The Silence of ST

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The Silence Of St. Thomas « The Dish http://dish.andrewsullivan.


The Silence Of St. Thomas

JUL 21 2013 @ 8:25AM


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Robert P. Imbelli recalls this storied detail from the life of Thomas

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The Silence Of St. Thomas « The Dish

As The World Turns

It is well-known that Thomas Aquinas ceased writing his

Summa Theologiae before completing it. When asked why, a
long tradition recounts that he told his secretary, Reginald of
Piperno: “After what I have seen today I can write no more: for
all that I have written is but straw.”

He pivots from the anecdote to cite this passage from Denys Turner’s How To Read
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new biography, Thomas Aquinas: a Portrait:

Theology matters only because – and when – there is more to

life than theology, and when that “more” shows its presence
within the theology that is done. So Thomas fails to finish,
thereby exhibiting the presence of this “more” in the most
dramatic way possible – by leaving space for it. His final
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sentence is not an empty and disappointing failure to finish. It
is an apotheosis. By his silence Thomas does not stop teaching
theology. He does not stop doing theology. On the contrary, by
his silence he teaches something about doing theology that he
could not have taught by any other means.

It brings to mind this description of the great medieval theologian’s final

months from Josef Pieper’s classic book, The Silence of St. Thomas: The End Of The Dish
(Multiple Posts)

The last word of St. Thomas is not communication but silence.

And it is not death which takes the pen out of his hand. His
tongue is stilled by the super-abundance of life in the mystery of
God. He is silent, not because he has nothing further to say; he
is silent because he has been allowed a glimpse into the
expressible depths of that mystery which is not reached by any
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human thought or speech…

The mind of the dying man found its voice once more, in an
explanation of the Canticle of Canticles for the monks of
Fossanova. The last teaching of St. Thomas concerns, therefore,
that mystical book of nuptial love for God, of which the Fathers
of the Church say: the meaning of its figurative speech is that
God exceeds all our capabilities of possessing Him, that all our The War
knowledge can only be the cause of new questions, and every
finding only the start of a new search.

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The Silence Of St. Thomas « The Dish

(Image: “Saint Thomas Aquinas” by Diego Velázquez, 1632, via

Wikimedia Commons)

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