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Zone Number of Care (X) Number of Trips (Y) 1 75 350 2 125 450 3 85 200 4 500 1200 5 400 1000 6 100 400 7 400 1100 8 300 900

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zone number of care (X) number of trips (Y)

1 75 350
2 125 450 1400
3 85 200
1200 f(x) = 2.233
4 500 1200 R² = 0.9647
5 400 1000 1000
6 100 400
7 400 1100 800

8 300 900 600



50 100 1
number of trips

1200 f(x) = 2.23358572447385 x + 145.791542114926

R² = 0.964741251885418





50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
zona bangki
zona bangkitan kendaraan (rimbuan smp/thn) penduduk (ribuan)
1 408 964
2 396 687
3 423 594
4 440 917
5 174 84
6 333 523
7 357 526
8 341 696
9 465 546
10 345 662
Y x1

zone y x1
1 408 964
2 396 687
3 423 594
4 440 917
5 174 84
6 333 523
7 357 526
8 341 696
9 465 546
10 345 662
∑ 3682 6199

zone y x1
1 408 964
2 396 687
3 423 594
4 440 917
5 174 84
6 333 523
7 357 526
8 341 696
9 465 546
10 345 662
∑ 3682 6199


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.98712099490436
R Square 0.97440785858096
Adjusted R Square 0.96709581817553
Standard Error 14.8406370026405
Observations 10

Regression 2
Residual 7
Total 9

Intercept -72.12983867696
x1 0.26145374543698
x2 0.38164128635383

y= -72.12983 + 0.261 X1 + 0.3816 X2

PDRB (milyar rupiah ) produksi pertanian (ribu ton/tahun)
590 1
802 1.6
910 1.57
745 8
605 45
692 787
789 829
571 2
967 621
620 1547
x2 x3

x2 x3 y² yx1 x1²
590 1 166464 393312 929296
802 1.6 156816 272052 471969
910 1.57 178929 251262 352836
745 8 193600 403480 840889
605 45 30276 14616 7056
692 787 110889 174159 273529
789 829 127449 187782 276676
571 2 116281 237336 484416
967 621 216225 253890 298116
620 1547 119025 228390 438244
7291 3843.17 1415954 2416279 4373027

r1 0.748658870188194 r2 0.61135770394 r3

x2 y² yx1 x1² yx2

590 1 408 166464 964
802 4 792 156816 1374
910 9 1269 178929 1782
745 16 1760 193600 3668
605 25 870 30276 420
692 36 1998 110889 3138
789 49 2499 127449 3682
571 64 2728 116281 5568
967 81 4185 216225 4914
620 100 3450 119025 6620
7291 385 19959 1415954 32130

y x1 x2
y 1
x1 0.74865887018819 1
x2 0.61135770394154 -0.04199397752 1
x3 -0.0524842997275 -0.13262578411 -0.009108

SS MS F Significance F
58699.888453491 29349.9442267455 133.260732237773 2.68147155E-06
1541.71154650899 220.244506644142

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

29.8925742318013 -2.41296845556462 0.04657052518285 -142.814544648 -1.445133
0.020398045636625 12.817588022626 4.0806683675E-06 0.21322003204 0.309687
0.035867624686017 10.6402721031763 1.4190506104E-05 0.29682783117 0.466455
yx2 x2² yx3 x3²
240720 348100 408 1
317592 643204 633.6 2.56
384930 828100 664.11 2.4649
327800 555025 3520 64
105270 366025 7830 2025
230436 478864 262071 619369
281673 622521 295953 687241
194711 326041 682 4
449655 935089 288765 385641
213900 384400 533715 2393209
2746687 5487369 1394242 4087559


438244 dengan mempertimbangkan t stat, maka variabel dieliminasi adal


Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-142.8145 -1.44513270590534
0.21322 0.309687458834439
0.296828 0.466454741533414

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.988752
R Square 0.97763
Adjusted R Square 0.966445
Standard Error 14.9866
Observations 10

df SS
Regression 3 58894.010883126
Residual 6 1347.5891168744
Total 9 60241.6

Coefficients Standard Error

Intercept -77.43235 30.720682279023
x1 0.264026 0.0207836756128
x2 0.38214 0.0362243752157
x3 0.008701 0.0093591676325

Y= -77.432 + 0.264 X1 + 0.382 X2 + 0.009 X3

nilai T 2.774 t<2.774 di tolak
α 0.05 P>α di tolak

gunakan salah satu ketentuan saja (t-stat atau P-value saja)

dengan mempertimbangkan t stat, maka variabel dieliminasi adalah
MS F Significance F
19631.3369610419 87.40648 2.428E-05

t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0%

-2.52052846409716 0.045255 -152.6032 -2.261553 -152.6032 -2.261553
12.703534331607 1.459E-05 0.21317 0.314882 0.21317 0.314882
10.5492621680138 4.266E-05 0.293503 0.470778 0.293503 0.470778
0.929682673020599 0.388409 -0.0142 0.031602 -0.0142 0.031602

~ dibandingkan dengan t-stat

~ dibandingkan dengan P-value
household type no income ($/month) inhabitans trip/day
0 cars 180 4000 4 6
1 car 80 18000 4 8
2 or more cars 40 50000 6 11

real income increase of 30% = 50% of household without car would acquire one (in five years)
dengan menggunakan rumus compounding factor Pn = Pi (1+i)^n

household type no income ($/month) inhabitans trip/day

0 cars 90 14851.72 4 6
1 car 170 66832.74 4 8
2 or more cars 40 185646.5 6 11

trip generation 2340 trips/day

e (in five years)
zona jumlah perjalanan per hari jumlah mobil jumlah motor
1 160 32 45
2 250 65 65
3 220 58 55
4 198 41 47
5 108 21 34
6 138 28 27
7 145 35 37
8 170 44 48
9 175 55 47
10 325 85 67

zona Y X1 X2
1 160 32 45
2 250 65 65
3 220 58 55
4 198 41 47
5 108 21 34
6 138 28 27
7 145 35 37
8 170 44 48
9 175 55 47
10 325 85 67
∑ 1889 464 472
jumlah pekerja aktif jumlah rumah tangga pendapatan pertahun (juta)
315 75 69
500 155 100
388 145 82
475 98 63
145 50 50
438 75 60
320 82 83
310 110 94
335 116 97
665 176 112

X3 X4 X5 Y² YX1
315 75 69 25600 5120
500 155 100 62500 16250
388 145 82 48400 12760
475 98 63 39204 8118
145 50 50 11664 2268
438 75 60 19044 3864
320 82 83 21025 5075
310 110 94 28900 7480
335 116 97 30625 9625
665 176 112 105625 27625
3891 1082 810 392587 98185
X1² YX2 X2² YX3 X3² YX4 X4² YX5 X5²
1024 7200 2025 50400 99225 12000 5625 11040 4761
4225 16250 4225 125000 250000 38750 24025 25000 10000
3364 12100 3025 85360 150544 31900 21025 18040 6724
1681 9306 2209 94050 225625 19404 9604 12474 3969
441 3672 1156 15660 21025 5400 2500 5400 2500
784 3726 729 60444 191844 10350 5625 8280 3600
1225 5365 1369 46400 102400 11890 6724 12035 6889
1936 8160 2304 52700 96100 18700 12100 15980 8836
3025 8225 2209 58625 112225 20300 13456 16975 9409
7225 21775 4489 216125 442225 57200 30976 36400 12544
24930 95779 23740 804764 1691213 225894 131660 161624 69232

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