For Education: Click On The Headings Below To Jump To Section
For Education: Click On The Headings Below To Jump To Section
For Education: Click On The Headings Below To Jump To Section
Click on the headings below to jump to section
For Students with Existing BlocksCAD Accounts 3
Create New Accounts for Students 3
Download STLs for 3D PRINTING 5
Viewing and Editing Student Projects 6
Making TEACHER NOTES in a Student Project 6
Intro Series 7
Math Series 7
My Classes (student view) 10
My Projects (student view) 11
What is BlocksCAD for Education?
BlocksCAD for Education is a block-based 3D-modeling tool built for the classroom. It supports coding,
math, and design thinking in a fun and easy browser-based environment (no install required). BlocksCAD
is best for 3rd grade and up. With BlocksCAD for Education, you can access a library of access a library
of BlocksCAD lesson plans & teacher resources, including common core aligned activities. These
activities, along with educator created activities, can be assigned to students in the platform. As an
educator you can view, comment, and edit student BlocksCAD code directly in the platform. You can also
organize all student work for 3D printing.
BlocksCAD for Education requires a paid individual teacher license or a school/district license.
To access the Education features, first log in to with your licensed teacher account.
Click your username in the top-right corner, and a drop-down menu will appear. With several options.
Select “"My Classes".
To navigate to classroom features, first click your username in the upper right corner, and then “My Classes”
From here, you can create classes. If you integrate with Google Classroom you can begin with “+
Import Google Classrooms”. If not, click "+ Create New Class", and give it a name, and (optionally) a
section. Each class is created with a 7-character Student Access Code. Students join your class by going
to their own "my classes" section from their accounts, and entering the 7-character Student Access Code
into the join a class box. Students can log in from their own accounts (Google log-in supported). If your
students do not have BlocksCAD accounts yet, you can quickly create their accounts and passwords
yourself (see next page) and add them to your class.
The My Classes page. You may create new classes, join a class, or view your classes by clicking the class name. Students may join
a class by typing in the 7-character Student Access Code associated with a class into their own “My Classes” page on their
Once a class is created, you can click on the name of the class to view the contents of that class.
The first screen you will see is the “Current Snapshot” of all the students in your class. The most recently
saved project for each student (if any) is displayed in the student box. The Class Name is centered at the
top of the page.
On the Current Snapshot page, the most recent project worked on by each student is visible.
For Students with Existing BlocksCAD Accounts
If your students already have BlocksCAD accounts, simply give them the 7-character Student
Access Code associated with your class, and have them enter it into their own “Join a Class” option in
their “my classes” tab.
For students who do not have BlocksCAD accounts already, you may decide to create their
accounts for them and add them to your class. Click the “+ Students” option on the right side, and fill out
the form which pops up. You can create students accounts with an email (which will become their
username). Or, for students without an email, you may create accounts with just a username and
[Left] Create accounts and add new students by clicking the + on the left side [Right] Fill out student information to create accounts.
After clicking on a class, you will be taken to that class’s main page. There are four tabs for
viewing student information: Current Snapshot, Download Work, Assignments, and Teacher
Resources. The different views can be selected by clicking tabs above your students’ tiles.
Access different views by clicking the tabs at the top of the page.
This is the default view, first shown when you click on a class. This gives you a table of all your
students. Their accounts will appear as tiles, with a picture of the most recent model they worked on (and
the number of minutes they have worked on that project). This view is refreshed every few minutes (or
anytime you refresh the page).
From the Current Snapshot, you can also "edit" a student by clicking the gear icon by their name.
You can use this to reset a student password, or remove them from the class.
Click the gear icon to reset passwords, or remove students from a class.
In this tab, you may view all the BlocksCAD projects your students have created. You may use
this to browse their projects, view their code and make comments, or download STL files of their models
for 3D printing.
In the Download Work view, students are in rows, with all of their projects listed to the right of their username. The most recent
project worked on is on the left. Older projects are on the right.
appearing first, and then the project name. There will also be a text file called "print-notes" that lists all the
filenames that you downloaded, as well as any printing notes your students may have added to their
NB: A project cannot be selected if it has not been rendered and then saved. You can tell if it has been
rendered if a screenshot of the project appears in the tile (otherwise, the BlocksCAD logo appears). If a
project has not been rendered, then click the project to open it, then click “Render” in the editor, then save
the project.
In the image above, the YELLOW highlighted assignments will be downloaded as STLs.
When editing a student project, a popup notification will tell you how long it has been since a student worked on that project.
If you need your own copy of a student's code for any reason, when you are editing the student
code you can click Project->Save as a Copy, which will create a copy of the project in your own projects
list (that you own, and the student cannot see).
The Teacher Note block is in the Teacher category, in the left-side menu. Only visible when editing student projects from your
BlocksCAD teacher account. Students will see yellow “Teacher Note” block and text the next time they view their project.
In the assignments tab, you will find two categories of assignments: Our Intro Series build
projects and our Math Series. The projects are arrayed in the "Available Projects" box.
Intro Series
The Intro Series is intended to introduce BlocksCAD and early coding and design concepts. The
lessons emphasize creative building projects and high student agency. The lessons can be sorted by
content with the tags at the top of the Assignments menu. Each Intro Series build comes with three
Math Series
The Math Series lessons are longer student explorations that use BlocksCAD to teach specific
Common Core Math Standards. Some projects involve building, while others have students manipulate
existing blocks and programs in the software. Each Math Series build comes with three or four
● Lesson Plan- A document for teachers with standards alignment, lesson objectives,
prerequisites, a detailed lesson walkthrough, and recommended extensions
● Student Worksheet - a student guide to the lesson with instructions, questions, and
● Student BlocksCAD File - a file with blocks that students will begin the exploration with
● Solution BlocksCAD File - when needed, an example solution blocks for the teacher
You can assign either Intro Series or Math Series projects to the class by clicking the blue
"Assign" button. You may also pick a due date (optional). Assigning a project will put the assignment in
your student's class window, and will also add the project to his or her "my projects" list. Students can
view the one-sheet Instructions, but cannot view the Teacher Notes or the Example Solution.
Teacher view of Assignments, showing Already Assigned projects (top) and Available Projects (bottom)
You can create an assignment yourself.
Title: T
his is student facing
Tags: p ut a comma between tags
Tags we use :
all translate rotate difference sides scale
hull intersection variables loops modules
Teacher Notes: Only viewed by educator
Image: Will default to be a square image if it is not a square
to begin with.
Starting Blocks (.XML): This is for students. You can
download 'blocks' .XML file from your editor when making the
assignment. If this is empty then it will load an new file as the 'starting blocks'.
Example Solution (.XML): This is available to the educator only
The final tab from the Educator’s view is a link to a page with compiled resources to help you and
your students learn and master the software:
You can find this manual as well as a basic BlocksCAD manual under the Manuals tab and you can
quickly download all of our introductory builds under Activity Worksheets rather than navigating to each
project page.
The Videos tab contains links to all of our introductory videos on Youtube for using particular BlocksCAD
tools and the Block Images for Printing has printable versions of the blocks in our software.
Finally, the Standards Alignment provides grade-specific alignment suggestions that builds on the
alignment already integrated into specific Math Series activities.
From the students’ accounts, your assignments to them will appear in two places. They can be
accessed from either the My Classes page, or the My Projects page.
Student view of Assignments, from the “My Classes” page.
Student view of the My Project page, with assignments highlighted in yellow, and the Submit and Printing Notes options