Course: PG-Pathshala Paper-12: Membrane Biophysics Content Writer: Dr. Jitendraa Vashistt, Jaypee University of Information & Technology, (H.P)
Course: PG-Pathshala Paper-12: Membrane Biophysics Content Writer: Dr. Jitendraa Vashistt, Jaypee University of Information & Technology, (H.P)
Course: PG-Pathshala Paper-12: Membrane Biophysics Content Writer: Dr. Jitendraa Vashistt, Jaypee University of Information & Technology, (H.P)
Learning objectives: The membrane is fundamental structural unit for cellular organization
and various biological functions of cell are dependent upon the membrane structural integrity.
Therefore, it is at-most important to study the structure of membrane. However, the structure
of membrane was elucidated by different researchers as different cell membrane models until
a well accepted ‘fluid-mosaic model’ of cell membrane was proposed. Present module
elucidated various cell membrane models and fluid-mosaic model in detail.
Cell membrane as the name suggests is the outermost covering of the cell separating the inner
cellular protoplasm from its external environment. The word ‘cell membrane’ was coined by
C. Nageli and C. Cramer In 1855. The essentiality of cell membrane may be proved by the
fact that about a 33% of the dry weight of a cell is made-up of its membrane and more than
40% of all proteins encoded by a eukaryotic genome are present at membrane as membrane
proteins. Thus a large number of biological processes occur with the help of cell membranes.
Among these major roles are controlling the chemical traffic into and out of the cell,
anchoring the cytoskeleton to provide shape to the cell and cell signalling. The semi-
permeable nature of the membranes allows selective movement of the substances across the
cell which is very important for its survival. The most important function of these bio
membranes is to protect the cell from its external environment.
Today, we know that chemically cell membranes are made up of lipids (20- 40%), proteins
(60-75%) and carbohydrates (1-5%), but a whole lot of study have undergone to decipher the
structure of the cell membrane. Various models have been proposed to elucidate the structure
of membranes. These models have been proposed based on the extensive research carried out
by different scientists enabling them to elucidate the structure of the membranes. The present-
day perception of cell membrane is entirely based on the understanding of these past
membrane models.
Charles Ernest Overton played a very important role in the understanding of the picture of
cell membranes. He studied the permeability of the cell membrane to a wide variety of
substances, nearly 500 different plant and animal cell models. He noticed that substances that
are non-polar in nature (ether soluble) did not result in the shrinking of cells, contrary to
water soluble (polar) substances, irrespective of their molecular size. He reached to the
conclusions what we know as the Overton’s rules according to which the substances that are
soluble in oil enter the living cells faster whereas substances that are highly soluble in water
enter the cell slowly. Further, he proposed “Lipoidal theory” in 1899 according to which all
living cells are covered by a thin layer of lipoid materials. He suggested that cholesterol and
phospholipids could be the main components of cell membranes. Initial predictions related to
lipid content as a major ingredient were justifiable, however, this model of cell membrane
had several demerits e. g. there was no explanation for the movement of water and other
hydrophilic substances across the cell boundaries and no idea related to energy dependent
selective transport system.
Hydrophobic tail
Hydrophilic head
Figure1: Artificial lipid monolayer orientation at the air-water interface. The hydrophilic
phospholipids are oriented towards water and hydrophobic tails are excluded towards air.
Lipid Bilayer
Figure2: Lipid bilayer structure as proposed by Gorter and Grendel. The hydrophilic heads
pointing toward the aqueous environment and hydrophobic ends of the lipids embedded in
the centre.
Although the attempt for describing the structure of membrane and lipid bilayer concept was
correct, however, there were some limitations were seen later in this model. The extraction
technique used for lipid isolation could not extract erythrocyte lipids from the samples
completely. Several mis-calculations happened in measuring the total area of the red blood
cells and also this model unable to describe various crucial functions of the cell membrane.
The ‘sandwich model’ or the ‘lamellar model’ of cell membrane as proposed by Jim Danielli
and Hugh Davson (1935) relates the structure of the membrane to its chemical properties.
After the Gorter and Grendel work on the bilayer structure of the lipids Harvey and Coley
(1931) and Danielli and Harvey (1935) did an extensive study to study the surface tension of
the cell membrane. They observe that the cell membrane showed lower surface tension
compared to bimolecular lipid leaflet. Based on their observation they pointed out the
presence of protein molecules adsorbed on the surface of lipid droplets which reduce the
surface tension of droplets.
In 1935 Jim Danielli and Hugh Davson proposed that biological membranes are made up of
lipid bi-layers that are coated on both sides with absolute layer of protein (lipid bilayer
sandwiched between two layers of protein). The hydrophilic polar heads of the lipid
molecules are directed towards the proteins (Fig. 3). The close association between the two is
maintained by electrostatic forces. The hydrophobic non-polar tails of the two lipid layers are
embedded in the centre where they are held together by hydrophobic bonds and van der
Waals forces. The model assumed the cell membrane to be a stable structure with very little
variability and functional specificity.
Protein layer
Lipid Bilayer
Protein layer
In early 1950s Danielli and Davson made several modifications for the sandwich model to
explain the physiological function of the cell membranes. They suggested that glycoproteins
might be adsorbed to the outer membrane surface, thereby accounting for the antigenic
properties of cell membranes. They also speculated the presence of certain (bridges) between
the outer and inner protein layers through which certain materials are ex-changed between a
cell and its environment.
The Danielli Davson’s model also had several demerits due to which it was later on got
modified by other researchers. This model showed that all the membranes have a constant
lipid-protein ratio with uniform thickness and therefore, have symmetrical internal and
external surfaces. The model could not explain the permeability of certain substances through
the membrane.
So far all the cell membrane structures predicted were based on indirect studies. It was for the
first time that Robertson proposed in 1959 his famous unit membrane model based on the
experimental evidences from electron microscopy. The membranes were fixed with osmium
tetra-oxide and potassium permanganate (KMnO4) which revealed a characteristic tri-laminar
structure of the cell membrane consisting of two parallel outer dark (osmiophilic) layers and a
central light (osmiophobic) layer (Fig. 4).
Figure4: Electron micrograph showing the trilaminar nature of cell membrane consisting of
two parallel outer dark (osmiophilic) layers and a central light (osmiophobic) layer.
The thickness of osmiophilic layers measured was 2.0-2.5nm and that of the osmiophobic
layers measured was 2.5-3.5 nm. The total thickness of the trilaminar structure measured 6.5-
8.5 nm. This value when compared with the thickness predicted on the basis of chemical
studies was same. The tri-laminar structure (dark-light-dark) was presumed to be universal
for all cell membranes including the endoplasmic reticulum, hence the name unit membrane
Robertson proposed that the unit membrane structure consisted of a bimolecular lipid leaflet
sandwiched between outer and inner layers of dense protein (Fig. 5). He also proposed that
all bio membranes are either made of a unit membrane or a multiple of unit membrane. In
Extracellular side
unit membrane model the protein
Outer protein layer
layers are asymmetrical i.e. on the
outer surface muco- protein is present while
Lipid Bilayer
on the inner surface it is non-mucoid
Inner protein layer
S.J. Singer and G. Nicholson in 1972 presented the most widely accepted model till date the
‘fluid mosaic model’ which is the culmination of all the membranes models predicted earlier.
According to the fluid mosaic model membranes are two-dimensional solutions of oriented
lipids and globular proteins. The concept of lipid bilayer remains as such as predicted in
earlier studies however the presence of protein as continuous sheath on either surface of
lipids was reformed. In this mosaic model the proteins are present both on the surface of the
lipid membrane as well as found embedded in the lipid bilayer or span through the
membrane. The proteins present on the surface are more hydrophilic in nature and are called
as the Peripheral proteins, non-covalently linked to the polar heads of phospholipids
molecules (Fig.6). Peripheral proteins are loosely attached to the membrane surface and can
easily be separated from the membrane by mild treatment.
The proteins found embedded in the matrix are called as the Integral proteins. They are
hydrophobic in nature having affinity for the hydrophobic tails of phospholipids on interior of
the layer. Integral proteins form the major fraction of membrane proteins nearly 70% of the
total protein and cannot easily be separated from the lipids as compared to the peripheral
form a
for the movement of water and water soluble substances.
1895 Charles Ernest Overton Postulated “Lipoidal Theory”
according to which all cellmembranes
are ‘impregnated’ by lipid like material.
Compounds soluble in organic solvents
entered the cell more rapidly than
water-soluble compounds
1917 Irving Langmuir Developed an apparatus called as
“Langmuir Trough”. With this
apparatus area occupied by monolayer
films could be measured
1925 Gorter and Grendel The structure of the membrane is
bilayers, two molecules thick. Lipids of
the cell membrane are organised in a
bimolecular lipid sheet with
hydrophilic heads pointing toward the
aqueous environment and hydrophobic
ends of the lipids embedded in the
1935 Danielli and Davson They proposed the famous Sandwich
Model. According to which bilayer
lipid is sandwiched between two layers
of protein
1950 J.D. Robertson Proposed the Unit Membrane model
which revealed the typical trilaminar
appearance of the membrane consisting
of two parallel outer dark (osmophilic)
layers and a central light (osmophobic)
1972 S.J. Singer and G. Nicholson Presented the most widely accepted
model the Fluid Mosaic model. The
membrane is a fluid structure in which a
mosaic of different types of proteins are