Application Note: Calibration at Toyota Motor Corporation Using Vibration Transducer Calibration System Type 9610

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Application Note

Calibration at Toyota Motor Corporation using Vibration

Transducer Calibration System Type 9610
by Kevin Gatzwiller, Brüel & Kjær, Denmark

For several years Toyota Motor Cor-

poration have used a traditional man-
ually operated back-to-back vibration
transducer calibration system based on
older Brüel & Kjær equipment.
However, continuously adding vibra-
tion transducers, Toyota Motor Corpo-
ration developed a need for a more ef-
ficient means of calibrating these
transducers. To ensure continued opti-
mum vibration measurement results,
reliability, high precision and high ac-
curacy were vital factors when the Cal-
ibration Laboratory began looking for
a suitable calibration system.
Vibration Transducer Calibration
System Type 9610, providing automat-
ed FFT-based sensitivity and phase
calibration of vibration transducers
over a wide frequency range, was cho- vanced algorithms, giving increased cy. Preferably, the vibration transduc-
sen for reasons of accuracy, confidence confidence in the analysis results. er should be calibrated over its entire
and durability. However, the validity of the trans- useful frequency range, or at least
This Application Note introduces the ducers used for the measurements the frequency response curve should
concept of FFT-based vibration trans- upon which the analysis are founded be measured, to ensure that the
ducer calibration and discusses the fea- is totally dependent upon proper cal-
tures, advantages and benefits of the
transducer has not been damaged.
Vibration Transducer Calibration Sys- ibration and, as should be empha- Such damage will typically show up
tem Type 9610 in connection with its sized, compensating for damaged out- as irregularities in the frequency re-
use at Toyota Motor Corporation. of-tolerance vibration transducers by sponse curve as well as in the curve
post-processing is impossible! that can be drawn from the individ-
The calibration of vibration trans- ual, discrete frequency, calibrations.
Introduction ducers therefore plays a decisive role An example of this is shown in
in the quality, accuracy and consist- Fig. 1 where the frequency response
Refined Noise and Vibration Harsh- ency of any vibration measurement. of a damaged accelerometer has been
ness (NVH) characteristics of auto- drawn. Note the peak/notch phenom-
mobiles have become one of the key enon, a clear indication of damage
factors in the quest for higher cus- Aspects of calibration which did not reveal anything unu-
tomer satisfaction. Amongst other sual when a back-to-back calibration
things, this implies a large number The reliability and versatility of a vi- was carried out at the reference fre-
of vibration measurements, with ap- bration transducer is of only limited quency of 160 Hz.
plications ranging from general one- value if the measurements cannot
channel measurements to advanced somehow be traced to an absolute
experimental modal analysis, often physical standard. Calibration en-
requiring multichannel systems with sures this traceability and hence pro-
Calibration Methods
many vibration transducers. vides a defined degree of confidence
Today, a multitude of sophisticated in any vibration measurement. It is Sensitivity calibration of vibration
vibration analysis tools are available, therefore an act of establishing the transducers can be divided into three
allowing the engineer to validate the link to the physical quantity of inter- distinct groups: absolute methods (in-
analysis. An excellent example of this est, the vibration sensitivity [1]. cludes laser interferometry, reciproc-
is the recent development of experi- From a practical measurement ity and Earth’s gravity), comparison
mental modal analysis software point of view, it is advisable to cali- or back-to-back methods, and finally
where the analysis result, the modal brate the sensitivity of a vibration calibrator methods, involving the use
model, can be validated using ad- transducer at more than one frequen- of an exciter of known vibration level.

Brüel & Kjær B K

+ 40
S r(f)
H B(f)
+ 30 B

dB a H r(f)

+ 20 A
H A(f)
S x(f)

+ 10
S u(f)
H B(f)
0 a H u(f)
H A(f)
– 10 S x(f)
200 500 1 kHz 2 5 10 20 50 100 940151e

Fig.1 Frequency response of a damaged accelerometer Fig.3 Principle of improved back-to-back calibration by substitu-

working standard accelerometer and

Conditioning the standard reference accelerometer
is measured and stored. Then the fre-
Accelerometer quency response function between
to be
Calibrated Vu the DUT and the working standard
accelerometer, known as the refer-
Reference Vr ence frequency response function, is
Accelerometer Electronic also measured and stored. The work-
Conditioning Vu Voltmeter
Su = Sr ing standard accelerometer remains
Vibration Amplifier Vr 2432
fixed to the calibration fixture. Now,
A 0 sin ωt 2626
the charge sensitivity of the DUT can
860433/1e be calculated as:
Fig.2 Principle of traditional back-to-back calibration
Su ( f ) Sx ( f ) Hu ( f )
------------- × ------------- = --------------
The back-to-back comparison However, the advent of two-chan- Sx ( f ) Sr ( f ) Hr ( f )
method is ideal for every-day calibra- nel FFT analyzers, coupled with
tions of non-standard reference accel- broad-band random excitation tech-
erometers due to its relative niques, meant the introduction of in-
Su ( f ) = Sr ( f ) × Hu ( f ) ⁄ Hr ( f )
simplicity, accuracy and cost effec- novative calibration techniques since
tiveness. Moreover, the method’s in- the two-channel FFT analyzer made
where (as a function of frequency):
herent qualities make it well-suited it possible to calibrate a vibration
Su(f) is the DUT’s charge sensitiv-
for large scale vibration transducer transducer at a large number of
calibration. points over a wide frequency range
Sr(f) is the standard reference ac-
in a single measurement. Combining
celerometer’s charge sensitivity
this with the ability of a PC to control
Back-to-Back Vibration Transducer Sx(f) is the working standard ac-
the analyzer formed the basis for an
Calibration celerometer’s charge sensitivity
advanced automated vibration trans-
The traditional back-to-back calibra- Hu(f) is the frequency response
ducer calibration system. By supply-
tion technique is based on the prin- function between the DUT and the
ing the output from the standard
ciple shown in Fig. 2. The device working standard accelerometer
reference accelerometer to the chan-
under test (DUT) is mounted back-to- nel A input, and the output from the Hr(f) is the frequency response
back with a standard reference accel- function between the standard ref-
DUT to the channel B input, the ratio
erometer. The combination is mount- erence accelerometer and the
of the sensitivities can be measured
ed on a suitable vibration source. working standard accelerometer
as the frequency response function.
When excited, the input acceleration It has been shown [2] that such a
to each accelerometer is identical and The principle of improved back-to-
basic FFT-based back-to-back calibra- back calibration by substitution is
consequently, their sensitivity ratio is tion will result in a total uncertainty shown in Fig. 3. The complete Vibra-
simply the ratio of their outputs. of approximately 5%. To improve this tion Transducer Calibration System
Traditionally, the accelerometers method and achieve an even better Type 9610, centring around Mul-
are excited at one frequency and their uncertainty, a new technique, calibra- tichannel Analysis System Type 3550
outputs are measured (after pream- tion by substitution, was developed. as the two-channel FFT analyzer, is
plification) using a high-quality elec- shown in Fig. 4. The system cali-
tronic voltmeter of known accuracy. Improved Back-to-Back Calibration brates the sensitivity and phase of
This method produces good results, by Substitution accelerometers and velocity pick-ups
but as it produces a measure of the This unique technique involves mak- in a frequency range from 5 Hz up to
sensitivity at a single frequency, at- ing two measurements in order to ob- 5 or 10 kHz.
taining a comprehensive knowledge tain the final calibration result of the Note that since the contribution
of an accelerometer’s characteristics DUT. Initially, the frequency re- from the working standard acceler-
can be rather time consuming. sponse function between a so-called ometer cancels out, the working

standard accelerometer does not have
to be a primary (absolute) calibrated
IEEE–488 Signal Analyzer
standard reference accelerometer. Vi-
bration Transducer Calibration Sys-
tem Type 9610 employs a standard
Delta Shear Accelerometer Type
4371 as a working standard acceler-
Much more than just providing an Preamp. Ch. A Ch. B Gen.
extremely low total calibration uncer- Printer Input Direct Direct Output
tainty value (approximately 1% [2]),
the improved FFT calibration by sub- Precision
Conditioning Attenuator
stitution technique also provides a Amplifier 5936
number of distinct benefits. Most im- 2626 Conditioning
Ref 2 Amplifier Vibration
portantly, it provides calibrations 2626 Transducer
which are intrinsically independent Ref 1 Multiplexer
of all system inaccuracies except for 5923
those occurring due to the standard
reference accelerometer and the pre- 4371
cision attenuator*.
An important consequence of this Power Output Input AC
is that it makes system self-calibra-
tion unnecessary, enhancing calibra- Vibration Exciter Shaker
tion efficiency and reliability. In 4808 4809 Power Amplifier
addition, improved FFT calibration 2712 932448e

by substitution reduces the need for Fig.4 Vibration Transducer Calibration System Type 9610
recalibration of system components,
because only the above-mentioned in-
struments need to be recalibrated. tion” philosophy, attempting to mini- erence Accelerometer, with participa-
mize production waste and maximize tion from Brüel & Kjær, The National
A full description of the improved
productivity. Institute of Standards and Technolo-
FFT calibration by substitution tech-
In the Toyota Motor Corporation, gy (NIST), USA, and Physikalisch-
nique and its implementation in Vi-
one section of the Technical Admin- Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB),
bration Transducer Calibration
istration Division - the “Calibration Germany, were carried out during
System Type 9610 can be found in
Center” – controls calibration of pie- 1990 and 1991. The results explicitly
references [3] and [4].
zoelectric accelerometers. confirmed the consistency and the ac-
For the calibration laboratory, curacy of Vibration Transducer Cali-
there are a number of obvious bene- bration System Type 9610 [5].
The Vibration Transducer fits in automating the calibration Secondly, Vibration Transducer
Calibration System Type process. Since installation, and after Calibration System Type 9610 uses
9610 in use at the Toyota months of intensive use, the Calibra- continuous control to ensure the
tion Center emphasizes the following quality and reliability of the calibra-
Head Office Technical benefits of Vibration Transducer Cal- tion process and the linearity of the
Center ibration System Type 9610: DUT. This is achieved by measuring
❍ High, consistent accuracy the coherence# between the two chan-
Founded in August 1937, the Toyota ❍ Reduced operator dependency nels. Furthermore, Vibration Trans-
Motor Corporation has grown to be a ❍ Faster calibration ducer Calibration System Type 9610
world leading car manufacturer with ❍ Consistent philosophy performs a number of verifications**
more than 70 000 employees and ❍ Database management capability to ensure that the system, the stand-
sales representatives around the ❍ Reduction of calibration costs
ard reference accelerometer and the
world. Armed with a constant striv- ❍ Company calibration strategy op-
standard voltage reference are in a
ing for automotive perfection, Toyota timization stable working condition. The refer-
Motor Corporation has over the years ence frequency response function is
These benefits have been accom-
made several significant contribu- also checked in order to check the
plished in Vibration Transducer Cal-
tions to automotive technology. mounting and the integrity of the
ibration System Type 9610 by taking
As a natural consequence of striv- a number of measures. The most im-
ing for perfection, Toyota Motor Cor- † Vibration Transducer Calibration Software
portant are outlined in the following. WT9301, controlling the calibration process,
poration has constantly focused on Firstly, by removing tedious, yet retrieves pertinent data from the data base,
cost-efficient solutions for its various critical, work and allowing the oper- sets up the analyzer, transfers the measured
needs. The best known example of data from the analyzer and processes them to
ator to concentrate on the few crucial give the calibration result. In this process, the
this is probably the “Lean Produc- manual tasks, operator dependency operator is carefully guided by the software.
has been drastically reduced. This, in Manual action is needed at transducer mount-
* Bus-controlled Precision Attenuator Type ing/removal and if a situation is detected that
5936 is used in Vibration Transducer Calibra- connection with intelligent computer- requires manual correction (loose cables,
tion System Type 9610 to minimize the con- based interactive decision making†, wrong preamplifier settings, lack of connec-
tribution to systematic error by eliminating ensures high and consistent accuracy. tions, etc.)
range switching in Multichannel Analysis # The coherence function is a measure of the
System Type 3550 Comparison (Round Robin) calibra- linearity between the two input channels to
tions of a Brüel & Kjær Standard Ref- the Multichannel Analysis System Type 3550

The evolution of the traditional back-
to-back calibration method into the
FFT-based improved back-to-back
calibration by substitution method
has been discussed along with the
features and benefits of implement-
ing the technique in Vibration Trans-
ducer Calibration System Type 9610.
Also, by examining the use of Vi-
bration Transducer Calibration Sys-
tem Type 9610 at Toyota Motor
Corporation, it was shown how the
system has enabled the Calibration
Center to further optimize their cal-
ibration strategy, increase productiv-
ity and calibrate with more accuracy
and more confidence.

Fig.5 Vibration Transducer Calibration System Type 9610 in use at the Calibration References
[1] M. Serridge and T. R. Licht:
standard reference accelerometer prisingly, reported a reduction in cal- “Piezoelectric Accelerometers and
and working standard accelerometer. ibration costs. Vibration Preamplifiers”,
This ensures a consistent calibra- Finally, by combining the FFT cal- Brüel & Kjær Handbook BB 0694
tion philosophy with a constant and ibration technique with a PC to man- [2] Tech. Review, no.2, 1987:
thorough focus on error reduction. age data, data retrieval, trend T. R. Licht and H. Andersen,
Thirdly, the combination of random analysis, calibration comparisons, Brüel & Kjær: “Trends in Acceler-
excitation and the improved FFT cal- etc. are easy and straightforward. ometer Calibration”
ibration by substitution provides very According to the Calibration Cent- [3] Brüel & Kjær Product Data sheet
fast calibrations. Obtaining a typical er, the above factors were all carefully BP 1426: “Vibration Transducer
calibration (sensitivity as well as examined prior to purchase in order Calibration System Type 9610”
phase at 1550 frequencies) takes ap- to evaluate their usefulness and their [4] User Manual: “Vibration Trans-
proximately three minutes, including impact on the calibration strategy. ducer Calibration System Type
all manual work. The center explains: “Today’s auto- 9610”
A natural consequence of this is mobile customers are extremely de- [5] E. Schonthal & T. R. Licht: “Com-
higher calibration productivity and manding and critical, they do not parison of Accelerometer Calibra-
the Calibration Center has, not sur- accept half solutions – and neither do tions Performed on a Software
we. The Vibration Transducer Cali- based System to Calibrations Ob-
bration System Type 9610 provides tained from two National Labora-
us with fast, reliable and accurate tories”, Proc. Nat. Conf. of
** The verification procedures are divided into
three: System Verification, Standard Voltage calibrations and fits perfectly well Standards Laboratories, Albu-
Verification and Standard Charge Verifica- into our quality optimization strategy querque, New Mexico, USA, Au-
tion. System Verification involves a series of due to its innovative improved FFT gust 1991
measurements to validate the stability of the
system. Standard Voltage Verification and calibration by substitution tech-
Standard Charge Verification are performed nique”.
to ensure the validity of the Standard Refer- Fig. 5 shows Vibration Transducer
ence Accelerometer and the Calibration Set
Type 3506 which are used as charge and volt- Calibration System Type 9610 in use
age standards, respectively at the Calibration Center.

Brüel & Kjær B K

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