Brand Manegement Mkt654: Assignment 9
Brand Manegement Mkt654: Assignment 9
Brand Manegement Mkt654: Assignment 9
Assignment 9
Criteria for IMC Programs
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Date: 14-04-2020
Q.1. Take any brand of your choice and explain the concepts of contribution, commonality,
complementarity and versatility.
For example, Apple has created impression in consumers mind of being innovative and quality
driven company providing niche high quality products. Its product line consists of iPhones, iPad,
Air-Pods, Apple PC, iWatch. In each product too, it has many other sub products categories based
on features and price. This determines its depth and breadth of the product line and. Innovation is
the key element of contribution here that leads to Apple brand association.
E.g. Fevicol has the same kind of message that is to stick something, it is the best glue and provides
strong support. This message has been framed in different ways with different story lines, memes,
short ads on various platforms like TV, newspaper, Hoardings, social media etc.
Complementarity: The extent to which various associations and linkages are emphasized across
communication options.
E.g.: The association of Amul girl photo displayed on each Amul product.
Versatility: The extent to which information contained in a communication options works with
different types of consumers. It basically uses the same message and same approach for different
communications history and different market segments.
E.g.: Fevicol has the same kind of message that is to stick something, it is the best glue and
provides strong support. So, the message of good glue product at affordable prices attracts majorly
all the sectors and age groups.
Q.2. Take any brand and explain how does it leverage secondary associations in terms of
associations discussed in class today
Ans) Leveraging Secondary Association: There are various elements that are associated with the
brand and are linked to it. The associations are discussed for the HP are as follows:
Other Third-party sources: HP Multifunction Printer was Named 2018 “Product of the Year”
by CRN.
Q.3. Explain the concepts of brand value chain and the concept of multipliers.
Ans) The brand value chain is a structured approach to assessing the sources and outcomes of
brand equity and the way marketing activities create brand value. It is based on several Stages.
First stage is about brand value creation, when the firm targets actual or potential customers by
investing in a marketing program to develop the brand, including product research,
development, and design; trade or intermediary support; and marketing communications.
Second stage begins by assessing and assuming customers’ mind-sets, buying behavior, and
response to price change and as a result of the marketing program, gauging their awareness,
associations and attitudes towards the brand.
Finally, the investment community will consider market performance, replacement cost, and
purchase price in acquisitions (among other factors) to assess shareholder value in general and
the value of a brand in particular.
The model also assumes that three multipliers moderate the transfer between the marketing program
and the subsequent three value stages.
• The program multiplier determines the marketing program’s ability to affect the customer mind-
set and is a function of the quality of the program investment. Whether the marketing program
carried out provides clarity in consumers mind, it is relevance or not and whether it provides
consistent message throughout all medium of communication.
• The customer multiplier determines the extent to which value created in the minds of customers
affects market performance. This result depends on competitive superiority (how effective the
quantity and quality of the marketing investment of other competing brands are), channel and
other intermediary support (how much brand reinforcement and selling effort various marketing
partners are putting forth), and customer size and profile (how many and what types of customers,
profitable or not, are attracted to the brand).
• The market multiplier determines the extent to which the value shown by the market
performance of a brand is manifested in shareholder value. It depends, in part, on the actions
of financial