 12 in.)
ASTM F 714, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diam-
eter (3 – 63 in.)
ASTM F 894, Polyethylene (PE) Large Diameter Profile Wall Sewer and Drain
Pipe (18 – 120 in.)
API Spec 15LE, Polyethylene Line Pipe (½ – 36 in.)
AWWA C 901, Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings, ½ inch thru
3 inches for Water
CSA B137.1-M, Polyethylene Pipe, Tubing and Fittings for Cold Water Pressure
Services (½ – 6 in.)
CGSB41-GP-25M, Pipe, Polyethylene for the Transport of Fluids (3 – 63 in.)
ASTM D 3350, Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials
ASTM F 678, PE Gas Pressure Pipe Tubing and Fittings
ASTM F 905, Qualification of PE Saddle Fusion Joints
ASTM F1056, Socket Fusion Tools for PE Pipe
ASTM D 2657, Practice for Heat Joining Polyolefin Pipe
ASTM D 3140, Practice for Flaring PE Pipe

January 1998 400-78 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

ASTM F 1025, Guide for Selection and Use of PE Pipe Repair Clamps

Plastic Pipe Institute Literature, New York, NY (212) 351-5420:

AW-108, Polyolefin Piping (brochure with general design and installation
guidelines) (1985)
AW-123 (TR-8), Installation Procedures for PE Pipe (1984)
AW-111 through AW-117, Six-part slide show covering joining and installation of
HDPE gas distribution piping
AW-107, PE Piping for Gas Distribution (1984)
AW-167, Performance of Polyolefin Pipe and Tubing in Water Service Applications
AW-131 (TR-20), Joining Polyolefin Pipe (1973)
AW-133 (TR-22), PE Plastic Pipe Dist. Systems for Components of LPG (1974)
AW-135 (TR-31), Underground Installation of Polyolefin Piping (1979)
AW-140 (TN-6), Recommendations for Coiling PE Pipe and Tubing (1972)
AW-145 (TN-13), Guidelines for Heat Fusion of Unlike PE Pipe and Fittings
AW-150 (Stmt. D), PE Pipe for Commercial Propane Gas Distribution (1973)
AW-163, Validating the HDB of PE Piping (1985)

493 References for PVC and CPVC

Company Specifications
COPI Spec. GS3.21-1, Piping—Nonmetallic, 3/86, 9 pages.

Industry Documents
ASTM D 1785, PVC Plastic Pipe, Sch. 40-80 & 120 (1/8 – 12 in.)
ASTM D 2241, PVC Plastic Pipe, SDR-PR (1/8 – 24 in.)
ASTM D 2464, PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings, threaded, Sch. 80 (1/8 – 6 in.)
ASTM D 2466, PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings, socket, Sch. 40 (1/8 – 8 in.)
ASTM D 2467, PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings, socket, Sch. 80 (1/8 – 8 in.)
ASTM D 2665, PVC DWV Pipe & Fittings (1¼ – 6 in.)
ASTM D 2672, PVC Plastic Pipe, bell end (1/8 – 8 in.)
ASTM D 2729, PVC Drain Pipe & Fittings (2 – 6 in.)

Chevron Corporation 400-79 January 1998

400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

ASTM D 2740, PVC Plastic Tubing (½ – 1¼ in.)

ASTM D 2949, 3-in PVC Thin Wall DWV Piping (3 in.)
ASTM D 3034, PVC Sewer Pipe & Fittings, type PSM (4 – 15 in.)
ASTM F 512, PVC Conduit for Buried Installation (2 – 6 in.)
AWWA C900, PVC Pressure Pipe for Water (4 – 12 in.)
UL 514, Electrical Outlet Boxes & Fittings (½ – 6 in.)
UL 651, Rigid Non-metallic Conduit (½ – 6 in.)
NEMA TC-2, Electrical Plastic Tubing & Conduit (½ – 6 in.)
NEMA TC-3, PVC Fittings for Conduit & Tubing (½ – 6 in.)
API 5LP, PVC and CPVC Line Pipe (½ – 12 in.)
ASTM D 2846C, PVC Hot Water Distribution Systems (3/8 – 2 in.)
ASTM F 437, CPVC Plastic Pipe Fitting, threaded, Sch. 80 (¼ – 6 in.)
ASTM F 438, CPVC Plastic Pipe Fittings, socket, Sch. 40 (¼ – 6 in.)
ASTM F 439, CPVC Plastic Pipe Fittings, socket, Sch. 80 (½ – 6 in.)
ASTM F 441, CPVC Plastic Pipe, Sch. 40 & 80 (½ – 12 in.)
ASTM F 442, CPVC Plastic Pipe, SDR-PR (¼ – 12 in.)
Solvent Cements & Primers:
ASTM D 2564, Solvent Cements for PVC Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F 493, Solvent Cements for CPVC Pipe and Fittings
ASTM 3138, Solvent Cements for Transition Joints Between ABS and PVC Non-
Pressure Piping
ASTM 2855, Making Solvent Cemented Joints with PVC Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F 656, Primers for Use in PVC Solvent Cement Joints Test
ASTM D 2152, Degree of Fusion of PVC Methods: by Acetone Immersion
ASTM D 4495, Impact of PVC by Falling Weight
ASTM F 610, Estimating Quality of PVC Molded Fittings by Heat Reversion

January 1998 400-80 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Plastic Pipe Institute Literature, New York, NY (212) 351-5420:

AW-125 (TR-10), Recommended Practice for Making Solvent Cemented Joints with
PVC Pipe and Fittings
AW-127 (TR-13), PVC Piping Design and Installation
AW-136 (TN-2), Sealants for PVC Piping
AW-149 (Rec. C), Pressure Rating of PVC Piping for Water at Elevated Tempera-
AW-154 (Stmt J), Hydrostatic Strengths and Suggested Pressure Ratings for
CPVC 4120 at Various Temperatures

494 References for FRP

Company Documents
The following documents are available from Materials and Equipment Engineering
at CRTC.
ARAMCO 01-AMSS-20, Adhesive Bonded RTR Pipe and Fittings, 1984.
ARAMCO 01-AMSS-21, Restrained Gasketed Joint RTR Pipe and Fittings, 1984.
Rangely Specification for Corrosion Resistant Fiber Reinforced Plastic CO2 Gas
Piping, 1985.
Bakersfield Specification BF-S-1245, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Pipe, Valves
and Fittings, 1985.

Industry Documents
Test Methods:
ASTM D2105, Longitudinal Tensile Properties of Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic
Pipe and Tube
ASTM D2925, Measuring Beam Deflection of Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic
Pipe Under Full Bore Flow
ASTM D2992, Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for RTR Pipe and Fittings—
Procedure A for Cyclic and Procedure B for Steady Pressures
ASTM D2412, External Pressure Resistance of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin
ASTM D3615, Chemical Resistance of Thermoset Molding Compounds Used for
Manufacture of Molded Fittings
ASTM D3681, Chemical Resistance of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe in a
Deflected Condition

Chevron Corporation 400-81 January 1998

400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Recommended Practices:
ASTM D3567, Standard Practice for Determining Dimensions of RTR Pipe and
ASTM D3839, Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Flexible RTR
AWWA C950, Appendix A, Design Requirements and Criteria for RTR Pipe for
Water Service
API RP15L4, Care and Use of RTR Line Pipe
API RP15A4, Care and Use of RTR Casing and Tubing
Product Specifications and Classifications:
API SPEC 15LR, Specification for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Line Pipe.
Covers pipe in sizes 2 inches through 12 inches for conveying gas, oil or non-
potable water in the oil and gas producing industries
API SPEC 15HR, Specification for High Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe. Covers
pipe with a pressure rating greater than 1000 psi
API SPEC 15AR, Specification for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Casing and
Tubing. Covers sizes 1½ inches through 10¾ inches for use as tubing or casing in
drilling, producing and disposal operations
ASTM 2310, Standard Classification for Machine Made RTR Pipe
ASTM D2517, RTR Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings. Covers 2½ inch filament
wound epoxy pipe and reinforced epoxy fittings
ASTM D2996, Filament Wound RTR Pipe. Covers 1–16 inch pipe made with epoxy,
polyester or furan resins
ASTM D2997, Centrifugally Cast RTR Pipe. Covers 1¼ inch pipe made with epoxy
or polyester resins
ASTM D3262, Standard Specification for Reinforced Plastic Mortar Sewer Pipe.
Covers pipe in sizes 8 inches through 144 inches with glass fiber reinforcement, sili-
ceous sand and polyester resin for gravity flow systems for conveying sanitary
sewage storm water and some industrial wastes
ASTM D3517, Standard Specification for Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe.
Covers pipe in sizes 8 inches through 144 inches with glass fiber reinforcement, sili-
ceous sand and polyester resin for use in water conveyance systems which operate
at internal heads of 500 feet or less
ASTM D3754, Standard Specification for Reinforced Plastic Mortar Sewer and
Industrial Pressure Pipe. Covers pipe in sizes 8 inches through 144 inches with
glass fiber reinforcement, siliceous sand and polyester resin for use in conveying
sanitary sewage, storm water and many industrial wastes and corrosive fluids at
pressures to 250 psig

January 1998 400-82 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

ASTM D4024, Standard Specification for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Flanges.

Covers flanges in sizes ½ inch through 24 inches with ANSI B16.5, 150 lb. bolt
circles and classifies flanges by pressure rating, burst pressure, sealing test pres-
sure, and bolt torque limits
ASTM D4161, Standard Specification for Bell-and-spigot Reinforced Thermoset-
ting Resin Pipe Joints Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals
ASTM D4162, Standard Specification for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Sewer
and Industrial Pressure Pipe. Covers about the same as D3754 except the pipe does
not contain siliceous sand and the specification makes provisions for the pipe to
have epoxy resin liners and coatings
ASTM D4163, Standard Specification for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pressure
Pipe. Covers pipe in sizes 8 inches through 144 inches using either polyester or
epoxy resins for water conveyance systems at pressures to 250 psig
ASTM D4184, Standard Specification for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Sewer
Pipe. Covers pipe in sizes 8 inches through 144 inches made with polyester resins
with polyester resin or epoxy resin liners and coatings for use in gravity flow
systems for conveying sanitary sewage, storm water and many industrial wastes
AWWA C950, Standard for Glass-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pressure Pipe.
The standard pertains to 1-inch through 144-inch pipe for use as water pressure pipe
at pressures to 250 psig. The pipe is made using polyester or epoxy resins and with
or without siliceous sand (aggregate). The standard contains information only,
appendixes on design, shipping, handling, storage, and installation

Fiberglass Pipe Institute (FPI) Literature, New York, NY. (212) 351-5410:
AF-131, Fiberglass Pipe Market Brochure
AF-132, FPI Directory of Member Companies
AF-133, National Specification for Fiberglass Pipe
AF-134, Specification Guideline for Fiberglass Pipe Systems for Oil and Gas

495 References for ABS

ASTM D 1527, ABS Plastic Pipe, Sch. 40-80 (1/8 – 12 in.)
ASTM D 2282, ABS Plastic Pipe, SDR-PR (1/8 –12 in.)
ASTM D 2465, ABS Plastic Pipe Fittings, threaded Sch. 80 (¼ – 6 in.)
ASTM D 2468, ABS Plastic Pipe Fittings, socket, Sch. 40 (¼ – 8 in.)
ASTM D 2469, ABS Plastic Pip Fittings, socket, Sch. 80 (1/8 – 8 in.)
ASTM D 2661, ABS DWV Pipe and Fittings (1¼ – 6 in.)
ASTM D 2680, ABS Composite Sewer Pipe & Fittings (8 – 15 in.)

Chevron Corporation 400-83 January 1998

400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

ASTM D 2750, ABS Utility Conduit & Fittings (1 – 6 in.)

ASTM D 2751, ABS Sewer Pipe and Fittings (1 – 6 in.)
ASTM F 628, ABS Foam Core DWV (1¼ – 6 in.)
ASTM D 2235, Solvent Cements for ABS Plastic Pipe and Fittings
ASTM D 3138, Solvent Cements for Transition Joints Between ABS and PVC
Nonpressure Piping Components

496 References for PP, PVDF, and PB

ASTM D2662, PB Plastic Pipe, SDR-PR (½ to 6 in.)
ASTM D2666, PB Plastic Tubing (½ to 2 in.)
ASTM D3000, PB Plastic Pipe, SDR-PR, OD-controlled (½ to 6 in.)
ASTM D3309, PB Plastic Hot-Water Distributing Systems (¼ to 2 in.)
AWWA C902, PB Pressure Pipe and Tubing for Water Service (½ to 3 in.)
ASTM 669, Conditioning of PB Pipe for Subsequent QC Testing
ASTM specifications for PP and PVDF piping are under development.

Plastic Pipe Institute Literature, New York, NY (212) 351-5420:

AW-108, Polyolefin Piping (brochure with general design and installation guide-
lines) (1985)
AW-167, Performance of Polyolefin Pipe and Tubing in Water Service Applications
AW-131, Joining Polyolefin Pipe (1973)
AW-135, Underground Installation of Polyolefin Piping (1979)
PB and PP are polyolefin piping materials, PVDF is not.

497 References for Concrete Pipe

See Figure 400-26 for references.

498 References for Lined Steel

Company Specifications
BF-S-1246, PP and Teflon-lined Pipe, Valves and Fittings (this Bakersfield specifi-
cation is for shop lined pipe)

January 1998 400-84 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping

Industry Specifications, etc.

PP-, PVDF- and Teflon-Lined Steel (Shop):
ASTM F781, Perfluoro (Alkoxyalkane) Copolymer (PFA) Plastic-Lined Ferrous
Metal Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F546, Perfluoro (Ethylene-Propylene) Copolymer (FEP) Plastic-Lined
Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F423, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Plastic-Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe
Fittings, and Flanges
ASTM F491, PolyVinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Plastic-Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe
and Fittings
ASTM F492, Propylene and Polypropylene (PP) Plastic-Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe
and Fittings
Plastic-Lined Steel (Field):
NACE Technical Report T-1G-10
Plastic Pipe Institute Literature (212) 351-5420:
AW-110, Renewing Sewers with Polyolefin Pipe
AW-164, Pipeline Rehabilitation with Polyethylene Pipe
AW-165, Slip lining for Sewer Rehabilitation
ASTM F 585, Insertion of PE Pipe Into Existing Sewers
Cement-Lined Steel:
AWWA C-602
AWWA C-205

American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) Books (703) 821-1990

Concrete Pipe Design Manual
Concrete Pipe Handbook
Concrete Pipe Installation Manual
Concrete Pipe Handbook—Limited Edition
Handbook of Steel Drainage and Highway Construction Products
Hydraulics of Culverts
Concrete Pipe for Irrigation and Drainage

Chevron Corporation 400-85 January 1998

400 Nonmetallic and Nonmetallic-Lined Steel Piping Piping Manual

Design Manual for Sulfide and Corrosion Prediction and Control

American Concrete Pipe Associate Membership Directory

Fig. 400-26 Industry Specifications, Concrete Pipe

Specification Designation

Type Diameter or Size ASTM AASHTO CSA Federal

Nonreinforced Concrete Class 1 4” – 36” C14 M86 A257.1 SS-P371

Culvert, Storm Drain and Class 2 4” – 36”
Sewer Pipe Class 3 4” – 36”

Reinforced Concrete Culvert, CLass I 60” – 144” C76 M170 A257.2

Storm Drain and Sewer Pipe Class II 12” – 144”
Class III 12” – 144”
Class IV 12” – 144”
Class V 12” – 144”

Concrete Irrigation and Drainage Pipe 4” 0 24” C118

Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe 12” – 108” C361

Drain Tile: Standard Quality 4” – 24” C412 M178

Extra Quality 4” – 36”
Heavy-Duty Extra Quality 4” – 36”
Special Quality 4” – 36”

Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, C443 M198 A257.3
with Rubber Gaskets

Perforated Concrete Pipe C444 M175

Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Risers C478 M199

and Tops

Testing Concrete Pipe and Tile C497 T33 A257.0

Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe with Rubber- 6” – 24” C505

type Gasket Joints

Reinforced Concrete, Arch Culvert, Storm Drain and 15” – 132”(1) C506 M206
Sewer Pipe

Reinforced Concrete, Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain 18” – 144”(1) C507 M207
and Sewer Pipe

Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, 12” – 144” C655 M242
and Sewer Pipe

Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for 3’ Span × 2’ Rise to C789 M259
Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers 10’ Span × 10’ Rise

Standard Definitions and Terms Relating to Concrete C822 M262

Pipe and Related Products

Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for 3’ Span × 2’ Rise to C850 M273
Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with less than 2 12’ Span × 12’ Rise
feet of Cover Subjected to Highway Loadings

External Sealing Bands for Noncircular Concrete C877

Sewer, Storm Drain and Culvert Pipe

Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete C923

Manhole Structures and Pipes

Low-Pressure Air Test of Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines C924

(1) Denotes Approximately Equivalent Round Size

January 1998 400-86 Chevron Corporation

Piping Manual 400 Nonmetallic Piping

Fig. 400-27 Chemical Resistance of Piping Materials (1 of 2)


Outdoor Above Ground Exposure

Refined Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Wet Gas Including Casing Gas
Generator Stack Wash Water
Produced Water, Waterflood

(Humid, Coastal or Offshore)

Outdoor Above Ground and
Amines (MEA, DEA, etc.)
Crude Oil (≥ 25% Water)

Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Crude Oil (≤ 25% Water

Above Water Exposure

Demineralized Water

Fresh Water, Cooling

Water, Waste Water

Soils (Buried Piping)

HCl Acid (35% max.)

Seawater and Brine

Caustic (50% max.)

Dehydrated Gas
Scrubber Liquor

Softened Water

(Onshore, Arid)

(e.g., Gasoline)

(e.g., Benzene)
and Agitated)
Sulfuric Acid

Tower Water
for Injection
Pipe Material


Carbon Steel/Cast Iron P L(1) L(2) P P L(3) L(3),(4) L(3),(4) L(3) L(3) G(3) G L(3) L(3) G L(5) L(3) L(6) G L(5) G G
Galvanized Steel P L(1) L(2) P P L(3) L(3),(4) G(4) G L(3) NA G L(3) L(3) G G L(3) L(6) E G G G

(7) L(7) L(7) G(7) L(7) G(7)

304L Stainless Steel P P G P L E E E E E E G G E E G E
316L Stainless Steel P L(8) G G(7) L(7) L(7) L(7) E E E E E L(7) E E G(7) G G E E G E
Copper Based Alloys L(9) L(8) G(10) P G(11) L(12) L(12) G G L(12) G L(12) L(12) L(12) G G(13) L(14) P E E L(15) L(15)
HDPE G G G E E L(16) E E E E NA L(16) L(16) L(16) L(16) E G L(16) G G L(16) P
(17) G(17) L(16) E(4) L(16) L(16) L(16) L(16) L(18) L(18) L(16)
PP G G G E E L(16) E E(4) E E NA L(16) L(16) L(16) L(16) E G P L(18) L(18) P L(16)
L(8) L(14) L(8) L(16) E(4) L(16) L(16) L(16) L(16) L(14) L(14) L(14) L(14)

(4) (4)
Transite or Concrete P P P P G G G G G G NA G G G G G G G G G G G
FRP with Epoxy Resin Liner L(8) L(8) G E E E E E(4) E E NA E E E E E L(14) L(14) L(19) L(19) L(20) L(8)
FRP with Polyester Resin Liner G(21) G(21) L(22) E E E E E(4) E E NA E E E E E L(14) L(14) L(19) L(19) L(20) P
FRP with Vinyl Ester Resin Liner G(21) G(21) L(22) E E E E E E E NA E E E E E L(14) L(14) L(19) L(19) L(20) P
HDPE Field Lined Steel G G G E E G E E E E NA G G G G L(5) G L(23) G L(5) L(23) P
PP-lined Steel G G G E E E E E(4) E E NA L(23) L(23) L(23) G L(5) L(23) L(23) G L(5) P L(23)
Lined Steel

Teflon- or PVDF-lined Steel E E L(24) E E E E E E E NA E E E E L(5) G L(24) G L(5) G G

Cement-lined Steel P P P P G G G(4) G(4) G G NA G G G L(5) G G G L(5) G G
Epoxy Internal Coated Steel L L(8) G G G G G G(4) G G NA G G G G L(5) L(14) L(14) G L(5) L(20) L(8)
Legend P = Poor, do not use
L = Limited, see footnotes
G = Good, good longterm service expected
NA = Not applicable because of temperature limitations
E = Excellent, not affected

Chevron Corporation 400-87 January 1998

Fig. 400-27 Chemical Resistance of Piping Materials (2 of 2)

(1) High concentrations only

(2) Postweld heat treatment required to prevent cracking in hot caustic
(3) Some corrosion expected, inhibition and/or corrosion allowance probably necessary
(4) Water contamination is a concern
(5) External coating and/or cathodic protection required
(6) Postweld heat treatment required to prevent cracking
(7) Pitting corrosion possible if chloride and temperature limits are exceeded
(8) Dilute concentrations only
(9) Copper nickels can handle dilute concentrations at low temperatures
(10) Copper nickel alloys are very resistant
(11) Copper nickels, inhibited admiralty and aluminum bronze are very resistant
(12) Presence of sulfides may cause corrosion
(13) High sulfide soils may promote pitting
(14) Limited knowledge
(15) Resistance depends on presence of impurities, particularly sulfides and water
(16) Pressure derating needed even if only small amounts of organic fluids are present
(17) Special solvent cements needed
(18) Will embrittle in sun unless painted, shaded or UV stabilized
(19) Sunlight will cause surface damage unless UV stabilized, painted
(20) 120°F maximum
(21) At high concentrations there may be significant temperature limitations
(22) 150°F maximum
(23) Temperature should be limited to 100°F
(24) Do not use PVDF, Teflon will perform well

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