Business Engineering Arts and Sciences 3-Hour Review 1-Day Program 10-Week Course

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Business Engineering Arts and Sciences

3-hour review 500 540 480

580 460 400
1-day program 460 560 420
540 620 480
10-week course 560 600 480
600 580 410
Anova: Two-Factor With Replication

SUMMARY Business EngineeringArts and Sciences Total

3-hour review
Count 2 2 2 6
Sum 1080 1000 880 2960
Average 540 500 440 493.33333333
Variance 3200 3200 3200 3946.6666667

1-day program
Count 2 2 2 6
Sum 1000 1180 900 3080
Average 500 590 450 513.33333333
Variance 3200 1800 1800 5386.6666667

10-week course
Count 2 2 2 6
Sum 1160 1180 890 3230
Average 580 590 445 538.33333333
Variance 800 200 2450 5936.6666667

Count 6 6 6
Sum 3240 3360 2670
Average 540 560 445
Variance 2720 3200 1510

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value
Sample 6100 2 3050 1.3828715365 0.299436
Columns 45300 2 22650 10.269521411 0.004757
Interaction 11200 4 2800 1.2695214106 0.350328
Within 19850 9 2205.555555556

Total 82450 17
F crit
Lawyer Physical TherapistCabinetmaker Systems Analyst
44 55 54 44
42 78 65 73
74 80 79 71
42 86 69 60
53 60 79 64
50 59 64 66
45 62 59 41
48 52 78 55
64 55 84 76
38 50 60 62

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum
Lawyer 10 500
Physical Therapist 10 637
Cabinetmaker 10 691
Systems Analyst 10 612

Source of Variation SS df
Between Groups 1939.4 3
Within Groups 4782.6 36

Total 6722 39
Average Variance
50 124.22222222
63.7 164.67777778
69.1 105.87777778
61.2 136.62222222

MS F P-value F crit
646.4667 4.8661397566 0.0060805129 2.8662655509

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