Extraordinary Coaching
Extraordinary Coaching
Extraordinary Coaching
From her experience with private and corporate clients, she realized the principles
used by professional coaches could be used by anyone who wanted to grow and
reach their personal best. Her vision of people applying these powerful and
effective tools to their lives, in their relationships, with their children, and in
business inspired her to write Coaching for an Extraordinary Life.
Lahaska Publishing
Buckingham, Pennsylvania
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Copyright © 2001 Terri Levine, All Rights Reserved. No part of this book
may be reprinted in any form, printed or electronic, without permission
from the publisher.
ISBN: 0-9650534-7-4
Library of Congress Control Number: 2001095182
Lahaska Publishing
Post Office Box 1147
Buckingham, PA 18912
www. lahaskapublishing.com
Table of Contents
Introduction .....................................................................ix
Let’s Get Oriented ............................................................. 1
1: An Overview of Basic Coaching Skills ...................... 3
2: Tuning In:The Art of Deep Listening ...................... 17
3: Leaping Over the Critical Gap ................................ 29
4: Bodybuilding, Mind building, Spirit building .......... 47
5: Evolving Others ...................................................... 57
6: Helping Others Achieve Goals ................................ 63
7: The Many Truths ..................................................... 67
8: Play Yourself Happy ................................................ 71
9: Change .................................................................... 73
10: Is the Business of Coaching for You? ...................... 81
11: Am I Ready for My Own Coach? ............................ 87
Afterword ........................................................................ 93
coaching experience. I began to ask myself, why not give these
same coaching tools and gifts to readers who aren’t trained
as coaches and who may not yet have had a journey with a
coach? Why not make these powerful tools available to all to
This book is my gift - to share coaching with the world. My
desire is that we begin to share these skills with children from
an early age, and for us, well, it is never too late to learn!
Happy Coaching!
Terri Levine
Let’s Get Oriented
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
You may feel some of the things don’t fit for you or are very
difficult for you. That is okay. It is perfectly fine to struggle
with new concepts. This is a process, and I am looking for
you to feel the growing pains knowing that from this you will
progress, even when it feels like you may be standing still.
Imagine me, as your coach for this program, standing by
your side, encouraging you and holding you accountable. You
bought the book, so you are attracted to self-growth, yes? Now,
I am not going to sit here, as your coach, and tell you it is okay
not to finish the book or do all the exercises. So imagine you
just paid me what a typical coaching client pays for one month
of my services, $500 – $1,000 - you don’t want to waste this
valuable money and not do the work, right? Okay, you are
now my coaching client. Get ready, and understand you must
make the commitment to do the work and the payoff will be
As you embark on this journey, I am by your side as your
success partner. Let’s get started!
An Overview of Basic
Coaching Skills
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Overview of Basic Coaching Skills
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Overview of Basic Coaching Skills
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Overview of Basic Coaching Skills
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Coach: Okay. So, the overall thing that I would like to speak
about for a few minutes is what I heard, which is
things are going wrong, they’re all out of control.
Client: Yes!
Coach: Okay, great.
Overview of Basic Coaching Skills
Okay, now you have fully heard other people and are listening
from a place of being connected and letting go of all judgment.
You are well on your way to better understanding the basic
coaching skills. You are reflecting back, so both you and the
speaker are clear that you fully understand his message and
his emotions beyond the words. Now it is time for you to let
the speaker know that you heard him in a deep way. Your
reply will reinforce that you are non-judgmental about what
you heard and realize the connection of his humanity to yours
and that you accept and appreciate who he is.
We have a pattern of response where while the speaker is
talking, we are already thinking about what we want to say
next, or what we want to say in response to what we heard,
or what our ego thinks about what has been said. It is time to
break that pattern because we can’t listen deeply when we
are formulating responses. It is time to respond after we have
reflected back and are clear we heard the speaker’s message
fully. Then our response isn’t about us, it is to let the speaker
know we heard him and he is understood.
Let your instinct, not your ego, be your guide.
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Overview of Basic Coaching Skills
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Overview of Basic Coaching Skills
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
There you have the basic coaching tools you will need to
be a great coach and live a life that is more fulfilling, a life that
will bring more rewarding relationships, greater success, and
more enjoyment to you. Now we will get into the meat of
how to make these skills work for you and how to enhance
these skills to build upon them more fully. We will then add
the more advanced coaching tools you will need to create
new relationships and a more rewarding life. Buckle your
seat belts; we haven’t begun to fly yet!
Tuning In:
The Art of Deep Listening
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
statement, and I request for now that you just let it sit with
you and let the judgment go. Come from a place of not
feeling defensive against what I say that you might not agree
with, to a place of just letting it be … take it as my fact …
listen to it as you will when you tune into the speakers you
will be listening to.
Tuning in not only involves hearing, it involves hearing what
is not said or is non-verbally conveyed to us, and it involves
listening for emotion, tone, and pain. It is about what lies
behind the words the speaker utters.
As a coach, you will listen in a new way and be fully tuned
in to connect with people. This will be one of the greatest
tools that will bring you a closer sense of who you are and
who others are and allow for meaningful, deep connections
with everyone in your life.
Before you can tune in, you must quiet your own mind. We
often have so many things we are thinking about at once that
we just can’t keep focused on the speaker. With practice and
desire, you will be able to get your mind to be still so that you
can tune in.
Playwork: Notice
Tuning In: The Art of Deep Listening
You may find out some pretty amazing things as you do this
exercise. My first time through, I was shocked at the
interruptions, and the arguing of points, and how frequently I
heard “I”. Then I believed I wasn’t as guilty of this as others. I
taped a five minute conversation and then counted the “I’s”,
the interruptions, and the judgment. I couldn’t believe that
this was me! I was trained as a Speech-Language Pathologist
and fully believed that I had a great listening skill. I found out
I had a lot to learn.
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Tuning In: The Art of Deep Listening
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
values, their goals, their beliefs. We will hear their agenda and
not lead them to ours. Our own self-serving interests are
pushed aside to create the space for them to be. We hear
where they are, who they are, and we fully accept them. We
don’t judge, we don’t convince, and we never let our own
agenda get in the way. Each person on the planet is the way
he is and who he is because he is perfectly created to be this
way. Sounds challenging, yes? Sure it is. No one said this was
easy. To be a great coach, we must work through all the things
that don’t fit for us right now.
The first time someone told me that a client of mine was
“perfect,” I had trouble seeing it. The client had been in jail
and was doing many things that seemed unethical and immoral
to me. Oh yes, I was judging, bringing my beliefs and values
to the situation. No doubt about it – guilty again! Then I made
the shift to believe that the client was where he was because
he was meant to be there today. That was perfect for him
today or in this life experience. It didn’t mean I couldn’t hold
a higher vision or energy for the client. It didn’t mean I
couldn’t believe the client would have a more joyful life. I
could hold high visions and belief in who the client was. For
today, for the lesson he is here to learn, he is perfect, and I
accept him without judgment. It takes time to get to this
place, so don’t worry if you are thinking,“I couldn’t shift that
fast and believe in this client” … I thought the same thing.
With a desire and with practice, you will be a great coach.
Tuning In: The Art of Deep Listening
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Just as you can listen for habits that keep people stuck, you
can listen for the habits that empower people to leap ahead.
These patterns have to do with what people are really, strongly
convinced about and believe deeply inside of them – it is a
Tuning In: The Art of Deep Listening
part of who they are. I think the number one pattern that
moves people forward is one of their values. What are they
firmly committed to, and what principles guide them in living
their life?
People have their own guides or inner principles that they
operate from. We have our own sense of integrity and of
what is right and what is wrong. When we have a goal or a
plan, we get most excited and inspired by the ones that match
our principles. We easily get pulled toward these habits.
As we move towards the habits that support us and align
with our integrity, we feel positive and our energy feels right.
We then see our own wins and feel good about ourselves
when our values are met. Whenever our self-esteem is high,
then we feel like we are on top of the world. We feel good
about our capabilities and ourselves and are proud of who
we are and of our accomplishments. We hold ourselves in
high regard and feel more valuable in our contributions.
Each human being is unique and lives by his or her own set
of rules and limits. A rule is a principle or a belief that we
follow and that we live by for ourselves and in our behavior.
For example, my guiding principle might be that I will not curse.
We also have limits that we use to keep safe from the
behaviors of others. These are things we are not willing to
tolerate from other people. So, I may also set the limit that I
won’t allow others to curse in front of me.
These self-imposed rules and limits differ for each of us and
allow us to make decisions more quickly and to know what
we want and who we choose to be with. Limits help protect
us from other people and keep our integrity in our own beliefs,
values, and principles.
We also follow habits that allow us to work at our best, or
be our best in a natural, easy, effortless way. I refer to this
with my clients as being in flow. We flow most when the
things we do match our values and are easy to be attracted to.
You will notice that every one of us, while connected as
human beings, has very different patterns and habits that move
us towards our personal growth and evolution. Imagine if
each of us had a better sense of what worked for us. Imagine
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Playwork: Greatness
Tuning In: The Art of Deep Listening
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Leaping Over
the Critical Gap
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Leaping Over the Critical Gap
When you listen for and identify the critical gap in both
yourself and in other people, notice how it becomes clear
and obvious how much we are wanting, and what is holding
us back. By becoming a coach of your own mind and by
coaching those who surround you and who you come into
contact with, you will discover that you have this great
untapped ability to move people forward and that you will
achieve things beyond your greatest dreams in an effortless
way. It is also a wonderful experience to be able to see what
is holding other people back, to help them identify where
their critical gap may be, and then coach them to leap over
that gap and on to the next plane.
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Leaping Over the Critical Gap
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
person right now that will allow her to see new possibilities,
or allow her to create new behaviors, or to get into motion
right now. A powerful question is about where the other
person is today, right now, in the present, and where they
want to go in the future.
When I ask a powerful question of either myself or of my
clients, many times it has resulted in simply stopping a habitual
pattern. It encourages my client to be silent and to do some
reflecting, and then to be very conscious and present in
making his or her own decisions. And knowing that no matter
what a client says to me, I will be here in a non-judgmental
way to hear and to listen to her. Powerful questions also help
me get to my own truth very quickly. What is it that I really
want? What is it that will allow me to experience my life in
the way that I choose?
So, to prepare yourself for powerful questions, you must be
ready for whatever answer comes up, and you need to listen
and be fully present in a way that supports the other person
without holding any judgment.
As you may have guessed, sometimes it is very difficult to
ask powerful questions. Powerful questions can evoke a lot
of emotion and may be uncomfortable for you to ask or for
the other person to hear. Whenever I have a question that
either comes into my head, as kind of a gut reaction, or I get
an inkling that perhaps I should say it, I allow myself to just
go ahead and ask the uncomfortable question. That is usually
the powerful question; it’s the one that needs to be asked and
the one that needs to be asked the most.
When I formulate a powerful question, I do it in a very simple
way so that I’m asking it in a manner that the other person
can hear and understand easily and using the same language
they have used in speaking with me. I only ask one powerful
question at a time, and I keep the question focused primarily
on the one issue or the one item where I identified the critical
gap, and which, I believe, will move the other person forward.
So what happens after I ask the question? Quite simply, I
just sit and close my mouth. May sound easy, but it’s not.
Sometimes powerful questions will result in the other person
Leaping Over the Critical Gap
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Leaping Over the Critical Gap
Powerful Observations
We’ve already talked about powerful questions, and powerful
observations share many of the same characteristics. Of
course, the basics for making observations has to do with
tuning in to other people and really being able to hear them
deeply, being ready for whatever response they come up with,
and I will also add, being ready to be completely honest.
Very often in our society we are taught to tell little white
lies, or to be polite, or not to tell the whole story, or simply to
hide our own truth. But if we are all behaving as human
beings who are now practicing a coaching philosophy, then
we’ll all be united in wanting to be honest and truthful with
one another. Simply put, a powerful observation is about what
we have perceived as the listener and what we believe is the
truth. It doesn’t mean that the listener will accept the truth,
or believe the truth, or agree with our truth. It simply is our
truth, and it’s a truth that we have been taught to withhold.
So, one of the coaching tools that you will now be using is
being ready and comfortable in saying what it is you hear,
even if that does cause a bit of a reaction in the speaker.
What is different about powerful observations versus our
everyday observations is that one is thought provoking while
the other is often mundane in nature. We go through life
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Leaping Over the Critical Gap
Coach: So, can we shift our focus to look at how you can
be a great doctor? My observation is that what
you’re really wanting is to be a Doctor, and that
you’re not wanting to be the manager and operator
of a business.
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Leaping Over the Critical Gap
Client: Okay.
Coach: Where you’re noticing everything that’s not up to
your standard and holding it in judgment right
Client: What do I do about it?
Coach: We can start talking about what to do about it. I
just want you to really note that where you’re at is
a place of high judgment, and I’m not hearing the
same compassion, which I know is there in your
Client: Yes, but wouldn’t she want to change? Wouldn’t you
want to be a better person and take care of things
Coach: Again, it’s being a better person by “your” standards?
Client: Well, yeah. Okay!
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Powerful Requests
Leaping Over the Critical Gap
forward through his critical gap, and work through his self-
esteem issues as well as creating more income for himself.
Powerful requests open the door and the mind to greater
possibilities, greater ideas, greater magnitude of what can be
done, greater expansion, and greater vision. Whenever I make
a powerful request, I know that it lets people see that I believe
in them, very often more than they believe in themselves. It
lets them see that I expect more of them than they expect of
themselves, and that I want, and envision, and hold in my belief
system for them that they will achieve what it is they want.
One of the other wonderful things about powerful requests
is that they actually can make other people feel very happy,
bring them a great sense of joy and delight, and put a smile
on their faces. For example, many years ago, when I was
starting my coaching practice and really working hard to be
with my clients and still marketing to attract new clients, I
was feeling great pressure about not having enough space
and time just to “be.” Simply, to be. And so what I decided to
do was take one hour off every Friday and just take great care
of myself, be it to meditate or take a walk. And I remember
this brilliant coach that I was working with, who I’m honored
to work with at Comprehensive Coaching U, said to me,“Terri,
I want you to take off one day a week.” I recall thinking he
must be out of his mind, and then I got this huge grin on my
face and I actually remember laughing and saying,“Wouldn’t
that be joyful?” So then I felt lighter about it and thought well,
maybe I could do that. After that, possibilities began to open
up and pretty soon, low and behold, I started to take off half
days. For the last year and a half to two years now, I have
taken off more than one full day a week and my business is
larger and more profitable than ever before. So, thank you,
Let’s listen in again on the session with our Doctor friend:
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Leaping Over the Critical Gap
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Mind building,
Spirit building
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Bodybuilding, Mind building, Spirit building
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
other people and what is right for you. Not what is wrong and
what was wrong and all the wrongs that have been done against
you. This is a big shift for most people; most of us like to talk
about problems and what isn’t working. So I’ll bear my soul to
you here and tell you that for many years, as an executive in
corporate America, I was really great at identifying all the
problems. This isn’t working, that’s not working, this employee’s
no good, the revenues are down, productivity is down, my car
phone isn’t working, I have too many e-mails, too many
voicemails, I have too long to commute to work, the company
isn’t treating the employees right, and on and on.
The way I operate my business entities now is that I believe
that everything is perfect. So, knowing that one of my
companies is a virtual university, Comprehensive Coaching
U, you might imagine that I would be greatly distressed to
find out that for whatever reason, my Website disappeared off
the face of the planet for 24 hours. I don’t know where it
was, but anyone who tried to get there got an error message
saying the site did not exist or was not responding. I could
have focused on what was wrong. Well, what was wrong was
we had just done a large advertising campaign and had quite
a few ads running, and I had recently done many interviews,
and been on the radio, and written up in the newspapers.
Wow! All that work. Our Website address was given out, but
no one could find us. Now what? I didn’t choose to focus on
what was wrong; instead I began to ask,“So what is working?”
And I began to say that what is working is that we did have a
lot of ads and we have had the opportunity to get a lot of
information out there, and we have had some really great
opportunities in the print and media, and many people will
remember our Website and will call us back somewhere along
the line. So what else is working? What’s working is at least I
know our Website is not working, and what else is working is
that by tomorrow our Website will probably be working again
and what’s working is I was able to get the Webmaster right
on the phone and I know it’ll be fixed. As soon as I changed
my focus and changed my energy, I began to have a different
Bodybuilding, Mind building, Spirit building
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Bodybuilding, Mind building, Spirit building
what they haven’t done right, what their faults are, why we
don’t think they’ll achieve something, and why some things
are not a good idea. Coaches communicate a world of
possibility and potential for other people and holding a vision
for them that they can achieve anything, and that you really
have belief and faith in who they are and what they can do.
There’s a story about the bumblebee that I use often when
addressing audiences. Aerodynamically, bumblebees are not
supposed to be able to fly. It defies science and it defies logic.
However, we see bumblebees out there flying around every
single day. Why is that? I believe it’s because nobody ever
told the bumblebee that they’re not supposed to be able to
fly. They never heard that they can’t fly and so they just go
ahead and fly. What I’m getting at here is that if we really
believe in other people and believe that they can do the
unexpected and achieve the unachievable, then their goals
and who they are as human beings makes them unstoppable.
So this is about holding the vision of greatness for other
Something else that we are not particularly good at as human
beings is letting people know how right they are and really
noticing what’s working about them, what we appreciate
about them, what we honor about them, and what we respect
about them. Once again, we’re very well trained in telling
people what’s wrong about them, how they look, how they
act, how they make us feel, etc. As a coach, it is important to
always honor and recognize and affirm other people, and again,
to speak to them about their greatness and what you see and
what you appreciate about them and the great gifts that they
bring and how valuable those are to you and to the rest of the
human experience.
We’re also very good, as human beings, at telling people
what’s wrong, what’s going to be wrong, how bad things are,
how bad things can be, and generally discouraging other
people. When I was ready to leave corporate America at a
high six-figure income, people told me not to do it. “You won’t
be able to make any money, it’s really hard to start your own
business, you should be glad you have this great job, you’re
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Bodybuilding, Mind building, Spirit building
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Evolving Others
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Evolving Others
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Evolving Others
you listen to people and you hear that they are emotionally
charged, stand with them in their shoes, allow them to get their
venting done and then see how you can gently, lovingly, shift
them to begin to release, let go, so that they can move on.
Part of what I’m doing here is helping people change the
view or change their point-of-view and their reference, and
not selling them on the fact that the other person was right,
or that they might even want to agree with the other person.
I simply want them to release, let it go and just understand
why that triggered something for them. Why did that really
get under their skin, because really, it’s about their reaction. If
we could all understand that when somebody pushes our
buttons, upsets us, or says something that makes us angry, it’s
really something about us. It’s something about our reaction,
because that could happen to another person and another
person could think, “Big deal, who cares!” But it’s us that
decided to take it seriously. I say “decided” because it really is
a choice. Let’s say I am doing a speaking engagement and
you’re in the audience, and you don’t like the way I present
and you fill out an evaluation, “Oh she’s the worst speaker I
ever heard. I don’t like her. I don’t like what she has to say.
She’s short.” Whatever you might say, I read it and go, “Okay,
that’s about them. Boy, they are carrying a lot of anger. I
guess they don’t like short people.” It’s all about the other
person. I don’t choose to let it be about me.
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Helping Others
Achieve Goals
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
We’ve all heard about goal setting. You can’t get there
without a map. You need to plan your success. You need a
blueprint for your success. Do I agree with that? Yes, you
need to really have clarity about the goals you want to achieve
and why you want to achieve them and then, how you’re going
to get there. I don’t like to spend a lot of time and energy or
go into detail when working on my own personal goals. I like
to do a very simple goal plan, which allows me to really make
a commitment towards a goal, to really understand why I want
that goal, why that’s really important to me and is a burning
desire for me. If I were able to achieve my goal, what would
that look like? How would that feel? What would the emotions
be that would occur for me, the feelings that would arise for
me? What are the things that I would get from my goal? I also
like to have some sense of when I’m going to achieve this
and some method of keeping track or understanding the
essence of time frames that I want. For each goal that I have,
whether it be a financial goal, a business goal, a relationship
goal, a personal goal, a social goal, a spiritual goal, or a
community goal, etc., I also think about the various resources
that I will need to bring this goal into reality. Is it going to
take a lot of energy? Am I going to spend a lot of emotion? Am
I going to need some financial resources? Am I going to need
a network of people? Am I going to need some special skills?
Am I going to need some special training?
For everything that you have a burning desire for in your
life, it’s important to set some goals around those burning
Helping Others Achieve Goals
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
The Many Truths
W e use the word “truth” a lot and talk about being open
and being honest and being truthful as people. I will
tell you that there are many different kinds of truths that we
talk about in coaching. I mean, certainly, you have your own
truth about how you’re experiencing your day and I have my
truth about how I’m experiencing my day, and yours is
perfectly true for you and mine is perfectly true for me. What
we perceive is what we believe and is, therefore, what we
hold as our own truth. Might our truths differ? Absolutely.
We’re also taught, in many cases, that we shouldn’t share our
truth or state our truth or we should actually hide the truth.
So when someone approaches you and says, “Hey do you
like my new haircut?” and you’re thinking, “Boy, that looks
pretty bad,” we go through this questioning of “Do I tell them
the truth?” For our purposes, I’m going to define truth as
something that is objective and based on data. An example is
today is January the 24th. It’s not debatable, it just is. Each
person that you come in contact with will have their own
truth, their own perceptions, their own beliefs. Sometimes it
includes the data that is true and very often it includes their
own feelings, their own emotions, opinions, judgments, values,
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
The Many Truths
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
friends, that I respected her, that I loved her, that I cared about
who she was, and that I had a truth to share with her, and it
was my truth, and if it did not ring true for her, she could give
me some clarity around that. This immediately opened up
the door for our conversation, brought us to a closer level,
allowed her to feel more comfortable sharing this with me,
and then later, with other people.
Play Yourself Happy
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
1. Spend some time with a child, a young child, this
week, either watching them, speaking with them,
playing with them, painting with them, reading to
them, or just sitting and laughing with them.
2. Do something completely out of character and
childish this week.
3. Go buy a silly toy, could be a yo-yo or a stuffed
animal- my favorite is my Furby. Many of my clients
have enjoyed Mr. Potato Head, Pick-up Sticks,
Minnie & Mickey Mouse, and so on.
4. Find a way of making a heavy situation become
light by acting childlike, or by putting yourself into
the mode of “How would I respond to this if I were
a child?”
Enjoy and delight and relish in the fact that you can be
playful. You can have fun. You’re allowed to and it will
contribute to your experience as a human being. Give other
people permission to laugh; laugh with them. Take your
employees to the park and have a picnic and have potato
sack races. Put a clown’s nose on in the car and wave to
other people as you drive around. Share humorous stories
with your friends. Think of all the ways that you can play
games, have fun, be childlike, enjoy, imagine and create, and
do that with the other people that you come in contact with
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
you’re always holding the vision and the view of being non-
judgmental and seeing the wonderful values, talents, skills,
and traits, that other people possess.
I look at myself in this light as a guide. A guide who can
achieve many things for herself and can guide other people
to achieve many things for themselves. So, as a guide, I want
to really listen and get connected with other people and
understand what’s up for them and where they see change
or where they need change and then to relay back to them,
with my language and with my empathy, some of the things
that might help them move through change while letting them
feel more of a sense of control in going through change. Since
I believe each person is great and unique and special and
wonderful just as they are, I believe that as we change and
develop and grow and have more life experiences, these will
just strengthen our greatness and our talents and our sense of
who we are. Because change sometimes takes a long time
and sometimes we get caught up in change or stuck in change,
I like to help everyone in my environment, simply by letting
them know that I’m here for them, that I support them, that I
care about them, and that no matter what is happening in the
change cycle of their life experience, I’m here to be with them
and to celebrate with them and to honor them, and if they
need some help, if they’re stuck, then I can help them get
some momentum, and that this is my role. It’s my role whether
they’re paying me to be their coach, or whether I’m in a
relationship with them simply as their friend, their aunt, their
sister, their daughter, their spouse, their lover, or their employer,
in any role, in any way. Being a coach is just my way of “being.”
You’re reading this book to learn how to be a coach with
everyone that you experience. Recognize the greatness in
everyone that you meet and in all the changes they’re making,
big or small. Notice when they might need some more energy,
some more help, so that they can move through change in a
different way. And be there to be their support and to offer
them guidance and encouragement and skills and strategies,
and share your life experience with them.
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Is the Business
of Coaching for You?
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
where there is good energy and where you believe that you
create how you choose to experience each and every day
and each and every moment, then the coaching profession
will open up a realm of possibilities for you. How do you
know if having this kind of a life is for you, and if you want to
live this kind of a life every day, and be a role model for other
people to help them to really live a life that is very simple,
uncluttered, and very joyful?
When people approach me about whether or not they should
become a coach, or they say it may be their next career but
they’re not sure, I typically ask them to really think about how
they see the world and how they could help others see the
world. I see the world as many coaches do, as a wonderfully
rewarding, joyful place, one that offers me great experiences,
great resources, great time, great energy, and one that is fairly
simple to understand. Because I see it that way, I can help
clients see it that way and gain greater appreciation,
understanding, and joy from their experiences. So the first thing
I would take a look at is whether I want to go through coach
training and consider becoming a coach, and my answer would
be,“Yes, if you would like to have a life that is less complicated
and if you would like to have the ability to help other people
create a life that’s less complicated, one where they have more
space, time, freedom, energy, fun, joy, and of course, more play.”
What would you get out of your coach training that would be
most important in the way you live your life, or how others live
their life? What I find is that most people who go through coach
training, whether they become full-time coaches, part-time
coaches, or even choose never to work in the coaching
profession, they typically have a simpler way of being. They
believe that the present is perfect, that their life is fine just the
way it is. They are accepting of the way they are on this planet
and the way that other people are, and they behave in a way
that supports themselves and other people in achieving each
person’s unique goals and abilities.
As coaches, we talk a lot about having lives that are balanced
and about helping other people get balance in their lives. What
Is the Coaching Business for You?
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Is the Coaching Business for You?
that many of you who have picked up this book, have picked
it up because you’re already attracted to the field of coaching
and you might not even realize it. Maybe you thought of hiring
a coach. Maybe you already have one. Maybe you’ve been
coaching. Maybe you thought about coaching. Maybe you
heard about it, or read about it, or something has already
resonated with you about the word coaching and the field of
coaching. So now you say to me, coach training, not coach
training, make a living out of coaching, not make a living
out of coaching. Please answer that question for me. And I
say back to you,“You already know. If you quiet all the voices
telling you what you should do and what other people tell
you to do. If you go really deep inside, into your own gut, out
of your head, and ask yourself,“Would I like to? Would I choose
to? Would I want to experience coach training? Would that
take me to another level? Would I like to evolve; am I ready?”
You’ll have your answer. Whether you choose to become a
professional coach or not, choose to be more coach-like in
your life. You already know how.
Get in touch with whether or not the things in this book
have resonated for you in some way. It doesn’t mean they all
resonated; it means that some hit you and you related to them
and got excited about them. It means that you’ve already had
some sense that coaching is right for you.
What if you have fears? Well, fears are absolutely normal.
Pretend you’re coaching someone; what if they said, “Gee, I
might want to start coach training and I might want to become
a coach.” How would you help them achieve their greatness?
What do you see as their critical gap? How can you move
them forward? What request would you need to make of them?
Or what challenge would you need to offer them? You already
know your own truth. Just be authentic. Who are you really
inside? Listen to your gut, listen to your heart, and you will be
able to make your choice because you already have the answer
for yourself.
I will give you one final offering about my experience of
becoming a coach and going through coach training, which
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Am I Ready for
My Own Coach?
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Am I Ready for My Own Coach?
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Am I Ready for My Own Coach?
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Coach Terri
Coaching for an Extraordinary Life
Terri Levine made the transition
from senior executive to become one of the top
professional coaches in the industry, founded a
leading coach's training school and has worked
with clients from every walk of life.
From her experience with private and corporate clients, she realized the principles
used by professional coaches could be used by anyone who wanted to grow and
reach their personal best. Her vision of people applying these powerful and
effective tools to their lives, in their relationships, with their children, and in
business inspired her to write Coaching for an Extraordinary Life.