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Minerals are the solid constituents of all rocks, igneous, mineralogist, the commonly occurring silicates are rela-
sedimentary and metamorphic (p. 1), and occur as tively few.
crystals. A mineral can be defined as a natural inorganic
substance having a particular chemical composition or
range of composition, and a regular atomic structure to Physical characters
which its crystalline form is related. Before beginning the
study of rocks it is necessary to know something of the Included under this head are properties such as colour,
chief rock-forming minerals. lustre, form, hardness, cleavage, fracture, tenacity, and
The average composition of crustal rocks is given in specific gravity. Not all of these properties would neces-
Table 4.1 and has been calculated from many chemical sarily be needed to identify any one mineral; two or three
of them taken together may be sufficient, apart from
T a b l e 4.1 The average composition of crustal rocks
optical properties (p. 65). Other characters such as fusi-
bility, fluorescence, magnetism, and electrical conductivity
are also useful in some cases as means of identification,
SiO 2 59.26
and will be referred to as they arise in the descriptions of
AI 2 O 3 15.35
mineral species. In a few instances taste (e.g. rock-salt)
Fe2O3 3.14 and touch (e.g. talc, feels soapy) are useful indicators.
FeO 3.74
MgO 3.46 Colour
CaO 5.08 Some minerals have a distinctive colour, for example the
Na 2 O 3.81 green colour of chlorite, but most naturally occurring
K2O 3.12 minerals contain traces of substances which modify their
H2O 1.26 colour. Thus quartz, which is colourless when pure, may
P2O5 0.28 be white, grey, pink or yellow, when certain chemical
TiO 2 0.73
impurities or included particles are present.
rest 0.77
Total: 100.0 Much more constant is the colour of a mineral in the
powdered condition, known as the streak. This may be
produced by rubbing the mineral on a piece of unglazed
analyses. The last item includes the oxides of other metals; porcelain, called a streak-plate, or other rough surface.
and also gases such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, Streak is useful, for example, in distinguishing the various
chlorine, fluorine, and others; and trace elements, which oxides of iron; haematite (Fe2O3) gives a red streak,
occur in very small quantities. limonite (hydrated Fe2O3) a brown, and magnetite
Table 4.2 lists eight elements in their order of abund- (Fe3O4) a grey streak.
ance in crustal rocks. Thus silicon and oxygen together
make up nearly 75 per cent of crustal rocks, and the other Lustre
elements over 98 per cent. Lustre is the appearance of a mineral surface in reflected
Since silicon and oxygen preponderate in the rocks, the light. It may be described as metallic, as in pyrite or
chief rock-forming minerals are silicates. Although over galena; glassy or vitreous, as in quartz; resinous or greasy,
three thousand different minerals are known to the as in opal; pearly, as in talc; or silky, as infibrousminerals
such as asbestos and satin-spar (fibrous gypsum). Min-
Table 4.2 The most abundant elements erals with no lustre are described as dull.
Oxygen (46.60%) Form
Silicon (27.72%)
Aluminium (8.13%)
Under this heading come a number of terms which are
Iron (5.00%) commonly used to describe various shapes assumed by
Calcium (3.63%) minerals in groups or clusters (Fig. 4.1); the crystalline
Sodium (2.83%) form of individual minerals is discussed on page 63.
Potassium (259%) Acicular - in fine needle-like crystals (also described as
Magnesium (2.09%)
filiform), e.g. schorl, natrolite.
mineral resembling those of kidneys; e.g. kidney iron-
ore, a variety of haematite.
Tabular - showing broad flat surfaces; e.g. the 6-sided
crystals of mica.
Note that the above terms do not apply to rocks.
Figure 4.2 illustrates five commonly occurring mineral
relationships, as follows.
Drusy - closely packed small crystals growing into a
cavity, such as a gas bubble preserved in solidified lava.
Radiated - needle-like crystals radiating from a centre:
the illustration is of a pyrite (FeS2) concretion.
Fibrous - consisting of fine thread-like strands; e.g. asbes-
tos and the satin-spar variety of gypsum.
Granular - in grains, either coarse orfine;the rock marble
is an even granular aggregate of calcite crystals.
Reticulated - a mesh of crossing crystals.
Many minerals possess a tendency to split easily in certain
regular directions, and yield smooth plane surfaces called
cleavage planes when thus broken. These directions de-
pend on the arrangement of the atoms in a mineral (p. 70),
and are parallel to definite crystal faces. Perfect, good,
distinct, and imperfect are terms used to describe the
quality of mineral cleavage. Mica, for example, has a
perfect cleavage by means of which it can be split into
very thin flakes; feldspars have two sets of good cleavage
planes. Calcite has three directions of cleavage.
Fig. 4.2 Common relationship between minerals in clusters, The nature of a broken surface of a mineral is known as
(a) Drusy. (b) Radiated, (c) Fibrous, (d) Granular, (e) Re- fracture, the break being irregular and independent of
ticulated. cleavage. It is sometimes characteristic of a mineral and,
also, a fresh fracture shows the true colour of a mineral The specific gravity of small mineral grains is estimated
Fracture is described as conchoidal, when the mineral by the use of heavy liquids, of which the chief are
breaks with a curved surface, e.g. in quartz and flint; as bromoform (CHBr3), G = 2.80, and methylene iodide
even, when it is nearly flat; as uneven, when it is rough; (CH 3 I 2 ), G = 3.33, both of which may be diluted with
and as hackly when the surface carries small sharp irre- benzene, and Clerici's solution (G=4.25), a mixture of
gularities (Fig. 4.3). Most minerals show uneven fracture. thallium salts which may be diluted with water.
The separation of fragments of a particular mineral
from a sediment containing many minerals may be
achieved by placing them in a liquid solution of known
specific gravity equal to that of the mineral to be
separated. Grains of greater specific gravity than the
liquid will sink whilst those of lower specific gravity will
float. Magnetic minerals such as magnetite and ilmenite
may be separated from non-magnetic minerals, such as
cassiterite, by an electro-magnet.
Crystalline form
Fig. 4.3 Mineral fracture, (a) Conchoidal, which can occur Minerals occur as crystals, i.e. bodies of geometric shape
on a smaller scale than shown, (b) Even, (c) Uneven, (d) which are bounded by faces arranged in a regular manner
and related to the internal atomic structure (p. 70). When
a mineral substance grows freely from a fused, liquid state
Tenacity (or out of solution, or by sublimation), it tends to assume
The response of a mineral to a hammer blow, to cutting its own characteristic crystal shape; the angles between
with a knife and to bending is described by its tenacity. adjacent crystal faces are always constant for similar
Minerals that can be beaten into new shapes are malle- crystals of any particular mineral. Faces are conveniently
able; e.g. the native metals of gold, silver and copper. defined by reference to crystallographic axes, three or four
Most minerals are brittle and fracture when struck with in number, which intersect in a common origin within the
a hammer. A few brittle minerals can be cut with a knife crystal and form, as it were, a scaffolding on which the
and are described as sectile. Flakes of mica can be bent crystal faces are erected. The arrangements of faces in
and yet return to their flat tabular shape when free to do crystals possess varying degrees of symmetry, and accord-
so: they are both flexible and elastic: cleavage flakes of ing to their type of symmetry, crystals can be arranged in
gypsum are flexible but inelastic. seven Systems, which are summarized below and illus-
trated in Fig. 4.4. A plane of symmetry divides a crystal
Specific gravity into exactly similar halves, each of which is the mirror
Minerals range from 1 to over 20 in specific gravity (e.g. image of the other; it contains one or more of the crystal-
native platinum, 21.46), but most lie betwen 2 and 7 (see lographic axes. The number of planes of symmetry stated
Table 4.4). For determining this property a steelyard in Fig. 4.4 is that for the highest class of symmetry in each
of the Systems. Two other forms of symmetry exist,
Table 4.4 Specific gravity of common minerals namely axes of symmetry and centres of symmetry
(Fig. 4.5). Planes, axes and centres of symmetry define 32
halite 2.16 muscovite 2.8-3.0 rutile 4.2 classes of symmetry which are grouped into the seven
glauconite 2.3 apatite 3.2 zircon 4.7 Systems. These correspond to the seven types of unit cell
gypsum 2.32 hornblende 3.2 (av.) haematite 4.72 determined by X-ray analyses of the three-dimensional
feldspar 2.56-2.7 tourmaline 3.0-3.2 ilmenite 4.8 patterns of the atoms in crystals. The unit cell is the
clays 2.5-2.8 sphene 3.5 pyrite 5.01
smallest complete unit of pattern in the atomic structure
quartz 2.65 topaz 3.6 monazite 5.2
calcite 2.71 kyanite 3.6 magnetite 5.2 of a crystal.
dolomite 2.85 staurolite 3.7 cassiterite 6.9
chlorite 2.6-3.3 garnet 3.7-4.3 Crystal faces
In the Cubic System many crystals are bounded by faces
which are all similar; such a shape is called a/or/w. Two
apparatus such as the Walker Balance can be used, for forms are illustrated in fig. 4.4a, the cube (six faces) and
crystals or fragments which are not too small. The min- the octahedron (eight faces); other forms are the dodeca-
eral (or rock) is weighed in air and in water, and the hedron (twelve diamond-shaped faces, fig. 4.35a), the
specific gravity, G, is calculated from the formula: trapezohedron (24 faces, Fig. 4.356), and with lower sym-
G = W1I(W1 — W2), where W1 is the weight in air and W1 the
metry the pyritohedron (12 pentagonal faces, fig. 4.40);
weight in water. Other apparatus is described in appro- among others the tetrahedron has four triangular faces,
priate textbooks. the smallest number possible for a regular solid. Crystals
Planes of
Axes symmetry Mineral examples
Topaz Barytes
may grow as one form only, or as a combination of two follows: a face which (when produced) would cut all three
or more forms; for example, Garnet (Fig. 4.35a, b) occurs axes is called a pyramid; there are eight such faces in a
as the dodecahedron, as the trapezohedron, or as a com- complete form, one in each octant formed by the axes.
bination of the two. Faces which cut two lateral axes and are parallel to the
In the Orthorhombic, Monoclinic, and Triclinic Sys- vertical axis are known as prisims, and make groups of
tems, where the axes are all unequal, faces are named as four, symmetrically placed about the axes. A pinacoid is
a face which cuts any one axis and is parallel to the other
two. A dome cuts one lateral and the vertical axis, and is
parallel to the other lateral axis. These faces are illustrated
in Fig. 4.6.
Lastly, in the Hexagonal and Trigonal Systems the
names pyramid and prism are used as before for faces
which cut more than one lateral axis; but since there are
now three lateral axes instead of two, six prism faces
(parallel to the c-axis) are found in the Hexagonal System
(Fig. AAb, beryl), and 12 pyramid faces. In Trigonal
crystals, some faces are arranged in groups of three,
equally spaced around the c-axis. This is seen, for exam-
ple, in a rhombohedron of calcite (Fig. 4.46), a form
Fig. 4.5 Crystal symmetry, (a) Plane, (b) Axis (in this case having six equal diamond-shaped faces. Calcite also
a three-fold axis), (c) Centre. occurs as 'nail-head' crystals, bounded by the faces of the
Twin crystals
Basal pinacoid When two closely adjacent crystals have grown together
with a crystallographic plane or direction common to
Dome both, but one reversed relative to the other, a twin crystal
results. In many instances the twin crystal appears as if a
single crystal had been divided on a plane, and one half
Side of the crystal rotated relative to the other half on this
Front pinacoid plane. If the rotation is 180°, points at opposite ends of a
pinacoid crystal are thus brought to the same end as a result of the
twinning and re-entrant angles between crystal faces are
then frequently produced; they are characteristic of many
twins. Examples are shown in Fig. 4.8.
Rock slices
In making a rock slice, a chip of rock (or slice cut by a
rotating steel disc armed with diamond dust) is smoothed
on one side and mounted on a strip of glass 75 x 25 mm
(Fig. 4.9). The specimen is cemented to the glass strip by
means of Canada balsam, a gum which sets hard after
Fig. 4.7 Calcite and quartz, (a) Nail-head spar, (b) Dog- being heated, or a synthetic resin. The mounted chip of
tooth spar, (c) Quartz, with negative rhombohedron shaded. rock is then ground down with carborundum and emery
r = faces of rhombohedron. pr = prism. s = scalenohedron. abrasives to the required thinness, generally 30/im (1
micrometre = J^o millimetre). It is now a transparent
Symbols are given to crystal faces and are based on the slice, and is completed by being covered with a thin glass
lengths of the intercepts which the faces make on the strip fixed with balsam. Surplus balsam is washed off with
crystallographic axes, or the reciprocals of the intercepts methylated spirit. The surfaces of the specimen have been
(Miller symbols). The Miller notation is set out fully in smoothed in making the slice, and they are free from all
textbooks of Mineralogy. but very small irregularities. The effects observable when
Balsam 1.54 appear in weak relief, as in the case of quartz
(«=1.553 to 1.544). Some minerals have an index less
than 1.54, e.g. fluorspar (n= 1.43).
Polarized light
According to the Wave Theory of Light, a ray is repre-
Glass strip
sented as a wave motion, propagated by vibrations in
directions at right angles to the path of the ray. In ordi-
Cover glass Rock slice
nary light these vibrations take place in all planes con-
taining the direction of propagation; in plane polarized
Glass strip
light the vibrations are confined to one plane (Fig. 4.11).
Ordinary Polarized
Fig. 4.9 Preparation of a thin section for the microscope,
(a) Section sliced from sample of rock, (b) Slice mounted on
glass strip, (c) Final section ready for use. Slice thick-
ness= 30/im.
Double refraction
denser Crystals other than those in the Cubic System have the
than air property of splitting a ray of light which enters them into
two rays, one of which is refracted more than the other.
A cleavage rhomb of clear calcite does this effectively, as
is shown if it is placed over a dot on a piece of paper; two
Fig. 4.10 Refraction of light at the interface between two
media (seetext). dots are then seen on looking down through the crystal,
i.e. two images are produced (1 and 2 in Fig. 4.12). On
Mirror Lower
Ordinary polar Mineral E-ray
Upper polar
(= Analyser)
Fig. 4.14 Passage of light through microscope (diagrammatic): plane of polarization is ' E - W for lower polar, and 'N-S' for
upper polar, but may also be 'N-S' and ' E - W respectively.
or thinner slice of the same mineral produces a different the thickness of the slice. These facts are now illustrated
colour. These effects are explained as follows: by reference to the mineral quartz.
The ray of light which leaves the polarizer vibrating in
one plane enters the thin section of the mineral on the Polarization of quartz
stage of the microscope, and is divided into two rays A crystal of quartz has a maximum refractive index of
(since the mineral is birefringent), an O-ray and an E-ray 1.553, for light vibrating parallel to the oaxis of the
(Fig. 4.14). One of these travels faster than the other crystal, and a minimum value of 1.544 for light vibrating
through the mineral slice; they can therefore be called the in a direction perpendicular to the c-axis (Fig. 4.16). The
'fast' ray and the 'slow' ray. They emerge from the min- difference in these two values is 0.009, which is the maxi-
eral slice vibrating in two planes at right angles, and there mum birefringence for the mineral. This birefringence
is a phase difference between them, since they have trav- holds only for a longitudinal slice of the quartz crystal;
elled at different speeds and by different paths through the polarization colour of such a slice is a pale yellow (if
the mineral slice. the slice is of standard thickness). As explained above,
The two rays enter the analyser, but only the compo- the polarization colour is produced by the interference of
nent of their movement in the plane of polarization is two rays which have acquired a phase difference in trav-
transmitted (Fig. 4.15). The rays emerge from it vibrating ersing the mineral; the birefringence of 0.009 represents a
in the same plane but out of phase with one another. This phase difference of 0.009 fim, or 9 nm, per /zm thickness
results in interference between the emergent vibrations, of slice. Since the usual thickness is 30 /an, the full phase
and the eye sees an interference colour, also called the difference between the two rays after passing through the
polarization colour, which is of diagnostic value. slice of quartz is 30 x 9 = 270 nm, which corresponds to a
pale yellow.
Consider now a basal section of quartz, i.e. one cut
perpendicular to the c-axis (the direction aa in Fig. 4.16).
Such a slice has only one value of refractive index for
light vibrations traversing it. It has therefore no birefring-
ence, i.e. it is isotropic and appears completely black
between crossed polars.
Between the above extremes, the pale yellow colour
(maximum) and black (or nil), a slice of quartz cut ob-
liquely to the c-axis will show a white or grey polarization
colour, the tint passing from dark grey to pale grey and
Fig. 4.15 Resolution of waves in the analyser ( = upper white as the orientation of the slice approaches parallel-
polar). On left, rays arrive at analyser which transmits their ism with c-axis.
components in the plane of polarization. On right, form of Thus, in general, a crystal slice gives a characteristic
resolved waves in the plane of polarization. colour between crossed polars according to the direction
in which it has been cut from the mineral. The maximum
Polarization colours
White light is made up of waves of coloured light, from Table 4.5 Polarization colours for some common minerals
red at one end of the spectrum to violet at the other. Each in sections of standard thickness
colour has a different wavelength; that of red light, for
example, is 0.00076 mm, and of violet light 0.00040 mm. Mineral Max. Biref. nm Colour
These lengths are also expressed as 760 and 400 nm res-
pectively. Muscovite 0.043 1290 = delicate green
The polarization colour obtained with a particular Olivine 0.035 1050 = bright red
mineral slice depends on (1) the birefringence of the slice, Augite 0.025 750 = bright blue
Quartz 0.009 270 = pale yellow
which in turn depends on the refractive indexes of the Orthoclase 0.007 210 = palegrey
mineral and the direction in which it has been cut; and (2)
Fig. 4.17 Extinction observed through the microscope. Straight for Biotite mica (left). Oblique for Plagioclase feldspar
(right). In all cases the lower polar is in position, its plane of polarization being N-S. Polarization of upper polar is E-W.
cl = cleavage. tw = twin plane (Fig. 4.8). Ext=extinction angle.
Si 4 O 10 sheet
Si 4 O 10 sheet
No feldspar
in this area Fig. 4.27 Feldspar composition diagram. For
a feldspar represented by a point within the tri-
angle, the proportions of the three quantities
Feldspar Orthoclase, Albite, Anorthite are given by the
stable only lengths of the perpendiculars from the point
;at high temperatures onto the sides of the triangle. Each corner re-
presents 100% of the component named there.
With increasing Ca the plagioclases grade from
Plagioclases Albite (0-10% CaAI2) to Oligoclase. Andesine,
NaAISi3O8 CaAI2Si2O8 Labradorite, Bytownite and Anorthite (90-
Albite Anorthite 100% CaAI2).
polarization colours, and oblique extinction of long
sections that varies from approximately 15° for albite to
40° for anorthite.
Zoned crystals Many crystals possess internal
variations of composition which are expressed (i) by
colour, e.g. tourmaline, Fig. 4.36; (ii) by inclusions,
small particles locked up in a crystal at some stage in its
growth, e.g. quartz, Fig. 4.33, or (Ui) by zones of
different composition. This last is particularly evident in
Fig. 4.30 Crystal of albite (a plagioclase): oblique view some plagioclases, where it results from differences in
showing cleavage, (a) cross section and (b) vertical section, successive layers of material acquired during a crystal's
showing cleavage and principal crystal faces. growth. For example, a plagioclase may have begun to
grow as anorthite; but because of changes in the relative
characteristic of plagioclases; the closely spaced twin- concentrations of constituents in the melt that was
lamellae can often be seen with a lens as stripes on the breeding the crystal, further growth may have used
basal cleavage and other surfaces. Another set of twins material containing less anorthite and more albite. A
is sometimes developed on planes, parallel to the 6-axis, slice of such a crystal seen between crossed polars does
which make a small angle with the basal pinacoid, not show sharp extinction in one position, but the zones
Fig. 4.31 (Pericline twinning). H = 6 to 6f G = 2.60 of different composition extinguish successively at
(albite),risingto 2.76 (anorthite). slightly different angles as the slice is rotated
Plagioclase feldspars occur in most igneous rocks, and (Fig. 4.31c). Augite and hornblende may also show
in some sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. They compositional zoning of this kind.
appear as white or grey cleaved crystals in the coarse-
grained igneous rocks, where their multiple twinning The feldspathoid group
may be seen with a hand lens in suitable crystals.
In thin section: idiomorphic crystals (e.g. in lavas) Minerals of this group resemble the feldspars
commonly show rectangular sections; parallel-sided chemically, and have 3-dimensional framework
laths', with their length several times as great as their structures; they differ from the feldspars in their lower
breadth, are seen when the crystals sectioned are flat and content of silicon. Stated in another way, the Al: Si ratio
thin parallel to the side pinacoid (see Fig. 5.19). is higher in the feldspathoids than in the corresponding
Cleavage not often visible. The minerals are normally feldspars. The two chief minerals of the group, which
colourless but may be clouded with alteration products: are not discussed here because their occurrence is
these are mainly kaolin in Na-rich, and epidote in Ca- somewhat limited in nature, are:
rich varieties. Leucite, K(AlSi2)O6 (cf. Orthoclase)
The characteristic multiple twinning appears as light Nepheline, Na(AlSi)O4 (cf. Albite), usually with a
and dark grey parallel stripes between crossed polars little K.
Feldspathoids occur in certain undersaturated lavas,
which have a low silica- and high alkali-content, such as
the leucite-basalts from Vesuvius.
Forms of silica
Silica is found uncombined with other elements in
several crystalline forms of which quartz, one of the
most common minerals in nature, is of special
importance. As the quartz content of a rock increases so
may its strength and also its abrasiveness to machinery
used for drilling and excavating. When drilling quartz-
rich rock fine dust may be created which should not be
inhaled as it may damage lung tissue. Other forms of
silica include the high temperature tridymite (see below);
chalcedony, aggregates of quartz fibres; and the
cryptocrystalline formsflintand opal, and chert (p. 126).
Fig. 4.31 Plagioclase in thin section ( x 2) (upper polar in)
- see also Fig. 4.17. (a) Common albite twin, (b) pericline Quartz, SiO2
twin, (c) zoned, (d) combined carlsbad-albite twin. In the structure of quartz the silicon-oxygen
tetrahedra build up a three-dimensional framework in
which each oxygen is shared between two silicons. There
are no substitutions of other ions in the silicon
Crystals: Trigonal with 6-sided prisms and
rhombohedral terminations (Figs. 4.32 and 4.7); faces
sometimes unequally developed; occasionally other
faces belonging to trigonal forms are present. Vitreous
lustre; conchoidal fracture. Colourless when pure (e.g.
'rock crystal'), but many coloured varieties occur, the
colour being due to traces of impurities, e.g. rose quartz
(pink), smoky quartz (grey), milky quartz (white),
amethyst (violet). Some quartz contains minute
inclusions or liquid-filled cavities, which may be
arranged in regular directions in a crystal. No cleavage;
twins rare. H = 7, cannot be scratched with a knife.
G = 2.66. Fig. 4.33 Quartz in thin section ( x 1 0 ) . (a) Cross-section
normal to c-axis; (b) vertical section parallel to c-axis; and
(c) irregular (from an igneous rock such as granite), lines of
minute inclusions (dots) may be present.
Chalcedony, SiO2
Radiating aggregates of quartzfibres,their ends often
Fig. 4.32 (a) Spiral structure in atomic framework of quartz, forming a curved surface; white or brownish colour and
(b) Quartz crystal with extra (trigonal) faces. of waxy appearance in the mass. Chiefly found in layers
lining the vesicles of igneous rocks (Fig. 4.2a). In thin
Quartz is an essential constituent of granites, and can section, such layers show a radiating structure, of which
be recognized in the rock as hard, glassy grains of the crystalfibreshave straight extinction and give an
irregular shape and without cleavage. It occurs in extinction 'brush' which remains in position as the stage
smaller amount in granodiorite and quartz-diorite, and is rotated. R.I. = 1.54; polarization colours are light
is present as well-shaped porphyritic crystals in acid greys.
dyke-rocks and lavas. Vein quartz is an aggregate of Flint Cryptocrystalline (i.e. made of a large number of
interlocking crystals of glassy or milky appearance, minute crystals which are too small to be distinguished
filling fractures in rocks; the boundaries of the crystals separately except under very high magnification) silica,
may be coated with brown iron oxide. Well-shaped possibly with an admixture of opal, representing a
quartz crystals are found in cavities {druses) in both dried-up gel; occurs in nodules in the chalk (see p. 127).
veins and granitic rocks. Most sands and sandstones Often black in colour on a freshly broken surface, with
have quartz as their main constituent; the grains have a conchoidal fracture. Splitflintswere much used in the
high resistance to abrasion and thus persist over long past as a decorative facing to buildings.
periods during erosion and transport. The mineral is Opal Hydrated silica, SiO2nH2O; amorphous. White,
also found abundantly in gneisses, quartzites, and in grey, or yellow in colour, with a pearly appearance
some schists and other metamorphic rocks. (opalescence), and often displaying coloured internal
In thin section: basal sections are regular hexagons reflections. Conchoidal fracture. H = about 6. G = 2.2.
(Fig. 4.16) when the crystals are well formed; also see Occurs as afillingto cracks and cavities in igneous
Fig. 4.16 for longitudinal section. When the mineral has rocks. When it replaces woody tissues it preserves the
crystallized among others, as in granite, its shape is original textures and is known as wood opal. The
irregular (Figs. 4.33 and 5.24). microscopic organisms known as diatoms (p. 30) which
Colourless. Never shows alteration, but crystals in live in oceans and lakes, are also composed of opaline
lavas sometimes have corroded and embayed margins. silica. Opal is an undesirable constituent in rocks used
for concrete aggregates, owing to the possibility of
reaction occurring between it and alkalis in the cement
In thin section, colourless and isotropic, with low R.I.
Accessory minerals
Fig. 4.35 Crystals of garnet oblique views, (a) rhombdo-
Minerals that occur as small crystals and in limited decahedron; (b) trapezohedron.
quantities are described as accessory. Occasionally they
may develop to form large crystals and in certain G = 3.5 to 4.0 according to species of mineral. Garnet
circumstances can be concentrated to become a major occurs in metamorphic rocks such as mica-schist. In thin
rock constituent. section crystals are isotropic. Fig. 4.34d.
Tourmaline, Complex silicate of Na, Mg, Fe, Al with
Si6O18 rings.
Trigonal. Colour, black, red, green, blue. H = 7,
G = 3.0. Tourmaline occurs in granites and vein rocks
such as pegmatites. The variety schorl commonly grows
in radiating clusters (Fig. 4.Ie) e.g. in pneumatolysed
granites. Yellow in thin section with extinction parallel
to length. Fig. 4.36a-c.
Cordierite, Mg2Al3(AlSi5)O18
Orthorhombic but commonly appears nearly
hexagonal in shape when crystals grow together as twins
(Fig. 4.36d). Occurs in metamorphic rocks such as
hornfels(p. 136).
Zircon, ZrSiO4
Tetragonal. H = 7.5, G = 4.7. Zircon occurs in granites
and syenites as an original constituent. Crystals are
usually very small and in thin section are recognized
chiefly by their shape: Fig. 4.34a.
Andalusite, Al2OSiO4 Fig. 4.36 Crystal of tourmaline. Tourmaline seen in thin
Orthorhombic. Colour, pink or grey. H = 7.5, G = 3.2. section ( x 5 ) , (a) and (b) cross-sections; (c) vertical section.
Andalusite occurs in contact metamorphosed shales and Also shown is cordierite (d).
slates. Crystals are prismatic and have a nearly square
transverse section. The variety chiastolite contains
inclusions of carbon (Fig. 4.346). Two other forms of Secondary minerals
Al2OSiO4 are sillimanite (formed at high temperature as
in an aureole) and kyanite (a pale blue mineral formed Described under this head are the minerals chlorite,
under high stress and moderate temperature). serpentine, talc, kaolin, epidote and zeolite, all of which
result from the alteration of pre-existent minerals. These
Sphene, CaTiSO4 (O, OH, F) minerals have little mechanical strength and small
Monoclinic. H = 5, G = 3.5. Sphene occurs as small angles of friction. Their presence on fractures can
wedge-shaped crystals (Gr. sphene, a wedge) in granite, significantly reduce the strength of a rock mass.
diorites and syenites. Fig. 4.34c.
Chlorite (MgFe)5Al(Si3Al)O10(OH)8, variable
Garnet (Ca, Mg, Fe2 + , Mn)3 (Al, Fe 3+ , Cr)2 (SiOJ3 The chlorites (Greek chloros, green) form a family of
Cubic (Fig. 4.35). Colour, pale pink. H = 6.5 to 7.5, greenflakyminerals which are hydrous silicates of
Next Page
magnesium and aluminium. Some Fe replaces Mg and associated with serpentine. Flakes are flexible but not
gives colour to the chlorite. Like the micas, they have a elastic, and are easily scratched by the finger-nail. H = I.
perfect cleavage, due to the atomic sheet structure
(Fig. 4.26). Different kinds of chlorite are given Kaolin (china clay)
distinctive names (e.g. penninite, clinochlore); these are This substance is largely made up of the mineral
not distinguished in the following general description. kaolinite, Al 4 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 8 , one of the group of Clay
Crystals: Monoclinic, frequently 6-sided in shape, Minerals which, like the micas, are built up of silicon-
with a perfect cleavage parallel to the basal plane; the oxygen sheets (Fig. 4.26).
mineral splits into hexagonal flakes which are flexible Kaolin is derived from the breakdown of feldspar by
but not elastic (cf. mica). H = 2 to 2\ (often soft enough the action of water and carbon dioxide; the chemical
to be scratched by the finger-nail). G = 2.65 to 3.0. equation for the change is given and the kaolinization of
Chlorite is found in igneous rocks, as described granite masses is described on p. 138. It is white or grey,
below, and in metamorphic rocks such as chlorite-schist, soft, and floury to the touch, with a clayey smell when
and in some clays. damp. G = 2.6. In thin section it is seen as a
In thin section: Chlorite occurs as an alteration decomposition product of feldspar (Fig. 4.29), which
product of biotite, augite, or hornblende; it may replace when altered appears clouded and looks white by top
these minerals completely, forming a pseudomorph light (i.e. by light reflected from the surface of the slice
( = 'false form') in which the aggregate of chlorite flakes and not transmitted through it).
and fibres retains the shape of the original mineral.
Together with other minerals such as calcite, chlorite Epidote, Ca 2 (AlFe) 3 (SiOJ 3 (OH)
also forms an infilling to cavities in basalts (q.v.). The monoclinic crystals of this mineral are typically
Colour: Shades of bluish-green and yellowish-green, of a yellowish-green colour. Often in radiating clusters;
sometimes very pale; noticeably pleochroic; cleavage vitreous lustre. H = 6 to 7. G = 3.4.
often seen. Epidote occurs as an alteration product of calcic
Mean RJ. = about 1.58. plagioclases or of augite; also as infillings to vesicles in
Biref: Weak grey. basalts, and as pale green veins traversing igneous and
metamorphoc rocks.
Serpentine, Mg 6 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 8 , some Fe replaces Mg, in
Serpentine is an alteration product of olivine, of These form a group of hydrous aluminous silicates of
orthorhombic pyroxene, or of hornblende. This reaction calcium, sodium, or potassium; they contain molecular
takes place in an igneous rock while it is still moderately water which is readily driven off on heating, a property
hot (hydrothermal action), the source of the hot water to which the name refers (Greek zein, to boil). They
being magmatic; it is thought that the change from occur as white or glassy crystals clusters, filling or lining
olivine to serpentine may also be brought about by the the cavities left by escaping gases (amygdales, p. 100) in
action of water and silica. basic lavas, or filling open joints, and are derived from
feldspars or feldspathoids by hydration.
Serpentine grows as a mass of green fibres or plates,
Two commonly occurring natural zeolites are:
which replace the original mineral as a pseudomorph. A
fibrous variety is called chrysotile, and is worked in veins
for commercial asbestos. In the mass, serpentine is Analcite, NaAlSi 2 O 6 H 2 O
rather soapy to the touch, and may be coloured red if Cubic; crystallized as trapezohedra (as in Fig. 4.35b),
iron oxide is present. H = 3 to 4. G = 2.6. Serpentine is white in colour. G = 2.25. Occurs in the amygdales of
found in basic and ultrabasic rocks (p. 101), and in basalts.
In this section: as a pseudomorph after olivine, Natrolite, Na 2 Al 2 Si 3 O 10 2H 2 O
serpentine appears as a matte of pale green fibres, Forms white, acicular orthorhombic crystals,
weakly birefringent, and having a low RJ. (1.57). generally in radiating clusters. G = 2.2.
Specks of black magnetite, the oxidized by-product
from iron in the original olivine, are often present. The
change to serpentine involves an increase in volume, and Clay minerals
this expansion may fracture the surrounding minerals in
the rock, fine threads of serpentine being developed in Clays can form as either primary or secondary minerals.
the cracks so formed. Here they are grouped under one heading because of
their economic importance, their presence in most
profiles of weathering and their influence upon the
JaZcMg 3 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 mechanical character of rocks and less well consolidated
A soft, flaky mineral, white or greenish in colour, sediments. Being minute they can be seen using only an
which occurs as a secondary product in basic and electron microscope (Fig. 4.37), but their presence may
ultrabasic rocks, and in talc-schist (p. 140). It is often be revealed by placing a few particles of material that is