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Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices

Instruction Manual
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HW4 Software version 3

Humidity and Temperature Adjustment
AirChip 3000 devices

2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title

Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

Instruction Manual
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2 of 25

Table of contents

ORGANIZATION OF THE HW4 MANUALS ........................................................................ 3

OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 4


SINGLE PROBE ADJUSTMENT ......................................................................................... 4

Function overview ................................................................................................................. 6
Menu Bar............................................................................................................................... 8
Humidity .............................................................................................................................. 11
Temperature........................................................................................................................ 17
Measurement model ........................................................................................................... 21

GROUP ADJUSTMENT ..................................................................................................... 22

DOCUMENT RELEASES ................................................................................................... 25

2010; Rotronic AG


Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices

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Instruction Manual
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The HW4 manuals are organized in separate books so as to limit the size of the individual
documents. A list of the HW4 manuals is provided in document E-M-HW4v3-DIR
HW4 Manuals


HW4 Main Book

General software description

Installation, start-up and settings
Device connection methods
Functions common to all devices used with HW4
Legacy devices (original HygroClip technology):

Device Specific Functions 1

(separate book for each device type or model)


HygroLog NT data logger

HygroFlex 2, HygroFlex 3 and M3 transmitters
(same icon in device tree)
HygroLab 2 and HygroLab 3 bench indicators
HygroPalm 2 and HygroPalm 3 portable indicators
HygroClip DI digital interface
HygroClip Alarm programmable logic
HygroStat MB

Device Manager (device configuration) and other device

specific functions
Probe Adjustment 1

Humidity and temperature adjustment function common to

all legacy devices (original HygroClip technology)
Devices based on the AirChip 3000 technology:

Device Specific Functions 2

(separate book for each device type or model)


HygroClip 2 (HC2) probes

HF3 transmitters and thermo-hygrostats
HF4 transmitters
HF5 transmitters
HF6 transmitters
HF7 transmitters
HL20 and HL21 data loggers
HP21, HP22 and HP23 hand-held indicators
Custom designed OEM products

Device Manager (device configuration) and Data Logging

Probe Adjustment 2

Humidity and temperature adjustment function common to

all devices based on the AirChip 3000 technology

Data Recording Function

Data recording function common to all devices based on the

AirChip 3000 technology

Both the HW4 manuals (software) and device specific manuals (hardware) are available on the HW4 CD.
The manuals can also be downloaded from several of the ROTRONIC web sites.

2010; Rotronic AG


Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices

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Instruction Manual
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The Probe Adjustment function is used to adjust the HC2 probes and other AirChip 3000 devices against a
reference humidity and temperature environment. This section of the HW4 manual covers only the HW4
Probe Adjustment function specific of AirChip 3000 devices such as:

HygroClip 2 (HC2) probes

HF3 transmitters and thermo-hygrostats
HF4 transmitters
HF6 transmitters
HL20 and HL21 data loggers
HP21 hand-held indicator
Custom designed OEM products

HW4 functions that are not device dependent are covered in document E-IN-HW4v3-Main.

When HW4 has detected a HC2 probe or other

AirChip 3000 device, an icon appears in the left
pane of the HW4 main screen (HygroClip 2 probe in
this example). Click on the + sign to the left of the
icon to display a list of the available functional

In the case of a HF53 or HF55 transmitter, HP22

indicator or similar device, HW4 displays a probe
icon. This icon has the same functionality as the
icon shown in the previous illustration.
Note: the probe icon is not available with the HF52


To select the Probe Adjustment module, click on it

with the left mouse button. HW4 opens the Probe
Adjustment form.
Probe Adjustment automatically interrogates the
probe and downloads its current adjustment data.

2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title

2010; Rotronic AG

Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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Bassersdorf, Switzerland

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
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Instruction Manual
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Function overview

For both humidity and temperature, the adjustment function is a 2-step process. Please note that both steps
do not have to be carried out at the same time or on the same day.
Step 1: Calibration
Calibration consists in capturing humidity and / or temperature values measured by an instrument at a
number of known reference conditions without making any changes to the instrument. As-Found data is the
result of a calibration.
Temperature: the AirChip 3000 can retain in memory up to 2 calibration points, each consisting of:
measured temperature value and reference temperature value. The calibration points are retained in
memory until erased by the user or until the AirChip 3000 device is adjusted by the user. The calibration
points are read by HW4 whenever the Probe Adjustment form is opened. In principle, the calibration points
can be saved in any order.
Humidity: the AirChip 3000 can retain in memory up to 100 calibration points, each consisting of: measured
humidity value, reference humidity value and temperature value measured at the time of calibration. The
calibration points are retained in memory until erased by the user or until the AirChip 3000 device is adjusted
by the user. The calibration points are read by HW4 from AirChip 3000 whenever the Probe Adjustment form
is opened. In principle, the calibration points can be generated at any temperature and saved in any order.
Note: HW4 offers the possibility of using the dew or frost point measured by a chilled mirror instrument as
the source for the reference humidity value. Based on the temperature measured by the AirChip 3000
device, HW4 converts the dew or frost point into relative humidity.
Step 2: Adjustment
Adjustment consists in making the humidity and / or temperature values measured by an instrument agree
as closely as possible with a number of known reference conditions. As-Left data is the result of an
Temperature: the temperature signal of the AirChip 3000 device is adjusted based on the calibration points
present in memory. The type of adjustment depends on the number of calibration points:
- 1 calibration point: offset adjustment (equivalent to a 1-point adjustment)
- 2 calibration points: offset and slope adjustment
The AirChip 3000 uses a 4th degree polynomial to change the raw data generated by the temperature
sensor to a linear response. For details, see document E-T-AC3000-DF-V1.

A 1-point adjustment changes the offset used by the temperature A/D converter. This is equivalent to
changing the value R0 (resistance value of the RTD at 0C) in the 4th degree polynomial used by the
AirChip 3000.

A two-point adjustment changes both the offset used by the temperature A/D converter and the
coefficient A (slope) of the 4th degree polynomial used by the AirChip 3000.

In addition to the user generated values, the AirChip 3000 retains in memory the factory defaults for the
value R0 and the coefficients of the 4 degree polynomial. The factory defaults cannot be changed by the
user and are always available to return the AirChip 3000 device to its original condition.
Adjustment accuracy depends both on the number and on the distribution of the calibration points over the
temperature range to be measured.
2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title

Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

Instruction Manual
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As an alternative method, the temperature signal of the AirChip 3000 device can be adjusted by doing a 1th
point calibration at 0C and entering a new set of coefficients for the 4 degree polynomial. In this case
temperature calibration points are not required.
Humidity: the AirChip 3000 adjusts the raw humidity data provided by the sensor so as to agree with the
calibration points present in memory. The type of adjustment depends on the number of calibration points:
- 1 calibration point: general offset adjustment (equivalent to a 1-point adjustment)
- 2 calibration points: offset and slope adjustment
- 3 or more calibration points: offset, slope and linearization adjustment
The AirChip 3000 retains in memory two sets of tables. The combined data from both tables is used to
change the humidity sensor raw data to a linear signal (see Measurement Model). Table A1% holds the
factory default values and table A2% holds the values generated as a result of the most recent humidity
adjustment by the user. Initially all values in table A2% are set to zero.
The values in both tables A1% and A2% are valid when the humidity sensor is at a temperature of 23 C.
Regardless of the actual temperature associated with each humidity calibration point, the values in table
A2% are automatically brought back to the 23 C reference temperature. This conversion relies on the
sensor temperature compensation data that is programmed by the factory in the AirChip 3000 memory.
The accuracy of the user adjustments depends both on the number and on the distribution of the calibration
points. The most accurate adjustment results are obtained by using several calibration points, equally
distributed over the humidity range to be measured.
The factory values A1% cannot be changed by the user and are always available to return the AirChip 3000
to its original condition.

Be sure that the reference environment is stable and that the instrument to be adjusted has
equilibrated with the environment.

Always verify that the instrument temperature measurement is accurate. If necessary, adjust
temperature prior to any humidity adjustment.

To obtain the best accuracy when calibrating humidity, we recommend using a sequence of

increasing humidity values. In this manner the effect on the calibration data of the humidity
sensor hysteresis is practically eliminated (sensor hysteresis is a temporary positive shift in the
sensor response at low humidity following exposure of the sensor to high humidity)

Do not interrupt the adjustment process while HW4 and the AirChip 3000 are communicating as
this may give unexpected results

Adjustment is not recommended while data is being logged

2010; Rotronic AG


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HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices

Instruction Manual
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Document title


Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

8 of 25

Menu Bar

The menu bar is located at the top of the Probe Adjustment form.

3.2.1 File
The file menu is used to save to the PC the adjustment data that is currently
in the AirChip 3000 memory. The data are saved in an XML file with extension
ADJ. In case of problems, this file may be send to the ROTRONIC field
support for trouble shooting.

Save As: saves the current configuration to an XML file with the extension ADJ in the selected folder.

Close: closes the Probe Adjustment form

2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title

Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

Instruction Manual
Document Type


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3.2.2 Settings and Tools


Reset probe to Factory Adjustment: returns the AirChip 3000 to the factory (default) humidity
adjustment and reverts the effect of any adjustments made by the user.
Erase all saved calibration points: deletes from the AirChip 3000 memory all humidity calibration
points that may be present and that have not yet been used to adjust the AirChip 3000.
%RH Reference / Dew Point Reference / Frost Point Reference: specify which parameter will be
used for the reference humidity value when adjusting the AirChip 3000. Frost point gives the same
results as dew point for values above freezing.
Limit the adjustment range: limits the effect of the humidity adjustment to a range that can be defined
by either an upper or a lower limit (for example < 20 %RH or > 80 %RH). Adjustment has no effect
outside of the range and all calibration points used for the adjustment must be within the range.


Reset probe to Factory Adjustment: returns the AirChip 3000 to the factory default and reverts the
effect of any adjustments made by the user.
Erase all saved calibration points: deletes from the AirChip 3000 memory all temperature calibration
points that may be present and that have not yet been used to adjust the AirChip 3000.

HW4 Help: Opens HW4 Help

2010; Rotronic AG


Rotronic AG
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HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
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About HW4: Displays the version number and ID number of HW4

2010; Rotronic AG


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HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
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Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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Upon opening the Probe Adjustment form, HW4 reads all humidity and temperature calibration points
present in the AirChip 3000 memory.

This form provides information both on the most recent factory adjustment and user adjustment. This
information includes the values at which the AirChip 3000 device has been adjusted (up to 10 values).

2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title

Instruction Manual
Document Type


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3.3.1 Humidity > Adjust

This form displays the currently measured humidity value and the trend. The = symbol means that the
measurement is stable. The table on the right shows calibration points that are currently present in the
AirChip 3000 memory.

Reference value: When the measurement is stable, enter the reference humidity value in this box
Adjustment range: when the option to limit the adjustment range is enabled (see Settings and
Tools), an additional field appears below the Reference value field. Enter the adjustment range as an
upper (>) or lower limit (<) symbol followed by a numerical value (no unit)

Compensate RHS for temperature: put a check mark in this box when using a ROTRONIC humidity
standard (RHS) to generate the reference humidity value. HW4 applies an automatic correction for the
effect of temperature on the humidity generated by the RHS.

Save Calibration Point: click on this link to save the calibration point to the AirChip 3000 memory. The
calibration point appears in the table located to the right (maximum 100 points).
Any calibration point present in the table can be selected with a right mouse click. This opens the small
menu shown below:

2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title

Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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Calibration Protocol: when calibrating humidity as opposed to adjusting humidity, click on this link to
generate and save to the PC a calibration protocol with As-Found data. The protocol is a text file which
can be printed.

Adjust: click on this link to adjust humidity, based on the calibration points listed in the box located to the
right. After the adjustment, these calibration points are automatically erased from the AirChip 3000
Depending on the HW4 Global Settings, an adjustment protocol is automatically generated after each
adjustment (HW4 Main Menu Bar > Settings and Tools > HW4 Global Settings > Events Tab).
Dew point or frost point as the reference value: HW4 offers the option of using either the dew point or
the frost point as the reference value. For values below freezing, the user should determine whether the
value given by the reference chilled mirror instrument is a dew point or a frost point.

2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title

Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

Instruction Manual
Document Type


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Prior to recording the calibration point, HW4 calculates the value of the reference relative humidity based
both on the dew or frost point and on the temperature measured by the AirChip 3000 device. At values
above freezing, the dew point and frost point give the same results.


The type of adjustment: 1-point (offset across the entire measuring range), two points (offset
and slope) or 3 points and more (offset, slope and linearity) depends on the number of
calibration points present in the AirChip 3000 memory prior to the adjustment.

The humidity calibration points can be generated in any order but it is recommended to use an
ascending sequence so as to minimize the effect of sensor shift as may result from extended
exposure of the sensor to high humidity.

2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title


Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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Humidity > Characteristic curve

The humidity characteristic curve can be displayed either as a graph or as a table. The graph shows both
the factory and the current curves over the range of 0 to 100 %RH. Raw humidity values come directly from
the counts generated by the humidity analog to digital converter. Linearized humidity values are valid at a
temperature of 23C.

2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title

Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

Instruction Manual
Document Type


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The table shows the corrections that the AirChip 3000 applies to the raw humidity values based on the
factory values (A1%) and on the data generated during user adjustments (A2%) All values are in %RH and
are valid at a temperature of 23C. The values from columns A1% and A2% are added to the raw humidity

For best accuracy, we recommend adjusting the AirChip 3000 device at a temperature close to 23C,
but other temperature values may also be used. HW4 automatically uses the temperature measured by
the AirChip 3000 device and computes the values A2% for a temperature of 23C.
Each successive user adjustment has an incremental effect on the values of column A2%. When the
AirChip 3000 device is adjusted by the user, the values in column A2% are replaced with new values.
These values are computed taking into account both the values in column A1% (factory) and the values
that were in column A2% prior to the adjustment.
When the AirChip 3000 is reset to the factory data, all user generated corrections (A2%) are set to zero.

2010; Rotronic AG


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HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
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Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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The form provides information on the most recent factory adjustment and on the most recent user
adjustment. This information includes the values at which the AirChip 3000 device has been adjusted.

2010; Rotronic AG


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Bassersdorf, Switzerland

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
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3.4.1 Temperature > Adjust

The form displays the currently measured temperature value and the trend. The = symbol means that the
measurement is stable. Calibration points present in the AirChip 3000 memory are listed in the box on the

Reference Value: When the measurement is stable, enter the reference temperature value in the box
labeled Reference value.

Save Calibration Point: click on this link to save the calibration point to the AirChip 3000 memory. The
calibration point appears in the box located to the right (maximum 2 points).

Calibration Protocol: when calibrating the AirChip 3000 device as opposed to adjusting it, click on this
link to generate and save to the PC a calibration protocol with As-Found data. The protocol is a text file
which can be printed.

Adjust: click on this link to adjust the AirChip 3000 device, based on the calibration points listed in the
box located to the right. After the adjustment, these calibration points are automatically erased from the
AirChip 3000 memory.
The type of adjustment: 1-point (offset across the entire measuring range) or 2-point (offset and slope)
depends on the number of calibration points present in the AirChip 3000 memory prior to the adjustment.
o The temperature calibration points can be generated in any order
o Do not save to the probe memory temperature values that are a mix of C and F

2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title


Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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Temperature > Characteristic curve

The AirChip 3000 uses a 4th degree polynomial to define the correspondence between temperature [C] and
the resistance value of the Pt100 temperature sensor [Ohm]. The default factory values for the polynomial
coefficients are shown above.
Following a 2-point temperature adjustment, both the value R0 and the coefficient A may be changed
automatically by HW4. The polynomial coefficients can also be changed manually by the user, but this
should be done only when data has been developed at 3 of 4 temperature values. After changing one or
more coefficients, the blue link Save new coefficients appears on the form. Click on this link to write the
new values to the AirChip 3000.

2010; Rotronic AG


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HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title

Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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The Pt100 polynomial can also be viewed as a graph.

2010; Rotronic AG


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Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
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Measurement model

The measurement model is a tool that displays both the values read from the AirChip 3000 and the values
calculated by HW4. The values calculated by HW4 are based on the AirChip 3000 settings. When the
AirChip 3000 is operating properly both sets of values should essentially be in agreement.

Temperature measurement model (top)


: Temperature digital counts

: Pt100 resistance value [Ohms]
: Temperature value as per current adjustment (factory or user)

Humidity measurement model (bottom)


: Humidity digital counts

: Raw humidity value based on factory scaling of the digital counts [%RH]
: Humidity value after linearization
: Sensor linearization based on factory adjustment
: Additional linearization based on user adjustment
: Humidity corrected for sensor temperature
: Correction for sensor temperature
: Humidity value
: Correction for sensor quality. For details, see document E-T-AC3000-DF-V1

2010; Rotronic AG


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HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices

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Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland

22 of 25


HW4 Professional allows the user to group probes and devices (see document E-M-HW4v3Main). When a group is selected in the device tree (left pane of the HW4 main screen, the right
pane includes a tab labeled Probe Adjustment. This tab allows the metrology laboratory to
calibrate and adjust the probes within a group against a reference environment or against a
reference probe. Any number of probes can be simultaneously selected.


Depending on the temperature unit selected in HW4 Global Settings >

Language/Unit System tab, calibration reference values such as temperature, dew point
or frost point are entered either in C or in F.

Close and restart HW4 after changing the temperature unit in HW4 Global settings.

Do not include in the selection any probe or device that does not use the same
temperature unit as HW4

When a probe is connected to another device (HF5 transmitter, HP23 indicator,

etc.), make sure that the probe and device are both set to the same temperature unit.
This can be verified by opening the Device Manager of the probe and the Device
Manager of the transmitter or indicator.


Do not capture temperature calibration points that are that are a mix of C and F
Due to differences in both the calibration and adjustment process, probes based on
the HygroClip 1 technology (legacy) cannot be selected at the same time as probes
based on the HygroClip 2 technology

2010; Rotronic AG


Document code

HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

adjustment AirChip 3000 devices
Document title

2010; Rotronic AG

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Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

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Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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The contents of the screen bottom depend on the type of probe that is selected:

Reference Type: HW4 allows calibrating either against a known reference environment
(Manual Entry) or against any probe (reference probe) that is already part of the group.
In the case of a humidity calibration, the reference environment can be defined as a %RH
value, a dew point value or a frost point value. When using a dew point or a frost point value be
sure that the temperature measured by the probe is as accurate as possible since the
temperature value will be used by HW4 to convert the dew or frost point into a relative humidity
value. The %RH [RHS] option is meant to be used with the Rotronic humidity standards. Enter
the nominal value of the standard as per the certificate provided with the standard. The effect of
temperature on the standard is automatically compensated by HW4.
Reference Value: when calibrating against a reference environment (Manual Entry), use this
field to specify the humidity or temperature value of the environment When calibrating against
reference probe, HW4 automatically enters in this field the humidity or temperature value
measured by the reference probe.


After selecting the probes, click on the button labeled Information. HW4 reads the
probe and writes information in the table regarding the calibration points already present
in the probe or device memory
After entering the value of the reference environment or selecting the reference
probe, click on the button labeled Capture Cal. Point to capture the calibration point to
the probe or device memory.
To adjust the probe or device based on the calibration points present in the probe or
device memory, click on the button labeled Adjust

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Bassersdorf, Switzerland

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HW4 software v.3: Humidity and temperature

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General Limitations:


Access to the functions available in this tab is subject to the user having the
required rights
Probes based on the HygroClip 1 technology (legacy) cannot be selected at the
same time as probes based on the HygroClip 2 technology
When configured to do so (HW4 Global Settings > Events Tab > Generate and Save
Protocols), HW4 generates a report that covers all selected probes as opposed to
generating a separate report for each individual probe



Software Ver.





Jun. 22, 2010

Original release

2010; Rotronic AG


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