Element Pipe 5
Element Pipe 5
Element Pipe 5
The measure of the ability of a goal to The head required to produced a flow of the
withstand exposure to the environment elements water.
without excessive crumbling a. static head
a. crumbling coefficient b. pressure head
b. weatherability c. velocity head
c. cohensiveness d. dynamic head
d. attrition coefficient
Answer: (C)
Answer. (B)
The sum of the pressure head and velocity
A type of coal that tends to break apart as it head.
burns thereby exposing the unburned coal to a. static head
the combustion air. b. pressure head
a. loose coal c. velocity head
b. free burning coal d. dynamic head
c. non-cohensive coal
d. aggregate Answer: (D)
Answer: (B) The dynamic pressure of the liquid at pump
section less the corresponding to the
A type of coal that produced a fused coal mass temperature at the same point, converted to
as it burns. liquid.
a. plastic coal a. NPSH
b. caking coal b. specific head
c.soft coal c.pump operating head
d. high-moisture coal d. suction head
Answer: (B) Answer: (A)
A combustible coal content that produces a The algebraic difference of the discharge and
major atmospheric pollutant consequently, it suction heads.
is important that coal has a low percentage of a. pump operating head
this component. b. TDH
a. nitrogen c. A and B
b.sulfur d. NPSH
c. carbon
d. hydrogen Answer: (C)
Answer: (B) The transfer of the heat energy from exhaust
gases to compressed air flowing between the
Which of the following statement is/are true compressor and combustion chamber.
regards to the first law of thermodynamics for a. intercooling
a change in state of a control mass b.convection
a. since heat and work are path function Q-W
c. regeneration
must also be a path function d. economics
b. Q-W is an inexact differential
c. A and B Answer :(C)
d. Q-W is a point function
The removal of heat from compressed air
Answer: (D) between stages of compression.
a. regeneration
Which of the following statements is/are true b. exhaustion
with regards to heat and work. c. heat evacuation
a. heat and work are both transient phenomena d. intercooling
b.both heat and work are boundary phenomena
c.both heat and work are path function Answer:( D)
d. all of the above
As a general rule, the cooling water side of
Answer: (D) the condenser should be schedule for
inspection for every:
The height of the surface of the water above a. month
the gage point b. 3 months
a. pressure head c. 6 months
b. velocity head d. year
c. dynamic head
d. static head Answer: (B)
Answer: (D)
Answer C
If the compressor runs continually, the cause Where groundwater ( wells and springs) or
might be the: surface water (streams and takes) are used for
A. high-pressure cutout switch is jammed shut feedwater, water hardness of ___ and
B. low pressure switch is jammed shut alkalinity of pH 10 to be ph should be
C. thermal bulb is not operating properly considered
D. scale trap is clogged a. 0-10 ppm
b. 10-20 ppm
Answer: (B) c. 20-30 ppm
d. 30-40 ppm
If the temperature in the icebox is too high,
the trouble could be: Answer A
A. a clogged scale trap Which of the following is not a solid fuel?
B. air in the system a. peat
C. automatic controls not functioning properly b. briquettes
D. insufficient cooling water to the condenser c. tar
d coke
Answer: C
answer C
If frost forms on the cylinders, the cause
would be: the memory lost when the operating power is
A. expansion valve not open wide enough removed
B. charging valve open too wide a. power memory
C. expansion valve open too wide b. volatile memory
D. dehydrator not working properly c. initial memory
d. quick data
Answer: C
answer b
The most likely cause of high superheat would
be: Canisters of helmets shall be removed
A. too much refrigerant immediately after having been used or
B. expansion valve open too wide Seal broken and is unused, must be renewed at
C. expansion valve closed in too much least once every:
D. back-pressure valve set too high a. 1 year
b. 2 years
Answer: C c. 3 years
d. 4 years
Short-cycling means that the machine:
A. grounds out frequently answer b
B. stops and starts frequently
C. runs too fast Pump whose purpose is to increase the
D. runs too slow effective water pressure by sucking water from
a public service main or private-use water
Answer: B system
a. horizontal split case pump
If the cooling water to the condenser should b. vertical shaft turbine pump
suddenly fail: c. booster pump
A. the solenoid valve will close d. submersible pump
B. the compressor will shut down
C. the expansion valve will close answer C
D. an alarm will ring to notify the engineer
A small fitting with a double offset, or
Answer: (B) shaped like the letter U with the ends turned
Which of the following regions in a multi- a. elbow tee
stage turbine where efficiency a highest? b. expansion loop
A. High pressure region above 200 psi c. spigot joint
B. Intermediate pressure region d. cross-over
C. Low pressure most region
D. A and B Answer d
Answer (B) The condition in which droplets of water are
carried by steam in the boiler
The phenomenon in which air enters a submerged a. priming
suction pipe from the water surface is called b. breeching
a: c. carryover
a. whirlpool d. condensation
b. vacuum
c. vortex answer a
d. thixotropic
which of the following is basically a jet
engine that exhausts into a turbine generator? answer b
a. aeroderivative gas turbine
b. brayton engine Exergy destruction is a result of
c. industrial gas turbine a. heat transfer
d. joule turbine b. work production
c. process irreversibility
answer A d. none of the above
answer D answer c
working fluids used in refrigeration cycle analysis of solid fuel to determine moisture,
decreases in temperature as they pass through volatile matter, fixed carbon, and ash
the throttle valve. The Joule- Thompson expressed as percentage of the total weight of
coefficient of these fluids is the sample
a. negative a. viscometer
b. zero b. proximate analysis
c. positive c. ultimate
d. none of the above d. pour point
answer C answer b
answer b answer b
Working fluids used in refrigeration cycle gas flow caused by boiler’s pressure being
decreases in temperature as the pass through less than boiler’s furnace pressure
the throttle valve. The joule-thompson a. induced draft
coefficient of these fluids is b. infrared
a. negative c. injector
b. zero d. inhibitor
c. positive
d. none of the above answer (a)
Answer: B Answer: B
Heavy duty gas turbines typically have The degrees of power interval in 4-stroke
a. Double shaft cycle of a six-cylinder engine is
b. Triple shaft a. 60 degrees
b. 180 degrees c. Bled-off cycle
c. 90 degrees d. Regenerative extraction cycle
d. 120 degrees
Answer: B
Answer: D
Any arrangement whereby steam is bled from a
The portion of sunlight, rich in ultraviolet turbine for a purpose of thermal regeneration
rays, which has a strong effect on of the condensate to a temperature level
photographic plate. approaching that of the boiler water.
a. Gamma rays a. Regenerative
b. X-rays b. Extraction cycle
c. Beta rays c. Bled-off steam cycle
d. Actinic rays d. Regenerative extraction cycle
Answer: D Answer: A
Which of the following does not illustrate the The steam extracted from the turbine
effect of temperature or pressure on gas a. Bled steam
solubility? b. Extraction
a. Air bubbles from on the sides of a warm c. Extracted steam
glass of water d. A and C
b. Soda pop is bottle under pressure
c. Boiling frees water gases Answer: D
d. Air is more humid on rainy days
The point of particular pressure where the
Answer: D steam is extracted
a. Bleeder point
Among the effluents that may be released from b. Extraction point
the hydrothermal reservoir which one is the c. Bleeder
most toxic? d. A and B
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Hydrogen sulfide Answer: D
c. Methane
d. Ammonia Vapor pumps that raise the pressure of the
refrigeration to a level that permits
Answer: B sufficient heat rejection to the condensing
Newton said that a projectile if given enough a. Fans
horizontal velocity will not fail to the b. Blower
earth. Instead, it moves along a path around c. Compressor
the earth. The 1st artificial satellite that d. Suction
verified Newton’s statement is
a. Apollo 1 Answer: C
b. Houston 1
c. Sputnik 1 Low temperature heat exchanger that is used to
d. None of these absorb heat from the refrigerated space and
transfer it to the refrigerant in its tubes so
Answer: C that it can be transported to another and
A refrigerant control valve that maintains a a. Condenser
constant pressure in a evaporator b. Evaporator
a. Bleed valve c. Capillary tube
b. Angle valve d. Compressor
c. Automatic expansion valve
d. Ball check valve Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: D