8.0 Froth Flotation 02.04.2020 PDF
8.0 Froth Flotation 02.04.2020 PDF
8.0 Froth Flotation 02.04.2020 PDF
8.0 Introduction
Froth Flotation is a selective process that utilizes the difference in surface properties of the valuable minerals and the
unwanted gangue minerals. It can be used to achieve specific separations from complex ores such as lead-zinc, copper-zinc,
etc. In froth flotation adhesion is effected between gas bubbles and small particles in such way that the specific gravity of the
mineral-air associations is less than that of the pulp so that they rise in that pulp to the surface forming a froth. It uses
hydrophobic and aerophilic properties of minerals by attaching itself to air bubbles (unwettable) and then floating. Hydrophilic
minerals are made hydrophobic and aerophilic by use of collectors. Frothers help form stable froth while modifiers either
activate or depress action of collectors.
The theory of froth flotation is complex, involving three phases (solids, water, and froth) with many sub-processes and
interactions. In the flotation concentration of a mineral, the part of the mineral that is to be extracted passes into the froth
product becoming the float fraction; the other part remains in the pulp and stays in the unfloated fraction, which is later
removed from the machine. Adhesion to air in preference to water is a property peculiar to hydrocarbon groups of atoms, these
are part of the mineral itself or part of a coating on the mineral surface.
The sulfide minerals are normally wetted by water, but they can be conditioned with reagents (collectors) which
cause them to become water repellent, leaving other minerals wetted.
Collisions between small rising air bubbles and the now-water repellent copper minerals result in attachment of the
copper mineral particles to the bubbles.
The particles of other minerals which are easily wetted by water do not stick to air bubbles and remain in
suspension in the body of the pulp.
When the valuable minerals are separated into the froth product, the process is called Direct Flotation, but when it is the
gangue which is drawn into the froth product, the process is then called Reverse Flotation. In froth flotation, air is blown
through a pulp containing flotation reagents. After treatment with reagents, differences in surface properties between the
minerals within the flotation pulp become apparent and for flotation to take place, an air bubble must be able to attach itself to
a particle and lift it to the water surface. See figure below;
Wills (1980) stated that the air bubble can only stick to the mineral particles if they can only displace water from the mineral
surface, and this can only happen if the mineral is to some extent water-repellent, or hydrophobic. The activity of a mineral
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surface in relation to flotation reagents in water depends on the forces that operate on that surface. The tensile forces lead to
the development of an angle between the mineral surface and bubble surface. Indicated in figure 1b ys/A, ys/W and yw/A are
the surface energies between solid- air, solid-water and water-air respectively, and ‘α’ is the contact angle between the
mineral surface and the bubble. The force required to break the particle-bubble interface is called the Work of Adhesion and
is equal to the work required to separate the solid-air interface and produce separate air- water and solid- water interface. It
can be seen that the greater the contact angle, the greater is the work of adhesion between particle and bubble and the more
resilient the system is to disruptive forces.
Figure 1b Contact Angle between the Bubble and the Particle in an Aqueous Media
The Contact Angle (α) is the angle between the bubble and the particle in the aqueous medium. The hydrophobicity of a
mineral therefore increases with the contact angle; minerals with a high contact angle are said to be aerophilic, i.e. they have
a higher affinity for air than for water. The terms hydrophobicity and floatability are often used interchangeably.
Hydrophobicity, however, refers to a thermodynamic characteristic, whereas floatability is a kinetic characteristic and
incorporates other particle properties affecting flotation.
easily alleviated and once the copper has been lost to the tailing, it is difficult to recover unless leaching is used. The
problems associated with treatment of copper oxide ores are as follows;
Oxidized copper ores are often very lean in copper content and contain little valuable species other than copper.
Oxygen atoms exist in oxidized materials as anions of hydroxide; carbonate, sulphate, phosphate, and silicate
thereby render the surfaces of these minerals hydrophilic and create difficulties in flotation.
Slimes and soluble salts are commonly associated with oxidized ore.
Another reason for the inability of xanthates to react with surfaces of oxides is the presence of strong hydration sheath on the
surface of minerals. The more firmly the water molecules are attached to the mineral surface, the more difficult collector
attachment becomes. A mineral’s ability to react with a collector and absorb it is closely related to the nature of unsaturated
bonds on mineral surfaces that result from severance of atomic bonds on the mineral structure during size reduction. In
oxygen containing minerals, the portion ionic bonding in crystal lattice is considerably stronger than that of sulphide mineral
which leads to a formation of a stronger hydration sheath as a result of a more active interaction between mineral surface
and water dipoles. Hence it is easier to render the surface of, for example chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) hydrophobic by treating it
with appropriate reagents than it is to treat malachite, Cu 2(CO3)(OH)2 which is perceptibly more difficult to float than
chalcopyrite, all other conditions being equal.
8.3.1 Collectors
Collectors are organic compounds, which act selectively on the surfaces of certain mineral particles rendering them
hydrophobic (or aerophilic) and facilitating bubble attachment. Most minerals are not water-repellent in their natural state and
for flotation to be effective, collector reagents must be added to the pulp. An ideal collector should have the following
Promote fast flotation rate
Minimal environmental impact (including make-up)
Easy to prepare (solution rather than an emulsion).
Most mineral surfaces are hydrophilic. When a collector is added, it displaces the hydration from the mineral surface and
makes the mineral surface water hating or hydrophobic. Under these conditions, the stability of the hydration sheath which
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prevents mineral- bubble attachment is reduced to such levels necessary for mineral -bubble attachment. A characteristic of
most collectors is a complex molecule composition, asymmetrical in structure consists of two which differ in their properties,
one is polar the other is non-polar. The non-polar part of the molecule is hydrocarbon radical which gives particularly no
reaction with water dipoles and has pronounced water repellant properties. This is due to the presence of the hydrocarbon
radical of extremely weak lateral residual van der Waals forces within the hydrocarbon chains (e.g. the –c-c bond between
the carbon atoms). In contrast of the non-polar part of the molecule, the polar part has the property of reacting with water.
Compounds that have clearly distinguishable polar and non-polar parts of their molecules are called heteropolar compounds,
and a considerable number of collectors and frothers come in this category. Xanthates
Xanthate collectors were introduced in 1925 and are still widely used especially for easy-to- treat ores where selectivity is not
an issue. There are many types, but the widely used include among others; Potassium Amyl Xanthate (PAX), Potassium/
Sodium Isobutyl Xanthate (PIBX)/ (SIBX), Potassium/ Sodium Ethyl Xanthate (KEX)/ (SEX), Sodium Isopropyl Xanthate
(SIPX) and Dithiophosphates includes Thiocarbamates, Xanthogen Formates, Thionocarbamates and Thiocarbanilide.
Collectors are usually supplied in the powder or pellet forms and are readily soluble in water and would be made up to any
strength for convenience in dosing. Xanthate solutions have relatively poor long-term stability and therefore are supplied in
liquid form only when the manufacturing plant is in close proximity to the use location. Xanthates are available in a range of
carbon chain length generally from C 2 to C5. The collection power generally increases with increase in chain length but the
selectivity decreases. Xanthates are relatively unstable at low pH and therefore are not suitable for flotation in acid circuits.
8.3.2 Frothers
The frothers help maintain a reasonably stable froth. Having reached the surface, the air bubbles can only continue to
support the mineral particles if they can form a stable froth, otherwise they will burst and drop the mineral particles. The last
part of flotation is creation of strong but short-lived froth when the bubbles reach the surface of the pulp. The froth prevents
bursting of the bubbles and release of the Cu mineral particles back into the pulp. E.g. Pine oil, Alcohols, Polyoxyparafins,
Cresylic Acid.
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8.3.5 Depressants Inorganic Depressants
These assist in the separation of minerals when the floatability of two or more minerals is too similar for a particular collector
to effect a separation. Besides lime, the other most used depressants include: sodium cyanide, zinc sulphate, chromic acid
and calcium sulphites.
Scavenger stage: Intended to supplement recovery of values especially of coarser mineral values. This is usually done in the
same machines as roughing. Scavenging can be done on rougher or cleaner tailings but usually on rougher tailings. The
concentrate grade is significantly reduced and often times returned to the head of the rougher stage.
Cleaning Stage: The objective is to improve the grade of concentrate originating either from the roughers or scavengers. This is
achieved by refloating the rougher or primary concentrate. During cleaning, differential drainage of gangue minerals to the
underflow stream take place to produce an enriched concentrate which most often times constitute the final concentrate.
Re-cleaner stage: If the grade of the cleaner concentrate is still not sufficient for smelting, roasting or some other final concentrate
is cleaned again in the re-cleaner stage.
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Scalping: If the first separation process to which the ore is subjected produces a final concentrate, the stage is referred to as the
scalping stage.
a) Rougher- Scavenger Flow - This is best suited to economic conditions in which the grade of the concentrate is less important
than the recovery particularly so if the material is slow floating.
b) Rougher- Cleaner flow this is used when the grade of the concentrate is important. Ideal for fast floating materials.
c) Rougher- Cleaner- Recleaner flow for further improved grade.
Regardless of the circuit configuration used, good flotation results can only be achieved if the previous grinding step is well
controlled. Most Sulphide flotation plants use either a rougher/scavenger/cleaner closed-circuit arrangement or an open rougher
circuit followed by a closed circuit. Rougher circuits are primarily concerned with achieving recovery, while cleaning circuits are
concerned with concentrate grade. The relationship between the loads in the rougher and cleaner circuits is as crucial to control
as the reagent addition rates.
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In flotation columns, as in conventional flotation cells, hydrophobic mineral particles attach to rising bubbles and are removed as
a concentrate from the cell overflow while the hydrophilic particles pass through the process without attaching to a bubble and are
removed with the cell underflow. Unlike conventional flotation machines, columns do not use mechanical agitation to suspend
particles and disperse air making them more energy efficient and less costly to maintain.
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Example Calculations:
A copper ore initially contains 2.09 % Cu. After carrying out a froth flotation separation, the products are as shown in Table 1.
Using this data, calculate:
a) Ratio of concentration
b) % Metal Recovery
c) % Metal Loss
d) % Weight Recovery, or % Yield
e) Enrichment Ratio
a) From Table 1, the Ratio of Concentration can be calculated as F/C = 100/10 = 10. If only assays are available, the ratio
of concentration equals (20 – 0.1)/(2.09 – 0.1) = 10
So, for each 10 tons of feed, the plant would produce 1 ton of concentrate.
b) Using the example data from Table 1, the % Cu recovery calculated from weights and assays
% Cu Recovery = [(10 x 20)/(2.09 x 100)] x 100 = 95.7 %
This means that 95.7 % of the copper present in the ore was recovered in the concentrate, while the rest was lost in the
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This means that 4.3 % of the copper present in the ore was lost in the tailings.
d) The % Weight Recovery is equal to the % Weight of the concentrate in Table 1. It can also be calculated from the assay
values given in the table, as follows:
(e) The Enrichment Ratio is calculated by dividing the concentrate assay in Table 1 by the feed assay:
This tells us that the concentrate has 9.57 times the copper concentration of the feed.
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1. The following data have been collected from a series of batch flotation test designed to simulate flotation circuit of a
Molybdenum concentrator. Calculate recovery of each stage and plot recovery against concentrate grade for all process
steps. How does the curves drawn compare with the conventional recovery-grade curves?
2. A batch flotation test of a copper ore of grade 0.24 % Cu is given below. Calculate the flotation rate constant, assuming
first order kinetics.
3. A laboratory flotation test on a copper sulphide ore gave the following results:
a) Calculate the concentration, Ct, remaining in the 3 litre cell after time t.
b) Determine the rate constant.
c) If a bank of continuous cells has the same rate constant, how many cells would be required to achieve a recovery of
85 % if the cell size is 16 m3 and the feed is 1344 m3/h.
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