HHS Public Access: Active Surveillance For Low-Risk Cancers - A Viable Solution To Overtreatment?
HHS Public Access: Active Surveillance For Low-Risk Cancers - A Viable Solution To Overtreatment?
HHS Public Access: Active Surveillance For Low-Risk Cancers - A Viable Solution To Overtreatment?
Author manuscript
N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 April 27.
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There is wide variation in the intensity of treatment for low-risk cancers, and many patients
are at risk for overtreatment. Despite 5-year survival rates that approach 100% among
patients with low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer, prostate cancer, and ductal carcinoma in
situ (DCIS), diagnosis of one of these cancers often leads to a cascade of testing and
treatment that isn’t associated with longer survival but can cause harm (see Supplementary
Appendix for a detailed definition of low-risk cancers).1 For example, many patients with
low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer ultimately undergo total thyroidectomy, prophylactic
lymph-node resection, and radioactive iodine treatment. Similarly, studies show there has
been a rapid increase in the number of patients with DCIS who undergo bilateral
mastectomy, and approximately half of patients with low-risk prostate cancer are still treated
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with radical prostatectomy or radiation. Each of these treatments confers potential risks,
including permanent postoperative voice changes and low calcium levels in people with
thyroid cancer, surgical complications and lymphedema in those with breast cancer, and
long-lasting impotence and incontinence in men with prostate cancer (see table). In addition,
intensive treatment is often costly for the patient and the health care system.
The controversy surrounding intensity of treatment for these low-risk cancers has been
fueled by the marked increase in thyroid-cancer incidence,2 stories in the lay press about
celebrity experiences with breast cancer, and the baby-boomer generation reaching an age
when prostate cancer is common. Treatment decisions are also complicated by reluctance
among physicians and patients to adopt less intensive regimens, different reimbursement
rates for active surveillance versus definitive local therapies, and patients’ fears related to a
cancer diagnosis.
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In recent years, physicians have increasingly begun to think about active surveillance as a
valid way to manage low-risk cancers. But despite benefits such as lower costs and the
elimination of surgery- and radiation-related risks, adoption of this approach has been
uneven. Active surveillance — which consists of close monitoring of the cancer without
initial surgery or other more intensive therapies — differs from watchful waiting, which
primarily involves observation and symptom management in patients who are likely to die of
other causes. Active surveillance has been an option for managing low-risk prostate cancer
for many years,3 but it has only recently been put forth as a viable alternative for other low-
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risk cancers. Although it isn’t considered a mainstream approach for managing thyroid
cancer, completed trials from Japan suggest it could be an option for older patients with
papillary thyroid cancers 1 cm in diameter or smaller, and ongoing trials in the United States
are evaluating active surveillance in a broader cohort of patients with low-risk disease.
Meanwhile, there have been discussions about using active surveillance to manage DCIS,
but no completed trials or formal plans for widespread adoption.4
Successful uptake of active surveillance for low-risk cancers will require overcoming
perceived challenges to implementation. Many of these challenges were identified during the
adoption of active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer, but other obstacles specific to
breast cancer and thyroid cancer are also likely to arise.
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First and most important, for all low-risk cancers, it will be necessary to define what
constitutes optimal active surveillance, including the most appropriate type of imaging and
other monitoring. Furthermore, determining the ideal duration of active surveillance will be
critical; as currently there are no clear guidelines and it may be stopped for clinical reasons,
such as tumor progression, or other reasons, including patient anxiety. For thyroid cancer,
optimal surveillance probably includes periodic neck ultrasounds and testing of serum
thyroglobulin (a tumor marker). However, the reliability of neck-ultrasound findings
depends on the skill of the physician performing and reading the ultrasound, and this
variability will have implications for moving active surveillance beyond the trial setting and
into the community. In addition, it’s still not clear how thyroglobulin measurements should
be interpreted in patients who have an intact thyroid as thyroglobulin is made by both
normal thyroid tissue and by thyroid cancer. Optimal surveillance for DCIS would include
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regular mammograms, although likely yearly the ideal frequency and whether additional
imaging tests or biopsies are necessary remains unknown. And even though active
surveillance has become more common for prostate cancer, there is still debate about the
most appropriate surveillance strategy.
Second, physician and patient buy-in are critical to the adoption of active surveillance. To
some extent, buy-in has already happened for prostate cancer, although rates of uptake
suggest there is still room for improvement. Physician buy-in and subsequent
implementation of active surveillance may be especially challenging for breast cancer,
because whereas in the cases of prostate and thyroid cancers urologists and endocrinologists,
respectively, are logically responsible for managing care, it remains to be determined
whether surgeons, primary care doctors, or medical oncologists would oversee active
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surveillance of DCIS.
Third, it’s important to identify which patients are appropriate candidates for active
surveillance. In the case of prostate cancer, cancer biology as defined by prostate-specific
antigen levels, biopsy, and other emerging biomarkers determine candidacy. Patients with
thyroid and breast cancers, however, are often much younger than those with prostate cancer.
Given the length of follow-up necessary in younger patients and the propensity for some
younger patients to have more aggressive disease, age could also be an important factor in
determining eligibility for active surveillance.5
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Fourth, a common concern about using active surveillance to manage low-risk cancers is that
cancer progression may go unrecognized. During active surveillance of prostate cancer,
some patients are lost to follow-up and some don’t end up undergoing biopsies or other
recommended tests and procedures. Similar challenges are likely to exist for both thyroid
and breast cancer.
Finally, although managing cancer with active surveillance eliminates the risk of
postoperative and radiation-induced complications, its effect on patients’ emotional health
hasn’t been widely considered. Active surveillance is unlikely to eliminate the worry
associated with a cancer diagnosis. Worry tends to lead patients to elect to receive more
treatment, so there is reason to believe it may also lead them to undergo more surveillance
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procedures. Some patients with prostate cancer who initially choose an active-surveillance
approach change their minds and opt for more intensive treatment, even when their cancer
hasn’t progressed. Because patient worry may contribute to changes in the treatment plan, it
will be important to create tailored support tools to reduce worry during active surveillance.
The excellent prognosis of most low-risk cancers combined with the potential to reduce
treatment side effects make active surveillance a promising alternative to more intensive
therapies — and one that may reduce overtreatment. In addition to low-risk prostate cancer,
thyroid cancer, and DCIS, other low-risk cancers, including some skin cancers, could
potentially be managed with active surveillance. But achieving widespread adoption will
require further work. Although active surveillance is currently most accepted for
management of low-risk prostate cancer, work is still needed to fine-tune surveillance
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strategies and reduce the risks associated with incomplete risk assessment, loss to follow-up,
inadequate surveillance, and cancer-related worry. For breast and thyroid cancer, the next
steps include defining optimal surveillance strategies that can be applied on a large scale,
securing physician and patient buy-in, identifying patients who are appropriate candidates
for active surveillance, and creating plans to reduce patient harm, including by addressing
patient worry. Once active surveillance is established as a valid option for managing each of
these cancers, it will be important to evaluate long-term data to ensure that it is leading to
improved outcomes.
1. Black WC, Welch HG. Advances in diagnostic imaging and overestimations of disease prevalence
and the benefits of therapy. N Engl J Med. 1993; 328:1237–43. [PubMed: 8464435]
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2. Vaccarella S, Franceschi S, Bray F, Wild CP, Plummer M, Dal Maso L. Worldwide thyroid-cancer
epidemic? The increasing impact of overdiagnosis. N Engl J Med. 2016; 375:614–7. [PubMed:
3. Hamdy FC, Donovan JL, Lane JA, et al. 10-Year outcomes after monitoring, surgery, or
radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer. N Engl J Med. 2016; 375:1415–24. [PubMed: 27626136]
4. Merrill AL, Esserman L, Morrow M. Ductal carcinoma in situ. N Engl J Med. 2016; 374:390–2.
[PubMed: 26816018]
5. Ryser MD, Worni M, Turner EL, Marks JR, Durrett R, Hwang ES. Outcomes of active surveillance
for ductal carcinoma in situ: a computational risk analysis. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2015; doi: 10.1093/
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Table 1
Age at
Haymart et al.
Thyroid 51 75% female, 25% Total thyroidectomy, with or Permanent change in voice Neck ultrasound and testing Endocrinologist In trials
male without lymph-node resection and permanent low calcium of serum thyroglobulin
and radioactive iodine levels
Breast (DCIS) 62 Nearly 100% female Mastectomy or lumpectomy Surgical complications and Mammography Unclear In discussion
with radiation lymphedema