A Market Is A Place Buyers and Sellers Meet To Make Exchanges, Such As Money For A Cell Phone. T

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Minimum Wage

A market is a place buyers and sellers meet to make exchanges, such as money for a cell phone.
Market Structure -refers to the nature and degree of competition in the market for goods and
services. The structure of both market for goods market and service are determined by the nature
of competition.

1. Perfect Competition
Perfect competition describes a market structure, where a large number of small firms compete
against each other. In this scenario, a single firm does not have any significant market power. As
a result, the industry as a whole produces the socially optimal level of output, because none of
the firms can influence market prices.

The idea of perfect competition builds on several assumptions:

all firms maximize profits

there is free entry and exit to the market,

all firms sell completely identical (i.e., homogenous) goods,

there are no consumer preferences.

2. Monopolistic Competition
Monopolistic competition also refers to a market structure, where a large number of small firms
compete against each other. However, unlike in perfect competition, the firms in monopolistic
competition sell similar, but slightly differentiated products. That gives them a certain degree of
market power, which allows them to charge higher prices within a certain range.

Monopolistic competition builds on the following assumptions:

all firms maximize profits

there is free entry, and exit to the market,

firms sell differentiated products

consumers may prefer one product over the other.

3. Oligopoly
An oligopoly describes a market structure that is dominated by only a small number of firms.
That results in a state of limited competition. The firms can either compete against each other or

The oligopolistic market structure builds on the following assumptions:

all firms maximize profits,

oligopolies can set prices,

there are barriers to entry and exit in the market,

products may be homogenous or differentiated, and

there is only a few firms that dominate the market.

4. Monopoly
A monopoly refers to a market structure where a single firm controls the entire market. In this
scenario, the firm has the highest level of market power, as consumers do not have any
alternatives. As a result, monopolies often reduce output to increase prices and earn more profit.

The following assumptions are made when we talk about monopolies:

the monopolist maximizes profit,

it can set the price

there are high barriers to entry and exit,

there is only one firm that dominates the entire market.

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