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Time is the substance of Life.

In the universal scheme of things, in a tiny slice of human life, there exist certain
gaps, which we all recognize as extensions of what was and transitions to what will be.
Pre-medicine is one such gap. It comprises the X-years between high school and
medicine proper and the life to which we spend these years.

Realizing the importance of these years, we, the students of the University of the
Philippines, do create this life and bind ourselves to its spirit.



We shall:
a. build a life out of the given time in transition to a medical career in pursuit of the
development of whole human beings;
b. help one another attain the necessary skills and experience in preparation for life
in the College of Medicine and thereafter;
c. embark on relevant projects aimed at assisting and aiding our fellow men.


Section 1. The ant shall be the symbol of the Society.

Section 2. The official seal of the Society shall consist of a white circular field with the
words “Pre-Medical Society” inscribed on the inner side of the curve of the line such that
the word “Society” will be inscribed from within by a smaller circular dark line. An
inscription of the Aesculapius will dominate the center of the smaller circle with the letter
“U” inscribed on the left side and the letter “P” on the right side of the Aesculapius.

Section 3. The pin of the Society shall be black and diamond-shaped with the letters
“UPPMS” inscribed within. The border of the pin shall be in gold.

Section 4. The following shall be the song of the Society:

Sing a little song for Pre-Med dear,

Hum a bit louder so I can hear;
Drift into a dream into a cloud
Of friends and crowd.
Walk into a bridge between two pavs;
Start a converstaion and end with love;
Lift yourself beyond that bright balloon
That we all are.
Pre-Med Society, that is our company.
Come, look and see just who we are;
Pre-Med Society, that is our company.
Come, look and see just who, just who we are.

Section 5. The official organ of the Society shall be the Vox Premedicorum printed and
published under the Vox Editor and staff, under the direct responsibility of the office of
the President.


Section 1. Membership shall be earned only after compliance with the requirements set in
Article XI of this Constitution and by the Screening Committee.

Section 2. Oath-taking ceremonies, presided over by the adviser or the outgoing

president, mark the beginning of the membership.

Section 3. There shall be four (4) classes of membership:

a. Resident Members for the semester are the inducted members who are duly
renewed and have enrolled for that semester and by complying with the
requirements set in Article III, Section 4.
b. Members on Leave are the inducted members who are not enrolled, on Leave of
Absence (LOA) with their college or those who have chosen not to renew for that
c. Alumni Members are the inducted members who have completed their
baccalaureate courses.
d. Honorary Members are persons bestowed that recognition in view of the great
service they have rendered the Society. Designation of such memberships follows
a unanimous vote of the Executive Council following nomination by any member
of the Society.

Section 4. All resident members must exercise the following responsibilities and duties
and will be monitored by the Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson:
a. Pay a membership fee to be agreed upon by the Executive Council, at the start of
the semester they are renewing in.
b. Attend all General and Special Meetings; failure to attend such meetings should
be justified in a letter to be submitted to the Internal Affairs Committee
c. Participate actively in all projects and activities that shall be undertaken by the
Society; failure to attend such activities should be justified in a letter to be
submitted to the Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson.
d. Participate actively in all activities and projects of the particular committee one
belongs to; failure to attend should be justified to one’s committee chairperson.
e. Set a good and proper example to the applicants of the Society and to the
University community as a whole, exemplifying the manner and decorum of an
ideal member of the U.P Pre-Medical Society.
f. Uphold this Constitution and abide by the rules set therein.
g. Work for the harmony and unity of the Society.
h. Always exercise loyalty to the Society.

Section 5. The Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson shall monitor the activities of
each and every resident member, with the assistance of the different committee
chairpersons, based on the compliance and execution of the aforementioned

responsibilities. The failure to comply may become grounds for suspension of
membership (see Article VIII).

Section 1. All the Resident Members (RM’s) shall be part of the General Assembly (GA).
The General Assembly is the largest body in the Society and, unless otherwise specified
in the Constitution, it shall decide on the various issues and questions that may arise
concerning the Society. The General Assembly shall decide on the issues and questions
presented to it by a majority vote unless otherwise specified in the Constitution.

Section 2. The Executive Council (EC) is composed of the resident members who have
been duly elected (see Article IX) and who have satisfied the rules on eligibility. The
Executive Council shall be the highest governmental body in the Society. It shall be the
decision-making body of the Society. It shall be guided by the objectives of the Society
and ensure that the Constitution is constantly upheld. Questions of policy presented to it
shall be decided by a majority vote.

Section 3. The advisers of the Society shall be chosen by a unanimous vote prior to the
beginning of the academic year by the Executive Council from nominations forwarded by
the resident members. There shall be one (1) Senior Adviser from the faculty of the
College of Science, and no more than three (3) Junior Advisers. There shall be at least
one (1) Alumni Adviser. The advisers’ term will end when the new set of advisers has
been chosen.


Section 1. The governmental powers shall be vested in the Executive Council which shall
consist of the President and the eight (8) officers. It shall be the highest decision-making
and policy-implementing body of the Society. It shall ensure that the Constitution is
constantly upheld. Questions of policy presented to the Council shall be decided by a
majority vote in a meeting where the quorum is reached, unless specified by the
Constitution. Quorum as mentioned previously shall consist of six (6) out of the nine (9)
members of the Council.
Section 2. The President shall:
a. be the head of the Society;
b. preside over all General, Special, and Executive Council meetings, decide on all
questions of order, and sign all documents pertinent to the business of the Society;
c. vote only in case of a tie on any question or issue presented in General, Special
and Executive Council meetings;
d. automatically be an ex-officio member of any committee within the Society.

Section 3. The eight (8) officers shall:

a. be co-equal and complementary, they shall coordinate with each other to achieve
the various goals set forth by them;

b. advise the President in the formation and execution of any policy or activity
undertaken by the Society, particularly when such a policy or activity falls under
the officer’s area of function;
c. be differentiated according to one’s area of function, there shall be a definite
delineation of roles based on this provision and thus responsibility is clearly
d. coordinate with the Screening Committee Chairperson in order to analyze and
monitor the performance of the applicants assigned to one’s committee;
e. coordinate with the Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson in order to analyze
and monitor the performance of the members assigned to one’s committee;
f. serve as examples for the resident members and the applicants in their conduct as
officers of the Society.

Section 4. No member of the Executive Council can assume a position of officership in

any other organization within the University during his/her term of office, otherwise
impeachment proceedings will be immediately instituted by the Technical Committee
(TC) (see Article VI).

Section 5. The Officer-in-Charge of:

a. Academic and Cultural Affairs (ACA) shall:
1. see to the welfare of the resident members with regard to their academic
needs, plan and supervise any tutorials or study groups in order to assist
the resident members in the learning process;
2. oversee the maintenance of the library of the Society, and the
acquisition of titles. The Academic and Cultural Affairs Committee
Chairperson shall form a sub-committee for library services that will be
in charge of the lending of books and the publication of title catalogues;
3. for a sub-committee under his/her supervision to assist the resident
members and applicants with any problems they encounter during the
registration period;
4. be in charge of the various cultural activities (songfest, quiz shows,
lantern parade, caroling, etc.) that the Society will take part in.
b. Publications and External Affairs (PEA) shall:
1. represent the Society in any extra-societal meetings;
2. be the official liaison and representative of the Society with the
University and College Student Councils;
3. be the liaison of the Society with the advisers, members of the faculty
and administration;
4. supervise the production of all printed material of the Society including
announcements, posters, renewal and application forms, signature
sheets and any other material the Society may need;
5. be responsible for arranging recognition of the Society by the
6. be in charge of the relations of the Society with the Alumni members,
this includes assisting the alumni association in its endeavors.

c. Internal Affairs (IA) shall:
1. take the place of the President in the latter’s absence as presiding
2. present his/her Internal Affairs policy for the year to the Executive
Council subject to the approval of the General Assembly;
3. take the attendance of the resident members in all activities of the
Society and turn it over to the Records & Minutes Committee
Chairperson for filing;
4. monitor the performance of the resident members and recommend to the
Executive Council any resident member deserving suspension or
expulsion upon consultation with the resident member’s committee
chairperson (see Articles VII & VIII).
5. preside and act as chairperson at all suspension and expulsion
6. organize the Society’s phone brigade and carpool;
7. be the property custodian of the Society, and take a semestral inventory
of the properties of the Society to be filed for later reference;
8. be in charge of the security of the Tambayan;
9. oversee the maintenance of the Tambayan with regards to repairs and
d. Records & Minutes (R&M) shall:
1. note down the proceedings of General, Special and Executive Council
meetings and post on the bulletin board a copy of the relevant material
taken up;
2. prepare the agenda for General, Special and Executive Council
3. prepare the Calendar of Activities of the Society, submitting copies to
the Office of the Student Affairs, the Senior Adviser and the University
and College Student Councils after the approval of such by the
Executive Council;
4. be in charge of the Society’s correspondence;
5. keep a file of all the pertinent data and documents of the Society;
6. be in charge of the Society’s food sales;
7. post notices to inform the resident members and applicants of the
activities of the Society;
8. regulate the posting of notices on the bulletin boards and oversee the
maintenance of these boards.
e. Screening (S) shall:
1. supervise the year-long application activities of the prospective
2. prepare the application policy for his/her term to be approved by the
Executive Council in a unanimous vote;
3. membership of his/her committee shall be subject to the approval of the
Executive Council by unanimous vote (All members of the Executive
Council are members of the Screening Committee);

4. submit a list of new members to the Executive Council at the end of the
year-long application period;
5. preside over deliberations and will have two (2) votes regarding the
acceptance of new members;
f. Sports and Social Affairs (SSA) shall:
1. plan and organize all social activities of the Society like parties,
semester enders and starters, Kris Kringles, etc.;
2. keep track of all birthdays of resident members and special occasions in
the Society’s history and supervise the commemoration of such;
3. plan and organize all sports activities of the Society including the
scheduling of games, division and membership of teams, permits,
equipment, etc..
g. Finance (F) shall:
1. be the keeper of funds and shall keep a record of such;
2. coordinate with the Special Projects Committee Chairperson with
regards to fund-raising activities;
3. collect all dues and fees;
4. report to the Executive Coundil on the financial standing of the Society
upon request.
h. Special Projects (SP) shall:
1. be in charge of all fund-raising activities of the Society;
2. plan and organize the Society’s annual free clinic.


Section 1. Impeachment shall refer to the permanent disqualification of any duly elected
official from performing the functions of his/her office as decided upon by the Technical
Committee. It shall not include expulsion (see Article VII) of the officer unless further
decided on by the Executive Council as recommended by the Internal Affairs Committee.

Section 2. Grounds for impeachment include:

a. Any willful violation of the Constitution, its by-laws or appendices;
b. Gross neglect of duty as an officer as specified in Article V.

Section 3. All impeachment proceedings shall be conducted by the members of the

Technical Committee, presided over by the Chairperson of the Technical Committee.

Section 4. Impeachment proceedings can only be instituted against an officer once during
a semester. Should the motion for impreachment fail during a semester, it can only be
reinstituted during the next semester.

Section 5. The impeachment proceedings will commence following the submission of a

written recommendation containing the outline of all charges signed by two (2) resident
members (whose identities will thereupon remain anonymous) to the Chairman of the
Technical Committee.

Section 6. The subject/s of any impeachment proceeding/s shall be informed, at least one
week in advance of the investigation proper, of the charges being brought against him or
her by the Chairperson of the Technical Committee.
The officer is automatically suspended pending resolution by the Technical
Committee of the said matter. A vice-chairman to be appointed by the Executive Council
will be Officer-in-Charge during the course of the investigation.
The members shall also be informed that the said officer has been duly charged and
also of what the charges are: a memorandum pertaining to the matter should be circulated
by the Technical Committee.

Section 7. The Technical Committee will conduct three (3) hearings:

a. the first hearing will include only the resident members exclusive of the Executive
b. the second hearing will include only the Executive Council exlusive of the officer
c. the third hearing will be between the Technical Committee and the officer
concerned only.

Secion 8. The purpose of all three hearings is for the Technical Committee to hear all
arguments from all parties concerned.

Section 9. For the hearings to be considered valid, at least four to five Technical
Committee members should be present. All proceedings must be tape-recorded for future

Section 10. Two (2) days after the third hearing was held, the Technical Committee must
come up with a decision. For the person to be impeached, the Technical Committee must
come up with a unanimous, en banc resolution, otherwise, the officer concerned is
immediately reinstated.
In the event that the concerned officer is impeached, a replacement will be selected
provided for by Section 10 of Article IX.

Section 11. Impeachment proceedings against the Vox Editor, Technical Committee
Chairperson, and Electoral Committee Chairperson shall be conducted by the Executive
Council upon submission of a written recommendation to the Executive Council. The
Executive Council must come up with a unanimous, en banc resolution, otherwise, the
official concerned is immediately reinstated.


Section 1. Expulsion shall refer to the permanent disqualification of a resident member

from any and all rights and privileges of membership in the Society; his/her name shall
be struck from the rolls of the Society.

Section 2. The grounds for expulsion include:
a. any willful violation of the Constitution, its by-laws or appendices;
b. gross neglect of duties and responsibilities as a member, as specified in Article
c. two suspensions, consecutive or otherwise, are grounds for expulsion
d. failure to renew for two (2) consecutive semesters without a valid excuse.

Section 3. All expulsion proceedings will commence following the submission of a

written recommendation from the Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson, after
consultation with the resident members and committee chairpersons, to the Executive

Section 4. The subject/s of expulsion shall be informed of the said proceedings at least
one (1) week in advance of the investigation proper.

Section 5. The Executive Council (chaired by the Internal Affairs Committee

Chairperson) will conduct one (1) hearing between the Executive Council and the
member concerned.

Section 6. Upon deliberation and consideration of all facts, for the concerned member to
be considered expelled, a unanimous en banc resolution must be arrived at.

Section 7. The Executive Council is wholly responsible for the conduct of the
proceedings and of any related activities pertaining to it.


Section 1. Suspension shall refer to the temporary disqualification of a resident member

from exercising the rights and privileges of membership in the Society until the
suspension is lifted.

Section 2. Successive neglect of duties and responsibilities, as a member, as specified in

Article III will be the basis for suspension of a resident member.
Section 3. All suspension proceedings shall be conducted by the Internal Affairs
Committee chaired and presided over by the Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson.

Section 4. Suspension proceedings shall commence following the submission of a written

recommendation from the resident member’s Committee Chairperson, or as warranted by
the situation, from the Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson him/herself.

Section 5. The subject shall be informed of the suspension recommendation letter two (2)
days prior to the investigation proper. During the course of the investigation, the Internal
Affairs Committee checks all records regarding the matter and consult with the resident
member concerned.

Section 6. After consultation with the resident member concerned, the Internal Affairs
Committee Chairperson convenes the Internal Affairs Committee and puts the matter to a
vote. There must be a majority vote.

Section 7. The duration of the period of suspension, which shall not exceed one (1)
semester, shall be decided by the Internal Affairs Committee.


Section 1. The members of the Executive Council and the Vox Editor shall be chosen by
elections held a month before the end of the school year during the week immediately
after the Annual Picnic.

Section 2. Elections shall be by secret balloting and supervised by the Electoral

Committee (see Article X).

Section 3. All resident members and inductees of the incoming batch are qualified to
vote. Three-fourth (3/4) of the aforementioned should cast their ballots for the elections
to be valid.

Section 4. The first school day of the Election Week shall be the start of the nomination
period and will continue until three (3) school days of nominations have passed.
a. Nomination will be for the members of the Executive Council and the Vox Editor.
b. Written nomination must be submitted to the Chairperson of the Electoral
Committee no later than 5:00 p.m. of the last day of the nomination period. The
nomination becomes valid only after the Chairperson has accepted the nomination
during the same period.

Section 5. The school day following the last day of the nomination period shall be last
day for campaigning.

Section 6. The school day following the last day of campaigning shall be the Election
Day. The polls should open at 8:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m. of the same day.
Canvassing will follow immediately after. The canvassing proceedings are open to all
qualified visitors.

Section 7. The eight (8) officers and the Vox Editor shall be selected by a majority vote
(at least 50% + 1 of all cast ballots) from among the qualified candidates nominated for
the different positions. If a candidate is running unopposed, he/she must garner at least
60% of the ballots cast.

Section 8. The President shall be selected by garnering at least 60% + 1 of all ballots cast.
If he/she is running unopposed, he/she must garner at least 75% of all ballots cast.

Section 9. In the event that no candidate obtains the required number of votes, there will
be special elections to be held on the school day immediately after the Election Day. In
the case that more than two (2) candidates are running for the same position and no one
garners the required number of votes, only the two candidates who obtained the most
votes in the first election will be allowed to run in the special elections.

Section 10. Special elections are also held when an elected official, other than the
President, is unable to continue his/her term, or is impeached. These elections will be
participated in by the resident members.

Section 11. When the President is unable to continue his/her term or is impeached, a
special election is held by the Executive Council. Only the members of the Executive
Council may be nominated in this special election. All resident members shall vote in the
Election. In the event that a majority vote (50% + 1 of all ballots cast) is not attained in
the first balloting, the Executive Council shall discharge the functions of the President as
a collegial body.

Section 12. Resident members who have been previously impeached and/or presently
under suspension are not allowed to run for any position in the Executive Council.

Section 13. No person shall be eligible for the Presidency unless:

a. he/she has already passed the required number of academic units designated by
the University for senior standing but is not graduating within the academic year
following his/her election;
b. he/she has duly renewed as a resident member for at least two (2) semesters prior
to his/her election;
c. he/she has never been suspended by the Internal Affairs Committee;
d. he/she must have the College of Science as his/her base college for the academic
year following his/her election.

Section 14. No person shall be eligible for membership in the Executive Council unless:
a. he/she is not graduating within the academic year following his/her election;
b. he/she is not an officer in any organization in the University;
c. he/she is a resident member or an inductee of the Society at the time of his/her
d. he/she must have the College of Science or the College of Social Sciences and
Philosophy as his/her college base at the time of his/her election.

Section 15. No person shall be eligible for the position of Screening Committee
Chairperson or Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson unless he/she has duly renewed
as a resident member for at least two (2) semesters prior to his/her election.

Section 16. No person shall be eligible to be the Editor of the Vox Premedicorum (Vox
Editor) unless:
a. he/she is a resident member or an inductee of the Society at the time of his/her

b. he/she is not graduating within the academic year following his/her election.


Section 1. There are eight (8) permanent Committees, each headed by their respective
committee chairperson, these committees are the:
a. Academic and Cultural Affairs Committee
b. Publications and External Affairs Committee
c. Internal Affairs Committee
d. Records and Minutes Committee
e. Screening Committee
f. Sports and Social Affairs Committee
g. Finance Committee
h. Special Projects Committee

Section 2. All the permanent committees save for the Screening Committee and the
Internal Affairs Committee, are made up of applicants and resident members.

Section 3. The composition of the different permanent committees is dependent on the

policies of the Executive Council regarding the distribution of members and applicants.

Section 4. There shall be three (3) working committees and these are the:
a. Electoral Committee (Comelec)
b. Technical Committee
c. Ad hoc Committee

Section 5. The Comelec shall:

a. be composed of graduating resident members (outside the Executive Council) of
the school year in question. Its chairperson shall be appointed by the outgoing
President who shall not be a part of the committee;
b. have maximum membership of seven (7) resident members chosen by the
outgoing Executive Council;
c. handle all elections of the Society unless otherwise stated in the Constitution;
d. prepare the official list of qualified voters and eligible candidates, based on
Article IX;
e. supervise the entire electoral process;
f. decide on all questions arising from the elections by a unanimous vote among the
members of the Comelec. Decisions arising from such are deemed final.

Section 6. The Technical Committee shall:

a. be the legislative and judicial body of the Society;
b. be composed of a maximum of five (5) members, with at least one of them an
alumni member;

c. be appointed by the members of the preceding Technical Committee, the
Chairperson being appointed by the preceding Technical Committee as well,
subject to the approval of the incoming President;
d. have a term of one (1) year commencing on the first day of summer classes and
terminating on that same day a year later;
e. have no members of the present Executive Council in its roll;
f. resolve issues concerning the Constitution and its interpretation;
g. propose amendments to the Constitution during the amendment period (see
Article XIII);
h. submit to the Executive Council the proposed amendments to the Constitution;
i. conduct the ratification proceedings (plebiscite) for any amendments proposed;
j. supervise all impeachment proceedings against members of the Executive
k. be in charge of distributing, printing and filing of copies of the Constitution;
l. conduct semestral evaluation of the Executive Council (process of evaluation
shall be decided upon by the Technical Committee)

Section 7. The Ad hoc Committee shall be appointed by the President when the situation
merits one.


Section 1. The application of the Society starts on the first day of the academic year and
ends on the day of the Annual Picnic.

Section 2. Registered college students of the University of the Philippines can apply for
membership to the Society. A 70 to 30 ratio of applicants (CS, CSSP to non-CS,CSSP)
must be maintained at the end of the application period.

Section 3. Upon application, the applicant must:

a. fill up an application form;
b. pay the application fee (to be determined by the Executive Council beforehand);
c. accomplish the signature sheet;
d. submit at least one write-up on one resident member based on an interview
conducted with the same member;
e. comply with the requirements set by the Academics and Cultural Affairs
Committee Chairperson (e.g. books, sample exams, etc.);
f. submit at least one (1) ID picture.

Section 4. Failure by an applicant to comply fully with Section 3, Article XI can be basis
for automatic disqualification from membership.

Section 5. There shall be a/an:

a. Orientation conducted in the second month of the application period;
b. Acquaintance Party held a week after the Orientation;

c. Informal Interview conducted prior to the end of the first semester;
d. Free Clinic conducted at the discretion of the Special Projects Committee
e. Major Fundraiser conducted at the discretion of the Executive Council;
f. Sportsfest (Love-Hate Match) conducted at the discretion of the Executive
g. Member’s Week conducted at the discretion of the Screening Committee
h. Caroling conducted during the Christmas season;
i. Formal Interview conducted during the month of January;
j. Annual Picnic conducted during the month of February;
k. Additional activities conducted at the discretion of the Executive Council;

Section 6. Attendance and participation in these activities is expected of the applicants as

a basis for acceptance in the Society.

Section 7. The final decision on an applicant’s acceptance otherwise shall be the

prerogative of the Screening Committee.

Section 8. Any of the above sections may be amended by the Technical Committee upon
recommendation from the Screening Committee Chairperson or the Executive Council
and with prior approval of the General Assembly (Article XII).


Section 1. This Constitution may be amended only by the members of the Technical

Section 2. The amendment period starts on the last day of summer classes and ends on
the Orientation Day.

Section 3. The Constitution shall take effect only upon the ratification by two-third (2/3)
of the population of the resident members during a special plebiscite conducted by the
Technical Committee closely following guidelines in Article IX.

Section 4. The Constitution may, upon proposal by the Executive Council and a
unanimous vote by the Technical Committee, be amended should an immediate need
arise for such an amendment.

Section 5. The Constitution shall supercede any and all Constitutions ratified prior to it.


1. Member’s and Executive Council’s Oaths.

The member’s oath shall be the following:
“With the capacity for hard work, and a deep respect for its ideals; with humility and
resolve, I, (name), accept the challenge of responsibility as members of the University
of the Philippines Pre-Medical Society. We give it life.”
The Executive Council’s Oath shall be the following:
“With the capacity for hard work, and a deep respect for its ideals; with humility and
resolve, we accept the challenge of responsibility as members of the Executive
Council of the University of the Philippines Pre-medical Society. We give it

2. Meetings
a. General Meetings must be held at least once a month to be called by the President.
b. A notice of at least two (2) school days in advance is required for a general
c. Special meetings shall be called by the President when the situation warrants.
d. The Executive Council shall have regular meetings, the date and time of which
shall be decided by them.
e. Quorum at a general meeting is 50% + 1 of all resident members and applicants;
otherwise, any decision reached can be disregarded or rendered null and void.
f. Resident members must give an excuse letter for absence a day in advance to the
Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson.
g. There are five (5) types of meetings:
1. General (members and applicants) – called by the President
2. Members – called by the President or the Internal Affairs Committee
3. Applicants – called by the Screening Committee Chairperson or by the
batch officers.
4. Special (EC or any working committee) – called by the President or by
any chairperson.
5. Committee – called by the committee chairperson.

3. Awards
a. The Person of the Year Award shall be given to an officer, member, applicant, or
friend of the Society who has:
1. most influenced the year’s activities and who has instrumental in the
success of such;
2. determined the proper course the Society should undertake;
3. performed exemplary service to the Society;
4. performed his or her duly designated responsibilities beyond the call of
The recipient of the award is chosen by plurality vote in a secret ballot by resident
members and inductees to be held at the Induction Ball. In the event that no
person obtains at least 30% of the ballots cast, there shall be no recipient for that
year. Only ballots cast personally shall be valid. The supervision, canvassing,
secrecy and announcement of the Award shall be the responsibility of the Ball
Committee as duly designated by the inductees.

b. The Outstanding Member of the Year Award shall be given to the resident
member who has stood out among the rest in giving so unstintingly of his/her
time, thought and effort (material or otherwise) to the promotion of the PMS
spirit. The recipient of this Award is chosen from not more than five (5) nominees
considered by the Executive Council on a secret ballot to be conducted by the
Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson during an Executive Council meeting
prior to the Induction Ball. Members of the Executive Council are excluded from
the nominees. Records-on-file with the Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson
shall be the basis of this Award. This Award is to given at the Induction Ball.
c. The Outstanding Applicant of the Year Award shall be given to the applicant
who has stood out from among the rest of his/her peers in giving him/herself so
unstintingly to the promotion of the PMS spirit. The recipient is to be chosen by
the Screening Committee Chairperson. The Award is to be given at the Induction

4. The Member’s rights and privileges.

a. Any member of the Society has the right and privilege to stay within the premises
of the “tambayan.”
b. Any member of the Society has the right and privilege to attend and participate in
all activities of the Society such as the Induction Ball, the Picnic, the Free Clinics,
c. Any member has the right and privilege to voice out his/her opinions during the
meetings of the like about matters concerning the Society.
d. Only PMS members have the privilege and honor to wear PMS pin.
e. Resident members have the privilege to make full use of the PMS library. Matters
concerning suspended or diligent member’s use of the library will be decided
upon by the Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson.
f. Only renewed resident members have the right to vote during elections where
their votes are essential to solve issues concerning the Society.


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