Change Personal Growth
Change Personal Growth
Change Personal Growth
1. How has your social life changed? Are you still friends with the same people? Why or why
I am still friends with the same people I have known for years. I would never switch up on
them if there was ever a chance for any reason.
2. How have your personal interests, hobbies, and/or activities changed or developed?
I think just growing up your interests are bound to change or expand and mine have
I have developed as a student by turning in everything and getting good test scores.
Starting High School I made myself more physical with sports and developed working out.
5. How has your relationship with your family changed? What kinds of freedoms, expectations,
responsibilities, or opportunities do you have now that you didn’t have before?
My relationship with my family will always be great. Now that I’m growing up I have to do
things that would make me a more responsible human being which is picking up after
myself and helping out my siblings.