Myofascial Pain, Fibromyalgia or Fibrositis?: J.M.S. Pearce
Myofascial Pain, Fibromyalgia or Fibrositis?: J.M.S. Pearce
Myofascial Pain, Fibromyalgia or Fibrositis?: J.M.S. Pearce
Key Words utility of these terms. The only claimed physical sign is
Myofascial pain W Fibromyalgia W Fibrositis W Nociceptor W the presence of tender trigger points over muscles or
Central pain muscle attachments. Research suggests that tender
points are a measure of general distress related to pain
complaints but separately associated with fatigue and
Abstract depression. They are present in some normal subjects
The terms myofascial pain, fibromyalgia and fibrositis and are variable in occurrence in time in the same indi-
are critically examined. They constitute diagnostic labels vidual. They reflect no demonstrable pathology. It is
for non-specific musculoskeletal aches and pains. Analy- therefore argued that none of these commonly used
sis of the evidence shows that none of these labels is diagnoses represent distinct disease entities. A possible
substantiated by hard physical signs or by laboratory but unproven alternative hypothesis is that such symp-
evidence of consistent pathological or biochemical ab- toms relate to neural pain with both peripheral and cen-
normality. What is the objective evidence for disorder(s) tral components, and in some instances psychological or
of muscle, fascia or fibrous tissues, so clearly indicated wilful embellishment.
by these diagnostic names? Alternative terms such as Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel
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